Below the General Secretary of the USSR, political authority was held by the Supreme Soviet, a parliament generally portrayed in the West as a rubber-stamp body filled with corrupt, elderly time-servers, who mostly just approved the political decisions made by the figures who quietly pulled their strings.
Well, it could not be simultaneously “a rubber-stamp body†and an “authorityâ€, let alone directly below GS, could it?
Seriously, if you are writing about USSR, read at very least “Inside the Soviet Army†by Viktor Suvorov. It’s in English. He plainly lays out the structure, which necessarily goes to the very top. The hierarchy back from Stalin’s time was always simple: General Secretary > Defense Council (5 members) > Politburo (representatives of the real forces: Party, KGB and Army). That’s it.
Any actual power structure was directly under Politburo, as a part of either Party, KGB or Army.
Any important supplementary administrative structure was directly under Politburo, but outside primary power groups. Such as the Council of Ministers (with a Politburo member as the Chairman).
Anything not inside or directly under this pyramid could only be either a second-rate supplementary administrative structure or decoration.
The Soviet parliament was purely decorative. Which is why an attempt to transfer some actual power to it immediately turned into slapstick comedy.
Imagine what could happen if someone very hastily repurposed a kitchen train cab as a cistern and began to pump water into it. Sure, it does include some containers for cooking and other internal use, but… It’s easy to see how entertainment potential of such a procedure would greatly outstrip its actual usefulness.
Well, before WW1, most Americans wanted to stay out of the war.
If we start a world war, most Americans will refuse to participate – check the latest polls.
But they are so low quality and not even qualified as normal humans anymore. This would be more of a genetic service to them, tbh.
Kissinger is on record claiming the likely demise of the Israeli state more than twenty years ago.
Should have read: “would require dropping the US demands…”
A high percentage of “news” appearing in the Western press were written by CIA operatives who plant them on the internet knowing that unsuspecting news editors will mistake them for legitimate news.
Rudy Guiliani is a sewer rat who played a significant role in the 9/11 false flag attack and subsequent cover-up.
I have been saying this for quite some time.
Indeed, the title of his piece suggested that the U.S. was “moving beyond electoral solutions.â€
The Deep State has no intention of losing what they have created. The solution will be very unpleasant
That’s why I’m a Putin fan.
This is an overly simplistic and naive assertion that helps to illustrate the meaning of the expression "limited hangout".
In sharp contrast, the exceptionally reckless and aggressive Neocons have gained complete mastery over the political and media levers that control both our political parties, and therefore they easily pull the strings of the elected officials who nominally govern us.
On the verge of being expelled from Palestine, Jews are indeed in a panic since their old homeland, Ukraine was supposed to become New Israel.
Explaining the extraordinary trouble and expense Jews in control of the Western world have gone to prevent the hated Putin from spoiling their plans.
For at least twenty years, Jews have been aware of the fact that they will be unable to remain in Palestine.
The writer presented an excellent picture of the similarities between the collapsing USSR and modern America; especially pointing out their aged senile money grubbing political leaders and their behind the scenes supporters. I do not have a problem with elderly leaders I’m elderly myself (76). I have a problem with senile leaders like Biden and Reagan who were used by their handlers to enrich themselves and put the country in a bad place. Both Reagan and Biden’s policies ushered in huge fiscal deficits and oversaw escalating societal decline.
Thankfully neither the decrepit leaders in Russia nor Ronald Reagan were manipulated into putting the US and world in a WWIV type predicament like Biden is. While Donald Trump is not nearly as feeble as Biden, I feel sorry for Americans who think he is the answer that he can restore the Empire to its former glory or stop its rapid implosion and decline.
The oligarchic techno-fascist Deep State will never allow Trump to “drain the swamp” even if he really wanted, knew how to or thought it was actually possible; Project 2025 aside. The American people know things are bad but we lack the gumption, vision, plan or righteous leadership to turn things around in ways that benefit the greatest number of Americans. The fissions are growing wider and the divide is so intense civil cordial dialogue is virtually impossible. Perhaps things will have to get worse before we snap out of our stupor.
Peace between the US and Cuba would require the US demands for restitution on behalf of United Fruit, etc. It is the US that does not wish good relations with Cuba, more than the other way round.
The destruction of the dollar is the goal. Without it, the planned massive wealth transfer cannot take place. BRICS has the full backing of the Bank of International Settlements. This is the banking cartel playing at the casino, it owns. Either way, it wins.
is it
Biden = Andropov ?
Biden = Chernenko ?
It is neither. The better analogy is that Biden in Czar Nicholas II. He wasn’t senile but he wasn’t very bright. The “neocons” surrounding him duped him into war against Germany, a disaster for Russia and Western civilization.
We’d be a lot better off if he were Brezhnev or Andropov. Collapse, but no war, and no Communist takeover.
If we start a world war, most Americans will refuse to participate – check the latest polls.
Well, before WW1, most Americans wanted to stay out of the war.
Then Bernays started his black magic tricks.
Are Americans wiser today? I have my doubts. They have short memories and so unable to learn from past mistakes.
All it would take is another false flag and Americans would be foaming at the mouth for vengeance.
I hope that the country crumbles. It would be an improvement. Our current social situation is like Hell. If we start a world war, most Americans will refuse to participate – check the latest polls.
Well, before WW1, most Americans wanted to stay out of the war.
If we start a world war, most Americans will refuse to participate – check the latest polls.
Hilary Clinton probably applied ‘Tontine Treatment’, stat. Or maybe ‘blooded’ Chelsea? Feinstein’s drooling necrolepsy was becoming embarrassing. Joe was jealous.
I apologize for this late posting but senator Dianne Feinstein passed away.
I’ve found, over the years, that the vilest ‘boong’ hating racists are those proposing that the Indigenous exterminated previous migrants to the continent. NO real evidence for the proposition exists, but it serves both as projection of the racists’ own genocidal desires, still as raw as ever, and a justification for that ongoing genocide, most recently seen, as during the Stolen Generations, in forced child removal.
The aim, as that monster, Howard, made plain, is ‘assimilation’ ie cultural genocide, also seen in the attacks on bilingual education and the out-stations movements. ‘Breed the black’ out, as they say, and on the way produce, what, in my opinion, are ‘assimilated’ compradores like Jacinta Price and the unspeakable Warren Mundine.
You are really worse than I initially appreciated. The explosion of race hatred brought on by the referendum was easily predicted, and will be the end of Greasy Albanese, and, I dare say, this country’s good repute. Congratulations!
I am not nearly as well qualified to offer opinions on bilingual education as Ron Unz so I’ll leave the field open to a joust bwtween the two of you. Do you have a prroblem with his successful assault on bilingual education in the US?
Which black fellas? How many waves and how many genocides of earlier arrivals. Actually the wavy haied majority sseem to have been remarkably peaceful towards the fuzzy haired pygmies of the Atherton Tablelands whom they could easily wiped out as they may have done to the megafauna.
I don’t agree. Calling a sub-fascist klepto-kakistocratic oligarchy a ‘liberal democracy’ is code, just as ‘kiddy-fiddler’, as well as being descriptive, means paedophile. ‘Liberal’ means amoral and, at the ruling core, decadent, even diabolical, and ‘democracy’ means anything BUT rule by the people.
And here’s Stoltenberg now with virtual echo of Mearsheimer on relevance of Ukraine to China.
Not saying it publicly, directly, is why one needs to be alert for clues. He opens his discourse here with the need for US to be able to pivot to the threat of China. Others may listen to this and not hear the imperialist sentiment that I perceive, so you may argue that this is subjective. Some are so enamored with Mearsheimer because of the Israel Lobby book that they think he walks on water, but, having heard prior reference to his feet of clay, I found this analysis bracing, and a little disturbing.
Amazing to see the now over 9,000 comments to this. (Don’t be alarmed by the scruffy intro, the sound is good quality.)
Video Link
My criticism of Mearsheimer is that he refers to the U.S. and other Western nations as “liberal democracies.” That is an anachronism, gone with the wind and 25 cent gasoline. Most Western countries are financial oligarchies, and “liberal” has to be the most nebulous adjective one can imagine. It defies definition. The learned Professor should know better.
Maybe he believes Western culture is superior but it would be out of character and indiscrete for him to say this publicly. He has an international reputation to uphold. You may be taking a leap into the unknown in thinking Mearsheimer wants our culture to prevail. I would not wish our culture on anyone. That would be cruel, and its also unlikely that any other nation could plumb the depths as we have. We deserve to suffer alone or solve our problems.
Thank you for your comment.
[376] is reading between the lines.
Last year Mearsheimer was featured on a zoom by Committee for the Republic. (Ray McGovern was on the same webinar, still feeling for his exact position on the SMO.) I can’t give you the time stamp, but it came across to me that while Mearsheimer opposed violating spheres of influence for purely practical reasons, he subscribed to the superiority of Western culture and especially the US which [I believe he believes] deserves to prevail….and should seek that end.
It is well established that bi-lingual education improves child achievements, including learning the second language. And, as usual, in Australia, as elsewhere in the Anglosphere, whenever a program proves successful in reducing Indigenous inequality, the Right, ie creatures like YOU, and your beloved Liberal Party, AND the so-called ‘Labor’ Party, swiftly move to destroy that success.
It is vital to repress the Indigenous, and disempower them, just as you disempower the poor and welfare recipients, in punitive campaigns like Robodebt. The suicides caused are just icing on the cake.
They aim is cultural genocide through forced neo-assimilation, the Jacinta Price method. Make it impossible to be a blackfella, wipe out their languages and thus their culture, move them off their ancestral lands by denying basic services, and spread the sort of dehumanising hate propaganda that has characterised the NO vermin, and thus FORCE them to assimilate, to become just another group in the ‘useless classes’, their history and culture reduced to crude parodies published by the Murdoch swine.
It is simply the base Rightwing motivation, hatred of others, in action. Race hatred, class hatred, ideological hatred, homophobia, misogyny etc, all find fertile ground on the Right, as the entirely predictable tsunami of race hatred mobilised against the Voice referendum shows, yet again. And, of course, the racists wax outraged when accused of being racists, Austfailia having NO racists whatsoever living there.
We are nearing the end of the colonial experience. The blackfellas kept the place intact for at least sixty thousand years, whereas the Top Level racists have fucked it up right royally in just over two hundred.
Mearsheimer's reasoning is a little (or actually a lot) skewed. Not to mention so paranoid as to ironically bring about precisely the outcome he seeks to avoid.
I can’t think of anyone who does this
better than Mearsheimer
Your interpretation of Mearsheimer’s views on China and Russia is inaccurate and more than a little bizarre. You are either uninformed or disingenuous, and you may check either or both boxes.
Realpolitik, in today’s world means that the U.S., China and Russia can peacefully coexist if they recognize the legitimate spheres of influence that each has established. When one Great Power violates another’s sphere, it may be perceived as an existential threat by the victim State, and consequently a “casus belli.”
This is precisely what happened when the American Government decided to bring Ukraine into NATO. The Professor warned against this policy and predicted a war if the Americans went ahead with it. Mearsheimer has never believed or said that “China and Russia must be defeated and broken.” That is nothing more than a bald-faced, unvarnished lie.
Mearsheimer has frequently opposed American foreign policy and is anything but a spokesman for imperialism. He has never arrogantly threatened other nations or advocated for “American Supremacy.” What is your motive and where do you dredge up such garbage?
Mearsheimer's reasoning is a little (or actually a lot) skewed. Not to mention so paranoid as to ironically bring about precisely the outcome he seeks to avoid.
I can’t think of anyone who does this
better than Mearsheimer
Thank you.
Thank you [376] for saying what I’d like to have replied if I’d had the energy. It’s what I meant when I said, “Mearsheimer is still an exceptionalist and defender of the American Imperium.”
