I know I’m 14 years but several studies in modern Africans populations (mainly in West Africa were most of the black diaspora outside Africa comes) and discovers in prehistoric skulls point that indeed modern Africans descent from hybrids of sapiens-other hominids.
Last year, the Southern Poverty Law Center added his name to its list of “extremistsâ€
Nooooo. Last year a human being added to his or her list. And it was announced by another person in the “FrreeeePreesss”. That way, they an maintain personal anonymity.
Southern Poverty Law Center is simple a cover name for a group of like thinkers, probably financed by (((the usual suspects))). Without the money, nobody would have ever heard of them.
Am I alone in thinking Jay’s constant promotion of his own blog is unseemly?
Late to bed,
Early to rise,
Work like Hell,
and Advertise.
Interestingly, Einstein’s progeny turned out not particularly different from Nikita Khrushchev’s in their occupations or productivity even though these were very different people. I think Einstein does have more descendants though.
Khrushchev’s granddaughter Nina Khrushcheva is an American citizen and an academic scholar doing work in Russian studies. She apparently shares her grandfather’s bad temper but not his humanity. During his 1959 visit to the United States Khrushchev was the happiest and most content when he was standing in the middle of an Iowa cornfield. I am sure Iowa is nothing but flyover country to Khrushcheva.
The new way is the high-tech lynching. You make it impossible for the person to exist except on a subsistence level. Take away their livelihood. Take away their ability to have a financial existence. Take away their ability to communicate and disseminate their ideas.
I just looked at the SPLC’s list of extremists. Some of them are scurrilous characters. Some of them are just conservative intellectuals. SPLC is manipulating the definition of the word “extremist” itself. If someone holds a position they think is evidence-based, well, sorry about that. You have to debate the evidence.
At a minimum, SPLC is trying to create guilt by association. That means, by representing innocent people as associated with disreputable people through the medium of putting them on a single list.
If the SPLC published separate lists one called “disreputable people” and the other called “people we don’t like,” there might be nothing to argue about. You’re allowed to not like people.
At this stage, the appearance is, molecular evolution proceeds at a constant pace while phyletic evolution (appearance of new forms or kinds) occurs in jumps. The current explanation for this is that new species arise as a result of change in the developmental program.
A concomitant argument is that new species arise largely due to neoteny, which the appearance of maturity and the ability to reproduce at an earlier stage of development. It may be the case that organisms which reach maturity at an earlier stage in development have a greater ability to rapidly evolve new body plans.
All of this is at least somewhat speculation on my part and on the part of other people who have entertained and promoted the same ideas.
I pretty much worked all of this out in the 1970s but my terminology was turgid and not very well developed.
Darwinism is one of those things (such as, for example, the flat tax) which seems to be one idea but actually is synthesis of two ideas. One of the ideas is the unity of life, meaning that all biological life on Earth exists in a great chain of descent from a single point of origin. The other idea is that transformation (speciation, the appearance of new kinds) occurs as a result of the accumulation of small changes over a long period time.
The first idea can be regarded as proven, or at least the idea of the molecular unity of life can be regarded as proven. The second idea is very seriously in dispute. Gradualism is the core idea of neo-Darwinism. No one disputes the ability of gradual evolution to develop new species within the boundaries of kind, for example, the eventual development of all modern horse species through a chain of descent from an original smaller equine progenitor. If the basic kinds developed through gradual processes, the proof of it (called intermediate forms or missing links) has yet to be found in the fossil record.
Would like to see current environmental essays in place of current war emphasis:
What is happening in Spain is a shame. Children will be born with low IQ due to this pollution.
Here in the US the school failure to achieve proficiency testing success is attributed to the Co-Vid ‘after the fact.’ Almost like the Co Vid is being used as a cover for the expected problem. The EU has banned glysophate in 2023 undoubtably due to the toxicity associated with its use.
These environmental created problems must be publicly exposed and remediated. The more we discuss, the greater the awareness and caution.
There was little surface water in the Wild Lands to the north of the Black Sea. So, it was not possible to find water for draught animals necessary to plough the land. (herds kept for meat could move between water sources. Draught animals stay put). Thus the area was scarcely populated. This changed with improved wel digging technology in the late 18th Century and especially with the import of wind pumps from North America in the mid 19th Century. A population too low to pay for self defence was a cause of the slave raids as much as an effect.
While the Turks were strong at sea, men were in demand too as galley slaves. That demand was reduced after the Christian victory at the battle of Lepanto in 1571 when the Turks lost control of the sea.
The biggest lie in history All sources are fake Where is the evidence that the Arabs committed genocide against Africans
it’s not true correlation always have causes, see https://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations
The substance that most closely resembles in color the skin hues of non-whites is shit. We grow up with a natural aversion to it to prevent diseases spreading. This aversion carries over to aesthetic preferences.
German National Socialists were racialists (i.e. racial realists). They were not racists.
Non-European Ethnic Groups Which Joined the German Army During the Second World War
Who started WW II? The same people who continue to bad mouth and demonize Hitler to this day.
Well-Connected Men Who Said Jewish Power Caused WW II
“The ongoing & constant vilification & demonization of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich in the Jewish-controlled media is to prevent & discourage the disclosure of Hitler’s (German) Economic & Social miracle, which, during his reign, kicked out the parasitic influence of International Jewry.”
Third Reich’s Economic Miracle & Social Renaissance
The decline of Christianity and the soft formless “social justice” tone of what’s left has left a huge spiritual vacuum. Perhaps Islam will start to seem appealing to rootless young Europeans. Stranger things have happened. A more healthy trend might be the rise of Orthodoxy which is already making small inroads. Certainly the Catholic and main line Protestants have little to offer at this point. Maybe under a new Pope?
One need not psychological adaptation to change behavior. One only needs incentive. The same environment factor doesn’t capture unpredictable environments. Behaviors can change when exposed to new incentives even if the innate preference/personality doesn’t change. Significant droves to the Philippines can be explained by new incentives like overpopulation. The new incentive need only lead to irreversible consequences for it to be relevant. A required environmental effect of rumors of a Spice Island, for example, kickstarted Portuguese exploration westwards.
Spanish friars described early Filipino men initially as dressing up and doing the jobs of women. Filipinos also believed spirits came only to feminine mediums. Women had to be trained to be shamans but effeminate men automatically can be shamans although they don’t necessarily do.
I notice a current effort to create new definitions of intelligence, based on factors that make one successful in the 21st centuary western economy, rather than what were considered desirable in spearman’s day. Even in the space of artificial intelligence, generalized intelligence is not really a thing. A processing engine designed to solve one kind of problem suffers significant disadvantage when unleashed on another class of problems.
Are family, marriage, pair bonding a certainty or are they a combination of preference and a necessity of paternal inheritance? Matrilinial societies have been studied where marriage is not a norm and care of children is a collective responsibility.
