According to the Jew-media, pedophilia is only committed by:
1. Scout masters
2. Catholic priests
3. Michael Jackson
All the remaining pedophilia that occurs in this world takes place ‘inside the home’ (i.e., inside the hetero-normative biological family). It never occurs when homosexuals adopt children.
If you maintain otherwise, you are obviously an ‘anti-Semite’. LOL!
The occultists and Satanists live the number 911. It has to do with same verse in the Bible mentioning Satan.
Chomsky is definitely a government agent.
Jewish photographer got Jackson to make a 9 and 11 clock gesture prior to 9/11/01. The Jewish album cover creator put Jackson displaying this gesture over what would be the hour and minute hands on 9 and 11, standing atop a checkerboard floor with NYC skyline behind him and the pulverized twin towers! Dust plooming over the buildings. A year later, his Jewish producers tried to get him to bring back his million dollar necklace at Twin Towers on 9/11, but he slept in. Had he not, Jackson would have been pulverized by explosives.
How nice of them to depict the ritual before it happened.
If you had called Vladimir Brovkin someone who gets fined for smashing a photo shop
then I could understand what you were rambling about. But you’re just a clownish ideologue.
You’re the deluded maniac. You can’t admit that communism failed everywhere in the world it was tried. That delusion.
I’m correct you’re absolutely wrong you moron.
Whatever Jim Grant’s religion his Reacher books are just a series of sneering contempt and hatred of White Americans especially in rural areas. Reacher arrives in a rural area and finds Nazi militias.
Or a powerful local family whose son and wife live in the grand family house. Son beats and seriously injured his Hispanic wife for years. She’s hospitalized many times but it’s never reported.
Lots of powerful White goy evil families who run several rural counties.
The absolute worst is one of the last books. Reacher is sent to Germany to track down a nuclear missile the army mislaid decades ago. While in Germany he encounters numerous Neo Nazis who hate both Jews and the vile negroes in the American occupation army.
Turns out the evil Wasp American soldier who stole and buried the missile is an anti semite. Who is arranging to sell the missile to evil Palestinians and other Arabs to destroy Israel. Israel which is 100 percent good and virtuous. Arabs 100 percent vicious and evil.
It’s a constant theme in American books and movies. Evil Whites being mean to blacks Jews gays whoever the current grievance group is. Then along comes the great White hero or heroine who saves the victim. With the able assistance of blacks Hispanics etc usually women.
Lee Child might not be Jewish. But his books and TV scripts follow the same pro Jew anti White goys outline required of every book movie and TV show.
> written by a communist Russian
You really are a deluded maniac.
Why do you think I will believe anything written by a communist Russian after the soviet takeover of Russia. It wasn’t a civil war. The White Resistance wasn’t able to get to the point of a real civil war. Just pockets of resistance.
The attacks and massacres by the Reds often were not resistance by organized White counterrevolution militaries. Just looting and massacres by the Reds who claimed they wiped out a nest of counterrevolution military.
Russia, China Cuba Venezuela communism has never worked anywhere.
Face it, the Whites failed long before the Soviets ever did. No grand Jewish conspiracy to put Lenin or Trotsky in power ever existed. The Right-wing Whites just effed everything up. A simple encapsulation by Vladimir Brovkin:
The worldview of the White movement was profoundly conservative. They reckoned that peasant conscripts would do their service, barred from politics, and that would suffice to win. They believed they could win the civil war against the Red Army without the support of the dumas, or trade unions, or peasants or workers. Clearly this approach doomed the White cause from the very beginning…
— Vladimir Brovkin, Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War, p. 195.
That's incorrect. Here's Wikipedia:
“Head of State†– 1918 Kamenev, 1919 Sverdlov (both 100% jewish)
� @Alden
Kamenev was born as Lev Rozenfeld in Moscow, the son of a Jewish railway worker who converted to Russian Christian Orthodoxy and an ethnic Russian Orthodox Christian mother.
1 Wikepedia is not always accurate.
2 The railroads were built and owned by the government. The jobs were government jobs. No Jews could hold government jobs. So Kamenev ‘s father converted to obtain a government job.
Just as Lenin and Marx’s fathers or grandfathers converted for government jobs.
Just like America since 1960s no Whites in government jobs
I think his book about the calendar was more a series of inquiries/questions rather than a set of definitive answers/conclusions. However, I think his follow up book ‘The Pope’s Curse’ does provide some very plausible arguments. It cannot be denied that the western church (which is to say the western tribes) did attempt to steal and appropriate a cultural/artistic/literary tradition originating from Greece and the Western orient which we call ‘western’ but whose roots are truly Greco/byzantine (places like Istanbul and ultimately Constantinople) and that Russia and the Orthodox church are much more the legitimate heirs of that culture, much how we see nons take the credit for white achievements today. They don’t call Moscow the fourth Rome for nothing. The origins (and inconsistencies) relating to the Julian calendar are just one part of that larger argument.
To extrapolate much further, Charles Guiliani wrote an excellent book entitled ‘Rethink Earth’s Ancient Past’ in which he argues that both the enthusiastic ‘scientific’ defenders of a billions of years old earth and young earth creationist types are flat wrong because the monumentally disruptive nature of the ancient impact (presumably 10,000 years ago but who knows, that’s the point) merged and fused together so many remains/minerals/everything that any accurate measure of geologic time is impossible past a certain point (which is to say prior to the impact).
Guyenot is wrong about many things especially the Julian calendar which was revised hundreds of years ago. He’s also a religious fanatic. His church has one member himself
This clip and paste about Michael Jackson is ridiculous. Perhaps Guyenot’s trying to seem more American to appeal to us Americans. It’s 2024 and American Whites are on a downward spiral to genocide. More important things going on than a black man killed by an affirmative action black doctor.
Straight out of the communist party history of the Bolshevik revolution. Bias much, my communist parents had some of the books you cited in our home library. I read them too. Face it, communism failed.
You are angry that Epstein was exposed. He was a pimp procurer and blackmailer on an international scale. What do you mean by crimes they were accused of you ignorant moron? ?? You don’t know the difference between criminal charges by prosecutors and accusations.
You’re wanking away wishing you had a couple 13 year olds on Epstein’s island.
One of your best!
“Head of State†– 1918 Kamenev, 1919 Sverdlov (both 100% jewish)
That’s incorrect. Here’s Wikipedia:
Kamenev was born as Lev Rozenfeld in Moscow, the son of a Jewish railway worker who converted to Russian Christian Orthodoxy and an ethnic Russian Orthodox Christian mother.
Thanks, lastwhiteman, I just bought Maury Terry’s book (kindle) and will also look into your other suggestions. I much appreciate your constructive critics.
While I strongly disagree with him about the extent of Satanism in ritualistic crime (and I think he overestimates the power of the religious right, and to some extent the Jews) in my experience, Guyenot is on the mark about 90 percent of the time. Your characterization of him is unfair and inaccurate.
There are many other such cases. Son of Sam comes to mind. Definitely occult activity going on there. Maury Terry tried to bring attention to this (OTO, which was tied to US intelligence and where Manson got his start was obviously involved, as well as organized crime). If the establishment is trying to push occult activity as a distraction or a limited hangout, why did they do their utmost to marginalize Terry’s painstaking research? You can check out Terry’s book ‘The Ultimate Evil’. The establishment tried to dismiss it, but they never actually engaged with his investigative journalism, instead they gaslit him or ignored him altogether, may he rest in peace.
With regards to the west Memphis case, the evidence presented in Devon’s stream was overwhelming. Search blackpilled satanic panic (or perhaps blackpilled Devon stack satanic Panic’) on Odysee and you should find it. There was seriously damning testimony that was left out, Damien’s past behavior (very similar to Dahmer) was also left out and when one looks at the media, while there might be elements of televangelism or conservative TV subcultures that were talking about lyrics in music back in those days, most of the media (in the 90s, when I grew up anyway) was acting like Satanism was cool.
That doesn’t mean Satanists run the world (I think it’s much more complicated than that) but they certainly weren’t trying to generate fear around the subject. It was presented as just another orientation, much as they do with transgenderism (and even pedophilia) today. I would highly encourage you to look into Stack’s stream on the west Memphis three. The establishment, as with so many things has been highly dishonest. Leaving aside the overwhelming evidence of their guilt which was ignored, given their propensity to lie why would we trust an establishment that was so insistent on their innocence? Even a tertiary overview (looking at an interview with Damien, for example) should make one skeptical, in my view. I would put belief in Damien’s innocence right up there with thinking a bunch of low IQ goat herders hijacked planes and flew them into buildings.
What makes you so confident that the West Memphis Three were guilty, Lastwhiteman? My impression is that the case against them was weak. What about this Black man who went to wash the blood off his hand in a women’s bathroom that very night, never identified? But in any case, building a theory on who runs the world based on this kind of news item is quite hazardous, don’t you think?
It’s called hebephilia – paedophilia is attraction to children under twelve, as I understand the definition of the latter term.
> And how do you explain this interesting discrepancy of: the higher the level, the greater the overrepresentation?
That’s what happens when an old aristocracy has totally discredited itself. Again, the only popular alternative to Bolshevik government would have been a government based on a coalition of Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks. There simply was no popular support among Russians for any type of Right-wing conservatism in the year 1917. The Bolsheviks had the lowest share of Jews at all levels out of all of the popular parties. But the working alternative to a Bolsheviks government was not something led by General Kornilov, Boris Brasol or P.N. Durnovo. The working alternative would have been a government led by Abram Gotz, Julius Martov, Chaim Zhitlovsky and Fyodor Dan. Because this was the type of politics which the vast majority of Russians supported in 1917.
> Jews owned them provided the Bolsheviks with ample funds with which to remove the Russian elites from power and substitute Jewish power.
It’s theoretically possible that Lenin may have gotten some money from German sources before the October Revolution, though there is no clear evidence of this. No other source would have given him any money, and there’s no real evidence that he would have needed it.
The Czarist government was toppled in March 1917 by a strike movement which was started by the women of Petrograd.
On March 8 [new style] the soldiers’ wives, mothers and sisters unwittingly ignited the February Revolution with the simple spark of an innocuous Petrograd procession to mark International Women’s Day. That innocent procession bred a spate of ill-planned strikes by 90,000 workers the next day. Although revolutionary committees and police planning teams had been preparing for this moment for years, with both sides intent on improving their 1905 performances, their blueprints and timetables for carefully calculated movements and actions did not take into account the emotion of the mounted Cossacks … when ordered to stampede through 2,500 Erikson millworkers on the cold morning of 10 March 1917. First with a wink, then with a smile, the Cossacks signalled the crowd that they would neither attack the workers nor flagrantly disobey their officers.
