I notice that you still do not take on my questions. My point is still – fraud or no fraud: not to show the protestors what they want to see, ignoring their claims of cheating, glossing them over, and crushing them when the thing (very predictably) boils over is, at best, gross neglect of the population. This goes for the recent elections of both America and Brazil.
If there was no fraud – it would be both cheaper, simpler, and more conducive to internal stability to just show, in a transparent way, why and how the protestors have misunderstood what it is they consider evidence of cheating. That this has not been done – well… it is highly suspicious; or a sign of neglect.
It is out of our hands, in any case. Good luck to Brazil!
Mandatory electronic voting has been in place in Brazil for a good while. If anything the fraud was giving Bolsonaro more votes than he deserved. Ironic that he and his team were claiming before the election even started that the vote would be a fraud. He followed the same script of his mentor at Mar-a-lago. Democracy is always a fraud anytime the other side wins.
In this particular case, I think you can take their word for it. One never knows, of course, but why would they lie about that?
You misunderstand me if you think I am pro-Bolsonaro. I am not a partisan in this matter; but I wish the Brazilian people well. They are the real losers here.
My observations still stand – what you are saying does not make sense to me: if the courts were on the side of Bolsonaro, why would they block an audit of the vote, and crush those who publically doubt the integrity of the election? And while some police may have been on his side (maybe they doubted the outcome, too?), it does not make sense to say that “the police” were on his side – since that would mean demanding an audit, and not being willing to round up the protestors.
The fact remains – as I stated in the beginning: the situation is extremely mishandled. If the vote was fair and just, there would be no good reason not to just show the protestors what they wanted to see. Instead, the establishment has preferred to just crush them. The most innocent explanation, that I can see, is that establishment is deeply incompetent, and does not care about the country, or the people.
from: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/28/brazil-elections-bolsonaro-democracy-biden/
"Top officials from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and even the CIA have held meetings and calls with Brazilian officials to try to head off any efforts by Bolsonaro to subvert the results of the country’s heated presidential elections."
The courts that put Lula in prison on fake charges and had to exonerate him later? The police that were posing taking selfies with the “protestors”? So much so the security official for the area had to be fired? Not on his side?
Foreign policy??? LOL … The same Bolsonaro who openly visited CIA headquarters with his sons and they openly bragged about it on social media…?? Now they wanted him out??? LOLOL…. Foreign policy??? Oh please.
And, the CIA helped rig the Brazil election. Both ends against the middle, eh?
There have been many popular uprisings throughout history that have failed, for one reason or another. In this case, perhaps it was too disorganized, or the power structures too entrenched?
I am no expert on Brazil, but it looks like the courts and the police are not on the side of Bolsonaro. And the military leadership could have forced the issue, i.e. demanded and enforced an audit of the voting process, but it didn’t, so… not on the side of Bolsonaro either, it seems.
On the other hand, it seems that the CIA was involved, but on Lulas side –
“Top officials from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and even the CIA have held meetings and calls with Brazilian officials to try to head off any efforts by Bolsonaro to subvert the results of the country’s heated presidential elections.”
from: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/28/brazil-elections-bolsonaro-democracy-biden/
It looks quite similar to what went on in America up to, during, and after the 2020 and 2022 elections.
Troll farmer, —-bike anarchist is noted
Mr Escobar has been prompted on many other prolific blogs he authored. he doesn’t answer.
he is sloppy, just wants to post wild speculation with tantalizing minutiae foisting muscle shirt neolib cabalist & corp marxists. The one blogr who is too kool to recognize feedback. both PE and Romanoff bring insults agendas, eastern shills. PE does a stink/hit-run
other TUR blogger (Unz Barrett EMjones Giraldi, Guyenot…list….) are interacting with the comments, with mutual respect. so biker compose yourself before start planting your fecal labels – slap back to you
Brazil’s military dictatorship was supported by the US to keep down leftists. Bolsonaro is a child of that regime… Bolsonaro was a globalist – stop it. I bet you think Trump was peaceful… Except he escalated in Syria and almost started a war with Iran.
So if it was a popular uprising then why did it fail???? The police and military support Bolsonaro…. So seems your analysis is way off.
from: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/10/28/brazil-elections-bolsonaro-democracy-biden/
"Top officials from the White House, Defense Department, State Department, and even the CIA have held meetings and calls with Brazilian officials to try to head off any efforts by Bolsonaro to subvert the results of the country’s heated presidential elections."
Lula has not yet produced a Lulag, but Rightists, under the direction of the USA, have produced death-squad regimes in most Latin American countries, often more than once, over the decades since, and before, WW2. But I’m sure that REALITY was quite OK with you.
Brazil and Latin America’s terminal disease is Pentecostal mind-fuckery, introduced by the USA. Rank Evil posing as ‘religion’. We just had a specimen of the type, Morrison, as PM.
Spoken as a true fascist. No hate is stronger than class hatred mixed with race hatred.
If the CIA were in on it, they were acting in cahoots with the “Lula” regime. Lula, the old man, as opposed to Lula the regime, is a mere figurehead. The regime is all in with the Jew World Order. Watch for the regime to distance itself from its BRIC partners, likely imposing sanctions on Russia and criticizing China for the usual bullshit, while declaring its allegiance to the Christ-killer dominated US and imposing (((liberal))) policies on “climate” and “gender”.
Pepe Escobar is showing himself to be a fool. He’d better take it easy with the pro-BRICs talk or he will end up in the Lulag with the Bolsonaristas he despises.
pepe, don’t get sloppy
asked you before to research this
us intel/fedreserve/cabalists are underwriting the brics gold dinar. the obvious subversion of the brazilian popular insurrection just adds speculation.
You are a fraud or you sent your text to someone in the US to edit it or rewrite it…like often happens today. My cousin who is still a Professor gets these papers written by hand in class and they are like a grade 9 level, but the essays show up like written by an English Professor or an Editor at the New York Times. Al Fonatine…just call me Ernst Hemingway
If I felt the way you did, I would leave Brazil.
When Brazil’s “protest” becomes a carbon copy of the J6 insurrection, one has to agree that the Brazil’s was just as much farce as J6.
Even the Brazilian “Buffalo Man”, LOL~!
The PT was never Marxist. It's a very moderate conservative party with a light social side.
LULA DA SILVA and his Marxist-turned-woke “Workers Partyâ€
BIDEN'S name is actually Joe Biden. There is no difference between Biden and Trump. AlFontaine seems to not have noticed this. Bolsonaro will be able to remain in the US as long as he wants. Biden doesn't have any problem with that.
BIDEN and the Democratic Party are not only unashamed supporters of LULA DA SILVA but also openly hostile to JAIR BOLSONARO, who is a TRUMP supporter.
Lula is not illiterate. He has certainly read much more than AlFontaine and has a lot of common sense. Contrary to Bolsonaro, he is an honest person.
an illiterate-woke-looter-communist as president,
Hahaha. He was put in prison by two extremely dubious figures, one of them, who can be said to be quite stupid and pretends to speak English, hated the PT and the other sold his juridical products, for instance, he bought social appartments that were to be bought by poor people. You have to consider that people in the sector of justice in Brazil are very high earners. Besides, an article in the Le monde diplomatique (I think 2021) showed that the prosecution of Lula was directed from the US.Replies: @Al Fontaine
one who was hauled out of prison (in November 2019, after having been there since April 2018) by his buddy Justices
When you write that “[…] There is no difference between BIDEN and TRUMP […]†you come across to the world readership as a person who doesn’t know shit from shenola. Sorry, but you have just shamed yourself out of any serious intellectual arena.
But what is it compared to stating that PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores – Workers Party – the current name of the Brazilian Communist Party since 1980, when it was founded) “[…] was never a Marxist Party […]�
I see your point: just as THE CASTRO BROTHERS, HUGO CHÃVEZ, SAUL ALINSKY, STALIN, LENIN, and MARX himself, right? After all, none of them were ever Marxists. I am going to inform the upper echelons of the PT because it is about time they really should know it.
