wow…a senile boomer falling for a ponzi scheme of internet monopoly money. shocking. it’s like someone’s dumb shit grandpa getting scammed into sending indian call center guys gift cards but with three commas.
Don’t worry. BTC is intended to be an investment vehicle.
Solana is intended to be the CBDC. They’ll get a meme coin eventually.
No one can stop people or governments from using crypto. But no one can force them to use it either.
In international trade the dominant currencies are US dollar, EU Euro, etc. That is what the IMF is about. IMF will not accept crypto for its loans unless member countries agree to do so.
El Salvadore cannot force other countries to use its cryptocurrency. But it can use whatever it likes within the country.
I don’t agree with the government forcing you to use anything but I can see why people would support it in this instance. Looking at this another way 1.4 billion into a national economy is not enough to change a street name for. Big win for the Big Money Gang.
Like every Ponzi scheme, after all the promotors get their trillions, the late buyers will be sitting on digital entries that cost them multiples of what they could ever recover.
Shortly after the general realization that whatever appears on their phone screens is meaningless digital byte shadow, the investments of the suckers will go to zero.
That’s how frauds work.
In June 2021, Bukele announced to the world that Bitcoin was a legal tender and that the dollar is only paper.
In February 2025, Ukulele announces to the world that Bitcoin is not a currency and that he needs 3.5 billion paper… Sorry, US dollar.
What a joke.
They should’ve made gold legal tender, not this Bitcoin Ponzi scheme trash.
A quick look at milei’s foreign policy support for israel is all I need to know that he’s a LINO. A trojan horse of sorts, to as TV says, discredit Rothbardian libertarianism.
Poverty has greatly increased and deepened in Argentina. As a ‘libertarian’ no doubt that pleases you greatly.
Libertarians are the least likely to be pleased by that outcome.
Meanwhile, seeing as you’re a Marxist, and Marxism/Socialism always delivers impoverishment, I would’ve thought you’d be chuffed.
As I explained in an earlier comment, Milei talked a big game prior to his election, but in the end pursued the sort of policies that you rabid leftists advocate for.
Hence the explanation for the deepened poverty.
The IMF and the Western media are helping to paper over the financial wreckage that Milei is causing.
At some point, I expect Milei and his government to call out the Army to protect them from the people whose lives and futures they have destroyed.
He should have studied MMT. He would have answers rather than slogans.
Many of us had great hopes for Javier Milei and his applications of libertarian principles to rescue the Argentine economy.
Consequently, with events in the light of day, defending Milei on the public debt issue, more than defending his libertarian reputation, means giving up today on a truly more libertarian future.
Summary: If all that wasn’t bad enough, Milei has aligned himself with the Anglo Zionist empire on all matters foreign policy related, and stated emphatically that Argentina would never sign on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (as every other sensible country on the planet is doing).
Instead of repudiating State debt, he [Milei] went to the IMF and decided to let the long-suffering Argentinians pay for foreigners and foreign investment funds that had been stupid enough to buy debt obligations issued by previous administrations of the Argentine government.
Instead of slashing taxes all-around as promised and allowing the economy to recover on its own, he has increased various taxes (like on fuels and foreign currency purchases) and even plans to restore a category of income tax.
Instead of abolishing the central bank and allowing a free choice in money as promised, he tries to keep the peso alive—that otherwise would be quickly outcompeted and replaced by the US-dollar (and possibly, later-on, by other still better, more sound currencies)—by means of special short-time bonds, manipulation of interest rates, and artificially fixed exchange rates.
Instead of slashing welfare programs, he has EXPANDED the welfare state—including the multiplied pesos for especially pernicious programs for the social fabric of a good society, like transfers to pregnant women and families for each dependent child.
Instead of ending the war on drugs, he has intensified this abomination and even mocked critics on this.
Instead of balancing the budget by spending less only, he balances it with more taxation rather than with more spending cuts—favouring the accounts of the State over those of the productive people of Argentina.
And instead of promoting and allowing secession and radical political decentralisation, he has strengthened the power of the central government.
Replies: @Notsofast, @mulga mumblebrain
‘To believe that Hoppe (or his great teacher Rothbard) would ….. endorse Milei’s “libertarianism†is simply ridiculous and ignorant.
Indeed, to keep calling Milei a libertarian should be considered mistaken, for it means to pass off a neocon as libertarian’.
Poverty has greatly increased and deepened in Argentina. As a ‘libertarian’ no doubt that pleases you greatly.
Libertarians are the least likely to be pleased by that outcome.
Poverty has greatly increased and deepened in Argentina. As a ‘libertarian’ no doubt that pleases you greatly.
Miliei was installed by the money of Argentinian Judaic billionaires, and wishes to converted to ‘Chosenness’. Need we say more?
When all is said and done, Argentina is such a such a specialized case that no-one really knows how that country got into its mess in the first place, thus even a successful solution would be so specialized that it wouldn’t really be applicable to any other country in the world.
I’ve seen arguments being made that all of this is due to Peron (oh c’mon! Blame 2025 problems on what one guy did in 1949!). Lots of countries had much worse economic policies seventy-five years ago but are thriving today. I’ve seen other, even more ridiculous arguments that todays messed up Argentina is due to policies enacted in around 1905! or even at the beginning of colonization itself!.
If Milei succeeds where countless previous Argentinian presidents failed, good for him but in reality, again Argentina is so economically unique that again a solution would be inapplicable to any other country and that seeming solution would likely prove temporary even in Argentina itself.
Even so economists have to appear all-knowing. If a economic policy succeeds they can always take credit but if it doesn’t they can always find a loophole and say their advice wasn’t really taken. One should read this article in that spirit. The author is starting to look for loopholes to explain away problems in order to preserve his favorite academic theory. Economists love abstractions but academic theories don’t really function in the complicated real world.
Many of us had great hopes for Javier Milei and his applications of libertarian principles to rescue the Argentine economy.
Consequently, with events in the light of day, defending Milei on the public debt issue, more than defending his libertarian reputation, means giving up today on a truly more libertarian future.
Summary: If all that wasn’t bad enough, Milei has aligned himself with the Anglo Zionist empire on all matters foreign policy related, and stated emphatically that Argentina would never sign on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (as every other sensible country on the planet is doing).
