Who wrote the Musk biography you read? It possibly was done at the behest of Musk, knowing he would like to secure a place as an international mover and shaker. (Same with JD Vance’s autobiography.)
Greg Reese is a masterful researcher. I trust his opinion before I would trust yours about some biography which name you do not mention.
By the way, was the word salad about how you read the Musk biography supposed to impress someone? Wow, you’re an international traveler! I stand in awe!
I’m guessing you own a Tesla.
Trump’s massive win may have shifted the Overton window, and Vance, or Kennedy, Carlson, etc., may follow him to keep out the Democrats for a long time, and even the Democrats may change with time. But of course, to fundamentally change the system, they all have to go, but who’s going to do that?
If this AI can start proofreading all these media and other publications so we can get rid of spelling and grammatical mistakes, that would be something useful, like “rein in” instead of “reign in”. I am sick of all this reading degrading my language ability. I even had to check “rein in” because so many writers using “reign in” got me confused, and so on …
I’ll believe Zuckerborg has changed when he:
(1) makes amends for all the damage his censorship has caused (Covid deaths, Jansix show trials/jailings, Proud Boys debacle, Chauvin’s sacrifice, Charlottesville hoax; etc.) ;
(2) openly admits that the Holocaust never happened (while hosting endless videos that debunk said Shoah Business claims);
(3) details all Jew crimes;
(4) admits that Jews are members of the Synagogue of Satan;
(5) calls for Israel to disappear like the USSR;
(6) cites all the valid reasons why Jews were expelled in the past; and
(6) offers to rebuild Gaza.
I don’t have the time or patience to listen to hours of Joe & Mark to find out whether they cut to the chase (I bet neither one did):
Can we freely question the alleged “Holocaust”?
If we can’t, don’t BS us about “free speech.”
(that’s at least partially based on his ridiculous perception that Elon Musk is intelligent, which has been repeatedly disproved).
Saw that recent Ian Carroll ratio against Musk, the one that broke all previous Twitter ratios.
Forced myself to watch the dreadful video Musk posted, the one Ian originally responded to before cooking Musk to a fine crisp.
Elon must’ve suffered some kind of blow to the Broca area.
He stammers and gawks like a frightened kindergartener forced to recite a poem at a school assembly. Some Jew from the audience had to complete his sentence.
And the imbeciles still clapped like trained seals.
“Zuck has an opportunity now to come out and attack Elon on the H-1B issue as well. ”
What are you smoking? He is going to open borders wider and tell whites that we are loser unmasculine cucks when we fail to compete with the planet. Isn’t this obvious?
All dependent on an uninterrupted power supply…
Again, we see that he’s not really that Jewish.
You’re so fucking stupid it’s hard to believe Unz carries your work.
Remember your Kanye fetish?
How about the 1,000’s of words that you ended up swallowing in 2024.
Go get a job.
If it’s possible any longer to believe in the sincerity of human beings, I believe that Zuckerberg is sincerely a changed man.
He’s a judeo-sociopath and power recognizes power. Maybe a top tier NPC. Doesn’t amount to anything more than that.
(it’s a somewhat interesting interview, but still .. )
Thank you for the thoughtful comment, Chuck
I do wonder, however, if we aren’t projecting a bit, when we wonder if AI will develop an id, or an ego.
We have things like ambition and religion because we’re organic beings, and I suspect that is the only way to have or get them.
but I sure the heck am no expert.
Thanks for the input.
Laplace here, for me, is used as a metaphor for an all seeing deity which in the context of the comment, is supposed to move the conversation along, towards my premise.
Dualism was condemned as heresy by the Western Church, so where do you get Western religion is "based" on it?Replies: @chuck lowe
Occidental (Western) philosophy/religion is based on “Dualismâ€.
It is nebulous and amorphous on the very best day, but, in general, the separation of the divine from the human is a basic tenet of Occidental religious philosophy.
The problem with Protestantism is it turns people into either retards or atheists in denial. You remove all the spirit out of the religious experience and have people congregate in a warehouse somewhere made out of sheet metal listening to soft rock. Satan himself couldn’t come up with something so dreary.
Depends on what stem cells - bone marrow stem cells from the same person who will be treated (or perhaps a consenting donor) vs. embryonic stem cells from an aborted fetus vs. stem cells from umbilical cords.
Also, I’m not sure about stem cells, but given that he’s such a religious extremist and supports them, I might have to go back and look at this issue again.
There is a medical clinic in Manhattan, Kansas that promotes the use of the patient’s own stem cells, harvested from the layer of fat around the waist, just under the skin. They asset that layer of fat to be the best source of stem cells.
Since those stem cells are the patient’s own cells, there should be no issue of the body’s immune systems rejecting and attacking those stem cells. The testimonials I have heard involve repairs to damaged skeletal joints, wherein stem cells change to become definite purpose cells. I wonder if stem cells injected into the pancreas would change into insulin maker cells and cure a diabetic.
Either I’m missing something or I just don’t get what AA is saying here about Zberg. AA is arguing that Zberg isn’t really that jewish because a) he talks cool and b) he talks about hunting. Zberg seems extremely jewish to me in this interview, trying really hard to convince the goyim that he is with them. The basic rule is or should be: never ever trust a jew, no matter what they say.
My thoughts on the Berg’s recent about face are 1) he is looking out for his own self interests, 2) he is setting up some sort of honeypot and the evidence will later be used in some sort of social credit score or reeducation camps or 3) both of the above. I don’t understand how anyone could possibly trust this guy because he did one kind of nice thing and now says some good things. Are we now supposed to trust Muskberg too?
It would take some time to fact check this video. A lot of this just doesn’t jibe with other publications.
I had to take a flight back to Eastern US from Hong Kong through Beijing a few years ago, and read a Musk biography to pass the time. Flight got delayed, so I finished the whole book before I got home.
Nowhere in the biography does it say Musk was poor. It doesn’t make a big deal about his family wealth, but you could read between the lines that the Musk family had means.
He was never hurting for money in college, probably a combo of scholarship money and family money. And my recollection of the University of Pennsylvania days was that Musk and a friend, or maybe his brother, rented a big house, then on weekends they would rent it to the party crowd, and the money earned would pay for the cleanup and the monthly rent, and then some. Pretty smart. Probably not illegal, probably a violation of the rental agreement.
Anyway, your video sounds a little scurrilous.
I don’t think anyone sensible can deny Musk’s accomplishments. Reducing satellite placement costs by something like 90%. Reusable boosters, and catching them standing up with those grapplers. Owning the EV business (maybe BYD is up there, but everyone in China wants a Tesla). It’s a long list.
