did you? hopefully.
Poem circulating on the internet in 2002 (Chinese accent added):
I come fol visit, get tleated legal
So I stay, who cale I irregar?
I closs boldel, pool and bloke
Take bus, see emproyment fork,
Nice man tleat me good in thele
Say I need to see werfale
Werfale say you come no mole
We send cash light to youl dool
Werfale checks, they make you wearthy
Medicaid, it keep you hearthy
By and by, got prenty money
Thanks to you, Amelican dummy
We have hobby – it’s carred bleeding
Werfale pay for baby feeding
Kids need dentist? Wife need pirrs?
We get flee! We get no birrs
Amelican clazy, pay arr yeal
To keep the werfale lunning hele
We think Amelica daln good prace
Too daln good fol the white man lace
If they no rike us, they can go
Got rots of loom in Mexico
If you never heard of Chinese Jews, start digging please.
You’re making a huge jump with the comparison to Jewish supremacy which is unique in this world. I think China will eventually have a GDP of two times the US GDP with weak soft power outside of Asia. China is going to be the main country in Asia but won’t come close to ruling the world. They may actually become one of the major forces in the world helping keep Jewish supremacy in check.
Many of Pat’s articles are an over the top (or possibly under the bottom) aggregate of half-news. Allegations based on loaded words that really don’t represent the situation. But that’s how emotionally based propaganda works.
For example, the overseas ‘secret Chinese police stations’ the media has been touting every now and then. Pat’s link is from Phelim Kine of Politico and Human Rights Watch. Yet closer investigation shows that they are not ‘police stations’ in any sense of the term, as anyone who takes the time to think about it would on their own realize. Yet these people use the word ‘police station’ not to clarify, but rather to obfuscate, because they know that the idea of a secret police station has a certain nefarious connotation.
It would be more accurate to think of them in the sense of an NGO, which are very common operations financed by the US government in order to influence (to the point of inciting ‘color revolutions’) in foreign countries. Now, one can (and should) be against the entire concept of NGOs. But that is not what is going on here. In any case, the subterfuge of these ‘secret police stations’ is pretty benign compared to Western NGOs and their actual foreign intrigue. However, unlike Paul Harvey, Pat won’t tell you ‘the rest of the story’.
Then there is the implied idea that Chinese infiltrators are ‘military aged men’ who could be (and likely are) getting together to form a secret paramilitary group in order to… well, to what? This is sort of left up in the air. Kind of implies hordes of Yellow Peril Manson-esque Dune Buggy Attack Battalions coming over the hills in SoCal.
Certainly there should be no illegal invaders south of the border. But there is no political will to stop it. Why is that? Because our politicians are more concerned about supporting Jewish concerns: Israel today, but over the last couple of years it has been the Jew Zelensky. And why are politicians more interested in the ever expanding borders of Israel, and the receding borders of the Ukraine?
Pat should write about that. I’m sure by the time it filters through his inked quill it will be because of ACPAC, the American-China Political Affairs Committee. You know, that group of Chinese billionaires who control both parties, and are passing anti-Sinitism laws, making it illegal to criticize both China and Chinese.
Mainland China —target goal for 2028 —80,000,000 Engineers.
This article is complete and unadulterated “Bullshit”
The plan is to make US the communist state of China, with its social credit system, and all the other goodies as a benefit to us, reeducation camps, labor camps, or good enough for body parts. With 1.4 billion who cares about few millions. That system works so well , it is an envy of many new age politicians, Look at Australia, how quickly they have build an isolation camps for people who resisted covid lock downs. We have them everywhere ready , do you remember a list of CCP party members released few years ago by Chinese whistleblower,“Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members – who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,†she said.
The author is trying to stoke up anti-China sentiment on behalf of the Jews. Whose crimes are lengthy and well known. Sick people
Let me guess, Pat. You were marveling at the efficacy and ability of Jews to get university presidents to call the cops on students who were upset that Israel, with the help of America, was killing Palestinian women and children, left and right. Did I get that right?
Late in the evening earlier this month I stood at the heart of the campus of one of America’s great universities, marveling at...
Great comment! Thanks! I do like reading Patrick and James Kilkpatrick, et al., but facts are facts, and you stated some of the most important ones very well.
I am not getting what the author wants to say. This post is not addressed to the author at all, rather to the people who read comments. The author does not want illegal chinese immigration. That much is clear. Does he want legal chinese immigration? Does he want legal or illegal immigration originating from elsewhere? Or does he want the USA to remain a cocoon to descendants of pre-independence european settlers or of pre ww2 european settlers or of only anglo-saxon settlers or pre 1970 settlers. Is he a white? jew? black? mixed? japanese? indian? Is he super rich? rich? salaried? unemployed? propertied? Why is not he saying anything about the stranglehold the 0.01% and the jewish lobby and the three letter agencies has over US policy, discourse and future? Also general apathy of the general population and proclivity to the easy life?
I am also surprised by this phenom. If they are trying to migrate in this way, why not go to europe? France is the most accepting from what I have heard. For someone to hazard such perils, they obviously would have to believe that they are going to get a better life than at home. I do not know for a fact, but hazard my guess that pay is not very high in china, but so are the living expenses less in china. Plus state healthcare services are great. Even so, the competition to the top is tough what with all the competitors intelligent and hardworking. Also on the flipside it is very hard to find a bride to start a family. Also I read about some “lying flat” movement in china.
What lies in the future for these travelers? A job? No job? welfare handouts? good looking demonesses(majority?) for a wife? Costly living expenses and healthcare? I dont see the point of it. Is it trading one shithole for another shithole? Or trading the boring certainty and security of a pleb-like existence for the dangerous uncertainty?
Commentators kindly illuminate.
You really must remember to take your meds.
Late in the evening earlier this month I stood at the heart of the campus of one of America’s great universities, marveling at…
Let me guess, Pat. You were marveling at the efficacy and ability of Jews to get university presidents to call the cops on students who were upset that Israel, with the help of America, was killing Palestinian women and children, left and right. Did I get that right?
Actually you should be happy about the influx of Chinese. Because with China now our public enemy number one (next on the war list right after Russia), perhaps Congress will finally take some initiative over our south of the border invasion. I mean, if it was just folks from Central America, who would care? But with illegal Chinese getting ready to ‘build an Army’ in the US…
But here’s the thing, Pat. Send all the Chinese, Mexicans, Haitians, Venezuelans…, plus all the rest back to where they came from. And you know what? The rot will continue. Why? Because they are not the cause of the problem, but only the effect. If you want to get back to the ‘historic American nation’ you always talk about, then you have to get to the root of the problem, which is subversive Jewish influence. If you are not talking about that, you are just not talking.
And speaking of… are Jews part of your ‘historic America nation’? Or did they arrive later, after the fact?
One thing you are right about, though. It’s a total disgrace how Chinese are subverting America, especially buying up all our politicians. I mean, as soon as one is elected they make the pilgrimage, donning a palace eunich hat and kowtowing at the Great Wall of China, in order to pledge allegiance to the Chinese Communists.
Right now in 2024 the Chinese are slowly banning education in non-Mandarin languages, particularly Tibetan in an effort to extinguish them.
Schools in Tibet are actually tri-lingual, with Tibetan, Mandarin, and English courses. What you are referring to is a national policy mandating education primarily in Mandarin, as a means of fostering not only national unity, but recognizing the reality and necessity of understanding the nation’s primary language.
Get away from the Radio Free Asia/BBC/Tibet Watch mode, and think about this for a moment using the US as a reference. In the US there has been much ink spilt over bilingual education, with most ‘conservatives’ arguing that bilingual education fosters disunity, cultural fragmentation, and poorly serves students who must eventually be expected to work within an English system.
With a push for multilingual education we instead find students unable to cope with the functional demands that higher education is supposed to correct for. Also, we have enclaves where English is not spoken at all, a situation leading to social disunity among our unfortunately diverse populations.
China is attempting to remedy this problem, by first recognizing that Mandarin is the official language, and second that in order to prosper within China as Chinese, citizens must be proficient in that language.
China has the correct idea, whereas in the US, because of a lack of standardized language policy, we have a situation where not only education, but business and government is conducted in multiple languages, to no one’s real benefit. Press 1 for English, etc.
“American plutocrats, overconfident in their ability to protect their own progeny, scoff at this concern. Ultimately, when ethnocentrism bites, their descendants will curse them.”
You speak the actual truth.
I take it that our treacherous elite do actually believe that somehow they and their posterity will be able to leap frog the destruction that they have meticulously orchestrated. Are they delusional in thinking they can control the outcomes of their treasonous actions, or are they miserable psychopaths who enjoy destroying anything of value, or both.
When Western life has boiled down to one of smiling predators preying on one another for a bigger slice of the pie, is it really a mystery that those who have clawed their way to the top of the heap behave in such a way. They simply project their own self-hatred and their betrayal of all the is good onto those all around them whom they judge as the same as themselves.
This article proves that VDARE is kike-controlled crap
The other thing about the Chinese is that they like the Jews today and various other times the Germans and British have a superiority complex and even thought themselves the core of the world with the outside being full of “barbarians”.
So far we have never seen a country which is so large by population (Only superseded by fractious India), has a massive ethnic diaspora all over the world and which has deep in it’s psyche an idea of being the supreme master race also being the most powerful country in the world.
Right now in 2024 the Chinese are slowly banning education in non-Mandarin languages, particularly Tibetan in an effort to extinguish them.
