Patrick McNally has been doxxed! Here is an image of him using his Hasbara training to shut down a comments section discussion on Unz Review:
This excellent and recent podcast by ACH and Dr. Peter Hammond also spells it out quite clearly.
Wow, that was quite the journey down the rabbit hole.
… their planned “Great Reset†and the Sabbatean Frankist “Build Back Betterâ€.
When people see such terms like these bandied about, they should instantly substitute them by their Hebrew equivalent so that the intent of these words becomes abundantly clear…
Great Reset = 6uild 6ack 6etter = Tikkun olam!
Thanks for the excellent reference!
One good place to start when studying the Russian “Revolution†(it was really a coup d’etat) is Lena Yuri’s “Under the Sign of the Red Scorpionâ€
Replies: @Sepp
This book provides stunning information about the secret role of the freemasons in international politics, about the bloody upheavals in France in 1789 and in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the presence of dark Masonic forces behind the scenes (both Lenin and Trotsky were high-ranking freemasons, obeying the International Masonic Council). The Author pursues the history of the communist ideology from the Illuminati of the 18th century, to Moses Hess and his disciples Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Illuminati movement was founded on 1 May 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. The book describes the role of the Illuminati in the French “Revolutionâ€. It then goes on to examine the so-called Russian Revolutions in 1917. Jüri Lina shows how the events in Russia between 1917 and 1991 still affect the fate of the world. The author tries to answer questions like: Where did the Communist idea originate and how was it developed? Why did powerful international financial circles finance the “Russian revolutionaries†in March and November 1917? What was the purpose of the social destruction that followed and in which way did this serve the forces behind the Communists? “Under the Sign of the Scorpion†will change the reader’s perception of reality. After the fall of the Soviet power on 24 August 1991, the official archives have begun to reveal their secrets to amazed Russian historians. There is a constant flow of new shocking information but only a trickle has as yet reached us in Western Europe and America. Above all, we lack an overall picture. It is this picture which Jüri Lina attempts to give us in his book, which is largely based on released Russian material. The author also explains why the Soviet Union was abolished and is currently being recreated under another name – the European Union. “Under the Sign of the Scorpion†is likely to change the reader’s perception of reality. The reader should gain insight into another reality from where certain powers are attempting to control us with invisible threads. The book is illustrated.
Thanks Geokat. The history we have been presented with is just one gigantic fable.
This excellent and recent podcast by ACH and Dr. Peter Hammond also spells it out quite clearly.
Hammond ties the Sabbatean Frankists to the crypto-jews who have caused so much devastation across the entire planet. He goes through Levy and Frank to the French Revolution and on to Weishaupt to Marx to Trotsky to the ritual murder of the Tsar all the way to Epstein and the current plandemic and their planned “Great Reset” and the Sabbatean Frankist “Build Back Better”. It really lays out the hidden history since 1666 that Patrick McNally tries so hard to keep covered up.
Wow, that was quite the journey down the rabbit hole.
This excellent and recent podcast by ACH and Dr. Peter Hammond also spells it out quite clearly.
When people see such terms like these bandied about, they should instantly substitute them by their Hebrew equivalent so that the intent of these words becomes abundantly clear…
… their planned “Great Reset†and the Sabbatean Frankist “Build Back Betterâ€.
Bwaaaaa. The great ankle biting fact checker strikes again, spewing dogma straight from the heart of the wikipedia narrative.
"The obvious point understood by anyone actually familiar with the history is that Leon Trotsky was not a Bolshevik before July 1917."
Replies: @geokat62
"The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Nikolai Sokolov [author of a detailed investigation carried out in 1919 under the authority of "White" (anti-Communist) leader Alexander Kolchak] took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris. Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family.
The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told Jacob Schiff in New York about the approach of the White army, he had received orders from Schiff to liquidate the Tsar and his entire family at once. This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representation, which then lay in the town of Vologda.
Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible for the order being carried out."
One good place to start when studying the Russian “Revolution†(it was really a coup d’etat) is Lena Yuri’s “Under the Sign of the Red Scorpionâ€
Thanks for the excellent reference!
I visited the author’s website and the homepage included this information:
“I CONSIDER THIS BOOK TO BE THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK PUBLISHED IN THE PAST TWO HUNDRED YEARS.â€This book provides stunning information about the secret role of the freemasons in international politics, about the bloody upheavals in France in 1789 and in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the presence of dark Masonic forces behind the scenes (both Lenin and Trotsky were high-ranking freemasons, obeying the International Masonic Council). The Author pursues the history of the communist ideology from the Illuminati of the 18th century, to Moses Hess and his disciples Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Illuminati movement was founded on 1 May 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. The book describes the role of the Illuminati in the French “Revolutionâ€. It then goes on to examine the so-called Russian Revolutions in 1917. Jüri Lina shows how the events in Russia between 1917 and 1991 still affect the fate of the world. The author tries to answer questions like: Where did the Communist idea originate and how was it developed? Why did powerful international financial circles finance the “Russian revolutionaries†in March and November 1917? What was the purpose of the social destruction that followed and in which way did this serve the forces behind the Communists? “Under the Sign of the Scorpion†will change the reader’s perception of reality. After the fall of the Soviet power on 24 August 1991, the official archives have begun to reveal their secrets to amazed Russian historians. There is a constant flow of new shocking information but only a trickle has as yet reached us in Western Europe and America. Above all, we lack an overall picture. It is this picture which Jüri Lina attempts to give us in his book, which is largely based on released Russian material. The author also explains why the Soviet Union was abolished and is currently being recreated under another name – the European Union. “Under the Sign of the Scorpion†is likely to change the reader’s perception of reality. The reader should gain insight into another reality from where certain powers are attempting to control us with invisible threads. The book is illustrated.
“The obvious point understood by anyone actually familiar with the history is that Leon Trotsky was not a Bolshevik before July 1917.”
Bwaaaaa. The great ankle biting fact checker strikes again, spewing dogma straight from the heart of the wikipedia narrative.
Trotsky was a Freemason, all of the “revolutionary” Jews were. Of course court historians like ((Patrick McNally)) stick to the official Hebrew dogma, and there are many other paid liars who have written “history” books that will back them up.
Once we accept that these murdering psychopaths were Freemasons, then clearly we have to ignore idiots like McNally and try to discern what was really going on behind the curtain. Sutton was a member of this same masonic clique, so his information in most cases cannot be trusted. William Casey laid it all out: “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”. Every piece of wikipedia history that McNally spews is false.
This takes us to the crux of the matter. Secret societies do things in secret, this is why self proclaimed brainiacs like McNally, or even Ron Unz, simply ignore their existence. Whistleblowers end up executed or compromised. So true historians, not narrative circle jerkers like McNally, have to put the pieces of the puzzle together while ignoring the fact checking ignoramuses.
One good place to start when studying the Russian “Revolution” (it was really a coup d’etat) is Lena Yuri’s “Under the Sign of the Red Scorpion”
Here is what he says about the ritual sacrifice of the Tsar and his entire family:
“The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Nikolai Sokolov [author of a detailed investigation carried out in 1919 under the authority of “White” (anti-Communist) leader Alexander Kolchak] took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris. Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family.
The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told Jacob Schiff in New York about the approach of the White army, he had received orders from Schiff to liquidate the Tsar and his entire family at once. This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representation, which then lay in the town of Vologda.
Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible for the order being carried out.”
Thanks for the excellent reference!
One good place to start when studying the Russian “Revolution†(it was really a coup d’etat) is Lena Yuri’s “Under the Sign of the Red Scorpionâ€
Replies: @Sepp
This book provides stunning information about the secret role of the freemasons in international politics, about the bloody upheavals in France in 1789 and in Russia in 1917. The Author reveals the presence of dark Masonic forces behind the scenes (both Lenin and Trotsky were high-ranking freemasons, obeying the International Masonic Council). The Author pursues the history of the communist ideology from the Illuminati of the 18th century, to Moses Hess and his disciples Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Illuminati movement was founded on 1 May 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria. The book describes the role of the Illuminati in the French “Revolutionâ€. It then goes on to examine the so-called Russian Revolutions in 1917. Jüri Lina shows how the events in Russia between 1917 and 1991 still affect the fate of the world. The author tries to answer questions like: Where did the Communist idea originate and how was it developed? Why did powerful international financial circles finance the “Russian revolutionaries†in March and November 1917? What was the purpose of the social destruction that followed and in which way did this serve the forces behind the Communists? “Under the Sign of the Scorpion†will change the reader’s perception of reality. After the fall of the Soviet power on 24 August 1991, the official archives have begun to reveal their secrets to amazed Russian historians. There is a constant flow of new shocking information but only a trickle has as yet reached us in Western Europe and America. Above all, we lack an overall picture. It is this picture which Jüri Lina attempts to give us in his book, which is largely based on released Russian material. The author also explains why the Soviet Union was abolished and is currently being recreated under another name – the European Union. “Under the Sign of the Scorpion†is likely to change the reader’s perception of reality. The reader should gain insight into another reality from where certain powers are attempting to control us with invisible threads. The book is illustrated.
Replies: @Patrick McNally
The murder of The Russian Imperial Family on July 17th 1918 was probably the greatest crime in world history second only to Jewry’s crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ nineteen hundred years before.
The family of Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra, and his daughters, Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, and his son and heir, Alexei, were pious Orthodox Christians. They exemplified all that is precious in a family – Christian piety and love for one’s neighbor. And they loved nothing more than going to Church.
But world Jewry, despisers of Christian piety and the Christian monarchy, both financed and instigated the Bolshevik Revolution and the overthrow of the Tsar, and finally, his death and the murder of his entire family.
From then on the world has witnessed and felt the decline and disintegration of the family - the core of an ethical and cohesive society.
According to British historian Anthony Sutton, it was Wall Street Jewish Banker, Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb Bank, who brought Leon Trotsky – born “Lev Bronstein†– to New York in February of 1916.
Trotsky recruited Russian Jews from the immigrant population of the Lower East Side of Manhattan and trained them as armed revolutionaries.
On March 27th 1917, Schiff sent Trotsky and his group of Jewish communists off to Russia to lead a Marxist Revolution with no less than $20 million dollars in gold, today worth billions.
That same month, the Tsar was forced to abdicate…and along with his family was placed under house arrest in St Petersburg.
In August of 1917, with the Bolsheviks rising to power, the hatred of Trotsky toward the Tsar reached a fevered pitch and the Imperial Family were moved far from the sympathetic sentiments of the Russian people to Tobolsk in Siberia.
In the spring of 1918, the Tsar and his family were taken to Ekaterinburg in the Urals where the Jew Jacob Yurovsky, head of the local Cheka, was given the assignment to imprison, plan, and assassinate the Imperial Family.
Yurovsky brought the Tsar and his family to a former house of a wealthy Jewish merchant named Ipatiev, now made into a prison for his captives.
In prison for over two months, just before midnight on July 17th 1918, the Jew Yurovsky brought the Imperial Family to the basement. They were told that they were going to pose for a group picture. But, the Jewish assassins, Yurovsky, Nikulin, Yermakov, Vaganov, were waiting.
Yurovsky then pulled out his revolver and aimed it directly at the Tsar’s head and fired. Tsar Nicholas II died instantly. Next, he shot Tsarina Alexandra as she made the sign of the Cross. Olga, Tatiana, Maria, and Anastasia, were shot next.
As the room became silent there was a low groan. Alexei, the heir to the Tsardom of Russia was still alive. The Jew Yurovsky stepped up and fired two shots into the boy’s ear. All the members of the Tsar’s family were lying on the floor with many wounds in their bodies. The blood was running in streams.
The Bolshevik Jews, financed by Jewish Wall Street, achieved their aim: the Imperial family, the Tsardom, and the Romanov dynasty was exterminated.
But their dream has failed.
Today, a new leader has arisen in Russia, whom World Jewry fears.
His name is Vladimir Putin, a devout Orthodox Christian who is building a new Christian society – a “Holy Russia†– for his beloved nation. And he sees himself in the tradition of Tsar Nicholas II.
Indeed, a great Christian revival is taking place in Russia under Vladimir Putin. Already, a plan is underway to build 200 new Churches in Moscow under his leadership.
Come, join me in the Orthodox Christian quest for a renewed society, a renewed hope, and a renewed vision to save the world from a complete and total Judaic takeover. May the holy deaths of the Russian Imperial Family be vindicated!
Bro Nat seems obviously unreliable in his citation of Antony Sutton since the latter author doesn’t make any of the claims about Jacob Schiff which are asserted in that piece. But it is worth pointing out a few simple things. Although Sutton does not say anything at all about Schiff bringing Trotsky to New York, yet it is plausible for reasons which contradict the myth of a Schiff-Bolshevik tie.
The obvious point understood by anyone actually familiar with the history is that Leon Trotsky was not a Bolshevik before July 1917. The Russian Social Democrats had split in 1903 into Mensheviks and Bolsheviks, and some smaller independent factions. Trotsky was one of the latter. He disagreed with the Menshevik thesis of “two-stage revolution” which are argued that Russia was to go through a bourgeois revolution followed by a long era of capitalist development, with proletarian revolution coming much later. Yet at the time of the split, he also rejected Lenin’s model of how a revolutionary party should be put together.
It was only in July 1917, upon seeing how the revolutionary situation was spreading all across Russia, that Trotsky suddenly decided that he needed to join with a political party quickly in order to be able to do something in practice. As it was, Lenin at this time had already been disappointed with the performance of many of his own party members such as Zinoviev and Kamenev. When Lenin was transported back to Russia by Kaiser Wilhelm II he arrived to see the leaders of his party eagerly taking positions within the Provisional Government. Lenin was convinced that the revolution had only begun and saw his own party members failing to carry it forward. In that context, Lenin and Trotsky formed an alliance in July 1917 and 14 years of bitter political rivalry were buried away.
But anyone familiar with Lenin’s own writings knows that he was engaged in diatribes against Trotsky as recently as February 1917. There was no alliance between them at that time. Which gets back to the issue of Trotsky in New York. Whatever the unknown facts may be about Trotsky landing in New York in early 1917, it seems clear that he was being supported by someone who was opposed to US entry into WWI. As a speaker in New York in early 1917, Trotsky’s subject was attacking the war and attacking the idea that the US should join the war. It is certainly quite plausible that Schiff may have sponsored Trotsky for this, although Sutton does not ever claim that Schiff did anything of the sort.
Sutton evidently concluded that there was no Schiff-Bolshevik tie (he is very clear that such is his conclusion) but nonetheless wanted to somehow imply that Trotsky being in New York was somehow of aid to the Bolsheviks (even though Trotsky and Lenin were bitter rivals at this time). As a result, Sutton overlooks the obvious hypothesis that Schiff may very well have sponsored Trotsky as an antiwar speaker at a time when Trotsky had no alliance with Lenin. Schiff may also have helped to arrange Trotsky’s voyage back to Russia in April 1917, although with no reason for anticipating that there would ever be an alliance between Trotsky and Lenin. More than anything else the events around this show how unpredictable revolutionary situations are.
Bwaaaaa. The great ankle biting fact checker strikes again, spewing dogma straight from the heart of the wikipedia narrative.
"The obvious point understood by anyone actually familiar with the history is that Leon Trotsky was not a Bolshevik before July 1917."
Replies: @geokat62
"The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Nikolai Sokolov [author of a detailed investigation carried out in 1919 under the authority of "White" (anti-Communist) leader Alexander Kolchak] took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris. Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family.
The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told Jacob Schiff in New York about the approach of the White army, he had received orders from Schiff to liquidate the Tsar and his entire family at once. This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representation, which then lay in the town of Vologda.
Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible for the order being carried out."
Brother Nathanael’s The Jews Who Murdered Tsar Nicholas II:
Monsieur Mc Nally,
Thank you for your answer. As I have told already I am a layman in everything but my take on the subject, from what I have read so far is also that the decision to assassinate the Czar and his unfortunate family had been made by the guys in charge of them in custody. As you said, it can be done in case of warfare but also because whose who were in charge were some kind of ‘psychopaths’ not being able to understand the political implications of their act.
Thank you
I would say that Lenin gave an order that the capture of the former royal family was not to be allowed, and then some final decisions were probably made by people on the spot. That’s common enough in warfare.
As far as what Jacob Schiff wanted and didn’t want, as long as the Czarist monarchy remained in place, he was fervently against US entry into the war against Germany. After the March Revolution he became friendly to Kerensky’s new government and thereby quietly accepted US entry into WWI. But there’s no indication that he was ever an enthused proponent of war against the Kaiser. He seems to have just dropped his early opposition to war once the Russian monarchy was out of power.
Interesting intellectual debate between you and Sepp. I just regret both of you don’t bring more sources to substanciate your claims. It seems very odd that Schiff would have been such a mastermind, a precise string puller behind the actions of the revolutionnaries at that time. He was in The US. How come could he have been briefed about the whereabout in Russia in real time so as to give orders. That he would have favored Kerensky is credible.
According to you, who gave the order to assassinate the Czar? Lenin and Trotsky or was it a decision taken by the local leaders on the ground?
The trial transcripts are quite extensive and do place Frank as the murderer rapist. This was not the first time that Frank accosted his female employees.
Add to that, Frank had an unlimited amount of shekels and hired the best criminal defense legal team in the country.
Carlos Porter is letting his disdain for blacks cloud his judgement. Convicting a black man would have been “easier”…
Frank WAS guilty and received true justice at the end of a rope…
Carlos Porter apparently believes Leo Frank to have been innocent.
I haven’t tried looking into the Frank case in any detail, but Porter sounds more reasonable than most commenters. The big problem with the Frank case is that if the Jew wasn’t guilty, then the black was. There is obviously no way of blaming a white Gentile here. So, in practice, people tend to lean according to preference around the case. Louis Farrakhan will insist the Leo Frank was guilty because he rejects the idea that the black man may have been guilty. Abe Foxman will simply screech about “antisemtism.” But maybe Porter is right.
Please stop your bloviating and your lying. That is a negative that you cannot prove, and all the evidence is to the contrary. You really are a pathetic lying hasbara troll.Replies: @Patrick McNally
"the fact that he was never involved with the Frankfurt School,"
All of the evidence is that the Communist International was openly scornful of the Frankfurt School at the time when it was founded in 1923. The Comintern in 1923 was still hoping that a proletarian revolution would break out in the near future and it regarded the Frankfurt School as bourgeois revisionism. Even if a decade later the Comintern had chosen to infiltrate the Frankfurt School they would have chosen someone who was not obviously prominent in the Comintern the way Munzenberg was.
LOL. Once again Patrick McNally spews his typical Yid narrative fact check. "Münzenberg" translated means "Coin Mountain". ROFL. Aside from the "Berg" suffix you cannot get any more jewish than that. Here we learn that his father was a Jew. He was also married to a Jew.
"False. Munzenberg was a grandson of a baron from the House of Seckendorff."
Double LOL. Kerensky was a Freemason and his father was Jewish too. His provisional government handed power over to the communists with without a fight, just as Schiff planned. Of course it was also Schiff who ordered the ritual blood sacrifice of the entire Romanov clan, but we can be certain that you will present some kind of inane Hebrew factoid trying to present it as just some kind of execution. You C-Jews are all the same. Lie and deny until you die.Replies: @Patrick McNally, @Patrick McNally
"Jacob Schiffâ€
Supported the Provisional Government of Kerensky and was sorry to see it go.
I clicked a link which led to a Metapedia site. I was expecting to find an article which claims something about Munzenberg’s father, but nothing of the sort is mentioned in that piece. Are you sure you left the intended link? If the “berg” has you flipping just keep in mind that lots of Protestants liked using Jewish-sounding names. Sean McMeekin’s biography of Munzenberg doesn’t seem to mention any Jewish father, and it seems like the kind of detail that would be included if it were true.
LOL. Once again Patrick McNally spews his typical Yid narrative fact check. "Münzenberg" translated means "Coin Mountain". ROFL. Aside from the "Berg" suffix you cannot get any more jewish than that. Here we learn that his father was a Jew. He was also married to a Jew.
"False. Munzenberg was a grandson of a baron from the House of Seckendorff."
Double LOL. Kerensky was a Freemason and his father was Jewish too. His provisional government handed power over to the communists with without a fight, just as Schiff planned. Of course it was also Schiff who ordered the ritual blood sacrifice of the entire Romanov clan, but we can be certain that you will present some kind of inane Hebrew factoid trying to present it as just some kind of execution. You C-Jews are all the same. Lie and deny until you die.Replies: @Patrick McNally, @Patrick McNally
"Jacob Schiffâ€
Supported the Provisional Government of Kerensky and was sorry to see it go.
Schiff supported the Provisional Government and had nothing to do with the execution of the Czarist royal family. They were ordered executed at a moment when the possibility existed of them being captured by White forces. The original intent had been to put the Czar on trial in the way that the French revolutionaries had done. But when it seemed possible that White troops might recapture them the decision was made to kill them. Jacob Schiff never had anything to do with that. Although Schiff was certainly never a supporter of the monarchy, he had supported Kerensky and the decision by Lenin and Trotsky to topple Kerensky had nothing to do with Schiff.
Dreyfus was just as innocent as jew rapist murderer Leo Frank.
The “Anti-Defamation League” was created to protect Frank as jews “circle the wagons” when one of their own kind is prosecuted for a (gentile) crime.
Frank “almost got away with it” despite massive evidence implicating him in the rape and murder of Mary Phagan, a 13-year-old employee who had merely visited his office to receive her paycheck.
Frank tried to blame a black man for the crimes, but was unsuccessful.
The ADL attempted to bribe a sitting governor, encouraging him to issue Frank a pardon.
When the townspeople found out, they spirited Frank from the jail and gave him a well-deserved “necktie party”.
Thankfully, on that day, talmudic judaism was not successful…
Fair enough. Do you feel comfortable yourself hazarding a guess as to the percentage of the indigenous French population who lean towards civic- vs those who embrace ethno-nationalism?Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
I don’t think any such study has ever been made…
I have just finished super which I share with the friend I share a housing with and who is a non-commissioned officer gendarme who has been at university. I told him about your question on ethno nationalists because he has had to face the population is many areas in his 15 years of service. He thinks from his knowledge and experience that it is only a minority in our society who feel that way and are organised.
On the last thread we exchanged about that very subject together and others, I sent you a video from a traditionalist priest. France is traditionnaly defined as a Catholic Apostolic Roman Christian country, the elder daughter of the Church. France started it’s downfall with the Maçonic révolution. Wars with the Protestant minority have left scars in history and still can be witnessed in many villages. Catholic Apostolic means that converting is important and it is not only for whites but for all human beings whatever the colour of his skin or his cultural origin.
