Tom Brady has always been a stray Jewish dog wagging his tail at any Jew with money. Snoopy, let us not forget that rape and pedophilia are part of the Jews’ sacred culture, and why not have Snoopy promoting this despicable culture? Snoopy is a leader in decadent culture.
IMHO, “the Big H” wouldn’t be widely understood even if Amazon allowed it. In any case, “Questioning” invites others to be open-minded, which most people like to think they are. When they start questioning, they’ll learn why ADL types are so terrified of mere questioning.
BTW, (((trolls, maybe bots))), having seen our comments, are likely alerting their (((superiors))) to have Amazon ban our “anti-Semitic hate speech.”
Nuking Tel Aviv would do nothing. The main power structure is in Washington DC.
Or maybe auto-correct changed what I typed and I didn’t recheck it before I hit “publish comment”. But thanks for being “their” to check my grammar. I appreciate it.
Pierre, I'm pleased that you ask, t-shirts make excellent red pills.Did you buy the T-shirt somewhere, Pat? If you got it online, I’d sure like to buy one, too. Or did you have the text screened on to a regular T-shirt by someone who does that kind of work on special order?
I sometimes wear a T-shirt that reads:
Thank you for your extraordinarily helpful reply, Pat.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t utterly amazed to learn that Amazon will do this work. Indeed, the only thing in your whole comment that didn’t come as a surprise was your revelation that Amazon balked at “Question the Holocaust”!
In light of your success with the other counter-Narrative messages, however, I admit to being sorely tempted to ask Amazon to imprint a shirt with “The Big H Never Happened.” Would they see through that evasive maneuver, I wonder?
Again, thanks a million, Pat. Three cheers for red pills and situational awareness!
I almost give a flying rat’s ass, nigger.
A preposition.
I sometimes wear a T-shirt that reads:
Did you buy the T-shirt somewhere, Pat? If you got it online, I’d sure like to buy one, too. Or did you have the text screened on to a regular T-shirt by someone who does that kind of work on special order?
Pierre, I’m pleased that you ask, t-shirts make excellent red pills.
And Amazon makes it easy & cheap.
Enter: ” t-shirt text ” and you’ll find lots of options for shirts & your own text.
I also wear shirts that read:
— (I leave a space in front of the exclamation mark for clarity. This particular shirt gets the most compliments.)
— ( capitalized like that to minimize confusion with Wikileaks or Wikipedia)
To learn who
rules over you,
simply find out who
you are not allowed
to criticize.
— (lower case so it reads easier & more words fit)
— (I tried twice, but Amazon won’t print this):
— (However, it did print this work-around):
also lies
— (Help yourself. Whatever you come up with, enjoy yourself & be situationally aware.)
The billionaires setting these things up are so disconnected from average people that they could care less what we think.
The COULD care less or they could NOT care less?
What orcs say (aka “nigger-babble”) is confusing enough. As whites, we should not seek to emulate their mangling of English, also known as the language of white men.
I know you meant to type “their commercials” and you meant to leave mistakes involving common English words to the orcs.
Jesus of Nazareth was not a “jew” in the modern sense. He wasn’t of the Khazarian Mafia “tribe” that claims to be the people of Israel. These people flocked to Occupied Palestine from the countries of Russia, Poland, Germany, Italy, etc. He would have been genetically close to the modern Palestinians. The modern occupiers claiming to be Israel are genetically VERY close to modern Italians. Furthermore, modern Talmudic Judaism isn’t the same religion as what was practised before and during Christ’s time as Judaism. Modern Talmudic Judaism needs Jesus to exist, as the entire basis of their current religion is based on His rejection and repudiation. Nice try though, yehudi.
Your cronies America_invades_israel, arbeit macht frei not in active hours?
How’s those Chxnk, often in your fed payroll guys’s views, deal with them if black or muslims demand their own ‘Nawshunal Anthem’ or their own flags hang up high?
