However: the notion that we can feed the world with backyard gardening is just wrong. The problem with feeding the world is the massive population explosion,
But “we” don’t have to feed the world, TG, we just have to feed ourselves locally, through cooperation with each other and with our natural environments.
By developing our own local economies (food on the table) we also develope transferable models (such as in Russia, as the article describes). That way “the world” may emulate such models to feed itself.
Topsoil is easy enough to make using manure (including humanure) compost, leafmold, etc, whilst pemaculture principles reduce the need for irrigation significantly.
Right now every human population around the planet is under attack by the (((economic elites))). It’s that same avericious, self-serving corporate and political class that draws the attention of ordinary folk to the needs of the “global south”, and the anxiety inducing idea that “we” need to feed billions, even as it goes about raping the entire planet of resources for its own monsterous gain.
The truth is that uless we start acting in our own best interest to feed, shelter and clothe ourselves we will devestated by the paper-tiger “economy-stupid” and its “too big to fail” greed, megolamaniac deceptions, and political servants.
If each of us do what we can to support our local economies and communities, to ensure our own survival as free men and women, then ultimately we serve life itself, and by extention we serve God, the Divine Creator of all life. And we protect ourselves from the nihilism and hopelessness foisted upon us by the sevants of mammon.
Life for the living.
Death to the corporatocracy and the political and religious structures which enable it!
That’s my vission of the future and the effort of this moment. – Yes, it takes effort.
With love,
Yes. We should all keep goats and chickens, too. Maybe pick berries and wear animal skins.
The incidence of Parkinson’s among golf players has exploded.
Would you care to elaborate, preferably with a credible reference? Or do you merely mean that old persons with Parkinson’s and sufficient wealth enjoy golf?
Crypto “coins†bought now would act like forward contracts, serving as an advance against future productivity, redeemable at harvest time in agricultural produce.
I admit that, had almost anyone but you written these words, I would probably not take the words seriously. You however have repeatedly proved to be a serious analyst on multiple topics, so you have my attention now.
That subject will be explored in a follow-up article, coming shortly.
In the United States, crypto-bought produce is taxable—both as net income to the producer and again as sales to the consumer—whereas garden produce consumed within the gardener’s household is not. Moreover, to the extent to which crypto is employed as a store of value, its appreciation with respect to the dollar is further taxable as a capital gain whenever the gain is eventually realized. Anyway, the U.S. Treasury is increasingly taking a hostile stance to crypto generally as a matter of policy, as you know; so one can reasonably expect future tax rules to be even more unfavorable to crypto.
Thus, I look forward to your next installment, especially if it explains why special-purpose crypto is preferable to dollars in the garden application you recommend.
I have a large garden, but don’t understand the permaculture reference. The photos shown appear to be annuals, mostly greens and lettuces.
Annuals require a lot of effort, but they also produce a lot more food, and don’t require a lot of chemicals. I grow using soybean meal as fertilizer.
I think it would be impossible for most families to feed themselves using 1/3 of their lawn as permaculture, and certainly there would not be food left over to feed the rest of the country, those in apartments for instance, in America at least.
If we were to turn 30% of that lawn into permaculture-based food gardens, says Gale, we could be food self-sufficient without relying on imports or chemicals.
I think a reason that lawns became popular was because parents wanted a strip of grass where their kids could play. But for one, Americans aren’t having that many kids, two, it seems to me that kids play sports only as a collective, as in when football dad’s and soccer moms say so but otherwise in the off-season kids don’t seem to play much. But more importantly, kids nowadays are too drawn to mobile devices to care about playing in the grass.
When I was stationed in Germany, decades ago, I saw the slopes around Stuttgart were covered with private garden plots, owned by city dwellers.
I agree that all the resources we Americans pour into our lawns is nuts. Frankly, we have a big lawn and I HATE it, I feel like I am its slave – but – property values, social pressure, and my spouse, etc. force me to keep the status quo. Grumble.
However: the notion that we can feed the world with backyard gardening is just wrong. The problem with feeding the world is the massive population explosion, and that’s mostly due to the rich and their unending lust for cheap labor (Yeah Bill Gates etc. will talk about population control, but every policy they actually support is designed to maximize population growth – see the ending propaganda from intellectual whores like Julian Simon and Milton Friedman).
Consider India. Just a few decades ago, the green revolution and chemical fertilizers created a massive increase n crop yields. If the Indian people had had 1 or 2 or 3 kids each, that would have made them prosperous. Instead, they had seven kids each, the population growth are up all that production, and now they are at the end-stage of the Malthusian catastrophe: they are only having two kids each but only because they are so miserably poor that it is physically impossible for them to have more, and they are stuck at bare subsistence (you can’t do worse, this is no achievement), and the land is being sucked dry.
India can’t solve this problem with “backyard gardening” because the resources of fresh water and fertilizer and topsoil etc. just are not there. The physical standard of living in modern India is inferior to late medieval Europe, that did not have chemical fertilizers etc., BUT also did not have as many people and did not need as intensive an agriculture. Past a certain point of population density, you MUST use chemical fertilizers etc. because it’s just physically impossible to grow enough food organically to support all those billions of third-world breeders.
It is also the case that, for this gardener, there are two kinds of plants: the kind I don’t want, and the kind that die. Farming is harder than it looks.
But "we" don't have to feed the world, TG, we just have to feed ourselves locally, through cooperation with each other and with our natural environments.
However: the notion that we can feed the world with backyard gardening is just wrong. The problem with feeding the world is the massive population explosion,
… when it became obvious that collectivization was an unmitigated disaster
the Soviets appropriated an idea of Daniel Gottlob Moritz Schreber (1808-1861),
one of the godfathers of modern orthopedia; Schreber´s intent with the garden
plots was not so much economic as it was towards public health and moral
betterment (read: German Romanticism) which fit seamlessly into
“New Soviet Man” doctrine.
The little plots have since helped Mother Russia over many a crisis 😀
What’s the logic in the need to have carpets of Kentucky bluegrass everywhere, even in nordic areas as rustic as northern Quebec (often compared to Siberia)? That’s ridiculous.
The incidence of Parkinson’s among golf players has exploded.
Thank you very much for this great, inspiring article. The photo [Neighborhood Gardens Trust] is beautiful.
