Both immunological theory and Vaccine immunization methods were invented by ancient Chinese at least 1572 C.E.(明代医å¦å®¶ä¸‡å…¨ï¼ˆ1499–1582)在其著作《痘疹心法》ä¸è¯¦ç»†è®°å½•äº†äººç—˜æŽ¥ç§çš„方法。人痘预防天花å¯èƒ½åœ¨å®‹æœå‘明,也有å¯èƒ½æºäºŽæ™‹æœã€‚ç›®å‰å¦ç•Œå…¬è®¤çš„说法是明æœéš†åº†å¹´é—´ï¼ˆ1567-1572),安徽太平县(今黄山市黄山区)人å‘明了人痘接ç§æœ¯ã€‚
至明末清åˆï¼Œè‹å·žåœ°æ–¹å®˜å‘˜ç”šè‡³å¯ä»¥æ‰¹å‡†åŒ»ç”Ÿè¡ŒåŒ»ï¼Œè¦æ±‚达到95%çš„æˆçŽ‡),first transfered to russian Royal family by Qing Royal family,then rest of European continent,until a British Doctor found cowpox replacing old also more dangerous methods of nasal inhalation of humanpox.
a Hollywood movie as a psyop.
Very true.
I recently noticed that they were eager to make an Hollywood version of Three Body Problem. It seems that why they did it was so that they depict a malevolent version of the “CCP”/CPC, rather than the much more measured version in the China version.
If the West only invested the same effort in improving the lives of their people, rather than putting effort into Painting Narratives (aka propaganda), they would be so much better off today.
All these problems of uncivil, unclean, unintelligent scum flooding into our formerly civilized country began with goddamn Lyndon Johnson. As soon as Kennedy was dead then, right away, 1964, we were given the Vietnam War and replacement of the National Origins Formula, which restricted immigration to northern and western Europeans, with It is clear what needs to be done. The truth must be presented on television so than Americans can see and comprehend it, and that means wresting Hollywood from the Jews.
Housebuilding? 😆 Indians do no physical work whatsoever, skilled or unskilled. You must not know anything about Indians.
Actually the ones who understand Indian Civilisation the least are the Indians. This is because they are given to whimsical thinking. They confuse what they wish to be so, with what is so.--------------------------------You must know that I do not bother to read more than a few of your sentences, so if you wish to impress me, you have to make your point succintly, rather than indulge in the CHARACTERISTICALLY INDIAN PENCHANT for extremely LENGTHY AND VERBOSE rants.Simply put, you Indians TALK WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH.Do more, and talk less. That way maybe you won't be so butthurt/jealous about the Chinese.Replies: @showmethereal, @Xavier
the Chinese seem to be the one who understand Indian Civilization the least
Actually the ones who understand Indian Civilisation the least are the Indians.
Thank you.
This is because they are given to whimsical thinking. They confuse what they wish to be so, with what is so.
Precisely. One of the most central teachings of the Buddha is to see things for what they are. Indians simply can’t do that because behind their grievances lies the acute butthurt and insecurity of the brahmin caste. Most Indians themselves don’t understand the source of their own anger. It’s amusing to hear low caste Hindus whine about how central asian Muslims destroyed their temples when their own grandparents wouldn’t have been welcome in those temples. The Indian’s failing is pride and envy. The slogan for Hindutva is: गरà¥à¤µ से कहो हम हिनà¥à¤¦à¥‚ हैं (say with pride “we are Hindus”). They themselves don’t know what exactly they should be proud of, but pride is their drug.
How the British pulled off a $45 trillion heist in India….
Actually the ones who understand Indian Civilisation the least are the Indians. This is because they are given to whimsical thinking. They confuse what they wish to be so, with what is so.--------------------------------You must know that I do not bother to read more than a few of your sentences, so if you wish to impress me, you have to make your point succintly, rather than indulge in the CHARACTERISTICALLY INDIAN PENCHANT for extremely LENGTHY AND VERBOSE rants.Simply put, you Indians TALK WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY TOO MUCH.Do more, and talk less. That way maybe you won't be so butthurt/jealous about the Chinese.Replies: @showmethereal, @Xavier
the Chinese seem to be the one who understand Indian Civilization the least
Yeah that guy Malla is a weirdo. He literally skips over dozens of comments by WHITES stating that Indians are just good at kissing up to them (hoping to back stab them) – but he seeks out to combat Chinese (ethnic or otherwise). Real weirdo.
A brutal empire at that… One who was toe to toe with the feared Mongols for a long time. But yeah their view is based on the “cold war” where they had to rehabilitate Tibet to use as a prick against China. So that supposedly reformed Nazi wrote a story Seven Years in Tibet and they made a Hollywood movie as a psyop.
Very true.
a Hollywood movie as a psyop.
Yes but there is a big difference between being wise and intelligent. You can be wise without being very intelligent – and vice versa. Those protestors holding up US flags and signs in English show all of what they are about (like in the HK protests)… Doesn’t mean they lack intelligence though. They lack wisdom — and probably some moral conviction as well.
No dude. lol. I’m an Indian and you’re just coming across as a typical indian with a frothing hatred for everyone. I agree that Jayant Bhandari goes overboard(I follow him actively on social media), but he’s spot on 80% here.
Indians are world champion in three things: gang rapes, open air defecation (including canadian beaches) and beggars.
We can add those three reasons to why the hostile elite want them in the United States.
“The Indian settlement in this country is going to end badly for them.”
Especially if they act like this. FAAFO
You mean Mom was Scottish?? Ah, I wonder why you didn't use that word. WASP - Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Protestant is covered as is Anglo-Saxon on the Mom's side. Trump is of the ruling class of the US traditionally.Replies: @Сила в правде, @AceDeuce
"Trump doesn’t have an ounce of WASP blood. His father was of full German descent; his mother was a Gaelic-speaking Highlander who learned English as a second language.
You mean Mom was Scottish?? Ah, I wonder why you didn’t use that word. WASP – Wealthy Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
The “W” in “WASP” stands for “White”, not “Wealthy”.
I’m not making that up. They really see themselves as above Americans.
Sounds like they’ve got it right to me! ;-D
Absolutely sickening, How White men can even think to couple with their women is a mystery bigger than UFOs and an empty Ft. Knox.
It’s their wonderful personalities and soothing voices.
No sweeter sound than a Brahmin woman nagging her miserable husband at the quickie mart.
You can see the love as she looks at her husband/7-11 owner like total garbage.
What kind of White man wouldn’t line up for that?
These people actually view themselves as superior man-gods that birthed civilized society and fate has chosen the Brahmin to lead us all.
I’m not making that up. They really see themselves as above Americans.
Sounds like they've got it right to me! ;-D
I’m not making that up. They really see themselves as above Americans.
I wonder how she and other pajeetas keep those disgusting nasal growths from flying off
Nose Ring.
A very insightful and hard-hitting essay! .
