I must confess I’m unable to understand the relevance of your post in the instance.
Were the horrific Opium Wars were fought for…
…the British East India Company? The west’s drug cartel of the 18th century I think.
Because the emperor of China tried to stop them from poisoning the people of his empire.
I want to know too. Putin doesn't really listen to her. Some sort of 3D chess perhaps. Keeping her in position, since she is an Atlantacist, might be a red-herring to confuse the west.
Nabiullina? What I would like to know is how this person got away with putting 300 billion in jeopardy only to later be hailed as some sort of wonder woman. Some have been jailed or executed for less.
Interesting. So Nabs is in charge of a “honey pot”.
I remember Ritters comments clearly. Bizarre. But, there again, we are “told” that Lira was “imprisoned” a second time…. and… just like before…. He babbles away about his intentions. Who in their right mind does that? Nobody for Christs sake! That’s nuts.
I have no doubt the Ukrainians have knocked out some anti-aircraft systems but the video you linked to looks unreal. You are selective in what you present and one cannot generalise from the few cases you show.
Russians are knocking out some of these Western aid weapons in storage. Anyway it’s war and even the losing side can have some successes.
That list would definitely include Trump.
Ugly woman, no wonder that demography is so obsessed with turning pretty boys into faux girls.
Ritter is a country bumpkin.
That’s not Ritter’s fatal flaw.
Who is opposing the puppet regime?
Well you’re wrong.
They are getting around 600 long range ATACMS missiles. The actual number isn’t known but that is significant compared to previous aid packages. Trump surprised everyone with his MIC pay-off bill. It pretty much gives them the ATACMS inventory. He didn’t even have Johnson try to lowball the rest of Congress which would have worked He handed Johnson a bill that lets em rip. Thanks Trump. I mean that.
I have posted video of an ATACMS defeating an S-400 even though a poster here didn’t believe it was possible. Of course some are shot down but with 600 they can spare a few.
Russia cannot simply replace those systems overnight. They take time to build and they are hampered by sanctions. After 1991 Russia became more dependent on Western technology. It isn’t like the USSR days where they took pride in doing everything on their own.
Putin is trying to call a truce before the aid arrives. If you look at actual videos of the front you will notice that the Russians have been sending out haphazard attacks with paid malcontents in vehicles that look like they are from Mad Max. That is not a well positioned military. I considered the possibility of it being a feint until Putin’s offer. He would clearly prefer to leave the war with his captured conquests before the aid and F-16s arrive. That shows he is not planning a grand offensive as both Ritter and MacGregor have claimed.
Ritter should be given his passport and told to climb in one of those chicken cage motorcycles. Go die for the glory of Putin.
I say this aid is hyped up and will change little just like all the other hyped aid and weapons sent previously. Probably it will have even less effect than aid and weapons sent previously.
The Biden regime is illegitimate. What happened to Scott Ritter, Phil Giraldi, Julian Assange, and many others demonstrates the behavior of a regime that looks more like Stalinism than a republic. Take the bogus charges against former President Trump or Steve Bannon and the people who took part in the demonstration on 6 January. The Biden regime is corrupt and criminal to the core, plus it’s illegitimate. It must be voted out of office. But like the Dems rigged the 2020 elections, they will do it again, but this time on a much broader scale. If the Biden regime “wins,” the US will be turned into a Fascist totalitarian dictatorship.
Speaking of someone who makes very strange predictions, Your Excellency…
He made very strange predictions…
Replies: @John Johnson
John’s Johnson - Tell you what….
Putin won’t make it to September 1st [2022]. I won’t post on Whiteny or Anglin for the rest of the year if I am wrong. If am I am right you have to refer to me as Your Excellency in any response.https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/scott-ritters-switcheroo-why-i-radically-changed-my-overall-assessment/?showcomments#comment-5347277
I still have the better track record than Ritter and I don’t have to go back to 2022.
Ritter claimed this year that Putin is building a massive reserve force to crush to Ukraine.
I said I’m not buying it and that Putin is in trouble. He is clearly trying to land grab with whatever he can out of desperation. Most likely trying to grab land before the additional aid arrives.
Well look at what came out today:
Putin offers truce if Ukraine exits Russian-claimed areas and drops NATO bid
Putin is offering to walk at the current lines.
We will see what your great sex offender and oracle has to say about it. Probably something along the lines of “UKRAINE IS DOOMED” because that is what he has been saying since the war started. He isn’t a military analyst. He has switched sides and serves Russia. He might as well move.
Scott Ritter was also completely wrong about the IDF facing hell. He predicted a massive Red Dawn battle that never happened. Hamas is poorly equipped and the IDF simply blew up their tunnels. Iran gave them outddated equipment and they never had a plan.
I'd like to be a patriot. Having to associate with would be murderers like you, at least as you are here in the comment you made, will make that impossible. I'm interested in saving my culture, not murdering all of the Jews, or singling out any other race for extermination. I understand from my desultory studying that attempting to kill off completely another culture comes somewhat naturally to humans, but it has to be firmly resisted if we expect to remain humans in the better sense.Replies: @anarchyst, @Katrinka
The only way to save America is to exterminate all Jews. Those who served them will also receive the death penalty — starting with Genocide Joe and every member of Congress.
Jews are the tip of the spear, the instigators if you will. They have a history, over two thousand years, of infiltrating, subverting, and destroying host countries. They are racketeers of the worst sort. Did you ever consider that your Jewish acquaintances are putting you on? It is a common trick. Jews hate gentiles. Wake the f*ck up. Jews need to be contained on an island somewhere. Let them produce wealth parasiting off each other. Truth is…we don’t need them.
1 out of every 80 Germans committed suicide last year.
The Berliner Telegraph announced that the year before last, the number of those who voluntarily took their own lives increased by 10%, in 2023 – by another 4.2%, and that about 1.07 million people ended up like that. So: yes every eightieth German.
Meeting Germans who visit the States, they are polite, but I get the feeling that they see America as the edge of civilization and just want to be back in their own country. The outlook for the German nation is not looking good. We need one of those Joe Biden gas pump stickers, but it's America pointing and saying, "I did that!"Replies: @Odyssey
I am not surprised to learn more and more that sensible Germans are fleeing Germany and buying still cheap apartments in Latin America, Turkey and the UAE, where German communities are growing the fastest.
You noticed well, the number seems excessive and probably the author clumsily transferred the relevant figures. I looked at another source and found (Holger Leerhoff, 64th ISI World Statistics Congress – Ottawa, Canada):
Every year, around 10,000 people in Germany commit suicide. Comprehensive and reliable statistical data on this phenomenon are an important building block for effective suicide prevention. Based on the official cause-of-death statistics, this article uses data from the relevant 273,000 death cases from the years 1992 to 2016 to investigate four topics of varying complexity.
I will look for where the error in translation occurred.
The Berliner Telegraph announced that the year before last, the number of those who voluntarily took their own lives increased by 10%, in 2023 – by another 4.2%, and that about 1.07 million people ended up like that. So: yes every eightieth German.
1 out of every 80 Germans committed suicide last year.
I am not surprised to learn more and more that sensible Germans are fleeing Germany and buying still cheap apartments in Latin America, Turkey and the UAE, where German communities are growing the fastest.
Meeting Germans who visit the States, they are polite, but I get the feeling that they see America as the edge of civilization and just want to be back in their own country.
The outlook for the German nation is not looking good. We need one of those Joe Biden gas pump stickers, but it’s America pointing and saying, “I did that!”
I will look for where the error in translation occurred.
Every year, around 10,000 people in Germany commit suicide. Comprehensive and reliable statistical data on this phenomenon are an important building block for effective suicide prevention. Based on the official cause-of-death statistics, this article uses data from the relevant 273,000 death cases from the years 1992 to 2016 to investigate four topics of varying complexity.
Well, I'm in either 3 0r 4, probably 3 fading into 4, depending on you you look at it and whether I survive the US Dollar collapse. My family structure is destroyed (despite my best efforts) and, althugh all my kids tried to start a family, only one of my kids has succeeded, and she is out of communication. So 3 or 4 does happen.
3. The forest dweller – he who passes on his family and worldly duties to the next generation and seeks his higher truths, whatever they may be
4. The renunciate – he who loses interest in the material world and spends it in spiritual pursuits.
. . .
Why do the Abrahamic cultures not incorporate the two latter stages?
Yes, your observations are true. They are also true in other cultures. I live in Southeast Asia, at a crossroads of cultures. From my vantage point it is easy for me to observe Westerners, Indians, Muslims, East Asians etc.
I can say this focus on the material world is true of most other cultures. Even amongst the Hindus themselves, they are overwhelmingly focused on the material world. It is only the most committed ones who pursue this 4 stage life.
My own opinion is that the focus on the material world is really a default condition of the current world we live in (in Hindu parlance Kali yuga, or Eon of Quarrel and Hypocrisy). All cultures are similarly transfixed by it. It is only a small segment of each culture that pursue what lies beyond materiality. Even the Abrahamic faiths too have their own more spiritually inclined sects. There are Christian mystics, the Muslims have their Sufis, the Jews have their Kabbalists.
Some say the Kali Yuga ends in 2025. A cause for optimism, I say.
Panzers in crisis: The Germans are raising their hands more and more en masse because of – the meaninglessness of life
(excerpts from the text of German/Russian Marina Gacemeier)
At the beginning of May, my German friend, 31-year-old Ben, came home from work, texted his girlfriend that he was tired, that he was going to order a pizza and go to bed, but he didn’t order it and didn’t go to bed. He committed suicide.
“I’m nothing,” said my friend from Dresden, the Russian German Tolya, who returned to his historical homeland because he wanted to live in Germany, but he also committed suicide.
The German media hardly writes about the wave of suicides that has swept the country.
I did not find any expert analysis on this topic in German on the Internet. But there are statistics.
The Berliner Telegraph announced that the year before last, the number of those who voluntarily took their own lives increased by 10%, in 2023 – by another 4.2%, and that about 1.07 million people ended up like that. So: yes every eightieth German.
I think they kill themselves en masse because of the meaninglessness of life.
Alcoholism is the norm in Germany.
Looking at ordinary German men, I came to the conclusion that their almost universal daily alcoholism is an attempt to adapt to the unnatural lifestyle that has been promoted in their country for years, to come to terms with it.
The moral condition of German citizens reminds me of what happened in Russia in the nineties. Alcoholism, drug addiction, permissiveness, decay, decadence…
The Germans themselves call it decadence. They have in mind the feeling of hopelessness, desolation in the heads, discord in the soul.
Drugs, alcohol, criminal gangs and blood on the asphalt are taking the lives of more and more Germans.
Because of the hopelessness and meaninglessness of life, the lack of important things and people for whom they live.
Today we know exactly who “pushed” us in Russia in the nineties and why.
Did God save us from death then? Or did it help, maybe this is a rebellious thought, poverty?
Back then we were focused on bare physical survival. We were focused on that in hungry, destroyed Russia. We had no time for decadence.
The well-fed European’s struggle for a bare life is unknown, so he indulges in consumption, buys unnecessary things, drowns in loans, brags about new mental illnesses, strips off his belt at fashion parades of tolerance and becomes depraved.
The smarter and more honest a person is, the more uninteresting it is for him to live only for himself.
Material wealth is too little for him. But in a consumer society there is only: travelled the world, drove the best car, bought expensive things for myself, ate only organic products..
Like all well-to-do Germans, Ben had anything but a worthy reason for living.
In atheistic Germany, belief in God is considered outdated and often even shameful.
In liberal Germany, individualism triumphs: love yourself, do what you want, don’t deny yourself anything.
Saturation necessarily ends in desolation.
We know who is pushing people into the abyss today, forcing anyone who dares to think and doubt the correctness of the misanthropic postmodernist agenda.
Fundamental concepts – gender, family, religion – are increasingly being eroded, and centuries-old traditions are being destroyed.
I am not surprised to learn more and more that sensible Germans are fleeing Germany and buying still cheap apartments in Latin America, Turkey and the UAE, where German communities are growing the fastest.
“Germany is no longer my country”, I heard these words in German several times in the resort of Egypt, where thousands and thousands of Germans are moving.
And, it is precisely these people who today understand well the Russians who are fighting for their right to remain what they are.
1 out of every 80 Germans committed suicide last year.
The Berliner Telegraph announced that the year before last, the number of those who voluntarily took their own lives increased by 10%, in 2023 – by another 4.2%, and that about 1.07 million people ended up like that. So: yes every eightieth German.
