Capitalism, Neoliberalism and Rand’s so-called “Objectivism” are suitable for and the essence of a Predatory Species Pack, the law of the jungle, however, they are an anathema and coercively destructive to a Social Species Society.
By basing a society on competitiveness, like in the so-called Western Democracies, it produces a society in name only but not in substance, and is the process whereby, you turn a prey into a predator, the proverbial sheep in wolves clothing.
The essay just popped up at Uncle Lew’s “anti-state” web site. Maybe he’s nagged by doubts again, like when he was republishing The Z Man’s pieces. (Jew Walter Block is Mr. Libertarian, and Z is extremely antilibertarian.) Anyhow, there’s a lot more be to said about Galt and his gulch.
Consider the story from Galt’s pov. He has this amazing, small gizmo which can generate vast amounts of energy at very low cost. He developed it while working for a a company not his own, but now he has the gizmo all to himself. A problem however is how to distribute electrical power to paying customers.
The incumbents are natural sales prospects if Galt is in a hurry. They have distro networks, but they also have expensive legacy generation equipment with, I presume, very long depreciation schedules. They just don’t need the messiah’s generator. If somehow they were persuaded to buy it anyway, they’ll have to record huge losses when writing down the old equipment ahead of schedule. Meanwhile, Galt’s gizmo will put downward pressure on the price of electricity. Other sales prospects like aluminum smelters often have long term contracts with power companies. Or they have other arrangements for the power and heat needed for their industrial processes.
This situation presents Galt with high barriers to entry. What’s he to do? The answer is to drive the incumbent electric companies out of business. Later, while the dust is still settling, he and his team of vulture capitalists will swoop in to buy the electric companies’ distribution equipment at bankruptcy auction prices. Now this plot element, the magical gizmo, makes more sense, as does the messiah’s eagerness at the end of the book to return to the ruined world outside New Zion.
I was hoping somebody here would remember this article and continue responding. Thanks. I can’t get enough of this topic, having been somehow surrounded by libertarian-objectivists for longer than I care to reveal.
Zionism is Randian morality writ large. It’s just one step from never denying yourself for others to killing them out of self-interest.
Did Otto Weininger kill himself when he learned Marie Curie had been awarded the Nobel Prize?
First and Foremost, she’s (Ayn Rand) a female, and that should be an immediate disqualifier for any Thinking Man seeking a mentor of both Courage and Sagacity in this World.
Yes, I understand the stumblings of youth as we Seek to Find, and disillusionment, as long as it is in the direction of Truth is good.
The gray-haired person who believes they are automatically granted Wisdom as a product of years alone is the most untameable, arrogant, and vicious thing on this planet.
— The Secret Shakespeare
“But there have never been any great discoveries in the world of science made by women, because the facility for truth only proceeds from a desire for truth, and the former is always in proportion to the latter. Woman’s sense of reality is much less than man’s, in spite of much repetition of the contrary opinion. With women the pursuit of knowledge is always subordinated to something else, and if this alien impulse is sufficiently strong they can see sharply and unerringly, but woman will never be able to see the value of truth in itself and in relation to her own self. Where there is some check to what she wishes (perhaps unconsciously) a woman becomes quite uncritical and loses all touch with reality. This is why women so often believe themselves to have been the victims of sexual overtures; this is the reason of extreme frequency of hallucinations of the sense of touch in women, of the intensive reality of which it is almost impossible for a man to form an idea. This also is why the imagination of women is composed of lies and errors, whilst the imagination of the philosopher is the highest form of truth. The idea of truth is the foundation of everything that deserves the name of judgment. Knowledge is simply the making of judgments, and thought itself is simply another name for judgment.”
— Otto Weininger, ‘Sex & Character’
There are no female philosophers.
The old testament is not part of the bible?
That would be news to billions of christian laymen, clergy and scholars over the past two millennia — and to anyone who has ever picked up a CHRISTIAN “holy bibleâ€, which indeed contains the “Old Testament†in all its absurdity, irrelevance, and viciousness.
And please read someone’s comments before making an even bigger fool of yourself. I was raised Catholic and find much beauty, kindness, compassion, wholesome self restraint, and practicality in some of their writings, and certainly in the many dear friends and family I have who remain RC. Tried a Baptist church after that for some years and remain close friends with two families we met there, despite the experience driving us further from the silly or cruel parts of that outlook. So, never genetically Jewish, nor ever part of their ranting, self-worshipping, supremacist murder cult.
I’ve slammed the absurdity and needless cruelty of parts of the “holy books†of all three abrahamic cults. Check out the Skeptic’s Guides to the bible and the koran online for some embarrassingly stupid and nasty material:
I’ll sign off with FREE PALESTINE and DISARM “Israel.â€
“So you believe we would be better off with drugs that aren’t required to go through trials of any sort?”
I have the right to put whatever I want to put into my own body. I do, in fact, take prescription drugs without a prescription as well as thousands of dollars a year worth supplements that private research indicates are beneficial to me, even if the FDA does not study or recognize them. It’s not a matter of ‘we’ being ‘better off’ according to government standards. It’s a matter of individual rights which you obviously do not understand. The US government does not even have the power regulate what goes on within the boundaries of states.
“Drug company claims a drug takes 2-3 years to work.
Drug is actually a fraud but makes billions.
Investors cash out before company is sued.”
Fraudulent claims are about the only thing governments need to punish – after the claims have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt through due process. The US government has a very strong financial interest in most people dropping dead as soon as possible after the age of 65. The covid hoax and quackcine fraud were promoted by the government using force.
Testing drugs for safety is one thing. Efficacy require 100s of billions. Many drug ideas never get out of the lab because of the expense. Cancer would have been cured cheaply decades ago if it weren’t for the FDA. Pfizer and a few large politically-connected drug companies control what gets approved by the FDA and have financial interest in preventing competition from smaller companies.
I could go on longer but I don’t exist to please you. I’m for myself and I’m not hurting others. Have a nice day.
Why can’t customers demand that the drugs are tested for safety and efficacy (without involving the government)?
Libertarians do not want to legalize fraud, far more of which is committed by government agencies and politically-connected corporations run by the types of people who were villains in Ayn Rand novels. The FDA is run by Big Pharma which uses the FDA's regulatory power to stifle their competitors. History is full of examples of 'private' companies using government power to stifle competition, both foreign and domestic.Libertarianism is about individual liberty and private property rights - the right use of dispose what you produce or create through your own effort. Without at least some property rights, you and your family would probably starve to death.Any 'libertarian' who says fraud should be legal is not a libertarian.Replies: @John Johnson
"And the corporation is free to lie in response for the sake of profits."
Libertarians do not want to legalize fraud, far more of which is committed by government agencies and politically-connected corporations run by the types of people who were villains in Ayn Rand novels. The FDA is run by Big Pharma which uses the FDA’s regulatory power to stifle their competitors.
So you believe we would be better off with drugs that aren’t required to go through trials of any sort?
Any ‘libertarian’ who says fraud should be legal is not a libertarian.
And how would a libertarian stop this scenario:
Drug company claims a drug takes 2-3 years to work.
Drug is actually a fraud but makes billions.
Investors cash out before company is sued.
Why not simply have the drugs tested for safety and efficacy?
I have the right to put whatever I want to put into my own body. I do, in fact, take prescription drugs without a prescription as well as thousands of dollars a year worth supplements that private research indicates are beneficial to me, even if the FDA does not study or recognize them. It's not a matter of 'we' being 'better off' according to government standards. It's a matter of individual rights which you obviously do not understand. The US government does not even have the power regulate what goes on within the boundaries of states.
"So you believe we would be better off with drugs that aren’t required to go through trials of any sort?"
Fraudulent claims are about the only thing governments need to punish - after the claims have been proven beyond a reasonable doubt through due process. The US government has a very strong financial interest in most people dropping dead as soon as possible after the age of 65. The covid hoax and quackcine fraud were promoted by the government using force.
"Drug company claims a drug takes 2-3 years to work.
Drug is actually a fraud but makes billions.
Investors cash out before company is sued."
Why can’t customers demand that corporations provide proof that the products they sell are safe?
Customers can make all kinds of demands.
That doesn’t mean that corporations have to follow them.
It makes more sense to have a third party test their products instead of putting your faith in companies that exist to make a profit.
The libertarian ideology is naive. It for some reason assumes we should trust large corporations that just want our money through the shortest path possible.
I have a body, though ‘I’ am not my body.
I have emotions, though ‘I’ am not my emotions.
I have a brain, though ‘I’ am not my brain.
Each mans evolution is dependent on his understanding. Thoughts, emotions, body — may work in harmony but not necessarily. Without a director each of these faculties will not work harmoniously.
An example of directed attention is an olympic racer — the racer must tame the body.
An example of directed attention is an orchestral musician — the musician must tame the feelings.
An example of directed attention is a physicist — the physicist must train the brain.
Of course manifesting such capabilities requires each of them to discipline each of the faculties — body, feelings, brain. In each case most certainly the discipline is taught. There must be a director. The director in the beginning are the parents. Later the director is momentum. Finally the director is inevitably a coach specific to the discipline. In the end there must be inner discipline Without inner discipline there would be no success for the skier. There would be no orchestra for violinist. There would be no role for the physicist.
But curiously we frequently witness enormously successful people evincing no discipline in life apart from their professional accomplishments. Why is that? These absences are not exclusive to the exceptionally accomplished by any means. It only that media broadcasts their foibles. Most people to one degree or another do what exogenous forces compel them to do. And many of us have foibles.
In most cases despite appearing to have enormous discipline — including the most accomplished in our modern cultural domains — the force is exogenous. One might say “…well that’s life?’
Is it though? Certainly most people manage to stumble along through life but why are so many people unsatisfied? We behave more like trained animals — like trained lions, or trained monkeys, or trained sheep.
Trained lions occasionally eat the trainer!
Trained monkeys often do what monkeys do naturally — make rude noises, shit on the carpet, and slop food on the floor!
