Yes, but it’s totally pointless to be worried about racism when we have rampant and accepted speciesism. In this very article, the author purports to be a progressive, and yet *shamelessly* displays this attitude.
Because it somewhat granularizes the daunting magnitude of ecocide, it feels easier to focus on various aspects of environmental degradation: global warming/climate change, water pollution, smog, drought, species extinctions, food insecurity. There’s nothing wrong with that — we need our best and brightest experts on each facet of the environment. If ever there has been a phenomenon that requires holistic analysis by society as a whole, however, it’s ecocide. You can’t separate drought from rising temperatures. These problems are so intricately and inexorably intertwined and intimately interdependent that it’s nonsensical to discuss them discretely on a political level, lest we get lost in the dying weeds. There is one issue, the biggest issue ever: Humanity is killing its habitat and so is imperiling our survival as a species.
Ecocide? The idea is supremacist. Every ecology favors different species. It’s ridiculous to assume one type of ecology is better than another. And if you’re going to go hyper-materialist and begin ranking (inherently supremacist) competing ecosystems by the number of species they support you run into all kinds of problems. For example, what if an ecosystem favors less species but each of those has more individuals (e.g. one trillion ants versus 100 lions). Are you going to go by numbers of individuals, why not biomass?
The author is explicit in his last comment. He clearly cares very little about other species not to mention future species which might evolve given an ecotransformation – the more accurate, less pejorative term for what he is describing.
‘Liberartian’ ‘ideals’ are a sham, a facade to hide ‘libertarian’ pathopsychology based, as with all Rightist ideologies, on insatiable greed, unbounded narcissism and xenophobic hatred of others. Sounds awfully rabbinical to me (viz. Ayn Rand), and what entity behaves in such a manner, as does its pet rabid dog, the USA? I suspected that Turd’s virulent Judeophobia was some sort of psychological reaction to his own intrinsic Pharisaic nature. Some libertarians know this, but others are so infantile and stupid that they seem actually to believe the bromides.
I go to great lengths and expend my precious time to educate you, all the while expressing MY take on Libertarianism accompanied by a plethora of solutions.
Please then .... define what Libertarianism means to you.
No, you go on and on about unrelated nonsense.
It is easy. Let us take Taoism for example. Google “Taoism on government” and the answer you will get is:
Taoism generally encourages non-intervention and small government, and views political authority as natural but subject to restriction:
Taoists believe that rulers should not interfere with the natural development of people, and that the less the government forces the welfare of the people, the greater their wealth and prosperity.
Small government
The ancient Chinese wisdom poem Tao Te Ching views laissez-faire, small government, and non-intervention as political ideals.
Political authority
Taoism affirms the idea that political authority is natural and should exist, but advocates for the restriction of political influence.
Taoists generally prefer to live naturally and simply, and stay away from matters of government. The Tao Te Ching expresses the idea that passivity is the most effective political power, and that the world will govern itself if people let go of fixed plans and concepts.
Now wasn’t that easy.
The difference between the Taoists and you, is that the Taoists know that they beliefs are IDEALS TO STRIVE FOR…………and not a fully fledged political philosophy.
You, however, have taken Libertarian ideals, however laudable they may be, and tried to force them to become a political philosophy.
There is a big difference between Ideals and what can be achieved in the real world.
BTW, doesn’t Taoism sound like Libertarianism? Since Taoism predates your Libertarianism by more than 2000 years, perhaps you should rename your Libertarianism as Neo Taoism….LOL?????
I go to great lengths and expend my precious time to educate you, all the while expressing MY take on Libertarianism accompanied by a plethora of solutions.
Please then .... define what Libertarianism means to you.
No, you go on and on about unrelated nonsense, disorganised and incoherent.
It is easy. Let us take Taoism for example. Google “Taoism on government” and the answer you will get is:
Taoism generally encourages non-intervention and small government, and views political authority as natural but subject to restriction:
Taoists believe that rulers should not interfere with the natural development of people, and that the less the government forces the welfare of the people, the greater their wealth and prosperity.
Small government
The ancient Chinese wisdom poem Tao Te Ching views laissez-faire, small government, and non-intervention as political ideals.
Political authority
Taoism affirms the idea that political authority is natural and should exist, but advocates for the restriction of political influence.
Taoists generally prefer to live naturally and simply, and stay away from matters of government. The Tao Te Ching expresses the idea that passivity is the most effective political power, and that the world will govern itself if people let go of fixed plans and concepts.
Now wasn’t that easy?
The difference between the Taoists and you, is that the Taoists were wise enough to know that their beliefs are IDEALS TO STRIVE FOR…..and NOT……….and not a fully fledged political philosophy.
That is why they have never become a political force in China’s long history, unlike Confucianism which has dominated it.
You, however, have taken Libertarian ideals, however laudable they may be, and tried to force them to become a political philosophy.
There is a big difference between Ideals and what can be achieved in the real world.
BTW, doesn’t Taoism sound like Libertarianism? Since Taoism predates your Libertarianism by more than 2000 years, perhaps you should rename your Libertarianism as Neo Taoism….LOL?????
LOL. Well then it is definitely true that Libertarians have no solutions.
All they can do is obfuscate.
Libertarianism should be renamed to Wishfulthinkingism.
Of course that remark was aimed at YOU Mulga - but you're too stupid to have worked it out.
As Boenhoffer proposed, stupidity IS more dangerous than evil, but stupidity that thinks itself genius is a whole other category entirely.
That says it all. $5 trillion flushed* down a rat hole - for the sake of a NON-PROBLEM.
Governments worldwide have spent over $5 trillion in the past two decades to subsidise wind, solar, and other so-called renewables. What is really going on here?
Doug Casey: It’s essentially the triumph of pseudoscience and aberrant psychology over physics and critical thinking.
The Greens, who have pushed all this through, say they love the Earth and want to “save†it.
But in fact, they mostly JUST HATE PEOPLE.
This describes Mulga to a tee.
The Greens, however, love to get involved in big causes where they have lots of slogans and memes but very little scientific or technical knowledge.
However, “getting involved†generates emotions which give meaning to their generally unproductive lives.
He really is a racist of the most egregious sort.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @mulga mumblebrain
I just read Casey’s shite-the SAME OLD denialist bull-dust that so impresses greedy imbeciles like Turd. It does show either that you don’t need many brains to be a successful businessman (inheriting wealth helps, too) or that being a mendacious hypocrite is a real business advantage, or both, in my humble opinion.
Of course that remark was aimed at YOU Mulga - but you're too stupid to have worked it out.
As Boenhoffer proposed, stupidity IS more dangerous than evil, but stupidity that thinks itself genius is a whole other category entirely.
That says it all. $5 trillion flushed* down a rat hole - for the sake of a NON-PROBLEM.
Governments worldwide have spent over $5 trillion in the past two decades to subsidise wind, solar, and other so-called renewables. What is really going on here?
Doug Casey: It’s essentially the triumph of pseudoscience and aberrant psychology over physics and critical thinking.
The Greens, who have pushed all this through, say they love the Earth and want to “save†it.
But in fact, they mostly JUST HATE PEOPLE.
This describes Mulga to a tee.
The Greens, however, love to get involved in big causes where they have lots of slogans and memes but very little scientific or technical knowledge.
However, “getting involved†generates emotions which give meaning to their generally unproductive lives.
He really is a racist of the most egregious sort.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @mulga mumblebrain
This is a fine illustration of Turd Vulture’s recidivist lying. It really is a sad, sick, puppy.
Coal is not the cheapest source of electricity, and has not been for years. No worry, says the Turd-I’ll just lie, as me mammy taught me. Poor people will be, and already are, the first and worst victims of that climate chaos that the misanthrope and enemy of Life on Earth, Turd, so dearly desires. And to think that such a vicious racist has the gall to claim to be concerned for the ‘darkies’.
Moreover, solar and wind can be decentralised, as coal cannot, and spare the expense and delay of vast transmission lines from Turd’s beloved coal.
Doug Casey is an hereditary capitalist parasite and atheist, so doesn’t give a fuck what happens after he dies, and is an acolyte of the lunatic, misanthropic, psychopath, Ayn Rand. No wonder it’s a hero to the likes of Turd.
I said 97-9% of ACTIVELY PUBLISHING CLIMATE scientists, you lying piece of shit, which is accurate. As for Casey, green, ie renewable, energy, is growing by leaps and bounds, despite the psychopathic opposition of lunatics like Turd, and the fossil fuel omnicidists. Particularly in the world’s sanest regime, the PRC, where coal has finally peaked, EVs are BOOMING, and more and ever more renewables are being installed. And where lunatic misanthropes like Turd would be hospitalised in a psychiatric facility.
Five trillion is a year or so of fossil fuel subsidies according to the IMF. What’s the bet that Casey is heavily invested in fossil fuels? For some harmless fun, check out ‘potholer 54’ on Youtube taking the denialist psychopaths to the cleaners, time after time.
We actually have de facto ‘Libertarianism’ under the guise of ‘liberal democracy’ or ‘Free Market capitalism’ in much of the West especially the USA. Such regimes are run and controlled by the libertarian oligarchs through their political stooges and lying MSM vermin. There are sham ‘elections’ won, almost invariably, by those that spend the most, 50% or so of voters (more in ‘first past the post’ and voluntary voting regimes) are autonomic losers, and the political Larrys, Curlys and Moes immediately ignore all promises (except the nassty ones)made to the suckers and rule for the rich, ONLY.
The results are pretty plain. Increasing inequality, poverty, precarious employment, indebtedness, homelessness, drug addiction, falling life expectancy and generalised ecological collapse. I give you Turd Vulture’s Dreamworld.
Blah blah blah. Long rants of irrelevant BS. This is why you are confused.So no, you are unable to define what Libertarianism means to you.I guessed as much. You have displayed that Libertarianism is a collection of grumbles about the present system.You have no solution to offer. Only a long string of complaints.
This is a typical response of a fully vaxxed (with boosters) statist that trusts everything their betters in Big Gubmint tell them.......
that includes the Singaporean media that slavishly propagates what their Jewish masters tell them).
Please then be a Real Man, and define what Libertarianism means to you.Or are you too chicken to do it, And resort to obfuscation by means of endless irrelevant rants.Replies: @Truth Vigilante
Please then …. define what Libertarianism means to you.
I go to great lengths and expend my precious time to educate you, all the while expressing MY take on Libertarianism accompanied by a plethora of solutions.
And get stupid responses in return like:
‘Too long winded’, ‘I’m drowning in information overload’ and ‘You have no solution to offer’.
So, I’ll make it concise so your little brain can absorb it:
‘Libertarianism iz gud cuz it makes stuf beta’.
,i>”I interpret your response to mean that you are sympathetic to Libertarianism also. If not, then I apologise before hand.
But if you are indeed a Libertarian, then I would also accept your definition of Libertarianism from you too….if you are able……
So please go ahead. Enlighten me.”
If that’s what you got from my brief comment I will answer using your own logic:
I interpret your response to mean that you are sympathetic to vegetarianism also. If not, then I apologise before hand.
But if you are indeed a vegetarian, then I would also accept your definition of vegetarianism from you too….if you are able……
So please go ahead. Enlighten me.
I interpret your response to mean that you are sympathetic to Libertarianism also. If not, then I apologise before hand.
But if you are indeed a Libertarian, then I would also accept your definition of Libertarianism from you too….if you are able.
Libertarians are so impressed by the use of the word “Liberty’ in the name, that they have concluded/wished/desired/fantasized that the rest of the half-baked philosophy is viable in the real world.
So please go ahead. Enlighten me.
Show me how wishful thinking can work in the world today.
This is a typical response of a fully vaxxed (with boosters) statist that trusts everything their betters in Big Gubmint tell them.
Gosh, you are bloody long winded.
Mr Red Bot, is it any wonder why those Singaporean lasses are literally bending over backwards for the Aussie boys?
This absolves them of the NEED TO THINK.
“They cry out: ‘Too long winded’. ‘Give it to me in a paragraph or less, or I’ll overload’.
No, a paragraph is still too taxing; make it a one-line slogan, please.
This is a typical response of a fully vaxxed (with boosters) statist that trusts everything their betters in Big Gubmint tell them…….
that includes the Singaporean media that slavishly propagates what their Jewish masters tell them).
Blah blah blah. Long rants of irrelevant BS. This is why you are confused.
So no, you are unable to define what Libertarianism means to you.
I guessed as much. You have displayed that Libertarianism is a collection of grumbles about the present system.
You have no solution to offer. Only a long string of complaints.
Please then be a Real Man, and define what Libertarianism means to you.
Or are you too chicken to do it,
And resort to obfuscation by means of endless irrelevant rants.
I go to great lengths and expend my precious time to educate you, all the while expressing MY take on Libertarianism accompanied by a plethora of solutions.
Please then .... define what Libertarianism means to you.
And yet Switzerland also has a central bank.
But, from the standpoint of decentralisation (a core tenet of Libertarianism), Switzerland ticks all the boxes.
No. You are being slippery.We were discussing the scope of legislature that a Libertarian government should have.Go on, define the scope, if you can.
You’re being silly here.
Gosh, you are bloody long winded.
This is a typical response of a fully vaxxed (with boosters) statist that trusts everything their betters in Big Gubmint tell them.
You see UR readers, they are TOO LAZY to do actual research, to actually read books.
When they see any book thicker than a magazine, they have an anxiety attack.
They cry out: ‘Too long winded’. ‘Give it to me in a paragraph or less, or I’ll overload’.
Instead, all their info comes from easily digestible pamphlets issued by Big Gubmint.
You know, containing slogans like:
‘Get vaxxed now’ and ‘Face masks/lockdowns save lives’. Or ‘Big Gubmint genuinely cares for you’.
Everything they know is absorbed through 30 second sound bytes heard through the ZOG owned western MSM (yes – that includes the Singaporean media that slavishly propagates what their Jewish masters tell them).
You see, people like LittleRedBot NEED someone in Gubmint to micromanage their lives and instruct them as to every move they should make.
This absolves them of the NEED TO THINK.
Mr Red Bot, is it any wonder why those Singaporean lasses are literally bending over backwards for the Aussie boys?
They seek REAL MEN, men who can think for themselves, men with courage.
Not lily livered yes-men that don’t have the guts to question Gubmint (like the typical Singaporean automaton).
You Red Bot are such an automaton, and as thick as a plank.
You're being silly here. As I have pointed out on many occasions, the U.S in the 130 or so years since the founding of the republic up until the creation of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve in 1913, was as close to a Libertarian society as any has come in all of human history.
In a Libertarian society, there shall be no laws beyond that of the security of the physical self….ie no laws on religion etc etc.
In the U.S especially (and in other countries to a lesser degree), the establishment of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve was the beginning of what lead to wealth disparity, to chronic bouts of inflation, the exacerbation of the boom/bust cycle leading to much more severe recessions/Depressions than would otherwise be the case.
1. Root cause of wealth disparity is the Central Bank
Got it now Mr RedBot?
These [Jewish] oligarchs became this powerful because of BIG GUBMINT protection, because Big Gubmint gave them control of the money supply by allowing them to own/control the Central Bank of the nation.
Gosh, you are bloody long winded.
Being succinct is a mark of a clear mind. Your verbose replies only prove the big muddle of conflicting ideas that is your mind.
It appears you are unable to define what Libertarianism means to you.
But I will humour you just because I amuses me to see you chase your own tail.
But, from the standpoint of decentralisation (a core tenet of Libertarianism), Switzerland ticks all the boxes.
And yet Switzerland also has a central bank.
It has managed have cantonal decentralisation (that you admire so much) despite their Swiss National Bank.
So it disproves your silly theory that central banks are the cause of oligarchies and centralisation of power.
The point is:
rather than
I wonder if you are intelligent enough to understand this point.
You’re being silly here.
No. You are being slippery.
We were discussing the scope of legislature that a Libertarian government should have.
Go on, define the scope, if you can.
If you cannot, then it will go to show that Libertarianism is a pie-in-the-sky…..or shall we say a philosophy disgruntled grumblings, rather than a fully fledged political theory.
All Libertarians can say is, “government makes me do things I don’t like to do”.
But when asked “what then shall a government limit itself to?”
They are at a loss for words.
So, go on, prove that Libertarianism isn’t some utopian fantasy…..define what government should limit itself to.
This is a typical response of a fully vaxxed (with boosters) statist that trusts everything their betters in Big Gubmint tell them.
Gosh, you are bloody long winded.
Mr Red Bot, is it any wonder why those Singaporean lasses are literally bending over backwards for the Aussie boys?
This absolves them of the NEED TO THINK.
As Boenhoffer proposed, stupidity IS more dangerous than evil, but stupidity that thinks itself genius is a whole other category entirely.
Of course that remark was aimed at YOU Mulga – but you’re too stupid to have worked it out.
And UR readers, soon enough Mulga will trot out his favoured falsehood (about 99% of scientists allegedly claiming we’re heading for Climate Armageddon).
The reality in fact is that only a small fraction of individuals are saying that.
And ALL of them are unscrupulous opportunists that have been handsomely remunerated by ZOG to peddle this easily disprovable fraud.
Meanwhile, REAL scientists with integrity are producing videos like this:
’25 NASA scientists Question [Man-made] Global Warming’:
We also have this great article I read in today titled ‘Collapse of the $5 Trillion Green Energy Scam’:
I urge all UR readers to allocate a few minutes to read it.
It features a Q & A with the great Doug Casey, an individual that is not beholden to anyone.
He is someone who is willing to put in the hard yards to get the facts from the very best people in the world on actual Climate Science (unlike Mulga – who absorbs info from 30 second sound bytes handed to him by the Marxists).
The very first sentence of the article (followed by Doug Casey’s answer) reads:
Governments worldwide have spent over $5 trillion in the past two decades to subsidise wind, solar, and other so-called renewables. What is really going on here?
Doug Casey: It’s essentially the triumph of pseudoscience and aberrant psychology over physics and critical thinking.
The Greens, who have pushed all this through, say they love the Earth and want to “save†it.
But in fact, they mostly JUST HATE PEOPLE.
That says it all. $5 trillion flushed* down a rat hole – for the sake of a NON-PROBLEM.
(*Well, not completely disappeared into the ether – seeing as the ZOG oligarchs that own most of the renewable industries pocketed a substantial part of it).
Imagine if that had been used to feed/clothe/provide shelter for the world’s poor.
Not just for one year – but for the next century and beyond, with plenty left over for healthcare, infrastructure and enough for attending to ALL the environmental issues that the world genuinely faces.
Doug Casey is right. Mulga and his Climate Loon ilk REALLY DO HATE PEOPLE.
These people are prime examples of aberrant psychology, exponents of Orwellian group think, living in a world where up is down, black is white, wrong is right.
They should be locked up, seeing as they’re a menace to civilised society.
As Doug Casey says about Mulga and his ilk:
The Greens, however, love to get involved in big causes where they have lots of slogans and memes but very little scientific or technical knowledge.
However, “getting involved†generates emotions which give meaning to their generally unproductive lives.
This describes Mulga to a tee.
I can think of few people in the whole UR commentariat that have led a more unproductive life, what with his constant advocacy for bigger and more bloated Big Gubmint, his numerous attempts to chain himself to pine trees in plantation forests, his never ending shilling for Socialism and authoritarian micromanagement of our lives by his ‘betters’ in Gubmint.
But the bulk of Mulga’s hate is reserved for the ‘darkies’. Mulga hates them with a passion.
He’ll deny them cheap and reliable electricity from coal fired power generation until the day he dies.
He really is a racist of the most egregious sort.
Look around you. Are you that ignorant that you can’t see that the Jewish oligarchs are the root of all malfeasance in the world today?I make no distinction between a gang mastermind and the gang minions. They all deserve to dangle at the end of the rope.By singling out the Jews, you are attempting to divest responsibility for the state of your country. "But I have not stolen from anyone!"...I hear you protest.Your part in the state of your vassal country, is that you have chosen to believe in stupid theories that have strengthened the position of the Oligarchs in the USA.... whose actions affect the worsening situation in Australia intimately.
Ah, finally we are getting somewhere. So let me see, please confirm that what you are saying is:1. Root cause of wealth disparity is the Central Bank
Libertarianism does not mean there are no rules, no laws. What it does mean is the provision of laws that provide for the security of the citizenry and no more.2. Laws shall be limited to security of citizenry.
We have a REAL WORLD example of how this would function, and that is Switzerland.3. Switzerland is an example of a Libertarian SocietyDo I understand you correctly? These are the features of your Libertarian society?Replies: @Truth Vigilante
Although it is a small country (population around 8.8 million), it is divided into 26 cantons (each with its own constitution, parliament, government, and court system), that collectively form the Swiss Confederation.
