Lost? You’re not even in the game. No political actor since Hitler has been. Just a bunch of mediocrities blowing hot air into nothingness.
Hitler was a great man. You do not deserve him.
“…the Orange Man´s tariffs will beget the same.”
Paul Craig Roberts had a good article on free trade and tariffs:
Maybe if the bankers and the Federal Reserve hadn’t engineered the Roaring Twenties and the financial looting and rigging they’ve done since 1987, resulting in enormous bubbles which the bankers fed off of, offshoring manufacturing, destruction of the country, etc., none of this would be necessary.
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” Frederic Bastiat
Neue Slowenische Kunst, to help you sleep better ðŸ˜
Half norwegian? I wonder what the other half is. I never said I was a fan of Kennedy, only pointing out the fact that he joined others who had the temerity to print money. As for the alt media claim, are you saying you trust the msm more? Kennedy was a jew lover? Have you met his father? The jews hated Kennedys guts, you retard. From now on when you use the term retard maybe you should look in the mirror.
Several of my comments in Parker's thread at UR were blocked. I believe it was Parker, not Ron Unz, who blocked them. My last blocked comment was a thorough debunk of his exaggerations and lies about Dirlewanger. If anyone else had comments blocked on Parker's thread, I would be interested to know.I think that Parker is some kind of limited hangout or, as Cass Sunstein told us, an agent of "nudge". He is trying to "nudge" the alt-right away from discussions about Jewish depravity and sadism, and towards discussions about the foibles and shortcomings of the NSDAP, Germany and Germans in general.Replies: @Hinz, @Poupon Marx, @Obersturmbannführer
I don’t know who Mr. Parker is. Nobody does. For all I know, he could be a Jew. If so, I find his article encouraging. It means that the Jews feel their power threatened by National Socialism, so much so, that they have resorted to posing as National Socialists to undermine our morale and solidarity.
Since Mr. Conte allowed my comment on this thread concerning my comments being blocked by Richard Parker, I will take the liberty of recreating a comment on this thread. It concerned Parkers description of Dirlewanger:
“SS units of the Dirlewanger brigade sort—and generally not of bona fide combat units such as SS LAH, Das Reich—and other rogue elements went on killing sprees of any German even suspected of desertion, whether military or civilian. This was not done with any hope of changing the outcome of the war, but to buy Hitler and his top entourage a few more days to live before having to do the inevitable. Far more appalling was the Nero Decree given to Albert Speer, which quite thankfully Speer never considered carrying out. Had he done as ordered, this Nero Decree would have done far more than merely decimate the German population.”
Dirlewanger was a highly decorated veteran in an army with requirements of Prussian levels of honor and merit, who has been smeared for decades by sadistic and murderous Jews and Communists.
I then commented about the obligatory adhominems and histrionics (kvetching and squealing) whenever anyone mentions Dirlewanger was reminiscent, in a pattern matching sort of way, to how the media treats Prigozhin and the Wagner group. See this Dailymail article for reference:
But ironically, the methods employed by Wagner mercs bare a stark resemblance to those of the Dirlewanger brigade – a notorious division of the Nazis’ SS paramilitary organisation who raped, murdered and pillaged their way through Europe as they executed Adolf Hitler’s dark designs.
I pointed out how Mengele is also a favorite “worst person” strawman to be held up and beaten by authors like Parker.
I then linked to an interview of a Dirlewanger Brigade veteran named Karl:
Waffen-SS Sturmbrigade Dirlewanger
Karl makes the following statement directly contradicting Parker:
“I remember a recruit went AWOL, and he could have had him shot, but instead he only ordered extra watch duty. He was very humane and kind to us.”
The entire interview is quite interesting, I am putting his description/explanation of Warsaw below the more:
“The jew rub is getting Americans to think in individualistic terms…not group terms. They want you to think about the great man as opposed to the great group. Jews have their power from group strength, not one guy.”
Very true. The article posted on Unz the other day by Ricardo Duchesne titled “White Europeans responsible for almost all of the greatest human achievements” really brought out the jewish fear, anger and envy. “How dare you try to form a ‘group’. How dare you try to stand out! What you’re doing is bragging. You didn’t do that; God did.” And on and on.
You are correct, there is power in group strength. This is what they are afraid of. This is why they are trying to erase our history, our culture (“You don’t have a culture”), our traditions, and it’s why they elevate all other groups, comically so, and why they’re flooding the West with foreigners in order to dilute the group.
If they have to, they will instigate a civil war. And it won’t be “White Europeans want their own country.” It will be the “racist Whites against all others”.
Up until this time Whites never saw the need to pound their chests or form a strong, cohesive group, and the jews are doing everything in their power to make sure that group is never able to form.
Groups need an enemy. The enemy is now being seen by millions. It is good to have empathy for others, to be kind and benevolent, but your first priority must always be to show empathy for yourself, for the group.
Du dreckiges schwein.
To worship a “hero†who lost sounds exactly like people who will be eating goy slop forever.
Jesus Christ was also a “hero” who “lost”. Really makes you think…
1. Had Hitler not invaded the USSR, Germany would have dominated all of Europe minus Russia and a few neighboring states.
Hitler had no intention of “dominating” Europe.
2. Had Hitler invaded the USSR as a liberating force than as an enslaving/exterminating power, he might received widespread support from anti-communist elements. He might have won or fought to a stalemate.
What is the evidence that Operation Barbarossa was executed in an “enslaving” and/or “exterminating” manner? Be specific please.
Exactly right – the National Socialist System did wonders for Germany. I remember was a schoolboy, and a coin collector, that I had a lot of Nongeld Notes – paper money from the Weinmar Period (pre Hitler) when Germany was a bankrupt country – notes in the million or billion mark notes and worthless – and then real silver coinage under Hitler.: Ex. 5 Mark. Why didn’t American bring in Hitler’s bankers rather than his misille scientists? We would have been better off.
Just thought of what I would call a tragic figure, Ira Hayes, the celebrated Native American “war hero.†Truth is truth, and like bad medicine it is sometimes hard to swallow. How in the hell as a Native American could you fight in WWII. I wonder how many German Americans fought against their own in both World Wars for the benefit of (((others.)))
I am going to bed tonight and cry in my pillow because we do not and never will have the quality of leadership on the level of the current candidates of the AfD. What excellence, quality, and ability!!
The most wonderful thing Hitler did was to commit suicide. He just didn’t do it soon enough.
Explain to me the mindset of Whites who slaughtered other Whites who were defending themselves from World Kikery. Better to be a loser than a sellout, race traitor or a slave. Nothing worse than a traitor, they receive no respect even from the people who use them as crash dummies. No statues of Benedict Arnold in England. Lol. I don’t get it with my fellow Whites, they will fight like tigers against other Whites for the benefit of some non white racist or kikes set on destroying them in the end. Unbelievable.IF I had been a German American at the time, no way in hell I am going to be drafted to serve in the armed forces.
Conte is great and his podcast Prussian Socialism is by far the best history podcast right now.
Franklin Ryckaert:
“Actually the fact that that hoax by Polish nationalists could last for 15 years, shows that Jews don’t control Wikipedia completely.”
Haha, Okay.
A Jew exerts influence over Wikipedia in order to advance specifically Jewish interests (influence which, apparently, nobody else could exert, not even the Germans who were the actually victims of the fifteen-year blood libel) but this fact proves, in Franklin’s tortured reasoning, that the Jews *don’t* have power (whereas, to any reasonable person, it would demonstrate that they *do* have power.)
Franklin, why do you engage in such contortions to try to fit everything into the cognitive prison cell of your pre-existing mental model – of the mental model that you (and, to be fair, everyone), has been programmed with by Jewish film, Jewish media and Jewish historiography?
Doesn’t your tendentious argumentation here demonstrate to you how warped and twisted your thinking is? Have you zero self-awareness? Please, try to break free of the mental Matrix the Jews have put you in.
Again, what does this “fifteen year” Wikipedia hoax of Nazi villainy (the longest in Wikipedia’s history) tell you?
That Jews are not all-powerful because they let something go on for fifteen years for which they were marginally negatively affected? Sure, maybe you’re right that Jews aren’t all-powerful; perhaps you have a point there. (Or, perhaps Jews just didn’t much bother with this narrative transgression, perhaps calculating that it hurt the Germans more than it hurt Jews or helped Poles, and they found that kind of useful, or, at least, amusing.)
But, more to my point, what does it tell you about Wikipedia as a source?
Personally, it makes me wonder what other “fifteen year” (plus) long hoaxes are running uncorrected on Wikipedia right now and not for lack of counter-evidence but for lack of someone with the correct political credentials showing up to contest them. (I.e., the political precedence which an aggrieved anti-German Jew takes over an aggrieved anti-German Pole – two “victims” who, like hyenas, are fighting over the carcass of victimhood Pokemon points of being Germany’s most persecuted victims.)
It, furthermore, makes me wonder whether the quotations you provided testifying to Nazi villainy against Eastern Europeans are reliable representations of fact, or are just artifacts of another “fifteen year hoax” which is not yet corrected because some Jew hasn’t (yet) found it politically expedient to contest it.[1]
That’s what it would make any reasonable person wonder.
More generally, the fact that such a long-running hoax could occur is emblematic of the systemic bias which exists, not only on Wikipedia, but in society at large. Could you imagine a Wikipedia page blood-libeling Jews for murdering 200,000 Poles surviving for fifteen years? No. Why? We all know why. Everything you think you know about the world [certainly WWII] is systemically biased because you-know-who controls the media.
Why, then, knowing these facts, would any reasonable person by default back to believing what Wikipedia (or any mainstream or Jewish reference) as a source about Nazi villainy, of all things? It’s like Gell-Mann Amnesia, perhaps. You know the Jewish media is lying to you about everything today – but then you forget all these lies and just assume that they’re telling the truth about WWII.
[1] The hoax in question being, again, the “Nazi death camp” with 200,000 Polish victims which didn’t exist.
Of course there are, you dolt. Using a general query outside and without reference to the quotes under discussion is a weak logical fallacy and diversion; which is your forte these days, Miss Bo Peep.
Are there any writings that can’t be classified as observations from human beings?
Of course there are, you dolt.
Such as?
without reference to the quotes under discussion
Which quotes are those to which you are referring? The one about your first escapee and a scary bear? Or, this one – Germany’s loss of WW2 has left the world in quite a state today – ?
On the state of the world today, as Nathan/SnorkelGuy said, [Post WW2] “Immigration laws changed within ten years…reformed or restructured to such a degree that they basically abandoned all of the racial make-up of the native people of their places, and this didn’t matter if you were the winner or the loser of that horrible war against the “horrible Nazis.†Whichever side of that war you were on, your future was, your native population would eventually be replaced in numbers; by the birth rate or the names of the people coming in being foreign; or in your school system, the native population being demonized as especially bad, especially needing change….â€
The utter falsehood known as the Holocaust/Shoah, which is now used as the justification for the entire war against Germany, mostly, and is the utmost indictment/denunciation against the character of Adolf Hitler, is the relevant issue about/on which I diverted.
I visited Spain under Franco in the 70s. Beautiful and prosperous. Same with Brazil under the Generals.
Unlike Germany under Hitler before the western world descended upon the Germans in a way not done to the others?
Meine Kröte, the problem is this – YOU are one of those foreigners who prospers within the nations of your classic enemies – Whites, Saxons, Germanics…whatever you want to call us, and that’s why you can not/will not admit that Hitler was a hero/defender of Germany/Europa. He was your classic enemy; same as that of Barbara Spectre, et al.
I was in San Antonio recently; what happened to all the White Peoples? Barbara Roche would happily put down her desert fork to admire the dark splendor…
For my dreams, I hold my life
For wishes, I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
Hitler kaput !!! The Beast is rasing its ugly head again. Germs Must Perish !!! So Be It. Peace at last. ðŸ™
It is true, that Germany had Europe’s youngest population and needed agricultural ground to feed itself. Hence, Lebensraum. However, it was not the USA putting up a block to Lebensraum. It was Britain, because British policy has always been to side with the weaker power in Europe
It was Chamberlain and the British conservatives that wanted Hitler to attack the USSR.
Hitler had a dozen different ways of expanding Germany. Britain is not at fault for his mistakes.
It was the petty trench running corporal that broke the Munich agreement after swearing he was done gobbling up land. He then invaded Poland knowing full well that it could spark a world war.
Make all the excuses you want but he could have gone East without attacking Poland.
In fact in his book he wrote that going East was the path for Germany. His generals also originally wanted Germany to push East and not get involved with France or Britain. They were correctly concerned with a repeat of WW1 with island fortress Britain backed by US production. Hitler even wrote that he wouldn’t make the mistake of a two front war.
The Germans have always been flawed by a combination of arrogance and rigid conformity. Hitler’s original plan was to actually attack France through Belgium which was a copy of WW1. The Ardennes plan only happened because the Belgium plan was accidentally leaked to the Allies. It matched entirely what the Allies expected. Hitler was depicted as a war genius for the Ardennes plan but it was never his idea and was actually a plan B.
Hitler was not a hero of Europe. He made a deal with the worst Communist to ship Catholic Poles off to camps. He planned on starving millions of Slavs to death. A mass murderer and not a liberator.
Stalin kept 1.1 million troops in the east throughout the entire war.
How many did he send West?? I’m basing that 2 million number from the memoirs of a participant.
Insisting that people HAVE TO defend the guy who lost against the Jews almost 100 years ago now is exactly why national socialist lose and why they unwittingly fall directly into the Jewish framework. To worship a “hero” who lost sounds exactly like people who will be eating goy slop forever.
The game isn’t over yet. It’s only the first quarter.
And I can levitate, too. Watch me now:
Video Link
Do you love me, now that I can dance?
Every military move made by Germany was ultimately of defensive nature. Every single one!
Explain the defensive nature of trying to starve the Christian Slavs of Leningrad to death.
I am not so sure it was Germany v. America as it was Germany v. Britian which was still the world’s dominant imperial power and controlled by the Rothschild- Morgan network. I agree that Jewish world money played a huge role in pushing for the war – just look at Roosevelt’s cabinet, but the USA was still a part of the Anglo-American establishment and not totally under the control of world Jewry. Rockefeller had significant investments in Germany and was more interested in Asia than in Europe. However, owing to his indebtedness to the Focus, Churchill was under the control of world Jewry.
Remember that US public was very much opposed to the European war when it broke out in 1939 owing to the fact that many Americans saw it as a war for the British Empire. At least 85% of the US public opposed the war right up to late 1941. Moreover, one cannot even trust the lesser numbers presented by Gallop Poll after the start of 1941, because Gallop had been taken over by William Stephenson of the MI-6 through the British Security Coordination.
