Replies: @JM
Of course certain assumption are implicit in the above quotes, but the main point stands.
Actually, there is a far more important point which I suspect you are unconsciously making: that those leaders of the East European Jewish communities (there they were generally Zionist operatives) who gave the names, assisted in the roundup, were both subjectively and objectively innocent of any crimes, other than working within the Zionist imperitives of the time: trading off ‘desirable’ settlers for the rest who, after all, were only going to work camps.
The ‘death camp’ claim was created later on and the slave labor part of it is perhaps overdone because that was more or less the lot of all (conscripted) labor, whatever the nationality/ethnicity in wartime. For the German equivalent, there was the everpresent likelihood of death by (legitimately) targeted British/American bombing, something not experienced by those in work camps.
Hungary changed the tax rules to encourage Children less than 4 years ago. Lets see how its going in a decade or two.
You seem to believe propaganda is not a thing and has no power. Jews have been propagandizing white people for 5 decades at least. Blaming jews for their malignant behavior has gotten them run off over 100 times. You should rethink your silly statement that shining a light on their behavior is “unhelpful”.
The latter is called ectogenesis, which may become available within a decade but will be expensive. The only current alternative I see is surrogacy but that is not cost effective either. Perhaps a go fund me type of platform can be achieved for this endeavor
Giorgia “Phony Baloney†Meloni is following the (((Nicolas Sarkozy))) playbook: first get elected to national office by talking tough on crime and illegal immigration.
Once in office embrace open borders, globalism and begin nonstop fellating of The Tribe.
Just excellent, short and to the point, comment of the year, thanks!
Add abortion, feminism, porn, gay “rightsâ€, outsourcing, etc., organized jewry has unleashed the perfect storm of GENOCIDE
on innocent white people.
I would have totally agreed with your comment if in stead of innocent you called the white people stupid. Everyone who believes in Jewish lies and accepts Jewish brain-washing, Jewish disinformation, Jewish indoctrination and Jewish propaganda is plain stupid and deserves Jewish destruction. 5000 years must have been more than enough for white people to understand as a group that Jewry is waging a race war against them.
federal reserve policies are directly connected to the open migration hoardes. anti-domestic labor agenda comes from the Tribal overlords
fix it or we perish, the legacyplatform is being sunk
“National Conservatism” is like National Socialism but without the nationalism or the socialism. Got it.
“Cut to the cheese” rather than “cut to the chase” is actually pretty humorous.
Of course, with these guys it would be some phenomenally expensive “fancy” French crap they suck up with their pre-banquet cocktails at Davos or wherever.
The new European right, with its candidates waving around exaggeratedly large giant crucifixes, engaging in moronic stunts instead of talking policy, and declaring unflinching loyalty to Israel and the US government, is not organically European.
Indeed, other than the Zionist part, sounds like your typical “optics be damned” “alt Right” outfit from around the Night of the Wrong Wives. Reclaiming their controlled opposition and repurposing it. Rebranded and now with 100% more Zionism
Jewish plan for world domination (or at least goyim domination)
1. Think up sexy new name for a political movement
3. Profit!
Minor correction: She is not prime minister but the leader of the Finns Party. All the same just the same, she is a leading government minister of some sort.
you need to distinguish skilled from unskilled labor. skilled labor enriches the west
some moderation is necessary or you sound like a hooligan who does deserves a stick
personally I do not engage in ghetto online arguments. go find a conversation in a pub
the problem of mob rule using illegal migrants is a gross exaggeration
France was hit my french nationals who have not assimilated due to systemic inequities
Scott hit a nerve.
the missing ingredient is apathetic male fathers. what is your worth if you cant even capture your minors affinity; that you cant model church attendance to atleast age 16. no sage here, but extended families are necessary for social cohesion bring the grandparents back to the nuclear family garage unit. even a partial return will be helluva lot better. death and dying at home is healthy. flying in for a brief funeral is a laughable diversion from the healthy alternative – weeks of grievance
disloyal mothers who embrace the talmudist model of obscenity as some kind of progressive modernity or a porn athletics. schools diverting from football soccer to yoga. they are the largest block of the aoc clinton peolosi maurahealy kamala nikkihaley fem dystopia. this group caused the most damage implementing darpa plandemics. now stacked for even more. they have captured healthcare banks courts, schools. these mothers are taking their kids to pride marches to ogle at nude saggy elders on bikes. degenerate. the group that pushed for school lockdowns and vax-mask mandates as an “emergency” measure. the group most in-subordinate to science and scholarship. worse in europe where state abduction of minors and elders is a permissible state crime, the angry prostitute takeover the municipality with a law diploma to wreck the family unit, men acquiesce with the shy noodle problem. Now they have become fans of geo-engineering false flags for climate hoax. and they welcome the new migrants
Urgent issue to separate the mommies from the fettermans. a nightmare illusion when both become shapeless. avoid philly boston dc-baltimore. military is the next woke dominion target. what is your solution to oprah theview degeneres in common life
for nuclear families to strengthen economically the irs doj and local courts are adversarial to family sovereignty. property tax predation and un-equal schools where the legacy majority squirms in theft, burglary, cheating, sexual intimidation. Some sharing is good for coexistence.
