Whatever happens, I’ll bet nobody will seriously ask the Ukrainians for their opinion. See what happens to Western proxies? Taiwan should take note.
There’s just a “minor” problem with this. At this point, Moscow would never accept anything that doesn’t give a major win to Moscow.
Israel is mentally handicapped. It still thinks it is 500 BC.
The world has to teach Israel that it is not 500 BC. 500 BC will never come back, no matter how much Israel wishes for it. This attack on Syria is an example of Israel’s mental handicap with reality in the present.
The same applies to this mitzvah of killing all descendants of the seven nations, which is a milchemes mitzvah. In every generation we are required to uproot them and search after them down to the last individual. We did this until King David destroyed them completely, with the survivors being scattered and assimilated among the nations until they disappeared.
Damascus under attack – 27th April 2020
The same applies to this mitzvah of killing all descendants of the seven nations, which is a milchemes mitzvah. In every generation we are required to uproot them and search after them down to the last individual. We did this until King David destroyed them completely, with the survivors being scattered and assimilated among the nations until they disappeared.
A government for the globo-elites
Quite a list Mike!
I’m happy to say I didn’t even know who Mike Barnacle was, but when I checked, I agree he belongs on that list.
It looks like the only one I’m not sure I’d put on my list is Margaret Sanger, because she opposed abortion in most cases, but promoted birth control, and it’s said eugenics, an idea that I can be sympathetic to. (I think there’s too many stupid people, if we could encourage stupid people (Clevon, from Idiocracy, for instance) to have less offspring, I wonder if life on planet earth might improve some.
At the top of my list would be Woodrow Wilson, and then FDR.
Ted Kennedy, along with John McCain, were the only two people for whom I actually cheered their deaths. But I also took some pleasure in mocking Noel Ignatiev’s recent passing, and wistfully musing at pissing on his grave, which I think a lot of people would pay a small fee to do. Which reminds me of Tim Wise, who I’d also put on my list. And many more, I’m sad to say.
Thank you for the effort to make such a list Mike.
What about Mengele? I agree *if* he did the things they claim he did, then he certainly belongs on the List. But why would we take their word, when they lied about everything else.
It could be that he was just a brilliant physician with an interest in genetics, who happened to be assigned to Auschwitz. I doubt he really did sew Jew’s hands to their ankles and feet to their wrists, as a surgical joke and cruel experiment. I suspect that most, if not all the things they said about him, were lies.
Cheers Mike.
preferring Biden for all kinds of reasons, many of them understandableâ€
Yeah sure and each and every one of them is a fucking brain-dead nutcase.
not necessarily
If you’re an identity politics Person of Color, advocating for more Affirmative Action or a radical feminist or homosexual pedophile or Big Tech billionaire or transgender activist or a thousand other marginal groups who want to ‘kill whitey’, once and for all, and feast on the carcass of his dead civilization, or for instance if you’re Hunter Biden, there are lots of people with lots of motivations for preferring Biden to Trump.
It could just even be that for personal reasons, like you’ve known Trump for decades, and always hated him, or for other reason, (I know a guy like that) maybe you’d prefer Biden.
Like I said, if Biden picked Rand Paul for his running mate, I’d vote for Biden.
you can't get half way to Heaven
semi-fulfiled when I even pretend to love Trumpstein.
I don't hate Wally, and while I've reluctantly criticized him for being too strident with his holohoax campaign (and I think he's way too harsh on Dr. G.), I still think his heart, like yours, is in the right place. Our people (like so many others) are menaced by Zionism. If his strategy is to free the planet from this scourge, then while I may not agree with the methods, I won't condemn the motivation.He thinks more of Trump than I do. Does that make him an evil person? I don't think so.Trump is not John McCain. In fact they hated each other, which was one more reason for liking Trump, because so many of his enemies are my enemies, and the enemies of all human decency. Which is what I considered McCain to be. As bad of a traitorous rat as they come. Tom Cotton seems to have slithered into the role vacated when the Bloodstain went to his reward. I've seen you and Wally have your flame wars, and I have no dog in that hunt. Flame away to your heart's content both of you, I want no part of that.
maintain cordial exhanges with Wally�
lolshe looks willing to make you holler and then some.Replies: @Liberty Mike
intimate sessions with a “Torture Broad†to make me loyal & hollar “I love my ZUS president.â€
The Hildebeast and the “war hero” who dumped his first wife for the liquor heiress are both in my top 10 worst pieces of evil excrement of all time. How many of the following would make your list?
Not much, just Assad's dead body.
How much evidence does it take to make Rurik aware of Trumpstein’s zeal to kill President Basher Assad
OK, will do.
Question for Rurik. How was Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary’s Libya, Syria, and Russia war platform hers and not the ZUS presidents? Explain?
Are you advocating for Biden?
there is no “better alternative.â€
” I think there are are alot of people who’re preferring Biden for all kinds of reasons, many of them understandable”
Yeah sure and each and every one of them is a fucking brain-dead nutcase.
There is no rational reason ever for someone to vote for a Democrat, for someone to vote for the party of blue-haired crazies, for someone to vote for the party which will usher in the final and irreversible destruction of the US.
When I contemplate lunatics such as Mad Maxine directing the destiny of the country, and the trillions of tax-slave dollars which they will throw in the direction of reparations and other such lunacy then good-nite America.
I have an eighteen year old nephew, rather son of my nephew who was killed in a car wreck, and he is a bright kid who rejected admission to UM as it is “too liberal” and I shudder to think of his future with the Democrat madmen in charge.
AJM “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet and pro jazz performer.
not necessarilyYeah sure and each and every one of them is a fucking brain-dead nutcase.
preferring Biden for all kinds of reasons, many of them understandableâ€
How much evidence does it take to make Rurik aware of Trumpstein’s zeal to kill President Basher Assad
Not much, just Assad’s dead body.
Question for Rurik. How was Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary’s Libya, Syria, and Russia war platform hers and not the ZUS presidents? Explain?
OK, will do.
Unlike Hillary, who destroyed Libya and was busy destroying Syria, and demanding that ‘Assad has to go’, and was obviously frothing to confront Putin and teach that misogynistic white supremacist a lesson in what real power looks and feels like.
Trump has de-escalated in Syria. Trump has attempted rapprochement with Putin.
It seems obvious to most people, that Trump seems fond of Putin and respects him. This is the cause of the unhinged hysteria from the deepstate and media. “Treason!” they frothed, because he had an amiable chat with Putin in Helsinki.
there is no “better alternative.â€
Are you advocating for Biden?
I mean that’s fair if you are. It doesn’t make you a bad person. I think there are a lot of people who’re preferring Biden for all kinds of reasons, many of them understandable.
But if they think he’ll be less zio, then they’re either deluded or dishonest, IMHO.
Biden will give them their wars, and he’s not going to rescind Trump’s sniveling pandering over the Golan Heights or Jerusalem. Biden is not going to end the sanctions on Iran, or Russia or anywhere, except perhaps Zimbabwe, Cuba or the Congo, where the respective governments are just ‘misunderstood’. And the sanctions are racist.
But if you prefer Biden for whatever reason(s), then I have no quarrel with that. We’re each entitled to our preferences. But there will be a president elected in November, and if you don’t support Biden, then by default, you’re supporting Trump with your non-participation.
With Trump, it has always been about who he isn't.
Time to look at Trump for what he is, not who he isn’t.
Haha. Rurik opined:
“We all know what he (Trumpstein) is.. a sleazy, dishonest narcissist. A vapid celebrity and New York real estate mogul, with ties to extremely unsavory types in NYC and Hollywood.”
Rurik forgot “unsavory” types in Tel Aviv, and (below) unsavory Arkansas types.
Ad nauseam, Rurik pontificated:
“Trump… hasn’t started new wars. That was Hillary’s platform.”
How much evidence does it take to make Rurik aware of Trumpstein’s zeal to kill President Basher Assad 😳, back KSA’s bombing of Houthis, murdering General Soleimani, imposition of 2nd best sanction wars, and now 💥edging toward starting ZUS war against Iran, Persian Gulf?
Haha, (Zigh). Either a flimsy provocation or a approved False Flag will do, and then American hero “troops” will die for trying to culmimate the PNAC’s requirement to take down 7 nations in 5 years. Plan is on hold due to President Putin’s mighty military obstacle.
Question for Rurik. How was Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary’s Libya, Syria, and Russia war platform hers and not the ZUS presidents? Explain? Uh, PreZident Obama away on business? 🤔
Given Rurik’s selective “Chain of Blue & White House Command,”
Not much, just Assad's dead body.
How much evidence does it take to make Rurik aware of Trumpstein’s zeal to kill President Basher Assad
OK, will do.
Question for Rurik. How was Obama’s Secretary of State, Hillary’s Libya, Syria, and Russia war platform hers and not the ZUS presidents? Explain?
Are you advocating for Biden?
there is no “better alternative.â€
Time to look at Trump for what he is, not who he isn’t.
With Trump, it has always been about who he isn’t.
We all know what he is.. a sleazy, dishonest narcissist. A vapid celebrity and New York real estate mogul, with ties to extremely unsavory types in NYC and Hollywood.
So what? Like I said, it has never been about what Trump is. Because what he is, and has always represented, in a word, is the alternative. That’s it.
Door number Two, when the American electorate has already seen what’s behind Door number One.
I’ve said a thousand times here on Unz, that I consider Hillary to be the worst human being on the planet, next to John McCain, and now that McCain is rotting in hell, Hillary takes the cake.
It says a lot about our politics, that the ((PTB)) would like the worst person on the planet to sit in the White House, but there it is.
If you ran a dog or a pig against Hillary, I (and is suspect millions of other Americans) would vote for the dog or pig or illegal immigrant or anybody! (or nobody, and just left the White House vacant), I know I’d prefer that (or anything or anyone) to Hillary Clinton.
Trump has proved to be a zio-stooge, (like virtually every member of congress and the media and churches all across America), but he hasn’t started new wars. That was Hillary’s platform. ‘Assad has to go, ‘no-fly zones’, confrontation with Russia, Iran would be toast today. She was a well know, it not thee well known foreign policy hawk. If she had won, she (and the entire DC power structure) would have demanded that her election was a mandate for wars. And that’s exactly what we’d get. On top of domestic policies intended to castrate (spiritually, financially, psychologically and if you allowed her – literally) people like me.
So with that staring at me from Door number One, I think it’s understandable why so many ‘deplorable and irredeemable’ Americans went for Door number Two.
As to Biden, he’s not in the same league of spine-numbing evil as Hillary, but he’s an entrenched and thoroughly corrupt tool of the ((deepstate)), and would give them their wars and anti-white social policies and the rest. But as I’ve said, if he picked Rand Paul as his running mate, I’d vote for Joe. If he picks someone like Michelle Obama, then I’d vote for Trump. Warts and all.
I see you failed reading comprehension. I am pro Trump, except for his pro Zionist tendencies and again I am for a Palestinian State based on the 1946 borders… so there! As far as infantile, as I progress into my later years I hope I keep or revert to my optimistic childlike qualities instead of being a miserable old coot, like most.
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.â€
Did you see or hear where Donald was speaking to a Jew-ish group and he called them killers, it was classic. And the Cabal was so dumbfounded that they couldn’t scream the Anti- Semite tag on him for this event since he was using it as a backhanded compliment.
Trump 2020-24… and beyond! Putin-Trump Axis DA!!!
So long as we all agree that voting for Trump saved us all from doing to Syria what she did to Libya, and most likely a hot war with Russia, open borders here at home with free everything for the immigrants.. SCOTUS Justices that would have ended the First and Second Amendments, and imposed draconian punishments upon the basket of Deplorables, while lavishing unprecedented power on the Deepstate apparatchiks like Brennan, Comey, Stzrok, McCabe, Clapper and all the other treasonous scum in our federal law enforcement and 'intelligence' agencies.