It is true, that Germany had Europe’s youngest population and needed agricultural ground to feed itself. Hence, Lebensraum. However, it was not the USA putting up a block to Lebensraum. It was Britain, because British policy has always been to side with the weaker power in Europe, so as to maintain its hegemony over the continent – especially for Halford Mackinder’s Heartland. Many people seem to forget that the vast majority of Central European countries were on board with Germany v. the USSR – not the other way around. One could argue that if Hitler and the National Socialist Party’s racial policies had not been so extreme regarding the Slavs – if they found some way of incorporating the Slavs into the greater Reich (not just as feudal serfs or starving them to death) – we would not even be having this discussion in the first place. The fact is that the Germans were reluctant to use the Ukrainian division led by Bandera, because the Germans were concerned that they would have to make some concessions to the Ukrainian nationalists at the end of the war. This racial attitude may have been Germany’s biggest mistake. Why not give the Slavs some economic autonomy to serve the greater Reich in an almost EU fashion as long as they do not compete with the Reich’s industrial base? Besides ridding Germany of Jewish influence (which the Havarra Agreement established with the Lehi Zionists led by Yitzak Shamir), Hitler essentially wanted a greater trade zone which was in nationalist hands – not in the hands of Jewish global finance.
In regard to military tactics, John Mosier’s Deathride says Hitler was tactically correct. Moreover, in Hoggan’s The Unnecessary War, Hoggan points out that it was the upper classes, especially the upper classes in the newly organized OKW-OKH (OKH was East Front only), that sabotaged Hitler’s program from the start, because they did not want the upstart Nationals Socialists to succeed. When discussing his biography of Rudolf Hess, David Irving stated that Hitler wanted to shelf the National Socialist Party – especially the more rabid Judeophobes within the party. Irving also says that Hitler told Hess that he “wanted the Gaultier’s off his back.â€
I really do not know how Conte can leave out Hitler’s Hegelian perspective, whereby Hitler juxtaposed the internationalist connections between Capitalism and Judeo-Marxist Bolshevism. This issue was central to Hitler’s National Socialism. And if you read Solzhenitsyn’s 100 Years of Living Together the existence of Jewish Marxist Bolshevism and its support from capitalists is indisputable. Moreover, contrary to much of the self-serving disinformation, Solzhenitsyn clearly shows that the Jews were not purged from the governing organs of the USRR during Stalin’s reign. Where Conte is correct, is in his statement that it is “too difficult to argue for the Truth in the lie-riddled world we live in,†and maybe he does not want to delve into these weeds about the Jewish dialectic.
In my view Conte’s conclusion that Hitler left the world with a pro-White political outcome is problematic. The west is no longer pro-white. Western governments have turned against the whites for various economic and political reasons much of which can be traced back to the victory of international globalism and to post-war Jewish Cultural Marxism. I think Lindbergh’s assessment is much more correct (similar Viktor Orban’s recent assessment of Ukraine war). The Second World War in Europe was a civil war among – and the destruction of – the European race. I would also argue that Hitler was a gambler and he misjudged several issues such as Britain’s determination to make war (you could say on behalf of Jewish finance – to note Germany’s decision to implement autarky and suspend debt payments in 1933 started the financial war when Germany was labeled a trade violator in 1934), or the vast depth of the USSR and the perceived weakness of the Soviet army due to Stalin’s purges (there is also the Suvorov thesis – was Stalin trying to provoke Hitler – Molotov’s visit to Berlin in late 1940 would say yes), and the fact that FDR would have had a hard time declaring war on Germany had not Hitler declared war on the USA first (was it really necessary to declare war on the USA despite the fact that FDR was clearly drawing the US into Europe’s war like Woodrow Wilson did in the first war?). I suppose these are weeds which Conte is correct in saying that there disinformation/hyperbolic propagandization about the war that it is near impossible to refute every single-issue point-by-point.
But that does not make me Russian because I admire Russia or Putin, that does not make me Chinese, because I admire the Chinese, that does not make me Iranian, because I admire the Iranians. I hope one day Germanic people will join them in the ranks of the free and sovereign “peoples†on this Earth.
Does Ukraine get to be on that list or do you admire Putin for trying to force them into his totalitarian empire?
From my view in the cheap seats it looks like the Germans appeared to be the obvious “good guys†on this one. The Jews wanted to do the same thing in Germany that they had already done in the old Soviet Jewnion. Hitler and Germany were fighting for their survival, lest we forget the HOLODOMOR took place in 1932-1933, and “World Jewry†declared war on Germany in 1933. And lest we forget the rapes of millions of German women by the Allies, the Eisenhower Death Camps, etc.
And while we weren’t around to actually see WWII up close and personal, anyone with an ounce of truth, integrity, or a moral compass can tell you that “World Jewry†after WWII did in fact behave just as Hitler said they would. IF you are a Believer, and believe me I have my doubts about it all, even Mother Teresa confessed their was a point in her life where she questioned the existence of God, you will know that MOST will not make it to Heaven in the end. I admit to my doubts about God, BUT, I have no doubt that the corrupt Allied leaders are feeling the heat IF Hell exists. HOWEVER, most people don’t obtain the kind of power Hitler wielded by being a choirboy.
It seems the Jew and his henchmen in the case of World WarII are like the truly evil murderer who kills someone and frames an innocent person as the murderer. That takes a special kind of evil.
Tariffs are just boogy men for free trade hucksters.
They only amount to another tax, and we have too many already so no it won’t help Americans at all.
What other kind of tax would you prefer to pay, instead, though, and why?
Hear hear!
Great piece.
I was very offput by the article under discussion, and I’m glad to see Mr. Conte offer such a robust rebuttal.
Patrick ‘Shlomo’ McNally writes:
Churchill never said anything of the sort.
Well, it looks like John Wear has slapped you down once more (refer to his comment # 304).
It could well be in the three figure territory that John Wear, through countless hammerings he’s dished out your way over the years, where he exposed you as a BALD-FACED LIAR.
And in return, you have not refuted A SINGLE THING that John Wear has ever posted.
Shlomo, you really are a glutton for punishment. You just keep lying and posting Jewish talking points.
Why don’t you sit back, relax, and learn TRUE HISTORY from Mr Wear?
Surely that would be a better option than getting battered to a pulp day in and day out, after being exposed yet again as a peddler of falsehoods?
I don't know who Mr. Conte is, but after reading this rant, I have serious reservations about the clinical stability of the author --
I don’t know who Mr. Parker is.
The "world," no less. This seems to shout: "Up the Thorazine!"Replies: @Poupon Marx, @V. K. Ovelund
As one of the only public National Socialists in the world, I can say that Mr. Parker does not understand the first thing about National Socialist ideology.
I don’t know who Mr. Conte is….
Mr.�Conte is a titan of the old Alt-Right.
Every military move made by Germany was ultimately of defensive nature. Every single one!
Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, FDR, Napoleon……whoever…they’re all bit players….here today gone tomorrow….just like us.
When overwhelmed with facts of minutae – step back to look at a bigger picture – and the bigger picture shows……..
In order to gain an understanding of a question and in the context of history, we have to go beyond the material mind to a spiritual level – meaning Biblical perspective – but don’t expect any revelations from your typical churchian gathering…….they’re as deceived as anyone else. In fact, the first target of the DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) was to infiltrate and converge Christianity into churchianity – the rest was easy peasy. For example, without the full backing of Evangelicals by the millions, DSOS would be a minor irritant only, and not our ruler as is currently the case.
I have archived a series of articles – https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Synagogue+of+satan&updated-max=2022-10-15T10:01:00-07:00&max-results=20&start=0&by-date=false&m=1 – on DaSynagogue of Satan (DSOS) – a list of headnotes here which will be useful for any researcher on the subject.
Very simply, this is not only a spiritual battle, it goes back to the beginning and manifests itself in various forms……but in essence…it always was, is and will be a war on Christ…..until His ultimate victory…..which is only a matter of time – http://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/2021/03/in-essenceit-always-wasand-still-isa.html – Translation: Russia as a nation is NOW the last outpost of Christianity which is resisting the onslaught of the DSOS controlled ‘Western Civilization’ – DaEmpire of Lies and Evil – which has been totally converged and ruled by DSOS for decades – yes, the servants of DSOS can change their stripes, colors and outward appearance at will – and they will deceive millions – but not all of us.
Fortunately for all of us – the days of DaEmpire of Lies and Evil are almost done!
“Manstein’s masterstroke, the Sichelschnitt.†It was shown that this was, in fact, Hitler’s plan, but he had trouble selling it to the General Staff. When Manstein presented his plan, which was basically the same as Hitler’s, Hitler could sell it to the General Staff.
Thank you, Truthor, for stating that “Manstein’s Plan” was Hitler’s Plan, which AH had designed in greater detail before Manstein told him about his own plan! According to Hitler’s friend & architect, Hermann Geisler, the Fuehrer had already been secretly working on the plan and it was far advanced in tactical details by the time Manstein reported his similar plan to AH in the middle of February, 1940. But Hitler was thrilled that Manstein saw it the same way; that gave him even more confidence in his own conclusions. Read it in Hitler’s own words in Giesler’s memoir Ein Anderer Hitler, 1977, Druffel-Verlag or in Wilhelm Kriessmann’s English translation “The Artist Within the Warlord,” 3rd edition August 2018, pp. 43-45.
“I still kept silent … It would not have been prudent to let Manstein know how far advanced beyond the basic strategic concept the tactical details had already been worked out.” p. 45
The war was lost, not because of Hitler’s “blunders and shortcomingsâ€, but because of traitors within the nobility who sabotaged Hitler’s plans, poisoned him during the invasion of Russia, and through high treason sold out Germany to the Allies for their pieces of silver.
This is provably true, and should be emphasized more than it is. See Chapt. 7, pp. 115-122 in the above mentioned translation “The Artist Within the Warlord.” Again, thank you for doing so.
“You either go all the way and embrace the TRUTH, or you are a charlatan and trying to misdirect or deceive.”
The Jewish Man Hitler Praised and Helped
When Austria joined the German Reich in March 1938, Hitler helped the Jewish physician in Linz who had been the doctor for his family when he was a boy and teenager. He remembered Eduard Bloch with gratitude. He said of him: “If all Jews were like him, there would be no Jewish question.†After the 66-year-old Bloch wrote to Hitler asking for help, the German leader personally intervened to ensure his safety. The doctor and his wife remained in Linz without disturbance for nearly three years. Then, they left to join their daughter in New York City. In the US, Dr. Bloch spoke honestly about Hitler as a boy and young man to US officials who questioned him, and he wrote truthfully for publication about the German leader’s character and personality. This video was written and researched by Tony Wilkins. Runtime: 14:52 mins. — https://ihr.org
Video Link
Sure, any day now. Two more weeks.
Something tells me this comment won’t age well. But, only time will tell.
German ego. Most of them have it. AH channeled it into a war against the Eastern Aryan world.
The only thing that can contain the German/Germanic/Nordic ego is to box them in in their homelands. They can never be allowed to expand.
Just like was done to the Japs and the same needs to be done now to the egotistical Chinaman.
A lot of this stuff comes out of /pol/, which has become a petri dish for testing out mental schema that are supposed to consensus crack right wing thought
They even go as far as saying that Hitler was actually a jewish agent who’s only purpose was to kill as many whites as possible. You often see these types in the unz comment section as well and their frenzied, antagonistic posting style outs them as /pol/ users.
These types of people simply must be ignored and ejected from the right wing. They can go to the left where they belong and they should feel quite at home on the left with their fascination with transsexualism and interracial pornography.
They all deserved to burn in hell. Having bad guys on one side doesn’t necessarily mean that good guys are on the opposite. The opposite of good is evil, the opposite of virtue is sin, the opposite of truth is a lie, but the opposite of evil can also be evil, the opposite of sin can also be sin and the opposite of a lie can also be a lie.
Thanks. I have cited Franco as one of Spain’s excellent heroes and saviors. Same with Generalissimo Augusto Pinochet. After departing, both countries were again suffused with the same rodents and cucarachas. Same vermin. I visited Spain under Franco in the 70s. Beautiful and prosperous. Same with Brazil under the Generals. Safe, calm, and expanding economy [given the low IQ population of Brazil, much of which is a suburb of Africa].
That Jews are often over-represented in movements to inorganically restructure society; their goal is not to benefit society at large, but to emancipate Jewry to further subjugate the “little guys†for whom they pretend to advocate. They care NOT for Gentile society unless they can benefit or use it for gain; or to disrupt their classic enemy - a homogeneous “White†nation; say, perhaps, like the real purpose of the NAACP….
So, what’s your point?
Oh? So, he disavowed Marx, communism, and the Jewish element thereof? I’m guessing - NO.
had mixed feelings…He believed its radicalism and materialism would destroy much of the European culture that he loved and admired.
Does Ian Kershaw also say that Hitler murdered 6 million Jews in gas chambers? And, that he sacked Austria? And, that Germany had their Evil Eyes on South America until the SLB got his paws on that Secret Map? And, that Churchill and SLBFDR were fine statesmen who saved the World from tyranny to establish a Democracy that has been used to magically shift the demographics within Europe/European nations to include black/brown cesspools of ineptitude and crime in the interests of Never Again! and to install a democratic process that We never actually wanted/approved/voted on?
Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889-1936, Hubris
> movements to inorganically restructure society
The type of movements which were occurring in the mid-19th century were much more naturally organic than anything which can be said about the German National Socialist Party in the 1920-45 period. The only functional program which Hitler had was to prepare the German military until it was ready to expand and then set out to acquire living space. If Hitler had died of a stroke in early 1939, then he probably would have been remembered much better as some kind of “organic” leader. But his determination to sweep across Czechia as preparation for a drive to the east for living space was a very personal agenda that did not spring organically from anywhere else.
The development and growth of the Social Democratic Party from the late 19th to early 20th centuries was probably the most significant organic development that ever happened in Germany during the 19th & 20th centuries. Unfortunately, the Social Democrats did well as labor leaders but were not prepared for dealing with the emergence of Germany as a major imperial power. They voted for war credits in 1914, when all labor parties across Europe should have been denouncing the war. The Social Democrats played a central role in enabling the continuation of the war for 4 years, and then the scoundrel Ludendorff simply smeared them with charges of a stab in the back. If the Social Democrats had simply disintegrated as a party in early 1914, then it is likely that the German war effort would have broken down in 1916 at the latest and this would have been better for the world. After World War I all of the parties showed a lot of confusion and none of them can really be characterized as “organic” in the way that the influences of people like Heine and Marx in the 19th century often were.
Are there any writings that can’t be classified as observations from human beings?Is there NO forensic evidence that refutes the official narratives of WW2/so-called Holocaust? Is there any forensic evidence that supports the so-called Holocaust? What, then, is/was the point of creating such a fantastic story with essentially no forensic evidence, but gobs of “personal observations?â€How has the concocted tale been maintained/protected from scrutiny?