Lambhill Stable’s Permaculture Community Garden Project Glasgow 2009
Video Link
Would you care to elaborate, preferably with a credible reference? Or do you merely mean that old persons with Parkinson's and sufficient wealth enjoy golf?
The incidence of Parkinson’s among golf players has exploded.
One need not psychological adaptation to change behavior. One only needs incentive. The same environment factor doesn’t capture unpredictable environments. Behaviors can change when exposed to new incentives even if the innate preference/personality doesn’t change. Significant droves to the Philippines can be explained by new incentives like overpopulation. The new incentive need only lead to irreversible consequences for it to be relevant. A required environmental effect of rumors of a Spice Island, for example, kickstarted Portuguese exploration westwards.
Spanish friars described early Filipino men initially as dressing up and doing the jobs of women. Filipinos also believed spirits came only to feminine mediums. Women had to be trained to be shamans but effeminate men automatically can be shamans although they don’t necessarily do.
H.R. 5038 keeps all the bad parts of the original Reagan amnesty, but adds some new shocking caveats. The Democrats who voted overwhelmingly for this bill like to sell themselves as protectors of brown people and the poor, but the law anticipates mass post-green card turnover by mandating that farm workers spend an additional four years toiling in fields before qualifying for legalization.
Ronald Reagan was a rancid, disgusting Republican Party politician whore who did the bidding of Jews Organized Globally(JOG) and the Chicago Illinois Jew Organized Crime Syndicate and Lew Wasserman and General Electric. General Electric was the worst of Reagan’s masters, but not by much.
That treasonous rat bastard Ronald Reagan gave an amnesty to almost 3 million illegal alien invaders in 1986 and Reagan kept the mass legal immigration floodgates wide open.
Trump and the treasonous rat pukes in the Republican Party push mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal alien invaders.
The Illegal Alien Invader Amnesty/Mass Immigration Surge Backstab bill(HR 5038) is an attack on the historic American nation and it is an attack on the safety, security and sovereignty of the American people.
The vile scum in the Democrat Party and the Republican Party who push mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal alien invaders must be removed from power immediately.
The new political party called WHITE CORE AMERICA will politically destroy the evil scum in the Republican Party and it will destroy the Republican Party completely. The Republican Party is completely and totally controlled by Jew billionaires such as Shelly Adelson and Paul Singer and Les Wexner and Bernie Marcus and Seth Klarman and the Republican Party is controlled by the money-grubbing Mammonite treasonites in the GOP Cheap Labor Faction. The Jew billionaire Republican Party donors and the GOP Cheap Labor Faction want to continue to flood the USA with mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and amnesty for illegal alien invaders.
Ronald Reagan’s controller and advisor, Lew Wasserman, had a good idea about making the Hollywood stars a corporation so as to dodge taxes and maximize the loot they could squeeze out of the studio system and some of the other shady outfits in the entertainment industry.
WHITE CORE AMERICA, the new political party, is modeled on the VIRGINIA COMPANY, and is designed to be highly profitable so as to reward its adherents and voters and supporters and donors.
The Republican Party and Trump must be politically crushed and the new political party called WHITE CORE AMERICA will do it.
White Core America Immigration Plan:
Soon they’ll claim we’ll starve without the immigrants. Beats claiming they’ll pay our pensions.
“It may appear to be the interest of the rulers, and the rich of a state, to force [ed: rapidly increase] population, and thereby lower the price of labour, and consequently the expense of fleets and armies, and the cost of manufactures for foreign sale; but every attempt of the kind should be carefully watched and strenuously resisted by the friends of the poor, particularly when it comes under the deceitful guise of benevolence…â€
T.R. Malthus, “An Essay on the Principle of Populationâ€, 1798
They prefer personal enrichment over any principle of justice or nationalism.
Pretty much sums it all up, doesn’t it? Most go into politics because it’s a way for mediocre people to enrich themselves. In this particular case it’s somewhat emblematic of the decline of America since the financial benefit scheme here is just some old forward-to-the-past exploitation of semi-slaves. No creation of value through high-tech, innovation, increasing efficiency or anything like that, just finding new sources of third-worlders to be squeezed.
“It is important that this bill go to the Senate before the 2020 election, so that the GOP votes it down or Trump vetoes it.â€
So it can then become law a year or two later, a la 1986? The author apparently understands that the bill’s only “importan[ce]†is in deluding people to vote Team Red.
Can I pay 5% more on food produced by paying American workers decent wages and avoid paying taxes to supports welfare for illegal aliens and their descendants (health care, education for their kids, etc.)?
In a nation governed by reason, they would use this money to attract American workers with higher pay and benefits or develop new technology to do the farm work. Instead, they would rather cheat and cut corners by bribing politicians into passing the H.R. 5038 monstrosity, which both Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives happily did.
Greed rules.
A magnificent piece of choral music is presented when the diva takes
the section. Featured of the album are 11 sound. A
person also having pizza and hot wings delivered.
European peoples in both the USA and Russia refuse to reproduce themselves and perpetuate their own families, so they’re both doomed (absent big changes) no matter who is more quote backwards.
It also takes an immense amount of work and discipline to speedrun Super Mario Brothers or to win a national hot dog eating contest.
It takes an immense amount of work and discipline to make your body that muscular.
Get stuffed into too many lockers growing up, to see any value in athleticism?
How about aesthetics? Maybe the art students stuffed you in lockers too.
Sorry for what? I just said that Zelenogorsk part of St. Petersburg
Lol sorry
Then you must have a house near the sea. Then Yes-such a thing would be very cool.
if I lived there, my childish dream would be to buy one of these:
Then you must have a house near the sea. Then Yes-such a thing would be very cool.
And (in summer)… a hydrocycle
Video Link
Lol sorry
Sorry for what? I just said that Zelenogorsk part of St. Petersburg
if I lived there, my childish dream would be to buy one of these:
Then you must have a house near the sea. Then Yes-such a thing would be very cool.
Gulf of Finland today:
And (in summer)... a hydrocycle
Then you must have a house near the sea. Then Yes-such a thing would be very cool.�
Lol sorry
if I lived there, my childish dream would be to buy one of these: winter drive into the city without traffic jams…anywhere to park it though?
