The link to Russia Insider article on “Brig Gen” Joel Harding – the notorious troll and cyber stalker on payroll of either neocons or Ukr neo-Nazis that is missing in the article:
former Reagan National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, a key player in the Reagan-era Iran Contra scandal who pleaded guilty to four counts of lying to Congress but was pardoned by President Reagan, arch-neocon and Russia-phobe Robert Kagan, a key promoter of the the US invasion or Iraq in 2003, and a whole host of other right-wing anti-Russian fanatics.
Neocons are not right wing, neocons being fanatical proponents of all things Israeli.
Neocons push an ideology that is completely alien to the US constitution and American people’s welfare, making them left wing.
In the US, neocon ideology is entrenched in both major political parties.
Peace with China, Detente with the Soviet Union – bad for the MIC business.
Pro Porno Team? The lowlife creatures hired by the bankster oligarchs to push their agenda is simply appalling! Someone should remind these idiots what happened to Tailgunner Joe when justice finally caught up with him. However, it is also scary that Tailgunner’s bumbuddy Roy Cohn was Trump’s mentor! Six of one and half dozen of the other. There are no clean politicians in neo-liberal, neo-feudal USA. Stein’s signing onto to Hillary’s recount scam also puts the Greens in the dungheap with the others. Too bad.
“…the PropOrNot website looks like a caricature of a fake news site.”
Agree. The whole affairs looks like a prank — with both Timberg and Bezos used as patsies.
What sane person would build a case of “wrong” journalism by relaying on a source with the name “PropOrNot” (propornto)? The PropOrNot’ blacklist includes three sites run by military veterans (support the troops, Mr. Bezos?), including the veterans of USSLiberty.
Nevertheless, considering the irresponsible behavior of Mrs. Clinton (and her entourage) in matters of state security (criminal negligence with emails), as well as the DNC’ illegal smothering of the only viable candidate Sanders, plus the stupid decision to attacks Trump’ alleged misogyny (thus attracting a lot of attention to Mr. Clinton many sexual escapades, including his involvement with a pedophile ring run by Mr. Epstein, a prominent friend and donor of Clintons), it is quite possible that the WP paper on Russian propaganda was a fruit of genuine efforts by loyal supporters of H. Clinton.
In his paper on propornto, Mr. Timberg was extremely reverential towards Michael McFaul, a former U.S. ambassador to Russia: “They don’t try to win the argument,†said McFaul, now director of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University. “It’s to make everything seem relative. It’s kind of an appeal to cynicism.†– Amazing to read the complains about cynicism uttered by the opportunistic neocon and colleague of Condi Rice, a war criminal.
jailbait like former Reagan National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane
By ‘jailbait’, are you implying that he is below the legal age of consent, presents himself as slightly above it, and is so attractive as to entice many Counterpunchers to commit statutory rape?
I think that is the meaning of ‘jailbait’. It would make a nice photo-play, McFarlane as jailbait, but outside the scope of this site (and Counterpunch).
Otherwise, an interesting and informative article, seriously appreciated!
It is a shame that 3/4 or 4/5 of Counterpunch articles now are pure whiney western leftist victimology with a froth of ‘hippies were the greatest generation ever’ crap.
The remainder are usually very good, if repetitive in theme at times.
Mr. Unz shows good taste to reprint from Counterpunch at times, your site also sounds interesting.
Thanks for that article.
Of course, to a Russian shill, the MH-17 investigation was one sided. To anyone of that ilk, anything other than a total vindication of Putin’s regime would be one sided.
The problem that you, and other Russian shills have, is the simple fact that the pellet damage on the aircraft is not consistent with the Buk missiles in Ukraine’s possession. The pellets found match the newer versions of the Buk missiles which have never been sold to Ukraine.
On circumstance alone, Ukraine had nothing to gain by shooting MH-17. Only Putin had something to gain, and it has backfired on him. The world now knows what Putin is, as well as the people he supports that hold the terrorist statelets in the Donbas.
I would agree, however, that Russia is not a threat to us anymore than we are a threat to Russia. Russia is, however, a threat to her neighbors and her neighbors have good reason to be concerned. All of them have the theft of Crimea and Russia’s support of terrorists in the Donbas ever before them.
Frankly, what struck me when I went to the PropOrNot website is that it looks like a caricature of a fake news site. I actually wondered whether it was an attempt to drive viewers to the listed websites using a primitive species of “reverse psychology”.
It is, in any case, thoroughly unprofessional in appearance and breathlessly earnest in its writing. Conspiracy Theory at its most juvenile. It certainly doesn’t read like the work of the serious professionals they profess to be.
