I think to ask this question is to start on the road to understanding how fucked up the American medical industry is due to government. You need to understand how hard government sucks, Mark. Replies: @Achmed E. Newman, @MarkinLA
Big deal. What I can’t get is major medical insurance to protect me from going broke.
Do you understand that for young men especially, it doesn’t take but a hundred or two bucks a month to truly cover these unlikely catastrophic medical events when put into a pool?
Do you understand that it doesn’t make sense for anybody who doesn’t have a new worth of at least 50,000 dollars to buy health insurance? So all those kids won’t buy it even at 100 dollars a month. If something big happens you just file for bankruptcy. What percentage of the US population has enough assets to protect such that they would buy insurance? How many of them have pre-existing conditions such that they can’t get it at any price (well maybe 4,000 dollars a month with a 50,000 deductable).
That is the problem – not the favorite punching bag of the libertarians, the government boogeyman.
The free market cannot and will not fix this. If we want hospitals to get paid and have some control over costs, there is no way to get the government out of the healthcare system. Somebody needs to take money from everybody so providers can get paid for their services instead of having to sue for payment.
My guess is they go back home and prepare to die.
That’s libertarian paradise.
I think to ask this question is to start on the road to understanding how fucked up the American medical industry is due to government. You need to understand how hard government sucks, Mark.Replies: @Achmed E. Newman, @MarkinLA
Big deal. What I can’t get is major medical insurance to protect me from going broke.
Secondly, insurance doesn’t cost as much when you don’t have to pay for other people’s problems.
Now that might be confusing! By “other people”, I meant those who are not paying for insurance. In America, it is a whole lot of illegal aliens, and indigents (some who get flown in to the hospital via helicpoter for chest pains, yet refuse treatment. Does anyone know here how many 10’s of 1000’s of bucks that costs? My doctor friend who was trying to treat the guy who got 2 ambulance rides and 1 helicopter ride on the taxpayers’ dimes for NOTHING, told him to get out and never come back to that hospital. Then my friend got chewed out by the hospital administration, but ignored them.)
You are right that the system cannot be fixed. That was a feature, not a bug of Obamacare, but this stuff goes way back to the 1960’s anyway, one small welfare-state step at a time. The system has to die on its own, which it probably will, when the ponzi financial system of the US crashes.
Mark, with all respect, I don’t think you read all the text on my blog posts. Insurance, REAL insurance, not a “health plan” is an easy enough thing for a real business (NOT a government-controlled money-sucking apparatus) to do.
Do you understand that for young men especially, it doesn’t take but a hundred or two bucks a month to truly cover these unlikely catastrophic medical events when put into a pool? Insurance people do know the numbers, but these numbers don’t help make the plan work when there are thousands of government rules (state and feral) that muck up the whole thing.
In China, you will die if you don’t come up with the money. That’s why people save money or pay for insurance. That’s the idea. It’ll make your responsible real fast, won’t it? Secondly, insurance doesn’t cost as much when you don’t have to pay for other people’s problems.
Big deal. What I can’t get is major medical insurance to protect me from going broke.
I think to ask this question is to start on the road to understanding how fucked up the American medical industry is due to government. You need to understand how hard government sucks, Mark.
Now that might be confusing! By "other people", I meant those who are not paying for insurance. In America, it is a whole lot of illegal aliens, and indigents (some who get flown in to the hospital via helicpoter for chest pains, yet refuse treatment. Does anyone know here how many 10's of 1000's of bucks that costs? My doctor friend who was trying to treat the guy who got 2 ambulance rides and 1 helicopter ride on the taxpayers' dimes for NOTHING, told him to get out and never come back to that hospital. Then my friend got chewed out by the hospital administration, but ignored them.)
Secondly, insurance doesn’t cost as much when you don’t have to pay for other people’s problems.
Hans-Hermann Hoppe is one of the world’s leading intellectuals. I am truly honored to have met this man during my years of libertarian activisim.
I read your links and they don’t prove anything about so-called free market medicine. IF, and that is a big if, nobody needed anything other than primary medical care we could have a system where we paid as we went. The problem with the medical system will always be major medical where one guy getting seriously ill has to be covered by 50 people paying premiums.
It is in the insurance companies interest never to insure anybody even close to that. In the free market they won’t. So what happens to such people? Do they get kicked to the curb at the hospital? What happens to the dependents of such a person?
I get 3 calls a day for people wanting to sell me garbage medical “insurance” where for 300 dollars a month I get two paid office visits a year and 10,000 dollars each for up to two surgeries a year. So for 3600 dollars a year they are possibly out 20300 dollars if I have two surgeries and I pay the rest. Big deal. What I can’t get is major medical insurance to protect me from going broke.
What happens to the Chinese when they have cancer? My guess is they go back home and prepare to die. That is your free market system.
I think to ask this question is to start on the road to understanding how fucked up the American medical industry is due to government. You need to understand how hard government sucks, Mark.Replies: @Achmed E. Newman, @MarkinLA
Big deal. What I can’t get is major medical insurance to protect me from going broke.
Medical care costs too much today because most of its costs are paid for by state organs
So having doctors and nurses on staff at thousands of dollars an hour has nothing to do with it? Having machines on standby that cost millions of dollars has nothing to do with it. Maintaining a clean environment has nothing to do with it? Providing treatments that cost thousands of dollars such as implantable devices or expensive pharmaceuticals has nothing to do with it?
I know, I know, lets force all those people and corporations to get only what the patient thinks is fair? How does that work in the perfect free market?
How can you fix any system where there is no way to determine what something will cost and you can be sued for whatever it is someone puts on a bill? Only for elective surgeries do you stand even a remote chance of determining ahead of time what something will cost. However, if there are complications, you will be expected to pay for them even if they are caused by the medical staff. Your only recourse is to sue for malpractice.
Completely a-historical. Try again.
I think you’re going to see what you want to see here.
Yes, seeing sometimes requires an effort and some preconceptions. It rarely is purely empirical happening. On the other hand not seeing is closer to the state of nature which is effortless unless it involves an act of willful denial.
Libertarian order according to Hans-Hermann Hoppe
will have to be physically removed from society too, if one is to maintain a libertarian order
Everything the left alleges about right-wing libertarianism and its effect on society? It’s true. And awesome.
“True libertarians cannot emphasize enough […] that the restoration of private property rights and laissez-faire economics implies a sharp and drastic increase in social “discrimination” and will swiftly eliminate most if not all of the multi-cultural-egalitarian life style experiments so close to the heart of left libertarians.”
Libertarian banning free speech.
In a covenant concluded among proprietor and community tenants for the purpose of protecting their private property, no such thing as a right to free (unlimited) speech exists, not even to unlimited speech on one’s own tenant-property…
Eliminating dissent in the brave new world
… One may say innumerable things and promote almost any idea under the sun but naturally no one is permitted to advocate ideas contrary to the very purpose of the covenant of preserving and protecting private property, such as democracy and communism. There can be no tolerance towards democrats and communists in a libertarian social order. They will have to be physically separated and expelled from society.
All above citations and comments from RationalWiki.
Though it is more helpful to call this problem by its most accurate name: oligarchy. And in a country that has been predominantly white, under a white oligarchy, the core pathology is obscured by an excess focus on dominant native culture versus other cultures. As Hoppe indicates, whatever faults or crimes can be ascribed to minorities / migrants, the dysfunctionality of the system is ultimately the fault of the oligarchs at the top of the social heap, who designed the system as it stands.
After all, it is above all white men that make up the ruling elite and that have foisted the current mess upon us.
True enough, the various protected 'minorities' take full advantage of the legal privileges they have been accorded and they have become increasingly emboldened ... but none of them ... would have made this outcome possible, if it were not for the instrumental help that they received and are receiving from white men. �
Agreed. Absolute numbers are not very relevant when deciding Who rules. White married men predominate in Congress, but remain the only legally victimized group in America. Congress is utterly powerless to stop it. Internal group cohesion matters far more than numbers. And in the US, the internal group cohesion of whites in general n white males in particular has been outlawed–the only group to suffer from this legal disability–meaning the freedom to associate with whites only, to hire whites only, to promote whites only, not to mention marrying whites only. Whites are jailed when doing the former, yet every other ethnic group does all of these routinely n legally. That is internal group cohesion. Only whites are forbidden to have it.
