We fought a revolutionary war 1776 to rid ourselves away from global control (England in those days). This war should have never ended.
I don’t want nor need the American dream, any convenience, nor safety. And the property I own, as in American dream, house and picket fence is really rented from the taxman. And if you want to use anything to keep alive, like water, air, ground to grow food you must also pay the taxman. This sh*t has been going on longer than most realize. They even wrote a book (Bible, new testament) centuries ago, revised it many times, to get you in line as sheep. A side note: I’m figuring Revelations in the Bible isn’t so much prophecy as it is a business model for Global control. This sh*t goes back that far!
Russia survived because it’s dominated by a single ethnic group. America will not survive in its current demographic form. This is an inevitable, undeniable fact as hard as an ice pick in the eye, no matter how pathetic the denial.
Yes, success with billions in SBA loans unavailable to white entrepreneurs and small business owners and a technical and business education unavailable to whites who pay for it anyway.
real â„¢ communism has
been tried numerous times. The most recent strain started with the Owenite communes in the 1830s. The more complete the Communism, the closer to omnicide it is. Exemplar was that incident in Szechuan province which resulted in it losing more than 90% of its population. They probably didn’t all starve to death, but if they had stuck around they would have. See also: Rome’s final days. Same factor-of-ten thing.
real â„¢ capitalism has
been tried numerous times, it lifts astounding numbers of folk out of poverty. Turns out theft is bad, even if it’s performed “with colour of law.” A real shocker, I know.
real â„¢ fascism worked so good
it’s what you have right now. America is a Fascist country. There were no good guys in WWII.
Which itself is a bit of duh moment. Who starts a world war? Turns out world conquest is bad actually. Husbands and wives deserve each other, and world wars start when there are two world-conquest religions around.
Many people that post here are truly dumb as bricks. One example would be Ron himself who actually believes that Mike Pompeo is responsible for a US bioweapon attack on China (covid 19), and that covid “vaccines ” promote public health.
Propaganda works!!
>>>Or maybe the dream just went to China along with American Industry.
It’s too bad that the decision-makers, large and small, who chose to export the USA’s manufacturing base do not have names and addresses.
Really? And just how so? The regime obviously and patently cheated in the 2020 elections. It's obvious to everyone that has looked closely at the situation. But the suspicions of millions haven't slowed the regime down one iota. Yes, if only 10% of the US population voted, this would make the regime look even more illegitimate. What then? Do you think they have any residual deeply held convictions about "the consent of the governed?" No, they'd keep rolling on like nothing happened.
Instead of 68% of people voting, the regime’s legitimacy evaporates when it’s 10%.
You’ll note that I mentioned several things that need correcting, not just the voting process and that’s certainly not an exhaustive list. It’s the accumulation of resistance, of non cooperation that needs to be cultivated to get people to wake up to what’s happening around them. The election cheating has been normalized and expected, so there’s no real shock that requires the sheep’s attention. The terminally stupid keep voting with full knowledge that the system is rigged. They absolutely know it’s their civic duty.
I have no illusions on having the population suddenly coming around to my anarchist way of thinking. They’ve been inculcated with bullshit their entire lives and are dumbed down enough to not notice the deep shit the country is in. They must feel that something isn’t right, but can’t point at any specifics. Besides, there’s probably a ball game on.
If I were to bet, the Pareto Principle would apply to all aspects of what’s wrong with the US. 80% are too ignorant and apathetic to want to really understand the plight that’s about to befall them and the 20% know all too well what’s going on and can’t do anything about it given their numbers. The 80% think the 20% are conspiracy theorists, white supremacists, anarchists, etc and don’t want to hear anything from those kooks. They know that’s true because the MSM told them so.
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe that there would be a revolution before morning.
Henry Ford
It all starts with the phony money. The vast majority have no idea how currency is conjured into existence, for example. They have no clue what drives price inflation. They are told it’s those greedy corporations and small business people and they believe it. Putin is surely responsible for the current price increases. Some of the posters on this site are representative of the 80% I mentioned, dumb as a stump.
People are stupid enough to demand that corporations pay their fair share of taxes, not realizing that they end up paying those taxes as a price component of the product or service they purchase. All it does is provide the gov’t with a way of hiding part of the tax the people actually pay and the dolts demand they continue being hoodwinked.
On and on it goes. The Dollar crash will be the 2�4 to the mule’s head, but till then, …
You can’t fix stupid.
Ron White
Instead of 68% of people voting, the regime’s legitimacy evaporates when it’s 10%.
Really? And just how so? The regime obviously and patently cheated in the 2020 elections. It’s obvious to everyone that has looked closely at the situation. But the suspicions of millions haven’t slowed the regime down one iota. Yes, if only 10% of the US population voted, this would make the regime look even more illegitimate. What then? Do you think they have any residual deeply held convictions about “the consent of the governed?” No, they’d keep rolling on like nothing happened.
I’ve racked my brains on this and I cannot think of how any other group of people on the planet would successfully handle things differently if they were in our shoes. It’s not stupidity (as much as you’d love to characterize it that way). I know professional accountants, doctors, pharmacists, business owners, you name it, who are utterly oblivious to any and all major issues that would expose the regime for what they truly are. Maybe some of the latest occurrences are for the first time changing that a bit. But only just now.
The Uyghurs would beg to differ with you.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Actually – ethnic minorities in China receive far more subsidy than they do in the US.
Are you an ignorant cretin, or a lying racist-or both? The Uighurs like all minorities, receive excellent opportunities in the PRC. They were never covered by the ‘one-child’ policy for a start.
Goldman, in my opinion, is a Judaic supremacist fanatic. He hates China and the Chinese because they do not worship Jews, but, scandalously, treat them as fellow human beings.
That’s about ten cents for every dollop of human faeces on US city streets. USA! USA! USA!
Go ahead, stay cocooned in your little bubble of Confirmation Bias.
If I had to follow an opinion, it would be Hudson’s, given former Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, saying that he is the leading economist currently.
LOL. The always misrepresented Keynes predicted cataclysms when currency was debased. Hudson is talking about debasement of currency. WTF is your point? Are you saying currency isn’t being debased? Economists are always wrong about something. If they get to withing 15% margin of error, they are considered “brilliant”.
You diss Roberts. Do you not think a person in his position in the Treasury would have a better understanding than the “Austrian School” of how things actually, not theoretically work? Clifford Douglas was talking about money taken out of the economy due to interest a century ago. When his model was partially implemented in the Province of Alberta which had a massive debt during the depression, the social credit model kick started the economy and cleared the debt. The non-aligned movement in North Dakota used a non Austrian School model that has served that state well for over a century. People like you are stuck in the “one size fits all mindset”. Economies are affected by many things, including history, geography, and climate. They all have different needs, and globalist models won’t always work.
Go to a site like marketoracle.co.uk and you can find a dozen different assessment on the same topic. Obviously, they all can’t be correct, and Hudson isn’t entirely correct either.
In the 30 or so years after Deng Xiaoping opened the flood gates that unleashed the pent-up Chinese entrepreneurialism, China was the most capitalistic of the major countries and they accumulated quite a nest egg of savings coupled to prudent economic stewardship.However, in the wake of the 2008 GFC and the concomitant downturn in exports to their major trading partners, the Chinese government stepped in with its profligate and fiscally reckless infrastructure expenditure that saw the ghost cities built, highways and high speed rail projects to nowhere, an excess of under-utilised international airports being built etc.This was done to stave off civil unrest resulting from widespread unemployment in the event that the recession was allowed to run its course.In other words, the busy body socialist central planners took the helm and pursued these options that have MASSIVELY INCREASED DEBT and rendered China's economy more fragile and susceptible to future economic shocks.So, to answer your question, China was very much pursuing the capitalist trajectory up until the 2008 GFC and has been more under the socialist thumb in the immediate aftermath of that recession.That said, even post 2008 the dynamism of the Chinese private sector is so great, and its productivity so impressive, I believe that it has done more than enough to counteract the parasitic and loss making activities of the central planning socialists.This is ESPECIALLY SO in the case of the post Covid Pandemic period.
If however a one party political system is coupled with a market economy then it is a fascist state.
So where does China sit?
So then, I wouldn't call China's system a fascist one in the sense that government is not absolutely sticking its nose into and controlling every aspect of the Chinese private sector as Nazi Germany did to theirs (because all sectors of the German economy were directed to prepare it for readiness in a forthcoming military conflict).Yes, the ruling regime in the Middle Kingdom is still called the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) but it is nowhere near as heavy-handed as it was during the Mao era.
END RESULT: America was producing less 'stuff' since no one wanted to work as they were afraid they'd get the 'rona'.
So, the Chinese factories, after a brief lockdown in China with minimal fatalities, was soon firing on all cylinders producing all the stuff the U.S and the rest of the world needed.The trade deficit with the U.S which was already catastrophic, has now reached apocalyptic levels and China's balance sheet has greatly improved - all courtesy of it's private sector which is the engine of the world economy.Provided that the socialist central planners don't squander too much more of the the nation's wealth and don't micromanage what the private sector can or cannot do (and so far so good), China should do OK in the medium term.
“As I see it China is ‘communist’ in name only”
For one more reason: as you mention the Party that is the State only controls the companies but does not own them as a true communist party and state would.
This distinction was first pointed out by the late Freda Utley who experienced life in both communist Russia and national socialist Germany.
Well Mr Commie, may I ask if China had a ONE BILLION DOLLAR lotto winner last week?
If I had to follow an opinion, it would be Hudson’s, given former Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, saying that he is the leading economist currently.