Meeting Germans who visit the States, they are polite, but I get the feeling that they see America as the edge of civilization and just want to be back in their own country. The outlook for the German nation is not looking good. We need one of those Joe Biden gas pump stickers, but it's America pointing and saying, "I did that!"Replies: @Odyssey
I am not surprised to learn more and more that sensible Germans are fleeing Germany and buying still cheap apartments in Latin America, Turkey and the UAE, where German communities are growing the fastest.
It seems odd that Mr. Ritter would allow himself to be cowed by DHS operatives without raising a loud protest. He’s not a country bumpkin. The intern at The American Conservative brings up a valid point.
Yes, this would be the situation in much of the world and certainly in the West. But there are traditions where this stage of raising a family is but a middle stage in ones life. I am thinking of course of the Hindus who think in terms of 4 stages in life1. The student/child
Satisfaction for humans comes from somehow forming a family and successfully raising children who do much the same.
3. The forest dweller – he who passes on his family and worldly duties to the next generation and seeks his higher truths, whatever they may be
4. The renunciate – he who loses interest in the material world and spends it in spiritual pursuits.
. . .
Why do the Abrahamic cultures not incorporate the two latter stages?
Well, I’m in either 3 0r 4, probably 3 fading into 4, depending on you you look at it and whether I survive the US Dollar collapse. My family structure is destroyed (despite my best efforts) and, althugh all my kids tried to start a family, only one of my kids has succeeded, and she is out of communication. So 3 or 4 does happen.
I think that the emphasis on stage 2 in its present form comes from the Dark Ages and the Middle Ages. In those days, Western Europe had a very large residual native population (previous subjects of the Roman Empire) ruled by a comparatively small population that descended from the survivors of the invading tribes.
Typically, the tribal structure of the invading tribes had been destroyed by military necessity during the invasion and subsequent fighting with other invading tribes. Dark/Middle Ages government was basic military — a vassal had land that he had to protect, a duty to provide troops for the King should another (Lord forbid!) tribal confederation challenge the current ruler, and a duty to be Catholic (if his confederation had been converted to Christianity, as most eventually were).
As you know, the “vassal” system eventually produced a collection of small estates, each with its own strongpoint (fort, castle) for use when somebody, either neighbor or King’s war, or, later, Viking raider, required that the vassal provide some secure place to put the peasants and their livestock until the fighting ended.
The vassal system was anything but stable. Fighting was episodic but common. Knights were heavy cavalry descended in concept from the old Persian heavy cavalry (“Clibanarii” in Latin, “Oven boys” in English, as the heavy cavalry tended to overheat during fights). Heavy cavalry could defeat infantry through most of the Dark and Middle Ages, so the vassal had to field and lead (very expensive) heavy cavalry. During that interval, armor tended to be chain mail over padding, somewhat protective but hot, and not too heavy to fight in.
Armor or no, however, the knights had heavy casualties. The feudal system demanded leadership of local forces by the actual ruler of the fief, with his of-age sons also fighting (and some serving as subordinate commanders of men at arms and the badly trained peasant infantry and support levies).
As a result, the nobility, especially local nobility, didn’t live very long and always needed children (men to fight, women to build alliances). Surviving knights tended to be in their 20s during heavy fighting (the older ones slowing down or getting exhausted and then getting killed). A vassal who ran out of male descendants of fighting age lost the fight. Noble wives maximized their rate of pregnancy by giving nursing over to wet nurses and child care over to servants.
So you can see where this is going: Western European nobility never got to (3) and (4) because there was always some threat that kept the present vassal in (2), remaining in active control and leadership, or dying. Remember, the “vassal” relationship was like father/son rather than “Emperor”/”Province governor”. It was an “individual person to individual person” rather than a “role to role” relationship, and the King could only appoint a non-heir vassal/local leader if he wanted to risk a general revolt of the other vassals. Kings had less freedom of action than one might think.
Perhaps (3) and (4) are coming back, now that the Western social structure is disintegrating. Retired bureaucrats/apparatchiks have no place other than (3) and (4) to go.
He made very strange predictions…
Speaking of someone who makes very strange predictions, Your Excellency…
John’s Johnson – Tell you what….
Putin won’t make it to September 1st [2022]. I won’t post on Whiteny or Anglin for the rest of the year if I am wrong. If am I am right you have to refer to me as Your Excellency in any response.
Satisfaction for humans comes from somehow forming a family and successfully raising children who do much the same.
Yes, this would be the situation in much of the world and certainly in the West. But there are traditions where this stage of raising a family is but a middle stage in ones life. I am thinking of course of the Hindus who think in terms of 4 stages in life
1. The student/child
2. The householder (that which we speak of above)
3. The forest dweller – he who passes on his family and worldly duties to the next generation and seeks his higher truths, whatever they may be
4. The renunciate – he who loses interest in the material world and spends it in spiritual pursuits.
It seems pretty wise to me.
Why do the Abrahamic cultures not incorporate the two latter stages? My hunch is that it is because they believe that they have already found the answer….so “what’s the point of seeking further?”. In this way, the Hindus have a lot to teach the rest of us.
Well, I'm in either 3 0r 4, probably 3 fading into 4, depending on you you look at it and whether I survive the US Dollar collapse. My family structure is destroyed (despite my best efforts) and, althugh all my kids tried to start a family, only one of my kids has succeeded, and she is out of communication. So 3 or 4 does happen.
3. The forest dweller – he who passes on his family and worldly duties to the next generation and seeks his higher truths, whatever they may be
4. The renunciate – he who loses interest in the material world and spends it in spiritual pursuits.
. . .
Why do the Abrahamic cultures not incorporate the two latter stages?
This post is a Western comment on Buddhism. I’ll admit that it’s sort of like using a nihonga painting to clean a dirty floor, but it’s not inaccurate.
Buddhist’s commonly meditate cultivating an inner silence — better of course, to see one’s self as one truly is — in moments when someone is stepping on your corns. Where then is this “satisfaction?”
That’s when “satisfaction” gets dropped and your self knowledge/knowledge of others gets tested – navigating that situation is the secular reward.
This is the age in the West of false friends and mass deception about human nature (e.g. the Feminist “abortion as a women’s sacrament “). Seeing one’s self as one is, and other people as they really are, is both difficult and basic survival necessity in a very badly fragmented West. To paraphrase “Life is just a bowl of cherries” so that it represents reality: “Life is target acquisition”.
Mousashi wrote in translation “Do not step heavily (to keep your balance). Do not hold your katana by the end of the hilt (to achieve a longer reach). Just step in and cut him down.” That captures something. In Western society, Musashi’s advice is best interpreted as “Act without thinking to neutralize the immediate threat and the legal/administrative aftermath of the neutralization”, and perhaps that was the interpretation used in old Japan by non-samurai.
Satisfaction for humans comes from somehow forming a family and successfully raising children who do much the same. Western demography suggests that this satisfaction is now rare, “the impossible dream”, so impossible that neither men nor women cannot admit to having it, not even to themselves.
Here’s some validation of the above “impossible dream” thesis from the US population:
Of course, demographics for all the industrial nations are now very similar.
Ritter has traveled to Russia and Iran, as well as to other hot spots, without regard for his personal safety, driven by the desire to tell the truth
He isn’t driven by the desire to tell the truth.
He has been paid by Russian state media in the past and has made dozens of videos along the lines of “Ukraine is doomed” and without any regard for accountability.
Scott Ritter is not a military analyst as he has zero interest in actually analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each side.
He is pro-Putin and not even close to impartial. He gave a pep rally speech to Chechen troops where he praised their patriotism and condemned America. That is not a journalist. He has clearly taken a side in this war. He has that right but he should be honest instead of trying to depict himself as a journalist. I have most respect for Anglin who called himself “Putin’s #1 fanboy” when the war broke out.
For his pains, he inevitably is accused of being a source of Russian and anti-Israeli disinformation and even acting as “Putin’s poodle,” but his information has proven to be overwhelmingly reliable.
None of his predictions from the first year came true and his “inside sources” are most likely fictional. He made very strange predictions about the IDF in relation to Hamas that did not happen or even close. Most of those videos have been scrubbed. Scott Ritter sells wishful thinking to his followers and hopes they don’t notice how often he is simply wrong.
He has a criminal record which is entirely related to his bias towards Putin. He is blacklisted in US media because of his conviction and seeks alternative attention.
Scott Ritter isn’t a hero. I don’t support withholding passports without explanation but there could be more to this story.
Moscow actually made a statement in support of holding him. Strange but true:
Speaking of someone who makes very strange predictions, Your Excellency…
He made very strange predictions…
Replies: @John Johnson
John’s Johnson - Tell you what….
Putin won’t make it to September 1st [2022]. I won’t post on Whiteny or Anglin for the rest of the year if I am wrong. If am I am right you have to refer to me as Your Excellency in any response.https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/scott-ritters-switcheroo-why-i-radically-changed-my-overall-assessment/?showcomments#comment-5347277
You are most welcome.
Maybe not. But he is performing a valuable deed by informing all those who may be reading.
I myself was in Hangzhou a few weeks back. It is a lovely city.
Westerners will be shocked if they had the balls to visit China. Their picture of the world described to them by their media would begin to come crashing down.
Thank you. I like that story. It is a powerful teaching.
In the last 40 years, per the World Bank, China has lifted 770 million people out of absolute poverty (850 million overall), which represents 76% of World poverty over the same period. To put this achievement in context, that's over 2.5X the entire population of the USA:https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/04/01/lifting-800-million-people-out-of-poverty-new-report-looks-at-lessons-from-china-s-experienceChina today, does this look like collapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbywNxdtoe0&t=12217sPredicting China's economic doom is a cottage industry.
The PRC also has maybe a decade. Xi’s takeover appears to be an attempt to avoid the failure of the system that Deng Xiaoping set up in the late 1970s.
Guy —
You aren’t going to keep the Chinese economy afloat (or sink it either) by posting.
The Volker shibboleth.
High interest rates is a massive transfer of wealth to parasites. It is junk economics. It is what the parasites want.
What is going on? Interest rates.
Turkey 50%
Iran 23%
Pakistan 20.5%
Russia. 16%
The PRC also has maybe a decade. Xi’s takeover appears to be an attempt to avoid the failure of the system that Deng Xiaoping set up in the late 1970s.
In the last 40 years, per the World Bank, China has lifted 770 million people out of absolute poverty (850 million overall), which represents 76% of World poverty over the same period. To put this achievement in context, that’s over 2.5X the entire population of the USA:
China today, does this look like collapse:
Video Link
Predicting China’s economic doom is a cottage industry.
The predictions have proven 100% wrong since 1949. Some examples:
1990. China’s economy has come to a halt. The Economist
1996. China’s economy will face a hard landing. The Economist
1998. China’s economy’s dangerous period of sluggish growth. The Economist
1999. Likelihood of a hard landing for the Chinese economy. Bank of Canada
2000. China currency move nails hard landing risk coffin. Chicago Tribune
2001. A hard landing in China. Wilbanks, Smith & Thomas
2002. China Seeks a Soft Economic Landing. Westchester University
2003. Banking crisis imperils China. New York Times
2004. The great fall of China? The Economist
2005. The Risk of a Hard Landing in China. Nouriel Roubini
2006. Can China Achieve a Soft Landing? International Economy
2007. Can China avoid a hard landing? TIME
2008. Hard Landing In China? Forbes
2009. China’s hard landing. China must find a way to recover. Fortune
2010: Hard landing coming in China. Nouriel Roubini
2011: Chinese Hard Landing Closer Than You Think. Business Insider
2012: Economic News from China: Hard Landing. American Interest
2013: A Hard Landing In China. Zero Hedge
2014. A hard landing in China. CNBC
2015. Congratulations, You Got Yourself A Chinese Hard Landing. Forbes
2016. Hard landing looms for China. The Economist
2017. Is China’s Economy Going To Crash? National Interest
2018. China’s Coming Financial Meltdown. The Daily Reckoning.
2019 China’s Economic Slowdown: How worried should we be? BBC2020. Coronavirus Could End China’s Decades-Long Economic Growth Streak. NY Times
2021 Chinese economy risks deeper slowdown than markets realize. Bloomberg
2022. China Surprise Data Could Spell R-e-c-e-s-s-i-o-n. Bloomberg.
2023. No word should be off-limits to describe China’s faltering economy. Bloomberg
Nature proceeds automatically — spring follows winter, summer follows spring, fall follows summer, winter follows fall — everything on Earth powered by the sun and moon. Some birds spend their entire lifetimes flying back and forth between the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Dogs chase cats. Boys chase girls. Life goes on. Everything is bound to happen — in general. For worms and fish and monkeys and man it is the same thing — in general. Everything is mechanical, happening inevitably and confirming inevitably to the diktats of its type — including man!
