The “shot and wounded” data is OK, because most of the wounded seek medical care, and the gunshot wounds are reported by the hospital. I’d be shocked if reports of shots fired alone counted as a “shooting incident” in the Baltimore data.
The Minneapolis shot locator map data is online:
Stay out of NW Minneapolis, I guess.
Do cars backfire much anymore?
You live in the Hispanic capital of the United States, and you have to ask us?
And how about fireworks? New Year’s Eve would be the ideal time to do a hit on someone. Also, a good place would be close to a shooting range during opening hours. I think all the electronic/computer stuff under the bonnet of a car these days prevents the good old-fashioned backfire that would make you jump a foot in the air. At least I haven’t heard one for years.
A lot of cities now have high tech “shot locator” devices that listen for gunshots. I don’t know how reliable they are, but they might be getting pretty good at recording all gunshots. (Can they reliable distinguish gunshots from backfires? Do cars backfire much anymore?)
You live in the Hispanic capital of the United States, and you have to ask us?
Do cars backfire much anymore?
Murder data is quite good, because there’s a body to explain. “Shooting incident” is a flexible term, and there often won’t be any victims, so I’d expect the data to be bad.
There really hasn’t been a catastrophic new drug since crack three decades ago, which was a surprise to me. I figured there’d be one major new drug per decade or two, but it hasn’t turned out that way.
In part, this is because of quasi-legalization of a lot of pharmaceutical company-manufactured downers.
This is approximately the one zillionth scary new drug destroying the world. Mostly these are hype, though crack did manage to fill up a lot of graveyards.
Murders are more consistently reported across different times and locations. A city trying to game its crime stats will under-report stuff like that–turn an attempted murder into an assault, for example. David Simon claimed the Baltimore PD did this under O’Malley, and one of his bits of evidence was that O’Malley’s policing reforms led to a lower rate of aggravated assaults but the same number of murders.
Absolutely amazing how the Silver Mine dodges the correlation with black demographics on this one.
They really are Eloi or worse.
“While New Orleans appears to be experiencing a change in luck, Baltimore is experiencing a dramatic jump in gun violence.”
Shades of R.A.H.! Does Nate know what a cliché he is? It is not luck it is behaviour. Behaviour that is encouraged. It is not “gun violence” it is the violence of the Black population.
The new scourge on the streets of New York this Summer was synthetic cannabinoids called K2 or Spice.
Odd, we’ve had this crap raging in Florida for a few years now. I’m sure you’ll recall our cannibal from the news and we’ve had some other high profile incidents.
I also worry for long term result of this. My own thought is that people will self medicate. It’s not possible to prevent it. If not “spice” then model glue or spray paint or gasoline. Better we decriminalize drugs we know more about and which the users would prefer if cost were no barrier. I’d rather these junkies were using opium. Let the “opiate” of the junkies be opium. At least we would know exactly what we were in for and can easily screen people we cannot afford to have stoned in society (i.e. doctors, children, cops, pilots, etc).
As Alex Shulgin showed us, there is no end to the psychoactive substances or the innovation of the chemist. Better to write off the junkies than have cannibals eating mom’s face when she goes downtown for a dinner with friends.
You don’t control a human asset the way you control a car or a program. The difficulty of getting another human to do “what I would have done” in a particular situation is why there is this thing, this field of study, this urgent need of organizations everywhere called management. It’s especially bad when the asset’s interests, preferences, and culture are dramatically different from your own.
In 2005 New Orleans exported many of its future violent actors – partial explanation for whatever decrease in violence there actually is in N.O. Those on High understand – defuse violence in cities through diffusion of violent actors.
They keep calling it ‘gun violence’ instead of what it actually is and that’s ‘black violence’. It’s a black-driven affair. For any discussion to lead anywhere communication has to be sincere and honest. Using misleading terms from the outset hampers clarity of thinking and around we go in circles. As commenter Glossy above points out there was a demographic change in NYC which produced different results. All the talk about policing methods, the ‘broken windows’ approach, Giuliani, were just ancillary to the main factor. Ghetto black types act like New Guinean tribesmen engaged in tribal vendettas. The unspoken idea seems to be to break them up and scatter them around but unfortunately wherever they go there they are.
“What are we to make of BLM heckling Hillary?”
Easy. Attention hounds using an easy mark to draw attention to themselves. Looksatme.
I have always thought that aggravated assault with a firearm (or general) is a way better acid test metric of how violent a place is rather than murder, simply b/c ER trauma techniques have gotten way better in the last few decades in preventing some victims of the former crime from becoming victims of the latter crime.
Black Lives Matter heckling Hillary? The previous thesis was that Soros-backed BLM targeted Bernie because Soros likes Hillary.
I think the theory still holds. Soros set them on Sanders, but didn’t explicity say not to attack Hillary. Once something like that gets going, you can’t can’t put the pin back in. Unless Soros is willing to pull funding and (((shut it down))). But somehow I doubt he wants to do that. So the Occam’s razor explanation is that BLM-ers saw what a great success they had against Sanders and wanted to do more. Remember, this is also great fun for them. They get to be angry and assertive and annoy white people and be on TV.
OR Occam’s tinfoil says that Soros told them to go attack Hillary too to cover his tracks, and let Hillary in on it, so it won’t be that damaging to her.
Those are some frightening videos. I did not realize how bad it has gotten in NYC. Once we decriminalize marijuana and other drugs we can expect more of the same.
The White Man will still be the Devil, as the onlookers in the videos explained. Damned if we do. Damned if we don’t.
538 is my favorite progressive liberal outlet for no other reason than the great lengths they no doubt have to go to avoid thoughtcrime. They spend months on end rating the country’s best burritos or dreaming up new ways to analyze sports instead of, say, Noticing Things. The type of chart presented here is a somewhat basic analysis of the symptom. Not a meaningful dive into the actual problems, which is how you get booted from polite society.
I wish we could insert links into comments
What’s this “we” stuff? Have you got a mouse in your pocket?
My theory would be that lower police response resulting in higher criminal confidence leads to more ‘committed’ shootings. Instead of “bang bang bang—run away,” it’s “bang bang bang, run down the wounded and anchor shot.” And similar reductions in low success drive-bys, replaced by higher success close contact shootings.
I don’t think BLM is controlled by Soros in that way. The people who matter are crazy enough to lash out randomly in just the right way.
Alternatively, (if you are into conspiracies), you could see Trump+Bill and SorosBLM attacking Hill in a pincer. Some internal strife on the left?
But Obama and Holder both say any increase in violence has nothing to do with #BlackLivesMatter.
The new scourge on the streets of New York this Summer was synthetic cannabinoids called K2 or Spice. The drug really exploded, especially among the homeless population. I experienced the zombie crowd this Summer around the 125th and Lexington Subway stop. Deeply disturbing. Straight out of The Walking Dead.
I haven’t seen any naked dudes on the streets, but I have seen people in this state.