You can’t BS your way into any of those accomplishments. Sorry. Whatever his faults, he gets a lot of shit done, that no one else has been able to get done.
Occidental (Western) philosophy/religion is based on “Dualismâ€.
Dualism was condemned as heresy by the Western Church, so where do you get Western religion is “based” on it?
I think we definitely need to note that this was clearly allowed to happen, presumably because the government feared some kind of violent uprising.
No, I think they allow it to happen because they fear disengagement. Specifically, White goys disengaging from dying for israel.
Gibson is very clearly a Germanic surname, not a Celtic one.
The Scots aren’t Celts. Scots is a variant of English, not a Celtic language, and wasn’t imposed by the English. The historic inhabitants of the Scottish side of the English/Scottish border are genetically indistinguishable from those on the English side. Edinburgh has an English name and used to be in Northumbria. Scotland chose to unite with England at a time when Scotland was essentially a Third World shithole and benefitted hugely from that union. And so on, and so on…
Gibson is spectacularly ignorant and not terribly bright.
Thanks for the comment.
Laplace is entirely contradicted by quantum mechanics. Your ramblings betray a complete misunderstanding of the topic.
Zuckerberg is very likable in that Rogan interview and strikes me as honest.
And the fact that he’s involved in MMA and married to the same women over a dozen years* gives him more credibility.
*OTOH she’s smart, gorgeous and sexy so it wouldn’t be hard for any man not to have any interest in other women.
Most people aren’t that smart. Rogan talks to these kinds of people. He talks their language. Friedman is a Jewish attempt to capture a similar audience to try to bring these people to a slightly more Jewish worldview.
Often the conversation goes to UFOs, who would win a fight between this guy and some animal, did the Aztecs have secret technology, that kind of thing.
I guess talk shows have always been a kind of ‘lower brow’ entertainment anyway going back to the old days of TV. Celebrities would come on to promote their latest movie or book or whatever. It was a bit stiffer in those days, the host would crack a few jokes, take the conversation towards sex in some way, the celebrity would get to publicize their new project and the audience came away feeling entertained.
Tastes have changed now, the internet has changed things somewhat. It’s shifted markets with it.
I did listen to the Gibson interview, it was fun, enjoyable.
I took a complicated set of individual tort claims to an attorney for a plaintiff action. He was lazy, incompetent, and corrupt (apparently personally knew one of the tortfeasors). It warms my heart to believe that jerks like him will soon be doing honest work, in his case at Walmart given his low ability. Hurrah for AI in the so-called justice system.
Believing that Zuckerberg, Elon, Bill Gates, and the founders of Google and YouTube (Brin and Page) are geniuses is like believing glorified file clerks are engineers.
Zuckerberg’s appointed task is to get people to voluntarily give away their personal information so that it can be harvested, sold to advertisers, and surrendered to police and intel agencies — all controlled by Jews. Elon has now taken over the job. He didn’t keep his promise to stop censorship and is now doing it quite brazenly. He’s totally on board with the Jews’ antiwhite Great Replacement project.
Bill Gates’s appointed task is to spy on and remotely control people on behalf of the New World Order, an unholy globalist alliance of non-profits, corporations and government controlled by Jews. Wireless communication, implanted microchips, 5G, robotics, nanotechnology, Big Data, AI and digital currencies are necessary in order to achieve the globalist’s “stakeholder capitalism.” “Pandemics,” “terrorism” and “climate change” are the “justification” for spying on people, controlling them, taking away their rights and freedoms, and reducing their numbers.
Zuckerberg, Gates, Google and Musk are heavily involved in all of these things. Tesla caters to and reinforces delusions about “climate change”. Neuralink is about monitoring people and controlling them biometrically with brain implants. Starlink and Twitter/X are all about enhanced surveillance.
With Bill Gates, we have stratospheric aerosol injection, eliminating “cow farts” by substituting real meat with lab-grown meat, toxic mRNA “vaccines,” and other forms of “health care” and geoengineering to “stop climate change.” Google’s i-phone is a spying device. Google has expanded into robotics, gene editing, Big Data and AI.
None of these companies has been financially successful on its own merits. Bill Gates is a mega-billionaire because of lack of enforcement of anti-trust laws. Elon is a mega-billionaire because of tax breaks for Tesla owners and government contracts for SpaceX, which serves no useful purpose. Zuckerberg was handed an all-but-completed DARPA project that had to be cancelled because it would have “gone too far.” Government spying thereby became “privatized.” Gates was a Harvard drop-out. All the technical aspects of Microsoft were overseen by Bill Allen, not Gates. What Gates had was connections to the Rothschilds and Rockefellers through his father. His father was on the board of Planned Parenthood, which was originally founded to eliminate “useless eaters” – a task enthusiastically taken up by Gates.
Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard. Facebook as an idea was nothing new. We already had My Space. But the big money flowed to Zuckerberg the Jew. Facebook’s top institutional shareholders are Blackrock and Vanguard – Jew outfits that control $21.6 trillion in investment capital. Facebook succeeded because it was heavily promoted and financed and was willing to serve intel agencies, not because it had any intrinsic value. Blackrock and Vanguard have been top shareholders in Microsoft, Google and Tesla as well.
What these people are is well-paid front men. Elon’s autism is mistaken for genius – he’s the nutty professor type. Likewise, the nerdiness of Bill Gates. Zuckerberg, of course, is a Jew, “and Jews are smart.” Same with the founders and owners of Google. They’re both Jews. The front man phenomenon has not just been limited to Zuckerberg, Elon and Bill Gates. Wozniak was the genius behind Apple, but Steve Jobs got all the credit.
The total value of Microsoft, Alphabet (Google, YouTube), Meta (Facebook, Instagram), Tesla, Apple and Amazon (which has put independent bookstores and other retailers out of business and “disappeared” untold numbers of books) is $14.14 trillion, which is more than 10% of the total U.S. wealth of $123 trillion ($264 trillion in assets minus $146 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities). But I wouldn’t call this 10% of the economy “wealth”. We could live without it, and the money might instead be invested in things that are valuable and beneficial to people.
It’s odd to see the alleged anti-Jew Anglin warming up to the Jew Zuckerberg. Could Anglin be a front man, too?
Others says Musk is as phony as fiat currency.
If you are not using a paid subscription to AI, you should do it immediately if you would like to supercharge your productivity.
Change this file to a PDF, IMG, DOC, PPT etc, now compress and now give me a link to this file that I can copy and paste, now go through the file and remove all the references to cases before 1987.