0Where do you acquire your claimed knowledge of bilingual education so as to be able to judge its efficacy for actually educating children? My young extended family blood relatives include high standard speakers of of 5 languages including one who got her school’s top prize in Indonesian in her second last year. You rather give the game away when all you can say when I support Ron Unz’s antibilingualism and apply it to the poor Aborigines who don’t even have a great written culture to fall back on is that there are countries in which bilingual education is a success.
I can’t think of anyone who does this
better than Mearsheimer
Mearsheimer’s reasoning is a little (or actually a lot) skewed. Not to mention so paranoid as to ironically bring about precisely the outcome he seeks to avoid.
He has, if I recall correctly (and apologies if I am wrong), actually acknowledged that China, for one, has no animosity towards the West, and does not seek to overthrow or bring an end to our, or any, socio-economic system or way of life. They just don’t care about that.
IMHO, the main “existential danger” when it comes to both China and Russia is that they are powerful enough to simply ignore the West’s (to include Japan) “commands” and “decrees” and keep on following their own paths, in the case of China, thus far, without recourse to violence.
That’s VERY bad for the United States (the chief Western empire) on many levels.
1) It sets a bad example for the rest of enslaved, oppressed and coerced humanity. Even the comprador, complicit elites of the non-West, Third World are beginning to resent the G-7. Ominous.
2) It drives home the point that the West’s power has real limits, shattering the myth of invincibility. The emperor may still be clothed, but his coat has holes and is in tatters.
And 3), the independence of China/Russia, inadvertently, coincidentally (not deliberately), presents an alternative, and to many countries, attractive model, all with no real intention of “displacing”, the United States.
The BRICS just want to move forward, regardless of what the West wants. They’re not against us, they mean to simply bypass us. IMO, such is their right as sovereign nations.
In essence, Mearsheimer says China and Russia MUST be defeated and broken not because they have bad intentions, but for the sin of being powerful in their own right independent of the United States.
Put another way: Mearsheimer’s logical framework: “We must make an enemy of China, simply because China is powerful enough to maybe/possibly be an enemy (but hasn’t taken any hostile actions)”.
HUH?!? “Yeah, I should shoot this other guy. Why? Because he’s capable enough that he’s able to . . . . shoot right back”. Sheer grand strategic paranoia, and suicidal.
You see how stupid and insane that sounds? Now apply that reasoning to the present day, real world. “You can exist, as long as we overshadow you. If we don’t overshadow you, YOU ARE A THREAT.”
That’s my main beef with Mearsheimer.
Plus, he speaks with arrogance, and attempts to not-so-subtly intimidate, giving Americans a worse name than we already have. He publicly threatened an Australian audience, in their own country, that they would be made to suffer if they did not get on board the anti-China crusade. Unbelievable.
He calls himself a “realist”, to make his skewed views more palatable and to give them more seeming weight. But he starts with a premise, American Supremacy, then seeks to make that premise look rational.
Not buying it.
The figure is 270000 Sudeten Germans civilian revenge death by the Czech government.
Replies: @Bubba, @emerging majority, @Rev. Spooner, @mulga mumblebrain, @Fumanchu, @Hang All Text Drivers, @Derer, @Eric Novak
The TelegraphUkraine’s victory is closer than ever – but a shattered Russia is nothing to celebrate
Daniel JohnsonSun, September 3, 2023 The Russians are losing their war on Ukraine. They just don’t know it yet...Ukraine has the tanks, it has the men and it has Zelensky too. This battle-hardened but by no means war-weary people, its national identity forged in adversity, is fighting to liberate all of its land – Crimea included.With or without Western support and sanctions, Ukraine will fight on until Putin’s evil empire is defeated.
The posters on that bizarre propaganda story absolutely must be operatives for NATO, Ukraine, et al. No way average news consumers and even those who know the recent history of the conflict are putting up demented drivel to that extent. It looks like a parody of propaganda. Yahoo must be owned by Black Rock or Soros.
The Cubans couldn't save their Angolan pals, or the MPLA, or any of their doomed revolutions.
We have to remember, all these 3 countries were poor Third World nations, but when the bar is set as low as untrained local insurgents, then ANY level of military skill, even of Third World levels, will make a difference.
The U.S. has too often been the uninvited guest at successive disasters, sauntering onto the scene with that nasty little monkey, Israel, perched on shoulder, giving instructions.
Even with Soviet backing, Cuba was hardly more than a nuisance abroad, with their only serious accomplishment being the best domestic medical system in the third world.
The only sensible economic plan for Cuba is to turn the Island into a giant retirement community for Americans, Europeans and wealthy Latinos. That would require moderating their ideology a bit and making peace with the U.S., but the payoff would be loads of hard currency and a higher standard of living.
Cuba was good enough for Hemingway. He loved the Cuban people and their culture, and I doubt that communism has changed the underlying spirit of the country, even after 63 years.
Cuba sent advisors to Africa from about 1975 to the fall of the Soviet Union (1991). In fact, it was an ideological crusade for them - true believers spreading the revolution, that sort of thing.
Can anyone imagine the Cubans attempting an African colonial empire?
We have to remember, all these 3 countries were poor Third World nations, but when the bar is set as low as untrained local insurgents, then ANY level of military skill, even of Third World levels, will make a difference.
The Cubans couldn’t save their Angolan pals, or the MPLA, or any of their doomed revolutions.
They just kept fighting in other peoples’ countries. Which is why so many other South Americans hated with seething rage, Cubans in general from the years 1960-1990. I don’t know what the status of that currently is, probably died down. But let’s just say there is some hidden subtext with the infamous chainsaw scene in “Scarface.” The Colombians weren’t on board with commie revolutions in their coca-growing “industrial heartland.” Or the Bolivians (Shining Path, Che Guevera).
If you look around right now, in the wake of Afghanistan and the current mess in Ukraine, you may just see that pattern repeating – ideologically driven lost causes at the end of an empire.
The very essence of Realpolitik is to not allow your personal identity or loyalties
to enter into consideration of a matter. I can’t think of anyone who does this
better than Mearsheimer.
Mearsheimer's reasoning is a little (or actually a lot) skewed. Not to mention so paranoid as to ironically bring about precisely the outcome he seeks to avoid.
I can’t think of anyone who does this
better than Mearsheimer
Thanks for your comment, and I’ll try to clarify.
In using the phrase “COVID fanatics” my reference was to the U.S. Government representatives, led by Fauci, to conceal the origins of the virus, exaggerate the efficacy of the vaccine and viciously attack and silence all dissenters.
Sachs headed the Lancet Commission’s investigation of COVID.
No assumptions are needed, and I agree that there is no shortage of fanatics, especially those who bleed over into lunatics.
Yet again one is left wondering whether you are deranged, or simply lying. Race hatred is a RELIGION on the Right, as the EVIL campaign of lies, misrepresentation and pure hate targeting the Voice referendum shows yet again, but, of course, when cornered rats like you simply DENY everything. Nothing new. You prove your racist contempt over and over, then insouciantly utter some mendacious banality and expect to get away with it.
Your vicious characterisation of bi-lingual education, a proven success in many countries, as inculcated by ‘unqualified’ (ie Indigenous) teachers is DESPICABLE. It could have been uttered by Pauline Hanson, or printed (and was, repeatedly)in the Murdoch cancer. No doubt you are in celebratory mode, what with the fiftieth anniversary of that great triumph of Western Values, the 1973 coup in Chile, just falling. Open some champers and toast Pinochet, did you?
Why do you mention “COVID fanatics?” Has Sachs opined on Covid, or are you making some sort of assumption? (If so, what, because the fanaticism runs in many directions…)
Not a chance. I keep a low profile, especially in my own hood. And the only slogan apropos of my labellessness is ‘Putin had no Options.’
For all his realpolitik and criticism of NATO expansion, Mearsheimer is still an exceptionalist and defender of the American Imperium. Responsible Statecraft, I fear, is a bit of a limited hangout.
I lack the courage to wear the shirt but I’m looking
forward to your public exhibition, in the hood.
That reminds me, have you seen this T-shirt…
Senile politicians may lose memory but they never forget how to lie and steal.
That must be the default mode.
In a just world Cornel West might have risen from shoeshine boy to super-pimp, with pink Cadillac and the required gaggle of adoring crack-ho’s. But, he decided to be a celebrity professor and Black Panther apologist at Hawvard, and a TV personality.
So far, so good; then came the unforgivable sin, support of the Palestinians, pre-tenure. “Get outta here, Nigga!” And on your way out the door, you will receive a nationally broadcast reminder to pay your taxes and child support. The kid is starting to shave and Mama can’t squeeze a dime out of your worthless black ass.
Cornel may end up as a Trump cellmate while both are Presidential candidates, and that would be another divine comedy. Black Panther Meets Great White Hope. Next time you better play nice with the Jews. Poor Trump, since he was super-nice and still caught a shiv, center-back with a twist.
Biden, Pelosi, McConnell, Schumer, Feinstein and on and on. Seriously, I don’t know if the correct response is to laugh or to cry. Pelosi’s words tells us that she really believes the crap she’s selling. Most likely Nancy also is waiting for the right time to turn the family business over to her daughter.
Someone recently described the US House and Senate as high level taxpayer funded nursing homes. That’s not far from the truth. I don’t see this situation getting better on either side of the aisle, although Democrats have the most work to do.
You are fantasing again. Very few people even on the Right in Queenslandwoild not regard it as demeaning to hate indigenous people though contempt for the drunken wife beaters and killers would be more common. As for BS do you really think bilingual education by unqualified teachers in languages – unlike Latino Spanish whose self interested bilingualists Ron Unz defeated – have too few words to describe the modern world is going to get the kids modern jobs – or any jobs?
BULLSHIT!!!! And you know it. At EVERY opportunity in Australia, the Right, led by your beloved ‘Liberal’ Party, sets out to actively harm the Indigenous.
Every step of Native Title, after Mabo, was viciously opposed, and rolled back wherever possible, as in the infamous Yorta Yorta ‘decision’ where Olney decided that the Indigenous did not exist, for tens of millennia, because they had no written records proving it.
Whenever any Indigenous organisation succeeds, the Right will destroy it, as with ATSIC, first softened up with a slanderous vendetta by your friends at News Corpse. Programs that work, like bilingual education, are relentlessly attacked, and vile, disempowering (the aim at all occasions, because it actively harms the victims and expresses the racist Right’s deep hatred of their victims)impositions like the ‘Intervention’, the product of the poisonous psyche of John Howard, imposed instead.
That is not even to consider the active malice and hatred that makes the Indigenous the most incarcerated group on Earth, including children, many locked up with adults, and in solitary (a fourteen year old!!!) for over two months. And they still refuse to raise the age of criminal responsibility from ten, one of the lowest on Earth.Don’t talk of ‘good faith’ you ass-you wouldn’t know it if it was surgically inserted.
You’re not only saggy, you’re as dumb as a bag of rocks. What happened in the 2020 election is not only not known to a certainty, it is not known, period. You might want to be aware, the science of statistics has ways of analyzing data which are very advanced. Some things happened in the course of the vote counting which were very strange. I’m not schooled in statistics or higher mathematics in general, but I do have a Mensa level IQ easily and I do pay attention.
You are in the grip of one of the most basic fallacies in forensics. You are arguing that because some one particular thing has not been proven true, that therefore there is some other position that is the default and which must be accepted as valid. No so. Just accept the idea that you don’t know and no one else does either. I guarantee you, the world’s intelligence agencies do know, but they ain’t saying.
If you like the outcome that 2020 produced you are allowed to say so. Just don’t slater the forum with your illogic. The absence of proof of fraud is not proof of the absence of fraud. It’s that simple. In no election that close is there proof absolute that only legal ballots were counted. We’re talking about America here, where everything is turned into a Wild West Show.