K2 is usually sold legally though bodegas by Yemeni immigrants. The packs sell for a dollar or two a pop which is the ideal price point for destitute. The active cannabinoid agents are often manufactured in China and then combined with spices in the US and sold as an “incense” type product. It’s an especially dirty drug and the long term implications of its toxicity on users is unknown.
It is often used as a pot substitute by people on parole or who are subject to a drug test. Because it is so cheap, it has really hit the homeless in New York City. Some users become addicted and repeated use can lead to PCP like episodes. I have seen a few of these people on the street and it isn’t pretty. I assumed it was PCP (not that I have ever seen anyone on PCP), but the insane, manic, sweaty delusional nature of users is straight out of an after school special.
It is an interesting experiment for the drug legalization debate. K2 appears to be terrible for the long term physical and mental health of the users, but because of its low price point and that fact that it is legally sold out of bodegas meant that so far at least, there is little gang crime associated with the drug. There is no money to be made on the street level, although I am sure that Triad organized crime or some other organized crime is involved in some way on the bulk level. A few weeks ago, the New York City Council banned the drug, but enforcement is difficult because the “chefs” continually rework the formula.
While there has been an astronomical explosion in hospital emergency room visits, overall it has not had a material impact on the crime rate for now.
I’d want to see what was going on in the underlying data.
I’m going to guess that it’s driven by inconsistent reporting and inconsistent recording — ie errors — more than by anything else. Especially in a low-competence place like Baltimore.
The ol’ proverbial sausage factory…
“Around 34 percent of nearly 3,000 shooting incidents in Baltimore since 2010 have ended in a fatality. ”
This seems like a shockingly high rate of fatal shooting incidents. For example, Chicago’s year-to-date stats are 2558 shot, of which 378 were killed and 2180 wounded, for an overall fatality rate of around 15%. The vast majority of shooting incidents involve handguns, which are just not all that lethal. 10-15% is a typical death rate for someone shot with a handgun. Rifles increase that to maybe the 30% range, and shotguns can get to 50%, but the later two are almost never used.
The stats don’t directly compare–a “shooting incident” may have multiple victims, presumably, and the joint fatality rate is probably somewhat higher than an individual fatality rate. But again from the Chicago stats, shootings in which more than three people are hit are pretty rare.
I’d want to see what was going on in the underlying data. If that’s valid, I’d want to see what’s going on in the local emergency rooms. Or maybe look at why the gangstas are getting more lethal.
I'm going to guess that it's driven by inconsistent reporting and inconsistent recording -- ie errors -- more than by anything else. Especially in a low-competence place like Baltimore.The ol' proverbial sausage factory...
I’d want to see what was going on in the underlying data.
The city has taken a major hit in terms of tourism since the riots. I wish we could insert links into comments, because the occasional story is being written about this. One is titled “Hotel bookings down since April unrest.” Another one that buries the issue is headlined “Why the Camden Pub owner is selling: ‘I don’t want this for my kids.”
A few decades ago, my family moved to a Maryland suburb and regularly took trips to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and went to restaurants in Little Italy. A few weeks ago I mentioned to my dad that he could get something he needed for his house at a Home Depot in Baltimore County (not the city, but the county) and he cut me off immediately saying “Are you kidding? I’m not going into Baltimore!”
That right there, I think, should tell you the effect all this has had.
What's this "we" stuff? Have you got a mouse in your pocket?
I wish we could insert links into comments
In the late 1980s early 1990s NYC was often above 2000 homicides and those numbers are now in the 500/600 range.
The number of murders per year in NYC fell from 2,262 in 1990 to 333 in 2014.
And this was while the city’s population rose from 7.3 to 8.5 million.
Besides the things you mentioned there was serious demographic change. The share of births to black mothers in NYC fell from 32% in 1986 to 20% in 2013. The number of births to Puerto Rican mothers fell by more than half. The NAM population fell AND changed character – US Blacks were partly replaced by Caribbean and African Blacks, PRs were mostly replaced by Dominicans and Mexicans. Middle class whites were partly replaced with SWPLs, which affected the crime rate indirectly, by raising real estate prices.
A positive feedback loop was created – the fall in crime attracted more upscale people, which raised real estate prices, which drove more downscale people out of the city, which lowered crime even further.
As the above link shows, so far in 2015 the murder rate is up by 5.9% compared to last year.
Nice headline, but it looks like you misspelled “Barack Obama.”
I kid, I kid. Black Lives Matter actually is the bigger story than Obama, because they and most of the politicians who embrace them will still be around in 15 months, but Obama won’t. And they are the very embodiment of the insanity of today’s Democratic Party – the very voters Democratic politicians have to kowtow to in order to win elections.
The nation may just be beginning to understand what the South has understood for quite a while: rising “diversity” will cause more and more whites to identify politically based on their race.
Related to this, and your previous post about George Soros, what are we to make of Black Lives Matter heckling Hillary? The previous thesis was that Soros-backed BLM targeted Bernie because Soros likes Hillary.
OT, except maybe the low-IQ-can-be-fatal part:
McNamara’s Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War
This gets two reviews in Vietnam Veterans Against War’s fall newsletter.
NYPD has for some time employed a policy that reports of gunshots fired without any injury or witnesses were not counted as shootings. Rather explained away; if a window happened to be broken,attribute it to a BB gun. Or almost anything else to avoid having to report a crime.
Further the US has been at war almost continuously since Bush Sr. took office. Upshot of that is medical technology has moved forward and doctors performing and improving their techniques for treating gunshot wounds. More doctors are either in MASH surgical units or learning from techniques and technology employed in theater. There is a significant chance that wounds sustained in say 1988 that would have been fatal are today much less likely to result in death if the victim gets to an ER. Now that was all in the teeth of the crack cocaine epidemic,a time of significant craziness.People today addicted to opiates are less likely to act nearly s violently. In the late 1980s early 1990s NYC was often above 2000 homicides and those numbers are now in the 500/600 range. Shootings are almost certain down numerically . But homicides are also down as much because of those medical improvements.
Actually a large strip of land along the coast from South Carolina to Florida was put aside for the freed slaves, to be paid for later by them. Each Black man was given 40 acres of land and was lent a mule my the Union Army (Sherman’s idea). 40,000 black men moved to this area along with their families and formed their own government. This is the origin of the 40 acres and a mule idea. Lincoln actually signed this into law but it was later rescinded and the colony was abandoned. It would be very interesting indeed to see just how things would have turned out if this had been allowed to stand.
“Some of us know the answer to this question.
And we know that for all of the demands that black activists and their followers among the masses are inclined to make, the demand for the founding of an independent black-ruled country is not one that we will ever hear spring from their lips.”
Then they’d have no one to blame for their failures.
There is definitely a problem here with high IQ stuff!
African American and Mexicans (latinos generally, you know, productos of mestizaje/mulataje) people are at once the kindest and weakest people on Earth, as well as the strongest and fiercest. Where is the REAL heart, for the one who always gives, and not the one who takes.
