No. You suckers lost. Replies: @TheTotallyAnonymous, @Dumbo
Kosovo is Serbia!
I see now that you are Croatian (or Bosnian?). And further proof that the most hate I see is from Croatians against Serbs, and rarely the opposite. I have never seen Serbs talk about Croats the way Croats talk about Serbs. And that despite how Croats acted in WWII…
But you cannot compare S.Milosevic to Videla, Pinoche, Franko etc. – it is stupid?! Milosevic was evil as much as Western propaganda needed it – no more, no less!
Those tourists are Serbs from Croatia. They live just across the border: eastern Slavonia and Baranja have large Serbian population and they visit Serbia regularly, probably every weekend considering proximity. As for whorism, you know who the biggest whores are atheistical Serbo women. There are no bigger whores than atheistical trash and Serbos have made of themselves representatives of atheism in Croatia. Some are even filming pornographic videos. Very disgusting liberal behavior. We all know what punishment spoiling of younglings carries. That’s capital punishment in any culture and among every people that takes care of itself and its interests. You are not the only one guilty of spreading liberal colonization of course, there are others too, and all need to be dealt with accordingly.
Sure lol. Keep telling yourself that while your women get railed by Serbian penises.
By the way, here’s some data on the matter:
Take a look at the number of arrivals to Serbia in 2018 from Croatia, 93,953 persons (to be fair, some are Krajina Serbs). Normally I wouldn’t cite Wikipedia, but since Wikipedia sourced these statistics from Serbian government data, I consider it reliable enough.
These are not mine “interpretations” of history, but historical facts. Serbs fought with Turks attacking other Christians, fellow Orthodoxs. Are you saying this is not true? I ask you again, where and under what circumstances have you acquired Palailogos Byzantine coat of arms which you dishonorably display as your “own” on your flag?
Those are just paid “workers” in service of Yugoslavian “brotherhood,” Serbo. They are paid to spread this kind of trash and to write fiction articles because NGO scum (which is pinned to the state’s national budget nonetheless, forcing us to collectively pay for this Sorosite scum propaganda) is tasked to do that.
Oh by the way Bardon and Malacaay, you guys should put your Croat women on a leash because they’re very eager to take in lots of Serb dick 😉
Video 1: Croat women talking about how everything is “nicer, thicker and larger” in Serbia 😉
Video 2: A Croat woman explaining why Serbian men are more masculine:
A confirmation of the fact that Croat men are cucks and their women go in large numbers for sex tourism to Serbia 😛
Italians tried to steal from us too. That was not forgotten. Italics are dishonorable kind. Did you know that they led Mongol hordes, providing them with information about European kingdoms, people, armies et al during Mongol invasion, hmm? Haven’t you had problems caused by nomadic invasions and their Italic accomplices? I think you have. Then they also allied themselves with Serbo Chetniks in order to steal from us. That wasn’t smart. It earner them our eternal enmity. I don’t remember us ever coming to Italic peninsula trying to take from them anything… in all of history. But Italics have committed crimes here. Like I said, it’s not forgotten. Nothing ever is.
Few years ago you were in Belgrade, hmm? So you hate Serbian Cyrillic. You do know it’s their culture? You see we never had problem with Serbian Cyrillic or Greek alphabet. The problem arises when their culture starts pushing itself onto our land.
You say you’d choose Russo over German. If that is so, why did you mutiny against Soviet presence? That’s very contradictory. Didn’t you have wars with Russos? Why if you are so friendly and loving toward Russos? You sound like a masonic shill of Polak extraction. Don’t forget that neither Ukranians of Baltic states like Russos in any way, shape or form. Geography always seems to cause problems for masonic fantasies. Around here only Serbois like their fellow Russos, and as you can see, they are hated and despised universally.
Would you learn Latin as your 2nd language? Constantine’s city has Latin as its culture. Of course Polaks will. You are masonic shill cast here to spread love for Russos crap. We don’t like Russos. There you have it. Russos will never held any authority over us, and not over Polaks either, which I am sure saddens you greatly, doesn’t it, masonic shill?
You know, I was about to bother seriously replying to the counter-replies written by you and Bardon, but I’m not even going to bother with your demented and retard tier interpretations of history. I never knew that triggering Croats could be so much fun lol.
You are literally pathologically disturbed by the existence of Serbs and obsessed with them beyond the point of no return despite how “superior” you think you are.
Honestly, don’t you people have better things to do like trying to annex West Herzegovina and Mostar with the Bosnian Croats into Croatia?
Oh and relax, in the present moment and the immediate future of a few decades, Serbs are not in the position to claim or practically act upon trying to take any land from Croatia.
Regarding my attitude about this wonderful comment of yours here Malacaay, I will quote a part of Bardon Kaldian's statement below:
Try to come now. You’ll be chopped into pieces and fed to pigs… piece by piece. �
Just replace "Serbian mind-set" with "Croatian mind-set", of course.
It is good that this garbage has been posted. Because, those outsiders who don’t understand the functioning of average Serbian mind-set, can see what it ultimately is. �
Your analogy of French and Italians as a comparison to Serbs and Croats is dumb, and simply doesn't work. The French don't consider Italians to be French. No one does.
So, this statement is, actually, similar to: we, say, French, consider that you, say Italians, have occupied our land. Most of Italy is actually French in origin & possession, and our policy is to liberate Italy & cleanse it of you, Italians, who had, historically, occupied it, but it is not yours. It is our, French, and you Italians, have to go- at least, from the most of it. �
Sure. Whatever.
Well, thanks for stating it so obviously. If anyone who reads this is an outsider with no stakes in the game, will only want to let Serbs further rot in their shitholes.
You or Malacaay should take the time to directly contact Peter Handke and tell him this. I can only imagine Malacaay in real life telling Handke in person everything he thinks about Serbs and Slovenians lol.Replies: @Malacaay
For that minority who may find this “argument†convincing- you’re free to join the Serbs in their nuthouse shithole. �
You see, dog, you are in conflict with yourself. It’s you who wants us to open our doors for you, it’s not the other way around. That’s never going to happen. Anyone who has had any dealing with Serbois is not going to open its doors so they can come in and take over his house. They are nomads. There is very little difference between them and Tatars or Turks. The difference lies in cultural/religious dimension, but their nomadic behavior is very much present. All nomads try to insert themselves into your house and take over.
This is the 2nd major cause of enmity: Serbo contradictions. Serbo actions always tend to deviate from their rhetoric. It’s a trait of pathological rascalism and thievery. Lies will cause enmity. They state that they only wish to live in the same state as you, but they also wish to insert themselves onto your land and take over your house. They openly state their desire to occupy you and take possession of your house (sea and land). And this nomadic behavior tends to corrupt everyone. Muslimo Bosnians too adopted their ways: they too wish to take from others because Croats and Orthodoxized Croats who are now Serbs were put to live with them, against their own will. There is nothing worse than nomads. Terrible blight.
Sorry, I don’t want to be offensive….but- are you capable of critical thinking?
I am not talking about marginal issues of one or another people I, illustratively, mentioned. I have simply given an illustration of historical idiocy that rots typical Serbian brains.
This pathetic Serbian loser is not interesting as such. He may be intriguing, for an outside observer, only as an example of mental derangement besetting a people. So- I’ll repeat it, and if you, or anyone else can’t get it- well, sorry, I’ve already wasted too much time on non-issues...
1. there are two countries, Croatia and Serbia. They have well known borders.
2. a non-negligible part of the Serbian public- I don’t know how much, but it may be from 20-60%, perhaps more- thinks, in their continual psychotic state, that a big part of Croatia- say, 60-90% is “actually” historically Serbian & should belong to the Serbian national corpus/entity/state/whatever.
3. I gave an imaginary example, and it could have been different, but I’ll repeat it: what would you think of the French people, if 20-60% of the French public thought that 70% of what is now Italy is, “actually”, “historically”- a French land; that contemporary Italians have, somehow, “occupied” Italy which is, let’s be generous, basically French- at least, say, 70% of the territory going from Turin etc. to Sicily?
Or if Germans, say, 30-50% of them, genuinely thought that 70% of France was “actually” German & that German territory- which is now France- should be “liberated” from the French occupiers?
If you don’t see that this way of thinking is a sign of mental derangement & permanent assholery- well, I don’t want to waste bytes anymore.
Serbs, a big chunk, even majority of them- are assholes. There is no way going around that issue. No way a reasonable person, whichever his opinions, could, when confronted with facts, explicit claims & the rest, resort to …oh well, all are partially guilty, no one is innocent, let’s weigh it again, umm…
No way, sir.
There is no one, except a few nutjobs, who would claim that 70% of Serbia is “actually” Croatian. And there is a significant minority, or maybe even a small majority, of Serbs who claim that 70% of Croatia is, “actually”, theirs.
There is no cop-out of this situation. No way to “reconcile” things by saying: well, all involved…. Absolutely- no way.
We Croats are, re most of these disputes- right. Serbs are- wrong. And that’s the way it is. There is no point in trying to “balance” things, or to prove that contentions of a mentally sane person are, well, of more or less the same weight as claims of a certified lunatic.
And asshole.
OK, now I’m finished with this joke of a thread.
Physical evidence doesn't mean much in and of itself. Again, context and facts ...
Sure, it’s “fabrication,†Serbo dog. There are loads of physical evidence… you know people’s remains. Lies are your domain.
This should really be self-evident by now. Along with Slovenians, Croats were the ones that were decisive in breaking Yugoslavia because they were openly backed by their US-NATO-EEC (EU now) masters in many ways.
You had all the arms of Yugoslavia and you couldn’t conquer us, Serbo trash. �
Tell me, who in their right mind would want to live with someone like you?Replies: @Malacaay
Great that you don’t want to live with us. �
Physical evidence “doesn’t mean” anything, but Serbo fiction and lies do, hmm? As already stated, Serbo dog, nobody wanted to live with you. 95% of Macedonians, Croats, Albanians, Bosnians and Slovenians didn’t want to have anything to do with Serbois. Why is that so? It’s a rhetorican question. The answer is well known. I suggest you continue being black sheep, we’ll see who will want to have anything to do with you. Probably some Serbs will desert. If history is anything to judge by, that’s exactly what is going to happen. It wasn’t smart of Serbo dogs to pit themselves against everyone, not smart at all. There is a price to pay for it, you Serbo dog.
Doesn't matter. Djuradj Brankovic also didn't participate in the 1453 Siege of Constantinople. You're still wrong either way.
My bad, I meant Djuradj Brankovic.
It's not true, in fact. This was put in as a part of Serbian epic poetry in order to teach Serbs about the importance of loyalty to their own people and the consequences of treachery.
But didn’t Vuk Brankovic abandoned Serbo army at the Kosovo battle? I think he deserted and you lost because of it. Isn’t that true? It is, isn’t it?
Indeed. Certainly better than you do.Replies: @Malacaay
You know your own history well �
He participated in something else. You didn’t “acquire” Palaiologos coat of arms by being good Christian Serbois. Whichever Turkish Sultan gave it to you did it because you had done something for the Turks before… because you were their bitches; and Turks rewarded you for being their bitches with some of the loot. That’s how you came into possession of Byzantine coat of arms. Tell then, who gave it to you and under which circumstances, Serbo dog? You are liars and thieves.
As for Vuk Brankovic, you do realize that entire Vuk Brankovic’s army was unscathed. Your prince or king, whichever title he held, Lazar was a typical Serbo — without strategic thought in his head. He did show courage and in his last stand he killed Turkish sultan. Kudos for that. But his fellow Serbo, dog Brankovic deserted him. That’s why Brankovic house survived and his realm didn’t come under Turskih occupation. Somehow Lazar’s entire army and Serbian prince himself was killed but his fellow Serbo Brankovic and his entire army was untouched.
That could have happened only if betrayal was involved, you pathological Serbo liar and utter imbecile. That Serbo dog must have fled and become bitch of the Turks. And you won Kosovo battle after 1/3 of your army led by dog Vuk Brankovic deserted while the rest was decimated. Didn’t other Serbo, Prince Marko, become Turkish vassal somewhat earlier than Kosovo battle? You see, Serbo dog, it was common for you to become vassals without fighting and participate with the Turkish dogs in attacks on other Orthodoxs as evident by this battle which I just saw:
Now you see why nobody likes you. That didn’t spring out of nowhere. Your black sheep like, utterly disgusting and adverse behavior, was always the main reason for it. You were attacking other Orthodoxs with the Turks. As this here present Serbo dog would state, other Orthodoxs love them for it.
You are representing typical German perspective that only Germany is “right” civilization, and maybe France and England are two ‘lesser’ civilizations. The Dutch are kind of Germans, and last partly, belonged to ‘Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation’ so of course you give them some slack. Italy was colonized by Germans, and there are Hohenstaufen castles there, so you give Italians some slack as old German colony. Everything else is barbaria. Nevertheless, Germany is not civilizing matter, unless you think that being compatible with Germany is something good. EU is an attempt to create Greater Germany by the way of forced economic connections. Germany is a country which is not self-sufficient in food, energy or minerals, so it has created the great spider web to suck Europe. If you think that Germany is such a great, special country, maybe you should ponder why almost no one wants to give Germany a hand during her recent tribulations.
You are presenting to everyone here the typical German paternalism (paternalism is the key notion to understand German culture, as noted by Arthur Rosenberg in his history of Weimar Republic). Germany being governed by autocratic bureacracy since times immemorial, transferred this model to EU. Even the Emperor Wilhelm II struggled with those sainty German burecreats. Compare EU Parlament to Reichstag in imperial Germany and you will notice many similarities, with EU Council being kind of Bundesrat. There is no emperor, so no one can dismiss Jüncker or Leyen. Germasn would like you to belive that they are those nice people who only want to sell Opels, but only the last part is true. They want to sell Opels.
Really, I am not very nationalist, but I think that most Slavs (maybe with the exception of Croats, shock troops already employed by Habsburgs during the 30 years war as “especially ferocious troops, do not know German, communication possible only in Latin”) will agree when I will say, “Get lost, German”.
When relatively benevolent emperor Franz Joseph I ordered his Beamten in Boehmen to learn Czech besides German, they mutined in the name of German civilizations. The Czech have never forgotten this contemptuous attitude and put great effort in removing every last German from Czechoslovakia after WWII.
I meet both Germans and Russians, and I will tell you – I will choose a Russian over a German anytime (and I am Polish).
The greatest mistake of post WWII settlement was not to execute Morgenthau/Stalin plan of deindustrialization of Germany. Germany should go back to being Land der Dichter, der Denker und der Bauer (country of poets, of thinkers, and of peasants).
Since “iron and blood” unification, Germany became essentially barren land culturally, most of interesting things being done in Austria (mostly until WWII). Please note that even Heidegger was a student of Husserl, who was actually a Czech Jew from Znojmo in Austrian dominion.
Currently, Germany is a land of hundred literature prizes, with essentially no one worthy of them.
Germany lost its inventivness a long time ago, since order never breeds innovations.
Even this Handke guy is an Austrian who opposed the great German literary establishment around Hans Magnus Erzensberger, or whatever his patrician name is, and now lives in France.
However Serbs would do well if they moved towards Latinica more – few years ago I was in Belgrade, and around 80 % writing around me was in cyrylic alphabet (I read it too, of course). I wonder whether this preference for Cyrylica is a sign of allegiance towards Russia or what.
Nevertheless, putting aside this Entfremdung effect of Cyrylic, I have found more vitality in Belgrade than Zagreb.
It is good that this garbage has been posted. Because, those outsiders who don't understand the functioning of average Serbian mind-set, can see what it ultimately is.
Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you’re so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don’t have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.
Actually Italians have more claim on Nice, Menton and Corsica than the French on any part of Italy (except perhaps the Valle d’ Aosta). Garibaldi was a Nicean. Most land based states have some claims over neighbouring lands. It’s a never ending story the EU hoped to put an end to by uniting everyone in its superstate, again like Yugoslavia once hoped to do but failed. So now in the EU they have immigrant enclaves and riots, and Catalonia. It’s all far from over everywhere.
It is good that this garbage has been posted. Because, those outsiders who don't understand the functioning of average Serbian mind-set, can see what it ultimately is.
Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you’re so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don’t have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.
Try to come now. You’ll be chopped into pieces and fed to pigs… piece by piece.
Regarding my attitude about this wonderful comment of yours here Malacaay, I will quote a part of Bardon Kaldian’s statement below:
It is good that this garbage has been posted. Because, those outsiders who don’t understand the functioning of average Serbian mind-set, can see what it ultimately is.
Just replace “Serbian mind-set” with “Croatian mind-set”, of course.
So, this statement is, actually, similar to: we, say, French, consider that you, say Italians, have occupied our land. Most of Italy is actually French in origin & possession, and our policy is to liberate Italy & cleanse it of you, Italians, who had, historically, occupied it, but it is not yours. It is our, French, and you Italians, have to go- at least, from the most of it.
Your analogy of French and Italians as a comparison to Serbs and Croats is dumb, and simply doesn’t work. The French don’t consider Italians to be French. No one does.
You may as well just state your brain-dead Croat talking point directly. You are trying to get others to empathize with your sissy instincts about how you are butthurt by “Greater Serbia” ideology and trying to compare it to “Greater France” ideology, or whatever. It’s dumb and no one cares. There’s literally nothing sinister about nationalist irredentist ideologies besides for the people who feel threatened by them. No one besides Croats, Bosnian Muslims and Albanians (also the overlords of these 3 respective groups) cares or is particularly bothered by the “Greater Serbia” boogeyman.
You don’t see me ranting on about how I’m bothered by “Greater Croatia” ideology, do you?
Well, thanks for stating it so obviously. If anyone who reads this is an outsider with no stakes in the game, will only want to let Serbs further rot in their shitholes.
Sure. Whatever.
For that minority who may find this “argument†convincing- you’re free to join the Serbs in their nuthouse shithole.
You or Malacaay should take the time to directly contact Peter Handke and tell him this. I can only imagine Malacaay in real life telling Handke in person everything he thinks about Serbs and Slovenians lol.
Sure, it’s “fabrication,†Serbo dog. There are loads of physical evidence… you know people’s remains. Lies are your domain.
Physical evidence doesn’t mean much in and of itself. Again, context and facts …
You had all the arms of Yugoslavia and you couldn’t conquer us, Serbo trash.
This should really be self-evident by now. Along with Slovenians, Croats were the ones that were decisive in breaking Yugoslavia because they were openly backed by their US-NATO-EEC (EU now) masters in many ways.
