As part of the KGB who was responsible for murdering dissidents and chilling dissension, Putin was an integral part of the Deep State. Do not be so naive.
Putin is a Russian patriot. Why do you think globo-homo has an irrational hatred of Putin and Russia.
How can Putin be part of the deep state, while simultaneously the deep state hates him?
The Oligarchs in Russia were Jews, and they installed themselves through various trickery, especially by borrowing dollar credit abroad.
The exact same method was used to buy up Germany during the hyperinflation. Once you know our (((friends))) tricks, you cannot unlearn them.
Thank you Mr. Mikhail for pointing out what I have always sensed that this Putin is just to good
to be true. As you said “The US government intervention tipped the balance in favor of Boris Yeltsin.”
“Yeltsin went on to appoint Vladimir Putin as his successor .” Than it means that Putin is also the
banksters’s man. Just like in WWII . Stalin , Hitler , Roosevelt , Churchill were in the same pocket of the international Deep State . Only Hirohito was clean . Mussolini was member of the Royal Arch but leather changed . That’s why his death corps were mutilated as a punishment . Oh by the way :the
Russian author is also a puppet from the London School of Economics .
I found the info on the Daily Mail website, which (of course) can be misleading. So please, instruct me. At present the Skripal affair is developing into a direction that even may exonerate ‘the Russians’ from blame and may show how British & US intelligence services are plundering the ‘rich’ Russians living under their ‘protection’ like a maffia organisation would do. The announcement from the British expert on nerve gas, that he cannot recognize the source is bewildering. What if the finger print that was found (supposed that mr. Skripal was attacked by novichok), points towards a British or US source?
Do people inherit their parents’ debts under British law? I hadn’t heard that.
Nobody is threatening Russia
Objectively false and resupplied with fresh material every day. The only time NPR isn’t attacking Trump is when they are flat out lying about Russia in terms of existential threat.
There is no reason to vote for Putin
I stopped counting the reasons listed in the above excellent article at around twenty. You can disagree with them but twenty is a bigger number than zero.
“A Side Note for American readers
Some time ago I vowed never to comment on anything election-hacking related as I found it ridiculous from the get-go (see image below). However in certain circles the story has grown so big at this point that it can’t avoid mention even in this context. If, after two years of hysteria, your own House Committee finds that basically nothing happened and Special Prosecutor comes up with 13 people who used a budget of just over $1 million to fly to the States, buy a few SIM cards and make a some Facebook posts – this says more about your society than anybody else(s). I recall when I lived in the States how 19 people armed with box cutters – who, albeit, did actively seek to hurt America – sent the country into two of its most expensive, longest, most pointless and, as yet, unwinnable wars. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”
I respond:
South Rus, including Central, Slobidska and Southern Ukraine would be better off left alone too, to continue developing the Ukrainian project. These areas have developed their own cultural and political ideas, not to mention their own separate Ukrainian language. Even by your own estimates, only 15-33% of natives within the fictitious 'Novorossiya' were supporters of some sort of confederation with Russia. That means that somewhere between 67-85% were not. Where I'm from, the majority's opinion always counts for more.Replies: @polskijoe, @RadicalCenter
Correct – even amongst Russian nationalists, there are few who want to incorporate Galicia or the Baltics.
Surely you’d support a national referendum asking Americans whether we should go to war against Russia, then?
Same question with war against Iran.
Anon from TN
It is truly amazing what Western stupidity and grotesque lies of Western propaganda have achieved. In 2013 Putin’s approval hovered at ~45%. Nazi coup in Ukraine and reunification with Crimea increased it to 65-70%. Recent British hysterics, where the versions change every day (we are on #5 now; only a hopeless moron can stage a provocation without inventing a coherent set of plausible lies beforehand) added another 5% at least. Yesterday Putin got more than 76% of the vote with participation of more than 67% of eligible voters, and this time around he did not need any underhanded tricks. Thus, more than 51% of eligible voters supported him. This is the level Western politicians can’t even dream of: Trump was elected by 26% of eligible voters, Merkel’s party got even less.
Putin’s propaganda could have never been so efficient in drumming up his support in Russia as ham-handed propaganda of the US and its vassals. Putin should thank Trump, May, Merkel, Macron, and others for his resounding electoral success. Speak of unintended consequences.
False analogies are the Achilles heel of most discussions today. Things are usually different.
Iraq WMD, anyone? If that wasn’t “completely made-up stuffâ€
Anon from TN
Sometimes the more things get different, the more they remain the same.
Iraq WMD story was based on super-secret intelligence briefings that were presented by British PM at that time Tony Blair as “factsâ€. Similar arguments were presented to the US Congress, also citing intelligence agencies. A tube with God knows what was shaken by the US Secretary of State at the time Colin Powell at the UN Security Council meeting as “proof†that Iraq had WMD. The UN SC did not fall for the ruse, but both British parliament and the US Congress did. Some years later the whole thing was labeled “massive intelligence failureâ€. We all know full well whose intelligence actually failed and who benefited. As a result of a totally illegal by international law invasion based on manufactured lies hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians died. Nobody was ever punished.
A few days ago current British PM Theresa May presented a claim based on super-secret briefings by the same intelligence agencies as “factsâ€. Do I need to continue?
Iraq WMD, anyone? If that wasn’t “completely made-up stuffâ€
False analogies are the Achilles heel of most discussions today. Things are usually different.
I admit that I used a few weasel words ‘unlikely‘, ‘completely‘…well, today wars are started based on politicians saying that something is ‘highly likely’ (meaning they don’t know and have no proof), I am in pretty good company. Or bad company. Come to think of it, Boris J must be a great guy to drink with…
That's too easy because it covers many different scenarios. There had to be an 'operation', the physical facts observed would have been too difficult to arrange. Something happened. What we have are the official statements that are very partial, but unlikely to contain completely made-up stuff.
The sure sign of false flag operation is immediate accusations by real perpetrators of the designated “guilty†party.
Anon from TN
You say “unlikely to contain completely made-up stuffâ€. Iraq WMD, anyone? If that wasn’t “completely made-up stuffâ€, I am the Emperor of the East.
The sure sign of false flag operation is immediate accusations by real perpetrators of the designated “guilty†party.
That’s too easy because it covers many different scenarios. There had to be an ‘operation’, the physical facts observed would have been too difficult to arrange. Something happened. What we have are the official statements that are very partial, but unlikely to contain completely made-up stuff.
Few things to consider:
– whenever you deal with a crime involving known scumbags, they are usually involved in some way; maybe that’s why they are incommunicado
– ‘false flag’ scenarios also lack good motivations, none of the proposed ones is very credible
– Porton Down is literally across the street (just a small exaggeration) – they must have the ‘stuff’ there
– the attack seems to have failed and the symptoms don’t match what one would expect; maybe that’s the point of the whole thing, stuff occasionally gets tested or is mishandled.
This is quite a mystery.
That provides credible answers to 3 of my 4 points. It still leaves the 'coincidence' of Porton Down. It would not be treated as coincidence if the story was reversed.Carrying nerve gas in one's luggage (presumably unknowingly) is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. That brings up the whole motivation issue: one has to assume that people who did this were very extreme, they knew the risk and the media circus coming - and either didn't care or welcomed it. My perception of Putin and his government is that they are risk-averse, they don't show-boat, they are not nihilists. Most rational observers have that perception. Unless that perception is incorrect, or something has dramatically changed in the last few months, the motivation still doesn't make sense. We have means, opportunity, but to assign motivation we have to assume that things have changed and now anything goes. One or the other side, or both, are in a 'war' all the way. We have had some weird coincidences lately, maybe now come the consequences. (Oh boy, and I am just discovering the pleasures of Italian cousine...)Replies: @AnonFromTN
It was carried in her luggage...Swapped spies are meant to retire
Anon from TN
Skripal was a classic case of false-flag operation, that is, if there was an operation: at the moment we can’t even be sure that Skripal and his daughter were poisoned, not to mention with what and by whom. The sure sign of false flag operation is immediate accusations by real perpetrators of the designated “guilty†party. No investigation is necessary: the perpetrator knows who he intends to accuse.
That's too easy because it covers many different scenarios. There had to be an 'operation', the physical facts observed would have been too difficult to arrange. Something happened. What we have are the official statements that are very partial, but unlikely to contain completely made-up stuff.
The sure sign of false flag operation is immediate accusations by real perpetrators of the designated “guilty†party.
Anon from TN
August 2014 was almost 4 years ago. There was no established state structure in Lugansk. At that time Ukrainian army shelled the city. Ukies controlled Lugansk airport and were 2-4 km from the city in many places. In addition, there were Ukie terrorist groups infiltrating the city with small mortars and firing shells at random. In June of 2014 Ukrainian military airplane bombed the central square, where in the park mothers used to walk their children (here is the video
Video LinkIt is also rumored that the first head of Lugansk Republic had mafia ties. I had to evacuate my mother from Lugansk in September 2014, to Russia and then to the States, where she lives with us.