I think you’re going to see what you want to see here.
Conflict is due to scarce things? Wrong, wrong, wrong! This is the classic libertarian economistic delusion. Different values cause conflict, not scarce things, n there is an infinity of different values, therefore no amount of Great Society programs or socio-economic solutions or affirmative action policies will ever solve or even reduce human conflict. People ultimately are not rational or reasonable n they do not rationally maximize their income in an individualistic manner. On the contrary they are easily swayed to work against their economic interest even when fully cognizant of what they are doing, n often cannot be persuaded or bribed to do otherwise. Econometric models (not to mention foreign policies) fail again n again because Western intellectual elites (especially American) refuse to entertain the possibility that Other People with their Own Values exist in the world.
“I just do not know what to think.”
admittedly admired by many libertarians – That’s all what was expected from libertarians and people exposed to libertarian ideas. Nobody took their nutty phantasies seriously but their work on changing the habits of thought was very useful. Because of this new habits of thought that glorified and reified the hidden hand of market, no regulations, no unions and no government, the grass root resistance to the neoliberalism was very weak.
Name calling and not a single counter-argument. Comments like Utu’s are a waste of time to even read.
Maybe this is the reason they didn't fire her earlier?
The church in America could have fired her any time for forty or so years before they did.
- http://www.population-security.org/24-CH16.html#13
Canadian Madeline Weld has taken a serious look at the International Feminist Movement. Her findings are most revealing: "[T]he Vatican, and various allies,...categorize as racism any arguments for limiting population growth and any reasonable objections to unlimited immigration....[F]ar too many people are intimidated into silence by this form of intellectual terrorism.
Dr. Weld continues: "These feminists are very influential, because I have never seen the population issue addressed in any women's organization or publication....Yet the women at the...public disinformation...meeting I attended are impeding a solution to the world's crisis through intimidation and by spreading confusion. What motivates them?...Unfortunately, far too many sensible women are silenced by the intellectual terrorism of the feminist hijackers. To make an analogy with the U.S. civil rights movement, the Martin Luther King types of the women's movement have been shunted aside by the Louis Farrakhan types, with their own agenda of hate."
- http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/797534/posts?page=124Replies: @Che Guava
3) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately ten percent of the human race." What do you think about this statement?
Mary Daly: I think it's not a bad idea at all. If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males. People are afraid to say that kind of stuff anymore.
Very interesting, FKA Max.
I don’t thinking that ‘Vatican’ is correct, ‘powerful elements in the American Church’ would seeming more logical.
Had a friend in time overseas, she was already a little crazy, but reading Mary Daly’s mix of hatred, fake history, exaggerated victimhood, and ranting, (I had also read some, but the BS factor was making me stop) was pushing her over the edge into complete insanity.
My friend of that time is long dead, young, by her own ‘choice’. Daly being the prime cause.
I am blaming the poisonous Daly, and hating Daly for that as a specific point.
Thank you for the informative reply.
It should be pointed out that neoliberalism, which indeed has wrought so much pain and suffering, owes far more to Hayek and Friedman (admittedly admired by many libertarians but who have more in common with apolitical, doctrinaire neoclassical economics) than the Austrian School thought of Hoppe and Rothbard (and almost nothing to Rand’s nuttiness).
The church in America could have fired her any time for forty or so years before they did.
Maybe this is the reason they didn’t fire her earlier?
Canadian Madeline Weld has taken a serious look at the International Feminist Movement. Her findings are most revealing: “[T]he Vatican, and various allies,…categorize as racism any arguments for limiting population growth and any reasonable objections to unlimited immigration….[F]ar too many people are intimidated into silence by this form of intellectual terrorism.
Dr. Weld continues: “These feminists are very influential, because I have never seen the population issue addressed in any women’s organization or publication….Yet the women at the…public disinformation…meeting I attended are impeding a solution to the world’s crisis through intimidation and by spreading confusion. What motivates them?…Unfortunately, far too many sensible women are silenced by the intellectual terrorism of the feminist hijackers. To make an analogy with the U.S. civil rights movement, the Martin Luther King types of the women’s movement have been shunted aside by the Louis Farrakhan types, with their own agenda of hate.”
– http://www.population-security.org/24-CH16.html#13
Dr. Weld sounds like a reasonable person to me:
Madeline Weld on Overpopulation
Video Link
Madeline Weld, B.Sc., M.S., Ph.D., has been with PIC since its inception in 1992 and its President since 1995. A biologist at Health Canada, she is a member (former Director) Humanist Association, Canada, and former Director of Planned Parenthood Ottawa. – http://populationinstitutecanada.ca/about-us/our-team/
Compare that to Mary Daly:
Humanity Should be 10% Male 90% Female (BC Prof Mary Daly)
3) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately ten percent of the human race.” What do you think about this statement?
Mary Daly: I think it’s not a bad idea at all. If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males. People are afraid to say that kind of stuff anymore.
– http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/797534/posts?page=124
Robert Crumb struck a nerve.
Two 1993 items included in R. Crumb’s America, “When the Niggers Take Over America†and “When the Goddam Jews Take Over America,†both clearly meant to ridicule racist paranoia, have reportedly been appropriated by neo-Nazi skinheads in the United States and Europe, all of whom are presumably too stupid to realize that they’re the intended targets. It would be comforting to report that these items are hilarious and dead-on; in fact they’re plodding, obvious, and unfunny.
- https://www.unz.com/jderbyshire/austrians-vote-against-muslim-anschluss-get-called-nazis/#comment-2055009
With the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the Union is about to lose 30 million Protestants and 16 million religiously unaffiliated persons, while having gained probably over 50 million new Catholics since the 2004 enlargement[.]This is a tremendous shift in the religious/ideological makeup of the European Union.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_libertarianism#History All this information seems to strengthen my thesis from last year:
Martin Luther, one of the authors of the Protestant Reformation, is referred to as libertarian In the introduction to "Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority." The term used here is something quite different than the political ideology of individualist libertarianism. The book's editor, Harro Hopfl, says that libertarian, egalitarian, communal motifs were part of the texture of Luther's theology.[4]
- https://www.unz.com/article/what-can-msmclinton-say-about-alt-right-that-theyve-not-already-said-about-trumpgop/#comment-1561897 Here is an example of what the paper researched and talked about, sounds pretty libertarian to me: The Catholic Church Will Use Force!If the Roman Catholic Church indeed has confined itself to letting everybody decide what to believe, think and mean, this would not be so serious. But - the problem is that this Church uses all means, especially the control of state power where possible, to further its ends. The Church itself confirms that it will use power if people will not willingly submit. http://www.endtime.net/images/KEUengforside.jpg Source: http://www.endtime.net/engelsk/KEU.htmReplies: @FKA Max
There are both Jews and (Traditionalist) Catholics, who are indispensable to and key members of the broader Alt Right movement, like Professor Kevin MacDonald for example, who was brought up in a Catholic household I believe ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald#Early_years ), but the true, recent power of the movement is in large part, in my opinion, attributable to its (implicit) embrace of WASP culture and identity.
Swedish Alt Right personality Henrik Palmgren https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henrik_Palmgren has spoken on this topic as well:
The Hidden Roots of the European Union – Henrik Palmgren – Pt 4
This is Henrik Palmgren’s first public presentation on “the Hidden Roots of the European Union” filmed in Bath, UK the 20th of February 2010
- https://www.unz.com/jderbyshire/austrians-vote-against-muslim-anschluss-get-called-nazis/#comment-2054280
Catholics like the European Union more than Protestants do. This is why.
In the past, among Catholics, the more religious you were, the stronger you supported the E.U. And that’s been true until very recently when some traditionalist Catholics have begun to rebel against the E.U. because of its liberal social policies.
So Catholics have always been very comfortable, even if subconsciously, with the notion of supranational governance.
After the Reformation, Protestants, on the other hand, attempted to carve out areas of religious liberty and caught on to the notion of the nation state.