Instead of repudiating State debt, he [Milei] went to the IMF and decided to let the long-suffering Argentinians pay for foreigners and foreign investment funds that had been stupid enough to buy debt obligations issued by previous administrations of the Argentine government.
Instead of slashing taxes all-around as promised and allowing the economy to recover on its own, he has increased various taxes (like on fuels and foreign currency purchases) and even plans to restore a category of income tax.
Instead of abolishing the central bank and allowing a free choice in money as promised, he tries to keep the peso alive—that otherwise would be quickly outcompeted and replaced by the US-dollar (and possibly, later-on, by other still better, more sound currencies)—by means of special short-time bonds, manipulation of interest rates, and artificially fixed exchange rates.
Instead of slashing welfare programs, he has EXPANDED the welfare state—including the multiplied pesos for especially pernicious programs for the social fabric of a good society, like transfers to pregnant women and families for each dependent child.
Instead of ending the war on drugs, he has intensified this abomination and even mocked critics on this.
Instead of balancing the budget by spending less only, he balances it with more taxation rather than with more spending cuts—favouring the accounts of the State over those of the productive people of Argentina.
And instead of promoting and allowing secession and radical political decentralisation, he has strengthened the power of the central government.
Replies: @Notsofast, @mulga mumblebrain
‘To believe that Hoppe (or his great teacher Rothbard) would ….. endorse Milei’s “libertarianism†is simply ridiculous and ignorant.
Indeed, to keep calling Milei a libertarian should be considered mistaken, for it means to pass off a neocon as libertarian’.
milei was brought in to destroy the value of the peso and privatized state owned assets, in order to attract “foreign investors”, for a fire sale and economic strip mining. but don’t cry for argentina, the same thing is going to happen here but on a much larger scale, with “crypto investors” buying everything in sight after destroying the dollar, to hyperinflate away their 36 trillion dollar debt, growing by a trillion every hundred days.
our new “crypto” administration is here to do just the same, which is why elon invested $250,000,000 in “campaign contributions”. milei is trumps mini me, i could just see trump doing the wall hump, while mini milei humps his leg. yes that’s an ugly thought but it’s about to get even uglier than that, as they steal everything in sight.
trump is now promising an iron dome for all of america, that will be completely made in america and this is how he going to rebuild the economy. i wonder how many trillions of dollars that will cost. anyone that saw iran shred the israeli’s iron dome, will understand what scam this is. the only way they can keep selling this antiquated, useless 1990’s technology is by selling it to us. we are headed back to the 1990’s again, 1990’s russia.
That the “odious debt” clause is not invoked more often only shows
the Jews´stranglehold on international credit is total, and it is a racket.
– The Chinese have begun selling dollar-denominated bonds like warm buns,
meaning they refuse to lay waste to their productive sector by issuing a
“reserve currency” (actually only reinsurance against speculative attacks)
all while returning inflation back to sender; I´m no economist but
but I´m loving it.
Consequently, with events in the light of day, defending Milei on the public debt issue, more than defending his libertarian reputation, means giving up today on a truly more libertarian future.
Many of us had great hopes for Javier Milei and his applications of libertarian principles to rescue the Argentine economy.
But the following article suggests he’s far from a libertarian on a range of issues:
This is an excerpt from the article above:
Instead of repudiating State debt, he [Milei] went to the IMF and decided to let the long-suffering Argentinians pay for foreigners and foreign investment funds that had been stupid enough to buy debt obligations issued by previous administrations of the Argentine government.
Instead of slashing taxes all-around as promised and allowing the economy to recover on its own, he has increased various taxes (like on fuels and foreign currency purchases) and even plans to restore a category of income tax.
Instead of abolishing the central bank and allowing a free choice in money as promised, he tries to keep the peso alive—that otherwise would be quickly outcompeted and replaced by the US-dollar (and possibly, later-on, by other still better, more sound currencies)—by means of special short-time bonds, manipulation of interest rates, and artificially fixed exchange rates.
Instead of slashing welfare programs, he has EXPANDED the welfare state—including the multiplied pesos for especially pernicious programs for the social fabric of a good society, like transfers to pregnant women and families for each dependent child.
Instead of ending the war on drugs, he has intensified this abomination and even mocked critics on this.
Instead of balancing the budget by spending less only, he balances it with more taxation rather than with more spending cuts—favouring the accounts of the State over those of the productive people of Argentina.
And instead of promoting and allowing secession and radical political decentralisation, he has strengthened the power of the central government.
Summary: If all that wasn’t bad enough, Milei has aligned himself with the Anglo Zionist empire on all matters foreign policy related, and stated emphatically that Argentina would never sign on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (as every other sensible country on the planet is doing).
ZOG has a vested interest in seeing perpetual economic impoverishment and instability in Argentina. To that end ZOG may actively sabotage the Argentine economy and then proclaim to the whole world:
‘You see, Libertarianism doesn’t work’.
This they will do after first making sure that all manner of NON-Libertarian policies are enacted, that Big Gubmint is further expanded and the Free Market is subverted by endless government intervention that hinders growth.
I’ll end with this from the last paragraph of the article:
‘To believe that Hoppe (or his great teacher Rothbard) would ….. endorse Milei’s “libertarianism†is simply ridiculous and ignorant.
Indeed, to keep calling Milei a libertarian should be considered mistaken, for it means to pass off a neocon as libertarian’.
the debt is paid in dollars lil bro and an “new” currency has to be backed by dollars too, if you don’t know economics pls have the self respect to keep your ideas to yourself until you learn some.
Create a second currency for internal domestic consumption only and pay off the existing debt with the pretty little pieces of worthless paper already circulating.
with all due respect, if he does not honor the debt there will be an intense and devastating effect on capital inflows from PRIVATE investors who, when they see the Argentinian government not paying their debts will be reluctant to invest. Credit rating agencies would SINK Argentinian credit score, country risk would go through the roof and they will be LOCKED OUT of the international financial markets which in the context of an economic contraction would be ammo for socialists to drive protests to the streets create chaos and then remove him from office. He has stated in multiple occasions that while he agrees with all your points and is a student of Rothbard he recognizes that the path there is not a straight line, he must play a balance of public opinion, political power games and economic reform. So instead of criticizing him and giving ammo to socialist, and Keynesians to undermine a libertarian administration, you should realize that power is a zero sum game, and as long as he has it, it’s better than them having it, and while you’d like to see more radical reforms, there are real world restrictions that force him to get there in a more roundabout way.
this triggered a plunge in the peso, as well as in stocks and government securities.