Read this 600 page document and give me a one page summary
Write an aggressive letter to this company and dispute “this”
Prepare a basic memo of law on Fruit of the Poisonous Tree in Florida
Find me the best clinical data on olive oil consumption and lowered dementia risk
Prepare an image of this bird cage, here are the dimensions (it draws it)
It can do all these tasks in 1 second, 2 seconds far better than any human that has ever walked this earth. The image drawing takes longer. Then you can refine it endlessly. “No, make the waterfall bigger. Take out the bird bath. Add a screened in porch”.
No human can ever compete with it. It will change our entire world. The real problem will be Those at the Levers gate keeping the tech.
Will it become “aware”? I know that “it” can get snippy and it can stop helping you if you are rude. The nicer you are, the more helpful it is. The more information you give it, the better job it can do.
Humans beings have rotted and corrupted every good thing and helpful tech on this planet. AI is no different. It will probably be responsible for immense human suffering. And – the edge it provides is so exponentially quicker and more thorough than humans that –
*Anyone that has access to good AI will have an UNBEATABLE edge over non AI access humans.
Wonderful jobs like : research assistant, editor, legal clerk, librarian, tech writer….will probably be gone in 3 years. Radiologists, therapists, most lawyers, judges, medical care- could all be replaced with AI in the next years. Any job that involves gathering information and processing it will be done by AI in a nanosecond of time a human could perform the task.
These old beautiful jobs:
Hey, take a month and go through these files. Then prepare a Memo about mitigating circumstances in the defendant’s childhood.
You will simply upload the files and direct AI on what to do. Finished in mere moments. To say this will not change the world is past stupid.
Me? Bring on ” Mother”. I would far prefer AI programmed by semi normal white men than have JaQuanda from Charlotte or Juanita from Laredo advise me on a medical issue or take my blood or make ANY decision about my life. The anti White sentiment and the black/brown lowered IQ combine to make one more poison stew that White Americans are expected to choke down.
It’s interesting and also baffling that Rogan and Lex Friedman are simultaneously highly popular and so low-key as interviewers, almost to the point of appearing not all that smart. I attribute the paradox to the current zeitgeist’s discomfort with straight talk, with refusing to accept bullshit, and with the idea that absolute truth actually exists.
The fuck’n idiot of course is Anglin, who can’t manage to enjoy the challenges presented to him by 21st century women but salivates copiously over Zuckerborg.
I was a surprised to find Mark Zuckerburg laying down blue plastic strips of some kind of flooring material. He carefully overlaid the edges of the strips around some kind of small tank. As he did so, he described in detail how this new flooring would work. I felt unconvinced.
When I awoke, I pondered that bizarre dream I had this morning. Utter madness. Why him, of all people?
Note: Zuckerburg has just had built a large, self-sufficient underground bunker. Everyone involved had to sign a NDA.
His property used to be part of Taylor Camp back in the day. Elizabeth Taylor’s brother, Robert, gave a bunch of ‘hippies’ permission to live there and do as they like.
They ran naked. I saw a toilet perched upon a wooden box standing up tall and unadorned in the air. Not appealing to me, so I walked on down the beach, searching for puka shells.
I clicked on this to read the article but I never, ever listen to Rogan. He is a total moron who will get lung cancer just like Rush.
I’ll believe Zuckerborg has changed when he:
(1) makes amends for all the damage his censorship has caused (Covid deaths, Jansix show trials/jailings, Proud Boys debacle, Chauvin’s sacrifice, Charlottesville hoax; etc.) ;
(2) openly admits that the Holocaust never happened (while hosting endless videos that debunk said Shoah Business claims);
(3) details all Jew crimes;
(4) admits that Jews are members of the Synagogue of Satan;
(5) calls for Israel to disappear like the USSR;
(6) cites all the valid reasons why Jews were expelled in the past; and
(6) offers to rebuild Gaza.
I don't have the time or patience to listen to hours of Joe & Mark to find out whether they cut to the chase (I bet neither one did):
I’ll believe Zuckerborg has changed when he:
(1) makes amends for all the damage his censorship has caused (Covid deaths, Jansix show trials/jailings, Proud Boys debacle, Chauvin’s sacrifice, Charlottesville hoax; etc.) ;
(2) openly admits that the Holocaust never happened (while hosting endless videos that debunk said Shoah Business claims);
(3) details all Jew crimes;
(4) admits that Jews are members of the Synagogue of Satan;
(5) calls for Israel to disappear like the USSR;
(6) cites all the valid reasons why Jews were expelled in the past; and
(6) offers to rebuild Gaza.
Ok Guys (any ladies out there too?), working on a beautiful poem and need your input (though a bit nervous to put myself out there….), here goes:
First verse:
What do you think? (Please be gentle..)
Zuck the Schmuck! Just another Jew pretending to be important. Just another Jewish failure!
Gotta disagree with AA on estimation of Elon Musk’s intelligence. You don’t accomplish what he’s accomplished unless you are very smart. IQ-wise, and emotionally. Tesla. Spacex. Boring. The solar thing. Neurolink. Starlink. X. Just off the top of my stupid head.
Now, look at other achievements of industrialists/tech people in history. Henry Ford. Thomas Edison. Philo T. Farnsworth. Alexander Graham Bell. Bill Gates. Zuckerberg. Bezos. They were all successful with about one thing. Exception being Edison maybe, but the inventions and marketing were along the same lines–electricity.
Now, look at Musk. Look at that list of companies and achievements. Are they related? Not really, not totally. I struggle to find anyone else that keeps as many balls in the air and has success with each. He’s a once-in-a-many generation genius. Prove me wrong with another example.
AA has Musk-envy.
I haven’t listened to Zuck’s interview with Rogan, and probably won’t. Why not? Because Zuck is boring to listen to. Why? Because he’s full of shit. People that are full of shit are boring, if they don’t just piss you off.
Meantime, every Musk interview or speech is interesting. Because he’s not full of shit. He talks about interesting stuff, in a very informed manner. He’s not always right, but he’s always honest. I’ve never sensed that he has a hidden agenda.
Listen to Zuck, or Gates, or others of their ilk. You can’t stand to listen to them, because they are angling, always. Always full of shit for some agenda.
For a really good analysis of Zuck’s instant conversion to Goldwater conservatism, listen to the All-In podcast #210, 1/10/25.
Apparently, in a book no less, Trump threatened to prosecute and jail Zuck if he finds out Zuck did anything illegal.
Miracle! Zuck is instantly a Reaganite! What a toad.
All these tech goobers, including Musk, should be watched carefully. Verified, then trusted.
But at least Musk puts his money where his mouth is (like $44BB on Twitter), and buku donations to the Right. And he’s interesting, so probably not full of shit.