This is NOT forensic evidence, e.g., pottery shards, DNA, writing, etc. These are observations from human beings
No one denies this, meine Kröte. But, was there something elemental, beyond just human nature, at the core of the 20th century conflicts?
that all events of this dimension have multiple antecedents
No, not “Germany,†just like not all Americans support Israel; the truth of “Israel†and their shenanigans is obscured/unknown, generally, and have you been reading Mein Kampf again?
Germany not only assisted with the germination of these Parasites, but provided them with resources at the cost of their own populations commonweal. And then finally when they have gained strength, like the movie Alien the body burst from the belly of the host.
Did anyone in Europe try to stop this madness? I wonder….
You should read the servile, lickspittle, and abject concession of the Europeans to the Rothchilds in the 19th century, and their extracted wealth.
1. Whiskey swilling.
a marine engineer like me. I once had an essential piece of equipment that failed and had two causes,
Are there any writings that can’t be classified as observations from human beings?
Of course there are, you dolt. Using a general query outside and without reference to the quotes under discussion is a weak logical fallacy and diversion; which is your forte these days, Miss Bo Peep.
The rest of your comment consists of intellectually lazy and meaningless questions. Ask a more profound one, for example: “How much is that doggy in the window. The one with the waggety tail?”
Such as?
Of course there are, you dolt.
Which quotes are those to which you are referring? The one about your first escapee and a scary bear? Or, this one - Germany’s loss of WW2 has left the world in quite a state today - ?On the state of the world today, as Nathan/SnorkelGuy said, [Post WW2] “Immigration laws changed within ten years…reformed or restructured to such a degree that they basically abandoned all of the racial make-up of the native people of their places, and this didn’t matter if you were the winner or the loser of that horrible war against the “horrible Nazis.†Whichever side of that war you were on, your future was, your native population would eventually be replaced in numbers; by the birth rate or the names of the people coming in being foreign; or in your school system, the native population being demonized as especially bad, especially needing change….â€The utter falsehood known as the Holocaust/Shoah, which is now used as the justification for the entire war against Germany, mostly, and is the utmost indictment/denunciation against the character of Adolf Hitler, is the relevant issue about/on which I diverted.
without reference to the quotes under discussion
Unlike Germany under Hitler before the western world descended upon the Germans in a way not done to the others?Meine Kröte, the problem is this - YOU are one of those foreigners who prospers within the nations of your classic enemies - Whites, Saxons, Germanics…whatever you want to call us, and that’s why you can not/will not admit that Hitler was a hero/defender of Germany/Europa. He was your classic enemy; same as that of Barbara Spectre, et al.I was in San Antonio recently; what happened to all the White Peoples? Barbara Roche would happily put down her desert fork to admire the dark splendor…For my dreams, I hold my life
I visited Spain under Franco in the 70s. Beautiful and prosperous. Same with Brazil under the Generals.
You don’t need a Hitler to avoid mass non-white immigration into your country. Ask the Hungarians about Viktor Orban. (Or ask the German party of AfD).
Several of my comments in Parker's thread at UR were blocked. I believe it was Parker, not Ron Unz, who blocked them. My last blocked comment was a thorough debunk of his exaggerations and lies about Dirlewanger. If anyone else had comments blocked on Parker's thread, I would be interested to know.I think that Parker is some kind of limited hangout or, as Cass Sunstein told us, an agent of "nudge". He is trying to "nudge" the alt-right away from discussions about Jewish depravity and sadism, and towards discussions about the foibles and shortcomings of the NSDAP, Germany and Germans in general.Replies: @Hinz, @Poupon Marx, @Obersturmbannführer
I don’t know who Mr. Parker is. Nobody does. For all I know, he could be a Jew. If so, I find his article encouraging. It means that the Jews feel their power threatened by National Socialism, so much so, that they have resorted to posing as National Socialists to undermine our morale and solidarity.
It was likely your mother, who upon transferring your clothes to the dryer, saw your comments on the screen, in your absence, was embarrassed, and deleted your comment. Motherly love.
Video Link
Yank me, crank me, but don’t wake me up and thank me”
Actually the fact that that hoax by Polish nationalists could last for 15 years, shows that Jews don’t control Wikipedia completely.
The quotes which you allege have a very different tone to them from the claims about “debt free … economy … banking.” A statement like “Germany is getting too strong” is simply a reference to military strength, independent of economics. Churchill was certainly aware of the German military build-up. 1936 was an important year because that was when Hjalmar Schacht decided that the German military had achieved enough for a basic defense. From that point on, Schacht argued that Germany needed to know give more attention to conventional economics, i.e., development of export trade.
Instead, Hitler resolved to accelerate the military build-up with the intent of achieving expansion within a few years. This greatly stressed the German economy, since a large portion of labor was focused on non-productive military industries. Churchill never made any statements which indicated a high respect for the German economy outside of military applications.
“…IF Mr. H is in Hell, he is joined by Stalin, FDR, Churchill and countless lying Jews…”
Well, not for nothing Satan’s motto is “Diversity is strength”.
Kennedy was a massive jewlover and posed zero threat to their money power. Sickening how many of you alt media retards craft these elaborate fanfics worshipping that scumbag.
After reading the diatribes here on Unz by “Richard Parker” and “Gregory Conte,” my opinion is that it’s too bad that the Nazis surrendered to the allies before the atomic bomb was ready for use. The bombs would have cleansed the evil in the Teutonic soul with atomic fire.
When someone is offended by the term Aryan, I know immediately that they’re brown and disgusting, or even worse, a libertarian.
And let's dispose of the Slavs who lived on that territory thousands of years before any German set foot there. After all, Slavs are untermenschen.
But from a geostrategic viewpoint, it is very clear what Germany had to do: bring German-speaking populations isolated by the Versailles treaty back into the Reich and win territory in the East in order to have the agricultural-demographic base to compete with the United States (see especially Adam Tooze The Wages of Destruction).
None of those noble people stood to Jewish power, they signed up with the Axis team because they wanted their neighbours' land. How noble is that?
The fact remains that it was 70 million Germans and a few thousand noble Romanians, Italians, Hungarians, Finns, Frenchmen, Scandinavians and others who stood up to Jewish power
Mein Kampf is the work of a sociopath, and I don't mean arguably, I mean provably.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler points out that no political movement can afford to disregard the example of a great hero.
By having all idealistic valiant men die and grifting cowards survive? When only von der Leyen's, Baerbock's, Scholz's, Merz's, Schwab's - a half-Nazi, half-Jew btw - grandparents / parents survive, you get Ursula, Annalena, Olaf, Friedrich, Klaus. It's friggin' elementary logic.
Good people die in war. That is how it goes. How does the death of a good German officer besmirch the leadership of Adolf Hitler?
It's actually the same tone as, what was the name of the guy who penned an hagiography of Monsanto and Big Pharma then went to insult commenters who disagreed on this site some time ago? You're not that different from Jews you see.And finally, my favourite:
Some readers might regard my tone as overly personal.
I'll grant you that you're almost honest about it. Almost because you dare not say openly what you really think about Slavs. But your omission of Slovaks on your list of Germany's allies that I quoted above speaks of itself. Funny also that you included Scandinavians, apart from Quisling I don't see whom you have in mind, and omitted the Balts, the only people with actually somewhat legitimate grievances against Russia. Or did you perhaps confuse the former with the latter?Replies: @Odyssey, @Franklin Ryckaert, @Poupon Marx
The author’s pretense of caring about the Slavs is a pose.
“And the winner of veracity and veritas is ……envelope, please….Mr. Parker!
It sounds like there was a war, as wars generally are. What do they want to tell us? That the wars of other peoples were bloodless? Just read what the soldiers of the North did to their brothers in the South. And about the Jews: have you ever looked at Gaza? Or read about how the Jews killed millions of Christian Russians after the revolution in Russia? Without war? Go shit, as the Viennese say!
When someone uses the term “Aryans”, I know immediately the person is not well educated, has a genetic chip on his shoulder (imputed superiority due to genes alone), and a mediocre and capped intelligence [no Flynn effect].
a “grand council†of National Socialist leaders could have averted war
Sure, I am eliminating some context from the quote by not including preceding and following words. The quote is purely misleading in itself. In Italy, precisely that kind of ‘grand council’ of the Fascist Party was convened.
They deposed Mussolini but were outmanouevred by General Badoglio and the King, who in turn deposed them. This ‘Parker’ surely knows of the results of that foolish ‘grand council’.
One of my favourite accounts of those times was in a memoir by an Italian diplomat. Suddenly, he was thrown from diplomatic ‘high society’ in Tokyo to internment in Karuizawa. At first, it was quite comfortable, but after a year, it became very deprived.
He wasn’t a fool, he realised that everyone, the other internees, the guards, the people, were all suffering, and understood that he was being treated as well as was possible.
In reply to Franklin Ryckaert’s comment: #comment-7050589
Franklin, respectfully of you and your quotations from Wikipedia,
I assume you are aware that Wikipedia is universally regarded as, on political matters, a highly biased source. Certainly everyone who is right-of-center regards it as such.
For an example of its bias I encourage you to read Donald Trump’s Wikipedia page. Or see this long-running Hoax.[1]
So why would you, on this one (you must admit) highly politically contentious matter – perhaps *the* most contentious matter – treat Wikipedia as a reliable source, and shrug off and belittle the concerns that others would have about Wikipedia? Why would you do that? Because, perhaps, in this particular instance, Wikipedia happens to agree with and reinforce your own preconceptions of what WWII and Hitler were – preconceptions put in your head alongside your childhood breakfast Cheerios by the Jewish TeeVee?
I encourage you to read what Karl Radl (he’s on Substack and Twitter) has written on these subjects if you want to begin to deprogram yourself of your brainwashing.[2][3]
Do you also regard Schindler’s List, Life is Beautiful and Band of Brothers as documentaries – as so many of the low-information believers in the mainstream WWII narrative seem to?
Or you should read about The Longest Hoax in Wikipedia History in which, for 15 years, Wikipedia claimed that 200,000 Poles had been exterminated in a German death camp which never existed and was only corrected in 2019 because an Israeli research was unhappy that the Poles were getting in on the Jewish Holocaust grift. It makes you wonder what other “15 year”(!) plus hoaxes are running on Wikipedia right now but for which there is no incentive to correct because they’re regarded to be politically useful, like this one was.
I think it all comes down to money. We can argue about the particulars of ww2 till the cows come home. It is still about money and WHO controls the money supply. Lincoln printed money, they killed him, Hitler printed money, they killed him, Kennedy printed money, they killed him. Financial sovereignty is strictly forbidden in this “enlightened” world we live in. Hmm.
Summarize the point, why don’t you? Are you capable?
Oh, come, come Carlton. The Zionists use the same argument for Palestine. Remember the movie, “Exodus”? And the song, “God gave this land to me”. There was NO Christian objection in the JUSA at the time. I was just a kid and wondered about the phoniness of this claim. Any attempt to question the Bible Thumpers around me proved to be a brick wall.
Jews have commanded Goys for a 2000 years, and for the greatest part, they have willingly complied and obeyed their masters.
“…Can somebody explain why AIPAC and ADL are not doing their job in case of UNZ.com ..?”
Answer: conspiracy of silence.
Hitler is the biggest idiot to rule Germany which would have become a World Power but instead turned into a vassal State occupied by the US military today.
2) Nazi war crimes in Poland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_occupied_Poland_during_World_War_II War_II Too much to excerpt. Read the whole article. 3) The Hunger Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_Plan Excerpt:
"...The decree declared that the upcoming Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union, would be a war of extermination and endorsed war crimes against Soviet civilians.The Barbarossa decree was laid out by Adolf Hitler during a high-level meeting with military officials on 30 March 1941, where he declared the political and intellectual elites of the Soviet Union would be eradicated by German forces, in order to ensure a long-lasting German victory..."
4) Nazi kidnap of blond children: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_children_by_Nazi_Germany Blond children in Poland were kidnapped in order to "germanize" them. Those kidnapped children, who on closer inspection didn't meet the racial standards, were murdered. Of course the Nazitards will now howl that all those articles are from Wikipedia and thus automatically untrue, in order to keep their faith in "Saint" Adolf.I have bad news for them: "Saint" Adolf is in hell. Here is a picture of his:https://storage.fabulae.ru/images/authors/4364/foto_35159.jpgReplies: @Trinity
"...As part of the plan, Nazi military forces were ordered to capture food stocks in occupied territories, redirect them to supply German troops and fuel the German war economy.[2][3] In addition to the extensive exploitation of resources to support the German war economy, the Hunger Plan intended to create an artificial famine in Eastern Europe, which would have resulted in deaths of around 31 to 45 million inhabitants through forced starvation..."
IF Mr. H is in Hell, he is joined by Stalin, FDR, Churchill and countless lying Jews. Lol. And that would be a lot of murdering as well as lying Jews who orchestrated the death of tens of millions of Whites killing each other Whites in two World Wars.
Never Forget 911
5 Dancing Shlomos
Please read this book:
If the EU is what you mean by “united” Europe then thank you very much and good bye. EU supports all the stuff that makes immigration issues more of an issue, its green deal plan chokes member states’ economies, its foreign policy is Russophobic beyond comprehension and self-preservation.
Demographics changes you refer to conflate two very different topics:
a) You cannot run a nanny state whose borders are not tightly shut.
b) More importantly, the very phrase “changing demographics” is grossly misleading one. What needs to be said aloud is the following: Healthy women should have three children or more, that’s the norm. Without children all the other issues and debates lose most of their urgency and importance. Why worry about future if not for somebody to live it we can relate to?
Germany had to respond to far more pressing issues than the Treaty of Versailles. Its only choice was to capitulate to Zionists, like Trump, or survive.Jews Globally boycotted Germany in 1933 to intentionally and successfully drive Germany and the world into WW2.These are properly referenced quotes from Jewish leaders demonstrating that they had intended to create and force Germany into WW2.Now Jews are committing a holocaust in Gaza.“We Jews are going to bring a war on Germanyâ€. David A Brown, national chairman, united Jewish campaign, 1934.“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany …holy war against Hitlers peopleâ€Chaim Weismann, the Zionist leader, 8 September 1939, Jewish chronicle.The Toronto evening telegram of 26 February 1940 quoted rabbi Maurice l. Perlzweig of the world Jewish Congress as telling a Canadian audience that†The world Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven yearsâ€.Jews/zionists stole Palestine in 1948 beginning the Middle East conflict, terrorizing and oppressing Palestinians with crimes against humanity in an apartheid state. Jews are now committing a holocaust in Gaza. Trump is supporting them.Replies: @Rob misek
But from a geostrategic viewpoint, it is very clear what Germany had to do: bring German-speaking populations isolated by the Versailles treaty
Look at the table of the economic impact of Jewish boycotts against Germany between 1929 and 1933 for the US alone.
