Say what you want, but Biden may be the last moderate Democratic president America has for a long time.
He had to straddle between the wings of the Left.
Do you see the Democrats choosing another moderate white person as their nominee in 2028 or 2032?
With the Latinos that left the party, the party is in shambles. Blacks and White/Jewish libs is all the party has……..they will need someone of a Biden type to win in ’28, ’32, or hell, even ’36.
I had made my main point already in comment #103 to Dave Bowman that Roderick Strode’s F-bomb was completely over the top, but I guess you missed it.
In the scheme of things, a rather… err… minor point though… wouldn’t you say… ? Really… ? Especially for an otherwise high-quality, well-articulated piece.
Yes, but for pedants and linguists, at least, it’s not a minor point, but Roderick Spode couldn’t contain himself to make that point in a reasonable fashion, or in what used to be called diplomatic language.
You wrote:
My point already was that the use of “exeunt omnes†showed that exeunt is plural.
Latin grammar shows that exeunt is always and exclusively a 3rd person plural verb.
“Omnes” is entirely redundant and usually excluded from stage directions, as noted above.
Could be deejay would benefit by following his own advice. Just come straight out and say what he means. Then there’s no need for anybody to “interpret†anything.
This Old Man does appreciate the interest, though. Would be interested to get from deejay some pertinent responses specific to whatever is found to be intriguing about offerings here.
Conjugation of Latin verb exireexeō
If you read plays, you might see the stage direction, “exeunt.†Exeunt is Latin for “they go out.†The difference between this and the familiar “exit†is numbers. Exit refers to the direction when one person leaves the stage and exeunt is the direction given when two or more performers leave the stage.
Yes, EVERYONE/ALL (“omnes”) EXIT would be plural….
My point already was that the use of “exeunt omnes” showed that exeunt is plural.
In the scheme of things, a rather… err… minor point though… wouldn’t you say… ? Really… ? Especially for an otherwise high-quality, well-articulated piece.
Yes, but for pedants and linguists, at least, it’s not a minor point, but Roderick Spode couldn’t contain himself to make that point in a reasonable fashion, or in what used to be called diplomatic language.
Latin grammar shows that exeunt is always and exclusively a 3rd person plural verb.
My point already was that the use of “exeunt omnes†showed that exeunt is plural.
It’s unfortunate that Whites won’t have uncompromised political representation, but then if a substantial number of Hispanics will vote for a Republican party that supports reasonable pro-White policies, the Left can hardly use demographic triumphalism to intimidate the Republicans …
Haven’t we already been through this “Hispanics are natural conservatives” in the Bush II era? Hispanics (who, as someone usually points out, include a wide range of racial characteristics and national origins) may be conservative on issues that matter to them. That doesn’t mean they are “pro-White.”
If Hispanics are temporarily allied with whites in particular categories like immigration — perhaps they’re against foreign colonization from non-Hispanic countries — well and good. We can welcome their support, limited though it may be. But the record shows that the attempt to win over minority groups in massive proportions has been a damp squib and is likely to remain so as far as the eye can see.
Hispanics are the most plausible allies for Whites, and I mean allies only, because we can’t possibly agree on everything, especially immigration. Unfortunately, we have let ourselves slip to the point where we will be forced to make such alliances.
No doubt about it. I can see a functional future for a supermajority White/Hispanic America. Indeed, I suspect this is the chief concern of the Plutocracy right now. It’s unfortunate that Whites won’t have uncompromised political representation, but then if a substantial number of Hispanics will vote for a Republican party that supports reasonable pro-White policies, the Left can hardly use demographic triumphalism to intimidate the Republicans into continual pandering to Hispanics at the expense of Whites, even on immigration.
Whites and Hispanics have enough in common culturally, historically, and even genetically to form an effective alliance against the money power. An immigration moratorium would go a long way to breaking old country ties and solidifying American identity and loyalty among Hispanics. A return to law and order, likely to be popular among Hispanics, would remove the dregs from the gene pool and make affordable neighborhoods more liveable.
Politics has been defined by a coalition of the fringes against the White majority for decades now. I see no reason why Whites couldn’t turn the tables and lead a populist coalition against the elites that now define the Democratic party. We don’t even need all that many Hispanics, a few percentage points’ growth each election cycle would do nicely. This possibility is, I believe keeping certain people up at night and haunting their dreams. Their defense will be to attempt an H1B tsunami. They must not succeed.
an emergent multiracial coalition of working-class voters has great electoral power.
For this reason the deep state throws everything it has against the successful formation of such a coalition, just as it has made long obsolete Third Party political candidacies. Divide and conquer is the sharpest tool of tyranny, expanding the natural fault lines between ethnic and economic rivals. MLK (and Malcolm X) attracted an assassin’s attention only after he expanded the civil rights struggle to include poor whites as well as blacks.
I suspect Trump won in 2024 for the same reason Lincoln won in 1860, not that people so much supported the GOP platform, but because the electorate was appalled by the staggering corruption of the Democratic Party.
Educated people tend to be liberals – you have said a mouthful there, brother. Those of us who value the life of the mind carry memories of being bullied by what we think of as the knuckle-dragging element in our dear old school days. Sorry, it is still an effort to respect people who take such transparent BS as patriotism, religion, and sports seriously, as if they were real things and not oligarchy’s carefully constructed control mechanisms. Tell you what, the top tenth of the one percent, who make all the decisions globally, hate and fear their loyal plebeians just as much as they abhor people who think rationally rather than react emotionally. To some of us it seems that the True Believer crowd is so used to being pissed on that they want to literally kill those of us who try to point out to them that rain isn’t naturally hot and yellow.
The 40 or so Mexican politicians assassinated in the previous election cycle ought to qualify them if nothing else.Replies: @Roger
drug runners aren’t terrorists
What is a terrorist? Here is an official definition.
In Canada, section 83.01 of the Criminal Code[1] defines terrorism as an act committed “in whole or in part for a political, religious or ideological purpose, objective or cause” with the intention of intimidating the public “…with regard to its security, including its economic security, or compelling a person, a government or a domestic or an international organization to do or to refrain from doing any act.” Activities recognized as criminal within this context include death and bodily harm with the use of violence; endangering a person’s life; risks posed to the health and safety of the public; significant property damage; and interference or disruption of essential services, facilities or systems. —
According to this, your statement rings true. Mexican cartels differ from American Mafia in that they are not averse to assassinating top-tier politicians who get in their way. The really important thing to recognize from this, however, is that the definition applies to anyone or any institution which uses violence to advance a
“…political, religious or ideological purpose, objective or cause” with the intention of intimidating the public “…”
which, if taken literally, simply means that every single government in the world is a terrorist organization, and the greatest of these is the US of A. The distinction between “terrorist” groups is, of course, that one is legal while others are not.
