Earlier this month, Arktos Press, a publishing house associated with European New Right, was dealt a sweeping blow by the censors of ideology. The company stated in a press release on March 8:
In one of the greatest attacks on free speech to date, Arktos, the world’s foremost publisher of New Right and traditionalist literature in the English language, was suddenly de-platformed by the world’s largest book distribution monopoly, resulting in over 430 publications becoming unavailable to the public.
This revelation made me think about our increasingly restricted opportunity to see and read dissenting views even on scholarly topics. One needn’t agree with every line of every book that is published and distributed to understand the value of disseminating ideas freely. We are now witnessing a woke tyranny that is draping even more grimly across Western countries than the Iron Curtain to which Winston Churchill referred in his Fulton, Missouri, speech in 1946.
Unfortunately for its diminishing fortunes, Arktos has distributed unfashionable ideas and is therefore being canceled by Ingram Content, the international book distribution arm of Ingram Industries, a Tennessee-based manufacturing conglomerate. About 15 years ago, Arktos brought out a collection of my published commentaries in paperback, which sold reasonably well. As far as I can tell, that slim volume contains very little that is politically explosive, although book distributors may have decided that my failure to present now-permissible opinions would force them to cease distributing my anthology, together with everything else in the Arktos catalog.
Having looked at the press’s inventory, I found that it specializes in printing books produced by the European right. There is also a neopagan focus to some of its publications and authors, like Guillaume Faye, who popularized the concept of “Archeofuturism,” which for a while enjoyed currency on the European right. But whether I agree with a particular tendency highlighted by Arktos is irrelevant for my argument. What concerns me far more than the availability and distribution of books that may not please me (hardly anything turned out these days by university presses does) is the closing off of one more avenue for the discussion of non-prescribed views in what is starting to look like a Stalinist culture in Western countries.
Since Ingram is intent on saving us from opinions that its censors don’t like, one might call attention to the non-extremist authors whose books these gatekeepers happily provide. For instance, there is Mark Bray’s The Anti-Fascist Handbook, a terrorist guide that Ingram energetically distributes and that the Harvard Book Store continues to advertise online six years after it was initially published. Neither Ingram nor the Harvard Coop objects to peddling terrorist tracts, providing the inciters show proper leftist credentials.
Patrisse Cullors’ An Abolitionist’s Handbook and other works by this leader of BLM, who was caught with her hands in the organization’s till, continue to be distributed by Ingram, but why not? Cullors is the right kind of racist extremist and revolutionary, not a fuddy-duddy antiquarian who dares to reprint the works of Oswald Spengler, Guillaume Faye, and Giulio Evola.
Whimsical reactionaries are presumably bad people who deserve to be deplatformed. After all, there is no moral equivalence between them and BLM, on the board of which Silicon Valley Bank showered $73 million, presumably in support of BLM’s violent activities and racist ideology.
And why shouldn’t Ingram make BLM works available to us? These are people who loot and steal for politically correct reasons. Ingram has no objection to supporting such clients because it wants to be on the winning side of the culture wars.
Let no one underestimate what is happening! The blow against Arktos is more than an assault on an obscure “right-wing” publishing house. It is a well-considered attempt to control political opinion and cultural values by those in power. This undertaking has even led to the government harassment of non-leftist newspapers in Germany and other European countries. We are also observing state-sponsored violence—or at least generous state indulgence of such behavior here and elsewhere in the West—to intimidate opposition to media-inspired state control of speech and thought.
The fact that we pretend it’s all okay because we live in “liberal democracies” and that these regimes are just protecting our “freedom” by stifling dissent is the foundational lie of our degenerate Western political system. What happened to Arktos Press is an ominous sign of the disappearance of intellectual freedom in the West.
(Update: The original version of this article was updated on March 27 at 3:45 p.m. CDT to provide additional information about book distributor Ingram Content in the fourth paragraph.)
Might be worthwhile to approach bookstores and libraries which have “banned books” on display and give them copies of the works of Oswald Spengler, Guillaume Faye, Giulio Evola, et alia. Then see how they react.
Would make for some interesting video to be disseminated online!
I’ve have the same idea. We should start a movement.
Another idea is to request “banned books” from local libraries, then, when they don’t have it, ask them to order it. Make them say “no.” And, surprisingly, it isn’t always “no.” (But, if they do order it, it’s on you to check it out.)
