It’s the subhuman qualities they posses
Out of curiosity, I did a quick search and came up with this rather long writeup. I have not read the whole thing, but it looks pretty good. A nice addition to the Detroit history bookshelf of anyone interested in understanding Detroit’s decline:
Autopia’s End: The Decline and Fall of Detroit’s Automotive Manufacturing Landscape
(If you don’t want to bother downloading the large pdf, look it up on google; html of the file is in their cache.)
The focus is mostly on 1980 to present, the late phase of the collapse. The whole thing was a process unfolding over decades. On page 4 (page 7 of the pdf) I read: “Between 1958 and 1982 the city lost 48 percent (98,700) of its manufacturing jobs”.
Right. Half.
Sugrue provides more detail:
“Between 1945 and 1957, the Big Three auto companies built twenty-five new plants in metropolitan Detroit, all of them outside the city. Ford opened new plants in such places suburban Plymouth and Madison Heights, and in remote Wixom, thirty-five miles northwest of downtown. General Motors plants sprung up virtually overnight at sites in Livonia, Warren, and Romulus, all suburbs of the city. Even Chrysler, which did not have as much capital to build new plants, constructed several new suburban facilities…. Along with the auto plants, many smaller parts suppliers, machine shops, and tool-and-die firms relocated outside the city. Increasingly, such small shops were scattered around the small towns of the upper midwest, particularly in northern Indiana and Ohio.”
“The most gigantic of Detroit plants, Ford’s vast River Rouge complex, was one of the first to decentralize. After Ford workers voted overwhelmingly to join the fledging United Automobile Workers union in 1941, Ford officials soon realized that their flagship production facility was particularly vulnerable to labor unrest. Rouge workers were among the industry’s most well-organized, racially and ethnically diverse, and militant. When Rouge workers walked out on strike, the company’s entire manufacturing operations crashed to a halt. To diffuse union power, to avail itself of new technologies, and to reach new markets, Ford relocated key operations outside of the Rouge plant, often setting up parallel production (two or more factories producing the same goods) to minimize the effect of wildcat strikes and walkouts. By 1960, only 30,000 worked at the Rouge. [Down from the peak of 90,000] By 1990, its workforce had plummeted to just a little over 6,000. What had been done at the Rouge was now done in bits and pieces throughout the country in places as far-flung as Brook Park Village and Lima, Ohio, Buffalo, New York, and Richmond, California.”
Capital split, and the rest, so to say, is history. The exodus was well underway even in the 1950s, and collapse was baked in the cake by ~1970. It would not have mattered whether the city was all-white, all-black, or all-green. NO city can survive that kind of economic stress. Take 99%-white Moscow, move most industry and business out so that no one can make a living there anymore, then — presto! — come back in 40 years to a desolate, abandoned, blighted wasteland.
It is really not hard to figure out.
Capital does not like “well-organized, racially and ethnically diverse, and militant workers” (Sugrue’s words), so it moves the hell out. It moves to where labor is weak, disorganized and (preferably) terrorized by fascist governments. And then racist idiots blame the blacks (powerless people LEAST responsible) for the whole thing. And then racist idiots post their ignorant-as-shit opinions on
“We don’t get to arbitrarily pull our terms”
What was arbitrary? Investopedia’s definition is pretty good; i.e. big money.
“Per-capita income, which was highest in Detroit in 1960, describes a flow, not an asset, so it is not capital. ”
That was exactly my point. You were making the opposite point, somehow imagining that good incomes represented capital.
As for the rest: read some history. Read Sugrue.
From Investopedia:
“Capital is a term for financial assets or their financial value (such as funds held in deposit accounts), as well as the tangible factors of production including equipment used in environments such as factories and other manufacturing facilities. Additionally, capital includes facilities, such as the buildings used for the production and storage of the manufactured goods.”
We don’t get to arbitrarily pull our terms, Alan. Capital, by the way, comes from the Latin caput, showing that knowledge and know-how is a critical part of capital. As is the legal infrastructure of a society, as is what Jane Jacobs called social capital. Modern corporations also talk of human capital. But let’s just focus on financial assets and other tangible factors of production.
Capital is formed from the residue of work, where not everything produced is spent. Per-capita income, which was highest in Detroit in 1960, describes a flow, not an asset, so it is not capital. The question arises, however: why did the highest-paid workers in the USA not save some of their pay and form their own source of capital? That was entirely within their control, no?
As to whether “big money” pulled capital out of Detroit in 1960-era, you’d need to link to some proof of that. In the 80s, certainly, when the Big Three tried to build non-unionized plants in the south. I recall the excitement over Saturn. GM started buying other companies; perhaps you mean that?
TomSchmidt: “Since you think withdrawal of “capital,†unqualified, was the cause of the collapse of Detroit, I’ll ask a question: what top-20 US city in population had the highest per-capita income in 1960? I’m sure you know the answer. And you know that there was plenty of economic capital in Detroit in 1960, to generate that highest-per-capita income. Somehow, Detroiters were unable to convert that high per-capita income into more capital. Any thoughts as to why?”
Apparently you don’t know what is meant by “capital”, Tom. It does not refer to people’s income. It refers to BIG MONEY, for lack of a better simple synonym. Big money moved out of the city, and then people’s income collapsed (of course; the good-paying jobs had left!), the tax base collapsed, and the city collapsed. Clear? Race (e.g. Coleman Young’s undeniable racism) may have been a secondary contributing factor, but that was the main one.
The big problem with US politics from an immigration restrictionist perspective is the marginalisation of black and white working class voters. Most of these people never turn up at polling stations. This is a good thing for the rich, but bad for those trying to push conservative immigration policies, since native working class people tend to be most conservative on immigration. Democrat blacks like Abrams are only interested in affirmative action jobs for people like herself. If she was actually interested in helping working class blacks she would run as an independent, voting with the Democrats on welfare, and supporting the Republicans on immigration. Similarly, although Trump tries to appeal to working class whites with his populist persona, his policies on income tax and healthcare aren’t really getting poor whites to come out and vote (most of his supporters are lower-middle class).
The nativist, working class white vote is crucial for nationalist/populists, but to win over these voters you need some progressive economic policies to complement your right-wing social policies. Europe has parties providing this policy mix and that’s why nationalism is growing in Europe and going nowhere in the neoliberal Anglosphere.
Hey Nathan,
Just wanted to say congrats on working hard on a close race, I know how that goes!
I grew up in Detroit, and personally witnessed the destruction of a once-great city. There are a number of reasons for Detroit’s decline that have never been explored or discussed.
1. “Blockbusting” by greedy real estate agents. Real estate agents would send out postcards with the following: “A new family is moving into your neighborhood. If you want to sell your house, please call me at xxx-xxxx”. A “new family” was a euphemism for black families, and was used to “encourage” whites to sell their homes.
2. HUD (Housing and Urban Development) speculators and real estate hustlers conspired to “buy up” and raze the best houses on every block, in certain sections of the city. Quite often, “shacks” were left standing while decent housing was purchased by HUD and razed. This was done purposely to depress property values, to make it easier for speculators to purchase properties at “bargain basement” prices.
I realize that items 1 and 2 counteract each other and are at cross purposes, but they were a reality in 1960s Detroit.
3. The 1967 riots did much to push whites out of Detroit. A little-known aspect of the Detroit riots was the application of spray-painted words on the exteriors of black-owned businesses. The words “soul brother” was spray-painted on businesses owned by blacks so that the “angels of death” (actually rioters) would spare them from destruction. Whole business districts around the city were destroyed, never to regain their former selves.
4. The election of Coleman Alexander Young, Detroit’s first black mayor, who was overtly racist to Detroit’s white citizens while “getting along just fine” with the “movers and shakers” (big business people) of the day (as long as the campaign donations kept coming in)….
5. The abolition of the STRESS (Stop The Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets) program. This anti-criminal program was put in by mayor Young’s predecessor and was quite successful in “cleaning up the streets” of criminals. In this program, police officers would disguise themselves as vulnerable old people and walk through neighborhoods as “decoys”. Predatory criminals would attempt to rob these elderly citizens and quite often, were dispatched to “the great hereafter”. One of Young’s campaign promises was the abolition of the STRESS program as too many of “his people” were being eliminated. Upon the election of Young, the program was disbanded.
These are 5 reasons for this once-great city’s demise.
The only change has been the internal war between Western Secular Jews… who still advance the interests of feral blacks and brown slaves …. and Orthodox Jews who understand the real threat of Muslim muscle in Europe and across the planet…
The Orthodox Jew is feigning peace with the White Christian…. to save himself.
the Secular Jew is busy poisoning the well of Western Civilization …. knowing they are immune from the effects of their treachery…. at least they have been… so long as they stay behind very high walls and electric fencing….
I actually believed the Jew would come to their senses when the Left took up the cause of the Muslims.
but that is not to be…. they will go down fighting for black and brown supremacy…. knowing the Christian is their damnation to hell.
What are the economics of elevating the black man from his condition, here or in Africa.
