True some miserable little government scribe arrogates to himself the sanction of marriage. These judeo-wasp-papists are spawned from some dark force.
There isn’t anything in the universe more feminine, more female, than giving birth, and all you self-fancied masculine men are more obsessed with it than women EVER were. Lol. It’s so ironic. Your biggest dream in life is nesting down with a clutch of eggs and brooding over them like a goddamn hen. So masculine.
Breeders are such liars. Everyone is popping out brats for purely selfish reasons like free labor and passing on muh name but frames his sexual incontinence as a job or a duty. No one in the world believes that duty to society or god horseshit. No one is man enough to admit he just wants a slave or a mini-me.
No religion has pushed the LGBT agenda more than the Vatican II Catholic Church. The runners up being the Anglicans and the Church of Satan.
The Catholic view of marriage as forever between one man and one woman and about children as it is love is not the US's concept of marriage. Media opinions come and go of the pope. Modernly they want to model him into something that he is not, for clickbait aimed a largely Protestant cultured audience. Pope Francis has said a few things about civil law that anyone can disagree with. His view that marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman, with no remarriage possible while both spouses are alive, that produces life is simply Catholic teaching. Protestantism produced "advancements" in birth control and divorce, which eventually simply led to the idea that families are about personal happiness and nothing more. Most US Protestants have no idea that until the 1930's, most Christians agreed birth control even in marriage was equivalent to fornication. In other words, this is the Judeo-Protestant view being forced on the world. The appearance alphabet crew is about a complete collapse of morality in more normal sexual relations. Marriage became about "love" after the 1960's and not the children. We have not recovered from that collapse. Out of wedlock births almost the norm, even in European populations. Until people are willing to shame fornicators, avoid divorce for the sake of the children, and generally act like something more than rutting animals in springtime, the open appearance of degeneracy will continue. I'm just sorry to see it's spread to Japan.Replies: @American Health insurance shysters, @Hulkamania
It’s been a slow process, but the USA is succeeding in breaking down traditional Jap arranged/forced marriage and replacing it with judeo-papist love marriage,
You are misinformed. The papist cult changed the definition of marriage at the Council of Trent. It has nothing to do with children, and is solely based on “love” and on the consent of the two individuals. This was a scandal at the time because, traditionally, marriage was a social institution for the purpose of family building that required approval of the parents and of the community at large, whereas the papist perversion introduced at the Council of Trent pulled marriage out of the social realm and placed it entirely in the realm of the individual and directed it as affirming his/her feelings of “love.”
The papists chose to define this nu-marriage as being between man and woman, but no logical explanation was ever given for why. If marriage is about individual feelings of “love,” then it doesn’t really make sense to restrict it in such a way. Protestants later accepted these papist premises, that marriage is about individual fulfillment and the feeling of love, but then tried to make this new theory of marriage logically consistent with itself, which produced fag marriage. Much of the dynamic between papism and protestrashism works in this manner, by the way. Papists will introduce some kind of novel perversion, then Protestants will accept the new perversion but will make it more consistent. That was essentially what Luther and Calvin both did. They uncritically accepted papist premises, but worked through the logic and attempted to eliminate the inconsistencies. Papists tend to have low IQs, since they are usually latinx, blacks, or polacks, so they do not notice the inconsistencies in their doctrines, nor does it bother them when these inconsistencies are brought to their attention. They are simply too stupid to care about having a coherent doctrine. See the low IQ critical race theorist E Michael Jones, for an example. Protestants tend to have higher IQs, so when they are presented with the doctrinal mess that spews out of the papist cult, they at least demand it to make sense and be coherent. Both papists and protestrash are wrong, but for different reasons.
The Catholic view of marriage as forever between one man and one woman and about children as it is love is not the US's concept of marriage. Media opinions come and go of the pope. Modernly they want to model him into something that he is not, for clickbait aimed a largely Protestant cultured audience. Pope Francis has said a few things about civil law that anyone can disagree with. His view that marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman, with no remarriage possible while both spouses are alive, that produces life is simply Catholic teaching. Protestantism produced "advancements" in birth control and divorce, which eventually simply led to the idea that families are about personal happiness and nothing more. Most US Protestants have no idea that until the 1930's, most Christians agreed birth control even in marriage was equivalent to fornication. In other words, this is the Judeo-Protestant view being forced on the world. The appearance alphabet crew is about a complete collapse of morality in more normal sexual relations. Marriage became about "love" after the 1960's and not the children. We have not recovered from that collapse. Out of wedlock births almost the norm, even in European populations. Until people are willing to shame fornicators, avoid divorce for the sake of the children, and generally act like something more than rutting animals in springtime, the open appearance of degeneracy will continue. I'm just sorry to see it's spread to Japan.Replies: @American Health insurance shysters, @Hulkamania
It’s been a slow process, but the USA is succeeding in breaking down traditional Jap arranged/forced marriage and replacing it with judeo-papist love marriage,
Japanland is a usa vassal.
It is astounding to constantly see the homo agenda, used as the tip of the spear to puncture, and kill, every society and culture on the planet! At least for the ones that submit to it.
This is another reason why I attribute much of it to pure Satanism.
Also, it appears, conversely, that if a society WILL reject the homo agenda, it serves as the first bulwark to prevent all of the other degradations that the Satanists use to poison and destroy your society.
Thus- Rejection and/or reversal of the homo agenda, is the most important battle.
(it also works hand in hand with defeating the jew agenda)
This is pretty obvious with Russia.
It’s been a slow process, but the USA is succeeding in breaking down traditional Jap arranged/forced marriage and replacing it with judeo-papist love marriage,
The Catholic view of marriage as forever between one man and one woman and about children as it is love is not the US’s concept of marriage. Media opinions come and go of the pope. Modernly they want to model him into something that he is not, for clickbait aimed a largely Protestant cultured audience. Pope Francis has said a few things about civil law that anyone can disagree with. His view that marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman, with no remarriage possible while both spouses are alive, that produces life is simply Catholic teaching.
