“Afghanistan is a living dystopia, yet the world turns a blind eye. Girls’ education faces permanent erasure.”
I just scanned the X account of the bitch who wrote that and I didn’t find a single tweet about the IDF killing tens of thousands of Gazans and blowing up all their schools, hospitals and refugee centers.
Or about Bibi helping to overthrow the secular Syrian gov’t in order to replace it with ISIS headhunters.
What a zio-whore.
I watched that episode a week ago. Americans in general have become so hideous and monstrously fat in the 34 years since that was on air it’s not shocking any longer.
I just came up with a sure way to conquer Taliban (Mojaheddin, Al Qaeda, Bactrians, Pashto – whatever name they go by nowadays) once and for all.
Call me New Clausewitz if you wish, I will pat myself on the back and will not blush ðŸ˜
“All Night Security Dude” is the 16th episode of season 5 of “Married… with Children”.
Al Bundy and Spare Tire Dixon take out their wallets and show their Mother-in-Law’s pictures to each other. Both become semi-paralyzed, unable to fight.
Show Taliban the picture of Chargé d’Affaires Karen B. Decker, U.S. Mission to Afghanistan.
And that will be the end of The Land of Bones.
A while ago she/he/it mooed loudly about saving Afghani Womben & Grrrrrls but evil Taliban could not care less.
U.S. envoy apologizes for suggesting Afghan women may need ‘Black Girl Magic’
The Taliban are a bunch of ignorant cavemen. Instead of helping the Mujaheddin, Jimmy Carter should have teamed up with the Soviets to exterminate them. That said, I can’t blame _any_ government for banning foreign NGOs. They are almost all CIA or WEF spy organizations.
Why do women exist at all?
to give incel manchilden a rage induced aneurysm at 41
(((Women’s ‘rights’))).
High-order, high-trust societies are easy prey for these monsters.
Jewish feminist Beate Sirota Gordon changed women’s rights in Japan forever
A new children’s book shows how her upbringing and bit of good, old-fashioned chutzpah helped a 22-year-old woman change a country’s destiny, and then keep mum about it for decades
JTA — “The famous are rarely significant and the significant are rarely famous,†says Jeff Gottesfeld, author of “No Steps Behind,†a children’s book about real-life Jewish feminist Beate Sirota Gordon. Gordon, who was born in 1923 in Vienna to Russian-Jewish parents, was only 22 years old when she helped write women’s rights into the modern constitution of Japan.
Gottesfeld calls Gordon “the most significant feminist of the 20th century you may have never have heard of. â€
Drawing upon her values along with her knowledge of Japanese language and culture — as well as her inherent chutzpah — in 1946 Gordon found herself the only woman “in the room where it happened†— in this case, where American officials, led by Gen. Douglas Macarthur, rewrote Japan’s constitution as part of post-World War II democratic reforms…
Eventually, MacArthur asked Gordon to assist with the American military’s draft of the modern Japanese constitution. While there, she used her voice to advocate for women’s rights. She added the clause that, according to The New York Times, “gave women a set of legal rights pertaining to marriage, divorce, property, and inheritance that they had long been without in Japan’s feudal society — had an effect on their status that endures to this day.â€â€¦
And that’s really fucked up, not to mention a selfish dickhead move.
Most of the creatures I see with tits and vaginas who are below 40 are narcissistic twats. They exist in the 40+ category as well, but hopefully a larger percentage have a better grasp of reality. Regardless of what women are or are not -this Taliban ruling tells a lot about the men in their society. They have no self discipline over their desires. When you grow up in a society where the bride is basically a child and then looked at as nothimg but a fuck-hole for the rest of her life, this is what you get. Sorry Abdullah, Mahmoud & Tarik, the women in my family were very feminist (but least not in the Betty Friedan Jew-school of feminism), but knew who they were, raised families, loved their husbands,were fantastic moms and grandmothers, struggled like shit to make a home and had a very fulfilled social life. Taliban boys need to back to fucking goats, camels, & sheep instead of women.
Boys are for love and romance women are to make babies. Is the national anthem of Afghanistan.
Why should anyone have to look out their window and see women?�
The Afghan Taliban’s supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, has issued a decree banning windows in residential buildings that overlook areas used by women. The ruling is part of the government’s wider campaign to implement Sharia law across the country.
Obviously, the decree is intended to protect the Taliban women from the prying eyes of lusting men with "obscene acts" in mind, not to grant a privilege to men not to view women. Taliban women wear veils for a similar reason - to protect the women from lusting eyes.Replies: @Alden
“Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts,†the document says.
The idea is to board up windows because passing men might commit obscene acts if they look in a window and see a woman in her own home. Probably the local power company is behind this latest chastity law. With no windows, the lights will have to be on all day leading to higher electric bills. Or kerosene lamps or candles or whatever they use in Cesspoolastan.
Full employment for chastity enforcement workers.
This is actually about a small oligarchy of men trying to control other men.
This oligarchy doesn’t want other men breeding. Afghanistan is a bride-price country, meaning only those men with money can arrange to marry. Cutting off access to women prevents poor men or those without connections from marrying and having kids.
Okay, this is just getting fuckin weird.
I WANNA look out the window and see hot chicks.
I do not now, nor have I ever felt guilty about looking at and objectifying hot babes.
While I appreciate the dedication it must take to join a Benedictine Monastery and pray eternally on your knees to your savior, or even tougher, trap yourself in a Trappist Monastery where you never speak, most of us are not by choice, whacked out incels who get up hating chicks.
Tate, who literally fucked 25,000 chicks is telling us all to hate chicks and Andrew, whom no doubt would be a good guy in a foxhole and probably in the clutch has some weird Oedipus shit goin on here that I hope we never have to hear about.
Drive faster, chase more pussy, drink more whiskey and damn the fuckin torpedoes.
I don't know about that. The taliban only came to power because some villagers asked them to put down a couple warlords who were feuding for the right to rape a local boy.
We don’t need to become the Taliban, who probably prefer goats or small boys to women anyway.
Yeah, I don’t think the Taliban are fans of bacha bazi, so that was mostly a joke.
That said… Their basic idea is that women should be covered or out of view because whenever Afghan men see women they go into “I must rape” mode.
I don’t think we need to imitate their weird sharia customs.
Europeans are not Afghans or Arabs. Even in the Middle Ages, things were different in Europe. White people don’t do a lot of random rape (unless it’s a war or something like that). But going back to a society were modesty and chastity are considered virtues for women… Yes.
The Taliban have a problem we don’t have.
All their women are 10s.
” A woman should never be seen eating or drinking , unless it be Lobster Salad and Champagne , the only true feminine viands ” Lord(y) Byron
“Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts,†the document says.