No country is Libertarian in very aspect.
But, from the standpoint of decentralisation (a core tenet of Libertarianism), Switzerland ticks all the boxes.
You also wrote:
In a Libertarian society, there shall be no laws beyond that of the security of the physical self….ie no laws on religion etc etc.
You’re being silly here. As I have pointed out on many occasions, the U.S in the 130 or so years since the founding of the republic up until the creation of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve in 1913, was as close to a Libertarian society as any has come in all of human history.
(Hence the reason for it becoming the richest nation on the planet and one where that wealth was WIDELY distributed, as even the common man could afford to buy his own house and raise a large family – all on a single income, while the wife stayed at home and looked after the brood).
And of course the Founding Fathers drew up a constitution that enabled:
1) Freedom of Speech
2) Freedom of Religion
3) The right to bear arms.
4) Enforcement of Private Property rights
5) Freedom of association and much more.
When I mentioned ‘security of the citizenry’ that was just one example. Do I literally have to write 50,000 words to itemise each and every law that would exist in a Libertarian society?
You might now come back with: ‘50,000 words of laws?? That sure sounds like Big Gubmint to me’.
But in the present system (no doubt similar in Singapore), there are 5 million (or maybe even 50 million?) words of by-laws and regulations that micromanage the lives of the citizenry to death.
A libertarian society would remove the B.S and the over-regulation.
Dupes like you believe what you’re told by your Big Gubmint overlords about Libertarianism.
You’re told that a Libertarian society would be like Mogadishu in Somalia, whereby warlords roam the streets day and night raping/looting/and pillaging in a lawless land.
Libertarianism is all about FREEDOM, about allowing consenting adults to pretty much do as they please, PROVIDED they don’t prevent fellow citizens from enjoying Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Of course that doesn’t mean driving on the wrong side of the road, of course there will still be road rules – because it’s obvious that not having road rules CAUSES HARM TO FELLOW CITIZENS,
You Big Gubmint statists assume that a Libertarian society will have No Police Force, and that when crime is committed a posse of angry citizens will gather with their guns and find the culprit – who will thereafter be lynched on the spot.
This is how UNEDUCATED all of you are, because you never bothered to take the time to learn how a Libertarian society would function.
In a Libertarian society (as in every society that ever existed in history using any other system), of course there would be a subset of society that will break the law that will cheat, steal and commit murder.
To that end a decentralised Libertarian community would have their own police force to keep law and order. There would be a judiciary and a court system.
But the local police officers, those in the judiciary etc, would be those from within that community.
They would be individuals known to most residing in that locale, known to be individuals of integrity.
They won’t be enforcing ridiculous laws brought down by some bumbling bureaucrat on the other side of the country that is divorced from the issues that the local community faces.
There will NOT be mask mandates, vaxx mandates, closure of non-essential businesses due to a relatively harmless coronavirus that we KNOW was no more lethal than that of a typical flu season we got every so often (at least not in a sensible community that heeds the advice from the very best infectious disease epidemiologists in the world, ALL of whom said Lockdowns would INCREASE MORTALITY and that face masks/Socialist Distancing/Curfews/closing down businesses were useless in preventing spread of the virus).
A sensible community (during the Covid Psyop) would have consulted with the best people in the world in relation to advice on whether or not to take the experimental mRNA gene therapy that masqueraded as a Covid vaccine.
ie: people like Dr Robert Malone (the man that pioneered mRNA technology).
And Malone stated point blank: ‘mRNA VACCINES ARE NOT SAFE TO BE USED ON HUMANS – DO NOT TAKE THE COVID ‘vaccines’.
In fact, they would’ve listened to the likes of Australia’s own Prof. Thomas J. Borody ( or Dr Pierre Kory, both of whom are internationally acclaimed.
These two individuals came out in 2020 and said that appropriate dosages of Ivermectin would have WIPED OUT COVID-19 and thus there would have been NO NEED FOR THE DEADLY VAXXES IN THE FIRST PLACE.
And everyone knows they were ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. (Many of us already knew in REAL time that Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine was the solution – but the Big Gubmint sycophants like yourself would not listen).
You Mr RedBot, instead listened to the corrupt Singaporean health bureaucracy, the same one that was intimidated/took bribes from Big Pharma (?) into forcing Singaporeans to take the deadly vaccines.
So you stupidly took the lethal* vaxx – followed up by multiple boosters.
(*According to Dr Peter McCullough, the leading expert in the world on the dangers of the Covid vaccines, nearly 100% of deaths and severe adverse reactions to the vaxx can be attributed to just 4.2% of the batches. Those of you that never dropped dead/got severe injuries, you’re one of the lucky ones that took a dose from the other 95.8%. You likely took a harmless placebo).
Getting back to where I was before, in a Libertarian society, there won’t be asinine ‘woke’ mandates, ‘men who identify as women’ being allowed into girls bathrooms, affirmative action quotas and DEI nonsense.
The local community will decide what is in their best interests.
You also write:
1. Root cause of wealth disparity is the Central Bank
In the U.S especially (and in other countries to a lesser degree), the establishment of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve was the beginning of what lead to wealth disparity, to chronic bouts of inflation, the exacerbation of the boom/bust cycle leading to much more severe recessions/Depressions than would otherwise be the case.
Anyone with a grasp of economics will be aware of that. Obviously you don’t know these things.
You just rely on what your ‘wise overlords’ in Bug Gubmint tell you without critical analysis.
As for the ‘no oligarchs in a Libertarian society’ statement of yours, I never said that.
Be a good fellow in future and read closely what I write.
The worst type of oligarchs that exist today, those constituents of the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG), the ones with unimaginable levels of financial wherewithal (they have a net worth that exceeds all but a handful of the GDP’s of the world’s richest nations), THESE are the oligarchs that will never come into being in a Libertarian society.
These [Jewish] oligarchs became this powerful because of BIG GUBMINT protection, because Big Gubmint gave them control of the money supply by allowing them to own/control the Central Bank of the nation.
Got it now Mr RedBot?
With this endless River of Riches in their possession these GIGA-oligarchs (a thousands times wealthier than the garden variety MEGA-oligarchs), can finance their False Flags (like 9/11), political assassinations (JFK/RFK/JFK Jr/MLK Jr/Malcolm X etc), their ownership of the entirety of the western MSM, control of western academia, control of the World Bank/BIS/IMF and the SWIFT electronic payments system etc.
Mr RedBot, it seems you know very little about how the world works and who controls the entirety of the western financial and political systems (and yes, that includes you little non-entity 15 min city nation state of Singapore).
I have already included this link before in a previous comment of mine, but it is evident that you were TOO LAZY to click on to it and read this brilliant UR article authored by Larry Romanoff from a couple of years ago:
Be a good fellow and read it, educate yourself. Because it’s fatiguing having to repeat the same things over and over to you.
And yet Switzerland also has a central bank.
But, from the standpoint of decentralisation (a core tenet of Libertarianism), Switzerland ticks all the boxes.
No. You are being slippery.We were discussing the scope of legislature that a Libertarian government should have.Go on, define the scope, if you can.
You’re being silly here.
Of course. I was NEVER attracted because the ‘libertarians’ I met were all Rightwing misanthropes. It was pretty plain, to my congenitally jaundiced eye (I was born cynical ie awake), that for them ‘libertarianism’ meant freedom to fuck others over, the Right’s one, true, reason to exist.
The rest is Turd Burglar’s innate stupidity and ignorance, which we see in his moronic anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialism, as well. As Boenhoffer proposed, stupidity IS more dangerous than evil, but stupidity that thinks itself genius is a whole other category entirely.
Of course that remark was aimed at YOU Mulga - but you're too stupid to have worked it out.
As Boenhoffer proposed, stupidity IS more dangerous than evil, but stupidity that thinks itself genius is a whole other category entirely.
That says it all. $5 trillion flushed* down a rat hole - for the sake of a NON-PROBLEM.
Governments worldwide have spent over $5 trillion in the past two decades to subsidise wind, solar, and other so-called renewables. What is really going on here?
Doug Casey: It’s essentially the triumph of pseudoscience and aberrant psychology over physics and critical thinking.
The Greens, who have pushed all this through, say they love the Earth and want to “save†it.
But in fact, they mostly JUST HATE PEOPLE.
This describes Mulga to a tee.
The Greens, however, love to get involved in big causes where they have lots of slogans and memes but very little scientific or technical knowledge.
However, “getting involved†generates emotions which give meaning to their generally unproductive lives.
He really is a racist of the most egregious sort.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @mulga mumblebrain
The illiterate, racist, troll first says that ‘the Jewish oligarchs’ are responsible for ALL the malfeasance, then mentions other oligarchs exist. Oops! Innumerate and illiterate.
Most people would define an oligarch as anyone that has accumulated a considerable amount of wealth. And on that score we would say that Henry Ford and Apple’s Steve Jobs were ‘oligarchs’.
But these are oligarchs that spent their lives* focused on satisfying consumer needs and thus were improving our lives.
(*Although Henry Ford also spent more than a little time on the altruistic pursuit of informing the citizenry of the role of the malignant Jewish financiers in exploiting the goyim. So we’re grateful for his efforts in that regard).
Contrast that with the obscenely wealthy Jewish oligarchs that spend their waking hours trying to hatch another False Flag like 9/11, planning regime change/yet another war, or working out how they’ll bring Greater Israel to fruition through the Oded Yinon plan.
Mulga, are you THAT STUPID to not be aware of this difference between oligarchs?
Additionally, you would be well aware that I have NEVER mentioned that to qualify as an ‘oligarch’ one has to be Jewish – nor that every single Jewish ‘oligarch’ is necessarily working in cahoots with ZOG.
You just had to resort to a bald-faced lie because you were flailing about, without the ability to refute a single thing I wrote.
The important difference is that the really nasty oligarchs, those that are committed to culling and impoverishing the goyim, ALL of them are Talmudic misfits.
And, speaking of innumeracy, after I gave you a long lecture on the distinction between oil/gas REVENUE and profits, you come right back at me with your B.S $7 trillion figure of subsidies (or some such) in another comment you posted recently.
The entire REVENUE of the world’s oil/gas industries is likely not even that high, let alone your pi-in-the-sky figure for subsidies.
Contrast that with Oil/gas industry profits, which are a small fraction of the revenue generated.
Fair Dinkum Mulga, you have to be one of the dumbest fucks in the UR commentariat to not be aware of that.
And, as I mentioned before, those profits generated by the oil/gas industries of the western world are disproportionately going into ZOG’s pocket anyway, seeing as they’re the major shareholders.
You know Mulga, it’s not going unnoticed how you try to minimise ZOG’s role in bringing misery and impoverishment to the world.
Is there something you need to come clean on perhaps? Like you have a (((dog))) in this race?
BTW, you’re at it again with the ‘racist’ bit – yet more projection on your part.
There are no more bigger racists on the planet than the Climate Loons (watch the 7 mins of the video I posted in comment # 4 in this thread from 1:04:30-1:12:00 for the unambiguous proof of that).
SUMMARY: You and your fellow Climate Loons are directly responsible for the premature deaths (by decades) of hundreds of millions in the Third world.
All because you and the corrupt politicians are working in cahoots to deprive the world’s poor of cheap and reliable coal fired power generation.
This can provide electricity to vastly improve their lives, their health, and their education**.(**With electricity comes the ability to switch on a light at night and read a book, watch TV, access the internet and enlighten yourself about the outside world.
Deprived of electricity, most Third worlders are left with few options in the evening other than to fornicate – hence the reason for the population explosion in sub-Saharan Africa).Studies have PROVEN that there is a DIRECT CAUSAL CORRELATION between education and a low birth rates. In other words, in those regions of the world where widespread electrification came into being (ALWAYS from cheap/reliable coal fired power plants), the birth rate PLUMMETTED.
That is what happened in China – well BEFORE the one child policy was implemented.C’mon, for once in your life, admit what is plain to see.
And, by calling others a racist when it is clear you are the stand-out example of one, you employ yet another tried and true Jewish tactic.
You claim to care for the environment, yet those wind turbines you’re besotted with chop up* hundreds of millions of them every year and have led to the likely extinction of higher order predators like the Californian Condor and countless other species.
(*And your comeback to that in a previous comment of yours was: ‘Feral cats kill countless millions of birds too, so that justifies humanity committing yet another wrong’).
What a fucked up grasp of ethics you have.
You are indeed a hypocrite and piece of shit without equal, someone devoid of a conscience.
You're confusing me with someone else. Everything I've posted is crystal clear and relates to how Libertarianism would achieve outstanding outcomes.
Why do you attempt misdirection?
Look around you. Are you that ignorant that you can't see that the Jewish oligarchs are the root of all malfeasance in the world today?
We are discussing oligarchs in any society.
Adding race into the mix only confuses you more….if that is in any way possible.
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? I was hoping you could join the dots on your own.
So you have yet to even explain how a Libertarian society would deal with an oligarchs’ private army.
Under a Libertarian/Free Market system, the power will be highly decentralised.
Get rid of authoritarian Big Gubmint and the likelihood of major wars with catastrophic loss of life will be greatly diminished.
There is a reason that the wars fought in the 20th century were the most destructive in human history (over and above the technological advancements that enabled mass destruction).
And the reason for that is that ALL POWERFUL AUTHORITARIAN BIG GUBMINTS existed.
And each had the capacity to devote an enormous percentage of the nation's output to weapons of death.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @littlereddot
There is a REASON that Switzerland has been neutral for the last 500 years (allowing it to prosper mightily).
And that reason is decentralisation and the absence of a Big Gubmint.
Look around you. Are you that ignorant that you can’t see that the Jewish oligarchs are the root of all malfeasance in the world today?
I make no distinction between a gang mastermind and the gang minions. They all deserve to dangle at the end of the rope.
By singling out the Jews, you are attempting to divest responsibility for the state of your country.
“But I have not stolen from anyone!”…I hear you protest.
Your part in the state of your vassal country, is that you have chosen to believe in stupid theories that have strengthened the position of the Oligarchs in the USA…. whose actions affect the worsening situation in Australia intimately.
Ah, finally we are getting somewhere.
So let me see, please confirm that what you are saying is:
1. Root cause of wealth disparity is the Central Bank
In a Libertarian society, because there is no central bank, markets would be free and the result would decentralisation of power. Therefore there would be no oligarchs, and therefore no private armies.
Libertarianism does not mean there are no rules, no laws. What it does mean is the provision of laws that provide for the security of the citizenry and no more.
2. Laws shall be limited to security of citizenry.
In a Libertarian society, there shall be no laws beyond that of the security of the physical self….ie no laws on religion etc etc.
We have a REAL WORLD example of how this would function, and that is Switzerland.
Although it is a small country (population around 8.8 million), it is divided into 26 cantons (each with its own constitution, parliament, government, and court system), that collectively form the Swiss Confederation.
3. Switzerland is an example of a Libertarian Society
Do I understand you correctly? These are the features of your Libertarian society?
You're being silly here. As I have pointed out on many occasions, the U.S in the 130 or so years since the founding of the republic up until the creation of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve in 1913, was as close to a Libertarian society as any has come in all of human history.
In a Libertarian society, there shall be no laws beyond that of the security of the physical self….ie no laws on religion etc etc.
In the U.S especially (and in other countries to a lesser degree), the establishment of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve was the beginning of what lead to wealth disparity, to chronic bouts of inflation, the exacerbation of the boom/bust cycle leading to much more severe recessions/Depressions than would otherwise be the case.
1. Root cause of wealth disparity is the Central Bank
Got it now Mr RedBot?
These [Jewish] oligarchs became this powerful because of BIG GUBMINT protection, because Big Gubmint gave them control of the money supply by allowing them to own/control the Central Bank of the nation.
You're confusing me with someone else. Everything I've posted is crystal clear and relates to how Libertarianism would achieve outstanding outcomes.
Why do you attempt misdirection?
Look around you. Are you that ignorant that you can't see that the Jewish oligarchs are the root of all malfeasance in the world today?
We are discussing oligarchs in any society.
Adding race into the mix only confuses you more….if that is in any way possible.
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? I was hoping you could join the dots on your own.
So you have yet to even explain how a Libertarian society would deal with an oligarchs’ private army.
Under a Libertarian/Free Market system, the power will be highly decentralised.
Get rid of authoritarian Big Gubmint and the likelihood of major wars with catastrophic loss of life will be greatly diminished.
There is a reason that the wars fought in the 20th century were the most destructive in human history (over and above the technological advancements that enabled mass destruction).
And the reason for that is that ALL POWERFUL AUTHORITARIAN BIG GUBMINTS existed.
And each had the capacity to devote an enormous percentage of the nation's output to weapons of death.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @littlereddot
There is a REASON that Switzerland has been neutral for the last 500 years (allowing it to prosper mightily).
And that reason is decentralisation and the absence of a Big Gubmint.
The illiterate, racist, troll first says that ‘the Jewish oligarchs’ are responsible for ALL the malfeasance, then mentions other oligarchs exist. Oops! Innumerate and illiterate.
The cretin does not even comprehend that the greatest ‘libertarians’ are the very oligarchs he pretends to oppose. Then the lunatic proposes that under his illusory ‘Libertarian’/Free Market system power will be ‘highly decentralised’. But a ‘Free Market’ always produces ever greater concentrations of capital and, therefore, power, as Adam Smith and Marx both realised. And when the elite ‘libertarians’ are rich enough, they’ll hire half the serfs to kill the other half, as one Gilded Age plutocrat put it. Or just one bio-lab full of psychopaths-cheaper.
Turd is dumb, but he’s too thick to realise how stupid he is. Classic Dunning-Kruger. He seems to be advocating some sort of anarcho-syndichalist set-up (shall we call him No-Hoper Noam?), and being thick and greedy, calls it ‘libertarianism’ because that system expresses his innate misanthropy most cogently. I’ve never met a ‘libertarian’ who was not a sociopath stuck at some infantile stage of psychological development.
Most people would define an oligarch as anyone that has accumulated a considerable amount of wealth. And on that score we would say that Henry Ford and Apple's Steve Jobs were 'oligarchs'.
The illiterate, racist, troll first says that ‘the Jewish oligarchs’ are responsible for ALL the malfeasance, then mentions other oligarchs exist. Oops! Innumerate and illiterate.
And, by calling others a racist when it is clear you are the stand-out example of one, you employ yet another tried and true Jewish tactic.
SUMMARY: You and your fellow Climate Loons are directly responsible for the premature deaths (by decades) of hundreds of millions in the Third world.
All because you and the corrupt politicians are working in cahoots to deprive the world's poor of cheap and reliable coal fired power generation.
This can provide electricity to vastly improve their lives, their health, and their education**.(**With electricity comes the ability to switch on a light at night and read a book, watch TV, access the internet and enlighten yourself about the outside world.
Deprived of electricity, most Third worlders are left with few options in the evening other than to fornicate - hence the reason for the population explosion in sub-Saharan Africa).Studies have PROVEN that there is a DIRECT CAUSAL CORRELATION between education and a low birth rates. In other words, in those regions of the world where widespread electrification came into being (ALWAYS from cheap/reliable coal fired power plants), the birth rate PLUMMETTED.
That is what happened in China - well BEFORE the one child policy was implemented.C'mon, for once in your life, admit what is plain to see.
Why do you attempt misdirection?We are discussing oligarchs in any society. Adding race into the mix only confuses you more....if that is in any way possible.So you have yet to even explain how a Libertarian society would deal with an oligarchs' private army.Would it be composed of a posse of free men who would vote on everything they do?We should head north to meet the enemy...lets vote.
The really dangerous subset of oligarchs are of course those Talmudic misfits
LittleRedBot writes:
Why do you attempt misdirection?
You’re confusing me with someone else. Everything I’ve posted is crystal clear and relates to how Libertarianism would achieve outstanding outcomes.
You also wrote:
We are discussing oligarchs in any society.
Adding race into the mix only confuses you more….if that is in any way possible.
Look around you. Are you that ignorant that you can’t see that the Jewish oligarchs are the root of all malfeasance in the world today?
Oligarchs of any other ethnicity that exist elsewhere are at least two orders of magnitude LESS destructive/exploitative/parasitic.
So you have yet to even explain how a Libertarian society would deal with an oligarchs’ private army.
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? I was hoping you could join the dots on your own.
In a Libertarian society there will be NO CENTRAL BANK (enabling the issuing of money/control of monetary policy) in private hands.
(In fact there will be no central bank at all – so it won’t be run by the Gubmint either).