A corrupt money corrupts everything it touches and Ashkhenazim Jews have founded our currency system and control it to the detriment of Eurocaucasians!—and everyone else….Mass immigration is one of their ploys.
See and scroll down past bio information to read and critique a proposed Constitutional Amendment wresting control of our monetary system from their vile hands.
Absolutely sickening, How White men can even think to couple with their women is a mystery bigger than UFOs and an empty Ft. Knox. I remember a co-worker who lusted after a green card pajeeta……right up until the day she walked past us and reeked of monkey-ass and rotten sweet peas left out for a week.
Tried to warn him, but he would not listen.
Once was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. And saw a piece of ‘modern art’ worth 150k. What was it you ask? It was a fluorescent office tube in a slant position.
Another work of genius, was a giant canvas, 8ft tall, 15 ft wide. painted brown. No designs, just flat brown, which was worth 300k.
Of course, White goys fell for the hooked-nosed scheme. The wine industry is another huge kike scam.
I wonder how she and other pajeetas keep those disgusting nasal growths from flying off during a bout of outraged cackling and head-wagging.
I cannot work today because my child is sick! (for the 1,000,000 consecutive time) And you are saying that I have to do work today! (on the most important day of a corporate project) My child! My child! My child!
Once had an idiot boss who called us employees in on a weekend, where we had to track down the pajeeta contractors, who then, after finally gracing us with their presence, bitched and moaned about working on a weekend……
until our boss (a red-haired, White jackass) kept FT employees in the office and let the pajeeta contractors go home after 1 hour in office whom were paid a full day’s worth of overtime on the company dime.
Nose Ring.
I wonder how she and other pajeetas keep those disgusting nasal growths from flying off
Indians are world champion in three things: gang rapes, open air defecation (including canadian beaches) and beggars. They have the same hygience standards as rodents – just check out their “holy” river where they dump dead bodies and the content of their toilets.
We can add those three reasons to why the hostile elite want them in the United States.
Indians are world champion in three things: gang rapes, open air defecation (including canadian beaches) and beggars.
South Koreans are demonstrating on the streets in the cold in support of a failed coup leader.
A leader who will save them from Commie infiltration. That is very smart.
Noooooo.....but but but....Indians/ South Asians believe that it is White people (and East Asians and Blacks) who are promiscuous, too sexual and shameless. Those Goras (Whites), Chinkis (East Asians) and kalus (Blacks) "have no culture", they f**k like dogs etc.... that is what your average Indian (or Pakistani/ Bangladeshi) would tell you. Our women are "pure", our culture is superior. One of the reasons why Indian (or Pakistani/ Bangladeshi etc..) guys have such rapey tendencies towards White and East Asian women (they are not so much into Black women) is not only because White and East Asian women are more attractive in general but because in their minds, White women and East Asian women are easy/ natural whores etc...Black women are easy and loose too but South Asian guys are not into Black women so much, do not find them attractive though I was listening to this Black American women on Youtube who had some creepy experiences in Sri Lanka.
In Australia, a widespread practice among Indians is for ‘men’ and ‘women’ employees to root/shag/hump in the toilets, totally promiscuously, irrespective of marriage connections.
Everyone thinks others are worse than them. But I suppose there is some objective measure of who is worse.
I thought there was some study that showed Indians had the most sex. Must be the curries. Or the respondents lied.
Koreans too had a caste system. Yes, Joseon Confucian Dynasty, Little Brother to Great Sino, Hermit Kingdom Korea had a caste system not that different from the Hindus. The Brahmin equivalents in Korea were the Yanbans and there were those Koreans who were living like Indian dalits. Slave caste by birth. It was the Japanese Empire which emancipated the population just like what the British Empire would do to Indian dalits.
Koreans were not servile towards their Japanese tyrants
Yawan!!! Show me one Indian who gives a faak
If the topic comes up, they revile Indians.
Actually the biggest supporters of the British Empire were the lower castes. It were the Western educated upper caste Hindus who led the Indian Independence Struggle. Muslims were licking British ass too.
upper-caste quislings
How were they deluded? Since you bring up Korea, many Koreans volunteered to fight for the Japanese Empire too. Are Tibetans soldiers in PLA deluded? Were Hindu lords fighting for Mughals deluded? Were Germans fighting for the Roman Army deluded? Were Arabs fighting in the Ottoman Army deluded? Were Uzbeks, Tajiks and Ukrainians in the Red Army deluded? Are some cases delusions while others are not?Replies: @Commentator Mike, @JohnnyWalker123, @JohnnyWalker123, @Man Of East
masses of deluded local soldiers
Little Brother to Great Sino, Hermit Kingdom Korea had a caste system not that different from the Hindus.
That would be a great exaggeration. I think it was very different from the Hindus, just as every other serf/feudal class system in the world was qualitatively different from the Hindus.
If pre-modern Korea had a caste, then the Indian caste system would be unremarkable. Towards the end of the last dynasty, I think something like 40-50% were registered as “yangban” either through passing the civil service exam or by way of forgeries. That would be impossible in India where social status is hard determined by birth and one’s place in it is fixed and permanent with a hint of a racial component as well. Korea allowed for some mobility, upward and downward. People of talent and merit could get ahead (though difficult and unlikely).
Korea’s so-called “servility” to China is distorted by modern “democratic” optics and Western norms. If Korea was a tributary state, then it was a clever vassal that exercised de facto autonomy and received more from China than it gave. SKorea today is arguably less sovereign vis-a-vis the US than Joseon Korea was in its relationship with the Qing. But the optics are inverted.
Sino-based foreign relations meant adhering to ritual, ceremony and Confucian based diplomatic protocol. I’m not sure that Korea went above and beyond what was perceived as “normative” for the time. Maybe Korea was overly earnest in observing Confucian rules. Korea did view itself as the epitome of neo-Confucian society.
South Koreans are demonstrating on the streets in the cold in support of a failed coup leader. They can’t be verysmart.
A leader who will save them from Commie infiltration. That is very smart.
South Koreans are demonstrating on the streets in the cold in support of a failed coup leader.
One of the sore points that led to the “Great Indian Mutiny†of 1857 was the activities of the Christian missionaries.
It was part of the reason. But the British were so shocked by the mutiny that they went into soul searching and excessive self criticism.
But the game of the 1857 mutiny was nothing but an attempt to create a fundamentalist Islamic Raj in India. The mutiny was planned by Deobandi Muslim clerics, fundamentalist Muslims who were contemporaries of Wahabis.