During Christmas, as Rasta, I want my children to know their roots (both French and Peulh) so I always settle a creche of nativity (with love) with real traditionnal santons made of clay clay from provence (their Peulh mother does it with plastic santons to respect our tradition and because as Malian, 5% of them being officialy Catholic in a Muslim country, it is not that alien). Even Rasta is officialy recognized as a genuine religion in Mali. Let’s go back to the creche, the center of the the scene is composed of the ox, the donkey, Marie (Mariam is the Malian name of my elder daughter) and Joseph (Youssouf in Arabic) and the toddler Jésus. There are other santons around describing the traditionnal Provence, the shepherd, the miller, musicians, etc… and the King Magus among them, a black man, a black King, not a niger slave. I have once sent you a picture of an old statue of a black African knight, St Maurice.
Skandinavian have been converted much later and even if France’s catholicism is of course full of ‘animistic’ features, it it very different from what I witnessed with Skandinavian in the countryside or even with Germans. Most of the ethno nationalists I met or read about refer spiritualy to nordic religions, I think that is why is remains fringe here.
You know, when I was in Sweden, I really felt alien even if the people were white and they always knew I was not a Skandinavian and nobody has ever talked to me in Swedish in situation they couldn’t know I was from abroad. And they always refer to us French as Europeans (not in the meaning of political euro but culturaly) and them as skandinavian (having been of course influenced by France).
I am remaining in the surface, of course but I hope you get what I mean.
Take care
Did you watch the short but very interesting and relevant I sent?
If you’re referring to the Vladimir Bukovsky video, I didn’t. Thanks for prompting me to do so.
I think the parallels Bukovsky draws between the EU and the former Soviet Union are very apt. His overall message very much resonated with me.
If we end up losing our national sovereignties to prevent conflict, this is too high a price to pay.
Sovereignty for the peoples of the world, not the corporations, most of which are owned by BlackRock and Vanguard.
Fair enough. Do you feel comfortable yourself hazarding a guess as to the percentage of the indigenous French population who lean towards civic- vs those who embrace ethno-nationalism?Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
I don’t think any such study has ever been made…
Did you watch the short but very interesting and relevant I sent? France must first get out of the EU totalitarian structure to get it’s independance back.
If you’re referring to the Vladimir Bukovsky video, I didn’t. Thanks for prompting me to do so.
Did you watch the short but very interesting and relevant I sent?
Fair enough. Do you feel comfortable yourself hazarding a guess as to the percentage of the indigenous French population who lean towards civic- vs those who embrace ethno-nationalism?Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
I don’t think any such study has ever been made…
There is no possibility for me to make a guess. I don’t think there are a lot of ethno-nationalists but it is my point of view so not much value. From what I know, Génération Identitaire was forbiden by the usurpators. There are minority groups in some cities but not numerous. They sometime streetfight with antifas. Once, one fight had been filmed in Lyon, they may were maybe one hundred from what I could estimate. Once you sent an info about an organisation which name I don’t remember at the present by after having checked the bio of it’s leader at that time I could see he used to be a skinhead who got into politic while getting old. Sorry for not being more informative.
This afternoon, we had the great pleasure to receive a french Berbere who has two doctorates from the most prestigious school in France, polytechnique. Very good and instructive conversations like always, since he is specialized in energy and very educated. He is Muslim but I don’t remember him not bringing very delicious wine when invited for diner even though he doesn’t drink alcool.
He doesn’t like Zémmour because of his backers and favours Asselineau.
“the fact that he was never involved with the Frankfurt School,”
Please stop your bloviating and your lying. That is a negative that you cannot prove, and all the evidence is to the contrary. You really are a pathetic lying hasbara troll.
I don’t think any such study has ever been made…
Fair enough. Do you feel comfortable yourself hazarding a guess as to the percentage of the indigenous French population who lean towards civic- vs those who embrace ethno-nationalism?
“False. Munzenberg was a grandson of a baron from the House of Seckendorff.”
LOL. Once again Patrick McNally spews his typical Yid narrative fact check. “Münzenberg” translated means “Coin Mountain”. ROFL. Aside from the “Berg” suffix you cannot get any more jewish than that. Here we learn that his father was a Jew. He was also married to a Jew.
Please quit writing Talmudic drivel and trying to present it as some kind of fact check.
“Jacob Schiffâ€
Supported the Provisional Government of Kerensky and was sorry to see it go.
Double LOL. Kerensky was a Freemason and his father was Jewish too. His provisional government handed power over to the communists with without a fight, just as Schiff planned. Of course it was also Schiff who ordered the ritual blood sacrifice of the entire Romanov clan, but we can be certain that you will present some kind of inane Hebrew factoid trying to present it as just some kind of execution. You C-Jews are all the same. Lie and deny until you die.
Have any studies been conducted in France that show the percentage of the indigenous French population who are civic nationalists and the percentage who are ethno-nationalists?Replies: @Bugey libre
Civic nationalism is the only way for France and it is part of what makes France special.
I don’t think any such study has ever been made because, you know, patriotism is not a subject of interest for the usurpators leading our country at the present moment. At the UPR (frexit), about 20 % are French with Maghreb origin. I can give you if you will adresses of some of the black and French from Maghreb who defend French civic patriotism and denounce the woke, pro migrant bullshit. Migrants are a danger for French of foreign origin who have been in France for decades. There is also a problem with the ‘european’ Roms from Romania and Hungary who can’t interact with any other communities.
I have a special experience in my work in the organic shop before I resigned. During the last election, with great difficulty, my director authorized me to wear a badge of the UPR of François Asselineau. One day, a non jihadist Salafist (there are two branches dispising one another) with a big beard, a veiled woman (this kind of Salafist are proponent of organic farming and some asked me to teach them in Mali before the war) came to me saying: “because of my religion, I can’t vote, but if I could I would have voted for him. I have been living abroad and realized that I was a French”, he then disserted on his attachment to France. To bad his religion imported from Saudi Arabia with support from many politicians among them Sarkozy, forbade him to have voted…
Fair enough. Do you feel comfortable yourself hazarding a guess as to the percentage of the indigenous French population who lean towards civic- vs those who embrace ethno-nationalism?Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
I don’t think any such study has ever been made…
I can train an especially clever parrot to speak a little French. Lexico’s definition of nation:
Does he speak French?
How long before the fine people at Webster’s remove the “common descent†element from the definition of “nation,†except for Am Yisrael, of course?I just looked it up and there is no sign of “common descent†in the first sense of the term:
a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory: the world's leading industrialized nations.
• a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.
one nation
[often as modifier] a nation not divided by social inequality: one-nation Tories.
Middle English: via Old French from Latin natio(n-), from nat- 'born', from the verb nasci.
To be fair, they do in fact refer to “common descent†in the third sense of the term when referring to Native Americans. Meanwhile, you can’t immigrate to Israel without the correct DNA results. It’s ethno-nationalism for me and civic-nationalism for thee, goy!For centuries, civic-nationalism was a foreign concept to our peoples. To make our countries user-friendly to Jews, they’ve introduced this notion that anyone can be a Frenchman, as long as he has a French passport. This is ridiculous. Europe is being flooded by migrants from all over the world. France no longer feels French to me. If these trends aren’t reversed, you can say “au revoir†to France and the rest of Europe and the Anglo sphere. Bottom line: it’s a numbers game and we’re losing it.Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
1 : a large area of land that is controlled by its own government : COUNTRY
Just a couple of other “snapshots” about the specificity of France.
In the 70’s the French authorities and not Koudenhove -Kallergites decided that the rural exodus was being a problem in the countryside because the women wanted a “better” life in the cities and were leaving rural areas. They then ‘invited’ women from the Réunion Islans to come and marry peasant in remote areas. You now find black women who have spent their life in places like Aveyron and became ‘local’. Their siblings are sons and daughters of these areas.
In my village, if you want advices about edible mushrooms, there are two people, one ‘foreigner’ from Picardie and a Réunion’s woman who married here and was instructed by her step mother. as an appart, she is not jealous about telling you where to find mushrooms which is good for a novel settler as me.
Durind the US invasion of France, the black US military were shown a movie (I have seen it) telling them that the French people didn’t have the same prejudice against blacks than in the US and that they shouldn’t take advantage of it. Many among the numerous French women who have been raped by US militaries were done so by black US and native Americans. I have never heard about French women raped by German soldiers during the occupatio period. It doesn’t mean it never happened but that is has been very rare and knowing the German directives the soldiers found guilty were punished.
One commenter on another thread on UR, told about the experience of a French sent in Germany for forced labour intervening to prevent the raping of a German girl by a French in Germany after Germany had be defeated.
Civic nationalism is the only way for France and it is part of what makes France special.
Have any studies been conducted in France that show the percentage of the indigenous French population who are civic nationalists and the percentage who are ethno-nationalists?
I can train an especially clever parrot to speak a little French. Lexico’s definition of nation:
Does he speak French?
How long before the fine people at Webster’s remove the “common descent†element from the definition of “nation,†except for Am Yisrael, of course?I just looked it up and there is no sign of “common descent†in the first sense of the term:
a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory: the world's leading industrialized nations.
• a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.
one nation
[often as modifier] a nation not divided by social inequality: one-nation Tories.
Middle English: via Old French from Latin natio(n-), from nat- 'born', from the verb nasci.
To be fair, they do in fact refer to “common descent†in the third sense of the term when referring to Native Americans. Meanwhile, you can’t immigrate to Israel without the correct DNA results. It’s ethno-nationalism for me and civic-nationalism for thee, goy!For centuries, civic-nationalism was a foreign concept to our peoples. To make our countries user-friendly to Jews, they’ve introduced this notion that anyone can be a Frenchman, as long as he has a French passport. This is ridiculous. Europe is being flooded by migrants from all over the world. France no longer feels French to me. If these trends aren’t reversed, you can say “au revoir†to France and the rest of Europe and the Anglo sphere. Bottom line: it’s a numbers game and we’re losing it.Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
1 : a large area of land that is controlled by its own government : COUNTRY
In this Christmas time it is difficult for me to find time to write a long, elaborate comment so I will try to be concise.
Civic nationalism is the only way for France and it is part of what makes France special. I have here on other thread given the long historical reasons why so and why it is a feature of our countries (all french of all complexion who want to be “Francs”, Free men and women).
To sum up. We have a long time colonisation policy. Before the revolution the status given by Kings to people in the Americas for instances, was equality to all subjects . The inhabitants of the French territories in the world are still equal to all other French citizens and it is a particular sense of pride for all the white French I have ever encoutered in my life, even among peasants decades ago(every has been dancing to Creole music for 60 years during parties). Ever since I was a child, I had never ever heard anybody trashing “our” blacks, even by the staunches anti-Arabs in my sociological environment (my father was a truck driver). There are black, Indian French working in hospitals, police, gendarmerie and as a genX I have always seen my country that way and the vast majority is happy with that fact. the anti Arab thing was mainly due to the tragic Algerian war and the many people I heard talking bad about them in my chilhood (a lot ) being in France was because, popularly saying: “They made the war for independance so why come here now?”. If my father was anti Arabs, my parents always have invited their Creole work colleague at home. My mother even invited regularly a catholic black Senegalese who was her boss!, Lolo. I grew up with these people as French.
Marine Le Pen’s highest scores are in Mayotte. Mayotte is plagued with immigrants from Comores. Mayotte is a ”Muslim/animist local sauce” French territory. If we didn’t have these kind of territories, never would Jacques Chirac opposition to war against Irak would have had any meaning. Mahoraise are very nice people, very few scocial disturbances and crime.
As to the Jews. Very young I realised there were differents Jews in my sociological environment in Villeurbanne. Some of them being very friendly, having the same concern as my parents, talking to them, and tey were truly part of the neighborood. Then the others, religious were segregated, interacting in the least way possible with the rest of us. The mother of our good football pal, whose father was a Rabby and their house a synagogue (100 m away from our own home and protected by a policeman with machine gun…. while we could play against the wall of the Catholic Church) was very different from all other mothers in the neighborood. It just seemed as if she didn’t like us. The secular French Jew’s mothers were nice and ampathic toward us and we visited their home.
The France I don’t recognize is mainly because the health care system which was so good, benevolent, a pride, has been privatized and is dying.
The social contract that made the workers respected, and this leading to pride, good qualification, is dead. National electricity workers were proud to serve, same with most national services (Gendarmerie, post, roads, Train…) and the rest of the population respected them and accepted some of their privileges like not paying for electicity with working for that service. We all had this civil servants in our families.
The school system, though not perfect, was very good. We all went to Germany, Spain, England as soon as 14 years old and learning a foreign language… We regularly were sent visiting cultural places, skying for a low price, good sport infrastructures were everywhere for us…
Some migrants (even from eastern european countries because I don’t have time to mention that fact) are cheated because they come (or came) to France hoping for their children to have better education. It’s over.
The social system brought the poorest children on summer vacation in the countryside and even the immigrants children discovered the French “campagne” and the people living there. It is a reason why many French of Maghreb origin genXer’s and their children are patriots.
The manufacturing sector has been delocalised in China and left most territories in poverty and thus cultural disarray. The level of qualification has been lowered.The public transports don’t acces these territories and even where I live now, their are no more doctors. In some areas, it takes hours to access an hospital, even for maternity. The very land, soil is being sold to international corporates like Chinese and Wahhabites petro-monarchs, even old monuments and part of towns.
When asked in 2005, French refused the actual EU constitution during one of the rare referendum and for good reasons. The Shabbatean Sarkozy imposed it on us. The mass immigration is just as aspect of the destruction of our country under that shity totalitarian entity. It imposes on us the migrants. It imposes the destruction of all services that bridged the population and made us conscious of being one people together. It is as inept as Soviet Union and surely even worst.
Video Link
The TV was without any commercials and it’s content was under surveillance for sex, violence etc..
I don’t have time to comment no longer, forgige me, children need attention and I know you are “sharp” (lol) enough to make something out of it.
Have any studies been conducted in France that show the percentage of the indigenous French population who are civic nationalists and the percentage who are ethno-nationalists?Replies: @Bugey libre
Civic nationalism is the only way for France and it is part of what makes France special.
Munzenberg was a JEW, and a COMMUNIST. This means that he was a liar, squared. Lenin was an avid "communist". He murdered millions of "proletarians", accepted millions in gold from capitalist bankers, lived like a capitalist pig, and participated in the ritual sacrifice of the Tsar. That is 4 different ways in which he violated his fundamental claims of being a communist.
"Munzenberg was a leading figure in the Communist International, an organization with a completely different viewpoint"
“Munzenberg was a JEW”
False. Munzenberg was a grandson of a baron from the House of Seckendorff.
“Jacob Schiff”
Supported the Provisional Government of Kerensky and was sorry to see it go.
LOL. Once again Patrick McNally spews his typical Yid narrative fact check. "Münzenberg" translated means "Coin Mountain". ROFL. Aside from the "Berg" suffix you cannot get any more jewish than that. Here we learn that his father was a Jew. He was also married to a Jew.
"False. Munzenberg was a grandson of a baron from the House of Seckendorff."
Double LOL. Kerensky was a Freemason and his father was Jewish too. His provisional government handed power over to the communists with without a fight, just as Schiff planned. Of course it was also Schiff who ordered the ritual blood sacrifice of the entire Romanov clan, but we can be certain that you will present some kind of inane Hebrew factoid trying to present it as just some kind of execution. You C-Jews are all the same. Lie and deny until you die.Replies: @Patrick McNally, @Patrick McNally
"Jacob Schiffâ€
Supported the Provisional Government of Kerensky and was sorry to see it go.
Munzenberg was a JEW, and a COMMUNIST. This means that he was a liar, squared. Lenin was an avid "communist". He murdered millions of "proletarians", accepted millions in gold from capitalist bankers, lived like a capitalist pig, and participated in the ritual sacrifice of the Tsar. That is 4 different ways in which he violated his fundamental claims of being a communist.
"Munzenberg was a leading figure in the Communist International, an organization with a completely different viewpoint"
What is pertinent about Munzenberg’s role in the Comintern and the fact that he was never involved with the Frankfurt School, and certainly was not a founder of it in sense, is the fact that the Frankfurt School tended to discourage people away from building a new political party. The whole point of the Comintern was to build new parties. Willi Munzenberg was never a part of the Frankfurt School.
Please stop your bloviating and your lying. That is a negative that you cannot prove, and all the evidence is to the contrary. You really are a pathetic lying hasbara troll.Replies: @Patrick McNally
"the fact that he was never involved with the Frankfurt School,"
An Israeli business invented the mask to eat, everywhere is a profit to be made.
That short video was very funny, indeed. I can just imagine the conversation these people had at the “proof of concept†meeting:
This product, should we proceed in launching it, will have costs that run in the millions of shekels. We would need to see sales in the tens of thousands to realise a return.
Do you think we could dupe that many goyim to purchase this product?
Leave that to our marketing department. They are so good that they can even sell ice to Eskimos.
Merry Christmas, Bl.
“Munzenberg was a leading figure in the Communist International, an organization with a completely different viewpoint”
Munzenberg was a JEW, and a COMMUNIST. This means that he was a liar, squared. Lenin was an avid “communist”. He murdered millions of “proletarians”, accepted millions in gold from capitalist bankers, lived like a capitalist pig, and participated in the ritual sacrifice of the Tsar. That is 4 different ways in which he violated his fundamental claims of being a communist.
Lets look at some other “communists” who weren’t. Bill Ayers. Leo Trotsky. Fidel Castro. Joe Stalin. Now lets name some “capitalists” who supported “communist” revolutions. Jacob Schiff. Armand Hammer. Nelson Rockefeller.
Your obsession with compartmentalizing Jews, C-Jews, and their puppets into cubby holes of the Jewish narrative is nauseating.
There is a beast known as a crypto-jew, there is a book of lies known as the Talmud, and there is a strategy used by jews known as the dialectic. For centuries Jews who were conspiring together play both sides of the conflict in order to reap massive profits through their corruption, greed, blood lust, vengeance and betrayal. Claiming Munzenberg was a “communist” and therefore could not have worked with the Frankfurt school because of idealogical differences between Jews is even more absurd than claiming that Stalin could not have worked with Churchill because he was a “capitalist”.
You pretend to be unaware of all this. It is my contention that you are either a blathering idiot or a hasbara agent. Pray tell us which it is.
Ankle-biting fact checker extraordinaire, "Patrick McNally" weighs in from Tel Aviv. He never adds anything to the discussion, he only very rarely provides any supporting evidence to back up his "fact check", but he is always there to add some obnoxious brain fart supporting the Judaic racial supremacist narrative.Replies: @Patrick McNally
"False. Munzenberg had nothing to do with the Frankfurt School. "
It’s a really silly claim that Willi Munzenberg was one of the founders of the Frankfurt School. Munzenberg was a leading figure in the Communist International, an organization with a completely different viewpoint. The 2 main biographies of Munzenberg are the one by his partner Babette Gross, Willi Munzenberg: A Political Biography, and that by Sean McMeekin, The Red Millionaire: A Political Biography of Willi Munzenberg, Moscow’s Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West. Neither one makes any suggestion that Munzenberg was ever even a part of the Frankfurt School, never mind a founder of it.
Munzenberg was a JEW, and a COMMUNIST. This means that he was a liar, squared. Lenin was an avid "communist". He murdered millions of "proletarians", accepted millions in gold from capitalist bankers, lived like a capitalist pig, and participated in the ritual sacrifice of the Tsar. That is 4 different ways in which he violated his fundamental claims of being a communist.
"Munzenberg was a leading figure in the Communist International, an organization with a completely different viewpoint"
I can train an especially clever parrot to speak a little French. Lexico’s definition of nation:
Does he speak French?
How long before the fine people at Webster’s remove the “common descent†element from the definition of “nation,†except for Am Yisrael, of course?I just looked it up and there is no sign of “common descent†in the first sense of the term:
a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory: the world's leading industrialized nations.
• a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.
one nation
[often as modifier] a nation not divided by social inequality: one-nation Tories.
Middle English: via Old French from Latin natio(n-), from nat- 'born', from the verb nasci.
To be fair, they do in fact refer to “common descent†in the third sense of the term when referring to Native Americans. Meanwhile, you can’t immigrate to Israel without the correct DNA results. It’s ethno-nationalism for me and civic-nationalism for thee, goy!For centuries, civic-nationalism was a foreign concept to our peoples. To make our countries user-friendly to Jews, they’ve introduced this notion that anyone can be a Frenchman, as long as he has a French passport. This is ridiculous. Europe is being flooded by migrants from all over the world. France no longer feels French to me. If these trends aren’t reversed, you can say “au revoir†to France and the rest of Europe and the Anglo sphere. Bottom line: it’s a numbers game and we’re losing it.Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
1 : a large area of land that is controlled by its own government : COUNTRY
Hi geokat63,
You have already received your Christmas Present, but I send this one to all the “sharpest” commenters, have a good laugh:
An Israeli business invented the mask to eat, everywhere is a profit to be made.
As an appart, I am in full empathy with regular jews in Israël and elsewhere who got bamboozled by the rulers of the Kahal and get poisoned like Goyims. Wake up.
That short video was very funny, indeed. I can just imagine the conversation these people had at the “proof of concept†meeting:
An Israeli business invented the mask to eat, everywhere is a profit to be made.
Merry Christmas, Bl.
This product, should we proceed in launching it, will have costs that run in the millions of shekels. We would need to see sales in the tens of thousands to realise a return.
Do you think we could dupe that many goyim to purchase this product?
Leave that to our marketing department. They are so good that they can even sell ice to Eskimos.
“False. Munzenberg had nothing to do with the Frankfurt School. ”
Ankle-biting fact checker extraordinaire, “Patrick McNally” weighs in from Tel Aviv. He never adds anything to the discussion, he only very rarely provides any supporting evidence to back up his “fact check”, but he is always there to add some obnoxious brain fart supporting the Judaic racial supremacist narrative.
Whatever criticism someone may make of Sean McMeekin… The Red Millionaire
Thanks for the reference. I’ll have to give it a read.
“One of the founders of the Frankfurt School in 1923, Willi Munzenberg,”
False. Munzenberg had nothing to do with the Frankfurt School. Whatever criticism someone may make of Sean McMeekin, at least his biography of Munzenberg entitled The Red Millionaire doesn’t pretend that Munzenberg had anything to do with the Frankfurt School. Connolly must be just repeating rumors which he picked up uncritically.
Thanks for the reference. I’ll have to give it a read.