Hispanics are the most plausible allies for Whites, and I mean allies only, because we can’t possibly agree on everything, especially immigration. Unfortunately, we have let ourselves slip to the point where we will be forced to make such alliances.
This was an interesting and intelligent post.
But as far as Clinton and Obama being ‘managerial,’ yes, but…
Clinton started the process that subsidized (yes, SUBSIDIZED) the transfer of our industrial base to China. Clinton tore up the financial regulations that, when they were actually enforced, gave us like four decades with zero bank failures or financial crises. He allowed the media to merge into vast unaccountable monopolies, effectively gutting the mainstream press as n agent of truthful reporting. These were at least as, if not more so, radical than anything Reagan did.
And Obama? When the 2008 financial crisis hit, even the banks were willing to give something back, but no worries – Obama bailed them out beyond their wildest dreams. It’s hard to count exactly – it is rarely reported on accurately – but the (still ongoing) Obama bailouts have likely transferred many (tens of?) trillions of dollars from the general public to wealthy financial interests. And then there was his “TPP” program that would have effectively given multinational corporations absolute veto-proof control of the our entire economy and legal system (fortunately that died when Trump won his first term). As radical as anything Trotsky ever came up with, I should think.
In their own way these two presidents were radical revolutionaries – but – against the interests of the nation and the public at large, so it hardly gets much press. I mean, we talk about a trade war with China etc. but who mentions that it was Clinton that built China up?
All these orc’s running the deep state mostly baby-boomer shit now but others of a similar persuasion, you know the ones in the 1960’s and 70’s who said hey, hey, oh, oh Western civ has got to go. They need to be rounded up, indicted for all the crimes they have committed and all the money they have stolen from the US taxpayers. That includes all these mayors most who are leftist incompetent scum, a lot of course negroes and jews but other ethincites also, plus all these deep state marxists or other socialists of what ever stripe. They need to be hunted down and brought to harsh justice. They showed the genuine American people no justice or mercy what ever the last 4 years. Do not let these filthy orc’s of the hook or let them get away with their crimes that probably exceed all the crimes committed in American history.
Trump has sacked a bunch of watchdogs who were neither watching or dogs, that sat idle as the state was looted by Biden.
The CIA is now trying to cover their ass by now allowing for a COVID lab leak, remember all those ostracized and lampooned for daring to say such a thing?
The deep state is starting to sweat a bit, Trump has to keep moving fast and keep them off balance, he has a real opportunity to do real damage to the shadow government, to drag them into the daylight.
Author here, I agree with your assessment. The entirety of the “multiracial populist coalition” worldview is bereft of historical accuracy and any semblance of originality. I tried to keep the subject matter of the review limited to the content of the book to elucidate all of the the internal contradictions and general intellectual poverty behind the author’s ideas.
That being said, I am hoping to expand on these ideas in future essays, hopefully with better source material to draw from. Appreciate your feedback, as this is my first foray into writing about politics. God speed to you as well.
Who cares about the Republicans. They are crooks. Just like the Democrats. Your elephant is showing.
Conjugation of Latin verb exireexeō
If you read plays, you might see the stage direction, “exeunt.†Exeunt is Latin for “they go out.†The difference between this and the familiar “exit†is numbers. Exit refers to the direction when one person leaves the stage and exeunt is the direction given when two or more performers leave the stage.
Hi Sparkon,
No, exeunt is the 3rd person plural present active indicative of the Latin verb exire.
Yeah, well, I’m sure you’re right (without even bothering to look it up!) but… of course, it doesn’t matter! There is another issue with the various trolls trying to make hay with something to just create a distraction. And it’s probably better not to rise to the bait…
Some days ago, I noticed that that Mr. Anon was there claiming that I had called you a shill. I found that shocking given that I distinctly remember saying that you were one commenter who I was pretty sure was not a shill!
Of course, that kind of audacious, shameless lying is really infuriating. But… I’m pretty sure that if you or I brought this up with Unz, he would not even deign to reply. Or if he did, he would basically construe this as us being opposed to “free speech”.
Though, of course, shamelessly telling lies is not “free speech” by any sane understanding of the term. And, frankly, this is all much more serious than the misuse of some latin word, like “exeunt”.
But, anyway, I can’t really participate much here any more. I am limited to maybe one or two (it was never clarified!) comments a day because I was supposedly spamming the forum with images (something I never do!).
So, the upshot is that if I jump into a conversation and write a reply to somebody and then that person (or somebody else) replies with some blatant lie, most of the time, I’ve hit my limit and am then blocked from replying!
Freedom of speech in action…
Well, anyway… Oh, I thought to add that I don’t think the two of us are in any great disagreement regarding Ace Baker. I have also come to see that Ace Baker is some sort of bizarre limited hangout. I guess I was simply saying that, despite that, the Ace Baker material on the planes issue had been very helpful to me at a key point. But that’s part of the nature of things really. Somebody like Noam Chomsky, say, is obviously some sort of gatekeeper limited hangout, but he is telling the truth about certain things, plenty of things, and one can learn things from such figures. But one has to understand eventually that there is a set of things that he (and the rest of them) will never tell the truth about! So, you know, you take best and leave the rest basically.
I guess what happens with that kind of limited hangout is that you get what you can out of it and then typically you don’t listen much to that person. I used to get a lot of Noam Chomsky in my youtube feed and eagerly listen to anything the old coot had to say. We’re talking at least 10 years ago. But I gradually stopped clicking on that stuff. With Ace Baker, the guy seems to have disappeared anyway.
Thank you for the info, Old School Spook. I knew that the Constitution and its amendments were subject to interpretation, but not that there actually were “multiple Supreme Court rulings that deny birthright citizenship exists”.
Of course, this (interpretation of constitution) works both ways,ie, including cases where I might want a strict, as-written, version to be applied.
The Constitution (including amendments) is very much open to interpretation. Is this news, for heaven's sake? What happened to spirit of the law VS letter of the law?Replies: @Palmm, @Old School Spook
Much of these moves are objectively stupid — birthright citizenship is guaranteed by the Constitution,
There are multiple Supreme Court rulings that DENY Birthright Citizenship exists. There was no such thing prior to the 1960/70’s, when hippie state bureaucrats decided to submit false birth certificates to the federal bureaucrats, who never verified the paperwork. Lets take it back to the Supreme Court and see what happens.
