Unz continues to be touchy about the Covid topic as it pertains, in any way to the vaxx subtopic. But I think he is OK with posting such material here (under the Anti-Vaxx Articles banner). This article is very interesting:
So the intelligence community knew all along, from nearly the beginning, (as did all the various other important government agencies, its seems) that this was 1) – a Chinese lab leak; 2) – a Fauci subplot, to rep otherwise, for unknown ulterior motives.
Precisely what I had gleaned, and said, all along. To be consistent with his past views on this topic, Unz must say now, I think, that Fauci was therefore part of the cabal that released this American bioweapon, in Wuhan, for the crazy neocons motivations that Unz has already pointed out (try to amateurishly and flailingly damage China’s economy).
Look, what this otherwise means though, is that either the Fauci subplot group has blackmailed the other important government agencies, all seemingly in the know, or alternatively, the Fauci subplot group are doing the bidding of this Deep State (for lack of better term) collective. What could either of these two possible alternatives point to? Well, that wasn’t to damage China, was it? What other actual observable (i.e. – not just speculative) action do you see emanating from the Fauci subplot group that aimed to damage China? So the only other worthy alternative is that, for either scenario, it has to be about Prince Fauci’s vaxx – right? What else could it be, that makes any sense, for either scenario?
I honestly thought I was looking at a satire article when first I read about the campaign to give the polio vaccine to the remnant of Gazan children who’d survived the bombing, to send them back into range of more bombs. The situation might almost be funny, if it weren’t so sad, sick and twisted.
Is it Saaaaaaaandeeee? Say could it be, that “fhrhfb” is Saaaaaaandeee? Creep on the beach, can’t clean it with bleach, all strewn with worm-infested Halloweeeeeeen Caaaaaandy.
In the midst of a global Covid democide by corrupt “vaccines” and in a year-long genocide in Gaza, the killers offer humanitarian aid? How can anyone fall for such a lie as this?
Wogs! How fucking old are you Cunt?
The liar continues lying, of course. Every international group recognises Israel’s continuing effective occupation of the Gaza concentration camp. Usually Judeonazis are better liars than this, but perhaps he was the yeshiva idiot. The scum-bag ignores the regular ‘mowing the grass’ massacres, the inability of Gazans to escape and the ‘putting the Gazans on a diet’ tactics as advocated by Dov Weisglass, advisor to Olmert, in 2006, with a plan worked out in 2008, to only allow the minimum amount of food into Gaza that would not cause starvation.
Your description of ‘Gazan females’ is filthy, and would be beyond belief, but the world knows the ocean of Judeonazi hatred of their victims that you represent in truly repulsive form. You are pure Evil, but I suspect that actually pleases you-it means that you are truly Judaic.
I concede that some wariness from the population is inevitable and understandable when offered vaccination by the invading enemy, especially if the population has been subjected to generations of radicalizing propaganda.
Why would a parent trust medicines delivered within the present context?
It takes a really vicious, racist, thug to argue that the Gazans should be wary of Jews bearing gifts, because of ‘…generations of radicalising propaganda’.
This is a favourite Zionazi trope, evil as it could be, that argues that the Gazans hate and fear the Zionazi butchers, not because of decades of terror, murder, torture, sadism and hatred inflicted by the Zionazi monsters, but because of brainwashing. The Judeonazi troll apparently expects the Gazans to return Judeonazi barbarity with boot-licking servility, like Westerners. Thankfully the Gazans have more dignity than that. You are a truly filthy, arrogant, racist swine, even for a Zionazi.
‘Masterwang’, no doubt a pimply teenager ensconced in some yeshiva basement, is of course, wicked in advocating genocide. But you seem to have ‘forgotten’ that Judaism highly values genocide, and the tracts describing the ways and means of genocide found in the Torah, are the oldest surviving such instructions. Memory failing, is it?
One wonders whether your fatuous bullshit is simply brainwashed, possibly self-interested, imbecility, or deliberate lying. The modified mRNA gene injections are NOT ‘vaccines’ by any traditional measure, but experimental substances that have PROVED (deny this, liar) more dangerous than ALL other previous real vaccines, of whatever type.
The modifiedmRNA injections turn the body into a factory for the production of the cytotoxic spike protein, for an unknown length of time, but at least six months in studies so far. The LIE that the injections stayed in the deltoid was exposed within weeks. The TRUTH that the spike protein is cytotoxic was suppressed for months. The LIE that CoViD19 causes more cardiac complications than the modifiedmRNA injections, is STILL being peddled. The LIE that the injections ae ‘safe and effective’ is still being disseminated by trolls like you. I could go on all day, troll, but your existence nauseates me, so I’ll bid you a anything but ‘fond’ adieu. Keep getting those ‘boosters’. Not missing you already.
I know with absolute certainty you will continue to evade this. You make the accusation, but you can't back it up. You're wrong, and you know you're wrong.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Please point to anything I’ve said where I, to use your words, have “advocated for genocideâ€. My comments are a matter of record. You can even search for them using Unz.com‘s tools. You’ve accused me of this several times, so if you’re going to make such a grave accusation, obviously you have incontrovertible proof.
You’re a SLIMY apologist for Israel, the genocide regime. One and one still make two, troll. Perhaps not an ‘advocate’ that implies prior intent, but ABSOLUTELY an apologist for the ongoing atrocity.
Perhaps you are not a Judeonazi by ancestry, but you certainly are one by intent.
That’s literally trolling.
Admitting to posting with no purpose other than to provoke.
Once again, you ignore the substance of my point.
Boasting about “doing your own research” when that just consists of reading kookery does not make you learned and well-informed. I doubt you’d consider, say, an ultra-Orthodox type who barely studied math or any practical trade and spent his life reading endless amounts of commentary and disputation over obscure Hasidic writings was “well informed”.
Today’s COVID mRNA “shots†are NOT “vaccines†in the traditional sense as they do not evoke an “antibody response†which is the case in traditional “vaccinesâ€. These mrNA substances are “therapeutics†that actually bind to and make changes to the recipient’s DNA.
Keep in mind that, according to the U. S. “Supreme Courtâ€, DNA sequences can be patented and as such, introducing a foreign (patented) DNA sequence into a person makes him a “slave†to the DNA patent holder as the “modified†DNA is owned by the patent holder. This is exactly what the mRNA “therapeutic†does to the recipient.
Traditional “vaccines†use a weakened or dead product which causes the recipient’s body to activate an antibody response against an illness. The traditional “flu vaccine†evokes a response, the recipient quite often getting a very mild “flu†as a reaction to the “vaccineâ€.
mRNA vaccines are mislabeled and should be called “therapeuticsâ€, NOT “vaccinesâ€.
The CDC changed its definition of vaccine from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease†to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.†The public health agency also changed its definition of “vaccination.â€Â
Ever notice that flu cases in the past two or three years have dropped to near zero?