Then consider the total impact on Germany as Jews coordinated the same boycotts against Germany globally
And tell me Jews didn’t create WW2.
Das Mises Jude war, wissen sie aber schon? Und der Preußische Sozialismus ist etwa ganz anderes, als der von Juden erfundene Sozialismus, der nur ablenken soll. Lesen sie Spengler und nicht die Judenpresse!
Nonsense. Putin has shown how to handle the jews and their stooges, and save his nation against the full weight of the Zionist and Judeofascist onslaught. He's proven it can be done. Additionally, Adlolf Shiklegruber was a Judeofascist hothead himself, programmed by his own Satanic background to lead Germany to destruction, and then commit suicide, which is exactly what he did. The proof is in the pudding.Replies: @Poupon Marx
Not only is Mr. Parker woefully uninformed about the war-thirsty nature of International Jewish Financial Power, he blames Hitler for not being able to win a war against the four strongest world-powers. He goes on to reveal his complete ignorance of actual National Socialist ideology through emotionally manipulative and counter-factual arguments.
He was highly manipulated from the start. Scoreboard: Jews, -1, Germans and other Caucasians, -20.
Jews win, again, and keep on winning, through guilt, manipulation, lies, and deception. “He who shall not be named”.
Yes, I noticed his omission of those really fine folks whose barbarity is only matched by that of Western-backed Islamic radicals in the Middle-East but given that I’m Serb, if I had mentioned them, nazitards would have said that I’m biased so I intentionally omitted them.
>What does the term ‘German’ mean?
It refers to an ethnic group — ethnic Germans or their interests — for a person, it means someone who is biodeutsch — a member of an identifiable Volksgemeinschaft — a typical (ethnic) German can be identified by phenotype (völkisch-ness), language, cultural practices, etc — you know one when you see and hear one.
Someone who asks a question like this generally does so rhetorically — it seems they are trying to signal that they are, in contrast to the rubes, a member of some sort of cognoscenti.
In an informal context like this, it’s pointless and stupid — it’s clear what is meant by German.
Several of my comments in Parker's thread at UR were blocked. I believe it was Parker, not Ron Unz, who blocked them. My last blocked comment was a thorough debunk of his exaggerations and lies about Dirlewanger. If anyone else had comments blocked on Parker's thread, I would be interested to know.I think that Parker is some kind of limited hangout or, as Cass Sunstein told us, an agent of "nudge". He is trying to "nudge" the alt-right away from discussions about Jewish depravity and sadism, and towards discussions about the foibles and shortcomings of the NSDAP, Germany and Germans in general.Replies: @Hinz, @Poupon Marx, @Obersturmbannführer
I don’t know who Mr. Parker is. Nobody does. For all I know, he could be a Jew. If so, I find his article encouraging. It means that the Jews feel their power threatened by National Socialism, so much so, that they have resorted to posing as National Socialists to undermine our morale and solidarity.
He’s likely part of Israels twentyfold increased Hasbara spending.
Just a paid liar.
“Hasbara Increase
In November 2024, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs increased its budget for hasbara, or public diplomacy, by 20 times as part of a coalition agreement with Gideon Sa’ar.
This significant funding boost is aimed at reinforcing Israel’s narrative internationally, particularly in justifying its actions in Gaza and framing Palestinian resistance as anti-Semitic and equivalent to Nazi terrorism.”
I don't know who Mr. Conte is, but after reading this rant, I have serious reservations about the clinical stability of the author --
I don’t know who Mr. Parker is.
The "world," no less. This seems to shout: "Up the Thorazine!"Replies: @Poupon Marx, @V. K. Ovelund
As one of the only public National Socialists in the world, I can say that Mr. Parker does not understand the first thing about National Socialist ideology.
And a bucket of water to the face. This guy has some screws loose. For the “Third Way”, look at V. V. Putin and Russia in 1991. VV is not impulsive or given over to foaming at the mouth speeches and a constant diet of uppers and downer to treat his mental condition and psychosomatic symptoms. VV is a genius, a renaissance man, with Time and Grade in positions of power [He made his bones, before].
Putin shows what intelligence and wisdom can do, modulated with experience.
Hitler treated Germany like a machine shop project, to be finished in record time. A rush job, feverish, and breathless. A little man with a massive inferiority complex. I’m so tired of school boys like this author, shallow and idol worship. See my comments archived on C. G. Jung, who say through Hitler and the pathology and vulnerabilities of the German Collective Conscious in the 1930s.
This article and the comments are shallow and two dimensional. Machine function only.
And let's dispose of the Slavs who lived on that territory thousands of years before any German set foot there. After all, Slavs are untermenschen.
But from a geostrategic viewpoint, it is very clear what Germany had to do: bring German-speaking populations isolated by the Versailles treaty back into the Reich and win territory in the East in order to have the agricultural-demographic base to compete with the United States (see especially Adam Tooze The Wages of Destruction).
None of those noble people stood to Jewish power, they signed up with the Axis team because they wanted their neighbours' land. How noble is that?
The fact remains that it was 70 million Germans and a few thousand noble Romanians, Italians, Hungarians, Finns, Frenchmen, Scandinavians and others who stood up to Jewish power
Mein Kampf is the work of a sociopath, and I don't mean arguably, I mean provably.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler points out that no political movement can afford to disregard the example of a great hero.
By having all idealistic valiant men die and grifting cowards survive? When only von der Leyen's, Baerbock's, Scholz's, Merz's, Schwab's - a half-Nazi, half-Jew btw - grandparents / parents survive, you get Ursula, Annalena, Olaf, Friedrich, Klaus. It's friggin' elementary logic.
Good people die in war. That is how it goes. How does the death of a good German officer besmirch the leadership of Adolf Hitler?
It's actually the same tone as, what was the name of the guy who penned an hagiography of Monsanto and Big Pharma then went to insult commenters who disagreed on this site some time ago? You're not that different from Jews you see.And finally, my favourite:
Some readers might regard my tone as overly personal.
I'll grant you that you're almost honest about it. Almost because you dare not say openly what you really think about Slavs. But your omission of Slovaks on your list of Germany's allies that I quoted above speaks of itself. Funny also that you included Scandinavians, apart from Quisling I don't see whom you have in mind, and omitted the Balts, the only people with actually somewhat legitimate grievances against Russia. Or did you perhaps confuse the former with the latter?Replies: @Odyssey, @Franklin Ryckaert, @Poupon Marx
The author’s pretense of caring about the Slavs is a pose.
Here it’s about time to add some links to articles about Nazi behavior towards Slavs:
1) The Barbarossa Decree: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbarossa_decree
“…The decree declared that the upcoming Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union, would be a war of extermination and endorsed war crimes against Soviet civilians.
The Barbarossa decree was laid out by Adolf Hitler during a high-level meeting with military officials on 30 March 1941, where he declared the political and intellectual elites of the Soviet Union would be eradicated by German forces, in order to ensure a long-lasting German victory…”
2) Nazi war crimes in Poland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_occupied_Poland_during_World_War_II War_II
Too much to excerpt. Read the whole article.
3) The Hunger Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_Plan
“…As part of the plan, Nazi military forces were ordered to capture food stocks in occupied territories, redirect them to supply German troops and fuel the German war economy.[2][3] In addition to the extensive exploitation of resources to support the German war economy, the Hunger Plan intended to create an artificial famine in Eastern Europe, which would have resulted in deaths of around 31 to 45 million inhabitants through forced starvation…”
4) Nazi kidnap of blond children: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_children_by_Nazi_Germany
Blond children in Poland were kidnapped in order to “germanize” them. Those kidnapped children, who on closer inspection didn’t meet the racial standards, were murdered.
Of course the Nazitards will now howl that all those articles are from Wikipedia and thus automatically untrue, in order to keep their faith in “Saint” Adolf.
I have bad news for them: “Saint” Adolf is in hell. Here is a picture of his:
Care to respond to this?
Telegram comment posted by Joel Davis:
An important point on the doctrine of ‘Lebensraum’ from Brendan Simms
Hitler did not primarily justify the quest for Lebensraum with the inherent inferiority of the Slav population there, as an ideological war against Bolshevism, or even as a first step towards the annihilation of the Jews in Europe. His main motive was that Germany, weak herself, would in his view have to colonize her even weaker neighbour before she was herself completely enslaved. Hitler targeted the Soviet Union not so much for what it was (ideologically), as for where it lay (geographically). There was, so to speak, nothing personal about it.
His aim throughout was not world domination, but simple national survival. There was, Hitler averred, no room for half-measures. Germany would have to be a world power, or she would go completely under. The half-measures and restraint of Bismarck’s times, he argued, were outdated in a world of global empires. ‘Germany will either be a world power or nothing,’ Hitler wrote, ‘but to be a world power one needs the necessary size.’ This meant, he concluded, that ‘the German people will only be able to guarantee their future through world power’. Hitler did not envisage ‘world domination’ by Germany, as opposed to the ‘world power’ status necessary for her very survival.
The driving force behind Hitler’s strategy in the mid 1920s, as in the period immediately after the First World War, remained fear and admiration of Anglo-America. Lebensraum in the east would kill two birds with one stone. First, it would provide Germany with the critical territorial mass necessary to balance the American Union and the British Empire, and to some extent that of France as well. Secondly, eastward expansion would secure the raw materials and especially the farmland necessary to feed the German demographic surplus. Eastern colonization was the answer to pernicious transatlantic and antipodean migration. Hitler was proposing to strike east, but he was really looking west.
The idea was simply to make Germany a superpower on the level of America, to resist being subjugated. Either become a superpower, or become a superpower’s bitch – this was the equation Hitler saw and he chose the former. It wasn’t “chauvinism” or “Nordicism” that fundamentally motivated Hitler’s imperialism, it was cold hard realism.
Human culture and civilization on this continent are inextricably linked to the existence of the Aryan. Its extinction or extinction will once again lower the dark veil of a cultureless time on this globe.
The undermining of the existence of human culture through the destruction of its bearer, however, appears in the eyes of a völkisch world view as the most cursable crime. Whoever dares to lay his hand on the highest image of the Lord commits an outrage against the benevolent Creator of this miracle and helps to expel him from paradise. Thus the national world view corresponds to the innermost will of nature, since it re-establishes that free play of forces which must lead to a permanent mutual up-breeding, until finally the best humanity, through the acquired possession of this earth, is given free rein for activity in areas which will lie partly above and partly beyond it. We all suspect that in the distant future man may be confronted with problems which only a supreme race as a master race, supported by the means and possibilities of an entire globe, will be called upon to solve.
Adolf Hitler
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Thank God Hitler was defeated. Can you imagine not having hundreds of thousand Muslims turning Germany into Dar Al-Islam? Isn’t that what Germany wants? What the EU wants? Oh wait,, I’m confused.
How many decades, or even centuries, of lost lives and uprooted people will it take to know Jewish intentions for all others? When does the time finally arrive to see through their victimhood and propaganda? When is it right to see those who support Jewish doings as the same enemy?
But from a geostrategic viewpoint, it is very clear what Germany had to do: bring German-speaking populations isolated by the Versailles treaty
Germany had to respond to far more pressing issues than the Treaty of Versailles. Its only choice was to capitulate to Zionists, like Trump, or survive.
Jews Globally boycotted Germany in 1933 to intentionally and successfully drive Germany and the world into WW2.
These are properly referenced quotes from Jewish leaders demonstrating that they had intended to create and force Germany into WW2.
Now Jews are committing a holocaust in Gaza.
“We Jews are going to bring a war on Germanyâ€. David A Brown, national chairman, united Jewish campaign, 1934.
“The Israeli people around the world declare economic and financial war against Germany …holy war against Hitlers peopleâ€
Chaim Weismann, the Zionist leader, 8 September 1939, Jewish chronicle.
The Toronto evening telegram of 26 February 1940 quoted rabbi Maurice l. Perlzweig of the world Jewish Congress as telling a Canadian audience that†The world Jewish Congress has been at war with Germany for seven yearsâ€.
Jews/zionists stole Palestine in 1948 beginning the Middle East conflict, terrorizing and oppressing Palestinians with crimes against humanity in an apartheid state. Jews are now committing a holocaust in Gaza. Trump is supporting them.
I can hardly feel any sympathy for Nazi cause or the person of A.H, for I am one of those Slavs who would have been robbed of their own homes and country. After Munich Czechs were toeing the line, allowing them to administer their own affairs while being part of a larger state would have been mere return to the situation before 1918. Bohemia and Moravia had always been attached to the empire of Germans in one way or the other. Sometimes local kings were emperors themselves, or the emperors were also Czech kings (as in case of Habsburg dynasty). It would have been the safest course of action to return to this arrangement and avoid direct annexation, mandatory usage of German in public affairs, establishing Gestapo offices in the country, or killing off and razing entire villages because of specific partisan attacks. Establishment of the Protektorat was inexcusably stupid move that moved Czechs to hate Germans and support the exile government in London.
And the very same can be said about Slavs in the annexed Soviet territories. Had a reasonable postwar arrangement including restoration of Russian empire and orthodox church been formulated the war would never have become existential struggle for most of the Soviet population. Yet Germany could have obtained substantial territories in the East exactly as was the plan, only the plan would have to be put into effect after victorious war, the way it was done to Poland by Allies.
However, Hitler and his party could not really make themselves to fashion their conquest this way. Hitler’s idea of history was that of struggle of nations, he also had clear notion of hierarchy of nations and would not really take wishes and feelings of lower races into account, even if for reasons of political and military expediency. Disastrous results were inevitable consequence of these Nazi axioms. That’s certain, even though we cannot say with the same certainty whether a more clever approach would have been enough to tilt the scales in Reich’s favour.
Uncle Dolfie’s mistakes have been listed and gone over time and again, Stalingrad, Dunkirk, declaring war on America, etc., etc. In the end, he lost. His failures were the greatest defeat in German history. His actions led to the rape of every female in Germany from 8 to 80. To this day the German people are on their knees to foreign powers and their country is being inundated with non-Germans. His actions. You can love him, if you want, but in my study of the war, a more capable military strategist could have at least fought the allies to a standstill.
“Judea Declares War on Germany” began the day Hitler ascended to the position of chancellor. Judea had to. They knew what Hitler pledged as a candidate and they knew it would ultimately be their undoing. Hitler demonstrated what would happen to a modern industrial economy when the parasitic jewish elements were removed from positions of power. Germany suffered an unemployment rate of 30-35% when Hitler took office as opposed to the 22% in the U.S. Within three years Hitler completely eliminated unemployment while FDR, under the thumb of jewish financiers, failed to but slightly dent unemployment for eight years until the engineering of U.S. entry into
The country that today most resembles in structure that of Hitler’s Germany is China. China has lifted from the misery of poverty a number of people three times the population of the U.S. The jewish propaganda machine has swung into gear vilifying China with the same fervor that was once directed towards Hitler.
