”Nasty Nazi Nathan Cofnas”
Cofnas is highly philo-semitic and most likely a crypto-Talmudic Jew
“How is life in you IDF unit 8200 sh!thole?”
Wow. Do you kiss (or more likely fellate) your parish priest with that mouth? For shame!
The idiot mullahs of Iran are lucky to even sight the next goat for their afternoon rendezvous.
And speaking of bangs (lol) . . . .
I’m hardly the first person to notice the obviously Jewish punim of (((Andrew Anglin))). There are whole videos about it! Here is just one:
How is life in you IDF unit 8200 sh!thole?
I’ll bet it’s not too quiet as of late. Good!
I’ll bet that an Iranian missile will be sighted in on your HQ.
Wait for the bang.
“Woody Allen is a scumbag jew child molester, marrying his adopted daughter.”
Now you’re just lying (typical of an apologist for the Whore of Babylon “church” based in Rome).
Woody Allen never molested anyone and he certainly didn’t marry his adopted daughter like you claimed. He did marry the daughter of his nutjob ex-girlfriend. (Woody Allen neither married Ms. Farrow nor adopted Soon Yi Previn.) And the brilliant Mr. Allen is still happily married to Soon Yi! Wishing both Woody and Soon Yi a happy and sweet New Year! Shanah Tovah!!!!
Yes-the Judenreich IS the spearhead of the Western ‘Clash of Civilizations’ race and cultural war on the non-West, led by China. Western elites, and brainwashed and vicious cretins like YOU, are so deranged, in-bred and arrogant that they think that they can attack China, and win. And like most ‘Christian Zionazi’ slaves, you confuse the Torah with the Christian New Testament. The two are complete antitheses, and you are Judaic, never ‘Christian’. The arrogance and blood-lust says it all.
I found the first few paragraphs so tedious that I bailed out. Why does this article suck so bad?
(((sandy))) says
The Jews were never expelled from anywhere, just converted
Then (((sandy))) says…
Spain is a good example, considering about 100,000 people left during the Jewish expulsion
First they were allegedly never expelled…then a few posts later, he inadvertently admits he was lying.
Look shlomo, you are a pathological liar. Your lying rabbis and your lying parents likely fucked up your brain and made you the raving deceiver and hypocrite you are today. It’s not “funny”. It’s not “culture”. It’s sick and people tire of lying jews.
Please shlomo, get help. Stop believing in the ethnic cult your gullible ancestors fell for. Do better shlomo. Drop the yahweh sky ghost cult….start being consistent, fair, and begin being honest.
Abandon your ancestors and your tribe of liars and become a real human being. If enough of you do it, you can truly make the world a better place.
I’m trying to help here.
I proved you wrong about the jewish expulsions shlomo. Revealing yet again that you are a liar, as in my experience, jews as a people are a group of liars.
My people have known this for centuries. Your people are not to be trusted or believed….EVER.
It is quite clear why you jews are constantly the ones demanding censorship. You post reveals the reason….you simply suck at debating real issues, and you cannot acknowledge the truth.
You are allergic to truth.
This is why “The jews and their lies” was removed by amazon. It is why “culture of critique” was removed by amazon. It is why “the myth of German villainy” was removed by amazon.
Because YOU JEWS can’t stand the truth….and those truths you are too lazy to try to refute, or can’t refute, you demand those truths be censored and burned at the stake.
Just the other day, I heard the jew john kerry insisting that (((democracy))) is too difficult when jews aren’t allowed to censor the truth.
Your people are truly pathetic, authoritarian, dictatorial, and neurotic. People get really tired of your behavior. THIS is why your people have been targeted throughout history. …your awful behavior.
As a wise man once said:
anti semitism=is a goy reaction to bad jewish behavior
Some really original stuff, I must admit.
German is what the Romans called these pure tribes ie “Germans”.
We haven’t heard anything like that even from Tulip (and especially not from Panzer D-doyen, HdC). I immediately had the feeling that the ‘Land of the Spearmen’ was a simple cork. This indirectly explains why Auschwitz had a swimming pool, a maternity ward, craft courses and football matches with the English national team.
The people from the Russian steppes were dispersed Hebrew Israelites from the northern house that was carried away in the times of Assyria.
WoW. This is really something. And I guessed that earlier when I said that there was a great similarity between panzers and Zionists, but I didn’t know where it came from. So, common ancestry. Very good.
Before, I didn’t understand why football was played against the English national team until I saw the following:
“These proto saxons or Isaac’s Sons are at the foundation of British and English speaking people everywhere today.”
So, here we are. This is practically the answer to almost all our questions. I am sure that Tulip, Isaac’s (Ikey-Kikey), g.g-daughter, will also be satisfied, because anything is better than being a Serbian kin.
After all, the kinship of Jews and Goths seems quite normal to me (and it also means that the Germans were really Goths, which I thought was a forgery).
If you finally tell us the meaning of kike, which is now no longer a derogatory term only for Jews but also for panzers and all English-speaking people, then you have really done a great job and finally explained some issues that have been lingering here for months if not years.
You’re wrong.
Fair enough, although at least they were girls. And maybe look up the phrase 'double standard', as there are cultures throughout the world--Islamic culture in particular--in which a 13-year-old girl is actually past her prime.Be that as it may, Catholicism basically exists as a cover for grown men to ass-fuck young boys.I realize you hate jews, but the Catholics are peerless when it comes to sexual depravity.Replies: @anarchyst
Woody Allen is a scumbag jew child molester, marrying his adopted daughter.One cannot forget Roman Polansky, another jew who raped and sodomized a 13-year-old girl
The jew-owned “mainstream media†licked its chops when a small cabal of homosexual pedophilic priests was exposed within the Roman Catholic Church.
Although the number was small (but still reprehensible to say the least), the jew-owned “mainstream media†utilized its power to slander ALL Catholic clergy, and by inference, the Roman Catholic Church itself. This falls in line with the jewish belief in “collective responsibilityâ€.
This same mainstream media conveniently left out the much greater homosexual pedophilia problem within Protestant denominations and its own problems with homosexual pedophilia rabbis within judaism. One only has to observe the recently discovered child sacrifice “tunnels†under NYC synagogues. Despite clear evidence of child sacrifices going on (blood-stained child-size mattresses, toddler high-chairs and other child-size items) NYC officials decided to destroy evidence of jewish child-sacrifices rather than preserve criminal evidence.
In fact, there is much more homosexual pedophilia behavior within Protestantism and judaism than there ever was in the Roman Catholic Church.
The jew-owned “mainstream media†used its own “play on words†to avoid blaming homosexual pedophilia supporters by calling their criminal behavior “minor sex abuse†rather than the sordid criminal homosexual grooming behavior that it truly is. The “mainstream media†went out if its way to avoid calling this sordid criminal behavior by its true definition–homosexual pedophilia grooming.
It is judaism’s eternal hatred of the Roman Catholic Church and Christianity that fuels the constant defamation of Catholicism and Christianity.
If only Christians would disavow their support of zionism and judaism and recognize the extreme hatred that jews have for Roman Catholicism and Christianity, this would be a much better world…
My god you fake jews are so ignorant about your real history. Let me help you out here, shlomo.
The Jews were never expelled from anywhere, just converted. You made the whole thing up in your mind, it’s obviously wrong.
Thanks for sharing your giant mentally ill word salad as you have a nervous breakdown on the internet.
Typical boomer
They were all white scythians, in short. German is what the Romans called these pure tribes ie “germane”. The people from the Russian steppes were dispersed Hebrew Israelites from the northern house that was carried away in the times of Assyria. And those who left earlier, moving into Asia Minor.
All of these “caucasians” (those who crossed north over the caucasus) and their ilk moved towards Western and Central Europe around the year 0 AD or thereafter. That’s when the Romans started into contact with these newly arrived peoples in “Germania”, and of course there’s all kinds of other people let’s say “Europeans” who were already present.