Toxic chaos is exactly correct. Since I suggested Sachs, I’m happy to see him discussed. I had no reason to believe the thought had even occurred to him, but I hope his ears are burning now. (I bet Ron has his phone number.)
The current field of candidates is dismaying. IDK all what’s involved in launching a campaign, but Sachs is already doing as much as he can (online interviews and print articles) to challenge the neocon war in Ukraine. Perhaps he’d accept some organized support and an additional platform. I can’t imagine he could win the presidency, but he’s certainly more qualified than Cornel West, and he’s not an Israel butt-licker like RFK Jr.
Chaos is also opportunity.
As an addendum to the above exchange with Brosi, there is only a small chance that Sachs would run for President. Should he try, his most virulent opponents would be a bizarre coalition of Jew-haters and those Zionist extremists whose American identity is a mere legalism, a lunch ticket that entitles them to feast on the “golden calf” created by the legacy bumpkins.
Sachs is also a free market advocate with no signs of Woke or other leftist infestations, making him a perfect target for the violent Antifa-like lunatics dwelling deep in the bowels of the Democrat Party. It’s hard to see a pathway for any moderate, rational leader to emerge from the toxic chaos that will continue into the foreseeable future.
Used to be funded by George Soros. Don’t know if it is still the case but they are pretty close to the establishment. Bachevich wrote a quite good book called Age Of Delusions.
Well said, but I think you are dismissive of the now imponderable questions about Sachs.
My view is that he was badly used by the conspiracy of the Western Jewish financiers to
help the cabal of Russian Jews steal the natural resources of Russia after the fall of the
USSR. They were also assisted by non-Jewish financiers, including our English cousins
and operatives, Jew and Gentile within the Clinton Administration.
In his first major venture outside the ivory tower the brilliant but naive professor was
mugged, mauled and rolled by seasoned thieves with a plan. Some thirty years later,
Sachs surely understands that the political game is played without rules. If Sachs
should campaign to be President, his Jewish opponents will be disarmed since their
primary weapon, antisemitism, will be useless.
If analysis articles of this quality were still available in “Newspapers”, the newspaper industry would still be relevant.
If the Voice as part of our Constitution was believed in good faith to be likely to make a great and positive contribution to improving Aboriginal lives it would already be up and running. And a No vote won’t stop it being tried out immediately after the defeat.
Perhaps it had some military relevance, but either the NSA or GCHQ once intercepted a call between Soviet military personnel discussing Gorbachev’s attempt to crack down on excessive alcohol consumption. They were not enthusiastic.
I forgot to congratulate you and your beloved Liberals on the ‘scores’ of suicides that Robodebt caused, imposed as it was with typically vicious sadism, EVEN after it was known to be illegal. I bet that caused a few toasts at the Reptiles Club.
As for the Voice referendum, I told all my naive acquaintances that it was doomed from the start, that you Liberals and your Murdoch and other boong-bashing allies would have a field-day stoking race hatred among the proles, and setting the scene for Greasy Albanese’s demise. All my older and politically aware friends and relatives knew I was correct, although a few feigned enthusiasm so as not to dishearten the children, who have not, yet, learned what ‘Liberals’ truly are.
Top Level, you reach a new low of outright lunacy by blaming Robodebt, ‘Liberal’ Party misanthropy and class hatred in its purest form, on Xi Jinping!!??!!. And you deny the undeniable, yet again, by refusing to acknowledge the deep and indelible stain of race hatred towards the Indigenous that runs through all the reactionary Right in all the Anglosphere settler colonial tyrannies.
And then you appeal, in time honoured fashion, a la Charles Court and Noonkanbah in 1979, on the presence of two individuals, Price and Mundine, who, in my opinion, would best be described as Uncle and Aunty Toms, one, Mundine, in my opinion, the most opportunistic and untrustworthy figure in many a year, and the other, Price, like her mother, in my opinion, the victim of her Svengali-like father.
Lets just call a spade, a spade. Sachs is owned by Judea not only because of Jewish Power, but because he is part of it.
What would it take for Sachs, a Jew, to be a credible voice for US shitizens of European heritage looking for salvation? For me the answer is quite simple: he would have to be brutally honest about Jewish Power. He would have to have the courage and character to name the Jew’s malign influence throughout history.
Jeffery Sachs is not that man.
Besides he has an entire walk-in closet full of Jewish malfeasance skeletons, starting with his role in turning all of Russia’s resources over to a pack of Jewish oligarchs.
Off topic perhaps.
I discovered new to me website today.
Short video introducing the Quincy institute of responsible statecraft, the organization behind the publication.
John J Mearsheimer is a member so it’s hardly Russian or Chinese propaganda outlet. I have only spent an hour checking it out but was somewhat impressed by few articles.
One example:
Plenty of material for those of us who disagree with the current U.S. foreign policy.
You have contradicted yourself. Lying power Jews like Greenblatt and Soros have deliberately warped and perverted our language in malicious ways and turned it into a weapon that they wield against us. The word "conspiracy" would be a case in point.A "conspiracy" has to occur behind a veil of secrecy, otherwise it will be exposed and fall within the group that Niceland describes as:
often provoke ridicule from some of the more conspiratorial commenters
Clearly big Tech and big Media work hand in hand to provide that veil of secrecy and to wield that bludgeon of censorship. Just be reviewing what items are taboo, such as the holofraud, we can be certain that it is Jews who are the ones who are "conspiring".So at a minimum, if Sachs was just trying to gradually open the Overton window, he would now be railing on about what the ADL is doing to Musk and "X". So far all I hear is crickets.I will add the you, Mr. Unz, have run a series of articles about the struggle between the ADL and "X". For that I am grateful and I give you my respect. I do not think the same applies to Jeffery Sachs.Replies: @24th Alabama
"My fellow countrymen would put me into the flat-earth camp right away and pay zero attention to my ramblings."
You are right about the noisy crickets, but Sachs’ position as a prominent public figure with potential political ambitions is entirely different from that of Unz and Niceland. As you know, there is a long list of notables who have been disappeared and consigned to oblivion following their valid criticisms of Jewish influence and the slow motion genocide of the Palestinians, the “non-existent nation.”
The most diligent and learned scholar of the Arab-Israeli conflict is Norm Finkelstein. As a reward for his integrity the Zionists have driven him out of academia, causing him to lose five university teaching jobs and exiling him to his NYC apartment.
Having noticed how vengeful Jewish groups are, do you expect anyone with political aspirations to publicly oppose them? Also, take note of the recent Congressional hearing during which the Jews cleverly used a Black Representative as a proxy to attack RFK,Jr. due to his “anti-Semitic” opinions. Political suicide, anyone?
“How many Sudeten German families were killed and how many deported, after the war, by the Czech communists?”
The expulsion of traitors (not all Germans were expelled) was done by bourgeoise leaders before communist victory in 1948. It was a correct decision.
Here’s a serious, no bullshit suggestion.
I’m going by, only as an example, Chinese history.
We just straight up get rid of (destroy, ignore or refuse to support) this current effed-up structure we have. It implodes (softly or violently), we go through an EXTREMELY TERRIBLE few decades, then we start fresh, clean slate, tabula rasa.
Point being, the Chinese have done exactly this process like 20 or more times in the last 5,000 years. They’re still around, still going, and starting to wake up as a people for the 21st (or whatever) time.
Humans can get rid of their nations, governments and systems, take the pain, and come roaring back. IT’S BEEN DONE. It’s happening right now on the other side of the world.
It can happen in America as well, right?
Can anyone imagine the Cubans attempting an African colonial empire?
Cuba sent advisors to Africa from about 1975 to the fall of the Soviet Union (1991). In fact, it was an ideological crusade for them – true believers spreading the revolution, that sort of thing.
That being said, the Cubans were never as tough or battle effective as the North Vietnamese Army, or the North Koreans (who also sent some advisors to Africa).
The NVA (in Vietnam) and Norks weren’t great themselves, but they were solid and could fight somewhat. Vietnamese and North Koreans had high fighting spirit, but mediocre skill. The Cubans were still better than the locals.
We have to remember, all these 3 countries were poor Third World nations, but when the bar is set as low as untrained local insurgents, then ANY level of military skill, even of Third World levels, will make a difference.
The Cubans couldn't save their Angolan pals, or the MPLA, or any of their doomed revolutions.
We have to remember, all these 3 countries were poor Third World nations, but when the bar is set as low as untrained local insurgents, then ANY level of military skill, even of Third World levels, will make a difference.
This is not an informed comment, Brosi. The intelligence services don’t need an Unz comment section for anything. The NSA records or listens to-with algorithms to flag and highlight “interesting” words or comments of your emails, telephone conversations, messages, etc. Think of it as an extension of facial recognition software on everybody all the time.
You are way behind the curve, son.
Replies: @24th Alabama
"9. So after the circumcision bill was presented in February, Chabad Rabbi Avi Feldman, 27, of Brooklyn, NY, moved to Iceland with his daughters and wife “to bring awareness of the relevance and importance of brit milah (circumcision)."10. Rabbi Feldman's Judaic rituals quickly proved incongruent with Icelandic lifestyle when the Rabbi was forced to explain to an Icelander why he couldn't eat from utensils that were touched by a goy (goyim are considered goats per the Talmud & anything goyim touch is un-kosher)11. Mike Levin, a Jew who moved to Iceland from Chicago, hopes the presence of Feldman, Iceland's first Rabbi, will encourage state funding for Jewish causes within Iceland. That's right, chiseling tax dollars from native Icelanders to fund Jewry like their new proposed Synogogue12. So how did Jews pressure Iceland to scrap the bill that would ban circumcision? Per Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt:
a) pressure from Jewish groups
b) build coalitions with other faith groups
c) "appeal" to international economic & political interestsBut it was mostly (c)â˜ï¸13. Pressure for scrapping the bill came by way of World Jewish Congress, Agudath Israel of America, the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, & Orthodox Union - the org that charges US food manufacturers to certify half of all of US food products as fit for Jews (kosher)14. The pressure came in the form of protests and a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland's capital city, where Rabbis flew in from parts of Europe to speak with members of parliament (MPs) in Iceland.15. The second approach Jews used to thwart the bill was building coalitions with Muslim & Catholic groups like the Catholic Church of the EU, Islamic Cultural Center of Iceland, and the Catholic Church of Iceland. Catholics only represent 4% of Iceland's population, Muslims 0.3%16. But what was most effective in scrapping the bill was Orthodox Union enlisting the help of a Jew who sits in US Congress - Eliot Engel of N.Y. - to personally pen a letter of warning to Iceland's Ambassador, alluding to the bill jeopardizing Iceland's relationship with the US "
Some of your comments were painfully offensive, and I demand a retraction.
Jews have always advocated separation of Church and State in nations where
they have been a minority, so “chiseling tax dollars” to build a synagogue
would be inconsistent and downright hypocritical.
We English have never sought state funding to build our pubs and saloons,
which are our temples, with the barfly being our high priest, ably assisted by
lovely coquettes.
I suppose 'nativity' was a typo, and you really meant 'naïvete' (and 'mainstream' instead of 'main steam'). Even supposing that's the case, I don't quite understand what you are trying to convey in those two sentences. You surely don't mean that Ron Unz lied about his earlier acceptance of official narratives, do you?Replies: @Brás Cubas
Many commenters have misunderstood he is aiming for the main steam and harassed him for nativity in his early years. Boiling living frogs you start using cold water so they don’t get spooked and jump out of the pot.
It’s OK. I understand now.
Seriously, I could hardly believe what I was reading. Few weeks before I stumbled on some news report about 'racism' in my local media, where some local University researcher was discussing her paper quoting the ADL as major authority on the subject, and here the same ADL was threatening the Icelandic parliament to paint Iceland as racist, white supremacists nation and destroy our tourist industry!
