A more recent in-depth study of Moderna is quite chilling :
Several months ago I came across some info regarding the transfer of ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ from Moderna to the University of North Carolina, weeks before the publicly-announced outbreak of Covid-19.
I thought to myself at the time that it was a strong indication Moderna was heavily implicated in the origin of SARS-CoV-2 . Your post has certainly articulated this view very well . Today I stumbled on another article which dissects and reveals a clear picture of what kind of a hi-tech mRNA-obsessed animal Moderna really is :
Having been a software engineer all my working life, it has been obvious to me for years that a computer virus creator is most probably someone whose day-job is with an antivirus software outfit . Evidently this kind of scenario also prevails in the medical-treatment industry .
Ron Unz:
I would like to thank you for linking to the comments of the OldMicrobiologist. The information which he (she? It? I don’t want to presume gender here) provided was most valuable in suggesting to me a fifth conjecture, as to what was the cause of the outbreak of SARS-COV2 in Wuhan, China.
Coming to this very late as I was completely unaware of this article so can only defend myself 18 months later.
I’m very glad to see you here and that you’ve discovered we republished your remarks from the Saker’s website last year. Your professional expertise was very welcome at the time, and I cited it quite extensively in my own articles, which are collected together here:
Since you’d used the name “OldMicrobiologist” (without the space), we followed it for your piece. The system automatically highlights remarks by the author, so I changed your recent comments to use that name, and you should follow it in any future comments.
Incidentally, I have a question for you. At the time you originally made your comments, had you become aware of our website and read any of our articles regarding the likely origins of the Covid outbreak in Wuhan? I noticed some of your conclusions very closely matched our own. If you hadn’t been seen our articles at that point, your views would have been entirely independent, and that would be useful to know.
I will finish with what we know today. I surmise there are 4 potential scenarios for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2. First, it could have developed naturally and crossed over into humans. To me, this is unlikely given we have found no related viruses even halfway between the nearest cousin and COVID.
Second, the same virus could have been isolated from bats and cultured in the Wuhan Institute of Virology and then by accident escape the containment labs (which labs is a big question and it could be any). I consider this unlikely as we have a pretty good idea what strains they were working with. As for they deliberately infected their own population is impossible to me. They are not crazy. But, this is certainly possible albeit a low probability given what all we know now.
Third, it could have been developed in a lab using chimeric techniques and the methods described by Peter Daszak at EcoHealth Alliance using funding from NIAID and explicit approval from Fauci. Ralp Barrick at UNC-CH did the early work on Cornovirus Chimeras and GoF work he published with WIV. This work has the goal of creating interesting viruses to be used to develop vaccines and countermeasures. This could have escaped from the lab but which lab? This is pretty likely the real source and why we aren’t seeing any efforts to find out the origins in patients in the US, Italy, Spain, or China. It is simple enough to do using paraffin-embedded tissue samples taken at autopsy and are stored for at least 10 years. No one has suggested doing this which speaks volumes. Some of this work might have had collaborators at some of the military labs (SARS is an emerging disease so has keen interest) and some soldiers may have become infected and at least one of these traveled to Italy and then Wuhan. Again, pretty easy to check on this. We do know at least 6 soldiers were sick with respiratory disease at the CISM games so this seems to be likely. Again, it has been obfuscated.
Fourth, it could have been developed as a bioweapon for a deliberate BW attack against China. No evidence exists for this but we know Pompeo has publicly stated he can and will do anything and we know he plotted the assassination of Assange so I have no qualms of suspecting him of anything. He and Bolton have no moral or ethical code whatsoever. They could have run this past Trump without his noticing it at all.
I would hate to believe the US would do this deliberately and without any countermeasures in place. However, we also know Moderna (implicated for some nefarious stuff associated with a large number of deaths in clinical trials in the lab in Tiblisi Georgia) had a vaccine candidate 2 days after China released the full-length genome. To me the likelihood of them doing that is impossible. I am pretty good and I would expect it to take several weeks to do the analysis and protein prediction work. But, generating proteins only tells you so much. You then have to run it through animals to prove these epitopes give a proper antibody response that actually neutralizes the virus. That kind of work takes years. But, the smoking gun is Moderna which raises this as a possibility. However, if it was a program to develop a vaccine against a potential natural threat they could have gotten involved through the NIAID. Until we see the funding documents and research plan we have no real idea what they were up to. My suspicions were raised when after Biden was elected the MSM and the government began to buy into the lab leak theory and pushed it onto China without any evidence. This seems a bit too convenient and suggests that the NIAID documents have some signatures on them that might be very embarrassing. Possible a former Vice President gave the approval to bypass the regulatory committees for this potentially dangerous work. We can hope Rand Paul keeps digging at Fauci and gets to the bottom of this at the NIAID end of things. So at this point, I am 50/50 NIAID vs CIA. I am not sure which is worse.
Also, the only military labs doing biodefense research now are USAMRIID, AFIP, and WRAIR. All other labs, including the combat labs, do actual clinical microbiology. The deployable (combat) combat labs are dual function and have the mission to identify BW, Chem and nuclear agents in the field but most often are used for sanitation missions or disease outbreaks associated with mass migrations or warfare. The latter are humanitarian missions and often involve building sewage treatment and freshwater facilities. The Nunn-Lugar Act funded work (all managed by DTRA) are supposed to be counter-proliferation work and particularly in former Soviet Republics. Some of this got the CIA piggybacked into it without DoD support. The work ate the WRAIR, AFIP, and USAMRIID are all devoted towards treatments, detection, and countermeasures for both naturally occurring diseases and biological warfare agents. Often (usually) these are the same thing. Emerging threats is a new area and include actual emerging new disease SARS and MERS are examples, but also they attempt to predict any man-made agents. This is where it gets sticky and ethics comes into question. I was part of a movement to try and move this type of research into in silico (computer simulations) rather than in vitro (laboratory), or in vivo (animal) work. My expertise was in aerosol exposures (and all other routes as well of select agents using animal models. I also performed simultaneously human subject research on naturally infected people in endemic areas to develop disease correlates between the animal models and humans to predict and prove the efficacy of vaccines (or therapeutics) against agents with high lethality but low endemicity. These are impossible to test using double-blind studies and/or challenge protection studies due to ethical considerations we must adhere to. The DoD takes all of that very seriously and anyone found pushing the borders on ethics gets removed very quickly (and many find their way over to the CIA or its contractors). I was very aggressive in removing these kinds of people (especially superiors) which made me pretty unpopular.
All that said we do know that the NIH through the NIAID did fund gain of function research on these viruses which included animal studies. EcoHealth Alliance was the cutout. Where the actual work was performed is a good question. What we also know is the detailed research plan EcoHelath Alliance had planned to do this work from the grant submission submitted to DARPA. DARPA gets a bad rap but in fact they adhere to the regulations very carefully an this was too much for them to even consider. Most researchers submit identical research proposals to several grant funding agencies at the same time or recycle them over again on later years if they were unfunded. These are long submissions and I was very successful in getting many. In fact, I was a bit too successful and had trouble doing all the work I promised each agency or coinvestigators I (my lab) could do. We moved from command directed research with actual budgets to entrepreneurial research where we had to go out and search for money and then pay rent to our own institutes and higher commands to the tune of more than 60%.
That said some people became desperate and proposed some pretty wild ideas. Without funding your program ceases to exist. That is an entire other problem caused by this type of funding. Expertise is hard to develop and you have to pay your people and keep them occupied. When funding gets scarce people leave and the expertise is gone usually forever. It takes years to develop people to do this horrible work. The working conditions are awful as for example in my lab you had to wear two pair of protective waterproof suits, a battery-powered positive air respirator, and three pairs of gloves. Leaving the lab had a decontamination process that took 30 minutes. You can’t sit at all because of the suits, the blowers for the respirators and the batteries. You get no breaks including bathroom breaks, the labs are loud and hot and the very air outside your suit can kill you. On top of that, the animals are aggressive and violent and a scratch or bite can also kill you. There is no hazard pay whatsoever and accidents happen all the time despite trying to think of every possible problem. Many of the agents we worked with had no effective treatment and the macaques all had Herpes B which is 100% fatal to humans. It is an awful job but you do it because you believe what you are doing matters.
I would also like to clarify what I was trying to get across. I do not think it originated at USAMRIID or any other DoD lab. There are too many eyes in there to do nefarious work. But, some military scientists also work at other facilities (Lugar Lab in Georgia is one and that lab is compartmentalized even the Georgians have no idea what is going on in there and it is ostensibly their lab). If anything really nasty (offensive bioweapon) was done it would have been done up in West Jefferson Ohio at BMI under black contract. They did a lot of anthrax and plague stuff so why not more. It is black funding and closed to everyone. It is possible that some soldiers worked there and at USAMRIID or even at the TAML (Now designated as an AML) at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Many technicians are slotted at places and jump around a lot on assignments. Anyone could get an asymptomatic infection and travel around. Some soldiers travel a lot. When I was a deployable officer assigned under PROFIS to the TAML I had several deployments all over the world and on short notice. I was not alone in this.
Coming to this very late as I was completely unaware of this article so can only defend myself 18 months later. Yes, you are correct. I also suffer from dyslexic typing after having broken my left wrist in a snowboarding accident. As for Fort Detrich vs Fort Detrick I always got that screwed up for years and still do today. Big deal. I worked there but wasn’t assigned there and had a daily commute of over 50 miles each way. My own facility didn’t have ABSL-3 primate capabilities until it we re-built at a new facility. I was so happy to stop working there as it is the most dysfunctional place on earth. Being an outsider but of a sufficient rank to be treated with minimal respect (and several of my good friends worked there who ‘protected” me from bureaucratic abuse) was more like real combat on a daily basis. My hosts turned out to be my main enemies. I shared a lab with Bruce Ivins for example who was very clearly an eccentric nutcase, and this is speaking as one myself. Bruce and I were respectful enemies as the anthrax program got way more funding than our program. Money talks in research.