Absolutely true. This is good for women too. Imagine the gross, sleazy, vouyeristic acts those creeps would be doing watching the women. Even Western women hate it when men stare at them even though those obscene acts they may be playing only in their heads.
I see the usual Ameritards are out in force with the “if you don’t support gynocracy it’s because you’re gay” gaslighting.
Who needs feminists when we have based and repilled guys like this who will do their job for them?
The woman question is the boomer’s achilles heel. The boomer is extremely proud of his woke and empowered daughter with her degree in social work.
I had heard about Andrew Tate but had never listened to him but I must admit that rant was rather good. No wonder he is famous if that is par for the course.
We don’t need to become the Taliban, who probably prefer goats or small boys to women anyway.
I don’t know about that. The taliban only came to power because some villagers asked them to put down a couple warlords who were feuding for the right to rape a local boy.
Also, I still don’t care about whether non-white women in their own countries get to “slut it up” or not, anglin, that shit doesn’t affect anyone but them. You got mommy issues son.
Women possess the ultimate power, to bring forth new life, a reality that has frightened and enraged the neurotic phallus worshipping element for a very long time.
Why should anyone have to look out their window and see women?
The Afghan Taliban’s supreme leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, has issued a decree banning windows in residential buildings that overlook areas used by women. The ruling is part of the government’s wider campaign to implement Sharia law across the country.
“Seeing women working in kitchens, in courtyards or collecting water from wells can lead to obscene acts,†the document says.
Obviously, the decree is intended to protect the Taliban women from the prying eyes of lusting men with “obscene acts” in mind, not to grant a privilege to men not to view women. Taliban women wear veils for a similar reason – to protect the women from lusting eyes.
We don’t need to become the Taliban, who probably prefer goats or small boys to women anyway. This window thing is silly.
Just roll back female voting, abortion, divorce and all feminist nonsense. Bring back slut-shaming, traditional dressing, traditional or arranged marriages, importance of virginity, etc.
Of course, easier said than done — without religion, that’s going to be very hard, if not impossible.
In the end, it’s not about laws. It’s about mentality and behaviour. America and the West would have to become real Christians again (not the current fake churchianity/holocaustianity), which is basically impossible, bar a miracle.
I don't know about that. The taliban only came to power because some villagers asked them to put down a couple warlords who were feuding for the right to rape a local boy.
We don’t need to become the Taliban, who probably prefer goats or small boys to women anyway.
Is this a case of immigrant vs native OR merchant vs prole?
Is it more about ethnic conflict or class conflict?
In MY BEATIFUL LAUNDRETTE, it’s white punk-proles vs immigrant ‘Pakis’.
In SUBURBIA, it’s white punk-proles vs immigrant Hindu.
In GHOST WORLD, it’s white prole vs Greek immigrant. White guy and the Greek are both white but don’t get along.
But in DO THE RIGHT THING, it’s blacks vs Italian-American pizzeria guy. It’s native blacks vs native Italian-Americans(who are now 100% American).
All this anti-Hindu stuff focuses on race and culture but maybe the tension is largely economic and class-related. Musk and Vivek are both of the business mentality and they see the whole world as one big opportunity. Prole types have a more fixed view of life and possibilities. Musk has been around the world. A lot of MAGA types tended to be more rooted than your average urban American.
What were those holy feces like, one wonders. Did they smell like roses? LOL Could he cure blindness by smearing them on a blind man’s eyes? A thousand theological questions arise if we take seriously the notion that he was both fully man and fully God.
You reference, of course, the story of Jesus curing a man of blindness by spitting on the ground, making a little mudpie, and smearing it on the man’s eyes.
Actually, the idea of a holy man’s spit being magically effective is quite common, and an extension of the idea most extremely expressed in blood sacrifices. The expelling of bodily fluids is a way of communicating spiritual power — in the case of the sacrificed man or animal, the spurting blood is offered to the god.
So, holy shit, yes, possible. Did anyone collect it? Perhaps it was the foundation of the Rothschild fortune?
Andrew Tate will be lucky if he gets out of this alive. Regardless of the facts he is in the same class as Epstein and Diddy.
If you have never seen the Vice video where the reporter goes to his compound and Tate makes him get into the octagon and get punched around it is pretty funny. Rumble or somebody still has to have that thing hanging around. The reporter needs to call Tony Buzzby before all the money is gone.
I don’t really follow or know much about either, but as with Candace Owens, I respect Tate’s aplomb — who knows? — maybe between the two of them they can do a lot of damage to the system — there’s a reason the AfD is very popular among young German voters.
And obviously for Whites today tax is just ransom: white people pay tax so the government will leave them alone — coercive tax is a control mechanism — while on a micro level they may do some useful things like fix potholes, on a macro level no Western government is acting in the genuine interest of white citizens.
“That actually applies to even Islamic Arab states, where the Gulf states have lower birthrates than the poorer Middle Eastern countries.”
True on average. But even the poorer countries are going below replacement. Morocco just this week released its numbers for 2024…they have a TFR of 1.97
Tunisia has been under for a while. Latest number is 2.0…its probably much lower for 2024
Most Arab states are around replacement but not by much.
Much of this can be traced back to the early to mid two thousand. Secularizing of family law made divorce highly risky for men as women are much more prone to pull the trigger. And women indeed did en masse file for divorce. Result was: many families led by single mothers. Around 2005/2006 women and girls en masse entered higher education…many institutions were build around that time. Around 2010 the smartphone and social media took off. All of these distractions caused particularly women to massively delay marriage and child rearing – resulting in tiny families of at most two children, on average much older mothers…and on average much less vibrant children.
From the viewpoints of world’s best Anthropologists, Biologists, Businessmen, Chemists, Climatologists, Earth Scientists, Ecologists, Economists, Engineers, Geologists, Mathematicians, Physicists, Philosophers, Political Analysts, etc., etc., most of humans should move towards the Equator, al latitudes up to 30° – 40°. Solar Panels work better there.
Artists, Tourists and those working in Tourism, Agriculture, as well as Scientists, could live above said latitudes.
More blaming everybody else, right on cue.
No one is saying that white men have no agency or problems too.
That is about the weakest acknowledgement possible and, naturally, there is no expansion on it or call for a wider and much larger discussion about it on here.
What are you afraid of, Dumbo? A massive reality check? That finally, you and your bros make mea culpa for all of the pain, suffering, death, violence and destruction you’ve caused throughout human history? Would you disintegrate if that happened, is that the fear?
Why don’t you be the upstanding guy who does, in detail, own up to it?
Italians chose Modernist WASP calls to become anti-Christendom to the core, and Italians either will repent and once again became a people defined by Traditional Latin Mass devotion, or else they will die nationally and ethnically as suicides.
Same for French and everybody else in Europe,.It is either historic Christianity and Christendom or else slow ethnic suicide serving Anglo-Zionist anti-Christendom.