The Anti-Defamation League is the leading monitor o f far-right extremÃsm and foremost expert in the United States. Should Iceland ban male circumcision, making it impossible for Jews and Muslims to raise families in your country, we guarantee that Iceland will be celebrated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other extremists. Even though anti-Semitism was surely not the impetus for the proposal, the result o f its adoption will be the glorification o f Iceland by the most despicable bigots. They will celebrate the ban as the flrst legislation in Europe since World War II towards making a country Judenrein, free of Jews.
ADL has studied the pervasiveness of anti-Semitic content on social media, and we know that a relatively small number o f extremists are able to amplify their message quickly and broadly through social media. ADL regularly reports on such phenomena, and we wÃll report on extremist praise for Iceland.
So far so good but here comes the interesting part:
We urge you to consider the significant media attention, in the U.S, and intemationally, paid to ADL reports on extremism. In the past six months alone, our research and experts have been featured on CNN and other cable TV channels, NBC and other broadcast TV, on 60 MinuÃes, the most watched TV news magazine in America, and in leading newspapers, including The New York Times and The Washington Post. Given that 28% of Iceland’s tourists came from North America in 2016, Iceland’s standing in the U.S. should be o f great concern from an economic perspective, We are confident that the vast majority o f American tourists will avoid a country whose reputation is associated with Nazism, even if that association is not justified.
Many commenters have misunderstood he is aiming for the main steam and harassed him for nativity in his early years. Boiling living frogs you start using cold water so they don’t get spooked and jump out of the pot.
I suppose ‘nativity’ was a typo, and you really meant ‘naïvete’ (and ‘mainstream’ instead of ‘main steam’). Even supposing that’s the case, I don’t quite understand what you are trying to convey in those two sentences. You surely don’t mean that Ron Unz lied about his earlier acceptance of official narratives, do you?
Things have of course changed since the days of Hamer Liberals and it shocks me that women who were once given a status in the Party which helped to give us the Menzies and Hamer years have felt themselves mistreated. I don’t think the cruse idiocy of Eric Abetz qualifies to brand Libs as sinophobic. Robobebt was incompetence even if infected a little by XiJin Peng’s “social welfare makes prople lazy” attitude. Class hatred, race hatred abd boong bsshing is observable nonsense. Even Julian Leeser’s sipport for the Voice (as one might expect of a Jew) is accepted and the case against it has been led by well know articulate Aborigines like Jacinta Pryce and Warren Mundine. As a masssive tree planter and preserver of native grasses I simply don’t understand your “Green bashing”.
Seriously, I could hardly believe what I was reading. Few weeks before I stumbled on some news report about 'racism' in my local media, where some local University researcher was discussing her paper quoting the ADL as major authority on the subject, and here the same ADL was threatening the Icelandic parliament to paint Iceland as racist, white supremacists nation and destroy our tourist industry!
The Anti-Defamation League is the leading monitor o f far-right extremÃsm and foremost expert in the United States. Should Iceland ban male circumcision, making it impossible for Jews and Muslims to raise families in your country, we guarantee that Iceland will be celebrated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other extremists. Even though anti-Semitism was surely not the impetus for the proposal, the result o f its adoption will be the glorification o f Iceland by the most despicable bigots. They will celebrate the ban as the flrst legislation in Europe since World War II towards making a country Judenrein, free of Jews.
ADL has studied the pervasiveness of anti-Semitic content on social media, and we know that a relatively small number o f extremists are able to amplify their message quickly and broadly through social media. ADL regularly reports on such phenomena, and we wÃll report on extremist praise for Iceland.
So far so good but here comes the interesting part:
We urge you to consider the significant media attention, in the U.S, and intemationally, paid to ADL reports on extremism. In the past six months alone, our research and experts have been featured on CNN and other cable TV channels, NBC and other broadcast TV, on 60 MinuÃes, the most watched TV news magazine in America, and in leading newspapers, including The New York Times and The Washington Post. Given that 28% of Iceland’s tourists came from North America in 2016, Iceland’s standing in the U.S. should be o f great concern from an economic perspective, We are confident that the vast majority o f American tourists will avoid a country whose reputation is associated with Nazism, even if that association is not justified.
The ADL must be vigilant to maintain its self-designated role as “Defender of the Faith,” borrowing from the British Monarch. In the Iceland case their aim was not simply to make sure that Jews had “no skin in the game,” but also to show off their reach, even to the ends of the earth. Donors were impressed? All ten Jews in Iceland were embarrassed.
Returning to your previous post, Professor Sachs does have a talent for attracting snipes from all directions, but bear in mind the simple truth that no decent man wants to alienate family, friends and colleagues. But, someone with expertise in a particular area does have a social responsibility to publicly express his opinions, even if he anticipates harsh criticism or ridicule from people he respects.
Limited or unlimited hangout, Sachs could never appease the genomic Jew-haters, the rabid Muslim-hating Israeli settlers on the West Bank, the warmongers in the U.S. Government or the COVID fanatics led by the charismatic Dr. Fauci.
Seriously, I could hardly believe what I was reading. Few weeks before I stumbled on some news report about 'racism' in my local media, where some local University researcher was discussing her paper quoting the ADL as major authority on the subject, and here the same ADL was threatening the Icelandic parliament to paint Iceland as racist, white supremacists nation and destroy our tourist industry!
The Anti-Defamation League is the leading monitor o f far-right extremÃsm and foremost expert in the United States. Should Iceland ban male circumcision, making it impossible for Jews and Muslims to raise families in your country, we guarantee that Iceland will be celebrated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other extremists. Even though anti-Semitism was surely not the impetus for the proposal, the result o f its adoption will be the glorification o f Iceland by the most despicable bigots. They will celebrate the ban as the flrst legislation in Europe since World War II towards making a country Judenrein, free of Jews.
ADL has studied the pervasiveness of anti-Semitic content on social media, and we know that a relatively small number o f extremists are able to amplify their message quickly and broadly through social media. ADL regularly reports on such phenomena, and we wÃll report on extremist praise for Iceland.
So far so good but here comes the interesting part:
We urge you to consider the significant media attention, in the U.S, and intemationally, paid to ADL reports on extremism. In the past six months alone, our research and experts have been featured on CNN and other cable TV channels, NBC and other broadcast TV, on 60 MinuÃes, the most watched TV news magazine in America, and in leading newspapers, including The New York Times and The Washington Post. Given that 28% of Iceland’s tourists came from North America in 2016, Iceland’s standing in the U.S. should be o f great concern from an economic perspective, We are confident that the vast majority o f American tourists will avoid a country whose reputation is associated with Nazism, even if that association is not justified.
I followed the Jewish circumcision assault on Iceland closely in 2018 (IIRC). A guy named Curse had a few long threads on Twitter about it. I managed to find one of them in thethreaderapp, unfortunately all the images and links to articles have been stripped out.
A short excerpt:
“9. So after the circumcision bill was presented in February, Chabad Rabbi Avi Feldman, 27, of Brooklyn, NY, moved to Iceland with his daughters and wife “to bring awareness of the relevance and importance of brit milah (circumcision).”
10. Rabbi Feldman’s Judaic rituals quickly proved incongruent with Icelandic lifestyle when the Rabbi was forced to explain to an Icelander why he couldn’t eat from utensils that were touched by a goy (goyim are considered goats per the Talmud & anything goyim touch is un-kosher)
11. Mike Levin, a Jew who moved to Iceland from Chicago, hopes the presence of Feldman, Iceland’s first Rabbi, will encourage state funding for Jewish causes within Iceland. That’s right, chiseling tax dollars from native Icelanders to fund Jewry like their new proposed Synogogue
12. So how did Jews pressure Iceland to scrap the bill that would ban circumcision? Per Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt:
a) pressure from Jewish groups
b) build coalitions with other faith groups
c) “appeal” to international economic & political interestsBut it was mostly (c)â˜ï¸
13. Pressure for scrapping the bill came by way of World Jewish Congress, Agudath Israel of America, the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, & Orthodox Union – the org that charges US food manufacturers to certify half of all of US food products as fit for Jews (kosher)
14. The pressure came in the form of protests and a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland’s capital city, where Rabbis flew in from parts of Europe to speak with members of parliament (MPs) in Iceland.
15. The second approach Jews used to thwart the bill was building coalitions with Muslim & Catholic groups like the Catholic Church of the EU, Islamic Cultural Center of Iceland, and the Catholic Church of Iceland. Catholics only represent 4% of Iceland’s population, Muslims 0.3%
16. But what was most effective in scrapping the bill was Orthodox Union enlisting the help of a Jew who sits in US Congress – Eliot Engel of N.Y. – to personally pen a letter of warning to Iceland’s Ambassador, alluding to the bill jeopardizing Iceland’s relationship with the US ”
Niceland has written a very “nice” explanation for why Sachs and Hersch and yourself avoid “lightning rod” issues about Jewish Power.
The problem here is that you have confirmed that there is so much truth in these issues that they cannot be touched, yet you close up your comment by stating:
often provoke ridicule from some of the more conspiratorial commenters
You have contradicted yourself. Lying power Jews like Greenblatt and Soros have deliberately warped and perverted our language in malicious ways and turned it into a weapon that they wield against us. The word “conspiracy” would be a case in point.
A “conspiracy” has to occur behind a veil of secrecy, otherwise it will be exposed and fall within the group that Niceland describes as:
“My fellow countrymen would put me into the flat-earth camp right away and pay zero attention to my ramblings.”
Clearly big Tech and big Media work hand in hand to provide that veil of secrecy and to wield that bludgeon of censorship. Just be reviewing what items are taboo, such as the holofraud, we can be certain that it is Jews who are the ones who are “conspiring”.
So at a minimum, if Sachs was just trying to gradually open the Overton window, he would now be railing on about what the ADL is doing to Musk and “X”. So far all I hear is crickets.
I will add the you, Mr. Unz, have run a series of articles about the struggle between the ADL and “X”. For that I am grateful and I give you my respect. I do not think the same applies to Jeffery Sachs.
Seriously, I could hardly believe what I was reading. Few weeks before I stumbled on some news report about 'racism' in my local media, where some local University researcher was discussing her paper quoting the ADL as major authority on the subject, and here the same ADL was threatening the Icelandic parliament to paint Iceland as racist, white supremacists nation and destroy our tourist industry!
The Anti-Defamation League is the leading monitor o f far-right extremÃsm and foremost expert in the United States. Should Iceland ban male circumcision, making it impossible for Jews and Muslims to raise families in your country, we guarantee that Iceland will be celebrated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other extremists. Even though anti-Semitism was surely not the impetus for the proposal, the result o f its adoption will be the glorification o f Iceland by the most despicable bigots. They will celebrate the ban as the flrst legislation in Europe since World War II towards making a country Judenrein, free of Jews.
ADL has studied the pervasiveness of anti-Semitic content on social media, and we know that a relatively small number o f extremists are able to amplify their message quickly and broadly through social media. ADL regularly reports on such phenomena, and we wÃll report on extremist praise for Iceland.
So far so good but here comes the interesting part:
We urge you to consider the significant media attention, in the U.S, and intemationally, paid to ADL reports on extremism. In the past six months alone, our research and experts have been featured on CNN and other cable TV channels, NBC and other broadcast TV, on 60 MinuÃes, the most watched TV news magazine in America, and in leading newspapers, including The New York Times and The Washington Post. Given that 28% of Iceland’s tourists came from North America in 2016, Iceland’s standing in the U.S. should be o f great concern from an economic perspective, We are confident that the vast majority o f American tourists will avoid a country whose reputation is associated with Nazism, even if that association is not justified.
Thanks for the very kind words.
It’s very gratifying to see someone recognize the stylistic strategy behind my articles, which often provoke ridicule from some of the more conspiratorial commenters on this website.
