It’s simple. Pro-choice people do NOT intend forcing their positions onto others, whereas the woman-haters and foetus worshippers intend FORCING everybody to follow their primitive religious prejudices. And women will die, but that’s just a bonus for the religious nutter misogynists.
Here’s a suggestion:
Congress or any other state, federal, or local legislative body will make NO laws whatsoever compelling a pregnancy to be carried to term OR compelling a pregnancy to be terminated.
However, if unwanted children are born alive, it is the hospital’s legal responsibility to treat them like any other patient, keep the alive and help them to flourish. The parent’s rights to these children are terminated, and these children then become wards of the state to be put up for closed adoptions.
Likewise, the issue of marriage.
Congress or any other state, federal or local legislative body will only recognize civil unions and make NO laws whatsoever to define marriage but leave it to private institutions like church, synagogue, temple or mosque to set their own definitions in order to set their marriage ceremonies.
How hard is that?
Why do the same conservatives complain about government interference all the time only to INVITE more government interference by coming up stuff like DOMA (Definition of Marriage Act) and wanting to get government involved in a woman’s pregnancy?
Just like DOMA backfired miserably, looking at the leftist loons where abortion is such a great thing that EVERY woman must have one, how can there be any doubt in the mind of anyone with two working brain cells that, inviting the government to get involved in a woman’s pregnancy can only lead to FORCED ABORTIONS on undesirable populations?!
And with all Anti-Whiteism that is pushing the Great Replacement by the entire turd world, which population do you think FORCED ABORTIONS will be directed?!
Moreover, pro-lifers can shut abortions down to a trickle if they simply say, “We don’t care how many abortions women have – WE will not PAY for them!”
Block is jewish.
Only in his chromosomes. (From the moment of fertilization, by the way.) He rejected Yahweh when very young.
Excellent analysis on this article. Shame on the author.
You consider this cartoon “woke” feminist sentence “excellent analysis”?
“Christianity’s long, repellant record of discriminating against half the members of the human species on account of their gender [sic] denies that religion the right to further impose its misogynist tripe on humanity.”
Holding the sexes to high, if different, standards is not “misogynist”. There is no such thing as “gender”. It is a linguistic construct, and one that is absent in English grammar, survicing in vestigial pronouns.
Very few abortions, thankfully, involve rape.
Considering where the poor fetus is a trespasser, he is by definition a rapist himself, according to pro-choice logic.
The Supreme Court in 1977 called use of the death penalty for rape “disproportionate”. Except for its famous loophole of four years earlier.
Death Penalty for Offenses Other Than Murder
What about the more usual case in which the birth control fails, or the woman changed her mind, etc? Did she not invite the fetus onto her private property womb, for a duration of mine [sic] months?
Did the drunk driver invite the passenger of the other vehicle into the rehabilitation ward for the duration of nine years? No, but he did take the risk that put the victim there, and thus owes him. We have no problem viewing unintended pregnancy this way as well, in case of the man. Child support is also anti-choice.
Refusing to apply the same standard to the other sex involved is treating them like 12-year-olds. No, 12-month-olds. Doris Gordon understood this when she founded Libertarians for Life.
Excellent analysis on this article. Shame on the author.
You consider this cartoon "woke" feminist sentence "excellent analysis"?
Excellent analysis on this article. Shame on the author.
Are ad hominem attacks the best arguments you can offer?
He IS an asshole too though. I didn’t read a word, just can’t pass up a chance to piss on him
Block is jewish.
Only in his chromosomes. (From the moment of fertilization, by the way.) He rejected Yahweh when very young.
Block is jewish.
The problem which always lurks in the background of abortion debates is that as technology improves, the abortion becomes dominated by the most lie IQ or dishonest types. My mother in the 1990s (passed away in 1997) was sure that the abortion pill and such would eventually eradicate classical abortions. It would seem like with all of the pills available now, no honest, intelligent woman should have to find herself in need of a surgical abortion. If it really was just a legitimate accident, then popping a pill a day or so later should put an end to the problem.