Libertarians like to think envy of the poor and weak is what makes the world go round but in truth it’s the contempt of the rich and powerful.
What happens when China finally gets over it’s complex about it’s idea of being the supreme people, burned down with the Summer Palace and finds itself the richest and most powerful country in the world with massive ethnic diasporas across the world? Current Chinese leaders, humbled by memories of a very different recent past of China may say and even believe one thing. But what happens when the children who have known nothing but Chinese greatest come to power?
Will we all become Tibetans too?
I’m reminded of the hilariously-titled paper from the Pentagon.
THE STRATEGIC CONSEQUENCES OF CHINESE RACISM: A Strategic Asymmetry for the United States
Schools in Tibet are actually tri-lingual, with Tibetan, Mandarin, and English courses. What you are referring to is a national policy mandating education primarily in Mandarin, as a means of fostering not only national unity, but recognizing the reality and necessity of understanding the nation's primary language.
Right now in 2024 the Chinese are slowly banning education in non-Mandarin languages, particularly Tibetan in an effort to extinguish them. �
New Zealand can not be left to “the rightful owners” because they, the Moriori, were exterminated by the Maoris.
The question for me (since it is the very nut-cuttin’ issue of our day), is Emil Kirkegaard jew-wise?
If not, reading him is hardly worth one’s time if actually trying to understand the root of our problems.
I don’t believe “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
I agree it is not always true…but sometimes it is.
The guy in the video is a well-known fraud. https://youtu.be/GRqcA04FtmM
China’s stats are solid. There is no evidence in any court, foreign or domestic, to support the fact that China or the Chinese are less honest than us.
“If Kirkegaard has really uncovered such a massive systemic taint in the Chinese, then the whole U.S. relationship with China needs to be carefully reconsidered.”
walking through Copley Square one fine,sunny afternoon , I felt a hand in my pocket. When I looked around, there was a chink beside me who quickly pulled his hand out & smirked & sneered, “oh, sorry” & then melted into the crowd. I don’t know how many other pockets he picked that day(or since) but I wouldn’t trust a chink as far as I could kick an opium pipe. Go to any Chinatown district in America & most of the slave laborers in the chink restaurants are illegal immigrants. America now is slowly filling with Asian illegals & if Asian students ( both American born & foreign) take most of the top spots in fast-track colleges here after the SCOTUS decision, then the Yellow Peril will conquer America within two generations. Watch your wallets.
Well sure you can you ignore it, but you should be very skeptical of such a result in a field with such a poor track record of consistency.
For instance, stealing a wallet is a crime. And all crime rates will have positive correlations with other crimes. China’s homicide rate is very very low, this is well known. Hence China probably also has a low robbery rate. So we can fairly safely assume those wallets on the ground are not getting stolen — they are probably just getting left on the ground most of the time.
The idea that China should be grouped in with notoriously high crime countries like Peru, Kenya, or Ghana is laughable.
So is this result even worth reporting as “lack of honesty”. No.
Right. I am not a “realist” (got it?), but a purist – I don’t believe “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”.
I agree it is not always true...but sometimes it is.
I don't believe "The enemy of my enemy is my friend".
Erratum: Kinda related 'fun fact' […]Replies: @Realist
Kinda unrelated ‘fun fact’ […]
I think you live in a dream world.
Where have you been since Kirkegaard's culturally tone-deaf, -dumb and -blind paper was published? It was much derided by Chinese, who explained what they would do in such cases–and none would 'hand it in' to anyone but the local beat cop.
Maybe, but this Chinese development is devastating. I cannot believe that Kirkegaard is serious about the effect of Communism. Several countries much higher up the list experienced Communist rule for as long or much longer. The Chinese are in fact behaving like a totally different species.
Dear me. China has never had a political system because it's never had politics in the sense we think of them. China has had by far the best governance system on earth for 2,000 years: the same one they have today. But you knew that, too.
China evolved in almost total isolation from the West for thousands of years, never producing a political system more sophisticated than a despotism. It did however produce a culture of amoral familism in which honest dealings with outsiders had no part.
Video LinkThis guy opened my eyes a bit. I’ve never been to China but have known a broad sample of native Chinese in college, business and personally and have found they are more prone to cheating and short-cuts than whites. As a poster said above, many of us who root for China only do so because, as much as we don’t know about China, we do know the truth about the USA.
Where have you been since Kirkegaard's culturally tone-deaf, -dumb and -blind paper was published? It was much derided by Chinese, who explained what they would do in such cases–and none would 'hand it in' to anyone but the local beat cop.
Maybe, but this Chinese development is devastating. I cannot believe that Kirkegaard is serious about the effect of Communism. Several countries much higher up the list experienced Communist rule for as long or much longer. The Chinese are in fact behaving like a totally different species.
Dear me. China has never had a political system because it's never had politics in the sense we think of them. China has had by far the best governance system on earth for 2,000 years: the same one they have today. But you knew that, too.
China evolved in almost total isolation from the West for thousands of years, never producing a political system more sophisticated than a despotism. It did however produce a culture of amoral familism in which honest dealings with outsiders had no part.
Actually, Dr. Roberts, China did develop a political system beyond mere governance; politics and political systems being defined by the use and distribution of power. And in this sense, China’s system cannot be accurately defined as despotic, at least in the strict use of the term; nor was it unsophisticated, as is implied by the OP. Quite the opposite. Indeed, one of its underlying philosophies, Mohist consequentialism, is described by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy as “the world’s earliest form of consequentialism, a remarkably sophisticated version based on a plurality of intrinsic goods taken as constitutive of collective human welfare.” Basically the state defined progress in terms of the collective, which perhaps forms a link to its modern communist outlook.
Two aspects of China’s well-developed political system are relevant here: First, the Mandate of Heaven assigns the task of governance to the one who will serve the people. Mencius, perhaps the greatest Confucian (after Confucius himself), famously said, “Heaven does not create the people for the sake of the Sovereign; Heaven creates the Sovereign for the sake of the people.” Confucian and even Legalist scholars since those times (few centuries BC) stated repeatedly that the purpose and focus of the ruler and officials was to determine the interests of the people so that the state could fulfill them. For Confucians, this was to be achieved through ren, which can variously be defined as benevolence, magnanimity, kindess; for Legalists, this was to be attained through strict rules and codes. Whatever the means, the aim was to serve and care for the people to produce harmony in the State. This places serious constraints on the use and formulation of power: the ruler cannot simply do as he pleases and impose his will on the people. Contrast this with the Divine Right of Kings that defined political systems and power in much of Europe until the modern era. Indeed, it was relatively common for Chinese emperors to issue written apologies to the people, read by criers, while in Europe, in the rare instance that kings apologized, they only ever did so to the Pope. Apologizing to the people was simply beneath the aristocracy.
But in China, the legitimacy of rule rested squarely on the king or emperor’s ability to serve the common people. Conversely, he is not a legitimate ruler–and loses his Mandate–if the people’s welfare suffers and especially if they are abused or mistreated. The Heavens would reveal the loss of Mandate through natural disasters or, more commonly, popular rebellions which would lead to the transfer of power, i.e., the change of Mandate. Practically speaking, this is an early form of consent of governed. While, yes, the rationale is rooted in ancient Chinese cosmology, in practice it takes human action–popular uprisings and rebellion–to replace a ruler. Importantly, the cosmology attaches meaning to rebellion: it is key to the change of power that leads to the restoration of the State.
The second piece is China’s longstanding meritocracy, institutionalized in a battery of written exams that have been administered regularly for some 1,400 years. In theory, any male could sit for the exams and, provided he passed, was then eligible for any number of political appointments that could lead to more powerful and lucrative positions. In practice, then as now, wealthier families had an edge because they could pay tutors to instruct their sons. But the fact remained that there was a well-defined means by which those without wealth or connections could attain those things and rise up in society. So, those with modest means could save some money, splurge on tutoring for their more promising sons, and hope for the best. Now, contrast this with most other places in the world (including Europe) which were run by aristocracies up until early in the last century. The idea that a serf or pauper could become a high official was laughable. Yet Europeans warmed to the idea of a meritocracy, beginning with Britain in the 1850s when colonial officials proposed an exam-based system modeled on China’s to select officials to run the Empire.
The key is that China’s system produced a huge, entrenched political class that directly controlled everyday affairs and policy. True, it was filled with many self-interested bureaucrats and often inefficient, but this provided a powerful counterbalance to central authority, namely the emperor and his court: A would-be autocrat was essentially stymied by red tape. And, of course, by the ever-present fear of uprisings that might signal the loss of his Mandate.
One more thing: As mentioned above, China’s system has a longstanding focus on collective welfare, which may link it to the communism of today. Perhaps when Kierkegaard refers to communism to explain the behavior of Chinese workers in his study, he is also referring to this strong sense of the collective, with a concomitantly weak sense of the individual–and individual property. Thus, while I am not entirely convinced with his explanation, I think it is plausible. Someone raised in a staunch collectivist or communist setting, when presented with a small sum, might be more likely than an American or Mexican to feel like they have just as much a right to it as anyone else–including the owner. Given the basement level wages in China, it might be even more tempting to make this rationalization. Any remaining qualms might be settled by noting that the wallet’s owner likely won’t be hurt much by this loss: the government, being communist, heavily subsidizes all expenses and essentially puts a roof over everyone’s head no matter their station. Again, this does not justify what amounts to theft, but helps explain why such a pattern might be more likely in communist societies.
[Dr. Roberts, I know none of this is news to you, and I’m not saying that for effect. I’ve written this to help inform the rest, who generally know little about your field of expertise, China.]