Two choices and no more.
What can be done about urbanization? Since agriculture has been mechanized, there is no longer much need for people in the countryside. Furthermore, most people prefer the distractions of the city to the peace of the countryside. Urbanization is an organic process.Replies: @Dumbo
Feminism, urbanization, over-education of women and removal of traditional religion did all that. �
Nevertheless, it’s clear that living in crowded and cramped spaces naturally leads to less reproduction. Mouse Jewtopia and all that. Not sure what to do about it. I’d rather live in a small village or countryside, but most jobs are in the cities, and for young people, most social events etc.
Does Anglin have any White children? I doubt it very much. Probably massage parlor half breeds scraped away at the local free abortion clinic.
Of all the bloggers writers and commenters on this site there’s only one whose done her duty to the White race and produced 4 White blue eyed light haired children and 8 blue eyed light haired White grandchildren. Yet I’m the most hated comment or on this sight. Between the Hitler lovers who accuse me of being a polish catholic and Australian lunatic Truth Vigalante who claims I’m a jewess, the Epstein defenders who claim that there’s nothing wrong with pimping out 11 to 15 year old girls and all the repressed gay pervs intel’s creeps and weirdos no woman would touch
Men of Unz have not reproduced themselves. Maybe 40, 50 percent have 2 children because they could t afford more. The other half have no children. So it’s just one child per man of unz. Or .60 per man of unz.
I did my share. The men of Unz especially Anglin didn’t. Over the years I’ve noticed that the men of unz know very little about raising kids home maintenance laundry homework supervision cooking and the basics of raising kids and owning a home. Which leads a reasonable man or woman to conclude most of the men of unz never had children and live in small bachelor apartments.
The feminist movement was a project of the Ford and Rockefeller foundations to drive down wages. And to force more and more consumption on the middle class. Two instead of one car. More frozen and partially prepared food. More eating out. More expensive clothes for office worker women. Not any more of course. Everyone slobs around in sweats and flip flops.
The woman of the early feminazi movement were one and all Jews from hard core communist families. Exactly what the Jews did in 1920s communist Russia. And all women including mothers of babies must leave the babies in a communist nursery It wasn’t the Soviet Union Jews who imposed that. It was also the pride and joy of the atheist communist Zionist Jews who invaded Palestine Sanjak of the Ottoman Empire in the 1880s And herded everyone into communal farms. Barracks for the singles. Small rooms for married couples. Children living in the children’s quarters boarding school type situation Communal dining halls communal dormitory barracks style bathrooms Communal farms in communist Russia communal farms communist China communist Kibbutzes in communist Israel.
The ignorance of the writers and commenters is just appalling On every subject including the Ford Rockefeller Foundations and the communist Jew women who fronted the feminazis.
Dumb dumber and dumbest. I’m sure even google has more accurate information about the Jew communists Ford and Rockefeller Foundations creation of the feminazis than the ignorant writers and commenters of Unz
If in your 60 to 90 years on earth you didn’t manage to create even just one White child don’t blame the White women. Blame your repressed gay nerd creep pervy selves.
Betty Friedan, the first famous feminazi was active in the Young Socialist League in college. The YSL was a heavily Jewish communist party USA front group. It was funded and guide by the grandchildren and descendants of billionaire Rockefeller lawyer Sam Untermeyer . Yes, that Sam Untermeyer. Attorney for early standard oil. Was paid by old John Rockefeller in original preferred Standard oil stock. Supported his practice and grand living style from his other clients and stock market Sam Untermeyer who blackmailed Woodrow Wilson into WW1. Sam’s descendants used their standard oil dividends for every pro black anti White cause of the 20th century. It was the Untermeyer fortune that subsidized Betty Friedan and the YSL CPUSA front group. Later the Ford and Rockefeller foundations took over those communist causes from the Untermeyers.
Why do you think the Ford Foundation wanted to increase the work force by about one third by sending all the married women out to work???? To break the White men labor unions and lower wages by increasing the work force. And of course increase consumption of food cars clothes etc.
And by such great coincidence there was massive inflation the same time the feminazi movement just happened to come along. Who caused the inflation and who created the solution. The endless war of the elites against the proletariat. Create a problem create a solution which creates more problems which needs another solution.
The trustees boards of directors and employees who weren’t secretaries and clerks of the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations were one and all White men. Mostly goys not jews. It was elite White men using communist Jew women who destroyed White men.
At the end of the day, it is women and only women who can make babies. Trannies still can’t do it. So yes, the birth rate collapse can be blamed directly on women, who do not want to marry and reproduce in the best years to do so, for various reasons. As for Jews, we all know the score. They are behind every subversive movement and then some. If you didn’t realize it by now, you’re hopeless and part of the problem. No one is saying that white men have no agency or problems too. They are also too busy running circles in the materialism-hedonism trap. But saying that women (or Jews) have no blame, particularly on this issue, is also stupid.
That is about the weakest acknowledgement possible and, naturally, there is no expansion on it or call for a wider and much larger discussion about it on here.
No one is saying that white men have no agency or problems too.
Both issues are true – and related to each other. Replacement in the West through mass migration keeps native birthrates low, because it puts a huge financial and cultural strain on our societies and welfare system. �
Our establishment actively makes it harder for the native population to have children through their destructive policies. For example, young white people are leaving their parental homes later and later in life, because there simply are no affordable houses available. Most social housing units are given to immigrants, who are granted priority over the native population. �
Moreover, the narrative that “we need immigrants†because we have an aging population is a fallacy. Importing migrants from the third world only adds insult to injury. For example, only 20% of the asylum seekers who were granted residence in The Netherlands in 2019 had gotten a job in 2023, meaning the other 80% is living off of social benefits – thus putting more pressure on the welfare state. �
And apart from the financial aspect, there is a huge lack of religious/cultural incentives for young people to start families as a result of decades of postmodernism, nihilism and cultural relativism. We all know the examples of how the left actively discourages white people to have children by either claiming it’s “bad for the climate†or because we need to destroy “the patriarchy†and break free from “oppressive social constructs†such as motherhoods. �
I’d say we need to put a stop to mass migration immediately, send people home who have no right to be here and do nothing but take away from and destroy our societies – AND actively encourage and make it possible again for the native population to have kids. �
As a reminder, I am very much PRO increasing legal immigration significantly.
I’m not anti-immigration, I’m just against a massive number of unvetted people flooding into America, which any rational person should be.
If all you care about is the economy, there isn’t much need to vet them. Virtually are simply normal people who want to make more money.
But let’s say you did want to vet them, what would that entail? You could add a requirement that everyone needs to bring a copy of their criminal record. You can get that in any country in a few days for a few dollars. Very simple. So Musk is basically saying ‘our immigration policy is all wrong! We need to check their criminal records!’ Big deal.