the issue of open borders is a bald assault on the working class, they remain the most unprotected demographic while the 1% feast
The fact that we dont hear much negative stuff about her in the media now means that she is no longer considered a threat. She is controlled. If she were doing good things for whites, like blocking the migrants, we would be hearing about her all the time in MSM. Same principle as another commenter made about Queen Elizabeth. If liberals love you, you’re bad for white people. If liberals hate you, they are gonna be trying to destroy you. Same for Rogan. There was nothing but attack after attack after attack on MSM until he issued his groveling apology about saying the N word, and pulled 100 great episodes (Alex Jones, Molyneux etc..). After that, he was effectively controlled and I dont hear too much negative stuff about him anymore.
Note the rider I carefully wrote and its context, rather than being so full of nuts that you can’t wait to throw them around at random:
Of course certain assumption are implicit in the above quotes, but the main point stands.
The present-day anti-White craze can best be compared to the rabid anti-bourgeois craze of the the 1960-70’s in the same universities when the Chinese cultural revolution was talked about with as much respect as South Africa’s rainbow republic.
That (support for CULTURAL Revolution) was the case in the US of A, but not elsewhere in the West. The reason for that was that the US Far Left never achieved anything except to be a pawn of Zionist agendas. It was always just cultural in scope, never achieving anything of any material significance. All hot air, albeit dangerous, subversive, hot air. Yet these same people have spread their worthlessness far and wide in parallel with the philistinism of their own bourgeoisie. Compare that with the Left in France, Greece, Italy, Australia, or any other European based nation where cultural agendas only emerged very late in the day, making them mirror the Yanks.
The “Anti-white craze” was an organic outgrowth of the (((60’s US of A radicalism))) and by then, was euro-global. Globalism has, in other words, has brought the Western Far Left and Left, down to the level of the Yanks.
Wow, you have listed about 5 immigrant people who contribute. 5 people. VS the 600,000+ a year now going into the UK who are total shit stains. The UK has had rape gangs targeting their native English girls, and terrorist attacks that killed more than 20 English girls a few years ago by a refugee-muslim-suicide bomber. The London Subway bombings are another one. The London bridge knife attacks. Spain had subway bombings as well.
The shit stains who rioted in France earlier this month are also immigrants or the children of them. The Bataclan terrorist attack that took 150+ ethnic French – WHITE – lives, the NICE mack truck that slammed into a crowd of ethnic French and killed more than 80 of them, the beheading of a ethnic French school teacher for mentioning Muhammad, the beheading of a ethnic French Priest in his own Catholic Church, plus countless other immigrant attacks – did that enrich France? Or are your 5 people who are the exception make up for all of that.
How about Germany and Sweden. Even with the suppressed media that they have, it still leaked out that more than 1000 German women were publicly raped by Muslim migrants on New Year’s Eve a few years ago. Did they make Germany better for Germans, those rapists? I can go on and on here.
You are talking out of your ass.
If third world immigration is so desired then Israel would be taking them in as it is Jews who are behind this operation. But they don’t do that. Why? Because it is bullshit. And they use these immigrants as a weapon against their current perceived enemy which is White people, especially those of Protestant and Catholic background.
Thanks for finally talking about >Michelle Malkin Archive – The Unz Review
<Loved it!
how is rfkjr allowed to evade 911 truth, the overwhelming interest of the mic to aide talmudist domination of nearly every major agency dodnsadosHHSdoj and nearly all populous states
isnt USSliberty truth, the clemency of jon pollard, israeli stealing of us nuclear secrets FAAAR more prescient than uncle-father vengeance
no need for sectarian division here or the obvious intolerance shown in the comments. Just marginalize the psychopaths that weaken the patriot field
let me see the first earnest post
some immigrants bring ingenuity talent and re-freshen dying cultural morals, even conduct a firewall against the subversive talmudist rampage
some who celebrate the host nation, then strengthen it
martina navratilova is an open example of that. rockstar roger waters, author richard rodriguez. stream of nobel laureates and imported academics who may be the shining lonestar in this parade. those who rise above all national arrogance and daily militarist ignorance
malaysia, spain have legal scholars who have outed 911 truth, exposed kissinger like war criminals. Richard Falk south afr jurist
lets distinguish the self gratifying hooligans (….pastit#107) from the restraint shown by seasoned posters at TUR
Another way to personalize your greeting cards is by including a heartfelt message.