Right now that the Workers Party (PT) has just conceived the LULAG, the green-yellowed, tropical version of the GULAG… They will be most disappointed at being fed your above statements… Poor bastards!
I like the chutzpah!
“Hey PePe, make me a f***ing sammich!”
So, have you researched this?
If not, why not?
And you can speak of no alternative, other than antagonism.
It’s all “black and white”, “either/or”, “with us or against us”…
spoken like a true ‘Murican.
Well, I am Brazilian.
I was born in the city of São Paulo 55 years ago, mainly of Portuguese descent (plus GOD only knows what else, and really: I couldn’t care less!)
If you envisage a way of having me prove I am, then please just let me know it. Anyway, I take your comment as a compliment (heaping thanks!), but I have no illusions: I learned from Vladimir Nabokov that I will never be good at any foreign language, that is, any language I did not pick up as a child (from under the kitchen table)… My brain has been hardwired in Portuguese, though I have an unreciprocated love affair with the English language. Alas! I have become neither another JOSEPH CONRAD nor another FERNANDO PESSOA.
By the way: would you likewise write you do not believe PEPE ESCOBAR is Brazilian? If so… Interestingly enough, in the Portuguese language version of WIKIPEDIA one reads that PEPE ESCOBAR’s journalistic career in Brazil was harmed by accusations of plagiarism (I am not sure they were settled as such – I sincerely hope he was cleared of them all), with the final nail in the (Brazilian) coffin having been his fictitious interview of ROMAN POLANSKI, which was published in the Brazilian newspaper of record (O Estado de São Paulo – ESTADÃO) as a… real one.
Nice to have met you, ‘Political Science 101’.
pepe, don’t get sloppy
asked you before to research this
us intel/fedreserve/cabalists are underwriting the brics gold dinar. the obvious subversion of the brazilian insurrection is just further speculation.
You are absolutely right the CIA was involved in the 1964 coup that overthrew Brazilian Democracy then, but, as Glenn explains, this one was hardly even a local coup. Pepe just makes up some anonymous CIA source. Well worth listening to the full segment at rumble, thank you;
I find it funny that Pepe Escobar, who is a native Brazilian, despite living in Asia, talks about Lula’s coalition government containing all sorts of people, including neoliberals, as if this is something new; Firstly, because Lula, when in power before, picked up where Fernando Henrique left off, that is, carried out a neoliberal economic model which was destined to fail… as it did, luckily for him, he was already out of office, the bomb blowing up in the face of his inept ‘Workers Party’ successor, D. Rousseff. Secondly, because this type of spurious coalition government, extremely corrupt, was always Lula’s way.
Glenn, who is too soft on Lula, admits as much in his book Securing Democracy;
How did Brazil leap from being a center-left country that fit comfortably into the mainstream ideological wing of the Western neoliberal order to one ruled by a figure as extreme as Bolsonaro? …
As has happened in so many countries, the failure of Brazil’s establishment—and particularly its prevailing neoliberal ideology—had left so many people so angry with the political system that they were willing to gamble on anyone who could successfully portray themselves as an enemy of the political class the population (rightly) blames for so much of their suffering and deprivation.
Nonsense. Lula is just another neoliberal president in a long line of neoliberals who have ruled Brazil since the neoliberal economic model was instituted in force with Collor after the redemocratization of the country. No wonder economic growth has just about stopped.
The ‘Workers Party’, or at least its leadership, Lula included, are leftists in aesthetics not in substance.
They are the Brazilian representatives of the ‘New Left’. For all his connections with – and co-opting of- the MST movement, Lula’s government carried out even less agrarian reforms than the prince of the Neoliberals, Fernando Henrique.
Comparison with the FHC government is unfavorable to President Lula when the subject is agrarian reform
“Contrary to AlFontaine, you write reasonably. But what you say is not right. The PT is a reasonably conservative party.”
No,this is not true at all. He encourages land invasions in the form of the MST movement, he wants to renationalize several industries and he wants to take in millions of refugees from countries even poorer than Brazil into the country. He also wants to create a common currency with even poorer countries than Brazil, empoverishing the Brazilian economy, and he wants Brazilian tax payer money to finance Leftists regimes abroad.
As for bankers, yes, he is corrupt and the bankers payed him off to be left alone. That is not the same as being a “conservative”. Lula is a classic Marxist in the molds of Trostsky. You clearly don’t know anything. He even invited Leftist Venezuelan dictator, Maduro, to his inauguration.
Contrary to AlFontaine, you write reasonably. But what you say is not right. The PT is a reasonably conservative party. Before Lula was elected the first time he wrote a letter to assure bankers that they had nothing to fear. Banks never made so high profits as when he was the president. Yes, the PT favours some social programs, just like conservative parties in Germany.
It’s true that Lula isn’t an intellectual, he wont compensate the fact that he practically hasn’t had any formal education as a child, but he reads books and he has had lections many years ago by Brazilian intellectuals who prepared him to be a politician. Bolsonaro probably never read one book in his whole life.
If Lula had stolen one cent, people would know this now. They tried very hard but failled to show that he was involved in corruption, even if he profited (moderately) from his position after he left power, like most politicians. The many cases against him had no substance. All processes linked with Car Wash are very suspect, we know that some people were forced to accuse others in order to get free, those were political trials. I think you underestimate Bolsonaro. There is no doubt that he or his sons employed people in parlament in order to get the money they earned. The family got quite rich and nobody knows how. The Bolsonaros seem to be a crime family.
I’m no fan of Lula, I even don’t like the fact that he wanted to be the president again, but I don’t know of any other politician who has a chance to be elected who is much better than Bolsonaro.
Ahhhh but wait. The police and military are overwhelmingly Bolsonaro supporters. And before that Brazil was under strict military right wing dictatorship (of whole Bolsonaro is a spawn of). Brazil was violent then and it is now. So how can that be when people on here are claiming Lula is the corrupt one??? And fact is yes police and military are involved in the illegal gun smuggling as well – just as in other countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean. For Brazil and the Caribbean countries most smuggled guns come from Florida. In Mexico and Central America it is Texas and California.
Those are facts of reality. I don’t know about Brazils legal gun requirements but I know some other countries in the region – – guns have to be registered and ballistics samples given just in case a stolen legal gun is used in a crime. If people leave the country they even have to turn their guns in to the police to prevent them being stolen. The crime problem is overwhelmingly the smuggled illegal guns. Regardless of the regulations of Brazil – their own government admits it. The illegal gun trade is second only to gun smuggling and the two go hand in hand. You can ask any law enforcement. It is not really even a debate
Whatever it is, the PT is not a “conservative party”, LOL.
It was pretty much allied with Marxists when Cuba was all the rage in Latin America. Fidel and Lula were big friends. But it’s true, Lula wasn’t a hardcore Marxist. The proof is that the party (like all the Left, all over the world, bending to its Jewish masters), has gone “woke”, forgetting the “workers” it was supposed to defend, and fighting for transgenders, blacks, feminists, etc.
Lula might not me illiterate, but he’s not an intellectual either. Have you watched his recent interviews? The man is a midwit, at best. An opportunist.
I don’t think he’s honest, but then again, very few people in politics in Brazil are. Members of his party certainly sacked Petrobras, and whether he was directly involved, is anyone’s guess.
His prison was partially politically motivated, but so is the current persecution of Bolsonaro. All political accusations and political arrests or impeachments in Brazil are politically motivated. Make that all of Latin America, too.
No one needs to be a Bolsonaro fanatic to dislike Lula. There’s enough to dislike him as it is. There are other characters even on the left who are more palatable. You like him? Fine, take him. Maybe he can have a role at the UN, WEF or WHO, he seems cut out for those places.