Whatever criticism someone may make of Sean McMeekin… The Red Millionaire
Ankle-biting fact checker extraordinaire, "Patrick McNally" weighs in from Tel Aviv. He never adds anything to the discussion, he only very rarely provides any supporting evidence to back up his "fact check", but he is always there to add some obnoxious brain fart supporting the Judaic racial supremacist narrative.Replies: @Patrick McNally
"False. Munzenberg had nothing to do with the Frankfurt School. "
I did a little more digging and found this quote:
“We must organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat.â€
The earliest source for this quote is from this book:
Bernard Connolly, “The Rotten Heart of Europe: Dirty War for Europe’s Money” (London: Faber & Faber, 1997), Kindle edition, location 113–118.
Here’s the attachment:
Today, this is a factual statement. It wasn’t a factual statement during the 1950s. What changed. Do the names Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse ring a Frankfurt School bell? They were the ones primarily responsible for releasing the poison of political correctness into the West’s bloodstream. “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.†- Willie Munzenberg of the Frankfurt School … and boy does it ever stink! Mission Accomplished, boys!
Most Americans are not patriots. Most French are not Patriots.
Excerpts from, Pollard claims Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty,’ whether they know it or not:
I venture that on average Jews are more patriotic than gentiles, and especially in deed, not in words.
Although Pollard was giving this advice to an American Jew, he’d give the same advice to a Jew living in France, Germany, Sweden, Britain etc., etc., etc.Replies: @Patrick McNally
Asked how he felt about being accused by US Jews of having dual loyalties, Pollard did not take issue with the title. “If you don’t like the accusation of double loyalty, then go the F*** home,†he said bluntly.
“It’s as simple as that. If you live in a country where you are constantly under that charge, then you don’t belong there. You go home. You come home. If you[‘re] outside Israel, then you live in a society in which you are basically considered unreliable. The bottom line on this charge of dual loyalty is, I’m sorry, we’re Jews, and if we’re Jews, we will always have dual loyalty,†he added…And he suggested that if asked for advice, he would counsel a young US Jew working in the American security apparatus to spy for Israel.“I’d tell him, not doing anything is unacceptable. So simply going home [to Israel] is not acceptable. Making aliyah is not acceptable,†Pollard said. “You have to make a decision whether your concern for Israel and loyalty to Israel and loyalty to your fellow Jews is more important than your life.
“If you do nothing, and you turn your back, or simply make aliyah, and go on with your life, you’ll be no better than those Jews who before and after the destruction of the Temple said, ‘It’s not my responsibility.'â€
Willi Muenzenberg had nothing to do with the Frankfurt School. He worked for the Communist International, an altogether different organization. The Frankfurt School rejected the idea of building actual political parties, whereas this was the defining purpose of the Comintern. Obviously the fake quote misattributed to Muenzenberg is bogus since it does not reflect the party line of the Comintern at any time period.
Does he speak French?
I can train an especially clever parrot to speak a little French.
Lexico’s definition of nation:
a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory: the world’s leading industrialized nations.
• a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.
PHRASESone nation
[often as modifier] a nation not divided by social inequality: one-nation Tories.
ORIGINMiddle English: via Old French from Latin natio(n-), from nat- ‘born’, from the verb nasci.
How long before the fine people at Webster’s remove the “common descent†element from the definition of “nation,†except for Am Yisrael, of course?
I just looked it up and there is no sign of “common descent†in the first sense of the term:
1 : a large area of land that is controlled by its own government : COUNTRY
To be fair, they do in fact refer to “common descent†in the third sense of the term when referring to Native Americans.
Meanwhile, you can’t immigrate to Israel without the correct DNA results.
It’s ethno-nationalism for me and civic-nationalism for thee, goy!
For centuries, civic-nationalism was a foreign concept to our peoples. To make our countries user-friendly to Jews, they’ve introduced this notion that anyone can be a Frenchman, as long as he has a French passport. This is ridiculous. Europe is being flooded by migrants from all over the world. France no longer feels French to me. If these trends aren’t reversed, you can say “au revoir†to France and the rest of Europe and the Anglo sphere.
Bottom line: it’s a numbers game and we’re losing it.
As Hitler said:
“It would have been the duty of the Jews themselves to draw a dividing line between the various types. They did not do this; and that is why I must act against all Jews equally.”
Zemmour is stuck in a cluster of burrs with Tsarfat. It is up to Zemmour to “draw the dividing line”. Instead, we are presented with Jewish theater where they pretend to hate each other, but in reality are all stuck together in the eternal “good for jews” clump of burrs.
Jeshurun is a poetic name for Israel used for the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible.
Would it be French Jew?Replies: @Bugey libre
[Sarfati] literally means "French" in the Hebrew language, and is derived from the Biblical placename Tzarfat which in later times was identified in Jewish tradition as France.
Does he speak French? Where is a genuine ampathy for the real people, the yellow vest?
I can train an especially clever parrot to speak a little French. Lexico’s definition of nation:
Does he speak French?
How long before the fine people at Webster’s remove the “common descent†element from the definition of “nation,†except for Am Yisrael, of course?I just looked it up and there is no sign of “common descent†in the first sense of the term:
a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory: the world's leading industrialized nations.
• a North American Indian people or confederation of peoples.
one nation
[often as modifier] a nation not divided by social inequality: one-nation Tories.
Middle English: via Old French from Latin natio(n-), from nat- 'born', from the verb nasci.
To be fair, they do in fact refer to “common descent†in the third sense of the term when referring to Native Americans. Meanwhile, you can’t immigrate to Israel without the correct DNA results. It’s ethno-nationalism for me and civic-nationalism for thee, goy!For centuries, civic-nationalism was a foreign concept to our peoples. To make our countries user-friendly to Jews, they’ve introduced this notion that anyone can be a Frenchman, as long as he has a French passport. This is ridiculous. Europe is being flooded by migrants from all over the world. France no longer feels French to me. If these trends aren’t reversed, you can say “au revoir†to France and the rest of Europe and the Anglo sphere. Bottom line: it’s a numbers game and we’re losing it.Replies: @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre, @Bugey libre
1 : a large area of land that is controlled by its own government : COUNTRY
How would you translate your screen name to English, given these two Hebrew roots?
Jeshurun is a poetic name for Israel used for the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible.
[Sarfati] literally means “French” in the Hebrew language, and is derived from the Biblical placename Tzarfat which in later times was identified in Jewish tradition as France.
Would it be French Jew?
Most Americans are not patriots. Most French are not Patriots.
Today, this is a factual statement. It wasn’t a factual statement during the 1950s. What changed. Do the names Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse ring a Frankfurt School bell? They were the ones primarily responsible for releasing the poison of political correctness into the West’s bloodstream.
“We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.†– Willie Munzenberg of the Frankfurt School
… and boy does it ever stink! Mission Accomplished, boys!
I venture that on average Jews are more patriotic than gentiles, and especially in deed, not in words.
Excerpts from, Pollard claims Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty,’ whether they know it or not:
Asked how he felt about being accused by US Jews of having dual loyalties, Pollard did not take issue with the title. “If you don’t like the accusation of double loyalty, then go the F*** home,†he said bluntly.
“It’s as simple as that. If you live in a country where you are constantly under that charge, then you don’t belong there. You go home. You come home. If you[‘re] outside Israel, then you live in a society in which you are basically considered unreliable. The bottom line on this charge of dual loyalty is, I’m sorry, we’re Jews, and if we’re Jews, we will always have dual loyalty,†he added…And he suggested that if asked for advice, he would counsel a young US Jew working in the American security apparatus to spy for Israel.
“I’d tell him, not doing anything is unacceptable. So simply going home [to Israel] is not acceptable. Making aliyah is not acceptable,†Pollard said. “You have to make a decision whether your concern for Israel and loyalty to Israel and loyalty to your fellow Jews is more important than your life.
“If you do nothing, and you turn your back, or simply make aliyah, and go on with your life, you’ll be no better than those Jews who before and after the destruction of the Temple said, ‘It’s not my responsibility.’â€
Although Pollard was giving this advice to an American Jew, he’d give the same advice to a Jew living in France, Germany, Sweden, Britain etc., etc., etc.
This article only scratches the surface of how Jews have defecated all over Europe by sending in the very same refugees that they created with the aggressive wars they coerced their western puppet governments, including France, to wage all across Africa and the middle east.
“Israel’s wars and interventions in the Middle-East, working through its US proxy, were the direct catalyst for the European refugee crisis which boiled over in 2015 and has lead to violence, terrorism, rape and political repression against native Europeans. The two major points of entry for refugees and migrants to Europe are Greece and Italy.
The US/Israeli orchestrated fall of Qaddafi in 2011 opened up a major route for refugees from the Middle-East and Africa to flow into Europe. According to the Washington Post 400,000 migrants from the Middle-East and Africa flowed into Italy from Libya between 2014 and 2017 due to the overthrow of Qaddafi.”
The article goes on to show how Jewish “Aid” organizations funnel these victims of Jewish aggression away from Israel’s borders and into Europe.
Israel and Jewish-run NGOs in the West are the main facilitators of the movement and resettlement of Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghani refugees in Europe. All four countries have been destabilized through war and sanctions by Israel and the US. IsraAID, the Israeli refugee agency, has operated the refugee centers on the Greek Island of Lesbos since 2015.
Greek refugee aid centers are mainly operated by Israelis; in Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of ‘Tikkun Olam’ and Jewish volunteering around the world.
Israeli reporter Liad Osmo quoted a Syrian refugee identified as “H., aged 20, from Aleppo†arriving on Lesbos in 2019.
“My whole life, all through my childhood in Syrian schools, I was taught that the Israelis are the enemy, and then the first thing I see when I approach the Greek coast is the Star of David on the shirts of Israelis who reach out and place me on the ground.â€
Osmo goes on to say that the program to resettle refugees in Western countries will reach all over the world and involve several other Jewish agencies. This is made possible by a $66 million dollar investment from the State of Israel.””
Clearly Zemmour is not going to be able to put a dent in this invasion unless he deals with Jewish Power and Israel. Only a lying deceiver like Tsarfat would try to pretend that Zemmour will do that.
I tried to read Tsarfat’s answer to my two comments where I asked him two questions.
He starts by provotion “are you a woman?” He then tries to comment the video but the name of the guy who was debating Soral (who is not a guy I am found with as I said twice in that thread before) he gives is not the right name… He is called Conversano… Pathetic.
Once a library was attcked in Paris and Soral has been said to have fled the fighting rather cowardly…Never heard of him attacking physically anybody. he has never been condemned. I am tired of speaking of Soral who was just initially quoted anecdoticaly… We were supposed to have a deeper conversation, maybe about the Frexit, Asselineau, Philipot, De Villier… Alas.
Zémmour is a genuine intellectual, a very clever person, educated though effectively completely cut from the regular French by his elitist lifestyle. Tsarfat is a deranged, vulgar individual who doesn’t deserve spending any more time with.
Case closed.
Zemmour is stuck in a cluster of burrs with Tsarfat. It is up to Zemmour to "draw the dividing line". Instead, we are presented with Jewish theater where they pretend to hate each other, but in reality are all stuck together in the eternal "good for jews" clump of burrs.
"It would have been the duty of the Jews themselves to draw a dividing line between the various types. They did not do this; and that is why I must act against all Jews equally."
It’s not like gentiles are capable of organizing anything, and as I wrote on my Messiah Piece, we righteous Jews (i.e. those on the right) will save your loser asses.
Some variant of obligate mutualism w/ Jews on top? Pinocchio’s nose could not grow any longer.
Note: Observe European history where after Jews leave this or that region, a remarkable reinvigoration occurs. e.g. Spain post 1492. In ecology, this strongly resembles some sort of predator (or parasite) release where the prey (or host) regain their numbers and health after the burden of some offending organisms go away. More research is needed.
You’re too far along in the rabbit hole of ignorance and conspiracy theories to know where to turn on your own. Takes a sharp mind to show you the path. Your minds are dull.
As in Protocol 1:20 “A people left to itself, i.e., to upstarts from its midst, brings itself to ruin…”
Said Dolphin to Shark “No thanks. Find your own fish, and swim away before I bruise you.”
The Unz review is among the sharpest in the world, and the readership smarter than the average, and still there’s nothing to give hope.
Whose hope? Ha.
Manitou, god of lynxes, guard our corn.
Khardas, god of camels
what the deuce are you doing here?
Ezra Pound, Cantos LXXIX
That is quite a dogs breakfast of a comment. The rambling, arrogant, and almost incoherent style could only come from one of gods chosen tribe of racial supremacists.
The closing paragraphs really reveal the inner workings in the minds of such a sick race of supremacists, for that reason the comment is worth reading:
“We’ve lived in many counties longer than you, and few of you have a claim to greater patriotism than some of us do.
Jews have contributed more to American history than all the yokels and yeomen combined. Without us, you’d be living in caves and eating vermin from crevices.
Your Christmas songs we’ve written, your war efforts we organized, your suburban castles we’ve underwritten and built, and we’ve clothed you and manufactured the pacifiers you still suck when going to bed. You hate Hollywood, but what else do you listen to, or watch. What else do you know or care for?”
I did invest the time to find the article that Tsarfat was talking about. In typical Hebrew fashion he was too lazy to provide the link to the document and he forced the goy untermesch to do his work. Tsarfat does not bother to provide any references for sources or validity of the information, so we can assume that he lifted the information from the work of some goy untermensch and now would have us believe that only he, like the rest of his “Race of Lords”, could have figured this out. Of course he would never admit that the only reason this is even partly true is because all this corruption goes on behind the secret veil of Jewish Privilege and Jewish corruption.
The barely legible 46 page screed is written in a schizophrenic style typical to this race of arrogant inbreds, however it is worth looking at. I really do not care about the French politics, especially coming from a very warped and distorted Jewish view point. I am not French and there are too many other European countries being trashed by Tsarfat’s tribe that must be monitored to keep track the sordid details of Jewish political corruption and greed in them all. But the information concerning the Macron, the Rothshild family and Attali and the GE buyout of Alsthom is of interest.
As if we did not know already from the mad genocidal push to force the goyim of the entire planet to take forced injections of gene altering jew-juice, behind the Talmudic veil of secrecy the Jews and their globalist puppets are hoovering up of all the jewels of goy industrial prowess and production, and it is happening simultaneously all over the planet. Today in the US it is being led by multiple Jewish run financial vats of corruption, Blackrock and Vanguard being the tip of the spear. Blackrock, which is run by very Jewish CEO Larry Fink, picked up the GEs Capital unit in 2015. Of course all these buy outs and mergers are financed by Rothschild controlled central banks across the planet who print up new debt to use to finance this looting of the goy middle classes everywhere. These central banks are run by Jews, Globalist shabbos Goyim and C-Jews like Carney, Lagarde, Draghi and Attali. This mad rush to consolidate the ownership of the production capacity of the entire planet under Jewish control is an integral component of the “Great Reset” and “Build Back Better”. Another tentacle of Jewish corruption is the push by the CB’s for ESG (Environment, Sustainability and Governance) control over every corporation of size that the Hebrews are unable to sink their fangs into and own outright. This is what ties Warmism together with the Plandemic.
So this screed written by Tsarfat does help to “illuminate” (pun intended) the Hebrew corruption behind this global asset grab. The arrogance behind Tsarfat’s assertion that it is the Hebrew tribe that created all this wealth is laughable. It is really the same as the Rothschild families contention that they own “money” itself, which is really just fiat debt notes created to enslave the goyim. But Tsarfat outdoes this ludicrous joke when he goes on to assert that only Jews like himself and Zemmour can save the goyim for the cesspool of corruption created by Jews like himself and Zemmour.
This entire predicament the planet finds itself in reminds me of the predicament Germany found itself in in the early 1930’s. Then it was the corruption and take over of German assets by corrupt Jews who owned the Banks, Judicial System, Education and Media, just like they have done to the entire planet today. Back then in Weimar Germany there was a steady stream of examples of Hebrew corruption, greed and fraud: Barmat Scandal, Sklarek Scandal, Kutisker Case and the Katzenellenbogen Case. In Weimar Germany there were also Jews who claimed to be “good Jews” like Trarfat and Zemmour, and they claimed that only they could save Germany. Of course Jews have been claiming that only they could save the Goyim ever since Moses got the Ten Commandments.
Hitler famously said “A Jew is a Jew; all Jews stick together like burrs. Where there is one Jew, all kinds of other Jews gather right away. It would have been the duty of the Jews themselves to draw a dividing line between the various types. They did not do this; and that is why I must act against all Jews equally.”. Tsarfat is just another Jew clumped into that burr with Zemmour. All of the Sayanim, at least the ones that haven’t gone crypto, claim that they are not a part of that burr of Jewish Power and Jewish Privilege. But the truth is that it is impossible to what really goes on in the heart of a Jew, even assuming that he has one, and history has taught us that in the end the Jew will always sting the goyim like the Scorpion riding across the river on the back of the Alligator. That is his nature.
Here is a great article about what the Jews did to Germany during Weimar:
Are you a woman? Your praise of Soral sound like one moaning.
Critical thinking is about thinking, not worship. You are penning accolades to a lowlife. You embed a video which proves my point with uncanny clarity, but are so blue pilled your interpretation is that the victim had it coming? A victim whose courage you denigrate, or seem to know nothing about?
Canistrano was among the first in your country to speak about Whites! Not “autochtones” not “Europeans,” but w-h-i-t-e. You don’t have that courage, your hero neither. Canistrano spoke up while a minority in an African ghetto. He wasn’t making deals with the savages your wife-beater Soral fellates so he can walk in peace to his Saint Denis HQ.
For non-French speakers, in the video Soral, a former boxer, pimp, and drug-pusher, born with a fat silver spoon up his ass and in other orifices, riding the coat-tails of his glamorous media darling sister (both eating up their father’s Swiss based fortune) socks Canistrano for calling Arabs Arabs.
Bugey Libre is either 12 years old, or a complete ignoramus too daft to remember or know that Soral has engaged in physical altercations on at least 15 (!) different occasions and threatens anyone he disagrees with on a regular, monthly basis, so the count is too vast to make. Soral does so both on impulse, and systematically when Whites speak about Whiteness. He’s an Anti-Racist. Oh sorry, you didn’t know Soral was a Marxist!?
You still don’t?
The canard about Le Pen being on the left. She has always been on the left on many issues. That’s why she is an old tired cunt that needs to take a long f-ing nap. On economic policy she’s a lefty. On fag-marriage – a lefty. Half her party’s cadres are faggots. She’s a fag-hag. Philippot was the real brains, but the party was a family heirloom. Could only go so far. In 2016 Le Pen did what all lefties do – chucked her daddy over-board. Kicked him out of the party.
On identity where is Mrs. Le Pen? In a retirement home. Last I checked her feed she was tweeting how “foreigners” make up only 27% of all violent crimes. Who cares about foreigners! 99% of France’s crimes are committed by melanoderms (POCs, darkies, couloureds). By Arabs and Blacks, by the scum scapped off of Africa’s parched soil.
Now try saying any of this to your Soral. He’ll call your mother a whore, and punch your lights out. He’s six foot two, weighs 200 pounds. Probably take out most of you thin cheese-eating toads.
So remain intimidated by your Daddy.
When you grow out of this bisexualism, you’ll see that Soral is a violent enforcer of the status quo. A hustler on his own turf.
His outfit makes no money. He mooches off of M’bala, an Anti-Racist dragging Le Pen on trips of Africa. Jean-Marie is g-dfather to M’bala’s third daughter.
Hve you heard Mbala defending Whites? Even his attacks on Jews are based on our supposed racism against darkies! You can’t get more Anti-Racist. Come on kid!
You should up your diopter value Bugey Libre. Your nearsightedness is severe.
Soral makes his living being persecuted by hysteric Jews. This gives him credibility with the stupid Arabs (and apparently not only). He’s not cut of the French conservative cloth. Once a Marxist always a Marxist, i.e. he was antifa, and judging by his behavior, always will be. He’s hooked all the camel-shaggers in the ghetto on his diet of Anti-Semitic slop. A white boy with ghetto cred and power. Banal political thuggery that dimwits like you are too daft to see.
Soral has got the mindset of a pedophile, buggering his readers/followers with intimidation and pseudo-intellectual kitch. A nobody dangerous for his aggressive propagation of nobodism. Hence your own dog-like dithyramb to him. Grow up kid, grow up. You’ve been subdued. Cub submissive to a bear.
On Rothschild and Jews
Go to the Unz Review search window, select Israel Shamir as author, type Tsarfat, and you’ll find three articles mentioning my expose of the Alstom Affair from the Rothschild, and wider Jewish French angle. I briefly shared some of my chapters with the public and Shamir quoted me.
If you’re so smart kid, go and found out just how long Madar worked for the bank. Six months? Internship? Two years? How old is this Madar? What seniority?
Have you ever worked anywhere? Do your colleagues share your opinions about politics, history, clothes? Do your bosses? Do you know anything about the opinions of at least say 1/3 of Rothschild employees? Of David de Rothschild, or Ariana? Of Mr. Madar prior to his campaign, etc?
Oh, you don’t. Just like with Bollore. You read marginal blogs, that transform a mere inference into fact.
Every-time someone has Google, Amazon, IBM, or McKinsey on their resume, do you break out in a cold sweat and assume a global conspiracy?
in summary
I wrote nearly five thousand words about the Jewish Community’s hatred of Zemmour, and Jews like Zemmour. We are a persecuted minority within a minority. You suck rock if you missed this. Take a look in the mirror and ask yourself if you should even be here.
I am glad that many readers here are highly intelligent. You understand that I described the difficulty of Zemmour’s position, and are not presumptuous enough to assume that your patriotism is automatically better than a Jews.
Most people today are not patriots. How could they be!? Have you seen the state of our countries!? What’s there to love!?
Listen to unfucked and unfuckable gayboy Nick Fuentes. All he says about America is shit. Dumps on it and wants it to die politically. No difference from Occasional Cortex who shits on it from a different angle. Does that mean Fuentes is not a patriot? ( I wont bother with AOC).
I think the assumption that your patriotism is better than ours, is presumptuous. It’s daft. Who are you to talk about purity, or services to a country?!
You judge all Jews on the basis of some Jews that you read about (few of you seem to actually ever known a Jew), and when Jews who are different appear, you dismiss them as being no-different because – well, because you are simple-minded nitwits who like to judge, not think.
How dare you talk about your superior patriotism when your families prove that you are subhumans! Every single problem our countries face are due to your egotism, your self-centered ignorance, your incapacity to propagate American culture, and you talk about our patriotism!?
If you had at least a quarter of the loyalty we Jews have to what we inherit culturally and socially, America and France wouldn’t be in the gutter they are today.
Useless redneck patriots.
Most Americans are not patriots. Most French are not Patriots. I venture that on average Jews are more patriotic than gentiles, and especially in deed, not in words.
