Zoologists do not recognize “race” as a taxon. The lowest taxon they recognize is “subspecies.” The data of Cavalli-Sforza demonstrate the clear existence of extant human subspecies that correspond to what Unz refers to above as continental megaraces. The adherents of the Judeo-pseudoscientist Lewontin and Gould must ignore the fact that human global variability meets the criteria for recognizing the existence of (Ernst Mayr, 2002, The Biology of Race and the Concept of Equality, subspecieshttps://www.jstor.org/stable/20027740?seq=1): identification with at least 75% reliability, and it being useful to do so. People self idemtify with far greater than 75% accuracy, and this can be greatly increased with DNA analysis. And, there can be no doubt that understanding human variability is highly useful, as more than a century of trying to fully integrate multiple subspecies and even ethnicities has proven to be an unworkable violation of natural law.
It would actually advance the discussion if race-realists could precisely define “race†and explain exactly how it differs from “population.†�
Except I can pick random dudes and dudettes all over the world and can call them population even though they could be of different races.
Re-redefining race to be a nationality or maybe even an ethnic group? Wait, words already exist for those and redefining race to an ever smaller unit just proves the arbitrariness of it, ergo proving what we already know – “A race is a grouping of humans based on shared physical or social qualities into categories generally viewed as distinct by society.” viewed as… by society. – Wait, maybe race really is a social construct because ‘a social construct is something that exists not in objective reality, but as a result of human interaction. It exists because humans agree that it exists.’ But maybe people without reading comprehension can’t understand that social constructs are real. It’s literally in the name, construct, which suggests that it has been made into existence ergo it is real but lol go on with your ‘scientific fraud’ propaganda/scam.
Lel. Social constructs are real but I guess to those without reading comprehension, they aren’t. Look who’s deluded.
“with the disabilities” …. or the advantages that racial classifications have, i.e., nepotism, self serving, exclusion, supremacism, i.e., from a commenter’s employment experience on another thread: “we give money to our race (suppliers) and take money from the non-race customers.”
I give you credit ‘Wizard of Trolls’, for at least owning to being a troll yourself.
More than a few of us had suspected that about you, in light of the disinfo you’ve been peddling here.
Hey Ignoramus of Oz, if you don’t know that the Zionist Dominated Usury Banking Cartel controls the entirety of the western financial system and mainstream media so they can control the narrative (and that entails ownership of all the key politicians which enables them to stage these phony scams like the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth and the Covid Deception), then you are one very unenlightened little man / woman / indeterminate gender.
I’m not aware of any country actually claiming they have herd immunity from Covid but, to the extent that countries like Sweden, Australia and Taiwan NEVER closed down to any significant extent, these countries are very close to achieving herd immunity, assuming they aren’t already there.
I know people of Taiwanese origin who travelled to their home country in 2020 and I can tell you that Taiwan NEVER closed down any businesses, NEVER closed the schools for even one second, NEVER practised socialist distancing. All shops, restaurants, retail outlets were ALWAYS open and everyone went about their business as before, shoulder to shoulder, mingling as in previous years.
End Result: Last time I looked Taiwan had recorded just TEN (10) Covid deaths.
No typo there. Not ten thousand. Just TEN (as in you can count the aggregate tally on two hands).
Wake up Ignoramus of Oz – the whole lockdown / Covid scaremongering campaign is one giant fraud and with your lack of critical thinking skills, you’ve been sucked in by it all.
I wouldn’t have bothered if I had realised you were one of those Deep State/Rothschilds nutters whose picture of the world is created in your head (maybe reasonably harmless paranoid schizophrenic I guess, prompted by just having seen “A Beautiful Mind”). But let me offer you this simple way of considering whether Australia has herd immunity. A large number of countries which have had much higher rates of infection judged by tests, hospitalisations and deaths, as well as extensive vaccination would have to have achieved it. Which countries do claim have herd immunity?
” In Diamond’s estimation, more than 90 percent of the indigenous peoples of the Americas—never before exposed to the deadly contagions of Eurasia—were wiped out within decades of the arrival of European colonists and invaders.”
Now here’s a fun task for Unz to take on, in the future: to read and review Numbers From Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate, which is a dissident book by an African American History (!) PhD, David Henige, on the question of exactly how many Native Americans lived in continental USA and Canada before European settlers arrived, and thus how many of them must have been killed by either war or disease by Europeans.
The prevalence of HCQ and ivermectin in Africa (as in India) is the most likely explanation.
You know nothing about what medicine Chinese have been using to treat Covid-19 at all!
Thanks for your helpful reponse.
I’m not clear why you think anyone asserted that China used HydroxyChloroquine to treat Corona Chan. Maybe they did, I wouldn’t know.
Here’s the only relevant quote from that post:
China hasn’t banned the use of such medicinal and nutritional methods to treat Corona Chan. How is China doing now in comparison to the Western world? Do you really need to ask?
Hmmm, no HydroxyChloroqine there.
Chinese have been using herbal medicine. Very successful.
Thanks for this assertion. I know that China has tested all manner of treatments for Corona Chan from the outset, and made that information available to the international community.
I also know that most Western governments have meticulously ignored whatever information on effective Corona Chan treatments that China has made available to them.
Further, it’s no surprise at all that Chinese herbal knowledge should produce superior treatments for Corona Chan. Unlike the Western profit-driven allopathic paradigm of Big Pharma, IMO Chinese medicine is real medicine.
By the way, your so-called “Corona Chan†is very Ignorant … So if you used this to hint the Covid-19 started from China, you are making FOOL of yourself. LOL
“Corona Chan” is a meme, a fictional character which embodies the traits of the naughty novel coronavirus bug supposedly ravaging the world. It’s of the same nature as “Ebola Chan” and “Rabies Chan”, also memes personifying their respective bugs.
Here’s Corona Chan with her best friend, Ebola Chan.
And here’s Corona Chan and Ebola Chan with their girlfriend Rabies Chan.
Any web search will yield troves of images and discussions around these memes.
Context is everything. If anything, Corona Chan makes fun of the very notion that China is responsible for the naughty novel coronavirus – a fictional character for a fictional narrative.
It is typically Evil, and deeply sinister.
You got that right, although nobody wants to believe it.
This former Pfizer executive agrees.
Incidentally, no-one seems to know or care that the Pfizer “vaccines” seem to be killing people at a faster rate in Israel than Corona Chan.
In a nutshell –
For people over 65 –
Corona Chan — 4.91 deaths / 100,000 population
Pfizer “vaccine” — 0.2% death rate —> 200 deaths / 100,000 population
So the “vacccine” kills 40x more people than Corona Chan would have.
For people under 65 –
Corona Chan — 0.19 deaths / 100,000 population
Pfizer “vaccine” — 0.05% death rate —> 50 deaths / 100,000 population
So the “vacccine” kills 260x more people than Corona Chan would have.
(“Before 2020, public health and doctors gave all the right advice.”)
You are woefully misinformed about public health officials and doctors. They’ve been giving the wrong advice for many many decades, about practically everything. The corruption of the medical establishment is not new, it has just reached its apotheosis with Covid. It goes back to the Rockefeller takeover of medicine in the early 1900s, and even before then.
You know nothing about what medicine Chinese have been using to treat Covid-19 at all!
Chinese have been using herbal medicine. Very successful. And BEST Part is, Covid-19 virus, until now, has NOT had any serious Mutation within China!
By the way, your so-called “Corona Chan” is very Ignorant . NO Mainland Chinese use this spelling for their last names. ONLY Chinese outside Mainland China spell their last names like that. So if you used this to hint the Covid-19 started from China, you are making FOOL of yourself. LOL
Thanks for your helpful reponse.
You know nothing about what medicine Chinese have been using to treat Covid-19 at all!
Hmmm, no HydroxyChloroqine there.
China hasn’t banned the use of such medicinal and nutritional methods to treat Corona Chan. How is China doing now in comparison to the Western world? Do you really need to ask?
Thanks for this assertion. I know that China has tested all manner of treatments for Corona Chan from the outset, and made that information available to the international community.
Chinese have been using herbal medicine. Very successful.
"Corona Chan" is a meme, a fictional character which embodies the traits of the naughty novel coronavirus bug supposedly ravaging the world. It's of the same nature as "Ebola Chan" and "Rabies Chan", also memes personifying their respective bugs.
By the way, your so-called “Corona Chan†is very Ignorant ... So if you used this to hint the Covid-19 started from China, you are making FOOL of yourself. LOL
There's an abundance of discussion of this issue around the web, even here on Unz.com.Here's a few items that touch on the subject and even mention some of the test subjects (ferrets, as I recall, although there were a variety of animals used in different studies).[ https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/05/joseph-mercola/fast-tracked-covid-19-vaccine-what-could-go-wrong/ ][ https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/11/joseph-mercola/how-covid-19-vaccine-can-destroy-your-immune-system/ ][ https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-dr-simone-gold-truth-about-covid-19-vaccine/5738794 ][ https://phibetaiota.net/2021/03/video-3234-dr-tenpenny-expains-in-simple-terms-some-of-the-dangers-of-the-covid-19-vaccine/ ]The mechanism that they suggest killed the animals (and which is just one of several potentially lethal side-effects of the mRNA "vaccines") is called "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" (ADE) wherein the "vaccine" modifies the host's immune system to aid and abet the targeted bug in killing the host.If this concern pans out, expect to see lots of "vaccinated" individuals coming down with unexplained septis, organ failure and death in the coming months and years.Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain
Do you know the possible mechanism that caused the death?
