The British deserve all of this, and then some.
Coz Dresden.
Not even the crime itself, but what it so aptly symbolizes about Britain. Even after betraying Europe to Communism they had to rub as much salt and spite onto that wound as possible. And now that Bolshevism is devouring their national spirit more than anyone. I don’t feel sympathy.
They are the most invaded and cucked nation in Europe. Brown pimps loot and use their girls, and they are too weak to stop it. The Battle of Britain was lost long ago. And they deserve it.
I KNOW honey! all blacks are SOOOO darned beautiful, intelligent, peace-loving, highly cultured, business orientated, family protective, hate hand-outs, supportive of their offspring………
Oh, yes honey – I COULD go on…………….but I gotta do my rounds……..Now, what was it Rasta-head told me to charge that n*gga for his fix?
I read this and thought I had written it myself………the UK has about 3% of blacks.
Currently it is almost impossible not to see a black face ANYWHERE.
Mostly involved in violence or protesting……..except of course when they are picking up their ‘Welfare’.
A bit like the Wuhan Virus.
I have a reasonable circle of friends ( at least that is how they describe themselves) but I have not had ONE fall foul of the Wuhan Virus………yet The entire media industry has inundated almost every programme with ‘facts, figures and fears’……about the virus.
I am at odds to decide which is the more threatening of the two.
Phew! More unadulterated rubbish.
Not living in the real world but imagining some confused, irrationl landscape where black is white and white is black. Well, it isn’t. White Is white and Black, whether you like it or not IS BLACK. – and whoever, or whatever this ‘poster’ is, they ought really have their output quietly edited, because SOMEWHERE in the post it is just conceivable that there is some reason hiding. We need a certain amount of truth in our lives, not the bizarre manifestations proposed by this contributor.
The original article is writing at its best. Totally readable – funny and factual. Ben Sampson’s post?
Almost unintelligible- badly composed, self-important and at times incomprehensible.
I simply do not care about the content – just so long as it is well written and cohesive, and has some reasonable justification for it having been written.
More by the original author……considerably less, if any, from the responder.
Unfortunately economy is more expensive now than businness was. If you can fly at all. Anyways, the ‘White working class’ preferred to jack off at home.
Then clearly it is high time for a genteel, cultured gentleman like yourself to start flying private...
YOU FLY into London on a British Airways plane on which you are shown an animated film about safety. It stars a cartoon Black man with his cartoon White wife and their cartoon mixed-race child.
You pass through immigration control and are poked and probed by Brown people wearing hijabs and turbans who jabber at you in an unintelligible version of the English language.
Sorry to disappoint FB but I’m a proud member of the White working class. I can only afford to fly economy. Only wealthy Hebrews like yourself have the shekels to fly private. (Lolita Express anyone?)
The Slaves of Solitude is a brilliant book and evokes a specific aspect of English social rules. (Separate Tables plows a similar field.) But I agree with Mr. Antonio that the idea of a Black GI being billeted in a rooming house with Whites during WW2 is preposterous.
Yes, of course, White girls had sex with Black GIs. In fact, the public was so revolted by this that Churchill wrote to FDR demanding that he remove the Black GIs from Britain. But those couplings were furtive and not happening in genteel rooming houses. The landladies would have thrown the offending couples into the street. Hamilton’s book has nothing to do with race and to cast a Black actor as the love interest is definitely a warping of the author’s intention.
Hi Ben
The author very clearly places the blame with the Jews and their almost total control of the performing arts. They also control BLM. I also detected a castigation of Whites for allowing this to happen and a call to action.
Brilliant article and often very funny despite the dire message.
I suspect “Jack Antonio” is a pseudonym. It would be a foolish actor indeed who published a professional suicide note such as Fade to Black under his own name.
I don’t think “Jack” went far enough in describing the now almost total darkening our screens. I see that HBO is launching a series of HP Lovecraft stories with an all-black cast. If there is a Whiter world than that of Lovecraft I don’t know it. And, Howard himself was more than woke on race and the JQ.
As interpreted by Howard Zinn, no doubt.
That's exactly the point I was making about the "Hail Victory!" part of your previous comment.
But when it comes to proposing action in an essay, it would be foolish and illegal to write down what I am proposing.
The fact that you think the heroes who fought for your sake are “contaminated” spells only doom for your cause.
Half a century of losing ground due to compromising with hardlined marxists and kike supremacists and you still don’t get it.
Thanks for your response. Great comment.
But when it comes to proposing action in an essay, it would be foolish and illegal to write down what I am proposing.
That’s exactly the point I was making about the “Hail Victory!” part of your previous comment.
Though I completely agree with pretty much everything you said in general and about fighting back in particular, the hail victory thing is just too contaminated to be of any use to us.
Thanks again for your response.
To be honest, those two words smack of Richard Spencer and he's got ADL/SPLC/FBI written all over him. In any event, all of this is happening because Whites have a self-preservation chip missing from their DNA. It couldn't be more obvious. We organize about as well as blacks swim. Barring a mirable, and it would take one at this point, things will only get worse. I'd love to be wrong. But my days of holding out hope are long gone. I'm not talking about individuals or even small groups. There's plenty of courage out there (though it would be nice to see more videos along those lines, instead of the ones we've all seen where Whites are getting their assess handed to them).No. I'm talking about Whites defending themselves the way they're being attacked, ie; as an entire race.Replies: @Johnny Smoggins, @Jack Antonio
Hail Victory!
Hi Richard B
I chose to end with “Hail Victory!” because I believe we must be positive and fight. I am no fan of Richard Spencer and his ilk. They are prissy academics. Spencer took one sucker-punch and cowered. He should have run after his attacker and left him begging for mercy. But when it comes to proposing action in an essay, it would be foolish and illegal to write down what I am proposing.