I just found another fascinating paper:
Protestant Apocalyptic Narratives and the European Union Nelsen and Guth Delivered at the European Union Studies Association Fourteenth Biennial Conference, 5-7 March 2015, Boston, Massachusetts
[I]f you stand up and say, for religious reasons, you are against the Common Market, then you are branded as a bigot. You are branded as a traitor. You are branded as an extremist. . . – https://eustudies.org/conference/papers/download/204
European Union or Kingdom of the Antichrist? Protestant apocalyptic narratives and European unity
With the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the Union is about to lose 30 million Protestants and 16 million religiously unaffiliated persons, while having gained probably over 50 million new Catholics since the 2004 enlargement[.]
This is a tremendous shift in the religious/ideological makeup of the European Union.
Martin Luther, one of the authors of the Protestant Reformation, is referred to as libertarian In the introduction to “Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority.” The term used here is something quite different than the political ideology of individualist libertarianism. The book’s editor, Harro Hopfl, says that libertarian, egalitarian, communal motifs were part of the texture of Luther’s theology.[4]
– https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_libertarianism#History
All this information seems to strengthen my thesis from last year:
There are both Jews and (Traditionalist) Catholics, who are indispensable to and key members of the broader Alt Right movement, like Professor Kevin MacDonald for example, who was brought up in a Catholic household I believe ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald#Early_years ), but the true, recent power of the movement is in large part, in my opinion, attributable to its (implicit) embrace of WASP culture and identity.
Here is an example of what the paper researched and talked about, sounds pretty libertarian to me:
The Catholic Church Will Use Force!
If the Roman Catholic Church indeed has confined itself to letting everybody decide what to believe, think and mean, this would not be so serious. But – the problem is that this Church uses all means, especially the control of state power where possible, to further its ends. The Church itself confirms that it will use power if people will not willingly submit.
Eight: Get rid of all welfare parasites and bums
I agree, and we should start with the Pentagon, followed promptly by the Insurance and Pharmaceutical lobbies
If I was American, id say 7/10 of those were decent points.
Alt-right has many groupings. I mean Buchanan/Gottfried vs Voxday vs Spencer are different.
Libertarians themselves have several groupings.
Paleocons and Libertarians share some views. Gotta work from there.
Some minor welfare is needed for people who actually need it. People with severe mental or body problems.
What will happen when robots start doing more work? You will possibly get more people unemployed,
maybe on streets, or in some cases hopeless individuals. On the other side might help in other ways.
Standing about in plain sight, eh?
I think you’re seriously overstating Rand’s (and libertarianism’s) influence.
You can see it everywhere. Probably in your own predilections and habits of mind. Americans lost faith that rational cooperation can be beneficial. It requires too much hard thinking that involves too many details for their short attention span to hold in their minds. So the libertarian phantasy comes to the rescue and offers a pain free (in terms of no thinking) solution: no government, no regulations and let the hidden hand do its job. All it requires a belief that market forces will create Libertopia and if something is not to your liking you can always blame insufficient liberty for it. And most importantly you let the rich slide. The oligarchs are the ones that Ayn Rand extolled. I hope one day libertarians will be held responsible for the neo-slavery and neo-feudalism that they keep helping (as useful idiots) to bring under the guise of neoliberalism.
[Apparently, you decided to disregard the warning, and continued to clutter up this comment-thread with your very long-winded remarks about your personal feud with some unknown fellow named “Andrew Mathis.” Okay. Henceforth, most of your comments will just be trashed, and maybe eventually you’ll learn better commenting-manners. Since you’re just some random Internet nut and virtually all your endless comments have anyway been entirely repetitive and totally worthless, maybe you’ll just choose to go away permanently and start spamming some other website from now on.]
And that why you allowed post 118?
Balance, my friend, not partiality,
Western ideas of freedom and liberty will be wiped out and vanish.
They were never there. According to Galen Strawson, John Locke didn’t believe in free will.
[If you want your comments published in the future, stop endlessly repeating the same ones or providing huge lists of links to your past arguments with some obscure personal enemy of yours named “Andrew Mathis.” It would also help if your comments occasionally had some remote connection with the article under discussion. If you don’t start behaving yourself, at some point all comments will be trashed for a while to teach you better manners. Since almost none of your comments ever provide anything of value, little would be lost.]
I think you’re seriously overstating Rand’s (and libertarianism’s) influence.
“Trump takes up again the fight against the US establishment,” by Thierry Meyssan
“Taking the floor, the White House’s former special advisor [Steve Bannon] delivered an attack, assaulting the interests of globalized billionaires. We know that while Bannon is described as alt-right by the mainstream press, he is fighting to tax the income of the super-rich at the rate of 44%.
Bannon drew up an indictment against the elites both “corrupted and incompetentâ€, who have taken Hillary Clinton as their muse; people that according to him, have derived a personal interest in the destruction of US jobs and their delocalization to China. He accused them of trying to destroy President Trump, his family and friends. Bannon challenged Senator Bob Corker for mocking the Commander-in-Chief, by claiming that Trump is incapable of running the country without triggering a Third World War and the leader of the Senatorial majority, Mitch McConnell, for organizing this sabotage. He recalled his vision of economic nationalism that would serve the US Republic: fair-handed, taking no account of your race, religion and sexual orientation. He concluded that since the Republic Party had declared war on the US people, he was going to deliver it over to them.
The pinnacle of idiocy at the University of Illinois: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-24/professor-claims-math-algebra-and-geometry-promote-white-privilege exist
“…algebra and geometry perpetuate “white privilege†because Greek terms give Caucasians unearned credit for the subject,†Ms. Rochelle Gutierrez, math professor the University of Illinois.
Time for Rochelle (what a white-privileged name!) to switch from the “privileged” English language to some unprivileged lingua in which the words “arithmetic, algebra, mathematic, culture, civilization, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, electricity,†and such do not exist. Was it some whitey-established affirmative-action program that has brought to a classroom this purist who worries that “curricula emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi perpetuate a perception that mathematics was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans?†Then do not emphasize the theorems and pi, Ms. Rochelle Gutierrez! Just quit this whitey field of theorems and numbers (and physics and chemistry and biology) and go find yourself among people of non-European civilizations. Nobody makes Ms. Rochelle Gutierrez to suffer the ignominy of objective sciences. It is her own unexplained stubbornness in pursuit of teaching at a university (what a white-privileged word!) and joining the western civilization, which has brought so much suffering to her.
Replies: @Anon
CODOH routs irrational, anti science Zionist, Andrew Mathis.
Anyone can simply look at the threads here where Andrew Mathis, aka: Thames Darwin has posted, some examples of the beat down:
Alleged & laughable "mass graves" according to T. Darwin / Andrew Mathis
'Andrew Mathis on Dachau, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Treblinka'
Mathis who also posts as 'Thames Darwin', gets shot down:
Anecdotal evidence & "holocaust survivors"
holocaust' denial article by Andrew Mathis debunked here'
'Prof. Mc Nally dissects HHP's Andrew Mathis' bogus article'
'Holo. Hist. Proj.'s Andrew Mathis on Zyklon scent removal'
'Green, Mathis refuted / cyanide: lice, humans, & more'
'Believer org. spokesman, Andrew Mathis, demolished in debate'
'Holo. Hist. Proj.'s Andrew Mathis attempts damage control'
'Email from Andrew Mathis (The Holocaust History Project)'
'holocaust' History Project to unveil section on Treblinka'
Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania
How do you do that? Be specific. Stop dicking around, coward. Say what you mean.
Libertarianism is just another Jewish ideology….Libertarianism is just an ideology based on individualism.
No other ideology caused as much damage to the psyche of American youth as libertarianism and Ayn Rand. If Ayn Rand was the creation of NKVD or CIA she would be their most successful psyop.
I have already refuted you, in spades, https://www.unz.com, this thread for example.
You are in over your head.
You said what you wanted to say and made an ass of yourself.
It’s all here for everyone to see, and will remain here for everyone to see. LOL !!!
Now we see you for what you are, a cowardly Zionist mama’s boy throwing a little hissy fit.
Your CODOH link (thanks for that) featuring another Zionist beat down is a common occurrence at http://www.forum.codoh.com.