The situation changed a lot since then. After freedom fighters downed many Ukie aircraft, the territory of both Lugansk and Donetsk Republics became a no-fly zone for Ukie military. Ukie army was pushed so far from Lugansk that it cannot shell the city any more. The head of Lugansk Republic is now a different person. Overall, law and order in Lugansk is now better enforced than in the remainder of Ukraine. At least that’s what my former classmates tell me (last time I was in Lugansk was in September 2013, before the coup and the war; back then I flew from Munich to Donetsk airport, that is totally ruined now, and then had ~2 h car ride to Lugansk).
There, do you feel good now? 🙂
It was carried in her luggage…Swapped spies are meant to retire
That provides credible answers to 3 of my 4 points. It still leaves the ‘coincidence‘ of Porton Down. It would not be treated as coincidence if the story was reversed.
Carrying nerve gas in one’s luggage (presumably unknowingly) is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. That brings up the whole motivation issue: one has to assume that people who did this were very extreme, they knew the risk and the media circus coming – and either didn’t care or welcomed it. My perception of Putin and his government is that they are risk-averse, they don’t show-boat, they are not nihilists. Most rational observers have that perception. Unless that perception is incorrect, or something has dramatically changed in the last few months, the motivation still doesn’t make sense.
We have means, opportunity, but to assign motivation we have to assume that things have changed and now anything goes. One or the other side, or both, are in a ‘war’ all the way. We have had some weird coincidences lately, maybe now come the consequences. (Oh boy, and I am just discovering the pleasures of Italian cousine…)
Schoolmen angels = school exchanges . Predictive typing.
The refugees from Lugansk that I met in Cardiff in August 2014 said that there was a Mafia takeover in Lugansk. They were frightened of robbery and looting.
Cardiff and Lugansk were twinned in Soviet times. Schoolmen angels continued. The exchange committee arranged to take a lot of their friends for three months. A couple of thousand came over.
In Saratov there were 3500 refugees from Ukraine in August. About 2000 were young men fleeing conscription to either side. They were sent to the farms to bring in the crops. Most didn’t like it and left Russia.
The insurgents captured their own вук weeks before. They used it to shoot down an Antonov two days before MH17.. They claimed another Antonov before discovering it was an airliner.
It wasn't that powerful. Or they were not meant to die in the park. Or the poison was badly administered.
if the nerve agent was so powerful how come that Police woman randomly walking around did find them still alive
It was carried in her luggage. That was plain once the policeman was infected after going into the house. There could have been a remote controlled device in the house but that seems unlikely.
Skripal was advising Steele on the Mueller investigation into Trump’s election. Swapped spies are meant to retire.
That provides credible answers to 3 of my 4 points. It still leaves the 'coincidence' of Porton Down. It would not be treated as coincidence if the story was reversed.Carrying nerve gas in one's luggage (presumably unknowingly) is extremely dangerous and irresponsible. That brings up the whole motivation issue: one has to assume that people who did this were very extreme, they knew the risk and the media circus coming - and either didn't care or welcomed it. My perception of Putin and his government is that they are risk-averse, they don't show-boat, they are not nihilists. Most rational observers have that perception. Unless that perception is incorrect, or something has dramatically changed in the last few months, the motivation still doesn't make sense. We have means, opportunity, but to assign motivation we have to assume that things have changed and now anything goes. One or the other side, or both, are in a 'war' all the way. We have had some weird coincidences lately, maybe now come the consequences. (Oh boy, and I am just discovering the pleasures of Italian cousine...)Replies: @AnonFromTN
It was carried in her luggage...Swapped spies are meant to retire
You’re the sadistic one here – not yours truly. You make negatively inaccurate characterizations by utilizing cowardly anonymous sources like yourself.
Reputation? No one is perfect. I don’t carry on like your cowardly anonymous self. I also don’t write bigoted articles, suggesting that it’s okay to discriminate an entire group of people, based on their national origin. Nor have I done something like forge the signature of a client that wasn’t in the latter’s best interests.
To date, you’ve yet to successfully rebuke any point I’ve made at these threads. Your diversionary manner is quite pathetic.
I always err on the side of caution. Why even take a chance in revealing my true identity, when dealing with your possible sadistic retaliatory reputation? Besides, my opinions would remain exactly the same, no matter what my name is…
Taras Szewchenko: 92-1
Bogdan Chmielnicki: 84-4
Stepan Bandera: 36-40
Petlura: 28-32
poll conducted from Ukraine:
first number is support, second number no support.
So support of the Bandera is 36.
But im guessing the amount of Bandera nationalists/ultranationalists is less than 5.
Perhaps higher concentrations in West Ukraine. @Mikhail
I have known mike averko for a very long time and wish to warn all of you who feel safe mocking him and his rants…this is not someone you want to get angry. HE IS INSANE!!! I have seen how this man lives and it is not that of a healthy person, it is that of someone insane. Make your comments but don’t ever let this man into yuour life in any way or you will end up being sorry.
Oh!? Who wrote that? The point being that anonymous cowards like you and LR can spew whatever they want in cyber with no repercussions.
Keep proving me right on your imbecilic ways.
Now why would I want to reveal my true identity, especially to a lunatic like you. Here’s a direct quote from somebody who apparently knows you, and has posted this warning:
I have known mike averko for a very long time and wish to warn all of you who feel safe mocking him and his rants…this is not someone you want to get angry. HE IS INSANE!!! I have seen how this man lives and it is not that of a healthy person, it is that of someone insane. Make your comments but don’t ever let this man into yuour life in any way or you will end up being sorry.
Anon from TN
The people from Ukraine I know consider Bandera and Shukhevich criminals. Hitler used this scum and their troops mostly for mass murder of civilians, in Donbass, Belarus, Slovakia, Poland. He preferred to do the dirty work using non-German traitors. BTW, Volhynia massacre was not even commanded by Hitler, it was an initiative of Ukrainian nationalists. Worshipers of these Nazis might be a minority in Ukraine, but they have the power. What’s more, the people (except Donbass and some individuals in Odessa and Kharkov) do not even protest against the glorification of these criminals. Thus, they are guilty by association. But guilty they are. The blood of people murdered in Donbass and burnt in Odessa is on their hands, too.
The moderate Euromaidan types are quick to note stats thatr show pro-Bandera sentiment to be limited within Kiev regime controlled Ukraine.
They don’t have a good answer to the follow-up observation that the pro-Bandera wing has disproportionate influence from their actual numbers – partly due to the kind of violent intimidation that has been evident within Ukrainian nationalist circles.
A Kharkov born ethnic Ukrainian told me of Ukrainian-American social gatherings, where the pro-Bandera types typically carry on on in a loud and menacing way – looking to weed out (for lack of a better term) folks who disagree with them.
Someone I know who was married to a US think tank head, recalled a time when her then spouse’s org hosted a Ukrainian gathering that included a group saying pro-Bandera things. When she protested to her husband, she was told to pipe down.
In the US, the pro-Bandera types were involved with the bigoted Captive Nations Committee influenced Captive Nations Week. Richard Sakwa picked up on this in his book:
Beats being the boring, senile old dope that you appear to be. Your stupidity is further exhibited by not apparently knowing the figurative uses of the term in question.
On another matter that you selectively brought up (having to do with appearance), someone (not me) recently noted how things can be worse when considering the looks of Turchynov, Por0shenko, Gessen, Fitzpatrick and a host of others, including yourself, as you’re too ashamed to reveal your identity, while carrying on like a trolling coward. @Mikhail
I have known mike averko for a very long time and wish to warn all of you who feel safe mocking him and his rants…this is not someone you want to get angry. HE IS INSANE!!! I have seen how this man lives and it is not that of a healthy person, it is that of someone insane. Make your comments but don’t ever let this man into yuour life in any way or you will end up being sorry.
Can you really do that?
But wait, you’re the one that stated that I could. Losing your memory in your middle age, already you demented fool?
the person you’ve a hard on for
Do you remember now (it was only a couple of comments ago)? 🙂
Thanks for the backhanded compliment, Mickey. At least I'm still able to get it up, how about you, a balding, neurotic Russo centric American male (how old are you now Mickey, from your photos you're definitely in you 40's by now, probably in your 50's?). BTW, whose the guy I'm supposedly in love with, anyway?...Replies: @Mikhail
whether by him or others, including the person you’ve a hard on for
Can you really do that? How can we be sure? Not that I care to know, oh dimwitted troll.
You’re not so confident in yourself, as evidenced by how you shoot off cowardly barbs under an anonymous moniker – much like the La Russophobe troll who you’ve uncritically referenced.
Later chump.
Not just 'anonymous' ones, I might add. :-)Replies: @Mikhail
Statistics are more reliable than anecdotes (incredibly undetailed ones to boot) from anonymous commenters.
You’re getting of topic again by bringing in someone else and misrepresenting the matter at hand.
In point of fact, raw statistics alone don’t often enough tell the whole story on a number of issues.
Some examples include the referencing of negative socioeconomic stats, that by themselves don’t tell of the potential for an area in question to change for the better. On this particular, some areas have better potential than others.
Reminded of a conversation I just had on shots on goal in ice hockey not necessarily determining which team had the better of play – as was once typically used.