It matters not one jot or iota what Hillary would have done,
It’s not much of argument, forever justifying the clearly half-insane and clueless Trump, by referring to something that never happened, i.e. the third Clinton coming. That’s akin to being happy because your leg is being amputated just above the knee instead of at the bottom of your thigh.
As for Biden, he is simply a straw man replacement for your straw woman Hillary.
Time to look at Trump for what he is, not who he isn’t.
With Trump, it has always been about who he isn't.
Time to look at Trump for what he is, not who he isn’t.
I do not hate jews or seek their ill will anymore than I would for others. But anyone claiming to represent God and then willfully violates his precepts and does so repeatedly — well, no christian should be supporting that behavior. I understand your stalwart positioning, though it could use some tempering.
Note: christians could not make a lineage claim by faith, but they could by biology if they could trace heir lines back far enough.
In my comment of April 22, 2020 at 11:06 pm GMT, one paragraph is this:
Some “experts†insist that China’s Covid-19-related massive quarantine regime is the only sound solution. Others suggest that “social distancing†is unnecessary, even harmful, and that the solution is a requirement that all people must wear a mask when they enter any public sphere and that testing must be very widespread, especially of elderly people and those who suffer, of have suffered, certain diseases (like diabetes, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, renal disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, or hyperlipidemia).
In my same comment, another paragraph is this:
The matter is very reasonably debatable. But, just as non-physician U.S. Presidents (even very many physicians) are not competent to determine the matter, non-physician state governors are not proper Covid-19-protection decision-makers.
Compare those two paragraphs with this: https://russia-insider.com/en/game-over-swedish-belarus-covid-herd-immunity-strategy-has-won/ri29837
You need to research the Homeland Security Grants
“Given the number of times the ancient stories have been translated, I think I see the problem. Judaism is, most likely, derived from the Canaanite faith which is one of the ‘original’ tribes that permanently settled the region. ‘
I am going to walk gingerly here. Because it doesn’t take much to be called an antisemite, or some other brand of “jew hater” of which I am neither. But if we are going to discuss Israel as a people originally understood to be God’s lamp and source of salvation. Then the record is pretty clear, they are not native to Palestine. As scripture makes very clear – repeatedly.
Now as I have stated numerous times; I support Israel’s right to exist, her right to self defense and have some grasp of her place with respect christian tradition — none of which lends me to condone everything and anything Israel does — hat would be irresponsible both from a secular and spiritual perspective.
Christians may or may not b native to the region, that all depends on ow far back they can trace their ancestry back to the original people’s. Nothing in the New Testament supports Israeli violations of any scripture as to the treatment of others and certainly for a christian — Christ over rides any such suggestion.
I do not hate jews or seek their ill will anymore than I would for others — others. But anyone claim to represent God and willfully then violates he precepts and does so repeatedly — well, no christian should be supporting that behavior. I understand you stalwart positioning, though it could use some tempering
You are certainly doing your side no good by saying that violent Islam has the right to occupy non-Muslim territory, the ancient Holy Lands of Jews and Christians.
addendum: I don’t think you do your cause any good by pretending that the Palestinian Arabs have no right to exist in their own ancient lands.
To be honest with you, I really don’t care what religion or ethnicity lives on that land.
What I care about is the way the Palestinians are treated. As less than human, and relentlessly humiliated and tormented and murdered, with their children treated as target practice while they play on roofs.
I couldn’t care less if it was Jews shooting Muslims or Muslims shooting Christians or Christians shooting Jews.
It isn’t the particular religion or ethnicity that concerns me, but rather that no people’s children should have white phosphorous dropped on them for the crime of existing.
I can’t tell from this picture whether these boys are Christian, Muslim or Jew.
They could be any of those, or all three.
But I can tell you that the kind of people who would target and murder these children, are a very, very fucked up people.
If they were Muslims, I’d condemn them in the harshest terms.
But it turns out that it is invariably Jewish supremacists that deliberately murder children out of pure, Satanic malice. And I am opposed to such evil with every fiber of my being.
semi-fulfiled when I even pretend to love Trumpstein.
you can’t get half way to Heaven
maintain cordial exhanges with Wally
I don’t hate Wally, and while I’ve reluctantly criticized him for being too strident with his holohoax campaign (and I think he’s way too harsh on Dr. G.), I still think his heart, like yours, is in the right place.
Our people (like so many others) are menaced by Zionism. If his strategy is to free the planet from this scourge, then while I may not agree with the methods, I won’t condemn the motivation.
He thinks more of Trump than I do. Does that make him an evil person? I don’t think so.
Trump is not John McCain. In fact they hated each other, which was one more reason for liking Trump, because so many of his enemies are my enemies, and the enemies of all human decency. Which is what I considered McCain to be. As bad of a traitorous rat as they come.
Tom Cotton seems to have slithered into the role vacated when the Bloodstain went to his reward.
I’ve seen you and Wally have your flame wars, and I have no dog in that hunt. Flame away to your heart’s content both of you, I want no part of that.
intimate sessions with a “Torture Broad†to make me loyal & hollar “I love my ZUS president.â€
she looks willing to make you holler and then some.
I take it you are locking time to place, otherwise the said could said of Jews in the region. Because as scripture makes clear, they are natives either. And they did not do as instructed and remove the pre-existing populations.
Both Christianity and Judaism are native to Palestine.
Given the number of times the ancient stories have been translated, I think I see the problem. Judaism is, most likely, derived from the Canaanite faith which is one of the ‘original’ tribes that permanently settled the region. Other contemporary ‘original’ tribes have not survived to the modern day. God’s Wrath against the Amaleks did not cause Jews to arrive from elsewhere. They were already part of Palestine.
Christianity holds that Jesus was born in Bethlehem and died on the Plains of Golgatha, both of which are in Palestine.
The Holy Lands of Islam are Mecca and Medina. Jerusalem is not holy to Muslims. Every serious historian understands that Muhammad died before his Jihadi invasion reached Jerusalem. Al’Aqsa is obviously in the wrong place.
Even an imbecile knows that there are Muslim Palestinians and Christian Palestinians and presumably even Jewish Palestinians. (the Jews that were living in Palestine before the Zionist terrorists went on their rampage).
Do you mean Non-Muslim Palestinians?
Or, Muslim Non-Palestinian?
most trolls try not to broadcast their idiocy
The phrase “Palestinian Muslim†is an oxymoron.
none during those dates.
How many violent Jihadi Muslim occupiers were in Palestine
addendum: I don’t think you do your cause any good by pretending that the Palestinian Arabs have no right to exist in their own ancient lands.
You are certainly doing your side no good by saying that violent Islam has the right to occupy non-Muslim territory, the ancient Holy Lands of Jews and Christians.
I tell you what. I would be happy to expand that definition of Palestine and offer a fair compromise.
— Jews can have the 22% of Palestine West of the Jordan river.
— Muslims can have the 78% of Palestine East of the Jordan river. Muslims can even have “The Right to East Bank Return”.
Or, are you going to say that Violent Islam as a superior religion has the right to steal land from religiously inferior Infidels?
Fairly, Rurik asked me: “will you go on the record saying that you love president Trump?”
Grudgingly, am called to love my Enemy, and one is Trunpstein. Reckon the sacred obligation is semi-fulfiled when I even pretend to love Trumpstein.
As for you, Rurik, comtinue to maintain cordial exhanges with Wally, and his adoration for Trump’s “many accomplishments.”
As you know, haha, Lonesome Wally desperately needs someone here who even pretends to love him. 🙌 Could be you, Rurik!
Selah, P.G.: “Loyalty to the president is the chief qualification,” and it would require intimate sessions with a “Torture Broad” to make me loyal & hollar “I love my ZUS president.”
you can't get half way to Heaven
semi-fulfiled when I even pretend to love Trumpstein.
I don't hate Wally, and while I've reluctantly criticized him for being too strident with his holohoax campaign (and I think he's way too harsh on Dr. G.), I still think his heart, like yours, is in the right place. Our people (like so many others) are menaced by Zionism. If his strategy is to free the planet from this scourge, then while I may not agree with the methods, I won't condemn the motivation.He thinks more of Trump than I do. Does that make him an evil person? I don't think so.Trump is not John McCain. In fact they hated each other, which was one more reason for liking Trump, because so many of his enemies are my enemies, and the enemies of all human decency. Which is what I considered McCain to be. As bad of a traitorous rat as they come. Tom Cotton seems to have slithered into the role vacated when the Bloodstain went to his reward. I've seen you and Wally have your flame wars, and I have no dog in that hunt. Flame away to your heart's content both of you, I want no part of that.
maintain cordial exhanges with Wally�
lolshe looks willing to make you holler and then some.Replies: @Liberty Mike
intimate sessions with a “Torture Broad†to make me loyal & hollar “I love my ZUS president.â€
True enough. Trump has also injected into Washington his own nest of swamp creatures and Wall St. bigwigs. However it is also true that Trump has been under unrelenting attack since the day he announced his candidacy. This is not fair. With the possible exception of Nixon, I've never seen a more ruthless campaign by political insiders to demean a public figure. But to whom must Trump show ceaseless and attentive loyalty to?--no matter what?https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/proclamation-days-remembrance-victims-holocaust-2020/Replies: @Richard B
While it is not unusual for presidents to surround themselves with devoted yes-men, as Trump does with his spectacularly unqualified son-in-law Jared Kushner, his administration is nevertheless unusual in its tendency to apply an absolute loyalty litmus test to nearly everyone surrounding the president
Thank you for the link Mark.
Reading it confirmed, yet again, that the two super powers in the world today are
1. Jewish Supremacy Inc.
2. The Chinese Communist Party
The both have a lot in common. Though, the one big difference is that, for now at least, you can mention and even criticize The CCP. Whereas you can’t even mention JSI by name, except maybe here.
But all of what they have in common can be subsumed by one thing,
They’re both cultures of Blind Obedience to Authority.
As opposed to what has been developing in the West for the last 500 years, a culture of Individual Conscience, culminating in the notion of a democratic culture. A culture fast falling apart after being under relentless attack since WWII, at least.
For all of its many faults it’s responsible for developing a habit of mind based on self-criticism without anxiety.
But JSI and The CCP as cultures of blind obedience demand to be placed above criticism, loved unconditionally, and, of course, blindly obeyed.
Worse, they both have the power to effectuate those demands.
Even if those demands are based on insane lies. And now we’re back to your link.
The point being, these facts make a mockery of any attempt to pin the tail on a Presidential donkey like Trump, who looks more and more hapless with every passing day.
More and more of us are sounding a lot like Oedipus just as he was about to find out the truth of himself, “Right now I sway between hope and fear.”
To the extent I’m hopeful it’s based on our ability to arrest the ascent of JSI and The CCP’s rise to Full Spectrum Dominance.
But, I fear that, barring a miracle, that’s not going to happen.
If it doesn’t theirs will be a joint Pyrrnic Victory.
Because their mutual effort to create a social order free of control and sustained by force, only increases the uncontrolled exercise of naked power.
And the uncontrolled exercise of naked power destablizes the social-institutions that power controls.
And destablized social-institutions disrupts and even halts economic activity.
In short, if the power of JSI and The CCP go unchallenged we shouldn’t laugh at the dinosaurs for getting themselves extinct. After all, they lasted a lot longer than we have so far.
Am truly hoping RobinG is well & returns to comment at U.R.
I agree, sans some of that schoolmarm hectoring
Christians are called to love even their Enemies.
will you go on the record saying that you love president Trump?
“make my day,†and I am ready for corporeal persecution.
I don’t think that’s Robin, but it looks like she could sure do some scolding
“The correct answer is ZERO. Islam is not native to Palestine. ”
I take it you are locking time to place, otherwise the said could said of Jews in the region. Because as scripture makes clear, they are natives either. And they did not do as instructed and remove the pre-existing populations. And as foretold, would be a prickly thorn, as result.
I appreciate your advocacy, but the issue of occupying the land is not a one way street – especially if one is going to contend the matter on secular grounds. The reason for Israel is not for the Jew — but for Go’s purpose, it’s a mistake to confuse the God of Israel for Israel as God or even the purpose of God . . .