Thus, deprived of the incalculable riches that the printing press provides, NO SINGLE OLIGARCH (or collective of oligarchs), will have the financial wherewithal to FINANCE A SUBSTANTIVE PRIVATE ARMY.
No one is saying that a Libertarian society won’t have a means of National Defence.
Of course the individual states/ local districts that collectively form that country will agree to a collective effort to fund a defence of the nation.
(Each will contribute in accordance with their means and this standing army will naturally be far more powerful* than any army a collective of oligarchs can muster.
(*Not that these oligarchs will be allowed to build an ‘army’ which possesses tanks/fighter aircraft/submarines or other weapons of death).
Libertarianism does not mean there are no rules, no laws. What it does mean is the provision of laws that provide for the security of the citizenry and no more. (As opposed to the over-regulation we have now with all manner of ridiculous infringements of civil liberty).
Contrast that to the situation today. ie: the system you advocate for. ( Which is Big Gubmint with Jewish oligarchs in possession of western central banks and employing the Fiat Monetary experiment).
Right now they could finance a private army that would rival any country on the planet, other than perhaps that of Russia (with the potential to surpass even them at some point down the track).
Wake up Mr Red Bot, the fears you have over private armies owned by oligarchs are infinitely more likely to occur under the system you’re besotted with.
Get rid of authoritarian Big Gubmint and the likelihood of major wars with catastrophic loss of life will be greatly diminished.
There is a reason that the wars fought in the 20th century were the most destructive in human history (over and above the technological advancements that enabled mass destruction).And the reason for that is that ALL POWERFUL AUTHORITARIAN BIG GUBMINTS existed.
And each had the capacity to devote an enormous percentage of the nation’s output to weapons of death.
Under a Libertarian/Free Market system, the power will be highly decentralised.
In that sort of society there will not be a single all powerful despot who will decide for all the separate states/municipalities/local jurisdictions to go to war.
There will be dissension amongst the various member states and a far greater likelihood that individual jurisdictions will abstain, or insist on negotiated settlements with the other nation they’re in dispute with, rather than commit to a disastrous war.
We have a REAL WORLD example of how this would function, and that is Switzerland.
Although it is a small country (population around 8.8 million), it is divided into 26 cantons (each with its own constitution, parliament, government, and court system), that collectively form the Swiss Confederation.
There is a REASON that Switzerland has been neutral for the last 500 years (allowing it to prosper mightily).
And that reason is decentralisation and the absence of a Big Gubmint.
Look around you. Are you that ignorant that you can’t see that the Jewish oligarchs are the root of all malfeasance in the world today?I make no distinction between a gang mastermind and the gang minions. They all deserve to dangle at the end of the rope.By singling out the Jews, you are attempting to divest responsibility for the state of your country. "But I have not stolen from anyone!"...I hear you protest.Your part in the state of your vassal country, is that you have chosen to believe in stupid theories that have strengthened the position of the Oligarchs in the USA.... whose actions affect the worsening situation in Australia intimately.
Ah, finally we are getting somewhere. So let me see, please confirm that what you are saying is:1. Root cause of wealth disparity is the Central Bank
Libertarianism does not mean there are no rules, no laws. What it does mean is the provision of laws that provide for the security of the citizenry and no more.2. Laws shall be limited to security of citizenry.
We have a REAL WORLD example of how this would function, and that is Switzerland.3. Switzerland is an example of a Libertarian SocietyDo I understand you correctly? These are the features of your Libertarian society?Replies: @Truth Vigilante
Although it is a small country (population around 8.8 million), it is divided into 26 cantons (each with its own constitution, parliament, government, and court system), that collectively form the Swiss Confederation.
The really dangerous subset of oligarchs are of course those Talmudic misfits that comprise the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG). This small subset of oligarchs possess scores more than all the other oligarchs COMBINED.
What kind of economy will you have when the Oligarch private armies dictate how the economy runs?
Under Libertarianism/unfettered Free Market Capitalism, there will be NO CENTRAL BANKS.
ALL of these things they can do (and are indeed doing), RIGHT NOW under the present system where no Libertarianism is being practised.
Obviously, the root of ZOG's power is CONTROL OF THE MONEY SUPPLY through ownership/control of the western central banks.
So Mr RedBot, seeing as you fear those private armies that oligarchs might potentially create, why the f*ck are you against Libertarianism, seeing as it is the one system under which this is LEAST LIKELY TO HAPPEN?
SUMMARY: Once central banking is abolished and control of the money creation is confiscated from the heavy hitter oligarchs, those oligarchs that remain (eg: the equivalent of the Henry Fords of a century ago), they will be busy BATTLING OUT IN THE MARKET PLACE engaging in fierce competition, and thus unable to waste their times being idle (like the Jewish mega oligarchs who have so much time on their hands that all they do each day is plan endless wars/False Flags/overthrows of governments or seek world domination).
A Captain of Industry in a Free Market has to keep his eye on the ball and stay laser focused on his business. He is constantly trying to satisfy consumer needs by providing the best quality products and services at the best price.
But, try as he might, other entrants come along that are more innovative, leaner, more efficient, that end up building a better mousetrap.
And soon enough that entity/corporation is yesterday's man.
That's the nature of Capitalism and unfettered Free Markets. There is CONSTANT CHURN.
The Captains of Industry of yesteryear are seldom the same ones a generation later (and often many of them will go from rags to riches and back to rags within a a single decade).
That's the nature of the Free Market. It's fast moving, technology is constantly improving.
If you don't keep up, you're soon buried.
Case in Point: The Nokia Corporation was untouchable at the turn of the 20th century. It had the largest market share of the mobile telephony market and was raking in outsized profits.
Little more than a decade later it was decimated by the new entrants.
Also at the start of this century, General Electric Corporation was the world's largest company by market capitalisation. Today it is a hollowed out husk, worth a small fraction of what it once was.
The really dangerous subset of oligarchs are of course those Talmudic misfits
Why do you attempt misdirection?
We are discussing oligarchs in any society. Adding race into the mix only confuses you more….if that is in any way possible.
So you have yet to even explain how a Libertarian society would deal with an oligarchs’ private army.
Would it be composed of a posse of free men who would vote on everything they do?
We should head north to meet the enemy…lets vote.
We should stay here and dig in and wait for the enemy…lets vote
We should go recruit more free men to join our posse…lets vote
We should only kill the oligarch and not his henchmen…lets vote
We should not kill the oligarch, we should put him on trial first….lets vote
Oh, no! Too late, the Oligarch’s Army is already here!!!
No need to discuss how to have the perfect Libertarian Economy when the Oligarch’s Army has everyone in chains.
You're confusing me with someone else. Everything I've posted is crystal clear and relates to how Libertarianism would achieve outstanding outcomes.
Why do you attempt misdirection?
Look around you. Are you that ignorant that you can't see that the Jewish oligarchs are the root of all malfeasance in the world today?
We are discussing oligarchs in any society.
Adding race into the mix only confuses you more….if that is in any way possible.
Are you stupid or just pretending to be? I was hoping you could join the dots on your own.
So you have yet to even explain how a Libertarian society would deal with an oligarchs’ private army.
Under a Libertarian/Free Market system, the power will be highly decentralised.
Get rid of authoritarian Big Gubmint and the likelihood of major wars with catastrophic loss of life will be greatly diminished.
There is a reason that the wars fought in the 20th century were the most destructive in human history (over and above the technological advancements that enabled mass destruction).
And the reason for that is that ALL POWERFUL AUTHORITARIAN BIG GUBMINTS existed.
And each had the capacity to devote an enormous percentage of the nation's output to weapons of death.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @littlereddot
There is a REASON that Switzerland has been neutral for the last 500 years (allowing it to prosper mightily).
And that reason is decentralisation and the absence of a Big Gubmint.
Just wait till Libertarianism becomes the law of the land.
Of course, in the U.S the oligarchs are living the wet dream RIGHT NOW.
I don't know why you are bring up economics are as confused as usual and putting the CART BEFORE THE HORSE.
your economic illiteracy
What kind of economy will you have when the Oligarch private armies dictate how the economy runs?
The really dangerous subset of oligarchs are of course those Talmudic misfits that comprise the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG). This small subset of oligarchs possess scores more than all the other oligarchs COMBINED.
Seeing as they have ownership/control of the major western central banks, they have the ability to conjure scores of trillions with a key stroke on their computers which they can (and do) dole out to themselves and their Jewish cronies.
Said money can finance an extremely elaborate no expense spared False Flag (like 9/11), buy out the near entirety of the western MSM, control of academia, control of the western health bureaucracies (hence their ability to foist the Covid Psyop on us) OR, as you imply, purchase a private army if they so desire.
ALL of these things they can do (and are indeed doing), RIGHT NOW under the present system where no Libertarianism is being practised.
Obviously, the root of ZOG’s power is CONTROL OF THE MONEY SUPPLY through ownership/control of the western central banks.
Under Libertarianism/unfettered Free Market Capitalism, there will be NO CENTRAL BANKS.
Monetary policy (ie: interest rates. the issuance of money etc), will be decided by the market.
Of course, on a Gold Standard, the amount of money that can be printed/digitally conjured will be more or less limited by the BACKING IN GOLD that the issuing authority possesses.
So a Gold Standard is a restraint on reckless issuance of the currency that ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE results in runaway inflation.
You’ll notice that I said money creation is ‘more or less’ limited. I say that because even under a Gold Standard fractional reserve banking existed, and some banks were reckless and issued more paper notes than they had in gold to back it up with.
When that occurred said banks would have runs on them as investors feared that they didn’t have the gold to back up their issuance of notes, and said banks would go belly up. (Not that investors would lose all their money in any case. The banks would go into liquidation and its remaining assets would be subdivided among depositors/creditors etc, who would still typically get back 60-70 cents in the dollar even in the worst cases).
That’s the market’s response to reckless business practices. It taught investors to do the due diligence and make sure they put their money in an institution with sound accounting and lending principles.
Take Australia as an example. Our central bank (the Reserve Bank of Australia), never came into being until 1959, and we were doing perfectly fine before that.
In fact, Australia’s economic growth was demonstrably better before 1959.
Interest rates can be set BY THE MARKET, as lenders and borrowers come together and agree* on mutually acceptable rate of interest.
(*No, there won’t be some haphazard system where someone seeking to borrow money goes from door to door in his neighbourhood asking: ‘ Can you lend me some money?’.
There will be brokers working who, for a small fee, will act as a go-between. They will have potential borrowers on their books and potential lenders, and they will supervise over the contractual aspect of the exchange).
In other words, they will do what banks do now but do it more efficiently.
SUMMARY: Once central banking is abolished and control of the money creation is confiscated from the heavy hitter oligarchs, those oligarchs that remain (eg: the equivalent of the Henry Fords of a century ago), they will be busy BATTLING OUT IN THE MARKET PLACE engaging in fierce competition, and thus unable to waste their times being idle (like the Jewish mega oligarchs who have so much time on their hands that all they do each day is plan endless wars/False Flags/overthrows of governments or seek world domination).
A Captain of Industry in a Free Market has to keep his eye on the ball and stay laser focused on his business. He is constantly trying to satisfy consumer needs by providing the best quality products and services at the best price.
But, try as he might, other entrants come along that are more innovative, leaner, more efficient, that end up building a better mousetrap.
And soon enough that entity/corporation is yesterday’s man.That’s the nature of Capitalism and unfettered Free Markets. There is CONSTANT CHURN.
The Captains of Industry of yesteryear are seldom the same ones a generation later (and often many of them will go from rags to riches and back to rags within a a single decade).
That’s the nature of the Free Market. It’s fast moving, technology is constantly improving.
If you don’t keep up, you’re soon buried.Case in Point: The Nokia Corporation was untouchable at the turn of the 20th century. It had the largest market share of the mobile telephony market and was raking in outsized profits.
Little more than a decade later it was decimated by the new entrants.
Also at the start of this century, General Electric Corporation was the world’s largest company by market capitalisation. Today it is a hollowed out husk, worth a small fraction of what it once was.
So Mr RedBot, seeing as you fear those private armies that oligarchs might potentially create, why the f*ck are you against Libertarianism, seeing as it is the one system under which this is LEAST LIKELY TO HAPPEN?
The system we live in today, whereby monopolies are PROTECTED by Big Gubmint, that is the system where oligarchs are able to accumulate unimaginable wealth.
There is a reason why Jewish family dynasties (like the Rothschild’s, Sassoon’s, Kadoorie’s, Schiff’s and Warburg’s etc), have managed to not only maintain their wealth, but greatly expand on it.
It was because of authoritarian BIG GUBMINT.
Absent Big Gubmint’s protections, said entities would have had to COMPETE in the marketplace and their businesses would have had to satisfy consumer needs.
And, almost invariably the sons and daughters of the Captains of Industry of bygone generations were seldom as good in business as the founding patriarch.
Within a few generations the family fortune is squandered or dissipates.
Example: John Paul Getty was rumoured to be the richest man in the world at one point in the 1970’s. Well, within two generations the vast bulk of his fortune has been squandered through the profligacy of his progeny.
That’s how the Free Market works. You have much to learn Mr RedBot about how the private sector, and ONLY the private sector, is capable of generating sustainable wealth.
Big Gubmint invariably fails. To the extent that Gubmint appears to work in Singapore, it is because it SIPHONS OFF wealth created by the extremely productive private sector in your island state.
It is YOU that puts the cart before the horse. The private sector is the horse and the cart is filled with parasitic government bureaucrats and parasitic welfare recipients that the horse has to drag behind it.
Why do you attempt misdirection?We are discussing oligarchs in any society. Adding race into the mix only confuses you more....if that is in any way possible.So you have yet to even explain how a Libertarian society would deal with an oligarchs' private army.Would it be composed of a posse of free men who would vote on everything they do?We should head north to meet the enemy...lets vote.
The really dangerous subset of oligarchs are of course those Talmudic misfits
The irony is that when I first came across Libertarianism I was quite attracted by it. Afterall who doesn’t like the idea of Liberty and Freedom?
But I soon realised that the ideas it preached would only lead to the strong dominating the weak.
This Libertarian Bogan of which we speak, has been won over by the name bearing the word Liberty….he has scarcely considered the implications of the policies that they preach.
It is like an idiot being enthusiastic about a product when it has a nifty marketing name like Healthy Organic Poison, or cleverly worded slogans like Work Makes You Free (Arbeit Macht Frei).
I am sure I would be able to sell him a bridge if I called it Bridge to Eternal Freedom and Happiness.
Mr RedBot, you've demonstrated your economic illiteracy in the past.
Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs’ wet dream.
It enables them to do exactly as they please.
Right now in the U.S we have authoritarian Big Gubmint, much higher income and corporate taxes (than Capitalist China, for example).
And it's happening in an environment where THERE IS NO LIBERTARIANISM BEING PRACTISED whatsoever.
Under Libertarianism as existed more than a century ago (or as close to unfettered Free Market Capitalism as any country has ever come), to the extent that there were some Captains of Industry (like Henry Ford) that accumulated great wealth, they only managed to do so because THEY WERE PROVIDING THE BEST QUALITY GOODS AND SERVICES AT THE BEST PRICES.Simply put, they were SATISFYING CONSUMER NEEDS.
Those few crumbs are sufficient to give you a dog box apartment in a ghastly looking high rise monstrosity (surrounded by similar high rise monstrosities as far as the eye can see).
SUMMARY: As with most things you say Mr RedBot, the truth is the opposite of what you assert.
You've demonstrated time and again that you're among the most economically ignorant individuals in the UR commentariat.NO country is practising completely unfettered Free Market Capitalism in the world today.
But among the major nations, China is far and away the closest - hence the outstanding outcomes.
Even Singapore is overwhelmingly Capitalist (as the oligarchs at the top of the heap rake in enormous wealth - while a few crumbs are thrown at the remainder of Singaporean society in the form of a welfare safety net of sorts).
Of course, in the U.S the oligarchs are living the wet dream RIGHT NOW.
Just wait till Libertarianism becomes the law of the land.
Then private Oligarch armies will force all the freedom loving Libertarians to do what they please.
Tell me, how will a Libertarian society resist the Oligarchs private armies?
your economic illiteracy
I don’t know why you are bring up economics now…you are as confused as usual and putting the CART BEFORE THE HORSE.
What kind of economy will you have when the Oligarch private armies dictate how the economy runs?
The really dangerous subset of oligarchs are of course those Talmudic misfits that comprise the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG). This small subset of oligarchs possess scores more than all the other oligarchs COMBINED.
What kind of economy will you have when the Oligarch private armies dictate how the economy runs?
Under Libertarianism/unfettered Free Market Capitalism, there will be NO CENTRAL BANKS.
ALL of these things they can do (and are indeed doing), RIGHT NOW under the present system where no Libertarianism is being practised.
Obviously, the root of ZOG's power is CONTROL OF THE MONEY SUPPLY through ownership/control of the western central banks.
So Mr RedBot, seeing as you fear those private armies that oligarchs might potentially create, why the f*ck are you against Libertarianism, seeing as it is the one system under which this is LEAST LIKELY TO HAPPEN?
SUMMARY: Once central banking is abolished and control of the money creation is confiscated from the heavy hitter oligarchs, those oligarchs that remain (eg: the equivalent of the Henry Fords of a century ago), they will be busy BATTLING OUT IN THE MARKET PLACE engaging in fierce competition, and thus unable to waste their times being idle (like the Jewish mega oligarchs who have so much time on their hands that all they do each day is plan endless wars/False Flags/overthrows of governments or seek world domination).
A Captain of Industry in a Free Market has to keep his eye on the ball and stay laser focused on his business. He is constantly trying to satisfy consumer needs by providing the best quality products and services at the best price.
But, try as he might, other entrants come along that are more innovative, leaner, more efficient, that end up building a better mousetrap.
And soon enough that entity/corporation is yesterday's man.
That's the nature of Capitalism and unfettered Free Markets. There is CONSTANT CHURN.
The Captains of Industry of yesteryear are seldom the same ones a generation later (and often many of them will go from rags to riches and back to rags within a a single decade).
That's the nature of the Free Market. It's fast moving, technology is constantly improving.
If you don't keep up, you're soon buried.
Case in Point: The Nokia Corporation was untouchable at the turn of the 20th century. It had the largest market share of the mobile telephony market and was raking in outsized profits.
Little more than a decade later it was decimated by the new entrants.
Also at the start of this century, General Electric Corporation was the world's largest company by market capitalisation. Today it is a hollowed out husk, worth a small fraction of what it once was.
Perhaps there is hope for you afterall.Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs' wet dream. It enables them to do exactly as they please.
Authoritarian bad habits from your kind of people,
ever visiting Singapore ... againPlease please please mean it. Myself, I swore never to visit Australia or buy Australian products after watching Australia cheat the Timorese of their oil, soon after their independence.Here in Singapore, we get too many Bogans already. Everytime there is some trouble at the airport, it invariably turns out to be a Bogan.It seems Bogans don't subscribe to any rules or social graces. Are you sure your Libertarianism isn't Boganism in disguise? @Truth Vigilante, @mulga mumblebrain
A Libertarian is a bogan with pretensions. And who is more pretentious that Turd, the world’s great expert on climate science, plant growth and anything else he turns his mighty mind to?
Mr RedBot, you've demonstrated your economic illiteracy in the past.
Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs’ wet dream.
It enables them to do exactly as they please.
Right now in the U.S we have authoritarian Big Gubmint, much higher income and corporate taxes (than Capitalist China, for example).
And it's happening in an environment where THERE IS NO LIBERTARIANISM BEING PRACTISED whatsoever.
Under Libertarianism as existed more than a century ago (or as close to unfettered Free Market Capitalism as any country has ever come), to the extent that there were some Captains of Industry (like Henry Ford) that accumulated great wealth, they only managed to do so because THEY WERE PROVIDING THE BEST QUALITY GOODS AND SERVICES AT THE BEST PRICES.Simply put, they were SATISFYING CONSUMER NEEDS.
Those few crumbs are sufficient to give you a dog box apartment in a ghastly looking high rise monstrosity (surrounded by similar high rise monstrosities as far as the eye can see).
SUMMARY: As with most things you say Mr RedBot, the truth is the opposite of what you assert.
You've demonstrated time and again that you're among the most economically ignorant individuals in the UR commentariat.NO country is practising completely unfettered Free Market Capitalism in the world today.
But among the major nations, China is far and away the closest - hence the outstanding outcomes.
Even Singapore is overwhelmingly Capitalist (as the oligarchs at the top of the heap rake in enormous wealth - while a few crumbs are thrown at the remainder of Singaporean society in the form of a welfare safety net of sorts).
