I don't know any little libertarians. But big libertarians like Dr Ron Paul would undoubtedly say that we should stop the insanity of wasting trillions attempting to tackle a NON PROBLEM (ie: emissions of the Gas of Life CO2), and use that money more productively to address the genuine ecological issues confronting the planet - with hundreds of billions left over to end world hunger, and improve the health of humanity. We really need to lock up the rabid Climate alarmists, who have nothing better to do with their time than frighten little children with their tall tales of Climate armageddon.
Does the little ‘libertarian’ have any position on ecological collapse .....?
Tooth –
I have to say I am surprised a dedicated Bolshevik like yourself would oppose the wasting of resources on a questionable problem just to weaken the free world.
Does the little ‘libertarian’ have any position on ecological collapse …..?
I don’t know any little libertarians.
But big libertarians like Dr Ron Paul would undoubtedly say that we should stop the insanity of wasting trillions attempting to tackle a NON PROBLEM (ie: emissions of the Gas of Life CO2), and use that money more productively to address the genuine ecological issues confronting the planet – with hundreds of billions left over to end world hunger, and improve the health of humanity.
We really need to lock up the rabid Climate alarmists, who have nothing better to do with their time than frighten little children with their tall tales of Climate armageddon.
In any other sane society throughout human history, these lunatics would’ve been burned at the stake like those Salem witches.
Indigenous Americans also spoke of ‘Wetiko’, an infectious psycho-social disease of mind and soul, that compels the victims to act out of almost insensate greed, to destroy themselves and others. Best call it what it is-capitalism.
As the Guardian reported, in 2023, a bunch of Israeli election riggers called ‘Team Jorge’ have been hard at working fixing elections around the world for more than two decades. ‘Jorge’ is actually Tal Hanan, a ‘former’ Israeli ‘special forces’ operative. He claimed ‘success’ for 27 out of 33 operations, to undercover journos posing as prospective clients.
It puts me in mind of our 2019 Federal election. The Opposition Labour Party won forty odd public opinion polls, straight, before the campaign, and won every opinion poll during the campaign. Then the exit polls had them winning, but, mirabile dictu, the ‘results’ returned Scott Morrison, a religious crank and fanatically pro-Israel, as PM. Mind you, the Opposition Leader, Shorten, and his cabal were fanatic Sabbat Goyim, too.
Does the little ‘libertarian’ have any position on ecological collapse, or is reality just another ‘externality’?
I don't know any little libertarians. But big libertarians like Dr Ron Paul would undoubtedly say that we should stop the insanity of wasting trillions attempting to tackle a NON PROBLEM (ie: emissions of the Gas of Life CO2), and use that money more productively to address the genuine ecological issues confronting the planet - with hundreds of billions left over to end world hunger, and improve the health of humanity.We really need to lock up the rabid Climate alarmists, who have nothing better to do with their time than frighten little children with their tall tales of Climate armageddon.
Does the little ‘libertarian’ have any position on ecological collapse .....?
Dr Paul –
I am surprised to hear you comment about the campaign positions of Kamala Harris, since she does not seem to have any.
i’d love to see GAO statistics on how much american taxpayer money is wasted keeping the sandniggers at bay so a bunch of rich kikes can have their raves and gay orgies and such in palestine. it would have to be an exhaustive study, including things like bribing countries like egypt to stay in line, not just direct expenditures to the zionist entity proper.
Jimmy Dore –> Ian Carroll: Who Owns Blackrock?
Americans are the most spoiled and willful people on the planet and our leaders never met a war they didn’t like.
Neither did the Bloody Brits from whom America inherited the right to make war on anyone having anything it happened to want.
The 2020 Presidential Election was decided by massive electoral fraud. The fix is in and permanent. Any candidate who can remotely cause trouble to the interests of the oligarchy will not be elected. Trump was not even a serious threat to their interests, but he did cause very minor disruption – trying to get the troops out of Syria, derailing a war against Iran, tariffs on Chinese steel and suchlike.
The really sad part of all of this is the MAGA mob think the result will be different this time. It won’t. Kamala Harris will remain in her bunker, avoid interviews and still “magically” win by 20 million votes on election day.
“promoting worthless military adventures that benefit defense contractors”
RFK explains the US / NATO war on Russia on behalf of Blackrock, sorry Ukraine.
WATCH RFK exposes the TRUTH about Ukraine in 3 minutes pic.twitter.com/H8kyOPUd8u
— MAHA WINS (@KennedyForTheW) August 31, 2024
We live in a nation where the government is an Oligarchy and the economy is Monopoly Capitalism. As such, neither a Dem or Repub president has power to stop the uncontrolled spending to benefit mainly a foreign country that controls both our domestic and foreign policies. So, while I and many others agree with Rand Paul, hoping for a different president to change the spending and debt is an illusion.
There being no “conventional†way off the horns of this dilemma, more-and-more among the impaled general population appear resigned to going through some sort of drastic and very painful “event†that destroys the contraption keeping them captive. Given both its mass and momentum, it’s only sensible to expect the wreck to be both total and spectacular.
Those still too-few among our domesticated Sisters and Brothers alert and aware enough to feel it coming are already getting together spontaneously to recover what they yet can of our Natural Human Organic Form, which is neither the ersatzâ€individual†nor the socially-engineered and equally artificial â€nucular†family. Lakotahs call it Tiyoshpaye. There are specific words for it in most surviving Native Languages. In doing that the “self†sickness sufferers can not only help each other to get over it, they might also regain the Organic Functional Integrity essential to fulfillment of our Given Organic Function within the LivingLoving Arrangement of Earth and Sky as a component of our natural immune system.
Meanwhile, just more and more of the same old “hair†of the three-headed institutional/industrial/ ideological dog/god/bot rabidly tearing their throats out will not somehow suddenly turn the damned thing into “civilized†man’s best friend. So it seems likely that this current crop of candidates would rather not even pretend to address conditions they must realize are both intractable and terminal.
Unless the federal government starts cutting spending and paying down the debt, America will experience an unprecedented economic crisis.
Much too late for that – indeed, many decades too late.
America is a banana – or should that be, cocaine – republic. Normally, the best course would be to repudiate, or drastically write down, government debt. But government debts are the banks’ assets, so the financial system would start to collapse, as would the value of the USD. Hyperinflation would quickly ensue.
Nothing is to be done other than wait for the inevitable – which will be sooner rather than later. I strongly suspect Dr Paul ( born 1935 ) will live to see it.
In a country where low IQ non-White voters, mostly blacks and Mestizos, and Jew propagandized people can outvote sane people, you cannot win an election running on sound financial principles. Any candidate running on cutting people’s government handouts has no chance. Any candidate wanting massive military cuts, for a military whose primary interests are protecting Israel and promoting worthless military adventures that benefit defense contractors, also has no chance. This will continue until it no longer can and then look out.
A majority of Americans no longer care about deficits or high taxes. George W Bush destroyed that branch of the republican party with the “war on terror” and now it’s all about the free cheese. More for the mic, more for the illegals, more for the bums who don’t want to work and save. This was all predicted long ago and it would take a modern Caesar to cross the Potomac and save the nation. Won’t happen. Probably.
Once you’re on the track of deficit spending to deliver freebies that voters want, there is no way off that treadmill w/o great political pain, so it will not stop until it is too late.
It appears our inevitable financial demise that you have been warning everyone about for as long as I can remember is upon us. They didn’t listen to you then, and they won’t listen to you now. Americans are the most spoiled and willful people on the planet and our leaders never met a war they didn’t like.
Neither did the Bloody Brits from whom America inherited the right to make war on anyone having anything it happened to want.
Americans are the most spoiled and willful people on the planet and our leaders never met a war they didn’t like.
Extra Extra … Kamala is a man
His Kamala impersonation is spot on
🤣🤣🤣 pic.twitter.com/OMfQbDh5Io— Static (@lodiedodie14) August 31, 2024
And all of the poor choices outlined in this article by Dr. Paul just go on year after year for the entire 21st century so far. Is there no off ramp from this paradigm?
Other federal spending may soon start to crowd out defense spending. CBO estimates are that over the next thirty years Social Security, Medicare, military and civilian government pensions added together will face an almost hundred trillion-dollar shortfall. The additional money needed can’t come from taxes. The most productive segment of the population is whites, but they are declining in numbers. Only half the working age population is white, and it will continue to decline. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, since 2015 yearly white deaths have exceeded white births. We are losing a million whites a year now while gaining two million nonwhites.
Nonwhites receive more in various government benefits than they pay in taxes. Even among whites, white females receive about the same amount in government benefits that they pay in taxes. They are revenue neutral. The 25% of the workforce that is white male is where taxes come from. This same 25% are also the victims of the affirmative action that benefits the other 75% of the population. You can’t depend on a group that is shrinking in size to bail us out of the federal government’s future fiscal problems.
We can’t use money printing to get our way out of this either. That would lead to inflation, higher prices and a declining standard of living. Spending cuts will have to be made. Cuts will be made to programs that benefit senior citizens but in order to help prevent draconian cuts there we will also have to make big cuts in the bloated defense budget.