We know slanty Chxnk ain’t slanty, they been straight in da business. They will toss the flags with those niqqers, and flush them down to Yangzi river like some live devout to ancient Yellow Emperor. And pathetic wimps like you keyboarding on the internet trying play tough, badmouthing Chinese but when China did the thing UNTHINKABLE here in the states, you guys fold, like a fkin sloppy 7 dollar Chinese buffet spring-roll. LOL
At this rate, we could wonder if they’ll be hoisted by their own petard?
Btw, it could be interesting to know how many Hispanics will give them attention.
Did you buy the T-shirt somewhere, Pat? If you got it online, I’d sure like to buy one, too. Or did you have the text screened on to a regular T-shirt by someone who does that kind of work on special order?
Pierre, I'm pleased that you ask, t-shirts make excellent red pills.Did you buy the T-shirt somewhere, Pat? If you got it online, I’d sure like to buy one, too. Or did you have the text screened on to a regular T-shirt by someone who does that kind of work on special order?
I sometimes wear a T-shirt that reads:
P.S. what da ph*k be a adgektive
And this, children, is what happens if you don’t pick your own cotton.
LOL. No. The “fathers” are like that themselves. Negroes are negroes, no matter what other categories they are part of. The lowest economic quintile of White youths commit less crime and so better academically than the highest economic quintile of groids. Black females have a higher murder rate than White men.
Like most white Americans as well.
Let’s be honest, the reason viewers increased by 2% is becasue Trump was at the game.
“Race Traitors?” They’re Jews! Q.E.D. Did you notice that even the female sportscasters are being infiltrated by Jewesses?
“They not like us”. I’m not sure I understand the dialect – is the word ‘like’ intended to be a verb or an adjective?
Remember, the nfl is “sports entertainment”, just like the wwe. Anyway, the nfl players are majority black, so they have to play to that audience. They figure the white people will grin and bear it because they just want to watch the fucking game. Would the nba have reo speedwagon as a guest? Of course not. The billionaires setting these things up are so disconnected from average people that they could care less what we think. Pay the players a lot of money and then entertain them with some low iq jackoff. They know the white fans don’t want to watch that shit but its the super bowl, mute the sound till the game starts.
The COULD care less or they could NOT care less?
The billionaires setting these things up are so disconnected from average people that they could care less what we think.
They must watch a lot of television where commercials make it appear that blacks are a big majority and all very intelligent and good people.Replies: @Rich
Quick – someone tell them that 87% of America is not black. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? �
I don’t think Tanzania has as many blacks in there commercials as American television does.
SUPERBOWL BLACKS: We built America!!
WHITES: You didn’t even build that stage.
[MORE WHITES: How do we know you didn’t build it? Because it didn’t collapse.]
Quick – someone tell them that 87% of America is not black. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
They must watch a lot of television where commercials make it appear that blacks are a big majority and all very intelligent and good people.
Quick – someone tell them that 87% of America is not black. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
They must watch a lot of television where commercials make it appear that blacks are a big majority and all very intelligent and good people.Replies: @Rich
Quick – someone tell them that 87% of America is not black. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? �
I skipped the entire Superbowl game. When I read that the black national anthem would be performed , I knew it was way too blackity-black for me. Not to mention the repulsive africanized half-time show.
I missed nothing.
I look forward to seeing Trump tax the hell out those NFL owners – a disgusting gang of race traitors. I never forgot several of those dumb f**ks taking the knee during the GFloyd hoopla.
This year’s halftime show was black run entertainment at its finest. I doubt even blacks could explain the point of it. The sad truth is the Super Bowl halftime show could consist of black males forcibly raping White women and beating White males to death with clubs and White America would still watch the game. The conditioning never ends even though most Whites are already completely under the control of organized jewry and their black pets. They have fully accepted their subordinate role in our sick and disgusting culture.
Would have been quite funny if…
This is common for the black male (rappers, athletes, actors) to take their petty feuds publicly. Since not having male role models they emulate mama – had they fathers present in their lives they would act like men and not resort to this kind of effeminate behavior.
You as a whole don’t see this behavior exhibited from the other races.
For those of us who follow rugby union, a game where the major talking point afterwards is the half time show cannot be compared to any major football (soccer) or championship rugby match. How can you call it football when the kicker sits on the sidelines for much of the match?
