Dr. Anthony Fauci has been hustling Bill Gates’s lethal vaccines for four decades. When are you going to be brave enough to use the G-word?
Since this article was published I have a new book out: Pandemic Blunder; here is a press release for it: I promise you will love it:
Bold New Book Pandemic Blunder Shows How Government Caused Preventable Covid Deaths
A huge amount of data and information not covered by mainstream media are in Pandemic Blunder that tells the story of how over 300,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 unnecessarily because the government has blocked early home treatment and prevention. With 500,000 COVID deaths, learning about safe and effective early home treatment/prevention more important than ever.
About the Book:Pandemic Blunder contains considerable medical information and data to support a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols that knock out the coronavirus when given early. Read about the pioneering, courageous doctors who have been using innovative approaches to prevent their COVID patients from needing hospital care and facing death. The book includes many expert opinions from doctors who support the view that 70 to 80 percent of COVID deaths could have been prevented—and still can be.
Don’t be victimized by disinformation and propaganda from leftist media. Learn how corrupt forces are aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines, and how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have—and should have—been prevented!
Podcasts with author:
Video Link
About the Author: Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn has a long history of working on health issues. He was a full professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he directed a medical research program between the colleges of engineering and medicine. As a senior official at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment and the National Governors Association, he directed major studies on health-related subjects, including health risks from toxic waste sites, and he testified at over 50 US Senate and House hearings. He has authored hundreds of articles in journals and on websites, plus op-ed articles in major newspapers. Dr. Hirschhorn has served as an executive volunteer at a major hospital for more than 10 years and is an advisor to several organizations promoting patient-centered care. He is a member of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and America’s Frontline Doctors.
Pandemic blunder is defined as the failure of the United States public health system and federal agencies to support and promote early home/outpatient treatment for the COVID-19 pandemic disease. Considerable medical information and data convincingly show that when given early a number of proven safe, cheap generic medicines and protocols knock out the coronavirus. Early means within the first few days of getting symptoms or a positive test. Some pioneering and courageous doctors have been using innovative approaches to prevent their covid patients from needing hospital care and facing death. Many expert views of doctors and data support the view that 70 percent to 80 percent of covid deaths could have been prevented – and still can for future victims of the disease. Learn how hundreds of thousands of deaths could have and should have been prevented.
This book does more than describe the pandemic blunder, it can help Americans protect their lives by not being victimized by disinformation and propaganda from leftist media. Pandemic management has failed because of corrupt forces aiming to make billions of dollars from expensive medicines and vaccines. There has been a widespread dereliction of duty on the part of many local, state, and federal government officials.
Excellent, thank you Alfred!
Thank you! For both the chart and the search tip!
The link below is to a definitive recounting of how the news of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid-19 was suppressed by the MSM.
The MSM is now presenting the same sort of misinformation regarding Ivermectin.
Dr. Pierre Kory testified on Ivermectin before a Republican-chaired Senate committee. The link below is to an interview with Dr. Kory immediately after his Senate testimony.
Everywhere in the scriptures God is referred to as masculine, never as feminine. This is the case in all ancient biblical texts. The trinity of God, the Son and the Holy Spirit was there before time. We are commanded to reverence and fear God. The blasphemous social construct of applying the female tense in reference to the Lord is a transgression of his word. Your and my and anyone else’s viewpoint on the word of God is irrelevant. All that matters is what the scriptures say. We are commanded to search the scriptures daily in order to determine what is correct.
The institution of government is authorized by God. All manmade institutions fall under God’s laws. Corinthians 6:9 states: Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind. Mark 8:36 tells us: For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
The Zionist international criminal syndicate of elite parasites and their operatives are in rebellion against God. Matt 13:42 reveals their reward: And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
does anyone have an accounting of the property taken in by the OAP? Is there a book.. or something.. to explain this .
Oligarchy depends on property rights! Zionism really cannot exist without property rights. God failed the Zionist, she forgot to endow the Zionist with monopoly power over the use of all property, Gee what a problem something of value Zionist cannot own, control or prevent others from using it? To fix God’s mistake Zionist invented government.. but command and control was a problem and as there were too many greedy Zionist for one government to satisfy? So the Zionist divided the one government(god’s government) into 256 different governments, and divided, sorted the global 8 billion into 256 different smaller governments. Then they incarcerated divided people into one of the 256 nation states. . Each of the nation states was given a name.
Rule by man’s Law would fixed the miserable mistake God made. Can you believe it, God forgot to give all real estate ownership and rights in property to the Zionist. . What a mistake, Deplorable can compete with the Zionist, that mistake had to be fixed. After division of the population into manageable sized nations states, the Zionist set out to fix God’s mistake. From hot thin air the nation states declared a Zionist could claim exclusive use and exploration rights in whatever public property they want.. all a good Zionist need to, after the law completed the fix to God’s mistake, was to go to the nation state court house and file a claim, Presto private property could be culled (staked) out from public property in a claim recorded at the court house, which claim would give the staker of the claim exclusive use and private enjoyment of all of the property the staker claimed and filed at the court house maintained by the nation state.
Soon however it was discovered that court house claims for real estate did not completely fix God’s mistake, non Zionist people were still competing with master Zionist. God had not only forgotten to make the Zionist owner of all of the real estate in the world, but she also forgot to make the Zionist private owner of all of the ideas, methods, knowledge, and know-how that experience would teach the human brain. Monopoly power over Real estate did nothing to protect Zionist from competition by smart and enterprising people.
Rescued by the nation state rule of law: ownership by filing claims in the government court house to everything else (not just real estate) was made possible by copyright and patent claims in virtually any and all things mankind could dream up, invent or express. These intangibles, ideas, methods, processes, procedures, knowledge stored in books, videos and other media and in the human mind, were loose ends, the Zionist needed to get control of, so Presto, the Nation state makes more law (copyright and patent law) These laws, unlike real estate, all private persons to privately own whatever the human mind of some else can learn or discover. God’s mistake has been fixed, Thank god for the nation state. Zionist now own all of the real estate, all of the methods, all of the know how, all of the knowledge that is today known and that will in the future ever be discovered. The Zionist can now be a peace with the world, they own it according to the laws the nation state system wrote. All that was needed was a nation state with law making power.
Replies: @Alfred, @Bert, @Lost American
No difference in deaths, hospital stay for hydroxychloroquine
The second study, by the Randomized Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy (RECOVERY) Collaborative Group, compared hydroxychloroquine with usual care in 1,561 hospitalized adults with coronavirus. Participant enrollment began on Mar 25 and closed on Jun 5 after a preliminary analysis showed that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective.
Of the 1,561 patients randomly assigned to receive hydroxychloroquine, 421 (27.0%) died within 28 days, compared with 790 of the 3,155 patients (25.0%) assigned to usual care (rate ratio, 1.09). The authors said the study findings suggest that patients receiving hydroxychloroquine were less likely than those in the placebo group to be released from the hospital within 28 days (59.6% vs 62.9%; rate ratio, 0.90).
Of patients not receiving mechanical ventilation at study enrollment, more patients who received hydroxychloroquine advanced to needing mechanical ventilation or dying than those who received usual care (30.7% vs 26.9%; risk ratio, 1.14). The rate of deaths due to cardiac events occurred in just 0.4 percentage points more patients in the hydroxychloroquine group than in the usual care group, but there was no difference between the two groups in incidence of new major heart rhythm abnormalities. Hydroxychloroquine treatment carries a risk of cardiovascular toxicity.
The most common underlying illnesses were diabetes (27%), heart disease (26%), and chronic lung disease (22%).
The authors concluded that hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for hospitalized COVID-19 patients and that it could result in longer hospital stays and a higher risk of mechanical ventilation than usual care.
At what stage of the illness was the hydroychloroquine given?
From the hundreds of papers I have read the HCQ must be given early.
I read te NEJM paper and my impression was that the HCQ was not given early.
The NEJM is pretty much a far left publication.It is no longer what it was over 10 years ago.
It receives a lot of money from pharmaceutical companies and other sources that won’t be mentioned.
The Mass.Med. Society likes to think it is superior to the rest of the world. The NEJM reminds me of the NY Times but the Times fakes it better.
Vitamin D
Black Cumin
None of the death and economic destruction needed to happen. That it did lies entirely at Fauci’s feet.
It’s a cocktail, you idiot. Hydroxychloroquine AND zinc. Zinc has long been thought to be a natural antiviral. That’s why it’s used in over-the-counter cold inhibitors like Zicam (the “Zi” in Zicam is for Zinc). All of the studies I have seen purporting to show that HCL (and Zinc) don’t work either a.) don’t use Zinc, b.) don’t use HCL (but rather Chloroquine, the older, harsher anti-malarial), or are used on people who already have both feet in the grave. It’s an early, outpatient treatment. As such, it seems to work pretty well. A lot better than the much-more-expensive Remdesivir does.
You have long haunted this website as someone who questions almost everything told to us by the government and media. And yet when it comes to COVID, you uncritically swallow everything they have to sell you. Does that give you any pause to think you might be wrong? Or, perhaps just the fact that you are wrong.
In any event, you have successfully innoculated a lot of people against any opinion you might offer in future. Why would anybody believe someone as gullible as you?
The EuroMOMO database has been the best one I have found, as it shows actual total numbers of deaths, which is a pretty unambiguous number. Unfortunately it only goes back about three years. Are you aware of any databases that show all-cause mortality going back further? 20 years, 30 years, ideally, 70 years so that it encompasses both the Asian Flu and Hong Kong Flu pandemics? In any country, although especially in the USA? I have looked, but not found anything of this kind. This data must be out there somewhere, and it would put the current pandemic in perspective. Why is this kind of data so difficult to find? Numbers of deaths should be one of the most accurate social science statistics that governments can tabulate – and yet, these numbers are seemingly impossible to find.