Spare me the brain-dead Serb “aggression and conquest” narrative. Croats literally armed for war years in advance to break Yugoslavia with your leader Franjo Tudjman openly admitting that Croatia started the war and needed it. Go try and force feed someone else with your garbage.
Great that you don’t want to live with us.
Tell me, who in their right mind would want to live with someone like you?
My bad, I meant Djuradj Brankovic.
Doesn’t matter. Djuradj Brankovic also didn’t participate in the 1453 Siege of Constantinople. You’re still wrong either way.
But didn’t Vuk Brankovic abandoned Serbo army at the Kosovo battle? I think he deserted and you lost because of it. Isn’t that true? It is, isn’t it?
It’s not true, in fact. This was put in as a part of Serbian epic poetry in order to teach Serbs about the importance of loyalty to their own people and the consequences of treachery.
The real outcome of the 1389 Battle of Kosovo was a Serbian defensive Pyrrhic victory, not an absolute defeat. The Turkish Army withdrew from the field at the end of the day after the battle and the Serbian leader, Knjaz Lazar was killed on the same night after the battle when he was praying in a church without armor, at which moment some Ottoman Circassian/Chechen raiders killed him.
You know your own history well
Indeed. Certainly better than you do.
Anyway, let's get this one clear. Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you're so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don't have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.Replies: @Malacaay, @Bardon Kaldian
Why would you want to live with us Ustase, hmm?
Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you’re so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don’t have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.
It is good that this garbage has been posted. Because, those outsiders who don’t understand the functioning of average Serbian mind-set, can see what it ultimately is.
So, this statement is, actually, similar to: we, say, French, consider that you, say Italians, have occupied our land. Most of Italy is actually French in origin & possession, and our policy is to liberate Italy & cleanse it of you, Italians, who had, historically, occupied it, but it is not yours. It is our, French, and you Italians, have to go- at least, from the most of it.
Well, thanks for stating it so obviously. If anyone who reads this is an outsider with no stakes in the game, will only want to let Serbs further rot in their shitholes. For that minority who may find this “argument” convincing- you’re free to join the Serbs in their nuthouse shithole.
Regarding my attitude about this wonderful comment of yours here Malacaay, I will quote a part of Bardon Kaldian's statement below:
Try to come now. You’ll be chopped into pieces and fed to pigs… piece by piece. �
Just replace "Serbian mind-set" with "Croatian mind-set", of course.
It is good that this garbage has been posted. Because, those outsiders who don’t understand the functioning of average Serbian mind-set, can see what it ultimately is. �
Your analogy of French and Italians as a comparison to Serbs and Croats is dumb, and simply doesn't work. The French don't consider Italians to be French. No one does.
So, this statement is, actually, similar to: we, say, French, consider that you, say Italians, have occupied our land. Most of Italy is actually French in origin & possession, and our policy is to liberate Italy & cleanse it of you, Italians, who had, historically, occupied it, but it is not yours. It is our, French, and you Italians, have to go- at least, from the most of it. �
Sure. Whatever.
Well, thanks for stating it so obviously. If anyone who reads this is an outsider with no stakes in the game, will only want to let Serbs further rot in their shitholes.
You or Malacaay should take the time to directly contact Peter Handke and tell him this. I can only imagine Malacaay in real life telling Handke in person everything he thinks about Serbs and Slovenians lol.Replies: @Malacaay
For that minority who may find this “argument†convincing- you’re free to join the Serbs in their nuthouse shithole. �
Anyway, let's get this one clear. Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you're so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don't have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.Replies: @Malacaay, @Bardon Kaldian
Why would you want to live with us Ustase, hmm?
Sure, it’s “fabrication,” Serbo dog. There are loads of physical evidence… you know people’s remains. Lies are your domain. You had all the arms of Yugoslavia and you couldn’t conquer us, Serbo trash. Try to come now. You’ll be chopped into pieces and fed to pigs… piece by piece.
Great that you don’t want to live with us. There are 57.000 Croats in Serbia and less than 5.000 in Republic of Serbska. On the other hand we house 186.000 Serbo dogs. They live in eastern Slavonia. Take them. We’ll take our people from you.
Physical evidence doesn't mean much in and of itself. Again, context and facts ...
Sure, it’s “fabrication,†Serbo dog. There are loads of physical evidence… you know people’s remains. Lies are your domain.
This should really be self-evident by now. Along with Slovenians, Croats were the ones that were decisive in breaking Yugoslavia because they were openly backed by their US-NATO-EEC (EU now) masters in many ways.
You had all the arms of Yugoslavia and you couldn’t conquer us, Serbo trash. �
Tell me, who in their right mind would want to live with someone like you?Replies: @Malacaay
Great that you don’t want to live with us. �
Absolutely. This is why Greeks sent volunteers to Serb side in Bosnia from 1992-1995. This is also why Greeks protested in the streets on mass in 1999 against the NATO bombing, and why their naval and air force officers disobeyed direct orders given by their NATO puppet government for them to bomb Serbia in 1999.
As for your previous post, let me tell you that the Greeks despise you. They remember Serbo occupation of Greece well I reckon.
The siege of Constantinople was in 1454 AD. Vuk Brankovic died in 1397 AD. He didn't even live in the 15th century lol.Replies: @Malacaay
It started with Serbois serving Turkish sultan Mehmed during the siege of Constantinople who rewarded Serbo dog Vuk Brankovic with the coat of arms of Palaiologos Byzantium which they proudly display on their flag today. �
My bad, I meant Djuradj Brankovic. This one of Brankovics:ÄuraÄ‘_Branković
But didn’t Vuk Brankovic abandoned Serbo army at the Kosovo battle? I think he deserted and you lost because of it. Isn’t that true? It is, isn’t it? Brankovic fled like a Serbo dog, leaving behind his fellow Serbs to fight Turco dogs alone. Such disgusting people.
Constantinople fell in 1453. You know your own history well, you should know better that whose coat of arms you stole, Serbo.
Doesn't matter. Djuradj Brankovic also didn't participate in the 1453 Siege of Constantinople. You're still wrong either way.
My bad, I meant Djuradj Brankovic.
It's not true, in fact. This was put in as a part of Serbian epic poetry in order to teach Serbs about the importance of loyalty to their own people and the consequences of treachery.
But didn’t Vuk Brankovic abandoned Serbo army at the Kosovo battle? I think he deserted and you lost because of it. Isn’t that true? It is, isn’t it?
Indeed. Certainly better than you do.Replies: @Malacaay
You know your own history well �
I’ve already debunked Ovcara Field here in comment #106 in this thread.
Skabrnja is also most probably some sort of fabrication or distortion as well, although I’ll have to research it more.
Why would you want to live with us Ustase, hmm?
Anyway, let’s get this one clear. Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you’re so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don’t have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.
It is good that this garbage has been posted. Because, those outsiders who don't understand the functioning of average Serbian mind-set, can see what it ultimately is.
Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you’re so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don’t have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.
As for your previous post, let me tell you that the Greeks despise you. They remember Serbo occupation of Greece well I reckon.
Absolutely. This is why Greeks sent volunteers to Serb side in Bosnia from 1992-1995. This is also why Greeks protested in the streets on mass in 1999 against the NATO bombing, and why their naval and air force officers disobeyed direct orders given by their NATO puppet government for them to bomb Serbia in 1999.
It started with Serbois serving Turkish sultan Mehmed during the siege of Constantinople who rewarded Serbo dog Vuk Brankovic with the coat of arms of Palaiologos Byzantium which they proudly display on their flag today.
The siege of Constantinople was in 1454 AD. Vuk Brankovic died in 1397 AD. He didn’t even live in the 15th century lol.
Why would you want to live with us Ustase, hmm? We don’t want with you. In fact Croats have been leaving Serbo lands since 1991 in droves. In 1961. census there was 189.000 Croats in Serbia. Only 57.000 was left in 2011 (and that is probably mostly old people). Now we don’t squeal about this “ethnic cleansing” — we are leaving voluntarily for our lands. Why don’t Serbo dogs do the same? We are not compatible; separation is needed as evident by historical accounts.
Serbo is speaking about this btw:
Then they did this…Å kabrnja_massacre
but they are “victims” and “antifascists” so it wasn’t their fault. They walked free after that because those crimes political representatives abolished. They are “good people”… as evidenced by historical accounts.
Anyway, let's get this one clear. Contrary to your Croat-Illyrian garbage, almost all the territory in present day Croatia is rightful ancient Serbian land. Serbs do not want to live with you, they want to live on their ancient land that you're so pathologically obsessed on getting rid of them from. Unfortunately though, Serbs from those regions in the present day don't have any other option, but sooner or later, that will change.Replies: @Malacaay, @Bardon Kaldian
Why would you want to live with us Ustase, hmm?
Croatia's 1991 population census lists there being exactly 14,112 Serbs in Zadar and its close surroundings (before the Serbs were all pogrom-ed, of course).
There were never any Serbs on Dalmatian Illyrian coast of Mare Adriaticum, Serbo. There were 10 Serbs in Zadar before the war broke and they all fled. When those 10 Serbois fled, the aggression of Serbo-Yugoslav Army followed. �
In tens of kilometers east of Zadar, in surroundings of Benkovac, but never in Zadar. There were 10 Serbo dogs in Zadar and they had all fled before other Serbo dogs accompanied with Yugoslav army attacked. Yugoslav army was shelling Sibenik, Zadar and other heartland Dalmatian cities. Also Dubrovnik in the south.
As for your previous post, let me tell you that the Greeks despise you. They remember Serbo occupation of Greece well I reckon. This is what Serbia used to encompass (for those of you not acquainted with nomadic Serbo history):
As for other Orthodox people, Wallachians (or Romanians how they call themselves nowadays) do not like the Serbs, but neither are they openly opposed to Serbs. There is no history of atrocious warfare or hostility between them. It’s completely opposite case with Bulgarians who hate the Serbs. There is a long history of bloodshed, fighting and conflict between them. This is well-known fact, no idea why any Serbo dog would try to deny it. The truth is, you are a black sheep among Orthodox people. No Orthodox people on Haemus Mons peninsula likes you. Somehow Serbois were always on the opposite side of all the other Orthodoxs. It started with Serbois serving Turkish sultan Mehmed during the siege of Constantinople who rewarded Serbo dog Vuk Brankovic with the coat of arms of Palaiologos Byzantium which they proudly display on their flag today.
Then they tried to spread onto us, to colonize us. That didn’t work out well for Serbois either. Now they are universally hated among all people of former Yugoslavia. Apparently they were “antifascists,” while the rest of us from former Yugoslavia were “fascists.” They proved to be especially susceptible to communist propaganda and agitprop as it served their purpose and needs vis-a-vis other nations from our part of the world. But apparently nobody ever told them that those “antifascists” weren’t against fascism at all when they were mangling Poland and killing Polaks (they were all too happy to murder tens of thousands of Polaks and portray those murders of theirs as “victims of nazism” after the war). Only when USSR was attacked have them atheistical communists become “antifascists.” Those antifascists were all to happy killings tens of millions of people inside USSR. Apparently those Buddhists in USSR were a great threat to “antifascists” that they had to be exterminated in accordance to atheistic creed of liberal antifascism which states that religions need to be extinguished. Anyhow they had not described themselves as antifascists before Europe attacked Russia/USSR.
This is somehow the pool that Serbois found kool-aid ideology to drink from because it sounded “good” and separated Serbois from the rest of the nations in Yugoslavia (and Albanians too). Somehow getting bombed by “antifascist” USA. They had thought they were friends with USA, that they both, together with Russos, were antifascists and that they needed to kill those “fascist” Albanians. Together. What a confusion war produced. Somehow they didn’t notice at all that that “antifascist” USA was economically pillaging the world and invading countless countries. Somehow nobody told them that those “nations” born on genocides of the natives like USA and Russia could never be good; that their antifascism and all the ideology that comes with it is not worth spitting on. Countries born on genocides who have been subjugating other people and nations, pillaging and appropriating their natural resources and other riches since, are nasty, vile states and people. But Serbois thought that they were “antifacists” and they could terrorize and colonize others just like fake Russkies and them fake ameros have been doing for centuries. That confusion still reigns in the heads of Serbois. How did that happen that their antifascist friends betrayed them? Shouldn’t they help them to terrorize and colonize those “fascists?” That’s what they have been thinking. Anyhow, since we are all “fascist” here, how about Serboi “antifascists” pack their stuff and leave where their antifascists friends are? There are plenty of land to settle among those “antifascists” after all the genocides and mass murders they committed against the native population in order to steal their land. Yet instead these “antifascists” wish to settle on the lands of us “fascists” and spread themselves, taking over in the process.
You are not unwelcomed not only here, but anywhere on the Haemus Mons peninsula. Despised and hated in the east by Bulgarians, in the north by Hunnic Magyars, in the south by Greeks and in the west by all of us former yugoslavian countries. Like I said, you are only surpassed by the Turks in hostility you inspire in all our former yugoslavian nations; and you do share a lot of behavioral traits with them, after all you are both nomadic, so how could you not? You have nothing here. This is not your land. There are 14% Serbs in Benkovac, 35% in Vukovar. But this is why strict reciprocity is needed with you: how many Croats you allow in your land we will allow Serbs in ours. Serbois are Caucasian but nomadic people who desire to spread and take from others.
Absolutely. This is why Greeks sent volunteers to Serb side in Bosnia from 1992-1995. This is also why Greeks protested in the streets on mass in 1999 against the NATO bombing, and why their naval and air force officers disobeyed direct orders given by their NATO puppet government for them to bomb Serbia in 1999.
As for your previous post, let me tell you that the Greeks despise you. They remember Serbo occupation of Greece well I reckon.
The siege of Constantinople was in 1454 AD. Vuk Brankovic died in 1397 AD. He didn't even live in the 15th century lol.Replies: @Malacaay
It started with Serbois serving Turkish sultan Mehmed during the siege of Constantinople who rewarded Serbo dog Vuk Brankovic with the coat of arms of Palaiologos Byzantium which they proudly display on their flag today. �
This comment is really the one which actually gets closest to stating what matters in the present moment.
In the present day Balkans of 2019, the 2 biggest problems for everyone in the region are the collapsing demographics (even for Albanians and Bosnian Muslims) and the Muslim populations (for all the non-Muslims, of course) in Kosovo and Bosnia. Every single other problem in the region is either connected to these 2 problems or is simply of a secondary nature, if not even almost irrelevant.
Croat bullshit peddled by Bardon Kaldian and Malacaay (Illyrian garbage?) is really just as annoying and unscrupulous as it can be amusing and even hilarious at times. I burst out laughing at Bardon likening Serbs with Black Muslims while 1/3d of Malacaay’s posts just make me LOL regardless.
There is this on you tube:
When Marie Jana was born, her father was serving as a press-attaché at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Belgrade. The signing of the Munich Agreement in September 1938, and the German occupation of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler's troops forced the family into exile because of their links with Beneš.
In 1941, Josef and Anna converted from Judaism to Catholicism in an effort to protect their family from the Nazis. Marie Jana and her siblings were raised in the Roman Catholic faith. In 1997, Albright said her parents never told her or her two siblings about their Jewish ancestry and heritage.
The family moved to Britain where her father worked for Beneš's Czechoslovak government-in-exile.
Most likely they scrubbed a lot of details and are vague with some important dates in her bio. Make of it what you will.Replies: @Anonymous, @TheTotallyAnonymous
Korbel was appointed as Czechoslovakian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, and the family moved to Belgrade. Yugoslavia was governed by the Communist Party, and Korbel was concerned his daughter would be exposed to Marxism in a Yugoslav school. She was taught privately by a governess and later sent to the Prealpina Institut pour Jeunes Filles finishing school in Chexbres, on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. She learned to speak French while in Switzerland and changed her name from "Marie Jana" to "Madeleine". The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia took over the government in 1948, with support from the Soviet Union.
As an opponent of communism, Korbel was forced to resign from his position.
I don’t think video footage of this exists, but I’ve heard that a Serb woman in the same village that helped the family Albright was adopted by protect Albright from the Germans in WW2 came up to her at some book convention in Serbia (After 2000). The woman then began yelling at Albright and saying something along the lines of “we saved you in WW2 and now you’re attacking us, shame on you!”, and Albright then fainted.
Unfortunately it didn’t change anything, but there you have it.
Lol. “Borovo Naselje” is really properly called Borovo Selo (Borovo village) or just Borovo. All 12 of your Ustashe policemen were rightfully killed to the last one there on 2 May 1991 by a Krajina Serb ambush.
The footage you show is falsified or either comes from late 1991 or much later in general.
There were never any Serbs on Dalmatian Illyrian coast of Mare Adriaticum, Serbo. There were 10 Serbs in Zadar before the war broke and they all fled. When those 10 Serbois fled, the aggression of Serbo-Yugoslav Army followed.
Croatia’s 1991 population census lists there being exactly 14,112 Serbs in Zadar and its close surroundings (before the Serbs were all pogrom-ed, of course).
You are also full of garbage since the JNA, properly called the Yugoslav Peoples’ Army, did not attack Zadar since it was Croats that attacked the JNA garrison there as they did in all the other places.
Just to get the chronology of these events clear (All in 1991-early 1992);
1: In may 1991 Croats pogrom Serbs from Zadar on 2 May 1991 which was organized by the HDZ (Tudjman’s Croat party and same party ruling Croatia to this day). JNA does nothing because it did not actually truly behave in ethnic Serb interests at all until 1992, by which time it was transformed into the VJ (Army of Yugoslavia) when it became a real army.
2: On 16th September Croats attack JNA base and garrison in Zadar of JNA and Yugoslav Navy by cutting of utilities and power followed by armed attacks. Fighting went on from 16th September to 5th October. Croat commanders began to lose and so decided to enter negotiations on 5th October in order to deceive the Serbs. The Serb JNA actually agreed to withdraw its garrison from Zadar because of immense US and international anti-Serb pressure on Milseovic (unfortunately Milosevic thought it was a smart idea to submit to this pressure, something he would later regret).
3: The JNA realized its mistake and decided to be more defiant so it dared to try and retake Zadar on 18th November. Again though, the USA openly and directly intervened with UN special envoy Cyrus Vance directly tricking the Serb JNA into withdrawing from Zadar’s surroundings for good.
Now, you can write whatever deluded garbage you like, but these are all facts. Therefore, there was no “aggression of Serbo-Yugoslav Army” since there was no Yugoslav Army then as it was the Yugoslav Peoples’ Army, and it was the Croats that clearly pogrom-med the Serb population first and began their separatist violence against the legitimate JNA presence there.