Step 6: Apply craft foam alphabet stickers to spell out a special
message. Do you need a little something special for your Christmas tree this holiday season?
Try this sticks-and-beads frame project and create a stylish frame for
a special picture using craft sticks, wooden beads, and
glue. Step 5: Glue one more regular craft stick at the inside bottom of both sides
for extra support. Step 1: To make the sides of the frame, glue three beads evenly
spaced across the top of a regular craft stick.
Step 8: Measure and trim a piece of clear transparency film or plastic to make a protective cover to fit exactly in the frame opening.
Repeat at the other end with the second long piece. Repeat for the second side panel.
Glue a regular craft stick to the outside of each side panel (at the bottom) to provide extra support.
Let dry. Glue one regular craft stick across the top edge, 1/4 inch from the ends, and
another across the bottom edge, 1/4 inch from the ends.
Step 2: To make the top and bottom of the frame, repeat Step 1, using
mini jumbo craft sticks instead of regular craft
I eery time spent my half an hour to read this weblog’s posts daily along with a cup of coffee.
You have nailed it
Eric Striker will do even better by acknowledging the other known factors aiding the tribe. See AlanSabrosky on fem dystopia. scapegoating eventually comes to a violent ending
why officials are escaping charges of treason
why monsters are looting the national treasury
what is the relationship of false flags to rising blackmail and blatant lawless whitecollar crime
who is the named National Security Council
a brief reminder of the history of tyrants eventually succumbing to public disgust
Russian women were aborting more than 1 million babies a year for a few decades and their rate is still very high. Putin would do his people wonders by banning abortion. The other slavic nations DO have a TFR problem with low abortion rates but this isn’t unique, this is a issue with all developed countries. South Korea and Japan have even lower birth rates than Western countries.
Importing low IQ 3rd world people only results in what France and Sweden are now dealing with, constant race riots, and what has made London into a shit hole city in most parts today. Where negro gangs roam the streets and Pakistani Jihadists plot attacks, while trying to rape white children as was seen in Manchester.
This isn’t good. It’s bad. It’s not a solution, it’s a way of destroying your country.
Birth rates can always go up. A country that imported millions of low IQ negros and Jihadists is fucked for good, barring mass deportations.
The cause of low birth rates is feminism. When females are allowed to make their own decisions, they almost universally decide to never have kids and go extinct. This is true across all races, not just whites. You mentioned Israel, and their higher births are largely from Orthodox Jews, who routinely beat the shit out of their wives until they have Stockholm syndrome and then force them to have 7 kids. The state generally allows orthodox jews do whatever they want because they recognize it as the essential core of their people, so they look the other way on this necessary wife beating.
Knowing the problem, there are only a few real solutions available. One is to revoke female rights and take away their ability to make decisions. This is politically difficult because of male simps. A second is development of artificial wombs, which would allow the production of children without females. This is the solution that has the most political momentum behind it. Inevitably, this will be the answer to the birth rate problem.
Well, it seems that incentives to increase the White population aren’t working so well these days. Hungary exempts families with 4 children from paying income tax for life, yet its TFR is still only 1.58. Russia also has a pro-natal policy yet it stands at 1.51. Rates so low eventually spell disaster with or without immigration. On the plus side, Ukraine will soon run out of men as its miserable TFR stands at 1.27.
Regardless of the societal forces at play, I find it amazing that so many think that Whites are just helpless victims of powerful Jews. Though such arguments contain at least a modicum of validity, they are still unhelpful in resolving the problem. I don’t profess to have any answers, but the trajectory is clear. White young people must start having more babies or we are doomed.
Oy vey!
You should stop your kvetching already.
I’m just saying its strange how those grouping of nations have been especially chosen to be emblackened i.e Britain, Poland, Italy, Hungary and the unlisted USA. What about France, Spain, Germany et al and an assortment of other EasternEU nations, does that mean they are excluded from the experiment?
They would love to emblacken Russia and China but somehow I don’t think they will get the chance to do it. How did the western nations become so intellectually destructive and allow stuff lie this to occur.
