Bill Browder is NOBODY’s darling !
He might repeat his story thousand times,but every time he talks about HOW he became” Putin’s enemy number ONE”, he gives an another and another and another narrative of the events, happened in Russia, when he was managing the Hermitage Global Fund.
I read his booh ” RED NOTICE….how I became….bla, bla, bla…” book TWICE ….the fuirst time in German and because the translation of Investment terminology was not correct , I bought the ENGLISH original, written personally by Browder.
In 2005 Browder was negated an entrance to the Russian Federation….WHAT WAS THE REASON DOES NOT INTEREST LAWYERS !
He had had to remaiin in London , but his Hermitage Fund’s offices were still in Moskow.
According to Browder’s OWN words in his book, the shareholders ( especially the major shareholders ) LOST a confidence in his abbility to analyze and select stock of Russian companies, listed on Moskow Stock Exchange, which Hermitage Fund bought.
Noow AGAIN I cite Browder… as a result of the en-GROSS sale of Hermitage stock, the value of the FUND’s shares on MSX decreased dramatically.
In order to avoid more & more LOSS on the Stock Exchange, Browder decided to SELL all shares , owned by Hermitage Fund in RUSSIAN companies and transfer the Investment Fund ABROAD .
After he sold all shares in Russian companies, he faced a DILEMA :
How to get $230 000 0000 OUT of the Russian Federation ?
Every country has laws ( USA too !) , which prevent people & entities to transfder high amounts
of the country currency to off-shore banks .
The trick , which Browder applied, was to register many small DORMANT ( fake companies, which do not do any business…Briefkastenfirmen auf Deutsch ) in different republiks of RF, even in the far away KALMIKIYA.
He split the amount of 230 000 000 in smaller amounts, deposited them on bank accounts , opened on the name of the DORMANT companies and managed to wire ( transfer ) these moneis ABROAD….may be DANSKE & NORDEA Bank in the BALTIC countries.
I just read , in, Browder said to Bloomberg , DANSKE Bank allowed his attorneys at law to view all bank documents in cases, to which HE or his NEW re.named Hermitage Capital Management Fund are PARTY … as alawyer I understand PARTY to a suit.
ONLY in suuch a case, the Rules of Criminal Procedure give a right to the attorneys to view documents, which could be an evidence in a trial.
MAGNITZKY was ordered by Browder to register all those DORMANT companies… if you read between the lines, you will come to this conclusion.
And to WHOM did Brodwer went to beg him to present a bill in USA Congress , named ” Magnitzky Act “? To late John McCain .
Browder read in the Media , that McCAIN and PUTIN had had a spat .
McCAIN was very critical of PUTIN, especially after he annexed Crimea and once PUTIN ( ALWAYS looking for revenge !) said to journalists: ” McCain certainly got brain-dammaged , when he was tortured in Vietnam!”
Soooooo…McCain was very treciprocable to Browder’s petition to ppass the ” Magnitzly Act” and as an influential Republican he managed to convince the Congress.
I agree with the sense of the article but find the anti-semitism in these comments abhorrent and unacceptable. Is there no moderation here on this discussion. These should be struck.
I am really delighted to read this website posts
which contains plenty of valuable information, thanks for providing these data.
Latest developments on the Browder front:
Nicosia resumes cooperation with Moscow over Browder
The name Yehuda, which first appears in the Bible (Old Testament, Tanakh) as the name of the fourth son of Leah, also became the name of the tribe of the descendents of Yehuda. In this form, it is mentioned numerous times in the Bible. The term “Jew†(Yehudi), on the other hand, does not appear in the earlier books of the Bible and is to be found only a few times in the later books of the Bible: Kings II, Jeremiah, Zechariah, Nehemiah, Esther and Chronicles.
The term Jew was not used as the collective name for the residents of the Kingdom in its early stages; other terms were used, and in particular “men of Yehuda.†Thus, for example in Judges 15:10: “And the men of Yehuda said, ‘Why are you come up against us?’†The first appearance of the work “Jew†in the Bible is in Kings II 16:6. Its connotation there is identical to that of “men of Yehudaâ€: “and drove the Jews from Eilat.†Over time, this name replaced the earlier ones, though the meaning remained unchanged. In other words, the term Jew in this period was a person who originated from the Kingdom of Yehuda.
How did the word “Jew†become the name most identified with the Jewish People?
13.01.2010 , by Orit Avnery,
OK, rented it. Thank you for the link.Replies: @geokat62
Here’s the link to VOD for those who are interested in viewing the official release and helping the producers offset some of their costs:
Way to go Miro. Props.
Here’s the link to VOD for those who are interested in viewing the official release and helping the producers offset some of their costs: @RobinG, @Miro23
One individual decided to leak his personal copy of the film to the internet in July 2018. We have worked hard to remove this from YouTube and various other sites, but we see that it is impossible to stop this illegal copy from spreading. With the film out like that, in an illegal manner and in breach of our copyright, we have decided to release THE MAGNITSKY ACT – BEHIND THE SCENES on Vimeo on Demand. We urge the public to support our work by seeing it here. With Browder as the main source of a disinformation campaign against the film and filmmakers, we have a need to counter the libel and defend ourselves through letting the public see the film.
Here’s the link to VOD for those who are interested in viewing the official release and helping the producers offset some of their costs:
OK, rented it. Thank you for the link.
Here’s the link to VOD for those who are interested in viewing the official release and helping the producers offset some of their costs: @RobinG, @Miro23
One individual decided to leak his personal copy of the film to the internet in July 2018. We have worked hard to remove this from YouTube and various other sites, but we see that it is impossible to stop this illegal copy from spreading. With the film out like that, in an illegal manner and in breach of our copyright, we have decided to release THE MAGNITSKY ACT – BEHIND THE SCENES on Vimeo on Demand. We urge the public to support our work by seeing it here. With Browder as the main source of a disinformation campaign against the film and filmmakers, we have a need to counter the libel and defend ourselves through letting the public see the film.
Thanks, Geo. I hope you’ll post this on every possible thread, including other sites.
After renting the film, I noticed this explanation as to why the producers decided to release the film to the public at this time:
One individual decided to leak his personal copy of the film to the internet in July 2018. We have worked hard to remove this from YouTube and various other sites, but we see that it is impossible to stop this illegal copy from spreading. With the film out like that, in an illegal manner and in breach of our copyright, we have decided to release THE MAGNITSKY ACT – BEHIND THE SCENES on Vimeo on Demand. We urge the public to support our work by seeing it here. With Browder as the main source of a disinformation campaign against the film and filmmakers, we have a need to counter the libel and defend ourselves through letting the public see the film.