I’ve fought against antifa and BLM types since my college days in the 60s. And I mean fist fight on occupied campuses and on the NYC subway. (Spend a few shekels and read my memoir Boy Outa Brooklyn.) I have never started a physical confrontation but I don’t run from them and I defend myself at all times.
I share your disgust that so few of our men know how to throw a punch. I watch the clips of Whites being beaten and scream, “Fight, goddamn it, fight!”
That's exactly the point I was making about the "Hail Victory!" part of your previous comment.
But when it comes to proposing action in an essay, it would be foolish and illegal to write down what I am proposing.
Hi Time Traveller
For sure as Pogo said, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” But, that’s not the whole picture. The only trading routes in Africa were Muslim slave routes. China and Japan were closed. When they were opened it was the tribe who got in and oppressed our new “trading” partners.
I don’t want to colonise or trade with any other race. We should and could be 99% self-sufficient. The only people opposed to this idea are the Marxists and the Merchants. Now, what do those two groups have in common I wonder?
No colonialism. No neo-colonialism. No open borders. No free trade.
If we go there then they come here. So…
Hi Not Raul,
Remember that Mosley was “Sir” and had many friends in high places. Some of the National Trust homes were owned by families who were friends with him or friendly toward his ideas. I’ve even seen copies of Mein Kampf on stately home bookshelves!
The guides usually have a high opinion of the former owners and will make a passing (often humorous) reference to their friendship with Mosley. But, if you get them alone and speaking off the record…
Yep, you’re a paki alright.
I’m enjoying watching America collapse. Nigger-kike abomination with Anglo puppets.
Lol, if I were a Paki I would be the Mayor of London and be out and about raping anglo wombs with impunity.
That is just my cruel side talking. Of course I would never be shitskin wiping my butts with my bare hands. But if to be a paki is still preferable to be an anglo sex slave to them.
Are you one of them by any chance?
"If I sound angry it’s because I am. And I’m proud of it. I’m also proud of my history, heritage, and culture and I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone degrade, destroy, or steal them. My anger is fueled by the blood of my ancestors that flows through my veins. And as long as that most precious blood flows through me, I shall do all I can to expose and resist the deliberate genocide of our people."
"I know how, why, and by whom our screens are being darkened, I am being denied work, and our past and future are being stolen from us.
The answer is BAME."
Lol, even the blame on the kikes must be contested at this point.
Outside of the (((ussr))), no kike put a gun on the goyim head and told them to sanction Japan and Germany for no gain, therefore creating the well deserved hostility.
But as Unz himself has aptly observed, (((white nationalists))) are just subhuman slaves of Pissrael.
More personal attack from an island monkey, lol.
My future isnt certain but yours is.
Enjoy (((Brexit))) and the millions of Paki and Indians to come.
Thank you for that cogent, reasonable and well thought out reply.
“lovely, wholesome family?” I don’t think your genes are going anywhere. I imagine you’ve been keeping them in the family for a while now!
Safer for her to lie with the seal than the orc.
Oh, it's way more bizzare than that ... can someone tell me why the seal stops flying when the black dude enters the room?
Next to the entertainment ads are those for mortgages and mattresses all featuring Black men with White women. And, they are almost always blonde women.
The seal didn’t use his laser eyes to decapitate the orc?
Hat’s off to Putin and his Russia. Recent changes to the Russian constitution protects ALL of it’s history, places marriage between a biological man and biological male as sacrosanct, as well as God and Church. White men are alive and well in Russia.
“If I sound angry it’s because I am. And I’m proud of it. I’m also proud of my history, heritage, and culture and I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone degrade, destroy, or steal them. My anger is fueled by the blood of my ancestors that flows through my veins. And as long as that most precious blood flows through me, I shall do all I can to expose and resist the deliberate genocide of our people.”
Many rants of this kind recently, especially in Britain and the US. Should be classified in the category “hangovers”.
Some timid hints to the Jews, but what they all fail to see is that it was their “proud history” and the “precious blood of their ancestors” which brought them into this desaster because it put the Jews into the position which allows them to destroy the White Race.
“I know how, why, and by whom our screens are being darkened, I am being denied work, and our past and future are being stolen from us.
The answer is BAME.”
No, Mr.Antonio, the answer is WWII.
Asians are dishonest too.
Oh, it's way more bizzare than that ... can someone tell me why the seal stops flying when the black dude enters the room?
Next to the entertainment ads are those for mortgages and mattresses all featuring Black men with White women. And, they are almost always blonde women.
‘Oh, it’s way more bizzare than that … can someone tell me why the seal stops flying when the black dude enters the room?’
That’s a really disgusting ad.
‘You’re full of it. Brimming over, in fact. So you came to spill some here.’
Probably. That post was interminable, though — and appeared to be simply a recital of the the ‘Progressive’ catechism. I wasn’t going to wade through it.
Why should I care if I had gotten into the SS or not? I would enjoy my daily life in NS Germany, working and going home to my lovely, wholesome family and unleash hell upon the empty cans with full caliber, full auto guns in my perfectly legal arsenal
Being in the SS means I would have to contain my hatred for the negro-sickxon and not saying too many damning truth about them. No thanks.
As to why Germany and Japan are still here, same reasons niggers keep subjugated Europeans around to take care of them. Nobody doubted Genghis Khan’s might, but everybody know he wasnt the one to lead the world to the next stage.
I probably insulted the Khan by comparing him to subhumans like you. You are less than subharan bantu niggers.