This is untrue as Churchill noted that the cause of the war was the fact that Germany was upsetting the apple cart in its debt free and bartering economy which threatened the international banking system of international Jewry. They recognized immediately that Hitler was their enemy and they had to destroy him, and that was the reason for the 1933 Declaration of War against Germany.
Exactly right on the money.
It’s probably what prompted the Milner group to reevaluate at the last minute their plot to push Germany into a war with Russia as Quigley recounts the events.
All anyone has to do to figure out the driving force behind the Brits using Poland as their excuse for launching a war against German is the difference between the condition of Germany’s economy in 21939 and the depression both England and US continued to be mired in as reflected in economic statistics.
Indeed, the US today under TRump is seeking to turn itself into a variant of national socialism that Hitler proclaimed that is at bottom a union between capitalist corporations and the state. The only real difference is that under Hitler’s national socialism, the national part was the predominant force as reflected by Hitler exercising primary power, whereas in the US it’s the corporate power that predominates.
Napoleon as a predator, nothing else. At Waterloo, he has been betrayed by a general who was bribed by Rotschild himself, and did not intervene when it was requested. R. could then make a lot of money.
Most all recent written work is available on my humble little publication
You and your publication are anything but humble, and your comment does not address any point the author made. It consists instead of merely a series of ad personam attacks, written in an insufferable self-conceited tone, that seems aimed at making the average reader cringe. I cannot fathom any other intention for it, really.
Your previous essay consisted of more than 11,000 words of counterfactual arguments based on “what if”s that will never be proven, delivered with complacent self-assurance. Retarded emotional arguments, as in the case of the dead officer wedding photo, were given in support for the sake – I don’t know? – of maintaining the whole thing unbearable to the discerning reader from word 1 to word 11,700.
For the record, it’s much more plausible that Hitler decision to go for the Ukraine and then conquer the oil fields in the Caucasus (Stalingrad needed to be neutralised in order to achieve that) was really the more sensible choice, rather than just advance to Moscow for the sake of taking the capital.
Also, as the author here explains, a German retreat during the Winter of 1941 would have easily turned into a rout, as there were no secure positions to hold, no geographical features to anchor to, all the way from the outskirts of Moscow back to Prussia.
On this topic, this is really just basic knowledge, of anyone acquainted with Irving’s Hitler’s War, or with the writings of Ron Unz about the subject on this site.
Can somebody explain why AIPAC and ADL are not doing their job in case of UNZ.com ?
The most consequential thing Hitler did to restore Germany was simply remove Jews from all influential positions. Imagine what could happen in America if that was done.
Christ is The Truth.
Every knee shall bow.
What would you have done to fight Jewish supremicism, Priss?
Firebomb New York City?
For those who don’t know, Greg Conte has a podcast called “Prussian Socialism”. Episodes are released sporadically, but they have some interesting content spanning various European subjects and various time periods. Some of the content is behind a paywall, but most of it is free.
Obviously, Greg is very “pro-Hitler”, and the subjects of his podcast are centered on Germany. But the most interesting episodes to me are the ones dealing with Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guderian, which I think will be of interest to anyone who enjoys learning about the military aspects of WWII.
Free trade is usually promoted by a new and rising power, whose elites are confident they can win foreign markets and profit from removing obstacles to trade. It’s the failing power which is closing off its market, its elites trying to save themselves at the cost of welfare of the general populace.
I don’t mean to say there are not valid >>political<< reasons for tariffs and subsidies. Their cost may be somewhat justified by addressing security issues (propping up of militarily important industries) or fixing more unpleasant consequences of other tools/regulations already employed.
From Italy, Julius Caesar as a Serb is one of the worst idiocies I have heard in my entire life.
Pissing off your neighbors by killing thousands of them and destroying their cities is no way to make friends. In fact you have just created mortal enemies who will retaliate and destroy you. Most people just want to live life, eat drink and be merry. But now by killing many of them you have just pissed off quite of few of these people and will pay the price. Besides, calling them “Untermenschen” is no way to make friends.
Nationalism is fine. Just keep it within your own borders. If Hitler tried to invade my personal property I’d bitch slap him till he came to his senses.
That’s probably why Europe is in such a sad state today. Millions of Europeans killed. Europe united is how European people will survive in a world with rapidly changing demographics.
And it is going to be a long long road because of the depths we have sunk to.
Starting at the bottom will make the rise pure and undeterred.
I read Makow at times, only because I find the lies of hysterical liars like him amusing.
His latest move is promoting Xi Jinping to ‘secret member of Chabad Ludicrous’, with zero evidence for it.
The man (Markov) is a pro. disinformer, his Ph. D in literature was doubtless of little worth, and I can’t recall him ever having stated the topic of his thesis.
Truly a creepy character, really like a fifth-rate Alex Jones or David Icke.
As for the article, Conte is making several good points.
It’s not about Hitler. It’s about the National Socialist SYSTEM. The psychological conditioning against Hitler has been intense, and is actually a distraction. What was it about National Socialism that took Germany from a bankrupt Wiemar Republic into the economic miracle? It wasn’t just one guy. It was a massive team effort by the entire German people. How many great geniuses did Hitler have behind him? Thousands.
The jew rub is getting Americans to think in individualistic terms…not group terms. They want you to think about the great man as opposed to the great group. Jews have their power from group strength, not one guy.
Focus on saving the Europeans, removing the minorities (social terrorists), but most importantly reviving the economy.
1-Connect the currency to units of labor (like NS)
2-Federalize the Federal Reserve Bank (like NS)
3-Federalize all the corporations (like NS)
4-Erase all debts, state and personal (like NS)
We could go on all day here, but you get the point. The focus on Hitler is a mistake and feeds into jew conditioning.
This is NOT forensic evidence, e.g., pottery shards, DNA, writing, etc. These are observations from human beings
Are there any writings that can’t be classified as observations from human beings?
Is there NO forensic evidence that refutes the official narratives of WW2/so-called Holocaust? Is there any forensic evidence that supports the so-called Holocaust? What, then, is/was the point of creating such a fantastic story with essentially no forensic evidence, but gobs of “personal observations?â€
How has the concocted tale been maintained/protected from scrutiny?
that all events of this dimension have multiple antecedents
No one denies this, meine Kröte. But, was there something elemental, beyond just human nature, at the core of the 20th century conflicts?
Germany not only assisted with the germination of these Parasites, but provided them with resources at the cost of their own populations commonweal. And then finally when they have gained strength, like the movie Alien the body burst from the belly of the host.
No, not “Germany,†just like not all Americans support Israel; the truth of “Israel†and their shenanigans is obscured/unknown, generally, and have you been reading Mein Kampf again?
You should read the servile, lickspittle, and abject concession of the Europeans to the Rothchilds in the 19th century, and their extracted wealth.
Did anyone in Europe try to stop this madness? I wonder….
a marine engineer like me. I once had an essential piece of equipment that failed and had two causes,
1. Whiskey swilling.
2. Lack of oversight due to excessive pining-away over that blonde steward who rejected you.
Long afloat on shipless oceans…
Now my foolish boat is leaning
Broken lovelorn on your rocks
Of course there are, you dolt. Using a general query outside and without reference to the quotes under discussion is a weak logical fallacy and diversion; which is your forte these days, Miss Bo Peep.
Are there any writings that can’t be classified as observations from human beings?
> We could point to Iran (1941, 1953)
Go ahead, display your ignorance. While it’s true that Reza Shah got rid of the Jewish bank in Iran and bet his throne on Germany, Mossadeq was a freemason and he did absolutely nothing about the financial system. In fact he came over hat in hand to beg for U$ money and they said no. As for Reza Shah and 1941, the allies invaded Iran to open a land corridor from Persian Gulf to the Caspian Sea and the Caucus.
And let's dispose of the Slavs who lived on that territory thousands of years before any German set foot there. After all, Slavs are untermenschen.
But from a geostrategic viewpoint, it is very clear what Germany had to do: bring German-speaking populations isolated by the Versailles treaty back into the Reich and win territory in the East in order to have the agricultural-demographic base to compete with the United States (see especially Adam Tooze The Wages of Destruction).
None of those noble people stood to Jewish power, they signed up with the Axis team because they wanted their neighbours' land. How noble is that?
The fact remains that it was 70 million Germans and a few thousand noble Romanians, Italians, Hungarians, Finns, Frenchmen, Scandinavians and others who stood up to Jewish power
Mein Kampf is the work of a sociopath, and I don't mean arguably, I mean provably.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler points out that no political movement can afford to disregard the example of a great hero.
By having all idealistic valiant men die and grifting cowards survive? When only von der Leyen's, Baerbock's, Scholz's, Merz's, Schwab's - a half-Nazi, half-Jew btw - grandparents / parents survive, you get Ursula, Annalena, Olaf, Friedrich, Klaus. It's friggin' elementary logic.
Good people die in war. That is how it goes. How does the death of a good German officer besmirch the leadership of Adolf Hitler?
It's actually the same tone as, what was the name of the guy who penned an hagiography of Monsanto and Big Pharma then went to insult commenters who disagreed on this site some time ago? You're not that different from Jews you see.And finally, my favourite:
Some readers might regard my tone as overly personal.
I'll grant you that you're almost honest about it. Almost because you dare not say openly what you really think about Slavs. But your omission of Slovaks on your list of Germany's allies that I quoted above speaks of itself. Funny also that you included Scandinavians, apart from Quisling I don't see whom you have in mind, and omitted the Balts, the only people with actually somewhat legitimate grievances against Russia. Or did you perhaps confuse the former with the latter?Replies: @Odyssey, @Franklin Ryckaert, @Poupon Marx
The author’s pretense of caring about the Slavs is a pose.
He also did not mention the noble Croatian Ustashas, who were also sent to the Eastern Front. About 160K Romanian Shirley Impalers left their noble bones under Stalingrad. Hitler consciously sacrificed Von Pauwels’ army under Stalingrad, knowing that none would return. If he had withdrawn those million soldiers to some defensive positions in e.g. Poland or the German border, the Russians would not have been able to defeat them because they would have had ten times the casualties. What a mentally ill person. Only those who adore him more than Kim Jong Un are sicker than him.
Gregory Conte, buddy, you don't have a clue about what you are talking about. Absolutely none.Your premise is that Britain under Neville Chamberlain in 1939 wanted a war with Germany.In 1939, Neville Chamberlain was moving heaven and earth to avoid war with Germany. Giving in to everything that Hitler wanted in order to avoid war.This is disgraceful, you yourself is totally ignorant about what happened in 1939, swallowing stupid British propaganda and regurgitating endless drivel in your article. You have no business writing articles about WWII.
Does the author think that, had Hitler handled the Danzig crisis a bit differently, that England could have been “persuaded†into not escalating to war?
What Jewish rubbish, lol. One of your citations is a giant run-on sentence. Poppycock ex post facto. I would have to guess, you are simply still quite unawares how pervasive and insidious the J power structure is and has been at contorting history. Any sane person who comes to grasp it, would not behave as you do.
So, what’s your point?
That Jews are often over-represented in movements to inorganically restructure society; their goal is not to benefit society at large, but to emancipate Jewry to further subjugate the “little guys†for whom they pretend to advocate. They care NOT for Gentile society unless they can benefit or use it for gain; or to disrupt their classic enemy – a homogeneous “White†nation; say, perhaps, like the real purpose of the NAACP….
had mixed feelings…He believed its radicalism and materialism would destroy much of the European culture that he loved and admired.
Oh? So, he disavowed Marx, communism, and the Jewish element thereof? I’m guessing – NO.
Ian Kershaw, Hitler: 1889-1936, Hubris
Does Ian Kershaw also say that Hitler murdered 6 million Jews in gas chambers? And, that he sacked Austria? And, that Germany had their Evil Eyes on South America until the SLB got his paws on that Secret Map? And, that Churchill and SLBFDR were fine statesmen who saved the World from tyranny to establish a Democracy that has been used to magically shift the demographics within Europe/European nations to include black/brown cesspools of ineptitude and crime in the interests of Never Again! and to install a democratic process that We never actually wanted/approved/voted on?
Stop supporting/spreading lies, exaggerations, obfuscations, and more lies, Pretzel.
If this were true, then why did Hitler want to team up with the Judeo-British empire? Why did he treat the Brits with kid gloves instead of annihilating them? How could he be the "greatest champion" against Jewish financial power if he never wanted war with Britain? Fighting Jewish power would necessarily mean fighting the root of Jewish power, which was the British empire, but Hitler never wanted to do that. Even after Britain declared war, he only reluctantly fought them half-heartedly.Replies: @Franz, @Quinn
Hitler was the greatest champion of European values against the unremitting onslaught of Jewish financial power and moral corruption.
I think Franz alludes to it, but basically Hitler was giving Britain and her leadership a chance to cast off the yoke of Jewish power, without war. And from some information ive seen, there was at least a small chance that might have been possible. Had Hitler tried to conquer Britain by force, that would certainly been much more untenable or at least difficult. There is no doubt that Hitler made multiple major proofs of his desire for peace and fraternity.
Du Schwein
“(…) neither Germany nor America held officially sanctioned policies against civilian populations during WW2.”
German policy against civilians in Poland (I have not enough knowledge about other countries where Germans also terrorized civilians).
– 196,000 Polish children were kidnapped by Germans and moved to German families for Germanization
– 100,000 Polish educated people were killed by Germans in Intelligenzaktion AB
– 120,000 Polish civilians were ousted by Germans from Zamosc area* in order to make space for German colonists
– Poles who were helping Jews were put to death (including their families**); in Western Europe there was no such draconian law.
– many Poles were used by Germans as “living shields” during Warsaw Uprising’44.
More examples of German brutality and perfidity against civilians you will find in
“The War Report in English – Abridged Version” ( https://instytutstratwojennych.pl/en/abridged-war-report);
esp. chapters “Stolen children”, “Losses in Polish intelligentsia”.
* “Expulsion of Poles by Nazi Germany”
“The Expulsion of Poles by Nazi Germany during World War II was a massive operation consisting of the forced resettlement of over 1.7 million Poles from the territories of German-occupied Poland, with the aim of their Germanization (see Lebensraum) between 1939 and 1944.”
** “Józef and Wiktoria Ulma with Seven Children”
“The Ulma family (…) were a Polish Catholic family in Markowa, Poland, during the Nazi German occupation in World War II who attempted to rescue Polish Jewish families by hiding them in their own home during the Holocaust. They and their children were summarily executed on 24 March 1944 for doing so.”
Salient, timely articulation, an excellent summary. I’m only partway through, but appreciating it very much so far.
Gregory Conte has long been a stalwart for the Drang to save European man from oblivion.
We need Hitler, now more than ever.
Another Nazi with his idiotic ideas. I especially like locals schizophrenia. They love Hitler and for the moment enamoured with Putin’s Russia. How cute.