Also from CODOH, a list showing a another silly unhinged Zionist boy taken to the woodshed, you may want to read it.
The source from Weber that you cited here:
and quoted by me below.
Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
Here’s the text that I linked to, which proved you’re lying:
And now you from last night, continuing to lie:
That’s game, set, and match, son.
You can reply if you like — it doesn’t really matter. You’re a liar, and it’s been conclusively shown.
Duh. Pay attention.
Read what I referenced, step Eight: Get rid of all welfare parasites and bums
Zyklon B?
1. Here is the problem with optional health care. Suppose some young, healthy Limbecile or Alex Jones fan decides he's not going to pay one nickel for health insurance, because he's young and healthy and believes health care for everyone is one small step from FEMA internment camps. And dammit, two months later, he's listening to Rush in the car, kind of worked up, not wearing his seat belt because he considers seat belt laws the first step on a slippery slope to fascism. He doesn't see the traffic jam up ahead, and, well, he suddenly needs health care. Or maybe he gets a nasty cancer - not his fault at all. Are the EMT's, ambulance drivers, ER doctors, ICU personnel, rehab nurses going to send him away because he was too stupid and angry to buy insurance? Of course not. He's going to get the healthcare he needs, paid for by increased premiums for those of us who DID get insurance. No penalty for him at all for being a moron. We all get to pay anyway.
there is no “right†to ... free health care
Somalia is a completely irrelevant example.
The kritarchies in Somalia that functioned without a central government were destabilized by foreign government intervention. The US government was one of them.
Can’t have a stateless society showing up the worldwide centralized wealth transfer schemes now, can we?
Hey, Wally.
How exactly do you propose to “get rid of all the welfare parasites and bums”? Stop them from reproducing on the theory that nits become lice? Nitrite in the H2O? Forced abortion? Or just shoot the creeps on sight during a whitetail like “hunting season”? Most are too botched to do anything useful. They are like seagulls…..eat, shit, and squawk.
Level playing field……no name calling…..150M useless freeloading eaters USA.
Email me “wheelerplatsis(at)hotmail(dot)com” and I will send you the PDF. (remove and replace the parenthesis with the appropriate symbols.)
And do this how? Be specific. Name specific methods.
That paper looks interesting. Any way that I could access it without having to give some random app “all my contacts”?
1. Here is the problem with optional health care. Suppose some young, healthy Limbecile or Alex Jones fan decides he's not going to pay one nickel for health insurance, because he's young and healthy and believes health care for everyone is one small step from FEMA internment camps. And dammit, two months later, he's listening to Rush in the car, kind of worked up, not wearing his seat belt because he considers seat belt laws the first step on a slippery slope to fascism. He doesn't see the traffic jam up ahead, and, well, he suddenly needs health care. Or maybe he gets a nasty cancer - not his fault at all. Are the EMT's, ambulance drivers, ER doctors, ICU personnel, rehab nurses going to send him away because he was too stupid and angry to buy insurance? Of course not. He's going to get the healthcare he needs, paid for by increased premiums for those of us who DID get insurance. No penalty for him at all for being a moron. We all get to pay anyway.
there is no “right†to ... free health care
To Mr. Sane Left Libertarian:
No, sir, I don’t think you need to change your name at all. I think it fits perfectly. Your first name is fine, as I think you are one of the sanest I’ve seen on this internet of ours (that’s coming from another one, so Caveat Emptor, or whatever…)
I think your middle name fits well with your paragraph/point 1 with I don’t agree with, yet your last name fits perfectly with your paragraph/point 2, which I agree with wholeheartedly.
Yes, as to your point 2, I know many doctors as friends, but I have been on the other side of the waiting/hospital room before too. In all aspects besides just plain old doctor/nurse care of the patients directly, the system is so screwed by government involvment that it can not be unscrewed (like a light bulb corroded into the socket, the whole fixture must be smashed apart). In case you didn’t know, this insurance health-plan-tied-to-employment deal started during WWII. The Feral Gov’t decided that benefits like this would not be taxed by the IRS. (I believe this was to “pay” people without paying them directly to avoid some war-time limits?)
As to your point 1, see my comment way above (comment #27, my point (2)). Indeed one of the multiple problems with socialism is that it encourages irresponsibility. I understand that you are right that someone WILL get healh care whether he has been responsible or not. True, but it’s not saying he SHOULD get health care in this situation. Your hypothetical Rush* listener would probably NEVER even get on the road, or maybe leave the house if he knew that he may die or owe his extended family for a big portion of his life if he didn’t have insurance. (Hey, for a young man, catastrophic coverage with a $10K deductible is all you really need – things don’t go wrong much). Can’t be done, you say? It IS done, in modern day China. I was there, and participated in free-market health care. (More on this here, here, and here).
Now, thanks for the intelligent comment, even though I don’t agree with one part. Your point 2 is a great libertarian attitude – get the US and ANY governments the hell out of this and many other businesses!
* To me, SLL, your example would ring more true to me if your proverbial driver was listening to the OTHER Rush, the Toronto, Ontario based rock band, who, (How ’bout that?) happen to be libertarians themselves! A single-car crash intitiated by a 300W stereo blasting “Red Barchetta” is a much more believable story. Along with banjo bluegrass, how can you NOT go fast while listening to this?:
Libertarianism is just another Jewish ideology. Two of its three founders is Jewish. I agree with a lot of the points of the program like ending the Fed and Central Banks but Libertarianism is just an ideology based on individualism. Individualism is akin to genocide, soft genocide for it doesn’t recognize that man is a Herd animal, q.v. Aristotle’s observation that man is a social (herd) animal. Libertarianism attacks this. There are many forms of genocide, hard and soft. Libertarianism is just another form of soft genocide. https://www.academia.edu/34936383/The_Many_Forms_of_Genocide_Hard_and_Soft
Libertarianism is for wealthy Jews only; grow the hell up people.
Half the population is sustained by government checks and assorted free stuff.
How do you non-libertarians propose to handle things when interest rates rise and choke off the borrowing that ALL OF THOSE FREEBIES REST UPON?
I so tire of people too ignorant to realize that the world as it is today is patently unsustainable.
For 36 years the USA had a bull run in the debt markets. No matter how much debt was issued, declining interest rates during the whole period caused bondholders to clamor for more, so Congress learned it could spend without limit and also CUT TAXES.
Do you really think these decades were evidence that a Perpetual Motion Machine had been invented?
Do you understand Say’s Law: “In order to consume, you must first produce.” [because without first producing something of value, there is nothing to consume in the first place!!]
Do you really think Congress can shower loot on its members’ supporters (big wig campaign contributors and little political faction individuals) and BUY one reelection after another forever?
Are you among the ignorant who believe that Congress, the US Treasury, the Federal Reserve or all three can actually control a debt market that makes the US stock market look like a bathtub compared to an ocean?
Interest rates are rising. It’s only a question of TIME when borrowing begins to become impossible. At some point (long before interest rates hit historically normal levels) interest on the National Debt will subsume over 100% of tax revenues.
Do you think it will continue to be possible to borrow to pay for Granny’s new hip, Ladasha’s Section 8 apartment, Hazel’s LINK card, Raytheon’s newest spy satellite, Lockheed’s latest flying-drone-murder-machine, Israel’s purchase of Midwestern corn, Elizabeth’s subsidized college loan, etc., etc., etc., etc.?
We are living like a woman who rents a million-dollar mansion, buys a new designer outfit for each day of the week, dines out at the finest restaurants, etc., putting it ALL on Mastercard.
Come what may, this will end. Have you any suggestions about what to do for a couple hundred million Americans whose entire lives depend on sustaining the unsustainable?
1. Here is the problem with optional health care. Suppose some young, healthy Limbecile or Alex Jones fan decides he's not going to pay one nickel for health insurance, because he's young and healthy and believes health care for everyone is one small step from FEMA internment camps. And dammit, two months later, he's listening to Rush in the car, kind of worked up, not wearing his seat belt because he considers seat belt laws the first step on a slippery slope to fascism. He doesn't see the traffic jam up ahead, and, well, he suddenly needs health care. Or maybe he gets a nasty cancer - not his fault at all. Are the EMT's, ambulance drivers, ER doctors, ICU personnel, rehab nurses going to send him away because he was too stupid and angry to buy insurance? Of course not. He's going to get the healthcare he needs, paid for by increased premiums for those of us who DID get insurance. No penalty for him at all for being a moron. We all get to pay anyway.
there is no “right†to ... free health care
“Left libertarian” (now THAT’S an oxymoron.)