In other words, international financial manipulation is always available on any currency that is “traded”.
So the government has no idea if you possess any crypto but it will just shoot you either way. Seek help, you hysterical dimwit.
With a loaded gun pointed at said head.
Explain how they confiscate twelve words in your head.
For those of you who know about this topic.
What if governments make Bitcoin illegal? How do you justify your purchases to the tax office?
Bitcoin is safe for its purpose. You don’t put your life savings in a digital coin. That’s where you have gold.
Of course you can invest and hope to make a profit speculating, that’s a gamble like anything is, but the real benefit of an anonymous currency is that you can evade government regulations with it.
And not anonymous? When they busted the guy who ran Silk Road, they had the entire FBI working on it. They could get nowhere with their fancy computers. Finally some ex-IRS guy did some old fashioned detective work and found an old social media post that linked to this guys screen name.
I know of a case personally where a man was convicted of online fraud and they sent his computer to the FBI. They couldn’t get past the encryption and he got a lighter sentence because of it. This dude was not some computer genius. A friend of his father, some random computer nerd, simply showed him how to download the program. That’s all it took to encrypt a hardrive with incriminating evidence to the point where the FBI gives up trying to crack it.
The computer world is not like TV.
They can stick up their fucking zeros from where they come.
Much computer power and electricity needed for to create zeros !
Its fun with idiots, ALIENS, con artists.
Nothing you do with computer are anonymous.
What you don’t have in your hand are in someone else hand.
It seems that the silicon based ALIENS are incapable of understand that “Digital money” completely erase your control of your money. That’s the goal.
I`m buying Kaspa as well as Bitcoin at the moment.
Kaspa is a kind of mini Bitcoin at $0.10 so getting thousands of them now while there cheap.
What do holders of Bitcoin want in exchange for their ‘currency?’ Gold?….. Dollars?…..
Maybe real estate?….. Maybe anything, and everything, else of real value?
Ever since that question was put to me, in 1979, I haven’t paid much attention to all the con-men and other such fleecing artists, who say the dollar is no good.
Unlike dollars, pounds or other fiat currencies, you can not simply create a bitcoin with a keystroke. It is a complicated and time consuming process. You need real computer power, which means real time and real electricity. It is simply not possible to inflate it without putting in tons of real world resources.
That is the reason bitcoin is worth so much. The creation of these new coins can not keep up with the amount of money invested in it.
Bitcoin is also anonymous and practically immune from government interference. The fact that it is digital means you can move and store bitcoins very easily. In this regard, it is even better than gold.
And the fact that government is cracking down hard on bitcoin is another obvious sign that this is good for us and bad for them.
Exactly if the BS IMF is saying don’t buy it then they want them to buy it so like you say they can strip-mine the real economy. As far as Alexandros says, bit coin is a damned digital currency what’s to mine. You can create these digital units with key strokes.
“Bitcoin is one thing they cannot confiscate.”
Is this that trademark Anglin sarcasm, or has he forgotten everything he knows about ZOG all of a sudden?
“Bitcoin a real currency similar to gold” LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL, what do you say to this even? It’s even more counterfeit than ” the dollar”. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. Let me give up real tangible items for some “money” that is “mined” on the internet. No wonder they don’t have any problem gaslighting people these days. LOLOLOLOLOLOL
The only thing superior to bitcoin is gold.
Until the power goes out, or the blockchain is hacked.
For the love of God…
The IMF is not concerned about “profits”, they care about keeping the international fiat scheme going. It is an instrument of power.
Bitcoin, a real currency similar to gold, is a threat to this order. The intrinsic value of bitcoin is the fact that you can not inflate the supply willy nilly. You can only do so by mining new bitcoins, and this is an arduous process similar to mining real gold.
The only thing superior to bitcoin is gold.
Until the power goes out, or the blockchain is hacked.
The only thing superior to bitcoin is gold.
What if the IMF knows that Bitcoin is a scam to strip out real wealth and assets in exchange for Bitcoin, meaning that when El Salvador holds a F-ton of Bitcoin, IMF will have even less of intrinsic value to plunder when the appropriate time arrives ?
If Bitcoin had any intrinsic value, the IMF would have no concerns about taking it when it comes time to plunder a country.
Yes, agreed, though I think that, in keeping with his hostility to White racial identity, Unz supports the browning of America.
In fact, I’ve never seen a jew who doesn’t support the browning of the West, except for Brother Nathanael.
Two many aristocrats died fighting in WWI?
Often? Are there any important counter-examples of US diplomacy that demonstrate 'win-win'?
In theory, nations could deal with both China and the United States, but American diplomacy is often zero-sum.
How did the German Greens become such deranged scum?
I thought it was MAAs, ie Minor Attracted Adults. And the even more bizarre, AAMs ie Adult Attracted Minors. Ain’t ‘Western Civilization’ grand?
They should take Yellin’ Yellen to the Guolizhuang restaurant in Beijing and she can munch down on some delicious animal penis. Non-hallucinogenic, I fear., but, possibly, nostalgic.
The British Empire was one of the major contributors to Allies’ victory in WWII, the largest war in history. Some years after this great victory, there was no Empire anymore.
The US will have some more victories here and there, but the writing is on the wall. I don’t think there will be an American Empire by 2050.
that there are silent majorities of people all over the world who prefer liberal democracy, LGBT, special minority protections, feminism, multi-culturalism
The western MSM line in a nutshell. I suspect no such majorities exist anywhere.
As addendum
Fin of a cobra says:
“The Jews knew full well that letting in millions of browns into a white country would undermine the very Empire that they built. They knew it from the outset and they meant to do it. Why?”
Of course they knew it from the outset. And now they are doing the same in Europe to destruct the nation states of Europe. Everything goes after the doctrine of the ‘creative destruction’, the doctrine of Kabbalist-talmudic mind/TM of the zionist jews.
