It’s interesting that you can’t understand why the city bothers with Native Americans. There are huge Mohawk reserves in upstate New York and over the border in Quebec. Mohawk steelworkers built many of the older highrises in NYC. They were known for being strong, reliable and for not having a fear of heights. Another group that had a big part in the history of the city, but has been replaced/displaced by cheap illegal labor.
Doesn’t he look like Bruno Mars?
Nah, the uk will be muslim-governed, and the solid majority of uk muslims are not african. They’ll be brought to heel forcibly.
The only way to reduce this terrifying increase of crimes is to have everyone carrying
a self-defense weapon in the pocket. No criminals want to approach someone self-protected.
The Italian Bernadelli company manufactures small pocket-size guns. Don’t be afraid of guns, dude!
Educate yourself well on the subject and be a good/responsible and sane Man.
Garbage or not, any large city like NYC or London plays a decisive role in the culture of the country and the world. Most important phenomena are associated with a city like that. One of the main reasons for the predicament of whites now and the reason they lost the war over minds is that they fled large cities in the US instead of fighting back. They sort of were fighting in the 1930s and the 1940s, but the attraction of suburbia added the carrot to the stick of black migration. Conversely, the Jews remained disproportionately concentrated in such cities.
Here’s some more minority criminal activity that is absolutely verboten for Jared Taylor, and you will never hear him complain about,because it’s committed by the Jewish minority.
NYC’s obligation to provide shelter to any human meatsack within its borders comes from a consent decree from a court. The politicians didn’t do it, well maybe one politician long ago pulled a Barack Obama and intentionally arranged to get sued so he could agree to a consent decree, so that it could never be changed by politicians later.
Still, NYers voted for this sort of thing, and were shaming those “nasty uncultured” right-wingers up until the right-wingers started sharing the problem with them.
Agreed. Hispanics are now nearly 20% of the United States population, and are projected to be 25% by 2045. According to the United States Census Bureau’s Survey of Income and Program Participation ( SIPP) , 75% of Hispanics with children use some sort of government welfare program, immigrant or not.
Worst of all, Hispanics intermarry with whites at a nauseatingly high rate: some 27% of Hispanics as a whole marry whites, while almost 40% of American born Hispanics do, twice the black rate.
Fuck Ron Unz and his BULLSHIT about Hispanics!
Beaners are just as bad as niggers, if not worse in some ways, because they increase even faster and destroy cities, schools, and housing in even greater ways
Precisely. Social disintegration and atomization of the white American ( and European) population. That’s the object of Jewish mass media propaganda and social conditioning. An atomized white population can’t combine against the highly ethnocentric and cohesive ,parasitic Jewish minority.
While Trump supporters may have their hearts in the right places and are in a state of economic dislocation/ culture shock, their efforts will be in vain if they think that Trump is the panacea for what ails them. White Americans, and their brothers and sisters across the Atlantic in Europe and in such places as Australia and South Africa, need to be organized on an explicitly racial basis in order to effectively combat the ultranationalist, extremely xenophobic Jewish bacilli that are now gutting the West, and turning her culture, institutions and very people septic.
I think this thing you’re describing is a bit more specific than what I was getting at. Black worship is entirely driven by white women and enabled by the cucks who grovel at their feet hoping some smegma will drip on their foreheads.
The fear I was describing is driven by ignorance and uncertainty. People don’t know who they are anymore, and they belong to nothing. Take me for instance. I’m 41, had my mother’s maiden name when I was born, my dad didn’t care until my mom remarried, THEN it turned into a court fight. Their solution was to hyphenate it. I never used that name and my wife and I both changed to my stepfather’s last name when we got married, since he’s the one who raised me.
Now write experiences like this across a couple American generations. Who the hell are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? What do we have to look forward to or take pride in? There is nothing. Nobody can answer these questions. They quite simply have a giant hole in the center of themselves. This is the root of why they succumb to black worship and all sorts of other false idols.
Most people don’t have the fortitude and strength of character to resist the most powerful propaganda machine in history.
#comment 189…..fear or cowardice?
recall that Stockholm syndrome….
….from a Sweden event of hostages taken during a bank robbery a few years ago and subsequent psychological capitulation to their captors. fear of getting murdered…leading to negotiation and identification with one’s tormentors.
It is Stockholm Syndrome writ large, Civilizational Stockholm syndrome is taking place in Europe and North America today. Especially if the perps are black.
Hostages, being held for some time, fearing death…begin to feel sympathy for their tormenters.
Whites are getting more and more fearful of Blacks. Fear . especially when experienced over many hours or days can lead to the victim trying to identify
with her, (“her”especially )tormenters…the Stockholm victims became engaged with their captors, and their sympathy then emerges as identification with the captors….as in Whites of our current times enlisting in , say Black criminals’ grievances of yesteryear which have nothing to do with the immediate present, especially liberals and liberal women… writing letters to their captors. I love you, etc.
Today we have Whites worshipping black criminals, etc. Cancel culture…more of the same psychodynamic.
White culture in Europe and North America….held in thrall to the niggers. Niggerization. etc. What a Civilizational disgrace.
Our Individualism….failing social relations, leading to loneliness , weakened family or friendship ties,,, this sets us up for ‘LOVING’ the nigger, the most OTHER of all our others today.
Civilizational Stockholm Syndrome. JW
I know exactly what you’re talking about. It’s the feeling I got when I tried to rally the private school parents and little league board members to resist the Covid regime and was met by unanimous balking and whining about “muh job” and “muh lawsuits” and “muh cocktail parties.”
You feel like calling these people cowards, and I’ve done it also, but I think the best way to put it is that too many people still have too much faith in the system, despite everything that’s happened. I’m not out doing civil disobedience or acts of rebellion either, because I think it would be dumb to do so. It’s still not the time. Lone-wolf acts are acts of desperation, and desperation is foolishness, not bravery. Don’t act desperately.