‘Libertarianism’ would, conceivably, be positive if they followed JS Mill’s (and many others before him) formulation that freedom ought to be as great as possible, so long as it does not impinge on the freedom of others. In really existing ‘libertarianism’ that is a sad, sick, joke.
The true ‘libertarian’, like Turd Vulture, wants to do just as he, she or it pleases, and to Hell with their eternal enemy, other people. Capitalism manifests the ‘..vile maxim of the rulers of mankind’ as Adam Smith called them. ‘All for ourselves, and nothing for other People’. Turd has it tattooed on his lower back.
As Smith observed, the ‘invisible hand’ destroys all hope for a decent human existence, ‘..unless government takes pains..’ to avert the inevitable results. I would have thought that Smith would be one of your idols, Turd. It does explain why you are SUCH an arse-hole.
Perhaps there is hope for you afterall.Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs' wet dream. It enables them to do exactly as they please.
Authoritarian bad habits from your kind of people,
ever visiting Singapore ... againPlease please please mean it. Myself, I swore never to visit Australia or buy Australian products after watching Australia cheat the Timorese of their oil, soon after their independence.Here in Singapore, we get too many Bogans already. Everytime there is some trouble at the airport, it invariably turns out to be a Bogan.It seems Bogans don't subscribe to any rules or social graces. Are you sure your Libertarianism isn't Boganism in disguise? @Truth Vigilante, @mulga mumblebrain
LittleRedBot writes:
Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs’ wet dream.
It enables them to do exactly as they please.
Mr RedBot, you’ve demonstrated your economic illiteracy in the past.
And, just when I think you can’t possible say anything dumber, you lower the bar.
Of course, in the U.S the oligarchs are living the wet dream RIGHT NOW.
And it’s happening in an environment where THERE IS NO LIBERTARIANISM BEING PRACTISED whatsoever.
Right now in the U.S we have authoritarian Big Gubmint, much higher income and corporate taxes (than Capitalist China, for example).
There exists in the U.S a maze of regulatory impediments (to protect the existing oligarchs from competition and deter new entrants that might take away market share), and this entrenches the monopolies of the established players.
Big Gubmint enables a plethora of busy body government workers (ie: unproductive parasites) to micromanage the lives of the wealth generating private sector and the citizenry.
Under Libertarianism as existed more than a century ago (or as close to unfettered Free Market Capitalism as any country has ever come), to the extent that there were some Captains of Industry (like Henry Ford) that accumulated great wealth, they only managed to do so because THEY WERE PROVIDING THE BEST QUALITY GOODS AND SERVICES AT THE BEST PRICES.
Simply put, they were SATISFYING CONSUMER NEEDS.
Once you stop satisfying consumer needs (or someone does it better), you lose market share. Eventually you become yesterday’s man.
THAT is how Capitalism works. It’s a meritocracy. It enables upward social mobility, as new entrants (typically from the lower classes), who are more innovative, leaner/more efficient, willing to market their product on a wafer thin margin, they undercut the established players to gain market share.
End Result: The Consumer is the winner. Because Libertarianism/Free Market Capitalism is all about FIERCE COMPETITION.
You’re not forced by Big Gubmint bureaucrats and mandates to buy a fast depreciating/overpriced/prone to combust EV lemon, for example.
Under Libertarianism the CONSUMER DECIDES what is appropriate to spend his hard earned dollars on.
This is the OPPOSITE of what occurs now in the U.S – which is becoming a Socialist shit-hole, since there is no Libertarianism/Free Market Capitalism in the big end of town.
And, in relations to those Captains of Industry from America’s golden era, as much as they accumulated wealth for themselves, they generated a hundred fold more wealth for the society in which they lived, improving the living standards for ALL socio-economic demographics.
That’s right, this was a time when an average worker with several kids (families often had 4-6 children or more), could afford a stay at home wife and, on a single income, could pay all the bills and buy his home (paid off typically in 10-15 years and often much sooner).
That is the REAL WORLD outcome that Libertarianism/Free Market Capitalism delivered.
That’s why the the U.S became the richest nation on the planet.
Countries like Australia and Canada also had minimal Gubmint as a percentage of GDP and a more or less Free Market Capitalist system.
They too had stellar growth and among the highest standards of living* in the world.
(*There was a period of a few years in the early 20th century where Australia had the highest GDP per capita in the world).
SUMMARY: As with most things you say Mr RedBot, the truth is the opposite of what you assert.
You’ve demonstrated time and again that you’re among the most economically ignorant individuals in the UR commentariat.NO country is practising completely unfettered Free Market Capitalism in the world today.
But among the major nations, China is far and away the closest – hence the outstanding outcomes.
Even Singapore is overwhelmingly Capitalist (as the oligarchs at the top of the heap rake in enormous wealth – while a few crumbs are thrown at the remainder of Singaporean society in the form of a welfare safety net of sorts).
Those few crumbs are sufficient to give you a dog box apartment in a ghastly looking high rise monstrosity (surrounded by similar high rise monstrosities as far as the eye can see).
Of course, most Singaporeans (esp. the older ones that remember the hard times), are OK with that. Because they’re aware of the impoverished circumstance they came from, where they were living in atrocious conditions in two or three room ghettos with half a dozen crammed into a bedroom.
So, seeing as you don’t know any better, enjoy your life in your 15 minute city, where the vast majority of you will never own a car because you can’t afford to.
BTW, as for the ‘please, please mean it’ bit in response to my not visiting Singapore again, you don’t need to twist my arm – it’s an easy call.
I was in Europe earlier this year and, as with everywhere I visit (seeing as I’m a car enthusiast), I hire a rental car (manual transmission of course), and head out to explore the countryside (hence Singapore is the last place in the world for doing that).
I know that’s not for you. I see those Chinese tourists that come to Sydney, as they’re herded on to a bus and driven around. From time to time they stop, use the lavatory, take a few photos and perhaps buy a postcard. They do that for a few days and then get driven back to the airport.
I’m well aware that this is your ideal type of holiday – one where an authority figure decides everything for you. Because you’re a man of limited horizons and because you like to be corralled and instructed what to do with your life.
Well Mr RedBot, you keep doing that. It’s certainly not the lifestyle I want to lead.
Enjoy the remainder of your years cooped up in your little apartment.
Just wait till Libertarianism becomes the law of the land.
Of course, in the U.S the oligarchs are living the wet dream RIGHT NOW.
I don't know why you are bring up economics are as confused as usual and putting the CART BEFORE THE HORSE.
your economic illiteracy
What can I say? I've visited places like Singapore and the U.S on numerous occasions in the past, and have obviously picked up Big Gubmint Authoritarian bad habits from your kind of people, through some sort of contagion.
My my, for someone who claims to love liberty, you sure don’t respect the liberty of others.
Authoritarian bad habits from your kind of people,
Perhaps there is hope for you afterall.
Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs’ wet dream. It enables them to do exactly as they please.
ever visiting Singapore … again
Please please please mean it.
Myself, I swore never to visit Australia or buy Australian products after watching Australia cheat the Timorese of their oil, soon after their independence.
Here in Singapore, we get too many Bogans already. Everytime there is some trouble at the airport, it invariably turns out to be a Bogan.
It seems Bogans don’t subscribe to any rules or social graces. Are you sure your Libertarianism isn’t Boganism in disguise?
Mr RedBot, you've demonstrated your economic illiteracy in the past.
Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs’ wet dream.
It enables them to do exactly as they please.
Right now in the U.S we have authoritarian Big Gubmint, much higher income and corporate taxes (than Capitalist China, for example).
And it's happening in an environment where THERE IS NO LIBERTARIANISM BEING PRACTISED whatsoever.
Under Libertarianism as existed more than a century ago (or as close to unfettered Free Market Capitalism as any country has ever come), to the extent that there were some Captains of Industry (like Henry Ford) that accumulated great wealth, they only managed to do so because THEY WERE PROVIDING THE BEST QUALITY GOODS AND SERVICES AT THE BEST PRICES.Simply put, they were SATISFYING CONSUMER NEEDS.
Those few crumbs are sufficient to give you a dog box apartment in a ghastly looking high rise monstrosity (surrounded by similar high rise monstrosities as far as the eye can see).
SUMMARY: As with most things you say Mr RedBot, the truth is the opposite of what you assert.
You've demonstrated time and again that you're among the most economically ignorant individuals in the UR commentariat.NO country is practising completely unfettered Free Market Capitalism in the world today.
But among the major nations, China is far and away the closest - hence the outstanding outcomes.
Even Singapore is overwhelmingly Capitalist (as the oligarchs at the top of the heap rake in enormous wealth - while a few crumbs are thrown at the remainder of Singaporean society in the form of a welfare safety net of sorts).
My my, for someone who claims to love liberty, you sure don't respect the liberty of others.Replies: @Truth Vigilante
Mulga, ....SHUT THE FUCK UP.
LittleRedBot writes:
My my, for someone who claims to love liberty, you sure don’t respect the liberty of others.
What can I say? I’ve visited places like Singapore and the U.S on numerous occasions in the past, and have obviously picked up Big Gubmint Authoritarian bad habits from your kind of people, through some sort of contagion.
The good news is that I have no intention of ever visiting Singapore or the U.S again – so this will ameliorate my symptoms.
I intend fraternising henceforth only with the liberty loving people of the world.
Perhaps there is hope for you afterall.Soon you will gain enough brain cells to realise that Libertarianism is the oligarchs' wet dream. It enables them to do exactly as they please.
Authoritarian bad habits from your kind of people,
ever visiting Singapore ... againPlease please please mean it. Myself, I swore never to visit Australia or buy Australian products after watching Australia cheat the Timorese of their oil, soon after their independence.Here in Singapore, we get too many Bogans already. Everytime there is some trouble at the airport, it invariably turns out to be a Bogan.It seems Bogans don't subscribe to any rules or social graces. Are you sure your Libertarianism isn't Boganism in disguise? @Truth Vigilante, @mulga mumblebrain
I never said the Club of Rome came out publicly with this hoax in 1978.
Zog this and Zog that, mode. He’s invented a new triple-headed horror-Gog, Magog, and Zog ....
.... assertion that global warming was INVENTED by the ‘Club of Rome’ (boo, hiss!) in 1978 ....
The unimaginable wealth of ZOG is WELL DOCUMENTED in the UR alone.
CAUTION: Anyone who minimises the role of ZOG in influencing geopolitical events/orchestrating wars and assassinations of major political entities or overthrowing governments, is a suspect individual indeed, that may well be working in cahoots with the Talmudic misfits.
And, seeing as Mulga is a rabid Marxist, it stands to reason why he'd be covering for ZOG - since they are the originators of Mulga's beloved Jewish Bolshevism.
Note also, that when I say that the profits of the entire world's oil/gas industries are dwarfed by ZOG's other income streams, I mean just that - the ENTIRE world.
Of course, as we all know, ZOG's overwhelming source of income is through CENTRAL BANKING and finance. It conjures money out of nothing and charges interest on that funny money.
The only Oil/gas profits that ZOG rakes in are from WESTERN publicly listed corporations and/or private equity owned producers (which collectively are dwarfed by the producers I've listed above.
But just who are the MAJOR oil/gas producing nations?
That's right UR readers, they are the likes of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia and other OPEC entities.
And NONE OF THEIR Oil/gas revenues or profits make their way into ZOG's grubby hands.
But it would cost them MORE to close down* production completely and restart it once oil prices improve and they're back in the black.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @littlereddot
SUMMARY: Mulga, if you're going to mock the unparalleled power of ZOG, please offer a realistic alternative WITH PROOF that said entity/cabal has even a small fraction of the wherewithal of ZOG. ie: put up or SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Yes, the oil/gas industry does make many billions of profit for ZOG (seeing as they eff'n own it).
But the reality is that ZOG can, with a key stroke, digitally conjure scores of trillions** of dollars that it can dole out to itself and its Talmudic cronies (which is does through ownership/control of the U.S Federal Reserve and the other major western central banks).
(*Mulga, are you aware of the distinction between a billion and a trillion. It's a factor of ONE THOUSAND).
Got that Mulga? Scores of trillions is at least an order of magnitude more than ALL the oil producing nations in the entire history of the world have made in profits since the dawn of time - even if, for example, a $50 million profit in nominal terms reported by J.D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil at the turn of the 20th century is converted into present day dollars.
My my, for someone who claims to love liberty, you sure don’t respect the liberty of others.
What can I say? I've visited places like Singapore and the U.S on numerous occasions in the past, and have obviously picked up Big Gubmint Authoritarian bad habits from your kind of people, through some sort of contagion.
My my, for someone who claims to love liberty, you sure don’t respect the liberty of others.
I never said the Club of Rome came out publicly with this hoax in 1978.
Zog this and Zog that, mode. He’s invented a new triple-headed horror-Gog, Magog, and Zog ....
.... assertion that global warming was INVENTED by the ‘Club of Rome’ (boo, hiss!) in 1978 ....
The unimaginable wealth of ZOG is WELL DOCUMENTED in the UR alone.
CAUTION: Anyone who minimises the role of ZOG in influencing geopolitical events/orchestrating wars and assassinations of major political entities or overthrowing governments, is a suspect individual indeed, that may well be working in cahoots with the Talmudic misfits.
And, seeing as Mulga is a rabid Marxist, it stands to reason why he'd be covering for ZOG - since they are the originators of Mulga's beloved Jewish Bolshevism.
Note also, that when I say that the profits of the entire world's oil/gas industries are dwarfed by ZOG's other income streams, I mean just that - the ENTIRE world.
Of course, as we all know, ZOG's overwhelming source of income is through CENTRAL BANKING and finance. It conjures money out of nothing and charges interest on that funny money.
The only Oil/gas profits that ZOG rakes in are from WESTERN publicly listed corporations and/or private equity owned producers (which collectively are dwarfed by the producers I've listed above.
But just who are the MAJOR oil/gas producing nations?
That's right UR readers, they are the likes of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia and other OPEC entities.
And NONE OF THEIR Oil/gas revenues or profits make their way into ZOG's grubby hands.
But it would cost them MORE to close down* production completely and restart it once oil prices improve and they're back in the black.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @littlereddot
SUMMARY: Mulga, if you're going to mock the unparalleled power of ZOG, please offer a realistic alternative WITH PROOF that said entity/cabal has even a small fraction of the wherewithal of ZOG. ie: put up or SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Yes, the oil/gas industry does make many billions of profit for ZOG (seeing as they eff'n own it).
But the reality is that ZOG can, with a key stroke, digitally conjure scores of trillions** of dollars that it can dole out to itself and its Talmudic cronies (which is does through ownership/control of the U.S Federal Reserve and the other major western central banks).
(*Mulga, are you aware of the distinction between a billion and a trillion. It's a factor of ONE THOUSAND).
Got that Mulga? Scores of trillions is at least an order of magnitude more than ALL the oil producing nations in the entire history of the world have made in profits since the dawn of time - even if, for example, a $50 million profit in nominal terms reported by J.D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil at the turn of the 20th century is converted into present day dollars.
Psycho troll-it does not matter whether 1968 or 1978, the assertion that the Club of Rome invented anthropogenic climate destabilisation is deranged. As ever you ignore my examples of warnings from at least sixty-six years earlier, because you have that Dunning-Krugerite, denialist insect hive-mind that only sees stuff that reinforces your ignorance, stupidity and psychopathy. And I mentioned that I loath LBJ, for what that is worth.
As for ZOG, your paranoia is terminal. Certainly the Jewintern, my preferred usage, is immensely powerful, but it is NOT omnipotent. Other forces are at work. In any case, the entire Western financial system, banks, stock-markets, money markets is underpinned by the ‘assets’ of the fossil fuel Behemoth, its shares, profits, loans etc. Other industries are huge, but this is, as your mates in the Pentagon say, ‘…the greatest material prize in history’, and they will do ANYTHING to protect that loot, even brainwash dumb-fuck, libertarian, trolls like you.
The rest is the familiar raving idiocy, and the troll seems to think that declared profits are the sum of the fossil fuel gelt. In ANY case, the actions of the fossil fuel industry in creating, financing and sustaining the denialist industry are undeniable. And ‘profits’ are irrelevant, as fossil fuel bribery of politicians in the West guarantees that they can write off much expenditure on interest on borrowings etc, so that even fracking, that has never turned a penny in profits, grinds on, destroying US groundwater and releasing vast quantities of fugitive methane, cementing the doom for our species that you slobber for. Such, and myriad other explicit and implicit subsidies totally SEVEN TRILLION US DOLLARS in 2022, according to the IMF. That’s TRILLION, troll!
Zog this and Zog that, mode. He’s invented a new triple-headed horror-Gog, Magog, and Zog ….
…. assertion that global warming was INVENTED by the ‘Club of Rome’ (boo, hiss!) in 1978 ….
I never said the Club of Rome came out publicly with this hoax in 1978.
I’ve always said, in EVERY comment I ever mentioned it, that it was 1968.
(ie: concurrent with the time that your favourite Prez, the Jewish LBJ, was in office).
You see UR readers, that’s the thing about Mulga. A wrong digit here, an order of magnitude (or two) out with his figures there, it matters not to Mulga. He’ll keep on spewing out his Climate Alarmism bile nevertheless. His rate of absorption of the facts is piss poor.
If it doesn’t come from some 30 sec sound byte sourced from one of his Communist affiliated organisations, he doesn’t pay heed to it anyway.
As for the mocking of ZOG, why would anyone do that when it is well documented that the Zionist Usury Banking Cartel (aka ZOG), is far and away (with multiples of U.S GDP in financial wherewithal), the most powerful financial entity in the world – an entity proven to control the entirety of the western financial and political systems (not to mention control of the western MSM, the major book publishing houses, western academia/health bureaucracies/Academies of Science, the World Bank/IMF/BIS etc).
I mean, how much of an IDIOT would one have to be to suggest, for one moment, that there was any entity on planet Earth that was remotely comparable to ZOG?
Well UR readers, now you’ve encountered him. Mulga is the embodiment of idiocy (not that most of you didn’t already know that from his juvenile fixation with Anthropogenic Global Warming).
CAUTION: Anyone who minimises the role of ZOG in influencing geopolitical events/orchestrating wars and assassinations of major political entities or overthrowing governments, is a suspect individual indeed, that may well be working in cahoots with the Talmudic misfits.
And, seeing as Mulga is a rabid Marxist, it stands to reason why he’d be covering for ZOG – since they are the originators of Mulga’s beloved Jewish Bolshevism.
The unimaginable wealth of ZOG is WELL DOCUMENTED in the UR alone.
One need only click on to the link below and read Larry Romanoff’s superb article that goes into great depth, itemising the sources of ZOG’s wealth:
Yes, it’s a long article (over 20,000 words), as Romanoff leaves no stone unturned in comprehensively proving ZOG is orders of magnitudes wealthier than any collective of other cabals/secret societies COMBINED.
That’s why Mulga won’t read it. Because he has the attention span of an insect – coupled to the fact that it will eviscerate his narrative that the oil and gas industry is a major player in running the world.
The Oil/gas industry (just like the Military Industrial Security Surveillance State – which is also controlled by ZOG), is just one subset of ZOG’s power, generating a single digit percentage of their income between them.
Of course, as we all know, ZOG’s overwhelming source of income is through CENTRAL BANKING and finance. It conjures money out of nothing and charges interest on that funny money.
Note also, that when I say that the profits of the entire world’s oil/gas industries are dwarfed by ZOG’s other income streams, I mean just that – the ENTIRE world.
But just who are the MAJOR oil/gas producing nations?
That’s right UR readers, they are the likes of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia and other OPEC entities.
And NONE OF THEIR Oil/gas revenues or profits make their way into ZOG’s grubby hands.
The only Oil/gas profits that ZOG rakes in are from WESTERN publicly listed corporations and/or private equity owned producers (which collectively are dwarfed by the producers I’ve listed above.
Mulga will trot out his figures of hundreds of billions of oil REVENUE that the oil/gas companies generate each year, but is too STUPID to make the distinction between revenue and PROFIT.
Revenue of course, is the total sales generated. While profit is what remains left over after the INPUT COSTS (ie: expenses generated) to extract that oil from the ground are deducted.
And, with a current oil price at around USD $68/barrel at the moment, many oil producers are only MARGINALLY PROFITABLE, seeing as it costs them around $62-$75* to get the eff’n oil out of the ground in the first place.
(*The days of $10-$20 per barrel of low hanging fruit oil (in costs to extract) are LONG GONE. Even the low cost producers are mostly in the $40-$50/barrel of oil in overheads to extract it).