Here’s the link to VOD for those who are interested in viewing the official release and helping the producers offset some of their costs:
OK, rented it. Thank you for the link.Replies: @geokat62
Here’s the link to VOD for those who are interested in viewing the official release and helping the producers offset some of their costs:
Well, folks, here is our opportunity to put our money where our mouth is. Defying Browder's legal threats, the producers have officially released the film to the public on Vimeo. You can rent it for a 24hr period for just over $13 CAD. I'll be viewing it for the third time, this weekend. Please share the good news with family and friends. @RobinG
If there is a proper release soon I would hope that all of us who have benefited from the pirate release will buy an original to reward the producers.
Alex Krainer’s book has been republished under new title, is now available at Amazon. (IDK if this is exactly the same, or at all revised/updated.)
Grand Deception: The Truth About Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act and Anti-Russian Sanctions
If there is a proper release soon I would hope that all of us who have benefited from the pirate release will buy an original to reward the producers.
Well, folks, here is our opportunity to put our money where our mouth is. Defying Browder’s legal threats, the producers have officially released the film to the public on Vimeo. You can rent it for a 24hr period for just over $13 CAD. I’ll be viewing it for the third time, this weekend. Please share the good news with family and friends.
It’s actually the producer who’s taking it down, for contractual reasons. But there is this short film doc. about Safra//Browder//Magnitsky, and it’s readily available.
Video Link
Through Sherlock’s Eyes
You can see it here (for the moment).
On that very subject of Browder and McFaul:
Johnson’s Russia List has been very much propping McFaul in a Soviet like way.
The video is no longer available. Can someone tell me where I can watch it? Thanks.
Thank you RobinG.
Read this article to see how Alexander Litvinenko, Boris Berezovsky, Alexander Perepelichny (who all meet thier untimely deaths) are tied to Bill Browder (directly/indirectly)”
As Browder responds with “I do not recall†and “I do not know†on any substantial inquiry in the court, the US judiciary could be very interested in hearing Perepelichny. This menace to Magnitsky Act was eliminated one week before the bill passed the US House: on Nov 10, 2012 Alexander Perepelichny was found dead outside his mansion in London. The police investigation did not bring any tangible result but the theory of “Russian mafia†involved was timely injected into the international media. One month later Magnitsky Act was signed by president Obama…
Bill Browder, the financier convicted of tax fraud in Russia and the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act, has taken aim at the Dutch foreign minister, warning him that opposing sanctions against Russia is dangerous.
Her’s another chance to see ‘The Magnitsky Act — Behind the Scenes’ (English version) [UPDATED 7/31/18]. Get in before it’s taken down!
The Legal Battle Behind the Trump Tower Meeting
See this video @21 min.-end for explanation/analysis of article. (First half video is about Manafort trial, first days report.)
Video Link
New Findings on Bill Browder
As Browder responds with “I do not recall†and “I do not know†on any substantial inquiry in the court, the US judiciary could be very interested in hearing Perepelichny. This menace to Magnitsky Act was eliminated one week before the bill passed the US House: on Nov 10, 2012 Alexander Perepelichny was found dead outside his mansion in London. The police investigation did not bring any tangible result but the theory of “Russian mafia†involved was timely injected into the international media. One month later Magnitsky Act was signed by president Obama…
Bill Browder, the financier convicted of tax fraud in Russia and the driving force behind the Magnitsky Act, has taken aim at the Dutch foreign minister, warning him that opposing sanctions against Russia is dangerous.
Link is not working. Can I find it somewhere?
Some people present William Browder as a conman and thief. He may be a thief and conman, but he is also an agent of the CIA according to Paul Barill, former head of the counter terrorism unit to the President of France. Paul Barill’s interview is 20 minutes on, in Through Sherlock’s Eyes linked below.
Martin Armstrong who has personal knowledge of the events and actors in the disappearance of billions of IMF money loaned to Russia. William Browder is supposed to be involved in a tax fraud amounting to hundreds of millions. Is this narrative spun to avert eyes from much bigger crimes?
Through Sherlock’s Eyes…..
Her technique of quoting the original and rebutting in indented grafs is a good one.
I use it myself.
But Komisar often ends up confusing the reader by not being consistent. Sometimes she includes the original material in her indented grafs.
Sometimes she writes commentary that is NOT in the indented grafs.
Leaving the reader to guess which is original material and which is commentary.
I noticed this in the first piece of hers that I read. I also noticed it in her rebuttal of the NYReview of Books piece.
You must have missed my response to WoZ (See my comment if interested for more details at link below):
I had no idea he/she was an Aussie.
Replies: @Anon
What other “bizzare†conclusions did I arrive at (perhaps for some unbeknownst conspiritorial related reason) when it dealing with just you, WoZ….?: Namely, that you are my (((Australian))) friend??? Your own words gave you away:
Oh tac you would be a laugh a minute if it wasn’t that your comedy – as linked – is a world record performance of trivial verbal diarrhea.
I had no idea he/she was an Aussie.
You must have missed my response to WoZ (See my comment if interested for more details at link below):
What other “bizzare†conclusions did I arrive at (perhaps for some unbeknownst conspiritorial related reason) when it dealing with just you, WoZ….?: Namely, that you are my (((Australian))) friend??? Your own words gave you away:
I am not aware of “getting along” particularly with Wizard of Oz.
I had no idea he/she was an Aussie.
I seem to recall some of his/her comments on other threads that sounded strange to me.
But I cannot recall details.
You must have missed my response to WoZ (See my comment if interested for more details at link below):
I had no idea he/she was an Aussie.
Replies: @Anon
What other “bizzare†conclusions did I arrive at (perhaps for some unbeknownst conspiritorial related reason) when it dealing with just you, WoZ….?: Namely, that you are my (((Australian))) friend??? Your own words gave you away:
Teamwork. 😉
Yes, this is the film called “The Browder Effect” which appeared on Russian TV in April 2016. I’ve actually posted some more material on the newer PG articl:’the-yellow-peril-comes-to-washington’ in response to you.
Lee Stranahan on Browder:
Video Link
Video Link
Psychopath is correct. “Conman” is Browder’s innate character, which served him diabolically as a vulture-capitalist. Perhaps, if it’s true that in 2006 he was used to engage Alexei Navalny as an asset, Browder’s criminal acts enabled CIA to control him via blackmail. Or perhaps he willingly acted on CIA behalf out of spite, having been caught out by the Russians.