This is where the Serbois broke their teeth btw. It happened early on. In the end they lost hundreds of tanks and even more so IFVs and other armor (according to official Serbian sources “only” 110 tanks were lost there) and a few dozen airplanes. That was at the very start of the war already. Blago Zadro commanded the defense of Vukovar. Our war hero.
No. This is why Croat Ustashe need to be put in their place. Of course, since you can't get the facts about Vukovar right, this is why you have to transition into more brain-dead garbage of a different, but still predictable sort.
This is why Serbian assholes need to be held under constant supervision. �
I'm really not surprised by the part in bold. Can't Croats come up with some kind of more creative brain-dead bullshit at least?
1. in ex-Yugoslavia Serbs constituted c. 36% of population in 1990. Strong Serbianization of JNA had begun in 1987 (they’d been preparing for their greater Serbian adventures) �
So what? You really think that just because a province or a region of a country pays a certain percentage to finance the army means that it has a right to control it proportionately? By your logic, if California in the United States financed 28% of the US Army that would mean it should have access to that much of the US military proportionately. This is literally retarded. That's not how the world works.
Federal Yugoslav Army/JNA has been financed by all Yugoslav republics (Serbia plus Montenegro 36%, Croatia 28%, Slovenia 19%,..). So, Serbs literally “stole†all these planes, tanks, ships, rockets, guns, howitzers, �
Lets get the events of the start of the Bosnian War very clear here. The Serbs of Bosnia clearly wanted to stay in Yugoslavia while the Croats and Musilms didn't. Still, the Carrington-Cutileiro plan came up with the solution of intense decentralization of a still multi-ethnic Bosnia that Serbs, Muslims and Croats agreed to. After speaking with the Jewish US ambassador to Yugoslavia Warren Zimmerman in the USA, Alija Izetbegovic suddenly withdrew his signature from the agreement and began the violence.
and, via their fifth column, Croatian Serbs, embarked upon their provincial imperial expansion: they wanted to occupy the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina & ca. 70% of Croatia. This was a combined aggression: Serbia proper + Montenegro +JNA + Croatian, later Bosnian Serbs. �
What you really mean is that Slovenia, Croatia and literally everyone else could've left Yugoslavia without resistance and been able to do whatever they like to Serbs. Again, that's not how things work in this world.
Had they not possessed/stolen all others’ arms, there would have been no war. �
Again, why do you have the assumption that a sovereign nation is supposed to allow separatist forces to be able to arm themselves without any obstruction and interference?
Croatia did try, during 1990 & early 1991, to import as many arms as possible for her police (there was a legal loophole), but she was prevented by Serbian-Yugoslav authorities
UN arms embargoes applied only to Yugoslavia and by extension the reformed Yugoslavia of 1992 which did not have Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia in it. It's well known that Zagreb was a smuggling point for not only arms, weapons and supplies to Bosnian Croats and arms to Croatia, but even for Muslim terrorists in Bosnia from both the Sunni Muslim world and Iran. It's literally common knowledge that the UN embargo was not properly enforced at all. The UN embargo was only enforced against Serbia proper in 1992 which caused a collapse in living standards and the 2nd largest hyperinflation (largest was Hungary in post WW2 Communist transition period) in all of world history.
European countries & US, which gave green light to Serbs to finish off the job of occupying Croatia (Slovenia was let free to go). UN resolution 713 on “arms embargo†( was actually the encouragement of greater Serbia forces, who took JNA under its control, to occupy Croatia & most of the rest of Yugoslavia-except Slovenia. �
Lol. Chinese. What???
It was American, European, Soviet, Chinese,… politics, fully supporting 1/3rd of a people of one country to impose terror, ethnic cleansing, dictatorship & eventually mass murder- with their blessing; nay, cooperation. �
If it was in the interests of NATO strategists (which it really wasn't) for Krajina Serb forces and the JNA to vanquish the separatist Croatia, then why did Croatia so eagerly join NATO?
But- we were more resistant then US & EU hoped. NATO strategists calculated that Serbianized JNA would occupy entire Croatia in two weeks; it took her almost 3 months to subdue one city, Vukovar. True, we suffered many losses & lost, until the end of 1991, c. 25% of our territory – but we never surrendered. �
You openly admit that Croats engaged in separatism and terrorism while you pretend that it is a normal and natural thing.
We didn’t succeed to import any significant amount of weapons (only some AKs & a small amount of anti-tank missiles); yet, we- against explicit wishes of the US (James Baker, Cyrus Vance,..) succeeded to capture a part of JNA barracks located in Croatia, with a number of tanks, rocket launchers etc. This was perhaps 15-20% of all that was in Croatia
No. Maybe if Croats decided not to go full lets mass murder, pogrom and expel the Serbs while instead deciding to actually negotiate in good faith about secession from Yugoslavia, there wouldn't have been any violence? Seriously, wtf are you expecting when you engage in violent and armed separatism followed by massacres, pogroms and expulsions of Serb civilians?
(not even remotely close to 28% of all that belonged to the JNA, and which would be fair in a dissolution of a country- but then, there would have been no war, because Serbs are strong only when they fight against the disarmed).
I’ve only now seen that mass of blatant lies and fantasies this Serb has embroidered his post with. Haven’t read the whole post since I have no desire to dwell in Serbo fantasy, but I see the Serb has been persistent in spreading stories of “Serbs in Zadar and elsewhere” on Illyrian eastern coast of Mare Adriaticum. There were never any Serbs on Dalmatian Illyrian coast of Mare Adriaticum, Serbo. There were 10 Serbs in Zadar before the war broke and they all fled. When those 10 Serbois fled, the aggression of Serbo-Yugoslav Army followed.
Remember Serbo, you have nothing “yours” in Illyrian homeland on the eastern coast of Mare Adriaticum. You need to go back to your Caucasian-Black Sea-Caspian region to find yours there. It would seem that your nomadic Tatar friends or fiends have stolen everything there. That’s what nomads do. There is no worse humanoid plague than nomads.
Croatia's 1991 population census lists there being exactly 14,112 Serbs in Zadar and its close surroundings (before the Serbs were all pogrom-ed, of course).
There were never any Serbs on Dalmatian Illyrian coast of Mare Adriaticum, Serbo. There were 10 Serbs in Zadar before the war broke and they all fled. When those 10 Serbois fled, the aggression of Serbo-Yugoslav Army followed. �
There is this on you tube:
When Marie Jana was born, her father was serving as a press-attaché at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Belgrade. The signing of the Munich Agreement in September 1938, and the German occupation of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler's troops forced the family into exile because of their links with Beneš.
In 1941, Josef and Anna converted from Judaism to Catholicism in an effort to protect their family from the Nazis. Marie Jana and her siblings were raised in the Roman Catholic faith. In 1997, Albright said her parents never told her or her two siblings about their Jewish ancestry and heritage.
The family moved to Britain where her father worked for Beneš's Czechoslovak government-in-exile.
Most likely they scrubbed a lot of details and are vague with some important dates in her bio. Make of it what you will.Replies: @Anonymous, @TheTotallyAnonymous
Korbel was appointed as Czechoslovakian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, and the family moved to Belgrade. Yugoslavia was governed by the Communist Party, and Korbel was concerned his daughter would be exposed to Marxism in a Yugoslav school. She was taught privately by a governess and later sent to the Prealpina Institut pour Jeunes Filles finishing school in Chexbres, on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. She learned to speak French while in Switzerland and changed her name from "Marie Jana" to "Madeleine". The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia took over the government in 1948, with support from the Soviet Union.
As an opponent of communism, Korbel was forced to resign from his position.
Wikipedia is worse than useless nowadays but the fact remains that virtually every nation that accepted them ended u regretting it. Right now, they’re trying to genocide the one race that allowed them to elbow their way into unprecedented undeserved influence and equally unprecedented, undeserved riches.
It’s impossible to overstate how crazy this is. They will literally kill themselves through this unchecked hubris. Fact. The only question is whether they’ll manage to kill everyone else in the process.
You are only partially right. I just don’t know how much do you know of EU, or to what extent is your perception of this complex structure colored by your ideology (or world-view). So, without losing much time to go into mind-numbing details & projections, here is what I think (I won’t try to prove anything, just state my opinion):
* EU is, now, a force for the good -mostly, not exclusively
* the crucial (and most debated) weakness of the EU is centered about two points: one is their ideological warfare against national identity (and some type of effort to create a supra-national Europe) & another is rejection of race-cultural European identity (hence, the “migrant” crisis)
* just, EU won’t collapse in a day, week,…even a year or more. Forget about it. It won’t happen. These are just wet dreams of national old-timers, doomed to extinction. It’s like feudal reactionaries who dreamed after Napoleon that good ole pre- French revolution times will return. They were hopelessly delusional & wrong.
* there is no some grand conspiracy to replace European peoples with colored immigrants, that’s rubbish. Simply, traditional European political classes continue with their delusions of a past few decades (which is a softer variant of the New Left ideology). Also, affluent Western European peoples- who are much more educated, innovative & successful than lazy eastern & SE Europeans- have succumbed, to a non-negligible degree, to their delusions on human societies, human nature, universal humanitarianism etc.
* but- and here it’s where most outsiders are wrong: the EU is both powerful & inefficient. It can’t mold other, mostly eastern European countries, into what they think is desirable (cartoonish multiculturalism etc.)- they themselves did not succeed in their own lands; on the other hand, EU is positive in standardization, rationalization & modernization of various shithole countries (for instance, Greece, which would be, if not for EU, a massive shithole & nothing more)
* so, I don’t know, of course, what the future holds for whole of Europe. I can only speculate (which is of not much worth). But, I can offer my $ 0.02:
1. to look almost exclusively through ideological, pop-culture lens (promotion of faggotry, anti-national world-view, ….) is just a part of the story. It’s not all, and here most right (or right-center) viewers are wrong. They project negative traits of current affluent Western societies linearly into some distant future.
2. these viewers underestimate Western affluent peoples & look on the whole picture through a media-distorted flux of information. No- Danes, Italians, Germans… are not doomed to extinction. Their current weaknesses must not blind us to their real power.
3. as far as their (French, German,..) ability to coerce other, mostly eastern European peoples, to follow them on their path to self-destruction: you’re overestimating them, as you underestimate their (Danish, French,..) peoples. Simply, because of democracy & many other strings attached, EU cannot (and will not) force other, newer EU members to conform to the elements of their self-destructive behavior (which they themselves are questioning). Those things won’t happen.
4. on balance, EU is vastly positive for fringe European countries. It is the civilizing force in finances, technology, science, organization, elimination of corruption etc. Gypsy states, like most east European countries (Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Czechia, Poland, Bulgaria..) have, to various degrees, enormously profited from EU membership. Gypsy states outside of the EU (Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia, Albania..) are just waiting for crumbles from EU. They could not exist without EU donations & partial preferential treatments. They rot within.
So, one must get rid of illusions that ex-Communist countries are intrinsically “healthy” simply because there is less faggotry & more national consciousness in them. No, they’re just a bit healthier shitholes, which would collapse were it not for EU, because they’re dumb & corrupt.
One of the big illusions is that these countries could, somehow, retain their ethnic identity even if affluent Western countries have been swamped by niggas & mudslismes. No such thing is possible- non-EU political classes & peoples are even more corrupt than, for instance, those in Italy or Portugal or Luxembourg. They – Albania, Serbia,..- would sell their peoples & lands without a blink.
As I said, I don’t know what’s going to be. Just, illusions about shitholes which are eastern Europe- and this includes Russia- should be dispelled once & for all.
I didn't know this (a link or two would be appreciated), but it fits perfectly with the known history of this wretched tribe. A bona fide sociopath will always see an act of mercy as weakness. Always.Replies: @Commentator Mike
They also saved many Jews including the very evil Madeleine Albright who went on to demonise the Serbs and urge Clinton to bomb them.
Her wikipedia bio is vague:
When Marie Jana was born, her father was serving as a press-attaché at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Belgrade. The signing of the Munich Agreement in September 1938, and the German occupation of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler’s troops forced the family into exile because of their links with BeneÅ¡.
In 1941, Josef and Anna converted from Judaism to Catholicism in an effort to protect their family from the Nazis. Marie Jana and her siblings were raised in the Roman Catholic faith. In 1997, Albright said her parents never told her or her two siblings about their Jewish ancestry and heritage.
The family moved to Britain where her father worked for BeneÅ¡’s Czechoslovak government-in-exile.
There is this on you tube:
Also after the war she was again living in Belgrade:
Korbel was appointed as Czechoslovakian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, and the family moved to Belgrade. Yugoslavia was governed by the Communist Party, and Korbel was concerned his daughter would be exposed to Marxism in a Yugoslav school. She was taught privately by a governess and later sent to the Prealpina Institut pour Jeunes Filles finishing school in Chexbres, on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. She learned to speak French while in Switzerland and changed her name from “Marie Jana” to “Madeleine”. The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia took over the government in 1948, with support from the Soviet Union.
As an opponent of communism, Korbel was forced to resign from his position.
Most likely they scrubbed a lot of details and are vague with some important dates in her bio. Make of it what you will.
For those of you possibly thinking about the scope of Slovenian small-mindedness and pettiness, here is an exemplar of Slovenian thievery and kleptomaniac behavior:
In 1994 the Slovenian Parliament formed Nova Ljubljanska Banka with the old bank’s assets but none of its debts. This left many of its former clients without money; around 130,000 savers in Croatia and 165,000 in Bosnia and Herzegovina were plundered. You have now seen what Slovenian thieves have been doing to civilian foreign citizens, now imagine what would they try to do on a collective basis, vis-a-vis country. Let’s see:
Thieving little Carpathian Slavs claim that the hamlets of Bužini, Mlini, Å kodelini and Å krile located to the south of river Dragonja in Istria belongs to them Carpathian Slavic trash (their municipality of SeÄovlje). Slovenians unilaterally occupied the Sveta Gera in the Žumberak Mountains which partially lay in Croatian land. Who allowed this Carpathian scum to have anything on Illyrian land? That’s not something tolerable. We can all see that slaughter is in order for Slavic trash. They have found the wrong place to steal from. It appears that Carpathian Slavic scum yearns for their slaughter. That is what they desire it appears.
I wouldn’t quite put it that way. Everyone there still has a lot to lose still. You’re now in the EU, which is far more multiethnic/multicultural/multiracial than old Yugoslavia and are under the dictatorship of Brussels instead of Belgrade. You know all is not well with the EU and the West, and the way they’re run they could very well threaten your new found sovereignty in the long run. They still haven’t turned on the screws fully on the newcomers from Eastern Europe but it’s coming. The globalist project the EU is behind aims to dispossess everyone everywhere and turn everything over into the hands of faceless impersonal borderless corporations.
They also saved many Jews including the very evil Madeleine Albright who went on to demonise the Serbs and urge Clinton to bomb them.
I didn’t know this (a link or two would be appreciated), but it fits perfectly with the known history of this wretched tribe. A bona fide sociopath will always see an act of mercy as weakness. Always.
There is this on you tube:
When Marie Jana was born, her father was serving as a press-attaché at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Belgrade. The signing of the Munich Agreement in September 1938, and the German occupation of Czechoslovakia by Adolf Hitler's troops forced the family into exile because of their links with Beneš.
In 1941, Josef and Anna converted from Judaism to Catholicism in an effort to protect their family from the Nazis. Marie Jana and her siblings were raised in the Roman Catholic faith. In 1997, Albright said her parents never told her or her two siblings about their Jewish ancestry and heritage.
The family moved to Britain where her father worked for Beneš's Czechoslovak government-in-exile.
Most likely they scrubbed a lot of details and are vague with some important dates in her bio. Make of it what you will.Replies: @Anonymous, @TheTotallyAnonymous
Korbel was appointed as Czechoslovakian Ambassador to Yugoslavia, and the family moved to Belgrade. Yugoslavia was governed by the Communist Party, and Korbel was concerned his daughter would be exposed to Marxism in a Yugoslav school. She was taught privately by a governess and later sent to the Prealpina Institut pour Jeunes Filles finishing school in Chexbres, on Lake Geneva in Switzerland. She learned to speak French while in Switzerland and changed her name from "Marie Jana" to "Madeleine". The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia took over the government in 1948, with support from the Soviet Union.
As an opponent of communism, Korbel was forced to resign from his position.
Let’s ask ourselves now, why has Anglo scum eradicated all other cultures but their own in 2 entire continents yet speak of some “need for accepting diversity,” celebration of multiculturalism and whatnot, hmm?
Why should 250 million Anglicized scum have 2 entire continents for themselves which they acquired via conquest and genocides of native people, while just a single nation’s population 10 times more numerous than them live on the chunk of land 10 times less the size of their 2 continents and almost without any resources?
Why is this Anglicized forcing its currency to be accepted by all the nations in the worlds, basically serving as the world’s currency, thus allowing them to print/digitally conjure it and acquire all the goods and resources they desire throughout the world with it?
Why is this Anglicized Anglo scum parasitizing the entire world so they could enjoy in lavish lifestyles and preach libtard ideology to the rest of us? These are the questions we must ask ourselves.
The Germans directly annexed North Slovenia into the German Reich and they began mass murdering and ethnic cleansing modern day North Slovenia and Southern Austria in order to make it pure German land. The expelled Slovenians were mostly sent to Serbia. It is possible that Peter Handke had some of his ancestors either victims of these WW2 German actions or have been saved and lived in peace in Serbia.
Also many Slovenians were transported to Serbia by Germans during WWII. Don’t know what that was all about but the Serbs helped them survive the war years there.