The ultimate in corruption: blocking early treatment for 9 months, and then sanctimoniously citing a need for early treatment. In this opinion piece, Fauci dismisses hydroxychloroquine by citing a single underpowered study, does not mention ivermectin, and says not a word about prophylaxis via correcting deficiencies of Vitamin D, zinc and selenium. Nothing about quercetin, glutathione, NAC, bromhexine, iota-carrageenan, xylitol for very early treatment.
Therapy for Early COVID-19A Critical Need by Peter Kim, Sarah Read, and Anthony Fauci. Published November 11, 2020.
Translation of an article about a physician in Italy who has used HCQ successfully in early treatment.
There is no pandemic. The virus is 13th in Britain as a lethal agent. The only cure is exposure. The virus adapts because that is what viruses do. They are not bacteria. That is why countries where no one is restricted have the least problems. Hiding away and being locked up only increases the virulence of the infected. They should be isolated but not the healhy. Social distancing does nothing. Nor do masks. The misinformation is suspicious. Ask Bill Gates! He’s the go-to expert wanting to immunise the planet. The kill rate in Africa through his intervention is shocking. But who pays attention to virologists. Not the government.
I’m not only “parallelized” I’m orthoganolized!
Young ER doctor had to tell Covid-19 patients when it was time to say goodbye to their families. Then the virus knocked him down
//”I’ve had a lot of people say … I’m a hoax. I had someone report me to Facebook for being a fake profile,” he said. He hopes that people will think twice about his experience. “Instead of just saying mean things from behind the keyboard, imagine what it’s like to have that conversation with someone that you were putting a breathing tube down their throat, and they might not be able to say ‘I love you’ to their loved one again,” he said.//
Keep in mind that Mr Fauci’s wife ???? true or false wrote papers on “Medical Ethics” with Dr. Emmanuel, Rahm’s Brother???? ???? Forget Death Panels just kill the old in situ in the nursing homes…. no death panel needed????
The PCR simply amplifies whatever is there. the purpose of specific primers is to try to bias the reaction to amplifying the sequences of interest, but the PCR will amplify the primers as well. the read out is a fluorescence signal based on whatever is amplified, not any kind of sequence information. So the system is not capable of real diagnosis, as Mullis stated. So at high cycle numbers, the fluorescence signal is prone to large errors from the amplified primers.
The entire US system is corrupted, from top to bottom. but it is not just hre USA, all of the western nation states are managed by the same group of people and the media 92% owned by just six entities are common to all of those nation states.
It has been reported that Mudaro announced the Venezuelan Institution for Scientific Research (phytochemistry lab) has modified a common content found in the peal coverings of apple and many other fruits.. the molecule submitted to WHO as TR 10, I am told TR-10 has been shown to 100% deny the virus its ability to replicate, meaning infections will stop instead of result in massive in number replications being ejected from infected cell. Since Corona virus causes apoptosis, the virus stops.
Ursolic Acid generates symplasts .. maybe this molecule can be placed in chewing gum or a sucker.. nasal and mouth spray and
The prevention of replication by nearly all corona virus types are replication stopped. far superior to accepting a risky, not likely to work, very specific immune system stimulating vaccination.
put this stuff around the nursing homes and spray places.. maybe even in the air conditioning system, car and places of businesses…
The PCR test is a known fraud. I look forward to Fauci and other scumbags being forced to compensate hotels, airlines, beauty saloons and all the individuals they have deprived of their freedom to lead normal lives.
Crimes Against Humanity, fraudulent PCR Tests Taken To Court – Interview with Lawyer Reiner Füllmich
I used the term livestock because I believe it accurately relays the Zionist elites attitude of society and humanity in general. These parasites are followers of the Hegelian professor Leo Strauss. They believe in George Hegel’s philosophy of “Government is God walking among us.” Since the elite have over time gained control of the reigns of government in order to “make society work for them” they naturally view the mass of people as no more than animals on the big farm (livestock).
This elite attitude, culture, philosophy is not new but is the result of sin and goes all the way back to Cain. When we look at history we see that it is mostly the struggle of humanity against oppression by groups, tribes, clans, warlords who have legitimized their power with the establishment of a formal gov. Plato of Ancient Greece outlined a system of elites who because of their superior intellect should govern everyone else. We see the same rationalization with the parasitic rulers of ancient Egypt and the Sumerian King Hammurabi. The Roman Emperor was deified as a god and the Monarchies of Europe beloved they ruled by divine right. Napoleon and Hitler were deluded by their own hubris.
All of these despots were mere pikers and local hoodlums compared to the Zionist international syndicate at work for well over the last hundred years. Founding member of the Fabian Socialists, H. G. Wells wrote of their plans for global gov. as well as fellow conspirators Bernard Shaw and Bertrand Russel. George Orwell who traveled to Spain to fight for the communists (Jews) became disenchanted when he saw the real program and wrote 1984 and his chilling allegory of humanity in the elites “Animal Farm”.
The Zionist elites of today are no different than their predecessors except worse. The 18th century European armies diverted around populated areas and avoided harming civilians. The Zionists now maximize civilian casualties using wars, starvation, dislocation and mass destruction to further their agenda.
When I see the cucks with their face diapers and the gullibility of the goyim as they believe whatever the Zionist Jew MSM tell them it is no wonder that the elite have an attitude of ridicule and contempt for the masses. When I was a kid (long time ago) my father was a rancher. Every so often we would lure the horses in with a little grain, saddle them up and go round up the cattle herding them into the pen. One bunch at a time would be driven into the corral then down the chute. We separated the bull calves and heifers, branded, castrated, de horned, culled, whatever was needed. My ol man didn’t spend money on anything he didn’t have to. He put out just enough salt, range cubes and hay in the winter to get them by and maybe make a little off them. The rancher on the other side of the road did the same thing. As far as the cattle would be concerned it wouldn’t make any difference which side of the road (or country) they were on.
I went through all of that to make an analogy. It will be the same way for the human livestock in the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Initiative Agenda 2030-21. This is not a fiction but rather a detailed plan that has been laid out by the elites to implement a Neo-feudalist system of global tyranny over the entire world. That is why I refer to those people who sheepishly allow themselves to be herded down the road to perdition as livestock.
There is something deeply alienating about Tapley dismissing the vast bulk of humanity as “livestock”. Obviously he himself he is a full-fledged, intelligent human being and not livestock at all.
Dr. Harvey Risch interview Part 2 regarding early treatment of Covid disease with repurposed drugs
ChiCom Globalist/Jew manufactured bullshit.
It will fail.
Now that he thinks there is something to gain politically, Covid-19 is very real:
//….We cannot waste time and can only give to those states that will use the Vaccine immediately. Therefore the New York delay. Many lives to be saved, but we are ready when they are. Stop playing politics!//
All a robot has to go on in these wintery times is his logic (and his login).
Following logic of El Presidente’s himself, he should be transitioned out immediately due to epidemic emergency, so that the incoming administration can get to work ASAP.
It’s fucking “Fauci”
My god
It’s “Fauci,” you idiots
This post is completely insane.
Oh, no, I mean ‘this’ post!
But yours is too
The livestock have been conditioned for a long time by the Frankfurt School culture to be obedient, docile sheep for the Zionist syndicate. What kind of people are so obsequious in their abject servitude to the criminal elites that run this socialist scam that they obey the most asinine dictates fabricated to strip away all of their remaining liberties without using to any common sense and deductive logic?
After the previous medical frauds including Fauchi’s AIDS hoax as well as several previous “flus” all using the same Jew MSM hysteria, the goyim still cannot see the forest for the trees. Fake virus, fake test and fake numbers on the way to a feudal tyranny wrapped in a medical facade. All the while the cucks walk around with their face diapers on and debate about what treatment is best for the fake virus.
Fauchi is the second highest paid federal employee in the country. Most people can be bought out one way or another. Fauchi has a long career of shilling for big Pharma and lying for the Zionist elites in their promotion of false viruses (including AIDS) while peddling fake and dangerous vaccines as with the Swine flu disaster (thousands of kids were permanently inflicted with narcolepsy) and the AZT drug that killed thousands of “AIDS” patients (see Peter Deusberg).
Anyone such as our puppet actor presidents or our shabbos goy congress, and other operatives in the Zionist clique will enjoy “sin for a season” and will be amply rewarded as the players in 911 were. This time around the vaccine profit payoffs will dwarf the take from the put options from the trade center scam. The real goal is not money. The top Zionists already control the money. The aim is complete control of all of the worlds goyim barnyard animals. The livestock on the farm need to be better managed and that includes a more stringent vaccine program.
To moderator: When I hit agree button it says I have not commented enough in the last 30 days and need more than 5 comments. I guess ghis is supposed to be a mistake. Recently I have been able to comment or reply only once or twice per day when I see others who have been allowed 3. Why the disparity?
I did a brief search and found many more studies showing that HCQ is not effective in prophylaxis or treatment.
Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine vs Placebo for Pre-exposure SARS-CoV-2 Prophylaxis Among Health Care Workers
https://jamanetwork.com/ on 11/14/2020“There was no significant difference in infection rates in participants randomized to receive hydroxychloroquine compared with placebo”
Hydroxychloroquine in Nonhospitalized Adults With Early COVID-19
https://doi.org/10.7326/M20-4207“Change in symptom severity over 14 days did not differ between the hydroxychloroquine and placebo groups”
A Cluster-Randomized Trial of Hydroxychloroquine as Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission and Disease
http://hdl.handle.net/10261/217189“There was no significant difference in the primary outcome of PCR-confirmed…nor evidence of beneficial effects on prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission”
Hydroxychloroquine as pre-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 in healthcare workers: a randomized trial
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.18.20197327v1“Pre-exposure prophylaxis with hydroxychloroquine once or twice weekly did not significantly reduce laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 or Covid-19-compatible illness among healthcare workers.”