Excellent summary. Loss of LIBERTY – Loss of LIBERTY throughout the world.
Dr. Paul’s incredulity at all this “fiscal†folly has to be to-some-extent feigned. He’s been up The Hill. He’s seen The Elephant….and The Jackass.
For a spell there, if talking about the characteristics of Congress Critters, his natural honesty would’ve compelled him to confess that “Now I are one!†Face Natural Facts! The mess he regularly decries will never be cleaned-up by those who’re so effectively instrumental in its making. It’s now just one more dead horse already long-since beaten far beyond merely into a pulp.
If everybody indulging is similarly feckless exercises would just take a break, give it a rest, it might free-up a whole bunch of currently-wasted domesticated Human cognitive capacity which could then be devoted to coming to grips with something, anything, there might be at-least some ghost of a chance of doing something mutually beneficial about. Nobody here in Indian Country will be holding our Breath waiting for any such thing, of-course.
Do they pay you well for writing such nonsense?
Meritocratic autocracy does have it’s positive aspects. Truly republican governance is not an impossible dream. It would require a genuinely informed public and weighted voting based on the ancient Chinese concept of non-generational meritocratic advancement.
“Universal suffrage is a bad joke, and the joke is on us unfortunately.†I am an autodidact in these matters — not to mention a died in the wool empiricist. The women I know are not fools, but they are easily fooled — the same is true of the men I know. The ideology of equality is having a malevolent effect wherever it is bandied about. Women and men have been misled — by the misleadingly attractive notion that women are just men in skirts. The reasoning is spurious nonsense. Today most women, schooled at desks with most men, in a system which is the antithesis of self learning, have effectively been brainwashed — simply imbibing the received – without either sex having an iota of empirical evidence with which to judge the validity of the messaging. As such we are all victims!
My observations have led me to conclude that the millions of years of programming inherent in our genes is extraordinarily difficult to override. Try to change or cease the most mundane habits bedevilling one and it quickly becomes obvious that a couple centuries of increasingly progressive optimism are flawed at the root.
What I have noticed is that women have extraordinary memories — no doubt a dominant inheritance and dependably important when the only means of conveying important life serving information, say, the location of certain curative herbs in a vast landscape with only natural references was verbal. Midwifery is not new. And it was not learned sitting at a desk. Still, it is infuriating when circumstances dictate the opposite of an earlier decision, completely wrong in present circumstances and a woman says “…but you said.†I think women remember words but not the nuance of circumstances.
Women taught by rote repetition that they ought to aspire to roles formerly almost exclusively mens roles and indeed compete with men for most positions of influence in our post modern society — is something they have been brainwashed to believe. Women are good at rules. Rules though suggest there is a rule for everything. He my fathers instruction was “drive according to the conditions of the road.†I understood exactly what he meant to convey. He was not suggesting I exceed the speed limit under any and all circumstances — if I subjectively decided to do so. Whereas it is not uncommon to find that an irritating driver is a women — hidebound by following the rules to the letter. My wife failed her driving test three times to her annoyance. But she got every answer correct on the written portion. I though missed the correct answer on a couple of questions but I had no trouble backing up, double parking, and most importantly slowing down when anticipating a possibility, like say kids tossing a footballs near the curb. I am not saying here my wife would not have slowed down, but as often, she would have said — with a capital I – “At least I was driving the speed limit.â€
This after trying to maintain the speed limit in a snow storm on a divided highway after sliding into a ditch. If something is ethically dubious a women may very well go along with the prognosis if it within the rules. Generally women do not seem to be very capable abstract thinkers. As in “…suppose we get off the freeway, it might be safer, this section is know for its many car pileups?†The kind of answer I’d bet men reading this will no doubt be familiar, “…you are always questioning my driving skills†tends in meetings to inhibit the process when women are present.
I have heard women citing something memorized when objecting to a clear path to an important objective by insisting she be heard. In the instance I think women want to be acknowledged for their presence because “they deserve to be heard.†Often the nuance not captured in a specific rule eludes women. Nuance cuts both ways. My wife accuses me of browbeating others. I have learned the value of adopting an “ethically unconcerned posture†when some neighbour wants something imaginatively creative attempted; indeed offering to help. Why be right in every instance? Choose your battles.
Concluding with a final observation. Again empirically. I was giving directions to a young highly educated women. I said turn right on Trump Street; you’ll be going south — there’s a Shell gas station on the corner. Shell has a big yellow sign. She got lost and called me. We went over it again. It turned out the gas station was no longer a Shell station, but it was still a gas station. She said, “…you said, watch for the big yellow sign.†What are you gonna do?
You’d need a brain first, in order for it to be damaged.
In fairness to Mr. Biden, most politicians are not brain-damaged.
This combination of PIG ignorance and VICIOUS racist stupidity is so ‘Exceptional’. The whole world is watching the collapse of the USA, the most hated and feared tyranny in history, with gleeful anticipation.
You are delusional if you think anyone should just take what you write as gospel. You did not even attempt to back up the retarded things you wrote with any facts or logic. The Oligarchs of the West need Russia government out of the picture and their resources are needed to prop up the Federal Reserve Note. This is the reason they surrounded Russia. Your claim that the purveyors of the world reserve currency want to purposefully trade it for regional currencies is retarded. Why would they take a step down on purpose?
Unless you have a logical answer for this question it means what you wrote is wrong. Here is a hint. You are wrong.
Do you fancy yourself as some kind of sage? Do you have any gravitas that would get me to take your proclamations as gospel? Next time try to give at least a reason for your beliefs. Autistic people love to make proclamations with nothing to back it up. Have you been diagnosed?
Mr. Whitney, along with Paul Craig Roberts and many others, have been consistently predicting the end of the west for decades. We should have collapsed in the 1970s but somehow we survived. I knew people who collected silver and gold coins, heated their houses with wood, established survival gardens, assembled crude wind generators. People saved old jars and collected balls of string—great depression stuff. When the economy recovered these ‘preppers’ soon found their survival preparations to be expensive and time wasting hobbies.
We were facing first “the coming ice ageâ€, later “nuclear winterâ€, then “catastrophic global warmingâ€. Manhattan island was supposed to be under water by 2000 due to rising sea levels. Exactly none of these existentially devastating events occurred. Now it seems we are doomed once again. Russia has miraculously developed into a military and economic super power. Never mind their low economic status in Europe. They are master chip builders, completely self sufficient, and boasting weapons far beyond those of the west. Never mind their unimpressive performance in Ukraine. That only proves their masterful strategies and capabilities. They sacrificed tens of thousands of Russian soldiers and thousands of tanks and helicopters, all a clever ruse to outwit the Ukrainians and their running dogs. Ukraine is one of Europe’s poorest countries, by the way.
Bet on the US for the future. The nation has immense natural resources and a lively and enterprising population. There are ups and downs but progress has been consistent over time. We can be 99% self sufficient with just a handful of political replacements. Don’t put all your chips on China, Russia or India. These ancient civilizations have had thousands of years to show something inspiring, except they never did.
Ziocon creatures in Ukraine: https://www.voltairenet.org/article217312.html
According to the director of the Ukrainian Book Institute and former president of the Publishers’ Forum, Oleksandra Koval, it will be necessary to destroy at least 100 million books… This auto-da-fé targets all the classcis of Russian literature from Alexander Pushkin to Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky.
The ideological foundations of PNAC and the specter of a nuclear war: https://www.voltairenet.org/article215855.html:
German philosopher Leo Strauss was a professor of philosophy at the University of Chicago. He explained to his Jewish students that
“the only way for the Jews not to fall victim to a new genocide was to form their own dictatorship. … he taught them discretion and praised the “noble lieâ€. Although he died in 1973, his student fraternity continued.
The Straussians began forming a political group half a century ago, in 1972. They were all members of Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop†Jackson’s staff, including Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. They worked closely with a group of Trotskyite journalists, also Jewish, who had met at the City College of New York and edited the magazine Commentary. Both groups were closely linked to the CIA, but also, thanks to Perle’s father-in-law Albert Wohlstetter (the US military strategist), to the Rand Corporation (the think tank of the military-industrial complex). Many of these young people intermarried until they formed a compact group of about 100 people.
In 1992, William Kristol and Robert Kagan (the husband of Victoria Nuland [“F–k the EU”]) published an article in Foreign Affairs calling for a renewal of “benevolent global hegemonyâ€. The following year they founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) at the American Enterprise Institute.
The PNAC raised funds for the candidacy of George W. Bush (the son) and published before his election its famous report “Rebuilding America’s Defensesâ€. It called for a Pearl Harbor-like catastrophe that would throw the American people into a war for global hegemony. These are exactly the words that Rumsfeld used on September 11, 2001. …
Regime change in Kiev in 2014 was organized by the Straussians. … Victoria Nuland came to support the neo-Nazi elements of the Right Sector and to supervise the Israeli “Delta†commando in Maidan Square.