IDK if this is the same film (below) someone linked to at Voltairenet. This was a Russian TV exposé. It quickly covers all ground of Nekrasov’s film, then focuses on the Navalny op.
From other:
DoS = Department of State
Olde Wizzer = Wizard of Oz, known for prolix pontifications with pointessly convoluted sentence structure. (I’m a fan of clear and direct.) So he’s probably blissfully at home with “long winded, prosaic” prose of Schama. But you guys seem to get along. Are you both Aussies?
Video Link
EXCLUSIVE: Russian TV: Bill Browder is CIA agent, recruited Navalny. Browder furious! Navalny sues!
Martin Armstrong’s background account:
So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?
“who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky?
Republic National Bank and Edmond Safra had set up even Bank of New York as the center piece in the plot. As the players that surrounded me have mysteriously died, hanged themselves, been imprisoned, released, just saying they were denied a fair trial without explanation
What I do know is there appears to have been a plot to take over Russia and that came from sources directly in Russia at the time. My case began September 13th, 1999 and Safra was killed December 3rd. Within a week the government moved to put me in contempt and stop my request for a Speedy Trial. It came out in court that bullets were left in my mailbox to warn me to shut up. But I was in the public spot light so they created a contempt and through me in to suspend everything.
It was at this time that THE CONSPIRATORS threatened Yeltsin with exposure of his theft of $7 billion on the world stage. The demand was to appoint Berezovsky as the new President of Russia and for Yeltsin to step down and not run in 2000. Yeltsin, realizing he was set up, turned to Putin who nobody had heard of. As the story goes, Putin promised to take care of everything if Yeltsin appointed him instead, Yeltsin resigned on December 31, 1999, after Safra was killed on December 3rd in Monaco. The Presidential elections were held in Russia on the 26th of March 2000 formally electing Putin.”
Here is some tweets from the producer (Torstein Grude) and director (Andrei Nekrasov):
More on the criminal cartels:
“In Helsinki, it was not the United States which drew up an agreement with the Federation of Russia. It was the White House alone. Because the common enemy is a transnational group which exercises authority in the United States. Since this group considers itself, and not the elected President, to be the representative of the USA, it did not hesitate to immediately accuse President Trump of treason.
This transnational group assures us that a single political system is the ideal for all humanity… and it presents the freedom of circulation of people and capitals as the solution to all problems of labour and investment. However, these assertions, which we all accept in the course of our daily lives, do not stand up to a minute of thought.
Behind these lies, the transnational group has systematically worn down the Power of states and amassed fortunes.”
— And now the transnational group of criminal cartels meets a dilemma: either to continue the amassing of fortunes by “standard methods” that would eventually unleash the hot stage of WWIII (and kill out the puppeteers along with the entire human population of this planet) or to figure out a modified approach that would allow the cartels to survive.
The information technology is not on a side of the blood-soaked transnational group of cartels. Therefore it is not unreasonable to expect a militarized regime protecting the mega criminals and their retinue of opportunists.
Thank God there are some among puppeteers and in the “IC†who care about self-preservation.
On the other hand, institutions which produce such “scholars” and “thinkers” as McFaul and count them as big time assets (hell yes, McFaul was an Ambassador to Russia)–one has to start asking questions about professional adequacy of the institution itself. In Russia McFaul, actually, has a reputation for being a clown.
Sorry for the abbreviation.
The puppeteers – the members of the criminal cartels that are in charge of the US.
“IC” – Intelligence Community
So glad to get the Lucy Komisar site.
I had never heard of her.
I have bookmarked her site.
Her description of Browder as a conman is spot on.
Simple but true. This label somewhat explains Browder’s success—that is, he is not a garden variety liar but a true conman, who has more tricks up his sleeve to fool others and take them in than a common liar, and a personality profile that includes the apparently infinite chutzpah necessary to keep up a stream of easily disproved lies indefinitely. This is a variety of psychopath.
Sorry I am not following your point here.
Who are the “Puppeteers”?
What is the “IC”?
Also, what is DoS?
also, is “Feewings” saying that Putin has basically blown these assets’ cover?
Great idea.
They could have requisitioned the Gaza Strip for the purpose of resettling Jews and giving them a “homestan” I mean homeland . . .
See #190 for some reason not tagged.
Think how Zionism could have born fruit in an orderly rational world. The great powers in the precursor United Nations would have agreed that unhappy Jews (and indeed happy ones) were a disruptive nuisance in otherwise well ordered states and should be found a place where they could reaslonsbly be expected to iive and bicker among themseves. Accordingy, exercising the right of eminent domain available to the great enough in the Concert of Powers a compulsory acquisition order woulf have been exercised over a big slice of Palestine including West Jerusalem and the well compensated locals offered further finamcial help to settle elsewhere. The Ottoman government would also have profited one way or another.
Because they are classified and cannot be released!
Thank God there are some among puppeteers and in the “IC” who care about self-preservation.
On the other hand, institutions which produce such "scholars" and "thinkers" as McFaul and count them as big time assets (hell yes, McFaul was an Ambassador to Russia)--one has to start asking questions about professional adequacy of the institution itself. In Russia McFaul, actually, has a reputation for being a clown.
Thank God there are some among puppeteers and in the “IC†who care about self-preservation.
Indeed it is almost certain that the broadcasts would have been recorded and retained. So why haven’t they been obtained by Freedom of Information applications?
“Acclaimed expert”!! Are you trying to make us laugh? Hands up who had ever heard of William Dunkerly btw? I stopped listening when he (I presume it was he) stumbled into the Litvinenko story by saying “uranium” instead of “polonium”. Have you stayed awake through the whole video?
Did he hurt your Feewings
Agree button does not work.
Anyway agree and thanks for the link.
What about the Chinese version? Only enemies to China? Why the difference?
Johnson’s The Birth of the Modern is a fantastic read.
Much more fun than Schama.
I loved the first book of Schama’s that I encountered.
Rembrandt’s Eyes.
In fact, I am quite sure it was a proofreading job.
Anyhow, I loved Rembrandt’s Eyes so much that I sought out other titles by him.
I also loved The Embarrassment of Riches, but IMO it was harder going than Rembrant’s Eyes.
And in none of the others was the writing, IMO, as good as in Rembrandt’s Eyes.