See, most of the white British troops of India were in Crimea fighting the Russian Empire to protect the sorry ass of the Ottoman Empire from the Russians who maybe wanted to take back Constantinople for Orthodox Christianity. The Hindu Maratha Empire and the Sikh Empire were now dead, absorbed into the wider British Empire. This was the most opportune moment the cunning Muslim fundamentalists were looking for to create a islamic Raj in India. One must wonder what scum they were because most of the White British troops had gone to save their own Caliph, the Ottoman Sultan from the Russian Empire and this is how the cunning Mullahs repaid the British Empire. Since the White troops were few in India at that time as most were sent to Crimea, the mullahs thought of influencing the Indian troops of the Company to mutiny. They fooled the Hindus and the Hindus only realised it much later that they were taken advantage of only later. The Deobandi Mullahs thought to use the Hindus for their cunning anti-British plans. That is why much later when the Hindus realised thier trick and their designs for India (Islamic fundamentalist rule much more sever than that of Emperor Aurangzeb), they started supporting the British and praying for British victory in their temples.
The Mughal Emperor at that time did not support these Deobandi plans. That is exactly why the Emperor at such an old age had to climb the Imperial elephant go around Delhi to proclaim that the enemy were only British kaffirs not Hindu kaffirs. But no said the Deobandi Mullahs, both Hindu and British kaffirs (non-believers) were the enemy. That is why when the British military finally stormed Delhi and ass-raped the hapless mutineers, Hindus in Agra were distributing sweets to each other in celebration.
Do you understand Hindi? Check out this video, what the mutiny really was, an attempt to create a hardcore Taliban type Empire in India with our Mughal Emperor as a figurehead.
Video LinkRebellion of 1857- Jihad or Independence Movement? | Tanmay Kelkar and Sanjay Dixit
10th May is the anniversary of 1857 rebellion, variously called as the Independence Movement or Sepoy Mutiny. Tanmay Kelkar joins Sanjay Dixit to present evidence that it was neither. It was simply the old fashioned Jihad to reinstitute the Mughal Empire.
In Australia, a widespread practice among Indians is for ‘men’ and ‘women’ employees to root/shag/hump in the toilets, totally promiscuously, irrespective of marriage connections.
Noooooo…..but but but….Indians/ South Asians believe that it is White people (and East Asians and Blacks) who are promiscuous, too sexual and shameless. Those Goras (Whites), Chinkis (East Asians) and kalus (Blacks) “have no culture”, they f**k like dogs etc…. that is what your average Indian (or Pakistani/ Bangladeshi) would tell you. Our women are “pure”, our culture is superior. One of the reasons why Indian (or Pakistani/ Bangladeshi etc..) guys have such rapey tendencies towards White and East Asian women (they are not so much into Black women) is not only because White and East Asian women are more attractive in general but because in their minds, White women and East Asian women are easy/ natural whores etc…Black women are easy and loose too but South Asian guys are not into Black women so much, do not find them attractive though I was listening to this Black American women on Youtube who had some creepy experiences in Sri Lanka.
The Pakistani grooming gangs in Europe explicitly called the White girls they raped, whores, “you are whores, or women are pure”. An attitude, Indians have too. A attitude, I suspect, picked up by Hindus, Jains from Muslims, during the Islamic invasions of India when Indian women were mass raped by invading Islamic hordes.
But the truth is behind the scenes, Indians/ South Asians are promiscuous as hell, it all happens behind th scenes. Indians live in this delusion of purity. I know of this Pakistani girl who bonked her boyfriend on the top of a mosque in Pakistan. LOL.
Well, this is already happening.
Western folks think of Tibet as a land of peaceful monks. They don’t realise that the Tibetans had an empire, and at its peak was the size of Eastern and Western Europe combined.
Tibetans killed more of each other than anything else. In terms of foreigners – probably the Mongols killed the most. Stop listening to western propaganda. Where did these million Tibetans die off?
Those IQ scores for the West include minorities and immigrants. We are fucked if we promote them, invite them, and keep them around.Replies: @Charles Martel France, @showmethereal
Top ten IQ by country:
Japan 106.48
Taiwan 106.47
Singapore 105.89
Hong Kong 105.37
China 104.1
South Korea 102.35
Belarus 101.6
Finland 101.2
Liechtenstein 101.07
Germany 100.74
Whites are already fucked.
Pick the whitest country and tell us what the IQ is. Belarus and Finland are fully of migrants and minorities?
Taiwan and Hong Kong are China so superfluous… Singapore are mainly China – but not China. Of course North Korea isn’t tested – but their weapons systems show they are just as smart as their brothers below the 38th parallel. But yeah it’s something about neighbors. Belarus – Finland – Germany – same neighborhood. Russia must be right there with Belarus and Finland.
Have you seen this film about a Korean who volunteered to join the Japanese military but suffered greatly at the hands of the Japs?
many Koreans volunteered to fight for the Japanese Empire too.
Have you seen this film about a Korean who volunteered to join the Japanese military
No I did not. Will have a look. There was this intresting Korean movie about some Koreans who fight for the Imperial Japanese Army and later the Red Army and later the German SS Waffen. Some say it was based on a true story. If so, they much have had crazy lives.
No, mine isn't. My answer is based on solid historical facts and experience of British behaviors throughout the world, past, present and likely future."Answers to such questions are often based on emotions and ego." - Malla
"And how do I know British was a godsend to India?" - d dan
My answer is based on solid historical facts and experience
So says the Indian nationalists too. Our answer is based on solid historical facts and experience of Muslim behaviors/ Chinese behaviours etc…
house nigger/ gunga din etc… basically a non-White who speaks uncomfortable truths.
BTW, any Tibetan who supports the PRC are considered house niggers by Indian Nats. So….cool.
I was in that last bit you mention, and wish this wasn't mostly true ... Portugal had been hearing the siren's song for most of the 1950-60's, so there was popular support for regime change in 1974. The people in Africa got the worst consequences, terrible civil wars for decades, still not cured - poor Mozambique is bleeding these days.
Indeed if you ask me, most anti-colonial movements were fake, CIA style regime change operations. The only real revolution was the Mau Mau of Kenya. Most populations in Africa for example were happy as part of European Empires but fake “revolutions†funded by the USA and armed by Communist countries like Soviet Union, China, East Germany etc….Also there were people in British, French, Belgian, Dutch establishments who were globalists who too played a part in destroying these Empires. That is why the Portuguese Empire fought till the end because there were no traitors in the Estrado Novo Government of Portugal until the fake “revolution†in Lisbon which was orchestrated by both the KGB and CIA.
I was in that last bit you mention, and wish this wasn’t mostly true … Portugal had been hearing the siren’s song for most of the 1950-60’s, so there was popular support for regime change in 1974.
Sad to hear that.
But an Euro-African geopolitical block could not be tolerated …
Modern art is a vast scam the “special people” started. Anyone who falls for it deserves it.
Koreans too had a caste system. Yes, Joseon Confucian Dynasty, Little Brother to Great Sino, Hermit Kingdom Korea had a caste system not that different from the Hindus. The Brahmin equivalents in Korea were the Yanbans and there were those Koreans who were living like Indian dalits. Slave caste by birth. It was the Japanese Empire which emancipated the population just like what the British Empire would do to Indian dalits.
Koreans were not servile towards their Japanese tyrants
Yawan!!! Show me one Indian who gives a faak
If the topic comes up, they revile Indians.