Serbs expelled 300.000 Germans after the WWII because they didn’t want to live with Germans. As for Slovenians, do you people understand Slovenian position at all? Judging by your replies and thoughts, you do not. Slovenians are parasitical, small-minded, petty, thieving people. Anyone who has spent any time in Slovenia or knows bunch of them, knows it to be true. These petty people have profited enormously since the Turkish invasions, and continued to profit on our troubles and afflictions since the Turks were expelled from western Haemus Mons, because Serbs took over the role of the Turks and we have been having problems with Serbo colonization and thieving efforts ever since the Turks were driven out (for the last century). While our lands were engulfed in wars, Slovenians have been positioned to profit from it and have been profiting all this time. I am sure that some of their mental mindset is due to this depicted historical circumstance I just described. So, you see, Slovenians have interests in being pro-Serb for they have not had Serbs and Serbs have not tried to take their land, they were profiting just nicely from our troubles caused by Serbo invasive nomadic humanoid specie from Caucasus-Caspian region. I suggest Serbs pack their things and move for Russia for which they fought and whom behaviorally resemble — both being nomadic Orthodox sect scum. The rest of us can come in alignment even though we are of different culture and religion if Albanians and Bosnians accept Constantinian Nicaean Christianity and become Christianize. We have no atrocious history between us. No wars. No genocides. No massacres. No enmity; only alliances and friendship. Culture and religion stand between us. If they were of our culture and religion, they could fit in and assimilate perfectly. But not the Serbs. Even all the other Orthodox sect people around this part of the world does not like the Serbs. As for us, with Serbo dogs we have eternal enmity, and where enmity resides no harmony is ever possible. Liberal/communist morons should have thought about it before enlisting Serbo dogs into their horde and alienating them from the rest of us. What were you morons thinking? O you weren’t thinking at all, hmm? What a shocking surprise. Tut-tut. You have sown enmity. You couldn’t have found worse place in the whole world to do that. You shall reap our hatred. Serbo dogs shall forever be rejected and forsaken here. They have no place on Haemus Mons anymore. Only submission and willingness to assimilate can they find acceptance. That is their reward, and this is your pay for spreading cultural colonization, o liberal pagan scum of the fake west. This is your legacy.
Everything just confirms what I’ve already said re Serbian assholes & their propaganda for idiots: this is a kind of mental derangement, similar to Black Muslims’ ideology. Living in a parallel, illogical mental universe full of batshit crazy projections.
Well- they lost. And will keep losing what they still possess & what actually is theirs.
This miserable creature doesn’t understand that, even aesthetically, his howling compatriots are as disgusting as are rappers to any normal ear. As for his collected works on the ex-Yugoslavia he posted here, I glanced shortly on them. Everything just confirms what I’ve already said re Serbian assholes & their propaganda for idiots: this is a kind of mental derangement, similar to Black Muslims’ ideology. Living in a parallel, illogical mental universe full of batshit crazy projections.
Well- they lost. And will keep losing what they still possess & what actually is theirs. And:
Everything just confirms what I’ve already said re Serbian assholes & their propaganda for idiots: this is a kind of mental derangement, similar to Black Muslims’ ideology. Living in a parallel, illogical mental universe full of batshit crazy projections. �
Well- they lost. And will keep losing what they still possess & what actually is theirs.
If only the LOL button was accessible more often. At least 1/3rd of all your comments are worth a LOL button.
You see, communist imbecile, what is important is how we view ourselves, not how you view us because we speak similar language (in some cases not even mutually intelligible). Do you view hundreds of millions of Africans as French or English “microcosmos” because they are of le French/English culture but just “waving different flags,” hmm? Like I said, libtard imbecile, utter stupidity and basic mental malfunctions are your defining characteristics.
Also many Slovenians were transported to Serbia by Germans during WWII. Don’t know what that was all about but the Serbs helped them survive the war years there.
The Germans directly annexed North Slovenia into the German Reich and they began mass murdering and ethnic cleansing modern day North Slovenia and Southern Austria in order to make it pure German land. The expelled Slovenians were mostly sent to Serbia. It is possible that Peter Handke had some of his ancestors either victims of these WW2 German actions or have been saved and lived in peace in Serbia.
Even though Slovenians in Slovenia are separatist bastards and whores that began the disaster of the Serb people in the 1990’s, the Slovenians that fled to Serbia were all great people. Peter Handke is also obviously one of those mixed Slovene-German people. In general though, Slovenians are among the least problematic of all the Yugoslav groups for Serbs. Still, Slovenia only needs to pay reparations for its 1990’s separatism against Serbia and war crimes at Holmec and towards other JNA conscripts. Slovenia also needs to return the stolen Serb industry that it got during the rule of Josip Broz Tito and Eduard Kardelj (they deliberately de-industrialized Serbia and transferred Serb industry to Croatia and Slovenia). Of course, Slovenia also needs to apologize for having the author Marko Natlacen be the one who invented the phrase “Srbe na Vrbe” (Hang the Serbs from Willow trees) and pay reparations for all the war crimes they committed against Serbs in WW1 and the 1990’s as well.
My family personally witnessed a normal Serbian man having the hell beaten out of him by 2 Slovenian policemen even though he came as a tourist to Slovenia …
Even Peter Handke in his writings distanced himself from and denounced Slovenia’s separatism against Serbia, which just makes me like hims even more.
No. This is why Croat Ustashe need to be put in their place. Of course, since you can't get the facts about Vukovar right, this is why you have to transition into more brain-dead garbage of a different, but still predictable sort.
This is why Serbian assholes need to be held under constant supervision. �
I'm really not surprised by the part in bold. Can't Croats come up with some kind of more creative brain-dead bullshit at least?
1. in ex-Yugoslavia Serbs constituted c. 36% of population in 1990. Strong Serbianization of JNA had begun in 1987 (they’d been preparing for their greater Serbian adventures) �
So what? You really think that just because a province or a region of a country pays a certain percentage to finance the army means that it has a right to control it proportionately? By your logic, if California in the United States financed 28% of the US Army that would mean it should have access to that much of the US military proportionately. This is literally retarded. That's not how the world works.
Federal Yugoslav Army/JNA has been financed by all Yugoslav republics (Serbia plus Montenegro 36%, Croatia 28%, Slovenia 19%,..). So, Serbs literally “stole†all these planes, tanks, ships, rockets, guns, howitzers, �
Lets get the events of the start of the Bosnian War very clear here. The Serbs of Bosnia clearly wanted to stay in Yugoslavia while the Croats and Musilms didn't. Still, the Carrington-Cutileiro plan came up with the solution of intense decentralization of a still multi-ethnic Bosnia that Serbs, Muslims and Croats agreed to. After speaking with the Jewish US ambassador to Yugoslavia Warren Zimmerman in the USA, Alija Izetbegovic suddenly withdrew his signature from the agreement and began the violence.
and, via their fifth column, Croatian Serbs, embarked upon their provincial imperial expansion: they wanted to occupy the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina & ca. 70% of Croatia. This was a combined aggression: Serbia proper + Montenegro +JNA + Croatian, later Bosnian Serbs. �
What you really mean is that Slovenia, Croatia and literally everyone else could've left Yugoslavia without resistance and been able to do whatever they like to Serbs. Again, that's not how things work in this world.
Had they not possessed/stolen all others’ arms, there would have been no war. �
Again, why do you have the assumption that a sovereign nation is supposed to allow separatist forces to be able to arm themselves without any obstruction and interference?
Croatia did try, during 1990 & early 1991, to import as many arms as possible for her police (there was a legal loophole), but she was prevented by Serbian-Yugoslav authorities
UN arms embargoes applied only to Yugoslavia and by extension the reformed Yugoslavia of 1992 which did not have Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia in it. It's well known that Zagreb was a smuggling point for not only arms, weapons and supplies to Bosnian Croats and arms to Croatia, but even for Muslim terrorists in Bosnia from both the Sunni Muslim world and Iran. It's literally common knowledge that the UN embargo was not properly enforced at all. The UN embargo was only enforced against Serbia proper in 1992 which caused a collapse in living standards and the 2nd largest hyperinflation (largest was Hungary in post WW2 Communist transition period) in all of world history.
European countries & US, which gave green light to Serbs to finish off the job of occupying Croatia (Slovenia was let free to go). UN resolution 713 on “arms embargo†( was actually the encouragement of greater Serbia forces, who took JNA under its control, to occupy Croatia & most of the rest of Yugoslavia-except Slovenia. �
Lol. Chinese. What???
It was American, European, Soviet, Chinese,… politics, fully supporting 1/3rd of a people of one country to impose terror, ethnic cleansing, dictatorship & eventually mass murder- with their blessing; nay, cooperation. �
If it was in the interests of NATO strategists (which it really wasn't) for Krajina Serb forces and the JNA to vanquish the separatist Croatia, then why did Croatia so eagerly join NATO?
But- we were more resistant then US & EU hoped. NATO strategists calculated that Serbianized JNA would occupy entire Croatia in two weeks; it took her almost 3 months to subdue one city, Vukovar. True, we suffered many losses & lost, until the end of 1991, c. 25% of our territory – but we never surrendered. �
You openly admit that Croats engaged in separatism and terrorism while you pretend that it is a normal and natural thing.
We didn’t succeed to import any significant amount of weapons (only some AKs & a small amount of anti-tank missiles); yet, we- against explicit wishes of the US (James Baker, Cyrus Vance,..) succeeded to capture a part of JNA barracks located in Croatia, with a number of tanks, rocket launchers etc. This was perhaps 15-20% of all that was in Croatia
No. Maybe if Croats decided not to go full lets mass murder, pogrom and expel the Serbs while instead deciding to actually negotiate in good faith about secession from Yugoslavia, there wouldn't have been any violence? Seriously, wtf are you expecting when you engage in violent and armed separatism followed by massacres, pogroms and expulsions of Serb civilians?
(not even remotely close to 28% of all that belonged to the JNA, and which would be fair in a dissolution of a country- but then, there would have been no war, because Serbs are strong only when they fight against the disarmed).
Take a look at the map. It is clear as day to anyone that if there was going to be a war between the 3 ethno-religious groups of Bosnia that there was going to be mass ethnic cleansing and war crimes. That’s why blaming Bosnian Serbs for “genocide†and evil “ethnic cleansing†is really pure hypocrisy since such things by the very nature of the ethnic map of Bosnia and the hilly and mountainous terrain of Bosnia made it inevitable that paramilitaries and armed units would run around doing all sorts of nasty things. That’s why the ultimate responsibility for all this lies on the side that started it, the USA-CIA-Warren Zimmerman (Warren’s tribe as well, maybe?) and Bosnian Muslims.
Here’s a hopefully more effective link to the 1991 ethnographic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Also many Slovenians were transported to Serbia by Germans during WWII. Don’t know what that was all about but the Serbs helped them survive the war years there. They also saved many Jews including the very evil Madeleine Albright who went on to demonise the Serbs and urge Clinton to bomb them. An anonymous call to the Gestapo by someone in the know about this little Jewish girl hiding in Belgrade could have saved hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children, but then I suppose someone else would have been found to play her role later on. Still, as they say no good deed goes unpunished.
The Germans directly annexed North Slovenia into the German Reich and they began mass murdering and ethnic cleansing modern day North Slovenia and Southern Austria in order to make it pure German land. The expelled Slovenians were mostly sent to Serbia. It is possible that Peter Handke had some of his ancestors either victims of these WW2 German actions or have been saved and lived in peace in Serbia.
Also many Slovenians were transported to Serbia by Germans during WWII. Don’t know what that was all about but the Serbs helped them survive the war years there.
I didn't know this (a link or two would be appreciated), but it fits perfectly with the known history of this wretched tribe. A bona fide sociopath will always see an act of mercy as weakness. Always.Replies: @Commentator Mike
They also saved many Jews including the very evil Madeleine Albright who went on to demonise the Serbs and urge Clinton to bomb them.
You people completely miss the point with your BS about Tesla’s nationality.
Balkan dwellers, pfft.
The topic is Nobel prize, Tesla made many statements concerning fraudulent Einstein, and the dogma established around this jewish madman, and frankly idiot.
There are people receiving this prize who claim to be scientists, yet they say something like this…
In essence, they say Kabbalah drives their “science”, in other words witchcraft and sorcery.
Second, nobody there likes the Serbs, while many have hatred for the Serbs
Get lost. Greeks, Romanians and Hungarians all either like Serbs or are neutral.
Brave Serb Knights! (English and other language subs available)
My Krajina Land (English and other language subs available)
I don’t care if Tesla was Serb or Croat, he is my my book a Croat.
Even the Croats are telling you that Telsa was a Serb you retard …
This is getting tiresome. Just because they declared independence doesn’t mean that it was or is lawful or legitimate in any way. It’s still separatism and secession which was illegal and violent in most of the cases it happened.
Macedonia itself also declared independence following a September 1991 referendum.
The Serb JNA withdrew from Macedonia because the Macedonian leader Kiro Gligorov promised to Milosevic that Macedonia would rejoin Yugoslavia at a later date in the future. Gligorov only promised this because Macedonia, like North Macedonia today, has Albanian problems that they have to deal with. Of course, Milosevic accepted because he was busy trying to resist separatism in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia.
As it turned out, the UCK/KLA Albanian terrorists indirectly backed by NATO tried to forge Greater Albania in 2001 but even the FYROM Skopljans beat the Albanians lol. Unfortunately for the Vardar Macedonians, Milosevic was overthrown in 1999 and NATO-USA took over Kosovo which is still illegally and criminally occupied to this present day.
In 2006 Montenegro declared its independence from Serbia
The independence referendum barely won by a few percentage points. It was also staged purposely by the treacherous DOS government of Serbia (DOS are Serbia’s version of Weimar Germany, btw) at the time, along with NATO, George Soros and anti-Serb thug Milo Djukanovic. The referendum was marked with fraud, voter intimidation (I personally know some Serbs in Montenegro that were threatened with job loss and violence), and importing Muslims and Albanians in order to rig the vote against Serbs.
Anyway, both Montenegro and North Macedonia are ancient Serb lands that have been deliberately cut out from the Serb ethnic being by the Croat Communist dictator Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslav Communists (Mosha Pijade was a prominent Jew Communist, btw) and now NATO-US-EU-UN-NWO-Jews.
Malacaay, your version of events is cartoonish.
You can’t have a dog fight if the dogs are unwilling. Or a cock fight. A little prodding goes a long way. Yeah, North Macedonian, some ethnic group that. Or Bosnian. Just little Yugoslavias in microcosm waving different flags.
No, this is how Croat terrorism against Serbs started. Most infamously at Zadar.
Honestly, let me just cite Edward Hermann here. This author is, out of literally of all the English language authors I’ve come across so far, by far the closest to the truth of matters to do with the Yugoslav Wars. He’s not perfect of course and not expert with military-technical matters, but this should also help with debunking the braindead anti-Serb narratives spread around the place:
This is why Serbian assholes need to be held under constant supervision.
No. This is why Croat Ustashe need to be put in their place. Of course, since you can’t get the facts about Vukovar right, this is why you have to transition into more brain-dead garbage of a different, but still predictable sort.
1. in ex-Yugoslavia Serbs constituted c. 36% of population in 1990. Strong Serbianization of JNA had begun in 1987 (they’d been preparing for their greater Serbian adventures)
I’m really not surprised by the part in bold. Can’t Croats come up with some kind of more creative brain-dead bullshit at least?
Anyway, for everything else besides the part in bold, so what? Serbs were the majority people in Yugoslavia meaning that Serb dominance was only natural and logical. Despite the inevitability of Serb dominance, Communist Yugoslavia was functionally not Serb dominated until Slobodan Milosevic came around. Even then, the Serb domination is massively exaggerated. Only Croats and other trash like Albanians, Bosnian Muslims and Slovenians consider that to be bothersome.
Also, you are lying about the JNA and Serb dominance. Since WW2 Serbs were the majority people that fought with the Partisans in WW2, and by extension, the JNA. You are making the JNA sound as if it was something sinister. Really though, during most of Communist Yugoslavia, the primary soldier and officer corps of the JNA was a place for losers and dropkicks (unfortunately Serbs were dominant in this category as well). This is why the JNA officers and elites were so incompetent and allowed travesties like the Slovenian disaster and Croat terrorists nearly almost successfully hijacking JNA barracks …
Federal Yugoslav Army/JNA has been financed by all Yugoslav republics (Serbia plus Montenegro 36%, Croatia 28%, Slovenia 19%,..). So, Serbs literally “stole†all these planes, tanks, ships, rockets, guns, howitzers,
So what? You really think that just because a province or a region of a country pays a certain percentage to finance the army means that it has a right to control it proportionately? By your logic, if California in the United States financed 28% of the US Army that would mean it should have access to that much of the US military proportionately. This is literally retarded. That’s not how the world works.
Any authority that is sovereign and controls or rules over a given territory, province area or whatever reserves the right to use armed force against those who separate or rebel against it. You can whine that you were treated unjustly under Serb rule but that doesn’t even work which is why you have to make brain-dead “Serb aggression” and “genocidal Serbs” narratives (for most of Yugoslavia there was no Serb rule and Croats were treated completely fine, you simply always thought you were better than Serbs because your ancestors were low-level servants to the Catholic Church and Austrians).
and, via their fifth column, Croatian Serbs, embarked upon their provincial imperial expansion: they wanted to occupy the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina & ca. 70% of Croatia. This was a combined aggression: Serbia proper + Montenegro +JNA + Croatian, later Bosnian Serbs.
Lets get the events of the start of the Bosnian War very clear here. The Serbs of Bosnia clearly wanted to stay in Yugoslavia while the Croats and Musilms didn’t. Still, the Carrington-Cutileiro plan came up with the solution of intense decentralization of a still multi-ethnic Bosnia that Serbs, Muslims and Croats agreed to. After speaking with the Jewish US ambassador to Yugoslavia Warren Zimmerman in the USA, Alija Izetbegovic suddenly withdrew his signature from the agreement and began the violence.
Take a look at the map. It is clear as day to anyone that if there was going to be a war between the 3 ethno-religious groups of Bosnia that there was going to be mass ethnic cleansing and war crimes. That’s why blaming Bosnian Serbs for “genocide” and evil “ethnic cleansing” is really pure hypocrisy since such things by the very nature of the ethnic map of Bosnia and the hilly and mountainous terrain of Bosnia made it inevitable that paramilitaries and armed units would run around doing all sorts of nasty things. That’s why the ultimate responsibility for all this lies on the side that started it, the USA-CIA-Warren Zimmerman (Warren’s tribe as well, maybe?) and Bosnian Muslims.