In a study of an Australian indigenous society, children were found to have a lot of autonomy in their actions. They may wake up with a different group of people to those present when they fell asleep, follow their own schedule and join in the activities ongoing at that time. This makes school, with a focus on discipline and regimentation an alienating experience.
Evolutionarily speaking, did such collective responsibility, where a child’s survival is no longer tied to their parents’, allow a longer childhood and greater capacity for learning in humans?
Is individual parental responsibility then a convenience found in wealthier (or at least city building) societies, perhaps providing a larger labour force, a necessity of urban life, or a consequence of economic competition?
Alienation from school is hardly unheard of for young children in western society, could discipline and strict routine be an unnatural imposition of economics on the human condition and counterproductive to learning and development?
During the 20th centuary, colonial europeans believed themselves superior to the populations they conquered. Ibn Khaldun however, in seeking cause for the collapse of empires through a detailed study of their history, thought them inferior to their userpers due to a breakdown in social cooperation enabled by the very economic and military advances responsible for their earlier success.
I ask these kind of questions not to assert any claim to truth, but rather where I see blind spots in the discussion of what is natural. People tend to substitute what ought (according to morality and expectations) or their own observations (what appears to be) for enquiry into what is.
I find such blindness goes well beyond theology or philosophy, the stories we tell ourselves about the world influence how we interpret scientific results. It was until recently popular to assume a competitive dynamic equilibrium was the reason ecosystems existed. However the iterative prisoner’s dilemma showed a model where incidental cooperation between unrelated entities would be favoured and selected for over competition, despite the strategy appearing disadvantageous to the individual when assessed as an isolated logical problem.
Perhaps the simplest natural example is pollination by insects. Insects that take nectar without pollinating dont gain from the promotion of their food source, while plants that attract insects without providing pollen don’t gain from promoting the survival of those insects.
If one is looking for a basis of human morality, promoting cooperation between unrelated individuals might be a hypothetical start to the line of enquiry.
Notice that the figure in the antislavery pamphlet illustrated in this article is kneeling. This pose, often captioned “Am I Not A Man And A Brother” was iconic in the early English anti-slavery movement, appearing on Wedgwood pottery and bronze tokens. There is nothing threatening about kneeling. Kneeling is generally a sign of respect. Colin Kaepernick famously invested kneeling with a somber meaning, using this simple stance as a powerful reminder of how far we still have to go to realize the high ideal of equal protection under the law. It is unfortunate that some misread the meaning of “taking the knee†and failed to see the respect, concern, and even vulnerability inherent in the gesture.
British opposition to the slave trade was more idealistic than the movement on this side of the Atlantic. Historians generally sanitize the account of American opposition to slavery, part of the “feel good” fictionalizing of our past, making it appear to conform to current notions of morality. Ending slavery here had little to do with concern for the human rights of the slaves. It was based foremost in fear of “servile insurrection” and secondly on the morally corrosive effect of the institution on whites. In the wake of the Nat Turner murders the Virginia legislature was flooded with petitions to end slavery and to expel all blacks from the commonwealth, and nearly voted to do so; and as for the latter objection, even the ardent secessionist Mary Chestnut confided to her famous diary her disgust at having to receive her husband in their bedroom “reeking of the wench” he kept in the slave quarters for his own private entertainment. It was only the radical Abolitionist faction that proposed blacks and white could or should live together on equal terms, and they were so universally hated that the leading spokesman Garrison, for just one example, narrowly avoided lynching on Boston Common.
Southerners felt they had solved capitalism’s most vexing problem by means of their peculiar institution. Instead of labor and capital being eternally at odds, as that fellow Marx noticed, their labor force was their capital. Many, including Virginia’s Fitzhugh, proposed that northern industrialists take up the system as well for those who labored in the “dark Satanic mills” of the Industrial Age. Women, children, men, laboring fourteen hours a day six days a week in dangerous, deadening factories for barely enough wages to keep them alive- how could these, Southrons claimed, compare to their happy darkies singing in the fields? Masters cared for their human property as they did any income-producing asset, while if mill workers sickened or were killed, it was no loss to the owner, who had no incentive to protect them – there was always another boatload arriving from Ireland. They argued the system perfectly fit the ignorant and dangerous mass of uncouth immigrants, who without adequate controls on them, were turning America’s once great cities into sewers of crime and corruption.
Ironically in nineteenth century America, slaves were seen as symbols of a kind of freedom that was denied to whites in the stifling social conventions of the day, the freedom to sing, to dance, to make love, to be passionately alive without the endless unnatural prohibitions that were the lot of proper, upright Christians. The great popularity of minstrel shows reflected this idea, that sounds so bizarre to modern ears.
It’s possible that if the southern states had chosen to remain in the union and assert their rights within the framework of democracy, they might have prolonged the institution for another generation or longer, received payment for the loss of their human capital assets, repatriated the unfortunates to Africa, and spared us the unending nightmare of racial animosity and the heritage of hate left by the terrible fratricidal war they chose to initiate. Even with Lincoln’s election they still controlled Congress and the Supreme Court, but the barons of the Old South hated popular democracy right from the start and refused to participate in a government they did not wholly dominate. By striking first at Sumter, they lost the initiative to the Abolitionist radicals, who skillfully harnessed the nation’s rage to force their unpopular agenda on the American people.
I made a video on this theory a couple years ago. It took me some time. I did a lot of research. My hypothesis was that the causal agent was the parasite Toxoplasma gondi. I’m not a scientist but I read a lot by scientists and I thought this possibility deserved to be studied. As it happens this idea is very easy to falsify. I asked some one with resources and credentials to simple test the mothers of male homosexuals for the presence of the parasite. Easy to do and if I’m wrong some mothers will be free of the parasite. About half 0f all Americans have it. It causes all sorts of strange effects including schizophrenia, bad driving, and perhaps homosexuality. I thought it should be tested. I have been in the arts and I lived contiguous to the Upper market Street area in San Francisco. I lived through the AIDs epidemic there. I knew about gays. To be gay isn’t to be happy. I wanted to find a cure.
My Youtube video last month was banned as hate speech. Apparently some gay activist somewhere doesn’t like to think of his condition as a disease. The real victim isn’t me, it’s his mother. Sorry lady, no grandkids for you.
So “unique and surprisingly white” ?!
“their ‘remarkable’, or ‘singular’, white or fair skin. ” ?!
It just happens that you can’t read Latin. What is written in Latin is a praise of the Frankish people. But not of all Francs. The Salic law applied only to the Franc-Salien. The other people in Gaul were subject to other laws. The Gauls and any other romanized people followed the Roman law and the Franc-Ripuaires kept the Ripuaire Law.
But any Gaul/other Roman person/Franc-Ripuaire could “become” a Frank-Salien and thus chose to live under the Salic Law.