Long-term hydroxychloroquine use in patients with rheumatic conditions and development of SARS-CoV-2 infection: a retrospective cohort study
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2665991320303052“The incidence of active SARS-CoV-2 infections during the study period did not differ between patients receiving hydroxychloroquine and patients not receiving hydroxychloroquine”
“There were no significant differences in secondary outcomes between the two groups in patients who developed active SARS-CoV-2 infection. ”
Hydroxychloroquine and Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Systematic Review of a Scientific Failure
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7426548/“There is no evidence supporting HCQ for prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19. Many observational trials were methodologically flawed. Scientific efforts have been disappointingly fragmented, and well-conducted trials have only recently been completed”
As they say the hope dies last. That hope lasts particularly long among the suckers. The length of denial is proportional to the degree of feeblemindedness.
‘It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled’. – attribute to Mark Twain
Good Luck. I hope you did not spend too much on the HCQ. Or if you did you can look at it as helping pharmaceutical industry in the poor country of India. Perhaps it will trickle down to their poor.
Ahhh Yes, all to be rolled in on the heels of that evil, deadly Corona Virus. YOU WILL learn to love your servitude SLAVES.
The pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 threatens public health worldwide. The viral spike protein mediates SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells and harbors a S1/S2 cleavage site containing multiple arginine residues (multibasic) not found in closely related animal coronaviruses. However, the role of this multibasic cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. Here, we report that the cellular protease furin cleaves the spike protein at the S1/S2 site and that cleavage is essential for S-protein-mediated cell-cell fusion and entry into human lung cells. Moreover, optimizing the S1/S2 site increased cell-cell, but not virus-cell, fusion, suggesting that the corresponding viral variants might exhibit increased cell-cell spread and potentially altered virulence. Our results suggest that acquisition of a S1/S2 multibasic cleavage site was essential for SARS-CoV-2 infection of humans and identify furin as a potential target for therapeutic intervention
My 'original, independent' discovery of the PRRA insertion is here:
… critical importance of PRRA, which they interpreted as – ta ra! A bio-warfare attack in progress against them.
What’s your point? I observe that you and Peripatetic Itch operate as a tag-team; same mom’s basement?
Obviously, your observations are worthless.
Do you really think this sort of thing is in anyway helpful?IMHO, it's you and your ilk who are *extending* the problem. Like HIV 'safe-sex' we need 'safe-Covid' = less interpersonal contact to drive the virus into isolated extinction. rgdsReplies: @Johnny Walker Read
Strap a diaper to your face
I’m not sure where you are coming from, but I’m merely pointing out the idiocy of this whole mess. It’s called sarcasm.
By the way, you should read my post #44, which will better “splain” this Covid hoax to you.
All sorts of crazy, evil things have been happening since the 1840's. And it will get worse, but that does not mean the Deep State was able to get every country in South America, as an example, to fake an epidemic. Paranoia should be kept at reasonable levels so that a fellow can prioritize his responses.Replies: @daniel le mouche
All sorts of crazy, thoroughly evil things are about to happen.
This is a lame argument–that they couldn’t possibly coordinate this worldwide. And yet all big newspapers in the world carry the same on-message headlines and articles day in and day out. When a few people own everything–the Rothschilds, who purportedly own every central bank on earth, come to mind–centralized control is laughably easy. Who could believe even that every ‘news’ station in America would say exactly the same garbage, again always on-message, literally 24 hours a day? And yet, wait for it: they do.
How is it possible for anyone who claims to be informed NOT to be exceedingly paranoid? Most simply lack the imagination, and are unable to think much of anything, all due to t.v.
Strap a diaper to your face
Do you really think this sort of thing is in anyway helpful?
IMHO, it’s you and your ilk who are *extending* the problem. Like HIV ‘safe-sex’ we need ‘safe-Covid’ = less interpersonal contact to drive the virus into isolated extinction. rgds
“So when are they going to open the borders of NZ?” – After vaccination or arrival of effective treatment. I am glad you agree that New Zealand had the most successful approach. In the meantime the closed border has many advantages. Like moratorium on immigration and refugees and keeping away loitering expats like yourself.
The Right in the US and Europe totally missed the opportunity that covid-19 presented with respect to immigration. Instead they took a libertarian stance and kept yapping about liberties they lost and the masks that were emasculating them.
Furthermore I have analyzed "the unsigned document" cited by Hirschhorn and discovered a fatal flaw in it and did calculation demonstrating that India's IFR could be higher than that of the US which is contrary to the claim made by the "the unsigned document".
A Randomized Trial of Hydroxychloroquine as Postexposure Prophylaxis for Covid-19 (June 2020)
"The incidence of new illness compatible with Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants receiving hydroxychloroquine (49 of 414 [11.8%]) and those receiving placebo (58 of 407 [14.3%])"
You are not reasoning from data to conclusion but you apply a filter based on your bias to exclude data that do no agree with your bias. You believe in conspiracy to suppress 'the truth'. Any data that do not confirm 'the truth' must be rejected. And it gets worse because you (or you guys) fabricate false data like the 'unsigned document'.Replies: @Bert
A piece of my personal consilience of evidence is that there is a clear political purpose behind the Globalist rejection of HCQ,
Unlike you, I am not presenting myself as unbiased. No one is unbiased. You showed your clear bias, or tasking order from your employers, when you described as “feeble-minded” those who think there is evidence of benefit from HCQ. You are in no position to play the holier than thou card.
The Boulware article that you just cited had several peer responses that suggested that the study was statistically flawed. You can the link to them in the box to the right of the abstract.
The flaw in the study that makes it truly worthless is that the HCQ (or placebo) was not necessarily ingested by the participants. The authors state “Hydroxychloroquine sulfate or placebo was dispensed and shipped overnight to participants by commercial courier.” The participants may or may not have taken the pills. No one knows whether they did. The HCQ that I myself was prescribed is identifiable if one cares to try to do so. Given this design flaw, it is quite possible that part of the supposedly blinded participants identified and did not ingest their HCQ. The media having early on advanced the claim that HCQ is dangerous, some participants getting cold feet is quite likely.
Here is one of Boulware’s connections to Big Pharma.
Your sallies are getting weaker and weaker.
Efficacy and Safety of Hydroxychloroquine vs Placebo for Pre-exposure SARS-CoV-2 Prophylaxis Among Health Care Workers
https://jamanetwork.com/ on 11/14/2020
"There was no significant difference in infection rates in participants randomized to receive hydroxychloroquine compared with placebo"
Hydroxychloroquine in Nonhospitalized Adults With Early COVID-19
https://doi.org/10.7326/M20-4207"Change in symptom severity over 14 days did not differ between the hydroxychloroquine and placebo groups"
A Cluster-Randomized Trial of Hydroxychloroquine as Prevention of Covid-19 Transmission and Disease
http://hdl.handle.net/10261/217189"There was no significant difference in the primary outcome of PCR-confirmed...nor evidence of beneficial effects on prevention of SARS-CoV-2 transmission"
Hydroxychloroquine as pre-exposure prophylaxis for COVID-19 in healthcare workers: a randomized trial
https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.09.18.20197327v1"Pre-exposure prophylaxis with hydroxychloroquine once or twice weekly did not significantly reduce laboratory-confirmed Covid-19 or Covid-19-compatible illness among healthcare workers."
Long-term hydroxychloroquine use in patients with rheumatic conditions and development of SARS-CoV-2 infection: a retrospective cohort study
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2665991320303052"The incidence of active SARS-CoV-2 infections during the study period did not differ between patients receiving hydroxychloroquine and patients not receiving hydroxychloroquine""There were no significant differences in secondary outcomes between the two groups in patients who developed active SARS-CoV-2 infection. "
As they say the hope dies last. That hope lasts particularly long among the suckers. The length of denial is proportional to the degree of feeblemindedness.
Hydroxychloroquine and Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Systematic Review of a Scientific Failure
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7426548/"There is no evidence supporting HCQ for prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19. Many observational trials were methodologically flawed. Scientific efforts have been disappointingly fragmented, and well-conducted trials have only recently been completed"
Good Luck. I hope you did not spend too much on the HCQ. Or if you did you can look at it as helping pharmaceutical industry in the poor country of India. Perhaps it will trickle down to their poor.
‘It’s Easier to Fool People Than to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled’. - attribute to Mark Twain
New Zealand had the most successful approach to Covid-19 among the Western countries: 398 cases per 1M and 5 deaths per 1M.
So when are they going to open the borders of NZ? Never?
The proper epistemology is consilience of evidence. The proper humane attitude is the desire to promote the best solution available. Because you recognize neither of these intellectual guideposts and generally behave as a troll, I conclude that you are either a Deep State hireling or revel in a borderline personality disorder. In either case not a worthwhile discussant.Replies: @utu
The HCQ phenomenon that the article by Joel Hirschhorn represents eventually will be resolved within a proper epistemology, however now as we see it it is a phenomenon belonging to the psychology of crowds. A mixture of paranoia, sense of persecution and rebellion against the power. It attracts feeble minds and emotionally unhinged. They are the first to charge the Bastille w/o much of an idea in what really they are participating.
