Maybe things are not that bad after all.
what are the chances they’d make him the new pope?
So maybe the ex-Christian West will one day wake up and make a liberating stand from underneath the yoke of the PTB.
Check this article Rurik by Vigano. Maybe things are not that bad after all.
So maybe the ex-Christian West will one day wake up and make a liberating stand from underneath the yoke of the PTB.
Reply at post 216. Sorry I missed pressing the reply button.
So you would agree with the present “pope” that homosexuals and LGBTQXYZ types should be “honored” or celebrated in the Catholic Church? I don’t think so.
“Papal “infallibility†is supposed to apply to doctrinal pronouncements, nothing more. Being a pre-Vatican II “cradle Catholic†I cannot accept the concept of papal infallibility, even in matters of doctrine, especially with the present “popeâ€.”
This doctrine was established well before Vatican II. If you reject that cannon, it is hard to comprehend how one can be Catholic.
“To make it clear to the US and NATO that they are unable to respond in any meaningful way, I’d wipe out the US contingent in Syria to punctuate their impotence while surfacing nuclear armed submarines off the US’s east coast. Russia needs to send the US and NATO a big fuck you.”
Give it a whirl . . . it is a two way street.
Papal “infallibility” is supposed to apply to doctrinal pronouncements, nothing more. Being a pre-Vatican II “cradle Catholic” I cannot accept the concept of papal infallibility, even in matters of doctrine, especially with the present “pope”.
The present “pope” is attempting to somewhat normalize homosexuality and other deviant “lifestyles” which is a grave error and cannot be allowed to occur.
The Vatican II Ecumenical Council was a coup by jews and Protestants and has done more to damage the Church than just about any other act. Of course, the homosexual pedophilia clergy problem was a mortal (but not fatal) blow as well but has been addressed and dealt with.
It will be the traditional pre-Vatican II Catholic Church that will lead Catholics out of the present morass.
That Russia had no choice isn’t true. As a nuclear nation with the most advanced delivery systems, it is immune to attack except in a world ending scenario. It could have used that immunity to keep NATO/US as adjunct players by decimating Ukraine’s oligarchy and military using all its might instead of the idiotic police action. Russia is responsible for their bungling and all the harm it has caused.
With that water under the bridge, I want Russia to finish off the Ukraine mafia with as little collateral damage as possible to civilians. It was and is Russia’s timid and half assed response that is making nuclear war more likely. If I were in Putin’s shoes, I’d now do what he should have done at the outset. To make it clear to the US and NATO that they are unable to respond in any meaningful way, I’d wipe out the US contingent in Syria to punctuate their impotence while surfacing nuclear armed submarines off the US’s east coast. Russia needs to send the US and NATO a big fuck you.
A late reply – It’s them or us when it comes to going up against the One World Order and their bought off proxies. Diplomacy and negotiations are laughed at in the Western Control Centers. Russia had no other choice- either except the Russian speaking people in Ukraine being Genocided or the Russian military would take out Ukraine , which is without a doubt a US/Nato Army – trained, funded, armed, and all the war plans are made in the USA. I don’t see Russia losing this war unless the unhinged USA or their puppet states start flinging nukes. Then – you might be in the right place – for awhile that is.
“I think God has chosen the rock upon which He will break Satan’s armies and dash them asunder.”
You might actually want to read Revelations.
Quote: “Is there any chance that such a man as this, might be exalted to important heights at the Vatican, if there’s a general revolt against the Globohomo trajectory?“
The “infallible†Pope took without a peep the severe and open criticism of bishop Vigano in an eleven page document in the rehabilitation of Cardinal McCarrick, despite the latter’s homosexuality and after Benedictus XVI had discharged him out of all his duties and ordered him to a life of prayer and penitence. The reason for Francis’s timidity was that Vigano was willing to butt heads with the Catholic Church’s corrupt hierarchy to the point of creating a new schism to fight the globalist and homosexual powers within. Vigano’s defiance does indeed give folks who are on our side some hope that things cannot slide the fiend’s way.
And I agree with you that it looks like the Russian Orthodox Church is the rock on which the ship of globalism and degeneracy will get run aground.
Wow Joe,
So there is one.
That is very good news, because I was sort of losing heart there. If there’s one, there’s got to be many more, and it looks like the man has some friends too, (and enemies!)
I see he’s also telling the truth about Ukraine.
Is there any chance that such a man as this, might be exalted to important heights at the Vatican, if there’s a general revolt against the Globohomo trajectory?
If so, that would be an incredible sign of some shred of hope.
As you can, (I hope) tell, I don’t want to dismiss the Christian religion or Christians as hopelessly distracted by charlatans on the pulpits, and doomed to be ‘busily engaged in heaping up their own funeral pyres’. It breaks my heart to see that, and your brave and honorable Archbishop gives some hope.
So maybe the ex-Christian West will one day wake up and make a liberating stand from underneath the yoke of the PTB.
I think God has chosen the rock upon which He will break Satan’s armies and dash them asunder.
If the Christians, (who'd just been subjected to sub-human ISIS rape gangs and literally crucifixions for their faith, unleashed upon them by Israel and the ((West)), are not willing to point out their tormentor - ZOG, then at what point is a Christian allowed or willing to speak out against the devil that is murdering their people?Obviously Joe, I'm trying to spark a conversation about this. I care about what is happening to the Christian world, but yet it seems that someone like myself, who does not consider myself a pious and practicing Christian, but who hails from those traditions, was raised in it, and more to the point, loves the people and heritage and culture from whence Christianity sprung, and does not want to see it all die, ((be murdered)).But how can Christianity save the Christians, if its leaders, to a man and women, all bow in fealty to anti-Christ (ZOG)?And yes, there are a few Christian leaders who do righteously speak out against ZOG's wars, but then when it comes to ZOG's other imperative of mass-immigration and ethnic inundation of all (even putatively) white / Christian nations, doomed to eventual genocide, they all speak with the thunderous sound of crickets. Cowed and terrified of being called a 'racist'. Is there any hope for Christianity, if modern Christians embrace a return to Moorish Spain? Occasionally I'll listen to the radio preachers when I'm driving, and it's amazing the stuff you'll hear. Like a caller calls in, and asks about Muslim immigration. And the preacher tells him it's great, because it's going to give Christians an opportunity to proselytize Christianity to these Somalis and Afghans and others, who might not otherwise have that opportunity. And I'm dumbstruck. Is there anyone who thinks your typical Afghan or Somali is going to embrace a rotting religion, that increasingly embraces the LGBTQ agenda? Just the other day another radio preacher was explaining that the modern threat to Christianity and Israel, (he considers them one and the same), is from Russia, who, (believe it or not) is breeding horses to win the post-apocalyptic war when Israel will be vulnerable because Russia will have destroyed all modern technology. And the horses, (in compliance with Biblical predictions) will be instrumental in the war of the Apocalypse. It's like they get their sermons and talking points directly from ZOG. Where are the good ones? Just thinking about that question, what popped into my mind, was Brother Nathanial. It seems to me he's the only Christian leader that has the nads and integrity to speak the truth about what ails our world. (what does that say about Gentile Christians, {for God's sake!}) is the private jet given as a gift to Jerry Falwell from the government of Israel.Falwell's son has also turned out to be a lascivious pervert and corrupt scoundrel. I don't point that out as a blanket condemnation of Christian preachers, among whom there are plenty of sincere and good men. But I just don't see anywhere among their ranks, any kind of mettle or fortitude to rally Christians to survive what they're enemies are busily arranging for them - a depraved and cruel humiliation and genocide. As our congress gushes over Bibi like clapping seals, knowing he knew about 9/11Is there no depth of grotesque obeisance and betrayal our 'leaders' won't slink down to, in order to lick shekels from their gnarled hands? @Joe Levantine
Such a church(es) can be found in Syria. But then it would be too much for anyone to preach against the fiend for an audience that has endured the worst of what evil can befall.
I sure cannot argue with what you wrote in your post. We have often written and discussed Christian decadence, especially in the Catholic Church, which is rotting from the head down. Only when we realize the magnitude of the infiltration of Masons among the cardinals of Vatican City, we stop wondering about the decay in an institution that has survived against tough odds for close to two thousand years.
Quote: “ Just thinking about that question, what popped into my mind, was Brother Nathanial.
It seems to me he’s the only Christian leader that has the nads and integrity to speak the truth about what ails our world.â€
Well I have always admired the tenacity and the courage of Brother Nathaniel. But I know a no less bold Christian rebel who is none other than Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, whose gallant stand on many issues, including the vaccines, the Canadian truckers’ revolt, and the current Pope’s politics, gives a ray of hope to this Catholic Church that has been cowed by the Zionists’ media and financial power.
But I will leave on a positive note, while assuring you that I am not attempting to preach, by quoting from the New Testament 16:18: And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus said these words to the disciple who denied him but that same disciple finally accepted martyrdom for the sake of his Master’s message. So maybe the ex-Christian West will one day wake up and make a liberating stand from underneath the yoke of the PTB.
So maybe the ex-Christian West will one day wake up and make a liberating stand from underneath the yoke of the PTB.
i cannot imagine a civilization deserves to survive if you forsake your Apostles, mock their writing by openly capitulating
do the grahams falwells steen need bystander therapy
its the federally funded gravy train migrant inroads. our soul institutions selling out
I'd like to posit a hypothetical
My take is that hardcore freedom-lovers would be at around 10% of the population here in the ruptured republic. However the quiet ones would more than double the total to maybe a quarter of the whole.
Tulsi getting more than a tenth of the votes in such a race would depend on the hypothetical premise
of those states currently keeping 3rd party candidates off the ballot. From that point, people would need to vote according to their hearts rather than responding to their greed.
Some individuals dear to me have been so imprinted by the Main$cream Media and all that, have essentially become hypnotized and zombified…perhaps some rude awakenings of manifold possibility would work wonders with those who are close to their hearts…with exceptions of politics and cultural divisions.
is there a Christian church anywhere on the planet, that would, (if not agree with me) assert my right to declare from the pulpit; 'that modern Israel is an abomination against God, and everything that is holy, decent and righteous'.
is it possible to have a christian national movement without a pre-requisite blasphemy barrier
Are there any adherents of The Traditional Roman Catholic Church operating anywhere in the Western world today that would agree with Saint Isabella I of Castile; that huge and influential numbers of African and Arab Muslims and hostile Jews have no place in Christendom? And that if they are invading in transformational numbers, that they need to be removed, hopefully by gentle means, but otherwise, perhaps not so much?
…deserves an honest answer.
The Traditional Roman Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) sects that are presently still operating are one choice.
Staying up with the Catlicks, the Lootern Social Services in Minnesota brought in masses of Somalis. These Roman originated cults have misinterpreted the teachings of our great spiritual teacher, Jesus. For example, the Gospel of Thomas was not allowed into Constantine’s Bible because he emphasized the spiritual side of the Christed One. He was one of the 12 disciples, for Heaven’s sake.
Those who still believe the written words, rather than follow the spirit of their hearts should begin their personal recovery by reading ALL those scriptures demoted to Apocrypha by Rome…beginning with Thomas. In fact a good place to begin such studies would be St.Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota.
it appears Ms Gabbard is compromised just like the FL governor.
I couldn’t say, but at least she seems sincere
and consider that I did specify hypothetical
FWIW, I would find it discordant to see her get (s)elected to office, only to betray every word she’s said, and every tenet of decency she’s given passionate voice to, and her fellow members of the military, and all the people who supported and voted for her, only to turn into a ZOG-bot and foist more illegal wars.
That would be one hell of a betrayal, but I wouldn’t blame the people she tricked, I’d blame her.
none of the PNAC masterminds saw any blowback from the People
the us military and usintel must be cleansed of the evident subversion, a deliberate lawlessness
the talmudist insurrection carries no penalty for a systematic assault on national sovereignity based on the New Testament
respect for legacy becomes a blasphemy issue
the extremist charges must be inverted
how does the holocaust remembrance compuslion cause the negation of christian legacy. it appears to be a cultural and financial fraud
denying the holocaust is a crime. but widespread obscenity pornography, sabotage of schools courts , hospitals universities court coupled with (pcr) de-platforming a civilization is managed with official tolerance. Congress sellout to the banksters is not treated as a national security urgency even when a nuclear threat exists and a financial meltdown is being promoted as a sanctioned destruction aka 666 build back better
it appears Ms Gabbard is compromised just like the FL governor. Voting and politics may be traded for a punitive blowback against the bankster diktat based on theologic dishonest and wholesale subversion
I couldn't say, but at least she seems sincere
it appears Ms Gabbard is compromised just like the FL governor.
My take is that hardcore freedom-lovers would be at around 10% of the population here in the ruptured republic. However the quiet ones would more than double the total to maybe a quarter of the whole.
I’d like to posit a hypothetical
Let’s pretend that Tulsi Gabbard is universally known to be an honest person, who simply wants to return America to its Constitutional constraints and the actual Rule of Law.
She will bring the troops home, and only use military force when justified and authorized by congressional resolution. The ‘Defense’ budget will be eviscerated to a tiny fraction of its size, the CIA and FBI and DEA and all those other organs of federal corruption and tyranny, will be disbanded.
All Americans, of every creed or ethnicity or proclivity, will all be treated exactly the same.
The borders will be secured, the Fed printing press will be reined in, and (remember, this is hypothetical) all corruption and graft will be ended forthwith.
If you want to live in a liberal state that allows for abortion and euthanasia and unfettered access to drugs and so forth, the states will be free to create for their citizens, the kind of society they want to live in. Just as conversely so too will conservative people be able to vote with their feet, and seek out conservative states in the republic.