Of course! This is something I've commented on for years, including more recent comments here at TUR.
By the 18th century, independent scholars did the most important research and science…the “uncredentialed†independent scientist is rising again.
Richard B — I thought your #5. comment brilliant, then I read this one which I appreciate even more. Off-the-charts interesting! Thank you.
The issue is no more than nonsense when the only race that has been able to develop dishonesty in all its splendor has been the white race and the other races have only been accomplices or extras in the lack of ethics and principles of the whites in all human activities.
Maybe not all, and there may be a sample of one to five percent who are not victims of racism and greed may be, but no more than that.
OF COURSE, such an interesting study should be repeatedly replicated, on a much larger scale. Also with more countries, notably Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
That it apparently has not been is doubtless due to the turpitude of modern Academic institutions. They are absolutey not interested in investigating any link between honesty and ethnicity, much less in risking offending the munificant Chinese.
This is no reason to ignore the study, which raises very important issues.
To do so would be cowardly and unscientific.
Was this paper published anywhere before being posted on OpenPsych on July 17? If not, too soon for a considered response. Verbal abuse though is cheap
What paper and what verbal abuse are you referring to?
Cases of Chinese IP theft are legion: https://vdare.com/posts/red-chinese-spies-another-benefit-of-immigration
. Like 99% of such ‘cases,’ they are allegations only.
“Nor has the PRC ever told a lie or broken a promise.†EVER? Is this a joke? What about the promise to the Peasants that they would get their own land after the war with the KMT in the late ’40s? Followed by exceptionally bloody collectivization.
Ever. It has never lied. The peasants got their land and still have it. Collectivization was not bloody partly because it was entirely voluntary. Even at its peak, only 40% of villages had fully collectivized, and some rejected the idea completely.
Your distinction between Governance and a Political system is interesting. But the central virtue of the systems in the West is having a way to transfer power without having a costly civil war. China has not been exempt from the problems this causes and may never be.
The PRC has been transferring power peacefully since its founding and has not experienced the political violence – assassinations, etc. – we see in the USA.
The US is a young country run by an anonymous oligarchy unresponsive to citizens’ desires. [Gilens and Page, ‘The central point of our research is that economic elites and organized business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence’. https://tinyurl.com/yc3mvrxh%5D.
The oligarchy does not transfer power. It just changes frontmen every four years.
The next elections will test our ability to transfer power peacefully.
the PRC is infamous for bogus scientific papers??
The PRC is infamous for everything, if we are to believe Western media.
As I said, it leads the world in research quality, quantity and scope, and has never stolen IP.
So does the United States.Replies: @Vergissmeinnicht, @Vergissmeinnicht
The Chinese Gov’t oppresses its people.
‘Freedom’ and ‘Tyranny’ are relative concepts: even anarcho-capitalists don’t believe in “gun rights” for the man who collects Hydrogen Bombs…
Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/713665896
(Well, in the paper above, Prof Block technically says you are allowed to own an H Bomb if you live on Mars…)
So does the United States.Replies: @Vergissmeinnicht, @Vergissmeinnicht
The Chinese Gov’t oppresses its people.
When Greg Johnson published why White Nationalists should support Ukraine not Russia¹ (which I totally agree with), one of the arguments he had to refute: Russia’s ideology is closer to ours than Western ideology, thererefore we must support Putin – NO! Under Liberal Democracy, us dissidents can organise, spread our ideas etc., all in all, we’re left alone; under Putin’s régime, rather, it’s hitty-missy… we can be thrown in jail (or worse), even.
So, similarly… Does the USA oppress its people? Yes, certainly. But less so than China.
1. I am unable to locate Greg’s article(s) on Counter-Currents.com right now.
Kinda unrelated ‘fun fact’ […]
Erratum: Kinda related ‘fun fact’ […]
Have similar results been reproduced anywhere else? If not, I wouldn’t take this too seriously.
Psychology is well known to have a study replication problem. As high as 50% of studies could not be reproduced in some areas of focus in Psychology as little as 10 years ago.
My guess is China is more middle of the pack in reality. But there are other viewpoints of criticism as well:
China has 1.4 billion people, so one might question the sample size they used as well. Looking at the study, I see they average around 400 observations per country. In a country of 1.4 billion that seems wholly inadequate. Hell in a country like the United States of 330 million that makes little sense.
Furthermore, the study only looks at reporting rates. So many people probably just look at the wallet and DON’T steal, but also don’t turn it in. The morality of not turning it in is not what this author pretends it to be, ie negative. In fact, one can make a very reasonable case that the best case is simply to leave the wallet where it was left, so that the person who left it can return and find it more easily.
In a society that is highly group oriented like china, its certainly possible the wallet is just left there and never stolen and the owner can easily find it later on in the same spot they left it.
The Chinese Gov’t oppresses its people.
So does the United States.
Erratum: Kinda related 'fun fact' […]Replies: @Realist
Kinda unrelated ‘fun fact’ […]
Where have you been since Kirkegaard's culturally tone-deaf, -dumb and -blind paper was published? It was much derided by Chinese, who explained what they would do in such cases–and none would 'hand it in' to anyone but the local beat cop.
Maybe, but this Chinese development is devastating. I cannot believe that Kirkegaard is serious about the effect of Communism. Several countries much higher up the list experienced Communist rule for as long or much longer. The Chinese are in fact behaving like a totally different species.
Dear me. China has never had a political system because it's never had politics in the sense we think of them. China has had by far the best governance system on earth for 2,000 years: the same one they have today. But you knew that, too.
China evolved in almost total isolation from the West for thousands of years, never producing a political system more sophisticated than a despotism. It did however produce a culture of amoral familism in which honest dealings with outsiders had no part.
Was this paper published anywhere before being posted on OpenPsych on July 17? If not, too soon for a considered response. Verbal abuse though is cheap
Cases of Chinese IP theft are legion: https://vdare.com/posts/red-chinese-spies-another-benefit-of-immigration
“Nor has the PRC ever told a lie or broken a promise.” EVER? Is this a joke? What about the promise to the Peasants that they would get their own land after the war with the KMT in the late ’40s? Followed by exceptionally bloody collectivization.
Your distinction between Governance and a Political system is interesting. But the central virtue of the systems in the West is having a way to transfer power without having a costly civil war. China has not been exempt from the problems this causes and may never be.
Of course, it now seems 21C America may not be either.
What paper and what verbal abuse are you referring to?
Was this paper published anywhere before being posted on OpenPsych on July 17? If not, too soon for a considered response. Verbal abuse though is cheap
. Like 99% of such 'cases,' they are allegations only.
Cases of Chinese IP theft are legion: https://vdare.com/posts/red-chinese-spies-another-benefit-of-immigration
Ever. It has never lied. The peasants got their land and still have it. Collectivization was not bloody partly because it was entirely voluntary. Even at its peak, only 40% of villages had fully collectivized, and some rejected the idea completely.
“Nor has the PRC ever told a lie or broken a promise.†EVER? Is this a joke? What about the promise to the Peasants that they would get their own land after the war with the KMT in the late ’40s? Followed by exceptionally bloody collectivization.
The PRC has been transferring power peacefully since its founding and has not experienced the political violence – assassinations, etc. – we see in the USA.
Your distinction between Governance and a Political system is interesting. But the central virtue of the systems in the West is having a way to transfer power without having a costly civil war. China has not been exempt from the problems this causes and may never be.
Why the animosity against those that have some good opinions about China? A personal thing.Replies: @Vergissmeinnicht
There are a lot of pro-China propagandists¹ on Unz.com – can’t wait to see ’em butthurt!
The Chinese Gov’t oppresses its people. The Chinese are smart enough to have Freedom and Democracy. (At least, in manners à la South Koreans and Japanese.)
Look, I’m a Cultural Particularist: Dictators, Autocrats, Fascism etc. can work and maybe even are the best ways to govern some peoples – who are inbred, collectivistic and/or low-IQ…
Kinda unrelated ‘fun fact’: consumption of alcohol may increase CORRUPTION.
Here’s: https://journals.aserspublishing.eu/jarle/article/view/475
So does the United States.Replies: @Vergissmeinnicht, @Vergissmeinnicht
The Chinese Gov’t oppresses its people.
In hindsight it’s obvious we should have allied with Japan and nuked China. They’d be pulling their glutes kowtowing to us for another 300 years.
Dilemma, of course.
Adbel Abdellaoui is a strange ending for an article about Chinese IQ.
But lets go there.
Adbel Abdellaoui is presented as an Ethiopian, a nomeclature he uses with relish to show an identity of sorts.
But, he would much prefer to be know as a Muslim. But then “A Muslim from where?” becomes his dilema
The natural Ethiopian, the Amahra, is the founder, and natural heir of Ethiopia. Sure there are countelss lefty Amhara, but their allegiance to Ethiopia is natural, and historically correct. And yes, there is Ethiopian/Amhara scholarship.Adbel Abdellaoui is a strange ending for an article about Chinese IQ.
But lets go there.
Adbel Abdellaoui is presented as an Ethiopian, a nomeclature he uses with relish to show an identity of sorts.
But, he would much prefer to be know as a Muslim. But then “A Muslim from where?” becomes his dilemma.
The natural Ethiopian, the Amahra, is the founder, and natural heir of Ethiopia. Sure there are countelss lefty Amhara, but their allegiance to Ethiopia is natural, and historically correct. And yes, there is Ethiopian/Amhara scholarship.