— Jamie Bisher, White Terror, p. 30.
Nothing about this event was either planned or funded by any outsiders. It was a local event which caught on with its own momentum and caused the Czarist government to fall. Once Czarism had fallen, nobody in New York had any interest in seeing the new Provisional Government destabilized. Only Germany had a motive for this. Jacob Schiff supported the Provisional Government and encouraged them to remain in the war on the side of the Allies. The German General Staff arranged for Lenin to travel through Germany and Finland into Russia because they wished to disrupt the Russian war effort.
Did Lenin receive any money from Germany? The argument that he did is not really based on any direct evidence but is rather inferred from the way that Lenin was able to launch a host of newspapers.
Much effort was devoted by the party during these crucial months to developing its press. At the time of the Sixth Congress 41 newspapers and journals were being produced, 27 in Russian and the remainder in the languages of various minorities… The probability that funds for propaganda purposes at any rate came from the Germans is further strengthened by the fact that no other source for what must have been substantial sums has come to light… It also appears that ‘special funds’ were placed at the disposal of the Press Bureau of the Central Committee, which Molotov headed, in order among other things to help the financing of local papers.
— Leonard Schapiro, The Communist Party of the Soviet Union, pp. 175-7.
Shapiro therefore deduces that Lenin must have received money from Germany to support his press.
In contrast, the counterargument by Boris Souvarine notes the special conditions of Russia in 1917.
The reference to Leonard Schapiro deserves, of course, a comment. With all the respect owed this peerless historian, I think that his error on this particular point is of the same order as Sukhanov’s. It is the error of a British intellectual who transposes conditions obtaining in England to the Russia of 1917: he cannot conceive how the Bolsheviks were able to publish 41 periodicals without outside help. No doubt he believes that this calls for money to pay for offices, business staff, salaried editorial personnel, plus paper and printing costs. No such thing in the revolutionary storm of 1917. The devotion of the militants, in particular the typographers, made all kinds of improvisations possible. The success of the Bolshevik press is explained simply by its out-and-out pacifist propaganda in a country that could continue the war no longer.
Has Mr. Schapiro tallied the publications of the Mensheviks and the Revolutionary Socialists and analogous groups? The comparison would be interesting. There was a swarm of more or less short-lived news sheets, which had no German money. But there were financial contributions from well-to-do philo-Socialist, pacifist bourgeois who gave generously even if they were not Morozovs.
— Boris Souvarine, Dissent, Winter 1978, p. 114.
As Souvarine says, it’s not obvious that any major source of foreign funds would be needed to keep newspapers operating from April 1917 (when Lenin arrived back in Russia) to November (when the Provisional Government was overthrown. Disenchantment with the war by many Russians was the main factor that allowed these 41 newspapers to stay afloat.
> Half of the top contenders in the Central Committee of the Communist Party to take power after Lenin’s health declined
There were only two serious contenders for leadership after Lenin’s health declined, Trotsky and Stalin. Nobody ever imagined Zinoviev or Kamenev as capable of leading the party. These were two figures who came close to leading a split within the Bolsheviks at the time of November uprising, which they had been opposed to because they didn’t think it could succeed. Even such a loyal follower of Lenin as Dzerzhinsky was not regarded by anyone as potential leadership. Lenin’s own writings during his last years show very clearly that he recognized Stalin and Trotsky as the only two serious contenders for his succession.
> Molotov, the powerful foreign minister of the Soviet Union under Stalin, … recalled that as Lenin lay dying “at the time Jews occupied many leading positions, though they made up only a small percentage of the country’s population.â€
That’s general enough that there’s no reason to dispute it. Of course, any alternate government capable of maintaining stability in government would have had at least as many Jews as the Bolshwevik government ever did. The issue there was simply that the only popular parties in Russia at that time were Leftist parties, none of which were ever majority Jewish, but all of which had a clear overrepresentation of Jews at the highest ranks. In actuality, the Bolsheviks had the fewest Jews out of all of the parties which ordinary Russians supported.
Jews were members of the central committees of practically all the significant parties of Russia. And in the central committees of the parties of the left wing, the Bolsheviks and the Socialists-Revolutionaries, as a rule the Jews claimed from a quarter to a third of the membership. The Central Committee of the Mensheviks was half-Jewish. At the other end of the scale, three out of sixty-seven members of the Central Committee of the Constitutional Democratic Party who were elected at its Eighth Congress, were Jews.
— Oleg Budnitskii, “The Jews and Revolution: Russian perspectives, 1881-1918,” East European Jewish Affairs, Volume 38, Number 3, ibid, p. 329.
The Social Revolutionaries and the Mensheviks were the only parties which were able to compete with the Bolsheviks for support among Russians. The Constitutional Democrats actually had the most support among average Jews out of any of these parties but received very few votes from Russians. The Constitutional Democrats were the party which Jacob Schiff had attempted to support in 1917, but they never got any traction with the Russian people. Only parties like the Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks ever received any kind of mass-support from Russians.
I would have included it if I had found it. Can you suggest a link?Replies: @THE Germar Rudolf
The only thing Laurent left out, was how MJ was on camera saying, just before his last upcoming tour, that he was never just a dancer and singer, and that he knew about the lies of history and was going to expose it all.
Best regards to you also. I have been semi pro at music, but I find the business end so distasteful, and that’s before the digitization. It’s so much worse now. I would like to draw your attention to the Downbeat interview archives, where there resides an interview with Dexter Gordon. The interviewer asks about black music, to which Gordon replies, what is that, jungle drums(!! Ha)and explains white neo classical early 20th century European influence on be bop. Precious! Peace
I'm walking on a tight rope on this issue, and I'm well aware that my motive is misunderstood, and sometimes maliciously misrepresented. I do not deny anything regarding child trafficking and pedophile rings. I don't even deny the existence of Satan (that's an unrelated question). I am just asking: where is the evidence for "Satan-worshipping pedophiles" or "Satan-worshipping baby-eaters". Have you seen any? And please, before mentioning "recovered-memories", please watch this:
I find it interesting that Guyenot is so dismissive of genuine concerns over Satanism/grooming being pushed on kids while at the same time pushing ‘the Jews killed MJ’ and making a lot of the same arguments that other people made whom he dismissed as fools, promoting ‘Satanic Panic’. The Frog doth protest too much.
I think both things can be true. What do I mean by this? I think there are many people (Oliver Stone, who is a Jewish apologist, Alexander Cockburn, Derschowitz, obviously) who have downplayed the role of childhood trauma and have promoted the idea of ‘pedophile panic’, ‘Satanic panic’ and ‘witchhunts’ and ‘nefarious psychologists besmirching the name of good people’ to downplay the role of the child sex subculture. Constantin documented this well in his book, which was mentioned by Kevin Barrett in a discussion the two of you recently had. However, the other extreme is the Alex Jones/David Icke types who want to hijack the discussion with nonsense about lizard people, ancient bloodlines/cults which only has a small portion of truth in it. There are definitely a cadre of people in the elite world for whom these symbols carry meaning and give them (psychological) power. Many gullible people think this means that Satan actually exists and that such people are actually channeling the power of a real being. Such is the nature of superstitious, uneducated people. This doesn’t change the fact that such rituals/behaviors are a very real feature of what goes on behind the scenes.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you questioning this ridiculous ‘qanon’ mentality. The problem, as I see it, lies in the over correction. The best example is the west Memphis three case. This was presented by the media (who was always telling us about the religious right and their imaginary moral panics; just think about that and where we are now with the break down of law and order and grooming of children) as a case of innocent if troubled youths harassed by a bigoted and backward bunch of narrow minded hick fundamentalists. The reality? The ringleader (who called himself Damien) and his followers partook in acts of brutal ritualistic violence motivated by ideas such as immorality/amorality, what the devil offering (seductive lure of induced suffering, selling one’s soul) being attractive and embracing it to the full. Celebrities got in on the action (Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam and actor Johnny Depp, among others) to come to the defense of this sadistic, disturbed individual who now roams free, partaking in his own grift selling some sort of ‘woo’ product and, I believe, offering counseling. He is the Leo Frank of our time, the difference being this ‘Damien’ has never received the justice he so richly deserves. This is all thoroughly documented by the content creator known as blackpilled/Devon stack. He is someone with whom you would agree about a great many things (Jewish power, etc.). I highly encourage you to check it out.
I must also say that I enjoy your world a great deal (9/11 documentary, The Kennedy truth, Our God is Your God but he has Chosen Us, From Yahweh to Zion, The Pope’s Curse) and did not mean to come off as overly harsh or dismissive.
Billy Strings is superb. Be sure to check out his rendition of Ramble On.
A comment about the concerts:
Jackson never wanted to do it. Like a lot of black celebrities, he blew all his cash on crap and was in a lot of debt and this was a way to help alleviate that. The ill-fated concerts in London, intended I believe go on a wider tour, were something he was never capable of in that state and everybody knew it around Jackson.
The tickets sold well, despite Jackson’s peak of celebrity being well past its date and him being damaged goods. There was still a strong fan base despite everything.
But it’s a common ‘assassination conspiracy’ theme that this person was just about to ‘blow the whistle on something’. And it applies to everyone from Jackson to Andrew Breitbart, to JFK.
People tend to perceive Jackson as something unusually special, rather than another black in the history of black entertainment, while at the same time I suspect seeking comfortable liberal answers to difficult questions about race that they are extremely uncomfortable with. And why are they uncomfortable ? For a number of reasons: fandom, holding blacks to lower standards, and because Jews have told them race is off limits.
There’s a tendency to push the culprit ever up the chain of command; ironically in this case to Jews (undoubtedly are a terrible influence generally and overly powerful), ‘satanic pedophiles’, lizards, ‘globalists’, the military industrial complex, but blacks making bad choices, blacks, especially black celebrities, doing horrific crimes just cannot be.
Author starts commenting as soon as he thinks it’s safe to write his rubbish and he’ll get a free hand to have his morons agree with him.
Why does he call LN ‘slanderous’ ? Extremely curious term, and he used it in his useless article as well. Strange for a topic you’re not familiar with. How does he know it’s ‘slanderous’?
Boteach’s opinion on it, is the same as mine, and I’m no fan of Boteach. Does that mean I’m part of the Jewish conspiracy ?
The rest of it: Jackson had a number of extracurricular Jews around him. I have no idea why. It’s not clear to me what they were doing or why he let them into his life. It probably was for no good reason. It may have even been insurance against claims of antisemitism. But you can find Jews around a lot of celebrities. Jews want to court and influence important people.