Do the research.
The true test of Trump’s place in history will be who he appoints to govern Arrakis.
Our host Ron Unz has provided, in the “controversial” HTML books, Erectus Walks Amongst Us. Very few “normies”, and unfortunately even a great many TUR readers, will be unwilling or unable to accept the arguments presented because those arguments conflict with the notion of an invisible god magically and all-of-a-sudden making an Earthful of Homo sapiens. But the book does provide compelling evidence which helps explain our current state of affairs – from fields including, but not limited to, anthropology, chemistry, and history. The nonsense of projecting what “college-educated” (a now meaningless term) sub-Saharan Africans will do in the future is as pointless as giving chimps unlimited quantities of food and believing that they will then build the Parthenon.
Hi, the author would appreciate to hear your feedback. Give him a shout out at;
Not sure what to make of this hodgepodge of drivel (not the author´s fault) …
– It was of course Griggs vs. Duke Power that forced employers to demand
college degrees as a proxy for the ability to read and write; 1950 US public education
was the envy of the world – then came Brown vs. Education; KILL IT.
Like it or not, no society needs more than 15% university graduates; for the US,
more like 10%; introduce either a gaokao or the German numerus clausus
(oh, and in the name of all that is holy kill “university” sports).
– The only other thing of use was the graph on polarization; put simply, it means
that only Whites (and, for some dark and bloody reason, Natives) vote on
(variable-quality) “principles”, everybody else votes gibs; for the electioneer
(Mr. Ruffini) this means it is pointless to woo Whites as they won´t be swayed anyway
(Orange Man ignored that truism, but that proves nothing)
– The two-party sytem is a sickness but it is what the Founders intended; “Israel”
achieves the same Rule by 3% with “multiparty”.
True is as much as the Stupid Party is on the way of becoming the new Workers´.
God speed.
No, exeunt is the 3rd person plural present active indicative of the Latin verb exire. which means to exit, or leave. Of course a singular subject requires a singular verb, in this case exit in Latin and “exits” in English. Use of the 3rd person plural verb indicates a plural subject, whereas “exit stage right” or “exit stage left” are the customary stage directions for an individual leaving the scene.
If you read plays, you might see the stage direction, “exeunt.†Exeunt is Latin for “they go out.†The difference between this and the familiar “exit†is numbers. Exit refers to the direction when one person leaves the stage and exeunt is the direction given when two or more performers leave the stage.
Conjugation of Latin verb exire
Quod erat demonstrandum.
Yeah, well, I'm sure you're right (without even bothering to look it up!) but... of course, it doesn't matter! There is another issue with the various trolls trying to make hay with something to just create a distraction. And it's probably better not to rise to the bait...
No, exeunt is the 3rd person plural present active indicative of the Latin verb exire.
You’re right, as shown by the stage direction “exeunt omnes.”
Conjugation of Latin verb exireexeō
If you read plays, you might see the stage direction, “exeunt.†Exeunt is Latin for “they go out.†The difference between this and the familiar “exit†is numbers. Exit refers to the direction when one person leaves the stage and exeunt is the direction given when two or more performers leave the stage.
Watch “Due Dissidence” 🙂 on rumble or locals.
drug runners aren’t terrorists
The 40 or so Mexican politicians assassinated in the previous election cycle ought to qualify them if nothing else.
According to this, your statement rings true. Mexican cartels differ from American Mafia in that they are not averse to assassinating top-tier politicians who get in their way. The really important thing to recognize from this, however, is that the definition applies to anyone or any institution which uses violence to advance a
In Canada, section 83.01 of the Criminal Code[1] defines terrorism as an act committed "in whole or in part for a political, religious or ideological purpose, objective or cause" with the intention of intimidating the public "…with regard to its security, including its economic security, or compelling a person, a government or a domestic or an international organization to do or to refrain from doing any act." Activities recognized as criminal within this context include death and bodily harm with the use of violence; endangering a person’s life; risks posed to the health and safety of the public; significant property damage; and interference or disruption of essential services, facilities or systems. --
which, if taken literally, simply means that every single government in the world is a terrorist organization, and the greatest of these is the US of A. The distinction between "terrorist" groups is, of course, that one is legal while others are not.
"...political, religious or ideological purpose, objective or cause" with the intention of intimidating the public "..."
The Constitution (including amendments) is very much open to interpretation. Is this news, for heaven's sake? What happened to spirit of the law VS letter of the law?Replies: @Palmm, @Old School Spook
Much of these moves are objectively stupid — birthright citizenship is guaranteed by the Constitution,
It really concerns me, how ahistorical this is. “Sure, you broke immigration law to get here, or stay here, OF COURSE your newborn/relative is a citizen now” said no honest person, ever. Yet the law has been “interpreted” this way.
Much of these moves are objectively stupid — birthright citizenship is guaranteed by the Constitution,
The Constitution (including amendments) is very much open to interpretation. Is this news, for heaven’s sake? What happened to spirit of the law VS letter of the law?
- Dr. Ricardo DuchesneReplies: @Aldonichts
In light of the debate over H1B visas, we should be aware of a rich German nationalist economic school of thought articulated in the nineteenth century in direct opposition to the Anglo economic "free-trade" perspective, which favors open borders and currently dominates the Western world.
Germany became the foremost scientific, philosophical, artistic, industrial, and military nation from 1850 until mid-1900s thanks in large measure to the policies proposed by this nationalist school to protect Germany from Anglo free-trade ideas that constituted a threat to Germany's identity by keeping it in a state of dependency selling its raw materials and buying finished goods from England.
Examine the major books on the history of economic ideas, and you will notice that they are singularly focused on the English/French contributions, as well as American contributions, to economic theory, with the German school of economics ignored or relegated to short chapters/sections.
There is no denying that the English originated the major schools of economic thought (mercantilism, free trade school, Marxist "critique" of political economy, marginalist, institutionalism, and Keynesianism).
But there was a German school, the "Romantics", as they are still called by the British, and which continues to be summarily dismissed as "backward-looking" and "mystical". The major thinkers of this school, Adam Muller (1779-1829) and Friedrich List (1789-1846), saw that the economic thought that Britain and France had originated amounted to the disaggregation of nations or communities into atomistic or isolated individuals, as the units of economic decision making.
For these economists, searching for a logically coherent science of economics with universal validity, without considering the particulars of each nation, and treating citizens as faceless producers and consumers, as if they had no bond with a national community, was a mistake.