As for sheep — they barely notice when one of the flock has its throat coat. The shepherd loves lamb chops. The sheep do not recognize the smell. And when the shepherd wants a new coat he shears the sheep!
An old question: How does one train a wild elephant. An old answer: Between two tame elephants.
This will not happen by accident!
How is it that there are tame elephants?
Knowledge is merely a tool. We may have knowledge. But do we have understanding?
Feelings most certainly are like fuel. We may have fuel. But does the flame serve us or does it burn us?
Bodies can work. But do we work mechanically? Being cut off from a much greater sensation of our bodies is ignorance. Is our body full of unwanted tension? Can you let go of your tensions on command?
Do we though have an inner master? That is the question. An inner master is a potential. Does everyone have the possibility to develop inner master? I do not know the answer. But I do understand first, one must find a master. The chances of developing inner master without contact with one who has a developed inner master is always a challenge.
Many people pose as though they have such a faculty.
Still it may not be a good thing to seek or find a true master. Like God, he or she may have more important things to attend to.
Even a circle of true seekers who thoroughly understand that something is missing within them is better off — at least a circle of true seekers has a certain amplified magnetism greater than a single seeker. Our beings attract our life. Like attracts like. But not without exception. In this regard a genuine group has a way of deflecting the insincere. A genuine group of seekers almost always has contact with someone whom has already trod the path.
Do we as a society have patience or is it that we are merely complacent? Do I notice my complacency?
Is my complacency rewarded or am I seduced by circular reasoning? Do I accept artificial stimulation of my emotions as a substitute for genuine feelings? Do I pursue leisure as an end and waste it by wishing to be somewhere else? Or be with someone else? Or be somebody else? Do I notice the baby in me? Do I notice the waste of my life sitting in school was? Do I notice my compulsive behaviour?
All the things I wish for revolve around the need for approval and the fear of disapproval. Are they properly reconciled in us? While we are developing our inner master we will no doubt have more subtle questions. But real questions require us to admit there is much we do not know. It is humbling to face up to our need to be right.
So much of mans’ unenviable situation is caused by his need to be right. And so much of the damage we do both to ourselves and to others is caused by our being totally disconnected — seeking power, seeking prestige, seeking affirmation, seeking attention — craving to be somebody.
This is what spoiled children behave like. Children have no knowledge of their insignificance. Our processes are almost all wrong. Our aims have been inculcated. We are indeed the blind leading the blind.
Can we not see the hubris. We do not vote for these so called leaders. Democracy does not exist. Our leaders have no respect for themselves or others. They are addicted to extracting empty gratuities.
Forced genuflection is the domain of tyrants. They are blind. And tragically they have no inner life. They are automatons. They would compel us by force, subterfuge, and pain. These fallen men and women, want you beaten down into the ground. They have no inner master. They cannot imagine such a thing. They are robots. They have no discipline. They are inflexible. Indeed they command we worship mammon. And so we do. By the millions we seek their approval. Because we too are children.
You don’t know sнiÑ‚ from fuÑк.
All you are able to do is tear apart what someone else has to say without offering anything concrete, yourself. Assuming you have a self because you identify yourself as a member of a group (Jewish) and knock those you presume to be part of another group (goyim). You are anti-individualist if not downright racist.
You are certainly not an Objectivist. And I doubt very much you are Jewish. From here on, I’ll just ignore you.
“You don’t know sнiÑ‚ from fuÑк.” — Yes my dumb little goy. That makes as much sense as everything else you wrote so far.
I tear what you wrote apart because it makes zero sense. In the process, I was hoping you would get to realize it so that the rebuilding part can begin. Alas.
“assuming you have a self” — see, more of that nonsense. Regardless. I don’t identify as Jewish, I am Jewish. You are not Jewish (what we Jews call ‘goy’). What’s the matter?
I never said I was/am an Objectivist. Our Ayn Rand created that for the goyim (you are one of them). Enjoy.
I’m of a belief that since it’s late 18th century inception in the American and French revolutions, that the Capitalist vs Communist dialectic was man made (ie not naturally occurring) and has been (broadly speaking) controlled and steered towards a final synthesis via the secret societies, namely the FM’s. It makes perfect sense that just as Communism had an evangelist in the form of Karl Marx, that Capitalism too would have an evangelist in the form of one Ayn Rand, majorly augmenting the earlier cheer leader of what would become Capitalism, Adam Smith. Her bio film has a scene where she introduces her ideological symbol, appropriately the dollar sign ‘$’.
We love synthesis. The goyim love clashes. Everyone is happy in the end.
Safe to say the American revolution was organic and sent shockwaves across the Atlantic. France, Prussia and some others realize they could stand and defeat Britain. Something needed to be done: the ‘French’ Revolution. Long story short: FMs from Britain and Switzerland concocted the plan. The pro-British French faction known as the Enlightened served/helped with the ideological warfare before the Jacobins delivered the final blow.
Nazism and Communism were both equally created to serve the clash of WW2. The end goal was the destruction of Germany and Russia – both competitors to Britain. Side note: Marx wrote his essays (which did not even touch the bankers) in the comfort and luxury of London. Your portrayal of Smith, Marx and Rand as cheerleader is accurate. The goyim need to be entertained. The same was done in other fields. Newton and Einstein in the sciences for instances.
I'd like to say this is your Magnum Opus of goy stupidity but I am sure you have a lot more to vomit. Let me deconstruct the part I highlighted in bold:Self-preservation is part of essential human nature (Objective reality). --- In other words, you say that1) Objective Reality = essential human nature (what the fvcking fvck?)2) Self-preservation is instinctual We use reason with empirical observation to figure how to preserve ourselves. --- In other words, you say that:1) Reason is required for self-preservationDo you even begin to realize how you contradict yourself? I ask this knowing full well that you don't.The only brainwashing a dumb goy like you got is the one from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. It raped your small dumb mind so much that you don't even realize how confused you are. I don't even know what to make of your last sentence but it's a clear indication of the current American goyim state of mind (one that is zombified).Replies: @wootendw
I am talking about Objectivist metaphysics, genius; not epistemology.A newborn baby has an instinct to suckle. He doesn’t reason that out. Self-preservation is part of essential human nature (Objective reality). We don’t reason that out. We use reason with empirical observation to figure how to preserve ourselves. Society tries to brainwash us and succeeds in removing our natural inclination to preserve ourselves.
You don’t know sнiÑ‚ from fuÑк.
All you are able to do is tear apart what someone else has to say without offering anything concrete, yourself. Assuming you have a self because you identify yourself as a member of a group (Jewish) and knock those you presume to be part of another group (goyim). You are anti-individualist if not downright racist.
You are certainly not an Objectivist. And I doubt very much you are Jewish. From here on, I’ll just ignore you.
"You don’t know sнiÑ‚ from fuÑк." -- Yes my dumb little goy. That makes as much sense as everything else you wrote so far.I tear what you wrote apart because it makes zero sense. In the process, I was hoping you would get to realize it so that the rebuilding part can begin. Alas. "assuming you have a self" -- see, more of that nonsense. Regardless. I don't identify as Jewish, I am Jewish. You are not Jewish (what we Jews call 'goy'). What's the matter? I never said I was/am an Objectivist. Our Ayn Rand created that for the goyim (you are one of them). Enjoy.
You don’t know sнiÑ‚ from fuÑк.All you are able to do is tear apart what someone else has to say without offering anything concrete, yourself. Assuming you have a self because you identify yourself as a member of a group (Jewish) and knock those you presume to be part of another group (goyim). You are anti-individualist if not downright racist.You are certainly not an Objectivist. And I doubt very much you are Jewish. From here on, I’ll just ignore you.
The writer of Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk) was/is familiar with Ayn Rand’s two books.
Thanks for the valuable insights regarding Ayn Rand.
I’m of a belief that since it’s late 18th century inception in the American and French revolutions, that the Capitalist vs Communist dialectic was man made (ie not naturally occurring) and has been (broadly speaking) controlled and steered towards a final synthesis via the secret societies, namely the FM’s. It makes perfect sense that just as Communism had an evangelist in the form of Karl Marx, that Capitalism too would have an evangelist in the form of one Ayn Rand, majorly augmenting the earlier cheer leader of what would become Capitalism, Adam Smith. Her bio film has a scene where she introduces her ideological symbol, appropriately the dollar sign ‘$’.
Whatever happens in the present time was planned decades to up to a century ago.
Yes, I think (within reason) that many of the world’s major events may well be far more planned out than people might suspect.
The ‘In the world I see..’ scene cannot be more exemplary of the desired outcome.
Fight Club wasn’t the only film to show the lights of New York City having gone out, and a low tech dumbed down future for Euros, aka ‘Whites’..
‘This used to be my home!’
That is intriguing.[I took the liberty of including in bold the two lines of Atlas Shrugged immediately prior to your quote, including 'quitting the Twentieth Century'.]The quote is very remindful of the end scene of the end of century (1999) movie Fight Club which was released almost two years to the day (Sept 10, 1999) to 911.If a picture is worth a thousand words, a short video clip is worth potentially that much more..
Little did (and still do not) realize that Atlas Shrugged is nothing but a silent blueprint for the destruction of the US economy and its infrastructure.You do not have to believe me, just re-read this part of the book:“He had quit the Twentieth Century. He was living in a garret in a slum neighborhood. He stepped to the window and pointed to the skyscrapers of the city. He said that we had to extinguish the lights of the world, and when we would see the lights of New York go out, we would know that our job was done.â€
Replies: @Jewish Magician
“In the world I see you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You’ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You’ll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Towers. And when you look down, you’ll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying stripes of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.â€
I wrote this hours ago but didn’t hit ‘publish’:
The writer of Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk) was/is familiar with Ayn Rand’s two books. He mentions it in the short interview below for instance. Whether he discovered and understood the true message/motive of Rand’s books by himself or he was told is a different story. You then have Arnon Milchan, producer of Fight Club, a (former) spy involved in the development of Israel’s nuclear program. Small world in the end.
