Putin’s protectiveness of Israel isn’t mnemonic, nor political nor strategic thinking. It’s sentimental… to be explained another time.
Does “sentimental” mean Putin is:
1. Jewish?
2. A Christian Zionist?
3. forever in love with the Jewish oligarchs who looted Russia?
4. gay and being blackmailed or similarly controlled?
5. just another happy clown in the three ring circus run by Jewish Power?
I mean WTH? It’s about to turn 2025 and Jewish power has their fingerprints on the Ukraine mess as well as the repeated hurricanes of destruction in the Middle East. I really do not understand how Helmer can be persona non grata anywhere for writing such tepid essays where the biggest insight is it’s all an Anglo American – Swedish operation. Is that the best he can come up with?!?
Maybe it’s time to watch some Mr. Ed reruns. More to be learned there.
what you misinterpret as mis-steps, i see as as his very careful walking of a geopolitical mine field. he has faced enemies from all directions and deftly countered their actions, returning their dirty tricks to them, in a way that leaves them more damaged by their actions than the russian federation. just look at the “crippling sanctions” that have so crippled the western hegemony that illegally placed them.
vvp is a geopolitical aikido master, that has totally rebuilt the fortunes of an enslaved russia, freeing her, while continually facing down attacks on his fringes, color revolutions, and fifth column bullshit from the likes of helmer. look at what he has accomplished in less than 25 years, totally rebuilding their military and industrial complex, to the point it surpasses the combined output of the decaying western hegemon, with weapons systems that are two to three generations ahead of their outdated, over priced and over hyped systems.
he has freed the russian economy from western dependence, disentangling it from the web, in which it had been ensnared by sellout yeltsin stooges. he has built solid partnership with china, far surpassing soviet times, while eliminating the problems that had driven them apart. this led to the foundation of the brics alliance, that is now replacing the economic fetters the west had placed upon the world. now add to this his statesmenship that has fostered the same cooperation with korea and even brought china and korea on to the same page with each other. if that isn’t enough he has built a solid relationship with iran in exactly the same manner.
anyone that wants to claim his failure, is refusing to see the truth, that is self-evident in the phoenix like rise of russia and at that point the question is why. is this just personal animosity towards him, from some position of jealousy or perhaps it’s nothing personal and like everything else, all about the benjamins?
further proof helmer, like paul craig roberts, is either senile or a nafo troll, what utter bullshit. i stopped reading pcr when he closed his comments, as long as helmer allows comments, i will call him out on his garbage.
President Putin thinks mnemonically and politically; this doesn’t mean he thinks strategically.
Putin’s mis-steps are to numerous to continue to defend him.
Doctorow is the same guy who claims Israel is just an American puppet (not the other way around).
Anyway, if we’re all done with with the pissing contest, I must say that this characterization of Putin is fantastic. It gives us Putin speaking to the troops: not whipping them into genocidal frenzy or kissing their ass but saying, enough is enough.
One NGO head who interacted with Putin, I can’t find her because she’s buried under all the “increasingly unhinged” bullshit google shovels at you. This woman stressed he’s legalistic. And here he is, explaining, if not citing, the ICESCR to the officer corps. The ICESCR commits Russia to allocating all available resources to economic rights. This is the law with which domestic law at all levels is to come into conformity, progressively. And Putin is honoring that commitment in the middle of a world war against nuclear powers.
That is more revolutionary than Castro, Chavez, Gaddafy, and Lenin put together and amped like Led Zep. Because it’s the consensus of the world. It’s the alternative to There is no Alternative. No wonder Langley wants to have a nuke war. They would rather get nuked than see anybody’s human rights get fulfilled.
President Putin thinks mnemonically and politically; this doesn’t mean he thinks strategically.
further proof helmer, like paul craig roberts, is either senile or a nafo troll, what utter bullshit. i stopped reading pcr when he closed his comments, as long as helmer allows comments, i will call him out on his garbage.
helmer should go back to writing his ukanazi fifth columnist propaganda at the kiev post, he’s another rollover slavquat.
Helmer’s take on Doctorow seems to be:
(1) He’s a spook. Or was a spook, same thing.
(2) He’s got a pecuniary interest in selling booze in Russia.
Is Helmer implying that Doctorow’s still running agents now? Sounds like. Feds always call everybody Feds so this is not falsifiable and not helpful in deciding who’s the spook here.
But Doctorow’s thing is, Hey, maybe we should think twice before getting ourselves nuked? When has that ever been the CIA line? Does the proposition stand or fall on its own merits? Or can it only be interpreted as CIA propaganda? Helmer’s take, Putin as timorous appeaser, has always been CIA doctrine. СБРФ as expert coercion-to-peace apparat that you don’t want to fuck with, that’s beltway apostasy.
Doctorow seems like maybe an old-time area studies nerd shitcanned to mobilize DI for war, who got to like Russia and Russians. Helmer seems like maybe this grizzled foreign correspondent with a nose for the big story, and BLAM You Lose is kind of a boring story. Putin melting down under siege in the Eagle’s Nest has more dramatic yuman intrist.
Maybe just cool it with the ad hominems, this is not shouty Fox for morons. We just want to know how long till СБРФ squashes Langley like a bug. Because we’re getting tired of waiting.
“Asman’s record of this signalling sequence was cut short before Yulia responded to Cockroft to indicate if she had recognized the nationality or the name of the attacker. Whether she knew the person who had sprayed her or not, her response has been excised from the record on Hughes’s orders.”
Hard to think of a reason why this testimony was cut short if UKGOV was not conducting a farcically shonk trial. It reminds me of the Luton car park surveillance video famously cut short when the mysterious Jaguar was about to park next to the London underground bombers/patsies.
The British Empire has ways been evil. It is, after all, based on the culture that emerged from murderous Judaizing heresy.
Or do the British government buy into the Hitler position, that if a lie is told often enough, people will believe it to be true?
It wasn’t Hitler’s “position”. Along with “the Big Lie” it was an observation that a certain group excelled at using the technique.
The David Kelly “suicide” is a predecessor to the Skripals
The British murdered the Skripals. They had not expected them to survive the poison spray. Then they have the clumsy coverup. Is anyone stupid enough to believe their stupid shit? Or do the British government buy into the Hitler position, that if a lie is told often enough, people will believe it to be true?