We Jews have done more for the countries where we resided in 100 years than most average gentile families going back 2000 years. There are Jews who are more French than gentiles from Alsace-Loraine, or the Northern regions or the Spanish border or Nice which used to be Italian. Americas earliest colonies included Jews, not Italians, not Slavs, not Germans. The entire state of Georgia was created by Jews. Florida as well. It’s hard to imagine the colonies able to fight for their independence without Jewish participation, viz Brydges Rodney’s attacks on St. Eustace.
We’ve lived in many counties longer than you, and few of you have a claim to greater patriotism than some of us do.
Jews have contributed more to American history than all the yokels and yeomen combined. Without us, you’d be living in caves and eating vermin from crevices.
Your Christmas songs we’ve written, your war efforts we organized, your suburban castles we’ve underwritten and built, and we’ve clothed you and manufactured the pacifiers you still suck when going to bed. You hate Hollywood, but what else do you listen to, or watch. What else do you know or care for?
I did invest the time to find the article that Tsarfat was talking about. In typical Hebrew fashion he was too lazy to provide the link to the document and he forced the goy untermesch to do his work. Tsarfat does not bother to provide any references for sources or validity of the information, so we can assume that he lifted the information from the work of some goy untermensch and now would have us believe that only he, like the rest of his "Race of Lords", could have figured this out. Of course he would never admit that the only reason this is even partly true is because all this corruption goes on behind the secret veil of Jewish Privilege and Jewish corruption. barely legible 46 page screed is written in a schizophrenic style typical to this race of arrogant inbreds, however it is worth looking at. I really do not care about the French politics, especially coming from a very warped and distorted Jewish view point. I am not French and there are too many other European countries being trashed by Tsarfat's tribe that must be monitored to keep track the sordid details of Jewish political corruption and greed in them all. But the information concerning the Macron, the Rothshild family and Attali and the GE buyout of Alsthom is of interest.As if we did not know already from the mad genocidal push to force the goyim of the entire planet to take forced injections of gene altering jew-juice, behind the Talmudic veil of secrecy the Jews and their globalist puppets are hoovering up of all the jewels of goy industrial prowess and production, and it is happening simultaneously all over the planet. Today in the US it is being led by multiple Jewish run financial vats of corruption, Blackrock and Vanguard being the tip of the spear. Blackrock, which is run by very Jewish CEO Larry Fink, picked up the GEs Capital unit in 2015. Of course all these buy outs and mergers are financed by Rothschild controlled central banks across the planet who print up new debt to use to finance this looting of the goy middle classes everywhere. These central banks are run by Jews, Globalist shabbos Goyim and C-Jews like Carney, Lagarde, Draghi and Attali. This mad rush to consolidate the ownership of the production capacity of the entire planet under Jewish control is an integral component of the "Great Reset" and "Build Back Better". Another tentacle of Jewish corruption is the push by the CB's for ESG (Environment, Sustainability and Governance) control over every corporation of size that the Hebrews are unable to sink their fangs into and own outright. This is what ties Warmism together with the Plandemic.So this screed written by Tsarfat does help to "illuminate" (pun intended) the Hebrew corruption behind this global asset grab. The arrogance behind Tsarfat's assertion that it is the Hebrew tribe that created all this wealth is laughable. It is really the same as the Rothschild families contention that they own "money" itself, which is really just fiat debt notes created to enslave the goyim. But Tsarfat outdoes this ludicrous joke when he goes on to assert that only Jews like himself and Zemmour can save the goyim for the cesspool of corruption created by Jews like himself and Zemmour.This entire predicament the planet finds itself in reminds me of the predicament Germany found itself in in the early 1930's. Then it was the corruption and take over of German assets by corrupt Jews who owned the Banks, Judicial System, Education and Media, just like they have done to the entire planet today. Back then in Weimar Germany there was a steady stream of examples of Hebrew corruption, greed and fraud: Barmat Scandal, Sklarek Scandal, Kutisker Case and the Katzenellenbogen Case. In Weimar Germany there were also Jews who claimed to be "good Jews" like Trarfat and Zemmour, and they claimed that only they could save Germany. Of course Jews have been claiming that only they could save the Goyim ever since Moses got the Ten Commandments.Hitler famously said "A Jew is a Jew; all Jews stick together like burrs. Where there is one Jew, all kinds of other Jews gather right away. It would have been the duty of the Jews themselves to draw a dividing line between the various types. They did not do this; and that is why I must act against all Jews equally.". Tsarfat is just another Jew clumped into that burr with Zemmour. All of the Sayanim, at least the ones that haven't gone crypto, claim that they are not a part of that burr of Jewish Power and Jewish Privilege. But the truth is that it is impossible to what really goes on in the heart of a Jew, even assuming that he has one, and history has taught us that in the end the Jew will always sting the goyim like the Scorpion riding across the river on the back of the Alligator. That is his nature.Here is a great article about what the Jews did to Germany during Weimar:
"We’ve lived in many counties longer than you, and few of you have a claim to greater patriotism than some of us do.Jews have contributed more to American history than all the yokels and yeomen combined. Without us, you’d be living in caves and eating vermin from crevices.Your Christmas songs we’ve written, your war efforts we organized, your suburban castles we’ve underwritten and built, and we’ve clothed you and manufactured the pacifiers you still suck when going to bed. You hate Hollywood, but what else do you listen to, or watch. What else do you know or care for?"
Today, this is a factual statement. It wasn’t a factual statement during the 1950s. What changed. Do the names Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Herbert Marcuse ring a Frankfurt School bell? They were the ones primarily responsible for releasing the poison of political correctness into the West’s bloodstream. “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.†- Willie Munzenberg of the Frankfurt School … and boy does it ever stink! Mission Accomplished, boys!
Most Americans are not patriots. Most French are not Patriots.
Excerpts from, Pollard claims Jews ‘will always have dual loyalty,’ whether they know it or not:
I venture that on average Jews are more patriotic than gentiles, and especially in deed, not in words.
Although Pollard was giving this advice to an American Jew, he’d give the same advice to a Jew living in France, Germany, Sweden, Britain etc., etc., etc.Replies: @Patrick McNally
Asked how he felt about being accused by US Jews of having dual loyalties, Pollard did not take issue with the title. “If you don’t like the accusation of double loyalty, then go the F*** home,†he said bluntly.
“It’s as simple as that. If you live in a country where you are constantly under that charge, then you don’t belong there. You go home. You come home. If you[‘re] outside Israel, then you live in a society in which you are basically considered unreliable. The bottom line on this charge of dual loyalty is, I’m sorry, we’re Jews, and if we’re Jews, we will always have dual loyalty,†he added…And he suggested that if asked for advice, he would counsel a young US Jew working in the American security apparatus to spy for Israel.“I’d tell him, not doing anything is unacceptable. So simply going home [to Israel] is not acceptable. Making aliyah is not acceptable,†Pollard said. “You have to make a decision whether your concern for Israel and loyalty to Israel and loyalty to your fellow Jews is more important than your life.
“If you do nothing, and you turn your back, or simply make aliyah, and go on with your life, you’ll be no better than those Jews who before and after the destruction of the Temple said, ‘It’s not my responsibility.'â€
Is the France that Tsarfat and Zemmour “love†the same one that Vincent Reynouard has shown himself willing to sacrifice his life for?
To ask the question is to answer it.
Like I said before, Bl, you know me too well, lol!Merci beaucoup, for sharing these excellent letters. I enjoyed reading them very much, especially these particular excerpts:
Translate these texts for yourself. I am sure you will like them.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!P.S. Full English translation of letters follow:Vincent Reynouard, alive and free, gives his news! On Sunday December 19, 2021, at 10:31 p.m. Paris time, after almost two full months of silence, Vincent Reynouard, still in hiding, finally gave his news to reassure all those who were worried since his disappearance on Monday, October 25 from his former apartment in Greater London. Here is the text he wrote for his friends and supporters and which he wants to appear exclusively in Rivarol. It is a very beautiful Christmas present that he gives us, even if, of course, nothing for him is settled on the merits and his situation remains obviously very precarious because he is still actively sought by the British police, acting , it seems, at the request of the French authorities with a view to his extradition. Recall that he was sentenced to 29 months in prison by the French courts since his exile in the United Kingdom on June 16, 2015. He needs our prayers more than ever. Jerome Bourbon Message from Vincent Reynouard published in Rivarol Dear friends, I finally give you my news. After narrowly escaping arrest, I'm doing very well. I stay in a small room and, in the evening, I work for a few hours in an establishment. On October 25, two inspectors knocked on the door of my home to "speak to Vincent Reynouard". Inspectors who want to talk to you, I know. In July 2010, in Brussels, two inspectors asked me to follow them to talk to me and sign a paper. I followed them, I signed. In the evening, I slept in prison ... So last October 25, I played it all for the sake of denying being Vincent Reynouard. I explained that he was in France and that he would be back in two or three days. The inspectors left. But ten minutes later, they were banging on the door before opening it, I don't know how. I just had time to grab a pair of shoes and a spare external drive that I had ready in an emergency, and fled from behind. I hurtled down the stairs, jumped over a bike that blocked the last steps, then ran to a public garden. There, I got rid of the jacket the inspectors had seen, retrieved a face mask that was lying on the ground, and headed for the next village. Until the evening I wandered ... I was living a real movie! An English friend took me in. After three weeks, she found me a job with a boss friend who was (partially) informed of my situation, so who paid me in cash. I was able to buy myself the bare essentials for a living (underwear, a coat, pants, toiletries, a kettle and a bowl ...). Morning, noon and night, I eat Weetabix (Editor's note: whole wheat cereal) with powdered milk, because it does not require a refrigerator or preparation, and it is compact. How long will this last? I do not know. In my situation, I live from day to day. Friends cleared the apartment I lived in and stored my things in a safe place that was inaccessible to me. Despite everything, I do not regret anything. This life, I have chosen. I knew what I was exposing myself to. I had always wondered how it felt for the vanquished who, in 1945, fled after losing everything. Although my situation is infinitely less tragic, I live it a little. The experience excites me. Because living from day to day and relying totally on Providence gives me a feeling of immense, almost infinite freedom. To rest, with very little in the way of distraction, I meditate. Over the past two years, I had read a lot about it, but never practiced, because between my lessons and my videos, I was living a mile a minute. Now, alone in my room, I practice. In short, I am very happy and I fully understand the traditional teaching that the external situation is nothing, it is the way the mind reacts that is everything. At 52 years old, without family and wanted, I live like a penniless student. I will spend Christmas alone in my room, with my three Weetabixes and my bowl of tea. I might want to hang myself. I could consume myself in hatred of my adversaries. Now, my adversaries, I never think about it; they were and are only instruments of Providence. Once again, I knew what I was exposing myself to. I remember Professor Faurisson who, in his first letters, wrote to me: "You are seriously compromising your future". One day he said to me, "Wait until you graduate before you go into combat." I replied, "Professor, you tell me to wait until I graduate before entering the fight. Then you will say to me: wait until you have a situation. Then you will say to me: wait until you have a wife. Then you will tell me: wait until you have a family. Then you will say to me: wait until your children are old ... If I don't make a commitment at twenty, I will never make a commitment. Years later, Professor Faurisson told me: "Your answer struck me. I realized then that the succession was assured. Thirty years later, I am happy to have taken over this role. As for the urge to hang myself, as I write I have never loved life so much. Some will say to me, “Sure, but unlike the penniless student, your life is behind you. " Error ! Life is always ahead of you when you have become aware of the essentials. In the field of the spirit, I still have so much to learn, so much to discover ... And even if, tomorrow, I find myself in prison, that will not prevent me from living this adventure of the spirit which, despite four walls imprisoning the body, opens up endless horizons. I add that in prison, I will write my memoirs. This year marked the thirtieth anniversary of my first trial and of my first conviction for revisionism. It was in November and December 1991. Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of my dismissal from National Education. It was April 23, 1997. In the tranquility of my cell, with board and lodging provided, I will have all the time I need. I will tell it all, details to back it up, with many anecdotes that I have never shared in my writing or in my videos. Here are a few. On May 7, 1990, I distributed revisionist leaflets in the university campuses of Caen. I was studying chemistry at the city's engineering school, located on the campus border. Two days later, France learned of the desecration of the Carpentras cemetery. In the fever that followed, my distribution of leaflets was seen as an unbearable provocation. Local television reporters came to my school to question me. I accepted. Panic in the premises. In the evening, a fragment of the interview was broadcast in the regional newspaper. The school put me on a disciplinary board for "smearing its reputation." She fired me for one year, including nine months suspended, the sentence to be served the following school year. The decision was illegal. The school knew, so she refused to notify me. A retired friend of mine, who had studied law, dictated an appeal for annulment to be filed with the administrative court. I followed his advice. In the evening, the phone rang. "- Monsieur Reynouard? A voice said. " - Yes. I replied. "- You filed an appeal with the administrative court? " " - Yes. Only my retired friend knew that. I tell myself it must be a journalist. The voice continued: 'The appeal will be dismissed because it is poorly drafted. I'll tell you how it should be written. I picked up a pen and wrote down under the dictation. "- Have you noted correctly? The voice said. " - Yes. " " - Good-bye then. The person hung up. I telephoned my friend; he advised me to follow the anonymous advice, which I did. When the case came to the hearing, the first appeal was effectively dismissed for technicality, and the court ruled in favor of the second. He ordered my immediate reinstatement in the facility. I deduced that in the administrative tribunal of Caen, the revisionists had an ally. The person never came forward ... On one or two other occasions, I was helped in court. So in 1999, when I was sentenced to prison for distributing the Rudolf Report, the Court of Appeal let the statute of limitations pass. This way I avoided fines and jail. The civil party lawyer arguing against me was furious. He blurted out, "I can't believe the file was forgotten. With Maitre Delcroix, we left the courtroom very happy. He then said mischievously, "I believe a good soul has quietly placed your file under the pile. " I will tell other funny anecdotes. So this inspector from the city of Honfleur responsible for arresting me and questioning me. His name appeared on the door of his office: "Philippe Enriot". I burst out laughing: "- Very honored to be interviewed by Philippe Enriot". "- There is no H in my name! He replied a little annoyed. As for the judge charged, in 2010, with informing me of my incarceration in the prison of Valenciennes, her name was Émilie Joly. Having seen my personality, the inspector who had met me at the French border said: "I see you have a sense of humor. So I warn you, the judge's name is Émilie Joly, but I advise against making a remark on her name, she would not appreciate it! " A few years earlier, an investigating judge had placed me under judicial supervision with several obligations. In his office were several law students who had come to witness the scene. Obviously very honored, the judge looked at me. Knowing that I was a private tutor, she said: "- Among the obligations, the prohibition to give lessons to minors. "" - Minors of age or profession? I smiled. "- Monsieur Reynouard! She said exasperated. In Brussels, the inspector dealing with revisionism affairs was Cornélis. During an interrogation, he asked me, staring at his computer screen, "Are you aware of breaking the law? »« - Of course! I replied. He interrupted the strike, looked up and stared at me. " - I said something wrong ? "" No, he replied. But it's so rare to see people taking responsibility for their actions. " I have always assumed, because telling the truth is not a shame, it is an honor, especially when the truth is banished. M. Cornelis liked me. One day, he arrived around 7:30 am to search me. I was going to take my kids to school. I told him, "Start without me, Inspector, you know where it is!" »« - I cannot, he said to me, it would be illegal. "" But I have to take my kids to school! The inspector turned to one of his subordinates and asked him to get in the car to take my children. In the evening, they came back all excited: "We were in the Police car, there were lots of buttons everywhere!" Another time, the inspector arrived later, when I was about to take my wife and two of my children to the doctor. Again, he asked a subordinate to do it for me. My wife told me that when I got to the doctor, the subordinate said to her, "At what time should I come and pick you up? She thanked him for his kindness and told him that she would return by public transport. Inspector Cornelis was correct with me because I was correct with him. One day I said to him, "You are doing your job as a civil servant, that's normal. If tomorrow I came to power you wouldn't be worried, you could stay in your post. It was sincere. I denounce the Purge perpetrated in 1945, it is not to wish one if I was the stronger. My goal is not to crush my enemies, because as a nonviolent (physical and intellectual), I make my own this motto of Lanza del Vasto: "You really defeated an enemy when you made a friend of him. . " If I am arrested, extradited and imprisoned, in the calm of my cell, I will tell all this ... I will tell the hole drilled, with my eldest son, in the wall of my office in order to recover things without breaking the seals that the Police had placed on the door. On either side of the wall was a bookcase. The hole could therefore be masked. The police only saw fire there. They had sealed boxes full of books; a week later, they took away boxes that were three quarters empty. I will also tell personal anecdotes. One day my oldest son said to me, "When we tell our friends about our vacations with you, they tell us they've never had one before. Our vacation was indeed special. One year, we organized a competition with a priest: he was the one who would find the oldest legible tomb. We walked through the old cemeteries. One day we saw a mausoleum belonging to a noble family. The interior looked beautiful, but the door was locked, with a rather rusty lock. I had learned to open that kind of lock. I opened the door and we entered. The interior was indeed very beautiful: it was a miniature replica of a church. Behind the altar, an access to the basement. We went there. Simply placed on the ground, the coffins were there. The last burial was in the 1960s. Everything was full of dust, the show was worthy of a fantasy film. We left after having said a prayer and without touching anything ... When I look back, I don't regret a thing. Life has taught me so much. And even thrown in jail, I still have a lot to offer you. For now, I wish you all a holy Christmas. Vincent ReynouardBonus: an unpublished text by Vincent Reynouard,
My goal is not to crush my enemies, because as a nonviolent (physical and intellectual), I make my own this motto of Lanza del Vasto: "You really defeated an enemy when you made a friend of him. . " [NTD: good luck making friends with this particular enemy]We are far, far from the image of the Third Reich conveyed by propaganda ...I repeat: for me, the races manifest every aspect of human nature. They allow those who are embodied in this or that race to live this or that destiny. It is in accordance with nature…I just recognize that there are different races, who express different sides of human nature, and that generalized miscegenation should be avoided.
Thank you both for that letter and the translation. It was very moving.
So my question to both of you, Geokat and Bugey, and Tsarfat as well, is:
Is the France that Tsarfat and Zemmour “love” the same one that Vincent Reynouard has shown himself willing to sacrifice his life for?
I don’t think that it is. I believe that these Jews “love” the France where Jews are the “Race of Lordsâ€. They love the France where they benefit from Jewish Privilege, Jewish Nepotism, and Freedom of Speech. Tsarfat and Zemmour would never live their lives underground, struggling for a French France. They would run off to Israel or some other colony of Judea where they could enjoy the fruits of Jewish power.
This is why they lie when they claim that they “love” France. They do no such thing, they only love their lives of privilege in the lands that truly belong to the French, and the only ones stupid enough to believe them are other Jews.
To ask the question is to answer it.
Is the France that Tsarfat and Zemmour “love†the same one that Vincent Reynouard has shown himself willing to sacrifice his life for?
Translate these texts for yourself. I am sure you will like them.
Like I said before, Bl, you know me too well, lol!
Merci beaucoup, for sharing these excellent letters.
I enjoyed reading them very much, especially these particular excerpts:
My goal is not to crush my enemies, because as a nonviolent (physical and intellectual), I make my own this motto of Lanza del Vasto: “You really defeated an enemy when you made a friend of him. . ” [NTD: good luck making friends with this particular enemy]
We are far, far from the image of the Third Reich conveyed by propaganda …
I repeat: for me, the races manifest every aspect of human nature. They allow those who are embodied in this or that race to live this or that destiny. It is in accordance with nature…
I just recognize that there are different races, who express different sides of human nature, and that generalized miscegenation should be avoided.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
P.S. Full English translation of letters follow:
Yes, Bl.. “Civic nationalism†is as close as any ethno-European will come to real sovereignty.
E et R among the numerous thinkers, harbours Gilad Atzmon, is very open to many different trends of “civicâ€nationalism.
Hi geokat 63,
Translate these texts for yourself. I am sure you will like them.