In Latin, the Salique Law had the following prologue (under Clovis, as there were other Prologues):
“Gens Francorum inclyta, auctore Deo condita, fortis in armis, profundaque consilio, firma in pacis foedere, corpore nobilis et incolumis, candore et forma egregia, audax, velox et aspera, ad catholicam fidem nuper conversa, immunis quidem ab omni hoeresi, dùm adhùc ritû, teneretur barbarico, inspirante Deo inquirens scientiae clavem…”
The part that refers to your “remarkable white” in fact reads “candore et forma egregia”, which you say translates as “unique and surprisingly white”/”remarkable white”. Well, it does not translate like that. It translates as “bright and exceptional form”.
The phrase is “corpore nobilis et incolumis, candore et forma egregia”. A better translation would be “noble and healthy body, of pure/bright and exceptional/beautiful/distinguished form/shape”.
These northern Eurasians were thus mentally pre-adapted, despite their simple social organization, for later technological developments, even though such developments were possible only in more southern environments for which these populations were less ecologically adapted.
Failing to explain exactly why such developments were only possible in “more southern environments†and not the Arctic or subarctic is a missing link in this thesis.
Charles Cornwallis and Carlos Botero have suggested in their ‘Cooperation facilitates the colonization of harsh environments’ that hierarchical social organisation, which you point out as absent in these proto-European hunting societies, was difficult or impossible to maintain in the Arctic and subarctic. It is also true that domestication of plants or animals – excluding the highly specialised reindeer – to create agricultural and/or pastoral societies was impossible in high latitudes and also the lowland Western Hemisphere. Indeed, it is precisely because of nonhierarchical social structures (previous point) that animal domestication was and remains impossible in these regions, because herds will never follow a human leader.
If it is not one of these two, what else it is and I would be most grateful for a detailed explanation.
Rather than longer, colder winters, in my opinion what in high latitudes made it harder for women to gather food for themselves and their children was nutrient-richer soils. Soils richer in rare chalcophile elements essential for catabolism of plant matter permit much higher densities of heterotrophic biomass (“secondary productivityâ€) as herbivores and detritivores supplant fire as the primary consumer of plant matter. Thus, rather than remain as perennials over the dormant winter period, plants survived only as small seeds or spores during dormancy, or shed their leaves in winter.
In geological terms, the highly enriched soils of the Holocene extratropical northern and western hemispheres are confined exclusively to eras of large-scale glaciation and mountain-building. Orogeny of course drives glaciation as the sediments from the newly formed mountains absorb carbon dioxide. Outside eras of large-scale continental glaciation, the entirety of Earth’s land surface was covered in soil types found today chiefly in Australia and to a lesser extent in the most ancient parts of Africa and South America. As an illustration, European soils as recently as the Miocene fewer than twenty million years ago were entirely of types found mainly in Australia today.
Under such conditions, perennial plant foods would remain available year-round even under cool climatic conditions, and provide sources like seeds and nutrient-poor evergreen foliage.
This is seen today in southernmost Australia. With a climate as cool as southern Europe but soils poorer than the most oligotrophic parts of the Amazon, southernmost Australia’s Aboriginal populations never deviated from their tropical ancestors in skin colour or lifestyle, remaining largely vegetarian, polygynous and dark-skinned. In geological terms, similar trends occurred during the Mesozoic. Although winter temperatures in the highest latitudes of Jurassic Pangaea were far below freezing, aridity during this season prevented any glaciation whatsoever and none of the animal traits we associate today with cold or even cool climates were found.
this scientific article just like many others have been completely censored by facebook, and the lefty tards at service of the globalist cabal say that facebook is too much anti-left etc. lies, and more lies, only damm lies, and on the top of all: official versions by the media, hollywood, “academia”, “universties”.
You sound like you don’t like black people
<welll i think females lovea guys to have nice big penie prefer him to be able to be himiliated in front of groups of ladies, girls want control of males sexually domestically and fertillaly if he is up to breeding quality or spend his life as a Eunice seving woman .times have changed and boys no that girls hsve a nice firm grip on there balls.
If Albanians are white, why do they moon Europe five times a day?Replies: @SFG, @dindunuffins
No non-whites were involved in the Balkan conflict of the 90s. It involved Serbs, Croatians, Albanians, Bosniaks, etc. �
That war was Muslims vs Christians…Same BS that is going on now!
Anthropologists report that hominid cranial capacity (brain size) increased steadily over the last million years but peaked with the Neanderthal 20 to 30 thousand years ago, and has actually been decreasing ever since. The obvious conclusion is that hominids are getting dumber, as a quick stroll through any walmart will confirm.
The article is well written and very informal. Its interesting to read the comments below, you can tell who is an inbred, and who is open-minded. The article is enough to spark interests and open doors to new historical content, purposefully overlooked. I always understood that the word “slavic” or “slav” was the 1st slaves,…long before “blacks” became the synonym for slaves. If we can understand our language and the root words, it will lead you down an educated and often hidden past.
The mentality of the independent farmer that owns 100 slaves?
Thanks for proving you’ll accept any science that justifies your racism
2 things:
1. Henry spoke at the “preserving western civilization” forum alongside Peter brimelow, the host of neo nazi VDARE website. Both men are racists.
2. The KKK indiscriminately murdered black people while burgling their homes and property. The SPLC has never acted like the KKK.
This diet is not recommended for people with a thyroid problem (hyper or hypothyroidism).
If you are allergic to aspirin, or any other anti-inflammatory, DO NOT do it. Cucumber contains natural anti-inflammatories, eating it in excess could harm you.
Excessive cucumber can aggravate the symptoms of oral allergy, allergic reaction that manifests in the mouth, tongue and throat.
Like any “instant†weight reduction diet, its effects are temporary if you do not follow a balanced eating plan. To lose weight without bouncing, you need a long-term change of habits.
The Franz Boaz I now know. From http://www.questia.com
Franz Boas’ role in shaping twentieth-century American anthropology is well known, but less well known is his commitment to radical politics. His political biases have been less thoroughly investigated. While traditional Marxism sought to advance its goals by way of violent revolution ostensibly vitalized by the “proletariat,” the Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci (1897-1931) realized that Marxist egalitarian goals could be more effectively advanced by infiltrating and taking control of the existing institutional structure of a society. In the course of a thorough study of Boas’ correspondence, the author concludes that there is clear evidence that Boas was an effective convert to Gramscian Marxism and one of its most successful exponents.
We’re creating a hyper-male culture that most normal males, especially whites and East Asians, cannot relate to. It bothers me when even parents begin to internalize this false notion of masculinity.
Could you be any more out of touch with reality? The US has a completely feminized culture, no masculine role models, and soy and endocrine disruptors wrecking the current generation of men (along with them adopting a strategy of being weak betas hoping it will endear them to women).
And your references to “game” are about a decade out of date. Heartiste, Rollo etc. (the ones people actually read) are all about advising men to not be divorced rape and not be betas, not focused on dancing monkey style game.