And the powers that be are driving for the mRNA ‘vaccines’ to become the default remedy. Lots of anti-AstraZeneca agit-prop, no doubt orchestrated by the Pfizer criminal cabal. Lots of agit-prop defaming the Russian and Chinese vaccines, plus a deal of vicious arm-twisting by the US. The suppression, through lies and disinformation, of medical treatments, particularly hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin but even including now (at the BBC sewer, of course)Vitamin D prophylaxis, all proven safe, effective and cheap. It is typically Evil, and deeply sinister.
You got that right, although nobody wants to believe it.This former Pfizer executive agrees.
It is typically Evil, and deeply sinister.
Incidentally, no-one seems to know or care that the Pfizer "vaccines" seem to be killing people at a faster rate in Israel than Corona Chan.
In a nutshell -For people over 65 -
The MOSSAD plus American sayanim plus elements of the US Deep State, ie COG operatives Cheney and Rumsfeld, providing cover. Multiple ambitions.
obwandiyag, Who are the “you people” you refer to? I represent no one but myself, and don’t pretend to. I am especially suspect of reporting that I tend to agree with, or find supporting of principles I hold. The media, government, corporate operators, NGO’s, academics, everywhere are nakedly propagandistic, and not to be trusted at all without careful consideration and vetting. They often report the truth in ways that are completely false.
Don’t fall for the bullshit.
The only anomaly was the peak in March/April 2020.
Everything else is natural and explicabale according lockdown.
It is beyond ridiculous reasoning like this.
Of course they think Americans are stupid…because (with few exceptions) they are.
1. There is a photo on the Internet that shows the Israeli 'art students' at work in the WTC. It appeared as though the photo was just a [un-staged] casual 'get together' type to be used as a memory of a good time together with family and friends. Lo and behold, in the background of the photo are boxes and boxes of Littel manufactured detonator fuses.
The case that Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty is much stronger than the case they or someone else imploded the WTC ...
‘gnbRC’, you wrote : ‘But it appears not to be the case that 9/11 was an Israeli op’.
You are very much mistaken.
The case that Israel deliberately attacked the USS Liberty is much stronger than the case they or someone else imploded the WTC …
1. There is a photo on the Internet that shows the Israeli ‘art students’ at work in the WTC. It appeared as though the photo was just a [un-staged] casual ‘get together’ type to be used as a memory of a good time together with family and friends. Lo and behold, in the background of the photo are boxes and boxes of Littel manufactured detonator fuses.
‘It’s not good enough for people to just say “I think more people died of cancer because their treatment was delayed.‒
This chart/article again:
It shows cancer deaths to be flat but an additional 13.5k deaths from diabetes alone, over 2019.
I don’t trust ‘official numbers’, but these are the numbers we have.
More replies are possible from quoting from your comment, but I’ll stop.
May I suggest a few resources:
Google (for normies)
Bing (for Bill Gates fans)
DuckDuckGo (for normies pretending to be rebels)
Yahoo (for no one in particular, except for the weather reports)
Yandex (for those with moose and squirrel problems)
Or did I misunderstand your post?
“The number of deaths which can be accounted for by these “non-CV†causes is almost certainly far short of 50,000.”
These are the ‘official numbers’, more or less.
Chart lists approx. 505,000 more deaths in 2020 than in 2019, but only about 345,000 are attributed to Covid-19.
Leaving aside the issue of just how trustworthy the ‘official numbers’ are:
505k – 345k = 160k. 160k > 50k (the number you seem to think is an upper bound).
In truth, 50k non-covid excess deaths are far fewer than what the ‘official’ numbers state, 160k.
Or did I misunderstand your post?
When I read similar articles, I bought a tube of Ivermectin paste, packaged for sick horses. The comments section on Amazon features many testimonials from people who ingested it for various maladies, and said it worked.
I generally agree, but let’s add a few more points. Since people here have repeatedly raised the issue of deaths possibly rising because of crime, suicide, delayed medical treatment, increased drug usage and the like, one should allow that eventually some marginal deductions will have to be made. I’ve heard claims that the USA had 3,000 more murders last year than it had in previous years, but I don’t really know what the correct figure is. I can’t seriously imagine that the increase in murders last year went over 10,000. It probably well short of that. Likewise with regards to suicides. Or deaths resulting from a delay in cancer treatment. The number of deaths which can be accounted for by these “non-CV” causes is almost certainly far short of 50,000. That means that if demographics show an excess of 500,000 deaths occurring then we might 50,000 from that to get 450,000 CV deaths.
In any event, this is the sort where data should be slowly appearing. It’s not good enough for people to just say “I think more people died of cancer because their treatment was delayed.” The question arises as to how many people are normally treated for cancer annually in the USA? Is it a regular thing to have 500,000 cancer patients in the USA every year? Or even 100,000? I don’t have the data at my fingertips, but this is the sort of thing has to be addressed by anyone who is going to claim that the excess deaths were mainly due to other causes besides CV-19.
Another issue which can be reasonably raised is what will the demographic data look like after this year when framed on a 2-year basis? I think a good case exists that many people who died last year at the age of 92 with CV-19 listed as a cause of death would probably have died this year at the age of 93 if there had been no CV-19. One can take this into account by then calculating deaths on a biannual basis instead of annually. That will mean obtaining a total death count for the years 2020-1. Then going back to data from the years 2010-19. Using midyear population estimates one could then calculate the total number of deaths in the combined years 2010-11 and divide by the sum of the midyear populations for the years 2010 and 2011. Then do the same for 2012-13, 2014-15, 2016-17, 2018-19, and finally average out all of these numbers. Then use midyear population estimates for 2020 and 2021 to forecast an expected death toll for these 2 years together. If that is done the resulting excess death toll will likely be still high, but may prove to be smaller than the 500,000 figure implies. A portion of elderly people whose passing last year appeared as an excess death may not seem so excessive when scaled on a 2-year basis.
There’s an expression “Guard your pennies, and your dollars will take care of themselves.” So guarding $1 billion a year would be a good move.
Do you know the possible mechanism that caused the death?
There’s an abundance of discussion of this issue around the web, even here on Unz.com.
Here’s a few items that touch on the subject and even mention some of the test subjects (ferrets, as I recall, although there were a variety of animals used in different studies).
(https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-dr-simone-gold-truth-about-covid-19-vaccine/5738794 ]
The mechanism that they suggest killed the animals (and which is just one of several potentially lethal side-effects of the mRNA “vaccines”) is called “Antibody Dependent Enhancement” (ADE) wherein the “vaccine” modifies the host’s immune system to aid and abet the targeted bug in killing the host.
If this concern pans out, expect to see lots of “vaccinated” individuals coming down with unexplained septis, organ failure and death in the coming months and years.
And 549 of us are expected to comply with this new way of life based on how prisons are run.
Just great. Supergreat.
I think it’s even worse than that, at least in the USA.
The official USA Corona Chan “case” number is presently ~30,000,000.
But that’s not a real “case” number, not least because the people being tested mostly aren’t even sick. If anything, it might be considered a proxy for the Corona Chan infection number, but that still has problems.
Meanwhile, the official USA Corona Chan “death” tally is currently ~600,000.
But that number is very likely overstated to the Moon.
Yeah. I realize that. It is per 100k persons.
I’m guessing this is about really big money. As in 50$ Billion a night for 15 months (the banks getting propped up). That isn’t going to end well. At this point it does look a bit grim.
Anyone else having bad dreams and difficulty sleeping?
Speak for yourself. When the mass media say something that doesn’t add up, then it’s suspect.
Well then those africans can make themselves social and useful back in their motherland. Unless you consider rape, robbery, and murder as somehow social and useful.
Seems like a media propaganda piece to me. Africa is mostly Covid free?…. so don’t worry as we keep flooding your White Western countries with these criminal ingrates. The Africans illegals being bussed all over the country aren’t wearing masks, just the dumb Whites who are oblivious to the fact the US Government has been raping and destroying this Country for decades. At the time these stats were taken… were all the african COVID cases already sent or heading to the the US, UK, or Europe?
COVID sceptics would be far better off using their time debunking the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. Now that's a story which has defied all onventional wisdom for 40 years.Replies: @gleongelpi, @John Johnson, @Twodees Partain
While fear of AIDS has receded in the West and in developing countries in Africa, HIV still infects tens of millions of people, with hundreds of thousands dying of the disease each year, mostly in Africa. Adult HIV prevalence is 1.2 percent worldwide but nine percent in sub-Saharan Africa.