If articles bring up any kind of hyprid Ethiopia-grifter to the fore, then keep digging, and you will find plenty, which fall short. It would have been better to keep this Abdellaoui simply as a “Muslim ‘scholar’ at Amsterdam’s University Medical Centers” or just kept him out of the article altogether, where he appears only as an “I told you so” appendage.
Where have you been since Kirkegaard's culturally tone-deaf, -dumb and -blind paper was published? It was much derided by Chinese, who explained what they would do in such cases–and none would 'hand it in' to anyone but the local beat cop.
Maybe, but this Chinese development is devastating. I cannot believe that Kirkegaard is serious about the effect of Communism. Several countries much higher up the list experienced Communist rule for as long or much longer. The Chinese are in fact behaving like a totally different species.
Dear me. China has never had a political system because it's never had politics in the sense we think of them. China has had by far the best governance system on earth for 2,000 years: the same one they have today. But you knew that, too.
China evolved in almost total isolation from the West for thousands of years, never producing a political system more sophisticated than a despotism. It did however produce a culture of amoral familism in which honest dealings with outsiders had no part.
Nope, the PRC is infamous for bogus scientific papers, so much so there are entire fields like protein crystallography where the serious scientists in the field completely ignore their output. We also see how such claimed scientific prowess does not, in fact, translate into things like military jet engines competitive with Russian ones, let alone those further West.
Now, the papers issue is not one we can judge the authors on too harshly, indeed because Communism. The CCP doesn’t understand science and has set up a regime of paper quotas for scientists, publish or perish is almost literally true.
If you want to do good social science on all this, you need to use Taiwan as a control which was not done here. Which of course says nothing about foreign policy et. al., but the idea you can “do business” with unrepentant Communists is utterly fatuous, especially after our century of experience in trying to do this (depending in part on the current leadership, but also across multiple Communist regimes).
Let me mention all the suspicions we have about the current “Biden” “engagement” with Xi/the CCP, for example “Why America’s Elites are Dedicated to Engagement with Communist China” while noting at minimum the US Deep State has factions, some of which are going after the PRC with a rusty knife. In particular crushing their aspirations to make anywhere near modern chips, especially economically.
By the 18th century, independent scholars did the most important research and science…the “uncredentialed†independent scientist is rising again.
Of course! This is something I’ve commented on for years, including more recent comments here at TUR.
European culture was created by people who today would be classed as amateurs.
Kant, for example, was the first professional philosopher, and there were hardly any professional scientists until late in the 19th century. From an historical perspective professionalism as we think of it today is something fairly recent, and has been anything but a mixed blessing.
But the amateurs did not think of themselves as “scholars”, and the average professional scholar was an object of mockery for Nietzsche, and not just Nietzsche. With rare exception they’re still objects of mockery (exactly because genuine scholarship is exceptional, ie; rare).
The amatuteur of the past had a good deal of the even older tradition of the virtuoso, the man who collected and studied in any area that moved him. These were the men responsible for the assembly of important materials for scholarship and science (the real kind of both that used to be practiced).
Darwin himself was, by today’s standards, an amateur naturalist of a very traditional English sort.
In fact, not only was the amateur-virtuosos tradition so vital in the life of Goethe, but he used that as the model for his Faust. And, it’s highly relevent today, and so worth pointing out, that Goethe was inspired in part to write that masterpiece in response to his ultimate rejection of the Illuminati (to which he belonged to for a time), the secret organization started by Weishaupt that would eventually become Supremacy Inc.
One could argue that the amateur-virtuoso tradition is to Eurpean culture what fake scholarship is to Supremacy Inc. Meaning, the amateur-virtuoso tradition, a bequeath of European culture at its best, is the answer to the fake scholarship used by the hostile elite in its attempt to destroy the West and replace it with barbarism. Far from being something to sneer at, amateurization is something for the public to respect and for the elite to fear.
I actually have a returned wallet story in China to tell. American businessman living in China. One morning somewhere in the Shanghai Pudong Airport I dropped my wallet which contained my ID, an array of credit cards including my ATM card and several hundred dollars cash in local currency. I’m guessing it was near checkin because I did not make the shocking discovery of my lost wallet until I arrived at my destination in Harbin which is in the far northeast of China. I had no money for a taxi to take me to the hotel which I had booked. However, a local whom I was visiting arrived and helped with transport and then assisted me with check in into the hotel downtown until I could develop a recovery strategy.
Mentally tracing my steps I decided to call the Pudong Airport and report my missing wallet. The airport officials took my information and told me that they would have a look around and come back to me later via phone call. Later in the day a phone call came. My wallet had been found. They notified me that it would be flown up to Harbin on an evening flight and they provided the details. That evening I went to airport and identified myself to the airline. They produced a large sealed envelope with my wallet. I was shocked to find all of the cash, credit cards, and ID untouched and in place. Nothing had been taken. This event occurred in 2009. I wrote a letter of thanks to the airline and all of those involved.
I’ve been living in Asia for 32 years and I have similar stories from my 6 years in Japan, a country overflowing with stories of honesty. However, I also have more stories of honesty from China that rank on par with what one might find in Japan. By the way your country honesty graph appears to be missing Japan which would probably rank ahead of Switzerland.
Maybe, but this Chinese development is devastating. I cannot believe that Kirkegaard is serious about the effect of Communism. Several countries much higher up the list experienced Communist rule for as long or much longer.
Russia has a much better honesty rating than Canada, the US and UK, and their are other examples, too. So your assertion is certainly plausible. But France’s rating is suspiciously high. Did any of these tests take place in the banlieues. I doubt it.
This suggests there are problems with the methodology of these tests. You would need to ensure representative samples of the general population, as well as replicability. So further work needs to be done. Having said that, China’s very poor rating can’t be easily airbrushed away.
The Chinese are in fact behaving like a totally different species.
“Hundreds†Of U.S. Politicians Purchased. How Can Mitch McConnell NOT Be One?
Has Patrick confused China with Jews and Israel? We know how honest, upright, transparent, moral, and Hu-White Jews have been, throughout their history.
Lately, Vdare has been on an anti-China kick. How America’s problems are greatly exacerbated, if not created, by China and Chinese.
Not sure where they are coming from, or their goal in it all. It curiously approaches Jewish neocon inspired Sean Hannity level thinking. Possibly getting folks ready for war with China?
The first thing you want to do to your enemy is demonize them. Call them immoral, inhuman, a different species, liars and cheaters, the ‘next Hitler’ and so forth. You saw that in a lot of anti-German propaganda during the last great war, with the first Hitler. And every war since.
If it’s true, it’s true. But to find out the possible source of America’s problems, here’s a little John Lennon Imagine Mind Game I’ve mentioned previously: Imagine that all Chinese on the planet suddenly disappeared overnight. Then think of America’s most pressing problems. Would these problems suddenly go away?
Would the Great Replacement, endless wars for Israel, debasement of the dollar via the Fed, corrupt Israel First politicians, inner-city crime, BLM riots, Antifa, LGTB+ indoctrination, trannyfication and mutilation of children, proxy war against Russia–well, you can make up your own list… would all those problems be gone, or even reduced, if China disappeared?
Now, try that mental exercise using other groups, Jews, blacks, etc. Compare results. Once you do that, you can start to get a grip on from who and where our problems derive.
Great article! Thanks!
If Kirkegaard has really uncovered such a massive systemic taint in the Chinese, then the whole U.S. relationship with China needs to be carefully reconsidered.
There are only two super powers in the world today, and neither are Western.
Those two are Supremacy Inc. and The CCP. They’re both busy dividing up the spoils.
Put bluntly, Western Civilization is being replaced by Asiatic Barbarism.
In any event, the correlation between low intelligence and criminality is reliable as far as it goes. But it doesn’t go far enough. Because intelligence and criminality also go together. Knowing this in their bones is why Supremacy Inc. is so touchy on the matter. They’re afraid researchers will find the criminal gene – in them – and that genes long-term impact on human adaptability.
For a better idea of exactly what is meant by Supremacy Inc. check out the first three paragraphs from Chapter 22 of Douglas Reed’s The Controversy of Zion. https://www.unz.com/book/douglas_reed__the-controversy-of-zion/
Maybe, but this Chinese development is devastating. I cannot believe that Kirkegaard is serious about the effect of Communism. Several countries much higher up the list experienced Communist rule for as long or much longer. The Chinese are in fact behaving like a totally different species.
Where have you been since Kirkegaard’s culturally tone-deaf, -dumb and -blind paper was published? It was much derided by Chinese, who explained what they would do in such cases–and none would ‘hand it in’ to anyone but the local beat cop.
In any case, China is a high-trust society and also highly trustworthy. Though it dominates world science, only one of the top 20 science fraudsters is Chinese, and he was from Taiwan. Nor has there ever been a case in any court against China for stealing significant IP. Nor has the PRC ever told a lie or broken a promise.. But you know all that.
China evolved in almost total isolation from the West for thousands of years, never producing a political system more sophisticated than a despotism. It did however produce a culture of amoral familism in which honest dealings with outsiders had no part.
Dear me. China has never had a political system because it’s never had politics in the sense we think of them. China has had by far the best governance system on earth for 2,000 years: the same one they have today. But you knew that, too.
There are a lot of pro-China propagandists¹ on Unz.com – can’t wait to see ’em butthurt!
Why the animosity against those that have some good opinions about China? A personal thing.
Most people of all races are pretty honest, but there is a far left tail of very dishonest people, and this tail is a lot larger for Blacks than for Whites and Hispanics. This is where we expect to find most of the career criminals, serial welfare fraudsters etc.