(And above average high intelligence obviously)
Well, they identify as such more now. But what were they actually doing in the past? Today, a considerably larger margin of women admit to being somewhat same-sex attracted than do men:
Historically, same-sex preference was more common among men than among women.
And here I go contributing to that statistic. :) Typically however, it's the lower quality (and presumably lower-IQ) White women who marry out. Since fertility trends are such that the highest IQ White men are reproducing most, creating an overall neutral to eugenic fertility trend for IQ...
At present, there are more White American women outmarrying than White American men, particularly in younger age groups. This disparity is mainly in marriages with African American men ...
This disparity isn’t new. What is new is its extent, for both legal and common-law marriages. An idea may be gleaned from statistics on children born to White American women, specifically the proportion fathered by a non-White partner. For the U.S. as a whole the proportion in 2013 was between 11% and 20%
I am curious about the fate of these locked-out men.
So more and more young men are being left on the shelf, particularly in White America. How do they cope? Mostly by turning to porn from Internet websites, videocassettes, or magazines. Love dolls are another option and may grow in popularity as they become more human-like, not only physically but also in their ability to talk and interact.
~1 in 10,000 I believe, right? :)
Then there’s gender reassignment, which means either entering the other side of the mate market or tapping into the lesbian market. It’s a viable strategy, all the more so because many white boys can be turned into hot trans women.
Right on!Replies: @JSM, @Father O'Hara, @Negrolphin Pool, @Rev. Spooner, @Aft
My attitude toward game is like my attitude toward gender reassignment. Both are attempts to push the envelope of phenotypic plasticity beyond its usual limits, and neither can fully achieve the desired result.
For the record, during the past century, 10-25% of the men to failed to reproduce. Assuming these are the most genetic load-heavy men (a safe-ish assumption), this is probably a good thing for the health of the population.
Jayman nails this. With vastly relaxed selection at the level of negligible mortality at all prior to reproductive age (historically unprecedented, even at the heights of ancient civilization), and negligible pre-selection in terms of ability to even support a family, AND dysgenic female fertility, it’s not a bad thing for there to be some filters on the next generation at the male level.
Allow me to explain further….
Blacks (pure Africans) have a narrower hip structure and longer limbs which are often best for motion (such as quick running and jumping) which most ball sports rely on……….however from a standpoint of pure strength they are no equal to White males.
White males have a larger pelvis where the seat of strength is……..such as deadlifting and squats…..
in the NFL defense has speed as the top priority……even the Dline is more important to have speed than strength…………as a result Blacks dominate those positions up to 90% of defenses in the NFL are Black.
The only place in the NFL where strength is prioritized over speed is the Oline………and in those position White dominate………..even with the NFL overall being 68% Black the Oline is 65% White……..
Also if you see Strongest Man competitions you rarely see a Black……….Olympic lifting (Black lifter Mark Henry was a disappointing hype) and Power lifting is dominated by Whites.
Blacks tend to have better definition (less subcontainous fat between the skin and muscles) which gives them a more muscular look even when skinny which can be mistaken for strength…….
and as far as fighting?…….The Bantu warrior of Black tradition would be no match to the Viking.
Of course these are generalization over large racial populations……..since there are always exceptions…….
If you live in California, 50% of the dating market is Latino.
A solution is emigration. $1 000 000 US dollars is more like $10 000 000-20 000 000 is poorer countries in Eastern Europe, South America and Asia.
You could emigrate to one of those countries and using your wealth marry a nubile 20 year old. Much better prospects that slaving away building your socioeconomic status just to be rewarded with a sexually experienced women in her thirties.
I know a white guy who is currently engaged to a black girl. I dated him a couple of times (I am American but my parents are from India) but did not find him romantically attractive. However, we liked each as people and had a lot of common interests, so we stayed friends.
He then dated a white girl. She and I also became friends, when I invited him (as well as several other people) to an event. He showed up with his date, and she and I hit it off. They broke up because she also liked him as a friend but did not find him romantically attractive. She is currently dating a white man who is a few years younger than she is.
He then took up with a black girl. The problem – the black girl has a lot of issues. She comes from a broken home and I find her morals appalling.
The black girl slept with him very quickly, but that’s not my issue with her.
What I find appalling is that she seems to have no care for her son. She has a 10 year old child. She introduced him to my friend after only 3 dates. She leaves him home alone overnight to spend the night with my friend.
I think that if you have a child, then you have to put his needs ahead of your own sexual gratification. You don’t introduce your child until you have thoroughly vetted the man. You must keep your child safe. Finally, you do NOT leave a child home alone all night! That is just WRONG!
Other issues I have with this black woman – she is really emotional and insecure. She is very dominating.
When my friend and I have gotten together in the past, when we said hello and good-bye we’d hug. It’s just a simple gesture of affection between friends. But now that he is dating this black girl, he seems afraid to hug his female friends. He also is constantly apologizing to her.
I am currently in a relationship with a German. If he does something I don’t like, I either ignore it (if it’s a small thing) or we have a calm discussion. We never raise our voices or have tantrums. I think that’s juvenile behavior. I mean, I did that kind of thing when I was a teen-ager, but I’m an adult now. If my boyfriend greets a friend with a hug, that is fine. I do not control him, just like he does not control me. We love each other, but more important is that we respect each other.
I don’t consider myself a racist. I have two close black friends and they are truly fine people. However, I would not date a black man.
In college, I did go out a couple of times with black men. Each time I found them really pushy. They wanted sex right away and I was waiting for marriage.
I found other races to be much more respectful. I dated Indians, white men, Hispanics, Jews, Asians… once they knew the score, they either accepted it or moved on to date other women, but they did not keep pushing for sex.
I don’t want to paint a whole group with a broad brush, but that is my experience.
However, not all black women are like my friend’s girlfriend. I think the key is family background. If the girl (or boy) comes from a broken home, there are more likely to be dysfunctional behaviors…
Richard Lynn has looked into differing rates in psychopathic personality across racial lines and found some interesting stuff:
Gents, I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but as someone who spends a lot of time in both the civilized parts of Latin America and the US, I can assure that this problem is not exclusive to America, at all.
One thing we could do to address this problem while simultaneously hitting a couple of birds with one stone is the following:
1) Take doctors who cut up kids on behalf of Cultural Marxism and put them in prison.
2) Have them serve as the doctors in the prison.
3) Take the doctors that had been volunteering/working in the prisons up to that point, and redirect them to help middle and lower class people.
Where’s my TERF support!?
I would advise these men to stop playing video games and surfing the internet.
“Game” is not the answer, but living in the real world is essential.
