No. The Mosaic covenant has been allowed to “vanish away” in ad 70,
See Hebrews 8:13. This represented those Israelites who rejected JC being the branch of the Abrahamic covenant olive tree being cut off.
But Romans 11 states that repentant Israelites can be grafted back into the olive tree in the future, when they accept JC at his second coming. Zechariah 12.
The Zionist’s rapid mobilization to censor, denigrate, suppress and punish any criticism of Israel for its genocidal assault on the civilians of Gaza is an education in power politics and the massive influence of the Zionists. The US Congress hauled several presidents of major universities before a committee and openly chastised them for “not protecting Jewish students” and “allowing anti-Semitic ‘terrorists’” to exercise their free speech and First Amendment rights on their campuses. Two of them were subsequently pressured to resign. Then the universities and police (a government agency) bum rushed the student protestors arresting many and destroying the futures of others. This is power!
Next Congress made it illegal to criticize Israel and redefined the meaning of anti-Semitism to include equating Zionist atrocities with Nazism!
Then Netanyahu brazenly defied Biden’s admonition not to invade Rafah making Biden look like a total chump and the corporate media ignored it. It was immediately flushed down the memory hole. Now Israel and Lebanon are going tit for tat and the press is deaf dumb and blind on this potential flash point. Meanwhile the US is scrambling to the tail waging the dog scenario Israel has put the US in to the point it is introducing conscription to bolster its military. Will American soldiers be sacrificed as canon fodder for the Zionists or the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?
Between the happenings there and the US/NATO mission creep in Ukraine it looks like all war all the time is going to be our new normal. For Putin this is existential and they are not going to back down. Netanyahu is hellbent on pushing the Greater Israel agenda in the region. Poor sleepy Joe is unaware of how he is being played and is totally out of it.
Will saner heads prevail? At this point it doesn’t appear so. The world is choosing sides and the US/NATO/Israeli axis is not the side the Global South, Latin America, the Arabs or much of Asia want to play with or for. This is going to be very interesting and deadly.
In case anyone hasn’t seen this yet, or would like to share with a friend…
(Also, while this film is about Israel, similar use of propaganda is universal.)
The Occupation of the American Mind
He's owned.Replies: @Anonymous 1
Trump 'urges' followers to watch Sheryl Sandberg's documentary on Hamas' sexual violence on Oct. 7
He is indeed and he is an idiot to push this bogus Hasbara “Isreali Intelligence”!
The Hamas “Rape” fabrication has been debunked by various organisations.
Here is another one:
Trump ‘urges’ followers to watch Sheryl Sandberg’s documentary on Hamas’ sexual violence on Oct. 7
He’s owned.
We are no better off in the UK with the turds up for becoming PM and MP’s.
I will not vote for ANY jew-owned politician.
I will write-in my vote for HAMAS.
Maybe you’re right.
Maybe he’s being cynical.
But if he was fully confident he shouldn’t resort to the double play.
He plays the Jews for their money and the whites for their voting power.
But when in the white house he does nothing for whites.
Only for the Jews, the mic, the bankers etc etc
Philip Giraldi is a honorable person respected and admired by the millions of patriotic Americans.
As for the genocidal cowards and parasites (of a dual-loyalty kind), who always prefer to feed on other peoples’ civilizations (because they were not able to create their own) these committed supremacist genociders are neither respected nor admired. They are disgusting.
You still did not get it that jewish whining & lying have been exposed in Gaza to a degree that humanity at large does not trust your ugly museums of holobiz profiteering schema anymore. Enough already of the jewish assault on the First Amendment and propagating the profitable shoah lies.
Palestinians are brave and virtuous people — as compared to Israelis, these jewish fascists unable to live honorably.
70 years before Hamas was founded, the fascist Zionist leader Jabotinsky, a friend of Mussolini, was calling for Palestinians to be expelled from Palestine.
Netanyahu being a follower of Jabotinsky, have Israelis voted into office an actual fascist?
Yes, they have. Zionism started as a fascist movement, and remains a jewish fascist movement. Milejkowsly (bibi) is from a family with the strong connections to the jewish fascist Jabotinsky.
During their formative years, Zionist and Fascist ideologies had similar intellectual roots and numerous overlappings in terms of their philosophical and political structures. Some of the founding fathers of Zionism, especially revisionist Zionists, regarded themselves as ideological fascists…
Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, of which Israel’s current Likud party and other right and far-right groups are the offspring, saw in fascist Italy “a spiritual homeland.”
In return, Mussolini had expressly spoken in support of Zionism and of Jabotinsky in particular: “For Zionism to succeed, you need to have a Jewish State with a Jewish flag, and Jewish language. The person who understands that is your fascist, Jabotinsky,†Mussolini said during a private conversation with Nahum Goldman, founder of the World Jewish Congress, in November 1934, as reported by Lenni Brenner in his volume ‘Zionism in the Age of Dictators’.
Supremacist jews are a plague on humanity. The foreign agent AIPAC has been devouring the Republic and using US as a war machine for the benefits of the jewish supremacist lunatics and private banking cartel.
The wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Palestine, the bombing of Yugoslavia with depleted uranium, and the burning Palestinian children with white phosphorus have displayed jewish delight in mass murdering the children of the “others.” Who can forget the jewish witch Albright who approved the death of 500.000 Iraqi children.
The ongoing US-run terrorist actions against Russia (by using the US-Nazified Ukrainian patsy) are nothing but provocations by zionists in their quest for full-spectrum dominance (Straussian manifesto). The fanatical talmudists prefer to destroy humanity than to agree on the honest and respectful coexistence with the “others.”
The anti-human judaic/talmudic education indoctrinates children in psychotic fear and hatred and produces amoral monsters that populate the fascist jewish state and zionist diaspora. If western civilization wants to survive, the first step should be the banning all major jewish organizations and jewish schools. Jews always make themselves unwelcome due to their dishonesty and disrespect towards the host countries.
You’re a gullible schmuck.
Vote third-party or write-in.
For all federal offices, unless you live in Thomas Maddie’s district or maybe Rand Paul’s state.
Don’t vote for any incumbents, any lawyers, any police, or anyone proud to have volunteered to murder innocent people thousands of miles from our borders (“veteransâ€).
And prepare a new life abroad, at least for your children — because, as designed, the elections won’t change much.
Vote third-party or write-in.
And prepare a fallback option abroad ASAP. @anonymous, @Anonymous, @Redpill Boomer, @RobinG, @mulga mumblebrain, @Art, @King Edward I, @We've Got Your Awakening Back
In every generation, we get comfortable and we begin to believe that we are home. But then our hosts remind us, using this tool they built called antisemitism that we are indeed not home.
We thought we were home in Egypt. And in Spain. And in Rome. And in Babylonia. And in Germany.
And we think we are home today in NY, LA, London, or Paris.
Any way you look at it, the modern Jewish people’s challenge in the global awakening is different, and in many ways much harder, than the challenge non-Jewish people are confronted with in the global awakening.
Master psycho-bullies who are descendants of the history that produced Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and more, teamed up with each other and exploited every weakness in human nature to indulge their and their families’ insatiable addictions for wealth and power.
We all know, people with consciences — whom we find in every brainwashing tradition, even in spite if not because of the brainwashing — are enduring the very painful process of de-programming and waking up.
As and after we identify our abusers and the abuse, and work on figuring out how to deal with them, benevolent Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, atheists, and everyone else can then also face or deny truth of our own flaws, shortcomings, sins, crimes, blindnesses, unconscious evil collaborations, and that of the people we now can see we wrongly trusted to fill the role of leader and teacher.