The reason this doesn’t happen is because:
a) There are lots of stupid women out there who don’t think about these things until 3 months later.
b) There are lots of dishonest women who may hope to rope a man in by trapping with a pregnancy.
In the 1950s, you were more likely to have a basically sincere honest woman of fair-if-not-high IQ who might just have a mistake and need help. That type of woman today will likely take care of things on her own with a pill. So, the types of women who are most likely to seek an abortion are statistically more likely to be the types that one should be thankful if they don’t reproduce. This is going to remain the trend as newer pills make it easier for the better women to simply avoid an unintended pregnancy. But that makes it more important that abortion should remain easily available.
Your assessment is wrong and unrealistic. It is because of people like you so many young women died over the years from botched abortions in back alleys.
The question: why is a 12 year old girl allowed to 'walk down the street', and why is a rapist allowed at all? After all, we are confronting an hypothetical, right? In a 'less civilized' world of custom, the girl would be at home, or accompanied by a brother (or other chaperone) out of doors, and a rapist would be quickly caught and hanged (or worse) by the father.But today, women have the right to screw as necessary, and it is the welfare state's obligation to take care of both her and the kid. Or possibly abort if that is a ready option. And the state's relationship to the rapist? He gets pretty much the same deal as the pregnant woman, of course without the abortion angle since the death penalty not much in use anymore.I could go on about how the entire notion of 'rape' has become pretty meaningless, especially after the Weinstein verdict, where whores traded sex for movie parts, and then claimed rape once they had hit the wall and were no longer desirable. Or women now claiming they were 'raped by his eyes'. The entire thing has gotten ridiculous.The 'custom' of social shaming sluts, fathers with shotguns, and swiftly executing criminals would go a long way to fix the abortion 'problem'. But who wants that, anymore? We gotz rights to consider.Replies: @Franz
Now consider a twelve year old girl who is walking down the street. She is grabbed, raped, and impregnated.
The question: why is a 12 year old girl allowed to ‘walk down the street’, and why is a rapist allowed at all?
It’s less hypothetical and even creepy if the question includes details of a past crime, to wit:
Why was 13-year-old Mary Phagan allowed to work in a pencil factory where the ghastly Leo Frank, child rapist and murderer, was allowed to get at her?
In point of fact we could make it an indictment of unrestrained capitalism, her family specifics, a failure of local law… quite a few things.
Arguments like Block is making here are a pain in the ass because they allow us to speculate where no further work is needed. Mary Phagan was failed by the whole race-mixing system, as all of us will be from cradle to grave. So hypotheticals are useless until a vehicle of change is imminent.
As the wheels come off the American wagon, I can see just such a chance. Rhett Butler (for those of us who’ve read GWTW) thought there are two times when a man can win big: When a nation is on the way up, and when it’s heading toward the gutter.
Keep your eyes on Door Number 2.
Let’s compare the newborn to the aged.
If you are old, hospitalized, on life support but have brain wave activity them NOBODY can OK pulling the plug on you, and if anyone does it is considered murder.
Similarly if you are young, on life support in the womb, but have brain wave activity then NOBODY should be able to pull the plug.
If I recall correctly brain wave activity starts around 4 months.
Using the same standard, aborting a fetus that has brain wave activity is MURDER, for which the doctor should be prosecuted, the nurses should be prosecuted, the mother prosecuted and the hospital where such a crime is enabled should face HUGE fines.
Women would therefore have about 4 months to get an abortion. If they do it later then they should at a minimum end up in prison for murder.
For those that care I am an avid supporter of the death penalty for murder. So if I had my way, not only would the woman be offed, but so would the doctor performing the abortion and any nurse assisting.
That is just the way I roll!
Hope this helps.
Not eugenic!
That is what these Jews want, in the final analysis — to deform humanity in their own hobbled, repulsive, vampyric, baby-eating image.