Your dimwitted replies overlook the fact that Eurasia Review picks up a good portion of articles which initially appeared elsewhere. That applies to Goble and the person you’ve a hard on for.
Has Ron or anyone else made you any offers related to what’s ideally discussed at a thread like this ? I kind of doubt it.
Of course he was. His true colors were revealed after he made a complete 180* turn away from his initial course of European integration. He was playing the West against Moscow, but in this case his gamble backfired on himself, yet to the benefit of Ukraine. No one in Ukraine laments his departure, even his own party members deserted him quickly after his ouster, like rats on a sinking ship.Maybe Ukrainian nationalists feel that leaders like Bandera and Shukhevych were more openly supportive of the regular joes, and less motivated by enriching their own pockets. BTW, Ukrainian nationalists represent no more than 5% of the population, therefore using a broad brushstroke to paint all Ukrainians as the same is just lousy BS.Replies: @Robjil, @AnonFromTN
Yanukovich never was Putin’s man, he was just a bit saner than current US puppets.
Anon from TN
Yanukovich was playing EU against Russia and Russia against EU to get more money and resources, so he and his cronies would have more to steal. His game backfired because he thought (mistakenly) that the EU is going to play by the rules, whereas it signed an agreement with him only to break it the very next day. His “party†abandoned him not because he was scum (he was, but so were they), but because they hoped for richer pickings w/o him. They were cheated, and that serves them right. BTW, current “president” Poroshenko was a prominent member of Yanukovich’s party and economics minister under him. Birds of a feather flock together.
It is very likely that there are no more ideological nationalists in Ukraine than 5% (don’t know, can’t judge) but Ukraine has long history of primeval nationalism of hutu-tutsi variety. Bandera and Shuchevych are responsible for an ugly Jewish pogrom in Lvov in 1941, as well as for Volhynia massacre of Poles in 1943. In both cases thousands of women and children were brutally murdered. Google both terms, Internet is full of photos of these atrocities: the perpetrators were so dumb that they didn’t even think of hiding their crimes. The nation that considers these monsters heroes deserves everything that’s coming to it. That fully applies to the “silent majorityâ€.
Russian led bots were populating 4chan like ferocious fleas feeding frenzy these past few they are gone from under the bright spotlight glare and seem to be popping up in a more subtle slide elsewhere.
Of course he was. His true colors were revealed after he made a complete 180* turn away from his initial course of European integration. He was playing the West against Moscow, but in this case his gamble backfired on himself, yet to the benefit of Ukraine. No one in Ukraine laments his departure, even his own party members deserted him quickly after his ouster, like rats on a sinking ship.Maybe Ukrainian nationalists feel that leaders like Bandera and Shukhevych were more openly supportive of the regular joes, and less motivated by enriching their own pockets. BTW, Ukrainian nationalists represent no more than 5% of the population, therefore using a broad brushstroke to paint all Ukrainians as the same is just lousy BS.Replies: @Robjil, @AnonFromTN
Yanukovich never was Putin’s man, he was just a bit saner than current US puppets.
Ukraine is not a nation anymore it is a US dependency. It can’t do anything on its own anymore. At least before the coup, it had a choice of what it wanted to do in the world.
Yanukovich never was Putin’s man, he was just a bit saner than current US puppets.
Of course he was. His true colors were revealed after he made a complete 180* turn away from his initial course of European integration. He was playing the West against Moscow, but in this case his gamble backfired on himself, yet to the benefit of Ukraine. No one in Ukraine laments his departure, even his own party members deserted him quickly after his ouster, like rats on a sinking ship.
Maybe Ukrainian nationalists feel that leaders like Bandera and Shukhevych were more openly supportive of the regular joes, and less motivated by enriching their own pockets. BTW, Ukrainian nationalists represent no more than 5% of the population, therefore using a broad brushstroke to paint all Ukrainians as the same is just lousy BS.
How is the “winning of all of the Ukraine†coming along?Just fine.�
Ukraine is moving away further from Russia's orbit everyday (I think this is what Karlin had in mind) and closer to the West. Even Yanukovych 'Putin's man in Ukraine' never showed any inclination to be just the "Ottoman of Novorossiya'. Why would anybody else?Replies: @AnonFromTN
the fact that both the US and Kiev turned down Putin's rather generous proposal: "Federalize, and all will be well, we'll live with Poroshenko (even with Turchinov) like we did with Yanukovych" and instead launched a civil war which they could never win, also indirectly confirms what I'm writing. In the federalization scenario they would lose Ukraine, not as quickly or noticeably, but definitively and without unnecessary deaths and destruction...If you listen to Poroshenko, "federalization" is about the worst thing that could happen because, from his perspective, it would be the worst thing to happen. I mean, why fund the Maidan if you will become a figurehead president of a confederal Ukraine???
Anon from TN
Yanukovich never was Putin’s man, he was just a bit saner than current US puppets. However, neither he, nor current scum, nor any Ukrainian president before Yanukovich ever cared about the country. They all kept lining their pockets. Hence the present situation. But the people tolerated all that and now tolerate glorification of open Nazis, like Shuhevych, Bandera, or veterans of Waffen SS division Galichina.
Ukraine is moving down the drain. Serves it right.
Of course he was. His true colors were revealed after he made a complete 180* turn away from his initial course of European integration. He was playing the West against Moscow, but in this case his gamble backfired on himself, yet to the benefit of Ukraine. No one in Ukraine laments his departure, even his own party members deserted him quickly after his ouster, like rats on a sinking ship.Maybe Ukrainian nationalists feel that leaders like Bandera and Shukhevych were more openly supportive of the regular joes, and less motivated by enriching their own pockets. BTW, Ukrainian nationalists represent no more than 5% of the population, therefore using a broad brushstroke to paint all Ukrainians as the same is just lousy BS.Replies: @Robjil, @AnonFromTN
Yanukovich never was Putin’s man, he was just a bit saner than current US puppets.
whether by him or others, including the person you’ve a hard on for
Thanks for the backhanded compliment, Mickey. At least I’m still able to get it up, how about you, a balding, neurotic Russo centric American male (how old are you now Mickey, from your photos you’re definitely in you 40’s by now, probably in your 50’s?). BTW, whose the guy I’m supposedly in love with, anyway?…
Looks like Karlin also takes a different viewpoint of ‘statistical analyses’ than you, Mickey:
Statistics are more reliable than anecdotes (incredibly undetailed ones to boot) from anonymous commenters.
Not just ‘anonymous’ ones, I might add. 🙂
I don’t have the time, nor the inclination to run my own blog. Perhaps, both you and Goble should both consider moving away from the rag that now sponsors your blogs? Why not the ‘Unz Review’,where there motto includes sponsoring ‘alternative viewpoints’, and your’s are assuredly ‘alternative’! Don’t tell me that Ron Unz has also turned you down??….
Another classic 'Averkoism' that I'm sure Ron Unz will make note of! :-)Replies: @Mikhail
Statistics or not, not everything is always so well defined as some suggest.
Sure beats the cowardly anonymous troll likes of yourself, offering no successful substantive replies.
Not just 'anonymous' ones, I might add. :-)Replies: @Mikhail
Statistics are more reliable than anecdotes (incredibly undetailed ones to boot) from anonymous commenters.
And then I try to point out that somebody of your great natural abilities doesn't seem to be getting the type of exposure that he should:
You’re the best, the greatest of all time, Mickey.
You seem to be on the right track though. Look at Andrei Martyanov. He was recently afforded his own blog here at Unz Review, after diligently being a commenting contributor at both the Saker's and Karlin's blogs. Ron Unz is always looking for great new talent - you'd be a cinch! :-)Replies: @Mikhail
I still can’t believe that RT refuses to offer you a spot within their venue? Their loss is ‘Eurasia Review’s gain, however, where you’re still averaging less than one comment per post?
Intellect included, your talents are comparatively limited.
BTW, Goble is picked up by Eurasia Review as well. That venue isn’t the only outlet where such material (whether by him or others, including the person you’ve a hard on for) get picked up.
Thanks for the backhanded compliment, Mickey. At least I'm still able to get it up, how about you, a balding, neurotic Russo centric American male (how old are you now Mickey, from your photos you're definitely in you 40's by now, probably in your 50's?). BTW, whose the guy I'm supposedly in love with, anyway?...Replies: @Mikhail
whether by him or others, including the person you’ve a hard on for
Like you, you mean? Like your "expert" opinions on warfare and technology? Karlin, you have to internalize one very simple thing--once removed from the saving grace (for you) of time lag and relative invisibility of internet discussion boards, and having face-to-face "discussion" (it is in quotation marks for a purpose) with anyone really, unlike you, professional on subject matter--your time before being completely humiliated will measure in minutes. In case of Rostislav, whose life and academic experiences dwarf anything you ever will have--he would chew you up and spit out in a matter of seconds. Again, I repeat--you are no analyst, no subject matter expert in anything but I am sure Rostislav Ishenko will be placed on suicide watch once he learns about some obscure ignorant blogger criticizing him.
And yes, that “genius
Just fine.Replies: @Mr. Hack
How is the “winning of all of the Ukraine†coming along?