Is the pain of deprogramming proportional to the degree of indoctrination? The less mind-control inflicted on you as you’re growing up, the less painful de-programming might be? The heavier the programming, the harder the awakening and reconstructing? Perhaps.
The way out of these messes we’re in isn’t hate. Still isn’t after all these centuries. Anger needs to be expressed. So does agony, remorse, guilt, contrition, humility, confusion, shame, self-forgiveness, other-forgiveness, hope, understanding, epiphany, and every other emotion that applies. And wisdom and concrete do-able solutions. ALL people.
Everyone has the potential to survive the traumas of waking up, and to do the hard work of reconstructing who you will be thereafter. Conversation is essential to helping each other get through this.
Seek truth, not self-validation.
Showing his true colours is Trumpstein 🇮🇱!
Giraldi is a Hamas fan boy. Enough said
Yes, they have. Zionism started as a fascist movement, and remains a jewish fascist movement. Milejkowsly (bibi) is from a family with the strong connections to the jewish fascist Jabotinsky.
70 years before Hamas was founded, the fascist Zionist leader Jabotinsky, a friend of Mussolini, was calling for Palestinians to be expelled from Palestine. Netanyahu being a follower of Jabotinsky, have Israelis voted into office an actual fascist?
Supremacist jews are a plague on humanity. The foreign agent AIPAC has been devouring the Republic and using US as a war machine for the benefits of the jewish supremacist lunatics and private banking cartel. The wars in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Palestine, the bombing of Yugoslavia with depleted uranium, and the burning Palestinian children with white phosphorus have displayed jewish delight in mass murdering the children of the "others." Who can forget the jewish witch Albright who approved the death of 500.000 Iraqi children. The ongoing US-run terrorist actions against Russia (by using the US-Nazified Ukrainian patsy) are nothing but provocations by zionists in their quest for full-spectrum dominance (Straussian manifesto). The fanatical talmudists prefer to destroy humanity than to agree on the honest and respectful coexistence with the "others." The anti-human judaic/talmudic education indoctrinates children in psychotic fear and hatred and produces amoral monsters that populate the fascist jewish state and zionist diaspora. If western civilization wants to survive, the first step should be the banning all major jewish organizations and jewish schools. Jews always make themselves unwelcome due to their dishonesty and disrespect towards the host countries.
During their formative years, Zionist and Fascist ideologies had similar intellectual roots and numerous overlappings in terms of their philosophical and political structures. Some of the founding fathers of Zionism, especially revisionist Zionists, regarded themselves as ideological fascists... Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, of which Israel’s current Likud party and other right and far-right groups are the offspring, saw in fascist Italy “a spiritual homeland." In return, Mussolini had expressly spoken in support of Zionism and of Jabotinsky in particular: “For Zionism to succeed, you need to have a Jewish State with a Jewish flag, and Jewish language. The person who understands that is your fascist, Jabotinsky,†Mussolini said during a private conversation with Nahum Goldman, founder of the World Jewish Congress, in November 1934, as reported by Lenni Brenner in his volume ‘Zionism in the Age of Dictators’.
What a choice in November! 🙃🤢🤮
He seems to sort of be pointing out the absurdity.
He's owned.Replies: @Anonymous 1
Trump 'urges' followers to watch Sheryl Sandberg's documentary on Hamas' sexual violence on Oct. 7
I’m disappointed to not find comments to this very important post.
Is it because most of it is hidden under the [MORE] link?
Can it be refuted with proof?
Or is it true?
Either way, it needs to be discussed. For everyone’s sake.
Listen to this loser!
Trump says we need to get the people of America to love Israel more
We are American and only need to love America
Trump will lose this election because he's running on an Israel first instead of America first agenda
— Jake Shields (@jakeshieldsajj) June 21, 2024
… try explaining (anything) to a Judeo-Christian…
E. Michael Jones yesterday in two minutes forced Catholics including Church hierarchy to get real about Jews:
EMJ Live 76: The First Zulu (
59:00 Write in question:
Dr. Jones, why are the Popes afraid to warn Catholics about the Jews?
59:10 Dr. Jones:
Because fear of the Jews goes way back. The Apostles, the Bishops are successors of the Apostles, and the Apostles before Pentecost were “cowering in the upper room out of fear of the Jews” because the Jews killed Jesus Christ and they were going to kill anyone who was a follower of Jesus Christ, and so they had, their lives were in danger, and the proof of this was Saul who set out basically to kill as many Christians as he could until God knocked him off his horse and he became a great Saint. So you’re talking about people now who have this natural fear, and then you add in the rationalization of that fear which came about after Vatican II with the era of “Catholic – Jewish Dialogue” when the Bishops started proclaiming that the Jews were our friends.
The Jews are not our friends! (1:00:11) They have never been our friends, they are our enemies, they are enemies of the entire human race! We now have empirical proof of that with the behavior of Israel. OK.
So what is our response? We have to love our enemies. That’s what Jesus Christ said. Jesus Christ never said we’re not going to have enemies.
And any Catholic who tells you we don’t have enemies, or this group is not your enemy, is a fool and should not be listened to. (1:00:41)
OK, they are our enemies and we are to love our enemies. What is the main way we love our enemies? By telling them the truth.
And the truth is that if you refuse to be Baptized you will spend Eternity in Hell. (1:01:00)
A comprador or compradore is a “person who acts as an agent for foreign organizations engaged in investment, trade, or economic or political exploitation.”
An example of a comprador is a member of US congress.
“Congress backers of Gaza war received most from pro-Israel donors”
AIPAC and all major jewish organization in the US have been destroying the Republic by removing the patriotic Americans from Congress and supporting and bribing the opportunists (compradors) to use US resources for the benefit of Israel:
AIPAC is an anti-American organization — same as all major jewish organizations on the territory of the North America.
AIPAC bribes members of Congress with millions in campaign donations, then brags about how much money Congress takes from our communities and sends to a foreign government.
This is the definition of “playing in our faces†
— Nina Turner (@ninaturner) March 22, 2024
‘US: Prosecutors drop all charges against Columbia’s pro-Palestine student protesters…”
—This is so antisemitic! — Straight against the “antisemitism bill.”
“Pro-Israel billionaires urged New York crackdown on Gaza protests”
A handful of powerful businessmen pushed New York City Mayor Eric Adams to use police to crack down on pro-Palestinian student protesters. Among them are prominent businessmen such as former CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz, Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and Joshua Kushner … Other leaders, such as snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik and real estate investor Joseph Sitt held a video meeting with Mayor Adams on April 26 [to push for police crackdown on Gaza protests].
Jews and their bought compradors in US congress are against the First Amendment and for the continuation of shoah-business:
“The proposal [“antisemitism bill”], which passed 320-91 with some bipartisan support, would codify the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a federal anti-discrimination law that bars discrimination based on shared ancestry, ethnic characteristics or national origin. It now goes to the Senate where its fate is uncertain.”
US: Prosecutors drop all charges against Columbia’s pro-Palestine student protesters
Manhattan district attorney’s office cites ‘prosecutorial discretion and lack of evidence’ for dropping charges against 31 protesters.
Prosecutors in the city of New York have dropped all charges against most of the students and activists who were arrested by police for occupying a Columbia University building in protest of the school’s investments in companies profiting from Israel’s war on Gaza.
Thirty-one out of the 46 people who were arrested in April had their charges dismissed. The Manhattan district attorney’s office said they would drop the charges against the 31 individuals, citing “prosecutorial discretion and lack of evidence”.
