The Irish language’s name for itself in Irish is Gaeilge.
The Scottish language’s name for itself in Scottish is GÃ idhlig.
Irish is often called “Irish” in English, but also sometimes called “Gaelic” or “Irish Gaelic”.
The Scottish language is not often called “Scottish” in English but is more often called “Scots Gaelic” or sometimes “Gaelic”.
Hence the occasional confusion.
Both are part of the group of Celtic languages called Goidelic which also includes Manx Gaelic.
The other major branch of Celtic languages is the Brythonic languages, consisting of Welsh, Cornish, and Breton.
The Scottish people also have a dialect or language related to and derived from English, called “Scots”, that has pronunciation and some vocabulary and other elements influenced by Scottish Gaelic, sometimes to a strong enough extent to make it almost unintelligible to someone who speaks only English. Whether it’s simply folk English spoken by uneducated Scottish people (especially in the pre-modern era), or an actual language of its own, is debated.
Just wanted to say thanks for that but blocked.
Thanks for your comment.
My Chinese wife still has about a year on a US B1/B2 visa which apparently is what is needed so we were talking of going this year, would like to do some filming, she is talking about staying a month, but on checking I just found this on a web site:
“10-year multiple-entry B visa holders must provide updates through the Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS) every two years”
but she just told me she did that last year so we’ll be coming.
It seems that the system for Guam is the same as in another US colony, the Philippines, which I have written about. First you have to apply to a consulate for an appointment. We did that twice for her for the Philippines and got no reply. Then my wife used a local agent. She called them one morning, they rang back in the afternoon to say we had an appointment the following day. The only drawback is that we had to pay a massive fee which undoubtedly covered the payment of bribes to consular officials. Then I got my wife on my SRRV (lifetime visa) so we don’t have any worries now.
Last night I was talking to a friend’s Chinese wife and she had no trouble getting a new US visa – through an agent in Hong Kong. I don’t know the cost.
I am working on a follow up piece looking at those other 16 non-nations, it will go on Substack and I will offer it to Ron. Some very, very interesting information turning up.
This is Toxik from Guam. Hafa adai. Your piece is accurate but let me add. Alot of us want independence but the stockholm syndrome kicks in. We become nervous about how we can economically grow (the media has hyped anti-China so much that alot of islanders fear and hate the Chinese) Presently, the US complains that we are too dependent on them always asking for handouts. But they won’t allow us to have Chinese or Russian tourists (Russians take 6 week vacations – that’s alot of tourist cash), won’t allow us to have Chinese, or Australian, merchant ships directly come to Guam (Cabot laws) so our goods become very expensive due to transportation), control 1/3 of our island, and the upper class here are in collusion with the US because they want to protect their dollars.
Talk to American taxpayers on this hegemon crap. We get to feather nests all over the world for nothing.
Like China is intimidated over a few Marines on Guam? They don’t even care about the expensive fleet and bases on Japan.
Dump the whole idea of hegemonic dominance and go back to being nations that brag about the income and buying power of their working class.
China can do that now. Russia also. Only the USA has a neocon trash mouth hoping certain American workers would “die and get it over with.”
This is why the US can’t be great again, even economically. We are damned with a treasonous elite.
Thanks for a very important reminder. US military occupation is colonialism contrary to the UN Charter. Beltway assholes might not care but the US is pissing away the last of its international standing as the most egregious colonial exploiter. Any group of countries could take this to the ICJ.
The customary international law (and therefore US common law) is this:
Continuing international pressure on compliance is documented here:
Replies: @anonymous
According to Joachim Fest, Hácha suffered a heart attack induced by Hermann Göring's threat to bomb the capital and by four o'clock he contacted Prague, effectively "signing Czechoslovakia away" to Germany.[24] Göring acknowledged making the threat to the British ambassador to Germany, Nevile Henderson, but said that the threat came as a warning because the Czech government, after already agreeing to German occupation, could not guarantee that the Czech army would not fire on the advancing Germans.[28] Göring, however, does not mention that Hácha had a heart attack because of his threat. French Ambassador Robert Coulondre reported that according to an unnamed, considered a reliable source by Coulondre, by half past four, Hácha was "in a state of total collapse, and kept going only by means of injections."[29]
What does that have to do with Guam?
So, in order to forestall an Hungarian invasion of Czechoslovakia the Nazi German Empire invaded and destroyed the independence of Czechoslovakia, giving Hungary the Slovak lands the Hungarians had claimed.
You realize that that on its face appears nonsensical. In order to convince a viewer of its validity, you need to provide evidence of your claims. The claim that Hacha was bullied does fit the pattern of the bullying of Schuschnigg, the leader of Austria, before its annexation.
At the time, the leaders of both France and Great Britain declared the German annexation to be a violation of the Munich agreement and both countries assured Poland that it would not have to negotiate with Germany regarding the Danzig Corridor.
From the Wikipedia account of the negotiations —
According to Joachim Fest, Hácha suffered a heart attack induced by Hermann Göring’s threat to bomb the capital and by four o’clock he contacted Prague, effectively “signing Czechoslovakia away” to Germany.[24] Göring acknowledged making the threat to the British ambassador to Germany, Nevile Henderson, but said that the threat came as a warning because the Czech government, after already agreeing to German occupation, could not guarantee that the Czech army would not fire on the advancing Germans.[28] Göring, however, does not mention that Hácha had a heart attack because of his threat. French Ambassador Robert Coulondre reported that according to an unnamed, considered a reliable source by Coulondre, by half past four, Hácha was “in a state of total collapse, and kept going only by means of injections.”[29]
Going back to even before the insane War Between the States, have we been involved in any wars that were necessary and essential to our freedom and continuing existence? The more we are freed from the chains of dishonest history, the more we see why the Founding Fathers warned against foreign entanglements. We seem to love wars often creating them with our own actions, yet we would not even protect our southern border from one of the largest invasions in history with 40-50 million illegally entering our country over a period of a few decades.
the chamoru people should seek the assistance of china, in their struggle for freedom. perhaps the chinese could fly in some of their top politicians to stand in solidarity with them and demand their god given right to democracy and freedom from their oppressive overlords on the mainland.
they could then give them weapon systems, to aid them in their struggle to free themselves, from the totalitarian government that has impinged upon their inalienable rights to self determination. hopefully china will see this as their responsibility to protect these poor suffering people, denied their civil liberties and rights, for we hold these truths to be self evident, all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain uninalienable rights. perhaps we could even extend these rights to women as well, who knows. this could be the spark of freedom, that will light the entire world ablaze, in the glorious afterglow of liberty. 🗽🔥🔥🔥
This short video explains why the British created Czechoslovakia fell apart. Neville Chamberlain did a great job to mediate peace and he says that quote at the end. The Czechs suffered after their mini-empire collapsed and asked the Germans to send troops and food for stability, which our history books call a “Nazi invasion!”
Replies: @anonymous
According to Joachim Fest, Hácha suffered a heart attack induced by Hermann Göring's threat to bomb the capital and by four o'clock he contacted Prague, effectively "signing Czechoslovakia away" to Germany.[24] Göring acknowledged making the threat to the British ambassador to Germany, Nevile Henderson, but said that the threat came as a warning because the Czech government, after already agreeing to German occupation, could not guarantee that the Czech army would not fire on the advancing Germans.[28] Göring, however, does not mention that Hácha had a heart attack because of his threat. French Ambassador Robert Coulondre reported that according to an unnamed, considered a reliable source by Coulondre, by half past four, Hácha was "in a state of total collapse, and kept going only by means of injections."[29]
You ask: “How do you explain Babi Yar, then?”
My response: Please read my article at for information about Babi Yar.
You ask: “Mauthausen, where they forced men to carry quarry stones up a staircase and then forced them off to the rocks below?”
My response: Many inmates at Mauthausen carried quary stones up a staircase. However, these inmates were not then forced off to the rocks below.
You ask: “How do you explain survivors describing women and children being led to the gas chambers and not coming out?”
My response: There were no homicidal gas chambers at any of the German camps. You can read my article at for more information.
You ask: “What about the gold teeth extracted from the bodies?”
My response: This might have happened in a limited number of cases. However, it was not standard German policy.
You write: “There are too many survivors and witnesses to say all of it was lies.”
My response: There are too many Jewish survivors of the so-called Holocaust for there to have been a program of genocide against the Jews. Please read my article at for more information.
You write: “Didn’t Eisenhower say to record the evidence because some day someone would deny it ever happened?”
My response: Yes, he did.
Gens. George Patton, Omar Bradley, and Dwight Eisenhower toured the German concentration camp at Ohrdruf on April 12, 1945. They saw more than 3,200 naked, emaciated dead bodies flung into shallow graves, with many more dead bodies lying in the streets where they had fallen. Soon after seeing Ohrdruf, Eisenhower ordered every unit nearby that was not in the front lines to tour the camp. Eisenhower stated: “We are told that the American soldier does not know what he is fighting for. Now, at least, he will know what he is fighting against.â€
Eisenhower also cabled London and Washington, urging delegations of officials and newsmen to be eyewitnesses to the camps. Eisenhower’s message to Washington read: “We are constantly finding German camps in which they have placed political prisoners where unspeakable conditions exist. From my own personal observation, I can state unequivocally that all written statements up to now do not paint the full horrors.†(Source: Abzug, Robert H., Inside the Vicious Heart: Americans and the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, pp. 27, 30).
However, most of the deaths in the German camps were caused by disease and other natural causes. None of the autopsy reports shows that anyone died of poison gas. Also, contrary to publicized claims, no researcher has been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in the German camps. The virtual collapse of Germany’s food, transport, and public health systems and the extreme overcrowding in the German camps at the end of the war led to the catastrophe the Allied troops encountered when they entered the camps.
How do you explain Babi Yar, then? Mauthausen, where they forced men to carry quarry stones up a staircase and then forced them off to the rocks below? How do you explain survivors describing women and children being led to the gas chambers and not coming out? What about the gold teeth extracted from the bodies? There are too many survivors and witnesses to say all of it was lies. Didn’t Eisenhower say to record the evidence because some day someone would deny it ever happened?