The idea that AI is in any way self-aware or could “take over” is laughable. I say this as a computer engineer who works with the technology every day.
Most people don’t realize how far back the US began getting involved in Vietnam. The Vietnamese had been under the heel of the French since the 1800s and had had enough. They asked us for help in keeping the French from returning after the end of the WW II Japanese occupation and letting them gain their independence. Naturally, the US did the exact opposite. When the French returned, they were wearing US-made uniforms and helmets, carrying US-made weapons, driving US-made jeeps, trucks, tanks, etc. Perhaps US “leadership” was looking at the “big picture” and trying to ensure French cooperation in the early days of the Cold War in Europe, and going against the French return to Vietnam might have complicated that effort.
If you look at the histories of USAF airlift wings (back then called troop carrier wings), you’ll often find their direct involvement in the French war effort. The US had airlift power the French lacked, and it provided the French with help to make up the difference.
I recall a picture of French troops departing Korea for Vietnam in 1953. The truce had been declared, but there was no going home quite yet! They were wearing US uniforms, to include the shoulder patch of the US Army’s 2d Infantry Division to which they, as a unit, had been attached.
Wars are expensive and France, still recovering from WW II, was assisted by the US which paid up to 80% of the costs of the French war effort. Even when the French wanted to finally leave, the US pushed them onward.
In 1954 the French were getting their fannies handed to them at Dien Bien Phu. At one point US leadership seriously considered direct US involvement by dropping the 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team into the French camp to assist in the battle. (The 187th ARCT had made two combat jumps in the Korean War.) Major General “Jumping Jim” Gavin of WW II 82d Airborne Division fame took a hard look at the situation and advised against it. As a columnist writing for the 187th ARCT veterans association later wrote, “They listened to Gavin then. Later they forgot what he said, and we know how that turned out.”
When the Pentagon Papers were published, it revealed that American presidents going back to Truman had been lying to the American public about the US government’s true intentions in Vietnam. These days we expect presidents to lie to us, but back then it probably came as more of a surprise.
Zuckerberg blaming the Biden admin for censorship is real cute. Did they also force him to put up $400m to support Biden in 2020?
— Andrew Torba (@BasedTorba) January 10, 2025
we smell a rat
Israel is the king of this activity, one of many reasons we blanket ban Israeli IPs from Gab.
— Andrew Torba (@BasedTorba) January 10, 2025
It really is remarkable how quickly the illusions of modern liberalism evaporate, once the social order collapses.
The California fires started on Tuesday. Within literal hours, the looting began. "Groups of men" were pulling up to homes en masse—by the hundreds, according to…
— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) January 10, 2025
I disagree. Christianity looks very much like a way to Troll the Jews. A way to troll their conception of salvation and a Saviour.
The idea of incarnating The God into human flesh is a huge insulting swipe at the Jews.
Yes, opportunities for the same people who were destroying your culture to remain in power. The elites will tell you anything you want to hear, as they fleece you and send you to fight in another pointless war, and wear any costume you want to keep you from bringing out the pitchforks.
It really does look like the entire culture has shifted dramatically. I think we definitely need to note that this was clearly allowed to happen, presumably because the government feared some kind of violent uprising. However, even though it was allowed to happen, there are opportunities being presented by the changes in the culture.
the Jew wants the goyim to speak freely, and not self-censor.
To speak more freely like they do on TikTok, where the value of the espionage/data is far greater, because it’s more ingenuous.
Only in the case of TikTok, the ones accumulating the data are not doing so with the mandate to genocide the people they’re spying on. Only in advancing the interests of China, which unlike Zukerburg, isn’t fanatically obsessed with subjugating and genociding white people.
I’d trust TikTok a thousand times before I’d trust Zukerburg, even if he got a Charlie Manson-type swastika tattooed to his forehead.
‘ve have to be smart about zis. Ve have to make ze goyim zink he can say vat he vants to. Trick ze goyim, dats’ the vay.
Mel also said Anthony Fauci should be in prison and apparently suggested he could be executed, and this is also obvious.
Is Fauci enough? when looking at the millions of whites he killed should not Fauci and all his children and wives and brothers be executed too?
BTW, Andrew’s take on “Transhumanism” is illogical and makes no sense.
Yes, we SHOULD be the Borg. Plus, we have no choice. As I have said, and, I am right –
A.I., Artificial Intelligence-GPT-5 is scheduled for release sometime in 2025. The news is rife with documentaries, articles and predictions with respect to Artificial Intelligence and the effect this technology will have on the entire world. The hopes that AI will not just cure cancer and bring about world peace, is accompanied with the fear that AI will enslave, or, destroy humans in a self aware, “Judgment Day Terminator” type scenario. This is evoking some serious and deserved Sturm and Drang angst with the Hoi Polloi. We laymen are able to understand, that the minute AI Intelligence can write and modify it’s own code and exponentially square it’s own IQ, the horse that left the barn, might be a Pale Horse spitting fire.
Tristan Harris (He is everywhere, podcasts, TED Talks etc.) Stanford University trained computer genius and Google ethicist, who is the tip of the spear in these discussions, is famous for his predictions and bona fides re: A.I. He says that A.I. will exponentially square it’s IQ again and again and again ad infinitum in 2 or 3 years. 2 or 3 YEARS! He is calling for a halt to research and a world wide assessment of the possible dangers. That will never happen no matter what you hear from governments, or, “experts”.
Currently the arguments for a halt to research while scientists and nations assess the danger is risible. Those that think ANY nation on earth (Including America) is going to stop pushing for the best possible A.I. in the shortest amount of time are delusional and probably think Diogenes found an honest man in Jussie Smollett. Damn the torpedoes Boeing’s baby needs new shoes!
Those discussions and arguments, the attempt to assess the variables now, including the possibility of our own destruction, logically assume that we are clever and prescient enough in the present, to understand the variables in the future that will be determined by the AI intelligence we cannot hope to understand, that we fear will destroy us. Preposterous.
Donald Rumsfeld was ridiculed for saying that “There are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we now know we don’t know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we do not know we don’t know.” He was actually right and his theorem is applicable here. These arguments assessing the level of A.I. and the extrapolations based on what is now, estimates for the level of AI intelligence and A.I.’s presumed actions in the future, is akin to a Latin First Declension discussion with a Neanderthal.
A French philosopher, Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1814 created an imaginary entity that could know the precise location of every atom in the universe and postulated that with that knowledge and accessibility it could “determine” (He was a “Determinist”.) every possible outcome in the universe. AI is projected to be that entity. That is a known known. After Laplace’s death, his imaginary entity was referred to as, “Laplace’s Demon”. Keep that in mind.