He says, “other Jewish personalities such as Uri Geller, who had introduced the treacherous Bashir to MJ”
How was Bashir, for all his faults as an unwanted ethnic object, treacherous? What should he have done as a journalist in this case?
Called anything bad said about Jackson’s ‘slanderous’ ? Then he’s really doing his job properly.
How should he have edited the video with the child to make it appear wholesome and not abnormal ?
It’s such a pile of crap.
One additional detail: Among the voices applauding the slanderous TV documentary Leaving Neverland released ten years after MJ’s death, was Rabbi Schmuley Boteach, author of the best-selling Kosher Sex. In 2000, MJ had confided in Boteach, and in 2009, Boteach capitalized on MJ’s death by introducing himself as his spiritual advisor in a book based on recordings of their conversation, The Michael Jackson Tapes: A Tragic Icon Reveals His Soul in Intimate Conversation. According to MJ’s ex-manager Dieter Wiesner, Boteach was on a list drawn up by MJ at the end of his life, of people he suspected of trying to destroy him, alongside other Jewish personalities such as Uri Geller, who had introduced the treacherous Bashir to MJ. Today, Boteach is omnipresent on the political and media scene (alongside Robert Kennedy Jr., for example) as a defender of Israel and a scourge of anti-Semites. It is likely that his real function is that of a blackmailer.
And: it is fair to mention that Trump has always supported Michael Jackson:
Video Link
I tried the “clawhammer” style. But I was never good at it, although I tried for ten years. But that was fun. I have always loved country bluegrass, as well as Irish music (closely related, of course). I’m listening to Billy Strings these days:
Video Link
The only thing Laurent left out, was how MJ was on camera saying, just before his last upcoming tour, that he was never just a dancer and singer, and that he knew about the lies of history and was going to expose it all.
I would have included it if I had found it. Can you suggest a link?
Dr. Does Guyenot even admit it was a drug overdose that killed Michael? Or just some mysterious Jew witch spell?
Yes, I do. And I even admit I would have preferred it were a Jew witch spell. On the other hand, Jews do believe in the power of their witch spells, so I don’t know…
Guyenot is wrong about most things. The Julian calendar adjusted around 25 BC on the orders of Julius Cesar for instance. Guyenot claims Julius Cesear and his astronomers were Roman Catholics. Must have Confused Julius Cesear with some Pope Julius hundreds of years later.
Surely Guyénot (give me my accent, please) is wrong about many things in his chronology revisionism, but I suspect he is right on a few things.
Nevertheless, if you’re still reading Guyénot, I suppose you find it worth it.
So thanks for reading.
Thanks for the balanced critic.
I find it interesting that Guyenot is so dismissive of genuine concerns over Satanism/grooming being pushed on kids while at the same time pushing ‘the Jews killed MJ’ and making a lot of the same arguments that other people made whom he dismissed as fools, promoting ‘Satanic Panic’. The Frog doth protest too much.
I’m walking on a tight rope on this issue, and I’m well aware that my motive is misunderstood, and sometimes maliciously misrepresented. I do not deny anything regarding child trafficking and pedophile rings. I don’t even deny the existence of Satan (that’s an unrelated question). I am just asking: where is the evidence for “Satan-worshipping pedophiles” or “Satan-worshipping baby-eaters”. Have you seen any? And please, before mentioning “recovered-memories”, please watch this:
Video Link
“The most one could rationally say is that Jews were overrepresented relative to their share in the overall population”
– Ok, but to be exact, one could/must say (as even stated by your own cited statistics) that purely quantitatively in the Highest Bolshevik Government Circles
“Jews were the most overrepresented (around 600%) group relative to their share in the overall population of all ethnicities of Russia”.
“If there were something like 23,000 members in the Bolshevik Party at the beginning of 1917 and roughly 1,000 Jews, this means that they constituted less than five per cent of the membership…(..)If one focuses on the higher levels, such as in the above link, the usual share of Jews was about a quarter”
“The Jewish share of the Party’s Central Committee in 1919-21 remained steady at about one-fourth.â€
— Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century, p. 176.”
– So interestingly, from lower (footsoldier) to higher (executive) level the overrepresentation suddenly rises from 0 to an impressive 600%.
And how do you explain this interesting discrepancy of: the higher the level, the greater the overrepresentation?
Might it hint to/prove infact that the focus lays in the exact opposit of your argument, namely total focus on QUALITY (high rank) of position, NOT statistical (low rank) QUANTITY?
How would you -as a minority- pursue power, trying to mass-flood lower ranks or going for the top ones?
And if one follows this true quality focus even further regarding the “25%/one-fourth” of higher government level positions. what about the overrepresentation of Jews in the very most executively powerful ones:
“Father/Leader of Bolshevik Revolution/Soviet Republic- 1917-24, Lenin (25% jewish)
“Head of State” – 1918 Kamenev, 1919 Sverdlov (both 100% jewish)
“Foreign minister, Chief of the entire russian Military/Navy/Red Army” 1918-25 Trotzky (100% jewish)
“Head of Communist International”- 1919-26 Zinoviev, (100% jewish)
“Head of Checka, OGPU, NKVD and GULAG system/Internal Affairs”- 1924-36 Yaghoda(/Frenkel) (100% jewish)
“1919 Sovnarkom “Top Authority Of The Russian Soviet Republic”- Top 3: Kamenev, Trotzky, Lenin (75% jewish)
“Chairman of the Commission for Vetting of the Party Membership (used to manipulate all memberships/elections and responsible for getting Stalin into Power)/ Head of Oil/Railroad Industries/ Stalin`s deputy/3rd most powerful Soviet leader beside Stalin/Molotov “- 1930-1957 Kaganovich Lazar (100% jewish)
“Head of Aviation/Defense Industrie/ Meat-Dairy Industries”- 1937-40/57? Kaganovich Yuli, Mikhail, Israel (see above)
You think that the combined power of owning those positions (and subsequent political decisions/actions) and the jewish overrepresentation in them is fairly represented in your/your sources statements?
(If interested in a more detailed summary of my argument, check my earlier comment 255.)
That's incorrect. Here's Wikipedia:
“Head of State†– 1918 Kamenev, 1919 Sverdlov (both 100% jewish)
� @Alden
Kamenev was born as Lev Rozenfeld in Moscow, the son of a Jewish railway worker who converted to Russian Christian Orthodoxy and an ethnic Russian Orthodox Christian mother.
“V.M. Molotov, the powerful foreign minister of the Soviet Union under Stalin, made many remarks about Jews to Felix Chuev in a series of conversations between 1969 to 1986 that became the basis for the 1991 book Molotov Remembers”
– Interesting fact also that Molotov was married himself to none other than Perl Solomonovna Karpovskaya, the first female (jewish) member of the Central Commitee of the Soviet Union:
I.e. his/their own children were jewish and his wife according to contemporary accounts definitely had no un-significant influence on his political standings/decisions (i.e. the contemporary term might be “pussy-whipped”..?).
Furthermore, the third most powerful man of the Soviet Union behind/besides him pre-WW2 was no other than Lazar Kaganovich:
Who was the one responsible for getting Stalin into power (by falsifying election-results) in the first place and his most powerful right-hand man during the Great Purge, Holodomor and subsequently Chief Commissar on the Caucasian Eastern Front in WW2, and “Hero of Socialist Labour” and head of the essential Oil- and Railroad-Industries afterwards until Stalin`s death.
Furthermore all of Lazar`s four brother also were part of the Bolshevik party and 3 of them (Mikhail, Israel, Yuli) gained leading functionary positions within (Head of Aviation/Defense Industrie/ Meat-Dairy Industries).
So, how someone like PatMcNally can deliberately confuse and obtuse quantity with quality and not see that jewish influence on Soviet politics as everywhere else was/is of course never focused(/to be found) in the former, but the latter and still claim intellectual honesty I have a hard time getting…
As perfect example, actually in practice the mentioned one single person, jewish Lazar Kaganovich proved infact singlehandedly to have the power to annul the power of all McNally`s favorite cited 20K (only 4%Jewish) Communist Party members, from Wiki above :
“(Kaganovich as) chairman of the Commission for Vetting of the Party Membership (Tsentralnaya komissiya po proverke partiynykh ryadov) ensured personally that nobody associated with anti-Stalin opposition would be permitted to remain a Communist Party member. In 1934, at the XVII Congress of the Communist Party, Kaganovich chaired the Counting Committee. He falsified voting for positions in the Central Committee, deleting 290 votes opposing the Stalin candidacy. His actions resulted in Stalin’s being re-elected as the General Secretary.”
So, in practical reality, 1 person in such a Quality position actually easily outweighs the Quantity of 20 K -and infact 100 Million (total russian population) given that the (manipulated) decisions of the former decide for /rule all the latter-, making any argument based on counting the overall numeral statistical percentage “Only 4% overall” entirely absurd.
In 1919 as this Sovnarkom official contemporary poster with the title “Top Authority Of The Russian Soviet Republic” perfectly ilustrates, the highest/most powerful 3 positions are pictured/given as:
Lev Kamenev,
Leon Trotzky and
(the latter 1/4th jewish, the former 2 fully), outweighing all others on the poster:
-Trotsky as not only Russias foreign minister but also chief of the entire russian Military/Navy/Red Army had the most powerful position of anyone in Russia regarding matters from ending/starting negotiating war and oppressing/murdering 100 Million Russians during the Civil war.
– Sverdlov was the defacto Head of State of all of Russia in 1917, with the power to bring about (together with Lenin) the murder/extinction of the entire Roman-Dynasty, the disolution of the Russian Constituent Assembly and Peace-treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
– Kamenev was the Head of State prior to Sverdlov, then Chairman of the All Russian Congress of Soviets and as mentioned, deputy/full premier of the Soviet Union until 1926
– Zinoviev was chairman/leader of the entire Communist International (preceded by Trotzky) until 1926
– Yagoda was first deputy and then fully the head of the Checka, OGPU, NKVD until 1931 and responsible for the founding of the entire GULAG-Camp operations (together with Naftali Frenkel) and the terror-regime of persecution/torture leading to the deaths of Millions of Russian citizens.
And this logical total focus on power through central quality (NOT footsoldier-quantity) positioning was of course pointed out by leading contemporaries, among them Churchill:
(Zionism versus Bolshevism, feb.1920:
” With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing”
And even Jewish scholars like Avraham Yarmolinsky (Road to Revolution, chapter 12):
(regarding the example of the Narodnaya Volya- movement/faction responsible for the killing of Tzar Alexander 2)
” Of the members of the People’s Will (Narodnaya Volya) who were given a court trial over fourteen per cent were Jews. They constituted fifteen per cent of all the politicals arrested in 1884-90 (579 out of 4,307 persons). Jews were outstanding among the radical leadership. Mark Natanson founded the Chaikovsky Circle and rallied the scattered forces of revolution under the banner of Land and Liberty; Lev Ginzberg headed the Lavrovist faction; Pavel Axelrod saved the frail barque of Black Repartition from foundering; Savely Zlatopolsky was prominent in the ‘Executive Committee’; his brother Lev invented the code used by the People’s Will.”