I mention it in discussions of covid19 from time to time. The imaginary HIV virus is enshrined in the sacred lore in which the TV mesmerized zombies are steeped. It’s unassailable in the minds of most people. I don’t think it is a coincidence that Fauci presided over that hoax and is now presiding over the current viral panic.
Vaccines have more to do with morbidity than mortality.
Sure, "studies" were performed ("performance" is actually a good description) in a tiny fraction of the time historically allowed for development and testing of vaccines - we're talking weeks compared to YEARS.And animal testing was completely skipped, so we're testing these "vaccines" on humans instead (very convenient under the circumstances, given that all the test animals in mRNA experiments previous to the arrival of Corona Chan DIED).Not to mention the fraudulent and outright criminal profit-driven behaviour of all the Big Pharma agents involved in the manufacture and sale of these "vaccines" - litigation over the years amounting to many tens of billions of dollars - and yet they're still making screamingly lucrative profits. Trust us, these "vaccines" are really really safe and effective.
1) Studies were performed before the public was given access...
80% of WHAT? I guarantee that you have no coherent answer to that question, because if you did, you'd either flip sides on this subject or your brain would implode trying to reconcile the irreconcilable.The Corona Chan "vaccine" manufacturers themselves admit that these "vaccines" neither stop infection nor transmission of Corona Chan. They only claim that when you become infected with Corona Chan, the symptoms will be reduced. That's all they tested it for, and that's all their percentage "effectiveness" refers to, nothing more.So we have effectively useless and utterly unproven experimental "vaccines" with a known history of killing 100% of test animals, being coerced onto us for a trivial bug that only impacts the elderly or otherwise immune compromised, and for which even the American CDC admits has a ~99.8% survival rate.Why in the world would anyone consent to such lunacy? Of course, the answer is that we don't have informed consent, we have government-sanctioned misinformation surrounding the deadly Corona Chan "pandemic" coupled with the banning of any cheap and safe medicinal remedies and totalitarian impositions to coerce the population into accepting the "vaccines" in exchange for their faux "freedom" under the newly-minted "vaccine passport" regime.If you have never read George Orwell's classic novel 1984, you don't need to. We're living it right now.
2) 80% effectiveness can be achieved in a few weeks with the pfizer vaccine...
That's quite a bland and empty statement, worthy of the best mainstream media "anonymous sources". I challenge you to provide substantive data and corresponding context to confirm it.Meanwhile, reports such as those by Gilad Atzmon are supported by facts and figures which demonstrate exactly the opposite with pioneer "vaccine" nations experiencing a boom in Corona Chan cases exactly coinciding with their rollout and widespread injection of these "vaccines".Let's not forget the injuries and fatalities caused by the "vaccines" themselves, which so far seem to be killing more people than Corona Chan would have all by itself (and you don't need many "vaccine" fatalities to do that, seeing as how Corona Chan is so very survivable). And all this coincides with just the immediate injection of these "vaccines" - we have yet to see their absolutely untested and unknown effects in the coming months and years. Remember those test animals for previous mRNA experiments, 100% of which DIED? Funny how they skipped animal testing for these Corona Chan "vaccines", so the humans are the test animals this time around.And remember how Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson etc all have an extensive history of fraud and criminal malpractice over the decades with lawsuits totalling many tens of billions of dollars? Funny how they have gone to great lengths to obtain guarantees of complete legal immunity for any injuries that might be caused by their miraculous fast-tracked Corona Chan "vaccines".Please, by all means, line up and get your Corona Chan "vaccine" injection. Never mind that it won't stop you from catching or spreading Corona Chan, and it might very well injure or kill you in the short term and God alone (and creepy Bill Gates) knows what effects you can expect in the months or years ahead. And creepy Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates' Mini-Me Dr. Anthony Fauci says even if you get the "vaccine" you still have to "social distance" and wear your face-mask (because he knows it won't stop you from catching or spreading Corona Chan - did we mention that?).At least you can look forward to your "vaccine passport", so there is that. In fact, apart from all the juicy Big Pharma profits to be made along the way, the "vaccine passport" seems to be the end objective of the entire orchestrated charade. I wonder why?Replies: @Anon
3) Hospitals are reporting drops in hospitalizations for vaccinated groups ...
@ Remember those test animals for previous mRNA experiments, 100% of which DIED?
Would you kindly provide a link?
Do you know the possible mechanism that caused the death?
There's an abundance of discussion of this issue around the web, even here on Unz.com.Here's a few items that touch on the subject and even mention some of the test subjects (ferrets, as I recall, although there were a variety of animals used in different studies).[ https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/05/joseph-mercola/fast-tracked-covid-19-vaccine-what-could-go-wrong/ ][ https://www.lewrockwell.com/2020/11/joseph-mercola/how-covid-19-vaccine-can-destroy-your-immune-system/ ][ https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-dr-simone-gold-truth-about-covid-19-vaccine/5738794 ][ https://phibetaiota.net/2021/03/video-3234-dr-tenpenny-expains-in-simple-terms-some-of-the-dangers-of-the-covid-19-vaccine/ ]The mechanism that they suggest killed the animals (and which is just one of several potentially lethal side-effects of the mRNA "vaccines") is called "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" (ADE) wherein the "vaccine" modifies the host's immune system to aid and abet the targeted bug in killing the host.If this concern pans out, expect to see lots of "vaccinated" individuals coming down with unexplained septis, organ failure and death in the coming months and years.Replies: @Mulga Mumblebrain
Do you know the possible mechanism that caused the death?
Continuing with the discussion about covid deaths in Brazil referenced by Bras Cubas, here’s an article:
The article basically says, two adjoining regions, the Amazon and Para, have very different outcomes:
Deaths from Nov 11 – March 25, 2021
Amazon: 1,645 deaths/million
Para: 296/million
In Brazil, HCQ was restricted in a timely manner 🙄 in March 20, and Ivermectin in July 20. They were only available under a doctor’s prescription. Ivermectine was then re-allowed in September, but with lack of availabity. So one local government made sure to buy and promote Ivermectin and the other local government didn’t.
Here’s the study (in English) that is cited:
Here’s an interview with the Brazilian doctors:
great comment, more correct than all the other junk science
Turns out to be not so easy to draw this kind of comparison, largely because we don't know the actual IFR in any particular country because we don't (and can't possibly) know the true Corona Chan infection rate.Even if we try to make an intelligent guess of what the total infection rate will be after Corona Chan has fully run its course so we can compare apples to apples across countries, that isn't much help when the "pandemic" is still very much in a state of flux across the world.If we get the urge to juggle some numbers, however, something that we can do right now is focus in on international Case Fatality Rates for Corona Chan.
Logically, ... the European (Western) IFR should be 10 times higher than in Africa.
That site includes several charts tracking the CFR for each country over time.Note that the logarithmic plot of all countries' Corona Chan cases (horizontal axis) vs deaths (vertical axis) has the bulk of all countries falling on or near the CFR=3% line.This makes sense. For all those people who actually catch Corona Chan (which number we don't know), some of them get sick and show Corona Chan symptoms (which we do know - these are Corona Chan "cases"). Of those "cases" - people who actually get sick and show Corona Chan symptoms - apparently right around the world, about 3% of them go wheels up and die.Interesting that the USA also falls right on that CFR=3% line. IMO (just speculation, of course), this suggests that the over-reporting of Corona Chan "cases" in the USA is fortuitously in direct proportion to the over-reporting of Corona Chan "deaths" in the USA. Just my opinion.Meanwhile, there are also a bunch of other fun pages at that site, including this one -
Here's a couple of riddles posed by the data on this page:1. If Corona Chan is so deadly, why does the Excess Mortality for both Australia and New Zealand go negative over the Corona Chan "pandemic"?2. If Excess Mortality is caused by Corona Chan, then why does Singapore's Excess Mortality skyrocket during the Corona Chan pandemic when they only had a grand total of 10 Corona Chan fatalities?Here's some more fun to be had -
Lots of world maps comparing Corona Chan policies around the world, on a time scale no less.Going from all those maps, I think I want to live in Russia, or maybe China, when creepy Bill's next "pandemic" hits the playground. Or maybe Australia, if it still exists by then after all the China and Russia bashing it's been doing on behalf of Team America.Replies: @some_loon
“Interesting that the USA also falls right on that CFR=3% line.”
If true, then this suggests, if 600,000 people in the USA have died of this, that 20 million people here have had this crud in whatever manner and to whatever degree it takes to be called a ‘case’ (600k/0.03).
Which means 2/31 of the population has been a ‘case’, whatever that means, and about one person in every 550 persons has died of this whatever it is (330MM/600k). And 549 of us are expected to comply with this new way of life based on how prisons are run.
Just great. Supergreat.
I think it's even worse than that, at least in the USA.The official USA Corona Chan "case" number is presently ~30,000,000.