Both Christianity and Judaism are native to Palestine.
I take it you are locking time to place, otherwise the said could said of Jews in the region. Because as scripture makes clear, they are natives either. And they did not do as instructed and remove the pre-existing populations.
Do you mean Non-Muslim Palestinians?
But there’s a big difference between sub-human head slicers, vs. Palestinians
Do you mean Non-Muslim Palestinians?
Or, Muslim Non-Palestinian?
Even an imbecile knows that there are Muslim Palestinians and Christian Palestinians and presumably even Jewish Palestinians. (the Jews that were living in Palestine before the Zionist terrorists went on their rampage).
Palestinians are mostly Arabs whose ancestors have been living in Palestine for centuries. Back to Biblical times in fact, whereas Ashkenazi Jews have *zero* historic ties to the land.
The phrase “Palestinian Muslim†is an oxymoron.
most trolls try not to broadcast their idiocy
How many violent Jihadi Muslim occupiers were in Palestine
none during those dates.
The Muslim occupiers came with the Ottomans, and left their (benign) religion when they were tossed out. The Palestinians simply absorbed the Muslim and Christian religions, and lived peacefully with Jews as such, for hundreds of years. (Again, until the murderous, genocidal Jewish supremacist Zionists went on their killing spree, sending the region reeling into strife and horrors writ large, that continue to this day).
addendum: I don’t think you do your cause any good by pretending that the Palestinian Arabs have no right to exist in their own ancient lands. In fact, such a suggestion is so vile and morally repulsive, that I wonder if you’re a kind of double-agent troll, making Zionists look like such assholes, that normal people would be put off by them.
You are certainly doing your side no good by saying that violent Islam has the right to occupy non-Muslim territory, the ancient Holy Lands of Jews and Christians.
addendum: I don’t think you do your cause any good by pretending that the Palestinian Arabs have no right to exist in their own ancient lands.
Rurik cares💤, announced to me: “I just don’t want you to become the forum scold. (remember RobinG ; )”
Having a good hearted forum “scold” is a desirable thing for me. Am truly hoping RobinG is well & returns to comment at U.R.
Did not know RobinG personally, and I became mean when she insisted that I call the Blue & White House, my ZUS Senators, and a Boston Library who planned to host a Bernard Levi forum. (Note: As an esteemed voice, Phil Giraldi importuned me to take note of RobinG’s good heart and noble political goals)
Haha, you say, “lose my bladder” with hatred for Trumpstein, and subsequently incur “dry cleaning expenses.” Tweet tweet. 🤣
The “Dry Cleaning” I get is the Sacrament of Confession at St. Joseph’s Melkite Greek Catholic Church, West Scranton. This Saturday, God willing, I shall appear for Confession & Father Chris Manuele shall listen & perhaps “scold” me as necessary, ideally give absolution.
Fyi, you do not understand this Rurik, but Catholic & Orthodox Christians are called to love even their Enemies.
Therefore, I don’t hate mere mortals like well heeled Trumpstein. Seriously, I feel very sorry for him, his Israeli creators, & administratiom entourage,👹 who daily descend deep into the Valley of Perdition.
“Scold” for me here? Okay, “make my day,” and I am ready for corporeal persecution.
So be it, Rurik, re; Country Joe & The Fish, @ Woodstock 1969, “Whoopee, we all gotta’ die!” 😳
And as you might recall, Iran martyr, General Soleimani, took Trumpstein’s lethal drone fire “scold,” and consequently, why can’t a laid-off Scranton School bus driver take one “Big Time” hit for The Christ Team? Uh, i.e., me. 😌
I agree, sans some of that schoolmarm hectoring
Am truly hoping RobinG is well & returns to comment at U.R.
will you go on the record saying that you love president Trump?
Christians are called to love even their Enemies.
“make my day,†and I am ready for corporeal persecution.
That is why you blame the victims of Muslim violence.
But there’s a big difference between sub-human head slicers, vs. Palestinians
Do you mean Non-Muslim Palestinians?
Or, Muslim Non-Palestinian?
The phrase “Palestinian Muslim†is an oxymoron. One can be a Palestinian or one can be a Muslim. The two concepts are mutually exclusive, and the proof is simple.
How many violent Jihadi Muslim occupiers were in Palestine at the following dates:
— 400 BC?
— 200 BC?
— 0 BC/AD?
— 200 AD?
— 400 AD?
The correct answer is ZERO. Islam is not native to Palestine. The violent Muslim colonization and occupation of non-Muslim, Infidel lands began ~600 AD.
By Palestinian you must mean Palestinian Jew. On that basis you are correct:
There’s a big difference between sub-human, Muslim, head slicers, vs. Palestinian Jews.
Even an imbecile knows that there are Muslim Palestinians and Christian Palestinians and presumably even Jewish Palestinians. (the Jews that were living in Palestine before the Zionist terrorists went on their rampage).
Do you mean Non-Muslim Palestinians?
Or, Muslim Non-Palestinian?
most trolls try not to broadcast their idiocy
The phrase “Palestinian Muslim†is an oxymoron.
none during those dates.
How many violent Jihadi Muslim occupiers were in Palestine
Given these interwoven relationships, could it be that general Soleimani was more of a threat to the mullahs than to U.S.A.?
I am not sure that there is a working definition for loyalty. Since Sept. 11 loyalty seems to mean whatever the power does must be accepted, supported, condoned or at the very least, one must never hint at disagreement.
In my view I have been loyal to this executive beyond measure. However, like the previous executives, there appears to be a demand that one not only light a candle of approval at every utterance, but also march lock step in beyond form. Now clearly, no one wants to hire anyone who opposes their agenda. That make perfect sense. But with increasing clarity, those that are demanding absolute loyalty are set about destroying the lives of anyone who does not fall in line. That seems to be the sad and disappointing truth — so that one’s loyalty cannot be distinguished between genuine support or a desire to survive.
We have some disagreements Dr. Giraldi, most stark among them on matters of faith and practice.
But make no mistake, I have appreciate the price you have paid for taking position in opposition in this environment. An while I think your comments about Jews are sometimes over the top, I respect the price you have when expressing even mild challenge — I respect that choice.
I am unsure if the country can ever recover from the current environment of suspicion fear and retribution correct, incorrect or opportunistic valuations of loyalty. In some respects . . . the current admin is the culmination of practice long before they arrived in office – which is why in many respects this all may seem normal.
Chasten as you please,
I just don’t want you to become the forum scold. (remember RobinG ; )
Like the Unz hall monitor or crossing guard, scanning for any post with insufficient venom for the man so many people hate on a personal level.
I wanted to find a smaller version of that photo I posted, because it’s a little too big and obnoxious, but you have to admit, that the expression of the guy is perfect for how so many feel about Trump.
Brennan, McCabe, Comey, Clinton, the View, CNN, Pelosi and Schumer, Nadler and Schiff and Maxine..
talk about being ‘owned’, Trump owns those people’s souls. He keeps their ids in a bottle, and shakes it up from time to time for a good laugh.
It’s fine and laudable and expected to have contempt for Trump, (you’re only returning the favor ; ). But to lose your bladder with rage every time he Tweets something stupid, only gives you more dry cleaning expenses.
@ Robjil
Iran being the last one not yet attacked.
I took a look, it looks like Iran and the ZUS are pointing the finger at each other, claiming that the other one is being provocative.
There was a time not so long ago, when I automatically assumed Iran was telling the truth about things, especially vis-a-vis the ZUS (who lies with its every breath)
But ever since the government of Iran lied to everyone about shooting down that plane, now I consider neither one as having a shred of credibility.
It’s like Trump vs. Biden. Both rotten liars who shill in fealty to Zion every time they open their faces and the lies plop out like so many turds.
Wesley Clark talked about seven nations to be destroyed, as in Israel’s beginnings in the Torah/Old Testament. Iran being the last one not yet attacked. Perhaps this lock down, is the time they might just do that.
Rurik asked me: “Must I now chasten you, for policing the comments for any post that isn’t sufficiently filled with frothing bile directed at Trump?”
Chasten as you please, Rurik!
There’s no “better alternative” to police than me.
Haha. Watch Wally don’t own you.
I just don't want you to become the forum scold. (remember RobinG ; )
Chasten as you please,
I took a look, it looks like Iran and the ZUS are pointing the finger at each other, claiming that the other one is being provocative.
Iran being the last one not yet attacked.
“Or do you consider Jews somehow special, and the rules don’t apply to them?â€
Get serious, Rurik.
OK Chuck, you’ve ‘known’ me now for quite a while. What part of my query to the troll do you suppose wasn’t serious?
That is wasn’t filled with sufficient invective for Trumpstein?
I once criticized Wally for policing this forum for any comment that didn’t sufficiently denounce the Holocaust as a fraud and a hoax. Even on threads that have nothing to do with the Holocaust.
Must I now chasten you, for policing the comments for any post that isn’t sufficiently filled with frothing bile directed at Trump?
You know I abhor Trump. You know I consider him a tragic disappointment, but that isn’t enough, is it? I have to be filled to the brim with unhinged, rabid loathing of Trump as the worst president and human being in the history of the universe!!!
I HATE Donald J. Trump as a demon in mortal goat skin, painted orange to trick us all!!!
He has cloven hoofs and eats babies for lunch!!! Rrrgharreithegaaaergarrhhheaaahe!!!
– die Trump DIE!!!!
~ something like that?
Or do you consider Jews somehow special, and the rules don’t apply to them?
That is why you blame the victims of Muslim violence.
few people were or are less sympathetic of the ISIS head-slicer orcs.
But they too were unleashed upon civilized people by Jewish supremacists and their lapdog lackeys, Obama and co.
But there’s a big difference between sub-human head slicers, vs. Palestinians being persecuted and murdered to mollify the infinite hate and malevolence of your typical Zionist Jew.
A civilized world would not work that way, for sure. Let’s work to make the Holy Land a civilized place, by honoring the Right of Return, and prosecuting the murderers and genocidal J-supremacists.
Do you mean Non-Muslim Palestinians?
But there’s a big difference between sub-human head slicers, vs. Palestinians
isn't it quaint the way Jewish supremacists murdering and raping innocent people so they can steal their land, have the nads to call themselves the 'victims'?
It is very arrogant to complain about the victims getting their land back after 1,400 years of suffering.
Haha. Rurik asked: “Or do you consider Jews somehow special, and the rules don’t apply to them?”
Get serious, Rurik.
Doubtless, Trumpstein does, & he’s landslide better than Israel’s ubiquitous alternative. (zzzZigh)
Let’s listen & see what Brother Nathanael thinks about ‘dat!
OK Chuck, you've 'known' me now for quite a while. What part of my query to the troll do you suppose wasn't serious?
Get serious, Rurik.
Alas, I failed to block-quote the two Philip Giraldi quotes of my comment posted at April 22, 2020 at 11:06 pm GMT. So I must point out the quotes here.
The first quote was this:
Trump’s recent claim that he has the sole authority to shut down or open up the country is clearly unconstitutional based on Article 10 and his warning that he will use his executive authority to adjourn the continuing virtual session of congress to enable him to approve hundreds of pending recess appointments plausibly qualifies as impeachable.
The second quote was this:
His [Trump’s] exhortation last Friday to his followers to “liberate†three states from the control of their governors is insurrection, a dangerous provocation that undeniably meets the requirement to qualify as a “high crime†as defined by the constitution.
The second quote was the main object of my comment of April 22, 2020 at 11:06 pm GMT.
Please forgive my error.
isn't it quaint the way Jewish supremacists murdering and raping innocent people so they can steal their land, have the nads to call themselves the 'victims'?
It is very arrogant to complain about the victims getting their land back after 1,400 years of suffering.
Or do you consider Jews somehow special, and the rules don’t apply to them?
I guess you believe that violent Muslims are special and rules don’t apply them.
That is why you blame the victims of Muslim violence. According to you — They are lesser humans (a.k.a. Infidels) and deserved it.