Everything feeds on everything else — including feeding on us!
Many people are familiar with Buddhism. There are rumours something higher for oneself may be obtained by pursuing the Buddhists way — a path to enlightenment. For most Buddhists their lives are changed positively by diligent meditation. But in most cases this is in conformity with natures laws — it is pursued mechanically. Many Buddhist can recite chapter and verse many aphorisms. No different than adherents of any religion — knowing the words in their books but failing to understand them. Everything obtained mechanically is inevitably lost the same way.
There are truths in almost every book. But facts, trotted out when they seem appropriate are trotted out mechanically. Like political ideologies with which the adherents are identified — their books, their religions, their ideologies. Everything is mechanical. Real choosing is of course against the grain. When the sun lights up the eastern edge of the continent every morning millions of people are prompted to repeat the things they do every day — pursue life routines, entwined like cogs in a watch, or rather entwined in a giant mechanical whirligig.
Routines include preparations to do evil — manufacturing drugs, manufacturing armaments, promulgating lies and ideologies, murdering, killing — done in thousands of factories and offices and back alleys by people completely oblivious of succumbing to the inertia of their mechanical lives lived like automatons. They fuck, have showers, drink coffee, brush their teeth, get dressed, check their email — all the while feeding the universe and getting nothing in return except tomorrow, while living lives of quiet desperation.
If one already knows what one does is bad and does it anyway, one commits a ‘sin’ difficult to redress.
In the evening they switch on their TVs, watching for further instructions. They watch mechanically and passively, rather than intentionally.
Mechanicalness is the power of the universe. People imagine they are free. Yet they fill every moment with routines chosen by others. Their breathing is shallow. Their bodies deprived of oxygen. Even when they exercise they run on a treadmill. In rooms where the oxygen is depleted by recycling it in such confined quarters.
What is much much worse they have no inner life. Ancient books and teachings spoke of this inner life. In translation aspects of these teachings were debased by thinking they referred to outer life. Of course people debased in body, mind , and emotions — manufactured by religiosity and conventional ideas had nothing themselves established within — to do other than reduce them to their own level of understanding.
Many people have read or heard the Mulla Nasruddin story about his lost key.
A man sees an anxious Mulla Nasruddin searching under a street light for something on the ground.
When asked by the passer-by, “Mulla what have you lost?”
“I am searching for a key,” says Nasruddin.
The passer-by and Nasruddin continue, both on their knees searching for the key.
After a while the passer-by casually asks if Nasruddin could have lost the key elsewhere.
Nasruddin answers “…yes, probably in my house over there.” Of course the passer-by jumps up and shouts at Nasruddin, “Then why are you searching for the key out here?”
Mulla Nasruddin casually answers as though it must be obvious, “ Because there is more light outside here than inside my house.”
Nasruddin’s message is looking outside, for that which is inside, is easy. It is easy to look outside in the light and see all the things that look like the solution to finding the key — religious beliefs, opinions of others, material things, intangible things like travel and more conventional education, attachment to various gurus, etc., all of which there is no shortage.
Gary Moore (r.i.p.) was banned in the US for creating the song Hiroshima while with
Thin Lizzy.
There is a very real chance that humanity will revert to pre-industrial society in this next social change avalanche. Russia was “gifted” with a sort of protected 3 decade (1990-2020) of time to adapt. During this time interval Russia was looted, but its government (described at the time as a standard Third World kleptocracy) apparently devolved to the KGB, which surprisingly took its responsibilities seriously and took late Soviet society seriously [1], and over a series of threats/crises changed into the current Soviet society.
At the same time, the US seems to be approaching something like Gorbachev’s attempt at reorganization. If Trump isn’t elected (does not serve as a Gorbachev analog), the US is still looking at a failure of the Globalization net that produces the global surplus that enables the Fed to inflate the US Dollar at will. Trump might fail, but there are others waiting in the wings, and the US Federal government has maybe a decade at most. After that, the US will find itself critically short of engineers and skilled workers who can build a new industrial plant.
The PRC also has maybe a decade. Xi’s takeover appears to be an attempt to avoid the failure of the system that Deng Xiaoping set up in the late 1970s. As such systems do, thanks to the Kondratieff Wave, Deng Xiaoping’s system overshot, and now China is facing demographic and financial failures that may arguably be best coped with by a command government. In particular, PRC has more physical capital than it has resources to process them, the export market is precarious and, most importantly, more than can be supported by its young workers, its labor force of the future.
This leaves Russia as the last stand of industrial society, the last country that has the land, labor, and capital mix needed to support an industrial society. Again, the Russian Federation may well take at least part of Europe as Federation members and as components of a Russian Federation industrial society.
Again, please remember that this is a guess at a possibility, a “scenario”, and might not happen. I describe it to outline a fairly likely possibility.
1] See:
Alexei Yurchak; Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation; 2005-10-23; by Alexei Yurchak (Author). Surprisingly enough, there was a real society underneath the Soviet government, a society that had survived Stalin and had some intrinsic ideals that (I think) are the foundation of the current Russian government.
It appears that the attempt to salvage from the wreckage of Stalin’s rule and WW II started under Khrushchev, who found that Russian society had become immune to even Stalinist levels of coercion and had devolved into a series of something like industrial fiefdoms, immensely inefficient and yet administratively unassailable (see: Red Plenty for a literary description of this time). His successors found much the same as had Khrushchev, the Russian industrial plant deteriorated, and the Russian government was, at the end, literally unable to pay for the electricity it needed to power some of its cities.
The subsequent series of challenges to Russia and its government apparently produced a Russian response in a new form of Russian government that (at least for now) has effective control over its society, control has that not frozen Russian industry into an unproductive lump. This new Russian government is serving as a nucleus for at least a trade network.
In the last 40 years, per the World Bank, China has lifted 770 million people out of absolute poverty (850 million overall), which represents 76% of World poverty over the same period. To put this achievement in context, that's over 2.5X the entire population of the USA:https://www.worldbank.org/en/news/press-release/2022/04/01/lifting-800-million-people-out-of-poverty-new-report-looks-at-lessons-from-china-s-experienceChina today, does this look like collapse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbywNxdtoe0&t=12217sPredicting China's economic doom is a cottage industry.
The PRC also has maybe a decade. Xi’s takeover appears to be an attempt to avoid the failure of the system that Deng Xiaoping set up in the late 1970s.
When I use the word “satisfaction”, I use it to describe my state of being at present time. Which is not urgently striving. To me, if it comes, well and good. If it does not, so be it. I do not seek my “true nature”. I seek to learn whatever lesson appears before me.
When I use “satisfaction” it does not represent a satisfaction that I am “already there”. For I know that the revelation of wonders will continue for (effectively) eternity, and so will our own development.
If I were satisfied that I have already arrived, then that state of being would more accurately say “self-satisfied”. Then that oft repeated quote comes to mind: “If you meet the Buddha upon the road, kill him”…isn’t the whole point of the quote never to be self-satisfied?
From what you have written, so many questions arise. None of which I can probably answer satisfactorily in this lifetime, not that I really care if they are answered:
When a man steps on my corn, and I remain placid, does that mean that I have arrived?
Do we seek a placid nature because we associate it with the Buddha, and want to emulate him?
Was the Buddha merely pointing us the way, or did he want us to become a facsimile of him?
Did the Buddha “arrive”?……Does the Buddha, in whatever state he is currently, continue to progress and evolve?
If so, is the direction that the Buddha took in his evolution, the only route for us? Is it necessary for us to emulate the Buddha? Or are other routes available?
Please do not feel need to answer these questions. In truth I do not really care if I have the answer to them or not. Nor do I regard these “answers” as ultimate.
That’s the K-wave. In socialist governments, the first phase never gets off the ground — because of people like you.
Like I’ve suggested to you, get out of your Platonic Cave. Socialism provides the “foundation” free of charge so people can reach their potential. Why would anyone chose debt vs having a government provide free education, free healthcare, affordable food, housing and infrastructure to reach their potential?
China is a Socialist/Market economy which allows for people to start their own business and become successful AFTER they get the foundation for free. Have you heard of Huawei, which is the leader in 5G and telecom worldwide? It’s 100% employee owned and started by an individual (that is every employee is already a millionaire; even the janitor). What about BYD the worlds biggest EV vehicle maker…yes bigger than Tesla? It’s also started and owned by individuals? What about Alibaba (profits bigger than eBay and Amazon combined)? Another Chinese company started by an individual. I could go on and on but you wouldn’t know anything because ignorance is bliss. Hasn’t it ever occured to you how a country like China (near the bottom of World GDP in 1949) can be the #1 economy in the World if Socialism doesn’t work? Word of advice, the meds prescribed by your doctor are not making you smarter and likely killing you.
Or, in a different version:
In all of German-occupied Europe, there were 2.4 million Jews. After the war, 3.8 million Jews applied for Holocaust reparations. Tragically, the remaining 6 million were lost.
Kollerstrom’s also quotes Norman Finketstein’s Jewish mother:
Of the four million Jews under Hitler in WW2, six million died, alas, and only five million remained.
And yet Congress wants to take away the livelihood and destroy the lives of anyone who even dares to deny the absurdity.Replies: @Dr. Rock, @GeneralRipper
If everyone who claims to be a survivor at Auschwitz really is one, then whom did Hitler kill?
Stop the Hate!
Great post. Thanks.
Actually, I have found them extremely fulfilling. To me, the search is a delight. When I first started searching, I was promised by the "subtle messaging from within" that I would be shown wonder upon wonder. It has been true to its words.
How can one discern the far more subtle messaging coming from within? Your questions are not invalid. Millions of people have similar questions. But tragically seeking answers is usually unfulfilling.
First one must find a genuine master — granted, almost impossible — who can demonstrate the means necessary to begin to listen. There can be no proselytizing, no preaching, no joining fees, no membership cards, no special garments, no secret words, no secret handshakes.In my journey, I have come to rely on an intuition to guide me. I do not search frenetically, as I trust that "when the student is ready, A teacher will appear", I hesitate to use such cliches, but it was the most appropriate. It is my understanding that a "teacher" may not necessarily be human. It may not even even be intentional. Random circumstances, a stray thought while showering, all may be teachers. To me, human teachers are never permanent. Each teacher teaches what is relevant to be learned for that particular lesson, then both teacher and student moves on, either in life, or in death.In a way, my Intuition is now my current master. What Intuition is, or when it will cease to be my master, I do not know. I have a hunch that it is probably when I understand what Intuition is, or made of. Incidentally, this was the point of my original question to you....I want to understand whom/what is this force that I am guided by. Am I guilty of trying to kill my master...LOL?I am already satisfied that in this physical lifetime, it is not even necessary or useful for me to ask this question. But I did so out of curiosity.
Thank you for your advice.Replies: @werpor
Now my masters are dead. They showed me how to attend to my questions. One must become quiet inside. Very still. Until the wild elephant is tamed. Only an attendant mind can tame the wild elephant. ..............
A hint: The wild elephant has no interest in being tamed — believe me. Only an awakening master within can begin the task. But first one must find an awakening master without to show the way.
I wrote a response to someone on another thread. It is as good a response as any to embrace your comment in its entirety.
Here it is:
werpor said on Unz.com
June 11, 2024, 500 words
“If jewry is to change and become human, the “good” jews will have to “feel the heat”.
Yes very true. I have Jewish family. Most have no knowledge of Zionist/Jewish history. But how many non-Jews know their histories? People only think they know all kinds of things. Most people now-a-days never question the received. They never question the source of the things they ”know.” Most people get the news from the TV talking heads. They are propagandized.
Some Jewish people I know well are intelligent professionals. Yet they support Israel no matter what.
They may have growing doubts about the present regime in Israel, however they have no doubts about their Jewish inheritance as a precious inheritance. They seem impervious to feeling the heat. For them being Jewish is more than important. This is their identity.
Being identified — not matter with what religion, or what political party, or with one’s own opinions, or with a sports team is a kind of madness. Shedding one’s identifications is a pursuit only done intentionally and with resolve. Our identifications have us rather than that we have them.