“Pepe Escobar” is a commie. Nothing more than a commie. His theory that this “insurrection” was stimulated by the CIA is absurd. *Millions* of Brazilians voted for Bolsonaro. Even if Lula won the election, it was still very, very close. There were over 100,000 people in that insurrection: were they all CIA operatives? Also, the whole argument is ridiculous because the CIA and FBI clearly work for Biden in every sense of the word.
As for the whole thing about the U.S opposing Lula because Lula will have Brazil exert a more more “active” role abroad, here is what communist, Pepe Escobar considers a more active foreign policy:
– Inviting millions of dirt-poor Nigerians, Haitian and Congolese refugees to Brazil, people that are even poorer and less educated than Brazilians.
– Financing leftists revolutions abroad with Brazilian tax payer money.
– Sendind U.N sanctioned Brazilian military pacification missions abroad, at a huge cost to Brazilian tax payers.
– Aiding with Brazilian tax payere money the failing economies of fellow Leftist countries like Argentina and Venezuela.
– Creating a common currency with dirt poor leftist countries like Bolivia and Argentina, reducing the value and purchasing power of Brazilian crrently.
Yeah, Pepe, what a fantastic deal for the average Brazilian for Brazil to take on your definition of a more “active” role in the World.
Don’t be fooled by communist, Pepe Escobar. Lula is a thief of truly gargantuan proportions. His corruption scheme stole tens of billions of Dollars from the Brazilian people.
Brazil’s Supreme Cpourt has gone Left as well,and is now having Brazilian citizens arrested just for *questioning* the elections result, in a clear violation of the Constitutional right to free speech. They have a Supreme Court Justice that is arresting people and freezing theior bank accounts for “anti-democratic protests” against the electoral result. How can a protest be anti-democratic? It is a Leftist revolution, nothing more.
Pepe Escobar: pinko dummy.
To everyone in the world:
The piece reported on Iran protest Thursday January 12, 2023 on PBS was manufactured and is FAKE. They staged a color revolution through social media in Iran, CIA – Israel – UK, funded by Saudi Arabia supported by the major criminal western regimes, France, Germany, Canada was put down by Iranian security forces where more than hundreds of them were murdered by these ‘protesters’. These bastards still are talking about “January 6 uprising” where arrested hundreds of people and many were given long prison sentences for a simple protest because they attack ‘US democracy’ which is FAKE.
What happened in Iran was a PLAN B regime change where thousands of their agents were at work killing people including security forces to topple the government and carve Iranian territory outlet where should be burned down.
Those who have been arrested and put on trial have murdered the security forces and created an environment of FEAR to topple the government. They have confessed to their CRIMES because their criminal activities, murdering people have been captured on video taken by the drones shown in the court where they admitted they have done the killing.
PBS must be exposed as a propagandist outlet where makes FAKE news all over the world.
The terrorist Kurdish groups and their backers, the Jewish mafia criminals are doing everything to
carve an imaginary state like ‘kurdistan’ as an ally of the apartheid entity. They terrorist Kurdish groups are doing what the zionist Jews did, meaning making a lot of lies and fabricate NEWS, to buy sympathy, like what the zionist Jews did regarding FAKE holocaust to buy sympathy to erect apartheid entity in the Palestinian land killing the indigenous people with the supports of the criminals in the western capitals.
Iran will not bend under pressure coming from the criminal centers like Washington and Tel Aviv and will destroy the terrorists and murderers on behalf of their superiors in the Western capitals.
Venezuela (Maduro?): “Only after kicking out the American ambassador peace settled in”
I would not kick em out. I would blow em up – hello Nordstream – and accuse their home countries of liquidating uncomfortable staff, “because the very nice ambassador was a friend of Venezuela and wanted to help Venezuela”. When in a Jewish world do as the Jew. Doing as the Jew is the only thing that can heal the Jew.
Brazilian foreign minister ejects Israeli ambassador
Brazil’s Foreign Minister, Mauro Vieira, of the newly sworn-in government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, has dismissed the country’s Israeli ambassador in an apparent policy shift which comes in the wake of the ousting of staunchly Zionist, former right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro.
The envoy, a Bolsonaro loyalist who was reportedly appointed by the former president to bolster security ties with Israel, was fired as part of the government’s vow to find a more “balanced and traditional†approach to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
Bomb Apartheid Israel, assassinate the ASSASSIN, Netanyahu
LULA DA SILVA and his Marxist-turned-woke “Workers Partyâ€
The PT was never Marxist. It’s a very moderate conservative party with a light social side.
BIDEN and the Democratic Party are not only unashamed supporters of LULA DA SILVA but also openly hostile to JAIR BOLSONARO, who is a TRUMP supporter.
BIDEN’S name is actually Joe Biden. There is no difference between Biden and Trump. AlFontaine seems to not have noticed this. Bolsonaro will be able to remain in the US as long as he wants. Biden doesn’t have any problem with that.
an illiterate-woke-looter-communist as president,
Lula is not illiterate. He has certainly read much more than AlFontaine and has a lot of common sense. Contrary to Bolsonaro, he is an honest person.
one who was hauled out of prison (in November 2019, after having been there since April 2018) by his buddy Justices
Hahaha. He was put in prison by two extremely dubious figures, one of them, who can be said to be quite stupid and pretends to speak English, hated the PT and the other sold his juridical products, for instance, he bought social appartments that were to be bought by poor people. You have to consider that people in the sector of justice in Brazil are very high earners. Besides, an article in the Le monde diplomatique (I think 2021) showed that the prosecution of Lula was directed from the US.
Brazil is just another “pais latinoamericano” where the masses believe that money grows in trees planted by crocks politicians. And yes, it is still US backyard. All this CIA nonsense is just BS, these protesters where angry because Brazil wasn’t FIFA world champion, something that Brazilian politicians promised to the mass of ignorant useless idiots.
Excerpted from : Venezuela’s Maduro Denounces ‘Neo-Fascist’ Coup Attempt in Brazil
“What’s happening in Brasilia is neither a mass movement, nor spontaneous. It’s organized by bandits who have very objective interests: illegal mining, illegal land grabbing, liberation of weapons, militias, and other things, all blessed by Bolsonaro,” said Hoffmann.
The anti-government protest had been planned for weeks on social media platforms, with organizers clear in their intentions to carry out a violent occupation. Brasilia’s militarized police force, controlled by local governor and Bolsonaro ally Ibaneis Rocha, nonetheless, did not take measures to prevent the attack.
Lula specifically accused state police of doing nothing to stop the mob. Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes ordered Rocha removed from office for 90 days over the incident.
I do not believe that you are Brazilian. Your diction, syntax, periodic run on sentences and overall grammar was not written by a Brazilian. Nice con job though.
That was a fake insurrection manipulation dumb peasants and a few agents, an almost exact repeat of January 6 in the US – it worked there, so why not in Brazil too? Bolsonaro is “the Brazilian Trump” isn’t it?
Lula is just Biden’s and Davos/WEF’s man in Brazil. C’mon, Pepe! Transgender stuff, CRT, abortion, 10% for the Big Guy, the program is all the same.
I was talking about Brazil – but the situation looks similar to what went on in America with the 2020 and 2022 elections. I mean, if there was no fraud, the best thing, tactically, would be to just come clean – that would ensure more stability inside the nation, and would also be the best way to discredit Bolsonaro/Trump (“look, they are just crazy to doubt election integrity, nyah nyah“). In Brazil, it may be due to a mixture of great incompetence, lack of care for the society, and arrogance, but it looks highly suspicious to me.
The Gramps Regime and the CIA were involved in Brazilian politics all right (how could they not be?), just not in the way Señor Escobar says.
The Gramps Regime helped enable the installation of the criminal Lula for two reasons:
1) Bolsonaro was excessively Trump-nationalist-populist and insufficiently globalist.
2) The election fraud that was conducted in Brazil has reduced that country to chaos. America today is the Empire of Chaos and our goal is to sow chaos around the world. If our colonies are in chaos, they are easier to subjugate.
“To end the suzerainty of the US dollar”:
End Jewish control of Central Banks!