Basically what professor Tolkien had in mind with the horse mounted “Rohirrim”, notice the Hebrew plural that he also identified with “Haradrim”. These proto saxons or Isaac’s Sons are at the foundation of British and English speaking people everywhere today. That all goes back to ancient Scythia and Parthia
We haven't heard anything like that even from Tulip (and especially not from Panzer D-doyen, HdC). I immediately had the feeling that the 'Land of the Spearmen' was a simple cork. This indirectly explains why Auschwitz had a swimming pool, a maternity ward, craft courses and football matches with the English national team.
German is what the Romans called these pure tribes ie "Germans".
WoW. This is really something. And I guessed that earlier when I said that there was a great similarity between panzers and Zionists, but I didn't know where it came from. So, common ancestry. Very good. Before, I didn't understand why football was played against the English national team until I saw the following:"These proto saxons or Isaac's Sons are at the foundation of British and English speaking people everywhere today."So, here we are. This is practically the answer to almost all our questions. I am sure that Tulip, Isaac's (Ikey-Kikey), g.g-daughter, will also be satisfied, because anything is better than being a Serbian kin. After all, the kinship of Jews and Goths seems quite normal to me (and it also means that the Germans were really Goths, which I thought was a forgery).If you finally tell us the meaning of kike, which is now no longer a derogatory term only for Jews but also for panzers and all English-speaking people, then you have really done a great job and finally explained some issues that have been lingering here for months if not years.
The people from the Russian steppes were dispersed Hebrew Israelites from the northern house that was carried away in the times of Assyria.
Woody Allen is a scumbag jew child molester, marrying his adopted daughter.
One cannot forget Roman Polansky, another jew who raped and sodomized a 13-year-old girl
Fair enough, although at least they were girls. And maybe look up the phrase ‘double standard’, as there are cultures throughout the world–Islamic culture in particular–in which a 13-year-old girl is actually past her prime.
Be that as it may, Catholicism basically exists as a cover for grown men to ass-fuck young boys.
I realize you hate jews, but the Catholics are peerless when it comes to sexual depravity.
Mock the face of victory all you want.
You still lost the game.
From that perspective, your Barbie doll blondes are just cows.
Cows that castrate your children.
I’m glad no paper was wasted on this effort. That last bitch is fine.
The Jews were never expelled from anywhere, just converted. You made the whole thing up in your mind, it’s obviously wrong.
My god you fake jews are so ignorant about your real history. Let me help you out here, shlomo.
1. Ashkenazi jews are not really jews at all. Your female line comes from White gentile European women and not semitic women.
2. Your jewish priests are pathological liars. They lied about jewish “history”.
a. The exodus tale is a LIE. jews were never slaves in Egypt. You need to apologize to Egyptians for spreading blood libels against them.
b. The esther/Haman story is a lie. It is ahistorical. It never happened.
c. The judith story is a lie. It is ahistorical. It never happened.
3. fake jews (ashkenazis) have indeed been expelled over 1,000 times. Why? Well, your jewish priests lie about that too. Fake jews have been expelled BECAUSE jews always push a jews-first agenda, even when that agenda harms their host people. It’s about jewish bad behaviors.
I’m wondering shlomo. Do you think you are being “tricky” like jacob deceiving Esau by lying to me and others about jewish expulsions? Why do so many of your people relish in telling absolute lies about things. You know dishonesty ranks right up there in the list of why jews have been expelled from so many places. So why can’t you stop lying and act like a normal, honorable, honest people?
ROFL….even Native Americans in Guatemala expelled your people for their rotten, selfish behavior.
“just you wait till next time it’s going to be different!” It’s always next time and always excuses and always the armchair general.
Anybody this arrogant has clearly never had a job or needed to produce anything, go play with your toy soldiers and imagine games while real people take the world.
There will be that nuclear bomb from Pakistan because that’s exactly what it reads in Revelations, but what you are confusing as a small country is actually the entire Western alliance. This is called “Israel” in the bible.
Out with some more regurgitation and atheist scoffing, but the foxhole catches up to everyone eventually.
Meanwhile the globe continued spinning and billions of people lived and died over thousands of years everywhere. It’s a fantasy of your mind because it’s not even accurately described and it doesn’t mean there’s a giant group getting “expelled” from these places.
Something happened in France at the aristocratic level of government with a small number of people but suddenly Persia magically popped into the picture 2000 miles away. Effortless bubble thinking
Spain is a good example, considering about 100,000 people left during the Jewish expulsion out of several million Spanish Jews that were recorded in the previous centuries. Where did everybody go then who wasn’t expelled? You have literally zero grasp of history It’s more like playing with toy soldiers or board games.
This is why all of your takes are always wrong, but it’s hilarious so keep it up! Same as the Wogs, always making thousands of assumptions then all of a sudden they’re surprised when the missiles hit them. It’s because you live and believe in ideology instead of real-time facts, geometry and basic math.
Then (((sandy))) says...
The Jews were never expelled from anywhere, just converted
First they were allegedly never expelled...then a few posts later, he inadvertently admits he was lying.
Spain is a good example, considering about 100,000 people left during the Jewish expulsion
Not really. That is a one in a million picture. If you check the other pictures on that site she looks plenty horrid already in her early 20s.
Felicity Jones on the other hand is one of the prettiest girls the world has to offer. To have her play this gremlin Jew is an insult.
I already said that you should present your ID with every comment because there are new readers who don’t know you and your species, which you represent perfectly, while you try to hide in the general population and present yourself as normal.
So, I will present your ID:https://www.unz.com/article/tucker-carlsons-non-denial-denialism-of-the-holocaust/#comment-6757916
I don’t see how one of YOUR posts is my “ID” but whatevs. You really are in need of a good solid thorough daily anal snuffling. Being a lying Serb homosexual I imagine you’d enjoy that.
How do people navigate through your homosexuality and body odor in your daily life? You are as huge a pile of Serbian shit as Tesla was a genius. Not fit to rinse out his jizzrag, one of which I own, having bought it at auction. And yes, “jizzrag” is a Serbian word. In fact it’s most Serbian words.
You’re a strange puckery sort of fellow.
Melanie, no matter how much Yahweh would love the blood, but you can’t kill them all. Sorry to disappoint. Nasrallah will be replaced, and the others, too. Eventually if you Judeonazis refuse to ever compromise with people you regard as animals, Israel will fall. Perhaps some new regime in Pakistan will tire of seeing Moslems slaughtered so callously, and nuke the Judenreich. Or one or more nukes will be stolen, and there you go. Your hatred will be the end of you, and most of the world will NOT shed a tear.
The sheer chutzpah of this Judeonazi troll is gobsmacking. Expelled from Rome 139 BCE, again in 19 CE, and 41-53 CE, 415 expelled from Alexandria, 1012 from Mainz, 12-14th centuries numerous expulsions from France, 1231 from Leicester, 1290 from all of England, 1360 from Hungary, 1420-1 from Austria, 1492 from Spain and Sicily, 1496 from Portugal, and on and on.
I do not support such actions, of course, although they are very frequent which ought to raise concerns. Many were given the ‘choice’ of conversion, and some did so while keeping their ongoing Judaism secret-the ‘cryptoJews’. As many observers have noted, some of the blame for these expulsions must lie with the Jews, and judging by their behaviour since 1947, that ‘some’ is probably very great.
I have no reason to be angry, but you obviously do, and that’s why you’re showing frustration. The lack of logic cannot be compensated for by any additional reading. It is simply a ridiculous attitude (but understandable given the milieu it comes from) that all theories are correct even if they show contradictions. If the facts do not agree with them, so much the worse for the facts.
You obviously have no idea about linguistics. Otherwise, you would have known that at the time of the supposed arrival of the Jews (you obviously don’t even know when that term dates from) from Germany, the German language almost didn’t even exist, so to speak.
And what? – Jews from Germany come to Eastern Europe with Yiddish, which is a German language (dialect), while another stream of Jews comes from the south-east (Asia Minor, Persia, Caucasus) and in Russia they speak the same language (i.e. Persian-Caucasian-Asia Minor Jews speak German). LOL.
You have no idea about Latin, which no one speaks and from which not a single language arose, but only the Vatican took that provincial Apennine dialect as their official one. How is it that Yiddish (supposedly German) and Hebrew are the same (or mutually intelligible) languages?