When I was a young man in the 1960s some men would claim that they were Ford guys or Chevy guys.
Even after discovering management planned for their cars obsolescence and they experienced a breakdown some men took pride in being able to repair them themselves. Even when a politician lets them down over and over again many people claim themselves to be Democrats no matter what — or Republicans no matter what.
Same for Jews. No matter how badly treated Jews treat Jews they just shrug. No matter how badly Jews treat a Goy its OK — because…
Jews are the most identified with their affiliation as though they were born Jews rather than brainwashed. Same for some sports fans — the Toronto Maple Leafs have not won a Stanley Cup since 1967. Yet it is apparently impossible to buy a ticket. You’d think the fans would get tired of paying to watch losers. The same is true for some of the NFL teams — but once a Minnesota Viking always a Minnesota Viking.
Why? Because without an identification they would cease to exist! Of course, one only truly exists without identifications. Spend any time with Jews you’ll discover that almost all they talk about is being Jewish. Their jokes are about being Jewish or not being Jewish. Their politics revolve around being Jewish. They look forward intently to celebrating as Jews. Jewish holidays. Friday Shabbat. And another dozen or so Jewish holidays.
If you are Jewish it is almost impossible to free yourself from the Jewish spell. To be identified with something is to be under a spell. It is like being seduced.
The principal aim of seduction is to bring under control. The etymology of the word seductor from Latin is sēdūcō is “lead astray” — how about that. To be identified is to have been lead astray.
Jews are tempered by “heat” — they love their suffering.
Oddly one of the first things one is taught when one seeks enlightenment under a master is the importance of giving up one’s suffering.
In the way of an addendum:
Quoting you.
“I am already satisfied that in this physical lifetime, it is not even necessary or useful for me to ask this question. But I did so out of curiosity.”
Is this really true?
In Japanese Buddhism *satori* is a first step. Think here something much like satisfaction but not quite.
Ch’an expressions refers to enlightenment — most certainly not identification — as “seeing *your* self- nature”. But even this is not enough. After seeing your self-nature, you need to deepen your experience even further and bring it into maturation. You should have enlightenment experiences again and again and support them with continuous practice. Even though Ch’an says that at the time of enlightenment, your outlook is the same as Buddha you are not full Buddha.
One may be satisfied, however “seeing into one’s true nature” or “essence” is a practice of long self observation. Which requires the development of both seeing outward and at the same time seeing within. This is a self observer not a critique of self. Just simply seeing one’s self as one is.
When one truly sees — usually in a situation where one is identified — it is like a curtain raising *momentarily* — accompanied by a hit to one’s emotions — felt in the solar plexus. The ego is on guard though. The “ego” does not want to be seen. The “ego” is not you, though it is commonly taken as “I”…
Satisfaction may very well be acquiescence. Outside, everything rosy — inside restless. Buddhist’s commonly meditate cultivating an inner silence — better of course, to see one’s self as one truly is — in moments when someone is stepping on your corns. Where then is this “satisfaction?”
That's when "satisfaction" gets dropped and your self knowledge/knowledge of others gets tested - navigating that situation is the secular reward.
Buddhist’s commonly meditate cultivating an inner silence — better of course, to see one’s self as one truly is — in moments when someone is stepping on your corns. Where then is this “satisfaction?”
If any country can solve this human replacement problem, it is Russia. Most of the women in high places in Russia are normally feminine and have children. Russian culture adores children and is very protective of them.
The SMO and the sanctions have been a boon for Russia, economically and culturally, changing the positive opinion of the West to an ever increasing negative feeling and disgust with the degeneracy and trash milieu. Let’s face it. The West is a sewer.
Now my masters are dead. They showed me how to attend to my questions. One must become quiet inside.
Fear not. I am here. At you service.
I have read both your links. Good point.
I came across this methodology a few decades ago. It was phrased very simply, apparently for halfwits. Using the terminology in the links you posted, the assigned task of the executive was to:
* Milk the cow.
* Feed the star.
* Shoot the dog.
Note that the executive (1) is not tasked with making stars — just feeding them, and (2) that there is nothing in the three tasks that says the executive need “feed the star” as opposed to pretending to “feed the star” and giving himself a very high salary or taking a stock option and using “star” money to buy back stock so as to raise stock prices.
Example: Apparently (1) and (2) have combined to gut the Boeing corporation.
The early phase of the Kondratieff cycle (K-cycle) cannot get started when large corporations have a monopsony on the entire national economy. ( See: https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/land-of-the-free/#comment-6610342 for a description of the K-cycle in contemporary solid state electronics. ) This remains true when a socialist/communist/fascist (or “command economy”) government has a monopoly on the entire national economy, the only difference being that politicians accompany the executives in asset stripping.
For a description of this process in the 1930s, see: Wolfgang Schivelbusch; Three New Deals: Reflections on Roosevelt’s America, Mussolini’s Italy, and Hitler’s Germany, 1933–1939. In all three cases, money was spent in applying well understood engineering to areas that would not pay off the investment. Stalin did much the same. All four spent their money preparing for WW II and solidifying their popularity; only the New Deal’s investments actually produced a benefit (West Coast shipyards that built aircraft carriers) that was decisive during WW II.
That’s right, slink away. It’s blowhards like you that actually run socialist governments.
And you completely overlooked the exposition on Kondratieff wave. K-waves are not based on “agricultural economies”, but are have shown up quite a few times: transportation (canals, railroads, rubber tire transport), mining (generally from more powerful explosives), solid state electronics, chemical fertilizers, consumer plastics, etc.
In all cases where people can start their own businesses, there are a few early successes, widescale and profitable imitations, and finally, for a short time, most investments are unprofitable. That’s the K-wave. In socialist governments, the first phase never gets off the ground — because of people like you.
Like I've suggested to you, get out of your Platonic Cave. Socialism provides the "foundation" free of charge so people can reach their potential. Why would anyone chose debt vs having a government provide free education, free healthcare, affordable food, housing and infrastructure to reach their potential?China is a Socialist/Market economy which allows for people to start their own business and become successful AFTER they get the foundation for free. Have you heard of Huawei, which is the leader in 5G and telecom worldwide? It's 100% employee owned and started by an individual (that is every employee is already a millionaire; even the janitor). What about BYD the worlds biggest EV vehicle maker...yes bigger than Tesla? It's also started and owned by individuals? What about Alibaba (profits bigger than eBay and Amazon combined)? Another Chinese company started by an individual. I could go on and on but you wouldn't know anything because ignorance is bliss. Hasn't it ever occured to you how a country like China (near the bottom of World GDP in 1949) can be the #1 economy in the World if Socialism doesn't work? Word of advice, the meds prescribed by your doctor are not making you smarter and likely killing you.
That’s the K-wave. In socialist governments, the first phase never gets off the ground — because of people like you.
“Our bodies have a purpose but again there is no master in the house. Our bodies demand our attention — attend to its demands — I want chocolate, I want sex, I want sleep, I want love, I want a vacation, I want money, etc. and on and on and on — this “I” is not the real I.”
When there is no real Self the body//the genes// are the masters of the house and we behave as their slaves. The ‘gene-parlament’ is the boss, not the ‘neuro-parlament’/mind or our self.
Excerpt from the link:
—[…The conscious ‘rational brain’, centred in the pre- frontal cortex, begins to fire up some 500 milliseconds later— after the board of genetic directors in the basement have had time to assess the incoming data for any concealed threats to their security and survival. If threats are implicit in the data, the parliament of genes overwhelms the rational brain with a flood of emotion and issues a set of directives for well-proven genetic behaviour.
So emotion is the flag of genetic behaviour and sig- nals that the rational brain has been bypassed in the interest of long-term genetic survival. If our Amygdala has been triggered, we react ‘instinctively’ with anger, lust or fear. If not, then we think and act ‘morally’—out of love, duty, or a sense of justice and compassion. Meanwhile the brain’s propaganda department patches together a reasoned explanation for that behaviour in order to maintain a reassuring facade of rational ‘free will’. ®]–
And maybe simplest of all, hold some treasuries at treasury direct. If the govt wants to take them nothing will stop them, but risk from the private sector implosion should be nil, and that’s where the whole story is supposed to happen.
There’s a lot more you can do than the fear porn spreaders admit, which is why I’m suspicious about the whole story.
You don’t need a broker. And the fear porn is all about the private sector brokerage system and the house of cards falling down. It isn’t about the govt system. But don’t take my word for it. Research it.
Treasuries at treasury direct.
Oh I forgot to mention the Cashin approach, it could be the most productive of all.
There is no point replying as you are 100% living inside Plato’s Cave (watching shadows and thinking it’s truth), You have zero clue what is really happening in the World and just repeating Western propaganda.
2 random videos on YT:
Video Link
Los Angelas:
Video Link
Good Luck!
When you look at real history of american and british, they have always been slavers and users for thousands and thousands of years. They arent human, but animals, who are incapable to live on their own and by themselves. They always need to use others to survive and others to do work for them.
Typical kike response. Swear
TKK is a super zio troll who should be ignored like meamjono and Jack Johnson.
Well there’s the kind of things traditionally refered to, land property, gold and other metals. They aren’t in derivative markets or subject to them if owned out right? If you own a boat is it in the derivative markets, or subject to them? Surely claims priority in finance markets doesn’t extend out side of those markets.
If a person owes something, assets can be seized, but if ownership is clear title that should still mean something. If out of debt that should mean something.
The big problem is govt seizure, independently of markets. There is always that as a counter party risk.
Another thing, remember Ken Lay: his insurance policy couldn’t be touched. So it’s really a matter of personal resource and will. Will any insurance company survive the derivative destruction? I don’t know. Hard assets might be the only way.
It’s not very imaginative, but it’s worked before.
Thanks. In that case, you might conclude that since Buddhism arose from Hinduism, and Hinduism arose from Vedism, brought from Europe by the Aryans, it was further developed in India. The similarities between Hinduism and the so-called Slavic (that is, Serbian, since the term ‘Slavs’ is only used since the 7th century CE) mythology have already been established. The coexistence of Aryans and Chinese (which included occasional wars, periods of peace, alliances against the Mongols) lasted almost 1500 years and is very little researched (e.g. Aryans came to Xinjiang 2600 years before the Chinese and 2800 years before Uyghurs).
Kontratieff published his theory in 1925 as his analysis was based on agriculture in the 19th Century. No one needs another theory to explain Natures cyclical cycles. What people need is an accurate account of how the "Oligarchy (Empire)" shapes economic cycles with events in the 20th Century such as WW1, great depression, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Petro Dollar, Uni-Polar financial System, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syrian Wars etc. There is always an "invisible oligarchic hand" that creates boom and bust cycles to syphon wealth to the Oligarchy. The 20th and early 21st Century is simply a continuation of Imperialism and Colonialism from the 16th Century.
Please read this: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/economics/kondratieff-wave
You are misinformed. The Covid fraud was an intentional event by the Oligarchy to continue the substantial fraud in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries and NOT to prevent any 6th wave theory. The seeds of the so called 6th K-Cycle (wave) already began way back in 1881 when the Oligarchs (i.e Rockefeller Medicine) invented Germ Theory. ALL plan-demics are a result of malnutrition, poor human lifestyle choices, incorrect healthcare interventions and toxins (man-made drugs). The only correct point you make is Covid was a fraud because there is no such thing as a virus. This is a "germ theory" hoax:
Note that the “6th K-cycle” did not start as anticipated — we got the COVID fraud instead. That implies that, rather than the K-wave causing the new “technology”, the new “technology” causes the K-wave.
I said "Good government" knows best, not ALL governments. Notice how China invented it's own supply of vaccines for it's populations and other good governments wanting to avoid the Western debt trap. As for open borders, this is a result of "bad government" controlled by the Oligarchy. Isn't this obvious?Replies: @Anonymous
And your counter-argument is that “government knows best”. Just as it did for COVID, Desert Storm, open borders . . .
“You main problem is your rigid thinking; Government can only be BAD. ”
I don’t have rigid thinking — had to drop it years ago. Some problems can be more or less solved by government control, others not. For an example, consider the deterioration in New York City after the police were largely defunded and the prosecutorial function was essentially ended for members of the street fighters. In this case, government and the problem largely under control, but then stopped efforts at control and the problem reappeared.