It’s difficult/hard to disagree with. If you disagree you must deny something that exists: the Talmudic Mind.
“What did the Jews do in the Soviet Union as soon as they achieved considerable power? They killed millions of goys.”
That’s the real problem of Europe to day when they are building the zionist European Union and destroy the nation states and urge Europe to war against Russia. How many Europeans are they/the talmudic and zionist jews going to kill like they kill Ukrainians now?
Well-argued words that are hard to disagree with. If you disagree you must deny something that exists: the Talmudic Mind.
I don’t care that he is (at least part) Jewish
This is all you needed to say. Like most white nationalists, you are fine with being ruled by Jews.
Zemmour describes himself as French, despite being racially Jewish, so it is incorrect to say that he is "very good" on race. If Zemmour is racially French, as he self-identifies, then it stands to reason that all other MENA people with French citizenship can also be called French by that very same standard.
Specifically here, I personally find Zemmour OK, and I do not have to hold my nose when saying so — this is because from what I know of him, he is very good on the two issues of paramount importance: migration and race (nationality and nationhood).
Jews running western countries cannot be called as "good' in any way, since Jews having power is the foremost problem.Replies: @eah
“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.â€
You appear to be another person who doesn’t really understand the sentiment ‘don’t let perfect be the enemy of good.’
From what I know (as I said, I do not speak French, and am not French), I would prefer Zemmour to any of the other leading potential candidates I know of: Macron, Le Pen, et al — because he is much better on migration and race, issues I see as by far the most important — in that regard, i.e. for that reason, I don’t care that he is (at least part) Jewish, nor that he may describe himself as French — this is clearly not the same as saying his Jewishness is what’s good about him — I compromise on that, I don’t reject him for that reason — because his views on the paramount issues of migration and race are so much better than the others, I don’t let ‘perfect be the enemy of good’ — I would prefer that it be a French man, rather than a Jew — I cannot make it any clearer than that.
Similarly, generally I don’t like even women whose views that align with mine in politics because I don’t see women as authority figures — but I accept Alice Weidel as co-leader of the AfD — I find her, overall, to be good on the issues, and a good speaker (I speak German) — I would prefer that all the leading politicians of the AfD be men — but I’ll compromise on that because the AfD is so much better than the other parties on all the important issues.
This is all you needed to say. Like most white nationalists, you are fine with being ruled by Jews.
I don’t care that he is (at least part) Jewish
Specifically here, I personally find Zemmour OK, and I do not have to hold my nose when saying so — this is because from what I know of him, he is very good on the two issues of paramount importance: migration and race (nationality and nationhood).
Zemmour describes himself as French, despite being racially Jewish, so it is incorrect to say that he is “very good” on race. If Zemmour is racially French, as he self-identifies, then it stands to reason that all other MENA people with French citizenship can also be called French by that very same standard.
“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.â€
Jews running western countries cannot be called as “good’ in any way, since Jews having power is the foremost problem.
>“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.â€
I know — that’s the sense in which I used it: don’t reject something good just because it isn’t perfect — the other sense is: don’t accept something that’s not perfect just because it’s good — my phrasing better fits (to me, anyway) the former, the/my intended meaning.
Related to my statement/use of it is: ‘Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.’
Think of it this way: there are times when you can genuinely support a party or politician — on other occasions, you sort of hold your nose and support a party or candidate because they are good enough, and clearly better than the other alternatives (you can call this a ‘lesser of two evils’ scenario if you want) — it may also be the case that you cannot, in good conscience, or on principle, support (i.e. vote for) any of them.
Specifically here, I personally find Zemmour OK, and I do not have to hold my nose when saying so — this is because from what I know of him, he is very good on the two issues of paramount importance: migration and race (nationality and nationhood).
I can support the AfD without reservation, even if they did disavow Der Flügel, which was done partly for legal reasons (by the way, they also effectively purged a number of milquetoast centrist cucks, perhaps most famously Jörg Meuthen).
I have no strong opinion of Farage — I saw him give a number of good speeches lambasting the EU, but to me he seems squishy on race — and his failure to secure a replacement for the Dublin Regulation as part of Brexit is unforgivable.
Trump is someone I could never vote for again (I did so in 2016), even as the ‘lesser of two evils’ — he has a track record as president — I saw enough.
Zemmour describes himself as French, despite being racially Jewish, so it is incorrect to say that he is "very good" on race. If Zemmour is racially French, as he self-identifies, then it stands to reason that all other MENA people with French citizenship can also be called French by that very same standard.
Specifically here, I personally find Zemmour OK, and I do not have to hold my nose when saying so — this is because from what I know of him, he is very good on the two issues of paramount importance: migration and race (nationality and nationhood).
Jews running western countries cannot be called as "good' in any way, since Jews having power is the foremost problem.Replies: @eah
“Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.â€
The well-known aphorism is usually presented as a negative directive, as in “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.” Chesterton, among many others, used this phrase.
From my studies, admittedly desultory, Jews have been the hyper-aggressive ones dismantling European-descended culture. They’ve done so while even more aggressively and, with cancel-culture, in a meaningful intimidating fashion, forbidding all criticism of both themselves and their activities with loaded expressions such as “hate speech” and “antisemitism”. As they appear to wield extreme economic and political power, the common western person’s fear of them is quite realistic and must account for some of our docility. I, for example, had one Jew warn me that I was under suspicious observation just for having mildly questioned the direction something was going. That’s just what I’ve gotten from what I’ve read and listened to. Again my “study”, if you will, has been neither systematic nor complete.
“Awareness buys you time, time buys you options – until it doesn’t.” Be awake, aware, and prepared. Thank you for your awareness.
The acceptance of these two dishes is relatively low, and we rarely have similar dishes.
Yellen seems to enjoy lurid bolete.