Fight Club and Adjustment Day both deal with social revolution. What similarities and differences lie in the hearts of the two stories?
In a way, I wanted to mimic Ayn Rand’s evolution from The Fountainhead to Atlas Shrugged. Her earlier book, like Fight Club, deals with empowering an individual to the point where he can pursue his own vision. Adjustment Day is like Atlas Shrugged because it depicts a group of like-minded people combining their power for social change. If people misinterpret anything about Fight Club, they miss the fact that it’s about developing the potential of individuals, and the organization is ultimately doomed as those people pursue their own paths.
The link you made between the quote from Atlas Shrugged (especially with the added lines), the release year of the movie and 9/11 is notable since it is likely by design. Whatever happens in the present time was planned decades to up to a century ago. 9/11 marked the beginning of the creation of the NWO. Other movies have similar symbolism to 9/11. It is said Back to the Future is another.
The ‘In the world I see..’ scene cannot be more exemplary of the desired outcome.
Thanks for the valuable insights regarding Ayn Rand. I'm of a belief that since it's late 18th century inception in the American and French revolutions, that the Capitalist vs Communist dialectic was man made (ie not naturally occurring) and has been (broadly speaking) controlled and steered towards a final synthesis via the secret societies, namely the FM's. It makes perfect sense that just as Communism had an evangelist in the form of Karl Marx, that Capitalism too would have an evangelist in the form of one Ayn Rand, majorly augmenting the earlier cheer leader of what would become Capitalism, Adam Smith. Her bio film has a scene where she introduces her ideological symbol, appropriately the dollar sign '$'.
The writer of Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk) was/is familiar with Ayn Rand’s two books.
Yes, I think (within reason) that many of the world's major events may well be far more planned out than people might suspect.
Whatever happens in the present time was planned decades to up to a century ago.
Fight Club wasn't the only film to show the lights of New York City having gone out, and a low tech dumbed down future for Euros, aka 'Whites'..'This used to be my home!'
The ‘In the world I see..’ scene cannot be more exemplary of the desired outcome.�
Oy Vey Izmir!
You first said:
You don’t have to associate with Objectivists (or ‘Objectivists) to benefit from the philosophy.
Like I said, and I’ll repeat, that’s identical to saying: you don’t need to associate with crackheads to benefit from crack.
You then said:
I probably should added that the manifestation of instinct is from an animal to an intelligent being.
Even though I asked you what that means and that you still did not answer (no, your response was not an answer), I’ll go ahead and assume that you meant that instinct ‘moves’ or ‘transfers’ (for lack of better words) from animal to intelligent being (meaning that both have it). Right?
Your last comment, which in no form or shape was an answer to your previous comment, said:
I am talking about Objectivist metaphysics, genius; not epistemology.
A newborn baby has an instinct to suckle. He doesn’t reason that out. Self-preservation is part of essential human nature (Objective reality). We don’t reason that out. We use reason with empirical observation to figure how to preserve ourselves. Society tries to brainwash us and succeeds in removing our natural inclination to preserve ourselves.
I’d like to say this is your Magnum Opus of goy stupidity but I am sure you have a lot more to vomit.
Let me deconstruct the part I highlighted in bold:
Self-preservation is part of essential human nature (Objective reality). — In other words, you say that
1) Objective Reality = essential human nature (what the fvcking fvck?)
2) Self-preservation is instinctual
We use reason with empirical observation to figure how to preserve ourselves. — In other words, you say that:
1) Reason is required for self-preservation
Do you even begin to realize how you contradict yourself? I ask this knowing full well that you don’t.
The only brainwashing a dumb goy like you got is the one from Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged. It raped your small dumb mind so much that you don’t even realize how confused you are. I don’t even know what to make of your last sentence but it’s a clear indication of the current American goyim state of mind (one that is zombified).
Why can’t customers demand that corporations provide proof that the products they sell are safe?
“And the corporation is free to lie in response for the sake of profits.”
Libertarians do not want to legalize fraud, far more of which is committed by government agencies and politically-connected corporations run by the types of people who were villains in Ayn Rand novels. The FDA is run by Big Pharma which uses the FDA’s regulatory power to stifle their competitors. History is full of examples of ‘private’ companies using government power to stifle competition, both foreign and domestic.
Libertarianism is about individual liberty and private property rights – the right use of dispose what you produce or create through your own effort. Without at least some property rights, you and your family would probably starve to death.
Any ‘libertarian’ who says fraud should be legal is not a libertarian.
Why can’t customers demand whatever…?
In the libertarian world the customer is free to demand whatever he wants.
And the corporation is free to lie in response for the sake of profits.
This following is allowed by libertarian ideology:
1. Corportation lies about what is in your food.
2. People become outraged after getting sick.
3. Corporation apologizes and swears to never do it again
4. Corporation decides there is more profit in lying and rebrands its products
The FDA is paid through tax dollars to test our food and if it is contaminated it will be removed and in many cases before it goes to store shelves. That’s why there are massive recalls in the news. The FDA will also punish companies that lie about the origin.
Libertarians want to eliminate the FDA and make it an honor system. All those recalls would not have existed. They weren’t tested by the producer.
Libertarians do not want to legalize fraud, far more of which is committed by government agencies and politically-connected corporations run by the types of people who were villains in Ayn Rand novels. The FDA is run by Big Pharma which uses the FDA's regulatory power to stifle their competitors. History is full of examples of 'private' companies using government power to stifle competition, both foreign and domestic.Libertarianism is about individual liberty and private property rights - the right use of dispose what you produce or create through your own effort. Without at least some property rights, you and your family would probably starve to death.Any 'libertarian' who says fraud should be legal is not a libertarian.Replies: @John Johnson
"And the corporation is free to lie in response for the sake of profits."
My main issue with Rand is that her philosophy seems to be designed to appeal to high IQ, high productivity people – and then convince them not to reproduce. It doesn’t directly say that reproduction is wrong but gives the impression that reproduction is meaningless
It’s a trap for intelligent White.
It convinces them to reject their genetics on a group level and adopt the belief that the third world can create as many geniuses. Very similar to liberal blank slate beliefs where all talent except sports is equally distributed around the world and Bad Whites conspired to suppress everyone.
Why have children if some poor Somali is just as likely as an intelligent White person to have smart kids? There is in fact no such thing as Whites within the libertarian ideology. It’s an arbitrary association used by evil collectivists. Rand even decreed that racial collectivism was the worst form.
A huge problem comes however in explaining why Somalia is Somalia. I have had “objectivist” libertarians go absolutely nanners when asked why “free market” third world countries haven’t become first world. They rely on nebulous explanations of “corruption” as if pure capitalism is what they need. These explanations fall short as there have been corrupt first world nations that had high levels of government spending. It doesn’t add up. There is more to a nation than a bunch of individuals trying to get rich off each other.
By denying the importance of heredity and reproduction, Rand pulled many great people into her movement and turned them into unfulfilled, childless, atomized individuals whose legacy will die with them as they leave nothing behind worth mentioning.
Well it fortunately never took off as a mass movement and they have a harder time spreading the ideology with the internet. The libertarian Republicans are losing confidence and embarrass themselves in forums like this one. Ron Paul had to censor his own forums due to people asking about libertarian immigration beliefs. Populism simply makes more sense. Why should conservatives care if someone like Jeff Bethos is taxed? Because goddess Rand might get upset? One you start picking apart libertarianism a lot of it comes down to not taxing the rich as a religious belief.
She wasn’t wrong, she was far too intelligent not to know that everything is downstream from biology.
So the bitch was wrong.
So the bitch was wrong.
She wasn’t wrong, she was far too intelligent not to know that everything is downstream from biology.
Sure but I think it is easier to show her followers that she was simply wrong about the basics of biology. It’s easier than trying to prove she was lying.
I don’t doubt that she privately accepted racial differences. She had plenty of racial opinions on Arabs.
There is a quote where she says that race doesn’t exist but if it does then we should lie about it.
Little did (and still do not) realize that Atlas Shrugged is nothing but a silent blueprint for the destruction of the US economy and its infrastructure.
You do not have to believe me, just re-read this part of the book:
“He had quit the Twentieth Century. He was living in a garret in a slum neighborhood. He stepped to the window and pointed to the skyscrapers of the city. He said that we had to extinguish the lights of the world, and when we would see the lights of New York go out, we would know that our job was done.â€
That is intriguing.
[I took the liberty of including in bold the two lines of Atlas Shrugged immediately prior to your quote, including ‘quitting the Twentieth Century’.]
The quote is very remindful of the end scene of the end of century (1999) movie Fight Club which was released almost two years to the day (Sept 10, 1999) to 911.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a short video clip is worth potentially that much more..
WTF does that even mean ?!Just when I thought you could not top the utter dumb goy stupidity of your first comment (which in essence was like saying: you don't have to associate with crackheads to benefit from crack.), you just prove me wrong. You goyim are absolute morons. F me.Replies: @wootendw
I probably should added that the manifestation of instinct is from an animal to an intelligent being.Beyond that, your comment is a lot of nonsense.
I am talking about Objectivist metaphysics, genius; not epistemology.
A newborn baby has an instinct to suckle. He doesn’t reason that out. Self-preservation is part of essential human nature (Objective reality). We don’t reason that out. We use reason with empirical observation to figure how to preserve ourselves. Society tries to brainwash us and succeeds in removing our natural inclination to preserve ourselves.