Go ahead, stay cocooned in your little bubble of Confirmation Bias.
In this and other threads on UR, I’ve posted comment after comment from the likes of the adherents to the Austrian Economic School. ie: people like Libertarians Peter Schiff and Dr Ron Paul whereby they predicted financial cataclysms like the 2008 GFC, the subprime mortgage meltdown (not just predicted it but specifically outlined the SEVERITY of what was to come), yet you choose to believe in a Trotskyist like Michael Hudson.
I had an exchange with one of Michael Hudson’s groupies, a Mofo called Bill, and I asked him to furnish me with all the video and newspaper interviews where Hudson was warning us vociferously in advance that said catastrophe was heading the way of America.
All I got in return was …. CRICKETS.
You see, Michael Hudson, then as now, was totally clueless.
Yes, in recent months, now that inflation has reached a 40 year high, Hudson is coming out and saying we have an inflation problem.
And, after a torrential downpour, as our car is floating away down the street in a newly created river, he’ll be warning us of ‘showers’ likely – ALWAYS after the event.
WHERE was Hudson years ago, in giving any warnings – like Peter Schiff was warning a DECADE or more ago ?
Keynesians like Hudson can be summed up succinctly as always being:
Besides being a lie factory, the (civil) religion in the US, is America itself. It does not matter if one is a Catholic, Christian, or Jew. The religion in the US, is the love of America. A quasi religious zealotry. Moreover, French sociologist deToqueville noted with US-ers is their inability to think independently-this was in early 1800s. They repeated mantras, sayings, as if they were mesmerized/hypnotized.
US-ers have a “common religion,†stronger than any religious differences, that of the “American Way of Lifeâ€â€”a set of ideas, rites, and symbols that defines the civil society and supplies an “overarching sense of unity. (Herberg, Will) This “common religion†is why any sharp critique or alternative to the dominant propaganda narrative is met with vitriol, or at the least, eye rolls and sneers.
Also, Robert Bellah stated: The “American civil religion is not the worship of the American nation but an understanding of the American experience in the light of ultimate and universal reality.†He contended that Americans could call upon not only a common creed of ideals but also their civil religion to evaluate their nation’s actions. Anything counter to the civil religion was seen as an attack, like someone dropping the supper tray, or taking a #2 in the living room.
US-ers simply could not process another way of living.
Onward and downward.
Thanks for that. All economists are wrong about something, because all economic (and political) theories are flawed in some way.
If I had to follow an opinion, it would be Hudson’s, given former Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, saying that he is the leading economist currently.
Go ahead, stay cocooned in your little bubble of Confirmation Bias.
If I had to follow an opinion, it would be Hudson’s, given former Assistant Secretary Paul Craig Roberts, saying that he is the leading economist currently.
Five years ago David Goldman (“Spengler”) informed an audience at Westminster Institute about the Chinese total surveillance system:
And a few years before that, in 2014, James Corbett offered evidence that the Chinese, the Russians, and the American (((and other))) financial cohort are working together, not in competition.
So Goldman’s presentation at Westminster was not so much a warning but a snapshot of Things to Come.
Just plain ignorant that “Machiavelli” is included — impugned, really — in describing psychopathology.
Many boomers lived a generous life because the parents murdered their own children, in Germany. It was a deal made with the Devil.
Gibney — pulled himself up by his bootstraps, didn’t he:
Gibney started investing when his Stanford University roommate Ken Howery co-founded PayPal, the electronic payments company, and offered Gibney the chance to buy “friends and family” shares.[3] After investing in PayPal, Gibney worked as a litigator but was soon hired by Peter Thiel after Thiel sold PayPal to eBay in 2002.
Gibney worked at Thiel’s hedge fund, Clarium, until 2008, making occasional private investments including in Palantir Technologies in 2005 and later in DeepMind, which was acquired by Google for around $450 million in 2014. He then moved to Founders Fund, a venture capital fund started by Thiel. Thiel and Founders Fund were the earliest outside investors in Facebook, SpaceX, and Palantir, and made other investments including in AirBnB, Lyft, Spotify, and Stemcentrx, which AbbVie acquired for $10 billion a few years after Founders Fund’s investment. -wikipedia
Fascinating that Gibney’s narrative begins in 1946, AFTER “Boomers parents” — the Greatest Generation — were FORCED [WWII fighters were drafted] to kill their European forebears in wars provoked by- and for the benefit of- Jewish zionists as well as the American financial class that Romanoff excoriated.
iow, Gibney would know well how to spot a sociopath: someone who looks like him. Or Peter Thiel. Or Alex Karp, the deviant, Frankfurt school-loving co-founder of Palantir.
Actually – ethnic minorities in China receive far more subsidy than they do in the US.
The Uyghurs would beg to differ with you.
Under gold
Don’t you mean “under Globalism?”
The American Dream was never about "anyone" being able to get "rich". Rather it was that anyone could improve themselves regardless of social class or family income. And that is still true today - anyone who spends less than they earn can accumulate money, learn economically valuable skills, start a business, etc.
Keep on the treadmill; be a good worker ant in the Ant Farm. Do that, and you can have nicer stuff than your daddy (and his daddy before).
anyone who spends less than they earn can accumulate money, learn economically valuable skills, start a business, etc.
Until the IRS decides that you’re earning more than your social status warrants, in which case it will decide that it wants a bigger cut of your earnings, in which case it’s game over. Unless, that is, you’re one of the One Percent who can afford top-tier lawyers to defend your loot against the State’s money-grubbing mits. If you’re a small business owner, you’re pretty much shit out of luck.
Albeit we might know decent individual Americans, their country is a murderous criminal disgrace and has been for many years.
And many keep on falling for bullshit like MAGA…
America is not what American Dreamers think it is.
Hopefully articles like this may bring much needed changes.
One can hope.
Too many of my fellow Americans cling fiercely to the myth because the implications of losing faith in it are literally too horrible for them to contemplate. When you’ve been so steeped in nationalist propaganda from the day you were born and have come to absorb every foundational myth as part of your ethos, the truth can be lethal. The day in which the 99 percent are presented with incontrovertible proof that the “American Dream” is a lie and always has been, and that there is absolutely NO chance for a life any better than what they have, an orgy of violence will erupt that will make Civil War I (1861 – 65) look like a schoolyard fight by comparison.
The “American Dream†is going nowhere – yet. US Americans earn on average $65,000 a year, making it one of the five richest countries in the World, alongside places like Norway and Switzerland, so when I read of them complaining about their economic woes from the comfort of their mac-mansions my one reaction is to think “Cry me a river!â€
An annual salary of $65,000 is NOT a lot of money anywhere in the developed world today. Between taxes and the rate of inflation, anyone earning that salary and trying to support a family on it, unless they live in rural area with a low cost of living, is at the very bottom of what was traditionally considered “middle class.” Even a decade ago such an annual salary would have been considered quite decent. Today, with inflation reaching double digits (forget about the U.S. government lie of “9 percent”), it’s pretty much an entry level salary in any field requiring education, credentials, or specialized skills.
You forgot to add to your list “Ignoring the tax laws and regulations that native-born Americans are forced to comply with (and that cripple, if not kill their opportunities to be successsful entrepreneurs), but that most immigrants, due to their “non-white” status (and the fact that they’ve been brought to America specifically to replace the white native-born), can ignore with few or no consequences.”
There is no example of a successful nation that employed 'Socialist Capitalism' (ie: both philosophies employed in EQUAL measure), in all of human history.
... it is the quality of China’s leaders, the fact of China’s one-party government system, and China’s unique version of socialist capitalism that have made this possible. �
America was once a bastion of capitalism and life was good then.
Bottom Line: Larry, you and I are both in agreement that the present system in the U.S is a disaster and it needs to be abolished.
But Larry, you FAIL to identify the culprit.
Older commenters here in the UR will remember a time when a typical family lived comfortably with a single breadwinner in the household, a time when there were no tent cities comprised of the homeless, a time when countless numbers of homeless were not found sleeping under freeway overpasses etc.
But is was GOVERNMENT that off-shored American manufacturing jobs, it was government that allowed tens of millions of undocumented migrants to cross the border, it was the government that engaged and provoked these endless foreign military misadventures, it was government that allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve and ownership of it to a private Zionist cartel.
Importantly Larry, your article does not address the REASON for why the 1% have managed to siphon off America’s wealth in the present era.
After all, there have always been schemers and chisellers in every era and there’s no proof that said grifters are any more egregious today than in any previous period.What is it that has ENABLED the 1% to siphon off the wealth of America ?
Of course it is the elephant in the room that you refuse to address.
It is none other than BIG GOVERNMENT.
And we all know (((who))) is chiefly responsible for this “Big Government.” For very obvious reaasons, Larry (((Romanoff))) isn’t going to touch that one.
The interview at 36 minutes is with Samuel Goldwyn not Warner. His manner of referring to his wife Frances probably reflects his European mannerisms rather than reflecting poorly on their relationship. These links suggest they had a very strong marriage and a deep love for each other. They were married for 49 years, very long by Hollywood standards. She was a Catholic her whole life:
Frances Goldwyn
I apologize to the spirit of Samuel Goldwyn and his wife for unfairly maligning them.
«I didn’t vote for any of this crap. I was/am an inadvertent beneficiary»
Your personal experience is important for you, but I don’t think it is that common, a lot of people utterly rely on their massive real estate and share [rice profits to finance their lifestyles (refis for example) or their future retirement, and vote accordingly.
«From the minute the average couple buys a home they’re constantly calculating how much they’ll make when they sell it, and most won’t sell for much less once that day comes.»