Actually the biggest supporters of the British Empire were the lower castes. It were the Western educated upper caste Hindus who led the Indian Independence Struggle. Muslims were licking British ass too.
upper-caste quislings
How were they deluded? Since you bring up Korea, many Koreans volunteered to fight for the Japanese Empire too. Are Tibetans soldiers in PLA deluded? Were Hindu lords fighting for Mughals deluded? Were Germans fighting for the Roman Army deluded? Were Arabs fighting in the Ottoman Army deluded? Were Uzbeks, Tajiks and Ukrainians in the Red Army deluded? Are some cases delusions while others are not?Replies: @Commentator Mike, @JohnnyWalker123, @JohnnyWalker123, @Man Of East
masses of deluded local soldiers
— LiorLefineder (@lefineder) January 6, 2025
Or maybe she is a fantastic Chinese Secret Service double agent….putting out silly stuff to keep the West stupid….LOL
These tech billionaires made their billions in this country. So I would kick the living crap out of these low-lifes and also kick them out of the country, they don’t need American workers we don’t need them. Now even though these present tech billionaires had nothing and I mean nothing to do with creating the tech industry just look at the men who created, invented electrical and electronic science the vacuum tube, the transistor, the integrated circuitor and all of you will see that the now present techo-turds had nothing to do with creating any of these things and that includes Elon Schmuck, Zucker-schmuch, Larry Paige, Peter Thiel, Bill Gates, etc or any other techo-geek. As far as the Indians their just a buch of backward 3rd world coolies that could never compete with us “Mano a mano,” excuse the Latin. The tragic thing about America is its not even run by genuine Americas anymore
The WASP’s are of kraut lineage, dolt.
Her population figures for China show she is either a phony or an idiot.
Johnson, I am shocked, shocked I say, that you did not blame all of the Pajeet fuck ups that you have highlighted on Affirmative Action and the overwhelming plague of niggerdom.
I don’t know what you are talking about.
I have talked a great deal about Affirmative Action but it usually didn’t involve Dot Indians. H1-Bs are brought here to save money over American workers and not for the sake of diversity. Most of my insider stories on Affirmative Action involve a racial group that both liberals and conservatives believe are actually suppressed Swedes that just need less government or more government. They don’t agree on which one.
Also Churchill was no hero, he allowed idiot nutjobs like ‘Bomber Harris’ to roast German civilians alive.
I guess you didn’t bother to read the entire sentence. I described him as an egalitarian hero.
He is a hero to modern liberals and they of course don’t know about his hatred of Indians.
I actually like Indian food. The rest of what you wrote? No. In fact IBM has gone down the drain. Microsoft is notoriously a buggy software system. You see what happened with Boeing software now based in India?
'What Israel does' is not a recommendation. We all can see what Israel does. @nognverra
'...That’s what Israel does.'
Promoting healthy fertility in the West is wrong because Israel does it for their own people?
Nobody is this irrational.
Which weatern values? The western values are to invade, to loot, to kill and to genocide. Western values lead to the two first world wars. Ten commandments? None is respected. Total hypocrisy is the rule.Replies: @Gvaltar, @bomag, @showmethereal
Every Western value given to them has been caricatured and corrupted for these ends.
The “Ten Commandments” are not western origin at all. They come from West Asia – aka – the Middle East.
Building infrastructure for the sole purpose of siphoning off the resources was not unique to India. The Brits did that in all their colonies. And Other European empires did the same as well.
Indians always seem like brown Australians. A little smarter and less unattractive.
You remind me of people that like Limburger Cheese or Durian fruit………
I still find Toronto cleaner than major American cities (though yes I notice more litter than say 25 years ago). I also notice that people still don’t jay walk in Toronto… Though I’m not sure how that is in most major American cities.
We may not see more Richters or Gilels. Advances in recording technology and the unbelievable proliferation of CDs and DVDs and YT videos free for the viewing have almost killed the live recital scene, which is where the old school talent matured. The very best players get university jobs before forty. The rest seek other careers and disappear.
Lang Lang, the Chinese super star, is rumored to have stopped performing, on account of muscular and orthopedic damage caused by playing too ’violently.’ He’s not the only one. There are a YT video or two that touch on this, made by ‘pedagogues.’
The Muslim religion was step up for India, for it meant not buying into the caste system and the; if you’re suffering, it’s your karma so I’m stepping over you, Hindu mindset. Islam is an equalitarian religion.
I used to think so until college when interacting with people who are in/out of Pakistan. I lived (accidentally) with a woman whose sister didn’t want to visit her because she couldn’t bring her SLAVE house servants with her to Canada to take care of the children.
Pakistan STILL has the caste system in all manners of their society. To say nothing of India!
Islam has not changed the region, regardless of its ideals.
The Indians we meet here in the west, are not representative of the population.
Everyone got along fine until the English colonizers divided them into “communities†at odds with each other. Prior they were just religions, and one could subscribe to either.
Absolute bullshit. If the Sikhs got along with the Hindus then the English wouldn’t have been able to exploit that division – as all conquerors do.
“Everyone got along fine!”
No it’s just borders drawn by Mongol conquerors, India has been breaking apart since its independence – and when looking at the last thousand years the past 60-70 is an eyeblink yet Pakistan and Bangladesh have gone – and if the Punjab and the Kashmir weren’t so rich (they can’t let them go) they’d be out the door to.
India is an old place with lots of history, culture, much of which has filtered down to us in the former west. THe oldest things written down are from India.HOWEVERThe state of the place when the English rolled in was not glorious or productive, it was RUIN. It was wanton slavery and destruction. It was Muslim predation on non-muslims, with a dash of nomad horse archers and their basic inability to care for human life whatsover.I don't believe people nowadays are even capable of perceiving entire human societies acting like killbots, dispatching death on the settled places without a second thought. We're centuries removed from those people even existing, laast places were Russia and of course the USA with the Comanche, Apache, Lakota tribes taking up the horse lifestyle on the plains.Now we live in "modern times" and we're removed from the unimaginable (literally) cruelty of the plains nomads, and we are asked to blame ourselves for all the misery and ruin of those times.Buddy, you need to keep looking because you will find none of that sympathy here.
Looger has a lot to learn about BEIC (before the EIC) Indian technology, economy, and cultural achievements in arts and technology. Most notable about the effect of the EIC on India was the process of deindustrialization of India. India was reduced from the region representing 75% of world GDP to a group of, basically, plantations and factories, many of them managed by Baghdadi Jews.