The Germans accepted the Aristotelian doctrine that man is inconceivable outside the State, that no man is an island but interwoven from birth with a national culture. The State is not, as Locke and Smith saw it, a conglomeration of individuals seeking their self-interest but a reflection of the supreme need of man to belong in a community.
A Nation-State can't be concerned only with material production but must concern itself with the totality of life, with the cultural well being of the members of the State. The factors of production are not merely "land, labor and capital" but also the "spiritual capital" of the nation, its language, heritage, traditions.
The duty of the State is to utilize the economy to augment national wealth and power, but this "wealth" is not strictly physical, it is also spiritual. The duty of the State is to awaken national pride, the feeling of oneness with the nation.
The wealth of a nation, its capital, includes as well the contribution made by past generations to the present race, the arts, the constitution, the laws, the customs, writing, memories.
But this school, which dominated German thought and economic policy in the second half of the 1800s to the mid- 20th century ---------- would be discarded as "fascist" and replaced by Anglo-American-Jewish economic thought in the post WWII era.
The decimation of the Germans, and all European ethnic identities, is a direct product of the dominance of this Anglo-American-Jewish economic school.
The West now needs a Pan-European economic doctrine to protect itself from immigration ethnocide.
Beautiful and intelligent response to a simple and false article.
What is completely missing is the fact that the Army of Ukraine CANNOT just fire ATACMS, HIMARS, or StormShadow missiles. The operation of those missiles is highly classified and they can only be aimed and fired by AMERICAN and British military, active duty. They are highly classified and the targets are selected by American reconnaissance. American military selected the targets to hit in Russia, the oil storage and oil refineries, the warehouses, the airbases, etc. I don’t know if the British just hit what the American military told them to hit or not, but the targets were not duplicated. It has been maximum damage inflicted on Russia industrial base not the electricity grid.
If Putin had a set of balls and if Putin was not betraying the Russian people more everyday, he would destroy all the bridges over the Dnieper River, hit the Storm Shadow factories in England, NATO headquarters in Belgium, and every C-17 that landed in Ukraine, and sink every ship that docked in Poland with military supplies for Ukraine and every ship in the Black Sea bound for Odessa.
Yes, but for pedants and linguists, at least, it’s not a minor point, but Roderick Spode couldn’t contain himself to make that point in a reasonable fashion, or in what used to be called diplomatic language.
One of the typical characteristics of “diplomatic†language is a certain subdued tone, some kind of understatement. It is correct to say that the real weight of words and terms in diplomatic professional jargon is much stronger than those same words in “normal†everyday speech.
Indeed. To maintain your credibility and dignity, and to avoid scaring the horses and the children, avoid tossing F-bombs at all cost.
Or, as David Brooks might have put it:
Don’t Be A Drama Queen
During early Covid days, a protest group arose in Australia whose concept was: Ask New Zealand to annex us, and tell us what to do, and then do it. (This was before New Zealand itself began acting crazy.) Applying this principle, “ridiculous†U.S. should agree to follow orders from…which country? Japan? Norway? Hungary? …or from a dictator Trump? In any case the overarching theme of the directives to The U.S. would be the same. It would echo Hamlet: “I must be cruel so as to be kind.â€
It is the picture of a soul in torment, being pulled in opposite directions, between genocidal tendencies and …
“Live if you want to live (Rastaman vibration, yeah! Positive!)
If you get down and you quarrel everyday
You’re saying prayers to the devils, I say
Why not help one another on the way?
Make it much easier, yeah, yeah (just a little bit easier)”
Disclaimer, n.b. Internet Auto da Fe: This is an endorsement of neither genocidal tendencies nor Rastafarianism. It is to laugh.
In the scheme of things, a rather… err… minor point though… wouldn’t you say… ? Really… ? Especially for an otherwise high-quality, well-articulated piece.
Do you know what the word “pedant” means ? Wodehouse would not have approved.
Indeed. To maintain your credibility and dignity, and to avoid scaring the horses and the children, avoid tossing F-bombs at all cost. Or, as David Brooks might have put it:
One of the typical characteristics of “diplomatic†language is a certain subdued tone, some kind of understatement. It is correct to say that the real weight of words and terms in diplomatic professional jargon is much stronger than those same words in “normal†everyday speech.
Don't Be A Drama Queen
In light of the debate over H1B visas, we should be aware of a rich German nationalist economic school of thought articulated in the nineteenth century in direct opposition to the Anglo economic “free-trade” perspective, which favors open borders and currently dominates the Western world.
Germany became the foremost scientific, philosophical, artistic, industrial, and military nation from 1850 until mid-1900s thanks in large measure to the policies proposed by this nationalist school to protect Germany from Anglo free-trade ideas that constituted a threat to Germany’s identity by keeping it in a state of dependency selling its raw materials and buying finished goods from England.
Examine the major books on the history of economic ideas, and you will notice that they are singularly focused on the English/French contributions, as well as American contributions, to economic theory, with the German school of economics ignored or relegated to short chapters/sections.
There is no denying that the English originated the major schools of economic thought (mercantilism, free trade school, Marxist “critique” of political economy, marginalist, institutionalism, and Keynesianism).
But there was a German school, the “Romantics”, as they are still called by the British, and which continues to be summarily dismissed as “backward-looking” and “mystical”. The major thinkers of this school, Adam Muller (1779-1829) and Friedrich List (1789-1846), saw that the economic thought that Britain and France had originated amounted to the disaggregation of nations or communities into atomistic or isolated individuals, as the units of economic decision making.
For these economists, searching for a logically coherent science of economics with universal validity, without considering the particulars of each nation, and treating citizens as faceless producers and consumers, as if they had no bond with a national community, was a mistake.
The Germans accepted the Aristotelian doctrine that man is inconceivable outside the State, that no man is an island but interwoven from birth with a national culture. The State is not, as Locke and Smith saw it, a conglomeration of individuals seeking their self-interest but a reflection of the supreme need of man to belong in a community.
A Nation-State can’t be concerned only with material production but must concern itself with the totality of life, with the cultural well being of the members of the State. The factors of production are not merely “land, labor and capital” but also the “spiritual capital” of the nation, its language, heritage, traditions.
The duty of the State is to utilize the economy to augment national wealth and power, but this “wealth” is not strictly physical, it is also spiritual. The duty of the State is to awaken national pride, the feeling of oneness with the nation.
The wealth of a nation, its capital, includes as well the contribution made by past generations to the present race, the arts, the constitution, the laws, the customs, writing, memories.