And 549 of us are expected to comply with this new way of life based on how prisons are run.Just great. Supergreat.
And there can't be any denial, there's no doubt, we KNOW that they were over-cycling those PCR tests to infinity and beyond, eg -
Again, there is no doubt, medical and scientific boffins have been screaming about this for the last year and been ignored, but now since the Corona Chan "pandemic" has largely served its purpose and the USA elections were successfully stolen, the WHO has finally come out and officially admitted it -
So let's just scientifically assume that 97% of all those positive PCR results were false positives, which reduces the actual number of identified Corona Chan infections (not "cases") to just [30,000,000 x (1 - 0.97) = 900,000]. If we're a bit more lenient, and assume 70% false positives, then we get just [30,000,000 x (1 - 0.70) = 9,000,000] actual American Corona Chan infections swimming amongst all those PCR false positives.HOWEVER, to be fair, the actual number of American Corona Chan infections is probably larger than this because there are still an awful lot of people who weren't tested and may well have been infected with this toothless Corona Chan bug. So paradoxically, we might just estimate (ie, pluck a number out of our arse) 30,000,000 total tested and untested American Corona Chan infections.So, let's do some figuring. Here's the sequence -The WHO has handed us the IFR of ~0.27%.
I stopped even taking note of anything originating from Paabo a long time ago.
In fact, the presence of a Neanderthal gene is the single biggest genetic risk factor for the novel coronavirus, roughly doubling the likelihood of getting the virus, according to a June 2020 study by researchers in Germany and Japan, Hugo Zeberg and Svante Pääbo.
What Paabo is asserting relies on comparison of a few ancient Neanderthal genomes to specifically ethnic Yoruba modern genomes, in this instance. If you read further into his study, you will find the common wiggle statement - what is effectively a disclaimer that essentially admits what I am asserting, however it does not indicate this in any way in the title claims being made concerning the study -
We investigated whether the index single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), that is, the SNPs with the strongest association (Materials and Methods), at the seven loci associated with risk of requiring intensive care upon SARS-CoV-2 infection on chromosomes 6, 12, 19, and 21 (22) harbor Neandertal-like alleles. To this end, we required that one of the alleles of the index SNPs should match all three high-quality Neandertals genomes, while being absent in the genomes of 108 African Yoruba individuals
Neanderthal TMRCA in my view denies or overlooks well documented examples of Clock-like Violation of Evolution, so you have a cited TMRCA distance that is in my view near totally worthless. Irregardless, no one knows or has any decisive evidence that the segments in question resulted from any of the possible options (partially admitted in the study cited) - 1) an ancestral predecessor to both (some) modern humans + Neanderthals,
Genomic segments with similarity to Neanderthal genomes may either derive from common ancestors of the two groups that lived about half a million years ago or be contributed by Neandertals to modern humans by mixing between the two groups when they met less than 100,000 y ago (25)
Not a real word, and it was surprising in someone of your evident erudition.
This is my essay, which can be summed up as:
The neanderthals never went extinct. They became the jews, Arabs, Armenians, etc. (and part of the DNA of Germans, southern French, southern Italians, Croatians, etc).
CDC claimes a survival rate of 99.7%, I hear (I haven’t seen the source of this myself), so let’s use that number.
Here’s something from the WHO. It’s not the American CDC, but should be convincing enough for anyone who defers to the authority of those institutions –
Here’s the relevant quote from about a third the way down that web page –
The median infection fatality rate across all 51 locations was 0.27% (corrected 0.23%).
They used data from the following countries to make that estimate of Corona Chan IFR:
Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, USA.
Note no African countries in the mix. They also appear to have omitted the UK and Russia, but still seem to have captured the bulk of the global Corona Chan ecosystem.
Saving $1 billion a year on SS is a rounding error for a nation with a debt of $30 trillion and growing.
Thanks for that data.Logically, if the African IFR is expected to be one tenth that of the European (Western) nations, then conversely the European (Western) IFR should be 10 times higher than in Africa.In theory, this might provide a rough way to see through all the fluff and propaganda in Western countries, by assuming that the Africans generally have nothing to hide (so their figures are reliable), and then extrapolating the African case numbers back to their Western counterparts according to the age distributions.I'd suspect the IFR predicted from that method might be way lower than the official Western narrative claims.Replies: @Ultrafart the Brave
Infection fatality rate (IFR) in Africa is expected to be 10-times lower than in Europe.
Logically, … the European (Western) IFR should be 10 times higher than in Africa.
Turns out to be not so easy to draw this kind of comparison, largely because we don’t know the actual IFR in any particular country because we don’t (and can’t possibly) know the true Corona Chan infection rate.
Even if we try to make an intelligent guess of what the total infection rate will be after Corona Chan has fully run its course so we can compare apples to apples across countries, that isn’t much help when the “pandemic” is still very much in a state of flux across the world.
If we get the urge to juggle some numbers, however, something that we can do right now is focus in on international Case Fatality Rates for Corona Chan.
Caramel? No! That makes her sound yummy. Have you looked at that nose? I would call her Camel Harass. Her father must have harassed and jumped the hump of her camel mother resulting in that shrill cackle we have to endure. 😠LITBM
You forgot “Jew criminal pardoned by Trumpâ€
"murdered" his mother and another woman, not married, if he married his mom and another woman, he'd be out a lot sooner.Replies: @Commentator Mike
married his mother
An Oedipus Complex Freudian Slip.
1) Studies were performed before the public was given access…
Sure, “studies” were performed (“performance” is actually a good description) in a tiny fraction of the time historically allowed for development and testing of vaccines – we’re talking weeks compared to YEARS.
And animal testing was completely skipped, so we’re testing these “vaccines” on humans instead (very convenient under the circumstances, given that all the test animals in mRNA experiments previous to the arrival of Corona Chan DIED).
Not to mention the fraudulent and outright criminal profit-driven behaviour of all the Big Pharma agents involved in the manufacture and sale of these “vaccines” – litigation over the years amounting to many tens of billions of dollars – and yet they’re still making screamingly lucrative profits. Trust us, these “vaccines” are really really safe and effective.
2) 80% effectiveness can be achieved in a few weeks with the pfizer vaccine…
80% of WHAT? I guarantee that you have no coherent answer to that question, because if you did, you’d either flip sides on this subject or your brain would implode trying to reconcile the irreconcilable.
The Corona Chan “vaccine” manufacturers themselves admit that these “vaccines” neither stop infection nor transmission of Corona Chan. They only claim that when you become infected with Corona Chan, the symptoms will be reduced. That’s all they tested it for, and that’s all their percentage “effectiveness” refers to, nothing more.
So we have effectively useless and utterly unproven experimental “vaccines” with a known history of killing 100% of test animals, being coerced onto us for a trivial bug that only impacts the elderly or otherwise immune compromised, and for which even the American CDC admits has a ~99.8% survival rate.
Why in the world would anyone consent to such lunacy? Of course, the answer is that we don’t have informed consent, we have government-sanctioned misinformation surrounding the deadly Corona Chan “pandemic” coupled with the banning of any cheap and safe medicinal remedies and totalitarian impositions to coerce the population into accepting the “vaccines” in exchange for their faux “freedom” under the newly-minted “vaccine passport” regime.
If you have never read George Orwell’s classic novel 1984, you don’t need to. We’re living it right now.
3) Hospitals are reporting drops in hospitalizations for vaccinated groups …
That’s quite a bland and empty statement, worthy of the best mainstream media “anonymous sources”. I challenge you to provide substantive data and corresponding context to confirm it.
Meanwhile, reports such as those by Gilad Atzmon are supported by facts and figures which demonstrate exactly the opposite with pioneer “vaccine” nations experiencing a boom in Corona Chan cases exactly coinciding with their rollout and widespread injection of these “vaccines”.
Let’s not forget the injuries and fatalities caused by the “vaccines” themselves, which so far seem to be killing more people than Corona Chan would have all by itself (and you don’t need many “vaccine” fatalities to do that, seeing as how Corona Chan is so very survivable). And all this coincides with just the immediate injection of these “vaccines” – we have yet to see their absolutely untested and unknown effects in the coming months and years. Remember those test animals for previous mRNA experiments, 100% of which DIED? Funny how they skipped animal testing for these Corona Chan “vaccines”, so the humans are the test animals this time around.
And remember how Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson etc all have an extensive history of fraud and criminal malpractice over the decades with lawsuits totalling many tens of billions of dollars? Funny how they have gone to great lengths to obtain guarantees of complete legal immunity for any injuries that might be caused by their miraculous fast-tracked Corona Chan “vaccines”.
Please, by all means, line up and get your Corona Chan “vaccine” injection. Never mind that it won’t stop you from catching or spreading Corona Chan, and it might very well injure or kill you in the short term and God alone (and creepy Bill Gates) knows what effects you can expect in the months or years ahead. And creepy Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates’ Mini-Me Dr. Anthony Fauci says even if you get the “vaccine” you still have to “social distance” and wear your face-mask (because he knows it won’t stop you from catching or spreading Corona Chan – did we mention that?).