How many Larry Elders or Clarence Thomas’s are created vs the apex predators who stalk our streets?
We have paid and paid and paid…. for participating in the wholly African, Asian and Amerio indian practice of slavery for a NANO SECOND in evolutionary history.
What has Africa done to redeem itself from the practice of Slavery… then and now? American Indians? Indigenous Latino’s?
ZIP …. NADA …. given half a chance, they practice slavery today!
I am not willing to endure the infestation of these feral peoples….. so that we get the occasional intelligent Black or Brown citizen. The odds are scant… and the costs enormous.
Are you really that stupid ? Are you ? Really ? Or are you just pretending ?It's got nothing at all to do with the colour of the skin per se, you double-thinking moron - as I am sure you understand perfectly well. The problem the author is highlighting is just exactly the same problem we have all known about for a very, very long time - namely, that the colour of the skin of any person elected to office (i.e. representing perfectly the ETHNIC origin and cultural background of that person) guarantees with a very high degree of certainty precisely which political and social policies will be put in place and supported by that individual and his entourage - and exactly why. In other words - Steve Sailer's, among many others - It's all about Race, stupid.This is still every bit as true of every Black in the western world as it used to be of Whites - and only a know-nothing, self-blinding, self-deluding cretin would suggest otherwise and hope to be believed.Replies: @JLK, @TomSchmidt
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person’s policies… merely the melanin the person’s skin, I suppose….
It’s got nothing at all to do with the colour of the skin per se
Are you sure about that? One function of black skin is to cut down on the excess of sunlight. In higher latitudes, this means that it is impossible to get enough natural vitamin D from sunlight. North of about Boston, supplementation for African Americans is required: it’s impossible to get enough natural vitamin D in the winter.
What are the effects of vitamin D deficiency?
“A study published in August 2014 in the journal Neurology found that moderate and severe vitamin D deficiency in older adults was associated with a doubled risk for some forms of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. ”
So, yes, skin colour has some effect. But not in Georgia, which supplies enough sun for black and white alike.
And you simply don’t have much in the way of depth concerning South Africa. you seem to believe that before apartheid ended, South Africa was a paradise or something close to a place of order. No, the whites controlled the country by force and contrary to your myopia, it was a deadly place to live. There were safe Havens but those existed at the expense of the majority of the country. And make no mistake, ending apartheid just opened the country up to being seen for what it was.
nobody asked the negroes to come to South Africa, if they didn’t like it they should just move on to a black ruled country
I bought the Blu-Ray of SHARKY’S MACHINE a year or so ago. I too watched it again when Burt Reynolds left us. I think its the best movie Burt ever did. He also directed.
Fine comment, as usual, especially this. Thank you.Replies: @mark green
Has Doyle ever contemplated the possibility that, like Africans, Jews might be incompatible with the White, Christian-Greco-Roman world?
Thank you, Dave.
Have I overstated my case?
Might Jews (not ALL Jews, but a substantial percentage of organized and motivated Jews) pose a genuine threat to the health, cohesion and stability of the Western world?
The evidence is massive, measured and persuasive.
Yes, but... but.. You DO know, don't you, that the vast statistical majority of the Blacks now being killed in South Africa on a daily basis are the car thieves, pimps, drug dealers, street thugs and gang killers who are being wasted by... OTHER Blacks ? You DO know that... right..?So how the hell does that invalidate the rightful concerns about the ever-increasing racist murder of unarmed White farmers by rampaging, raping, murdering Black zombies..?Replies: @TomSchmidt
People moaning about the Boers being killed ought to recognize that most of the murder victims are blacks.
The poor Boers. Like Israel, they were sanctioned and hated in the UN. Unlike Israel, they decided to surrender control over their country.
They lost. They’re going to get killed if they remain in black-majority South Africa; it’s a message broadcast as loudly as the National Socialists broadcast their messages in the 1930s about Jews. They need to do something about it.
What sticks in my memory are the looks on the faces of faces of the looters — not the anguish and despair of an oppressed, downtrodden people — just folks out there having a frolicking good time, getting some freebies and sticking it to Whitey.
Or to put it another way – As has also previously been pointed out concerning the 2011 riots in Croydon, England, the Blacks who made up the overwhelming majority of the window-smashing, shop-burning, car-wrecking feral thugs who destroyed a chunk of south London over several nights were not stealing bread, vegetables or any other form of foodstuffs – or even drink. They were not starving, or anywhere near. Instead, they smashed windows for gigantic high-value HD televisions, hi-fi systems, mobile phones, cameras (to sell), wristwatches, bracelets, pendants, and a thousand styles of trainers, hoodie outfits, and every other manifestation of today’s self-respecting, well-dressed Black urban gangsta-pimp.
Nothing will ever work with these sub-normals except deportation back to their beloved Kingston-town, or a bullet in the head.
You use some terms, Amigo. It suggests that you’re actually not a progressive, because “fucktard” is, um, beyond the pale.
Detroit had its own sort of “Harlem Renaissance.” Motown came out of the black ghetto, Black Bottom ( so originally named for the soil when Detroit was a farming area), that was destroyed in internecine white warfare between Republican WASP mayors putting it to White democratic ethnics, by “urban renewing” the black neighborhood, destroying more housing than they rebuilt, forcing blacks into white working class neighborhoods. So I’d actually put the responsibility on whites there.
Since you think withdrawal of “capital,” unqualified, was the cause of the collapse of Detroit, I’ll ask a question: what top-20 US city in population had the highest per-capita income in 1960?
I’m sure you know the answer. And you know that there was plenty of economic capital in Detroit in 1960, to generate that highest-per-capita income. Somehow, Detroiters were unable to convert that high per-capita income into more capital. Any thoughts as to why?
And who tells them this?
They are told that they are oppressed by whitey, and that is why they have it worse economically.
who really has the most influence on what gets shouted from The Megaphone of the MainStream Media? Who shows up again and again in academia, pushing this perspective? What sorts of names appear again and again atop New York Times articles that push this?
I hope you’re not suggesting we’re being controlled by an anonymous, faceless, all-powerful, billionaire cartel of psvchotic, anti-White racist, totalitarian exterminators ? How on earth could nice religious people ever be like that ?
Laughing . . . your a peculiar sort. You think the list I provided is complete . . . But regardless of your meandering in the weeds of small samples against several hundred — I would say thousands, but I am being generous.
I am indeed peculiar.
The case that there is some deficiency of governance based on skin color , in this case black, cannot be made, the route you are stumbling through. Sure some cities have issues while under black leadership. But far more have operated on par or better.
The original poster listed Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, and claimed that places where “blacks are in charge” aren’t well run. Your counter claim is that cities like Denver, with black mayors, invalidate his claim (it’s not my claim.) Are you and he claiming the same thing? Or is he making a claim about who is “in charge?” Theoretically, in a democracy, like South Africa and Detroit (but sadly not Haiti for too many years), the voters are in charge. Denver, under a black mayor, too.
So, you’ve introduced a different claim from the original poster. I would agree with your claim: you cannot claim a deficiency in governance based on skin color. In fact, I’d go one further. I’d bet that black mayors of majority white towns probably have to perform better to overcome effects of race discrimination against them, and so are probably likely to be better mayors than the white mayors of those towns. I’d be fascinated to see data, one way or the other.
Here’s me applying your method. Every major national economic depression has occurred under the leadership of whites presidents. White presidents are lousy financial managers based on the record.
The US has been involved in more wars in which they the country lost more than any other color holding the office – whites are lousy diplomats. And are repeatedly expending US citizens lives in causes that have little impact on the nation’s health.
More cities have exploded in violence under the leadership of white mayors and governors than any other — apparently, it’s unsafe to trust whites to maintain safe environments because eventually people riot.
Better: white-run wars have been FAR more efficient at killing people than black-run wars. the 200 million killed by Government (National Socialism, Stalinism, Maoism) in the 20th Century was mostly done by Whites and East Asians, not blacks. Based on that sample size, you might jut ban whites (and East Asians) from running any governments… it’s a fun game. I play it all the time, because moralists and scientists speak a different language.
Care to address the original poster’s argument?
In other words, you're maintaining a ludicrous fiction that it is purely an unrelated coincidence that these cities like Hamilton, which do not and will not collapse into ruin, do NOT have any sizable numbers of Blacks ? How much longer will it be, I wonder, before large parts of Canada begin to go exactly the same way as the USA - because of precisely the same causative factors, despite their previous existence as a "decent civilized social democracy" - and you have to find someone else to blame instead ? I'm afraid not everyone is as stupid or self-deceitful as you.Replies: @alan2102
We will not likely see the “radical de-evolution of places like Hamilton ON into violent, crime ridden cesspools†— not primarily because there are no blacks in Hamilton ON, but because Canada is a decent civilized social democracy, rather than a racist nativist increasingly-fascist hellhole like the U.S.
“In other words, you’re maintaining a ludicrous fiction that it is purely an unrelated coincidence that these cities like Hamilton, which do not and will not collapse into ruin, do NOT have any sizable numbers of Blacks?”