Prosecutors said the remaining 14 protesters would also have their charges dropped, on the condition that they not get arrested over the next six months. However, the defendants rejected this offer, and both sides are due back in court on 25 July….
Jews and their bought compradors in US congress are against the First Amendment and for the continuation of shoah-business: "The proposal ["antisemitism bill"], which passed 320-91 with some bipartisan support, would codify the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, a federal anti-discrimination law that bars discrimination based on shared ancestry, ethnic characteristics or national origin. It now goes to the Senate where its fate is uncertain."
A handful of powerful businessmen pushed New York City Mayor Eric Adams to use police to crack down on pro-Palestinian student protesters. Among them are prominent businessmen such as former CEO of Starbucks Howard Schultz, Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and Joshua Kushner ... Other leaders, such as snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik and real estate investor Joseph Sitt held a video meeting with Mayor Adams on April 26 [to push for police crackdown on Gaza protests].
The same younger generation that does not care a whit about million-scum march through open borders, the urban violence that has destroyed our once beautiful cities, or sex change operations for five year olds. Be careful of what you wish for.
As if the older generation has done or would do anything to affect any difference about these matters.
Why do you think these issues are now a problem to begin with?
They didn’t develop with Gen Zers, that much is certain. IMO, the younger right has more of a spine to deal with them.
Wear any resistance to truth as a badge of honor. The American Conservative must not want to conserve Amerika but allow Jews to roll the nation. Screw them, they just outed themselves. Stand tall and proud when censored. Give no quarter to the sell outs.
If measured by comments received on it on the Unz site, the article on the ethnic advocacy promoting America’s Wars turned out to be the most popular that I have ever written and it was picked up widely online and in various publications both in the US and abroad. Inevitably, however, it produced a backlash from Israel’s many friends and within 24 hours there was added an update to the original online posting. It read “On the morning of September 21st Phil Giraldi was fired over the phone by The American Conservative, where he had been a regular contributor for fourteen years. He was told that ‘America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars’ was unacceptable.
You are usually very poignant and on the mark Yukon, but you’ve sipped a bit too much Jool-Aid on a few things… Alex Jones and Trump and Andrew Tate and Assange and Snowden are all intel-agency Masonic plants and controlled opposition gatekeepers.
The kabuki theater of their supposed media poopooing and judicial issues are not genuine. They are just a ruse to make these shills appear trustworthy to the semi awake.
Ohhhh, the media is against them and bash them at a feverish pitch, then they go to ‘jail’, just like Epstein (if you believe he killed himself and isn’t now in Israel, I have some land in the Everglades for you to buy, great price).
Even Kanye West is controlled. Do you think he actually lost all that net worth, instead of his funds just being transferred to secret offshore accounts.
For someone who supposed hates Jews, he decided to use a Jewish real estate agent to sell one of his houses. So that makes total sense…. DERP.
Kanye’s role was to appear totally crazy for what he was saying, so that the regular Joes and Janes would throw out the baby with the bathwater, as well as him being the cautionary tale for anyone else with any influence, should they want to speak some truth about the JBag Allstars.
Come on Yukon, you’re smarter than thinking Drumpf isn’t a totally controlled opposition crypto Jew and Israel-First Hasbara troll.
This complexity is very much lost on even the most awake and aware of Reality Theorists.
Hard to believe that VVP is ignorant on that matter. He is harping all the time about the Nazis, but – for some reason- keeps quiet about the Bolsheviks and the chosenites behind them. I think it would be naive to assume that the organised Jewry’s grip on Russia of today is fragile. I suspect that Volodya is either associated with them or finds it impossible a task to challenge their power.
Globohomo is the decadent culture of the West that has evolved since WWII by the pernicious influence of the Joo. Putin and Russian nationalists arrested this in Russia by taking hold of the economy from the oligarchs and reestablishing Christian Orthodoxy.
I don’t protest enough!
What the feck is ‘globohomo’? If you mean ‘homosexual’, well they exist everywhere and have forever. Methinks your type protest too much. If you mean ‘homogenised’ then you have a point.
That’s why da Jooz hate Russia and Putin. When a strong Russian patriot like Putin took over the International Jews were irked. When he didn’t go away and destroyed their Russia Project (an atheistic slave state for globohomo) by protecting Russia’s resources and reestablishing Orthodox Christianity, they went completely mad with rage against him and Russia. With all the Jews in Biden’s administration you know where this was headed.
This Cabal has to be defeated!
I agree that comment about Russian Jews and communists, a bit over da top.
Russia has over 3 million Jews , full bloods but there’s also millions of mixtures.
Everything about Russia since 1918 has a big stamp JEW on it. I’m subscribed to Simplicius on Substack.
Could be 4 real could also be JEW controlled opposition. Impossible to tell because
Jews are masters of the controlled opposition.
In Holland Jew Geert Wilders runs the anti-immigration politics , calling for the deportations of all Arabs , calls for banning and burning the Koran. But he also strongly supported the Jew Wars in Irak Syria Afghanistan that caused millions of immigrants floating Europe .Everything 4 Israhel. He loves Russia too
In Spain both Nationalists and Socialists are run, controlled and financed by Jews.
Same thing in France, Portugal, Flanders, Sweden etc etc etc
Da Jews love it both ways like a bi sexual slutty female.
Me love Ukraine me also love Russia
Thanks. That SOB Stalin did that on my birthday!
Dream on:
Although there are more than 90 Chabad centers in Moscow alone, which is a sacrilege.
On the other hand, Russians need to keep jews under state surveillance.
Dual citizenship is prohibited for governmental positions in the RF
And one wonders what could make you produce this incomparable pearl of wisdom: “Many Russian Jews are communist?” Have you read too much Rabelais recently?
I think he just wants to make sure he doesn’t jeopardize his chances of becoming king while the actual king is still around and his relatives still have a say in the succession.
Once his succession is in place, he’s sure to deemphasize the Palestinians, as he has been doing during his whole reign.
Stalin was not the only Allied leader who knowingly caused the death of his citizens in order to score a propaganda victory over Nazi Germany.
On a smaller scale and in a more indirect way Churchill and Roosevelt did the same.
Roosevelt provoked the attack on Pearl Harbor and knowingly left the fleet there without defenses and warning, so the US public could be convinced to support a war against Japan and Germany.
Churchill started the bombing of German civilian targets in order to induce Hitler to bomb civilian targets as well, so that he could silence the peace-party in his country. I personally feel, that what Churchill did was more reprehensible, because the people killed were civilians.
Revilo P. Oliver is scathing in his remarks about both:
To punish warriors who, against overwhelming odds, fought
for their country with a courage and determination that excited the
wonder of the world, and deliberately to kill them because they were
not cowards and traitors, because they did not betray their nation
– that was an act of vileness of which we long believed our race
incapable. And to augment the infamy of our act, we stigmatized them
as “War Criminals” which they most certainly were not, for if that
phrase has meaning, it applies to traitors who knowingly involve
their nations in a war contrived to inflict loss, suffering, and death
on their own people, who are thus made to fight for their own effective defeat – traitors such as Churchill, Roosevelt, and their white
Spaight had
committed what was an appalling indiscretion, an almost unbelievable breach of national secrecy. He not only admitted – he boasted
– that Great Britain, in violation of all the ethics of civilized warfare
that had theretofore been respected by our race, and in treacherous violation of solemnly assumed diplomatic covenants about
“open cities”, had secretly carried out intensive bombing of such
open cities in Germany for the express purpose of killing enough
unarmed and defenceless men and women to force the German
government reluctantly to retaliate and bomb British cities and thus
kill enough helpless British men, women, and children to generate
among Englishmen enthusiasm for the insane war to which their
government had committed them.