End “financial engineering” – usury!
End “financial markets” including “investors”!
End “private banking”!
End “stock & bond markets”!
End political parties – end the party of the Jew!
End “liberty”, start loyalty (to truth)!
Prohibit greed; one man one house only!
Prohibit Judaism!
Atomize media and start self government!
Kunstler is my go-to guy on Mondays and Fridays. And he is the author of several books, one of which, The City in Mind, is a lament for the cities of the world and, oddly enough for a guy on the Right, a disparagement of suburbia. Since its publishing, suburbia has taken on some would view as positive characteristics, while many cities have experienced, if anything, a worsening in their qualities of life, if that can be imagined. The only thing that vexed me about his writings was that he didn’t address his glib forecast of that red tsunami. It’ll be interesting to see how his predictions of a “Biden” impeachment and a Harris abdication come about.
I think it’s like a gambling addict going back to the Casino every week, they figure they have nothing to loose, the more they try the better the odds. Problem is they are not getting better at it and with the Net it’s getting more and more difficult to sell the lies. But hey, never doubt people’s stupidity!
In your last paragraph, are you talking about the USA, Brazil, or both?
Well, a Mossad-troll I am not, so…
Perhaps you would care to enlighten me on the matter?
If there was no fraud, why would the establishment not come clean and show the people who have been demonstrating for months what they where asking to see? Why hide it, if there was no fraud? And if there was no fraud, and they didn’t show it, but instead preferred to ruthlessly crush the protestors once the pot boiled over, what does that say about the regard that the establishment has for its own citizens?
Dear thomas faber. Either You have no idea what you are talking about, or you are a mossad troll.
The Justice Minister of Brazil, Flavio Dino, was well aware of the uprising planned for January 8, at least a day beforehand – and he did nothing to reinforce security at the Three Powers Square (Praça dos Três Poderes). It does seem, therefore, that the Lula government was at least partially responsible for permitting the protesters to just walk into the Presidential Palace, the National Congress and the Supreme Federal Court: there are videos on social media showing how the protesters strolled into some of these buildings unimpeded.
Once the protesters caused damage inside the halls of power, what was the final result? Lula decreed a federal intervention, with only minimal protest from a few senators, and was also able to forcibly remove hundreds of protesters who had been camped out for a couple of months in front of the army’s general headquarters, evert since the result of the elections. And the governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, where BrasÃlia is located, was temporarily removed from office for at least 90 days.
Therefore, cui bono? It seems that the one who benefited the most from the 8 January protests was Lula himself: he now has more power and more legitimacy to exercise that power, without being accused of being a dictator. But now we must watch Lula’s next moves, for if somehow other federal interventions are decreed, such as in São Paulo, where the governor is an ex-Bolsonaro minister, then it will become evident that the Lula regime is bent on granting itself dictatorial powers.
Summing up, Pepe’s article seems very one-sided – and always to the same side, in favor of Lula. Pepe can see no wrong coming from the Lula regime, which weakens his arguments and just feeds the division already evident in Brazilian society.
For there are those who believe, Pepe, that precisely the CIA participated in the electoral fraud against Bolsonaro, which opposes the globalist agenda, while Lula is a servant of that agenda. At the very least, it all seems confusing.
Some believe that this assault on state institutions is nothing more than a setup to be able to act against those who peacefully protest against what they believe has been a blatant electoral fraud in favor of Lula.
In fact, a Spanish historian and journalist, who lives in the United States and very opposed to the globalist agenda, is convinced that Lula is not to be trusted and will implement the globalist agenda that those who control the CIA like so much. He says that someone from the CIA warned Bolsonaro to accept the result of the elections before they were held, as if he knew there would be irregularities against Bolsonaro.
We’ll see.
Perhaps the CIA staged it knowing it was going to go nowhere except for the protesters to go to jail and Lula to enforce draconian measures.
The more of the same has always been a political failure, but for many it is a good way to get easy money and secure the future.
I congratule you for your above comment, THOMAS FABER. Sir, your have hit the nail right on the head. Just like PEPE ESCOBAR, I am Brazilian. But unlike him I have always felt repulse for LULA DA SILVA and his Marxist-turned-woke “Workers Partyâ€. PEPE ESCOBAR is totally off the mark when he links what happened in BrasÃlia on January 8, 2023 with what happened in Kiev in 2014, after all, BIDEN and the Democratic Party are not only unashamed supporters of LULA DA SILVA but also openly hostile to JAIR BOLSONARO, who is a TRUMP supporter. What PEPE ESCOBAR is hiding from you, Americans, is the plain fact that 49,10% of the Brazilian voters (actually, the percentage is visibly higher: just walk down the streets and see the presidential campaign rally pictures and videos…) are desperate at having an illiterate-woke-looter-communist as president, especially one who was hauled out of prison (in November 2019, after having been there since April 2018) by his buddy Justices on the Supreme Court (whose overwhelming majority is made up of nominees by the “Workers Party†along the years 2003-2016), who, since then, have been short-circuiting due process, the rule of law, and representative government by basically by-passing the Prosecution Offices, the lower Courts of Justice, and the Legislative Power, neutralizing them all: a nightmarish Juristocracy. What a dismal future for the decent, hard-working Brazilians…
The PT was never Marxist. It's a very moderate conservative party with a light social side.
LULA DA SILVA and his Marxist-turned-woke “Workers Partyâ€
BIDEN'S name is actually Joe Biden. There is no difference between Biden and Trump. AlFontaine seems to not have noticed this. Bolsonaro will be able to remain in the US as long as he wants. Biden doesn't have any problem with that.
BIDEN and the Democratic Party are not only unashamed supporters of LULA DA SILVA but also openly hostile to JAIR BOLSONARO, who is a TRUMP supporter.
Lula is not illiterate. He has certainly read much more than AlFontaine and has a lot of common sense. Contrary to Bolsonaro, he is an honest person.
an illiterate-woke-looter-communist as president,
Hahaha. He was put in prison by two extremely dubious figures, one of them, who can be said to be quite stupid and pretends to speak English, hated the PT and the other sold his juridical products, for instance, he bought social appartments that were to be bought by poor people. You have to consider that people in the sector of justice in Brazil are very high earners. Besides, an article in the Le monde diplomatique (I think 2021) showed that the prosecution of Lula was directed from the US.Replies: @Al Fontaine
one who was hauled out of prison (in November 2019, after having been there since April 2018) by his buddy Justices
How did Brazil leap from being a center-left country that fit comfortably into the mainstream ideological wing of the Western neoliberal order to one ruled by a figure as extreme as Bolsonaro? ...
As has happened in so many countries, the failure of Brazil’s establishment—and particularly its prevailing neoliberal ideology—had left so many people so angry with the political system that they were willing to gamble on anyone who could successfully portray themselves as an enemy of the political class the population (rightly) blames for so much of their suffering and deprivation.
The CIA didn’t organize the exact same “insurrection” on January 6, ’20 to destabilize and discredit the new president. They did it to stomp out a growing populist uprising and scare Trump supporters into obedience.
Less electable than Kamala.
Corrupt and bloated deep state now gives rise to figure like Bolton who knows that the corrupt system won’t bother to prosecute him . Because he is no worse than anyone else in the game of one up man ship which is the only game in the town . So we get corrupt bombastic ineffective arrogant leaders . Some among them are suave like Blinken but most are like Bannon or Bolton – —thugs and useless .
When they plan wars or coups or astroturf agitation , they don’t leave their idiocies at home . They bring it to the theater of the farce . At least ,in the past , these buffoons would have been told to go back and repeat the pre-K . Now they make decisions . How long can the nation suffer these morons ?
President Bolton ?
These people need to learn to not use their own product.
Straussian John Bolton –…..– is now demanding the ouster of Turkey from NATO
A very clear case of a stopped clock or a blind hog . In Bolton’s case I suppose he is closer to being a blind hog.
bolsonaro is such a genius he goes to mar-a-lago to get the blueprint for the jan 6 “insurrection” complete with instructions on how to make the all important horned shaman headdress. if the cia is behind it, they’re not even trying anymore.