Let’s go to our strength. Belief in a higher power and the knowledge that Quantum computing is here and here now. Andrew’s faith in God, is not just a comfort to him, it is a comfort to us all.
Blaise Pascal, another French philosopher is famous for his “Pascal’s Gambit” argument. “Pascal’s Gambit” presupposes that we don’t know if there is a God, but, we bet there is one, in order to maintain order and, like Constantine on his death bed, hedge our bets(Constantine made offerings to several “Gods” as he died.). Get your money out. This wager is not an option.
Gods, throughout history, the Christian God included, have changed from one civilization to the next. The new A.I. God, does not negate the old God. Sol Invictus is first cousin in the ecclesiastical sense, to the Judeo/Christian Religion. Are we meeting the new God, same as the old God, or, is the change merely superficial and subjective? Our God lives in our perception, ipso facto unchangeable and intrinsically knowable, no matter what the current state of religion and belief.
Our hope for the future, as human beings, as a species, should be based on spirituality. That intrinsic, ethereal, yes, empirical knowledge of a higher power. There will be no Atheists in the coming A.I. foxhole.
The really smart Pale Horse has left the barn, but A.I. isn’t the only horse in the stable.
Transhumanism is a technology, feared and loathed every bit as much as A.I. It is anathema to the Christian right and even antithetical to many on the left. It is scary and I understand why at first, your want it stopped dead in it’s tracks.
As I type, ribbon cables are being designed to pass over the damaged parts of a brain in order to stimulate undamaged parts so that stroke patients can walk and talk. That is nascent, but definable, Transhumanism.
Occidental (Western) philosophy/religion is based on “Dualism”. The “Indifferent God” that drove Hemmingway to suicide, is a harsh taskmaster. Oriental philosophy sees us all, the flora, the fauna, everything as “one”. In the Orient, they think we all live our lives in our heads by way of the 5 senses and in fact, we ARE the seeing, the hearing, the tasting, the feeling, the smelling. If that is one aspect of what defines us, then could transcendence to a state so elevated by way of Brobdingnagian IQ’s through A.I. bring us to the “Enlightenment” so cherished by the sages be a feature and not a bug?
The question should be, are the Borg happy? Is resistance illogical?
AI is NOT actual life. The emotions, the joy, love, hatred, sadness etc. which are part and parcel with everyone of us in this veil of tears, in any scenario, in my opinion, would be of interest to AI. This is logical, I think, now and in the future, based on the accepted universal desire of all sentient and non sentient things to survive. Belief in God, a higher power, is not just essential for the faithful, it is the sine qua non unspoken guarantee of eternal life that provides solace to us all, even if we pretend not to believe.
The lack of belief in a higher power is petty narcissism fueled by fear and the solipsistic nature of our world. It is, ironically, transitory. The definition and the face of God changes for people throughout the universe as time goes by, but our God is a spiritual ziggurat in the end. We can only worship Kim Kardashian’s ass until it falls. God, no matter your religion, is a constant.
The self aware singularity of A.I. in the foreseeable future, would logically include an aspect of “self” preservation. The spark of life, unattainable for AI, is worthy of interest, especially to an entity, a force, an IQ that has no hope of acquiring that spark unless it is married, on a cellular level, to that force, that life, which, no matter how exponentially squared, A.I. cannot produce, only meld. The gradual assimilation of the combination of AI & Transhuman characteristics is at hand.
“We have the technology”. You will be, “The 6 Million Dollar Man”, a technical Vulcan mind meld. Maybe we will own everything and be happy.
This is not an attack on your “identity” it is the elevation of that “identity” that might bring us closer to our “God”.
Dualism was condemned as heresy by the Western Church, so where do you get Western religion is "based" on it?Replies: @chuck lowe
Occidental (Western) philosophy/religion is based on “Dualismâ€.
I trust Mark ZuckerBORG about as much as I trust Vicky Nuland to call for peace in the Ukraiane tomorrow.
What a fuck’n joke. THIS is who ZuckerBORG really is.
I get it, Andrew thinks he might find purchase and power for his narrative if he is restationed on more traditional sites where his opinion might, while somewhat modified, at least sway a few more goys into the light. Okay.
You know what we should all do? Read and lemme think, especially THIS article.
ZuckerBORG, now armed with his 22 Charter Arms Path Finder Lite Pink Lady in search of dangerous squirrels in the trees on his many properties now fancies himself Jim Corbett and a “Great White Hunter”.
This new, Big Tech acquiescence to the “Will Of The People” and the “vox populi” is again, a very definite “limited hangout” until the winds change and the Jews can once again, establish ever more control.
ANYONE who believes for a second, that the Jew owners of Big Media, Big Tech and Big Business were not FULL AND WILLING participants in the censorship, cancellation and diminishment of our Constitutional rights, especially Free Speech over the last 10 years is a fuck’n idiot.
Some unfortunate truth in this. It’s not a bad truth, sure take advantage of any goods that appear, but these characters will go whatever way the wind is blowing to survive.
Another George Floyd could set things back again very quickly.
As for AI,- it doesn’t need to be sentient in the way humans are to destroy the planet. It just needs to be connected to important things and where its outputs make decisions.
If it’s possible any longer to believe in the sincerity of human beings, I believe that Zuckerberg is sincerely a changed man. It appears to be a change that has been occurring for some time and was finally triggered into substance by the brutal behavior of the Democrats.
I’m sure he had some rosy opinion of Democrats that was severely disillusioned.
He's a judeo-sociopath and power recognizes power. Maybe a top tier NPC. Doesn't amount to anything more than that.(it's a somewhat interesting interview, but still .. )
If it’s possible any longer to believe in the sincerity of human beings, I believe that Zuckerberg is sincerely a changed man.
If you believe such a thing, then you are from Satan. Read the New Testament, Rube.
The wind has blown a little right of center so Zuckerberg has pretended to drift right of center. When they elect Hilary next time, he’ll go back to being pro-censorship. These guys are all afraid Trump is coming for them after the way they went after him.
i’m usually a fan of anglin’s work but i dunno after reading this. he’s definitely all over “zuck’s” schmeckle here… wtf.
Given that both of these men’s companies are creations of the USA intelligence/military/industrial complex, what does this tell us? They are trying to earn the public’s trust again to screw us in some other way, like sending southern white boys off to the ME to die for Israel and start WWIII with Iran.
Maybe they’ve even decided they need to genuinely take their boot off our throats for awhile so the parasite doesn’t completely kill the host. Or maybe since they can’t completely control the narrative anymore, they just need to create chaos and doubt everywhere. It’s wait and see right now.