I don’t think it’s cowardice, I think it’s fear. They’re not the same thing. I have no doubt that many acts of bravery were committed during moments of abject fear. But it’s still not the time. Living is still too easy for whites. When it gets hard, things will look up.
In all earnestness, what difference has been made by the likes of VDare and Amren?
Excellent point! I have an answer for you… Cushy, financially rewarding careers, grifting off the infuriated, outraged, red pilled white men, who are fed up, but powerless to do anything about it short of picking up arms.
They are merely peddling indignance porn for white men. They are the RINO’s of alt right politics.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious for the umpteenth time Jared! Read one of your articles, read them all!
What I want to know is what you / we are going to do to stop it!
I know what I’d do, but I’m surrounded by cowards to the left of me and to the right…
It’s called “Failing up”.
We’d really be better off with a lottery system to select our leaders.
After all, normal lottery winners always seem to get rich as well.
George Zimmerman was acquitted by an all-white woman jury.
How does she know it didn’t have anything to do with his race or profession? Maybe it didn’t, but maybe it did, and it’s a senseless murder either way. does a good job of following shootings in Chicago.
The shootings are mostly by Black “white supremacists” as best I can tell.
Biden won Chicago with more than 82% of the vote in 2020. Chicago loves life just the way it is; nothing will fundamentally change. Christians only shine black people's shoes, to demonstrate how abased Christians should be towards people of color.'Alt-right' Christians like Chuck Baldwin brag that:"..there are several mixed-race marriages in Liberty Fellowship."Perhaps he has a daughter or two with black or brown babies, he could use to prove his acceptability to the SPLC.and if not, just so everyone knows how he feels."I demand a public retraction of the malicious misrepresentation that besmirches me and Liberty Fellowship by implication, accusing us of being identified with neo-Nazis and white supremacists.""white supremacists"what did you call Jared Taylor?"Herr Taylor"?Because anyone who isn't down for mixing all white people with everyone else, is Adolf Hitler, huh practicing Christian - in good standing with the pope and all the other Christians who worship at the alter of anti-white 'diversity'? I'd take Herr Taylor and Mencken all day long, over your abased, self-loathing version of Christianity any day. Ten bucks says your white Christian daughter has a black baby or two.If not now, soon...Replies: @nsa, @silviosilver
guys like Mencken and Taylor for the degenerate third world immoral cesspools that NYC and the USA have become.
Just plain lol @ these muh Bahble christcuck retards. Supposedly strong evangelical Christian faith tracks well with opposition to anti-white racism, but when you see these ridiculous displays of christcuck “virtue”, it’s hard to believe that opposition will amount to much.
correction to
correction to # 180. I got the numbers backwards. 3rd paragraph: race B actually commits just 50% of that which race A commits. jw
More on Instinct. The polarization ongoing in the US and elsewhere reflects the Hyper-intellectualism of the liberals and rads versus the working class anti-intellectualism. Thus the revolutionary working class of the lefty intellectuals of yore and today is a kind of irony of reversal.
The working classes are now reactionary Trumpers while the ruling classes are revolutionaries who want to challenge Nature, Genes and Sex. Instinct is the final arbiter, but Intellect Thinks awhile Nature laughs. The dark armies stream Out of Africa for White lands holding their. genitals and grinning and Others of Brown mien also try their luck at the White liberals desperate to hold high their Ideas of Humanity’s etc.
Jews still favor the revolutionaries but watch developments which are complex while their Ultimate goal of Destruction of White society remains the same.
Joe Webb
am I missing something in these numbers?
I don’t think there is a control factor here for per capita numbers.
If race A is 20 per cent of a population in a particular city or state and race B is 40% of the same population and both races commit , in absolute numbers, the same number of crimes, then the per capita number of crimes for Race B compared to race A is that race B actually commits twice the number of crimes that race A commits.
I understand that Jared’s calculations do not include the per capita rates of crime. (I have pointed this out to Jared ) .
my numeracy betters can calculate the per capita crime rates.
Thus the true crime rates would be even more dramatic for New York City etc. and so on.
Whites are 20% of the population of NYC, per Jared’s article, and Blacks are 31% of NYC.
Now maybe I have missed something here, but the per capita crime rates of Whites and Blacks in New York City are even higher for Blacks when per capita factors are included.
here is a new locution : civilizational Stockholm syndrome. We are afraid of blacks in terms of whole societal/political psychodynamics. White flight is general, it is not just individual psychology.
However, Stockholm Syndrome seems to be waning ….as guns are flying off the shelves of gun stores. and Whites are starting to awaken. Instinct is starting to overcome screwy ideas.
The silver lining is they’re usually murdering each other the majority of the time. CULL the HERD!!!
Yet another aspect of nonwhite crime in New York City that you won’t hear the cop cocksucker Jared Taylor discuss is the fact that in cities like New York, which have majority-minority department personnel, some of the most egregious criminal acts are committed by the police.
Michael Pena raped a white school teacher at gunpoint in Manhattan. Kenneth Moreno and Franklin Mata raped a drunk advertising executive in her lower Manhattan apartment in 2009. All spics ,and all cops. Not that the white trash , degenerate taxfeeder pension bums from the street gang on welfare are any better.
In New York City, when it comes to ” law enforcement”, the monkeys run the zoo. Literally.
not only did none of them speak out, some of them were cheering
The average 20 year old is not white. The whites among that age cohort are fully indoctrinated into melting-pot ideology and can’t conceptualize what we’ve lost. They lack the perspective. They risk cancellation if they speak out, which socially and professionally is the 21st-century equivalent of having their brains blown out in a dirt-floor basement.
some orcs gang raped an incapacitated college girl in broad daylight on the beach during spring break
Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen described the video as “very, very graphic†and called it the “most disgusting, sickening thing†he had ever seen.