“This is true when Oligarchy (Wealthy Capitalists) are the actual string pullers.”
Ah, if you know anything about history, industrialization was accomplished under an oligarchy (the British ruling class, whose laws made factory ownership and stock sale possible) by wealthy people who invested their own money and lives to build the first factories. Take a look at the history of the industrial revolution.
Something similar happened in the US under the Progressives. The current system in the US has produced a concentration of wealth greater than that of all previous US history.
” There is such a thing as a Sovereign Government (not being controlled by an Oligarchy) and such Governments are NOT BAD if the right leadership is selected. Socialist China is a present day example.”
China during the cultural revolution killed several tens of millions of Chinese (estimates vary), mainly through starvation enforced by bureaucrats who were trying to cover up their own failures and “look good” to Mao.
Ah, you might say, “that was then and things are different now.” Well, yes, and better in that the mortality rate is much lower just now. However:
” Notice how China invented it’s own supply of vaccines for it’s populations and other good governments wanting to avoid the Western debt trap.”
The US imitated China, and caused very many bankruptcies in its retail sector. China (PRC) has the same result, but more so. China has supposedly lost over 90% of its urban retail stores. I don’t know how safe or effective the Chinese vaccines are. I hope that they are much better than the US vaccines.
” As for open borders, this is a result of “bad government” controlled by the Oligarchy. Isn’t this obvious?”
Sort of, but the Democratic Party is the US socialist party, the closest thing we have to the PRC and CCP (which is a bad acronym, agreed, but standard in the US. The USSR used to refer to itself in English as the CCCP because the Cyrillic letters for USSR looked like CCCP) See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCCP_(disambiguation)
As for the “bad results come from bad government”, I wish that were true, but it’s only a bit of circular reasoning, a well known logical flaw called the “True Scotsman” argument ( See: https://www.scribbr.com/fallacies/no-true-scotsman-fallacy/ ) As for the US, we even have the current Democratic party imitating the PRC’s Xi by trying to arrest and jail a previous US President Xi. ( See: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/11/11/world/china-xi-jinping-cpc )
Actually, all industrial nations have been misallocating capital and running a demographically suicidal* social policy since WW II ended. It’s almost as if we were lemmings jumping off a cliff into the sea, or perhaps a buffalo herd, spooked and headed for a cliff.
* Women were talked into the labor force in all industrial nations, had few children, and now the US doesn’t have enough skilled and smart people to replace the Boomers. The situation is even worse in the rest of the world, including PRC, Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan . . . And, of course, in the Russian Federation.
you ask questions but you offer no solutions.
Definitely agree. Experienced reality is always changing, and we must change with it or die.
There are examples of different societies all around the world experimenting to get the formula right for them. I think it is a never ending process because these societies themselves change over time, and the formulas need to change with it.
Definitely disagree with your metaphor. The US is made of States, and each State is different in population and resources ( https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2014/07/03/where-do-borders-need-to-be-redrawn/nine-nations-of-north-america-30-years-later ). Some of the States do do not live according to the US Constitution, and they (of course) believe it should be amended, possibly through "esoteric reading" (which originally meant changing the definitions of words within a small group, thus changing the interpretation of legal, political, or religious passages. "Pilpul" uses esoteric reading, so did the "emanations of the shadow of a penumbra" in a famous legal case, so does "Our Democracy". Opposite of "esoteric" is "exoteric", the reading of that same word by those outside the small group.
The problem with the current attitudes in the US, that people assume that the experimentation and adaptation of their system has ended. In a way, the Constitution that was written 250 years ago, has been turned into an idol, placed onto an altar and worshiped.
Sorry, typo.
” If genetics is not determined by genetics, but rather socially determined, how can Trans people be “trapped in the wrong body”?” should read
” If sexual identity is not determined by genetics, but rather socially determined, how can Trans people be “trapped in the wrong body?”
There are vast assets not affected, not susceptible, not exposed to the derivative market.
The derivative problem is real, so it can cause problems even for those with good protection. And also it is fear porn. You can protect yourself. It’s not all Potemkin.
Please read this: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/economics/kondratieff-wave/ \
You are missing the main point in Mefobills post. When the “State” and not “Private” Banks hold the reins to money creation and diversion of capital, the “intentional” boom and bust cycles that syphon capital out of the majority and into Elite pockets is reduced or eliminated.
You main problem is your rigid thinking; Government can only be BAD. This is true when Oligarchy (Wealthy Capitalists) are the actual string pullers. There is such a thing as a Sovereign Government (not being controlled by an Oligarchy) and such Governments are NOT BAD if the right leadership is selected. Socialist China is a present day example.
Please read this: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/economics/kondratieff-wave
Kontratieff published his theory in 1925 as his analysis was based on agriculture in the 19th Century. No one needs another theory to explain Natures cyclical cycles. What people need is an accurate account of how the “Oligarchy (Empire)” shapes economic cycles with events in the 20th Century such as WW1, great depression, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Petro Dollar, Uni-Polar financial System, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syrian Wars etc. There is always an “invisible oligarchic hand” that creates boom and bust cycles to syphon wealth to the Oligarchy. The 20th and early 21st Century is simply a continuation of Imperialism and Colonialism from the 16th Century.
Note that the “6th K-cycle” did not start as anticipated — we got the COVID fraud instead. That implies that, rather than the K-wave causing the new “technology”, the new “technology” causes the K-wave.
You are misinformed. The Covid fraud was an intentional event by the Oligarchy to continue the substantial fraud in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries and NOT to prevent any 6th wave theory. The seeds of the so called 6th K-Cycle (wave) already began way back in 1881 when the Oligarchs (i.e Rockefeller Medicine) invented Germ Theory. ALL plan-demics are a result of malnutrition, poor human lifestyle choices, incorrect healthcare interventions and toxins (man-made drugs). The only correct point you make is Covid was a fraud because there is no such thing as a virus. This is a “germ theory” hoax:
The Covid scam was another “invisible oligarch hand” exercise by the Uni-polar Empire. Some intentions were to keep countries and continents controlled and dependent via more debt (i.e. selling medical aid like vaccines). To inject money into a bankrupt Western financial system without public pushback because money used for scam-demic purposes is unaccounted. To prevent and hopefully destroy competing economies (i.e. China) from challenging the Uni-polar Empire. The Ukraine and Gaza wars are events following the scam-demic for the same reasons.
And your counter-argument is that “government knows best”. Just as it did for COVID, Desert Storm, open borders . . .
I said “Good government” knows best, not ALL governments. Notice how China invented it’s own supply of vaccines for it’s populations and other good governments wanting to avoid the Western debt trap. As for open borders, this is a result of “bad government” controlled by the Oligarchy. Isn’t this obvious?
You can’t ‘tailgate’ people who are breaking the law and common courtesy by hogging the passing lane and holding up traffic.
And who says I’m tailgating when I’m behind them, flashing my brights and wanting to pass, and waiting for them to follow the law and get over.
If you want to drive slow, i.e. the arbitrary speed limit or just a few over like a good little follow every rule to a T slave, go into the other two lanes and get the truck out of my way so I don’t have to change lanes a hundred time to get around you and all the other derp ass self centered Americans, just going some entirely safe speed over the speed limit.
You don’t own the road, and definitely not the passing lane.
I don’t care how fast someone is going, if they are wanting to go faster than me, it is my legal duty and common courtesy to get over and let them pass IN THE PASSING LANE.
Now get lost boomer.
Hitler was right, and the good guy. The Goyim Know, stupid. Whitey is mighty, and waking up en masse by the day.
There is no such thing as “anti-Semitism”… “It’s just a trick we Jews use (to control the narrative and peoples’ minds)” – Israeli Foreign Minister in an interview.
100% of Palestinians are Semitic peoples.
Yet less than 10% of modern day Jews are of true Semitic origin…
90%+ are of Eastern European origin (hence why they look White and mostly spoke their European nations languages or the Germanic language Yiddish until after WWII) and have ZERO historical ties to anything Semitic, other than the Hebrew language the converted Whites started using when their Palestinian settler colonialist project ramped up.
Read it and weep soy boy:
justice4germans DOT wordpress DOT com
I am only vaguely familiar with ancient texts, poetry, and epic literary works. Some people see great value and beauty in them; I am not one of them. I see them as primarily windows of understanding into important historical persons and events.
Since I am a Buddhist in core beliefs, but very human, engaged technical and scientific individual, I work at reconciling or co-existing these two area on my holistc personal spectrum. In effect, I am a split personality.
In all frankness, I find works of this type-which glorify war, gore, slaughter, blood for gold, etc, etc-to be a rather base and undesirable human condition and activity. Because it is “state”, i.e., relevant authority sanctioned, does not make it any different than mass murder.. This is the line in the sand for Buddhists. No war has ever been fought on the basis of material gain in the name of Buddhism. Buddhism, if we recall, is a heretical offshoot of Hinduism [as was Buddha], and in my firm opinion is vastly superior to Hinduism. Which is overall repugnant to me.
So, it would seem that these workd come from the same place in human consciousness. And that would be a primordial, pririmitve, low, and a karmic disaster; profane and grotesquely sinful.
That is my take.
Who says I’m a jew? Moron
You do, goofball.
well the biggest elephant in the room, is the ultraponzi scheme of the derivates market, with it’s quadrillion dollar exposure.
this is the real time bomb, because when the shit hits the fan, the chain reation will bring down the whole daisy chain of our potemkin economy that will be imploded. this is more than the sum total of all the world’s money supply, it’s an unimaginable sum that can never be made good.
there’s only one solution to this that i can see and that’s a massive emp, to wipe out all their debt and give them the debt jubilee these crooks need to escape their crimes in “the great reset” they keep telling us about.
unlike the traditional jubilee, this will only benifit the banksters and the little guy will suffer and once again be left holding the bag.
Time to get out of your Platonic Cave and use some of that hard earned money to see what the USA has become and compare that to rest of the World. You are in for an awakening!!Predicting China's economic doom is a cottage industry.
I suspect, bring about the fall of the CCP and PRC, most likely within the next decade (by 2034).
Race hatred, envy and rage at being outdone in everything positive does tend to rot the mind. These minds were pretty crap to begin with, as well. Here in Austfailia, EVERY story in the MSM regarding the PRC is negative. 100% ‘Freedom of Opinion’, don’t you know.
The most important example of dealing with inflation in the history of the American economy was not the Volker shock.
What was it and how was it handled?
Poor Rich. I’m always suspicious when posters put down those who are openly opposing the puppet regime in the Di$trict of Corruption. How do you plead?
Not to anyone who can chew gum while walking
I do not totally agree. "Preach" is defined as:
.Odd choice “preached” … In point of fact — a true master — asks questions. Such teaching is rather more cryptic in tone than preaching
Buddha taught that we should live in the immediate moment, to concentrate and adjust ourselves to full attention and Consciousness. Makes sense. Other than that, the concept of time is illusory. In meditation, time is a void, nothingness. Buddha was profound in that he was extremely parsimonious and one sentence could contain the meaning and complexity of many words. The answer lies within. It is already there. This is elucidated and expanded upon by C G Jung.
Being in the moment
The root of the word ‘preach’ is the Serbian word ‘veda’ (=knowledge), which comes from the word ‘vid’ (sight, vision). ‘Veda’ is the root of many other modern words, e.g. – pripoveda (narrates), zapoveda (giving commands), propoveda (preaches), pripoved(k)a (fable), etc.
We have been waiting here for a long time for someone to translate/explain the meaning of the Rg Veda title, but no one has succeeded so far, not even readers originally from India.
Perhaps, as a good connoisseur of antiquity, you can contribute something.
For example, where does the similarity between the Mahabharata and the Iliad come from?
You know you know.
Best wishes,
.Odd choice “preached” … In point of fact — a true master — asks questions. Such teaching is rather more cryptic in tone than preaching
I do not totally agree. “Preach” is defined as:
to advocate or inculcate (religious or moral truth, right conduct, etc.) in speech or writing.
Which is exactly what Buddha practiced. He talked and they listened.
Now, “teach” implies a more elongated transmission, in time, and depth of subject. Many preaches make a teach.
Being in the moment
Buddha taught that we should live in the immediate moment, to concentrate and adjust ourselves to full attention and Consciousness. Makes sense. Other than that, the concept of time is illusory. In meditation, time is a void, nothingness. Buddha was profound in that he was extremely parsimonious and one sentence could contain the meaning and complexity of many words. The answer lies within. It is already there. This is elucidated and expanded upon by C G Jung.