«evidence, which suggests that inflated house-price expectations across the economy played a central role in driving both the demand for and the supply of mortgage credit before the crisis. The great misnomer of the 2008 crisis is that it was not a subprime crisis but rather a middle-class crisis. Inflated house-price expectations led households across all income groups, especially the middle class, to increase their demand for housing and mortgage leverage.»
«The growth of the investor class — those 70 per cent of voters who own stock and are more opposed to taxes and regulations on business as a result — is strengthening the conservative movement. More gun owners, fewer labor union members, more homeschoolers, more property owners and a dwindling number of FDR-era Democrats all strengthen the conservative movement versus the Democrats.»
[…] But going into November, what actually saved it for the Republicans was the investor vote, which went heavily R. Why? One, they didn’t blame Bush for the collapse of the bubble. They were mad at having lower stock prices and 401(k)s, but they didn’t say Bush did this and that caused this. Secondly, the Democratic solution was to sic the trial lawyers on Enron and finish it off. No no no no no. We want our market caps to go back up, not low. […] The 1930s rhetoric was bash business — only a handful of bankers thought that meant them. Now if you say we’re going to smash the big corporations, 60-plus percent of voters say “That’s my retirement you’re messing with. I don’t appreciate that”. And the Democrats have spent 50 years explaining that Republicans will pollute the earth and kill baby seals to get market caps higher. And in 2002, voters said, “We’re sorry about the seals and everything but we really got to get the stock market up.»
Video Link
Take a look at 36:00 where the Jewish studio head refers to his wife as “she/her” in an interview. Never once calling her by name or “my wife.” Just a trophy for goycceptance.
Warner’s daughter admits on camera (53:00) that he never once told her about his Jewish heritage religion or beliefs. All concealed from his progeny. The same was true for my parents. They were desperate to blend in even as they demanded obeisance to Jewish ideals.
I apologize to the spirit of Samuel Goldwyn and his wife for unfairly maligning them.
Frances Goldwyn
Nice assist but it’s still just propaganda.
I wasn’t aware of the Kirk Douglas molestation of Natalie Wood as a child. Of course it doesn’t surprise me that he and his tribe get up to these things.
Thanks for that and the bit about TDT – it certainly does describe the behaviour of a good many of them.
I haven’t got a lot of real estate but I benefited from stock prices going way up. I confess that I think a lot of my ill-gotten gains are due to the progressive economic policies of the government. When the government said it was going to do some quantitative easing, it went straight into the greedy mouths of the banks. Where we’re not seeing eye, is on the subject of blame. I didn’t vote for any of this crap. I was/am an inadvertent beneficiary, and I think that a good many people fit into this category. Now that the government is finding new ways to spend money that bypasses the financial sector, inflation is now finding it’s way into consumables.
I think that some of the proposed methods of curing the inflation disease could do even more harm to the the patient. More taxation would curb inflation a bit since it takes money out of the economy but, it with net taxation for some people already over 50%, taxation at such a high rate will do other types of economic damage and may even result in less government revenue in the end due to perverse economic effects, and we have to believe that the government won’t see the new revenue as an excuse to spend more. We live inside a managerial state that sees wealth transfer between population groups as a holy imperative.
My advice to people is just to own stuff that won’t get clobbered if hyperinflation comes, and I think that hyperinflation will come.
People sink into their imaginations and delusional fantasy worlds in order to protect their psyche that has been under attack ever since the Civil War ended…right up to present day.
Snordster points this out in reading Les Visible’s ‘The Roach Motel at the End of the Universe’. re;
“the good life they never had…”
From going to ‘Church’ on Sundays, with Saturday cook-outs, Sting Ray bikes for the kids, Dad gets a payraise, it’s ALL BEEN A FUCKING LIE!!!
& Military Service? ‘Military men are cattle (goyim) to be used!” -Henry Kissinger
“It was all a lie, and the more I saw this, the more I hated them” -Capt Willard from ‘Apocalypse Now’.
One of the reasons why there are so many unhappy and restless people in this country, is that the culture has taught them that they can be anything they wish to be, have anything they want, irrespective of intelligence or ability. (Certainly, external circumstance will play a part in anyone’s success or failure – but not a very big one.)
The important thing is to think critically, and become adult enough to know one’s own capacities.
Ahh ... Yes, indeed.
If I was a recent immigrant, I would probably feel safer and more comfortable going home
When it comes to immigrants, they will never admit their country and USA are same. They will argue how beautiful USA is and how bad life in their countries is. They cannot accept that life sucks in US because that would be hypocrisy, as then natural question comes is why don’t they go back if they believe life is same in their own country. Even those who criticize US are told to go back to their country if they don’t like it in the “greatest country on Earth.” They are all addicted to greed and won’t listen to anything contrarian to the dominant narrative. They will suck it up and die in US as long as they can hustle on and have hope of becoming a billionaire some day, with a lux car, and big house to show off to their friends ‘back in the native land’.
The vast majority of USian immigrants love the empire. US brainwashing/propaganda is very strong. Their identity is wrapped in the red, white, and blue bullshit mythologies. Look at EU puppets, they wax poetic abt ‘dear america’ etc.etc. willfully buy-in. And they deserve what they get and will be getting.
So, let the USian immigrants enthusiastically swallow the porcupine and become wedded to US empire’s lies. They can blindly “dick ride” whatever is being offered by the most amazing incredible place on God’s green Earth…
A US immigrant who is a thinking person of reasonable intellect, knows the real deal ( history, cultural etc., ) and values who they are as person-ontologically—would leave the US, and NEVER return to that gigantic mistake.
If I was a recent immigrant, I would probably feel safer and more comfortable going home
Ahh … Yes, indeed.
If only the immigrants – legal AND illegal – were that intelligent. Or honest.
But they ain’t.
The dream mythology–the greatest marketing scam ever sold. Ingenious. You get starry eyed immigrants-clueless abt US empire history/reality/high on US propaganda—-and sell em on the dreams, hopes, bullshit. Just as Filipinos, Taiwanese, Italians, Aussies, Brits, Germans, and other US immigrants abt their “love” of that dream. They jibber the jabber chapter and verse. They really believe and ‘have’ to. It’s all they got.
Add in some Horatio Alger propaganda, and you get an endless supply of cheap labor to be used and abused in the amazing employment at will dumping ground. Exploited and oppressed for US capitalism. It’s the garbage collector of the world! So, come on down, and get a front row seat to the cesspool. Wave a flag, and have nitrate/nitrite hot doggy, and get ready to be screwed doggy style bc…
Someday, that ship will come in with riches….the USian proletariats do not see themselves as exploited people. They are temporarily embarrassed millionaires all hoping, dreaming, hustling, huckstering that someday, they’ll get the lux car and mansion…(paraphrased-John Steinbeck).
The US empire was a business enterprise masquerading as a “country.” Spin hamsters, spin. Enjoy swallowing that porcupine.
Larry the lolcow got pissed off because most of us laughed at his leftoid high-speed rail articles. So now he triples-down on his I-hate-America shtick. We’re a pack of evil cretins, per Larry!
Cool it, Larry. You’re starting to sound like an Arab.
You ruined my appetite for the day by writing “Kamala’s spread.”
Serpentza is just that … A serpent. Never had a bad word to say about China – until he left. Now he makes up nonsense (I’m sure he makes money from more than just YouTube paying him out..) because it feeds the egos of insecure westerners. If China was as horrible as he now claims – how come it took 15 years to figure it out…?? The guy and his friend are both crocs
Larry do a story about Maine!!
Whitest state in these United States! 🇺🇸
“If your neighbor can’t demand money from you for what it is he wants to accomplish and if the entire neighborhood can’t demand money from you for what they want to accomplish, at what specific number of individuals does it become the right of that mob to demand money from you? Gov’t is the mob. Gov’t is an extortion ring, mafia.”
Think of it as a condo or HOA. Everyone who lives in it has to contribute for the maintenance of the complex.
But when the US neglects to upkeep the infrastructure, creating a better healthcare, provides a safer community, instead spent disproportionate amount of tax dollars on the military, enriching big pharma…, it is like a giant HOA letting the complex rot while spending owner contributions on security guards and getting kickbacks from vendors and suppliers. And, after exhausting all the owners’ funds, started borrowing from other HOAs at the same time hiring more security guards to harass other HOAs.
Just so it can claim to be the TOP HOA.
Great video share (and comment)!
Probably not even the full story. But good thing she shared that much. And there’s Larry King laughing along with her, though no doubt with a different intent and emphasis.
The one story, out of the many, that really gets me is what the revolting Kirk Douglas did to Natalie Wood – when she was 15! At one point even shouting You’re fucking a Jew! When what he should have said was You’re being raped by a Jew! But honesty has never been viewed by them as the best policy. Ever.
In any event, his reason for raping her, or for justifying the rape, and it truly was brutal in every sense of that word, is that her grandfather fought the Bolsheviks during the revolution and Kirk, of course, was on the side of the Bolsheviks, and so that, in his warped Jewish Supremacist mind, made her an antisemite who deserved it.
The Dark Triad is synonymous with Jewish Supremacy Inc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad
By the way, check out how the term has been modified by Wiki (now referred to as non-pathological, even though psychopathy is one of the attributes of TDT).
The modification is recent because they know full well that TDT has been making the rounds online and is often attributed to Jewish behavior – for a reason. Since they exhibit the patterns in such an vivid and striking manner, and on such a consistent basis. To use their own repulsive jargon, it’s what they do because it’s who they are.
«Maybe 5% but 20-40% is ludicrous.»