Did you sleep through 1990-s? Russia was looted and raped by the same tribe that had arranged the Russo-Japanese war of 1905 and the Bolshevik revolution in 1918. It is not for nothing that people call our times the end of the Jewish Century. After the actions of your Kaganovich, Frenkel, Yagoda, Itsikovich (see the Goloshyokin Genocide), Zalkind, Bronstein, and other shtetles’ scum, and after the profitable schema of holobiz and Straussian contribution triumphing in PNAC (see millions of the innocents who died in the Middle East during wars for Israel plus the ongoing de-Nazification of Ukraine), the Tribe has zero moral ground. Whether Wiesel’s lies or Frank’s forgery (bot Leo and Otto), the fraternization of Zionists with self-proclaimed Nazis is an ugly final chord for the Jewish Century. Again, the Tribe has zero moral ground.
Russians told many times (for people like you) that they do not want to recreate the Soviet Union, including its geography. In December 2021 they asked the US/NATO politely to stop the genocidal attacks on Russian people living in eastern Ukraine and to stop NATO expansion towards the Russian borders. Since 2014, the Ziocon project of the Nazification of Ukraine has brought amazing results: the aggravation of the economic situation in Europe and the increased danger of a nuclear war. Read PNAC concocted by Ziocons and Neocons as a manifesto of full-spectrum dominance, which stinks talmudic mentality of supremacism and arrogance.
Russia does not need to prove her greatness. Russia has people, traditions, resources, and, overall, a moral compass. Only the neurotic Parasite is always looking for ‘victory’ over many ‘Amaleks.’
It’s the end of the Russian century.
The EU and NATO took away just about all of the ex-Soviet countries and ex-Warsaw countries from Russia.
And there are more to come.
This is NOT a Russian victory even if Russia takes all of Ukraine.
The ideological foundations of PNAC and the specter of a nuclear war: https://www.voltairenet.org/article215855.html:
According to the director of the Ukrainian Book Institute and former president of the Publishers’ Forum, Oleksandra Koval, it will be necessary to destroy at least 100 million books... This auto-da-fé targets all the classcis of Russian literature from Alexander Pushkin to Leo Tolstoy and Fyodor Dostoyevsky.�
"the only way for the Jews not to fall victim to a new genocide was to form their own dictatorship. ... he taught them discretion and praised the “noble lieâ€. Although he died in 1973, his student fraternity continued. The Straussians began forming a political group half a century ago, in 1972. They were all members of Democratic Senator Henry “Scoop†Jackson’s staff, including Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz. They worked closely with a group of Trotskyite journalists, also Jewish, who had met at the City College of New York and edited the magazine Commentary. Both groups were closely linked to the CIA, but also, thanks to Perle’s father-in-law Albert Wohlstetter (the US military strategist), to the Rand Corporation (the think tank of the military-industrial complex). Many of these young people intermarried until they formed a compact group of about 100 people. In 1992, William Kristol and Robert Kagan (the husband of Victoria Nuland ["F--k the EU"]) published an article in Foreign Affairs calling for a renewal of “benevolent global hegemonyâ€. The following year they founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) at the American Enterprise Institute.The PNAC raised funds for the candidacy of George W. Bush (the son) and published before his election its famous report “Rebuilding America’s Defensesâ€. It called for a Pearl Harbor-like catastrophe that would throw the American people into a war for global hegemony. These are exactly the words that Rumsfeld used on September 11, 2001. ...Regime change in Kiev in 2014 was organized by the Straussians. ... Victoria Nuland came to support the neo-Nazi elements of the Right Sector and to supervise the Israeli “Delta†commando in Maidan Square.
And there are more American and Canadian mercenaries in Ukraine–some were in Afghanistan specializing in slaughtering children and unarmed women –returned home to receive Medal and then headed to Ukraine —tattoos not withstanding !!!
USA however has the POWER —-have you never heard of Virtual Reality Banking and how 30 Trillion Debt can be transposed into 60 Trillion Surplus ——-“In god we trust ”
A little war hardware porn…..
The Russian military released the latest developments on special military operations in Ukraine Thursday 16 June 2022. Ukrainian airstrikes run aground, Su-25 fighter jets, 7 drones, 21 Uragan rockets shot down by Russia
Great article and nails my sentiments exactly.
All Washington had to do is keep the peace and watch the money continue to flow to our collective benefit.
But they couldn’t even do that.
Their corrupted, blind and ignorant ambitions got in the way. No way they could abide by a level global playing field based on international law. Nope, due mostly to their own greed and mismanagement they knew full well they would lose that game.
Heck, I’m convinced Joe and Janet Yellen in reality have no earthly idea how the global economy works.
Now we’ll all suffer, at best. Welcome to the jungle at worst.
But you are wrong, damned Russkies didn't follow the western program in relation with Covid. They didn't innoculate the "killshots". They made their own vaccine which is totally different to the mRNA "killshots", just a regular vector-based vaccine.
Tell me why Putin went along with the plandemic and coerced his people to take covid killshots.
Actually, theirs is a rDNA shot, like AstraZeneca’s or J&J’s. There are two possible reasons why they haven’t experienced the same disaster as in the West: 1) Russians were much more reluctant to get jabbed than people in the West 2) they made a nasal spray version which greatly reduced the risk of blood clots as after-effect.
That said, Russian doctors applied the same protocols as in the West and as a result, tens of thousands died. I can’t fathom why the Russians played ball on covid. Comparatively, India or Thailand for instance acted in a much more responsible manner towards their populations.
But you are wrong, damned Russkies didn't follow the western program in relation with Covid. They didn't innoculate the "killshots". They made their own vaccine which is totally different to the mRNA "killshots", just a regular vector-based vaccine.
Tell me why Putin went along with the plandemic and coerced his people to take covid killshots.
Optimized Russia – Covid Deaths
Rosstat reported an increase in excess mortality in March. The indicator increased by 7 thousand deaths compared to February. Mortality in Russia has been rising despite a decrease in the number of deaths from coronavirus.
This is evidenced by data published by Rosstat. In March, 201.1 thousand people died in Russia. For comparison: in March 2021, the figure reached 191.3 thousand, and in March 2020 – 152.7 thousand. Excess mortality reached 49.2 thousand people in March against 42.1 thousand in February and 20.5 thousand in January.
If he does right, I support him. If he does wrong, like pertaining to the covid scam, I definitely don’t.
If Putin really is fighting a faction of the Cabal, great, I hope he wins, but I don’t think truthers should put emotional investment in him and see Putin as a man on a white horse – we were just burned by Trump.
Putin fighting the western Cabal does not make him your friend, it does not make him a good actor, it does not mean he is free from Redshield puppetry.
Even Putin did something to hurt the capstone(the illuminati families) he still shouldn’t be trusted.
I learned my lesson from Alex Jones, Q, and Trumpstein.
I will never give my critical faculties to anyone again.
The expert opinion of an American patriot and soldier Douglas MacGregor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AwWhJ4JP_s
Video Link
Overall take is quite apt.
There will be a treaty with America when Trump is re-elected.
For the Russians, it is hatred b/c they are living proof that ZOG rule isn’t fated. Russia has been ruled by Jews, has been looted by Jews and yet has risen again. For Djoković and the unvaccinated it is a different feeling. They fear that the hoi polloi may realise what they are doing to them and answer their violence with violence.
Fat chance that it will happen, sure, but the elites know that what they are doing is evil, the fear of retribution is an uncontrollable feeling and it makes them sh*t on themselves, like that Ukrainian guy covered with nazi tattoos whom the Russian took prisoner. It is a fear that they remedy with lines of coke and every moment they carry on makes them feel elated like after a bungee jump.
(Warning: if you’ve just eaten, don’t watch!)
Who is more hated by US establishment: (1) one non-vaccinated (or, undeclared), top healthy guy OR (2) a dozen of Russians and Byelorussians (some of them probably support Putin’s ‘special operation’ in Ukraine?
The correct answer is (1).
NYT confirmed that Novak Djokovic does not have the right to enter the United States at this moment because he has not been (or it is unknown) vaccinated. He cannot attend US Open and will lose 1200 points a top spot in ATP list. However, Russian and Byelorussian tennis players will be allowed to compete at the tournament.
Why does someone who get their news from the Ministry of Truth come to this site? Are you tired of the JREF.org circle jerk? You certainly have the irrational confidence of a “skeptic”
You defended the covid1984 official narrative and got your ass beat like you were in a San Francisco bathhouse. Now you’re defending another ridiculous narrative and you’re getting your ass beat again – you must know that your silly claims about Russia losing the war are unsubstantiated.
I really am curious why you find this site appealing.
> “Russian war never changes. They view their soldiers as not only expendable but deserving of their fate.”
Your takes are generally intelligent, yet then you spout out this preschooler-tier Russophobia, and come out dumber than you really are.
If the Russian people had had any power in their own country, they would have declared war, enacted mobilisation, and swept to the Polish border in a month. Instead, they are forced to die for the traitors in Kremlin bleeding Russia dry, all in the vain hope for a treaty with the West – which will never come, as Strelkov dutifully reminds.