Yet, you know, they had no real power because were only 4%…..?
Then I revised it like this. So far it's still up:
Very ambivalent feelings about this movie. Cannot recommend it. Acting is poor. Plot is slow and plodding. It's predictable Nazis are evil the people who oppose them are good. The French who try to save the Jews in their village suffer grievously. The rabbi who's rescued is a hideous ugly caricature of a Jew. The Jewish girl is saved after the French family's son is killed in a roundup. She goes on to become a tacky artist. The movie is full of DEI talking points "Viva humanity" Long live humanity as opposed to nationalistic pride.
All the scenes of Nazi atrocities remind me of what the Israelis are doing in Gaza and Lebanon. Or when the Allies firebombed German and Japanese civilians.
There's one really disturbing scene when the girl and the boy who rescues her fantasize they're in New York and it shows all these tacky advertising billboards on Times Square as though that is the Garden of Eden. That's exactly the mentality the Nazis opposed.
The girl's name is Sarah and in one really weird scene a wild wolf saves her from her Nazi executioner. The wolf is the symbol of the tribe of Benjamin so you think of Benjamin and Sarah Netanyahu. The movie is blatant propaganda and not very well made. Don't waste your time or your money. It's a giant psy-op.
B. The previews for this movie indicate that two Christmas movies are being released in early November right after the election which seems very strange to me. They also made a movie version of the Broadway musical Wicked about the wicked witch of the west in The Wizard of Oz. In her black dress with her black hat she resembles a Hassidic Jew! Also they're releasing a movie called Conclave about a conspiracy inside the Vatican. So we can see that Hollywood is busy as usual undermining Christianity and Christian culture with its cynical snarky worthless films.
Kind-hearted French boy throws away his life saving a Jewish classmate from Nazi roundups. He makes a BIG mistake trying to help this selfish ungrateful and entirely unsympathetic girl. Acting is poor plot is plodding. It is full of DEI talking points. It pretends to be a love story but the only love here is of a small group of people, who think they're better than the superior culture they live amongst, for themselves. This dark and depressing film is blatant propaganda. Don't waste your money or your time. Vote for Trump to save America from this sick and self-destructive mentality. In Jesus' Holy Name Amen! 👸
Greetings fellow Unzian (good ring to it, suggestions for somekind of flag or secret sign/code, Hermes-winged Golden Eagle on black background , “Libertas Per Scientam, Scientia Per Libertatem” and what title do we give Ron ?)
Always great hearing about the latest Holocaust movie, awesome stuff.
But as to be expected, that one is only the least of it, actually just earlier this year the latest Holocaust movie (“Zone of Interest” by Jewish director Jonathan Glazer) won the Oscars`Academy Award for best international film:
And in addition these Holocaust movies were released this year:
Slandering criminals is the ingenious innovation of angloamerican propaganda.
Epstein and Maxwell may be criminals, but that does not mean they committed every crime they are accused of. Which in turn means one can defend them against specific allegations without being in favour of pimping.
Hope this thought is not too complicated.
“He often claimed that Hitler was the greatest showman the world has ever known. ”
– Had heard that mentioned before and after little research, it appears that it strangely was in a taped interview with noneother than horrendous Rabbi Shmuley Boteach that MJ made this remark, though his exact words were either misrepresented by Shmuley or more half-in/half-out than expected, the exact exchange according to The Telegraph:
—“During one interview, Jackson said: “Hitler was a genius orator. To make that many people turn and change and hate, he had to be a showman and he was.”
Boteach then asked the star: “You believe that if you had an hour with Hitler you could somehow touch something inside of him?”
Jackson replied: “Absolutely. I know I could.”
He went on to argue that nobody is totally evil, adding: “You have to help them, give them therapy, teach them that somewhere, something in their life went wrong.”—-
Has anyone looked deeper into that, is this the correct exchange from the original tapes and/or did he make other remarks on this subject later on?
Contention is not my game. I’d rather add to the store of knowledge. Let me rather say Jews were involved disproportionally in the 1917 Revolution — before and after! American and German and Swiss banks run by Jews because Jews owned them provided the Bolsheviks with ample funds with which to remove the Russian elites from power and substitute Jewish power.
The Jews wherever they roam prove by guile, dispossession of the ruling elites they replace, self promotion, predatory lending practices in concert with selective lending to Jews, the substitution of the existing ethos with their materialist transactional and inevitably subversive ideology — which is not a religion but rather a manifestation of their secular circular reasoning which as the Jewish rabbis insist is incessantly promoted among Jews because they preach Jews are Gods chosen people.
The entire of Jewish behaviour is based on hate. Communities cannot be built on hate. But Jews know that. Jews self select as unique and special yet react in amazement when they schemes and practices are outed. Why do people hate us? Kind of a dumb question; think about it!
This from the Jerusalem Post:
HOW DID it all go so wrong? To look for some answers, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research held a conference on Jews in and after the Russian Revolution earlier this month in New York City. In the introduction to the conference they note the paradoxical role of Jews and their fate during the revolution.
“The Russian Revolution liberated the largest Jewish community in the world. It also opened the floodgates for the greatest massacre of Jews before the Second World War amid the civil war and its aftermath in 1918 to 1921.†However, Jews also “entered into nearly every sphere of Russian life while, in time, much of the singular richness of Jewish cultural life in Russia was flattened, eventually obliterated.â€
The roughly three million Jews of the Soviet Union at the time of the revolution constituted the largest Jewish community in the world, but they were only around 2% of the USSR’s population. They were concentrated in the Pale of Settlement (a western region of Imperial Russia) and in Ukraine and Belarussia, where they were 5% to 10% of the population, whereas in Russia itself the 1926 census found only 600,000 Jews.
As a group in the vastness of the USSR, they were one of the largest minorities, alongside Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Kyrgiz, Tartars, Moldovians, Poles and Germans. None of these other groups played such a central role in the revolution, although members of many of them rose to senior levels. Stalin was a Georgian. Felix Dzerzhinsky, who established the Soviet secret police, was a Polish aristocrat.
Given the Soviet Union’s complexity and predilection for numerous layers of bureaucracy it is a difficult to quantify the number of Jews throughout senior leadership positions during and just after the revolution of 1917. Half of the top contenders in the Central Committee of the Communist Party to take power after Lenin’s health declined in 1922 – Lev Kamenev, Trotsky and Zinoviev – were Jewish. Yakov Sverdlov, the chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee from November 1917 to his death in 1919, was Jewish. Born in 1885, he had joined the Russian Social Democratic Party in 1902 and became a member of the Bolshevik faction with Lenin early on. Like others of his generation he took part in the 1905 revolution. His father converted to Russian Orthodoxy.
The large number of Jews in leading parts of the party was not lost on those non-Jews around them. V.M. Molotov, the powerful foreign minister of the Soviet Union under Stalin, made many remarks about Jews to Felix Chuev in a series of conversations between 1969 to 1986 that became the basis for the 1991 book Molotov Remembers. He recalled that as Lenin lay dying “at the time Jews occupied many leading positions, though they made up only a small percentage of the country’s population.†Of Zinoviev, he recalled, “He didn’t even look like a Jew.â€
> All but a few of the Bolshevik’s were Jews.
Total nonsense. The most one could rationally say is that Jews were overrepresented relative to their share in the overall population. They never came close to being a majority, not even at the highest levels. One can find a reasonable rundown on the top levels of the party on this page:
The highest echelon of the Communist Party
Created in January 2004
With proliferation of antisemitic claims about “Jewish bolshevism” it became necessary to systematize the more or less objective information about ethnicities of the highest-ranking party members. Official, as well as reputable historical sources have been used for this purpose.
If one was looking at the period before the revolution of 1917, the data is something like the following.
“Official sources estimate bolshevik membership at the beginning of 1917 at 23,600.”
— T.H. Rigby, Communist Party Membership in the USSR: 1917-1967, p. 59.
“If we go by the 1922 census of party members, it appears that out of the total number of Jewish members in 1922, 964 joined before 1917 and 2,182 in 1917. If there were something like 23,000 members in the Bolshevik Party at the beginning of 1917 and roughly 1,000 Jews, this means that they constituted less than five per cent of the membership…”
— Benjamin Pinkus, The Jews of the Soviet Union, p. 77.
At the time of the 1922 census, the percentage of Jews of the party was 5.2 and it was 4.3 in 1927 (Rigby, p. 366).
If one focuses on the higher levels, such as in the above link, the usual share of Jews was about a quarter.
“The Jewish share of the Party’s Central Committee in 1919-21 remained steady at about one-fourth.”
— Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century, p. 176.
It was never the case that “all but a few were Jews.” That’s just a lie invented by White propaganda and recycled by fools like Solzhenitsyn.
This is 100% factual across the board. The only thing Laurent left out, was how MJ was on camera saying, just before his last upcoming tour, that he was never just a dancer and singer, and that he knew about the lies of history and was going to expose it all.
MANY people around the world would look into whatever he was saying, despite the Jewish Mafia attempts to discredit him.
He was just too popular and too widely liked – i.e. POWERFUL.
THAT is why they had to try to soil his image in the public eye, and eventually assassinate him.
“They only let the jDemons run amok.”
I would have included it if I had found it. Can you suggest a link?Replies: @THE Germar Rudolf
The only thing Laurent left out, was how MJ was on camera saying, just before his last upcoming tour, that he was never just a dancer and singer, and that he knew about the lies of history and was going to expose it all.
VirgÃnia didn’t claim she was raped by her customers She was a 13 year old prostitute before she met Maxwell who recruited her. She was a17 year old prostitute when she was with Andrew at her pimp Maxwell’s house.
What she did and good for her was exposé Epstein’s international illegal prostitution criminal organization that preyed in not just very young girls as young as 12 but preyed on the high ranking political, scientific and business customers for blackmail Bill Gates for instance
Think of the powers Bill Gates has over the tech devices every government in the world uses. Gates gave 50 million to Harris’ campaign. Maybe he did it because he really wanted to support a radical commie democrat. Maybe he did it was because he was blackmailed because of photos and videos of him with Epstein’s underage prostitutes Not all of whom were at least 13 years old.