Okay, now, how would the American people vote, if they had the alternative of Democrat Gavin Newsom vs. Republican Glenn Youngkin.
(pretending that the election would be fair, of course ; )
forget how the media would be pulling out its hair that Gabbart is Hitler! and Osama Bin Laden! rolled into one.
What would the American people choose in such a scenario?
Would the liberals and conservatives gravitate towards their respective special interests of racial spoils and identity politics, vs. abortion fundamentalism and USA! militarism ~ respectively, and thereby reject Tulsi’s option of a fair nation that doesn’t pick winners and losers?
Are there simply too many who are locked onto the teat of the government slop trough, to risk losing shekels, in a nation of pigs with their snouts too deep in the slop to risk an honest government for once in their lives?
In a hypothetical three way race, do you think Tulsi would even get 10% of the vote?
Such a church(es) can be found in Syria. But then it would be too much for anyone to preach against the fiend for an audience that has endured the worst of what evil can befall.
If the Christians, (who’d just been subjected to sub-human ISIS rape gangs and literally crucifixions for their faith, unleashed upon them by Israel and the ((West)), are not willing to point out their tormentor – ZOG, then at what point is a Christian allowed or willing to speak out against the devil that is murdering their people?
Obviously Joe, I’m trying to spark a conversation about this.
I care about what is happening to the Christian world, but yet it seems that someone like myself, who does not consider myself a pious and practicing Christian, but who hails from those traditions, was raised in it, and more to the point, loves the people and heritage and culture from whence Christianity sprung, and does not want to see it all die, ((be murdered)).
But how can Christianity save the Christians, if its leaders, to a man and women, all bow in fealty to anti-Christ (ZOG)
And yes, there are a few Christian leaders who do righteously speak out against ZOG’s wars, but then when it comes to ZOG’s other imperative of mass-immigration and ethnic inundation of all (even putatively) white / Christian nations, doomed to eventual genocide, they all speak with the thunderous sound of crickets. Cowed and terrified of being called a ‘racist’.
Is there any hope for Christianity, if modern Christians embrace a return to Moorish Spain?
Occasionally I’ll listen to the radio preachers when I’m driving, and it’s amazing the stuff you’ll hear.
Like a caller calls in, and asks about Muslim immigration. And the preacher tells him it’s great, because it’s going to give Christians an opportunity to proselytize Christianity to these Somalis and Afghans and others, who might not otherwise have that opportunity.
And I’m dumbstruck. Is there anyone who thinks your typical Afghan or Somali is going to embrace a rotting religion, that increasingly embraces the LGBTQ agenda?
Just the other day another radio preacher was explaining that the modern threat to Christianity and Israel, (he considers them one and the same), is from Russia, who, (believe it or not) is breeding horses to win the post-apocalyptic war when Israel will be vulnerable because Russia will have destroyed all modern technology. And the horses, (in compliance with Biblical predictions) will be instrumental in the war of the Apocalypse.
It’s like they get their sermons and talking points directly from ZOG.
Where are the good ones?
Just thinking about that question, what popped into my mind, was Brother Nathanial.
It seems to me he’s the only Christian leader that has the nads and integrity to speak the truth about what ails our world.
(what does that say about Gentile Christians, {for God’s sake!})
that is the private jet given as a gift to Jerry Falwell from the government of Israel.
Falwell’s son has also turned out to be a lascivious pervert and corrupt scoundrel.
I don’t point that out as a blanket condemnation of Christian preachers, among whom there are plenty of sincere and good men. But I just don’t see anywhere among their ranks, any kind of mettle or fortitude to rally Christians to survive what they’re enemies are busily arranging for them – a depraved and cruel humiliation and genocide.
As our congress gushes over Bibi like clapping seals, knowing he knew about 9/11
Is there no depth of grotesque obeisance and betrayal our ‘leaders’ won’t slink down to, in order to lick shekels from their gnarled hands?
nearly every institution based on a tolerant faith have caved to the mic-prison-biopharma complex.
what good is that institution based on faith, if it doesn’t have the spiritual vigor to resist evil?
What good is modern Christianity, if in every case as a modern institution, it embraces anti-Christ?
How can an honest Christian leader, and man of principles and integrity, stand next to a practicing Orthodox Jew, and declare that they are both members of the ‘Judaeo/Christian tradition’, and religion, (something you hear constantly these days) when the Christian knows that the Jew considers his God(and the fount of all goodness and justice and life itself) to be boiling in human feces in Hell for all eternity, and more to the point, that the Jew considers that not only to be Jesus’ eternal fate, but that He deserves that fate.
(I’m not making that up, btw)
What could possibly be a more humiliating state of affairs?
‘See Mike, it says it right there.’ (It’s even in Wiki)
Sanhedrin 43a[79] relates the trial and execution of a sorcerer named Jesus (Yeshu in Hebrew) and his five disciples. The sorcerer is stoned and hanged on the Eve of Passover.[80]
Sanhedrin 107[81] tells of a Jesus (“Yeshu”) who “offended his teacher by paying too much attention to the inn-keeper’s wife. Jesus wished to be forgiven, but [his rabbi] was too slow to forgive him, and Jesus in despair went away and put up a brick [idol] and worshipped it.”[82]
In Gittin 56b and 57a,[83] a story is told in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of a Yeshu who sought to harm Israel. He describes his punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.[84][85]
His mother’s true name was Miriam, and “Stada” is an epithet which derives from the Hebrew/Aramaic root sat.ah/sete’ (“to deviate from the right path, to go astray, to be unfaithful”). In other words, his mother Miriam was also called “Stada” because she was a sotah, a woman suspected, or rather convicted, of adultery.”[59]
‘so you see Pence, your ‘God’ was nothing but a skirt-chasing, adulterous, brick-worshiping cretin, and his mother a whore. Now, don’t you want to go back over to that wall, and touch it with supreme reverence, and pray for penance for all the crimes you Christians and your false-god have perpetrated upon us divine and chosen Jewish people for two thousand years?
does that not rise to the level of blasphemy? That the Christian God Himself, Jesus ‘is boiling in excrement in hell for eternity’, because He was that wicked?
And yet modern Christian leaders will sit down and break bread with the people who proclaim this is so? And exhort their flock to celebrate the ‘Judaeo-Christian heritage’, (because you know, these Zionist Jews are just like us)!
Perusing that link, I didn’t know before that the Jewish tradition has them murdering Jesus on the Eve of Passover. And all this time I thought they were only celebrating the slaughter of children on Passover. Now it turns out they’re celebrating the murder of Christ as well.
No wonder it’s such a joyous affair for them.
lots of historical quotes out there for how the people who tell the truth are often the most reviled in a society.
because now we are considered the enemy for believing things that most people are unable to conceive of.
More than 5% of the population? With the exception of those who are far gone on evangelical religiosity; there are independent-minded folk in rural America and in some urbanites who grew up country or small town who have not been infected with Ukromania.
As urban and particularly edjumacated suburban women are more numerous and usually swallow all the M$N babyfood,they heavily outnumber those with some common sense.
Many of the awakening people remain quiet about their perspectives simply because it is not easy to radically depart from that herd headed for the edge of the cliff. So that point of view would not readily speak out to pollsters, for example.
My take is that hardcore freedom-lovers would be at around 10% of the population here in the ruptured republic. However the quiet ones would more than double the total to maybe a quarter of the whole.
One point of view that is gathering up a head of steam is “should be we sending over a hundred billion to some country most Americans couldn’t even find on a map?” This is the axle of a huge wheel, where national problems are given more thought than helping squalling strangers.
I'd like to posit a hypothetical
My take is that hardcore freedom-lovers would be at around 10% of the population here in the ruptured republic. However the quiet ones would more than double the total to maybe a quarter of the whole.
is there a Christian church anywhere on the planet, that would, (if not agree with me) assert my right to declare from the pulpit; 'that modern Israel is an abomination against God, and everything that is holy, decent and righteous'.
is it possible to have a christian national movement without a pre-requisite blasphemy barrier
Are there any adherents of The Traditional Roman Catholic Church operating anywhere in the Western world today that would agree with Saint Isabella I of Castile; that huge and influential numbers of African and Arab Muslims and hostile Jews have no place in Christendom? And that if they are invading in transformational numbers, that they need to be removed, hopefully by gentle means, but otherwise, perhaps not so much?
…deserves an honest answer.
The Traditional Roman Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) sects that are presently still operating are one choice.
“ is there a Christian church anywhere on the planet, that would, (if not agree with me) assert my right to declare from the pulpit; ‘that modern Israel is an abomination against God, and everything that is holy, decent and righteous’.â€
Such a church(es) can be found in Syria. But then it would be too much for anyone to preach against the fiend for an audience that has endured the worst of what evil can befall. Let us dare to foresee that slowly and steadily the light of truth will spread to all Eastern Churches, who as of now, still have their share of cowardly bishops and patriarchs. Then, maybe one day, the light of knowledge would shine from the East.
If the Christians, (who'd just been subjected to sub-human ISIS rape gangs and literally crucifixions for their faith, unleashed upon them by Israel and the ((West)), are not willing to point out their tormentor - ZOG, then at what point is a Christian allowed or willing to speak out against the devil that is murdering their people?Obviously Joe, I'm trying to spark a conversation about this. I care about what is happening to the Christian world, but yet it seems that someone like myself, who does not consider myself a pious and practicing Christian, but who hails from those traditions, was raised in it, and more to the point, loves the people and heritage and culture from whence Christianity sprung, and does not want to see it all die, ((be murdered)).But how can Christianity save the Christians, if its leaders, to a man and women, all bow in fealty to anti-Christ (ZOG)?And yes, there are a few Christian leaders who do righteously speak out against ZOG's wars, but then when it comes to ZOG's other imperative of mass-immigration and ethnic inundation of all (even putatively) white / Christian nations, doomed to eventual genocide, they all speak with the thunderous sound of crickets. Cowed and terrified of being called a 'racist'. Is there any hope for Christianity, if modern Christians embrace a return to Moorish Spain? Occasionally I'll listen to the radio preachers when I'm driving, and it's amazing the stuff you'll hear. Like a caller calls in, and asks about Muslim immigration. And the preacher tells him it's great, because it's going to give Christians an opportunity to proselytize Christianity to these Somalis and Afghans and others, who might not otherwise have that opportunity. And I'm dumbstruck. Is there anyone who thinks your typical Afghan or Somali is going to embrace a rotting religion, that increasingly embraces the LGBTQ agenda? Just the other day another radio preacher was explaining that the modern threat to Christianity and Israel, (he considers them one and the same), is from Russia, who, (believe it or not) is breeding horses to win the post-apocalyptic war when Israel will be vulnerable because Russia will have destroyed all modern technology. And the horses, (in compliance with Biblical predictions) will be instrumental in the war of the Apocalypse. It's like they get their sermons and talking points directly from ZOG. Where are the good ones? Just thinking about that question, what popped into my mind, was Brother Nathanial. It seems to me he's the only Christian leader that has the nads and integrity to speak the truth about what ails our world. (what does that say about Gentile Christians, {for God's sake!}) is the private jet given as a gift to Jerry Falwell from the government of Israel.Falwell's son has also turned out to be a lascivious pervert and corrupt scoundrel. I don't point that out as a blanket condemnation of Christian preachers, among whom there are plenty of sincere and good men. But I just don't see anywhere among their ranks, any kind of mettle or fortitude to rally Christians to survive what they're enemies are busily arranging for them - a depraved and cruel humiliation and genocide. As our congress gushes over Bibi like clapping seals, knowing he knew about 9/11Is there no depth of grotesque obeisance and betrayal our 'leaders' won't slink down to, in order to lick shekels from their gnarled hands? @Joe Levantine
Such a church(es) can be found in Syria. But then it would be too much for anyone to preach against the fiend for an audience that has endured the worst of what evil can befall.
its far fetched how so many established institutions have caved to secular design , CRT, migrant inroads designed for subverting the native labor force.
nearly every institution based on a tolerant faith have caved to the mic-prison-biopharma complex. consequence is imperial wars with a usury model that accepts the federal reserve, weaponized irs and fbi
we are encircled by the criminal Cabal in every public space (work, courts, media, travel, hospitals)
what good is that institution based on faith, if it doesn't have the spiritual vigor to resist evil?
nearly every institution based on a tolerant faith have caved to the mic-prison-biopharma complex.
is it possible to have a christian national movement without a pre-requisite blasphemy barrier
is there a Christian church anywhere on the planet, that would, (if not agree with me) assert my right to declare from the pulpit; ‘that modern Israel is an abomination against God, and everything that is holy, decent and righteous’.
Because I think that if there is a God, and a religion worthy of the name, that such would be the only conclusion any humane and pious person or Christian religion (worthy of the name) could possibly come to.
(for the record I believe all peoples are entitled to self-determination. And that goes for the Jewish people as well, but not though murder, terror, theft, genocide and unholy injustice).
As for blasphemy per se, is there a Christian church anywhere that you know of, that would respect my right to declare, from the pulpit, that I willingly, knowingly and enthusiastically not only mock the first three ‘commandments’, as demanding that I honor the blood-stained pig god of the Old Testament, as lower than a grunting pig? A vicious, genocidal, murderous and jealous thug. Much like his modern day adherents in Israel, and sadly throughout the diaspora.
Is there a Christian church that would welcome these words of righteous truth?
Or, are they all too cowed by ‘fear of the Jews’, to even contemplate what is nothing more or less than Christ’s teachings about love and peace and justice?
I ask that, because as far as I know, they are all too cowed and or corrupt, (to entertain Christ’s simple message of righteous truth). IOW, a Palestinian child’s life is worth exactly the same to God, as a Jewish child’s life. And any who would suggest otherwise, is lower than a pig. Especially, in Christ’s eyes, as that (perhaps more than any other thing) was His message.