Sounds like that intelligence source fed you a tall tale, Mr. Escobar.
The reason it was so amateurish was because it was actually a popular, unorganized uprising. That’s the sense I get from it, at least.
And it has been brewing since the election, as the enourmous demonstrations that have been ongoing since then make clear. It doesn’t speak well for the decency of the Brazilian establishment that it didn’t just put all the cards on the table, if the election was really as legit as it claims. Instead, it preferred to let the people walk into an ugly situation that could be seen from a mile away, and can now smear them as “terrorists” and “extremists”.
Good luck to the Brazillian people!
Kunstler tries his best.
The big problem with forcing Biden’s resignation is that Kamala would become Head of State and so would her Jewish Husband.
Impeachment with that Ace in the hole for Judaea would only suit Multiculti driven agendas.
Biden isn’t all that dumb.
Try this on as an antidote to Pepe. And enjoy an author who can actually write.
Others think the neocons wanted Lula to keep the restless peasants in check with promises that he can’t implement. They think Bolsonaro might ignite a rebellion. But the CIA has overthrown Brazil’s democracy before.
Utter nonsense. The Dems and the Establishment are one and the same now, and that includes the CIA … and the Dems love the lefty … Lula. Having the freeloaders from the NE win, is not going to be good for Brazil. Next they will demand ‘reparations’ from the South.
Unnamed ” source” said . Well you have it lads , ironclad proof.
The expanding Turkey ‘worldview’ to Syria and other countries in the region looks like it will be more relevant than all these lesser manipulations, but so far very little coverage.
Actually, Wikipedia contains some great information. Regarding Taurus, the largest Brazilian firearm manufacturer, it says “The current product line includes steel-frame pistols, polymer-frame pistols, revolvers, and law enforcement weapons (submachine guns and rifles), the latter intended for the domestic Brazilian market.” Considering the corruption in the various Brazilian police organizations, particularly Policia Militar, illegal transfer of weapons to gangs by the police is much more of a problem than smuggled guns from the U.S.
The modern world was built by White Christian men whose views would inevitably be considered “racist” in our “woke” age. It’s being destroyed by Jews, non-Whites, and ignorant, loud-mouthed hags like yourself. History’s verdict is in: White Christian men in charge means progress and “equality” means decay.
Yeah, there is actually more to this story. Aloooooot more, and very juicy details at that. But I will just give the jist.This guy, Amos Yee, was a child TV personality and really loved media attention. After getting into trouble with the authorities here, and pissing off a whole lot of Singaporeans (90% of Singaporeans would spit on him if they get the chance)....decided that he wanted to desert his mandatory military duties. As you know every Singaporean male is required to do military service. Well Amos Yee decides the best way to get out of it is to run to the US (that beacon of freedom...puke), and tell a sob story of political repression. And whaddya know? The Americans grant the poor oppressed "freedom fighter" asylum. I speculate that he was being reared as a possible tool against Singapore should there ever be a need to "regime change" it twenty years down the road....something like Fethullah Gulen or Shah of Iran.....Imagine Singapore becoming too friendly with China, then suddenly....Amos Yee becomes Prime Minister of Singapore.....horror of horrors. LOLAnyways a few months/year after his asylum, he is tried and convicted of pedophilia in the USA....this guy is clearly sick in the head. There are rumours that his asylum will be revoked and he will be deported back to Singapore. I personally say "no thank you USA. You keep that 'courageous freedom fighter'. You can house him next door to Juan Guaido.".Replies: @showmethereal
I recall there was that young guy breaking the law by insulting others religions a few years back and he was given asylum by the US.
Oh yes now I recall he was trying to get out of service but I had no clue what happened once he went to the US. Thanks for the update. But yeah he was obviously sick in the head. He’s a perfect example of idiots in Hong Kong who prior to the 2019 riots who used to call Singapore “boring†and lacked things like “free speechâ€. He’s a perfect example on why there absolutely should be curtails on “free speechâ€. People can go live in the west if they think insulting people is a human right
I recall there was that young guy breaking the law by insulting others religions a few years back and he was given asylum by the US.
Yeah, there is actually more to this story. Aloooooot more, and very juicy details at that. But I will just give the jist.
This guy, Amos Yee, was a child TV personality and really loved media attention. After getting into trouble with the authorities here, and pissing off a whole lot of Singaporeans (90% of Singaporeans would spit on him if they get the chance)….decided that he wanted to desert his mandatory military duties.
As you know every Singaporean male is required to do military service. Well Amos Yee decides the best way to get out of it is to run to the US (that beacon of freedom…puke), and tell a sob story of political repression. And whaddya know? The Americans grant the poor oppressed “freedom fighter” asylum.
I speculate that he was being reared as a possible tool against Singapore should there ever be a need to “regime change” it twenty years down the road….something like Fethullah Gulen or Shah of Iran…..Imagine Singapore becoming too friendly with China, then suddenly….Amos Yee becomes Prime Minister of Singapore…..horror of horrors. LOL
Anyways a few months/year after his asylum, he is tried and convicted of pedophilia in the USA….this guy is clearly sick in the head. There are rumours that his asylum will be revoked and he will be deported back to Singapore. I personally say “no thank you USA. You keep that ‘courageous freedom fighter’. You can house him next door to Juan Guaido.”.
Oh, actually not. He was the one who started the ball rolling. Some decades ago, he rather shocked everyone by announcing something like "I have researched the subject of homosexuality. And after considering all the evidence, I have concluded that it is primarily of a genetic origin. Therefore from now on, all civil servants/government ministers will not be prosecuted for being gay"... or something to that effect.Why LKY was so moved to study homosexuality, was because it has a significant incidence in his family. It actually highlights the fact that so many of us only research the matter properly only when our loved ones are affected....otherwise we just continue to just callously dismiss them as deviants and perverts.The irony is that homosexuality would have been decriminalised in Singapore much earlier had it not been for the opposition of the religious groups (primarily Christian and Muslim). So LKY took a temporary compromise position and let the anti-gay provisions in the penal code remain, but on the other hand, also did not enforce it.So the government had to let it calm down for a few decades...and only recently introduced a permanent compromise: they would repeal the anti-gay law, and in return enshrine explicitly that marriage is only between a man and a women. This mostly satisfied both sides, even though there was a little grumbling.IMHO this is an interesting case that those guys ranting against authoritarianism should look at. One that shows that even a one party authoritarian state has the best interests of all its citizens at heart, and is able to execute a just solution.Replies: @showmethereal
I still think LKY would have kept it illegal.
Yes I have heard about his family…. But this is a slippery slope for Singapore. Western pressure will start to pile on – aided by media like CNA. Who is there to stand up for that now? I recall there was that young guy breaking the law by insulting others religions a few years back and he was given asylum by the US. That was a complete disrespect to Singapore. If he wants to migrate because he doesn’t like local law – then fine. But “asylum†gives a connotation to it. My point is Singapore is what it is in large part because of its laws. I was glad when Singapore held firm and caned the American and British young guys for vandalism. I’m glad Singapore stood its ground and continues to execute drug traffickers. If Singapore continues to liberalize it is in danger to suffer the same social ills as the west.