It’s hard to understand why so many Whites put up with this anti-White crap, even let their children listen to ridiculous rap and idolize black athletes, most of whom hate them. I don’t get it. Football isn’t as popular with kids as it used to be, although everyone has to go to a party on Super Bowl Sunday and watch the game. Almost every parent i know tells me they worry about concussions and won’t let their kids play. How long can a game few people play stay popular?
Maybe everybody should stop watching fixed sporting invents played on plastic.
They should have removed te Black national Anthem and sung the National Anthem end of the deal and kept the end racism signs.
The black population continues to embrace mechanisms for their own segregation. Strange that.
What a Bizarre twist. I guess they wanted to poke an eye in Pres Trumps face.
Every African performer: “I’m black, y’all!”
Video Link
Bunker-Busters on the CoL might help us Earthlings.
The tedious variations of “Fight Anti-Semitism” propaganda are all pure cringe.
I sometimes wear a T-shirt that reads:
(Of course most goys don’t know what it means, but some people certainly do.)
Everyone and their brother knows that these Oriental Massage parlors harbor illegals with many of these women used as sex workers forced to often work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day and sometimes even housed in the same building. Recently in Lakeland, Florida they ran a sting on a few of these massage parlors, arrested some women for prostitution, some were from China and illegal. I think the oldest sex worker was in her late fifties or early 60s. Good lawd. Now I am sure a man like the owner of a team called the Patriots wouldn’t support sex trafficking, prostitution, or women being treated like sex slaves. After all Mr. Kraft is a VIP, met Presidents and has been to the White House. Oh wait, sorry Jeffrey Epstein.
It’s why Jesus is such a funny character really. Total nice guy, apparently Jewish himself. Yeah riiiiighhhttt. He’s everyone’s imaginary Jewish chum. A figment of the white imagination.
My response as well.
I gotta admit that when I read of Jews speaking of stopping hate I experience a moment of flushed joy. “Finally!” I say to myself. “A righteous Jew standing up and denouncing his co-religionists/ethnics for being the number one source of spreading hatred around the world and sowing bad blood between peoples”.
And then I read on and discover that they’re talking about people’s reaction to their hatred.
Even though I should know better, I still experience that momentary joy when I mistakenly believe that a Jew is about to do the right thing.
Why is that?
I guess it’s that most of us want to believe that there is good in all people and that the Good has some power to attract people’s Souls.
As with all things, it’s dangerous to generalize from what is known about one group to what may be true of another.
Vaguely recall this. As a subtext to this story, are local US law enforcement fronting some subtle kind of FBI counter intelligence operations to limit Jewish and Mossad penetration? Or do these rich old yids keep getting caught by chance?
To be fair NOI were always onto Israel in a fascinating way.
But most blacks will just go along with anyone in power really. Natural slaves.
Since Kraft wants to characterize opposition to brutal Israeli military action as ‘hate’, and smear those involved as ‘anti-Semites’, like a typical Jew using gentile celebrities as a front to do that, this time a football star and a ‘rapper’, the author really should have mentioned that Kraft himself managed to use his influence, money, and corrupt criminal prosecutors to wriggle out of a sleazy Epstein-like sex scandal:
Robert Kraft, a Massage Parlor, and an Unbelievable Story
Jeffrey Epstein compared himself to Patriots owner Robert Kraft: reporter
They don’t have to worry, they still have plenty of negros participating in their “BBC” porn humiliating whites. It’s not like they lost all the blacks, just the ones who have been programmed to hate whites so they also see them as white, just white with a bigger nose.
Unfortunately they are moronic idiots if they thought they could kill so many Palestinians and not end up being hated by the very people they’ve been weaponizing and using in media non-stop. If they were mass killing off whites like that vs the soft genocide method of replacing them in their own lands, the blacks wouldn’t even care or hate them at all because they would be getting rid of more whites.