Replies: @Stripes Duncan
At one point, a few people cheer, but it’s unclear why.
Sheriff’s spokeswoman Ruth Corley said the video was released “to show the crowd that was surrounding the incident and to show people, not only was it a horrible event, but it was witnessed by so many people who did absolutely nothing to stop or call police.â€
Yeah I mean you see things like this and it’s really hard to buy into this hopium that any day now there’s going to be some mass awakening and coalescing of identity and group interest.
The average 20 year old is not white. The whites among that age cohort are fully indoctrinated into melting-pot ideology and can’t conceptualize what we’ve lost. They lack the perspective. They risk cancellation if they speak out, which socially and professionally is the 21st-century equivalent of having their brains blown out in a dirt-floor basement.
not only did none of them speak out, some of them were cheering
Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen described the video as “very, very graphic†and called it the “most disgusting, sickening thing†he had ever seen.
some orcs gang raped an incapacitated college girl in broad daylight on the beach during spring break
this was the crowd that stood by and watched, some of them cheering
At one point, a few people cheer, but it’s unclear why.
Sheriff’s spokeswoman Ruth Corley said the video was released “to show the crowd that was surrounding the incident and to show people, not only was it a horrible event, but it was witnessed by so many people who did absolutely nothing to stop or call police.â€
What a total scumbag. But let NY fall, please.
Time will tell. But every revolution begins with a profound change in thinking. This requires reflection, analysis, and words.Thus VDare, Amren, TOO, Unz et al are all playing a pivotal role in awakening and inspiring. Articulation is conception. That constitutes Step One. After that comes cohesive, organized, and purposeful action. Replies: @Stripes Duncan
In all earnestness, what difference has been made by the likes of VDare and Amren?
Ok but the average white is over 40 now. The average 20 year old is not white. The whites among that age cohort are fully indoctrinated into melting-pot ideology and can’t conceptualize what we’ve lost. They lack the perspective. They risk cancellation if they speak out, which socially and professionally is the 21st-century equivalent of having their brains blown out in a dirt-floor basement.
Time is already telling because time has run out. There is no time left for this message because there is no nascent white power center to receive it, merely an echo of what once was.
not only did none of them speak out, some of them were cheering
The average 20 year old is not white. The whites among that age cohort are fully indoctrinated into melting-pot ideology and can’t conceptualize what we’ve lost. They lack the perspective. They risk cancellation if they speak out, which socially and professionally is the 21st-century equivalent of having their brains blown out in a dirt-floor basement.
some orcs gang raped an incapacitated college girl in broad daylight on the beach during spring break
Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen described the video as “very, very graphic†and called it the “most disgusting, sickening thing†he had ever seen.
Replies: @Stripes Duncan
At one point, a few people cheer, but it’s unclear why.
Sheriff’s spokeswoman Ruth Corley said the video was released “to show the crowd that was surrounding the incident and to show people, not only was it a horrible event, but it was witnessed by so many people who did absolutely nothing to stop or call police.â€
In all earnestness, what difference has been made by the likes of VDare and Amren?
Time will tell. But every revolution begins with a profound change in thinking. This requires reflection, analysis, and words.
Thus VDare, Amren, TOO, Unz et al are all playing a pivotal role in awakening and inspiring. Articulation is conception.
That constitutes Step One.
After that comes cohesive, organized, and purposeful action.
No, Taylor’s wife is not jewish. Not one bit. That whole myth was started by a couple of the peeps that are always mad at Jared for “not naming the jew.”
In fact, a while back she wrote a rather compelling account of her ancestry, and the family names and towns in Europe her people hailed from. She convinced me the whole tale of her jewishness is just BS started by troublemakers.
Realist – The Creepy Stalker Troll is the cancer of the UR comment section.
But don’t take my word for it. Just read his comments. If you can stomach them.
Or check out comment #413 here:
That one pretty much sums it up.
Great comment! That’s about it in a nutshell.
I call Realist The Creepy Stalker Troll, because that’s what he is.
If you, or anyone else reading this, are interested, check out comment #413 here about Realist – The Creepy Stalker Troll.
4 BILLION looking to come here (N. America, Europe, etc) from Africa 🌠by 2100.
Well that’s certainly odd, because I hear Leftist faggots incessantly screech about how BRUTAL Catholic/Christian Civilization was.
What gives?
Indeed, you queer Limey LARP pagans like to bitch about how those “pussy ass” Christians stomped your dumb asses, even as they were teaching you to read and write…lol
I’m torn. I agree with you and everything you say is true. But it is also true that what Taylor is doing is the very definition of controlled opposition. It’s very frustrating.
Taylor is clearly steering clear of the Jewish Problem, but this is a strategic maneuver. And it is not unreasonable. Keep in mind that Taylor does not praise Jewry or deny Jewish power. So his positions could be far worse.
Taylor wants to be effective on the race issue. That is is goal. Unlike David Duke (who takes on Jewish power as well as negro dysfunction) Taylor’s dissidence has a more limited scope. The argument can be made that, due to existing taboos, this is the smarter way to go for a certain stripe of activist.
After all, David Duke (who I respect) has been made radioactive due to all the smears that OJ (organized Jewry) has relentlessly cast his way. It’s unfair and tragic but it cannot be denied. Understandably, Taylor wants to avoid this pitfall. So Taylor is taking a different (and safer) course.
Taylor is leaving the JP to others. For this reason, Taylor gets to reach a lot of nervous ‘normies’ that Duke (and even Ron Unz) can never reach. This is the constricted world in which we live. Sad, but true.