It wasn't Hitler's "position". Along with "the Big Lie" it was an observation that a certain group excelled at using the technique.
Or do the British government buy into the Hitler position, that if a lie is told often enough, people will believe it to be true?
Umpteen million spent on a public enquiry where the outcome “Russia did it” was pre-ordained.
Nothing will stop the British from doing anything they can think of to damage Russia, including terror attacks against innocents. The Skripals are dead, murdered by MI6. Terrorism is part of British heritage, going back to when they ruled conquered nations such as Ireland and India. The British, consider the fire bombing of Dresden, or inventing concentration death camps for women and children during the Boer war. It is truly Orwell’s 1984.
The most likely reason for this UK false flag event was to stop Germany agreeing to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
I heard the night TV press conference from the hospital entrance, given by the Consultant doctor i/c the Skripals before they were quietly discharged. He said they had been poisoned not by a chemical poison but by Fentanyl.
I must repeat: there never was any Novichok present in Salisbury nor Amesbury. The girl died from a drug overdose. We call the event Theresa May’s Pantomime which was set up to piss Putin off, but he knows this !!
The James Bond franchise was created to spread love for all things about Brit Anglo-Zionist spy deviltry. To make it all sexy and fun and cool. In reality, it always has been pure evil.
Brit WASP Secret Service created both the CIA and the Mossad. AS evil as it was, the largely Jewish created KGB could not keep up with that trio.
Brian Berletic’s latest YT video also covers a Grayzone article about leaked info on British plans for covert warfare in Ukraine:
This below was also bombshell expose. Everyone should watch his movie. He hated Putin, but he was an honest man.
Wonder when Basil Fawlty will be taking the stand to bolster the government’s narrative.
Elements of zaniness. Possibly just a psycho from Porton Down.
It’s clear this was a British psy-op aimed at Trump. The NY Times, quoting “Western intelligence officials” (ho ho ho) in 2020, attempted to link the Skripal false flag with “Russian bounties”–both were blamed on Unit 29155 of the GRU. Who would be most likely to make this breathtaking assertion–Brits or Americans?
The Brits-jUK, The US-jUSA, The Mossad-Serial Liars/Murders! What is the difference? None whatsoever! You can’t believe a single word they say!
Oh come on. “Holly Willoughby has big jugs” is more secret than MI6’s hilariously fake poison plot.
This reminds me of the 007 movies, such elaborate ways to kill. In real life the British government seems to be insane Bond movie villains.
The sionistglobalists/ie rotchilds, rockefellers have been in their own war with Russia, since at least 1815 (by the Tsar crusched 1st sionistplan for world domination; wiennacongress). During the Civil war, once more Russia gave r-r the big finger. The molochists dirty charlatanic globalists decided from there on to destroy Russia. The war will be ongoing till the sogEnemy of all Humans and planet, are defeated.
Novischokfalseflaget was because World Soccer Championship 2018 in Russia, should not take place. The worlds best ever arranged World Cup. A real f…ng sionistblowback..hehe
Not so much a false flag but more a ratcheting up of pressure.
The ultimate false flag would be downing the Jumbo Jet over Ukraine.
Dead spies are hardly anything that excites people.
Was there really any doubt that this was all a charade for propaganda purposes? When the Skripal affair was in the news, I recalled the murder of Dr. David Kelly, figuring the Blairites, or their successors, were at it again.
This certainly raises the specter of a British false-flag in which the government killed Sturgess in order to pin it on Russia. This would be right up Britain’s alley as we saw in Bucha. And the brainwashed idiots of the UK continue to believe the official narrative. “Remember Salisbury!”
The conceited murdering buffoon Putin poisoned the Skripals. It is pretty much an open and shut case, with the street camera evidence of the two Russian nuts walking around in London and heading off to Salisbury after getting off the flight from Russia. I mean who goes to Salisbury Plain except to dance naked at Stonehenge? What do Russians know about this tradition? And it was not any druid season yet. Putin was ranting about “betrayers and s-h-i-ts” no doubt in reference to Skripal a little before that. He himself is a spy whose relation to the Truth is incidental and he sits in judgement over others? Then in that scale who is Kim Philby who betrayed whole nations into the Soviet maw? But he got a postage stamp and was able to sit around in the Moscow parks.
The camera evidence was in Scotland Yard’s hands within hours yet Sergei Lavrov was leading us along for months. I too was hoping that the Russkies were not involved, but after the Brits published the camera footage I knew I was a bloody fool to have believed any word from Lavrov and the Kremlin circus.
Deja vu. We can now expect the publication of Skripal’s book about Putin’s intentions (unknown to the West) to attack Europe and the necessity of a pre-emptive a la panzers defence against Russia before the Novichok clouds roll over Europe.
This frame job served as the dress rehearsal for the Ukraine proxy war and Britain’s maximalizations and escalations which have brought us to the edge of catastrophe. The Brits have lied and covered up about everything in the Skripal case, even euthanizing and disposing of Sergei’s cat because it was “dehydrated.” So basically, while Haitians eat cats, the Brits destroy them when they could be the key clue in a murder case that the Brits want to parlay into WW3. (Advantage: Haitians)
Hillary Clinton salivates over K D Lang
Colin Powell inhaling deeply !!
ABC —anybody but Clinton. I wonder what Bill is going to say when former Prince Andy comes over the pond to face trial? My guess is that it will be a hung jury —well-hung– bordering on humungous.
It is a pity that you PG generate such boring threads of paranoid conspiracy porn when there is nothing surprising or unlikely that an old KGB man would go on making up for his country’s lack of economic weight and muscle by using poison to send messages like “traitors will not be forgotten or forgiven”. Much more likely than an urbane Harvard educated lawyer choosing drone targets.
Just as a reminder of the common place if you cross Putin seriously read this from the FT
German politics Added German court convicts Russian man of murdering exiled Chechen rebel Verdict likely to place further strain on diplomatic relations between Berlin and Moscow.
