Kiriakou misreads the meaning of the key paragraph in the New York Times’ article.
It’s at this point in the article that the Times reveals what I believe to be the buried lead: “Now these intelligence networks are more important than ever, as Russia is on the offensive and Ukraine is more dependent on sabotage and long-range missile strikes that require spies far behind enemy lines. ”
( it then continues )
And they are increasingly at risk: “If Republicans in Congress end military funding to Kiev, the CIA may have to scale back.†(Emphasis mine.)
So the writers are worried that ending military funding will result in the reduction of sabotage and long-range missile strikes by Ukraine. But they say in the first part that Russia is on the offensive, ie winning. In a large scale conventional war – which is what this is – the Ukrainian tactics of sabotage, terrorist attacks on civilians and intermittent missile attacks are not successful tactics. They are nothing more than pinpricks.
I think the first part is preparing NYT readers – the small minority not completely brainwashed – for Ukrainian defeat. As the article is a CIA sponsored promotional, the hacks have to put an unconvincing gloss on this. Hence the second part. Millions will be crying because those bad Republicans stopped CIA sabotage in Russia. We wish.
I see Sweden like Denmark have closed down their investigation into one of the largest sabotage efforts in human history because they couldn’t find anything…who did they get to head the investigation…Inspector Jacques Clouseau?
CIA naturally wants to keep the war going. They have a puerile concept of all’s fair in war based on their “plausible deniability” fig leaf. But that fig leaf blew away with UNTOC ratification, and CIA’s grave or serious crimes have no national security protection.
This also explains their frenzy for the arbitrary detention of Julian Assange. Assange exposed CIA crimes with no statute of limitations, as Fitzgerald pointed out pointedly.
CIA dead-enders are in some deep shit. The lawmen have got the house surrounded.
Marlowe, Gina, Avril, Brennan, Blee, all those vermin gonna swing.
The author admittedly says he spend 15 years in the CIA, I wonder what else is on his resume?
That article justifies Russian intervention.
The CIA has been in Ukraine since 1945 after it took over the Nazi intelligence group for the Soviet Union. Details here:
the cia is the news, the mighty wurlitzer accompanying the mocking bird chorus, is all there is, in the mainstream. 6 corporations totally controlling the national narrative, driving dark agendas, shaping minds as well as policies and manufacturing consent. that’s just what they do, the only journalism left is independent and buried deep, to insure that you will have to do a deep dive to find them. most people can’t swim and are happy splashing around in the kiddy pool of the msm.
the fourth estate has been given a promotion, to fifth column.
Good to see not only the CIA but the Establishment’s servile The New York Times called out by newer voices here. See also, The CIA in Ukraine — the NY Times Gets a Guided Tour (Patrick Lawrence • February 29, 2024) for a closer look at the “journalism.â€
It’s gotten sickening to live in this Empire of Lies and have to sort through all the lying, fabrication, deception and false flags to try to gain an understanding of what’s happening. It appears that Russian sources provide more accurate accounts than the highly budgeted Western media. This isn’t helped by the fact that most of my fellow citizens make a minimal effort to scout out the facts and prefer to watch the crappy media entertainment shows cranked out daily. Everything has a propaganda twist as CIA helps ‘Ukraine’ fight ‘Putin’. The breakaway eastern regions of Ukraine were Ukrainian citizens and thus Ukrainians themselves so it was Ukrainian vs Ukrainian until the latter decided to exit that dysfunctional dictatorial state run by murderous gangsters. I guess it helps the narrative to personalize things and attribute it all to just one person in the form of Putin which plays into the short attention span of most people along with the demonization campaign.
Good to see a US prisoner of conscience here to call out CIA crime. This puff piece will help Russia convict and hang Marlowe at the postwar tribunal in Khabarovsk. The judge there will be the first guy to ask, Who thought it was a good idea to breach absolute sanctified rule of law with armed foreign interference? And who thought up extermination of Russophone minorities? And systematic and widespread torture of POWs? And medical experimentation for germ warfare? And sabotage of macro-scale regional infrastructure?
CIA branched out all its core lines of business in Ukraine, gunrunning, sabotage, banned biological weapons, systematic murder and torture. These fuckin psychos are gonna get us nuked. You can try and hang them yourself for their gravest crimes, or let Russia do it when you’re just a shadow on concrete.
Goes to show you why the Russians sent in columns to overthrow the Jew King of Kiev.
Also how easily Lira could have been bundled back to the US.
Also why spooks like John Johnson are so insolently invested in continuing the supply of arms.