This tail is also where we get our legislators, the street cops and the amoral killers in the US military. It represents the dregs of the society at the top and bottom.
Ninety eight percent of the adults in this country are decent, hardworking, honest Americans. It’s the other lousy two percent that get all the publicity. But then, we elected them.
Lily Tomlin
The Chinese being more dishonest than Whites doesn’t surprise me at all – given 2 factors: the well-established country differences in corruption; plus, Asiatic peoples being collectivistic.
But the Chinese being that more dishonest than Whites does surprise me! Holy moley!
(I’m implying the paper’s findings are accurate, of course.)
There are a lot of pro-China propagandists¹ on Unz.com – can’t wait to see ’em butthurt!
1. I’ve thought about why they like China – pondered complex and multifaceted reasons for it, but I’m leaning towards this: “America is bad. China opposes America. Therefore, China is good.”
You're another Andrew-Anglin "Christian" who needs to read the Bible someday. You'll find out that the Old Testament Jews were into genocide and screwing up other nations with the full blessing of "God." Of course it's all fiction -- but that's the point. It's been fiction all along.
“Jews†are Christâ€killers who have attempted to replace Jesus with the “Holocaust†(kill him twice). These ((jews)) are parasites on both Christendom AND Moses, who founded Judaism by whacking (Hebrew?) parasites, which the Satanists claim was the original holocaust.
The ‘Hebrew Parasites’ that Moses ‘whacked’ were mainly those who wanted democracy or shied away from total mass-murder of the peoples of the land they were invading.
They were multicult, polygot degenerates, parasites and grifters who previously betrayed the Hebrews by selling them into slavery. They were angling for the Golden Calf — the precursor to the “magical” Fed printing press of today, whose “good credit” is now built on ((jew)) Ponzis, ((jew)) wars, and ((jew)) Globalist slavery.
You’re obviously a Satanist shilling for your demon masters.
"Jews" are Christâ€killers who have attempted to replace Jesus with the "Holocaust" (kill him twice). These ((jews)) are parasites on both Christendom AND Moses, who founded Judaism by whacking (Hebrew?) parasites, which the Satanists claim was the original holocaust.
Jews will disappear after Christianity, because without Christians Jews make no sense. The rule only by being closer to the “God†Europeans think is theirs, and when enough Christians jump ship, it’s gone
“Jews†are Christâ€killers who have attempted to replace Jesus with the “Holocaust†(kill him twice). These ((jews)) are parasites on both Christendom AND Moses, who founded Judaism by whacking (Hebrew?) parasites, which the Satanists claim was the original holocaust.
You’re another Andrew-Anglin “Christian” who needs to read the Bible someday. You’ll find out that the Old Testament Jews were into genocide and screwing up other nations with the full blessing of “God.” Of course it’s all fiction — but that’s the point. It’s been fiction all along.
The ‘Hebrew Parasites’ that Moses ‘whacked’ were mainly those who wanted democracy or shied away from total mass-murder of the peoples of the land they were invading. The ‘Good Book’ is not really good at all.
Jesus didn’t deny this heritage, he announced that he had come to fulfill it. He didn’t repudiate the Jews and in fact said, “Salvation comes from the Jews.” Of course, Jesus never existed and some Jewish writer seeking to fleece the goyim put those words in Jesus’s mouth. It worked, and so the Roman Empire fell, and so now all of Western Civilization is falling. And by embracing the Jesus Myth, you’re helping the Jews pull it down.
I wonder who will have them once the Christians are gone.
They were multicult, polygot degenerates, parasites and grifters who previously betrayed the Hebrews by selling them into slavery. They were angling for the Golden Calf -- the precursor to the "magical" Fed printing press of today, whose "good credit" is now built on ((jew)) Ponzis, ((jew)) wars, and ((jew)) Globalist slavery.You're obviously a Satanist shilling for your demon masters.
The ‘Hebrew Parasites’ that Moses ‘whacked’ were mainly those who wanted democracy or shied away from total mass-murder of the peoples of the land they were invading.
If ever there were a perfect example of RICO Act violations on a global scale, Global Jew Incorporated would be the standard by which Organized Crime Syndicates are held to account for their criminal activities.
Since the DOJ, DHS, Treasury and State Department are under Zionist control, the US flag now represents Rainbow Pride, Synagogue of Satan, and Black Lawless thugs, while justice is for the lawless criminals destroying society as we once knew it.
Welcome to America’s New World Order Reset.
The RICO Act: ((( Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,†is a law that allows authorities to punish offenders engaging in criminal activities, particularly racketeering. RICO law punishes crime bosses who order their subordinates to carry out criminal activities for them. Else, these bosses could claim innocence because they technically were not the ones to carry out the crimes.
(((See Hollywood, Wall Street, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Biz, MIC ad infinitum))).
It’s like Donald Trump, after getting rammed in the ass by Jewish Power, does little but shill for Israel.
When did you notice? Was it before or after his ENTIRE LIFE being controlled and manipulated by jews or just recently? So, no, its not “like Trump”. Trump was/is/will always be a shill for jews. Stop the idiotic Trump admiration.
Israel Shamir wrote a great piece about this years ago. and I curse the fact I lost it.
But if the Jews kill Christianity, how long will that last?
Jews will disappear after Christianity, because without Christians Jews make no sense. The rule only by being closer to the “God†Europeans think is theirs, and when enough Christians jump ship, it’s gone
“Jews” are Christâ€killers who have attempted to replace Jesus with the “Holocaust” (kill him twice). These ((jews)) are parasites on both Christendom AND Moses, who founded Judaism by whacking (Hebrew?) parasites, which the Satanists claim was the original holocaust.
So these ((jews)) and Talmudists have formulated an insidious, anti-religion (Satanism) which celebrates all of the values that Moses-Christianity abhors. The “Holocaust” is this Satanic ((jewish)) icon. And of course, the Federal Reserve funny money and ((jewish)) bankers and the Commie State that are behind it all.
Nice try though, Franz. Keep working on that Commie/Mammon agenda. You might be able to milk it for a couple more years before the bottom falls out and you are all finally brought to justice.
You're another Andrew-Anglin "Christian" who needs to read the Bible someday. You'll find out that the Old Testament Jews were into genocide and screwing up other nations with the full blessing of "God." Of course it's all fiction -- but that's the point. It's been fiction all along.
“Jews†are Christâ€killers who have attempted to replace Jesus with the “Holocaust†(kill him twice). These ((jews)) are parasites on both Christendom AND Moses, who founded Judaism by whacking (Hebrew?) parasites, which the Satanists claim was the original holocaust.
But if the Jews kill Christianity, how long will that last?
Israel Shamir wrote a great piece about this years ago. and I curse the fact I lost it.
Anyway, Shamir said nope. Jews will disappear after Christianity, because without Christians Jews make no sense. The rule only by being closer to the “God” Europeans think is theirs, and when enough Christians jump ship, it’s gone.
"Jews" are Christâ€killers who have attempted to replace Jesus with the "Holocaust" (kill him twice). These ((jews)) are parasites on both Christendom AND Moses, who founded Judaism by whacking (Hebrew?) parasites, which the Satanists claim was the original holocaust.
Jews will disappear after Christianity, because without Christians Jews make no sense. The rule only by being closer to the “God†Europeans think is theirs, and when enough Christians jump ship, it’s gone
> “China is a problem because everything is made in China”
nope .. if China was a grovelling slave, then China doing all the labour would not be a problem at all. It would serve the function of being a slave state that allows the disempowering of the lower strata of the US.
The problem is US Empire has found it lacks a choke chain round China’s neck.
The “conservatives” need a group to hate, possible choices:
1. Large and in charge women.
2. Women who wear dangly earrings.
3. Old women at Hobby Lobby.
4. Disabled people.
5. People who take up two seats on the bus.
6. Ethnic guys who wear gold chains.
7. Tattooed people.
8. Motorcyclists.
9. People with mirrored sunglasses.
10. Buddhist monks in orange gowns.
I hate all of these groups. It fills me with joy to hate all of these groups. It would be a lot cheaper to hate on these available groups rather than pick fights in Central Asia. BTW, hippies love you.
many are brain-dead and believe whatever pushed by Jewish-run media
Um, your silly essays are pushed by Jewish run media. I usually just stick to laughing at the titles.
Question for Ron: aren’t Jung Fraud and Priss Factor and Trinity all the same person?
Of course, it’s been made all the worse by the fact that Jewish Power has taken complete control of Conzo Leadership via bribery, blackmail, threats, and use of media to turn conzo youths into idiots who worship the same gods that the libshitz do. Just like sheep are directionless without the shepherd, it doesn’t matter what the people feel, think, or want if there aren’t leaders to embrace those views and lead the masses along shared principles and prejudices. With Jewish control of conzo leadership, the conzo masses are (mis)led by cuckservative whores of Zion who (1) never name the Jewish Power (2) never denounce homo influence and (3) dare not mention the blackness of American criminality and violence. (Rand Paul and his ilk will blame ‘socialism’ for Detroit’s woes, LOL. And name one white conzo politician who has denounced black attacks on innocent whites and non-blacks. The sheer lack of inspired race-ist leadership in American Conservatism has been fatal for the white race.)