God Jul
Like I said before, Bl, you know me too well, lol!Merci beaucoup, for sharing these excellent letters. I enjoyed reading them very much, especially these particular excerpts:
Translate these texts for yourself. I am sure you will like them.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!P.S. Full English translation of letters follow:Vincent Reynouard, alive and free, gives his news! On Sunday December 19, 2021, at 10:31 p.m. Paris time, after almost two full months of silence, Vincent Reynouard, still in hiding, finally gave his news to reassure all those who were worried since his disappearance on Monday, October 25 from his former apartment in Greater London. Here is the text he wrote for his friends and supporters and which he wants to appear exclusively in Rivarol. It is a very beautiful Christmas present that he gives us, even if, of course, nothing for him is settled on the merits and his situation remains obviously very precarious because he is still actively sought by the British police, acting , it seems, at the request of the French authorities with a view to his extradition. Recall that he was sentenced to 29 months in prison by the French courts since his exile in the United Kingdom on June 16, 2015. He needs our prayers more than ever. Jerome Bourbon Message from Vincent Reynouard published in Rivarol Dear friends, I finally give you my news. After narrowly escaping arrest, I'm doing very well. I stay in a small room and, in the evening, I work for a few hours in an establishment. On October 25, two inspectors knocked on the door of my home to "speak to Vincent Reynouard". Inspectors who want to talk to you, I know. In July 2010, in Brussels, two inspectors asked me to follow them to talk to me and sign a paper. I followed them, I signed. In the evening, I slept in prison ... So last October 25, I played it all for the sake of denying being Vincent Reynouard. I explained that he was in France and that he would be back in two or three days. The inspectors left. But ten minutes later, they were banging on the door before opening it, I don't know how. I just had time to grab a pair of shoes and a spare external drive that I had ready in an emergency, and fled from behind. I hurtled down the stairs, jumped over a bike that blocked the last steps, then ran to a public garden. There, I got rid of the jacket the inspectors had seen, retrieved a face mask that was lying on the ground, and headed for the next village. Until the evening I wandered ... I was living a real movie! An English friend took me in. After three weeks, she found me a job with a boss friend who was (partially) informed of my situation, so who paid me in cash. I was able to buy myself the bare essentials for a living (underwear, a coat, pants, toiletries, a kettle and a bowl ...). Morning, noon and night, I eat Weetabix (Editor's note: whole wheat cereal) with powdered milk, because it does not require a refrigerator or preparation, and it is compact. How long will this last? I do not know. In my situation, I live from day to day. Friends cleared the apartment I lived in and stored my things in a safe place that was inaccessible to me. Despite everything, I do not regret anything. This life, I have chosen. I knew what I was exposing myself to. I had always wondered how it felt for the vanquished who, in 1945, fled after losing everything. Although my situation is infinitely less tragic, I live it a little. The experience excites me. Because living from day to day and relying totally on Providence gives me a feeling of immense, almost infinite freedom. To rest, with very little in the way of distraction, I meditate. Over the past two years, I had read a lot about it, but never practiced, because between my lessons and my videos, I was living a mile a minute. Now, alone in my room, I practice. In short, I am very happy and I fully understand the traditional teaching that the external situation is nothing, it is the way the mind reacts that is everything. At 52 years old, without family and wanted, I live like a penniless student. I will spend Christmas alone in my room, with my three Weetabixes and my bowl of tea. I might want to hang myself. I could consume myself in hatred of my adversaries. Now, my adversaries, I never think about it; they were and are only instruments of Providence. Once again, I knew what I was exposing myself to. I remember Professor Faurisson who, in his first letters, wrote to me: "You are seriously compromising your future". One day he said to me, "Wait until you graduate before you go into combat." I replied, "Professor, you tell me to wait until I graduate before entering the fight. Then you will say to me: wait until you have a situation. Then you will say to me: wait until you have a wife. Then you will tell me: wait until you have a family. Then you will say to me: wait until your children are old ... If I don't make a commitment at twenty, I will never make a commitment. Years later, Professor Faurisson told me: "Your answer struck me. I realized then that the succession was assured. Thirty years later, I am happy to have taken over this role. As for the urge to hang myself, as I write I have never loved life so much. Some will say to me, “Sure, but unlike the penniless student, your life is behind you. " Error ! Life is always ahead of you when you have become aware of the essentials. In the field of the spirit, I still have so much to learn, so much to discover ... And even if, tomorrow, I find myself in prison, that will not prevent me from living this adventure of the spirit which, despite four walls imprisoning the body, opens up endless horizons. I add that in prison, I will write my memoirs. This year marked the thirtieth anniversary of my first trial and of my first conviction for revisionism. It was in November and December 1991. Next year will mark the 25th anniversary of my dismissal from National Education. It was April 23, 1997. In the tranquility of my cell, with board and lodging provided, I will have all the time I need. I will tell it all, details to back it up, with many anecdotes that I have never shared in my writing or in my videos. Here are a few. On May 7, 1990, I distributed revisionist leaflets in the university campuses of Caen. I was studying chemistry at the city's engineering school, located on the campus border. Two days later, France learned of the desecration of the Carpentras cemetery. In the fever that followed, my distribution of leaflets was seen as an unbearable provocation. Local television reporters came to my school to question me. I accepted. Panic in the premises. In the evening, a fragment of the interview was broadcast in the regional newspaper. The school put me on a disciplinary board for "smearing its reputation." She fired me for one year, including nine months suspended, the sentence to be served the following school year. The decision was illegal. The school knew, so she refused to notify me. A retired friend of mine, who had studied law, dictated an appeal for annulment to be filed with the administrative court. I followed his advice. In the evening, the phone rang. "- Monsieur Reynouard? A voice said. " - Yes. I replied. "- You filed an appeal with the administrative court? " " - Yes. Only my retired friend knew that. I tell myself it must be a journalist. The voice continued: 'The appeal will be dismissed because it is poorly drafted. I'll tell you how it should be written. I picked up a pen and wrote down under the dictation. "- Have you noted correctly? The voice said. " - Yes. " " - Good-bye then. The person hung up. I telephoned my friend; he advised me to follow the anonymous advice, which I did. When the case came to the hearing, the first appeal was effectively dismissed for technicality, and the court ruled in favor of the second. He ordered my immediate reinstatement in the facility. I deduced that in the administrative tribunal of Caen, the revisionists had an ally. The person never came forward ... On one or two other occasions, I was helped in court. So in 1999, when I was sentenced to prison for distributing the Rudolf Report, the Court of Appeal let the statute of limitations pass. This way I avoided fines and jail. The civil party lawyer arguing against me was furious. He blurted out, "I can't believe the file was forgotten. With Maitre Delcroix, we left the courtroom very happy. He then said mischievously, "I believe a good soul has quietly placed your file under the pile. " I will tell other funny anecdotes. So this inspector from the city of Honfleur responsible for arresting me and questioning me. His name appeared on the door of his office: "Philippe Enriot". I burst out laughing: "- Very honored to be interviewed by Philippe Enriot". "- There is no H in my name! He replied a little annoyed. As for the judge charged, in 2010, with informing me of my incarceration in the prison of Valenciennes, her name was Émilie Joly. Having seen my personality, the inspector who had met me at the French border said: "I see you have a sense of humor. So I warn you, the judge's name is Émilie Joly, but I advise against making a remark on her name, she would not appreciate it! " A few years earlier, an investigating judge had placed me under judicial supervision with several obligations. In his office were several law students who had come to witness the scene. Obviously very honored, the judge looked at me. Knowing that I was a private tutor, she said: "- Among the obligations, the prohibition to give lessons to minors. "" - Minors of age or profession? I smiled. "- Monsieur Reynouard! She said exasperated. In Brussels, the inspector dealing with revisionism affairs was Cornélis. During an interrogation, he asked me, staring at his computer screen, "Are you aware of breaking the law? »« - Of course! I replied. He interrupted the strike, looked up and stared at me. " - I said something wrong ? "" No, he replied. But it's so rare to see people taking responsibility for their actions. " I have always assumed, because telling the truth is not a shame, it is an honor, especially when the truth is banished. M. Cornelis liked me. One day, he arrived around 7:30 am to search me. I was going to take my kids to school. I told him, "Start without me, Inspector, you know where it is!" »« - I cannot, he said to me, it would be illegal. "" But I have to take my kids to school! The inspector turned to one of his subordinates and asked him to get in the car to take my children. In the evening, they came back all excited: "We were in the Police car, there were lots of buttons everywhere!" Another time, the inspector arrived later, when I was about to take my wife and two of my children to the doctor. Again, he asked a subordinate to do it for me. My wife told me that when I got to the doctor, the subordinate said to her, "At what time should I come and pick you up? She thanked him for his kindness and told him that she would return by public transport. Inspector Cornelis was correct with me because I was correct with him. One day I said to him, "You are doing your job as a civil servant, that's normal. If tomorrow I came to power you wouldn't be worried, you could stay in your post. It was sincere. I denounce the Purge perpetrated in 1945, it is not to wish one if I was the stronger. My goal is not to crush my enemies, because as a nonviolent (physical and intellectual), I make my own this motto of Lanza del Vasto: "You really defeated an enemy when you made a friend of him. . " If I am arrested, extradited and imprisoned, in the calm of my cell, I will tell all this ... I will tell the hole drilled, with my eldest son, in the wall of my office in order to recover things without breaking the seals that the Police had placed on the door. On either side of the wall was a bookcase. The hole could therefore be masked. The police only saw fire there. They had sealed boxes full of books; a week later, they took away boxes that were three quarters empty. I will also tell personal anecdotes. One day my oldest son said to me, "When we tell our friends about our vacations with you, they tell us they've never had one before. Our vacation was indeed special. One year, we organized a competition with a priest: he was the one who would find the oldest legible tomb. We walked through the old cemeteries. One day we saw a mausoleum belonging to a noble family. The interior looked beautiful, but the door was locked, with a rather rusty lock. I had learned to open that kind of lock. I opened the door and we entered. The interior was indeed very beautiful: it was a miniature replica of a church. Behind the altar, an access to the basement. We went there. Simply placed on the ground, the coffins were there. The last burial was in the 1960s. Everything was full of dust, the show was worthy of a fantasy film. We left after having said a prayer and without touching anything ... When I look back, I don't regret a thing. Life has taught me so much. And even thrown in jail, I still have a lot to offer you. For now, I wish you all a holy Christmas. Vincent ReynouardBonus: an unpublished text by Vincent Reynouard,
My goal is not to crush my enemies, because as a nonviolent (physical and intellectual), I make my own this motto of Lanza del Vasto: "You really defeated an enemy when you made a friend of him. . " [NTD: good luck making friends with this particular enemy]We are far, far from the image of the Third Reich conveyed by propaganda ...I repeat: for me, the races manifest every aspect of human nature. They allow those who are embodied in this or that race to live this or that destiny. It is in accordance with nature…I just recognize that there are different races, who express different sides of human nature, and that generalized miscegenation should be avoided.
In the Rabbinical Courts of God’s Chosen People, no Hebrew is ever guilty after swinging his chickens. So since Jews own the media and have written the history for centuries, yes all Jews and C-Jews will deny until they die and all the media on the planet, which they own, will agree. In other words, Dreyfus is just as innocent as the hundreds of thousands of Jews who served in the Wehrmacht and SS were gassed and cremated at Auschwitz.
E et R among the numerous thinkers, harbours Gilad Atzmon, is very open to many different trends of “civicâ€nationalism.
Yes, Bl.. “Civic nationalism†is as close as any ethno-European will come to real sovereignty.
They’re playing the exact same card throughout the West.
Problem – flood the West with millions of migrants
Reaction – the indigenous people of Europe and the European-derived peoples in the Anglo sphere cry out for someone who will put an end to mass migration and the destruction of their homeland
Solution – put forth a candidate who condemns “radicalised†immigrants who come exclusively from Muslim countries, but welcomes mass immigration from everywhere else…
The best example of this is Tommy (five names) Robinson in the UK. He’s been exposed as a Jewish shill, doing massive harm to the indigenous Brits by deceiving them into thinking polite society is one that embraces “civic nationalism†and renounces “ethno-nationalism†for being too extreme – i.e., neo-nazi and raycuss… while at the same time being a staunch supporter of Jewish ethno-nationalism.
The Board of Deputies in the UK have declared that Never again! means saying “goodbye†to blood and soil and “hello†to multiculti.
CRIF in France have declared that Never again! means saying “goodbye†to blood and soil and “hello†to multiculti.
One final example… there are many, many more!
Ronald Lauder, the so-called “philanthropist†from the World Jewish Congress, told then Greek PM Antonis Samaras in 2015 that Golden Dawn represented a major threat to the security of the Jewish people residing in occupied-Greece and that if he didn’t deal with the issue, the WJC would smear his name in the Jewish-owned media in occupied-Greece and quickly replace him with someone who would deal with the issue.
Samaras put out the order to the justices of the Supreme Court of occupied-Greece to deem the political party of GD a criminal organisation, dismantle it, and put the party’s top leaders behind bars for 13.5 years.
Now, that’s what I call “kosher philanthropyâ€!
Lol. Like that traitor to France, Dreyfus. Just your typical Jew who "loved" France sooo much that he broke his oaths of loyalty and sold military secrets to Prussia. Thats not treason, it is just another unavoidable inbred Hebrew personality flaw that is as old as the bible.
"we righteous Jews (i.e. those on the right) will save your loser asses."
Of course Lieber was selling bioweapons. Well poison, so to speak. This is also an ancient Jewish tradition. And it sounds like he was recruiting more spies for Israel, er, China.
Without Harvard’s knowledge, Lieber became a “strategic scientist†for the Wuhan Institute of Technology in central China and participated in Beijing’s Thousand Talents Program from 2012 to 2015.
The program was designed to recruit people with high-level ​knowledge of foreign technology and intellectual property to China.
As part of the recruitment program, the Wuhan institute paid Lieber $50,000 a month and living expenses of up to $150,000, as well as giving him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab.
Except that it wasn’t Dreyfus at all. It was Esterhazy, as identified from both the handwriting and other evidence by Picquart.
After all these years, watching the video makes me doubt if the whole thing had been real. In any instance, Soral didn’t give any real punch but was moving very well. If the punches had been real Conversano would have been knocked out. His low kick was good. Some of you know Bugey Libre is a long time martial art student… and knows when to hide his long hair… LOL
There is only one instance where Alain Soral (who is not my cup of tea as an individual) has ever been violent. It was against Conversano during a debate. I you consider that late individual to be “a better nationalist” you are a total joke. He hasn’t ever produce any real thinking, even less writings. He hasn’t been able to organised anything, he is a fraud, a joke, a sketchy character. During this debate, Conversano, lacking reasoned arguments went emotional and shouted at Soral who was expecting a real serious debate. Never in the whole story of E et R has the organisation incite violence or have been condemn for that crime of real acted violence. It’s leader has never ever been condemned for violence of any kind. The English locutors will read thru the body language.
But I remember more than ten years ago, Besancenot (extreme left) boasting on MSM (TV revolutionary and friend of Attali) about the fact that it’s organisation had “cleaned up” a demonstration against one of the other crime of Israël against the Palestinians, of the so called Fascists because there were French flag. At that time the Kasher extreme left was highjacking the Palestinian cause.
E et R is the total opposite of anti-fa. Pretending otherwise is just utterly as ridiculous than saying JM Le Pen was in the PCR (Soral used to be). E et R among the numerous thinkers, harbours Gilad Atzmon, is very open to many different trends of “civic”nationalism. A friend of mine adhered to the organisation with his girlfriend a lawyer, a French jewish patriot. She has always been welcomed. E et R is a multiracial project around one motto. E et R’s organisation is practical and not only theoretical and organises it’s adherents around meaningful project (buying food collectively for instance, promoting organic farming) on each regions of France. Anyway…
As you wrote, “Dieudo” is hated by a certain kind of Jews, not all of them, and why? Because as go the French saying, “he presses on the right button”, the one that hurts the truth. He has never been against regular Jews. You know that many of these are intimidated, scared with the ‘organised community’ and they love him because he is a voice for them as for many of the Goyim. The readers should know for instances that some Jews in Villeurbanne had done a “quenelle” and exposed themselves on Facebook. They had been fiercely been beaten by the LDJ and the thugs took refuge in Israel after that criminal act.
You haven’t answer the question I asked you in my last comment, ok. Let me ask you again. Who is financing Zémmour?
“””Julien Madar : un homme clé
Renseignements pris, l’appartement du deuxième étage appartient à une société nommée Société Poissonnière. Une SAS (société par actions simplifiée) qui a été créée le 28 octobre 2019 par quatre actionnaires, parmi lesquels deux dentistes de Créteil, et surtout leur cousin : Julien Madar. C’est ce dernier qui a mis la boîte aux lettres à disposition de l’équipe d’Éric Zemmour. Âgé de 32 ans, il est le directeur général de Checkmyguest. Ancien banquier d’affaire chez Rothschild, où il s’était spécialisé dans la fusion-acquisition pendant son année de césure, il a d’abord étudié à l’université de Columbia, à New York. Après cela, il a créé une association d’investisseurs (club deal) avec un ami, également banquier chez Rothschild, avant de rejoindre Checkmyguest, une jeune pousse qu’il avait aidée il y a quelques années en levant 7 millions d’euros de fonds.”””
Is that true or not?? Please, bring substance to your answer.
Finaly you required Iris to be “Cartesian” (I think you meant to use organised reasoning) and in the same time you tell us that Zémmour is “hope”and “majic”… What kind of trick is that?? Maybe the one among the sharpest mind…
Yes, Bl.. “Civic nationalism†is as close as any ethno-European will come to real sovereignty.
E et R among the numerous thinkers, harbours Gilad Atzmon, is very open to many different trends of “civicâ€nationalism.
“we righteous Jews (i.e. those on the right) will save your loser asses.”
Lol. Like that traitor to France, Dreyfus. Just your typical Jew who “loved” France sooo much that he broke his oaths of loyalty and sold military secrets to Prussia. Thats not treason, it is just another unavoidable inbred Hebrew personality flaw that is as old as the bible.
Speaking of Dreyfus, another Hebrew has shown his true colors, once again in the US. The Jews have sold everything of value in the US to its enemies except the proverbial kitchen sink…
Ex-Harvard professor Charles Lieber convicted of lying about China ties
Roosevelt’s’ entire Jewish Kabbal behind the atom bomb were selling secrets to the USSR throughout the entire WWII for Israel, and in the lead up to the cold war afterwards. Jews are like Zebras, they cannot change their stripes. Dreyfus, Rosenberg, Oppenheimer, Pollock, and now Lieber.
Without Harvard’s knowledge, Lieber became a “strategic scientist†for the Wuhan Institute of Technology in central China and participated in Beijing’s Thousand Talents Program from 2012 to 2015.
The program was designed to recruit people with high-level ​knowledge of foreign technology and intellectual property to China.
As part of the recruitment program, the Wuhan institute paid Lieber $50,000 a month and living expenses of up to $150,000, as well as giving him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab.
Of course Lieber was selling bioweapons. Well poison, so to speak. This is also an ancient Jewish tradition. And it sounds like he was recruiting more spies for Israel, er, China.
$50k/month is just chicken feed. But then again, Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Judas was probably a patron saint to both Dreyfus and Lieber. Oh, I forget, Lieber’s betrayal was tax free. Jews don’t pay taxes to the IRS or anyone else.
I guess Lieber will be swinging several chickens on Kapparot this year. I wonder how many chickens Dreyfus had to swing. A “sharp mind” like Tsarfat could surely inform us.
It’s a lovely cartoon, Sepp. It’s really you, to a tee. Did you do it yourself?
One Talmudist lunatic that I saw on-line declared the USA to be the ‘United States of Amalek’-you know, destined for destruction. It’s crime? Out-marriage, or as the lunatic put it so nicely, ‘The loss of precious Jewish souls’.
Brutal, indeed!
I’ll be brutal. It’s not like gentiles are capable of organizing anything.
Arrogant Jews trolling their readers. Its as old as the bible.
To paraphrase the famous observation about the nature of Jews: “The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you”
As the Jew assassinates your leaders and under the secret veil of Tikkun Olam meddles in every corner of your nation that granted him asylum, he accuses you of being incapable of “organizing anything”.
I’ll be brutal. It’s not like gentiles are capable of organizing anything.
Brutal, indeed!
Gentiles organising Western civilisation was such a trivial achievement.
Subverting said civilisation is where the real talent lies!
As the Jew assassinates your leaders and under the secret veil of Tikkun Olam meddles in every corner of your nation that granted him asylum, he accuses you of being incapable of "organizing anything".
I’ve expressed my views about Soral in previous comments on this website. Look them up. He is antifa and Islamophile. He physically assaults anyone who mentions “racial categories,” i.e. Whites, Blacks, etc. I am not trying to fool native readers about anyone. You, if you are French, are foolish to accept Soral at face value, seeing what he is allowed to get away with. I do not mean his speech acts. I do not care about those or his views on Jews. I mean his threats, violence, his take-downs of far better nationalists.
Mbala Mbala is hated by certain Jews for his Israel-Heil skit. I am not bothered by his skits. Like Zemmour, I distinguish physical assault from verbal ones, and unlike some commentators here whining about Bollore’s “attacks” on POCs, sounding like woke twats, I believe in absolute freedom of speech, but absolute death penalty for physical assault.
Bollore is not Zemmour’s backer, unless you have a credible source, i.e. not MSM rumors, or your own acceptance of them. If you are French, you should know better than to parrot the latest rumor. Think a little harder. Has Canal+ given POCs a hard time? More than other chains? Is CNews really Fox? Seriously?
Yawn. MSM paranoia.
Recall Zemmour’s history of multiple-engagements with different channels. In no way tied to Bollore specifically. This is a a very recent rumor (two months at most!), linked to elections. Be more Cartesian.
That said, so what!? So what if Bollore did decide to put his fortune on the line. We would not know if it is for ratings, or conviction. Certainly not the conviction of the past. He must have converted like Bannon did. I think that unlikely. Still, what if he did? Since when has anyone taken notice of him except right now? Suddenly he’s so powerful? Sounds more like Zemmour is making Bollore interesting, and not vice versa.
Right now the point is moot, but it would be irrelevant even if proven true. Nitpicking Anti-Semites waste their time on a George Soros when the whole leadership of the community is about 80% in Soros camp. The same idiots who whine about Soros money in BLM, while IBM, HP, Microsoft, and Google all give tens of millions to the same organization. Yes Soros is a twerp, no, you’re being ignorant when all you know is Soros.
Same with Bollore. It’s a waste of time right now and shouldn’t be used to distract from Zemmour, who deserves maximum attention and presentation to English speakers. People need to wake up to the hope and magic that he is. Compare him to Trump, and Putin, as I did on my blog.
I’ll be brutal. It’s not like gentiles are capable of organizing anything, and as I wrote on my Messiah Piece, we righteous Jews (i.e. those on the right) will save your loser asses. You’re too far along in the rabbit hole of ignorance and conspiracy theories to know where to turn on your own. Takes a sharp mind to show you the path. Your minds are dull. The Unz review is among the sharpest in the world, and the readership smarter than the average, and still there’s nothing to give hope. I assume reactions to this statement will only prove the observation.
Brutal, indeed!
I’ll be brutal. It’s not like gentiles are capable of organizing anything.
Lol. Like that traitor to France, Dreyfus. Just your typical Jew who "loved" France sooo much that he broke his oaths of loyalty and sold military secrets to Prussia. Thats not treason, it is just another unavoidable inbred Hebrew personality flaw that is as old as the bible.
"we righteous Jews (i.e. those on the right) will save your loser asses."
Of course Lieber was selling bioweapons. Well poison, so to speak. This is also an ancient Jewish tradition. And it sounds like he was recruiting more spies for Israel, er, China.
Without Harvard’s knowledge, Lieber became a “strategic scientist†for the Wuhan Institute of Technology in central China and participated in Beijing’s Thousand Talents Program from 2012 to 2015.
The program was designed to recruit people with high-level ​knowledge of foreign technology and intellectual property to China.
As part of the recruitment program, the Wuhan institute paid Lieber $50,000 a month and living expenses of up to $150,000, as well as giving him more than $1.5 million to establish a research lab.
Some variant of obligate mutualism w/ Jews on top? Pinocchio's nose could not grow any longer.
It’s not like gentiles are capable of organizing anything, and as I wrote on my Messiah Piece, we righteous Jews (i.e. those on the right) will save your loser asses.
As in Protocol 1:20 "A people left to itself, i.e., to upstarts from its midst, brings itself to ruin..."
You’re too far along in the rabbit hole of ignorance and conspiracy theories to know where to turn on your own. Takes a sharp mind to show you the path. Your minds are dull.
Whose hope? Ha.
The Unz review is among the sharpest in the world, and the readership smarter than the average, and still there’s nothing to give hope.
That's because you take the readers for a ride and think they are retards.
I don’t pretend to know Zemmour’s backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not.
…how do you know that Bollore is backing Zemmour?
what other than this rummor, and Bollore’s partial Jewish ancestry, do you know about the man?
You are parroting what the Financial Times, New York Times, and CNN and Fox have already said – Zemmour has a secret backer, his name is Vincent Bollore. Bollore is dangerous, he wants to create the Fox news of France. Blah blab blah blah.
Few men made a greater effort to elect Emanuel Macron than Vincent Bollore. If you are going to claim that he is willing to destroy all of his investments and status by supporting Zemmour, you better have proof.
