Really big joint?
Mr. Maurice Samuel’s twenty-one words: “We Jews, the destroyers, will remain the destroyer forever … nothing that the Gentiles will do will meet our needs and demands.â€
If you can’t see the “theatre” for what it is then you are truly lost.
Honestly, time for you (and many others) to start looking for another country–before those in charge start finding ways to kill you all off with long lists of Coup du’jours that their robots are quite adept at devising. See how protecting civil rights and political rights in the third world would some day come back to decide your own very existence? I note that Russia, and China, seem to think it is essential to them to cultivate decent (and REAL) relations with the human discards scattered so abundantly across this planet. Message to the putative drone jockies and orb cadets: if you are really out there, chop-chop, schnell, plus rapide, 快點 and get cracking.
You will have to explain what you mean by the term. My comment referred to the constant and peculiar angst the current executive in the WH has for the previous black president. Whose leadership was largely comprised on the agenda’s designed and promoted by whites.
I am unclear how your comment is relevant to my own. Worse their esponse has been complete and total fozen deer in headlights.
Frankly there’s plenty pf reasons to be concerned about Russia. She invaded another sovereign country after pleding to defend that countries sovereignty. She then threatened the US, the west and anyone else who came that country’s defense with nuclear exchange. Given the response by the global community —- they are f]afraid of Russia. And given Russias statements, justifiably so.
They are handwringing over the US fears instead of taking the ball ad running with it. Absolutely the US shuld be supporting Ujraine. But the children here are still smarting about Iraq and Afghanistan — needlessly but there it is.
Your sub-title:
“Trump is president so stop bitching and go work at Panda Express”
That is a very realistic suggestion, since there is so little manufacturing taking place here in the USA these days, except for armaments manufacturers and manufacturers of some specialized products.
Yeah, go get a job at Panda Express, be a burger-flipper or a greeter or shelf stocker at Walmart!
The USA will NEVER be great again, as it was just after World War II, when it had EVERYTHING going for it. The financial “industry,” the politicians of BOTH political parties and the American and foreign multi-national corporations took care of that. And yes, the Jews were part of this, along with their WASP enablers. And NO, it was NOT the unions!
“Kiss”, yes.
That’s why they only bark against Chinese but consider Mexicans to be “integrated”. The shamlessness of these Nigger-Saxon anglo kike mutts is incredible. Such is the way of the lazy and the parasite. Good riddance, “huh-white”.
With love from Germany.
Payback for 1919 and 1945.
Blow it out your racist ass!
Excellent article. However, we can only work with what we’ve got. Trump is the only thing remotely close to being able to fix anything.
He’s done more in his first month in office than any Republican has done in a century.
I get sick and tired of stating the obvious.
Who do you have on offer who can win that is willing or able to fix a damn thing other than Trump?
Right. Crickets!
So keep bitching, crying in your beers, and LARPing badass keyboard warrior boys. That’ll fix everything.
Sour grapes because the crack whore you voted for lost? Don’t bother answering because we know the answer. The only thing Kamala was going to fix is another drink for herself.
Disagree, it’s class war, and pitting the plebes against each other using race and gender is methodology.Replies: @Truth, @Anonymous
I’ve been telling black people for over 40 years, “both the Demoncrats and the Republicans hate you, but Republicans are much better at spreading the misery so Honkees feel it too.â€
Explain please, how Democrats can be said to “hate” black people when they’re so eager to kiss black ass at any opportunity. Any Dem voter, in any context, ever tell you that you’re full of it?
You could put ad on Unz calling for those :
I know White people like you are pissed that US multinationals relocated their factories to Mexico and Southeast Asia BEFORE China joined the WTO in 2001. But please don’t blame China which had nothing to do
From the graph above, it’s not hard to prove that the US imports more autos from Mexico than any other country in the world. Go to any parking lot in any suburban mall in America and you will find lots of Hondas, Toyotas, Nissans, Hyundais, Kias, etc. but made in Mexico, Japan or South Korea. Go to any parking lot in any country club in the USA and you will find lots of BMWs, Mercedes, Jaguars, Ferraris, Bentleys, Maseratis, etc. imported from Europe. Yet, these stupid gringos blame China for “stealing†their factory jobs in the US auto industry. And it’s not just blue-collar factory jobs that US multinationals have “outsourced†to foreign countries like Mexico and Canada, courtesy of NAFTA signed by George Bush Sr. in 1992. Even English-speaking white-collar professional jobs in software development and customer support have been “outsourced†to the world’s biggest ITO/BPO industry in India which sends millions of Indian H1-B workers to the USA.
True, the insufferable classical allusions are pretentious, but I think the song must have had dirty origins at the Dog n Duck in Hackney.
You’re missing the point. Sure, if, literally the only job you can get is fast-food or stocking shelves then that’s better than sitting around taking drugs, but you shouldn’t be happy about it or stoically resigned to it. An intelligent, talented, educated adult person whose ancestors built the country, often sacrificing their lives to do so, should be indignant that he is valued so little that he can only do something menial or trivial for a living. This “a man does what he’s gotta do even if it means shoveling shit while foreigners take the better jobs” is a simp mentality.
Like a lot of conservatives, you’re too invested in the “Manly bootstrap work hard” peon rhetoric to be able to think clearly.
No job is degrading
LOL, that’s precisely the opposite of true.
The Left had no problem "smashing American democracy" when it came to supporting every liberal president from FDR's New Deal to Biden's EOs mandating the DEI regime. The Left has implemented blatantly unconstitutional policies of censorship (speech codes, cancel culture), indoctrination (CRT), and political commissars (DEI "councilors") from the campuses to the armed forces. And are Wall Street mandated ESG policies part of Our Democracy (tm)?
Writing at Salon, Chauncey DeVega complains: “President Trump and his MAGA Republicans and their forces are smashing American democracy, the Constitution, the rule of law, the institutions and norms. Trump has enacted over 50 executive orders since Jan. 20, the most in a president’s first 100 days in more than 40 years. Some of the most egregious ones are blatantly unconstitutional and violate current law.â€
What Trump is doing, in large part, is dismantling the systems of oppression implemented by the Left and especially the Biden regime. And freeing political prisoners (again the J6ers).
Now that the tables have been turned, the Left feigns outrage over the supposed violations of the Constitution which they have been doing everything in their power to trash for decades.
THIS, in a nutshell, it what the shrieking is all about.
“We can do it but you can’t!,” screams the sore-loser Democrats. Four years from now the same voices will be bitching when Trump pardons the terribly-wronged Derek Chauvin, a cop who was only doing his job but was sacrificed at the altar of Saint Fentanyl (George Floyd) for one reason only: being that Derek’s skin was white and Saint Fentanyl’s skin was black.
Disagree, it’s class war, and pitting the plebes against each other using race and gender is methodology.Replies: @Truth, @Anonymous
I’ve been telling black people for over 40 years, “both the Demoncrats and the Republicans hate you, but Republicans are much better at spreading the misery so Honkees feel it too.â€
Well Old Sport, your context is correct but I would say your ultimate conclusion… not quite so.