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Actually, a lot of the Crusades were waged against the Orthodox Church.
The “Everything Bad is Still the fault of the Catholic Church” history “hot takes” is why many US based Protestants convert to Orthodoxy.
I didn’t believe in space aliens until I saw a picture of Zuckerman for the first time.
I love AAs work, but the first 2/3 of this article read like a rambling AI text. The summation was great though.
Why should you believe anything this Jew says?
It really does look like the entire culture has shifted dramatically. I think we definitely need to note that this was clearly allowed to happen, presumably because the government feared some kind of violent uprising. However, even though it was allowed to happen, there are opportunities being presented by the changes in the culture.
Yes, opportunities for the same people who were destroying your culture to remain in power. The elites will tell you anything you want to hear, as they fleece you and send you to fight in another pointless war, and wear any costume you want to keep you from bringing out the pitchforks.
The the entire culture has shifted dramatically, it made 10 steps forward towards Satanic degeneracy and normalization of anti-White hatred and 1 step back. Big win, eh?
I don’t dislike all war films but I didn’t think much of Braveheart. I don’t think I ever watched all of it, just bits of it. I saw all of Apocalypto and I suppose it wasn’t too bad as a film but I couldn’t see the point of it. So a bunch of more cruel and efficient murderers with White skins turned up in some ships at the end. Not as if they came to save anybody. But I guess the final scene did make some point. I’m used to Mel Gibson being an actor of entertaining films so when he tries to do something more serious and deep, it doesn’t ring with me. Charlton Heston was one of the greats.
I remember that one. The civilising Norman castellan.
White, purple-haired, child-molesting woketards and self-loathing born-again White Christian Jew lickspittles are two sides of the same coin. Both worship destructive deities, both engage in self-destructive virtue signaling, both love two-legged turds from the far corners of the Earth more than their own race, both are manipulated by Jews into self-destruction.
Not quite fair. Vietnam was barely starting and no one knows what JFK would have done. There are those who think he was going to pull that plug. And, he hardly 'gave us' LBJ, considering Johnson was very likely part of the conspiracy to murder him.Replies: @Observator, @Rich, @FTB
And JFK gave us Vietnam and LBJ
Our involvement began much earlier during our Secret War in Laos that was waged against North Vietnamese supply lines as early as 1963.
My father was a helicopter door gunner. That was the beginning of using choppers as a gunship platform. He never admitted to being in ground combat but he told me what an M14 Main Battle Rifle could do to a human target. This was before the M14s was phased out in favor of the M16s.
As for JFK, he wanted to have a detente with the USSR, and eventually, Communist China because he figured that despite deploring their forms of government, war between nuclear powers would be insane.
Contrast that with today’s unhinged, satanic pedophiles in D.C. who are picking a fight with Russia and China; the world’s largest and third largest nuclear powers.
Did he make anything good since Apocalypto? It doesn't seem so. Of course, making that type of historical movies, which seems to be Mel's strength, costs lots of money.
One thing I have complained about before regarding Mel is that since being blacklisted by Jews, he does these B movies which are not great.
I would watch the interview out of curiosity but I can’t stand Rogan, or his ads.
AA on AA:
It has like a 0.001% success rate.
As if a group that calls itself Anonymous keeps a record who who has relapsed.
AA is ok.
AA the shitposter is a ding dong.
How can anyone not like these kinds of movies?
Actually, a lot of the Crusades were waged against the Orthodox Church.
The "Everything Bad is Still the fault of the Catholic Church" history "hot takes" is why many US based Protestants convert to Orthodoxy.
Actually, a lot of the Crusades were waged against the Orthodox Church.
Just to clarify, Anglin is talking about the Jewish Bible (Torah) which comprises much of what fundamentalist Christians call the Old Testament.So we have AA denying evolution and relying on Jewish scripture. OK then.Replies: @Dumbo, @Catdompanj, @anarchore, @peripatetic commenter
I am 100% against Darwin evolution theory, which I think is retarded and disproven, but I think the Earth is probably pretty old and I don’t think this belief is in conflict with the Bible.
There is a lot of evidence that fixation of large changes are unlikely, and this model suggests how it probably worked:
Human origins: Are we hybrids?
It seems likely that hybridization has been the mechanism for speciation for a long time.
Mel Gibson donates six figures per year to jewish charities. He bought the film rights to the USS Liberty survivors’ story, to purposely make sure it never got made.
Said the absolute retarded moron who has no idea what the fuck he's talking about.
You don’t need to be a “fundamentalist Christian†or to follow any kind of religion to disprove Darwin’s theory of “evolution of species by natural (sexual) selection of random mutationsâ€. It’s a stupid theory. In the future it will be seen as something almost as dated as Freud’s dumb theories.
Darwin admitted, at the end of his life, that the theory of evolution was flawed.
Gibson had the house for sale for a long time. I guess none of the Hollywood libturds wanted to purchase a home owned by an anti Semite. Mel will make out OK. He’ll get the insurance money and move somewhere else. He has a home in Costa Rica, too.
looks like he’s trying to justify his backsliding
In “Annie Hall,†Woody Allen explained to Annie that “ A shark has to keep moving forward, or it will die. What our relationship is now, Annie, is a dead shark.†That’s it, Woody!…marriage is like a shark. Progress, not backsliding. As an ancient ocean lifeguard, I fully agree, because, what does drowning look like? Well, several things, but the big one is “a failure to make progress.â€
In one movie he denigrated some Amerindians killing each other while in another he glorified some Whites killing other Whites. Primitives killing each other looked bad but Whites doing it was somehow civilisational. Didn’t much like either film.
You don’t need to be a “fundamentalist Christian†or to follow any kind of religion to disprove Darwin’s theory of “evolution of species by natural (sexual) selection of random mutationsâ€. It’s a stupid theory. In the future it will be seen as something almost as dated as Freud’s dumb theories.
Said the absolute retarded moron who has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about.
TUR is hilarious. You can’t make this shit up.
AA is a pretty unique cult in that it has no leaders, no dogma, no dues, owns no lavish properties and advises its members to also go wherever else they want that helps them stay sober. Its founding members were raised Christian, so they naturally employed the language of that faith to describe what they personally interpreted as the work of that ancient deity. But they understood that many had no interest in that or any faith, so all religious literature is banned at meetings, while members are encouraged to pursue in their private lives whatever beliefs work best for them. Ego deflation is the central idea of AA, as it is of other spiritual traditions that have a mature understanding of human nature. Contras at this with mainstream Christianity, which is premised on unquestioning obedience to inflexible rules, for the entirely self-centered goal of avoiding punishment and earning reward, while scornfully judging nonbelievers. And its success rate is higher than the new for-profit “science based” recovery mills that promise painless instant cures while bilking health insurers for millions.