“The proper epistemology is consilience of evidence. ” – I have provided two strong data points – studies that show that HCQ is not effective in treatment. But they have no place in your fuzzy “consilience of evidence” for them.
Here is a data point that HCQ does not show much promise in the post exposure prophylaxis however it does not exclude it:
A Randomized Trial of Hydroxychloroquine as Postexposure Prophylaxis for Covid-19 (June 2020)
https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2016638“The incidence of new illness compatible with Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants receiving hydroxychloroquine (49 of 414 [11.8%]) and those receiving placebo (58 of 407 [14.3%])”
Furthermore I have analyzed “the unsigned document” cited by Hirschhorn and discovered a fatal flaw in it and did calculation demonstrating that India’s IFR could be higher than that of the US which is contrary to the claim made by the “the unsigned document”.
You reaction is to call me Dr. Petulant and a troll. Clearly your “consilience of evidence” is not what you would like others to believe. You do not look for evidence. You look for confirmation of your belief. The belief in conspiracy is your fatal bias:
A piece of my personal consilience of evidence is that there is a clear political purpose behind the Globalist rejection of HCQ,
You are not reasoning from data to conclusion but you apply a filter based on your bias to exclude data that do no agree with your bias. You believe in conspiracy to suppress ‘the truth’. Any data that do not confirm ‘the truth’ must be rejected. And it gets worse because you (or you guys) fabricate false data like the ‘unsigned document’.
and additionally, for me the place to go would be to look up toxicology, and drug drug interactions.
The problem with admin in treatment could be complications from drug drug interactions, but that should be easy to find out. tox =>
Here are some drug drug interactions:
So there are lots of resources to find some answers.
All sorts of crazy, thoroughly evil things are about to happen.
All sorts of crazy, evil things have been happening since the 1840’s. And it will get worse, but that does not mean the Deep State was able to get every country in South America, as an example, to fake an epidemic. Paranoia should be kept at reasonable levels so that a fellow can prioritize his responses.
Bert, another issue in publications is editorial control by special interests. Big money, big commerce.
Yes indeed. Here’s a link to a podcast interview with James Todaro, who early on proposed hydroxychloroquine should be considered for Covid treatment and who exposed the Surgisphere-Lancet-WHO conspiracy to claim that HCQ led to increased deaths when used for Covid treatment. It’s a great interview, especially because it labels what you are referring to as Fiat Science, an analogy with the U.S. currency. For our own protection, the meme of Fiat Science (scientific truth as proclaimed by an establishment that controls publication and funding) should be propagated.
I meant to write:
but I’ve seen to rule out an entirely natural evolution of the responsible virus – SARS-CoV-2.
I’ve seen nothing to rule out an entirely natural evolution
Try this one [test your own ‘convictionability]:’
“The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2”
My opinion: Comes from the US; they *have* to say something like that, eh? rgds
Bert, another issue in publications is editorial control by special interests. Big money, big commerce.
The molecular biology appears to support use in treatment as well as in prophylaxis. Obviously there is a problem with how studies are set up, dosing issues.
Yes indeed. Here's a link to a podcast interview with James Todaro, who early on proposed hydroxychloroquine should be considered for Covid treatment and who exposed the Surgisphere-Lancet-WHO conspiracy to claim that HCQ led to increased deaths when used for Covid treatment. It's a great interview, especially because it labels what you are referring to as Fiat Science, an analogy with the U.S. currency. For our own protection, the meme of Fiat Science (scientific truth as proclaimed by an establishment that controls publication and funding) should be propagated.
Bert, another issue in publications is editorial control by special interests. Big money, big commerce. �
My freedom and the economies of the world should not be infringed upon by anyone’s fear that they will succumb to a “virus”. If you are mentally parallelized by the belief there is a mighty, deadly virus out there lurking at every turn, then you need to stay the fuck home; have all your groceries and supplies delivered to you; Strap a diaper to your face; and, crawl inside your closet and hide.
Meanwhile, the rest of us who choose to live our lives as free and sovereign individuals as God intended should be left alone to do so. My freedom or lack thereof should not be based on your fear, however real or imagined that fear is.
The Covid Cult | Thomas E. Woods, Jr
Video Link
Do you really think this sort of thing is in anyway helpful?IMHO, it's you and your ilk who are *extending* the problem. Like HIV 'safe-sex' we need 'safe-Covid' = less interpersonal contact to drive the virus into isolated extinction. rgdsReplies: @Johnny Walker Read
Strap a diaper to your face
Not to rain too heavily on your parade, but a conviction is nothing more, nothing less, than a strongly held belief or opinion.But rest easy. After all, this is UR where authors and commenters sometimes make up new meanings for existing words, use some words incorrectly, or even try to establish new typographic conventions, such as bold words enclosed in asterisks.In the paper you cite, the authors conclude "The ubiquitous expression of furin in different organs and tissues may be a reason for the high transmissibility and pathogenicity of 2019-nCoV observed in the current epidemic."Or, maybe it isn't. Even now in Nov. 2020, as winter approaches, we still have less than one full year of experience with COVID 19. Its origin remains a mystery, but I've seen to rule out an entirely natural evolution of the responsible virus - SARS-CoV-2.Recall the reaction of Western science when the Duckbill Platypus first came to its attention:
I was trying to indicate that ‘belief’ should only be operational in the imaginary ‘spiritual’ domain, whereas I recognise only the ‘real’ world where things are ‘measurable,’
Not in my book. See my work in my UR-archive on the PRRA inclusion [furin cleavage site], this is one of if not *the* key component that makes SARS-CoV-2 so diabolically infective. Recall here that I don’t do ‘belief;’ it is my conviction based on my research into the available facts that the main if not only reason that Wuhan ‘went berserk’ towards elimination of the virus was triggered when they discovered then realised the critical importance of PRRA,
Typically, humans want to blame some rare or unfamiliar manifestation of nature on their fellow man, as occurred during the Little Ice Age, when the deteriorating climate and bad weather were blamed on witches, and many of these innocent old ladies were burned alive at the stake.[my bolds, except for the ugly one between asterisks]Replies: @Sparkon, @skrik
The unusual appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, and the first scientists to examine a preserved platypus body (in 1799) judged it a fake, made of several animals sewn together.
What’s your point? I observe that you and Peripatetic Itch operate as a tag-team; same mom’s basement? Yet another view:
The pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 threatens public health worldwide. The viral spike protein mediates SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells and harbors a S1/S2 cleavage site containing multiple arginine residues (multibasic) not found in closely related animal coronaviruses. However, the role of this multibasic cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. Here, we report that the cellular protease furin cleaves the spike protein at the S1/S2 site and that cleavage is essential for S-protein-mediated cell-cell fusion and entry into human lung cells. Moreover, optimizing the S1/S2 site increased cell-cell, but not virus-cell, fusion, suggesting that the corresponding viral variants might exhibit increased cell-cell spread and potentially altered virulence. Our results suggest that acquisition of a S1/S2 multibasic cleavage site was essential for SARS-CoV-2 infection of humans and identify furin as a potential target for therapeutic intervention
Their S1/S2 cleavage site is my PRRA.
Not so BTW, *bolding* is a feature of this site, not a ‘commenter peccadillo.’
I took ‘conviction’ from the songtext of “HAIR,” Oxford dictionary “2 a firmly held belief or opinion.
the quality of showing that one is firmly convinced of something” – but recall that I do not ‘do’ belief, so use with and after the “or” – OK?
I notice that you left off a bit [my bolding] from the end of my original:
… critical importance of PRRA, which they interpreted as – ta ra! A bio-warfare attack in progress against them.
My ‘original, independent’ discovery of the PRRA insertion is here:
May 8, 2020 at 8:00 pm GMT rgds
Obviously, your observations are worthless.
What’s your point? I observe that you and Peripatetic Itch operate as a tag-team; same mom’s basement?
Ahhhhh…ya mean the one he is NOT building on the border with Canada? You’re not very bright, get lost.
How many of Koch’s Postulates has Covid 19 met Wannabe? Get yourself some edjumacation there my friend..
Coronavirus Truths: Part 2: Koch’s Postulates Not Being Used at All for COVID-19, Why?
Not to rain too heavily on your parade, but a conviction is nothing more, nothing less, than a strongly held belief or opinion.But rest easy. After all, this is UR where authors and commenters sometimes make up new meanings for existing words, use some words incorrectly, or even try to establish new typographic conventions, such as bold words enclosed in asterisks.In the paper you cite, the authors conclude "The ubiquitous expression of furin in different organs and tissues may be a reason for the high transmissibility and pathogenicity of 2019-nCoV observed in the current epidemic."Or, maybe it isn't. Even now in Nov. 2020, as winter approaches, we still have less than one full year of experience with COVID 19. Its origin remains a mystery, but I've seen to rule out an entirely natural evolution of the responsible virus - SARS-CoV-2.Recall the reaction of Western science when the Duckbill Platypus first came to its attention:
I was trying to indicate that ‘belief’ should only be operational in the imaginary ‘spiritual’ domain, whereas I recognise only the ‘real’ world where things are ‘measurable,’
Not in my book. See my work in my UR-archive on the PRRA inclusion [furin cleavage site], this is one of if not *the* key component that makes SARS-CoV-2 so diabolically infective. Recall here that I don’t do ‘belief;’ it is my conviction based on my research into the available facts that the main if not only reason that Wuhan ‘went berserk’ towards elimination of the virus was triggered when they discovered then realised the critical importance of PRRA,
Typically, humans want to blame some rare or unfamiliar manifestation of nature on their fellow man, as occurred during the Little Ice Age, when the deteriorating climate and bad weather were blamed on witches, and many of these innocent old ladies were burned alive at the stake.[my bolds, except for the ugly one between asterisks]Replies: @Sparkon, @skrik
The unusual appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, and the first scientists to examine a preserved platypus body (in 1799) judged it a fake, made of several animals sewn together.
but I’ve seen to rule out an entirely natural evolution of the responsible virus – SARS-CoV-2.