As to “COVID deathsâ€, the government provided a very powerful incentive to classify patients as dying FROM COVID rather than dying WITH COVID as hospitals could claim much larger “payoffs†for patients dying FROM COVID. Even car accident victims were classified as dying FROM COVID to increase the payout.
Follow the money.
I am enjoying rankling Carney’s (small) mind.
The covid jabs must have gotten to you…
Typical paranoid idiot Jew-hater. Relentless refusal to respond to the SUBSTANTIVE POINT he was once again crushed by. So I’ll just drag you over to it again, and rub your face in it with merciless vigor as you feebly thrash and snivel:
Read the above slowly, tracing with your finger and mouthing the words as you go. It may help with comprehension.
…typical jew.
always have to have the last word…
I’m not a Jew, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Quantity of reading is not impressive. You could spend decades immersing yourself in the shelves of books cranked out by Scientology. Worthless drivel.
I research and read more in a week than most people such as yourself read in a decade.
Enjoy your jabs…
I’ll bet you still wear an ineffective mask, as well…
â€The eye does not see what the mind does not know.â€
Attributed to D.H. Lawrence
You still haven’t responded to this:
Once again,
Please point to anything I’ve said where I, to use your words, have “advocated for genocideâ€. My comments are a matter of record. You can even search for them using Unz.com‘s tools. You’ve accused me of this several times, so if you’re going to make such a grave accusation, obviously you have incontrovertible proof.
I know with absolute certainty you will continue to evade this. You make the accusation, but you can’t back it up. You’re wrong, and you know you’re wrong.
I’m not a Jew.
Your excuses for evading my irrefutable points are pathetic, and typical of the Jew-hater’s intellectual dishonesty. You’re wrong, and you lack the integrity to admit it, so you just sweepingly dismiss the points I’ve made that you know you can’t refute.
Nor was my summation an afterthought – it was laying out obvious common sense that is obvious to anyone with eyes to see.
LOL. “I’ve done my own research” is the immediate tell of a gullible goober who’s stupidly fallen down an online kook rabbit hole. It’s the modern “hyuk hyuk Cletus.”
No, doofus. Saying that mRNA vaccines are not “real” vaccines is like saying that diesel trains aren’t “real” trains because they don’t use coal. The real proof that antivaxers claiming that mRNA is their real reason for opposing the vaccine is the fact that they didn’t demand and flock to COVID vaccines that don’t use mRNA, especially the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
It’s a typical belief of low-info and especially low-IQ types that anyone who disagrees with their stupid, wrong, false “opinions” must have a financial reason for believing in obvious reality. No, idiot: I don’t own stock in pharmaceuticals, and even if I did, reality continues to exist and the facts I point to would remain exactly as valid anyway.
No, they don't. Just about every nationality believes it has not only a unique civilization with something special to offer the world, but often in fact also believes it has a special calling and indispensable role to play. That's just human nature. And every ethnic and religious group has chauvinists, triumphalists, and those asserting superiority and even a right or duty to dominate others.If you look for it, you can find such harsh remarks in the writings or statements of any group. That doesn't prove that group is, as a whole, like that.The relevant question is, how widespread, how dominant, is such opinion, how much does it shape actual behavior of significant institutions?Jewish supremacist groups and people are marginalized and stigmatized among Jews. Every major denomination of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed) rejects it and teaches that talk of being "chosen" is merely a call to being an example, to practicing greater empathy, responsibility, and altruism, not aggression or subjugation. In the real world, there's no possibility that this is some massive trick: every denomination of every religion has dissidents and ex-members who spill the beans about any internal secrets, and the contents of Jewish textbooks and surveys of opinion etc are not a secret anyway. Furthermore Jewish opinion is wildly diverse, with Jews disagreeing on almost everything; it's stupid and crazy to insist that they all march in lockstep, especially in pursuit of some grand conspiracy.
Jews believe that they have been especially chosen by God to achieve some sort of dominance over the Goyim.
I'm sure it feels enjoyably exhilarating and empowering to just rant at 100% maximum level about Jews, but facts don't care about your feelings. In the real world, there's a big difference between Jews and Israelis. And while diaspora Jews have had a disproportionate share of leftist radicals at odds with Western society, that does not mean that "Jews" AS A GROUP have such an "admitted aim". As for Israel, it has its hands full just taking care of its own internal affairs and dealing with the array of hostile enemies it faces in the Mideast, without taking on grand sinister projects about bringing down the very same Western civilization it is part of and which it depends on trading with for prosperity and allying with for its security.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @werpor
Destroying every decent thing once held sacred in the West is the admitted aim of Zionist/Jews.
At a guess you must be Jewish. I agree with you there are Jews, of course, whom are entirely ignorant of Jewish perfidy and know little about the history of the Jews. You appear to know nothing about Jewish history. A least that is how you choose to appear. You en passant glissando over recent events as though they are nothing.
On that score, since your thoughts must be reflection of your knowledge about Jewish history, why would I dispute your circumlocutions. Especially since you go on to protest a bit much that which was not said in the particular. Just so much “human nature†I guess.
Recent world events wherein Jews perfidy is widely acknowledged as facts, are neither acknowledged by you, or considered by you. Claiming all groups harbour spokesmen like Jewish rabbis for instance, who can be easily watched on various channels spouting their hate for the Goyim and predicting the fate of the Goyim as a permanent underclass of slaves under the Jewish thumbs is ingenuous to say the least.
You wish to suppose the extermination of Palestinians is just a matter of Jewish disputation rather than a crime against humanity; still the Lancet assumes dead Palestinians in Gaza are at least 185,000.
Did you miss Netanyahu’s address to the Congress? Are his words to be taken seriously or are his words simply more Jewish disputation? …Something as unremarkable as simply the pouring of the empty into the void? Please!
These congressmen seen clapping in agreement and it appears admiration for every second sentence; are they cartoons? Many of them are dual U.S./Israeli passport holders — most of them are financed by Jewish billionaires who made most of their money in the United States. Is that money not serving to advance Zionist/Jewish interests rather than purely American interests. In my mind these people are traitors!
NATO is a proxy for U.S. power projection in Europe. …Which in the case of Ukraine, NATO is aiding in supporting Ukrainian conscripts to confiscate the very land they are defending. …Land American corporations have invested in enabled by legalized confiscation of those lands supposed to have remained in the hands of Ukrainian farmers. For far more on that see http://www.oaklandinstitute.org where under the heading The Corporate Takeover of Ukrainian Agriculture subtitled Country Fact Sheet December 2014.
Surely that date must mean something to you? It has been clear for decades the U.S. policy in europe is to ultimately break Russia up into manageable pieces enabled by force of arms. …And of course that force is underwritten by NATO. The objective is to neuter first Ukraine then Russia for U.S. corporate interests.
U.S. corporate interests are of course Globalized corporate interests, doing business everywhere on the planet. It is easy to determine exactly who runs these corporations and the bankers who finance them and which force is regularly used to project power in the world protecting those interests.