But this school, which dominated German thought and economic policy in the second half of the 1800s to the mid- 20th century ———- would be discarded as “fascist” and replaced by Anglo-American-Jewish economic thought in the post WWII era.
The decimation of the Germans, and all European ethnic identities, is a direct product of the dominance of this Anglo-American-Jewish economic school.
The West now needs a Pan-European economic doctrine to protect itself from immigration ethnocide.
– Dr. Ricardo Duchesne
My cat had a litter in a neighbors horse barn.
They were still kittens, I don’t propose to ride them.
What do these alien Asiatics have in common with us? They speak the English language and wear Western attire and that’s it.
Not quite.
Some of them use flush toilets.
Any similarity to Bidet or Blinken is purely coinci-dental.
Your comments are intriguing, @ constant walker. The purpose of my response was to invite you to share more of your thoughts. I’m sorry that you did not interpret my response as I had intended.
My friends at the KGB were able to get a recent photo of the poster that goes by the name John Johnson:
I have no idea what is going on here.
— ð€ð«ðð¡ð®ð« ðŠð°ð¨ð§ ð‹ðžðž (@badazn) January 24, 2025
Who was the mark? Ukraine, Germany, Palestine, the US public?
The first 30 years of this century should be known as The Era of Buffoons, as it applies to all things American. It will likely be interrupted by The Greater Depression, where the Monopoly board is overturned, all the cash, hotels, and Scottie dog icons are swept into a vault, never to be seen again.
Hot damn, is this true?
Go Trump.
Build the Wall and call it the Trump Wall.
BREAKING REPORT:âš ï¸ U.S. Marines have arrived at the US / Mexico border..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) January 24, 2025
Oddly Biden was a puppet. His team are out for now.
Death to Israel. The winner of Israel’s attack on Palestinian toddlers is HAMAS. Israel has NO right to exist.
Correct. Biden is an Anglo-Saxon patronymic.
A lot of big-wig shitlibs and kikes initially wanted Harris, that’s why they told her to run in 2020. The Democratic Party insiders wished Harris could win the primary race in 2020, and they sure as hell acted as if she had a shot in 2024. Including “Keith Woods.” BECAUSE OF ABORTION.
Not really sure what deejay is getting at here. The comment he is referring-to seems pretty straightforward in its meaning. So maybe deejay’s “point taken†claim is not actually so….else why the apparent confusion, reflected in some chopped-up “quotes†of things not actually found as “quoted†in that comment, over who’s doing what to whom?
This Old Man has no talent for subterfuge and innuendo. Granted, a limited facility with the “English†language, courtesy of government- or church-run schools, especially in trying to convey things mostly unfamiliar to our domesticated Human Relations, or things they find “unacceptable†about the condition their own Condition is in, often leaves such cognitively handicapped people floundering for “meaning.†Even so, the intent is always to put these observations into the plainest and most specifically accurate words as can be used….no doubt not always very well or to the intended effect.
So deejay and anyone else can take or leave whatever they find in these offerings for whatever they can get from them….which could easily be nothing-at-all. After-all, nobody here in Indian Country is bothering to keep score. Rather, it looks to us like “score-keeping†is really all there is to “civilization†when all is said and done. The stupid “economy†is entirely about keeping score….who’s winning while everybody “else†is losing. The “god†grift is the same damn scam, with “saved souls†the counters and the stakes. So, too, is the grotesque confidence trick now called “governance.†Only nobody will say what is at-risk or to be gained or lost.
No wonder deejay can’t seem to make heads-or-tails out of any of it. Good thing it is all coming out in The Wash one of these Days.
in anything but this bizzaro world he’d be in jail or executed. the chinks would’ve executed his ass for sure had he been one of their officials.
Joe Biden is a fucking criminal.
The retard took showers with his 17 year old daughter.
The vast majority of his “cabinet” are essentially Jew war criminals.
That applies to Ukraine as well as the Middle East.
Constant Walker writes:
just exactly what it is in and about the extant “American†character that renders them such suckers for the very “ridiculousâ€-ness he decries here.
Point taken. Americans are prone to embrace “ridiculousness”. But to ridicule someone is different from something being ridiculous.
Do Americans ridicule themselves because these “Americans†could not stand to face their own image?
Is this the self-protective reflex? Why don’t you come out and say what you mean?
Most of us surviving Free Wild Peoples here in Indian Country could offer some insights pertinent to just these questions
I have written numerous times on this website that I desire the end of the USA as a political, economic, and cultural entity. The USA is and always has been absolute trash. Not just the USA today or the USA during the height of the Jewish century that you boomers love so much, but the USA in all of its historic iterations, from the very moment that is was founded by Anglo and Jewish pirates (for the purpose of tax evasion) and immediately became the vanguard of global radical liberalism
The USA is and always has been absolute trash.
Where were you born and where do you live, shitbird?
I doubt we’ll get a truthful answer to that.
In any event, that’s quite a wish list. You should probably ask Santy Claus about that next Christmas.
But until then, I need your angry little retard ass to keep working. Whatever the fuck it is your loser ass does, swabbing out the shitters at the local McDonalds or buffing the floors on the midnight shift at the town grade school…etc
This ol’ Boomer likes that high end Irish Whiskey and fine tobacco, boy.
BTW, I just got a 50 buck COLA raise on my Social Security benes.
Keep seething, sweetheart.
This Old Man is not “suggesting†anything of the sort. The fact is this “article,†whatever its merits in the opinion of Madbadger, could’ve just as easily been about actual conditions, instead of the contentless drivel we got from Mr. Lawrence, instead.
That it is what it is rather than what it might’ve been, and that it typifies so much similarly empty “commentary†from so many who so artfully dodge coming to grips with all the offal wrapped-up in Old Gory, comes as no surprise to anybody here in Indian Country. Knee-jerk protection of the all-“American†myth is always job one for anybody wanting to cadge a life-style from their plutoligarch paymasters.
Anyhow, “We weren’t lost, and we didn’t need any book.†John Trudell
venal is the best fit for biden.
I disagree. Flog them in public and put them on public display in blocks, so that little kids can come up and stick their chewing gum on their noses.
First, we kill all the lawyers donors.
What you are suggesting about this article is that it should have been a book. If you want a book, then read a book. This is a good article.
There is an amusing argument going the rounds that “Joe Biden” is plural, consisting of the original twerp and four (or is it five?) “doubles”. I’ll take “exeunt” as an allusion to that.