No Mexican or African American have taken over the European landmass but the opposite has happened pertaining to the Americas (US hegemony) and the taking away of Africa. Add the comment of Donald Trump….Europe did not send their best……..they sent rapists, murderers..and the rest is history
Despite the speck of truth as stated, POTUS, like 90% of those who occupied the White House for over 200 years, is related to all of them so technically, he is part of their ilk and obviously one of them, as opposed to none of US. That counts for a lot when one does not have a foot in the race.
Ironically, Robert Mugabe who once chased the whites farmers and did lots of land reform for the people of Zimbabwe, did much more pain than help and now ask whites farmers to return.
Sadly, it’s not over and unfortunately, things had gone worse as shown in this video.
Paul Joseph Watson had posted a good rant.
Video Link
Yawl shudda left them in Africa and did your own slave work, if you even dared! Now you blame dem for your enthusiam and lack of work ethic then call dem lazy! Yawl ripped of the native American, stole dey land and pretended the land was yours when yawl didn’t pay rent or reimburse the native people for your theft and then you claim you have the law on yawl side.
A very interesting book was published in 1992 called: The Great Reckoning by James Dale Davidson and Lord Rees-Mogg. One of the chapters; Drugs, Delusions, and the Imperial Culture of the slums – foresaw all that is happening today with the black underclass. Sadly, America is a broken society and the violence that is coming will be horrendous. I am British and would not visit America if you offered to pay me. When the environment turns K enough (see: r/K selection theory – theanonymousconservative blog) white people will be dishing out some serious payback to the savages. The question is: how long do you continue to subsidise failure? Not just failure, but total hatred for whites? The near future American landscape will be dominated by Us and Them thinking, and genocide. The only question is: Who gets to genocided?
I think Barbados, some of the other West Indian islands, Namibia, and possibly Botswana have done OK. Kenya would be better were it not for the Mohammedan cancer. Malawi and Zambia might be holding their own.
The realities depicted in that fantastic documentary, “Africa Addio,” are what can be found elsewhere in Africa.
S. Africa has a unique, world class pathology, as have U.S. blacks. The latter have devised a toxic stew of revenge, academic ineptitude, fantasy, parasitism, helplessness, communism, hedonism, crime, and clown “leadership.”
regressive, backwards, ignorant, racist…
Oh, my.
I laugh at you SJWs. You, who have a degree from a liberal university and think it’s proof of your superior intellect and worldly wisdom. You echo your brainwashing and call anybody who disagrees with it… those things you listed.
You have the cheek to call Fred ignorant? He’s lived there, not just read about it in some Frankfurt School activist’s book. He may be blind, but he sees more clearly than any of you miseducated overgrown children who refuse to believe your own lying eyes.
I’ve lived there, too. Specifically, in South Africa, for over half a century. You know all about the evils of Apartheid, no doubt, but you actually know nothing. You’ve never been there. It’s all book learning, from those same enlightened, fairy-tale, totally ungrounded-in-reality texts that tell you “we’re all the same”. We’re not.
James Watson, joint winner of the Nobel Prize for his work in deriving the structure of the DNA molecule, got hounded from his job as director of Coldstream Laboratories for saying that he was
“inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really.”
He also said:
“There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.”
Now, you’re a smart guy. I’m just an ignint rayciss, so what do I know? So, go ahead, refute Professor Watson. You don’t have to prove we’re all the same; just give me one “firm reason” why we should expect that we would be. Then expand that to include not just intellectual capacities, but temperament, capacity for civilization, morality, aesthetics, empathy, aggression, violence…
Alternatively, if you can’t think of any such reason just now, off the top of your head, show me any black-run society where they have maintained – not built, not improved, maintained – the level of civilization that was handed over to them on a plate. Africa? Haiti? Detroit? Anywhere?
Love the solution to racial problems at the end of the racist rant:
” So what to do? Separate the races. Stop trying to push together peoples that have nothing in common. End “Fair†Housing Laws.”
When you want something regressive, backwards, ignorant, racist, and filled with the kind of invective and paranoia and hatred of minorities….no need to travel far, just step up to the internet. So, after reading about the problems at reddit, I thought I’d drop in and take a look. What did I find? Racist creeps and racist trolls…you know the kind, the family opens the door to their basement and throws some food down the stairs and quickly shuts the door. There, in the glow of their computer screen, the masters begin their work. He’s 12 years old (aggregate mental age and chronological age, one begins to suspect), or middle age and white and out-of-work, or working a pitiful job and thinks it’s the minorities fault, not realizing that those racists he votes for are the actual ones that put him where he is today: in his basement, donut crumbs on his t-shirt, a pepsi to swill from, a hand swiping across the mouth before he dashes off yet another gem of racist screed that would make any confederate-flag waving mouth-breather proud.
The internet was supposed to provide a kind of super-democratizing effect. What happened instead, is the puerile and putrid nature of humanity found its niche, and tries at every opportunity to drown out reasonable talk and a political discourse that is grounded in policy proposals, not ad hominems with racist intents, drowns them out until its useless to try to have a discussion…you’ll never get past the very basic opening qualifiers on a subject, any subject, before the racists and gun-nuts and conspiracy freaks descend.
There’s no doubt a special circle of hell reserved, as Woody Allen says, not only for “lawyers who appear on television”, but also a very special circle for that guy in the basement, working his magic.
I loaned $5 to a black guy in Army basic training as an experiment. A couple of pay days came and went but no repayment. After I “counseled” a white guy for taking my shaving brush from the latrine it was suddenly no longer a problem paying me back my $5. What a mystery it was.
That is true for the first years once payouts begin. I believe, however, that the total payout greatly exceeds the amount of the contribution, due in part, if not large part, to greater longevity. So the contributions do not cover payout. The taxpayer makes up the difference.
I believe, however, that the annuitants in Social Security are in fact short changed because they would receive a great deal more had their forced contribution gone not to the “trust fund” but been invested privately.
Where is it written that migrations can’t be undone? Or that white homelands cannot be made inhospitable to immigrants? If whites stop being the eloi morons that they are they could save their culture and their homelands but they won’t stop that, so a reversal of immigration will in fact not take place, even though it could. Thus, white European civilization will be extinguished.
You are an old, self-loathing white fool and I am wasting my time, but here goes: Government spending does not "create jobs." Government spending only transfers existing wealth. Once the transfer payments end, the jobs "created" by them end. Any actual public goods being provided end up being serviced for much, much less (compare public and private school teacher salaries). American blacks are the recipients of loads of largesse. We have an entire US Postal Service where we pay them and give them a pension and medical coverage to deliver corporate marketing materials. We have delivered entire cities to them to be run by, for and with black people. Black entertainers, athletes and entrepeneurs earn millions of dollars.Government transfer payments seemingly work for white people (for a few generations, at which point high youth unemployment and taxes and inflation shut the Ponzi scheme down) because of their mean lower time-preference, lower aggression, and higher general intelligence. For blacks with higher time-preference, higher aggression and lower general intelligence, you end up with a dysgenic, dysfunctional Big Man culture. Again, the gravy train only lasts so long as the (mostly white) net tax-payors are willing to fund it.Replies: @Truth, @Ronald Thomas West, @Kat Grey, @schmenz, @Bill Jones, @Ace
Now, if all of those hundreds upon hundreds of billions of tax $ poured into social welfare jobs generated by and for White people (military contracting) had been equitably divided with the demographic Black share invested in job creation in disadvantaged neighborhoods...
