Ron Unz, author of Our COVID-19 Catastrophe, and Jim Haslam, author of COVID-19 Mystery Solved, are leading experts on the COVID origins issue. Unz just published an updated overview of that issue focusing on Haslam’s work. Unz writes: “The central thesis that Haslam set forth can be summarized in just a couple of sentences. Just like all the other lab-leakers, he believed that the Covid virus was bioengineered, but argued that its creation took place in an American lab rather than in Wuhan. According to him, the Chinese virologists who were so heavily demonized in the Western media from 2020 onwards had almost no role in that process and were completely innocent, even being unaware that Covid had been created.”
Unz agrees with 90% of Haslam’s work, but disagrees with his lab-leak scenario, which Unz terms “astonishing” (and not in a good way). Instead, Unz points to strong evidence that COVID-19 was released in a deliberate US bio-attack on China and Iran, as the Supreme Leader of Iran and the top Iranian bio-defense general charged and recently-assassinated Gen. Kirilov, head of Russian bio-defense, strongly insinuated.
So…are both authors right in arguing that the “China virus” was made in America? And which scenario better explains its release? Tune in and decide.
Covid came out of a level 2 bio-defense lab. It could have been foul play, of course.
But bio defense labs reportedly have 100+ workplace mishaps around the world every year. Which means leaks are inevitable also.
I blame the evil taxpayers for funding these labs in the first place.
Clearly the taxpayers are evil…. I mean, post covid (which ‘they’ created) – you don’t see large numbers of them calling for the shutdown of all those bio-defense laboratories they paid for. Do you? No.
As the red headed step child here, I say – shut them all down and…. The disproportionate death rate amongst Iranian leadership reeks of assassination under the guise of covid to me.
The disease is irrelevant. If it exists at all, it is nothing more than the common cold. What is relevant is how the “treatments” inflicted on people killed them on after another like flies.
I ‘ve had half a dozen replies on that thread “trashed,” while the comments of (some?) other readers on the same topics are being allowed. The last of mine merely suggested that Mr. Unz at least publish the names of those among us who are being excluded from the discussion, something that the readership deserves to know. But even that was censored.
Who’ll be moderating any comments I might offer here? I assume it won’t be Mr. Haslam, but will he be privy to them?
With your focus on the laboratories’ rats & masters you are doing their bidding.
The flu in winter 2019 / 2020 was mild and below average.
There was no pandemic, but a plan to savage the dumb mass (and break the more intelligent resistance).
A artificially modified strain of coronavirus supposedly causing a „COVID-19 pandemic“, was used to insinuate possible mass-testing of infections. Nevertheless they were and are unable to test their labor strain tagged as „Covid 19“ on the spot!
Whether PCR or ART – tests, none work, but all did their intended job of fear mongering.
Covid strains are found in everything from CocaCola, Papaya, goat milk and what not?!The yearly flu was actually a very mild one till the mafia revved up their plan culminating with disturbing over a billion people with poisonous injections.
Diseases are not transmitted by viruses! The dis-ease came with the injections of poisonous vaccines.
The trigger or the triggery reason for the Covid Plandemic, according to the official explanation, is a ‘dangerous, infectious virus’.
To supposedly contain its spread, a large part of the world’s population, foremost the white populations, got isolated in their homes. All the measures used – from face masks and social distancing to antivirals and vaccines – are based solely on the assumption that viruses can cause serious illnesses and that those are transmitted from person to person.
Since the days of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, it has been an incontrovertible law of the mafia: “bacteria and especially viruses are responsible for most diseases”.
“Infection by viruses causes diseases to be passed on and can develop into pandemics.”
The only mechanisms proven are the ones of plandemics. Pandemics are unproven. Many observations and tests from medical practice clearly contradict the ‘virus theory’ to this day.
Who has been able to prove that viruses in particular cause diseases and that infection occurs via them?