I'd like to say this is your Magnum Opus of goy stupidity but I am sure you have a lot more to vomit. Let me deconstruct the part I highlighted in bold:Self-preservation is part of essential human nature (Objective reality). --- In other words, you say that1) Objective Reality = essential human nature (what the fvcking fvck?)2) Self-preservation is instinctual We use reason with empirical observation to figure how to preserve ourselves. --- In other words, you say that:1) Reason is required for self-preservationDo you even begin to realize how you contradict yourself? I ask this knowing full well that you don't.The only brainwashing a dumb goy like you got is the one from Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. It raped your small dumb mind so much that you don't even realize how confused you are. I don't even know what to make of your last sentence but it's a clear indication of the current American goyim state of mind (one that is zombified).Replies: @wootendw
I am talking about Objectivist metaphysics, genius; not epistemology.A newborn baby has an instinct to suckle. He doesn’t reason that out. Self-preservation is part of essential human nature (Objective reality). We don’t reason that out. We use reason with empirical observation to figure how to preserve ourselves. Society tries to brainwash us and succeeds in removing our natural inclination to preserve ourselves.
This is a good analysis. Like the author I once appreciated Ayn Rand’s work but over time as I learned more about the JQ I discovered some of the underlying problems. I find his analysis of the zionist and central banking system interesting – the game Bioshock, which is influenced by Ayn Rand’s work, also has a bunch of jews who fled to create their own homeland in zionist style, something a few others have pointed out (American Krogan for one).
My main issue with Rand is that her philosophy seems to be designed to appeal to high IQ, high productivity people – and then convince them not to reproduce. It doesn’t directly say that reproduction is wrong but gives the impression that reproduction is meaningless – which it is if you have a purely individualist worldview. But a realistic worldview acknowledges the biological reality that passing on your genes is an important part of the evolutionary process. By denying the importance of heredity and reproduction, Rand pulled many great people into her movement and turned them into unfulfilled, childless, atomized individuals whose legacy will die with them as they leave nothing behind worth mentioning. That’s the real tragedy of her work, and it’s something I think was intentional.
I dumped Rand when I was much younger, because she was clearly Zionist; anti-human, but I could not articulate why (I was too young). Good to see writers identifying the Jewish filth for what it is. Yet more evidence that the Protocols are not a hoax.
After years pointed disinterest in 9/11, at some point Chomsky blurted out that “it wouldn’t matter” even if the official narrative were false. Huge red flag. It kinda would matter, quite a bit.
He had the same zero time for anything JFK-related, even after been given relevant documentation. He stresses continuity of policy by omitting Dimona.
Not surprisingly, he also downplays the pull of the Zionist lobby in the US using clearly specious arguments. Here’s a sample:
Both he and Amy Goodman fully went along with totalitarian and coercive covid measures.
Bernie is also dropping the mask, after a lifetime of playing the dissident. He had to be practically twisted into calling for a ceasefire in Gaza.
The Grayzone crowd seems to be taking the mantle of For-Real Leftist Dissidents, but they let the cat out of the bag with the hit-job they accepted to do on Nick Fuentes. Qui bono indeed.
I probably should added that the manifestation of instinct is from an animal to an intelligent being.
Beyond that, your comment is a lot of nonsense.
WTF does that even mean ?!
Just when I thought you could not top the utter dumb goy stupidity of your first comment (which in essence was like saying: you don’t have to associate with crackheads to benefit from crack.), you just prove me wrong.
You goyim are absolute morons. F me.
“Jews, you will find, regardless of whatever ideology they’re pushing on the goyim (be it communism or libertarianism) always actually practice tribalism themselves [] And yes, this is hypocrisy.”
Hypocrisy would be to have bad morals in private, while paying lip service to good morals outwardly.
This is the inverse of hypocrisy: adhering to sound morality among themselves, while promoting bad morals to the peoples they live among by selling alcohol, promoting sexual immorality, undermining the nation, etc. Some have argued that this is part of the survival strategy.
I suppose you meant to write: You don't have to associate with Objectivists (or 'Objectivism') to benefit form the philosophy.If you benefit from the philosophy, you obviously associate with it in one form or another, directly or indirectly.Is it possible to be this stupid?
You don’t have to associate with Objectivists (or ‘Objectivists) to benefit from the philosophy.
So you define 'objective reality' as "the essential nature of Man, whose primeval instincts of self- and species-preservation are manifested in the desire to flourish and put one’s self and family first, followed by friends, and country".Do you realize that Ayn Rand's Objectivism is precisely the first part of your sentence? That man is just another animal who lives by instinct? Why do you think she, and the Ruling Class she represented in her book, despise Plato to death? The question is rhetorical, I don't expect an animal like you to understand or be able to answer. Please understand that when I call you 'animal', I don't mean to insult you and that it's purely an observation based on what you wrote (that you are an animal).The second part of your sentence is nothing but the regurgitation of your incoherent, contradictory and limited intellectual capacity; all in the hope to sound semi-intelligent. If you read Rand's book, you woud know that she does not see or advocate that about man.Replies: @wootendw
Just live in accordance with objective reality – including the essential nature of Man, whose primeval instincts of self- and species-preservation are manifested in the desire to flourish and put one’s self and family first, followed by friends, and country (not to confused with your country’s government).
I probably should added that the manifestation of instinct is from an animal to an intelligent being.
Beyond that, your comment is a lot of nonsense.
WTF does that even mean ?!Just when I thought you could not top the utter dumb goy stupidity of your first comment (which in essence was like saying: you don't have to associate with crackheads to benefit from crack.), you just prove me wrong. You goyim are absolute morons. F me.Replies: @wootendw
I probably should added that the manifestation of instinct is from an animal to an intelligent being.Beyond that, your comment is a lot of nonsense.
Meet Ayn Rand and some of the people close to her in their own words
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace – Ep. 1/3. ‘Love and Power’ (Adam Curtis, 1 hr)
From wikip:
//In the first episode, Curtis traces the effects of Ayn Rand’s ideas on American financial markets, particularly via the influence of Alan Greenspan, who was a member of a reading group called the Collective, which discussed her work and her philosophy of Objectivism. While Rand’s novels were critically savaged, they inspired people working in the technology sector of Silicon Valley, leading to the emergence of the Californian Ideology, a techno-utopian belief that computer networks could measure, control and help to stabilise societies without hierarchical political control. Rand had an affair with Nathaniel Branden, another member of The Collective, with the approval of Branden’s wife, Barbara Branden. The affair would eventually end acrimoniously and the Collective disbanded. Rand’s circle of friends contracted considerably, though Greenspan remained loyal to her.//
Just because unadorned brutalism is technically possible doesn’t mean it need exist.
Because of Rand’s background, she could speak gibberish in different tongues and the U.S. media would say she is the smartest person in the world. The woman probably would have a hard time boiling water. Listen to her interview with Mike Wallace. Two chosen ones using their tongues like high dollar prostitutes but saying nothing. Critics tell us she’s brilliant, so she has to be, right!
Force won’t do it!
Will psychological force do it?
Why can’t customers demand whatever…?
Brilliant article. Your depth of thought and reason accompanied by exhaustive research made for the best analysis I have ever read on Ms. Typewriter, Remington (Rand). I was once hired by an undercover objectivist that completely underestimated my intelligence. He would spend the last hour(s) of his workday trying to ‘teach’ me the correct (Rand) way to think. My hobby is psychology and I was fascinated by these lecturers that showed me how a person who claimed to be a free thinker was absolutely indoctrinated into this self imprisoned cult. This man became unbearable to be around and I left the job. I learned later that his wife killed herself. She was a paranoid schizophrenic that required constant medical treatment. I believe he drove her to kill herself to steal her money that was in a trust fund from her wealthy family. He bought her a gun and took her to the shooting range to teach her to use it. She would not have been allowed to purchase a weapon with her condition. He kept her holed up in their home with TVs blaring Fox news all day. She would call him begging him to come home, but he stayed late at work leaving her alone all the time. I found out about her death years after I left that job. A former co-worker saw me at a store and told me what happened. What she could not process was why the day after she killed herself my former boss came to work. I checked around and found out he immediately remarried then got divorced. He then died of lung cancer like Ayn Rand. This from a man that told me smoking wont hurt you, and had a sign in his office “Thank you for smoking” Ayn would have been proud.
The maniacal Jewish psychopathy is not evident in the Old Testament, that is the Jew Bible?
@M. Roberts (The author)
Enough of the “mea cupla”‘s
You must be pretty DAMN DUMB to have fallen for Rand’ism in the first place!!!
So the bitch was wrong.
She wasn’t wrong, she was far too intelligent not to know that everything is downstream from biology.
So, she wasn’t a bitch, she was a lying bitch!
She wasn’t wrong, she was far too intelligent not to know that everything is downstream from biology.Sure but I think it is easier to show her followers that she was simply wrong about the basics of biology. It's easier than trying to prove she was lying. I don't doubt that she privately accepted racial differences. She had plenty of racial opinions on Arabs. There is a quote where she says that race doesn't exist but if it does then we should lie about it.
So the bitch was wrong.
The perfect Objectivists as paradigms are Data android on Star Dreck, and Mr. Spockenstein of the same cereal series.
Data is far too rational to be a cult following “Objectivist”.
If he looked at the fentanyl crisis he would not conclude that we need cheap and legal fentanyl that is widely available across the country. Captain I have studied this drug and it is extremely destructive and highly addictive….what we need to do is sell it in every store and in every state. Yes even states that don’t yet have a fentanyl problem. Rand said this is the best solution.
Ayn Rand was also anti-biology. I don’t see Data rejecting biology for the feels of the cult.
Here it is from the wench herself:
Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage — the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry.
DNA has proven that intellectual and character traits are indeed part of body chemistry.
So the bitch was wrong.
Get off your knees and abandon this mind wiping cult. It’s in direct opposition to DNA which is the building blocks of life.
Why can’t customers demand whatever information/food safety they want from sellers? Why does the government have to be involved?
Because they don’t give a fuck and will lie to your face.
Are you really that naive?
Even with regulation we have caught US corporations lying about what is in our food. Clearly they need a disincentive.
And you think the libertarian approach would improve things? Let them do what they want and hope for the best? In Rand we trust?
Libertarians should go on camera and eat pink slime burgers along with mystery Chinese cookies. Show us how much you believe in deregulation.