If he’s referring to spies, then it’s ridiculous cause no doubt they would have a squeaky clean record and uncovering intentions to spy would require an extremely onerous investigation which for sure would be impossible to conduct on the millions of legal immigrants Musk wants to import.
UAE – birth rate of 1.44
Kuwait – 2.09
Bahrain – 1.8
Qatar – 1.7
Wow, that’s incredibly dangerous for them given their low population numbers and massive numbers of foreign workers. In these countries, only 10-20% of people living there are citizens, natives. For instance, there are only about 300k Qataris and the 2.7M foreigners.
If these countries with their windfall wealth, small-scale society, and religion background can’t solve the birth rate problem, it bodes poorly for other countries.
Feminism, urbanization, over-education of women and removal of traditional religion did all that.
What can be done about urbanization? Since agriculture has been mechanized, there is no longer much need for people in the countryside. Furthermore, most people prefer the distractions of the city to the peace of the countryside. Urbanization is an organic process.
Correct. Thanks for not pussyfooting around.
Why not Russia anymore?
There are many delusional, psychotic and insecure men on this website. Apparently, they have NO agency. Because every sour happening in the world is either the fault of Jews or women, never them.
That’s a big reason why the country is in such a precarious state….because of far too many fragile males with massive blind spots. People (not enough) sometimes try to inform them of what they aren’t seeing but, they simply won’t have it. Denial all the way.
So, here we are…a country with millions of whining, helpless males with Anglin leading the charge. Unreal….
Never heard of the GI Bill, eh?
If you have no criminal record, yet still have no hope of buying a house, you’re the victim of a Depression, whether it’s officially announced or not.
Motherhood and having children and marriage are religious vocations.
All human conception and life are direct acts from God.
All who oppose it are liable to judgement.
Outlaw contraception.
Make abortion a crime against humanity deserving of the death penalty.
Get rid of “civil unions”/”secular government marriage mimicry,” only recognize religious marriages, outlaw divorce and brutally punish adultery.
Ridicule and refute the atheistic bullshit about materialism, billions of years of voodoo, and monkey-fish ancestry that arrived on Earth on a meteorite spaceship from another dimension whose special physics allowed nothing to become rocks that grew fins and started swiming.
That institution is still the last moral holdout against the anti-life anti-natal immoral-sex-crazed rulers on the Earth, and your last hope here and following your death.
Your hatred of the Catholic Church is precisely because it warned you and your fornicating sterile ilk not to jack off, not to wrap balloons around your dick, or practice other contraceptive methods, and especially not to murder your children in the womb.
Instead you opened your legs to the post-rebellious-Jewish new religion known as Atheism and all it’s bullshit fairy tales it pretends is “science” joined to American French Revolutionary “liberty” nonsense and this is the current world you gave birth to, one orgasm at a time. Are you winning, son?
Eventually the Popes and 2nd Vatican Council made the mistake of opening it’s borders to “dialogue” and all your worst-world problems flooded in. The latest scandal being the sodomy-loving apostate Anti-Pope Francis. Little wonder the remnant of Traditional Catholics left won’t send him any money. And the Vatican bank has been looted by sodomite clergy for decades, that’s when they are not paying out for sodo-rape and sodo-molestation and cover-up. A fine result of the feminists and liberals and commies who kept good old fashioned orthodox men out of the seminaries, and ordained DEI examples who were precisely the “nice” sort that daft progressive lefties celebrate and love.
We need the Papal States back once Italy collapses, and the reinstitution of the death penalty for sodomites and insurgent heretics. Then putting world power back into the Church’s control. The skin color of the demographic doesn’t matter. If you don’t like it, you can join George Carlin in Hell.
That is the charm of “jus solis” — this can be hidden and you would lose your bet (exposing yourself as a racist if you dare protest the trickery).
“The baby boom in America and Europe came when people got wealthier after the Great Depression and the war and when immigration was low.”
That’s not because they got wealthier. Those children simply were delayed births because many young men were away from home to fight.
Israel (just counting Jews) is the only advanced/developed country with a total fertility rate above replacement. Even secular Jews in Israel are very close to replacement at 2.0. If you count Israeli Jews as a White country, then Israel is the only *White* country with a TFR above replacement.
The problem with “Great Replacement Theory†is that it fails to address the foundational issue of low birth rates.
Record low birth rates are leading to population collapse in Europe and even faster population collapse in most of Asia. Immigration is low in Asia, so there is no… https://t.co/ddGM5R6vWh
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) April 28, 2024
I agree—white family formation responsibly aligns with the ability to provide for children. The rest of your comment is true as well. The globalist elites are the enemy, including their upper-middle-class white flunkies in places like Scarsdale, New Canaan, and Manhasset making millions working on Wall Street, who no more care about the destruction of tens of millions of middle-America white families and the millions of young men’s deaths from fentanyl than do the alien Jews in our midst who’re the engine driving the genocide of whites. I can’t say I always agree with all of your points (for what little that’s worth), but I always appreciate reading such thoroughly researched, passionate, and sincere comments as yours. Thanks!
Absolutely not did women have anything to do with this. The average woman, like the average man, is assaulted at every waking moment by the misery and violence of the social reality that those at the top designed for them decades if not a century ago. They have absolutely no say. They just know they’re suffering and that bringing a child into the world will only compound it. Not having children is an act of mercy on their part.
Both issues are true – and related to each other. Replacement in the West through mass migration keeps native birthrates low, because it puts a huge financial and cultural strain on our societies and welfare system. �
Our establishment actively makes it harder for the native population to have children through their destructive policies. For example, young white people are leaving their parental homes later and later in life, because there simply are no affordable houses available. Most social housing units are given to immigrants, who are granted priority over the native population. �
Moreover, the narrative that “we need immigrants†because we have an aging population is a fallacy. Importing migrants from the third world only adds insult to injury. For example, only 20% of the asylum seekers who were granted residence in The Netherlands in 2019 had gotten a job in 2023, meaning the other 80% is living off of social benefits – thus putting more pressure on the welfare state. �
And apart from the financial aspect, there is a huge lack of religious/cultural incentives for young people to start families as a result of decades of postmodernism, nihilism and cultural relativism. We all know the examples of how the left actively discourages white people to have children by either claiming it’s “bad for the climate†or because we need to destroy “the patriarchy†and break free from “oppressive social constructs†such as motherhoods. �
I’d say we need to put a stop to mass migration immediately, send people home who have no right to be here and do nothing but take away from and destroy our societies – AND actively encourage and make it possible again for the native population to have kids. �
So far, I agree with everything Eva V. says or does!
(except for getting married without me being involved)
Seriously, she’s just about perfect!
The baby boom in America and Europe came when people got wealthier after the Great Depression and the war and when immigration was low.