It was Jewed up Louis Pasteur who once convinced less skeptical physicians that infectious germs cause diseases; Nowadays, all practitioners are in this boat of pasteurization, otherwise they are not allowed to practice.
At the end of his Talmudic life, however, Pasteur had to admit that his attempt to prove contagion had failed, which led to his famous confession on his deathbed: ‘The germ is nothing, the environment is everything’.
How diseases develop, how they spread and how they become pandemics alone shows how conclusive it is that the causes are induced toxins (including electromagnetic radiation and chemtrailings) nutritional deficiencies, poor sanitation and disturbed conditions & environs including lack of sleep and pollution.
It is no longer food that ends up on our tables, but a kind of residual waste from the underworld of the food industry and industrialized agriculture. The real causes of plandemics are Jew & hyena.
The Jew is the germ giant today creating his own environs; incl. Jewmerican laboratories.
Ron Unz was a idiot or at least a pseudo-science worshiper for taking a shot. Ron Unz was lucky in one way or another; either getting a placebo in category of cast or in category of blue versu red states; blue states got different charges than red states.
If you have time and money maybe you want to compare the death rates in blue und red states. It will be almost impossible because of blurred data; population data mixed and messed up with mass migration at the same time.
Pfizerite (Reformed) – initial pair, one booster – as best as I can tell. Like many people and public intellectuals especially, Mr. Unz apparently is still threatened by anything that might (i) provoke reflection on the wisdom of rolling up his sleeve or (ii) distract from his efforts on the origin(s) of COVID and its attendant, various deployments by the Establishment.
What’s been sad about this is the harm petulantly done to this “very lightly moderated” website. I’ve many times expressed appreciation for his work on provenance, just as I have that of others on treatment and prevention. The false choice between taking on twin evils has run off or seen banned some of my favorite fellow commenters.
I wonder whether Jim Haslam is related to Edward T. Haslam, the author of — judging from the summary I’ve read — one of the craziest conspiracy books ever written, Dr. Mary’s Monkey, which, weirdly enough, just like Jim’s book, also has to do with viruses (but also with JFK’s death in a tangential way).
What’s been sad about this is the harm petulantly done to this “very lightly moderated” website. I’ve many times expressed appreciation for his work on provenance, just as I have that of others on treatment and prevention. The false choice between taking on twin evils has run off or seen banned some of my favorite fellow commenters.
Sadly, he did it to himself.
Pat Buchanan said the same about White Americans in general
I too was wondering about the Jim/Edward Haslam coincidence, but forgot to ask Jim about it. Edward Haslam’s Dr. Mary’s Monkey is actually pretty convincing, and touches on issues that resonate with COVID, including: The USG’s willingness to launch reckless biological attacks on perceived enemies; black ops professonals’ easy access to classified bioweapons; the dubious character and mental health of at least some those black ops pros; the overlap of biowar issues and national security issues up to and including “terminating the US president with extreme prejudice”; and the USG’s view that horrific widespread damage to human health caused by vaccines is a national security issue so grave that said vaccine damage must be kept secret by all means including lethal ones.
In some ways it seems Ron is running a website for “dignified conspiracy theories”. We are in an era where truth tellers (such as Ron) have made it clear that major conspiracies are common throughout history. The benefit of a dignified conspiracy website is the discussions do not always devolve into complex gibberish. Maintaining order in such a forum is a tall order. This website is very valuable despite the restrictions of its charter.
By “dignified conspiracy”, I mean conspiracies such as the censorship Ron is constantly fighting with his online library of books which have been memory-holed or banned. These conspiracies are often fairly obvious and not very controversial once the facts are rooted out and brought to light. People may choose to emotionally reject the facts, but the information is not so complicated. However, the more complex conspiracies also include a pattern of secrecy and lying and the ‘facts’ are very uncertain as well.
The USS Liberty incident may be an example of a fairly dignified conspiracy theory. COVID and the mRNA shots are an example of a messy and undignified conspiracy (theory).