You must acknowledge that AI’s, who will become our future rulers, are going to be even more amoral than most flesh and blood meat humans and will countenance abortion w/o restrictions?
Rather than focus on the abortion debate, it might be more helpful to focus on who is funding, fueling and driving the abortion issue… Jews I suspect? They seem to be involved in every socially destructive program. I suspect they want white (and black) babies dead and a society in turmoil. Perhaps focusing on the troublemakers and why they want trouble will do more to mitigate the trouble than by focusing on the trouble itself.
Your comparison is ridiculous. You want to not be faced with making such a decision? Then keep it in your pants. Other than cases of rape, incest, or when the mother’s life is in clear medical danger, the “personal decision” part ends at conception.
One side is called the “Pro Life Movement”. So, to be realistic, the other side must be the “Pro Death Movement”.
Or have I missed something here.
Then there is the young girl problem. Perhaps she should be warned about the danger of walking alone down certain streets in certain parts of town. Sounds like parental neglect to me.
Then of course, there is the fact that your body is not really yours. It belongs to the state. Ever heard of the “Draft”.
I think this Block guy is a front to discredit libertarianism. At any rate, he does a pretty good job of doing just that by making it sound like a creed for idiots.
Now he wants mothers to treat their babies like Israel treats Palestinians (which he is all in for).
We don’t “always give the nod” to the mother, in fact “we” never do.
She makes that decision not us. Some have chosen the child over themselves. Of course most don’t, either way there is no “we” giving the nod so certainly not “always”.
So there goes one of your two “embarrasments” of pro lifers.
You also could’ve mentioned the embarrasment for pro choicers. That they are all for charging the murderer with double murder when killing a pregnant woman.
Personal decision. Nobody else’s business. If one thinks it is wrong then do not do it. But don’t try to impose your beliefs on others. This “pro life” thing is like temperance leagues trying to outlaw alcohol.
What amazes me is that we still talk about this milquetoast issue: “abortion”. We must go further: infanticide!
There’s obviously no good argument against foeticide, let alone if it’s an embryo or morula…
I can be convinced I’m wrong, surely, but it’s tough…
(Yes, personally, at first glance, I’m pro-infanticide i.e. “post-birth abortion”.)
Prof Block’s inovation on abortion, let’s talk about it – briefly: Evictionism.
That is: you can evict it, but cannot kill it.
I always considered it very curious…
Because, what to do with it after the eviction‽ Put the foetus inside an incubator‽
Well, we don’t have the technology AT THE MOMENT for an “artificial womb”, so it’s gonna die, after all.
(I’d also suspect “artificial wombs” to be waaay LESS healthy than the “real deal”, so, in short, we’d be producing malformed babies with such method! Not eugenic!)
P.S.: Naturally, I don’t believe in Public Money used in abortions.
That is what these Jews want, in the final analysis -- to deform humanity in their own hobbled, repulsive, vampyric, baby-eating image.
Not eugenic!
Abortion is a person choice, not the governments. If a women wants one, she can pay for it
This author is clearly a devotee of C. S. Lewis – he uses that worthy’s trademark tactic of totally misrepresenting his opponent’s argument (“a fetus is no more then a toenailâ€), making up a bits of fluffy nonsense said by no one ever. He then rushes in to demolish this alleged stance with non-sequiturs, question-begging, rhetorical sleight of hand, and false analogies, all the while displaying an astounding ignorance of philosophical complexities, yet pretending to have rendered a sincere and objective analysis of his subject. Lewis’ much-praised work on the problem of evil is misanthropic trash, blaming humans and even animals for the misfortunes that befall them as appropriate because of their innate sinfulness. It is no wonder that that charlatans such as Lewis have caught on in a society that has become barely literate and addicted to simple, instant solutions to complex problems.
In any case a person who is denied autonomy over the functions of his or her body is a slave. Christianity’s long, repellant record of discriminating against half the members of the human species on account of their gender denies that religion the right to further impose its misogynist tripe on humanity.