I don't care.Don't get conquered. It has bad consequences. The Chinese are still living with their "century of shame" but that's what happens when it's 1900 in the rest of the world and 1100 in your country.The elite scumbags that did that to India and CHina are still with us now, the Russell Trust, the Royal Family, the East India Company (we in Canada call it "The Hudsons Bay COmpany" and legally speaking we still live under it).England still managed to improve India so much that when the Lotus Eaters youtube channel visited English-built train stations, older Indians were asking the English when were they coming back.Empire impoverishes and kills the poorer citizens of the imperial country, to say nothing of what happens to the people in the conquered places. But honestly - can you imagine India for the same period under Ottoman control? Portuguese? Spanish?Say what you will of Disraeli's "White Man's Burden" - at least they thought they were helping. Can you say the same for Suleiman The Magnificent? What was life like under his rule? Or the Russian Czars of that period?Now that it's run by Indians, it's a fucking disaster shithole.I worked with an Indian lady who absolutely believes its every Indians' right to come live with white people in our countries. She and everyone else there were obviously told this. I asked her what India would be like with 17 million immigrants per year flooding in. She doesn't want to think about that - I mean why ponder the reality of what they're doing? (Some bad mental math on the same population percentage of India matching Canada's immigration rate)Why do they want to come live with us with our lifestyle if theirs is so superior?Replies: @Skeptikal, @Skeptikal, @Lauren
Then proceed to Wiki, “Opium Wars,†to see how India became the “fentanyl producer†of the 18th and 19th CC, used to pry open and sicken Chinese society—a commerce mainly conducted by Jewish entrepreneurs that controlled the whole supply chain in India and British and North American ship owners such as members of the Delano and Forbes families that ferried the dope to China.
The Muslim religion was step up for India, for it meant not buying into the caste system and the; if you’re suffering, it’s your karma so I’m stepping over you, Hindu mindset. Islam is an equalitarian religion.
Everyone got along fine until the English colonizers divided them into “communities” at odds with each other. Prior they were just religions, and one could subscribe to either.
I used to think so until college when interacting with people who are in/out of Pakistan. I lived (accidentally) with a woman whose sister didn't want to visit her because she couldn't bring her SLAVE house servants with her to Canada to take care of the children.
The Muslim religion was step up for India, for it meant not buying into the caste system and the; if you’re suffering, it’s your karma so I’m stepping over you, Hindu mindset. Islam is an equalitarian religion.
Absolute bullshit. If the Sikhs got along with the Hindus then the English wouldn't have been able to exploit that division - as all conquerors do.
Everyone got along fine until the English colonizers divided them into “communities†at odds with each other. Prior they were just religions, and one could subscribe to either.
Immigrants are one thing – but are you willing to compensate all those who are descendants of those stolen and taken to the USA? If not – why bring more curses on yourself?
“Testing in the USA show Indians are equally as smart as Chinese.”
It is the cream of the crop in India who leave for the US and the west. It is a brain drain. Not the same as China. That’s why China’s IQ is so much higher than India and when it comes to international tests – Indians score much lower (math – physics – chemistry – reading).
No. You are projecting your own bullshit onto me.Stop lying.I feel cultural superiority because the entire world is moving into our countries, they think they can "take" from us what gives us our lifestyle.The "Magic Dirt" theory.Canada is just becoming India. They cannot "take" anything.Without us, there is nothing of the modern world - nothing at all.
Looger really thinks he/she sees the big picture. I beg to differ. He/she actually buys into the “white man’s burden†historical narrative.�
All land is stolen from others - ignore reality and all human history but you're still full of shit.Replies: @Skeptikal
One that was used to justify taking land from the Native Americans (“we can make better use of it than they are doingâ€). One we are still using as we “bring democracy†to one country after another that we feel like smashing, and do smash.
We were talking about history, remember?
Actually I think Crosby’s book that I meant to reference is Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900–1900.
IMO one of the most interesting books I have ever read. IMO Crosby is not widely enough acknowledged for his pathbreaking work.
It looks like there is a new edition out (2004) with new preface, etc. At the URL below many pages and illustrations from the book can be seen. I read an old library edition. I am going to order one of the new books.
Blaming Islam for Hinduism’s cultural failings isn’t going to help India.
There have been huge murderous revolutions in the land of Hinduism. One of the most successful ones was called Islam, which produced tyrants as murderous and efficient as Stalin.
It is a very open ended question so I will try to be brief.
When I started mixing with Indians, I got the impression that Sikhs were more principled and more disciplined. After a while I noticed that they were not very much different in substance from other Indians. Pakistani professionals are among the worst of the lot in that they love cheating others, but some of them display a real sense of honor. Pathan and Pashtuns were uncouth but with a very strong sense of loyalty towards their employers. Nepalis were fantastically productive but prone to herd mentality. Sri Lankans, like their Indian neighbors, were mostly naggers and liars though hard working. The few Christians from Kerala who took professional positions were of a mixed type but executed their jobs in a rather satisfactory and conscientious way and did not cheat me.
Filipinos were hard working and they were easily satisfied with a modest bonus and were also prone to spending their money on luxury showoff products. I never had much exposure to Africans unlike my father and many of his folks who has long business careers in West Africa; they pretty much concurred that Africans had a high sense of loyalty if they are treated fairly but you should beware of when they lose it for they become deadly.
This is just a personal opinion based on my experience and I would not advise anyone to take them as universal truth. Good and bad come in every nationality and color.
India is older than Europe. They had plenty of time to develop Dot Wakanda.
The Golden Age of India was its Maurya Empire which defeated the Greeks. That was when Ashoka the Great promoted Buddhism all over India and Asia. That’s how the Indo-Greeks as well as the Kunshan Empire adopted Indian Buddhism and created Indo-Greek and Gandharan Buddhism respectively which then spread to China via the Silk Road. Indian Buddhism also spread to Sri Lanka where the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism was written down. Theravada Buddhism thereafter spread to mainland Southeast Asia while Mahayana Buddhism reached maritime Southeast Asia and became the official religion of the Srivijaya Empire. Here’s a map showing the spread of Buddhism from India to Asia:
India was a cultural superpower for most of its history until the last 500 years. In addition to Buddhism, India had the most cultural influence on Southeast Asia which included the Indianized Hindu Civilizations of the Champa Kingdom, Khmer Empire and Majapahit Empire.
You’re referring specifically to Chinese communism or to communism ‘in the abstract,’ I suspect. It would be hard to associate the Bolshevik version with anything as benevolent as Confucianism.
Although communism may seem like an ideological system, the Chinese government is actually based on Confucianism.
I’m a great admirer of traditional Chinese art, in particular painting and cloissoné.
Rulers should be aware of the people’s feelings, oppose harsh government, and advocate the principle of loyalty and forgiveness of “do not do to others what you do not want done to youâ€.
I think Western classical music is really a great art.
This music is totally immersive.
But just because I like to listen to it doesn’t mean I know anything about art.
I still enjoy listening to the entire Ode to Joy chorus. It’s very impressive.
But I’m very much against modern art, especially rap stuff, which I think is essentially black chanting, often full of sex, violence, drugs, it’s very dirty art.
A lot of our famous rappers in china have been banned for promoting drug use.
RJ Macready is not a Yank but an Indian realist, like Malla.
“mulga mumblebrain”
Who is this illiterate faggot and why is it allowed to roam Earth?