Very true. It's unfortunate. But Jared's 'sins of omission' are not dissimilar from similar disappointments (involving you-know-who) by outstanding activists such as Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, Jim Jordan, and countless others. So I forgive him. On the other hand, consider Trump. He has many supporters right here on UNZ but as President, Trump cucked to Jews/Israel regularly. Terrible. Craven. Even criminal. Trump was Israel's poodle.
[Jared] tries to act like he’s so edgy and says things that the main stream media just won’t say but he NEVER mentions Jews.
In all earnestness, what difference has been made by the likes of VDare and Amren?
Time will tell. But every revolution begins with a profound change in thinking. This requires reflection, analysis, and words.Thus VDare, Amren, TOO, Unz et al are all playing a pivotal role in awakening and inspiring. Articulation is conception. That constitutes Step One. After that comes cohesive, organized, and purposeful action. Replies: @Stripes Duncan
In all earnestness, what difference has been made by the likes of VDare and Amren?
I’m surprised Ron Unz hasn’t made an appearance to defend the honor of Hispanics and tell us that akshually, (sic) if we threw out all the Hispanic violent crime in NYC committed by people under 30 the crime rate wouldn’t be all that different from whites and Asians.
We may as well throw out all violent crime committed be negroes under age 55. Maybe then the groids would reach parity with whites but I still doubt it.
If only Bernard Goetz had been able to keep his mouth shut, NYC might have evolved more lasting, traditionalist answers to rampant crime. Totally pre-empting Guiliani’s statist answer to grab some fame and chips for himself, only giving NYC a respite, at a cost. Guiliani short circuited it.
Mexicans would do well to remember the africanized bees introduced in South America…
According to British historians and the BBC, blacks have been in and running England since before the Romans showed up. I thought the wogs started at Calais, but they’ve now informed me they start at Manchester. No wonder Henry VIII was chasing all dem White wimmenz, right?
If only we had someone of his caliber and wit writing now.
It is precisely these Europeans who, over the decades, have allowed, through insouciance, this travesty to happen.Replies: @Blodgie
Have there ever been such foolish rulers? Has there ever been a more patient, long-suffering people than the Europeans who built a nation they thought they were going to give to their children?
This is the result of the inherent dysfunction of Christian culture.
Turning the other cheek, thinking your reward is in heaven so no need to really worry about what’s happening NOW, embracing and rationalizing the poor…
Christian culture is responsible.
Because of usury, a media monopoly and Mean Mr. Hitler, but mostly because of usury and a media monopoly.Replies: @1jonny
Hey YesYesCircle, why do the overwhelming number of white Gentiles allow the tiny minority of Jews to destroy White countries?
Add laziness, fear, and a fair amount of comfort. Mea culpa, TBH.
Everyone’s blood is red, even mine.
Dogs also have red blood.
Derbyshire has the Chinese wife.
All (non hook nose) jews, are pushing the jew nose. This is because they want you to focus on those features, instead of looking in their eyes; They have blue, green, grey, brown etc; greedy, selfish, but most of all dead eyes.
Hi Goyim,
Of course the jew RU, do not want me to post under my previous GoySoy, but here it goes:
Lets go through few things;
1. Almost all “white nationalists” are jews.
1a Adam Green, a jew pretending to be an expert in Rune language, but of course publicly tell his listeners not to ask him why.
2.b Nick Fuentes, just the name..
3.c Owen Benjamin, jew with a father that makes Lucifer proud.
3c. Tommy Robinson, just search yourself.
4d. Joe Rogan, a person that on air promote sodomy.
5f. Eddie Bravo, married to a former jew porn actress.
6.g Alex who?
7. Mark Collett, just look at him.
That’s for now.
If you get White Ethnic European (WWE),(I use white as an identity), to follow false dogmas, we are here in hell. Just follow the truth (religious or not), and it is pretty obvious, it leads to Jesus.. @Dr. Krieger, @profnastyBootBling Hill ☠ï¸ðŸ‘‘☠ï¸ðŸ‘‘☠ï¸.
He might be younger and
Twice your size but
Old Sam Colt will Equalize.
Most Wasps and “whites†want this feces. Enjoy!
Negrolatry will bring down the West.
But it is also true that what Taylor is doing is the very definition of controlled opposition.
How is that so? Are you saying that Mr. Taylor is controlled by someone as to what he writes? I don’t mean in the general sense, as in, you get in trouble if you write about the Jews. I mean specifically by some people.
Pundits, etc. may control THEMSELVES, or they may be too stupid to see the picture or some other factors might be the cause for their leaving out important points.
I honestly think that the only “controlled opposition” I see is the commenters that keep freaking writing about “controlled opposition” when they refer to those doing an outstanding job like Jared Taylor, or even trying to but being incapable, like Donald Trump.
I don’t direct that last paragraphs at you, JFK… I see this term so much, but I’ve never seen real evidence. Maybe Ray Epps would be an example of controlled opposition though. @Dr. Krieger, @profnastyBootBling Hill ☠ï¸ðŸ‘‘☠ï¸ðŸ‘‘☠ï¸.
Thank you.
Excellent video.
If Jews are being preyed on by criminals they’ll expect that action be taken to protect them. Anyone who doesn’t agree with extra measures taken to protect Jews get the scarlet “A”. If Gentiles (White and probably Yellow too now) are victims of crime, the Jews won’t care at all.
Yeshivas and synagogs are getting homeland security grants for private security. No church/temple/school/whatever for White Gentiles will ever see anything like that. There are even double standards applicable to Israeli airline security workers present in America. Some of them get to carry guns. That’s why the terrorist Hesham Mohamed Hadayet got shot. The double standards have permeated into everything and legislators and the courts have done nothing to stop it.
Obviously, you know absolutely nothing about NYC. Giuliani saved the city for a few years with his law and order policies. He made it safe for Pale skinned people from all over the world. Deblasio’s real last name was Wilhelm, he’s a New England German, his father’s brother was CIA. Blaming Republicans for public housing and blacks is plain wrong. Everyone involved in bringing in blacks was a Democrat.