The Anglos who put Jews in charge didn't believe this. Anglos are a slave race with a strong desire to serve a foreign master. After the Normans had mostly bred themselves out by intermarrying with the local Anglo population, the Anglos had to find a new foreign master to serve and they chose the Jews. They did not want Jews to assimilate because then they would lose their master-slave relationship. Instead, Anglos assimilated to Jewishness, in the role of the Jews' slaves, as described by their chief rabbi in Israel, Ovadia Yosef: “Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.†Anglos desire to be the gentiles in this Jewish schema.Replies: @Ivor Biggun
Your problem is that you thought the Jews would assimilate (read: lose Jewishness & become white) and instead they took over your institutions
I’m afraid you’re right:
Anglos – particularly Brits – are in fact a Slave Race… mentally & physically emasculated after centuries of “tugging on their forelocks” for a crust of daily-sustenance off their (((Betters)))
SANA states that the 45-tanker US convoy carried oil stolen from the al-Jazeera oil fields into northern Iraq through the illegal al-Mahmoudia crossing.
Citing local sources, Syria’s official news agency SANA ...
The United States on Thursday vetoed a resolution that, if passed, would have opened the door to full Palestinian membership of the United Nations.
This latest veto which has no benefit (rather the reverse) for ordinary Americans has predictably drawn near-universal (greatest ally excepted) condemnation and even derision in some quarters and will without doubt adversely affect USA.
No doubt there are certain types of American who think that this doesn’t matter; that their country can continue to bomb the world, steal oil, biolabs etc with total impunity, a street gangster attitude often reflected in their government.
But that train left the station some time ago. Countries where international diplomacy is normal will begin to draw away from USA.
Even best friends like Ireland, whose FM made a statement.
Further symptoms of America’s collapse.
1. USA as common thief.
SANA states that the 45-tanker US convoy carried oil stolen from the al-Jazeera oil fields into northern Iraq through the illegal al-Mahmoudia crossing.
Citing local sources, Syria’s official news agency SANA …
2. USA merely actor/”golem” for alien power.
Alone in the world, not even Perfidious joins this further disgrace.
The United States on Thursday vetoed a resolution that, if passed, would have opened the door to full Palestinian membership of the United Nations.
Can you spell “Self Respect”, America ?
It’s like you didn’t understand a single thing I said.
That’s probably true since I’m not a “White Nationalist” like you.
Nor a trusting believer in representative democracy/voting.
Or perhaps a trouble-stirring troll.
To emphasize something that should be obvious, but with you, as with many others, apparently is not …
It must be difficult for you being the only person in step and trying to convince all those stupids like me to only see reason … frustrating, surely ..
Thank you for your opinions.
Which imho are next to worthless.
This post terminates our exchange.
My father announced long ago that he was a woman in a man’s body. My mother had hated him for years for his faggy mannerisms and infidelity. After that new revelation, she really hated him. She kept telling me that she only stuck around because was in the best interest of her children. Bullshit! She would have had to get a job.
Now, in Scotland, I could go to jail for seven years for refusing to call my father mum.
If this is liberal democracy, you can keep it.
Wot, no candied pigs´ears and spiders in aspic?!
The American empire will collapse when the white, Caucasian people become a minority (2044..?)..!
Then COLLAPSE of the.. currency, military, law & order, government/education, Christianity, electric power station
stop generating, travel, banking system..and this time will NO resurrection! And the Jews will get the last laugh ( after 2,000 years of trying!), but what kind of mess will they inherit, yet they were responsible for a big part of it…’
‘Argentine President Javier Milei submits a request to NATO to become a global partner of the military alliance.’ — quoted by Brosi
We understand that it’s a colorful Latin American custom for presidents to don a jaunty diagonal sash across their chests.
But the wild-eyed Milei in his comical cerulean-and-white racing stripe looks as completely ridiculous as Zelensky in his grungy punk clothes, as they clasp hands on a menorah.
Death to NATO, and to grasping mendicant applicants such as Ukraine and Argentina. Give ’em a whiff of grapeshot, and they’ll both flee like the farcical surrender monkeys they’ve always been.
your rant is misplaced. I did not refer to child prostitution , I cited the term used in the article. Your spirited defense of male attraction to teenagers is also off. In many states it is legal to marry a 16-yr old girl with the parents’ approval. MARRY, however, not use or exploit for pleasure and profit. “Intetionally misleading”? Don’t get so exercised, ephebophile.
That’s a question I think you should ask the people who go to Epstein Girl Island.
When a rich man surrounds a woman, the woman has been unable to meet the man’s sexual fetishes. At this time, the person’s sexual obsession may have evolved to some strange degree.
He may want to try to conquer men’s buttholes, beasts,children, or even more exciting and immoral acts like cannibalism…
Or maybe he wants to be conquered in a different way. Like Clinton’s dress photo.
If you’re interested, check out the Chinese eunuch culture, which is actually similar to the LGBTQ flag.
In order to balance the power of the ministers, the ancient Chinese emperors would choose to promote castrated people as a power.
Kinda badass that we get to live the hard times create strong men moment. Women and savages are mystified by the white mans’ creations, jet intakes are big medicine where God lives.
If you go outside of the USA, BYD is everywhere, and its popularity will only continue to increase. That's why the USA had to send the fat, retarded Jewess Janet Yellen to beg China to stop being economically efficient. Meanwhile, the population of the USA is stuck paying 3-4 times more for inferior vehicles made by Indians and Mexicans because affordable, high quality Chinese imports are banned in the USA.
Earlier this year, Chinese car manufacturer BYD — dubbed by the New York Times as the “Tesla killer†— overtook Tesla as the world’s bestselling EV.
Gay chat bots are not AI.Replies: @John Trout, @迪路
That is not to say the United States is behind everywhere. America has one-upped China by creating the first interactive AIs
The focus of our media on Janet Yellen is all on her menu. Her foolish request has no chance of being fulfilled.
A lot of Chinese food in the West is not very authentic.If you are interested in traveling to China, you can also try her menu.
Take Sichuan cuisine for example:
Hot dishes: Fried water spinach, fried luffa tip with oil, boiled beef, spinach with nuts, dry fried lentils, Mapo tofu, twice-cooked pork
Cold dish: patted cucumber
Staple food: Sichuan cold noodles, north Sichuan cold noodles, Dandan noodles, bell dumplings
And Guangzhou cuisine:
Shrimp dumplings, red rice sausage, egg tart, centennial roast goose, honey barbecued pork, etc
This wasn't true even in the late 1990s. Quel stupid idiot. Look at Amazon. Got to get out more mah bruthuh.