At least you can look forward to your “vaccine passport”, so there is that. In fact, apart from all the juicy Big Pharma profits to be made along the way, the “vaccine passport” seems to be the end objective of the entire orchestrated charade. I wonder why?
Most street-level dope slingers don’t really make much even selling stuff in high demand and with a high margin to addicts and recreational users who think they know what they’re buying.
Besides, they wouldn’t have a supplier for the other stuff.
But, you know this, probably.
Someone who isn’t me (SWIM) knew a guy who got ahold of four packages of human growth hormone, each about the size of a carton of cigarettes. He was an experienced druggie, and knew how to move the usuals, but still had a hard time unloading the stuff. Probably didn’t help that he called them (and thought they were) ‘steroids’. Not sure how it all turned out as SWIM really tries to avoid such traffic, though some contact is unavoidable.
Yeah. Good point. If some drug dealer got caught selling The Malaria Pill Which Shall Not Be Named they’d do way more time than one who sold H to a kid. The death penalty might even come into the conversation.
That's a particularly stupid lie. Don't quit your day job. How praytell could any "study" exist when the injections only started being deployed a few months ago?
Numerous studies have shown that the vaccines are working so trying to believe that the virus doesn’t actually exist or hasn’t been mapped at this point is totally ridiculous.
How praytell could any “study†exist when the injections only started being deployed a few months ago?
1) Studies were performed before the public was given access
2) 80% effectiveness can be achieved in a few weeks with the pfizer vaccine
3) Hospitals are reporting drops in hospitalizations for vaccinated groups
But I guess if you only read Unz you might not know any of this.
As for what these injections actually do against “Covidâ€, the best bet is they function exactly as my rock that keeps tigers away.
I really wish we could take bets on this. I would have made millions off the “just a flu” crowd.
Sure, "studies" were performed ("performance" is actually a good description) in a tiny fraction of the time historically allowed for development and testing of vaccines - we're talking weeks compared to YEARS.And animal testing was completely skipped, so we're testing these "vaccines" on humans instead (very convenient under the circumstances, given that all the test animals in mRNA experiments previous to the arrival of Corona Chan DIED).Not to mention the fraudulent and outright criminal profit-driven behaviour of all the Big Pharma agents involved in the manufacture and sale of these "vaccines" - litigation over the years amounting to many tens of billions of dollars - and yet they're still making screamingly lucrative profits. Trust us, these "vaccines" are really really safe and effective.
1) Studies were performed before the public was given access...
80% of WHAT? I guarantee that you have no coherent answer to that question, because if you did, you'd either flip sides on this subject or your brain would implode trying to reconcile the irreconcilable.The Corona Chan "vaccine" manufacturers themselves admit that these "vaccines" neither stop infection nor transmission of Corona Chan. They only claim that when you become infected with Corona Chan, the symptoms will be reduced. That's all they tested it for, and that's all their percentage "effectiveness" refers to, nothing more.So we have effectively useless and utterly unproven experimental "vaccines" with a known history of killing 100% of test animals, being coerced onto us for a trivial bug that only impacts the elderly or otherwise immune compromised, and for which even the American CDC admits has a ~99.8% survival rate.Why in the world would anyone consent to such lunacy? Of course, the answer is that we don't have informed consent, we have government-sanctioned misinformation surrounding the deadly Corona Chan "pandemic" coupled with the banning of any cheap and safe medicinal remedies and totalitarian impositions to coerce the population into accepting the "vaccines" in exchange for their faux "freedom" under the newly-minted "vaccine passport" regime.If you have never read George Orwell's classic novel 1984, you don't need to. We're living it right now.
2) 80% effectiveness can be achieved in a few weeks with the pfizer vaccine...
That's quite a bland and empty statement, worthy of the best mainstream media "anonymous sources". I challenge you to provide substantive data and corresponding context to confirm it.Meanwhile, reports such as those by Gilad Atzmon are supported by facts and figures which demonstrate exactly the opposite with pioneer "vaccine" nations experiencing a boom in Corona Chan cases exactly coinciding with their rollout and widespread injection of these "vaccines".Let's not forget the injuries and fatalities caused by the "vaccines" themselves, which so far seem to be killing more people than Corona Chan would have all by itself (and you don't need many "vaccine" fatalities to do that, seeing as how Corona Chan is so very survivable). And all this coincides with just the immediate injection of these "vaccines" - we have yet to see their absolutely untested and unknown effects in the coming months and years. Remember those test animals for previous mRNA experiments, 100% of which DIED? Funny how they skipped animal testing for these Corona Chan "vaccines", so the humans are the test animals this time around.And remember how Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson etc all have an extensive history of fraud and criminal malpractice over the decades with lawsuits totalling many tens of billions of dollars? Funny how they have gone to great lengths to obtain guarantees of complete legal immunity for any injuries that might be caused by their miraculous fast-tracked Corona Chan "vaccines".Please, by all means, line up and get your Corona Chan "vaccine" injection. Never mind that it won't stop you from catching or spreading Corona Chan, and it might very well injure or kill you in the short term and God alone (and creepy Bill Gates) knows what effects you can expect in the months or years ahead. And creepy Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates' Mini-Me Dr. Anthony Fauci says even if you get the "vaccine" you still have to "social distance" and wear your face-mask (because he knows it won't stop you from catching or spreading Corona Chan - did we mention that?).At least you can look forward to your "vaccine passport", so there is that. In fact, apart from all the juicy Big Pharma profits to be made along the way, the "vaccine passport" seems to be the end objective of the entire orchestrated charade. I wonder why?Replies: @Anon
3) Hospitals are reporting drops in hospitalizations for vaccinated groups ...
Ron Unz when are you going to publish this article from Whitney Webb on the passing of the Tanzania President John Pombe Magufuli? Not only is it relevent to this article, as he loudly proclaimed the fraud of Covid-19 in Africa as Africans are not dying from the pandemic, but he also implemented what is probably the most revolutionary attempt at an African economic independence from the Anglo-American Neo-Liberal Empire that has been attempted and probably paid for it with his life.
But the article speaks to the coming Rare Earth Mineral global war that is looming in Great Lakes Africa (Tanzania, Zambia, Congo) where the largest deposits of REM needed to 4th Generation industrial Green economy which will dominate the next 100 years.
He has gone down as the greatest President Africa has ever had and the West just learned about him due to his opposition to the fraud Covid-19 epidemic, especially as it related to Africa.
Please post this article”
married his mother
“murdered” his mother and another woman, not married, if he married his mom and another woman, he’d be out a lot sooner.
America’s drug dealers won’t make as much money pimping cheap drugs that most people are ignorant of or cowed into taking the advertised and authorized poisons from mega dealers aka big pharma. Notice how the Feds came down on the Jan 6 protesters… they’ll be in full swing to crush anyone who tries to subvert their profits. Thats not to say I wouldn’t love to see it happen
Maybe he is a racist who, coincidentally, hated his mother?
Yes, maybe he was. And maybe he was just a murderous Son-of-a-bitch?
I see a great opportunity for a best seller here for you Old Sport, please set up an interview… or hire a psychic, because I personally have only the ability to read words, not minds.
When I see that a black man married his mother… black, and another woman… not black. I don’t think “racist.”
"murdered" his mother and another woman, not married, if he married his mom and another woman, he'd be out a lot sooner.Replies: @Commentator Mike
married his mother
If you can't say that, then you also CAN'T say that ANY violence / assault / attack / murder anywhere in the world involving any two races is any form of "racist" attack" - including anything anywhere to do with Whites and Blacks.
No, you can’t say he was racist
If you can’t say that, then you also CAN’T say that ANY violence / assault / attack / murder anywhere in the world involving any two races is any form of “racist†attack†– including anything anywhere to do with Whites and Blacks.
In which case, by logical deduction and definition, there can be NO such thing as a “racist†attack. Is that now your acknowledged position ?
Now read what you just wrote again, please. Does every “violence/ assault / attack / murder anywhere in the world involve a man who did the same to his mother?
Does what you wrote make any sense, whatsoever?
Great, it did not to me, or anyone else with a modicum of intellect either.
How was it a hate crime if he treated this woman just like his own Mama-san? No, you can't say he was racist.Replies: @Dave Bowman, @TTSSYF
Hey Troof, where you at, dawg? Want to comment on the latest Black on Yellow HATE CRIME?
Maybe he is a racist who, coincidentally, hated his mother?
Correct, and perfect.
You get them to trial.
I’ve always fancied my hand supervising large teams building gallows. Deal ?
Very disappointed in America’s drug dealers. We live in a country where children can easily buy heroin, but the black market can’t supply us with one of the world’s cheapest and most abundant pills?
YouTube has already removed 38 of my videos
Including this one. Why don’t you give us your Bitchute handle?