The first act of violence in Bosnia was the assassination of the father of a Serb bridegroom in a Serb wedding procession in Bascarsija Street in Sarajevo by Musilm paramilitary criminal Ramiz Delalic. Even though the JNA agreed to withdraw from Bosnia, there came the violence in Dobrovaljacka Street (Volunteer street) in Sarajevo where Muslims shot at the retreating JNA and even captured Serb JNA conscripts and openly hung them from metal bars naked in broad daylight in the middle of Sarajevo where they electrocuted them to death …
Then after that came Sijekovac, the pogromming and mass murdering first of thousands of Serb doctors and intellectuals from Sarajevo, then of all the other Serbs to the edges of Sarajevo, and then the mass murdering and ethnic cleansing of Serbs from Mostar and many other places in what is currently the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina …
Still, the Bosnian Serbs weren’t dumb and going to be got off guard like the Krajina Serbs were. They openly had a suspicion of what was coming which is why they prepared the formation of Republika Srpska in advance. Bosnian Serbs literally made an open declaration on their resolve to defend all their Serb lands and return all the Serb ethnic areas that Serbs had been genocided from in 1941-1945 by Croats and Muslims and were now minorities in. It was only after Sijekovac that the Bosnian Serbs began to retaliate with their own ethnic cleansing and violence, most especially against Muslims since most of the Bosnian Croats were, as unbelievable as it may sound, saved by Bosnian Serbs from being mass murdered by the Muslims.
The greatest hypocrisy with not just the Bosnian War but the Krajina War, is that when Serb enemies commit the same or worse atrocities against Serbs, everyone pretends it simply didn’t happen or that Serbs even deserve it because somehow Serb actions are for whatever reason “so exceptionally terrible” or whatever. They are the same people that unironically believe Srebrenica was genocide because some shitheads in the Hague said so while they either don’t know about Operations Flash and Storm or believe that those were legitimate military operations …
Really, all that needs to be said about Srebrenica is that anyone who has nothing to say about Operation Storm has nothing to say about Srebrenica. By the way, US ambassador to Croatia, Peter Galbraith, in 2012 openly admitted that Operation Storm would’ve been impossible without Srebrenica.
Just to forever kill the “Serb JNA attacked everyone” garbage narrative, the JNA literally withdrew first from Slovenia, then from Croatia and Bosnia in 1992 once Slobodan Milosevic formally reformed the JNA into the VJ and Yugoslavia into FR Yugoslavia. All the JNA did is after defending itself from being attacked in Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia is to leave its weapons to the Serb minorities in Croatia and Bosnia so they could resist their enemies and somehow survive since they could not stay in Yugoslavia. Serbs from Serbia directly only sent volunteers, weapons and other indirect aid to Serbs in Bosnia and Croatia.
Had they not possessed/stolen all others’ arms, there would have been no war.
What you really mean is that Slovenia, Croatia and literally everyone else could’ve left Yugoslavia without resistance and been able to do whatever they like to Serbs. Again, that’s not how things work in this world.
Croatia did try, during 1990 & early 1991, to import as many arms as possible for her police (there was a legal loophole), but she was prevented by Serbian-Yugoslav authorities
Again, why do you have the assumption that a sovereign nation is supposed to allow separatist forces to be able to arm themselves without any obstruction and interference?
Violent and armed secession-ism and separatism is an illegal act of aggression against any sovereign authority regardless of the context. Especially regarding the Yugoslav constitution that did not approve for the separation of one republic from the others without the approval of all the other republics.
Let’s get the political context of 1990-1991 very clear. Franjo Tudjman (btw, after 1995 Tudjman openly stated that Croatia needed war and that everything which was necessary had to be done to get rid of the Krajina Serbs) literally began separating Croatia from Yugoslavia with an independence referendum and agitating against the Serb minority (taking away Krajina Serb status as a constituent people, firing Serbs from important positions and going full Ustashe with symbols + other things). The Serb population then reacted and couldn’t have made it more clear that they were going to oppose the separation of Croatia from Yugoslavia with the Log Revolution. Also lets not forget the Martin Spegelj tapes (in 1990, mind you) where he openly stated that Croatia was arming itself for war in advance and he would personally make sure every JNA officer and soldiers along with their families in Croatia were killed to the very last.
Slovenia also engaged in illegal and violent separatism against Yugoslavia and the JNA simultaneously by attacking JNA outposts and positions. The most infamous case was at the village of Holmec, on the Slovenian-Austrian border, were the Slovenian terrorists shot 18 year old Serb JNA conscripts in the back while they were being attacked from the front by the Austrian Army (Austria got together with the Slovenians in the anti-Serb conspiracy). They also openly flat out killed Serb JNA soldiers that surrendered which means that Slovenians were literally the first to commit war crimes out of everyone. Of course, no Slovene has ever been tried for that and event though video footage exists of this atrocity, the Slovenian government simply pretends it never happened!
Also, when the JNA was later sent to reinforce it’s original positions (which is infamously and inaccurately portrayed as Serb aggression!) the JNA leadership was so incompetent that the forces which went into Slovenia literally were sent without ammunition! It was only a bit later when a JNA unit which came with some Serb legends from Banja Luka came to Slovenia that they captured some Slovenian terrorist Territorial Guard cucks and began parading them around the place naked. Still, it was too late by then since Croatian separatism and terrorism was a much bigger problem into mid 1991.
At same time as the Slovenian separatism was going down, Croat “police” and Ustashe formations began attacking Krajina Serb villages, murdering Serb civilians and pogromming them. This included the many gun battles at places such as Borovo Selo and many other places. Also when Croat forces attacked the Serb villages in many cases they literally used mortar shells and artillery to drop bombs into the chimney of Serb homes and exterminate whole Serb households and villages. Still, the Serb villagers were at least brave enough to openly fight and take up arms unlike their ancestors that mostly got genocided and slaughtered by Croat “Srbosjeks” (Serb cutter knives) in the night from 1941-1945. Fortunately, from 1991 the Krajina Serbs also had help in the form of weapons from Belgrade and could get better weapons with legends such as Captain Dragan Vasiljkovic forming the Knindza units. Also, eternal glory to Dojordje Boskovic Giska!
Then the literal pogroms against Serbs in Zadar, and along the Adriatic coast against Serbs (Yes, the very type of pogroms the Jews claim happened to them really happened to Serbs in 1991 in Croatia). Let’s also remember the Serb families that were deliberately hunted and gunned down by Croat paramilitaries in places such as Zagreb with the Zec family and many other Serb families whose death, suffering and sacrifice are deliberately silenced by all the anti-Serb propaganda …
European countries & US, which gave green light to Serbs to finish off the job of occupying Croatia (Slovenia was let free to go). UN resolution 713 on “arms embargo†( was actually the encouragement of greater Serbia forces, who took JNA under its control, to occupy Croatia & most of the rest of Yugoslavia-except Slovenia.
UN arms embargoes applied only to Yugoslavia and by extension the reformed Yugoslavia of 1992 which did not have Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia in it. It’s well known that Zagreb was a smuggling point for not only arms, weapons and supplies to Bosnian Croats and arms to Croatia, but even for Muslim terrorists in Bosnia from both the Sunni Muslim world and Iran. It’s literally common knowledge that the UN embargo was not properly enforced at all. The UN embargo was only enforced against Serbia proper in 1992 which caused a collapse in living standards and the 2nd largest hyperinflation (largest was Hungary in post WW2 Communist transition period) in all of world history.
It was American, European, Soviet, Chinese,… politics, fully supporting 1/3rd of a people of one country to impose terror, ethnic cleansing, dictatorship & eventually mass murder- with their blessing; nay, cooperation.
Lol. Chinese. What???
The Chinese literally did nothing besides simply observe the Yugoslav Wars up until 1999.
Croatia wasn’t a victim of anything that it didn’t bring onto itself. You cucks simply got wrecked at the start when all the international actors were only beginning to get agitated with their hardcore anti-Serb activities.
Imagine if the Americans seriously claimed that Britain attacked them in 1776 at the start of the American War of Independence or that Serbs seriously claimed that they were attacked by Turks in 1804 at the start of the 1st Serbian Uprising. Americans and Serbs don’t have to falsely claim that they were attacked by the British and Turks respectively in 1776 and 1804 because their separatism and motives are clearly excusable. Croats, Slovenes and all the other anti-Serb trash have to maintain they were attacked by Serbs in the 1990’s because without people seriously buying into that narrative, it would become clear to see what kind of trash they really are!
But- we were more resistant then US & EU hoped. NATO strategists calculated that Serbianized JNA would occupy entire Croatia in two weeks; it took her almost 3 months to subdue one city, Vukovar. True, we suffered many losses & lost, until the end of 1991, c. 25% of our territory – but we never surrendered.
If it was in the interests of NATO strategists (which it really wasn’t) for Krajina Serb forces and the JNA to vanquish the separatist Croatia, then why did Croatia so eagerly join NATO?
Reality was obviously the other way around, of course. Just read the open statement of CIA agent Bob Baer in Robjil’s comment numbered #117 for one of many proofs of this.
We didn’t succeed to import any significant amount of weapons (only some AKs & a small amount of anti-tank missiles); yet, we- against explicit wishes of the US (James Baker, Cyrus Vance,..) succeeded to capture a part of JNA barracks located in Croatia, with a number of tanks, rocket launchers etc. This was perhaps 15-20% of all that was in Croatia
You openly admit that Croats engaged in separatism and terrorism while you pretend that it is a normal and natural thing.
Also, US corporation MPRI (Military Professional Resources Incorporated) literally trained the Croat army on how to use military equipment, combat formations and ethnically cleanse Serbs (Operation Storm most infamously). US generals and other Western-NATO military experts were firsthand advising and even assuming direct leadership of Croat Muslim forces in many cases. The UN was biased against Serbs (Canadians in Medack Pocket were a rare exception) since in Krajina it blocked Serbs from retaliating against Croat attacks many times and even had Serbs disarm their heavy weapons so that they could be more easily “pacified” by Croats. In Bosnia, the UNPA (UN protected areas) “safe zones” were literally openly militarized zones from which Muslims and Croats (mostly Muslims) attacked Serbs and Serb villages. This is what Naser Oric did around Srebrenica for years before 19995 by deliberately attacking on Serb Orthodox Christmas of 7th Januray and cutting out the bowels, stomachs, brains and other unimaginable barbarisms with his Muslims butchers. More Serbs were killed near Srebrenica than Musilms, yet no one will hear of Bratunac and Kravica …
(not even remotely close to 28% of all that belonged to the JNA, and which would be fair in a dissolution of a country- but then, there would have been no war, because Serbs are strong only when they fight against the disarmed).
No. Maybe if Croats decided not to go full lets mass murder, pogrom and expel the Serbs while instead deciding to actually negotiate in good faith about secession from Yugoslavia, there wouldn’t have been any violence? Seriously, wtf are you expecting when you engage in violent and armed separatism followed by massacres, pogroms and expulsions of Serb civilians?
You know what? I actually agree with the Jewess Deborah Lipstadt. Where is the outrage? How can Serbs after 20+ years still put up with all the lies and garbage their enemies spew at them? How long will it take Serbs to openly speak of the sacrifice, suffering, terrorism, aggression and barbarism they endured at the hands of their enemies during the 1990’s instead of staying silent simply because the world has labelled Serbs as aggressors, “genociders” and monsters?
It’s outrageous that many in the world seriously, even to this day, still buy into brain-dead “Serb aggression” narratives while Serb victims, Serb heroes and the truth are deliberately silenced and censored. Justice for Serbia really is long overdue!
Here's a hopefully more effective link to the 1991 ethnographic map of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Take a look at the map. It is clear as day to anyone that if there was going to be a war between the 3 ethno-religious groups of Bosnia that there was going to be mass ethnic cleansing and war crimes. That’s why blaming Bosnian Serbs for “genocide†and evil “ethnic cleansing†is really pure hypocrisy since such things by the very nature of the ethnic map of Bosnia and the hilly and mountainous terrain of Bosnia made it inevitable that paramilitaries and armed units would run around doing all sorts of nasty things. That’s why the ultimate responsibility for all this lies on the side that started it, the USA-CIA-Warren Zimmerman (Warren’s tribe as well, maybe?) and Bosnian Muslims. �
Communist Mike, why are you sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong to showing your utmost “american” ignorance and blatant stupidity, hmm, western European? O you call yourselves “americans,” hmm? You think the world is stupid, don’t you? It’s not. You however are. Now I know your libtard or communist insanity cannot be cured. Let’s be honest: you are just an indoctrinated class of imbeciles and simpletons whose only ability is to repeat slogans (agitprop) and to serve as automaton bureaucrats. But for the sake of those reading this, let’s state the underlying reason of Yugoslavia’s dissolution. Aside all the facts of serious incompatibility issues and that bilingual and multicultural country (which Yugoslavia officially was) couldn’t possibly work with resources Yugoslavia had at its disposal (remember Yugoslavia was less than 1/3 the size of Texas but with very scarce natural resources available). Find me a multicultural country which didn’t have history of tension, turmoil and tragedy? There isn’t one, because that is what multiculturalism is; that is the soul of multiculturalism. But the primal reason of dissolution was still somewhat different. The reason why Yugoslavia disintegrated was because the people didn’t want it. It was a crime of those who formed it in the first place, which is why hundreds of thousands have lost their lives. Yugoslavia was formed against the will of the people, our nations constituting the yugoslavian state. Forming states against the will of the people, forcing them… as the rule of the governance states, either the rule with the blessing of the people reflecting their will or you don’t. But when you represent yourselves as champions of the people yet systematically disregard and violate their will… well, hopefully I don’t need to explain what kind of logical malfunction that is. Lying to the people will cause the permanent loss of support; and when there is no support, it’s time for the change in rulership. That said, when the people spoke regarding the future of the state, all but the Serbs were in overwhelming favor of dissolution. Now what does that tell you? It tells you that Yugoslavia was serving Serb interests only. This is what followed:
In Croatia 94% were for independence. 96% in Macedonia. 95% in Slovenia. All voted for independence. The Yugoslav Army briefly intervened in Slovenia, but it withdrew after 10 days, confirming Slovenia’s separation. 581.000 Serb minority (allied with 106.000 Yugoslavs, those former or still active communists apparatchiks and many of their family members who deserted them after the Serbs and the Yugoslav army were stopped, effectively from then on declaring themselves to be Croats thus abandoning Yugoslavianism: they were just sellouts and paid harlots anyhow; and when mercenary trash stops being paid for their services they go down the road of least resistance, just like all harlots do: you have this liberal trash kind in abundance in the fake west I am sure) in Croatia declared its own independence, sparking the war in which the Yugoslav Army, which was under the control of the Serbs, managed to gain some ground thus forming Serbian republic of Krajina. The war that followed devastated Croatia, resulting in 16,000 dead Croats and 700.000 people displaced (on both sides). In Bosnia and Herzegovina referendum on independence took place in 1992, but was boycotted by the Serbs. It declared independence from Yugoslavia after the referendum, while the Serbs declared their own state and separated themselves. Macedonia itself also declared independence following a September 1991 referendum. Serbia and Montenegro formed a new federal republic of Yugoslavia as a successor state to old Yugoslavia. In 1998–1999 violence erupted in Kosovo again with Albanian population calling for independence from Serbia. In 2006 Montenegro declared its independence from Serbia, while Kosovo in 2008 declared its own independence from Serbia. That is a short history of what followed.
You're already falsifying reality from your first sentence.
Serbs are being portrayed as pure nationalists who dindu nuffin in the 1990s but attempt to preserve the territorial integrity of their homeland.
Croat garbage detected. Let's see what other trash are you going to spew out of your vile being ...
The fact is that the Serbs are to the Balkans (particularly the Slav parts of it) what the globalists are to the West: a group that works to eradicate the cultural characteristics of the non-Serbian Slavs and transform them into “Yugoslavsâ€.
Would you care to to provide evidence or sources of the "forceful assimilation of the non-Serb populations in Croatia and Macedonia" during the Kingdom of SHS and Yugoslavia from 1918-1941?
The West, seeing the Serbs as their allies, signed off on the formation of the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in Versailles; supported the Karadjordjevich regime through the interwar period while it committed itself to forceful assimilation of the non-Serb populations in Croatia and Macedonia
Again, more distortion. Atrocities in the Balkans (even by paramilitaries) have been happening in the Balkans for centuries, possibly even for millennia, before the Balkan Wars and the 20th century.
fought to keep Yugoslavia in tact until 1993 (when supporting the Miloshevich regime became impossible due to the rising number of atrocities committed by Serbian paramilitary troops, organized by the State Security Service — a method first used by the Serbs during the Balkan Wars) �
Garbage. The US Congress literally passed an act where they openly pressed for the dissolution of Yugoslavia in which they stated they would cut off aid to seperatist-nationalist groups that did not declare independence in the scope of 6 months to 1 year. It was passed in 1990. Surprise surprise, the Croat-Slovene separatists did so in the time period from 1990-1991. Alija Izetbegovic followed along with his "member of a chosen tribe" master Warren Zimmerman in 1992.
CIA memos from the 1990s clearly indicate that the US State Department preferred pro-Yugoslav re-branded Communists in the republics that split off from Yugoslavia to “ultranationalists†with pro-Western orientations.
Surprisingly enough, the only truthful statement of any value that you've written. Even though it's true, it is not in the way that you intend it to be.
All of the experiments concerning the cultural genocide of the West presently being carried out, were first tested in Yugoslavia.
The Berlin Process is a joke. You've evidently missed the fact that the EU rejected to even begin EU accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia because France under Emmanuel Macron blocked it since he's worried about the survival of the EU as it is.
The fact that the Noble Committee is awarding a Slobo apologist should be viewed in light of the Berlin Process currently being carried out, primarily by Angela Merkel. The aim of this process is to resurrect Yugoslavia, this time under the banner of “Western Balkansâ€. The new “confederation†is projected to include Serbia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Macedonia, and Albania — the Balkan countries not yet included in the EU — as a means of integrating these states into the EU through a so-called “two speed processâ€.
Here you are conveniently ignoring the fact that Croatia is an EU member state, and by joining the EU since 2013, Croatia has effectively signed on to the Khalergi Plan to racially replace its native population like every other EU state, regardless of what Serbs do in reality or in your demented Croat imagination of "Serbian intelligence agencies" ...
Croatia is always in danger of falling into this grouping as well, due to the incessant work of Serbian intelligence agencies in that state. �
Really, Serbo dog? Serbs “80% innocent in Croatia?” Do you think these fake westerners are really that stupid and ignorant that you can lie and deceive them like that, hmm? Perhaps they are, but we are not. We do not fall for Serbo dogs lies. Not now, not ever. “80% innocent Serbs” have killed 16.000 Croats and ethnically cleansed 400.000 from occupied Croatian land which Serbois called Krajina. All of our people from our land were ethnically cleansed from that which Serbo dogs managed to gain due to Yugoslav Army intervention.