Well, that’s the percentage of voters who have been voting for bigger share and real estate prices and lower labor costs, and those who have seen their real estate prices double every 7-10 years.
«Some of us in the top quintile worked (masonry) hard & saved to get here.»
Howe exactly did your hard work cause a doubling of real estate (and stock) prices every 7-10 years in so many “lucky ducky” areas? In the financial jargon, that’s called “passive” investment for a reason.
And a lot of that 20-40% are retired people, who don’t work at all, they just enjoy the massive amounts that asset price inflation delivers to them, entirely work-free, and usually also tax-free.
But suppose that you earned entirely your fortune with your own work, then you would agree it would be fair for taxing 100% of capital gains on property and stocks, because those are unearned. Would you?
«such a strong animosity directed towards the US public rather than where it mostly deserves to be: on US leadership and media?»
That “animosity” is well justified: the USA corporate oligarchs and their minions in politics are corrupt because much of the USA population is even more corrupt. For every self-dealing CEO or senator, there are thousands or millions of usians who would love to be able to be corrupt on the same massive scale, because “winners do whatever it takes”. Two quotes, the first from Alexis de Tocqueville, 1834:
«Consequently, in the United States the law favors those classes that elsewhere are most interested in evading it. […] In America there is no law against fraudulent bankruptcies, not because they are few, but because they are many. The dread of being prosecuted as a bankrupt is greater in the minds of the majority than the fear of being ruined by the bankruptcy of others; and a sort of guilty tolerance is extended by the public conscience to an offense which everyone condemns in his individual capacity.»
The second from Newt Gingrich, 1995:
«If you have a society where almost every middle class person routinely fudges the law, that’s telling us something. We have laws that matter – murder, rape, and we have laws that don’t matter. The first thing that every good American says each morning is “What’s the angle?†“How can I get around it?†“What does my lawyer think?†“There must be a loophole!†[…] America is the most incentive-driven society on the planet.»
You were doing fine until your last paragraph where you want to again get on your knees to gov’t. Are you so inept that you can’t control the things you’re responsible for? Do you think your neighbors are so inept to deal with their things that some “other” is needed? Why is it that you want another group of criminals to write the rules you are forced to live by due to men in blue acting as thugs?
Gov’t is illegitimate. Here’s the proof.
If your neighbor can’t demand money from you for what it is he wants to accomplish and if the entire neighborhood can’t demand money from you for what they want to accomplish, at what specific number of individuals does it become the right of that mob to demand money from you? Gov’t is the mob. Gov’t is an extortion ring, mafia.
If your neighbor can’t write some stuff on a piece of paper and demand you obey and your entire neighborhood can’t write their demand on a piece of paper and demand you obey, at what specific number of individuals does that mob legitimately have the right to tell you how to live your life?
No one can give away authority they don’t have to begin with. Authority doesn’t spontaneously appear when 10, 100, 1000 or a million people without a specific authority get together. That they claim that authority magically appears from nowhere is the entire concept of gov’t, and it is a fraud.
How would anyone know about what the cause of death was for folks that lived before writing and cameras were invented? Any assertion of such knowledge is just guess work without evidence, aka bullshit.
You want prosperity?
Six year olds Suzy and Johnny approached Suzy’s father. Johnny said, “Suzy and me are going to get married. ”
Dad chuckled. “Have you considered children?”
Johnny, “Yes. If Suzy lays any eggs we’re gonna step on ’em.”
There is no “American Dream”. Only the American delusion.
The 1950s was not sustainable. When you have pretty much most of the world devastated by WW2 and the only intact country capable and large enough to supply and manufacture for the rest of the world, is the US. Most industries around the world were gone. Most infrastructures were gone.
It only take a few decades for most of the world to rebuild. Once that rebuilding is done, that “American Dream” is gone. How to keep that “Dream” going? By printing money, by borrowing, by disrupting the growth of perceived adversaries.
Several readers have made reference to life in the US during the 50s and 60s, in the sense of The American Dream having actually existed in those days.
Whether the American Dream existed or not, one thing that IS certain is that many Americans are living the American Nightmare today courtesy of the untold sums that are being doled out to fund BIG GOVERNMENT and the boondoggles devised by these parasitic bureaucrats.
Things like:
1) Subsidies and grants, government contracts for Green Energy swindles in pursuit of remedying a NON-PROBLEM. ie: the rise in CO2 levels.
2) Vast sums expended on the Military-Industrial-Security-Surveillance State to maintain the illusory empire and hegemonic aspirations that America has no chance of retaining.
3) Loans to college students (the Federal government, or should I say the taxpayers, are on the hook for something that is fast approaching $2 trillion) – most of whom will never have the capacity to pay it back seeing as they got liberal arts degrees or majored in the humanities and thus will not be earning that much as waitresses or cab drivers because they have no marketable skills.
Anyway, to pay for this BIG GOVERNMENT the Fed has printed trillions and thus the American working class will be picking up the tab for said profligacy in the form of runaway inflation.
Peter Schiff explains (5 min video):
Many boomers lived a generous life because the parents murdered their own children, in Germany. It was a deal made with the Devil.
Millennials murder their unborn. This should be enough to provide prosperity.
So, have a good time! You’ve earned it.
Gibney -- pulled himself up by his bootstraps, didn't he:
Many boomers lived a generous life because the parents murdered their own children, in Germany. It was a deal made with the Devil.
Fascinating that Gibney's narrative begins in 1946, AFTER "Boomers parents" -- the Greatest Generation -- were FORCED [WWII fighters were drafted] to kill their European forebears in wars provoked by- and for the benefit of- Jewish zionists as well as the American financial class that Romanoff excoriated.iow, Gibney would know well how to spot a sociopath: someone who looks like him. Or Peter Thiel. Or Alex Karp, the deviant, Frankfurt school-loving co-founder of Palantir.
Gibney started investing when his Stanford University roommate Ken Howery co-founded PayPal, the electronic payments company, and offered Gibney the chance to buy "friends and family" shares.[3] After investing in PayPal, Gibney worked as a litigator but was soon hired by Peter Thiel after Thiel sold PayPal to eBay in 2002. Gibney worked at Thiel's hedge fund, Clarium, until 2008, making occasional private investments including in Palantir Technologies in 2005 and later in DeepMind, which was acquired by Google for around $450 million in 2014. He then moved to Founders Fund, a venture capital fund started by Thiel. Thiel and Founders Fund were the earliest outside investors in Facebook, SpaceX, and Palantir, and made other investments including in AirBnB, Lyft, Spotify, and Stemcentrx, which AbbVie acquired for $10 billion a few years after Founders Fund's investment. -wikipedia
The irony is the people who run SMIC are alums of TSMC. In fact if you look at even minor semiconductor companies on Mainland China such as even Powerchip – they are full of Taiwan engineers who moved to mainland China. All the US Politicans who talk the “freedom†talk should ask all those engineers how and why they chose to move from the island to the Mainland when they supposedly hate them. Nancy Pelosi should go talk to them instead of these stunts she supposedly wants to pull in going to visit Taipei and risk a war. Politics is stupid .
Oh and now the US wants to pressure ASML to not sell even the DUV lithography machines. Someone forgot that Samsung and TSMC started their own 7nm on DUV machines. I guess they really believe that garbage that you can’t innovate unless you live in a liberal democracy.
Let’s see:
China good. American Christians bad (and stupid).
2100 words and the word “jew” can’t be found.
Sounds to me as if Larry is a tool of the jew.
There is no example of a successful nation that employed 'Socialist Capitalism' (ie: both philosophies employed in EQUAL measure), in all of human history.
... it is the quality of China’s leaders, the fact of China’s one-party government system, and China’s unique version of socialist capitalism that have made this possible. �
America was once a bastion of capitalism and life was good then.
Bottom Line: Larry, you and I are both in agreement that the present system in the U.S is a disaster and it needs to be abolished.
But Larry, you FAIL to identify the culprit.
Older commenters here in the UR will remember a time when a typical family lived comfortably with a single breadwinner in the household, a time when there were no tent cities comprised of the homeless, a time when countless numbers of homeless were not found sleeping under freeway overpasses etc.
But is was GOVERNMENT that off-shored American manufacturing jobs, it was government that allowed tens of millions of undocumented migrants to cross the border, it was the government that engaged and provoked these endless foreign military misadventures, it was government that allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve and ownership of it to a private Zionist cartel.
Yup. It’s just as Alan Greenspan said.
“We don’t need the SEC, the market regulates itself.”
I think he said that in 2007.
There is no example of a successful nation that employed 'Socialist Capitalism' (ie: both philosophies employed in EQUAL measure), in all of human history.
... it is the quality of China’s leaders, the fact of China’s one-party government system, and China’s unique version of socialist capitalism that have made this possible. �
America was once a bastion of capitalism and life was good then.
Bottom Line: Larry, you and I are both in agreement that the present system in the U.S is a disaster and it needs to be abolished.
But Larry, you FAIL to identify the culprit.
Older commenters here in the UR will remember a time when a typical family lived comfortably with a single breadwinner in the household, a time when there were no tent cities comprised of the homeless, a time when countless numbers of homeless were not found sleeping under freeway overpasses etc.
But is was GOVERNMENT that off-shored American manufacturing jobs, it was government that allowed tens of millions of undocumented migrants to cross the border, it was the government that engaged and provoked these endless foreign military misadventures, it was government that allowed the creation of the Federal Reserve and ownership of it to a private Zionist cartel.