How was it a hate crime if he treated this woman just like his own Mama-san? No, you can't say he was racist.Replies: @Dave Bowman, @TTSSYF
Hey Troof, where you at, dawg? Want to comment on the latest Black on Yellow HATE CRIME?
No, you can’t say he was racist
If you can’t say that, then you also CAN’T say that ANY violence / assault / attack / murder anywhere in the world involving any two races is any form of “racist” attack” – including anything anywhere to do with Whites and Blacks.
In which case, by logical deduction and definition, there can be NO such thing as a “racist” attack. Is that now your acknowledged position ?
Now read what you just wrote again, please. Does every "violence/ assault / attack / murder anywhere in the world involve a man who did the same to his mother?Does what you wrote make any sense, whatsoever?Great, it did not to me, or anyone else with a modicum of intellect either.
If you can’t say that, then you also CAN’T say that ANY violence / assault / attack / murder anywhere in the world involving any two races is any form of “racist†attack†– including anything anywhere to do with Whites and Blacks.In which case, by logical deduction and definition, there can be NO such thing as a “racist†attack. Is that now your acknowledged position ?
Except that -Trump reported regular use of HCQ and still became infected with severe Covid. He likely only survived due to the antibody cocktail, which was only accessible to him.Thus, HCQ may or may not have some general potential effect, but it does not appear to be as protective as some people assert or assumed. The unverified promises that it was a secret bullet against Covid infection is likely much of the reason he and his inner circle felt comfortable having large public gatherings, expecting that they had no vulnerability.The dosage and particular daily routine could be an issue, however it would be inaccurate, given Trumps own severe infection, to place much if any trust in HCQ if someone is in poor physical condition, or would expect to be part of a high-risk group once infected.Replies: @JimDandy, @Mulga Mumblebrain, @Ultrafart the Brave
the common use of Hydroxycholoroquine in Africa is surely the reason why the corona virus has had so little impact in Africa.HCQ works to stimulate the immune system so that the corona virus just never gets established.
…HCQ may or may not have some general potential effect, but it does not appear to be as protective as some people assert or assumed. The unverified promises…
How may we verify the veracity of claims that HCQ and Ivermectin knock Corona Chan on the head in short order?
More to the point, how can we get around the deliberate banning of any such information from the general public by mainstream and social media?
Is the testimony of front-line doctors who have proven experience in dealing with numerous Corona Chan cases enough? Does their professional advice, scientific observation and real-life experience in treating people and saving lives count?
Texas Senate Committee on Corona Chan touches on HCQ –
(Don’t be surprised if U-Tube has decided for you that you aren’t allowed to see this).
This long-winded elephantine construct, and many comments, too, depends on the belief that there is such a thing as a scientifically-proven Covid virus.
Maybe there is a Corona Chan bug, and maybe there isn’t.
Logic suggests that HydroxyChloroquine and Ivermectin are knocking SOMETHING on the head, when they each clear up the dreaded Corona Chan symptoms in 24 to 48 hours.
Regardless, scientifically proving stuff has vanishingly little to do with the Corona Chan “pandemic”.
If Corona Chan actually exists, it’s ~99.8% survivable even according to the official scaremongers like the American CDC. Quite the toothless tiger, if I may say so.
No, it’s the 24-hour doomsday Corona Chan NARRATIVE that’s deadly, because that’s what has given governments across the world licence to shelve democratic and human rights and proceed to commit crimes against humanity as they destroy billions of jobs, businesses and lives with gay abandon, and coerce their populations into accepting highly experimental injected “vaccines” (which neither stop the infection or transmission of any bug) to “save” them from the boogeyman.
And we’re all just itching to get our “vaccine passports” stamped to keep the boogeyman at bay.
Maybe the Corona Chan bug exists. Or not. Either way, it’s not required for the “pandemic”.
Creepy Bill and Uncle Klaus must be so very pleased.
The “disease” covid 19 has neither been photographed or isolated. The government statistics you site are unproven, probably fake as are many other government stats ie temperature data. This is a World wide propaganda narrative prepared and practiced on since 1970s. The good thing is many of our most annoying Earth residents are getting vaccinated with an experimental treatment that is certainly damging many of them with side effects. Good luck to you.
Two simple reasons. They dont watch MSM and they dont take fraudulent tests.
Western medical science is biased. A lot a studies are payed by laboratiries.
How do YOU know that is true – since many generations of advanced Western medical science absolutely disagree with you, and state the evidence proving the opposite ? �
Today "science" is the new sacred cow. Now, words like "science" and "scientific" are used by propagandists to make the public believe that what they say is true.
Where is YOUR evidence that the science is wrong ? �
Even the editor of a learned medical journal, the NEJM if memory serves, observed a few years ago that there was a flood of faked pharmaceutical research bedevilling the science. Then there was the Surgisphere fraud, attacking HCQ, withdrawn in disgrace by Lancet and the NEJM, a fact TOTALLY suppressed by the presstitute vermin of the Western fakestream media.
Merck has denounced its own drug, ivermection, in the most lurid terms, despite still donating many doses to Africa to combat worm infestation diseases. The reason for this bizarre double-standard-Merck has a new, highly expensive, medication that it thinks will steal remdesivir’s already billion dollar market. This is how BigPharma capitalist thugs ‘think’. The tobacco peddlers were novices compared to these ghouls.
Except that -Trump reported regular use of HCQ and still became infected with severe Covid. He likely only survived due to the antibody cocktail, which was only accessible to him.Thus, HCQ may or may not have some general potential effect, but it does not appear to be as protective as some people assert or assumed. The unverified promises that it was a secret bullet against Covid infection is likely much of the reason he and his inner circle felt comfortable having large public gatherings, expecting that they had no vulnerability.The dosage and particular daily routine could be an issue, however it would be inaccurate, given Trumps own severe infection, to place much if any trust in HCQ if someone is in poor physical condition, or would expect to be part of a high-risk group once infected.Replies: @JimDandy, @Mulga Mumblebrain, @Ultrafart the Brave
the common use of Hydroxycholoroquine in Africa is surely the reason why the corona virus has had so little impact in Africa.HCQ works to stimulate the immune system so that the corona virus just never gets established.
There are numerous studies showing HCQ’s efficacy in early disease, after exposure and infection and prophylactically. It is used in scores of countries. To argue against it from ONE example, Trump, is bizarre, to be polite.
Numerous studies have shown that the vaccines are working so trying to believe that the virus doesn’t actually exist or hasn’t been mapped at this point is totally ridiculous.
That’s a particularly stupid lie. Don’t quit your day job. How praytell could any “study” exist when the injections only started being deployed a few months ago?
The only thing the system did was have the WHO lower the official number of cycles a fraudulent PCR test should undergo, in order to lower the fake “case” number to make it look like the mass injections were working. Exactly as they’ve manipulated these fake numbers from day one.
As for what these injections actually do against “Covid”, the best bet is they function exactly as my rock that keeps tigers away.
How dare you! I resent being compared to a goose. Now maybe a fox or even a sparrow, maybe...
Since this fine article seems to have attracted the usual gaggle of committed Flu Hoaxers, who believe that Covid-19 doesn’t exist or isn’t dangerous or that sort of thing...
Figures don't lie, of course, when the figures are true.So let's accept your quoted fatalities for 2019 and 2020 at face value.Meanwhile, again, figures don't lie (when the figures are true).So going from the currently calculated Corona Chan survival rate of ~99.8%, it appears that Corona Chan is actually a toothless tiger which likes to prey on old folk and otherwise vulnerable people. In most respects, not too much different from just a bad influenza bug.Given all the available evidence surrounding the genesis and propagation of Corona Chan, IMO it most likely is an engineered bug which was released deliberately with ill intent at various locales around the globe, but despite that, whatever species of Corona Chan Western nations are now dealing with appears to be a storm in a teacup.As creepy billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates might say, "sadly" (although you know he never actually means it) a lot of old codgers and generally unhealthy people not only caught Corona Chan but many people actually died from it (just like they do in a bad influenza season). In fact Cuomo in New York seemed to have a veritable geriatric genocide program going on.But Corona Chan is hardly Bubonic Plague. Far from it.HOWEVER, let's look at the wider context beyong just the Corona Chan bug. Corona Chan wasn't the only thing that was different in 2020 compared to 2019. There were the widespread government-enforced "lockdowns" not just across the USA but right across most of the planet, with the corresponding economic mayhem, loss of jobs and businesses and livelihoods, restriction of outdoor activities and confinement of people to their homes, shutdown of schools and restriction of access to medical services and hospitals.It doesn't take too much mental effort to understand that all those politically mandated measures absolutely must have precipitated an explosion in poverty, despair, malnourishment, illness and deaths across the demographic spectrum.While Corona Chan has certainly led to the premature departure of a vulnerable percentage of the population from this world, I would speculate that Corona Chan, which IMO is a relatively trivial bug, is neither sufficient nor necessary to account for the quoted uptick in the 2020 fatalities compared to 2019.In short, Corona Chan has been weaponised as a political meme to wreak economic and social havoc across much of the world. The Corona Chan narrative is a far more deadly phenomenon than the Corona Chan bug.Replies: @some_loon
Offhand, it looks to me like total deaths during 2020 were more than 500,000 higher than the previous year, or any of the years before. So if the virus doesn’t actually exist or only makes people sneeze, what’s the explanation? Did our country have 500,000 extra suicides or homicides last year? Or did they all die in traffic accidents?