How is the “winning of all of the Ukraine†coming along?
Just fine.
the fact that both the US and Kiev turned down Putin’s rather generous proposal: “Federalize, and all will be well, we’ll live with Poroshenko (even with Turchinov) like we did with Yanukovych” and instead launched a civil war which they could never win, also indirectly confirms what I’m writing. In the federalization scenario they would lose Ukraine, not as quickly or noticeably, but definitively and without unnecessary deaths and destruction…If you listen to Poroshenko, “federalization” is about the worst thing that could happen because, from his perspective, it would be the worst thing to happen. I mean, why fund the Maidan if you will become a figurehead president of a confederal Ukraine???
Ukraine is moving away further from Russia’s orbit everyday (I think this is what Karlin had in mind) and closer to the West. Even Yanukovych ‘Putin’s man in Ukraine’ never showed any inclination to be just the “Ottoman of Novorossiya’. Why would anybody else?
And yes, that "genius". How is the "winning of all of the Ukraine" coming along?Replies: @Andrei Martyanov
... even Rostislav Ishenko who has even today a superb grasp of the situation on the ground in Ukraine,
And yes, that “genius
Like you, you mean? Like your “expert” opinions on warfare and technology? Karlin, you have to internalize one very simple thing–once removed from the saving grace (for you) of time lag and relative invisibility of internet discussion boards, and having face-to-face “discussion” (it is in quotation marks for a purpose) with anyone really, unlike you, professional on subject matter–your time before being completely humiliated will measure in minutes. In case of Rostislav, whose life and academic experiences dwarf anything you ever will have–he would chew you up and spit out in a matter of seconds. Again, I repeat–you are no analyst, no subject matter expert in anything but I am sure Rostislav Ishenko will be placed on suicide watch once he learns about some obscure ignorant blogger criticizing him.
How is the “winning of all of the Ukraine†coming along?
Just fine.
How is the “winning of all of the Ukraine†coming along?Just fine.�
Ukraine is moving away further from Russia's orbit everyday (I think this is what Karlin had in mind) and closer to the West. Even Yanukovych 'Putin's man in Ukraine' never showed any inclination to be just the "Ottoman of Novorossiya'. Why would anybody else?Replies: @AnonFromTN
the fact that both the US and Kiev turned down Putin's rather generous proposal: "Federalize, and all will be well, we'll live with Poroshenko (even with Turchinov) like we did with Yanukovych" and instead launched a civil war which they could never win, also indirectly confirms what I'm writing. In the federalization scenario they would lose Ukraine, not as quickly or noticeably, but definitively and without unnecessary deaths and destruction...If you listen to Poroshenko, "federalization" is about the worst thing that could happen because, from his perspective, it would be the worst thing to happen. I mean, why fund the Maidan if you will become a figurehead president of a confederal Ukraine???
Bandera was a crazy Hungarian and you erected saint statue for him.
Who are you Ukrainians anyway. Germanic tribe or Slavic tribe.
Now I do have a doubt that Taras Shevchenko was Ukrainian.
Did you forget to erect statue for him?
Novorossia (I mean South and Southeast Ukraine)
wouldnt have to join Russia.
They can have their own countroy and have a referendum who is their main allies.
They can be netural between Russia and Ukraine (if thats possible).
Why do yo think they would want their country? They had their chance, if they wanted it, in 2014, and demonstrated loyalty to Ukraine.
As for Galicia, thats one confusing part, and I think they are partly responsible for the current retardation of the Ukrainian government.
Contrary to ridiculous ideas of Russian nationalists who feel good about pretending that Ukraine is in eternal 2015, current Ukrainian government is doing at least about as well as were previous ones, and no worse than anything a southern Ukrainian government could come up with.
Is continuation of war better? (more deaths, more leaving to other countries, etc).
Not Kiev’s choice. Armed enemies on one side require a military border; lack of ceasefire results in inevitable small-scale clashes. Unless you mean unilateral capitulation, Ukraine will keep soldiers on the frontline.
If so, he is being too clever by half. My conclusion was based on his other comments as well as that one.
South Rus, including Central, Slobidska and Southern Ukraine would be better off left alone too, to continue developing the Ukrainian project. These areas have developed their own cultural and political ideas, not to mention their own separate Ukrainian language. Even by your own estimates, only 15-33% of natives within the fictitious 'Novorossiya' were supporters of some sort of confederation with Russia. That means that somewhere between 67-85% were not. Where I'm from, the majority's opinion always counts for more.Replies: @polskijoe, @RadicalCenter
Correct – even amongst Russian nationalists, there are few who want to incorporate Galicia or the Baltics.
Novorossia (I mean South and Southeast Ukraine)
wouldnt have to join Russia.
They can have their own countroy and have a referendum who is their main allies.
They can be netural between Russia and Ukraine (if thats possible).
As for Galicia, thats one confusing part, and I think they are partly responsible for the current
retardation of the Ukrainian government.
Is continuation of war better? (more deaths, more leaving to other countries, etc).
Or peaceful division agreed by referendums?
Why do yo think they would want their country? They had their chance, if they wanted it, in 2014, and demonstrated loyalty to Ukraine.
Novorossia (I mean South and Southeast Ukraine)
wouldnt have to join Russia.
They can have their own countroy and have a referendum who is their main allies.
They can be netural between Russia and Ukraine (if thats possible).
Contrary to ridiculous ideas of Russian nationalists who feel good about pretending that Ukraine is in eternal 2015, current Ukrainian government is doing at least about as well as were previous ones, and no worse than anything a southern Ukrainian government could come up with.
As for Galicia, thats one confusing part, and I think they are partly responsible for the current retardation of the Ukrainian government. �
Not Kiev's choice. Armed enemies on one side require a military border; lack of ceasefire results in inevitable small-scale clashes. Unless you mean unilateral capitulation, Ukraine will keep soldiers on the frontline.
Is continuation of war better? (more deaths, more leaving to other countries, etc).
Correct - even amongst Russian nationalists, there are few who want to incorporate Galicia or the Baltics.
Giving Galicia immediate independence seems like an easy solution to that.
I am reasonably optimistic on China. Its reliance on Western markets has plummeted, it's now less reliant even in terms of technology transfer, and the relatively pro-American Shanghai clique has been completely neutralized. Xi Jinping is known to have a very good relationship with Putin. Meanwhile, Russia has assumed a growing role as an energy supplier to China, and the only one whose supply routes are not subject to potential American interdiction.
Real question is how would China react?
Armenia is as alien to Russian civilization as any in the Caucasus, and they have a fierce independent identity. Although polls indicate that they miss the USSR more than most, it's worth noting that there were Armenian nationalist terrorist attacks on the Moscow Metro in the 1970s. We can be friends but no point in being in the same state.
Caucasus out as well for many, many reasons except perhaps Armenia.
Correct – even amongst Russian nationalists, there are few who want to incorporate Galicia or the Baltics.
South Rus, including Central, Slobidska and Southern Ukraine would be better off left alone too, to continue developing the Ukrainian project. These areas have developed their own cultural and political ideas, not to mention their own separate Ukrainian language. Even by your own estimates, only 15-33% of natives within the fictitious ‘Novorossiya’ were supporters of some sort of confederation with Russia. That means that somewhere between 67-85% were not. Where I’m from, the majority’s opinion always counts for more.
Statistics or not, not everything is always so well defined as some suggest.
Another classic ‘Averkoism’ that I’m sure Ron Unz will make note of! 🙂
What’s the matter Averko?
First, I directly take a quote from you where you pat yourself on the back, extolling your own abilities to debate any point, and then I go even one step further and confirm your own feelings:
You’re the best, the greatest of all time, Mickey.
And then I try to point out that somebody of your great natural abilities doesn’t seem to be getting the type of exposure that he should:
I still can’t believe that RT refuses to offer you a spot within their venue? Their loss is ‘Eurasia Review’s gain, however, where you’re still averaging less than one comment per post?
You seem to be on the right track though. Look at Andrei Martyanov. He was recently afforded his own blog here at Unz Review, after diligently being a commenting contributor at both the Saker’s and Karlin’s blogs. Ron Unz is always looking for great new talent – you’d be a cinch! 🙂
In 2014, modest to vigorous approval in the south and east; sullen but non-violent resentment in Kiev; a low-level insurgency in Galicia (more severe than in Northern Ireland, but less so than in Chechnya).Giving Galicia immediate independence seems like an easy solution to that.
Obviously a full-fledged New Cold War with the West would follow, but it looks like Putin managed to get that anyway.Danger is obviously a hot war, but I find the idea of the West going to war for the Ukraine dubious. Baltics are probably a real red line, and given that we cannot defend the Baltics this was a very poor policy decision. Fortunately it's not in Russia's interests to annex the Baltics again (do Russian nationalists know this though?).Real question is how would China react? Western hostility is a given, but sudden loss of Chinese support would be very negative. China needs Russia a lot less than Russian needs China.Regathering the Russian lands and bringing the little and white Russians back into the Russian realm should be the fundamental near term goal of Russian foreign policy.Without them Russia has little hope of regaining world power status in this century.Leave the Baltics (Western red line, anti-Russian population) and the stans (poor human capital, certain to outrage China) out.Caucasus out as well for many, many reasons except perhaps Armenia.Replies: @Anatoly Karlin
Giving Galicia immediate independence seems like an easy solution to that.