I hate to break it to you, but the civilized world does not work that way.
That is why you blame the victims of Muslim violence.
In my posts of April 21, 2020 at 11:14 pm GMT and April 21, 2020 at 11:14 pm GMT, I discussed certain language of Philip Giraldi’s article — this language:
Trump’s recent claim that he has the sole authority to shut down or open up the country is clearly unconstitutional based on Article 10 and his warning that he will use his executive authority to adjourn the continuing virtual session of congress to enable him to approve hundreds of pending recess appointments plausibly qualifies as impeachable.
Later in the same paragraph, Mr. Giraldi asserted this:
His [Trump’s] exhortation last Friday to his followers to “liberate” three states from the control of their governors is insurrection, a dangerous provocation that undeniably meets the requirement to qualify as a “high crime” as defined by the constitution.
That language, too, demands serious criticism. Like his language quoted first in this comment, that second-quoted language could encourage the Democrat elite to begin a second illegitimate, divisive, hugely wasteful impeachment circus.
Trump’s “exhortation†was not an exhortation, but a statement of support of protests that had been already underway days or more earlier.
Trump’s statement was 1st amendment protected free speech supporting a rather large-scale peaceful public exercise of the people’s 1st amendment protected privilege of free speech and right of peaceful assembly seeking redress of grievance opposing government conduct.
Even a President has a 1st amendment protected privilege of free speech.
Free speech exercise and rightful assembly is not “insurrection.†The grieving protesters were not seeking to overthrow state government, but to be freed from serious restrain that quite arguably violates several federal constitution provisions that protect liberty against unnecessary socio-political regulation that constitutes oppression.
Yesterday (21 April 2020), Wisconsin’s legislature petitioned Wisconsin’s supreme court declare illegal and bar the lock down ordered by the state’s Governor Tony Evers. Also yesterday, Attorney General William Barr said the Justice Department may pursue legal action against states whose measures are “too strict.â€
Trump’s statement did not incite rebellion, but merely supported the protestors’ peaceful protests, with the premises of which Trump agreed.
Trump has a big mouth and often lacks the restraint most may expect a national leader to possess and manifest. And his anti-lockdown position may be mistaken — though quite enough virologists, epidemiologists, and other pertinent-field scientists agree with Trump.
Some “experts†insist that China’s Covid-19-related massive quarantine regime is the only sound solution. Others suggest that “social distancing†is unnecessary, even harmful, and that the solution is a requirement that all people must wear a mask when they enter any public sphere and that testing must be very widespread, especially of elderly people and those who suffer, of have suffered, certain diseases (like diabetes, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, renal disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, or hyperlipidemia).
Sound evidence shows that 6-feet social distancing is virtually rather futile. Compare AND
AND examine VERY CAREFULLY the measures of distance and intensity. You will see that a non-mask-wearing cougher’s likely infectious breath travels markedly farther than 6 feet but that a mask-wearer’s breath very likely would not carry viruses father than about 10 inches.
The matter is very reasonably debatable. But, just as non-physician U.S. Presidents (even very many physicians) are not competent to determine the matter, non-physician state governors are not proper Covid-19-protection decision-makers.
Whatever may a yet-unknowable “correct†determination, a merely incorrect Executive decision is not an impeachable offense. An Executive act must be treason (according to the definition given in U.S. Constitution Article III, § 3), seriously corrupt (like national-security-threatening or public-welfare-harming bribery), or some other similar and equally egregious illegal conduct or grave abuse of office. Cf. http://www.usalone.com/jaffee_on_impeachment2.htm
Not many lawyers — even not many law professors — understand the meaning of “impeachable offense.†Philip Giraldi and other non-lawyers need cease asserting that Trump, or any official, has committed an impeachable offense — especially where, as in our current state of socio-economic and political severe malaise, even panic, the nation needs avoid counterproductive and grievously public-welfare-harming political dissension fueled by ignorance and rabid political hatreds.
In my same comment, another paragraph is this:
Some “experts†insist that China’s Covid-19-related massive quarantine regime is the only sound solution. Others suggest that “social distancing†is unnecessary, even harmful, and that the solution is a requirement that all people must wear a mask when they enter any public sphere and that testing must be very widespread, especially of elderly people and those who suffer, of have suffered, certain diseases (like diabetes, coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, renal disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer, or hyperlipidemia).
Compare those two paragraphs with this: https://russia-insider.com/en/game-over-swedish-belarus-covid-herd-immunity-strategy-has-won/ri29837
The matter is very reasonably debatable. But, just as non-physician U.S. Presidents (even very many physicians) are not competent to determine the matter, non-physician state governors are not proper Covid-19-protection decision-makers. �
I tend to agree with you.
Trump has been dealing with jews all his life, and KNOWS their machinations, questionable, dirty and illegal practices, and, in general knows what they are like.
I realize that some of his closest relatives are jews.
I just hope he is following the wise mantra, to wit: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.
That’s why they HATE him. I’m praying he gets reelected and sends his ditzy daughter and weird son in law packing back to NY City One.
I think you are falling for the charade…he is part of the Deep State.
The Deep State doesn’t care about the unimportant internecine squabbles of the ‘two parties’ as long as their important issues are maintained. As a matter of fact it strengthens the false perception that there is a choice when voting.
This is among the worst rebuttals I have ever read.
As for destabilizing the region, that happened in 1948, when a cabal of murderers and terrorists began butchering villagers in order to steal their land. It’s been destabilized ever since.
It is very arrogant to complain about the victims getting their land back after 1,400 years of suffering.
isn’t it quaint the way Jewish supremacists murdering and raping innocent people so they can steal their land, have the nads to call themselves the ‘victims’?
Was John Wayne Gacy the victim, because those young men failed to give him what he considered was his?
Even if the Jewish supremacists were real Jews from the Middle East, (and not Polish and Lithuanian and Ukrainian Khazars), they’d still have no right to slaughter and rape and steal other people’s land. It doesn’t work like that. Maybe back in the 18th century it did, but not in the 20th century, when Jewish supremacists have been screeching at full volume that ethno-nationalism is the worst evil the world has ever known! Unless it’s Jewish supremacists that are killing and ethnic cleansing, huh?
Nope. If it applies to Germany, then it applies to Zionist Jews. And if Jews have a right to kill Gentiles, then the Nazis had every right in the world to kill every Jew in their conquered lands.
Or do you consider Jews somehow special, and the rules don’t apply to them?
(that’s a rhetorical question ; )
Or do you consider Jews somehow special, and the rules don’t apply to them?
That may be the stupidest thing I've read in a while now.
Barack Hussein’s funding of Iranian terror with pallets of money destabilized the entire region.
As for destabilizing the region, that happened in 1948, when a cabal of murderers and terrorists began butchering villagers in order to steal their land. It’s been destabilized ever since.
This is among the worst rebuttals I have ever read.
The true cabal of mass murdering jihadists destabilized the region starting ~600 AD. Sorry — You cannot justify rape, land theft, rape, murder, rape, forced conversion, and rape. The calling cards of Muhammad’s Jihad.
It is very arrogant to complain about the victims getting their land back after 1,400 years of suffering.
isn't it quaint the way Jewish supremacists murdering and raping innocent people so they can steal their land, have the nads to call themselves the 'victims'?
It is very arrogant to complain about the victims getting their land back after 1,400 years of suffering.
8 Nixon’s opening to China without consulting congress or any governors.
Did FDR consult before deciding to meet with the Soviets to work toward recognizing the USSR?
How about Truman over Israel, aside from the 26 Zionists that wrote to him?
Slovenia? Kosovo?
Foreign policy is the purview of the President. Nixon was pragmatic. Pretending Taiwan was the official government of 1/4 of the earth’s population, or alternately that 1/4 of the earth’s population did not exist, was delusional.
By the way, there was no “civil” war. A civil war by definition is opposing factions warring over control of the government. The Confederacy wanted no part of the Union.
It is impossible for Barack Hussein to have a "crisis of conscience" as that would require having one.
Obama is a soulless cretin. Utterly amoral and opportunistic. It was the American people who thwarted Obama’s war on Syria.
Barack Hussein’s funding of Iranian terror with pallets of money destabilized the entire region.
That may be the stupidest thing I’ve read in a while now.
The money they’re pooping their pants over was Iran’s money, when Iranian assets in some countries were frozen, due to Iran not playing zio-ball like a good little vassal state. They simply got back what was theirs.
As for destabilizing the region, that happened in 1948, when a cabal of murderers and terrorists began butchering villagers in order to steal their land. It’s been destabilized ever since.
This is among the worst rebuttals I have ever read.
As for destabilizing the region, that happened in 1948, when a cabal of murderers and terrorists began butchering villagers in order to steal their land. It’s been destabilized ever since.
@Trinity #130
Your comment is the portrait of “Reality in Nude”.
Decades of gobbling up their lies and vile propaganda has transformed yesterday’s great and proud nation to an amorphous mass of soul less people.
We must extricate this poison from the body of America now, or there won’t be any tomorrow.
” Amazing what having the press on one’s side does”
Look let’s just finally face the sad truth that the Democrats are simply invulnerable and invincible, as they have all of the opinion makers on their side : Media, edumacation, justitia, hollywood, etc, etc.
And the cowardly Repubs, consumed with their arkanside paranoia as they are, are simply too fucking week-spined to really go after any of those odious Democrat grifters.
My golden rule pertaining to politics being : Anything the bonkers Krauts cherish is poison for the US, and they, the lunatic Germans, worship the ground BO/BC/HC and GS travel upon.
Just mention BO’s name in a German eatery and you can cut the tension in the air with a knife, as all heads turn your way with bated breath, and waiting for a negative comment about their savior.
Myself, years ago, made a negative comment regarding BO to a lady working in a German library, and she shrieked in horror and pain.
How do you know Trump wasn't groomed? One doesn't have to be a politician to be groomed.
Wrong as Trump wasn’t a full time politician until Obama became POTUS. Obama was groomed from an early age by ‘The Powers That Be’ for the ultimate prize.
He’s still the least owned gentile out there. That’s why they HATE him. I’m praying he gets reelected and sends his ditzy daughter and weird son in law packing back to NY City One. But seeing that NYC is ‘Virus Central’ they will probably move to a walled off complex in New Jersey or Florida. (Grin)
I think you are falling for the charade...he is part of the Deep State.
That’s why they HATE him. I’m praying he gets reelected and sends his ditzy daughter and weird son in law packing back to NY City One.
Nope. I'm not even sure where you're getting such a wild theory from.I was there. I remember. The war worm was finally turning in the ZUS.From the link I sent:
He probably reckoned he already did Libya for his paymasters and decided to leave Syria to his successor.
I personally called my congress-critter as well. I told her assistant that I had never called before, but that I was calling to insist that we do not go blundering into another war in the Middle East. I made my opinion known, and so did a huge swath of the American electorate. Obama is a soulless cretin. Utterly amoral and opportunistic. It was the American people who thwarted Obama's war on Syria. The same American people that ALWAYS vote for the anti-war/peace candidate for potus, only to get betrayed by the Satanic forces of Zion, and their willing stooges.Trump has turned out to be a huge disappointment, but not even in the same league (or universe) as the war hag. https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-29-2015/H3B32s.gifReplies: @A123
But then a strange thing happened. The opposition of the public to the war wasn’t just an airy “opinionâ€. Americans were prepared to do a bit about it. They started calling Congress and writing letters and overwhelmingly they said, “No war, no wayâ€.
Obama is a soulless cretin. Utterly amoral and opportunistic. It was the American people who thwarted Obama’s war on Syria.
It is impossible for Barack Hussein to have a “crisis of conscience” as that would require having one.
The U.S. Military would have had boots on the ground in Ukraine if Hillary had taken over.
Trump inherited problems created by prior administrations. I had hoped for better results, but he has avoided escalation and de-escalated where possible.
By moving forces south in Syria he got them out the kill sack from the Shia-Sunni-Kurd war. Everyone understands that the implausible excuse of “protecting oil” was a cover story, not the intent.