Excellent point.
One of the clearest signs of how jewed the Western power circles are lies in the reckless abandon with witch their politicians, media and corporations are prepared to lose votes, credibility and even profits in pursuit of the anti-white agenda.
There were a number of PC peculiarities in the casting. Most peculiar, I would say, was the old Russian lover (from years back) of Maggie Smith’s character. He was hideously ugly, almost a caricature of a dirty old Jew, though the character is a Russian nobleman. Contrast him with the Jewish characters in the show — all of them quite attractive and English-looking.
When our heart is filled with darkness of ignorance, we are lost
“. . . he is on a slippery slope of legal trouble’s with back taxes and legal bills.”
Funny you mentioned that. Blacks who manage to get their hands on sums of money in excess of living from paycheck to paycheck seem to suffer “disparate adverse impact” in that department. I don’t know about your jurisdiction, but the tax lien and bankruptcy notices in my local paper of record sure seem to bear that out.
When under the cover of a late 18th and early 19th century supposed 'abolitionism' chattel slavery and it's trade was in reality monetized (ie distilled to it's financial essence and profits maximized) by the slave dealers/financiers of the British Empire, with the introduction of wage slavery via the so called 'cheap labor'/'mass immigration' system, it was thought people in general would simply go along with it all, despite the highly genocidal aspects.
The only purpose I can see for this weird coalition, a revolution brought to us by multinational corporations and the democrat party, is to bring down wages while they accumulate more.
People being preyed upon en masse as a source of wage slaves (ie so called 'cheap labor') were also noticing the genocidal aspects. The Irish commonly called the predation of their people as wage slaves 'extermination' (see 1847 article linked below) and members of the British aristocracy in Ireland who were promoting the mass exodus of the Irish to the United States as 'cheap labor' by paying their ship care (in apparently some fairly great numbers) were being shot for doing so.
Pall Mall Gazette (Spring 1874) - 'Chinamen Out of China'
“A dread of what might happen if capitalists could command and control these vast hordes of workmen as against men of their own race, has made the labouring class, at any rate, blind to their good qualities.â€
You’re exactly right. Slavery kept wages low, and made smaller farmers unable to compete in the marketplace. It’s ridiculous that the present day ignoramuses who control most of the media, academia and big businesses try to foist punishment onto the very people whose ancestors not only freed the slaves, but were economically hurt by having to compete with them. The brainwashing has deceived so many now that I don’t see any chance of the European people surviving as a race. We are bound to become a Mestizo people just with a higher percent of Euro blood than most of Latin America.
Perhaps, but the seal seems surprised … almost stunned … only after realising it is being racist does the seal, with a great look of embarssment, give its seal of approval. One possibility is that the seal was about to go in delicto flagrante with the babe when hubby showed up. This would seem more consonant with the trend in UK adverts to be even more and more inclusive. Not long before we see plants getting in on the act.
You mentioned Jews Irish Italian Slavs and German Whites. So I guess you don’t recognize that English and Scots descended Americans are White? I believe that about 30 percent of American Whites are British, right after the majority Whites, the Germans. And we British Whites were the first White settlers and founded the country.
The only purpose I can see for this weird coalition, a revolution brought to us by multinational corporations and the democrat party, is to bring down wages while they accumulate more.
When under the cover of a late 18th and early 19th century supposed ‘abolitionism’ chattel slavery and it’s trade was in reality monetized (ie distilled to it’s financial essence and profits maximized) by the slave dealers/financiers of the British Empire, with the introduction of wage slavery via the so called ‘cheap labor’/’mass immigration’ system, it was thought people in general would simply go along with it all, despite the highly genocidal aspects.
No sign of them in the gene pool. I believe Peter Ackroyd discusses this in 'London: a biography'. No trace remained.Replies: @Alden
1700-1830 London did have a lot of black footmen and they must have had children. But I doubt there were so many they were everywhere.
I believe it was black footmen and those dressed up little black page boys seen in some of the portraits. Supposedly no black women. So if they had children the blackness would be bred out. Maybe they went back to Jamaica.
The other thing, the death rate of fatherless poor babies and little ones was very very high. No welfare for poor single moms in those days. Either leave it in the indigent orphan hospital where it was born, or try to raise it. Whatever, the babies often died.
And then in 1948 the Windermere docked at Tetbury Harbor. And the colonial Empire became the black and brown commonwealth.
Try Grand Hotel, it’s all White and a great series. It’s like a less mawkish less soap opera ish Downton Abbey with a murder in every episode. Also anything Turkish, especially the historical dramas. One’s called Resurrection. Takes a lot of time to find an all White cast.
Hmm, wild stab in the dark here but I’m guessing you wouldn’t got too far had you applied to join the SS.
If we’re what you say, why are Germany and Japan still here?
It is funny how they keep sliming away with using “Asians” as a subsittute for paki/arabic rapists in their propaganda outlets.
Really put the orange kike to shame, tbh.
It’s just a matter of time before the Royal family including the Queen herself are played by black tranny actors.
V For Vendetta came close with it’s English Rose heroine being presented as a lesbian.
Very politically correct would be that Othello (the stupid and gullible murderer) be played by a white man and Desdemona (the pure innocent victim of male brutality) by a black women! Iago (the scheming villain) must remain white!
That would really make sense of Shakespeare. Wasn’t he ‘enslaved himself to the Dark Lady’? And ‘The Fair Youth’ the catamite?
If that means the end of Jewish control, I’ll work for that outcome 24 x 7.Replies: @SaneClownPosse
China deserves to rule the world
“China deserves to rule the world”
“If that means the end of Jewish control, I’ll work for that outcome 24 x 7.”