Correct – even amongst Russian nationalists, there are few who want to incorporate Galicia or the Baltics.
Real question is how would China react?
I am reasonably optimistic on China. Its reliance on Western markets has plummeted, it’s now less reliant even in terms of technology transfer, and the relatively pro-American Shanghai clique has been completely neutralized. Xi Jinping is known to have a very good relationship with Putin. Meanwhile, Russia has assumed a growing role as an energy supplier to China, and the only one whose supply routes are not subject to potential American interdiction.
Either way, China really is critical. It has something close to veto power on whether Russia can effect its resurgence, because Russia can’t realistically go against the wishes of both the West and China at once. Incidentally, if Russian nationalists do have a major blind spot, it’s on China – many of them buy into the simplistic tropes about them (is a paper tiger; only manufactures cheap crap; etc).
Caucasus out as well for many, many reasons except perhaps Armenia.
Armenia is as alien to Russian civilization as any in the Caucasus, and they have a fierce independent identity. Although polls indicate that they miss the USSR more than most, it’s worth noting that there were Armenian nationalist terrorist attacks on the Moscow Metro in the 1970s. We can be friends but no point in being in the same state.
Agreed with everything else.
South Rus, including Central, Slobidska and Southern Ukraine would be better off left alone too, to continue developing the Ukrainian project. These areas have developed their own cultural and political ideas, not to mention their own separate Ukrainian language. Even by your own estimates, only 15-33% of natives within the fictitious 'Novorossiya' were supporters of some sort of confederation with Russia. That means that somewhere between 67-85% were not. Where I'm from, the majority's opinion always counts for more.Replies: @polskijoe, @RadicalCenter
Correct – even amongst Russian nationalists, there are few who want to incorporate Galicia or the Baltics.
Person who thinks Soviet divisions in WW2 had 80,000 men believes he has something intelligent and/or relevant to say.
There is another "small" factor which he doesn't want to mention--a depopulation of Ukraine which is being hidden by the regime. In fact, even Rostislav Ishenko who has even today a superb grasp of the situation on the ground in Ukraine, granted that he apart from being a superb historian worked in the top echelons of Ukrainian power brought this issue up. Nobody today knows the actual number of population of Ukraine, nor anybody can have a handle on any economic data from there since most of it fabricated, including for the consumption of the international credit organizations, which now simply refused to finance Kiev regime.
Let me give you an example of statistics (from here, saying that Russian GDP (by PPP) is $27, 890 (IMF; #48) or $27,900 (CIA; #51), whereas the numbers for Ukraine are $8,656 (IMF) or $8,700 (CIA), so that Ukraine is #114, between Bhutan and Morocco (IMF), or #118, between El Salvador and Bhutan (CIA). These numbers contradict the assertion that “the rest of Ukraine†is doing just fine, just like my anecdotal evidence. All I can say is that, as they tolerate the criminal regime in Kiev, they deserve what came to them.
… even Rostislav Ishenko who has even today a superb grasp of the situation on the ground in Ukraine,
And yes, that “genius”. How is the “winning of all of the Ukraine” coming along?
Like you, you mean? Like your "expert" opinions on warfare and technology? Karlin, you have to internalize one very simple thing--once removed from the saving grace (for you) of time lag and relative invisibility of internet discussion boards, and having face-to-face "discussion" (it is in quotation marks for a purpose) with anyone really, unlike you, professional on subject matter--your time before being completely humiliated will measure in minutes. In case of Rostislav, whose life and academic experiences dwarf anything you ever will have--he would chew you up and spit out in a matter of seconds. Again, I repeat--you are no analyst, no subject matter expert in anything but I am sure Rostislav Ishenko will be placed on suicide watch once he learns about some obscure ignorant blogger criticizing him.
And yes, that “genius
Just fine.Replies: @Mr. Hack
How is the “winning of all of the Ukraine†coming along?
The problem with this joke is that the epicenter of prostitution and drug abuse in Ukraine is not in the Bandera territory but in the Donbas. Donbas has been described as the number one export center of prostitutes. A Donbassser such as you, talking about prostitution and drug abuse of Bandera followers, is like an American black making fun of American whites for their murder rate and out of wedlock births. You just make yourself look ridiculous.
- What if your father were a drug addict, your mother a prostitute, your sister a slut, and all your friends hopeless morons?
- Then I’d be a Bandera follower.
Statistics or not, not everything is always so well defined as some suggest. Donbass had the misfortune of experiencing some of the worst elements of the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The Kiev regime’s bombing of it surely hasn’t helped.
Alexander Motyl has essentially used your highlighted negative points about Donbass, to suggest that it’s not worth the Kiev regime’s energy to be retaken. Crimea clearly and understandably prefers Russia over Ukraine. Given these particulars, one rhetorically wonders why there’s so much bitching with the Kremlin over the former Ukrainian SSR?
Prior to being bombed, Donbass had upward factors with greater potential. It’s not like its future is so etched in stone, thereby explaining the Kiev regime’s desire to have it, along with Crimea.
Concerning former Soviet matters, the use of African-Americans and crime stats has been brought up elsewhere.
Excerpt –
“Moments before the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympic opening ceremony, CAS came out with another decision on Russian athletes, which contradicts its February 1 ruling. Bigotry has been given a boost over the idea of judging people as individuals. To quote The New York Times’ Juliet Macur: ‘The whistle-blowers are holding their breath. The Russians and clean athletes are, too.’
As I noted: ‘Substitute Russians for some other group in such a negatively applied way and see the selective outrage. No NYT journo would write a bigoted comparison that differentiates between law abiding citizens and African-Americans, followed by a utilization of crime statistics as ‘proof’ for such a presented contrast.’
Along with numerous other Western mass media journalists, some of Macur’s other commentary have a noticeable anti-Russian bias. I wonder if she learned that slant from her father, who she wrote about?”
Upon further review (as noted in the above linked article), Russia isn’t so up there in Olympic sports doping, as has been suggested in some influential circles.
Another classic 'Averkoism' that I'm sure Ron Unz will make note of! :-)Replies: @Mikhail
Statistics or not, not everything is always so well defined as some suggest.
Yep. Regarding RT:
RT is basically a reaction to the Western bs.
And its good they cover topics the West wont.
Of course RT is propagand and ive seen it make errors several times.
Their comment section is trash (deletion, censoring, etc).
For a list of Western bs:
When I saw “Danish Sociologist” I stopped taking you seriously.
What’s the name of Trump”s dog ? Donald.
Probably it’s not correct in English?
Sorry it’s for anon
That troll is another example of empty calories regularly getting debunked.
In short, he’s an anti-Russian leaning Ukrainian nationalist, who has yet to successfully refute any of my fact based points. He takes the cowardly anonymous troll route, in an obvious effort to try to shift attention away from what he doesn’t want presented.
Earlier, he didn’t successfully reply to the matter of JRL promoted Paul Goble, not getting many, if any comments at his blog. For that matter, JRL, has a comments section, that doesn’t get many, if any comments.
The people who I regularly communicate with are a well educated eclectic lot, much unlike himself. Many of the former don’t partake in net discussions on account of folks like him.
And then I try to point out that somebody of your great natural abilities doesn't seem to be getting the type of exposure that he should:
You’re the best, the greatest of all time, Mickey.
You seem to be on the right track though. Look at Andrei Martyanov. He was recently afforded his own blog here at Unz Review, after diligently being a commenting contributor at both the Saker's and Karlin's blogs. Ron Unz is always looking for great new talent - you'd be a cinch! :-)Replies: @Mikhail
I still can’t believe that RT refuses to offer you a spot within their venue? Their loss is ‘Eurasia Review’s gain, however, where you’re still averaging less than one comment per post?
Oh My! Looks like Ukraine is now close to extinction.
Anon from TN
Sense of humor helped Russians retain their sanity in the Russian Empire, in the USSR, and keeps doing so in today’s Russia. In this Ukrainians are no different: it would be hard to survive current realities in Ukraine without jokes. Here is another modern one.
Poroshenko with his driver speeds along a country road, and suddenly a pig runs onto it. The driver can’t stop in time, so the car kills the pig. Poroshenko says:
– I am a fair president. Put the pig into a bag, go to the nearby village, find the owner, and pay him compensation.
The driver obeys, leaves, does not come back for many hours, and then returns totally stoned. Poroshenko asks:
– Where have you been so long? Why are you drunk?
The driver answers:
– I went to the village, just like you said, told them that I am the driver of Poroshenko and I killed that pig. At that point they all started offering me drinks…
The problem with this joke is that the epicenter of prostitution and drug abuse in Ukraine is not in the Bandera territory but in the Donbas. Donbas has been described as the number one export center of prostitutes. A Donbassser such as you, talking about prostitution and drug abuse of Bandera followers, is like an American black making fun of American whites for their murder rate and out of wedlock births. You just make yourself look ridiculous.