You read like a real ‘My wife told me…’ type.
You’re referring specifically to Chinese communism or to communism ‘in the abstract,’ I suspect. It would be hard to associate the Bolshevik version with anything as benevolent as Confucianism.
Although communism may seem like an ideological system, the Chinese government is actually based on Confucianism.
I’m a great admirer of traditional Chinese art, in particular painting and cloissoné.
Rulers should be aware of the people’s feelings, oppose harsh government, and advocate the principle of loyalty and forgiveness of “do not do to others what you do not want done to youâ€.
I’ve heard that speaking a tonal language helps. They haven’t produced a Richter or Gilels, yet.
The quintessence of Yankee racist contempt and disrespect-no wonder the world hates you and longs for the day you fall. Not long now, either.
With all do respect – Your wife is wrong… The Taiwanese companies first went to Mainland China because they thought capitalism would bring down the CPC and the government on Taiwan would take back over all of China. They felt they were doing a patriotic duty. Even Taiwan movies in the 80’s and 90’s touched on certain themes (basically it’s going to take a while but eventually commerce will win out and China will be one again). “Cheap labor” was not really a reason. Mass labor – but not cheap labor. They could have gone elsewhere in Asia.
Given both Indians' and AI's penchant for making shit up on the fly, your experience will overall be a lot less frustrating with AI. Few things in life are as frustrating as Microsoft technical support.
The Company has decided that using AI for support may be even cheaper than using third world call centers.
Over the next three weeks, their crack squad of Indians gave me similar misleading advice but in broken English, I was accused of doing it wrong, and finally escalated to someone on the actual product team…who promptly said that what I needed to do was not possible via API. OK, thanks.
So there’s a good chance your Indian tech support is plugging your question into ChatGPT themselves.
I would say more than a good chance. I have had pajeet contractors tell me to do things that would have gotten me fired while they sat back and watched to see if I was stupid enough to follow their direction.
Johnson, I am shocked, shocked I say, that you did not blame all of the Pajeet fuck ups that you have highlighted on Affirmative Action and the overwhelming plague of niggerdom.
Also Churchill was no hero, he allowed idiot nutjobs like ‘Bomber Harris’ to roast German civilians alive.
Thanks, 迪路, for your reply.
I was intrigued by your mention of ghosts. I knew ghosts had been a frequent theme in traditional Japanese painting, but didn’t realize they’d ever played a role in Chinese culture.
I found this quite interesting:
Although communism may seem like an ideological system, the Chinese government is actually based on Confucianism.
You’re referring specifically to Chinese communism or to communism ‘in the abstract,’ I suspect. It would be hard to associate the Bolshevik version with anything as benevolent as Confucianism.
It’s easy to see Xi as a contemporary incarnation of the Confucian ethos.
Rulers should be aware of the people’s feelings, oppose harsh government, and advocate the principle of loyalty and forgiveness of “do not do to others what you do not want done to youâ€.
I’m a great admirer of traditional Chinese art, in particular painting and cloissoné.
I’ve asked too many questions already, but would be interested in hearing any comments you might make about the amazing scope of the Chinese adoption of Western classical music. Chinese violinists and pianists are winning all the international competitions these days.
Yes. Obviously.
In the first place, before the written word, every single culture in the world depended on oral transmission. Obviously
"Verbal" is the same as "oral". "Verbal" relates to speech not writing. So you are saying the difference was no difference, as going from oral to verbal is no difference. The Vedas were certainly "intelligible" - they weren't some unintelligible jumble of sounds with no meaning.You find ancient Greek philosophy superior to the eastern one, and that's your choice. Aristotle's student, Alexander, was nevertheless quite impressed with the philosophy of Yogis and even took one as a companion on his travels. It was not recorded that he pooh-poohed the Indian philosophers the way you do. But then he may have been hypnotised and conned by them, the way the innumerable gurus con Westerners today.Replies: @Richard B
The difference was the transition to an intelligible verbal framework.
“Verbal†relates to speech not writing.
Verbal relates to both! As in, verbal behavior, written or spoken. And I was obviously referring it to the written.
You find ancient Greek philosophy superior to the eastern one, and that’s your choice.
I am not even talking about preference of a particular philosophy. I am talking about writing. And by any standard, and the West IS the standard when it comes to writing in general or philosophy in paricular, Western philosophy is and always will be superior.
And I was in no way pooh-poohing Indian philosophy, the way you were obviously doing to Western philosophy. What I was doing was comparing Indian philosophy unfavorably to Western philosophy as both have come down to use in written texts. And for a reason. When it comes to the written word, Western philosophy is superior and always will be.
And by the way, you helped make my point for me by mentioning Alexander.
He did indeed meet and talk with Indian philosophers. Which Indians and Westerners to this day still maintain is the best way to encounter that philosophy.
especially older ones with a lot of experience. Some of the fresh ones just out of medical school are not up to scratch.
Newer isn’t always better but as I get older I find that experienced doctors aren’t always up to date on modern developments or best practices and can be stuck in their ways.
Both ends of the spectrum have their uses.
The Company has decided that using AI for support may be even cheaper than using third world call centers.
Given both Indians’ and AI’s penchant for making shit up on the fly, your experience will overall be a lot less frustrating with AI. Few things in life are as frustrating as Microsoft technical support.
I tried using Azure’s LLM to explain parts of the Purview API that were under-documented. The AI made up all sorts of endpoints that didn’t exist and didn’t even give me functional authentication code. After a few days wasted on it I got approval to burn some of our support credits and escalated to Microsoft’s tech support.
Over the next three weeks, their crack squad of Indians gave me similar misleading advice but in broken English, I was accused of doing it wrong, and finally escalated to someone on the actual product team…who promptly said that what I needed to do was not possible via API. OK, thanks.
So there’s a good chance your Indian tech support is plugging your question into ChatGPT themselves.
They used to be a joke on StackOverflow, where they would pop onto random questions and beg people to walk them through doing what we’d otherwise get paid to do as a contract gig.
Even Indian animals look sad. Just google a picture of an Indian Street dog or indian cow and compare them to these beasts from other parts of the world! Case closed.
This is what will really turn White liberals against the narrative of Wakanda lost. They not only see how Dot Indians live but what happens to the animals.
If we could send all White women to India for a few weeks then we wouldn’t have any problems.
Indian men will actually follow around White women in the expectation that they are sluts.
These weird little Indian men will spend the entire day following them. As if White women can’t wait to put out for some 98 pound third worlder in a country that smells like garbage.
A trip to India kills off the Western narrative of Wakana Lost pretty quickly. Strangely we seem to have more posters lately that buy into Wakanda Lost but some alt-right version where the US or Britain held them back.
India is older than Europe. They had plenty of time to develop Dot Wakanda.