I will add I came up through the ranks being drafted during Vietnam and staying in for 12 years enlisted to the rank of SFC. I finished my BS and MS in 2 years and was commissioned as a rotary pilot. Towards the end of my enlisted career, I was cross-trained into Special Forces (Q course only with no assignments just the badge) and came back to it again (indirectly) through PSYOPS as I finished the PSYOP course and carried that as my Alternate MOS. Now it is called MISO but at that time it was still PSYOPS and only in Reserves so no danger of actually getting an assignment in it. It was a deliberate move on my part to avoid becoming Acquisition Corps which is the typical alternate MOS for military microbiologists. When I retired from active duty there were only 32 microbiologists left (no clue how many now but more likely less) with most slots lost to make more combat arms slots and shifting everything to civilians and contractors. The Medical Services Corps eats their young so not a great place to be if you have a PhD and expect to be promoted especially if you are a pain in the ass to your superiors. Former sergeants are always difficult and I was among the worst. I switched from uniform to contractor when I retired and then civil service when it was deemed that contractors could no longer represent themselves as principal investigators. No big deal but I lost in salary and was capped at GS-15 step 10 with no hope of annual raises or bonuses. It also meant I had to participate in DTRA-funded projects in the ‘stans where I was quickly removed by DoS people for acting too military against the foreign government scientists. I was told by the Chief of my Corps I would be the last officer ever recalled to active duty. Thank God for that.
So yeah, more than 40 years in the US government and I suck at writing usually requiring a lot of edits. My posts were informal and first draft so people who want to read into it are idiots.
As for what I wrote now much later it still rings true and actually has more evidence of correctness.
I'm very glad to see you here and that you've discovered we republished your remarks from the Saker's website last year. Your professional expertise was very welcome at the time, and I cited it quite extensively in my own articles, which are collected together here:
Coming to this very late as I was completely unaware of this article so can only defend myself 18 months later.
The Coronavirus was yet another attack perpetrated by the (((Globalist/Leftist Elite))) their white Gentile lackeys and the Communist Chinese, on what is left of White Christian Civilization.
The purpose dovetails perfectly with many of their stated goals. Among them would be election fraud, ruination of Western economies and the destruction of small privately owned businesses, killing off older white citizens, continued traumatization of white youth and white families, fostering blind obedience of State bureaucrats and agencies etc…etc…
For God created man incorruptible, and to the image of his own likeness he made him. But by the envy of the devil, death came into the world: And they follow him that are of his side.…
Reading this again after 15 months, after all the covid 19 articles and comments.
This is still part of the top 3.
Kudos to UNZ for sticking this again at the top after over a year.
You are a typically racist, pig ignorant, Sinophobe thug who believes everything that FoxNews tells you about China. No wonder the likes of that typically American cane-toad can get away with his genocidal hate-mongering. A word, dear-China ain’t Iraq or Grenada.
Of course, the strangely fortuitous appearance of COVID in Iran when it did could have been the work of a close ally of the US, who just happens to have Level-4 facilities and just happens to have been working with Coronaviruses, and just happens to be in the area.
May explain why the variant in Iran was considered to not be related to the variant in Wuhan.
Regarding the word ‘nebutistic’, I am entertaining the theory that it may be a plant word. I may have just made up ‘plant’ as used in this context, but by that, I mean a word that is intentionally misspelled so that it makes people do searches (eg. Google), to look it up. A search for this word is then logged by the search provider and then shared with whatever agencies they’re in cahoots with. Just a thought. This way, said agency can see who’s reading what articles. It also provides visibility as to where else this specific text has been published and thereby allow a grouping of information portals regarding certain subjects or genre of subjects.
Read the Bible —-read Acts 4:35 and then again read Acts 11:29. Acts is penned by Luke and he was a Greek doctor of medicine. Both scenes outline what a person contributes and how it is to be distributed. IT IS IN BIBLE and word of God, Now —–final paragraphs of Communist Manifesto references this and the opposite is the invisible hand of Adam Smith and the lure of self-enrichment and capitalism. God versus satan—–
Thank god the Chinese have a totalitarian government. These actions stopped the virus dead in its track. You guys can’t even get tested for the virus and the UK government have given up and going to let nature takes its course! This alone prove that Democracy is the worst kind of government ever, internecine strife ensures that nothing gets done and the Peter principle does the most damage.Replies: @lysias, @Gleimhart Mantooso, @GomezAdddams
As the totalitarian government in China allows the ruling clique to do what it wishes with the Chinese people: quarantines, forced vaccines, exclusion zones, round-ups, mass detentions, hospitals and ‘deathatoriums’, crematoriums … all can be quickly built and implemented as regard for human rights and due process in China are limited.
The 123-page report described the likelihood of the virus being introduced to humans via an intermediate animal host as “likely to very likely”, that of it reaching humans via cold food chain products as “possible”, that of it directly infecting humans as “possible to likely”, and that of it being spread to humans through a lab accident as “extremely unlikely”.
In other words, the report gives no credence to the unfounded speculation that the pandemic was caused by a leak from a lab in Wuhan. And it highlights the significance of international collaboration on origin-tracing research in a global context.
It also stands as a powerful repudiation of the shameless lies some Western politicians and pundits have churned out to slander China over the months, and a sobering reminder that more hard work is needed to determine the pandemic’s history.
nukes to bioweapon transition happened in 99 says GW in the ‘heavy metal’ vid on the back up channel Neighborhood News Michigan
Covid-19 Likely in U.S. in Mid-December 2019, CDC Scientists Report
The findings significantly strengthen evidence suggesting the virus was spreading around the world well before public health authorities and researchers became aware, upending initial thinking about how early and quickly it emerged.
Nothing I wrote contradicted the statistics you posted.
We are not talking about the average longevity of the Chinese during a normal, period. We are talking about the current virus outbreak. The Chinese who died from the virus, probably tried Chinese medicine, and by the time they went to the hospital for some Western medicine, it was too late. And China is a polluted hell hole. China’s contaminated products killed animals here in the US. How does that have anything to do with shrink wrapped meat in America? As for the slaughter of rare animals, they are really determined to kill every last one of them, for reasons that have no basis in science. The the Chinese live longer because they eat more vegetables and less meat, less calories over all and because smaller people live longer in general. They are not living longer because they eat bats, or pangolins, or because they take tiger penis soup, rhino or antelope horn.
I do follow your reasoning. But would like to add, if I wanted to get a virus of mine into a country, I would use a human host who would become sick as a dog and cough on everyone in said target country.
Now China feels, from what I have read, that this is exactly what happened to them. A US female bicycle contestant in the Games became very sick and quickly so did six more contestants (no idea of nationality) all of whom were from the same hotel. All were taken to the same Chinese hospital were they were diagnosed with a “malaria-like” malady.
They were then joined in hospital by a host of workers from the hotel. A few of whom ate at the wet market, but NOT all of them. So China feels they have patient Zero. I suspect they may be right.
Is it a bio-weapon, well, walks like a duck, talks like a duck…or perhaps like a bat:)
Wow. Sorry. I misspoke.
You’re a devout communist and so are the two ‘agrees’ you brought with you.
Christ, do you actually believe that we’ll buy into this shit just because you typed it??
Gadhafi spoke too much “truth” about our reality for the Zionists.
This was his biggest sin according to Zion logic. Even Israeli papers talked freely about Gadhafi’s honesty about world issues. Israelis are not afraid of saying out loud what they do to our planet. The “rebels” were USIsrael of the Isis sort who later went to Syria.
Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said on Wednesday that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s expressed support for Israel stems from his fear that the Mossad would assassinate him, just as it did President John F. Kennedy.
“We suspect he may fear being killed by Israeli agents and meet the same fate as Kennedy when he promised to look into Israel’s nuclear program,” Gadhafi said.
If I'm not wrong(and I very well could be, because I haven't checked) didn't France "redeem" itself by assisting in the destruction of Libya?
They were denounced for not supporting the sanctions against Iraq and the subsequent invasion of Iraq.
Libya is not Iraq.[Lumping all ME situations together is ignorant and or bigotry.]In Libya the people, or half of them anyway, had risen up to topple their dictator. The Iraqis did not ask to be shocked and awed and had not risen up when we invaded. It was in countries that had popular uprisings against their regime, that France supported and that Americans of the left and the right opposed. A no fly zone was all that Libya got, from the Us in cahoots with Europeans . Syria got nothing, and we gave a green light to the holocausttthere against the Syrian Sunni Arabs.
Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi said on Wednesday that U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's expressed support for Israel stems from his fear that the Mossad would assassinate him, just as it did President John F. Kennedy."We suspect he may fear being killed by Israeli agents and meet the same fate as Kennedy when he promised to look into Israel's nuclear program," Gadhafi said.
They were denounced for not supporting the sanctions against Iraq and the subsequent invasion of Iraq.
If I’m not wrong(and I very well could be, because I haven’t checked) didn’t France “redeem” itself by assisting in the destruction of Libya?
I apologise for the low quality of this comment(I am infallible only in matters of aviation and physics).