It is impossible to imagine a governmental act more vile and
more depraved than contriving death and suffering for its own
people – for the very citizens whom it was exhorting to “Ioyalty”
– and I suspect that an act of such infamous and savage treason
would have nauseated even Genghis Khan or Hulagu or Tamerlane, Oriental barbarians universally reprobated for their insane
blood-lust. History, so far as I recall, does not record that they ever butchered their own women and children to facilitate lying propaganda.
You are writing about the so-called “Torchman order”.
No, this is not the Katyn massacre (you can read the story in my link).
This is the story about a mass grave near Minsk containing about 200 000 – 300 000 locals, which was widely attributed to the Nazis, but in the late 80ies when the Soviet archives were opened Gorbachev admitted, that the people murdered were victims of executions of Stalin’s Secret police (the NKVD) between 1933 and 1941.
Ironically, the conquest of the Nazis of the area STOPPED the executions.
Thank you for this wonderful article. You have shown quite clearly that a measly fourteen million Israelites control the lives of around eight billion Gentiles. We Gentiles have IQs that are so extremely low, and a morality that are so selfish, that we can’t understand who controls us, and even if we did understand it, we would do nothing since we have very poor morality. Metaphorically speaking, we Gentiles are the equivalent of mindless Sociopathic baboons, and the Israelites will treat us as such. The Israelites will use our “attractive” females for sex, and use our males for labor, We Gentiles have no future. After the Israelites have completely used us, they will throw us away with their sewage.
Thus, we Gentiles are nothing more than sewage, genetically and evolutionarily speaking.
I talked to the Gentiles in my nation of USA. I travel a lot, and in my conversations with the Gentiles, they explained their concerns. The Gentiles that have IQs above 120 told me that they are overall happy – they told me that they make enough money to get regular sex and purchase products and services that keep them sufficiently happy. But, those Gentiles with IQs below 120 told me that they are not as happy as they could be, because they can’t purchase as much products and services as they like to make them optimally happy. They told me that they want more stuff and services, but that the cost is too high due to inflation.
Thank you.
Yukon Jackass says:
“The Jew fears a Hitler repeat. Jews fear Donald Trump might turn on them – that is why we hear them calling him Hitler. The Jews know damn well what they are doing …..blah blah blah..”
😂 Are you on drugs?
How can you compare a scumbag, casino owner, thieve and criminal like Trump to Adolf Hitler?
You must be out of your mind.
Have some respect for the Fuhrer!
Have you ever seen the Fuhrer making faces like that piece of shit, clown and Jew lover does?
Scroll up and look at his face, manipulating the stupid, overweight, retarded American evangelists.
‘the depth of your historical illiteracy is breathtaking…’
I read about half-way through your post. Most of what you’d claimed to that point was partially or wholly untrue.
At the risk of appearing antisemitic -- okay, it is antisemitic -- ever tried negotiating with a Jew?
'US foreign policy is based on appeasing the Jewish state'
‘At the risk of appearing antisemitic — okay, it is antisemitic — ever tried negotiating with a Jew?
This shit will work in rural Oregon — I can get you twenty percent off anything — but Jews…’
Upon reflection, I think I’ll withdraw this remark. I can’t say I’ve really had any experiences that justify it.
I am not can corroborate any statement I made every one, I actually know history and don’t appreciate some double digit IQ moron responding like a school yard bully. Try prager article I linked written so any dope can comprehend. If you have any intelligent rebuttal which can be sourced feel free to post otherwise go back to mom’s basement and the dark web
Actually, according to the latest DNA info we have available, ashkenazi are roughly 50% middle eastern semitic (from the male line), and 50% White gentile European (from the female line).
I agree, Ashkenazis (White) are responsible…
Ashkenazim originated in Turkey.
What always astounds me is that, no matter what roadblocks you put in front of the jew to stop their domination of OUR societies, their rabbis and elites will plot 24/7 to find a way around the roadblocks.
If you took private money out of politics TOTALLY ie with no corrupt jobs after politics (in other words delayed bribery)etc, the Jewintern would be much reduced in control.
There should be a total ban on jewish organizations and centers of talmudic and judaic studies. The supremacist lunacy must be outlawed. This will save the host society and the younger generations of jews.
“They are all potential or actual traitors, supporting career grifters such as AIPAC and other Israel Lobby critters.”
— Correct.
” the second most dangerous foreign “gang†in both the USA and Canada is the Ukrainian diaspora”
–all leading zionists such as Jabotinsky, Begin, Meyer, midgety “ben Gurion,” Galant, bibi, et al. have their ancestral roots in the shtetls of western Ukraine/eastern Poland/Byelorussia. Not only they belong to the second-rate stock of cultural degenerates and fanatics a la Menachem Schneerson (a rabid jewish supremacist, with the evil eyes, and founder of Chabad cult), but they might be related to banderites (self-proclaimed Ukrainian Nazis). Dmitri Orlov, while pondering on the cruelty and stupidity of followers of Stepan Bandera (a prominent Nazi collaborator), mentioned a specific mineral content of the soil in western Ukraine. Perhaps zionists and banderites are afflicted by the same mental problems due to mineral deficiency: see NAKBA and ongoing Gaza Holocaust and see the banderites-run genocide of Polish children and women during WWII and the banderites eager participation in the ongoing Judea War on Russia. The self-proclaimed Nazis of Azov battalion were welcomed by Israeli and by American jews in US Congress.
Yet Scheerson openly considered all goyim INFERIOR in their souls etc, to Jews. What ‘morality’!
Really, are there ANY goyim in the upper reaches of the Biden regime?
Bat Ye’or is Giselle Littman, a Jew, the creator of the Eurabia conspiracy lunacy. Did you forget that? The rest is bog standard Zionazi Islamophobic shite.
It’s already done. They’re now the government and own the country lock, stock and barrel. The U S of IsraeLIE.
Here is the link. I hope it works this time.
You’re FOS!
What always astounds me is that, no matter what roadblocks you put in front of the jew to stop their domination of OUR societies, their rabbis and elites will plot 24/7 to find a way around the roadblocks.
If you took private money out of politics TOTALLY ie with no corrupt jobs after politics (in other words delayed bribery)etc, the Jewintern would be much reduced in control.
It’s not their country and expelling them will do no good. There’s only one way!
maybe instead of Israeli’s dream of so called “Greater Israel”, they can just take over the whole U.S. of A instead.
You are confused. As Giraldi has pointed out endlessly and hundreds of others. It is American Jews that control America, and those Jews are fanatic Zionists.
‘US foreign policy is based on appeasing the Jewish state’
At the risk of appearing antisemitic — okay, it is antisemitic — ever tried negotiating with a Jew?
This shit will work in rural Oregon — I can get you twenty percent off anything — but Jews? The only race that is worse are dot-Indians.
We should put the Russians in charge. Cut them in for five percent, and we’re still ahead.
Anyway, yank the plug on Israel. After that, we can settle all this reasonably.
Upon reflection, I think I'll withdraw this remark. I can't say I've really had any experiences that justify it.
'At the risk of appearing antisemitic — okay, it is antisemitic — ever tried negotiating with a Jew?This shit will work in rural Oregon — I can get you twenty percent off anything — but Jews...'
Yeah, but they shouldn’t genocide innocents in Gaza either, but alas….
As a wise man once said, “jews don’t have any sense of universal morality. They simply believe what is good for the jews is “moral” and what is bad for the jews is “immoral”.”
Thus, if a lie is “good for the jews”, it is “moral” in the jewish mind.