Ahem. The areas under German jurisdiction as of June 24th, 1940 did not include, among other regions, Hungary, the Baltic States, Eastern Poland, Galicia, the Ukraine, or White Russia. Obviously, this figure from this date does nothing to demonstrate that the Germans could not have ultimately killed 5.1 million Jews.Replies: @Wielgus
'...dated June 24, 1940, Foreign Secretary Ribbentrop told Heydrich...there are already about 3.25 million Jews in the areas under German jurisdiction today...'
Indeed. And I wonder if that figure included hundreds of thousands of Jews in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, who had just come under German control in June 1940? Also France capitulated the following day, and the greater part of it came under German occupation, including its Jews. France by itself might have nudged the number to perhaps 3.7 million.
the Germans could not have…
The Germans could not have done many things. The Germans could not have gone to Mars.
So what?
The “6 million” narrative has never been proven: not enough bodies, not enough crematoria, not enough documentation. A pile of a few thousand shoes, a “gas chamber” built by Jews after the war, other shrieking lies of jews and fraudulent “eyewitnesses,” re-purposed and manipulated photos, the kangaroo court at Nuremberg, and laws forcing belief in the jew lies are insufficient evidence. These are among the many reasons that the world, especially the youngest generations, increasingly rejects the lies.
The truth will make you free from the lying murdering jews:
Not good enough.
‘…dated June 24, 1940, Foreign Secretary Ribbentrop told Heydrich…there are already about 3.25 million Jews in the areas under German jurisdiction today…’
Ahem. The areas under German jurisdiction as of June 24th, 1940 did not include, among other regions, Hungary, the Baltic States, Eastern Poland, Galicia, the Ukraine, or White Russia. Obviously, this figure from this date does nothing to demonstrate that the Germans could not have ultimately killed 5.1 million Jews.
REAL holocaust has never been tried… yet!
I predict that when this generation of H deniers die, you included Caroline, that will be the end of the glorious holocaust denial movement. May it rest in peace, especially cronies like you and John Wear, who pull magical coins from behind our ears to tell us that there are no missing Jews.All Holocaust deniers are trained magicians, trained to pull rabbits out of hats, to produce the allusion that there are no missing or dead Jews. That the millions of Jews that were gassed, cremated, and shot, are not dead but alive somewhere in the known world.This magical act, is old and tiresome, people see thru the allusion. Long live the death of Holocaust denial, and the death of all of that invented and perpetrated this lie. Jergen Grafe is the 1st of many. Rudolph and Mattogno will not be far behind. May you all die a slow and painful death. You deserve nothing less.And know in your heart of hearts, that the Holocaust denial movement will die with all of you. Long live the Jews, and death to Jew haters and Holocaust deniers. I spit on every one of you. Liars one and all.Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Al Liguori
I predict Jewish attention is shifting to Antisemitism as the Greatest Threat, the source of all evil in the world, including the Holocaust.
God Himself judged that YOU JEWS are the liars. Your own damn “Oral Torah” encourages lies:
More good news—far from “dying off,” the youngest generation increasingly recognizes the HoloHoax for the Big Jewish Lie that it is.
I certainly can't wait for the last of the Holocaust Deniers to die off. Of course I refer to the REAL Holocaust of WWII and in the immediate post war years. ie:
I predict that when this generation of H deniers die ..... that will be the end of the glorious holocaust denial movement.
All Holocaust deniers are trained magicians, trained to pull rabbits out of hats ....
And know in your heart of hearts, that the Holocaust denial movement will die with all of you. �
And Jews/Jewesses like you Fran are the most egregious deniers of all.
These atrocities represent the REAL HOLOCAUST of WWII.
Replies: @Fran Taubman
Summary: It is YOU Fran, who is the standout example of a Holocaust Denier in the entirety of the commentariat of UR. You should be ashamed of yourself for not acknowledging the untold pain and suffering your fellow Talmudic brethren have wreaked on this planet.
The number of Jews that actually died during the Holohoax (none of whom were killed by the Germans from a systematic Mass Extermination programme as the liars allege through Gas Chambers etc), is infinitesimal in comparison to the numbers of goyim that your ilk have murdered in the last 80+ years.
Only a conscience-free low life would not acknowledge the disproportionate suffering that malevolent Jews have inflicted on the world in that time frame.
You are a small voice. No one believes in 9/11, the Kennedy’s, the moon etc. You are a fabricator of false conspiracies, who talks in riddles and can prove nothing. A meaningless voice.
I predict that when this generation of H deniers die, you included Caroline, that will be the end of the glorious holocaust denial movement. May it rest in peace, especially cronies like you and John Wear, who pull magical coins from behind our ears to tell us that there are no missing Jews.All Holocaust deniers are trained magicians, trained to pull rabbits out of hats, to produce the allusion that there are no missing or dead Jews. That the millions of Jews that were gassed, cremated, and shot, are not dead but alive somewhere in the known world.This magical act, is old and tiresome, people see thru the allusion. Long live the death of Holocaust denial, and the death of all of that invented and perpetrated this lie. Jergen Grafe is the 1st of many. Rudolph and Mattogno will not be far behind. May you all die a slow and painful death. You deserve nothing less.And know in your heart of hearts, that the Holocaust denial movement will die with all of you. Long live the Jews, and death to Jew haters and Holocaust deniers. I spit on every one of you. Liars one and all.Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Al Liguori
I predict Jewish attention is shifting to Antisemitism as the Greatest Threat, the source of all evil in the world, including the Holocaust.
I predict that when this generation of H deniers die ….. that will be the end of the glorious holocaust denial movement.
All Holocaust deniers are trained magicians, trained to pull rabbits out of hats ….
And know in your heart of hearts, that the Holocaust denial movement will die with all of you.
I certainly can’t wait for the last of the Holocaust Deniers to die off. Of course I refer to the REAL Holocaust of WWII and in the immediate post war years. ie:
1) The incendiary bombing of German and Japanese civilians* by the Anglo-Zionist empire (followed by the A-bombs), that killed and maimed countless millions (none of which contributed to shortening the war).
(*And let’s not forget the sixty thousand French civilians that were also killed by the Anglo-Zionist empire, seeing as the latter dropped SEVEN TIMES THE TONNAGE OF BOMBS ON ITS ALLY FRANCE that the Germans dropped on Britain):
2) The over one million German POW’s that were killed in those Rheinwiesenlager camps supervised by the western Allies post war, as German soldiers were starved to death and purposely left exposed in the open without shelter and without medical care.
3) The estimated 6-8 million ethnic Germans that were murdered post war through brutality/starvation as they were forcibly removed from the homes they resided in, that their forebears had lived in for centuries.
4) The countless millions of women and minors that were raped/brutalised/sodomised by the occupying armies (and I’m not just referring to just what the Soviet soldiers did – because there’s evidence to suggest forces of the Anglo-Zionist empire participated to a similar extent).
These atrocities represent the REAL HOLOCAUST of WWII.
And Jews/Jewesses like you Fran are the most egregious deniers of all.
It’s disgusting that you refuse to admit what your brethren are responsible for.
Meanwhile, on the matter of the Holohoax and the ‘6 million Jews’ that were alleged to have died in the gas chambers that never existed, as far as the matter of exposing this obvious fraud, this movement grows stronger by the day.
It was gaining considerable momentum well before the events of October 7, 2023.
However, after the world witnessed for itself the genocidal depravity of the Apartheid Israeli state in murdering tens of thousands of Palestinian non combatants (mostly women and children), the younger generations looked into the true history of the Jews and saw what we [the older generations] have long known about Jewish murderous mischief making.
Not that many among the younger generations didn’t already know.
I can assure you that my progeny are well versed in the crimes of Malignant International Jewry. Not just in relation to the Holohoax, but in relation to their orchestration of WWI & II, the murders of JFK/RFK/JFK Jr, 9/11 and much more.
And they’ve spread the word far and wide to their friends, who will hopefully do likewise.
Summary: It is YOU Fran, who is the standout example of a Holocaust Denier in the entirety of the commentariat of UR. You should be ashamed of yourself for not acknowledging the untold pain and suffering your fellow Talmudic brethren have wreaked on this planet.
The number of Jews that actually died during the Holohoax (none of whom were killed by the Germans from a systematic Mass Extermination programme as the liars allege through Gas Chambers etc), is infinitesimal in comparison to the numbers of goyim that your ilk have murdered in the last 80+ years.
Only a conscience-free low life would not acknowledge the disproportionate suffering that malevolent Jews have inflicted on the world in that time frame.
I predict Jewish attention is shifting to Antisemitism as the Greatest Threat, the source of all evil in the world, including the Holocaust.
I predict that when this generation of H deniers die, you included Caroline, that will be the end of the glorious holocaust denial movement. May it rest in peace, especially cronies like you and John Wear, who pull magical coins from behind our ears to tell us that there are no missing Jews.
All Holocaust deniers are trained magicians, trained to pull rabbits out of hats, to produce the allusion that there are no missing or dead Jews. That the millions of Jews that were gassed, cremated, and shot, are not dead but alive somewhere in the known world.
This magical act, is old and tiresome, people see thru the allusion. Long live the death of Holocaust denial, and the death of all of that invented and perpetrated this lie. Jergen Grafe is the 1st of many. Rudolph and Mattogno will not be far behind. May you all die a slow and painful death. You deserve nothing less.
And know in your heart of hearts, that the Holocaust denial movement will die with all of you.
Long live the Jews, and death to Jew haters and Holocaust deniers. I spit on every one of you. Liars one and all.
I certainly can't wait for the last of the Holocaust Deniers to die off. Of course I refer to the REAL Holocaust of WWII and in the immediate post war years. ie:
I predict that when this generation of H deniers die ..... that will be the end of the glorious holocaust denial movement.
All Holocaust deniers are trained magicians, trained to pull rabbits out of hats ....