I’ve heard that his wife is Jewish but I’ve never been able to confirm it. That would explain a lot though. The “Jew Protestants” on the other hand are truly a confused lot. They sing about the only way to heaven it through Jesus and then in the next breath they tell you that the Jews are chosen by God. But wait, didn’t the Jews kill Jesus? It’s all so ludicrous.
West will be blackened.
Ah yes, how could I forget about Drexl Spivey. Great movie in general. Thanks. Christians only shine black people's shoes, to demonstrate how abased Christians should be towards people of color.'Alt-right' Christians like Chuck Baldwin brag that:"..there are several mixed-race marriages in Liberty Fellowship."Perhaps he has a daughter or two with black or brown babies, he could use to prove his acceptability to the SPLC.and if not, just so everyone knows how he feels."I demand a public retraction of the malicious misrepresentation that besmirches me and Liberty Fellowship by implication, accusing us of being identified with neo-Nazis and white supremacists.""white supremacists"what did you call Jared Taylor?"Herr Taylor"?Because anyone who isn't down for mixing all white people with everyone else, is Adolf Hitler, huh practicing Christian - in good standing with the pope and all the other Christians who worship at the alter of anti-white 'diversity'? I'd take Herr Taylor and Mencken all day long, over your abased, self-loathing version of Christianity any day. Ten bucks says your white Christian daughter has a black baby or two.If not now, soon...Replies: @nsa, @silviosilver
guys like Mencken and Taylor for the degenerate third world immoral cesspools that NYC and the USA have become.
Mencken was a humorist, skewering everyone and everything. He covered the Scopes monkey trial in person for the Baltimore Sun and had a lot of fun with the testimony of populist chigger belt pol and bible expert, William Jennings Bryan. Bryan during cross examination actually denied being a mammal. Mencken’s weekly Sun column was banned during both world wars because of his German heritage and views. His most accessible and funniest work is On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe covering the Roaring 20s and the Great Depression. If only we had someone of his caliber and wit writing now.
Very true. It's unfortunate. But Jared's 'sins of omission' are not dissimilar from similar disappointments (involving you-know-who) by outstanding activists such as Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, Jim Jordan, and countless others. So I forgive him. On the other hand, consider Trump. He has many supporters right here on UNZ but as President, Trump cucked to Jews/Israel regularly. Terrible. Craven. Even criminal. Trump was Israel's poodle.
[Jared] tries to act like he’s so edgy and says things that the main stream media just won’t say but he NEVER mentions Jews.
I’m torn. I agree with you and everything you say is true. But it is also true that what Taylor is doing is the very definition of controlled opposition. It’s very frustrating.
How is that so? Are you saying that Mr. Taylor is controlled by someone as to what he writes? I don't mean in the general sense, as in, you get in trouble if you write about the Jews. I mean specifically by some people.
But it is also true that what Taylor is doing is the very definition of controlled opposition.
Taylor is clearly steering clear of the Jewish Problem, but this is a strategic maneuver. And it is not unreasonable. Keep in mind that Taylor does not praise Jewry or deny Jewish power. So his positions could be far worse. Taylor wants to be effective on the race issue. That is is goal. Unlike David Duke (who takes on Jewish power as well as negro dysfunction) Taylor's dissidence has a more limited scope. The argument can be made that, due to existing taboos, this is the smarter way to go for a certain stripe of activist. After all, David Duke (who I respect) has been made radioactive due to all the smears that OJ (organized Jewry) has relentlessly cast his way. It's unfair and tragic but it cannot be denied. Understandably, Taylor wants to avoid this pitfall. So Taylor is taking a different (and safer) course. Taylor is leaving the JP to others. For this reason, Taylor gets to reach a lot of nervous 'normies' that Duke (and even Ron Unz) can never reach. This is the constricted world in which we live. Sad, but true.
I’m torn. I agree with you and everything you say is true. But it is also true that what Taylor is doing is the very definition of controlled opposition. It’s very frustrating.
Uh huh. Race being just a “construct” and all. I see where you’re coming from. I mean I REALLY see where YOU are coming from.
if you’re going to post that scene, you have to share the one with Gary Oldman
he plays a half Apache / have black pimp
he’s a more convincing nigger than most niggers
I thought Jared Taylor’s wife and kids were Chinese.
…Or was that John Derbyshire’s? Can’t remember.
People r wired differently — physically & spiritually.
“They can bill me”.
I didn’t know that this was a thing among the Orthodox Jews.
I beli vê there’s two reasons. His wife and kids are Jews. But more important his readers fan base and donors are mostly southern Old Testament wanna be Jew Protestants. And they don’t not know the difference between the OT myths and the anti White anti American pro black criminal Jews destroying America.
Those bribed by Zionist Protestant hustler preachers build on the inherent Old Testament southern version of Protestantism
I learned a lot from this post. NYC is 31% white, and has no Jews.
In memory of our Sicilian ancestors…
She wouldn’t dish anything out for Adams. She is not part of his Inner Circle. That’s why she resigned.
Yes, the name is unfortunate, but she was more than competent. I thought she was going to be in over her head as her previous job was Chief of Detectives in Nassau County which entailed supervising 2,000 people: not 40,000. She was pro cop and tried to keep standards for recruits high. On a personal note, as a lowly police officer she acknowledged my presence every time I saw her. She recently left the NYPD because she wouldn’t play ball with Mayor Adams and the Affirmative Action bunch. I wish her well and we need more like her.