“So going from the currently calculated Corona Chan survival rate of ~99.8%, it appears that Corona Chan is actually a toothless tiger which likes to prey on old folk and otherwise vulnerable people.”
CDC claimes a survival rate of 99.7%, I hear (I haven’t seen the source of this myself), so let’s use that number.
1 – 0.997 = 0.003, which I guess then is the infection fatality rate (IFR).
If, indeed, 600,000 americans have died of this, then, using the above numbers, 600,000/.003 = 200 MILLION americans have already had the disease, whatever that would really mean, out of a population of about 330 million (I am using the word ‘americans’ loosely, to include all residents of the United States, even foreign nationals living here).
If the 99.8% number is the real one, then 300 million have already had it. Documented cases of reinfection are a very low number, so I guess this plague is about over.
I cannot be the only one to have done the first-year algebra.
Dear Algebra, please stop asking me to find your x. He isn’t coming back.
One could delve into these numbers a bit further, but why bother. It is clear that the official story doesn’t add up, even if we need to divide and use decimals to show that.
Here's something from the WHO. It's not the American CDC, but should be convincing enough for anyone who defers to the authority of those institutions -
CDC claimes a survival rate of 99.7%, I hear (I haven’t seen the source of this myself), so let’s use that number.
Here's the relevant quote from about a third the way down that web page -
They used data from the following countries to make that estimate of Corona Chan IFR:Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, USA.Note no African countries in the mix. They also appear to have omitted the UK and Russia, but still seem to have captured the bulk of the global Corona Chan ecosystem.
The median infection fatality rate across all 51 locations was 0.27% (corrected 0.23%).
White genocide?
Peg, I’m well aware of Jon Rappoport’s commentary (and the writings of numerous others) stating that Covid-19 has yet to be isolated/proven to exist and Dr Andrew Kaufman’s output saying that it doesn’t satisfy Koch’s postulates.
I’m not in a position to say definitively one way or the other so I’ll leave that to those who are more knowledgeable.
That said, there must be ‘something’ that is afflicting people seeing as treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ are proving effective at reducing mortality for this mystery ‘virus’/illness.
1. In the West, the average COVID fatality age is beyond the average overall life expectancy age. We have a larger population of extremely old, frail, and institutionalized people than sub-Saharan Africa. These are the lion’s share of our deaths. We also likely have more people living with obesity, and managing medical conditions that would be fatal in a less developed country.
2. African government agencies may not have been as diligent as our own, to attribute every homicide victim and vehicle death with a positive SARS-Cov2 titer as a Coronavirus fatality.
All I can say is that in 2018 and 2019 more people that I knew (friends, acquaintances, neighbors, their friends and relatives, etc) died each year than did in 2020.
Statistics, the dismal lie.
Except that -Trump reported regular use of HCQ and still became infected with severe Covid. He likely only survived due to the antibody cocktail, which was only accessible to him.Thus, HCQ may or may not have some general potential effect, but it does not appear to be as protective as some people assert or assumed. The unverified promises that it was a secret bullet against Covid infection is likely much of the reason he and his inner circle felt comfortable having large public gatherings, expecting that they had no vulnerability.The dosage and particular daily routine could be an issue, however it would be inaccurate, given Trumps own severe infection, to place much if any trust in HCQ if someone is in poor physical condition, or would expect to be part of a high-risk group once infected.Replies: @JimDandy, @Mulga Mumblebrain, @Ultrafart the Brave
the common use of Hydroxycholoroquine in Africa is surely the reason why the corona virus has had so little impact in Africa.HCQ works to stimulate the immune system so that the corona virus just never gets established.
Trump said that he had taken HCQ at some point. Later, he got infected with “severe Covid” so severe that he spent the whole weekend in the hospital, before walking out and doing a victory lap on his way back home.
We know that Trump was widely savaged by the media and medical “professionals” when he admitted to having taken HCQ. Do we know that he was still doing a regular HCQ regimen when he got sick? How do we know? He “likely only survived due to the antibody cocktail”? How likely, exactly, is it that he only survived because of this specific treatment? How do we know this?
I’d like to have all of these facts at my disposal. Thanks.
the common use of Hydroxycholoroquine in Africa is surely the reason why the corona virus has had so little impact in Africa.
HCQ works to stimulate the immune system so that the corona virus just never gets established.
Except that –
Trump reported regular use of HCQ and still became infected with severe Covid. He likely only survived due to the antibody cocktail, which was only accessible to him.
Thus, HCQ may or may not have some general potential effect, but it does not appear to be as protective as some people assert or assumed. The unverified promises that it was a secret bullet against Covid infection is likely much of the reason he and his inner circle felt comfortable having large public gatherings, expecting that they had no vulnerability.
The dosage and particular daily routine could be an issue, however it would be inaccurate, given Trumps own severe infection, to place much if any trust in HCQ if someone is in poor physical condition, or would expect to be part of a high-risk group once infected.
How may we verify the veracity of claims that HCQ and Ivermectin knock Corona Chan on the head in short order?
...HCQ may or may not have some general potential effect, but it does not appear to be as protective as some people assert or assumed. The unverified promises...
age, diet and health – natural foods not processed, sunlight = vit D, warm climate does not show seasonal flu like in cold climates. exercised immune system – not the clean fetishness of westerners. Not the political motivation to exaggerate the disease like in Brazil (a US proxy), and western countries that must follow the script (for whatever the reason). A case study of what happens without the hype IMO.
Researchers have found that the coronavirus is inactivated by sunlight as much as eight times faster in experiments than predicted by current theoretical modelling
Unlike what previously thought following experiments with simulated sunlight, it appears that SARS-CoV-2 can be neutralised up to eight times faster with natural sunlight.
It is also three times more sensitive to natural UV than the influenza A virus.
This long-winded elephantine construct, and many comments, too, depends on the belief that there is such a thing as a scientifically-proven Covid virus.
Unless I missed the headline, there is not. But if y’all believe a covid virus exists, please provide the scientific proof that it has been correctly isolated, and who managed to do that and who managed to replicate the findings and share with us the scientific papers with the details.
It’s long been believed there are coronaviruses which mildly afflict people and animals, although if so, I’d very much like to see the science on that as well.
Since I’ve yet to see scientific proof, nor has anyone else including the CDC, I wonder more and more, are most of the people in the room trolls?
Who pays for these windy, trussed-up covid-op articles and comments? Because, it’s unlikely so many writers could afford to quit their day jobs for such time-consuming, artful mixes of fiction and fact. Hats off to good writing and ingenuity, but if the premise is wrong from the start…
Maybe there is a Corona Chan bug, and maybe there isn't.Logic suggests that HydroxyChloroquine and Ivermectin are knocking SOMETHING on the head, when they each clear up the dreaded Corona Chan symptoms in 24 to 48 hours.Regardless, scientifically proving stuff has vanishingly little to do with the Corona Chan "pandemic".If Corona Chan actually exists, it's ~99.8% survivable even according to the official scaremongers like the American CDC. Quite the toothless tiger, if I may say so.No, it's the 24-hour doomsday Corona Chan NARRATIVE that's deadly, because that's what has given governments across the world licence to shelve democratic and human rights and proceed to commit crimes against humanity as they destroy billions of jobs, businesses and lives with gay abandon, and coerce their populations into accepting highly experimental injected "vaccines" (which neither stop the infection or transmission of any bug) to "save" them from the boogeyman.And we're all just itching to get our "vaccine passports" stamped to keep the boogeyman at bay.Maybe the Corona Chan bug exists. Or not. Either way, it's not required for the "pandemic".Creepy Bill and Uncle Klaus must be so very pleased.
This long-winded elephantine construct, and many comments, too, depends on the belief that there is such a thing as a scientifically-proven Covid virus.
u should know at the height of the first wave bangladesh was doing only 10-14 thousand pcr tests a day and banned antigen tests. we have a population of 160 million people btw. for a amoral governement if less covid test then less positive results thus less death attributable to covid. the death count is at least two to three times larger here than recognized.
thank you for teaching me the term hygiene hypothesis. i actually thought that was the main cause for less death for our people(relatively speaking) and for african continent. ur article actually shows there is value in hbd. i wrote of its value when some retard put neaplese average iq at 42 if memory serves me correctly
Hello Friends,
Africa is relatively unscathed, because they don’t get the flu shot, and because they still have their tonsils.