They may be smart at making money, but goddamn they are idiots when it comes down to everything else. And I wish the guy writing this didn’t even mention BLM, all of a sudden they are a “moralistic” group when it’s the J-crew who funded them in the first place? Come on. I thought that shitty marxist fraud group was dead and no longer around anymore. Now all of a sudden they are relevant again because there’s something else going on in the world for them to take advantage of and exploit.
Snoop Nigg and “Happy Ending” Krapft done found ‘dey latest grift, Shame that Cuck Brady went along.
Their whole existence and spiel is projection. “Eternal victims and everyone hates us.” But they are the constant criminals, society wreckers, and haters of every other people on this planet.
Thanks for putting up the video, but I have to rearrange the gravel in my driveway, or something, so I can’t watch it, or the Loser Bowl.
Lemme get this straight. Jews are literally committing genocide against the Palestinians, they are front and center at promoting soft genocide of Whites in White nations through flooding White nations with non whites. Jews have used Jewish owned media outlets, Hollywood, academia to spew anti White HATE for a minimum of 60 years and counting so where is the commercial for stopping Jewish hate and anti White hate in the world. I work cheaper than Poop Dawg and Shady Brady, I will do the commercial for 100 grand and a steak dinner, Bobby.
Look what Jews stirred up in South Africa.
Stop hate? Sign me up! Nobody hates like kikes. Their fake holocaust is one big pretext for genocide. Their whole life is indoctrination in a cultic origin myth of tit-for-tat genocide. The state religion of Israel is nothing but organized hostility, discrimination, and violence.
Nuke Tel Aviv and hate will disappear.
Haha. Poop Dawg was the clown who put out a video about a Trump assassination when Trump was in office the first time but now the nigra did a 180 and performed at Trump’s 2025 Inauguration Party. How about that bald headed Lurch character named John Fetterman, the kike who reminds you of an overgrown Karl Childers, talk about a switcheroo.
Robert Kraft? Oh, that’s the Jew boy who was arrested in an Oriental Massage Parlor in Florida. 🤣
Seriously, you are a billionaire, at least get a high end escort.
Tom Brady? You have that kind of money and you still kikesucking, boy. Brady is either a dumbass ( highly possible), maybe skeered if he says the wrong thing he’ll lose job as an analyst/commentator, who knows, apparently the only thing special about Brady is he can play football and take orders.
In Kike World, it seems 99% of the people have no convictions, no standards, no ethics and they will do ANYTHING for social status and money. Trained seals. ðŸ¦
Tom Brady & Snoop Dogg’ Super Bowl Ad Isn’t What You Think—Here’s Who’s Behind It
Oh, it’s exactly what I think.
And, in case those two dumbasses weren’t enough of a red flag, FCAS extended us the courtesy of identifying themselves as the producers of the ad in the ad itself.
If there is one thing the world needs more of, it is anti-semitism.
There was a lot more Sinatra and Martin and Roselli, but you’d be surprised how many people liked Johnny Cash, Hank Williams and Loretta Lynn.
If you had driven around listening to Country music and talking about square dancing in Bensonhurst or Red Hook or Bergen Beach in the 1980s, they would have chased YOU out with bats.
You guys would never come into my neighborhood. Not even to steal. You’d get chased out with bats and sticks before you could rape or pillage. They wouldn’t even let a black mailman work there when I was a kid.
naw dood we Gon find out name weather u tell us or not yo 4 reel
One thing people, a lot more people, are going to notice pretty soon is the general degradation of people’s behavior.
It is going to be across the board, ethnicity, sex, age, and income.
…You must have had a lot of friends back in Brooklyn.
That looked about 80% white to me also. I’m a fair guy man. I want all races to lead decent loves and treat each other like they want to be treated themselves.
Referees should go out of their way to be accurate, and coaches should not allow players to cheap shot or hard foul the opponents players. Basketball should not be violent, and I think zone defenses should be allowed in the pros.
Cannot think of a reason to disagree with your assessment. As anecdotal support for your hypothesis, everybody moves out of a neighborhood that turns black and nobody moves into a neighborhood because it has a lot of blacks.
The “rot” affects Catholic high schools as well.
Black “athletes” (who are not even Catholic) get sports “scholarships” while needy, deserving Catholics (who could make a real difference) are denied the benefits of a Catholic education.