All you have right now, is ignorance. Mainstream ignorance, and your own. Your own ignorance of who Bollore actually his, what he represents, and how close he was to every single president since Chirac. Your ignorance of French electoral practice and law.
Your igorance serves no purpose other than to keep you in the dark. To keep your mind closed to a candidate who is as close to ideal as they come. The Mainstream Media’s ignorance is designed to pressure French media to blacklist Zemmour. Bollore’s editorial line is too neutral for their taste, but you are in left field if you think Canal+ has in any way granted Zemmour more time than competitors.
Don’t conflate the logic of the media market with explicit candidate backing, and learn and back off from claims which you can’t substantiate even to yourself.
In France all candidates have strictly limited airtime, and campaign donations are severely limited. French oligarchs work differently to influence elections. Listen and learn how Bollore actually helped Macron in 2017, and you’ll think twice next time you fall for MSM rumors. Zemmour is not getting any of that more obvious backing that Macron got from Bollore.
Regarding Bollore’s Jewish ancestry. He does not identify Jewish, nor has been publicly identified as such. His grandmother was Jewish, and while the Jude-obsessed (both philo and anti) might believe this makes someone Jewish, the majority of us don’t consider someone Jewish unless they have concrete ties to our community. Bollore’s grandmother was first and foremost a French patriot. Hence the honors from De Gaulle. Vincent is not a member of any Jewish organization nor is known to have given a single donation to one.
You’re in your own, and the MSM’s, fantasy world.
I would be quite interested if you could substantiate that claim. I linked to the site where I based my claims about the protocols on, they do not come from Makow. I do follow Makow on Gab, but I disagree with him on many issues of historical importance.
"House’s copy is called the “Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom,†because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House."
One of the earliest versions of the Protocols to make it across the Atlantic was picked up by American intelligence, and treated quite seriously, although with skepticism. You should be able to find the sources. That is how House obtained his copy.
Hi Geokat63,
lol, it took some time, but my stock on TUR is finally beginning to appreciate!
P.S. thanks for the video. For those whose French is as rudimentary as mine, here’s an English translation of the video’s description:
No offense Sepp. All races are now being dumbed down and destroyed. Don’t forget that our royals are in the same elitist train to destroy the Human genetic pool and change the genome… It started with the GMO and now in the West people eat 4kg of additives in food yearly. Chinese are fed with shit also and babies are given birth in totally unatural conditions in most of the countries…
The Frankists thought of Napoléon as a prophet…
Geokat reminded us of the demented prophethies of the Talmudic psycho… In their ignorance they had never taken into account the high probability of comets impacting the earth or global cooling plus the ring of fire exulting.
Remember of the millions saber rattle tigers, mammuths, etc… found in the permafrost of Siberia, braught there because of a massive tsunami?…
The Karaites don’t have the Talmud and have remained quiet…
Hi, Bl. You know me too well, lol.
Hi Geokat62, I know you’re reading.
Although well meaning, this is an impossibility, Bl.
Please, join the Goyims… we’ll be brothers and sisters. You see! It ‘s Christmas, One Love!
Hi Geokat63,
It’s in the Old Testament man, all along some Jews leave the tribe to go live with the Human Beings and their demented psychopathic alien God unleach his wrath against them so that they remain in the ghetto.
Quote” 10 millions of Jews have fallen into the trap of the Christine’s parfume” He says that at the end of the video, check his disarray by the body language. He also says that the 6 gorillions have went diresty to the figurehead whereas the seduced by Christine or it’s Arabic equivalent are dead souls. Attali also complained about the marriages with goyim women.
lol, it took some time, but my stock on TUR is finally beginning to appreciate!P.S. thanks for the video. For those whose French is as rudimentary as mine, here’s an English translation of the video’s description: Or "Christine's poison gas!
Hi Geokat63,
Sorry Bugey, I don’t want to be hurtful, but this meme made me chuckle. I especially like the Jew taking a crap in the “Gene Pool”. That crap might as well be his big pharma mRNA gene therapy…
The article goes on to show how Jewish "Aid" organizations funnel these victims of Jewish aggression away from Israel's borders and into Europe.
"Israel’s wars and interventions in the Middle-East, working through its US proxy, were the direct catalyst for the European refugee crisis which boiled over in 2015 and has lead to violence, terrorism, rape and political repression against native Europeans. The two major points of entry for refugees and migrants to Europe are Greece and Italy.
The US/Israeli orchestrated fall of Qaddafi in 2011 opened up a major route for refugees from the Middle-East and Africa to flow into Europe. According to the Washington Post 400,000 migrants from the Middle-East and Africa flowed into Italy from Libya between 2014 and 2017 due to the overthrow of Qaddafi."
Clearly Zemmour is not going to be able to put a dent in this invasion unless he deals with Jewish Power and Israel. Only a lying deceiver like Tsarfat would try to pretend that Zemmour will do that.
Israel and Jewish-run NGOs in the West are the main facilitators of the movement and resettlement of Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghani refugees in Europe. All four countries have been destabilized through war and sanctions by Israel and the US. IsraAID, the Israeli refugee agency, has operated the refugee centers on the Greek Island of Lesbos since 2015.Israeli reporter Liad Osmo quoted a Syrian refugee identified as “H., aged 20, from Aleppo†arriving on Lesbos in 2019.
Greek refugee aid centers are mainly operated by Israelis; in Lesbos there is an Israeli school for Syrian, Iranian, Iraqi and Afghan refugees; and it is all part of a joint plan to revolutionize the concept of ‘Tikkun Olam’ and Jewish volunteering around the world.
�Osmo goes on to say that the program to resettle refugees in Western countries will reach all over the world and involve several other Jewish agencies. This is made possible by a $66 million dollar investment from the State of Israel.""
“My whole life, all through my childhood in Syrian schools, I was taught that the Israelis are the enemy, and then the first thing I see when I approach the Greek coast is the Star of David on the shirts of Israelis who reach out and place me on the ground.â€
Your Abdel link did not work, but I looked at his channel. His videos are far too much for my school boy french, but I did see that he had interviews Astrid Stuckelberger, which shows that he is on the right track.
I only bear illwill towards one tribe on this planet. I just don’t want my grand children’s grand children growing up in a Kalergiized Europe. I don’t want them to go to school with more than a smattering of negroes, muslims or even mulattoes, especially as long as our governments across the west are dominated by Judeo-everything, and especially Jewish Usury Central Banking.
I was not aware that Napoleon was influenced by Sabbatean Frankists. Even Miles Mathis does not mention this.
One of the biggest problems with culturally foreign immigrants is that they become easy targets for Jewish manipulation and mind control. Of course weaker and “inferior” jews themselves are also vulnerable to the Frankists as well. But neither of those are my problems. If an immigrant wants to stand up and lead the resistance against the Frankists, whether among his own people who are basically squatting on our culture, or even take command of a resistance movement of other non-native peoples, I certainly would have no problem with that. But the issue here is that just as with the “good” jews, no one with leadership skills and charisma in these groups wants to bite the Hebrew hand that feeds them.
So we Christian whites stand alone, with the Judaic Entente of evil deployed against us all across the battlefield of Europe. These are all the usual grievance groups who are under Jewish mind control: Progressives, Communists, Feminists, Lesbians, Queers, Trannies, Greedy Government Pedophiles, Warmists, Vaxxtards, Immigrant Negroes, Immigrant Muslims, Jews of all shape and form. It is truly Tolkienesque.
Hi Geokat62, I know you’re reading.
Hi, Bl. You know me too well, lol.
Please, join the Goyims… we’ll be brothers and sisters. You see! It ‘s Christmas, One Love!
Although well meaning, this is an impossibility, Bl.
Their whole religion is premised on the requirement that they are a community that must dwell alone and not mix with the goyim.
Their supremacist religion also promises ultimate victory over the goyim. To achieve this victory, HaShem clearly lays out three requirements:
1. blot out the memory of amalek
2. erect the third temple
3. anoint the Mosiach
Once achieved, the Jews will rule over the goyim (each one will have 2,800 Noahide slaves) for eternity.
Their religion also teaches them that while their souls are bestowed with a divine spark by HaShem, the souls of the goyim are on the same level as animals.
Finally, they also believe HaShem has put a time limit on the world’s existence. It’s supposedly 6,000 years. It’s currently year 5,782 in the Hebrew calendar. That doesn’t leave them a lot of time (218 years) to fulfil the three requirements of their prophecy.
Take a look at the things this rabbi says and tell me if you think your pleas of reconciliation aren’t destined to fall on deaf ears?
While you are prepared to offer an olive branch of peace in your outstretched hand, they are prepared to destroy us.
There are really only two choices: sovereignty for all the world’s peoples or Noahidism.
Truth be told, John Lennon’s Imagine is a fairytale for children, not the real world.
Jews are a problem… Complicated…. Tiring… terrible headaches generators… listen…you are so few, so why so much mess?
Just Leave your fucking ghettos! Become Goy! Stop the malediction of survival thru the “people” of a demented entity! We don’t see God chosen but multigenerational trauma enacted! Stop feeling special! Come danse with us as equal! Open you heart! spit of the face of the Sanhedrin and the banker!
Jews… Please read my other comment to Sepp. Yes, you have qualities, like the Hmongs, The Touareghs, the Nubas, The Maoris, the Nordic blond white, the Lapons… But your failures are… to much for us all other human beings… sincerly. Please, join the Goyims… we’ll be brothers and sisters. You see! It ‘s Christmas, One Love!
Fortunately I have met with great many ex-jews as Gilad Atzmon… Otherwise I would have became… Antisemite!!!
Hi Geokat62, I know you’re reading. Hope your fine.
Hi, Bl. You know me too well, lol.
Hi Geokat62, I know you’re reading.
Although well meaning, this is an impossibility, Bl.
Please, join the Goyims… we’ll be brothers and sisters. You see! It ‘s Christmas, One Love!
Okay, English is not her native tongue, but there is no such thing as "verbal violence".
Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general. Jews are never targeted by the oligarch, because he himself is of Jewish origin through his mother.
"Verbal Violence" is nonsense, and it is precisely the kind of dissonant term that Jews typically use to stifle free speech.Iris was clearly referring to actions, or you claim words, AGAINST Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans.Finally, I have been to France too many times to count, I drove through 1 month ago. I have friends and even a family member who lived there for decades. I consider myself to be a "Francophile". I do know a little about the country, and I do know that France has a MASSIVE problem with violent and feral blacks and muslims. Sure, there are "good" blacks and muslim, but in a socialist state where a very large part of the population, likely more than 50% of the population in France, don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of the social services they consume, the definition of "good" becomes very murky. Does a subsaharan negro working a low salary job paying no taxes and consuming large amounts of state subsidy producing many offspring who devour state resources and resent the "whites" in France constitute a benefit to society? Perhaps to Jewish society, and perhaps to negro France, but I am very doubtful that they will make France a better place for the great grand children of white Catholic France.So this begs the question, what would France be like if she hadn't been flooded by millions of welfare sucking violent and non-violent non-Europeans at the invitation of Jews who hate France. I cannot say, and it is not for me to say how "France" should deal with it. I would bet good money that the new France will not be a place I would like to visit. I have been to Northern Africa, and I am never going back. I don't need a Northern African France. The Paris of today is certainly not a place I care to visit, anymore than San Francisco.Replies: @Bugey libre
Behavior or treatment in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury.
Thanks for your much interesting comment. Yes Iris was refering to speeches which were violent and without nuances. Many French Muslims are fed up with the “racaille” (riffraff). Many I know and have talk to are radical in their speech and they understand clearly than even more than being annoyance in daily life they are giving a very bad image of their community. Same with real Africans being disgusted with the youth behaviour.
As for French of african origins or recent African Migrants raised in French suburbs… In Bamako, all my Malian friend dispised the “racaille” of Malian origin who come from Paris suburbs. They bring violent criminality Malians had never encountered before.
When I am with Africans, I criticize Africans, because, they know that I love their qualities, same with Arabs. A Sufi master I greatly appreciated and learned a lot with told me this one day:
“when you have a man in front of you, there is a devil on one of his shoulder and an angel on the other one. If you talk to the devil, it will grow, grow and you with bring Evil. If you talk to the angel in him, it will grow, grow, and you will bring Goodness. ”
We whites also have great qualities that these people aknowledge, and they do, believe me. But we also have many failures (these that the jews have used against us, remember who financed the perpetual european wars? Our rulers made the wars in their infighting). We have a tendency to violence. Close to where I live, there is a small chapel, rare, octogonal. The statue of Jésus has been beheaded… By whom? The Austrian during a war!
As to our qualities recognized by Africans, an anecdote… We were once waiting for a plane in Gao with peasant friends I was working with (we were financing an organic farming project/reforestation with tourists). One of them looked at the plane with amazement and said: “God has given something special to the white man”… And I could give you many instances where I was told by the ‘other’ what they appreciate in our race.
Paris is now disgusting. As a GenX I remember the Paris of my youth when we came for a visit with my parents. I remember the Paris of my teenage years and saw it decaying in my adult life every time I got there.
As a final note. When we arrived in France because of war in Mali, my wife (who had never wanted to come unless on vacation because she loves her bush of Northern Mali, and so do I) had this saying after one or two weeks in Lyon: “There are to many blacks and foreigners in France…” direct from the horse mouth. She also has always been repulsed by Roms from Romania and Hungaria.
Take care
That begs the question: which France are you referring to?Arguably, France has been under Jewish control since the revolution. Napoleon was definitely a Freemason, and he might well have been Jewish.
"Second question: Do you yourself love France?"
So if Tsarfat "loves" the first republic, isn't also he loving the France that is a product of the revolution caused by Rothschilds and their Illuminati controlled Freemason lodges? Isn't he loving the France that had purged itself of its own heritage and culture on behalf of an invading parasite that hated everything to do with Catholic France? After all, Napoleon was really the first Balfour, only 100 years earlier:
"Many Jews of the time believed that Napoleon was their benefactor. Primo Levi has pointed out that in Italy, some Jews named their sons Napoleone in his honor, and in Germany, when Jews adopted family names, some chose Schöntheil, or Bonaparte in German. In France, Jews wrote Hebrew prayers to praise Napoleon during services and called him “Helek Tov†in Hebrew or “good portion†(bona-parte), as Ronald Schechter discussed in “Obstinate Hebrews: Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815.†As he abolished ghettos and granted civil rights to Jews, convening a council, which he termed with biblical grandeur the Sanhedrin, Napoleon was admired by Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav and Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Rymanov. Were they all wrong?Not at all. Readers of Martin Buber’s “For the Sake of Heaven†(1943) will recall how Buber describes Napoleonic legends in which some Hasidic rabbis saw in Napoleon an instrument of salvation, while others disagreed. At the time, there was still violent hostility against Jews in Italy and in Alsace. Bonaparte’s policy organizing all religions under the control and surveillance of the government was implemented against strong reticence among his own allies as well as the Catholic Church. In this context, Napoleon was at the forefront. He wasn’t far from [the French Roman Catholic priest] Abbé Grégoire, who also argued for the emancipation of the Jews."
Americans also suffer under the same delusions. They reminisce about America of the 1950's, but already then the people were suffering a deep Judaic hypnosis. They had even waged two wars of genocide against Germany, when they should have directed that energy against gods chosen racial supremacists. Henry Ford and many others certainly tried to warn them. So I would argue that Tsarfat cannot love "France", because that would be suicidal. If Tsarfat loves France, he loves France, the province of Judea. This is also what I wrote about Zemmour above. He cannot love "France", because France cannot exist as long as Jews are allowed to corrupt, dominate and loot.Of course this also ties directly back to Dreyfus, the Jewish traitor masquerading as a "lover of France"...Replies: @Bugey libre
"In 1799, Napoleon’s supposed call for a Jewish homeland in the Middle East is discounted by most historians today. Why would such a fictional report have appeared in journals of his time?In Paris, when it was discovered that Bonaparte had marched on Palestine, this rumor arose and articles appeared in newspapers. This was something like the ideas of the revolution, to emancipate sister nations. Bonaparte entered Palestine with a small army of 12,000 men with policies identical to those he had with Islamic nations, to watch over and protect them. In Paris there was a current of opinion seeking to emancipate Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, and this kind of rumor was meant to encourage Napoleon in his policies."
Hi Sepp
Thank you for the link. It is known that among the revolutionaries there was a guy called Junius Frey, of his real name Moses dobrûska. He was a cousin of the infamous Jacob Frank. But it is better you translate his wikipedia page:
Yes different streams of judaism did back Napoléon from what I have learned so far, but the most prominent was definitely the nefarious Frankism (from Jacob Frank). Have you ever study that infamous sect? If not, do it right now, you won’t be deceived by the advice. Even the Lubavitscher were born out of fear of their teaching and influence among the Jews. He was the guy telling his follower when jailed in Poland/Russia (it fluctuated, lol) that his adherents should take the Roman Church by deception. Shabbateism/Frankism is the key.
To bad Sepp you can’t read French (and to bad I can’t read other language I don’t know, LOL), You would love so much Pierre Hillard. The guy is an absolute scholar of all things related to what interest you. He is a Traditionnalist Catholic and a very precise researcher sourcing everything he writes or say. He even wrote, always with the same care of irrefutable sourcing, about the links between Zionism and National Socialist Germany.
Youssef Hindi, another French patriot who is Muslim has also wrote about the same subjects and more recently a book about Zémmour. Same quality of research as Pierre Hillard.
In many instances Catholics and Malekit Muslim worked together. For Judaism, the most prominent and courageous is Jacob Cohen.
Here is a interview by Abdel a French Muslim patriot with that very good Mr Cohen who as been beaten up by the LDJ (ligue de défense Juive) when he was in his 70’s:’Abdel-(32),-Entretien-Jacob-Cohen,-le-sionisme-et-la-france:59340cb7dd6a7ea1d713591ee80fd2c9d37cec2c?src=embed
All those Jews in France have one massive advantage over White Catholics, and I am not referring to Jewish Privilege and discrimination. It is that they are protected against charges of anti-semitism. They have the power to say and do things that the goyim don’t, they have freedom of speech. Therefore it is up to the Jews to clean up their own tribe, their own mess. But they don’t. They never have and they never will, that is why they have been thrown out of European countries hundreds of times.
Jews in New York kvetch about Jews in Israel, Jews in San Francisco and LA do too, they all kvetch about Jews in Florida. Many even pay some lip service to to long suffering Palestinians whose land was stolen by many US Jews, and certainly French, Jews as well.
But I am certain that those Jews whose merits you are telling us about, will draw the age old line at “Is it good for the Jews”. Whenever push comes to shove, the Jews will side together “for the good of the Jews”.
So tell me, would your Hairdresser ex-neighbor support a new “far-right” Petain who said that Jews have corrupted the government and must be thrown out of their positions of privilege? Would he support a move to de-bar all jewish judges, perhaps even most Jewish lawyers? What about Jewish school teachers and school administrators? I sincerely doubt it. One Jewish hand washes the other.
I think you are mistaken. Here is what Iris wrote:
Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general. Jews are never targeted by the oligarch, because he himself is of Jewish origin through his mother.
Okay, English is not her native tongue, but there is no such thing as “verbal violence”.
Behavior or treatment in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury.
“Verbal Violence” is nonsense, and it is precisely the kind of dissonant term that Jews typically use to stifle free speech.
Iris was clearly referring to actions, or you claim words, AGAINST Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans.
Finally, I have been to France too many times to count, I drove through 1 month ago. I have friends and even a family member who lived there for decades. I consider myself to be a “Francophile”. I do know a little about the country, and I do know that France has a MASSIVE problem with violent and feral blacks and muslims. Sure, there are “good” blacks and muslim, but in a socialist state where a very large part of the population, likely more than 50% of the population in France, don’t pay enough taxes to cover the cost of the social services they consume, the definition of “good” becomes very murky. Does a subsaharan negro working a low salary job paying no taxes and consuming large amounts of state subsidy producing many offspring who devour state resources and resent the “whites” in France constitute a benefit to society? Perhaps to Jewish society, and perhaps to negro France, but I am very doubtful that they will make France a better place for the great grand children of white Catholic France.
So this begs the question, what would France be like if she hadn’t been flooded by millions of welfare sucking violent and non-violent non-Europeans at the invitation of Jews who hate France. I cannot say, and it is not for me to say how “France” should deal with it. I would bet good money that the new France will not be a place I would like to visit. I have been to Northern Africa, and I am never going back. I don’t need a Northern African France. The Paris of today is certainly not a place I care to visit, anymore than San Francisco.
A "racist" campaign of "violence"? Really? I have not seen any videos of whites or jews committing acts of violence or "racism" against any of those groups. To the contrary, I have seen videos of blacks burning cars across France, and blacks chasing firemen and police out of the banleu's.
"Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general."
One more thing. 70% of Jews in France are not affiliated in any way with the organised jewish community (organised criminality) like CRIJF. They love France which is their rightfull country. They are no Sayanim, no more than most Muslim are a fith column of international Wahabism.
They have been manipulated by the Likoud and the jewish criminal mafia in Israël to fear the Arabs/berbers Muslim through media manipulation and invited to settle in the Kahal called Israël. Most of the turmoil is propagated by who we both dispised. They are are intimidated by the 30% in all ways.
I grew up in a city densely populated by jews and I know first hand what i’m talking about. My last neighboor who anecdotitely was a hairdresser, told me one day how fed up he was with Israël. He is living like regular French unless the fact that it is obvious he has no Catholic or Protestant background.
A "racist" campaign of "violence"? Really? I have not seen any videos of whites or jews committing acts of violence or "racism" against any of those groups. To the contrary, I have seen videos of blacks burning cars across France, and blacks chasing firemen and police out of the banleu's.
"Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general."
Iris is talking about verbal violence. Thugs are a big problem but they are mostly youths addicted to the worst rap sub music and influenced by the US sub culture. Most of the French Arabs and Africans (don’t forget that there are hundred of thousand of blacks here who are French because they were born on our territories in the Carabeans, Indian Ocean) just live a normal life without being thugs in any way. I said ‘normal’, but what is normal in this Corona madness? They are suffering the same plight as everyone.
You are phantasizing far away from the country you are talking about and where you have never been and experience by ourself.
Migrants are a big problem and immigration should stop immediately. The western countries mafia should also immediatly stop messing their countries of origin.
Bolloré has been pillaging Africa for decades. Enough is enough.
Many French of Maghred descent are far better neighboors than many white of european origins among which a lot a just souless/godless zombis.
That being said, the covid criminals won’t last long and the whole scam is rapidly falling down. I want my country in peace with a new social contract for everyone, not civil war. The criminal will be judged and the nauseating US sub culture should be forbiden.
Okay, English is not her native tongue, but there is no such thing as "verbal violence".
Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general. Jews are never targeted by the oligarch, because he himself is of Jewish origin through his mother.