I meant to write:
I’ve seen nothing to rule out an entirely natural evolution of the responsible virus – SARS-CoV-2.
Try this one [test your own ‘convictionability]:’"The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2"
I’ve seen nothing to rule out an entirely natural evolution
Errr, sorry [but not too sorry], for being a bit enigmatic; I was trying to indicate that ‘belief’ should only be operational in the imaginary ‘spiritual’ domain, whereas I recognise only the ‘real’ world where things are ‘measurable,’ say. I do know about ‘confidence intervals’ and ‘error-bars’ etc., implying that although any real object is measurable, the measurement itself might look a bit fuzzy - but nevertheless still real. Then there's the quantum world in general [uncertainty principle, say] and QED in particular, which Feynman was tickled pink over, claiming something like ‘accurate to 14 decimal places!’
it’s unlikely there is anything anywhere that can be unequivocably described as unadulterated fact
Not in my book. See my work in my UR-archive on the PRRA inclusion [furin cleavage site], this is one of if not *the* key component that makes SARS-CoV-2 so diabolically infective. Recall here that I don't do ‘belief;’ it is my conviction based on my research into the available facts that the main if not only reason that Wuhan ‘went berserk’ towards elimination of the virus was triggered when they discovered then realised the critical importance of PRRA, which they interpreted as - ta ra! A bio-warfare attack in progress against them. rgdsReplies: @Peripatetic Itch, @Sparkon
The judgment is still out on where Covid-19 came from
I was trying to indicate that ‘belief’ should only be operational in the imaginary ‘spiritual’ domain, whereas I recognise only the ‘real’ world where things are ‘measurable,’
Not in my book. See my work in my UR-archive on the PRRA inclusion [furin cleavage site], this is one of if not *the* key component that makes SARS-CoV-2 so diabolically infective. Recall here that I don’t do ‘belief;’ it is my conviction based on my research into the available facts that the main if not only reason that Wuhan ‘went berserk’ towards elimination of the virus was triggered when they discovered then realised the critical importance of PRRA,
Not to rain too heavily on your parade, but a conviction is nothing more, nothing less, than a strongly held belief or opinion.
But rest easy. After all, this is UR where authors and commenters sometimes make up new meanings for existing words, use some words incorrectly, or even try to establish new typographic conventions, such as bold words enclosed in asterisks.
In the paper you cite, the authors conclude “The ubiquitous expression of furin in different organs and tissues may be a reason for the high transmissibility and pathogenicity of 2019-nCoV observed in the current epidemic.”
Or, maybe it isn’t. Even now in Nov. 2020, as winter approaches, we still have less than one full year of experience with COVID 19. Its origin remains a mystery, but I’ve seen to rule out an entirely natural evolution of the responsible virus – SARS-CoV-2.
Recall the reaction of Western science when the Duckbill Platypus first came to its attention:
The unusual appearance of this egg-laying, duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed mammal baffled European naturalists when they first encountered it, and the first scientists to examine a preserved platypus body (in 1799) judged it a fake, made of several animals sewn together.
Typically, humans want to blame some rare or unfamiliar manifestation of nature on their fellow man, as occurred during the Little Ice Age, when the deteriorating climate and bad weather were blamed on witches, and many of these innocent old ladies were burned alive at the stake.
[my bolds, except for the ugly one between asterisks]
I meant to write:
but I’ve seen to rule out an entirely natural evolution of the responsible virus – SARS-CoV-2.
The pandemic coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 threatens public health worldwide. The viral spike protein mediates SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells and harbors a S1/S2 cleavage site containing multiple arginine residues (multibasic) not found in closely related animal coronaviruses. However, the role of this multibasic cleavage site in SARS-CoV-2 infection is unknown. Here, we report that the cellular protease furin cleaves the spike protein at the S1/S2 site and that cleavage is essential for S-protein-mediated cell-cell fusion and entry into human lung cells. Moreover, optimizing the S1/S2 site increased cell-cell, but not virus-cell, fusion, suggesting that the corresponding viral variants might exhibit increased cell-cell spread and potentially altered virulence. Our results suggest that acquisition of a S1/S2 multibasic cleavage site was essential for SARS-CoV-2 infection of humans and identify furin as a potential target for therapeutic intervention
My 'original, independent' discovery of the PRRA insertion is here:
… critical importance of PRRA, which they interpreted as – ta ra! A bio-warfare attack in progress against them.
Fauci’s in-house publication, “The Virology Journal,” in 2005 contained an article in favor of treating those infected by SARS-1 with chloroquines. One can suppose the difference then was that the death rate was very high among the middle-aged, and TPTB feared a decimation of the serfs on which their good life depends. Now in the SARS-2 epidemic those dying are largely economically useless, so suppress use of chloroquines and sell vaccines.
Simple. It’s a world government–they’re all in it together. I would hardly call Communist China a good guy.
Why would that be evil? He obviously is just telling the truth.
See my comment to 58.
I'm a healthy, ripped man in my late 70's. I have lived my life such that I can enjoy a healthy old age. Most people who die or become seriously ill from Covid are fat, have Vitamin D, C and zinc deficiencies, have either diabetes, heart disease, renal disease, or cancer. But for someone with age on them, surviving Covid without damage is a lottery. I successfully trade futures every weekday, and what I learned early on is that it is foolish to take risks not over-compensated by a potential reward. Regarding Covid, there is no reward for exposing myself to it commensurate with the risk from it. I have researched the disease intensively in order to decide how to live my life while it's a factor. (Gave up sugar babies, a no-brainer it seemed, but yet....) I have a data-base of hundreds of scientific studies filed in folders across a spectrum from "Ecology of Infection" to "Zinc."That the Globalists in all their forms have used the epidemic to seize power and intimidate the public is apparent. That however does not make the Covid, the disease, a hoax. People on this thread have said that it is a hoax. And this is their response to an article presenting evidence for a cure that halts most infections at a mild stage. So think about it: Why would an anti-Deep State person have such a reaction to Hirschhorn's article? HCQ could have mitigated the epidemic back in March if it had been used massively in early treatment, and it still could. But to react to an article advocating its use by claiming Covid hasn't killed thousands looks to me like someone throwing up dust to hide Hirschhorn's message. That only benefits the Deep State agenda. Or maybe a lot of those you term "healthy skeptics" are dumbasses too lazy to inform themselves about the epidemic.Replies: @daniel le mouche
I find it bizarre that you would call the healthy skeptics of the commenters here Deep State operatives when Covid-19 seems to be the catalyst for the Great Reset to restrict free movement, bankrupt small businesses and provide pre-text for arrests and seizures of private citizens.
You are ill-informed yourself. There is no evidence that there’s an epidemic–at least you use the right word for it. Hospitals are empty. Tons of doctors and nurses have risked their careers to tell the truth online. Ambulance drivers are instructed to go around with their lights and sirens on. No dead bodies anywhere. Death rates on par with yearly averages. Suddenly all the yearly rates for pneumonia, for example, go down to zero–now they’re miraculously ‘covid’. Huge evidence for very long-term planning of this very thing–an identical run-through happened in 2010. They love their numbers–what better year than 2020 for a crystal clear ‘reset’ of the entire human race? Everything’s in place for a cashless society. Everywhere you look there is propaganda–why?? Why do they need it? Why do people continue to believe that the ‘news’ is there to tell them the truth? Why is education mandatory? They care SO MUCH that they’re willing, yes, beatifically willing, to send the beloved military out to every single home in the country, no matter how remote, to make sure everyone is jabbed with a q-tip far up their nose, damaging the blood-brain barrier, then jabbed with a vaccine (with tracking device?), which will cause brain-swelling, leading to memory loss among other possible side effects such as autism. That’s the latest theory I’ve heard, and it could well be true. Remember the cage around the man’s head in 1984 with the rabid giant rat inside to tear his face off? That’s what these people are about. Look at the 50+ million they wiped off the face of the earth in soviet Russia. They’ve likely had both a killer virus and vaccine ready for years. They no doubt have plans to implement things on exact days. It’s all done in stages. It’s all connected with Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Climate Change, phony terror attacks. Why did they take ’emergency’measures to suspend the Constitution in September, 2001, by passing the Patriot Act, and have never unsuspended it?
To recap: we are about to go cashless. Total control by world government. You, yes you, WILL be vaccinated, along with 7 billion others. All sorts of crazy, thoroughly evil things are about to happen.
The list goes on. Yes, it is you that is ill-informed.
All sorts of crazy, evil things have been happening since the 1840's. And it will get worse, but that does not mean the Deep State was able to get every country in South America, as an example, to fake an epidemic. Paranoia should be kept at reasonable levels so that a fellow can prioritize his responses.Replies: @daniel le mouche
All sorts of crazy, thoroughly evil things are about to happen.
No need to apologize. I blew up you photo of that giant turd and framed it ! It now occupies a place of honour in my shitter.
The Trickster was happy to be sarcastic and irreverent. More than anything else though he is happy to entertain you.
What with upstanding doctors like Fraudci and talented bloggers Anna Tola Karla, if we cant have some fun at their stupidity we will not only be locked down but locked in………into a straight jacket.
I always read your comments and look forward to hearing what you have to say. I find them thoughtful, sensible and consistent.
Keep on keeping on and cheers.