- What if your father were a drug addict, your mother a prostitute, your sister a slut, and all your friends hopeless morons?
- Then I’d be a Bandera follower.
More recent data about HIV and drug addiction in Ukraine by oblast (data gathered in 2013-2014):
Again, a guy from Donbas trying to make a joke about prostitution or drug addicts is just very funny. His own region is the leader of this stuff in Europe and Eurasia.
– What if your father were a drug addict, your mother a prostitute, your sister a slut, and all your friends hopeless morons?
– Then I’d be a Bandera follower.
The problem with this joke is that the epicenter of prostitution and drug abuse in Ukraine is not in the Bandera territory but in the Donbas. Donbas has been described as the number one export center of prostitutes. A Donbassser such as you, talking about prostitution and drug abuse of Bandera followers, is like an American black making fun of American whites for their murder rate and out of wedlock births. You just make yourself look ridiculous.
I know you think all statistics are fake but for the benefit of other readers:
HIV in Ukraine:
Lviv, where people like Bandera, has few HIV cases. But Donbas is full of HIV, which comes from drug use and prostitution.
There was an expat newspaper in Moscow called the eXile. This is what they had to say about your people:
I’ll quote from that writer, who went on to write for Rolling Stone magazine, and who had a column about his experiences. I apologize to readers for the vulgarity, it’s not my words, but Srano would certainly appreciate this sort of stuff:
“Lola, my whore, came from Severodonetsk, a toxic dump in the Lugansk oblast, the Russified east of Ukraine.I rented her late on Sunday, November 28th — the same day that the Ukrainian governors of several pro-Yanukovich regions were holding a congress in Severodonetsk, threatening to create a breakaway southeastern Ukrainian republic if the “orange” revolution in Kiev succeeded. It was one of those coincidences that writers invent to give a sordid story some relevance — but invention in this case isn’t necessary. We’re talking about whores here, folks. Any john in Moscow knows that Yanukovich country, the pro-Russian southeast of Ukraine, is the snapper-basket of Europe, the white world’s most fertile breeding ground for whores, the Golden Triangle of prostitution production.”
American sex tourists in Donbas, like that “Tex” fighter, ought to be careful.
So, your joke was very funny, and very true of your own kind, Liar from TN.
You're the best, the greatest of all time, Mickey. I still can't believe that RT refuses to offer you a spot within their venue? Their loss is 'Eurasia Review's gain, however, where you're still averaging less than one comment per post?...More time to dazzle the readers here with your brilliance! :-)Replies: @RadicalCenter
To date, none of them ever bested me. Regretfully, alternative venues (RT included) could and should be better.
Where do YOU blog?
Modern one 😉
How would Armenians defend themselves? Without Russia in the picture, turkey and Azerbaijan could and would gladly eradicate Armenians and quickly take their territory.
I can answer - not all, but those who defend that Nazy criminal regime, - they are all.
Are all Ukuleles as retarded as you, or is it just your own personal trait?
Anon from TN
There is a Ukrainian joke.
New teacher comes to class and says:
– Let’s get acquainted. My name is Petro Petrovych. I am a Bandera follower.
A girl gets up:
– My name is Natalka. I am a Bandera follower.
A boy gets up:
– My name is Vova, I am a separatist.
The teacher asks:
– Why are you a separatist, Vova?
– Well, my father is a separatist, my mother is a separatist, so is my sister, and all my friends.
– What if your father were a drug addict, your mother a prostitute, your sister a slut, and all your friends hopeless morons?
– Then I’d be a Bandera follower.
The problem with this joke is that the epicenter of prostitution and drug abuse in Ukraine is not in the Bandera territory but in the Donbas. Donbas has been described as the number one export center of prostitutes. A Donbassser such as you, talking about prostitution and drug abuse of Bandera followers, is like an American black making fun of American whites for their murder rate and out of wedlock births. You just make yourself look ridiculous.
- What if your father were a drug addict, your mother a prostitute, your sister a slut, and all your friends hopeless morons?
- Then I’d be a Bandera follower.
We all were following this all the time with great feelings of horror and sympathy and I personally hardly blamed Putin not to put end all of it. But I think I understand his reasons.
Overall, the residential area where I grew up, with ~50 multi-apartment buildings, 4-5 kindergartens, two schools, and nothing else, was shelled daily until the Ukies were chased far from the city. Donetsk and several other major cities in Donetsk Republic are still shelled all the time.
Exactly! Many (maybe majority) not only tolerate but support this regime.Replies: @AnonFromTN
All I can say is that, as they tolerate the criminal regime in Kiev, they deserve what came to them.
Anon from TN
As a person who grew up in Lugansk and knows from real witnesses (including my mother and several classmates) about heinous crimes committed by the Ukrainian army and Nazi battalions associated with it, I wanted Putin to interfere, at least to push the Nazis out of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. However, Putin is the President of Russia, not the President of Donbass, so his responsibilities are quite different. Anyway, if Russia becomes weaker, that would be the end of Donbass: Ukrainian Nazis would overrun it and murder all normal people.
I am not sure what percentage of current Ukraine residents supports the criminals “government†in Kiev. The people I know or know about don’t, but that’s probably not a representative sampling, statistically speaking. I know one of my former classmates who supports it. Not surprisingly, he was Young Communist League activist in Soviet times, just like Turchinov. Did you notice that the worst scum in all post-Soviet states came from the Young Communist League? Turchinov in Ukraine and Chubais in Russia are good examples.
It was a mistake. If you won’t touch a sh.t you would’t smell it.
But on your question
Are all Ukuleles as retarded as you, or is it just your own personal trait?
I can answer – not all, but those who defend that Nazy criminal regime, – they are all.
As well as those who, e.g., support May’s version of Scrypal.
To date, none of them ever bested me. Regretfully, alternative venues (RT included) could and should be better.
You’re the best, the greatest of all time, Mickey. I still can’t believe that RT refuses to offer you a spot within their venue? Their loss is ‘Eurasia Review’s gain, however, where you’re still averaging less than one comment per post?…More time to dazzle the readers here with your brilliance! 🙂
Overall, the residential area where I grew up, with ~50 multi-apartment buildings, 4-5 kindergartens, two schools, and nothing else, was shelled daily until the Ukies were chased far from the city. Donetsk and several other major cities in Donetsk Republic are still shelled all the time.
We all were following this all the time with great feelings of horror and sympathy and I personally hardly blamed Putin not to put end all of it. But I think I understand his reasons.
All I can say is that, as they tolerate the criminal regime in Kiev, they deserve what came to them.
Exactly! Many (maybe majority) not only tolerate but support this regime.
True, but the issue here is that this whole hysteria and open lie don't matter. As I continue to state for years (my book is about that) Russia is the ONLY other nation in the world apart from the US (and now China beginning to pull in) which has all, or almost all enclosed technological cycles from extraction to heavy industry, to electronics, to aerospace, to military, to fundamental and applied science, to whatever (Russia even has her own smart phone, btw) which are in the foundation of her real full sovereignty and independence. Tomorrow West decides to cut all ties with Russia, guess what happens after that--Russia, granted with some initial difficulties, collects and carries on. We all live in a real world and manipulation and fantasies can take one only so far. So, no matter how one manipulates or lies--reality is a bitch and will bite (hell, it is doing it right now, as I am typing this). Hysteria and lie is a first sign of weakness. Scaparotti was forced to admit to a staying power of Russia:
I know but that’s what the Western MSM want their public to believe cf. the reaction to Putin’s announcement on March 1st.
I liked comment there that he West has not seen Russian staying power and ruggedness just yet. Those guys think they are applying pressure. Lol. They have no clue what real pressure is. Probably thinking if Russians as themselves.
From what I can gather, there has been no descent; because intellectual second-ratedness, and psychological infantilism, to say nothing of pathologic power obsession and blatant sadism have always been permanent features of the ruling classes in the Western world. It's a permanent feature.All one has to do is read the likes of Herodotus, Thucydides, Josephus, Juvenal, Plutonius, and countless others to see that trash has always ruled the Western world. Few of the ruling class have anything on Attila the Hun or the "Christian" Vlad the Impaler.The US has never been an exception to the rule.
There is a subtle difference, between supposing the entire western world is run by some demonic ZOG, and realizing more calmly, and in spite of all their hysteria, the western elite’s chief characteristic is collective descent in intellectual second-ratedness, and psychological infantilism.
Replies: @jacques sheete, @Sergey Krieger
[The multi-millionaire sharpers ] will have a powerful influence in the reorganization of Europe. Out of that reorganization the "big financiers" expect to make very many billions of dollars profit.
-Charles A. Lindbergh, Why is your country at war and what happens to you after the war, and related subjects. (1917) footnote p 24.
I would add that Asians are not that different but ancient antiquity did produce some outstanding characters. Actually a lot of those. Modern West is populated by infantile degenerates. One only has to have a look at UK minister of defence or Macron. Appearances are not deceiving in this cases.
It’s amazing how some intelligent people get subconsciously duped by believing too much in the mass media likes of CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, WaPo and NYT. In turn, these outlets typically censor those who successfully debunk the anti-Russian BS being peddled. If you don’t appear at these venues on a regular basis (if at all) the assumption is because you’re not qualified.