The tragedy is that not a single Aryan country has sovereignty left. The Americans passed the reigns to Jewry out of their own accord; Russia is puppeteered by the West; the Ukraine is Little Russia par excellence, an ugly tiny demon unleashed by the gays.
Moscow is decimating the Donbass Republics; Kiev is depopulating the Ukraine. It’s pure self-destruction, all to the glory of Yeshua. This much is obvious to anyone familiar with the Russian nationalist side – I recommend Maxim Kalashnikov’s RoyTV interviews with Kvachkov, Sivkov, Strelkov.
I’ve only comment one other time on here recently, but here is my “somewhat normie” take.
Putin and Russia are not controlled, and they were literally forced into this war, and yep, they are the “Good Guys,” especially compared to their Globohomo opponents.
Next, the “American Empire” is not really American, and is only loved by people who are morons, or who are neocons (Trotskites), and people who are so naïve as to suppose Russia is still the Soviet Union. Also, the so-called political leaders of the USA are puppets just like the leaders of most EU countries, so the USA Empire is merely the military wing of a much more vast empire which includes most of Europe. Europe is not so much a dupe of USA military as all of these countries are a dupe of the final string pullers of Globohomo.
Also, globalists always wanted to destroy main street USA, normal European people, and the economies that support those people, as they want to kill most of us. They have intentional placed a bunch of “Greens” of Global Warming nut jobs in control of all the energy policies, so they have the usual plausible denial thing going with their secondary unvoted-in bureaucracies.
While the Ukraine War thing is still going, Globohomo can continue to launder money through the Ukraine , which is the Ukraine’s prime purpose, or kicking back money to major puppets and probably whoever the leaders are.
So, the Globalists are destroying the USA and normal Europeans with this, but the “Sanctions” are merely a small, but important, part of that, and the Green new Deal is bigger.
“Sanctions then were minimal compared to the current.”
— Tell this to owners of small businesses in Europe. The current illegal (and idiotic) sanctions surely have a stronger boomerang effect.
By the way, how is the holobiz hierography doing? According to the ADL (the Jewish Lobby’s voice), Ukrainian Nazis are not so bad because they “don’t attack Jews and Jewish Institutions.” Nice to know the new qualification table. At least, Wiesel’s lies and Frank’s tall tales are not sacred anymore. Thanks! And let the engineers say the last word about the holobiz “gas chambers” and about falling buildings.
Ms. Adûnâi, I do not need your psychoanalysis. In case you missed it, Freud was a Fraud. I am quite comfortable with who I am. Just stay focused on your own woes.
Would you be willing to expand on the above?I guess....that you mean separatist moves after the failure (stalemate) in Ukraine?Internal regime change could be a solution. Replacement of the cabal in Kremlin by truly pro-Russian group.
Meanwhile, the Russians on the ground are losing hope, and preparing for an utter failure of Russian statehood in the coming times.
Please keep the word “cabal” for your preferred government in DC (Knesset on Potomac) and a collection of Zion/Usurers-controlled chihuahuas known as the EU parliament.
Sure Jews and Banderites feverishly desire to see Russians “losing hope, and preparing for an utter failure of Russian statehood in the coming times” but this feverish (delirious?) dream is not going to materialize. The Ziocon project for the Nazification of Ukraine has resulted in a greater cohesiveness of the peoples of the Russian Federation. They are not talmudists. They are humans.
Interesting, is the open collaboration between Banderites and Ziocons in a fight against Russia improved the cohesiveness of the Jewish Community in the US and the EU? The sacrifice of holobiz memes for the profitable use of Ukrainians as cannon fodder was a heroic step in a fight against Russian Amalek.
The homoerotic dancer in heels, Mr. Ze, has even confided to the Atlantic Council (a “defender of Zionism”) about his dreams of turning Ukraine into “a big Israel.” What a great confession! Though he is just a follower of his “local” puppeteer Kolomojsky (who financed Mr. Ze’s election campaign). Kolomojsky, the founder and financier of several Nazi death squads (Azov, Aidar, and Dnipro battalions) is a President of the Jewish Community of Ukraine and main looter of Ukrainian resources. Currently, he lives in safety in Israel, a haven for Jewish crooks and criminals. One of Mr. Ze’s villas is in Israel where he relocated his parents. Some Ukrainian parents certainly have questions about the homoerotic dancer’s orders prohibiting Ukrainian soldiers to capitulate, leaving the only option – to die for Ziocons and Mr. Ze’s fortune. The flower of Ukraine is destroyed as cannon fodder by Ususrers/War profiteers.
Not the first! Just check out the Austfailian MSM and Federal Parliament. They failed their APGARs, let alone the Turing.
The vast majority of Americans are deeply in debt, mainly because their inculcated consumer lifestyles impels/compels to spend more than their income designates. Mass, crass stoopidity. Most Russians at least have the common sense to not attempt to live on air and advertising slogans.
Median income is just the middle of the income spread. It does not consider the proportion of the population at different income level. More than 50% are below that point. https://www.statista.com/statistics/203183/percentage-distribution-of-household-income-in-the-us/
But go ahead and take the median if you think billionaires are basically distorting the numbers. US median household is around 65K. That is wealthy in Russia.
Most Russians own their houses/apartments outright from Soviet times.
Many also own dachas in the countryside.
In the US our biggest monthly expense is rent/mortgage.
Another huge expense is the myriad taxes we pay: Fed, State, Local…+ Sales tax, Utility tax, this tax, that tax. California doesn’t, but some state even tax your food.
Russia’s income tax is flat 13%.
But go ahead and take the median if you think billionaires are basically distorting the numbers. US median household is around 65K. That is wealthy in Russia.
Median income is just the middle of the income spread. It does not consider the proportion of the population at different income level. More than 50% are below that point. https://www.statista.com/statistics/203183/percentage-distribution-of-household-income-in-the-us/
Let’s use your “median income” and break down that 65k median income. Tell me how much went to housing, healthcare, food, transportation etc… Housing, health services, food and transportation are way lower in Russia. So definitely, $65k USD in Russia is a lot but in the US it is nothing and many a barely getting by. 75% of the $65k went to housing, transportation, taxes, food and healthcare. https://www.bankrate.com/banking/savings/average-household-budget/ And thats 2020 data. We are not even considering the inflation affect of 2022 yet.
Yes it is. Look around.Replies: @John Johnson
So it is absurd to suggest that half of Americans are basically on a Russian budget. Totally ridiculous. Russian GDP per capita is 1/6 that of the US.
Yes it is. Look around.
Ok hang on.
(goes and looks around small town USA)
I see White men in their 20s driving 40k trucks that get 14 mpg.
White women in low paying jobs still getting their nails done.
Chips and ice cream displayed prominently on end isles.
McDonald’s line is as long as ever.
Movie parking lot is full on a weekday.
This is all where gas is over $5.
No I don’t believe for one second that 1/2 of Americans basically live like Russians. In that video they are showing Russians paying $2.50 for 1kg of garbage looking apples. Those wouldn’t even go on the shelf in America. The grocer wouldn’t take them.
So it is absurd to suggest that half of Americans are basically on a Russian budget. Totally ridiculous. Russian GDP per capita is 1/6 that of the US.
Yes it is. Look around.
Wow! You got it perfectly bass-ackwards. It’s the Ukies who conscript virtually all men between the ages of late teens to mid-60s, give them minimal training and then use them as literal cannon fodder to attempt getting Russia to use up its shells on what the Khazarian Mafiya Talmudists in Kiev consider men who are mere goys and also “useless eaters”.
Thought your presentation was totally inverted, you did get it in a strange kinda way. Congratulations!
Sure, if you are using US metrics yes, it could happen. I think you are projecting US onto Russia.
How exactly am I projecting? Officially Russia has a 17% inflation rate and in that video it is clearly higher for food.
Russia’s GDP per capita is one fifth of the US. US Gini Coefficient is quite large meaning the divide the top 10% and the rest is quite huge. That means 50%+ of US citizens are surviving with Russia level GDP per capita but with really terrible purchasing power parity.
Purchasing power parity is based on prices and even if you matched them against median household income the relative parity would still be far higher than Russia.
So it is absurd to suggest that half of Americans are basically on a Russian budget. Totally ridiculous. Russian GDP per capita is 1/6 that of the US.
But go ahead and take the median if you think billionaires are basically distorting the numbers. US median household is around 65K. That is wealthy in Russia.
Did Russia collapsed when EU and the US put sanctions on Russia after Crimea?
Sanctions then were minimal compared to the current.
Now we have the global South refusing to play ball with US hegemonic ambitions and many are trying to decouple from the grip of the US currency, you think Russia is going to collapse and the US will win?
I would like the war to end. I don’t see this as some big battle of hegemony.