He has made several attempts to wrap up the mess in Afghanistan. The most recent one was blocked when the sides started fighting again while the ink on the deal was still wet. Eventually he will pull the “Full Gromov” and get everyone out.
Barack Hussein’s funding of Iranian terror with pallets of money destabilized the entire region. It is hard to see how the U.S. can leave until Trump fixes the damage created by Obama’s incomprehensibly awful choices. And, even there he has made it clear that there is a 0% chance of putting boots on the ground.
The options are pretty clear for the next election.
Biden will have boots on the ground in Ukraine, Iran, and probably several other fronts. No one wants that.
Trump may be imperfect, but he is vastly better than the alternative.
That may be the stupidest thing I've read in a while now.
Barack Hussein’s funding of Iranian terror with pallets of money destabilized the entire region.
actually it was us, who stopped Obama- and then the war hag from doing to Syria what she did to Libya.
President Vladimir Putin stopped “us†from doing to Syria what ZUS Obama’s Secretary of State did to Libya.
“American people who thundered back through our representatives,”
Remember it never works “through our representatives”. After election they have their own interests and not yours.
People like Hillary Clinton are soulless. IF Hitler was in power, Hillary would be a member of the Nazi party, IF Stalin were in power, Hillary would be a Bolshevik, IF Hillary lived in Cuba during Castro’s reign, she would be pro-Castro. EVERYONE, without exception MORE THAN LIKELY, in Washington is an opportunist, that is why they can be bought and sold like farm animals by their Jewish leaders. Trump is an opportunist as well, less grotesque as Hillary, but he is far from what we need to turn this country around. Trump’s constant sucking up to Israel is sickening to say the least, but it isn’t as if anyone in Washington has the balls to criticize Israel except that shriveled up little African Omar what’s her name. I guess Omar gets a pass because she is even more anti-White than she is anti-Jew, so the powers that be will use her for stirring up racial animosity and well, she isn’t exactly white like David Duke. I would say that ABSOLUTELY NO WHITE POLITICIAN IN WASHINGTON HAS THE BALLS TO BE EVEN SLIGHTLY CRITICAL OF ISRAEL OR JEWISH POWER AND INFLUENCE. So, this is where we as Americans stand in 2020.
Unfortunately there are only two options for the public to choose from in every 4 years. Trump was elected because he has won the campaign of “better” lies. He was different, an outsider. In final analysis, it all does not matter, the WASHINGTON IS RUN BY THE UNELECTED BACKROOM GANG following their uncompromising agenda different from the public aspiration. If the front puppet is not in line he is eliminated – it happened. Did not Trump change his campaign sound agenda 180 degree?
A system, created long time ago at primitive communication and transportation, of sending regional proxies to Washington does not work anymore. Public is now more educated and informed then the corrupted proxies who mostly represent their interest.
We have now means for DIRECT VOTING. Reduce the elected politicians to debating the issues but public will decide by Friday’s vote. Do you want move the embassy to Jerusalem…Yes or No? Majority rules, instead of backroom gang. Get rid of this pseudo-democracy.
Relatively few revolutions turn out the way the original rebels planned. It would involve killing the Constitution and replacing it with something new. As a Populist, I would rather save the Constitution.
There’s going to be a massive paradigm shift. ... A revolution-zeitgeist
I would rather save the Constitution.
I’m tempted to say ‘what Constitution?’, what with demands that we can’t criticize or boycott the ‘shitty little state’ that murders our citizens wholesale and then dances and celebrates and high-fives’ each other at the carnage.
What kind of Constitution is it that allows for an enemy foreign government to commit war crimes and atrocities against our sailors in uniform (USS Liberty), and then threatens all the survivors with court-martial if they say a word about it?
This is not a nation of free citizens ruled by a Constitution, but rather a vassal state of an enemy foreign imperial power.
But, with that said, we do still do have the Second, which is the amendment that protects and guarantees all the rest.
Which is yet another reason for us all to grateful that the war hag was thwarted.
Good point!
Looks like we will have to get (be) rid of all of them.
Close the synagogues and all jewish organizations, confiscate their assets and ship ’em all to israel.
Hardly. He probably reckoned he already did Libya for his paymasters and decided to leave Syria to his successor.
Did Obama have a crisis of conscience?
He probably reckoned he already did Libya for his paymasters and decided to leave Syria to his successor.
Nope. I’m not even sure where you’re getting such a wild theory from.
I was there. I remember. The war worm was finally turning in the ZUS.
From the link I sent:
But then a strange thing happened. The opposition of the public to the war wasn’t just an airy “opinionâ€. Americans were prepared to do a bit about it. They started calling Congress and writing letters and overwhelmingly they said, “No war, no wayâ€.
I personally called my congress-critter as well. I told her assistant that I had never called before, but that I was calling to insist that we do not go blundering into another war in the Middle East.
I made my opinion known, and so did a huge swath of the American electorate.
Obama is a soulless cretin. Utterly amoral and opportunistic. It was the American people who thwarted Obama’s war on Syria. The same American people that ALWAYS vote for the anti-war/peace candidate for potus, only to get betrayed by the Satanic forces of Zion, and their willing stooges.
Trump has turned out to be a huge disappointment, but not even in the same league (or universe) as the war hag.
It is impossible for Barack Hussein to have a "crisis of conscience" as that would require having one.
Obama is a soulless cretin. Utterly amoral and opportunistic. It was the American people who thwarted Obama’s war on Syria.
We came, we saw, he died!
not good enough. Duyal citizenship for Jews is not just on paper, but is a tribal right. So even the jews that don’t have official citizenship in Israel, their mental/psychological citizenship trumps, and therefore their loyalties!!!
I disagree Geo, in fact that sounds to me like a nice script.
Obama had decided he was not going to attack Syria and he used Congress as a human shield to help him save face for making that decision.
At the same time the polls starting coming in and the results weren’t good for Obama. At first the issue was whether Obama could order the bombing of Syria on his own. A lot of Americans started standing up for the Constitution. Factor in here the Snowden revelations and the growing understanding and disgust with the Obama war on privacy rights. Then there were polls about whether to attack Syria. The first poll I saw on whether to attack was in Newsmax, a conservative website, and the numbers were running strongly against the war. A shocker.
Conservative opposition to war was noteworthy. The Tea Party Republicans came out against bombing. Opposition to the war started developing among the right wing radio commentators like Limbaugh and Hannity. They criticized the war plans and started quoting Russian sources, RUSSIA SOURCES, rather than U.S. intelligence on Syria. Now of course some of that sentiment was sheer hatred of Obama, but very, very uncharacteristically these commentators were not following the Israeli government line.
Obama wanted to attack and went through all the usual steps to prepare for it only to see almost all his support fall away.
It’s true that anti-war rallies over Syria in the U.S. were insignificant compared to the gatherings and marches of hundreds of thousands in the streets in 2003. Yet why did the U.S. public turn against the war? The corporate TV news played the usual ominous warlike music, showed the usual heart wrenching scenes and called on the usual “security†experts. But something has changed. After war upon war with nothing to show for it Americans are finally wising up. They were listening to what dissidents had to say on Syria and honking their horns in support as they passed by their anti-war demonstrations.
Ten years of rallies have had their effect.
Finally there were the anti-war demonstrations. True they were small. Even in New York and in DC they were no more than 400 or 500. Yet they made their mark. The bright yellow signs of “ANSWER†were in the news, one being featured on the web edition of the New York Times. The United National Anti-War Coalition put out a call for rallies and there were a goodly number on the East Coast, the West Coast and Chicago. Code Pink had its “bloody hands†in back of Kerry as he testified to Congress.
On August 31 President Obama announced that while he had decided to attack Syria, he would first take the matter to Congress first. Peace activists took heart.
If you recall, those in the know said it was just a trick. Obama would attack whatever Congress said. For a while it did look like the move to go to Congress was the usual, merely getting a rubber stamp for war. Ha’aretz revealed that AIPAC was about to send 250 lobbyists into the halls of Congress to twist arms.
Arch foe of Obama Sheldon Adelson and his friends in the Republican Jewish Coalition came out for bombing. In my state Connecticut there was a “town hall†meeting called by Congressman Larson (September 2). When I arrived there were 60 Syrians and Syrian-Americans in front of the West Hartford town hall holding a rally with graphic pictures of the chemical weapons massacre. They called for loudly for U.S. action and the media was all over it (neglecting the speakers inside the hall who were generally against military action). Again it looked like the familiar path to war. The pictures of Assad’s horrors would be used to excuse another imperial attack. Just one Democratic Congressman, Alan Grayson of Orlando, said he would vote against war.
But then a strange thing happened. The opposition of the public to the war wasn’t just an airy “opinionâ€. Americans were prepared to do a bit about it. They started calling Congress and writing letters and overwhelmingly they said, “No war, no wayâ€. Grayson (formerly very sympathetic to AIPAC) started a website, Don’t Attack Syria and after a while other members of Congress starting speaking out against an attack.
The very scientific Pew research group issued a poll saying that at the start of September half of the Americans polled opposed the war and only 29% favored a strike on Syria.
https://stanthestruggle.wordpress.com/2013/10/04/why-didnt-obama-bomb-syria/Replies: @geokat62
Obama wanted to attack and went through all the usual steps to prepare for it only to see almost all his support fall away.
It’s true that anti-war rallies over Syria in the U.S. were insignificant compared to the gatherings and marches of hundreds of thousands in the streets in 2003. Yet why did the U.S. public turn against the war? The corporate TV news played the usual ominous warlike music, showed the usual heart wrenching scenes and called on the usual “security†experts. But something has changed. After war upon war with nothing to show for it Americans are finally wising up. They were listening to what dissidents had to say on Syria and honking their horns in support as they passed by their anti-war demonstrations.
Ten years of rallies have had their effect. �
Did Obama have a crisis of conscience?
Hardly. He probably reckoned he already did Libya for his paymasters and decided to leave Syria to his successor.
Besides, there’s only so many wars a POTUS can wage after being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, lol!
Nope. I'm not even sure where you're getting such a wild theory from.I was there. I remember. The war worm was finally turning in the ZUS.From the link I sent:
He probably reckoned he already did Libya for his paymasters and decided to leave Syria to his successor.
I personally called my congress-critter as well. I told her assistant that I had never called before, but that I was calling to insist that we do not go blundering into another war in the Middle East. I made my opinion known, and so did a huge swath of the American electorate. Obama is a soulless cretin. Utterly amoral and opportunistic. It was the American people who thwarted Obama's war on Syria. The same American people that ALWAYS vote for the anti-war/peace candidate for potus, only to get betrayed by the Satanic forces of Zion, and their willing stooges.Trump has turned out to be a huge disappointment, but not even in the same league (or universe) as the war hag. https://i.makeagif.com/media/9-29-2015/H3B32s.gifReplies: @A123
But then a strange thing happened. The opposition of the public to the war wasn’t just an airy “opinionâ€. Americans were prepared to do a bit about it. They started calling Congress and writing letters and overwhelmingly they said, “No war, no wayâ€.
I am not sure why Giraldi is defending Barack Hussein and Hillary Clinton's behaviour & staff choices. All rational human beings see the damage that Hillary created at the State Department.
Aside from the date the important part of the first page is the motive for sending it. The DOJ is telling the court in July 2018: based on what they know the FISA application still contains “sufficient predication for the Court to have found probable cause†to approve the application. The DOJ is defending the Carter Page FISA application as still valid.
However, it is within the justification of the application that alarm bells are found. On page six the letter identifies the primary participants behind the FISA redactions:
... DOJ needed to protect evidence Mueller had already extracted from the fraudulent FISA authority. That’s the motive.
In July 2018 if the DOJ-NSD had admitted the FISA application and all renewals were fatally flawed Robert Mueller would have needed to withdraw any evidence gathered as a result of its exploitation. The DOJ in 2018 was protecting Mueller’s poisoned fruit.