You have contradicted yourself. Lying power Jews like Greenblatt and Soros have deliberately warped and perverted our language in malicious ways and turned it into a weapon that they wield against us. The word "conspiracy" would be a case in point.A "conspiracy" has to occur behind a veil of secrecy, otherwise it will be exposed and fall within the group that Niceland describes as:
often provoke ridicule from some of the more conspiratorial commenters
Clearly big Tech and big Media work hand in hand to provide that veil of secrecy and to wield that bludgeon of censorship. Just be reviewing what items are taboo, such as the holofraud, we can be certain that it is Jews who are the ones who are "conspiring".So at a minimum, if Sachs was just trying to gradually open the Overton window, he would now be railing on about what the ADL is doing to Musk and "X". So far all I hear is crickets.I will add the you, Mr. Unz, have run a series of articles about the struggle between the ADL and "X". For that I am grateful and I give you my respect. I do not think the same applies to Jeffery Sachs.Replies: @24th Alabama
"My fellow countrymen would put me into the flat-earth camp right away and pay zero attention to my ramblings."
Nancy Pelosi 82 years old is the new leader of the Gerontology Crew:
“Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery,†Pelosi said on social media on Friday. “Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection – and respectfully ask for your vote.â€
I will vote for her after she consumes a ton of brown matter from the Market Street sidewalks.
I think this also applies to Mr Sachs or could apply to him. Of course I have no idea if he considers some Jewish angle relevant or not.Replies: @niceland
When I read Hersh article I noticed some of the things you criticized Mr. Whitney. But I figured he was being careful with his point of view in all of this.
Judging by my casual reading of the MSM past year and general feeling, it seems to me the U.S. (NATO) media organs have totally conquered the narrative in the west and managed to paint extremely negative picture of the Russian side in this conflict, and have spent much effort doing so. Resulting in very negative sentiment’s towards Russia and it’s leadership among the public and talking heads in the west.
Mr. Hersh is delivering a bombshell ‘red pill’ into this party. The main-stream audience, while perhaps not hostile to the idea the U.S. was involved in blowing up N.S. – is very sensitive to anything that looks like pro-Russian views. So he could be shoehorning his big red pill into the brains of his readers while not setting off their bomb detectors – as being sympathetic to the Russian cause. And in this delivery the cargo hold is full and no room of anything extra. So he is towing the party line on other issues, at least for now.
Writing the same article for more ‘red-pilled’ audience (like here) is different and perhaps less care needed to polish the views. Some articles aimed at the mainstream get harsh treatment in comments on alt-sites for all kind of issues commenters are not happy with, mainly because of this, they were perhaps not the intended audience the article was aimed at to begin with.
I think some commenters here don’t realize how different their worldview is from the mainstream. I don’t consider myself main-stream having spent considerable time on anonymous political forums for the past 25 years. However I realized when I discovered the U.R. some years ago I was after all pretty close to the mainstream. Bare with me, this is a bit long.
Having spent few months here I came across a comment about a report filed by the ADL to the Icelandic parliament in 2018. The issue at hand was a bill, a proposal to ban circumcision on boys in Iceland.
At the time I was aware of the bill and casually noticed some discussion about it on local forums and our media. It was stuck or had just faded out of the spotlight allegedly under consideration by the parliament. The sponsors of the bill were few middle ground politicians who considered circumcision cruel and there were no ‘strings attached’ as to drive out muslims or jews. All the discussion was more or less very unexciting and casual.
I got curious and dug up the report from ADL Here is a link to the report on the Icelandic parliament website:
Let me quote interesting part of it:
The Anti-Defamation League is the leading monitor o f far-right extremÃsm and foremost expert in the United States. Should Iceland ban male circumcision, making it impossible for Jews and Muslims to raise families in your country, we guarantee that Iceland will be celebrated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other extremists. Even though anti-Semitism was surely not the impetus for the proposal, the result o f its adoption will be the glorification o f Iceland by the most despicable bigots. They will celebrate the ban as the flrst legislation in Europe since World War II towards making a country Judenrein, free of Jews.
ADL has studied the pervasiveness of anti-Semitic content on social media, and we know that a relatively small number o f extremists are able to amplify their message quickly and broadly through social media. ADL regularly reports on such phenomena, and we wÃll report on extremist praise for Iceland.
So far so good but here comes the interesting part:
We urge you to consider the significant media attention, in the U.S, and intemationally, paid to ADL reports on extremism. In the past six months alone, our research and experts have been featured on CNN and other cable TV channels, NBC and other broadcast TV, on 60 MinuÃes, the most watched TV news magazine in America, and in leading newspapers, including The New York Times and The Washington Post. Given that 28% of Iceland’s tourists came from North America in 2016, Iceland’s standing in the U.S. should be o f great concern from an economic perspective, We are confident that the vast majority o f American tourists will avoid a country whose reputation is associated with Nazism, even if that association is not justified.
Seriously, I could hardly believe what I was reading. Few weeks before I stumbled on some news report about ‘racism’ in my local media, where some local University researcher was discussing her paper quoting the ADL as major authority on the subject, and here the same ADL was threatening the Icelandic parliament to paint Iceland as racist, white supremacists nation and destroy our tourist industry!
This was all new to me and I wrote a piece on local forums explaining what had happened and suggested this was the reason the bill had just faded away. The response – silence. I have never seen this ADL report mentioned in my media or anywhere else in the Icelandic language zone. And I don’t know what members of parliament thought when they read this. I suspect less than 50 Icelanders know and understood what happened out of population of ~400k currently. The number could easily be 20 or less.
Let me try to rephrase this – I had to go to the Unz Review to figure out what happened to legal bill proposal in my own country! And it was pure coincidence I did, if not for the U.R. comment I would be clueless.
Now imagine if I would write article and send it as opinion piece to one of my local newspapers claiming the ‘Jews’ or the ‘zog’ are driving U.S. foreign policy. My fellow countrymen would put me into the flat-earth camp right away and pay zero attention to my ramblings. Chances are I would get a visit by a social worker to figure out if I was OK. The reason is my claims would be way too far off their worldview.
This is the Icelandic ‘main stream’. I don’t really know but I think the European situation may be similar, can’t comment on the U.S. situation.
Authors like Seymour Hersh and Jeffery Sachs are trying to pierce this main-stream bubble. It’s extremely difficult task to package controversial message so it will get delivered without triggering the proverbial immune system that will destroy it. If they wander too far off the reservation they will trigger one of the big landmines and be destroyed. So the delivery has to be very careful and the message finely honed to the task at hand. Surgical so to speak on highly controversial issues. They want to counter the official narrative on the Ukrainian war and U.S. foreign policy. That’s Herculean task and no room for extras.
As it happens we have here on the U.R. very fine example of targeted delivery method by our host Mr. Unz when publishing his take on highly controversial issues. Notice his first article in the American Pravda series, it begins slowly on perhaps not so controversial issues. Then he slowly but surely moves into more controversial issues in his next articles, each article explaining how he came from the main stream (like his targeted readers) moved by new (to him) evidence and reaching surprising conclusions about historical issues. Many commenters have misunderstood he is aiming for the main steam and harassed him for nativity in his early years. Boiling living frogs you start using cold water so they don’t get spooked and jump out of the pot.
Replies: @24th Alabama
"9. So after the circumcision bill was presented in February, Chabad Rabbi Avi Feldman, 27, of Brooklyn, NY, moved to Iceland with his daughters and wife “to bring awareness of the relevance and importance of brit milah (circumcision)."10. Rabbi Feldman's Judaic rituals quickly proved incongruent with Icelandic lifestyle when the Rabbi was forced to explain to an Icelander why he couldn't eat from utensils that were touched by a goy (goyim are considered goats per the Talmud & anything goyim touch is un-kosher)11. Mike Levin, a Jew who moved to Iceland from Chicago, hopes the presence of Feldman, Iceland's first Rabbi, will encourage state funding for Jewish causes within Iceland. That's right, chiseling tax dollars from native Icelanders to fund Jewry like their new proposed Synogogue12. So how did Jews pressure Iceland to scrap the bill that would ban circumcision? Per Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt:
a) pressure from Jewish groups
b) build coalitions with other faith groups
c) "appeal" to international economic & political interestsBut it was mostly (c)â˜ï¸13. Pressure for scrapping the bill came by way of World Jewish Congress, Agudath Israel of America, the National Coalition Supporting Eurasian Jewry, & Orthodox Union - the org that charges US food manufacturers to certify half of all of US food products as fit for Jews (kosher)14. The pressure came in the form of protests and a conference in Reykjavik, Iceland's capital city, where Rabbis flew in from parts of Europe to speak with members of parliament (MPs) in Iceland.15. The second approach Jews used to thwart the bill was building coalitions with Muslim & Catholic groups like the Catholic Church of the EU, Islamic Cultural Center of Iceland, and the Catholic Church of Iceland. Catholics only represent 4% of Iceland's population, Muslims 0.3%16. But what was most effective in scrapping the bill was Orthodox Union enlisting the help of a Jew who sits in US Congress - Eliot Engel of N.Y. - to personally pen a letter of warning to Iceland's Ambassador, alluding to the bill jeopardizing Iceland's relationship with the US "
I suppose 'nativity' was a typo, and you really meant 'naïvete' (and 'mainstream' instead of 'main steam'). Even supposing that's the case, I don't quite understand what you are trying to convey in those two sentences. You surely don't mean that Ron Unz lied about his earlier acceptance of official narratives, do you?Replies: @Brás Cubas
Many commenters have misunderstood he is aiming for the main steam and harassed him for nativity in his early years. Boiling living frogs you start using cold water so they don’t get spooked and jump out of the pot.
Those refugees had to escape “illegally” because the communist tyranny lock them like prisoners without freedom of travel. You are wrong about the education…the “free” education had to be pay back, without that they could not visit their families. No lies.
“There was no tyranny, just a restored order.”
How many Sudeten German families were killed and how many deported, after the war, by the Czech communists? Restored order, my foot.
Replies: @Bubba, @emerging majority, @Rev. Spooner, @mulga mumblebrain, @Fumanchu, @Hang All Text Drivers, @Derer, @Eric Novak
The TelegraphUkraine’s victory is closer than ever – but a shattered Russia is nothing to celebrate
Daniel JohnsonSun, September 3, 2023 The Russians are losing their war on Ukraine. They just don’t know it yet...Ukraine has the tanks, it has the men and it has Zelensky too. This battle-hardened but by no means war-weary people, its national identity forged in adversity, is fighting to liberate all of its land – Crimea included.With or without Western support and sanctions, Ukraine will fight on until Putin’s evil empire is defeated.
“…to liberate all of its land – Crimea included.” -, this is a highly metaphysical contemplation by an illiterate and anonymous [366]
He believes in the communist diktat from 1954 which assigned Crimea to Ukrainian province in the USSR and rejects the peoples referendum from 2014 to return the Russian land of Crimea and Donbas from corrupted Ukraine to Russia.
Good points.
I want to point out reoccurring theme I see over and over again when main stream public figures come out and say something that’s way out of line with the official narrative; they are frequently criticized for not saying enough or going far enough by people who otherwise agree with their message. And since they didn’t go far enough they are probably limited hangout or have hidden agenda….
I commented on Mike Whitney’s article last Frebruary:
When I read Hersh article I noticed some of the things you criticized Mr. Whitney. But I figured he was being careful with his point of view in all of this.
Judging by my casual reading of the MSM past year and general feeling, it seems to me the U.S. (NATO) media organs have totally conquered the narrative in the west and managed to paint extremely negative picture of the Russian side in this conflict, and have spent much effort doing so. Resulting in very negative sentiment’s towards Russia and it’s leadership among the public and talking heads in the west.
Mr. Hersh is delivering a bombshell ‘red pill’ into this party. The main-stream audience, while perhaps not hostile to the idea the U.S. was involved in blowing up N.S. – is very sensitive to anything that looks like pro-Russian views. So he could be shoehorning his big red pill into the brains of his readers while not setting off their bomb detectors – as being sympathetic to the Russian cause. And in this delivery the cargo hold is full and no room of anything extra. So he is towing the party line on other issues, at least for now.