The Men of Unz are still defending a Jew with a long history of financial crimes before he became a pimp blackmailer of the most powerful politicians and billionaires in the world Defending him by endless nit picking over Virginia.
Ask yourself where and how did he get the money to buy a 77 million dollar house in the most expensive neighborhood in Manhattan another house in the most expensive neighborhood in Palm Beach and a ranch that sprawled over 2 counties.? Allegedly he didn’t charge the customers. Paid his prostitutes from his own money. What pimp does that? What business does that?
But you and the other Men of Unz exonerated Epstein and Maxwell by focusing on low class teen and younger girls. And ignoring American laws that make prostitution pimping and procuring illegal.
Prostitution by prostitutes younger 18 is illegal in England. Virginia was 17 when she was Andrew in Maxwells house in England It was illegal. Two pimps one prostitute and one customer.
By criticizing Virginia claiming she lied you’re defending Epstein and Maxwell. Your and all the men of Unz reasoning is that because Virginia lied about some things Maxwell and Epstein were innocent.
Only time since Unz Review began that the men of Unz defended Jewish criminals who were probably funded by Israel. Using the billions American politicians send to Israel every year.
Michael was killed by a deadly drug injected by an affirmative action black doctor..
Dr. Does Guyenot even admit it was a drug overdose that killed Michael? Or just some mysterious Jew witch spell?
Guyenot is wrong about most things. The Julian calendar adjusted around 25 BC on the orders of Julius Cesar for instance. Guyenot claims Julius Cesear and his astronomers were Roman Catholics. Must have Confused Julius Cesear with some Pope Julius hundreds of years later.
Yes, I do. And I even admit I would have preferred it were a Jew witch spell. On the other hand, Jews do believe in the power of their witch spells, so I don't know...
Dr. Does Guyenot even admit it was a drug overdose that killed Michael? Or just some mysterious Jew witch spell?
Surely Guyénot (give me my accent, please) is wrong about many things in his chronology revisionism, but I suspect he is right on a few things.
Guyenot is wrong about most things. The Julian calendar adjusted around 25 BC on the orders of Julius Cesar for instance. Guyenot claims Julius Cesear and his astronomers were Roman Catholics. Must have Confused Julius Cesear with some Pope Julius hundreds of years later.
Just got off the phone with God and he's so stoked to have you drop in for a chat mos' ricky tick. Something about "MeDammit I don't need a MeDammed spokesman! What hath God wrought?" I'm sure it will be fine.Replies: @Passing by
There are subjects about which only God will ever know the whole truth. I cannot judge when I don’t know. I can live with that.
Besides a reading comprehension problem, you seem to have other issues too but I can live without knowing what they are.
There are subjects about which only God will ever know the whole truth. I cannot judge when I don’t know. I can live with that.
Just got off the phone with God and he’s so stoked to have you drop in for a chat mos’ ricky tick. Something about “MeDammit I don’t need a MeDammed spokesman! What hath God wrought?” I’m sure it will be fine.
There are subjects about which only God will ever know the whole truth. I cannot judge when I don’t know. I can live with that.
Just got off the phone with God and he's so stoked to have you drop in for a chat mos' ricky tick. Something about "MeDammit I don't need a MeDammed spokesman! What hath God wrought?" I'm sure it will be fine.Replies: @Passing by
There are subjects about which only God will ever know the whole truth. I cannot judge when I don’t know. I can live with that.
A compelling case. Having said that, Michael Jackson (perhaps through no fault of his own) was a creepy SOB, his fascination with children was unhealthy, he was probably chemically castrated by his controlling knig grr dad (not his fault, again), world peace is an illusion, legitimacy comes through power, violence and control, and finally, Jews who run the record industry and promoted rap didn’t cause blacks to be violent. They were killing and getting their rape on well before. They’re like that because they’re low in IQ and high in testosterone. Jewish music execs were merely exploiting the primitive violent ape like tendencies of the black. They didn’t have the wheel when Europeans arrived. Is that because the Jews conned them? There are some good points here, but I find it interesting that Guyenot is so dismissive of genuine concerns over Satanism/grooming being pushed on kids while at the same time pushing ‘the Jews killed MJ’ and making a lot of the same arguments that other people made whom he dismissed as fools, promoting ‘Satanic Panic’. The Frog doth protest too much.
I'm walking on a tight rope on this issue, and I'm well aware that my motive is misunderstood, and sometimes maliciously misrepresented. I do not deny anything regarding child trafficking and pedophile rings. I don't even deny the existence of Satan (that's an unrelated question). I am just asking: where is the evidence for "Satan-worshipping pedophiles" or "Satan-worshipping baby-eaters". Have you seen any? And please, before mentioning "recovered-memories", please watch this:
I find it interesting that Guyenot is so dismissive of genuine concerns over Satanism/grooming being pushed on kids while at the same time pushing ‘the Jews killed MJ’ and making a lot of the same arguments that other people made whom he dismissed as fools, promoting ‘Satanic Panic’. The Frog doth protest too much.
Thank you for your response. It is appreciated.
That being said, “I call ’em like I see ’em”
Not ignorance at all, but an honest critique. I guess being a professional musician has hardened my stance.
When given a chance, I always praise those who create and perform music, etc.
Best regards,
By impoverishing the middle class and reducing taxation on the wealthiest, the geniuses are killing the golden goose.
Music has been total garbage for at least 30 years for the most part.
Agree. If you sing well or produce a great tune, you might threaten the highly promoted stars who are just video performers or promoters of consumer products. MTV is a joke.
The song Black had horrible lyrics and tune, yet Amy Winehouse turned it into an all-time masterpiece.
Most everything music or supposed history last hundreds years has been steered by the cons, early r and b music being exception.
The photo used on article and fact ‘thriller’ was pushed so hard should be warning, along with later ‘walking dead’ and other tv bs, people failing to factor nano chips and electronic weapons and cabal threats and destruction in face.
The early cute stuff or later quasi unity stuff, doesn’t cover the perpaganda, ‘zombie’ setup. The child stuff distraction etc another subject, secondary to what pointing out here.
Important to see schemes as they are, share fact.
Rap is poetry; it can be witty, saying things that are insightful, exposing the culture. It’s not anti -White; if anything, it’s exposing the decadence and alienation inherent in society, it’s meta, savvy, smart, hip, the opposite of the stereotype of primitive low I.Q. Blacks. Gospel music , OTOH most of it anyway, sounds like a big FU to Whitey: we gonna yell and scream on the top of our lungs and you Whitey won’t dare to say you’re not loving it!
Joe, it is interesting that your hasbaring is not bad behaviour and is not a problem. Are you telling us that all of us here are being tricked into leaving our IP addresses for someone to deal with one day (for example, to receive bonus pagers for Christmas from unz with the corresponding IP address)? You don’t think Ron would hand over those addresses if he got an offer he couldn’t refuse, do you?
After Durov, I even offered him to temporarily administer the site from a safer position until the storm passes (eg from my former student room or my grandfather’s old house which is empty and requires renovation, although for a start only interior painting would do the trick).
Maybe your presence can still be of some use if you tell us what we are all interested in (and it is starting to intrigue me too), and that is – how the meaning of the term kike is interpreted in your circles and how it is possible that you guys, yourself, do not know what kind of is that meaning (even fearlessly and shamelessly jojo couldn’t offer anything, not even something witty to cover up his ignorance).
Thanks Laurent Guyenot, Candace Owens and Monika Wiesak.
As for the cockroaches, they can’t help themselves. And these are bad times for them – because they can’t help themselves.
The most useful way to discuss art is to say that it is or isn’t one’s cup of tea. To say good or bad is to reveal profound ignorance of the subject. It’s like saying someone is a terrible chef because you dont like seafood. The work of making art is a political act. Or you could vote harder.
Your observation about a potential trap being set is quite prescient. As far as Anglin is concerned, the articles TUR shares are mild compared to his site’s other material. I found The Daily Stormer only because of his ebonics translations of rap songs which are actually hilarious. Almost all of his other output is vile, even when he has a valid point to make.
I’m reminded of an episode of Crossfire, with Tom Braden and Mark Lane. Braden told Lane how it was oh so distasteful that Lane was legal counsel for Liberty Lobby, the Neo Nazi group. Lane responded by saying how rich that was, considering that CIA, Braden’s (former?) employer was responsible for all the Nazi’s, like Gehlen Organization, Hubertus Strughold, Warner Von Braun, and even Japan’s Ishii and Unit731 being brought into this country. Ah, the good old days.
Great article, I always liked MJ and “they don’t care about us” has been my favorite for a long time. I had his cassettes growing up. I never bought into the stuff about him, but i think he had a few personal things wrong with him, mostly cause of a few interviews, but i think that is mostly cause he was so naive and always so sheltered that he didn’t really understand the real world like everyone else. But he did understand the entertainment world and where the power was. This gave great insight that i didn’t know about. Thanks! I figured the Jews killed him and tried to ruin him both pre and post death. (after i got Jew wise).
Yes, I’ve read what was all over the news, but that doesn’t make it true. I know that from personal experience with the media. Women make false claims about rape all the time. That doesn’t mean rapes don’t happen, only that statements of alleged victims made without corroborating evidence should not be relied upon as being entirely truthful.
I am well aware that prostitutes end up dead. As I have posted previously, two girls in my daughters’ school, who were prostituting themselves when they wanted money, were found dead, one in an industrial area of the city.
If you haven’t done so, I suggest you look for interviews with Lady Victoria Hervey, a former model and “it girl” who knew Maxwell, dated Andrew, and been to Epstein events. She noted that young girls being present was not unusual to her, as every event she attended had young girls to talk to the older men. What does that tell you about what was probably going and how Epstein is ? She also knew Guiffre and other girlss. While she accepts the Maxwell verdict, she has stated that she was shocked about the accusations against Maxwell. She believes Guiffre was/is a scammer, as some of the other girls told her before Maxwell’s trial, that she bragged about screwing Andrew as part of her recruitment drive. She has been in Maxwell’s flat, and stated that the table in the photo is huge and out of scale with Roberts and Andrew. She also claims to know who did the photo shopping. Maxwell has said she doesn’t believe Andrew even met Guiffre and certainly not in her flat. Roberts first claim was that Epstein paid her $5k to sleep with Andrew. Her lawsuit claimed Andrew forced her. If she did actually sleep with Andrew, in the first claim, Andrew did nothing wrong, as he was not the payee (if she was paid) and there is nothing to suggest he knew she was being paid. In the second case, a civil matter, in order to be “forced” by Andrew, she couldn’t have been paid. Did I miss that Guiffre also claimed Al and Tipper Gore were on Epstein’s Island, where there is no evidence of that?