Over the years, I’ve had numerous off record (with the understanding of confidentiality) exchanges with the preferred mass media likes. To date, none of them ever bested me. Regretfully, alternative venues (RT included) could and should be better.
The other day, an NPR segment gave Carte Blanche to Bill Browder, who spoke of the recent Brit poisoning. He in matter of fact terms said that the Russian government was behind that poisoning. The NPR host didn’t bother to note that this view isn’t an established fact.
LOL. The author, despite expressing support for Putin, also remains very ensconced in the Western propaganda matrix.He's a bit of an "Uncle Artyom", eh?Like, look at that bit of virtue signalling he does about 9/11,
So, the only position Russia is allowed is doggy style butt up?
I recall when I lived in the States how 19 people armed with box cuttersYeah, sure they did, Uncle Artyom....Well, he's just throwing that in there to signal his overall ideological reliability, I guess. "No suh, Massah, I won't rock the boat too much...." Of course, the 9/11 stuff has basically nothing to do with the ostensible topic of the article anyway. But then he is there backing the Western propaganda version of other things that are relevant, like this stuff about how Putin is to blame for the Ukraine mess.
Ah, yes, Uncle Tolya. He also does similar sorts of virtue signalling. In my last run-in with Uncle Tolya, he denounced me as a "9/11 Truther" and "conspiracy theorist"! As if there is a general agreement that these are terrible things...Well, you know... there are these guys that present themselves as rebels or dissident thinkers or whatever, but then throw in this kind of signalling as if to say to anybody paying attention: "Well, not really, this is a game. See, I toe the line on all the relevant issues..." They're signalling that they respect the limits of discourse on all the key issues.Replies: @jacques sheete, @Kiza, @FB
I basically sense same school of thought with minor variations as Anatoly Karlin’s
‘…Yeah, sure they did, Uncle Artyom….’
LOL…I’ve never heard of this ridiculous clown…but maybe his next article for ‘The Economist’ could explain why anyone would want to read toilet paper…?
I basically sense same school of thought with minor variations as Anatoly Karlin’s
Ah, yes, Uncle Tolya. He also does similar sorts of virtue signalling.
Yet another mental giant…
Where does Unz scrape up these settlings…?
Post wasn’t for your benefit, Liar from TN.
Srano, you live up to your name as usual 🙂
You are absolutely correct – there is no more journalism in the West (excluding a few alt media and Wikileaks), it is all pure, sometimes histerical, propaganda.
Journalism = Propaganda.
Journalism is one of the entry points into the establishment, with politics being the usual next step.
“The post-modern West operates on evidence-free pure emotion-eliciting stories…under-pinned by MSM and troll farms.”
That’s why the present-day Western MSM is one of the most dangerous and harmful forces in the world today, a plurality of it simply needs to be SHUT DOWN, and the majority of the lying fraudster warmonger criminals who comprise its presstitute “journalists” need to be punished. The Western MSM as it now stands, is one of the heads of the hydra terrorizing the world (maybe even the most important one, because of its narrative/psychological mass manipulation) and possibly dragging us towards nuclear war. It has little to do with “journalism” in its original meaning; instead it has turned into an organ of propaganda, dogma and brainwashing.
Are all Ukuleles as retarded as you, or is it just your own personal trait? Wait don’t answer that – I already know the answer. I can find pictures from India with far more crowed streets with people and cars and far more festive looking than your pathetic photos. Would that mean that India is a prosperous and desirable place to live? You are not even a convincing troll, which means this is just your own personal little hobby, rather than being paid occupation.
I can answer - not all, but those who defend that Nazy criminal regime, - they are all.
Are all Ukuleles as retarded as you, or is it just your own personal trait?
I am sorry that you misunderstood me. For a moment I dropped myself into the shoes of an average traitor and tried to do his/her calculus.
OK, that makes sense. It did seem disturbingly out of character, which is one reason I queried it.
when questions and contrary evidence come out, just ignore it all and keep drumming “the proven fact†of the blame prepared in advance – an alternative, facts-supported explanation will never be accepted no matter what.
It is very noticeable that the groupthink enforcement is particularly strong at the moment on this particular issue.
The mainstream media is pretty much lockstep hysterical in its baying down any voices questioning even the rush to judgement, let alone the attribution to Putin and Russia. The political class is the same.
And it’s notable that Craig Murray, who is a longstanding UK dissident despite being a shameless lefty, wrote today that: “In 13 years of running my blog I have never been exposed to such a tirade of abuse as I have for refusing to accept without evidence that Russia is the only possible culprit for the Salisbury attack. The abuse has mostly been on twitter, and much of the most venomous stuff has come from corporate and state media “journalistsâ€.”
Fwiw, it reminds me of 2002/3 or 2013. I feel like something’s coming, and it’s unlikely to be anything good.
Anon from TN
Thanks! But that’s yet another Ukie “political analyst†playing scientist. Considering that they now accuse their “hero†Savchenko, who they demanded to be freed from Russian jail, where she was serving time for murder, of trying to organize a coup against “president†Poroshenko, let them all tear each other to pieces. The world would be much better place with all of them gone for good.
Anon from TN
Sorry, humans don’t talk to Ukies supporting criminal Nazi regime in Kiev.
This is not always the case. When the government statistics tells you the mean salary in your region is 25,000 rubles and you don't know anybody in your wide circle of friends and acquaintances who makes more than 10,000 rubles, it makes you wonder, doesn't it, how they came up with those numbers. BTW the sampling technique is a perfectly legitimate sociological method provided the samples are randomly chosen. The Ukrainian statistics is particularly unreliable.
Statistics are more reliable than anecdotes (incredibly undetailed ones to boot) from anonymous commenters
Karlin has a propensity to put up a statistical graph without attributing it. The simple rule for bias elimination in data analysis is – show me who measured it!!! If it passes that first rough test, then you look at details such as sampling methodology, method applied etc.
This is because Karlin is a propagandist not an objective analyst – that is alter ego Elliot Higgins. The only difference is that Karlin buys himself credibility by sometimes arguing for the Russian side, unlike Eliot Higgins who is always on the Atlantist’s side. Karlin’s is a well established technique used by Patrick Cockburn, Eric Margolis and other MI6/CIA paid Internet scribblers.
Interesting. Why are you supporting the "Russia done it" propaganda line?
by not protecting them from the Russian wet works
So is this some kind of "all or nothing" ploy on your part - people either believe in the "Russia done it" line or they have to believe the "Brits done it"?
either by not protecting them from the Russian wet works or by burning them for propaganda purposes
I am sorry that you misunderstood me. For a moment I dropped myself into the shoes of an average traitor and tried to do his/her calculus.
To me this is a repeat of the MH17 case study with its:
1) propaganda preparation – media full of shotdown Uki military planes vs. media full of CW victims in Syria for which Russia is to blame,
2) “rush†to judgement whodunit – Australian Prime Minister Abbot publicly pointed finger at the Russian rebels in Ukraine 7 hours after the shootdown vs. the UK Prime Minister blames Russia a day after the event,
3) Soviet Union = Russia when convenient – the Soviet designed and made BUK becomes the exclusively Russian made BUK vs. the Soviet Designed CW becomes the exclusively Russian produced CW (with a touch of the good old British propaganda – maybe Russia lost control over it! > well maybe US “lost control†over it when it was helping it’s client Uzbekistan destroy it)
4) logic matters not – let us find a BUK coming all the way from Russia instead of looking at tens of such systems operated by the Uki troops, apparently four near the area where the shootdown happened vs. let us look at poison coming all the way from Russia (how when one cannot get even a small bottle of drink on a plane?) whilst there is a British own source a couple of km away,
5) when questions and contrary evidence come out, just ignore it all and keep drumming “the proven fact†of the blame prepared in advance – an alternative, facts-supported explanation will never be accepted no matter what.
The post-modern West operates on evidence-free pure emotion-eliciting stories (“Putin killed my babyâ€) under-pinned by MSM and troll farms. Anything else is a conspiracy theory.
OK, that makes sense. It did seem disturbingly out of character, which is one reason I queried it.
I am sorry that you misunderstood me. For a moment I dropped myself into the shoes of an average traitor and tried to do his/her calculus.
It is very noticeable that the groupthink enforcement is particularly strong at the moment on this particular issue.
when questions and contrary evidence come out, just ignore it all and keep drumming “the proven fact†of the blame prepared in advance – an alternative, facts-supported explanation will never be accepted no matter what.
Liar from TN has pattern of lying. An example easy to find:
Liar from TN thinks statistics disproving his fake claims or alleged anecdotes are falsified.
Naturally these videos showing life in the rest of Ukraine are Hollywood productions ordered by the CIA. All the people driving or walking around are paid actors. It’s all made in the studio next to the one that produced the fake moon landings:
Kiev 2017 :
Lviv 2017:
Odessa 2017:
Luhansk 2017:
Quiet, empty, bleak.
So normal life in UKriane, not so good in DNR/LNR.
But Liar from TN claims different.
I know but that’s what the Western MSM want their public to believe cf. the reaction to Putin’s announcement on March 1st.