Sorry for what? I just said that Zelenogorsk part of St. Petersburg
Lol sorry
Then you must have a house near the sea. Then Yes-such a thing would be very cool.
if I lived there, my childish dream would be to buy one of these:
I will guess - your town?
istrict of Saint-Petersburg where I live �
Yes, but this town is part of St. Petersburg
Here Kurortny district of Saint-Petersburg where I live .
a) urban areas are warmer, and urbanization in Russia has certainly been increasing for the last few decades
I doubt that this factor could affect the duration of the swimming seasonReplies: @Dmitry
b) the media circus about the so-called “global warming†from the (((usual suspects))) means your perceptions are biased
Who would you rather be?
A proletarian logger?
Or Mr. Europe, seven-time Mr. Olympia, the biggest movie star in the world, and the Governor of California?
I don’t see a lot of posters of loggers in serious gyms.
What an incredibly stupid comment.
And bodybuilders have been facing idiotic comments like this since day one. Supposedly, people who look incredibly strong aren’t actually strong. Because reasons.
Arnold specifically entered power lifting competitions to disprove this allegation, winning both the German and international power lifting competitions.
And then there’s the fact that he and Franco ran a bricklaying business. This involved a lot of productive, hard labor (never mind that real value is never in grunt work).
It takes an immense amount of work and discipline to make your body that muscular. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t automatically make it less than.
…and steroids. don’t forget the truckloads of steroids
Sapsan is a derivative of Siemens ICE 3 which can hit 320 kmph. The reason it can’t travel at that speed in Russia is the same reason the TGV derived Acela can’t travel at its top speed in the US. The line and overhead electrical infrastructure cannot handle very high speeds as it was never designed for such and relaying the entire line with long continuously welded high strength steel rails is weepingly expensive and complicated for a busy line like NYC-Washington DC or Moscow-St Petersburg..
Also Russia like America is a country of vast distances and low population densities so true high speed rail doesn’t make economic sense in most cases.
Even on purpose built lines an ICE 3 at 320 kmph consumes more than twice the electricity than it does at 250 kmph due to dramatic increase in aerodynamic drag..
That's normal for two reasons: a) urban areas are warmer, and urbanization in Russia has certainly been increasing for the last few decades, b) the media circus about the so-called "global warming" from the (((usual suspects))) means your perceptions are biased.
In St. Petersburg (where I live) a certain warming is noticeable without graphs. �
a) urban areas are warmer, and urbanization in Russia has certainly been increasing for the last few decades
Here Kurortny district of Saint-Petersburg where I live .
Continuous forest stretches from this place for 10 000 kilometers to the Pacific Ocean
b) the media circus about the so-called “global warming†from the (((usual suspects))) means your perceptions are biased
I doubt that this factor could affect the duration of the swimming season
I will guess - your town?
istrict of Saint-Petersburg where I live �
You seem to know nothing about how railways work,do you? the Sapsan already runs at 250km/h. The St Petersburg Moscow line’s problem is not that it’ s not well maintained, it’s that it just wasn’t built for 300km/h trains.
n St. Petersburg (where I live) a certain warming is noticeable without graphs.Replies: @anonymous coward
Fake news and fake graph. You can download the data and see for yourself that no such curve really exists.
In St. Petersburg (where I live) a certain warming is noticeable without graphs.
That’s normal for two reasons: a) urban areas are warmer, and urbanization in Russia has certainly been increasing for the last few decades, b) the media circus about the so-called “global warming” from the (((usual suspects))) means your perceptions are biased.
Like I said: download the data and see for yourself.
Here Kurortny district of Saint-Petersburg where I live .
a) urban areas are warmer, and urbanization in Russia has certainly been increasing for the last few decades
I doubt that this factor could affect the duration of the swimming seasonReplies: @Dmitry
b) the media circus about the so-called “global warming†from the (((usual suspects))) means your perceptions are biased
Fake news and fake graph. You can download the data and see for yourself that no such curve really exists.
n St. Petersburg (where I live) a certain warming is noticeable without graphs.
That's normal for two reasons: a) urban areas are warmer, and urbanization in Russia has certainly been increasing for the last few decades, b) the media circus about the so-called "global warming" from the (((usual suspects))) means your perceptions are biased.
In St. Petersburg (where I live) a certain warming is noticeable without graphs. �
It takes an immense amount of work and discipline to make your body that muscular.
It also takes an immense amount of work and discipline to speedrun Super Mario Brothers or to win a national hot dog eating contest.
So what?
A different track is needed for 200 km/h. Which is why high-speed trains are expensive; it’s not the trains, it’s the requirement to build new tracks from scratch.
It takes an immense amount of work and discipline to make your body that muscular. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t automatically make it less than.
It also takes an immense amount of work and discipline to speedrun Super Mario Brothers or to win a national hot dog eating contest.
It takes an immense amount of work and discipline to make your body that muscular.
...and steroids. don't forget the truckloads of steroids
It takes an immense amount of work and discipline to make your body that muscular. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t automatically make it less than.
This year Russia will produce atleast 109 million tons of grain, which is lower than the extraordinary year or 2017, but the exports of agricultural products will increase by 5.5 billion USD (from 20,5 billion in 2017 to 26 in 2018). Good to see Russian agriculture picking up
The fall of the SU was devastating for agriculture. The failure of credit led to a break in food supply to livestock farms. “Commercial” pig and chicken rearing practically died. Local breeds of cattle disappeared in any meaningful way.
The track is well maintained for 80 km/h. It is not so well maintained for 200 km/h.
No Sistema. It has fingers in all sorts of pies.
November 19, 2018 Coldest Thanksgiving in decades possible in Washington from Arctic blast
A brief but powerful cold snap will hit Washington right in time for Thanksgiving, resulting in some of the lowest temperatures during the holiday in years, if not decades.
June 24, 2014 The Scandal Of Fiddled Global Warming Data
But now another damning example has been uncovered by Steven Goddard’s US blog Real Science, showing how shamelessly manipulated has been one of the world’s most influential climate records, the graph of US surface temperature records published by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
Fake news and fake graph. You can download the data and see for yourself that no such curve really exists.
n St. Petersburg (where I live) a certain warming is noticeable without graphs.Replies: @anonymous coward
Fake news and fake graph. You can download the data and see for yourself that no such curve really exists.
Comments like these are why the term “neoliberal” ought to be prohibited by law.
Can anyone actually define what neoliberalism is?
What makes the gains of successful whites ill-gotten?