Admitted, I haven’t yet read the article but the use of ‘Is’ in the title somehow makes me reluctant. Using ‘is’ might imply that national socialism died w/ Hitler, which present day events contradict.
The Untold Stories of Hitler’s ‘Children’
Dive into the chilling untold stories of Hitler’s ‘children’-two girls whose lives intertwined with the heart of the Nazi regime. Discover the shocking tale of Bernile Nienau, the Jewish girl affectionately called “the Führer’s child,” and Edda Göring, the pampered daughter of Hermann Göring, whose title as “The Princess of the Third Reich” masked a world of terror.Â
Uncover how both girls became symbols of a propaganda machine that exploited innocence while hiding the regime’s dark truths. Their stories reveal the stark contrasts of childhood amidst war, innocence alongside complicity, and the tragic consequences of ideology.Â
The Untold Stories of Hitler’s ‘Children’
Dive into the chilling untold stories of Hitler’s ‘children’-two girls whose lives intertwined with the heart of the Nazi regime. Discover the shocking tale of Bernile Nienau, the Jewish girl affectionately called “the Führer’s child,” and Edda Göring, the pampered daughter of Hermann Göring, whose title as “The Princess of the Third Reich” masked a world of terror.Â
Uncover how both girls became symbols of a propaganda machine that exploited innocence while hiding the regime’s dark truths. Their stories reveal the stark contrasts of childhood amidst war, innocence alongside complicity, and the tragic consequences of ideology.Â
The Untold Stories of Hitler’s ‘Children’
Dive into the chilling untold stories of Hitler’s ‘children’-two girls whose lives intertwined with the heart of the Nazi regime. Discover the shocking tale of Bernile Nienau, the Jewish girl affectionately called “the Führer’s child,” and Edda Göring, the pampered daughter of Hermann Göring, whose title as “The Princess of the Third Reich” masked a world of terror.Â
Uncover how both girls became symbols of a propaganda machine that exploited innocence while hiding the regime’s dark truths. Their stories reveal the stark contrasts of childhood amidst war, innocence alongside complicity, and the tragic consequences of ideology.Â
“In citing Hitler’s supposed dastardly designs on the Slavs the defenders of the mainstream “Hitler Bad!†discourse typically reach first for Generalplan Ost, but what one finds upon closer inspection of this supposed villainous German master-plan is hardly any concrete policy at all, but merely a series of drafts, proposals and amendments to drafts and proposals, some of which were more or less practical, ethical and serious than others but none of which were remotely final or definitive.”
Hahahaha. “But… but the papers didn’t say so. Look, it says so here on this paper.” The audacity of some of you is truly staggering. Let’s look at what the Nazis did, not what the papers say. For example, Belarus:
Between 1941 and 1944, it is estimated that the Wehrmacht, along with the Nazi regime’s SS forces and local collaborators, wiped out over 5,000 villages in Belarus. This destruction was part of the broader strategy of terror, involving mass executions, forced labor, and the systematic annihilation of civilian populations, especially those suspected of supporting the Soviet resistance. Many villages were set on fire, and their inhabitants were killed or sent to labor camps.
The total number of people who perished in Belarus during the German occupation in World War II is estimated to be around 2.2 million people. This includes both military and civilian casualties and encompasses a variety of horrific events:
Jews: Approximately 800,000 Jews were killed during the Holocaust in Belarus, either through mass executions, deportation to concentration camps, or death in the ghettos.
Civilians: In addition to the Jewish victims, many non-Jewish Belarusians also suffered from mass executions, forced labor, starvation, and other forms of violence. An estimated 1.5 million civilians died as a result of the war and occupation, including those killed in the widespread destruction of villages.
Soviet POWs: Many Soviet prisoners of war (POWs) were also held by the Germans, with large numbers of them dying in camps or through execution.
I don’t know who Mr. Parker is. Nobody does. For all I know, he could be a Jew. If so, I find his article encouraging. It means that the Jews feel their power threatened by National Socialism, so much so, that they have resorted to posing as National Socialists to undermine our morale and solidarity.
Several of my comments in Parker’s thread at UR were blocked. I believe it was Parker, not Ron Unz, who blocked them. My last blocked comment was a thorough debunk of his exaggerations and lies about Dirlewanger. If anyone else had comments blocked on Parker’s thread, I would be interested to know.
I think that Parker is some kind of limited hangout or, as Cass Sunstein told us, an agent of “nudge”. He is trying to “nudge” the alt-right away from discussions about Jewish depravity and sadism, and towards discussions about the foibles and shortcomings of the NSDAP, Germany and Germans in general.
Dirlewanger was a highly decorated veteran in an army with requirements of Prussian levels of honor and merit, who has been smeared for decades by sadistic and murderous Jews and Communists.https://imgur.com/fvuUSGH.pngI then commented about the obligatory adhominems and histrionics (kvetching and squealing) whenever anyone mentions Dirlewanger was reminiscent, in a pattern matching sort of way, to how the media treats Prigozhin and the Wagner group. See this Dailymail article for reference:Revelling in rape, torture and brutal executions: How Putin's Wagner mercenaries' terrifying brutality echoes another group of criminals-turned-soldiers... Hitler's reviled Dirlewanger brigade
"SS units of the Dirlewanger brigade sort—and generally not of bona fide combat units such as SS LAH, Das Reich—and other rogue elements went on killing sprees of any German even suspected of desertion, whether military or civilian. This was not done with any hope of changing the outcome of the war, but to buy Hitler and his top entourage a few more days to live before having to do the inevitable. Far more appalling was the Nero Decree given to Albert Speer, which quite thankfully Speer never considered carrying out. Had he done as ordered, this Nero Decree would have done far more than merely decimate the German population."
I pointed out how Mengele is also a favorite "worst person" strawman to be held up and beaten by authors like Parker.I then linked to an interview of a Dirlewanger Brigade veteran named Karl:Waffen-SS Sturmbrigade DirlewangerKarl makes the following statement directly contradicting Parker:
But ironically, the methods employed by Wagner mercs bare a stark resemblance to those of the Dirlewanger brigade – a notorious division of the Nazis' SS paramilitary organisation who raped, murdered and pillaged their way through Europe as they executed Adolf Hitler's dark designs.
The entire interview is quite interesting, I am putting his description/explanation of Warsaw below the more:
"I remember a recruit went AWOL, and he could have had him shot, but instead he only ordered extra watch duty. He was very humane and kind to us."
Okay, fair enough, can I ask you what happened in Warsaw during the uprising at least?Karl: I will talk about Warsaw, I was there, and then I will never speak of it again. In 1944, when the Allies invaded France, the Soviets launched massive attacks against the thin German front. We were now used as front line combat troops, but we were vastly outnumbered and took heavy losses. The Soviets used massive artillery attacks to break our lines. We steadily retreated back to the outskirts of Warsaw. Reports were coming that Soviet agents had been active in organizing the civilians to rise up and fight, telling them liberation was at hand. Several of our patrols had been ambushed and killed by them.We started seeing this during the retreat, they knew we were losing, so many civilians, not wanting to be seen as collaborators, started fighting against us in hopes of being forgiven. They would ambush ambulances, trains, and buses. A bus full of retreating Helferinnen [female auxiliaries] was attacked and the girls were raped and shot. I saw this personally outside Warsaw in Zakret, 10 young women and their two soldier escorts. All shot in the head and many of the girls had their pants down and some were bloody in their vaginas. Our leader took pictures to document this cruel act. Jewish bandits were known to be active in the area.The ROA [Russian volunteers on the German side] units, who were on our flank, captured some fighters and our officers asked they be brought to us. When they arrived we could tell many looked jewish. Our leaders asked them if they did this, and upon using slight force like bending arms and fingers, they admitted they were part of a large civilian army, put together with help from the Soviets to fight us. ‘Yes, they attacked the bus’ our interpreter called out. There were fifty or so of them, the leader of the ROA and our leaders conferred, then it was announced that according to military law in the region, they were sentenced to death, and our units and the ROA shot them after tying them up. A few tried to run before justice was served, but they failed.We noticed battle sounds inside Warsaw, and we were ordered to gather around, von dem Bach [Erich Julius Eberhard von dem Bach-Zelewski (March 1, 1899 – March 8, 1972). von dem Bach was an influential and high ranking SS figure.], Dirlewanger, and other high officers met. They then addressed us all. They said the Allies had raised and armed some civilians in the city who were now fighting us and have committed acts of terror. They were to be treated as bandits, but I want to stress that they told everyone we need to show mercy when it was asked for.We learned that a year earlier, while removing jews from the ghetto, due to the crime and active spying they engaged in, they put up a hell of a fight. They murdered several soldiers and civilians and had been given weapons by the Soviets. The SS had to bring in many combat units to quell them, finally breaking them and sending them to camps to be watched. The Soviets even bombed the ghetto, killing hundreds, for no known reason. They did the SS units a favor as they broke their will to fight after this.Now the Polish civilians were the next target of the Allies, they told them if they helped fight us, they would gain freedom, and we were on the verge of defeat. So they rose up, attacking civilians working for us, and single soldiers. They built vast networks of bunkers and tunnels to conduct hit and run raids. They took over the jewish ghetto and the western part of the city. This is what we came into. The army had managed to bring in units to contain the fighters, but any attacks had been repulsed with heavy losses.Luckily we were experienced in this type of fighting. As soon as our trucks dropped us off we came under sniper fire and we had our first dead. Dirlewanger was so angry he phoned demanding tank and air support. A flak truck came up and tore into the area we thought the shots came from. It was ordered the whole building be leveled, and artillery did its job.They scrambled out like crazy people, firing at us, and we cut them all down. The artillery wreaked havoc on their hideouts. This went on for hours; some stumbled out of nowhere to surrender and were interrogated for information then sent to the rear. There had to be hundreds dead, men, women and children. We were furious these people were that stupid to think they could stand against us, and with their children in tow. How cruel could a parent be to put their children in harm’s way? Knowing we would shoot back. Friendly Poles came to help us and pinpoint the areas of resistance.In one area, we came upon a cellar where German soldiers had been tortured, there was blood everywhere, their teeth were knocked out and fingers cut off. After seeing this, it was announced no more prisoners would be taken, but von dem Bach countermanded this order. Some men, especially the foreign volunteers, ignored it, and shot anyone they caught, due to the level of cruelty these civilians displayed.We were several days in and the western city was ablaze. Stukas attacked, heavy artillery was used, and we now had flamethrowers to hit these devils where bullets could not touch them. We even had loud speakers going around, asking that they at least let their children go, so they would not be hurt. Some complied, and more surrendered. First aid was set up to deal with their wounded. One fighter surrendered and then threw a grenade at a resting platoon; his whole group was accidentally raked by fire killing four. This was a sad mistake, but our nerves were shot by the level of barbarity these civilians were capable of. That is the power of propaganda.I remember an army general came to tour the damage and upon seeing the dead that still had not been buried asked if all this destruction was necessary. Dirlewanger and others took him on a tour showing how they would fight to the end, so it was hard taking them prisoner. They held onto the faith that we were done for, and any moment the victorious Allies would roll in to save them.The Soviets even hampered them by shelling the city, but hit areas where they were defending. Doing us a favor yet again and destroying large areas of hideouts. I was in Warsaw for 2 months, and can say we fought hard and well, but with honor. When the Poles did surrender we took them prisoner, we even took a few British and Soviet soldiers with them. They had been sent in by the Allies to help train and organize.By October they were finished. They asked for terms and our leaders gave them very generous ones. Everyone would surrender their arms, any criminals would be turned over and the rest can go back home. It was insane, but we had no capacity to handle them. Our food was short so it just made sense to let them go on their own. I could tell they were surprised, many thought we would shoot them all. Many of them lined up to say they were sorry to us, but the tens of thousands who died needlessly were manifested in our faces.
But from a geostrategic viewpoint, it is very clear what Germany had to do: bring German-speaking populations isolated by the Versailles treaty back into the Reich and win territory in the East in order to have the agricultural-demographic base to compete with the United States (see especially Adam Tooze The Wages of Destruction).
And let’s dispose of the Slavs who lived on that territory thousands of years before any German set foot there. After all, Slavs are untermenschen.
The fact remains that it was 70 million Germans and a few thousand noble Romanians, Italians, Hungarians, Finns, Frenchmen, Scandinavians and others who stood up to Jewish power
None of those noble people stood to Jewish power, they signed up with the Axis team because they wanted their neighbours’ land. How noble is that?
In Mein Kampf, Hitler points out that no political movement can afford to disregard the example of a great hero.
Mein Kampf is the work of a sociopath, and I don’t mean arguably, I mean provably.
Good people die in war. That is how it goes. How does the death of a good German officer besmirch the leadership of Adolf Hitler?
By having all idealistic valiant men die and grifting cowards survive? When only von der Leyen’s, Baerbock’s, Scholz’s, Merz’s, Schwab’s – a half-Nazi, half-Jew btw – grandparents / parents survive, you get Ursula, Annalena, Olaf, Friedrich, Klaus. It’s friggin’ elementary logic.
Some readers might regard my tone as overly personal.
It’s actually the same tone as, what was the name of the guy who penned an hagiography of Monsanto and Big Pharma then went to insult commenters who disagreed on this site some time ago? You’re not that different from Jews you see.
And finally, my favourite:
The author’s pretense of caring about the Slavs is a pose.
I’ll grant you that you’re almost honest about it. Almost because you dare not say openly what you really think about Slavs. But your omission of Slovaks on your list of Germany’s allies that I quoted above speaks of itself. Funny also that you included Scandinavians, apart from Quisling I don’t see whom you have in mind, and omitted the Balts, the only people with actually somewhat legitimate grievances against Russia. Or did you perhaps confuse the former with the latter?
2) Nazi war crimes in Poland: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_occupied_Poland_during_World_War_II War_II Too much to excerpt. Read the whole article. 3) The Hunger Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hunger_Plan Excerpt:
"...The decree declared that the upcoming Operation Barbarossa, the invasion of the Soviet Union, would be a war of extermination and endorsed war crimes against Soviet civilians.The Barbarossa decree was laid out by Adolf Hitler during a high-level meeting with military officials on 30 March 1941, where he declared the political and intellectual elites of the Soviet Union would be eradicated by German forces, in order to ensure a long-lasting German victory..."
4) Nazi kidnap of blond children: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_children_by_Nazi_Germany Blond children in Poland were kidnapped in order to "germanize" them. Those kidnapped children, who on closer inspection didn't meet the racial standards, were murdered. Of course the Nazitards will now howl that all those articles are from Wikipedia and thus automatically untrue, in order to keep their faith in "Saint" Adolf.I have bad news for them: "Saint" Adolf is in hell. Here is a picture of his:https://storage.fabulae.ru/images/authors/4364/foto_35159.jpgReplies: @Trinity
"...As part of the plan, Nazi military forces were ordered to capture food stocks in occupied territories, redirect them to supply German troops and fuel the German war economy.[2][3] In addition to the extensive exploitation of resources to support the German war economy, the Hunger Plan intended to create an artificial famine in Eastern Europe, which would have resulted in deaths of around 31 to 45 million inhabitants through forced starvation..."