Protestantism produced “advancements” in birth control and divorce, which eventually simply led to the idea that families are about personal happiness and nothing more. Most US Protestants have no idea that until the 1930’s, most Christians agreed birth control even in marriage was equivalent to fornication. In other words, this is the Judeo-Protestant view being forced on the world.
The appearance alphabet crew is about a complete collapse of morality in more normal sexual relations. Marriage became about “love” after the 1960’s and not the children. We have not recovered from that collapse. Out of wedlock births almost the norm, even in European populations. Until people are willing to shame fornicators, avoid divorce for the sake of the children, and generally act like something more than rutting animals in springtime, the open appearance of degeneracy will continue. I’m just sorry to see it’s spread to Japan.
Society according to natural law has always embrace the idea that “marriage” was between a man and a woman in order to continue the species with the consent of the society as a whole. I have no fucking idea what the specificities were in Japan before the American occupation since WW II, it being a non-Christian society. In the US, state sanctioned marriage -the need of a marriage license from the state did not happen until around WW I – 1913 being the year the state started taxing income. There was definitely a connection between the two. Until then, one’s documentation from a church or synagogue was sufficient proof of being married. Yes, a minority of people got married by a justice of the peace, but this was different from a state enforced marriage license. Because of this interference from the state, I do not regard “civil marriages” in any way sacred or holy. It just another tool for the gubmint to fuck us over, as if they aren’t doing enough of that. Yes, I know that there are other benefits to “civil marriage” in regard to inheritance and other related issues -which can be provided for by individual actions – but most people being stupid lazy fucks to take such actions -similar to saying blacks cannot procure an ID for themselves, therefore asking for one at the voting booth is discriminatory. This is bullshit because the vast majority of blacks do have IDs. How do you think they are getting their WELLY? From this perspective, I am not overly supportive of “civil marriage” for either faggots or strait folks. But this opens the Pandora’s Box to a whole lot of other shit like “I wanna marry my dog, Rover.” or “Churches, synagogues, mosques etc -MUST recognize same sex marriage or we’ll take away their tax exempt status.” How about Tranny marriage? Does that fall into the same department as gay marriage. I dunno! Do you?
As soon as Japs started accepting the judeo-papist concept of love marriage, that was forced upon them by the USA, it was inevitable that they would also accept fag marriage. If the basis for marriage is “love,” then there is no logical reason that two fags/dykes who profess to love each other should not be allowed to marry. It’s been a slow process, but the USA is succeeding in breaking down traditional Jap arranged/forced marriage and replacing it with judeo-papist love marriage, so it’s only a matter of time before japland is as fagged up as the USA is.
The Catholic view of marriage as forever between one man and one woman and about children as it is love is not the US's concept of marriage. Media opinions come and go of the pope. Modernly they want to model him into something that he is not, for clickbait aimed a largely Protestant cultured audience. Pope Francis has said a few things about civil law that anyone can disagree with. His view that marriage is a sacrament between one man and one woman, with no remarriage possible while both spouses are alive, that produces life is simply Catholic teaching. Protestantism produced "advancements" in birth control and divorce, which eventually simply led to the idea that families are about personal happiness and nothing more. Most US Protestants have no idea that until the 1930's, most Christians agreed birth control even in marriage was equivalent to fornication. In other words, this is the Judeo-Protestant view being forced on the world. The appearance alphabet crew is about a complete collapse of morality in more normal sexual relations. Marriage became about "love" after the 1960's and not the children. We have not recovered from that collapse. Out of wedlock births almost the norm, even in European populations. Until people are willing to shame fornicators, avoid divorce for the sake of the children, and generally act like something more than rutting animals in springtime, the open appearance of degeneracy will continue. I'm just sorry to see it's spread to Japan.Replies: @American Health insurance shysters, @Hulkamania
It’s been a slow process, but the USA is succeeding in breaking down traditional Jap arranged/forced marriage and replacing it with judeo-papist love marriage,
This Anglin post was accurately predicted just yesterday.
The Roman Catholic Church is the only one true church established by the Lord God Jesus Christ to be the seat of his Kingdom on Earth as Christ the King.
Introducing the Feast of Christ the King
Christ the King & Modern Law
Everyone who disparage and mock and try to knock down the Roman Catholic Church is a servant of the devil because they are helping to advance and to raise up his seat as Satan the king and ruler of this earth.
The Great Red Dragon
Everyone who is against Christ the King in the Roman Catholic Church is serving and advancing the kingdom of the Holy Serpent of the Jews
Many people are using the name of Christ to advance the kingdom of Satan the Serpent and most of them are under the payroll of the Great Red Dragon.
Christian Zionists
In the 20th century, the gays hijacked the Vatican as influx of thousands of gays invaded the Roman Catholic Church by becoming imposter priests. Bella Dodd testified before Senate that she recruited 1,100 communists who became imposter priests and some eventually became imposter cardinals and imposter bishops.
The invasion of gays into the Roman Catholic Church is what created the cesspool of pervert pedophile priests who committed sexual crimes against altar boys to destroy the Church – from within – and destroy future priests and future fathers of good Catholic families.
There are FAKE CATHOLICS like Stalin and Hitler as this priest clearly explains it. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are also Fake Catholics.
Talmud Unmasked
What is Judaism.
Jesus was not a Jew
Jesus Was Not A Jew, Either
By Religion Or By Ancestry
The Word Jew Is NOT In The Bible
Israel (Isra-Hell) is the safe haven of criminal pedophiles
What is the Catholic Eucharist versus animal satanic sacrifices
Genocide of Palestinians and Christians in Gaza (videos)
God Cannot and Does Not Bless Sin
God can do whatever God wants to do.
like a clock hand stuck in a spoiled hunk of fat.
WHAT? This had to be written by artificial stupidity.
Not only do they still have altar boys now they have altar girls. Perfect for the pervert priest who can’t make up his mind.
Why have they never ended the total nonsense of priest celibacy and even now don’t let them marry, so altar boys are all they have. Why don’t they end the nonsense of altar boys altogether?
Fr. Michael O’Connor clarifies that Pope Francis did NOT change Church Law and that gay-marriage remains outlawed and forbidden in the Roman Catholic Church.