Yes? No?
anarchyst says:
…deserves an honest answer.
The Traditional Roman Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) sects that are presently still operating are one choice.
Are there any adherents of The Traditional Roman Catholic Church operating anywhere in the Western world today that would agree with Saint Isabella I of Castile; that huge and influential numbers of African and Arab Muslims and hostile Jews have no place in Christendom? And that if they are invading in transformational numbers, that they need to be removed, hopefully by gentle means, but otherwise, perhaps not so much?
For what it’s worth, I personally would consider massive numbers of refugees fleeing from ZOG’s serial wars in Africa or the Middle East, (or now Ukraine), as only the humane thing to do.
But I would restrict those refugees to everyone but military aged young men. What’s interesting, is that the ((Western)) world seems to be doing the opposite, and are encouraging military aged young men to immigrate into these societies, where they will bring with a certainty, strife and hate and rape and other assorted crimes.
And I don’t know of any church, Traditional Catholic, or otherwise, that is speaking the obvious truth about all of that. From everything I can see, the Catholic church is the most enthusiastic of all, to facilitate immigrants and ‘refugees’ into their formerly Christian and conservative, traditional societies in places like Minnesota, where the Catholic church is fanatical about importing unlimited Muslims.
But perhaps it’s just that I don’t know of them. Do you?
advocating unabashedly and unhesitatingly for truth is something I will always value as the mother of all virtues.
me too!
Thank you Joe, and again, God bless.
best line was RANCID Hypocrisy
It wasn’t always this way.
There was a time once when Western civilization had a use for the idea of honor. In Greece, it was more about high ideals and philosophy, but in Rome, it was about honor.
But then the virtue of Rome, gave way to expedience, and so without honor, (my theory for the fall of Rome), she rotted from the head down, and died. Exactly as we see our modern civilization rotting, and dying.
It is the honorable men and women like Julian Assange or Ursula Haverbeck in Germany who are our best. And for that, they’re being made an example of.
Novak Djokovic isn’t hated for refusing the vaxx, he’s hated for having principles and integrity. These things are now anathema to the modern West. And it shows.
How could a nation that has just perpetrated wars of aggression against innocent nations, (murdering and maiming millions of men, women and children), or a murderous coup in Ukraine, while imperiously installing a quisling who will be deadly hostile to his neighbors, complain about ‘election meddling’, or ‘violations of international law?!
The rancid hypocrisy of it is so over-the-top, that that becomes the whole point.
Not only are ((we)) murderous and above the law, but we have the bellicose
effrontery to accuse others for failure to submit to our brand of ‘might = right, ‘rule of men’ lawlessness, and call it ‘the rule of law’. This raging hypocrisy is all part of the humiliation/subjugation.
And it’s all out in the open, and as I said, ‘in your face’. Which is the point.
Imprisoning Julian Assange for an actual crime wouldn’t get their message across, like imprisoning him for simply being a decent, honorable and honest man who’s doing his job and publishing the truth. The message they’re sending; is that the days of ‘law and order’ are over. ((We)) make the ‘laws’, (what ever amuses us at the moment) and you obey them, (submit or else).
We all know this is the paradigm today in the West. Everybody knows it. The people of the ((dying)) West know it. The Chinese and Russians and Ukrainians and Indians and Brazilians and everybody now knows it. It’s impossible not to know it, because it is, as I mentioned, ‘in your face’.
When they wanted to rendition Edward Snowden to a CIA black site for torture, every single tenet of international diplomacy and law was all flushed down the toilet, in a brazen demand that all nations bow in fealty to ZOG’s demands to turn this brave and heroic man over to the modern Pharisees for torture and symbolic crucifixion.
According to Bolivia, the flight was rerouted to Austria when France, Spain and Italy[2] denied access to their airspace, allegedly due to suspicions that Snowden was on board.[3]
On 3 July, Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, acknowledged that the U.S. had been “in contact with a range of countries across the world who had any chance of having Mr. Snowden land or even transit through their countries”.[16][17]
In the aftermath of the incident, seven Latin American countries – Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Venezuela – voiced their concerns to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, who stated that “a Head of State and his or her aircraft enjoy immunity and inviolability”
But this is the same UN that ‘authorized racial supremacist Jewish terrorists and murderers to slaughter Palestinian Arabs and steal their lands.
If there is a legal principle that needs to be binding on all participants in order to even have a pretext of a Rule of Law, it must start with ‘you are not allowed to murder people to steal what they have for yourself’.
That has to be the first principle, or anything that comes after, is a pathetic joke.
And if a Head of State and his or her aircraft enjoy immunity and inviolability”, then that goes for all, even a Head of State who might be transporting someone considered inconvenient to ZOG.
So it’s all a fucking (pardon me) joke.
Without honor, without principles or even a pretext of integrity, there is no Rule of Law and there can be no Rule of Law. There is only ((might)), (and it does not make right).
And that is the brutal truth now accepted by Vlad Putin, and the Palestinians and all those people languishing in prison in Europe and Canada for expressing doubt for some tenet of our imposed now ((Western)) religion. Holocaustianity. ‘You shall have no gods before me’
We’re living in a time of universal corruption, rot and hypocrisy. When simply telling the truth is considered (literally) against the law – if doing so might somehow be inconvenient to those in power.
George Orwell sure understood human nature. That’s for sure.
(I know this might just seem repetitive, and more of the same I keep frothing on. But please pardon me, I suppose doing so is somewhat cathartic for me).
Your question:
…is it possible to have a christian national movement without a pre-requisite blasphemy barrier
…deserves an honest answer.
The Traditional Roman Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) sects that are presently still operating are one choice.
Another would be the Eastern Rite Churches (Russian Orthodox, et. al.)
Both denominations recognize that jews are still a problem, having a visceral hatred of both Catholic and Orthodox churches.
The jews were only partially successful in attempting to stamp out pre-Vatican II Roman Catholicism. This present “pope” is still attempting to do so, but will not be successful.
Rurik, is it possible to have a christian national movement without a pre-requisite blasphemy barrier
saboteurs are running multicultural shoutdowns. family unity is sabotaged, fatherhood is undermined. feministas walked out on motherhood for privileged pedicures and other personal dysphoria. the fracture occurred long before the schools were hijacked
majority of protestant denominations have caved wholesale
the papist ruled by masonic heads while the benedictine ratzinger bailed, first they caved then resigned, the dominicans like mathew fox excluded
sometimes TUR appears like excess factionalism, as the saboteurs troll here
is there a Christian church anywhere on the planet, that would, (if not agree with me) assert my right to declare from the pulpit; 'that modern Israel is an abomination against God, and everything that is holy, decent and righteous'.
is it possible to have a christian national movement without a pre-requisite blasphemy barrier
Are there any adherents of The Traditional Roman Catholic Church operating anywhere in the Western world today that would agree with Saint Isabella I of Castile; that huge and influential numbers of African and Arab Muslims and hostile Jews have no place in Christendom? And that if they are invading in transformational numbers, that they need to be removed, hopefully by gentle means, but otherwise, perhaps not so much?
…deserves an honest answer.
The Traditional Roman Catholic Church (pre-Vatican II) sects that are presently still operating are one choice.
Gab comment posted by The Nose:
They control the narrative through the media.
They control the culture through Hollywood.
They control the youth through academia.
They control the politicians through AIPAC.
They control the FBI and DOJ through the ADL.
They control the money through the Federal Reserve.
They control the flow of immigration through NGOs.
The arrogance and wrecklessness
— Ryan Dawson (@RyLiberty) February 10, 2023
I never could've imagined in a million years
— Adam Green – Know More News (@Know_More_News) February 10, 2023
not sure if you've seen this one Joe, but the Palestinian children weren't even protesting, just playing on a rooftop, when the brave IDF, (all hunkered down) sniper shot one, and then you see them giggling and congratulating the brave sniper, and mocking the child's wound.
when a few years back, Palestinians were demonstrating in Gaza at the border of the Israeli occupied Palestinian lands, the IDF soldiers were shooting at the knees of the mainly young demonstrators crippling hundreds of them while the Israeli soldiers were joking among themselves and expressing such joy every time the marksmen got his shot right.
There are certainly a lot of stories from the Bible that hearken to something pervasive and persistent in the human heart's foibles and pathos.
He will try to awaken that morally lost society through something we call “an act of Godâ€. ... ... will not require such an eventuality.
This, I can just as easily say to you, and the others here, for what I do know is a sincere attempt to at least wake up a few, to what's really going on, and how dire and even sacrosanct are our endeavors.
May you and all other commentators keep the energy and the drive to let the flame of truth shine in another wise murky and cloudy sea of endless lies, for as long as it takes to have the true light of God shine on this morally bankrupt human race.
What kind of people take pleasure in shooting children at play with a sniper’s rifle?
There were even crueler cases:
This is a Japanese soldier bayonetting a Chinese baby during the rape of Nanjing
byu/thebroffesor inWTF
That's been my experience too Joe.I was going to include NYC in my places where God might be hard-pressed to find ten righteous people, and I decided not to. Even in NYC, I suspect there are well over ten righteous people, as indeed, in the great state of New York, I'd expect there to be millions of them. (or at least, many, many thousands ; )Most, in fact, typical Americans, (and Brits and Canadians and Mexicans and Indians and so forth..) I would say are generally good and decent folks. Indeed, many, (if not most?) Jews, as well. Even if they sadly defer to the evil among them, (but so too do the Gentiles).
does not in any way represent the majority of Americans whom I have lived with for a number of years and found many of them to be decent, God loving, compassionate, with a strong sense of justice.
I didn't know it was that high, but yes, that is encouraging, if sadly so. In a perfect world, the idea of trusting Big Pharma and the Democrat power-structure would be zero percent. As would trusting Big Tobacco (or Big Tech or Big Oil, or the MIC, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc...), and the GOP, should be zero percent.When they came out with 'stay home to flatten the curve', I was amazed (if somewhat pleased at the lack of traffic) at how 'ghost town' the roads were. I wonder if the fact that they find it so easy to herd the sheople, makes it irresistible for them. Like James Earl Jones telling the girl to jump to her death. They revel in the sheer delight of power, for its own-sake. what power would he have over her, were she not to grant it willingly? (I know it's a movie, but look at how young men and women suit up to fight in their wars, or get their vaccines, or the endless procession of lemming-like behavior, like wearing Ukrainian flags, in order to 'status whore' their fealty. What power would they have to vaxx us, (or wage wars or demand we curtail our language to suit them), or the endless other petty tyrannies they amuse themselves by tormenting us all with. At least those of us who see the fraud and farce that it all is, get to enjoy mocking them. So there are the silver-linings, so to speak. Lastly, I'm not worthy of such praise. I'm a vulgar, sometimes wrathful, shameless reveler of the flesh, and lover of all things earthly and mortal. I reject all official religions, even as I honor and love the (sincerely) religious. But my orneriness at those who would presume to rule with a government badge or gun, is just as true of those with would rule with a holy scroll or scripture or 'tablets of a covenant'. I decide which of the 'commandments' I will honor, and fealty to the Jewish god is not among them. Perhaps I'm bound for Hell, but I reject the idea that a loving God would damn His children to such a fate, just for infidelity to Him. That kind of God is too much like the earthly humans I've come to know all too well. I hope that doesn't condemn me in your eyes Joe, (for whom I have more respect than a thousand archbishops and 'reverends' and pontiffs and rabbis all put together). But the point is I'm a quite flawed individual, who is unworthy of high praise. To share a pint with? Hell yes! All day long. But not any kind of inspiration, alas. Just a bloke who likes to bloviate from time to time. Cheers Joe, and yes, God bless.Replies: @Joe Levantine
But there is a ray of hope which is the 30% of Americans who refused to get the vaccine.
Totally agree with all your post. Especially with respect to religion and the jealous Jewish God (Elohim).
I have learnt not to value people according to their belonging to a certain religion or a certain class or to how much business acumen or how much wealth they have gathered. Either a person has a divine conscience and seeks the path of virtue or he/she plays the Darwinian survival game with all that entails in prostrating one’s self and doing all kinds of ruthless shenanigans.
I truly appreciate your modesty which is one of the highest moral assets that any human being can have. You have awakened yourself to the Zionist scam while you are inundated with Jewish-Zionist propaganda, having been born and raised in the US. I had the advantage of seeing with my own eyes, since my early childhood, what Israelis and their Western backers are capable of, and it took many years beyond middle age to wake up to their evil deeds and cast away any pragmatic thinking that took dealing with the devil as an inescapable fact of life. And that makes your contribution to upholding the truth far more valuable than mine. The energy and time you put to spread the word of righteousness exceeds my efforts by order of magnitude. And likewise, I would rather follow your path rather than that of of the highest pontiff or politician, for you are true to yourself and to your divine conscience. What a difference that puts between you and other commenters who aim only to deceive.
I doubt there are many, if any, contributors to this website who are on a path to sainthood. But the road to goodness has to start with a first step in the direction of the divine, and advocating unabashedly and unhesitatingly for truth is something I will always value as the mother of all virtues.
Cheers Rurik, and God bless.
me too!
advocating unabashedly and unhesitatingly for truth is something I will always value as the mother of all virtues.
Perhaps. Anyway, I don’t hate the place, had been planning and preparing a visit (overpriced) when the Japan-Nth. Korea problems made it unwise to proceed.
not sure if you've seen this one Joe, but the Palestinian children weren't even protesting, just playing on a rooftop, when the brave IDF, (all hunkered down) sniper shot one, and then you see them giggling and congratulating the brave sniper, and mocking the child's wound.
when a few years back, Palestinians were demonstrating in Gaza at the border of the Israeli occupied Palestinian lands, the IDF soldiers were shooting at the knees of the mainly young demonstrators crippling hundreds of them while the Israeli soldiers were joking among themselves and expressing such joy every time the marksmen got his shot right.