60,000 people die every month in Italy. Is it hard to find 1,000 median age 81 years who were dying due to various infections and complications and proclaim them the victims of coronavirus before there were tests for coronavirus? The job was simple: whip up the panic to the point that health systems gets overwhelmed and unhinged when they start triaging away old people and let them die in quarantine isolation away from friends and families who possibly could intervene to prolong their lives.How do we explain very sangfroid approach of the UK which talks about rinding the plague to achieve the herd immunity? Or for that matter that of the US and Canada? O perhaps all the Five Eyes countries. Five Eyes countries share one thing: they do not have Gladio just like in the old joke that the US is lucky because it has no US embassy to meddle in its affairs.Now return to the Chinese in Canada who constitute 4.7% of population. They do not seem to be a vector. Actually 4-5 'vectors' in British Columbia were from the Middle East. So if the Chinese in Canada did not create a vast epidemic so far can this tell us something about the nature of the epidemic in China? Is it possible that we are missing something? Is possible that both Ron Unz and Old Microbiologist are not accounting for the 'hoaxy' part of the spectacle that we are witnessing and participating in?(*) Italy may play the same role as N. Korea in the Axis of Evil concocted by David Frum.Replies: @ploni almoni, @Ron Unz, @FB, @Tor597, @Tor597, @Bombercommand, @CanSpeccy, @utu, @Iris, @Regulo
Dr. Leopoldo Salmaso
Nuova intervista all’epidemiologo Salmaso
https://www.lantidiplomatico.it/dettnews-il_tasso_di_letalit_del_coronavirus_in_italia__almeno_10_volte_inferiore_ai_dati_ufficiali_nuova_intervista_allepidemiologo_salmaso/5496_33545/Q. Well, can you tell us more about the last seasonal influenza in Italy of which the official data are available?A. Yes, on the seasonal flu 2017-18, it appears that 8.7 million people turned to the family doctor / pediatrician by phone for a “flu-like syndromeâ€. Less than 1/4 were visited by the doctor. No fewer than 18,000 people died “with flu complicationsâ€, mostly the elderly. Of those 18,000, only 173 (1 in 100) died in a ICU ward and in all there were 764 “serious cases of confirmed flu in ICU patientsâ€. That is, the other 17,000 people died at home, or in a nursing home, or in some hospital ward, with no confirmed diagnosis of flu. If the media had unleashed the current uproar two years ago, no less than 75,000 patients with influenza would have clogged up the reanimations, at the rate of 750 new admissions every day (so far we have hospitalized 650 in resuscitation in all). These data confirm that we are facing a panic epidemic.
If the Americans were gonna pick a decoy country, it would be France. The US is anti French and it would make them appear incompetent and/or in cahoots with[evil] China. They were denounced for not supporting the sanctions against Iraq and the subsequent invasion of Iraq. France has been blackballed in US media except for derogatory stories.
If I'm not wrong(and I very well could be, because I haven't checked) didn't France "redeem" itself by assisting in the destruction of Libya?
They were denounced for not supporting the sanctions against Iraq and the subsequent invasion of Iraq.
That’s what I don’t get; the media mentions it but newer shows surprise about it. Nor do the politicians, nor do they question Trump about it.
Why is he using Fort Detrich instead of Fort Detrick in the beginning of his posts
This guy is probably in his eighties. With poor eyesight. Please give him a break!
Having killed been responsible for killing hundreds of thousands/millions of people [Arabs,Vietnamese etc] who pose a threat to “National Security” does it really matter if wee kill an equal number of Chinese.
Ask yourself who has the most to gain by this tragedy, certainly not the Chinese.
I am astounded some times how my spell checker does not let me say what I want, or thinks it knows better.
Duck Off is one that springs to mind.
I have read more words in the last month than I did a term in school and still cannot not form a hard opinion on this virus.
Maybe that is the plan. Bury the truth within so many half truths and lies, it is nearly impossible to find.
My belief is that the NWO goal for the world, is we all have a Chinese style government, communism or socialism for the masses, the rulers and elites will continue, same as it ever was.
Some population control with some of Bill’s sterilising vaccines and digital ID that will make Blade Runner look like a walk in the park. Any body remember Logan’s Run and the age limit on the chip, soft start is the DNR that they now implement in hospitals all over.
Stop being programmed.
Fight back, whilst we have a slim chance.
I always look to see who benefits, The West is willing to kill hundreds of thousands of Arabs to continue their World domination so killing Chinese would help serve their goals of contined World domination
That vision of China you have has been fed to you as propaganda. China is more committed to the welfare of its citizens and others than the USA ever was. That is kind of self-evident by now I’d say.
Jim, get a grip.
The stats are stats.
They have nothing to do with ‘loving China.’
They have to do with facing reality.
Holy shit, I thought you were joking.
I kept reading looking for the punchline. Turns out it was you all along!
I’m sure you’ve heard it a few billion times already but if you love China so much… don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out!
Setting China’s government aside, Indian government having much higher trustworthy rating than, say, Canada’s or Japan’s is a complete joke.
Most non-Western governments are less trustworthy than China’s. That’s why so many foreign investors remain in China despite costs of all kinds having skyrocketed there. India is well in the bottom half as governments go, and there’s a lot of competition out there.
Setting China’s government aside, Indian government having much higher trustworthy rating than, say, Canada’s or Japan’s is a complete joke.
Most non-Western governments are less trustworthy than China's. That's why so many foreign investors remain in China despite costs of all kinds having skyrocketed there. India is well in the bottom half as governments go, and there's a lot of competition out there.
Setting China’s government aside, Indian government having much higher trustworthy rating than, say, Canada’s or Japan’s is a complete joke.
Yes, but our (American) Chinese still have much higher life expectancy than their (Chinese) Chinese.
You gotta compare the genetic apples to apples.
America wins!
if this is a bio weapon , then both countries are wrong
this could be another system of war.
Actually, Jim, EVERYBODY trusts the Chinese communist government.
1,200,000,000 Chinese people–who live with it–and every CEO of every Fortune 1000 company on earth trusts the Chinese communist government, as do the three other nuclear powers in its security alliance. So do its WTO partners, who have found it extremely trustworthy.
You don’t trust the Chinese communist government not because they’ve betrayed your trust but because, since the day you could read or watch TV, you’ve been told, “Nobody trusts the Chinese communist Government.” It’s called ‘propaganda.’
NOBODY trusts the Chinese communist government.
Hell, I don’t even trust my own democratic/socialist/whatever it is now government.
Covide19 is more like an attack on humanity, not just China.
China is not communist. China has a market driven economy encouraged to be successful by a one party government. That one party at times corrupt allows more personal freedom that the US. Freedom grows economies. The party maintains enough power and authority to prevent the power of wealth from concentrating and growing stronger than the government. It may seem tyrannical at times but how else to inhibit foreign subversion.
In the West globalist capitalists have grown more powerful than the elected governments. Wealth is power and the Fed conjures trillions from nothing. Our dual-sided one party government caved to bribery, extortion, and election fraud. It is a government in name only like the queen. The Federal Reserve, Wall Street parasites rule the US and seek to expand their empire. China and Russia, like Japan and Germany before stand against them. Destabilizing China and impoverishing American into obedience fits their agenda perfectly. Impoverished Americans can’t support Chinese producers.
The journal article at the first link you provided has already been EDITED since I first read it a few weeks ago. Just above the Abstract, click on the hotlink “This article has been updated.” The “Change history” indicates that on 20 November 2015, the article was edited to acknowledge a previously unacknowledged funding source, but it notes NO OTHER CHANGES. Well, there are changes — recent ones, and both the “before” and “after” need to get to a qualified research epidemiologist so that he or she can document the edits and determine their import. Sure smells like academic dishonesty to me …
I archived a source of the version I first read in mid-March, as it had not yet been changed:
One edit that I noticed is this —
Old version: “Emergence of Severe Acute Respiration Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) heralded a new era in the cross-species transmission of severe respiratory illness.”
New version within the last few weeks: “The emergence of SARS-CoV heralded a new era in the cross-species transmission of severe respiratory illness with globalization leading to rapid spread around the world and massive economic impact.”
hmmm. Why the addition of “globalization” and “massive economic impact”?
Then I noted that some of the original 32 references cited in the paper have disappeared, and some new ones added, so that the new version now has a total of 27 references.
Oh stop it! Just stop it! I had to go to Chinatown yesterday to pick up my dear departed uncle’s tax returns. I saw dozens of Chinese people, immigrants, not natives, flouting the social distancing laws in order to buy cheap produce. They all were wearing masks (good, because they had a hard time spitting which I usually have t avoid as I walk through Chinatown) and gloves, but they were 6 inches apart from each other and fondling the vegetables. They still trust Chinese stores’ produce over American. The vegetables all come from the same freaking farms, they just want to shave a few cents.
Also, the reason many Chinese people died, was that they used Chinese medicine to try and cure their pneumonia. If Chinese medicine worked for pneumonia, Big Pharma would have stolen it long ago. My supervisor, a Chinese immigrant, once told me that the merchants in Chinatown did not want me to shop there, because I might call the health department, she was right. When I saw boxes of turtles trying to escape and bowls of dried seahorses, I did feel weird. She also will only eat rice made with bottled water and always wears a mask, when she visits her parents in China, because China is so polluted. She lived in Omaha, Nebraska, before she moved here to California. She cried for days after moving here, because she finds California so filthy. She is the best boss I have ever had and probably the smartest person to ever work for our organization. Antelope horn cannot cure cancer, nor Corona Virus. Screw China!
Maybe–but as an ex-government contractor I can assure you he knows government and certainly the whole racket of government management that got worse and worse and worse and worse as time passed. His descriptions of how the bureaucracy worked/works is accurate. If he’s bullshitting then he’s bullshitting with knowledge of the intricacies of the system.
Good point. Many will try to point out thatbChina is crowded and will say they are unsanitary. Well i counter that India is more crowded and far more unsanitary at this point. So why not in India. I get no response.
I plenty of things wrong on my tablet or smart phone of comments I post… And not because i dont know how to spell them.. It is because of these digital keypads for people with tiny fingers. Plus i am much younger than the person who wrote this piece would be. I dont kmow if they are real or not – but your explanation doesnt pass.
Yes I tend to agree however the use of terms such as ” computer analysis” would not recommend such a suggestion and the term “plausible” in regarding the Ace2 receptor and “most likely” still leaves room for man made or natural section origins.
I am now over it, or to try to explain myself better, that we as humans have to discuss that one group would potentiality infect another just leads me to the conclusion that the war to END or wars will be soon upon us!
No it was not made in a lab.
Real Science Proves that.
From the Science magazine est 1880.
It looks like the ‘wet market’ as the source of the viris is not true.
Well, what do I know?....
When the death toll ends up being orders of magnitude less than 1.7 million, Ron, I hope you write a full article about this false panic.