If a dozen hungry people showed up on your doorstep, would you feed them? About about a dozen times a dozen? If they’re homeless, you’d invite them in?
Yes, in your first example, the young man would receive little help unless there was an entire SEPARATE, charity system to give him basic assistance (which today is illegal, by the way.) If you hike in the back country and have no insurance for accidents, should you be able to dump literally millions of dollars of costs on your neighbors when you break a leg and need a helicopter airlift after a huge search-and-rescue effort?
Your entire mindset reeks of a belief in unlimited resources. So what if a man who needs $40,000 per year in anti-retrovirals dumps his enjoyment of being butt-buddies in bathhouses onto his neighbors. CHOICES MATTER. You want to exist in a world where there are no costs to choices.
Medical care costs too much today because most of its costs are paid for by state organs (Medicare, etc.), regulated for the benefit of providers, and are subsidized by the greatest debt bubble in human history.
What will things look like when it becomes impossible to borrow? Do you (or anyone else) think it is possible to issue IOU’s to the orbit of Mars, forever???
No. Someday interest rates will signal that this long period of belief in magic (of debt and future cash flows) is over. I figure 90% of the jobs in all things Medical will evaporate (ditto every other industry where Uncle Sam is the dominant buyer.)
Medical services are CRUSHING the US economy because of debt-enabled spending, that warped the last 50 years so badly that we can’t even imagine what a market for medical services (or a market for insuring against catastrophic medical costs) would even look like.
Grow up. All “left” public policies are based on magical thinking. There are no free lunches, and words on paper (fiat legislation) do not create anything but illusions.
That was one of the key points I was going to make, in the response I discarded: social systems should comport with human nature, not the other way around. That is the essence of much of where I agree with some of Hoppe's characterizations of the alt-right. E.g., I don't think hierarchy is essential. Inevitable would be more like it. I think anti-hierarchy is a bad idea.Replies: @renfro, @dc.sunsets
Is laughably simple minded. The history of the world as directed by mankind has always been and will be in the future caused by a little thing called ‘human nature’. And whether humans have plenty or scarcity the nature of humans is a wild card. There will always be conflicts even in homogenous groups.
The central column of all Leftist constructions is a rejection of Nature, i.e., of a fixed and unchangeable nature of human beings.
It is thus a belief in magic, the power of incantations (words written on paper and signed by lawmakers and executive officers) to change reality. All of political organization is to promise the impossible, that everyone can become wealthier by engaging in mutual robbery.
As far as I’m concerned, Hoppe’s brief overview of his book, Democracy, The God That Failed is truly outstanding (and explains why debates over political economy citing history as “proof” are all heat, no light.)
A brief excerpt:
Theory is no substitute for history, of course, yet without a firm grasp of theory, serious errors in the interpretation of historical data are unavoidable. For instance, the outstanding historian Carroll Quigley claims that the invention of fractional-reserve banking has been a major cause of the unprecedented expansion of wealth associated with the Industrial Revolution, while countless historians have associated the economic plight of Soviet-style socialism with the absence of democracy.
From a theoretical viewpoint, such interpretations must be rejected. An increase in the paper money supply cannot lead to greater prosperity but only to wealth redistribution. The explosion of wealth during the Industrial Revolution took place despite fractional-reserve banking. Similarly, the economic plight of socialism cannot be due to the absence of democracy. Instead, it is caused by the absence of private property in factors of production.
Hoppe strikes me as a man who knows how the world could be structured if mankind was different, and recognizes that the perfection of a theoretical stateless society is unattainable with humans as we are. Utopia (the usual socialist one, or any libertarian variant) is not an option, and no system made of living beings can be static; there is no teleological endpoint toward which Mankind marches.
The “end of history” had to be satire.
Replies: @Anon, @Anon
“we’ve often fantasized about drawing up an indictment against Adolf Hitler himself. And to put into that indictment the major charge: the Final Solution of the Jewish question in Europe, the physical annihilation of Jewry. And then it dawned upon us, what would we do? We didn’t have the evidence.â€- "holocaust historian" Raul Hilberg
And to prove conclusively your inability to refute me on fair turf, here you are:
You are a true specimen of impotent rage.
Replies: @Anon
CODOH routs irrational, anti science Zionist, Andrew Mathis.
Anyone can simply look at the threads here where Andrew Mathis, aka: Thames Darwin has posted, some examples of the beat down:
Alleged & laughable "mass graves" according to T. Darwin / Andrew Mathis
'Andrew Mathis on Dachau, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Treblinka'
Mathis who also posts as 'Thames Darwin', gets shot down:
Anecdotal evidence & "holocaust survivors"
holocaust' denial article by Andrew Mathis debunked here'
'Prof. Mc Nally dissects HHP's Andrew Mathis' bogus article'
'Holo. Hist. Proj.'s Andrew Mathis on Zyklon scent removal'
'Green, Mathis refuted / cyanide: lice, humans, & more'
'Believer org. spokesman, Andrew Mathis, demolished in debate'
'Holo. Hist. Proj.'s Andrew Mathis attempts damage control'
'Email from Andrew Mathis (The Holocaust History Project)'
'holocaust' History Project to unveil section on Treblinka'
Industry's Andrew Mathis & Roberto Muehlenkamp claim patch of dirt holds remains of 100,000 at Ponar, Lithuania
I am at least one who suggested that Unz Review present Hans-Hermann Hoppe’s speech to the 12th annual meeting of the Property and Freedom society. But I am a little dismayed that so many are judging Dr Hoppe by their preconceived concept of Libertarianism. It appears many didn’t read the complete speech. His philosophy is in line with many presenters who receive rave reviews on the Unz Review.
Hoppe’s brilliant essay has brought the idiots out of the woodwork. It seems the fiercer the condemnation, the lesser the intelligence.
- https://www.unz.com/jpetras/the-middle-east-pivot/#comment-2051317 Rose and Milton Friedman on Mont Pelerin Society https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fT8T03J6Pb0 "In this interview, Milton Friedman, who was awarded the 1976 Nobel Prize in Economics, describes the values, objectives, and beginnings of the Mont Pelerin Society. He explains what it was like to create a society dedicated to classical liberalism in a world where the prevailing economic views leaned towards central planning and collectivism. Since it was founded in 1947, this organization has grown and prospered; offering its members from around the world opportunities to exchange and discuss their ideas. Friedman also comments on the significant role Universidad Francisco MarroquÃn has played in promoting the ideals of free-market economics and the importance of protecting private property. This interview was conducted by Hoover Institution and presented at the Mont Pelerin Society meeting in London in 2002."Replies: @FKA Max
What is basically emerging is the European Union Otto von Habsburg envisioned
He was also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society.
I think I found the explanation for Otto von Habsburg’s, seemingly, contradictory world view, from the WaPo:
Catholics like the European Union more than Protestants do. This is why.
In the past, among Catholics, the more religious you were, the stronger you supported the E.U. And that’s been true until very recently when some traditionalist Catholics have begun to rebel against the E.U. because of its liberal social policies.
So Catholics have always been very comfortable, even if subconsciously, with the notion of supranational governance.After the Reformation, Protestants, on the other hand, attempted to carve out areas of religious liberty and caught on to the notion of the nation state.
Religion and the Struggle for European Union
Confessional Culture and the Limits of Integration
Brent F. Nelsen and James L. Guth
Publication Year: 2015
- https://www.unz.com/jderbyshire/austrians-vote-against-muslim-anschluss-get-called-nazis/#comment-2055009
With the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, the Union is about to lose 30 million Protestants and 16 million religiously unaffiliated persons, while having gained probably over 50 million new Catholics since the 2004 enlargement[.]This is a tremendous shift in the religious/ideological makeup of the European Union.