You see that Serbo? That’s what you get when you take in Serb refugees. Mass murder, ethnic cleansing and theft. That’s what “80% innocent Serbs did.” Nobody would give a shit if you were “100% innocent.” Not us anyway. 0 or 100%, it’s all the same for us. Colonization and theft is what Serbs had had in mind. Then the Storm dispelled their dreams. You have your own lands. Quit fantasizing of stealing ours. That’s never going to work, and you know it. Why don’t you take your nomadic people somewhere where is easier prey? Imagine how much could be Serbia if you were in South American continent instead of here. Look how much Anglo trash stole by genociding natives from North American continent and Australia.
I was talking about Israel:
A Serbian friend of mine specifically told me years ago that he has great respect to Israel because Israel was one of the few countries that stood with Serbia when it was bombed.
My main point is that it’s always when someone mentions Serbia bombing and Israel in the same article, suddenly selective memory kicks in and they never mention this aspect.
That’s never going to work. First there is no will of the people for something like that.
Second, nobody there likes the Serbs, while many have hatred for the Serbs, so that “confederation of Western Balkans” is something bureaucratic imbeciles and similar minded half-wits could only come up with. There is no way to bind something together which doesn’t want to connect; only where there is will for something can there be fusion and blending. I thought western simpletons understood that fact by now. We are not ruled by real rulers, for true rulers would understood that fact that’s for sure.
Third, CEFTA as a trade union between the mentioned already exists. And finally, people there are not industrious or commercial, so any trade unions between the states is a non-starter to begin with. It’s not the state the focus should be on, it’s culture and cultural shift with morals, norms and mores which would reflect ours, and also loyalties which can only come from being part of the same national body. These are Caucasians who were muslimized and turkicized by the Turks and nomads who adopted Orthodox sect of Christianity in the case of the Serbs. Different history, culture, religion, attitudes, demeanor, mindset, perspectives, morals, mores, mythologies and the fact that quite a lot of terrible things and atrocities have been committed against one another in the last century since the Word War One under Anglo-French-Russo trash guidance, direction and leadership, but perhaps the apparently insurmountable obstacles can still be overcome. It would certainly be a lot, looot easier a hundred years ago than today. Fake western imbeciles might think that history is unimportant, but anyone with half a brain knows otherwise. Those wounds, traumas and torment produced by the circumstance of Serbo dogs being on the opposite side of all the rest of us and the subsequent sum of all the results of that are very much real, alive and well. Some humanoids are above liberal animal-like existence, or that four-legged animal one for that matter, so they do remember their pains, strains and sufferings and they are not eager to repeat them; or debase themselves also.
That said, the way of restoration is via religion. Only religion can make that world-shift needed for cultural transformation. What religion? Christianity is the only religion with the mythological world of its own. Some will say, “But Christianity lies in shambles thanks to fake westerners and Russo filth who adopted pagan atheistical liberal beliefs and worship of comfort, sexual deviance and queerness.” That is true. Fake westerners and Russo trash that mimics them have indeed wrecked terrible destruction upon the nature and the whole world with their godlessness, with their foul worship of desecration, lewdness, debauchery and depravity. Even they acknowledge that fact as evident by their constant rumbling, fear, discomfort, concerns and discontent produced by watching the world around them crumbling and degenerating more and more… and more, knowing it was all produced by their godlessness and their liberal paganism.
But there is hope still. For it to materialize we must go to the sacred places of Christian history. Those of us who have walked the past and traveled to the 4th century: the age when Christianity was accepted as the banner and moral compass of navigation by the imperium. In Constantinople and Nicaea we shall find all what is needed to make the transformation once more. Again shall liberal pagans tremble in fear of what retribution their liberal wretchedness and desecration might yield. That’s right. Liberal pagans will shiver again. The age of liberal paganism has been short – especially measured in historical timelines, yet it managed to produce such a distressful and ruined world. That is how all our problems will be mended, for the cure and the hope lies in the Christian history most sacred places and it’s also the place wherein true imperium like the Roman one can be forged. “How can Christianity be reborn there?” – some might ask. Easily. As was organized Christianity forged there, it can be reforged by reformation. Finally fake westerners will know what a true reformation looks like. No longer will you be taught to “love your enemies, turn your other cheek” or generally behave like a slave or a woman — no, no, you will be taught importance of discipline, duty, honor and reverence. Yes, yes, you can forget about the notions of freedom and whatnot. No such thing in Constantinian Christianity.
Then this world shall be brought to heel. Liberal pagans shall suffer terribly as retribution for their wretchedness shall include restored crucifixion punishment. Liberal sins suffocate the Haven itself even; that’s how gross they are. As for Muslimes… submission or death. I assume they are not eager to repeat Mongol affliction, but should they wish — all the better. Their size is not sustainable size in the Middle East anyway. Either they run to Africa or die. Only Africa can provide sustenance of that size.
Get lost. Greeks, Romanians and Hungarians all either like Serbs or are neutral.
Second, nobody there likes the Serbs, while many have hatred for the Serbs
As you were already told, but I will repeat nonetheless, Tesla was a Serb. Not Croat. He came from long line of Serbs, his father was a Serb Orthodox priest… and the mother came from the line of priestesses I believe too. We don’t steal. That’s what communists do thinking it would produce brotherhood that way. Little do they know that the opposite is produced by dishonorable deeds. But liberals have never been smart to begin with. There are primates smarter than libtards let me tell you.
That’s totally and utterly wrong, you clown. The only Orthodox Church operating in Croatia has been Serbian Orthodox Church, so if the both male and female from your story were Orthodoxs, they were both Serbs. Serbs from Croatia or anywhere else is still a Serb. It’s the same for you. You would still be a simple-minded fake westerner no matter where you are born: in China, Congo, Sumatra, Moon, space station or Mars. Do you understand that? I can see that you are amero, and truth be told you ameros are utter imbeciles when it comes to understanding the simplest of things. Some would say that you were exposed to lethal amount of liberal radioactive indoctrination, hype and propaganda from the moment you were born, and I suspect there is truth in that, but still to fall short on such simple logic is a sign of mental malfunction too.
“… her storied libel trial against her British colleague David Irving…”
It was kinda the other way around. I think. Didn’t Irving sue her?
So it should read:
“… decent historian whose main claim to fame is his storied libel trial against his British colleague Deborah Lipstadt…”
Unless we aren’t really concerned with accuracy here.
Not really. The first thing that everyone thinks about when they look at the Balkans is basically the wars of the 1990's. They really do stick to the region regardless of the peace in the present moment.
Whatever. The world has forgotten about the former Yugoslavia and what went on there in the 90s. �
What if you do though?
Unless we get another flare-up soon, that effort will be judged a success. �
Almost everyone else in the Balkans is basically in a coalition against Serbs.
History is written by the victors. Americans won. At least they and everybody except the Serbs believe that. �
It seems like it may be inevitable that everyone may have to do so. It is a criminal offense in Belgium to deny that Srebrenica in 1995 was "genocide". I'm not surprised if it starts to be legislated in other countries as well.Replies: @Robjil
I don’t make the rules. I’m just saying. Is this really the hill you want to die on? �
Bob Baer tells how the dismemberment of Yugoslavia was fabricated by the CIA.
Did you have an opinion about the CIA propaganda and did your colleagues think?
Of course, no one turns down a CIA mission, especially when we were all nervous and prone to paranoia! Many CIA agents and senior officers disappeared simple because they refused to conduct propaganda against the Serbs in Yugoslavia. Personally I was shocked at the dose of lies being fed from our agencies and politicians! Many CIA agents were directed propaganda without being aware of what they are doing. Everyone knew just a fraction of the story and only the one who create the whole story knew the background – they are politicians.
Why were the Serbs picked for this game?
So there was only propaganda against the Serbs?
Yes and no. The aim of the propaganda was to divide the republics so they would break away from the motherland Yugoslavia. We had to choose a scapegoat who would be blamed for everything. Someone who would be responsible for the war and violence. Serbia was chosen because in some ways it is a successor to Yugoslavia.
Wrong. Tesla was an ethnic Serb, not a Croat; he is one of, perhaps, 10-20 most important inventors in history.
Unfortunately, his true contribution is not fully acknowledged in general public due to at least two factors: his showmanship has alienated later electrical engineers who, only grudgingly, admit his greatness as inventor; his inflated image in crazy pop-culture of the 90s & later, propagated by various nutjobs (ETs, paranormal junk etc.) has infuriated many working scientists who, in this aspect of popular culture, read a resurgence of New Age lunatic obscurantism.
Also, Tesla himself did not help by sticking to outdated concepts of the 19th C physics.
Nikola Tesla was a Serb born in the village of Slunj, which is now on the territory of present day Croatia.
Your hero Einstein gave humanity nothing of value, a warped nonsensical thesis that has led to arrested development, Tesla, Heavyside, Maxwell, Schauberger and others gave you the modern electric world, which does not work with “photons†or “quantumâ€. �
I don’t care if Tesla was Serb or Croat, he is my my book a Croat.
The fact of the matter is this…
The idea that we have to pay for electricity, and that electricity is being consumed is totally insane, yet only few people question it due to the lack of knowledge and miseducation.
Even the Croats are telling you that Telsa was a Serb you retard ...
I don’t care if Tesla was Serb or Croat, he is my my book a Croat. �
This is so stupid, scientifically illiterate & brainless I can only recommend, to the general public, a few non-professional popular works (some are, though, not easily accessible; yet, they’re not intended for the professionals).
As regards conspiracy nutjobs- well, wish you well in further descent into madness…
Your hero Einstein gave humanity nothing of value, a warped nonsensical thesis that has led to arrested development, Tesla, Heavyside, Maxwell, Schauberger and others gave you the modern electric world, which does not work with “photons†or “quantumâ€.
Nikola Tesla was a Serb born in the village of Slunj, which is now on the territory of present day Croatia.
Bardon Kaldian is a Croat Ustashe piece of trash. Since he does not want to get into debates about whether Nikola Tesla was a Serb (since he obviously was), that is the reason why he is hating on Tesla in such an indirect and underhanded way.
Stop lying. The Croats paramilitary terrorists in Vukovar had been well armed in advance by arms smuggling from Germany, Austria and Hungary. Tomislav Mercep was the one who first began running around Eastern Slavonia shooting up Serb civilians in advance.
And, remember- shitty cowards like Serbs, who stole JNA/Yugoslav People’s Army arsenal still didn’t easily prevail over virtually disarmed Croats.
No, the Croats weren't defending the city. Tomislav Mercep and Croat terrorist paramilitaries were the ones that attacked the JNA garrison of Vukovar and the JNA along with other Serb forces came to reinforce. The Croat terrorists began the battle, not Serbs.
In Vukovar, the entire army of 30,000 soldiers (tanks, planes, howitzers, rocket launchers, ..) was for more than 90 days attacking a city defended by 6,000 men equipped mostly by light arms, mortars & a few howitzers. �
You are the one committing a comical numerical manipulation. Serbs lost way less than 8,000 soldiers. Serbs had around 4,000 casualties in total at Vukovar, although even that is an overestimate. In urban siege warfare, everyone knows the defender has an advantage by default, btw.
In that siege, perhaps 1500 Croatian soldiers died, while Serbian/JNA side lost at least 8,000 men, notwithstanding your comical numerical manipulation. �
Ovcara Field genuinely was an act of justice, not a war crime. Your defenders of Vukovar were paramilitary terrorist scum that hijacked the town and were terrorizing the Serb population by blowing up the city buildings (purposely as well, to create an image of evil Serbs devastating "poor Vukovar and poor Croatia") and executing Serb civilians during the siege.
All you could do was to commit war crimes in OvÄara. Because of your cowardly impotence, which you showed until the rest of the war.
Major Milan Tepic and Stojadin Mirkovic with their glorious martyrdom at Bjelovar where they blew up the Barracks and explosive depots killed 2,000 Croat Ustashe ZNG scum (After the Croats killed most of the garrisons command and attacked first, btw). No Croat would ever have the balls to blow themselves up in order to deny the enemy access to a territorial position or equipment.
Butchering, not fighting. That’s what you have shown to be capable of. �
This is what is the most pathetic thing about you. It's not enough for you to shill for your own Croats, but you need to literally shill for Albanians as well. The only Serb war crimes against Albanians was in civilian collateral damage in counter-terrorist operations (something the USA does literally every other day once in a while, btw). Those were literally absolutely minimal and only happened in the case of, say, the Serb counter-terrorist operation of eliminating the terrorist leader Adem Jashari where his family was also shot up in his compund due to the circumstances. Again, just like the Croats, the Albanian terrorists were well armed and trained by the CIA, German intelligence and other forces.
The same, or even worse, did you shitheads do in Kosovo, where Albanians possessed only rifles & some anti-tank missiles. �
“This song is devoted to the best Serbian sons, those who died for the honorable Cross and golden freedom, killed by Albanian criminals and NATO occupiers in 1999 and to those who fought bravely at Pastrik and protected SERBIA!” – Milutin Popadic.
A picture from Pastrik:
Thunder is heard from Pastrik,
Anger strikes the Serb woman,
black thoughts are multiplying now,
“Where is my brother tonight god?”.
The sister follows her brother,
she calls him with her voice:
Where are you brother, where are you bro?
“Do you know that I’m very afraid?”
Then through the thick dark forest,
a dove carries the picture to the sister,
“Do not fear, my dear sister,
I am defending Serbdom at Pastrik!”
On the rear of the picture there are two words,
written with the blood of the brother,
The Serb hero had to
stay at Pastrik.
You had, sister, a brother,
now you keep the bloodied picture,
soon the Serbs will move,
to Pastrik with their flag!
Kosovo is Serbia!
Stop lying. The Croats paramilitary terrorists in Vukovar had been well armed in advance by arms smuggling from Germany, Austria and Hungary. Tomislav Mercep was the one who first began running around Eastern Slavonia shooting up Serb civilians in advance.
And, remember- shitty cowards like Serbs, who stole JNA/Yugoslav People’s Army arsenal still didn’t easily prevail over virtually disarmed Croats.
No, the Croats weren't defending the city. Tomislav Mercep and Croat terrorist paramilitaries were the ones that attacked the JNA garrison of Vukovar and the JNA along with other Serb forces came to reinforce. The Croat terrorists began the battle, not Serbs.
In Vukovar, the entire army of 30,000 soldiers (tanks, planes, howitzers, rocket launchers, ..) was for more than 90 days attacking a city defended by 6,000 men equipped mostly by light arms, mortars & a few howitzers. �
You are the one committing a comical numerical manipulation. Serbs lost way less than 8,000 soldiers. Serbs had around 4,000 casualties in total at Vukovar, although even that is an overestimate. In urban siege warfare, everyone knows the defender has an advantage by default, btw.
In that siege, perhaps 1500 Croatian soldiers died, while Serbian/JNA side lost at least 8,000 men, notwithstanding your comical numerical manipulation. �
Ovcara Field genuinely was an act of justice, not a war crime. Your defenders of Vukovar were paramilitary terrorist scum that hijacked the town and were terrorizing the Serb population by blowing up the city buildings (purposely as well, to create an image of evil Serbs devastating "poor Vukovar and poor Croatia") and executing Serb civilians during the siege.
All you could do was to commit war crimes in OvÄara. Because of your cowardly impotence, which you showed until the rest of the war.
Major Milan Tepic and Stojadin Mirkovic with their glorious martyrdom at Bjelovar where they blew up the Barracks and explosive depots killed 2,000 Croat Ustashe ZNG scum (After the Croats killed most of the garrisons command and attacked first, btw). No Croat would ever have the balls to blow themselves up in order to deny the enemy access to a territorial position or equipment.
Butchering, not fighting. That’s what you have shown to be capable of. �
This is what is the most pathetic thing about you. It's not enough for you to shill for your own Croats, but you need to literally shill for Albanians as well. The only Serb war crimes against Albanians was in civilian collateral damage in counter-terrorist operations (something the USA does literally every other day once in a while, btw). Those were literally absolutely minimal and only happened in the case of, say, the Serb counter-terrorist operation of eliminating the terrorist leader Adem Jashari where his family was also shot up in his compund due to the circumstances. Again, just like the Croats, the Albanian terrorists were well armed and trained by the CIA, German intelligence and other forces.
The same, or even worse, did you shitheads do in Kosovo, where Albanians possessed only rifles & some anti-tank missiles. �
This is why Serbian assholes need to be held under constant supervision.
Not that they are particularly interesting, nor that their land, identity etc. matter much (it matters to them, of course). Just, they are delusional; irrational & aggressive to a high degree; and yet, completely mentally immured when it comes to corroborated numbers, arguments…anything rational. An incurable national derangement syndrome.
So, let’s give a few numbers (I doubt that anyone outside of ex-Yugoslavia gives a hoot about it, so, I’ll keep it as brief as possible):
1. in ex-Yugoslavia Serbs constituted c. 36% of population in 1990. Strong Serbianization of JNA had begun in 1987 (they’d been preparing for their greater Serbian adventures); there are texts in Croatian, but most people would not understand, so I’ll give just a link in English:
Federal Yugoslav Army/JNA has been financed by all Yugoslav republics (Serbia plus Montenegro 36%, Croatia 28%, Slovenia 19%,..). So, Serbs literally “stole†all these planes, tanks, ships, rockets, guns, howitzers, … and, via their fifth column, Croatian Serbs, embarked upon their provincial imperial expansion: they wanted to occupy the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina & ca. 70% of Croatia. This was a combined aggression: Serbia proper + Montenegro +JNA + Croatian, later Bosnian Serbs.
Had they not possessed/stolen all others’ arms, there would have been no war.
Croatia did try, during 1990 & early 1991, to import as many arms as possible for her police (there was a legal loophole), but she was prevented by Serbian-Yugoslav authorities, as well as European countries & US, which gave green light to Serbs to finish off the job of occupying Croatia (Slovenia was let free to go). UN resolution 713 on “arms embargo” ( was actually the encouragement of greater Serbia forces, who took JNA under its control, to occupy Croatia & most of the rest of Yugoslavia-except Slovenia.
To paraphrase FDR- this day will live in infamy, at least for us. It was American, European, Soviet, Chinese,… politics, fully supporting 1/3rd of a people of one country to impose terror, ethnic cleansing, dictatorship & eventually mass murder- with their blessing; nay, cooperation.