Yeah, there is actually more to this story. Aloooooot more, and very juicy details at that. But I will just give the jist.This guy, Amos Yee, was a child TV personality and really loved media attention. After getting into trouble with the authorities here, and pissing off a whole lot of Singaporeans (90% of Singaporeans would spit on him if they get the chance)....decided that he wanted to desert his mandatory military duties. As you know every Singaporean male is required to do military service. Well Amos Yee decides the best way to get out of it is to run to the US (that beacon of freedom...puke), and tell a sob story of political repression. And whaddya know? The Americans grant the poor oppressed "freedom fighter" asylum. I speculate that he was being reared as a possible tool against Singapore should there ever be a need to "regime change" it twenty years down the road....something like Fethullah Gulen or Shah of Iran.....Imagine Singapore becoming too friendly with China, then suddenly....Amos Yee becomes Prime Minister of Singapore.....horror of horrors. LOLAnyways a few months/year after his asylum, he is tried and convicted of pedophilia in the USA....this guy is clearly sick in the head. There are rumours that his asylum will be revoked and he will be deported back to Singapore. I personally say "no thank you USA. You keep that 'courageous freedom fighter'. You can house him next door to Juan Guaido.".Replies: @showmethereal
I recall there was that young guy breaking the law by insulting others religions a few years back and he was given asylum by the US.
I still think LKY would have kept it illegal.
Oh, actually not. He was the one who started the ball rolling.
Some decades ago, he rather shocked everyone by announcing something like “I have researched the subject of homosexuality. And after considering all the evidence, I have concluded that it is primarily of a genetic origin. Therefore from now on, all civil servants/government ministers will not be prosecuted for being gay”… or something to that effect.
Why LKY was so moved to study homosexuality, was because it has a significant incidence in his family. It actually highlights the fact that so many of us only research the matter properly only when our loved ones are affected….otherwise we just continue to just callously dismiss them as deviants and perverts.
The irony is that homosexuality would have been decriminalised in Singapore much earlier had it not been for the opposition of the religious groups (primarily Christian and Muslim). So LKY took a temporary compromise position and let the anti-gay provisions in the penal code remain, but on the other hand, also did not enforce it.
So the government had to let it calm down for a few decades…and only recently introduced a permanent compromise: they would repeal the anti-gay law, and in return enshrine explicitly that marriage is only between a man and a women. This mostly satisfied both sides, even though there was a little grumbling.
IMHO this is an interesting case that those guys ranting against authoritarianism should look at. One that shows that even a one party authoritarian state has the best interests of all its citizens at heart, and is able to execute a just solution.
It’s sad to see. Hakka people found sanctuary in Singapore and I love Singapore. I know they shifted a little from neutrality but getting back to it is the best bet. I see they decriminalized sodomy now – but with a provision that people can still be able to say they don’t agree with that lifestyle without getting charged with a hate crime. So there it goes again still trying to balance. I still think LKY would have kept it illegal.
Oh, actually not. He was the one who started the ball rolling. Some decades ago, he rather shocked everyone by announcing something like "I have researched the subject of homosexuality. And after considering all the evidence, I have concluded that it is primarily of a genetic origin. Therefore from now on, all civil servants/government ministers will not be prosecuted for being gay"... or something to that effect.Why LKY was so moved to study homosexuality, was because it has a significant incidence in his family. It actually highlights the fact that so many of us only research the matter properly only when our loved ones are affected....otherwise we just continue to just callously dismiss them as deviants and perverts.The irony is that homosexuality would have been decriminalised in Singapore much earlier had it not been for the opposition of the religious groups (primarily Christian and Muslim). So LKY took a temporary compromise position and let the anti-gay provisions in the penal code remain, but on the other hand, also did not enforce it.So the government had to let it calm down for a few decades...and only recently introduced a permanent compromise: they would repeal the anti-gay law, and in return enshrine explicitly that marriage is only between a man and a women. This mostly satisfied both sides, even though there was a little grumbling.IMHO this is an interesting case that those guys ranting against authoritarianism should look at. One that shows that even a one party authoritarian state has the best interests of all its citizens at heart, and is able to execute a just solution.Replies: @showmethereal
I still think LKY would have kept it illegal.
Wow! Never heard of him. Brave man indeed. Thanks for that! I have heard former CIA agents expose that they themselves used to do that in several nations. They would plant fake stories all the time. But they would pick and choose carefully so people wouldn’t pick it out as propaganda so easily.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the comprador elites from the European colonies will start making their way to Florida soon too.
Once the French and Germans wake up from their stupor and realise that they have been sold out by their own elites, and that the are in fact modern day colonies of the US, the likes of Merkel and Macron will be forced to catch a private jet out of Europe and live in a gated community in Florida too…..right next door to their best buddy Zelensky.
There is absolutely nothing "idealistic" or "abstract" about that which has ALREADY been achieved — by the four Asian Tigers (South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong & Taiwan) and then by China itself. Going from a third world country to a prosperous society is not "idealistic" or "abstract" when it's already been done before.
You seem to be very idealistic-which means abstract-�
A master statesman is capable of setting the milieu to his own hand to achieve his goal of improving society, because that's part of his job description. The fact that Bolsonaro (and modern western politicians in general) are incapable of doing so speaks to the lack of quality of statecraft that the west is capable of achieving these days.
that a person can accomplish something with no regard to the milieu.
I didn't miss anything you said, I simply do not agree with your assessment. For one, the fact that Bolsonaro just fled to Florida says everything we need to know of him and his abilities and character. For two, accomplishment is the primary thing that matters when judging a statesman — after all, what use does society have for a statesman that cannot accomplish anything? Are we paying our politicians to sit prettily in luxurious houses or do we pay them to actually help improve our lives?
You obviously missed the explicit meaning of my juxtapositioning. I referred to ability, character, not comparing accomplishments in wholly different circumstances.
recommend you research Chinese and Oriental cognitive patterns and processes.
As an ethnic Chinese born in the west, I'm fully aware that the west thinks very differently from the east. That's why the west have produced such "gems" like one-dollar-one-vote democracy, woke culture and Machiavelli's The Prince, whereas the Chinese have for long practiced Confucianism for the general populace and Legalism/法家(Fajia) and meritocracy for the government. Of course, none of this matters when we judge Bolsonaro's Brazil. The only thing that truly matters is —how much did the lives of ordinary Brazilians improve under his rule, if any at all?Replies: @showmethereal
It is a fact that the nature of thought differs by geography. Put simply, Asians think ‘differently’ to Westerners.
Yeah there is video of Bolsonaro hanging out in gated community in Florida. Like most South and Central American thieves – he planted himself in Florida.
But you made a mistake in your last sentence. Those guys couldn’t care less about the ordinary people. They are elitists in every way.
Well, the physical distance might make that difficult. Singapore is as far from China as Greece is from the UK.
But I don’t think Singaporeans would like being an SAR of China at all. They have gotten to like the idea of being independent too much. Besides, the Malay and Indian segments of the population would be really pissed.
Also I seriously doubt that China wants to add more territory. They do guard what they already have very jealously, as it is a matter of pride and self-esteem to them. But they do not have appetite for territorial expansion.
All states in the region play a careful game with the US.
That is also why some countries spent decades and sacrificed million of lives just to chase foreign military out.
Well, I beg to differ.
The possibility of invasion from neighbors is exaggerated
which keeps Singaporeans to accept one of the longest NS and reservist requirements in the worldI believe Israel is longer.
Have you noticed the wild anti-Singapore sentiments whipped up by Malaysian and Indonesian politicians every time it is expedient for them to do so? I would not take them very much to return to the May13 state of racial hatred.
There is simply little grassroot sentiment in either neighbors
Because it is also of " Malay" ethnicity. As I have said, there is a large racial resentment element in the relationship between Singapore and its neighbours.
why not Brunei, which would be much easier to invade and govern?
LKY desperately wanted them to stay longer for fear of economic impact of the loss of the bases, as well as protection. Remember, this was the time of Konfrontasi..... Singapore was desperate for someone to help train its military. In the end, who helped them? Israel.
LKY let British military stay until the 1970s
As I told you, there is a racial resent background to the whole issue. Malaysia and Indonesia consider themselves kin.....and Singapore as a Chinese pimple on Malaysia's backside.