Follow the shekels…
Thank you Priss, Those limey bastards take the cake. They put even the BLM to shame with town destruction after a stupid soccer match, they don’t even need to get snockered first.
And there’s soccer hooligans in the UK.
It looked like a bunch of Honkees involved, are my eyes that bad?
What might occasionally happen in the stands is far less important than the widespread and ongoing corruption of college sports by TV money — many schools seem to have completely abandoned admissions standards in the search for success in sports like football and basketball, where success means more revenue: higher attendance, more TV appearances — no one can take all those tattooed ghetto Blacks seriously as ‘student athletes’ — now you even see the same thing at smaller schools in smaller conferences, and in women’s sports.
Why is this topic even a damned article?
1. Anyone who does not know this happens at nearly every function where blacks are in attendance deserves to be laid out cold.
2. The same behavior happens with Mexican and South American wetbacks as well as White Brazilians over their damned ‘futbol’.
Anglin, why don’t you make an article about their sub-human behavior for a change? Anything other than the zillionth article about negroes and what is already known about them.
You are just enabling White fixation on them that works in the favor of non-black, non-White invaders like the pajeets, you dumbass.
There is a pleasant, well-run amusement park / entertainment complex in a southeastern Michigan suburb that has had trouble with blacks. I will not name the venue because it is (still) a nice place to frequent and would be unfair to the owners as they are attempting to maintain a decent decorum for white patrons despite the behavior of blacks.
Due to problems with blacks, metal detectors have been installed at the entrances with all of the security screeners being black. One one hand, this is a smart move as the blacks who are being screened cannot cry “racismâ€. On the other hand, seeing ANY blacks in such a nice venue is still problematic.
Black “children†who run around the complex still harass whites just by their unruly, obnoxious behavior just because they can.
Blacks just don’t “belong†there. They should have their own amusement parks / entertainment venues.
We would all be better off.
Wherever blacks congregate, they destroy.
Never go anywhere where there’s a possibility of being forced to mingle with American blacks. Stick to country music, square dancing and hockey.
At any rate, all lands were conquered, fought for, developed, defended, and maintained. Such could not have been possible without a guiding hand that directed one set of power against another. Take Israel. It may seem like a nice nation, but it was built by a biological or ethnic struggle between the Zionists and the Palestinians. Jewish elites led the struggle and guided Jewish mass violence against Arabs so that Jews would come out on top. And Jews use border walls and pro-Jewish immigration policy to keep Jewish power at the center of Israeli affairs. Israel wasn’t created by some idle set of principles entertained in the minds of dreamers. It was created by biological Jews taking action and waging war on others who stood in their way. It was created by the triumph of Jewish organisms over Arab organisms.
Classic “resource war”. Resource wars are also fought by chimpanzees. Example: Resource wars were likely fought by the common ancestor (Ardipithecus ramidus) of chimps and Homo Sapiens. They are thus pretty deeply ingrained in human genetics. Ignoring them simply means that they will take the ignoring party by surprise, as surprised as was this author:
For several years I struggled to come to terms with this new knowledge. Often when I woke in the night, horrific pictures sprang unbidden to my mind—Satan [one of the apes], cupping his hand below Sniff’s chin to drink the blood that welled from a great wound on his face; old Rodolf, usually so benign, standing upright to hurl a four-pound rock at Godi’s prostrate body; Jomeo tearing a strip of skin from Dé’s thigh; Figan, charging and hitting, again and again, the stricken, quivering body of Goliath, one of his childhood heroes. …
Right now, we’re looking at the end of the globalist world order. Resource wars have actually started. Consider Gaza/Israel. Consider the rather desperate attempt of the US to obtain Russian resources through gradual NATO encroachment into Russia’s strategic depth territory. For that matter, consider the string of losing wars that, in retrospect, look like resource wars, like attempts to incorporate more resources into global trade under US administration. Those were obviously futile well before the Russia/Ukraine war failed.