If a few million men are killed — nationalist forces like Ukrainian conscripts — using up outdated military material all well and good. And of course Ukrainian tax payers will be conscripted to foot the bill for all the outdated crap — rusting hulks lying scattered on the battlefield.
Jews like Netanyahu have been informing the world that Jews will own and operate the entire ball of wax! And since, as he said, Jews own the U.S. and so there is no force which can prevent this eventuality.
So your comment — all innocent like, delivered as though an afterthought “…Israel, it has its hands full just taking care of its own internal affairs and dealing with the array of hostile enemies it faces in the Mideast, without taking on grand sinister projects about bringing down the very same Western civilization it is part of and which it depends on trading with for prosperity and allying with for its security†— is hardly the voice of just another innocent member of a small group of folks divided among themselves the same way as “just about every nationality’†— which is merely “human nature.â€
No, they don't. Just about every nationality believes it has not only a unique civilization with something special to offer the world, but often in fact also believes it has a special calling and indispensable role to play. That's just human nature. And every ethnic and religious group has chauvinists, triumphalists, and those asserting superiority and even a right or duty to dominate others.If you look for it, you can find such harsh remarks in the writings or statements of any group. That doesn't prove that group is, as a whole, like that.The relevant question is, how widespread, how dominant, is such opinion, how much does it shape actual behavior of significant institutions?Jewish supremacist groups and people are marginalized and stigmatized among Jews. Every major denomination of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed) rejects it and teaches that talk of being "chosen" is merely a call to being an example, to practicing greater empathy, responsibility, and altruism, not aggression or subjugation. In the real world, there's no possibility that this is some massive trick: every denomination of every religion has dissidents and ex-members who spill the beans about any internal secrets, and the contents of Jewish textbooks and surveys of opinion etc are not a secret anyway. Furthermore Jewish opinion is wildly diverse, with Jews disagreeing on almost everything; it's stupid and crazy to insist that they all march in lockstep, especially in pursuit of some grand conspiracy.
Jews believe that they have been especially chosen by God to achieve some sort of dominance over the Goyim.
I'm sure it feels enjoyably exhilarating and empowering to just rant at 100% maximum level about Jews, but facts don't care about your feelings. In the real world, there's a big difference between Jews and Israelis. And while diaspora Jews have had a disproportionate share of leftist radicals at odds with Western society, that does not mean that "Jews" AS A GROUP have such an "admitted aim". As for Israel, it has its hands full just taking care of its own internal affairs and dealing with the array of hostile enemies it faces in the Mideast, without taking on grand sinister projects about bringing down the very same Western civilization it is part of and which it depends on trading with for prosperity and allying with for its security.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @werpor
Destroying every decent thing once held sacred in the West is the admitted aim of Zionist/Jews.
The Judaic tracts that speak of Jewish superiority over all others are legion. And then we have Rabbi Kook the Elder stating that, ‘here is a greater difference between the soul of a Jew, and that of a non-Jew….then there is between the soul of a non-Jew and that of an animal’.
Similar declarations, over the centuries, are innumerable. You are, of course, correct that the Jews are a disparate group, but it remains unarguable that the Judeonazis, Zionazis, Talmudists and various other detritus are among the most evil people on Earth. It’s not Noam Chomsky mass murdering children in Gaza-it’s Judaics like YOU.
PIG ignorance, brainwashing AND an accomplice in mass child murder. What a mensch!
I know with absolute certainty you will continue to evade this. You make the accusation, but you can't back it up. You're wrong, and you know you're wrong.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Please point to anything I’ve said where I, to use your words, have “advocated for genocideâ€. My comments are a matter of record. You can even search for them using Unz.com‘s tools. You’ve accused me of this several times, so if you’re going to make such a grave accusation, obviously you have incontrovertible proof.
CoViD19 is still circulating without respite in regions where the gene therapy shots were given. Meanwhile, in un’vaccinated’ Africa, it has virtually disappeared. The accomplice in mass child murder, Carney, probably has Pfizer shares.
I don’t know what sh!t you are smoking, but it must be some pretty good stuff.
The COVID mRNA “vaxx” does not meet the definition of a true “vaccine”.
I’ve done the research.
You might do the same.
How much stock do you have in Pfizer, Moderna, J+J or other vaxx businesses?
Vaccinations aren’t “poison”, you crackpot. And while you arguably deserve to end up on SorryAntivaxxer, I actually hope you have a long and healthy life, despite making stupid decisions to increase your odds of serious illness and death. The real problem with you idiots is that you create a big pool for pathogens to fester in and evolve newer, more virulent versions of, so you’re a menace to everyone else, especially the most vulnerable.
As usual with Jew-haters, no actual engagement on the specific points I’ve made, namely Masterwang’s literally, openly expressed nihilism and advocacy of genocide against not only Jews, but also whites. You can’t respond with substance, because you’re wrong. Flee wailing in humiliated defeat.
Jews believe that they have been especially chosen by God to achieve some sort of dominance over the Goyim.
No, they don’t. Just about every nationality believes it has not only a unique civilization with something special to offer the world, but often in fact also believes it has a special calling and indispensable role to play. That’s just human nature.
And every ethnic and religious group has chauvinists, triumphalists, and those asserting superiority and even a right or duty to dominate others.
If you look for it, you can find such harsh remarks in the writings or statements of any group. That doesn’t prove that group is, as a whole, like that.
The relevant question is, how widespread, how dominant, is such opinion, how much does it shape actual behavior of significant institutions?
Jewish supremacist groups and people are marginalized and stigmatized among Jews. Every major denomination of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed) rejects it and teaches that talk of being “chosen” is merely a call to being an example, to practicing greater empathy, responsibility, and altruism, not aggression or subjugation. In the real world, there’s no possibility that this is some massive trick: every denomination of every religion has dissidents and ex-members who spill the beans about any internal secrets, and the contents of Jewish textbooks and surveys of opinion etc are not a secret anyway.
Furthermore Jewish opinion is wildly diverse, with Jews disagreeing on almost everything; it’s stupid and crazy to insist that they all march in lockstep, especially in pursuit of some grand conspiracy.
Destroying every decent thing once held sacred in the West is the admitted aim of Zionist/Jews.
I’m sure it feels enjoyably exhilarating and empowering to just rant at 100% maximum level about Jews, but facts don’t care about your feelings. In the real world, there’s a big difference between Jews and Israelis. And while diaspora Jews have had a disproportionate share of leftist radicals at odds with Western society, that does not mean that “Jews” AS A GROUP have such an “admitted aim”. As for Israel, it has its hands full just taking care of its own internal affairs and dealing with the array of hostile enemies it faces in the Mideast, without taking on grand sinister projects about bringing down the very same Western civilization it is part of and which it depends on trading with for prosperity and allying with for its security.
I concede that some wariness from the population is inevitable and understandable when offered vaccination by the invading enemy, especially if the population has been subjected to generations of radicalizing propaganda.