Furthermore, both Malaysia and Indonesia are unlikely to be please if the other would to capture Singapore
This was after the 1956 Suez Crisis, and the Brits urgently wanted withdraw all forces "East of Suez"....(of course with some notable exceptions). They decided to leave Malaya on masse, thereby as mentioned above, the desperation of LKY when he tried to persuade the Brits to stay longer, but they agreed to stay only 3 more years.
but we know the performance of British during WW2 and their willingness to defend for others
Singapore blows with the wind to ensure its survival. When the US is in power, Singapore needs its protection. If China rises to be hegemon, then Singapore will need China's protection too.
British did withdraw gracefully. Would Singapore be as lucky this time with US?
No, it will then show Singapore to be a neutral state. If Singapore only has a US base, then it will naturally be a target for China. This way, neither side will consider Singapore a target.
If both US and China setup bases in Singapore, would it change their behaviors so much as to reduce the chance of their conflict or not to fight in Singapore.
the fate of Singapore is not totally in the hand of Singaporean.
Chinese history teaches weaker party not to introduce wolf into your house, or worse, let a tiger in to chase the wolf away. So, this is not a hindsight. Lees’ and Goh’s banana thinking is creating a dilemma that has to be solved by future generation. Now that Chinese destroyers are cruising along Alaska coast, and Chinese aircraft carrier group is exercising near Guam, Singaporean could only pray US wane peacefully as well without disastrous war in their city state.Let me tell you something frankly, and this is the sentiment everywhere outside China.We now support China because we see it being bullied by the US. But we also know that when China becomes the pre-eminent power in the world, she will be tempted to bully others. It is all natural.In its current struggle, if China wants the continued support of the rest of the world against the US, the best thing China should do is not to arrogantly try to lecture the rest of us.....when they do so, they themselves start looking much like the US bully.....ie...China = US = bullyReplies: @d dan, @Ray Caruso
It seems to me that the way Singapore could ensure its long-term survival is to become a SAR of China. If that happened, the Muslim orangutans (i.e. Malays) would never dare to attempt an invasion.
Increasingly, in China. Vietnam is also starting to do pretty well, considering its economic growth, although I have no insight into how far the fifth column has infiltrated there to ruin the project.
And where is/was that?
I know you’re not doing it, but China must never allow (((cosmopolitans))) to acquire citizenship. They would destroy it in one lifetime, as they have done to the US.
Caruso Bhai, do you really want the China system? Bhai Chini system is Communist Oligarch elite clans ruling the China from behind scenes. It is not equality nor meritocracy.
better off if we had a system of government based on the Chinese model rather than on contemptible US-style electioneering.
Democracies are despicable. The idea that electioneering confers legitimacy on a government, although seldom questioned, is preposterous. Why not use crossword puzzles or something else that requires intelligence to decide who the ruling class should be rather than an activity that requires nothing but dishonesty and shamelessness? And democracies are anything but meritocratic. In fact, thanks to democracy the US has become a kakistocracy, a society ruled by the (((very worst people))), a group who is, according to orthodox Christian belief clearly stated in our scriptures, cosmologically evil, and whose behavior in every way reflects that reality. Most Brazilians are half-wits who nevertheless see the US as a model to be followed and, consequently, Brazil is following in the path of the US. The Chinese system is far more logical and meritocratic than that of any Western country. I would incorporate Christianity in my version, but the framework is as good as it gets in our fallen world.
I am a selective misanthrope. As for ‘greedy’ animals-under benign circumstances animals live in a balanced harmony, often co-operating, not just in herds or among their own species, but even between species. When things go awry, after or during droughts, floods, fires etc, it is survival of the fittest, although most species put extra effort into providing for the young. Best to not anthropomorphise other species I would say.
One may speculate on what number your genes limit you to. I find that crude racists are INVARIABLY stupid.
And where is/was that?Replies: @Mary Marianne, @mulga mumblebrain
where the sabotage, subversion and aggression of the parasite classes and their toadies and stooges, are absent. �
China, Wizz, after much struggle. Certainly not Austfailia, where they are ALL Holy Sacraments in the Five Eyes death-cult.
I actually think the US Deep State has infiltrated Singapore in the same stealthy way as HK. But that’s an unnatural condition which would eventually backfire against the West in the geopolitical environment of Asia for which Singapore needs to bet its future. Without its role as a key hub of Asia, Singapore is simply too small to be able to survive much less thrive by aligning with the West to counter the rise of not just China but also India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Indonesia, etc. The only geopolitical position that Singapore can take is one of neutrality, nothing more or less, especially when it comes to the geopolitics of the New Cold War being waged by the U.S.-led West against the rise of Asia.
Oh gosh, don’t mention CNA. Its an embarrassment. I totally agree with you, and so would many of my countrymen. But I suppose this is to be expected when one lives on the rims of the Empire.
I figure that whoever got to Udo Ulfkotte got to CNA too.
Video below, for all the folks who are unfamiliar with this courageous man.
Video Link
Yes, he did. I think it's because LKY seemed to be more of a pragmatist type of statesman rather than the ideologically minded type.Replies: @showmethereal
LKY locked up communists – but he also shut down western propaganda (Asian Wall Street Journal) and kicked out CIA agents.
Indeed he was…. And it was he who mentored Deng from China – which led to China doing what it has done.
I do agree with you. The problem is that the present generation of Singapore leaders were all educated in the West/Singapore.If Singapore has more foresight, it would send a portion of its future leaders to also study in Russia, China, Iran and Brazil.Replies: @showmethereal
Personally I think if LKY was still alive and in power he would not have joined the sanctions.
I agree with that…. Another example is Channel News Asia… When did it become just another western mouthpiece? I don’t think LKY would approve in his day. I mean it seems to be fine when reporting on local Singapore news… But anything international – there is almost no neutrality – it just mimics the west. I mean it mostly even just posts stories from AFP/AP/Reuters etc. The commentaries are all pro west with no neutrality. I’m shocked. Strait Times isn’t as bad – but even still they skew.
To me they don’t follow LKY’s legacy. But your explanation is why. But it’s sad to me.
And where is/was that?Replies: @Mary Marianne, @mulga mumblebrain
where the sabotage, subversion and aggression of the parasite classes and their toadies and stooges, are absent. �
And where is/was that?
Increasingly, in China. Vietnam is also starting to do pretty well, considering its economic growth, although I have no insight into how far the fifth column has infiltrated there to ruin the project.
I think they have the current winning combination; a strong communist government that have the power to root out fifth columns wherever necessary and can invest in all the infrastructure needed to run a modern economy, a mixed economy with strong SOE in strategic key sectors of the economy as well as a vibrant free market that is dominated by small and medium enterprises (mostly family-run businesses) that are the driving force of economic growth and that keep everyone (self-)employed.
You seem to be very idealistic-which means abstract-
There is absolutely nothing “idealistic” or “abstract” about that which has ALREADY been achieved — by the four Asian Tigers (South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong & Taiwan) and then by China itself. Going from a third world country to a prosperous society is not “idealistic” or “abstract” when it’s already been done before.
that a person can accomplish something with no regard to the milieu.
A master statesman is capable of setting the milieu to his own hand to achieve his goal of improving society, because that’s part of his job description. The fact that Bolsonaro (and modern western politicians in general) are incapable of doing so speaks to the lack of quality of statecraft that the west is capable of achieving these days.
You obviously missed the explicit meaning of my juxtapositioning. I referred to ability, character, not comparing accomplishments in wholly different circumstances.
I didn’t miss anything you said, I simply do not agree with your assessment. For one, the fact that Bolsonaro just fled to Florida says everything we need to know of him and his abilities and character. For two, accomplishment is the primary thing that matters when judging a statesman — after all, what use does society have for a statesman that cannot accomplish anything? Are we paying our politicians to sit prettily in luxurious houses or do we pay them to actually help improve our lives?
recommend you research Chinese and Oriental cognitive patterns and processes.
It is a fact that the nature of thought differs by geography. Put simply, Asians think ‘differently’ to Westerners.