But it would cost them MORE to close down* production completely and restart it once oil prices improve and they’re back in the black.
(*What they do in these situations is scale back production and lay off workers, and keep a core staff level working a shortened work week. That way, when oil prices return to optimum levels, they can scale up production once again).
Mulga is too stupid to realise that, in relation to the publicly listed major oil and gas corporations (Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Royal Dutch Shell, BP etc), that when one searches for a list of their major shareholders, we invariably get results in the top few like:
Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street etc – ALL owned/controlled by ZOG.
SUMMARY: Mulga, if you’re going to mock the unparalleled power of ZOG, please offer a realistic alternative WITH PROOF that said entity/cabal has even a small fraction of the wherewithal of ZOG. ie: put up or SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Yes, the oil/gas industry does make many billions of profit for ZOG (seeing as they eff’n own it).
But the reality is that ZOG can, with a key stroke, digitally conjure scores of trillions** of dollars that it can dole out to itself and its Talmudic cronies (which is does through ownership/control of the U.S Federal Reserve and the other major western central banks).(*Mulga, are you aware of the distinction between a billion and a trillion. It’s a factor of ONE THOUSAND).
Got that Mulga? Scores of trillions is at least an order of magnitude more than ALL the oil producing nations in the entire history of the world have made in profits since the dawn of time – even if, for example, a $50 million profit in nominal terms reported by J.D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil at the turn of the 20th century is converted into present day dollars.
My my, for someone who claims to love liberty, you sure don't respect the liberty of others.Replies: @Truth Vigilante
Mulga, ....SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Ahhh yes, your beloved LBJ, America's first Jewish President and the most faithful servant of ZOG (by at least an order of magnitude) in the history of the republic.
And what of LBJ lecturing the Congress over it in 1965?
The troll is in familiar racist, paranoid, Zog this and Zog that, mode. He’s invented a new triple-headed horror-Gog, Magog, and Zog.
The ranting over LBJ is the typical product of a very sick psyche. I only mentioned the loathsome LBJ to point out that Turd Vulture’s LUNATIC assertion that global warming was INVENTED by the ‘Club of Rome’ (boo, hiss!) in 1978, is crazed, even by Turd’s standards.
As for other earlier predictions, there is a New Zealand newspaper, the esteemed, much missed, ‘Rodney and Otamatea, Waitemata and Kaipara Gazette’, 4 August, 1912, warning that burning coal would cause warming because of ‘carbonic acid gas’ (CO2) accumulating in the atmosphere. A ‘few years’ eh, Turd? I’ll do the arithmetic for you-sixty-six years before 1978!!
It followed an identical story in the Austfailian ‘Braidwood Dispatch and Mining Journal’ of 17, July 1912, which seems to have been based on a report in the March, 1912, issue of ‘Popular Mechanics’, ‘Remarkable Weather of 1911: The Effect of the Combustion of Coal on the Climate-What Scientists Predict for the Future’.
Yikes!!! ‘Scientists’, Turd’s great hate. And, obviously, Zog had its tentacles in New Zealand and Australia even then!!
To think that humanity is being destroyed by brain dead amoebae like Turd, pig ignorant, moronic, vicious, misanthropic, puerilely Judeophobic, deranged, deluded, demented and just plain villainous. It’s almost funny.
I never said the Club of Rome came out publicly with this hoax in 1978.
Zog this and Zog that, mode. He’s invented a new triple-headed horror-Gog, Magog, and Zog ....
.... assertion that global warming was INVENTED by the ‘Club of Rome’ (boo, hiss!) in 1978 ....
The unimaginable wealth of ZOG is WELL DOCUMENTED in the UR alone.
CAUTION: Anyone who minimises the role of ZOG in influencing geopolitical events/orchestrating wars and assassinations of major political entities or overthrowing governments, is a suspect individual indeed, that may well be working in cahoots with the Talmudic misfits.
And, seeing as Mulga is a rabid Marxist, it stands to reason why he'd be covering for ZOG - since they are the originators of Mulga's beloved Jewish Bolshevism.
Note also, that when I say that the profits of the entire world's oil/gas industries are dwarfed by ZOG's other income streams, I mean just that - the ENTIRE world.
Of course, as we all know, ZOG's overwhelming source of income is through CENTRAL BANKING and finance. It conjures money out of nothing and charges interest on that funny money.
The only Oil/gas profits that ZOG rakes in are from WESTERN publicly listed corporations and/or private equity owned producers (which collectively are dwarfed by the producers I've listed above.
But just who are the MAJOR oil/gas producing nations?
That's right UR readers, they are the likes of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Qatar, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia and other OPEC entities.
And NONE OF THEIR Oil/gas revenues or profits make their way into ZOG's grubby hands.
But it would cost them MORE to close down* production completely and restart it once oil prices improve and they're back in the black.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @littlereddot
SUMMARY: Mulga, if you're going to mock the unparalleled power of ZOG, please offer a realistic alternative WITH PROOF that said entity/cabal has even a small fraction of the wherewithal of ZOG. ie: put up or SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Yes, the oil/gas industry does make many billions of profit for ZOG (seeing as they eff'n own it).
But the reality is that ZOG can, with a key stroke, digitally conjure scores of trillions** of dollars that it can dole out to itself and its Talmudic cronies (which is does through ownership/control of the U.S Federal Reserve and the other major western central banks).
(*Mulga, are you aware of the distinction between a billion and a trillion. It's a factor of ONE THOUSAND).
Got that Mulga? Scores of trillions is at least an order of magnitude more than ALL the oil producing nations in the entire history of the world have made in profits since the dawn of time - even if, for example, a $50 million profit in nominal terms reported by J.D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil at the turn of the 20th century is converted into present day dollars.
Hydrogen sulphide? Turd Vulture LOVES the stuff! He has an hydrogen sulphide dispenser, his arse, connected directly to his brain so that he can imbibe that sweet aroma, directly.
I say, James-are you an agent of The Zog, Turd Vulture’s pet menace? Whatever. Hydrogen sulphide has been implicated in the long mysterious deaths of Bogle and Chandler on January 1, 1963. The happy couple were participating in some horizontal folk-dancing, when a sudden, nassty death befell them. Vomit and excreta were spread about, as if they had panicked (Turd would have LOVED it!).
A mystery for years. Commie spies, shell-fish toxin, no doubt ‘Novichok’ were all suspected, but it turned out that it was almost certainly hydrogen sulphide. The Lane Cove River, beside which they trysted, was a sewer in those days, and eruptions of hydrogen sulphide from its murky depths (it was one of Turd Vulture’s favourite swimming spots as a yoof)were known, and the couple were in a sort of low-lying depression not far from the river. Turd is REALLY looking forward to the sky turning green,and all the Zogites and ‘Leftists’ rushing about vomiting and shitting with gay abandon.
Climate has changed before?
“ . . . it is these ocean state changes that are
1:02:28 correlated with the great disasters of the past impact can cause extinction but
1:02:35 it did so in our past only wants[once] that we can tell whereas this has happened over
1:02:40 and over and over again we have fifteen evidences times of mass extinction in the past 500 million years
1:02:48 so the implications for the implications the implications of the carbon dioxide is really dangerous if you heat your
1:02:55 planet sufficiently to cause your Arctic to melt if you cause the temperature
1:03:01 gradient between your tropics and your Arctic to be reduced you risk going back
1:03:07 to a state that produces these hydrogen sulfide pulses . . . “?
Video Link
And what of LBJ lecturing the Congress over it in 1965?
Ahhh yes, your beloved LBJ, America’s first Jewish President and the most faithful servant of ZOG (by at least an order of magnitude) in the history of the republic.
And, seeing as he was someone that expanded Big Gubmint/the welfare state on steroids during his tenure and engaged in a reckless spending binge (that would’ve made a drunken sailor blush), all of which ushered in the chronic inflation of the 1970’s, it stands to reason why you’d have a soft spot for this hideous Jewish Qasimodo.
So UR readers, let’s see if we can make a connection (Mulga is unable to join the dots), between the ZOG CONJURED Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax and the President that was the most devoted to ZOG sock puppet that ever drew breath.
So it stands to reason that LBJ (the most corrupt, depraved, unscrupulous and conscience-free President America ever had), would’ve alluded to Global Warming a few years before the Club of Rome made it official, seeing as they were all subordinate to the same shadowy Talmudic misfits headquartered in the ‘Square Mile’ of the City of London.
Meanwhile Mulga, as for your ‘clutching at straws’ argument about Arrhenius, Tyrell’s foot (the fungal growth on his toe likely triggered his belief that the Earth was getting hotter/more humid) and what they alleged in the 19th century, I could likewise find scores of examples of scare mongers predicting:
1) An Ice Age apocalypse
2) An end to life on Earth due to impact with a celestial body
3) A biblical ‘End of Times’ prophecy.
But these, like the fools that predicted catastrophic warming, were all dismissed as charlatans and cranks. And rightly so. The various scientific Academies of the world at that time were independent and had some measure integrity.
Contrast that with the situation today. ZOG has manoeuvred its loyal minions into all positions of seniority in those institutions throughout the western world – just like it did to the western Health bureaucracies during the Covid Psyop, hence its ability to control the narrative.
But according to Mulga, the scientific academies of the west would never stoop to pseudoscience like the health bureaucracies did.
Mulga says that the multiples of U.S GDP that ZOG possesses is not enough enticement to bribe the various scientific academies (not that bribes are needed since ZOG has the wherewithal to directly appoint its loyal subordinates in the key positions), and that their constituents are men of the highest moral fibre.
What an absolute dupe Mulga is to believe that for even one second.
ZOG has infiltrated and corrupted ALL* of these entities, all of western academia and controls all the western politicians of note.
(*In Australia’s case, the Jewish Dr Alan Finkel was appointed as Australia’s Chief Scientist in 2015 and was at the helm scaremongering the kiddies with his Climate doom and gloom up until recently I recall).
No doubt they’ve substituted him with yet another ZOG lackey to do the bidding of the Jewish financiers that control our government:
The VERY DUMBEST, most pig ignorant heap of vomitus, yet. A COMPLETE inversion of reality! Denialists are, of course, clinically insane as well as pernicious.
‘Climate Audit’-lots of squiggly lines to impress the denialist imbecili. Stephen McIntyre, well described as ‘..a persistent amateur with NO credentials in applied science before stepping into the climate debate in 2003’. Stephen McIntyre who, before 2003, had worked in the ‘minerals business’ for thirty years.
2003 is the same year McIntyre was listed as a ‘Strategic Advisor’ by CGX Energy, a corporation who describes their ‘principal business activity’ as ‘petroleum and natural gas exploration’. You’ve been had, moron. I recommend De Smogblog for those interested in McIntyre’s efforts, no doubt very well rewarded, and pathetic trolls like this get NOTHING for their efforts. Sad-not!
Gosh! Did I call you a troll? Altogether TOO generous!
Is that diatribe addressed to me? I suppose that it could be, as it doesn’t appear to be addressed to anyone else, and you did dub me a “troll” at message 172
If it is I apologise for not reacting with a responsive answer, but I’m just too lazy to do so at present.
Mulga you seem very knowledgeable about the ‘science’ of climateism so why don’t you pop over to Stephen McIntyre’s Climate Audit and show him where he’s going wrong in his evisceration of the Esper Reconstruction. Looking forward to your comments there.
For this cretin, ‘..irrefutable science’ is anything his pathetic, damaged, mind agrees with, a priori. Anything that contradicts his smug egotism is, plainly, part of the Great Conspiracy to take away his diesel SUV, jetski and air-con.
Oh, dimples, you are the very bottom of the barrel, aren’t you. Did your mammy drop you on your head-more than once? I would like to see atmospheric CO2 return to c.350 ppm, not be ‘carbon free’, whatever that means.
And, seeing as I mentioned that last individual, the video below is titled 'Professor Ian Plimer launches Climate Change: The Facts 2025', and will enlighten the Climate dunces greatly:
Summary: As Jimmy Dore says: 'I was on board with Climate Change until Covid'.
But then he had an epiphany, as he saw how the ZOG establishment lied about everything during the Covid Psyop. So Jimmy decided to objectively look into so-called Man Made Global Warming and very soon discovered it was a TOTAL fraud.
Mulga meanwhile, is not man enough to say: 'I got it badly wrong'. Perhaps I should investigate what the very best real Climate scientists are saying. People like:
MIT's Prof, Richard Lindzen, Yale's Prof. William Happer (the world's leading expert on the physics of CO2), Prof. Tim Ball, Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore Phd, Prof. Judith Curry and Australia's own Prof. Ian Plimer.
You gotta love the poisonous cretinism of this omega troll. The Club of Rome (pause for much denialist slavering)) ‘…conjured up the fraud in 1968’, did they? So what of Tyrell, Foote and Fourier from the 1840s, who founded the science of the ‘greenhouse effect’ in the 1840s, you cretin?
What of Arrhenius in the 1890s predicting the greater temperature rise in higher latitudes? And what, as we now learn, of scientists at your beloved fossil fuel corporations warning their bosses of the danger, in the 50s and 60s of the last century? And what of LBJ lecturing the Congress over it in 1965? God you are a brainwashed fuck-wit, aren’t you?
Ahhh yes, your beloved LBJ, America's first Jewish President and the most faithful servant of ZOG (by at least an order of magnitude) in the history of the republic.
And what of LBJ lecturing the Congress over it in 1965?
Keynes’ quote is widely known, but I inserted it just to get this reaction from the libertarian troll. They are SO predictable! Then he spews some libertarian pilpul that it is they who change their minds when the facts change, a ludicrous, but egomaniacal, of course, falsehood.
Just the other week, a grand international meeting of experts on Antarctica was held in Hobart. They were discussing the recent changes in the Antarctic eg the massive loss of sea ice in 2023, the temperature extremes twenty or more Celsius above previous records etc. They were beyond alarmed by the changes, none of which were anticipated, so extreme have they been. Here, of course, the troll will hiss ‘ cultists’, ‘ on the warmist payroll’ and ‘Al Gore’ roboticly, his two neurons sparking in rage.
The experts calculated that the sea ice loss was seven standard deviations from the mean, or an occurrence calculated to occur, naturally, only once in seven million to seven hundred BILLION years.Yes, stats are slippery, but big numbers impress small minds, so I threw it in just for you, troll.
I know that you are psychologically deranged from your REPEATED cutting and pasting of the canard about CO2 rising AFTER temperature increases. I’ll repeat yet again, so it can get lost again in the Stygian gloom of your ‘brain’, THAT occurs at the end of glaciations, under the influence of the Milankovich Cycles. As I have pointed out over and over, the situation NOW is different. We are NOT at the end of a glaciation, but were more than half-way through the Holocene inter-glacial.
Thus the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is driving temperature, which then, as a positive feed-back, forces more CO2 out of the seas, the soils, permafrost, mega-fires etc.
That you continually repeat that idiocy, after several corrections from me, shows that you are either an utter imbecile, or a truly fanatic liar. And, AGAIN, you repeat gibberish about Little Ice Ages, probably, in the main, the result of several large volcanic eruptions, ice fairs on the Thames, the result also of different physical conditions on the tidal river in those days that favoured ice formation, and the truly cretinous assertion that humans are responsible for only 3% of the CO2 increase in the atmosphere. As a true moron you confuse the flux of CO2, mostly from plant budding, leaf burst, flowering etc, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere spring, and leaf fall in autumn, with the accumulation in the atmosphere, from 280 ppm 200 years ago, to the current 420 ppm. In other words FIFTY PERCENT, not three.
You’re stuck in that infantile psychological phase where ego grandiosity makes you think yourself omniscient. Even when your errors, drilled into your mind by denialist propagandists, are pointed out, you simply regurgitate your idiocies. You do not even seem aware that your ‘temperature comes before CO2’ end glaciation assertion, PROVES that CO2, acting as a feed-back, is indeed a greenhouse gas that drives temperatures UP, a FACT that you regularly deny.
As Keynes said, ‘When the facts change, I change my opinion’, to which the libertarian trolls replies, ‘When the facts change, I ignore them.
My opinion is adamantine and will NEVER vary, no matter what so-called ‘facts’ you produce’.
Oh dear, Mulga has stooped to quoting that known paedophile and proven economic ignoramus John Maynard Keynes (the one who influenced FDR to initiate the disastrous New Deal, that turned what would’ve been a short/sharp recession into a prolonged Great Depression).
As to changing my opinion on any matter, of course when such verifiable truths come to hand, libertarians are the first to do so. Which is more than can be said for the Climate Cultists.
And one such piece of info that has not changed since that film ‘The Great Global Warming Swindle’ was made (in fact it has not changed in the last million years), is that:
ICE CORE SAMPLES (with not a single exception) DEMONSTRATE THAT THE AVERAGE EARTH TEMP GOES UP FIRST, and only THEN, after a time lag of about 800 years, DO CO2 LEVELS FOLLOW.
So, I’ll ask you once again this question that you’ve ducked and weaved to avoid in the past, rather than responding to it. ie: do Temps rise first, followed by CO2 levels – as the Ice Core sample invariably demonstrate?
(In other words, the OPPOSITE of what the Climate Loons are saying when they chant:
‘Humans produce the CO2 first, and only then does temp rise’).
SUMMARY: As I said above, the Ice Core samples show that CO2 rises approximately 800 years after the Earth temp rises FIRST.
Well then, what happened on this planet about 800 years ago?That’s right, all you informed UR readers will be aware that the Mediaeval Warm Period occurred.
This was a time when the Vikings settled Greenland, when grapes were grown in the North of England (its climate was similar to southern France and the Mediterranean countries).
It was a time when the planet was clearly much warmer.
DO YOU DENY THIS MULGA?Then the Little Ice Age (c. 1300-1850 AD) gripped the planet, a period when the Thames river in London FROZE OVER regularly, and the Viking settlements in Greenland were abandoned, as the soil now subject to permafrost, could not be tilled.
In a nutshell, the rise in CO2 we have from 1850 to the present is, for the most part (97% of the increase in CO2 is PROVEN to be due to natural forces – only 3% is man-made) the result of warming from 800 years ago and also other natural factors (Solar activity, natural variability in the tilt of the Earth on its axis, natural variability in the elliptical path of the Earth around the Sun etc).
These are THE FACTS.
So Mulga, so that you don’t appear as a hypocrite, are you prepared to go with the facts?
Or, will you stick with the nonsensical (based on pseudoscience) voodoo that the Climate Loons are propagating?
Both you and I would have to analyze various reports, documents, videos, anecdotal accounts and compare our notes. This is hard work which takes time and energy
On the 9/11 False Flag my primary sources are the TWO LEADING 9/11 RESEARCHERS ON THE PLANET. ie: USMC Lt-Col. (ret) Field McConnell and Christopher Bollyn
A dullard, but a pompous one. That one suffering from intellectual brain-death like you has ‘studied’ the JFK hit, almost makes one take up the ‘magic bullet’ theory and Oswald’s culpability, by inference. Your very plain problem, so common on the Right as to be near universal, is that your little bwain, once set on a course, can never deviate no matter the facts. As Keynes said, ‘When the facts change, I change my opinion’, to which the libertarian trolls replies, ‘When the facts change, I ignore them. My opinion is adamantine and will NEVER vary, no matter what so-called ‘facts’ you produce’.
Oh dear, Mulga has stooped to quoting that known paedophile and proven economic ignoramus John Maynard Keynes (the one who influenced FDR to initiate the disastrous New Deal, that turned what would've been a short/sharp recession into a prolonged Great Depression).
As Keynes said, ‘When the facts change, I change my opinion’, to which the libertarian trolls replies, ‘When the facts change, I ignore them.
My opinion is adamantine and will NEVER vary, no matter what so-called ‘facts’ you produce’.
So, I'll ask you once again this question that you've ducked and weaved to avoid in the past, rather than responding to it. ie: do Temps rise first, followed by CO2 levels - as the Ice Core sample invariably demonstrate?
ICE CORE SAMPLES (with not a single exception) DEMONSTRATE THAT THE AVERAGE EARTH TEMP GOES UP FIRST, and only THEN, after a time lag of about 800 years, DO CO2 LEVELS FOLLOW.
In a nutshell, the rise in CO2 we have from 1850 to the present is, for the most part (97% of the increase in CO2 is PROVEN to be due to natural forces - only 3% is man-made) the result of warming from 800 years ago and also other natural factors (Solar activity, natural variability in the tilt of the Earth on its axis, natural variability in the elliptical path of the Earth around the Sun etc).
SUMMARY: As I said above, the Ice Core samples show that CO2 rises approximately 800 years after the Earth temp rises FIRST.