Do these successful whites actually feel guilty at all?
Sistema? Did you mean Sinara (
Neoliberal economics and even liberal economics are definitely a part of it – they feel guilty because they invented an immoral way of life.
It’s not surprising.
You can see this on the far left, which reflects the pathologies of white society. Antifa in Europe is Marxist, lower-middle class and primarily opposed to the rich. In America Antifa is anarchist, upper-middle class and opposed to white “racists.”
Successful whites in Britain and America have a guilty conscience driven by their ill-gotten gains in the neoliberal era. Hence, they feel they to have to atone for their sins by embracing anti-white identity politics.
A healthier path would be to reject neoliberalism and go back to making a more honest living.
habeas what?
I think someone made a comment about ‘fat’ above. What changed was the idiotic ‘nutrition’ experts (they were/are NOT in any way Scientists) getting on a big anti-fat campaign. There are three types of food, protein, fat, and carbohydrate. If you cut out fat, you eat more carbohydrates. How do you get fat? Eat carbohydrates, especially sugar.
What??? Warming and melting of permafrost are huge benefits for Russian agriculture.Replies: @mcohen
If climate change affects the permafrost in such a way as to directly impact on agricultural production then russia will have a problem.Long term planning would be needed to counter losses in agricultural production.Countries that lie south of russia such as the ukraine and crimea might have to replace russian food supply in the future of the future.
I am no expert.what about release of methane gases
Unnamed sources, speculation, or is it official? Also, when did this happen? I once applied for the Hungarian counter-intelligence (seriously; I didn't get the job), it doesn't make me a Hungarian operative, or any of my political activity (mostly confined to commenting here and some comments on Facebook) part of some nefarious plot.
Although they say they found documents in her apartment indicating she was trying to join the FSB
She was solitary confinement for 67 days, not 6 months. And those 67 days were split up into two times. The second time was IIRC about 25 days.
My impression is that she she was clearly not a spy but went beyond being merely an enthusiastic patriot who made important friends, and innocently shared with them how good Russia was and how great it would be for the USA and Russia to cooperate. As I mentioned, according to American media they found documents in her apartment indicating she was herself trying to join FSB. They also found an extensive list she had made of influential people she would wanted to meet, in order to try to influence. She was also photographed having a meal with a Russian diplomat who has been identified as a spy. So she was most likely not a spy, but she may have been a wannabe spy.
In such a case incarceration would be too harsh, but deportation makes sense. She wasn’t just an innocent student or activist speaking her mind.
As for your examples:
I once applied for the Hungarian counter-intelligence (seriously; I didn’t get the job), it doesn’t make me a Hungarian operative, or any of my political activity (mostly confined to commenting here and some comments on Facebook) part of some nefarious plot
To make your case like hers, you would be living in a rival country at the time, and would have been deliberately meeting and charming influential people in the country for the purpose of helping your country, while applying for the job in intelligence. During this process you even managed to meet some spy in your embassy. You would have been a total amateur and had gotten caught before your efforts amounted to anything. And you may have sincerely believed what you were doing was good for both countries, your goal wasn’t to harm your host country.
Since October 2005, there has been a clear warming (at least in St. Petersburg where I live). This year's warm season was the warmest I can remember.Replies: @Philip Owen, @Alfred
Since about October 2005, when the sun’s magnetic activity went into a sharp fall, solar activity has been markedly lower, with solar cycle 24 being the lowest in over 100 years.
I am not sure which Saint Petersburg you mean – Russia or Florida.
Plenty of records are being broken to the downside worldwide – but the mainstream media does not want you to know that. They want to increase taxes on fuel – which makes everything else more expensive as well.
“Coldest December on Record in China”
“September Coldest Month in a Decade (USA)”
“Yes it is cold in Tampa Bay – but it did not snow (Florida last January)”
“Europe Cooling…Weather Service Data Show Falling January Mean Temperatures Over Past 30 Years”
The inescapable fact is that the January temperature in middle of Europe – at the highest mountain in Germany (Zugspitze) – has been falling for 30 years. This is close to Austria, Switzerland and Italy. All the city data is suspect due to sprawl and human activity.
Why do you think the French are protesting violently. And the mainstream media is pretending it is about a tiny tax on diesel?
Offering the temperature of the cities of Moscow and Saint Petersburg merely reinforces my point. They hardly had any cars in Russia 30 years ago.
If it make you sick it is good for you.
Here is what you do:
Decrease the consumption of products made from wheat. Increase intake of potatoes and rice for prolonged time (Two years minimum.)
Than gradually increase wheat to the level when until you will feel discomfort.
At that moment you have discovered your level of tolerance.
From what I have read Sapsan’s issue is not track maintenance but the fact that the line wasn’t built initially for high speed rail. The line has been upgraded several times:first in 2009 when the Siemens trainsets were purchased,then incrementally over the last few years improvements were made. Overall the Russian Rail network is well maintained, but seems to be mainly geared for freight (though improvements in rolling stock and infrastructure for passengers have definitely been made).
Since October 2005, there has been a clear warming (at least in St. Petersburg where I live). This year's warm season was the warmest I can remember.Replies: @Philip Owen, @Alfred
Since about October 2005, when the sun’s magnetic activity went into a sharp fall, solar activity has been markedly lower, with solar cycle 24 being the lowest in over 100 years.
In the UK we have been told to expect the coldest Christmas in living memory.
Good. Nobody wants that boondoggle. There's no market demand for it. Spending that money on something nobody will use is insane.
Apparently the Moscow Kazan HSR might be cancelled.
Makes sense, because the very niche and expensive Sapsan is taking up track space that should be used by normal trains.Replies: @Swarthy Greek, @Philip Owen
Apparently the siloviks want RZD to build a cheaper Moscow St Petersburg HSR despite the fact that there is already the quasi-HSR (250km/h) SAPSAN service.
The Sapsan, a rather normal European train can’t reach its design speed because the track maintenance is not adequate.
I would have thought that those low figures for Russian agriculture would have been the worst in the early 1990’s instead of the late 1990’s. Evidently the collapse of the Soviet Union affected the farmers later than the urbanites. Go Russia now!! Putin Da!!
Failing to build a modern high speed rail network now that the technology has been harnessed doesn’t give much hope for Russia’s future.