The ‘problem’ stems from a vague notion of ‘right’. Do away with that, and much confusion falls away. Certainly impossible in our modern legalistic world, a world where ‘custom’ is no longer understood.
Now consider a twelve year old girl who is walking down the street. She is grabbed, raped, and impregnated.
The question: why is a 12 year old girl allowed to ‘walk down the street’, and why is a rapist allowed at all? After all, we are confronting an hypothetical, right? In a ‘less civilized’ world of custom, the girl would be at home, or accompanied by a brother (or other chaperone) out of doors, and a rapist would be quickly caught and hanged (or worse) by the father.
But today, women have the right to screw as necessary, and it is the welfare state’s obligation to take care of both her and the kid. Or possibly abort if that is a ready option. And the state’s relationship to the rapist? He gets pretty much the same deal as the pregnant woman, of course without the abortion angle since the death penalty not much in use anymore.
I could go on about how the entire notion of ‘rape’ has become pretty meaningless, especially after the Weinstein verdict, where whores traded sex for movie parts, and then claimed rape once they had hit the wall and were no longer desirable. Or women now claiming they were ‘raped by his eyes’. The entire thing has gotten ridiculous.
The ‘custom’ of social shaming sluts, fathers with shotguns, and swiftly executing criminals would go a long way to fix the abortion ‘problem’. But who wants that, anymore? We gotz rights to consider.
It's less hypothetical and even creepy if the question includes details of a past crime, to wit:
The question: why is a 12 year old girl allowed to ‘walk down the street’, and why is a rapist allowed at all?
Hopefully, in time the baby killers will self-delete themselves and go the way of the Shakers. That is assuming evil begats evil. The airplane and balloon analogies were just plain ridiculous.
Just say “Your mother should have aborted you” and “abort your kids as we don’t need more like you.”
Gosh. Jew do you think-sorry,’ Who do you think will get all Argentina’s assets on the cheap’?
Truth Vigilante has cottoned on to some of the lunatic lies of the ‘liberal democratic’ model, but he advocates increasing the dose of poison by ‘libertarianism’, which can only lead to neo-feudalism or civil war, perhaps exterminationist-it’s so easy with CRISPR and what is to come. Then again he is an anthropogenic climate destabilisation denialist.
And another thing, I encourage anyone and everyone to take a good close look at Libertarianism and Austrianism, and Gold and various theories and other economic ideologies, take a microscope to all of it. Come to your own conclusions. Think for yourself.
I’m against government over-reach and government intrusion in our lives. I’m for our constitutional rights. I’m against things like lock-downs and forced wearing of masks, and toxic jabs. I’m against violation of our 4th amendment rights by the TSA. You got a problem with any of that?
Now tell me who back in the 130 years ending in 1913 would have said things were a Utopia in the US?
No working man would have said such a thing.
Semantics! Outright lies. If TV had said it different, then you’d slander them as utopian. You’re just another gov-love apologist looking to smear libertarians. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic. The pathetic part is you don’t even get paid to gatekeep, I guess it’s spite. Vote harder next time, maybe it’ll work differently, lol.
Comments about Libertarianism, Austrianism, Gold are sprinkled through other articles/threads.
Insight into Libertarian mind set, comment 512, by Truth Vigilante, a few comments below this link, comment 506, Mefobills:
Quote from Truth Vigilante in that comment 512:
“Truth Vigilante says:
February 2, 2024 at 1:31 am GMT • 18.7 hours ago • 700 Words ↑
You are like children promoting a delusional myth of Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. There is no individual liberty.
Look at the USA. It’s very motto is the inversion of truth
Yes, I am looking at the USA – a country that’s become a Socialist Sh*t-hole, lacking in individual liberty.
And it has become that way because there is NO Libertarianism being practised.
Contrast that to the 130 or so years leading up to the creation of the ZOG owned Federal Reserve in 1913.