Well then, what happened on this planet about 800 years ago?
That's right, all you informed UR readers will be aware that the Mediaeval Warm Period occurred.
This was a time when the Vikings settled Greenland, when grapes were grown in the North of England (its climate was similar to southern France and the Mediterranean countries).
It was a time when the planet was clearly much warmer.
Then the Little Ice Age (c. 1300-1850 AD) gripped the planet, a period when the Thames river in London FROZE OVER regularly, and the Viking settlements in Greenland were abandoned, as the soil now subject to permafrost, could not be tilled.
Again you repeat this B.S about 'tens of thousands of climate scientists' that has long ago been debunked.
How is it that this great genius, who has discovered ‘The Truth’ while tens of thousands of climate scientists and ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies have not ....
It’s typical of hard Right, ‘libertarian’ psychopaths like this troll to descend into rages of extreme lying, as well as autoecholalic repetition of their favourite untruths, ie ‘bird-chopping wind-mills’ etc with this abomination. There is NO doubt, whatsoever, that the VAST majority of actively publishing climate scientists concur with the anthropogenic climate destabilisation theory. As do the satellites, Argo buoys, ground stations and ships recording climate variables, as do the melting glaciers, sea ice, ice-caps and permafrost etc, proving the theory in real-time.
Notice how the psycho troll ALWAYS relies on the SAME handful of senile denialists. No new converts appear from science, despite the huge rewards from fossil fuel omnicidists on offer. Another of its poisonous lies is the insinuation that Mann’s ‘hockey-stick’ is the only one extant, when it has been replicated by hundreds of other, subsequent, studies by other groups. There is something so poisonous about extreme Dunning-Krugerite ‘libertarian’ dullards like this, like Caligula attacking the sea, then claiming victory by gathering sea-shells, that one must conclude that human self-destruction was only a matter of time. A species that produces monsters like this was always on borrowed time.
“You can recognise this malignant cretin instantly.
As my now deceased dear mother used to say, it takes one to know one!
I KNEW that you’d be chiming in with your global warming bullshit. Just for YOUR information, my fellow Tennesseean, Al Gore (one of those that you apparently worship), in the year 2017, used 3.6 times as much electricity JUST TO HEAT HIS POOL than I have used in the last 12 months- 66,159 kWH vs. 18,019 kWH.
As I have said many times before, if there really is anything to this global warming bullshit, then the rich bastards can make the sacrifices THEMSELVES, as they sure as hell are not “paying their way” now.
Pardon the use of my profanity, but you and the rest of the climate change freaks make me sick.
1. An adequate standard of living for all.
Like every other animal, humans must compete or they will degenerate. Comfortable living for all is the cause of damage to the environment. The only choice is eternal struggle or decay; existence is a privilege, not a right.Replies: @Liza
3. Minimal impact on the environment.
So many of us don’t have to struggle.
OTOH, for some, real poverty and true struggle (not the phony struggle of having only one car and one TV set) is just too much.
You refer to “comfortable living for all”. I am not sure that 98% struggling to stay alive, with 2% having 30,000 sq ft houses and a regiment of servants is a desirable situation either. I understand that you were not necessarily hinting at anything like that.
How is it that this great genius, who has discovered ‘The Truth’ while tens of thousands of climate scientists and ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies have not ….
Again you repeat this B.S about ‘tens of thousands of climate scientists’ that has long ago been debunked.
But the reality is that among REAL scientists, those that have actual academic bona fides, the VAST MAJORITY of them are calling out the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax (watch the following video titled ‘Global Warming: 31,487 Scientists say NO to Alarm’:
Video Link
That video was made at the International Conference on Climate Change, a gathering of objective scientists that were not bought-and-paid-for stooges of ZOG, and thus were not paid to misdirect with Climate Alarmism.
Meanwhile, let’s wind the clock back a few years and analyse where this term ‘Climate Scientist’ came from.
Many of you will know that 30 years ago or so, there was NO such job as ‘Climate Scientist’.
There was NO faculty of Climate Science at any tertiary institution and there were NO Professors of Climate Science – although there was a field of study called Climatology.
In decades past here were individuals working in disparate fields, in Meteorology, Climatology, in Atmospheric Physics and related fields, and TOGETHER the expertise of all the aforementioned was utilised to predict the three or five day weather forecast.
As their expertise improved, occasionally they’d stick their necks out and give us a one week or even a ten day forecast.
And of course, among Atmospheric Physicists, there was none better than MIT’s Professor Emeritus Richard Lindzen – arguably the greatest* ‘Climate Scientist’ that ever lived.
(*For those not familiar with Lindzen, his output is all over the internet.
And, like every objective scientist that hasn’t been paid by ZOG to spread climate alarmism, he of course says that Anthropogenic Global Warming is a hoax).
And we can say the same for the great Professor Emeritus (of Climatology) Tim Ball, who exposed Michael Mann in court as a fraud and was likewise someone calling out the Global Warming B.S.
So, in a nutshell, since the Club of Rome conjured up the nonsensical man-made Global Warming scare many decades ago, ZOG has found a few CONSCIENCE-FREE third rate meteorologists and offered them oodles of money and tenured professorships in universities.
Needless to say, some scores of unscrupulous individuals (swelling to perhaps a few hundred in recent times as ZOG threw billions at reseaching this ‘Non Problem’), they took the money, swallowed their pride and started peddling stories of gloom and doom to traumatise school children everywhere.
(These are the alleged ‘tens of thousands’ Mulga speaks of – Mulga does have a propensity to embellish and exaggerate as you’ve all observed).
But, as unprincipled as these low ranking meteorologists were, even they would not accept the opportunity to team up with the PROVEN FRAUD Michael Mann (he with the bogus ‘Hockey Stick’ graph analysis), to take on Dr Patrick Moore PhD and Prof. Judith Curry in a debate (because they knew they’d get their arse handed to them on a plate).
So to team up with Michael Mann, they alarmists dredged up some know-nothing warmongering Admiral formerly within the Military-Industrial Security State to give us his two shekels worth.
(And what an embarrassment he turned out to be).
Mulga, you saw that debate I’m referring to (posted in another UR thread a week or two ago), so why don’t you at least have the guts to admit that Michael Mann and his warmongering offsider were made to look like complete fools up against a deluge of true science on climate.
In fact, I’ll post it again below for the edification of UR readers. See for yourself how easily REAL scientists (Moore and Curry) swat down the Climate Hoax swindlers:
Video Link
Just gonna cash in one more side letter:
Perhaps it was because the negative eugenics captains of industry were in charge of the script.
When they say war on carbon – as a carbon based lifeform I say – what the f***
I’m planning on turning 120 in the year 2100 so thanks for that. For sure the earth needs some help to heal and detoxify. And I believe probably everyone here agrees with that on some level. But I’m not an expert in the field – it looks as though I can’t debate you properly. In hindsight though – after leaving school I realized that several ideas had been implanted into all our brains via brainwashing during schooling. Abortion is great and totally normal was one, never ever be antisemitic was another – and global warming, to me, feels like an additional brainwashing insertion. I am always open to ‘let the best logic win’ btw. To be honest I just want to plant cannabis everywhere that’s all I got. On a side letter – I would add that electricity is generated via motion, and I always thought it’s pretty lame that we can’t figure out how to use the perpetual motion of the ocean to generate electricity. I am solid 1000% anti nuclear power due to the risks.
Both you and I would have to analyze various reports, documents, videos, anecdotal accounts and compare our notes. This is hard work which takes time and energy
In relation to the 9/11 False Flag and the JFK coup d’etat, I have ALREADY done countless thousands of hours of research drawing on sources that are the very best in terms of integrity and objectivity.
(*BTW, don’t expect me to spend precious hours going through all of your reports.
I suspect that in the case of many of them – after you forward me the name of your source and the basic thrust of their assertions – that I will instantly be able to tell you that the ‘research’ you’re looking at is from a KNOWN disinfo peddler.
You see, the MOST important questions that needs to be answered before wasting energy trawling through someone’s output, involves spending time on asking yourself these questions:
1) WHO is the person making these assertions?
2) WHAT is their background (employment history/history of fighting against the ZOG establishment/integrity of the individual/track record for getting things right in the past/their family history/where they grew up ad went to school etc.
If you can’t answer these questions, if the source for your info is someone who literally came out of the woodwork, then almost certainly you’re being fed ZOG propaganda and misdirection.
On the 9/11 False Flag my primary sources are the TWO LEADING 9/11 RESEARCHERS ON THE PLANET. ie: USMC Lt-Col. (ret) Field McConnell and Christopher Bollyn
They are far and away the two best sources on the planet.
In third place are the likes of James Corbett (of the Corbett Report), Capt Dan Hanley, Massimo Mazzucco (and his brilliant near 5 hours documentary masterclass ‘September 11: The New Pearl Harbour’), Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911truth), Dr Kevin Barrett etc.
If you’re not relying on McConnell and Bollyn for the bulk of your 9/11 research (and to a lesser extent on the others I’ve mentioned above), then you probably know precious little about what really occurred.
Importantly, ALL of the individuals I’ve listed above have a multi-decade history that is well documented, a history accompanied by emphatic proof that they are beholden to no one.
Contrast that to the disinfo peddlers. Soon enough after exploring their backgrounds we find that they were employed for years in the one of he ZOG controlled three letter agencies of the MISSS (Military Industrial Security Surveillance State), OR they just finished serving a stint in the IDF, OR they are Israeli/U.S dual citizens, OR they’re protege’s of known neocons etc.
Segueing back to where I started earlier on (in the case of 9/11 in particular) there was a period that lasted many years (and is still ongoing – although not to the previous levels of single-minded obsession), where I spent a disproportionate amount of my waking hours focused on it. ie: countless 1000’s of hours of research.
I can only gather that, for you to believe that these were staged events where nobody died, that you have absorbed info from unscrupulous sources and that you were gullible enough to have swallowed their misdirection without critical analysis.
Anyway, bring it on. Go to Open Thread # 10 and share your info*.
(*Caution: I have seen countless explanations of the sort that I suspect you will be forwarding my way over the years, many of which I have swatted down repeatedly right here in the various UR 9/11 threads).
So Kumba, prepare yourself for some tough love – because I suspect I will easily eviscerate the theories you put forward).
That said, there’s always the chance that you’ll surprise me, the possibility that you’ll have some new info that I’ve never encountered.
So I look forward to seeing what you have to offer on the off chance that you may actually enlighten me.
As for your remark about me being ’emotionally unprepared to handle the scale of deception we are subjected to’, I don’t think there’s anything you could post that would affect me even infinitesimally (I have very thick skin).
I’m well aware of the bulk of the major deceptions that have been foisted on humanity.
That said, if you have something else to bring to the table that I’m not aware of, let’s hear it.
OK then, let's see how solar panels in the villages worked out in sub-Saharan Africa.
Solar PV panels in every village-problem solved.
And, as for the matter of the Gas of Life (CO2) produced by the coal fired power stations, as everyone knows who's done the in depth research, the more CO2 produced the merrier.
SUMMARY: The ZOG establishment that foisted the Climate Hoax on humanity are deliberately adopting a strategy that will keep the Third World living in subsistence poverty by depriving them of electrification.
China was a third world shit-hole itself not that many decades ago under Mao.
But the ONE THING, more than any other factor that lifted the masses out of poverty, was ELECTRIFICATION of their towns and villages.
China embraced Capitalism and that's why it's prospering today.
And of course that low cost electricity that made Capitalism possible was brought about by COAL FIRED POWER STATIONS generating cheap and reliable energy - and all with no environmental downside whatsoever (if said power stations are fitted with modern 'Scrubbers' which trap well in excess of 99% of sooty particulate matter (so no chance the skies will turn dark with pollution like Dickensian England when said technology is utilised - as it is in the coal fired power station in all western countries).
The mockumentary ‘GGWS’ was made in 2007, and immediately revealed by real climate scientists and anyone with an IQ over, say, 75, to be a cesspool of bullshit. So it is SEVENTEEN YEARS out of date, but this troll has a mind set about 1950, to be generous.
In the seventeen years since, solar and wind energy costs have crashed, so the premise that renewables stop Africans progressing is a lie, even more moronic now. Coal and oil are still massively polluting and require huge investment in transmission lines to every village. Local or household PV solves that problem, but this troll is clearly in the pay of fossil fuels or ICE vehicles or some other death-cult. I bet it comes cheap.
I’d avoid K, Old Iron Dick, too-he’s not well in the head.
In Russia Iron Dick would be a compliment, especially if old, but not yet rusty.
If you're referring to the allegation that Hamas killed them all, I don't buy that either.
I don’t buy this at all.
And when someone does that (it's happened several times in the pages of UR and I thanked the individual that set me straight), I will discard my previously held belief and I'll be a better person for it. Because I will thus be one step nearer to the truth.
As I've stated many times before in my UR commentary, I WANT to be challenged. I WANT to be proved wrong.
(*I've been following Dr Ron Paul for something approaching 20 years. But, in addition to that, I've read transcripts/watched videos/read articles relating to his positions going back to the mid 1970's when he first entered Congress - and RON PAUL HAS BEEN RIGHT ON EVERYTHING of substance).
How is it that you are so correct regarding October 7, 2023, and so insanely brainwashed and idiotic when anthropogenic climate destabilisation is the topic? Your comments here are cogent and succinct, yet with regard to climate destabilisation you regurgitate utter bilge, over and over again. I’d avoid K, Old Iron Dick, too-he’s not well in the head.
In Russia Iron Dick would be a compliment, especially if old, but not yet rusty.
I’d avoid K, Old Iron Dick, too-he’s not well in the head.
Are you a new life-hating sub-moron, or an old one masquerading? With the same fuck-wit idiocy, copied and pasted from some fossil fuel industry or hard Right denialist think-sewer.
First, we have the BASIC problem with denialist essays in pseudo-science. How is it that this great genius, who has discovered ‘The Truth’ while tens of thousands of climate scientists and ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies have not, been denied his deserved plethora of awards and prizes? Life is just so unfair.
The twaddle about the oceans is pretentious clap-trap. The heat content, salinity, chemistry and temperatures of the oceans have been studied for twenty years by Argo buoys, two thousand or so of which are operating today, drifting on the currents, diving down to a couple of thousand metres, then surfacing and relaying their information. It don’t accord with your fantasy model, that’s for sure.
Aside from that, and measurements from land stations, ships, balloons and satellites, we have the hard evidence from reality of melting montane glaciers, melting sea ice, melting ice-sheets on Greenland and in the Antarctic, melting permafrost, melting submarine methane clathrates, droughts plus wildfires in the Amazon Basin, unprecedented rain deluges and floods etc, etc. You’re going to need to come up with some doozy lies to deny all that, troll.
Your comments re. renewables are dumb, of course, but perhaps points to your ‘mala fides’. Surely you must be a denialist troll employed by fossil fuels of ICE vehicle industries. How’s it pay, troll? I bet you’re cheap.
Again you repeat this B.S about 'tens of thousands of climate scientists' that has long ago been debunked.
How is it that this great genius, who has discovered ‘The Truth’ while tens of thousands of climate scientists and ALL the Academies of Science and scientific societies have not ....
If you're referring to the allegation that Hamas killed them all, I don't buy that either.
I don’t buy this at all.
And when someone does that (it's happened several times in the pages of UR and I thanked the individual that set me straight), I will discard my previously held belief and I'll be a better person for it. Because I will thus be one step nearer to the truth.
As I've stated many times before in my UR commentary, I WANT to be challenged. I WANT to be proved wrong.
(*I've been following Dr Ron Paul for something approaching 20 years. But, in addition to that, I've read transcripts/watched videos/read articles relating to his positions going back to the mid 1970's when he first entered Congress - and RON PAUL HAS BEEN RIGHT ON EVERYTHING of substance).
There is something else I wanted to mention:
I am willing to admit that you are both morally and intellectually superior than I, but you, like most people, may be emotionally unprepared to handle the scale of deception we are subjected to.
The problem is, unlike you, I grew up in a dysfunctional family and since early childhood I got used to the feeling of being rejected by others. I have learned to handle being rejected by anybody (except my wife) without losing any sleep. As a result, I am willing to discard any pre-conceived notion, even if every existing intellectual or moral authority considers this notion to be ultimate truth.
If you're referring to the allegation that Hamas killed them all, I don't buy that either.
I don’t buy this at all.
And when someone does that (it's happened several times in the pages of UR and I thanked the individual that set me straight), I will discard my previously held belief and I'll be a better person for it. Because I will thus be one step nearer to the truth.
As I've stated many times before in my UR commentary, I WANT to be challenged. I WANT to be proved wrong.
(*I've been following Dr Ron Paul for something approaching 20 years. But, in addition to that, I've read transcripts/watched videos/read articles relating to his positions going back to the mid 1970's when he first entered Congress - and RON PAUL HAS BEEN RIGHT ON EVERYTHING of substance).
TV, in the interests of full disclosure, I also believe that the JFK assassination and 9/11 terror attacks were staged events and nobody died there, except a few pawns. You may find my views ridiculous and offensive to your intelligence, which I totally understand. If you conclude, that I am an ignorant, lazy, unwise or mentally retarded person, I totally understand. If do not want to continue the dialog, I totally understand.
However, as I said earlier, I will be happy to have a meaningful dialog with you. Both you and I would have to analyze various reports, documents, videos, anecdotal accounts and compare our notes. This is hard work which takes time and energy.
For example, I just learned about the report ‘YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE SUBHUMAN’
It is worth dissecting, although it relies on reports by WHO, which is a criminal organization, as we both know. Also, this report relies on the data from the Gaza-based Ministry of Health, which is controlled by Israel, like everything else in Gaza, including Hamas created by Mossad.
This is just an example of what has to be analyzed in order to start the conversation.
Both you and I would have to analyze various reports, documents, videos, anecdotal accounts and compare our notes. This is hard work which takes time and energy
On the 9/11 False Flag my primary sources are the TWO LEADING 9/11 RESEARCHERS ON THE PLANET. ie: USMC Lt-Col. (ret) Field McConnell and Christopher Bollyn
COâ‚‚ is ð’ð’𒕠“planet-heating pollution.†Those of us who made it past 3rd grade understand that it is an essential life-giving gas required for photosynthesis. Without it, you’d be dead. You are a carbon-based life form, albeit not a particularly intelligent one.
Why the Global Average Temperature is a Bogus Measure of Earth’s Heat Imbalance! All scientists agree during La Nina conditions, the earth stores heat in the western Pacific Ocean down to 200 meters below the surface. That stored heat warms the earth’s climate, but is NOT detected by measurements of our atmospheric temperatures. La Nina conditions also cause more upwelling of cooler sub-surface waters in the eastern Pacific. Those cooler upwelled waters will lower atmospheric temperatures. Thus, by hiding heat in the ocean sub-surface layers and simultaneously upwelling of cool waters to the surface, La Nina conditions are absurdly reported as cooling the global average temperature, despite increasing the earth’s stored heat. Similarly, all scientists agree that during El Nino conditions, the previously stored heat is transported eastward and released. Although that El Nino dynamic cools the oceans, the released heat temporarily warms the atmosphere and raises the global average temperature. Thus, the global average temperature spikes upward, because it is based only on atmospheric temperatures, despite the fact El Nino events are actually cooling the earth. Clearly the global average temperature is NOT an accurate measure of how much heat the earth is gaining or losing! Nonetheless, the bogus global average temperature is dishonestly being used to suggest a climate crisis by a few dishonest scientists!
Solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind may be the fastest growing electricity generation technologies, but that’s only because they are both heavily bankrolled by governments. The U.S. government, for example, gave $55.15 billion in subsidies to solar and wind between 2016 and 2022.…
But, what you fail to mention here is that in spite of their rapid growth, solar PV and utility-scale wind still only constitute a small percentage of the global fuel mix and they aren’t replacing fossil fuel infrastructure. The fact of the matter is that solar and wind are simply add-ons to existing electricity generation sources. For every 6 units of renewable energy added to the grid, <1 unit of fossil fuel comes offline (Rather and Mahalik, 2023). Consumption of fossil fuels continues to go up year after year, decade after decade/
If you're referring to the allegation that Hamas killed them all, I don't buy that either.
I don’t buy this at all.
And when someone does that (it's happened several times in the pages of UR and I thanked the individual that set me straight), I will discard my previously held belief and I'll be a better person for it. Because I will thus be one step nearer to the truth.
As I've stated many times before in my UR commentary, I WANT to be challenged. I WANT to be proved wrong.