There are certainly a lot of stories from the Bible that hearken to something pervasive and persistent in the human heart's foibles and pathos.
He will try to awaken that morally lost society through something we call “an act of Godâ€. ... ... will not require such an eventuality.
This, I can just as easily say to you, and the others here, for what I do know is a sincere attempt to at least wake up a few, to what's really going on, and how dire and even sacrosanct are our endeavors.
May you and all other commentators keep the energy and the drive to let the flame of truth shine in another wise murky and cloudy sea of endless lies, for as long as it takes to have the true light of God shine on this morally bankrupt human race.
As far as the Zionazis are concerned, they are NOT ‘children’. They are ‘two-legged animals’, like their parents. If they snipers were fundamentalist Judaics they would have been taught that killing them was a ‘mitzvah’ or good deed.
The thing to remember is that those American patriots have to be genuine and be connected with faith based Christian communities. Patriotism + Faith can easily eclipse any criminal enterprise, be it ZOG or otherwise. Trump and MAGA are not relevant here.
I once entertained the notion of attempting to write a piece that perhaps someone like Mr. Unz would consider publishing.
The subject I feel would be of interest, is the feasibility of modern Christianity as a solution to what ails our modern world.
I’ve mentioned before, that it was a Christian hero, Charles ‘the Hammer’ Martel, that rose to the occasion when Europa and Christendom was under existential threat in the 8th century AD.
And again, how Saint Isabella I of Castile rose to the occasion, as a devout Catholic, to free her people from a cruel bondage that had enslaved them for centuries.
But I must tell you A.K, that I don’t see anything even remotely close to a vigorous Christianity, or any leader there of, who even comes close to the kind of hero we need in these desperate and dire times.
Our civilization is on the cusp of a genocidal extinction, and every Christian leader I know of, welcomes the racial disintegration of the children of Europa into a brown morass of identity-less slaves, as a great and welcome future.
There is not one Christian leader I’m aware of, (I don’t consider Andrew Anglin or Ye to be Christian leaders), who’re demanding that white nations are entitled, (indeed ~ obligated) to preserve their unique identity for posterity. They’re all too terrified of being called a ‘racist’, to even say the obvious. That mass-immigration is going to result in a world without white folks.
So what? Say all Christian leaders. Who cares what color they are, so long as they’re Christians?
So I personalty can not support that kind of Christianity, that aligns perfectly with ZOG, and ZOG’s foremost imperative – to genocide Amalek, (all white people) off the face of the planet for all eternity.
If someone could show me a Christian movement somewhere, like in Sweden, or England, or America, that preaches that having borders and protecting the ethnic identity of your people is not ‘racism’, but sanity, then perhaps I could support it. But not genocide, by any doctrine.
Rurik, do I have that right that you didn’t vote in the 2020 selection?
I was referring to the recent mid-term elections.
Didn’t you see the corrupt senile perv Biden as every inch the threat that Hillary was?
not really FoW
I consider Brandon to be a propped-up cadaver. A husk of a man, who lost his soul and every shred of human dignity long, long ago. There’s nothing there, as far as I can see. No benevolence, no malevolence, nothing but empty corruption in the fast-disintegrating shape of a man.
Whereas I consider Hillary as the very personification of malevolence. Biden is dead inside, and simply takes orders. But Hillary’s lust for power and for Putin’s blood is enough to split atoms, literally.
the selection was a done deal for Biden no matter what).
Who is in the White House DOES matter. A LOT.
there was a open-mic moment at some GOP event during the 2012 Republican primaries when Ron Paul was running, and one of the ‘journalists’ was heard to say something like ‘if that guy gets elected, 99% of us are going to be out of work’. Or something like that. A Ron Paul presidency would have mattered. Perhaps, would have even saved the republic, and indeed, Western civilization.
Contrast with Obama, and his Libyan war, and Syrian war, and how it was Obama’s regime that set the whole Ukrainian debacle in process, and you see what I mean. Ron Paul was perhaps the last gasp hope for our world and our children’s future. But America, (such as it had become) was not worthy of the man, alas.
No matter his many mistakes while in office, I’ll vote for Trump a third time if he wins the nomination.
I respect that, FoW.
If he was running against Liz Cheney, I too would vote for him, (if I’m still in this country). Even if it were just a perfunctory act in a universally acknowledged rigged election.
I consider Liz Cheney to be the clone of Hillary, (they even look the same). Loves war, loves power, loves to serve ZOG, at the expense of anything and everything.
The best thing I can say about Trump, isn’t just that the Democrats and (((media))) hated his guts, (they did ; ), but for me, it was the way the old-school, sell-out GOP treasonous scum hated his guts. Most exemplified by John -the bloodstain- McCain. The man I despise more than all others, [Rot in Hell], and the next on that list is Dick -9/11- Cheney.
Farther down the list are Dubya and Mitt and Lindsey and all the other war-mongering treasonous scum, who would betray every last American citizen to their worst enemy, in order to cling to their pretenses of power and their perks. Yes, I consider Trump a sellout as well, and a disgrace, for the crimes he committed, and his slavish fealty to ZOG.
But I will also confess to just you, FoW, (don’t tell anyone else at Unz ; ), that even more than Hillary’s and Bill Kristol’s and AOC’s and Nancy’s and Schiff’s and all those rotten scumfucks in the Democrat party and media and progressive shitlibs the world over, even more than them all, the one singular pleasure I would get from a Trump triumph on election day, would be the look on Liz Cheney’s and Adam Kinzinger’s face.
Even as disappointing as another Trump four year fiasco would be, with him no-doubt crawling again between Bibi’s legs, and degrading himself for all the world to retch at, just seeing this guy on election night
watching the American people repudiating everything that Kinzinger (and the one-eyed McCain, and the rest) stand for, would almost make it worth it.
So much so, that my dream is that Kinzinger’s existential angst is so overwhelming, that Donald Trump Jr. calls him on election night, just to gloat and mock, and openly laughs at Kinzinger’s tears, and to the point that Kinzinger puts down the phone, unable to cope, and pulls out the 38 from his drawer, and the last thing Donald Trump Jr. hears is Adam Kinzinger doing his version of the Shawshank redemption.
the moment could go down in American history, for ever known as ‘Adam Kinzinger’s redemption’.
does not in any way represent the majority of Americans whom I have lived with for a number of years and found many of them to be decent, God loving, compassionate, with a strong sense of justice.
That’s been my experience too Joe.
I was going to include NYC in my places where God might be hard-pressed to find ten righteous people, and I decided not to. Even in NYC, I suspect there are well over ten righteous people, as indeed, in the great state of New York, I’d expect there to be millions of them. (or at least, many, many thousands ; )
Most, in fact, typical Americans, (and Brits and Canadians and Mexicans and Indians and so forth..) I would say are generally good and decent folks. Indeed, many, (if not most?) Jews, as well. Even if they sadly defer to the evil among them, (but so too do the Gentiles).
But there is a ray of hope which is the 30% of Americans who refused to get the vaccine.
I didn’t know it was that high, but yes, that is encouraging, if sadly so.
In a perfect world, the idea of trusting Big Pharma and the Democrat power-structure would be zero percent. As would trusting Big Tobacco (or Big Tech or Big Oil, or the MIC, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc…), and the GOP, should be zero percent.
When they came out with ‘stay home to flatten the curve’, I was amazed (if somewhat pleased at the lack of traffic) at how ‘ghost town’ the roads were. I wonder if the fact that they find it so easy to herd the sheople, makes it irresistible for them.
Like James Earl Jones telling the girl to jump to her death. They revel in the sheer delight of power, for its own-sake.
Video Link
And what power would he have over her, were she not to grant it willingly? (I know it’s a movie, but look at how young men and women suit up to fight in their wars, or get their vaccines, or the endless procession of lemming-like behavior, like wearing Ukrainian flags, in order to ‘status whore’ their fealty.
What power would they have to vaxx us, (or wage wars or demand we curtail our language to suit them), or the endless other petty tyrannies they amuse themselves by tormenting us all with.
At least those of us who see the fraud and farce that it all is, get to enjoy mocking them. So there are the silver-linings, so to speak.
Lastly, I’m not worthy of such praise. I’m a vulgar, sometimes wrathful, shameless reveler of the flesh, and lover of all things earthly and mortal. I reject all official religions, even as I honor and love the (sincerely) religious. But my orneriness at those who would presume to rule with a government badge or gun, is just as true of those with would rule with a holy scroll or scripture or ‘tablets of a covenant’.
I decide which of the ‘commandments’ I will honor, and fealty to the Jewish god is not among them.
Perhaps I’m bound for Hell, but I reject the idea that a loving God would damn His children to such a fate, just for infidelity to Him. That kind of God is too much like the earthly humans I’ve come to know all too well.
I hope that doesn’t condemn me in your eyes Joe, (for whom I have more respect than a thousand archbishops and ‘reverends’ and pontiffs and rabbis all put together).
But the point is I’m a quite flawed individual, who is unworthy of high praise. To share a pint with? Hell yes! All day long. But not any kind of inspiration, alas. Just a bloke who likes to bloviate from time to time.
Cheers Joe, and yes, God bless.
Quote: “Abraham negotiates with God to spare Sodom if 10 righteous people could be found.â€
Your assessment of the 535 plus the cacophony of lies by the chorus of so called news people, who lie by commission or omission, does not in any way represent the majority of Americans whom I have lived with for a number of years and found many of them to be decent, God loving, compassionate, with a strong sense of justice. The problem is the inertia of Americans vis a vis that crooked bunch that came to represent America to the world. America is simply hijacked by an evil cabal and Americans are so cowed by the Jewish-Zionist oppressive control that they take the blows and pretend not to notice. But there is a ray of hope which is the 30% of Americans who refused to get the vaccine.
Meanwhile, I just wait in frustration to see the trigger that will prove one day that among the American people there are 10’s of millions of righteous people.
God bless you Rurik for your brave and valuable struggle against the forces of darkness. You are an inspiration to me and to many other readers of the UR.
That's been my experience too Joe.I was going to include NYC in my places where God might be hard-pressed to find ten righteous people, and I decided not to. Even in NYC, I suspect there are well over ten righteous people, as indeed, in the great state of New York, I'd expect there to be millions of them. (or at least, many, many thousands ; )Most, in fact, typical Americans, (and Brits and Canadians and Mexicans and Indians and so forth..) I would say are generally good and decent folks. Indeed, many, (if not most?) Jews, as well. Even if they sadly defer to the evil among them, (but so too do the Gentiles).
does not in any way represent the majority of Americans whom I have lived with for a number of years and found many of them to be decent, God loving, compassionate, with a strong sense of justice.
I didn't know it was that high, but yes, that is encouraging, if sadly so. In a perfect world, the idea of trusting Big Pharma and the Democrat power-structure would be zero percent. As would trusting Big Tobacco (or Big Tech or Big Oil, or the MIC, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc...), and the GOP, should be zero percent.When they came out with 'stay home to flatten the curve', I was amazed (if somewhat pleased at the lack of traffic) at how 'ghost town' the roads were. I wonder if the fact that they find it so easy to herd the sheople, makes it irresistible for them. Like James Earl Jones telling the girl to jump to her death. They revel in the sheer delight of power, for its own-sake. what power would he have over her, were she not to grant it willingly? (I know it's a movie, but look at how young men and women suit up to fight in their wars, or get their vaccines, or the endless procession of lemming-like behavior, like wearing Ukrainian flags, in order to 'status whore' their fealty. What power would they have to vaxx us, (or wage wars or demand we curtail our language to suit them), or the endless other petty tyrannies they amuse themselves by tormenting us all with. At least those of us who see the fraud and farce that it all is, get to enjoy mocking them. So there are the silver-linings, so to speak. Lastly, I'm not worthy of such praise. I'm a vulgar, sometimes wrathful, shameless reveler of the flesh, and lover of all things earthly and mortal. I reject all official religions, even as I honor and love the (sincerely) religious. But my orneriness at those who would presume to rule with a government badge or gun, is just as true of those with would rule with a holy scroll or scripture or 'tablets of a covenant'. I decide which of the 'commandments' I will honor, and fealty to the Jewish god is not among them. Perhaps I'm bound for Hell, but I reject the idea that a loving God would damn His children to such a fate, just for infidelity to Him. That kind of God is too much like the earthly humans I've come to know all too well. I hope that doesn't condemn me in your eyes Joe, (for whom I have more respect than a thousand archbishops and 'reverends' and pontiffs and rabbis all put together). But the point is I'm a quite flawed individual, who is unworthy of high praise. To share a pint with? Hell yes! All day long. But not any kind of inspiration, alas. Just a bloke who likes to bloviate from time to time. Cheers Joe, and yes, God bless.Replies: @Joe Levantine
But there is a ray of hope which is the 30% of Americans who refused to get the vaccine.
when a few years back, Palestinians were demonstrating in Gaza at the border of the Israeli occupied Palestinian lands, the IDF soldiers were shooting at the knees of the mainly young demonstrators crippling hundreds of them while the Israeli soldiers were joking among themselves and expressing such joy every time the marksmen got his shot right.
not sure if you’ve seen this one Joe, but the Palestinian children weren’t even protesting, just playing on a rooftop, when the brave IDF, (all hunkered down) sniper shot one, and then you see them giggling and congratulating the brave sniper, and mocking the child’s wound.
What kind of people take pleasure in shooting children at play with a sniper’s rifle?
He will try to awaken that morally lost society through something we call “an act of Godâ€. … … will not require such an eventuality.