It’s easy to get lost in the details of the Danzig Crisis or the Barbarossa timetables. The fact remains that it was 70 million Germans and a few thousand noble (O: LOL) Romanians, Italians, Hungarians, Finns, Frenchmen, Scandinavians and others who stood up to Jewish power, backed by the four biggest, most evil Empires of the time, and plenty of smaller countries.
We see another application of the so-called tulip tactic: when asked about the number of victims of German aggression in the Soviet Union (14 million civilians and 13 million prisoners of war and those killed in battle), he immediately shifts the focus to the Soviet purges, asking how many Soviets Stalin and his regime killed.
He [Parker] goes on to attack Hitler for Germany’s supposed abuses of the Slavs.
All other revisionists follow the same pattern—here, at Parker and elsewhere—carefully avoiding any mention of Soviet victims while simultaneously apologizing to the Jews, claiming that Hitler did not kill them but instead provided them with all the facilities at Auschwitz.
Is Hitler responsible for all of that?
Achtung – Panzers!
(by Heinz Guderian)
Aryans? LOL. Germans were neither Aryans nor Goths.
Who were the Aryans?
What does the term ‘German’ mean?
Does the author think that, had Hitler handled the Danzig crisis a bit differently, that England could have been “persuaded†into not escalating to war?
Gregory Conte, buddy, you don’t have a clue about what you are talking about. Absolutely none.
Your premise is that Britain under Neville Chamberlain in 1939 wanted a war with Germany.
In 1939, Neville Chamberlain was moving heaven and earth to avoid war with Germany. Giving in to everything that Hitler wanted in order to avoid war.
This is disgraceful, you yourself is totally ignorant about what happened in 1939, swallowing stupid British propaganda and regurgitating endless drivel in your article. You have no business writing articles about WWII.
“…The efforts of the Chamberlain group to continue the policy of appeasement by making economic and other concessions to Germany and their efforts to get Hitler to agree to a four-power pact form one of the most shameful episodes in the history of recent British diplomacy.
These negotiations were chiefly conducted through Sir Horace Wilson and consisted chiefly of offers of colonial bribes and other concessions to Germany. These offers were either rejected or ignored by the Nazis.
…If, by means of another Munich, he could have obtained a German-Polish settlement that would satisfy Germany and avoid war, he would have taken it. It was the hope of such an agreement that prevented him from making any real agreement with Russia, for it was, apparently, the expectation of the British government that if the Germans could get the Polish Corridor by negotiation, they could then drive into Russia across the Baltic States…”
“…In this way, the government put London into a panic in 1938 for the first time since 1804 or even 1678. And by this panic, Chamberlain was able to get the British people to accept the destruction of Czechoslovakia, wrapping it up in a piece of paper, marked “peace in our time,†which he obtained from Hitler, as he confided to that ruthless dictator, “for British public opinion.â€
Once this panic passed, Chamberlain found it impossible to get the British public to follow his program, although he himself never wavered, even in 1940. He worked on the appeasement and the “peace at any price†groups throughout 1939, but their numbers dwindled rapidly, and since he could not openly appeal for support on either the anti-Bolshevik or the “three-bloc†basis, he had to adopt the dangerous expedient of pretending to resist (in order to satisfy the British public) while really continuing to make every possible concession to Hitler which would bring Germany to a common frontier with the Soviet Union, all the while putting every pressure on Poland to negotiate and on Germany to refrain from using force in order to gain time to wear Poland down and in order to avoid the necessity of backing up by action his pretense of resistance to Germany. This policy went completely astray in the period from August 1939 to April 1940.
Chamberlain’s motives were not bad ones; he wanted peace so that he could devote Britain’s “limited resources†to social welfare; but he was narrow and totally ignorant of the realities of power, convinced that international politics could be conducted in terms of secret deals, as business was, and he was quite ruthless in carrying out his aims, especially in his readiness to sacrifice non-English persons, who, in his eyes, did not count…â€
http://www.carrollquigley.net/pdf/Tragedy_and_Hope.pdf (page 584)
See my comments 196, 205, 263, 266, 343, 346, 383, 388, 405, 437, 488, 518, 535 here:
At first, I thought the text was humorous—what a joke. The closer we get to Victory Day, the greater the effort to revise and distort the past, even though some eyewitnesses are still alive. This text is one of the most absurd attempts at revisionism, especially since others manage to do it in a much more sophisticated way. Maybe I’ll return with a more detailed comment, but for now, let’s examine a few gems:
It’s easy to get lost in the details of the Danzig Crisis or the Barbarossa timetables. The fact remains that it was 70 million Germans and a few thousand noble (O: LOL) Romanians, Italians, Hungarians, Finns, Frenchmen, Scandinavians and others who stood up to Jewish power, backed by the four biggest, most evil Empires of the time, and plenty of smaller countries.
He [Parker] goes on to attack Hitler for Germany’s supposed abuses of the Slavs.
We see another application of the so-called tulip tactic: when asked about the number of victims of German aggression in the Soviet Union (14 million civilians and 13 million prisoners of war and those killed in battle), he immediately shifts the focus to the Soviet purges, asking how many Soviets Stalin and his regime killed.
Is Hitler responsible for all of that?
All other revisionists follow the same pattern—here, at Parker and elsewhere—carefully avoiding any mention of Soviet victims while simultaneously apologizing to the Jews, claiming that Hitler did not kill them but instead provided them with all the facilities at Auschwitz.
The text is clearly written by someone with a shockingly low intellectual capacity for someone with even lower (read: dumbass panzers).
Funny that you say that. The Jews control all white countries now. The white race is a dead race. In Europe, pro-Hitler statements are punishable with 5 years in prison. Make this 7 years, as of July 2025. Trump America must follow suit or will be totally destroyed just like Hitler Germany. The Jews run America you see. They run China too. You can rape white German girls and kick German boys in the teeth–no punishment. If they fight back, they are Nazis. Same for white Americans, soon. Total global persecution. It is what it is. The Jews are going after every one of the whites, until all that’s left is a brown soup if humanity.
Mr Conte,
My, my–what a contemptible, rambling screed that really does not warrant a response, but here goes—for the chuckles. A few things.
You did not even get my pen name correct. Thank you of course to Dr. MacDonald for correcting this error. Receipt:
This suggests you are wrong about much more besides, which of course you are. A few things stuck out, First, this ridiculous statement:
“As for tactics: Hitler was right more often than he was wrong.â€
It is surprising to think you were a private school teacher, before getting double crossed by Richard Spencer and all that. Everyone knows, yourself excepted it seems, that just above 50 percent accuracy is a failing grade, which is of course evidenced by the catastrophic ruin and defeat that resulted from the various strategic and tactical blunders. A ruin and defeat that probably exceeds that of even the 30 Years, the consequences neither Germany nor Europe are likely to overcome in the long-term, final analysis.
As for soldiers being there to die on a whim, due to easily avoidable catastrophic blunders and poor decision making, Hitler said the same. Many of his best generals and officers–men far better than you, sir– were rightly outragedvt it, and that admission on your part only bolsters precisely what my essay asserts.
Then there is this gem:
“I could go through and refute every one of his absurd claims about the declaration of war on America or Hitler’s Eastern policies but that would be a waste of time.â€
Except you did not, because you cannot, no one can. The war losing blunders I have set forth are incontrovertible, historical fact.
I must say the peppering of “you†in this pitiful diatribe does amuse me. To think someone would pretend, but only pretend, to have the barest semblance of a classical education, and yet violate a fundamental maxim of composition and writing: do not write in second person. Even in the degraded American education system, most learn this at about the ninth grade.
Finally, as for who I am… I can assure you I am not Jewish. As for what I have written here, it is readily available in the archive feature.
Some pieces have also been featured on counter-currents. Most all recent written work is available on my humble little publication, The Raven’s Call: A Reactionary Perspective, available at theravenscall.substack.com
You and your publication are anything but humble, and your comment does not address any point the author made. It consists instead of merely a series of ad personam attacks, written in an insufferable self-conceited tone, that seems aimed at making the average reader cringe. I cannot fathom any other intention for it, really.
Most all recent written work is available on my humble little publication
An important point on the doctrine of 'Lebensraum' from Brendan SimmsHitler did not primarily justify the quest for Lebensraum with the inherent inferiority of the Slav population there, as an ideological war against Bolshevism, or even as a first step towards the annihilation of the Jews in Europe. His main motive was that Germany, weak herself, would in his view have to colonize her even weaker neighbour before she was herself completely enslaved. Hitler targeted the Soviet Union not so much for what it was (ideologically), as for where it lay (geographically). There was, so to speak, nothing personal about it.His aim throughout was not world domination, but simple national survival. There was, Hitler averred, no room for half-measures. Germany would have to be a world power, or she would go completely under. The half-measures and restraint of Bismarck’s times, he argued, were outdated in a world of global empires. ‘Germany will either be a world power or nothing,’ Hitler wrote, ‘but to be a world power one needs the necessary size.’ This meant, he concluded, that ‘the German people will only be able to guarantee their future through world power’. Hitler did not envisage ‘world domination’ by Germany, as opposed to the ‘world power’ status necessary for her very survival.The driving force behind Hitler’s strategy in the mid 1920s, as in the period immediately after the First World War, remained fear and admiration of Anglo-America. Lebensraum in the east would kill two birds with one stone. First, it would provide Germany with the critical territorial mass necessary to balance the American Union and the British Empire, and to some extent that of France as well. Secondly, eastward expansion would secure the raw materials and especially the farmland necessary to feed the German demographic surplus. Eastern colonization was the answer to pernicious transatlantic and antipodean migration. Hitler was proposing to strike east, but he was really looking west.The idea was simply to make Germany a superpower on the level of America, to resist being subjugated. Either become a superpower, or become a superpower's bitch - this was the equation Hitler saw and he chose the former. It wasn't "chauvinism" or "Nordicism" that fundamentally motivated Hitler's imperialism, it was cold hard realism.https://t.me/joeldavis_x/1268
Thank you for counting them (12 times!) and for speaking out on this obvious propagandist device.
I reckon that Richard Parker’s ponderous critique of “Nazi†Germany, would have been more fruitful, if he had shown some discipline, by not inserting the slang derogatory smear “Nazi†/“Nazis†twelve times in his clumsily disguised re-education article
I’ve being changing gradually my opinion about uncle Adolf in the last year or so.
While he had many qualities it’s undeniable that he was the biggest catastrophe that has befallen upon Aryans since Constantine and the adoption of Xtianity.
Whilst the lunatic Hitler had nothing to lose Aryans did. His desperate attempts to delay his well deserved execution cost the lives of milions of innocent Aryans.
Since he had absolute power , and was, unfortunately, neither deposed nor assassinated, the Aryans paid the price for his madness.
Good systems have to have some provisions to address that. Nazi regime didn’t.
After the British naval blockade starved the Germans during World War I and forced them to accept the Allies demands in 1919, it is not surprising that Hitler and Germans wanted “living space” to the east to provide more food for Germany, much of it formerly part of the Germanic Austro-Hungary Empire. Millions of Germans had migrated east to not really Polish or Russian lands, but the sparsely populated region of Ukraine that had a warmer climate and rich soil. These were known as Black Sea Germans.
So it wasn’t that Germans were crazy about conquering new lands to the east, but wanted farmland in their ancient “homeland” as this region was once populated by “Goth” Germans.
Achtung, Achtung Panzers!
(by Major-General Heinz Guderian)
Weisung Einundzwanzig
The Fuehrer and Commander-in-Chief of the German Armed Forces
OKW/WFSt./Abt.L(I) Nr. 33 408/40 gK Chefs.
The Fuehrer’s Headquarters
18 December 40
(only through officer)
9 copies, 4th copy
Directive Nr. 21
Case Barbarossa
The German Wehrmacht must be prepared to crush Soviet Russia in a quick campaign (Operation Barbarossa) even before the conclusion of the war against England.
For this purpose the Army will have to employ all available units, with the reservation that the occupied territories must be secured against surprises.
For the Air Force it will be a matter of releasing such strong forces for the eastern campaign in support of the Army that a quick completion of the ground operations can be counted on and that damage to eastern German territory by enemy air attacks will be as slight as possible.
I shall order the concentration against Soviet Russia possibly 8 weeks before the intended beginning of operations.
Preparations requiring more time to get under way are to be started now – if this has not yet been done – and are to be completed by 15 May 1941.
It is of decisive importance, however, that the intention to attack does not become discernible.
You write: “Churchill never said anything of the sort.”
My response: Udo Walendy on page 276 of his book “Truth for Germany” wrote that American General Robert E. Wood stated at a Senate committee that Churchill had said to him in November 1936:
“Germany is getting too strong, and we must smash her.”
Udo Walendy’s sources for this quote are:
1) J.F.C. Fuller, Decisive Battles of the Western World, vol. III, p. 369;
2) Emrys Hughes, Winston Churchill–British Bulldog–His Career in War and Peace, New York 1955, p. 145; and
3) “Hearings on Lend and Lease,” February 1941, p. 275.
Udo Walendy also quotes from a conversation Churchill had with the High Commissioner of the League of Nations, Carl J. Burckhardt, at the beginning of 1937:
“Churchill was telling me that Germany was again getting too strong, the Germans were only impressed by power; in the event of an armed conflict, the excessive encroachments of National Socialism would help the British to a strong system of alliances.” (Source: C.J. Burckhardt, Meine Danziger Mission 1937-1939, p. 70).
If somehow Germany had won
it would have been worn down by the kosher parasitism eventually.
It appears the inevitable cycle–like a flea infestation on a dog.
> This is untrue as Churchill noted that the cause of the war was the fact that Germany was upsetting the apple cart in its debt free and bartering economy which threatened the international banking system of international Jewry.
Churchill never said anything of the sort.
This quote appears to have been invented in 2001 and inserted into the foreword to a new edition of a book first written in 1938, Propaganda in the Next War. Since the book is out of copyright and the original author is dead, the new foreword could’ve been written by any lunatic with an account on a self-publishing site.
All we know for sure is that the quote doesn’t appear anywhere before 2001.
Well, it looks like John Wear has slapped you down once more (refer to his comment # 304).
Churchill never said anything of the sort.
Spain under Francisco Franco was the only country which won in XX century against the flow. He put a solid start for Spain.
Franco, nearing the end of his life, predicted what would happen after his death: ‘Spain will go a long way down the road that [the West] wants: democracy, pornography, drugs and so on. There will be a lot of crazy things but nothing terminal.’ I hope his right with nothing terminal.