If the DOJ had been honest with the court, there’s a strong possibility some, perhaps much, of Mueller evidence gathering would have been invalidated… and cases were pending. The solution: mislead the court and claim the predication was still valid.
Lot Shylock Goldthiefstein!
There's going to be a massive paradigm shift.
Without cooperation from the other two branches established by the U.S. Constitution, the power of the Executive branch is limited.
There’s going to be a massive paradigm shift. … A revolution-zeitgeist
Relatively few revolutions turn out the way the original rebels planned. It would involve killing the Constitution and replacing it with something new. As a Populist, I would rather save the Constitution.
We may end up there any way. If the DNC Globalists try to fabricate millions of votes (a.k.a. Vote By Mail) democracy ends. At that point, a revolution is the near certain outcome.
I'm tempted to say 'what Constitution?', what with demands that we can't criticize or boycott the 'shitty little state' that murders our citizens wholesale and then dances and celebrates and high-fives' each other at the carnage.
I would rather save the Constitution.
Sounds like a script to a Hollywood blockbuster! I I wish it were true, but unfortunately, the American people have been disenfranchised from the political process for quite some time... well before Obama came on the scene.
... it was none other than the American people who thundered back through our representatives, a resolute, unequivocal *No*, to bombing Syria.
Obama had decided he was not going to attack Syria and he used Congress as a human shield to help him save face for making that decision.
I disagree Geo, in fact that sounds to me like a nice script.
Did Obama have a crisis of conscience?
Here’s a pretty good account.
Hardly. He probably reckoned he already did Libya for his paymasters and decided to leave Syria to his successor.
Did Obama have a crisis of conscience?
There's going to be a massive paradigm shift.
Without cooperation from the other two branches established by the U.S. Constitution, the power of the Executive branch is limited.
Oh, haha, no age of Trumpstein?
Without cooperation from the other two branches established by the U.S. Constitution, the power of the Executive branch is limited.
There’s going to be a massive paradigm shift.
A revolution-zeitgeist that will wash away the corruption of our age, in an epic tsunami of cleansing populist rage.
The age of Bush/Clinton/McConnell/Schumer/Pelosi et al.. will come crashing down upon them, like the Masonic columns forced to crumble to the sheer power of America’s and the world’s collective outrage.
a new day awaits…
Relatively few revolutions turn out the way the original rebels planned. It would involve killing the Constitution and replacing it with something new. As a Populist, I would rather save the Constitution.
There’s going to be a massive paradigm shift. ... A revolution-zeitgeist
actually it was us, who stopped Obama- and then the war hag from doing to Syria what she did to Libya.
President Vladimir Putin stopped “us†from doing to Syria what ZUS Obama’s Secretary of State did to Libya.
… it was none other than the American people who thundered back through our representatives, a resolute, unequivocal *No*, to bombing Syria.
Sounds like a script to a Hollywood blockbuster! I I wish it were true, but unfortunately, the American people have been disenfranchised from the political process for quite some time… well before Obama came on the scene.
Case in point… didn’t the American people march in the millions in various cities across the country to protest W’s impending attack on Iraq? The POTUS and West Knesset members didn’t give a rat’s ass for the people’s wishes back then, did they?
No, the truth of the matter is a little more mundane… Obama had decided he was not going to attack Syria and he used Congress as a human shield to help him save face for making that decision.
I disagree Geo, in fact that sounds to me like a nice script.
Obama had decided he was not going to attack Syria and he used Congress as a human shield to help him save face for making that decision.
At the same time the polls starting coming in and the results weren’t good for Obama. At first the issue was whether Obama could order the bombing of Syria on his own. A lot of Americans started standing up for the Constitution. Factor in here the Snowden revelations and the growing understanding and disgust with the Obama war on privacy rights. Then there were polls about whether to attack Syria. The first poll I saw on whether to attack was in Newsmax, a conservative website, and the numbers were running strongly against the war. A shocker.
Conservative opposition to war was noteworthy. The Tea Party Republicans came out against bombing. Opposition to the war started developing among the right wing radio commentators like Limbaugh and Hannity. They criticized the war plans and started quoting Russian sources, RUSSIA SOURCES, rather than U.S. intelligence on Syria. Now of course some of that sentiment was sheer hatred of Obama, but very, very uncharacteristically these commentators were not following the Israeli government line.
Obama wanted to attack and went through all the usual steps to prepare for it only to see almost all his support fall away.
It’s true that anti-war rallies over Syria in the U.S. were insignificant compared to the gatherings and marches of hundreds of thousands in the streets in 2003. Yet why did the U.S. public turn against the war? The corporate TV news played the usual ominous warlike music, showed the usual heart wrenching scenes and called on the usual “security†experts. But something has changed. After war upon war with nothing to show for it Americans are finally wising up. They were listening to what dissidents had to say on Syria and honking their horns in support as they passed by their anti-war demonstrations.
Ten years of rallies have had their effect.
Finally there were the anti-war demonstrations. True they were small. Even in New York and in DC they were no more than 400 or 500. Yet they made their mark. The bright yellow signs of “ANSWER†were in the news, one being featured on the web edition of the New York Times. The United National Anti-War Coalition put out a call for rallies and there were a goodly number on the East Coast, the West Coast and Chicago. Code Pink had its “bloody hands†in back of Kerry as he testified to Congress.
On August 31 President Obama announced that while he had decided to attack Syria, he would first take the matter to Congress first. Peace activists took heart.
If you recall, those in the know said it was just a trick. Obama would attack whatever Congress said. For a while it did look like the move to go to Congress was the usual, merely getting a rubber stamp for war. Ha’aretz revealed that AIPAC was about to send 250 lobbyists into the halls of Congress to twist arms.
Arch foe of Obama Sheldon Adelson and his friends in the Republican Jewish Coalition came out for bombing. In my state Connecticut there was a “town hall†meeting called by Congressman Larson (September 2). When I arrived there were 60 Syrians and Syrian-Americans in front of the West Hartford town hall holding a rally with graphic pictures of the chemical weapons massacre. They called for loudly for U.S. action and the media was all over it (neglecting the speakers inside the hall who were generally against military action). Again it looked like the familiar path to war. The pictures of Assad’s horrors would be used to excuse another imperial attack. Just one Democratic Congressman, Alan Grayson of Orlando, said he would vote against war.
But then a strange thing happened. The opposition of the public to the war wasn’t just an airy “opinionâ€. Americans were prepared to do a bit about it. They started calling Congress and writing letters and overwhelmingly they said, “No war, no wayâ€. Grayson (formerly very sympathetic to AIPAC) started a website, Don’t Attack Syria and after a while other members of Congress starting speaking out against an attack.
The very scientific Pew research group issued a poll saying that at the start of September half of the Americans polled opposed the war and only 29% favored a strike on Syria.
https://stanthestruggle.wordpress.com/2013/10/04/why-didnt-obama-bomb-syria/Replies: @geokat62
Obama wanted to attack and went through all the usual steps to prepare for it only to see almost all his support fall away.
It’s true that anti-war rallies over Syria in the U.S. were insignificant compared to the gatherings and marches of hundreds of thousands in the streets in 2003. Yet why did the U.S. public turn against the war? The corporate TV news played the usual ominous warlike music, showed the usual heart wrenching scenes and called on the usual “security†experts. But something has changed. After war upon war with nothing to show for it Americans are finally wising up. They were listening to what dissidents had to say on Syria and honking their horns in support as they passed by their anti-war demonstrations.
Ten years of rallies have had their effect. �
The Fed is over.
OK, I’ll take the VP
(I’m a little too excitable to have my finger on the button anyways ; )
And yes, Goldman Sachs and all the other ‘too big to fails’ would fall to the axe. No more subsidies for Hollywood or Goldman executive offices or anything. (a second Holocaust of sorts ; )
All anti-trust laws would be enforced with gusto. No more media empires. No more media or bank mergers, no more Big Tech tyranny.
Google and Facebook and Amazon and Microsoft and Apple will find there’s a new sheriff in town who can’t be bribed. No more censorship, no more petty abuse of power…
No more wars. No more taxes on people making under a 100k. No more surveillance. NSA abused its power and betrayed the public trust. Federal prison for James Clapper and everyone involved.
We’ll find out who killed Jeffery Epstein, and get to the bottom of that swamp. Ehud Barak is already sweating matzah balls for his role on 9/11, and Jeffery’s ‘Lolita’ (shiksa) island.
So many things will change. Palestinians will have their dignity restored and then some. Right of return will transform the Holy Land into a bastion of justice, Godliness, love and truth. Zio-terrorists will find the world a terribly lonely and desolate place for their brand of ethno-supremacism. Even Christian Zionist evangelicals will find the tax man making uncomfortable inquiries. America will put sanctions on every nation who’s imprisoning people for questioning the state-enforced lies vis-a-vis the Holocaust. 90 year old grandmothers in Germany will be welcomed out of their dungeons with ticker tape parades, for their indomitable courage and heroism and as an inspiration to us all.
It’s going to be a new day.
actually it was us, who stopped Obama- and then the war hag from doing to Syria what she did to Libya.
President Vladimir Putin stopped “us†from doing to Syria what ZUS Obama’s Secretary of State did to Libya.
Haha, sad, Rurik wrote, “the American people thundered back a resolute *No* to the hawkish war bitch, by electing Donald Trump instead – who wanted no part of Syria.”
Get serious Rurik, get well?
Selah, the Benjamins, the thundering triumph of Jewish Lobby & Adelson Benjamins which “want no part of you.”
Done’ Mark,
All federal government unions end on day one.
There is already zero accountability from federal government employees, who’re massively over-paid and can’t be fired for any reason. This all ends on Jan 20, 2021
We are going to have a miniscule, but accountable federal government.
Dept. Education = gone
CIA = gone
my chopping block will get more use than a Federal Reserve printing press
anon #361 wrote:
“God knows American culture has turned Americans into a herd of sheep.
And Initiation Rituals are not that very obscure: religions run on such rituals.”
Hello # 361.
Thanks for offering intelligent thought on “Initiation Rituals.”
You appear to be a serious commenter.
Fyi, have appreciated & learned from “obscure” work produced by Aaron & Melissa Dykes.
Linked below is a video which begins by displaying a book by Joseph Campbell, who did brilliant work on comparative mythologies, religions.
You wrote: “The masking is particularly onerous…
Draw a star of David on your mask.
or a yellow star.” ðŸ‘ðŸ‘ðŸ‘! Try on the video below, and my unmasked respect, #361.
President Vladimir Putin stopped “us†from doing to Syria what ZUS Obama’s Secretary of State did to Libya.
actually it was us, who stopped Obama- and then the war hag from doing to Syria what she did to Libya.
Because when Obama announced his intention to bomb Syria in order to take out Assad, (and deliver Syria over to the head-slicers of ISIS he had armed and funded to wage the civil war in Syria), it was none other than the American people who thundered back through our representatives, a resolute, unequivocal *No*, to bombing Syria.
Then again, it was the American people who listened to the war hag espousing a confrontational posture towards Putin’s Russia and Assad’s Syria, demanding ‘no-fly zones’ and bombing airstrips and generally wanting to do to Syria what she did to Libya, and again the American people thundered back a resolute *No* to the hawkish war bitch, by electing Donald Trump instead – who wanted no part of Syria.
Don’t you remember all that Chuck?
‘and I advocate today, no-fly zones’ = war with Russia
Sounds like a script to a Hollywood blockbuster! I I wish it were true, but unfortunately, the American people have been disenfranchised from the political process for quite some time... well before Obama came on the scene.
... it was none other than the American people who thundered back through our representatives, a resolute, unequivocal *No*, to bombing Syria.
Oh, I thought I had answered you. A great man like me shouldn’t have to write this again but here goes.
Don’t get hysterical. I should have said relinquish any effort to make nukes.
Now please put me on your ignore list.