Actually – ethnic minorities in China receive far more subsidy than they do in the US. For instance you brought up Chinese spending on rail that is not profitable. Well in the heavily populated eastern region – rail is indeed profitable. The places where it is not profitable are in fact the areas where ethnic minorities live in the south (you wouldn’t know the groups) like in Yunnan and Guangxi and in the west like Xinjiang and Tibet. Also ethnic minorities are all given preference in entering universities because they are allowed to have a lower test score than the Han majority. People complain – but try e government says “we are uplifting everyone and the nation is only as strong as it’s weakest link†(paraphrase). As to taxes – mainland Chinese firms pay higher taxes than US firms (which is why many still do business through Hong Kong as it is a tax haven)… and high income Chinese pay higher federal taxes than Americans (though less than some Europeans) – which is why some try to get US residency to pay less taxes – since China currently does not tax global income like the US. But the government soon said they will do less will try to get US residency (unless they are willing to quit their source of Chinese income which is doubtful). As to regulation – that is not true either. The Wild West days of get rich by any means is over. Chinese companies have to follow strict environmental and energy and water conservation rules now. Why??? Rich Chinese left because they complained they did not want their children dying early due to pollution.
The Uyghurs would beg to differ with you.Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
Actually – ethnic minorities in China receive far more subsidy than they do in the US.
What you refer to as a ‘fascinating documentary’ is nothing but pure propaganda designed to portray these movie mogul Jews in a positive light – when in fact they were just vile and debauched degenerates.
Check out the interview below of Shirley Temple where she tells of her experience with a Jewish movie mogul when she was a 12yr old child (watch the 1 min or so from 12:20 – 14:00):
These people were scum and if you were sucked in by that obvious bit of propaganda Mevashir, it’s an indictment of your gullibility.
OK--so lets imagine that they know the system is corrupt.
That means there’s a staggering number of people that voted to continue the corrupt system everyone should know exists.
Stop cooperating.
Stop supporting the men in blue that don’t fight crime, can’t possibly fight crime and will come for your guns while telling you they’re only doing their job. Defund street cops. Demand your natural right to carry any weapon you choose to protect yourself as the constitution clearly allows without gov’t permission slips.
Become your own street cop along with your neighbors and kill off some piece of shit that dares come at you or your property. That’s called self defense and is everyone’s natural right. Spend more on investigators and forensics people to catch more dirtbags and then execute them on their first offense. Reduce the expense for prisons guards, parole officers, etc. A few shotgun blasts and a few dead antifa would have shut down all the rioting and burning pronto.
Get off your knees. If every gun owner showed up at the governor’s mansion, the mayor’s mansion, the prosecutor’s office, etc and told them what the news laws are that allow common sense defense, what are they going to do to stop it from happening? Assert your natural rights; it’s called real democracy.
Man has no right to kill his brother. It is no excuse that he does so in uniform: he only adds the infamy of servitude to the crime of murder.
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Stop supporting the troops that are just murderers in costume that have caused the deaths of millions in just this century alone all for trumped up wars of choice. There has been no war since at least Vietnam that wasn’t offensive, making the troops the aggressors in other people’s lands. When martial law is eventually declared once the Dollar dies, they will come to your neighborhood under the guise of restoring order and follow orders to shoot you should you not want to be made a slave to an in your face dictatorship. It’s coming.
The basic problem is quite simple. An elected representative is not tied in any substantial way to particular policies, whatever the preferences of the electorate. Influence on the politician is greatest at the time of election. Once elected, the representative is released from popular control but continues to be exposed to powerful pressure groups, especially corporations, state bureaucracies and political party power brokers.
Brian Martin
Stop voting.
Instead of 68% of people voting, the regime’s legitimacy evaporates when it’s 10%. On the way to a low number, people will realize that they’re not alone in their thinking that the system is rigged and the number will sink faster. It’s cooperating in their theater that gives them the legitimacy to screw the population over every damned time.
Is that precise enough for you?
Really? And just how so? The regime obviously and patently cheated in the 2020 elections. It's obvious to everyone that has looked closely at the situation. But the suspicions of millions haven't slowed the regime down one iota. Yes, if only 10% of the US population voted, this would make the regime look even more illegitimate. What then? Do you think they have any residual deeply held convictions about "the consent of the governed?" No, they'd keep rolling on like nothing happened.
Instead of 68% of people voting, the regime’s legitimacy evaporates when it’s 10%.
Not that simple. Cause of death for hunter-gatherer men was about half homicide.
See argument:
Maybe 5% but 20-40% is ludicrous. Some of us in the top quintile worked (masonry) hard & saved to get here. And inflation is kicking our asses too. There is a rentier class and it’s the .01%. The rest of us are along for the ride & have no choice in the matter.
I’ll try to address the issue you raise from a Buddhist perspective.
The simplest way to deal with your theological Gordion knot is to simply cut through it with a sword. There is no God, and there is no problem of evil. Good and evil will always exist.
Hume more or less destroyed that argument with his simple request to tell why the Sun will rise next morning.
Different religions answer that in different ways. The answer boils down to “God wills it”, and persistence of God’s will varies between religions.
In Christianity, God set up the rules of physics as part of God’s Word, which is inalterable once given. Example: even repeated Jewish abominations did not lead God to abandon His word that they were a “chosen people”, God simply had to choose yet another people, since the original Word hadn’t been “one and only chosen people”.
In Islam, Allah has absolute freedom, a consequence of absolute power. “If Allah willed it, we would all have to turn pagan tomorrow” is a legitimate statement in Islam.
In the faith you describe, there is not reason for the sun to come up tomorrow, or for the universe to exist. All you really know is that you think, therefore you are [1] — right now.
This has consequences. The Christians can develop science, systematized knowledge, knowing that it won’t become obsolete tomorrow or next week. Even Newtons’ laws, criticized as “not applicable for the rest of the Universe” are valid and will remain so for most engineering work here on Earth, and has been integrated into a general theory rather than rejected. Under most religions, there is no such guarantee, and either excessive narcissisms or preoccupation with politics are the preoccupations. This has led to a rather unpleasant life for most people, which rather emphasizes that pain is a problem than solving the “problem of pain”.
As Hume pointed out, philosophers who say they are skeptics ordinarily use doorways to enter or leave rooms, rather than trying to walk through a wall that “isn’t really there”. By the same token, Buddhists may say “there is no God”, but act as the skeptics do. They may say that “some things change, some don’t”, but have no intellectual way of telling which is which.
So what difference does it make? The world situation suggests that the “problem of pain” is about to become acute, in large part because too many people are acting as “non-contributing consumers”. The Protestant idea of “vocation” and the “American dream” of pursuing productive work is likely the only answer to this problem, as is apparent by the flow of people to areas where these two ideas hold sway.
>Jews and Anglos are afraid of power, not virtue+
These Sub-Human vermin only understand violence. One simply doesn’t reason with parasites.
I suppose a show or two in Spain has satisfied the modern viewer about the history of Queen Isabella. Ho ho. But has there ever been a film about her attempted in Hollywood? When they get around to it, they will probably characterize her like they did Charles Lindbergh in Plot Against America. Defamation par excellence.
My comment didn’t emphasize it, until the end, but yes, the same vast resources that made America a land of opportunity for ambitious European peasants, made it the ideal place from which to establish a global Jewish empire.
The first condition was the vastness of the land and its resources. The second condition was its virginity – namely that there was not yet an established culture, but simply a hodge podge of immigrant groups, and therefore no common culture that could stand united opposed to Jewish hegemony.
For this reason, the “American Dream” is, ultimately, unique for only one group – the Jews. As Romanoff says, most Americans who became affluent in America could have done the same in Europe. The only group that truly needed America to get where they got was the Jews – the well-developed Gentile cultural identifies in Europe made Jewish inflitration and nepotism very difficult, but in the Tower of Babel that was America it became easy. Combine that easiness with America’s resources and you have the basis for a Jewish global empire.
In case folks have not noticed, Jews study every nation in search of its particular vulnerabilities. They found them in Russia and thus were able to overthrow the Romanov dynasty and establish the USSR. The ideology of the Soviet State was that it was a state the represented the interests of the Russian working class and this was promoted as reality in spite of all opposing facts on the ground.
“The American Dream” is the American analog to Russian Communism – the same group monopolizing control of the Commanding Heights of the economy through a false ideology – the Jewish-American version shrouding their control with the language of “free enterprise” as opposed to the language of working class solidarity, but the end result has been the same – an economy controlled by Jewish supremacists.
It seems, at the end of the day, that a pseudo-capitalist ideology has been more effective for the Jews than Communism, as the latter ultimately undermines the social position of the false elite that espouses it. Elite American Capitalist Jews have no need for an elaborate ideology to justify their status – they can just say “we won the rat race and so deserve to rule.”
The “America Dream” is an ideology the serves Jewish power far more effectively than any the Levites have yet decided.
So much has and continues to be written about the failed American “experiment.” I love the Unz site; it provides a formidable juxtaposition to the drivel that trickles out of western civilization, and makes me think. The quibbles I have with the content, are that it is, one, heavy on the Antisemitism, a form of which I don’t care for. Opportunistic. Like the excesses of banks, dominated by Jews, is representative of Jews as a whole. When excesses become apparent, it’s easy to throw stones, But I don’t buy it. And worse, two, it lumps the entire American population into a nice convenient box of abused coal miners or cotton pickers or service workers, unaware of how much they are abused and mistreated by the corrupt American system of government. A bunch of rubes. I don’t buy that, either.