It’s all about living a life of luxury with power, albeit limited by their master’s whims, while in the office and then when they are out of it and guarantees that their not-so-bright offspring will not be discarded like used rags. Macron, Merkel, Melloni et al aren’t the exception.
Hungary tries for baby boom with tax breaks and loan forgiveness
A concerned government could easily incentivize baby-making and it’s been done in the past.
Hungary can get above replacement if they bring in enough Africans. France’s TFR is the highest in the EU thanks to the generous contribution of it’s new French men and women.
A concerned government could easily incentivize baby-making and it’s been done in the past.
Hungary tries for baby boom with tax breaks and loan forgiveness
Perhaps it has worked to some degree — unfortunately total fertility (1.59) is still well below replacement (2.1) — but countering decades of media hype that the first priority of a woman should be her career is not going to be easy:
Think about this the next time ‘conservatives’ inveigh against student loan forgiveness with self-righteous ‘pull yourself up by the bootstraps’ rhetoric — the practical consequences of all that.
Unfortunately the US has another growing problem: the imbalance of women vs men attending college — at some schools it is already extreme, e.g. approaching 60/40 — because women normally marry ‘up’, i.e. they are attracted to and choose a man who has higher SES than they do, many of these women will not find suitable husbands — so marriage and birth rates are likely to fall further in that demographic.
Israel NOTORIOUSLY co-operated with apartheid South Africa for years, working on ethnically specific bio-weapons. It all came out at the whitewashing ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ obscenity. And we are supposed to believe that the Zionazis gave up the work when apartheid in South Africa fell. And, until RFK waxed about it, I have never heard of China engaging in such work, not even from fanatic Sinophobes like the FoxNews loonies, but lies about China are legion and impudent beyond description.
Israel is high because the ‘religious’ psychopaths breed, more or less forcibly, like wabbits. Their TFR is ASTRONOMICAL, hence Israel’s descent into clerico-fascist madness,
Just Zionazis and their Sabbat Goy stooges seeking to harden their control of the West. The hatred of China is central and visceral. No doubt the Chinese are seen as ‘Sons of Shemp’, or perhaps Larry or Moe, and certainly Amalek.
The Talmudic world dominance ambition runs into an insurmountable road-block in China, a non-Western, non Judeo-Christian, non-‘White’ civilization, where Jews are not worshipped or demonised, but treated as fellow human beings. The Judeosupremacists hate that worse than actual bigotry.
((They)) want whites to have no children but for the ones who do, ((they)) want them to be mongrels.
A superb rendering of the attack on white Christian countries. Thank you.
Dog on a carpet?
I was astonished when when she revealed herself to be a supporter of Ukraine.
The Master Plan.
Go back to your shithole country you caveman and take your deplorable religion and goat screwer Muhammad with you.
Capitalism and “free trade†are Leftist construct
What is socialism?
At the ground level, concentrate on local loyalty and kinship
How does Capitalism (private property rights/freedom of association etc) prevent local loyalty and kinship?
My bad then.
Is it possible that by destroying Western countries a global economic equalization could/will be achieved?
Fuck you.
A concerned government could easily incentivize baby-making and it’s been done in the past.
The answer as to why white births have been dis-incentivized is JEWS.
Money from organized jewry controls the political leaders who sell us out at every turn, open our borders and welcome invaders who should be stopped at the border. Add abortion, feminism, porn, gay “rights”, outsourcing, etc., organized jewry has unleashed the perfect storm of GENOCIDE
on innocent white people.
Hungary tries for baby boom with tax breaks and loan forgiveness
A concerned government could easily incentivize baby-making and it’s been done in the past.
I would have totally agreed with your comment if in stead of innocent you called the white people stupid. Everyone who believes in Jewish lies and accepts Jewish brain-washing, Jewish disinformation, Jewish indoctrination and Jewish propaganda is plain stupid and deserves Jewish destruction. 5000 years must have been more than enough for white people to understand as a group that Jewry is waging a race war against them.
Add abortion, feminism, porn, gay “rightsâ€, outsourcing, etc., organized jewry has unleashed the perfect storm of GENOCIDE
on innocent white people.
isn’t an economic imperative
Western homogenous countries were/are well organized/rich/privileged, so by destroying them, won’t global economic equalization be achieved?
The idea that governments do not know how to incentivize people into having children is retarded. Instead we have jews doing everything they can think of to keep whites from having children. Young whites are brainwashed many many different ways into not having enough children. You people are only dishonest.
Is the fiat money issued by the central planners?
“the marketâ€, “the economyâ€
I.e. the resources are controlled by the central planners?
Everything —“Bedtime for Bonzo” –the monkeys are coming home to munch Freedom bananas.