Just always remember this, and you will understand 90% or more of the jews out there.
From earlier this year, another archetypical example of Jewish malevolence in the media:
Trump, at Fund-Raiser, Says He Wants Immigrants From ‘Nice’ Countries
Former President Donald J. Trump, speaking at a multimillion-dollar fund-raiser on Saturday night, lamented that people were not immigrating to the United States from “nice†countries “like Denmark†… “These are people coming in from prisons and jails. They’re coming in from just unbelievable places and countries, countries that are a disaster,†Mr. Trump told his guests, according to the attendee. …
He then appeared to refer to an episode during his presidency when he drew significant criticism after an Oval Office meeting with federal lawmakers about immigration during which he described Haiti and some nations in Africa as “shithole countries,†compared with places like Norway.
Two Jews working for the NYT are aghast that Trump would suggest that migrants from Denmark would be more suitable than those from third world countries, and that the reason Norway is a nice place compared to Haiti is due to the differences between Norwegians and Haitians.
At this point, there is no other explanation: Jews in the media who write this stuff cannot be ignorant of the reality of innate/genetic racial differences that make some migrants more suitable than others, so this kind of article is nothing more than a malign attack on Whites and white America.
Assuming it doesn’t lead to a catastrophic war, the US can easily recover from having a foreign policy corrupted by Jewish influence — but it will be much more difficult (to say the least) to recover from the accelerating demographic corruption happening now, so the latter is a far more important issue — people need to understand that.
Mostly I’m not a very serious guy.
But I will give you a serious response.
Russia is owned and controlled by Jews.
You better believe it.
For the Putin freaks around, just research who are the Russian Oligarchs then check Jewpedia.
80 % at least are Jews.There’s loads of videos on rumble and bitchube about Jewish influence in Moscow and Russia. Rabbi’s saying that they own 95 % of Russian businesses, private property etc etc
You can use jewgoogle and give in keywords Russia 2050 Islam. Normally an article should pop up explaining that Islam will become the dominant Russian religion and fast. Muslim woman are submissive, they stay at home for the children and they have many kids, at least those Muslims in the Russian republic . Russian woman aren’t family orientated not any more . Abortions in Russia are at all time highs just like in Poland the Great European white hope. Both Russia and Poland have extremely grey populations, majority olds folks almost no young people.
Goodbye White Russians luckily the cocktail drink will never go extinct .
Most western Jews are Neo liberals capitalists.
Many Russian Jews are communist , some of them do not support Israhel.
Doesn’t really matter as in the end Neo Liberal capitalism will cease to exist. Worthless money , outsourcing of everything and inflation will do that job. In 50 years most westerners will live in some form of social housing . Only the rich and famous will be financially able to buy land or own a house . Blackrock and Vanguard will take over. In the Netherlands for example already more than 40 % of the Dutch live in social housing blocs, being it appartements or houses state owned. That’s because private investors in Holland have made it impossible for normal people without funded parents to own property. Private investors choose property because it goes up in value , not like the inflation based Dollar , Pound or Euro. The Jews offcourse are richer than ever, they know how to play the up and down’s unlike the goyim. Jews are financial wizards and heavily into nepotism. That’s why we have so many rich Jews.
Neo Liberal capitalism will lead to socialism at least for us normal folks / goyim.
You will own nothing and be happy
That’s what’s coming. Also in Russia
And still they throw the term. “Anti-Semitism / Semite” around like it still has some power…
Mehdi Hasan debunks Zionist arguments in live debateJournalist Mehdi Hasan debunked Zionist arguments at a live debate in front of a largely pro-Israel audience. Hasan debated against the notion that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism with Israeli journalist Gideon Levy, while Israel lobbyist Douglas Murray and Natasha Hausdorff of UK Lawyers for Israel argued in favour. Hasan called out the audience for booing Oxfam as he read out a list of organisations that had condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza.
Sorry to be disagreeable, but I must disagree. Jews are incapable of this, as has been shown over the last 2,000+ years.
Their choices should be to accept the graciously offered nationality of their host countries and be loyal citizens,
I note that you are playing straw man also with, e.g., Skeptikal — see:
I invite you and Skeptikal (and all other Unz commenters) to review this comment, — which includes a substantial string of excerpts of a COUNTERPUNCH article written by an attorney who is Hasidic.
I invite other commenters to review also the several other comments of our comments-exchange* appearing under this Unz Review article:
I shall not continue to respond to whatever more you may post respecting the topics addressed expressly or implicitly in the above-linked comment. That comment breaks your shtick.
* [ The phrase “our comments-exchange” means all of your comments replying to mine and all my comments responding to those of your comments. ]
Jews are driving this country into destruction, and the World into WW3.
Phil Giraldi for World Emperor.
Vladimir Putin for Warden of the Prison of the Chosen.
Phil… please educate VVP regarding Zhydi, will you?
is this the Katyn forest massacre ? it has been debunked for many many years as a nazi atrocity.
the depth of your historical illiteracy is breathtaking As I suggested to ron in the time of his late life “awakening” which can only be explained as necessary for a genius who has spent the bulk of his life with his nose buried in the NYTs (Aquinas had much to say about his type in the last months of his life) you should contact david horowitz or michael finch at frontpage and request a copy of a pamphlet david wrote a few years back about 19 compact pages which explains what should not have to be explained to a public intellectual of your reputation and stature, the history the middle east from time immemorial to date. The Jews predate the hottentots by several thousand years and have suffered under their criminal actions in institutions such as dhimmitude and pogroms (try bat y’eor british historian specializing on this topic all books real page turners) for entire time At the time the balfour declaration was made there were 900K indigenous jews dispersed in region who lost everything and had to have a place t9 go; Notice how they NEVER invoke right of return ? Euro jews came after war. I just read yesterday the last Jew in yemen had died and was buried. What we call yemen was once an area with a very large jewish community who had to flee. “From the river to the sea” was an expression for the land mass the jews were to be given from balfour and sykes picot agreements
I do not disagree with much you have to say even though my personal life for 7 decades has been one of intimate involvement with jews I am less than thrilled with I perceive their direct interference in the financial and social policies in the west disrupting the mores and folkways of our culture. I find them very socially annoying at times The insidious manner in which they have insinuated themselves into body politic should be countered and stopped. But I have never agreed with lobby culture in DC and NYC and felt it all should be stopped. I can tell u some very interesting stories about how the UJA worked very hard and effectively to end the carter administration as i knew the organisation’s president and most prominent member.
here is today’s post from Dennis prager and there is nothing in it which cannot be corroborated if u choose. Incidentally the Hag al-Husseini was the person who convinced the three H’s hitler, heydrich and himmler that mass extermination was possible. If dennis does not meet your intellectual standards I might also suggest Dr. Bill Warner (not jewish) who surrendered his career in physics to found the center for the study of political islam.
I read about half-way through your post. Most of what you'd claimed to that point was partially or wholly untrue.
'the depth of your historical illiteracy is breathtaking...'
In Israel, however, prominent figures and members of the public viewed the massacre and the fire as the perfect way to celebrate a religious holiday.
Sunday was Lag BaOmer, a Jewish holiday where people across Israel light bonfires as a representation of spiritual light brought by Shimon bar Yochai, a revered second-century rabbi.
Usually, the day’s most prominent celebration is found on Mount Meron at Shimon bar Yochai’s tomb, where a large bonfire is lit and tens of thousands of worshippers gather in one of the largest mass events in the Jewish world.
he wrote The Book of Zohar, the most important book of Kabbalah.
Where would they go? Who would have them?