Don’t bank on that outcome. The Phoenician Navy ranged far and wide by sea, and also traveled the Silk Road. Merchants and traders, dealers in commodities.
Mao was the son of an ultra wealthy family, as was Chiang Kai-shek (as was Karl Marx, hero of Proles everywhere). A civil war between two wealthy families over control of China. Mao got the mainland and Chiang got Taiwan. The City of London syndicate was never in danger of losing their lucrative Hong Kong banking franchise.
“Whoopi Goldberg”
Don’t just think of Whoopi as an angry black woman wearing a mop as a wig, claiming to be a blonde.
She’s a Goldberg.
Who can say where all this Platonic Oneness is heading? Let’s think of it in terms of the little video given above with the Seal of Approval. But this time when the camera swings stage right we see not a Black partner but a Silverback Gorilla ‘husband’. What’s not to like? (I’m no doubt a crypto-Jew, too.)
There is no “Karma” — that is Pagan bs — the truth is Our Lord Jesus Christ — the rest is from the Devil. Get a clue.
Oh, it's way more bizzare than that ... can someone tell me why the seal stops flying when the black dude enters the room?
Next to the entertainment ads are those for mortgages and mattresses all featuring Black men with White women. And, they are almost always blonde women.
The Seal approves she’s bunging the Black dude. Right? Obvious. Filmed by a Jew?
The one place in which I don’t find Negroes out of place is in opera. Leontyne Price, Kathleen Battle, etc.? Who notices their skin color with those voices and interpretations! All this ahistorical stuff on stage and in movies? Rubbish.
Brilliant and subversive.
Even the author Jack Antonio cannot resist making the most important point clear so must hide it in a parenthetical comment.
The sooner the most ardent racist, proud and loving towards their race above any other, recognizes that they are already staring into the mirror and seeing a reflection of themselves, the sooner a person gains an ally, a sense that here is a common, shared purpose with someone who shares a love of like measure for one’s own, only as seeming irreconcilable opposite. This sense and recognizing of the capable other grows because they now know what the other loves and comes to respect this other person has the same deep wisdom, the ineradicable wisdom nature places inside you in your core and tells you there, within those deepest senses where you feel you’re understanding who you really are, “It is okay being who you are and even better to seek your best friends and family among people like you, so that you can do the excellent thing of growing into your best and glorious self through challenge or death.” We become even greater, higher, broader and transcend the limits only made possible by our choice to set them for ourselves, only if first we love ourselves and admire who we are.
Some people take the Platonic path at this point and see the higher truth about how love for one’s people seen in others allows your own love to reach even higher loves, for higher than love for race, higher than love for country, higher than love for God, there is a whole Love full of many loves — how might someone describe such a love among loves? — maybe one finds expression here, on this side of ignorant speech, in saying it is love for the One —and you know that love and its call and what it will do through you . . .
It will make you grow and become even more responsible to who loves at all. You begin to get who Truth is, who your better self is. How could you ever hate again?
The person in the mirror is you reflected. You have a friend in the world, but you won’t know it until you first drop your hatreds through love.
In the One, all we are is. You and I, your I and my You. Someone cannot take from you what you know is you, nor can they give you something you did not already have. Look into one another’s eyes and understand how they love as you do, and show no fear of what they find in you.
Thus, face your own fears of what’s inside the One you are.
(Like several of us, I had nothing better to do with a Saturday night than post yet another comment, so I’m probably a crypto-Jew, too? 🙂)
but the subtext, which you couldn’t help feeling, was that the Asians just don’t like black people that much.
This is mostly correct. Also, in relation to media matters, I noticed that when advertising home sales here in east Asia(Thailand) they use pasty white Western families living in said homes they are trying to sell in their ads.
Another israeli drama queen promoting the likudite racial divisive psywar. That is what this article is.
My Chinese as a foreign language class in Shanghai discussed this video. My black American classmate started whining about racism but was clever enough to pin the blame on Whitey. (Racist whites spread worldwide the idea that light skin is good, dark bad.) Even so, the Asians in the class shot her down. The ostensible argument the Asians were making was that the ad was all in good fun, but the subtext, which you couldn’t help feeling, was that the Asians just don’t like black people that much.
This is mostly correct. Also, in relation to media matters, I noticed that when advertising home sales here in east Asia(Thailand) they use pasty white Western families living in said homes they are trying to sell in their ads.
but the subtext, which you couldn’t help feeling, was that the Asians just don’t like black people that much.
UK Anglos are so cowardly and degenerate that they take out their anger and aggression on visiting East Asian tourists who actually contribute to their shitty economy. Meanwhile they bow down and submit to nigger/Arab/Paki subhumans who contribute nothing and are taking over their shitty little island. Anglos deserve nothing but baseball bats to their skulls.
El Alamein? Normandy? The Battle of Britain? Sicily? I have no doubt that Germany had a better trained army but what you have written is obviously false.
I haven’t watched TV in years. I don’t watch professional or college sports. I don’t go to movies and rarely rent one on the net. What sort of sick fuck goes to these Shakespearean/Traditional plays with niggers in lead roles?
As Eamon DeValera said: “We defeat the British Empire by ignoring it”.
That’s the same way to deal with these clowns.
You’re full of it. Brimming over, in fact. So you came to spill some here.
Pity, mercy and forgiveness are reserved only to people who truly regretted their sins.
From all the mainstream media and even the (((alt right))) kike puppets since ww2, it is evident that none of the descendants of the allied subhumans deserve any grace.
They only deserve extermination and a bucket of kosher/black/hispanic/arabic semen they crave so much.