You apparently did not even read the post to which you were responding, in which I said explicitly that BLACKS WERE RESPONSIBLE in part for the decline of Detroit. To quote myself (sadly, this is necessary): “need I mention once again that LAZY BLACKS, VIOLENT BLACKS, and RACIST BLACKS can play a (small) role in the devolution of places into crime ridden cesspools?”
Clear enough?
No, apparently not clear enough for you, and for racist fucktards in general. They simply cannot hear, and cannot comprehend, even when you’re screaming into their ears.
Again, maybe it is the case that racist fucktards are genetically inferior sub-humans who cannot be blamed for their behavior. But it is frustrating, trying to talk to people who pose as full-on humans but in reality are as though moderately-bright chimps. Or perhaps not even that smart.
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person's policies... merely the melanin the person's skin, I suppose....Well, so, I guess if electing a black governor in Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, then Haiti could become like the U.S. by electing a white as president -- I suppose, not necessarily even a particularly intelligent one, just any white person would do, no? Magic melanin... or lack thereof, I guess... You know, all of these articles that are mirrored from VDare are such worthless crap. I would suggest to Ron (in case he's listening) that the line "republished from VDare" should appear at the top of these articles, not the bottom, just like word count is at the top. This could save people a lot of time. If I saw right from the start that something comes from VDare, I just wouldn't bother.Replies: @OilcanFloyd, @Dave Bowman, @Dave Bowman
I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.
And by the way…
Irregardless of that person’s policies
The word you were scrabbling for was either “irrespective” or “regardless”. The word “irregardless” does not exist – not even if you create it.
And you’re a writer ?
Are you really that stupid ? Are you ? Really ? Or are you just pretending ?It's got nothing at all to do with the colour of the skin per se, you double-thinking moron - as I am sure you understand perfectly well. The problem the author is highlighting is just exactly the same problem we have all known about for a very, very long time - namely, that the colour of the skin of any person elected to office (i.e. representing perfectly the ETHNIC origin and cultural background of that person) guarantees with a very high degree of certainty precisely which political and social policies will be put in place and supported by that individual and his entourage - and exactly why. In other words - Steve Sailer's, among many others - It's all about Race, stupid.This is still every bit as true of every Black in the western world as it used to be of Whites - and only a know-nothing, self-blinding, self-deluding cretin would suggest otherwise and hope to be believed.Replies: @JLK, @TomSchmidt
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person’s policies… merely the melanin the person’s skin, I suppose….
the ETHNIC origin and cultural background of that person) guarantees with a very high degree of certainty precisely which political and social policies will be put in place and supported by that individual and his entourage – and exactly why.
No white politician in the modern age screwed working class blacks worse than Obama. He gave the big banks a sweetheart deal and watched for years while they clawed themselves back to solvency on the back of the lower middle class with high credit card rates.
Burn it all down
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable” – John F. Kennedy
But don’t expect the all-powerful, psychotic, billionaire Jews who are closing down every avenue for the hated White man to ever understand that.
“there were significant increases in crime in large American cities from 1950 to 2000…. [with] a direct correlation (causation?) between increases in the black population in those cities and increases in crime”
Ain’t that the truth! MORE BLACKS, MORE CRIME.
Nowhere is this more evident than in Detroit, the black-est city in the nation. Virtually all of the whites have moved out. And Detroit has among the worst murder and violent crime rates in the nation. I think we can take this to reflect the genetically hard-wired violent and murderous nature of blacks. We can ignore the statistical evidence that murder, rape and violent crime has declined over recent years and decades in Detroit, in some cases dramatically:
IMPOSSIBLE. Genetics can’t just change overnight. These “statistics” are FAKE NEWS, published by pinko SJW nigger-lovers!
You can take darkies out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of darkies.
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person's policies... merely the melanin the person's skin, I suppose....Well, so, I guess if electing a black governor in Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, then Haiti could become like the U.S. by electing a white as president -- I suppose, not necessarily even a particularly intelligent one, just any white person would do, no? Magic melanin... or lack thereof, I guess... You know, all of these articles that are mirrored from VDare are such worthless crap. I would suggest to Ron (in case he's listening) that the line "republished from VDare" should appear at the top of these articles, not the bottom, just like word count is at the top. This could save people a lot of time. If I saw right from the start that something comes from VDare, I just wouldn't bother.Replies: @OilcanFloyd, @Dave Bowman, @Dave Bowman
I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person’s policies… merely the melanin the person’s skin, I suppose….
Are you really that stupid ? Are you ? Really ? Or are you just pretending ?
It’s got nothing at all to do with the colour of the skin per se, you double-thinking moron – as I am sure you understand perfectly well. The problem the author is highlighting is just exactly the same problem we have all known about for a very, very long time – namely, that the colour of the skin of any person elected to office (i.e. representing perfectly the ETHNIC origin and cultural background of that person) guarantees with a very high degree of certainty precisely which political and social policies will be put in place and supported by that individual and his entourage – and exactly why. In other words – Steve Sailer’s, among many others – It’s all about Race, stupid.
This is still every bit as true of every Black in the western world as it used to be of Whites – and only a know-nothing, self-blinding, self-deluding cretin would suggest otherwise and hope to be believed.
No white politician in the modern age screwed working class blacks worse than Obama. He gave the big banks a sweetheart deal and watched for years while they clawed themselves back to solvency on the back of the lower middle class with high credit card rates.
the ETHNIC origin and cultural background of that person) guarantees with a very high degree of certainty precisely which political and social policies will be put in place and supported by that individual and his entourage – and exactly why.
Colonialism certainly had its share of exploitation and atrocities. The Belgian Congo was probably the worst example, with plenty of hand amputations for people not making their rubber quota.
However the balance of evidence strongly suggests that colonialism is not the main reason for the poor state of affairs in Sub-Saharan Africa. They didn’t have any modern infrastructure before the Europeans arrived. Most of what they have now is left over from that era or built for them by China. They never suffered anything near the level of destruction that Eastern Europe and Germany did in WWII, and they have had decades to recover from colonialism and modernize. For the most part they have fallen flat on their faces.
What about withdrawal of social capital? Do you ignore social capital as a form of capital? What causes social capital to collapse, and in a sense "withdraw?"
When capital pulls out (collapse of job base and tax base), AND you have the pressures resulting from decades of vicious racism and segregation, AND you have this very geographically-huge city that is difficult to maintain or improve, AND you have incompetent politicians, AND…. well, you get the idea. Synergistic cluster-f**k. But the withdrawal of capital was without much question the signal event (or rather process) that greatly intensified everything else.
“What about withdrawal of social capital? Do you ignore social capital as a form of capital?”
I don’t ignore ANYTHING, and that indeed was precisely the point of the paragraph of mine that you quoted. It was a complex situation, with many factors operative, including ones for which BLACKS WERE RESPONSIBLE, as I noted several times in ALL CAPS JUST LIKE THAT (sorry to scream, but otherwise it doesn’t get heard). Unfortunately, racist fucktards are not capable of understanding, or even hearing, anything about such complexity, so anxious they are to reduce everything to their toxic little race narrative.
“OK, so now I know I can ignore you. Philadelphia, 142sq mi. Detroit, 142sqmi.”
As I noted: “IIRC”. I was typing fast and did not look it up. Perhaps it was Boston, Baltimore and DC. I didn’t look that up either. The point is that it is a huge city, much larger than most.
“It seems 1950 Detroit could pay for that infrastructure being only a little less densely populated than Philly. Now, it cannot. What changed?”
Lots of things. Read. I can’t do all your homework for you.
We will not likely see the “radical de-evolution of places like Hamilton ON into violent, crime ridden cesspools†— not primarily because there are no blacks in Hamilton ON, but because Canada is a decent civilized social democracy, rather than a racist nativist increasingly-fascist hellhole like the U.S.
In other words, you’re maintaining a ludicrous fiction that it is purely an unrelated coincidence that these cities like Hamilton, which do not and will not collapse into ruin, do NOT have any sizable numbers of Blacks ?
How much longer will it be, I wonder, before large parts of Canada begin to go exactly the same way as the USA – because of precisely the same causative factors, despite their previous existence as a “decent civilized social democracy” – and you have to find someone else to blame instead ?
I’m afraid not everyone is as stupid or self-deceitful as you.
I suspect that as Africans take more and more control over their destinies, their countries and cities will be as functionally sound as they were before colonialism if not better.
LOL Priceless… ! Yes, sure they will. Good luck with that as a sociological thesis.
People moaning about the Boers being killed ought to recognize that most of the murder victims are blacks.
Yes, but… but.. You DO know, don’t you, that the vast statistical majority of the Blacks now being killed in South Africa on a daily basis are the car thieves, pimps, drug dealers, street thugs and gang killers who are being wasted by… OTHER Blacks ? You DO know that… right..?
So how the hell does that invalidate the rightful concerns about the ever-increasing racist murder of unarmed White farmers by rampaging, raping, murdering Black zombies..?
Has Doyle ever contemplated the possibility that, like Africans, Jews might be incompatible with the White, Christian-Greco-Roman world?