The perfect Objectivists as paradigms are Data android on Star Dreck, and Mr. Spockenstein of the same cereal series.
I am gratified by your response. Common elements across these endeavors: competence>knowing your job well, excelling to the point of being able to make fast and accurate decisions and moves. Being able to take what you don’t know and haven’t’ experienced and leverage that into action. IOW, confidence comes from competence. The more you understand, the more elements and components you will be aware of and their inter-relation and interactions complexity. Our friend the rally driver, is multitasking to the extreme. Dense information is being processed in milliseconds. Aural from his pilot, visual of the road, tactile, the feedback from the care, brake and accelerator, shift lever, clutch. The footwork wasn’t shown here but it is rapid and precise. Also, he needs to project where the care is going to be from his present position.
In the large complex marine power plant, the various sounds are like instruments to a conductor. The marine engineer splits them up when apprehended like a prism. He feels the vibration and temperature of various components. There are times when quick and decisive action make the difference between inconvenience and disaster or a casualty, aka breakdown of something, total or partial loss.
The Central Bank of Russia Governor, is probably the best in the World, faced with enormous challenges, decisions to be made in compressed time periods, enormous pressure, and very little tolerance for error. Her resume is incredibly impressive. She did not come from an academic job or theoretician.
All of these require a thinker AND a doer. Courage, continuity, and collegial abilities. A rare species.
There is a photograph here:
In another photo:
� @RadicalCenter, @Rebel Roy
In 2022 Deborah Lipstadt swore her oath of office on the Talmud…
Wow geokat,that passel of Jews is uglier than anything even a madman could dream up.Truly a bunch of demons.
nah crazy Jew its not part of our Bible and you well know it.The Jews book is their Satanic Talmud,but they often pretend they are part of our religion.You are just trying to separate Whites from God and Jesus by equating good with evil.We aren’t buying it hasbara boy.
Haha I love it so Jabber.Better than any comedy on the electronic Jew i.e TV.
Very, very interesting! Three examples of complexity — all instigated, planned, designed, manufactured, assembled, completed — human ingenuity made manifest. Instigated because of demand. Planned and presented. Approved and financed and contracted. Millions of parts manufactured by hundreds of subcontractors. Assemblies and sub assemblies sent to the dry dock in the shipyard. Finally launched.
The engine room is a beautiful example of mans ingenuity. The racing car looks much different inside than a multi use automobile. Single use complexity is an accomplishment like an orchestra. The music one apprehends is likewise a series of complex mental, emotional, and physical attributes made manifest by a disciplined attention over many years.
An orchestra depends on dozens of people efforts coordinated to bring the composers musical insight to fruition. And every participant thrives according to their disciplined inclinations.
Likewise, the skills of each and every collaborator, in each of these endeavours, including the obvious grasp of political complexity Russia’s Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina manifests, are proof against those imagining they could control and direct these and the hundreds of millions of peoples efforts each person makes every day.
None of these manifestations could exist without the exercise of free will. Force won’t do it! Force is devolutionary. Million of people in a free society naturally seek betterment for themselves. Family life harbours the young. Not every family is perfect, true, but the family is the basic unit of preparation.
What has happened that it has been determined that destroying the basic unit of cooperation — the family — would serve mankind better if families were replaced by the state and it deterministic apparatus? The bureaucratic apparatus is stifling. People naturally seek to avail themselves of the determinants i.e. the path to success. Trust is an essential component. All the endeavours you cite and an orchestra too depend on people trusting one another.
Everywhere today trust has been abrogated. And it appears this is intentional. The absence of trust is devolutionary. During COVID for example, the entire complexity of interactive trust was destroyed!
People lied, they backpedaled, they obfuscated, they encouraged absolute conformity with the diktats of the elites’ spokespersons whom would see you locked up — if they had a smidgen more power to do it. We presumably elected these tyrants. We appear helpless to prevent a further erosion of trust.
Elections are meaningless exercises in public theatre. One can only depend that things will get worse not better. It has been said — that it is “…easier to burn a house down than build one.†Our elites appear to want to burn the house down. What has caused us to acquiesce in this conflagration?
Where are there not flames? We appear mesmerized by incandescence! The state has become a behemoth — something like a fire breathing dragon — determined to sear everything it touches.
Will psychological force do it?
Force won’t do it!
My estimation of this man’s writing in simple terms is: uneven and unreliable. He is mixing in hard information with drivel and poppycock fiction. He is the equivalence of a hermaphrodite, AC/DC, about 70% horseshit. That’s low efficiency. His “inside” reportage on the Kremlin and Putin are comic book/video game casuistry.
You know, I prefer people who have analyses on serious and complex subjects with “time and grade”, that is time served in the machine and familiarity over time. To put it another way, too much jive.
These are very serious crimes, and sources are important that get it right.
Thanks for your reply, C.
Thanks, Poupon.
No teleprompter, good to-the-point replies.
Have you read the article at the link below? Mr, ‘Slavski’ was quite optimistic in spring of last year. Not now. Anyway, worth reading if you have not. I do not know what to make of it, but some points to consider.
Alden Al Di La, Do you believe labor unions have, under certain circumstances, a place in a proper socieity, i.e., provide a positive utility?
Mr. Roberts likely reads nothing here, hasn’t posted here. That is a shame.
He’d do well to write an expose of randy ‘objectivism’ as a cult, since it clearly was. Also, to an extent, it was randy Ayn’s sex cult. I have seen hints of this in other writing, but no writing centred on that aspect.
As a former insider, Mr. Roberts would be well qualified for writing such an account.
Rose Wilder Lane and Isabel Patterson, early 20th century women individualists who published widely and who were friends and correspondents of Rand.
Were these femoids?
Indeed. Everything you present is verifiably true. I had pondered the inherent problems within and without (exterior) of banks, especially large ones. And as you mentioned, problems accrue when capital is concentrated in too few hands.
So, what to do? First, it is necessary to take a few steps back, look at a larger picture, wide angle lens, apprehend what has worked on various scales of enterprise, and meditate on correlation, parallel, and analogy of other phenomenon with sufficient commonality.
Immigrants of my grandparents generation, pooled their monies together for the launching of individual and collective enterprises. This informal pool of funds, functioned as a sort of “credit union”, which is collectively owned by depositors who appoint managers and operators.
What if, all banks, including a national bank, were owned collectively by the same mechanism and ideas? Therefore, every citizen would be assessed a certain amount of his earnings, in order to purchase a percentage of the “credit union” bank? Imagine the Federal Reserve owned fractionally by every single citizen. Would it print money recklessly, diluting its value, so easily? Would it find “2% inflation yearly to be “ideal”, by the proven incompetent, mentally deranged Janet Jewess Yellow Yenta Yellson? “Inflation will be transitory”. What good to the citizen working for a living with limited assets, is inflation? What good is the plague?
The World, its problems, deficiencies, strengths, weaknesses, solutions, fixes, and maintainance health, is very similar to a large, sophisticated power plant.
Video Link
You can’t just be a button pusher, or just have knowledge of the components and systems. You have to be able to access a database of experience in troubleshooting, successes in solving problems, and the ability to step back and access everything you know, and then think and ponder what you don’t know, haven’t done before, and extrapolate a solution. Of particular issue here is the absolute necessity of experience in “working with your hands”, physically taking apart, inspecting, judging, modifying or creating a component in the workshop, what repairs will take and use in time, resources, chance of success, and opportunity. A ship must operate continuously 24 hours a day.
A few times in my career, the office of the shipping companies I worked for, sent out a highly recommended engineer replacement. He had a grand academic record, advanced degrees, etc. In each case, they were instant failures. The knowledge they had was like a deep trench. Everything in that trench they had mastered. But the walls were high, and everything outside they knew little about and could not comprehend readily, having nothing to compare or use to even make a decision. They did not know how to use tools, except electronic ones. They also hated the Engine Room; it’s loud, hot, dangerous, and intimidating. They definitely are NOT suited for the constant improvisation, complex amount of varying information of wide bandwidth in a compressed time period:
Video Link
That’s a lot of information that has to be processed, acted upon, in a short time frame.
Summation: There are solutions always. But the problem is individual and collective lack of aptitude (ability) and attitude (willingness to explore and implement novel, hybrid, untried, etc, solutions.
In the world we live in, successful countries, of late, have been guided by their “captains” and “chief engineers”, who steered the ship of state, maintained, expanded, and tuned the machinery of the nation-in all its interactions and interdependencies-to improvement utilizing creative and integrative thinking. Look at the genius, V. V. Putin openly and genially talking and interacting with engineers, technicians about a wide range of problems. Notice his broad facility in understanding their technical, social, and other challenges and suggestions. From here, he might go to meeting of top military leaders where discussions are broad and deep, involving technical issues. All of which I am sure he is able to process and comprehend,-never afraid to ask questions, and aware of current developments ACROSS departments and divisions of a ministry. Then off to meet with the Governor of the Central Bank of Russia (Elvira Nabiullina) and the Board about profound matters of budget and finance. And once again, he understands, probes, adds to his knowledge and asks pointed questions. What kind of man is this? A very rare, Renaissance, polymath, STEM competent, manager of people, natural leader, extraordinary knowledge of a wide and deep understanding. Lee Kwan Yew, and Xi Ping are also in this exclusive category. All other leaders are second tier and below. Both Putin and Yew were original thinkers, whose confidence IN THEIR MIND allowed them to see and act, where others feared to tread or were underwater.
Success of a culture and nation needs sustained excellent leadership at the top. Consistency and honesty. Interview with Russia’s Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina, a Tatar (an ethnic minority like Sager Shogu, offshoot of the Mongols and Huns, with their own language and culture). Not considered “White” or “Aryan” by Northwest European Scandalnavelians Beauty Contest Judges.
Why, it was just the other day, I saw a German woman on German television say that Eurasians are not “as human” as Germans and West Europeans. Maria Zakharova:
Video Link
Shreddng an American pressitute. With detail, knowledge, point by point, leaving the zombie dunce in the dust. This is what competence looks like. Maria is NOT an affirmative action hire.