This. Anglos are filth. May they boil in human shit with the kikes.
1945 payback.
Boer War.
Crimean war.
The list of their crimes goes on.
Nyet. Russians are hard edged, brutish and dishonest. It’s how they ended up in bed with the Jews in the first place. And if it weren’t for the Russians, the best race on earth would have won, and we wouldn’t be living in this madness today. Eff the Russians.
It certainly did not start as a marketing ploy. If that were the case, the CEO of Gillette, as mentioned in the text, would immediately withdraw a disastrous advertisement, yet it is maintained to” promote diversity”, as he/she/it (the CEO of Gillette) said.
There is intent behind it that has nothing at all to do with profits. The aim lies in disintegrating White culture and White self-awareness. The people who want it happen have so much money, power and comfort that the loss or lack of a few billions of or trillions of profit does not steer their actions. It’s the cost of business, as is being said in other circumstances.
They can afford to remake humankind, and they are willing to invest in the crazy plan. Although they appreciate wealth and money, the motivation for acquiring money is not that of greed and coveting, the money is a means to an end, not an end in itself.
I hope there is a "law of karma" for absurd exaggerations...Replies: @Lawofkarma, @Lawofkarma
"...Britain and other Europeans invaded multiple continents, killed hundreds of millions of human beings, stole in the order of hundreds of Trillions of Pounds, raped innumerable humans, destroyed thousands of cultures, wiped out innumerable languages, annihilated thousands of years old religions which do not violently convert to their Religions..."
Brutal colonialism over hundreds of years in multiple continents is not an exaggeration for generations who were and are in the receiving end. Descendants of perpetrators would like to think this is an exaggeration.
“I say old chap! At least we’re not speaking German!”
–The last two Englishmen on earth boiling in the cannibals’ cauldron
and I shud be fully honest in leaving. I am leaving because I am also diabetic and I am in real trouble at the monent. I am so hungry its incredible..I am dizzy and like trying to pay attention here helps keeps me conscious
I have to hold I can grip anything strong not even words and thoughts struggling to make sure I make sense and become too voluble, wordy.
there isnt much I can eat thats why but its my Waterloo..I have to handle it. I shold and do apoligise for where I have not be spot on. all the best Unz..get rid of your racism…and choseness. they are not consistent with human survival..they helps kill us all off
I hope there is a "law of karma" for absurd exaggerations...Replies: @Lawofkarma, @Lawofkarma
"...Britain and other Europeans invaded multiple continents, killed hundreds of millions of human beings, stole in the order of hundreds of Trillions of Pounds, raped innumerable humans, destroyed thousands of cultures, wiped out innumerable languages, annihilated thousands of years old religions which do not violently convert to their Religions..."
These are historical facts which one would understand by reading European colonial history.
You are new to the internet aren’t you?
That’s called a troll.
Does Mom know you’re on here?
That was only the statement regarding causes and effects of human actions. This applies to all human beings including Mongolians, Japanese etc. It’s not a subjective statement to Provoke anger and other emotions. It’s statement of fact.
I would say Russians are also a worthwhile people. Germans, Russians, and Japanese are indeed the best peoples on Earth. The Chinese on the other hand, along with Anglos and kikes, are all parasitic subhuman scum.
If people of the Anglo-American nations didn’t have such a naive, simpleminded understanding of the causes of and puppet masters behind the production of the great slaughter-fests of the 20th century in particular, they’d be more inclined towards pity for their ancestors who were sacrificed in the process than pride and honor. It could very well be said that Germans fought and died for the national socialism ideal; that the Japanese fought and died for their imperial ideal; or that the Chinese fought and died fighting against a cruel foreign oppressor in the Japanese. On the other hand, Anglo-American lives were not sacrificed fighting against cruel foreign conquest and oppression, or to preserve an independent national ideal and way of life, but were sacrificed entirely for the agendas of (mostly Jewish) bankers and zionists. Should your “sacrificed” ancestors be honored for this, particularly when their sacrifice made actualization of these otherly agendas manifest, or is it more apt to pity them for having been used in such a manner and for such a purpose?
Not sure, Manning is like trying to nail jelly to a wall. He’s fast and loose with the facts at times, as doesn’t support much of what he says with facts. I heard that sound clip, Manning never published any update on that, who knows ? I’ve tried to get him to elaborate on some of his statements, but never got any response. It was a well done false recording, IF that was what it is.
I think Manning is getting ready to get out of the Religious/Political Blog business and retire.
At times he is like picking peanuts out of a turd, need to really like peanuts….
He is up to his neck with alligators as he is on a slippery slope of legal trouble’s with back taxes and legal bills.
i dont see that i have to be perfect here. i am not wrong and i am civil..i try to be.
i don’t see the entire space here is civil otherwise..
prolly am indeed missing what i normally would not. i expected a great deal from this board..and the saker’s vineyard…two companion sites..unfulfilled expectation
i have lost interest really – in both..and i should leave..must try too hard to remain relevant. sure sign there is nutten that holds my attention anymore at these two locations
I have no sympathy for the English. The German race and the Japanese race are the two best races on earth. The wrong side won WWII and the the world is now suffering its consequence. If Churchill hadn’t declared war against Germany we would not be at where we are today. England brought this predicament upon the entire Western world. I don’t care if the the UK gets swallowed whole by reverse colonization, these money loving, power hungry, meddlesome globalist hypocrites allied themselves early on with the Jews and deserve everything they’ve got for what they did to the West.