The U.S in that period was the closest any society has ever been to being a Libertarian utopia. ie:
1) A very small government a a proportion of GDP
2) No income or company taxes levied
3) Negligible micromanagement of the lives of citizenry (other then the brief exception of the ‘War of Northern Aggression form 1861-65).
That’s why Americans during that period, were the most prosperous, and enjoyed the most freedom, of any people either before or since – in all of recorded history. …” (end quote)
Note what he writes, that in the 130 year period ending in 1913 it was the closest ever to Libertarian Utiopia.
Note that: Utopia.
For whom in that period would conditions be likened to an Utopia?
Extrememly few Americans in that period would have likened conditions to an Utopia. For reference, review labor relations and labor history for that period.
Let it sink in for whom Truth Vigilante and Libertarians are really advocating for.
If you call a Jew a name that they don’t like, they call you a racist. Therefore, they consider themselves a different race. That doesn’t seem too hard to grasp now does it.
Typos. Yes. Mark of inferior material, unfortunately.
RR: “I advocate hunter, gatherer, nomadic lifestyle .. ZERO government. Obviously, this is impossible in today’s current world. The next best thing is small government. I don’t care what ‘label’ you give it. As long as it’s SMALL!”
I’m an ancap who is likewise prepared to compromise/accept “the next best thing”, ie a very small, constitutionally limited government :
“This governments grown too big for its boots
We’ve got to cut it back down, right back down to the roots,
Its taken most of all of our freedoms away,
There ain’t much freedom left in the US today…”
“…We’ve got to start us a new revolution
And get back to the old constitution
We’ve got to stand up and fight for the whole Bill of Rights
Its time to start over againâ€
Song “New Revolutionâ€:
Regards, onebornfree
I don’t disagree except to say an-cap is 100% scalable from individualists up to nation stateists. Voluntarism is the key to an-cap. I’m with you though smaller is better for the common man. I state it this way.
I’m a libertarian until everyone is libertarian then I’m a minarchist until everyone is minarchist then I’m an anarchist, the end. Anarchism is the logical end to liberty, at least politically.
Just because the current system is rotten, corrupt, predatory doesn’t mean a ‘different’ system is any better. The only thing worth fighting for is freedom. Government, politicians take freedom.
Southeast Asia, Latin America are poor but have MUCH more freedom than any Western nation. Why? Small Government
I advocate hunter, gatherer, nomadic lifestyle .. ZERO government. Obviously, this is impossible in today’s current world. The next best thing is small government. I don’t care what ‘label’ you give it. As long as it’s SMALL!
...sounds like treason. Milei is just another globalist shill. As for the authors Block and Tipler:
[Javier Milei] has announced that he intends to abolish the Argentine central bank and replace the Argentine peso with the US dollar
They are subscribed to an ideology and are not concerned if it fits the evidence. Block and Tipler:
Praxeologists maintain that there are necessary truths in economics for which econometric testing is irrelevant;
Bonkers! Here's a distinction the authors should learn to draw: between what is theoretically conceivable and what actually happens in real life.Replies: @Bro43rd
the court system, the police, and the military should also be organizations that are privately owned.
Because the current gangs in charge coerce people to behave against their own good doesn’t mean anarcho-capitalism has no merit. Quite the opposite I’d say, because it’s suppressed and dog-piled on by the regime apologists. Of which it seems like you may be one, I hope not but shouldn’t be surprised if so given the sorry state of western education, aka the propaganda mill. Maybe the cause of an-caps is futile but my conscience is clear. How anybody could root on the current system and all it’s violence with a clear conscience is a mystery.
[Javier Milei] has announced that he intends to abolish the Argentine central bank and replace the Argentine peso with the US dollar
…sounds like treason. Milei is just another globalist shill.
As for the authors Block and Tipler:
Praxeologists maintain that there are necessary truths in economics for which econometric testing is irrelevant;
They are subscribed to an ideology and are not concerned if it fits the evidence.