Why would a parent trust medicines delivered within the present context?
You may find my “screed†about Jews tiresome. I find the relentless propaganda by Jews, about Jews — ongoing everyday throughout media to be more than tiresome.
Jews believe that they have been especially chosen by God to achieve some sort of dominance over the Goyim. Destroying every decent thing once held sacred in the West is the admitted aim of Zionist/Jews.
Such an aim is an abomination. Jews are barbarians. They have become a suppurating and festering wound on the body politic. The Jew is most certainly exposed there in Palestine, as relentlessly, the Jews promulgate their stated objectives.
Rabbis’ continuously stand behind podiums’ castigating those who do not intend to be subjects in a world run by Jews.
The argument Jews have erected about Jewish superiority is not evident in the annals of the past five Centuries.
Oh yes, Jews are clever, no doubt about it. But financializing the economy is hardly a manifestation of superior minds. Running a scam, or encouraging prostitution, or running gambling casinos, or gaming the economy, or even introducing the Federal Reserve depend on minds, without question which are clever.
Monopolizing various sectors within the economy is clever but it is at heart dishonest. All, depends on pulling the wool over people’s eyes. An economy run on manufacturing consent for evil acts does not reflect well on the perpetrators.
Soon or later despite the scale of the ongoing scams which are simply Gypsy scams’ writ large — the U.S economy will have to be built back. But first the people charged by fate with the task will begin by cleaning house. …Meaning doing the same thing done hundreds of times in the past — expelling the Jews.
Jews had their chance at running a legitimate economy. But Jews could not restrain their tribal programming. Instead they have been running the West in the same manner as a Gypsy encampment.
Gypsies’ are mannerless ne’er-do-wells — grafting themselves temporarily on the fringes of a village — luring the unsuspecting Goyim by the display of clever card tricks, sex with their prostitutes which the craftily misuse to blackmail the seduced, selling previously pilfered and shoddy goods, stealing into farmers barns and stealing chickens and lambs which they sell back in the market.
Selling eggs and lamb chops someone else raised as chickens and lambs is clever. But sooner or later the crooks and scammers and card sharps and blackmailing manipulators are found out. The Gypsies move on!
Where will the Jews with their Gypsy behaviour latch onto after they have worn out their welcome this time. Maybe there will no longer be any Jews left this time around.
Maybe the Goyim will practice what the Jewish Rabbis’ teach. “Kill the Goyim, steal from the Goyim, encourage the Goyim to fight one another, scam the Goyim, infiltrate Goyim institutions and ruin them from within, debase the currency thereby undermining the value of honest labour done by the Goyim, steal the Goyim’s patents, encourage the Goyim women to abort their babies, and etc — but instead of revenging quid pro quo in a blood bath — the Goyim may simply rise up en mass and apply the law Jews deploy, confiscate all the assets gained by deception, eliminate the Federal Reserve, make it illegal for Jews to aspire to any elected positions, get rid of unions, forbid bribery and lobbying, break up the monopolies, all of them, and last imprison every last promulgator of maleficent behaviour.
The U.S. foreign policy is evil. So the answer is simply to forbid Jews from formulating foreign policy. Why? Because the United Stated foreign policy is Jewish/Zionist policy. Manifest as U.S *foreign policy* is doing in Palestine is a blight on humanity.
Jews bring the wrath of the Goyim down upon them then blame everyone but themselves and their evil handiwork for the consequences. This time the entire world is witness to the evil promulgations of the Jews in what Jews call Israel. Jewish/Zionists began agitating for a *homeland* in Palestine since the nineteenth Century. The Jews in fact stole Palestine from the people living there — which they were warned not to do in the letter know as the Balfour declaration — a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 — supporting the establishment of a “ national home for the Jewish people in Palestine.â€
My family background is English and on my father’s side Jewish. He was in Palestine during the Arab Uprising. He was disgusted with the behaviour of the British soldiers and the Jews.
Jewish behaviour is tiresome. They spend their entire lives defending their evil double crossing manipulations which they are constitutionally unable to admit.
They are rogue elephants. Wild elephants in India are tamed by harnessing them between two tame elephants.
Jews are like rogue elephants. They need taming.
No, they don't. Just about every nationality believes it has not only a unique civilization with something special to offer the world, but often in fact also believes it has a special calling and indispensable role to play. That's just human nature. And every ethnic and religious group has chauvinists, triumphalists, and those asserting superiority and even a right or duty to dominate others.If you look for it, you can find such harsh remarks in the writings or statements of any group. That doesn't prove that group is, as a whole, like that.The relevant question is, how widespread, how dominant, is such opinion, how much does it shape actual behavior of significant institutions?Jewish supremacist groups and people are marginalized and stigmatized among Jews. Every major denomination of Judaism (Orthodox, Conservative, Reformed) rejects it and teaches that talk of being "chosen" is merely a call to being an example, to practicing greater empathy, responsibility, and altruism, not aggression or subjugation. In the real world, there's no possibility that this is some massive trick: every denomination of every religion has dissidents and ex-members who spill the beans about any internal secrets, and the contents of Jewish textbooks and surveys of opinion etc are not a secret anyway. Furthermore Jewish opinion is wildly diverse, with Jews disagreeing on almost everything; it's stupid and crazy to insist that they all march in lockstep, especially in pursuit of some grand conspiracy.
Jews believe that they have been especially chosen by God to achieve some sort of dominance over the Goyim.
I'm sure it feels enjoyably exhilarating and empowering to just rant at 100% maximum level about Jews, but facts don't care about your feelings. In the real world, there's a big difference between Jews and Israelis. And while diaspora Jews have had a disproportionate share of leftist radicals at odds with Western society, that does not mean that "Jews" AS A GROUP have such an "admitted aim". As for Israel, it has its hands full just taking care of its own internal affairs and dealing with the array of hostile enemies it faces in the Mideast, without taking on grand sinister projects about bringing down the very same Western civilization it is part of and which it depends on trading with for prosperity and allying with for its security.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @werpor
Destroying every decent thing once held sacred in the West is the admitted aim of Zionist/Jews.
Lol, a jew accusing me of distraction, yet i’ve heard everything.
Welcome to my ignore list.
I hope you took all of the covid poison mRNA “jabs”.
You deserve it.
Why would a parent trust medicines delivered within the present context?
I concede that some wariness from the population is inevitable and understandable when offered vaccination by the invading enemy, especially if the population has been subjected to generations of radicalizing propaganda.
But the relevant question is not what a poorly-educated, average 85 IQ population that’s been whipped up into a frenzy of religious fanaticism, racial bloodlust, and a panoply of delusions thinks.
It’s what a rational and sensible person, with an IQ and education appropriate for a college graduate capable white man, should make of the situation.
Your tiresome and hysterical screed about Jews says a lot more about you than about them, and rules you out of the group of sober people with their feet on the ground.