All I can say to this is that in the America I grew up in, there was always a world of difference between American blacks and Somalis. This was true when it came to everything: physical appearance, attitude, culinary habits, you name it. The two groups are always at one another’s throats. Whenever I see headlines about their clashes, I cannot help but remember Henry Kissinger’s notorious comment about the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s…
Spare me this BS. Real scientists are alpha in the sense they’ll ruthlessly destroy the ideas of their peers over their quest of truth. Businessmen are ruthless in making their ideas reality of they’re to be successful. Alpha doesn’t mean being an impolite thug, it means having an internal source of value and wanting to bend the world to your whims. Women are part of this world as well.
A social adaptation to an environment that no longer exists is just a malapdatation being selected against nowadays. Having sheep reproduce too much and sending lions to die in wars constantly results in this garbage. We can thank our forefathers that thought all losers deserve a wife and a vote.
It seems they are still trying to put that toothpaste back into the tube.
From the perspective of an obese woman, these insights would be entirely correct.
You are assuming men can "turn gay", which is terribly unlikely (probably impossible), you are either born homosexual or you are not. And while redefining marriage is not, in my estimation, a good thing it is also not the cause of our demographic decline. It is the normal, straight population that has, for quite a few decades now, been refusing to get married until well over 30, refusing to have more than one child and essentially refusing to grow up. Not to mention the 3rd World invasion of our nations making us aliens in our own lands.
Enrique Cardova says:
July 2, 2015 at 3:02 am GMT • 800 Words
The “gay thing†is much more a problem for European demographic decline than such African boat people, who in any event have been declining in numbers overall. It is because: (a) the institution of marriage – the best place to create and raise children is being redefined in a destructive way, (b) more homosexuality takes healthy young white men out of the reproductive gene pool, adding yet ANOTHER nail in the demographic coffin.
Born gay and everything is a result of straight people deviating from cultural norms.
Going to need FMJ boot camps to drive the globohomo out of the young men.
Working against 13 years of feminazi K-12 indoctrination. Add four more years of Marxist Feminist Studies.
BUT, if population control is the point, then a mass die off is what you want and winning/losing is not the point. A long drawn out grind.
Give every other kid a rifle and give the next kid a full magazine. Shoot them if they don’t keep moving forward. Stalin gets rid of Mongolians and Hitler kills off white German men.
But the MICC wouldn’t profit as much from selling only half the weapons. The international lenders need to loan money to all sides.
Or wage a war where you take ground with losses, and then fall back to fortified bases. Allowing the enemy to build up again in the area. Bleed. Rinse. Repeat.
Not a “woman in general” hater, but the bitch ratio among women has also moved higher. More women than men in a place, but how many are not viable candidates for a long term heterosexual relationship that would not be a hell for the man?
Women with children do require caution. Becoming a father figure makes extrication from a soured relationship more difficult. How do you explain to a young child that you are leaving their life, because their mommy started showing interest in pegging.
Male and single is awesome, young or old. Get an education buy a small home. Have a good job no expenses, no children, no mortgage. Can quit work anytime I want. Spend time traveling, fitness the odd hook up. For me life is grand this way. I know the lonely hearts need that constant partner not me thankfully. 😀
If you further dig into those Black on White humping producer, you won’t be surprised to learn that Jews guy is controlling on production.
Field stripping an AK-47 can be taught in a few hours. Bayonet proficiency might take a few days. When these skills are needed we will have the manpower quickly.
The picture is far from clear.
Male shyness isn’t a pathology. It’s an adaptation to a social environment that values monogamy and high paternal investment while stigmatizing sexual adventurism.
Depends on how you define pathology. It is definitely maladaptation to the gathering storm. The West’s tame and grass-eating nature is definitely a liability.
And the funny thing is we’re supposedly “sexually liberatedâ€
30 percent of young men currently admit to having no sex in the last year. This is striking because it is well known that men tend to inflate their sexual experiences when asked to recount them on surveys. It is also probably only partially capturing today’s much lower marriage rates.
If we visualize sex rates as a proxy for sexual market value, with the bottom 30 percent of men shut out completely, percentiles 30 through probably 50 or 55 are likely not doing a whole lot better. I can’t find solid stats, but the median age of first marriage for men is now 30. And given divorce rates, this implies that well over half of 18-40 year old men are unmarried. While many of those may not be permanently single, many endure long dry spells.
At a minimum, it is safe to say that half of young American men are to varying degrees sexually starved, with few prospects of satiation. And given the fleeting nature of even cohabitating relationships, even many who are much further up the ladder, as high as the 80th or even 90th percentiles, may be experiencing only fractions of the sexual frequency that their married grandfathers took as birthright.
These are all men to whom the grating spin of Washington’s rat wheel tax dynamo may not sweetly sing, whose unslaked thirsts may one day fuel conflagration.
You forgot to rate their faces.
Voxday’s Alpha>Bravo>Delta>Gamma>Omega with the additional Sigma category probably offers enough granularity to potentially be at least as valid as anything in the DSM V. I imagine each category can be factor analyzed and diagnostic criteria established.
Each person’s position on that scale will vary situationally to some extent. But everyone will have an average, and most will remain squarely within one category. Even as a crude heuristic, VDs system has solid practical applications, including predictive capability that is already probably on par with most listings in the DSM.
Probably the effect of social constructs that don’t even exist I guess
You don’t shop at walmart, obviously.
Well, they identify as such more now. But what were they actually doing in the past? Today, a considerably larger margin of women admit to being somewhat same-sex attracted than do men:
Historically, same-sex preference was more common among men than among women.
And here I go contributing to that statistic. :) Typically however, it's the lower quality (and presumably lower-IQ) White women who marry out. Since fertility trends are such that the highest IQ White men are reproducing most, creating an overall neutral to eugenic fertility trend for IQ...
At present, there are more White American women outmarrying than White American men, particularly in younger age groups. This disparity is mainly in marriages with African American men ...
This disparity isn’t new. What is new is its extent, for both legal and common-law marriages. An idea may be gleaned from statistics on children born to White American women, specifically the proportion fathered by a non-White partner. For the U.S. as a whole the proportion in 2013 was between 11% and 20%
I am curious about the fate of these locked-out men.
So more and more young men are being left on the shelf, particularly in White America. How do they cope? Mostly by turning to porn from Internet websites, videocassettes, or magazines. Love dolls are another option and may grow in popularity as they become more human-like, not only physically but also in their ability to talk and interact.
~1 in 10,000 I believe, right? :)
Then there’s gender reassignment, which means either entering the other side of the mate market or tapping into the lesbian market. It’s a viable strategy, all the more so because many white boys can be turned into hot trans women.
Right on!Replies: @JSM, @Father O'Hara, @Negrolphin Pool, @Rev. Spooner, @Aft
My attitude toward game is like my attitude toward gender reassignment. Both are attempts to push the envelope of phenotypic plasticity beyond its usual limits, and neither can fully achieve the desired result.
When was this written? Video Cassettes? Mum’s basement door is still locked?