Russia is not the USA. Russia already has a modern, efficient and profitable rail network that gets continuously upgraded. Russians didn’t ask for a ‘high speed rail’ porkbarrel project, we just want the existing and well-managed rail to continue.
HS rail has proved to be competitive against domestic flights in China
Spending billions to make domestic airlines suffer is stupid. Russia already has a successful and growing market segment for railroads, no need to cannibalize other segments just to look ‘modern’.
I had a fairly Indian middle class upbringing in the 1980s no air-conditioning,lots of outdoor games since TV had one state run channel etc. I’ve never had any allergies but suddenly I seem to have developed one for wheat.
A German biological relative said that the American bread they were given after WWII made him ill. I have a similar problem, and I have puzzled over this for years. I tried gluten-free, but that didn’t work for me. I was suspicious of all the additives. Eventually I found that American wheat flour nearly always has some barley added to it. It isn’t the wheat, nor the enrichment, but the barley that causes problems for me. I have no trouble with expensive specialty flour in America, or inexpensive flour from Mexico that does not have any barley mixed into it.
There could be a generation’s delay between food surpluses and obesity. I.e., there is enough social inertia it takes a generation for people to lose their inhibition amidst abundance.
The interesting thing about this graph to my eye is that Anglosphere countries (except Canada) have steeper slopes than Conti Europe and Korea.
So what are US, UK & Oz doing proportionally more than other countries? High yield breeds? Chem fertilizer? Processed food diet? Importing diabetic immigrants?
Canada’s shallower slope is mitigated by their high obesity starting position.
There is no GM wheat in US or Canada. No mater the class Spring or winter, hard or soft, red or white. GM corn and soy yes but not wheat.
Replies: @songbird
He stops beside a tall brick wall. It surrounds what might once have been an impressive stone house that now just looks old and bleak and empty. The wall is what interests him, because he built it 43 years ago, right after he had arrived and started to train on Muscle Beach. “Franco [Columbu, like Schwarzenegger a former Mr. Olympia] and I made money this way. In bodybuilding there was no money. Here we were, world champions of this little subculture, and we did this to eat. Franco ran the business. I mixed the cement and knocked things down with the sledgehammer.â€
They had a routine. Franco would play the unreliable Italian, Arnold the sober German. Before they cut any deal they’d scream at each other in German in front of the customer until the customer would finally ask what was going on. Arnold would turn to the customer and explain, Oh, he’s Italian, and you know how they are. He wants to charge you more, but I think we can do it cheaply. Schwarzenegger would then name a not so cheap price. “And the customer,†he says now, laughing, “he would always say, ‘Arnold, you’re such a nice guy! So honest!’ It was selling, you know.â€
He surveys his handiwork. “It’ll be here for a thousand years,†he says, then points out some erosion on the top. “I said to Franco we ought to come back and fix the top. You know, to show it was guaranteed for life.â€
Arnold had a good work ethic and was a good self-promoter. Arguably two qualities that he shares with Trump, whatever the flaws of either man.
I think Arnold’s movie career is unduplicable. Partly that is the times, but partly the man – having those two qualities together. Of course, his star has faded by now, as it must since he symbolized strength and masculinity and old age melts us all.
It is probably a sign of the decline of civilization that we don’t have action superstars or much in the way of martial artist stars in the West anymore. I wonder if that holds true of China. Jackie Chan is too old now. Of course, there is that Indonesian guy.
April 22nd, 2016 US losing out to Russian wheat exports
The United States was once the world’s leading wheat exporter, but is losing its position to Russia and Canada due a stronger dollar, stagnant yields, rising competition and climate change. Nearly forty percent of the US crop goes for export, according to the Department of Agriculture. The acreage for winter wheat fell to its second-lowest since 1913. Russia is now the world’s leading wheat exporter and is monopolizing Middle East markets.
February 11, 2016 Russia: American Corn And Soybeans Unfit For Human Consumption
Russia’s safety watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor has officially announced on Wednesday that American producers have failed to meet Russian biological standards, and that their corn and soybeans are “unfit for human consumptionâ€.
He was already a successful bodybuilder and power lifter before he came to America, but yes. He and Franco Columbu started a bricklaying business in ’68, and then plowed their profits into a mail order fitness/bodybuilding business.
Schwarzenegger took the journalist Michael Lewis by a brick wall he and Franco built for an article Lewis wrote about California’s fiscal problems in 2011:
He stops beside a tall brick wall. It surrounds what might once have been an impressive stone house that now just looks old and bleak and empty. The wall is what interests him, because he built it 43 years ago, right after he had arrived and started to train on Muscle Beach. “Franco [Columbu, like Schwarzenegger a former Mr. Olympia] and I made money this way. In bodybuilding there was no money. Here we were, world champions of this little subculture, and we did this to eat. Franco ran the business. I mixed the cement and knocked things down with the sledgehammer.â€
They had a routine. Franco would play the unreliable Italian, Arnold the sober German. Before they cut any deal they’d scream at each other in German in front of the customer until the customer would finally ask what was going on. Arnold would turn to the customer and explain, Oh, he’s Italian, and you know how they are. He wants to charge you more, but I think we can do it cheaply. Schwarzenegger would then name a not so cheap price. “And the customer,†he says now, laughing, “he would always say, ‘Arnold, you’re such a nice guy! So honest!’ It was selling, you know.â€He surveys his handiwork. “It’ll be here for a thousand years,†he says, then points out some erosion on the top. “I said to Franco we ought to come back and fix the top. You know, to show it was guaranteed for life.â€
Yes, along with the suggestion to replace saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats, which appear to be obesogenic unlike saturated and monounsaturated fats.
Another major factor is the tremendous increase in the convenience of food, for which we can thank capitalism. There’s packaged food, drivethrough food, delivery food, takeout food, energy dense beverages, etc. everywhere now. And they’re cheap and often quite delicious.
Bad advice like promoting “five small meals a day” (?!) or “grazing” has made this even more dangerous.
The beverages thing is particularly interesting. When I was a kid the only energy dense beverages available were soda pop, milk, and fruit juice. Bad enough of course. But compare today what’s available at any gas station or convenience store. Or how coffee has changed. Most people at Starbucks aren’t ordering black coffee.
Wasn’t Arnie a bricklayer or something, before he made it big in Hollyweird?