You obviously leave the speculation that the Goths and the Jews are somehow related (lol) and you avoid giving an example of the cultural superiority of the Jews over the neighbouring Palestinian converts, who happen to be the same race(!?).
Who could I ask for history lessons from? Maybe you know, but you avoided saying, if there was a Jewish population boom and if it only refers to the ‘western‘ Jews, who spoke German, while the ones from the south-east were not such big fuc*ers (even though their language was similar to German)?
Since you are already an expert in German and Yiddish, you may know whether it is true that the derogatory name for Jews, kikes (‘nobody wants, nobody likes …kikes, kikes, kikes’), comes from the doubling of the frequent ending of their surnames, kiki (ki x 2) or, all theories are also true here, including kikel (circle) and Ikey-Kikey (mentioned in the comment #136)??
WHO called it Celts and Goths - Jews? What is that statement trying to do? To somehow connect the Goths and the Jews as was already attempted by the panzers who, in addition, claimed to be Aryans? This cannot be true because the term Jews has been around recently and did not exist in the time of the Goths.You are trying to present two contradictory facts as valid. First, that the converts to Judaism are various peoples (Persia, the Caucasus, Western Asia, etc.), which means that they have no genetic connection with the Palestinian Jews. The second place mentions converts who are actually very similar (I guess genetically). Thus, it remains undefined whether Ashkenazis and Sephardim are the same (genetic) group. The commentary is a mixture of current theories - Rhineland, Khazar and Punic. The Rhineland, for example, talks about the same origin (so the term Ashkenazi is just semantics) and that Jews from Germany went to Eastern Europe, where their number increased enormously due to the demographic boom (from 50K to 8 million in 500 years). A lot of “Jewish†is the conversion of similar people towards what must have been the superior culture, the same way other nations became Latin or German speaking instead of something else.
There was a time when Celtic and Gothic tribes were called “Jewsâ€.
You should angrily demand very specific history lessons on the internet, hands on hips. Magic disembodied voices will answer all of your stupid questions, although Goths and Jews were definitely around at the same time LOL Try learning some calendar perhaps, or simple arithmetic.
ALL OF THE THEORIES are probably accurate together. People went from west to east and from south to north and ended up in the same place. Yiddish is clearly German, it’s mutually intelligible with Hebrew words and other phrases mixed into it. The cultural superiority is that people who were acclimatized in Western Europe are clearly going to be superior in technology and experience to those in Eastern Europe. The example is that a German dialect spread into Russia, so it’s just normal inference. People adopt Latin because it was a “superior culture” to the locals. Just like English has expanded today, do I need to prove the cultural superiority for that as well?
Be sure to angrily demand some more history lessons tho. Here imagine that Google was optional:
Imagine people much smarter than you already did all the work and all that has to happen is shut your goddamn mouth and read. Imagine you had a job
It is possible to arbitrarily insert some detail in the course of history that may even be true, but if there is no logic from end to end, without any holes, then the whole story is worthless.
Here’s a detail:
There was a time when Celtic and Gothic tribes were called “Jewsâ€.
WHO called it Celts and Goths – Jews? What is that statement trying to do? To somehow connect the Goths and the Jews as was already attempted by the panzers who, in addition, claimed to be Aryans? This cannot be true because the term Jews has been around recently and did not exist in the time of the Goths.
You are trying to present two contradictory facts as valid. First, that the converts to Judaism are various peoples (Persia, the Caucasus, Western Asia, etc.), which means that they have no genetic connection with the Palestinian Jews.
The second place mentions converts who are actually very similar (I guess genetically). Thus, it remains undefined whether Ashkenazis and Sephardim are the same (genetic) group. The commentary is a mixture of current theories – Rhineland, Khazar and Punic.
The Rhineland, for example, talks about the same origin (so the term Ashkenazi is just semantics) and that Jews from Germany went to Eastern Europe, where their number increased enormously due to the demographic boom (from 50K to 8 million in 500 years).
A lot of “Jewish†is the conversion of similar people towards what must have been the superior culture, the same way other nations became Latin or German speaking instead of something else.
According to what, the converts to Judaism did it because of the supposed transition to a superior culture? Give us one example of cultural superiority.
The language part is completely meaningless (Latin, Yiddish). Yiddish is not a German dialect and how is it possible that Jews, for example in Russia, speak a German dialect.
So, decide according to the current mainstream hypotheses – Khazar, Rhineland (with the Punic variant) and point out the elements with which you disagree. Alternatively, you can subscribe to the Odyssey’s Hypothesis (c) where you also will get a bonus in terms of the meaning of the word Germany (and depending on my current mood, the meaning of Europe, too).
Who are the everybody else?
It's literally the same origin as everybody else, Asia Minor the Cacusus and Persia.
More specifically:
Traces the anthropological origins of modern jewry
Your comment is laughably incoherent, so it is difficult to know what point you think you are making….that there were Jews in Mesopotamia and Persia is entirely irrelevant to the issue of the origin of the Ashkenazi(European) Jews. The Ashkenazi Jews did not exist prior to the Roman Empire period, when Jews of Historical Syria and Egypt could freely travel and settle in Rome, and married Roman(Italian) women. This is the origin of the Ashkenazi(European) Jews. This fact is beyond dispute, confirmed by modern genetic analysis. The Jews of Eastern Europe are Ashkenazi. There is zero evidence that Sephardi(Middle Eastern) Jews independently settled Eastern Europe or Ukraine. The Sephardi never spoke Yiddish or anything remotely like it. That Yiddish(vulgarly corrupted German) was spoken by Eastern European Ashkenazi strongly suggests a migratory line from the Roman Empire Provinces to Germany and into Eastern Europe. There was no “Jewish empire” of Khazaria. The Khazarians were a Steppe People following an Animist religion. Allegedly, for some unknown reason, the Royal Family converted to the Jewish cult. The rest of the population stayed Animist. The Khazars were genocided by the Mongols and their culture utterly destroyed so it is difficult to know what really happened there, if anything. The entire story is, at best, poorly sourced. Fertile ground for crackpot pseudo-historians.
Jewish populations were self supporting and essential, at the foundation of every European kingdom from Hungary to France to Spain to Poland.
The Jews were never expelled from anywhere, just converted. You made the whole thing up in your mind, it’s obviously wrong. The point is that Jewish elements are at the foundation of France, Spain, Northern and Southern Italy, and of course Poland and Hungary besides Austria.
There are literal lines of Jewish kings in Austria and Hungary, the word could mean practically anything. There was a time when Celtic and Gothic tribes were called “Jews”. Again you’re getting mentally confused about some random stories from the Middle ages that are completely wrong.
My god you fake jews are so ignorant about your real history. Let me help you out here, shlomo.
The Jews were never expelled from anywhere, just converted. You made the whole thing up in your mind, it’s obviously wrong.
Who are the everybody else?
It's literally the same origin as everybody else, Asia Minor the Cacusus and Persia.
Everybody else means the rest of Jewish dispersion and history. Sephardi and Ashkenazi often interchange and it depends on the mixture of ancestral population, obviously. You ask way too many bewildered questions instead of just observing the human condition like any anthropologist could easily do.
Carlton S Coon published a very well-known book back in the 1930s or so, full of photos and so forth. Discusses the racial origins of the Jewish people. Obviously the Ashkenazi people “exist” meaning there was a large number of Yiddish speakers in Eastern Europe until recently. It’s a hugely varied population with many origins, language and culture have a way of spreading.
The best analogy is Hispanic, which includes anything from Latin Europe Mediterranean to Celtic over to South America and Central America, all kinds of different people. What unifies them is ancestral connection to Spain the language and Roman Catholicism.
The Sephardic people by definition spoke Ladino and are included within the Hispanic world. It’s clear from anthropology and history that Eastern European Jews derive from Asia Minor, the old Persian empire, the caucuses, Western Asia. The Sephardic trend came from Mesopotamia and the original Phoenician colonies, speaking generally. A lot of “Jewish” is the conversion of similar people towards what must have been the superior culture, the same way other nations became Latin or German speaking instead of something else.