The French aristos, Prussian Junkers, and people like Cortes and his knights lived off a vast substrate of peasants or factory workers and clerks, depending on era. They were never more than 10% of the population or so.
I recall reading once that at the time of the French revolution the aristocracy had swollen to full 3% of the population.
If I had to guess (emphasis on “guess”) at the most sex obsessed type of men I’d have to say: Indians (ie Sth Asians). Closely followed by Arabs. I’ve seen it myself & chatted with women about it. These guys have a tendency to “creep” women out….
What if your husband wanted you to sleep with a group of big Swedish Vikings…Would you say HELLS YEAH!!?
If I was with a white man that wanted me to sleep with blacks, I’d leave him. That’s disgusting. And it’s not that prevalent, most white men don’t want a woman that’s slept with blacks. “Once you go black, we don’t want you back†isn’t just a clever saying. They mean it. I’ve never been interested in non white men, I’m not into bestiality, and have no interest in anyone that is, or any man that would value me so little that he wanted me to lay with the beast of the field. How vile. My husband gets riled if a man even looks at me or talks to me, and that’s how it should be. If your man isn’t passionate about you, why waste your time? What could women that agree to that, be thinking? Ugh.
When did this happen on any large scale?
From 800 (or earlier) to at least 1800 and perhaps 1900.
A very large part of the Viking economy was slaves, with attractive white women the most valuable, sold largely to the Caliphate and other Islamic states. Then Germans, and Magyars, and Tatars, and Turks (and many others) raided heavily in the Balkans and eastern Europe for about a 1000 years.
After all, in almost all European languages, the word for slave comes from Slav.
Also, for most of 1200 or 1300 years various Muslim groups raided white peoples all over the Mediterreanean. White women for sex slaves were always very popular as merchandise.
Game as stated in this article are simply a collection of techniques ( From boosting your appearance to increasing your likeability. ) to makeing yourself more arousing and attractive to the opposite sex.
When done right game can increase existing arousal but not created it.
Surprised the author didn’t mention plastic surgery.
This is not quite correct, I’m afraid.
“The violent young male went from hero to zero, his place now taken by the law-abiding man who bettered himself not through plunder but through work and trade. ”
According to James Sharpe in A Fiery and Furious People: A History of Violence in England , the murder rate in England around 1350 was 120 per 100,000 – double that for Honduras today.
One wonders if the Normans had such a pacifying effect as supposed.
https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/71/6/1392/4729362Replies: @Violetta
In general, blacks have a greater bone mineral density and body protein content than do whites, resulting in a greater fat-free body density.
Anyone in biomed still talking of “blacks” and “whites” after the year 2000 – the current golden age of genetic analysis – is a priori engaging in bad science. What counts are the specific haplogroups, especially given the high European admixture in US and south American populations. Blacks (to return to the vernacular) can excel in fast-twitch activities like jumping and sprinting, while their almost complete absence in high-level strength competitions (olympic and power lifting, strongman-type events) empirically shows that absolute strength does not seem to be their forte.
White-Hispanic couples accounted for about four-in-ten (41%) of [all outmarriages]; white-Asian couples made up 15%; and white-black couples made up 11%.
This is what one of the two studies provided by the author concludes, along with the fact that white-Hispanic intermarriage doesn’t skew up between the sexes to any noticeable degree.
So given that white-Asian couples are comprised of a white male and Asian female almost to the same proportion as white-black pairings do in reverse, how exactly does this data show that “white women outmarry more”?
It doesn’t to anyone else than a manospherist keen on bashing women to the point of ignoring the actual data that he himself provides.
You’re pathologically immature and perhaps just one disturbed personality tweeting your id. Please don’t breed.
Yes… Brothers would rather play football than carry jugs if concrete up ramps.
I don’t understand this belief that so many Americans have that black men are stronger than white men. I guess it comes from endlessly watching NFL and NBA games.
It’s because their skin has less fat underneath that their muscles appear larger and stronger.
World’s Strongest Man competitions are overwhelmingly white for a reason…
Women are extremely more selective when it comes to looks. I don’t understand where that ridiculous saying comes from that says men value looks more than women. In reality its the other way around. Just look at any dating site.
Well, we live in a feminine-primacy culture where anything mainstream is tilted in women’s favour, and not so seldom a reversal of what’s evident if one looks at things with a mind of his own.
The truth is, in my judgment, that women are extremely more selective overall, looks department included, due to, to put it Darwinian-style, their eggs being a much more valuable commodity than male seed on the mating market.
The other truth — which a biased commenter may dress as something more than what it is, so as to deny point 1) above — is that men are preoccupied with almost only looks when assessing the feminine worth.
They are still less picky, but if looks have a 70% share in a woman’s mind mating pick-making, they will have a 90% share in a man’s mind.
One wonders though why many females in the higher, or even middling tiers put up with such abuse then lament “the shortage of good men.†Is there that much of a shortage or is it a case of women turning away more considerate men, because they are not rich enough, not tall enough, not metrosexual fashionable enough, or whatever- to hook up with the same jerk types again and again? I wonder if some of today’s young men are going their own way more because they are getting tired of seeing this scenario repeated..
https://blackdragonblog.com/2016/12/01/men-dont-understand-female-attraction/ (the whole blog, together with TheRationalMale, will shed light on these doubts of yours. Prepare to be despoiled of many illusions on women, though, and proceed at your risk).
Doubtless it’s the more attractive swaths of the female population that “behave badly” — i.e., like people who happen to wield more bargaining power than the others in their surroundings.
One big problem out there with some young dudes is an unrealistic expectation and demand for “good looking†women, and all this angst and frustration that they can’t obtain what they believe they “deserve†as far as these “good looking†women.
Well, women are far more finicky (as the laws of “evolution” would predict) and far more commonly engage in that sort of behaviour that you point out.
There are even statistics showing how women, when polled, rated as “below average” as many as 80% of men, while men rated “below average” a realistic 50% of women.
Game will at best create superficial changes in a person’s sexual interactions; an illusion, if you will.
I don’t concur that that is the case, for most people. Of course if you have psychological features that place you on the outskirts of normality (“averageness”) game-derived partial realignment will still be little or no help.
And of course a shy awkward person doesn’t become a womanizer or the woman’s first choice in the world.
But still, many couples where the woman actively dislikes the man can be turned into relationships where the woman doesn’t either like or dislike him.
So game, like all things for sale, is not helpful to everybody, and is part illusion, but not entirely that.
Intredasting. Would it be possible to consult the public database you used to derive this observation? Asking for a friend.Replies: @Daniel Chieh
tons of black African men with big penises and strong muscles
In general, blacks have a greater bone mineral density and body protein content than do whites, resulting in a greater fat-free body density.