Everybody is lying about this, and I doubt the truth will ever be known..
You forgot the hat with the leopard skin band and the feather.
Isnt it obvious how in the last months the Jew Bashing, by some very selected people, seems obviously allowed to get into overdrive ?
This Candance Owence is a very obvious one, specially as she is a Trump Propaganda Whore.
This Anglin guy on this site too is allowed by Mr Unz to to let his very very low language model run wild and sorry, even when he speaks ‘thruth’ its nothing you want your kids to learn from or me to send the link to anyone.
Its just garbage speak making the content unreadable. (In for example Germany they infiltrate the right wing parties with such low life creatures to destroy their image, and it works perfectly ). Is it Poisoning the well only ?
Without going further into the logical conclusions wich automatically arise if its tooo obvious for their own Agenda, there are similarities in the air, very much like the immediate time bevor 911 was executed.
Is this the last signs of the puplicised world as we know it ?
A big Trap wich wich soon will be activated ?
Kevin and Laurent, be very careful when interacting with the showrunners of Unz
as everyone beeing lured into leaving their IP including a ‘future forbidden comment’……
Its obvious on wich side they will be in the end and it will not be yours (at least Kevins!) or that of the readers.
The tensions between the Jews and the black community came to a head head in 1984 when the Reverend Jesse Jackson was running for POTUS and he came out with his infamous “Hymietown†remarks.
Jesse Jackson is the figure that connects this article to some of Laurent Guyénot’s other work. Jackson was a hanger-oner trying to get into Martin Luther King’s inner circle, but King said that his entourage consisted of ministers. So, Jackson enrolled in seminary for some time, dropped out, and returned to King, calling himself reverend.
It is thought that the same people who killed JFK also killed MLK, and that Jackson was the mole on the inside, who assisted the assassins on that fateful day in Memphis. He then went on to be King’s heir in the civil rights movement. Researcher Ole Dammegard has done extensive work on this topic.
Picture how Jackson must have felt, blackmailed by the Jews as a fraud and murderer. Perhaps by the 1980s, he had had enough and started talking about Hymietown.
That was the rumor going around the music and entertainment biz. Made a lot of sense. 50 year old dancers are like any worker who’s been on their feet for 3o or more years. Waiters to surgeons the bodies of 50 year olds wear out.
Plus being a comatose drug addict. All the meth daddy Joe gave him starting about 7 to keep him awake till 2:AM on the chilling circuits. Then his habit of unconscious sleep 30 hours at a time. It was the affirmative action black moron Dr. Maybe he was bribed with hundreds of millions
Excellent! You've achieved the golden road to unlimited success on the internet: schooling people on the ins and outs of the laws on child molestation. Now just sit back and wait for the dinner party invitations to come flooding in. Ain' nobody wanna hear that Jesus!
Once and for all pedophilia ends on the kids 13th birthday. Just as kids aren’t allowed to drive alone until the day of their 16th birthday no matter how skilled they are.
Google is very useful moron. Every state in America restricts drivers licenses to age 16. A few 18 or 17 for the full unrestricted Dr license. A very few low population rural states allow learners permits at 14 Some states have intermediate Dr licenses 16 yr olds can drive but with someone over 18 or older with them
Ask google. And go down the Dr license column from Alabama to Wyoming. Even if you can’t read surely you know the number 16.
Just can’t accept the fact that a woman knows more about the laws than you do moron. Or is capable of finding federal and state codes and city township and county codes on the internet. If you enjoy sex with 11 and 12 year olds you shouldn’t defend it on the internet. Lots of federal state and local law enforcement looking for pervs like you.
“Kanye West got a taste of what is like to rebel against the Jewish zeitgeist. His net worth dwindled from close to USD 1.4 billion to around USD 400 million in less than two weeks”….
“Dwindled”. The poor dear.
He should thanking his lucky stars “the Jews” gave his cr*p music such attention and wealth.
Thank you. I can’t believe anyone is buying this.
And this:
“Christ loved children (Matthew 19:14). So did Michael Jackson. Children are beautiful and give you hope in humankind. They kindle the goodness in your heart. Michael Jackson loved to be around children and to make them happy. Yes, it was not uncommon for many children, including his nephews and nieces, to hang around in Michael’s bedroom for sleepover parties at Neverland. Do you see anything inappropriate in this video? To have twisted Michael’s love for children as pedophilia is the most spiteful slander one can imagine. It is the work of very evil people.”
C’mon Mr. Unz. Not like this
1) Black music was incredible in the sixties and seventies and then went off the rails (with rap music) from the mid-eighties onwards (which coincided with the collapse of the Jewish / Black alliance).
2) In the eighties the American Jews fell out with African Americans as the black people wouldn’t play ball with their agenda. The Jews wanted the blacks to be their battering ram against white American culture (Western Civilisation) and their alliance collapsed because the black people saw how they were being used.
3) The tensions between the Jews and the black community came to a head head in 1984 when the Reverend Jesse Jackson was running for POTUS and he came out with his infamous “Hymietown” remarks.
4) After their alliance with the black people ended the Jews then allied themselves with the gay community – the new battering ram. E Michael Jones devotes a whole chapter to this in his book ‘The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit’.
5) I wouldn’t be surprised if Michael Jackson was murdered. There were doubts as to whether MJ would be able to physically perform on stage (‘moonwalking’ etc.) due to his health issues. This was going to be his last tour. At his press conference to announce the tour MJ emphatically stated “THIS IS IT” to smash home the point that he wouldn’t be touring again.
6) MJ’s legacy (and future revenues) could have been impacted if the final tour had have been a dud. Iconic artists tend to generate more revenue after they pass e.g. Elvis Presley – much better to leave on a high? Maybe his ‘team’ realised that MJ was washed up and that he was worth far more to them dead than alive – cui bono?
Jesse Jackson is the figure that connects this article to some of Laurent Guyénot's other work. Jackson was a hanger-oner trying to get into Martin Luther King's inner circle, but King said that his entourage consisted of ministers. So, Jackson enrolled in seminary for some time, dropped out, and returned to King, calling himself reverend.
The tensions between the Jews and the black community came to a head head in 1984 when the Reverend Jesse Jackson was running for POTUS and he came out with his infamous “Hymietown†remarks.
Once and for all pedophilia ends on the kids 13th birthday. Just as kids aren’t allowed to drive alone until the day of their 16th birthday no matter how skilled they are.
Excellent! You’ve achieved the golden road to unlimited success on the internet: schooling people on the ins and outs of the laws on child molestation. Now just sit back and wait for the dinner party invitations to come flooding in. Ain’ nobody wanna hear that Jesus!
Different states have different laws on driving ages so you fucked that up.
Have you considered that in cases where the drinking age is 21, the law is that if your birthday is Monthuaryember X you can be served legally on Monthuaryember X-1? That’s the case in Virginia, I’m not making your retarded mistake of asserting something’s true across the board.
You come across as someone who wishes they could just figure out how to game the system because urges. Or guilt.
What if they were driving purple Cadillacs, wearing leather jumpsuits and had shoes with goldfish in the heels?
despite the fact that your are a member of a hated group mike
Correction: “your are a member of a HATEFUL group”.
I was a huge Dylan fan as a teenager. Now I can’t get through a single album. “Tangled Up in Blue†is the only song of his that I still enjoy. It belongs to a select few that actually show sophisticated artistry. His early folkie stuff was boring, derivative, opportunistic commie muck. His mid-Sixties electric albums are a nightmare of harsh, tuneless music and embarrassing poetry that plenty of his fellow speed freaks in the Village or the Haight could have matched.
I will allow that his mid-career album “Time Out of Mind†is one of his more consistent in lyrical quality, alongside “Blood on the Tracks.†I haven’t been impressed by anything he’s released since then. Leonard Cohen and the Grateful Dead released far better music evoking different aspects of Dylan’s persona (Jewish boho; larger-than-life Americana).
The miracle of the recording studio can make anyone sound good.
Two prime examples of this are Frank Sinatra and his daughter Nancy Sinatra.
Neither of them were very good singers but both were successful due to good sound engineering.
I’m ready for the brickbats…
Dylan was a terrible singer who through the years became good enough that the recording geeks could make him sound good. A tell is although because of his fame he was able to sing with many fine vocalists the singing together never worked. He did write many excellent songs that other artists were able to make even better versions of.
You make an interesting point and you can look at this in different ways. It’s incorrect for people to say that rap was something ‘done’ to blacks to make them violent and stupid, without which they would be civilized and intelligent. Rap is blackness. And blacks really don’t like each other that much, don’t need much incentive to escalate this, and rap forms another backdrop, accelerant and glorification for black v black violence.
It’s also true Jews have promoted this towards whites, where it has acted as another cultural battering ram in that way.
As far as Jackson goes, there’s an interview with Quincy Jones who says Jackson couldn’t even see where rap was going and how big it was going to become.
Video Link
Later Jackson used hip hop producers and had rappers on songs on his late albums, to stay relevant I guess because things were changing in that direction.
Jeffrey Daniel of the group Shalamar was the man who invented the Moon Walk which he called the Backslide.
M.J copied himand added it to his performances.
Washington State settled by Norwegian Socialists. Soon joined by radicals who had a lot more than old age pensions and free county hospitals for the poor. Started with a bang with John Reed communist son of a multimillionaire lumberman. Exploited the lumbar jacks. Who formed a communist front labor Union the WOBBLIES under Big Bill Hayden . Reed went to Russia and lived there helping with the 1917 revolution. Buried in the Kremlin near Lenin and rest of the heroes. Big Bill lived in Moscow for years training for the revolution
Obama’s communist Mom and grand parents lived there in the communist community. Mom and Obama went to live in a communist commune in Seattle when she was in college and he was 3 weeks old.
Washington State and Seattle are insane. Pitbull activists who rescue pitbulls who kill their new owners. One of the worst BLM riots and takeovers of entire neighborhoods. Police station they burnt down is in an expensive White neighborhood.
One of the Whitest big cities but along with White Portland very radical. The Microsoft workers, wives and kids were all very very radical. Not so much anymore as Whites have been replaced by Asians and dot Indians. City council members led the BLM riots and blocked the main freeway. The 5 that goes from Mexico to Canada.
Militant gays weirdo transgenders businesses closed because of the lunatic violent homeless. One of the biggest still thriving businesses in town is a Jewish business chain grandpa had strip clubes and porn shops. The strippers of course were also prostitutes Which is an ancient Jewish business. When weed became legal they went into that. Because it’s a cash business homeless thugs hang out in front begging change from customers forget the name I think something like Friedman
Radical environmentalists anti personal cars and trucks never made it actors and musicians. Incredible number of black grifter hustler NGOs for a such a small population. Trans gender encouraged in public and private schools . All the churches importing black and brown criminals from all over the world. Sleeping on bunk beds in church halls. Welfare workers have offices in the churches to sign up the illegals up for every benefit drug addicts sprawled all over the streets. Tourism dead. Shopping dead Eating out dead.