A Berlin court has given Vadim Krasikov a life sentence after convicting him of the murder of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in 2019
Guy Chazan in Berlin 3 HOURS AGO A German court has convicted a Russian man of the murder of an exiled Chechen rebel leader in a Berlin park in 2019 on the orders of the Kremlin, a verdict that is likely to plunge Russia and Germany into a new diplomatic crisis. Presiding judge Olaf Arnoldi gave Vadim Krasikov a life sentence, finding him guilty of murder and illegal possession of a weapon. He said that Krasikov had been contracted by the Russian authorities to kill Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, a Georgian citizen of Chechen descent who lived as a refugee in Germany. “He acted on the orders of the Russian central government,†said Arnoldi. The culmination of the year-long trial at a Berlin regional court presents Germany’s new chancellor Olaf Scholz with one of his first foreign policy challenges. His predecessor Angela Merkel had threatened consequences if the court established that Khangoshvili’s death had been ordered by the Kremlin. The verdict also comes at a time when east-west tensions are already reaching new highs. The US has warned that Russia could be about to invade Ukraine, after it deployed about 100,000 troops along its border with its western neighbour. The entry of the Greens into the German government could also place new strains on the German-Russian relationship. The country’s new foreign minister Annalena Baerbock has long opposed the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which would deliver Russian gas across the Baltic Sea to Europe, and has been outspoken about the Kremlin’s crackdown on Russia’s civil society. Krasikov, aged 56, killed Khangoshvili in the Kleiner Tiergarten, a park in central Berlin, on August 23 2019 and was arrested soon afterwards. Russian authorities considered the victim, who had fought against Russia in the Chechen war and had lived as an asylum seeker in Germany since the end of 2016, a terrorist. Arnoldi described Khangoshvili as a “committed patriot and fighter†who “believed in the idea of a free and independent Chechnyaâ€, though there was “no doubt†that he “bore responsibility for people’s deathsâ€. The execution-style killing sent relations between Moscow and Berlin into a tailspin, with the two countries carrying out tit-for-tat expulsions of diplomats in late 2019. Russia denied any involvement in the man’s killing. But after Merkel confronted Russian president Vladimir Putin over the assassination in December 2019, he called Khangoshvili a “banditâ€, adding: “In Berlin, a fighter was killed who was wanted in Russia, a bloodthirsty and brutal man.†Krasikov’s lawyers said at the beginning of the trial that their client was not Vadim Krasikov at all, but Vadim Sokolov, a 50-year-old construction engineer who had no ties to the Russian state and the FSB intelligence agency. They said he had nothing to do with Khangoshvili’s murder and had been present in Berlin as a tourist. The Khangoshvili case refocused attention on the Kremlin’s alleged campaign of assassinations against opponents living abroad. The Russian double agent Sergei Skripal survived an attempted nerve agent attack in Britain in 2018, which western governments said was ordered by Moscow.
Thanks. You just helped me recognize what looks like another pattern. Same misfortune befell Lord Northcliffe, one of the last Gentile press barons, just as he was pressing his paper to expose Zionist perfidy. He was mysteriously mental illnessed while on foreign travel. Luckily, a doctor happened to be traveling on the same train. Though not from the country they were in, the good doctor declared his lordship afflicted most unfortunately with the kind of mental illness that not only shortly leads to death among healthy 50-somethings, but requires quarantine of all but the victim's physician.
Murray developed mental problems (he was actually committed with paranoid delusions) while Ambassador.
Soup of the day
‘My wife said “your lips taste metallic”‘: Ukraine’s ex-president Viktor Yushchenko recalls his poisoning 14 years ago, as he urges Europe to wake up to the threat from Russia
Yushchenko was fed dioxin, chemical found in Agent Orange,
Orange Revolution: same hue of noxious substance. What a sense of humor Putin has.
In the interest of complete accuracy I'd just like to point out that you are mixing up two of the Western lies; yellowcake and anthrax. Powell showed a vial of white powder(which wasn't anthrax, but I suppose was purported to be so, otherwise why show some white powder to show what white powder looks like?) not yellow powder. The fictitious 'yellowcake" is, well, yellow. The fictitious anthrax is white.
"I remember C. Powell went to the UN with a vial of yellow powder to lie and cheat the whole world..."
I don’t have access to the Thank You button at this time, so Thank you!
Navalny provides comic relief. I believe Putin would probably be sad if this clown passed away.
CIA/Mossad will kill Navalny before the KGB does.
Interesting piece, but a close reading shows conclusively that it was written by a non-native speaker of English.
Perhaps the writer should be given her own blog spot here?
Ya know, it’s actually possible for a human being to follow a logical argument to its conclusion without veering off into some kind of mealy-mouthed abstract bullshit about mistrust.
See? Now couldn’t you come out and say that? No? Why not? Have you signed some kind of sacred oath to be a pussy?
It doesn’t break your NDA to say your old employers should be tried in independent tribunals and imprisoned or hanged, and their psycho institution should be nuked. Because everyone knows that.
The zionist propagandists, including Mark Dubowitz from “the foundation for the defense of democracies’, (FDD) an Jewish mafia think tank, are spreading the propaganda that Israel wants peace with Arab and in particular with Iraq. The Mafia want Iraq to joint the ‘Abraham accords’ HOAX to relinquish its resources into the hands of the international robbers, the Jewish mafia, like Saudis and UAE to bring peace!! This conference for Iraq normalization with the zionists, was designed by an Israeli think thank funded by Saudis under the name of “The Center for Peace Communication” in kurdish region of Erbil, let by Joseph Braude, a member of another Jewish mafia think tank, “The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, an AIPAC affiliate. Braude also is close to Mohammad Bin Salman, MBS, where is more likely pays the bill of this conference.
But this think tank controls and directed by the zionist Jews and their servants, including Dennis Ross who is a member of its Board of directors. Dennis Ross is famous for his devotion to Israel and one of the architects of the ‘peace process’ where most of the occupied land of Palestinians transferred to Israel under this HOAX agreement, ‘the peace process’, with the US and full cooperation of the criminal Clinton Family.