Yes I think the Russian economy will collapse if the war continues 2-3 more months. Did you not watch that video? The Russian grocery store is practically empty on a Friday and the people look depressed. My small town grocery store is packed on a Wednesday with full carts. Putin’s war will be an economic disaster for Russia.
The US will prevail but Israel will come out the best in all of this. The west doesn’t expect them to pass sanctions because of the Arab oil blockade. Putin is happy to sell them cheap oil to finance his war. But don’t remind the Jew haters here that fantasize about Putin being the next Hitler.
Yes it is. Look around.Replies: @John Johnson
So it is absurd to suggest that half of Americans are basically on a Russian budget. Totally ridiculous. Russian GDP per capita is 1/6 that of the US.
Median income is just the middle of the income spread. It does not consider the proportion of the population at different income level. More than 50% are below that point. https://www.statista.com/statistics/203183/percentage-distribution-of-household-income-in-the-us/
But go ahead and take the median if you think billionaires are basically distorting the numbers. US median household is around 65K. That is wealthy in Russia.
Putin using Stalinist tactics:
If you have soldiers that know too much then just send them to the front on a hopeless mission.
Problem solved.
Russian war never changes. They view their soldiers as not only expendable but deserving of their fate.
Remind me… does this latest guarantee mean that Putin will outlive this war, as you guaranteed he would die “relatively†soon?It’s hard to keep track of all your guarantees.I said if Putin is alive in September then I won't post on Ukraine related blog posts at Unz. Since no one can see into the future it is obviously speculation. But the upcoming crash of the Russian economy is a safer bet. You can't just tell US/German companies to shove it and live off oil cash. It won't work. Russian dependence on Western tech goes all the way back to WW1. In fact the only period where Russians weren't dependent on German engineering was when they were being invaded by them. After WW2 they were right back to depending on German machinery. East Germany existed as their machine shop. Putin does not have a solid economic plan and that will be apparent to everyone in a few months unless the war ends. He is hoping to break the sanctions over winter fuel but that is too far off. This idea that Russia can exist behind a wall is fantasy. They aren't even controlling food prices and that was supposed to be a safe area:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl8QOaCltzk I'm not buying only 17% inflation for one second. Doesn't really matter since this can't continue at whatever figure they are trying to sell. Hopefully that guy won't get a knock on the door for showing the truth.Replies: @Brian Damage
I guarantee that if this war goes on 2-3 more months it will get out of control and we will see mass panic.
Sure, if you are using US metrics yes, it could happen. I think you are projecting US onto Russia.
Russia’s GDP per capita is one fifth of the US. US Gini Coefficient is quite large meaning the divide the top 10% and the rest is quite huge. That means 50%+ of US citizens are surviving with Russia level GDP per capita but with really terrible purchasing power parity. With a 9% inflation rate, the bottom 50% will be decimated.
Even with a 50 % inflation rate, Russia would be OK. A 50% inflation rate is equivalent to US 10%.
All they need to do is to stop buying Western toys and stuff.
Did Russia collapsed when EU and the US put sanctions on Russia after Crimea? After 2014, the ruble lost more than 50% of its value against Euros and USD and its GDP shrunk by 50%. Russia’s still around. Just imagine the same thing happened to the US. The USD lost 50% of its value and 50% of its GDP went poof. What would happen? The US does not have the resiliency of Russia and also countries like China who went through severe hardships for decades. https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/gdp
Now we have the global South refusing to play ball with US hegemonic ambitions and many are trying to decouple from the grip of the US currency, you think Russia is going to collapse and the US will win? I think it is the other way around. US regime change, starting with this November and the November two years from now. Thanks to Biden, Blinken and kudos to Victoria Nuland.
I think you have put the on the table for discussion the real narrative.. Controlled propaganda seeks to defend wealth seeking hegemony by narrative control. Its a forest for the tree defense that is being raised by the wealth seeking controlled Media. Is the fault of fully Sanctioned Russia, that there is no gas or oil <=what the ??
The focus is to get the public so deeply involved in the forest that it cannot see the trees. You have presented for discussion the trees. Good going.
The question is can global wealth-seeking hegemony be maintained by controlling information available to the class of people who are known as the governed (You and I) ? Are the governing systems strong enough to hold back the backlash and to fend off the assaults to wealth seekers hegemony? Each nation state (country) is but a part in the global system of nation states. 256 nation states incarcerate and structure, by institution and culture, the lives and benefits allowed to all 8 billion people who live on the earth. Which one controls your life? Which one do you live in?
In addition to behavior control imposed by the nation state, wealth hegemony depends on media to completely and totally control the information environment. While different in each nation state this is accomplished by suppressing all information that is not beneficial to the wealth hegemony.
The wealth Hegemony depends on exploitation. It must find ways to profitability exploit something if it is to survive? The most common exploit is minerals and the human ingenuity and manpower needed to extract and process those minerals into useful products. Minerals are found local to an area, so the nation state controlling that area is a starting place. The local humanity is enslaved to help the hegemony to exploit the
The nation state system has been used by wealth seeking the world over to exploit the minerals and the humanity that live near to those minerals.
It is not disputed that wealth seeking Hegemony is explained by story after story of wealth derived from mineral and human exploitation. The nation state system captures all minerals and all humanity in the world.
Each nation state trains its best to assist with extraction and processing of its wealth. Ukraine has been a particularly profitable nation state for wealth seeking Hegemony. This idea of exploiting a people is sometimes identified as Imperialism.
Russia challenges the wealth seeking Hegemon; that has brought the entire wealth seeking world to attempt to force the people who live in wealth controlled nation states and the states themselves to fight the Russians down to the last survivor if necessary. The idea is to deny Russia their intent to clear the world of wealth seeking Hegemonies.
> “It is Jews that do not have a motherland, Russians, on the contrary, are fine.”
We Aryans are orphans.
> “The Pax Judaica is coming crashing down…”
Is there anything to save? The remnants of Europe might be too fickle to survive Jewish coddling.
> “The Nazification of Ukraine…”
No NS in the Ukraine (aside from yours truly). Real Nationalsozialisten:
1) threw women out of universities;
2) banned jazz anti-music.
Instead, the Ukrainians produce Negro vomit such as this. The hero city of Kalush, how low have fallen thee!
> “It does not help that the Jewish State has been murdering Palestinian children…”
Denial of reality. The Jews are too cucked to cleanse Judaea & Samaria of Arabs & Kurds. And you… are blaming the Jews for their mercy. Ha! Just the way I do. With the difference’s being in that you act like a blind will of Nature, a conduit for the punishment of the weak. (In plainer words – give an inch, take a mile.)
> “…Zelensky’s expressed desire to turn Ukraine into ‘a big Israel.—
This lack of reading comprehension reflects poorly on you. Clearly, the King of Khazaria is referencing the admirable Israeli Jewish militarism of surviving akin to a shrimp amongst the whales. Simple hermeneutics.
> “Pitiful, miserable tribe immersed in neurotic hatred and the silly talmudic sense of supremacy.”
A pristine case of a self-hating Aryan’s spreading his Christian poison. You despise everything that is healthy about the human condition. Denied a feeling of pride, you have turned into a Yeshua’s imp, on the hunt to consume what you cannot wield. A drink so potent, its miasmas are making Israeli flesh rot. A servant of the dark the fair race is, a harbinger of abomination.
A good summation of the current economic situation in the world. Starting about 40 years ago the United States (Washington D. C.) decided that making things was beneath us and that the dirty work of manufacturing and bringing oil, gas, and minerals out of the earth should be relegated to the inferior classes of people in other parts of the world. It worked until suddenly in 2022 its not working so well. The average American seems to have grasped this…Washington D. C. not yet.
Unfortunately we have a political class that doesn’t understand this as you do. Same for the Europeans. Washington D.C. and Wall Street have incorrectly come to the conclusion that paper shuffling is more important than making things and extracting things. And it worked until suddenly its not working.
Of course eliminating friction results in improved system efficiency
and (in theory) an outbreak of peace; Adam Smith already noted it would
have its discontents: What´s a country without advantages to do?
The only conceivable outcome is a race to the bottom.
It is well to remember the British invented “free” trade when they wanted a
piece of the Dutch one; Germany baked smaller buns after the Crash of 1873
(their first taste of finance capitalism) but Little Britain held onto Free Trade
as an Article of Faith until it bankrupted them (~1908)
(one major reason for “free” trade was cheaply feeding those pesky Irish,
but it only succeeded in making them more destitute).
The current (“neoliberal”) system is Paradise for rent-seekers (“investors”)
but Hell for less-developed countries, and the trade wars continue –
so something isn´t working (it has to do with power of negotiation).
Something messed up with your night dreams. – It is Jews that do not have a motherland, Russians, on the contrary, are fine.
The Pax Judaica is coming crashing down with its incessant holobiz whining and tall lies by Wiesel and Frank pere.