He said that the Church calls gays to repentance just like Jesus called sinners to repentance of their sins.
Homily of Fr. Michael O’Connor from Mass on December 19, 2023 at Our Lady of the Gulf Catholic Church in Bay St. Louis, MS
Same-sex, blessing? No. Confusion, fear, repentance, truth. Yes.
How the Catholic Church was invaded by the Jews, Freemasons, and communists at the Vatican II Council and they continue until now
Series of 12 videos on the Imposter Popes
Josemaria Escriva was a crypto-Jew
Not John Paul the “Greatâ€, but John Paul the Jew
Genocide of Palestinians and Christians in Gaza (videos)
About the Roman Catholic Church
Bella Dodd recruited more than 1,000 communists who became importer priests, bishops and cardinals. When gay Paul VI became pope, gay men entered to become priests “in drove” to destroy the Catholic Church — from within
Let us remember that homosexuality was never accepted socially or by religion either, but bad times have forced another path in society and the Church of Francis is also doing very badly.
And in bad times you should grab what you can. Which in turn is a sign of more of the same, there will be no changes.
Wouldn’t judging the Church by its admitted but trivial filth leave you, on your own logic, not a complex human being, but a sack of shit?
That should be Roy Rogers and his horse, Trigger, that the Pope will be joining in holy matrimony. Won’t Dale Evans be jealous!
Do I really listen to what this WOKE idiot says? I was raised SOOO Catholic -but I am relatively over it as far as the official church goes.
The fucker is a Jesuit. To me that says it all. Yes, one should not persecute the homosexual, but that does not mean putting rainbow flags up in your churches and blessing gay unions.
The promised Messiah, Jesus Christ The Lord, calls Himself the bread of life (not of discipleship, as such falls under parable(s) of law in order to condemned those fueled by the pride (sin nature) of the first old_man’s life)
-By His Grace, Alejandro Grace Ararat
Whaddaya expect from Pope Francis? Before long he’ll be joining in holy matrimony The Lone Ranger and his faithful steed Trigger.
He basically badgered Catholics to pollute their bodies with the covid19 experimental gene therapies–just imagine the billions of dollars that the thousands of Catholic-run hospitals and clinics raked in on that scam. And, while disallowing those outfits to help put an end to the agonized suffering of the terminally ill, it was no doubt a-ok for them to deny covid infected folks proper treatment and rake in even more moola by killing them through the use of remdesivir and respirators. I wonder how much dough the Vatican has invested in Pfizer and the like. Of course, the Protestant gangs are just as bad in all of this.
But, this Pope ain’t lookin’ too well these days–too many demons runnin’ amok, perhaps. Forget about Dante’s inferno-style eternal damnation, try to imagine what Jesus would write in the dirt about our own sins and pray for forgiveness.
Pope Pervert the First strikes again. May he die soon, and burn in hell forever.
You’re talking about Catholicism, a pedophile cult.
It’s about time the world did away with this filth.
Not all. Half of those who appear to miss the point are politically motivated to feign ignorance of the clearly stated, non-inflammatory meaning, in favor of an inflammatory (false) interpretation, which they premise their insistence to advance their self-serving agendas upon. The remainder consist of those who, merely, parrot, the talking points of their disingenuous MSM propagandists, and that which is deemed the “official†position of their Party (due to their ridiculously pathetic need for validation by others with whom they share Party affiliation), virtue signalers, and those who, truly, qualify as morons (incapable of effectively, deriving accurate meaning from a collection of words which, undeniably, convey it). The individuals who comprise this half, often represent more than a single classification within it.
yes and a homosexual couple likewise doesnt need the state to confirm a 20 year old domestic relation. The point is that MATRIMONY (mater = mother) is an Institution COMMON TO ALL HUMAN CIVILIZATION designed to LEGALLY PROTECT the bond between Biological MOTHER and her biological children. Ron Unz could not have been more clear and correct, or more brief, in his assessment. you may neef to read it again with some pausity.
he didn’t say Polygamy shouldn t be legalized. Are humans unable to read textually when the subject matter is socially sensitive?
Yes, Obviously! Very well put. I am gay and this is exactly my sentiment. I don’t know if Ron Unz is a genius or if everyone else is feigning idiocy. Both could be true
It’s not as if he could just run away to Brazil with $50 billion or so to a life of untold luxury
breaking up russia has been a neocon wetdream for +30 years, wouldn’t it be a delicious irony if it was the u.s. and e.u. that ended up splintered.
Lesbians aren’t involved with much sexual activity at all. They are not porn performers.
And as numerous Imperial propagandists are making plain, on radio and in journals like the Atlantic, the next step is to ‘decolonise’ Russia by splitting it into fragments. These are the most purely Evil devils ever to slither across the world.
Instead, Russian support for a collapsing Israel would likely come in the form of a “humanitarian corridor†enabling Jews to migrate out of Israel. Under these conditions, no sane Jews would be migrating to the US. They will be going elsewhere. The most likely destinations would be Russia itself or the newly liberated territories of former Ukraine.
It could also be that the fighting in Ukraine would be for the Khazars to get back to their Khazarian roots geographically. Even a truncated Galicia in Western Ukraine, landlocked and limited would be better than an inhospitable Palestine. When the Lying Empire flounders, as it will, the Khazars will find a new home, not in Russia, but whence they sprouted.
At the very least Anglin is entertaining and his writing shows passion.
{… if you cannot hold the stuff in your hand with access to it any time you need it, you don’t really own it.}
Excellent point.
It’s even worse than that: even if you physically hold the gold in your hand, the Government — which has the legal monopoly on force/violence, jail/enslavement — can declare our gold “illegal” and demand we give it to Uncle Sam.
Anytime it pleases.
I.e. anytime they can manufacture a crisis, and demand your gold* for some ‘National Emergency’. To steal our gold.
Entirely unconstitutional, i.e. illegal, but then again when was the last time the US Constitution stopped the Federal Government from violating it.