There was always a ton of research and documentation, and interesting apercus—an interesting bringing together of info from different scholarly silos or is that siloes.
But the style was just too difficult going.
He really needed a substantive copyedit—line editing and some substantive editing. Perhaps because his early books had been such a roaring success, and he himself became a kind of cultural icon, his books became more or less “untouchable” for substantive or line editing.
Regarding “nitpicking prissiness,” the fact is that such tics can become very annoying in the course of reading a long book. These tics are the types of things that editors are paid to catch, and suggest alternatives. The same goes for run-on sentences. Eventually one kind of gives up. Run-on sentences often are a symptom of unclear thinking. Or, they can often be made more readable by some tweaking of clauses, etc.
I have to admit, also, that his advocacy of the Zionist program and his attack on Jeremy Corbyn leaves me less than cold.
No longer at all positively disposed toward Schama.
“But it’s your denial of any connection between colonialism and Zionism that makes me seriously question your historical understanding.” Amen to that.
Schama has written about the Rothschilds and the Zionism project, so he knows perfectly well what maneuvering and arm twisting pre-WWI was done to create the Jewish homeland at the expense of the pepole arready living there—long before the Holocaust. In fact the author or the (pretty good) letter linked above goes far too easy on Schama, IMHO.
I can agree about Paul Johnson’s readability, so strong it seems inherited too. I read his History of the Jews about 25 years ago when I found myself sitting in representative capacity at an Armistice Day ceremony in a Jewish section of a major cemetery next to a rabbi and asked him what would be a good history of the Jews to read. (It was a typically extended Jewish event with umpteen organizations having wreaths to lay. So I had time to explain that my wandering mind had just remembered the Khazar conversion and it seemed odd that the Khazars would speak a German dialect).
However – despite de gustibus non est disputandum – I disagree about Simon Schama’s style in what I have read him. Indeed, by contrast, I deplore the nitpicking prissiness of the reviewer’s objections to “yet” and “for” and the passage quoted. Moreover my travelling companion, who is a writer and lecturer much appreciated for her wit and style while conveying information picked up the book and spoke enthusiastically of the opening chapter, in contrast to the Saul Bellow novel she had been reading. 🙂
Poor dear fussy waah-baby Mcfaul. Now let’s hear from the spooks Russia named in their letters rogatory.
What’s happening is that Russia revoked the gentleman’s agreement. Russia got fed up with covering up CIA crimes and decided to publish its intelligence to expose CIA criminals. As the last driblets of hard and soft power runs down the USA’s leg, CIA is increasingly limited to sneak attack – war that is not only undeclared, but unattributable. Japan’s Pearl Harbor sneak attack was the legal reason why the US nuked Japan, but CIA isn’t thinking that far ahead. If CIA gets its war on, its undeclared war will certainly justify a Tsar Bomba for Langley, the Farm, Camp Swampy, and No Man’s Island, and some hypersonic kinetic warheads for CIA’s state fusion centers. Meantime, Russia is publicizing attribution information for CIA’s internationally wrongful acts. If the US population comes to its senses and razes CIA, its crimes against peace can be adjudicated in the PCIA or ICJ.
This new element in the international community’s bill of indictment names 12 CIA names (identifying CIA criminals is illegal in the USA.)
The US agents Russia singled out for questioning: Browder, Steele, McFaul (CIA war propaganda against Russia,) Jonathan Wiener (Lockerbie fabricator and DoS focal point,) David J. Kramer (ran Russian agents from DoS, DRL and CIA’s Freedom House), Kyle Parker (CIA mole on Senate staff,) Todd Hyman, Schvartsman (CIA’s DHS moles) Jim Rote, a garden-variety CIA spook, and CIA’s transnational organized crime boss Robert Otto.
Russia is showing us not only how CIA organizes its criminal enterprise, but how CIA infiltrates and controls the entire US government.
Noooooo . . . [head-scratching emoticon]
what/who is “Olde Wizzr”?
“……, long winded prose, very difficult read. Babbling, long winded, prosaic, it is a nonstop verbal diarrhea of run-on sentences. ”
You do realize that you’re speaking to the Olde Wizzr, don’t you? 🙂
I would recommend Paul Johnson’s History of the Jews over Schama.
Also, Johnson’s writing is better than Schama’s.
The latter has become kind of lazy, I think.
His writing is impossible. As one reviewer states:
“Awful book, long winded prose, very difficult read. Babbling, long winded, prosaic, it is a nonstop verbal diarrhea of run-on sentences. Please someone tell Mr. Schama that in proper English one should not constantly repetitively start sentences with “yet” “for”.
Here’s a great example: “This, then, was the social geography of somewhere most people cannot imagine ever having existed: Arabia Judaica, the home of Judaized Arabs and Arabic Jews – a phenomenon that now seems to us oxymoronic, but in the two centuries before the arrival of Islam was the most natural thing in the world, flourishing both economically and culturally.”
That’s a short runon.
The historical information is copious, plentiful, and potentially quite interesting. The problem is his writing is so awful I can’t focus on the content. Save your money. Don’t buy this book.”
“Semitic Old Testament Jews”
I don’t think there is any mention of Jews in the Old TEstament.
In keeping with the theme of suppressed information, does anyone have a link to a pdf copy of mysteriously deceased German journalist Udo Ulfkotte’s book “Journalists for Hire: How the CIA Buys the News”?
Btw: Great article, Mr Giraldi.
McFaul’s whine in CIA’s WaPo: apologies as I just posted this link in Giraldi’s previous article on browder here on UNZ.
McFaul’s whine in WaPo-my initial impression was that he doth protest too much.
Browder=British businessman, aside from that bland description, McFaul lays a number of crimes at the feet of Putin without a qualification: MH-17, murder of magnetsky, invasion of Ukraine, etc, etc
This guy was an ambassador??? The real question is what was his connection to Browder??
Thanks for that, I would love to hear them.
So, that would suggest that the Nth. Viet’s of then either had their own tapes burnt in a bombing raid, or bept them secret and possibky handed them over for diplomatic or political purposes.
… or perhaps just from Sigint.
Sometiimes, instead of tech, i wish that I had chosen analyst as my career, sure would have suited it. Too old now.
Always regards to thee Dr. Giraldi.
> Nice work – how much has Putin paid author for it?
Because anyone who doesn’t cite Putin as the source of ≪ fill in the blank ≫ must have been paid off by Putin. There’s just no other credible way that Putin could NOT be responsible for ≪ fill in the blank ≫.