Such a long winded comment and you’re still a worthless pavement ape…
I really hate it when people keep talking about free labor. Owning the slaves was not free!! Each slave represented a definite and substantial investment in capital and in resources for maintenance. Not arguing that slavery wasn’t a horrendous human rights abuse, by modern thinking (post enlightenment).
However, i do take exception to saying all this was free. While there was undoubtedly abuses in the system, and terrible crimes, most owners had to provide a half decent lively hood to their slaves (in terms of food, housing, medical care) or their return on investment would have been negative.No business ever is run like that.
So please, while many things about the system were terrible, let us stop saying free labor, room and board is still a cost and is still a payment, even if albeit a small one.
Screw you. We didn't invade and burn the South and force a disastrous emancipation on the U.S. Give them five Yankee states.Replies: @tomz
* Pass a Constitutional amendment to give blacks five southern states, including all the infrastructure, and a hefty lump sum of seed money.
HELL YEAH! Michigan, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin. Take it.
Oh wait, the liberals are all ascared now.
Good job proving the point. “The earth will be a better place without them” is a threat.
So threat must be met with threat, not backing down.
BTW, you’re white.
It has ALWAYS been that they want our property and for us to die.
The COMMUNIST wants this too, and uses the savage to get his way, wielding the crowd filled with anger and greed like a mace.
White America ALWAYS falls for this because white people are at once the kindest and weakest people on Earth, as well as the strongest and fiercest. Where is the REAL heart, for the one who always gives, and not the one who takes.
Don’t tell them but speak it!
You’re giving away the secret of nature and stupidity!
Siempre pa’lante and nunca pa’tras! Let them feel secure in their illusion, my braddah!
Here’s the truth. His Imperial Majesty Emperor Ronald Reagan began the trend of authorizing the legality of the illegal aliens followed by Bush, who has essentially sold out his own people by allowing free access to the nation for the mestizo population. Some whites will always be on the very bottom of tbe economic ladder, now they will have to compete with lower class illiterate Mexicans for the low paying service employment. It amazes me that some whites don’t recognise this and call for our borders to be shut down and illegal Mexicans to be immediately deported. Poor Mexicans are very hostile towards many whites and don’t want to live near them.
The white people know they cannot behave as they normally do when dealing with the Mexicans
since they knew that the Mexicans wouldn’t tolerate their behavior.
That is the future for the whites as the mestizo population increases. They simply don’t like Mexicans (see Donald Trump’s racist rant if you don”t believe me, check it out on your own and they don’t feel a need to conceal their disdain.
Blacks scapegoated as usual.
Meanwhile, Jews, Hispanics, disingenuous white liberals (race traitors), and Asians present a larger threat to white longevity than a race of people who are comparatively powerless.
“I think a far graver question to ask is why is it the American government refuses to use lethal force to put down the thugs?”
It’s the same in Canada. After a hockey game, there might be mega-riots, but cops don’t shoot no one.
I think crazies should be handled with ruthless force too.
Setting shops on fire over some sports game is crazy.
I think a far graver question to ask is why is it the American government refuses to use lethal force to put down the thugs? If a minority started rioting in many other places in the world, the governments there would not hesitate to open fire (think how the Chinese handled Tiananmen Square). Why is it that whites are so scared to take a stand?
Perhaps someone smarter than me can answer this question (like Jack Kerwick or Fred Reed) but I think the answer is in two parts:
1. Our elites care far more about the city’s infrastructure than the safety of its citizens. Armed police can easily keep rioters from killing bystanders. It is far more difficult to protect buildings from being burnt. Buildings can’t fight back. Our cities have a lot of square footage. Americans once chanted during the Barbury Wars: “Millions for defense but not one penny for tribute.” These days, we would rather pay the thugs welfare money than risk seeing brick and mortar go up in flames.
2. I think black political power has less to do with the voting block. It has more to do with the diplomatic ties black elites have nurtured with a lot of foreign powers (especially Muslim countries). It doesn’t help that the Saudis and Pakistanis are such close “friend-nemies” of ours. No one in the government wants to rock the boat.
Episodes of black rioting in the US were seen in 1915, and even the 1940s, though, bad as they were, they pale in comparison to what we saw in the 1960s and what we’re seeing now.
An excellent source of information can be found in Dr E Michael Jones’ extremely depressing but essential book “Slaughter of the Cities”. The author does an excellent job of tracing the history of how we got to where we are, and he does it with extreme fairness to all parties involved. He is also fearless in naming the names of the masters of disaster. Good book.
I would like anyone who reads this to also read Gary North’s article on the black underclass from 2002:
Blacks are driven by contempt than by hatred.
There is hatred but it is contempt that makes them arrogant.
This contempt comes from the fact that they are physically stronger, more muscular, and more aggressive by nature.
So, they push around whites and other races. Indeed, black attitudes toward other minorities are hardly different from their attitude toward whites.
No matter how much blacks hate he white man, if they were physically small, naturally shy/timid, and un-muscular, they would not be acting the way they are.
But once black guys discovered they could do to white ‘boys’ what Muhammad Ali did to Jerry Quarry, they’ve lost all respect for the white race. A black guy sees the white race, “I can beat up that white boy and take that white girl who be wanting me cuz she done lost respect for the pussyass white boy.”
Japanese-Americans had every right to to hate America for the internment, but they had to just swallow their pride and rebuild their lives after the war. There were too few of them, and Japanese are not a physically threatening people.
Also, American Indians have lots of reasons to be angry cuz their land was taken by pale face. In a way, they are the biggest ‘victims’ of America. After all, black Africa is still owned by black Africans whereas the original land of the Indians is forever lost to them.
But American Indians are not a big powerful people, nor are they all that aggressive in temperament. Indian communities are poor and rife with social problems, but Indians are not the thugs and punks that blacks are all too often.
Also, it’s wrong to think that rage and hatred will go away with success. After all, plenty of successful blacks are seething with rage and nastiness. Look at Eric Holder. Super-mulatto-asshole. Michelle Obama who was showered with aff-action all her life is filled with nastiness.
Why are blacks like this? It’s partly due to black ideology but it’s also because blacks naturally tend to be more self-centered, egomaniacal, and un-reflective. This is why so many blacks get in each other’s hairs. Each Negro or Negress done think he or she be the center of the world.