We have the Easter Bunny! He is going to make this go away on Easter so everyone can go to church and infect EVERYONE. Thankfully I will stay home. Even longer now.
I speculate Italy was hard hit because of a number of factors:
High longevity and good medical system means lots of old frail people.
Widely prescribed high blood pressure medication that up-regulates ACE2 receptors.
High percentage of smokers especially men.
Very bad air pollution in Po valley due to terrain and temperature inversions like L.A.
Large Chinese community to kick-start epidemic with lots of patient 0’s.
On the other hand, genetic similarity to Iran should be no different than for Spain or Greece as I understand the genetics.
I enjoy b at MOA and read him religiously. But I believe the blog is a high level limited hangout from a US intelligence agency for following reasons:
He knows way more than any one human should about many things. For example, he nailed the 737 issue exactly from the start. So did commenterFB, but FB is an aerospace expert. B is an expert in many things more, such as correctly predicting the course of the Syrian war many times.
Secondly, b pushes the whole Trump vs Deep State narrative. To me, this is phony nonsense to keep Americans divided, entertained and helpless. So b is one of “Trumps’s chumpsâ€. Yet smart as a whole intelligence agency. Not believable.
In summary, I believe “b†(actually a team) has marching orders to suppress true status of covid-19 as a bio weapon.
But MOA has lots of good info to bait you for the bullshit, so keep reading it I say.
There are apparently two strains of Covid-19: one for East Asians which hit China and South Korea and another one for Indo-Europeans which hit Iran and Italy. The first one explains why Southeast Asians (Malayo-Polynesians) managed to remain unscathed while the second one explains why Arabs (Semites) missed the pandemic so far. The first one hit China and South Korea because they're both East Asians but not Southeast Asia even though millions of Chinese tourists and immigrants travel there during the peak season in December and January. The second one hit Iran and Italy because Iranians are mostly Indo-Europeans as are Italians. Chinese people hardly travel to Iran especially with US sanctions crippling the Iranian economy. But Chinese tourists do visit the touristy places in Rome, Florence, Naples, Venice, etc., and if they had carried the Covid-19 virus to Italy then the hardest hit should have been those places not Lombardy which is the industrial center of Italy. If Italians were immune to the Covid-19 strain of Chinese tourists, then that would explain why Rome, Florence, Naples, Venice, etc. escaped the pandemic with only a few thousand cases each while Lombardy had already exceeded twenty thousand cases by this time. The same reason would explain why other touristy countries like Spain, Portugal, France, UK, Greece, etc. escaped the pandemic despite the fact that millions of Chinese tourists visit these countries in the busiest months of December and January.Replies: @Olivier1973
And this strain hit Italy since there are genetic similarities between Persians and Italians.
There are apparently two strains of Covid-19: one for East Asians which hit China and South Korea and another one for Indo-Europeans which hit Iran and Italy.
There are 5 strains of that virus, all present in the US.
By the way, where are the Skripal? Is Serguey dead? In “custody”? Why can’t they speak? Why can’t Iulia return to Russia? What can’t she speak with family?
I can understand why you don’t like Chinese people, it seems that they are constantly eating your lunch and judging by your comments, they are likely to continue doing so. Are you really in as much pain as you make out?
It is often said that the Chinese will eat anything.
But instead of getting ticked off at the Deep State Neocons who were very possibly responsible, you’re defending them by promoting all sorts of ridiculous propaganda-nonsense about “Chinese bat soup.â€
Haven’t heard about such a Chinese tradition, mainly among US celebs
Postpartum women are consuming their placentas (placentophagy) encapsulated, cooked, and raw for the prevention of postpartum depression (PPD) and other perceived health benefits. Although almost all non-human placental mammals ingest their placentae at parturition, the first documented accounts of postpartum women practicing placentophagy were in North America in the 1970’s (Ober 1979). … Despite the many claimed benefits of placentophagy, it is unclear whether consumption of the placenta is advantageous. The placenta is not sterile (Aagard et al., 2014) and one function of the placenta is to protect the fetus from harmful exposure to substances. As a consequence, elements including selenium, cadmium, mercury, and lead, as well as bacteria have been identified in post-term placental tissues
I think the word you’re looking for is Chicaps.
Does communist slopes do it for you?
So to muddy the waters a bit, China decided to have a practice run on home soil. Good thinking.
I can’t believe you used the word ‘Chicom’……..
let’s hope you don’t find one under your bed – they’re incredibly wily you know.
Those youtube videos have ALL been deleted already...draw your own conclusions about our 'free speech' society...Replies: @TT
Various link to Youtube, watch before they get deleted.
Free speech is for the deep states to speak freely without consequence, like Trumpet & Pompee.
These video are likely been duplicated and post in various links. Just search the keywords:
Maatje Benassi
George Webb, the journalist.
These links of 3 Benassi seem not a coincidence.
Maatje Benassi has a relative, Matthew Benassi, who works at the Fort Detrick, the U.S. military’s chemical and biological weapons laboratory where the accident occurred.
Benny Benassi is Patient Zero in Holland. (Are they relative or sharing same secret agent code Benassi?)
She ( Maatje ) competed in the Wuhan Military Games as a women’s road cyclist last October. Maatje Benassi Age: 53 Gender: female Maatje Benassi is a NATO admiral guard and driver (diplomatic security officer) of Dutch origin.
What is a 53 year old woman doing in the Olympics?
She is living close to Fort Detrick. Fort Detrick is an American biological warfare lab, and the place where the biological weapons are developed.
By metallicman.com
Various link to Youtube, watch before they get deleted.
Those youtube videos have ALL been deleted already…draw your own conclusions about our ‘free speech’ society…
By metallicman.com
Maatje Benassi has a relative, Matthew Benassi, who works at the Fort Detrick, the U.S. military’s chemical and biological weapons laboratory where the accident occurred.
Benny Benassi is Patient Zero in Holland. (Are they relative or sharing same secret agent code Benassi?)
She ( Maatje ) competed in the Wuhan Military Games as a women’s road cyclist last October. Maatje Benassi Age: 53 Gender: female Maatje Benassi is a NATO admiral guard and driver (diplomatic security officer) of Dutch origin.
What is a 53 year old woman doing in the Olympics?
She is living close to Fort Detrick. Fort Detrick is an American biological warfare lab, and the place where the biological weapons are developed.
Look, I'm reasonably sure this analysis was written by someone who spent 40 years as an expert in American biodefense. Meanwhile, you're some rightwing Internet activist who mostly writes about movies. Who cares about your opinion?
But this Corona stuff is too out of control and too worldwide. At this point, it’d be ridiculous to claim it was a bio-weapon against China.
Well, DUH. One of the world's leading epidemiologists quoted in the NYT believes that the *best case* scenario is over a million American dead. This is shaping up to be the greatest American disaster at least since the Civil War 150 years ago.
If it was, it was surely the dumbest operation ever.
But instead of getting ticked off at the Deep State Neocons who were very possibly responsible, you’re defending them by promoting all sorts of ridiculous propaganda-nonsense about “Chinese bat soup.â€
It is often said that the Chinese will eat anything.
I have been told that that a few generations ago, Chinese women were supposed to drink soup made from the afterbirth when just after they have given birth.
The afterbirth is actually part of the child that is discarded.
Of course, some have suggested that the afterbirth should be saved because it is a source of pluripotent cells that can help an individual in later life.
Postpartum women are consuming their placentas (placentophagy) encapsulated, cooked, and raw for the prevention of postpartum depression (PPD) and other perceived health benefits. Although almost all non-human placental mammals ingest their placentae at parturition, the first documented accounts of postpartum women practicing placentophagy were in North America in the 1970’s (Ober 1979). … Despite the many claimed benefits of placentophagy, it is unclear whether consumption of the placenta is advantageous. The placenta is not sterile (Aagard et al., 2014) and one function of the placenta is to protect the fetus from harmful exposure to substances. As a consequence, elements including selenium, cadmium, mercury, and lead, as well as bacteria have been identified in post-term placental tissues
We know what the Deep State is capable of.
I suspect we do not actually know what the Deep State is capable of until well after the events.
The point is to shift the guilt from the Chicom perpetrators to innocent parties. The article is a tabloid spy story.
“”The article is a concatenation of several comments made by the author over at Saker’s site. Where the comments came from makes them automatically suspicious. Saker himself is an uniformed idiot and writes little of substance. He primarily criticizes anyone that disses his hero, who is also a criminal, Vladimir Putin.
The origin of the Covid-19 virus is already well known, the biowar lab in Wuhan, China. It is, indeed, an engineered virus. The most likely means of escape from the lab is the workers themselves stealing test animals and selling them on the Wuhan wet market 300 meters from the Wuhan Biowar lab.””
Saker doesn’t have access to the info, so he simply writes like a tabloid artist, since facts and truth don’t fit his opinion. He’s selling articles of fiction and there are a thousand buyers, right here.
Based on the current scientific evidence, the Wuhan virus, was not engineered. It may have been selected for its pathogenicity to humans and it most likely was isolated from bats. These tiny little mammals harbor many human pathogens, sometimes being coinfected with multiple viruses. Bats are strange creatures, with a very high metabolic rate, yet living for a decade or more. At the same time bats can harbor multiple infectious agents and not show ill effects. The live animal markets could also be a source, but nobody outside China knows for certain and the Chinese will never admit their guilt.
What is the point of this article?
It says nothing about COVID-19 and nothing useful about biowarfare. It is simply unsubstantiated gossipy reminiscences about the poor state of the MIC in earlier years.
So what….