Islam and arabism have the very similar effect, as this civilizational culture and language with its religion spread across the middle lands of the old world. Some people got their culture from the Arabs and have henceforth been Muslims even though they are Indonesians etc
WHO called it Celts and Goths - Jews? What is that statement trying to do? To somehow connect the Goths and the Jews as was already attempted by the panzers who, in addition, claimed to be Aryans? This cannot be true because the term Jews has been around recently and did not exist in the time of the Goths.You are trying to present two contradictory facts as valid. First, that the converts to Judaism are various peoples (Persia, the Caucasus, Western Asia, etc.), which means that they have no genetic connection with the Palestinian Jews. The second place mentions converts who are actually very similar (I guess genetically). Thus, it remains undefined whether Ashkenazis and Sephardim are the same (genetic) group. The commentary is a mixture of current theories - Rhineland, Khazar and Punic. The Rhineland, for example, talks about the same origin (so the term Ashkenazi is just semantics) and that Jews from Germany went to Eastern Europe, where their number increased enormously due to the demographic boom (from 50K to 8 million in 500 years). A lot of “Jewish†is the conversion of similar people towards what must have been the superior culture, the same way other nations became Latin or German speaking instead of something else.
There was a time when Celtic and Gothic tribes were called “Jewsâ€.
I already said that you should present your ID with every comment because there are new readers who don’t know you and your species, which you represent perfectly, while you try to hide in the general population and present yourself as normal.
So, I will present your ID:
I don't see how one of YOUR posts is my "ID" but whatevs. You really are in need of a good solid thorough daily anal snuffling. Being a lying Serb homosexual I imagine you'd enjoy that. How do people navigate through your homosexuality and body odor in your daily life? You are as huge a pile of Serbian shit as Tesla was a genius. Not fit to rinse out his jizzrag, one of which I own, having bought it at auction. And yes, "jizzrag" is a Serbian word. In fact it's most Serbian words.You're a strange puckery sort of fellow.
I already said that you should present your ID with every comment because there are new readers who don’t know you and your species, which you represent perfectly, while you try to hide in the general population and present yourself as normal.
So, I will present your ID:https://www.unz.com/article/tucker-carlsons-non-denial-denialism-of-the-holocaust/#comment-6757916
Jewish populations were self supporting and essential, at the foundation of every European kingdom from Hungary to France to Spain to Poland.
Self serving jewish lies. “Essential” my ass. England was fine after I expelled the parasites from my land. It was only the rat pos cromwell that invited the dirty bloodsuckers back.
Without non jews to leech off of, jews would not amount to anything. Just imagine israel today without the backing of hundreds of billions in weapons, technology, and money from the US and Europe.
If jews were “self supporting”, they wouldn’t need western weapons, or money. Capisce shlomo?
So jew, why doesn’t your homeland of israel invite millions of subsaharan africans to move to israel if it would be so “beneficial”?
Complete and utter bullshit.
If Japan wants more people, it doesn’t need to replace their own people with foreigners that despise them.
Europe is doing that and so is the Anglosphere, and it isn’t “working”..
The only way to mask its failure is through heavy handed censorship, political, social, and economic suppression. All pro White advocacy groups for the most part in the west are severely repressed.
Repression of dissidents is a sign that something is rotten. Its a sign that an agenda is being pushed that the masses hate.
BTW, what makes you think populations have to grow and grow and grow for eternity? Aren’t natural resources limited? So why does Japan’s population have to grow? Is this written in stone somewhere, that human populations must expand beyond the carrying capacity of their environment?
The Scots moved to Britain after buggering and murdering all the Serbian homosexuals. Today’s Serbs are a mixture of Negroes and Gypsies (screw that “Roma” noise) who moved into the area afterwards.
Most of humanity seem to be unread, lazy buffoons…
You don’t say, eh?
In the early years of the Roman Empire, 2000 years ago, Syria, Egypt, and Anatolia became Provinces of The Empire, and the residents of the provinces had freedom of travel throughout the Pax Romana. As the saying goes: “All roads lead to Rome”. Jewish males of wealthy families relocated to Rome for business and political contacts. They married Roman women as this gave them Roman family connections. Like Jews moving to New York City or London and becoming Americans or British, they went where the business and political action was. Rich people need families to pass on inherited wealth. Simple common sense. I don’t know exactly “when” Jews filtered into Central Europe, but you certainly see zero Jews in the areas of Europe opposed to the Roman Empire, so I suppose the Jews filtered in on the heels of the infamous Northern Crusades during the Medieval Period. Regarding numbers of Jews in Europe, The United States imported less that 400,000 useless low IQ Negroes before 1803 and 200 years later there are 40,000,000 infesting the USA, so 50K Jews growing to 8 million infesting Eastern Europe in 500 years does not seem surprising…..Yiddish is merely corrupted German.
Cliche corner (they are cliches because they are true…)
Handsome is as handsome does
Ugly as sin
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Best of all: A hit, a hit, a very palpable hit!
It’s very funny to see that they object to being called ugly. When they edited the New Testament version of JC’s Whipping of the Pharisees in the Temple, they must have left that bit out. After whipping them and calling them liars and blood thirsty Devil worshippers, JC and the boys’ parting words were: And not only that but you are all very ugly!
Ostfront veteran and Plattdeutscher Hannecke Kardel reports on the existence of tall, blond haired and blue eyed Jews in Marocco during his post war decades there. His superb book, Adolf Hitler: Begruender Israels has the funniest opening paragraph you will ever read in an historical work.
Nathan is not ugly as such: a couple of weeks Freude durch Arbeit in the open air, some snazzy threads and a bit of spiritual work would make him quite a handsome man…
The article needs one addition to improve it: A picture of Toby next to Nathan with the tagline: Who’s a prettier boy then?
It is heartening to see beauty being discussed, as there seems to be so much ugliness around in man made structures and art as well as in some people’s behaviour.
Longshanks, both of them (and the Welsh) are Celts, but do you know the original meaning of the term Scots, if you already hammered them?
For example, both of them are groups that, in my opinion, don’t belong in White societies partly because of the resentment they feel about superior White beauty.
No, they don’t belong:
1. Because they hate us and our people.
2. Because they aren’t us, and are competitors and will push agendas that benefit their people even if it harms our people.
There is a reason ethnostates are more stable. Diversity=division, and division eventually leads to conflict. It’s not complicated.
Japan has a little over 125 million people….almost 100% of them are racially east Asian, and the overwhelming majority (over 98%) are ethnic Japanese. Would japan be better off if 25% of Japan’s population was mexican, and 15% was nigerian, 12% were Irish, and the rest were Japanese? With this “diversity”, would japan be more socially cohesive, safer, and better off? Clearly the answer to that question is NO!
Dieversity is a recipe for unrest and distrust.
My wife works for the county of LA. She says in her department, the chinese hate the filipinos, who hate the armenians, who hate the mexicans….and they all are tribal and look to benefit their own ethny and not the others.
Not a recipe for “success” and long term stability
Yeah, truly strange that jews want to exterminate White gentiles…especially considering it is half of their genetic makeup:
I chalk it up to most ashkenazis being ignorant about their true history. Just like when I tell most Scots that they are really named after an Irish tribe…..that were called the “Scotti” from Ireland, they shake their heads in ignorant disbelief.
Most of humanity seem to be unread, lazy buffoons…whether they are jews or not.
Most of what has been said is acceptable, but there is a lack of logic from end to end. Who are these ‘Italian women’? How (and when) did the Jews find themselves in Central Europe? How is it possible that out of 50 K (15th century) there are 8 million Jews in Eastern Europe (20th century)? Can it be explained by an (isolated) demographic boom? How did it come to be that Ashkenazis make up more than 85% of the total number of Jews? How (when and where) did Yiddish originate?
Thanks. I hadn’t heard of Cather before. Will look into her writing and perhaps find your thesis.
If you haven’t before, do try to check the letter and retrospective that I suggested.
To me, as an outside observer, either dystopia would be preferable to reality in any western country. After all, neither Blair nor Huxley could have imagined a ruling class that would simply and recklessly have the people invaded.