Whats hilariously funny is that Israeli descendants of WW2 survivors are considered by themselves holocaust survivors. victim-hood status its inheritable.
‘Gimme reparations’, I wonder where the modern ghetto peoples get it from !?
As is the juvenile and garbage Isaac Asimov Foundation scifi novel and sequels.
I had the misfortune to waste hours listening to the first one on audiobook.
A great many do, yes. But to be fair, some of the most important libertarians of the past fifty years have either little regard or outright disdain for Rand. I think especially of Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, Hans Hermann Hoppe, Gary North, and Jeffrey Tucker—indeed, few, if any, of the libertarians who trace their intellectual formation to Ludwig van Mises have any use for Rand.Rothbard had once been Rand's friend and perhaps even disciple, but he broke decisively and permanently with her during the seventies (perhaps earlier). Many people know that Rockwell, a serious practicing Catholic, was a protégé and close friend of Rothbard, but few remember or know that in the early nineties, when Bill Buckley sacked Joe Sobran from National Review and stood idly by while the Jews wiped out his syndication arrangements and income, Rothbard and Rockwell were the first to assist him. They immediately engaged Joe to write a column for their newsletter, the Rothbard-Rockwell Report. They helped him in other ways, too. Although Joe never became a libertarian, libertarian ideas became an important influence on his outlook.Replies: @Poupon Marx
Yet libertarians worship her like communists worship Lenin …
Thanks for the informative and excellent historical précis, Pierre. An ironic retrospective of betrayal, weakness, and deception in the “Conservative Movement”.
If only there were men of means that were as dedicated and assiduous in the pursuit of virtue, truth, freedom, and authenticity, as doyens of the Left, maniacal and fanatical as they are; who take no prisoners.
What's so special about that? Seems like rock bottom common sense to me.
The Buddha always encouraged questions from his followers. One such question was asked what the proper response would be to a person dedicated to killing you. The Buddha, after reflection, said, “In this case, where no other course of action will deter, then you have the right to take his life before he takes yoursâ€. This is the example of the “Third Wayâ€, that the genius Buddha recognized that people in the world should hew as close to The Teachings as possible, as the vicissitudes of the world allow.
Your “rock bottom common sense” is a valid factor in real life decisions. However, it is usually limited by: past experience, of varying quantity and quality; physical analysis of “action >reaction and vice versa.”
Buddhism-of which you obviously are not familiar or conversant in-seeks understanding of large questions of meaning, Consciousness, and the “Nature of Reality”, where the commonly accepted conceptualization of “Reality” is exceeds the conception of the composition of the physical Universe.
Comments like yours are testimony of how we Jews rule the dumb goyim mind.
Little did (and still do not) realize that Atlas Shrugged is nothing but a silent blueprint for the destruction of the US economy and its infrastructure.
You do not have to believe me, just re-read this part of the book:
“He stepped to the window and pointed to the skyscrapers of the city. He said that we had to extinguish the lights of the world, and when we would see the lights of New York go out, we would know that our job was done.â€
You do not have to believe me. Just read what you wrote about the current state of the US.
Decades later, in your old age, you’re still on your knees slurping on Ayn’s püssy juice like the dumb goy you are because it somehow benefited you. That’s exactly what Ayn’ Objectivism is about: self, self, self over country. Here again, you don’t have to believe me, just look at the state of the US.
You’re too selfish, too self-centered, too egoist, too self-obsessed, egomaniacal, self-absorbed, self-etc, self-etc, etc (exactly what Objectivism is about) to realize any of it. And that is the beauty of our magic.
Your dumb goyim animal-children and their animal-children can enjoy what’s left of the USA. We are moving on to a next host.
That is intriguing.[I took the liberty of including in bold the two lines of Atlas Shrugged immediately prior to your quote, including 'quitting the Twentieth Century'.]The quote is very remindful of the end scene of the end of century (1999) movie Fight Club which was released almost two years to the day (Sept 10, 1999) to 911.If a picture is worth a thousand words, a short video clip is worth potentially that much more..
Little did (and still do not) realize that Atlas Shrugged is nothing but a silent blueprint for the destruction of the US economy and its infrastructure.You do not have to believe me, just re-read this part of the book:“He had quit the Twentieth Century. He was living in a garret in a slum neighborhood. He stepped to the window and pointed to the skyscrapers of the city. He said that we had to extinguish the lights of the world, and when we would see the lights of New York go out, we would know that our job was done.â€
Replies: @Jewish Magician
“In the world I see you are stalking elk through the damp canyon forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center. You’ll wear leather clothes that will last you the rest of your life. You’ll climb the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears Towers. And when you look down, you’ll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying stripes of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway.â€
Another undergraduate introduced me to Rand, Atlas Shrugged and her essays in the 6o’s and they were breaths of fresh air in the insanity and forced conformity of that era. No writer influenced me more. Rand emphasized the importance of personal achievement, of having a goal. Once asked who was the most immoral man, Rand answered “The man without a purpose.” The absence of a productive, positive goal makes people vulnerable to self-destructive behavior, habits, etc., such as idleness, drug use, etc. The importance of a productive career is an enormous benefit and an important ordering principle in any healthy person’s life.
In her essay, “Apollo and Dionysus” she compared the meaning of the popular attacks on the space program and the Apollo moon launch, symbols of reason, cognitive thinking, scientific mastery, with the popularly acclaimed “Woodstock Festival”, based on “sex drugs and rock ‘n roll” and the behavior of attendees of the Woodstock drug and sex orgy with people who traveled to Florida to observe the Apollo moon launch.
Galt’s Gulch was not Israel, but rather a group of refugees from a failed collapsing culture who were struggling to survive and ultimately to re build, much as millions of sane, rational people today are fleeing California, Illinois and New York to Texas, Florida and other places where the powers that be won’t mutilate their children, strip them their right to self defense against mobs of looters and hordes of homeless. Atlas Shrugged was a brilliant critique of liberal, collectivist thinking and a clinical analysis of the modern liberal, collectivist insanity. I read it in the 60’s and now, watching the transformation of so many cities into chaos and lawlessness is like watching that prescient novel unfold before my eyes.
Ayn Rand’s fans, whose zeal is admittedly unendurable, did not form mobs of looters and arsonists to burn down civilization. Her heroes were inventors, industrialists, and other builders of civilization. She applauded the space program while, at the same time, Negro civil rights organizers and many liberal “intellectuals” hated and protested it. While certainly not perfect and not without contradictions, the reason for her long term success is that she appealed to the best in so many people and was a breath of fresh air in a suffocating atmosphere of irrationality and forced conformity.
The idea that Rand’s individualism was some kind of Communist or Jewish conspiracy is ludicrous. America has a long history of individualistic thinkers and movements. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Lysander Spooner and Albert Jay Nock are examples. More recent thinkers were Rose Wilder Lane and Isabel Patterson, early 20th century women individualists who published widely and who were friends and correspondents of Rand.
I’m familiar with the zeal of Ayn Rand cultists but also with the blind hatred of anti-Randians as well. Each group of haters, of zealots appears in so many ways to be the flip side of the others. This article is neither brilliant nor particularly honest and was a profound disappointment as were most of the comments, most of which are ludicrous. Particularly notable are people who gave up on Rand after reading a few pages. That was a common reaction to her work. Well…serious works are not written for people with short attention spans who give up after 5 pages. Neither this disappointing article nor any of the comments “dynamited the temple of Ayn Rand” or anything else. Rather they demonstrate mostly that the blind hatred of Rand by her detractors differs little from the blind adulation of her by many of her fans.
Were these femoids?
Rose Wilder Lane and Isabel Patterson, early 20th century women individualists who published widely and who were friends and correspondents of Rand.
Some say Europeans made Europe: Jews, not non-Jews, were hugely overrepresented among the people who brought Europe about and ruled it.
Without that heavy Jewish influence, it is unlikely Europe would have been able to begin, or thrive, or be anywhere near as magnanimous as it was/is.
The Buddha always encouraged questions from his followers. One such question was asked what the proper response would be to a person dedicated to killing you. The Buddha, after reflection, said, "In this case, where no other course of action will deter, then you have the right to take his life before he takes yours". This is the example of the "Third Way", that the genius Buddha recognized that people in the world should hew as close to The Teachings as possible, as the vicissitudes of the world allow.
The wise understand the aim is disarmament. The armed are burdened. Tragically they love their burdens. They are armed and dangerous. Burdened too with imaginary and imagined illusions of superiority — with which they are completely identified. Indeed they see their burdens as evidence of their superiority.
Unarmed men are all but invisible. Armed men are always tilting at windmills. They are dangerous.
The Buddha always encouraged questions from his followers. One such question was asked what the proper response would be to a person dedicated to killing you. The Buddha, after reflection, said, “In this case, where no other course of action will deter, then you have the right to take his life before he takes yoursâ€. This is the example of the “Third Wayâ€, that the genius Buddha recognized that people in the world should hew as close to The Teachings as possible, as the vicissitudes of the world allow.
What’s so special about that? Seems like rock bottom common sense to me.
Not to detract from Buddhism but this isn’t the best example.
Yet libertarians worship her like communists worship Lenin …
A great many do, yes. But to be fair, some of the most important libertarians of the past fifty years have either little regard or outright disdain for Rand. I think especially of Murray Rothbard, Lew Rockwell, Hans Hermann Hoppe, Gary North, and Jeffrey Tucker—indeed, few, if any, of the libertarians who trace their intellectual formation to Ludwig van Mises have any use for Rand.
Rothbard had once been Rand’s friend and perhaps even disciple, but he broke decisively and permanently with her during the seventies (perhaps earlier). Many people know that Rockwell, a serious practicing Catholic, was a protégé and close friend of Rothbard, but few remember or know that in the early nineties, when Bill Buckley sacked Joe Sobran from National Review and stood idly by while the Jews wiped out his syndication arrangements and income, Rothbard and Rockwell were the first to assist him. They immediately engaged Joe to write a column for their newsletter, the Rothbard-Rockwell Report. They helped him in other ways, too. Although Joe never became a libertarian, libertarian ideas became an important influence on his outlook.