Replies: @songbird
He stops beside a tall brick wall. It surrounds what might once have been an impressive stone house that now just looks old and bleak and empty. The wall is what interests him, because he built it 43 years ago, right after he had arrived and started to train on Muscle Beach. “Franco [Columbu, like Schwarzenegger a former Mr. Olympia] and I made money this way. In bodybuilding there was no money. Here we were, world champions of this little subculture, and we did this to eat. Franco ran the business. I mixed the cement and knocked things down with the sledgehammer.â€
They had a routine. Franco would play the unreliable Italian, Arnold the sober German. Before they cut any deal they’d scream at each other in German in front of the customer until the customer would finally ask what was going on. Arnold would turn to the customer and explain, Oh, he’s Italian, and you know how they are. He wants to charge you more, but I think we can do it cheaply. Schwarzenegger would then name a not so cheap price. “And the customer,†he says now, laughing, “he would always say, ‘Arnold, you’re such a nice guy! So honest!’ It was selling, you know.â€
He surveys his handiwork. “It’ll be here for a thousand years,†he says, then points out some erosion on the top. “I said to Franco we ought to come back and fix the top. You know, to show it was guaranteed for life.â€
Good. Nobody wants that boondoggle. There's no market demand for it. Spending that money on something nobody will use is insane.
Apparently the Moscow Kazan HSR might be cancelled.
Makes sense, because the very niche and expensive Sapsan is taking up track space that should be used by normal trains.Replies: @Swarthy Greek, @Philip Owen
Apparently the siloviks want RZD to build a cheaper Moscow St Petersburg HSR despite the fact that there is already the quasi-HSR (250km/h) SAPSAN service.
Makes sense, because the very niche and expensive Sapsan is taking up track space that should be used by normal trains.
I thought that Sapsan used a dedicated line?
Good. Nobody wants that boondoggle. There’s no market demand for it. Spending that money on something nobody will use is insane.
When the chinese started building HS railways and rolling stock in the 90s people said the same thing. plenty of Russians use inter regional flights and HS rail has proved to be competitive against domestic flights in China. Russia is an upper middle income country who needs infrastrucutre and R&D investment to keep growing. Failing to build a modern high speed rail network now that the technology has been harnessed doesn’t give much hope for Russia’s future.
Russia is not the USA. Russia already has a modern, efficient and profitable rail network that gets continuously upgraded. Russians didn't ask for a 'high speed rail' porkbarrel project, we just want the existing and well-managed rail to continue.
Failing to build a modern high speed rail network now that the technology has been harnessed doesn’t give much hope for Russia’s future.
Spending billions to make domestic airlines suffer is stupid. Russia already has a successful and growing market segment for railroads, no need to cannibalize other segments just to look 'modern'.
HS rail has proved to be competitive against domestic flights in China
I bet Argentina has kick-ass wheat yields w/o GMOs or Round Up.
And with the exports of grain on newly built transportation to China will also bring in imports of the unwashed masses of China. And as to the so called investment in Africa, the chinaman don’t do jack out of pity or out of sense of noblesse oblige, it’s all returns on investment. Don’t kid yourself!
My contention is not that the Kennedy’s are traditional Catholics(although many of their supporters were) or that elites have not harmed the general man. My contention is the following:
1. The U.S. at founding and for long after was primarily a Protestant, Northwest European(primarily English and Scottish) country
2. The impact of immigration from non-Protestant and non-Northwestern European far exceeds any impact from Protestant liberalism owing to “complete religious liberty”
3. Therefore, Catholic immigration and Catholic ideas has done more harm to the U.S. than flaws that come from within Protestantism. The Kennedy’s and their voter base, which consisted of numerous Catholic Irish and Italians, are an example of this.
I will look more into the authors you suggested.
Agriculture is making great strides under the Zionist U.S. sanctions on Russia, as Russia is becoming almost totally self sufficient in agriculture products, Russia is becoming the bread basket of the world!
To see the progress of agriculture in Russia , just go to youtube and enter in the search , farming in Russia and watch the dozens of videos!
God bless Russia and the Russia people!
Prudnikova on the other hand is a real deal
I do not like Wikipedia, but in a normal encyclopedia about this madwoman do not write
“Elena A. Prudnikova (b. September 27, 1958, Leningrad, USSR) — Russian writer and journalist, author of publications on historical themes, which expresses Stalinist beliefs[1].
Born in Leningrad. Graduated from the physics and mechanics faculty of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Department of solid state physics.
Working as a journalist
She started her journalistic work in the newspaper of the plant “electric appliance”. Then she worked in the newspaper Association “Union”, first Deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper “good Day” Frunze district, his own correspondent of the newspaper “Solidarity”.
As an expert she starred in documentary cycles of films on NTV “Kremlin children” [3],”Kremlin funeral “[4],”Soviet biographies “[5] and several films on TV channel”Mir”.
Literary creation
Author of biographies of I. V. Stalin and L. P. Beria, as well as books “Stalin. The second murder”, ” Beria. The last knight of Stalin”, ” Double conspiracy. Mystery of Stalin’s”
Opens for us "truth" about agriculture "real expert" Elena Prudnikova writer and journalist, in YouTube - freak - show. In Russian such freak show called "гребанный Ñтыд". You offer people to translate using Google into English the nonsense of a madwoman?Replies: @Sergey Krieger
Here form real expert:
Russian: Google translation:
Considering you are reading what Karlin writing, lol….Makes you freak show reader. Prudnikova on the other hand is a real deal.Considering crowd posting here I think you are liberal batyushka.
Although they say they found documents in her apartment indicating she was trying to join the FSB
Unnamed sources, speculation, or is it official? Also, when did this happen? I once applied for the Hungarian counter-intelligence (seriously; I didn’t get the job), it doesn’t make me a Hungarian operative, or any of my political activity (mostly confined to commenting here and some comments on Facebook) part of some nefarious plot.
I’d say she looks far more innocent than not: basically, she was politically active in the US, and was mostly just representing herself, trying to use her relatestablish contact between the US and Russia (which she believed was in the interests of both). I’ve known an American guy (a businessman) who was financing a political party in Hungary (again, as far as I know, totally innocently), and I’m sure he never thought about having to register as some kind of foreign agent anywhere. It’s just normal for people to come to free countries (maybe the PRC or Syria are different, with Russia somewhere in between) and expect to be able to engage in politics without much bureaucracy. You certainly wouldn’t expect to be put behind bars for several years (and solitary confinement for at least six months) for such activities.