A lunatic homeless asylum city worse than Portland. Created. Not by blacks but by Whites..
She claimed to have "escaped" while on course in Thailand and went into hiding. Why is it that there was no missing person report?
There are no holes in Virginia’s story.
She went off to Thailand using tickets and hotels Epstein paid for. She notified both her parents her non customer boyfriend and other friends .
No reason for anyone to file a missing person report.
Can’t you read? It was all over the news she stated how she escaped in numerous interviews. She claims that Epstein and Maxwell wanted her to have a baby and turn it over to Maxwell and Epstein for some horrible purpose. Interesting that Epstein and Maxwell never had any children Although there may have been abortions.
According to Guiffre 1 she knew something horrible would happen to the baby. Everyone such as law enforcement ( me) and everyone involved in the prostitution business knows 2 (A). Every pimp has a main girl who’s demoted after a few years for another.. 2 ( B ) at 18 or 19 she was too old to work as a prostitute for men who preferred younger than 15 girls
Main girl isn’t just a prostitute. She is a recruiter, supervises new girls helps run the office in the old days main girls became Madams and ran the brothels. Now they run escort agencies and dirty talk phone businesses The dirty talk women are often lesbians. Get money from men without having to see them.
So Guffre told Epstein she wanted to learn oriental massage LOL in Asia maybe recruiting Asian girls although Epstein and clients liked small blondes. She would be happy to have the baby when she came back.
Wanting to keep her happy and compliant they sent her off to Thailand she dressed up hit the tourist bars and met and married her Australian husband in a few days. They’re still married 20 years later.
There were no holes in her story. She was a prostitute worker for Epstein worked in Europe as well as in the USA. She was 17 when with Prince Andrew. Prostitution is legal in England on the day of the prostitutes 18 birthday. It’s not legal until midnight of the last day before her 18th birthday.
11:59 pM she’s 17 illegal to act as a prostitute 12: 01 AM she’s 18 and it’s legal to exchange sex for money or other gain in England.
You must be black Judging from your reading comprehension 2nd or third grade. If you think there was any need for a missing persons report when she went to Thailand and never came back.
If you knew the slightest bit about prostitution either as law enforcement or in the prostitution business you’d know they disappear often. From the lowest to the most elite. Pimps, especially low life black ones disappear too. Bodies may or may not be found . Hispanics . Blacks and Asians are usually dead.
Whites often disappear. And start new lives either as prostitutes get respectable jobs get married go to college or trade school. According to men I knew who worked for the State Bar Licensing Association; a large number of women law students were prostitutes in college and law school. They were certified. Went on to have normal life.
No holes in Guiffre’s story. Unless you think the photo of her Andrew and Maxwell was a photo shop.
They are coming for you!!
It's every single time isn't it?
— Gentile News Networkâ„¢ (@Gentilenewsnet) October 18, 2024
Once and for all pedophilia ends on the kids 13th birthday. Just as kids aren’t allowed to drive alone until the day of their 16th birthday no matter how skilled they are. The draft age. Kids can’t enlist until the day they are the required age. Usually 17 or 18. Legal age of marriage with or without parental and or Judicial permission. Not the opinion of ignorant Unzians. With a perverted and illegal interest in minor kids.
The law is the law. And just looking at kids under 12 and minors 13 to 18 on computer porn sites is a felony under state and federal law. The FBI and state and local police departments dedicated solely to investigating child and minor websites. The penalties are severe.
Excellent! You've achieved the golden road to unlimited success on the internet: schooling people on the ins and outs of the laws on child molestation. Now just sit back and wait for the dinner party invitations to come flooding in. Ain' nobody wanna hear that Jesus!
Once and for all pedophilia ends on the kids 13th birthday. Just as kids aren’t allowed to drive alone until the day of their 16th birthday no matter how skilled they are.
It was the other way round, the original clip with the original lyrics was the one directed by Spike Lee (who covered Jewish power in the music industry in his film Mo' Better Blues and had to defend himself against the allegation of "antisemitism") in Brazil, the "prison" version was the second with sanitized lyrics, following immense pressure.
whose original clip shows MJ in a prison,
If I recall correctly, just a few months ago we were all being told that the ADL was not a Jewish organization, just a leftist organization.
Here is the ADL springing into action and sounding the alarm bells concerning the movie Mo Betta blues:
For his portrayal of Jewish nightclub owners Moe and Josh Flatbush, Lee drew the ire of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), B’nai B’rith, and other such Jewish organizations. The ADL claimed that the characterizations of the nightclub owners “dredge up an age-old and highly dangerous form of anti-Semitic stereotyping”, and the ADL was “disappointed that Spike Lee – whose success is largely due to his efforts to break down racial stereotypes and prejudice – has employed the same kind of tactics that he supposedly deplores.”[3]
There are no holes in Virginia’s story.
She claimed to have “escaped” while on course in Thailand and went into hiding. Why is it that there was no missing person report?
She also claimed the photo of her and Andrew was an original, until after the settlement, then admitted it was a “copy”. She wasn’t called to testify against Maxwell, because she had recruited more than one of Maxwell’s accusers. The despicable Alan Dershowitz exposed her for what she is, a serial liar.
Epstein was a POS, but so are the hundreds of other pimps in large US cities doing the same and worse, providing no escape for their “stable” while turning them into drug addicts. Why all of the focus on Epstein when the problem is still rampant?
Note that paedophilia does not require sexual acts to take place.
Laws can say day is night. It doesn’t make it so.
I do not think that the purpose of rap is to harm black people, but actually to harm white people.
Jews are not intimidated by black people. They also have no historical grudge against black people – they don’t hate them. They have great confidence that they can always outcompete black people, and they like having black people around to outcompete. Because, the purpose of the Jewish life is to be high-status. Thus, there is no reason for Jewish people to attack blacks.
The reason for rap is that it is an expression of hostility and rage, which implicitly is directed at white people. I say this mainly because I am a white American: I know that the rage of black people is 90+% about white people. If a meet an angry black person, there is a 90% chance that they hate white people. Most white Americans understand this, although there are some Irish or other ethnic whites who are confident that they can escape black rage by pointing to their “different-ness” from the evil white WASP people who harmed black people in the past.
By pushing angry, hostile black rap music into the public space, Jews are able to put sounds in the public space that intimidate and torment white people. And, the brilliant thing is, it is all indirect, so nobody can actually hold them accountable, because we can’t really *prove* that they are doing this.
No sir. I was never Kornbloom. My father was a Stanford professor so I grew up in that privileged environment right near Ron on today. We were called faculty brats.
Were you around last year during the pro-Palestinian demonstrations at UCLA? Is it true that the UCLA administration stood by while IDF goons assaulted student demonstrators? Are they filing a class action lawsuit?
My parents raised us with almost no interest in Zionism and were very puzzled when I got involved with it in college and then moved to Israel afterwards. It caused a lot of damage to my family, but now at this point all of my relatives are ardent Zionists. It’s become the American Jewish religion. Even otherwise atheist American Jews worship the State of Israel. And disappointingly even Putin, that great “hero” of the resistance, also seems committed to Zionism. He even owns an apartment in Tel Aviv!
I read this sentence:
“Pedophilia ends at one minute after midnight of the kids 13 birthday. ”
This sentence is pure bullshit and nothing else you wrote justifies it. Please continue with your estro-tantrum.
is rather stupid.Replies: @Mike Tre
a tad bit
“No, you just misused words redundantly, a ‘tad’ and a bit mean the same things,”
This is a grammatically incorrect sentence; there should be either a period or a semicolon after the word redundantly.
I suggest you go stand in front of a mirror and repeat after me: “I’m not stupid, you’re stupid!”
I have it from one with knowledge that Michael Jackson was a natural baritone who trained up to his superb and durable tenor voice with instruction and inspiration from the great Seth Riggs (to whom we owe a debt of gratitude for his formulation – achieved despite great resistance from the pedagogy – of “speech-level singing”).
I hope to comment more at another time, but Michael Jackson was described by my contact as the foremost and hardest-working among Seth Riggs’ many superstar singers – lofty company indeed.
Michael Jackson was a highly focused and mentally disciplined individual. These traits drove him ever more intensely to fully understand the highest purpose of his artistic gift. It seems to me he deduced that his career and person must serve some great outcome connected with the emancipation of humanity.
However, acting in such a virtuous enterprise will catch the attention of Luciferian agents on earth, principally Jews, who abhor any person who gains adulation, influence, and commercial power dedicated to the cause of edifying their fellow man. I have personal experience in such matters, several magnitudes below Michael Jackson’s high station, but confirmatory and sobering nonetheless.
You have a good point. It is possible that his dad gave him puberty blockers to sustain his boyish soprano, which could have messed with his sexuality.
I suspect that similar endocrine disruption has messed up male athletes.
My only point is that MJ’s adult voice is clearly not a boyish soprano — which would require sustained blocking of testosterone — but the pop equivalent of a countertenor, which actually has precedent in Motown.
Thank you for the reply. I don’t know if puberty blockers can make your voice permanently higher, but I know it can mess your sexuality, and this is what I primarily had in mind.
It was often claimed that Joe Jackson raped the daughters especially the oldest Who was never a singer she’s the unknown Jackson. He was home all the time then the boys were too young or not even born for training to be singers. Who knows if it’s true or not.
The mother says Michael was jumping and dancing as soon as he could walk.
Hears a couple other things I heard or read. Barry Gordy was very sensible about his teen and 20’s employees. He always told then you might not make it. So girls practice your typing so you can always get a job. Boys when the auto factories are hiring apply . Bit glamorous but a good job . Live at home.Save your money. Modest cars buy your clothes at Macys and Sears Watch out for friends and relatives who want your money. He also encouraged them to buy houses with a big down payment when they were ready. You’ll always have a place to live and get a roommate to help with expenses.
Plus the Detroit schools had excellent music programs both singing and instrumental. The less academic kids took those classes. So the schools produced many already trained kids. Plus black church choirs. So Detroit was the perfect place the schools trained the kids and Barry Gordy was the perfect producer. It all came together.
Here’s something I also heard or read. Both Elvis Presley’s parents and the Jackson’s mother were all descended from an accomplished singer and musician. A White man his parents sent him to Germany around 1820 to study music. He came home and took over the family business. Supposedly both Elvis parents were great singers southern churches July 4 other fiestas The Jackson mother had a very early singing career Then got married had 9 kids.