Sometimes it is impossible to make the distinction because the institutional protection of the conspiracy is so strong. The holocaust might be a good example of this, where many facts which seriously modify and possibly undermine the standard narrative (the conspiracy) are well known, yet the conspiracy is very hard for most people to accept. Other areas of investigation, such as the presence of aliens, are so lacking in verifiable facts that they have little place in the dignified conspiracy world, even if there are hints which suggest these are interesting and possibly important topics of discussion.
There is not and never has been a Covid-19 virus. There is no proof it was ever “isolated”, it was simply the flu and other respiratory illnesses rebranded. Find the proof that it ever existed and get back to me.
Vaccines are the foremost crime; it does not deminish or belittle the criminal works of gvt labs or labs “working for the government”.
Injected mRNA Covid doses are not vaccines; apart from that, vaccines are a hoax in any case (including polio and the manipulation of its vax stats).
People who received mRNA Covid injections (and not placebos) have now all VAIDS, which should be called IAIDS – injected auto immune deficits… – and are the Excess Mortality Figures.
Over a billion people who did not receive placebos have their lives shortened; mostly white people and Europeans in particular.
They can keep on speculating about bio labs while Jew Pharma is killing off white people en masse, because niggers, merrycans and musels did not get injected on a grand scale as did Europeans.
suppose at least this settles the question of haslan being an asset or useful idiot.
purpose: poisoning the well, engagement tactics: avoidance, misdirection, moat and bailey
minimal training, likely tool of convenience
Wow, what a trainwreck.
Jim Haslam gets totally blindsided by RKU riding his various hobbyhorses.
Totally agree with @obwandiyag and others, there was no pandemic, but a global fear porn operation to create the impression of a pandemic in order to impose measures that the peasants wouldn’t have accepted otherwise.
In 2019 there was a massive economic crise, much worse than the 2008 “subprime” BS.
In October 2019 (as in covid 19), Bill Gates, the WEF, the WHO and many others launched EVENT 201, the rehearsal of the actual manufactured “pandemic” that will be triggred worldwide from April 2020 by all UN members (except a few like Turkmenistan and some African countries like Tanzania and Burundi before western intel agencies had them murdered).
The mainstream prostitutes and the criminals behind the covid operation came with the lab leak story long after, when their covid narratives were definitely exposed and destroyed as lies.
Maybe there was a bio-weapon attack against Iran and China but it wasn’t the fake virus they called ‘covid’ as this one was not more dangerous than a flu if it ever existed (never been isolated by the way).
Nowadays, computer models serve as “reality”. This is how they predicted hundred millions of deaths and this is also how they twist and fake data to impose their man made climate hoax.
It’s easy to tell people that they were saved by unscientific measures and fake ‘vaccines’ afterwards while there was very little risk or none at all.
But don’t doubt one second that they care, they are probably preparing the next one with even more absurd diktats and demands that the brainwashed masses will be happy to comply to.
Like 9/11 they achieved many things. The censorship of conspiracy theorists is one of the most important achievements of the whole operation. Clearly – conspiracy theorists of all stripes were gonna identify red flags around covid management…. Only to be censored and heckled out of relevance.
Big pharma also had been talking for years before covid, about the bright new future in making heaps of cash from ‘genetic therapies’ – they were always going to try and take us in this direction.
On a side note. Supposedly Covid, HIV and cancer all three produce nagalese which inhibits the bodies macrophages. Ingesting gcmaf (macrophage activating factor) turns the affected macrophages back on – producing covid/HIV/cancer eating Pac-Mans. The trouble is – corporations cannot patent gcmaf and there’s no money in healthy cured people also. There are only two naturally occurring sources of gcmaf. Human blood and mammal colostrum. Why do you think vampires are so darn healthy?
Looks like Kevin’s column is a far safer bet for publishing your comments, maybe especially on this particular subject matter.
I was thinking about the upside of light moderation and I wonder – how many blatant death threats get trashed and who gets the most???