I am only being semi-serious but I have been telling people that instead of locking down etc. we should actually be celebrating the apparent destruction of influenza. Where did it go?
Pierre Duhem, right?
Philosophers of science have spent many careers and many decades trying to come up with a consistent philosophy to replace empiricism [...] What they do suggest is that you can’t do philosophy of science without knowing the history of science and that a little humility is always a good thing.
The HCQ phenomenon that the article by Joel Hirschhorn represents eventually will be resolved within a proper epistemology, however now as we see it it is a phenomenon belonging to the psychology of crowds. A mixture of paranoia, sense of persecution and rebellion against the power. It attracts feeble minds and emotionally unhinged. They are the first to charge the Bastille w/o much of an idea in what really they are participating.Replies: @Bert
"As a result, we can talk about a continuum of sciences; at one extreme on the theoretical side is German science, or logicism, and at the other extreme on the experimental side is English science, or crude modelism. In the middle is French science, which allegedly tempers the logical bent with historicism."
The HCQ phenomenon that the article by Joel Hirschhorn represents eventually will be resolved within a proper epistemology, however now as we see it it is a phenomenon belonging to the psychology of crowds. A mixture of paranoia, sense of persecution and rebellion against the power. It attracts feeble minds and emotionally unhinged. They are the first to charge the Bastille w/o much of an idea in what really they are participating.
The proper epistemology is consilience of evidence. The proper humane attitude is the desire to promote the best solution available. Because you recognize neither of these intellectual guideposts and generally behave as a troll, I conclude that you are either a Deep State hireling or revel in a borderline personality disorder. In either case not a worthwhile discussant.
Furthermore I have analyzed "the unsigned document" cited by Hirschhorn and discovered a fatal flaw in it and did calculation demonstrating that India's IFR could be higher than that of the US which is contrary to the claim made by the "the unsigned document".
A Randomized Trial of Hydroxychloroquine as Postexposure Prophylaxis for Covid-19 (June 2020)
"The incidence of new illness compatible with Covid-19 did not differ significantly between participants receiving hydroxychloroquine (49 of 414 [11.8%]) and those receiving placebo (58 of 407 [14.3%])"
You are not reasoning from data to conclusion but you apply a filter based on your bias to exclude data that do no agree with your bias. You believe in conspiracy to suppress 'the truth'. Any data that do not confirm 'the truth' must be rejected. And it gets worse because you (or you guys) fabricate false data like the 'unsigned document'.Replies: @Bert
A piece of my personal consilience of evidence is that there is a clear political purpose behind the Globalist rejection of HCQ,
It is possible to nitpick most published reports. However, to do so forever in the face of an increasing number of reports of positive HCQ results violates a principle in the philosophy of science that is termed “consilience of evidence.” The concept has a long history in European intellectual activity, but it was strongly advocated by William Whewell in the 19th century. I believe it is advisable to follow such minds rather than those of random contemporaries of unknown accomplishment.
A piece of my personal consilience of evidence is that there is a clear political purpose behind the Globalist rejection of HCQ, but I cannot conceive that a pro-HCQ conspiracy could encompass diverse locales from Porto Feliz, SP, Brasil to Uttar Pradesh, India and dozens of other localities. (To which I’m sure you would retort that wishful thinking by desperate people could motivate all the reports. Well, I have more belief in human rationality than that.)
Co-authored by acementhead
My wife was telling me she read a story recently about seasonal flu deaths. She informed me that flu deaths, according to the CDC were down by 95% and how amazed they were in the article, that the numbers were so low. She jumped off the couch and look right at me and said with a strait face: COVID F$&*#ing killed the flu! I about fell out of my chair. She never or rarely uses course language but I think she’s getting tired of the lies and ignorant masses. Probably time for a weekend away.
Personally, I think the whole thing has been so politicized by the usual pond scum in Government and the Democrats biggest cheer leaders the MSM, that it will take some time until the dust settles and we can see the total picture. The restrictions on reasonable treatments for Doctors to use is a break from reality, unless one is purposely trying to kill people or just doesn’t give a damn, willing to do anything to discredit their president and to win at any cost. As for Fouchi and the rest of the “experts†in positions of power within our Gov., there are already laws or were or should be, restricting conflicts of interest. All of Gov. needs to be reined in and cut. We’ve been tightening and cutting for decades while our Gov. has exploded. What could possibly go wrong with that? Let’s try an across the board domestic cut of 10% to start, with a restructuring of health and retirement plans to be more comparative with the average Americans for all Gov. employees. Get rid of the trough.
Many thanks. You have done some great work. Liked your research on James Forrestal, Vincent Foster, Upton Sinclair and Timothy McVeigh. You have done as much as anyone to expose the Orwellian shenanigans of the Deep State going back many decades.
“who should have been easily saved with glucocorticoids, which are life-saving in serious Covid-19 cases.”
Dexamethason. It helps. 30% mortality reduction.
Major study finds common steroid reduces deaths among patients with severe Covid-19
Thank you. This is probably the most reasonable and succinct discussion of Covid 19 that I have seen anywhere. Ironic that it is buried in a mound of libertarian -lunatic Covid denialism
Could it just be a bad flu? Or another name for it that will eventually replace “influenza” like TB replaced “consumption” and many other illnesses that got new names in the late 20th century?
A low-intellect, youngish woman(Ardern), would agree with you on that but a high-intellect mature polymath-male would disagree strongly. There are many other factors to consider other than just raw deaths. QALY for an obvious start, economic destruction wrought by the mad "lockdown(s)" , and social destruction of the lives of huge numbers of people, as well. In NZ hundreds of millions of lives destroyed. Most people don't know it yet as the bill has not yet come in. It will.Replies: @acementhead
New Zealand had the most successful approach to Covid-19 among the Western countries: 398 cases per 1M and 5 deaths per 1M.
Oops “hundreds of millions”. No I meant hundreds of thousands[of course].
Just a bit of clarification, since you cited my statement without the important clause at its end and then seemed to incorrectly imply that I was only talking about confidence intervals and error bars.
Pretty much the first thing I learned in my post-graduate course on the History and Philosophy of Science was that it’s unlikely there is anything anywhere that can be unequivocably described as unadulterated fact, uncontaminated by the theory or theories used to obtain it.
Philosophers of science have spent many careers and many decades trying to come up with a consistent philosophy to replace empiricism […] What they do suggest is that you can’t do philosophy of science without knowing the history of science and that a little humility is always a good thing.
Pierre Duhem, right?
“As a result, we can talk about a continuum of sciences; at one extreme on the theoretical side is German science, or logicism, and at the other extreme on the experimental side is English science, or crude modelism. In the middle is French science, which allegedly tempers the logical bent with historicism.”
The HCQ phenomenon that the article by Joel Hirschhorn represents eventually will be resolved within a proper epistemology, however now as we see it it is a phenomenon belonging to the psychology of crowds. A mixture of paranoia, sense of persecution and rebellion against the power. It attracts feeble minds and emotionally unhinged. They are the first to charge the Bastille w/o much of an idea in what really they are participating.
The proper epistemology is consilience of evidence. The proper humane attitude is the desire to promote the best solution available. Because you recognize neither of these intellectual guideposts and generally behave as a troll, I conclude that you are either a Deep State hireling or revel in a borderline personality disorder. In either case not a worthwhile discussant.Replies: @utu
The HCQ phenomenon that the article by Joel Hirschhorn represents eventually will be resolved within a proper epistemology, however now as we see it it is a phenomenon belonging to the psychology of crowds. A mixture of paranoia, sense of persecution and rebellion against the power. It attracts feeble minds and emotionally unhinged. They are the first to charge the Bastille w/o much of an idea in what really they are participating.
Sorry @trickster, I skimmed over your post and mistook your sarcasm for sincerity. I had a good laugh the second time around.
Yes, you are correct. I guess I mistook his sarcasm for sincerity. My apologies to trickster. Thanks for advising me to give his post another look..
This man should be in prison for c rime aginst humanity. How he can look at hiomself in the mirror?
COVID kills people who are on 5 medications for various conditions. My brother, man after 2 heart attacks, recovered at home without any medication in 5 days. He said it was tough , but not worst then a bad flu.Â
Here again we see that black proxy warriors are exempt from restrictions. I thought everyone knew by now that fake Floyd and the cop had worked as bouncers at the same bar for years. This false flag “I can’t breathe” was real easy to spot.
All of these commenters keep bringing up flu numbers from different countries. Whats is hard to understand, that just as in Jewmerica these numbers are fake. The PCR test is fake (never intended for diagnostic use) and the covid 19 virus has not been isolated, purified nor identified as admitted by the criminal CDC. It is ridiculous to carry on about treatments for a fake virus that has never been proven, much less verified by the standard for pathogen determination, the Koch’s postulates.
Covid 19 as with all the other fake viruses including Fauchi’s great AIDS epidemic are propaganda weapons intended for the big mass of livestock, not the Zionist Jews own proxy warriors. The staged riots as well as the virus serve to deflect the goyim attention away from the massive banking cartel fraud for their Wall St. cronies as was done in 08. The virus is also a very effective means to condition all the barnyard animals to think that they need constant medical intervention and a heightened sense of apprehension and foreboding at all times because the “virus” may fall out of the sky and strike them down even when wearing the magic face diaper. All goyim must maintain constant vigilance. It is critically important to not wait until you actually feel sick. There is always the possibility that the insidious “virus” is lurking within. Don’t hesitate to get a fake PCR test, that way it will be confirmed that you are a covid victim wether sick or not.