Much peasant, small farmer, rural labour background for me, but most close relatives, more artisan.
But remember he’s a Boomer: enquiring minimally, comfortably and above all, not wanting to rock the boat, so exploring hard truths is forbidden.
What a bizarre and lame comment – one of the worst I’ve seen here on unz (other than basically 99% of comments by meamjewjew). Sensing a tribe member/crypto. Who, who really knows the tribe as a whole, would come up with such nonsense?
The trick here is to love oneself as well as one’s brothers and sisters. Warts and all. To me, the Jewish collective, compared to others, is more-so crazy, more-so bold, more-so in possession of great chutzpah, more-so intelligent
Bullshit. They are not “more intelligent”. If they were, then they would humiliate us in debates, and destroy us with their logic, reason, and consistency. Yet they cannot. They cannot defeat the alt right and other counter semitic voices in any debates, thus they censor us. If they were so “brilliant”, they wouldn’t need to censor everyone that refutes their jewish bullsht narratives. They also would not need to viciously promote other jews and demote more qualified and more intelligent non jews….but they do all the time. Without jews dominating the narrative via their ability to censor and dominate the msm and hollywood, their control would dwindle. They know it. That is why they are so obsessed with censoring others.
Also, how is it “intelligent” to replace the White gentiles of Europe and the Anglosphere with infinity paki, mexican, and african migrants? Europeans have come up with something like 90% of all technological inventions, cures, medicines since 1500. I fail to see how the jewish agenda of wiping the Europeans out and replacing them with low IQ third worlders is “more-so intelligent”. Please explain that one to the readers.
But the Jews don’t sufficiently love themselves, which is The Problem.
jews=”anyone that criticizes individual jews, jewish power, or israel is an anti semite bigot that must be censored, punished, and lose their job. Ideally, they would be imprisoned or executed. We must make laws to stop people from criticizing jews and/or israel. Non jews need to serve jewish interests….it is in the torah. Kings and Queens should serve the jews and lick the dust from our feet. When the jewish messiah comes, each jew will get 2,800 non jewish slaves.”
Knowing that most religious, if not almost all jews believe in such supremacist, megalomaniacal crap, how the flock could any fair-minded person seriously claim “the jews don’t sufficiently love themselves?
Are you fecking kidding me? They worship themselves you moron. That’s what their whole religious cult is about.
Same goes for the Coen Brothers. We can’t do without this contra-commentary, by the likes of a Woody Allen or the Coen Brothers (all 3 very sensitive people). The Jews are massively lovable.
Yeah, yeah. Super lovable. Subverting the US and Europe so they can steal money from western taxpayers and get western politicians to do their bidding and let israel commit a genocide against civilians in Gaza. Super lovable in trying to get the US to destroy Iraq and Iran for jewish interests. Super lovable when pushing a replacement level non White immigration agenda in Europe and the Anglosphere. So “super lovable”.
What a moron. If anything, they, and their bullsht are super hate-able. Hence the reason jews have been expelled from over 1,000 locations throughout time. They are so “lovable” that even the indians of Guatemala couldn’t stand having jewish psychopathic supremacists around.
Not lovable at all. Whining, annoying, self serving, arrogant, supremacist, hypocritical, and selfish? Yes. “Super lovable”? No!!!
A lot of people pose the question, which one will it be? Brave New World or 1984? My response is, why not both? We already have the two intermingled to a degree. We have the world of 1984 for the masses and a self-appointed Alpha overclass largely practicing eugenic breeding in the hopes of creating its own successors. Sometimes the eugenic calculations cross the boundaries of duplication and move into the territory of creating new types in the hope that these will be more capable of succeeding in the conditions which will prevail in the future. In that way, maybe breeding selection itself can be seen as kind of an arms race.
In literature there any number of types of criticism. Just to name a few, Freudian, Marxist, formalist, structuralist, historicist and so on. Religious-based criticism is yet another type.
When I see critical discussions of Brave New World based on interpersonal psychology it kind of rubs me the wrong way. The people who have done this kind of criticism maybe see something of themselves and the people around them in these characters in terms of their ethnic or racial type and kind of daily lives they are living.
This kind of criticism I think fails to account for the fact that all of the people in this fictional society are artificial biological creations mired in an inescapable mediocrity and leading inauthentic and hollow lives. There is a moral horror to the whole thing which you cannot just let go over your head.
Compare that to the world of 1984. Bad though the Big Brother dictatorship may be, life in the Oceania superstate does represent life as the human race has always known it. A tyrannical overclass which thinks with reptilian logic, a nervous ninny-neurotic middle class mired in a near-future time orientation and an often sodden and depressed proletariat and underclass.
My approach to literature is structuralist and formalist, but my structuralism is the structuralism of social science, not literary structuralism. I am also a literary naturalist both in fiction writing and in criticism. My recent (2021) master’s thesis was on the topic of literary naturalism in the fiction of Willa Cather. You will be able to find it if you try.
I picked Cather because I didn’t want to go after something that was over my head. I read one of her novels in the 1970s and liked it. I did identify her as practicing a type of naturalism that was different than that of the male literary naturalists of the age and more rooted in biological or ecological naturalism, meaning the study of living communities in real time and of what determines how the individual organism lives and dies. There was a lot of death in Cather. She did death very naturalistically.
For another thing, I am partially of Bohemian (Czech) and Swedish descent and I thought that Cather in her Prairie Trilogy was writing about people of my blood. My forebearers were of the artisan class though. None were farmers and no collateral relatives (cousins close or distant) that I know of became farmers.
Hey fran,
Relax, if you are ashkenazi, you aren’t really truly “jewish” anyways. Your female line isn’t “semitic” at all. It is European White gentile.
So all you ashkenazis are only mamzer half breeds anyways. Since you guys are all half European gentile, could you please do all us White gentiles a big favor and stop pushing the White genocide, and stop pushing the anti White agenda….and convince “your people” to stop doing the same?
After all, wiping out the Europeans is wiping out half you ancestry. Thanks for the assist Fran.
Naomi did admit that she once “had a little Italian” in her.
She added that she had been drinking and couldn’t be
sure, but guessed it was Danny De Vito or some other
“smallish WOP.”
The Ashkenazi are the result of Jewish males moving to Rome and marrying Italian females. The Sephardi Jews(Middle Eastern Jews) have maintained this thesis for centuries and modern genetic analysis confirms it. The Sephardi also insist that the Ashkenazi are not “real Jews” because the line started with gentile mothers. If you think Ashkenazi Jews are ugly, take a gander at the Sephardi. They are easily recognizable by a characteristic totally weird squashed down protruding nose and a distinctly dark complexion. I have seen this both in a Jewish family from Lebanon that only came to North America in the 1960’s and a Jewish family from Deal, New Jersey that doesn’t acknowledge any Mid-East origin, exact same weird nose and bizarre dark complexion, totally unlike the Ashkenazi. BTW, the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is total bunk.
*And I’m not alone in that assessment. I always thought Harold Bloom was gay until I read he sexually harassed Wolf while she was a student of his at Yale. Or maybe Wolf’s beauty just turned him straight. 🤣Replies: @Z-man
https://arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-bostonglobe.s3.amazonaws.com/public/PJR3RNX46UI6DF6C3MZA7BUJEI.jpg �
Yeah, she’s attractive and I think I heard her speak once and she seemed pleasant. Maybe she has some Italian in her. Not so much the temperament but the looks. 😅
Although the gammas, deltas and epsilons are depicted at play, in prescribed leisure hours, in Huxley’s novel, they are viewed from above.
They have to ride trains to their own fields of play.
He does mention them also engaged in compulsory erotic play. It means nothing, except keeping them under control.
Since Huxley’s dystopia has achieved total separation of the sex act from procreation, no sexual activity has any relation to anything. Including among alphas and betas. It is just fun, and for alphas and betas, social connections. Class and death acceptance training, too, are universally applied.
John the Savage, natural child of an alpha male and a beta female, brought up in the savage reservation, only really knowing Lenina Crowe’s aphorisms and Shakespeare, is totally disruptive when returned to ‘civilisation’.