I live in a heavily blue state, Illinois. Good schools, high level of college graduates, and more. And even here, people can easily, in casual conversation, make a distinction between the corrupted creeps that walk the halls of the plaster, rather than marble, walls of the Illinois capital building (as in cheap facade) and serious politicians who want to improve the lives of the people in society.
There is a wide wide chasm between the locals who really want a better society, and Washington ideals. And an even wider chasm on how to get there. Obama’s “fundamental change” was absolute bullshit to well over 150m Americans, and the voting segment refuted the agenda in 2016. Whether it won or had victory torn away, is one thing. But the 150 didn’t vote for the nonsense manifest in the article, and the point I want to make is the 150m, I think more, would be just fine with trimming the government by maybe 75%, hanging all or most of the pols who oversaw Covid and 2008 financial collapse and FBI school shootings, and all the rest. And start over.
But here’s the tricky part, and where the author is confused. The American experiment started with a Declaration, following a long train of abuses. Only then, after numerous attempts to seek redress, did the population rise up and take care of business. Then, America became a country. Currently, our problems are not a failure of the idea: it’s a failure of will. And a reluctance to risk the destruction of a system that would work, and quite well, thank you very much, without all the corruption. And I’m almost ashamed to say, it’s our fault, for reelecting the same non-serious flawed people over and over. But please don’t bury America. It’s not going away. After all, Russia survived how many years of Tyranny?
America, it once was the “Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.” And will be again. But, and it’s a big but, there has to be a new government, with new, fresh ideas, waiting in the wings, organized under a Constitution. All we need to do is identify the “Brave.” They are out there. And if things get any worse, the world will hear from them.
You left out cheating. Asian immigrants cheat on their taxes big time. Also mestizo immigrants are now allowed to run illegal food businesses in Southern California. If one has a fold up table an easy up and and ice chest they have a roadside fruit stand no permits needed. If you call the city clerks office to complain mestizo’s who staff all our gov’t offices in CA will call you a racist for reporting them.
White people are not allowed to sell anything on the street let alone food products that can make people sick.
I believe it’s in the book, “An Empire Of Their Own,” that the jewish author openly admits that organized jewry deliberately screwed the American people by changing the vision of the country from that of a high trust, hard working, God fearing nation….into a slimy meth infested crew of monkeypox buttfuckers and trannies looking for kids to groom.
Keep in mind that this effort took many years of sleepless nights for the relentless small hats and trillions of dollars in bribes as well as Epstein honeypots entrapping leaders with 12 year olds.
Got to hand it to the small hats though…..that’s truly an exquisite amount of jewing.
Nah…..found the jew.
Boomer bashing is a diversion to spew blame on innocent old people when the real blame should fall on the jews who did the dirty work and subversion.
The tactic is obvious and transparent….and it doesn’t work anymore.
It’s comparable to the R word…..nobody cares anymore.
That means there’s a staggering number of people that voted to continue the corrupt system everyone should know exists.
OK–so lets imagine that they know the system is corrupt.
What exactly is the public supposed to do about it?
Be precise.
I was not expecting this essay to become a puff piece for China. But that is the rabbit Romanov pulls out of the hat for Han. Tadah! Ha.
And with Godfree’s reply appearing as number one, it reminds me how Ehud Barak conveniently appeared on BBC hours after the 9/11/2001 attacks to tell the world that Osama Bin Laden was likely the master mind. Ha. What is that called? Something like the primacy — or control — of the message.
Before you cry too much USA is not more like China, here is another view on the situation there.
That is a highly American thought. If you think that God loves his creation, then you have to consider the Problem of Pain. One solution is that God has presented a way to live in His physical creation, one that works as describe in the Blockquote above, and is embodied in the Protestant idea of vocation.
The Law (aka the law of attraction) was meant only to make our lives a little more comfortable, but also to give us convincing proof (through its successful use) of the existence of God. And then, as one becomes bored with comfort and acquisitions (see Schopenhauer), can one successfully turn away from them towards union with God (which he called The Promise).
I’ll try to address the issue you raise from a Buddhist perspective.
The simplest way to deal with your theological Gordion knot is to simply cut through it with a sword. There is no God, and there is no problem of evil. Good and evil will always exist. Even if good ultimately achieves some kind of total victory, that would correspond with the final liberation of all sentient beings and they would cease to exist and time would have no meaning for them, as with good and evil.
It’s my understanding that the Hindus believe that this will actually happen, but they posit that the universe is one of many existing in a logical chain. The final events of this universe seed the events of the next even though no sentient being will survive into the “next” one. From that point of view, the “future” universe has to be seen as an entirely separate creation. I’m not saying that this is the truth but it intrigues me.
Hume more or less destroyed that argument with his simple request to tell why the Sun will rise next morning.
I’ll try to address the issue you raise from a Buddhist perspective.
The simplest way to deal with your theological Gordion knot is to simply cut through it with a sword. There is no God, and there is no problem of evil. Good and evil will always exist.
I agree with the author’s perspective – the Ideology of America is a fraud designed to keep those abused by the system identifying with its abusive structures. “The American Dream” is gas-lighting extraodinaire.
But let’s dig a little deeper. First, “The Dream” ideology is, despite its falsehood in the modern era, based on something long gone, but genuine – namely the opportunities that this virgin land offered at the time that the USA was founded as a state.
In the 17 to early 1800s, America offered genuine opportunities that were unavailable to many in the British imperial center. Those who would have had no prospect of owning land in England could come to the colonies and work virgin soil, become a petty bourgeois, accumulate savings and put their progeny on a path that the aristocratically monopolized Britain made impossible. It was this primordial environment that became the root of the false “American Dream” ideology.
But of course, the unique material conditions of America at its origins could not last. Eventually the virgin soil becomes occupied, the same monopolistic, financial-aristocratic tendencies of the old world take root and America became just a bigger version of the oppressive “Old Country”. (Being so large in area as America is, these oppressive conditions were for many years attenuated in comparison to the situation in England, but developed nevertheless.)
The difference with the Old World is that there *was* an epoch of colonial freedom that stayed in the collective memory of the people and become the basis for the continuation of “The Dream” ideology, long passed its correspondence with material reality.
It is a tenant of Marxism that ideas lag behind material conditions – people continue to view today’s world through the lense of a real, but lost past.
In short, the relatively free origins of America’s existence have become the basis of the false “American Dream” ideology of today.
Even after the original conditions supporting the ideology were gone, historical “abnormalities” allowed for its perpetuation. The destruction of Europe and Japan following the world wars allowed America to develope into an unchallenged industrial and financial super power; that status then allowed America to maintain the illusion of prosperity even after the era of de-industrialization by living off the tribute, payed in goods and services, of developing nations. And so it was in this way that the “American Dream” continued to have a material reality for the citizenry. But in truth, the ideology was already living off the mortgaging of its original validity.
Everything in America is, at this point, a facade – even the produce in it supermarkets, as Romanoff described in a recent article.
For quite some time, the “American Dream” has been nothing but a “Zionist Dream” – America is a land in which Jewish parasitism has found its most satisfying host. “The American Dream” is now little more than the projection of its abusers’ success onto their victims.
But now the host is dead and dry, and yet the parasite is incapable of doing anything but doubling down on the parasitism of the dead host.
Therein lies the material basis of today’s Clown World.
– must learn to share – energy. And whatever else it takes.
– bit of argument, real communism socialism is how we once lived. We lived in tribes hundreds of thousands of years and looked to nature and planets such as moon phases and food harvests as religion long before the cons begun their monotheism ‘religions’ and ‘govmt’ and ‘money’ cons. Feel free to remember Neanderthals.
If you were going to scam people out of the last of freedom, you would take the words that once meant responsibility and with right to use force with others, then lump false ‘govmt state’ onto the words, and distract with false ‘money’ so people don’t remember what real life is or where we came from.
con ‘money’ and focus on filth secs or breeding made people stupid, exactly as the cons planned. Must learn to share. And kick those that are ignorant. We don’t have forever to undo their schemes.
Neville, the greatest of the New Thought lecturers, emphasized that The Law (aka the law of attraction) was meant only to make our lives a little more comfortable, but also to give us convincing proof (through its successful use) of the existence of God. And then, as one becomes bored with comfort and acquisitions (see Schopenhauer), can one successfully turn away from them towards union with God (which he called The Promise). The Amish do something similar with their "wild years" or whatever they call it. Oscar Wilde: "The best way to overcome temptation is to yield to it."For more on Neville, see my Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, and Other Populist Gurus (Melbourne, Australia: Manticore Press, 2020).Replies: @Alrenous, @Anonymous
2) The “American Dream†is an invention of the media. It originally meant the Protestant’s idea of “vocationâ€: supporting yourself by doing something that helped the commonality. It was changed by Marxist media into “making lots of money by exploiting others (and more recently, “by destroying the planetâ€.
The Law (aka the law of attraction) was meant only to make our lives a little more comfortable, but also to give us convincing proof (through its successful use) of the existence of God. And then, as one becomes bored with comfort and acquisitions (see Schopenhauer), can one successfully turn away from them towards union with God (which he called The Promise).
That is a highly American thought. If you think that God loves his creation, then you have to consider the Problem of Pain. One solution is that God has presented a way to live in His physical creation, one that works as describe in the Blockquote above, and is embodied in the Protestant idea of vocation.
Note that this differs from the Jewish idea of relations with God. The Jewish idea is embodied with the story of Jacob who wrestled with a angel or maybe God, hard for a human to say, then changed his name to Israel, “Fights with God and Wins” ( Genesis 32:28). Ever since then Judaism has been about fighting with God (and everybody else) and winning. That’s not he same as following God’s commandments so as to find your place in reality and realize God’s place in reality (i.e. as its Creator and Master).