Install all my own agents at the Secret Service and CIA and FBI and anywhere else people would likely try to kill me for exposing the corruption of the last few decades.closed Gitmo on the first day with Executive OrderEnded the wars on day two.Ended all aid to Israel on day three.Fired all the treasonous scum in the State Dept., and every other sector of the federal government where the employees serve at the pleasure of the president.Began an investigation into wars based on lies, and trillions of dollars extorted and looted from the Pentagon and other government agencies.Began an investigation into 9/11Investigated the assassination of JFKInvestigate the Obama administration for using the power of federal law enforcement to spy on my campaign, and then attempt to subvert the will of the American voter with the Russia-gate hoax. Investigate the treasonous scum and liars like Schiff for the Ukraine-gate hoax. Close the borders to all immigrants. America is full. Fuck off. Bring all the troops home from overseas.Build the Wall. Tell Israel every single person responsible for the USS Liberty still alive is to be extradited for trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Tell Israel every single person with forehand knowledge of 9/11 is to be extradited for interrogation and trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Institute E-verify and send all the criminal invaders packing. Just for starters..Then I'd really get busy.
What would you have done differently?
Is this what you would do as an absolute authority (Ayatollah, King, Emperor)?
Or, what you would *propose* As a President? If proposed:
— Which priorities would Congress appropriate?
— — What would you trade in return for those appropriations?
— How many would be overturned by the Judicial branch?
This is the problem that Trump (and previous Presidents) have been up against. Without cooperation from the other two branches established by the U.S. Constitution, the power of the Executive branch is limited.
It has taken years, but Trump and McConnell have done significant work replacing judges that actively oppose the Constitution. And, Trump really needs a second term to flip 2 or 3 additional Supreme Court seats from SJW Globalist to American Populist. Eliminating “mythical” birthright citizenship, based on failure to understand the XIV Amendment, requires a solid court majority.
There's going to be a massive paradigm shift.
Without cooperation from the other two branches established by the U.S. Constitution, the power of the Executive branch is limited.
at least until 1865…………………………
don’t forget…. IR will still get US taxpayer funded $3.8BILLION/YR for the 10yrs no matter how many of US starve or die.
Imagine Joe ‘I’m running for the US Senate’ Biden running the CV19 affair.
Imagine Joe ‘What the hell is a ventilator?‘Biden’s daily press briefings. LOL
Yes, Biden is brain dead…but there are plenty of people that support him…speaking of brain dead.
That tells you how much this country is screwed up . We are on a shit slide to hell.
I believe it was actually, on the people, in the people and up the people. Somehow it was transcribed incorrectly, possibly by a new migrant for whom English was a second language.
There are no such thing as rights, natural or otherwise, only privileges conferred by society. Rockwell’s anarcho-capitalism is a fantasyland. Any attempt to form a stateless society will fail.
Madness in black and white. A closet pro-Trump, shamelessly pro-Zionist, YouTubesque, infantile comment.
Clinton would say — to paraphrase her immortalized words after the murder of Ghadhafi: We saw, it came and we died.
there will be no one in a high enough position to impede or check presidential misbehavior. Instead, high officials will be principally tasked with coming up with rationalizations to excuse what the White House does.
lost me there phil. the constitution gives the only elected official of the executive branch that power. given trump’s fending off two jew coup attempts maybe he should exercise it.
just call trump a butt goy already.
the unelected bureaucracy is just as much against the people as its elected CEO, especially when it’s an unelected (((bureaucracy))).
This comment appeared and disappeared beneath that article.
History of the “six million” figure
Who is not aware that “the horrifying and familiar number that has long since become an icon†was, in fact, a fixture long before the Shoah of WW II, and was presented in public on occasions as far back as the 19th century, calling attention to the persecution of Jews? Any online researcher can easily verify the instances. Did this repetition bear on the iconic number now settled for victims of the Shoah? Those antecedents and their impetus, if any, should not be overlooked.
“How would have Hillary handled Covid19/the last three years?
She would finally create what she always wanted:
1) build Supreme National Cathedral of Madam President
2) change her name to Messiah, and make self the national religion
3) replace United States of America with the Supreme Ministry of the Village
4) plough over DC to raise free marijuana for the poor
5) eliminate all taxes, and all earned income, and put all on mandatory Universal Basic Income
6) vaccinate all with Fukitol
7) create some mayhem each May 1st to get the Supreme Ministry to save her most favorite charity, herself, with gazillion bucks
Interesting, and certainly some points are applicable to the present situation.
But — it’s not that difficult to penetrate Mask Mania.
Do gooders are pushing them. Bossy types, who crave being in charge but are in fact impotent.
Bossy people infantilize others: they assume THEY know how to behave maturely but YOU need their guidance.
Rational people are resisting inhaling their own snot and calling it hygiene.
Rational people believe they are capable of behaving responsibly without being instructed by a do gooder or coerced.
God knows American culture has turned Americans into a herd of sheep.
And Initiation Rituals are not that very obscure: religions run on such rituals.
Those two reasons are why the Initiation Rituals described in the video will fail:
Identity politics has turned USA into too many camps and pointed Identity Herds into disparate directions. The initiation ritual tends to one agenda, but identity politics pushes and pulls Americans on their own scattered paths.
And the fact that Initiation Rituals are the common currency of religions means that many Americans have built in antibodies to an imposed initiation.
The masking is particularly onerous.
Time to turn the imposed snot rag into a symbol of resistance.
Draw a star of David on your mask.
or a yellow star.
or a little Hitler mustache
ABOVE ALL, remind those who would impose their ego on others of the meaning of WE THE PEOPLE.
Iran has no nuclear weapons to relinquish. It ha forsworn weapons of mass destruction as violations of the Koran. Iran does have ballistic missiles, with convention warheads.
Install all my own agents at the Secret Service and CIA and FBI and anywhere else people would likely try to kill me for exposing the corruption of the last few decades.closed Gitmo on the first day with Executive OrderEnded the wars on day two.Ended all aid to Israel on day three.Fired all the treasonous scum in the State Dept., and every other sector of the federal government where the employees serve at the pleasure of the president.Began an investigation into wars based on lies, and trillions of dollars extorted and looted from the Pentagon and other government agencies.Began an investigation into 9/11Investigated the assassination of JFKInvestigate the Obama administration for using the power of federal law enforcement to spy on my campaign, and then attempt to subvert the will of the American voter with the Russia-gate hoax. Investigate the treasonous scum and liars like Schiff for the Ukraine-gate hoax. Close the borders to all immigrants. America is full. Fuck off. Bring all the troops home from overseas.Build the Wall. Tell Israel every single person responsible for the USS Liberty still alive is to be extradited for trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Tell Israel every single person with forehand knowledge of 9/11 is to be extradited for interrogation and trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Institute E-verify and send all the criminal invaders packing. Just for starters..Then I'd really get busy.
What would you have done differently?
I would deport EVERY “dual-citizenship” Israeli from the united States of America…NO exceptions…
Any Israeli in ANY government position would automatically be deported.
No matter who has been the President, at least in my lifetime, I see the same ole shit every single time. Trumpstein vs. Biden or Trumpstein vs. Hillary or Bernie, in the words of Hillary, “what difference does it make.” They are all going to be Israel Firsters, not a damn one of them will give a shit about the white working class of America, neither did LBJ, neither did JFK, who all of a sudden has become a saint in recent years, and neither did others before and after them. Look at the audience members in those old MAGA and KAG rallies, Trumpstein & Co. always place some token nonwhites in the back right behind him ( right in view of the cameras, smdh) while the rest of the audience is 98.6 % White, and most are blue collar Whites at that. However, truth be known, Trumpstein isn’t concerned about the people in that audience, he and Ivanka probably mock them in private, take it to the bank on that one. Do you really think Trumpstein & spoiled little Ivanka give two shits about some guy stocking shelves at Walmart? And do you think that Hillary gives a shit about anyone other than herself and her Zionist masters? Washington is INFESTED with the same sort of people on both sides of the aisle. All these self serving blowhards sold this country down the tubes decades ago. I thought I would give Trumpstein a chance because of the alternative. What a HUGE disappointment. Unless some credible person shows up, and I don’t see anyone on the horizon, I’m sitting out on the next election. The repukes aren’t taking my vote for granted again.
Install all my own agents at the Secret Service and CIA and FBI and anywhere else people would likely try to kill me for exposing the corruption of the last few decades.closed Gitmo on the first day with Executive OrderEnded the wars on day two.Ended all aid to Israel on day three.Fired all the treasonous scum in the State Dept., and every other sector of the federal government where the employees serve at the pleasure of the president.Began an investigation into wars based on lies, and trillions of dollars extorted and looted from the Pentagon and other government agencies.Began an investigation into 9/11Investigated the assassination of JFKInvestigate the Obama administration for using the power of federal law enforcement to spy on my campaign, and then attempt to subvert the will of the American voter with the Russia-gate hoax. Investigate the treasonous scum and liars like Schiff for the Ukraine-gate hoax. Close the borders to all immigrants. America is full. Fuck off. Bring all the troops home from overseas.Build the Wall. Tell Israel every single person responsible for the USS Liberty still alive is to be extradited for trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Tell Israel every single person with forehand knowledge of 9/11 is to be extradited for interrogation and trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Institute E-verify and send all the criminal invaders packing. Just for starters..Then I'd really get busy.
What would you have done differently?
You can be my VP! 🙂 Because I’m arresting every member of the Fed, seizing their assets and those of the top executives at member banks (Goldman etc.). The Fed is over. Then arrest and shut down the criminal media empires, as well as outlaw Freemasonry. Then I let my VP pursue his agenda, which I fully support.
OK, I'll take the VP
The Fed is over.
Install all my own agents at the Secret Service and CIA and FBI and anywhere else people would likely try to kill me for exposing the corruption of the last few decades.closed Gitmo on the first day with Executive OrderEnded the wars on day two.Ended all aid to Israel on day three.Fired all the treasonous scum in the State Dept., and every other sector of the federal government where the employees serve at the pleasure of the president.Began an investigation into wars based on lies, and trillions of dollars extorted and looted from the Pentagon and other government agencies.Began an investigation into 9/11Investigated the assassination of JFKInvestigate the Obama administration for using the power of federal law enforcement to spy on my campaign, and then attempt to subvert the will of the American voter with the Russia-gate hoax. Investigate the treasonous scum and liars like Schiff for the Ukraine-gate hoax. Close the borders to all immigrants. America is full. Fuck off. Bring all the troops home from overseas.Build the Wall. Tell Israel every single person responsible for the USS Liberty still alive is to be extradited for trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Tell Israel every single person with forehand knowledge of 9/11 is to be extradited for interrogation and trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.Institute E-verify and send all the criminal invaders packing. Just for starters..Then I'd really get busy.
What would you have done differently?
Hi Rurik. Excellent ‘to do’ list. Allow me to suggest one additional thing:
Abolish all government unions. As employees within a monopoly corporation (government) that exists outside and above the competitive, private marketplace, government workers already enjoy privileged job security. Adding a layer of union protection to their less-competitive environment only softens accountability for their job performance.
Worse still, when their ’employer’ looses money (runs a deficit) all that needs be done is to raise taxes, issue bonds, or print more money. This is the road to ruin.
Even FDR warned against government unions (which did not exist during his lifetime). Now that government unions are in place, watch pensions continue to rise, performance standards decline, insider perks grow, and government non-accountability expand.
So long as we all agree that voting for Trump saved us all from doing to Syria what she did to Libya, and most likely a hot war with Russia, open borders here at home with free everything for the immigrants.. SCOTUS Justices that would have ended the First and Second Amendments, and imposed draconian punishments upon the basket of Deplorables, while lavishing unprecedented power on the Deepstate apparatchiks like Brennan, Comey, Stzrok, McCabe, Clapper and all the other treasonous scum in our federal law enforcement and 'intelligence' agencies.
It matters not one jot or iota what Hillary would have done,
Rurik set rules of commenter-engagement, wrote:
“So long as we all agree that voting for Trump saved us all from doing to Syria what she did to Libya…,”
In the words of Meatloaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Light,” Stop right there!