And know in your heart of hearts, that the Holocaust denial movement will die with all of you. �
And Jews/Jewesses like you Fran are the most egregious deniers of all.
These atrocities represent the REAL HOLOCAUST of WWII.
Replies: @Fran Taubman
Summary: It is YOU Fran, who is the standout example of a Holocaust Denier in the entirety of the commentariat of UR. You should be ashamed of yourself for not acknowledging the untold pain and suffering your fellow Talmudic brethren have wreaked on this planet.
The number of Jews that actually died during the Holohoax (none of whom were killed by the Germans from a systematic Mass Extermination programme as the liars allege through Gas Chambers etc), is infinitesimal in comparison to the numbers of goyim that your ilk have murdered in the last 80+ years.
Only a conscience-free low life would not acknowledge the disproportionate suffering that malevolent Jews have inflicted on the world in that time frame.
The majority of MPs are English whose prime allegiance is to their political party and not their nation.
What would the point be unless you repatriated ALL non-whites from Wales? If not all non-Welsh. Wales has already had an African First Minister. Another faceless republic beholden to the EU taking in any and all ‘refugees’.
I wish just for once that all these people who desire to break up existing European countries just, perhaps, considering joining together to retake their countries from the third world hordes.
Scotland has a large number of subhuman Anglos infesting it. Probably 15-20% of the population is made up of Anglo immigrant scum. A vote like this cannot be "free and fair" when 15-20% of the voters are migrant anglotrash fifth columnists.Replies: @Rogue, @William Gruff
Scots voted to remain part of the UK 55% to 45%.
The English population of Scotland was put, the last time I saw the figures, at about 0.5 million out of a population put at 5.1 million, so about one in ten. Scotland had, at that time, just 150,000 nett tax payers, which might suggest that those ‘subhuman Anglos’ are disproportionately contributing to what little money you earn for yourselves and do not receive in subsidies from the ‘subhuman Anglos’ south of the border.
If we think of you Scots at all in England, we think of you as an annoyance that is otherwise an irrelevance and increasingly we’re tiring of you. If you’re really serious about paying for your own party campaign for a referendum in England and you’ll be out of the union the day after.
You’ve left England out of your list of countries that deserve their independence, or are you one of those who think England and Great Britain are one and the same place? The Celts are mostly low-grade, subsidy dependent inadequates who are incapable of standing on their own feet and need the English as both financial providers and whipping boys to blame for their inadequacy, and they all know it, which is why they are so resentful. All three of the little nations of the union have some sort of national assembly, with the consequent national autonomy, that is still denied to the people of England. All three nations can still, though, send MPs to Westminster who have the unfettered right to participate in votes on English only matters, making them unaccountable to any English elector, who has to pay for their decisions. English MPs have no such rights in their affairs.
Until Blair allowed the scum of Eastern Europe to come here it was absolutely invariably the case that if one was accosted on the streets of an English city by a aggressive beggar it was a Celt, usually a drunken Scotch lout.
We are sick of the burden the whining, demanding and ungrateful Celts are to us; give us our independence from them and let them fend for themselves.
There is no English parliament; the English people have no national parliament and are still governed entire by the ‘British’ parliament, in which whining, scrounging Anglophobic Welsh subsidy grifters are allowed the non-reciprocal right to interfere in English only matters, so distorting and thus denying democracy in England. What a typically insular, hill-dwelling, navel gazing Welsh perspective.
An independent Wales? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Loss of English subsidies is the last thing they want. As a patriotic English nationalist who has long advocated the dissolution of the lop-sided and now far from united ‘United’ Kingdom, and independence for England, I’d love to see the whining Welsh subsidy junkies sent on their ungrateful way, however, the English people are never going to be given the opportunity to vote for a national parliament the Welsh were given.
Corgis are too cutesy for your tastes?
LOL. Though I haven’t been around Corgis since the early 80’s, my then girlfriend’s mother had two, I remember them as being friendly, happy, and exited about life. Minus the hyperactive, yapping, tiny Chihuahua-type dogs I pretty much like all canines.
You can leave the kids at Corgi World and go to Camelot World. Where you can live in a real Welsh castle, dine at a round table with other knights and rescue a damsel in distress before lunch…In order to get from Corgi World to Camelot World, you can take a lovely 2 hour walk through Welsh Moorland Park and enjoy the scenery. There will be refreshment stands and Ale Houses at strategic points along the trail…you can also make the trip along the beautiful Welsh coast….Dotted with more pubs of course.
Sign me up!
Correction: The concluding sentence in my last comment should read, “Also, there are Palestinian Jews (and Christians). They are much closer genetically to the Jews (and Christians) of biblical times than are most Jews today.”
“Ludicrous. Of course, you would not say all Arabs outside the Arabian Peninsula (including Palestine) should move to the Arabian Peninsula.”
I didn’t say all Palestinians outside of Palestine should move to Palestine, did I?
“So, you are not motivated by a consistent moral principle.”
Yes, I am.
Also, there are Palestinian Jews (and Christians). They are much closer genetically than to the Jews (and Christians) of biblical times than are most Jews today.
Ludicrous. Of course, you would not say that all Arabs outside the Arabian Peninsula (including Israel/”Palestine”) should move to the Arabian Peninsula because all those countries belong to non-Arabs, if even one non-Arab from those places continues to be alive today.
So you are not motivated by a consistent moral principle of wanting to ensure the continued ownership and sovereignty and dominance of ethnic groups were were originally present before later groups arrived.
You just look for excuses to bash and attack Jews, and any claimed excuse or principle for that beyond simple malice against Jews is utter bullshit.
LOL!Replies: @littlereddot
What I am saying is that if Wales is nimble and clear seeing enough, she too will be able to find niches that she can get into...Establish a theme park called Corgi World(!)..So many possibilities(!)
Corgis are too cutesy for your tastes? Never fear, the Tourism Board of Independent Wales has many wonderful options for you:
You can leave the kids at Corgi World and go to Camelot World. Where you can live in a real Welsh castle, dine at a round table with other knights and rescue a damsel in distress before lunch. You can choose from a wide choice of steeds. The traditional four legged ones, or perhaps 4 wheeled off roader dragon slayer buggies.
In order to get from Corgi World to Camelot World, you can take a lovely 2 hour walk through Welsh Moorland Park and enjoy the scenery. There will be refreshment stands and Ale Houses at strategic points along the trail where they serve authentic Welsh Rarebit, Cawl and Bara Birth…all washed down with a pint of Cwyr Llyn while you enjoy the beautiful sight of rolling Welsh moorland.
If moorland is not your thing, you can also make the trip along the beautiful Welsh coast….Dotted with more pubs of course.
LOL. Though I haven't been around Corgis since the early 80's, my then girlfriend's mother had two, I remember them as being friendly, happy, and exited about life. Minus the hyperactive, yapping, tiny Chihuahua-type dogs I pretty much like all canines.
Corgis are too cutesy for your tastes?
You can leave the kids at Corgi World and go to Camelot World. Where you can live in a real Welsh castle, dine at a round table with other knights and rescue a damsel in distress before lunch...In order to get from Corgi World to Camelot World, you can take a lovely 2 hour walk through Welsh Moorland Park and enjoy the scenery. There will be refreshment stands and Ale Houses at strategic points along the can also make the trip along the beautiful Welsh coast….Dotted with more pubs of course.Sign me up!
Hello Douglas,
Interesting last name you have. Bet you get questions about it.
I have the sad duty to tell you that you’re mistaken about “most of the inmates VOLUNTEERED to remain with the Germans.” That’s another one of those ‘beliefs’ that get repeated and seldom questioned. Fact is the camp authorities were not free to allow any prisoners to “choose” to stay or go as they wished. The only inmates allowed to remain in the camp, under supervisory care, were hospital patients too weak or old, or otherwise unable to march. Fritz Berg is as responsible as anyone for this false idea that has taken hold in revisionism. And coincidentally, I believe “Night” is the only Wiesel book he read.
These false ideas are hard to eradicate, bc people do not like to correct others on their same side. But in the name of accuracy and truth, it must be done. None of the able prisoners at Auschwitz-Birkenau were given a choice. And they had to be guarded the entire time, as they were considered dangerous if released into the public. Social order had to prevail.
As to the future of this yearly charade, it appears to be uncertain. Yesterday there was only one minor story way down at the bottom of every news organization page. President Donald Trump didn’t utter a word about it and no high-profile American attended. Today it was already completely out of the news except for an Associated Press story that contained this:
… The Russian leadership expressed anger over its exclusion. “We will always remember that it was the Soviet soldier who crushed this dreadful, total evil and won the victory, the greatness of which will forever remain in world history,†President Vladimir Putin said in a message to participants.
Ronald Lauder, 80, head of the World Jewish Congress, called on the leaders gathered to oppose antisemitism, saying it was “the world’s silence that led to Auschwitz.â€
“When the Red Army entered these gates, the world finally saw where the step-by-step progression of antisemitism leads. It leads right here. The gas chambers. The piles of bodies. All the horrors within these gates,†Lauder said.
I predict Jewish attention is shifting to Antisemitism as the Greatest Threat, the source of all evil in the world, including the Holocaust.
It is important to get the financial foundations of an independent state properly laid. Something the Irish Freestate didn’t do. Creative thinking regarding the financing of government activity is called for. Something the English parliament has demonstrated how not to do.