E.g. the government wanted hospitals to fake ncov deaths, so they offered fabulous cash prizes for each death certificate, calling it “pandemic relief” or whatever. Bribed to fake the numbers. Can’t just order them to lie like you can in China.
Same result, but more expensive for everyone involved (except hospital administrators) which is why we call it corruption even though there was, de jure, no graft. That and the lies, of course.
E.g. Microsoft’s anti-trust suit was dropped when Gates made a large Democrat donation. They didn’t even try to hide it. The problem was obviously that Gates hadn’t been paying the jizya. He learned his lesson well. Indeed, he’s clearly doubled down.
E.g. At least 2/3rds of hospital and school administrators are wholly unnecessary – but still pay union dues. The unions then make political donations, a.k.a. bribes. The parties then approve additional administrators… A great gig if you can get it. Get bribed to pay bribes. A real self-licking ice-cream cone. (Great except for your co-workers, naturally, who will make your life a living hell because they can’t help themselves.)
Speaking of unions, they wanted to defund the police because police unions keep donating to Republicans. Bleh. Nearly 60% of police-union donations go red! Horrifying, no? (Teacher’s unions are like 97% blue.)
About that….
This was a great example of some fake news planted for the purpose to justify more malfeasance. The “12 Trillion†number is complete bullshit. The actual value when you calculate the potential of the discovery (12.5 metric tons of mineable gold x 60 million/ton = 750 million USD) is nowhere near 12 trillion. The purposes of this lie are twofold:
1. To distract from what is being done by the usual suspects to keep the price of gold and other hard commodities low in order to mask the actual inflation rate.
2. To justify inflating the already massive hot-air greenhouse gas (bankster-fart) balloon of “paper gold†or gold-based derivatives, held by the very same folks who brought us the housing bubble and bailout of 2008. The “ten trillion†here refers not to the value of the actual gold, but to the value of the derivatives based on the gold supposedly held in London vaults.
At the end of the day, if you cannot hold the stuff in your hand with access to it any time you need it, you don’t really own it. A note from a Bankstein is every bit as fraudulent as any “Federal†reserve note is.
The British gave them Zionsits the offer of Uganda much earlier as an alternative to Palestine but the Rabbis would not have it. They wanted Jerusalem under all costs. Moshiach will not come to Kampala, the angry Rabbis cried. It is about time those filthy goys became our direct slaves as was promised to us, we cannot wait, they cried.
I feels their pain.
Israel's public vs private stance on US wars in intriguing (and revealing). For instance, even though Israel was known to be at virtual war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq before Zio-Washington invaded Iraq in 2003, the Jewish state pretended to be neutral throughout the war. But Saddam was not fooled. He knew who rules Washington and what 'lobby' orchestrated the invasion of his country.Indeed, even though Israel was not, incredibly, part of the official 'international' alliance that America's neocon community cobbled together in order to make Zio-Washington's preemptive attack on Iraq look 'democratic', Iraq still launched scores of Scud missiles at the 'neutral' Jewish state during the time where US bombs and missiles were annihilating Baghdad. That's conviction!Eventually, when it became known that all the 'reasons' given to justify US bloodletting in Iraq were concocted ('based on lies') US officials backed off a bit. But it was too late. The criminal deed was done. Iraq was in ruins; an ancient civilization laid to waste. Hundreds of thousands dead. Millions displaced and injured. Oh well.Incredibly, no American (or Israeli) has ever been punished or called out for this gigantic, premeditated, trillion-dollar war crime. Not one.At least no Jews were injured.Replies: @Malla
I'm betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the “ZOG†war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn’t it?
Iraq still launched scores of Scud missiles at the ‘neutral’ Jewish state during the time
The Americans shrieked with horror that their master Israhell was harmed. All military resources were scrambled, directed to neutralized those Saddam scuds. Our Massa should not he hurt, cried Murica.
Agree with Anglin that Zelensky doesn’t have time to put on a shirt and actually dress like a leader of a nation, but then again, he’s not really a leader, but a puppet.
Sexiest man? Hardly, but that’s subjective anyways.
I like Anglin as he’s not scared to use the word Jew and he’s not afraid to apportion blame accordingly.
With a GDP of 402B USD in 2020, Israel could do well without the 4 $B the US provided in aid. 70% of the money received that year was spent on US defense contracts. For aid to continue in the future, by 2028 this number must be 100%.Replies: @Lurker
Israel’s stance becomes perfectly clear when considering that Israel as it exists today is 100% dependent on the continued support of the US.
Only a fool would entertain the notion that Israel could survive on its own without US support. �
Then why does Israel get any aid at all?
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been dubbed the ‘sexiest man in the world’ �
Sexiest man? I thought ‘man’ is an artificial gender contruct, and in nature, everything is fluid?
Now that trillions in gold have been discovered in Uganda, that country will become a major destination for Israeli migration. Bet on it.
The absolute dumbest thing Russia could ever do would be to allow the in-migration of a million or more Israelis. Instead of showing gratitude, most of them would waste no time in trying to subvert the white Christian majority. It’s just what they do. As another poster said, the jews’ “intellectual resources” would not be worth the cultural/societal damage they would inflict. And the change in climate from Israel to Russia would probably make them depressed and even more unstable.
I guarantee the average Russian would not want a million or more Israelis being allowed into Russia. But do us average citizens EVER have a say when our “leaders” decide to change the demographics of our nations? Of course not. Think USA, Sweden, Germany, France, UK, Canada, etc.
Israel’s leaders display a shamefully craven posture towards Vladimir Putin, with weak, opaque condemnations of his attack on Ukraine
Google it; the sources come up as the first result.I'm betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the "ZOG" war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn't it?Replies: @fran, @Andreas, @mark green
Israel is being asked to step up support for Ukraine from weeping diplomats and war victims pleading for the country’s Iron Dome technology on live television.
I’m betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the “ZOG†war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn’t it?
Israel’s public vs private stance on US wars in intriguing (and revealing). For instance, even though Israel was known to be at virtual war with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq before Zio-Washington invaded Iraq in 2003, the Jewish state pretended to be neutral throughout the war. But Saddam was not fooled. He knew who rules Washington and what ‘lobby’ orchestrated the invasion of his country.