This weeks video exposes the monetary alliance between the NIH, World Bank, Wuhan Institute of Virology, the WHO, Gavi, UNICEF, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Don’t miss it! YouTube has already removed 38 of my videos, for apposing and contradicting the “Official Lieâ€
Would be interesting to do some polls on this (((virus.)))
One poll could be was it man made or did it come from bats. hehe.
I think you’ve got it wrong there, people who live in small communities (such as islands) that are genetically isolated, tend to have increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. Inbreeding (consanguinity) increases genetic diseases and increases the number of people born with mental retardation.
I was speaking neather about small islands nor about inbreeding (consanguinity).
Read my posts again before answering.
Don’t forget the cheap ivermectin, available over-the-counter in Africa, but not in US, of course.
Two of those security guards are definitely Black, apologies to my White brethren. Can’t make out what the third guy was, no wonder those guys dindu nuffin. Blacks are not required to actually work on the job and are only required to show up at least 2-3 days per week. What a joke. That is the “security team” for that building??
My bad. One of those suckas watching the 65 year old Asian lady being stomped in the face was a Black “security officer,” and one of those other guys could have been Black as well, couldn’t make it out because of the grainy footage. The “security officer” was definitely Black.
What the hell kind of “security” do they provide in that building or outside the building. Three adult males, possibly two of them Black, DID NOTHING WHILE ANOTHER ADULT MALES STOMPS OUT A PETITE FEMALE SENIOR CITIZEN.
The Black security guard looked like he could give two shits while this was going on. No big story here, folks, just one of the ever growing Black on Yellow attacks happening in America.
Everyone knows the reason. Covid never was the big threat the fake news press said it was. Here in america it was hyped to hurt trump in the november election. The FNP did the same thing with the silly george floyd story.
Kosher slaughterhouse – filthy, disgusting and inhumane. Plant shut down, company bankrupt, top Jewish executive jailed.
How do YOU know that is true - since many generations of advanced Western medical science absolutely disagree with you, and state the evidence proving the opposite ?
... Being not too close is sufficient ...
How do YOU know that is true – since many generations of advanced Western medical science absolutely disagree with you, and state the evidence proving the opposite ?
Western medical science is biased. A lot a studies are payed by laboratiries.
As a result, searchers publish results as these labs desire.
Non-PC studies get no money scientists who want publishing some studies have their career blocked or are fired. If you want getting promoted, better income, crédits et being publishers you have to be conformiste to the dominant ideology (see what is massivly promoted in the MSM, movies, entertainment, see what happen now in the US schools and universities.
Where is YOUR evidence that the science is wrong ?
Today “science” is the new sacred cow. Now, words like “science” and “scientific” are used by propagandists to make the public believe that what they say is true.
My evidence is based on my jobs, my studies and my own experience as genealogist, anthopologist and archeologist.
Maybe because Africans aren’t afraid to be happy and social and useful, and aren’t afraid of normal human contact. They’ve been doing everything right for proper immunity.
Westerners have been doing most things wrong for many decades, and the tyranny of 2020 forced us to do EXACTLY EVERYTHING EXACTLY WRONG. Before 2020, public health and doctors gave all the right advice. EVERY SINGLE BIT of this advice was turned EXACTLY BACKWARDS by the genocide.
COVID sceptics would be far better off using their time debunking the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. Now that's a story which has defied all onventional wisdom for 40 years.Replies: @gleongelpi, @John Johnson, @Twodees Partain
While fear of AIDS has receded in the West and in developing countries in Africa, HIV still infects tens of millions of people, with hundreds of thousands dying of the disease each year, mostly in Africa. Adult HIV prevalence is 1.2 percent worldwide but nine percent in sub-Saharan Africa.
COVID sceptics would be far better off using their time debunking the HIV-AIDS hypothesis. Now that’s a story which has defied all conventional wisdom for 40 years.
Covid skeptics should ditch skepticism all together and take up a different hobby like woodworking or painting. Skepticism really isn’t their strong point.
Part of skepticism involves admitting when the evidence supports the theory.
Numerous studies have shown that the vaccines are working so trying to believe that the virus doesn’t actually exist or hasn’t been mapped at this point is totally ridiculous.
Remaining skepticism should be directed at the US government and media for their refusal to investigate the Wuhan lab connection.
That's a particularly stupid lie. Don't quit your day job. How praytell could any "study" exist when the injections only started being deployed a few months ago?
Numerous studies have shown that the vaccines are working so trying to believe that the virus doesn’t actually exist or hasn’t been mapped at this point is totally ridiculous.
@ I was under the impression that in Africa it is common practice for doctors to use hydroxychloroquine/HCQ-cocktails as treatment for Covid.
Per French sources (France Soir and IHU Marseille divulgation channel), the medical community are stunned by how much better the neighboring African countries are doing than Europe in general and France in particular.
They point to youth, climate, hardiness against diseases amongst adults and, of course, routine use of HCQ and Ivermectin for both malaria and covid.
As an aside, I don’t see the vaccine skeptics of Unz citing Heligmann & Nakim’s numbers about vaccination causing more deaths than covid in Israel?? Luc Montaigner added his own letter to their Supreme Court motion to stop/delay the vaccination. And it is very significant that Euromomo dropped Israel from their tallies?
Jim Dandy — the common use of Hydroxycholoroquine in Africa is surely the reason why the corona virus has had so little impact in Africa. That fact is the real “taboo.” HCQ works to stimulate the immune system so that the corona virus just never gets established.
There is good research on this and people in Africa seem to know it. Most people in Africa have used HCQ. It is available over the counter and is very cheap.
It is only a taboo in the EuroAmerican context where charlatans like Anthony Fauci have pretty much banned any discussion of HCQ. Imagine if HCQ as well as other medications had been used very early on in the Covid-19 outbreak in EuroAmerica. We might have been spared hundreds of thousands of deaths, a crippling lockdown, and tens of millions of sicknesses. But as is perfectly clear by now, this whole pandemic exists for the benefit of the drug companies and the Covid industry. This is exactly the point made by Dr. Harvey Risch, an epidemiologist at Yale — at least he made it before he was silenced by the media.
Except that -Trump reported regular use of HCQ and still became infected with severe Covid. He likely only survived due to the antibody cocktail, which was only accessible to him.Thus, HCQ may or may not have some general potential effect, but it does not appear to be as protective as some people assert or assumed. The unverified promises that it was a secret bullet against Covid infection is likely much of the reason he and his inner circle felt comfortable having large public gatherings, expecting that they had no vulnerability.The dosage and particular daily routine could be an issue, however it would be inaccurate, given Trumps own severe infection, to place much if any trust in HCQ if someone is in poor physical condition, or would expect to be part of a high-risk group once infected.Replies: @JimDandy, @Mulga Mumblebrain, @Ultrafart the Brave
the common use of Hydroxycholoroquine in Africa is surely the reason why the corona virus has had so little impact in Africa.HCQ works to stimulate the immune system so that the corona virus just never gets established.
‘How many people would die if their cancer treatment or surgery is postponed.’
I don’t know. Do you?
Maybe that, and other answers to similar questions, might be found in that 170k excess deaths not attributed to covid-19.
According to the page I linked, the increase in ‘unintentional injuries’ is driven by drug overdoses.
Heart disease adds about 40k, per the chart, cancer about the same as 2019, suicides down a bit, if you can believe that. I offer no opinion.
All this presupposes that the data is accurate. I don’t pretend to trust any of it, and some here argue there’s proof of massive misreporting. You’ll want to ask them for that, or show me if you already have it.
Hey Troof, where you at, dawg? Want to comment on the latest Black on Yellow HATE CRIME?
How was it a hate crime if he treated this woman just like his own Mama-san? No, you can’t say he was racist.
If you can't say that, then you also CAN'T say that ANY violence / assault / attack / murder anywhere in the world involving any two races is any form of "racist" attack" - including anything anywhere to do with Whites and Blacks.
No, you can’t say he was racist
Apparently this negro was no mamma’s boy like Saint George, he was imprisoned for killing his own mother 2 decades ago. WHAT THE HELL WAS HE DOING OUT OF PRISON? KILLED HIS OWN MOTHER? So they release this nut and he goes out and attacks another woman, this time an old Asian woman and it was said he was yelling anti-racial slurs during the attack. Of course this is no major story over at (((CNN))) or (((MSNBC))) and was hardly covered by even Fox for that matter. IF a White dude was responsible for a vicious attack like this on some old Asian lady, it would be looped every 5 minutes on one of the Jewish networks.
Asians and Whites have far more of a chance of being killed by Black on Yellow or Black on White violence than (((Covid-19.)))
Hey Troof, where you at, dawg? Want to comment on the latest Black on Yellow HATE CRIME?
How was it a hate crime if he treated this woman just like his own Mama-san? No, you can't say he was racist.Replies: @Dave Bowman, @TTSSYF
Hey Troof, where you at, dawg? Want to comment on the latest Black on Yellow HATE CRIME?
As would I. Kosher’s just higher quality than a lot of the garbage Americans eat.