Yes they create class wars and yes the goal is divide and conquer, but, and I have not read the book in 30 years so excuse me if I am in error; in Animal Farm as pig said, “we”re all even but some of us are a little more even…”
This country was litterally formed via war upon blacks and “Native Americans.” Your Slave masters at some point just became generous enough to invite you in to enjoy the fun.
Christ, conservatives are still whining about participation trophies after all these years?! How lame can you get? They're just cheap pieces of plastic that a kid puts on his shelf where it collects dust and is hardly ever thought of. No kid in the history of the world, ever, has thought to himself: "My Little League Team gives me a worthless trinket every year! That means I never have to strive to accomplish anything!"
You guys got too many participation trophies as kids.
Managing a fast-food restaurant is not the best job a "young up and comer" (those whom we were speaking of) can find. And this has nothing to do with "not wanting to work hard." On the contrary, I said those interested in a career in food service should pursue a job at a real restaurant. That's harder work than fast-food at every level - back of house, customer service & management. And I'm not talking about some dream job at a three-star Michelin place, just a job where you can have some self-respect. Working fast-food over a certain age and I.Q. is degrading.Replies: @Rich
You take the best job you can find that pays the most money and you work hard at it until you’re a pro.
Yes we’re still making fun of participation trophies. I was at the hockey game of my youngest the other day and all the parents were joking about it.
No job is degrading. No one should ever look at life that way. Sitting at home, collecting a check (welfare, not retirement or disability) is degrading. I’ve known a few highly educated people who couldn’t find jobs in their high paying fields so sat at home, drinking, drugging, getting depressed. Because they couldn’t take a lower prestige job. A neighbor, when I was a kid, lost his high paying job in the defense industry when the company moved. He took a job in the local supermarket stocking shelves because it was all he could find. He was a man. You take the best job you can find. Perood.
LOL, that's precisely the opposite of true.
No job is degrading
Love those silly chicks,
top to bottom
Their sillyness could be fun and sparks all that, what turned me off are those ejew-cated college degree karens who don’t know their place,
and thinking ‘equal’ job opportunity are a grant from gwad, sigh,,
My favorite: overheard in an adjoining booth at a chain restaurant.
“Is France in Paris?”
True story. This was a well-dressed young woman, probably with a job.
Sending US manufacturing to Chinese slave labor has its roots with Reagan and the free trade guru Milton Friedman. That and amnesty by Reagan for millions of illegals was a big payback to those oligarchs who funded his elections.Look, I know White people like you are pissed that US multinationals relocated their factories to Mexico and Southeast Asia BEFORE China joined the WTO in 2001. But please don't blame China which had nothing to do with the business decisions made by US multinationals. In 1992, George Bush Sr signed NAFTA which stands for the North American Free Trade Agreement that included the USA, Canada and Mexico as part of the tariff-free North American Zone specifically targeting the auto imdustry. Ross Perot at the time campaigned for the US Presidency against NAFTA claiming that it would lead to a "sucking sound" of US blue-collar factory jobs moving out of the US Midwest to Canada and Mexico. And that's exactly what happened.During that same period in the 1990s, China was under US sanctions imposed after Tiananmen. But in 1992, the same year Bush Sr signed NAFTA, Deng embarked on his Southern Tour and decided to open China's economy to foreign investors from Asia and Europe. One of the biggest foreign investors was Singapore which went ahead and established diplomatic relations with China where it invested in the Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park (SSIP). Thousands of Chinese officials were then sent to Singapore to learn about their technocratic system of Confucianist-style governance which was then imported back to China where ETDZs patterned after the SSIP were established all over the coastal cities during the 1990s. Note that German and Japanese automakers started investing in China during this period by establishing JVs to produce their cars in China. But the US automakers did NOT invest in China until later in the 2000s because of US sanctions. Instead, US automakers followed by German, Japanese and South Korean automakers invested in Mexico and Canada which now had tariff-free access to the USA market due to NAFTA. Even after US automakers started investing in China after its accession to the WTO in 2001, those US autos made in China were sold only to the Chinese market but never exported back to the USA. At no point in time did CHINA ever became part of NAFTA and exported autos back to the USA.During his first term, Trump abolished NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA. If Trump wants to revive the US auto manufacturing industries, he better get rid of the USMCA which he created to replace NAFTA signed by Bush Sr in 1992. Now Trump plans to impose tariffs on auto imports from the top five countries exporting autos to the USA, namely: Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan and South Korea. China is not even in the top ten auto-exporting countries to the USA, below Finland! By the way, US multinationals like Nike did relocate their factories to China to produce their shoes for export back to the USA. But that didn't last long as Nike has since the 2010s moved their factories to Vietnam and Indonesia where 80% of their shoes are produced. Only 10% of Nike's shoes are now made in China to sell to the Chinese market where they have to compete against Chinese brands like ANTA, Li-ning, 361, etc. The USA is now being marginalized in the Chinese economy not because of any Chinese government policy but because of growing wariness of Chinese businessmen who don't want to deal with the USA due to the political risks. The Chinese market itself has already surpassed the US market. And China's trade and investment relationships with RCEP, BRI, EU and BRICS+ countries have long ago surpassed the USA. Today, China's exports to the USA account for only 2% of its GDP. Excluding American products like Apple's iPhones, China's exports to the USA account for only 1% of its GDP. The only thing left that shackles China's economy to the USA is its use of the USD as its reserve currency. But once China get rid of its import dependency on Arab oil, it will drop the USD and use its own currency for its foreign trade and investment. Once that happens, bye bye Miss American Pie! Replies: @Cloudwalker
I know White people like you are pissed that US multinationals relocated their factories to Mexico and Southeast Asia BEFORE China joined the WTO in 2001. But please don’t blame China which had nothing to do
You could put ad on Unz calling for those :
Rally & demo in DC and demand cut all ties with ‘eval’ China ‘who stole our jobs’,
Gathering outside Blackrock, Vangard HQ and “Let’em hear us the Pee-poor”,
Round-up ANY politician who wants to make deal with ‘eval’ China or done so in the past
Meal & Trip included,
Money in mouth the check is still in wallet next thanksgiving,
They dare not, those trollfags won’t do shxt, I attest you
That was me thinking so 10 yrs ago,
ask AA how that turns out.
American whites don’t even have a clue who ‘we’ are let a lone some actions
You are a serious junior.
The Protestant work ethic is more or less a myth. Unless you’re talking about child labor, women in mines, chimney sweeps, indentured servants, the importation of Hindu and Chinese coolies (recall it was the Irish, the real Irish Gaels, not “Scots-Irish” who protested against the importation of Chinese coolies), farm workers in England who had to walk with two canes by the time they were 60, etc. Recall the so-called “Bible Belt” in the South depended on negro slaves, and after “emancipation” the South was generally quite poor for a long time until air-conditioning attracted labor into open shop states. This is not to say the South was worse than the North. Southerners were often said to be “lazy” of course, if you ever go out into a field at mid-day under intense sun then you know why there is a siesta in Spain and Latin America.
Survival in the old days generally required a lot of work that was simply not optional, if you wanted to eat, because food was the major expense that poor people had.