Magnitsky was badly-treated in prison — criminally neglected in particular (no reason to think Putin had anything to do with that). There’s no evidence, though, that he was ever beaten or tortured. Even Magnitsky’s own mother has acknowledged that. The ‘proof’ that he was ‘tortured to death’ came from one source only: Bill Browder.
The criminal charges against Browder were filed following an investigation, which revealed quite plainly what Browder had done. The Magnitsky Act was Browder’s insurance policy against being handed over to Russian authorities to face the music.
You will likely want to make the argument that the charges against Browder were trumped-up. What’s your evidence for that? None, but maybe you just have a Mark Levin (“I know the Russians hacked our election, because that’s what they do.”) type brain.
Your assertions about Putin’s Mafia connections are pretty lively. Can you tell us what you actually know about them? With evidence, if that’s not too much trouble.
Thank you for the previous reply to “Henry’s Cat”. I hope in this lifetime to look at the film on Magnitsky etc.
As to the broader questions I thoroughly recommend a very big book which seems to have been given to me in late 2017 shortly after publication and which I am now into starting with the first and last chapters. It is Simon Shama’s “Belonging: The Story of the Jews 1492 to 1900”. I hope Ron starts on the last chapter and notes how Theodor Herzl had the same surprises as Ron recently over what he found had already been written.
In addition, there are Jews from the former USSR which constitute about 20% of the Israeli Jewish population. As you probably recall there is was a majority Jewish republic in the far east of the USSR. I doubt that many of these Jews are Semites.
Interesting that the Zionist Jews are mostly Ashkenazim and not only are anti-Semitic against the Palestinian Muslims and Christians but are also discriminating against the Ultra-Orthodox Semitic Jews. Furthermore, the Zionist Jews are facing daily protests against their rule from Semitic Jews, Christians and Muslims who are actually citizens of the state of Israel.
Anti-Semitic Zionists also do not recognize the Syrian citizenship of the Druze living in the occupied Golan Heights. The refuse to take Israeli citizenship and use a Israeli laissez-passer to travel outside of Israel with the citizenship box left empty.
Likewise the Zionist anti-Semites suppress three million Semites living in the open air concentration camp and have killed and wounded some 10,000 as collective punishment with the approval of the West (including Australia).
As one recent commentator pointed out there is a “Big difference between Semitic Old Testament Jews and ash-can-Nazi, Babylonian, Satanist, Talmudic, criminal Zionist Joos!”
Is this film commercially available anywhere? If not, why isn't it on YouTube, or any other video-sharing site outside the purview of European courts?Perhaps Mr. Giraldi could explain more about Browder's involvement in the film, and his reaction when Nekrasov began to go off script. Did he seek to address Nekrasov's concerns? Did he try and scupper the release of the film? Was the film privately financed?One really can't begin to make sense of things without a lot more knowledge of said affairs.Replies: @Philip Giraldi, @krollchem
The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes,†produced by Russian filmmaker Andrei Nekrasov. The documentary had been blocked in Europe through lawsuits filed by some of the parties linked to the prevailing narrative..
Here is the full film:
The Magnitsky Act: Behind The Scenes (FULL / In English)
IDK what you’re looking for, but here is a compilation of primary sources. (I tried to post this morning from the office, as anon, but the mods didn’t let it through. Strange.)
There is [another] excellent thread pinned at the top here –
Here is some tweets from the producer (Torstein Grude) and director (Andrei Nekrasov):
So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?"who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky?
Republic National Bank and Edmond Safra had set up even Bank of New York as the center piece in the plot. As the players that surrounded me have mysteriously died, hanged themselves, been imprisoned, released, just saying they were denied a fair trial without explanation
What I do know is there appears to have been a plot to take over Russia and that came from sources directly in Russia at the time. My case began September 13th, 1999 and Safra was killed December 3rd. Within a week the government moved to put me in contempt and stop my request for a Speedy Trial. It came out in court that bullets were left in my mailbox to warn me to shut up. But I was in the public spot light so they created a contempt and through me in to suspend everything.
It was at this time that THE CONSPIRATORS threatened Yeltsin with exposure of his theft of $7 billion on the world stage. The demand was to appoint Berezovsky as the new President of Russia and for Yeltsin to step down and not run in 2000. Yeltsin, realizing he was set up, turned to Putin who nobody had heard of. As the story goes, Putin promised to take care of everything if Yeltsin appointed him instead, Yeltsin resigned on December 31, 1999, after Safra was killed on December 3rd in Monaco. The Presidential elections were held in Russia on the 26th of March 2000 formally electing Putin."
Sorry, Skept, my comment post got chopped. Below is the CP article that I want to show you & perhaps others.
Bill Browder has the big Jew money power/influence
Skeptikal wrote: “I do think any Zionist or other Jewish financial or political connections are worth tracking down.”
Hi Skeptikal,
Above…, Me too.
Although the Counterpunch article linked below got my juices flowing, the author can be faulted for lack of evidence on the staying power & influence of the old Jew Lion King, Dr. Henry Kissinger.
Wrong "Chelsea," I think. As far as I know, no one is persecuting the First Daughter of the Clinton Crime Family ... more's the pity.Replies: @Russ, @Abbybwood
Maybe Russia (and other civilized countries) should impose their own sanctions on all American officials in any way involved with the persecution of Chelsea Clinton, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and others.
Actually Charles Ortel has laid out an excellent indictment against Chelsea Clinton and her mother Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton and Bill Clinton. (I can’t say she is Bill Clinton’s daughter as she is the spitting image of Webb Hubbell) for international charity fraud and pay-to-play related to The Clinton Foundation, The Clinton Global Initiative and The Clinton Health Access Initiative.
In the meantime rather than living at The Gray Bar Hotel, where she belongs, Hillary is getting standing ovations on Broadway while attending Bette Midler’s latest production.
Go figure….
Replies: @Skeptikal, @Skeptikal
Discussing Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism also bring another topic: the role of Israel in all of this. ....Indeed, the advocates of Neoconervatism take pride in the Jewish roots of the Neocons.
The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy Paperback – January 25, 2007
by Murray Friedman (Author)
I cannot get too much out of the Twitter thread.
Where is the list of sources the Lanahan mentions?
Perhaps paste it here?
Replies: @Skeptikal, @Skeptikal
Discussing Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism also bring another topic: the role of Israel in all of this. ....Indeed, the advocates of Neoconervatism take pride in the Jewish roots of the Neocons.