Fine comment, as usual, especially this. Thank you.
I suspect the destruction of Detroit was a special project of revenge and hatred
Thank you. A truly brilliant perception. I suspect you’re absolutely right.
a. I think I covered the matter concerning sample size. Acknowledged the issue. Provided some reasons why the current situation exists and will in all likelihood change. Again, — sample size.
b. Laughing . . . your a peculiar sort. You think the list I provided is complete . . . But regardless of your meandering in the weeds of small samples against several hundred — I would say thousands, but I am being generous. The case that there is some deficiency of governance based on skin color , in this case black, cannot be made, the route you are stumbling through. Sure some cities have issues while under black leadership. But far more have operated on par or better.
Here’s me applying your method. Every major national economic depression has occurred under the leadership of whites presidents. White presidents are lousy financial managers based on the record.
The US has been involved in more wars in which they the country lost more than any other color holding the office – whites are lousy diplomats. And are repeatedly expending US citizens lives in causes that have little impact on the nation’s health.
More cities have exploded in violence under the leadership of white mayors and governors than any other — apparently, it’s unsafe to trust whites to maintain safe environments because eventually people riot.
Next you’ll be telling me that blacks commit more hate crimes than whites based on color.
No I have not read that text, it’s just that the game the author is running is not new. I have mo idea if the nominee in Atlanta would be an effective manger, but I am convinced by the record that blacks are more than capable of being so, and the record suggests that.
Better: white-run wars have been FAR more efficient at killing people than black-run wars. the 200 million killed by Government (National Socialism, Stalinism, Maoism) in the 20th Century was mostly done by Whites and East Asians, not blacks. Based on that sample size, you might jut ban whites (and East Asians) from running any governments... it's a fun game. I play it all the time, because moralists and scientists speak a different language.
Here’s me applying your method. Every major national economic depression has occurred under the leadership of whites presidents. White presidents are lousy financial managers based on the record.
The US has been involved in more wars in which they the country lost more than any other color holding the office – whites are lousy diplomats. And are repeatedly expending US citizens lives in causes that have little impact on the nation’s health.
More cities have exploded in violence under the leadership of white mayors and governors than any other — apparently, it’s unsafe to trust whites to maintain safe environments because eventually people riot.
Here’s a link to an interesting article/analysis that attempts to discover why there were significant increases in crime in large American cities from 1950 to 2000. (Spoiler alert: not surprisingly, the author finds a direct correlation (causation?) between increases in the black population in those cities and increases in crime …)
No, the whites controlled the country by force and contrary to your myopia, it was a deadly place to live.
It certainly was deadly under Apartheid. It’s become deadlier. People moaning about the Boers being killed ought to recognize that most of the murder victims are blacks.
“in 1994, the country seemed to have a bright future ahead of it. Eight years later, in 2002, 60 percent of South Africans said life had been better under apartheid. Hard to believe — but that’s how bad things were in 2002. And now they’re even worse.
When apartheid ended, the life expectancy in South Africa was 64 — the same as in Turkey and Russia. Now it’s 56, the same as in Somalia. There are 132.4 rapes per 100,000 people per year, which is by far the highest in the world: Botswana is in second with 93, Sweden in third with 64; no other country exceeds 32.”
there’s a long list of cities that have black mayors that simply don’t fit your conclusive statements about black leadership or the black population in general.
I suspect that black politicians will become better. I hope so. I thought Cory Booker’s speech in 2016 was the best rhetoric of the campaign. Dunno if he believes it, but if he does, he’d be a great improvement over most white politicians. Compare his reign in Newark with Sharpe James, for example.
You left Newark off your list of cities. It was: “Denver, Huston, Jackson, Houston, Dayton”. Um, Jackson? 34.1 Murders per 100K population Jackson? Still, better than South Africa, which hit 35.2 last year (you could look that one up.)
I suspect that as Africans take more and more control over their destinies, their countries and cities will be as functionally sound as they were before colonialism if not better. …I am not one who blames colonialism for all of the ills of the world, nor those of blacks, but pretending the damage and the policies and practices that created the mess don’t exist is hollow fare.
I suspect this is true. The damage wrought to African societies by slave extraction and colonial wealth extraction was severe. You’ve probably read Things Fall Apart, about the Lower Niger as the English began conquest. Best listened to, an amazing book, but it will situate you within that world.
Yes, but... but.. You DO know, don't you, that the vast statistical majority of the Blacks now being killed in South Africa on a daily basis are the car thieves, pimps, drug dealers, street thugs and gang killers who are being wasted by... OTHER Blacks ? You DO know that... right..?So how the hell does that invalidate the rightful concerns about the ever-increasing racist murder of unarmed White farmers by rampaging, raping, murdering Black zombies..?Replies: @TomSchmidt
People moaning about the Boers being killed ought to recognize that most of the murder victims are blacks.
When capital pulls out (collapse of job base and tax base), AND you have the pressures resulting from decades of vicious racism and segregation, AND you have this very geographically-huge city that is difficult to maintain or improve, AND you have incompetent politicians, AND…. well, you get the idea. Synergistic cluster-f**k. But the withdrawal of capital was without much question the signal event (or rather process) that greatly intensified everything else.
What about withdrawal of social capital? Do you ignore social capital as a form of capital? What causes social capital to collapse, and in a sense “withdraw?”
Note: I suspect we’d be on the same side, politically. I see much of the black-white issues in America as the result of elites setting lower classes at each other to prevent their uniting against them. But please don’t make bad arguments.
For one example, the geographical area of Detroit is much, much larger than that of most cities; the factoidal stat tossed around is (iirc) that Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia could ALL be fit within Detroit city limits.
OK, so now I know I can ignore you. Philadelphia, 142sq mi. Detroit, 142sqmi. In 1950, one was a little larger than the other. In 2010, Philly was more than twice the size in population.
It seems 1950 Detroit could pay for that infrastructure being only a little less densely populated than Philly. Now, it cannot. What changed?
Now, as it works out, both Philly and Detroit had Republican Mayors in the 1950s, and both built housing projects for blacks in Catholic neighborhoods, destroying, in the process, long-settled black areas. Then setting off white flight, too, which entirely consumed Detroit (except for the urban renewal area, where the Mies Van Der Rohe townhouses are now hipster heaven) and completely changed North and West Philly.
Try reading The Slaughter of Cities for another point of view.
Abrams is just another racist communist opportunist.
It’s not like we don’t have experience with them.
Great comment, man, but don’t expect racist right-wing cretins to understand it. They are constitutionally incapable of appreciating the totality of relevant facts.
“I gave up on this article when it appeared that the author is too stupid to know why his “I know everything I need to know…†was irredeemably…… stupid.”
Yes, irredeemably stupid, but typical of right-wing mentality.
As author Doyle wrote: “This is not an unreasonable statement and I make no apology for it. Neither of my two detractors actually explained why this sentence is out of bounds. Both are invited to explain to me why I would do well to move to Detroit, Haiti, or South Africa.”
How idiotic. Of course, no one would ever suggest that you or anyone move to Detroit or Haiti, because that is not the point. How ignorant and blind do you have to be to raise that as an “issue”? Pretty god damn ignorant and blind. But that’s typical right-wing mentality.
Hey, Doyle, you ignorant blind retarded motherfucker: I could tell you why that sentence is out of bounds, but it would be a waste of time. You will NEVER understand, because you are a sub-human piece of shit.
I hereby apologize for being unkind to animals. Or in this case, perhaps, insects.
“my main concern is that there are other cities that have had high levels of unionization and de-industrialization. The industrial regions of Italy, France, and Canada spring to mind. We have not seen the radical de-evolution of places like Hamilton ON into violent, crime ridden cesspools”
Places rise and fall in their own ways, for a variety of reasons, reasons sometimes interacting and synergizing, or the opposite (non-additively). In other words: the world is a complex place, not reduceable to simple explanations, though sometimes main drivers can be identified. Detroit is its own very particular place with a particular set of circumstances and influences.
For one example, the geographical area of Detroit is much, much larger than that of most cities; the factoidal stat tossed around is (iirc) that Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia could ALL be fit within Detroit city limits. And why does that matter? It matters because when things are spread out that far, it becomes much more difficult to build and maintain infrastructure, and generally to manage. And that’s just one thing. There are many more. Some of them were mentioned in the post to which I originally responded. And there are yet others. And when they are *combined*, you get some very strange (and in this case disastrous) results. When capital pulls out (collapse of job base and tax base), AND you have the pressures resulting from decades of vicious racism and segregation, AND you have this very geographically-huge city that is difficult to maintain or improve, AND you have incompetent politicians, AND…. well, you get the idea. Synergistic cluster-f**k. But the withdrawal of capital was without much question the signal event (or rather process) that greatly intensified everything else.
I do not reject, by the way, the idea that pathologies of black culture (LAZY BLACKS) played a role as well, and as was mentioned above black racism (e.g. of Coleman Young) was part of it. I buy all that. But those were relatively minor factors, not the main factors overwhelming all else. The latter is clearly rubbish, albeit rubbish eagerly embraced by nazi racist motherfuckers like that maniac Paul Kersey, cited by Doyle (OP author). Or a pathetic racist moron like “anon”, above: “Detroit was fine before blacks showed up”.