Now if you’re speaking about the ideas of Benjamin Franklin, the notions of aspirational bourgeois dedicating themselves to an enterprise or career and making a fortune, this is something that might be worth talking about, but is it correct to call it “Protestant?” Max Weber was a Jew, and as a Jew, I think he didn’t actually have a conceptual understanding of Christianity. What can be said with a fair degree of certainty, however, when we read things like the novels of Jane Austen, is that the decline of religion in Northern Europe made the attainment of a fortune into a general obsession. The Duke of Wellington had aspired as a youth to play the violin, when he was unable to marry a woman, he gave it up and entered the army and achieved fame on the battlefield. He then married that woman (and of course she was a bad wife). If there is a “Protestant work ethic” – it may involve the husband being the slave to the wife and having to do everything she says all day every day. Richard Nixon, of a Quaker family, courted his future wife by driving her to dates with other men.
The Boomers haven’t been willing to acknowledge the stacking of the deck against their own children. The boomer moral calculus says Civil Rights “piety” > posterity. Selfish, egotistical, delusional people.
Great comments! True! Reagan should have won an Oscar for his role as POTUS. Most politicians are bad actors on many levels. As a 1970’s HS graduate, yes we had a better education than kids today. I learned how to do business by being a juvenile delinquent.
As opposed to getting a Nobel peace prize for being a nigger?
It’s bad to have Trump in there. But can we really afford to have niggers, senile degenerates, batshit kikes, and other russophobic headcases in our government? Or do they need to be permanently shut out from it?
Let’s bring back being in Reality.. The sights, sounds, and smells of
– being a Panda Express manager. What is it like? It is being a cop without the power, being a day care worker for the dregs of society, being a janitor at a landfill.
Dealing with violent, low IQ morons, both behind the counter and waiting to be served. People who stink. People who destroy bathrooms. People who might throw things at your head. Throw hot oil at your face. Robbery. Rage. Hiring more morons that need to be trained who can’t read. Having to make sure they don’t steal. Having to ask them to get off their phones.
Deep frying food that comes in on a truck. Ice cold from the drive in window. Taking out the trash to filthy dumpsters. Seeing employees come back from the bathroom and not wash their hands. Wiping tables where packs of critters leave disgusting trash.
And if you complain, there’s 1000 people ready to take your job the next shift. Not the next day. Probably in the next hour.
The 50% discount? For slop that makes you sick? I’ll pass.
Sure…it’s a dream job.
Being homeless in a National forest with a go bag would be highly preferable to working in American fast food.
I’ve been telling black people for over 40 years, “both the Demoncrats and the Republicans hate you, but Republicans are much better at spreading the misery so Honkees feel it too.â€
Disagree, it’s class war, and pitting the plebes against each other using race and gender is methodology.
I have a bunch of older cousins who came of age at that time. Some tradesman, some professionals. They’ve all said it was tough to buy a house. Based on prices, rates and salary. The post-Reagan housing inflation did make a huge difference if you played it right, but if you just stayed in your neighborhood and didn’t sell, it didn’t make much difference.
“The [Gentleman] doth protest too much, methinks.”
You guys got too many participation trophies as kids.
Christ, conservatives are still whining about participation trophies after all these years?! How lame can you get? They’re just cheap pieces of plastic that a kid puts on his shelf where it collects dust and is hardly ever thought of. No kid in the history of the world, ever, has thought to himself: “My Little League Team gives me a worthless trinket every year! That means I never have to strive to accomplish anything!”
Incidentally, participation trophies have been around for a long time, they are not unique to more recent generations. The earliest recorded use of the term was in the 1920s:
You take the best job you can find that pays the most money and you work hard at it until you’re a pro.
Managing a fast-food restaurant is not the best job a “young up and comer” (those whom we were speaking of) can find. And this has nothing to do with “not wanting to work hard.” On the contrary, I said those interested in a career in food service should pursue a job at a real restaurant. That’s harder work than fast-food at every level – back of house, customer service & management. And I’m not talking about some dream job at a three-star Michelin place, just a job where you can have some self-respect. Working fast-food over a certain age and I.Q. is degrading.
Bread and water, troop. Bread and water.
The guy with a virtual monopoly believes in free markets.
Very big of you, Jeff! We’re gonna nationalize Amazon
and run it like the DO Defense, with cost overruns, graft
and employment of 2nd cousins, thrice removed from
your latest Wife’s houseboy.
No worries, pal. I am a survivor but we all are vulnerable so I can’t say what will happen to yours truly when all is said and done. Just remember pal, don’t roll the dice 🎲 if you can’t pay the price. 🧠Hebrews 13:6.
Cue: Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Judy Garland
Why do conservatards have such a hard time distinguishing between "services" and for-profit enterprises? They are two fundamentally different phenomena. You should expect a different experience when you go to the post office from when you go to a chicken restaurant. The postal, DMV workers, etc. are not there to sell you a product and get you out the door as quickly as possible so they can sell more product. They are there to accommodate the needs of the citizenry, which are multitudinous and often time-consuming.
The people who hire for Chik-fil-A ( at least the ones near me) need to do the hiring for the Postal Services, the DMV, the unemployment office, the VA, etc.
Oh shut the hell up you pompous twit. I hardly ever eat Chik-fil-A but when I do I can’t help but notice their exceptional service and how polite they are which is refreshing in this day and age. Obviously I was taking a shot at incompetent, obnoxious, twits who work at the DMV, Post Office, VA, many whom are Black, Brown or assorted lazy pricks. Lol. Conservatard? Me? Hardly. You will probably find more fat people working for the DMV than those who eat at McDonald’s. Fat? Not really.
To Matt Walsh, who apparently has no fucking idea what’s going on outside of a sound booth, here’s what young men used to do when they graduated high school: they began an apprenticeship in a trade. Since Matt Walsh’s hands are probably about as soft as his vagina, he doesn’t know this. Fast food jobs were originally meant for high school kids working part time and that’s it.
Here’s the other thing about working at Panda Express, or any fast food chain: Guess what you get to deal with all day long? Chimping out negroes, no habla mestizos, all varying types of brown stained bipeds, and those are just your co-workers.
Then you have the customers: all the above multiplied by 1000. Imagine all of the shit your going to have to eat every single day? I’m not talking about the food either. 70k don’t seem like all that much anymore, white boy. Especially to be what amounts to a middle management fall guy.
Let’s see Matt Walsh put on a paper hat and serve fake gook food to negroes. Ding! Flied lice are done, asshole.
From the early 1980's it became technically possible (internet) to mass outsource manufacturing - which is what happened. The US corporate/financial elite de-industrialized the US for extra short-term profits.
“In 1980 the American people elected by a landslide a President who promised to get government off our backs. He said government was the problem, not the solution. He promised to balance the budget within three years, cut government spending drastically, and reduce the awful burden of taxes. When he left office eight years later, government spending was 69% greater, tax collections were 65% larger, and $1.9 trillion had been added to the federal debt your children are supposed to pay.†Harry Browne. �
Oh, I saw that meltdown of industry – right under my nose.