Block and Tipler:
the court system, the police, and the military should also be organizations that are privately owned.
Bonkers! Here’s a distinction the authors should learn to draw: between what is theoretically conceivable and what actually happens in real life.
What race is Jewish?
Manchurian candidate comes to mind when observation conflicts with statements.
He’s not contemplating converting he already has, from Catholicism to Judaism. From praying before a crucifix to spitting on one.
I have to wonder if these braindead communists are trotted out by jews to make Milei and his rabid zionism more palatable. Make his opponents look like morons so he can hand the country over to jews. But of course, this red fist would take umbrage with any criticism of jews because they lead his movement too.He's not a White supremacist, he's a JEWISH supremacist. Leftoids help Milei by concealing this.Replies: @Rational Racist, @Lucky Jackson
Latino white supremacist
He’s a rabid Jewish supremacist. When he went to New York his first stop was to the grave of Ashkenazi crime boss Menachem Shneerson one of the evilest Jews that ever lived.
All I can say here is that if Milei — a rabid pro-Washington, pro-Tel Aviv groupie — is Argentina’s best hope, then that country has no hope.
name 1 .. with link or source which the public can learn more.
Stop being a retard. At best the people on the list would qualify as anti-anti-white. (An honorable stance in itself, to be sure.)
There are plenty of WNs around, none in positions of influence similar to those on your list. None of them go about calling themselves “white supremacists.”
name 1 ‘white supremacist’/’pro-white’ that fit your definition
Trump = pro white, Zionist
He’s not a White supremacist, he’s a JEWISH supremacist. Leftoids help Milei by concealing this.
None of those people you named are pro-White. In fact, a few of them are openly antiwhite. I can’t imagine living under such delusions that I would think Jordan Peterson — the guy who said it’s his mission to stop young White men from gaining racial awareness — is pro-White. Again, you’re doing the work of ZOG slaves like Trump and Milei by posting such idiotic drivel. I get that you’re pandering to communists by framing Milei as a White supremacist because most communists in the West have no beliefs beyond hating White people, but that cheap trick isn’t going to work here.
Mostly agree. Capitalism, like communism, is about the concentration of ownership and with that, control over your life. Capitalism and communism are the two sides of the same Zionist shekel.
I have to wonder if these braindead communists are trotted out by jews to make Milei and his rabid zionism more palatable. Make his opponents look like morons so he can hand the country over to jews. But of course, this red fist would take umbrage with any criticism of jews because they lead his movement too.He's not a White supremacist, he's a JEWISH supremacist. Leftoids help Milei by concealing this.Replies: @Rational Racist, @Lucky Jackson
Latino white supremacist
He’s not a White supremacist, he’s a JEWISH supremacist. Leftoids help Milei by concealing this.
Trump = pro white, Zionist
Tucker Carlson = pro white, Kabbalist
Alex Jones = pro white, Zionist
Jordan Peterson = pro white, Zionist
Tommy Robinson = pro white, Zionist
Putin = pro white, Zionist
Vladislav Surkov (Putin’s ideologist) = pro white, Zionist:
A Jew can stop being Jew & join KKK, Nazis, White Supremacist groups at the drop of a dime.
Puff piece on Latino white supremacist Javier Milei: all hypotheticals & heartwarming euphemisms.
The only other Anarcho-Capitalist I know of is Jeff Berwick: a Canadian Jew living in Mexico, addicted to injecting HGL & flaunting his wealth on YT videos🤣
— Iconoclast (@DieOnFeet) January 30, 2024
Latino white supremacist
I have to wonder if these braindead communists are trotted out by jews to make Milei and his rabid zionism more palatable. Make his opponents look like morons so he can hand the country over to jews. But of course, this red fist would take umbrage with any criticism of jews because they lead his movement too.
He’s not a White supremacist, he’s a JEWISH supremacist. Leftoids help Milei by concealing this.