Another thing it’s important to do is push back on the crap. All libraries have a kind of “featured books” display. Look through them. For sure, there will be something like “Why I Am Ashamed of Being White,” by Shlomo Rubenfeldsteinberg. Indeed, you might be hard-pressed to find a book that isn’t like that. Pick out an egregious example, adopt your best moral outrage, march up to the desk and ask who is in charge of deciding which books to feature. You will get an answer like it is kind of a staff decision. Then point to the most vile part of the offending book in your hand, read the blurb if appropriate, and ask the by-this-time-trembling librarian, “What is an eight-year-old white boy supposed to do with this kind of racial-hatred being promoted at his local library? How do you think he feels when he walks into the library knowing the people who work there promote books that hate him?” You get the picture. You can lay it on really thick. “Did you know that white males are only 30 percent of the US population, but we are 70 percent of the suicides? Did you know that? Where do you think all that self-hatred comes from? Do you feel good about helping innocent children hate themselves?”
I did the above in two libraries in Washington, DC. Both in Southeast. I was very surprised that in both cases the books were gone from the featured books display on follow-up visits. In both cases, the librarians–one a white male and one a black female–seemed genuinely surprised and, amazingly, sympathetic (the blurbs I’d read off the jackets were just so blatantly hateful, there was no denying the validity of my indignation). In the case of the white male, I got the distinct feeling of throwing someone a life preserver.
Anyway, that’s one way one individual can do something.
Ingram Industries, Inc.
One Belle Meade Place
4400 Harding Road
Nashville, Tennessee 37205
(615) 298-8200
Ingram Content (which has a Christian division!)
Then I sent this to publicrelations@ingramcontent.com
Hello Ingram Content,
I just read an article by Professor Paul Gottfried about your decision to cancel a publisher called Arktos for political reasons. Then I found this on your website:
If you believe you have the God-like power, wisdom, and right to decide who gets to eat what knowledge from which tree, how are you “playing an important role in something bigger than” yourselves? Aren’t you usurping the biggest Role of all?
But, I suppose in real life you caved to outside pressure from some group or other that believes they really do have the right or power to decide which voices are allowed to be heard in the marketplace of ideas and which aren’t. If that is the case, then the thing bigger than yourself you are participating in is called tyranny, and the role you are playing is called slave.
You guys should reverse that decision and make the world a freer place for books.
Then appurtenant to the publishing industry a group of Jews got together and gave themselves a name: “The American Library Association“.
Now (((The ALA))) dictates to local public libraries nationwide that the displays overflow with JewHATESwhitey and, as Dr. Patrick Slattery has sung to the tune of “Somewhere over the Rainbow”,
That’s an excellent idea. I have done exactly that in years past and managed to get a variety of books purchased by the local public library on issues that exposed the 9/11 False Flag, and also other books that featured authors like Laurent Guyenot and Nick Kollerstrom.
No such luck in the last couple of years. In the past when a book purchase request was denied and I’d receive a courtesy email advising so, these days my book requests are ignored and they don’t even respond.
BTW Vito, I noticed your other message where you wrote to Ingram Industries and my thanks to you for doing so.
I would be interested to know what their response to your message is, assuming they even bother to get back to you.
Paul Gottfried, that paragraph of yours above encapsulates the precarious situation that we in the west (I’m Australian) find ourselves in.
What is happening in Australia is a byproduct of us being a vassal of the Anglo Zionist empire and slavishly following the woke agenda being dictated to us from Anglo-central HQ.
The sooner Australia breaks out of the U.S/U.K (twin heads of the hydra) demonic alliance and kicks out all U.S military and spy bases (ie: CIA’s Pine Gap facility), the sooner we’ll be able to reclaim our sovereignty and turf out the woke tyranny.
Paul, I’ve listened to many an audio podcast of you appearing on the Tom Woods show and look forward to hearing your enlightened views there again and here in the Unz Review.
Most public libraries, maybe almost all public libraries, will not put donated books into circulation. I attempted to donate a special interest book in the category of true crime to the Fresno County system in California.
As it happens, I bought the copy directly from the author. I contacted him and told him what happened. He said he would donate a copy to the library if they requested one. The best I can do is tell them that the author will donate a copy and provide them with the means of contacting the author. I would not be surprised if they presented me with yet more hoops to jump through.