When one small group control currency issuance their control is capital concentration. The Bank for International Settlements, the BIS is in Basel, Switzerland. Its stated purpose is central bank cooperation. Of course central bank control is not capitalism. In essence, it is experienced as Totalitarianism.
Capitalism as practiced is totalitarian — because capital is controlled. People use the word with abandon. They are confused! They think capitalism is the same as free market competition.
Totalitarianism is the opposite of Libertarianism. There is no doubt a dictatorial elite whose power over the issuance of money extends far beyond the issuance of currency. The dictatorial elite is often drawn as a cartoon — an illustration of an octopus with tentacles extending and wrapping around its many victims — depicting its hold over all manner of activities where money is at work. That imagery is today redundant and simplistic.
The dictatorial elite are exceedingly clever. They promulgate controlled opposition. After all it was the dictatorial elite which financed the undermining of Russian sovereignty in 1917. The aim was to dis-establish the Tzars.
The dictatorial elite successfully destroyed The American Republic in 1913. Few people understand that it was because of Russian cooperation that England and France were unable to undermine the Republic during the Civil War. Though the Jewish bankers did successfully promulgate Lincoln’s assassination.
It is said all wars are bankers wars. The dictatorial banking elite lost control over the Colonies in the immediate aftermath of the American Revolution. But they never stopped trying to regain control over the Banking system again until they succeeded 1913.
Consider Andrew Jackson. The Bank War was a political struggle that developed over the issue of rechartering the Second Bank of the United States (B.U.S.) during his presidency. The affair resulted in the shutdown of the Bank and its replacement by state banks.
He proposed in its stead a wholly government institution — in name a bank, but in effect an arm of the Treasury, without power to make loans, acquire property , or issue notes.
History is often couched so as to persuade the reader that say, in this case Jackson was standing in the way of progress. That, of course, depends on who is making the case.
The American Revolution was fought over taxation and specie. From were was taxation and coinage to be controlled. British bankers did not want Americans issuing their own currency. True independence is national control over money and its creation.
The Bank for International Settlements today does that. The New World Order is in fact and indeed control of money. Perhaps the people need another Revolution. Quoting Thomas Jefferson, “I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and is as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.â€
Thomas Jefferson was echoing Benjamin Franklin. “We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.â€
Todays elites are corrupt — they would restrain your speech and your thoughts as well. The means is seduction. Media control by the powerful enables the dictatorial elites to control speech and thoughts.
The Dictatorial Elites intentionally suppress your every Liberties. Indeed they have made Liberty a dirty word. In is no longer heard said in polite company!
I stopped reading when the author regurgitated the 9/11 crackpot conspiracy
Well, nuns are childless by choice, too. But selfishness is definitely not what they’re about.
Except that Hamas terrorists really are primitive brutes. I have no sympathy for them.
The wise understand the aim is disarmament. The armed are burdened. Tragically they love their burdens. They are armed and dangerous. Burdened too with imaginary and imagined illusions of superiority — with which they are completely identified. Indeed they see their burdens as evidence of their superiority.
Unarmed men are all but invisible. Armed men are always tilting at windmills. They are dangerous.
The Buddha always encouraged questions from his followers. One such question was asked what the proper response would be to a person dedicated to killing you. The Buddha, after reflection, said, “In this case, where no other course of action will deter, then you have the right to take his life before he takes yours”. This is the example of the “Third Way”, that the genius Buddha recognized that people in the world should hew as close to The Teachings as possible, as the vicissitudes of the world allow.
Therefore, from the preceding, if the killer-intent had a firearm, or there were more than one killer, the victim would have to be armed to stay alive.
Thus, the question, situation, phenomenon is wider and contains more factors of relevance and bearing. In a chaotic culture, where mental illness and derangement are common, and where psychopathic people are on the loose or number many, the choice of owning a firearm may be a necessity. In old times, at close quarters it was a sword or staff/spear.
The Buddha would, typically, analyze this transaction in a limitless and universal fashion and mode. First, why and what are the conditions that create and sustain such people? Does it indicate a deficiency in societal composition, structurally or episodic? What modifications or additions are necessary to obviate the concern of offenses by such people?
One can see here where the Reality, universally, is only at the limit of thought of the instant. Thus, the compartments and formulations of the West are deceptive filters, attenuaters, walls that obstruct further understanding. Instead of a swirling, twirling, limitless sweep across an infinite dance floor, we are stuck and limited by the Texas Two Step. “Right Actions proceed from Right Ideas” – Buddha. All the dead end thoughts, inanities, absurdities of a society add up, like contaminants in fuel or lube oil. If not recognized and reduced, they will cause failure of an engine or machine.
These arbitrary limitations on thought benefit some and penalize others. Only ignorance or larceny or virtuouless gain can account.
What's so special about that? Seems like rock bottom common sense to me.
The Buddha always encouraged questions from his followers. One such question was asked what the proper response would be to a person dedicated to killing you. The Buddha, after reflection, said, “In this case, where no other course of action will deter, then you have the right to take his life before he takes yoursâ€. This is the example of the “Third Wayâ€, that the genius Buddha recognized that people in the world should hew as close to The Teachings as possible, as the vicissitudes of the world allow.
How does selling fully auto AK-47s to Black felons improve America?
C’mon, man. The first target of a nigger with a new piece is another nigger. Selling AK47s into the cities is too slow a process; we should airdrop free AKs, stand back and watch the problem self-correct.
While I respect this author for rejecting Ayyyn Rand eventually, I honestly think anyone who was ever duped by this Objectivist stuff in the first place is a total idiot and deserves to find out the hard way why they’re an idiot.
I don’t understand how anyone could think it’s anything other than Jewish gobbledegook.
Also about Rand saying ethnic Russians made the USSR: Jews, not ethnic Russians, were hugely overrepresented among the people who brought the USSR about and ruled it.
Without that heavy Jewish influence, it is unlikely the USSR would have been able to begin, or thrive, or be anywhere near as brutal as it was.
You want me to do your research for you? Good luck with that!
Why can’t customers demand whatever information/food safety they want from sellers? Why does the government have to be involved?
business who does not rush to the local government office to apply for corporate welfare programs, tax relief or whose CEO does not get his or her snout firmly wedged into the money trough of grant programs …
That does not mean he would support the libertarian platform which includes:
1. Eliminating regulation of foreign and domestic products
2. Using tariffs for any reason
3. Allowing China to manipulate their currency in favor of their own exports
Are you saying libertarians think buying unregulated products/Chinese etc should be mandatory?
…Federally mandated legal Uzis for Black felons..
..she was fine with women getting pregnant while high and using abortion like birth control.
There is a photograph here:
In another photo:
� @RadicalCenter, @Rebel Roy
In 2022 Deborah Lipstadt swore her oath of office on the Talmud…
Did she swear on the page where God commands the Jews to mass-murder an enemy tribe’s babies, toddlers, children and women? Or was it some other horrific, needlessly cruel, or batshit-crazy page of self-serving drivel?
Hey christians, that maniacal vicious “old testament†is part of YOUR “holy book.â€
Condemn it loudly and abandon the evil in it, or you’re no better than the jews.
Can you provide some quotes from Rosenbaum’s writing that support helping each other out when needed?
Lots of nice neo-classical stuff was built during Stalin’s reign. Ever been in the Moscow subway or even a remote train station in the former USSR?
What came after was much, much worse.
electric vehicles
Can gasoline etc be used for transport indefinitely?
Are you sure Marx invented the word Capitalism ?
What’s the opposite of Socialism?
I don’t know if they are proud of it. Who talks much about a youthful dalliance with objectivism? You don’t ever see Ron Unz in one of these threads. If he spent his 16th summer plowing through Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged we aren’t ever going to know.
There is a photograph here:
In another photo:
In 2022 Deborah Lipstadt swore her oath of office on the Talmud…
I’ve always thought it would be fun to be a guard taunting libertarian political prisoners: “Is your free market gonna come save you?†“Oh, you can’t meet the quota in the salt mine to get your bowl of gruel? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps!†“You’re here because of your own choices!â€
I don’t claim to know everything about the subject, but it seems to me that Objectivists believe folks should just get along peacefully with everyone, and help each other out when needed, just like critters do
Im sure you’ll stop buying from Amazon and every other store in America. These are very important principles and you need to make sure everyone else knows it.
Adam Smith was completely opposed to ALL TARIFFS. All you did was change the subject to something else, like your own refusal to stop consuming Chinese goods. There is only 1 purpose in taxing commerce, which is raising money for the State.
Smith noted it’s usually cheaper to subsidise worthy topics than punish unworthy imports, try reading his work instead of making weird comparisons about your obsession with “libertarians”.
Integrity requires refusal, at least non acceptance.
So you’re saying Rand received something she had paid for?
Refusal to pay?
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Truth is that the (not so) “silly Jewish girl” was right about Kant. He was the inspirer of her own ‘philosophy’.
What is the point of disagreeing? Discovering common purpose begins by giving your full attention to the other guys proposition.
Listen. His vibrations resonate.
If indeed you are the wiser you’ll recognize the road he’s travelling as the road you’ve travelled. If he is the wiser you’ll realize the road he’s travelling is one not yet familiar to you. He may suggest a path less travelled, less crowded, more interesting, and a promise of wiser companions. The wise man will understand though, that path is not easier. If you are heavily burdened you’ll recognize the need to let go. Unburdening is easier said than done — as the wise already understand.
Wisdom once acquired can not be taken away. Knowledge without understanding is a burden.
Wise companions make your journey easier. …If you pay attention.