No help in the early days. Do you know how much laundry, how much cooking how many dishes to wash? I hope she had two dishwashers Some huge families do. Dressing 5 or 6 kids from babies to about 8 every morning Usually two in diapers.
Joe Jackson started as an outwardly. ordinary working class guy in the Gary steel mills. Could have supported a wife and 9 kids on those generous union wages. But he was an entrepreneur. He was genius level entrepreneur. Used the materials he had right on hand. First the boys then the girls. And created one of the greatest singers of the century
. And made hundreds of millions Seems to have protected their money too. Hooked them up with another genius Barry Gordy A reasonably honest producer in a crooked industry. Motown sometimes segregation is very very beneficial. Did out all by themselves no help from Whites. Except the millions who bought their records.
The Supremes did the Yale Prom one year. The Yale Prom was more prestigious than most debutant balls.
The good old days. When girls and boys learned useful skills and trades in high school. And earned good wages in stable jobs And colleges had elegant proms instead of trans gender clubs and Mao style struggle sessions where Whites are forced to debase themselves
I have no idea if they’re descended from Elvis’ ancestor. Or if Joe really raped the girls. But what a family. Especially Joe
About P Diddy Combs. His father Melvin was a drug dealer gangster part of the famous Frank Lucas crew. Murdered when Diddy was 3. Horrible obscene noise not music. I’m a genetics believer. Michael was a mess but the others are fine. Latoya had a bad marriage but many people do. She’s OK now The other girls are fine.
Diddy was a dangerous rapist child rapist drug dealer and black mailer Rumors he killed those black singers in Vegas. Now he’s facing a long prison term Horrible music
The Jacksons gave a gift to the world with their cheerful wonderful music Joe Jackson, his wife and their kids. Michael’s dead but the other 8 are fine. 1 disaster out of 9 is great. Melvin and Sean Combs and at least one of Sean’s kids. Genetics rules.
It's kind of funny how retarded people think that believing something makes it true.
Soon people will grow tired of this chutzpah and will fall faster than a house built of cards ðŸƒ.
“It’s kind of funny how retarded people think that believing something makes it true.†Like that Jews are Gods chosen people? Really? Do you believe that?
Jews are a mongrelized hodge podge of genetic expression which has resulted in nothing resembling a tribe. The Japanese are by a wide margin far more mono-genetic than the average Jew. What is it that a small minority of the human race manifests such a vile attitude towards the 7.5 billion of the other constituents of the human race?
Granted Jews have many characteristics, seemingly innate, they are known for. Most of those characteristics are not in essence particularly admirable. Indeed characteristics can express negatively or positively. Jews seem to have purposely selected to amplify characteristics we all share — (including Jews) — in reasonable measure, but Jews have self selected to amplify certain characteristics out of all proportion to general utility.
They amplify characteristics in any domain of human activity which in their expression are meant to serve Jews first and only incidentally or accidentally serve mankind at large.
Jews have a facility with words. Where is their great literature? A thorough reading of Bartlett’s Quotations reveals a dearth of Jews. Though Jews have done a very good job of persuasion —amplifying Marx while camouflaging his evil influence on Jews malfeasance in Russia — promulgating a massacre there of some 60,000,000 Christians. All but a few of the Bolshevik’s were Jews.
Jews control Hollywood. But where are their great thespians of the stage? Shakespeare was right on the money! Why do Jews hate the Merchant of Venice? Or indeed Macbeth. The witch has the “liver of blaspheming Jew†in her cauldron. Jews know how to act no question — acting wounded, acting poor, acting dumb, acting all-innocent, acting sympathetic, acting concerned, acting sincere — yep! Jews are good at pretending.
Jews are good with numbers it is claimed. Most certainly their facility is put to good use — for Jews. The U.S. economy is no longer an economy is it? It is a financialized corpocrisy dominated by monopolized multinational behemoths. Whom are they who run the world’s largest bank’s? Jews!
But when Jews lend to Jews to buy up competitors to whom they have lent expansion money — then through stock market manipulation depress the borrowing companies share value — then in turn calling the borrowing companies loans — bankrupting it, i.e. stealing it; how is that creating anything.
Good with numbers yep! But recall Jews control the creation of money. They own the Federal Reserve.
But remember Gresham’s Law next time you crow like a barnyard cock. Gresham’s law is a principle that states “bad money chases out good.†The law observes that legally overvalued currency will drive legally undervalued currency out of circulation, i.e. currency debasement.
It is rare in currency markets but, but its effects on asset values, employment, invention, innovation, import costs, export earnings are evident. The U.S. economy is more focused on producing guns than butter. People will not invent, innovate, or manufacture in an economy where its prices are uncompetitive, of course. But even more devastating people will not invent, innovate or manufacture at the point of a gun. Or when taxes are increased on those least able to pay them while lightening them on the oligarchy!
Monarchs understood that overtaxing the productive workers diminished the tax revenue rather than increasing it. All that works in favour of those who are able to take advantage of the cracks in the economy where debasing it is rampant. Black markets emerge people begin selling their assets to those who in turn sell them in more productive economies.
But now that Jews are the obvious oligarchs and having no practice at running the economy they appear to be destroying it. In doing so they are destroying the economy from the bottom up. It has never worked. When an oligarchy loots the economy they are in effect undermining it.
That does not strike me as intelligent. Vindictive? Yes. But the Jews are stupidly attracting attention to themselves. Sooner or later the masses turn on their oppressors. Where are they gonna run to now?
Jews believing economies can survive ruination by their imagining they can overturn certain foundational principles because they are “Gods chosen people†is “retarded’ I’d say.
Looting the economy by debasing your own currency is economic suicide.
Hello! Knock, knock! Is there anyone at home?
Laurent doesn’t write about Michael Jackson or America. He writes about K-power.
Last week, in an article about Satanism, I mentioned P. Diddy and the potential connection with MJ’s death. Who promoted the PD and made it possible to do all the things he did?
What makes you feel Joe Jackson raped them ?
There is some Jewish malevolence in this, again it muddies this already convoluted topic.
La Toya made these sorts of claims while with this Jew husband who was beating her, controlling her and getting her to make statements. One assumes these claims were never factual and I think she’s pulled back on some of them publicly, and I will say the media have rerun those claims over time, even not that long ago, so it appears the articles are more or less current, when they are not, and they never given the context she was in or the proper era they are from.
When Anglin’s thread was current I did have a check, but I’m not sure what’s she’s said about since it. I know she made up with the family, so I presume it’s not her position she was raped anymore, but she may have said something amibugous about it
Guyenot is so absolutely ignorant about America and Americans he should stick to his religious essays.
The Jackson 5 7 year old Michael and his brothers became famous long before they were involved with Jews. Father Joe Jackson was a wonderful entrepreneur manager and song writer for his sons. He did rape his daughters regularly when her was at home. But as a music entrepreneur hehad no equal. The Jackson 5 due to first Dad Joe Jackson and then Barry Gordy’s black Motown music company became famous and very rich long before they were involved with Jewish music companies.
FBI investigated Motown in the early 1970’s when it was still in Detroit. Found absolutely no evidence
of any gangster involvement. Unusual in the corrupt music industry.
The Jackson 5 were very successful long before they got entangled with Jews. Exactly what is Guyenot’s point? I get he believes Michael completely innocent of sex assault of children and or minors 13 and older. Jackson was aquitted of all counts in the one trial. Innocent in the eyes of the law. So why is Guyenot defending him now years after the acquittal and years after he died.
Guyenot gets so very much wrong about America. This site gets worse every time I log on. Whites are viciously discriminated against being demographically genocides, The object of hatred and villification from every institution from the church to government education our employers and Guyenot blathers on about someone long dead.
Then I revised it like this. So far it's still up:
Very ambivalent feelings about this movie. Cannot recommend it. Acting is poor. Plot is slow and plodding. It's predictable Nazis are evil the people who oppose them are good. The French who try to save the Jews in their village suffer grievously. The rabbi who's rescued is a hideous ugly caricature of a Jew. The Jewish girl is saved after the French family's son is killed in a roundup. She goes on to become a tacky artist. The movie is full of DEI talking points "Viva humanity" Long live humanity as opposed to nationalistic pride.
All the scenes of Nazi atrocities remind me of what the Israelis are doing in Gaza and Lebanon. Or when the Allies firebombed German and Japanese civilians.
There's one really disturbing scene when the girl and the boy who rescues her fantasize they're in New York and it shows all these tacky advertising billboards on Times Square as though that is the Garden of Eden. That's exactly the mentality the Nazis opposed.
The girl's name is Sarah and in one really weird scene a wild wolf saves her from her Nazi executioner. The wolf is the symbol of the tribe of Benjamin so you think of Benjamin and Sarah Netanyahu. The movie is blatant propaganda and not very well made. Don't waste your time or your money. It's a giant psy-op.
B. The previews for this movie indicate that two Christmas movies are being released in early November right after the election which seems very strange to me. They also made a movie version of the Broadway musical Wicked about the wicked witch of the west in The Wizard of Oz. In her black dress with her black hat she resembles a Hassidic Jew! Also they're releasing a movie called Conclave about a conspiracy inside the Vatican. So we can see that Hollywood is busy as usual undermining Christianity and Christian culture with its cynical snarky worthless films.
Kind-hearted French boy throws away his life saving a Jewish classmate from Nazi roundups. He makes a BIG mistake trying to help this selfish ungrateful and entirely unsympathetic girl. Acting is poor plot is plodding. It is full of DEI talking points. It pretends to be a love story but the only love here is of a small group of people, who think they're better than the superior culture they live amongst, for themselves. This dark and depressing film is blatant propaganda. Don't waste your money or your time. Vote for Trump to save America from this sick and self-destructive mentality. In Jesus' Holy Name Amen! 👸
Thank you I don’t go to movies. Last time we went to a movie was about a week after the Covid lockdown ended. A re run of Jack Nicholoson’s Chinatown. Wonderful
I’ve seen ads for conclave popping up. Anti Catholic of course. A university town how awful. I live part of the year near UCLA and some tenants are UCLA students and staff. The Asians are Ok the White ones are woke progressives who never should have been born. Still its got a wonderful library. Unlike public libraries university libraries don’t cull books every few years and get rid of everything not currently acceptable. Marvelous sections on communism and the Zionist movement and books about how the Zionists wh ran the Jewish neighborhoods and work camps killed off the middle-aged tradesmen and bourgeois. So they could grab the kids teens and young adults and send them to Israel.
Did your name used to be Kornbloom?
Thank you again.