Michelle Obama has a typical black personality that cannot feel or think beyond her fried-chicken-munching ego.
Jews are very successful, but their rage and bitterness still remain. Consider that jerk who wrote MAD MEN.
So, the idea that people will become nicer with affluence and success isn’t necessarily true. If anything, it can make them even more arrogant and paranoid.
Why are Jews, homos, and Negroes so dominant as political voices in the US? They have extreme personalities and special abilities.
Jews have a combination of high intelligence + chutzpah.
Negroes have strong muscles and jive ass savagery. Homos have creative talent + poopshootzpah. They are so sneeringly queeny meany.
It’s about time that the so-called Angry White Male became truly angry.
But Jews have castrated the white male image. Jews now promote Bruce Caitlyn Jenner as the image of the New Conservative Republican Male, and idiots like Rick Santorum praise Jenner.
In a way, Bruce Caitlyn Jenner might as well be the posterboy of the New Republican Conservative Male since most white male Conservatives are such gutless, wussy, and neutered servants and running dogs of the Jews and homos and mulattos. They go boo hoo hoo over MLK, Golda Meir, and now even Harvey Milk.
Long Island BT-1000 Knocks CakeFaced MiddleSchool Teacher Out Cold
This author nails it. As a little boy growing up in 1967 Detroit, I remember the fear in the voices of my Mom and Dad as they quietly discussed the grotesque mob violence of the riots heading in the direction of our house (thank goodness they burned out only a few miles away….obviously, the For Sale sign went up shortly thereafter).
One of my favorite Bible versus; Ecclesiastes 1:9: There is nothing new under the sun
This describes the predicament we face now in inner cities and throughout the USA. There is no solution forthcoming as this behavior is innate to the African race. This will go on and on until some kind of sharp backlash occurs. That which cannot go on forever, won’t. It will not be pretty but it will be necessary to restore civilization, sanity, and (here’s that word) Justice! to this country. No justice, no peace.
Exactly right, in my view. To put it more summarily, if I may: these people behave like stupid violent savages because they are stupid violent savages who enjoy stupidity and violence. Occam’s razor. That, and they know they will be coddled and indulged by the fearful, incompetent so-called power structure, and that everyone else knows that they’re on their own, that the powers that be will abandon them if they seek to do anything but run, if even then.
Similarly, we are routinely told by the standard-issue Republican types (e.g., those idiots at NRO) that welfare expansion and an erosion of social and family values post-1965 (always reference Moynihan’s report at this point) induced this new and horrifying behavior in a previously almost-functional population. Not so. It was those things that permitted a reversion to innate inclinations. Forcible imposition of a higher civilizational order by the pre-1965 majority compelled higher standards and norms of behavior, public conduct, and life aspirations than those of which the subject population is capable on its own.
I’m tired of all the anti-black nonsense.
Let’s cut through the B.S. First, chances are, genetics play a significant role in the problems of blacks. Second, black failure, regardless of its causes, is a social fact unlikely to disappear any time soon.
That said, if it weren’t for America’s greed for cheap labor (or in the case of the ancestors of most American blacks, free labor), America would have far fewer race problems. Until white America can admit that, regardless of the biological and cultural makeup of nonwhite America, that the greed of white America (primarily for nonwhite labor) is the ultimate cause of America’s “race problems,” such problems will never go away.
The Solution Left Untried.Replies: @Father O'Hara
The dream of across-the-board equality is in reality a ghoulish nightmare that will, most likely, destroy this nation, perhaps breaking it into separate sections.
The Solution we need is the Final Solution
Change just three words and you have:
For the government, that means attempting to transfer immense wealth (much of it yet to be created in the distant future by our grandchildren) to the underclass minorities, not realizing that in more cases than not, it is wasting billions, pouring that wealth into leaky waste bins, and that all the money in the world cannot create a silk purse from a sow’s ear
Now, if all of those hundreds upon hundreds of billions of tax $ poured into social welfare jobs generated by and for White people (military contracting) had been equitably divided with the demographic Black share invested in job creation in disadvantaged neighborhoods, where would the argument shift to? (recalling Rush Limbaugh's life as an Oxycontin junkie, not so different to a 'crack ho' excepting White privilege got him a slap on the wrist instead of doing time.)Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic, @Lepanto, @Jus' Sayin'..., @Vortex, @Mark, @Jeff77450
For the government, that means attempting to transfer immense wealth (much of it yet to be created in the distant future by our grandchildren) to our empire's military, not realizing that in more cases than not, it is wasting billions, pouring that wealth into leaky waste bins, and that all the money in the world cannot create a silk purse from a sow’s ear
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think that I’ve read that blacks & Hispanics are disproportionately represented in the armed forces. I’ve also read that 60% of blacks with college degrees work for government (vs. 20% of whites with degrees). In fact, I’ve worked for DoD in different capacities, both military & civilian, for almost forty years and I can attest that blacks are very well represented. My point being that large numbers of blacks have benefited directly from defense-spending.
Those valid points aside, national defense is among the twenty-odd enumerated functions of the federal government listed in the Constitution and job-creation is not. Jobs are created by entrepreneurs & investors as a byproduct of pursuing profit and by consumers who create demand for products & services which in turn creates supply which requires labor (jobs).
The military tests for IQ ruthlessly. They’re not getting the talent tenth but they are getting a better than average AA.
Just block him. It’s much easier to follow the comments when he’s not trying to hijack the thread to his ridiculous site.
PT Barnum would have applauded RTW’s self promotion.
“Blacks make up thirteen per cent of the population but only pay six per cent of income taxes. ”
When you consider how much blacks soak up in taxes, it’s freaking negative territory.
Blacks may pay 6% of the taxes but in social spending — welfare, medicine, police, and etc. — they take so much from the governments. And many blacks working in government pretty much have patronage jobs where they pick up a paycheck for doing almost nothing.
Change just three words and you have:
For the government, that means attempting to transfer immense wealth (much of it yet to be created in the distant future by our grandchildren) to the underclass minorities, not realizing that in more cases than not, it is wasting billions, pouring that wealth into leaky waste bins, and that all the money in the world cannot create a silk purse from a sow’s ear
Now, if all of those hundreds upon hundreds of billions of tax $ poured into social welfare jobs generated by and for White people (military contracting) had been equitably divided with the demographic Black share invested in job creation in disadvantaged neighborhoods, where would the argument shift to? (recalling Rush Limbaugh's life as an Oxycontin junkie, not so different to a 'crack ho' excepting White privilege got him a slap on the wrist instead of doing time.)Replies: @The Anti-Gnostic, @Lepanto, @Jus' Sayin'..., @Vortex, @Mark, @Jeff77450
For the government, that means attempting to transfer immense wealth (much of it yet to be created in the distant future by our grandchildren) to our empire's military, not realizing that in more cases than not, it is wasting billions, pouring that wealth into leaky waste bins, and that all the money in the world cannot create a silk purse from a sow’s ear
Blacks make up thirteen per cent of the population but only pay six per cent of income taxes. If money is being wasted by the military, it isn’t coming from blacks and causing them to be poorer. It’s just one group of whites (taxpayers) subsidizing another group of whites (highly paid DOD employees and contractors).