There were no gas chambers at Auschwitz. Or anywhere else. Why would a labour camp gas its workforce? Are you nuts? Because it sounds like you might be. Stop swallowing hasbara propaganda AKA Jewish lies.
Replies: @JM
Of course certain assumption are implicit in the above quotes, but the main point stands.
The Roomba also works on carpet.
If the dog makes a boom-boom
Roomba spreads it around.
Lol at you saying they “step in”. No, they are imported and dumped onto Europe. Most of them don’t even work but are 100 percent dead weight who get on European welfare and cause crime, including terrorist attacks.
Even if they did work, they would still be dead weight as the vast majority are low IQ and will never be capable of anything more than flipping a burger or mopping the floor. In both cases, AI and automation is making those obsolete. The mass produced device that cleans floors, the Roomba, that voided the need for millions of these rape-fu-gees to be imported to Europe on it’s own. And the Roomba doesn’t plot to blow up infidels in it’s spare time either.
This push to replace the White population world wide began before the 1960s when White birth rates were still way above replacement levels [2.1 children per woman]. So the lack of children was never the initial reason even though you are parroting it.
The world is overpopulated. We Whites have no need of increasing our birth rate. Instead, why not decrease the birth rates of non-Whites?
Instead of a billion of us more, why not a billion of them fewer?
You know why not. Because JEWSUS FORBIDS. So don’t even think of reducing niggerdom. Just kill yourself or get to making White children. We’re riding to Planet Cannibalism.
Who are they and where are they coming from? Afghanistan- Libya-Iraq-Somolia- where USA gave these peoples a first-hand introduction to human rights- freedom and democracy.
“Dirty jobs” are where robotics and automation technology are meant to take over. The European countries can also go back to the old system where the elderly person’s offspring are “pension providers” instead of the Welfare State. (Those elderly without offspring or other relatives to care for them can depend on local churches and other charitable organizations.) It’s far better than the current system because the Third World immigrant population inevitably regresses to the same mean as their relatives back home, thereby turning out to be an additional burden on the Welfare State.
You are so right. It’s ridiculous that the Jmedia continues to push the false narrative that massive third world immigration is needed because of “the economy.”
There is absolutely no reason to import millions of unskilled low IQ invaders…..there is quite literally nothing for them to do but get on welfare.
The single and only reason to allow mexicans to come in was for seasonal agriculture work…..and they used to be forced to leave when the season ended.
Interesting that I just took a trip to the south and I was shocked to see so many white people doing the work that I only see mexicans doing in southern California. I saw an older white man running a lawn care business and you would never see that in California.
The other scary aspect of the invasion is that with automation expanding, those many millions of brown invaders will have zero access to any kind of work at all. So they will surely just become a burden on the white taxpayers.
You are correct that mass immigration is a weapon the jews are using to genocide white people. It should be obvious to everyone at this point.
i'm glad there are people like strike who still remember and name these never-trump swamp vermin. seems like the west has been taken over by animals who are most satisfied dwelling in the sewer system. we can't trust shit like that. (we will never forget!)Replies: @Wokechoke
The average National Conservative “popularizer†comes from outlets like the National Review and Wall Street Journal and have transformed themselves as post-liberal Twitter “populists†claiming the mantle of Trumpism despite them having been fanatical Never Trumpers in 2016 almost down to a man.
Democracy is just another word for the Jewish political system evolving fast enough to camouflage its own reach, influence and terrorism.
This has nothing to do with laws and niceties.
Warsaw will be fully Emblackened.
Jew who, Shlomo.
In defense of those Euro leaders going back on their promises to reduce immigration, what are they supposed to do when their White Native populations fails to have children? Those with greater fecundity step in to take their place. Young people in large numbers need to be around to do the dirty jobs, and there aren’t enough white youth willing or able to do them. Replacement by the Other is inevitable when the TFR sits well below 2.0, even going down to closer to 1.0 in some EU countries (Spain – 1.19, Italy 1.25). And the EU average sits at a dismal 1.53. (Source: Eurostat Statistics Explained).
Actually, Whites are choosing to genocide themselves. You can’t blame this one on the Jews (Israel’s doing fine at 3.11), though I’m sure many TUR readers will.
So your saying all the current anti-whitness is to purge them of anti-Semitism and the ‘pure ones’ who manage to exorcise themselves of it will then be selected for hyper white supremacy? But how effective will this be I mean what time frame are you expecting this vociferous white-supremicism to be unleashed because the demographics are fast changing to brown and blacks already in most Europe and UK.