Copy of a statement from an informed scientist. “Good to talk to you. The article is a typical conspiracy article that could be right out of the National Inquirer. When I was head of Infectious Disease Research for the DoD, I use to get about 1 of these every 6 months or so. Usually a reporter was going to break the next “Watergate Scandalâ€. Where all of this breaks down is the openness of the BW Defense program at Ft. Detrick. First of all, it is not behind fences and walls. People walk in and out of the main building all day. Yes, you have to have special permission to go beyond the entrance because there are BL3&4 agents being worked on in the labs. Secondly, if these things were happening, you would have to have 100’s of scientists and lab techs (most of them civilians) sworn to secrecy which would be just impossible in a free society such as ours. You and I know that the only reason the Unabomber took so long to catch is that he had no accomplices. Thirdly, there are a number of university scientists from all over the US that do 1 and 2 year sabbaticals at USAMRIID because they can work with BL 3 & 4 organisms on site. If nefarious things were going on in Detrick, they would be the first to blow the whistle. Stuff like this has been put out before and is usually by someone who was a poor researcher or nut job. Look up Steven Jay Hatfill. He was one of these. He knew nothing about BW but got a post doc at Detrick and went all over the place telling people he was an expert in BW. I met him and will tell you he was a bullshit artist of mega proportions. I was head of the BW program and was getting calls from contractors as far away as California wanting to know who this guy was. About that time the Anthrax Letters thing broke in 2001 and the FBI fingered him. This was stupid, because anyone who knew him knew he did not have the smarts to pull the thing off. The FBI was just ill-formed and under a great deal of pressure themselves to find the culprit. They kept up the pressure on Hatfill because of his reputation. It finally ended up with the Fed’s having to pay him a few million for damages.”
Gee, maybe a comment coming from someone that is actually a microbiologist and retired from Ft Detrick might add something to the discussion. Oddly, some people are acquainted with some of the same. The tabloid hawkers won’t like it because it undermines their credibility and the credibility of the chicoms, other leftists, and the array of people pretending spy novels reflect reality.
This stuck out. What does "leaving many romantic accidents" mean? Or is this a mis-translation and instead should read "having many romantic incidents"?
However, the poor performance in the game did not affect the mood of the soy sauce soldiers playing in Wuhan.
They teamed up in groups of two, and played around the streets of Wuhan, leaving many romantic accidents.
This stuck out. What does “leaving many romantic accidents†mean?
VT writer might be hinting these USM soy sauce soldiers are leaving(dispersing) many romantic(COVID) accidents(appearing like innocent carrier roaming around in pair). Not fkg around as they have hotel room for their beastly thirst.
Wuhan is one of top tourist spot. Its BLS4 biolab, central strategic hub of HSR, car industry, tourism, etc. made it very romantic & attractive to Pentagon hawks.
Wuhan is not a tourist hub, not really a romantic place
The city of Wuhan is one of the top travel destinations in central China and has several … ten museums, ancient temples and the outstanding natural beauty of its lakes and parks.
Famous for its 3,500 years of cultural history, the city is the cradle of urban civilisation in the Yangtze River basin and the oriental tea harbour of the ancient Tea Road. Wuhan is known for its expertise in bridge and high-speed rail engineering, resilient urban planning and high-tech industries….
These Wuhan game participants training camp is said to be located near Ft Detrick bioweapon lab in various postings. The lab “leaks” incidence provide a perfect coverage excuse that its not an biowarfare attack incase they were caught red handed by Chinese.
But the 5 feverish sicked soy soldiers required unusual emergency evacuation back to US using lame “malaria” excuse had given away their innocent. Their handlers knew exactly what’s up. If they were found with SARS-like symptoms in local hospital, that will alert Chinese immediately.
Wuhan is not malaria hot spot, esp in cooler Oct time. Malaria is also not an emergency illness, which can be treated easily in China hospital using 100% effective artesunate. There is also no malaria outbreak in Oriental hotel but COVID instead.
The strands of virus might be different between Ft Detrick leak (‘S’) and those in Wuhan(‘S’ & ‘L’) that some soldiers may received through vaccines. That’s same trick Rockefeller Institution had used to spread “Spanish flu” to Europe.
But Chinese reported concentration of vectors in all faraway corners of Wuhan did not resembled a natural spreading pattern (disperse from epicenter seafood mkt), hinting of man made seeding. That would explain why Wuhan see the 80% of concentrated cases.
It would not surprise me at all if this virus has been in the US population since last summer. But I also suspect one reason they’re reluctant to test people is because the test itself is bullshit. Have a look at the other thread under the Kevin Barrett article (9-11 and Corona), for the comments re. Kary Mullis and the PCR test.
Quartermaster referring to another person as an idiot would seem to be the equivalent of Mike Pompeo calling another person fat.
The article is a concatenation of several comments made by the author over at Saker’s site. Where the comments came from makes them automatically suspicious. Saker himself is an uniformed idiot and writes little of substance. He primarily criticizes anyone that disses his hero, who is also a criminal, Vladimir Putin.
The origin of the Covid-19 virus is already well known, the biowar lab in Wuhan, China. It is, indeed, an engineered virus. The most likely means of escape from the lab is the workers themselves stealing test animals and selling them on the Wuhan wet market 300 meters from the Wuhan Biowar lab.
The question of whether this was a bio weapon attack or not can easily be put to rest by testing the original 300 personnel who went to wuhan China.
Just want to repeat this comment.
The virus it self might still be an engineered virus, but it will no longer be a bio weapon attack on the Chinese population. Which is huge.
The other extremely suspicious behavior is the extreme reluctance in testing Americans for the virus. Like wtf is the logic in that? That is why there are theories that this virus was leaked from an American lab and that it has been circulating in the US population for a year at least.
https://metallicman.com/laoban4site/was-the-2020-wuhan-coronavirus-an-engineered-biological-attack-on-china-by-america-for-geopolitical-advantage/comment-page-3/#comment-418Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, ten fold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world.
The US team did so badly that they were called “Soy Sauce Soldiers†by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.
The US team went home on October 28, 2019 and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero†and believe he was a member of the US team.
They also have sources that say the US had misrepresented influenza that Trump claims has killed thousands, an influenza carried to China by the US team, an influenza that was really COVID 19, a disease developed in a military bio-warfare facility in the state of Washington, now “ground zero†in the US for COVID 19.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
Well, I guess that settles it.
There are new interesting update in mettallicman worth reading. So their writing tallied with those Chinese reports. Dongfang Jianguo Hotel, first cluster of outbreak.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicates they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
However, the poor performance in the game did not affect the mood of the soy sauce soldiers playing in Wuhan.
They teamed up in groups of two, and played around the streets of Wuhan, leaving many romantic accidents.
It should be pointed out that the location of the US guest house of the Military Games is not far from South China Seafood City. �
Replies: @Anonymous
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
Additionally, and pay strict attention to this…
… the housing for the American military was also in close proximity to the Iran, Italian and South Korean military housings.
End October 2019
It appears that the American virus Covid 19 came with the U.S. soldier, Maatje Benassi, who took part in the military games in Wuhan in October 2019.
Maatje Benassi has a relative, Matthew Benassi, who works at the Fort Detrick, the U.S. military’s chemical and biological weapons laboratory where the accident occurred.
She ( Maatje ) competed in the Wuhan Military Games as a women’s road cyclist last October. Maatje Benassi Age: 53 Gender: female Maatje Benassi is a NATO admiral guard and driver (diplomatic security officer) of Dutch origin.
What is a 53 year old woman doing in the Olympics?
She is living close to Fort Detrick. Fort Detrick is an American biological warfare lab, and the place where the biological weapons are developed.
We do not know how many Others where send like Maatje Benassi to spread the corona but we know that 5 US military where emergency rescued from the Dongfang Jianguo Hotel.
Once at the Dongfang Jianguo hotel they went to the Wuhan hospital.
They were then picked up by a special US military airplane to evacuate them to the US.
After the American military contingent left China, 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
Shall we ask Pompos whats happening with these 5 infected American soldiers? Did they die in America ? What was their treatment?
However, the poor performance in the game did not affect the mood of the soy sauce soldiers playing in Wuhan.
They teamed up in groups of two, and played around the streets of Wuhan, leaving many romantic accidents.
This stuck out. What does “leaving many romantic accidents” mean? Or is this a mis-translation and instead should read “having many romantic incidents”?
IF that’s the case, it’s a little strange. Wuhan is not a tourist hub, not really a romantic place, AFAIK. It smacks of . . . other things.
More later.
VT writer might be hinting these USM soy sauce soldiers are leaving(dispersing) many romantic(COVID) accidents(appearing like innocent carrier roaming around in pair). Not fkg around as they have hotel room for their beastly thirst.Wuhan is one of top tourist spot. Its BLS4 biolab, central strategic hub of HSR, car industry, tourism, etc. made it very romantic & attractive to Pentagon hawks.
This stuck out. What does “leaving many romantic accidents†mean?
These Wuhan game participants training camp is said to be located near Ft Detrick bioweapon lab in various postings. The lab "leaks" incidence provide a perfect coverage excuse that its not an biowarfare attack incase they were caught red handed by Chinese. But the 5 feverish sicked soy soldiers required unusual emergency evacuation back to US using lame "malaria" excuse had given away their innocent. Their handlers knew exactly what's up. If they were found with SARS-like symptoms in local hospital, that will alert Chinese immediately.Wuhan is not malaria hot spot, esp in cooler Oct time. Malaria is also not an emergency illness, which can be treated easily in China hospital using 100% effective artesunate. There is also no malaria outbreak in Oriental hotel but COVID instead.The strands of virus might be different between Ft Detrick leak ('S') and those in Wuhan('S' & 'L') that some soldiers may received through vaccines. That's same trick Rockefeller Institution had used to spread "Spanish flu" to Europe.But Chinese reported concentration of vectors in all faraway corners of Wuhan did not resembled a natural spreading pattern (disperse from epicenter seafood mkt), hinting of man made seeding. That would explain why Wuhan see the 80% of concentrated cases.The city of Wuhan is one of the top travel destinations in central China and has several ... ten museums, ancient temples and the outstanding natural beauty of its lakes and parks.Famous for its 3,500 years of cultural history, the city is the cradle of urban civilisation in the Yangtze River basin and the oriental tea harbour of the ancient Tea Road. Wuhan is known for its expertise in bridge and high-speed rail engineering, resilient urban planning and high-tech industries....�
Wuhan is not a tourist hub, not really a romantic place
Comment by mettallicman:
In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, ten fold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world.