Trump = pro white, Zionist
He’s not a White supremacist, he’s a JEWISH supremacist. Leftoids help Milei by concealing this.
But Mother Teresa, ministering to the poorest in the slums of Calcutta, was following her self-interest in the Austrian sense, since she chose her own goals and pursued them.
So was Stalin throughout all his life; so is every American citizen when he casts a vote because he believes in representative democracy. So what?
Yes meamjojo you are a Jew Jew!
Block is a Jew, as were Mises and Rothbard. Milei reportedly contemplates converting to Judaism. Libertarians as a group absolutely refuse to recognize “group interests” when it comes to Jews. Curt Doolittle had some cogent observations of the origins of libertarian thought in the mercantilist/usurious activities of Jews in the Pale of Settlement.
Milei is no “anarcho-capitalist” , at least as far as I’m concerned.
See:“The “[Argentinian Presidential Candidate ]Javier Milei Is A “Libertarian/Anarcho-Capitalist”” Scam . [Or, the 6 fatal words that prove that that Argentinian Presidential candidate Javier Milei Is NOT a “Libertarian/ Anarcho- Capitalist”! ]”:
I emailed my thoughts to Mr Block a few months ago, and he replied :” Good point”, but now seems to have entirely forgotten, or is deliberately ignoring, my conclusions regarding Milei.
And so it goes…..
Regards, onebornfree
Any president has always been good if he lets his country be robbed from the north, then goes into exile in Europe with what he has stolen, that is democracy.
If people want more Libertarian content articles, you can go here:
Correction: Capitalism means ownership by corporations (e.g., an economic oligarchy), not individuals.
After Milei’s experiment collapses in ruinous disaster, the anarchocapitalists will explain that it failed because of Milei’s bungling execution.
Resembling the communists, the anarchocapitalists will continue to say that true anarchocapitalism has never been tried.
To understand what Milei is doing, all you have to do is look at this site with Dr. Michael Hudson explaining it all.
He’ll probably be out before Biden’s next stolen election, but he’s good for a laugh.
If he manages to put what he thinks he believes in practice, he’ll be giving Argentina the equivalent of the economic shock treatment the bankers pulled on the old Soviet Union. You remember. The thing no libertarian will ‘fess up to because it was such a disaster.
All libertarians ever do is make the unproductive rich richer. Otherwise it’s a total failure.
it’s sham bankster-fraud, bitcoin huckster, reassigned to argentina to insure their continued debt slavery, by preventing their entry into brics.
You mean this guy?
Latino white supremacist & wannabe Tropical Trump, Javier Milei, privatized lithium, handing over to US corporations. Currently privatizing oil, airlines, media, public companies🤣
If being 'communist' is opposite of that .. it's not such a bad thing 👠
— Iconoclast (@DieOnFeet) January 27, 2024
I have to wonder if these braindead communists are trotted out by jews to make Milei and his rabid zionism more palatable. Make his opponents look like morons so he can hand the country over to jews. But of course, this red fist would take umbrage with any criticism of jews because they lead his movement too.He's not a White supremacist, he's a JEWISH supremacist. Leftoids help Milei by concealing this.Replies: @Rational Racist, @Lucky Jackson
Latino white supremacist
1.It is doubtful that Milei will make much headway,
2. Well-being is not just a matter of having free markets. There are average genetic differences amongst peoples affecting intelligence, personality, and culture. Somalis are not Ashkenazi Jews. Chileans are not Han Chinese. Moreover, there may actually be a few things that government does better than free markets. There is no persuasive libertarian approach to motor vehicle pollution. Open competition amongst policing agencies and courts might not even result in a very libertarian society.
A thankyou to the writers of this article. It is a simple and useful introduction to anarcho-capitalism, albeit with a few minor typos. Helpful as a primer to anyone wondering what exactly the principles are underpinning this philosophy. I learned something too in that I hadn’t considered the idea of a state of anarchy existing between nations.