Billionaire Stock Market Bubble Cuntboy Elon Musk Is Using Monetary Policy And Mass Immigration To Harm And Hinder The Ability Of Young People To Secure AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION.
The only nice things I can say about Musk is that he is BALD LIKE A BASTARD and Musk had some involvement with beautiful vodka bottle heaver Amber Heard.
Leslie Nielsen could crack jokes about ‘beavers’ but the rest of us mugs can’t or I would come up with a crummy joke about the beaver of the vodka bottle heaver woman. ELO 1975 EW.
A nice lady from the Netherlands — Eva Vlaardingerbroek — had to take Mr Elon Musk to task about Mr Musk’s mentally unhinged plans and schemes to flood out the European Christian nations with nation-killing mass immigration.
Eva Vlaardingerbroek Knows Damn Well That Elon Musk Is Pushing WHITE GENOCIDE When Elon Musk Demands MASS IMMIGRATION Be Massively Increased.
After my peanut gallery groundling insults directed towards Mr Musk, I will also thank Mr. Musk for Twitter and for allowing Eva Vlaardingerbroek to get 58 million views on Twitter for her speech calling for mass immigration to be stopped because mass immigration is killing nations.
Mr. Elon Musk, can I borrow fifty million bucks? I’ll pay you back on terms highly favorable to me.
Eva of the Netherlands politely demolishes billionaire high IQ moron Elon Musk on birth rates and the mass immigration-induced WHITE RACE REPLACEMENT:
Both issues are true – and related to each other. Replacement in the West through mass migration keeps native birthrates low, because it puts a huge financial and cultural strain on our societies and welfare system.
Our establishment actively makes it harder for the native population to have children through their destructive policies. For example, young white people are leaving their parental homes later and later in life, because there simply are no affordable houses available. Most social housing units are given to immigrants, who are granted priority over the native population.
Moreover, the narrative that “we need immigrants†because we have an aging population is a fallacy. Importing migrants from the third world only adds insult to injury. For example, only 20% of the asylum seekers who were granted residence in The Netherlands in 2019 had gotten a job in 2023, meaning the other 80% is living off of social benefits – thus putting more pressure on the welfare state.
And apart from the financial aspect, there is a huge lack of religious/cultural incentives for young people to start families as a result of decades of postmodernism, nihilism and cultural relativism. We all know the examples of how the left actively discourages white people to have children by either claiming it’s “bad for the climate†or because we need to destroy “the patriarchy†and break free from “oppressive social constructs†such as motherhoods.
I’d say we need to put a stop to mass migration immediately, send people home who have no right to be here and do nothing but take away from and destroy our societies – AND actively encourage and make it possible again for the native population to have kids.
Both issues are true – and related to each other. Replacement in the West through mass migration keeps native birthrates low, because it puts a huge financial and cultural strain on our societies and welfare system.
Our establishment actively makes it harder for the native… https://t.co/7OvD5U9RHy
— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) April 28, 2024
As a reminder, I am very much PRO increasing legal immigration significantly.
I’m not anti-immigration, I’m just against a massive number of unvetted people flooding into America, which any rational person should be.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) February 3, 2024
If all you care about is the economy, there isn't much need to vet them. Virtually are simply normal people who want to make more money.
As a reminder, I am very much PRO increasing legal immigration significantly.
I’m not anti-immigration, I’m just against a massive number of unvetted people flooding into America, which any rational person should be.
Cohabitation ain’t some picnic with Henry Adams and Henry Cabot Lodge and their wives or some cheese made in Vermont, but it is a sign of civilizational implosion because it augurs less White people and the USA needs young White people to get married and have more babies and enjoy the benefits of AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION.
I don’t care if the oompa lumpa loopedy do lumpenproles get in on the baby boom as long as a good amount of middle and high IQ people get down to the baby making business too.
The evil and hostile JEW/WASP Ruling Class of the American Empire is using monetary policy and immigration policy and the use of degrading and demoralizing and despair-inducing mass media to attack and destroy young White people’s ability to enjoy AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION.
High and unaffordable housing costs and student loan debt and low wages and a culture of anti-White venom and demonic divorce lawyers are sapping the fun and joy out of getting married and making babies.
White upper middle class snots are colluding with the billionaire plutocrat oligarch slobs to attack and destroy young White people’s future and there must be a political and legal counter-attack to stop the evil villainy from continuing on.
Young White Core America Warriors Will Win When When They Begin To Fight!
The anti-White animosity that animates the media and academia and corporations and government is to prevent young White Core Americans from dislodging the evil and treasonous JEW/WASP ruling class from power.
Once the battle lines are clearly drawn, and the young White Core American Warriors begin to bang it out bravely against the treasonous JEW/WASP ruling class, it will be a certain short-sharp-shock victory for the patriotic forces of truth in WHITE CORE AMERICA.
Young White Core Americans must repudiate all government debt immediately and they must make it easy to discharge all private debt. The rancid and evil donor-controlled Republican Party has made it harder to discharge and extinguish debt. The rancid Republican Party only advances the interests of money-grubbers and globalizer plutocrats and shyster rodents.
Young White Core Americans must press the central banker shyster issue hard like Old Hickory Andrew Jackson did.
Call for the federal funds rate to be raised to 20 percent to implode the asset bubbles in stocks, bonds and real estate. The monetary extremism run by the rancid Federal Reserve Bank has been for the benefit of White Americans born before 1965. We are in the end stages of three asset bubbles created by the Fed and this current asset bubble is the biggest by far.
Young White Core Americans must call for the immediate removal of the current controllers and owners of the internet corporations and the corporate propaganda apparatus. Disney/ABC and Viacom/CBS and Comcast/NBC and Fox News and Google/Alphabet and Facebook and Apple and Amazon and the like must be obliterated. White Core America must make like the Virginia Company and go for complete and total control of various businesses to make profits to reward our friends.
White Core America should get into every business imaginable and the White Core America Militia must gain control of the electronics and command and control of nuclear weapons to enforce its dominance in the business realm.
Young White Core Americans must financially liquidate White Americans born before 1965 and they must use the powers of the central bank to benefit their own people.
The Pewitt Conjured Loot Portion(PCLP) of ten thousand dollars a month for all American citizens with all blood born in colonial America and/or the USA before 1924 and the removal of 60 or 70 million foreigners and their spawn — using citizenship revocations and the like — will make housing costs go way down for young White people.
White Core America is about AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION.
Tweet from 2022:
White fertility varies with how affordable family formation is: compare wages/salaries to the cost of a house with a yard in a decent public school district. Immigration drives down wages and drives up housing costs for supply & demand reasons. Illegal immigration hurts schools.
— Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) May 15, 2022
No great loss it’s not as if they’re produced a Dante, Michelangelo or Da Vinci lately.
What’s the difference between niggers and white people engaged in R-selection breeding?