To make your case like hers, you would be living in a rival country at the time, and would have been deliberately meeting and charming influential people in the country for the purpose of helping your country, while applying for the job in intelligence. During this process you even managed to meet some spy in your embassy. You would have been a total amateur and had gotten caught before your efforts amounted to anything. And you may have sincerely believed what you were doing was good for both countries, your goal wasn't to harm your host country.
I once applied for the Hungarian counter-intelligence (seriously; I didn’t get the job), it doesn’t make me a Hungarian operative, or any of my political activity (mostly confined to commenting here and some comments on Facebook) part of some nefarious plot
Here form real expert:
English Google translation:
Opens for us “truth” about agriculture “real expert” Elena Prudnikova writer and journalist, in YouTube – freak – show. In Russian such freak show called “гребанный Ñтыд”. You offer people to translate using Google into English the nonsense of a madwoman?
Usual nonsense by Anatoly.
No wonder almost all his audience is English speaking.
Here form real expert:
English Google translation:
Opens for us "truth" about agriculture "real expert" Elena Prudnikova writer and journalist, in YouTube - freak - show. In Russian such freak show called "гребанный Ñтыд". You offer people to translate using Google into English the nonsense of a madwoman?Replies: @Sergey Krieger
Here form real expert:
Russian: Google translation:
Since about October 2005, when the sun’s magnetic activity went into a sharp fall, solar activity has been markedly lower, with solar cycle 24 being the lowest in over 100 years.
Since October 2005, there has been a clear warming (at least in St. Petersburg where I live). This year’s warm season was the warmest I can remember.
“If climate change affects the permafrost in such a way as to directly impact on agricultural production then Russia will have a problem”
By “climate change”, I assume you mean so-called “global warming”
I fail to understand how permafrost and agricultural production overlap. Russia is a big place. They grow grain in a small part of the country – where there is no permafrost. If it warms up – which it won’t – the area where they can grow grain will increase dramatically.
In the real world, “climate change” is really “global cooling” for the foreseeable future. This will indeed damage cereal production worldwide. Do expect a blow out in food prices in around 5 years. The cooling is due to the sun entering an inactive period. We might be facing a repeat of the Maunder Minimum. That will lead to war and pestilence – as is usual. The Roman Empire fell apart when the climate cooled. The Chinese Empire fell apart at the same time.
“Approaching ‘grand solar minimum’ could cause global cooling”
Since October 2005, there has been a clear warming (at least in St. Petersburg where I live). This year's warm season was the warmest I can remember.Replies: @Philip Owen, @Alfred
Since about October 2005, when the sun’s magnetic activity went into a sharp fall, solar activity has been markedly lower, with solar cycle 24 being the lowest in over 100 years.
If climate change affects the permafrost in such a way as to directly impact on agricultural production then russia will have a problem.Long term planning would be needed to counter losses in agricultural production.Countries that lie south of russia such as the ukraine and crimea might have to replace russian food supply in the future of the future.
What??? Warming and melting of permafrost are huge benefits for Russian agriculture.
That’s my take. Although they say they found documents in her apartment indicating she was trying to join the FSB so her intent may have been malicious. She should be given time served and deported.
My wife is in Moscow and says the media there are emphasizing how she is a totally innocent victim and has been tortured through solitary confinement. This also seems like a skewed portrayal of the situation.
Unnamed sources, speculation, or is it official? Also, when did this happen? I once applied for the Hungarian counter-intelligence (seriously; I didn't get the job), it doesn't make me a Hungarian operative, or any of my political activity (mostly confined to commenting here and some comments on Facebook) part of some nefarious plot.
Although they say they found documents in her apartment indicating she was trying to join the FSB
If climate change affects the permafrost in such a way as to directly impact on agricultural production then russia will have a problem.Long term planning would be needed to counter losses in agricultural production.Countries that lie south of russia such as the ukraine and crimea might have to replace russian food supply in the future of the future.
What??? Warming and melting of permafrost are huge benefits for Russian agriculture.Replies: @mcohen
If climate change affects the permafrost in such a way as to directly impact on agricultural production then russia will have a problem.Long term planning would be needed to counter losses in agricultural production.Countries that lie south of russia such as the ukraine and crimea might have to replace russian food supply in the future of the future.
I have a small quibble with the language used here.
Yield is usually output per acre (or hectare). A more correct usage of English is “Soviet Output” and so on.
I think this supports my contention:
“many think” = morons
Apparently the Moscow Kazan HSR might be cancelled.
Good. Nobody wants that boondoggle. There’s no market demand for it. Spending that money on something nobody will use is insane.
Apparently the siloviks want RZD to build a cheaper Moscow St Petersburg HSR despite the fact that there is already the quasi-HSR (250km/h) SAPSAN service.
Makes sense, because the very niche and expensive Sapsan is taking up track space that should be used by normal trains.
How can she, unconvicted, have been kept in solitary confinement without access to anyone but her lawyer? What about habeas corpus?
What would the early USSR isolation have to do with it?
(Actually you do your own glossing over by overlooking the way in which the early USSR was not isolated but received relief for its 1921-22 famine thanks to Fridjof Nansen).
Are you suggesting that it was a resulting increase in carbohydrate intake which caused the rise in obesity?
To me it’s quite clear that Russia is still inferior to the west. I guess as a consequence of the long totalitarian rule, Russia to this day has Agree-Culture – which means that they agree with their autocratic leaders – as Pompeo calls them. While in the west they have Multi-Culture – obviously this is an improvement over the Agree-Culture. This means that you have multitude of cultures, which implies choice and democracy – something that you don’t have in an Agree –Culture. We all know how dynamic democracies can really be. You vote for a president who is a democrat, he screws up, and then you pay him back in the next election by voting Republican. I don’t know how they can ever recover from such emotional traumas.
Commenter Dmitry has had some good posts on the topic of Butina. She was clearly an “agent” of the Russian Federation in the sense that she sought to advance Torshin’s interests with US politicians; but she is not in any sense a trained official operative working on behalf of Russian intelligence (cf. Anna Chapman). She never tried to conceal her relationship with Torshin; they communicated on Twitter! She’s just a goofball who got used by an older guy who doesn’t understand how things in the US work. The whole “strategy” was so hamfisted and absurd that it sounds like the plot to a Coen Brothers film.