Clearly you haven't browsed the RooshV forum or the Heartiste comments lately. They really do believe their own 'self improvement' auto erotica.Replies: @Expletive Deleted, @Thea
No man using game claims that he is “really†an alpha-ladies man type inside;
Roosh once said the most important line to learn to get a woman to talk to you is “hello.†He seems to understand that at its essence game is about helping introverts be a bit more extroverted or at least a tad less anxious in social settings.
He has to sell books so he spices it up. ordinary but lonely men that want to get a 10 into bed is not a small audience. Thus his delusional forum posters.
While I am not a scientist, I have read quite a bit on the subject so I offer what I have read.
As research for associations between animals & humans have a good bit of value, I suggest a consideration of chimera in cattle where a male twin can masculinize his female twin making her infertile.
This is apparently fairly common.
There are different types of chimera from micro on to absorbing a twin where your body is the dna equivalent of two people and may not be a hundred percent blended. For instance, your reproductive system can contain the dna of your opposite sex twin so that the dna passed to your child could be his/her uncle or aunt for the most part.
Human chimerism can exist more prevalently than previously thought because we don’t typically dna check each organ and system of our bodies and double dna isn’t always in the bloodstream but can be elsewhere within the body.
“More and more single men are staying that way because they have rationally decided that to marry in today’s society is foolish. They look at the women today and simply don’t want to marry them.”
Agreed. I am constantly amazed that studies like this (and I’ve read a few) seem never to take into account the societal effects of feminist equality and divorce laws. This is the first generation of men who are able to use social media to get a really good idea of how divorce and child custody laws can devastate a male, and they are seeing many of their fathers go through it.
Instead of asking today’s males why they don’t, perhaps it is more appropriate to ask them why they should. Better to go you own way.
I may be wrong but I think this imbalance is mainly a result of women having equal rights with men (not a bad thing) and becoming economically self-sufficient.
Your parenthetic value assignment is questionable under its own logic.
The natural state of women is that of property. There are caveats, but they are unimportant for the purpose here. Women are things of value that must be either defended or lost. Collectively and on average, women lack the capacity for organized violence and are therefore incapable of self-defense. There are exceptions, but they only serve to highlight the rule. And beyond group sizes of about 10, no grouping of women would stand but a vanishing chance in any marshal contest against a similarly selected group of men.
In primitive societies, ownership of women is held by specific men, whether groups or individuals. In advanced societies, ownership of women is transferred to the state. But as soon as the state breaks down, we see ownership revert back to individual men.
This is best illustrated in failed states by the widespread phenomenon of sex slavery where the state’s henchmen, who previously lent the muscle necessary to stave off women’s fall back to their natural state, have decided instead that their fortunes are best attended by the local warlord.
Absent the state’s long arm to protect them, such women’s status reverts to the literal property of a specific man or group of men. This is the natural order, which can only be driven off by the pitchfork of constant, efficient and massive expenditure of resources.
The problem with female economic empowerment and the resulting extreme Pareto skew of the sexual marketplace is that it directly undermines the very state which has elevated those same women above the level of chattel.
Men with no prospects of family formation fail to take the steps absolutely required of an advanced economy’s productive citizens, starving it of its tax base. But these men are also likely to naturally adopt compensatory mechanisms that will maximize their chances of fulfilling biology’s inviolable directive. In a sexual marketplace with a Haiti-like Gini coefficient, there will be much maximizing of the S in Looks Money Status, through exertion or selection, and without salutary effect for civilization.
Buried here is a tautologic feedback loop: As the sexual marketplace comes to resemble the precivilizational norm, the same selection pressures that maintained that primitive status quo come to predominate. These selection pressures then tend to select for traits that best succeed within its constraints, which tend to be those favorable to a precivilizational environment.
10,000 years ago, somewhere perhaps along the Tigris river, man took his first wobbly steps towards the total conquest of his environment. 12 millennia in the making, could the denouement be measured in years?
When Cormac McCarthy said that the noon of man’s expression signals the onset of his night, he may have erred only in gender.
Anecdotally, there has been a sharp uptick over last couple of years in my area of otherwise attractive and nubile white girls sharking up with buck thugs.
I always thought game probably works best for men who are of high intelligence as well as being on the anti-social personality spectrum. These are guys with the self-discipline to direct, shape and sustain their behaviors while having the natural ruthlessness to easily apply core game concepts.
For people who score 15-20+ on the PCLR, running the full badboy program is really just going to be a matter of turning up a few dials rather than installing new equipment.
Well, they identify as such more now. But what were they actually doing in the past? Today, a considerably larger margin of women admit to being somewhat same-sex attracted than do men:
Historically, same-sex preference was more common among men than among women.
And here I go contributing to that statistic. :) Typically however, it's the lower quality (and presumably lower-IQ) White women who marry out. Since fertility trends are such that the highest IQ White men are reproducing most, creating an overall neutral to eugenic fertility trend for IQ...
At present, there are more White American women outmarrying than White American men, particularly in younger age groups. This disparity is mainly in marriages with African American men ...
This disparity isn’t new. What is new is its extent, for both legal and common-law marriages. An idea may be gleaned from statistics on children born to White American women, specifically the proportion fathered by a non-White partner. For the U.S. as a whole the proportion in 2013 was between 11% and 20%
I am curious about the fate of these locked-out men.
So more and more young men are being left on the shelf, particularly in White America. How do they cope? Mostly by turning to porn from Internet websites, videocassettes, or magazines. Love dolls are another option and may grow in popularity as they become more human-like, not only physically but also in their ability to talk and interact.
~1 in 10,000 I believe, right? :)
Then there’s gender reassignment, which means either entering the other side of the mate market or tapping into the lesbian market. It’s a viable strategy, all the more so because many white boys can be turned into hot trans women.
Right on!Replies: @JSM, @Father O'Hara, @Negrolphin Pool, @Rev. Spooner, @Aft
My attitude toward game is like my attitude toward gender reassignment. Both are attempts to push the envelope of phenotypic plasticity beyond its usual limits, and neither can fully achieve the desired result.
I will read your post on eugenic fertility trends. Without familiarity with the data, higher IQ men experiencing greater SMP success would be a priori unsurprising due to intelligence being correlated with fitness markers, i.e. looks. Looks is the L in the useful sexual-market-value heuristic Looks, Money, Status or LMS.
However, there is strong evidence that the advent of online dating is warping the above rule in strong favor of looks. And while looks may broadly correlate with intelligence, the relationship is far from tight. This means that IMHO caution is warranted when making statements like
maybe it’s not a bad thing if men at the bottom are locked out of the mate market
because we may no longer be playing a game to whose rules rational men would bind themselves. By definition, the bottom participants in any meaningful contest will be locked out. But those who rule in hell are not thereby adjudged wise.
Nor should those who could or would not ascend Pandaemonium’s darkest heights be deemed unfit and slated for culling.
Rather than an idiocracy, such a cognitively polarized society will probably be a straightforward tyranny. I imagine it would resemble some permutation of Guatemala.