Writing the same article for more ‘red-pilled’ audience (like here) is different and perhaps less care needed to polish the views. Some articles aimed at the mainstream get harsh treatment in comments on alt-sites for all kind of issues commenters are not happy with, mainly because of this, they were perhaps not the intended audience the article was aimed at to begin with.
I think this also applies to Mr Sachs or could apply to him. Of course I have no idea if he considers some Jewish angle relevant or not.
Seriously, I could hardly believe what I was reading. Few weeks before I stumbled on some news report about 'racism' in my local media, where some local University researcher was discussing her paper quoting the ADL as major authority on the subject, and here the same ADL was threatening the Icelandic parliament to paint Iceland as racist, white supremacists nation and destroy our tourist industry!
The Anti-Defamation League is the leading monitor o f far-right extremÃsm and foremost expert in the United States. Should Iceland ban male circumcision, making it impossible for Jews and Muslims to raise families in your country, we guarantee that Iceland will be celebrated by neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and other extremists. Even though anti-Semitism was surely not the impetus for the proposal, the result o f its adoption will be the glorification o f Iceland by the most despicable bigots. They will celebrate the ban as the flrst legislation in Europe since World War II towards making a country Judenrein, free of Jews.
ADL has studied the pervasiveness of anti-Semitic content on social media, and we know that a relatively small number o f extremists are able to amplify their message quickly and broadly through social media. ADL regularly reports on such phenomena, and we wÃll report on extremist praise for Iceland.
So far so good but here comes the interesting part:
We urge you to consider the significant media attention, in the U.S, and intemationally, paid to ADL reports on extremism. In the past six months alone, our research and experts have been featured on CNN and other cable TV channels, NBC and other broadcast TV, on 60 MinuÃes, the most watched TV news magazine in America, and in leading newspapers, including The New York Times and The Washington Post. Given that 28% of Iceland’s tourists came from North America in 2016, Iceland’s standing in the U.S. should be o f great concern from an economic perspective, We are confident that the vast majority o f American tourists will avoid a country whose reputation is associated with Nazism, even if that association is not justified.
«Couldn’t such a diverse block, reliant on key members bearing potential differences, e.g. China and India, be unwieldly and thereby weaker than its size would indicate?»
There are currently a lot of people who hallucinate about the “BRICS” and “multipolarity”, as if the “BRICS” were anything more than a dinner club/talking shop, certainly not a trading block like the EU or a military alliance like NATO or even a fake collective security organisation like the United Nations.
There is no tendency to multipolarity: the USA plan is transparently to bring back the Cold War arrangement of bipolarity, where the USA dominate the much bigger “first world”, the PRC (rather than the USSR as in past) dominates a much smaller “second world”, and the “third world” pretends to be an “unaligned movement” but is really made of USA protectorates that the USA don’t care much about.
Things will be quite different when the BRICS Navy controls many important sea lanes, or the BRICS political police can regime change as many governments as the CIA, etc., but that is quite far away.
It is just USA against the PRC, with most governments being USA vassals or leaning USA (except RF, Korea-north, Iran ,…) but eager to get some payola from the PRC too if they can get away with it.
«Hitler lamented the loss of millions of Germans in the past due to emigration (such as to the US) and apparently felt that having more living space for Germany would solve this problem.»
Viciously planned and executed the “eastern lebensraum” idea had a very rational basis and was not about emigration: in WW1 the german empire was under siege and starved into surrender by the UK-USA blockade, because it did not have enough land to be self-sufficient in cereals (and oil at the time mattered a lot less). The “lebensraum” idea was simply to have germans conquer so much land to be self-sufficient in cereals.
A previous commenter some time ago pointed out that improvements in the Haber process to make ammonia fertilizer would have allowed the German Empire to become self-sufficient in cereals without any more land, but that requires fuels in which the German Empire would still be dependent on imports and thus be vulnerable to blockades. Currently very few developed countries are self-sufficient in both cereals and fuels,notably the USA and the RF.
«These individuals were protesting an extremely close Presidential election that had obviously been stolen from incumbent Donald Trump»
In the books “Perpetual war for perpetual peace” (2014) and “History of the national security state” (2002) Gore Vidal makes some good arguments that the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen, and also thinks that all subsequent elections have been “managed”. It is pretty strange that few R people point out that in 2020 “amazingly” during an epidemic and a recession Biden got 20% more votes than “President” Rodham-Clinton, and Trump got 18% more than in 2016, and those are just national averages, in some cases votes surged “miraculously” by 60%.
That is just the extension to the federal level of a common practice at the town and country levels, where local political machines have been “managing” elections in many parts of the USA.
One of the fatal issues with USA politics is that federal elections are run by the same local political machines, and eventually they started “managing” federal elections too. The problem is both dire and less important than it seems: it is dire because so many places are heavily D or R that their respective political machines can do whatever they want, and precisely because of those being heavily D or R, under first-past-the-post all they do is to increase their margin of victory. But in those places matters is not whether the R or D win, because that’s known in advance, but which R or D faction prevails over the others for control of the local machine,
Jeff Sachs is an Establishment Jew but a renegade from that “group” in many respects, making him hard to classify, When people label him a “limited hangout” they might consider the difficulties inherent in maintaining such a confusing position.
Juggling a variety of positions to conceal one’s true intent presents an impossible challenge. I doubt that anyone has the emotional and intellectual capacity to conceal the contradictions that level of deceit would entail. Sachs has reportedly received financial support from Soros for his anti-poverty projects, but it seems unlikely that Soros would agree with his positions on Ukraine, China, Covid and financial regulation.
As a general rule it makes sense to assume that a person is sincere until there is solid proof that he’s not.
I think this also applies to Mr Sachs or could apply to him. Of course I have no idea if he considers some Jewish angle relevant or not.Replies: @niceland
When I read Hersh article I noticed some of the things you criticized Mr. Whitney. But I figured he was being careful with his point of view in all of this.
Judging by my casual reading of the MSM past year and general feeling, it seems to me the U.S. (NATO) media organs have totally conquered the narrative in the west and managed to paint extremely negative picture of the Russian side in this conflict, and have spent much effort doing so. Resulting in very negative sentiment’s towards Russia and it’s leadership among the public and talking heads in the west.
Mr. Hersh is delivering a bombshell ‘red pill’ into this party. The main-stream audience, while perhaps not hostile to the idea the U.S. was involved in blowing up N.S. – is very sensitive to anything that looks like pro-Russian views. So he could be shoehorning his big red pill into the brains of his readers while not setting off their bomb detectors – as being sympathetic to the Russian cause. And in this delivery the cargo hold is full and no room of anything extra. So he is towing the party line on other issues, at least for now.
Writing the same article for more ‘red-pilled’ audience (like here) is different and perhaps less care needed to polish the views. Some articles aimed at the mainstream get harsh treatment in comments on alt-sites for all kind of issues commenters are not happy with, mainly because of this, they were perhaps not the intended audience the article was aimed at to begin with.
I don’t comment enough to have reaction buttons. I tend to agree with you on this one. Thanks for the reply.
I come from European roots. I wish Palestinians good luck in their defense against Israel. I sincerely doubt that Palestinians bat an eye to the mass immigration of Arabs and Negroes being forced on Europe. In fact, many Palestinians would gladly escape to Europe if they could and be participants in the Jewish incited invasion, and in this sense are a part of the problem because they are being used by the Jews as bullets against European civilization just like Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanistanis, Moroccans, Sudanese, Nigerians and the entire refuse of the continent of Africa.
So Sachs gets into Locke, and tries to shame Europeans who settled and tamed the US by comparing them to Jews in Palestine. Paint me unimpressed and even more disgusted with the typically Jewish tall tale spinner Sachs. It is just Jewish deflection, because they played a major, if not THE major, role in the mistreatment of the American natives.
Rashid gives credence to the holofraud and implies that Jewish treatment of Palestinians could be justified because of “muh holocaust”. Meanwhile “Professor” Sachs pretends to be ignorant of what Jews did to Palestinians.
I have no idea what ethnic roots you have Robin, but I am beginning to think that you are either some kind of half breed or you are a typical female virtue signaling European.Whatever the case, you seem to be obsessed with the Palestinians yet you turn a cold shoulder to the genocide of Germany and Europe. Both were victims of the Jews.
Wake me up when Sachs covers the Morgentau plan and the firebombing of Germany. Or even the genocide of Russia and Ukraine. In fact, you can wake me up when Khalidi does the same.
Jeffrey Sachs & Rashid Khalidi, The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine
Yawn. Wake me up when he gets into the millions of Russians sent to the Gulags and millions of Ukrainians starved to death in the Holodomor that the Judeo-Bolshevics genocided from 1923 until 1991, when Sachs took over the genocide of Russian slavs…
The massacre of Palestinians and the theft of their land is a very limited hangout for communist US Jews opposed to Netanyahu and his Zionist terrorists racial supremacists.
In my mind Sachs is roughly the equivalent to Kissinger (King of the geriatric Jewish super-mensch). Jewish media put them in the spotlight when what they are saying is “good for the Jews”. Otherwise they are kept in the shadows until needed again.
No I haven’t, and I did a quick search and found nothing.
Did Sachs talk about the attempted sinking of the Liberty and the ensuing cover up? ((Wesley Clarks)) 7 countries in 5 years? What about Dimona and the JFK assassination? Perhaps he went into detail about Heavenly Jerusalem? What about the Holohoax, did he mention that even Jews are too ashamed to stick to their own definition of denial of 6 million gassed Jews is “holocaust denial”? 9/11 and the dancing Jews? The terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel?
I am pretty certain that all of the above are a “No”. So tell me, what revelations did Sachs have about Israel?
Hah! Guess what….. (from his website)
America, Human Rights, and Israel’s War on Palestine
Have you heard Sachs speak on US position Vis-Ã -Vis Israel?
Jeffrey Sachs spends most of the interview discussing events from the fall of the USSR to today without once mentioning, let alone naming, the Jew. Of course this would be expected. We see the same thing happen here on UR whenever Ron Unz talks about Neocons.
Sachs describes how Neocons under Bush pushed Nato east, and Sachs describes how Neocons under Obama pulled off the Maidan “Orange” revolution with McCain and Nuland travelling to Kiev in 2014. But Sachs never explains why it is that these Neocons seem to be able to transmogrify from Democrat to Republican and back again in the world of hyper-partisan US politics and continually stolen and contested elections.
To Sachs, it just one of those unexplainable things hyper-bellicose Jews, who wrap themselves with the US flag but unashamedly put Israeli and Jewish interest above those of the US, can hover above goy politics without ever being named for what they are.
Trump to trump Justin Trudeau in Canada–now that would make great sense !!!
The Rest have FINALLY had enough of Western brutality and arrogance.
Admirable brevity no doubt but would you be so good as to explain which people of the REST show that fed up attitude and how they show it?
I ask as one conscious of the huge fees paid by parents of millions of students from the REST to attend Western universities as one fact to explain as is also the kind of story recently related in the FT about a Tianmen Square activist now back in Beijing in good standing as a duel citizen who successfully adopted American capitalism.
Yes–it was February 1959–John Diefenbaker ( Prime Minister of Canada) disbanded the Avro Arrow and the 14,000 talents who worked there —with one stroke of his pen. The Avro Arrow could carry nuclear weapons —dispose of it.
Many top talents fired went South and went to work for NASA.
Sure, I remember reading that, though I hadn't been sure whether it was in Mein Kampf or Hitler's second book. However, I hadn't realized he'd said anything about Kalergi.Replies: @Mr. XYZ
What I find interesting is that IIRC, in his second book, Hitler lamented the loss of millions of Germans in the past due to emigration (such as to the US) and apparently felt that having more living space for Germany would solve this problem...I can provide the necessary quotes for you, if necessary.