The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy Paperback – January 25, 2007
by Murray Friedman (Author)
I did not mean to imply—and I do not think I did imply—that Browder is an “innocent lamb” of any kind.
I think my opinion of Browder is obvious from earlier posts.
However, I do think there is a good chance that there is more to this story than just Browder’s antics. As *is* clearly implied in the Russian video: namely, that he was sent to the USSR with a specific mission.
I do think any Zionist or other Jewish financial or political connections are worth tracking down.
Also, any national security connections. RobinG seems to feel the same way, so I don’t quite see the point of the “innocent lamb” comment—at least, not if directed toward me.
“Handlers” or not, Browder is no innocent lamb. There’s a DEEP DIVE thread at #Browdergate, including this reference –
Discussing Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism also bring another topic: the role of Israel in all of this. ….Indeed, the advocates of Neoconervatism take pride in the Jewish roots of the Neocons.
The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy
Paperback – January 25, 2007
by Murray Friedman (Author)
Wisely & informative, annamaria wrote: “But the most interesting in the Nordflinger opus is the omission of the fact of Browder’s grandma and grandpa being the KGB agents: ”
Hi annamaria,
You are a real gift to the U.R. article-comment department. Thanks for posting all the learning opportunities!
As a healthy journey into the bygone past,
please consider looking (below) at former-Representative James Traficant’s brave interview with an adored Talking Head whose in (profitable) service to the ZUSA Corporate Media?
Selah, “eternal memory,” James Traficant.
It’s quashed on BitChute, too. His power is as fearsome as it is awesome.
The Nordflinger’s paper is a prime example of presstituting efforts. Jay Nordflinger was so eager to please the scoundrel(s), that he inserted an easy to debunk lie “Magnitsky was a lawyer.”
But the most interesting in the Nordflinger opus is the omission of the fact of Browder’s grandma and grandpa being the KGB agents:
Unlike Nordflinger’s presstituting inventions and embellishments intended to please Bill Browder the Scoundrel, the story of Browder elders is supported with facts:
“One of the first agents recruited [by a Soviet agent] was Earl Browder (codename RULEVOY). According to a memorandum sent by Vsevolod Merkulov to Joseph Stalin: “Starting in 1933 and into 1945, Browder rendered the NKGB… and the GRU… help, recommending to our representatives in the U.S. Communist Party for agent work. At Browder’s recommendation, eighteen people were drawn to agent work for the NKGB and… people for GRU. In addition, through the Central Committee’s functionaries controlling illegal groups.”
“Browder worked closely with Jacob Golos [Golos ran a travel agency, World Tourists in New York City. It was a front for Soviet clandestine work.]
Allen Weinstein, the author of “The Hunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America” (1999), has argued that “Browder had been an eager and productive participant in a range of Soviet espionage efforts during the 1930s… recruiting from his ‘open’ Communist cadres a significant number of those who later became prominent NKVD agents and sources within the American government.”
Browder’s second wife, Raissa Berkman, was also an agent. So also was his sister. Golos pointed out that he paid “Browder’s sister… a certain amount of money every month.”
Replies: @Philip Giraldi, @ChuckOrloski
Excellent Film Exposes Bill Browder as a Total Fraud - Now Available Free OnlineAttached is the URL for the Nekrasov film on Browder. The producer tells me it is an illegal pirate copy but I assured him I would buy a copy if it ever became available in Canada and he seemed to be happy with that. He tells me "There is an upcoming proper release."...
Hi geokat,
January 22, 2018, the uptown rag, National Review, got “into the act” of extolling Bill Browder’s ancestors and his son Joshua. Refer to Jay Nordlinger’s adoring article, below?
Article author Jay Nordflinger gushed about Bill Browder’s son Joshua as “literally a poster child for IBM as a tech phenom.” Reportedly, the “poster child” is figuring out how to get “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) to perform a variety of legal tasks, thus “saving people bundles (though disadvantaging lawyers).”
Best, geo!
Selah, Solzhenitsyn wrote Gulag Archipelago, chapter 1, “The Law as a Man,”
and now, selah, Bill Browder’s offspring aspires to “The Law as AI.” Selah, W.T.F. is going on here?
P.S.: geo, given Chicago-birth 1964 and subsequent Chicago School educaion, I tried but failed to get information on Bill Browder’s possible links to Rahm Immanuel and the ambitious left-wing Barack Obama. (Zigh) I do sense Browder truly might be “The most dangerous man in the world,” that is of course, the most dangerous one that PEOPLE can veritably see in action.
Right. Does he have “handlers” (as strongly suggested by the Russian video at Voltairenet), and if so, who are they?
Replies: @Skeptikal, @Skeptikal
Discussing Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism also bring another topic: the role of Israel in all of this. ....Indeed, the advocates of Neoconervatism take pride in the Jewish roots of the Neocons.
The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the Shaping of Public Policy Paperback – January 25, 2007
by Murray Friedman (Author)
I found the suppressed documentary as a torrent. Well worth watching both to learn what a turd Browder is and as general instruction in how propaganda and disinfo work. Also shows the corrupt/incompetent/self-serving slime that inhabit our parliaments and willingly buy into Browder’s fraud, defamation and lies.
Search for The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes
or use infohash 4e9ea5eef9032ae8304cc33b346e0f6fc9f4838a
Please repost this data on as many comments/websites as you can.
If you refer to the ancient Canaanites, Philistines etc as genetically Semite and therefore authentic then my understanding is that Israeli Jews, apart from Falasha would mostly qualify except for the now minority of Ashkenazim who are on average about half European. Presumably most Palestinians would be genetically Semitic without much admixture.
Hi RobinG,
Sincere thanks for offering such constructive history on the origin of Le Carre’s sentence, which I posted in comment # 188.
As to your great question on Browder’s core identity, below, I wish I really knew! Perhaps By “tethering” him, we get to know more, eh?
That is actually an old Indian proverb,
The bleating of the lamb excites the tiger.
Before Le Carre, it was quoted by Kipling in the form of
The bleating of the kid excites the tiger.
The victim’s cries of distress stir up the predator; Kipling took the idea, in a story about schoolboys giving bullies … And there are other citations by numerous authors.
But I don’t get your use in regard to Browder. Are you saying he’s the lion? Who’s the goat?