If WAPO’s editors didn’t detect this, it suggests they’ve come adrift from their reality based moorings and are utterly lost in a Sargasso groupthink, or they’re playing a double game. Both are admittedly unlikely, so my guess is that this one just slipped in under somebody’s radar. As for Craig Timberg, his lazy naivete seems perfectly matched to his editor’s. He and his editor should themselves be cut adrift
If WAPO has any serious readers left, they’ve gone a long way towards losing them.
“CIA op to punish Nixon for disobeying orders” – What orders did he disobey?
What surprises me is that this surprises anyone, knowing what we (journalists) know about WaPo, which has been in bed with the CIA for decades. The falsely lauded Watergate expose was a CIA op to punish Nixon for disobeying orders. The burglars were meant to be caught. Nixon knew nothing of the break-in but predictably covered it up, as the CIA guessed, due his paranoia, which sealed his fate.
Anyone who depends on WaPo or NYT for news deserves what he gets, trash.
As if 15-year-long slaughter in Iraq, Libya, and Syria are not enough for the pious Mr. Engel. But of course he is for “never again”- only in a special edition.
This is simply the glorious old WGFTJ foreign policy in a cute new outfit.
Why, What Good For The Jews.
This is simply the glorious old MMR foreign policy in a cute new outfit.
Why, Might Makes Right.
Whoever came up with this name – propornot – made the vigilante blog a laughing stock
Yes Dave, my condolences. It must be vexing these days, not to be on the list of honour of alternative news sites “peddling russian propaganda”. (As a reader, I used this list for the opposite intention: to find more useful alternative news sites.) Maybe a helpful suggestion: try a letter of complaint to PropOrNot, demanding to be added to their list 😉
On a more serious note: great article Dave!
“Media Silent as Lame-Duck Congress Passes Resolution for Syrian No-Fly Zone — Provoking War with Russia” The resolution intends to protect Israel’s desire for annexing the Golan Heights.
“As reported by Consortium News: “Late in the day, on Nov. 15, one week after the U.S. elections, the lame-duck Congress convened in special session with normal rules suspended so the House could pass House Resolution 5732, the “Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act†calling for intensifying the already harsh sanctions on Syria, assessing the imposition of a “no fly zone†inside Syria (to prevent the Syrian government from flying) and escalating efforts to press criminal charges against Syrian officials…
Most strikingly, the resolution calls for evaluating and developing plans for the United States to impose a “no fly zone†inside bSyria, a sovereign nation, an act of war that also would violate international law as an act of aggression. It also could put the U.S. military in the position of shooting down Russian aircraft.â€
The suspension of rules procedure is supposed to be used for “non-controversial†bills such as naming Post Offices, but this small group of lawmakers used it to pass a drastically important bill. The blatant abuse of power shows the desperation in the neocon ranks.”
The resolution was sponsored by Mr. Engel, the U.S. Rep. for New York’s 16th congressional district, a member of the Democratic Party:
Mr. Engel is obviously unable to comprehend/accept an idea of the sovereign nation of Syria.
I have noticed that alot of recent waves of attack are all focus on elon musk. thought it was crazy but I did my own search and found it to be true.
whomever was attacking hillary is now attacking elon, weird as fuck. they are worrying about what? him running for office sometime in the future? his rocket company taking off? his car company and solar companies replacing coal like it should? I read the article and the comments, I still can’t believe there are morons who would do this and think it will work. elon isn’t hillary.
why in the hell would you go after an “american innovator”? if you support the attacks on elon musk, you are a special kind of stupid.
I wish there are laws against fake news. severe laws. can’t even trust the damn news anymore.
I was unaware of many of the alternative news sites in the famous PropOrNot blacklist. Many of them look really interesting and informative, for example, mentioned above. There’s lot’s of evidence of this whole brouhaha driving traffic to alt news sites. For example, a recent article on described a welcome spike in its traffic due to the blacklist.
Can the Pentagon trolls really be this incompetent? You couldn’t design a better anti-deep state operation than this.
Well said, Dave! Every word rings true. The unpleasant anti-Russia trolls use the technique of blaming “the other side” for everything they themselves do.
Traits of a sociopath/psychopath: pathological lying, impaired conscience, deceitful, manipulative, controlling, abusive, aggressive, glib, smug, grandiose self worth, lack of guilt or remorse, callousness, lack of empathy, shallow effect (cold as ice), selfish, enjoy hurting others.
excerpt from link: the primary interpersonal agenda for aggressive and other character-disordered personalities is position, position, position.” In other words, these individuals always want to be dominant.
I would think that traits like: integrity, cooperative, compassion, intelligence, honesty, humanity, strength, morality, rationality, respect and ability to get along with others would be preferable. I don’t think getting filthy rich by using your position would be ethical in any way.