Invading Afghanistan “Graveyard of Empires” with troops whose logistics cost ~a million USD/(person year) and were cautioned not to take casualties was obviously futile. So was invading Iraq and pretty much forcing the Iraqi Army to become a guerilla force just to put food on the table violated even the pre-WW II Right of Conquest doctrine, which said that conquest required the effective control/administration of the civil populace before conquest would be recognized.
The wars were acts of desperation by utterly clueless people who, I suppose, tried resource war because it came naturally and because they could think of no other way to possibly remain in power. We’re going to see more of that as resource/demand diminishes: resource wars are deeply buried in human genetics.
So Freud-Jung’s article is not only correct, but resource wars are in process of going global.
Really? And who did?
Nazism is not “basically eugenics.” And the Nazis did not take eugenics to its logical conclusion.
I read somewhere that the earliest use of the word "rabbi" is in the New Testament, so it's another case of Jews and "Stolen Valor".Replies: @Che Guava
Are you ever going to make a reply without your ever present “rabbi (Jesus)†reference? Here’s some homework look up the word tedious.
That is a common mistranslation. Rabbinical Judaeism is much later. At least four centuries later. All of recent translations that have Jesus addressed as ‘Rabbi’ are wrong, and wrong for a particular reason: to push the heresy of ‘Judaeo-Chrinistianity’, as now formulated.
I will repeat myself. Judaeo-Christian was a purely theological term created by European theologians in the nineteenth century as a term for those on the Judaeizing side in the early Church.
It remained limited to that usage for decades.
In the late 1940s, Dispensationalist heretic preachers started using it. It slowly spread in their heretical denominations. One mustn’t forget that this timing coincided with the brutal success of the Zionist venture, which is tied up with Dispentionalist fantasies, or eschatology.
By the ’80s, politicians would say it on occasion. By the ’90s, more, ’00s more, and this in the context of licking Israeli body parts as much as attracting heretical voters.
So, ‘Judaeo-Christian’ increasingly became a duck-speak word among politicians. Started hitting its peak in the ’10s, and stays there since.
Really, worth an essay, but that is the condensed true history of term origin and spread in the U.S.
Are you ever going to make a reply without your ever present “rabbi (Jesus)†reference? Here’s some homework look up the word tedious.
I read somewhere that the earliest use of the word “rabbi” is in the New Testament, so it’s another case of Jews and “Stolen Valor”.
Interesting point!
What bad things did the National Socialists do?
Can you state, say 3, with factual verifiable proof? Hint: Wiki is not proof of anything.
The emphasis is on factual and verifiable; arm waving and caterwauling is not proof.
[Stop clogging up this website with your worthless, ultra-long comments or everything you write will get trashed.]
You’re probably right. In my opinion, the cornerstone of mainstream falsifications is the so-called migration of so-called Slavs from the Ukrainian swamps to the Balkans (and Europe). No one noticed or recorded such a mass migration, even though it allegedly replaced the entire population of the former Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, and partially of Hungary, Austria and Romania.
It is not explained where the previous inhabitants of the Balkans disappeared overnight, who handed over their houses and properties to the newcomers without a fight, and they themselves simply disappeared and even took their cemeteries with them.
Your version is confirmed by the situation in Serbia, which is an American-Zionist colony. A person who passed the Davos filter and specialization was appointed as the Minister of Science, who said that her main task was to prove that the so-called ‘Serbian gene’ does not exist. This means that the Serbs as a people do not exist, they are a random group that, like at a railway station, at one point in time happened in the Balkans in transit, like many other migrations.
This further means that Serbs have no right to decide anything about things in the Balkans, someone else will do it. Migrants flooding Europe will probably be used and instrumentalized for the same purpose, so, other nations will no longer be able to decide anything in their countries either.
OOps ! damn ! :
^That is very ancient but won’t tell you very much about being British. In regards to England the legit ‘white’ portion , of the population, is anywhere from there are varying degrees of ‘Germanic’ admixture :
Fixed :
That is very ancient but won’t tell you very much about being British. In regards to to the demographics of England in legit ‘white’ portion , of the population, there are varying degrees of ‘Germanic’ admixture depending on the region.