I am not sure what you disagree with. Do you disagree with
While Singapore's had an advantage in terms of shipping routes, it was far from the only thing that enabled it to prosper. IMHO the major reason is that Singaporeans have no time for airy fairy notions such as ideology etc. This is because they faced an existential threat. They focused on what were practical solutions, because there was no room for error. Also she felt so threatened that was willing to grab whatever opportunity presented itself, and made it work.For example, although she had no natural mineral or energy or skills resources, she saw an opportunity in the form of simple light industry and embarked on it. Few people know that Singapore today produces 10% of the world's semiconductors; and 20% of the world's semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This had nothing to do with location of shipping routes.She saw the potential of being a financial hub in Southeast Asia and built that up from scratch. Today she is now the 4th largest financial hub in the world after NY, London and Hongkong. Also this had nothing to do with location on shipping routes.She saw that ships were using her harbour, so although she had no oil nor chemical experience, she built up a petrochemical refining industry from scratch. Today she accounts for 44% of oil refining capacity in the Asia Pacific. This only is tangentially related to her shipping location.What I am saying is that if Wales is nimble and clear seeing enough, she too will be able to find niches that she can get into. Ireland displayed a certain nimbleness when she became HQs for many international companies. If we watch Hungary and maybe Serbia, in the coming years, they will be displaying a their own niche finding...probably as in interface between China/Russia and EU.An independent Wales, if she watches and learns from Ireland and Hungary, will be able to get some hints on how to find its own niches.Who knows what it will be? An interface between the USA and China/Russia? Just like India re-exports Russian oil to the West? Or Dubai is the place where Iranians can quietly do business with the world and bypass Western sanctions?Create a premium image for Welsh lamb or seafood? or Premium Pembrokeshire wool? China alone has a huge appetite for Scottish whisky and Norwegian salmon. Could it not be the same for Welsh products?Establish a theme park called Corgi World and have millions of visitors from the world just like the millions who visit the Panda attractions in China or the African safaris?....only far cuter, and where one can actually hug and play with the corgis?We can only imagine the benefits an independent Wales will get if it is the first European country to join BRICS.So many possibilities. Some may be whimsical, but there are others that may actually work.Replies: @Skeptikal, @Felpudinho
Lastly, Cardiff is not really a world-class harbor, and Ireland is the German-financed
past master of tax dumping you would have to undercut …
What I am saying is that if Wales is nimble and clear seeing enough, she too will be able to find niches that she can get into…Establish a theme park called Corgi World(!)..So many possibilities(!)
A simple question to ask: IF Auschwitz et al were these horrible death camps, killing Jews and other victims on an industrialized scale, never before seen, then, why, pray tell, were inmates LEFT BEHIND? Even that historically poor, if heart-tugged novelization by Art Spiegel, “Maus”, in its second volume (“And Here My Troubles Began”) alludes to the mass evacuation of inmates as the Soviets were steamrolling Army Groups A and Center into oblivion in Poland and East Prussia in the Vistula-Oder Offensive (one of the few campaigns that had lopsided casualties in favor of the Soviets). What Spiegel conveniently left out was that most of the inmates VOLUNTEERED to remain with the Germans, i.e., they did not want to be “liberated” by the Soviets at all!
Yes, just as there’s the breast-beating every August 6th re: atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, so every January 27th we keep being reminded of the Holohoax, AD NAUSEAM.
I predict Jewish attention is shifting to Antisemitism as the Greatest Threat, the source of all evil in the world, including the Holocaust.
… The Russian leadership expressed anger over its exclusion. “We will always remember that it was the Soviet soldier who crushed this dreadful, total evil and won the victory, the greatness of which will forever remain in world history,†President Vladimir Putin said in a message to participants.
Ronald Lauder, 80, head of the World Jewish Congress, called on the leaders gathered to oppose antisemitism, saying it was “the world’s silence that led to Auschwitz.â€
“When the Red Army entered these gates, the world finally saw where the step-by-step progression of antisemitism leads. It leads right here. The gas chambers. The piles of bodies. All the horrors within these gates,†Lauder said.
What Wales needs is a root and branch reform of the parliamentary created tax code. VAT should be abolished, taxes on booze, cigarettes and petrol reduced. An upper limit on income tax should be established and rigorous controls on government spending.
Scotland has a large number of subhuman Anglos infesting it. Probably 15-20% of the population is made up of Anglo immigrant scum. A vote like this cannot be "free and fair" when 15-20% of the voters are migrant anglotrash fifth columnists.Replies: @Rogue, @William Gruff
Scots voted to remain part of the UK 55% to 45%.
Scotland has a large number of subhuman Anglos infesting it. Probably 15-20% of the population is made up of Anglo immigrant scum. A vote like this cannot be “free and fair†when 15-20% of the voters are migrant anglotrash fifth columnists.
C’mon man, spit it out, what are you trying to say here??
Enough with this fence-sitting nonsense, tell us your real feelings…
Carolyn, are you aware of the circumstances of his death? Did he have pre-existing illnesses?
Yes, this was his second bout with cancer, more aggressive than the first time. No foul play – we don’t need any rumors about that. The Holocaust Industry is not into killing revisionists — only locking them up/shutting them up. When murder & attempted murder took place in earlier times, it was carried out by independent groups/individuals.
However, Jurgen does have a new book out, published last year – “Auschwitz: Eyewitness Reports and Perpetrator Confessions of the Holocaust”: 30 Gas-Chamber Witnesses Scrutinized.
Jurgen may be my most-beloved revisionist; if so, it’s because his outlook was similar to mine (although his intellect was far beyond). He wrote: “One of the most important duties of the historian is the critique of sources, that is, the critical analysis of the evidence on which our understanding of history is based.” Too many folks don’t appreciate the importance of that, in my view.
He was also a very good writer, very engaging and natural. Overall, Jurgen Graf was a tremendous asset to our noble cause. Thanks for responding and showing interest in this, TV.
Btw, I personally think we’re close to the end of this fictional event, but beware … it gets darker before the dawn. And then it takes seeming “ages” to turn the mass mind around.
So began this article by Walt King, posted here, fatefully, on Oct. 7, 2024. My, who could have predicted that! Monday, Jan. 27 will be the United Nations-sponsored Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau (even though the camp was abandoned by the Germans in the week before, and the "liberation" was a Soviet 'show' put on by the Red Army with accompanying photographers/filmmakers, etc.) Though it is the 80th year, and 80 is a nice, round number, there is little special effort put into this year's event -- certainly nothing like the 70th! [] So far, it seems it will just come and go. Or so they may hope, because this year Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on it's neighboring Palestinians, thus their claim of being the world's victim is currently on shaky ground. From the USA, a rather undistinguished delegation of Jews will be attending - see - headed by Trump's Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff. No big names or major players. I have added the name of Jurgen Graf, who died on Jan. 13, to the honored deceased Revisionists on the front page of https.// No special articles this year, but lots of good old ones you may not have read, so take a look. I guess I'll have another comment after Monday. Your comments are very welcome, either here or at @Truth Vigilante
As we approach the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz [...] – it seems an appropriate time to dig deeper into its history and find out what it truly was all about.
Thanks for that info about Jurgen Graf’s passing – that’s sad news indeed.
I have one of his books on my bookshelf.
Born in 1951, Jurgen left us well before his time was due.
Carolyn, are you aware of the circumstances of his death? Did he have pre-existing illnesses?
(Are there suggestions of foul play – seeing as Malignant International Jewry have a track record of contributing to the demise of countless truth seekers over the years).
Even if there is only one person of Palestinian descent left in the world, the earth-bound state of Israel rightfully belongs to him, not to the Jews.
As for the heavenly kingdom of Israel, it belongs to the Christians — including, of course, Palestinian Christians.
Iirc the most obese town in the UK is in Wales so the Welsh must be the among the fatest of Third Worlders. Eating a lot of kebab meat.
but things are in motion: Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania,
Yes, you are right.
I have my eye on Hungary tho. It is not just Orban.
The Hungarians were the guys who rebelled against the Soviets in 1956 when they were still at the peak of their power.
If there is a country dares to say “no” to the EU, it would be Hungary. Serbia is not part of the EU, so it doesn’t apply. But they sure got the balls to do so also.
As we approach the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz […] – it seems an appropriate time to dig deeper into its history and find out what it truly was all about.
So began this article by Walt King, posted here, fatefully, on Oct. 7, 2024. My, who could have predicted that!
Monday, Jan. 27 will be the United Nations-sponsored Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau (even though the camp was abandoned by the Germans in the week before, and the “liberation” was a Soviet ‘show’ put on by the Red Army with accompanying photographers/filmmakers, etc.) Though it is the 80th year, and 80 is a nice, round number, there is little special effort put into this year’s event — certainly nothing like the 70th! ( So far, it seems it will just come and go. Or so they may hope, because this year Israel is engaged in a genocidal war on it’s neighboring Palestinians, thus their claim of being the world’s victim is currently on shaky ground.
From the USA, a rather undistinguished delegation of Jews will be attending – see – headed by Trump’s Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Witkoff. No big names or major players.
I have added the name of Jurgen Graf, who died on Jan. 13, to the honored deceased Revisionists on the front page of https.// No special articles this year, but lots of good old ones you may not have read, so take a look. I guess I’ll have another comment after Monday. Your comments are very welcome, either here or at
[1. Singapore and Wales, of course]
Otherwise fair enough; Greece and Italy already flirted with BRICS, and got read
the Riot Act … but things are in motion: Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania,
(+/- Serbia), – the Danube is as natural a region as the Baltic could be
(obviously sans “Poland”).
For the smaller relic peoples some “autonomous region” would seem more feasible.