Following the reaction of various Iraqi groups to the conference on normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, which was held in Erbil on Friday, “Abdul Wahab Al-Bilawi,” the head of Al-Anbar Provincial Council, warned today that It will be dealt with the participants in this meeting severly, because these people were with ISIS yesterday and with the Zionists today.
Al-Bilawi also called on the government to take a firm stand against the normalization conference in Erbil, saying “we will deal severely with this group of misguided people who attended the normalization conference with the occupying regime, and this is a great betrayal against the Iraqis.”
Sabah al-Taie, an Iraqi political analyst, also said that those who attended the normalization conference in Erbil would be prosecuted and that those present would be sentenced to death. The Iraqi people have spoken out in this regard and condemn any attempt to normalize with the occupiers.
Iraq like Tunisia has a law that forbid normalization with the Israel as long as Israel occupies Palestine and kills them. Apparently the punishment for those who break this law is DEATH by hanging in Iraq.
The recent action by Tunisian president against the Parliament, in my opinion, is to change the that criminalize those who push for ‘normalization with Israel’ to neutralize it
The president of Tunisia has been cornered and he feels he has no choice but ‘normalization’.
The US/Israel breaks the economy of these countries by imposing hard and inhumane sanctions to force them bend in front of the Zionist terrorists, then ask them to join ‘ the Abraham accords’ if they want sanction relief or improve their economies.
In case of Sudan, they lied to Sudan and did not deliver for its bending over. They promised Sudan billions of dollars, if normalize with Israel in which Saudi Arabia oil money will come to Sudan, not the mafia thieves money, to help them their broken economy due to wars and partition forced upon Sudan by US/Israel, but only few millions have been delivered. I don’t know why the Mafia who is very rich still stealing from Arabs and the West?
The newly formed Iraqi “rights” movement also stressed that the United States is trying to advance the normalization project with the occupying Zionist regime deep into Iraq by holding conferences under the auspices of Israeli figures in the Kurdistan Region.
The Kurd must know that the people of Iraq and the region hold them responsible for this conference which was held under their ear, but claim we didn’t know. How do you dare to ask for partition of Iraq when you don’t know the Mossad network is all over the North of Iraq. This is not possible without kurd complicity.
The Mossad is posed as ‘businessmen’ in kurdish region must get lost, otherwise their position will be bombed soon. Kurdish region is NOT a sovereign nation, and presence of Mossad should be aligned with Iraqi laws dealing with foreign intelligence agents, accepted by the parliament.
The following is a video from the conference made by MEMRI, an Israeli outlet, and contrary to memri claim of being ‘independent’, MEMRI is connected to mossad.
In following video, Sheikh Wissam Al-Hardan, from Anbar region, is reading a text written by Israelis with difficulties, ignoring the Palestinian’s, Libya, and Syria’s children destruction by the Mafia, crying for the Jews as ‘victims’.
I don’t know how much money he has been given to read this kind of rubbish, but he must have known that the punishment, if found guilty, will be death sentence. He later claimed that he was not aware of the content of the text given him to read. Stop lying.
Dear Sir,
Barely 30 years after the Godless communist yoke had been broken, the evil one is going overdrive to enthrone perdition on the whole world.
Litvinenko case is a double tragedy. To abandon the Christian faith on one’s death bed, assuming he was a Christian, is the most heart-breaking thing that could happen to anyone – friend or foe. May the Lord have mercy on all of us! Obviously, the world of spooks is glamorous only on cinematic screen.
p.s. through thick and thin, in the good and bad, there is a supernatural plan behind (actually, over) State of Israel. So, i think it more worthwhile if one expends his energy in righting the situation close to home.
meant to send the following to anatoly of unz, but he has still banned me. is there no forgiveness in Russia? 😀 (or maybe is still counting the multiverses.)
Putin roars, the Lion of Slavdom
heard by all yearning Freedom
who see the Star in the East
to be saved from Sodom’s beast
not to partake in demonic feast.
greatest of all shame but now called ‘pride’
in the age of universal deceit, Beauty has died.
“I remember C. Powell went to the UN with a vial of yellow powder to lie and cheat the whole world…”
In the interest of complete accuracy I’d just like to point out that you are mixing up two of the Western lies; yellowcake and anthrax. Powell showed a vial of white powder(which wasn’t anthrax, but I suppose was purported to be so, otherwise why show some white powder to show what white powder looks like?) not yellow powder. The fictitious ‘yellowcake” is, well, yellow. The fictitious anthrax is white.
The US government lying since, well, forever.
And remember all those cars that had to be buried as deep as possible…?
Almost as deep as the truth about this ‘event.’
Pompeo, Haspel plans to kill Assange –
Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA’s secret war plans against WikiLeaks
Thank god, the Iraqi judiciary quickly got involved and issued the following decree against the traitors who participated in the conference arranged by the pawns of Mossad in the region, the kurds, and other traitors:
[Following a conference in the Iraqi Kurdistan region on the normalization of Iraqi-Israeli relations, the Supreme Council of the Iraqi Judiciary issued a decree summoning some participants.
According to the official Iraqi news agency, the Supreme Council of the Judiciary announced in a statement on Sunday (October 25th) that it had issued an arrest warrant for Wissam al-Hurdan, the head of the Sahwa al-Iraq group, who had read a statement calling for compromise with Israel.
The Judicial Council also described the participation in the conference as “criminal” and ordered the arrest of Al-Alusi, a former representative, and Sahar Karim al-Taie, an employee of the Ministry of Culture.
According to a statement from the Iraqi Judicial Council, “a warrant will be issued for the arrest of other persons who attended the conference.”]
The kurds who held this conference are responsible for this treason and must pay. We hope the traitor Sahar Karim al-Taie soon put on trial and be kicked out of her job in the education because she may push for ‘holohoax’ education in the school to brainwash our children. She should be punished severely. She has forgotten what the Jewish mafia and the zionists did to Iraqi, Palestinian and other children in the region. She may have been offered bribe for her treasonous act.
Down with the traitors.
The world must destroy Israel otherwise no one will be at peace. The zionist mass murderers are trying to colonize all the Arabs through black mail. They have forced Sudan into their cage using wars, partition, economic sanctions, propaganda and destabilization, and now they are after Iraq and Tunisia and others.