Phil Giraldi commented: “I think we have Browder on the run at the moment and we have to press our advantage…”
Hi Mr. Giraldi,
I am hoping Browder is “on the run” essentially because of a cunning sentence, spoken by a veteran Mossad-strategist, “Kurtz,” & which appeared frequently in John Le Carre’s fiction-novel, “The Little Drummer Girl.”
“You want to catch the lion, first you tether the goat.”
Thanks very much for all you do, Phil. If Browder is not the most dangerous Zionist Jew “Lion King,” I am anxious (at minimum) to learn one fine day that he gets “tethered.”
P.S. Thanks also to President Vladimir Putin who publically exposed Browder’s high- crimes at the recent Summit, and seems to want real justice done.
Before Le Carre, it was quoted by Kipling in the form of
The bleating of the lamb excites the tiger.
The victim's cries of distress stir up the predator; Kipling took the idea, in a story about schoolboys giving bullies ... And there are other citations by numerous authors.
The bleating of the kid excites the tiger.
I think we have Browder on the run at the moment and we have to press our advantage…
How about we all hop over to Amazon and give his book [“Red Notice”] the review it deserves!
Absolutely. I would purchase a DVD or whatever in a nanosecond.
I have sent links to friends on my list, and I have no idea how many of them availed themselves of the links. In each case I said: Watch this now, before it gets taken down.
Perhaps the Norwegian Film Institute that backed the film that should get some money?
I sure hope you are right, that Browder is on the run now.
All the better to extort him with.
please look up the definition of Semites. You will find that most Jews in Israel are not Semites. Furthermore, most anti-Semites in Israel are actually Zionist Jews.
Replies: @Philip Giraldi, @ChuckOrloski
Excellent Film Exposes Bill Browder as a Total Fraud - Now Available Free OnlineAttached is the URL for the Nekrasov film on Browder. The producer tells me it is an illegal pirate copy but I assured him I would buy a copy if it ever became available in Canada and he seemed to be happy with that. He tells me "There is an upcoming proper release."...
If there is a proper release soon I would hope that all of us who have benefited from the pirate release will buy an original to reward the producers. I think we have Browder on the run at the moment and we have to press our advantage by exposing the documentary to as many viewers as we can.
How about we all hop over to Amazon and give his book ["Red Notice"] the review it deserves!
I think we have Browder on the run at the moment and we have to press our advantage...
Well, folks, here is our opportunity to put our money where our mouth is. Defying Browder's legal threats, the producers have officially released the film to the public on Vimeo. You can rent it for a 24hr period for just over $13 CAD. I'll be viewing it for the third time, this weekend. Please share the good news with family and friends. @RobinG
If there is a proper release soon I would hope that all of us who have benefited from the pirate release will buy an original to reward the producers.
Russia Insider is getting in on the act:
Excellent Film Exposes Bill Browder as a Total Fraud – Now Available Free Online
Attached is the URL for the Nekrasov film on Browder. The producer tells me it is an illegal pirate copy but I assured him I would buy a copy if it ever became available in Canada and he seemed to be happy with that. He tells me “There is an upcoming proper release.”…
Or if you want the physical book you can get it from red pill press:
“Grand Deception: The Browder Hoax,†by Alex Krainer is brilliantly written in-depth research into his fraud. (a link in the name and at the bottom of this comment).
“Alex Krainer is a hedge fund manager and author. His book, banned by Amazon in September 2017 is now available in pdf, kindle, and epub formats at the following link “Grand Deception: Truth About Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act and Anti-Russian Sanctions.†Paperback version is now available here. Alex also wrote one book on commodities trading.
Live links to various versions of the new book here:
And lots of other interesting stuff!
Certainly there is some arrogance and some laziness, but mostly it's a function of geography. This is a big country, separated from the rest of the world by vast oceans. I'll bet that most who travel out, go with a group and a guide, and mostly talk in English with their fellow tourists.
I believe this is a cultural choice
Indeed. OTOH, "Seventy percent of 1,500 respondents interviewed in all federal districts do not speak foreign languages. The index stood at 76 percent in 2003." [That's ANY foreign language, not just English. In this respect, Russia is more like US than like Europe.] I can attest, once you get out of big cities, English speakers are few and far between.
millions of Russians know ...
” Of the other 40 million who speak “to some degree,†how much is due to the pervasiveness of Hollywood movies, and now internet ads?”
Well, I don’t think the source of learning is all that relevant in this context.
Also, “English speaking” doesn’t mean just Americans.
I just don’t think the interest in languages per se and the intellectual curiosity tend to be present in most English speakers.
But when it comes to formal education, comparing apples to apples—that is, comparing educational levels across the two countries, not to mention Europe—I would lay down quite a bit of money that the similarly educated Russian/French person/German/Spaniard/not to mention Dutch and Scandinavian speaks at least passable English and quite likely another language (German/French/Spanish), and the analogous native English speaker who speaks one foreign language passably would be an outlier. It s a cultural thing and I think it stems first from the English—“Wogs begin at Calais [pronounced Cally’” and all that—and by extension and reinforced by geographical and other cultural factors to Americans, Australians, etc. Probably a different situ in Canada, with French.
To return to my original point, concerning Americans/Russians, it is that many educated Americans (such as some on my own little list, not to mention in the media) act very know-it-all and superior about Russia, while not realizing or not having it even occur them that they know squat about Russia and cannot check up beause they do not speak the language, whereas socially similar Russians know a whole lot about them and can follow US media. In other words, when it comes to Russia, ignorance is bliss in the US of A. Actually, there are a number of very good Russian news shows that can be seen on Youtube, with English subtitles, but how many AMericans avail themselves of such broadcasts to find out what leading Russian analysts are saying.
che – The broadcasts of McCain’s Tokyo Rose performances were recorded by US forces and reportedly are in a safe place in the Pentagon.
It seems quite siimple to see that the dying swan (now), John McCain, was both incompetent (as a pilot, killing many on the flight deck of the ship on which he was crew), and a traitor, making speeches to other PoWs from his privileged position as son of an Admiral.
I hope someone there taped him, it would be great to hear.
Suspect the Nth. Viets were too busy at the time, or the tape destroyed in a later US bombing raid, but anybody who reads knows that he was a traitor to his comrades.
Repeating, pro-Viet, but if I was on the other side, would not betraying my comrades, and that is what McCain did.
I believe this is a cultural choice
Certainly there is some arrogance and some laziness, but mostly it’s a function of geography. This is a big country, separated from the rest of the world by vast oceans. I’ll bet that most who travel out, go with a group and a guide, and mostly talk in English with their fellow tourists.