As an ethnic Chinese born in the west, I’m fully aware that the west thinks very differently from the east. That’s why the west have produced such “gems” like one-dollar-one-vote democracy, woke culture and Machiavelli’s The Prince, whereas the Chinese have for long practiced Confucianism for the general populace and Legalism/法家(Fajia) and meritocracy for the government.
Of course, none of this matters when we judge Bolsonaro’s Brazil. The only thing that truly matters is —how much did the lives of ordinary Brazilians improve under his rule, if any at all?
LKY locked up communists – but he also shut down western propaganda (Asian Wall Street Journal) and kicked out CIA agents.
Yes, he did. I think it’s because LKY seemed to be more of a pragmatist type of statesman rather than the ideologically minded type.
Personally I think if LKY was still alive and in power he would not have joined the sanctions.
I do agree with you. The problem is that the present generation of Singapore leaders were all educated in the West/Singapore.
If Singapore has more foresight, it would send a portion of its future leaders to also study in Russia, China, Iran and Brazil.
What does Baltimore have to do with Brazil??? Oh I get it… You are one of those who only sees through race… Well black migrants to the US do better than US born blacks… But anyway – none of that has anything to do with Brazil. Well then since whites are outnumbered in Brazil – then I guess the only solution that would suit you is for them to all migrate. I actually do know a white Brazilian who is in the process of migrating to Portugal. And yes he was a Bolsonaro supporter indeed. Nice guy overall though..
That is true they might not be able to turn it into a 100-105 society – but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t educate the masses. An educated 85 IQ mulatto is much better than one who has no proper education. One doesn’t need to be a nuclear physicist or semiconductor engineer to be a useful member of society.
Indeed, I never said that he was anything like that. LKY was a statesman who got his job done, but that does not mean the man was a holy saint. The fact is that Singapore is tiny and vulnerable, therefore its leader sometimes has no choice but to lick boots and be opportunistic in the interest of its country. The point is that LKY got the job done by turning an impoverished citystate into one of the richest on the planet.
LKY is definitely not “fearless, totally committed to their vision, not afraid of anybody, and exude a noble and elevated character†like what Poupon Marx claims either.
“Furthermore, they’re a financial hub and that makes them very dependent on the USA’s SWIFT system, and that’s probably also one of the reasons why they went along with the USA in regards to the Ukraine issue”.
Personally I think if LKY was still alive and in power he would not have joined the sanctions. He gave many many interviews after retiring from power and knew economic prosperity was shifting to Asia. I believe he would see the writing on the wall and be participating with other countries on also creating alternatives to SWIFT…
LKY locked up communists – but he also shut down western propaganda (Asian Wall Street Journal) and kicked out CIA agents. I think he was more even handed than “d dan” gives him credit for….. BUT since he stepped out of power – I think Singapore has skewed a little bit too much to the west.
I do agree with you. The problem is that the present generation of Singapore leaders were all educated in the West/Singapore.If Singapore has more foresight, it would send a portion of its future leaders to also study in Russia, China, Iran and Brazil.Replies: @showmethereal
Personally I think if LKY was still alive and in power he would not have joined the sanctions.
Yes, he did. I think it's because LKY seemed to be more of a pragmatist type of statesman rather than the ideologically minded type.Replies: @showmethereal
LKY locked up communists – but he also shut down western propaganda (Asian Wall Street Journal) and kicked out CIA agents.
So basically your article is saying Castro was doing the same thing the right wing US backed military dictatorship was doing in Brazil for decades… I’m sure you will try to come up with some fake rationale to claim that wasn’t the case and then slew attempts at insult to prove you are a small minded coward.
For a century China’s wealth was robbed by the west…. Things in life turn back.
If Lula and his criminals have their way, soon, like Venezuela, nearly all Brazilians will live in favelas while Lula and the Commie elites will be eating caviar in Paris. Just like how Maduro was eating steak served by some Turkish wierdo while his people starved.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @showmethereal
The people in the teeming favelas
You of course – as usual can’t address reality. Brazilian cities have plenty of favelas already… They were full of favelas after living under a military dictatorship backed by the US that was fully right wing and anti communist. But why let facts get in the way – right?
You are so full of shit.Category:Firearm manufacturers of Brazilhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Firearm_manufacturers_of_BrazilReplies: @showmethereal
(though a huge portion of the guns comes from the US)
Well you are simply an idiot…. The Brazil authorities themselves note that the majority of ILLEGAL guns get into Brazil from the US. I can’t be full of it because I eat a lot of fiber every day so my bowel movements are normal. You on the other hand need to learn what critical thinking is. Newsflash – Wikipedia is not it. There are many other sources – but I chose your favored western media>
Impressive how common it is here at Unz for LOW IQ idiots such as yourself to call others ‘low IQ’…
Say, oh silly one, define Communism for us, that should be funny…
Well, I hold no grudge against the guy. He appears to hail from Malaysia, and there are some rivalries between the two countries, so some animosity towards Singapore is baked into the cake.
Singaporeans are partly to blame because we often are insensitively arrogant towards our (perceived) less developed neighbours. So yeah….we do deserve some of the hate ….LOL.
But overall, I think his heart is in the right place, and that is what is important, no?
Agree. They are mostly whipped up by the politicians for domestic purposes. I don't know how much you understand Bahasa. I suggest the next time you drive across the Strait, ask them whether Malaysia should attack and take over Singapore. Similarly, I believe most Singaporeans are not worry about invasion from either countries. But even if I would to concede the point, you have to agree that the "medicine" introduced has created lots of complications for Singapore now with the rise of China.
Have you noticed the wild anti-Singapore sentiments whipped up by Malaysian and Indonesian politicians every time it is expedient for them to do so?
Let me share my personal reasons then. Besides my love of China, the most important reason is because China represents a more just and equal future for humanity than the Western world order.
We now support China because we see it being bullied by the US.
LOL. Firstly, I don't speak on behalf of China (although my views align much with the wumaos). Secondly, this is a two-way street. If Singapore don't like to be lectured, it should stop inserting itself into so many international hot spots (as if it is the third most important country in the world besides US and China). For example, there was a speech by Lee Hsien Loong in Tokyo when he lectured the Japanese how to handle their relationship with China. Although I like the pro-China speech, I am sure it irritated some Japanese who are too courteous to complain. For other examples, see some compilation here:æŽå…‰è€€ï¼šä¸–界希望美国ä¾ç„¶èƒ½å¤Ÿåˆ¶è¡¡ä¸å›½
"China should do is not to arrogantly try to lecture the rest of us"
https://new.qq.com/rain/a/20210604A04J2C00æŽå…‰è€€ï¼šæ±‰è¯ç»å¯¹ä¸å¯èƒ½æˆä¸ºæ–°åŠ å¡çš„通用è¯è¨€
This is some of the most important thinking of LKY in his earlier years: a great admirer of British colonial master and contempt for Confucianism.
æŽå…‰è€€æ›¾è¯´ï¼šâ€œå¾ˆåº†å¹¸æ˜¯è‹±å›½æ®–æ°‘æ–°åŠ å¡ï¼Œå¯¹äºŽä»–们的离开,我们心怀感æ©ã€‚â€ã€ŠæŽå…‰è€€ä¼ ã€‹é‡Œè¿˜æ›¾è¯´ï¼šâ€œæ–°åŠ å¡çš„ç¹è£å¹¶éžæ˜¯å› ä¸ºå„’å®¶æ–‡åŒ–ï¼Œè€Œæ˜¯å› ä¸ºå¤§è‹±ç•™ä¸‹çš„æ³•åˆ¶â€ï¼
Replies: @Poupon Marx, @antibeast, @littlereddot
'The best bloody Englishman East of the Suez' - George Brown, British Labour Party leader“Lee is like a banana – yellow of skin, white underneath.†-Zhou Enlai, Premier of the People’s Republic of China, at the Bandung Conference (1955)�
Well, I started to reply to you. But I think it would serve no purpose. We would never come to an agreement.
I wish you well, and hope to discuss other topics in a civil way another day.