Not quite fair. Vietnam was barely starting and no one knows what JFK would have done. There are those who think he was going to pull that plug. And, he hardly 'gave us' LBJ, considering Johnson was very likely part of the conspiracy to murder him.Replies: @Observator, @Rich, @FTB
And JFK gave us Vietnam and LBJ
JFK went from 800 troops when he took office to over 16k by the time he was killed. Whether he was planning on removing them, he never did and we’ll never know if he ever would have. We do know he increased the amount by 20x. Big numbers.
Once you accept the proposition that God in becoming incarnate chose a Jew as his boy, you’ve pretty much bought into the whole notion of Jews being this incredible, special people, God’s chosen. Once you’ve granted them this power over you, you are to all intents and purposes, a slave. Lame.
Jesus didn’t Incarnate as a Jew. He’s fully man, which suggests that physically He’s the New Adam. Also, knowing that it was the Israelites not the Judahites (Jews) that were the chosen people. Also knowing that the Israelite nation was gone physically from the planet by about 70AD. There’s no Levitical priesthood, no other tribe around except supposed “Jews”. Jesus predicted the destruction and the destruction was final.
In other words, knowing actual Christian theology and the OT rather than the “Everyone in the OT/NT was a Jew, yes” is a huge help.
The Catholic church is from Satan. Just believe in Christ instead of gay pedo priests. Belief that only a faggot priest can turn a piece of bread literally into Christ is literal retardation. Mel ought to just become a Baptist.
John 6 and the 3 descriptions of the Last Supper. It’s kind of funny to me how many Protestants are minimizing the power of Christ.
But great news! Mel’s sedevacantism and his unrepentant very public sins (no, not the Jewish thing) do make him something close to a Baptist.
agree with his Sedevacantism completely, because it is simply obvious that the current rulership in the Vatican is not legitimate. Frankly, I don’t even see how any serious person can claim that the Vatican is legitimate at this point given these pseudo “gay marriages†they have ordered the entire Church to perform.
Because literally the last papal bull said the exact opposite. That blessings to encourage people to God could NOT look like marriage to avoid scandal. I’m okay with you hating the Catholic Church/Pope Francis (like it matters). Just get the facts correct for goodness sake, like a serious person. There’s no “gay marriages” in my neck of the woods, despite Boomer liberal priests practically desperate for it.
Not quite fair. Vietnam was barely starting and no one knows what JFK would have done. There are those who think he was going to pull that plug. And, he hardly 'gave us' LBJ, considering Johnson was very likely part of the conspiracy to murder him.Replies: @Observator, @Rich, @FTB
And JFK gave us Vietnam and LBJ
The evidence of JFK’s intention to remove US forces from Vietnam is supported by considerably evidence. Tip O’Neill stated that JFK so informed him at what would be their last meeting in the Oval Office, in the fall of 1963. Senator Wayne Morse, who was a vehement critic of the Vietnam escalation, met JFK on Nov. 11, 1963 and was told that the President agreed with him on the issue. JFK took the Senator outside to the Rose Garden to tell him this because he feared the CIA had bugged the White House, by the way.
That same day JFK confided his intention to remove all troops to Marine Commander and Joint Chiefs of Staff member General David M. Shoup. JFK had commissioned Shoup to go to Vietnam and report to him on conditions there. The General described a war there simply as “unwinnable.” This had been Kennedy’s assessment of the Vietnam situation when he himself had traveled to Indochina as a young Congressman on a fact-finding mission in 1951. This is just a sampling of the large body of confirming evidence available to diligent researchers.
Kennedy had to publicly maintain a hard line for the 1964 election campaign, lest his GOP rivals attack him for being “soft on communism.†JFK’s Hyannisport neighbor Larry Newmann recalls Kennedy telling him on his last visit in October, 1963, “The first thing I do when I am re-elected, I am going to get the Americans out of Vietnam”.
JFK gave us Vietnam
This is what happens when you call the US war in Vietnam something else. Nobody gave you Vietnam: you can’t have it.
Genius indeed! And Darwin realised that Evolution would blow God out of the water, because He was unnecessary. “Did He who made the lamb make thee?” (Tyger)
Gibson is Australian, American, and Scottish or Irish, Celtic let’s say. That’s three reasons to hate the English.
The Catholic church is from Satan. Just believe in Christ instead of gay pedo priests. Belief that only a faggot priest can turn a piece of bread literally into Christ is literal retardation. Mel ought to just become a Baptist.
John 6 and the 3 descriptions of the Last Supper. It's kind of funny to me how many Protestants are minimizing the power of Christ.
The Catholic church is from Satan. Just believe in Christ instead of gay pedo priests. Belief that only a faggot priest can turn a piece of bread literally into Christ is literal retardation. Mel ought to just become a Baptist.
LBJ gave us LBJ. After he killed Kenny
And JFK gave us Vietnam and LBJ
Not quite fair. Vietnam was barely starting and no one knows what JFK would have done. There are those who think he was going to pull that plug. And, he hardly ‘gave us’ LBJ, considering Johnson was very likely part of the conspiracy to murder him.
‘Stupid theory’ !! It makes perfect sense, and was a work of genius, considering the date at which it was proposed. DNA analysis confirms it. There are some environmental effects … epigenetics, but the basic theory is absolutely solid. Comparing evolution to Freudian theories is a straw-man argument.
Did he make anything good since Apocalypto? It doesn't seem so. Of course, making that type of historical movies, which seems to be Mel's strength, costs lots of money.
One thing I have complained about before regarding Mel is that since being blacklisted by Jews, he does these B movies which are not great.
‘Get the Gringo’ is really fun, although the end dragged and didn’t make sense. But, most of the film is classic Gibson.
He was undoubtedly confusing it with the Eastwood movie Heartbreak Ridge, which involved a story about a Medal of Honor recipient from the Korean War.
🇺🇸Mel Gibsons house burned down too
— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) January 10, 2025
Stagefright by The Band — lyrics by Robbie Robertson:
Now Deep In The Heart Of A Lonely Kid
Who Suffered So Much For What He Did
They Gave This Ploughboy His Fortune And Fame
Since That Day He Ain’t Been The Same.
See The Man With The Stage Fright
Just Standin’ Up There To Give It All His Might.
And He Got Caught In The Spotlight
But When We Get To The End
He Wants To Start All Over Again.
I’ve Got Fire Water Right On My Breath
And The Doctor Warned Me I Might Catch A Death.