India is older than Europe. They had plenty of time to develop Dot Wakanda.The Golden Age of India was its Maurya Empire which defeated the Greeks. That was when Ashoka the Great promoted Buddhism all over India and Asia. That’s how the Indo-Greeks as well as the Kunshan Empire adopted Indian Buddhism and created Indo-Greek and Gandharan Buddhism respectively which then spread to China via the Silk Road. Indian Buddhism also spread to Sri Lanka where the Pali Canon of Theravada Buddhism was written down. Theravada Buddhism thereafter spread to mainland Southeast Asia while Mahayana Buddhism reached maritime Southeast Asia and became the official religion of the Srivijaya Empire. Here’s a map showing the spread of Buddhism from India to Asia: was a cultural superpower for most of its history until the last 500 years. In addition to Buddhism, India had the most cultural influence on Southeast Asia which included the Indianized Hindu Civilizations of the Champa Kingdom, Khmer Empire and Majapahit Empire.
Then your experience with them must not be very extensive. These people are some of the most arrogant, insufferably obnoxious excuses for human beings you will ever meet. Their women are the living definition of the word "c00nt" (small wonder that they burn them alive. I would, too). If you're American or Canadian and work in the tech sector, you will come to despise them like you despise no other group of humans. One of your deepest feelings of regret will be for the fact that Onkel Adolf didn't include Indians in his Endlösung.Replies: @ServesyouallWhite, @Shitposter_in Chief, @Ernesto Che
High IQ (100 and above) Indians outside of India aren’t too bad in my experience.
Your knowledge about Onkel Adolf is obviously derived from the comics you spend your time reading. Had you read some serious stuff, you would know that the Endlösung had nothing to do with the extermination you wish for the Indians, and you would not make such a serious, nonsensical error.
Yep, and MarkG is not the only one here.
Good point.
Indians are fucked due to terrible diet, climate and geography. Nothing else. Culture, caste system, religion….none of this matter. Even Indian muslims and Christians are low quality human beings.
The humid tropical climate ensures they are lazy. The horrible indian diet – very low in protein, high in bad fats and saturated fat ensures they’re all lethargic and sluggish, just passing each day, waiting for their next dopamine hit with each meal. India is hell on earth.
Even Indian animals look sad. Just google a picture of an Indian Street dog or indian cow and compare them to these beasts from other parts of the world! Case closed.
You should visit China now
My wife is Taiwanese ,
She told me about when Taiwanese companies first went to china to take advantage of cheap labor .
She told me how the Chinese workers took advantage of all the free stuff they could and just took things they could like chairs from the cafeteria .
Chinese people in Taiwan are more like Japanese in terms of politeness . Everyone lines up to be served at the shop no pushing in .
The fact that Taiwan was controlled by Japan from 1896 to 1945 had a big influence .
No us-er, it is a USian.
Not bad, but you should rather say things along the lines of
“Africa is like a Garden of Eden. Its climate is tropical and does not change year round. The Black African has no way to mark time. He has never had to work for his meal. Thus, he has never learned how to work. He has only had to worry about human competitors. This is what accounts for the intense tribalism of the Black African.
India on the other hand also has an easy climate. But instead of the Indians fighting each other all the time, India instead adopted a religion that favoured vegetarianism to make more resources available as well as the caste system so that the majority realise that it is their fate to die of starvation sometimes without resorting to violence to obtain resources to survive. Its only the Hindu religion in India which enabled civilization to flourish there.”
As for the Jews, the less that is said about them the better.
A lot of racialists praise the high IQs of Judaism but this could be explained by reading between the lines of the Old Testament. Israel and its neighbors had to develop discipline.
Fox promotes a similar narrative but it doesn’t add up.
Outsized contributions from Jews have been from Ashkenazis while the Sephardic have been more religious.
Some of the most influential Jewish scientists have been atheists. Marx despised religion and also what he called secular Jews.
A mass conversion with a group of above average European women makes the most sense. Something along the lines of Khazar theory but more likely with Spanish or Italians.
They also have a eugenic religion where they can marry the locals but only with approval from a Rabbi. But they get to keep out the riff raff as it isn’t open to the public. This allows them to be selective when it comes to intermarrying. Their religion has built in authoritative oversight on such matters.
From what I have heard about India, it seems that its geography and climate are very similar to Africa. Its people have never had to learn to work or to develop a moral culture.
Before White inventions like the vaccine they would have massive die-offs from famine and smallpox. It’s extremely politically incorrect but their religion and caste system are probably designed around suffering and there is sort of a push/pull with the population. Apathy becomes built into both genes and religion.
Mr. Bhandari:
I only read half of your article and I was touched an dismayed by your experiences. However, I have worked on a social theory for some time and I would like to pose it to you as a question.
I once read that the reason why the Black African lags behind the rest of the world in civilization development was that the climate and geography of Africa created so many problems that it didn’t allow African civilization to develop. Please note that I have never been to Africa but after reading more articles about the Dark Continent. I believe that the truth is really the opposite.
Africa is like a Garden of Eden. Its climate is tropical and does not change year round. The Black African has no way to mark time. He has never had to work for his meal. Thus, he has never learned how to work. He has only had to worry about human competitors. This is what accounts for the intense tribalism of the Black African.
A lot of racialists praise the high IQs of Judaism but this could be explained by reading between the lines of the Old Testament. Israel and its neighbors had to develop discipline. The Fertile Crescent was at the edge of the Arabian Desert. If they did not learn how to devote their lives to work, they would not have been able to eat. If they were fighting each other all the time, they would have destroyed themselves. This is what allows the Jews to develop the idea of natural morality and why Old Testament gave so many warnings about the dangers of sin. Please note that some of the most industrious peoples in the world have had similar environments. China and Europe had to worry about cold, flooding and other challenges from the weather.
From what I have heard about India, it seems that its geography and climate are very similar to Africa. Its people have never had to learn to work or to develop a moral culture. I am more optimistic than you but only in the very long term. Perhaps in a few centuries, there will be a tragedy that will strike black Africans or Indians that will force them to transform their respective cultures to be more like that of the West.
Here are a few truisms (dated but still true):
India is a geographical term. It is no more a united nation than the Equator.
– Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill: “Hindus are windbags, sly and full of deceit, professional cowards.
Beastly people with a beastly religion”.
Frederick Nietzsche (German Philosopher in Man And Superman): “Hindus cannot grow tall like cypress trees; they are like the creeper vines in a forest; if left unchecked they will overrun and strangle the forestâ€.
Winston Churchill (Speech at Albert Hall, 1931): “But that is not all. To abandon India to the rule of the Brahmins would be an act of cruel and wicked negligence. It would shame for ever those who bore its guilt. These Brahmins who mouth and patter the principles of Western Liberalism, and pose as philosophic and democratic politicians, are the same Brahmins who deny the primary rights of existence to nearly sixty millions of their own fellow countrymen whom they call ‘untouchable’, and whom they have by thousands of years of oppression actually taught to accept this sad position. They will not eat with these sixty millions, nor drink with them, nor treat them as human beings. They consider themselves contaminated even by their approach. And then in a moment they turn round and begin chopping logic with John Stuart Mill, or pleading the rights of man with Jean Jacques Rousseauâ€.