You know you know.
Best wishes,
I believe this is our first interaction, so I appreciate that you have taken the time to reply so thoughtfully with an unknown quantity, myself. You have written much this interesting to me, and will no doubt take months if not years to fully come to a satisfactory answer…if it is at all possible in this lifetime, or any other.
Because I cannot come up with a point by point response I am satisfied with, for all your counter questions, nor do I think that they were meant to be answered overtly, I will only respond to a part that stands out to me. Perhaps from my response, I will reveal more of where I am, and so it would be easier for you to reply, should you choose to do so.
How can one discern the far more subtle messaging coming from within? Your questions are not invalid. Millions of people have similar questions. But tragically seeking answers is usually unfulfilling.
Actually, I have found them extremely fulfilling. To me, the search is a delight. When I first started searching, I was promised by the “subtle messaging from within” that I would be shown wonder upon wonder. It has been true to its words.
First one must find a genuine master — granted, almost impossible — who can demonstrate the means necessary to begin to listen. There can be no proselytizing, no preaching, no joining fees, no membership cards, no special garments, no secret words, no secret handshakes.
In my journey, I have come to rely on an intuition to guide me. I do not search frenetically, as I trust that “when the student is ready, A teacher will appear”, I hesitate to use such cliches, but it was the most appropriate. It is my understanding that a “teacher” may not necessarily be human. It may not even even be intentional. Random circumstances, a stray thought while showering, all may be teachers. To me, human teachers are never permanent. Each teacher teaches what is relevant to be learned for that particular lesson, then both teacher and student moves on, either in life, or in death.
In a way, my Intuition is now my current master. What Intuition is, or when it will cease to be my master, I do not know. I have a hunch that it is probably when I understand what Intuition is, or made of. Incidentally, this was the point of my original question to you….I want to understand whom/what is this force that I am guided by. Am I guilty of trying to kill my master…LOL?
I am already satisfied that in this physical lifetime, it is not even necessary or useful for me to ask this question. But I did so out of curiosity.
Now my masters are dead. They showed me how to attend to my questions. One must become quiet inside. Very still. Until the wild elephant is tamed. Only an attendant mind can tame the wild elephant. …………..
A hint: The wild elephant has no interest in being tamed — believe me. Only an awakening master within can begin the task. But first one must find an awakening master without to show the way.
Thank you for your advice.
Well that’s all so interesting, you probably have interesting views on sound money, the marginalist revolution, supply and demand, cryptos and other things, and how those have smth to do with the American demise?
It’s a long article by Unz but I got the gist of it from the first section. But, just looking at blinky Blinken it’s intuitive that he’s a contorted liar. He’s been lying thru both sides of his mouth since he took office. He’s also the grandson of a Jew pimp. ‘Nuff said.
Here it is, give it a read-
Someone, and it may have been Unz, did a deep dive of this BS story, and proved, almost without doubt, that it couldn’t have happened, at least not the way it was described, using locations units, the dates, etc.
Also, I believe he said that this same story has been used more than once, by more than one person.
I don’t need to look past his whirlwind tour of famous camps- I thought these were all death camps, why didn’t the first camp just gas him in the chambers, make some soap and a lampshade, and burn the rest in the nuclear powered crematoriums?
Yes, Mefobills is a wise man. This selection of the right person/persons as ruler is surely the crucial factor whether any political system runs well or not.There are examples of different societies all around the world experimenting to get the formula right for them. I think it is a never ending process because these societies themselves change over time, and the formulas need to change with it. The problem with the current attitudes in the US, that people assume that the experimentation and adaptation of their system has ended. In a way, the Constitution that was written 250 years ago, has been turned into an idol, placed onto an altar and worshiped.Replies: @Anonymous
Mefoblis was right when he said that politics has to be run by people who are not in it for personal gain. Unfortunately, there aren’t very many such people.
There are examples of different societies all around the world experimenting to get the formula right for them. I think it is a never ending process because these societies themselves change over time, and the formulas need to change with it.
Definitely agree. Experienced reality is always changing, and we must change with it or die.
The problem with the current attitudes in the US, that people assume that the experimentation and adaptation of their system has ended. In a way, the Constitution that was written 250 years ago, has been turned into an idol, placed onto an altar and worshiped.
Definitely disagree with your metaphor. The US is made of States, and each State is different in population and resources ( https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2014/07/03/where-do-borders-need-to-be-redrawn/nine-nations-of-north-america-30-years-later ). Some of the States do do not live according to the US Constitution, and they (of course) believe it should be amended, possibly through “esoteric reading” (which originally meant changing the definitions of words within a small group, thus changing the interpretation of legal, political, or religious passages. “Pilpul” uses esoteric reading, so did the “emanations of the shadow of a penumbra” in a famous legal case, so does “Our Democracy”. Opposite of “esoteric” is “exoteric”, the reading of that same word by those outside the small group.
Texas prefers the US Constitution as read exoterically. Texas has the legal right to withdraw from the Union, https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/CN/htm/CN.1.htm#:~:text=Sec.,unimpaired%20to%20all%20the%20States.
and some Texans want to do that:
Opinions in the US vary.
New York, by contrast, believes that the esoteric reading of the US Constitution better comports with their way of life. New York wants the current system (called “Our Democracy”) to continue.
Note that there is an amendment provision in the US Constitution, most recently used in 1992 to increase Congressional pay (of course). However, Congress and Senate have not otherwise used that provision since 1992.
In short, the US elite is changing the US system, but hiding that change from the US public, which is effectively powerless (and formally so if elections are fraudulent and not subject to auditing or review).
The Code of Hammurabi (https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-middle-east/hammurabi) is the first codification of law known, about 3.8 kilo years ago. Since then, Western countries have tried to have a written law, the demos for protection from the king, and the king to secure the loyalty and minimize the looting of the demos. (The UK went with “common law” based on precedent and administered by judges and lawyers.)
The US no longer has such a written law. First, there is too much law; nobody could read it in a lifetime. Second, the law is vague. Supposedly the average US citizen violates several Federal statutes a day. Finally, as the Trump case and the 1/6 cases and the US border cases and the Hillary e-mail server case show, the law is applied selectively and politically *.
The people who want the Constitution read and enforced exoterically simply want a written law that they can actually obey. Other people prefer the current system.
Granted that this is a bit different from Confucian government.
* and is self contradictory. If genetics is not determined by genetics, but rather socially determined, how can Trans people be “trapped in the wrong body”? Law is being used for political dominance games. Example: Remember how dominant Feminists became outcast TERFS?
You are missing the main point in Mefobills post. When the "State" and not "Private" Banks hold the reins to money creation and diversion of capital, the "intentional" boom and bust cycles that syphon capital out of the majority and into Elite pockets is reduced or eliminated.
Such a diversion of capital to unproductive uses is, of course, not unique to finance capital. Such diversion was responsible for the fall of the USSR and will, I suspect, bring about the fall of the CCP and PRC, most likely within the next decade (by 2034). Finance capital, however, is ideal for concealment of asset stripping in a Western society.
You are missing the main point in Mefobills post. When the “State” and not “Private” Banks hold the reins to money creation and diversion of capital, the “intentional” boom and bust cycles that syphon capital out of the majority and into Elite pockets is reduced or eliminated.
Please read this: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/economics/kondratieff-wave/ \
Note that the “6th K-cycle” did not start as anticipated — we got the COVID fraud instead. That implies that, rather than the K-wave causing the new “technology”, the new “technology” causes the K-wave. That is, K-waves are not examples of Marxist exploitation, but rather of investment decisions and considerable hard work in science and engineering, which result in new human capabilities and return of capital to investors.
Here are the details of the most recent successful “K-wave”:
The “computer revolution” depended in 1946 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_transistor ) research in solid state physics, research that included fabrication of the first transistor. It took until 1960, 14 years, from that to the first integrated chip ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invention_of_the_integrated_circuit ), and 1971 to develop the first integrated chip computer, the 4004, with a word size of 4 bits ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_4004 ).
Moore’s law for processor speed failed shortly in about the year 2016,
, 70 years after fabrication of the first transistor.
and the Moore’s law for transistors/die failed by 2016 ( https://cap.csail.mit.edu/death-moores-law-what-it-means-and-what-might-fill-gap-going-forward ), 45 years after the Intel 4004 release.
That’s at least 24 years of development followed by 45 years of a growing niche for profitable computer applications.
That’s 2016-1946 = 70 years from start to finish. From the 4004 in 1960 to 2016 is 45 years. Gee, the K cycle is about the 40-70 year length of an historic K cycle. . . What a coincidence!
Investment is not easy; at best it is probabilistic. Investment in a brand new technology (such as canals in the early 1800s, or railroads in the mid 1800s) depends on a long interval of underfunded development followed by a period of early investors who are successful gamblers, a middle period of period of successful investors in profitable applications, and a late period of broke investors who try to apply the technology where it is not profitable, justifying it on the grounds that “Investments in x have always been moneymakers”.
Government is, historically, very bad at investing. In raw fact, government helped the corporations shut down the industrial labs from which came the first transistors. The corporations shut down the industrial labs because, to be blunt, its executives were too stupid to see commercial possibilities, and the success of spin-offs made them look bad. They also didn’t like a “disruptive technology” that would, well, disrupt them. No new science, no new engineering. Government propaganda about the evils of competition and “creative destruction” didn’t help, nor did changes in tort law, nor, later, did shipping US industry overseas.
Summary: Government is not better at managing K-waves than anybody else. Government has shut down K-waves by shutting down industrial labs. No new science, no new K waves. Note that the science of medical revolutions dates back to the discovery of DNA’s function & structure, 1953, but that it was never developed into the sort of useful medical techniques that could cause a K-wave. Instead, we got a fraudulent K-wave, with debilitating or deadly RNA vaccines and government discouragement of “racist” DNA measurement to predict individual reactions to medical drugs.
So, yes, government management does eliminate the “boom and bust cycles”, but at the cost of a stagnant pool of industrial techniques that require progressively depleted inputs and reduce the “have nots” to “have even less”. Instead of “boom and bust” cycles that introduce new production or distribution methods, one gets a steady downturn followed by a sudden large downturn — which the world is now.
China thought it would forever have an effective monopoly on cheap labor, much as the US elite thought it would forever own Europe and loot Russia. Wrong.
And your counter-argument is that “government knows best”. Just as it did for COVID, Desert Storm, open borders . . .
Kontratieff published his theory in 1925 as his analysis was based on agriculture in the 19th Century. No one needs another theory to explain Natures cyclical cycles. What people need is an accurate account of how the "Oligarchy (Empire)" shapes economic cycles with events in the 20th Century such as WW1, great depression, WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, Petro Dollar, Uni-Polar financial System, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Syrian Wars etc. There is always an "invisible oligarchic hand" that creates boom and bust cycles to syphon wealth to the Oligarchy. The 20th and early 21st Century is simply a continuation of Imperialism and Colonialism from the 16th Century.
Please read this: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/economics/kondratieff-wave
You are misinformed. The Covid fraud was an intentional event by the Oligarchy to continue the substantial fraud in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries and NOT to prevent any 6th wave theory. The seeds of the so called 6th K-Cycle (wave) already began way back in 1881 when the Oligarchs (i.e Rockefeller Medicine) invented Germ Theory. ALL plan-demics are a result of malnutrition, poor human lifestyle choices, incorrect healthcare interventions and toxins (man-made drugs). The only correct point you make is Covid was a fraud because there is no such thing as a virus. This is a "germ theory" hoax:
Note that the “6th K-cycle” did not start as anticipated — we got the COVID fraud instead. That implies that, rather than the K-wave causing the new “technology”, the new “technology” causes the K-wave.