Yes, you are right.
but things are in motion: Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania,
I am not sure what you disagree with. Do you disagree with
While Singapore's had an advantage in terms of shipping routes, it was far from the only thing that enabled it to prosper. IMHO the major reason is that Singaporeans have no time for airy fairy notions such as ideology etc. This is because they faced an existential threat. They focused on what were practical solutions, because there was no room for error. Also she felt so threatened that was willing to grab whatever opportunity presented itself, and made it work.For example, although she had no natural mineral or energy or skills resources, she saw an opportunity in the form of simple light industry and embarked on it. Few people know that Singapore today produces 10% of the world's semiconductors; and 20% of the world's semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This had nothing to do with location of shipping routes.She saw the potential of being a financial hub in Southeast Asia and built that up from scratch. Today she is now the 4th largest financial hub in the world after NY, London and Hongkong. Also this had nothing to do with location on shipping routes.She saw that ships were using her harbour, so although she had no oil nor chemical experience, she built up a petrochemical refining industry from scratch. Today she accounts for 44% of oil refining capacity in the Asia Pacific. This only is tangentially related to her shipping location.What I am saying is that if Wales is nimble and clear seeing enough, she too will be able to find niches that she can get into. Ireland displayed a certain nimbleness when she became HQs for many international companies. If we watch Hungary and maybe Serbia, in the coming years, they will be displaying a their own niche finding...probably as in interface between China/Russia and EU.An independent Wales, if she watches and learns from Ireland and Hungary, will be able to get some hints on how to find its own niches.Who knows what it will be? An interface between the USA and China/Russia? Just like India re-exports Russian oil to the West? Or Dubai is the place where Iranians can quietly do business with the world and bypass Western sanctions?Create a premium image for Welsh lamb or seafood? or Premium Pembrokeshire wool? China alone has a huge appetite for Scottish whisky and Norwegian salmon. Could it not be the same for Welsh products?Establish a theme park called Corgi World and have millions of visitors from the world just like the millions who visit the Panda attractions in China or the African safaris?....only far cuter, and where one can actually hug and play with the corgis?We can only imagine the benefits an independent Wales will get if it is the first European country to join BRICS.So many possibilities. Some may be whimsical, but there are others that may actually work.Replies: @Skeptikal, @Felpudinho
Lastly, Cardiff is not really a world-class harbor, and Ireland is the German-financed
past master of tax dumping you would have to undercut …
Interesting ideas.
And more understandable than Nokangaroo’s meanderings.
I am not sure what you disagree with. Do you disagree with
1. My comparison of Singapore with Wales or
2. My comparison of Singapore with Malaysia?
Lastly, Cardiff is not really a world-class harbor, and Ireland is the German-financed
past master of tax dumping you would have to undercut …
While Singapore’s had an advantage in terms of shipping routes, it was far from the only thing that enabled it to prosper.
IMHO the major reason is that Singaporeans have no time for airy fairy notions such as ideology etc. This is because they faced an existential threat. They focused on what were practical solutions, because there was no room for error.
Also she felt so threatened that was willing to grab whatever opportunity presented itself, and made it work.
For example, although she had no natural mineral or energy or skills resources, she saw an opportunity in the form of simple light industry and embarked on it. Few people know that Singapore today produces 10% of the world’s semiconductors; and 20% of the world’s semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This had nothing to do with location of shipping routes.
She saw the potential of being a financial hub in Southeast Asia and built that up from scratch. Today she is now the 4th largest financial hub in the world after NY, London and Hongkong. Also this had nothing to do with location on shipping routes.
She saw that ships were using her harbour, so although she had no oil nor chemical experience, she built up a petrochemical refining industry from scratch. Today she accounts for 44% of oil refining capacity in the Asia Pacific. This only is tangentially related to her shipping location.
What I am saying is that if Wales is nimble and clear seeing enough, she too will be able to find niches that she can get into.
Ireland displayed a certain nimbleness when she became HQs for many international companies.
If we watch Hungary and maybe Serbia, in the coming years, they will be displaying a their own niche finding…probably as in interface between China/Russia and EU.
An independent Wales, if she watches and learns from Ireland and Hungary, will be able to get some hints on how to find its own niches.
Who knows what it will be? An interface between the USA and China/Russia? Just like India re-exports Russian oil to the West? Or Dubai is the place where Iranians can quietly do business with the world and bypass Western sanctions?
Create a premium image for Welsh lamb or seafood? or Premium Pembrokeshire wool? China alone has a huge appetite for Scottish whisky and Norwegian salmon. Could it not be the same for Welsh products?
Establish a theme park called Corgi World and have millions of visitors from the world just like the millions who visit the Panda attractions in China or the African safaris?….only far cuter, and where one can actually hug and play with the corgis?
We can only imagine the benefits an independent Wales will get if it is the first European country to join BRICS.
So many possibilities. Some may be whimsical, but there are others that may actually work.
LOL!Replies: @littlereddot
What I am saying is that if Wales is nimble and clear seeing enough, she too will be able to find niches that she can get into...Establish a theme park called Corgi World(!)..So many possibilities(!)
Yes, that is why I stated my wish that the good people of Wales get what they desire.But IMHO, it is a little more complex that just mere desire.Sometimes people's desire for their "country" is shaped by their beliefs on whether it is viable as an independent country or not.I illustrate what I mean:I live in Singapore. After the Suez Canal Crisis, the British left my region in a hurry. Their former territorial holdings in Malaya and Borneo decided to form a federation called Malaysia.Singapore was part of Malaysia until 1965. But at that time, deep racial and communal disputes resulted in racial turmoil and even massacres. To cut a long story short, Singapore was EXPELLED from Malaysia unceremoniously in 1965.Singapore is the only country in history that became independent against its own will. The expectation that Singapore, being a small island 40 kilometres long, without even sufficient water supply, would collapse and come crawling back to Malaysia seeking to be readmitted.Singaporeans then were distraught. Nobody wanted Independence. Nobody expected us to survive. Even the Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew then famously cried on TV when he announced our sudden independence to a shocked population.Singapore in 1965 was far less viable as an independent state that Wales is today. Yet after 50 years of independence, we have managed to survive and prosper. Today if one asks Singaporeans if they want to be readmitted to Malaysia, all one will get is a smile... if they are polite.My feeling, is that the lovely people of Wales, if they so desire, can absolutely have a viable country of their own.Replies: @nokangaroos
This article is pointless as the “good people of Wales†simply don’t desire to be outside of the UK.
Singapore had two assets –
– Location; say what you will against the Perfidious, they have an eye for
pirates´nests (time to kick them out from Gibraltar, Malta and Cyprus;
but I digress).
– The Chinese expat community i.e. trade network.
Lee Kuan Yew wrote off the Malays as productive members of society
(= they are more into senang or, as the Perfidious called it,
“not really made for hard work”) but without disenfranchising them, and with
a brutality that would be a hard sell in Europe put everything on education.
-> It can be done, but it isn´t fun.
The key to Hong Kong, Macao etc. is exploiting the gradient, like the bacteria
thriving on the rims of black smokers, with oxygen on one side and reduced sulfur
on the other -> energy! The Russia sanctions would be such a gradient but
impossible to uphold inside Europe (without outside backing i.e. Wales would have to
become a Russian colony 😛 ).
Little Britain fantasized about becoming Europe´s Hong Kong = tax evasion
and money laundering Ooops! I meant “financial services” but it isn´t as scalable
as expected.
Lastly, Cardiff is not really a world-class harbor, and Ireland is the German-financed
past master of tax dumping you would have to undercut …
I would advise against it.
I am not sure what you disagree with. Do you disagree with
While Singapore's had an advantage in terms of shipping routes, it was far from the only thing that enabled it to prosper. IMHO the major reason is that Singaporeans have no time for airy fairy notions such as ideology etc. This is because they faced an existential threat. They focused on what were practical solutions, because there was no room for error. Also she felt so threatened that was willing to grab whatever opportunity presented itself, and made it work.For example, although she had no natural mineral or energy or skills resources, she saw an opportunity in the form of simple light industry and embarked on it. Few people know that Singapore today produces 10% of the world's semiconductors; and 20% of the world's semiconductor manufacturing equipment. This had nothing to do with location of shipping routes.She saw the potential of being a financial hub in Southeast Asia and built that up from scratch. Today she is now the 4th largest financial hub in the world after NY, London and Hongkong. Also this had nothing to do with location on shipping routes.She saw that ships were using her harbour, so although she had no oil nor chemical experience, she built up a petrochemical refining industry from scratch. Today she accounts for 44% of oil refining capacity in the Asia Pacific. This only is tangentially related to her shipping location.What I am saying is that if Wales is nimble and clear seeing enough, she too will be able to find niches that she can get into. Ireland displayed a certain nimbleness when she became HQs for many international companies. If we watch Hungary and maybe Serbia, in the coming years, they will be displaying a their own niche finding...probably as in interface between China/Russia and EU.An independent Wales, if she watches and learns from Ireland and Hungary, will be able to get some hints on how to find its own niches.Who knows what it will be? An interface between the USA and China/Russia? Just like India re-exports Russian oil to the West? Or Dubai is the place where Iranians can quietly do business with the world and bypass Western sanctions?Create a premium image for Welsh lamb or seafood? or Premium Pembrokeshire wool? China alone has a huge appetite for Scottish whisky and Norwegian salmon. Could it not be the same for Welsh products?Establish a theme park called Corgi World and have millions of visitors from the world just like the millions who visit the Panda attractions in China or the African safaris?....only far cuter, and where one can actually hug and play with the corgis?We can only imagine the benefits an independent Wales will get if it is the first European country to join BRICS.So many possibilities. Some may be whimsical, but there are others that may actually work.Replies: @Skeptikal, @Felpudinho
Lastly, Cardiff is not really a world-class harbor, and Ireland is the German-financed
past master of tax dumping you would have to undercut …
I thought that Gaelic is the Scottish Celtic language and that the Celtic language spoken in Ireland is actually called Irish.
“Seven hundred plus years of bitter struggle, death, torture, impoverishment, exile, fear, risk, etc., countless foiled uprisings, etc., . . .”
The political struggle in Ireland has gotten a lot more attention than the plight of the Welsh.
Maybe the latter just never could muster the energy to cause trouble! After Owen Glendower or whoever it was in Henry the . . . Fourth??, part 1??
The beauty of the Welsh countryside makes it hard to grasp the historic poverty and destitution of the Welsh people. Years ago I read an long article about the dreadful life circumstances of Welsh miners, peasants, farmers. It seemed as though a middle class never developed in Wales. Even now 25% of the Welsh live in poverty, I read. But in the 19th and 20th Cs the poverty was of a different magnitude. Welsh women suffered the most from the utter lack of development of Wales.
The Welsh certainly have not thrived under the English boot.
Most of Wales is in effect a third world country.
The idea of the Crown Estate and various aristos owning great swaths of the country and sending the income of these holdings to the UK treasury and the royal family is obscene.