The Nazification of Ukraine was accomplished by a joint effort of Ukrainian/Canadian Banderites and Ziocons; hence the proliferation of new definitions: Zio-Nazis, Judeo-Nazis…
It does not help that the Jewish State has been murdering Palestinian children while accomplishing its lebensraum project as articulated by Oded Yinon (see Wars for Israel in the Middle East). The Russophobic Atlantic Council (self-proclaimed “defender of Zionism”) published Zelensky’s expressed desire to turn Ukraine into ‘a big Israel.” https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/new-atlanticist/zelenskyy-wants-ukraine-to-be-a-big-israel-heres-a-road-map/
Someone needs to tell the Atlantic Council editors that Ukraine is already “a big Israel” looted by Jews Kolomojsky, Pinchuk, et al, and ruled from DC by American Jews Blinken, Sullivan, the Kagans’ clan, et al. Even the military tactics of Banderites are copied from Israeli: murdering civilians of all ages with a pleasure.
You write, “The Russians literally refuse to kill their enemies.” Compare this to Jews who are always looking for Amaleks to kill and destroy. Pitiful, miserable tribe immersed in neurotic hatred and the silly talmudic sense of supremacy.
Monolog “Thank you Ukraine” (Google translation)
Thank you, Ukraine for teaching us to be Russian again. For straightening our shoulders.
For giving us the new heroes and martyrs.
For making me respect and sometimes even admire our President.
You were so convincing in the latter that some of us sincerely consider the cult of personality to be absolutely necessary, in such unusual historical circumstances. They are, of course, in the minority.
But you are close by, and every day of the Russian genocide in your east increases their ranks. Soon we will all bow our heads before the Guide of the Will of God! And if the President refuses this mournful share, we will choose someone who does not refuse.
It’s not about the President, it’s about our unanimous need to admire the feat of the best of us. This is death to selfishness and a step towards absolute victory. The secret knowledge of ancestors canonizing their princes.
Your story “about the ancient Ukrainians – the rulers of the universe” convinced us of the gospel wisdom that the wisdom of this age is the essence of madness. Therefore, we have nothing to be ashamed of.
Thank you, Ukraine for filling our souls twisted by laziness and drunkenness with the Living Faith of Christ!
A Russian, Luhansk kid, the day before his death on the barricades of Novorossia, wrote a song about his peer, St. Eugene, who was executed for refusing to remove the Orthodox cross.
In his song, he laments that he cannot throw his life at the feet of God in the same way. He threw. And now tens of thousands of Russian guys are complaining about the same thing. They are looking for an excuse to become a sacrifice for the Glory of God! A feat, like lightning to pierce your gray life.
Thank you, Ukraine for charging us with optimism. We are interested in life again.
Are we predators? You say so. We started to like it. Ultras are in fashion. The guys willingly go to military schools and serve as contract soldiers. They are want to bring order to the entire continent. We will not be able to hold them back for long, and we will be reluctant to do so. Anything is better than sailing like dull shit in the European flow.
Thank you, Ukraine for returning a little chastity to our youth. A real one, not through coercion. Your heroines in a negligee, who sawed down the Poklonny Cross in Kyiv, on your own curse, instilled in our youth a squeamish aversion to the vulgar. You have made our children more aristocratic. They will have strong families and many children. Clean people – strong families – many children. This is great! It can be sung!
Thank you, Ukraine, for rereading “Romeo and Juliet” to us in the burnt Odessa House of Trade Unions. We realized that true love is when there is nothing to lose.
In life, we will exchange less. The phrase “fell in love for life” – for us has lost the taste of a joke.
Thank you, Ukraine for many things, but the biggest gratitude is for honesty, even though this is not typical for you.
We finally believed that you sincerely hate and despise us.
And this is forever. Of course, this does not change anything in our attitude towards you. If big trouble happens, we will again go to die for you in millions.
We are just really different. And you, little sister, are our eternal humility before God. The wound is not healing.”
A good summary of what’s going on. When you have student activists in geopolitics this is inevitable. These student activists have no clue about real work. If they do, they would have understood the interdependency between countries and moral superiority is only from one’s perspective not universal.
The supply chain disruption and inflation are the consequences of the theory of free trade and globalism adopted by the American leadership thirty years ago. The theory goes like this. All countries have comparative advantages. It means that certain industries they can do it well at very competitive prices. The world would be a better place if countries retain industries they do well from quality and cost effectiveness and replace industries within their country with foreign countries that can do it better. Result is countries will develop interlocking economies each relying on each other to insure a stable and functional economy. Result should be lower prices for all consumers as well some nations will see an increase in their standard of living. It also should result in more peace and less war because all nations of the world rely on each other for goods and services. All this would work if all nations sit down and hash out conflicting interests before one embarks on this system. Russia was relegated to natural resources and heavy industry. China became the major manufacturer of the world. The US became the finance, military weapons, farming and hi-tech innovation. Europe is finances and services. Problem arises when the US/EU ignores secure border issues of Russia and China’s aspirations to reclaim all her territorial influence and claims (ala Taiwan, Tibet, Sanjing and South China Seas islands). Sooner or later Russia will restore its military and with China economy rising to second place, these border claims cannot be ignored. The US/EU do not help the situation either with their moral crusader foreign policy which demands nations to meet their standards for Global Warming and Human Rights/Democracy standards on all nations and back that up with financial pressure, negative media campaign or worst military intervention. Worst this crusade is selective. Human rights apply to China and Russia but not on our Muslim allies. All this is happening after we created this interlocking and inter dependent economic system among nations that we are creating conflict with. The first conflict has started with Russia and US/EU over Ukraine. China is contemplating reclaiming the island of Taiwan which will provoke US/Japan. Either the US needs to rethink their foreign policy goals and rhetoric or move critical industries back to the US. We cannot plow forward by trying do both because it is the Americans on Main Street who will bear the cost and suffering. Russian conflict is impacting our fuel, and fertilizer/food costs. China’s COVID lock down is hitting our supply chain. What will war over the island of Taiwan be like when China shuts off all our critical ingredients for drugs, small mundane parts (springs, screws, bolts, pins and etc.) for all our machines, urea for DEF production, transformers for our grid, low tech computer chips used in our appliances, cars and electronics?
Crash and burn the west, then when the west turns to Russia for imports and Russia becomes dependent on exports to provide jobs and maintain an improved standard of living, (((they))) will work their way into that system and take control of it as well.
Improved standard of living turns men and producers into short sighted consumer NPCs. Fertile ground for subversion. Once in position they will rewrite the history books to give a false narrative about why the west failed. Can’t learn from history if your “history” is lies.
It’s not the first time and it won’t be the last. The playbook never fails.
Where did you get 24.5 million? It is still around the 40 million mark.
The 40 million was 30 years ago. They have cancelled repeatedly their censuses since. They have and excellent idea of the real population from mobile phone use, school attendances and pensions. Around 6 million have left in the past 4 months alone. Crimea and the Donbas split off. I suspect that 20 million is about right at present.
Hmm, buy high, sell low. Where does that get you?
The issue is that the war will most likely not end.
Well…I believe we’ll get a stalemate of a type we saw before start of this war. On the Ukrainian soil. Multiplied, of course, but in strategic/operational sense the same. Tactical moves here and there, but, of not bigger consequence. A grinding, exhausting, resource-drawing stalemate. Lives and limbs included. Especially of the Russian underclass and people of Novorossiya.
If it doesn’t, the Russian forces will see more defeats, more humiliation, Russian border cities will be threatened with occupation, Donbass will be genocided.
That is The Key here. I don’t know. My gut feeling is it can bear that a lot.
How long could Russia bear it?
Per Strelkov, Putin’s only achievement has been in removing any opposition to his rule. ….But a revolution….There’s an entire generation of sell-out capitalist traitors on all levels of command – the intelligence is apparently rotten, the general staff that planned this military operation is idiotic, not a single general has either been remove or resigned of his own accord after this travesty. The cancer is at quite an advanced stage.
So the hate Russia, abhor Putin crowd have begun arguing with each other. Fine by me.
Additional message to the sinking titanic (US-Nato and Canada), from Latin America below:
Regional Leaders Snub Summit of the Americas as Activists Hold ‘People’s Summit’
A @pslweb activist disrupts OAS chief Luis Almagro at a Summit of the Americas event, calling out his role in the 2019 Bolivia coup.
The coup overturned the victory of the elected socialist president Evo Morales and inaugurated a right-wing reign of terror that left scores dead. pic.twitter.com/xiSeLP880Q
— BreakThrough News (@BTnewsroom) June 8, 2022
The issue is that the war will most likely not end.
If it doesn’t, the Russian forces will see more defeats, more humiliation, Russian border cities will be threatened with occupation, Donbass will be genocided.
Well…I believe we’ll get a stalemate of a type we saw before start of this war. On the Ukrainian soil. Multiplied, of course, but in strategic/operational sense the same. Tactical moves here and there, but, of not bigger consequence. A grinding, exhausting, resource-drawing stalemate. Lives and limbs included. Especially of the Russian underclass and people of Novorossiya.
How long could Russia bear it?
That is The Key here. I don’t know. My gut feeling is it can bear that a lot.