No, I’ve already had a couple trashed here, too. (Apparently by Mr. Unz, but who knows?) Based on those allowed through from other commenters, it’s either random or has become very personalized.
Mudslime kowtowing devotee Barrett: “The ultimate free-speech podcast”. Kippers crawl symbolically like the lowest worms in the dust.
Kevin M. Barrett, the most liberal humanoid not under the warming sun, but under the gloomy crescent moon, following his American spiritual tradition.
There, the “most radical truth jihad” is carried out on the net: all comments are murdered, only his own are published.
By “truth”, this deranged and confused “Truth Jihadist” [sic], married to a Moroccan woman, means the insane garbage that can be read in his “Quran”.
Islam means “submission to the will of Allah”, especially symbolized in the prostrate stooping of these Mudslimez in deafening worship of their idols of death.
The methods of these sectarian victims also include takkya, i.e. the deliberate deception of non-Muslims, also known as kafir, who are forced to pay “taxes”, but only if they belong to one of the two other “Abrahamic” religions, otherwise they are subjugated, enslaved or murdered.
As in Judaism, however, not only two-legged but also four-legged dogs are despised and condemned as “dirty”. 9/11 was of course not psychopathic Muslims, but a US Israeli “inside job”.
His pedophile “prophet”, married to a child, had already cut off the heads of hundreds of Jews. just like the animals they cut the necks of before cooking them (halal “slaughtering”, Dhabihah).
You have to realize that this delusional ant “religion” (see Mecca, where they trample each other to death every year in a psychotic run around their night-black cube), never accomplished anything except to parasitize on everyone else and oppress them with murder and terror.
Just as the moon has no energy of its own (apart from the “black gold”, the crude oil, on which they unfairly and coincidentally “squat”), this death cult has chosen the gloomy, cold crescent moon (i.e. not even the full moon) as its representative symbol, and not the radiant, warming sun.
The moon does not produce any light or energy of its own, but merely reflects the light of the sun at night as a dead debris orbiter. The “Prophet” Muhammad received his “vision”, recorded in the Quran, in a feverish night-time “dream”.
“Honor killing”, i.e. the slaughter of one’s own family members, is the order of the day in this inhumane, misogynistic cult, in which ‘72 virgins await as a reward’ in ‘paradise’ for a mass murder.
Pedophile child marriages are just as widespread, not to mention the barbaric genital mutilation of girls.
Western foster homes are stuffed with mentally ill Mudslime children who are the offspring of inbred relative marriages, all at the expense of the “infidels”, of course.
I’m surprised no one here (or apparently anywhere) has ever suggested or explored the connection between the COVID pandemic scam and the murder of General Soleimani. The two events occurred around the same time and of course, there are no coincidences and there are never any accidents.
I’m also curious why the hell there is so much anti-Muslim vitriol allowed here, especially trollish vitriol that derails threads such as this and others? Does Kevin Barrett not complain to Unz about this? The whole point of moderation is so that people are allowed and able to have civil discourse and not be exposed to insane rants about how much someone hates Muslims for this and that reason.
So let me get this straight. I’ve read on some of Unz’s articles that he does censor comments that are critical of the COVID hoax and/or of the vaccines, at least on his own articles (of his own authorship.) But in every other article, he allows, without fail, the most obscene and pornographic anti-Muslim and general racist vitriol that I have ever encountered at any site, including Stormfront. Not even Stormfront, which is one of the most covertly Zionist anti-Muslim, anti-black, anti-human soapboxes around, has this kind of vitriol.
As a result of the extreme comments allowed here, sites such as the World Socialist Web Site (another covert Zionist shill operation promoting the COVID and vaccine hoax) labels Unz as a “far-right” and “white supremacist” website. Unz is obviously Jewish, they don’t mention that fact. Whether he’s a “white supremacist” or holds “far-right” views, I have no idea as I don’t know him but I seriously doubt it. Even his ridiculously biased Wikipedia article (as all Wikipedia articles are, one way or another, especially about so-called “controversial” figures, considering the whole operation has been taken over by the federal government) basically makes him out to be a cartoon villain, to borrow one of Andrew Anglin’s trademarks.