Indeed, even though Israel was not, incredibly, part of the official ‘international’ alliance that America’s neocon community cobbled together in order to make Zio-Washington’s preemptive attack on Iraq look ‘democratic’, Iraq still launched scores of Scud missiles at the ‘neutral’ Jewish state during the time where US bombs and missiles were annihilating Baghdad. That’s conviction!
Eventually, when it became known that all the ‘reasons’ given to justify US bloodletting in Iraq were concocted (‘based on lies’) US officials backed off a bit. But it was too late. The criminal deed was done. Iraq was in ruins; an ancient civilization laid to waste. Hundreds of thousands dead. Millions displaced and injured. Oh well.
Incredibly, no American (or Israeli) has ever been punished or called out for this gigantic, premeditated, trillion-dollar war crime. Not one.
At least no Jews were injured.
The Americans shrieked with horror that their master Israhell was harmed. All military resources were scrambled, directed to neutralized those Saddam scuds. Our Massa should not he hurt, cried Murica.
Iraq still launched scores of Scud missiles at the ‘neutral’ Jewish state during the time
Lady G and Dicky Blumenthal. No surprise they would be promoting the Empire’s war in Country 404, which is turning out to be the ultimate self-licking ice-cream cone. Already spent more in that black hole than in the first five years of Trashcanistan. That figure likely doesn’t even include Hunter Biden’s allowance for hookers and crack.
rather than the deliberately misleading positive term “gay.†That word should return to its original meaning of “happy.â€
Good luck with that…
Just last week “Da Nang” DICK Blumenthal and his chomo sidekick, Lindsey Graham, made it clear to the poor white Ukie connon fodder that they gotta stop pussy-footin around and take the gloves off.
My man (Stolen Valor) DICK says this shit needs to go mano y mano.
Hand to hand!
I’m talkin’ Russel Crowe Gladiator shit, nigga!
If you ain’t gettin’ wet, you ain’t fightin’, boy!
As long as DICK and Lindsey are watching developments from their big screens a month from now, it’s cool.
The ability to accurately deliver those nukes, and in a timely manner, is the entire game. And with a good air defense system makes them little more than dirty bombs. In both respects Russia has no equal now. Within the next 15 years China will have no equal.
Israel does have nukes, lots of them. It would be tough to survive without US support, but they’ve got the Samson option. They WOULD have to give up the OT, which would be a very good thing.
Three years on: �
NYC unveils safety strategy in case of nuclear attack�
NYC unveils safety strategy in case of nuclear attack
Since the guy in charge of NYC’s Emergency Management Department is Jewish, no one should have any illusions about whose safety will get priority.
Israel does have nukes, lots of them. It would be tough to survive without US support, but they’ve got the Samson option. They WOULD have to give up the OT, which would be a very good thing.
The ability to accurately deliver those nukes, and in a timely manner, is the entire game. And with a good air defense system makes them little more than dirty bombs. In both respects Russia has no equal now. Within the next 15 years China will have no equal.
Three years ago:
3 years ago we had world peace.
— Winston (@B0Gpa8) July 9, 2022
Three years on:
NYC unveils safety strategy in case of nuclear attack
Since the guy in charge of NYC's Emergency Management Department is Jewish, no one should have any illusions about whose safety will get priority.
NYC unveils safety strategy in case of nuclear attack
Orcs, people always have it backwards.
Orcs and Arks:
“The three best-known runic alphabets are the Elder Futhark (ca. A.D. 150–800), the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (400–1100), and the Younger Futhark (800–1100). The Younger Futhark is divided further into the long-branch runes (also called Danish, although they were also used in Norway, Sweden, and Frisia); short-branch or Rök runes (also called Swedish-Norwegian, although they were also used in Denmark); and the stavlösa or Hälsinge runes (staveless runes). The Younger Futhark developed further into the medieval runes (1100–1500), and the Dalecarlian runes (c. 1500–1800).”
The number of runes makes a difference. It’s why I always wondered if the Ark of the covenant wasn’t man on a throne, or in one.Or a woman.
Remember too, that there is one and only one rational reason for “saving†Jews and that is for the intellectual resources. That is what is at stake.
Intellectual resources? Russia and the West would be just fine without Jews, and definitely without organized Jewry, which was the case in the past! It should be perfectly by now that whatever positive individual Jews contribute, is vastly outweighed by the negative of the group.
Actually, the “American” government is the most Jewish outside of Israel.
I would have no problem supporting Chinese's anal raping of Anglin.Replies: @Männerbünde
I would support:
Russian invasion
Chinese invasion
Takeover by Mexican drug cartels
Placing culture war issues over race and blood usually leads to Whites shilling for various foreign groups, I can’t say all this is a good sign for the future of the White race.
As Russia Overwhelms “Ukraine,†Zelensky Focused on Trying to Legalize Anal Marriage
No surprise there…Zelensky is a butt boy for the West.
Church or no church, it is a ritual. You may dislike the Church all you want but a ritual is religious by nature.
It’s not even the Church’s business. Requiring a priest to witness a marriage is a recent power grab; in most places no more than 400 years old. Marriage predates the Church by something like 60,000 years; it started well before written history. The Christian power grab led to the Wills Act, which was the State grabbing power from the Church. Basically, as of 1837, you had to get the State’s permission to pass things to your descendants, as if this hadn’t been perfectly well-managed privately for 200,000 years.
When the State arrogated inheritance to itself and the English just let it, it became inevitable that it would meddle destructively in the rules of divorce. Letting the State arbitrate or witness marriage is an awful idea; on the contrary it should in fact be illegal to tell the government who you’re married to. Random arbitration is better than the reliably-corrupt arbitration set by faceless bureaucrats.
The Ukrainians wouldn’t give a shit about the Donbass region separating, except for the fact it is industrialized and makes money.
The Jewish oligarchs raised their faux neo-Nazi militias to hold onto the region in 2014, purely for capitalist plunder.