There are certainly a lot of stories from the Bible that hearken to something pervasive and persistent in the human heart’s foibles and pathos.
How can we not understand what would motivate God to immolate Sodom and Gomorrah down to ashes.
“Abraham negotiates with God to spare Sodom if 10 righteous people could be found.”
Imagine if, like He did with Abraham, God offered to spare America from nuclear desolation if we could but find 10 righteous members of congress, out of 535, or perhaps you could search all of Washington D.C and the entire msm and MIC, (there must be untold hundreds of thousands or even millions) to find these but ten righteous people, what would be our fate.
Looking around, sure, maybe it is possible to understand why He would do the Deluge.
Your last paragraph is humbling but too kind, Joe. I don’t, (and couldn’t if I wanted to), live up to your high praise. But I’m very grateful for the words of encouragement you and others have shown me.
May you and all other commentators keep the energy and the drive to let the flame of truth shine in another wise murky and cloudy sea of endless lies, for as long as it takes to have the true light of God shine on this morally bankrupt human race.
This, I can just as easily say to you, and the others here, for what I do know is a sincere attempt to at least wake up a few, to what’s really going on, and how dire and even sacrosanct are our endeavors.
I think I’m out of comments for the time window, but I wanted to reply to some others as well, but hopefully I’ll get a chance at a later time.
God speed to you all, who also love truth, and hate devil’s lies. I hail you all as brothers and sisters, and salute you.
There were even crueler cases:
What kind of people take pleasure in shooting children at play with a sniper’s rifle?
that (((they))) could assassinate an American president and get away with it, all bets were off…. … the USS Liberty … …Johnson should have been tried and hung for treason.
can’t argue with that, Anarchyst
in our time, Bush and Cheney presided over 9/11
It’s hard to imagine a more treasonous betrayal of a nation and her people
The “holohoax†(oops, I mean “holocaustâ€) is another part of the equation, …
In my humble opinion, the American public is suffering from a form of “Stockholm Syndromeâ€, identifying with its captors… ZOG
can’t argue with that either, except that I suspect most Americans don’t know, (and more to the point, don’t want to know). And for that, you have to include the vast majority of Westerners and even the Russians will not entertain any other narrative of the Holocaust or WWII, other than the (((official one))).
One can marvel at how long Germany lasted despite having the rest of the world against it.
One thing I marvel at, it how Germany, crushed and prostrate over the Versailles perfidy, was able to go from being an utterly wretched nation of enslaved people, to becoming the world’s foremost power, in a few short years, simply by the act of pulling out the ((fangs)) from its national jugular vein.
In a way, this too is a parallel to modern Russia. Only not quite as stark.
Imagine where the U.S. and western Europe could be today, if we too could pull out those (((Wall Street, Washington D.C.))) fangs.
No more endless trillions spent of zio-wars, and funding an enemy invasion of our lands. No more worship of mediocrity and coddling the lowest common sludge as our cultural icons.
..cue image of Madonna
I would hope that more and more people would see through the BS that has been foisted upon the world for the last 75 years.
you and me both, brother
because now we are considered the enemy for believing things that most people are unable to conceive of.
lots of historical quotes out there for how the people who tell the truth are often the most reviled in a society.
And it’s a difficult terrain to navigate, I agree. Half the time I’m talking to someone about Ukraine or Covid, or some such current issue, I’ll notice that my point of view is not just considered in error, but that holding such views are a serious moral failing. ‘How could you not support Ukraine?! Don’t you realize what Putin is trying to do?! (Take over the world like Hitler).
The chasm between what thoughtful people (who go to efforts to seek out the truth) think about such things, vs. those who get their ‘truth’ from the msm, is getting wider and wider. And more polarized and even hostile.
And what percent of the population are we, (those of us who read websites like Unz, or others who’re skeptical of the msm, vs. those who go to MSNBC or Fox News for news and analysis?
Are we even 5% of the population?
Russian state terror tribunal. Now we’re talkin’.
Red notices for Burns, Marlowe, Cohen to uphold command responsibility, that would do it. Spetsnaz has time to snatch a couple of them because these are crimes in universal jurisdiction with no statute of limitations.
It’s that or MIRVed SATANs. Why should we get vaporized for DO asshole criminals?
Would be great to see Big Ron make Rurik a columnist if Rurik’s interested.
Well, OK, by this website it doesn’t make it even in the first 30 overall, they rank it 34 th.
But if you check in the different categories it is the third navy, after China and Russia with more vessels than US. In tank strength it is No. 2 after Russia. In artillery it is No 2. It is fourth in military personal. It depends how they weight different categories so that it doesn’t end up in the top 30, but by looking at it I’d say it is fourth overall.
We’re starting to smell some familiar pitstains in the NHB!
CIA’s hopelessly busted for the crime against peace of sneak attack with banned biological weapons. The open-source evidence would be probative in any independent court; a nuclear-armed great power presented a slam-dunk Bill of indictment in the UNSC Aria formula; a regional power of high international standing has a public beef of many murdered high officials; and another nuclear-armed great power has publicly called SARS2 war.
CIA is also manifestly guilty of undeclared war by illegal means, sabotage of transnational infrastructure. Sy Hersh just said what everybody knows. Only slightly dumber, like leaving out the other bombings that stink worse. And repeating CIA’s last-ditch desperate fallback imposed on legislative oversight panels by threat of martial law, “CIA works for the president.”
That vegetable. That fist with lipstick on it. The Bidens’ ventriloquist Ned drinks a glass of water and says S’ All right! and CIA does what it’s been working on for ten years in “interagency” meetings stuffed with focal points.
Ridiculous as it is, the notion of a sentient Biden giving orders sets him up for scapegoating in the signaling accompanying Russian coercion to peace. Just as when CIA tore it with systematic and widespread torture and aggression against neutral Cambodia and the USSR pulled a nuke. Just give the president a spanking and then purge him, the CIA regime skates!
Are you absolutely sure it’s gonna work again?
Seeing as how I’ve kicked your ass intellectually on numerous occasion, and done it politely, now you’re venting without including me in the conversation. Notice how your comment has nothing to do with the article and everything to do with a personal attack against another poster, me. This is cowardly behavior, regardless of the target, and shows you to be flailing since your prose positively attracts only people of a similar weak and intellectually unsupported position.
When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.
It would appear that you are now creating a fantasy version of my life which you obviously know nothing about. This obsession with being bitter about your inability to counter my arguments isn’t healthy. I suggest you improve your game to be able to challenge the people on this site wearing long pants.
Not intentional, I forgot the murder of Suleimani in particular, also JPOAC abrogation, very bad and stupid things.
The other points you make, though, seem to be more from Jewish control of media and bureaucracy there than any specific decision by the then ‘administration’.
Fourth military power?
I don’t think so, possibly fourth biggest army. If it’s a real story, though, it would be great to see D.P.R.K. allowing volunteers to go, the antics of Zelensky are so disgusting, one must wonder if he washed his ludicruous war ‘green’ outfit at any time.
It’s a great shame that the Russians didn’t shoot the private plane of this Israeli dwarf and thief down before he left the border.
I recommend the following totally reality based wisdom:
I was drafted during the Vietnam days. I had numerous encounters with the US military once I told them to pound sand by refusing their invitation to murder people I had no quarrel with. The individuals I dealt with directly decided to not decide by extend my deferment that I originally got because I was the only person working on a software system tied into the electrical generation for all of New York City. Con Edison, the corporation, requested the initial deferment on my behalf.
After several annual repetitions, I encountered a real military hardass that got directly in my face, and I mean in my face, practically nose to nose, telling me at high volume they were going to ship my ass to ‘Nam on the next plane. That was no movie. I didn’t follow the movie script that you may be referring to because I shot back that I know who my enemy was and they better not give me access to any weapons. Evidently I convinced that asshole that I was more trouble than I was worth because he decided to extend my deferment and then the war ended.
I took it very personally and that incident was the start of my journey toward anarchism.
Government is the evolutionary end point that started with the head of a family actually looking out for the family’s best interests, then of a tribe that wanted to guarantee access to the resources in a given area from a defensive standpoint, that led to a neighboring tribe becoming a roving band of offensive outlaws that concluded that stealing at a lesser amount and not devastating their targets was a long term better strategy for less violence and a continuous income stream; essentially farming their tax cattle.
If you stick to the fairy tale view of what gov’t is, you will never discover the truth.
Being “angry†with some presumptuous individual pretending to knowledge (s)he does not possess, is a waste of emotional resources. Looks like a little of that out-of-left-field, and mistaken in every particular, “judgement†could be more usefully applied a lot closer to One Nobody’s own home. “Projection†is a two-edged sword.
It’s not a conditioned response. It’s a citizen who, according to the mores of an extinct culture, willingly assented to the the authority of representatives of the trusted and respected institutions of his nation.
Those representatives in fact had real authority and considerable ability to push troops. The military then being a meritocracy not a way of placating or fawning over women, blacks, and queers.
The movie, repeat, movie, you saw was an exaggeration for entertainment value and while less extreme berating does take place no one takes it seriously or personally. It is, in fact, humorous to all persons present and in short order is replaced with more reasonable methods.
All gov’ts end at some point and 200 years seems to be a common length of time before they implode. Empirical evidence suggests that it’s in the very nature of gov’t to become ever more corrupt and profligate. I used to think the constitution mattered, but that was just me in my libertarian days trying to cling to the fiction that legislated law mattered; it doesn’t. With or without a constitution gov’t will do what it wants because it has their people propagandized to desperately believe that gov’t is an absolute necessity and because they’ve been taught to be fearful of some manufactured foreign enemy while ignoring the fact that their own gov’t is the one that constantly steals from them, makes more and more onerous laws out of thin air, and imprisons them for ‘crimes against the state’, a completely made up entity.
Anarcho-Capitalists would say it is never morally justified to initiate violence or the threat of violence against the innocent. When people hear this, they think well, of course. But they don’t actually believe it because that would mean that you can’t have one group of people calling themselves the government, telling all the other people, We are going to take this percent of your income this year, and if you don’t agree to it, we are going to put you in jail. If you resist sufficiently, we are going to kill you. In fact, if you resist sufficiently paying a parking ticket, we reserve the right to kill you. If you sufficiently resist paying your library fine, we reserve the right to kill you.
Lew Rockwell
What got us where we are is the totally mistaken assumption that we need a gov’t at all. That gov’t invariably ends up being controlled by the scum of the society. In the early days of a new gov’t, it can actually be a convenience to have an actual servant taking care of the drudgery of life with a minimal cost. As time progresses, the cost always increases, the service always degrades and the focus becomes what the gov’t, now turned mafia, wants. With its guns and prisons, it rules well past its expiration date and it’s the unlucky people under its control toward the end of the gov’t existence that pay the price for believing in a fiction, that gov’t is necessary.
It wasn’t voting that got us where we are. It was the corruption of the Siupreme Court in the 30s that greenlighted the federal monster.
True, the 14th, 16th, 17th and 19th Amendments came before that but we lost it all in the 30s. Before that, in domestic affairs, a Franken, Schumer, Blumenthal, Ocasio, Waters, Fetterman, Collins, Obongo, Ryan, McConnell, or Murray couldn’t do that much damage.
Rurik #2 best line was RANCID Hypocrisy
so just go with that. its enough already
do we have a single state legislature declaring local sovereign currency. independence from the fed reserve. a sustainable commodity resource. eggs chickens diesel cng. just one independent newspaper fmstation, are the best patriots with social cohesion capable, or just chattel of the nsa-usintel gender minorities
our best minds are sheeple
DrGiraldi, CNI could become a council of constitutional elders. demand publicly the embeds come and physically answer the Peoples outrage
It wasn't always this way.There was a time once when Western civilization had a use for the idea of honor. In Greece, it was more about high ideals and philosophy, but in Rome, it was about honor. But then the virtue of Rome, gave way to expedience, and so without honor, (my theory for the fall of Rome), she rotted from the head down, and died. Exactly as we see our modern civilization rotting, and dying. It is the honorable men and women like Julian Assange or Ursula Haverbeck in Germany who are our best. And for that, they're being made an example of. Novak Djokovic isn't hated for refusing the vaxx, he's hated for having principles and integrity. These things are now anathema to the modern West. And it shows.How could a nation that has just perpetrated wars of aggression against innocent nations, (murdering and maiming millions of men, women and children), or a murderous coup in Ukraine, while imperiously installing a quisling who will be deadly hostile to his neighbors, complain about 'election meddling', or 'violations of international law?!The rancid hypocrisy of it is so over-the-top, that that becomes the whole point. Not only are ((we)) murderous and above the law, but we have the bellicose
best line was RANCID Hypocrisy
According to Bolivia, the flight was rerouted to Austria when France, Spain and Italy[2] denied access to their airspace, allegedly due to suspicions that Snowden was on board.[3]
On 3 July, Jen Psaki, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, acknowledged that the U.S. had been "in contact with a range of countries across the world who had any chance of having Mr. Snowden land or even transit through their countries".[16][17]
But this is the same UN that 'authorized racial supremacist Jewish terrorists and murderers to slaughter Palestinian Arabs and steal their lands. If there is a legal principle that needs to be binding on all participants in order to even have a pretext of a Rule of Law, it must start with 'you are not allowed to murder people to steal what they have for yourself'.That has to be the first principle, or anything that comes after, is a pathetic joke. And if a Head of State and his or her aircraft enjoy immunity and inviolability", then that goes for all, even a Head of State who might be transporting someone considered inconvenient to ZOG.So it's all a fucking (pardon me) joke. Without honor, without principles or even a pretext of integrity, there is no Rule of Law and there can be no Rule of Law. There is only ((might)), (and it does not make right).And that is the brutal truth now accepted by Vlad Putin, and the Palestinians and all those people languishing in prison in Europe and Canada for expressing doubt for some tenet of our imposed now ((Western)) religion. Holocaustianity. 'You shall have no gods before me'We're living in a time of universal corruption, rot and hypocrisy. When simply telling the truth is considered (literally) against the law - if doing so might somehow be inconvenient to those in power. George Orwell sure understood human nature. That's for sure. (I know this might just seem repetitive, and more of the same I keep frothing on. But please pardon me, I suppose doing so is somewhat cathartic for me).