It wasn’t just the government (it just went along to play along). You can add the unions (I personally knew two union “leader” types. Both grew up in households (1930’s) that were headed up by blue collar card carrying communists. Then it’s important to remember that the roaring 20’s, (add on the 40’s, 50’s 60’s) were most lucratively manned by skilled labor. Tool & die makers required some trigonometry – not college style (to these guys, pi is something you eat), no, off the top of your head with simple manual instruments. By the 50’s, those same guys (interested more in making sure Sonny would breed) thought nothing of him shrugging off (fairy stuff) like geometry, intermediate algebra and trig, and God forbid if you brought home all “A’s” too many times – you were “labeled.” Oh, later on, some of those boys manned the (now dwindling, and automated) tool & die shop such that by the 80’s, they were laid off way beyond what the Big 3 could afford, and either took the disability handout, or, went after that fancy 5th grade “biz” “degree” at the junior college. First, Germany, then China (and Japan – who had kiddies putting in 10 hour school days). We remember hearing that. We just went “eew!” That is so American!
It didn’t take much Nixon or Reagan time to ship out US production of the big ticket items and close the place down. Flint, Mich is a classic example, too. Last time I drove through there on 475, humongous factories (biggest factories you’ve ever seen) just sitting there, rusting until they collapse. There is nothing in the world like it, except, maybe Gary. But, from what I can tell, China was last to even listen to unions – it’s a cultural thing. In China you work 60 hrs a week get your hands dirty, and go home to your cramped 750 sq ft apartment. And, note, that’s in a building where everybody (all 15,000 of them) look and act exactly alike – there are no neighborhoods. Lets face it…it was ripe for the picking, and in your American driveway, a K car just wasn’t gonna cut it.
And that old fact of life still holds: Clerks are renters for life. So, kwitcher cryin.
..I feel a second career coming on, Old Sport. You see how expensive food is getting.
“Look up mortgage rates from the 70s and 80s, it wasn’t easy.”
For the first few years, coping with high interest rates might indeed be a struggle, but property was cheaper and home-buyers then could expect their debts to be wiped out by inflation.
If wage inflation was 10 percent per annum (during much of that period, it would have been higher), then someone who paid only the interest on their debts would find they had halved as a proportion of total income over seven years.
Of course, then as now, losing a job could change everything for the worse.
The people who hire for Chik-fil-A ( at least the ones near me) need to do the hiring for the Postal Services, the DMV, the unemployment office, the VA, etc.
Why do conservatards have such a hard time distinguishing between “services” and for-profit enterprises? They are two fundamentally different phenomena. You should expect a different experience when you go to the post office from when you go to a chicken restaurant. The postal, DMV workers, etc. are not there to sell you a product and get you out the door as quickly as possible so they can sell more product. They are there to accommodate the needs of the citizenry, which are multitudinous and often time-consuming.
Chick-fil-A is bland anyway. The fact that Fatmericans are lining up for half-a-mile to eat that pablum is a symptom of Christian degeneration.
No "young up and comer" wants be working full-time in a fast food restaurant. Typically, a young person with potential will want to be pursuing some form of meaningful job training or accreditation so they can do something more rewarding with the majority of their waking hours than serving up generic slop. Hell, if you want to work in food you'd be better off spending those years working your way up the line from dishwasher at a real restaurant, where you can develop some actual culinary skills. Everything at a fast food place is dumbed-down and parochial, so it won't lead you to anything better. There's a reason it's considered a "dead-end" job. (Most fast-food restaurants don't even make the majority of their profits from food. They make them from beverages, which is a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. What "up and comer" wants to be complicit in that?)
70k with benefits for an asst mgr at a fast food place? That’s not a bad job for a young up and comer.
I’m a conservative who never eats fast food. Never been in a panda express. I did wash dishes, wait tables and bartend in restaurants when I was a kid, and I didn’t like doing it, it was hard, boring work that didn’t pay well. But it was a job and it paid. It cracks me up when I hear kids talk about what they want to do. Their “dream job”. Hilarious. There are careers you can go to school for, do well, and get lucky and find the job you always wanted, but that’s as rare as a virgin on an American college campus. Not the way the world works. You take the best job you can find that pays the most money and you work hard at it until you’re a pro. That’s real life. You guys got too many participation trophies as kids.
Christ, conservatives are still whining about participation trophies after all these years?! How lame can you get? They're just cheap pieces of plastic that a kid puts on his shelf where it collects dust and is hardly ever thought of. No kid in the history of the world, ever, has thought to himself: "My Little League Team gives me a worthless trinket every year! That means I never have to strive to accomplish anything!"
You guys got too many participation trophies as kids.
Managing a fast-food restaurant is not the best job a "young up and comer" (those whom we were speaking of) can find. And this has nothing to do with "not wanting to work hard." On the contrary, I said those interested in a career in food service should pursue a job at a real restaurant. That's harder work than fast-food at every level - back of house, customer service & management. And I'm not talking about some dream job at a three-star Michelin place, just a job where you can have some self-respect. Working fast-food over a certain age and I.Q. is degrading.Replies: @Rich
You take the best job you can find that pays the most money and you work hard at it until you’re a pro.
Sending US manufacturing to Chinese slave labor has its roots with Reagan and the free trade guru Milton Friedman. That and amnesty by Reagan for millions of illegals was a big payback to those oligarchs who funded his elections.
Look, I know White people like you are pissed that US multinationals relocated their factories to Mexico and Southeast Asia BEFORE China joined the WTO in 2001. But please don’t blame China which had nothing to do with the business decisions made by US multinationals.
In 1992, George Bush Sr signed NAFTA which stands for the North American Free Trade Agreement that included the USA, Canada and Mexico as part of the tariff-free North American Zone specifically targeting the auto imdustry. Ross Perot at the time campaigned for the US Presidency against NAFTA claiming that it would lead to a “sucking sound” of US blue-collar factory jobs moving out of the US Midwest to Canada and Mexico. And that’s exactly what happened.
During that same period in the 1990s, China was under US sanctions imposed after Tiananmen. But in 1992, the same year Bush Sr signed NAFTA, Deng embarked on his Southern Tour and decided to open China’s economy to foreign investors from Asia and Europe. One of the biggest foreign investors was Singapore which went ahead and established diplomatic relations with China where it invested in the Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park (SSIP). Thousands of Chinese officials were then sent to Singapore to learn about their technocratic system of Confucianist-style governance which was then imported back to China where ETDZs patterned after the SSIP were established all over the coastal cities during the 1990s. Note that German and Japanese automakers started investing in China during this period by establishing JVs to produce their cars in China. But the US automakers did NOT invest in China until later in the 2000s because of US sanctions. Instead, US automakers followed by German, Japanese and South Korean automakers invested in Mexico and Canada which now had tariff-free access to the USA market due to NAFTA. Even after US automakers started investing in China after its accession to the WTO in 2001, those US autos made in China were sold only to the Chinese market but never exported back to the USA. At no point in time did CHINA ever became part of NAFTA and exported autos back to the USA.
During his first term, Trump abolished NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA. If Trump wants to revive the US auto manufacturing industries, he better get rid of the USMCA which he created to replace NAFTA signed by Bush Sr in 1992. Now Trump plans to impose tariffs on auto imports from the top five countries exporting autos to the USA, namely: Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan and South Korea. China is not even in the top ten auto-exporting countries to the USA, below Finland!