President Vladimir Putin stopped “us” from doing to Syria what ZUS Obama’s Secretary of State did to Libya.
actually it was us, who stopped Obama- and then the war hag from doing to Syria what she did to Libya.
President Vladimir Putin stopped “us†from doing to Syria what ZUS Obama’s Secretary of State did to Libya.
Mr. Giraldi is neither lawyer nor law-school-educated. Apparently he did not READ the pertinent federal constitution provisions or the federal judicial decisions that have construed and interpreted those provisions. I cannot divine, securely, the meaning of Mr. Giraldi's language referring to an "Article 10," since the federal constitution does not bear an "Article 10." But a fair supposition is that Mr. Giraldi means the federal constitution's 10th Amendment, often dubbed the "States' Rights" amendment. Can the President adjourn Congress? U.S. Constitution, Article II, § 3 provides, inter alia, this:
Trump’s recent claim that he has the sole authority to shut down or open up the country is clearly unconstitutional based on Article 10 and his warning that he will use his executive authority to adjourn the continuing virtual session of congress to enable him to approve hundreds of pending recess appointments plausibly qualifies as impeachable.
Clearly, Trump cannot adjourn Congress merely because he desires. But, if he moved Senate and House "friends" to seek an adjournment that other ("enemy") Senators and House-Members opposed, he would have Article II, § 3 pretext for adjourning Congress against protest of his opponents. Per a more-than-two-centuries-old rule of law, near-certainly, his motive would be irrelevant. The sole question would be whether his action fit terms of Article II, § 3.Nor would law law deem relevant the "motive" of Trump's Congressional "friends," partly (but not only) because of the Separation of Powers Doctrine and the "Speech and Debate Clause" [U.S. Constitution Article I, § 6, Clause 1]. For, the legislative maneuver would not be " Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace," and Congress-members' legislative conduct is immune from judicial review.[Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 (1969), https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/395/486 , has no bearing on this matter, partly, but not only, because the “culprits†were not House-Members or Senators, but a House of Representatives’ Clerk, a House Sergeant at Arms, and a Doorkeeper of the House.]The matter is one of details. The practical question is whether Trump has enough of the right "friends" in Congress and whether he and they can negotiate competently the pertinent terms of Article II, § 3.Respecting the 10th Amendment matter, the answer inheres partly in the U.S. Supreme Court's rather consistently (though not always) treating the 10th Amendment as if it were a mere redundancy that only begs the question of whether a challenged Executive or Congressional action can claim some support in the federal constitution's Article I, II, or III or some other federal constitution provision (like the 14th amendment). The 10th Amendment is a reminder that the federal government's prerogatives form a domain limited partly by the federalism aspect of the federal constitution. The 10th Amendment observes the federal government may not assume a prerogative the federal constitution left residing in the States — left in the States by not providing the federal government such prerogative. One can only wonder how Trump would assume, or invade, a STATE's prerogative by affecting the commencement or duration of a regular or special session of the FEDERAL legislature.I do not support the prospect of Trump's adjourning Congress to render interim appointments, just as I do not expect that Trump or his advisors (except, perhaps, Attorney General Bar) would be able to negotiate Article II, § 3 successfully. I concur with Mr. Giraldi's apprehension that the Trump administration is near-wholly incompetent and that its actions are, predominantly, either designedly or accidentally evil.But to oppose successfully the U.S. politico-economic elites' — and the dangerous idiot progressives' — one must attend punctiliously to legal, practical, economic, and factual details.Replies: @Loup-Bouc
[The President] may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper....
This comment supplements my post of April 21, 2020 at 11:14 pm GMT
This comment renders treatment of whether Trump would transgress the 10th Amendment if he actually acted, manifestly, per his (Trump’s) claimed “sole authority to shut down or open up the country.” [Mr. Giraldi’s assertion.]
The matter is not whether the federal constitution provides Trump “sole” authority of controlling a shut down of open up of a portion or activity of a State or part of the territory of the United States. The matter is whether Trump has ANY authority to control movement or commercial, economic, or other activity within or among U.S. States or parts of U.S. territory. The question is novel, since the U.S. has not ever experienced an internal threat enormous or potentially catastrophic as posed by Covid-19.
The answer must obtain not only from the federal constitution’s text and judicial construction of it, but also, and much more, from a punctilious examination of all federal statutes (perhaps even U.S. Treaties and interstate Compacts) that might provide Trump such power. I have not spare time enough to perform such law-investigation. But I do know that the matter is far from obvious or simple.
U.S. federal history bears some judicial “recognition” that the Executive possesses certain, not clearly defined, emergency powers. Some such power is implicit in the Article II, § 2 provision that the President is commander of the militia of the “several states.” Beyond such considerations, the answer must obtain from some provision or provisions of the near-astronomically-profuse Congressional Acts and Resolutions and other federal law authorized by but not stated in the federal constitution. The matter’s resolution is hugely NOT apparent.
I do not mean that I support Trump’s having or using such power. The prospect is near-unbearably frightening, at least because of Trump’s politics and his very spare, narrow competence. I mean only that Mr. Giraldi’s blithe assertion errs dramatically, for want of attending necessary detail.
– That would be the same Eichmann who said at his 1961 trial said that he “saw geysers of blood coming up from a mass grave” … which he copied from Elie Wiesel. LOL
– Jews have been lying about ‘6,000,000, dead Jews since at least 1823, see;
Jews have been pushing their ‘6,000,000’ lie since at least 1823:
Scroll this down
– For more on the complete demolition of the desperately claimed Eichmann nonsense:
EICHMANN INTERROGATED: Transcripts from the Archives of the Israeli Police, Reviewed by Ted O’Keefe: http://vho.org/GB/Journals/JHR/6/2/OKeefe237-240.html
Eichmann tapes: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=6479
The Adolf Eichmann Trial, By John Wear: https://codoh.com/library/document/6316/?lang=en
much more:
Mostly, Mr. Giraldi’s article tracks well the ghastly reality of the current government of the U.S., though it fails to account that reality’s five-decades-long recent history of monstrous evolution. Perhaps the history-disregard enjoys justification of a hot focus pressed by the weight of the health-and-economy crisis engendered by West’s seemingly incompetent pandemic-response. But see https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/
Still, Mr. Giraldi utters one assertion that demands sharp criticism, because it could serve the Democrat elites’ rabid pursuit of impeaching Trump:
Trump’s recent claim that he has the sole authority to shut down or open up the country is clearly unconstitutional based on Article 10 and his warning that he will use his executive authority to adjourn the continuing virtual session of congress to enable him to approve hundreds of pending recess appointments plausibly qualifies as impeachable.
Mr. Giraldi is neither lawyer nor law-school-educated. Apparently he did not READ the pertinent federal constitution provisions or the federal judicial decisions that have construed and interpreted those provisions. I cannot divine, securely, the meaning of Mr. Giraldi’s language referring to an “Article 10,” since the federal constitution does not bear an “Article 10.” But a fair supposition is that Mr. Giraldi means the federal constitution’s 10th Amendment, often dubbed the “States’ Rights” amendment.
Can the President adjourn Congress? U.S. Constitution, Article II, § 3 provides, inter alia, this:
[The President] may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper….
Clearly, Trump cannot adjourn Congress merely because he desires. But, if he moved Senate and House “friends” to seek an adjournment that other (“enemy”) Senators and House-Members opposed, he would have Article II, § 3 pretext for adjourning Congress against protest of his opponents. Per a more-than-two-centuries-old rule of law, near-certainly, his motive would be irrelevant. The sole question would be whether his action fit terms of Article II, § 3.
Nor would law law deem relevant the “motive” of Trump’s Congressional “friends,” partly (but not only) because of the Separation of Powers Doctrine and the “Speech and Debate Clause” [U.S. Constitution Article I, § 6, Clause 1]. For, the legislative maneuver would not be ” Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace,” and Congress-members’ legislative conduct is immune from judicial review.
[Powell v. McCormack, 395 U.S. 486 (1969), https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/395/486 , has no bearing on this matter, partly, but not only, because the “culprits†were not House-Members or Senators, but a House of Representatives’ Clerk, a House Sergeant at Arms, and a Doorkeeper of the House.]
The matter is one of details. The practical question is whether Trump has enough of the right “friends” in Congress and whether he and they can negotiate competently the pertinent terms of Article II, § 3.
Respecting the 10th Amendment matter, the answer inheres partly in the U.S. Supreme Court’s rather consistently (though not always) treating the 10th Amendment as if it were a mere redundancy that only begs the question of whether a challenged Executive or Congressional action can claim some support in the federal constitution’s Article I, II, or III or some other federal constitution provision (like the 14th amendment).
The 10th Amendment is a reminder that the federal government’s prerogatives form a domain limited partly by the federalism aspect of the federal constitution. The 10th Amendment observes the federal government may not assume a prerogative the federal constitution left residing in the States — left in the States by not providing the federal government such prerogative. One can only wonder how Trump would assume, or invade, a STATE‘s prerogative by affecting the commencement or duration of a regular or special session of the FEDERAL legislature.
I do not support the prospect of Trump’s adjourning Congress to render interim appointments, just as I do not expect that Trump or his advisors (except, perhaps, Attorney General Bar) would be able to negotiate Article II, § 3 successfully. I concur with Mr. Giraldi’s apprehension that the Trump administration is near-wholly incompetent and that its actions are, predominantly, either designedly or accidentally evil.
But to oppose successfully the U.S. politico-economic elites’ — and the dangerous idiot progressives’ — one must attend punctiliously to legal, practical, economic, and factual details.
What would you have done differently?
Install all my own agents at the Secret Service and CIA and FBI and anywhere else people would likely try to kill me for exposing the corruption of the last few decades.
closed Gitmo on the first day with Executive Order
Ended the wars on day two.
Ended all aid to Israel on day three.
Fired all the treasonous scum in the State Dept., and every other sector of the federal government where the employees serve at the pleasure of the president.
Began an investigation into wars based on lies, and trillions of dollars extorted and looted from the Pentagon and other government agencies.
Began an investigation into 9/11
Investigated the assassination of JFK
Investigate the Obama administration for using the power of federal law enforcement to spy on my campaign, and then attempt to subvert the will of the American voter with the Russia-gate hoax. Investigate the treasonous scum and liars like Schiff for the Ukraine-gate hoax.
Close the borders to all immigrants. America is full. Fuck off.
Bring all the troops home from overseas.
Build the Wall.
Tell Israel every single person responsible for the USS Liberty still alive is to be extradited for trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.
Tell Israel every single person with forehand knowledge of 9/11 is to be extradited for interrogation and trial, right now. Failure to comply will result in immediate sanctions, leading ultimately to very, very harsh measures, with nothing taken off the table.
Institute E-verify and send all the criminal invaders packing.
Just for starters..
Then I’d really get busy.
Rurik in 2020
It matters not one jot or iota what Hillary would have done,
So long as we all agree that voting for Trump saved us all from doing to Syria what she did to Libya, and most likely a hot war with Russia, open borders here at home with free everything for the immigrants.. SCOTUS Justices that would have ended the First and Second Amendments, and imposed draconian punishments upon the basket of Deplorables, while lavishing unprecedented power on the Deepstate apparatchiks like Brennan, Comey, Stzrok, McCabe, Clapper and all the other treasonous scum in our federal law enforcement and ‘intelligence’ agencies.
That and perhaps worst of all, having to stomach that vicious slag on the electronic screens in airports and elsewhere, hectoring us all in between cackling over the latest tortured-to-death former head of state.
Otherwise, you’re right, and Hillary doesn’t matter anymore, except as a fount of unlimited joy over her meltdown, having been denied the power she coveted more than anything any super-bitch has ever coveted in her murderous, treacherous, execrable little life.
So the thing that matters now, is who would be preferable to Donald Trump going forward?
Joe Biden?
So you see, separating the alleged children of people illegally crossing the border from their parents is clearly unconstitutional,
Maybe you could find exactly where in the Constitution it says that and post it.