Masterwang made no actual point at all. He just responded to my points by basically saying “your arguments are clever … but convincing, fact-based arguments are just the tactics of sly Jews like you so we can just ignore them” – which fits his overall, openly-admitted nihilism, rejection of reason, embrace of ad hominem and anti-Semitic paranoia (I am not, not that it matters in terms of the merits of the points I make, a Jew) and advocacy of genocide of Jews and whites on behalf of Chinese or perhaps east Asians as a whole.
Is that the “we” you are talking about? You said “we”, identifying yourself with Masterwang. So, you’re on the nihilistic genocidal team?
As for YOUR points, they again ignore what I said. If you want me to respond to your claims, then you need to respond to what I said specifically before you change the subject to your own little Gish Gallop distraction.
Most folks are completely unaware that the Pharma and .gov chop shops like FDA, CDC, NIH, Dept HHS… never experiment against real placebo’s…only other poison potions.
But then, the whole poisonous $Trillion industry is based upon Lies.
I cannot even imagine the constant laughter coming from those that profit & benefit from this multi-century Hoax upon Humanity…
No, the point we’re making is that if Israel really cared about those children all along, it definitely would not have first referred to the amalek bible Story, then systematically destroyed water purification systems, schools and hospitals, let alone allow snipers to shoot kids in the heart AND head, drive a tank over their dead bodies then piss on them for added effect.
That’s the facts, logic and common sense most of us applied to reach that conclusion.
But nice attempt to try portraying this vaccine campaign as benevolent and kind hearted, the world almost fell for it 😂
Israel evacuated Gaza way back in 2005. By fall 2023, it had been 18 years since Gaza had been made judenfrei by the Jewish state, long enough for an entire generation in Gaza to be born and have grown up into adulthood without a single day of Jews living in Gaza.
So if the paradigm is intruding into other peoples’ homes, Hamas intruded into Israel on Oct. 7, murdered a lot of people. Israel went into Gaza to pursue the killers and smash their gang once and for all.
This war turning into the protracted slog that it’s become, and with the Gaza females continuing to extrude offspring like Pez dispensers, and finally with Hamas stealing everything that’s not nailed down, especially humanitarian aid, Israel has the choice of doing nothing to prevent a polio epidemic, or trying to prevent one. Waiting til the war is over means doing the former.
That’s a flawed paradigm.
If you come into my house and wreck my shit, I’m going to “politely” ask you to leave before you cause more damage.
If you refuse to leave and insist on helping with the cleanup, not only have you wrecked my shit, but now you’re adding trespassing to the list of offenses.
With spycraft, narcissists and Jews, feigned concern creates opportunity for unlawful persistence, and is the point where they take advantage of the chaos and rationalize their “permitted” access as means to sabotage something else.
They are antisocial personality disorder incarnate– actual gremlins.
Please point to anything I’ve said where I, to use your words, have “advocated for genocide”. My comments are a matter of record. You can even search for them using Unz.com‘s tools. You’ve accused me of this several times, so if you’re going to make such a grave accusation, obviously you have incontrovertible proof.
Note: my denying that a genocide is occurring OBVIOUSLY doesn’t count as ADVOCATING a genocide, because if one were occurring, and I supported it, then I’d be gleefully acknowledging it and cheering it on.
Since, instead, I agree that exterminating the Gaza Arabs would be wrong, I cannot actually be an “advocate for genocide.”
Begging the question that a genocide is happening, you could at least logically accuse me of lying and denying an actual genocide. But instead, you idiotically accused me of ADVOCATING it.
That’s just one out of the many obvious contradictions and stupidities in your post, but I’ll just keep it focused on this one simple issue.
I’m sure you won’t respond in direct, logical fashion to this specific point, and instead just screech and hurl self-discreditingly paranoid insults, per your usual policy. Let’s see if you exceed my rock-bottom expectations.
Carney, the child-butcher returns from the bottom of the cesspool, to advocate for genocide and mass child murder. What a good little Talmudist he is. And the LIES-he is a traditionalist Judeonazi, for sure.
The war started in 1947, and this SLAUGHTER, no ‘war’, is just the latest resistance campaign by human beings oppressed by Satanic monsters. That’s YOU, troll. Yes, the food is inadequate, Gazans are starving, but that is carefully planned. The massacres at food distribution sites and of international humanitarian workers is just Judeonazi sport and religious observances. I mean-‘international humanitarian’-the mere words are enough to send a ghoul like Carney into a frenzy of blood-lust.
Of course Israel is indifferent to child suffering. To argue otherwise is COMPLICITY in the slaughter, and one hopes that this troll faces justice for it one day. But no-one lies like a Zionazi, do they. Hamas started NOTHING on October 7-the Judeonazis did that decades ago. The vast bulk of civilian casualties on October 7 were caused by IDF ‘friendly fire’ and deliberate murder under the Hannibal Procedure.
And the troll clearly has Pfizer shares. The modified mRNA injections have caused more adverse reactions than ALL previous vaccines combined, and are largely ineffective, save perhaps in the elderly and those with co-morbidities. And just why is Israel the only state not to have joined the Biological Weapons Convention? Just what have you got prepared for the goyim?And it leaves the best for last, a trade-mark Judeonazi FRENZY of slander and abuse against Dennis Rancourt. Clearly the Judeonazi troll has some interest, probably pecuniary given the furious nature of the abuse, in the death shots.
1. There is no “ongoing genocide in Gaza” – merely high-intensity or medium-intensity urban warfare, causing no appreciably greater rate of civilian casualties than any other similar-intensity urban warfare in history.
2. Scare quotes around Israel’s name are childish and stupid. Israel has a name. Namely, Israel. It’s a UN-created UN member state, legally recognized around the world, including by countries like Russia and China that reject the US-led Western order. And a large and growing number of Arab / Muslim states, which is the reason Hamas started this war.
3. “since they don’t allow any food, water, help or medicine on purpose” a stupid lie. Stupid lies overreach and make absolute statements that are easily refuted. It would be a smarter and more effective lie to say Israel doesn’t allow ENOUGH food, water etc. on purpose, which would let you dismiss any response pointing to various food and water shipments as being supposedly inadequate. As it stands, the various food and water shipments expose you as wrong and therefore either ignorant or dishonest.
4. Israel isn’t trying to harm children, let alone exterminate them. As is visibly obvious to the non-insane, Israel is a nuclear-armed power that could have easily exterminated all Gaza Arabs decades ago if it wished to, with nobody being able to stop them. Instead, Israel provides warnings in advance for its air strikes (ruining operational surprise), civilian evacuation corridors, agrees to humanitarian truces and supply infrastructure. etc., but it still unavoidably harms some of them as part of the horror of an urban war THAT HAMAS STARTED. Therefore, Israel offering vaccines is actually consistent with its collateral damage reduction efforts – both reflect its respect for innocent human life which its terrorist enemies lack.