By the way, US multinationals like Nike did relocate their factories to China to produce their shoes for export back to the USA. But that didn’t last long as Nike has since the 2010s moved their factories to Vietnam and Indonesia where 80% of their shoes are produced. Only 10% of Nike’s shoes are now made in China to sell to the Chinese market where they have to compete against Chinese brands like ANTA, Li-ning, 361, etc.
The USA is now being marginalized in the Chinese economy not because of any Chinese government policy but because of growing wariness of Chinese businessmen who don’t want to deal with the USA due to the political risks. The Chinese market itself has already surpassed the US market. And China’s trade and investment relationships with RCEP, BRI, EU and BRICS+ countries have long ago surpassed the USA. Today, China’s exports to the USA account for only 2% of its GDP. Excluding American products like Apple’s iPhones, China’s exports to the USA account for only 1% of its GDP. The only thing left that shackles China’s economy to the USA is its use of the USD as its reserve currency. But once China get rid of its import dependency on Arab oil, it will drop the USD and use its own currency for its foreign trade and investment. Once that happens, bye bye Miss American Pie!
You could put ad on Unz calling for those :
I know White people like you are pissed that US multinationals relocated their factories to Mexico and Southeast Asia BEFORE China joined the WTO in 2001. But please don’t blame China which had nothing to do
You sound like a typical Gen-X coomer. We zoomers have to deal with much higher rent and housing prices, so we are often forced to live with parents who in many cases would rather have us out. Regular fast food and customer service jobs are barely sufficient to support a single person, let alone a family, and yes, many of us do want to start a family unlike your hedonistic generation. The life you describe would be good for us if we wanted to selfishly sponge off our parents forever, but we would rather support others than allow others to support us. The fact that we are protesting our economic handicaps is proof that we are not satisfied with mediocrity like you were and want us to be. We don’t want to guzzle beer and sleep with whores, we want to change this country so that we and our children will replace the existing Jewish elite. We can’t do that if we shut up and accept the status quo.
To hell with a reset. The worker bees who cannot afford a home for themselves and their families need to have a revolution. Throw the party labels in the trash. We must take this nation back.
Republicans have been sabotaging SS since it started. Wise heads like Eisenhower knew it.
The problem was “solved” years ago — each worker pays in, and his pay-in is matched via the Federal Government, NOT employers. If done correctly a national lottery could make up the difference and have a lump sum of about a million dollars on retirement. SS checks then come from the interest; the million remains with the government and becomes a national asset. Survivors get a nice payoff but the money stays.
SS would have been sound decades ago but the people running it abused it. SS for illegals? Fine. States without sane workman’s compensation simply pull from supplemental SS funds and the system was NOT set up for that.
Micromanage the world for decades? Trillions of dollars. Wide open borders and tons of new indigent? Trillions of dollars. A highway system nobody asked for and only benefits the likes of Walmart and Jeff Bezos? Trillions.
But the Most Exceptional Nation in History can’t run a simple pension fund? Come on! Recognize sabotage when it’s falling in your lap.
So if Trump gets his wish and builds that Mediterranean resort over the graves of all those Palestinians, what happens next? Poltergeist IV?
I recall a snippet of conversation I overheard standing in the hallway one day between classes in the 6th or 7th grade. It wasn't much really, for I only heard a single sentence. But even then it shocked and troubled me deeply, and I have never forgotten it. In retrospect, it was a perfect harbinger of things to come."Being forced to learn math is a violation of my Civil Rights."I don't think I need to provide any analysis here, neither on the ramifications of this sentiment for this individual, nor on the larger effect on society, nor on who or what was influencing this individual. I think it speaks perfectly for itself.Here we are.Replies: @mel belli
"The average high school graduate from the 1970s is probably more educated than the average Millennial with a 4 year degree that isn’t worth the paper it was printed on."
Around 2000 two boomers, one a half-Mex/half Rican paralegal, the other a white lawyer, were teaching a paralegal class in Berkeley. A young Mexican-American woman received a grade of “D” on an assignment and complained to the lawyer. When he explaned how she’d gotten nearly everything wrong, she replied, “you’re judging me by white standards.” He answered, “well, this paper was graded by a guy who’s Mexican and Puerto Rican.”
Feb 26, 2025 TRUMP Firing Officials FAST As Intel Agency Army Tries To Take Him Out?!

This report breaks down the battle Donald Trump is waging with the intelligence agencies that are hellbent on, at least politically, taking him out.
Feb 22, 2025 White House Deputy Chief of Staff Stephen Miller’s Powerful Speech at CPAC 2025 in Washington, DC

Video Link
Let me guess, the next thing that w will be hearing is how Pres Trump should get a Nobel peace prize for stopping a nuclear war.
after the black guy got one for just getting elected . . .
There are so many dramas ay play here . . . its hard to to keep track.
I keep looking for that border wall.
No "young up and comer" wants be working full-time in a fast food restaurant. Typically, a young person with potential will want to be pursuing some form of meaningful job training or accreditation so they can do something more rewarding with the majority of their waking hours than serving up generic slop. Hell, if you want to work in food you'd be better off spending those years working your way up the line from dishwasher at a real restaurant, where you can develop some actual culinary skills. Everything at a fast food place is dumbed-down and parochial, so it won't lead you to anything better. There's a reason it's considered a "dead-end" job. (Most fast-food restaurants don't even make the majority of their profits from food. They make them from beverages, which is a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. What "up and comer" wants to be complicit in that?)
70k with benefits for an asst mgr at a fast food place? That’s not a bad job for a young up and comer.
The people who hire for Chik-fil-A ( at least the ones near me) need to do the hiring for the Postal Services, the DMV, the unemployment office, the VA, etc. You can have a line a half mile long at Chik-fil-A and be out of there in 5 minutes, service and politeness ranks a 10/10. Pull into a Wendy’s with 3 cars ahead of you and be prepared to wait for 15-20 minutes. Thank you, Trinity and have a blessed 😇 day. teehee ðŸ¤.
Why do conservatards have such a hard time distinguishing between "services" and for-profit enterprises? They are two fundamentally different phenomena. You should expect a different experience when you go to the post office from when you go to a chicken restaurant. The postal, DMV workers, etc. are not there to sell you a product and get you out the door as quickly as possible so they can sell more product. They are there to accommodate the needs of the citizenry, which are multitudinous and often time-consuming.
The people who hire for Chik-fil-A ( at least the ones near me) need to do the hiring for the Postal Services, the DMV, the unemployment office, the VA, etc.
It wasn’t a fantasy, so what the hell are you even talking about?
70k with benefits for an asst mgr at a fast food place? That’s not a bad job for a young up and comer.
No “young up and comer” wants be working full-time in a fast food restaurant. Typically, a young person with potential will want to be pursuing some form of meaningful job training or accreditation so they can do something more rewarding with the majority of their waking hours than serving up generic slop. Hell, if you want to work in food you’d be better off spending those years working your way up the line from dishwasher at a real restaurant, where you can develop some actual culinary skills. Everything at a fast food place is dumbed-down and parochial, so it won’t lead you to anything better. There’s a reason it’s considered a “dead-end” job. (Most fast-food restaurants don’t even make the majority of their profits from food. They make them from beverages, which is a major contributor to the obesity epidemic. What “up and comer” wants to be complicit in that?)