From Hitler’s Second Book:
The gay story is just titillation to distract from (Obama’s) real crimes of Biden.
It seems farfetched - but then so did the WMD, the 9/11 and the Covid planned and executed "events".The whole Ukrainian affair + the 500.000 deaths in the last 18 months could in fact be a new NATO protected Homeland project finally owned and exploited by Black Rock for the benefit of Jewish elite settlers.Out of interest, Hitler had a similar idea:
New Khazaria is the Talmudist wet-dream. Crimea is their current iteration of the Promised Land. After all, some of their ancestors lived there a thousand years ago. It’s quite possible that Viccious Nudelman’s cookie lady “Yats is our man†and “fuck the EU†antics, already some nine years ago was already dreaming of a nice little chunk of the Crimean shore where she could be the mistress of a thousand Goyish slaves.�
He was also thinking along racist Imperialist lines. I hasn't occurred to the Ukrainians, but their best bet is to be friends with the Russians. They were offered a good deal in 2014. They foolishly rejected it when New-Land/Kagan and the CIA got involved with their bribes, violence and empty promises.Replies: @Brosi
(20) "We'll supply the Ukrainians with scarves, glass beads and everything that colonial peoples like. The Germans - this is essential - will have to constitute among themselves a closed society, like a fortress. The least of our stable-lads must be superior to any native." (11) "We'll take the Southern part of the Ukraine, especially the Crimea, and make it an exclusively German colony. There'll be no harm in pushing out the population that's there now... "Hitler's Table Talk (20) 17th September 1941 + (11) 27th July 1941�
Table Talk is nothing more than table fraud. See my comment 201 and 203 above. You are merely regurgitating Jewish lies.
You apparently looked in the wrong portion of the linked article. Since others have made the same complaint, I'll quote several of the crucial paragraphs, originally published just after the January 6th protests:
These individuals were protesting an extremely close Presidential election that had obviously been stolen from incumbent Donald Trump,
This is irresponsibly insane, I think you should retract it. I followed your link to discover your justification for this idiocy … here it is ….
� @saggy, @tyrone, @Mr. XYZ, @RobinG
Even leaving aside some of these plausible claims, the case for a stolen election seems almost airtight. I don’t know or care anything about Dominion voting machines, whether they are controlled by Venezuelan Marxists, Chinese Communists, or Martians. But the most blatant election-theft was accomplished in absolutely plain sight.
Not long before the election, the hard drive of an abandoned laptop owned by Joe Biden’s son Hunter revealed a gigantic international corruption scheme, quite possibility involving the candidate himself. But the facts of this enormous political scandal were entirely ignored and boycotted by virtually every mainstream media outlet. And once the story was finally published in the pages of the New York Post, America’s oldest newspaper, all links to the Post article and its website were suddenly banned by Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets to ensure that the voters remained ignorant until after they had cast their ballots.
Renowned international journalist Glenn Greenwald was hardly a Trump partisan, but he became outraged that the editors of the Intercept, the $100 million publication he himself had co-founded, refused to allow him to cover that massive media scandal, and he angrily resigned in protest. In effect, America’s media and tech giants formed a united front to steal the election and somehow drag the crippled Biden/Harris ticket across the finish line.
The Hunter Biden corruption scandal seemed about as serious as any in modern presidential election history and Biden’s official victory margin was just 0.01%. So if the American voters had been allowed to learn the truth, Trump almost certainly would have won the election, quite possibly in an Electoral College landslide. Given these facts, anyone who continues to deny that the election was stolen from Trump is simply being ridiculous.
SACHS for President, 2024
The Liberal Party ‘centre-Right’???? The liberal Party of class hatred, union-bashing, wealth transfer to the rich, ‘Robodebt’ savagery, Greenie-bashing, misogyny, groveling to the USA and Israel, racist Sinophobia etc, currently engaged in an ORGY of race hatred and boong-bashing to defeat the Voice referendum-that Liberal Party? That puts ‘the Centre’ somewhere adjacent to Genghis Khan.
I hadn’t considered the expulsion of the Tatars in this light, it makes perfect sense. Clearly the Doctors Plot was an attempt to decapitate Stalin’s Soviet regime and for Khazarians to regain the upper hand that they had lost after Lenin died and Trotsky was banished.
Here is what ((wiki)) [now] says about the Doctors plot:
What I find interesting is that IIRC, in his second book, Hitler lamented the loss of millions of Germans in the past due to emigration (such as to the US) and apparently felt that having more living space for Germany would solve this problem…I can provide the necessary quotes for you, if necessary.
Sure, I remember reading that, though I hadn’t been sure whether it was in Mein Kampf or Hitler’s second book. However, I hadn’t realized he’d said anything about Kalergi.
From the same book:
As much as the individual German States increasingly fused with one another under this banner, and as much as the new Reich secured their State political prestige and recognition abroad, the founding of the Reich still did not change anything with regard to the major need, our Folk's lack of territory. The great military political deeds of our Folk had not been able to give the German Folk a border within which it would have been able to secure its sustenance by itself. On the contrary: in proportion as the esteem of German nationality rose through the new Reich, it became all the more difficult for the individual German to turn his back on such a State as an emigrant, whereas, conversely, a certain national pride and a joy in life, which we find almost incomprehensible today, taught that large families were a blessing rather than a burden.
After 1870-1871 there was a visibly rapid increase in the German population. In part its sustenance was covered through the utmost industry and great scientific efficiency with which the German now cultivated his fields within the secured frontiers of his Folk. But a great part, if not the greatest, of the increase in German soil productivity was swallowed up by an at least equally great increase of the general living requirements which the citizen of the new State now likewise claimed. The nation of sauerkraut eaters and potato annihilators, as the French derisively characterised it, now slowly began to adjust its living standard to that of other Folks in the
world. Thus only a part of the yield of the increase of German agriculture was available for the net population increase.
As a matter of fact, the new Reich never knew how to banish this need. Even in the new Reich, at first, an attempt was made to keep the relation between population and land within tolerable limits through a permanent emigration. For the most shattering proof of the soundness of our assertion of the towering importance of the relation between population and land lies in the fact that, in consequence of this disproportion, specifically in Germany during the 1870s, 1880s and 1890s, the distress led to an epidemic of emigration which even at the beginning of the 1890s had swollen to a figure of nearly one and a quarter million people a year.
Thus the problem of the sustenance of the German Folk had not been solved for the existing human mass, not even by the foundation of the new Reich. A further increase of the German Nation, however, could not take place without such a solution. Regardless of how such a solution might turn out, it had to be found in any case. Hence the most important problem of German foreign policy after 1870-1871 had to be the question of solving the problem of sustenance.
Hitler also had some other interesting thoughts in his second book, about how having Germany seek to recover its 1914 frontiers would be insufficient for Germany and about how Germany needlessly sacrificed millions of its young men's lives in WWI for no clear purpose or war aims:
Since today Germany's economic fate vis-a-vis America is in fact also the fate of other nations in Europe, there is again a movement of credulous followers, especially among our Folk, who want to oppose a European union to the American Union in order thereby to prevent a threatening world hegemony of the North American continent.
For these people, the Pan European Movement, at least at first sight, really seems to have much that is alluring about it. Indeed, if we could judge world history according to economic viewpoints, it could even be pertinent. Two are always more than one for the mechanic of history, and thus for the mechanical politician. But values,
not numbers, are decisive in the life of nations. That the American Union was able to achieve such a threatening
height is not based on the fact that million people form a State there, but on the fact that square
kilometres of the most fertile and the richest soil is inhabited by million people of the highest race value.
That these people form a State has a heightened importance for the other parts of the world, despite the territorial size of their living area, insofar as an organisation, all encompassing, exists thanks to which, indeed, the racially conditioned individual value of these people, can find a compact deployment of collective forces for fighting through the struggle for existence.
If this were not correct, if the importance of the American Union thus lay in the size of the population alone, or else in the size of the territory, or in the relation in which this territory stands to the size of the population, then
Russia would be at least as dangerous for Europe. Presentday Russia encompasses million people on
million square kilometres. These people are also comprised in a State structure whose value, taken
traditionally, would have to be even higher than that of the American Union. Despite this, however, it would never occur to anybody to fear a Russian hegemony over the world for this reason. No such inner value is attached to the number of the Russian people, so that this number could become a danger for the freedom of the world. At least never in the sense of an economic and power political rule of the other parts of the globe, but at best in the sense of an inundation of disease bacilli which at the moment have their focus in Russia.
If, however, the importance of the threatening American position of hegemony seems to be conditioned primarily by the value of the American Folk, and then only secondarily by the size of this Folk's given living space and the favourable relation between population and soil resulting therefrom, this hegemony will not be eliminated by a purely formal numerical unification of European nations, so far as their inner value is not higher than that of the American Union. Otherwise, present day Russia would necessarily appear as the greatest danger to this American Union, as would China, still more, which is inhabited by over 400 million people.
Thus, first and foremost, the Pan European Movement rests on the fundamental basic error that human values can be replaced by human numbers. This is a purely mechanical conception of history which avoids an investigation of all shaping forces of life, in order, in their stead, to see in numerical majorities the creative sources of human culture as well as the formative factors of history. This conception is in keeping with the senselessness of our western democracy as with the cowardly pacifism of our high economic circles. It is obvious that it is the ideal of all inferior or half breed bastards. Likewise, that the Jew especially welcomes such a conception. For, logically pursued, it leads to racial chaos and confusion, to a bastardisation and Negrification of cultural mankind, and thereby ultimately to such a lowering of its racial value that the Hebrew who has kept free of this can slowly rise to world domination. At least, he fancies that ultimately he will be able to develop into the brain of this mankind which has become worthless.
Aside from this fundamental basic error of the Pan European Movement, even the idea of a unification of European States, forced by a general insight emerging from a threatened distress, is a fantastic, historically impossible childishness. Thereby, I do not mean to say that such a unification under a Jewish protectorate and Jewish impulsion as such would not be possible from the outset, but only that the result could not match the hopes for which the whole monkey business sets the stage. Let no one believe that such a European coalition could mobilise any strength that would manifest itself externally. It is an old experience that a lasting unification of nations can take place only if it is a question of nations which are racially equivalent and related as such, and if, secondly, their unification takes place in the form of a slow process of struggle for hegemony. Thus did Rome once subjugate the Latin States one after the other, until finally her strength sufficed to become the crystallisation point of a world empire. But this is likewise the history of the birth of the English World Empire. Thus, further, did Prussia put an end to the dismemberment of Germany, and thus only in this way could a Europe one day rise that could attend to the interests of its population in a compact governmental form.
But — this would only be the result of a centuries long struggle, since an infinite quantity of old customs and traditions must be overcome and an assimilation of Folks who are already extraordinarily divergent racially would have to materialise. The difficulty, then, of giving a unitary State language to such a structure can likewise be solved only in a centuries long process.
However all this would not be the realisation of the present Pan European train of thought, but rather the success of the struggle for existence of the strongest nations of Europe. And what remained would as little be a Pan Europe as, for instance, the unification of the Latin States formerly was a Pan Latinisation. The power which at that time had fought through this unification process in centuries long battles gave its name forever to the whole structure. And the power which would create a Pan Europe along such natural ways would thereby at the same time rob it of the designation Pan Europe.
But even in such a case, the desired success would not materialise. For once any European great power today ~ and naturally it could involve only a power which was valuable according to its Folkdom, that is, racially important — brings Europe to unity along these lines, the final completion of this unity would signify the racial submersion of its founders, and thereby remove even the last value from the whole structure. It would never be possible thereby to create a structure which could bear up against the American Union.
In the future only the State which has understood how to raise the value of its Folkdom and to bring it to the most expedient State form for this, through its inner life as well as through its foreign policy, will be able to face up to North America. By posing such a solution as possible, a whole number of States will be able to participate, which can and will lead to a heightened fitness if for no other reason than the mutual competition.