Joe Biden’s entire Political career has been a perfect example of what is wrong with the American Political System. Sleazy Ol’ Joe Biden has been a Slavishly loyal servant to the Special Interests that bribed him. Biden has helped American Politics become being captured by every Group with enough money. Israel. The Oligarchs. The Multi National Corporations–such as Defense Contractors. Big Pharma. Big Insurance. And there are others. Biden served all of these Special Interests with complete loyalty. Joe Biden is and has always been a sleazy, morally and ethically bankrupt Political Wh#re.
Fuck Israel
Fuck Biden
Mira las caritas de las niñas y niños de Gaza cuando, por fin , han podido comer algo de pan.
Por favor, no les olvides, ni dejes de ser su voz, no dejes de hablar de Palestina.🇵🇸— ð™‡ð™¤ð™¨ð™© ð™„𙣠ð™‹ð™žð™© 🔻 (@Lostinpit1) January 23, 2025
NSF, one has to consider that too much of the time, people do not vote in their interests. Blacks and Browns especially, but also high percentages of everybody else. Those most “disadvantaged” at the bottom of the economic ladder vote for con men who promise more for less work. The destroy the economy by being in the pockets of the elites and jamming up the government, increasing its size and reducing function
But, it doesn’t matter. In Brazil, the largely illiterate and ignorance Northeast-Negro and indigenous- will vote for the Workers Party until their last breath. Call it identify politics, emotion, or just choosing on everything else but performance.
Poor people lose the most by making bad choices. Only a healthy economy can improve their lot; nothing else.
John Wilkes Booth was an assassin in the employ of the Rothschilds. Debt-free Greenbacks are what got Lincoln killed. And Lincoln would have been much more magnanimous in defeat to the South than what followed him and he might have even sent the negroes back.
So if a White American woman goes into labor and gives birth while in Japan, is the kid a Jap?Replies: @Poupon Marx
Ramaswamy was born in Cincinnati.
That’s murican enuff, I think.
The timbre and direction of the discussion is irrelevant. If Ramalamadingdong became Governor, eliminated almost all corruption, cut the bureaucracy, balanced the budget, produced budget surpluses, and carried out real traditionalist conservative principles, reduced your tax burdern…..
then would you bitch and moan and whine?
The only thing Biden and FDR had in common is that their cabinets could be their own synagogues.
It is not about individuals, it is a systemic problem, a structural malformation of the nature of government of the USA. It is just poorly designed and constructed, like a mechanical system of machine. Tinkering without will. not yield satisfactory results. Getting rid of it and starting from scratch with a blank slate is needed.
The cure, to the greatest extent, would be to have term limits for senators and Congressmen. And reform the lobby system (abolish it), no double dipping (working for private companies) that were subject to regulation), and the extreme limiting of campaign money. The rotten system favors incumbents largely..
Obviously, public-government financing of campaigns-and donated tv time equally apportioned would go a long way.
A dictator appointed for 10 years, as a benevolent king – like General August Pinochet or Gen. Franco would speed things up a lot.
The author’s exasperation and indignant vitriol is duly noted, but, his asked and answered article hang him by his own petard.
The emphasis on the lack of questioning on “policy” implies that at some point, there were “policies” in place that were not pernicious, counterproductive initiatives that actually benefitted, if not the American people, at least SOMEONE besides the fuck’n Jews who run this country soup to nuts.
Your goddamned right we deserve Pete Hegseth. Let’s review our freshly remembered past.
Gulf of Tonkin – Lies and an expensive curb stomping concomitant with 50K dead
WMD -Lies and an expensive curb stomping that generated hatred and 50K casualties
Afghanistan – 20 years of lies, an ignominious “Helicopter off of the Embassy” exit on steroids and, yes, an expensive curb stomping with thousands of casualties and body bags.
Ukraine “War for Democracy” (Actually should be called war to protect Jewish investments, especially George Soros etc.) that cost 300 billion and killed over a million people – again, all fuck’n lies, legerdemain and slight of hand rhetoric designed to get Joe 6-pack wearing Ukrainian flags on his way to the bar to watch the playoffs.
60 years of lies from the Pentagon, the “Intelligence Agencies’, the Deep State and the Jews who from Wall Street down through the Acela Corridor into the Radix Malorum of evil, run this country, control it’s narrative and have literally killed untold millions in “forever wars” that are designed, on purpose, with Pre Meditated, Mens Rae, criminal intent to commit mass murder in order to line the pockets of Intellectual, Hapsburg retards with the IQ’s of toaster ovens that now, once again want us to elevate still ANOTHER neocon whack job buddy of Chuck Schummer into high station to continue the slaughter.
Pete does love the Kikes, but, at least he has actually seen the elephant and knows the cost of these endless incursions onto far away beaches to “Save Democracy”.
“Legacy. The grandeur of epochally significant insight. The sage old man offering the republic his guiding hand as he steps gracefully aside in the late autumn of a life given honorably to public service:…”
We can all imagine the hopes of the Jews who have controlled, on a cellular basis, this administration, Biden’s “Farewell Speech”. He ascends to the podium, our nation’s “eminence grise”, his experiences and intellect oozing out of his pores and weighty words that we all, as a grateful nation, pray will guide us into the future.
What a fuck’n joke.
The worst president in history, was Abraham Lincoln (I refer you to the oeurve of Thomas DiLorenza). A dirigiste hater of the Republic that sought total control coming out of Washington. “Sic Semper Tyrannis”. God Bless John Wilkes Booth.
The second worst is LBJ, who literally murdered JFK and brought down on our heads the ascendance of literally millions of unqualified niggers into power who populate on a dramatically disproportionate level, the levers of power in and out of government and the economy. (Are there ANY white people in commercials anymore?)
The third, is Biden. The Jews, while laughing up their sleeves placed a literal retard into office whose IQ is and was, commensurate with a fire plug. The damage this anencephalic asshole did to this country is hard to imagine and we will be trying to pick up the pieces for years to come.
So yeah, we deserve guys like Pete and many others if, for no other reason, than it couldn’t get any worse.
Exactly he ain’t Irish!! Please don’t blame the Irish for Biden. He had an Irish grandmother some way along the line. Everybody had an Irish grandmother. Probably Putin claims an Irish grandmother@ I know Margaret thatcher had Irish grandmother and she ain’t irish !!
Patrick Lawrence, quoting David Brooks, the NYT apologist, whose raison d’être is “what is good for the jews” is ridicuous.
If his mission was to make Obama look like a good competent president; can’t say that Biden failed at that.
For the last time:
Let’s Go, Brandon!