Obviously, European history goes back to very ancient times. I can model myself as a biologically correct British person rather than a biologically correct Nazi :
Target: Pendragon_scaled
Distance: 3.3808% / 0.03380788
75.6 Early_Bronze_Age_Europe_Indoeuropean
18.4 Anatolia_Neolithic_Farmers
6.0 Western_European_Hunter_Gatherer
^That is very ancient but won’t tell you very much about being British. In regards to England the legit ‘white’ portion , of the population, is anywhere from there are varying degrees of ‘Germanic’ admixture :
Target: Pendragon_scaled
Distance: 1.3775% / 0.01377538 (good distance)
30.2 Anglo-Saxon:Norse
29.4 Celtic:DEU_Lech_EBA:AITI_119 (Germany the early Bronze Age)
21.2 Celtic:England_LBA (England the late bronze age)
17.0 Anglo-Saxon:England_Saxon:I0769 (Saxon invader England)
1.0 Anglo-Saxon:Deutschendorf_Poprad_MA (Dutch-like sample from the middle ages)
0.8 Celtic:England_IA:I0160 (The English Iron Age)
0.4 Anglo-Saxon:DEU_MA:ALH_1 (Germany the midde ages)
Target: English (average)
Distance: 0.6890% / 0.00689005 (excellent distance)
17.6 Anglo-Saxon:Norse
17.4 Celtic:6DT3
13.2 Anglo-Saxon:England_Saxon:I0769
11.2 Celtic:Continental_celt:CZE_Hallstatt_Bylany:DA111
10.8 Anglo-Saxon:Deutschendorf_Poprad_MA
8.6 Celtic:ITA_Boville_Ernica_Latini_IA
7.2 Celtic:England_IA:I0160
5.8 Celtic:England_EMBA
5.6 Celtic:England_IA
1.6 Anglo-Saxon:DEU_MA:STR_486
0.8 Celtic:DEU_Lech_MBA:OTTM_151ind2_d
0.2 Celtic:ITA_Prenestini_tribe_IA
JF illustrates a consequence of the “berserker minority”, or better known colloquially, “the tyranny of the minority.”
But unless one is allowed to name the minority, tyranny will continue unrestricted. Thus the Jewish dogfight to keep the “Jew” out of “your dirty mouth.”
Regressing back to “white power” won’t work because Jews pass for white. It’s also a cultural step backward as it represents a retrogression to petty tribalism.
Free, liberal societies have value but appear to fail because respect for native culture, indigenous people, defended with borders and restrictions on immigration, are not adhered to.
The answer lies in a stack: Ancestry, history, culture, borders, limited immigration, which then gives a people space to be free and liberal.
Quoting that lisping asshole Cernovich doesn’t add to an otherwise good article.
Who, or what, is a Nazi? Mind you, although the Communists had done many of the same bad things, one can get a good idea what a Communist is. After all, you cannot help running into them on College Campuses these days.
As far as I am concerned, a Nazi is basically a Eugenicist. Though Eugenics began in Britain, and spread to America, the Germans took it to its logical conclusion.
Are you ever going to make a reply without your ever present “rabbi (Jesus)” reference? Here’s some homework look up the word tedious.
I read somewhere that the earliest use of the word "rabbi" is in the New Testament, so it's another case of Jews and "Stolen Valor".Replies: @Che Guava
Are you ever going to make a reply without your ever present “rabbi (Jesus)†reference? Here’s some homework look up the word tedious.
It is a concerted effort lead by the Jews to convince Europeans that they have no homeland and that Europe was always diverse so that they must now accept niggers from Africa, Asians all blacks and browns. It is diabolical and well planned and is being executed to perfection. Look at the PMs of Britain, Scotland and Ireland. None are indigenous all are brown bastards who openly hate White people.
I hate to be cynical but I think I can concisely summarize this long article: “The biological imperatives.â€
If you are not familiar with that term, then here, still quite concisely, are the five components:
Biological imperatives are the needs of living organisms required to perpetuate their existence: territorialism, competition, reproduction, quality-of-life-seeking, and group-forming. Living organisms that do not attempt to follow or do not succeed in satisfying these imperatives are described as maladaptive.