Of course, Guatemalans have contributed to human achievement, as far as I know, menos de nada.
But you need a full bench.
You’re Jewish so you have the shekels, nothing else needs to be said. They’re mothers told them “There’s no such thing as an ugly rich man”.
“Since blacks are stronger and often violent in integrated poor communities,”
I don’t understand this belief that so many Americans have that black men are stronger than white men. I guess it comes from endlessly watching NFL and NBA games.
You are mixing up aggression and non-thinking impulse behavior with strength. This is tied in with the negro’s inability to see the consequence of his actions. Most of the negro’s behavior is trying to convince you that he’s strong but if it comes down to a one to one fight, they usually turn out to be cowards. Negroes have strength in numbers, take away the crowd of his supporters and he’s going to run nine times out of ten.
It's because their skin has less fat underneath that their muscles appear larger and stronger.
I don’t understand this belief that so many Americans have that black men are stronger than white men. I guess it comes from endlessly watching NFL and NBA games.
Quite frankly, many men are turning to online forms of stimulation due to the poor quality of women in modern society. With online stimulation, you find what you want at the moment and BANG you’re done. No unwanted pregnancies or concerns regarding losing most of your hard work as fallout from a divorce, no worries about STDs or legal issues surrounding use of prostitutes.
We can thank modern society for the behavior of modern males. They have accurately assessed the risks inherent with pursuit of women in modern society, and have decided the best way to mitigate those risks is with online stimulation.
After all, there is certainly never going to be a shortage of women online willing to do just about anything for a few shekels/pfennigs/dollars.
The division of men into alpha and beta types is silly and intellectually lazy. There seems to be a flawed way of thinking here that all scientists, shopkeepers and accountants are betas, therefore they are not fit to rule because they are timid and weak. Alpha males are our athletes, green berets and navy seals are macho and are fit to rule. No man is completely a beta or an alpha or a gamma, personality traits are fluid and highly complex and do not lend well to pigeonholing. Two PhDs that I know, one a physicist and one a math professor are polite and what some would call “timid” but are notorious womanizers and have children from a number of women. Another man I know is massive, has a football player type of physique but has worked in heavy industry and in offices with women but is a mild-mannered family type of guy.
“very handsome, well-toned black man”
My idea of handsome and yours are very different.
I don’t know what race you are but if you are white you shouldn’t be concerned about whether “gifted” black or “gifted” black men reproduce or marry. It’s not the concern of white people period. We shouldn’t be doing anything for them and definitely not marry them.
I can’t argue with your statistics as I fortunately don’t live in an area with large amounts of groids or mexicans. I can however, make observations based on what I remember when I look back at my high school yearbook. I would say that in the late 70’s when I graduated, about 20 percent of the females were what I would consider to be attractive. This was a 95 percent white graduating class. Today, I look at the white females around that age and I would say about 2% are attractive. The ones that could be attractive are 300 pounds and covered with tattoos. Even the few slim ones are still covered with tattoos. If I were a young man today, I would be repulsed by the same things I have always been repulsed by in females, bad attitude, tattoos, and obesity. I would either stay single or get a white woman from overseas. I wouldn’t bother with the women here.
Replies: @Expletive Deleted
"Cute baristas at Starbucks wouldn’t look at me, business men on bicycles ran over me and college students hurriedly backed away from me with mumbled apologies whenever I tried to strike up a conversation about the weather or ask for directions. They wouldn’t even give me the time of day. Literally.
“You’ve got to be assertive,†my Japanese girlfriends advised. “Japanese guys are shy so you have to make the first move.†So I smiled invitingly at men in bars and on busses. I asked for help reading restaurant menus and subway signs.
“Do you have any book / drink reccomendatioins?†was my usual line as I stood near them in bookstores or sat next to them on barstools. But the ‘come hither’ stare or conversation starter doesn’t work if the other person refuses to look at you. If they met my gaze at me at all, it was just to shoot me this panicked look, like I’d just asked them to father my unborn children. My boss had been right. It was hard to be a single, western woman in Japan. But why?
I turned to the Internet for advice and was surprised to learn that the Dateless Western Woman was a familiar character in the expat world, at least judging from the score of postings on expat forums by lonely, single females.
But as wide-spread as the problem seemed to be, it was one that many women avoided talking about. Understandably it was a tough subject to discuss without grossly overgeneralizing fifty percent of a country’s population or worse, sounding like a racist or a man-hating, snob.
The pervading theory though, among expats and Japanese alike, was that Japanese men were in fact attracted to western women but were just too intimidated to do anything about it. Western women in Asia were like the Jennifer Anistons of the expat world. Strong, independent, assertive and outspoken, they were interesting to admire from afar, but no man would ever dream of striking up a conversation with one. Western women were so different, so foreign, they were virtually un-datable.
Not true for their Y-chromosome-carrying expat buddies though. While the female expats spent Saturday nights alone, crying into their Ramen bowls, their male counterparts drank freely from the dating pool like they owned it. Which in a way, they did.
If you’ve ever visited Asia, you’ve likely seen the pale, rail-thin, greasy-haired white boy walking hand-in hand with a perfectly made-up, mini-skirt wearing Asian chick. This would never happen anywhere else in the world. Because everywhere else, Barbie ends up with Ken, not his underemployed, socially-awkward, samurai-sword-collecting neighbor, Kevin. But in Asia, dating rules defy all logic or evolutionary law. In Asia, the nerd is king."
Japanese men were in fact attracted to western women but were just too intimidated to do anything about it. Western women in Asia were like the Jennifer Anistons of the expat world.
Good find! Now that’s what I call Cope!
Could it just be that Japanese men find European women just ever so slightly gross?
Bigfoot, with the bodyhair and big nose as well. And then there’s the slight issue of ahem body odour.
No guy likes to be outmuscled, overtopped, out-earned, out-drunk and out-shouted by a stronk, independent, offensively-opinionated unfeminine girl. If you’re a regular guy, imagine dating a Williams sister.
(just saw Reannon’s pic at the foot of the piece. I can see what the Jap guys probably noticed. 4-5/10WNB; disgusting hair, strange Joni Mitchell type teeth, and I’m an old NW Euro who’s seen and done some tough stuff in his time (British slags, it’s all we’ve got). Some of the comments are golden.)
Single mothers are feminizing their male offsprings and masculinizing/defeminizing their daughters.
Even worse are the fathers of exclusively daughters. They turn them into surrogate sons. “Princess is gunna rule the World!”. “No punk boy will ever be good enough for Pwincess!”.
Perhaps they vaguely realise their testosterone-free lineage is literally “daughtering-out”, and only rival descent lines will inherit the future as men. Justice demands that their Pwincesses mature into box wine and a mid-level cubicle career, “never settling” until the clock runs out on them, too. And the cats run in. Eugenics achieved.