American manufacturers already produce satellite phones, which are big, clunky and difficult to carry, but nobody has ever incorporated this technology into a smartphone you can fit in your pocket.
When did McDonald's announce its support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza?Replies: @NSMP, @Iksit
the boycott by the billion strong Muslim world over its support for the Israeli genocide in Gaza
Show us on the doll where did they hurt you…
The U.S is really in trouble…Biden claims his uncle “Finnegan begin again” was eaten by cannibals.
The obvious question is… what goes best with Finnegan on the menu…sauerkraut?
Don’t feel sorry for Biden…anyone with Irish ancestors and aware of their history will feel disgusted by the likes of Biden.
Brilliant analysis of the Tal-MUD-ic Mindset… ðŸ‘ðŸ‘👠…
and why (as in the case of EMJ) it is FUTILE to apply reason & logic or, if you value your life, charity & compassion – as the frog found out with the scorpion! – when “dealing” with such diseased demonic derangement as exemplified by The Synagogue aof Satan.
>“Good is the enemy of Perfectâ€
There is no such expression — in any case, in the realm of real-world politics it makes no sense — it’s unreasonable to expect perfection, however that might be defined, in a party or a candidate.
To emphasize something that should be obvious, but with you, as with many others, apparently is not: the demographic destruction of the West via migration, the loss of their homelands, is by far the most urgent question facing white people — closely related is the absurd religion of racial egalitarianism, which denies the existence of important (e.g. cognitive ability) and irremediable (rooted in genetic makeup) biological differences between the races, and leads to degradation of the quality of life for Whites forced to live with non-whites, laws against free expression (‘inciting racial hatred’) and other forms of ‘anarcho-tyranny’, etc — this issue is absolutely paramount — so the fact Zemmour is a Jew of Algerian origin, and says things like ‘Judeo-Christian’, is not a huge concern to me, considering the fact he speaks very plainly on the most important issues: migration and race (national identity).
The AfD is still the best party on nearly every issue: migration, authoritarianism (by voting as a block against a COVID vaccine mandate, the AfD did more to defeat that proposed law than any other party), money and arms for Ukraine, taxation, etc — the list is long — considering how bad the other parties are, not supporting the AfD now makes no sense politically — in that respect, the AfD is not just another ‘lesser of two evils’ choice.
Farage was always a one issue politician: Brexit, meaning sovereignty for Britain in all matters of law, which clearly had nothing to do with non-white migration — I never thought of him as anything other than that — I’m not English and had no strong opinion on Brexit, so I was and am neutral on Farage as a political personality — I will say this about him though: he was stupid and irresponsible not to insist on negotiating an ironclad replacement for the Dublin Regulation as a required part of any Brexit agreement with the EU — with such a treaty in place, the UK could send all the non-white migrants crossing the channel by boat back to France.
It’s like you didn’t understand a single thing I said.
That's probably true since I'm not a "White Nationalist" like you.
It’s like you didn’t understand a single thing I said.
It must be difficult for you being the only person in step and trying to convince all those stupids like me to only see reason ... frustrating, surely ..
To emphasize something that should be obvious, but with you, as with many others, apparently is not ...�
So the U.S just vetoed the vote for Palestine to become a member of the United Nations.
What a vindictive, pathetic group of gangsters the U.S leadership is.
Are the U.S leadership acting in the best interests of the U.S citizen? If the U.S is concerned with its standing in the world then the answer is no.
The U.S was the only country to oppose Palistinian membership so it is now obvious it is the U.S that is driving the genocide of the Palestinians…and the world sees it so clearly now.
The cynicism of the U.S in the feigned concern over Palistinians deaths in their regular Pantomime at the dias is disgusting…they’re salivating at the carve-up of the gas resources they will control once the natives are extinguished…I suggest that is the real purpose of this jetty been built.
Its time to accelerate the U.S collapse by demanding gold as collateral when dealing with the U.S…no more worthless greenbacks.
Thanks, I still take the interview I shared at face value knowing the interviewer.
The whole region wants the U.S. out!
MARCH 7, 2024 The Enticements of War (and Peace) War, what is it good for? Well, the media for starters.
These days, whenever you check out the news, it seems to be war, war, war — a focus today for TomDispatch regular Nan Levinson, author of a notable antiwar book, War Is Not a Game: The New Antiwar Soldiers and the Movement They Built.
@ Dr Pfhil
re “… some gaunt tranny like Samantha Power…”
Btw Great list of hags… even if you did forget to mention that diabolical UberCunt Victoria Noodleman.. 😉
Fantastic Article!
We are doomed!
At least in the short to medium term…
The collapse of the Empire would be put into overdrive if the penny would finally drop for Zalenski, his and Ukraines usefulness is over, they’re expendable in the U.S gangster paradise, the concrete shoes have been fitted its just a matter of time before the drop into the river happens.
If Zalenski was smart he could save Ukraine by dealing directly with Russia and stabbing the U.S in the back for once.
If Zalenski thinks he is going to escape into the sunset think again…the world isn’t big enough to hide in anymore he’s best to make a deal now and turn on the West, the best way is to direct all their Western kit over to the Palistinians so they can attack and destroy the country that the West values over Ukraine.
Zalenski has to act fast he hasn’t much time left with his hands on power.
Pakistan head of state couped by America.
Argentina’s Milei requests to join NATO.
These are countries which should naturally fall into China’s orbit. Pakistan due to geopolitics and trade and Argentina due to trade.
Doesn’t indicate America’s soft power is waning.
Suppose other countries like Thailand and Indonesia are moving into China’s orbit. What’s the overall picture?
Fidel Castro was itching for a nuclear holocaust when he had power.
Video Link
I’m familiar with the well-known saying that “Good is the enemy of Perfect”, which gives a different perspective to what it seems you are trying to say.
Perhaps your point that an Algerian Jew who pushes the oxymoronic “Judeo-Christianity” as the basis of European culture, is a rhetorically superior figure to the wretched Marine le Pen might indeed have some validity since it would be difficult to find one worse than her.
Though then again I could correct myself to say that looking at the spectrum of “nationalist leaders”, that they differ each from the other in only very small degrees of uselessness and worse, so one might as well have M. Zemmour. When your “nationalist leaders” are all Friends of Israel, you might as well select him.