Republican WASPs destroyed New York City by importing all the Italians, blacks, and Ashkenazi Jews in the late 1800s and early 1900s. They came to the United States and set up the Mafia, black gangs, and Jewish Organized Crime terrorizing the rest of New York City and destroying cultural cohesion and civilization order in New York City. To this day Italians like Giuliani and de Blasio, blacks like Adams, and Ashkenazi Jews like Bloomberg are still terrorizing New York City and destroying cultural cohesion and civilization order in New York City.
Under Bloomberg, the Jewish control of New York city was complete. He sold off a whole lot of city properties to his own kind. And he changed rules to gain a third term but once he was in, he changed the rules again so that all future mayors would be limited to two terms. His motto was what is good for me isn’t good for thee …
I wonder what Keith Woods would make of you.
The American spelling is BIPOX, meaning someone infected with both small pox and monkey pox at the same time. It’s like having a pox on both their houses concomitantly: on both their tiny house and their cage in the monkey house at the zoo. If you feel strongly about this, I suggest you start a movement for “equity in acronyms.” Those AAO’s (Asians, Arabs and Others) always get the dirty end of the stick. (This word salad has been approved by Kamala Harris, Sleepy Joe’s successor as Decider in Chief.)
Here is a rather poignant aside to this article that all based on numbers, percentages, etc.-
At 13 Baltimore City high schools, zero students tested proficient on 2023 state math exam
Thus, try explaining the meaning of all these statistics, to a population that lacks basic math proficiency!
13/52 isn’t even simple enough.
But, you know, math is racist and shit.
LOL. There are more mixed-raced people in Muttmerica including many of its "whites" than in any European country, even the Southern ones. Even Syrians might be whiter on average. The U.S. is probably not even 30% white these days. Some people are blind.Replies: @Madbadger
Greeks, Portugese, Southern Italians, Syrians, all have enough Black blood to qualify as non White,
Everyone’s blood is red, even mine. The differences in the races is not in the blood. It’s the behavior that counts. Bad behavior should not be tolerated no matter the race.
Dogs also have red blood.
Everyone’s blood is red, even mine.
Sociopaths would program the AGI to make them even richer and the average man would still be oppressed.
You need to become familiar with the term stochastic terrorism. It’s an old standby among American racial and ethnic radicals.
What are BIPOCS? Is this an attempt to see who has more letters in their acronym, the non-whites or the gays? After all, why don’t Asians, Arabs and others don’t have their own letter, but “Blacks and Indigenous” do? Injustice.
Greeks, Portugese, Southern Italians, Syrians, all have enough Black blood to qualify as non White,
LOL. There are more mixed-raced people in Muttmerica including many of its “whites” than in any European country, even the Southern ones. Even Syrians might be whiter on average. The U.S. is probably not even 30% white these days. Some people are blind.
BIPOCs Are Destroying New York City
I say:
The JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire is using sub-Saharan Black Negroids and Mestizos and Sambos as demographic weapons to attack and destroy cultural cohesion and civilizational order in New York City.
Baby Boomer puke Rudy Giuliani is a money-grubbing shyster rat who supported the policy that made New York City a SANCTUARY CITY for ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS.
Rudy Giuliani has supported and pushed mass legal immigration, mass illegal immigration, REFUGEE OVERLOAD, ASYLUM SEEKER INUNDATION, amnesty for illegal alien invaders and multicultural mayhem during his whole rancid career as a shyster boy government worker and as a candidate for president. Giuliani is a vile sleazebag.
Rudy Giuliani is a treasonous rat who I would rhetorically crush in a four hour debate on immigration, trade policy, foreign policy, monetary policy and American national identity.
Rudy Giuliani was described as a spineless policy CONTORTIONIST by certain magazine wags, and Giuliani bent down and grabbed loot from Jew billionaires and White Christian billionaires and Rudy Giuliani made sure that New York City kept to the course of civilizationally-destructive GLOBALIZATION.
I can’t believe it. A Man of Unz who actually knows something about Chinese crime. Are you in law enforcement? Live in a big city? At last, a Comment from personal knowledge instead of ridiculous internet praise of Asians because they don’t rob rape and murder Whites as blacks do?
Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk, whadda wonnerful town; and the Jewish capitol of the United States. Along with crime ridden Chicago ( Midwest Jewish capitol ) and DC no longer the capitol of America but the forward capitol of Israel.
“BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Pronounced “bye-pock,†this is a term specific to the United States, intended to center the experiences of Black and Indigenous groups and demonstrate solidarity between communities of color.” (google)
…and therefore to implicitly lay down a united opposition against the interests of all white people. How monolithically diverse of them. So, kind of like a Nato alliance against all things Russian… and neither we Eurogenic pale faces nor the Russians are supposed to feel victimized and ganged up against by a hateful mob. Both the Eurotrash and the Bipocs can go to hell.
Check out his comment by Yulia Doroshenko
“This cold-blooded murder of ethnic Slav Russians by Asiatics churki ! That is a problem in Putin’s Russia, corruption, no law, not upholding the law. The Mongols churki can commit murder Slav go way with it! Send Churki to Caucasus court THREE months it for prison MURDER RAPE! Give reptiles free education prestigious university! PUTIN GANGSTER! I wish Putin regime CRUMBLE! Criminal regime! CORRUPT!
Also I recently followed case young woman pregnant twins die due negligence of medical staff – nothing came of it, no even lost his job. Several children drowned summer camp under the supervision of teachers, through negligence, violation basic safety rules. Again, nothing come it. I look Slavic parents struggling system for months, obtain justice of children, to no avail. As a place to live I say the US any day, thank you very much, because of corruption in the world in the first place. Western residents EXTREME wrong about Russia, think Russian nationalists do not like Putin he is an evil dictator, Putin do it what works for the benefit of NOT SLAVS!, not Russia. Russia 80% of people administration should to be PRISON! I hear it Dr Duke this westerner love Putin he orthodox White savior I HAVE VOMIT!”