The US team did so badly that they were called “Soy Sauce Soldiers†by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.
The US team went home on October 28, 2019 and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero†and believe he was a member of the US team.
They also have sources that say the US had misrepresented influenza that Trump claims has killed thousands, an influenza carried to China by the US team, an influenza that was really COVID 19, a disease developed in a military bio-warfare facility in the state of Washington, now “ground zero†in the US for COVID 19.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
Will China retaliate by giving US a new strand of COVID20 that render its vaccines and herd immunity ineffective?
China is convinced that this is a biological weapon.
They went to DEFCON ONE and mobilized their entire military, and locked the entire nation down. You do NOT do this with a flu, even if it is a bad flu. You do this ONLY if your entire nation is under attack
Is below a live exercise to prepare US for a war with China, or anticipating a nasty retaliation for its bioterrorism?
Below might explained why USNato wasn’t bother by the COVID at all while watching China on highest war alert to fight outbreak in last few mths. They are building up herd immunity since last year with FT Detrick lab “leaking” less fatal virus strand ‘S’.
But as China now miraculously contained the outbreak denying USNato PlanA of devastating China with global isolation, PlanB is launched.
Its to propagate fear porn for global lockdown to justify unlimited QE & prepare West for police state, while shut down global economy to make China recovery hard.
China has reported that many workers returning to work found no job as most overseas order are cancelled due to widespread lockdown.
These cabals that control world wealth in wallstreet & London are determined to bring down China at all cost. The next move to watch out will be war provocation on China.
It might be US ordering its puppet Taiwan Tsai to declare independent, or has India Modi staging false flag to has limited nuclear exchange with Pakistan & China to destroy Chinese main cities.
Sounds like a shill. imho ” weaponizing ” a virus is the same as bee herding.
The program was called “Cash for Kids†and you should use that tittle for any search on the net. The world should know how fucked up some people are..
So the Americans stayed separate from the rest of the athletes, and this didn’t raise all kinds of red flags (see what I did there) with the Chinese authorities? I thought they were supposed to be omnipotent or something?
I think Godfree Roberts used to be in movies:
https://metallicman.com/laoban4site/was-the-2020-wuhan-coronavirus-an-engineered-biological-attack-on-china-by-america-for-geopolitical-advantage/comment-page-3/#comment-418Replies: @Beefcake the Mighty
In October 2019, the US brought 172 (really 369) military athletes to Wuhan for the World Military Games. Despite having the largest military in the world, ten fold, the US came in 35th behind nations like Iran, Finland and Slovenia. No video or photos exist of the US team, no records were kept, a huge team but a pitiful performance for the best military in the world.
The US team did so badly that they were called “Soy Sauce Soldiers†by the Chinese. In fact, many never participated in any event and stayed near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the disease is said to have originated only days after the US left the area.
The US team went home on October 28, 2019 and within 2 weeks, the first human contact cases of COVID 19 were seen in Wuhan. The Chinese have not been able to find “patient zero†and believe he was a member of the US team.
They also have sources that say the US had misrepresented influenza that Trump claims has killed thousands, an influenza carried to China by the US team, an influenza that was really COVID 19, a disease developed in a military bio-warfare facility in the state of Washington, now “ground zero†in the US for COVID 19.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
"Most" of the Chinese immigrants in Italy live and work in Prato near Florence which is in the region of Tuscany.
While Prato certainly does have a lot of Overseas Chinese -- both legal and illegal -- living there, and may well have the most Chinese as a percentage of population of any city in Italy, it most certainly does not harbor "most" of the Chinese living in Italy. Let's see:
...the hardest hit regions in Northern Italy such as Lombardy
Where's Milan again?
Prato, Tuscany has... the second largest population of Chinese people overall in Italy after Milan.
Huh. What part of China do the Chinese in Milan come from?
Milan... is a city in northern Italy, capital of [wait for it] Lombardy
And Wengcheng County would be...
Milan notably hosts the oldest and largest Chinese community in Italy, with almost 21,000 people in 2011.[101] Situated in the 9th district, and centred on Via Paolo Sarpi, an important commercial avenue, the Milanese Chinatown was originally established in the 1920s by immigrants from Wencheng County, in the Zhejiang province.
And the first two documented cases of COVID-19 in Italy flew into... which airport again when they arrived from China?
one of the five counties in the prefecture-level city of Wenzhou
Ooops! Correction: Italy imposed a flight ban from China on January 31st. That means any Chinese resident of Milan or Prato spending their Chinese New Year in Wenzhou would have to fly back to Italy before January 31st. But the Chinese New Year started in January 26th and ended on February 8th. So it’s unlikely they would have left Wenzhou before January 31st. Wenzhou had 291 Covid-19 cases by February 2nd.
Note: I was replying to a poster who quoted a New Yorker article about the Chinese community in Prato so that’s why I never mentioned the Chinese community in Milan.
I read that in a Chinese article. But while Google to find English version link for you, it returned absolutely nothing, well censored as usual. Using yahoo has provide a handful.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicates they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
However, the poor performance in the game did not affect the mood of the soy sauce soldiers playing in Wuhan.
They teamed up in groups of two, and played around the streets of Wuhan, leaving many romantic accidents.
It should be pointed out that the location of the US guest house of the Military Games is not far from South China Seafood City.
There are new interesting update in mettallicman worth reading. So their writing tallied with those Chinese reports. Dongfang Jianguo Hotel, first cluster of outbreak.
This stuck out. What does "leaving many romantic accidents" mean? Or is this a mis-translation and instead should read "having many romantic incidents"?
However, the poor performance in the game did not affect the mood of the soy sauce soldiers playing in Wuhan.
They teamed up in groups of two, and played around the streets of Wuhan, leaving many romantic accidents.
And the first two documented cases of COVID-19 in Italy flew into… which airport again when they arrived from China?
Same as Prato. Most of the Chinese immigrants in Prato, Tuscany also come from Wenzhou as well as reported in the New Yorker article.
Milan notably hosts the oldest and largest Chinese community in Italy, with almost 21,000 people in 2011.[101] Situated in the 9th district, and centred on Via Paolo Sarpi, an important commercial avenue, the Milanese Chinatown was originally established in the 1920s by immigrants from Wencheng County, in the Zhejiang province. Wengcheng County would be one of the five counties in the prefecture-level city of Wenzhou
I agree. Mathematical logic based on statistical probabilities would rule out Chinese immigrants from Wenzhou as the source of Covid-19 infections in Lombardy because the Chinese communities in both Prato and Milan didn't suffer from the Covid-19 outbreak which affected smaller cities in Lombardy. That leaves Chinese tourists visiting Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, etc. But those touristy cities didn't see an outbreak as bad as the smaller cities of Lombardy which have already recorded tens of thousands of Covid-19 cases.
Seeding an epidemic in new locations is a probabilistic process, not a deterministic one. “Yeah there’s a bunch of Overseas Chinese over there too, and they don’t have as many cases as that other place with even more Chinese†does not refute “It came from China.†�
It is a ZUS thing. ZUS wanted to get back at Italy for being too friendly with China.
Lombardy is the industrial center of Italy. Lombardy has odd connections to Zion fantasies from the distant past. Italy’s friendliness with China today, Lombardy being Italy’s industrial center and Lombardy’s past with Zion would be the most likely reasons for Lombardy being “chosen”.
Here is a clue to the odd history Lombardy has with Zion.
Cleirac refers to Jews harshly, accusing them of ‘execrable crimes’ and calling them ‘malicious men lacking public confidence’ or ‘people without a conscience’ who felt no allegiance to non-Jews. Cleirac, however, uses the Jews as a prop to set up his ultimate target: ‘Lombards’. The Lombards were Christian bankers from northern Italy who had taken up the position of Jewish moneylenders in foreign countries from which Jews had been expelled. In Cleirac’s account, Lombards were ‘imitators’, ‘disciples’, ‘apprentices’ and ‘wretched clerks’ of Jews, from whom they learned how to extort usurious rates from naive Christian debtors. For Cleirac, Lombards were even more dangerous than Jews. Jews, he writes, ‘were hated, despised as impertinent fellows, and continuously ridiculed’. Lombards, in contrast, could pass as reputable Christian merchants.
Even odder. Lombardy might have been the original homeland of the Ashkenazis.
Ashkenazi Jews moved to Rhineland from Northern Italy, which at that time was Kingdom of Lombardy and Lombards (Langobards) had fully converted to the Catholic faith by the end of the 7th century. We may assume that Ashkenazi Jews could not marry Catholic Lombards. The Ashkenazi admixture with Italians in the time frame 550-1100 AD can only have been by Jewish males having children with Italian slave girls. The Torah accepts this practice: a man can have sex with only one wife and his slave girls. Many of the sons of Patriarch Jacob were with slave girls. As Langobards conquered most of Italy, they obtained many Italian slaves.
Slave trade was a traditional Jewish occupation. The best known Jewish slave traders in Europe were the Radhanite Jews, who mostly traded spices and slaves. They had close contacts with Khazaria. Radhanites were not the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews, but it is also known that in the 14th century the Christian population feared Ashkenazi Jews, who were known as slave traders. Therefore it is very likely that the population, which developed to Ashkenazi Jews, were slave traders or at least had Italian slaves.
"Most" of the Chinese immigrants in Italy live and work in Prato near Florence which is in the region of Tuscany.
While Prato certainly does have a lot of Overseas Chinese -- both legal and illegal -- living there, and may well have the most Chinese as a percentage of population of any city in Italy, it most certainly does not harbor "most" of the Chinese living in Italy. Let's see:
...the hardest hit regions in Northern Italy such as Lombardy
Where's Milan again?
Prato, Tuscany has... the second largest population of Chinese people overall in Italy after Milan.
Huh. What part of China do the Chinese in Milan come from?
Milan... is a city in northern Italy, capital of [wait for it] Lombardy
And Wengcheng County would be...