(*I've been following Dr Ron Paul for something approaching 20 years. But, in addition to that, I've read transcripts/watched videos/read articles relating to his positions going back to the mid 1970's when he first entered Congress - and RON PAUL HAS BEEN RIGHT ON EVERYTHING of substance).
TV, if you want to start a serious conversation, I accept the challenge, but we need to move it to an open thread. Does that make sense to you?
The Judeonazi lust for killing, so vividly depicted in the Torah and the other Judaic genocide tracts, is a crime against humanity, but you’re not human, are you? Rather, you see yourselves as ‘Divine’. I am impressed by your moral and spiritual insanity, I must say. Did they remove your sense of right and wrong as well when they mutilated your ‘membrum virile’?
I never read the Torah, and I cannot be influenced by something I know nothing about.
I am familiar with the Judaist concept of the Jews as chosen people, but in reality I am the only chosen one, and all the other Jews don’t qualify. Needless to say, they think the same about themselves, as I learned the hard way.
So feel free to be even more impressed by my spiritual insanity. ☺
As far as my sense of right and wrong is concerned, it is very sharp. That’s why I don’t have any friends.
Your obsession with circumcision points to some unresolved sexual insecurity, which I totally understand, as I grew up that way. I haven’t been circumcised as a child, which was a blessing, because when I was 7 years old, another kid threw a sharp pebble stone at me with the intention of hurting me badly and hit my penis exactly where it matters most. Without my foreskin I would have a serious injury, which might have disabled me for the rest of my life.
I don't have any Jews in my proximity (no friends or relatives). My wife works for a Jewish family as a housekeeper. They are very nice people, but I know nothing about their views. By the way, most Jews detest me once they get to know me a little. They don't get much sympathy from me either.
Seeing as you have a dog in this race, and have no doubt been influenced by other Jews in your proximity about the situation in Occupied Palestine, you have a one-sided view on this matter.
You are assuming that I am spoon-fed certain information, but I am not that kind of a person.
I don’t know who’s giving you the faulty information but I would suggest you ditch them forthwith and listen to known objective sources (The Ron Paul Liberty Report, The Grayzone, Col. Douglas Macgregor and countless articles right here in the UR etc), that explain the situation clearly on these two war zones.�
TV, according to the Zionist propaganda,
Kumba, perhaps UR readers would not ignore you and have more respect for your commentary if you spoke sensibly on these matters, rather than repeat Zionist propaganda without doing the due diligence to establish the veracity of what you’re being told.�
I don't buy this at all.
Hamas-led militant groups launched a surprise attack on Israel on 7 October, which involved a rocket barrage and a few thousand militants breaching the Gaza–Israel barrier, attacking Israeli civilian communities and military bases. During this attack, 1,195 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, including 815 civilians. In addition, 251 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive into Gaza, with the stated goal to force Israel to release Palestinian prisoners and detainees.
In relation to the incident on Oct. 7, 2023 where over 1100 were allegedly killed, you write:
I don’t buy this at all.
If you’re referring to the allegation that Hamas killed them all, I don’t buy that either.
It is evident that IDF helicopter gunships killed perhaps half or more of those (ie: Israeli concert attendees), after implementing the Hannibal Directive.
And, to the extent that the Hamas Freedom Fighters killed hundred of Israelis, these were IDF personnel and thus combatants.
So Hamas were entitled to do that in accordance with the rules of war.
Is that your take on it too? And if not, why not?
What proof do you have to support an alternative scenario?
As for speaking ‘sensibly’ just so that your views align with mine, I do not wish that of anyone, let alone you Kumba.
I would much rather you speak your mind. I would respect you more for that. I’m not looking for interactions with yes-men and women. I have no time for sycophants.
As I’ve stated many times before in my UR commentary, I WANT to be challenged. I WANT to be proved wrong.
And when someone does that (it’s happened several times in the pages of UR and I thanked the individual that set me straight), I will discard my previously held belief and I’ll be a better person for it. Because I will thus be one step nearer to the truth.
But, when you say that ‘The GrayZone is misdirection’, why do you say that?
What proof do you have of that?
I confess that, although I used to watch countless hours of their stuff in years past, I’ve watched next to nothing of the GrayZone in recent times.
That said I’ve heard plenty from Max Blumenthal as he makes his cameo appearances on the Jimmy Dore Show, or Aaron Mate on Judge Napolitano’s programme, and they haven’t said a single thing that does not align with the facts I’ve gleaned from other reliable sources.
And one of those other sources that I tune into five times a week for the last decade or so, is The Ron Paul Liberty Report. And what I’ve heard from Blumenthal and Mate is pretty much in lockstep with what Ron Paul tells me.
And bear in mind that:
(*I’ve been following Dr Ron Paul for something approaching 20 years. But, in addition to that, I’ve read transcripts/watched videos/read articles relating to his positions going back to the mid 1970’s when he first entered Congress – and RON PAUL HAS BEEN RIGHT ON EVERYTHING of substance).
So Kumba, enlighten me. Let’s start with the Ukraine proxy war.
Where is your proof that no one (or very few) has died, that it’s all just staged/choreographed theatre?
And, if it is all fake, what entity is behind the charade and for what purpose?
The Anglo-Zionist empire wants FOR SURE to bring Russia down, to Balkanise it, so that it can execute its Divide and Conquer strategy – that will enable it to loot/rape/pillage Russia for its natural resources.
How can the Anglo-Zionist empire achieve that goal through a ‘fake war’?
I’m all ears.
In your case it is floridly demented, possibly insidious.
I don’t understand what you mean by this insult. What is floridly demented? Are you referring to me as a genderless object? In any case, I have to give you some credit, because some of my so called Jewish friends in the past also made similar comments about my state of mind. You seem to have the most florid way to describe my way of thinking, so you get the award for the most elaborate way of insulting me. ☺
Are you sure, you are not Jewish at all?
Seeing as you have a dog in this race, and have no doubt been influenced by other Jews in your proximity about the situation in Occupied Palestine, you have a one-sided view on this matter.
I don’t have any Jews in my proximity (no friends or relatives). My wife works for a Jewish family as a housekeeper. They are very nice people, but I know nothing about their views. By the way, most Jews detest me once they get to know me a little. They don’t get much sympathy from me either.
I don’t know who’s giving you the faulty information but I would suggest you ditch them forthwith and listen to known objective sources (The Ron Paul Liberty Report, The Grayzone, Col. Douglas Macgregor and countless articles right here in the UR etc), that explain the situation clearly on these two war zones.
You are assuming that I am spoon-fed certain information, but I am not that kind of a person.
I don’t trust any commentators online. Some of them may be misguided, and/or influenced by the same lovely group which controls our societies. For example, The Grayzone is a misdirection outlet similar to Amy Goodman, but more likable.
Kumba, perhaps UR readers would not ignore you and have more respect for your commentary if you spoke sensibly on these matters, rather than repeat Zionist propaganda without doing the due diligence to establish the veracity of what you’re being told.
TV, according to the Zionist propaganda,
Hamas-led militant groups launched a surprise attack on Israel on 7 October, which involved a rocket barrage and a few thousand militants breaching the Gaza–Israel barrier, attacking Israeli civilian communities and military bases. During this attack, 1,195 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, including 815 civilians. In addition, 251 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive into Gaza, with the stated goal to force Israel to release Palestinian prisoners and detainees.
I don’t buy this at all.
As far as am concerned, it was a hoax as well the alleged response by Israel.
Also, if I spoke sensibly about these matters as you recommend, I would be lying.
Would you respect me then?
If you're referring to the allegation that Hamas killed them all, I don't buy that either.
I don’t buy this at all.
And when someone does that (it's happened several times in the pages of UR and I thanked the individual that set me straight), I will discard my previously held belief and I'll be a better person for it. Because I will thus be one step nearer to the truth.
As I've stated many times before in my UR commentary, I WANT to be challenged. I WANT to be proved wrong.
(*I've been following Dr Ron Paul for something approaching 20 years. But, in addition to that, I've read transcripts/watched videos/read articles relating to his positions going back to the mid 1970's when he first entered Congress - and RON PAUL HAS BEEN RIGHT ON EVERYTHING of substance).
There are 300 million Arabs in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. What have they done to stop the mass murder, you care so much about? They don't give a shit, and continue to do business with Israel. Have you been insulting Arabs online lately? I don't think so.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Oh, dear-the psychopathic denialist IMBECILE is ALSO a fan-boy for mass child murder. Who would have thought it? Me, for a start.�
What a pathetic heap of steaming pilpul. I have no interest in the criminality of those Arab despotisms-their people are overwhelmingly against Judeonazi child butchers like you, as is nearly all the world. The decent world, of course.
The Judeonazi lust for killing, so vividly depicted in the Torah and the other Judaic genocide tracts, is a crime against humanity, but you’re not human, are you? Rather, you see yourselves as ‘Divine’. I am impressed by your moral and spiritual insanity, I must say. Did they remove your sense of right and wrong as well when they mutilated your ‘membrum virile’?
I never read the Torah, and I cannot be influenced by something I know nothing about.
The Judeonazi lust for killing, so vividly depicted in the Torah and the other Judaic genocide tracts, is a crime against humanity, but you’re not human, are you? Rather, you see yourselves as ‘Divine’. I am impressed by your moral and spiritual insanity, I must say. Did they remove your sense of right and wrong as well when they mutilated your ‘membrum virile’?
TV said that I am a sensible and sincere individual. Does that sound like excessive adulation?As far as my opinion about TV, I have mentioned quite a few times, that he is very well versed in history, especially WWII and the Holocaust. Unlike most people, he actually understands who was eager to kill Jews at the time, and that was not Germans. Being Jewish myself, I appreciate his insights. Also, in the past he and I exchanged a number of messages on cv19 scam and related matters of population poisoning by the elites. Unlike you, he understands that this abomination can be stopped only with more freedom and less fascism. Perhaps, this is the most compelling reason we both appreciate the Libertarian philosophy.So it is foolish to assume that we are scratching each other back.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Two nassty, pig ignorant, imbeciles, pissing in each others pockets, as they say, congratulating each other for being REALLY clever. Two Dunning-Krugerites, bald as badgers, congratulating themselves on their fine heads of hair, while exchanging toothless combs. If it wasn’t so despicable, you’d laugh yourself sick.
In your case it is floridly demented, possibly insidious. In fact, I saw through CoViD19 myself, fairly early, having been conned by its obvious bio-warfare nature to believe it was, then, more dangerous than it was.
However, I’m sure you’ll agree, the virus is mutating nicely, and, in high likelihood, will eventually reach a variation of much greater nasstiness. Think Marek”s Disease. ‘Vaccinating’ against a coronavirus, in the midst of an outbreak, must be part of a malignant population reduction scheme. When added to poisonous, and useless, modified mRNA gene therapy injections, lipid nano-particles, intentionally botched injection techniques, the suppression of proven therapies like ivermectin, and of ALL discussion even by eminences in various fields, and the vaccination compulsion, long outlawed under International Law and bio-ethics conventions, you get a very dirty scheme, indeed.
I don't understand what you mean by this insult. What is floridly demented? Are you referring to me as a genderless object? In any case, I have to give you some credit, because some of my so called Jewish friends in the past also made similar comments about my state of mind. You seem to have the most florid way to describe my way of thinking, so you get the award for the most elaborate way of insulting me. ☺Are you sure, you are not Jewish at all?
In your case it is floridly demented, possibly insidious.
Oops, my dictionary says of ‘parameter’, ‘One of a set of measurable factors, such as temperature and pressure, that define a system and determine its behaviour and are varied in an experiment’. That’ll do for me, and I would prefer ‘factor’ rather than ‘variable’, if required, being, after dinner with Kurt Godel, no longer quite interested in mathematics, a universe to which I was temperamentally unsuited.
Does he have any other modes, T.V.?
Ted Rall, in full asinine mode, writes:...
Yeah, putting dates on predictions, that are matters of probabilities, was dumb. Still, that only cancels the facts of the ongoing process of anthropogenic climate destabilisation, leading to a ‘wet hot-house’ extinction event, (as have occurred several times in planetary history) in the twisted Rightwing psyches of misanthropic, omnicidal, scum.
I'll take me some of that action.
Within five years, the world will be down to 10% of its forests; they’ll all be gone by 2100.
Yep-with specimens like this proliferating like fungal spores, no wonder ‘humanity’ is heading for the Exit.
They made up a new religion for gals like you. It is called Gaza genocide.Do me a favor, watch these 2 nauseating videos, and enjoy the righteous indignation by pathologic liars like this fake doctor Tanya Haj-Hassan
But in the Bullshit Department, a businessman can't hold a candle to a clergyman. 'Cause I gotta tell you the truth, folks. When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told.�
Kumba, as I said before and although I believe you’re sincere when you’re saying it, there are things we don’t see eye to eye on. And this is one of them.
Seeing as you have a dog in this race, and have no doubt been influenced by other Jews in your proximity about the situation in Occupied Palestine, you have a one-sided view on this matter.
But the fact of the matter is that objective entities (ie: humanitarian agencies that don’t have an axe to grind), ALL of then in unison have detailed the mass murder being committed in Gaza by the depraved IDF.
How is the TRUTH of what is occurring in Gaza a ‘religion’?
Moreover, this did not begin on Oct.7 of last year. Scores of thousands* of Palestinians have been murdered by the Khazarian illegal occupiers of this land PRIOR to October 2023, starting with the 1948 Nakba (in fact even earlier than that), in the most depraved manner imaginable.
(eg: having white phosphorus incendiaries dropped on civilians, which burn right through to the bone and can’t be extinguished by dousing with water).
(*Add to that the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians that have been displaced and dispossessed and forced to abandon their home and never return – DNA analysis proves that the Palestinians are the direct descendants of the Jews of antiquity).
This is THEIR land.The Ashkenazi Jews are Khazars that converted to Judaism in the 7th century AD, or thereabouts.
As such, Ashkenazi Jews have NO CLAIM to this land. You do know this, don’t you?
Such heinous acts by the IDF cause excruciatingly painful deaths.
Kumba, do you have no humanity at all to recognise how low the Khazarians in the Apartheid Israeli state have descended to?
Same goes for the Ukraine proxy war, which for some reason you believe is not real.
Kumba, perhaps people would stop ignoring you if you didn’t write nonsense like that.
It is obvious to all that the Anglo-Zionist empire have orchestrated a REAL war with Russia with the intention of destabilising it, thereafter to Balkanise it – with the intention of looting/raping/pillaging its resources.
I don’t know who’s giving you the faulty information but I would suggest you ditch them forthwith and listen to known objective sources (The Ron Paul Liberty Report, The Grayzone, Col. Douglas Macgregor and countless articles right here in the UR etc), that explain the situation clearly on these two war zones.
Kumba, perhaps UR readers would not ignore you and have more respect for your commentary if you spoke sensibly on these matters, rather than repeat Zionist propaganda without doing the due diligence to establish the veracity of what you’re being told.
I don't have any Jews in my proximity (no friends or relatives). My wife works for a Jewish family as a housekeeper. They are very nice people, but I know nothing about their views. By the way, most Jews detest me once they get to know me a little. They don't get much sympathy from me either.
Seeing as you have a dog in this race, and have no doubt been influenced by other Jews in your proximity about the situation in Occupied Palestine, you have a one-sided view on this matter.
You are assuming that I am spoon-fed certain information, but I am not that kind of a person.
I don’t know who’s giving you the faulty information but I would suggest you ditch them forthwith and listen to known objective sources (The Ron Paul Liberty Report, The Grayzone, Col. Douglas Macgregor and countless articles right here in the UR etc), that explain the situation clearly on these two war zones.�
TV, according to the Zionist propaganda,
Kumba, perhaps UR readers would not ignore you and have more respect for your commentary if you spoke sensibly on these matters, rather than repeat Zionist propaganda without doing the due diligence to establish the veracity of what you’re being told.�
I don't buy this at all.
Hamas-led militant groups launched a surprise attack on Israel on 7 October, which involved a rocket barrage and a few thousand militants breaching the Gaza–Israel barrier, attacking Israeli civilian communities and military bases. During this attack, 1,195 Israelis and foreign nationals were killed, including 815 civilians. In addition, 251 Israelis and foreigners were taken captive into Gaza, with the stated goal to force Israel to release Palestinian prisoners and detainees.
In the big end of town in America, Capitalism has long ago been abolished.
Even if we abolish rapacious capitalism on a close to global scale in order to prioritize feeding the hungry over profits — an essential move toward saving ourselves — there won’t be enough decent soil to grow enough food to feed everyone.
SUMMARY: Mr Rall, WHY THE F*CK would we want to abolish that one system of government that is PROVEN to lift all boats (ie: Capitalism), that delivers prosperity for the overwhelming bulk of the citizenry?The rest of your article is so full of falsehoods (eg: '. Oceans are boiling, hurricanes are more powerful than ever, sea levels are rising*), that it is not worth my time addressing.(*As someone recently posted in another UR thread the other day, sea levels have been rising about 0.6 mm/0.024 inches per year for well over 100 years - and that rate has been STEADY for this entire time. This is proof that the increase in CO2 in the interim was having NO EFFECT).And, what about this dishonest piece of alarmism that you posted:
The U.S has shunned Capitalism - hence the reason why it is a Socialist shit-hole today.
I suggest that UR readers click on to the following link and learn the truth about the amount of arable land fit for farming we're likely to have in the remainder of this century:
Healthy soil, a basic necessity for life on earth and agriculture, is composed of at least 3% to 6% organic matter.
But 40% of the earth’s dirt has so few nutrients that it is completely degraded.
By 2050, an additional area the size of South America will be depleted. And that will be with a global population of over 9 billion.
The fact of the matter is that because of the increased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere today compared to 150 years (97% of which was produced by natural factors - NOT mankind), the agricultural output per hectare of arable land is FAR GREATER than it was a century or more ago, thus enabling us to feed far more people than in the past.And, as pointed out in the article above, THE EARTH IS GREENING at a rapid rate, as land areas that were previously arid/desert-like, are now available for agricultural production due to the increased levels of CO2.
The planet is 10 percent greener today than it was in 2000, NASA says, which means better conditions for growing crops.
Forests are also expanding while deserts are becoming more fertile and usable for agriculture.Back in 2018, research found that the Sahara Desert, the largest in the world, had shrunk by more than 8 percent over the past three decades. This is truly profound as the Sahara covers an expansive 9.2 million square kilometres of territory.“Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometres more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined,†reports P. Gosselin.“So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1,000 years.â€
That someone could be so stupid as to believe the lies propagated (by the same ZOG culprits that brought us the Covid Psyop, that orchestrated 9/11 and the Ukraine proxy war, that murdered JFK/RFK/JFK Jr etc), about so-called Anthropenic Global Warming, without first checking the veracity of those claims using objective sources, is testament to how much of a lazy fool you are Mr Rall.And it explains why your articles only get a handful of comments.
Higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are all UPSIDE with no downside whatsoever - since we know that CO2 levels are a negligible determinant in average Earth temp.
You can recognise this malignant cretin instantly. The same imbecilities, long and often rebutted, repeated over and over like a robot with a circuit failure.
It’s appreciation of China’s system is pig ignorant and remarkably self-serving. The PRC PLANS intensively-none of his ‘Invisible Hand’ libertarian garbage. They’re too intelligent for that which is why there are NO denialist cretins like this malignant fool anywhere near power in China, and why they are massively installing renewables, turning to the buffoon’s bete noire, EVs, in huge numbers and ridding themselves of the oaf’s beloved coal.
Indeed, the ‘libertarian’ parasite’s appreciation of the ‘virtues’ of capitalism, is sub-moronic. Capitalism operating to increase inequality and concentrate wealth and power among a most hereditary elite, is HOW it works and has always worked. Alas, stuck in that infantile stage of ego grandiosity, having just learned to shit in the potty (and here) the troll thinks differently, reality being an affront to his psychopathy. Surely he will be ‘rich’, too, one day, he being so superior.
The cretin constantly, probably deliberately, (although that credits him with rat cunning, which might be a stretch, his other ‘attributes’ being more entomological)confuses CO2 flux with CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere, the crucial PARAMETER!!!And, of course, a true trade-mark of its psychopathy, in comes the paranoia (the great worldwide scientific conspiracy) the crude Judeophobia (ZOG) and the anti-Marxist gibberish. A fairly typical Rightist psycho-Austfailia is full of them as is a septic tank of shite.
Boiling i tells ya... Boiling! ☮Replies: @Achmed E. Newman
Oceans are boiling...