The US State Dept and the CIA then stepped in and raised the Ukrainian army into the largest in Europe, to be a forward operating base against Russia, and a launch point for bio weapons.
It’s increasingly evident that bio-weapons were intended to create regional instability and disillusionment with Moscow’s ability to govern, which would be followed up with a color revolution operation to create a ‘resistance’ inside Russia.
Secondarily, unlike American Jews, Israeli Jews still think of themselves as Jewish, and supporting the Ukraine means siding with self-proclaimed Nazis. They can’t go full-retard clown-world over there.
Because “anal” involves literal fecal matter and shit, which sane people find disgusting. Lesbians are often involved in anal/oral, by the way.
Homosexuals find shit sexy.
Remember this. Woman are fickle; homos are fecal.
Israel does have nukes, lots of them. It would be tough to survive without US support, but they’ve got the Samson option. They WOULD have to give up the OT, which would be a very good thing.
As for Russia, a significant portion of their population are Russian Jews who HATE the mother country. Why in Yahweh’s name would they take them back?
The ability to accurately deliver those nukes, and in a timely manner, is the entire game. And with a good air defense system makes them little more than dirty bombs. In both respects Russia has no equal now. Within the next 15 years China will have no equal.
Israel does have nukes, lots of them. It would be tough to survive without US support, but they’ve got the Samson option. They WOULD have to give up the OT, which would be a very good thing.
Three years on: �
NYC unveils safety strategy in case of nuclear attack�
I don’t mind the LGB so much, as long as they leave our kids alone. It’s the T that’s the problem. Trans ideologues aggressively push their mental illness on the population and actively persecute those who refuse to deny reality. I’d support any Presidential candidate who wants to extend the Florida “Don’t say gay” bill through grade 12 and nationwide.
Israel doesn't condemn Putin's special operation.Neo-Nazis are always Jewish, exactly the same way self-proclaimed Satanists are a variety of Christian. In both cases the "opposition" accepts every premise of their "opponent" except one. "But that's good instead of bad!" Gay marriage is a spook and you're a gull for obsessing about it. Marriage per se is illegal, who cares whether fudge-packers are allowed to play pretend or not? Get the divorce laws revoked and then maybe we can talk.Replies: @fran, @Passing By, @War for Blair Mountain
I don’t even understand how to do irony or satire about the fact that:
You wrote that sewage because you are a homo. Legalizing homo marriage led to the homo pederast norming of American Society…the homos have now gone after the young children in the schools…
Obama said we are not a Christian Nation. Biden says the values we fight for against Russia are the Rainbow flag and LGBTX. God has turned our nation over for severe punishment, like he did to Israel from time to time.
“Anal” marriage? Kinda forgetting the lesbians, there, aren’t you? What is this bizarre obsession with anal sex that so frightens some (nominally) straight men? Methinks the lady doth protest too much…
If you become a ZOG state you need to follow the ZOG ideologies. Expect the Ukraine to import millions of non whites soon, the excuse being they will help rebuild the country or other such similar nonsense.
I would support:
Russian invasion
Chinese invasion
Takeover by Mexican drug cartels
I would have no problem supporting Chinese’s anal raping of Anglin.
Israel has repeatedly condemned Russia and used the most jewish lies in doing so. Putin actually just kicked out some major jew organization from Russia in the last couple of days.Replies: @Alrenous, @Lurker
Israel doesn’t condemn Putin’s special operation.
It’s some sort kosher sandwich.
Israel takes a somewhat laid back position compared to the dutiful goy states.
Meanwhile 99% of jewish politicians, pundits, journalists, hasbarats et al foam at the mouth with hatred for Russia.
Israel’s stance becomes perfectly clear when considering that Israel as it exists today is 100% dependent on the continued support of the US.
Only a fool would entertain the notion that Israel could survive on its own without US support.
With a GDP of 402B USD in 2020, Israel could do well without the 4 $B the US provided in aid. 70% of the money received that year was spent on US defense contracts. For aid to continue in the future, by 2028 this number must be 100%.
What has being reasonable and “respectable” gotten conservatives over the decades? And what has hysteria and extremism gotten liberals? Make two lists!
You know that one of those is going to be a phonebook and the other and empty piece of paper. Learn from that.
“The Ukraine military is run by a neo-Nazi gang”.
No it’s run by a NATO -US gang…. Oh hang on, (der) you’re right, it IS run by a “neo- Nazi gang”
Congratulations to double Aryans wins at Wimbledon!
Waity yellow dress missing blue Katie!
Israel doesn't condemn Putin's special operation.Neo-Nazis are always Jewish, exactly the same way self-proclaimed Satanists are a variety of Christian. In both cases the "opposition" accepts every premise of their "opponent" except one. "But that's good instead of bad!" Gay marriage is a spook and you're a gull for obsessing about it. Marriage per se is illegal, who cares whether fudge-packers are allowed to play pretend or not? Get the divorce laws revoked and then maybe we can talk.Replies: @fran, @Passing By, @War for Blair Mountain
I don’t even understand how to do irony or satire about the fact that:
Rather, marriage is none of the state’s business. It is and always has been a religious thing. What the state calls ‘marriage’ is a contract and the only role the state can have in it is to witness the signature and become arbitrator in case of litigation. Society has gone spiraling downwards ever since the state has decided that it should rule over the spiritual instead of limiting itself to the temporal.
“I live in a country with gay marriage.”
Has Nigeria legalised gay marriage?
It will doubtless amaze Andrew to learn that many straight couples engage in that practice, and many gays don’t. He has much to learn about the sex thing.
Israel’s leaders display a shamefully craven posture towards Vladimir Putin, with weak, opaque condemnations of his attack on Ukraine
Google it; the sources come up as the first result.I'm betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the "ZOG" war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn't it?Replies: @fran, @Andreas, @mark green
Israel is being asked to step up support for Ukraine from weeping diplomats and war victims pleading for the country’s Iron Dome technology on live television.
Israel’s stance becomes perfectly clear when considering that Israel as it exists today is 100% dependent on the continued support of the US.
Only a fool would entertain the notion that Israel could survive on its own without US support.