The present deal — projecting Jewish power as though it is English power or U.S. power, or NATO as though NATO has legitimate agency in a multi polar world — is fooling fewer and fewer people.
It looks to me as though the Zionist/Jews, having been outed for whom they really are, and what their intentions are — as some of their spokespersons publicly admit — is still a dangerous camarilla.
Their loyalties clearly are exclusively to their Jewish brethren — their tribe — and no one else. The Goy are not as stupid as they would have you believe. But the Goy most certainly have been mesmerized and seduced and gaslight and brainwashed by Jewish intention and perfidy.
There are two histories running side by side. One can be traced to certain definite markers Jews promulgated over the Centuries that gave them a powerful instrumental wedge Jews naturally sought to keep as secret as possible. In other words to de-emphasize these various markers while leaving out the connections and links between them. And paradoxically emphasize them as beneficial rather than dangerously harmful to everyone except the Jews.
Jews do not want societies to be independent of their agency. One example: Supposing every house had a small nuclear powered generator, there would be no necessity for the electrical grid. Suppose these generators could be scaled up for factories. Once the cost of each nuclear generator was paid for we would not receive a monthly bill from Con-Ed would we?
Sorry to be disagreeable, but I must disagree. Jews are incapable of this, as has been shown over the last 2,000+ years.
Their choices should be to accept the graciously offered nationality of their host countries and be loyal citizens,
I think you missed that I said, “should be.”
Their choices should be to accept the graciously offered nationality of their host countries and be loyal citizens,
Sorry to be disagreeable, but I must disagree. Jews are incapable of this, as has been shown over the last 2,000+ years.
Their religion is a supremacist exclusionary religion and it has impacted its culture. So even non religious jews are ethnic supremacists and chauvinists that think their hosts are simply existing to serve them. Just think of how all jews whine endlessly when you dare to object to their “what’s best for the jews” agendas. They relentlessly attack their hosts any time their hosts object to the jews pushing a jews-first agenda.
Unfortunately for White gentiles, they only get away with their bullsht in our countries simply because of their phenotype. They look like us, so most White gentiles have absolutely no clue that a foreign tribe is among them, subverting their will at every opportunity.
These people have been a plague on White gentiles for centuries. The only way they could ever be “loyal” is if they were FORCED to intermarry with their hosts and were disallowed from marrying other jews forever. They won’t do this en masse though, as their culture/religious cult disallows it.
Gosh! You mean the Soviets killed their own? Who would have imagined?
Some years back, after the Soviet archives were opened, I recall reading about a Stalin Order (alleged?) that created units dressed as “Germans” to slaughter as many civilians as possible so that the Germans could be blamed. That would fit nicely with Carlos Porter’s book MADE IN RUSSIA: THE HOLOCOST which walks through the “evidence” presented by the Soviets and how ridiculous it is.
To punish warriors who, against overwhelming odds, fought
for their country with a courage and determination that excited the
wonder of the world, and deliberately to kill them because they were
not cowards and traitors, because they did not betray their nation
- that was an act of vileness of which we long believed our race
incapable. And to augment the infamy of our act, we stigmatized them
as "War Criminals" which they most certainly were not, for if that
phrase has meaning, it applies to traitors who knowingly involve
their nations in a war contrived to inflict loss, suffering, and death
on their own people, who are thus made to fight for their own effective defeat - traitors such as Churchill, Roosevelt, and their white
Spaight had
committed what was an appalling indiscretion, an almost unbelievable breach of national secrecy. He not only admitted - he boasted
- that Great Britain, in violation of all the ethics of civilized warfare
that had theretofore been respected by our race, and in treacherous violation of solemnly assumed diplomatic covenants about
"open cities", had secretly carried out intensive bombing of such
open cities in Germany for the express purpose of killing enough
unarmed and defenceless men and women to force the German
government reluctantly to retaliate and bomb British cities and thus
kill enough helpless British men, women, and children to generate
among Englishmen enthusiasm for the insane war to which their
government had committed them.
It is impossible to imagine a governmental act more vile and
more depraved than contriving death and suffering for its own
people - for the very citizens whom it was exhorting to "Ioyalty"
- and I suspect that an act of such infamous and savage treason
would have nauseated even Genghis Khan or Hulagu or Tamerlane, Oriental barbarians universally reprobated for their insane
blood-lust. History, so far as I recall, does not record that they ever butchered their own women and children to facilitate lying propaganda.
Amos Hochstein is in tight with the gas interests, maneuvering to steal Palestine’s mineral assets.
Per Google:
“Hochstein was born in Israel, the child of American Jewish immigrants. He served in the Israeli Defense Forces as a tank crewman prior to moving to Washington.” , April 2021:
“Politico reported on Wednesday that National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is vetting Amos Hochstein for a role negotiating to kill an oil pipeline between Germany and Russia. This might sound like a positive development for Biden’s foreign policy on climate change — until you learn that Hochstein, until September 2020, was a marketing executive at the gasoline giant Tellurian.
If he gets the job, Hochstein will not be fighting to end the Nord Stream 2 pipeline out of any significant concern for fossil fuels’ devastating impact on our planet. His concern will be that Russia, instead of U.S. oil firms, would gain influence and profit in Germany.
Hochstein previously served in the Obama State Department, where his job was essentially to secure access to global oil fields on behalf of putatively American multinational Big Oil firms. He is a strong believer in petroleum as a tool for diplomacy, especially when that results in the United States gaining both fuel and foreign influence.
Here are a few of the most alarming aspects of Amos Hochstein’s history: . . . ”
[please continue reading; this guy is bad news]]
How much more evidence do youse need that the Nord Stream 2 sabotage and the Gaza genocide are part of the same plan.
The most important gas pipeline still runs from Russia through Ukraine to Europe. This also narcs off the Yanks. They want to control that, too. The Ukes’ shenanigans with this pipeline —stealing the gas; playing games with the EU—were a source of endless hassles for Russia long before 2014.
That is why Nord Stream 2 was built in the first place, fer chrissakes.
Ukrainians, like Jews, just don’t seem to notice when they are actually treated decently and given a helping hand (i.e., by the Soviets/Russians).
Jesus Christ!
Ivanka and Jared seem to be the real drivers of Trump’s Jewish shtick (aside from the Benjamins, of course . . .)
Didn’t an important Chabad fellow kick the bucket in Jerusalem just a couple of days ago?
Ah, the great Douglas Reed. A highly acclaimed journalist from the War Years who was vilified for calling out the Jew after the war. He spoke the truth and was labeled a virulent anti Semite and eventually self exiled to Rhodesia.
Douglas Reed, we who know the TRUTH salute you!
Does anyone know for certain how much power and influence Jews wield in Russia under Putin.
I’d like to think it’s very little, but afraid of getting my hopes up.
Syria’s oil is sort of a consolation prize for the US being run out of Iraq, which wasn’t supposed to happen.
🇮🇱🇱🇧⚡ï¸âš¡ï¸MUSTTT WATCH: Hezbollah released a video showing its drones capturing images of sensitive Israeli sites, including chemical and oil storage facilities and the entire port of Haifa, while the Iron Dome remains unaware.
— Raw Talk (@TalkNewz) June 18, 2024
The link is not working for me?
It’s their fault. There are plenty of minorities in the United States (for example Asians) who don’t struggle and deceive to gain positions of power in the government/ media/ finance and exploit them for ethnic group self interest.
It’s true. Jews will never feel at home anywhere they plant their feet.
Prior generations used the term: “grasping Jew” to describe Jewish behavior.
With anyone spending 5 minutes around a Jew understanding its meaning.