Because humans are dumber than beasts. No other animal in the world breeds more in response to scarcity -- not even insects. They do the opposite or else they're doomed. Your species is a joke, especially whites. Millions of years of evolution, all that investment in the neocortex, and the only breeding "options" you creatures can figure are returning women to the status of chattel or enforced poverty where you're essentially niggers living on government handouts and eating dirt cakes.
producing children is a biological response to poverty
Not true – animals breed by instinct. Whether all survive or not is due to environment, not choice of Mrs. Hedgehog thinking “we have too many right now, dear.”
Italian men – legendary laziness.
Although . . . it explains why women like Italian men so much – giving the gal a feeling of control.
Far too late to go back or to take a better course. Too much damage has been done to young boys and to young men. Also, look at the demographics and at the popular culture. Whites are dying out and the popular culture is impossibly decadent and will never tolerate a society in which White men are valued or respected. It’s war or collapse, indeed. White women will cheer for the fall of their own men right up until the moment when the knife is put to their collective throat.
“In the Great Depression the US fertility rate fell, because people were worried about having children they could not support.”
Most people everywhere at any time have worried about not being able to support their children. That didn’t stop them from having them.
During the Great Depression most men weren’t financially attractive enough for women. So the women didn’t get with them. As is the case today without a Great Depression. Also the twenties like today was a very liberal/libertine era. Including a strong feminist movement.
They’ve invested so much into destroying their own sons, brothers, uncles, fathers, ex-spouses, that they have no one left as a natural partner or defender. Let’s hope white women go the way of the do do. No other group has done so much damage to its own racial community and family units. The relationship between white women and White men is irretrievably damaged. And white women think all they need to do is offer a fake apology and a frozen smile and all will be well. In the coming paradise, White men won’t be able to protect or aid white women even if they want t0. The Jews are parasites, but it’s white women who have always heeded the serpent’s call.
“this topic is popping up on the online radar a lot lately. some researchers believe toxins in the environment are the cause of falling birthrates.”
There’re many factors at play, but fundamentally this is a cultural issue. Even if you’d remove the smaller factors most western women absolutely don’t want children in their twenties. Twenties is for education, career, relationships, hook-ups, leisure and travel. Western women, at the earliest, start to think about family in their late twenties. It’s something you do after you’ve lived life. This is particularly true for college educated women…they tend to have few children, if any at all. In addition they are also the most outspoken on abortion rights.
They always bitched and whined about men “commodifying” women, then went out and whored themselves out and did it more thoroughly than men could ever dreamed of doing. Everything about our society is a lie, and the biggest lie is that women are moral agents. They’ll do whatever is popular, no matter how tawdry, damaging, or grotesque. If you don’t believe me, just look around. We have paid an intolerable price for insouciance and for thinking the worst would never happen.
Learn to write English, you dumb fuck – or use spell check. You took what could have been a good point and murdered it.
Nothing good has come of the feminist movement. American women raise their sons to be weak and to serve women – when they’re not killing them in the womb. We are decades past the point when the birth rate could be corrected by natural means, and white women don’t want children in any case. Our culture has institutionalized misandry, and we still have obese boomer “males” cheering on the demise of their grandsons as some sort of great achievement. We can’t criticize Jews for the evil they do, and we can’t speak up on behalf of our sons because that’s “sexist”. We openly discriminate against young White men, and white women love this. White women yawn at talk about open borders and White Replacement, but burn their tampons and march in the streets for their inalienable constitutional right to kill their kids. Whites now worship Jews, the beings who have done the most to harm them over the past 100 years. The center cannot hold, and the country’s leadership is fulled with hollow men – and women, who are even worse than hollow men. If you have Jews at the top of the pyramid, and more than half of the population declaring war on those who are not of their gender, then you have a society that is cannibalizing itself. It can’t be saved, but I am at a loss as to where young men can go to find a sane and secure harbor. I used to think Russia, but not anymore. White women destroyed the world their forefathers built within a human lifetime. They don’t deserve easy deaths, and the third world refuse they’ve welcomed into the country are likely to make them wish that the 1950s never left. I simply can’t find a comparable to what white women have done to White civilization. These western countries are dying because white women are killing them from within.
Elon Musk is a god damn fraud. And his cars suck don’t be caught dead in one. And who, who designed that hideous looking truck of theirs John DeLorean?. Plus to make those Panasonic lithium ion batteries that go into the Tesla’s is a highly dirty process.
So what. The honkey race is going extinct. Nothing lasts forever. Hopefully a lot of the fat disgusting female hispanics will follow. Here’s another one for you UNZers. Vatican on the Brink of Bankruptcy Due to Dramatic Decline in Global Donations Under Pope Francis’ Leadership. Good. What a fuck’in religious Ponzi scheme this shitty little institution is. It’s like George Carlin said about bullshit religion, “God and his supposed representatives on Earth always needs money they have to have money, but they don’t know how to handle money.” So true, George.
I don’t know what you mean by ‘poorer countries’, but a large majority of the world’s population lives in what most people would call ‘poorer countries’ — and there is current data that indicates the global fertility rate is now below replacement:
Global fertility is almost certainly below replacement already. Consider:
(1) In many parts of the developing world, replacement fertility is higher than 2.1 due to child mortality and sex imbalances.
(2) Official sources like the UN have been lagging badly in their figures
you have to figure out a way to drive your country into poverty (which again, will de facto remove women’s rights). There is no third option.
A completely laughable comment, undoubtedly brought on by heavy drinking then blog posting.
Why bring kids into a shit society with very few options. Life mostly sucks. Plus most Anglo Americans girls are too busy having f buddies -prostitutional sex with giggalos.
You’re acting like it would take some real convoluted and questionable reasoning to see how.
The statistic is highly misleading. I mean, you could also say that there are (about) 36 people over 64 for every child under one year old. Or you could say that there are more people under 30 than over 90. So what?
The low fertility rate is primarily because Italians don’t breed like rodents, and right now times are not great to start a family in Italy. If immigration were stopped, and the banks stopped stealing from the general economy, etc., the fertility rate would jump up – just not enough to drive wages down, cry me a river.
In the Great Depression the US fertility rate fell, because people were worried about having children they could not support. It jumped up during the 1950’s, because it was then easy to support more children. Both responses were appropriate. It’s how all prosperous nations act. But of course, Elon Musk etc. wants us to all breed like cattle, so he can have ever cheaper labor.
Somehow, this is the Jews’ fault.
Somehow, nothing is EVER the Jews’ fault.
Of all the unz.com contributors this jackass is tops in sheer assininity. Do any of you wonder why he has so much output?
Straight edge, OK. He writes instead of jerkin’. That’s what explains his prolific output and it’s fecklessness.