I suppose the plan is most likely to create enclaves of the different minorities so no one has power and all can therefore be subjected to the one most powerful group at the top.
If some union or concord existed between Europe and Russia, Europe would not end up as a vassal. It would probably be the senior in that partnership.
Muh evil Notsees. Lolol.
Hitler 2024!
Even Whites are now victims of US Whites.
E Michael Jones’ new beef is the Holocaust â„¢ victims were mainly Catholic. OK DJ, you dirty guy. We Whites are guilty of EVERYTHING.
We’re so bad every colored dick and Catholic (see what I did there?)
runs to help themselves to our ‘Free Shit’ charity.
Even the Catholics? Heaven help US all.
OBTW. THE C’lics at Buchenwald were Polish insurgents and Communists.
The SS were special forces just like our Army Rangers.
Forgive them for not giving out foot rubs.
Believe it or not.
In a way, the vile operative of Finance Capital is right. There was, according to the authoritative Hannah Arendt, no shortage of volunteers and not just in Hungary:
Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil (1963):
p. 117:
“Without Jewish help in administrative and police work–the final roundup of Jews in Berlin was, as I have mentioned, done entirely by Jewish police–there would have been either complete chaos or an impossibly severe drain on German manpower.
p. 125:
“Wherever Jews lived, there were recognized Jewish leaders, and this leadership, almost without exception, cooperated in one way or another, for one reason or another, with the Nazis. The whole truth was that if the Jewish people had been unorganized and leaderless, there would have been chaos and plenty of misery but the total number of victims would hardly have been between four and a half and six million. According to Freudiger’s calculations about half of them could have saved themselves if they had not followed the instructions of the Jewish councils.”
p. 42, 118, etc.
Rudolf Kastner, a Jew made a deal with Eichmann in which 1,684 Jews were allowed to go to Palestine in exchange for Kastner’s silence before and during which 476,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to the gas chambers of Auschwitz.
Of course certain assumption are implicit in the above quotes, but the main point stands.
Check here where there’s much more:
Anyone who ignores that side of it has a part of their brain missing.
RN in France gained more mainstream status. They purged the committed rightist elements from their parties
When will France’s next presidential election take place? Hopefully, it will be earlier than 2027. Zemmour’s Reconquête! Party should make some decent gains of regional seats before then.
atrocities, coupled with a European migrant crisis that shows no sign of being brought under control, had already reinvigorated Zemmour and his party. The events of the past week – that Zemmour described as somewhere between ‘riots and war’ – are, he says, evidence that he was right all along.
While the United Nations and France’s magistrates’ union blame the riots on the ‘racism’ of the police, Zemmour says there is only one culprit: immigration. ‘Over the last 20 or 30 years, we have continued to receive hundreds of thousands of people from North Africa and [sub-Saharan] Africa,’ he said.
Zemmour reiterated what he had said during last year’s presidential campaign: that the first thing he would do as president is ‘stop the flow of migrants’.
Justice delayed is Justice Denied.
“Next time” won’t cut it anymore.
Shit or get off the pot.
The odds are stacked against White people when it is the White governments and nearly every single one of them that is directly aiding White genocide. If it wasn’t for government action, such as tolerating NGO ships and literally flying in non Whites on top of it, this really would be a minor issue.
The fact that she is a slum upstart without an ounce of class and up for hire was apparent from the start.
The demographic destruction of Italy, particularly its north, is an enormous crime.
You are a dirty Fascist and a Jewish slave.
How much sharper than a serpent’s tooth it is to have ungrateful and thankless Jews?
JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) Are Evil, Ungrateful Nation-Killing Rat Creatures.
Yoram Hazony Is An Evil And Demonic Rat Jew Agent Of JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG).
JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) Has Declared War On European Christendom and the European Christian people wherever they are on the globe.
I Say The JEW/WASP Ruling Class Of The American Empire Must Be Politically Decapitated
There is no doubt that JEWS ORGANIZED GLOBALLY(JOG) plotted to racially transform the United States — and many other European Christian nations — by using mass immigration as a demographic weapon. It is a historical fact that can’t be disputed. I must add, however, that the legacy WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire was a willing accomplice to JOG’s demographic execution of America.
Treasonous WASP rodents were and are JOG’s willing executioners of the Historic American Nation.
Mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration increases traffic congestion, spreads urban and suburban sprawl, increases housing costs, lowers wages, swamps schools, overwhelms hospitals, harms the environment and destroys cultural cohesion.
The JEW QUESTION explained:
Jews form a nation within a nation everywhere they reside. Can Jews ever be considered to be part of the larger nation in which they reside when they are genetically and culturally predisposed to put the interests of the Jew Nation over and above the interests of the larger nations in which they reside?