Nothing’s changed except the semantics.
I read her whole article and she didn't mention the big one why Israel is fake. Israel is fake because the Holy Bible is a hoax. The myth that animates Israel - the part that claims Almighty God chose Abraham after he tested him to take his son Isaac up the mountain to kill him - that never happened. No god told Abraham to commit murder as a test of loyalty. That is a horrendous gang initiation story, the writers of that story wanted to inculcate blind obedience to authority - and that myth is what animates the horrible nation called Israel - people who follow orders and blindly murder because some psychopath named Netanyahu says so.
Australian journalist Caitlin Johnstone observes that “Everything about Israel is fake. It’s a completely synthetic nation created without any regard for the organic sociopolitical movements of the land and its people, slapped rootless atop an ancient pre-existing civilization with deep roots. That’s why it cannot exist without being artificially propped up by nonstop propaganda, lobbying, online influence operations, and mass military violence.â€
Mythologists have traced the roots of the Torah from ancient texts and archeologists have confirmed it. Moses was derived from Mises. The Exodus never happened. The ancient Israelites never existed. The Torah texts are pure literary fiction, not historical events.
It is an interesting fact that the names of Isaac and Ishmael are derive from Sanskrit: (Hebrew) Ishaak = (Sanskrit) Ishakhu = “Friend of Shiva.†(Hebrew) Ishmael = (Sanskrit) Ish-Mahal = “Great Shiva.â€
The bottom line is that we now know the Torah is a grand literary hoax that fooled mankind for thousands of years - but unfortunately those stories have a hold on men's minds - and Israel is this fake nation created from fake religious literature. All kinds of fake Jews, peoples from Eastern Europe and elsewhere, have descended onto Palestine to ACT out a Bible SCRIPT. Leaving their conscience behind, these fake Jews like Benjamin Mileikowsky (both parents Polish) have decided to fight Amalek. Makes sense doesn't it? Let's all pretend we are Jews and pretend the Torah is historical, and pretend Israel is our ancestral home, and pretend Yahweh is real, and pretend the world is out to get us, and all descend upon Palestine and kill everything in the name of our fake book to our fake god.
UK Independent - ABRAHAM, Jacob, Moses, King David, and King Solomon in all his splendour, never existed, a 15-year study of archaeological evidence has concluded.
The study - by Professor Thomas Thompson, one of the world's foremost authorities on biblical archaeology - says that the first 10 books of the Old Testament are almost certainly fiction, written between 500 and 1,500 years after the events they purport to describe.
Professor Thompson's claims, outlined in a new book, The Early History of the Israelite People, are being taken seriously by scholars.
The British Museum's leading expert on the archaeology of the Holy Land, Jonathan Tubb, said last week: 'Professor Thompson may well be right in many of his arguments. His book is a work of tremendous scholarship. He has been meticulous in his research, and brave in expressing what many of us have thought intuitively for a long time but have been reticent in saying.'
Professor Thompson - from Marquette University in Milwaukee - says that there is a complete absence of archaeological and historical evidence for many events portrayed in the Bible. The inevitable conclusion, he argues, is that the Israelite exile in Egypt, the Exodus and the Israelite conquest of the Promised Land never took place.
The Abraham-Isaac story is consider a "sacred" narrative, it is not, it is a psychotic narrative believed by dupes and animated by psychopaths like all the prime ministers of Israel - who are not semites - who have all changed their names to pretend they are long lost natives. So what is driving men mad to risk their lives and move to a foreign land and fight a war against he natives? Myth. The Power of Myth. Myth that says god chose me, not you, so I must kill you as god commands. Israel is not just fake, Israel is the psychosis of the Holy Bible being acted out by men with little self esteem, no morality, no spirituality, no sense of fairness, or right and wrong. Israel is the nation animated by the blood lust of the Old Testament. Those that believe Israel is the holy land and the path to heaven are deluded fools creating hell on earth. But try telling them that!Replies: @anonymous, @Redpill Boomer, @Odyssey, @John Trout, @Bama, @HT, @Rev. Spooner, @Madbadger, @Eduardo
Benyamin Mileikowsky (aka Netanyahu) was born to Benzion Mileikowsky (later changed names to Netanyahu), a polish immigrant. His American father became secretary to terrorist leader Vladimir Yevgenyevich Zhabotinsky (aka Zeev Jabotinsky) founder of “revisionist†Zionism and supported groups like Irgun terrorist organization during the mandate in Palestine. His son continues to idolize these early Jewish terrorists. Both Benjamin and his brother served in units of the Israeli forces responsible for assassinations on foreign lands (in violations of international law) and committed other war crimes.
Very very good comment, thank you
🚨🇸🇦🇮🇱🇵🇸 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman calls for Netanyahu to be held accountable for Israeli crimes against Palestinians
He also demanded an end to the illegal occupation and recognition of the "State of Palestine" with the 1967 border and Jerusalem as its capital.
— The Saviour (@stairwayto3dom) June 18, 2024
No not at all sorry for the cryptic rely. Simply meant that is time goes on we’re going to have to revert the things that are not legal to resist this bullshit
“…the alarmingly pro-Israel measures that have been advanced by an ignorant and reckless Donald Trump followed by the totally mindless and heedless Joe Biden.”
Seems to support Anglin’s thesis.
Don't be fooled by the so called "anti israel jews".
When they are finally confronted with something that doesn’t fit the narrative (like anti-Israel Jews) they freak out because their entire personality is deeply intertwined with their false belief system.
Yeah, I agree with your point, KE-I. One indicator thereof is the fact that such groups don’t seem to embrace any actual Palestinians nor are they trying to donate or organize any restitution for them, as other people might.
My point was more about the freak-out lady and her tirade.
This lady was batshit crazy, but usually, the reason they are all much more differential to their own brethren then to perceived enemies is the fact that they’re aware of the tribal survival strategy of being in control of all narratives including those opposing each other, so they see each other as just fulfilling different roles.
But to your point, there’s also another category of Jewish, anti-Israeli protestor, namely the opportunists who want to leverage their largely cosmetic protest and temporary very limited hardships ensuing from them in order to control the narrative in the future claiming that any generalizations don’t apply to them because they were against the genocide.
I agree, Ashkenazis (White) are responsible…
Actually, according to the latest DNA info we have available, ashkenazi are roughly 50% middle eastern semitic (from the male line), and 50% White gentile European (from the female line).
Which interesting enough makes ashkenazis not even jewish by jewish law, as the female line is European gentile, and not jewish.
If you took private money out of politics TOTALLY ie with no corrupt jobs after politics (in other words delayed bribery)etc, the Jewintern would be much reduced in control.
What always astounds me is that, no matter what roadblocks you put in front of the jew to stop their domination of OUR societies, their rabbis and elites will plot 24/7 to find a way around the roadblocks.
I think the only way to free our countries from their grip is total expulsion. They simply never stop working to subvert others nations for their selfish interests.
They have their own country now. They should all move there and stop destroying/subverting our nations.
The latest US Administration bloke to emerge from the woodwork is one Hochstein who has been sent as a special representative to try and get Hezbollah to call off its attacks on Israel. Give you one guess as to which country he is actually representing.