BTW dude, how many offspring have you produced? ‘Fess up …
The thing is dude, you do not know jack about Italia. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
You are just using this statistic as launching pad for your well-known neo-nazi deliria.
Please never visit Italia. Even if Casa Pound invites you.
Italians despise Americans but are sufficiently Machiavellian to dissemble. This is what happens after being under the cruel heel of Zionist colonizers for almost 80 years.
You could at least put in a good word for Benito, the founder of your credo … or no?
There is a popular old saying- “Figures lie, and liars figure”
The “economic component” isn’t the actual factor in play. The actual reality is that is the richer, mostly White, western nations that have the lowest birth rates, because they have been consumed by every type of so-called “liberalism”. Ergo- Women’s Lib, Suffrage and voting by women, pro-homo/tranny, anti-God & traditional religion, enormous social programs, no fault divorce, overall rejection of all traditional values and roles, feminized societies in general.
Those are the real reasons for the declining birth rates in those richer nations! Why? Because only a rich, overly comfortable, no-struggling-to-live, “had it too good for too long” and overly indulgent culture/society/nation, has the “luxury” to explore and indulge in such fantasies!
Thus, the poorer countries don’t see the same 1- riches, 2- liberalism, 3- birthrate decline.
THAT’S what’s really happening here.
Global fertility is almost certainly below replacement already. Consider:
(1) In many parts of the developing world, replacement fertility is higher than 2.1 due to child mortality and sex imbalances.
(2) Official sources like the UN have been lagging badly in their figures
The powers that be will just seize on this news as an excuse to bring in yet more wogs.
this topic is popping up on the online radar a lot lately. some researchers believe toxins in the environment are the cause of falling birthrates. the capitalists and big government assholes don’t like a declining population, it will cause a financial collapse at some point if debts aren’t paid.
i am not a fan of youtube videos, but this one does explain a lot if you have time to watch it. it’s a couple of ex wall street/shitty of london guys that retired after making a pile of cash there and now they have time to worry about what international (((capitalism))) is doing to the environment.
for the record, i consider myself something of an ecofascist, blut and boden, all that.
“Everyone who says this has to do with economics, because women don’t feel like they have enough money, is full of shit.
Women in the poorest countries have the most children.”
When women can afford to not have children…they won’t have them (or as few as possible). When men fall on money they think: ‘now I can afford a wife and children”.
Women inherently what to be with, and procreate with, men higher on the socioeconomic ladder. When governments and corporations push gender equality they automatically create a mismatch between the sexes, resulting in many men not being able to secure a romantic interest. Roughly 20% being shut out completely, 60% having some but little access and 20% having sufficient to many options i.e. 80% being sexually frustrated to some degree.
Men used to be able to offset women’s sexual power with their economic and financial power. When women became financially independent, either through wellfare or a job men had little to negotiate with.
They are trying tough. Men are now adopting female sexual strategies….often based on looks. Thus gym culture, obsessive grooming and other types of cosmetics: fake teeth, expensive clothes, flashy cars etc.
I will wager that the vast majority of those children are products of ‘migrants’.
Somehow, this is the Jews’ fault.
Somehow, nothing is EVER the Jews’ fault.
Somehow, this is the Jews’ fault.
>This is apocalyptic.
No it’s not — obviously it’s a very serious multi-faceted social issue.
What’s going on in Germany is closer to being ‘apocalyptic’: 5m low quality migrants imported over the last 10 years, creating Wohnungsnot and making housing unaffordable in most of the country — not to mention the long-term demographic damage of so much low quality human capital.
And those who say it ‘has to do with economics’ usually mention the Ponzi public pension schemes common in Europe, where you need a certain number of working people paying tax in order to fund pensions for the retired, since it’s a pay-as-you-go system — the same problem affects Social Security in the US, which for decades ran a surplus due to a much higher ratio of workers to retirees than exists today (there is a huge projected future shortfall due to baby boomers retiring en masse).
No country with a reasonably sound, productive economy and its own currency need see an aging population as ‘apocalyptic’ — Japan, which has a similar demographic problem, is a good example — almost half of Japanese government debt is held by the Bank of Japan (‘quantitative easing’), and a large majority of the rest is held by internal entities — since not many of these yen make it out of Japan, they can create money to satisfy internal needs, including paying pensions.
Italy made the mistake of abandoning its own currency — this makes addressing the financial aspect of the problem politically sensitive and more difficult.
Because humans are dumber than beasts. No other animal in the world breeds more in response to scarcity -- not even insects. They do the opposite or else they're doomed. Your species is a joke, especially whites. Millions of years of evolution, all that investment in the neocortex, and the only breeding "options" you creatures can figure are returning women to the status of chattel or enforced poverty where you're essentially niggers living on government handouts and eating dirt cakes.
producing children is a biological response to poverty
So do your females guard the egg clutch, nurturing the few, valuable young later or just pump out enough into a hidden hole, calculating enough of them will survive the harsh environment into which they crawl?
“It said the average age was 48 for women and 45.2 for men in Italy.
The country’s youngest region is Campania, with an average age of 44.2 years.”
Damn. They are so done. Italy isn’t even able to reverse this…even if they wanted to.
“But of course, the Gulf states have significantly better birthrates than white countries, because they have not enfranchised women.”
Not really. Wealthy Arab Gulf states have increasingly late marriage, high divorce rates and low birth rates. This is directly tied to their wealth, influence of American culture and women entering higher education en masse…and competing with men for scarce well-paying – often government – jobs.
UAE – birth rate of 1.44
Kuwait – 2.09
Bahrain – 1.8
Qatar – 1.7
Oman – 2.5
Saudi Arabia – 2.3
Oman and SA are the most culturally conservative…so there is some delay…but even these countries wil go under in the next few years.
Wow, that's incredibly dangerous for them given their low population numbers and massive numbers of foreign workers. In these countries, only 10-20% of people living there are citizens, natives. For instance, there are only about 300k Qataris and the 2.7M foreigners.
UAE – birth rate of 1.44
Kuwait – 2.09
Bahrain – 1.8
Qatar – 1.7
The white race is going extinct because some sickening perverts got the idea that enfranchising women would be a fun and sexy time.
The white race is going extinct because…
1) The brief Age of Petroleum enabled human populations to suddenly (in a mere 2 centuries) metastasize far beyond their carrying capacity.
2) Whites (for whatever reasons) led the way in reducing their over-breeding toward a sustainable population size.
3) Many non-White populations are now doing the same.
4) Africans & some (some!) Muslims continue to over-breed.
5) White-hating Jews controlling primarily-White countries dump these non-White over-breeders on Whites.
Getting in a baby-making race with low IQ over-breeders guarantees a Pyrrhic victory at best. Serious immigration control, and foreign aid limited to birth control, are what has been sorely lacking all along. And yes, exposing & bringing to justice the genocidal Jews & their Shabbos goyim!