Every national politician is a Machievellian snake. It’s really the nature of the Multi-Cult, ZOG-occupied politico, who will be railroaded by ((jews)) if a steps one foot off of the ideological ZOG reservation. ((jews)) — the most smug, imperious, self-absorbed jackasses on the planet (they have been all the way back to Moses, when he was forced to cut their stiff-necks with his blade to even begin to civilize them) have made sure their sick, warped gang is in the cat-bird seat, and never intend to give it up. They’re like the worst, bad seed, spoiled brat prick grown up just enough to preserve the veneer of “authority” and “civilization” while “getting back” at their hardass father by destroying civilization-â€classic infantile narcissists.
If and when a new Moses comes back to finish the job he started, this time he should take it to completion. Jesus Christ worked out as his heir for a couple thousand years, but the ((jews)) and their stooges wormed their way back into power, (re) assassinated him, and stole his authority. And the Commie and Anglo rat cucks helped them do it.
China is a problem because everything is made in China
That no problem. Every order come from Zion, but Zion not problem. Instead, it boss.
If China make everything and also control all media and academia, people no put down China.
China is a problem because everything is made in China, but that’s not China’s fault: that’s the fault of the Yahwists. Blaming China for wanting to make money rather than blaming Yahwists for supporting exporting businesses to China is retarded.
My question is how long after the Jews destroy Christianity will it take for atheists and non-christians to stop viewing anything negative to the Jews as sin? You know that is left-over Christianity from the Christian delusion that the Jews were (or still are to the conpletely retarded ones) “the Chosen People of God.” Atheists who believe in no God are still viewing the Jews as such due to running on “the fumes of Christianity.” But if the Jews kill Christianity, how long will that last? If neo-paganize takes root, how long before the Jews are viewed as the chosen of Loki or the Frost Giants rather than of Odin?
Israel Shamir wrote a great piece about this years ago. and I curse the fact I lost it.
But if the Jews kill Christianity, how long will that last?
The interesting thing about Singapore, is that you can have either extreme. That chart is applicable if you live like an average Singaporean without fancy tastes.If you don't mind slumming it, you can get by with very little. If however you have a taste for the fancy stuff, then Singapore can be as expensive as anywhere else. This is something that I found differs greatly from the USA, where the differential between the low and high end markets are not so stark.For example in Sg, you can go eat a simple noodle dish at a no frills street food kind of place for $3, or you can cross the street to the mall and have exactly the same thing in air-conditioned food court for $6, or you could walk down the mall to mid range restaurant and have that same thing for $15. Then if you go two floors up in the same mall to a more upmarket place, they prices increase in the same orders of magnitude.You can ride the subway for $1 or you can buy a 1.5 litre Honda Accord for $120,000. A 2 litre Mercedes E class would start from $200, 000 (and that is with a license to own the for 10 years, and petrol prices are $8 a gallon, and I am not even adding other incidentals like road taxes, inspection fees, mandatory insurances etc)Certain things in Singapore are inescapably high. Cars as mentioned are one, they are on average 4 to 5 X what they cost in the US to buy, and much higher to run. Housing prices also high. A pre-owned no frills public housing apartment of 2 bedrooms and 780 square feet in size will sell for upwards of $260, 000. This is about the lowest priced property one can buy. If one has fancier tastes, then consider paying prices on par with downtown SF or NYC.If one is so inclined, he can manage to live in Singapore quite inexpensively if he avoids the outrageously priced big ticket items. Otherwise, it is really the Crazy Rich Asians.Replies: @Alrenous
Good piece but the “Low cost of living in Singapore†surprised me.
How’s the crime, though?
You can get some very satisfyingly cheap places in Americoid cities. Excellent value for money – except you’re living around inconsiderate assholes and outright criminals. The architecture and infrastructure are more than enough, and the people would benefit from a dose of guillotine. Hope you have a plan for bed bugs – no, that’s not an exaggeration.
Are low-end Singaporean neighbours loud and obnoxious? Will you get your bike stolen? Are the landlords impossible to deal with?
P.S. Fun fact: you have a near-genetic memory of how bed bugs smell. You don’t need to learn. If it smells like bugs, it’s because you have bugs.
There was an ethnic group called the Dzunghars that originally inhabited Xinjiang, until they were genocided by the Qianlong emperor in the 18th century. The Uyghurs moved in after that.
Wow how raceeest!!! You say Sikhs are not a race and then you say Sikhs want nothing to do with Kalleypilley or dark Tamils?? Are you on ganja?
Sikh is Religion not racial demarcation.
I know for a fact Sikh have no association with kalleyPilley.
Your name "NiceNÅ«r" sounds the perfect name for a call-girl escort. Nice Nur-Jahan. I respect your profession, I am not judgemental.Replies: @NiceNÅ«r
OTWhat kind of gender nonbinary name is malla anyway
Maybe I’m tirathankar: ur profanity is illegal and disgusting plus wrecks ur pseudo-political prose .
Classic “hindoo deceit†noted & lamented by “dr†Elst an admitted Neanderthal- new inder- nothing wrong with primordial inder-
Judging is excellent- man is known by company he keeps- u r grad of indo*Catholicxtian Convent school detritus = jew schül – it’s obvious-
Despite LKY’s politically necessitated “authoritarianism” , during the transition between British departure and full ” controlled” Democracy , LKY asked the senior British Govt legal official , the Earl of Selkirk , to verify that all political prisoners were in good shape.
Selkirk visited a temporarily imprisoned lawyer of Sri Lankan descent and , in the style made popular by Hollywood’s depiction of Englishmen asked the Colombo native if he was being treated properly :
“Well no , I have no radio in this cell.”
” I’m afraid that sort of thing is not allowed”
” But I only wish to listen to the Cricket”
‘ Ah , that is an entirely different matter, it might be possible.”
Replies: @littlereddot
Summary of cost of living in Singapore
Family of four estimated monthly costs: $6,357 (SGD $8,584)
Single person estimated monthly costs: $3,947 (SGD $5,329)
Singapore is the 2nd most expensive city in Asia (2 out of 13)
Cost of living in Singapore is more expensive than in 91% of cities in the World (15 out of 157)
Good piece but the “Low cost of living in Singapore†surprised me.
The interesting thing about Singapore, is that you can have either extreme. That chart is applicable if you live like an average Singaporean without fancy tastes.
If you don’t mind slumming it, you can get by with very little. If however you have a taste for the fancy stuff, then Singapore can be as expensive as anywhere else. This is something that I found differs greatly from the USA, where the differential between the low and high end markets are not so stark.
For example in Sg, you can go eat a simple noodle dish at a no frills street food kind of place for $3, or you can cross the street to the mall and have exactly the same thing in air-conditioned food court for $6, or you could walk down the mall to mid range restaurant and have that same thing for $15. Then if you go two floors up in the same mall to a more upmarket place, they prices increase in the same orders of magnitude.
You can ride the subway for $1 or you can buy a 1.5 litre Honda Accord for $120,000. A 2 litre Mercedes E class would start from $200, 000 (and that is with a license to own the for 10 years, and petrol prices are $8 a gallon, and I am not even adding other incidentals like road taxes, inspection fees, mandatory insurances etc)
Certain things in Singapore are inescapably high. Cars as mentioned are one, they are on average 4 to 5 X what they cost in the US to buy, and much higher to run.
Housing prices also high. A pre-owned no frills public housing apartment of 2 bedrooms and 780 square feet in size will sell for upwards of $260, 000. This is about the lowest priced property one can buy. If one has fancier tastes, then consider paying prices on par with downtown SF or NYC.
If one is so inclined, he can manage to live in Singapore quite inexpensively if he avoids the outrageously priced big ticket items. Otherwise, it is really the Crazy Rich Asians.
Only by all the wrong people.Replies: @littlereddot
saying something like what you wrote, with the same tenor, would be easily considered racist in the West.
Only by all the wrong people.
Quite right.
Even in the within West, the hypersensitivity to perceived racism varies between societies and differing segments of society.
I find Brits generally much more down to earth and relaxed when discussing race matters.
Americans, and especially those on the left leaning are terrified of saying anything that might be construed as racist. I gather this was not so pronounced in the past, but I think it is getting worse as time goes by.
I once attended a party in Florida maybe 6 to 8 years back, where there a mix of left and right leaning folks. We were having light hearted chat and I joked that I was yellow. A joke like this where I come from in SE Asia would be perceived exactly as just a joke. But when I said the same thing to my American acquaintances, they all turned paler than white, and there was a total awkward silence….LOL.
I think the US has become hypersensitive on race matters. Everybody seems to be on edge, and just as many people use race to clobber each other. Blacks use it on whites, Whites use it on blacks…around and around it goes.
I hope they get over it soon.
saying something like what you wrote, with the same tenor, would be easily considered racist in the West.
Only by all the wrong people.
Quite right. Even in the within West, the hypersensitivity to perceived racism varies between societies and differing segments of society.I find Brits generally much more down to earth and relaxed when discussing race matters.Americans, and especially those on the left leaning are terrified of saying anything that might be construed as racist. I gather this was not so pronounced in the past, but I think it is getting worse as time goes by.I once attended a party in Florida maybe 6 to 8 years back, where there a mix of left and right leaning folks. We were having light hearted chat and I joked that I was yellow. A joke like this where I come from in SE Asia would be perceived exactly as just a joke. But when I said the same thing to my American acquaintances, they all turned paler than white, and there was a total awkward silence....LOL.I think the US has become hypersensitive on race matters. Everybody seems to be on edge, and just as many people use race to clobber each other. Blacks use it on whites, Whites use it on blacks...around and around it goes.I hope they get over it soon.
Only by all the wrong people.