Milan notably hosts the oldest and largest Chinese community in Italy, with almost 21,000 people in 2011.[101] Situated in the 9th district, and centred on Via Paolo Sarpi, an important commercial avenue, the Milanese Chinatown was originally established in the 1920s by immigrants from Wencheng County, in the Zhejiang province.
And the first two documented cases of COVID-19 in Italy flew into... which airport again when they arrived from China?
one of the five counties in the prefecture-level city of Wenzhou
And the first two documented cases of COVID-19 in Italy flew into… which airport again when they arrived from China?
Milan notably hosts the oldest and largest Chinese community in Italy, with almost 21,000 people in 2011.[101] Situated in the 9th district, and centred on Via Paolo Sarpi, an important commercial avenue, the Milanese Chinatown was originally established in the 1920s by immigrants from Wencheng County, in the Zhejiang province. Wengcheng County would be one of the five counties in the prefecture-level city of Wenzhou
Same as Prato. Most of the Chinese immigrants in Prato, Tuscany also come from Wenzhou as well as reported in the New Yorker article.
So if the Chinese immigrants were the vectors of transmission, then presumably some of them went back to Wenzhou for the Chinese New Year and came back to Italy in February. As Wenzhou had an outbreak due to returning Wuhan residents, then those Chinese immigrants could have carried the Covid-19 virus back to the Chinese communities in Milan and Prato. But the Covid-19 outbreak didn’t start in those Chinese communities in Milan and Prato but in the smaller cities in Lombardy.
Seeding an epidemic in new locations is a probabilistic process, not a deterministic one. “Yeah there’s a bunch of Overseas Chinese over there too, and they don’t have as many cases as that other place with even more Chinese†does not refute “It came from China.â€
I agree. Mathematical logic based on statistical probabilities would rule out Chinese immigrants from Wenzhou as the source of Covid-19 infections in Lombardy because the Chinese communities in both Prato and Milan didn’t suffer from the Covid-19 outbreak which affected smaller cities in Lombardy. That leaves Chinese tourists visiting Rome, Florence, Venice, Naples, etc. But those touristy cities didn’t see an outbreak as bad as the smaller cities of Lombardy which have already recorded tens of thousands of Covid-19 cases.
In other words, there is no correlation between the presence of both Chinese immigrants and Chinese tourists to the Covid-19 outbreak in Lombardy. This being the case, I am not convinced that the Covid-19 outbreak in Italy came from China because I am still puzzled as to why Lombardy was hit so hard.
Even odder. Lombardy might have been the original homeland of the Ashkenazis.
Cleirac refers to Jews harshly, accusing them of ‘execrable crimes’ and calling them ‘malicious men lacking public confidence’ or ‘people without a conscience’ who felt no allegiance to non-Jews. Cleirac, however, uses the Jews as a prop to set up his ultimate target: ‘Lombards’. The Lombards were Christian bankers from northern Italy who had taken up the position of Jewish moneylenders in foreign countries from which Jews had been expelled. In Cleirac’s account, Lombards were ‘imitators’, ‘disciples’, ‘apprentices’ and ‘wretched clerks’ of Jews, from whom they learned how to extort usurious rates from naive Christian debtors. For Cleirac, Lombards were even more dangerous than Jews. Jews, he writes, ‘were hated, despised as impertinent fellows, and continuously ridiculed’. Lombards, in contrast, could pass as reputable Christian merchants.
Ashkenazi Jews moved to Rhineland from Northern Italy, which at that time was Kingdom of Lombardy and Lombards (Langobards) had fully converted to the Catholic faith by the end of the 7th century. We may assume that Ashkenazi Jews could not marry Catholic Lombards. The Ashkenazi admixture with Italians in the time frame 550-1100 AD can only have been by Jewish males having children with Italian slave girls. The Torah accepts this practice: a man can have sex with only one wife and his slave girls. Many of the sons of Patriarch Jacob were with slave girls. As Langobards conquered most of Italy, they obtained many Italian slaves.
Slave trade was a traditional Jewish occupation. The best known Jewish slave traders in Europe were the Radhanite Jews, who mostly traded spices and slaves. They had close contacts with Khazaria. Radhanites were not the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews, but it is also known that in the 14th century the Christian population feared Ashkenazi Jews, who were known as slave traders. Therefore it is very likely that the population, which developed to Ashkenazi Jews, were slave traders or at least had Italian slaves.
I don’t know who this phony is shilling for, but he is sure as hell not what he claims to be. There are many science related errors plus the stupidity associated with repeated spelling errors.
This is a joke…right?
The E. MIchael Jones hypothesis on the Wuhan Ethno Bioweapon attack, and China’s counter attack on aipac-cpac-NYC
Bonjour, please find the unroll here: Thread by @wesleyanCovE: #aipac #cpac #elmhurst #coronavirusny was a Chinese Counter Attack in Response 2 the #Wuhan… https://t.co/Xl8SlyvLOp. See you soon. 🤖
— Thread Reader App (@threadreaderapp) March 26, 2020
Can you provide a link to “The American team chose to stay in a hotel 200 m away from the Seafood market instead of inside the village where all other nations’ athletics lived.”?
That would be significant if we could substantiate it.
There are new interesting update in mettallicman worth reading. So their writing tallied with those Chinese reports. Dongfang Jianguo Hotel, first cluster of outbreak.
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicates they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
However, the poor performance in the game did not affect the mood of the soy sauce soldiers playing in Wuhan.
They teamed up in groups of two, and played around the streets of Wuhan, leaving many romantic accidents.
It should be pointed out that the location of the US guest house of the Military Games is not far from South China Seafood City. �
Replies: @Anonymous
The Chinese claim, something censored in the US, that the inattentive attitude and disproportionately below average results of American athletes in the game indicate they might have been in for other purposes and they might actually be bio-warfare operatives, and that their place of residence during their stay in Wuhan was also close to the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market, where the first known cluster of cases occurred.
Additionally, and pay strict attention to this…
… the housing for the American military was also in close proximity to the Iran, Italian and South Korean military housings.
End October 2019
It appears that the American virus Covid 19 came with the U.S. soldier, Maatje Benassi, who took part in the military games in Wuhan in October 2019.
Maatje Benassi has a relative, Matthew Benassi, who works at the Fort Detrick, the U.S. military’s chemical and biological weapons laboratory where the accident occurred.
She ( Maatje ) competed in the Wuhan Military Games as a women’s road cyclist last October. Maatje Benassi Age: 53 Gender: female Maatje Benassi is a NATO admiral guard and driver (diplomatic security officer) of Dutch origin.
What is a 53 year old woman doing in the Olympics?
She is living close to Fort Detrick. Fort Detrick is an American biological warfare lab, and the place where the biological weapons are developed.
We do not know how many Others where send like Maatje Benassi to spread the corona but we know that 5 US military where emergency rescued from the Dongfang Jianguo Hotel.
Once at the Dongfang Jianguo hotel they went to the Wuhan hospital.
They were then picked up by a special US military airplane to evacuate them to the US.
After the American military contingent left China, 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market had been thus diagnosed (and treated before the hotel staff). All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
Shall we ask Pompos whats happening with these 5 infected American soldiers? Did they die in America ? What was their treatment?
Judges Plead Guilty in Scheme to Jail Youths for Profit – The …
Pennsylvania Judge Gets ‘Life Sentence’ For Prison Kickback Scheme
Cops here carry revolvers and drive pickups. That’s”militarize”?
Which decision maker involved in sentencing criminals to … gasp … for-profit prisons gets money for sentencing those criminals?
Cleirac refers to Jews harshly, accusing them of ‘execrable crimes’ and calling them ‘malicious men lacking public confidence’ or ‘people without a conscience’ who felt no allegiance to non-Jews. Cleirac, however, uses the Jews as a prop to set up his ultimate target: ‘Lombards’. The Lombards were Christian bankers from northern Italy who had taken up the position of Jewish moneylenders in foreign countries from which Jews had been expelled. In Cleirac’s account, Lombards were ‘imitators’, ‘disciples’, ‘apprentices’ and ‘wretched clerks’ of Jews, from whom they learned how to extort usurious rates from naive Christian debtors. For Cleirac, Lombards were even more dangerous than Jews. Jews, he writes, ‘were hated, despised as impertinent fellows, and continuously ridiculed’. Lombards, in contrast, could pass as reputable Christian merchants. �
Replies: @S, @TT
The Spanish Congress of Deputies passed the law to try and repair what Madrid called a "historical error" — the expulsion of approximately 200,00 Jews by order of then Catholic monarchs, Isabel and Ferdinand, in the name of the "purity" of blood. Back then, the majority of the Jewish community took refuge in the Ottoman Empire and North Africa.
Bids for citizenship accelerated drastically before the October 1 deadline, with more than 132,000 applications according to estimates by the Spanish Ministry of Justice. �
Im not sure what sins Spainish has committed to attract ZUS wrath. But for China & Iran its clear. Anything threatening jews cabal hegemon control of world can not be tolerated. Their hit men like Soros, Bannon, Jared’s Muppet Trumps,.. have declared war on China openly.
Whereas for Italy, its defiance of US-EU threat to join China BRI, adopting Huawei 5G to blind 5Eyes, and its firm stand not to join USNato military threat towards Russia, are unforgivable sins.
China & Russia are sending huge medical aids with medical team to help Italy, while EU has strangely isolated it without any aids, even to withhold its medical supply shipments at border.
China & RT have both reported Italy has responded by replacing EU flag with China & Russia flag raise high. Its a big slap on EU. Italy exit after pandemic will crumple EU.
I noticed MOA “b” have put out notice mentioned your name that he deleted your comments & banned(?) you for the US bioterrorism conspiracy theory.
Its extremely strange “b” called it a myth and category determined its impossible to be man made virus. Is he under some threat by ZUS to shut down his site?