As the Age of Petroleum winds down, human numbers should follow. They will, one way or another. Nature’s limits still apply.
Women are the first to try and like subversive stuff.
It’s no coincidence the Serpent went to talk to Eve and not to Adam.
Feminism and abortion and the whole “women’s lib” has been very bad for women.
But they don’t notice… Too busy blaming men.
Incidentally, Italy and Spain are today the countries with most feminist propaganda… You see it in posters, in marches everywhere… Not a coincidence, but they also have the two lowest birth rates in Europe.
Yes, it’s women’s rights. Anglin is right. Arranged or semi-arranged marriages are the best way.
What a shame for Italy!!! Stop being so lazy paesan!!!
The feminist ruined everything.
But it was weak men who encouraged their wife to work.
If they believe in the climate change so much, why did they push two or three cars in every family and double the traffic with women working?!?
Now men as well as women realize nobody won. Everyone’s life is empty. And men didn’t get away with anything because now when they come home instead of being fed and relaxing they have to worry about what the family is going to eat as well and have to worry about every chore that women did for 40 hours during the week on top of the things that they Have to do that require strength.
Even decades ago when I was 12, I understood this. Feminists don’t even have the brains of a 12-year-old girl.
producing children is a biological response to poverty
Because humans are dumber than beasts. No other animal in the world breeds more in response to scarcity — not even insects. They do the opposite or else they’re doomed. Your species is a joke, especially whites. Millions of years of evolution, all that investment in the neocortex, and the only breeding “options” you creatures can figure are returning women to the status of chattel or enforced poverty where you’re essentially niggers living on government handouts and eating dirt cakes.
Haiti or the middle ages. Those are some great civilization models, man. Totally worth it to get to outbreed those inferior muds.
This is apocalyptic.
Has Peter Zeihan ever heard of roller shutters?
They are lowered at sunset and don’t let light from the inside escape.
Prime estate in the centre of Genoa, impossible to believe the residential fraction of it staying vacant for long.
I once saw a map of Europe in which the various colors designated the most-favored sex position. For Italy, it was the so-called “cowgirl†position. (Woman on top, straddling the man, and thus doing the work and controlling the choreography.) No other European country was this color (except for Belgium). I could speculate about aspects of this Italy preference, but this is not that kind of blog, so I will leave it as “just sayin’.â€
Women have nothing to do with this , f… Liar and idiot. Subversive agenda from top to bottom did it.
Feminism, urbanization, over-education of women and removal of traditional religion did all that.
70 years ago Italians were Catholic and having lots of children. The same was true in several other countries.
What happened? All the radical social changes since the 1960s.
The problem is that you can’t easily go back to that if you do not have enough native young people, and having millions of black and brown foreigners on top of that.
The future will be either war or collapse, probably both.
What can be done about urbanization? Since agriculture has been mechanized, there is no longer much need for people in the countryside. Furthermore, most people prefer the distractions of the city to the peace of the countryside. Urbanization is an organic process.Replies: @Dumbo
Feminism, urbanization, over-education of women and removal of traditional religion did all that. �
ok waitaminute. there’s nothing wrong with Nancy Pelosi’s body.
I still don’t understand what you hold me responsible for.
ROFL! You’re obtuseness!
Obtuse: adjective
…not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull.
Jeff Smith = Slooooww as molasses in the cranium. Even endless repetition of the message doesn’t cause your cerebrum circuits to fire accurately.
But I never got a grasp of what you’re talking about.
Simply unreal given how utterly simple and basic my thesis was/is. Perhaps give serious effort to reading comprehension….that might be the issue rather than a lack of ability.
My bad.
I do certainly HOPE it is hyperbole. I’m glad to be embarrassed if it means I’m wrong about people like you.
I tried to reach out.
I still don’t understand what you hold me responsible for.
Now, if I am the boss/in charge/powerful then yes I am responsible – for whatever it is that I’m in charge of. And in my personal life I am aware of sins that I have committed.
But I never got a grasp of what you’re talking about. So no, I can’t give a good response.
ROFL! You're obtuseness!
I still don’t understand what you hold me responsible for.
Simply unreal given how utterly simple and basic my thesis was/is. Perhaps give serious effort to reading comprehension....that might be the issue rather than a lack of ability.
But I never got a grasp of what you’re talking about.
YET MORE deflection and, this time, hysterical hyperbole also.
Just re-read your first paragraph. How can you not be embarrassed by that? Extermination? You have entirely lost it.
Hopeless? Again, that is your claim, no one else’s. I would not have thought so but, at this point, I must acknowledge that very likely might be true. You can’t even manage a linear dialogue and purposely distract with nonsense tangents.
I stopped reading after the second paragraph, it was just too silly and immature. Smh, all these words from Jeff simply to avoid acknowledging reality and assigning responsibility where it is much warranted. You have proven my points entirely and likely don’t even grasp that. It’s amazing how often that happens in similar dialogues. I marvel.
Sorry for winging-off the topic at hand. The topic is: all men deserve to be exterminated. All fair-minded thinking people realize that. So how do we get men to stop reflexively blaming others, actually THINK about things, come to the same conclusion, and then kill themselves, thereby solving all of the problems in the world?
I was just making a ridiculous plea for sympathy before. Yet (here my stupidity is on display) I thought I HAD given you some examples buried in that mass of complete nonsense which was my previous reply. Again, that must only show how completely hopeless I am.
Now, no one has ever written about how men have caused all of the problems that women experience. Or (in the case of white men) all of the problems in the black community. Or all of the problems in the world. You must be right about that because you keep asserting that you are, and you are clearly superior.
And yet I thought that (for example) Mary Ann Sieghart did not fail to do exactly that – discuss the harms done by me/the guy who I just saw walking down the street/the male baby that was just born this morning and is in hospital maternity ward/”men.” I grabbed a random paragraph from the Guardian article written by her that I referenced:
‘This sense of male superiority and entitlement is fostered at school too. Professor Allyson Julé studied classroom interactions and found that teachers repeat boys’ comments as recognition of their contributions nine times more than girls’, address questions much more to boys than to girls, and praise boys more for their answers. As a result, boys are rewarded for speaking up and girls for being quiet and well-behaved. Boys learn to believe their views are more important than girls’. As other educational researchers, David and Myra Sadker, put it: “Girls quickly learn to smile, work quietly, be neat, defer to boys and talk only when spoken to … Little wonder that so many girls lose their voice, confidence and ambition, a problem likely to haunt them in adulthood.‒
I have caused girls to lose their voices. Is that not an example of an article that discusses my guilt?
(If Mary Ann Sieghart HAD failed to discuss the harm that I caused to girls – and apparently she HAS failed, because you keep asserting there are no examples of such discussions – is that my fault/the baby’s fault too?)