It is again the task of the National Socialist Movement to strengthen and to prepare to the utmost its own Fatherland itself for this task.
The attempt, however, to realise the Pan European idea through a purely formal unification of European nations, without having to be forced in centuries long struggles by a European ruling power, would lead to a structure whose whole strength and energy would be absorbed by the inner rivalries and disputes exactly as formerly the strength of the German clans in the German Union. Only when the internal German question had been finally solved through Prussia's power superiority could a commitment of the Nation's united strength beyond its borders ensue. It is frivolous, however, to believe that the contest between Europe and America will always be only of a peaceful economic nature, if economic motives develop into determining vital factors. In general, it lay in the nature of the rise of the North American State that at first it could exhibit little interest in foreign policy problems. Not only in consequence of the lack of a long governmental tradition, but rather simply in consequence of the fact that within the American continent itself extraordinarily large areas stood at the disposal of man's natural urge for expansion. Hence, the policy of the American Union, from the moment of breaking away from the European mother State to most recent times, was primarily a domestic one. Indeed, the struggles for freedom were themselves at bottom nothing but the shaking off of foreign policy commitments in favour of a life viewed exclusively in terms of domestic policy. In proportion as the American Folk increasingly fulfil the tasks of internal colonisation, the natural, activist urge that is peculiar to young nations will turn outward. But then the surprises which the world may perchance still experience could least of all be seriously opposed by a pacifistic democratic Pan European hodgepodge State. According to the conception of that everybody's bastard, Coudenhove, this Pan Europe would one day play the same role vis-a-vis the American Union, or a nationally awakened China that was formerly played by the old Austrian State vis-a-vis Germany or Russia.
Really, there is no need to refute the opinion that just because a fusion of Folks of different nationalities has
taken place in the American Union, this must also be possible in Europe. The American Union, to be sure, has brought people of different nationalities together into a young nation. But closer scrutiny discloses that the overwhelming majority of these different ethnic groups racially belong to similar or at least related basic elements. For since the emigration process in Europe was a selection of the fittest, this fitness in all European Folks lying primarily in the Nordic admixture, the American Union, in fact, has drawn to itself the scattered Nordic elements from among Folks who were very different as such. If, in addition, we take into account that it involved people who were not the bearers of any kind of theory of government, and consequently were not burdened by any kind of tradition, and, further, the dimensions of the impact of the new world to which all people are more or less subject, it becomes understandable why a new nation, made up of peoples from all European countries, could arise in less than two hundred years. It must be considered, however, that already in the last century this fusion process became more difficult in proportion as, under the pressure of need, Europeans went to North America, who, as members of European national States, not only felt themselves united with them Folkishly for the future, but who particularly prized their national tradition more highly than citizenship in their new homeland. Moreover, even the American Union has not been able to fuse people of alien blood who are stamped with their own national feeling or race instinct. The American Union's power of assimilation has failed vis-a-vis the Chinese as well as vis-a-vis the Japanese element. They also sense this well and know it, and therefore they would best prefer to exclude these alien bodies from immigration. But thereby American immigration policy itself confirms that the earlier fusion presupposed peoples of definite equal race foundations, and immediately miscarried as soon as it involved people who were fundamentally different. That the American Union itself feels itself to be a Nordic German State, and in no way an international mishmash of Folks, further emerges from the manner in which it allots immigration quotas to European nations. Scandinavians, that is, Swedes, Norwegians, further Danes, then Englishmen, and finally Germans, are allotted the greatest contingents. Rumanians and Slavs very little, Japanese and Chinese they would prefer to exclude altogether. Consequently, it is a Utopia to oppose a European coalition or a Pan Europe, consisting of Mongols, Slavs, Germans, Latins, and so on, in which all others than Teutons would dominate, as a factor capable of resistance, to this racially dominant, Nordic State. A very dangerous Utopia, to be sure, if we consider that again countless Germans see a rosy future for which they will not have to make the most grievous sacrifices. That this Utopia of all things came out of Austria is not without a certain comedy. For, after all, this State and its fate is the liveliest example of the enormous strength of structures artificially glued together but which are unnatural in themselves. It is the rootless spirit of the old imperial city of Vienna, that hybrid city of the Orient and the Occident, which thereby speaks to us.
Summing up, therefore, it can be reiterated that our bourgeois national policy, the foreign policy aim of which is the restoration of the borders of the year 1914, is senseless and indeed catastrophic. It perforce brings us into conflict with all the States which took part in the World War. Thus it guarantees the continuance of the coalition of victors which is slowly choking us. It thereby always assures France a favourable official opinion in other parts of the world for her eternal proceedings against Germany. Even were it successful, it would signify nothing at all for Germany's future in its results, and nevertheless compel us to fight with blood and steel. Further, it altogether prevents in particular any stability of German foreign policy.
Hitler was absolutely correct that WWI was a completely senseless struggle for Germany as defined by the war aims of its leaders.
On November 1 1th, 1918, the armistice was signed in the forest of Compiegne. For this, fate had chosen a man who was one of those bearing major guilt for the collapse of our Folk. Matthias Erzberger, deputy of the Centre, and according to various assertions the bastard son of a servant girl and a Jewish employer, was the German negotiator who affixed his name to a document which, compared and measured against the four and a half years of heroism of our Folk, seems incomprehensible if we do not assume the deliberate intention to bring about Germany's destruction.
Matthias Erzberger himself had been a petty bourgeois annexationist, that is, one of those men who, especially at the beginning of the war, had tried to remedy the lack of an official war aim in their own way and manner. For even though in August, 1914, the entire German Folk instinctively felt that this struggle involved their being or non being, nevertheless once the flames of the first enthusiasm were extinguished, they were not in any way clear either about the threatening non being, or the necessity of remaining in being. The enormity of the idea of a defeat and its consequences was slowly blotted out through a propaganda which had complete free rein within Germany, and which twisted or altogether denied the real aims of the Entente in a way that was as adroit as it was mendacious. In the second and especially in the third year of the War, it had also succeeded to some extent in removing the fear of defeat from the German Folk, since, thanks to this propaganda, people no longer believed in the enemy's annihilatory will. This was all the more terrible as, conversely, nothing was allowed to be done which could inform the Folk of the minimum that had to be achieved in the interests of its future self preservation, and as a reward for its unprecedented sacrifices. Hence the discussion over a possible war aim took place only in more or less irresponsible circles and acquired the expression of the mode of thought as well as the general political ideas of its respective representatives. While the sly Marxists, who had an exact knowledge of the paralysing effect of a lack of a definite war aim, forbade themselves to have one altogether, and for that matter talked only about the reestablishment of peace without annexations and reparations, at least some of the bourgeois politicians sought to respond to the enormity of the bloodshed and the sacrilege of the attack with definite counterdemands. All these bourgeois proposals were purely border rectifications and had nothing at all to do with geopolitical ideas. At best they still thought of satisfying the expectations of German princes who were unemployed at the time by the formation of buffer States. Thus even the founding of the Polish State appeared as a wise decision in national political terms to the bourgeois world, aside from a few exceptions. Individuals pushed economic viewpoints to the foreground according to which the border had to be formed; for example, the necessity of winning the ore basin of Longwy and Briey; other strategical opinions, for example, the necessity of possessing the Belgian fortresses on the Meuse River, and so on.
It should be self evident that this was no aim for a State engaged in a war against twenty six States, in which the former had to take upon itself one of the most unprecedented bloodsheddings in history, while at home an entire Folk was literally surrendered to hunger. The impossibility of justifying the necessity for enduring the War helped to bring about its unfortunate outcome.
Hence when the collapse took place in the homeland, a knowledge of war aims existed even less, as their former weak representatives had meanwhile moved further away from their former meagre demands. And this was
quite understandable. For to want to conduct a war of this unprecedented extent so that the borders instead of running through Herbesthal should run through Liege, or so that instead of a Czarist commissar or governor, a German princeling could be installed as potentate over some Russian province or other, would have been really irresponsible and monstrous. It lay in the nature of German war aims, so far as they were at all subject to discussion, that they were later altogether denied. Truly for such baubles a Folk should not have been kept for even an hour longer in a war whose battlefields had slowly become an inferno.
The sole war aim that the monstrous bloodshed would have been worthy of could consist only in the assurance to German soldiers of so and so many hundred thousand square kilometres, to be allotted to front line fighters as property, or to be placed at the disposal of a general colonisation by Germans. With that the War would have quickly lost the character of an imperial enterprise, and instead would have become a cause of the German Folk. For, after all, the German grenadiers really had not shed their blood so that Poles might acquire a State, or so that a German Prince might be set on a plush covered throne.
Thus in 1918 we stood at the end of a completely senseless and aimless squandering of the most precious German blood.
Once more had our Folk infinitely staked its heroism, courageous sacrifice, indeed defiance of death and joyousness in responsibility, and nevertheless been forced to leave the battlefields weakened and beaten. Victorious in a thousand battles and skirmishes, and in the end nevertheless defeated by those who had been beaten. This was the handwriting on the wall for the German domestic and foreign policy of the pre War time and the four and a half years of the bloody struggle itself.
Now after the collapse there arose the alarmed question, whether our German Folk had learned anything from this catastrophe, whether those who had deliberately betrayed it up to this time would still determine its fate, whether those who had so pitifully failed until this time would henceforth also dominate the future with their phrases, or whether finally our Folk would be educated to a new way of thinking about domestic and foreign policy and shift its action accordingly.
For if a miracle does not take place for our Folk, its path will be one of ultimate doom and destruction.
Stalin’s Secret Pogrom
The Post War Inquisition of Jewish Anti Fascist Committee
published in association with US Holocaust Museum writes in details about Russian Jews and American Jewish groups working hands in gloves to establish Crimea as a Jewish enclave .
Stalin reneged sesnsing ethnocentric Jewish resistance to identity dissolution in Soviet.
But another angle to this story is the mass expulsion of Tartar. Were they expelled to make room for Jewish ?
ROFL. The same Soviet's that had made possession of the Protocols a Zion an instant death penalty were not "sponsoring anti-semitic campaigns and conspiracy theories".
The "doctors' plot" affair was a Soviet state-sponsored antisemitic campaign and conspiracy theory that alleged a cabal of prominent medical specialists (predominately of Jewish ethnicity) intended to murder leading government and party officials.
He was born in what was then the USSR but is now Uzbekistan. His grand parents were born in Crimea, which would had been made into a province of Ukraine in 1953, shortly after Stalin's likely murder by Jewish doctors.
Personal life
Umierov was born in 1982 in Bulungʻur, Samarkand, in the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, to a Crimean Tatar Muslim family from Alushta, in the Crimean peninsula, then part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Anther "Future Leaders" made man.
While attending high school, Umierov participated in the Future Leaders Exchange program funded by the U.S. Department of State. As an exchange student, he lived in a host family and attended an American school for one academic year.[
((wiki)) had to edit this so fast they mangled the paragraphs, or it was deliberate. Apparently his company was partially funded by the MIC vortex at Stanford.
In 2013, with his brother Aslan Ömer Qırımlı [uk], Umierov founded the investment company ASTEM and its ASTEM Foundation.[10][self-published source] ASTEM manages investments in the fields of telecommunication, information technology, and infrastructure, mainly communication towers and fiber-optic networks.
The foundation funded Stanford University's Ukrainian Emerging Leaders program.
How convenient. A Shabbez goyim in charge of the "property fund" right when the Khazarian have kicked off a civil war for Crimea.
Since 2019, Umierov has been a People's Deputy of Ukraine from the Holos political party.[2] In September 2022, the Verkhovna Rada (the Ukrainian parliament) appointed him as the head of State Property Fund of Ukraine.
Unproven either way, I think he did have role, but I have never gone deep into the issue.