The President Nixon, The Nixon Tapes, 1972 (Dr. Kissinger warning President Nixon not to trust Hindus (Brahmins)):
Kissinger: “Indians (Hindus) cannot be trusted…
They are masters at flattery…masters at subtle flattery…That’s how they survived six hundred yearsâ€
President Nixon: “That’s all they got is flattery?â€
Kissinger: “They suck up…Their great skill is to suck up to people in key
Nixon turns the conversation to Indian women
Nixon: “Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the
Indian women undoubtedly. The most sexless, nothing, these people.â€
Why Hinduism Is A Genocidal Religion
Step 1: Hinduism sets up an immutable system of racial classification and a grossly unequal social order sanctified by the Gods. This is the Hindu caste system. The lowest rung of the caste system are the Shudras (untouchables). Dravids and aboriginal tribes are classified as
untouchable. There are approximately nine hundred million people in the Shudra category.
Step 2: in the Hindu cosmology truth is not an absolute value; truth is always a relative
value. In Hinduism truth depends on circumstance.
Step 3: Because truth is relative, Hinduism does not have a moral order. But society needs a moral order in order to function; for otherwise we will have chaos. Thus the government becomes the moral order; in other words the government becomes God and functions like a god. Hindus conflate the government with God.
This then is the perfect incubator for genocide. An illiterate and superstitious population that
believes that the government is god.
This also explains why a social revolution has not ever occurred in 3000 years of Hinduism.
The U.S. has decided to balkanize this so-called country of India. The first step is to create a country called Khalistan (the Sikh Empire was called Sarkar-e-Khalsa Jio – The Government Of The Khalsa, Beloved); 21 congressmen are onboard. Yes folks, truth, valor and integrity still have currency in the USA. Get the following free book :
A land for Sikh Scythians. You will become a Khalistan supporter.
Except for the last, stupid, non sequitur sentence, this is a surprisingly excellent article from Anglin.
The only thing missing is the issue of regression toward the mean. Even if all the H1-Bs we’re bringing in from India are brilliant, they come from a broader population pool that is much lower-IQ than whites. So that just breeding among themselves here, they are likely to produce lower-IQ children than a similarly high-IQ group of whites would.
The same way that two tall Japanese, while more likely to produce tall children than ordinary Japanese or perhaps even ordinary whites, are less likely to produce tall children than tall whites are.
The scamming Indian fits the “judeo-christian” scam artist culture perfect.
What the indian can’t comprehend, as little as the “judeo-christian” can, is the European Culture.
The Greco-Roman Christian Culture.
Koreans too had a caste system. Yes, Joseon Confucian Dynasty, Little Brother to Great Sino, Hermit Kingdom Korea had a caste system not that different from the Hindus. The Brahmin equivalents in Korea were the Yanbans and there were those Koreans who were living like Indian dalits. Slave caste by birth. It was the Japanese Empire which emancipated the population just like what the British Empire would do to Indian dalits.
Koreans were not servile towards their Japanese tyrants
Yawan!!! Show me one Indian who gives a faak
If the topic comes up, they revile Indians.
Actually the biggest supporters of the British Empire were the lower castes. It were the Western educated upper caste Hindus who led the Indian Independence Struggle. Muslims were licking British ass too.
upper-caste quislings
How were they deluded? Since you bring up Korea, many Koreans volunteered to fight for the Japanese Empire too. Are Tibetans soldiers in PLA deluded? Were Hindu lords fighting for Mughals deluded? Were Germans fighting for the Roman Army deluded? Were Arabs fighting in the Ottoman Army deluded? Were Uzbeks, Tajiks and Ukrainians in the Red Army deluded? Are some cases delusions while others are not?Replies: @Commentator Mike, @JohnnyWalker123, @JohnnyWalker123, @Man Of East
masses of deluded local soldiers
India's ruling class has no loyalty to the country. The propagandised masses, brainwashed by oligarch-media, are made to parrot their talking points.
The end result? Western passports for the ruling class while the working classes fight each other at home. Timeless tweet here 👇
— B. (@Wander4_1) January 2, 2025
I wonder if the Indian ruling class will just send all of their kids abroad, in the long-term. Basically, a “Quit India!” movement. Then the lower-caste people take over, due to caste quotas and sheer numbers, and end up destroying the country.
Skin color sliding scale. Same as pretty much everywhere.
The writer doesn’t get it, the visa system is being exploited by some greedy foreigners and they WILL be moving in, en masse. Learn spanish, lock up your stuff, watch your ‘6’, here come the replacements. BOHICA lol
You tell me to grow up, but then you throw a temper tantrum and hissy fit at the end. Lol!!!
Good-bye, Jew hater.
Have had ENOUGH with the whole India/Indian thing!!!! Their culture is the most alien to the traditional American Judeo-Christian mindset! Plus they have an historically internecine malignant problem with skin color which complicates their ability to successfully assimilate and interact with too many Americans! 
I don’t see Americans flooding into India for higher paying jobs and a better life! Why?

1) They worship and protect RATS as the Hindu reincarnation of their goddess Karni Mata’s male descendants, they drink cow urine as a medicine, and according to their “Vedas†worship “33 koti†or 33 million deities

2) Because India doesn’t have toilets! They poop in the streets, it’s a celebrated cultural thing! 
And if you are a varied shade of “darkâ€, you are “cast†assigned to clean the poop from the streets and the sewers…with your bare hands! This is why Skin Lightening Cream is the most profitable domestic industry in India, more than food! Again, it’s a cultural thing! 

DIRTY LITTLE SECRET; these East Asian Indians want to be “white†but they are not, and they DON’T want to be identified as or associated with “black†when some of them are blacker than African Americans the majority of whom don’t need skin lightening cream because they genetically have white in them! So when floating around in the melting pot of America these culturally UN-melted East Indians feeling inferior to whites “cream up†to take American jobs from whites, while at the same time feeling superior to blacks, detesting and culturally abusing the African American community! 
America doesn’t need that messed-up screwed-up alien stealthy mindset flourishing in a town near you, because in democracies, those who don’t assimilate eventually dominate!
SUBJECTIVE REFERENCE: The movie “Mississippi Masalaâ€â€¨
Released 1992

Staring Denzel Washington, Roseanne Seth, Sarita Choudhury. 

Director: Mira Nair

Screen Play: Sooni Taraporevala
This all might be true but the daughters of Indian and American parents tend to be outrageously beautiful. You’ve seen them. 🤩
The real problem is Americans can not stand the smell of curry and burnt corn tortillas. The smell is permeating the country and making Black, White and Asian Americans deathly ill. We will have to use AI robots to replace sick Americans. The problem though will be what color to make the robots. They can’t be White or you have supremacist robots. They can’t be Black or you have slave robots. They can’t be Red or Yellow or they are displaced or spy robots. Maybe Green.