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.â€
Gautama Buddha
“All that we are is the result of what we have thought.â€
Gautama Buddha
“Even the best of the Gentiles should all be killed.â€
Rabbi Simon ben Yohai
“Every stick has two ends.â€
G.I. Gurdjieff
Allow his wisdom to penetrate you. Make your wisdom available.
Two wise people recognize the mutuality and significance of the other. There is one mountain. There are infinite paths. The wise man seeks reconciliation. Wise men travel together. They are stronger in their differences. Each has something to offer. Not everyone is wise yet!
Wise men understand there is no destination. There is only the journey.
But make no mistake there are others on the road. Some of them are unpleasant. The wise man arms himself. The martial arts are instructive.
Cultivating a quiet inner posture is not a posture. It simply quiet presence. Unpleasant people are unavoidable. Seeing ones own unpleasantness is humbling. A quiet inner state tends to disarm one’s unpleasant “choke points†and disarm the “choke points†of those whom are unpleasant.
The wise understand the aim is disarmament. The armed are burdened. Tragically they love their burdens. They are armed and dangerous. Burdened too with imaginary and imagined illusions of superiority — with which they are completely identified. Indeed they see their burdens as evidence of their superiority.
Unarmed men are all but invisible. Armed men are always tilting at windmills. They are dangerous.
Notice though, their burdens only get heavier. Notice their persecution complexes. They are wounded and burdened with their wounds. They are peculiarly inclined to self harming behaviour. Notice the ways in which the wounded strike first in defence of what they imagine they have that you might want.
A persecution complex is a burden. Knowledge without understanding is a burden.
Sooner or later the unnecessarily burdened are weakened not strengthened.
The Buddha always encouraged questions from his followers. One such question was asked what the proper response would be to a person dedicated to killing you. The Buddha, after reflection, said, "In this case, where no other course of action will deter, then you have the right to take his life before he takes yours". This is the example of the "Third Way", that the genius Buddha recognized that people in the world should hew as close to The Teachings as possible, as the vicissitudes of the world allow.
The wise understand the aim is disarmament. The armed are burdened. Tragically they love their burdens. They are armed and dangerous. Burdened too with imaginary and imagined illusions of superiority — with which they are completely identified. Indeed they see their burdens as evidence of their superiority.
Unarmed men are all but invisible. Armed men are always tilting at windmills. They are dangerous.
Ayn Rand.
We can learn from anyone that says sensible things that we can agree with. But we must not have blind-belief in anyone or anything or any idea or philosophy or system of belief. It does come down to the individual and our own self-centred needs. In other words we cannot and should not agree completely with anyone. We have to weigh the pros and cons of anyone that we interact with. To which degree are they compatible with with “ME” and to what degree are they incompatible. We can also learn from people that we completely disagree with. All we can do is attempt to be objective and sort that which is constructive and useful from that which is destrutive and harms us physically, or psychologically. What threatens or benefits the core of that which is Me and all that I care for. We are are allowed to hate as well as love or to be indifferent.
Know thyself and understand the reality of the world that you interact with, the good and the evil and the harmless. Reject religion in all of its manifestations.
Some but not all. My Three Sons, The Donna Reed Show, Father Knows Best, were wholesome and reinforced WASP-Christian values. The rot came later. The Loretta Young Show was wholesome, as she was a devout Catholic.
Just an addendum. Neither communism or capitalism are true, as is used, taught and understood. Communism, as Oriana Falacci said, “is unnatural, artificial, unworkable that it had to be invented, because it could not be discovered”. Or words to that effect. Analogue, think plastics.
If neither are true, then both are true. Both have common elements, e.g., the betterment of people, advancement of society and individuals, etc. Both end up with problems. The capitalist stands to make a lot of money on a lucky and easy application of capital, sometimes. So then he is rich. Does he get to dictate wages and conditions for workers? Are workers like units that strictly follow supply and demand? Market forces? The market forces unnatural outcomes sometimes. What constitutes balance of power (because that is what will determine the smooth running of a business). Capitalism sows the seeds of its own destruction, as it becomes too concentrated over time.
Communism is so stupid and childish that only very pathetic people, e.g., mass formation delusion, or authoritarian-sociopaths looking for a cover to impose control by an extreme minority. I saw it in action during the Soviet days.
Both in a pure form involve coercion and diminishing freedom, one sooner than the other. In communism, there is privilege and wealth disparity; in capitalism there is wealth disparity but worse it is premised on unending growth and excess dishonesty to stimulate demand.
The best path is to disregard labels and ideologies and forget deductive formulations (communism) and pure inductive ones (capitalism), and build a system that actually works and is modified by consensus and intelligent design block by block. That way, something can be constructed that works.
The task is made a lot easier by following and interpreting the principles of The Buddha, who was supremely a pragmatist.
I sometimes think we could get on with each otber. Tis comment inclines me to think so.
I am sympathetic. War in the trenches is brutal.
Embarrassingly stupid comment about the Chinese by Smith.
If he was referring to the Chinese murdering their babies in the womb through abortion, western countries wouldn’t be in any position to criticize that as a sign of savagery and cruelty anymore, would they.
Agree, just wish to note that the distinction apparently drawn between christianity and “cults†is a false one.
Wallahi, man, that’s something to be proud of?
Two decades and a half to realize that Ayn Rand is Alissa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum, the daughter of Zinovy Zakharovich Rosenbaum, a pharmacist, and Anna Borisovna (née Kaplan), a ”Russian-Jewish bourgeois family”? That Ayin (also ayn or ain; transliterated ⟨ʿ⟩), the sixteenth letter of the Semitic scripts, derived from Proto-Semitic *Ê¿ayn- “eye”, has a special significance in gematria, representing the number 70 (e.g. Seventy Divine names, Seventy names of the Jewish nation, Seventy “faces†of the Torah, Seventy elders (the Sanhedrin would have 70 judges, plus the head of the Sanhedrin, representing Moses (The Lubavitcher Rebbe explains that the number 70 is especially associated with leadership – Alissa a ”nassi” and leader of the Jewish people?).
Ê¿ayin is also one of the seven letters which receive special crowns (called tagin) when written in a sefer Torah.
I was an Ann Rander in the 10th grade, but a move to Berkeley cured me of that.
I had a hangover, but then I drank actual poison to cure me of that.
We share some attributes and abilities. Your explanation in the context of dialectic, created crises so that opportunists can advance their interests knowing all because the crisis is created is a long running movie with the Jews. Also, playing off adversaries against each other, while facilitating the strife has proven to be lucrative. While the Gentiles kill each other, impoverish their nations, the “Middleman” lends money for war, buys up cheap the devalued assets and ruin of the persons of the countries. Buy low, sell high. Another benefit is that the cream of the manhood and most capable were the highest casuality cohort, percentage wise. I’m talking in general terms, as in WWII where many upper class Britons marched off for glory, God, King and Country. Soldiering requires competency in technical aspects, logistics, etc. Their permanent removal sets the country back. The Jews keep their genetic quality moving forward from no loss of life, and prosperity that wars bring.
Their “rootless cosmopolitanism” enables information and intelligence across borders, providing advantages similar to insider trading. From the time Amschel Rothchild sent his sons to found National Banks of France, England and Austria, the wheels were set in motion for dominance. Networking maxed out. Works for the Chinese for centuries. They have no loyalty to any nation.
I do not think that Jews started out with higher IQs than other Occidentals, but unnatural selection favored their advanced cognitive abilities through the Flynn Effect, and emphasis on abstract thinking and music. Music was one avenue open to the medieval Jew for advancement and entrance into the royal courts.
Every society, or inter-related system(s) have certain “choke points”, that are narrow and quintessential for the system to operate. This bears similarity to narrow canyons, canals and straits that can restrict movement and processes from operating in wider bases. In societies, this would be financial services, quite obviously, but also education and medicine. All of these are weaponized now for maximum damage .
I’ve had a notion and inkling that communism and capitalism could be harnessed and syncopated to work together for a purpose basis. Jews are superb entrepreneurs, pure capitalists. But then they are “sentimentally” “from the heart” attracted to communism, ostensibly for the greater good, for the under class. That is the great fiction. They couldn’t-collectively-care any less. By this I mean, they don’t want to spend their money, but others‘ money on the po’. The money they do spend for “charity” comes with chits, recognition, virtue signaling, and attention diversion from what they don’t want looked at.
Jews disproportionally were found in the comedy field. This goes back a long ways. I’m 75 and I have vivid memories. I can’t resist thinking that comedy and comedians endear themselves to their audiences in an emotional way. Someone who gets you mind off the blues and bad things can’t be bad then, could they? Except, privately who knows what the Jewish comedians thought of the Goy? Dumb shmucks? I don’t think Jewish audiences, by and large, thought the same way of the same comedy as the Goy. To make someone laugh is to dominate them in a certain way. It lowers the defenses of the other.
I know about the Hegelian dialectic, its uses and abuses. It is an old ideas that was given a name, like Western societies like to do, as if they are discovering or creating something new. The idea, construct, or what you want to call it, is as old as Chinese history. This “Dialectic” is but a crude and vulgar version by yet another phony, pretentious German philosopher to try and appear profound. (See my link to Jung in one of my recent comments). Contradiction is inherent in Buddhism. A big difference is that Buddhist see the spectrum between opposites, not as opposites, and contradiction is what we create.
Ideologies, based solely on material derivates are not to be set as rigid and immutable. I’m going short here, to say that the West tries to codify, enumerate, classify, categorize etc, etc., and divide Reality in order to “understand” it. Buddha laid down principles, guide paths, and timeless wisdom. I’ve always been a Buddhist. I mention this because so much becomes so much more clearer when viewed from this vantage point and perspective.
Western Man is confused because he is limited to the street signs and lanes of his epistemology and frame of reference. It is simple enough without jargon to say that people like George Soros create a problem and then offer a “solution”, a “cure”, a palliative, etc. Worse yet, they offer a “permanent”, bureaucratic “fix” to prevent the problem from reoccurring. Institutionalization is inoculation.
Your exposition was excellent.