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_libertarianism#History All this information seems to strengthen my thesis from last year:
Martin Luther, one of the authors of the Protestant Reformation, is referred to as libertarian In the introduction to "Luther and Calvin on Secular Authority." The term used here is something quite different than the political ideology of individualist libertarianism. The book's editor, Harro Hopfl, says that libertarian, egalitarian, communal motifs were part of the texture of Luther's theology.[4]
- https://www.unz.com/article/what-can-msmclinton-say-about-alt-right-that-theyve-not-already-said-about-trumpgop/#comment-1561897 Here is an example of what the paper researched and talked about, sounds pretty libertarian to me: The Catholic Church Will Use Force!If the Roman Catholic Church indeed has confined itself to letting everybody decide what to believe, think and mean, this would not be so serious. But - the problem is that this Church uses all means, especially the control of state power where possible, to further its ends. The Church itself confirms that it will use power if people will not willingly submit. http://www.endtime.net/images/KEUengforside.jpg Source: http://www.endtime.net/engelsk/KEU.htmReplies: @FKA Max
There are both Jews and (Traditionalist) Catholics, who are indispensable to and key members of the broader Alt Right movement, like Professor Kevin MacDonald for example, who was brought up in a Catholic household I believe ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_B._MacDonald#Early_years ), but the true, recent power of the movement is in large part, in my opinion, attributable to its (implicit) embrace of WASP culture and identity.
i almost forgot.
austria is also known for:
1. putting david irving in prison
2. joseph fritzl.
you have much much less than zero credibility.
1. shut up
2. go back to austria
3. be ashamed…
be ashamed for eternity.
austria is a tiny little country. germany’s butt boy. sad!
until…the one and only. the greatest….
am i the only one who smells that? that austrian smell? nothing in the world smells like that. smells like…stupid. i hate the smell of austrian in the morning.
it’s sad how those who identify themselves as “libertarian” are un-aware of how they sound.
how they sound like proud members of NAMBLA.
austria has give the world:
1. hitler
2. godel and mach and boltzmann and the vienna circle of silliness
3. schwarzenegger
4. libertarianism
maybe a few others…
the austrian oak was the only one worth his salt.
quit while you’re behind mein herr!
it’s sad how those who identify as “conservative” or “liberal” are also just saying, “i’m an evil moron.”
this is what the world will always think of austria…
1. germany’s incompetent cousin in the great war.
I recommend you actually read the article.
Eight: Get rid of all welfare parasites and bums
Here's the text that I linked to, which proved you're lying:https://ia600302.us.archive.org/16/items/theodorherzlszio00herz/theodorherzlszio00herz.pdfAnd now you from last night, continuing to lie:https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11208#p85899That's game, set, and match, son.You can reply if you like -- it doesn't really matter. You're a liar, and it's been conclusively shown.
Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
I agree, and we should start with the Pentagon, followed promptly by the Insurance and Pharmaceutical lobbies
Eight: Get rid of all welfare parasites and bums
Sorry, I read the unz after I get into the beer. I enjoy you intellectual types and what you say.
IOW, you’re now in full retreat.
I only accuse people of lying when they are liars.
And you are a liar, to the bone, as I just demonstrated repeatedly in this thread and countless others.
You don’t like it, but too bad, that’s your problem.
“Alone the fact that one may not question the Jewish “holocaust” and that Jewish pressure has inflicted laws on democratic societies to prevent questions—while incessant promotion and indoctrination of the same averredly incontestable ‘holocaust’ occur—gives the game away. It proves that it must be a lie. Why else would one not be allowed to question it? Because it might offend the “survivors”? Because it “dishonors the dead”? Hardly sufficient reason to outlaw discussion. No, because the exposure of this leading lie might precipitate questions about so many other lies and cause the whole ramshackle fabrication to crumble.”
– Gerard Menuhin / righteous Revisionist Jew, son of famous violinist
1. Here is the problem with optional health care. Suppose some young, healthy Limbecile or Alex Jones fan decides he's not going to pay one nickel for health insurance, because he's young and healthy and believes health care for everyone is one small step from FEMA internment camps. And dammit, two months later, he's listening to Rush in the car, kind of worked up, not wearing his seat belt because he considers seat belt laws the first step on a slippery slope to fascism. He doesn't see the traffic jam up ahead, and, well, he suddenly needs health care. Or maybe he gets a nasty cancer - not his fault at all. Are the EMT's, ambulance drivers, ER doctors, ICU personnel, rehab nurses going to send him away because he was too stupid and angry to buy insurance? Of course not. He's going to get the healthcare he needs, paid for by increased premiums for those of us who DID get insurance. No penalty for him at all for being a moron. We all get to pay anyway.
there is no “right†to ... free health care
Health care should be cheaper, much cheaper. The waters are too muddy with market manipulation to know what the cost could be. If you cast your lot with single payer or Corporate States of America health care, it will never be cheap enough for your theoretical young man to buy insurance. Too many easy government dollars driving up the cost. So, what if it was cheaper? Could that help your theoretical problem?
Just my own personal thought, why do all the government programs buy insurance,why can’t they give loans for medical problems like they do for college financing? In such a scenario, the consumer shopping power still exists. Anyway,I know the answer, the swamp holds a lot of sway. Your government healthcare system will make politically powerful people richer, nothing like guaranteed money to please the medical guild.
One more thing, charity and compassion exist. Your theoretical person may have to rely on others to help him in a libertarian world. He might even have a thought about that when they do. Somehow coercion doesn’t seem the same as community
too many “we must” and “we need” for my taste … how about if i just unplug from the current system as far as i can and hope for the big’ol asteroid hit … whoever survives can start over from scratch
Libertarianism properly understood means freedom of association and opposition to forced integration (including open borders lunacy). Like any ideology it is incomplete but there remains much merit to it. True enough, many libertarians are as bad as if not worse than their liberal counterparts, the insane Bryan Caplan comes to mind. But combined with a healthy regard for human nature it has valuable insights.
Hoppe’s take on the industrial revolution is decidedly anti-liberal in that he rejects institutional explanations:
Though it is more helpful to call this problem by its most accurate name: oligarchy. And in a country that has been predominantly white, under a white oligarchy, the core pathology is obscured by an excess focus on dominant native culture versus other cultures. As Hoppe indicates, whatever faults or crimes can be ascribed to minorities / migrants, the dysfunctionality of the system is ultimately the fault of the oligarchs at the top of the social heap, who designed the system as it stands.
After all, it is above all white men that make up the ruling elite and that have foisted the current mess upon us.
True enough, the various protected 'minorities' take full advantage of the legal privileges they have been accorded and they have become increasingly emboldened ... but none of them ... would have made this outcome possible, if it were not for the instrumental help that they received and are receiving from white men. �
Governments begot corporations which begot billionaire oligarchs. We live in a social world created and run by government.
It is not what it is because of the absence of government.
Half the population is sustained by government checks and assorted free stuff. How do you libertarians propose to wean these useless eaters and their dependents from the government tit? There could be as many as 100 million of them. You think they are just going to stay inside their section 8 hovels and trailers watching trash TV until they shrivel up and die? Bear in mind that even civilized humans without sustenance resort to cannibalism in as little as three weeks. Better load up on lots of canned beans, ammo, silver coins, and ice house if you plan to cut off those guv checks cold turkey.
Half the population is sustained by government checks and assorted free stuff.
That was one of the key points I was going to make, in the response I discarded: social systems should comport with human nature, not the other way around. That is the essence of much of where I agree with some of Hoppe's characterizations of the alt-right. E.g., I don't think hierarchy is essential. Inevitable would be more like it. I think anti-hierarchy is a bad idea.Replies: @renfro, @dc.sunsets
Is laughably simple minded. The history of the world as directed by mankind has always been and will be in the future caused by a little thing called ‘human nature’. And whether humans have plenty or scarcity the nature of humans is a wild card. There will always be conflicts even in homogenous groups.
” social systems should comport with human nature,”
I notice.
However I am not so stupid or inexperienced or ignorant of history as to think you have the answer to the problem.
Is laughably simple minded.
The Libertarian Manifesto should have the slogan “Simpletons of the World Unite,” though on the second thought uniting goes against libertarian self professed habit.