Contrast Europeans. Once, on a train, I was in a compartment with Polish and Czech travelers. One man told a joke …. in German. When I asked why, he said, “Well, it was a German joke.”
Furthermore, Americans are, effectively by the demonization or ridicule of foreign countries, discouraged from learning languages.
millions of Russians know …
Indeed. OTOH, “Seventy percent of 1,500 respondents interviewed in all federal districts do not speak foreign languages. The index stood at 76 percent in 2003.” [That’s ANY foreign language, not just English. In this respect, Russia is more like US than like Europe.] I can attest, once you get out of big cities, English speakers are few and far between.
Of those who speak English, about 3.5 million are fluent. Of the other 40 million who speak “to some degree,” how much is due to the pervasiveness of Hollywood movies, and now internet ads?
“Sergei had given witness testimony against two MVD officers who had used Hermitage documents in their possession to steal three Hermitage companies, which were then used to steal $230 million from the Russian government. Sergei testified against them. They wanted to silence the witness.”
This is directly refuted by Nekrasov and the documents he shows the viewer. And by other interviewees in the film. The transcripts of the interrogations of Magnitsky do not have Magnitsky making these charges, nor even mentioning the names of the two alleged rogue police investigators.
It looks like Firestone is retailing Browder’s story. with a bit of tweaking.
Whose choice?
So they remain in the dark . . . by choice . . .
I certainly take your point.
And there are many Americans who are bilingual.
For example, most immigrants, illegal or otherwise.
Nevertheless, it is a long-observed phenomenon that English speakers are, compared to most other supposedly educated populations, functionally unable to communicate in any language except English. I believe this is a cultural choice, not just a function of school curricula.
Probably correlated in some way to the small percentage of Americans who even have a passport.
How many do you think staff members of the State Department or any of the intelligence services speak Russian? German?
More to t he point, as I have pointed out elsewhere, millions of Russians know just what is being said about them and their country within the USA, whereas Americans don’t have a clue either about Russia or about how much Russians know about them.
Certainly there is some arrogance and some laziness, but mostly it's a function of geography. This is a big country, separated from the rest of the world by vast oceans. I'll bet that most who travel out, go with a group and a guide, and mostly talk in English with their fellow tourists.
I believe this is a cultural choice
Indeed. OTOH, "Seventy percent of 1,500 respondents interviewed in all federal districts do not speak foreign languages. The index stood at 76 percent in 2003." [That's ANY foreign language, not just English. In this respect, Russia is more like US than like Europe.] I can attest, once you get out of big cities, English speakers are few and far between.
millions of Russians know ...
Please, do not react defensively or address me as though I were an adversary.
I was not questioning wh at you stated
That is why I said: “Taken on board.”
I was asking for documentation.
In this Browder case especially (but always, actually) it is important to support assertions and allegations with evidence. Solid evidence. Documentation.
That is the great strength of Nekrasov’s film.
He follows the evidence trail.
That is what I was suggesting you do with the Firestone issue.
I am ont in the Moscow market.
I am sitting here in the USA, and I think it is in the USA that the case against Browder and his lies has to be made if we are ever to get to the bottom of Browder and even, of who is handlers are, if he has them.
in your opinion, is the Putin government just as corrupt as the Zio-West?
But the real problem is the Russian government do not want good for Russians as well.
What are you saying, is Russia de-loused?
When Russian government find fraud, in this time of Browder not allowed to return there was a decision in Moscow not to put an American in prison.
Browder gave up his U.S. citizenship in 1998 to avoid paying taxes related to foreign investment.
In Moscow market everyone knows this fact that Magnitsky was an employee of Firestone firm. One thing Browder and Firestone do they delete all information, all history, all Cvs of every one of their firm from all web.
Something like this Americans should ask Browder, Wall Street Journal should say show us your documents of what was your relationship with the firm of Magnitsky. This shows that from start Browder lies. His whole story is full of lies. Anyone can check it but no one wants to check it. A man who tells so many small lies tells big lies.
When Russian government find fraud, in this time of Browder not allowed to return there was a decision in Moscow not to put an American in prison. No one in Russia wanted to spoil relations with western investors. So even if it was clear that Browder was doing serious crime breaking rules and doing big fraud, it was decided just to say to these people Russia is closed for you. It is also true that many people were doing financial fraud and not many people were taken to court. Even now, many bankers have left Russia with billions and they are not tried in courts. Browder was the same – like owner of Bank Trust Yurov, owner of bank Otkritie Belyaev and more. Many financial criminals in Russia getaway to London ( always to London ). Because the government does not want to give scare to the financial sector . So Browder was just shut but they had to find out the scheme so arrest of Magnitsky. This happens in many cases where number 2 or number 4 is arrested. In every case press write oh you take a woman, oh you take a mother, oh you take a father to prison 0 but in this case of Magnitsky the poor man was sick. There was surely neglect from prison and this is proved in report by authorities. After this point all nonsense starts of people stealing money from Russian government and that Magnitsky was whistle blowing. All this is complete nonsense and nothing happens. All what happens is that Browder is caught with his crime and Russians make a mistake instead to put him in prison, put Magnitsky in prison. Now they pay for their mistake.
Browder gave up his U.S. citizenship in 1998 to avoid paying taxes related to foreign investment.
When Russian government find fraud, in this time of Browder not allowed to return there was a decision in Moscow not to put an American in prison.
So they remain in the dark . . . by choice . . .
Whose choice?
In the 1960’s, Washington, DC. public schools offered French, German, Spanish, Russian, and Latin. Who now sets the curriculum, makes the decisions what education should be available?
Admitted, from Wikipedia, but still:
Iran–Contra affair
The day before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress related to his knowledge of the Iran–Contra affair, Casey suffered two seizures and was hospitalized. Three days later, Casey underwent surgery for a previously undiagnosed brain tumor.[3]
It is also in a way comical that Russians speak English, so they know or can find out more or less wha t is going on. Whereas English speakers very rarely can speak a word of any foreign language, much less Russian. So they remain in the dark . . . by choice . . .
Whose choice?
So they remain in the dark . . . by choice . . .
Taken on board.
Just as, there are many internal pressures that prevent indictments for major financial crimes in this country.
How can your info re Firestone etc. be documented?
And what do you think actually happened to the three people who ended up dead who were involved with the Browder -connected money?
Is it not 10.2 Billion dollar loan not 20.2 Billion dollar loan as in this article. Please edit? or let me know otherwise with evidence.