One could make similar analyses of Islam, Buddhism, Shinto, Hinduism, and so on, each of which has a different relation between God (or gods) and man.
Communist would amount to following the Party’s commandments so as to find your place in reality and realize that reality is independent of God (if such a being exists) and realize the humans in the Party’s place in reality (i.e. as its Creator and master). In contemporary jargon: “Everything important is a social construct, subject to reconstruction at the Woke Party’s command.
I have mentioned in numerous other threads in the UR that China's economy is OVERWHELMINGLY Capitalist.
OK, you’ve set up a straw man argument.
Why should both philosophies be “equalâ€
One has to distinguish between 'Tax Rates' and 'Actual Tax paid'.
You talk of low taxes — taxes for the 1% (10% ?) have steadily decreased since at least Reagan.
Replies: @Curmudgeon, @shadowy_figure
Bottom Line: Every dollar you print/digitally create into existence reduces the PURCHASING POWER of those dollars already in existence.
This is what I meant by 'Inflation Tax'. Your savings and holdings of dollars have LOST VALUE and this lost value has been transferred BY STEALTH to the government.
And the U.S has 'printed' countless trillions in these last two years and this will result in an INFLATIONARY DEPRESSION the likes of which the record books have never seen - concurrent with loss of reserve currency status that will ensure that the U.S will sink into the banana republic abyss.
You are right, but it’s even worse than a stealth tax. The government doesn’t just help itself. It helps the financial sector too. Recent inflation has partially manifested in stock market gains. I myself may be a beneficiary of this, but I still think it’s depravity.
“…The boomers inherited a rich, dynamic country and have gradually bankrupted it. They habitually cut their own taxes and borrow money without any concern for future burdens. They’ve spent virtually all our money and assets on themselves and in the process have left a financial disaster for their children.
We used to have the finest infrastructure in the world. The American Society of Civil Engineers thinks there’s something like a $4 trillion deficit in infrastructure in deferred maintenance. It’s crumbling, and the boomers have allowed it to crumble. Our public education system has steadily degraded as well, forcing middle-class students to bury themselves in debt in order to get a college education…”
‘they call it the american dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.’ george carlin, sage.
It was all supposed to be preserved for Posterity, but too many people thought Posterity was a new diet or flavor of Hot Pocket.
The problem with america is NOT big government. It’s diversity. Adopt MAWA and america will be supreme again.
I don’t think Merica’s endless foreign meddling and destruction has to do with the Merican Dream. It’s more likely that the CIA/Deep State has always had too much money and wanted some fun.
all depends on what you mean by spread.
I accept much of the blame. I was a student exactly where and when the unraveling began. (Super-elite New England university, late 60s). Spineless students like me, and of course spineless administrators and faculty, did not stop it. It was easier to simply keep our heads down. The unraveling could have been stopped right then and there quite easily, because it was just getting going. So, the “boomer blame†is correctly applied to people my age. But greater blame attaches to the faculty and administrators, who were older than I was, because they had more power.
Several readers have made reference to life in the US during the 50s and 60s, in the sense of The American Dream having actually existed in those days. They are essentially correct, but lack the understanding of the background cause of the appearance and dissolution of those circumstances. For those interested, here is an article which might illucidate the issue. The matter is crucially important but tragically misunderstood.
Whether the American Dream existed or not, one thing that IS certain is that many Americans are living the American Nightmare today courtesy of the untold sums that are being doled out to fund BIG GOVERNMENT and the boondoggles devised by these parasitic bureaucrats.
Several readers have made reference to life in the US during the 50s and 60s, in the sense of The American Dream having actually existed in those days.
Neville, the greatest of the New Thought lecturers, emphasized that The Law (aka the law of attraction) was meant only to make our lives a little more comfortable, but also to give us convincing proof (through its successful use) of the existence of God. And then, as one becomes bored with comfort and acquisitions (see Schopenhauer), can one successfully turn away from them towards union with God (which he called The Promise). The Amish do something similar with their "wild years" or whatever they call it. Oscar Wilde: "The best way to overcome temptation is to yield to it."For more on Neville, see my Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, and Other Populist Gurus (Melbourne, Australia: Manticore Press, 2020).Replies: @Alrenous, @Anonymous
2) The “American Dream†is an invention of the media. It originally meant the Protestant’s idea of “vocationâ€: supporting yourself by doing something that helped the commonality. It was changed by Marxist media into “making lots of money by exploiting others (and more recently, “by destroying the planetâ€.
Oscar Wilde: “The best way to overcome temptation is to yield to it.â€
Socrates was right: there is no evil, there is only ignorance.
One way to learn that a thing is indeed evil is to experience it first-hand. Cure the ignorance, and now you know better. Several caveats apply. E.g. experiencing addiction is not a good way to learn about it. Lies, bullying, and political power are addictive drugs.
Stupidity is a crime. Whether Mao was intentionally a traitor or plain too dumb to avoid treachery, he deserved a traitor’s ignominious death.
More generally, “I will loan you a certain amount at a certain rate of interest, provided that you agree to falsify the security to claim that I have loaned you a greater amount, and at a lower rate, than in fact.â€First, while most anyone else can see its obviously criminal and profoundly dangerous substance, bankers, lawyers, and judges have near-pathologically failed to do so. In the western world especially, most judges are former-bank-lawyers (self-styled “commercial, corporate and financial law specialistsâ€) who are themselves directly appointed by former-bank-lawyers / solicitors, most of whom (on both sides) had spent their legal careers falsifying financial securities and making personal fortunes via fees and percentage kick-backs for so doing.Second, that financial-fraud-device will of itself eventually channel all the wealth of the world to the possessor-class that substantively owns the private global banking system. And its pace increases exponentially with the relative amount by which the securities are falsified. It would happen very quickly and obviously with the above 50% coefficient-of-fraud, but it is no less certain – and achieved and maintained much more quietly – with an average 5% coefficient-of-fraud – it just takes a little longer – a few more roll-overs or iterations of the process.Now assume that the same people propose the following cure or remedy to it:
Condition 1: I will loan you $100,000 at 10% per annum, provided that you agree to give me a security claiming that I have loaned you $200,000 at 5%.
Here also, the fraud against the banks’ collective income statements will of itself eventually channel all of the wealth to the possessor-class, and this component also increases not just exponentially but cross-exponentially with both the coefficient-of-fraud and the stated (misrepresented) interest rate.In Canada that double-whammy extortion and cross-leveraged accounting fraud had been for generations slowly but surely transferring or rolling-over the wealth created by the people into the accounts of the possessor class. The unearned-encroachment was constant, and more or less calibrated to just keep pace with ever-increasing production gains from technology, as long as banks were not allowed to be in the real-estate financing (credit-reinsurance) business, and as long as the maximum rate of interest was restricted to 7% per annum under the Bank Act.Both of these critical restraints were removed in 1968 from this already profoundly criminal, but quasi / relatively stable, system. The banks and bankers, and the entrenched-money-power who own them, have never looked back.___Just from memory, there was a movie a while back called The International where the CEO of an international bank is playing chess with his son (about 11 years old) and he says to the boy to the effect "You are in your fortress but which is surrounded by your enemies and there is no way out - What do you do?"The boy thinks about it for a few seconds and responds: "Find a way to go deeper in".Likewise, the entrenched-money-power never truly remedies any wrongful practice - but instead figures out a way to go "double-down" and then makes it worse.Sadly, the public keeps falling for it - generation after generation.Replies: @Michael Korn, @Blissex, @Blissex
Condition 2: To compensate for the fraudulent juicing of the bank’s balance sheet, you must also agree to pay the bank a $100,000 nominal loan fee via nominal deduction or by a cheque / check effectively drawn against the falsified / inflated security balance so as to give the bank an additional $100,000 of immediate and unearned income in contravention of all the domestic and international accounting laws against it. We are going to remedy and balance (compound-in-fact) the $100,000 fraud against the bank’s balance sheet with an additional $100,000 fraud against its income statement.
«the Introduction to my essay»
Two further notes:
* Your essay could be written better: I can understand what you are saying, but I know some technicalities and I am experienced in trying to make sense out of obscure writings.
* The mechanism you describe is pretty much the core of the financial side of most PFI (“private finance initiative”) or PPP (“public private partnership”) deals which have enriched so many people and cost so much in long term payments to the public funds in the UK and other countries.
More generally, “I will loan you a certain amount at a certain rate of interest, provided that you agree to falsify the security to claim that I have loaned you a greater amount, and at a lower rate, than in fact.â€First, while most anyone else can see its obviously criminal and profoundly dangerous substance, bankers, lawyers, and judges have near-pathologically failed to do so. In the western world especially, most judges are former-bank-lawyers (self-styled “commercial, corporate and financial law specialistsâ€) who are themselves directly appointed by former-bank-lawyers / solicitors, most of whom (on both sides) had spent their legal careers falsifying financial securities and making personal fortunes via fees and percentage kick-backs for so doing.Second, that financial-fraud-device will of itself eventually channel all the wealth of the world to the possessor-class that substantively owns the private global banking system. And its pace increases exponentially with the relative amount by which the securities are falsified. It would happen very quickly and obviously with the above 50% coefficient-of-fraud, but it is no less certain – and achieved and maintained much more quietly – with an average 5% coefficient-of-fraud – it just takes a little longer – a few more roll-overs or iterations of the process.Now assume that the same people propose the following cure or remedy to it:
Condition 1: I will loan you $100,000 at 10% per annum, provided that you agree to give me a security claiming that I have loaned you $200,000 at 5%.