Good piece but the “Low cost of living in Singapore” surprised me.
Summary of cost of living in Singapore
Family of four estimated monthly costs: $6,357 (SGD $8,584)
Single person estimated monthly costs: $3,947 (SGD $5,329)
Singapore is the 2nd most expensive city in Asia (2 out of 13)
Cost of living in Singapore is more expensive than in 91% of cities in the World (15 out of 157)
The interesting thing about Singapore, is that you can have either extreme. That chart is applicable if you live like an average Singaporean without fancy tastes.If you don't mind slumming it, you can get by with very little. If however you have a taste for the fancy stuff, then Singapore can be as expensive as anywhere else. This is something that I found differs greatly from the USA, where the differential between the low and high end markets are not so stark.For example in Sg, you can go eat a simple noodle dish at a no frills street food kind of place for $3, or you can cross the street to the mall and have exactly the same thing in air-conditioned food court for $6, or you could walk down the mall to mid range restaurant and have that same thing for $15. Then if you go two floors up in the same mall to a more upmarket place, they prices increase in the same orders of magnitude.You can ride the subway for $1 or you can buy a 1.5 litre Honda Accord for $120,000. A 2 litre Mercedes E class would start from $200, 000 (and that is with a license to own the for 10 years, and petrol prices are $8 a gallon, and I am not even adding other incidentals like road taxes, inspection fees, mandatory insurances etc)Certain things in Singapore are inescapably high. Cars as mentioned are one, they are on average 4 to 5 X what they cost in the US to buy, and much higher to run. Housing prices also high. A pre-owned no frills public housing apartment of 2 bedrooms and 780 square feet in size will sell for upwards of $260, 000. This is about the lowest priced property one can buy. If one has fancier tastes, then consider paying prices on par with downtown SF or NYC.If one is so inclined, he can manage to live in Singapore quite inexpensively if he avoids the outrageously priced big ticket items. Otherwise, it is really the Crazy Rich Asians.Replies: @Alrenous
Good piece but the “Low cost of living in Singapore†surprised me.
I agree, in a post Industrial revolution society, social development needs to precedes economic development. However you gotta check what the Swatantra party after Independence was saying. you know Minoo Masani (who was earlier a firebrand labour union leader) or Rajagopalachari. That the Government should leave Steel production, coal, garments etc... to the private sector and concentrate on education and healthcare because these PSUs of Public Sector Units or Government run companies could become capital sinks and we would end up losing a lot of money in these and have less money for social development and that is what happened. Anyways I do not blame Nehru like the nationalist crowd, he did do a lot of good, built lots of heavy industries many a times with Soviet help, IITs, ISRO etc... He did do a lot but today's youth blaming him for "destroying the country via socialism" is basically they are looking for a scapegoat.
Socialism in my opinion is a necessary stage – clean water, good schools, universal healthcare – in the development of nations. The main problem with it, is that after one or two generations, the administrators become corrupt and lazy as they are in India.
As always you are a font of knowledge. Thanks for these hardly known anecdotes; they illuminate the whole.
But not ultra-liberal enough for today’s Democrats.
Thanks, I agree with everything you wrote, but saying something like what you wrote, with the same tenor, would be easily considered racist in the West.
Only by all the wrong people.Replies: @littlereddot
saying something like what you wrote, with the same tenor, would be easily considered racist in the West.
Socialism in my opinion is a necessary stage – clean water, good schools, universal healthcare – in the development of nations. The main problem with it, is that after one or two generations, the administrators become corrupt and lazy as they are in India.
I agree, in a post Industrial revolution society, social development needs to precedes economic development. However you gotta check what the Swatantra party after Independence was saying. you know Minoo Masani (who was earlier a firebrand labour union leader) or Rajagopalachari. That the Government should leave Steel production, coal, garments etc… to the private sector and concentrate on education and healthcare because these PSUs of Public Sector Units or Government run companies could become capital sinks and we would end up losing a lot of money in these and have less money for social development and that is what happened. Anyways I do not blame Nehru like the nationalist crowd, he did do a lot of good, built lots of heavy industries many a times with Soviet help, IITs, ISRO etc… He did do a lot but today’s youth blaming him for “destroying the country via socialism” is basically they are looking for a scapegoat.
Anyways, Nehru was a Fabián socialist, he eventually wanted Communism but using a more slow incremental method, not the revolutionary method used in Russia or China.
From the early days of the October Revolution, Nehru closely followed the socialist transformations in Soviet Russia, Nehru studied the works of Marx and Lenin which, by his own admission, substantially influenced his views on the ways and laws of world social development. In doing so, as Nehru pointed out in one of his articles, he was deeply impressed in those years by Lenin’s work, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism, and the book written by the American journalist, John Reed, Ten Days That Shook the World.
Later, Nehru wrote the following about that period: “We began a new phase in our struggle for freedom in India at about the same time as the October Revolution led by the great Lenin. We admired Lenin whose example influenced us greatly.†In November 1927, Jawaharlal Nehru, together with his father Motilal Nehru, was invited by the USSR Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries to attend the celebrations of the Tenth Anniversary of the October Revolution. On November 7, 1927, Jawaharlal Nehru together with his father, wife and sister set his foot on Soviet soil for the first time at the small border station of Negoreloye. It is surprising how a multimillionaire of that time, the rich barrister Motilal Nehru (Nehru’s dad) was treated as a great guest in Soviet Russia while millions of poor were suffering in inhuman conditions in Soviet gulags. Strange, eh?
Jawaharlal Nehru was received in the Kremlin by Mikhail Kalinin, Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. Nehru visited several factories and plants, attended Moscow court proceedings, went to the museum of the October Revolution, the Bolshoi Theatre, and saw V. Pudovkin’s film, “The End of Saint-Petersburgâ€. On November 8, Nehru took part in a festive meeting devoted to the Tenth Anniversary of the October Revolution, held in the Trade Union House. Here is what I was told by Professor Vladimir Balabushevich, a famous Indologist: “Nehru was a little late for the meeting. Nevertheless, when Jawaharlal Nehru and his father, Motilal Nehru, made their appearance in the hall and were introduced to the audience by the Chairman of the meeting, all those present in the hall rose and gave them a warm welcoming ovation. Already at that time, Jawaharlal Nehru was regarded as an outstanding fighter against imperialism and colonialism.â€
I love this kind of video – just straight-forward observations by a middle class person with no political agenda or correctness etc.
The shots on the train seemed to be taken with her mobile phone so I assume they’re legitimate rather than staged. Those women were elf-like, so tall, with good skin, great posture and well dressed. Not a burger fed pasty faced fatty to be seen.
Amazing what a few generations without famine and a good supply of healthy food can do for a civilisation.
The Englishman KNOWS??????? The Englishman BELIEVES in his superiority over us Celts, in his heart or more southerly locales. I admire LKY more than any statesman, real or imagined, living or dead, but that belief made me laugh amusedly. That superiority may have been true until about a century ago, before 1/7/1916, but there seems to have been a regression to the mean–and what a mean regression it’s been, if you follow the essays of Anthony Daniels, a/k/a Theodore Dalrymple, who surveys the dystopia from his Paris Arrondissement between forays to the UK. That said, kudos to Lee Kuan Yew–and to M. Durocher for this excellent article.
but they are largely loyal to the Singaporean state and often take a withering view on their AA imbibing co-ethnics across the border.
Very astute observation. I too have noticed this.
I think this phenomenon is very widespread where ethnicities are spread across national borders. From personal and other people’s observations, Asian people in the USA also exhibit this behaviour towards co-ethnics from Asia. We have noticed a certain condescension when Asian Americans meet other Asian people they perceive are from outside the USA.
Funnily enough, I and others from my circle in Singapore seem to have had the best experiences in the USA with the Black folk and the worst experiences with the Asian Americans.
…But let me be clear. I do not know Singapore. I know other parts of SEA of course. Not Singapore
Oh finally an admission that you do not know Singapore after being called out umpteen times while trying to pose as an expert.
So now you still cling on to being an expert in “other parts of SEA”? You have been called out. I doubt if your “knowledge” of other parts of SEA or the rest of the world holds much water. It is likely to be equally superficial and skewed to grotesqueness.
I would take the opinions of your esteemed countryman Nebulafox seriously. But your opinions?….. it is to be regarded like a used enema.
Are you saying that Singaporean Malays are much more conservative than the ones in Malaysia?I would have to disagree on that
Have you ever noticed how many Malay Muslim youngsters in Singapore have tattoos? A Malay in Malaysia who does that would draw flaks and worse isolated from families and neighbours.That doesn’t mean there are no tattooed Malay Muslim in Malaysia but they are a rare sight
Also go to any swimming pools in Singapore and you’ll notice some Muslim Malay would be wearing a two piece swimsuit.Meanwhile in Malaysia it’s a female with towels in their head and loose clothing .lol
If I’m not mistaken there are some restrictions placed on Malay officers in the Singaporean military especially air force and armoured vehicle division.Cant blame the authorities but you cant really trust them should a war break out between Singapore with Malaysia or Indonesia.
What happened in the battle of Surabaya during the Indonesian war for independence .( Happened between Brit forces and Indo guerrillas because Dutch ask the Brits to deal with those indos.Dutch were seriously fucked by Hitler back home) serves as a reminder.Indian Muslim soldiers hearing snackbar quickly switch sides.
Red Dot
I don’t want to descend to Sammy’s Cafe patrons level of silliness (Though obviously white people use the site to find hookers) but yours is typical of left brained chimpout.