5. The COVID vaccine is not a genocide against humanity FFS. The vaccine hugely reduces the rate of serious illness and death compared to comparable populations of the unvaccinated and never-infected. That’s the whole point. The idea that you could get the de facto entirety of the world medical community to try to exterminate humanity is howling madness. Especially because there IS no one COVID vaccine – there are many competing ones, some of the new mRNA technology, others using the (LESS EFFECTIVE) traditional method.
6. In a world of billions in which there are thousands upon thousands of universities, there’s inevitably going to be, among the millions of science or math credentialed people, a few malcontents, crackpots, obnoxious types who are impossible to work with or keep employed in a functioning institution with any meaningful standards. Rancourt is an erratic loon who insisted on pushing even the extremely lax Canadian academic system past breaking point, by abusing his position to force-feed his totally irrelevant personal political rants onto his students who had signed up to study physics, along with persistent misconduct in many other fields. In other words, someone with extremely poor judgement, and thus exactly the kind of person glommed onto by other people with extremely poor judgement – which is what it takes to stubbornly dismiss overwhelming evidence for so-called “conventional” opinion and to give wildly undue credence to the claims that are, at best, crushingly outweighed by contrary evidence, if not obvious nonsense and long ago refuted.
The Amish do not use vaccines and not one of them have autism
I can’t believe the balls on this guy! Is he still alive??!
“I’m dancing a jig…”
A Chinaman dancing… now that’s funny!
Are you INSANE sepoy? I explained just why I see you as a Quisling stooge, an avid ase-kisser of the Zionazi butchers. I’m not ‘squirming’, troll-I’m dancing a jig.
If they do take the vaccine, they run the risk of getting vaccine induced polio.
If they don’t, they run the risk of getting it from the environment. Especially now that the vaccine has introduced it on a wide scale.
They probably would have been better off accepting only the old more trusted version. If any.
A better question might be: why did Hamas approve the vaccine roll out?
The worm is squirming…
Not so much ‘soldier’ but Quisling compradore in the service of the White Boss. Now, THAT is you, to the life, troll.
They STILL do it on the West Bank. You can’t teach an old hyena new tricks. (Apologies to hyenae).
I was one of the first person, if not the first on TUR to warn about the polio “vaccination campaign launched by the UN/WHO in the midst of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. I awas alos one of the few commenter’s noticing the peculiarity of this move from “israel” since they don’t allow any food, water, help or medicine on purpose since almost one year. Why would they allow a “vaccine” to save the children they try so hard to exterminate and displace?
Mike Whitney has taken my and other commenters idea and wrote an article about it. He just took three articles from Dr Trozzi, CHD (RFK Jr. creation) and Husseini nd connected the dots. I am glad he did it and thanked him for that.
BUT, I left a comment yesterday about this and amazingly it was either shadow banned or censored. In this comment I praised Dr Trozzi and mentioned like he does since 2020 the genocide perpetrated against humnaity by the likes of the WHO, Gates (GAVI), big pharma and almost all government under the auspice of the UN.
I know on TUR there are a large number of hardliner believers in the mantra of “covid was a real pandemic”, despite the (real) science, the evidence(s) and the more and more obvious studies that prove that it was a manufactured crisis as evil as 9/11 or other created crises of this kind.
I respect their opinions if they are not dogmas, but I don’t think anyone has the right to censor someone who has another opinion, especially one deeply grounded in facts, reality and real scientific studies like the ones Denis Rancourt has been presenting since 4 years.
Just in case there is a doubt about the pedigree of this great man:
Denis Rancourt holds B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in physics, and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Toronto. He was a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada international post‑doctoral candidate in national scientific laboratories in France and in The Netherlands. He then became a national NSERC University Research Fellow (NSERC-URF), in Canada, and a lead researcher and professor at the University of Ottawa for 23 years, where he attained the highest academic rank of tenured Full Professor. He is an interdisciplinary research scientist, and has published over 100 articles in peer reviewed science journals, in many different areas of science. He is presently co-director and researcher at the non-profit “CORRELATION Research in the Public Interest†(correlation-canada.org).
Few on TUR can boast of such a background.
So, please, have the decency not to censor what people of this calibre have to say and the intellectual honesty to read him before.
With facts, logic, and common sense, supporting visibly obvious reality. Meanwhile you don’t argue at all.
I note you have nothing to say about the parallel between blacks claiming racial persecution regardless of whether criminal justice policy is of the “tough on crime” type or “soft on crime” type … and crackpot Jew-haters visibly setting up a similar construct wherein if Israel offers polio vaccines that’s a plot to harm Arabs but if Israel doesn’t then it’s plotting to harm Arabs.
I should have added this:
The strain of polio that has resulted in the current “outbreak†is vaccine-strain polio – from the oral polio vaccine, which is a live virus vaccine.
The Medical Advisory Committee of the Immune Deficiency Foundation has this to say about the live polio vaccine:
Close-contacts of patients with compromised immunity should not receive live oral polio virus vaccine because they may shed the virus and infect a patient with compromised immunity. (source)
…..What we can expect to happen:
We can expect an explosion of vaccine-induced paralytic polio cases in the Gaza Strip, which will then be used to incite fear of polio worldwide, which will be used to blame “anti-vaxxers†in an attempt to increase the uptake of polio vaccines. Watch for it. It won’t take long.
jew polio vaccines are the equivalent of jews poisoning the water wells of their enemies.
nothing new here…
What makes you think your cell phone isn’t rigged to explode too?
It has been near to impossible for Gaza to receive basic humanitarian supplies and medical aid.
However, after one case of polio it was possible to receive hundreds of thousands of vaccinations and aid workers to administer the poison to helpless children. There is no way to describe this evil sin against humanity.
Take out the soldier part and it describes you perfectly… now don’t lie coolie!
Thanks. The vaccine for Swine Flu v. 1.0 was also a masterpiece from my reading, but they noticed the extreme ill-effects on involuntarily vaccinated U.S. soldiers before any major public or international release.
Filthy, evil, vicious, hypocritical sepoy swine.
The Judeonazis do have a homeland-Hell.
Not forgetting the SV40 bonus payload of the first batches of polio vaccines.
MRNA clot shots are poison, they are designed to kill by destroying the immune system.
Sadly I agree
I was wondering if they give them a bottleof clean, potable water to entice them to get the jab…
If this does not win hearts and minds in Lebanon and turns them against Hezbollah I don’t know what else the judaic humanitarians can do…
They must understand that Israel deplores civilian casualties but what can they do when the Hezbollah hide among civilians?!
Some conspiracy theorists have even taken to calling the polio vaccine for Palestinian children (for which Israel generously allowed injecting squads to enter Gaza out of humanitarian concern) “genetic pagers.”
My cousin in Beirut messaged me saying she disconnected her baby monitor and other household appliances and devices. Our people are unaware of which devices are safe and which are not. If this was happening in “Israel†the entire world would be condemning it. It is terrorism.
— ➳⥠(@VintageVault8) September 18, 2024
If the Jews put explosives in walkie talkies could they have also put poison in those polio vaccines?