I said "Good government" knows best, not ALL governments. Notice how China invented it's own supply of vaccines for it's populations and other good governments wanting to avoid the Western debt trap. As for open borders, this is a result of "bad government" controlled by the Oligarchy. Isn't this obvious?Replies: @Anonymous
And your counter-argument is that “government knows best”. Just as it did for COVID, Desert Storm, open borders . . .
this is the traditional way of dealing with inflation, volker put the u.s. rate to 20% at one time. they are playing within the “rules”, of the western governments (that they themselves no longer follow). this is why the russians want to beat them at their own game, by their own “rules based order”, while western economies are devoured by their own ponzinomics after having cut their own throats through illegal sanctions and boycotts. this also allowed them to decouple themselves from the western crazy train, before it crashes into the station.
they are positioning themselves to replace the western hegemon, that usurps the national wealth of their vassal states and prevents the development of their economies and people. through the ever growing brics alliance, china and other member states will be able to follow suit and replaced the weaponized u.s. dollar in international trade, kicking the last leg out from under the bloated hegemon.
look at the size of the national debt since 1980, we went from 900 billion to 35 trillion and counting in four decades. now realize our “federal reserve”, is neither. it is 12 privately owned banks, that we can’t audit, that give the president a list of 10 candidates of their choosing to appoint as head and we don’t even know who owns these banks. they receive 5% of our money they create out of thin air and are incentivized to create debt. this is usery on a national scale.
russias central bank is owned by the state and their rates will drop after their economy fully recovers, from the illegal sanctions and seizures. their gdp growth this year is 3.2% up from the 2.6% projection in january. germany gdp growth this year is .2%, the u.k. .6%, france .8%, u s. 1.3%. so who winning this economic war they started? they have been totally pants by the russians and look like the fools they are, to the rest of the world.
most russians own their homes and many have dacha cabins as vacation homes. the price of housing in the u.s. makes homeownership impossible for the average worker, forcing them to be rent slaves and the price of an “affordable” studio apartment in my area is $2000 a month, while the minimum wage is $12/hr. we live in a rentier ponzi scheme. this is what klaus schwab meant when he told us, we will own nothing and be happy 😊 😁.
Get a life
Yes, the two filthy traitors deserve each other. May they end up in a freezing gulag
But here's the thing: The fact that you Satanic judenfilth hate him so much is the best compliment he could ever get. Having earned the hatred of the jewish collective, he's absolved of everything. Now you better run along and get back to licking Netanyahu's blood-soaked boots.Replies: @Anon
Scott Ritter is a twice-convicted sex predator who licks Putin s blood-soaked boots. Recently, felon Ritter traveled to cheynya where he gave a pep talk to Chechnyas armed forces. He’s a sicko and a traitor
Who says I’m a jew? Moron
You do, goofball.
Who says I’m a jew? Moron
oh yeah, well i suspect your a retired schoolmarm, that misses the days when she could abuse her students, and make them write, the 10 rules of capitalization, one hundred times on the blackboard, after school.
nailed it, didn’t i?
These are excellent points you bring up.
mind, the body, and the emotions
“In our prevailing consensus, we like to think that the body is controlled by the emotions, and the emotions are in turn controlled by the mind, being at the top of the pyramid…although IMHO in reality, they all influence each other.”
A master would ask you some questions. Is there a “prevailing consensus.” This ‘we’ you refer to is whom?
You write “…they all influence each other.” True, the three — the body, the mind, and the emotions “all influence each other” but what good is that? Willy nilly — the mind, the body, the emotions influencing each other — but, is there a master in the house? There are, as you describe it three tyrants — each of the three clamouring for attention — but no master providing it!
You write “…controlled by the mind.” What mind? Are our thoughts “…the mind? Perhaps a more precise language is necessary here?
Mind is a potential. Do not conflate thinking with the mind. It is a weird idea when first presented that the fact is we seldom think — our thinking is our programming — our programming thinks us!
Our bodies have a purpose but again there is no master in the house. Our bodies demand our attention — attend to its demands — I want chocolate, I want sex, I want sleep, I want love, I want a vacation, I want money, etc. and on and on and on — this “I” is not the real I.
Sometimes the body is interrupted and the emotions intrude. The “I” one uses when one says I am hungry gets upset when the other “I’s” clamouring to be attended intrude. Feelings of frustration are not real feelings — those “feelings’ are merely a reaction. They may use the energy of real emotions but they are reaction.
Most so called thinking is just the vocal expression of reconciliation. Out of your mouth comes something like — I think we should have pizza for a change. Many so called thoughts are thoughts we are barely conscious of having us. One experiences the outcome rather than being the result of deliberate thinking.
Allow me to set that up: You are invited to a party, say. One you are not keen on attending. A friend says “…she will be there.” Next thing you recall you are home after the party. You hang up your expensive new leather jacket. You see a pile of mail on the table with the logo of your credit card provider in the corners of the envelope. Suddenly you need a drink. You reach for the bottle of wine in the refrigerator and there is barely a thimble of wine left in the bottle. “Damn it!” You slam the fridge and the note to yourself stuck to the fridge door reminding you of an early morning appointment flutters onto the floor. “Double damn it!” On the way to your bedroom you see the sleeve of your new leather jacket as you brush by the closet. …Which freshens up the memory of the party.
“Shit” you exclaim, “…she wasn’t even at the bloody party.” Next morning you get up early. You are still peeved, but noticing the newspaper on the way out the door you read the headline. Your company just announced a huge sale of their product, providing generators for a new dam — a contract you didn’t expect would happen. Suddenly you feel elated. Smiling, you begin thinking about a new car …
And so it goes — your life, that is.
Were *your* emotions controlled by *your* mind? Or were *your* emotions completely controlled by externalities? In fact there is no master in *your* house whatsoever — is there? The mind was barely observing its reality. It has never developed. The mind has enormous potential. But we are merely automatons. Our attention is frittered away on externalities. We conform because it’s comforting.
However, before the mind can be trained, there must a trickle of something which intrudes emanating from the mind hinting at its neglect. An attendant question is what am I? Most ignore the trickle. We allow that mind — the higher mind — and the attendant question to be at best denigrated and at worst mocked. Not often mocked directly but indirectly, by the constant demands of our modern spokespersons; politicians, ideologues, advertisers, media babblers, teachers within the educational system, and not least the blathering nonsense of mass religiosity — all clamouring to be heard.
How can one discern the far more subtle messaging coming from within? Your questions are not invalid. Millions of people have similar questions. But tragically seeking answers is usually unfulfilling. An ordinary group of people endlessly debate the meaning of life. The answer cannot be found among the equally confused.
First one must find a genuine master — granted, almost impossible — who can demonstrate the means necessary to begin to listen. There can be no proselytizing, no preaching, no joining fees, no membership cards, no special garments, no secret words, no secret handshakes.
First you must have a host of questions which you constantly strive to have answered. Unlike most people who only have answers, sincere questions attract. Sincere questions are something similar to magnetism. Of course this searching can only be done sincerely. Most men live lives fulfilling an ordinary destiny. However exalted or lowly as manifested every day by hundreds of millions they are like the billions of seeds falling on the ground in a forest. Only a very few successfully seed a new generative body.
This is an ancient message. Most often the messengers are killed. While sometimes their messages are appropriated by power possessing people which they use for their own ends. This is a tower of babble.
Incidentally, I seek no followers. I belong to no groups. I have no published books or pamphlets. I was fortunate in my life. I never stopped asking questions. I have read thousands of books and burned the candles well into the early mornings. That was then.
Now my masters are dead. They showed me how to attend to my questions. One must become quiet inside. Very still. Until the wild elephant is tamed. Only an attendant mind can tame the wild elephant.
It is doubtful you will find support among your friends, family, neighbours, community. Search but keep it to yourself. One day you may discover how alone is the searcher. Never proselytize. Your message will fall on ears that cannot hear.
A hint: The wild elephant has no interest in being tamed — believe me. Only an awakening master within can begin the task. But first one must find an awakening master without to show the way.
Actually, I have found them extremely fulfilling. To me, the search is a delight. When I first started searching, I was promised by the "subtle messaging from within" that I would be shown wonder upon wonder. It has been true to its words.
How can one discern the far more subtle messaging coming from within? Your questions are not invalid. Millions of people have similar questions. But tragically seeking answers is usually unfulfilling.
First one must find a genuine master — granted, almost impossible — who can demonstrate the means necessary to begin to listen. There can be no proselytizing, no preaching, no joining fees, no membership cards, no special garments, no secret words, no secret handshakes.In my journey, I have come to rely on an intuition to guide me. I do not search frenetically, as I trust that "when the student is ready, A teacher will appear", I hesitate to use such cliches, but it was the most appropriate. It is my understanding that a "teacher" may not necessarily be human. It may not even even be intentional. Random circumstances, a stray thought while showering, all may be teachers. To me, human teachers are never permanent. Each teacher teaches what is relevant to be learned for that particular lesson, then both teacher and student moves on, either in life, or in death.In a way, my Intuition is now my current master. What Intuition is, or when it will cease to be my master, I do not know. I have a hunch that it is probably when I understand what Intuition is, or made of. Incidentally, this was the point of my original question to you....I want to understand whom/what is this force that I am guided by. Am I guilty of trying to kill my master...LOL?I am already satisfied that in this physical lifetime, it is not even necessary or useful for me to ask this question. But I did so out of curiosity.
Thank you for your advice.Replies: @werpor
Now my masters are dead. They showed me how to attend to my questions. One must become quiet inside. Very still. Until the wild elephant is tamed. Only an attendant mind can tame the wild elephant. ..............
A hint: The wild elephant has no interest in being tamed — believe me. Only an awakening master within can begin the task. But first one must find an awakening master without to show the way.
Fear not. I am here. At you service.
Now my masters are dead. They showed me how to attend to my questions. One must become quiet inside.
You say they are as useless and harmful as cancer. I disagree. I agree that they have more influence in western society than I'd like, maybe by quite a bit. I'm Christian and they're not, maybe be said to be anti-Christian to some degree.
A question for you…
Would you say the same about cancer cells that have taken over a human body?
In order to beat the takeover of cancer cells, the only solution is to eliminate them all.
Yes, but necessary.
The JEWS are in the process of killing off gentiles as we speak. Jews are singling out ALL gentiles for eventual elimination.
It is the JEWS who act as parasites, taking over country-after-country, eventually destroying the “host”.
The jewish cancer has metastasized and must be dealt with in the only way possible.
The survival of ALL of humanity is at stake.
I realize that there are “good” jews out there, but there aren’t enough of them to stop the destruction that jews are wreaking on humanity.
The amerimutt “christian”, folks. It is good. The JewSA needs to implode and go to the septic tank of history. Johnny boy here is the proof why that is inevitable. Start preparing your celebration.
“Wake up and see things as how they really are here. And take a good, long look in the mirror, while you’re at it!”
Preferably while driving. And I say that as the descendant of Holocaust survivors. Aren’t we all survivors or descendants of survivors?
With anti-semitism becoming the new cool thing in NYC schools, why is no one pointing out that the current administration is driving the country toward Nazism?
As to the US Constitution, it’s waved around like the US flag to give the impression it still has power and force, when in reality it became a meaningless document when Lee surrendered his army at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865..
Which was the real reason and purpose behind the war.
First, thanks for your assessment of my approach. I try very hard to maintain that approach, partly because I’m an OR type, and partially because nothing else has produced survivable results in my professional life.
Of course Lira was a clown.
Lira and Ritter deserved each other.
Yet, go over to Ritter’s Substack and read what Scott wrote about Lira in August 2023.
Ritter wrote that Substack specifically about Lira while The Ukraine imprisoned him the second time and just a few months before he died. (You’re welcome to argue that fact with the howling wilderness)
After reading Ritter’s Substack you’d be hard pressed to discern whether the Russians, The Ukrainians, Putin, Zelensky, the SBU, Lira or the oft-mentioned Patriot Scott Ritter were the bad guys.
That style is not accidental.
That style of communication is notoriously characteristic of one clandestine organization in the United States.
It’s deliberate.
Inverted communication….false premises and dishonest associations abound.
The foundation is:
1. Lira and Ritter were YouTube bros feeding each other
2. Ritter and Lira shared antipathy toward bad-Ukraine and Zelensky.
3. Both were/are American citizens
4. Both advocated for Russia and its Special Operation
However, Ritter’s bonafides look weak, unheroic traveling to and fro Russia promoting Putin’s position on the SMO while in contrast Gonzalo Lira appears badass, brave or suicidal blogging and YouTubeing against Zelensky’s Ukraine from heart of the beast.
Of course, Ritter, ever the disorganized malignant narcissist (probably bipolar, manic, hyperthyroid), couldn’t stand the fact Lira in a war zone wore an olive drab tee-shirt for good reason and Ritter wore the same olive drab tee because he wanted to look fat.
Affectation mattered to these two guys.
They had to act the part primarily for the man in the mirror.
I digress.
Ukraine arrests Lira and according to Ritter’s musings and the SBU “turns” Lira to propagandize in their favor.