Some basic things should be remembered. It is unfortunate that the majority of the white race does not know where their roots are, where and when their civilization arose. Here is just a brief summary.
The oldest European civilization, culture and language arose in Vinca (15 kilometers from Belgrade), after the end of the Ice Age (about 10-12,000 years ago). It was a high culture that knew metalworking, agriculture, house building, goldsmithing, calendar, astronomy, mathematics, crafts, trade, multi-story temples, etc. There was the first industrial revolution 7000 years ago (metal smelting).
The vast majority of people lived in the microclimate of Vinca during the Ice Age, and after the melting of the ice and the first industrial revolution, they moved across Europe in all directions. The language spoken there has a continuity from the Paleolithic to today. That Vinca language was spoken by the natives of Europe who, even before the First Industrial Revolution, called themselves ‘srb’ (Serbs), which means – relative, member of the same race.
The word ‘rasa’ (race) itself is also from that language and is accepted throughout the world and has the same meaning as ‘srb’. The meaning of the name of one of the tribes of that people (Tribals) is also taken over the whole world.
Modern history has falsified key data on the origins of people and languages, and constantly hides the roots of European civilization. Is that right? It is no coincidence that probably more than 95% of Europeans and their derivatives do not know where the roots of their civilization, culture and language are, or even the very meaning of the name of their continent.
Jews have done immense harm to the west and to whites in general. Just about all problems we have today can be traced back to Jews.
Yes, it happen 1000 years ago. On their way, the cannibals burned women alive, make you worship the zero, and vote for them 😉
Its a madhouse. The cult murder you in the hospitals, nothing happen, no white regime hang in the lamp posts yet. They should all hang.
Once the white man adopted some rabbi (Jesus) as his god who taught ‘salvation is from the Jews’ (John 4:22), then its just a matter of time before these same Jews come to own/dominate your entire nation-state for their own mongrel profit/power & your own white subjugation/extermination. Now you know.
I had understood college wrestling to be a conservative sport, but an incident that happened a few months ago was alarming. An employee at a company involved in wrestling gear posted on the company facebook page. He posted accurate info about BLM. This heresy was so egregious that the man had to leave the company. Even worse, a bunch of college wrestling stars posted on social media – horror at the truth about BLM and even disassociation from the company in some cases.
So the brainwashing is that deep.
Yeah, the NHL was hesitant to bend over all the way, but eventually they made the choice to cancel games for a rapist. The anti-white media and corporate pressure was too much.
Stanley cup finals ratings were down 60 percent this year.
False. That is what your kind WISH, but that is not the case.
The fact of the matter is that sports matters to American men today regardless of political ideology.
There again, you are exaggerating. Professional spectator sports are a fairly recent phenomenon and certainly NOT anything close to "masculinity personified", sweetheart. This gives us a clear window into your fucked psyche...lolBeing glued to a TV for days at a time, playing "fantasy sports" and living vicariously through semi retarded nigger monkeys is nowhere near "normal", dipshit.Replies: @Truth, @AndrewR, @GeneralRipper
It is masculinity personified. It is patently normal.
Privileged blacks carrying water for their less fortunate ethnic cohorts. I wonder if rich whites will ever do the same for their own people?
LOLOLOLOL. Are you for real?
A quote from Samuel Johnson:
“A man is, in general, better pleased when he has a good dinner upon his table, than when his wife talks Greek.”
Ace Deuce’s Corollary to the above:
A White Man is, in general, better pleased when niggra boys and she-beasts simply act civilized, than when they “raise issues”, however “deferentially” they might do so
The leagues are running into multiple issues. Not only are they turning off there traditional audience. The replacement audiences are not buying in. Millennials have so many “on demand” options they don’t necessarily wait for a game or view it as must see TV. Additionally, like many large corporations the big pro leagues have tried to reach the growing Hispanic market but in the what they don’t want to talk about category, they’ve only had a very small return on that investment. Salary caps will be shrinking, watch the cry babies starting in 2021 NFL free agent market.