Yoram Hazony is a HYPOCRITE JEW when it comes to nationalism and identity politics — is there any other kind?
Yoram Hazony is an evil, sneaky JEW who pushes WHITE GENOCIDE for European Christian nations.
Yoram Hazony wants to continue to use the US military as muscle to fight wars on behalf of Israel.
Yoram Hazony deliberately attacks the European Christian ancestral core of the United States by pushing the nonsense idea that the USA is just an “idea†or a “proposition nation.â€
Yoram Hazony is an evil JEW who supports the use of mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration as demographic weapons to attack and destroy all European Christian nations.
Yoram Hazony does not support mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration for Israel.
Yoram Hazony is a hypocrite JEW who pushes WHITE GENOCIDE.
Peter Brimelow has fought for the historic American nation for decades. But Brimelow is up against billionaire Jew Republican Party donors(bribers) such as Paul Singer.
Paul Singer wants to continue to attack and destroy the European Christian ancestral core of the USA using mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration as demographic weapons. Paul Singer DOES NOT push mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration for Israel.
The Republican Party has been captured by JEW BILLIONAIRES and the Republican Party Cheap Labor Faction and by various and assorted other Republican Party globalizers who all push mass legal immigration and mass illegal immigration and multicultural mayhem. The JEW BILLIONAIRES and the Republican Party Cheap Labor Faction and the Republican Party globalizers must be removed from power in the USA.
Mad Dog Englishman Brimelow Has A Matrilineality Bone To Chew With Jew Hypocrite Hazony
Brimelow Tweet From 2019:
italy has no jobs for the youth, but meloni surely was giving out blowjobs to the elderly. ooooof. that fucker silvio is laughing in his grave, what a bastard.
The average National Conservative “popularizer†comes from outlets like the National Review and Wall Street Journal and have transformed themselves as post-liberal Twitter “populists†claiming the mantle of Trumpism despite them having been fanatical Never Trumpers in 2016 almost down to a man.
i’m glad there are people like strike who still remember and name these never-trump swamp vermin. seems like the west has been taken over by animals who are most satisfied dwelling in the sewer system. we can’t trust shit like that. (we will never forget!)
The Right must make the same long march through the institutions that the Left did. It also must realize that Capitalism and “free trade” are Leftist constructs. At the ground level, concentrate on local loyalty and kinship. As far as Jewish power, remember that our own Aristocracy sold out our genetic inheritance to the Rothschilds a long time ago for material gain. Early on, the Aristocrats could have easily confiscated their wealth and executed them, but thirty pieces of silver was a better deal.
Jews play on the seven deadly sins. Screwtape smiles.
What is socialism?
Capitalism and “free trade†are Leftist construct
How does Capitalism (private property rights/freedom of association etc) prevent local loyalty and kinship?
At the ground level, concentrate on local loyalty and kinship
He sure does seem to be a good friend of Bibi though, I hope Hungary doesn’t end up like Western Europe.
I’m not one to whitewash issues (no pun intended). However, I have superficially followed, and admired, Orban for several years. He loves his people, and I find it incredulous that he would blatantly sell them out at this point, after having taken so many stands in the face of demonizing adversity. Perhaps he thinks that these people can contribute to the well being of Hungary, and he is being selective about which ones he is letting in. I can only hope.
You fundamentally misunderstand the situation. Immigration from low IQ third world nations isn’t an economic imperative. It’s a racial imperative. It’s a program of white genocide designed by Jewish supremacists. You put it in terms of class conflict, but what we’re witnessing is racial conflict. And one side of the fight doesn’t even know they are in a fight.
Western homogenous countries were/are well organized/rich/privileged, so by destroying them, won't global economic equalization be achieved?
isn’t an economic imperative
Let there be no doubt that these immigration policies are Jewish vengeance against white Christians. There is absolutely no benefit to importing millions of unskilled migrants that don’t understand the culture or language of the host country:
Tikkun Olam may just as well be called inversion. Everything that makes the Amalek healthy is torn down. Their culture, traditions, and ideals are derided. They are made to be ashamed of themselves. The foreigners, outsiders, and abnormals are placed on a pedestal. The cultures, traditions, and ideals of the outsiders are enshrined. The outsider is taught to be proud, and he is also taught to hate the Amalek. Upon the Amalek, the Jews impose the values of militant tolerance, universalism, liberalism, and internationalism. The Jews then force open the borders of Amalek nations and promote ethnocidal race mixing. They market vice, taboo, and socially harmful lifestyles. Order is thrown into chaos, and that is exactly where the Jews feel most comfortable. They use the strategy of triangulation to divide and conquer the goyim by exploiting any weaknesses in the social fabric. Minorities are told their lackluster performance is because of the Amalek, and all research to the contrary is suppressed. In the ensuing conflict, the Jews act as mediators. Grievances are used as a cudgel to pass laws that discriminate against the Amalek while granting special privileges to the Jews and their pet minorities. Alienated, under siege, and disempowered, the eternal enemy of the Jewish people can then be safely eradicated.