I found myself agreeing with nearly everything in the article although I too am one who has long since abandoned “the lively (vibrant!) arts” save for live classical music recitals (we can’t afford an orchestra here), a jazz and/or choral recital or two and some folclore (acoustic regional tunes) events and the annual visit of a flamenco troupe. The last time I went to a movie was 16 years ago (Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ. I’m an old White guy, u-m-c, with the corresponding tastes, but I love watching videos of James Brown, a musical genius whose dancing made Mr. Bojangles look like a Lawrence Welk performer. Then there’s Jerry Lee Lewis, who I first saw on tv in the company of the grandmother who’d been a classical recital pianist herself. Grandpa was outraged, I was loving it and Grandma couldn’t get over JLL’s hand span and piano technique. She found the flames coming out of the piano “showy”, however. How ironic that I now find myself in the Grandpa position with what passes for “entertainment” today.
The one place in which I don’t find Negroes out of place is in opera. Leontyne Price, Kathleen Battle, etc.? Who notices their skin color with those voices and interpretations! All this ahistorical stuff on stage and in movies? Rubbish. Simply won’t watch or listen to it. It has to either stop or be stopped. Whites in the USA should reclaim their country if they can.
Brilliant and subversive.
The one place in which I don’t find Negroes out of place is in opera. Leontyne Price, Kathleen Battle, etc.? Who notices their skin color with those voices and interpretations! All this ahistorical stuff on stage and in movies? Rubbish.
The over-confidence you display can only come from being unaware of your own ignorance. Have you ever heard of the Qing dynasty?
I love this article and so wish that I could share it with everyone I know. The only hope I can see for this country and the world is Truth and this exceptionally intelligent, honest and admirable author has brilliantly shared it.
Sadly the majority are not sophisticated enough to recognize this material as being honest and courageous. Instead they’ve been neutered intellectually, philosophically and spiritually.
The reality of what’s happening is to much for the majority to even contemplate. I feel sorry for them.
“…Britain and other Europeans invaded multiple continents, killed hundreds of millions of human beings, stole in the order of hundreds of Trillions of Pounds, raped innumerable humans, destroyed thousands of cultures, wiped out innumerable languages, annihilated thousands of years old religions which do not violently convert to their Religions…”
I hope there is a “law of karma” for absurd exaggerations…
God bless this author and his article.
Explain to your white children that the Jews are trying to natally genocide the white races with miscegenation propaganda. Be a rebel and have white children with a white wife or husband. If we can withstand the onslaught of smut for a couple of generations, we will see it through. The anti-natal propaganda is zapping the birthrates of the other races also.
Never forget what global jew is attempting here though……all the commercials where white couples are never shown. This is on purpose. They hate you this much and always will. Just keep being white and have a white family and raise your kids to do the same. God loves all his races” and does not intend for any to dissapear due to Pharisees’ hatreds.
” Britain and other Europeans invaded multiple continents, killed hundreds of millions of human beings, stole in the order of hundreds of Trillions of Pounds…”
True, true, true – sadly. Let the Lord deliver justice, don’t try to usurp his role. Nor does he need reminders from you on his duties.
Seriously though, there is no race whose hands are clean. The white races happened to be ascendant at a time when science was blossoming – and they took full advantage of their superiority. By the ethical standards of today that was wrong The Mongols were the first to pioneer horse and cavalry, for which Europe paid the price. Is there any point in playing blame games with Mongols today? The solution lies in looking forward with wisdom and kindness, not looking back in anger.
Excellent article. This is an international campaign. Whites–imbued with the horrid (but natural) tendency to protect their children, defend their culture, and manage their genetic interests–are being targeted by usual armada of race-hustlers and rabbinic overseers. The target is White continuity. Resistance = racism. This fine-tuned and well-funded campaign of racial subversion has been decades in the making. It is fueled by jealousy and revenge.
Western art, expression, and literature (and European form itself) are being appropriated and debased under the rubric of racial equality. This malevolent charade is nothing new. We know its architects.
Secular Jews may not be religious, but as Kevin Barrett has noted, most Jews are “Biblical”. They secretly (and not-so-secretly) see themselves destined to rise above the goyim and ‘rule the nations’ (peoples of the world). With enough pushing a shoving, this biblical prophecy is now taking form.
The tantalizing possibility of God-sanctioned Jewish rule over the goyim surely titelates even the ‘secular’ mensches who control mass media and orchestrate its myths, dramas, and imagery.
Might the rising concentration of wealth, power and privilege among the Jewish people be part of God’s glorious plan? It’s possible!
On top of that, mixing together the Nazis and schvartzes is not only a dazzling social experiment, but one with sacred Judaic underpinnings. Sowing racial chaos and disunity among the goyim also enhances Jewish safety. Bingo!
Elevating the Jewish people is G-d’s plan. This holy mission fulfills their covenant. By comparison, they see ‘white’ solidarity as racist, beastly and a threat to Jews.
As towering walls around Israel rise, and bombs upon Syria fall, the Brazilification of the West proceeds. This is all by design. So it is written.
Is it only me or havent we seen an uptick in multiracial advertising since Saint Floyd was martyred?