For the US media to portray her as some kind of cunning, Mata Hari-esque arch villain is ridiculous. There are thousands (at least!) of Butinas all over the DC area working on behalf of Israel and China and many, many other countries, all of whom the FBI knows about and none of whom they care about. She is a scapegoat, nothing more. Deportation is reasonable (she clearly broke the law) but imprisonment is a travesty.
Moscow-Kazan has a murky history. The Chinese were going to build it until someone outside RZhD noticed that there was a clause allowing only Chinese made locomotives on that section. It was all wrapped up in the corruption scandal that resulted in the sacking of the then Director. Siemens returned as a supplier after that. Sistema is aiming for big bucks out of it too.
I don’t have the exact figures but Russia was also the world’s largest exporter of beef. As a producer it was #2 to the USA. The US consumed a lot internally. Argentina always had a big internal market for beef too.
My nephew is allergic to birch pollen even though his ancestors always lived around birches. It's a lottery. Something can break in the genome without a reason.
You would think that people who have probably had some ancestors who farmed wheat for some 6,000 years or more would not suffer from such a malady, but perhaps it is not that simple.
When childhood mortality was up to 50% and many diseases were not diagnosed like today, I suppose severely allergic children would just die and nobody bothered why exactly they died. Failure to thrive. The same way, autists existed in the past but the diagnosis didn't exist, so they were called eccentrics or village idiots.
Maybe, they never developed it in the more distant past.
Not to mention deaf-mutes. Who has heard of them thee days. When I was very young, one of the many things we were told to be grateful for was not being deaf-mute.
I think it could be different varieties of wheat and modern additives. Probably additives. I get less Wheat Belly in Russia. I get some from oats and none from rice so it isn’t a carbs thing.
In the UK, we do not at present have GM crops or food (but may after Brexit). I have however developed some kind of wheat intolerance. It is less bad with white bread. It is least bad with the most factory produced sorts. I wonder whether it is an additive. I don’t get it in Russia. However, since te ’90’s Russian bread has become more like British bread. It keeps longer.
It took its time elsewhere.
O/T: Russia can’t into high speed rail.
Apparently the Moscow Kazan HSR might be cancelled. Putin has mentioned that the project must be profitable (despite the fact that HSRs usually become profitable only a long time after entering service.). Apparently the siloviks want RZD to build a cheaper Moscow St Petersburg HSR despite the fact that there is already the quasi-HSR (250km/h) SAPSAN service. The cancellation of the Kazan HSR threatens RZD’s entire HSR development plan . According to RZD a Saint Pete- Moscow line was to be built between 2027-2031 after Moscow Kazan and Kazan Ekaterinburg connections were achieved. It seems that putin’s statements about infrastructure development and domestic investment will not be fulllfilled and MinFin will keep hoarding boatloads of cash for rainier days.
Good. Nobody wants that boondoggle. There's no market demand for it. Spending that money on something nobody will use is insane.
Apparently the Moscow Kazan HSR might be cancelled.
Makes sense, because the very niche and expensive Sapsan is taking up track space that should be used by normal trains.Replies: @Swarthy Greek, @Philip Owen
Apparently the siloviks want RZD to build a cheaper Moscow St Petersburg HSR despite the fact that there is already the quasi-HSR (250km/h) SAPSAN service.
I don’t think she is planning anything beyond surviving her present horrible situation.
I agree, in which case my second “prediction” holds — she will be in jail for some time yet.
PRODUCTIVITY in AGRICULTURE Is historically a RELATIVE THING and Agricultural Productivity has steadily increased over time especially with technological Knowledge and Advance …. Especially after WW 2
I find the narrative of Productivity during CZAR TIME … MISLEADING
The Czars had initiated a privatization and distribution of arable land in Russia starting with Czar Alexander II who in 1861 abolished serfdom.
The Stolypin Reforms advanced the Issue dramatically
By 1914 pre the Japanese Russian War approximately 80 % of all arable land in Czar Russia was in the hands of small scale FREE peasants .. due to generous Land distribution and cheap State loans initiated by the enlightened politics of the Czars
These Farmers produced more Cereals than their American , Canadian and Argentine counterparts COMBINED … in excess of 25 % .
At that time and with the available agricultural methods Czar Russia produced 31,2 % of the Worlds Wheat , 67% of the Worlds Rye , 30.3 % of the Oats and 42.3 % of the Worlds Barley . Russia also provided more than 50 % of the Worlds egg imports as well as 80 % of its Flax .
I call that an ASTONISHING ACHIEVEMENT … to establish Russia as the WORLDS BREAD BASKET … a productivity and a FACT which has been hidden from World attention by Bolshevik Propaganda both in the Sovjet as well by their ZIO ANGLOSAXON Collaborators in Western Media .
I would like to see comparative statistics on these Agricultural products …TODAY
That would make Sense when comparing Times , Technology , Productivity and Market share !
I am convinced the Czar Russian Share of World Production of Cereals still by a wide margen exceeds what has been achieved today … even if the developments are positive and a reason for satisfaction to which I congratulate Re Born Russia !
Not only in the area of Agriculture did Czar Russia make tremendous Progress … During the last 20 Years of Prewar Czar Russia from 1879 – 1914 Industrial Output grew with 3.5 % / Year on average compared to 1 % in the UK , and 2.75 % in the USA
The Volume of Goods transported on Russias Railways exceeded the Volume of Goods transported by the British Merchant Fleet
In the 20 Years 1895 – 1914 Gross Domestic Product GDP in Czar Russia rose with 10 % / annum on average
Taxation per Citicen in CZAR Russia was MINISCULE compared to its Western Counterparts .. approximately 8.5 % in total Taxation ( Direct + Indirect ) compared to for ex 40 % in the UK , 38 % in France , 22 % in Austria , and 22 % in Germany .
Czar Russia had the smallest Debt of Major Countries in the World and had GOLD reserves which exceeded the total Circulating Money by more than 100 % … because Czar Russia was NOT in the Clutches of the ROTSCHILD CENTRAL BANK USURY SCHEEME….
Labour Laws were among the most advanced in the World at its Times , far better than in Great Britain and the USA and Education of Good Quality was available to everyone more or less for FREE !