Some of the Iraqis TRAITORS, like Sahar Karim Al-Taie, are so cowards that they bend easily in front of these zionist mass murderers with the help of the terrorist kurds who are Israeli’s pawns and spies in the region, holding conference in the north of Iraq, otherwise they will not be able to do this kind of treason in other parts of Iraq, and spreading the following inflammatory words:
[“It is both necessary and inevitable that Iraq recognizes Israel and joins the Ibrahim Agreement,” said Sahar Karim al-Taie, a senior official at the Iraqi Ministry of Culture.
She expressed her views Friday at a conference in Iraqi Kurdistan attended by hundreds of Iraqi activists and tribal leaders who openly supported peace with Israel. “They looked at Iraq, and still They also look at it and wait for their mother to love her lost children. “They are still waiting for the moment when Israel will be recognized by Iraq as a homeland they share with their brothers.”]
Are these traitors know the conditions of Palestinians in the OCCUPIED land of Palestine where has been stolen by the zionist that you insist to recognize? do these sell out idiots remember what the Jewish mafia did to Iraq and the region killing more than 1200 of Iraqis’ scientists and assassinate so many other scientists in other Arab countries and Iran traitors? Have they forgotten the Abu Gharib and killing of thousands of Arab children? You are traitors and should be punished.
Do these foolish know what happened to Sudan and Libya and Syria? do you care about
millions that these thieves and mass murderers have massacred? or they are only concerned about their make up in large quantity not to be sanctioned so they hide their ugly faces.
The Kurds in the north of Iraq must know that the people of the region are fed up with their terrorist activities to benefit Israel, and they have given them warning numerous times, that they should stop their terrorist activities at once and kick the mass murderers and terrorist Mossad out of Iraq, otherwise The Kurds will be faced with heavy attack from many sides. This is the last warning these traitors and terrorists will get. If you continue your treason in the region and let mossad mass murderers to operates on our borders then the kurd who are in charge will be totally destroyed.
This is the last warning these terrorists will get.
Israel is bombing Syria on a daily basis with the excuse that Iranian who have been invited by head of Syria, Dr. Assad, which is against the international law, yet Mossad is present in north of Iraq ILLEGALY and continue to operate and terrorize the people in Iraq and the neighboring countries.
Then Iraq and Iran has every single right to bomb and destroy the network of these terrorists and their accomplices, the kurds, have no right to object. People are fed up with these terrorists and pawns of the mafia.
Didn’t David Kelly work at Porton Down? Head of the Defence Microbiology Division, I think. Heavily involved in classified biowarfare research at a top-secret facility. Suicided on October 19, 2003. Just one of over 100 microbiologists, chemists and virologists who met mysterious fates over the next few years?
Always wondered what Dr. Kelly knew about anthrax.
Murray developed mental problems (he was actually committed with paranoid delusions) while Ambassador.
Thanks. You just helped me recognize what looks like another pattern. Same misfortune befell Lord Northcliffe, one of the last Gentile press barons, just as he was pressing his paper to expose Zionist perfidy. He was mysteriously mental illnessed while on foreign travel. Luckily, a doctor happened to be traveling on the same train. Though not from the country they were in, the good doctor declared his lordship afflicted most unfortunately with the kind of mental illness that not only shortly leads to death among healthy 50-somethings, but requires quarantine of all but the victim’s physician.
OK, now, where were we? Oh, yeah, you were telling us the reason y’all control the media is due to your amazing business acumen and y’all work harder than we do and value education more and plus we’re all drunk and only antisemites read the protocols of the eld– the controversy of zion.
Orange Revolution: same hue of noxious substance. What a sense of humor Putin has.
'My wife said "your lips taste metallic"': Ukraine's ex-president Viktor Yushchenko recalls his poisoning 14 years ago, as he urges Europe to wake up to the threat from Russia
Yushchenko was fed dioxin, chemical found in Agent Orange,
Thanks. Now I seem to remember that those pictures of Yulia in the pub were from a previous visit to Salisbury. That leaves open the possibility that the woman who flew in to London on March 2 (I think) was not Yulia but a Russian agent tasked to assist with the exfiltration. Sergei would have been in on the plot and prepped to pretend it was his daughter.
This scenario could have developed in several different ways, depending on whether the Brits twigged into the plot, and when. I suspect the Brits dismantled the roof of Skripal’s house looking for some high-level communication devices.
Perhaps serious government shouldn’t work that way, but it actually represents peak civilisation. No one would do better and various people in the cheap seats would likely do a lot worse.
I don’t agree, but good point.
Serves no purpose? By now it should be evident that Western elites are trying to consolidate power over Asia, having already taken control of the internal politics of North America and most of Europe.
That someone, somewhere, somehow seems to be making an effort to isolate and delegitimize President Putin by making him an international poisoner is tragedy elevated by its absurdity to the level of farce. It serves no purpose and, in the end, can only lead to mistrust on all sides that can in turn become very, very ugly.
In my mind, the “purpose†is so plain that I have to wonder why someone as familiar with Atlanticist machinations as Giraldi would wonder even for a moment about his question.
Yeah, agree completely, Cassandra.
The other thing to keep in mind is the fact that the previous known Plutonium victim was Yasser Arafat.
Thanks Bill (and GMC), very interesting addendum !
Regarding Phil’s article and my comment to it, yeah, this is certainly more circumstantial information regarding why the Russians might indeed have an interest in an Iowa farming concern, however, (and I’m not suggesting was either yours or GMC’s points about it) this in no way increases the chance that they would have actually tried to hack it electronically, especially considering a cost-benefit analysis.
I love you.
I’m still wrestling with the reasons why.
Murray developed mental problems (he was actually committed with paranoid delusions) while Ambassador. The man also had serious heart trouble at around this time. Physical illness is often accompanied by strange behaviour, and beliefs that alienate others.
Thanks. You just helped me recognize what looks like another pattern. Same misfortune befell Lord Northcliffe, one of the last Gentile press barons, just as he was pressing his paper to expose Zionist perfidy. He was mysteriously mental illnessed while on foreign travel. Luckily, a doctor happened to be traveling on the same train. Though not from the country they were in, the good doctor declared his lordship afflicted most unfortunately with the kind of mental illness that not only shortly leads to death among healthy 50-somethings, but requires quarantine of all but the victim's physician.