In notorious Nazi film THE ETERNAL JEW, it says that Jews remain Jewish inside and only pretend to be goy-ish-like to fool the gentile population. In other words, do NOT trust the Jew. He tries to look like you and act like you, but deep down inside, he is a Jew filled with contempt for the goy. He sees the goy as toy, as slave, as prostitute, as meat to exploit. Jews look upon goyim the way Jewish porn kings look at ‘shikse’ whores or like how Neocons see American soldiers — as cannon fodder to use in Wars for Israel that are sold as ‘war on terror’ or ‘spreading democracy’.
Jews have denounced the film as evil and defaming.
But consider Jordan Belfort’s THE WOLF OF WALL STREET. He says the same thing. He explains how he and other Jews pretended to be respectable wasps to fool Americans that they were solid, trustworthy, and mainstream. But they were out to fleece to goy.
If THE ETERNAL JEW denounces Jewish way of deceit, THE WOLF OF WALL STREET celebrates the Jewish way of deceit in triumphal mode. It has the same message as THE ETERNAL JEW but as a point of pride than shame. One is antisemitic and the other far-our-semitic, but they are agreed that Jews are full of guile and out to fool the gullible goy. Guile beats gullibility every time.
Just like the homo came out of the closet and now takes PRIDE in the debauchery of fecal penetration, the Jew has come out of the closet and now takes shameless joy in his pushy and vicious exploitation of the goy.
But most Americans now just worship Jews and homos no matter how much they are made to bend over and get rammed in the ass by Jews and homos. Why? Because Jews and homos control media, academia, finance, government, and entertainment, most Americans are brainwashed sheep. Most Americans think that 25% of Americans are Jewish or homo. They are that ignorant. And infantile because they are hooked on junk culture peddled by Jews and homos.
Jews are out of the closet as proud sharks &wolves fleecing us all, and homos are out of the closet with the ‘pride’ of degenerate ‘sex’. If anything, those who find homo ‘sex’ to be gross and deviant are now made to feel shame and make public apologies.
Jews can brag, “I fooled those dumb goyim” with pride and feel no shame.
But, if you notice what Jews are doing and say, ‘Jews are not to be trusted’, you will be shamed as an ‘evil anti-semite’.
So, Jews can brag that they are bad, but we must only see them as good.
Similarly, homos can loudly and lewdly indulge in all their perversions and openly admit that they are out to undermine moral values.
But, if you notice what homos are doing and say ‘Homos are perverted’, you will be shamed as an ‘evil homophobe’.
When someone is both Jewish and homo, the mix can be truly toxic. Is there anyone more vile and hideous than Masha Gessen?
Europeans are so horrible that’s why Africans are spending exorbitant sums of money to be packed like sardines on leaky boats to reach the overflowing cornucopia which is Europe; the last time I looked around me it still had a white, European majority. If whites are so evil why are they bringing these migrants ashore to be fed, housed and pampered at white taxpayers’ expense?
Negroes be wild.
Priss…my travels in Europe, most recently in Norway back you up. African behavior is the same everywhere I have been. Another fact usually not noticed, is that native African clothing is very colorful. And Africans in Europe and the US dress the same way…very loud and colorful.
This is probably because low reactors need a big charge of color, drama, cheap thrills, drugs, violence, etc just to feel like they are awake..and alive..
High functioning people are high reactors, and need little stimulation to feel awake and good. Thus, softer colors in dress, softer music as in classical compared to apefunkrap, and quieter social intercourse and conversation go with high reaction capability.
Low reactors are usually in prison…it takes pointing a gun at someone to feel alive, etc. When you see a crazy -lady they are usually dressed in crazy colors. Same for men, but less so.
Joe Webb
You’re a real mathematical genius aren’t you? Do you mind sharing your sources, Blaise Pascal?
I lived with a Black family in a Black neighborhood for some months when I was younger. Nice people. So, no, not much experience there, it only for a few months. I served with Blacks in the military and found them to be more honorable and dependable than Whites in small things, like returning favors when we 'borrowed' cigarettes; Blacks remembered more often than not, Whites were the reverse. Admittedly that's no scientific expertise. But when it comes to knowing 'White' people's prejudices, my experience is quite extensive:
If I had to guess, I’d say you’ve spent your whole life in places that don’t have substantial black populations.
In other words, this is all academic to you, and you really don’t know what you’re talking about
Extraordinary. Maybe it was the particular people. Virtually everywhere I’ve ever heard of, blacks are far more known for wanting to borrow and not pay back. Virtually everywhere, be it a school, a shopping mall, a city, any institution where they become more than a small minority, more crime and bad behavior occurs.
Experienced that personally, and it is borne out in statistics. Blacks more “honorable?” Some certainly, but in general? In what universe? I’ve been the victim of crimes by blacks, as have most whites I know. I was at a riding stable, of all places, and there was a black couple with a kid who distinctly did not seem to belong there. There were a few blacks who rode, but they looked the type. This couple didn’t. I had left my pocket book on the front seat of my car because nobody ever heard of crime in this area. I got back to my car, and my window was smashed, pocket book gone, and that couple gone. Within minutes they had charged on my cards. This kind of story happens constantly. That’s one of the milder crimes–I was also robbed and nearly killed by blacks. The son of a couple I know, devoted to racial equality, was beaten into a coma by blacks for no reason (they don’t need one) and took 3 years to recover. Whenever more blacks come into an environment, you get more crime. Maybe the military attracted a different type. But don’t try and sell us the “blacks are more honorable” tripe, because that is so bizarro world, in almost every environment except maybe the one you were in, that it’s just funny.
The video above shows a new weapon for Negro crowd control. Cops should learn from the preacher on how to take the Negroes down. He done it without guns. Just the power of the lawd.
Anyway, some people say the problems of blacks have nothing to do with race/biology and only to do with culture.
But just look at the video above. Even when blacks are culturally turned into Christians, they worship it differently because their natural personalities are different. They like to holler, jump up and down, and act all wild and shit. It be part of their nature.
So, culture alone doesn’t explain it. Christian culture practiced by whites, blacks, and Asians differ markedly depending on the different racial personalities.
During slavery, white man did everything to discourage blacks from acting crazy, loud, insane, aggressive, and etc. White man did everything to make the black man kindly and docile.
But black nature couldn’t be rubbed clean cuz it be written in the Negro DNA.
So, even when blacks be given the same culture, they done act crazier than other folks.
If blacks were made Buddhist, Confucian, Muslim, or whatever, they still acting wilder than others. It just be part of their natural makeup.