I find that you guys are hard minded into your racist, right wing ideological outlook. its a sectarian point of view that you guys appear intent to go forward with period regardless. that means a whole lot of trouble for you and for the world you are a part of.
racism/your sense of superiority has taken white people into an exclusive corner, as if white experience if the only valid one in all of human culture, history..everything indeed. thats a crock and a dangerous one as I pointed out. white people are wrong, cruel, brutal and a threat to the very existence of the human species in the frame they are in
white people cannot be corrected by any one on planet earth. for a correction of white people to take place white people must be defeated utterly, all your pretensions destroyed, reduced to the bottom rung of existence to learn again the lesson of existence humans actually know
humans are once species are one people with different cultures shaped and condition by social evolution in our respective environmental locations. we entered a era of exploitative society that has not ended that has brought all the racial, religious superior nonsense from the white ‘winners’ that is absolutely wrong and suicidal in life. yet in the process we are all of the same race and no matter how antipathetic and violently divided it is a collective experience we have shared from day one..all of humanity.
if there is that collective experience where are the limits to each other comprehensively relative again to the social circumstance we live in?
if in 250 years humans are still alive as a species it presupposes one of the 2 most likely potentials that hangs on humanity at this time from out of the experience of society of exploitation..popular revolution and the emergence of popular democracy: or its opposite Brave New World. if the popular revolution takes place what would the world be like then?
it wont be shaped like any tangent I see flowing from the minds of most who comment here..certainly not you. what would the world be like in a popular democracy..will white people still be superior, will education change, format and content?
I am seeing in a popular democracy the history of the human species becoming introduced unfettered..freedom to investigate and bring ones product to the people. critique, correction, argument, counter argument finally agreement and moving time limit on anything. I see all humans appropriating all of human history as our story…our collective human story..a collectively lived experience. and that is in truth what it is. so which part of it them would be inaccessible to any human?
in a frame like that an director is casting for MlK and a a white actor thinks he can do a job for the director better than any other possibility. you see how our actor thinks already. in that dispensation he is not like any white person currently. he is human and part of the world..not superior and sectarian. the experience white people now look down on he sees differently a full important experience that was a pivotal historical experience in the human story. he has dug into it, ‘knows’ fully, perhaps more completely than we currently know the man..MLK!
that experience humanity now sees as his experience too as the experience of the development of the human species as black people can embrace the experience of the whole world including the white stars in the process of human history and development. it is now the HUMAN STORY! the story of humanity that is for all of the people of the world
in such an environment a director can chose the best man, the best actor, the one who demonstrates insight and nuance into his character greater than any of his competition. on such a day the art of the artist is the first consideration, the only one too as humanity would have cleaned up all the sectarian crap
when I was a kid I wont Herman Melvilles Moby Dick as first prize in academic work. I read with little understanding but I began to notice something about artists..Actors some of whom I came to know through my teens. I noted it about writers as well, even among the wannabes as well.
it is a state of mind that is tremendous and limitless, curious to a fault. always of the angles in all things, always further out thing all others and creative in all things. I noticed that in Melville and later on I was able to put words to it. I saw the tremendous creativity of writers like Vidia Naipaul, CLR James, James Baldwin and a bunch of others..the same quality.
I saw actors, on small stages, Black guys, Indian guys, mixed guys, girls too …who went all out in their roles, in preparation and transformation of themselves into character that was truly amazing, enervating, extraordinary
who never achieved high levels of exposure, had little chance of that, would never do so… but their professionalism and love of their trade was no less for that reason. looking back it is a real pleasure to have know them and what I learned as a result.
I have no fear for the love and professionalism of real actors regardless of level. they are all true artists and capable of the world really. I extend no limits relative to them and their artistry, ambition and desire, and creativity..and creative brains
in an open and free society, unfettered by all the sectarian nonsense of exploitative capitalism, if I live I look forward to artistic creativity unlimited
yes the Actors I already have known in my life could play any role at all. if they wanted to do it give them the job and a bit of time to get it all together and look out. it would be a..growth their performance…increasing every night for the would never stop learning and honing their performance on that stage.
Artists are wonderful people in the sense I describe them, the ways I have known them. I have not know their personal lives…I did not go there. that is not my interest relative to them. their brains, skill, how they think and thought, their levels of creativity..the nature of their minds. they are definitely a certain type of human across the supposed races..all of them.
the right wing outlook, perspective, the racist outlook..all that I see here in these pages are nowhere near what I am talking about set in your racist ways as you are. life is evolutionary to be set in anything is suicidal, open-minded is the way forward, preparedness to learn, ready to do so and to move forward on truth always
Big picture: Britain and other Europeans invaded multiple continents, killed hundreds of millions of human beings, stole in the order of hundreds of Trillions of Pounds, raped innumerable humans, destroyed thousands of cultures, wiped out innumerable languages, annihilated thousands of years old religions which do not violently convert to their Religions. They created Theologies to justify their actions. They think Ends Justify the Means. They think Might is Right. They label somebody inferior so that they can kill with as little guilt as possible. Since the Theologies they concocted tell them they go to Eternal Heaven (which is most absurd since anything that begins in Time can not be Eternal, as what begins in Time ends in Time). They destroyed or doctored the Revealed Messages in all Scriptures of many ancient Religions and Spiritual Teachings. They think there is only one life to live and they can get away with Everything.
GOT NEWS: They think they can get away with Horrors they have done to humanity over thousands of years. THEY CANNOT. What goes around comes around. What they sow they reap. This is just the beginning. Infallible, immutable, all encompassing Universal Laws called Lord will have no choice but to implement the Laws whether they are ready or not. The Lord exactly knows who those perpetrators are, when and where they are reborn again and they will not be left alone until they pay appropriate and adequate price. THIS IS THE UNIVERSAL LAW OF KARMA called THE LORD.
I hope there is a "law of karma" for absurd exaggerations...Replies: @Lawofkarma, @Lawofkarma
"...Britain and other Europeans invaded multiple continents, killed hundreds of millions of human beings, stole in the order of hundreds of Trillions of Pounds, raped innumerable humans, destroyed thousands of cultures, wiped out innumerable languages, annihilated thousands of years old religions which do not violently convert to their Religions..."