I have lately found many commenters here to be very stupid, don’t usually find you so.
Also, Huxley wrote a detailed personal letter to Blair (Orwell), stating that the dystopia of the latter was very well written, and he enjoyed reading it, but it would inevitably dissolve into something like Huxley’s. The letter is published and easy to find. I don’t agree with it, but it is certainly worth reading.
Huxley also wrote a long essay, Brave New World Revisited, also easy to find, well-written, you may try reading it.
Yes and lol. 😆
Thanks for the video.
Larry Johnson is always good.
Sharif of Iran is a good man. The Iranians would be wise to keep him in positions of power and also do as best they can to protect him from murderous Zionists. If it’s one thing the Izraelis hate a lot it’s another westernized English speaking diplomat from the other side taking time away from their American sounding spokesman.
I’m afraid that Hezbolah’s missile capacity and capability has been greatly over estimated/exaggerated. I hope I’m wrong.
Yes – make up, angles, lighting, and even photo doctoring (airbrushing) only succeed in making her look not hideous.
A sad measure for beauty indeed when the baseline is “not that bad.”
As has been stated plenty of times before, Jewish actresses are a poor marker of “Jewish” beauty for two significant reasons: 1. 99% of them have had extensive plastic surgery, and 2. most of them benefit from being half European/non Jewish.
Hell even Rashida Jones benefited from being half black !
Historians like to refer to this euphemistically as ‘blood refreshment’, like the immigration of the Dorians into Ionian Greece. A sort of booster, not necessarily using violence. Ancient cemeteries in Spain suggest that at the time of the migration of the Vandals, the different cultures lived largely peacefully side by side until a common version prevailed. In the course of time, and for the sake of harmony, they just blend.
Don’t mind me, I’m just having a good old chuckle here imagining all the tall, muscular, toned, blond, blue-eyed handsome Aryans here reading this drivel and agreeing that Jews are ugly. There are ugly and beautiful people of all races. I’m no Adonis myself. Young Jewish women are often strikingly attractive but I do agree they don’t age well.
It’s a little more complicated. In brief – the language of the people who called themselves ‘srb’ (serbs) (=relatives, people of the same race) originated in the Palaeolithic and has continuity to this day. In Tripoli (= three fields, in Serbian) they met nomads (friendly and enemies) from the Russian steppes, who were at least a couple thousands of years behind in terms of civilization, and who accepted the local Serbian language and culture.
Thus, in the encounter with friendly nomads, the modern Serbs (and later the rest of the Slavs who still spoke the Serbian language at that time) were born, and today they make up a sixth of Serbian genetics. From the primitive enemy nomads, who committed genocide against the natives of Europe, modern westerners arose.
In general, ‘beauty’ is equated with a healthy appearance, i.e. symmetry in appearance and a pleasant (= confidence-inspiring) facial expression.
Sephardic Jews (such as Ofra Haza) fall into this category, as do many Armenian Christians, despite inbreeding due to cultural isolation.
Presumably you refer to the Cucuteni – Tripyllia culture as the origin of Serbs. The idea has merit. I am always learning from your cultural-historical omniscience.
We all look forward to your understanding and explanation of the term ‘kike’. Here, Tobi joined that research (Nobody wants. Nobody likes …kikes, kikes, kikes!). Here, in addition to circle (kikel) and kiki, we also learned from Tobi about the third (mainstream) version:
Thought to be from Yiddish קײַקל (kaykl, “circleâ€). In the early 20th century, non-English-speaking Jews that immigrated to the United States would sign papers with a circle as opposed to a more common X. The latter symbol was associated by these Jews with the Christian cross, a symbol that represented to them millennia of persecution.[1]
This is the dominant etymological theory, but there are others, in particular a contraction from the documented phrase ‘Ikey-Kikey’, an American-origin reduplication of Ikey, British-English pejorative for Jews after the prevalence of the name Isaac.[2]
I believe that you will come with something completely new, but, alternatively, you can show us which of the previous versions is the most likely (or wittiest). Thanks in advance.
Remember the iconic monumental film Ben Hur (1959) where director William Wyler despaired that almost all the main characters had blue eyes (Stephen Boyd had to wear dark contact lenses to play a nasty Roman).
In general, since the 1960s it has been de rigeur to cast diabolical villains with Nordic-looking people, even though all practical experience speaks against it. However, it has become part of the left-wing narrative.
the ones who have retained Mideast features are seen as lacking beauty or a handsome appearance.
Sweethome, have they retained the features and how could they retain them? Maybe the ancestors of some modern Jews never had anything to do with the Mideast?
There are also universal laws of aesthetics (eg, proportions, etc.).
Those who write about the Nordic features probably do not know where from (and when) the ‘Nordics’ came to Scandinavia. Those who think that Germans are Nordics are also wrong.
The typical ‘German look‘ comes from the Prussians who are not Germanics, because they are Europeans and the (original) Germans (no one knows what they were called before coming to Europe) are Asians, who came and took the land from the natives and assimilated many of them.
It would be interesting if someone could describe what the Germans (aka proto-panzers who still don’t know the meaning of their European name) looked like when they arrived in Europe, as well as whether the nomads, ancestors of the modern Westerners who came from the Russian steppes, were white. Please add this dilemma to the previous three topics I proposed for discussion.
It’s literally the same origin as everybody else, Asia Minor the Cacusus and Persia.
Who are the everybody else?
Does this mean that Ashenazim don’t really exist as a separate group, but it’s just an arbitrary name without any real substance?
What about Sephardim? Do they exist as a group with specific features? What is actually distinction between them?
Comparatively high verbal and low spatial intelligence we also measure in women and blacks.
From all three groups we know they don’t produce verbals of value, just babble.
Here’s my simple theory about how beauty is determined
within an ethnic group or race. It is established over time
as the most common or average appearing features within
the group, and deviations are considered less attractive
by their degree of difference from that average.
As ethnic groups were exposed to other groups, the process
of comparing them began, much to the detriment of the
Blacks whose features differed most from the average
features of Europeans and Asians.
Since many European Jews, aside from their dress or accents,
are similar to White Gentiles, the ones who have retained
Mideast features are seen as lacking beauty or a handsome
appearance. At the same time, we have to explain why some
men and women who are “exotic” are considered to be
appealing by the opposite sex, and how how personality
affects our perception of beauty.
Many may disagree, but I doubt that there is an absolute or
objective standard of human beauty, while noting the obvious,
that our physical form is limited by functionality.
Sweethome, have they retained the features and how could they retain them? Maybe the ancestors of some modern Jews never had anything to do with the Mideast?
the ones who have retained Mideast features are seen as lacking beauty or a handsome appearance.
Yes, I agree. That is exactly what the following quote by one the greatest thinkers who ever lived promulgates:
there is a school of thought that promulgates the idea that an aged face reflects the life lived.
Schopenhauer had a whole metaphysics of beauty which is also worth a look, but it had mostly to do with art. But I think we can apply what he thought about art, to some degree, also to people. And what is interesting and germane to the above article is that he thought there was a clear distinction between the "ugly" -- which he thought might even have its place in art -- and the "repellent", as in the quote below:
let us ask ourselves what kind of physiognomy we are to expect from those in whose hearts there has very rarely arisen throughout their lives anything but petty, mean, and miserable thoughts, and vulgar, selfish, envious, wicked, and malicious desires. Each of these has set its mark on the face during the time that it lasted. Through much repetition, all these marks have in the course of time become deeply wrinkled and furrowed, so to speak. -- "On Physiognomy", Parerga and Paralipomena, Schopenhauer
This distinction is key in the discussion above, because the classical Jew look is not merely ugly -- it is downright repellent. It provokes a strong emotional reaction which attacks the viscera directly, if not the amygdala: the fight-flight-freeze response is triggered almost automatically. Perhaps this is just another reason why, as Schopenhauer also said, a "small, isolated, capricious, hierarchical (i.e., ruled by false notions), obscure people, like the Jews, [is] despised by the great contemporary nations of the East and of the West."Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Poupon Marx, @Brás Cubas
There is also a negative pretty, which is even more reprehensible than the positive pretty we have just been speaking about: this is the repellent. Like the pretty in the proper sense, it awakens the viewer’s will and thereby suppresses pure aesthetic contemplation. But this negative pretty arouses a violent repulsion, a disgust: it awakens the will by presenting objects that fill it with horror. It has long been recognized, therefore, that it is not admissible in art, although the ugly itself, as long as it is not repellent, can find its proper place in it. -- as quoted in Michel Houellebecq's In the Presence of Schopenhauer
I suppose you think Michel Houellebecq does not have a “classical” Gentile look.