Murray developed mental problems (he was actually committed with paranoid delusions) while Ambassador.
I may have had a bottle of three of what is considered a soft drink in Russia; beer (IPA good for you), but anyone who thinks those poisonings were not by Russian agent on an assassination mission against defectors really needs to watch what he is smoking. Only a hash head could doubt that Putin authorized those poisonings, one of which used millions of dollars worth of Polonium and came after Putin was accused by the victim of being a child molester.
Vladimir Putin as former head of the FSB doesn’t trust the SVR or understand the West, which is likely why the inebriated second rate provincial bumpkins of the GRU (always those not good enough for the KGB) were used. The head of the GRU Igor Sergun died in his 50s. His successor Igor Korobov made it to the grand old age of 62, and passed away a few months after his star GRU operatives proved to be morons and made Russian secret agents a byword for incompetence. Belingcat’s nerds tracked down all of them, including Denis Vyacheslavovich Sergeev, alias Sergej Fedotov (born 1973 in Usharal, Kazakhstan. I think from his photos the GRU need better dentists. Bellincat was helped by Russian officials’ need to sell records for getting vodka. And in an early grave.
After a bit of googling, and buying Russian official records for a few dollars, Bellingcat quickly identified them as provincial Russians. The head of the GRU, Igor Korobov, was summoned to the Kremlin and instantly passed away. This may seem suspicious but at 62 he was a veritable Methuselah among Russian men, whose 'missions' on average prove fatal in their 50s. Russian opponents of Putin are poisoned, but then so do all Russian men men die of poisoning,, alcoholic poisoning; they don't get cirrhosis, because they don't live long enough to get cirrhosis.Replies: @Verymuchalive
Unlike the backward East The UK had CCTV on every public corner – in railway stations, hotel lobbies and airports. Any passengers arriving on a flight from Moscow would be logged and filmed. A port-of-entry database was available to western security agencies.
Incoherent gibberish. Do not comment when befuddled, Sean.
Litvinenko was an England (has nothing to do with Scotland) spy and died by mishandling dangerous poison himself. Of course Anglo-American sinister players used it against Putin. Unfortunately, it always works for the gullible herd of sheep.
“Normal” relations with Israel is either oppression or parasitism.
Is your name Mephisto?
If not, why do you try to predict the future?
You should not use the word ‘logic ‘because you do not understand the meaning of it.
‘Every pos in DC both elected and unelected are either in on the bribery, receive dark money for campaigns, grants, employment, and/or lifetime benefits for the betterment of the elders of Zion.’ — CelestiaQuesta
Antisemitic conspiracy theory?
Not at all. We have it writing from the New York Times:
‘Some progressive lawmakers grew furious with Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat, who pushed for the swift vote on Iron Dome funding. His maneuver appeared to be intended to calm Israeli officials, who had watched the dispute with alarm.
‘Yair Lapid, Israel’s foreign minister, called Mr. Hoyer and emphasized the need for the House to approve the request as soon as possible, according to an account of the call released by Mr. Lapid’s office.
‘Mr. Hoyer assured him that the decision to drop it from the government spending measure had been no more than a “technical delay,†the account said. Hours later, Mr. Hoyer announced that the House would hold a separate vote to approve the funding later in the week.’
Beyond belief: the Israeli foreign minister now feels entitled to publicly release an account of his non-negotiable demands on Rep Steny Hoyer, who failed to step & fetch it as quickly as Israel demanded.
Any competent federal prosecutor who actually possesses any residual loyalty to America could prosecute Steny Hoyer for prostituting himself to a hostile foreign country.
Lock him up.
Putin’s regime is illegitimate. Just not for the reasons the Dimocrats yell about.
Cui bono? How about this possibility: the Brits discover that Scripal may have re-established some link with FSB. They stage-manage a “novichok” hit on him and visiting Julia and blame Putin for this. Keep Julia hostage, as otherwise she would spill the beans. Secretly jail Scripal forever.
The Photo
Hillary Clinton
passing intestinal gases
the general direction
her White Female Boomer Fans…to them….tis a perfumed breeze negotiating its way through Hillary Clinton’s intestines..out her fat fuck ass….
Didn’t you just love the Quantum Agents arriving at the British Airport (Airwick Gnatport)?
Identical time-stamps, identical corridor: they occupied the same space at the same time. As a London feral kid once said of me, “There’s two of him!”
I KNEW I’d seen that face before:
Video Link
Newsbud Exclusive- BZ, Novichok & the Skripal Case.
”According to tests conducted by the Spiez Laboratory at the Swiss Federal Institute for NBC-Protection, a division of the Federal Office for Civil Protection, it wasn’t Novichok that incapacitated the Skripals. It was a substance known as BZ, short for 3-Quinuclidinyl Benzilate.
BZ is not produced in Russia. It is used by the United States, the United Kingdom, and other NATO states.”
”Lavrov went on to say London has refused to answer dozens of specific questions about the Salisbury incident and also did not respond to Russia’s demand for additional evidence. Instead, the British government wanted Russia to admit it was responsible for the presence of Novichok in the country and take responsibility for the poisoning.
“We get the impression that the British government is deliberately pursuing the policy of destroying all possible evidence, classifying all remaining materials and making a transparent investigation impossible,” Alexander Yakovenko, the Russian ambassador to the United Kingdom, said last week.”
(emphasis added)
USUK belches ten thousand insanely unbelievable stories about spies and poisons, but poor Brusnika thinks we are talking about Putin.
Here’s a map of Britain’s nerve-gas centre; it’s near Salisbury:
Putin and his Russia are losing everywhere:
Libya, Georgia, Ukraine, and even Syria.
Belarus is on its way out of the Russian orbit.
Russia betrayed its Armenian ally last year.
Russia has let NATO member Turkey into the Caucasus and NATO likes it.
Putin is utterly pathetic and a loser.
Facts are facts.
Putinophiles just don’t get it.