Perhaps Nigel Farage ?
He’s good at swilling beer and braying in the English fashion.
AfD has castrated itself as Germans are expected to do.
Maybe Meloni in Italy ? She can talk up a good line. Others like her in that country, too, have distinguished themselves as has she.
Some early possibilities in Spain, which seem now to have faded.
It appears that you are American, perhaps, and like J Taylor.
Well, good luck with that. No offence intended.
Striker’s series of articles on the Collapse of the American Empire is an attempt to collect evidence of this collapse in different areas: demography, economy, diplomacy (and soft power). The evidence is striking — apt for a Striker. So let’s say we all agree: the Evil American Empire is collapsing, will inevitably collapse. But why is it collapsing? It could be summed up like this:
The Jew giveth and the Jew taketh away — blessed be the name of the Jew.
The Jews were the ones that created this Empire from hell in the first place. Now they have decided to collapse it — purposefully. It’s all part of the plan, the most fiendish devilish plan concocted in the pits of hell and unfathomable for a goy who can’t even begin to comprehend it. The Jews knew full well that letting in millions of browns into a white country would undermine the very Empire that they built. They knew it from the outset and they meant to do it. Why?
The Talmudic Mind (TM) does not think in analytical terms, in terms of reason, in terms of rationality. Think of the twisted kind of mind you need to concoct up a convoluted theory such as the Sabbatean (Sabbatai Zevi) movement’s “redemption through sin”: in other words, attempting to achieve the good through doing evil. Is there any type of logic in that? E. Michael Jones keeps saying that the Jews rejected Logos. But maybe this doesn’t capture the TM to its full sick extent. What really happens is that the Jew cannot even begin to conceive of Logos or logic: therefore, the Jew doesn’t even need to “reject” Logos outright because Logos doesn’t even enter the damn picture for the Jew — Logos is for goys.
Analyzing the Talmudic Mind (TM) as EMJ does — “logically” — will lead to confusion and to an analytical dead end. To comprehend the TM one must think “outside the box”. The Jews’ whole existence lies outside the damn box. The Jew doesn’t even need to try to think outside the box: it is the way the Jew thinks, naturally. The Jew knows “the box” has nothing to do with his own existence: the box is for the goys. All the Jew needs to do is think and whatever pops up out of that Talmudic Mind, from the point of view of the goy, will already be way the hell outside the box. To Jews, these box “walls” don’t even exist. When the Israelis want to invade a Palestinian abode, for example, they don’t take the doors in consideration: they plow right through the damn walls, a tactic known as “Poter Shivim” or “breaching through walls” (a tactic which was elevated to theory through the development of hybrid warfare). Another simpler and perhaps even more effective tactic is to just flatten the whole damn box — like the Israelis are doing to Gaza right now.
What all this demonstrates is that the goys, when dealing with the Jews, are not really dealing with “people”, but rather a completely alien race with its own type of brain, its own thought patterns. Talk about neurodivergence! Remember, the Talmudic Mind will always project the crimes of which it is guilty onto others: “accuse them of what you do; accuse them of being who you are”. Ok, so who do the Jews think the goys are? Animals. Cattle. Non-humans — literally the definition of “goy” in Yiddish. Thus, the Jews are accusing the goys of being who they know themselves to be: it is the Jews themselves who are the non-humans. And that is the key to understanding Jewish actions: we are not dealing with humans.
The fact that Jews don’t think of goys as human is not merely theory but rather concrete verifiable history. What did the Jews do in the Soviet Union as soon as they achieved considerable power? They killed millions of goys. What did the Harvard Boy Jews do to Russia in the 90s? Effectively, they killed millions — again. And what will happen if the Jews gain power over the world, as is their plan? Well, then the killing capacity of the Jews will be orders of magnitude greater: instead of killing mere millions of goys, the Jews will kill billions. And that is precisely their intent.
So now we have come full circle back to Striker’s article to try to answer the initional question: why have the Jews decided to collapse the American Empire that the Jews themselves built? The answer is rather simple, if we take the Talmudic Mind “logic” into consideration: the Jews believe that they will be able to kill many more goys — billions more — by collapsing the American Empire rather than keeping it afloat. How will this collapse aid in the killing? A giant evil monster of an empire that knows it is about to be collapsed is a dangerous beast: it will recklessly slaughter countless millions in a nuclear or bioweapon rampage as it nears the throes of its own annihilation.
US had it all and has shot itself in the foot. Why TPTB chose sexual weirdness as its cultural banner is perplexing
Part of it is that homosexuals are omnipresent as a small percentage of every society, and every society is opposed to them to some degree, so they are outcasts and prone to treason. In this way, they serve as a ready-made fifth column in every country in the same way that females often do. Spies are often homosexual for similar reasons. They can infiltrate foreign homosexual social circles, and these homos are more than willing to sell out their countries to a more libertine one. All of these American-backed color revolutions use homos, females, and the male simps who follow females because these groups are all naturally treasonous.
I keep misreading that as
“Vassal State: How America Ruins Britain”,
but I guess it’s the same thing.
“Around 150 nations have signed up for China’s BRI, whereas the IMF currently has 35 customers.”
There isn’t much daylight between Chinese BRI and IMF project loans… both are going to enslave nations.
A comprehensive explanation of and for the decline of the american empire. A good, informative read. The only thing I can say regards a thought the author had put in the last paragraph:
… Washington policymakers will need to make peace with a world
Diplomacy and peace are two concepts that america has no experience in. Zip. Nada. Zero. I cannot remember the last decent SecState the USSA had and as far as peace goes, america has been at war for something like 95 percent of it’s entire existence. I think that answers whether or not “Washington policymakers will need to make peace with the world.”
American and british havent never survived without enslavement, usery and subjucation of others doing the work for them and producing them value.
How lovely. Repressive authoritarian dictatorships are now the moral vanguard.
On the Palestine-Israel conflict, China and Russia have emerged as unlikely moral leaders in their strongly worded opposition to Israel’s war in Gaza
Nothing is more retarded than jew-owned jew-run tranny nigger faggot American liberal democracy. America is symbolized by its President Dementia Joe, his 53 IQ VP Kamala Harris and a retard Senator Fetterman.