But again, perhaps I am being too hard on these guys. Their racism is POSSIBLY, as I said, genetically determined and unalterable, and therefore I ought not blame them. Perhaps they are genetically inferior, human in appearance but more animal than human, inside. I must remember to be kind to animals.
Another thing: you mention the decline of “industrial regions of Italy, France, and Canada”, but neglect to mention that each of these nations are advanced, civilized social democracies, meaning they are socialist enough to have programs to keep their cities from falling into ruin, even if the factories have shut down. That would be as opposed to retarded, rather barbarian, neoliberalism-dominated places like the U.S. Context means a great deal. And it should be needless to mention the large overlap between racism and anti-socialism: kissin’ cousins.
We will not likely see the “radical de-evolution of places like Hamilton ON into violent, crime ridden cesspools” — not primarily because there are no blacks in Hamilton ON, but because Canada is a decent civilized social democracy, rather than a racist nativist increasingly-fascist hellhole like the U.S.
And need I mention once again that LAZY BLACKS, VIOLENT BLACKS, and RACIST BLACKS can play a (small) role in the devolution of places into crime ridden cesspools? Just not the role of main driver, as would be the view of nazi racist motherfu….. er, I mean genetically inferior animals who cannot be blamed for their behavior.
PS: “avoid the discursions into incomprehensible claims”. My comments are not incomprehensible. You are an intelligent person, and therefore you know perfectly well what I am talking about.
What about withdrawal of social capital? Do you ignore social capital as a form of capital? What causes social capital to collapse, and in a sense "withdraw?"
When capital pulls out (collapse of job base and tax base), AND you have the pressures resulting from decades of vicious racism and segregation, AND you have this very geographically-huge city that is difficult to maintain or improve, AND you have incompetent politicians, AND…. well, you get the idea. Synergistic cluster-f**k. But the withdrawal of capital was without much question the signal event (or rather process) that greatly intensified everything else.
In other words, you're maintaining a ludicrous fiction that it is purely an unrelated coincidence that these cities like Hamilton, which do not and will not collapse into ruin, do NOT have any sizable numbers of Blacks ? How much longer will it be, I wonder, before large parts of Canada begin to go exactly the same way as the USA - because of precisely the same causative factors, despite their previous existence as a "decent civilized social democracy" - and you have to find someone else to blame instead ? I'm afraid not everyone is as stupid or self-deceitful as you.Replies: @alan2102
We will not likely see the “radical de-evolution of places like Hamilton ON into violent, crime ridden cesspools†— not primarily because there are no blacks in Hamilton ON, but because Canada is a decent civilized social democracy, rather than a racist nativist increasingly-fascist hellhole like the U.S.
laughing. And there’s your problem
There are some 54 African states on the continent.
And you simply don’t have much in the way of depth concerning South Africa. you seem to believe that before apartheid ended, South Africa was a paradise or something close to a place of order. No, the whites controlled the country by force and contrary to your myopia, it was a deadly place to live. There were safe Havens but those existed at the expense of the majority of the country. And make no mistake, ending apartheid just opened the country up to being seen for what it was.
Is it worse, no doubt, that is the usual consequence for fascist states — in the vacuum of powerless — there is a period of chaos in certain parts of the country. But whites have only themselves to blame. They failed to incorporate vast levels of their population into the system. So when that system could no longer sustain itself, — well we are seeing the consequences.
Your inability to make similar references to most of the continent suggests you have a very peculiar methodology for understanding logic —-
Robert Clayton Henry is one of more than several hundred black mayors is US history. You point to Detroit, but ignore Denver, Huston, Jackson, Houston, Dayton . . . there’s a long list of cities that have black mayors that simply don’t fit your conclusive statements about black leadership or the black population in general.
I think you know as much as you need to know to maintain your faulty analytical thinking. And that is sad. I suspect that as Africans take more and more control over their destinies, their countries and cities will be as functionally sound as they were before colonialism if not better. And you will continue to harangue about Haiti and South Africa. I am not one who blames colonialism for all of the ills of the world, nor those of blacks, but pretending the damage and the policies and practices that created the mess don’t exist is hollow fare.
LOL Priceless... ! Yes, sure they will. Good luck with that as a sociological thesis.
I suspect that as Africans take more and more control over their destinies, their countries and cities will be as functionally sound as they were before colonialism if not better.
nobody asked the negroes to come to South Africa, if they didn't like it they should just move on to a black ruled country
And you simply don’t have much in the way of depth concerning South Africa. you seem to believe that before apartheid ended, South Africa was a paradise or something close to a place of order. No, the whites controlled the country by force and contrary to your myopia, it was a deadly place to live. There were safe Havens but those existed at the expense of the majority of the country. And make no mistake, ending apartheid just opened the country up to being seen for what it was.
I agree with you 100% – it’s the exact same way in Ohio. I’m so disgusted with the entire political system in the US. We’ve got no choices. It’s either vote for the Marxists who seek to replace us because of their hatred for ALL things White, Western, and Christian (if you’re White & Western you’re perceived as Christian whether you are or not) or vote for the Republicans who load the nation with “new Americans” for “economic growth.” WTF ?!!
What we KNOW is that if one doesn’t “tow the line” one stands no hope of EVER being elected to any office in order to bring some common freaking sense to the table. So that means White people are left with only one choice.
Burn it down.
Burn it all down.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable" - John F. KennedyBut don't expect the all-powerful, psychotic, billionaire Jews who are closing down every avenue for the hated White man to ever understand that.
Burn it all down
The issue for Whites should not be Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice.
It actually already is an issue, as “pro-life” positions are extremely unpopular with whites, which is another example where the de facto “White Party” (GOP) shoots itself in the foot and alienates many potential white voters that Trump, temporarily, attracted to the party.
I just commented on this (see below).
I had expected an article about what in future history books may be the most decisive day in USA history, yesterday, where elections were held but where money was, for the first time in USA history, unable to influence voting.
I hope the following figures are right, they were long discussed on Dutch tv, but I’m too lazy to check.
Yesterday Soros, the Koch brothers, and others, seem to have spent $ 5 billion in order to influence the elections, without any result, one might say.
Both Trump and Hillary, again, the figures are flabbergasting, hope they’re right, spent around $ one billion in the presidential campaigns, Hillary most, 1.2, Trump less, 0.8.
Is democracy in the USA replacing moneycracy at last ?
Shamir here with regard to the Pittsburg murders published a warning to jews.
It seems high time to publish a second warning, this time to jewish ‘philantropists’.
I gave up on this article when it appeared that the author is too stupid to know why his “I know everything I need to know…” was irredeemably…… stupid.
A pity it gives ammunition to critics of VDare and now of Unz Review. Stupidity is the ultimate killer.
“Wrongheaded” is probably just being polite, however unusual in a blog comment, and not to see that says something about you perhaps.
For most Georgians who oppose Abrams, the issue is her ideas, and the fear is that she is smart enough to do what she says…we’ve experienced corrupt black politics in Atlanta, Savannah, and other cities, and don’t want it on a statewide level. Unfortunately, the number of immigrants and transplants is starting to drown out actual Georgians.
Abrams has already stated that she will not serve the best interests of Georgians, when she vowed to use the votes of illegals and others to change Georgia, the South, and the nation. We understand what that means.
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person's policies... merely the melanin the person's skin, I suppose....Well, so, I guess if electing a black governor in Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, then Haiti could become like the U.S. by electing a white as president -- I suppose, not necessarily even a particularly intelligent one, just any white person would do, no? Magic melanin... or lack thereof, I guess... You know, all of these articles that are mirrored from VDare are such worthless crap. I would suggest to Ron (in case he's listening) that the line "republished from VDare" should appear at the top of these articles, not the bottom, just like word count is at the top. This could save people a lot of time. If I saw right from the start that something comes from VDare, I just wouldn't bother.Replies: @OilcanFloyd, @Dave Bowman, @Dave Bowman
I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.
Haiti doesn’t have large concentrations of whites, so a white president (as if that would ever happen) would likely do nothing for Haiti. Georgia, on the other hand….
However you feel about blacks and whites, anyone who is familiar with both groups knows how different they are. If I were to pick two groups to throw together with the intent of building a stable society, it wouldn’t be blacks and whites.
Btw, Voodoo isn’t unheard of among blacks in Georgia, especially along the coast.
The issue for Whites should not be Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice. The issue for Whites should be abortions, other than abortions for eugenic purposes, should not be for economic reasons. The White middle class birth rate has collapsed because the White middle class has collapsed. Look at the demographics of the 1930s – not a lot of Whites born during the depression, and don’t tell me White women weren’t seeking abortions because the family couldn’t afford to feed another mouth. Those who promote off shoring jobs and open borders understand how Whites react – fewer children. Ensure the economic viability for Whites, and middle class Whites in particular will help White birth rates. Let the others abort all they want.