@ Wow
1. Germany deserved to be bombed. You have, I assume heard of Hitler.
2. On the race issue you have no clue do you. Just come out with silly PC non-racial arguments without understanding that blacks are at a serious disadvantage in today’s technologically driven societies. And that race relations are a two way street. US blacks in the main dislike/envy whites and they are increasingly vocal about it.
3. You are aware (though I wonder) that millions of jobs requiring average or low skill have fled to China. So the people who did those jobs are now at a disadvantage. Many whites and most black workers have been affected.
4. American blacks have an IQ mean of 85 which is 1 SD below that of whites. (In Africa they are 2 SD below whites, that is IQ 70.) If you want to be rational on this consider blaming the whites who facilitated outsourcing. THEY are the real culprit in this tragic unfolding saga.
Sniping from German with no US context just to be PC is intellectually embarrassing and absurdly patronizing. I’ve always taken the view that modern Germans and those living in Germany should, for obvious reasons, avoid racial discussions.
Every year, blacks kill and rape more whites than all the blacks killed and raped by whites since the end of the Civil War.
What would Black Husbands do if a White Teenager whistled at their attractive Black Wives every day as she walked down the street to work?
Emmitt Till got what he deserved..and so did his rapist serial killer father Louis Till.
Emmit Till and Louis Till rot in Hell!!!!
That’s probably true for all the fundamental concepts of neo-classical economics. There was big debate about whether “capital” was even a meaningfull concept for years among the Cambridge School Economists. And don’t get me started on the field of econometrics.
However….wealth theft is a very well understood concept by chattel slaves and the wage slaves of Carniege-Fricke…and the Rouge River wage slaves of Henry Ford.
Jews got more ‘white guilt’ crap in store for you.
Blair Mountain, and Soundman;
One thing I hear about all of the time on this site, and similar ones is the mysterious “wealth transfer.” It’s very difficult to explain wealth transfer, without really knowing what wealth, or money, is. This is not an insult, I am sure that you are smart men, but practically no one in American society understands what money is, how it is created, or where it goes.
Money is, for the most part an imaginary thing. A bank can lend it to you, and charge money on it, without having it. Then default, and no one goes to jail for it. It is taken from you in taxes, “re-distributed” and then finds its way back. What money truly is, is however the subject for a dissertation, not a post on a WN website. One of my favorite commentators here, gives a fair short version, just something to think about at around 7:20:
good piece. I do like to see numbers when available. Like over half of murders in the US are done by blacks , usually to themselves. Black IQ is unchanged from decades ago: 85. We have spent 15 trillion dollars on them since 1964. There is no evidence that any program has done any good.
There are always stories of good blacks, etc. I have some too. The issue is not whether the top 10 % of blacks can be relatively productive and decent folks, the issue is the vast bulk of them.
I think 50 years ago there was a lot of hope…I marched with MLK in Washington DC in 1963. Today most whites don’t believe there is any hope and I guess that most blacks don’t believe it either, not that black youth don’t show up for free college in droves, and then drop out. I read that over 70% of them enroll in college, more so than whites.
I suppose this documents the naivete of the young blacks. The parents encourage, but know not much is going to come of it, except disappointment. White youth are more realistic.
Some folks predict a long hot summer of black revolt. That will be good for the counter-revolution, and where it all goes is dicey. If it was not for the huge state that we now live under, and its cops and soldiers, we would have a civil war starting right now on the streets.
Blacks are only about 13% of the US, and in that we are lucky, compared to S. Africa for example where everything points to very bad times coming.
These times require that whites not only stand their ground, but have the guts to tell their neighbors, especially the adolescents, the truth about black behavior, intelligence, and so on.
My experience with the youngsters is that they start squirming…one of my sidebars is to tell them to read the Minnesota Twin Study on identicals. That lowers the temperature a bit, and is pretty much the same thing as telling the truth about race.
Joe Webb
I picked his quote because it covers two bases .. to insult the intelligence of anti-Semites while pointing out chimpanzees are smarter than many of the commenters at this article.Replies: @Anonymous
"You can't convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana with the promise it will get 20 more bananas in chimpanzee heaven. It won't do it. But humans will" -Yuval Noah Harari, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
That was a great quote… Not 100% sure what he was getting at, but it’s poetic – I like it.
…it’s got bananas … Chimpanzees…
It must be meaningful
Actually what I was saying with my 'boring, pedestrian pithy psycho analysis' of angry White people (admittedly yourself) is, y'all are queers too stupid to understand y'all are queers.
Your pithy psychoanalysis is both pedestrian and boring
Anger and hate is the fuel of civilization. It is what keeps the blood warm at night. If you never learn to hate your enemy as much as he hates you, then you will always be his victim.
It is time once again that Whites acted out their rage upon the world
“Actually what I was saying with my ‘boring, pedestrian pithy psycho analysis’ of angry White people (admittedly yourself) is, y’all are queers too stupid to understand y’all are queers.”
Yeah, I suppose you think the reservation, concentration camp and gas chamber are just one-offs that will never be repeated.
Checking out of this conversation with a parting observation:
“You can’t convince a chimpanzee to give you a banana with the promise it will get 20 more bananas in chimpanzee heaven. It won’t do it. But humans will” -Yuval Noah Harari, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
I picked his quote because it covers two bases .. to insult the intelligence of anti-Semites while pointing out chimpanzees are smarter than many of the commenters at this article.
Again, you’re not a unique snowflake
How in the hell did Native American concepts of race, or lack thereof, leak into this exchange of ours?
Again, you’re not a unique snowflake
I've met Mexicans would say the same in relation to their communities, often with good justification, no different to many Blacks see it that way and most certainly I have seen years of the phenomena you describe applied by White communities, as a general attitude, towards neighboring Native American communities or that is to say an attitude of 'they're all bad.'
If any one white person does something ill, the whole is held responsible for it. As such, it’s a rigged game in which no matter what white people do, we’re always wrong and bad
Nothing you’re telling me I haven’t seen,
The essence of ninety percent of your replies is “you’re a racist.” Do you honestly believe there’s anyone here who hasn’t heard that one before? Again, you’re not a unique snowflake.
Again, you’re not a unique snowflake
I've met Mexicans would say the same in relation to their communities, often with good justification, no different to many Blacks see it that way and most certainly I have seen years of the phenomena you describe applied by White communities, as a general attitude, towards neighboring Native American communities or that is to say an attitude of 'they're all bad.'
If any one white person does something ill, the whole is held responsible for it. As such, it’s a rigged game in which no matter what white people do, we’re always wrong and bad
So you’re changing the subject. Instead of addressing what I said, you bring up how bad white people are and how we’ve been so terrible to everyone who…. wants to move to wherever the white people are. Not all black people are the same. Neither are all whites or Mexicans. White liberals are, though. Funny how you all think your cookie-cutter views are original.