"Verbal Violence" is nonsense, and it is precisely the kind of dissonant term that Jews typically use to stifle free speech.Iris was clearly referring to actions, or you claim words, AGAINST Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans.Finally, I have been to France too many times to count, I drove through 1 month ago. I have friends and even a family member who lived there for decades. I consider myself to be a "Francophile". I do know a little about the country, and I do know that France has a MASSIVE problem with violent and feral blacks and muslims. Sure, there are "good" blacks and muslim, but in a socialist state where a very large part of the population, likely more than 50% of the population in France, don't pay enough taxes to cover the cost of the social services they consume, the definition of "good" becomes very murky. Does a subsaharan negro working a low salary job paying no taxes and consuming large amounts of state subsidy producing many offspring who devour state resources and resent the "whites" in France constitute a benefit to society? Perhaps to Jewish society, and perhaps to negro France, but I am very doubtful that they will make France a better place for the great grand children of white Catholic France.So this begs the question, what would France be like if she hadn't been flooded by millions of welfare sucking violent and non-violent non-Europeans at the invitation of Jews who hate France. I cannot say, and it is not for me to say how "France" should deal with it. I would bet good money that the new France will not be a place I would like to visit. I have been to Northern Africa, and I am never going back. I don't need a Northern African France. The Paris of today is certainly not a place I care to visit, anymore than San Francisco.Replies: @Bugey libre
Behavior or treatment in which physical force is exerted for the purpose of causing damage or injury.
“Second question: Do you yourself love France?”
That begs the question: which France are you referring to?
Arguably, France has been under Jewish control since the revolution. Napoleon was definitely a Freemason, and he might well have been Jewish.
“Many Jews of the time believed that Napoleon was their benefactor. Primo Levi has pointed out that in Italy, some Jews named their sons Napoleone in his honor, and in Germany, when Jews adopted family names, some chose Schöntheil, or Bonaparte in German. In France, Jews wrote Hebrew prayers to praise Napoleon during services and called him “Helek Tov†in Hebrew or “good portion†(bona-parte), as Ronald Schechter discussed in “Obstinate Hebrews: Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815.†As he abolished ghettos and granted civil rights to Jews, convening a council, which he termed with biblical grandeur the Sanhedrin, Napoleon was admired by Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav and Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Rymanov. Were they all wrong?
Not at all. Readers of Martin Buber’s “For the Sake of Heaven†(1943) will recall how Buber describes Napoleonic legends in which some Hasidic rabbis saw in Napoleon an instrument of salvation, while others disagreed. At the time, there was still violent hostility against Jews in Italy and in Alsace. Bonaparte’s policy organizing all religions under the control and surveillance of the government was implemented against strong reticence among his own allies as well as the Catholic Church. In this context, Napoleon was at the forefront. He wasn’t far from [the French Roman Catholic priest] Abbé Grégoire, who also argued for the emancipation of the Jews.”
So if Tsarfat “loves” the first republic, isn’t also he loving the France that is a product of the revolution caused by Rothschilds and their Illuminati controlled Freemason lodges? Isn’t he loving the France that had purged itself of its own heritage and culture on behalf of an invading parasite that hated everything to do with Catholic France? After all, Napoleon was really the first Balfour, only 100 years earlier:
“In 1799, Napoleon’s supposed call for a Jewish homeland in the Middle East is discounted by most historians today. Why would such a fictional report have appeared in journals of his time?
In Paris, when it was discovered that Bonaparte had marched on Palestine, this rumor arose and articles appeared in newspapers. This was something like the ideas of the revolution, to emancipate sister nations. Bonaparte entered Palestine with a small army of 12,000 men with policies identical to those he had with Islamic nations, to watch over and protect them. In Paris there was a current of opinion seeking to emancipate Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, and this kind of rumor was meant to encourage Napoleon in his policies.”
Americans also suffer under the same delusions. They reminisce about America of the 1950’s, but already then the people were suffering a deep Judaic hypnosis. They had even waged two wars of genocide against Germany, when they should have directed that energy against gods chosen racial supremacists. Henry Ford and many others certainly tried to warn them.
So I would argue that Tsarfat cannot love “France”, because that would be suicidal. If Tsarfat loves France, he loves France, the province of Judea. This is also what I wrote about Zemmour above. He cannot love “France”, because France cannot exist as long as Jews are allowed to corrupt, dominate and loot.
Of course this also ties directly back to Dreyfus, the Jewish traitor masquerading as a “lover of France”…
That's because you take the readers for a ride and think they are retards.
I don’t pretend to know Zemmour’s backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not.
“Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general.”
A “racist” campaign of “violence”? Really? I have not seen any videos of whites or jews committing acts of violence or “racism” against any of those groups. To the contrary, I have seen videos of blacks burning cars across France, and blacks chasing firemen and police out of the banleu’s.
I also really dislike the usage of the term “racist” at all in this day and age. It has been weaponized by jews as a bludgeon against whites. Anyone who uses the term racist can easily be accused of being anti-white, especially in Europe.
Whites across the west, but especially across Europe, have the natural right to unite together against an invasion of other cultures and races. This would have happened long ago were it not for Jewish Power end their selfish and evil agenda of race mixing and racial supremacy. So the only real group of “racists” on the planet today are the one group who have the power to define and direct its usage against other races. This of course would be Judea.
This is a caricature of the Anti-Dreyfusards. Then again, Fuller's work is focused specifically on nationalists...fine line to walk. Never mind that the share of foreign workers in 1890 of France's labor market was perhaps less than 2 percent. There were no "foreigners" running the country and exploiting her industry. This is journalism, not history.
This once-proud nation had been overrun by foreigners who mercilessly exploited her rich resources and native industry. ... Foreign workers stole the jobs of hard-working and honest French men and women who asked only to be allowed to toil in their own land for a decent living...The only institution the anti-Dreyfus traditionalists controlled was the military.
Were it so simple. Anywhere from 1/5 to 1/4 of officers were from Alsace and Lorraine. There was no "naturally." The charges were based on evidence, not suspicions. @Iris
The French realize that someone is spying on them for the Germans and there’s this guy there who is from Alsace, which used to be part of Germany. So, naturally, suspicion falls on him.
Nothing. I am not Zemmour. Don't conflate supporters with people they support. You make at least three guilt-by-association fallacies. You put the SJW to shame!@Henry's Cat
Is it coincidence that an author who white-washes Israel from its crimes against humanity is also such a staunch a Zemmour supporter? What does that tell us about Zemmour’s true intentions?
Intelligent observations. You're giving a hard time to the wheezing naggers married to Marine Le Pen's petticoat. I don't pretend to know Zemmour's backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not. The elder generation in France distinctly remember how Francois Mitterand spawned the Front National. How Jean-Marie Le Pen dissolved the French right with Mitterand's connivance. They even remember Mitterand's collaboration with Vichy, his fascist youth. Fast forward to 2016. Little Marine needed to lick a few matzah balls in order to secure the 500 municipal backers required to run in 2017. She kicked her father out of the FN, following up with a groveling "The Holocaust was not a Detail" tour of Israel (i.e. disavowal of her father's comments)Some of you might feel stupid learning about this. Oh- we didn't know, gasps. Where can you learn about French current events, from an Alt-Right perspective? My hatred of Égalité et Réconciliation is uncompromising. Check my previous comments on Unz. Mbala Mbala isn't the problem. Most comedian's aren't funny. I'm not the type off Jew to take offense at Holocaust jokes. I am bothered by Alain Soral, who behaves like an agent provocateur, and whose politics is Antifa, Islamolatric. Doing to the "cafe right" what Le Pen did to the mainstream right. An informed grasp of French politics requires reading Richard Millet's more politically charged works, Zemmour's own books, and those of Hollobecque.
But how can we be sure? If Zemmour was planted 20 years ago, why not Le Pen? Maybe her father, too. And you, perhaps. And me? Where will it end?
and then the relatedness to Luc FerryFreemason yes, Jewish no. French media report that Luc Ferry believes he is related to Jules, but rather oddly, can't describe the actual family relationship.
Jules Ferry was a Freemason and jewish.
The times we live in!
Lets face it, Zemmour is protected by a force field of Jewish Privilege. No member of the Le Pen family, likely not even Jean Marie, could get away with what Zemmour the super-jew does.
This is 10th grade. All false . Makow (the source) has not a shred of evidence to back the claims. House's copy is called the "Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom," because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House.
The Protocols were around long before the Dreyfus “affairâ€...Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy...He was the protégé of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) ...For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.†He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt.
Easy to judge the quality of these "historians" - give me the prosecution's statement in a nutshell. When you can do that, then you have read a real historian's work, not phonies. @James N. Kennett says:
...the contention among historians who wrote about the Dreyfus case in the past has been that the handwriting on the memo which was found in the trash of the German embassy in Paris matched that of Esterhazy better than Dreyfus.
Ha ha ha! This one made me laugh. The type of reader who doesn't have time for nuance, like whether the world is or isn't round. I didn't exactly overwhelm anyone with judicial detail did I? Which part of found guilty in two trials did you miss?
If Dreyfus cannot be proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt, then he must be found not guilty.
Like I said - the I-think-I'm-original Idiot's opinion. It's in your alias! Were the world so simple - Zemmour wouldn't be cutting his teeth in a context of constant violence and threats, many orchestrated by leaders of the Jewish Community. Let's be clear - Zemmour is not an Israeli firster. He is a Hallahkhic Jew. He grew up in religious observance. He celebrates the High Holidays. He is secular, and he is French, and he fights for France. He has never fought for Jews or for Israel, which doesn't imply that he is an Arab-lover, a die-hard anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, etc. Don't conflate the "failiure" to denounce Israeli crimes with Zionazism. If there is anything that should have been a take-away from my article, it's the nature of Zemmour's motivations.Replies: @Sepp, @Bugey libre, @Iris, @Bugey libre
Everyone but MSM knows that Zemmour is a creature to split the French Right
Can you tell us what that bizarre comment means? “Mbala Mbala isn’t the problem. Most comedian’s aren’t funny.”
Not liking Soral (the person)myself, that being the reason for not adhering to Égalité et Réconciliation which produces very interesting stuff and has a line which would contribute to avoid civil war and offering educated Muslims a political place where to exist so that we would have a chance for peace. There are a lot of French Muslims who aren’t thugs. Sunni Islam, respect Jesus, sidna Aïssa. Maghrebian were Malekite, a legal school that was close to Sufism and very respectecful to Christianity. Why not working on that aspect with the French Muslims. Who brought and entrap them into Wahhabism, the Brit’s darling?…
There are a few powerful jews who are the worst thugs in white collars, destroying our countryphysicaly and culturaly but “Z” never ever mention them. Bolloré, his backer among them…They are not numerous but are all at the top of the pyramid of power of corruption. It is easy to point the finger on little thugs in the streets and say thay are the problem. Who own the logistic to their petty drug business?
I just don’t understand this: “Soral’s politics are antifa and islamolatric” It is in fact totally absurd and in no way describing the character neither his ideas.
Maybe can you fool US commenters, but French, come on… It seem that people like you (obviously in hiding) are just trying, in last analysis, to bring the Israeli conflict in France. Sounds like a Likoud ‘agent d’influence’.
Second question: Do you yourself love France?
Zemmour should let De Villiers run instead of himself … In the sinister political circus we are in, at least this would be the best show ever. He would then become président of the French organised jewery. Would you please tell the UR readers about General Delawarde?…
That begs the question: which France are you referring to?Arguably, France has been under Jewish control since the revolution. Napoleon was definitely a Freemason, and he might well have been Jewish.
"Second question: Do you yourself love France?"
So if Tsarfat "loves" the first republic, isn't also he loving the France that is a product of the revolution caused by Rothschilds and their Illuminati controlled Freemason lodges? Isn't he loving the France that had purged itself of its own heritage and culture on behalf of an invading parasite that hated everything to do with Catholic France? After all, Napoleon was really the first Balfour, only 100 years earlier:
"Many Jews of the time believed that Napoleon was their benefactor. Primo Levi has pointed out that in Italy, some Jews named their sons Napoleone in his honor, and in Germany, when Jews adopted family names, some chose Schöntheil, or Bonaparte in German. In France, Jews wrote Hebrew prayers to praise Napoleon during services and called him “Helek Tov†in Hebrew or “good portion†(bona-parte), as Ronald Schechter discussed in “Obstinate Hebrews: Representations of Jews in France, 1715-1815.†As he abolished ghettos and granted civil rights to Jews, convening a council, which he termed with biblical grandeur the Sanhedrin, Napoleon was admired by Rabbi Nahman of Bratslav and Rabbi Menahem Mendel of Rymanov. Were they all wrong?Not at all. Readers of Martin Buber’s “For the Sake of Heaven†(1943) will recall how Buber describes Napoleonic legends in which some Hasidic rabbis saw in Napoleon an instrument of salvation, while others disagreed. At the time, there was still violent hostility against Jews in Italy and in Alsace. Bonaparte’s policy organizing all religions under the control and surveillance of the government was implemented against strong reticence among his own allies as well as the Catholic Church. In this context, Napoleon was at the forefront. He wasn’t far from [the French Roman Catholic priest] Abbé Grégoire, who also argued for the emancipation of the Jews."
Americans also suffer under the same delusions. They reminisce about America of the 1950's, but already then the people were suffering a deep Judaic hypnosis. They had even waged two wars of genocide against Germany, when they should have directed that energy against gods chosen racial supremacists. Henry Ford and many others certainly tried to warn them. So I would argue that Tsarfat cannot love "France", because that would be suicidal. If Tsarfat loves France, he loves France, the province of Judea. This is also what I wrote about Zemmour above. He cannot love "France", because France cannot exist as long as Jews are allowed to corrupt, dominate and loot.Of course this also ties directly back to Dreyfus, the Jewish traitor masquerading as a "lover of France"...Replies: @Bugey libre
"In 1799, Napoleon’s supposed call for a Jewish homeland in the Middle East is discounted by most historians today. Why would such a fictional report have appeared in journals of his time?In Paris, when it was discovered that Bonaparte had marched on Palestine, this rumor arose and articles appeared in newspapers. This was something like the ideas of the revolution, to emancipate sister nations. Bonaparte entered Palestine with a small army of 12,000 men with policies identical to those he had with Islamic nations, to watch over and protect them. In Paris there was a current of opinion seeking to emancipate Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews, and this kind of rumor was meant to encourage Napoleon in his policies."
This is a caricature of the Anti-Dreyfusards. Then again, Fuller's work is focused specifically on nationalists...fine line to walk. Never mind that the share of foreign workers in 1890 of France's labor market was perhaps less than 2 percent. There were no "foreigners" running the country and exploiting her industry. This is journalism, not history.
This once-proud nation had been overrun by foreigners who mercilessly exploited her rich resources and native industry. ... Foreign workers stole the jobs of hard-working and honest French men and women who asked only to be allowed to toil in their own land for a decent living...The only institution the anti-Dreyfus traditionalists controlled was the military.
Were it so simple. Anywhere from 1/5 to 1/4 of officers were from Alsace and Lorraine. There was no "naturally." The charges were based on evidence, not suspicions. @Iris
The French realize that someone is spying on them for the Germans and there’s this guy there who is from Alsace, which used to be part of Germany. So, naturally, suspicion falls on him.
Nothing. I am not Zemmour. Don't conflate supporters with people they support. You make at least three guilt-by-association fallacies. You put the SJW to shame!@Henry's Cat
Is it coincidence that an author who white-washes Israel from its crimes against humanity is also such a staunch a Zemmour supporter? What does that tell us about Zemmour’s true intentions?
Intelligent observations. You're giving a hard time to the wheezing naggers married to Marine Le Pen's petticoat. I don't pretend to know Zemmour's backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not. The elder generation in France distinctly remember how Francois Mitterand spawned the Front National. How Jean-Marie Le Pen dissolved the French right with Mitterand's connivance. They even remember Mitterand's collaboration with Vichy, his fascist youth. Fast forward to 2016. Little Marine needed to lick a few matzah balls in order to secure the 500 municipal backers required to run in 2017. She kicked her father out of the FN, following up with a groveling "The Holocaust was not a Detail" tour of Israel (i.e. disavowal of her father's comments)Some of you might feel stupid learning about this. Oh- we didn't know, gasps. Where can you learn about French current events, from an Alt-Right perspective? My hatred of Égalité et Réconciliation is uncompromising. Check my previous comments on Unz. Mbala Mbala isn't the problem. Most comedian's aren't funny. I'm not the type off Jew to take offense at Holocaust jokes. I am bothered by Alain Soral, who behaves like an agent provocateur, and whose politics is Antifa, Islamolatric. Doing to the "cafe right" what Le Pen did to the mainstream right. An informed grasp of French politics requires reading Richard Millet's more politically charged works, Zemmour's own books, and those of Hollobecque.
But how can we be sure? If Zemmour was planted 20 years ago, why not Le Pen? Maybe her father, too. And you, perhaps. And me? Where will it end?
and then the relatedness to Luc FerryFreemason yes, Jewish no. French media report that Luc Ferry believes he is related to Jules, but rather oddly, can't describe the actual family relationship.
Jules Ferry was a Freemason and jewish.
The times we live in!
Lets face it, Zemmour is protected by a force field of Jewish Privilege. No member of the Le Pen family, likely not even Jean Marie, could get away with what Zemmour the super-jew does.
This is 10th grade. All false . Makow (the source) has not a shred of evidence to back the claims. House's copy is called the "Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom," because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House.
The Protocols were around long before the Dreyfus “affairâ€...Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy...He was the protégé of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) ...For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.†He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt.
Easy to judge the quality of these "historians" - give me the prosecution's statement in a nutshell. When you can do that, then you have read a real historian's work, not phonies. @James N. Kennett says:
...the contention among historians who wrote about the Dreyfus case in the past has been that the handwriting on the memo which was found in the trash of the German embassy in Paris matched that of Esterhazy better than Dreyfus.
Ha ha ha! This one made me laugh. The type of reader who doesn't have time for nuance, like whether the world is or isn't round. I didn't exactly overwhelm anyone with judicial detail did I? Which part of found guilty in two trials did you miss?
If Dreyfus cannot be proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt, then he must be found not guilty.
Like I said - the I-think-I'm-original Idiot's opinion. It's in your alias! Were the world so simple - Zemmour wouldn't be cutting his teeth in a context of constant violence and threats, many orchestrated by leaders of the Jewish Community. Let's be clear - Zemmour is not an Israeli firster. He is a Hallahkhic Jew. He grew up in religious observance. He celebrates the High Holidays. He is secular, and he is French, and he fights for France. He has never fought for Jews or for Israel, which doesn't imply that he is an Arab-lover, a die-hard anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, etc. Don't conflate the "failiure" to denounce Israeli crimes with Zionazism. If there is anything that should have been a take-away from my article, it's the nature of Zemmour's motivations.Replies: @Sepp, @Bugey libre, @Iris, @Bugey libre
Everyone but MSM knows that Zemmour is a creature to split the French Right
I don’t pretend to know Zemmour’s backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not.
That’s because you take the readers for a ride and think they are retards.
Zemmour’s main backer is undisputedly the media oligarch who offered him the stratospherical privilege of one hour of prime time TV, every day, for two years, Vincent Bolloré.
Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general. Jews are never targeted by the oligarch, because he himself is of Jewish origin through his mother.
Vincent Bolloré is the son of Michel Bolloré and Monique Follot, and while his name sounds Breton, his mother’s mother was called Nicole Goldschmidt and she was Jewish.
Bollore was very close to his Jewish grandmother. After the end of WW2, she worked for French intelligence service SDECE under the cover of working for the Red Cross. Her principal activity was to liaise with Israel’ s intelligence service Mossad.
She was very close to Jewish bankers Antoine Bernheim and Edmond de Rothschild, both foremost Zionists and members of France’s Deep State, with the latter rescuing the failing Bollore family printing business at some point.
Vincent Bollore’s current businesses involve large control over African harbours and logistics (17 major harbours including Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), Pointe-Noire (DRC), Douala (Cameroun), Lomé (Togo), Tema(Ghana) etc. His business has often overlapped with illegal drug trafficking, a well known Israeli preserve in Africa.
A "racist" campaign of "violence"? Really? I have not seen any videos of whites or jews committing acts of violence or "racism" against any of those groups. To the contrary, I have seen videos of blacks burning cars across France, and blacks chasing firemen and police out of the banleu's.
"Vincent Bolloré, owner of the Canal+, C8 and CNEWS channels, has been unleashing a racist campaign of unprecedented violence against Arabs, Blacks, Muslims, and non-Europeans in general."
This is a caricature of the Anti-Dreyfusards. Then again, Fuller's work is focused specifically on nationalists...fine line to walk. Never mind that the share of foreign workers in 1890 of France's labor market was perhaps less than 2 percent. There were no "foreigners" running the country and exploiting her industry. This is journalism, not history.
This once-proud nation had been overrun by foreigners who mercilessly exploited her rich resources and native industry. ... Foreign workers stole the jobs of hard-working and honest French men and women who asked only to be allowed to toil in their own land for a decent living...The only institution the anti-Dreyfus traditionalists controlled was the military.
Were it so simple. Anywhere from 1/5 to 1/4 of officers were from Alsace and Lorraine. There was no "naturally." The charges were based on evidence, not suspicions. @Iris
The French realize that someone is spying on them for the Germans and there’s this guy there who is from Alsace, which used to be part of Germany. So, naturally, suspicion falls on him.
Nothing. I am not Zemmour. Don't conflate supporters with people they support. You make at least three guilt-by-association fallacies. You put the SJW to shame!@Henry's Cat
Is it coincidence that an author who white-washes Israel from its crimes against humanity is also such a staunch a Zemmour supporter? What does that tell us about Zemmour’s true intentions?
Intelligent observations. You're giving a hard time to the wheezing naggers married to Marine Le Pen's petticoat. I don't pretend to know Zemmour's backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not. The elder generation in France distinctly remember how Francois Mitterand spawned the Front National. How Jean-Marie Le Pen dissolved the French right with Mitterand's connivance. They even remember Mitterand's collaboration with Vichy, his fascist youth. Fast forward to 2016. Little Marine needed to lick a few matzah balls in order to secure the 500 municipal backers required to run in 2017. She kicked her father out of the FN, following up with a groveling "The Holocaust was not a Detail" tour of Israel (i.e. disavowal of her father's comments)Some of you might feel stupid learning about this. Oh- we didn't know, gasps. Where can you learn about French current events, from an Alt-Right perspective? My hatred of Égalité et Réconciliation is uncompromising. Check my previous comments on Unz. Mbala Mbala isn't the problem. Most comedian's aren't funny. I'm not the type off Jew to take offense at Holocaust jokes. I am bothered by Alain Soral, who behaves like an agent provocateur, and whose politics is Antifa, Islamolatric. Doing to the "cafe right" what Le Pen did to the mainstream right. An informed grasp of French politics requires reading Richard Millet's more politically charged works, Zemmour's own books, and those of Hollobecque.