Therefore, once the US becomes too weak to support Israel, then Israel becomes too weak to survive.
By the process of elimination, this leaves Russia and only Russia as Israel’s savior. Jews have significant ethnic ties to Russia and only Russia has the military, logistical, intelligence and diplomatic resources to realistically come to Israel’s aid should US support collapse entirely.
It is doubtful that Russia would try to prop up Israel such that it could continue its existence in the ME as it does now. The financial and political liabilities would be intractable.
Instead, Russian support for a collapsing Israel would likely come in the form of a “humanitarian corridor” enabling Jews to migrate out of Israel. Under these conditions, no sane Jews would be migrating to the US. They will be going elsewhere. The most likely destinations would be Russia itself or the newly liberated territories of the former Ukraine.
Remember too, that there is one and only one rational reason for “saving” Jews and that is for the intellectual resources. That is what is at stake.
I have stated all this before and the Jews hate me for posting this open secret. But it is true. Israel’s years are numbered in the single digits. And when the time comes, Israeli’s know only Russia will be there to come to their aid.
Russian paratroopers landing at Ben Gurion and welcomed with open arms may be a headline we shall all soon see.
This is why Israel is hedging its bets.
With a GDP of 402B USD in 2020, Israel could do well without the 4 $B the US provided in aid. 70% of the money received that year was spent on US defense contracts. For aid to continue in the future, by 2028 this number must be 100%.Replies: @Lurker
Israel’s stance becomes perfectly clear when considering that Israel as it exists today is 100% dependent on the continued support of the US.
Only a fool would entertain the notion that Israel could survive on its own without US support. �
Intellectual resources? Russia and the West would be just fine without Jews, and definitely without organized Jewry, which was the case in the past! It should be perfectly by now that whatever positive individual Jews contribute, is vastly outweighed by the negative of the group.
Remember too, that there is one and only one rational reason for “saving†Jews and that is for the intellectual resources. That is what is at stake.
It could also be that the fighting in Ukraine would be for the Khazars to get back to their Khazarian roots geographically. Even a truncated Galicia in Western Ukraine, landlocked and limited would be better than an inhospitable Palestine. When the Lying Empire flounders, as it will, the Khazars will find a new home, not in Russia, but whence they sprouted.
Instead, Russian support for a collapsing Israel would likely come in the form of a “humanitarian corridor†enabling Jews to migrate out of Israel. Under these conditions, no sane Jews would be migrating to the US. They will be going elsewhere. The most likely destinations would be Russia itself or the newly liberated territories of former Ukraine.
The Rainbow War – GlobalHomo vs Man & Woman.
Now that’s a war worth fighting for.
Go Russia
Israel’s leaders display a shamefully craven posture towards Vladimir Putin, with weak, opaque condemnations of his attack on Ukraine
Google it; the sources come up as the first result.I'm betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the "ZOG" war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn't it?Replies: @fran, @Andreas, @mark green
Israel is being asked to step up support for Ukraine from weeping diplomats and war victims pleading for the country’s Iron Dome technology on live television.
What point exactly are you trying to make? That Israel has made “weak, opaque condemnations” against Russia? Can you translate that into non-jew speak? What qualifies as a strong enough condemnation in your mind? Are the accusations of committing war crimes not sufficiently jewish enough for you?
Google it; the sources come up as the first result.
What an abhorrently jewish suggestion
First, Andrew, your pointless, childish, ugly, stupid vulgarity is an embarrassment; it adds nothing to your columns, and it limits your reach and influence. I won’t forward most of your columns because of this garbage.
Second, if you’re so offended and disgusted by homosexuality and its glorification by our government / media / “schools†/ corporations: stop using the homosexuals’ propaganda term “gayâ€.
Call them homosexual, which is objectively accurate and neutral, rather than the deliberately misleading positive term “gay.†That word should return to its original meaning of “happy.â€
Good luck with that...
rather than the deliberately misleading positive term “gay.†That word should return to its original meaning of “happy.â€
Israel is being asked to step up support for Ukraine from weeping diplomats and war victims pleading for the country’s Iron Dome technology on live television.
The Ukraine Defence Minister had a very blunt (and funny) response to Israel’s offer of the laughable Iron Dome technology:
“Iron Dome was built to stop slow, low-altitude, low-impact missiles that were basically made in garages. Iron Dome does not protect against cruise and ballistic missiles.â€
Good luck stopping or even detecting hypersonics.
Called him a moron. Said your view was reality. Called Putin a liar without examples and evidence. Used the word “ilk.â€
When is your actual argument going to be presented?
Israel has repeatedly condemned Russia and used the most jewish lies in doing so. Putin actually just kicked out some major jew organization from Russia in the last couple of days.Replies: @Alrenous, @Lurker
Israel doesn’t condemn Putin’s special operation.
Are you changing the topic because you didn’t read what I wrote or because you think Jewish lies are fine and dandy as long as you’re the one telling them?
Israel’s leaders display a shamefully craven posture towards Vladimir Putin, with weak, opaque condemnations of his attack on Ukraine
Israel is being asked to step up support for Ukraine from weeping diplomats and war victims pleading for the country’s Iron Dome technology on live television.
Google it; the sources come up as the first result.
I’m betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the “ZOG” war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn’t it?
What an abhorrently jewish suggestion
Google it; the sources come up as the first result.
Israel's public vs private stance on US wars in intriguing (and revealing). For instance, even though Israel was known to be at virtual war with Saddam Hussein's Iraq before Zio-Washington invaded Iraq in 2003, the Jewish state pretended to be neutral throughout the war. But Saddam was not fooled. He knew who rules Washington and what 'lobby' orchestrated the invasion of his country.Indeed, even though Israel was not, incredibly, part of the official 'international' alliance that America's neocon community cobbled together in order to make Zio-Washington's preemptive attack on Iraq look 'democratic', Iraq still launched scores of Scud missiles at the 'neutral' Jewish state during the time where US bombs and missiles were annihilating Baghdad. That's conviction!Eventually, when it became known that all the 'reasons' given to justify US bloodletting in Iraq were concocted ('based on lies') US officials backed off a bit. But it was too late. The criminal deed was done. Iraq was in ruins; an ancient civilization laid to waste. Hundreds of thousands dead. Millions displaced and injured. Oh well.Incredibly, no American (or Israeli) has ever been punished or called out for this gigantic, premeditated, trillion-dollar war crime. Not one.At least no Jews were injured.Replies: @Malla
I'm betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the “ZOG†war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn’t it?