It is reported that CIA director William Casey said: We will know we have succeeded when everything they believe is a lie. We are just about there. Everything the Zionist syndicate controlled government does is a lie and a fraud. But most of the livestock still believe. Many of them will continue to believe until the herd is finally driven into the Neo-feudal totalitarian tyranny of Agenda 21 where the battle to recover our individual liberty and unalienable rights will be much harder than it would be if the battle were taken up now.
Errr, sorry [but not too sorry], for being a bit enigmatic; I was trying to indicate that ‘belief’ should only be operational in the imaginary ‘spiritual’ domain, whereas I recognise only the ‘real’ world where things are ‘measurable,’ say. I do know about ‘confidence intervals’ and ‘error-bars’ etc., implying that although any real object is measurable, the measurement itself might look a bit fuzzy - but nevertheless still real. Then there's the quantum world in general [uncertainty principle, say] and QED in particular, which Feynman was tickled pink over, claiming something like ‘accurate to 14 decimal places!’
it’s unlikely there is anything anywhere that can be unequivocably described as unadulterated fact
Not in my book. See my work in my UR-archive on the PRRA inclusion [furin cleavage site], this is one of if not *the* key component that makes SARS-CoV-2 so diabolically infective. Recall here that I don't do ‘belief;’ it is my conviction based on my research into the available facts that the main if not only reason that Wuhan ‘went berserk’ towards elimination of the virus was triggered when they discovered then realised the critical importance of PRRA, which they interpreted as - ta ra! A bio-warfare attack in progress against them. rgdsReplies: @Peripatetic Itch, @Sparkon
The judgment is still out on where Covid-19 came from
Pretty much the first thing I learned in my post-graduate course on the History and Philosophy of Science was that it’s unlikely there is anything anywhere that can be unequivocably described as unadulterated fact, uncontaminated by the theory or theories used to obtain it.
Just a bit of clarification, since you cited my statement without the important clause at its end and then seemed to incorrectly imply that I was only talking about confidence intervals and error bars.
Until about the twentieth century what we call science today was called “natural philosophy” for very good reason, having to do with the humility of its practitioners, who recognized that knowledge, and its pursuit, were difficult and highly tentative processes. Its practitioners often spent long hours debating and discussing their theories and contributions to the advancement of knowledge.
Somewhere, however, a line of thought arose, called empiricism, that averred that science had become truly empirical, by which they meant there were in existence things we call indisputable facts and that as long as we paid homage to them our theories would develop into true knowledge. This notion engendered a certain arrogance, which allowed some of its adherents to claim they were the ones to be believed because only they adhered to the program. Long discussions gave way to gatekeeper models, where peer review (with all its problems) became the standard.
The empiricist program failed and was shown to be inadequate by historians and analysts, who clearly demonstrated that pretty much every so-called fact and every previous measurement depended on generally unstated theories used to decide the observation was a fact — on even the theories used to decide on the construction of the measuring instruments and the interpretation of their readings.
This is not merely an academic issue. Philosophers of science have spent many careers and many decades trying to come up with a consistent philosophy to replace empiricism, among them Popper’s falsificationism and Kuhn’s theory of scientific revolution. None have proved wholly adequate. What they do suggest is that you can’t do philosophy of science without knowing the history of science and that a little humility is always a good thing.
Not that I necessarily disagree with you about Covid-19. You make good points about the furin cleavage issue. The front-line doctors are, however, also doing good work in the matter of handling the epidemic. They may be just too busy to get into furin issues.
Pierre Duhem, right?
Philosophers of science have spent many careers and many decades trying to come up with a consistent philosophy to replace empiricism [...] What they do suggest is that you can’t do philosophy of science without knowing the history of science and that a little humility is always a good thing.
The HCQ phenomenon that the article by Joel Hirschhorn represents eventually will be resolved within a proper epistemology, however now as we see it it is a phenomenon belonging to the psychology of crowds. A mixture of paranoia, sense of persecution and rebellion against the power. It attracts feeble minds and emotionally unhinged. They are the first to charge the Bastille w/o much of an idea in what really they are participating.Replies: @Bert
"As a result, we can talk about a continuum of sciences; at one extreme on the theoretical side is German science, or logicism, and at the other extreme on the experimental side is English science, or crude modelism. In the middle is French science, which allegedly tempers the logical bent with historicism."
Thanks Bert. I had already responded to one of utu’s comments, before I saw this kind offer(first author, which I must regretfully decline). I think(not sure) that it’s the first reply that I’ve made to utu, so even though I’m an extreme materialist maybe I am in fact psychic.
Thanks for the links. The Bulgarian hospital claims that HCQ is both good in prophylaxis and in treatment. The implication of Swiss girls’ work is that HCQ is good in treatment. We have better studies that clearly show that HCQ is not effective in treatment.
Bulgarian paper. Possible objection: workers who did not take/refused HCQ perhaps could have reasons for it like having accompanying conditions or age that could later play a role in the outcome.
The Swiss weak signal data analysis is interesting but I would have to see the data first. For the period of time May and June daily deaths oscillated between three numbers: 0,1,2, so the data is very granular. I could not find the daily recovered cases to see how much it oscillates and what impact that would have on the ratio. But more important issue is how do we know whether Swiss throughout all their hospitals were giving or not giving HCQ in the periods the Swiss girls focus on.
New Zealand had the most successful approach to Covid-19 among the Western countries: 398 cases per 1M and 5 deaths per 1M.
A low-intellect, youngish woman(Ardern), would agree with you on that but a high-intellect mature polymath-male would disagree strongly. There are many other factors to consider other than just raw deaths. QALY for an obvious start, economic destruction wrought by the mad “lockdown(s)” , and social destruction of the lives of huge numbers of people, as well. In NZ hundreds of millions of lives destroyed. Most people don’t know it yet as the bill has not yet come in. It will.
Not only that, I’ll give you first author position when you handle the rebuttals to Dr. Petulance, our friend utu.
Hi Bert, I have an identity of view with you on all that you write on this topic, so I respectfully request that you list me as co-author on all your comments. This will save me a lot of time. TIA
French people tend to laugh at the obesity of Brits (a relatively new phenomenon) but the COVID19 death rate in France is comparable to UK's - Belgium has one of the highest rates in Europe (if not the world) at 1186 per million - by comparison Holland has 485 and Luxembourg 329 per million population.
Obesity, and the diabetes that goes with it, are among the accepted co-morbidities driving Covid risk.
Belgium has one of the highest rates in Europe (if not the world) at 1186 per million
So even in Belgium hardly anyone is dying(1186 per million).
The only sensible way to measure the impact of any illness(apart from economic, and pain and suffering) is Quality-Adjusted Life-Years lost(commonly known as QALY), not raw “deaths”. This has been studiedly ignored in the case of covid for the obvious reason that it shows covid to be utterly irrelevant to society at large. The death and misery caused by the “lockdown”(due to the economic damage, as well as the direct social damage), will, I think, be two orders of magnitude worse than no lockdown.
Here’s another obscure journal reference to feed your negativism.
Re Switzerland, I wasn’t handwaving. I was giving you a tip about something you could Google if interested. Too much effort huh? Well, here is the story and the graph.
It doesn’t take a rigorous mathematical analysis to determine whether a light goes on when a switch is flipped. And off when it’s flipped back to the original position. It takes common sense.
Hey Johnny Walker Read I suggest you give trickster’s comment another shot. I’ve looked at your comments and you are on the same side in this matter. By the end of the first paragraph I was going to stop reading, but for some reason I continued a bit. The whole thing is heavy irony and very funny later on. I have truly not laughed as much at any other comment on UNZ.
Thanks trickster.
“Who was president from 1949 to 1952? Dewey?”
I can help you here Mike; it was the same guy who was president from 1949 to 1953, who also happened to be president from 1945 to 1951. His name was Harry Truman and he was a war criminal without a university degree.
rThat's odd----I seem to recall that FDR's death has something to do with Truman becoming Prez.Also, the internment of Japanese Americans started in 1942 with FDR's EO 9066---a few years before his demise.Replies: @Skeptikal
Don’t forget when shabbos goy Truman was placed in power by the Jews, they set up the Office of Alien Property under the Zionist Jews Bazelon and Pritzker. 120,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry were rounded up and thrown in concentration camps in the desert and millions in businesses and property (today worth billions) were seized and sold off to their Jew buddies for pennies on the dolla
True that the internment started in 1942.
But I think the “fire sale” of these properties, spearheaded by Judge David Bazelon, a Northwestern-rained lawyer who was associated with Chicago’s “Outfit,” did not start until the war’s end.
From Wikiwand (https://www.wikiwand.com/en/David_L._Bazelon):
“He was an Assistant United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois from 1935 to 1946.[1] He then worked as the United States Assistant Attorney General for the Public Lands Division of the United States Department of Justice from 1946 until June 1, 1947, when he moved to Alien Property,[5] where he remained until he became a judge.[6]”
Plenty of questions raised in this entry, with links.
The Jewish Chicago Mob had a big role to play and made out big. See Gus Russo, “Supermob.”
More here:
A Google search for David Bazelon gets mainly anodyne encomiums, even though his execrable role in the sale of interned persons’ property, businesses, also patents (of Americans of German descent) is notorious and has been written about extensively and in detail.
Bazelon mentored Alan Dershowitz.
Fair enough but we still have to otherwise explain the excess deaths taking place in each country and in each season this past year - particularly since there has been no particularly virulent strain of flu yet reported.I was in the ICU of a busy UK hospital during the bad 2018 flu season and, as often happens, there were trolleys with patients all down the halls and the staff were at their wits' end (as I soon found). A relative who works there tells me that the situation today is far worse and that some extremely tough decisions are having to be made, based on triage.Replies: @utu
Belgium is very liberal in assigning covid-19 as a cause of death while Germany is very conservative.