America’s public library systems largely are run by apparatchiks, and the one that aren’t still have to follow the guideline that come with the outside money they accept from the state, the federal government, non-governmental organizations and foundations.
Reading this, my gut reaction was: Why not replace “Ingram” with a different enterprise of our own? Is Ingram indeed a mighty player on its field (I’ve never heard of it before)? We can have our own Gab. We can have GiveSendGo instead of GoFundMe. Why not have a book distribution business of our own? And of course, why not have libraries of our own? – I admit that this would demand a non-sectarian mindset which can be difficult.
That is a good start, but not enough. It needs explicitly right wing institutions
But yes, this right wing institution was just cancelled. Too bad
Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing [O’Sullivan] [Robert Conquest]
Pleased, even surprised you had a positive outcome in SE Washington, DC.
But I bet the same would not happen in NW, like on Connecticut Ave., or in neighboring Bethesda, MD — remember in the height of Floyd worship when a crowd was filmed kneeling to apologize to Blacks? That was in the parking lot of the Bethesda, MD library.
I KNOW it doesn’t happen in Pittsburgh or its suburbs, where wokists are in full control. They are more likely to call police & demand that cops issue summons for trespass. Don’t ask me how I know.
Funny thing is, Woke librarians are 4-square behind LGBTQ but systemically racist when it comes to Black young people. I proposed a high-school level essay contest in a library where patrons are majority Black. The lesbian librarian told me, nose-to-nose, “These kids are not capable of competing in an essay contest.”
Ca. 1999-2000 I worked in “Downtown” DC. On a lunch hour, I visited one of the branch libraries. It’s the only public library I’ve ever seen that had metal dectors and a sign that said “Library Police.”
Back in the before days when I was still a normie I did something like this when, during the weeks before the Bush 2’s second election, my local library had two tablefuls filled with anti Bush family books seemingly produced by extreme partisans. I was shocked at the volume of such books the library had purchased and asked why they didn’t display even a single book negative of his opponent at which point another patron interjected for the purpose of lecturing me about how evil Bush was and how the library shouldn’t have any books critical of his opponent. It was an education of sorts.
“The sooner Australia breaks out of the U.S/U.K (twin heads of the hydra) demonic alliance and kicks out all U.S military and spy bases (ie: CIA’s Pine Gap facility), the sooner we’ll be able to reclaim our sovereignty and turf out the woke tyranny.”
And you are going to accomplish this by… crowding out all your native Aussies with pajeets and Sudanese, and selling all your land to China?
“my local library had two tablefuls filled with anti Bush family books seemingly produced by extreme partisans. I was shocked at the volume of such books the library had purchased and asked why they didn’t display even a single book negative of his opponent at which point another patron interjected for the purpose of lecturing me about how evil Bush was”
So, you should have then asked them about how evil Bush’s handlers and controllers must be, too; and (((who))) exactly those in charge of Bush might be. Since according to Leftist lore, Bush was simultaneously a Hitleresque mastermind and also a retarded chimpanzee, force them to say out loud who precisely it was in the (((Bush back room))), who made the trains run on time and who indeed also drew up the train schedule.
In relation to the alleged crowding out with pajeets and Sudanese, we’re not admitting anywhere near as many of these people as countries like Canada for example.
Obviously, as a loyal vassal of the U.S, our corrupt politicians are allowing some of them in, but it is very much a token inflow.
Australia has nowhere the torrent of illegals and unskilled immigrants arriving (relative to our population), that North America is being inundated with.
In regards to selling land to ‘China’, these Chinese that own residential land holdings are Australian citizens and permanent residents.
But, to the extent that we’ve sold the Darwin port facilities and allowed other industrial land acquisitions to the Chinese, I would much rather it be to them than to the Anglo-Zionist empire (seeing as the latter have raped and pillaged Aussies for two hundred years).
The Chinese are far more likely to engage in Win/Win transactions and investments.
The more skin the Chinese have in the game in terms of investments in Australia, the better.
You see, the USD will shortly lose world reserve currency status. And when it does ZOG and the two heads of the hydra (the U.S and Britain), will implode with it.
Australia needs to quickly untether itself from the sinking ship (otherwise known as the Anglo-Zionist empire), and promptly sign on to the Belt and Road Initiative.
The more China has invested in Oz, the greater the likelihood that we’ll be treated well in trade negotiations and the greater will be the prosperity for our citizenry.