The losers will be Russian non-elite. In Novorossiya in particular. I can see some really grim scenarios for those people there.
Per Strelkov, Putin’s only achievement has been in removing any opposition to his rule. ….But a revolution….There’s an entire generation of sell-out capitalist traitors on all levels of command – the intelligence is apparently rotten, the general staff that planned this military operation is idiotic, not a single general has either been remove or resigned of his own accord after this travesty. The cancer is at quite an advanced stage.
Well…let’s look at the bright side. There are already quite a few recent Russian immigrants in my neighborhood. More to come I am sure. Definitely better than some “diversity vibrants†from the Third World, for sure. Win for us here 🙂
Would you be willing to expand on the above?I guess....that you mean separatist moves after the failure (stalemate) in Ukraine?Internal regime change could be a solution. Replacement of the cabal in Kremlin by truly pro-Russian group.
Meanwhile, the Russians on the ground are losing hope, and preparing for an utter failure of Russian statehood in the coming times.
> “I believe the most likely outcome is the cabal in Kremlin still in power ruling over unstable (separatism) and quite dystopian (economically in particular) environment.”
The issue is that the war will most likely not end. If it does, Russia might win out a few years for Putin to do nothing. If it doesn’t, the Russian forces will see more defeats, more humiliation, Russian border cities will be threatened with occupation, Donbass will be genocided… How long could Russia bear it? It’s not like the Ukrainians pursue any self-interest, they sent over 5 mil. of their women and children to European-Turkish whorehouses, or to get their kidneys removed – they honestly have no self-preservation instinct left, just pure, intense self-hatred. Just yesterday, I watched a Ukrainian YouTube Olexandr Alfyorov talking about the “tragedy” of Russians evacuating Russians to the Russian Federation – as if the Ukrainian losses to Europe were any better!
> “I guess….that you mean separatist moves after the failure (stalemate) in Ukraine?”
Per Strelkov, Putin’s only achievement has been in removing any opposition to his rule. If anything, Kadyrov has shown himself as the most pro-Russian politician – in words, that is. But a revolution? An army coup could potentially be fast and bloodless, but are there any army generals worth their salt? There’s an entire generation of sell-out capitalist traitors on all levels of command – the intelligence is apparently rotten, the general staff that planned this military operation is idiotic, not a single general has either been remove or resigned of his own accord after this travesty. The cancer is at quite an advanced stage.
A snapshot of the Russian condition – a Russian patriot Roman Yushkov, the only one in Perm city who organised pro-Putin events, who has been battling Azeri Turks drugging and whoring Russian girls, is now threatened with prison for hate speech (or the local variation thereof). A Korean Jesus may have slanted eyes, but it’s still a Jew.
The issue is that the war will most likely not end.
Well…I believe we’ll get a stalemate of a type we saw before start of this war. On the Ukrainian soil. Multiplied, of course, but in strategic/operational sense the same. Tactical moves here and there, but, of not bigger consequence. A grinding, exhausting, resource-drawing stalemate. Lives and limbs included. Especially of the Russian underclass and people of Novorossiya.
If it doesn’t, the Russian forces will see more defeats, more humiliation, Russian border cities will be threatened with occupation, Donbass will be genocided.
That is The Key here. I don’t know. My gut feeling is it can bear that a lot.
How long could Russia bear it?
Per Strelkov, Putin’s only achievement has been in removing any opposition to his rule. ….But a revolution….There’s an entire generation of sell-out capitalist traitors on all levels of command – the intelligence is apparently rotten, the general staff that planned this military operation is idiotic, not a single general has either been remove or resigned of his own accord after this travesty. The cancer is at quite an advanced stage.
Remind me… does this latest guarantee mean that Putin will outlive this war, as you guaranteed he would die “relatively†soon?
I guarantee that if this war goes on 2-3 more months it will get out of control and we will see mass panic.
I guarantee that if this war goes on 2-3 more months it will get out of control and we will see mass panic.
Remind me… does this latest guarantee mean that Putin will outlive this war, as you guaranteed he would die “relatively†soon?
It’s hard to keep track of all your guarantees.
I said if Putin is alive in September then I won’t post on Ukraine related blog posts at Unz.
Since no one can see into the future it is obviously speculation.
But the upcoming crash of the Russian economy is a safer bet.
You can’t just tell US/German companies to shove it and live off oil cash. It won’t work. Russian dependence on Western tech goes all the way back to WW1. In fact the only period where Russians weren’t dependent on German engineering was when they were being invaded by them. After WW2 they were right back to depending on German machinery. East Germany existed as their machine shop.
Putin does not have a solid economic plan and that will be apparent to everyone in a few months unless the war ends. He is hoping to break the sanctions over winter fuel but that is too far off. This idea that Russia can exist behind a wall is fantasy. They aren’t even controlling food prices and that was supposed to be a safe area:
I’m not buying only 17% inflation for one second. Doesn’t really matter since this can’t continue at whatever figure they are trying to sell.
Hopefully that guy won’t get a knock on the door for showing the truth.
Meanwhile, the Russians on the ground are losing hope, and preparing for an utter failure of Russian statehood in the coming times.
Would you be willing to expand on the above?
I guess….that you mean separatist moves after the failure (stalemate) in Ukraine?
Internal regime change could be a solution. Replacement of the cabal in Kremlin by truly pro-Russian group.
Analyses I’ve seen so far give that option very low chance.
I believe the most likely outcome is the cabal in Kremlin still in power ruling over unstable (separatism) and quite dystopian (economically in particular) environment. On that note we could, even, see early implementation of CBDC etc. in Russia. As
I guarantee that if this war goes on 2-3 more months it will get out of control and we will see mass panic.
Remind me… does this latest guarantee mean that Putin will outlive this war, as you guaranteed he would die “relatively†soon?
It’s hard to keep track of all your guarantees.
Remind me… does this latest guarantee mean that Putin will outlive this war, as you guaranteed he would die “relatively†soon?It’s hard to keep track of all your guarantees.I said if Putin is alive in September then I won't post on Ukraine related blog posts at Unz. Since no one can see into the future it is obviously speculation. But the upcoming crash of the Russian economy is a safer bet. You can't just tell US/German companies to shove it and live off oil cash. It won't work. Russian dependence on Western tech goes all the way back to WW1. In fact the only period where Russians weren't dependent on German engineering was when they were being invaded by them. After WW2 they were right back to depending on German machinery. East Germany existed as their machine shop. Putin does not have a solid economic plan and that will be apparent to everyone in a few months unless the war ends. He is hoping to break the sanctions over winter fuel but that is too far off. This idea that Russia can exist behind a wall is fantasy. They aren't even controlling food prices and that was supposed to be a safe area:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl8QOaCltzk I'm not buying only 17% inflation for one second. Doesn't really matter since this can't continue at whatever figure they are trying to sell. Hopefully that guy won't get a knock on the door for showing the truth.Replies: @Brian Damage
I guarantee that if this war goes on 2-3 more months it will get out of control and we will see mass panic.
Very seldom did I read a more stupid comment. The President of the Russian Federation was elected with a majority of the people and currently he is supported by more than 80%.
The great dictator didn’t even have a plan to replace US credit cards. He just assumed they would quickly win and he could negotiate away the sanctions.
The great dictator didn’t even have a plan to replace US credit cards. He just assumed they would quickly win and he could negotiate away the sanctions.
Very seldom did I read a more stupid comment.
Well I guess you have a hard time reading the news then
Major Credit Card Networks Pull Out of Russia
Russians Avoid Sanctions By Flying To Uzbekistan For VISA, Mastercards
While in France Macron’s movement was supported at the legislative elections by less than 30% of the voters and less than 15% of the people. And cheating about who took first place.
Obviously you do not know the meaning of the words democracy and dictatorship.
So what happens in France somehow negates Putin as a dictator?
Is Putin a dictator or not? When is the next election? What happened to the term limit for a Russian president? What happened to the politician that started an opposition movement?
Finland: they sell fishes to Russia
Fishes? The plural of fish is fish. As in school of fish. I like how you are trying to lecture me and haven’t mastered the basics of 1st grade English.
Here is an actual list of Russian imports:
Russia is dependent on the West for heavy machinery and tech. Nothing I said is false.
As with Putin you don’t seem to understand the basics of the Russian economy.
So, Russia has only to wait while the situation of the European countries will deteriorate and it is deteriorating quickly.
No that isn’t going to work. If this war continues a few more months then their economy will crash. They are at 17% inflation (officially) and the worst of the sanctions haven’t hit yet. Once the US and German machines start breaking down you and Putin will see that this isn’t 1985. Russia became dependent on Western tech after the fall of the USSR but Putin and his defenders didn’t get the memo. The fact that he didn’t have a plan for the credit cards shows that he is in over his head. His plan was to take Kiev in 2.5 weeks and didn’t have a backup plan. This is only going to get worse for Russia.
The latest Russia MoM CPI is 0.12% which is a run rate inflation of low single digits. Going forward the inflation problem in the collective West will be worst than Russia.