It actually already is an issue, as "pro-life" positions are extremely unpopular with whites, which is another example where the de facto "White Party" (GOP) shoots itself in the foot and alienates many potential white voters that Trump, temporarily, attracted to the party.
The issue for Whites should not be Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice.
I wrote about this at length when I still supported Trump
But by indulging (socially) Conservative Republicans on Planned Parenthood funding, etc. Trump will likely alienate Liberal/Moderate Republicans and Reagan/Trump Democrats, who might decide not to give him their vote again, if he becomes and acts too “theocraticâ€.
In order to win over Independents (who are America’s biggest political “partyâ€/voting bloc, and many of whom are white), becoming/being pro-Planned Parenthood/pro-choice is the way to go for the GOP. If the GOP continues to let itself be held hostage by religious fanatics and orthodoxy, it won’t have a political future
I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person’s policies… merely the melanin the person’s skin, I suppose….
Well, so, I guess if electing a black governor in Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, then Haiti could become like the U.S. by electing a white as president — I suppose, not necessarily even a particularly intelligent one, just any white person would do, no? Magic melanin… or lack thereof, I guess…
You know, all of these articles that are mirrored from VDare are such worthless crap. I would suggest to Ron (in case he’s listening) that the line “republished from VDare” should appear at the top of these articles, not the bottom, just like word count is at the top.
This could save people a lot of time. If I saw right from the start that something comes from VDare, I just wouldn’t bother.
Are you really that stupid ? Are you ? Really ? Or are you just pretending ?It's got nothing at all to do with the colour of the skin per se, you double-thinking moron - as I am sure you understand perfectly well. The problem the author is highlighting is just exactly the same problem we have all known about for a very, very long time - namely, that the colour of the skin of any person elected to office (i.e. representing perfectly the ETHNIC origin and cultural background of that person) guarantees with a very high degree of certainty precisely which political and social policies will be put in place and supported by that individual and his entourage - and exactly why. In other words - Steve Sailer's, among many others - It's all about Race, stupid.This is still every bit as true of every Black in the western world as it used to be of Whites - and only a know-nothing, self-blinding, self-deluding cretin would suggest otherwise and hope to be believed.Replies: @JLK, @TomSchmidt
So, electing a black person as governor of Georgia will turn Georgia into Haiti, eh? Irregardless of that person’s policies… merely the melanin the person’s skin, I suppose….
The word you were scrabbling for was either "irrespective" or "regardless". The word "irregardless" does not exist - not even if you create it.And you're a writer ?
Irregardless of that person’s policies
Like it matters who’s elected. I think this guy is a pied piper shill.
“The Origins of the Urban Crisis, by Thomas J. Sugrue”
Looks interesting, I will add this to my reading list.
“Maybe their reptilian tribalism is genetically determined and unalterable”
What on earth are you talking about?
Hint: you’ll get your point across much more clearly if you avoid the discursions into incomprehensible claims.
In advance of reading the book by Sugrue, my main concern is that there are other cities that have had high levels of unionization and de-industrialization. The industrial regions of Italy, France, and Canada spring to mind. We have not seen the radical de-evolution of places like Hamilton ON into violent, crime ridden cesspools as a result of those trends. I am skeptical of the idea that demographics and violence resulting in the flight of the (largely white) middle class is irrelevant. However, should be an interesting read. Thanks.
“It is wrongheaded”
What educated person uses a waffly, hand wavy term like ‘wrongheaded’?
Have you ever seen that term in a critical thinking textbook?
“Abrams has a Yale law degree. We don’t know if she would have been able to get in without affirmative action.”
Umm, it is not ‘affirmative action’ that gets most Jews into heavily Jewish Yale. It is clannishness and nepotism. Whether affirmative action laws existed or not, Jews would still favor their own.
” the French anti-immigration party National Front received a mere 4.3 percent of the Jewish vote. Seven years later, that support had jumped to 13.5 percent. That represents a more than fourfold jump in Jewish support.” I was thinking the writer was making some good points — and I’m still thinking that — but his math is so bad that now I’m not so sure.
Detroit was fine before blacks showed up
good try though
Your focus is too narrow and I believe you did not read or understand my comment properly.
This is not just about Democrat vs. Republican, this is about America staying American vs. becoming a second Brazil:
More here and a highly recommended article:
White Nationalists Need Planned Parenthood, Not the Pope
Eugenicists must vigorously oppose all so-called “pro-life†candidates, and the utterly outrageous “personhood†amendments. “Pro-life†is a superficially attractive term that conceals a sinister interior, because what it really means is unequal access to contraception and abortion, which invariably causes genetic deterioration. Just as the idea of Communism sounded appealing in the beginning, the reality was untold misery. It is the same with pro-life.
This was a fairly good article until Mr. Doyle introduced the ‘persecuted’ Jew paradigm into his predictable analysis.
Has Mr. Doyle ever wondered why Muslims in France might resent and even target Jews?
Is he aware that global Jewry helped orchestrate and sponsor the destruction of Muslim-majority Syria, Muslim-majority Iraq, and Muslim-majority Libya (not to mention the isolation and intermittent bombing of Muslim-majority Lebanon and–most tellingly–the systematic annihilation of Muslim-majority Palestine?)
Where does he think these Muslim immigrants in Europe and America came from?
What caused their sudden migration here?
Is he aware that the glorious, democratic, pro-Zionist West destroyed the nations listed above?
Has Mr. Doyle ever wondered how many Muslims have been slaughtered by ‘democratic Israel’ and its agents in Washington and Brussels?
Who? Whom?
Initially, Doyle had me nodding my head in agreement with his case involving the incompatibility of African blacks with White civilization–not to mention the peril that Black culture imposes on Asians and even Arabs.
So why does he pander to the usual gatekeepers and false narrative?
Why do so many allegedly-conservative writers like Doyle invoke popular myths involving ‘anti-Semitism’ and the ‘Jews-as-innocent-victim’ canard to make the point that Whites (along with their Jewish overlords) are one people who deserve their own nation-state?–(but that Jews get to have their own, more-exclusive ethno-state as well.)?
Has he really thought this all out?
No. Doyle is drinking kosher Kool Aid.
Doyle would have us believe that Jews belong right along with us, while they gradually and deliberately sabotage our European-derived, English-speaking culture.
Has Doyle ever contemplated the possibility that, like Africans, Jews might be incompatible with the White, Christian-Greco-Roman world?
Mountains of solid, genuine, and historic evidence suggests so.
If Doyle ever dares to venture there, then we may have a truly interesting writer on our hands.
Fine comment, as usual, especially this. Thank you.Replies: @mark green
Has Doyle ever contemplated the possibility that, like Africans, Jews might be incompatible with the White, Christian-Greco-Roman world?
Nice list. Thanks. I don’t doubt that RACIST BLACKS like Coleman Young did some damage.
However, the biggest single factor was that capital fled Detroit, because Detroit was too much of a hotbed of uppity unions with uppity members with uppity ideas about getting a piece of the pie. That initiated the deterioration and was the main driver, over the decades. Though there were other factors as well.
For a full explanation by a real, non-racist scholar, read Sugrue:
The Origins of the Urban Crisis, by Thomas J. Sugrue
Or, a shorter piece by Sugrue:
A historian dissects Detroit’s trouble
by Thomas Sugrue
Also, check out this short read:
When a City Collapses: Racial Discrimination, Deindustrialization, and the Abandonment of Detroit
These readings will not only illuminate about Detroit’s decline, but they also give insight about structural racism in the U.S.
I don’t expect that any such books or articles will ever be read (or read with a fair mind) by pieces of shit who are anxious to “prove” that Detroit’s decline and state are down to the genetic inferiority of blacks. They will maintain their pet belief no matter what facts are presented.
Hmmm. “Pieces of shit.” Maybe I am being too hard on them. Maybe they can’t help being who they are. Maybe their reptilian tribalism is genetically determined and unalterable, and therefore not their fault. I’ll have to think about that.
Nathan Doyle: ““Detroit†links to Gregory Hood’s review for American Renaissance of Paul Kersey’s book Escape from Detroit: The Collapse of America’s Black Metropolis.“ …. All four of these links were chosen carefully”
Chosen “carefully”, huh? Doyle should read the (numerous) amazon one-star reviews of this bilge. Even the people who agree with Kersey (i.e. even racist assholes) describe the book as a worthless hyper-repetitive hodgepodge of hysterical rants. Yes, very “carefully chosen”. lol
You might want to think over your rationale for opposing Democrats, for the following reasons:
my rationale for wanting to keep Democrat Stacey Abrams out of office: “I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.â€
- Kemp is "pro-life":Brian Kemp
So these 6 million adults, with no abortion access and living in poverty, therefore reproducing at the rate of poor Blacks, would have contributed at least 18 million new children to the Creedal Nation by now. That is the equivalent of 40 more Detroits!