Aesthetics and Ethics = two peas in a pod.
Much or even most of aesthetics is still “scientifically baseless†today. Does Cofnas regard that as a good reason to dismiss this field and reject all of its political and moral conclusions? I hope he doesn’t.
What’s deemed ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ is due to Evolution. Hence, cannot be objective;
Huh? Is that an axiom? “Evolution can never be a method to find good concepts?” What kind of reasoning is this?
Evolution does not automatically result in good things, but systems with genetic optimisation can do a superior job in finding stuff that may otherwise be almost impossible to find.
It may actually be used by a lazy god (‘let it run for some time, it will get there in the end’). Kind-of my way of gardening. I think my gardening is objectively good.
A few on this list are not full Jewish and some aren’t Jewish at all. Unless they’re hiding something. Who knows? Who cares? It does nothing to deter from TL’s point.
@fran taubman, not you Jim H
His daughter was killed? That will put him in a good mood,
good enough to kill thousands of Jews,
maybe even some in NYC.
And, long before Photoshop, studio photographers were adept at “touch-up,
air brushing” and other techniques to make sure customers were pleased.
Who wants to show-off their moles, pimples, cross-eyes and nose hairs?
Ruth was gifted a Gentile nose.
It’s literally the same origin as everybody else, Asia Minor the Cacusus and Persia
Who are the everybody else?
It's literally the same origin as everybody else, Asia Minor the Cacusus and Persia.
The whole thing is wildly delusional, you could take almost anybody and just change their clothing besides location and it easily seems like something else. Most of it is just impressions based on fallacies that people seem to come up with.
Ashkenazi is not specifically distinct from any other Jewish race, and people are virtually interchangeable with the differences being more European or more Arab. It’s like comparing North and yesterday or trees with socks, all things could be intersecting a different points together all at the same time.
Jews and blacks have superiority/inferiority complex. Jews believe themselves to be intellectually superior and stronger-willed, and that may well be true. They see whites as essentially shallow and less intelligent, easy to push around once you push the right buttons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReHhtQ6yXM4And blacks see themselves as superior to whites in athleticism, oratory, charisma, soulfulness, musicality, and 'muh dick' and 'muh booty'.
For example, both of them are groups that, in my opinion, don’t belong in White societies partly because of the resentment they feel about superior White beauty.
That is not even remotely true, the British who resent Muslim presence are clearly responding to Muslim aggression and crime. Not for some weird “woke” reasons
It’s also the motive for the exceptionally high rate of intermarriage among Jews in the United States, so as to better blend in with the oblivious and insouciant white European-American population. Ashkenazim are already heavily mixed with European genes, but when you place most Ashkenazi women in a room full of Minnesota, Scandinavian blondes they stick out like a hoodrat on Wall Street.
Catherine Zeta-Jones is a prostitute who married Michael Douglas for his money and to advance her career through his Jewish/Hollywood network connections. She’s the epitome of a casting couch whore.
“Aging Northern Europeans, in contrast, do not appear to be transmitting any negative vibes.” I wish. I am pretty Northern European and my wife used to chide me about my tendency to intimidate people with my usual demeanor. My defense was that my face is just that way. I’m not smiley and people would interpret my facial expressions as bored or hostile. Jewish unapproachability is a function of their general hostility toward their non-Jewish counterparts, not their facial features.
Yes, I agree. That is exactly what the following quote by one the greatest thinkers who ever lived promulgates:
there is a school of thought that promulgates the idea that an aged face reflects the life lived.
Schopenhauer had a whole metaphysics of beauty which is also worth a look, but it had mostly to do with art. But I think we can apply what he thought about art, to some degree, also to people. And what is interesting and germane to the above article is that he thought there was a clear distinction between the "ugly" -- which he thought might even have its place in art -- and the "repellent", as in the quote below:
let us ask ourselves what kind of physiognomy we are to expect from those in whose hearts there has very rarely arisen throughout their lives anything but petty, mean, and miserable thoughts, and vulgar, selfish, envious, wicked, and malicious desires. Each of these has set its mark on the face during the time that it lasted. Through much repetition, all these marks have in the course of time become deeply wrinkled and furrowed, so to speak. -- "On Physiognomy", Parerga and Paralipomena, Schopenhauer
This distinction is key in the discussion above, because the classical Jew look is not merely ugly -- it is downright repellent. It provokes a strong emotional reaction which attacks the viscera directly, if not the amygdala: the fight-flight-freeze response is triggered almost automatically. Perhaps this is just another reason why, as Schopenhauer also said, a "small, isolated, capricious, hierarchical (i.e., ruled by false notions), obscure people, like the Jews, [is] despised by the great contemporary nations of the East and of the West."Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Poupon Marx, @Brás Cubas
There is also a negative pretty, which is even more reprehensible than the positive pretty we have just been speaking about: this is the repellent. Like the pretty in the proper sense, it awakens the viewer’s will and thereby suppresses pure aesthetic contemplation. But this negative pretty arouses a violent repulsion, a disgust: it awakens the will by presenting objects that fill it with horror. It has long been recognized, therefore, that it is not admissible in art, although the ugly itself, as long as it is not repellent, can find its proper place in it. -- as quoted in Michel Houellebecq's In the Presence of Schopenhauer
I believe you could better spend your time on contemplation and consideration of solutions to the Gentiles’ problem of sheer and elemental survival. We have a major piece of machinery that is out of service and needs repair, spare parts, overhaul, and restoration. We have spent endless decades and centuries describing, delineating, analyzing and inspecting the “Jewish Question”. I don’t think there is anything more to expose, except another episode of evil and perfidy that has bubbled up from the tar pit.
I have for some years proposed several plans, in phases and detail, plus referred to sources that have provided concrete guidance. The vast majority of herded Goyim prefer to describe the problem, layering and layering the same rugs on the floor. By now, they are higher than the roof.
Nobody that I have encountered has the framework or initial movement of tactics or strategist. In the marine world, in the middle of the ocean, you don’t get paid to endlessly describe what is wrong, and condemn the manufacturer, the designer, the people that served before you, etc., etc. You are there on YOUR ship, which is your life support, to fix whatever problems exist, make the machine or system produce an output of its function, and resurrect it. You go to sea with what you have. If you don’t have the spare parts, your attempt to make them, rebuild them {e.g., weld, machine/modify, or create a whole part out of billet stock. Or, you make alterations and deviate from standard practice.
“We need to ________”(generalization, simple one-step) is 4 cards of a suite to a flush. You don’t get any share of the the pot. The Heebie Jeebies lay down specific plans, phased in, interconnecting, which are causes and effects, detailed, with concrete resources, consonance of people and objects and tools. Coordinated. While the Gentile presumes that his prayers and The Personal Savior will arrive just before midnight and miracles will be performed. The Rapture.
Oh, I know. All that is required to set off a massive counter force and rising tide of push back and reclamation of the Gentiles’ lost and stolen articles is…….Name The Jew. That’s right. Name the cause of the casualty or fault that shut down your machine and the lights will come back on and you will be moving again through the water. Well, we are all Frenchmen now. Easily distracted and relying on ersatz Reality to mark our trails.
“Aging Northern Europeans, in contrast, do not appear to be transmitting any negative vibes.” I wish. I am pretty Northern European and my wife used to chide me about my tendency to intimidate people with my usual demeanor. My defense was that my face is just that way. I’m not smiley and people would interpret my facial expressions as bored or hostile.