You might also remember the novichock dripping house cats that ran around the Skripal's abode...Replies: @Half Back
"Finally they settled on the preposterous notion that the Russian agents had poisoned the doorknob of their house before they last left some hours before. "
And if memory serves me correct they, the authorities, police locked up the residence (after some days) thus condemning the cats to starvation and death. A veterinarian who was involved offered to take and care for the cat, however ‘catput’ was the cat.
A sure sign he was right.
Craig Murray has been gaoled.
Sean is a Zionist.Hasbara troll…Unit 8200 must have a problem, recruiting high IQ trolls/shills…
Thanks. I’ll be sure to check that. I’m a big fan of his too. He vacuums up every stray detail!
True but the time for that was before this became an international sensation. Now good luck to whoever would have to explain the disappearance of those two now. The Greta Garbo line “I can’t to be alone” wouldn’t go very far with real jornalists.
I still don’t see the rationale for murdering them though.
The exfiltration of the Skripals makes the most sense as it does not have to square with two adults being willing to transform their lives by living incommunicado and under restriction. Personally, I could go for several years just reading, gardening, hiking with the dogs, and taking photos. I still enjoy making friends in the community and visiting family and if I were suddenly rich I’d like to do more traveling. Preferably not with a disguise.
Would Yulia forego marriage to her fiance and would he be willing to play a part in a movie?
Murder is possible but what Skripal crime warranted that? Same motivation problem with Assad using sarin for zero advantage, Really exotic agent and pointless to use. A juvenile, manufactured scenario. Same with Navalny. He strikes me as posing the same threat to Putin electorally as Guaidó did to Maduro. Murder even necessary?
The absence of surveillance video of the Skripal house may indicate that there WAS surveillance of it and nothing was seen of anyone placing any substance on the handle. The government would obviously like to not have it come out that there was surveillance and nothing was seen. Plus, the next question would be Why was there surveillance?
On the blood samples analyzed by the OPCW lab I think it is the case that the lab reported the presence of the agent and with high purity. I may have that wrong but I seem to recall that a Novichok-class agent reacts with water and that a blood sample several days old would no longer have a high-purity sample of the agent. Decomposition and metabolites undoubtedly.
That’s the problem with chemical agents and poisons. The chemistry can be a trap for the unwary though I hasten to point out I’m no chemist. The German military lab is sweating revealing the results of their tests as they might not match what they say was there.
Fascinating story about the dog on the plane. Also the point about the pub. Skripal happened to settle in Wiltshire after his release. Same location as his “former” handler. And Miller happened to be in the pub prior to the Skripals’ collapse on the bench.
No disrespect for Mr. Slane, of course. These relentless analysts are a wonderful phenomenon. Slane, Helmer, Who Ghouta?, Dennis O’Brien, Phillips Lemoine, and A Closer Look on Syria come to mind.
The Skripals are hiding out in New Zealand under assumed identities that the best Russian agents couldn’t figure out in a hundred years..
..and they lived happily ever after.
I’d call that heartwarming, wouldn’t you?
Think of staffer from saudi government trying to shake down one of the 911 hijacker’s family for immediate shelling off few millions otherwise …!
Retired Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson is the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell who emerged as a leading critic of the neoconservatives. In remarks to Mass Peace Action last June, he made some bracing assertions about Israel that I just saw the other day:
Israel won’t exist as a state in 20 years because it is delegitimizing itself as an apartheid state.
Israel is a “strategic liability of the first order†for the United States and is “the most likely state in the world to take the United States to Armageddon.â€
The U.S. ought to tell Israel now to “change swiftly†or it will cease to fund and protect Israel, but the U.S. will not do so.
The neoconservative agenda in the Middle East was “to set the Levant on fire, to keep Israel’s enemies so at one anothers’ throats†that they could not give Israel trouble.– https://mondoweiss.net/2021/09/israel-will-be-gone-in-20-years-wilkerson/
Putin has to go He is the wall between the armageddon and Neocons
None of this British behavior should be a surprise.
The brain center of Albion was taken over in 1694, with the advent of Bank of England, stock market capital, and corporations. The “City of London” became the controlling ganglion.
It’s pretty much like any democracy run by finance capital; democrats become prostitutes for capital.
Does anybody think that the average Brit wants to be deracinated, and have their children be groomed by Pakis? Their votes don’t matter anymore than does American votes for their “democrats.”
Founded on piracy, the British Empire has been built up at the expense of humanity. The English commenced by robbing the Spanish treasure-ships — acts of murderous and dastardly brigandage which are held up to Englishmen to-day as deeds of prowess. They continued by robbing Canada and the States from the French, Gibraltar from the Spaniards, India from the French and the Portuguese, South Africa from the Dutch, Egypt and Cyprus from the Turks, Malta from the Italians — and last, but not least, Ireland from the Irish. Over the whole world we can follow the trail of the venomous serpent, which has fastened its deadly fangs into so many victims. Over the whole world we hear the cry for vengeance and for redemption.
Piracy on the high seas became a specialty of our (((friends))) as they learned the trade during Levantine period. The Merchant would launder pirated goods at some entrepot city ringing the Mediterranean, where he and his tribemates would be ensconced, to then do “international trade.”
England and Finance Capital can be understood in the context of our friends and their fellow agents of Mammon overtaking Britain, when they jumped to the island from Amsterdam.
The first evidence of mass propaganda (((by our Friends))) also occurred in Amsterdam, especially the mass printing of Athias Bibles, at great expense, to then ease the return to England. The Finance Capital big bang event also included the further usurpation of Christian religion, which is now Judeo Christianity, where debts have to be paid to the creditor, and sins have become sexual in nature, rather than the sins of predatory creditors.
Its rather simple, the “creditors” want to own all of Russia and its natural wealth – they want to own the world.
ALL LIVES MATTER, stupid cow, I mean women ! You are worst than a sheep, because a sheep knows who the wolves are, and who the sheep-dogs are; you have no clue what’s going on in the REAL World ! This Country and the entire Western World are DOOMED ! Congratulation, you Zionists/Freemasons psychopaths…you did a very good job ( brainwashing the herd )…Your ( not so ) small problem is that 15% of the population, which cannot be brainwashed…ya know…that one which your henchmen from Crime/Cocaine Inc. are trying hard to ‘ educate ‘ via MK-Ultra/Monarch Programs…Piss Off…
Any experienced journalist (or intelligence or police officer) with a half decent brain would have been able to o chat with them and suos out whether that was likely to be true. Did she enterprising journalist ever follow up on their claims to be tourists interested in Salisbury qua tourists?