Black fertility actually went up under Reagan (see chart below) [...] Arguably, anti-abortion/birth control policies/campaigns are the most effective at increasing the non-White fertility rate, since non-Whites have the highest unintended pregnancy rates and thus the highest abortion rates
Maybe allowing the murder of children is not worth gaining a slight electoral advantage. Would you murder millions of children if it meant the Democrats had a few less congressmen?
” That represents a more than fourfold jump in Jewish support of a party widely smeared as anti-Semitic during a time when crimes against Jews and Jewish migration out of the country were both high ”
Pierre-André Taguieff, Michèle Tribalat, ‘Face au Front national, Arguments pour une contre-offensive’, Paris, 1998
The main argument in this book written by jews against Front National is that FN is against immigration
But if you dig up past statements from them, you will discover that the rightwing candidate had stated that the choice should be the woman’s!
Thank you very much for your feedback, Bras Cubas.
What you shared about Bolsonaro is very good news!
I hope he doesn’t cut family planning/birth control funding, etc., because that would be a disaster for Brazil.
though he has surprisingly strong support among women [Women for Bolsonaro, By Chayenne Polimédio, Foreign Affairs, October 26, 2018] and minority populations.
” Jews were the target of 40 per cent of all racist crimes in France in 2013—even though they comprise less than 1 per cent of the population. ”
Muslims in France are quite happy about how Israel runs the concentration camp Gaza, drive Palestinians out of Jerusalem, declare Israel a jewish state where non jews also legally are second class citizens and continues building in the West Bank.
And of course, Muslims have great trust in the Peace Process.
Oilcan Floyd:
They’re capitalists or wannabe capitalists, so what do you expect?
All to say, yes, let us elect white Republicans who will stem the rising tide of color and reject any and every black who seeks elected office.
How cute. You enlist anti Semitism fearing Jews to demonize Muslims and blacks to solicit republican votes.
Your stupidity is beyond description.
you can tell by this part - he still doesn't know who the real enemy is:
You are a confused writer who doesn’t know wether he is coming or going and until you can figure that out, there’s no reason to confuse the readers. �
Replies: @utu
I’m Doing This For Michelle Goldberg Too, Even If She Doesn’t Realize It
He must be coming form the school of Steve Sailer where they teach that they can make a deal with Jews and have them on their side.
True. But the blacks don’t know or give a damn about the difference between Japanese and Koreans. If you’re Japanese or Chinese or whatever, you can look at what happens to Koreans and see your own future.
You are a confused writer who doesn’t know wether he is coming or going and until you can figure that out, there’s no reason to confuse the readers.
you can tell by this part – he still doesn’t know who the real enemy is:
I’m Doing This For Michelle Goldberg Too, Even If She Doesn’t Realize It
Detroit was the city if Henry Ford. In the 1920,s, Ford published a series of books discussing the International Jew. I believe he was also active in the isolationist resistence to U.S entry into WW 2. I suspect the destruction of Detroit was a special project of revenge and hatred. Similar hostilities no doubt prompted the immigration act of 1965.
Thank you. A truly brilliant perception. I suspect you're absolutely right.
I suspect the destruction of Detroit was a special project of revenge and hatred
Hamanoki is a fake.
Don’t know why, I just correct it to direct criticism to such a bulishit artist.
To augment my coment re. Sumo names, changes are customary in changes of grade, or perception of ill-luck perceivable to be due to an unlucky name. but not if excessive. My fave bout was almost ten years ago, I am disrectful to have forgotten his name, was a fan, he and his opponent entered the clinch (of course, throwing and tripping are permitted), but the opponent was just pushing against him, he broke his opponent’s calf or ankle, just by standing.
Soon after that, he retired to become a trainer, but having watched the match live, that is one of the most interesting Sumo fights ever.
And who tells them this?
They are told that they are oppressed by whitey, and that is why they have it worse economically.
Gee, answer that, and you win the gold.
This is definitely one of the more convoluted article to have appeared on the site:
Blacks and Hmong hating each other should not surprise anyone as they both compete for scraps being the they’re not top dogs in achievements and won’t be anytime soon save some genetic mutations and furthermore, saving the shenanigans of the admission officials who are using non academic criteria, both of those groups won’t be anywhere near the Ivy League schools, except as janitorial staff. And let’s see how well the Japanese-Americans will compete with the Chinese-Americans, for there isn’t the ‘Honorary White’ category to protect them here like in South Africa and perhaps knowing that they aren’t that special after all, Hananoki sympathises with a like group, viz. Blacks. And Idi Amin’s Asians were the swarthy Indians… are you sure, you want to lump them with the East Asians?
Also, in America, unlike France, Michelle Goldberg knows that blacks are not as anti-Jewish as say, the Muslims there, and are certainly more pliable and who would do the Tribe’s bidding at the drop of a hat, when called upon to march against the majority, i.e. White Christians.
You are a confused writer who doesn’t know wether he is coming or going and until you can figure that out, there’s no reason to confuse the readers.
you can tell by this part - he still doesn't know who the real enemy is:
You are a confused writer who doesn’t know wether he is coming or going and until you can figure that out, there’s no reason to confuse the readers. �
Replies: @utu
I’m Doing This For Michelle Goldberg Too, Even If She Doesn’t Realize It
Hananoki, (as a surname, 花之木 or just 花木, as a placename, possibly also 花ノ木 or 花ã®æœ¨) is indeed Japanese, but I have never heard of anybody bearing the name.
It means a flowering tree, or a tree in flower, or is a specific species, or is an erroneous name for another species.
Could find no reference to that as a name in any of two large dictionaries, and Japanese Brittanica, also did a straw poll of three, one colleague, one female shop assistant who is not studying, one male who is, to see if it was some regional surname, they all said that they had never heard of it as a name.
The first way of writing it that I post may work for a junior (sumo) wrestler, but not if going anywhere in the grades. Too wimpy. … and the wrestlers drop the adopted names when they retire.
So, it is certainly a word in Japanese, but as a surname either
i. invented, or
ii. all who had adopted that surname emigrated to the Americas.
I call fake on the surname of the U.S. writer.
Their constant blathering about “growth†has done nothing but ruin the state.
i’m sick of this too
and where are the environmentalist groups? oh they sold out or never actually believed what they claimed
They are told that they are oppressed by whitey, and that is why they have it worse economically.
And who tells them this?
Yes, there are race-baiting Al Sharptons who do, but who really has the most influence on what gets shouted from The Megaphone of the MainStream Media? Who shows up again and again in academia, pushing this perspective? What sorts of names appear again and again atop New York Times articles that push this?
I hope you're not suggesting we're being controlled by an anonymous, faceless, all-powerful, billionaire cartel of psvchotic, anti-White racist, totalitarian exterminators ? How on earth could nice religious people ever be like that ?
who really has the most influence on what gets shouted from The Megaphone of the MainStream Media? Who shows up again and again in academia, pushing this perspective? What sorts of names appear again and again atop New York Times articles that push this?
Doyle is correctly applying The Law of Large Numbers.
You might want to think over your rationale for opposing Democrats, for the following reasons:
my rationale for wanting to keep Democrat Stacey Abrams out of office: “I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.â€
- Kemp is "pro-life":Brian Kemp
So these 6 million adults, with no abortion access and living in poverty, therefore reproducing at the rate of poor Blacks, would have contributed at least 18 million new children to the Creedal Nation by now. That is the equivalent of 40 more Detroits!
Black fertility actually went up under Reagan (see chart below) [...] Arguably, anti-abortion/birth control policies/campaigns are the most effective at increasing the non-White fertility rate, since non-Whites have the highest unintended pregnancy rates and thus the highest abortion rates
I am not a Christian, but one thing I will never understand: if one takes Jesus seriously, one shouldn’t give a damn about human laws. After all, there’s divine justice (and, I suppose, divine providence as well). The implication is that Christianity has the separation of Church and State embedded in its genes. But there must have been a mutation along the way, because the practice is very different from the theory.
“Give Caesar what is Caesar’s and God what is God’s” is a teaching that is not held in high esteem by Christians of whatever denomination. Every candidate, in order to be elected by Christians, has to promise he will give God what is God’s, and also what is Caesar’s.
In Brazil, where I live, we just had a situation that is very symptomatic of this state of affairs. The leftwing Presidential candidate was evasive and non-committal on this issue, whereas the rightwing candidate was anti-abortion. But if you dig up past statements from them, you will discover that the rightwing candidate had stated that the choice should be the woman’s! The left, who was ferociously attacked for being “aborters”, didn’t use his adversary’s contradiction in its campaign, presumably because it would suggest an anti-abortion stance, which they didn’t feel comfortable with.
I voted rightwing, for other reasons, and very unsure of myself.
Thank you very much for your feedback, Bras Cubas.
But if you dig up past statements from them, you will discover that the rightwing candidate had stated that the choice should be the woman’s!
though he has surprisingly strong support among women [Women for Bolsonaro, By Chayenne Polimédio, Foreign Affairs, October 26, 2018] and minority populations.
I grew up in Detroit, and personally witnessed the destruction of a once-great city. There are a number of reasons for Detroit’s decline that have never been explored or discussed.