I keep wondering whether this character Hoppe is for real. He is/was a professor at a university? Apparently it was School of Business at University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Was his department funded by Meyer Lanky and Bugsy Siegel? I just do not know what to think. Perhaps it is a spoof or he had a bet with somebody that he can write most insane libertarian nonsense and find some takers at unz. com. Or perhaps it is a test Ron Unz is running on the commentariat to weed off the simpletons. Is an article on flat earth coming next to weed off the feebleminded?
Needless to say, Hoppe ran afoul of the Jacobins in the libertarian PC wars:
I agree. Nobody with even modest pro-white sentiments has any business trying to be a “real libertarian.” Maybe a “fake libertarian” (according to Hoppe’s definition), in that some of those policies, like drastically lower taxation, might relatively benefit whites more than non-whites, but these are band-aids rather than long-term solutions. There is a real danger that one’s activist efforts will get diverted from pro-whitism to libertarianism, because libertarian objectives may seem more achievable in the present political climate – although these will not necessarily do anything to benefit whites. Therefore one could all too easily believe he is “winning” when in actual fact he is losing, badly.
Replies: @Anon, @Anon
“we’ve often fantasized about drawing up an indictment against Adolf Hitler himself. And to put into that indictment the major charge: the Final Solution of the Jewish question in Europe, the physical annihilation of Jewry. And then it dawned upon us, what would we do? We didn’t have the evidence.â€- "holocaust historian" Raul Hilberg
It’s amazing that you have the nerve to accuse others of lying.
"Alone the fact that one may not question the Jewish "holocaust" and that Jewish pressure has inflicted laws on democratic societies to prevent questions—while incessant promotion and indoctrination of the same averredly incontestable ‘holocaust’ occur—gives the game away. It proves that it must be a lie. Why else would one not be allowed to question it? Because it might offend the "survivors"? Because it "dishonors the dead"? Hardly sufficient reason to outlaw discussion. No, because the exposure of this leading lie might precipitate questions about so many other lies and cause the whole ramshackle fabrication to crumble."- Gerard Menuhin / righteous Revisionist Jew, son of famous violinist
“That’s the book Weber references. Anyone can click and see it.”
No it’s not.
They can click and see A book, but not THE book.
Quit digging, you’re a typical bumbling Zionist in over your head.
“we’ve often fantasized about drawing up an indictment against Adolf Hitler himself. And to put into that indictment the major charge: the Final Solution of the Jewish question in Europe, the physical annihilation of Jewry. And then it dawned upon us, what would we do? We didn’t have the evidence.â€
– “holocaust historian” Raul Hilberg
“No, it does not say what YOU said it did.”
Of course not, as I said, you gave a different citation.
You are thick as a brick. LOL!!
Speaking of “honest discussion”, jeeessh, moronic liars like you are easy to slap around. And that’s the truth.
The rest of your silliness is just that, silly. There is no “everyone”. LOL !!
“The only workable long-term solution, he said, is for Jews to recognize reality and live, finally, as a “normal†people in a separate state of their own. In a memo to the Tsar of Russia, Herzl wrote that Zionism is the “final solution of the Jewish question.â€
– Memo of Nov. 22, 1899. R. Patai, ed., The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl (New York: 1960), Vol. 3, p. 888.
‘Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means’
“The Jewish question, he maintained, is not social or religious. “It is a national question. To solve it we must, above all, make it an international political issue …” Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk. /2 Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome [b]”final solution of the Jewish question.”
– Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,” Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
‘Zionism and the Third Reich’
Tucker and Lew Rockwell tried to “sanitize†paleolibertarianism after Rothbard’s death by pandering to left-liberals. Not surprisingly, they have shit to show for it.
Replies: @Anon, @Anon
"Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.[2] Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.â€[3]
- [3] Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
That’s the book Weber references. Anyone can click and see it.
Replies: @Anon, @Anon
“we’ve often fantasized about drawing up an indictment against Adolf Hitler himself. And to put into that indictment the major charge: the Final Solution of the Jewish question in Europe, the physical annihilation of Jewry. And then it dawned upon us, what would we do? We didn’t have the evidence.â€- "holocaust historian" Raul Hilberg
Which is why those who have strong beliefs are eating your lunch and you dont notice
Unfortunately, Herr Hoppe’s take on libertarianism is untenable in real life. His libertarianism will inexorably end up as Somalia or, to a lesser extent, Mexico. If he’s a “real libertarian”, I guess I’ll need to change my moniker. Let me just leave two comments on one of his main points, and then let it go.
there is no “right†to … free health care
1. Here is the problem with optional health care. Suppose some young, healthy Limbecile or Alex Jones fan decides he’s not going to pay one nickel for health insurance, because he’s young and healthy and believes health care for everyone is one small step from FEMA internment camps. And dammit, two months later, he’s listening to Rush in the car, kind of worked up, not wearing his seat belt because he considers seat belt laws the first step on a slippery slope to fascism. He doesn’t see the traffic jam up ahead, and, well, he suddenly needs health care. Or maybe he gets a nasty cancer – not his fault at all. Are the EMT’s, ambulance drivers, ER doctors, ICU personnel, rehab nurses going to send him away because he was too stupid and angry to buy insurance? Of course not. He’s going to get the healthcare he needs, paid for by increased premiums for those of us who DID get insurance. No penalty for him at all for being a moron. We all get to pay anyway.
2. Having healthcare that is not tied to one’s employer would open up a wide range of new opportunities for many. early retirement, job sharing, entrepreneur/small business ventures, part time work, etc. would all become much easier – literally millions of people work at jobs and companies they hate just for plans that are bad, but better than nothing. We are the only rich country that believes we need billionaire CEO’s between us and our doctors. I don’t think we can really consider ourselves free and developed as long as people have to choose between food and medicine.
So look for me under a new name (maybe) soon.
“Good score for UR.”
Agree, Lars. Hans-Hermann Hoppe is a bold, forceful theoretician-activist. He’s a bit of an over-reacher, too, who leaves plenty of loose ends for his detractors to chew on. He also has a sly sense of humor about, for want of a better term, “German-ness”. He was treated abominably by his former university (Las Vegas?).
He was the thinker who helped me understand that libertarianism may be compatible with nationalism when one considers the “frictional costs” of introducing immigrants who have backgrounds vastly different from the rest of the polity. E. g., Virginia planters accepting African slaves in the 1600s. I can only imagine an America in which the Virginians had declined enslaved African help, and tended their own crops. Likewise, I can sort of imagine, I think, African rage at having been transported from slavery under their own African people into slavery under alien White Virginians. Water over the dam, under the bridge.
We ignore Hoppe at our own peril. It’s good to see him on these pages.
Replies: @Anon, @Anon
"Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.[2] Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.â€[3]
- [3] Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
No, it does not say what YOU said it did.
You’re clearly not interested in any kind of honest discussion. You’re here to inspire hatred for Jews and no other reason. Everyone can see it; why you deny it is baffling.
"The only workable long-term solution, he said, is for Jews to recognize reality and live, finally, as a “normal†people in a separate state of their own. In a memo to the Tsar of Russia, Herzl wrote that Zionism is the “final solution of the Jewish question.â€- Memo of Nov. 22, 1899. R. Patai, ed., The Complete Diaries of Theodor Herzl (New York: 1960), Vol. 3, p. 888.
'Straight Talk About Zionism: What Jewish Nationalism Means'
"The Jewish question, he maintained, is not social or religious. "It is a national question. To solve it we must, above all, make it an international political issue ..." Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk. /2 Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome [b]"final solution of the Jewish question."
- Th. Herzl, "Der Kongress," Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
'Zionism and the Third Reich'
Jeff Tucker has a lot of former-friends, I believe. So, yes, he doesnt follow his own virtue-signaling advice.
Hilarious, you stupidly posted a different book than I cited. Oh my.
What a moronic bungler you are, very funny though.
This is pure gold!
Having trouble sitting down? LOL
I cited:
“Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.[2] Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.â€[3]
– [3] Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
First of all, he who alleges must prove. You allege that Herzl wrote what you "quoted." Fine. Prove it.
IOW, Herzl did say what I quoted and you cannot show otherwise.
Dodging as usual.
You can take the clueless schmuck out of the shtetl, but you can’t take the shtetl out of the clueless schmuck.