Neocolonialism. Or maybe just the paleo kind. Although I think I have read of a few English aristo ladies who tried to help Welsh women and children.
I wonder how many UK citizens actually know how much of “their” country is literally owned by aristos and financiers and Saudi princes and hedgies.
They really ought to throw the whole idea of the Prince of Wales into a very deep well —I mean, WTF?
Actually, your list makes a point; China's smaller neighbors were pretty unable to prevent China from swallowing them; Tibet being the most famous example. No EU to make everyone behave, you see.
Gee I wonder what “Walt King†would have to say about pushing for Tibet, East Turkestan, and Manchuria to become independent, and to have “Inner†Mongolia unite with “Outer†Mongolia? What would he have to say about letting all the many ethno-national territories ruled by the “Russian Federation†go their own way as independent states? Ohhh suddenly the tender solicitude for the national aspirations of minority peoples vanishes I’m sure.
Times change, and ultimately, the smaller the national units, the more they are at the mercy of their neighbors.
It’s been done before; fragment all you want. You can go ahead and have free cities and Imperial Knights if you like. But the smaller you become, the more you are dependent on all being well with the Holy Roman Empire.
Isn’t this what used to be called Finlandization?
I.e., small country next to big, powerful country.
This article is pointless as the “good people of Wales†simply don’t desire to be outside of the UK.
Yes, that is why I stated my wish that the good people of Wales get what they desire.
But IMHO, it is a little more complex that just mere desire.
Sometimes people’s desire for their “country” is shaped by their beliefs on whether it is viable as an independent country or not.
I illustrate what I mean:
I live in Singapore. After the Suez Canal Crisis, the British left my region in a hurry. Their former territorial holdings in Malaya and Borneo decided to form a federation called Malaysia.
Singapore was part of Malaysia until 1965. But at that time, deep racial and communal disputes resulted in racial turmoil and even massacres. To cut a long story short, Singapore was EXPELLED from Malaysia unceremoniously in 1965.
Singapore is the only country in history that became independent against its own will. The expectation that Singapore, being a small island 40 kilometres long, without even sufficient water supply, would collapse and come crawling back to Malaysia seeking to be readmitted.
Singaporeans then were distraught. Nobody wanted Independence. Nobody expected us to survive. Even the Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew then famously cried on TV when he announced our sudden independence to a shocked population.
Singapore in 1965 was far less viable as an independent state that Wales is today. Yet after 50 years of independence, we have managed to survive and prosper.
Today if one asks Singaporeans if they want to be readmitted to Malaysia, all one will get is a smile… if they are polite.
My feeling, is that the lovely people of Wales, if they so desire, can absolutely have a viable country of their own.
Two points, though. Since the U.S.S.R. supported the RoC for many years, did the RoC continue its claim to outer Mongolia? My impression is that they didn’t maintain that claim, but I haven’t read any details on it.
Yes, you are right, I should have been clearer. When the PRC was established in 1949, it recognised Mongolia as an independent country. The ROC aka Taiwan did not recognise it till 2002.
A somewhat similar situation exists in the South China Sea. The PRC inherited the ROC’s claims to all the islands denoted in the ROC’s 11 Dashed Line maps. After settling some disputes by giving away islands to Vietnam, the PRC removed two dashes to become what we have today …. the 9 Dashed Line claim.
You are probably also familiar with the East China Sea dispute of the Senkaku/Diaoyutai islands. The PRC inherited the ROC’s claim to the islands. Today though, the Western media makes it seem it is only the “Evil CCP” is trying to grab those islands. But they never mention that the ROC aka Taiwan also claims them…because it doesn’t want to explain the complex arguments to the multi-party overlapping claims…same as the South China Sea disputes. To them, painting the simplistic narrative of the “big bad CCP” is all important.
P.R.C. did nothing at the time about Indian land grabs of southern Tibet.
The PRC was hoping for peace with the Indians and even offered to relinquish its claims on some of the disputed territories in return for diplomatic recognition of the new government. Their moves are consistent with a practical intention to settle as many as their border disputes as possible…as seen with recognising Mongolian independence, settlement with Vietnam over the Paracels (removal of 2 of the dashed lines)
But as usual, Chinese restraint was misinterpreted as weakness. This is why the Indians were emboldened to do more land grabs along the border, and were totally shocked by the Chinese military response in 1962.
I foresee The United Kingdom disassembling into its component countries of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland very soon!
>Import Russian fuels for use and resale.
okay. you want to replace one master for another.
An independent and prosperous nation would be based on Welsh coal.
Anything less than that is just not serious.
National states are much harder to subvert than multi national entities.
Hang together or hang separately, you mooks.
That’s just what they want–a bunch of tiny little principalities all squabbling with each other. So much easier to crush like bugs.
Fucking idiot minority group nationalists. Nationalism is fine and well for the US or China or the USSR. But it is plain shoot-yer-own-foot stupid for Catalonia and the Basques and Moldova and Wales and Scotland.
YES, good luck to the Welsh people 🙂
Good luck to peoples seeking their independence, local control, cultural cohesion and unity, and sovereignty:
Northern Ireland
QUEBEC from Canada
ALBERTA from Canada
KURDISTAN from iraq
KHALISTAN (Punjabis) from India
Greenland from Denmark
Bosnia / Herzegovina
Flanders and Wallonia from Belgium
southern Brazil
East Turkestan and the Uighur people from China
christian and muslim states from Nigeria
a Catholic state on Goa, from India
a Muslim state on 1/3 of the big southern island Mindanao, Philippines
Peaceful negotiated separation — with trade, tourism, student exchange, and friendly profitable relations to follow — is far better than war, sanctions, hatred, or centralized rule by people of different backgrounds, religion, and/or language.
Ireland had similar problems to Wales – including a low GDP. It has improved its position largely with EU funding.
Wales would have had the same opportunity if it had become independent before the UK joined the EEC. Now, the EU has many new members that are poorer then Wales, and it also has budget problems. The opportunity has gone.
I am not sure that either of your business propositions is feasible. Every country competes to host foreign factories and, in return for employment, the winner often has to pay for the factory and offer a sweetheart deal on taxation.
An independent Wales is not obliged to apply self-harming sanctions to trading with Russia.
Unless the USA, or even England, enforce their own sanctions on those who bust Russian sanctions.
The first 5 acres, no charge.
The next 50 acres at 2,500 pounds an acre per annum.
The remainder at 1,000 pounds an acre per annum.
If the bulk of the plots fell into the first charged category, it would raise
2,500 x 3,500,000 = 8,750,000,000: say 9 billion pounds.
Strange to have a lower rate for large holdings. This will compel small farms to consolidate so they can be charged at the lower rate (even if they are at the bottom end of the sliding scale)
agricultural land (now priced at 9,000 pounds an acre) would attract a low rate
Any land that is undeveloped will be classed as agricultural, even if it is used only for rough grazing or forestry. A charge of even 2% of its annual value would be onerous. Since the land tax provides the majority of your proposed extra income, it is reasonable to say that the sums do not add up.
Scots voted to remain part of the UK 55% to 45%.
Scotland has a large number of subhuman Anglos infesting it. Probably 15-20% of the population is made up of Anglo immigrant scum. A vote like this cannot be “free and fair” when 15-20% of the voters are migrant anglotrash fifth columnists.
C'mon man, spit it out, what are you trying to say here??
Scotland has a large number of subhuman Anglos infesting it. Probably 15-20% of the population is made up of Anglo immigrant scum. A vote like this cannot be “free and fair†when 15-20% of the voters are migrant anglotrash fifth columnists.
Uhhh let me guess fear of China and Russia persists.
Ahh a silk road through Wales . . . that would be interesting. Independence from he UK todependence on China.
well, by all means if it means betters cars —-
Goof grief
If the prophet is your perfect man , and he knocked off 9 yr old girls . How about just ‘Kev the nonce?’
(Don’t know how you can justify slavery?)
King Henry the 8th had Welsh origins. The family name was Twdyr or something like that. Hence Tudor.
Yes the Welsh in the South at least are a friendly lot.
Since Wales has a strong Mediterranean character, it should become an autonomous region of Italy!!!
The Union Treaty of 1536 guaranteed absolute equality between the Welsh and the English and between the Welsh and the English languages; and has not to my knowledge been revoked.
You don’t need independence when you already have union; and crossing Henry VIII is not perhaps a wise move.
I concur. Independence is always a lovely concept, as is a sovereign nation for its people. However we only need to look to Hawaii to see how this might play out.
Hawaiian independence would simply result in Chinese aggression.
While the author presents a plausible plan, he makes an assumption that China is not seeking world domination. There is an awful lot of propaganda coming from the city of London et al, but the Chinese threat is real.
“Walt King”
Welsh nationalism is a joke. All of their political parties are dedicated to eliminating the Welsh through mass-immigration.
Like the SNP, this is particularly true of the so-called nationalist party, Plaid Cymru. The Southport psychopathic murderer Oongo-boongo Bungawama, is frequently described in the British press as Welsh.
He is Rwandan, Tutsi or Hutu, not Welsh.
This article by Walt King ignores the real immediate problem of his place, tiny, and comparable to the Baltic states in that way, by tiny whines about second houses owned by English, now half of them likely aren’t even English, but Indians, Pakistanis, etc. Sure, the vast crown, aristocratic, corporate land holdings are a problem for Wales, thank you for explaining that aspect, you may do something about them, but it means nothing if the Welsh are made a tiny minority in their own place and have people like Oonga-Boonga Stabby as the majority.
It also means nothing but a negative if Wales is to become, like the Baltic statelets, a slave to the E.U.S.S.R.
To cite Anthony Burgess again, I have a novel of his, Any Old Iron. It’s fun, but not one of his best. In the end it centres on Welsh nationalism, and mocks it quite effectively.
Yes, good Gentile, good!
Its fantastic that you divide yourself in this way, forever objectifying and dissecting yourself along the razor edge of absurdities and impotence.
You’re like grass that bales itself.
This article is pointless as the “good people of Wales” simply don’t desire to be outside of the UK.