It’s weird that conservatards love fast food so much. They complain about obesity and immigration (which fuels fast food not only with workers, in restaurants, agri-business and food processing, but also with customers), but watch them bitch and whine about the prices and service at their local Wendy’s all over social media.
Cease and desist from sharing your fantasies.
It doesn´t look like it.
Trump is King !
Or is this just another Trump deception where his billionaire buddies in the private sector are going to take ownership of the mines for free and then make billions selling the minerals to other private manufacturing companies, with nothing going back to the Federal Government Treasury?
I would bet on that one – or maybe they get the mines for a few cents on the dollar.
I think that it’s a Ukraine back story from at least 2014. Blackrock and friends were betting on controlling all the resources of Ukraine with a new NATO equipped military and triggering the conflict.
Now that they’re losing they still want the resources. Alternatively delivered by a Peace Treaty and their new agent Trump.
Wow, sounds like whoever raised the younger generations really fucked up. Talk about dropping the ball with your own children!
No, it doesn'tReplies: @Cloudwalker
Tesla now has an edge to compete with BYD globally with jUkraine’s mines supply in-da-pocket
Tesla now has an edge to compete with BYD globally
I should’ve put it clear,
COSTWISE not in the sense of R&D
Since Tesla still using BYD & CATL battery modules, they are more of ‘digital service provider(data miner,,)’ than a legit ev car maker.
Trump is actually attempting to undo the damage done during the Reagan years. That is when we started moving much of our production to China.China still had a closed economy until the 1990s. In 1992, Deng opened up China's economy to foreign investors from Asia and Europe except the USA which had imposed sanctions on China after Tiananmen in 1989. The outsourcing trend started in the 1960s when US manufacturers relocated their factories to the maquiladoras in Mexico. That was followed by US manufacturers relocating their factories to Southeast Asia in the 1970s. Then George Bush Sr signed NAFTA in 1992 which created a tariff-free zone in North America that induced the wholesale relocation of auto factories from the US Midwest to Mexico and Canada. To this day, most of the foreign-made autos imported to the USA come from Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan and South Korea. But not China which hardly exported autos to the USA.China didn't join the WTO until 2001. Only thereafter did US multinationals relocate their factories from Mexico and Southeast Asia to China. Before 2001, US multinationals that wanted to do business in China had to get a waiver from the US government due to US sanctions imposed after Tiananmen. China's exports to the USA grew rapidly after its accession to the WTO in 2001. But since the GFC 2008, China's exports to the USA has declined to around 2% of its GDP. Over time, China's exports would decline to just 1% of its GDP. By that time, US multinationals would have found some other countries to outsource the manufacturing of their American products.China is done with the USA. Finished.Replies: @HT, @Cloudwalker
Thanks for the clear lay-out
Lots of mismashed key times & misconceptions about this ‘China stole muh jobs’ narrative,
when you look at it, China wasn’t even the biggest exporter to U.S only for a VERY LIMITED time frame,
which was during B.Jr~Clinton era
You gotta love the arrogant stupidity and pig ignorant self-delusion of Yanks. China dominates the supply-chains of all the minerals required for modern manufacturing. In the end either Russia will take over these sites as they crush Banderastan, or the minerals will be processed by China. You’ve lost, Yank-long ago. All you got left is your racist arrogance.
There are tens of millions coming, racist troll. Driven by that climate destabilisation that your type love to deny. Nothing will stop them. It sucks, eh.
So the Big Parasite wants the virtues of parasitism extolled by his flunkies-or else, of course. Mini Murdoch.
I guess Cernovich thinks the American dream is being able to exist with a gym membership, protein shakes, and 3 roommates, all while the whole country blends into an amorphous brown blob.
Tesla now has an edge to compete with BYD globally with jUkraine’s mines supply in-da-pocket
No, it doesn’t
I should've put it clear,
Tesla now has an edge to compete with BYD globally
Does the merchant class have any real compass?
Here’s the problem, Mr. Bezos. “Classical liberalism†or “conservatism†is cringe if it isn’t accompanied by thinly veiled racial dog-whistling. Thus, your liberal readers will, at best, roll their eyes; they’ll probably leave. Your conservative readers won’t subscribe. The rich…
— Richard Spencer 🇺🇦 (ardBSpencer) February 26, 2025
Really? Most chinks own their own property. The lolberturdian mutt huh-white rent from their jew-friendly landlords, like in Argentina. Now that is one wonderful lolberturdian paradies in action. Or was it anarcho-capitalism?
Why do kike lovers always have bad haircut?
I will at least say that you are far more insidious and competent than open retards like johnny boy and other rabid dogs on this site. But even you can’t go against your masters and half-heartedly tell young men to stand against the gynocracy, which is the most local source of their misery. The male-led families must not rise again. It is your masters’ most important wish. All the jew and banker shit rest on this status quo.
Don’t worry, all your word-smithing and kosher hopping will amount to nothing in the end.
Working at Panda Express is the pinnacle of the American Dream
But… They don’t even serve panda.
Moar seriously though…
It’s nice to see that Carl’s Jr. hired Lily Phillips to do the SuperBowlâ„¢ commercial.
So. Much. Winning! ☮ï¸
Move to California marry an illegal Hispanic any one of them you ask will do it for the green card. And you’ll be surrounded protected and given jobs help remodeling your house whatever you need by her tribe from the sane village back in Central America. Really.
Of course you’ll have to reciprocate. Be prepared to house 15 relatives in your 3 bedroom house And more in the garage.
I’ve been telling black people for over 40 years, “both the Demoncrats and the Republicans hate you, but Republicans are much better at spreading the misery so Honkees feel it too.”
Disagree, it’s class war, and pitting the plebes against each other using race and gender is methodology.Replies: @Truth, @Anonymous
I’ve been telling black people for over 40 years, “both the Demoncrats and the Republicans hate you, but Republicans are much better at spreading the misery so Honkees feel it too.â€
I think the underlying problem is people don’t know what and who makeup The Deep State. The Deep State are the Rulers of the USA. Myth #1 (imho) about The Deep State is that is composed of one unified entity. It is NOT! The Deep State is more like the 5 New York Crime Families: these entities are all in it for getting huge amounts of money, but internally they feud and conduct infighting. But at the end of the Day, these entities, these deep State Crime Families, keep their squabbles ‘in house’. This explains why the National Debt goes upwards regardless of which Party has a majority in Congress. Neither Party actually wants to do anything about the National Debt; it’s all about getting the biggest slice of the Taxpayer “pie” they can get.
You see that group of pampered American Pyscho kids at the Cruel Kids Table on the cover of that trashazine cover. Those are the kind of white traitor trash douchebags that shit on Whites and suck up to non whites. I’ve seen it my whole life. They hate working class or poor Whites, mock them, while going out of their way to suck kike cawk or dance awkwardly to nigra rap like that clown Bruce Willis did alongside P Diddler when Lil John was (c)rapping at a Hollywood event that probably featured gawd only knows at the after party. I had the displeasure of dealing with some pompous status seeking D-bags like this when they had the Centennial Celebration for the Statue of Liberty on Governor’s Island back in 1986. Good ole Ronnie made an appearance, rolled right past Liz Taylor in my little 🚒, should have told her, lighten up, Liz. Bunch of young dudes, hair full of mousse, little priss ass whores, etc. lol.