In the aftermath of the incident, seven Latin American countries – Bolivia, Argentina, Cuba, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Uruguay, and Venezuela – voiced their concerns to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, who stated that "a Head of State and his or her aircraft enjoy immunity and inviolability"
I believe that these unfortunate results are caused by:
Voting has given the country Pelosi, Trump, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Schiff, etc.
Don’t spend too much time on RoatanBill.
He is a just grumpy old anarchist who lives in his head. He already admitted that he would have been fine if fewer Whites voted for Trump even if it meant Hillary for 8 years.
RoatanBill is the online forum equivalent of the college stoner in the Che shirt. No constructive ideas whatsoever. Tells us that voting for either party is stupid and then hits the bong before moving onto other conversation topics like glow raves and long boards.
Bill wouldn’t last thirty seconds.
I believe that these unfortunate results are caused by:
Voting has given the country Pelosi, Trump, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Schiff, etc.
You forgot voting by those of below median intelligence ie 50% of the population.
The oligarchy will always try to establish their dominance. It’s the average person that needs to find his manhood and stop looking up to the sociopaths as some kind of savior or authority. If the average person was shown that the propaganda he’s been fed is vastly different than the on the ground reality and made to confront his erroneous belief system then an awakening might occur.
We’ve all seen snippets where some drill sergeant is berating some grunt and the grunt stands there and not only takes it but grovels before another man with no particular ability but some make believe authority that the grunt accedes to. This is insanity and is a conditioned response taught to turn men into submissive tools. The sociopaths are simply taking advantage of weak people that have been taught to be slaves and have never even realized they have the power to say no. It’s the constant giving in to faux authority that has given the controllers the upper hand. If the people en masse said no, it would be no.
Thanks for all the information that you mention including the book.
I have always fancied the idea of a world free from authority but I never thought that market forces alone can satisfy such a world. Maybe I still have much to learn beyond the much discredited Neo Keynesian economics and the more worthy Austrian economics.
My main concern is how to keep the party spoilers in check, especially since most people left to their own devices are inclined towards empathy and compassion while the tiny psychopathic minority is ruthless, highly motivated and free from the restraints of conscience. I would be much obliged if your references address this issue.
I fear that happening, too.
Fetzer reminds me of John McLaughlin when he hosted The McLaughlin Group news/talk show on TV. The voice intonation and mannerisms are similar IMO.
Zio troll, from Unit 8200.
I believe that these unfortunate results are caused by:
Voting has given the country Pelosi, Trump, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Schiff, etc.
The oligarchy would love to have a constitutional convention where they could neuter what’s left of what is euphemistically called ‘our rights’.
the “rules based international order†has always been a lie, hasn't it
suggesting that Israeli atrocities killing Palestinians do not bother the civilized world that the Bidens live in.
Poewerful thoughts.
A Palestinian quoted me a passage from the Quran, I am paraphrasing: Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change what is within their hearts.
It is a good way to look at needed change. At least, it makes us examine ourselves and saves us from endless projections.
Your atheism has led you down to the path of apathy, realizing your impotence as a “Captain of your destinity.” You have no anchor to anything beside your meager individualism. Don’t be angry with me, I am reacting to your projection, your surrender to evil, perhaps even your admiration of it. May the Light lead your soul back to its Maker.
Voting has given the country Pelosi, Trump, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Schiff, etc.
I believe that these unfortunate results are caused by:
1) -voting by the poorly informed. This includes nearly all voters. With the internet and sites like this, this could be changing a little. I don’t know if it’s enough to matter.
2)- the fact that it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to write in the candidate you want to vote for. Where I live, in one of the recent elections I tried to write someone likje Ron Paul in. I couldn’t get it done.
3) -the absolute dominance of huge money in today’s elections. The Supreme Court decision somewhere around 2010, can’t remember the name right at the moment, had a good deal to do with this. Somehow we have to reverse the flood. Constitutional amendment?
moral fibre of the POTUS
That’s a good one. Potus is the chief criminal that stepped over all the bodies to get to that position. Gov’t = mafia with much better public relations.
As long as there are decisions that have to be taken by the collective will rather than the individual will, voting is bound to be some kind of a necessity.
People vote all the time with their wallets and there’s no coercion involved. If the population needs something, an enterprising individual will see to it that the market has a supplier. Competition reduces cost and provides choices. Books have been written to help those that question – ‘but who will build the roads?’. Here’s one with that as the title:
If people would read what Lysander Spooner, Frank Chodorov, Albert J. Nock and the long departed wrote, they would be better informed about other possibilities. Someone like Larken Rose is available on YouTube and Amazon to make people think about their propagandized point of view.
“ anyway because it is the entire machine, the deep state, that runs the country, not some figurehead.â€
That all depends on the moral fibre of the POTUS. True the last word is not the president’s. But a president is essential for the deep state because he gives the legal and moral cloak for their shenanigans by executing and approving their plans.
Voting in itself is not the problem but rather voting in a phony democracy like that we have all over the West or any other part of the world with so called representative democracy. As long as there are decisions that have to be taken by the collective will rather than the individual will, voting is bound to be some kind of a necessity. The problem with the sick and deadly joke called “Liberal Democracy†is that it is nothing more than a tool for the oligarchic class to rule according to their pure interests and vices while giving the common folks the feeling that they have a choice and some power to decide on matters of governance. Basically, Liberal Democracy is a system of divide and conquer invented by the ruthless and sick oligarchy to avail themselves of absolute power while their lackeys, be they politicians, journalists, security apparatuses, academics…are kept in line on the dole. Meanwhile, the dumb masses go about their voting routines lemming like.
Hitler never believed in Liberal Democracy and saw the swindle for what it is. Yet, he like Putin, managed to grab the reins of power through voting. Both Hitler and Putin ended up running more or less authoritarian regimes, but both of them used the excess power at the service of the people. Hitler had more success than Putin at uniting the nation behind him but lost his achievement by failing to read the true intentions of the oligarchic systems of his foreign enemies.
Then, could Hitler’s experience be an argument against any kind of hierarchy? That may be, but the reality check for any anarchist is that the world is constantly threatened by the born psychopaths who make up almost 20% of the any population with one fifth of this group representing the Uber psychopaths and that 4% of the population makes up more than eighty percent of all high office holders in business and government.
Anarchy might work if the sane majority can keep the born psychopaths in check. The closest to anarchy might be direct democracy the Athenian way, with some tinkering to allow more than select males to vote. I just learnt recently by listening to one of Kevin Barrett’s interviews that even legal courts ‘cases in Direct Democracy Athens were decided by 500 citizens chosen at random on a majority vote basis.
The current rotten system of representative democracy can change only through bloody revolution. Thomas Jefferson endorsed recurrent revolutions as a way to keep true democracy alive. Maybe the current blunder of the Western Elites at picking up a fight against Russia and China will weaken the state apparatus in the West to the point that oppressed common folks will give it the final coup de grace.
Voting is one such thing.
Voting is what gives you false hope that things will change if you just wish hard enough. Look at the last 50 years honestly and you’ll note a steady decline of the middle class as the oligarchy has gotten ever more rich and powerful. The gov’t mafia works for themselves and those like them that can pay for influence to screw you for their benefit. You are voting for your own extinction.
Voting has given the country Pelosi, Trump, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Schiff, etc. All the elections have been legally rigged by the political parties to guarantee only the scum preapproved by the existing mafia members can possibly get (s)elected.
The quaint old forms-elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of nonviolent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial . . . Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.
Aldous Huxley
The basic problem is quite simple. An elected representative is not tied in any substantial way to particular policies, whatever the preferences of the electorate. Influence on the politician is greatest at the time of election. Once elected, the representative is released from popular control but continues to be exposed to powerful pressure groups, especially corporations, state bureaucracies and political party power brokers.
Brian Martin
Is it not equally clear that resort to state power becomes attractive to so many for reasons to be found in the very definition of the state? Any student of government will acknowledge that such an institution is an agency that enjoys a legal monopoly on the use of violence within a given territory. The coercive power of the state will become available to those who are able to get control of its machinery, whether through elections, coups, or any other means acquiesced in by those who sanction the system. Once any group(s) gain control of the apparatus of the state, it is able to generate mandates that either force people to do what they do not choose to do or to prevent them from doing what they choose to do. By their nature, such mandates are grounded in social conflicts.
Butler Shaffer
I believe that these unfortunate results are caused by:
Voting has given the country Pelosi, Trump, Obama, Bush, Cheney, Schiff, etc.
This is worth an hour of your time.
from everything I've glimmered about Pelosi, is that her entire political shtick is about opposing conservative (racist, homophobic) America, because unlike those deplorable people, Pelosi is compassionate, and works for the downtrodden and underprivileged (victims of white racists).When she tore up that State of the Union speech, her message was loud and clear. There is no room for racists and Nazis in America. The conflation of the Deplorables as modern day Nazis by neocons and liberals has been overt and unmistakable. Pelosi's political fortunes are based on her stance as the anti-conservative / anti-'Nazi' wing of the Democrat party.And to underscore that point, she is concurrently, and proudly, the most vociferous voice in belligerent defense of the most brutally racial supremacist, genocidal, ethnically cleansing, stealing, murdering, maiming, torturing, aggressive regime on the planet. So long as it's Jews doing the murdering and maiming and ethnically cleaning brown people from their own lands, and stealing it for themselves, with the blessings and generosity to the tune of untold billions, of Nancy Pelosi.And the entire Democrat party all knows the obscene double-standard here, and they all go along with it. They are, to a person, unprincipled and rotten to the core. And they all know it, and the Republicans all know it, but they too (at least most) are just as rotten, and just as unprincipled, and just as opportunistic and devious and self-serving as their colleagues on the 'other-side of the isle'. Okay, our federal government has been co-opted by an enemy regime. Such things have happened before in history.But what's rather unique, it seems to me, is the all-pervasive, ubiquitous corruption of nearly every single institution (and tragically, the populace) of the Western world. They all do their requisite doublethink, and lie to their children just as glibly as if they were explaining how to bake cookies. Mothers in Germany tell their children that they must send money and support Israel, even as it genocides people off their lands, because genocide is wrong, and no one more than us Germans, have to remember that, and support Israel.
Pelosi commit high treason by declaring that her loyalty to Israel is more important than the national security of the USA.
And not just Americans, but Canadians and Brits and Germans and the French, and even the Russians knee-jerk genuflect to the Holocaust, as their 'moral superiority' for WWII and what's going on in Ukraine, (as if they needed it), because everybody has to genuflect to that particular hysteria and mountain of carefully programmed doublethink. look at the symbolism just in this picture alone've been pathologizing Western culture and people as 'evil Nazis' for generations. Ok, so we're all supposed be programmed to get sick at the image of a swastika or blond 'children of the corn'. But doing that was easy. The complicated part is much more insidious and yes, clever, if you want to call it that. Because even as we're all indoctrinated to hate the swastika and everything it supposedly represented, we're simultaneously supposed to love the Star of David, as a symbol of peace and love, representing the long victimization of an innocent people who simply tried to inoffensively play their violins, and make vaccines that will save humanity. All while practicing a regime of racial hate and genocide, that would make your typical 1930s Nazi sick to his stomach, for its sheer depraved cruelty and racial sadism.Steven Spielberg made a movie where the Nazi commandant shot children for amusement, (with zero historical evidence) but Jewish supremacists do it in Israel, for real. With the blessings (and funding) from Nancy Pelosi, all day long.So it seems to me that the real trick wasn't getting Germans (in particular) to hate themselves, and damn their ancestors (and themselves) as the most evil people that ever lived, (because they were racists who invaded other's lands ~ and most of all, gassed the Jews!), but then simultaneously, to get these same Germans (and the rest of us), to pledge unwavering moral support and unlimited financial and military aid, to the most genocidal regime of cruel, murderous racial supremacists that exists in the modern world. This mind fuck, was generations in the making, and is today, just as you say Joe, a doublethink, murderous, genocidal schizophrenia, most foul. I've spent too much time here, alas, and must attend to things, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate the words of encouragement from so many of you for whom I have such enormous respect, like you Joe. I guess you can tell that I've given these things some thought, and what I pour out to you, is straight from the heart, and as Emerging Majority says, a “Cri de Coeurâ€Thank you all and God bless.Replies: @Z-man, @24th Alabama, @HdC, @Joe Levantine
living under doublethink from generation to generation would most likely lead the American automatons into such deranged behaviour syndrome.
Quote: “ Steven Spielberg made a movie where the Nazi commandant shot children for amusement, (with zero historical evidence) but Jewish supremacists do it in Israel, for real. With the blessings (and funding) from Nancy Pelosi, all day long.â€
Many years back, Eric Hunt made a review of one Spielberg’s movies “ The Last Days†which he titled “The Last Days of the Big Lieâ€. In it he reviews the movie which is supposedly based on eye witness accounts from many Holocaust survivors. One such female pretender spoke about being incarcerated by the Germans, and having been from a family of jewelers, she managed to hide a fist of diamonds for all her stay at the concentration camp. Her trick was to swallow the diamonds and then recover them from her bowels, an exercise that she practiced for the many years she was at the concentration camp. Another male witness spoke about having been taken to a concentration camp where supposedly seven hundred thousand inmates were liquidated and buried in the yard with the bodies later exhumed and burnt to hide the crime. This last pretender claims that the Germans deprived them of water and their only recourse to quench their thirst was to sneak at night to a well in the middle of the massive graveyard and get the water; never mind that the contamination from the decaying bodies would make the healthiest person pass away in a few days. The list of wild stories from the movie about the big bad German wolf is too long to repeat here.