Russia has similar issues too. Whites attacked by ethnic criminals.
In the Leningrad region Tajik that raped and killed older people was put on trial.
In St. Petersburg, Uzbek was arrested by a Police, he killed a pensioner because of 4 and a half thousand rubles that she were having.
In Tyumen city two citizens of Tajikistan who raped 20-year-old woman were arrested.
Uzbek raped and killed 17-year-old resident of St. Petersburg.
Uzbek migrant workers robbed pensioner in St. Petersburg.
Police open the case against plummer from Sri Lanka who raped women in St. Petersburg.
In Moscow 17-year-old native of Uzbekistan, teenage maniac Abror. A. was arrested. He raped 5 women.
In St. Petersburg Woman was robbed and raped by a Kavkazian.
35 year old Uzbek raped 11 year old girl in Moscow.
in Volkhov district of the Leningrad region, two “guests” from Uzbekistan beat two women.
In Moscow 15 year old girl Anna Beshnova was raped and murdered by Uzbek.
Olimpic champion Dmitry Nelyubin was murdered by a Kavkazians.
In Moscow 4 migrants from Uzbekistan raped 15 year old girl.
In Vladivostok three migrants from Uzbekistan attacked a police officer.After a few minutes, they tried to rob and rape of two girls.
In Salavat city Uzbek murdered two women.
Two workers from Uzbekistan raped and robbed women in Moscow.
In Saratov region Azerbaijani was put in trial for raping women.
Gastarbeiter from Kyrgyzstan robbed women.
Gastarbeiter from Tajikistan stabbed employee of the insurance company directly in the office in Tyumen city.
Kavkazians raped a woman in front of a child in Moscow.
Negroid raped women from Chelyabinsk.
In Volgograd three Dagestanians videotaped rape of female student.
In Leningrad Region Azerbaijanian and Uzbek phedophiles raped kids.
Kavkazian policeman raped schoolgirl in Saint Petersburg.
Guest worker from Uzbekistan three times kidnapped and raped a schoolgirl from the suburbs of Moscow.
In Chelyabinsk,police caught two migrant workers who raped woman.
In Moscow another Tajik-rapist was arrested.
Anyways White people can learn making non-White food too and open restaurants. This way you import few hostile non White infiltrators and give the foreign hostile populations business opportunities which instead could have gone to a White person and thus kept the money within White people.
Sewell to her credit was a diligent straightforward hard-working public servant who supported the rank & file. Arguably she was far and away the best police commissioner in recent memory.
And taking orders from a blasted fool like Eric Adams eventually proved too much for her. She will be missed.
guys like Mencken and Taylor for the degenerate third world immoral cesspools that NYC and the USA have become.
protestant Christians only shine black people’s shoes, to demonstrate how abased Christians should be towards people of color.
‘Alt-right’ Christians like Chuck Baldwin brag that:
“..there are several mixed-race marriages in Liberty Fellowship.”
Perhaps he has a daughter or two with black or brown babies, he could use to prove his acceptability to the SPLC.
and if not, just so everyone knows how he feels.
“I demand a public retraction of the malicious misrepresentation that besmirches me and Liberty Fellowship by implication, accusing us of being identified with neo-Nazis and white supremacists.”
“white supremacists”
what did you call Jared Taylor?
“Herr Taylor”?
Because anyone who isn’t down for mixing all white people with everyone else, is Adolf Hitler, huh practicing Christian – in good standing with the pope and all the other Christians who worship at the alter of anti-white ‘diversity’?
I’d take Herr Taylor and Mencken all day long, over your abased, self-loathing version of Christianity any day.
Ten bucks says your white Christian daughter has a black baby or two.
If not now, soon…
New York City and Los Angeles are full to the rafters with non-White offbrands of various origins and various legal status.
In New York City and Los Angeles, Black sub-Saharan African Negroids and mayhem-inclined Mestizos are killing, raping, butchering, maiming, looting and stealing everything in sight.
New York City and Los Angeles must be QUARANTINED with extreme prejudice until such time that sufficient transport can be gathered to effectuate the complete and total evacuation of all occupants of New York City and Los Angeles. Certain White Christians who have all ancestry born in the USA before 1924 or born in colonial America will be allowed to remain and bid over the newly available real estate on offer.
There are five boroughs of New York City. The city of Los Angeles is entirely within Los Angeles County. If you omit the votes of Manhattan, Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn and Los Angeles County from Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential election vote totals, then Donald Trump would have beaten Hillary Clinton in the popular vote.
Staten Island, the remaining fifth borough of New York City, went for Trump in 2016 with 57 percent of the vote. Lots of Italians, Irish and other White Core Christian Americans take refuge from Third World New York City by living on Staten Island.
Los Angeles and New York City will have to be temporarily removed from the rest of the United States when the time comes. The political and financial interests that control Los Angeles and New York City are hostile to the best interests of White Core Christian America. Los Angeles and New York City are controlled by anti-White and anti-Christian elements that wish harm upon White Core Christian America.
Los Angeles and New York City are enemy-occupied territories.
What would Mencken say today? Mencken was a miserable Christ hating self absorbed atheist like Herr Taylor. We can blame millions of smart guys like Mencken and Taylor for the degenerate third world immoral cesspools that NYC and the USA have become.
Speak for yourself.Replies: @AlexanderEngGB
Like all animals, humans are psychopaths.
UK is catching up to the US in blackery.
As blacks take over London where white women, elites and low class alike, got jungle fever, it will become Longdong.
Right about Giuliani and “Merrick Garland, ” but the city also thrived under Bloomberg — kind of a Jewish guy, right? — so he is an exception that tests your rule.