But how can we be sure? If Zemmour was planted 20 years ago, why not Le Pen? Maybe her father, too. And you, perhaps. And me? Where will it end?
and then the relatedness to Luc FerryFreemason yes, Jewish no. French media report that Luc Ferry believes he is related to Jules, but rather oddly, can't describe the actual family relationship.
Jules Ferry was a Freemason and jewish.
The times we live in!
Lets face it, Zemmour is protected by a force field of Jewish Privilege. No member of the Le Pen family, likely not even Jean Marie, could get away with what Zemmour the super-jew does.
This is 10th grade. All false . Makow (the source) has not a shred of evidence to back the claims. House's copy is called the "Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom," because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House.
The Protocols were around long before the Dreyfus “affairâ€...Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy...He was the protégé of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) ...For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.†He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt.
Easy to judge the quality of these "historians" - give me the prosecution's statement in a nutshell. When you can do that, then you have read a real historian's work, not phonies. @James N. Kennett says:
...the contention among historians who wrote about the Dreyfus case in the past has been that the handwriting on the memo which was found in the trash of the German embassy in Paris matched that of Esterhazy better than Dreyfus.
Ha ha ha! This one made me laugh. The type of reader who doesn't have time for nuance, like whether the world is or isn't round. I didn't exactly overwhelm anyone with judicial detail did I? Which part of found guilty in two trials did you miss?
If Dreyfus cannot be proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt, then he must be found not guilty.
Like I said - the I-think-I'm-original Idiot's opinion. It's in your alias! Were the world so simple - Zemmour wouldn't be cutting his teeth in a context of constant violence and threats, many orchestrated by leaders of the Jewish Community. Let's be clear - Zemmour is not an Israeli firster. He is a Hallahkhic Jew. He grew up in religious observance. He celebrates the High Holidays. He is secular, and he is French, and he fights for France. He has never fought for Jews or for Israel, which doesn't imply that he is an Arab-lover, a die-hard anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, etc. Don't conflate the "failiure" to denounce Israeli crimes with Zionazism. If there is anything that should have been a take-away from my article, it's the nature of Zemmour's motivations.Replies: @Sepp, @Bugey libre, @Iris, @Bugey libre
Everyone but MSM knows that Zemmour is a creature to split the French Right
France cannot have a policy on it’s own as long as it is bound by the EU. The GOP have been dictating the privatization of all it’s assets. Zemmour’s take on the EU is the same as the other pretenders to the presidency, that is disobeying its dictates until it could influence changes. That can’t be done since it would only bring heavy fines and impaire all possibility to act on it’s own.
At the present moment the country is ruled by the Conseil de Défense which acts would only be revealed in 50 years. behind that entity there is Mc Kinsey, Bain. This usurpative entity must be dismantled.
Thank you, Iris. Here in “the land of the free and home of the brave”…so claimed—it is evident that the warrior background, particularly of 1775, coupled with the shoot-em-ups highlighted for decades by Hollywood movies—has inculcated a gun-culture and its growing awareness that the final barrier to full-scale Australia/Austria/ Occupied Germany and their state-terrorism over the Plandemic is the incredible number of personal firearms held in the ownership of people in America—most particularly in “fly-over country”, far from the coasts and in retention of a moderate measure of elementary common-sense.
Although there is some fretting over the possibility of civil war in the U.$., this fear-meme is mostly emanating from the CIA and their media control apparatus. Their evident goal is to induce vulnerable gun-owners to “go off half-cocked” and initiate an armed insurrection in some limited region, which would serve them as an excuse to impose martial-law, with the possible infusion of U.N. forces if that outbreak of silliness is extensive enough to frighten the suburban soccer-moms and suchlike fearful Kool-Aide imbibers.
It all comes down to if and when impossible measures are taken by the alleged “authorities” and the Agenda forces begin rounding up dissenters/potential troublemakers. In rural areas where interpersonal bonds are close, even one such targeted individual getting taken down would reverberate rapidly through gossip circles in churches, coffee houses and bars. More than a single individual and all bets are off.
Even in urban areas, the people who actually do the work that keeps things going might go off in a spontaneous general strike. Shades of the “jaunes vert” en France, but all across this huge land. A strike by over the road truck drivers would be the ultimate weapon of resistance. Though many innocent people would suffer by such an action, the worst damage would be in highly populous areas where there is little social cohesion. Presumably, the elites would board their Gulfstreams and make off for Patagonia and similar hideaways
Today is Tranny Tuesday at Bad Astrid’s…
Emmanuel Macron’s wife has found herself under a barrage of online claims that she is transgender, born as a male, with the media pointing the finger at far-right conspiracy theorists.
Amid speculation over her gender that has taken the Francophone section of Twitter by storm this week, Brigitte Macron is going to file a complaint, according to French media citing people from her inner circle. However, she is yet to make an official comment on the matter.
Online rumor has it that the French first lady was born a man named “Jean-Michel Trogneux,†while her official biography states she was given the name Brigitte Marie-Claude Trogneux and was born female.
You might like this short video:
This is a caricature of the Anti-Dreyfusards. Then again, Fuller's work is focused specifically on nationalists...fine line to walk. Never mind that the share of foreign workers in 1890 of France's labor market was perhaps less than 2 percent. There were no "foreigners" running the country and exploiting her industry. This is journalism, not history.
This once-proud nation had been overrun by foreigners who mercilessly exploited her rich resources and native industry. ... Foreign workers stole the jobs of hard-working and honest French men and women who asked only to be allowed to toil in their own land for a decent living...The only institution the anti-Dreyfus traditionalists controlled was the military.
Were it so simple. Anywhere from 1/5 to 1/4 of officers were from Alsace and Lorraine. There was no "naturally." The charges were based on evidence, not suspicions. @Iris
The French realize that someone is spying on them for the Germans and there’s this guy there who is from Alsace, which used to be part of Germany. So, naturally, suspicion falls on him.
Nothing. I am not Zemmour. Don't conflate supporters with people they support. You make at least three guilt-by-association fallacies. You put the SJW to shame!@Henry's Cat
Is it coincidence that an author who white-washes Israel from its crimes against humanity is also such a staunch a Zemmour supporter? What does that tell us about Zemmour’s true intentions?
Intelligent observations. You're giving a hard time to the wheezing naggers married to Marine Le Pen's petticoat. I don't pretend to know Zemmour's backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not. The elder generation in France distinctly remember how Francois Mitterand spawned the Front National. How Jean-Marie Le Pen dissolved the French right with Mitterand's connivance. They even remember Mitterand's collaboration with Vichy, his fascist youth. Fast forward to 2016. Little Marine needed to lick a few matzah balls in order to secure the 500 municipal backers required to run in 2017. She kicked her father out of the FN, following up with a groveling "The Holocaust was not a Detail" tour of Israel (i.e. disavowal of her father's comments)Some of you might feel stupid learning about this. Oh- we didn't know, gasps. Where can you learn about French current events, from an Alt-Right perspective? My hatred of Égalité et Réconciliation is uncompromising. Check my previous comments on Unz. Mbala Mbala isn't the problem. Most comedian's aren't funny. I'm not the type off Jew to take offense at Holocaust jokes. I am bothered by Alain Soral, who behaves like an agent provocateur, and whose politics is Antifa, Islamolatric. Doing to the "cafe right" what Le Pen did to the mainstream right. An informed grasp of French politics requires reading Richard Millet's more politically charged works, Zemmour's own books, and those of Hollobecque.
But how can we be sure? If Zemmour was planted 20 years ago, why not Le Pen? Maybe her father, too. And you, perhaps. And me? Where will it end?
and then the relatedness to Luc FerryFreemason yes, Jewish no. French media report that Luc Ferry believes he is related to Jules, but rather oddly, can't describe the actual family relationship.
Jules Ferry was a Freemason and jewish.
The times we live in!
Lets face it, Zemmour is protected by a force field of Jewish Privilege. No member of the Le Pen family, likely not even Jean Marie, could get away with what Zemmour the super-jew does.
This is 10th grade. All false . Makow (the source) has not a shred of evidence to back the claims. House's copy is called the "Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom," because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House.
The Protocols were around long before the Dreyfus “affairâ€...Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy...He was the protégé of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) ...For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.†He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt.
Easy to judge the quality of these "historians" - give me the prosecution's statement in a nutshell. When you can do that, then you have read a real historian's work, not phonies. @James N. Kennett says:
...the contention among historians who wrote about the Dreyfus case in the past has been that the handwriting on the memo which was found in the trash of the German embassy in Paris matched that of Esterhazy better than Dreyfus.
Ha ha ha! This one made me laugh. The type of reader who doesn't have time for nuance, like whether the world is or isn't round. I didn't exactly overwhelm anyone with judicial detail did I? Which part of found guilty in two trials did you miss?
If Dreyfus cannot be proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt, then he must be found not guilty.
Like I said - the I-think-I'm-original Idiot's opinion. It's in your alias! Were the world so simple - Zemmour wouldn't be cutting his teeth in a context of constant violence and threats, many orchestrated by leaders of the Jewish Community. Let's be clear - Zemmour is not an Israeli firster. He is a Hallahkhic Jew. He grew up in religious observance. He celebrates the High Holidays. He is secular, and he is French, and he fights for France. He has never fought for Jews or for Israel, which doesn't imply that he is an Arab-lover, a die-hard anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, etc. Don't conflate the "failiure" to denounce Israeli crimes with Zionazism. If there is anything that should have been a take-away from my article, it's the nature of Zemmour's motivations.Replies: @Sepp, @Bugey libre, @Iris, @Bugey libre
Everyone but MSM knows that Zemmour is a creature to split the French Right
“House’s copy is called the “Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom,†because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House.”
I would be quite interested if you could substantiate that claim. I linked to the site where I based my claims about the protocols on, they do not come from Makow. I do follow Makow on Gab, but I disagree with him on many issues of historical importance.
Why would the Mandel House be carrying, or even saving, a copy of an anti-semitic forgery, and why would there be intelligence briefings on a “forgery” in the first place. I can explain why, Henry Ford stated it clearly. Everything that was happening was consistent with what was written in the protocols, and that holds true today. I think you have made my point for me, the protocols were no forgery. They were actually pretty similar to WEF’s 8 predictions for the world in 2030. I am absolutely certain that many warmists and vaxxtards would claim that 8 predictions is a forgery too.
Some have wondered about my identity. A quick glance at my blog will suffice –
I am banned on social media. My gravatar includes friend’s link who repost my writing.
with a roll-call of my offensive responses to reader’s comments on a previous article
I assume you are from the Groyperdistrict, windowless basement unit, sexless “incel,” moonlighting as Nicky’s Unz-patrol bot. Surprising diligence in exclusively negative quotes. You are correct – no need for formality with the inane. I prefer intelligent comments, or to point out flagrant misinformation.
@Wayne Lusvardi quoting Fuller on French nationalism.
Very nice quote. Informative. I presume you haven’t read beyond Fuller’s intro? Go back to the Dreyfus chapter. Mainstream bunk unrelated to any facts of the case. Fuller’s characterization of the Anti-Dreyfusards comes straight from Emile Zola’s J’Accuse:
This once-proud nation had been overrun by foreigners who mercilessly exploited her rich resources and native industry. … Foreign workers stole the jobs of hard-working and honest French men and women who asked only to be allowed to toil in their own land for a decent living…The only institution the anti-Dreyfus traditionalists controlled was the military.
This is a caricature of the Anti-Dreyfusards. Then again, Fuller’s work is focused specifically on nationalists…fine line to walk.
Never mind that the share of foreign workers in 1890 of France’s labor market was perhaps less than 2 percent. There were no “foreigners” running the country and exploiting her industry. This is journalism, not history.
The French realize that someone is spying on them for the Germans and there’s this guy there who is from Alsace, which used to be part of Germany. So, naturally, suspicion falls on him.
Were it so simple. Anywhere from 1/5 to 1/4 of officers were from Alsace and Lorraine. There was no “naturally.” The charges were based on evidence, not suspicions.
Is it coincidence that an author who white-washes Israel from its crimes against humanity is also such a staunch a Zemmour supporter? What does that tell us about Zemmour’s true intentions?
Nothing. I am not Zemmour. Don’t conflate supporters with people they support. You make at least three guilt-by-association fallacies. You put the SJW to shame!
@Henry’s Cat
But how can we be sure? If Zemmour was planted 20 years ago, why not Le Pen? Maybe her father, too. And you, perhaps. And me? Where will it end?
Intelligent observations. You’re giving a hard time to the wheezing naggers married to Marine Le Pen’s petticoat. I don’t pretend to know Zemmour’s backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not.
The elder generation in France distinctly remember how Francois Mitterand spawned the Front National. How Jean-Marie Le Pen dissolved the French right with Mitterand’s connivance. They even remember Mitterand’s collaboration with Vichy, his fascist youth.
Fast forward to 2016. Little Marine needed to lick a few matzah balls in order to secure the 500 municipal backers required to run in 2017. She kicked her father out of the FN, following up with a groveling “The Holocaust was not a Detail” tour of Israel (i.e. disavowal of her father’s comments)
Some of you might feel stupid learning about this. Oh- we didn’t know, gasps. Where can you learn about French current events, from an Alt-Right perspective?
My hatred of Égalité et Réconciliation is uncompromising. Check my previous comments on Unz. Mbala Mbala isn’t the problem. Most comedian’s aren’t funny. I’m not the type off Jew to take offense at Holocaust jokes. I am bothered by Alain Soral, who behaves like an agent provocateur, and whose politics is Antifa, Islamolatric. Doing to the “cafe right” what Le Pen did to the mainstream right.
An informed grasp of French politics requires reading Richard Millet’s more politically charged works, Zemmour’s own books, and those of Hollobecque.
Jules Ferry was a Freemason and jewish.
and then the relatedness to Luc Ferry
Freemason yes, Jewish no. French media report that Luc Ferry believes he is related to Jules, but rather oddly, can’t describe the actual family relationship.
Lots of comments. Not stupid ones. Mislead by Henry Makow..
I like this one:
Lets face it, Zemmour is protected by a force field of Jewish Privilege. No member of the Le Pen family, likely not even Jean Marie, could get away with what Zemmour the super-jew does.
The times we live in!
The Protocols were around long before the Dreyfus “affair Joly, a Jew whose real name was Joseph Levy…He was the protégé of Adolph Cremieux (Isaac Moise Cremieux 1796-1880) …For the sum of 2500 francs, Schorst provided Glinka with “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.†He was subsequently tracked down and murdered in Egypt.
This is 10th grade. All false . Makow (the source) has not a shred of evidence to back the claims.
House’s copy is called the “Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom,” because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House.
…the contention among historians who wrote about the Dreyfus case in the past has been that the handwriting on the memo which was found in the trash of the German embassy in Paris matched that of Esterhazy better than Dreyfus.
Easy to judge the quality of these “historians” – give me the prosecution’s statement in a nutshell. When you can do that, then you have read a real historian’s work, not phonies.
@James N. Kennett says:
If Dreyfus cannot be proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt, then he must be found not guilty.
Ha ha ha! This one made me laugh. The type of reader who doesn’t have time for nuance, like whether the world is or isn’t round. I didn’t exactly overwhelm anyone with judicial detail did I? Which part of found guilty in two trials did you miss?
@TheIdiot say
Everyone but MSM knows that Zemmour is a creature to split the French Right
Like I said – the I-think-I’m-original Idiot’s opinion. It’s in your alias! Were the world so simple – Zemmour wouldn’t be cutting his teeth in a context of constant violence and threats, many orchestrated by leaders of the Jewish Community.
Let’s be clear – Zemmour is not an Israeli firster. He is a Hallahkhic Jew. He grew up in religious observance. He celebrates the High Holidays. He is secular, and he is French, and he fights for France. He has never fought for Jews or for Israel, which doesn’t imply that he is an Arab-lover, a die-hard anti-Israeli, pro-Palestinian, etc. Don’t conflate the “failiure” to denounce Israeli crimes with Zionazism. If there is anything that should have been a take-away from my article, it’s the nature of Zemmour’s motivations.
I would be quite interested if you could substantiate that claim. I linked to the site where I based my claims about the protocols on, they do not come from Makow. I do follow Makow on Gab, but I disagree with him on many issues of historical importance.
"House’s copy is called the “Protocols of the Meeting of the Zionist Men of Wisdom,†because that is the name of the file House received in an intelligence briefing at the White House."
That's because you take the readers for a ride and think they are retards.
I don’t pretend to know Zemmour’s backers, but a Jewish Manchurian Candidate he is not.
The Dreyfus legacy: Neutered France
France’s first lady plagued by rumors she was born ‘male’
Emmanuel Macron’s wife has found herself under a barrage of online claims that she is transgender, born as a male, with the media pointing the finger at far-right conspiracy theorists.
Amid speculation over her gender that has taken the Francophone section of Twitter by storm this week, Brigitte Macron is going to file a complaint, according to French media citing people from her inner circle. However, she is yet to make an official comment on the matter.Online rumor has it that the French first lady was born a man named “Jean-Michel Trogneux,†while her official biography states she was given the name Brigitte Marie-Claude Trogneux and was born female.
Or is this Zemmour and his tribal faction throwing down the gauntlet to Rothschild faction…
Zemmour would stop the COVID madness if elected. He is following De Villiers who in turn is backing him:
That is a turning point in the croisis. To sum up: Only the elders with comorbidity would be injected (Raoult’s option, Raoult is De Villier’s friend), No more pass of any sort! Preventive cures would be authorized and the French research system would be encouraged financialy.
She is a beautiful human being. Hope one day you will go back to one of the places where your heart is….
She’s a mini me. Sigh. I miss Laos. Babe, sorry I was not able to get back. Some things got in the way.
What a well prepared meal! I really enjoyed it… Huh? The chef laced it sedatives and broken glass? How do you mean?
In case you are wondering what the author may be thinking of your comments, here is a sampler of snippets of his replies to those who commented on his essay, America’s Incel Prophets, UR.
Iris, my sister
I hope you are fine. I, for my part don’t consider les crises a good alternative web site (even though there are good things of course) It’s leader is to much of a blindsided leftist and his stand during the plandemic is rather stupid.
I don’t know…
When I wrote ‘my ancestors’ about the French who settled in America, I didn’t mean my own family who has remain in France. It is thus rather funny that you grand mother was of French ancestry. God bless her soul, “le monde est petit”.
The US is a strang place. A village named after a town in Egypt along a river with a native American name…
I wouldn’t have mind if you grand mother had slaves. Some blacks had black slave in the US, native used to have slaves. White used to have white slave along side black slave. My ancestors didn’t have slaves but owned farms in their village. In my beloved Africa, more than 30% of the population were slaves (maybe more). Some other Africans, like the Bo/Boa were so free that they didn’t have any hierachy unless the respect of the elders. It took canons for the French to submit them. My children’s mother ethny, the Hamito-chamitic Peulh (non negroïd) have never been subjugated by France and had been given a special status dureing the colonisation. Herders, fierce warriors, they would have been a thorn in the foot of colonial france.
Today, less than 1% want to enslave 99% of humanity, among which, you, I and those we love and even non elite jews (like in the good ol’days of Russian kahal).
As to the Hmong on the picture. Nobody remember when white blond settlers came living among them. It has became a feature of that tribe to have blond with blue eyes popping up among them from time to time. I have a French Hmong friend whose parents came as boat people. His beard is red… His grand father was among the French who colonised what is now Cambodia and who settled there.
Alexander the Great went as far as India. Do you think that all the soldiers went back home? Many settled along the way and interbred with the “locals”. Gengis Khan hordes roames far away in Europe, Roman, Persians, Maoris, Indonesians in Madagascar, Africans in south America… All traveled, invaded and mated local women. That is history.
Hitler’s Jewish Soldier which is on my bookshelve is definitely a must read. The 6 gorillons mantra only occupy a few lines, the rest gives credit to the complexity of reality.
Notwithstanding our different points of view I wish you un Joyeux Noël for you and those you love, in the midst of the insanity that plagues us.
Thanks ever so much for you reply.
I agree with you: there is much less free speech on European websites because it has been made illegal by law to discuss certain topics, while you in the US seem to still be protected by the First Amendment.
E&R was much better several ago, but it has been hammered with 100’s of thousands of euros in lawsuits, so definitely toned down.
Also, there is absolutely no doubt that the US remains the most important country in the world. You, American authors and commenters are the closest to the heart of the matter, where the fate of the world is being decided. Your views and analysis are invaluable, since they describe best the thinking and actions of the superpower leading the world. It is a privilege reading you and the UR in general.
But I do like our European views too; they are better tempered by rationalism, a more profound culture and are less excessive. I sincerely feel uncomfortable with American views of “race”, “racial inferiority” and ” racial IQ” for instance, which have no solid scientific basis but take so much of the discussion space. In Europe, educated people would never think this way, although they certainly recognise wide difference due to historic and socio-economic factors.
Finally, one last reason why I personally like reading the UR and its comments is because it seems the only way to by-pass the MSM blocus of lies and of fake representation of reality.
I read it to understand how everyday Americans really think and feel about their country, and about its influence over the world. Reading your views over the past years has been an invaluable learning process.
Diana Johnstone is the life-partner of Jean Bricmont, a native French-speaker Belgian emeritus professor of Physics, who has himself produced excellent and courageous political analysis over time.
Bricmont is well-known and very respected in French alternative political circles, although he always remains reserved about most compromising topics such as 9/11, and Israel to a certain extent.
Bricmont is also known to be a long-term friend and disciple of Noam Chomsky, something Diana Johnstone seems to be ironically critical about .
Diana Johnstone is an outstanding analyst, who I believe, writes most about what she knows best, the American empire. May be that put her writings at another, higher level than the websites where we discuss national, day-to-day politics.
There is now in Europe a merciless persecution of anybody denouncing more “burning” and “basic” topics: the irretrievable degradation in living standards, the illegitimacy of our domestic political process, the overwhelming Israeli/Zionist control upon them, the controversial and failed Covid public health policies. This is what people are most interested in, simply because their everyday life is changing for the worst with no hope in sight
Trump now blaming Netanyahu for being disloyal, for “using him on Iran†and for not really “want[ing] peace with the Palestiniansâ€: @ivan
Netanyahu proudly stood next to him beaming, but US politicians, Trump included, groveled at his feet.
Funny thing is that Fox readers all blame both Trump and Netanyahu about equally. It will be a while before the Fox readers give up the notion that Israel is the 51st state.