I don’t understand what the hell is going on here. Light moderation is one thing, but allowing others to deliberately troll each other, to attack and insult each other in the worst possible ways, this kind of thing is poison to any legitimate forum that wants to maintain civil discourse and debate.
The comment above this one and the disgusting anti-Muslim garbage from others (who are all most likely Zionist shills of one kind or another pretending to be cliche “white supremacists” and “racists”) on Kevin Barrett’s other articles all serve not to inspire debate or even criticism about Islam and Muslims, but to totally derail the thread of discussion, especially considering the fact that in many of these threads, no one is even talking about Islam or Muslims.
This is a terrible situation because is one of the very few places on the Internet to get all these articles from all these different authors in one place, most of whom are not totally ignored by the mainstream, but actively censored and even sabotaged by the mainstream media and authorities. These kinds of sites are going to become even more important as the censorship and surveillance regimes we are being subjected to in the Western world become even more insidious and extreme.
This is precisely why these Zionist shills and trolls masquerading as cartoon racists are targeting this site, but instead of discouraging them or banning them, Unz allows them to post whatever they want and derail any discussion they want, except for his own and those of his articles where he wants no criticism of vaccines or whatever.
“Free speech” is one thing, but attacking and insulting others in the most despicable and degenerate ways only serves to destroy the reputation of this website and drives away most “normal” and “decent” thinking people, which again, seems to be the point of these sick and mentally defective Zionists. They are desperate to keep people away from any alternative sources of information, now more than ever as their genocidal settler colony in West Asia is imploding from within and without.
Zionists hate Muslims. We get it. But there has to be some standard of moderation, otherwise how can anyone have civil and normal discussions and debates? What is the point of moderation if trolls are free to troll as they please?
That #19 is a one-and-done, like many of the type. (Probably someone who evades the low barriers to sock puppetry and posts under various handles or anonymously.) But there are a couple dozen regulars who smear the pages with bigotry and other crap, at least some of whom are quite apparently trying to repulse newcomers. Then there are the squadrons of prolific commenters (i) who, by any objective measure, are intellectually dishonest and (ii) who post spam.
AFAIK, this garbage is seldom if ever “trashed.” Yet about half of mine on COVID topics are surreptitiously censored and commenters like, most recently, Wild Man are publicly lynched to keep us wondering if we’re next.
I’ve been around and commenting for nearly a decade. It’s proven much harder these last few years to be constructively critical of TUR management. Thanks for trying.
Delirious judaic troll has nothing to say about the topic of this article and video but uses the common shtick of an ad hominem attack against the author and has a grand mal seizure against Islam.
Despite the very unpleasant audio malfunctioning at the beginning, in the part I could hear I found Ron far more convincing on the origins of COVID than the “Patient Zero” advocate.
(I am glad Ron didn’t get into the “vaccine” though…)
There is so much off-fhe-rails stuff in your comment that it is hard to pick the most outstanding exzmples:
–Viruses don’t exist or if they do they are always innocuous
–There have never been any pandemics only “plandemics”
— The mRNA ‘viral therapy’ given to the people in Blue states was different from that given in Red states
–Viral infections do not cause diseases only “induced toxins (including electromagnetic radiation and chemtrailings) nutritional deficiencies, poor sanitation and disturbed conditions & environs including lack of sleep and pollution” do, etc
I have a strong feeling they you believe all this and are not a troll but I am not sure which would worse for those whom you convince…
They need to hire better trolls. This one is unintentionally hilarious. (Or maybe it’s one of my Muslim allies parodying a Zionist troll?)
Is that why #19 was allowed while pertinent comments are sporadically and surreptitiously censored?
And who takes seriously a debate when one of the participants has the advantage of comment moderation?