1. “Blockbusting” by greedy real estate agents. Real estate agents would send out postcards with the following: “A new family is moving into your neighborhood. If you want to sell your house, please call me at xxx-xxxx”. A “new family” was a euphemism for black families, and was used to “encourage” whites to sell their homes, exploiting their rational fear to “buy up” housing at bargain basement prices.
2. HUD (Housing and Urban Development) speculators and real estate hustlers conspired to “buy up” and raze the best houses on every block, in certain sections of the city. Quite often, “shacks” were left standing while decent housing was purchased by HUD and razed. This was done purposely to depress property values, to make it easier for speculators to purchase properties at “bargain basement” prices.
I realize that items 1 and 2 counteract each other and are at cross purposes, but they were a reality in 1960s Detroit.
3. The 1967 riots did much to push whites out of Detroit. A little-known aspect of the Detroit riots was the application of spray-painted words on the exteriors of black-owned businesses. The words “soul brother” was spray-painted on businesses owned by blacks so that the “angels of death” (actually rioters) would spare them from destruction. Whole business districts around the city were destroyed, never to regain their former selves.
4. The election of Coleman Alexander Young, Detroit’s first black mayor, who was overtly racist to Detroit’s white citizens while “getting along just fine” with the “movers and shakers” (big business people) of the day (as long as the campaign donations kept coming in)….
5. The abolition of the STRESS (Stop The Robberies, Enjoy Safe Streets) program. This anti-criminal program was put in by mayor Young’s predecessor and was quite successful in “cleaning up the streets” of criminals. In this program, police officers would disguise themselves as vulnerable old people and walk through neighborhoods as “decoys”. Predatory criminals would attempt to rob these elderly citizens and quite often, were dispatched to “the great hereafter”. One of Young’s campaign promises was the abolition of the STRESS program as too many of “his people” were being eliminated. Upon the election of Young, the program was disbanded.
These are 5 reasons for this once-great city’s demise.
I was watching SHARKY’S MACHINE again after Burt Reynolds passed away and was struck by how prophetic the film was.
A foreign criminal-Italian in those days, now Hispanic-moves into the Peach Tree towers. He buys a governor. He pimps girls. And to really solve his problems, he gets his heroin pill-popping assassin brother Henry Silva to shoot people. He pays off a cop to hide evidence.
At one point Burt Reynolds confronts him in the Peachtree and says “The worst part of it is that you’re out of state”.
Watching the film now after 30 years as a 44 year old man I was surprised how prophetic it was-the popularity of heroin pills, the corruption, the influx of foreign criminals (Reynolds did not foresee the Hispanics replacing Italians but more or less its the same kind of crime-human trafficking, shootings, drug dealing), the worthless governor.
He would have been smoking crack either way.
They are used as a voting bloc, well over 90% of the black vote goes Democrat AFAIK. They are told that they are oppressed by whitey, and that is why they have it worse economically. Not lower average IQ, not laziness, not the embracing of thug culture…. just the invisible hand of racism.
And who tells them this?
They are told that they are oppressed by whitey, and that is why they have it worse economically.
“Mr. Hananoki should ask himself what he thinks would have happened to the Koreans who guarded their shops from blacks with firearms during the LA riots if Mr. Barry had been the mayor not of DC, but of Los Angeles.”
I don’t think it could have been much worse. From the roof of a barricaded building in Hollywood Hills in ’92 I spent several days watching the fires burn over Los Angeles while blacks sped up and down Hollywood Boulevard at the bottom of the hill torching cars and smashing storefront windows. A few blocks over almost all of Koreatown was being looted and burned to the ground. The black Mayor Tom Bradley pretty much invited a riot by announcing that the police would not be going in as he considered it too dangerous for them–the equivalent of the last major riot in Baltimore where the mayor said they would stand back and let the blacks blow off steam.
At one time America’s cities were its crowning achievement. I think it was a big mistake to surrender them all to violent blacks. Now Europe is repeating the US mistakes.
It is wrongheaded to assume a black person is unqualified to hold a position just because she is black. This kind of “race realism” isn’t realism at all, just lack of understanding of statistics.
There are a lot of factors that go into being a good candidate, including intellectual aptitude, philosophy and life experience. If you don’t agree with her political philosophy, that is a valid reason to oppose her.
As far as aptitude is concerned, Abrams has a Yale law degree. We don’t know if she would have been able to get in without affirmative action. That’s one of the toxic consequences of affirmative action for genuinely talented black students, because a certain percentage would have been admitted anyway. In any event, Yale gets the pick of the litter; she’s certainly no dullard and probably would have earned a law degree at another school even without racial preferences. As even Nixon said: “Some of them are smart.”
Speaking of Detroit: I was in downtown Detroit in July, 1967 and watched, up close the looting of the stores and the torching of the cars. What sticks in my memory are the looks on the faces of faces of the looters — not the anguish and despair of an oppressed, downtrodden people — just folks out there having a frolicking good time, getting some freebies and sticking it to Whitey. A couple of years later, Detroit elected Coleman Young as firsts black mayor. The rest, as they say, was history.
Or to put it another way - As has also previously been pointed out concerning the 2011 riots in Croydon, England, the Blacks who made up the overwhelming majority of the window-smashing, shop-burning, car-wrecking feral thugs who destroyed a chunk of south London over several nights were not stealing bread, vegetables or any other form of foodstuffs - or even drink. They were not starving, or anywhere near. Instead, they smashed windows for gigantic high-value HD televisions, hi-fi systems, mobile phones, cameras (to sell), wristwatches, bracelets, pendants, and a thousand styles of trainers, hoodie outfits, and every other manifestation of today's self-respecting, well-dressed Black urban gangsta-pimp.Nothing will ever work with these sub-normals except deportation back to their beloved Kingston-town, or a bullet in the head.
What sticks in my memory are the looks on the faces of faces of the looters — not the anguish and despair of an oppressed, downtrodden people — just folks out there having a frolicking good time, getting some freebies and sticking it to Whitey.
If only Republicans would stem the tide, but they don’t. The official population of the state has gone from somewhere around 6 million 30 years ago to over 11 million, and rising, with a large portion being foreigners. I don’t recognize my hometown, or many places around the state, and Republicans either said nothing, or encouraged the population growth, while they were solidly in power. Their constant blathering about “growth” has done nothing but ruin the state. If they lose, they can blame themselves.
I’ll hold my nose and vote, but I hate the Georgia Republicans as much as they hate their base. Unfortunately, if they win, it’ll be more weasilyness, disdain of the base, selling out our state, inviting everyone to come here, overbuilding, and massive corruption. On the other hand, maybe they deserve to lose, and the base can look for real representatives.
i'm sick of this tooand where are the environmentalist groups? oh they sold out or never actually believed what they claimed
Their constant blathering about “growth†has done nothing but ruin the state.
How is it possible that only 13% of our population have a lock on so much our politics, culture, and urban landscape, yet they are still oppressed?
Poor old – I drank the Kool Aid & liked it -Nathan: imagine him confronted by a black republican candidate ? Watch the eyes roll, the sparks & smoke begin to pop from his ears, & the final convulsions followed by complete psychic melt down. How sad – what fun !
‘…Mr. Hananoki should ask himself what he thinks would have happened to the Koreans who guarded their shops from blacks with firearms during the LA riots if Mr. Barry had been the mayor not of DC, but of Los Angeles…
It’s a red herring, but as a Japanese, Mr. Hananoki might well not be disturbed in the least by bad things happening to Koreans.
my rationale for wanting to keep Democrat Stacey Abrams out of office: “I know everything I need to know about what happens when blacks are in charge from Detroit, Haiti, South Africa, etc.â€
You might want to think over your rationale for opposing Democrats, for the following reasons:
So these 6 million adults, with no abortion access and living in poverty, therefore reproducing at the rate of poor Blacks, would have contributed at least 18 million new children to the Creedal Nation by now. That is the equivalent of 40 more Detroits!
Black fertility actually went up under Reagan (see chart below) […] Arguably, anti-abortion/birth control policies/campaigns are the most effective at increasing the non-White fertility rate, since non-Whites have the highest unintended pregnancy rates and thus the highest abortion rates
Brian Kemp is “pro-life”:
Brian Kemp
â€Verified account @BrianKempGA
Governor candidate, GA
If former Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards has an issue with pro-life legislation in the south, wait until I’m governor. We will stand up & fight for the unborn. We won’t back down or apologize for doing the right thing. 6:45 PM – 14 Jun 2018
If former Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards has an issue with pro-life legislation in the south, wait until I'm governor. We will stand up & fight for the unborn. We won't back down or apologize for doing the right thing. #gapol #tcot
— Brian Kemp (@BrianKempGA) June 15, 2018
Ms. Goldberg: Please have some shame. Please stop scamming blacks by inciting them and engaging in race baiting.
In this day and age of the internet, people can see through your scams and will say: Look at Michelle Goldberg—she is inciting blacks.
But in Israel, they call blacks monkeys.
Blacks can see through your scams, Michelle, and it will backfire on you Judiasts.