The moral of the documentary is, as you have already pointed out, how far the Western people have lost any critical way of thinking, and considering that Spielberg could be anything but stupid, how much nerve does the man have to propagate what he knows for sure to be just lies that cannot stand the most basic scrutiny, self assured of the indisputable reality that when it comes to Zionist or Jewish crimes, no one will even dare contest the absurdity of the narrative, for while Jews can speak what they want, the goys know they had better practice self censorship or as you called it “ doublethink†when it comes to Jewish matters.
On the other side of the coin, when a few years back, Palestinians were demonstrating in Gaza at the border of the Israeli occupied Palestinian lands, the IDF soldiers were shooting at the knees of the mainly young demonstrators crippling hundreds of them while the Israeli soldiers were joking among themselves and expressing such joy every time the marksmen got his shot right. And the Western world was oblivious to such barbarity going about its sport and celebrity entertainment and other hedonistic pursuits.
When providence starts losing patience with amorality, and cowardice and insouciance are two of the worst sins that make a society amoral, He will try to awaken that morally lost society through something we call “an act of Godâ€. Could the current war against Russia and the coming war against China, two wars of Choices by the West, be the harbinger of the trials and tribulations that one day will set the West back to the way of virtue. Let us just pray that the moral Renaissance of the West from under the spell of the current zionist zeitgeist will not require such an eventuality.
Thank you Rurik for your comment that comes from a clear and uncompromising conscience that is the true mark of a noble soul. You are such a great asset to the UR comments section with many others who strive for a truly humane and unbiased analysis of the current tragedies of life, prime among them the journalistic standard of our era. May you and all other commentators keep the energy and the drive to let the flame of truth shine in another wise murky and cloudy sea of endless lies, for as long as it takes to have the true light of God shine on this morally bankrupt human race.
not sure if you've seen this one Joe, but the Palestinian children weren't even protesting, just playing on a rooftop, when the brave IDF, (all hunkered down) sniper shot one, and then you see them giggling and congratulating the brave sniper, and mocking the child's wound.
when a few years back, Palestinians were demonstrating in Gaza at the border of the Israeli occupied Palestinian lands, the IDF soldiers were shooting at the knees of the mainly young demonstrators crippling hundreds of them while the Israeli soldiers were joking among themselves and expressing such joy every time the marksmen got his shot right.
There are certainly a lot of stories from the Bible that hearken to something pervasive and persistent in the human heart's foibles and pathos.
He will try to awaken that morally lost society through something we call “an act of Godâ€. ... ... will not require such an eventuality.
This, I can just as easily say to you, and the others here, for what I do know is a sincere attempt to at least wake up a few, to what's really going on, and how dire and even sacrosanct are our endeavors.
May you and all other commentators keep the energy and the drive to let the flame of truth shine in another wise murky and cloudy sea of endless lies, for as long as it takes to have the true light of God shine on this morally bankrupt human race.
That Russia might be temporarily better than a Ukraine that is intent on murdering people is, of course, true. But look what the invasion has unleashed. Millions are displaced and the destruction will take at least a generation to fix. How many thousands of civilians have been killed or injured and the work of their entire lives ruined? This system of condoning a mafia referred to as government to run roughshod over the population is the ultimate source of all the injustice in the world. Government is the evil it purports to protect the people from.
Well then, in this case , Crimea begged to the only right game left in town.
That is indeed an option albeit one only a tiny minority can pursue.
For most, I think for the test prepping means basically moving out of cities and blue states if one has the means but still some significant tie with a community is unavoidable. Living in a supposedly remote area means zero support from anyone and easy pickings for feral elements with patience and any rifle.
That said, one of the things that are left is choosing to exercise or take advantage of every possible tool, power, or advantage available. Voting is one such thing. In fact it’s a powerful option. The ones who say don’t vote miss the point. Voters get exactly what they want at all times. The problem is that voters even in these grotesque times do not pay attention and are easily swayed. Trump, the Tea Party, Buchanan, Perot, Reagan, Wallace, Kennedy, Taft, Lindbergh, Long, TR, Progressives, and Jackson did or almost did upset the apple cart.
The pathology brought to play by Jewish communists, Jewish bankers, and all the other fanatics, ideologues, and lost souls lifted up by prosperity, economic and political lunacy, the subversion of unassimillable foreigners, hate-filled minorities who cannot thrive, lunatic feminism, and some 110 years of living outside of the original constitutional scheme have set something in motion that is plainly satanic. But it is not eternal.
You’re right that we won’t vote our way out of this WITH PRESENT THINKING but we are approaching our own Mandate of Heaven moment after which we will see a massive, spontaneous change in thinking and a rejection of the present pathology and its advocates and foot soldiers. It won’t be a good time to be a Soros or a Soros prosecutor or secretary of state. And all who failed to pay attention and safeguard their liberties will pay a huge price.
Okay, I won't vote. That's stickin' it to the man. NP's Latina Maid didn't vote and lookee here, already five BSL-4 labs have closed in Ukraine and Joe Biden has resigned.
"You, the voter, are responsible for empowering the evil that is the DC Cabal"
Roatan Bill, et. al., seem to believe that the Left actually cares about ephemeral concepts such as legitimacy. There have been occasions when I haven’t voted, out of apathy or disgust with the candidates, and times when I wish I had my vote back. And, yes, the re-appointments of McConnell and McDaniel can’t appeal to those of us who want to take on and take out every strand of Leftism. I don’t see a clear path forward; to vote where I happen to live is more and more an act of masochism. The Normies and Quotidians are despondent and depopulating our area for less hostile environments. It’s tempting to light out for the territory and watch the whole contraption implode, but we’re a bit old, and it’s probably too late, to look for Our Very Own Spahn Ranch. And what if it doesn’t implode? At any rate, whether or not I vote, I’ll do so with a clear conscience, unperturbed whether I’m “part of the problem.”
I don’t read your posts Wizard of ZOG, but I read the ones you respond to, which are always a good read.
the “rules based international order†has always been a lie, hasn't it
suggesting that Israeli atrocities killing Palestinians do not bother the civilized world that the Bidens live in.
I fast tracked Giraldi, who basically writes the same stuff over and over to get to your posts, which are MUCH, MUCH better than his. THANKS.
the “rules based international order†has always been a lie, hasn't it
suggesting that Israeli atrocities killing Palestinians do not bother the civilized world that the Bidens live in.
Excellent points! Thank you for that Rurik. However, despite everything, I believe that the end is near for the ZOG in Washington. One of the many weaknesses of those who control America’s money and media and politicians is that they were never seriously challenged by any relatively well organized group of patriots. So, the never developed the ability to counter a real revolutionaries with purpose, faith and strength. Thus, the day those revolutionaries take the initiative and confront the J. Oligarchs, they will collapse as quickly as Israeli forces were defeated by the lowly Hizbollah fighters. For decades, the Israelis terrorized all Arab countries without exception, then they run into Hizbollah, which exposed the fake Israeli invincibility. The thing to remember is that those American patriots have to be genuine and be connected with faith based Christian communities. Patriotism + Faith can easily eclipse any criminal enterprise, be it ZOG or otherwise. Trump and MAGA are not relevant here. In truth, Trump is one of their guys. Sure, he is better than Biden, but a man with so many real vulnerabilities that they could send to prison any day of their choosing cannot lead the country into promised land. Puttin any stock on Trump is just waste of time.
I once entertained the notion of attempting to write a piece that perhaps someone like Mr. Unz would consider publishing.
The thing to remember is that those American patriots have to be genuine and be connected with faith based Christian communities. Patriotism + Faith can easily eclipse any criminal enterprise, be it ZOG or otherwise. Trump and MAGA are not relevant here.
Aren’t you better than this? Garland Nixon FFS! When I eventually found something on this blow hard- who had wasted too much of my time with factless guff – I discovered that he is known for his “unique perspectives”.
And where do you get that “Mossad” crap? Have you lost all critical faculties?
Israel is playing both sides so that when the Dollar’s days are over, Russia will hopefully take pity on their shitty little country.
I heard some analyst today express a view that I largely agree with.
It is not Israel that is the main driver here. It is that list of former Soviet states. Who are concerned that what Russia is doing to Ukraine is just a taste of what s to come.
There are two very bright spots in this issue. Both China and Iran disagree with Russia’s arguments about the nature of Ukrainian sovereignty. And have openly made that very clear. And while they may have sympathies for Russian concerns, they are not about to join in on
“the not a real country”
“hit parade” that Russia is claiming.
Your syntax sux. Though you have a point. All the Somali congresswomen are down with ending ZOG.
from everything I've glimmered about Pelosi, is that her entire political shtick is about opposing conservative (racist, homophobic) America, because unlike those deplorable people, Pelosi is compassionate, and works for the downtrodden and underprivileged (victims of white racists).When she tore up that State of the Union speech, her message was loud and clear. There is no room for racists and Nazis in America. The conflation of the Deplorables as modern day Nazis by neocons and liberals has been overt and unmistakable. Pelosi's political fortunes are based on her stance as the anti-conservative / anti-'Nazi' wing of the Democrat party.And to underscore that point, she is concurrently, and proudly, the most vociferous voice in belligerent defense of the most brutally racial supremacist, genocidal, ethnically cleansing, stealing, murdering, maiming, torturing, aggressive regime on the planet. So long as it's Jews doing the murdering and maiming and ethnically cleaning brown people from their own lands, and stealing it for themselves, with the blessings and generosity to the tune of untold billions, of Nancy Pelosi.And the entire Democrat party all knows the obscene double-standard here, and they all go along with it. They are, to a person, unprincipled and rotten to the core. And they all know it, and the Republicans all know it, but they too (at least most) are just as rotten, and just as unprincipled, and just as opportunistic and devious and self-serving as their colleagues on the 'other-side of the isle'. Okay, our federal government has been co-opted by an enemy regime. Such things have happened before in history.But what's rather unique, it seems to me, is the all-pervasive, ubiquitous corruption of nearly every single institution (and tragically, the populace) of the Western world. They all do their requisite doublethink, and lie to their children just as glibly as if they were explaining how to bake cookies. Mothers in Germany tell their children that they must send money and support Israel, even as it genocides people off their lands, because genocide is wrong, and no one more than us Germans, have to remember that, and support Israel.
Pelosi commit high treason by declaring that her loyalty to Israel is more important than the national security of the USA.
And not just Americans, but Canadians and Brits and Germans and the French, and even the Russians knee-jerk genuflect to the Holocaust, as their 'moral superiority' for WWII and what's going on in Ukraine, (as if they needed it), because everybody has to genuflect to that particular hysteria and mountain of carefully programmed doublethink. look at the symbolism just in this picture alone've been pathologizing Western culture and people as 'evil Nazis' for generations. Ok, so we're all supposed be programmed to get sick at the image of a swastika or blond 'children of the corn'. But doing that was easy. The complicated part is much more insidious and yes, clever, if you want to call it that. Because even as we're all indoctrinated to hate the swastika and everything it supposedly represented, we're simultaneously supposed to love the Star of David, as a symbol of peace and love, representing the long victimization of an innocent people who simply tried to inoffensively play their violins, and make vaccines that will save humanity. All while practicing a regime of racial hate and genocide, that would make your typical 1930s Nazi sick to his stomach, for its sheer depraved cruelty and racial sadism.Steven Spielberg made a movie where the Nazi commandant shot children for amusement, (with zero historical evidence) but Jewish supremacists do it in Israel, for real. With the blessings (and funding) from Nancy Pelosi, all day long.So it seems to me that the real trick wasn't getting Germans (in particular) to hate themselves, and damn their ancestors (and themselves) as the most evil people that ever lived, (because they were racists who invaded other's lands ~ and most of all, gassed the Jews!), but then simultaneously, to get these same Germans (and the rest of us), to pledge unwavering moral support and unlimited financial and military aid, to the most genocidal regime of cruel, murderous racial supremacists that exists in the modern world. This mind fuck, was generations in the making, and is today, just as you say Joe, a doublethink, murderous, genocidal schizophrenia, most foul. I've spent too much time here, alas, and must attend to things, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate the words of encouragement from so many of you for whom I have such enormous respect, like you Joe. I guess you can tell that I've given these things some thought, and what I pour out to you, is straight from the heart, and as Emerging Majority says, a “Cri de Coeurâ€Thank you all and God bless.Replies: @Z-man, @24th Alabama, @HdC, @Joe Levantine
living under doublethink from generation to generation would most likely lead the American automatons into such deranged behaviour syndrome.