Cue: Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money
Not one White American has ever or will ever work at Panda Express or any Asian restaurant.
But it’s not discrimination oh no!
Well Spain threw the Muslims out, so no it isn’t impossible. But the U.S. isn’t a serious country. Otherwise they would get them out, using force. And the nations that sent them to the U.S. are all very weak, so Trumps stupid threats might just work against them.
President Reagan later said of meeting Trump, “For the life of me, and I’ll never know how to explain it, but when I met that man, I felt like I was the one shaking hands with the President.â€
See how high Jeon Musk got wielding chainsaw??
Those rare minerals are vital to EV cars and ‘New’ energy, by gutting jUkraine inside out,
Tesla now has an edge to compete with BYD globally with jUkraine’s mines supply in-da-pocket, while
China has to invest, negotiate and lay complex plan to gain access to those minerals.
No, it doesn'tReplies: @Cloudwalker
Tesla now has an edge to compete with BYD globally with jUkraine’s mines supply in-da-pocket
The reality is always frustrating,
but to this scale folks are not waking the fk up is just, beyond belief
Always, always have a game-out plan,
cash, food, amo and mobility, if you could relocate to far east of Russia, or some euro eastern bloc,
I say go for it
BUT unlike South Africa, America was overwhelmingly White at one time before white traitor trash pedophiles, scammers, sex addicts, alcoholics, sociopaths, homosexual politicians GAVE this country to kikes, nigras, beaners, assorted muds, etc. What’s up with the latest colored pets, the dot heads? Who will be our next diversity special, a hairy back Paki. Look how (((Fox News))) fawns over Kash Patel and that Vivek guy. Vance has a dot head wife. Always fascinated with Indian and Persian physical culture being an exercise freak but let’s make Washington and America White Again and by White, that excludes people like wtt Trumps and Reagans. Of course it was the shit stirring greasy kike behind the demise of South Africa and America. Go figure.
Trump is actually attempting to undo the damage done during the Reagan years. That is when we started moving much of our production to China.China still had a closed economy until the 1990s. In 1992, Deng opened up China's economy to foreign investors from Asia and Europe except the USA which had imposed sanctions on China after Tiananmen in 1989. The outsourcing trend started in the 1960s when US manufacturers relocated their factories to the maquiladoras in Mexico. That was followed by US manufacturers relocating their factories to Southeast Asia in the 1970s. Then George Bush Sr signed NAFTA in 1992 which created a tariff-free zone in North America that induced the wholesale relocation of auto factories from the US Midwest to Mexico and Canada. To this day, most of the foreign-made autos imported to the USA come from Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan and South Korea. But not China which hardly exported autos to the USA.China didn't join the WTO until 2001. Only thereafter did US multinationals relocate their factories from Mexico and Southeast Asia to China. Before 2001, US multinationals that wanted to do business in China had to get a waiver from the US government due to US sanctions imposed after Tiananmen. China's exports to the USA grew rapidly after its accession to the WTO in 2001. But since the GFC 2008, China's exports to the USA has declined to around 2% of its GDP. Over time, China's exports would decline to just 1% of its GDP. By that time, US multinationals would have found some other countries to outsource the manufacturing of their American products.China is done with the USA. Finished.Replies: @HT, @Cloudwalker
Sending US manufacturing to Chinese slave labor has its roots with Reagan and the free trade guru Milton Friedman. That and amnesty by Reagan for millions of illegals was a big payback to those oligarchs who funded his elections.
Sending US manufacturing to Chinese slave labor has its roots with Reagan and the free trade guru Milton Friedman. That and amnesty by Reagan for millions of illegals was a big payback to those oligarchs who funded his elections.Look, I know White people like you are pissed that US multinationals relocated their factories to Mexico and Southeast Asia BEFORE China joined the WTO in 2001. But please don't blame China which had nothing to do with the business decisions made by US multinationals. In 1992, George Bush Sr signed NAFTA which stands for the North American Free Trade Agreement that included the USA, Canada and Mexico as part of the tariff-free North American Zone specifically targeting the auto imdustry. Ross Perot at the time campaigned for the US Presidency against NAFTA claiming that it would lead to a "sucking sound" of US blue-collar factory jobs moving out of the US Midwest to Canada and Mexico. And that's exactly what happened.During that same period in the 1990s, China was under US sanctions imposed after Tiananmen. But in 1992, the same year Bush Sr signed NAFTA, Deng embarked on his Southern Tour and decided to open China's economy to foreign investors from Asia and Europe. One of the biggest foreign investors was Singapore which went ahead and established diplomatic relations with China where it invested in the Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park (SSIP). Thousands of Chinese officials were then sent to Singapore to learn about their technocratic system of Confucianist-style governance which was then imported back to China where ETDZs patterned after the SSIP were established all over the coastal cities during the 1990s. Note that German and Japanese automakers started investing in China during this period by establishing JVs to produce their cars in China. But the US automakers did NOT invest in China until later in the 2000s because of US sanctions. Instead, US automakers followed by German, Japanese and South Korean automakers invested in Mexico and Canada which now had tariff-free access to the USA market due to NAFTA. Even after US automakers started investing in China after its accession to the WTO in 2001, those US autos made in China were sold only to the Chinese market but never exported back to the USA. At no point in time did CHINA ever became part of NAFTA and exported autos back to the USA.During his first term, Trump abolished NAFTA and replaced it with the USMCA. If Trump wants to revive the US auto manufacturing industries, he better get rid of the USMCA which he created to replace NAFTA signed by Bush Sr in 1992. Now Trump plans to impose tariffs on auto imports from the top five countries exporting autos to the USA, namely: Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan and South Korea. China is not even in the top ten auto-exporting countries to the USA, below Finland! By the way, US multinationals like Nike did relocate their factories to China to produce their shoes for export back to the USA. But that didn't last long as Nike has since the 2010s moved their factories to Vietnam and Indonesia where 80% of their shoes are produced. Only 10% of Nike's shoes are now made in China to sell to the Chinese market where they have to compete against Chinese brands like ANTA, Li-ning, 361, etc. The USA is now being marginalized in the Chinese economy not because of any Chinese government policy but because of growing wariness of Chinese businessmen who don't want to deal with the USA due to the political risks. The Chinese market itself has already surpassed the US market. And China's trade and investment relationships with RCEP, BRI, EU and BRICS+ countries have long ago surpassed the USA. Today, China's exports to the USA account for only 2% of its GDP. Excluding American products like Apple's iPhones, China's exports to the USA account for only 1% of its GDP. The only thing left that shackles China's economy to the USA is its use of the USD as its reserve currency. But once China get rid of its import dependency on Arab oil, it will drop the USD and use its own currency for its foreign trade and investment. Once that happens, bye bye Miss American Pie! Replies: @Cloudwalker
“Tilt†buzzer.Replies: @Felpudinho, @Trinity
America needs a ————? Fill in the blank.
Maybe an enema to boot to cleanse Washington of kikesuckers and color blind cuckold white traitor trash.