As I said, white people aren’t perfect. But, every university, every mainstream news outlet, and every public school criticizes white people – all day long. There are plenty of people who tell white people we’re scum, and they get to do it openly, without fear of consequences. Anyone who disagrees with establishment positions on racial issues has to use a pseudonym. Well, you’re not speaking truth to power. You’re speaking safe establishment views to the powerless (at no risk to yourself), so please drop the righteous indignation.
If any one white person does something ill, the whole is held responsible for it. As such, it’s a rigged game in which no matter what white people do, we’re always wrong and bad
I’ve met Mexicans would say the same in relation to their communities, often with good justification, no different to many Blacks see it that way and most certainly I have seen years of the phenomena you describe applied by White communities, as a general attitude, towards neighboring Native American communities or that is to say an attitude of ‘they’re all bad.’
Nothing you’re telling me I haven’t seen, only what you haven’t seen is your own prejudice.
Actually I'd be happy with a nation the practices common sense which, in my view, has little to do with the color of someone's skin and everything to do with someone's practical intelligence; regardless of race. And the 'Whitey' race war types posting here is a good thing, Ron Unz has done the world a favor to allow these infantile/homicidal currents into the open .. if only for people to understand the USA is no impregnable monolith but rather a ceramic jar that could shatter in ways that would make the break-up of the former Yugoslavia look like a schoolyard spat. Thinking people of all colors should be looking at that and begin informed dialogue outside of the 'established' channels.When I see incredibly divisive screeds (like the article we are supposedly posting comments about) pumping out what amounts to juvenile accusations and finger pointing, from a perspective of 'we're smarter, better, more deserving and none of the fault is our own' tying Blacks to neo-marxism and overlooking (with a solid dose of ethnocentric blindness) neo-fascist forces that have not only a long history of impunity in policing America's Black communities (with the effect of propping up morons like Al Sharpton) but are increasingly militarized in what amounts to a dangerous level of potential escalation .. and that White people somehow believe they are under some sole assault .. what a cynical laugh. should be paying attention to this stuff, mob mentality is certainly not limited to 'people of color' and a militarized police could come down on any community .. diverse communities need alliances, not divisionsReplies: @Stealth
That’s what separate countries are for. But I get the idea you would be as unhappy with a white America returned to its parochial, Anglo-Celt roots
So you don’t like divisive screeds? There are plenty of anti-white screeds published every day in mainstream publications. Ever say a word against those? I thought not. It’s easier to just go along with the anti-white crowd and pretend you’re saying something insightful and original. Why don’t you just go there for a little while? I’m sure they’ll love your word salad style blog entries.
I lived with a Black family in a Black neighborhood for some months when I was younger. Nice people. So, no, not much experience there, it only for a few months. I served with Blacks in the military and found them to be more honorable and dependable than Whites in small things, like returning favors when we 'borrowed' cigarettes; Blacks remembered more often than not, Whites were the reverse. Admittedly that's no scientific expertise. But when it comes to knowing 'White' people's prejudices, my experience is quite extensive:
If I had to guess, I’d say you’ve spent your whole life in places that don’t have substantial black populations.
In other words, this is all academic to you, and you really don’t know what you’re talking about
You’re right, that’s not very extensive. You need to live in a place where you’re casually exposed to large numbers of them on a daily basis if you want to know the extent of that community’s dysfunction. Stay a little longer and you’ll realize that it’s self-sustaining, not the result of on-going racism. You’ll see that black people are people, like you, and not soulless automatons who only respond to what white people think and do. One recent victim of police murder, Walter Scott, had four children for whom he was obliged to pay child support. This is a lot more common than you think. A police officer unjustly took Scott’s life, but he didn’t force the man to sire four children. How many white men do you know with similar circumstances?
Do a little time in the South, or in a heavily AA northern city, and then you’ll understand why blacks themselves complain so much about having to live in black neighborhoods. Keep that in mind: oppressed blacks don’t fight for the right to separate or leave; they fight to have their children sit side-by-side with white children in school. Millions of people every year state loud and clear with their feet that they would rather live in white countries than in their own. If so many non-whites want to be wherever we are, can we all be so bad? I hear liberals like Michael Moore trash white people all the time, but most of them don”t want to live in a town or neighborhood that’s numerically dominated by black people.
Cherry-picking negative experiences you’ve had with your fellow white people doesn’t prove that whites as a whole are bad. We’re not perfect, but why are we expected to be? White people are held to an impossible standard that no one can actually uphold. If any one white person does something ill, the whole is held responsible for it. As such, it’s a rigged game in which no matter what white people do, we’re always wrong and bad. Everyone else is considered oppressed and given a pass, no matter what they do.
Yes, our leaders are evil, but, as the saying goes, evil people always float to the top. In what society is this not the case?
I've met Mexicans would say the same in relation to their communities, often with good justification, no different to many Blacks see it that way and most certainly I have seen years of the phenomena you describe applied by White communities, as a general attitude, towards neighboring Native American communities or that is to say an attitude of 'they're all bad.'
If any one white person does something ill, the whole is held responsible for it. As such, it’s a rigged game in which no matter what white people do, we’re always wrong and bad
That’s what separate countries are for. But I get the idea you would be as unhappy with a white America returned to its parochial, Anglo-Celt roots
Actually I’d be happy with a nation the practices common sense which, in my view, has little to do with the color of someone’s skin and everything to do with someone’s practical intelligence; regardless of race. And the ‘Whitey’ race war types posting here is a good thing, Ron Unz has done the world a favor to allow these infantile/homicidal currents into the open .. if only for people to understand the USA is no impregnable monolith but rather a ceramic jar that could shatter in ways that would make the break-up of the former Yugoslavia look like a schoolyard spat. Thinking people of all colors should be looking at that and begin informed dialogue outside of the ‘established’ channels.
When I see incredibly divisive screeds (like the article we are supposedly posting comments about) pumping out what amounts to juvenile accusations and finger pointing, from a perspective of ‘we’re smarter, better, more deserving and none of the fault is our own’ tying Blacks to neo-marxism and overlooking (with a solid dose of ethnocentric blindness) neo-fascist forces that have not only a long history of impunity in policing America’s Black communities (with the effect of propping up morons like Al Sharpton) but are increasingly militarized in what amounts to a dangerous level of potential escalation .. and that White people somehow believe they are under some sole assault .. what a cynical laugh.
People should be paying attention to this stuff, mob mentality is certainly not limited to ‘people of color’ and a militarized police could come down on any community .. diverse communities need alliances, not divisions
That’s not quite right. There is a level of analysis where you can say you are correct. A deeper level of analysis shows that you are wrong. Post-1965 immigration policy has resulted in a massive transfer of wealth to the very wealthy. The low-skill Blue collar class of workers have been annihilated by this. The economic life support system they survive on comes from taxing to death the Native Born White American blue-collar skilled class and White collar skilled middle class both also victims of the form of economic violence known as Foriegn nonwhite scab labor and their US born nonwhite geneline scab labor.
I don’t think you read my comment very carefully, or beyond the first sentence.