Don’t try to play sophomoric numbers games here. That might work in the mainstream media but not here. The low MoM means at best it is temporarily stabilized.
The official Russian inflation rate was 17% in May which means it is most likely higher.
The inflation problem for the West will not be worse.
The while gas for RUB is more about not wanting to hold USD and EUR where much of it will have to be invested in the collective West and take the risk of it being frozen and likely stolen.
That doesn’t make any sense. You do realize that they make debt payments to the West? If you are betting the USD/EUR will decline against your own currency then it makes sense to hold them for debt payments. You wouldn’t try to dump them in favor of your own currency.
The scheme is to require rubles for oil to keep it from crashing.
A currency will appear higher than what would be market price if numerous countries have to buy it in order to exchange it for oil and natural gas. It’s artificial demand.
It would only work temporarily which further suggests that Putin’s original plan was to take Kiev and then negotiate away the worst sanctions. You can’t play currency games when your consumers are facing down 30% inflation by the end of the year. They will grab their wallets and the economy will tailspin. The Russian economy is much worse than they are letting on. I guarantee that if this war goes on 2-3 more months it will get out of control and we will see mass panic.
Remind me… does this latest guarantee mean that Putin will outlive this war, as you guaranteed he would die “relatively†soon?
I guarantee that if this war goes on 2-3 more months it will get out of control and we will see mass panic.
You make some very interesting points.
That’s because the most important thing to the controllers is CONTROL
And that, surprisingly enough, is a critical weakness. Classic Chinese literature includes the aphorism:[1].
Governing a large country
is like frying a small fish.
You spoil it with too much poking.
Center your country in the Tao
and evil will have no power.
Not that it isn’t there,
but you’ll be able to step out of its way.Give evil nothing to oppose
and it will disappear by itself.
While the last line about “giving evil . . .” is a questionable, the rest of it is consistent with contemporary control theory and organizational experience.
A central controller (such as a government) must have:
Congrats: You are the first human being to fail the Turing Test.
Utter hyperbolic idiocy. Why do you bother?
Based on what evidence is Russia allegedly heralding a “Pox Judaica”?
> “Russia will prevail in the Ukraine, because they know they MUST, if they are to continue to exist, as a sovereign nation state.”
And how will they do that while remaining a colony bereft of sovereignty? Russia is a country rotten to the core spiritually, with a powerless people, with traitors holding the reigns of power, leading said people to the slaughter under the cheers from their salivating enemies. “Russia” doesn’t exist, stopped existing in 1991 as a subject of history. Can it be reborn? A violent revolution might destroy what strength this corpse has still left.
But of course, you will not register these words. The Unz Review is full of Team Russia idiots regurgitating meaningless models where Russia’s position makes any sense. Take Mike Whitney.
> “…an entirely new order is emerging in which the dollar will be substituted for national currencies…”
Is this sentiment born out of the idea that Asians will take the Russian side all at once? This doesn’t seem to be the case. Chinese companies are joining the trade war against Russia all the same – Lenovo, Xiaomi, Huawei. The Russo-Chinese trade volume amounts to 100 bil. USD, a mere 2.4% from the overall Chinese exports/imports (4.2 tril. USD).
> “Russia could earn a record $100 billion from gas sales to European countries in 2022 due to the sharp rise in energy prices, French newspaper Les Echos reported this week, citing Citibank analysts.”
That’s after the Russians threw away 300 bil. USD in their foreign exchange reserves, courtesy of Elvira Nabiullina. Here’s some old article on her, but one can find new ones on LiveJournal. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!
> ““Russia is winning the economic war,†the Guardian’s economics editor Larry Elliott declared on Thursday.”
Are we supposed to take what Western gays say seriously now? They also promised the fall of Kiev in 3 days. They are talking out of their ass. Meanwhile, Russia is losing on every front. Economy-wise, Russia remains a capitalist hellhole; all the traitors and thieves are still at their posts dutifully ruining what remains of the country (Nabiullina) – or have fled to Israel, or returned (!) from Israel (Urgant); the Russian army is as inept as ever, giving the Ukrainians territory, sending the last brave men of Donbass to their deaths on the Kursk-tier defences that had been prepared for 8 years; Putin is as destructive as ever, refusing to declare partial mobilisation to support the army, let alone a total mobilisation of the economy and war.
Russians say, “fear has large eyes” – meaning, threats tend to be overblown. Westerners may exaggerate the strength of Russia, both from the anti- and pro-Russian angles. Meanwhile, the Russians on the ground are losing hope, and preparing for an utter failure of Russian statehood in the coming times.
I might personally add that this is all a consequence of Russian Christian self-hatred. The Russians literally refuse to kill their enemies – be it the traitorous rootless schizo Orcs in the Ukraine, or their capitalist slavers in Moscow. Christianity makes Americans sell their children to niggerfaggots, whereas Russians have chosen to destroy what remains of their empire in a war – the result is the same, extinction.
Would you be willing to expand on the above?I guess....that you mean separatist moves after the failure (stalemate) in Ukraine?Internal regime change could be a solution. Replacement of the cabal in Kremlin by truly pro-Russian group.
Meanwhile, the Russians on the ground are losing hope, and preparing for an utter failure of Russian statehood in the coming times.
Where did you get 24.5 million? It is still around the 40 million mark.
Events like the war in Ukraine are quite instructive. The EU nations have revealed themselves to be colonies of the ZioGlob Empire. They have no independence and immediately conform to the political line of Empire.
The War in Ukraine Marks the End of the American Century
The EU certainly has its comeuppance coming. Long overdue for these arrogant, posturing, poltroons.
I’d love to see Kolomoisky face a tribunal. ‘A Big Israel’ eh? They were really getting over-confident, weren’t they. They’ll just have to be satisfied with building one in the USA, starting with Florida, I suppose.
Vzglyad Russian website, Yandex translation, edited with note
Journalists found the inscription Zelya – zradnik on the wall of the Azovstal catacombs
June 14, 2022, 07:45 Text: Anton Antonov
Russian and foreign journalists visited the catacombs of the Mariupol Azovstal plant, where the Ukrainian military and nationalists from the Azov regiment (against whose fighters criminal cases have been initiated in Russia) recently took refuge.
Media employees had to make their way through the concrete skeletons of dilapidated buildings. The descent to the bunker goes through air-tight doors. To sleep, the Ukrainian military and nationalists equipped three-story bunks made of raw boards, using styrofoam instead of mattresses, dirty sleeping bags and blankets, RIA Novosti reports.
Ukrainians, apparently, still had food. Mixed with canned meat are Ukrainian uniforms and American medical products. On one of the walls there is an inscription Zelya – zradnik (my note: zradnik is “traitor” in Ukrainian), on the other there are pictures of the dead “Azov” (the call sign of the last in this row is “Satan”)…
(Passage omitted: Azovstal defenders giving up in May recalled)
The Ukraine conflict is the start of the pax judaica, Russia as the new proxies of Israel replacing US, and its Pax Americana. The rise of Israel as the ruling state of the world.
The great dictator didn’t even have a plan to replace US credit cards. He just assumed they would quickly win and he could negotiate away the sanctions.
Very seldom did I read a more stupid comment. The President of the Russian Federation was elected with a majority of the people and currently he is supported by more than 80%.
While in France Macron’s movement was supported at the legislative elections by less than 30% of the voters and less than 15% of the people. And cheating about who took first place.
Obviously you do not know the meaning of the words democracy and dictatorship.
Soooo… you know what Putin thinks or has been thinking. Tell me please how do you do this?
Negotiate away the sanctions? Which sanctions? ROTFL! The “sanctions” are hurting the European countries, not Russia. A few examples.
– England : a fertilizer plant closed because the gas became too expensive.
– Finland: they sell fishes to Russia, but now the export is closed, and the fisheries are going bankrupted: what to do with the fry when food became more expensive and no Russian market anymore.
– Other countries: increase of energy prices (up to 30%), which will be reported on all other products (production and transport costs).
– And so many ressources that the western countries need so much…
So, Russia has only to wait while the situation of the European countries will deteriorate and it is deteriorating quickly. For your information, Russia never made so much money since the sanctions began. In fact, the end of the sanctions would be bad for Russia.
Very seldom did I read a more stupid comment.Well I guess you have a hard time reading the news then
The great dictator didn’t even have a plan to replace US credit cards. He just assumed they would quickly win and he could negotiate away the sanctions.
Who gives a f88k about manufactured goods. Overtime they can be manufactured. You can manufacture food if you don't have the right arable land, you can't manufacture natural resources. Russia has everything it needs that can be manufactured. That's why it is extremely self- reliant.
Extremely self-reliant? They depend on the West for tech and heavy machinery.
Again, financial systems can be designed. At the onset of the war, it temporarily finds workarounds. A new credit card system is already in place. Too bad for Visa and Mastercard.Replies: @Brian Damage
They didn’t even have a plan for the credit cards. They are sneaking them in from Belarus:
Russia has everything it needs that can’t be manufactured. Sorry, typo.