‘White Men need to stop supporting ZOG.’ — Dr Doom
But here’s the Jewsmedia, jealously hissing in their ear:
Under Trump, America’s New Friends: Russia, North Korea and Belarus
‘On the war in Ukraine, President Trump finds common cause with the world’s outlier states and stands against traditional U.S. allies.’ — New York Slimes, 26 Feb 2025
Spot the distortion? The biggest outlier state of all — one that’s committing genocide as it bombs and invades neighboring countries — is missing from the Slimes’ pariah hall of shame.
That would be little Israel, of course. Same as it was under the former ‘Biden’ regime, and every preceding US administration all the way back to the crooked little haberdasher from Kansas City.
Israel has no right to exist.
Death to the Lügenpresse.
Could the 170 km long city called The Line being built in Saudi Arabia be the place to which they will relocate all the Palestinians, from Gaza first then from the West Bank?
For a time (which seems to be over now) the mantra became “you can’t make it because the White Christian straight cis male is oppressing youâ€
So Theo Adorno’s solution was to sit down and ghost write Whole Lotta Love for Led Zeppelin among all the other hits of the 60s and early 70s.
The internet is a great tool. However it has spawned an epoch where even a grave digger has a podcast with hollering, screaming and a whole heap of bullshit commentary. Some points that jumped out at me:
-I dont know any UPS dude making $55 K a year and I dont see anyy who are white. Most are Pajeets or Dindoos struggling for survival
-As for restaurant work, most restaurants seem to be owned by Pajeets who hire only Pajeets. Same for gas stations, convemience stores, motels, hotels, dollar stores etc.
-Where the trades are concerned employers are not hiring apprentices or graduates “cos there be none to hire. The youth dont want to get their hands dirty for $83K a year. They want to be an out of work programmer or computer something waiting for Google to call them and beg them to save the company.
Recently I got chatting with my Express Mail/ Parcel delivery slave. He looked at too many movies in Calcutta and believed that he would be like the leading man. That is, flashy suits, expensive shoes, a Lambo, cool condo with a view, a fat stack and bitches begging him to fuck them. His clash with reality has been a shock and he now reflects that coming to the West was a big mistake ! A mistake too enormous to correct.
As for Trump braying about deporting the untold millions in the US this is all hyper ventilating horse shit. Its an impossible task and to boot, those ICE catches, well , distant countries like those in Africa refuse to accept them back and it is too expensive to fly them back. Maduro for example also does not want back his dangerous criminals and lunatics he so helpfully sent to America.
From what I see even in my city North America will be Niggerized and Pajeetized in another 25 years. Whites will either have to join the hordes or live in security enclaves.
This is the real thing. The West is finished and no amount of MAGA hype and barking or podcaster mouthwash is going to change the direction of this train wreck.
The economy really sucked in the early 80s and despite the cookie cutter yuppie movies about that time, the late 1980s were just marginally better for MOST WORKING Americans.�
Yeah, I definitely preferred (((Roth))) over Hagar.
Cue: Dance The Night Away by Van Halen
Communism has an actual definition. It does not describe every time that people work collectively to achieve some common goal or survive some common peril. Not even when people do so partly through government, i.e. “legalized†coercion, which may be right and may be wrong but is not by itself communism.
Lol – Let’s Make Communism Great Again.
You use that word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.
With tens of millions of Fatmericans cheering for this child-murderer even after these satanic videos about building profitable premises on top of the corpses … it is not just the US government that I can’t respect, trust, or work for.
It is the American people themselves.
To HELL with them, literally.
Remember when Trumpstein would read you that poem about The Snake ðŸ? Trumpstein is that snake. Trumpstein is one of the most Jewy “white guys†around.
Give people what they paid in with simple interest-be happy to get it-will never get what I paid in like a very large number of people. I have several friends who died b4 getting a dime who paid in their whole life-this common. The SSDI scam now funding illegal aliens is breathtaking.
The 1920s were incredibly White, they could survive a crash. Today it looks more like South Africa in the 80s, the day before The Walking Dead outbreak.
The Cvirus Vx took care of that…look up the true death tables of the insurance industry the Media is hiding as to increased mortality since the Vx– a couple more years and most who got the bio weapon will be dead.
Just proven the killer monkey virus in the 1950s Polio Vx was also put into it and nearly no reporting on this ofc-this was the cause of massive cancer in the USA for decades and the MD most involved in it injected his grandkids killing the boy and crippling the girl-he then founded the American Cancer Society to cash in on what he (oopsie) and his buddies did–He’ s called “Fauci 1.0”– it’s amazing how clueless people are…sad but also laughable- “Booster Up!”
Yes, it does look like 1925. Over leveraged brats “invested†in the next hot thing party on while the folks in flyover country continue to tighten their belts. Throw in a Florida land boom that is starting to turn over, and you’re pretty much there.
BTW, the 1920s in the USA ended in 1942.
From the early 1980's it became technically possible (internet) to mass outsource manufacturing - which is what happened. The US corporate/financial elite de-industrialized the US for extra short-term profits.
“In 1980 the American people elected by a landslide a President who promised to get government off our backs. He said government was the problem, not the solution. He promised to balance the budget within three years, cut government spending drastically, and reduce the awful burden of taxes. When he left office eight years later, government spending was 69% greater, tax collections were 65% larger, and $1.9 trillion had been added to the federal debt your children are supposed to pay.†Harry Browne. �
And stop the trickle down . . .
Trump is actually attempting to undo the damage done during the Reagan years. That is when we started moving much of our production to China.
China still had a closed economy until the 1990s. In 1992, Deng opened up China’s economy to foreign investors from Asia and Europe except the USA which had imposed sanctions on China after Tiananmen in 1989.
The outsourcing trend started in the 1960s when US manufacturers relocated their factories to the maquiladoras in Mexico. That was followed by US manufacturers relocating their factories to Southeast Asia in the 1970s. Then George Bush Sr signed NAFTA in 1992 which created a tariff-free zone in North America that induced the wholesale relocation of auto factories from the US Midwest to Mexico and Canada. To this day, most of the foreign-made autos imported to the USA come from Mexico, Canada, Germany, Japan and South Korea. But not China which hardly exported autos to the USA.
China didn’t join the WTO until 2001. Only thereafter did US multinationals relocate their factories from Mexico and Southeast Asia to China. Before 2001, US multinationals that wanted to do business in China had to get a waiver from the US government due to US sanctions imposed after Tiananmen. China’s exports to the USA grew rapidly after its accession to the WTO in 2001. But since the GFC 2008, China’s exports to the USA has declined to around 2% of its GDP. Over time, China’s exports would decline to just 1% of its GDP. By that time, US multinationals would have found some other countries to outsource the manufacturing of their American products.
China is done with the USA. Finished.
Good article. Big picture, if push came to shove, i’d much rather have to contend w/the bastard who openly tells me – in clear unequivocal terms – that he’s going to knife me in the back than the snake in the grass who successfully cons me into believing i can count on him to try to protect my back while secretly plotting to send me to my grave.
The pro white/European cause still suffers from having significant numbers of men who are apparently totally incapable &/or unwilling of distinguishing friends from enemies.
Till the world turns upside down & proven otherwise, trump is a terrible enemy of pro whites/Europeans.