The JQ is THE JEWISH PROBLEM. It is no longer a “question.” (((These people))) have declared war on all Whites of European descent. Of course this war is ancient and has been going on a long, long time but it is no longer clandestine, (((they))) no longer hide (((their))) intentions.
Wake up, Whitey. Jews and muh Israel are the enemy, not your bestest best ally.
The piece on Hungary is bullshit. The standard of Unz Review should be higher.
Their autodestruction is inevitable.
By 16 August 2022, more than 11.2 million Ukrainian refugees left the territory of Ukraine, of which more than 5.4 million people fled to neighboring Poland.
I suspect a large majority are not men of working age but I’m sure there are enough men who don’t want to be cannon fodder and are willing to work. The Ukrainians have a better chance of assimilating into Polish society than the Muslims or Nigerians. I doubt many Ukrainians will want to return to their country if it continues to be under Jewish control.
The JQ is everything. As always.
So, according to you, the choice is to drown in vodka or be overrun with pride parades. Then pass the Stollys.
You’ve got your Muslim countries. Why do you need Italy and Hungary, too?
Yet it’s only whites who give a shit about Israel, and if they go, there will be no nation on earth to give Israel the unconditional support Jews demand.
Jews destroying Israel would be one of history’s sweetest ironies. Given the Jewish capacity for self-destruction, is their destroying Israel inevitable?
It’s a possibility, although I think they want the total annihilation of ” true ” whites.
You think that the nat/cons will soon be dominant, I think for my part that they will remain secondary (their role being to permanently neutralize any real opposition) but your analogy with the bourgeoisie is very interesting. And Kalergi.
«Bafflingly, Braverman continues to make opposition to mass migration a quintessential part of the character she plays when the TV cameras are rolling. She has been fighting a phony media war with the left since her appointment, taking rhetorically hardline immigration stances to confuse the distracted public while quietly enabling an unprecedented invasion. Tories take great pains to make the irrelevant categorical distinction between “illegal†and “legal†migration»
It is not baffling at all, the position on immigration of UK right-wingers is widely misunderstood: of course they love having more and cheaper immigrants servants and more and higher paying immigrant tenants, but they hate it when they have civil and political rights like the EU ones had thanks to EU common citizenship. Boris Johnson summarized this well:
“You’ve seen quite a large number of people coming in from the whole of the EU — 580 million population — able to treat the UK as though it’s basically part of their own country and the problem with that is there has been no control at all and I don’t think that is democratically accountable.â€
They just want having more immigrants servants and tenants utterly dependent on their whim, that’s why the nationalist Conservatives campaigned not for fewer immigrants, but for more *control* of immigrants.
Other than having full control of them the UK middle and upper classes do not care whether immigrant servants and tenants are white or colored. actually my impression is that they prefer them colored, to recreate in the UK a kind of retro-colonial experience, with white “sahibs” lording over colored “wallahs” as in the good old times of the English Empire. Anyhow for the UK middle and upper classes the lower classes are just servants, they are not regarded as “white” like themselves.
“PS.RFK Jr. is my new hero. He called out the Jew, and the Chink, the other day.
Let’s see how he reacts to the pressure. As long as he doesn’t grovel embarrassingly, he’ll still be aces in my book.”
Don’t you think its very odd that of all people RFK Jr would talk openly about Jews?
Of course he will rember what they did to his uncle.
Somethings is really fishy about that.
I think maybe he was being tongue-in-cheek. At least that is the way I read it.
Orban has been (always was ? I don’t know enough about him) Likud friendly for a while, but he seemed firm on immigration, I guess it’s over.
Video Link
RFK Jr. will probably beg the FAKE kike for forgiveness. Probably cry, grovel, and prostrate himself before the foul bastards like Brando, Billy Graham, etc. You would think that after the kikes murdered his uncle and possibly his father this guy would take the gloves off and want a little payback. Damn the torpedoes. IF he starts calling out the Jewish PROBLEM he has my vote and support.
Cue: The Waiting Is The Hardest Part by Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers
Cue: The Payback by James Brown