Free pager with every vaccine. Trust the Science
Previous versions of the polio vaccine have also caused outbreaks of poliomyelitis. In any case, since vaccines are never tested against true placebos, their actual risks vs. benefits are unknown. They are merely asserted to be safe and effective by those who profit from their use. It is a mass experiment gone haywire.
I like how your kind argue. There is a distinctive flavor to it.
Prove to me MRNA technology isn’t disastrously ineffective and, in fact, harmful when administered to people in the form of vaccines? Can you really? Who’s the naive one here?
No, no-the Judeonazis are ‘hot-blooded’ killers. They LOVE their Holy work, they do it joyously, with enthusiasm and celebration. Judaism decrees that it MUST be so, or Yahweh will be pissed off.
The one everybody got in childhood is attenuated (= weakened) virus;
it is rare but possible that the newly vaccinated infect the unvaccinated
with a rather lively one, but that has been known forever.
There is NO abomination that the Judeonazi regime is not capable of. When one follows a cult that worships murder, genocide and the killing of children and babies, NOTHING is forbidden. Indeed these MONSTERS will rejoice and celebrate if this causes a polio epidemic.
If Israel put explosives in 5,000 pagers, could they have also put explosives in the Twin Towers? Or the port in Beirut?
Asking for a friend…
Palestinians letting their children take a polio vaxx is no less stupid than Americans letting themselves be injected with a Jew vaxx against the fake ailment known as COVID-19.
With Jews, you lose.
After that pager incident in Lebanon, one must deduce the following:
– If the Shitrahellis did the Pager terrorism, then they could have done the mini nuke in Beirut harbor.
– If they did the mini nuke in Beirut harbor, then they could have done 911.
– If they did 911, we know they did the USS Liberty.
– If they dod the USS Liberty then they could have killed JFK.
So could Shitrahell be the world’s foremost terrorist. As the Jews kept saying not all Muslims are terrorist but all terrorists are Muslim, now we can say:
not all Jews are terrorists but all terrorists are Shitrahellis.
MeanJoojoo, thank your boss for hiring you. This pager affair has a mean slow burn to it. It is like a volcano before eruption. The magic will turn on the magician.
Shitrahellis are mass murderers always thinking, first and foremost, how to kill others.
Fuck Israel.
BREAKING: With an overwhelming majority, and for the first time in 42 years, the UNGA today voted for imposing sanctions on Israel!
The world’s global majority affirmed that the historic ruling by the ICJ triggers the legal obligation of all states to end complicity in Israel’s… pic.twitter.com/OYLwHOzzQl
— BDS movement (@BDSmovement) September 18, 2024
You take the term observation lightly. Yet if one doesn’t, one shouldn’t insult hard working people raising their kids. Stuck with the crux of the matter.
Dick Cheney endorses Kamala Harris because Kamala Harris will obey the DEEP STATE.
The DEEP STATE of the American Empire puts the interests of Israel over and above the interests of the American Empire.
The DEEP STATE of the American Empire is a clear and present threat to the safety, security and sovereignty of the United States of America.
We were fortunate to have Professors John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs give us this masterclass in geopolitics at the All-In Summit. Although both criticize the foreign policy establishment for producing multiple disasters over the past few decades, they also disagree with each… https://t.co/BOf1wGnBH3
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) September 16, 2024
Sachs & Mearsheimer: There Is Basically One Deep State Party Of Cheney, Harris, And Biden, Embodied By Victoria Nuland https://t.co/geixiOlcsk
— RCP Video (@rcpvideo) September 17, 2024
Listen to Professors John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs explain why it makes perfect sense ideologically that Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala: same reason so many neocons have:
The DC bipartisan establishment has one foreign policy, which they perceive Kamala will loyally serve: pic.twitter.com/HfpVIpo9Rm
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) September 16, 2024
JEFFREY SACHS: I think it is obvious that there is basically one deep state party and that is the party of Cheney, Harris, Biden, Victoria Nuland — my colleague at Columbia University now.
[Former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from 2021 to 2024] Nuland is kind of the face of this now because she has been in every administration for the last 30 years. She was in the Clinton administration wrecking our policy towards Russia in the 1990s, she was in the Bush Jr. administration with Cheney wrecking our policies towards NATO enlargement, she was then in the Obama administration as [Secretary of State] Hillary Clinton’s spokesperson, and then making a coup in Ukraine in February 2014 (not a great move), which started a war. And then she was Biden’s undersecretary of state.
JOHN MEARSHIEMER: No, I like to refer to the Republicans and Democrats and tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum.
There’s hardly any difference. I actually think the one exception is former President Trump. When he became president in 2017, he was bent on “beating back the deep state,” and becoming a different kind of leader on the foreign policy front. But he basically failed. And he has vowed that if he is elected this time, it will be different and he will beat back the deep state. He will pursue a foreign policy that is fundamentally different than Republicans and Democrats have pursued up until now.
The big question on the table is whether or not you think Trump can beat the deep state and these two established parties, and I bet against Trump.
Since World War Two, the United States has been involved in every nook and cranny of the world, fighting wars here, there, and everywhere. And to do that, you need a very powerful administrative state that can help manage that foreign policy. But in the process, what happens is you get all of these high-level, middle-level, and low-level bureaucrats who become established in positions in the Pentagon, the State Department, and the intelligence community — you name it. And they end up having a vested interest in pursuing a particular foreign policy.
Things I don’t understand:
1. Israel would not exist without the support of Jewish global power (JGP) which ensures that the non-sovereign US, long taken over by it, puts its treasure, its military power and its “diplomacy” behind the pariah terrorist, genocidal state.
At this point, however, Israel is doing demonstrable damage to JGP’s interests as more nations around the world understand that “zionist,” “Israeli,” “neocon,” “Likkud,” etc are but deceiving terms meant to hide the sinister hand of JGP. The “It’s the Jews” chorus grows louder.
They do see that and express their concern about the “increase of “anti-semitism,” but seem too blind to understand that no repressive anti-free speech measures can reverse the trend. Impossible for the world to unsee what Israel, with a sense of irrevocable impunity, felt it was safe to show and even gloat about. Impossible too push that much smoke back into the chimney. Israel is a big losing hand for them. Can they be that stupid?
2. Are the sociopaths incapable of understanding that even if they manage to ethnically cleanse all of Gaza and the West Bank of Palestinians and occupy them, not only the millions of Palestinians still living as refugees or exilees in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan, but all of their neighbors on whom Israel waged wars and from whom they stole land (the Shebba Farms, the Golan Heights, the West Bank) as well as the Houthis in Yemen, will continue to make their lives miserable forever. Don’t they understand that if Hezbollah will have to use smoke signals to communicate they will not stop attacking the Jewish settlements in the North? Do they count on living on life support from the US forever? Sociopaths with a still functioning survival instinct are fleeing Israel in droves.
Thank you to finally take the subject I brought in when I heard about the latest “vax” campaign by the WHO-Gates criminal syndicate (aka the bio-weapon industrial complex).