When the UK voted to leave the EU, both England and Wales voted to leave – Scotland voted for the “remain” side
Obviously, some Welshmen do want independence, but the majority do not.
Observations from a White South African who lived many years in the UK.
But if both Scotland and Wales desire independence in the future at some point, well so be it.
Yes, that is why I stated my wish that the good people of Wales get what they desire.But IMHO, it is a little more complex that just mere desire.Sometimes people's desire for their "country" is shaped by their beliefs on whether it is viable as an independent country or not.I illustrate what I mean:I live in Singapore. After the Suez Canal Crisis, the British left my region in a hurry. Their former territorial holdings in Malaya and Borneo decided to form a federation called Malaysia.Singapore was part of Malaysia until 1965. But at that time, deep racial and communal disputes resulted in racial turmoil and even massacres. To cut a long story short, Singapore was EXPELLED from Malaysia unceremoniously in 1965.Singapore is the only country in history that became independent against its own will. The expectation that Singapore, being a small island 40 kilometres long, without even sufficient water supply, would collapse and come crawling back to Malaysia seeking to be readmitted.Singaporeans then were distraught. Nobody wanted Independence. Nobody expected us to survive. Even the Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew then famously cried on TV when he announced our sudden independence to a shocked population.Singapore in 1965 was far less viable as an independent state that Wales is today. Yet after 50 years of independence, we have managed to survive and prosper. Today if one asks Singaporeans if they want to be readmitted to Malaysia, all one will get is a smile... if they are polite.My feeling, is that the lovely people of Wales, if they so desire, can absolutely have a viable country of their own.Replies: @nokangaroos
This article is pointless as the “good people of Wales†simply don’t desire to be outside of the UK.
OK, since “Barrett” is my Anglo-Norman slave name, you’re welcome to call me “Kevin X.”
The biggest obstacle is Anglos, who do not want to let go of Wales, Scotland, ect. As always, Anglos are the enemy of the European peoples.Replies: @Rogue
What is the biggest obstacle to obtaining independence for Wales?
Sure, cos the EU is such a fine institution.
Scotland had a completely free and fair referendum (well, strictly speaking it wasn’t as the Scottish Nationalists gerrymandered the whole thing in favor of themselves) and the Scots voted to remain part of the UK 55% to 45%.
In terms of a popular vote, that’s by a country mile.
Scotland has a large number of subhuman Anglos infesting it. Probably 15-20% of the population is made up of Anglo immigrant scum. A vote like this cannot be "free and fair" when 15-20% of the voters are migrant anglotrash fifth columnists.Replies: @Rogue, @William Gruff
Scots voted to remain part of the UK 55% to 45%.
Actually "China" did not swallow them.The Manchus conquered swallowed China, Xinjiang, Tibet and Mongolia and consolidated them into their sinified Qing Dynasty of "China" in (1644-1911).When the Qing dynasty fell apart in 1911, the Republic of China, ROC aka "Taiwan" became the successor state to Qing China. The republic was weak and was unable to exercise control over its far flung regions, but it never renounced its sovereignty over those regions.As you know the Republic of China, ROC, has retreated to the island of Taiwan since 1949 and retains its claim of sovereignty over all of China INCLUDING Mongolia (the whole of = Mongolia + Inner Mongolia) and Tibet.When the Peoples Republic of China, PRC was established after the defeat of the ROC, it as finally able to re-establish control over Tibet in 1959. This is what the Western Media (that never lies...puke) calls the "Invasion of Tibet". In reality it is more akin to the USA re-establishing control over the Confederate States after the US Civil War.Just wanted to set the record straight.Replies: @Che Guava
Actually, your list makes a point; China’s smaller neighbors were pretty unable to prevent China from swallowing them; Tibet being the most famous example. No EU to make everyone behave, you see.
Two points, though. Since the U.S.S.R. supported the RoC for many years, did the RoC continue its claim to outer Mongolia? My impression is that they didn’t maintain that claim, but I haven’t read any details on it.
P.R.C. did nothing at the time about Indian land grabs of southern Tibet.
I have likely said it before, but the Malayan Trilogy by Anthony Burgess is worth reading. In many parts, it is very evocative of reality of then and later. None, or almost none is set in Singapura.
Yes, you are right, I should have been clearer. When the PRC was established in 1949, it recognised Mongolia as an independent country. The ROC aka Taiwan did not recognise it till 2002.A somewhat similar situation exists in the South China Sea. The PRC inherited the ROC's claims to all the islands denoted in the ROC's 11 Dashed Line maps. After settling some disputes by giving away islands to Vietnam, the PRC removed two dashes to become what we have today .... the 9 Dashed Line claim.You are probably also familiar with the East China Sea dispute of the Senkaku/Diaoyutai islands. The PRC inherited the ROC's claim to the islands. Today though, the Western media makes it seem it is only the "Evil CCP" is trying to grab those islands. But they never mention that the ROC aka Taiwan also claims them...because it doesn't want to explain the complex arguments to the multi-party overlapping claims...same as the South China Sea disputes. To them, painting the simplistic narrative of the "big bad CCP" is all important.
Two points, though. Since the U.S.S.R. supported the RoC for many years, did the RoC continue its claim to outer Mongolia? My impression is that they didn’t maintain that claim, but I haven’t read any details on it.
The PRC was hoping for peace with the Indians and even offered to relinquish its claims on some of the disputed territories in return for diplomatic recognition of the new government. Their moves are consistent with a practical intention to settle as many as their border disputes as seen with recognising Mongolian independence, settlement with Vietnam over the Paracels (removal of 2 of the dashed lines)But as usual, Chinese restraint was misinterpreted as weakness. This is why the Indians were emboldened to do more land grabs along the border, and were totally shocked by the Chinese military response in 1962.
P.R.C. did nothing at the time about Indian land grabs of southern Tibet.
I’m all for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland attaining their independence.
We’ll then see which one manages to stand up on their own two feet and form an authentic government representative of their own kin and heritage, and not become just one more virtue signaling, liberal hivemind EU strain.
Aren’t you a Muslim convert? So what Celtic bullshit are you talking about? The last thing the Land of Arthur needs is Allah worshipping freaks. Desert is the place for you …
Your taxation plan on land would force the vast majority of landowners to sell their land at reduced prices. You would not have many buyers willing to shoulder the tax burden you suggest to purchase any parcel of land greater than a few acres. Say goodbye to private landowners in Wales.
I think you want to make it impossible for anyone to own more than 5 acres.
Good luck, comrade!
This article reminds me of 5 year olds orphans giddy for no apparent reason over their red Jello and fantasizing about a Hagen Das ice cream …………or rather, a bunch of Hillbillies sitting around in their trailer park waxing on how to fuck some Hollywood starlet. Lets see:
-Buy a Lambo ?
-Sell dope and raise big bucks ?
-Get a dick enhancement ?
-Buy new clothes ?
-Get a face job ?
— Gym membership ?
Nought ! “We are unemployed losers with no money !”
Humans are a strange lot. They wait until the building collapses before they admit they should have moved out the way.
The UK is a cesspool of immigrant scum from all over the world. Wales will never be independent no matter how many fortune cookie and rice noodle plants the Chinese start up. If Governments at any level increased the taxes to 99% they would still be broke. Therefore logic indicates Wales will be a dump and will get worse like everywhere else.
Wales will never be independent. However, white residents can be so ! Leave the place and go somewhere where there is no infestation of blacks and browns. In the UK, Scotland and Ireland one can travel to the most out of the way places and encounter the Wogs. How the fuck did Mogambo, Singh and Faizal find this hamlet ??
When will whites in the UK accept the fact that their days are numbered and in a few years they will be a miserable minority.
This article is 100% bullshit and Walt King is like one of those professors who never ran a business but wax on theory, hypotheses and what should be.
What can work is having the government run the schools, police, military, and healthcare system directly, since it would be run by largely honest Welsh people. It is still subject to market forces since legislators buy goods and services from capital and labor markets. IMO, the Swiss system is better, but the people running the system matter more.
But you have to leave the land alone – it fucks so much up. Fine, tax it, buy it back etc., but gross expropriation is economically deadly, and frankly, deadly.
The whole point of a land tax is to make it useful for labor and capital formation, not a “money park.”
The issue is, the “tax” in the UK right now is is about 46% of the National Income already. Land taxes were used when government spending was trivial. Even China, today, the “tax” is about 33% of the national income.
As I indicated above, self determination [independence] is generally a good thing especially when sought after minerals are found in the area [oil and gas off the coast of Scotland] for instance. The case against this is the UK [as a whole] most of the economic activity in the UK is centered around London and the home counties, in other words economic activity ‘sticks’ where the profits accumulate, that is why China is growing so fast, capitalism grows fastest where the profits are greatest and the market is large. Imagine if a huge deposit of gold or diamonds was found in England would the English Nationalists refuse to share with other parts of the UK? This conundrum is mitigated by the UK government moving government departments to various devolved areas of the UK as well as the annual financial subvention to those parts.
Europe will be well on its way towards disintegration therefore an Independent Wales would be just one among many to come.
If Wales is the Shire of Tolkien’s Middle Earth then better to keep it that way. Unknown and minding its own business. Property taxes and oil trading aren’t really their thing and I can’t see much support for a Shire Independence movement.
This is unrealistic – economics are secondary to the Welsh people. Hungary is the model right now, IMO, not Sinn Fein or Plaid Cymru, which is what the “nationalists” have right now: shitlib post modern vassals with marxist lite dress (yes, I know it’s contradictory). IMO, The EU was “coopted” by the usual cosmopolitans to preclude a “Union of European nations” which does have a faction in the EU parliament. A union of European nations is a necessity.
Why is Hungary the model? Sinn Fein is coopted by “cosmopolitans” as far as support for receiving nation diluting migrants. Parties like Law and Justice in Poland are coopted by cosmopolitans who support the foreign policy that results in migrant invasions. Hungary appears to do it’s best to resist the subversive synergy of the “cosmopolitans.”