But- we were more resistant then US & EU hoped. NATO strategists calculated that Serbianized JNA would occupy entire Croatia in two weeks; it took her almost 3 months to subdue one city, Vukovar. True, we suffered many losses & lost, until the end of 1991, c. 25% of our territory – but we never surrendered. We didn’t succeed to import any significant amount of weapons (only some AKs & a small amount of anti-tank missiles); yet, we- against explicit wishes of the US (James Baker, Cyrus Vance,..) succeeded to capture a part of JNA barracks located in Croatia, with a number of tanks, rocket launchers etc. This was perhaps 15-20% of all that was in Croatia (not even remotely close to 28% of all that belonged to the JNA, and which would be fair in a dissolution of a country- but then, there would have been no war, because Serbs are strong only when they fight against the disarmed).
To illustrate Serbian military “capability”, let’s see figures of soldiers who died in the battles during Bosnia war 1992-1995, fighting on various sides: CF stands for Croatian forces, SF- Serbian forces, MF- Muslim forces. Serbs possessed perhaps 70% of all arms, Croats c. 15-20%, Bosnian Muslims c. 10-15%. Data are from the book authored by Mirsad TokaÄa, financed by Norwegian government & international community to establish facts on the number of all victims of that war; also, I’ll just write down military casualties & omit civilians (who are predominantly Muslim):
In their war, among 3 sides, from 1992 to 1995:
SF killed 2600 CF soldiers and 24,000 MF soldiers
CF killed 7500 SF soldiers and 6000 MF soldiers
MF killed 3000 CF soldiers and 13,300 SF soldiers
So much for Serbian fighting prowess.
Other “arguments” are usual Serbian fantasy bullshit I’ve heard I don’t know how many times & don’t give a hoot. They deserve only this:
No. This is why Croat Ustashe need to be put in their place. Of course, since you can't get the facts about Vukovar right, this is why you have to transition into more brain-dead garbage of a different, but still predictable sort.
This is why Serbian assholes need to be held under constant supervision. �
I'm really not surprised by the part in bold. Can't Croats come up with some kind of more creative brain-dead bullshit at least?
1. in ex-Yugoslavia Serbs constituted c. 36% of population in 1990. Strong Serbianization of JNA had begun in 1987 (they’d been preparing for their greater Serbian adventures) �
So what? You really think that just because a province or a region of a country pays a certain percentage to finance the army means that it has a right to control it proportionately? By your logic, if California in the United States financed 28% of the US Army that would mean it should have access to that much of the US military proportionately. This is literally retarded. That's not how the world works.
Federal Yugoslav Army/JNA has been financed by all Yugoslav republics (Serbia plus Montenegro 36%, Croatia 28%, Slovenia 19%,..). So, Serbs literally “stole†all these planes, tanks, ships, rockets, guns, howitzers, �
Lets get the events of the start of the Bosnian War very clear here. The Serbs of Bosnia clearly wanted to stay in Yugoslavia while the Croats and Musilms didn't. Still, the Carrington-Cutileiro plan came up with the solution of intense decentralization of a still multi-ethnic Bosnia that Serbs, Muslims and Croats agreed to. After speaking with the Jewish US ambassador to Yugoslavia Warren Zimmerman in the USA, Alija Izetbegovic suddenly withdrew his signature from the agreement and began the violence.
and, via their fifth column, Croatian Serbs, embarked upon their provincial imperial expansion: they wanted to occupy the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina & ca. 70% of Croatia. This was a combined aggression: Serbia proper + Montenegro +JNA + Croatian, later Bosnian Serbs. �
What you really mean is that Slovenia, Croatia and literally everyone else could've left Yugoslavia without resistance and been able to do whatever they like to Serbs. Again, that's not how things work in this world.
Had they not possessed/stolen all others’ arms, there would have been no war. �
Again, why do you have the assumption that a sovereign nation is supposed to allow separatist forces to be able to arm themselves without any obstruction and interference?
Croatia did try, during 1990 & early 1991, to import as many arms as possible for her police (there was a legal loophole), but she was prevented by Serbian-Yugoslav authorities
UN arms embargoes applied only to Yugoslavia and by extension the reformed Yugoslavia of 1992 which did not have Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and FYR Macedonia in it. It's well known that Zagreb was a smuggling point for not only arms, weapons and supplies to Bosnian Croats and arms to Croatia, but even for Muslim terrorists in Bosnia from both the Sunni Muslim world and Iran. It's literally common knowledge that the UN embargo was not properly enforced at all. The UN embargo was only enforced against Serbia proper in 1992 which caused a collapse in living standards and the 2nd largest hyperinflation (largest was Hungary in post WW2 Communist transition period) in all of world history.
European countries & US, which gave green light to Serbs to finish off the job of occupying Croatia (Slovenia was let free to go). UN resolution 713 on “arms embargo†( was actually the encouragement of greater Serbia forces, who took JNA under its control, to occupy Croatia & most of the rest of Yugoslavia-except Slovenia. �
Lol. Chinese. What???
It was American, European, Soviet, Chinese,… politics, fully supporting 1/3rd of a people of one country to impose terror, ethnic cleansing, dictatorship & eventually mass murder- with their blessing; nay, cooperation. �
If it was in the interests of NATO strategists (which it really wasn't) for Krajina Serb forces and the JNA to vanquish the separatist Croatia, then why did Croatia so eagerly join NATO?
But- we were more resistant then US & EU hoped. NATO strategists calculated that Serbianized JNA would occupy entire Croatia in two weeks; it took her almost 3 months to subdue one city, Vukovar. True, we suffered many losses & lost, until the end of 1991, c. 25% of our territory – but we never surrendered. �
You openly admit that Croats engaged in separatism and terrorism while you pretend that it is a normal and natural thing.
We didn’t succeed to import any significant amount of weapons (only some AKs & a small amount of anti-tank missiles); yet, we- against explicit wishes of the US (James Baker, Cyrus Vance,..) succeeded to capture a part of JNA barracks located in Croatia, with a number of tanks, rocket launchers etc. This was perhaps 15-20% of all that was in Croatia
No. Maybe if Croats decided not to go full lets mass murder, pogrom and expel the Serbs while instead deciding to actually negotiate in good faith about secession from Yugoslavia, there wouldn't have been any violence? Seriously, wtf are you expecting when you engage in violent and armed separatism followed by massacres, pogroms and expulsions of Serb civilians?
(not even remotely close to 28% of all that belonged to the JNA, and which would be fair in a dissolution of a country- but then, there would have been no war, because Serbs are strong only when they fight against the disarmed).
� @Germanicus
This is all because they banned the aether from science, and now invent funny names to say aether without saying it. “Quantum fluid†and other such nonsense, all particle religion.
You do not even have the slightest idea how stupid the utter belief in photons is, and I am pretty convinced, you are a science illiterate, who earns shekels per post in the hasbara bunker.
Mother nature is not a freak of randomness, she does not do dualisms, and if you want, just explain why I read on wikipedia on magnetism something about ridiculous virtual particles.
They basically claim virtual particles are responsible for the field, kind of like 2 planes and 3 towers.
How stupid are you, that you believe in basically fairies that lack any scientific proof?
Your hero Einstein gave humanity nothing of value, a warped nonsensical thesis that has led to arrested development, Tesla, Heavyside, Maxwell, Schauberger and others gave you the modern electric world, which does not work with “photons” or “quantum”.
Nikola Tesla was a Serb born in the village of Slunj, which is now on the territory of present day Croatia.
Your hero Einstein gave humanity nothing of value, a warped nonsensical thesis that has led to arrested development, Tesla, Heavyside, Maxwell, Schauberger and others gave you the modern electric world, which does not work with “photons†or “quantumâ€. �
Stop lying. The Croats paramilitary terrorists in Vukovar had been well armed in advance by arms smuggling from Germany, Austria and Hungary. Tomislav Mercep was the one who first began running around Eastern Slavonia shooting up Serb civilians in advance.
And, remember- shitty cowards like Serbs, who stole JNA/Yugoslav People’s Army arsenal still didn’t easily prevail over virtually disarmed Croats.
No, the Croats weren't defending the city. Tomislav Mercep and Croat terrorist paramilitaries were the ones that attacked the JNA garrison of Vukovar and the JNA along with other Serb forces came to reinforce. The Croat terrorists began the battle, not Serbs.
In Vukovar, the entire army of 30,000 soldiers (tanks, planes, howitzers, rocket launchers, ..) was for more than 90 days attacking a city defended by 6,000 men equipped mostly by light arms, mortars & a few howitzers. �
You are the one committing a comical numerical manipulation. Serbs lost way less than 8,000 soldiers. Serbs had around 4,000 casualties in total at Vukovar, although even that is an overestimate. In urban siege warfare, everyone knows the defender has an advantage by default, btw.
In that siege, perhaps 1500 Croatian soldiers died, while Serbian/JNA side lost at least 8,000 men, notwithstanding your comical numerical manipulation. �
Ovcara Field genuinely was an act of justice, not a war crime. Your defenders of Vukovar were paramilitary terrorist scum that hijacked the town and were terrorizing the Serb population by blowing up the city buildings (purposely as well, to create an image of evil Serbs devastating "poor Vukovar and poor Croatia") and executing Serb civilians during the siege.
All you could do was to commit war crimes in OvÄara. Because of your cowardly impotence, which you showed until the rest of the war.
Major Milan Tepic and Stojadin Mirkovic with their glorious martyrdom at Bjelovar where they blew up the Barracks and explosive depots killed 2,000 Croat Ustashe ZNG scum (After the Croats killed most of the garrisons command and attacked first, btw). No Croat would ever have the balls to blow themselves up in order to deny the enemy access to a territorial position or equipment.
Butchering, not fighting. That’s what you have shown to be capable of. �
This is what is the most pathetic thing about you. It's not enough for you to shill for your own Croats, but you need to literally shill for Albanians as well. The only Serb war crimes against Albanians was in civilian collateral damage in counter-terrorist operations (something the USA does literally every other day once in a while, btw). Those were literally absolutely minimal and only happened in the case of, say, the Serb counter-terrorist operation of eliminating the terrorist leader Adem Jashari where his family was also shot up in his compund due to the circumstances. Again, just like the Croats, the Albanian terrorists were well armed and trained by the CIA, German intelligence and other forces.
The same, or even worse, did you shitheads do in Kosovo, where Albanians possessed only rifles & some anti-tank missiles. �
In honor of the Serb warriors from Kosare in 1999.
Heroes from Kosare:
On one cold winter night,
a Serb mother waited for her son.
She waited for her son and prayed to God,
that he would come from Kosare and bring freedom.
But instead of him a letter came,
from her heroic son and got her to stand on her legs.
There will be no return for me from this battle mother,
he who defends Kosare knows that evil is coming.
I will not return home alive mother,
now go to church and light a candle for me.
May god give me peace along with the other heroes in the ground,
freedom is paid for with an expensive price mother.
Teach my son and tell him this,
your father is on the heavenly guard son.
There were Lazar [Serb prince who led Serb Army against Turks in 1389 Battle of Kosovo] gave his head,
on the holy Kosovo and Metohija your father also fell.
Now child he is close to Milos [Milos Oblic, Serb knight who killed Turkish Sultan Murad I in battle],
and Christ immediately gave him a heavenly kingdom.
He who forgets the deeds of the Kosare heroes,
may he be struck by the curse of the Kosovo heroes!
He who forgets the deeds of the Kosare heroes,
may he be struck by the curse of the Kosovo heroes!
Kosovo is Serbia!
As for “migrantsâ€: absolute incapability, laziness & corruption of Serbian & Bosnian Muslim authorities have left the Croatian police to deal with “migrantsâ€- which we have done, to astonishment & horror of various EU NGOs, successfully.
You mean Croatia is dumping migrants into Serbia and Bosnia along with its literal trash and radioactive waste downstream as well.
Still, your masters will tell you sooner or later that you must accept migrants, and you cowards will listen …
Whatever. The world has forgotten about the former Yugoslavia and what went on there in the 90s.
Not really. The first thing that everyone thinks about when they look at the Balkans is basically the wars of the 1990’s. They really do stick to the region regardless of the peace in the present moment.
The 1990’s wars basically established the endless war precedent of the USA where the same international “rules based” order of “NATO self-defence” and “UN international community approval” that they made in 1945 was completely butchered and the USA openly began to attack and bomb everyone they hated however they wanted.
Unless we get another flare-up soon, that effort will be judged a success.
What if you do though?
History is written by the victors. Americans won. At least they and everybody except the Serbs believe that.
Almost everyone else in the Balkans is basically in a coalition against Serbs.
I don’t make the rules. I’m just saying. Is this really the hill you want to die on?
It seems like it may be inevitable that everyone may have to do so. It is a criminal offense in Belgium to deny that Srebrenica in 1995 was “genocide”. I’m not surprised if it starts to be legislated in other countries as well.
Why were the Serbs picked for this game?
Did you have an opinion about the CIA propaganda and did your colleagues think?
Of course, no one turns down a CIA mission, especially when we were all nervous and prone to paranoia! Many CIA agents and senior officers disappeared simple because they refused to conduct propaganda against the Serbs in Yugoslavia. Personally I was shocked at the dose of lies being fed from our agencies and politicians! Many CIA agents were directed propaganda without being aware of what they are doing. Everyone knew just a fraction of the story and only the one who create the whole story knew the background – they are politicians.
So there was only propaganda against the Serbs?
Yes and no. The aim of the propaganda was to divide the republics so they would break away from the motherland Yugoslavia. We had to choose a scapegoat who would be blamed for everything. Someone who would be responsible for the war and violence. Serbia was chosen because in some ways it is a successor to Yugoslavia.
And, remember- shitty cowards like Serbs, who stole JNA/Yugoslav People’s Army arsenal still didn’t easily prevail over virtually disarmed Croats.
Stop lying. The Croats paramilitary terrorists in Vukovar had been well armed in advance by arms smuggling from Germany, Austria and Hungary. Tomislav Mercep was the one who first began running around Eastern Slavonia shooting up Serb civilians in advance.
How could the Serbs steal the JNA arsenal when they were the majority of the military to begin with? Were Serbs seriously supposed to hand the JNA arsenal over to separatist-terrorist Croat scum?
Josip Reihl Ker tried to negotiate in good faith with the Serb population at Borovo and yet the Croat HDZ killed him for doing so.
In Vukovar, the entire army of 30,000 soldiers (tanks, planes, howitzers, rocket launchers, ..) was for more than 90 days attacking a city defended by 6,000 men equipped mostly by light arms, mortars & a few howitzers.
No, the Croats weren’t defending the city. Tomislav Mercep and Croat terrorist paramilitaries were the ones that attacked the JNA garrison of Vukovar and the JNA along with other Serb forces came to reinforce. The Croat terrorists began the battle, not Serbs.
In that siege, perhaps 1500 Croatian soldiers died, while Serbian/JNA side lost at least 8,000 men, notwithstanding your comical numerical manipulation.
You are the one committing a comical numerical manipulation. Serbs lost way less than 8,000 soldiers. Serbs had around 4,000 casualties in total at Vukovar, although even that is an overestimate. In urban siege warfare, everyone knows the defender has an advantage by default, btw.
All you could do was to commit war crimes in OvÄara. Because of your cowardly impotence, which you showed until the rest of the war.
Ovcara Field genuinely was an act of justice, not a war crime. Your defenders of Vukovar were paramilitary terrorist scum that hijacked the town and were terrorizing the Serb population by blowing up the city buildings (purposely as well, to create an image of evil Serbs devastating “poor Vukovar and poor Croatia”) and executing Serb civilians during the siege.
As I explained in a different comment section, a translation of 10 things Croat children will purposely not be taught about about Vukovar:
The Croat paramilitaries were also such cowards that they purposely shot themselves to pretend they were innocent victims despite being the same ones to commit crimes against Serb civilians. More Serb civilians died at Vukovar than Croat civilians, btw. Again, Ovcara Field was authentic justice, not a war crime.
Butchering, not fighting. That’s what you have shown to be capable of.
Major Milan Tepic and Stojadin Mirkovic with their glorious martyrdom at Bjelovar where they blew up the Barracks and explosive depots killed 2,000 Croat Ustashe ZNG scum (After the Croats killed most of the garrisons command and attacked first, btw). No Croat would ever have the balls to blow themselves up in order to deny the enemy access to a territorial position or equipment.
The same, or even worse, did you shitheads do in Kosovo, where Albanians possessed only rifles & some anti-tank missiles.
This is what is the most pathetic thing about you. It’s not enough for you to shill for your own Croats, but you need to literally shill for Albanians as well. The only Serb war crimes against Albanians was in civilian collateral damage in counter-terrorist operations (something the USA does literally every other day once in a while, btw). Those were literally absolutely minimal and only happened in the case of, say, the Serb counter-terrorist operation of eliminating the terrorist leader Adem Jashari where his family was also shot up in his compund due to the circumstances. Again, just like the Croats, the Albanian terrorists were well armed and trained by the CIA, German intelligence and other forces.
In 1999, during the 78 day bombing campaign, the Albanian terrorists literally made a land offensive from Albania along with terrorist operations in Kosovo at the same time to invade Kosovo. The Serb Army prevented their breakthrough in battle at the hills and mountain slopes of Kosare and Pastrik. Mind you, the Albanians were helped by NATO air strikes, some NATO ground troops, international mercenaries (yes, some Croats even volunteered to fight against Serbs in 1999)and Islamists. Also, the Serbs literally stopped any military breakthrough beyond 20 kilometers (Serbs were literally defending downhill positions with the Albanians attacking from elevated terrains, so of course they had to retreat a bit) on the Albania-Kosovo border up until the Kumanovo Agreement was made.
This is all because they banned the aether from science, and now invent funny names to say aether without saying it. “Quantum fluid†and other such nonsense, all particle religion.
You know what, maybe I should just join the Jewish team, get in touch with Barbara Lerner Spectre and other Jewish NGO's and help culturally enrich Croatia with infinity Africans and Muslims. It really would be sweet justice to see Croatia be drowned with infinity migrants after everything Croats have done to Serbs in the past 100+ years of history.
It is just a sign of his obsessive mentality, characteristic of so many modern identitarian Jews. �
A typical case of mental derangement.
1. Barbara Lerner Spectre, a completely marginal Jewish blathering activist, has in lunatic minds of conspiracy-oriented nuts acquired a role of sinister manipulator, probably even an instigator of mass migrations in Europe & elsewhere. Wow, whatta Machiavellian figure.