Thank you to cite Dr Trozzi, a resitant of the first hour against the covid scam and genocide.
More about that here:
Denis Rancourt at ‘An Injection of Truth 2.0’
It is obvious that in the best case scenario the criminal WHO-Gates are using Gaza children as guinea pigs.
In the worst case scenario, they are just injecting them with a bio-weapon designed to maim and kill the future of Palestine.
I wrote already to Palestinian activists but like millions of others they seem to believe that the WHO/UN/GAVI are there for their good…
The same criminals are responsible for 17 million deaths with their fake pandemic ‘covid”, their fake “vaccines” and lethal measures like lockdowns, isolation, masking, etc…
Why are people not learning from history, specially recent history?
I hope again, Palestinian mothers are smarter than that.
True. Because we are run by jews.
Only 4? Drat.
Why do Jews need a homeland when they have the West as their empire?
If you own all the mansions, why do you need a shack?
as Norman Finkelstein said, Israel is a lunatic state, a crazed rabid freak incapable of reason. If you don't deter it swiftly and decisively, it will merely keep going insane with its murderous rampage, as we saw again in Lebanon today pic.twitter.com/cuYit41p5T
— ☀ï¸ðŸ‘€ (@zei_squirrel) September 18, 2024
Your argument is specious in the circumstances. Why would a parent trust medicines delivered within the present context? In fact your comment is fatuous in addition to specious. The IDF have been sniping children!
Jews are the scourge of mankind. They are know to be liars. Their inherent flaws are earning them world wide opprobrium. At a guess I suspect — Jewish promulgated propaganda was beginning to lose its grip over mens minds even before the Internet emerged. But the Internet has exposed the Zionist/Jewish/Israeli perfidy for what it is. … A deeply flawed psychological malady driven by I suspect, an auto genetic pathology.
If the premises promulgated by Jews is driving their urge to conquer mankind so Jews can reign supreme as they claim, no doubt the majority of the global population will object.
The majority will not tolerate such an insane concept. The evil being promulgated in the Middle East can no longer be obscured by what became an absolute monopoly over media. The Jewish message being broadcast throughout the world — on thousands of web-sites by thousands of bloggers watched by millions — is that Jews cannot live among mankind as good neighbours. No, not every Jew is insane! More and more Jews are speaking up.
Jews are clever and focussed. Indeed Jews are obsessive. Imagining though that the Goyim are simply going to lie down and succumb always and everywhere is delusional.
Jews see their perfidy as a manifestation of a higher mind — one bestowed by God! Nature though has no tolerance for imbalances. Viruses and diseases do their work, observably verifiable, but the tolerance for the psychologically impaired madness which Jews are promulgating in Palestine, Ukraine and indeed, throughout half the world, has become intolerable.
Backlash against Jewish perfidy is said by Jews to be antisemitic and uncalled for and unjustly carried out. Their claim is that the Goyim are selective haters of Jews because they are Jews. I hate what Jews are perpetrating in Gaza. The fact is the perpetrators are Jews. Jews seem to be unaware that their promulgations are on display for all to see. Jews cannot this time claim they are misunderstood.
Jews have no inherent right to exterminate the Palestinians. Jewish/Zionists are interlopers. An interloper is essentially one that jumps into the midst of things without an invitation to do so. The Jewish/Zionists invited themselves. Jews are know to be pushy. They behave exactly as a parasite does. They show up uninvited — spoil the party — then wonder why they are hated. They take over because it is their nature to do so.
What happens is not what they imagine. They dominate because they are obnoxious to the point of being repellant. The Goy leave the party early. Jews hate that! They thrive on an audience. Witness say, Hollywood or Las Vegas or Florida — all are tawdry lower class ghettos. In the ‘70s and 80s they were all gold chains, loud printed shirts, pointy elbows, over tanned men and women — shirts and blouses open to the navel — with nothing like the class they imagined their cheap glitz conveyed.
At a bar they’d throw their keychain for all to see and hear — their favourite car was a ‘Benz. Every interaction transactional — seldom relational. As for a conscience, witness Gaza, Ukraine, and the United States. All three ruined for anyone else.
With a few exceptions — say Robert Stern — Jewish architects build un-glamorous dwellings and ugly buildings. Taste does not exist. Subtle is not a word to describe the Jew. One supposes Donald Trump copied the people to whom he is indebted. Gold toilets! Gad.
Worse, the Jew thrive on deception and theft. Banking is a Ponzi scheme. Wall Street is a scam. The dollar is worthless. The military industrial complex exists as a vast money sucking Behemoth. How many billions of dollars of overpriced hardware have taxpayers watched wasted while their living standards have been undermined by regular doses of inflation.
Without the people — the hated Goyim — in the United States footing the bill, Israel would cease to exist. I sense desperation there. They are being outplayed. The ‘game’ is far more subtle than the Zionist/Jews were prepared for. All the Jews are gaining is Global enmity. Killing children intentionally with sniper fire is evil. What society breeds such a thing?
So the post to which I am responding intends to deceive in the usual Jewish turn around — “best†he writes “to spread suspicion so there won’t be cooperation.†Chutzpah!
I concede that some wariness from the population is inevitable and understandable when offered vaccination by the invading enemy, especially if the population has been subjected to generations of radicalizing propaganda.
Why would a parent trust medicines delivered within the present context?
Amerika is nothing more or less than one big criminal racketeering ochlocratic country run by a bunch of maggots.
And by deception war should be waged against them all over the world. The jew learned from Sun Tzu eh! Many acts of war are based on deception. I’m mean hell you see that in sports games when one team tries to deceive another team on the field.
These arabs are dumb. Exactly who would accept anything from a jew. Beware strangers bearing humanitarian gifts.
Hopefully someone will warn some Palestinians about who is behind the U.N. and W.HO. and their funders which promotes life “saving” [ 😀 ] “novel” va©©ine$ … ffizzer, mortem.na, etc
Just like the mRNA mixed with monkey dna fragments for the CONvid… stay away and far from those “novel” bioweapons!
yep… and guess who was behind the slaughter of the Iraq people?
the ones that hide like reptiles that planned that massacre?
you right!
. . . just as exploding pagers are an update of Mossad’s crafty letter bombs.
This is how the Israeli demonic reptilians aka shape shifters from hell operate, they are cold blooded killers.
I couldn’t agree more. We need an army of Landrys to hunt them down.
By sneakiness we do war is the mossad motto.
The foundation of apostolic Christianity was always in Britain first.
A reference to that noted apostle of Christ, Oliver Cromwell? 😉
Bin laden died mid-December 2001 of pulmonary complications bought on by kidney failure.
The story of his hiding in plain sight, execution by an American hit team, the subsequent deaths of the hit team and his burial at sea are a complete fiction.
And Libya:
War crime: NATO deliberately destroyed Libya’s water infrastructure
Nafeez Ahmed, 14th May 2015