He also added how that is so sure, ‘Because I’m leaving something that I didn’t find on taking over the government of this country 40 years ago: the Spanish middle class… There won’t be another civil war.’
I 2019 remains of Franco were removed from the Valley of the Fallen. That’s speaks a lot about the gratitude of kings (Felipe has the crown because Franco enthroned his father) and peoples alike.
Remind me of the Kipling verses:
Take up the White Man’s burden—
And reap his old reward:
The blame of those ye better,
The hate of those ye guard—
What I do realise Dimitrie, is that you likely have either a Jewish or Slavic axe to grind and thus have been denigrating Hitler unfairly.As for the 'achievement of the defeated ones', Hitler and the Germans of the first half of the 20th century have produced a template that all of us can follow in our never ending efforts to bring about the demise of ZOG.
You do realize that Hitler was not a martyr who’s seed someday may bring fruits but a statesman who had the power and utterly fail?
Glad to see that you responded objective to my points: ZOG is responsible that Hitler didn’t took Britain in 1940 and start a ethnic cleansing in the East.
Now it’s all crystal clear
Your stated conclusion, via the process you describe is not a scientific one. It is highly inferential, and indirect, far removed in origin from today, and many if not all live sources are dead. This is NOT forensic evidence, e.g., pottery shards, DNA, writing, etc. These are observations from human beings. I should not have to tell you the built in low confidence level and fragility upon relying solely on recitations, memoirs, and group consensus.
I don’t know your scientific field, but I doubt it is a STEM one. You do not display healthy skepticism and objectivity. And you completely fail to address my concerns, ipso facto, that all events of this dimension have multiple antecedents. Your credentials are irrelevant, though of peripheral concern.
The Germans were the fertile soils where Amschel and his brothers first convened with other financial Jews to pool their monies and “take over the World”. Over centuries, Germany not only assisted with the germination of these Parasites, but provided them with resources at the cost of their own populations commonweal. And then finally when they have gained strength, like the movie Alien the body burst from the belly of the host.
You should read the servile, lickspittle, and abject concession of the Europeans to the Rothchilds in the 19th century, and their extracted wealth.
Finally, to me you display an intellectual smugness and sloth. Your analysis and explanation does not match who and what you say you are. Think like an epidemiologist or a marine engineer like me. I once had an essential piece of equipment that failed and had two causes, independent and unrelated simultaneously fail. In the future, don’t worry. AI will do everything for you.
Are there any writings that can’t be classified as observations from human beings?Is there NO forensic evidence that refutes the official narratives of WW2/so-called Holocaust? Is there any forensic evidence that supports the so-called Holocaust? What, then, is/was the point of creating such a fantastic story with essentially no forensic evidence, but gobs of “personal observations?â€How has the concocted tale been maintained/protected from scrutiny?
This is NOT forensic evidence, e.g., pottery shards, DNA, writing, etc. These are observations from human beings
No one denies this, meine Kröte. But, was there something elemental, beyond just human nature, at the core of the 20th century conflicts?
that all events of this dimension have multiple antecedents
No, not “Germany,†just like not all Americans support Israel; the truth of “Israel†and their shenanigans is obscured/unknown, generally, and have you been reading Mein Kampf again?
Germany not only assisted with the germination of these Parasites, but provided them with resources at the cost of their own populations commonweal. And then finally when they have gained strength, like the movie Alien the body burst from the belly of the host.
Did anyone in Europe try to stop this madness? I wonder….
You should read the servile, lickspittle, and abject concession of the Europeans to the Rothchilds in the 19th century, and their extracted wealth.
1. Whiskey swilling.
a marine engineer like me. I once had an essential piece of equipment that failed and had two causes,
It’s difficult to say who did and who didn’t refer to Hitler in such a way during the war, but obviously at least some officers must have. After all, there were a few planned assassination attempts by some of the generals, and probably more officers were at least vaguely aware of such plots even though they escaped arrest. However, not all the generals felt that way, the most obvious examples being Generals Jodl and Keitel. They maintained a high opinion of Hitler and worked with him daily. Field Marshall Manstein also appears to have had some respect for Hitler’s abilities, while also maintaining some important criticisms. Even though Field Marshall Rommel was suspected of being part of an assassination plot, he also had much esteem for Hitler. There’s also some evidence that Admirals Raeder and Donitz thought highly of Hitler, so it was at least a mixed bag. It also stands to reason that in an attempt to preserve the army and disassociate it from the Nuremberg trials, many officers did throw Hitler under the bus after the war.
Many, if not most of Mr. Parker’s claims are simply not true except in a simplistic way.
“These claims [to Danzig and Posen] were ultimately a principal if not the principal catalyst for the outbreak of war when Germany invaded Poland in 1939…â€
This is untrue as Churchill noted that the cause of the war was the fact that Germany was upsetting the apple cart in its debt free and bartering economy which threatened the international banking system of international Jewry. They recognized immediately that Hitler was their enemy and they had to destroy him, and that was the reason for the 1933 Declaration of War against Germany.
“And the notion that Austrians are a distinct nationality separate and apart from Germany is somewhat dubious, as the difference in dialect, customs and so on is no more pronounced than certain other regions in Germany…â€
Very true. One might speak of the Germanies rather than Germany per se. Austria is simply one of the many German states which became divided between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Austrian Empire. Originally the Holy Roman Empire encompassed all the various German states, which fragmented and then were consolidated under either Austrian or Prussian suzerainty. Thus, the anschluss was actually a reunification of the Germanies into the Prussian German State, with its various duchies, principalities, etc. Hitler actually created the modern German state by getting rid of these and making federal states. Of course, Austria was ripped from Germany proper in 1945.
“The aftermath of the Sudetenland crisis, in which Hitler partitioned the rest of Czechoslovakia between the Reich and a newly formed puppet state of Slovakia in March of 1939, is the first outrage for which Hitler is rightly condemned.â€
Untrue. The Czech state was a frankenstein multi-ethnic state created by Versailles (much the same as Poland) with German, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, and Hungarians within it. When Germany saved the persecuted German minority, Poland and Hungary wanted their citizens back as well. Thus The Czech state was collapsing, and did collapse after Slovakia declared their independence. So Czechia asked Hitler to become a Protectorate and did so.
As Parker notes “Germany did not have legitimate territorial claims on the rest of Czechoslovakia, namely Bohemia and Moravia.†Which is true, but Germany did not absorb Bohemia and Moravia (i.e. Czechia) they accepted it as a German Protectorate which was not subject to German laws, were not drafted, and basically sat the war out in peace.
So Parker’s conclusions from this “grab†for land bears no truth. Likewise it did not alienate Britain, which had determined to go to war against Germany, but not in 1938 because their defense industry was not yet strong enough.
“Manstein’s masterstroke, the Sichelschnitt.†It was shown that this was, in fact, Hitler’s plan, but he had trouble selling it to the General Staff. When Manstein presented his plan, which was basically the same as Hitler’s, Hitler could sell it to the General Staff.
“A pity that such a spectacular victory sowed the seeds of such catastrophic ruin and defeat, largely due to the blunders and shortcomings of Adolf Hitler.â€
This is untrue. The war was lost, not because of Hitler’s “blunders and shortcomingsâ€, but because of traitors within the nobility who sabotaged Hitler’s plans, poisoned him during the invasion of Russia, and through high treason sold out Germany to the Allies for their pieces of silver. Not to mention some 80 attempts to kill their legitimate leader.
Mr. Parker should acquaint himself with the work of Prof. Dr. David Hoggan, and modern scholarship on this subject.
Exactly right on the money.
This is untrue as Churchill noted that the cause of the war was the fact that Germany was upsetting the apple cart in its debt free and bartering economy which threatened the international banking system of international Jewry. They recognized immediately that Hitler was their enemy and they had to destroy him, and that was the reason for the 1933 Declaration of War against Germany.
Thank you, Truthor, for stating that "Manstein's Plan" was Hitler's Plan, which AH had designed in greater detail before Manstein told him about his own plan! According to Hitler's friend & architect, Hermann Geisler, the Fuehrer had already been secretly working on the plan and it was far advanced in tactical details by the time Manstein reported his similar plan to AH in the middle of February, 1940. But Hitler was thrilled that Manstein saw it the same way; that gave him even more confidence in his own conclusions. Read it in Hitler's own words in Giesler's memoir Ein Anderer Hitler, 1977, Druffel-Verlag or in Wilhelm Kriessmann's English translation "The Artist Within the Warlord," 3rd edition August 2018, pp. 43-45.
“Manstein’s masterstroke, the Sichelschnitt.†It was shown that this was, in fact, Hitler’s plan, but he had trouble selling it to the General Staff. When Manstein presented his plan, which was basically the same as Hitler’s, Hitler could sell it to the General Staff.
This is provably true, and should be emphasized more than it is. See Chapt. 7, pp. 115-122 in the above mentioned translation "The Artist Within the Warlord." Again, thank you for doing so.
The war was lost, not because of Hitler’s “blunders and shortcomingsâ€, but because of traitors within the nobility who sabotaged Hitler’s plans, poisoned him during the invasion of Russia, and through high treason sold out Germany to the Allies for their pieces of silver.
I agree with that. If Hitler had died in April 1939, he would had gone down as one of the greatest German rulers of all time. But he died in April 1945.
Years ago I heard the story of a former Hitler Youth who said, “If Hitler had stopped after Czechoslovakia he would have gone into the history books as the greatest German stateman of all time.â€
Well, you could have added that Mussolini and Ciano clearly told Hitler they were 100% sure that an attack to Poland would have started WW2.
Not only, Mussolini and Ciano the 1st of September started frenetic multilateral contacts to launch the proposal of an immediate cease fire and a diplomatic conference. The 3rd of September -obtorto collo- Hitler gave his consent.
The negotiation failed because GB requested not only a cease fire, but also the retreat of German troops.
A classic example of when the better is surely the enemy of good….you need to be really false, twisted and hypocritical, a BrUtish classic, like declaring war to Germany in 1914 “to defend the neutrality of Belgium”, or firing Boris Johnson ” because he drank at Downing Street”.
The Brits are always false, hypocritical, stone faced liars.
"Hitler will emerge from the hatred that surrounds him now as one of the most significant figures who ever lived. He had in him the stuff of which legends are made." - JFKReplies: @Anonymous534
If Hitler is National Socialism and vice versa, then fuck them both. Their brands must be left behind for any non-LARP purposes.
Sure, any day now. Two more weeks.
Something tells me this comment won’t age well. But, only time will tell.
Sure, any day now. Two more weeks.
Nice bear story.
I’m a scientist by nature, have a 140+ IQ, and my stated opinion/conclusion is valid and inescapable. I dont pretend to be an exhaustively scholarly researcher, but im very good at spotting patterns and formulating or disproving theories with logic, even with incomplete information (I spot BS very quickly). In fact, much seemingly relevant information is often superfluous. Nothing in your pedantic musings invalidates my concise executive summary information.
There is ample non-mainstream and suppressed information available today that fully proves my contention. Germany needed to be stopped by International Jewry, for they would have brought an end to the Jewish power that has dominated the world for centuries, simply by bringing light to it. It’s as simple as that. Even with their defeat, their struggle proved the truth. None of this patent fact excuses Germans or any politician of responsibility for human failings or poor choices. But Germany literally had a choice between fight, or be cucked/enslaved/slaughtered.
Germany’s loss of WW2 has left the world in quite a state today. And the true culprits of WW1, WW2 and other major wars of the last 100+ years, are going fully mask off. The fact is, Jews and Zionism have dominated this world for centuries via the British Empire first, and now the JUSA Empire. It could not be more apparent prima facie. Germany tried to escape that prison, amd was punished.
And you would eat anything as long as it was dusted with white powdered sugar. What is Truth? Ask the female – or other – in your life when it better to be circumcised or not. That is, if you have the courage and fortitude to receive bad news, and crestfallen consequences.
> Are you aware of the concentration camp in Poland, Bereza Kartuska?
The camp had only a tangential relation to Germans, and this came at the end when Hitler had already occupied Czechia and was now preparing to move into Poland.
In addition to those suspected of subversion and political opponents of the Sanation (especially communists and nationalists), it also imprisoned economic criminals accused of speculation or suspected of such crimes, common criminals – especially repeat offenders, and in the final phase of its existence – suspected of sabotage and spying for the Third Reich…
Among them were not only activists of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), the Communist Party of Poland (KPP), the National Radical Camp (ONR), illegal or banned by the Sanation governments, but also people associated with the People’s Party (SL) and the Polish Socialist Party (PPS). The largest group of prisoners were communists – 1400–1500 prisoners out of a total of over 3000[12]. Other sources say that 55% were communists among the prisoners, 4% Ukrainian nationalists, 2% nationalists, 1% people’s activists, 1% Nazi sympathizers, and the rest were “economic harmers”[13].
Intellectually, people like you are underwhelming and tend to be influenced too much by collective thoughts, ideas, doctrines, memes, etc. All this is like bar talk at Wesley’s Wimpy Bar on Slacker Court. The alley in back reeks because the patrons cannot brave the stench of the restrooms, whose cleaning last date is beyond memory.
I Real Life, causes>effects>causes, etc. go on and on and are vectored frequently from more than one source or direction. Thus, to arrive at Germany’s choices requires a broadening of the search for causative and affective agents. This takes work and broad knowledge, sometimes across several disciplines. So go back to Bismark. Was it necessary for the all the principalities to be unified? Under one authority and command? Did the “German Character” of martial tradition contribute to the preceding wars and booty of the past before WW II? Could have WW I been avoided by prescience and prediction and calculation?
Is Germany a passive agent flotsam upon the roiling sea that had no locomotive will or agency to maneuver itself outside of contingent factors or the immediate causal phenomenon? The answer is: of course it did. It just didn’t have wise enough leaders. Politicians are usually mediocre people who are crowd pleasers. They lack wisdom, especially in contrast to ambition and fame and power.
When I used to camp, I was told early never to have food inside the tent you are sleeping in. Suspend it from a tree. My first wife and I were camping in Yosemite and only left an unopened jar of mayonnaise on the picnic table. A big black bear opened the vacuum lid and tongued out the mayo. Then he sniffed around our tent. His huge. form was silhouetted against the sides of the tent from the street light. I signaled to my wife not to make a sound and not to move. The smell of the bear was enough to induce expectoration. However, the bear left.
Like many other phenomena and real events, “inevitable”, the use of this adjective is to easily used and applied. This is your lax and relaxed context here. “Germany didn’t have any choice!!!”. Sure, if they were asleep for 50 years and just moved into a neighborhood they were unfamiliar with.
Like so many other people, you assume and consume and exhale the accepted palaver and constellation of cliches and worn out, soggy, moldy blankets to wrap your superficial opinions in.
Keep a-moving on……