As far as that Keechant lady being “incoherent,” she actually was fairly articulate for her kind — in fact she pretty much talked herself into the job given her lack of serious qualifications. She would have made a good “public information” official, dishing out bafflegab for Adams
There will be violence? There is violence now. Why would anyone — reading here or otherwise — not anticipate increasing violence? The intellectual class imagined their progressive virtue signalling prognostications would lead to a better, fairer, more equitable society than one which rewarded hard work.
I am 75 years old. In the mid 1960s my peers were lining up to go to University. Me too. I attended for a couple of months. It did not suit me at all. There was a great deal of collegial self satisfaction amidst the universal promotion of the undoubted merits of attending.
My father had no use for all the bollox. He was in the British army from 1936 until 1946 — the entire 10 years spent in the Mediterranean theatre. Obviously Jewish he was posted first to Palestine. His sympathies were not with the Zionists at all. He was repelled by the treatment of the Palestinians.
He experienced full on the general incompetence, confusing messaging, and all around pretence that the enemy was as depicted in the headlines. Because of his role his orders included inserting himself in various built up areas secured, if only temporarily, by the Germans. He was expected to report his observations.
His German was more than passable. The vernacular is not formal. Recall here that Europeans including the English in Great Britain were often multilingual. Academics, businessmen, foreign service people, and their families travelled and often met and married people not of their places of birth, class station in life and so on.
He was dismayed to hear the ‘enemy’ promulgating the same bollox with which he was only too familiar. They too wondered why they were fighting and what were they fighting for.
After 10 years in the British army he no longer felt what is imagined as typical loyalties. He was captured on Leros, an island in the Aegean Sea. And sent to a prisoner of war camp outside Munich. The guards were young and neither he or my dad had by then much sympathy for war. Eventually he escaped.
After the war he met and married a young woman. She was educated at a boarding school. She was English through and through. My grandfather, her father, had lived in Canada and the U.S. before WW I returning to England at the outbreak. When I was 7 years old they decided to emigrate to Canada.
My father was always a reader. Our house was piled with books — all kinds. My father and mother provided a rich home life. They read to me, helped me with my arithmetic and when I was four sent me to school. For 3 years I was given a rigorous boarding school education. By the time I finished high school in Canada I was a well rounded and well grounded young man. Gradually I discovered how out of step I was with my peers. About almost everything.
They sought education because it was the thing to do — not out of any craving to learn, to know, or to understand. Tragically they are all progressives. They have very little backbone. They chose to be professionals, bureaucrats, teachers, academics — in a word Liberals. All of them succeeded in their career choices. I chose life in the business world. Not finance or banking, but manufacturing and retailing. I founded my own enterprise when I was thirty years old.
Here is my point. Increasingly over my 55 years in business; which is today a family business, the government has ballooned. The demand for more and more taxes is causing productive businesses to close. No question, large scale enterprises seem to have benefited. Sourcing their goods offshore is profitable. Mostly because they arbitrage. They buy and run the original invoices through an offshore ‘mark up machine’ landing the goods in North America at costs well above the purchase prices contracted at the factory gate.
Though destroying the economy at is very foundations seems unlikely to support only large scale enterprise. Target lost hundreds of millions when they finally vacated Canada. The same for Nordstrom. In the USSR everyone worked for the State. Naturally the State was violent. Wickedness was rampant!
But the progressive force in Canada, has as predicted by its critics, made manifest an economy where teachers, bureaucrats, and politicians — indeed the entire service economy — feeds on capital earned by earlier generations. This progressive socioeconomic structure is a distorted chimera — an economy compounded of incongruous parts. Many of my peers have been retired for 15 years. For most this was their goal in life. However today they are complaining. Inflation is doing its nasty work.
Importing immigrants from around the world is the chosen solution — being done by the children of baby boomers whom have been suckled at the bosom of the big lie. …That more can be harvested than is planted.
Watching the collapse of the entire ball of wax is no different than flying too close to the sun — Icarus ignored Daedalus’s instructions not too fly too close to the sun, causing the beeswax in his wings to melt. Icarus fell from the sky, plunged into the sea and drowned.
Rather than heed the warning many/most of my peers blithely ignored the pith of the myth. After obtaining their degrees they forget most of it.
What they obviously did retain was the inherent Marxism promulgated in the progressive halls of academia — abetted by media, entertainment, and the politicians of the day. My peers inculcated beliefs projected by a calculus of intentional defenestration.
This defenestration is presently the “iron fist in the velvet glove†violence evident almost everywhere in the world today. Progressivism is inherently violent. Progressivism is an unnatural ideal. Its underlying principles are destructive. The evidence is everywhere. The notion promulgated by an inherently violence producing ideology that “…you will own nothing and be happy†assumes that happiness is dependency.
Over my dads long life, he, in conversations I overhead, or that I had with him, or comments I heard him remark as asides to my mother, or his friends, often centred on the deceptive appeal of progressivism and its propensity to cause the opposite of its promises. Progressivism he said sowed the seeds of violence. The consequences of passive acceptance of progressive ideology is a constant need for artificial correctives.
At some point the corrective IS violence.
Jul 5, 2023 New York Judge *IGNORES* The Supreme Court Bruen Decision?!
Update on, Goldstein v Hochul.
08/07/2022 What Is Open Carry and Which States Allow it?
All but four states (and Washington D.C.) allow the open carrying of a firearm either with or without a permit. Open carry means to carry a firearm in public in circumstances where the firearm is fully or partially (e.g., holstered) visible to others.
Aug 1, 2022 ‘He shot my arm off’: Store owner shoots would-be robber
The owner of a store that was targeted by would-be robbers turned the tables on one of the suspects by opening fire on him in Norco.
He’s got “Amer. Indian” right there, on all the graphs. It didn’t need to be, as they didn’t commit many crimes or get raped, robbed, or murdered often, because there aren’t many there. He wrote that.
As a Native American myself – born and raised – I approve this comment.