Excess deaths and the official Covid-19 deaths stats should be compared for each country. Which country has the largest discrepancy between the excess deaths and Covid-19 deaths? The discrepancy is a proxy for data noise measure and should be used in studies where deaths per capita is correlated with all kinds of variables that try to explain mortality differences like: pop. density, age demographics, comorbidity prevalence, number of hospital beds, temperatures, BCG vaccine or HCQ and so on.
The explanation for mild/low flu in 2020, imo, is due to countermeasure undertaken against the covid-19. Social distancing and universal masking work against the flu. It is possible, that the Big Phram does not want us to know it as they rather push vaccines and drugs, This may explain why WHO and CCD were dragging feet about masking in the beginning of the epidemic until a complete turnaround in Sept:
“CDC director Robert Redfield said face masks may be more effective than a vaccine in preventing individual coronavirus infectionsâ€
The anti-vaxxers should rejoice except they also happen to be anti-maskers.
You’re onto something there. If Covid is such a serious threat to public health why weren’t those riots viciously suppressed? Most viciously. Ruthlessly! Why, why, why?
Belgium is very liberal in assigning covid-19 as a cause of death while Germany is very conservative.
Fair enough but we still have to otherwise explain the excess deaths taking place in each country and in each season this past year – particularly since there has been no particularly virulent strain of flu yet reported.
I was in the ICU of a busy UK hospital during the bad 2018 flu season and, as often happens, there were trolleys with patients all down the halls and the staff were at their wits’ end (as I soon found). A relative who works there tells me that the situation today is far worse and that some extremely tough decisions are having to be made, based on triage.
The anti-vaxxers should rejoice except they also happen to be anti-maskers.
“CDC director Robert Redfield said face masks may be more effective than a vaccine in preventing individual coronavirus infectionsâ€
Yeah funny that, they probably like to eat. Scientists who don't go along with the climate fraud lose their jobs. So do doctors who don't go along with the Covid fraud.
(shy authors refused to sign their names)
New Zealand had the most successful approach to Covid-19 among the Western countries: 398 cases per 1M and 5 deaths per 1M.
Though Kiwis are not as good as Taiwan with 25 cases per 1M and 0.3 deaths per 1M. Taiwan began monitoring flights from Wuhan already on Dec. 31, 2019. Then it followed with the universals masking and very strict and effective tracking and quarantining policy. People spreading false rumors (It’s just a flu! or “Masks kill people!) were fined and/or arrested. No covidiots in Taiwan!
A low-intellect, youngish woman(Ardern), would agree with you on that but a high-intellect mature polymath-male would disagree strongly. There are many other factors to consider other than just raw deaths. QALY for an obvious start, economic destruction wrought by the mad "lockdown(s)" , and social destruction of the lives of huge numbers of people, as well. In NZ hundreds of millions of lives destroyed. Most people don't know it yet as the bill has not yet come in. It will.Replies: @acementhead
New Zealand had the most successful approach to Covid-19 among the Western countries: 398 cases per 1M and 5 deaths per 1M.
French people tend to laugh at the obesity of Brits (a relatively new phenomenon) but the COVID19 death rate in France is comparable to UK's - Belgium has one of the highest rates in Europe (if not the world) at 1186 per million - by comparison Holland has 485 and Luxembourg 329 per million population.
Obesity, and the diabetes that goes with it, are among the accepted co-morbidities driving Covid risk.
As you correctly argue the deaths per capita metric is not a signal from which HCQ effect can be extracted. Germany and Belgium are good examples. Belgium is very liberal in assigning covid-19 as a cause of death while Germany is very conservative.
Belgian officials say they are counting in a way that no other country in the world is currently doing: counting deaths in hospitals and care homes, but including deaths in care homes that are suspected, not confirmed, as Covid-19 cases.
What you are saying about Switzerland and HCQ does not qualify as a scientific evidence. It would require a rigorous mathematical analysis. Hand waving YT presentation won’t do.
The unsigned document that made an attempt at being mathematically rigorous has a fatal flaw because it uses cherry picked data and assumes death per capita as a proxy for IFR.
The only data point that supports the view that HCQ is effective in prophylaxis is the Indian paper in an obscure journal of marine medicine in India. If HCQ is indeed being used on large scale in India one would expect more results than that from one hospital where medical staff was taking HCQ.
Fauci is and has been a Fraud. Fraud Fauci has killed more people than anyone, other than a nation. His fraudulent works under the auspices ‘curing AIDS/HIV should have earned him a death sentence.
Well, the U.S. is rated as having the third most obese population in the world, behind only Turkey and Mexico. Obesity, and the diabetes that goes with it, are among the accepted co-morbidities driving Covid risk.
Are these two factors sufficient to explain the profound differences in outcome?
Obesity, and the diabetes that goes with it, are among the accepted co-morbidities driving Covid risk.
French people tend to laugh at the obesity of Brits (a relatively new phenomenon) but the COVID19 death rate in France is comparable to UK’s – Belgium has one of the highest rates in Europe (if not the world) at 1186 per million – by comparison Holland has 485 and Luxembourg 329 per million population.
I think quality of healthcare and capacity of healthcare to cope are key factors and could help to explain why Germany, for example, has a COVID19 death rate which is only one tenth of Belgium’s (114 deaths per million). I do not know how the use of HCQ plays into these numbers but my impression is not too significantly.
Also, we see in UK for example (and definitely elsewhere) a significant number of deaths are happening in care homes – which begs the so far unanswered question “Why the Hell aren’t these people being sent to hospital where there will be intensive care facilities which might save them?”
Belgian officials say they are counting in a way that no other country in the world is currently doing: counting deaths in hospitals and care homes, but including deaths in care homes that are suspected, not confirmed, as Covid-19 cases.
So even in Belgium hardly anyone is dying(1186 per million).
Belgium has one of the highest rates in Europe (if not the world) at 1186 per million
(1) Two groups of countries are compared: (Group A) Limited Early HCQ and (Group B) Widespread Early HCQ
Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine: a country-based analysis
August 5, 2020 (Version 34, November 10, 2020)
The unsigned document you highlight obviously does not use the cleanest methods to answer whether a signal for HCQ’s ability to treat Covid exists. Too many uncontrolled variables. However, the natural experiment that took place in Switzerland had a clear outcome. Before the Surgisphere fraud and WHO’s recommendation not to use HCQ, Switzerland was using the drug and had a low death rate. After WHO’s warning, Switzerland stopped using HCQ and the death rate rose immediately. After the Surgisphere-based Lancet paper was withdrawn because Surgisphere would not produce the data it was supposedly based on, Switzerland began using HCQ again and the death rate dropped back to where it was before WHO’s warning. Unethical if done purposely, but quite a signal for the efficacy of HCQ.
The most effective method of preventing contracting the Chinese flu is to join Antifa or BLM. Their members are immune to the Chinese flu. Proof: With their actions toward participants in Antifa and BLM protests and riots, “our†Democratic leaders declare they are immune. If their beloved Antifa and BLM were not immuned, these Democratic leaders would limit the crowd of the protesters to 10 or 25 people, demand that they remain at least six feet apart, and wear face coverings. Since these Democratic leaders do not demand Antifa and BLM protesters to follow these edicts, they know that their beloved Antifa and BLM cannot become infected with the Chinese flu.
Yeah, Drs. Tyson and Zelenko are not as smooth as Fauci, but they presumably have no reason to misrepresent the facts.
Zelenko’s Twitter has a link to a peer-reviewed paper he wrote from data on his patients whom he treated with HCQ and zinc and Z-pak.
Other links to studies and meta-analysis on early treatment with HCQ and Ivermectin.
Tweets by CovidAnalysis
IMO in the USA family physicians have been intimidated into not prescribing safe repurposed drugs at the first sign of Covid symptoms. There is a lot of blood on the hands of many people who make their living from medical practice and public health.
This article is misleading us all about Dr Fauci, his abilities and the way he has handled this epidemic or pandemic. His profound intelligence, steady hand, medical experience and unerring actions have saved millions of lives. From the very beginning although Corona cases doubled, tripled and quadrupled the death rate was an immaterial fraction when compared to total population. Many of the people who died from Corona were in essence already very sick from some other deadly disease but to suggest that Corona was not the cause of their demise and that the deaths from Corona are false and misleading is itself false and deceitful.
Look, even Anatoli KArlin predicted millions of deaths and his graphs, charts and data proved this was a very likely possibility. Karlin’s daily updates and statistics from every country, even those no one had ever heard of and could not locate on Google map tracked this devastating disease down to even Hamlet level.
Since this disaster was avoided it only goes to prove.that detractors of both Fauci and Karlin (who assert they are both village idiots, assholes and full of shit ) were wrong.
I heard that one incident made a deep impression on Fauci. In Hong Kong, a Chinaman taking a shit on the 15th floor and flushing the crapper, inadvertently spread the virus to another Chinaman on the 6th floor. The autopsy showed that the virus escaped through the sewer pipes and invaded through the anus. Dr Fauci immediately advocated the use of more toilet paper (readers will remember the resulting toilet paper wars) and the use of masks and gloves but not condoms.
Karlin even took to brandishing a big sword and washing his thrift store clothes several times a day in further attempts to ward off attacking germs.
How anyone could admonish these two experts (and they are just two among many) is frankly quite beyond me. Calling them dickheads, jackasses, dunces, idiots and outright c*nts is neither useful nor tasteful.
They are to be venerated, respected and thanked for saving mankind from extinction !