Nor a trace of logic in your entire post.Replies: @Wizard of Oz
my point is that there is no logical connection in what is linked in that paragraph
I see yo still have your recurrent problem.
It is high time, after all the information from Tony Bobbelinski, Glen Greenwald and so many others showing that Russian Collusion was a LIE, that the pig Hillary Clinton be hauled before a legitimate court and put in prison for around twenty years!! THESE LEFTIST SLOBS ARE NOT ABOVE THE LAWS.
Speaking of pufters..…there is 3 Star US Army General Slimey Mark Milley….seriously, his mother looks like a Rosie O’Donnell impersonator-just like her son General Mark Milley…
I was skeptical from the beginning of the Skripals poisoning. The “evidence” always seemed to leep from here to there simply to reach a forgone conclusion. With Navalny, to begin with he’s a sketchy character and the Russian government had nothing to gain from his “poisoning” . Given his known medical problems I doubt that poison was involved. As an Attorney would ask in a courtroom: Who gains. It wasn’t Russia. However, numerous Western governments did gain from a discredited Putin and additionally all opponents of Nord Stream 2 tried to use the incident to derail the pipeline. Sadly, our intelligence agencies along with British intelligence agencies have gone rogue and the people running them intend to keep it that way.
Yeah, man…Land of ZOG…
Lol. Thanks for explaining.
No offense, man…but may I have something of what do you smoke ?!…What 50 years ( or so ) you smoking, I mean…dreaming ?!..Have you seen the earlier ‘ Deagel.com ‘ prognosis for 2025 ( gone now in the ‘ Memory Hole ‘ )…US population UNDER 100 ( ONE HUNDRED ) millions…?!…If you think – like me, earlier, that this is a some BS site, think again !…I had a wake-up when I saw what the COVID jabs are doing to the sheeple…I mean…people…and now I am a…’ believer ‘…oh, yeah, it’s VERY possible to cull the herd by 70% in the next 4 years…By hook, or by crook…
I agree, snake oil salesmen come in all political colors. They rattle on using potent keywords to rally up their base, then beg for donations while living in multimillion dollar homes and millions tucked away for a rainy rainbow day.
You reminded me of how the right has no balls. Look at ugly dyke Liz Cheney, pufter Lindsey Graham, the list is long. It’s all words and no action.
But wait, donate now and help us fight for real Americans. (They mean all illegals and refugees).
Yes, but then you'd be wasting propaganda points. The Skripals are being guarded against the FSB, don'cha know, and being able to present occasional indications of how well MI6 is protecting its charges can provide heartwarming stories as needed for reinforcement of appropriate geopolitical opinion.Replies: @Carroll Price
A much simpler solution than letting them imprisoned would be to quietly murder them...
The Skripals are hiding out in New Zealand under assumed identities that the best Russian agents couldn’t figure out in a hundred years..
...and they lived happily ever after.
The Skripals are hiding out in New Zealand under assumed identities that the best Russian agents couldn’t figure out in a hundred years.
GTFOH, troll ! You are what the Romanians calls ‘ Cozi de topor ‘…Google, MF, what that means…PS: for the rest of the Westerner sheeple, I mean people, I can assure you that we are born and raised in a ‘ different World: until I was 20 years old, I didn’t know what really a homosexual/gay mean…I was in the Army, when a guy from Bucharest made fun of me, a Romanian ‘ redneck ‘, ‘ explained ‘ what that means…I don’t know, after more than 26 years of living in another Country/Continent, what is the spirit/perception of people from Eastern/Central Europe and/or Russia, regarding ‘ sexual orientation/preferences ‘, but in my/our time, 35-40, or more years ago, we had no idea about homosexuals/pedophiles, etc., at least in the Country side/small cities ! Sooooo, GFY…POS…and put your propaganda in that part of your body, where the Sun doesn’t shine !…
I guess the glory of Israel is Jews can freely be ‘antisemitic’ there without being persecuted by antisemitism. In the US, Jews knew Leo Frank was guilty as sin but felt obligated to circle the wagons against possible antisemitism. If Leo Frank had done his thing in Israel…
Sargent Shultz; “I know Nothingâ€â€¦.
Gee, where did you get such incriminating information? I mean, seriously???
Western governments, the most evil murderous terrorists on this planet.
AOC was elected to the US Congress by the Hindus in Queens…..highly racialized nonwhites voted for a highly racialized nonwhite(AOC is only qualified to work in a 42 second Street peep show to entertain Goldman Sach’s Gary Cohen(‘Trump’s economic advisor) at lunch time) to replace the middle aged grifting Irish Catholic Cuck who served the interests of Hindus in Queens….
Alex Jones:â€â€˜as long as they come in LEGALLY..pay their taxes…and obey the Constitution…let them in…†This is by the way is how a computer virus works-literally…The Civic Nationalists Cucks logic guarantees accelerated race-replacement….(works off the false if true…true if false logic of the proof of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem…..think the Harry Mudd episode of Star Trek….
The post-1965 nonwhite Democratic Party Voting Bloc is openly highly racialized-no fucking apologies…..at a time when America is running out of affordable Living and Breeding Space for young Working Class White Males. And Trump had promised twice on Fox News to massively increase the scale of young Chinese and Hindus coming to America….
Yes, it’s a Jewish Gangster state.
When whites cucked to Jews, this was going to be their fate. Jews use non-whites to browbeat and guilt-bait whites. This makes whites submissive to ‘morally superior’ Jews who then use whites to bash non-white Muslims.
I remember Yulia Skripal with a scar on her neck, and I wondered if she had had a tracheostomy. This while te novichock hoax was going on. I heard no mention of her having such an operation.
This made me think what had happened to her during her ‘protective custody’
Here is a link to picture showing this.(Sorry its Getty images so you will have to click the link).
All of her images seem to be copyrighted, which is odd.