Yes, I agree. That is exactly what the following quote by one the greatest thinkers who ever lived promulgates:
there is a school of thought that promulgates the idea that an aged face reflects the life lived.
Schopenhauer had a whole metaphysics of beauty which is also worth a look, but it had mostly to do with art. But I think we can apply what he thought about art, to some degree, also to people. And what is interesting and germane to the above article is that he thought there was a clear distinction between the "ugly" -- which he thought might even have its place in art -- and the "repellent", as in the quote below:
let us ask ourselves what kind of physiognomy we are to expect from those in whose hearts there has very rarely arisen throughout their lives anything but petty, mean, and miserable thoughts, and vulgar, selfish, envious, wicked, and malicious desires. Each of these has set its mark on the face during the time that it lasted. Through much repetition, all these marks have in the course of time become deeply wrinkled and furrowed, so to speak. -- "On Physiognomy", Parerga and Paralipomena, Schopenhauer
This distinction is key in the discussion above, because the classical Jew look is not merely ugly -- it is downright repellent. It provokes a strong emotional reaction which attacks the viscera directly, if not the amygdala: the fight-flight-freeze response is triggered almost automatically. Perhaps this is just another reason why, as Schopenhauer also said, a "small, isolated, capricious, hierarchical (i.e., ruled by false notions), obscure people, like the Jews, [is] despised by the great contemporary nations of the East and of the West."Replies: @mulga mumblebrain, @Poupon Marx, @Brás Cubas
There is also a negative pretty, which is even more reprehensible than the positive pretty we have just been speaking about: this is the repellent. Like the pretty in the proper sense, it awakens the viewer’s will and thereby suppresses pure aesthetic contemplation. But this negative pretty arouses a violent repulsion, a disgust: it awakens the will by presenting objects that fill it with horror. It has long been recognized, therefore, that it is not admissible in art, although the ugly itself, as long as it is not repellent, can find its proper place in it. -- as quoted in Michel Houellebecq's In the Presence of Schopenhauer
Schopenhauer is presaging Orwell-‘At fifty everybody has the face they deserve’.
The Judaisation of Western societies proceeds apace, the latest facet being the normalisation of genocide and criminalisation of opposition to it, so long as it is being performed by the ‘right’ people.
In fact, the actress to portray the ‘esteemed’ RBG looks pretty close to her as a young woman.
Isn’t that the basis of normal politeness? You people are uncivil and degenerate, morbidly obsessed with other people.
This is completely delusional and all of these faces look relatively normal, certainly better looking than 50% of the average population in Europe or anywhere else. Nathan Cofnas looks equally Irish, Polish, German, British or anything else besides Jewish which is not itself in particular breed necessarily. All those Israeli soldiers who fell in the war are often very handsome people, you’re being wildly dishonest. Nobody could possibly believe any of this and asking any random sample of human beings would produce a completely different result than this stupid article.
That woman who is accused of spreading lies about some college students or whatever is pretty fine looking actually, I mean the average lower class human being is not pretty and she’s attractive by any measure. I wonder what Tobias Langdon looks like, that he’s so weirdly obsessed with other people and whether they accept things or not. Far as I can tell Nathan Cofnas is normal looking and only weirdos judge other people that closely. I guess the author is gay like most Nazis.
Sounds like the author is wildly jealous and probably an ugly little cretin no doubt
Physical attractiveness is rare, rare enough for it to have commercial value for women. Most people are ordinary, some Ok, others not so. Mutational load that Dutton Perhaps ugly Jews are noticed because Jews as a whole tend to be in the public eye to a relatively greater degree, eg show business, than other nationalities.
You're absolutely correct. I'd never realized that Ruth Bader was so nice-looking when she was young.
Aside from this, it’s not very reasonable to compare the beauty of two women based on photos in which the contestants have differing ages. Here are some photos of Ruth Bader when she was young:
Well, she was OK looking as a young woman, but as it was stated, that’s a professional studio portrait of the young Bader.
As I comment, in my shallow moments, about some women’s looks, ‘The miracle of modern makeup…. and modern photography’. 😆
You’d better elaborate on that. I was speaking of my take on what the society was, not commenting on the plot. I don’t remember the plot that well and none of the characters grabbed me. Except for Lenina, for the obvious reason. Huxley described her as “pneumatic.” What else do you need to know?
LOL 😆 and agree. ðŸ‘
Who are Ashkenazim? What is their origin?
A good Larry Johnson interview
Yid prominent in facial surgery to hide the ugly s0ul.
Change face, change name.
Jews and blacks have superiority/inferiority complex. Jews believe themselves to be intellectually superior and stronger-willed, and that may well be true. They see whites as essentially shallow and less intelligent, easy to push around once you push the right buttons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReHhtQ6yXM4And blacks see themselves as superior to whites in athleticism, oratory, charisma, soulfulness, musicality, and 'muh dick' and 'muh booty'.
For example, both of them are groups that, in my opinion, don’t belong in White societies partly because of the resentment they feel about superior White beauty.
Ooops! Someone just dropped their kosher card for all to see.
PF writes the following:
Jews and blacks have superiority/inferiority complex.
and then proceeds to talk only about their sense of superiority, failing to realize that it is itself a collective response to their inferiority complex by his own admission. But instead of talking about that PF talks about white inferiority. As if the whites here at TUR feel inferior to either blacks or Jews.
Like I said, someone just dropped their kosher card for all to see.
This discussion is not about making fun; it is about making sense of a putative group trait. Two notable traits of the Ashkenazim have been “made sense of” by considering how natural and sexual selection could have brought them into existence because of the unique economic niche of the Ashkenazim in Eastern Europe. Most prominent is the trait of high verbal and mathematical (but not spatial) intelligence, which could have been plausibly of selective advantage during business dealings. The second and less discussed trait is sociopathy, which could have clearly been of selective advantage in allowing maximum extraction of profits, especially when dealing with counterparties who are in a subordinate social position, e.g., Slavic peasants.
Consider a third putative trait of the Ashkenazim: age-related changes of countenance that make them appear less “approachable.” Approachable is defined as “welcoming, easy to talk to.” I posit that Ashkenazi men, the extractors of Slavic peasant kopecks, were more effective in that role when they appeared “unapproachable.” Heavy eyebrows, curl of lip, a permanent sneer on the face could have been adaptations of the Ashkenazi businessmen to forestall complaints, objections and entreaties of the Slavic counterparties of their businesses. Under this explanation, any reduction in beauty as young adults would have, as the ontogenetic basis of late-middle-age unwelcoming countenances, been unavoidable.
Aging Northern Europeans, in contrast, do not appear to be transmitting any negative vibes.
"Point and sputter" is the term that Steve uses.
“Point and splutter.†I think it was Steve Sailer who devised that term to describe a common tactic of the left.
Replies: @Badger Down
Easily Confused Words: Sputter vs. Splutter
These two words are easily confused, not just because they sound so similar, but also because they can both relate to the way in which people speak.
Both suggest a degree of incoherence or inability to express oneself in a composed manner. The difference is in the manner of expression: sputter is more explosive and suggestive of anger or violence, while splutter suggests confusion that comes from excitement or struggling to find the right words.
When writing about how people speak, the choice between sputter and splutter is one of nuance and tone rather than being right or wrong.
Something like the difference between a burp and a belch.
Funny article, a good break!
The 150 Most Beautiful Jewish Actresses in Hollywood
Replies: @Wokechoke
Good missing of the point here.
The entire edifice of Hollywood is a bunch of ETs normalizing themselves around the goyim.
So Felicity Jones plays a basilisk Jewess. So Weiss plays the hideous Etc…Minnie Driver plays a coded Jewess etc…it’s essential Spielberg normalizing Jewish attitudes for the suckers. Also at least the Cohen Brothers are a little more obvious about when they do it. Like the Sobchak character in Lebowski.
Agree. And letting gluttony rub off on one does not help either.
In fact, Jones could not look less Jewish if she tried. This girl is so Aryan…
Jones is not an Aryan (just like panzers). In addition to kikes and the true origin of the Jews, it is a third case for discussion and something we do not know but arrogantly think we do.