End of american and british is finally getting close and the free world will embrace future prosperity, happiness and freedom after subjucation and enslavement of american and british with their easy lives in their safe little aircraft carriers far away from difficulties and struggles of harsh enviroment, where food literally drops to your mouth by itself.
Yeah: then we can have American ships hitting our bridges instead of foreign ones.
Have you ever heard the expression ‘Perfect is the enemy of good’?
Forget for a moment about the ‘Judeo-Christian’ nonsense — while I don’t speak French, from what I recall of his campaign, Zemmour is good on two very important questions: migration and race (the latter in the context of nationhood and national identity) — he said about as much as can be said about that in France without running afoul of their ‘inciting racial hatred’ laws — rhetorically, he’s a lot better than Marine Le Pen on those issues.
Not long ago, even the AfD in Germany largely purged itself (see also info in English) of its more radical rightwing elements (known as Der Flügel).
Perhaps an analogy: Jared Taylor of AmRen never ‘names the Jew’ — but he is very good on race realism, white racial identity, and trying to preserve a white majority in the US — he deserves a lot of credit for that, and for all of his work on behalf of Whites — so I have no problem ignoring the fact he never mentions the role of Jews in undermining white racial consciousness and a white majority in the US — since the emergence of a race conscious Dissident Right, there are many others who talk effectively about the JQ.
August 17, 2023 U.S. Regime Has Killed 20-30 Million People Since World War II
This study reveals that U.S. military forces were directly responsible for about 10 to 15 million deaths during the Korean and Vietnam Wars and the two Iraq Wars.The Korean War also includes Chinese deaths while the Vietnam War also includes fatalities in Cambodia and Laos.
Or basically repeal most of the constitutional amendments we did in the 1910-20 era: Income tax, popular election of senators, prohibition, and giving wimmin the right to vote. The FED too, of course. One down, four to go.
The Talmudic clown show marches on
If you go outside of the USA, BYD is everywhere, and its popularity will only continue to increase. That's why the USA had to send the fat, retarded Jewess Janet Yellen to beg China to stop being economically efficient. Meanwhile, the population of the USA is stuck paying 3-4 times more for inferior vehicles made by Indians and Mexicans because affordable, high quality Chinese imports are banned in the USA.
Earlier this year, Chinese car manufacturer BYD — dubbed by the New York Times as the “Tesla killer†— overtook Tesla as the world’s bestselling EV.
Gay chat bots are not AI.Replies: @John Trout, @迪路
That is not to say the United States is behind everywhere. America has one-upped China by creating the first interactive AIs
NAFTA wasn’t such a good deal for the Americans, they lost their manufacturing jobs, shut down Detroit and still pay as much for American automobiles.
This is a good article, but it is not broad enough.
I find it even more encouraging that ALL the superpowers (post WWII victors: US, UK, China and Russia…notice i leave out FRANCE!) have had their butts kicked in the post WWII period when they got into mixups in SE Asia, the middle east, parts of Europe, and central america.
It may mean more local brushfire wars—Ukraine is the best current example— but despite the howling in the US and NATOstan, I think the threat if global nuclear war is much less than in the cold war days.
Jarad Kushner would agree with Netanyahu, just so long as he has first dibs on those waterfront Gazan properties. Israelis always doubling down, the rest of the world can now see the absolute evil inherent in the Zionist project.
Unless you stop the developing, and reverse the existing, racial mess in America, fixing the things you mention won’t matter much — the US will still become, or be (depending on how pessimistic you are), a shithole — not only does ‘diversity’ cause problems, it makes every existing problem a lot more difficult to solve — all of what ails America, including Jewish money shenanigans, would be easier to fix if America still had a white supermajority, and perhaps more importantly, a racial conscience and the determination to remain a white country.
Some must have noticed that Unz seems obsessed with the Gaza conflict — in contrast, he has published very little (if anything) on the accelerating demographic catastrophe as epitomized by what has been happening at the southern border, where third world racial flotsam has been flooding into the country by the millions — of these two goings-on, the latter is far more important to America and Americans, and should be seen that way, especially by Whites, whose descendants face a menacing future as a racial minority in the US (I imagine the vast majority of people commenting here are white).
One possible explanation for why Unz seems uninterested in the border crisis is something few are aware of, or have noticed: he’s hostile to white racial identity, and likely indifferent to the ‘browning of America’ and the future of Whites — I pointed this out in a previous comment.
Thanks and I totally agree with your assessment of the average European “nationalist” party and voter base, dear annacat.
One might as well have an Algerian Jew, loudmouth Bourse trader Farage, or the unfortunate Marine since not one of them speaks for us.
The Chinese would be better protectors of our culture than this pathetic collection of snivelling cowards, fakes and worthless drones.
This is such tripe. To take one example:
America’s fixation on sexually deviant behavior
Britain’s fixation you mean, exported to America and the other Five Eyes nations. It all started in Britain and this is easily proved.
Also, “globalization” is an old British trick dating back more than 100 years. Does Striker not know this? Does he think history began with Baywatch? Yikes.
With the ongoing house cleaning happening in Hollyweird, including Diddy’s treasure trove of blackmail being seized by FBI, we can see the tables turning in real time. Influence over the influencers has come to a head, with even the Kardashian matriarch under fire as perhaps being Diddy’s boss. It’s over for the pedo-peddling elites and the Israeli jackboot on the neck of our “celebrities†is easing off.
It doesn’t really matter anyway, since nobody worth a damn cares what celebrities have to say anymore. After the COVID fiasco pushing the jab, studios in Los Angeles folding up, and awards shows getting almost no viewership, it’s the final nail in the coffin for a dying breed of rodents.
The American Empire is declining for the same reasons Empires throughout History have declined/collapsed. Its Ruling “elites” have become overly indulged, overly protected and overly insulated. These “elites” become smug, arrogant because they have a self image of being “Special; rules and Society norms do not apply to them. This group also develops a deep rooted contempt for those they feel are inferior to themselves. Then this group of “elites” gets smaller and smaller becoming so inbred it would not be surprising to find out many of the “elites” are hemophiliacs. And when the behavior of these “elites” collapses the Society/Nation they infest, they blame someone else or other groups for the devastation the “elites” caused.