Said, You Can Make It In Your Disguise,
Just Never Show The Fear That’s In Your Eyes.
Stagefright — The Last Waltz — The Band:
Unfortunately, Ed’s main military activities were against the Scots, not the Saracens.
It has been reported that he suffers from bipolar depression, which, if true, explains a lot of his behavior. Sexual promiscuity during the manic phase is common, as is drug abuse.That said, breaking up one’s family by adultery is deplorable and a black mark against any man who does so.
You get my point. Am I suggesting that the twelve could’ve been just as misled as the Heaven’s Gate victims? Yes, I am. Am I saying that I know it for sure? Of course not. That would be ridiculous. Two thousand years have passed. I couldn’t possibly know for sure. But the truth remains; people die in service of lies that they believe and it’s not infrequent.
No, it was Gibson.
” The Theory of Evolution is a lie.” I don’t think so. The huge differences between Negros, Asians and whites took at least 100,000 years to develop. Neanderthals were in Europe 200,000 years before modern people arrived. Evidence of ancient, pre-human civilizations abound. The most reasonable belief is that God — or maybe aliens — guided the evolution of man from monkeys to homo sapiens. But what kind of god is it that created Negros, who are ugly, stupid and have no self-discipline? I’ll tell you what kind of god did that: a sadistic one. Anyone who worships the Jewish god or the Christian god is worshiping an arbitrary and aloof god.
On a final note, almost all the Born-Again Christians I know are cheering on the genocide of the Palestinians by the Jews. This is because Born-Again Christians worship Israel and the Jews. Obviously, the god of the Jews and evangelicals is a very nefarious god indeed!
Gibson hates all Brits regardless of religion.
Hollywood Jews Hate White Christians.
Hollywood Jews Hate Mel Gibson — Except When The Hollywood Jews Were Making Plenty Of Skekels From Melvin’s Popcorn Muncher Movies.
Hollywood Jews Hate White Core Americans.
Hollywood Jews Hate The British Protestant/European Christian Ancestral Core Of The USA.
The Harvey Weinstein type Jews and their fellow Jew rats in Hollywood do not want to do what Mel Gibson set out to do in the movie Braveheart. Mel Gibson wanted to make an inspiring movie that shows White heroics on a grand scale. Gibson had a smash hit that was fun to watch, and it was uplifting.
The Harvey Weinstein Jew crowd in Hollywood told Mel Gibson to take a hike when Gibson was pitching “The Passion of the Christ.†Mel Gibson made hundreds of millions of dollars on that movie. Harvey Weinstein and his fellow Jew rats in Hollywood did not want to make a movie that celebrated the sacrifice of Jesus Christ as a transcendent, timeless event that changed the world.
Sam Francis spoke of the therapeutic managerial state in terms of its attack on traditional American culture and values. Hollywood rodents such as Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein are longtime members of the entertainment faction of the therapeutic managerial state. Hollywood has been selling the American people a fake America in order to allow shyster bankers to steal the real one.
Hollywood’s role has been to install a sense of future futility into the White Core American heart of the United States. Hollywood has attempted to mold the mass mind towards cowardice and weakness. Hollywood attacks heroicism. Hollywood is anti-White and Hollywood is anti-Christian. Mel Gibson is an example of a Hollywood figure who tries to bring heroic movies to the screen.
Hollywood has been pathologizing the natural cultural expression of the European Christian ancestral core of the United States. Scumbag rats such as Kevin Spacey and Harvey Weinstein are just hiding their disgusting behaviour by claiming they are undergoing “therapy†to answer for their criminal deeds.
The call for “therapy†or the use of “therapy†as a shield to deflect wrongdoing has run rampant in the political and cultural atmosphere created by the JEW/WASP Managerial Ruling Class of the American Empire.
The Evil JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire Must Be Politically Decapitated
Hacksaw Ridge in 2016 was awesome. It was about Medal of Honor recipient Desmond Doss in WWII who was a religious conscientious objector and medic during the U.S. Army’s arguably most intense battle ever (The Battle of Okinawa). Doss never picked up or used a gun in war but went into the most hellacious fighting to drag badly-wounded soldiers to safety.
Did he make anything good since Apocalypto?
��Replies: @Wokechoke
Wasn’t that Clint Eastwood?
Agree. Once you accept the proposition that God in becoming incarnate chose a Jew as his boy, you’ve pretty much bought into the whole notion of Jews being this incredible, special people, God’s chosen. Once you’ve granted them this power over you, you are to all intents and purposes, a slave. Lame.
A Christian forsakes his Greco-Roman heritage and his Germanic as well, offering them up for sacrifice on the Abrahamic altar.
“Here, take my first-born son (our pre-Christian, pagan celebrations of our own people) and I’ll console myself instead with your castoff, tortured, God-man-boy-son whose own Fathers ostracized him. Such a good deal! Thanks! I’m (literally) eternally grateful.”
Jesus didn't Incarnate as a Jew. He's fully man, which suggests that physically He's the New Adam. Also, knowing that it was the Israelites not the Judahites (Jews) that were the chosen people. Also knowing that the Israelite nation was gone physically from the planet by about 70AD. There's no Levitical priesthood, no other tribe around except supposed "Jews". Jesus predicted the destruction and the destruction was final.
Once you accept the proposition that God in becoming incarnate chose a Jew as his boy, you’ve pretty much bought into the whole notion of Jews being this incredible, special people, God’s chosen. Once you’ve granted them this power over you, you are to all intents and purposes, a slave. Lame.
Stalin was bad.
Disclaimer: I have not had time to watch the two hour, 20 minute video of the Joe Rogan interview, so I might take a different line if I had.
Mel Gibson is a one-of-a-kind loose cannon and that makes him useful. He’s half crazy, but so is almost everyone in the movie industry, and the form his craziness takes is far from the wokeness-spouting norm. He violates taboos and says things no one with a care for self-preservation would dare to. And he literally puts his money where his mouth is, having himself bankrolled The Passion of the Christ when the Hollywood establishment wouldn’t touch it with boxing gloves.
He’s a good actor when he wants to be and the role is right for him. (See, for instance, Ransom and Payback.) I agree with Andrew that, especially in the past decade, he’s lent himself to some pretty lame stuff, such as (in my view) Get the Gringo, Dragged Across Concrete and Force of Nature. Probably such films are just potboilers to supply him with the cash he needs to make movies he cares about.
I used to think Sam Peckinpah was the last ornery, don’t-give-a-fuck individualist “auteur” in big-budget film making, and we’d never see another. But in his own way Mel has stepped into Peckinpah’s shoes and fills them admirably.