It could be referring to not just Biden but also all of those surrounding Biden who’ve been pulling the strings for the past four years.
“rapes and murders of Okinawan women by US servicemen. ”
Negro service bipeds. FIFY.
The collapse of the US ec0nomy is c0ming, there’s no way around that
Here in the US we’re headed for what I call ; the Big Diet.
How this will play out? I don’t know
This time around all of the US’s assets have been stolen and are controlled by fake Jews
We live in a hidden fake Jew aristocracy.
What will our fake Jew overlords do when the dollar loses it’s value?
As it’s doing at this moment.
” he is through and through, all-over stupid. This does not distinguish Biden among American presidents, after all.”
Here we go, and only 3-4 sentences into the article. Listen, Biden’s stupidity* actually does distinguish him. From a pure IQ standpoint, Sloppy Joe’s was probably 1.5 – 2 standard deviations lower than the average president going back to the founding. He is absolutely distinguishable in that regard.
You’re conflating IQ with lack of integrity, or lack of will, or lack of duty combined with the susceptibility of being influenced by subversive and or nefarious influences. Even the most intelligent people can be compromised.
*I’m not even factoring in the dementia.
There are no WASPs
There are only those who’ve either been bribed, blackmailed or extorted to support the fake Jew agenda;
Using my country to achieve world domination
10/7 put paid to that crazy idea
Mr. Patrick Lawrence, please sir, get real.
Biden is not stupid or incompetent, he is a vandal and a 5th column of the remnants of the Brutish Empire. Every task he has undertaken has been to damage the US and its people.
The Brutush empire was built by pirates based out of an insignificant and resource poor island. What they lacked in resources, they compensated for by instigating wars and massacres between brothers and neighbors. The fuckery ot their despicable souls has caused untold misery and suffering and for what? Looking at their pitifulness today, and the contempt the Globe has for them, it was for naught? Their own people despise them. Today, unable to inflict their pathology on the rest of the World, they have turned against their own people with more fuckety and child sacrifice.
The only solution to this satanic vein is to gather those so called Brutish elites, strip them of their wealth in exchange for their lives, the pirate’s way and, distribute it to the people. Then, offer them one of two choices. Either a long life of incarceration paid for by their wealth or, a re-education and a humble life of public service.
Then we move onto the European bloodlines.
The Lord of this universe has provided much bounty and mercy for the comfort of all of mankind. The problem is with these psychopaths and their bargain with the devil to inflict untold misery on mankind in return for hoarding fleeting wealth and power.
Biden, is a servant of these psychopaths and a vandal working on their behalf, who didn’t bat an eye, supplying 2000 lbs bombs to be dropped on children of the last Brutish colony under the deception, the land was promissed 3 thousand years ago.
Enough with this European denial. If Europeans will not rebel against the pathology in their midst, I predict, the World will. All these invasions and occupations of Colonial times, shall be used as justification, to begin the task of rehabilitating the European psyche while the innocent suffer. If you do not believe me, Ukraine is a microcosm of what the future might harbor.
Oy vey, such genius like I nevuh seen, already.
“Blinken did not get a pardon so he should be on trial.”
In the US?! During Trump’s presidency?! That’s a good joke. Maybe not good but a joke for sure.
[NYT] readers are bothered by something they have recently learned about David Brooks: his son is a member of the Israel Defense Forces. In a recent Hebrew-language interview in Haaretz magazine, Mr. Brooks was asked about his worries as a father. The article noted that the columnist’s “connection to Israel was always strong.†It continued:
“He has visited Israel almost every year since 1991, and over the past months the connection has grown even stronger, after his oldest son, aged 23, decided to join the Israel Defense Forces.
All his productions are nothing but LLs (‘Lawrence leavings’) he drops for a shrinking market of coprophagia enthusiasts.
I initially just glanced at this article and was about to click off…….
A Black ,South Carolina Legislator was intrumental in placing Biden to Nominee status a little over four years ago. “Instrumental’ in that the Legislator was further empowered by others.
A classic race to the lowest common denominator…..a sordid situation and a reason so many grew to realize Diversity was or could be over rated,or worse.
Biden’s gun control quip ” Deer don’t wear bullet proof jackets” was repeated way too often, another example of utter stupidity,lost opportunity to engage with and about the vast majority of lawful gun owners.
(My last letter to Biden noted that Palestinians could use bullet proof jackets)
Biden’s environmental record,Department of Interior,Forest Service,BLM, the general Public Lands and Natural Resource Public Interest sphere was good. All the more reason to denigrate Biden.
But such is hardly mentioned,nor even curtly noted….not even within UNZ Reviews.
The final takeaway is,this most recent election cycle presented an astounding ‘Legacy’; two absolutely terrible choices.
A curious article. A curiously written article. Both stylistically and otherwise.
I understand (I think) the psychological impetus behind such articles. I can feel it in myself. Mr. Lawrence’s article sounds like something I might have written, except I think that the little bit more self awareness I have than Mr. Lawrence would prevent me from doing so.
After reading the article I did a find-in-page search for ‘jew.’ Had I missed something? No, I hadn’t missed anything. The first appearance of ‘jew’ was in the third comment.
Fifteen years ago, before a black female director converted this city’s first class central library into a homeless shelter cum dvd collecton and sold all the books, I read a new novel set in an affluent Virginia suburb of Washington. In it one character says casually to another, “This city is run by jews and homosexuals.â€
If the Biden regime made one thing clear above all others, it is that presidents and cabinet members are not much more than ritualized figures, the Deep State’s front men, whose function is not to determine policy but to present it to the public and the rest of the world.
Who are the ‘deep state’? Shouldn’t we have a list of names? At what level of a federal agency does the deep state begin?
Trump is naming agency heads and telling them, I presume, to clean the agencies up, to flush out the deep staters. Will that be done? Can it be done?
I don’t see how. I agree with the character in the novel. D.C. is run by jews and homosexuals. They make up by far the biggest part of the ‘deep state.’
Why homosexuals, you ask. Well, I don’t know. It’s just a ‘feeling.’ I’m damning myself to put it like that, but that’s the best I can do. I think the ‘deep state’ is a double headed hydra of two fifth columns, one ethnic, one sexual.
Anyway, the Trump administration is doomed. Trump is the jews’ golem.
As for Joe’s legacy, the Dems created it and protected it. You see, Harris never really wanted the enormity and the pressure of the Presidency, she was simply sent out there to be a black fall guy (gal) for Biden who the Dems pulled from the race to protect him from being voted out by the people (in favor of Trump) in an overwhelming repudiation of his despotism. They saved him from a loss to Trump and made it possible to always say he was the only one to “defeat†Trump then retire “undefeated†and that is his “legacy†such that it is.