No, no. It’s the Kalergi Plan at work, which is all about race mixing. White women are more often shown with black men in shows and ads because white women are less race conscious. More often not married, they birth many mixed-race children, which is all to evident at Walmart. Relatively few white men are interested in relationships with black women compared to the reverse, thus many black women are frustrated. Low testosterone young beta white males, much less aggressive than blacks, sometimes wind up as angry women-hating Incels, masturbating to porn in their bedrooms, perhaps never to attract a mate.
If your reading comprehension (of this article, for instance) matched your ability to produce verbiage, you may have saved yourself your overly long retorts. Back to fifth grade, Ben Sampson!
I used to watch a lot of Manning’s videos just sort of figured he was out of business after that story broke about him attempting to seduce some black teenage temptress honey pot. How did all of that work out?
I am absolutely fed up with American Negroes. I don’t care if a minority of them are good, hard-working people. Even the non-thugs make excuses for the majority thug element in their race. Fuck all of them and their families.
Oh, it's way more bizzare than that ... can someone tell me why the seal stops flying when the black dude enters the room?
Next to the entertainment ads are those for mortgages and mattresses all featuring Black men with White women. And, they are almost always blonde women.
Because, according what what someone said to me last week, “the blacks ruin everything.”
It looks like he's gone much farther then you.
But you won’t go far wrong if you place the word ‘oligarchs’ in triple parentheses…
My mistake. Somehow I missed the word “wrong” in the initial post. Apologies.
My mom’s main association with the 60s/70s black power movement was that her family’s black maids became intractable. She would relate this to blacks as well-meaning counsel on where they went wrong.
None of those movies were ever traditional and WASPS never watched movies in America. America was very anti-movie/television when it was plurality WASP; Hollywood was seen as a Jew/Italian degenerate contraption back then as well.
is that what I argued? not that I can see! read again…see if there is something you missed.
It’s as if white replacement will correct historical white achievements by rewriting the past to suit the future
It’s become so in your face, it’s sickening. When most every advertisement, commercial, movie, TV series, have Majik negros saving the world or used as example of good hygiene, health and mental stability.
How did 13% of the population overnight become 90% of media darlings?
The same way LGBTIQPWXYZ become a protective class also thrown in your face as a normal act of human nature. We have been high jacked by a dark degenerate minority imposing racial and gender ideology that does not represent the majority.
There is a narrow window opening that may correct these abuses of power, indoctrination and unrelenting propaganda, but that window is closing faster than a speeding poleez car in a hoodrat infested BLM shithole.
I don’t know about this. In my extended family, who are all Germanic-Scandinavian protestants, the liberal half of the family love movies esp. HBO/Netflix shows, while the conservative half watch a lot less TV and movies in general, and mostly just Marvel superhero movies, or old movies like Lord of the Ring, old Star Wars or traditional Disney movies. I think the line is more along liberal vs. conservative. Conservative whites tend to consume far less entertainment these days due to the wokeness of Hollywood.
” How much sympathy do you want me to have for a nation that preferred conquest and colonialism to trade?
China deserves to rule the world.”
– That’s laughable.
– The US was & is all about trade. Fair trade on equal terms. In fact the US counts on it.
– You failed to mention fake “Native Americans” xenophobia, slavery, and violent conquests of other tribes.
– China’s largest ethnic group, the Hans, conquered & colonized what we now call ‘China’.
No doubt you live in Portland.
With all due respect, you - like the great majority of people - fail to understand the dynamics involved. 'Cultural Marxism' isn't political Marxism. It is a method - a tool if you wish - used by the oligarchs who wield true power to 'divide and rule' (not least by deflecting attention from the yawning gulf that lies between their own excesses and monstrous wealth on the one hand, and the increasing indigence of the great mass of people on the other). It is called 'Cultural Marxism' purely because it uses Marx's technique of dividing society into a small clique of 'oppressors' and 'the masses' who are 'oppressed'. Marx, of course, had the capitalists in mind when he wrote of the oppressors, and the proletariat naturally were the oppressed. Today, the last thing the oligarchs desire is a unified and organised proletariat with 'agency': that would constitute a serious threat to their existence. Instead, they divide the sacred role of 'the oppressed' into a multitude of more or less fissiparous groups, whom we are all aware of, but of which those comprising 'BAME' are perhaps the most useful. Others include feminists (more or less all young women in today's world), homos, those suffering from sexual dysphoria (that's 'trannies' in today's 'Newspeak') and the disabled.These groups will never discover any common ground between themselves, and thus will fight among themselves for the scraps thrown from the oligarchs' table. No danger there, and that's just how they planned it. As for the 'oppressors', there are no prizes for guessing that they are White, heterosexual (i.e. normal) males.So much for your fear of actual Marxism. As for 'the government', it is important to understand that no government in today's West is invested with any meaningful power. Not only are they not 'sovereign' but they are little more than puppets, dancing to their masters' dismal tunes. Who are these oligarchs - these Masters of the Universe? That's a story for another day. But you won't go far wrong if you place the word 'oligarchs' in triple parentheses...Replies: @MarkU, @Anonymous
The government will eventually be Marxist
But you won’t go far wrong if you place the word ‘oligarchs’ in triple parentheses…
It looks like he’s gone much farther then you.
What’s described in the article is just a small part of the White Genocide project – which is a purely jewish creation. A white, naturally occurring ruling class (‘oligarchs’ or not) would never, ever, come up with the idea to genocide their own race. Even the worst among them would recognise it a suicidal destruction of their own power base.
The West is in decline because it’s ruled by a foreign, parasitic, hostile (((tribe))).