Take Tesco for example. I’d assume that they are an English registered company. So, when they pay their taxes; are they credited to England or are they separated out by the region in which they were incurred? So, are taxes paid by English registered companies on revenue raised in Wales credited to England? I’d guess that they are so it’s possible that taxes credited to England are overstated and taxes paid by Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland are understated.
Bear this in mind if some English politician starts running his mouth that England unfairly pays more in taxes than other parts of the UK.
Independent Ireland is being flooded with blacks, Arabs and Muslims by the traitors who currently govern it. The same thing would happen in an independent Wales. I want independence for Wales, but not before traitors like Welsh Labour and Plaid Cymru are safely behind bars.
The right to self determination [of all peoples] is part of the UN charter, unfortunately it does not say ‘which people’ [quite understandably] since Catalonia is an integral part of Spain it can only gain independence from Spain with the consent of the Spanish parliament [not forthcoming] only a civil war or the serious threat of one could convince Spain to break up the country. The European Union did not back the Independence movement in Catalonia since they realized that to do so would be to open a can of worms in many other regions of the EU, in France and Italy for instance.
This well written, informative and well researched article is a useful contribution to all the constituent parts of the UK of GB and Northern Ireland, and I am thankful that the country has offered the right to self determination to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, dependent on a 50% plus 1 majority referendum. A Pandora’s box [as I mentioned above] could be opened in the case of Catalonia, also in Cornwall and the Mebyon Kernow Nationalist party who at one time had the Liberal leader John Pardoe as a member.
Some western politicians are willing to start WW3 to stop the Russian speaking peoples of the Dombass and Crimea from exercising their right to self determination and their right to secede, even when that right is backed up with vast electoral support.
Hey, don’t forget that Arthur really was a Welsh king – king of Glamorgan in the 5th century. There was no English king Arthur, we just stole the Welsh story! There is quite an Arthur tourist industry in south Wales around the Cardiff area and its about time the Welsh government endorsed this.
So your plan includes essentially nationalizing all land (#1) and free-riding off of the remaining UK, and by extension, USA, for defense (#4).
As for #2, maybe. Does Wales have what it takes — infrastructure like electricity, roads, and ports; skilled amenable labor (not sure how much of that the factory would require, but probably at least some); land (now taxed); etc.? At least it would bring good work for law firms translating agreements between Welsh and Chinese.
My question: would secession by Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales weaken or mitigate the genocidal element of the current British government? NI should be reunited with the Irish Republic without the danger of either nation losing its religious identity.
Actually, your list makes a point; China's smaller neighbors were pretty unable to prevent China from swallowing them; Tibet being the most famous example. No EU to make everyone behave, you see.
Gee I wonder what “Walt King†would have to say about pushing for Tibet, East Turkestan, and Manchuria to become independent, and to have “Inner†Mongolia unite with “Outer†Mongolia? What would he have to say about letting all the many ethno-national territories ruled by the “Russian Federation†go their own way as independent states? Ohhh suddenly the tender solicitude for the national aspirations of minority peoples vanishes I’m sure.
Actually, your list makes a point; China’s smaller neighbors were pretty unable to prevent China from swallowing them; Tibet being the most famous example. No EU to make everyone behave, you see.
Actually “China” did not swallow them.
The Manchus conquered swallowed China, Xinjiang, Tibet and Mongolia and consolidated them into their sinified Qing Dynasty of “China” in (1644-1911).
When the Qing dynasty fell apart in 1911, the Republic of China, ROC aka “Taiwan” became the successor state to Qing China. The republic was weak and was unable to exercise control over its far flung regions, but it never renounced its sovereignty over those regions.
As you know the Republic of China, ROC, has retreated to the island of Taiwan since 1949 and retains its claim of sovereignty over all of China INCLUDING Mongolia (the whole of = Mongolia + Inner Mongolia) and Tibet.
When the Peoples Republic of China, PRC was established after the defeat of the ROC, it as finally able to re-establish control over Tibet in 1959. This is what the Western Media (that never lies…puke) calls the “Invasion of Tibet”. In reality it is more akin to the USA re-establishing control over the Confederate States after the US Civil War.
Just wanted to set the record straight.
In a perfect world, all peoples should have self government free of colonizers.That would of course include the Amerindians. Perhaps the USA should lead the way and dissolve itself? I am sure the Chinese and Russians would then be inspired to follow such a shining example.Replies: @Colin Wright
Gee I wonder what “Walt King†would have to say about pushing for Tibet, East Turkestan, and Manchuria to become independent, and to have “Inner†Mongolia unite with “Outer†Mongolia?
‘In a perfect world, all peoples should have self government free of colonizers.’
In a perfect world, we would all be independent actors.
It’s called anarchy. The problem is if your neighbor is bigger than you are and wants what you have.
The same principle applies to national units. The smaller they are, the more dependent they are on everyone continuing to play nice.
So Wales can go it alone. Now. For so long as England either wishes to play nice or can somehow be compelled to play nice.
Gee I wonder what “Walt King†would have to say about pushing for Tibet, East Turkestan, and Manchuria to become independent, and to have “Inner†Mongolia unite with “Outer†Mongolia? What would he have to say about letting all the many ethno-national territories ruled by the “Russian Federation†go their own way as independent states? Ohhh suddenly the tender solicitude for the national aspirations of minority peoples vanishes I’m sure.
Actually, your list makes a point; China’s smaller neighbors were pretty unable to prevent China from swallowing them; Tibet being the most famous example. No EU to make everyone behave, you see.
The smaller the ‘national’ units become, the more dependent they are on some larger body to protect them. A France can at least attempt to preserve its independence; a Luxembourg is literally at the mercy of its neighbors (this has been demonstrated).
So sure Wales can go it alone — as long as there’s an EU and England remains infused with the spirit of brotherly love. But what happens — say — when England decides Wales should just provide water for Liverpool for free? Maybe she comes to feel Wales shouldn’t get to export electric cars.
This and the like has been going on in Europe for some time now. Sure: independent Catalonia, et al are great ideas — just so long as all is orderly and governed by benign supra-national bodies.
…like, say, the League of Nations. Times change, and ultimately, the smaller the national units, the more they are at the mercy of their neighbors.
It’s been done before; fragment all you want. You can go ahead and have free cities and Imperial Knights if you like. But the smaller you become, the more you are dependent on all being well with the Holy Roman Empire.
Actually "China" did not swallow them.The Manchus conquered swallowed China, Xinjiang, Tibet and Mongolia and consolidated them into their sinified Qing Dynasty of "China" in (1644-1911).When the Qing dynasty fell apart in 1911, the Republic of China, ROC aka "Taiwan" became the successor state to Qing China. The republic was weak and was unable to exercise control over its far flung regions, but it never renounced its sovereignty over those regions.As you know the Republic of China, ROC, has retreated to the island of Taiwan since 1949 and retains its claim of sovereignty over all of China INCLUDING Mongolia (the whole of = Mongolia + Inner Mongolia) and Tibet.When the Peoples Republic of China, PRC was established after the defeat of the ROC, it as finally able to re-establish control over Tibet in 1959. This is what the Western Media (that never lies...puke) calls the "Invasion of Tibet". In reality it is more akin to the USA re-establishing control over the Confederate States after the US Civil War.Just wanted to set the record straight.Replies: @Che Guava
Actually, your list makes a point; China’s smaller neighbors were pretty unable to prevent China from swallowing them; Tibet being the most famous example. No EU to make everyone behave, you see.
As the Welsh say, better to have a million Indians and Pakis than to be ruled by a puffed up English twat!
Thanks for a thought provoking article Walt.
I have not met too many Welshmen, but I must say that of the few that I was fortunate enough to know, I took an instant liking to every one of them.
Add to that Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones…who could not like Wales? 🙂
May the good people of Wales have independence if they so desire it.
Gee I wonder what “Walt King†would have to say about pushing for Tibet, East Turkestan, and Manchuria to become independent, and to have “Inner†Mongolia unite with “Outer†Mongolia?
In a perfect world, all peoples should have self government free of colonizers.
That would of course include the Amerindians.
Perhaps the USA should lead the way and dissolve itself?
I am sure the Chinese and Russians would then be inspired to follow such a shining example.
In a perfect world, we would all be independent actors.
'In a perfect world, all peoples should have self government free of colonizers.'
Maybe that’s why he doesn’t know that the Druids weren’t Celts.
With all these recent hypes about the cartoonish character i.e. Trump in the White house now, the truth is if he abandons Ukraine after whatever deals he makes with Moscow, Europe will be well on its way towards disintegration therefore an Independent Wales would be just one among many to come. Ireland would be first followed by Denmark then others. Apparently, Trump has just told Danish officials about his plan for a takeover of Greenland. Spain and Italy would definitely move towards China.
If Wales is the Shire of Tolkien's Middle Earth then better to keep it that way. Unknown and minding its own business. Property taxes and oil trading aren’t really their thing and I can’t see much support for a Shire Independence movement.
Europe will be well on its way towards disintegration therefore an Independent Wales would be just one among many to come.
What is the biggest obstacle to obtaining independence for Wales?
The biggest obstacle is Anglos, who do not want to let go of Wales, Scotland, ect. As always, Anglos are the enemy of the European peoples.
If you oppose Jews returning to Israel, then you can’t support “Palestinians” having a so-called “right of return” there now either.
And no, you can’t justify it by saying that with the Arabs today it’s the same individual people instead of descendants as with the diaspora Jews coming to Israel. By now only a tiny minority of so-called “refugees” actually ever lived in what is now Israel (a mere 30,000). The rest of the so-called “refugees” (a whopping 5.6 million of them, or 99.4%) are overwhelmingly mere descendants, who never set foot in Israel, some of them great-grandchildren at this point.
No other group gets this coddling treatment, this endless inheritance of “refugee” status.
No, Irish Gaelic.
That said, Scottish Gaelic also put down some roots in Atlantic Canada. Especially Nova Scotia (hence the name of course) but also Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island.