Wouldnt that just be great? If all of the lies were brought into the light and Americans could see who our real leaders are, then we could start the process of taking our country back.
great article. The bits about washinton being paragon of honesty undermines the assertion that we want leaders “for their integrity and forthrightness”. Its well documented he was a genious when it came to spying. He was deceptive and his network of spies is what won the revolution.
is Hillary being allowed to skate free of justice or
is there a second party to this story that is being protected that took advantage of all the loose data, the opportunity for bribery and demands for access ?? Is the entire US government being blackmailed around all the dirty secrets connected to Hillary’s server?
Is it just like the Chilcot report which hedges and haws around the lies used to start a war but never mentions the primary source of those lies, i.e. the Neocons and Israel.
Maybe the government cannot prosecute Hillary because it would expose the influence of Israel and then the entire house of cards built on perpetual lies would finally collapse.
Just sayin……
Considering Hillary knows the complete story about how her hubby escaped impeachment, and how it was done(as do the entire members of Congress), then explained it to Obama as a blackmailing exercise to gain the position of Secretary of State, I believe she needs to be Hung, Drawn, and Quartered.
This old school exercise should also be conferred upon her hubby Bill, whilst playing saxophone, George W Bush, George H W Bush, George Soros, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld (Aspartame King), Dick Cheney, all past presidents still alive, Tony Blair, John Howard, and all parties involved with the insider information of the 9/11 farcical exercise, and its subsequent Martial Law consequences.
Considering also, the fact most people’s votes are NEVER counted by anyone being trustworthy, nor anyone with a ‘neutral’ volition, the world is in dire straits if you believe your governments.
Most of all, “Don’t Lie, Cheat, or Steal, the government hates competition”.
There is but ONE candidate for the position of US President, and considering he has not nominated himself yet, I say…….”watch this space!”.
A quarter of a billion? It’s somewhat amusing to think that on this subject too there is no difference between Clinton and Trump.
Anyway. Sure, she’s a liar. I’m personally indifferent to the “email fiasco” since beyond the histeria there is little more than technical protocol violations. But hey. Regular folks get tickets for rolling a stop sign even when they look both ways. So, down with her.
Having said this, I don’t expect Clinton supporters to care about any of this more than Trump supporters do about the “nuances” of their supreme leader…
The idiots on the Left don’t even realize…in their smugness…that they’re all as big of victims of Hillary as WE are…and they’ll still try to elect her.
Only de facto, not de jure. The use of her personal server for government business repeatedly and deliberately essentially incorporates that server into Federal systems. A good, interested prosecutor could make the case.
"By conducting her official business on a private server, Clinton was assuring that no FOIA requests could touch her."
Could you imagine any Government’s investigation of security breaches in which the defendant’s lawyers get to decide what is private information and what belongs to the Government of the US? This is how upside down everything to do with Clintons is.
Yes indeed. Our generation has been mentally enchained to one of the greatest historical lies of all time, namely that Hitler was an evil man whose ambition it was to conquer the world and who, in the process, killed 6 million innocent Jews. Anyone who dedicates a modicum of time to real research knows that all of this is absolutely false and calumnious. Hitler had no desire to conquer the world, and much less did he wish to mass murder the Jews; he simply wanted them removed from Germany, by peaceful means if possible. The reason that we have been taught to hate Hitler is that he was the polar opposite of the archetypal “democratic” politician, i.e., he was not greedy, venal, petty, self-serving or personally corrupt – and, this is important to note – Hitler, unlike Hillary (who is all of the above in spades) was not bloodthirsty. The only real threat he and Germany posed was to the economic hegemony of Wall St. and the City of London.
“Tabloid democracy” needs the Hitler as devil mythology to keep the masses convinced that their grinning, meretricious, inauthentic and corrupt politicians – of which Hillary is a perfect exemplar – are the authentic heirs of those who supposedly “saved the world” from Hitler’s Germany, when quite the opposite is true. The defeat of Germany and the hegemony of Atlanticist-Zionism resulting therefrom are now bearing deadly fruit worldwide. Europeans (if they haven’t already) are about to wake up to the fact that they lost that war.
anyone even notice that Hitler did not die rich?
Hillary Clinton may or may not be a crook. That remains to be proven…
No it doesn’t. You can add RICO violations to her criminality as well because the meetings with her, Lynch, Bill Clinton, and Comey were the creation of a conspiracy to not indict her. They should all spend the rest of their lives in prison, but I prefer they all be executed for capital crimes against the nation.
Welcome to the amerikan banana republic. Only an idiot would pledge allegiance to this farce of a country.
It is now up to the Congressmen who were lied to in hundreds of hours of testimony by Hillary 2012-2014 to demand the FBI take up the issue of her perjury. Now we know she lied, they have her dead to rights. She lied under oath to Congress. Either that means something or it doesn’t. They need to call her up there under Congressional Subpoena (which she can ignore at risk of a contempt of Congress order), or go up and finally tell the truth, impossible, never happen, she has to somehow get to the White House and repay her debts for the hundreds of millions thrown her way.