He’s not focused on anything except the war. That is rather a bother for morons like yourself, I realize, but that’s reality. Putin, on the other hand, is busy trying to convince the rest of the world that his lies are truth. Not many are buying except your ilk.
Look for the ranks of the Ukrainian defensive forces to be swelled by international cadres of volunteers of bulldykes, trannies and nancy boys.
They can call themselves The Judy Garland Brigade.
Blacks act like this, but whites worship them.
White are whummy whucks of Jewish-run media.
White supremacy yet again 🤔 Isn’t that what Biden always tries to ram down our throats ?? 🤔 Our #1 threat to this country ??
— Geminigirl 🇺🇸 (@desertlife88) July 9, 2022
Israel doesn't condemn Putin's special operation.Neo-Nazis are always Jewish, exactly the same way self-proclaimed Satanists are a variety of Christian. In both cases the "opposition" accepts every premise of their "opponent" except one. "But that's good instead of bad!" Gay marriage is a spook and you're a gull for obsessing about it. Marriage per se is illegal, who cares whether fudge-packers are allowed to play pretend or not? Get the divorce laws revoked and then maybe we can talk.Replies: @fran, @Passing By, @War for Blair Mountain
I don’t even understand how to do irony or satire about the fact that:
Israel doesn’t condemn Putin’s special operation.
Israel has repeatedly condemned Russia and used the most jewish lies in doing so. Putin actually just kicked out some major jew organization from Russia in the last couple of days.
Israel’s leaders display a shamefully craven posture towards Vladimir Putin, with weak, opaque condemnations of his attack on Ukraine
Google it; the sources come up as the first result.I'm betting on the Jewish lies angle; after all, the fact Israel refuses to endorse the "ZOG" war is rather an inconvenient truth, now isn't it?Replies: @fran, @Andreas, @mark green
Israel is being asked to step up support for Ukraine from weeping diplomats and war victims pleading for the country’s Iron Dome technology on live television.
OT: how bribes work in America.
First of all, most of the bribes are legalized. It’s not Officially corruption because they’re not only allowed, they’re practically mandatory. However, there are still plenty of kickbacks and such.
The fun part is normally there’s a bidding process. E.g. just before the “financial crisis” of 2008, all the big investment firms were asked to “voluntarily donate” to some political initiative. In other words, bribes were solicited. Openly, on the record, completely legally, because it’s all “voluntary.” Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, for some mind-boggling reason, thought they could get away with not paying the jizya. If you check their Wikipedia pages, you will find they were incorrect.
More importantly, realize that if the government ran out of favours to hand out, the ones that offered the biggest bribes would get first to the trough. The fact you bribed some officials means nothing if your rivals bribed them more. E.g. when developing vaccine candidates, only some were approved, but everyone paid a bribe.
Officials love this, of course. However, it means that every large firm has to have a “failed bribes” line item in their budget, and it’s not exactly a small number. Do corporations really pay these bribes? Well, not really. All those bribes are passed along to you, the customer. You pay for bribes at the till. The corporations don’t care as long as all other corporations have to pay the bribes too. It’s “fair,” see.
Based on how far $20,000 goes in e.g. Moscow, it seems Americans overpay by about double for most products. That $64,000 per-capita revenue works out to like $32,000 take-home pay. It’s not all bribes, of course. Some of it is the irregularity that’s called regulation. Meaning not only do you pay more, the money is then lit on fire instead of being used. Bike cuck except the criminal melted the bike down for scrap and then threw the scrap in the sea.
P.S. And then, somehow, food in Canada is even more expensive than American food.
I don’t even understand how to do irony or satire about the fact that:
Israel doesn’t condemn Putin’s special operation.
Neo-Nazis are always Jewish, exactly the same way self-proclaimed Satanists are a variety of Christian. In both cases the “opposition” accepts every premise of their “opponent” except one. “But that’s good instead of bad!”
Gay marriage is a spook and you’re a gull for obsessing about it. Marriage per se is illegal, who cares whether fudge-packers are allowed to play pretend or not? Get the divorce laws revoked and then maybe we can talk.
Israel has repeatedly condemned Russia and used the most jewish lies in doing so. Putin actually just kicked out some major jew organization from Russia in the last couple of days.Replies: @Alrenous, @Lurker
Israel doesn’t condemn Putin’s special operation.
That’s Volodymyr “Hottest, sexiest, bravest man in the world” Zelensky.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been dubbed the ‘sexiest man in the world’
The jews really go over the top trying to make their tribe be perceived as attractive.
alright, now it’s starting to get good. the popcorn is popping and zelensky’s is starting to sweat. how’s he going to tap dance his way out of this? if he won’t support the globalist trannies in the west he through but if he does he will be done in what’s left of ukraine. he’s going to have to get out his tiny pianist out to play hava nagila while doing the devil donkey dance in his 5 inch heels. the joy of the schadenfreude is overwhelming, someone cue “ode to joy” and sing with me: schadenfreude gotterfunken tochter aus elysium….
Gay marriage is the surest way to guarantee continued NATO support for Ukraine. A country that doesn’t allow homosexual marriage is fascist, after all, and we can’t support fascism.
Why shouldn’t polygamous relationships be legalized?
In any case, homosexual marriages have now been legalized across the country, and the sky has not fallen.
What is the point of saying Mass in a language none of your audience can understand?Replies: @Jim Sweeney
But don’t you dare say the Mass in Latin
Follow it in a Missal and you will then get more of the Mass text than if it were said in English. I loved being an altar boy and responding to the priest in Latin and also learned many translations. Then I had 9 years of Latin in high school and college. Catholic schools of course.