Currently reading The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed. It goes a long way in explaining who these people really are and how we have gotten to this point. They only gain power through the help of foreign entities…like the Zionists in our government.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are members of Chabad Lubavitch. Chabad Lubavitch is a movement within Hasidic Judaism that follows the doctrines of the Talmud and Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism). Chabad Lubavitch is the most deeply Kabbalistic of all Jewish sects. It is the Kabbalistic group in Judaism which is actively working to bring a Messiah to earth. Today, Chabad Lubavitch, has placed increasing emphasis on the imminence of the Messiah’s arrival. Jared and Ivanka have visited and prayed at the grave site of Menachem Mendal Schneerson’s gravesite the seventh and most recent rabbi of the Chabad Lubavitch movement
Schneerson’s burial place attracts Jews and non-Jews for prayer and those awaiting his
resurrection. At gatherings of their youth organizations, children chant, “We want Ma-shi¬akh (Messiah) now.†Kabbalistic Jews believe that there will be a Messiah, but that he can only come if the Kabbalistic Jews prepare a way for him.
Beginning in 1978 with U.S. President Jimmy Carter a delegation of Chabad Lubavitch leading
Rabbis have met each year with every U.S. President in the oval office for the signing of a
proclamation commemorating the anniversary of the birth of their leader Rebbe/ Rabbi Menachem
M. Schneerson and marking the day as “Education Day, U.S.A†(Photo of President Donald Trump meeting with Chabad Lubavitch Rabbis
In March 1991, as part of “Education Day, U.S.Aâ€, both houses of Congress passed a bill H.J. Res 104, which was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush and became Public Law No. 102-14.16 The language of the law asserts that the “Seven Noahide Laws†(Talmudic Laws) are the ethical values of civilized society and are the basis on which the American nation was founded and that without these Seven Noahide Laws society stands in peril. It also states that it is our nation’s responsibility to transmit these ethical values to the generations of the future and that in the future the President of the United States will sign an “international scroll†pledging to return the world
to the Seven Noahide Laws through education and charity. The law also celebrates the birthday of
Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, the leader of the Chabad Lubavitch movement who along with this organization has been dedicated to spreading and fostering the Seven Noahide Laws in society. In 1994, he was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his “outstanding and
lasting contributions toward improvements in world education, morality, and acts of charity.â€
This information is from pgs. 17-18 & 28-29 of a larger document–Summary-of-Lucifer-and-the-Kabbalistic-Jews--Teresa-Hillebrandt.pdf
“Jews really need to live only among themselves in their own nation of Israel. They will only cause grief and conflict in any society they gain power in (due to their backstabbing, and group selfishness).”
Israel is not “their own country.”
Obviously, they have caused immeasurable grief and conflict in the country, Palestine, in which they gained power through thievery, grief, and conflict and immeasurable group selfishness—all with the support of Britain and now the USA as well.
Jews are not a majority anywhere.
Their choices should be to accept the graciously offered nationality of their host countries and be loyal citizens, or be forever viewed as a dangerous potential fifth column.
We really need to fix the nationality thing. AFAIK, Jews are the only people whose dual citizenship is a danger to their “home” countries. They are all potential or actual traitors, supporting career grifters such as AIPAC and other Israel Lobby critters.
Others with dual citizenship (say, Irish, Italian, even German) are not ganging up with other dual citizens of the same foreign country to undermine the USA.
Actually, the second most dangerous foreign “gang” in both the USA and Canada is the Ukrainian diaspora (not counting the current army of illegal aliens, still an unknown quantity, politically).
TBH when I first read about this—the power of the Ukraine diaspora— at The Saker blog about 10 years ago the idea seemed ridiculous. No more!!
Sorry to be disagreeable, but I must disagree. Jews are incapable of this, as has been shown over the last 2,000+ years.
Their choices should be to accept the graciously offered nationality of their host countries and be loyal citizens,
Yiddish literature?
Ruth Wisse — a professor emeritus of Yiddish Literature at Harvard University
Larry Summers wrecked Harvard.
Or, he was the most obvious symptom of Harvard’s being set up for being wrecked primarily by behind-the-scenes Jewish interests/big donors.
So you are in favor of conscripted US youths being sent to fight an undeclared war.
Here we go again!
We’ve Seen This “Antisemitism Crisis On The Left” Script Before.
Caitlan Johnstone
It sure is a crazy coincidence how western politicians and media always start urgently telling us about an invisible epidemic of left wing antisemitism every time western military ties to Israel are subjected to widespread public scrutiny.
It’s getting bad, and it will likely get worse.
The mass media are filling up with op-eds and cable news segments about how antisemitic leftist anti-genocide protesters are becoming….
From news report. The jews are worried artificial intelligence will spread disinformation on the holocaust. You have to read this bullshit holy smokes. Lol
Johnson should stick to Ukraine, Gaza etc. He holds court on too many subjects at times, including those he knows little about, WW2 Germany, the Holocaust and so forth. He often makes comments about the Germans to make points about the West and Russia today that expose his ignorance of that subject. It becomes irritating after a while.
American Cosa Nostra had long standing rules about leaving mothers, wives and children out of it. Not so with the Mafia in Italy –
Not if you are referring to European colonialism in Africa which by and large brought far more good than ill to those countries. As in hospitals, roads, irrigation, agriculture advances, etc. That is why Robert Mugabe was begging back the whites he expelled.
Israel's controlled American government and mainstream media, among other institutions, for quite some time now. 'Stronger' is usually a matter of witnessing an concentrated surge of the same old bullying.The silver lining is the prospect of the younger generation's exposure to the world's first live-streamed genocide. They're clearly distinguishing themselves from our gradually fading zioboomers, primed to supplant them and steer us away from the disastrous foreign policy we've endured for so long.It's happening on both the left and the right, but it's going to take time, patience, and effort to get there.May it come sooner than expected.Replies: @Rev. Spooner, @Ozark Grandpa, @Miss Elegant
Israel’s Control Over America Grows Ever Stronger
The same younger generation that does not care a whit about million-scum march through open borders, the urban violence that has destroyed our once beautiful cities, or sex change operations for five year olds. Be careful of what you wish for. They are not just against Israel, they are against “the West”. That is why Israel is clinging on us for life–that if they go, we, the Christian West, go down with them.
As if the older generation has done or would do anything to affect any difference about these matters. Why do you think these issues are now a problem to begin with?They didn't develop with Gen Zers, that much is certain. IMO, the younger right has more of a spine to deal with them.
The same younger generation that does not care a whit about million-scum march through open borders, the urban violence that has destroyed our once beautiful cities, or sex change operations for five year olds. Be careful of what you wish for.
The Holohoax continues to be the ultimate litmus test.
The Italian Mafias do not hate non-members of their organisations, nor consider them lesser creatures with inferior souls. I find it hard to imagine Mafiosi happily slaughtering children and babies, as the Judaic scriptures demand, and the Zionazis do with joy.
Low Key on DDN has a rather informative segment outlining how the Jewintern has bought and controls BOTH major parties in the UK. If you took private money out of politics TOTALLY ie with no corrupt jobs after politics (in other words delayed bribery)etc, the Jewintern would be much reduced in control.
Not totally of course, but laws to limit concentrated financial power would further weaken them. Otherwise the logic of Judaism and Zionazism makes a global catastrophe, for Jew and goyim alike, inevitable. Of course climate destabilisation gives us only a few decades left to cut our own throats in some other fashion, but we’re definitely up to the challenge.
What always astounds me is that, no matter what roadblocks you put in front of the jew to stop their domination of OUR societies, their rabbis and elites will plot 24/7 to find a way around the roadblocks.
If you took private money out of politics TOTALLY ie with no corrupt jobs after politics (in other words delayed bribery)etc, the Jewintern would be much reduced in control.
Thanks Phil – your message is not new but cannot be said enough. The Amerikan Conservative is the poorer for your removal. Maybe they should just shorten their name to The Amerikan Cons