For a very long time I have advocated that: “Everything you see/hear/read in the mass media, school text books, Hollywood, about Germany and the two WW, the exact opposite is much closer to the truth.”
from everything I've glimmered about Pelosi, is that her entire political shtick is about opposing conservative (racist, homophobic) America, because unlike those deplorable people, Pelosi is compassionate, and works for the downtrodden and underprivileged (victims of white racists).When she tore up that State of the Union speech, her message was loud and clear. There is no room for racists and Nazis in America. The conflation of the Deplorables as modern day Nazis by neocons and liberals has been overt and unmistakable. Pelosi's political fortunes are based on her stance as the anti-conservative / anti-'Nazi' wing of the Democrat party.And to underscore that point, she is concurrently, and proudly, the most vociferous voice in belligerent defense of the most brutally racial supremacist, genocidal, ethnically cleansing, stealing, murdering, maiming, torturing, aggressive regime on the planet. So long as it's Jews doing the murdering and maiming and ethnically cleaning brown people from their own lands, and stealing it for themselves, with the blessings and generosity to the tune of untold billions, of Nancy Pelosi.And the entire Democrat party all knows the obscene double-standard here, and they all go along with it. They are, to a person, unprincipled and rotten to the core. And they all know it, and the Republicans all know it, but they too (at least most) are just as rotten, and just as unprincipled, and just as opportunistic and devious and self-serving as their colleagues on the 'other-side of the isle'. Okay, our federal government has been co-opted by an enemy regime. Such things have happened before in history.But what's rather unique, it seems to me, is the all-pervasive, ubiquitous corruption of nearly every single institution (and tragically, the populace) of the Western world. They all do their requisite doublethink, and lie to their children just as glibly as if they were explaining how to bake cookies. Mothers in Germany tell their children that they must send money and support Israel, even as it genocides people off their lands, because genocide is wrong, and no one more than us Germans, have to remember that, and support Israel.
Pelosi commit high treason by declaring that her loyalty to Israel is more important than the national security of the USA.
And not just Americans, but Canadians and Brits and Germans and the French, and even the Russians knee-jerk genuflect to the Holocaust, as their 'moral superiority' for WWII and what's going on in Ukraine, (as if they needed it), because everybody has to genuflect to that particular hysteria and mountain of carefully programmed doublethink. look at the symbolism just in this picture alone've been pathologizing Western culture and people as 'evil Nazis' for generations. Ok, so we're all supposed be programmed to get sick at the image of a swastika or blond 'children of the corn'. But doing that was easy. The complicated part is much more insidious and yes, clever, if you want to call it that. Because even as we're all indoctrinated to hate the swastika and everything it supposedly represented, we're simultaneously supposed to love the Star of David, as a symbol of peace and love, representing the long victimization of an innocent people who simply tried to inoffensively play their violins, and make vaccines that will save humanity. All while practicing a regime of racial hate and genocide, that would make your typical 1930s Nazi sick to his stomach, for its sheer depraved cruelty and racial sadism.Steven Spielberg made a movie where the Nazi commandant shot children for amusement, (with zero historical evidence) but Jewish supremacists do it in Israel, for real. With the blessings (and funding) from Nancy Pelosi, all day long.So it seems to me that the real trick wasn't getting Germans (in particular) to hate themselves, and damn their ancestors (and themselves) as the most evil people that ever lived, (because they were racists who invaded other's lands ~ and most of all, gassed the Jews!), but then simultaneously, to get these same Germans (and the rest of us), to pledge unwavering moral support and unlimited financial and military aid, to the most genocidal regime of cruel, murderous racial supremacists that exists in the modern world. This mind fuck, was generations in the making, and is today, just as you say Joe, a doublethink, murderous, genocidal schizophrenia, most foul. I've spent too much time here, alas, and must attend to things, but I wanted to say how much I appreciate the words of encouragement from so many of you for whom I have such enormous respect, like you Joe. I guess you can tell that I've given these things some thought, and what I pour out to you, is straight from the heart, and as Emerging Majority says, a “Cri de Coeurâ€Thank you all and God bless.Replies: @Z-man, @24th Alabama, @HdC, @Joe Levantine
living under doublethink from generation to generation would most likely lead the American automatons into such deranged behaviour syndrome.
Another lesson in religious rituals:
Why do young Jewish men move their heads back and forth when they pray?
I can only tell you they are not practicing to become woodpeckers.
not sure why you're so stuck on that RB. First off, I enjoy your posts and your perspective. You bring a lot to TUR, and I'm the first to say I appreciate it.
That mind fuck that you spoke of starts with the obscenity of voting ... ...Every time you vote to continue the gov’t you slave under you are displaying Stockholm Syndrome behavior by siding with your captors.
Not sure why, but it almost seems like you're trying to make it personal. Like that because I have voted, (and in the case of Hillary, am very glad of it), that I am the one who's responsible for bombing Iraq and Afghanistan and Libya and trying to destroy Syria and menace Russia, etc... because I voted against the wars. Do I have that right?
You, the voter, are responsible for empowering the evil
Rurik, do I have that right that you didn’t vote in the 2020 selection? Shame, shame. Didn’t you see the corrupt senile perv Biden as every inch the threat that Hillary was? I’ve heard it said that if all the people who voted for Trump in 2016 would have voted for him again in 2020 instead of staying home, he would have won (though I don’t believe it, the selection was a done deal for Biden no matter what).
Who is in the White House DOES matter. A LOT. If Trump was still POTUS, what a difference it would make on our porous southern border. And, I agree with you, we wouldn’t be at war with Russia today because Trump would have demanded negotiations before Putin was forced to send Russian troops into the Donbass. And he would have put that little Jewish rat Zelensky in his place instead of celebrating him as today’s Churchill. No matter his many mistakes while in office, I’ll vote for Trump a third time if he wins the nomination.
Really, I don’t pay much attention to anarchists like RoatanBill. Their philosophy is too simplistic. Personally, I’d prefer a King or a Czar to our failing democracy, but that’s a topic for another day.
I was referring to the recent mid-term elections.
Rurik, do I have that right that you didn’t vote in the 2020 selection?
not really FoWI consider Brandon to be a propped-up cadaver. A husk of a man, who lost his soul and every shred of human dignity long, long ago. There's nothing there, as far as I can see. No benevolence, no malevolence, nothing but empty corruption in the fast-disintegrating shape of a man.
Didn’t you see the corrupt senile perv Biden as every inch the threat that Hillary was?
the selection was a done deal for Biden no matter what).
there was a open-mic moment at some GOP event during the 2012 Republican primaries when Ron Paul was running, and one of the 'journalists' was heard to say something like 'if that guy gets elected, 99% of us are going to be out of work'. Or something like that. A Ron Paul presidency would have mattered. Perhaps, would have even saved the republic, and indeed, Western civilization. Contrast with Obama, and his Libyan war, and Syrian war, and how it was Obama's regime that set the whole Ukrainian debacle in process, and you see what I mean. Ron Paul was perhaps the last gasp hope for our world and our children's future. But America, (such as it had become) was not worthy of the man, alas.
Who is in the White House DOES matter. A LOT.
I respect that, FoW.If he was running against Liz Cheney, I too would vote for him, (if I'm still in this country). Even if it were just a perfunctory act in a universally acknowledged rigged election. I consider Liz Cheney to be the clone of Hillary, (they even look the same). Loves war, loves power, loves to serve ZOG, at the expense of anything and everything. The best thing I can say about Trump, isn't just that the Democrats and (((media))) hated his guts, (they did ; ), but for me, it was the way the old-school, sell-out GOP treasonous scum hated his guts. Most exemplified by John -the bloodstain- McCain. The man I despise more than all others, [Rot in Hell], and the next on that list is Dick -9/11- Cheney.Farther down the list are Dubya and Mitt and Lindsey and all the other war-mongering treasonous scum, who would betray every last American citizen to their worst enemy, in order to cling to their pretenses of power and their perks. Yes, I consider Trump a sellout as well, and a disgrace, for the crimes he committed, and his slavish fealty to ZOG. But I will also confess to just you, FoW, (don't tell anyone else at Unz ; ), that even more than Hillary's and Bill Kristol's and AOC's and Nancy's and Schiff's and all those rotten scumfucks in the Democrat party and media and progressive shitlibs the world over, even more than them all, the one singular pleasure I would get from a Trump triumph on election day, would be the look on Liz Cheney's and Adam Kinzinger's face. Even as disappointing as another Trump four year fiasco would be, with him no-doubt crawling again between Bibi's legs, and degrading himself for all the world to retch at, just seeing this guy on election night the American people repudiating everything that Kinzinger (and the one-eyed McCain, and the rest) stand for, would almost make it worth it. So much so, that my dream is that Kinzinger's existential angst is so overwhelming, that Donald Trump Jr. calls him on election night, just to gloat and mock, and openly laughs at Kinzinger's tears, and to the point that Kinzinger puts down the phone, unable to cope, and pulls out the 38 from his drawer, and the last thing Donald Trump Jr. hears is Adam Kinzinger doing his version of the Shawshank redemption. moment could go down in American history, for ever known as 'Adam Kinzinger's redemption'.
No matter his many mistakes while in office, I’ll vote for Trump a third time if he wins the nomination.
@ Brosi
she is channelling, one?
of those strange French twins with the ski slope chins
and swollen cheeks. .faces like cartoon half moons.
The “rules based international order”. Translation. America and Israel make the rules as they see fit. Everybody else obeys them. Or else. Countries that say NO, like Russia, China, Cuba, Iran are “evil”.
Yes, but it will be hideous. First Hezbollah will weigh in, and Lod Airport will be crammed as they flee for Brooklyn Heights, Golders Green and Dover Heights. Then Satan-yahoo, or something WORSE, will spray nukes and bio-weapons about and all those Zionazi nukes hidden in Western cities will be detonated if Israel seems to be losing, and-hey presto- Masada Complex and Samson Option.
The Masada inmates were, in fact, not heroes, but vicious cut-throats who robbed and murdered even fellow Jews. What better description of Satan-yahoo and his Mafiosi could there be?
The only way to end ZOG is to end Jewish power over America.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
The “British footprint†is almost not mentioned in all the above actions in the public space. However, some Russian experts believe that the UK may have something to do with the night actions on January 29, 2023 in Iran. London is interested in the reincarnation of the “Great Game†of the edge of 19th-20th centuries, with access to Russian Turkestan, for which it is trying to revive the famous Great Turan project with the help of Turkey and newly emerged Turkic countries of the post-Soviet space. Britain prefers the “quiet signature†of its own intelligence agency, SIS, headed by the now seasoned professional Richard Moore. The geographic and communications docking line of the “Turkish arc†is believed to be in Transcaucasia near the Iranian-Armenian border, which angers Tehran. Iran is committed to preserving the existing borders in the region and opposes their redrawing at the instigation of Anglo-Saxon interference.
Britannia delenda est. Imperial bad karma must be balanced. England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Cornwall will get along nicely, after all those great estates are broken up.
In EVERY capitalist State there is a stratum of blood-sucking parasites, made that way by heredity, upbringing and socialisation. They own the economy, and, through bribery, carelessly disguised as ‘political contributions’ and post-career employment, they own politics. They own the entire brainwashing apparatus ie the MSM, PR, advertising, think-tanks and ‘entertainment’ and indoctrinate the plebs, from childhood, in the sacred tenets of insatiable greed, personal psychiatric inadequacy, envious devotion to the rich and classic ‘divide and rule’ disdain for or hatred of others ie supporters of other political parties, (or sports teams), minorities, welfare recipients, the poor etc.
Politics is the shadow cast on society by Big Business as Dewey more or less said and EVERY capitalist society tends inexorably to ever greater inequality, elite wealth, majority poverty, ecological devastation, debt and instability. You either get a revolution, which the rich States led by the USA will destroy one way or the other, or you get what we have now. A hyper-elite, transnational but led by the USA, with NO further use, in an age of computerisation, automation, robotisation and AI, for the plebs. And they are openly plotting their extermination, and with CoViD19 and the mRNA gene therapy shots, the ‘final solution’ may already be underway.
Two countries escaped this process-the USSR, but it was brought low after trillions of money and tens of millions of the dead were expended to that end, and China, but it took 200 years of war, civil strife, invasion and Japanese genocide to eliminate its parasites, and the West is plainly going to risk EVERYTHING to ‘bring China down’. Humanity cannot survive its parasites. Their greed, hatred of others and paranoia are limitless. Imagine if they escaped into the cosmos, what horrors they would wreak.
Yeah Indo-Haley, the clear case of someone who follows the rule of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. Who’s India’s number one enemy? Muslim Pakistan and Muslims in general…just like Izrael.
In the case of Indo-Haley her pro Zionism is over the top.
‘Speaking of the Billions we give Izrael, I was just reminded that the per capita income of the Zionist state is higher than Italy and a lot of other European 1st World states.’ — Z-man
Israel joined the OECD in 2010. OECD is a ‘rich countries club’ — most of its 38 members, including Israel, are considered fully developed nations with a western standard of living.
Other than the utterly pathological ~$4 billion of annual tribute which Israel sucks out of the US, OECD member states furnish no other example of ‘rich countries aiding rich countries’ on this scale.
Justification for rich America aiding rich Israel is nonexistent. The Jewish Lobby extracts this tribute to make the US, like a whipped cur, prostrate itself and expose its bare neck to its victor and master.
RE: drones that struck Iran on January 29:
And Iran will neither capitulate nor give in…
The “British footprint†is almost not mentioned in all the above actions in the public space. However, some Russian experts believe that the UK may have something to do with the night actions on January 29, 2023 in Iran. London is interested in the reincarnation of the “Great Game†of the edge of 19th-20th centuries, with access to Russian Turkestan, for which it is trying to revive the famous Great Turan project with the help of Turkey and newly emerged Turkic countries of the post-Soviet space. Britain prefers the “quiet signature†of its own intelligence agency, SIS, headed by the now seasoned professional Richard Moore. The geographic and communications docking line of the “Turkish arc†is believed to be in Transcaucasia near the Iranian-Armenian border, which angers Tehran. Iran is committed to preserving the existing borders in the region and opposes their redrawing at the instigation of Anglo-Saxon interference.
just as the russians diligently prepared for years for their smo, so too has the axis of resistance, if the zionazis ever attempted their final solution, it would be the final dissolution of israel.