2. in Serbs’ perverse imagination, they, poor things, were expelled in 1995 from Croatia &…Croatia is virtually desolate. Well, the reality is: Serbs fled. Just like other fifth-columnists (French from Algeria, Japanese from Korea,..) when they lost. They didn’t want to live in Croatia. Even in peacefully re-integrated eastern Slavonia, which came gradually under Croatian control in the late 90s, c. 60-70% of Serbs simply moved away to Serbia. Without war. They couldn’t bear the thought of living in an independent Croatian state.
Some parts of Croatia from whence Serbs fled are sparsely populated. But- no one would have lived there anyway, because it is simply an area where modern life has nothing to flourish on. Nothing happens, now, nor it did 50 or 100 years ago. These are godforsaken wastelands good only as roads to the populous Adriatic cities. Nobody misses Serbs (who had been c. 50% of the population in these areas), and yet- neither Croats, who have moved, massively, to cities.
Who cares, anyway, about low population density in Grand Canyon?
As for “migrants”: absolute incapability, laziness & corruption of Serbian & Bosnian Muslim authorities have left the Croatian police to deal with “migrants”- which we have done, to astonishment & horror of various EU NGOs, successfully.
And- if necessary, we’ll deploy the Army. We’ve done much more exacting things. Unlike Serbs & Muslims – we have both brains and balls.
You mean Croatia is dumping migrants into Serbia and Bosnia along with its literal trash and radioactive waste downstream as well.
As for “migrantsâ€: absolute incapability, laziness & corruption of Serbian & Bosnian Muslim authorities have left the Croatian police to deal with “migrantsâ€- which we have done, to astonishment & horror of various EU NGOs, successfully. �
Whatever. The world has forgotten about the former Yugoslavia and what went on there in the 90s.
50 years from now it will read like this is any history books. European collective security could not handle the first post-war (Cold or II, or both, take your pick) Balkan flare-up. So the United States came in and did.
Unless we get another flare-up soon, that effort will be judged a success.
Currently, it is understood by the American political elite who are the successors to those who orchestrated that “intervention” that “ethnic-cleansing,” or “genocide,” or whatever they want to call it was what was happening and that is what was stopped.
History is written by the victors. Americans won. At least they and everybody except the Serbs believe that.
Anybody arguing that that is not what happened or quibbling over terms will be seen as being on the wrong side of history.
I don’t make the rules. I’m just saying. Is this really the hill you want to die on?
Not really. The first thing that everyone thinks about when they look at the Balkans is basically the wars of the 1990's. They really do stick to the region regardless of the peace in the present moment.
Whatever. The world has forgotten about the former Yugoslavia and what went on there in the 90s. �
What if you do though?
Unless we get another flare-up soon, that effort will be judged a success. �
Almost everyone else in the Balkans is basically in a coalition against Serbs.
History is written by the victors. Americans won. At least they and everybody except the Serbs believe that. �
It seems like it may be inevitable that everyone may have to do so. It is a criminal offense in Belgium to deny that Srebrenica in 1995 was "genocide". I'm not surprised if it starts to be legislated in other countries as well.Replies: @Robjil
I don’t make the rules. I’m just saying. Is this really the hill you want to die on? �
A field does not care for freaking particles, especially postulated non existent particles, these fraudulent quacks worship as if they were a real thing. They think dielectric discharges are “photons”. There is no such thing as a “photon”, light is not a particle.
They cannot define a field, its all math to explain away what they can’t explain, these are worshipers of the particle religion.
They also can’t explain why light slows down in a different medium, eg glass, and then accelerates again if the medium is eg air again.
This is all because they banned the aether from science, and now invent funny names to say aether without saying it. “Quantum fluid” and other such nonsense, all particle religion.
But even a broken clock is right twice a day, so they stumbled across something they can technically use, but their ridiculous mathematical descriptions which are not explanations are just ridiculous.
Nobel prize goes to Tesla, Schauberger besides Plato and other ancient people. @Germanicus
This is all because they banned the aether from science, and now invent funny names to say aether without saying it. “Quantum fluid†and other such nonsense, all particle religion.
Just wait. Sooner or later, you will receive justice at Ovcara Field, scum. Just like your kind did in 1991.Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
No. You suckers lost. �
Well, if you want war- perhaps you should be careful. You could as well get what you wish for.
And, remember- shitty cowards like Serbs, who stole JNA/Yugoslav People’s Army arsenal still didn’t easily prevail over virtually disarmed Croats. In Vukovar, the entire army of 30,000 soldiers (tanks, planes, howitzers, rocket launchers, ..) was for more than 90 days attacking a city defended by 6,000 men equipped mostly by light arms, mortars & a few howitzers.
In that siege, perhaps 1500 Croatian soldiers died, while Serbian/JNA side lost at least 8,000 men, notwithstanding your comical numerical manipulation.
All you could do was to commit war crimes in OvÄara. Because of your cowardly impotence, which you showed until the rest of the war. Butchering, not fighting. That’s what you have shown to be capable of.
The same, or even worse, did you shitheads do in Kosovo, where Albanians possessed only rifles & some anti-tank missiles.
Neither brains nor balls. That’s what virtually all Serbs, with a few honorable exceptions, are.
So- better be careful what you wish for.
Stop lying. The Croats paramilitary terrorists in Vukovar had been well armed in advance by arms smuggling from Germany, Austria and Hungary. Tomislav Mercep was the one who first began running around Eastern Slavonia shooting up Serb civilians in advance.
And, remember- shitty cowards like Serbs, who stole JNA/Yugoslav People’s Army arsenal still didn’t easily prevail over virtually disarmed Croats.
No, the Croats weren't defending the city. Tomislav Mercep and Croat terrorist paramilitaries were the ones that attacked the JNA garrison of Vukovar and the JNA along with other Serb forces came to reinforce. The Croat terrorists began the battle, not Serbs.
In Vukovar, the entire army of 30,000 soldiers (tanks, planes, howitzers, rocket launchers, ..) was for more than 90 days attacking a city defended by 6,000 men equipped mostly by light arms, mortars & a few howitzers. �
You are the one committing a comical numerical manipulation. Serbs lost way less than 8,000 soldiers. Serbs had around 4,000 casualties in total at Vukovar, although even that is an overestimate. In urban siege warfare, everyone knows the defender has an advantage by default, btw.
In that siege, perhaps 1500 Croatian soldiers died, while Serbian/JNA side lost at least 8,000 men, notwithstanding your comical numerical manipulation. �
Ovcara Field genuinely was an act of justice, not a war crime. Your defenders of Vukovar were paramilitary terrorist scum that hijacked the town and were terrorizing the Serb population by blowing up the city buildings (purposely as well, to create an image of evil Serbs devastating "poor Vukovar and poor Croatia") and executing Serb civilians during the siege.
All you could do was to commit war crimes in OvÄara. Because of your cowardly impotence, which you showed until the rest of the war.
Major Milan Tepic and Stojadin Mirkovic with their glorious martyrdom at Bjelovar where they blew up the Barracks and explosive depots killed 2,000 Croat Ustashe ZNG scum (After the Croats killed most of the garrisons command and attacked first, btw). No Croat would ever have the balls to blow themselves up in order to deny the enemy access to a territorial position or equipment.
Butchering, not fighting. That’s what you have shown to be capable of. �
This is what is the most pathetic thing about you. It's not enough for you to shill for your own Croats, but you need to literally shill for Albanians as well. The only Serb war crimes against Albanians was in civilian collateral damage in counter-terrorist operations (something the USA does literally every other day once in a while, btw). Those were literally absolutely minimal and only happened in the case of, say, the Serb counter-terrorist operation of eliminating the terrorist leader Adem Jashari where his family was also shot up in his compund due to the circumstances. Again, just like the Croats, the Albanian terrorists were well armed and trained by the CIA, German intelligence and other forces.
The same, or even worse, did you shitheads do in Kosovo, where Albanians possessed only rifles & some anti-tank missiles. �
It is just a sign of his obsessive mentality, characteristic of so many modern identitarian Jews.
You know what, maybe I should just join the Jewish team, get in touch with Barbara Lerner Spectre and other Jewish NGO’s and help culturally enrich Croatia with infinity Africans and Muslims. It really would be sweet justice to see Croatia be drowned with infinity migrants after everything Croats have done to Serbs in the past 100+ years of history.
After all, you people are so pathetic with your pathological Serb hatred that you literally got rid of all the Serbs from Krajina, especially around Knin, you are all literally too sterile to be able to even repopulate the areas you genocided, massacred, pogrommed and ethnically cleansed Serbs from, and its all just empty now.
3rd World migrant flood in Croatia now!
No. You suckers lost.Replies: @TheTotallyAnonymous, @Dumbo
Kosovo is Serbia!
No. You suckers lost.
Just wait. Sooner or later, you will receive justice at Ovcara Field, scum. Just like your kind did in 1991.
Would anyone have thought this was non-PC hate speech had he not brought up Serbs and Croats in that interview and stuck to blacks and Jews, Nazis and the KKK? Anyway the charges were dismissed in 2014 because Dylan "had not given his consent for his remarks to be published in the French-language edition of Rolling Stone." And so the director of the magazine was charged. And a few years later Bob gets the Nobel in 2016.Replies: @Bardon Kaldian, @TheTotallyAnonymous
"If you got a slave master or Klan in your blood, blacks can sense that. That stuff lingers to this day. Just like Jews can sense Nazi blood and the Serbs can sense Croatian blood."
I think I’m starting to like Bob Dylan. Still, I think his choice of the word “blood” was a bit misplaced. Then again, it doesn’t really matter since the Croatians would’ve still been butt-hurt enough to sue him anyway.
Would anyone have thought this was non-PC hate speech had he not brought up Serbs and Croats in that interview and stuck to blacks and Jews, Nazis and the KKK? Anyway the charges were dismissed in 2014 because Dylan "had not given his consent for his remarks to be published in the French-language edition of Rolling Stone." And so the director of the magazine was charged. And a few years later Bob gets the Nobel in 2016.Replies: @Bardon Kaldian, @TheTotallyAnonymous
"If you got a slave master or Klan in your blood, blacks can sense that. That stuff lingers to this day. Just like Jews can sense Nazi blood and the Serbs can sense Croatian blood."
Yes, his “statement” has received due attention. He got off the hook rather easily & only newspeople, somehow, paid.
Personally, I’m all for free speech & don’t care what, why, whom, where he blathers about. It is just a sign of his obsessive mentality, characteristic of so many modern identitarian Jews.
You know what, maybe I should just join the Jewish team, get in touch with Barbara Lerner Spectre and other Jewish NGO's and help culturally enrich Croatia with infinity Africans and Muslims. It really would be sweet justice to see Croatia be drowned with infinity migrants after everything Croats have done to Serbs in the past 100+ years of history.
It is just a sign of his obsessive mentality, characteristic of so many modern identitarian Jews. �
Kosovo is Serbia!
No. You suckers lost.
Just wait. Sooner or later, you will receive justice at Ovcara Field, scum. Just like your kind did in 1991.Replies: @Bardon Kaldian
No. You suckers lost. �
Yup, or fraudulent “scientists” who postulate virtual particles to be responsible for say magnetism, but are unable to define the dielectric field. You get a prize if you postulate fairies and unicorns, photons and quantum and claim it to be a fact “the science is settled”. Particle cultists with childish imagination.
Greta is possibly the next candidate.
Lest we forget another Nobel lit laureate Bob Dylan was brought up on hate speech charges before a Paris court for a statement he made in 2012:
“If you got a slave master or Klan in your blood, blacks can sense that. That stuff lingers to this day. Just like Jews can sense Nazi blood and the Serbs can sense Croatian blood.”
Would anyone have thought this was non-PC hate speech had he not brought up Serbs and Croats in that interview and stuck to blacks and Jews, Nazis and the KKK? Anyway the charges were dismissed in 2014 because Dylan “had not given his consent for his remarks to be published in the French-language edition of Rolling Stone.” And so the director of the magazine was charged. And a few years later Bob gets the Nobel in 2016.
No worry, Serbs lost.
All they can do is just talk, talk, talk ….
Times of their exploitation & parasitism are over, forever.
If true, this is absolutely astonishing. Perhaps signs of the last days of a decaying, corrupt empire, and its non-functional military...Replies: @TheTotallyAnonymous
1) These very coveted jobs with KBR are dominated by black Free Masons. Hiring is done out of Houston, and all the recruiters are ghetto blacks. They hold the golden key to high school graduates getting paid $60K to hand out towels at the gym. The salaries go up from there and most of them are akin to hitting the lottery. Very few whites get selected- to the point there are some whites who have sought legal advice to break the blatant black hiring mafia- to no avail.
2) The new nationals hired in Iraq are all Bosnians with some Nigerians. The American contractors hate them- as they are both sulky pouters with no work ethic. My buddy who is a warehouse foreman has to walk away each day from beating the hell out of surly Bosnians and Nigerians, smoking and drinking their endless cups of tea and coffee, smarting off and refusing to work. The military nor KBR cares that these nationals are there for no apparent reason than to fill a quota.
Ron Unz, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to write an article or a set of articles on the vicious, dirty, ruthless and unscrupulous war fought against the Serbian people by international Jewry along with the alignment of a coalition of powerful Balkan and global forces against Serbs.
Kosovo is Serbia!
No. You suckers lost.Replies: @TheTotallyAnonymous, @Dumbo
Kosovo is Serbia!
Also, a note on the eager anti-Serb agitation of prominent globalist non-Jew criminals against Serbia.
The criminal terrorists Bill and Hillary Clinton. Bill bombed Serbia to distract from Monica Lewinsky affair while Hillary eagerly called Bill after not seeing him for months in order to bomb Serbia:
Criminal Tony Blair:
Criminal Joe Biden’s insults and ethno-racial hatred against the Serb nation:
If the right’s views have merit one would think that eventually they will achieve some popularity.
What must be avoided, however, is being totally silenced. A faint voice is a lot better than none.
The truth has an advantage in a contest with error which may offset error’s superior organization and funding.
I don't know when you asked this, but the March 2004 Albanian pogrom against Kosovo Serbs (Hundreds killed, hundreds of churches destroyed, thousands of Serbs fleeing) should've been absolutely mentioned. Not to mention the Albanian organ harvesting of Serb POW's and civilians in the Yellow House or the fact that Kosovo Albanian leaders (Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci) personally harvested organs from Serb civilians and even bragged about it in books they wrote.
First, I pointed out that Times of London had recently quoted “a Western diplomat†as saying that if you speak Serbian in Pristina (the capital of Nato-“liberated†Kosovo), you’d get your throat cut. �
Racak was literally nothing more than a normal counter-terrorist operation against the Albanian-terrorist-separatist forces in 1999 on Kosovo. William Walker oversaw distorting the whole thing into a massacre against "innocent" Albanians.
“Racak†(the fake atrocity overseen by William Walker of the CIA). �
Wrong song. My bad. I meant this one (English and other language subs).
Kosovo is Serbia!
As usually, Israel bashers who discuss Kosovo forget to mention that Israel was on Serbia’s side during the conflict.
That’s not entirely true. It is true that Israel sold weapons to General Ratko Mladic and that Israel doesn’t recognize Kosovo and some Israeli politicians and statesmen are pro-Serb, but Benjamin Netanyahu most certainly isn’t. Almost all of the Diaspora Jews are anti-Serb, btw.
Keep in mind the pro-Muslim bias of this article:
Jewess Madeleine Albright, “Killing 500,000 Iraqi children was worth it” and Serbs:
The following Jews were strongly involved in anti-Serb actions during the 1990’s (some even are still to this day):
Susanne Sontang, Bernard Henri Levy, Wesley Clark, George Soros, Madeleine Albright, Joe Lieberman, Sandy Berger, Daniel Serwer, Misha Glenny, Tim Judah, and really, a bunch of other prominent Jews (CNN, New York Times, Washing Post and other Jew media) that I couldn’t think of from the top of my head …
See proven liar, creepy Jew supremacist Deborah Lipstadt shredded here:
– The Lies and Deceptions of Deborah Lipstadt, By Germar Rudolf :
– A Holocaust Revisionist Critique of the Thinking of Deborah Lipstadt, By Paul Grubach:
– Why Won’t Deborah Lipstadt Debate the Holocaust Revisionists? :
– Deborah Lipstadt and the Double Standards That Surround Questioning the “Holocaust” :
– much more:
That’s a good gesture, but, unfortunately, it won’t change much of anything.
While you were at it, you should’ve also asked him about the use of cluster bombs and depleted uranium by NATO’s 19 nation coalition that attacked Serbia in 1999, the deliberate bombing of the Serbian TV station in Belgrade simply because it was broadcasting anti-NATO content, and the burning alive of Serb civilians (The case of the 9 year old girl Milica Rakic that was purposely burned alive by NATO is well known in Serbia) with incendiary bombs on bridges that were deliberately timed to hit the bridges at the same time as civilian trains were crossing.
First, I pointed out that Times of London had recently quoted “a Western diplomat†as saying that if you speak Serbian in Pristina (the capital of Nato-“liberated†Kosovo), you’d get your throat cut.
I don’t know when you asked this, but the March 2004 Albanian pogrom against Kosovo Serbs (Hundreds killed, hundreds of churches destroyed, thousands of Serbs fleeing) should’ve been absolutely mentioned. Not to mention the Albanian organ harvesting of Serb POW’s and civilians in the Yellow House or the fact that Kosovo Albanian leaders (Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci) personally harvested organs from Serb civilians and even bragged about it in books they wrote.
“Racak†(the fake atrocity overseen by William Walker of the CIA).
Racak was literally nothing more than a normal counter-terrorist operation against the Albanian-terrorist-separatist forces in 1999 on Kosovo. William Walker oversaw distorting the whole thing into a massacre against “innocent” Albanians.
Anyway, what would change something, and possibly where many Americans like you guys could do, is to press strongly and hard for the withdrawal of the US military from the Balkans, most especially from Camp Bondsteel.
English and other language subs available:
Kosovo is Serbia!
Even Hitler used them for punching bag. He did claim that Reichstag’s fire was evil deed of Serbs.
I was taught the following, “The communists were blamed for the fire because a Dutch communist, called Van der Lubbe, was found in the building as it burned.”
Given all the lies I’ve been told along with it, nothing surprises me anymore…
Not for lit.
Okay. Sartre got it for lit and he apologized for Stalinism.
As usually, Israel bashers who discuss Kosovo forget to mention that Israel was on Serbia’s side during the conflict.
Enlightening piece: I suspected that politics and an establishment mindset are a sine qua non of being awarded a Nobel prize, but didn’t have any concrete names in mind of deserving writers who didn’t get the prize for those reasons. Thank you.