“When the ocean gets to boiling temperature … you have to die.” (Old Japanese Engineering Professor)
It seems like these boiling oceanic hot spots ought to be great places to extract some cheap renewable energy, using the sea water as the cold side of the cycle. Energy could be transmitted back to shore via piping attached to a chain of shipping containers – you know how I’m into shipping containers, Adam… and then … Oh, what, too Capitalistic?
Then, there’s this gem:
Within five years, the world will be down to 10% of its forests; they’ll all be gone by 2100.
I’ll take me some of that action.
“Save the bees!
Save the trees!
Save the whales!
Save those snails!”
R.I.P., George Carlin
In the big end of town in America, Capitalism has long ago been abolished.
Even if we abolish rapacious capitalism on a close to global scale in order to prioritize feeding the hungry over profits — an essential move toward saving ourselves — there won’t be enough decent soil to grow enough food to feed everyone.
SUMMARY: Mr Rall, WHY THE F*CK would we want to abolish that one system of government that is PROVEN to lift all boats (ie: Capitalism), that delivers prosperity for the overwhelming bulk of the citizenry?The rest of your article is so full of falsehoods (eg: '. Oceans are boiling, hurricanes are more powerful than ever, sea levels are rising*), that it is not worth my time addressing.(*As someone recently posted in another UR thread the other day, sea levels have been rising about 0.6 mm/0.024 inches per year for well over 100 years - and that rate has been STEADY for this entire time. This is proof that the increase in CO2 in the interim was having NO EFFECT).And, what about this dishonest piece of alarmism that you posted:
The U.S has shunned Capitalism - hence the reason why it is a Socialist shit-hole today.
I suggest that UR readers click on to the following link and learn the truth about the amount of arable land fit for farming we're likely to have in the remainder of this century:
Healthy soil, a basic necessity for life on earth and agriculture, is composed of at least 3% to 6% organic matter.
But 40% of the earth’s dirt has so few nutrients that it is completely degraded.
By 2050, an additional area the size of South America will be depleted. And that will be with a global population of over 9 billion.
The fact of the matter is that because of the increased amount of CO2 in the atmosphere today compared to 150 years (97% of which was produced by natural factors - NOT mankind), the agricultural output per hectare of arable land is FAR GREATER than it was a century or more ago, thus enabling us to feed far more people than in the past.And, as pointed out in the article above, THE EARTH IS GREENING at a rapid rate, as land areas that were previously arid/desert-like, are now available for agricultural production due to the increased levels of CO2.
The planet is 10 percent greener today than it was in 2000, NASA says, which means better conditions for growing crops.
Forests are also expanding while deserts are becoming more fertile and usable for agriculture.Back in 2018, research found that the Sahara Desert, the largest in the world, had shrunk by more than 8 percent over the past three decades. This is truly profound as the Sahara covers an expansive 9.2 million square kilometres of territory.“Eight percent means more than 700,000 square kilometres more area that’s become green – an area almost as big as Germany and France combined,†reports P. Gosselin.“So in terms of vegetation, the planet probably hasn’t had it this nice in about 1,000 years.â€
That someone could be so stupid as to believe the lies propagated (by the same ZOG culprits that brought us the Covid Psyop, that orchestrated 9/11 and the Ukraine proxy war, that murdered JFK/RFK/JFK Jr etc), about so-called Anthropenic Global Warming, without first checking the veracity of those claims using objective sources, is testament to how much of a lazy fool you are Mr Rall.And it explains why your articles only get a handful of comments.
Higher levels of CO2 in the atmosphere are all UPSIDE with no downside whatsoever - since we know that CO2 levels are a negligible determinant in average Earth temp.
Ted Rall, in full asinine mode, writes:…
Does he have any other modes, T.V.?
I have been coming to this page to read comments occasionally when I see some of Mr. Rall’s really stupendously stupid ideas, just in the titles. (A couple of the times it was due to my having fat-fingered “Ron Paul”, just above.)
In his usual clever naming scheme, Ron Unz dubbed Ted Rall’s column “A Cartoonist Sketches America”. In case readers don’t know, this is due to Mr. Rall’s having had syndicated political cartoons in newspapers a few decades ago. The thing is, I’d see the lefty stupidity on a weekly basis but not really have any way to rebut said stupidity. (A letter to the editor of our local paper? Come on, not worth the trouble.)
Now, we can all write in, and I am glad to see ‘Ted Rall’s stupidity – after all these many years in which he could have learned something! – called out here and each column. Most especially, his “you should only be allowed (by Government, of course) to own one house” column had nice comments. I thank you guys for what must be a tedious job, as the stupidity comes out of this man in torrents.
After all these years of seeing BS claims about the future of the earth’s climate with dates, being wrong left and right (thanks to the commenter above), anyone who still believes this Climate Calamityâ„¢ business is beyond hope.
Ted Rall is a cartoon of a Communist come to life. Behold!
Well done on noticing my reply to you. I messed up by not clicking the ‘Reply’ button. I’ve done the same thing a couple of times previously when replying to the last comment.
Your error is very common. So much so that I’m sure that the vast majority of people, except engineers and scientists and mathematicians, do not realise that ‘parameter’ is not a word that smart people use instead of correct word ‘variable’ that they should have used. Parameter and variable each have then own distinct and different meanings.
In equations ‘parameter’ is conventionally depicted in upper case letters and ‘variable’ in lower case.
Sorry about being indirect; I thought that it would be more interesting, and less just didactic, that way.
I’m addicted to the NTY online games connections. You should check it out, you might also find it fun.
Below is my feeble result from today(if this works). I should have done it error free, but by being too casual I did not. I manage error free about 50% of the time.
Puzzle #543
This is how uneducated Mulga is. He doesn't even know what libertarianism is, despite numerous occasions in the past where I spelled it out for him.What he knows about it comes courtesy of his subscription to the Communist Agitators Almanac and the predictable smears of Libertarianism coming from the ZOG owned MSM.
In a ‘libertarian’ world those with economic power would be free to make gene therapy injections mandatory for their employees.
Such luxuries will be reserved for Politburo members and high ranking lackeys.Under Mulga's system the common man will live in a dog box apartment in a high rise complex in a 15 minute city, which itself is surrounded by other high rise apartment eyesores for as far as the eye can see.
(**Citizen, do you have any eff'n idea how much CO2 a jet plane emits? Don't even think about. You will be allocated a 50 km maximum travel distance permit - and no more).
As all the UR readers have seen in the preceding comments, I've given Mulga such a comprehensive flogging (posting REAL SCIENCE which he is unable to refute).
Mulga is really flailing about. He is one sad sack of shit indeed.
For some reason, she blames Libertarianism for every evil that exists in our fascist/statist society.
Apparently, the deep state uses left wing agitators like Mulga to convince the public that capitalism is evil, and transition us to their preferred technocratic neo-feudal society.
Perhaps, they need to fire Mulga and find someone more competent.
Two nassty, pig ignorant, imbeciles, pissing in each others pockets, as they say, congratulating each other for being REALLY clever. Two Dunning-Krugerites, bald as badgers, congratulating themselves on their fine heads of hair, while exchanging toothless combs. If it wasn’t so despicable, you’d laugh yourself sick.
TV said that I am a sensible and sincere individual. Does that sound like excessive adulation?
As far as my opinion about TV, I have mentioned quite a few times, that he is very well versed in history, especially WWII and the Holocaust. Unlike most people, he actually understands who was eager to kill Jews at the time, and that was not Germans. Being Jewish myself, I appreciate his insights.
Also, in the past he and I exchanged a number of messages on cv19 scam and related matters of population poisoning by the elites. Unlike you, he understands that this abomination can be stopped only with more freedom and less fascism. Perhaps, this is the most compelling reason we both appreciate the Libertarian philosophy.
So it is foolish to assume that we are scratching each other back.
Oh, dear-the psychopathic denialist IMBECILE is ALSO a fan-boy for mass child murder. Who would have thought it? Me, for a start.
There are 300 million Arabs in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. What have they done to stop the mass murder, you care so much about? They don’t give a shit, and continue to do business with Israel. Have you been insulting Arabs online lately? I don’t think so.
The probability of human extinction by 2050 is high, let alone 2100, where it is CERTAIN, if we persist on our current path. And, seeing as the crudest and most moronic denialism is a religion for all variants of Rightist psychopath, I’d put my money on 2050. Furthermore, it could be earlier.
The number of cataclysmic positive feed-backs already in train eg melting permafrost and submarine clathrates releasing vast amounts of CO2 and methane, tropical wet-lands pumping out huge quantities of methane (an ‘End Glaciation Event’)tropical forests dying, burning, and turning to savanna, becoming greenhouse gas sources, not sinks, oceanic eutrophication leading to hydrogen sulphide release by anaerobes, massive wildfires releasing CO2, methane and black carbon including soot, coating glaciers and ice-sheets, hastening their melting, the collapse of the AMOC, the ‘albedo flip’ from white, reflective, sea ice to dark, heat-absorbing water in the high latitudes and ‘global dimming’ lessened and albedo lowered as East Asia moves to EVS and renewable energy etc, is a real smorgasbord for the resident denialist cretins to DENY, but they are definitely down to that job.
No clearly you do not. In your comment to which this is a reply you use one word incorrectly which clearly shows that you did not do maths and science to the end of secondary school. You frequently use that word incorrectly.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
I know the meaning of EVERY word I use
WHICH word, bozo? Oh, the joy of being lectured by idiots.
Two nassty, pig ignorant, imbeciles, pissing in each others pockets, as they say, congratulating each other for being REALLY clever. Two Dunning-Krugerites, bald as badgers, congratulating themselves on their fine heads of hair, while exchanging toothless combs. If it wasn’t so despicable, you’d laugh yourself sick.
TV said that I am a sensible and sincere individual. Does that sound like excessive adulation?As far as my opinion about TV, I have mentioned quite a few times, that he is very well versed in history, especially WWII and the Holocaust. Unlike most people, he actually understands who was eager to kill Jews at the time, and that was not Germans. Being Jewish myself, I appreciate his insights. Also, in the past he and I exchanged a number of messages on cv19 scam and related matters of population poisoning by the elites. Unlike you, he understands that this abomination can be stopped only with more freedom and less fascism. Perhaps, this is the most compelling reason we both appreciate the Libertarian philosophy.So it is foolish to assume that we are scratching each other back.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Two nassty, pig ignorant, imbeciles, pissing in each others pockets, as they say, congratulating each other for being REALLY clever. Two Dunning-Krugerites, bald as badgers, congratulating themselves on their fine heads of hair, while exchanging toothless combs. If it wasn’t so despicable, you’d laugh yourself sick.
They made up a new religion for gals like you. It is called Gaza genocide.Do me a favor, watch these 2 nauseating videos, and enjoy the righteous indignation by pathologic liars like this fake doctor Tanya Haj-Hassan
But in the Bullshit Department, a businessman can't hold a candle to a clergyman. 'Cause I gotta tell you the truth, folks. When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told.�
Oh, dear-the psychopathic denialist IMBECILE is ALSO a fan-boy for mass child murder. Who would have thought it? Me, for a start.
There are 300 million Arabs in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. What have they done to stop the mass murder, you care so much about? They don't give a shit, and continue to do business with Israel. Have you been insulting Arabs online lately? I don't think so.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Oh, dear-the psychopathic denialist IMBECILE is ALSO a fan-boy for mass child murder. Who would have thought it? Me, for a start.�
Yes, we need to tackle catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. But we have to do it the right way.
No to hydrogen
Using hydrogen as a fuel, either in fuel cells, or in burning it for heat or in internal combustion engines, is a terrible idea.
Hydrogen being so extremely light and diffuse, you have to push hard to stuff a useful quantity of hydrogen into a given space; jamming it in much harder than it “wants” to be. This creates enormous pressure on the container, requiring that container to be made of thick solid steel, and in a strong shape like a sphere or a cylinder with domes on each end so as not to burst open. But that’s a bulky inconvenient shape intruding into passenger, cargo, or mechanical space, and the weight also reduces efficiency and adds to wear & tear. And hydrogen being the simplest and smallest atom and molecule, it’s is an escape artist, able to leak through the smallest seals and gaskets. It even leaks straight through solid steel, making the steel brittle as it does so. Adding the previously mentioned extreme pressure makes it even more leak-prone.
Hydrogen ignites in a very wide range of fuel-to-air ratios, and needs very little energy input to do so. Just a bit of background static electricity will do it. So this makes a parking garage full of hydrogen cars into a gigantic bomb waiting to go off.
Waste, Cost, Pollution
Although hydrogen is by far the most common element in the universe and even in our own solar system, it is unavailable in unbound form on Earth. It thus requires enormous energy expenditure to separate it from whatever compounds it is part of.
The simplest and cheapest way is to extract it from methane (natural gas), but that is of course a fossil fuel, so this is not a way to wean ourselves from fossil fuels. If you’re going to use natgas anyway, you might as well skip the huge expense of turning it into hydrogen, and just use the natgas directly as a fuel such as in a natgas stove or CNG car like the Honda Civic GX. Better yet, with a far lower energy expenditure than needed for making hydrogen, turn the natgas into methyl alcohol (methanol) which is conveniently a liquid at normal temperature and pressure can be used in the same fuel tank as gasoline in any mix with gasoline, in otherwise ordinary cars with little or no conversion effort, producing no soot or smoke, and far less other conventional pollution, than gasoline. Such cars can also use other alcohol fuels, especially ethanol which is usually made from starchy / sugary biomass which our hyper efficient ag sector can make in enormous quantity without any impact on food availability.
Converting water into hydrogen sounds elegant, but it requires even more energy than making hydrogen from natgas. Generating that energy will produce its own pollution, or will at the very least be very expensive. If the energy being used here is clean energy, you might as well just skip the losses involved water-to-hydrogen, and just use that energy directly – send it through the grid with far less loss than the hydrogen production, and charge up electric vehicles and to power electric heat pumps and stoves.
And then there’s the infrastructure. The electric grid already exists and is basically ubiquitous. With electricity, you already have the energy transportation / transmission infrastructure in place and all you have to do is set up the end points – the EV charging stations, the home heat pumps, etc.
Similarly with alcohol fuel for alcohol/gasoline flex-fuel cars, you already have filling stations with pumps and fuel storage tanks. It’s not that hard to add one pump or convert one pump to alcohol.
With hydrogen you have to set up a whole vast new infrastructure of pipelines, transport trucks, storage facilities, etc etc from scratch.
Instead of hydrogen, we should use these:
For electricity, nuclear power and renewables.
For most transportation, biofuel and electric power. For some such as big trans-oceanic ships, nuclear power as well.
Call me insane, and forget about Ukraine, which is a minor bullshit story.
But in the Bullshit Department, a businessman can’t hold a candle to a clergyman. ‘Cause I gotta tell you the truth, folks. When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told.
They made up a new religion for gals like you. It is called Gaza genocide.
Do me a favor, watch these 2 nauseating videos, and enjoy the righteous indignation by pathologic liars like this fake doctor Tanya Haj-Hassan
Thank you for your kind words. Unfortunately, I do get frustrated due to lack of dialog with smart people like you. If I post a comment, I hope to get a meaningful response, and usually that does not happen.
Thinking yourself omniscient and omnipotent because you’ve learned to use the potty!
Wait a minute, you haven’t learned to use the toilet yet? That would explain why you are so nasty to the potty trained community! Your parents should have a done a better job at the right time. Perhaps, it is not too late, who knows? ☺
I know the meaning of EVERY word I use
No clearly you do not. In your comment to which this is a reply you use one word incorrectly which clearly shows that you did not do maths and science to the end of secondary school. You frequently use that word incorrectly.
Are you literally fecking insane??? I’m the one who insisted that CO2 is not the ONLY parameter vital to plant health and growth, contradicting the TV zomboid. Scum like you are SO repulsive, and so stupid, it’s nauseating. I know the meaning of EVERY word I use, troll, else how would I know that they are apposite? If you can’t make transformers, I suggest you buy them from the Chinese.
You denialists, ‘..competent and mature males’???!!! It is to laugh. Moronic, pig ignorant, misanthropic, ideologically vicious and trapped at some infantile stage of egomania, thinking yourself omniscient and omnipotent because you’ve learned to use the potty!
Wait a minute, you haven't learned to use the toilet yet? That would explain why you are so nasty to the potty trained community! Your parents should have a done a better job at the right time. Perhaps, it is not too late, who knows? ☺
Thinking yourself omniscient and omnipotent because you’ve learned to use the potty!
Kumba, don’t sell yourself short.
You and I don’t agree on everything, but as far as sanity is concerned you’re one of the more sensible individuals here in UR whose opinions I value – because I know you’re sincere.
And, if Mulga is calling you insane, then you can take it to the bank that you’re aren’t – seeing as Mulga is a known contrarian indicator on a range of issues.
(In that what he says is actually opposite to the truth).
This is how uneducated Mulga is. He doesn't even know what libertarianism is, despite numerous occasions in the past where I spelled it out for him.What he knows about it comes courtesy of his subscription to the Communist Agitators Almanac and the predictable smears of Libertarianism coming from the ZOG owned MSM.
In a ‘libertarian’ world those with economic power would be free to make gene therapy injections mandatory for their employees.
Such luxuries will be reserved for Politburo members and high ranking lackeys.Under Mulga's system the common man will live in a dog box apartment in a high rise complex in a 15 minute city, which itself is surrounded by other high rise apartment eyesores for as far as the eye can see.
(**Citizen, do you have any eff'n idea how much CO2 a jet plane emits? Don't even think about. You will be allocated a 50 km maximum travel distance permit - and no more).
As all the UR readers have seen in the preceding comments, I've given Mulga such a comprehensive flogging (posting REAL SCIENCE which he is unable to refute).
Duh, tell me about “Liberty” if you try driving on the wrong side of the road.
I always assumed that MM was a male. Maybe MM isn’t even a human, just an AI program running forgotten out of an old dusty 486 IBM computer tucked into a musty corner of unit 8200’s basement sub office in Beersheba. The MM program was written by Dr. Golem Israelstein in 1994 as therapy after his nasty divorce from Dr. Golda Israelstein, it was patterned after her personality. Dr. Israelstein had forgotten completely about his program and never will know that it’s still running now because he was blown up by a Hamas missile last June.
Mulga seems to match the profile of an old, repulsive yenta, who never got laid in her entire life and seems to harbor deep resentment at competent and mature males. This explains the unbearable urge to insult well-respected male commenters with strong opinions. She is not likely to insult me, sensing that I don’t belong to that category.
I’m just criticizing the fact that municipalities are going after natural gas which after hydrogen, is our cleanest fuel. They have no reason to do this other than the fact that it’s the trendy thing to do. They’re only going after natural gas for heating water and dwellings, not the natural gas which is used for cooking. Perhaps this because gourmet cooking is one of the hobbies that “beautiful people” have and they don’t want to get rid of the gas stove which is so superior to electric stoves for temperature control. Banning natural gas for heating is easy, because the type of men who install and maintain these are rough, overall wearing, Trump voting, deplorables who have dirt under their fingernails. No progressive female in her right mind would never date one of these $150k per year earning roughnecks, except maybe under an assumed name on a dating app for the purpose of getting some real sex that their pencil necked lover could never give them.
I don’t know where you got the idea that carbon dioxide is the only parameter essential to plant growth, they need, water, soil nutrients, sunlight and carbon dioxide. I would suggest that you go back to your grade six science textbook and do some serious readin’.
The aging grid needs to be upgraded, but unlike the Chinese, who built a new grid from scratch, ours is over 100 years old and is a patchwork of old and new systems. Upgrading it is going to take many years and billions of dollars. Things like large oil-filled transformers take time to make because we have only two companies in the US that make them.
Calling me a poisonous cretin is a laugh, coming from someone who capitalizes every second word because he thinks it looks tough and uses big words that he doesn’t understand to impress. If you want to know what cretin means, look in the mirror.
Most people on TUR agree with you, that’s why I rarely get replies to my comments.
I do have a self-defeating personality disorder which I inherited from my parents.
That’s why I have been trying to stop commenting, and I think I should.
Cretin, it was the Western MSM that changed the nomenclature. The correct title is Anthropogenic, ie caused by humanity, climate, destabilisation, ie the global climate system is being perturbed by a ‘forcing’ of increased energy trapped in the Earth system by increased greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. That is CATACLYSMIC because that system is chaotic and will, in high probability, swing wildly back and forth, destroying Life on Earth as it goes.
As for the Sun, you MORON, it is the MAJOR force in the global climate, and everything else on Earth, but it is NOT the ONLY one. Can you not get that into you dumb-fuck head? Destroyed by imbeciles-humanity’s epitaph. Pithy, ain’t it?