“David Brooks, the conservative New York Times columnist…”
He, a conservative? I don’t think so! Have you watched his Friday performances on the PBS News Hour ever since erudite Mark Shield (RIP) departed the show and was replaced with the wanker Jonathan “I like to twerp my big black fat ass on your white dick” Capehart? It’s pathetic! He is as much conservative as an ostrich which could soar like an eagle. David Brooks is a liberal and there is no two ways about it. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing!
Biden was considered too stupid to run for President in the 80s, when he had to quit his campaign because of his moronic plagiarized speech about women going to college. (that’s a major reason these subhumans think abortion is so precious – women and their worthless careers!)
Joe Biden. A testament to the sleazy, corrupt political process, especially the Democrats, who have captured the deep state to create a bureaucracy against citizen freedoms.
One slob in particular that stands out is Chuck Schumer, an Israeli agent and anti-American Senator. It is these kind of working agents that pose the greatest risk to our freedom.
Biden was an inert placeholder, the Vegetable in Chief. His decades in Washington ended with his role as a senile, incontinent, embarrassment, unceremoniously moved to the back burner in favor of a DEI hire whose sole talent appeared to be endlessly cackling over something only she found funny.
Meanwhile, Blinken was the de facto President — an over-earnest sawed off Jewish apparatchik. Yet somehow the purple hair and nose ring crowd is beside themselves over the horror of a strong white male leader setting to work correcting the utter clown show of Biden’s single term in office.
Biden’s legacy, as if that term applies, is one of mediocrity and corruption. A buffoon used like a dull tool by the more well-established Democratic evildoers such as Obama and Hillary. Joe deserves a public library in Scranton to be renamed in his honor, he’s earned it.
But that’s all American politics has been for a long time, grift and graft. At least brainless Biden was transparent about it and pardoned his most egregious partners. Biden is emblematic of what America has become. It’s not reversible.
Biden isn’t stupid — today he’s an old man with obvious dementia — but he was showing signs of mental impairment for years (dementia is the result of a gradual deterioration of mental faculties) — as a younger senator, he had reasonable views on controversial issues, e.g. race and crime, abortion, welfare, etc — there’s a lot of evidence available for this; after all, Biden joined the Senate in 1973 — even as VP, which was not that long ago, he opposed homosexual marriage (as did Obama).
It’s very important to understand the malignant political landscape in America today: how it came to be, the forces behind it, how it corrupts, manipulates, and exploits people like Joe Biden — juvenile articles about Biden’s ‘native stupidity’ contribute nothing to that.
Joe Biden’s legacy, aside from the murder of thousands of women and children in Gaza, is the enduring hatred of the people of Okinawa, who continue to endure as US military occupation, and periodic rapes and murders of Okinawan women by US servicemen.
Experienced Washingtonians who “know how to Washington†are the last thing we need. In fact if someone would take a firehose to the Senate and wash away everyone but Thomas Massie and Rand Paul, and replace them with people chosen at random from cheap diners from each state, it would surely be a net gain for us all.
The new Senators pulled from the ranks of random cheap-diner customers would be less likely of going along with a new war, open borders, DEI, tranny hour and all the other Washington D.C. horseshit that has been rammed down our throats.
Maybe Biden is legion!!
If only people understood…
So true. Also, it’s no secret that the #1 issue to millions of Christian conservatives (other than Zionist supremacy) is abortion. There will be large anti-abortion rallies in Washington D.C. this weekend (‘March for Life’) as there have been for the last 50+ years since Roe v. Wade. And that’s all fine. I just wish 1% of that energy was directed to… really ANYTHING else of major consequence, such as USA’s enormous drift to National Socialism since 1892 (i.e., institutionalized pagan idol worship).
On top of that, American Jews are now the most strongly pro-abortion segment of the population. Jewish pro-abortion sentiment only started around 1980, as a reaction to widespread Christian opposition to what even Planned Parenthood admitted was “baby killing†before that practice became “safe and profitable.â€
Two good examples of ‘Reformed Jewish’ pro-abortion ideology:
The first link contains stats on Jewish support for infanticide along with this gem:
In the Talmud, a collection of Jewish legal materials, it states: “Until 40 days from conception, the fetus is merely water.â€
The second link provides a nice bit of liberal photo-journalism, with a young Jewish pro-abortion activist holding a sign blaring:
Abortion Is:
A. Healthcare
B. A Right
C. A Jewish Value
D. All the Above
This is why the mass media is so staunchly pro-abortion and also anti-Christian, to a large extent. So much for “God blessing those who bless Israel.†For anyone interested in background to the Supreme Court abomination of Roe v. Wade, the ‘Settled Science’ of the 1960s, and lots more… see this recent essay:
Spoiler Alert: I don’t think American Nationalism is the answer to Jewish Nationalism. We’ve been trying that approach since 1892 (loyalty oaths), 1909 (politicians on coins), 1913 (national income tax), 1917 (national democracy crusade), 1927 (nationalized broadcasting), etc. for well over a century. That just ain’t working…
This requires commitment, courage in our moments of truth, a willingness to pay the price of one’s refusal to live ridiculously
A “refusal to live ridiculously” for you, Patrick, would be to stop writing this drivel and get a job in the oil pits at Jiffy Lube.
First of all, everyone in America knows this nation has long been beset by oligarchic parasites,
Really” “Everyone”? So then, how did we get Biden, Harris, Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes. LBJ …?
Get the hook on this guy, Ron.
[NYT] readers are bothered by something they have recently learned about David Brooks: his son is a member of the Israel Defense Forces. In a recent Hebrew-language interview in Haaretz magazine, Mr. Brooks was asked about his worries as a father. The article noted that the columnist’s “connection to Israel was always strong.†It continued:
“He has visited Israel almost every year since 1991, and over the past months the connection has grown even stronger, after his oldest son, aged 23, decided to join the Israel Defense Forces.
I stopped reading right here. David Brooks is not a conservative columnist. He’s a Jewish, Zionist, dual-loyalty columnist:
Me too. Brook’s son served in the IDF, an active participant in the ethnic cleansing going on in Gaza.
Brooks writes. “If you thought those kinds of questions would dominate the hearing, you must be living under the illusion that we live in a serious country.â€
“Serious country”? From a “serious” guy who after interviewing Obama in 2008 writes that “from the crease in his pants, I know that he is going to be a great President.”