I commented that i disagree with “b” to call it a myth. It should be at most called unproven yet, and suggested open a new thread exclusively for such open discussion instead. And i explained how such chimera Coronavirus has been cultured by many labs including Wuhan to study vaccines & biowarfare defense for decades. My neutral comment did not appeared.
Its reported bats has been often used as reservoir to create new chimera virus, then infected an intermediate medium like chimpanzee. Some protein strands is inserted to make new virus able stick on & attack human immune, hence completed bats-animal-human cycle. Such reckless studies have been widely used by many labs to research without international control for decades.
This cultured virus can then injected into bats that migrate from India occupied Nagaland bordering southern China (US & India gov has a jiont biowarfare lab there) to Kazakhstan (another US biowarfare lab bordering Russia & China) for study its spread with no risk of been caught red handed. Animals like rats can also be infected and release to China easily.
For timed & targeted spread, all it needs is a few aerosol sprays of lighter size or drone sprays to seed a targeted region by US diplomat covered agents. But this created highly concentrated uneven infection zone that attract suspicious, like Wuhan & northern Italy.
I suspected Zcabal controlled USNato may have decided to spray its own herds with attenuated Coronavirus ( with ready vaccines) for justification of QE after China successfully controlled the outbreak. This also allow police state preparation of USNato-India for later large scale war with China.
Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa.
That is an interesting hypothetical angle in regards to Italy's Lombard region, Spain, and the outbreaks there. Regarding another possible '"echo" for revenge' [see comment link below], this time in regards to Rome's destruction of the Jewish Temple, the Roman 'First Triumvirate' parallel of Trump, Pompeo, and Jared Kushner still remains in place, with the Jewish Jared Kushner potentially in the role of a figurative Julius Caesar leading over a 'New Rome', ie the United States. [Trump has already declared a 'national emergency' in regards to the virus. Who knows what may ultimately transpire in regards to US government leadership due in part to this 'emergency'?]If you've not already read the second link below in regards to Kushner you might find it of some interest.
Could this be because of an “echo†for revenge for the culprits who did the crime.
It is like that we are living in a fantasy 500 BC Zion world.
A few interesting reflections in the link below on the crisis and the economy and on how it will likely accelerate China’s rise to the top, something which was coming anyway.
Read the original article.
Yes, I understand that you plagiarized an entire article by copy-pasting from another source without quotes. I also understand that the author of the article that you plagiarized is nearly as ignorant — and nearly as crippled by end-stage Dunning-Krugerism — as yourself.
Now you read the two posts that you were attempting to respond to, and at least try to engage what passes for your “mind” in a process (clearly unfamiliar to you) that is commonly known as “reasoning.”
You do realize that your pathetic bleats of “But I copied it from someone almost as ignorant as myself — and I didn’t understand what it meant when I copied it!”… do nothing to excuse your gross ignorance and essential dishonesty — don’t you?
Do you understand that when you mindlessly vomited forth your irrelevant copypasta, it purported to be a response to to my post in which I pointed out that was either grossly mistaken or deliberately lying when he made the false claim that “most” of the Overseas Chinese in Italy live in “live and work in Prato,” when in fact Milan — capital of Lombardy — clearly has more Chinese than any other city in Italy?
What about your post in any way comes close to refuting this obvious point?
They say that repetition is the key to learning, so let’s try again — here are the main points that you (and the author of the article that you plagiarized) pathetically failed to comprehend:
Immediately after this patient was diagnosed, Italy experienced a major outbreak.
1. The map is not the territory.
2. Epidemics do not “immediately†do anything.
You might wish to familiarize yourself with the concept of “serial intervalâ€. What is the serial interval for COVID-19?
When a bunch of cases pop up seemingly “out of nowhere†near-simultaneously, that does not mean that they all miraculously acquired the disease that day — it means that there has been unrecognized community transmission going on for a while. In other words, when you start to get cases with no connection to the apparent source simultaneously with a rapid increase in the number of cases — that is a marker for failed containment (as we saw in Italy) and not “proof†of a different source for the epidemic. It’s a stage that any epidemic that fails containment and moves on to the stage of widespread community transmission/ mitigation goes through.
Similarly, this case was not “proof†that the virus originated from an unknown source in Solano County, but evidence that previously-unrecognized community transmission was taking place within the US.
Cleirac refers to Jews harshly, accusing them of ‘execrable crimes’ and calling them ‘malicious men lacking public confidence’ or ‘people without a conscience’ who felt no allegiance to non-Jews. Cleirac, however, uses the Jews as a prop to set up his ultimate target: ‘Lombards’. The Lombards were Christian bankers from northern Italy who had taken up the position of Jewish moneylenders in foreign countries from which Jews had been expelled. In Cleirac’s account, Lombards were ‘imitators’, ‘disciples’, ‘apprentices’ and ‘wretched clerks’ of Jews, from whom they learned how to extort usurious rates from naive Christian debtors. For Cleirac, Lombards were even more dangerous than Jews. Jews, he writes, ‘were hated, despised as impertinent fellows, and continuously ridiculed’. Lombards, in contrast, could pass as reputable Christian merchants. �
Replies: @S, @TT
The Spanish Congress of Deputies passed the law to try and repair what Madrid called a "historical error" — the expulsion of approximately 200,00 Jews by order of then Catholic monarchs, Isabel and Ferdinand, in the name of the "purity" of blood. Back then, the majority of the Jewish community took refuge in the Ottoman Empire and North Africa.
Bids for citizenship accelerated drastically before the October 1 deadline, with more than 132,000 applications according to estimates by the Spanish Ministry of Justice. �
Could this be because of an “echo†for revenge for the culprits who did the crime.
That is an interesting hypothetical angle in regards to Italy’s Lombard region, Spain, and the outbreaks there.
Regarding another possible ‘”echo” for revenge’ [see comment link below], this time in regards to Rome’s destruction of the Jewish Temple, the Roman ‘First Triumvirate’ parallel of Trump, Pompeo, and Jared Kushner still remains in place, with the Jewish Jared Kushner potentially in the role of a figurative Julius Caesar leading over a ‘New Rome’, ie the United States. [Trump has already declared a ‘national emergency’ in regards to the virus. Who knows what may ultimately transpire in regards to US government leadership due in part to this ’emergency’?]
If you’ve not already read the second link below in regards to Kushner you might find it of some interest.
The practice for containment in the US started on Purim day in New Rochelle, near NYC.
Purim celebrated on the 14th of Adar, is the most fun-filled, action-packed day of the Jewish year. It commemorates our nation’s miraculous salvation more than two millennia ago. Purim 2020 begins Monday night, March 9 and continues through Tuesday, March 10, (March 11 in Jerusalem).
Bill against China is based on outbreak there before March 11, Jerusalem Purim day.
Coronavirus: New York Creates 'Containment Area' Around Cluster In New Rochelle
March 10, 20202:17 PM ET �
March 11, Jerusalem Purim day, no Europeans allowed to enter the US by air travel.
(4) calls for an international investigation led by public health officials from the United States and other affected nations to determine how the handling by the Government of the People’s Republic of China of the COVID–19 outbreak prior to March 11, 2020, contributed to the emergence of the COVID–19 global pandemic; and �
The WHO declares coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, Jerusalem Purim day.
On March 11, a new phase was launched. The Trump administration imposed a 30-day ban on Europeans entering the United States through the suspension of air-travel with the EU (with the exception of Britain).
The World Health Organization on Wednesday declared the rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, acknowledging what has seemed clear for some time — the virus will likely spread to all countries on the globe. �
Prez Xi also consistently equate the situation as war like since, putting its army on high alert as reported in PD. The whole country resources were mobilized as though on a bioattack.
Chen Wei, a Major General of the People's Liberation Army, was flown in to Wuhan by the central government late last month before officially taking the helm of Wuhan Institute of Virology. Chen, also a leading specialist in genetic engineering vaccines in China, developed a medical spray during the SARS outbreak in 2003.
She is also known in the country as the 'terminator of Ebola' for leading a team to create a vaccine against the fatal virus.
Speaking of fighting the novel coronavirus, Chen said: 'The epidemic is like a military situation. The epicentre equals to the battlefield.'
This still is possible, but some new information, nothing definitive, suggests it might just have arisen naturally.
Of course, no informed person puts it past the US to do such a thing. It is raging with hostilities and resentments towards China.
And it does often behave irrationally and viciously.
Here are thoughts on the matter I posted under another article:
I certainly was among the suspicious concerning a bio-weapon.
The quality and attitudes of America’s leadership today make that not unthinkable at all, which is part of the reason so many have written articles suggesting the possibility, or even likelihood.
While still ready to accept any facts that emerge, I am beginning to think otherwise.
First, Italian doctors last year appear to have discovered the same thing as the Chinese, an unusual cluster of pneumonia cases.
They are beginning to think they were actually the coronavirus.
Two, a number of serious experts have suggested we have all of our numbers wrong.
The infection, it is suggested, rolled through European and American populations a while back.
But because, for most people, the infection is so mild, even free of symptoms, all numbers on the total infections everywhere are likely wildly off on the low side.
Of course, if that’s the case, the death rate for this thing is actually extremely low and does not warrant extreme measures, and our political leaders have acted on the basis of terrible data.
I don’t know. It all represents quite a nightmare.
And I can’t help remembering, watching the US reactions to all the events, “How the Mighty have fallen.â€
Of course, it didn’t help that this disease was discovered in China, the target of immense hostilities and resentments in America.
The President of the US and, especially, his Secretary of State, have made the most shameful statements. Just beyond common decency.
But where’s the decency left in a country that severely sanctions the innocent populations of Venezuela and Iran? That attends to killing people in a half dozen other places? And that supports genuinely bloody tyrants in a number of countries?
There is no pity and no soul which appear to remain.
Bio warfare scientists using diplomatic cover test man-made viruses at Pentagon bio laboratories in 25 countries across the world. These US bio-laboratories are funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) under a $ 2.1 billion military program– Cooperative Biological Engagement Program (CBEP), and are located in former Soviet Union countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, the Middle East, South East Asia and Africa. �