Ye Gawds. The Democrats that vote for this witch are the same brand of reprehensible, evil, criminal partisans the Clintons are. I get they don’t want Trump, but they’ll vote for this corruption? Really?
Deceit and Lies are some of the fundamental values of the western “civilization”.
Indispensable tools of those who crave power, enslavement and domination over others (non westerners).
This is a pretty good article and a much needed review and reminder of the Horrible Harridan’s ways, but I certainly hope the author, in the future, checks out the veracity of such claims as “…great leaders like George Washington…” before he breezily perpetuates that myth again.
If one digs a little into the history of George Washington, he’ll find that he was not only highly self serving, but also he was an advocate of terrorism, and quite nasty to his men and also to veterans who fought the war of independence ( think of his handling of the Whiskey Rebellion, and Shay’s Rebellion for instance). He also demonstrated centralizing tendencies.
I do regard him highly for the fact that he was a traitor to his country, Great Britain, in his fight for independence from it and for the fact that he apparently told the truth about the new US Constitution…
“[George] Washington held that the provisions for the payment of creditors constituted the only conspicuous advance over the Articles of Confederation and the only real justification of the new Constitution.â€
Harry Elmer Barnes, A Glance at the Fathers,
In The American Mercury, January 1926, pp. 23-30
From whose point of view he was a great leader, I don’t know, but it sounds suspiciously like hagiographic drivel to me, and perpetuation of such errors should be corrected if not condemned.
Being a liar and crook, is the ladder to be a successful politician in United States and United Kingdom. And if one had committed mass murder in the past – it’s an added qualification. Hillary Clinton is not alone in that category. Look at George Bush, John McCain, John Kerry and UK’s former prime minister Tony Blair who was indicted in Sir John Chilcot report on US invasion of Iraq without mentioning Israel’s part in fabricating the so-called “Saddam Hussein’s WMDs”. Why? because two of the five members of the Chilcot Enquiry were Zionist Jews.
On October 14, 2014 Professor Susannah Haschel (Jewish Studies, Dartmouth College) again defended Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky sex affair based on Jewish law at The Jewish Week.
One of 10,000 documents released from the Clinton Presidential Library on Friday last week, one belongs to Haschel, then senior aide to Sen. Hillary Clinton who submitted to the White House: a Talmudic interpretation proving president Bill Clinton was not guilty of adultery.
“From the perspective of Jewish history, we have to ask how can Jews condemn President Clinton’s behavior as immoral, when we exalt King David? King David had Batsheva’s husband, Uriah, murdered. While David was condemned and punished, he was never thrown off the throne of Israel. On the contrary, he is exalted in our Jewish memory as the unifier of Israel,†Haschel wrote in 1999 …….
“By conducting her official business on a private server, Clinton was assuring that no FOIA requests could touch her.”
Only de facto, not de jure. The use of her personal server for government business repeatedly and deliberately essentially incorporates that server into Federal systems. A good, interested prosecutor could make the case.
Further, why should the DoJ take the statement of an investigator that a specific criminal statute written to the standard of strict liability should not apply due to a lack of intent (mens rea). Call it willfull misconduct, call it gross negligence, call it whatever, but she mishandled classified data.
Beyond that, she misappropriated government property, albeit intangible, but nevertheless government property, and then she and her legal advisors knowingly destroyed it without a proper accounting or notification. These are altogether separate crimes. Then there is the knowing pattern of measures to defeat the purposes of the FOIA, which also would be a crime. I’ll ignore lying to Congress.
So many crimes that could be charged, yet only one that was commented upon by Comey as being investigated but not rising to a level where a charge should have been made. Contrast this to any ordinary citizen, at whom prosecutors would have thrown charges of multiple counts of multiple offenses in the hope of getting a plea on perhaps one or a few meaty ones that might stick.
Face it … Comey and Lynch stepped up to the plate and swung at the air for whatever motivation, and by so doing they did not do the jobs the people have placed in their trust.
Where is the surprise? The Clinton’s have been lying for decades.
“If the severely compromised US “Justice†Department cannot step up and issue an indictment based upon the findings of the FBI about Clinton’s email violations, it is up to the people of the United States to decide whether we want such a greedy woman — a confirmed serial liar ready to say anything necessary to obtain power — to be our next president.”
She will probably be President since the majority of Americans have their head up their ass.
Corruption Delenda Est
Listen, Liberal by Thomas Frank laid out the issues hurting the country, with causes and ramifications.
American voters can do something to help turn the country away from the Neo-Liberal cancer by rejecting Clinton and Democrats. Also vote out incumbents.