It is why we worry about you having nuclear weapons even more than Indians or why white people feel their countries should be the only ones with nuclear weapons.
You have been given information that is outside your left-brained logic & you are having an Asberger’s chimpout.
…But let me be clear. I do not know Singapore. I know other parts of SEA of course. Not Singapore.
Oh finally an admission that you do not know Singapore after being called out umpteen times while trying to pose as an expert.
…But let me be clear. I do not know Singapore. I know other parts of SEA of course. Not Singapore
As far as Muslim terrorism is concerned this is what makes lunatics who accused the USA or “Five Eyes” of being responsible for the 1999 anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia of being so crazy.
The Chinese suppress terrorism in many ways (Investment, creating middle class jobs, infrastructure) which discourage recruitment.
Why would the CIA want them dead in Indonesia? Makes zero sense.
also, when reading “:Sammy’s Alfreesco” which whites use to find prostitutes in Singapore but functions as a forum otherwise you realize that Indians & Chinese have no love lost for one another in Singapore. They would not in any society.
The only Chinese who love Indians in Singapore sell deodorant because Chinese have no body odor.
As races they are opposites.
Wars don’t break out between advanced races & unadvanced. The advanced are too well organized.
Also, Tamils have a fanatic extremist gene. It is in their DNA.
I can’t tell about things that I am not familiar with. But with nonsense he spews about Singapore, I can tell that he has at most a superficial knowledge. And the few facts that he knows about, he skews them into a most grotesque reading.
As other readers here have pointed out, what he writes about seems calculated to impress people without knowledge of the region.
Judging from how he totally misreads stuff about Singapore, I have no choice but to take what he says about anything else with a large handful of salt.
I do commend you for your patience and tolerance when dealing with him. I unfortunately have difficulty suffering fools. I would never make a good teacher.
>You should worry about Muslim Malays plotting to bomb important venues and commit mass murder in the name of religion.
The Singaporean government takes the threat of Islamic radicalism very seriously. Guest workers from Muslim countries who show any sign of being a problem are swiftly dealt with. Imams are all state approved. The local Malay community is oddly conservative in some ways compared to their Malaysian counterparts (that’s what happens when you have a Muslim minority that stands out), but they are largely loyal to the Singaporean state and often take a withering view on their AA imbibing co-ethnics across the border.
(It’s basically like ethnic Italians in Switzerland vis a vis the Germans: they’ll gripe and crack jokes about the stick-in-the-mud majority race, but are under no illusions about whether a society dominated by them is smoother and more functional.)
Very astute observation. I too have noticed this. I think this phenomenon is very widespread where ethnicities are spread across national borders. From personal and other people's observations, Asian people in the USA also exhibit this behaviour towards co-ethnics from Asia. We have noticed a certain condescension when Asian Americans meet other Asian people they perceive are from outside the USA.Funnily enough, I and others from my circle in Singapore seem to have had the best experiences in the USA with the Black folk and the worst experiences with the Asian Americans.
but they are largely loyal to the Singaporean state and often take a withering view on their AA imbibing co-ethnics across the border.
>The last race riots in 2013 were in Little India.
That riot involve foreign guest workers from Bangladesh (right next to historical Little India is a “Little Dhaka” of sorts where the guest workers go to remit money and get Bangla food on their days off) and India, not local ethnic Indians. The latter relate to the former not at all.
(Human beings are, as always, human beings. One funny anecdote: Singapore had an issue in the 1980s with local Tamils being sympathetic to the Tamil Tigers. But then, in 1980s Boston, Whitey Bulger was shipping arms to the IRA from sympathetic Americans of Irish extraction: I suspect this was on the same level of identification. Sympathy, but not to the extent that it erased American/Singaporean identity, respectively.)
When I say that the main fault line is between Chinese and Malays, I’m talking more in a historical sense that lingers on in some inertial ways-the military, for example-more than anything else. To the extent that there is a practical divide in Singaporean society today (and this is Singapore, aka, this is very mild stuff compared to most of the world), it’s between native Singaporeans and recent arrivals from the PRC, who got subjected to polar opposite social conditioning in the 1970s. LKY fined and caned “peasant” behavior out of the Singaporean Han. The Cultural Revolution on the mainland forcibly installed it at all strata of society.
He may sound like a nutcase but hey hes right about some of the stuff that he spews out
More and more, I am starting to believe you are an escapee from the nuthouse.
The 2013 riot was not a race riot.Its just some blue collar foreign workers who happened to come from South India.
They were furious after they got to know their fellow compatriot who was intoxicated was poorly handled which resulted in his death due to traffic accident.None of the rioters were Singaporean citizen or PR holders.
Those kind of protest by foreign workers do happen occasionally in neighbouring Malaysia and Thailand .In a way riots and protest like this is just to show that they demand justice and fair treatment by the employers and authorities in their host country.
I won’t worry about Indians waging a civil war in Singapore since it just doesn’t make any sense at all.You should worry about Muslim Malays plotting to bomb important venues and commit mass murder in the name of religion.
Ethnic tension is common in Singapore but in real life they just pretend it never happened.Usually they’ll just head to the many Singaporean forums like sammyboy (Sam’s alfresco section) to show their hatred of certain groups .
No , they just benefited from British Empire presence , without which they’d all have remained in their primitive villages.
The last race riots in 2013 were in Little India.
I don’t think that the Malays in Singapore have their act together as a group to wage an effective resistence & don’t outnumber Chinese but the Indians could be formidable adversaries.
Anyhow, the Tamilian issues seem to be booze & this could be that lower-caste South Indians are basically Australian aboriginals. However, they are smarter cousins, maybe due to a genetic bottleneck at some point & could wage civil war in Singapore while the Malays are just too laidback.
Your breathless prose should be subject to a Syn-Tax.
Aren’t Filipino Chinese more assimilated than Indonesian Chinese? It’s practically impossible to find pinoy Chinese conversing in their dialects.the ones in Indonesia may look assimilated at first glance due to their Indonesian sounding names but if you go to Medan ,bangka island and west Kalimantan the Chinese culture is much more livelier compared to the ones in java.hokkien is spoken widely among Chinese in Medan while Hakka is the lingua franca among Chinese in bangka island and singkawang ( west Kalimantan).meanwhile Pontianak also in West Kalimantan is a teochew enclave.there are millions of Filipinos with only a quarter Han ancestry from their great grandparents carrying Chinese surnames and practice no Chinese culture whatsoever and look austro .Those Chinese mixed blood are similar to the ones called cina benteng of Batavia who live in poverty.doubt therell be a mass conflict between Indian and Chinese in singapore.they aren’t negroid for God sakes.conflict with low iq Muslim austro is more likely in the future
“Oddly enough” ?
Well if you believe that more Hokkien – speaking Chinese left Fujian’s biggest town because they were near a port , you may also believe that most Irish Ellis Island arrivals departed from Cork for the same geographical reason.
I’ve heard mainland Chinese describe Filipinos to me as “our Mexicans”.
> What was the reason? What did Indonesians actually believe ethnic Chinese had done?
There was a little thing called the Cultural Revolution going on in China in the 1960s, which promised to wipe out Malay/Indonesian culture and religion (this is the same reason why the ethnic Malays were so keen to back the British against the Communists in 1950s Malaya) entirely so that everybody could be subordinated to the Great Socialist Wave of the future. China was the main backer of the PKI.
Again: that most Indonesian Chinese would have been considered “capitalist roaders” back home proved irrelevant. That’s not excusable. But the association of the PKI with Beijing also didn’t come out of nowhere.
> In mu opinion, the issue in Singapore is Indians & Chinese.
The issue is between Malays and Chinese, and always has been since the 1940s. Indians are the sideshow.
Ironically, the main source of tension these days come from immigrants from the PRC, specifically imported to keep Singapore Han dominated. They aren’t used to living next to non-Han and their attitudes tend to rub the wrong way for Singaporeans of all races.
Further and better doctoral particulars about Malaysia’s untidy racial politics :
Argentina would fall between Brazil & Italy, not that it matters.
Libraries have been written about Philippines but essentially the Spanish had a practice of marrying local chieftain’s daughters called “illustrados” to form alliances-while the British & Dutch outlawed this for fear these mixed-blood elite would revolt which is precisely what happened in Philippines & Latino America.
Anyhow, as a result, Philippines resembles Latin America with an indifferent Mestizo elite owning most of the land & has a racial caste system run by descendants of Spanish.
Some will argue that the Philippines did not get enough Chinese & were it 30 percent Chinese like Malaysia it would be Italy to Brazil but I tend to believe like the Taiwanese indigenous the Filipinos would just die out at that point.
Oddly enough all the Chinese in Philippines do not just come from the Fujian Province but from Amoy in particular.
One wonders, considering how assimilated the Chinese were in Indonesia, why the locals resented them that much.
Possibly you or another poster can explain. What was the reason? What did Indonesians actually believe ethnic Chinese had done?
In mu opinion, the issue in Singapore is Indians & Chinese. At some point, some event will create mass conflict between them & the Malays will do what they always do sitting back & drinking Tapico in a hammock.
Try speaking Hokkien in KL . No go.
Try Cantonese in KL , works every time.
LKY was a Hakka.
The Cambodian Govt. Number 1 and former number 2 ( Hun Sen and Sok An ) are both Teochew.
Your opinions on the Overseas Chinese are simplistic and calculated to impress readers who know little about that fascinating group.
Politically , the Chinese in Penang viewed 1957’s Independence with trepidation but were smart enough to not oppose it.