True, but the issue here is that this whole hysteria and open lie don’t matter. As I continue to state for years (my book is about that) Russia is the ONLY other nation in the world apart from the US (and now China beginning to pull in) which has all, or almost all enclosed technological cycles from extraction to heavy industry, to electronics, to aerospace, to military, to fundamental and applied science, to whatever (Russia even has her own smart phone, btw) which are in the foundation of her real full sovereignty and independence. Tomorrow West decides to cut all ties with Russia, guess what happens after that–Russia, granted with some initial difficulties, collects and carries on. We all live in a real world and manipulation and fantasies can take one only so far. So, no matter how one manipulates or lies–reality is a bitch and will bite (hell, it is doing it right now, as I am typing this). Hysteria and lie is a first sign of weakness. Scaparotti was forced to admit to a staying power of Russia:
They should learn Russian history but they can not. It is written by “exceptionalist” historians (euphemism for propagandists) and their collaborators form Russia. How can one learn anything when what they are taught is BS? There you go. Their Cold War 1.0 playbook is a second-rate fantasy.
First time I heard of it. Unless, of course, by hi-tech you mean iPhone. In signal processing Russia is in the leading pack, in aerospace technology--well, that is the whole other story in itself. Hi-tech is not defined just by computers, however important they are.Replies: @Vojkan
yet Russia can’t do hi-tech.
I know but that’s what the Western MSM want their public to believe cf. the reaction to Putin’s announcement on March 1st.
True, but the issue here is that this whole hysteria and open lie don't matter. As I continue to state for years (my book is about that) Russia is the ONLY other nation in the world apart from the US (and now China beginning to pull in) which has all, or almost all enclosed technological cycles from extraction to heavy industry, to electronics, to aerospace, to military, to fundamental and applied science, to whatever (Russia even has her own smart phone, btw) which are in the foundation of her real full sovereignty and independence. Tomorrow West decides to cut all ties with Russia, guess what happens after that--Russia, granted with some initial difficulties, collects and carries on. We all live in a real world and manipulation and fantasies can take one only so far. So, no matter how one manipulates or lies--reality is a bitch and will bite (hell, it is doing it right now, as I am typing this). Hysteria and lie is a first sign of weakness. Scaparotti was forced to admit to a staying power of Russia:
I know but that’s what the Western MSM want their public to believe cf. the reaction to Putin’s announcement on March 1st.
Of possible interest if not already viewed:
yet Russia can’t do hi-tech.
First time I heard of it. Unless, of course, by hi-tech you mean iPhone. In signal processing Russia is in the leading pack, in aerospace technology–well, that is the whole other story in itself. Hi-tech is not defined just by computers, however important they are.
From what I gather he spent his formative years among them, aggravated by the fact him studying in one of the coastal California's madras.
I think he spent too much time among Anglo-Saxons
Russians appreciate mathematics no less than Anglo-Saxons, in fact they are damn good at it, but the issue here is not numeration per se, it is the very process of assigning a numeric value which is in question in Anglo-Saxon world. Once one gets into American, as an example, military and combat correlates--one is absolutely startled by a degree of manipulation. This manipulation is characteristic of all, but it is in US where it took absolutely grotesque levels of manipulation. Long story to discuss it here. Having said that, though, no professional Russian analyst takes, as an example, American economic data seriously anymore and views it, quite correctly, as a classic book cooking or creative bookkeeping. Empirical evidence supports such approach.
they infected him with their obsession with assigning a numerical value to everything, to supposedly obtain an accurate and absolute definition of the concept they so wish to represent.
Absolutization of IQ as the only metric of human intelligence, especially in complete detachment from cultural, social and outcomes frameworks is a testament of a low... IQ. I just had to;-)Replies: @Vojkan
The discussions about IQ are in my opinion a good example of that obsession.
Numbers may have an absolute value but they don’t have absolute meaning.
Speaking of math skills, Russia has some of the finest mathematicians, some of the finest physicists, loads of tech engineers, yet Russia can’t do hi-tech. Something doesn’t add up in Anglo-Saxon reasoning.
First time I heard of it. Unless, of course, by hi-tech you mean iPhone. In signal processing Russia is in the leading pack, in aerospace technology--well, that is the whole other story in itself. Hi-tech is not defined just by computers, however important they are.Replies: @Vojkan
yet Russia can’t do hi-tech.
if the nerve agent was so powerful how come that Police woman randomly walking around did find them still alive
It wasn’t that powerful. Or they were not meant to die in the park. Or the poison was badly administered.
In a good detective story there are few key questions that lead to a solution. I would add to your question:
– why did it happen right after the daughter came back to UK
– what was Skripal doing in the last few years, if anything
– is the chemical warfare facility in Salisbury there by pure coincidence
– why did the British government immediately accuse Russia in a very provocative way.
We don’t know, and we might never know.
“Armenia and Armenians are quite grateful to Russia and Russian people for the support.
However, the idea that Armenians supposedly do not like ‘ the idea of having to fend for themselves’ is bogus.”
With all do respect…you should read what I said more carefully.
“The South Ossetians and the Crimeans clearly do not like the idea of having to fend for themselves , much like treatment the Armenians currently enjoy”.
The subject and predicate was Oessetians and Crimeans comparing themselves to the fate of Armenia , without being Armenians themselves.
I am also quite sure Armenia does not enjoy having to defend itself. However I am also quite sure they would be glad to do so on their own. Oessentians and Crimeans do not have that option.
But you are quite right about Russia’s concern for its southern flank, or at the very least I agree , given I am not all knowing of the truth.
Although Islamic Asia is a Turish strain and they do not see eye to eye with either Iran or the Middle East. keep in mind what good friends France and the Ottomans were.
Now you did it. Stop insulting lampposts by comparing them to John Bolton. This is unacceptable;-)Replies: @AnonFromTN
is as reasonable as arguing with John Bolton, or with a lamppost.
Anon from TN
You are right, I should offer lampposts my apologies. Unlike Bolton, they are harmless, sometimes even useful, and possibly more intelligent than Bolton.
Anon from TN
Sounds like sarcasm.
Just in case, if you are serious, you are misinformed. There were some that moved to Ukraine (maybe 5-6%) from LDNR. Many of them regret it now, as they are teased and discriminated against there. In my view, serves them right. The majority of those who want to move away from LDNR move to Russia. In addition, there are 2-4 million people from the remainder of Ukraine who work in Poland (most illegally, mostly in unqualified jobs, often in horrible conditions) and 3-6 millions of Ukrainians who work in Russia (where they are treated more like humans, possibly undeservedly). Personally, I know five young people who used to live in Ukraine (two of these are my nephews). Not a single one remains there now, all ran away from that madhouse (to Russia, Poland, Netherlands, etc). None wants to return.
is as reasonable as arguing with John Bolton, or with a lamppost.
Now you did it. Stop insulting lampposts by comparing them to John Bolton. This is unacceptable;-)
Well, I would name of course Alexander Litvinenko, who also received a James Bond like treatment with polonium
Who really knows what happened to Litvinenko?
But the least likely option is probably the one pushed by the UK regime for clear propaganda purposes.
However Litvinenko in any case is clearly completely different from the case of Skripal. He was a KGB/FSB thug involved in murky dealings for Berezovsky who fled the country after coming out on the losing side of a power struggle in Russia. He absolutely was not a spy who had already been unmasked, tried, convicted and jailed by Russia and subsequently exchanged with the US sphere, as Skripal is.
With the employment of chemical weapons there exists a constant hysterical bashing of Russia & Assad in Syria. Now the hysteria is revived in England.
The pattern here is not of supposed Russian murders, but of US sphere war propaganda.
Iron clad logic by Anatoliy Karlin.
The economic situation in Lugansk and Doneck is so bad that they beg on their knees Kiev to take them back. There is never ending huge stream of population of Doneck and Lugans that wants to escape to Ukraine.
So Ukrainian Army has to shell them to prevent them to join Ukraine.
Finaly now I do understand the situation. Thanks to Karlin.
I think he spent too much time among Anglo-Saxons
From what I gather he spent his formative years among them, aggravated by the fact him studying in one of the coastal California’s madras.
they infected him with their obsession with assigning a numerical value to everything, to supposedly obtain an accurate and absolute definition of the concept they so wish to represent.
Russians appreciate mathematics no less than Anglo-Saxons, in fact they are damn good at it, but the issue here is not numeration per se, it is the very process of assigning a numeric value which is in question in Anglo-Saxon world. Once one gets into American, as an example, military and combat correlates–one is absolutely startled by a degree of manipulation. This manipulation is characteristic of all, but it is in US where it took absolutely grotesque levels of manipulation. Long story to discuss it here. Having said that, though, no professional Russian analyst takes, as an example, American economic data seriously anymore and views it, quite correctly, as a classic book cooking or creative bookkeeping. Empirical evidence supports such approach.
The discussions about IQ are in my opinion a good example of that obsession.
Absolutization of IQ as the only metric of human intelligence, especially in complete detachment from cultural, social and outcomes frameworks is a testament of a low… IQ. I just had to;-)