Here also, the fraud against the banks’ collective income statements will of itself eventually channel all of the wealth to the possessor-class, and this component also increases not just exponentially but cross-exponentially with both the coefficient-of-fraud and the stated (misrepresented) interest rate.In Canada that double-whammy extortion and cross-leveraged accounting fraud had been for generations slowly but surely transferring or rolling-over the wealth created by the people into the accounts of the possessor class. The unearned-encroachment was constant, and more or less calibrated to just keep pace with ever-increasing production gains from technology, as long as banks were not allowed to be in the real-estate financing (credit-reinsurance) business, and as long as the maximum rate of interest was restricted to 7% per annum under the Bank Act.Both of these critical restraints were removed in 1968 from this already profoundly criminal, but quasi / relatively stable, system. The banks and bankers, and the entrenched-money-power who own them, have never looked back.___Just from memory, there was a movie a while back called The International where the CEO of an international bank is playing chess with his son (about 11 years old) and he says to the boy to the effect "You are in your fortress but which is surrounded by your enemies and there is no way out - What do you do?"The boy thinks about it for a few seconds and responds: "Find a way to go deeper in".Likewise, the entrenched-money-power never truly remedies any wrongful practice - but instead figures out a way to go "double-down" and then makes it worse.Sadly, the public keeps falling for it - generation after generation.Replies: @Michael Korn, @Blissex, @Blissex
Condition 2: To compensate for the fraudulent juicing of the bank’s balance sheet, you must also agree to pay the bank a $100,000 nominal loan fee via nominal deduction or by a cheque / check effectively drawn against the falsified / inflated security balance so as to give the bank an additional $100,000 of immediate and unearned income in contravention of all the domestic and international accounting laws against it. We are going to remedy and balance (compound-in-fact) the $100,000 fraud against the bank’s balance sheet with an additional $100,000 fraud against its income statement.
«”Condition 1: [….]” […] “Condition 2: […]”»
Quite interesting, that happens in loan sharking and hedge funds and private equity (the asset stripping sector), but I guess this is disguised by big “official” “respectable” banks.
In any case it has been a long time since big “official” “respectable” banks made money with loans, however “juiced” by conditions 1&2: they now seek to make their money with asset trading where proprietary asset trading is financed on margin by themselves. To work around regulations about self-dealing, they have setup debt-collateral spiral rings.
«In 7 days reporting on the road, every person I’ve spoken to is struggling:»
Indeed most usians (and british etc.) are getting squeezed, but a large minority of real estate (and share) owners and in the remaining “good jobs” are doing splendidly. That’s the American way: winners must win, losers must lose, and the Fed’s “plunge protection team” is there to put as many trillions as needed to ensure that real estate and finance are doing very well.
Since Reagan in the USA the rewards of work and thrift have been miserly and the rewards of real estate and finance have ben stupendous. Those who chose wrong, or chose to be born too late or in the wrong place to buy real estate and shares cheaply, are paying for their mistakes, and the large minority of those who chose right, or chose to be born earlier and in the right places are enjoying booming living standards, well supported by generous government policies.
I think Mao was more stooge than traitor. Can’t say that about his nemesis Chiang Kai Shek though.
Chiang’s statement that “Communism is a disease of the heart, the Japanese are but a disease of the skin.” will damn him forever as China’s greatest traitor.
How Jewish and staged was the so-called Chinese Civil War which is once again in the news?
Chiang studied in Japan as a young man and became an officer of the Japanese Imperial Army! This certainly explains his traitorous statement above.
General MacArthur called him by his nickname “cash my check”… which is telling and my guess is that Chiang probably never relinquished his commission and pension from the Japanese Imperial Army while he was supposedly fighting the Japs on behalf of the Yanks.
He wanted his cake and eat it too, as they say.
the thing that NOBODY discusses or mentions is how the fake American “prosperity” acted as a buffer and a cushion to the American society and made the “melting pot” possible and kept the crime rate kinda low (except in teh ghettos but who cares about them, right, the more blacks kill each other, the better).
So now expect the crime rate in America to skyrocket; and the criminals to begin moving and zeroing the rich areas. And it’s ALL by design, once again, the government will eventually use the crime rate to introduce very restrictive laws.
💣’Murka💰 dreamt big things.
Went to far shores to get bling.
Forgot judgment’s sting.
Was Zelenskyy’s appearance in Vogue better than Kamala’s spread?
This article is based on the usual “leftoid” hallucination that only the 1% are winning and the 99% are getting poorer, but actually the political power of the 1% is supported by the top 20-40%, who have been doing very well for 40 years, mostly thanks to booming real estate prices.
Neoliberal politics are an alliance of the property-owning upper-middle class and the upper classes against the working class, with the lower-middle class being neutral because they are not gaining but they are not losing much either.
And indeed the real direct poison of USA politics is real estate (and share prices): as long as the upper-middle classes make fortunes thanks to the devoted efforts of the FedRes pumping up credit with which to buy it (and shares). Thanks to that huge redistribution from the lower classes, the upper-middle class have been writing a blank cheque to the neoliberal governments of the past 40 years.
The “American Dream” is “Fuck you! I got mine” and the USA (and UK) upper-middle classes are living it, making a lot of profits on assets and nearly monopolizing the better-paid jobs, iand too bad for the 60-80% of the population they don’t care about.
The big political problem of the USA (etc.) is that rentierism is not limited to a small minority, but in a lesser way a large and powerful minority are also benefiting. Mass rentierism is a big new thing, and hallucinating that only the 1% are benefiting leads to completely wrong thinking.
I sense that, all commentators here at the Unz Review — as well as the essay-writer Larry Romanoff — have totally and essentially MISUNDERSTOOD the perennial concept called “American Dream”.
“American Dream” is actually like a tasty doughnut; you are either in the dough or in the hole!
Out thru the night
And the whispering breezes.
To a place where they keep
The imaginary diseases.
– FZ
2) The “American Dream†is an invention of the media. It originally meant the Protestant’s idea of “vocationâ€: supporting yourself by doing something that helped the commonality. It was changed by Marxist media into “making lots of money by exploiting others (and more recently, “by destroying the planetâ€.
Neville, the greatest of the New Thought lecturers, emphasized that The Law (aka the law of attraction) was meant only to make our lives a little more comfortable, but also to give us convincing proof (through its successful use) of the existence of God. And then, as one becomes bored with comfort and acquisitions (see Schopenhauer), can one successfully turn away from them towards union with God (which he called The Promise). The Amish do something similar with their “wild years” or whatever they call it. Oscar Wilde: “The best way to overcome temptation is to yield to it.”
For more on Neville, see my Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, and Other Populist Gurus (Melbourne, Australia: Manticore Press, 2020).
Socrates was right: there is no evil, there is only ignorance.
Oscar Wilde: “The best way to overcome temptation is to yield to it.â€
That is a highly American thought. If you think that God loves his creation, then you have to consider the Problem of Pain. One solution is that God has presented a way to live in His physical creation, one that works as describe in the Blockquote above, and is embodied in the Protestant idea of vocation.
The Law (aka the law of attraction) was meant only to make our lives a little more comfortable, but also to give us convincing proof (through its successful use) of the existence of God. And then, as one becomes bored with comfort and acquisitions (see Schopenhauer), can one successfully turn away from them towards union with God (which he called The Promise).
It sometimes seems that half the content of US bookstores consists of what we call ‘self-help’ books, meant to give us ‘the real secret’ to success and riches. Of course, if one book ever did do that, there would be no need for a second. The secret contained in these books is mostly limited to some variation of “You have to believeâ€. And when you fail to strike gold, as you inevitably will, then your belief just wasn’t strong enough.
“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right” — Henry Ford, self-made American success (and based on the JQ btw)
This seems to be becoming a meme on the Lite Right — the Zman was pounding away on this today as well. New Thought/Positive Thinking/Law of Attraction/The Secret has little to do with “just believe”. That’s like saying “This guy was baptized as an infant, but he went on to commit many sins, so Christianity is phony.”
Tempting as it is to conflate them, it has little to do with reciting “The Narrative,”
As Neville, the greatest NT lecturer emphasized, feeling is the secret. Once a scenario is thought up, it must be invested with emotional warmth so as to quicken into reality.
Listen to how the entomologists talk about how Buffalo Bill raises moths in The Silence of the Lambs.
It has little to do with Christianity as such; it is the common Truth behind most religious and mystical teachings, such as Hermeticism and Neoplatonism in the West. Evola, for you Alt-Right nerds, talks about it in his Magic books.
Does it work? Well, if you do it right, yes. Neville’s family used his method to grow his father’s Barbados grocery store into the largest Caribbean-based conglomerate in the world, still in operation today: Goddard Enterprises.
For more on this, see my Mysticism After Modernism: Crowley, Evola, Neville, Watts, Colin Wilson, and Other Populist Gurus (Melbourne, Australia: Manticore Press, 2020).
The original protest by Martin Luther, was not protesting the teachings of the Church of Rome. He was protesting the fact that the hierarchy of the Church, in his day, was not Catholic Christian enough.
America has always been a stealth Catholic theocracy
I do believe that is from the ancestral history of the Children of Israel. An early version of Ancestry.com.Replies: @Alrenous
Genesis chapter 3
The Woke’s complaint is exactly like Luther’s: they think Christianity isn’t Christian enough. Zimmerman and Rittenhouse should have turned the other cheek. Chauvin judged, and was judged in turn. Anti-global warming measures are intended to impoverish everyone, because don’t you know a camel can’t pass through the eye of a needle? It’s for your own good.