The rest is history or according Scott Ritter “We’re at War” which he repeats ad nauseam.
Ritter makes no apologies for Lira’s demise nor tattooing the word “traitor” on his nominal “friend”.
The “catch and release” process Ritter says was applied by Zelensky’s stooges to Lira can also be related to Scott Ritter’s personal history.
You know, pot calls the kettle black.
I suspect you are a failed garage mechanic to whom punctuation and grammar are barriers to advancement, but you have the satisfaction on Unz of being able to insult pictures of your generic enemies that exist only in your mind. That’s a better motive than ignorance, but no dichotomy is necessary.
You need to take your snide remarks and shove them where the sun doesn’t shine, including your use of swear words.
In case you are not aware of it, this is 2024 and NOT 1968, when I learned how to drive; when roads, for the most part, were in excellent shape and where driving courtesy was the norm and there was no such thing as “road rage.”
During the fall of 2019, I spent three weeks in Sweden, visiting my distant relatives and also many of the amateur radio (ham radio) operators that I had contacted over the years. The person with whom I was staying took me all over south central and southeast Sweden. At no time did I ever witness “road rage” or any driving that was not courteous. We were never “tailgated” once, nor did anyone ever pull out in front of us – they drove like drivers here in the USA used to drive in the 1960s.
I distinctly remember that in the next few days after September 11, 2001, people here began to drive much more courteously, because they realized how precious life was. But that kind of behavior only lasted a few days and after that, they were back to their “Me First” driving habits.
Wake up and see things as how they really are here. And take a good, long look in the mirror, while you’re at it!
Odd choice “preached” … In point of fact — a true master — asks questions. Such teaching is rather more cryptic in tone than preaching.
However leading people out of the wilderness necessitates a priori — something like indicating a path — suggested by a whisper or a hint.
Preaching, as a rule — repels. And is as often as not self convincing. Preaching emanates from the head, i.e. pouring from the empty into the void — which is no doubt seductive. Its mark though is that there is no nourishment in it. The *congregation* remains unmoved, i.e. stuck.
Your remark hints but is blunted by being shallow. It is all very well to speak or write about being in the moment, the question is how?
Here is a hint, a whisper if you will. I have a body though I am not the body. However the *body* is dependably in the moment. Unlike thoughts and feelings which tend to be everywhere but in the moment. Our bodies are devoid of the presence of a master in the house. The master understands how to corral one’s wayward attention — which of necessity for those wishing to be in the moment — is indispensable.
So before we can have a master within — it is indispensable to our realization, that we find a master without — someone who understands the enormous difficulty of corralling the our wayward thoughts and unconnected feelings.
The world is full to overflowing with charlatans — as sincere as they may seem, whom are often themselves convinced they understand. They may even know many things but knowledge and understanding are worlds apart.
Noticeably, we tend to be satisfied with substitutes of all sorts — knowledges rather than understanding — until the substitutes turn sour.
Meanwhile we are fed upon which is why so many of us feel so empty.
(I don’t think the US openly targets journalists, although other repressive regimes may.)
You are gullible beyond repair. Idiot, The majority of American journalists are in the POCKET of CIA, You are so stupid and gullible that do not know Russia always was part of the CRIMINAL WEST. However, you have become so criminal and corrupt that want to destroy Russia as well. The world spit at the criminals who have committed many genocide in the world. Get some help or fuck off.
So you’re saying Scott Ritter is another Jussie Smollett, making up a hoax to present himself as a victim. That would be a shame if he has sunk so low. Can’t he be sued for this hoax like Jussie Smollett was?
I am already, so sick of this goddamned phrase! You notice how it's become the replacement for "holocaust survivor"? Because even now, the typical "holocaust survivor" is someone born in 1944, with some type of lineage related to Europe, and obviously jewish. It's also remarkable, that there doesn't appear to be a single, solitary, non-jew "holocaust survivor"?No Gypsies, no homos, no political prisoners, no Russians, or Poles, or Romanians, just all jews. Even the bullshit history claims that the camps weren't 100% filled with jews, that other, non-jews, were also put in the camps, but just like a goddamned miracle, apparently, none of them survived, and only jews did, and somehow they "survived" by (at this point) being born as late as 5 minutes before the war ended.And it's also fascinating, that this whole "holocaust survivor" moniker, really only came to be hyper-employed in the last 10-20 years. It existed before then, obviously, but it didn't used to be so fucking prevalent.Now, because raw math is making it harder and harder to claim to be a jewish "holocaust survivor" (they gotta be at least 79 years old to "sell it"), we are getting "child of holocaust survivor", and once again, like a fucking miracle, every single one of them is a jew!!From jew run wiki-The Holocaust was the genocide of European Jews during World War II. Between 1941 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its collaborators systematically murdered some six million Jews across German-occupied Europe, around two-thirds of Europe's Jewish population. The murders were carried out primarily through mass shootings and poison gas in extermination camps, chiefly Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor, and Chełmno in occupied Poland. Separate Nazi persecutions killed a similar or larger number of non-Jewish civilians and POWs; the term Holocaust is sometimes used to refer to the persecution of these other groups.And yet, there doesn't appear to be a single non-jew "holocaust survivor", or a solitary non-jew "child of holocaust survivors", and if there is a non-jew "child of parents that died in the holocaust", I've never heard of them!I know it's a little thing, but it's just so fucking sickening, that with the time running out for the blessed talisman of all things holy = Holocaust Survivor!, we are now being fed this steady diet of "child of holocaust survivor" (as if that would mean shit, even if somehow true) because the fucking jews don't want to lose that talmudic "street cred" of being able to reference the fucking Holy-Cause(t) every fucking time they open their mouths, so now it's their bullshit kids.And mark my words, in no time flat, every jew on the planet will miraculously become the "child of holocaust survivors", or "grandchildren of holocaust survivors", or "had family members that died in the holocaust", or "whatever whatever whatever holocaust".Like that rat fink fuck jew Blinken, whose step-father, escaped from every death camp in Europe, twice!https://jewishjournal.com/commentary/326418/understanding-blinken-through-his-stepfather-holocaust-survivor-samuel-pisar/"was how far his stepfather had come. Pisar, as Blinken mentioned, “was one of 900 children in his school in Białystok, Poland, but the only one to survive the Holocaust after four years in concentration camps.”"With the help of two friends, Ben and Niko, Pisar resisted the isolation and loneliness, desperation and despair as he went from camp to camp, and he made it to liberation."and this over-used tired gem of jew lore-"Blinken repeated the story his stepfather told of liberation in his confirmation speech:The tank resumed its advance [toward the barn], lumbering cautiously toward me. I looked for the hateful swastika, but there wasn’t one…Instead, I made out an unfamiliar emblem. It was the five-pointed white star…I was in front of the tank, waving my arms. The hatch opened. A big Black man climbed out, swearing unintelligibly at me…I fell at the Black man’s feet, threw my arms around his legs and yelled at the top of my lungs: “God bless America.”A famous fraud, con, bullshit, used more than once by multiple jews, pile of horseshit!And here is some more fancy jew bullshit-"Polish ghettos were a place of hunger and squalor. For the Jews, ghettos constituted a way of life. For their captors, ghettos were a place to contain the Jews until the infrastructure for their destruction — industrialized killing centers with gassing facilities — was set in place. Death camps were opened in the winter of 1942, and within 15 months, 80% of the Jews murdered in the Holocaust were already dead.In 1942, Samuel was deported with his mother and sister, both of whom were killed upon arrival. The 13-year-old Samuel avoided immediate death by declaring himself 18. His three years in captivity took him to the slave labor camps of Majdanek and Blizyn, the death camp of Auschwitz, the German concentration camps of Sachsenhausen, Oranienburg, Dachau and finally to the slave labor complex of the Engelberg Tunnel."Wow! Now the Evil Nazis managed to kill all 6 million in only 15 months! Just not this guy, because those same Nazis were so dumb, that they allowed a 13 yo jewish boy, to convince them that he was 18! And then, he went on his whirlwind tour of every "Death Camp" availiable!I'm surprised he didn't also personally meet Hitler, Mengele, and Himmler!Just so much jew horse shit, that it boggles the fucking mind!"Child of holocaust survivors", yeah, right, my ass!Replies: @DanFromCT, @36 ulster
“A child of Holocaust survivors”.
If the tank crewman was from the 761st Tank Battalion, and if the stepdad was an inmate of the Gunskirchen Camp, there may be some truth to it, but this hasn’t yet passed the smell test. In fact, it reeks of the cynical, unrequited “love” between Jews and blacks that riles so many of us. If the tank commander had been an average, ordinary white guy, what kind of poignant, feel-good story would that make?
Oy Vey! Michael Fay is Jewish! His grandparents were Holocaust survivors, too!
Interesting that!
Maybe a large percentage of the American School students you refer to are of Hebrew extraction.
Very interesting and poignant comment. I salute you.
I question the need for the ‘every Middle Class person’ routinely fudges the law.
I don’t think there is any need for a class distinction at all. In fact, the higher class you are, the more you can and will get away with. Eg. Celebrity, wealthy privilege and connections/lawyer power.
No, I sound like the most logical person on the road. If someone is coming up behind me in the passing lane, I have the situational awareness, lawful duty, and common sense to get over to let them pass IN THE PASSING LANE.
People who don’t abide by this common decency will get taught a hard lesson, and have their precious hogging of that lane and emotions fucked with the same way they are doing to me as I just try to drive in a straight line.
The person who doesn’t abide by the unwritten courtesy and actual legal duty to get over is the douche.
Now go huff some fentanyl for all our sakes.
Not a great place for free-range tourists.
Ever so often I have the misfortune of being on the same subway train as kids from the American School here in Singapore. When I used to still watch movies in cinemas, I would cringe when American kids entered, because they would be sitting with their feet over the chairs in front of them, talking and laughing loudly, and throwing popcorn all over the place.
There are plenty of other international schools here, French, Japanese, Indian etc…their kids are all well behaved. The kids from the American School stand out because they are exceptionally loud and boisterous to the point of being offensive.
What American parents think of as “normal thrill seeking” behaviour in kids is seen as obnoxious, antisocial and in some cases, downright criminal in other parts of the world.
This little monster got off with a lighter sentence because your President pressured our government into it…it cheeses Singaporeans off “American Exceptionalism” till this day.
You are right, Otto Warmbier should not have been punished in N Korea. His parents should have taken his place.
These are excellent points you bring up.
mind, the body, and the emotions
C G Jung was a buddha. He had this figured out. Individual Consciousness, Collective Consciousnes, the Ego, the Self, the Shadow, etc, etc. None of these are real but only are when they lead to understanding and realization.
Buddha. Within us is infinity. Buddha preached and taught the path, not the destination on Google Maps. With clouds, elephants, gates, virgins, sheep.
I want to know too. Putin doesn't really listen to her. Some sort of 3D chess perhaps. Keeping her in position, since she is an Atlantacist, might be a red-herring to confuse the west.
Nabiullina? What I would like to know is how this person got away with putting 300 billion in jeopardy only to later be hailed as some sort of wonder woman. Some have been jailed or executed for less.
You’re such a fantasist. Too many comic books and video games. I thought you eccentric and perhaps hitting the bong too hard. But you are in “make it up as I go along” land. IOW, a whack job. Silly and estupido.
Described as “a young, thrill-seeking great kid” by his father, and ethnically Jewish from his mother, Otto Warmbier was arrested by North Korean authorities for purloining a propaganda poster.
He was returned to the US after 17 months in confinement, comatose, and died within a week when his parents had his feeding tube pulled.
Not a great place for free-range tourists.
Ever so often I have the misfortune of being on the same subway train as kids from the American School here in Singapore. When I used to still watch movies in cinemas, I would cringe when American kids entered, because they would be sitting with their feet over the chairs in front of them, talking and laughing loudly, and throwing popcorn all over the place.There are plenty of other international schools here, French, Japanese, Indian etc...their kids are all well behaved. The kids from the American School stand out because they are exceptionally loud and boisterous to the point of being offensive. What American parents think of as "normal thrill seeking" behaviour in kids is seen as obnoxious, antisocial and in some cases, downright criminal in other parts of the world.This little monster got off with a lighter sentence because your President pressured our government into it...it cheeses Singaporeans off "American Exceptionalism" till this day.You are right, Otto Warmbier should not have been punished in N Korea. His parents should have taken his place.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yih_MiIFVbc
Not a great place for free-range tourists.