– IOW, the laughble the 600+ page tome that you cited does not have what you said it has.
I win again.
– You could merely direct us to the page if it did. You cannot. LOL
– I read German good enough. Apparently it is YOU who really does not. Hilarious.
– More weasel word bluffing from another Zionist pantywaist coward.
– I have proved it, repeatedly, please read my posts.
“it is necessary to recognize that the lack of traces involves the inability to directly establish the reality of the existence of homicidal gas chambers.â€
– French historian Jacques Baynac, Le Nouveau Quotidien (Lausanne, Switzerland), Sept. 3, 1996, p. 14.
Another juvenile non-response from Uebersetzer.
Joachim Fest at least has acknowledged, and Zionist Uebersetzer ignores, or more than likely, has no clue:
“To the present day the question of knowing when Hitler made the decision for the Final Solution of the Jewish question is in abeyance, and for the simple reason that not a single document on the subject exists.”
– Joachim Fest, Hitler, 1974, p. 631
But generally, Joachim Fest tows the Zionist line and is utterly demolished for it, see:
Rauschning’s Phony ‘Conversations With Hitler’: An Update
Reinhard Heydrich: Conclusion
The Taboo against Truth
Holocausts and the Historians
search Joachim Fest
I take it you get paid regardless of whether or not your English is comprehensible?
Hurts, don't it.Replies: @Anon, @Anon
"Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.[2] Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.â€[3]
- [3] Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
While you’re at it, your citation from Weber is another lie. First of all, it’s not even the same “quotation” that you offered before, which is your admission, I guess, that you were lying all along. But you’re not done yet.
Here’s the book in question:
Look at pp. 190 and 139, as Weber cites them. The supposed quotation is not there.
You lose. Again. Hurts, don’t it?
Replies: @Anon, @Anon
"Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.[2] Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.â€[3]
- [3] Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
Hurts, don't it.Replies: @Anon, @Anon
"Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.[2] Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.â€[3]
- [3] Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
IOW, Herzl did say what I quoted and you cannot show otherwise.
First of all, he who alleges must prove. You allege that Herzl wrote what you “quoted.” Fine. Prove it.
Of course, you won’t because you can’t. You don’t read German, which is the language Herzl wrote it and the language to which he wrote the Grand Duke. I gave you the source from which this supposed letter comes (as noted, it was a memo to the Grand Duke). All you’d have to do is look for the date in question and find the memo. But you can’t so you deflect, like you always do, and come back with more of your disproved nonsense.
You’ve never seen the book in question and you know it. You’re a miserable lying coward.
Remember: It’s not my job to prove something doesn’t exist. It’s the role of the person who asserts to do so. If that person is too lazy, ignorant, or stupid to do so, then that’s not my problem.
“it is necessary to recognize that the lack of traces involves the inability to directly establish the reality of the existence of homicidal gas chambers.†- French historian Jacques Baynac, Le Nouveau Quotidien (Lausanne, Switzerland), Sept. 3, 1996, p. 14.
Though it is more helpful to call this problem by its most accurate name: oligarchy. And in a country that has been predominantly white, under a white oligarchy, the core pathology is obscured by an excess focus on dominant native culture versus other cultures. As Hoppe indicates, whatever faults or crimes can be ascribed to minorities / migrants, the dysfunctionality of the system is ultimately the fault of the oligarchs at the top of the social heap, who designed the system as it stands.
After all, it is above all white men that make up the ruling elite and that have foisted the current mess upon us.
True enough, the various protected 'minorities' take full advantage of the legal privileges they have been accorded and they have become increasingly emboldened ... but none of them ... would have made this outcome possible, if it were not for the instrumental help that they received and are receiving from white men. �
…and what were their accomplishments?
Who was their Virgil?
Gunter Grass? Doris Lessing?
Who was their Mozart?
Pierre Boulez? Karlheinz Stockhausen?
Who was their Michelangelo?
I could go on & on, but why belabor the point? Post-war Europe’s welfare state was a socio-cultural disaster, however comfortable it may have been for a lucky few.
Is laughably simple minded. The history of the world as directed by mankind has always been and will be in the future caused by a little thing called ‘human nature’. And whether humans have plenty or scarcity the nature of humans is a wild card. There will always be conflicts even in homogenous groups.
That was one of the key points I was going to make, in the response I discarded: social systems should comport with human nature, not the other way around. That is the essence of much of where I agree with some of Hoppe’s characterizations of the alt-right. E.g., I don’t think hierarchy is essential. Inevitable would be more like it. I think anti-hierarchy is a bad idea.
I started to craft a response to this piece, assert my alt-right positions. I paused to ctrl-F for “nationalism,” which is really the key to the alt-right, and got 0 hits. Now I’m clicking the little “x” on the browser tab…
The Catholic Church is anti-democratic, individualistic and capable of salvation. Slavery became seen as incompatible with Christian views. Christianity upholds social cooperation. Capitalism was born in Italy – a Catholic country. Private property came to be seen as a good. The Protestant religion was the most successful in production because their puritanical work ethic was the harshest. Protestantism both strengthened the state and democracies.
- https://www.curbed.com/2017/10/18/16483194/catholic-church-gis-goodlands-esri-molly-burhans
In Massachusetts, the state Supreme Court recently ruled that only a portion of a Catholic shrine’s nearly 200 acres were used for worship purposes and therefore were exempt from paying local property tax. The shrine was sent a tax bill for $92,000.
With more than 1 billion adherents, the Catholic Church is one of the largest, if not the largest, nongovernmental landowners in the world. One estimate puts the church’s holdings close to 177 million acres, or 277,000 square miles. If those properties were grouped together and placed on a list of the world’s countries by land area, it would fall within the top 50, higher than both France and Spain. (Plus, it is unclear whether or not the 177 million acre figure includes land owned by affiliated institutions, such as Catholic schools and hospitals, which number in the hundreds of thousands—if not millions—worldwide.)
You would, I think, have to be counting associated institutions to get the area of Catholic church land so large.
In the USA, in particular, educational institutions actively work against church teachings (Germany, too).
The star exemplar is Mary Daley in the USA.
A ‘professor’, she was spending her life spitting bile and heresy. Her evil career was only ended after she was post-retirement age.
If you have not heard of her, do a little checking. Reccomended.
The church in America could have fired her any time for forty or so years before they did. There is a point where one has to believe that too many of them liked her bile. They were surely covering up for her for many years, several decades.
Sure, intellectual freedom and all. From my reading, mini-Daleys extemd through Catholic education in the USA from K to ‘prof’.
Also among the ‘religious’, in some orders of nuns in the USA, in particular.
I am finding points five to seven of the article most resonant.
Maybe this is the reason they didn't fire her earlier?
The church in America could have fired her any time for forty or so years before they did.
- http://www.population-security.org/24-CH16.html#13
Canadian Madeline Weld has taken a serious look at the International Feminist Movement. Her findings are most revealing: "[T]he Vatican, and various allies,...categorize as racism any arguments for limiting population growth and any reasonable objections to unlimited immigration....[F]ar too many people are intimidated into silence by this form of intellectual terrorism.
Dr. Weld continues: "These feminists are very influential, because I have never seen the population issue addressed in any women's organization or publication....Yet the women at the...public disinformation...meeting I attended are impeding a solution to the world's crisis through intimidation and by spreading confusion. What motivates them?...Unfortunately, far too many sensible women are silenced by the intellectual terrorism of the feminist hijackers. To make an analogy with the U.S. civil rights movement, the Martin Luther King types of the women's movement have been shunted aside by the Louis Farrakhan types, with their own agenda of hate."
- http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/797534/posts?page=124Replies: @Che Guava
3) The proportion of men must be reduced to and maintained at approximately ten percent of the human race." What do you think about this statement?
Mary Daly: I think it's not a bad idea at all. If life is to survive on this planet, there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males. People are afraid to say that kind of stuff anymore.
I think Joachim Fest defined fascism as organised contempt for the mind. Wally continues the fine tradition…
Though it is more helpful to call this problem by its most accurate name: oligarchy. And in a country that has been predominantly white, under a white oligarchy, the core pathology is obscured by an excess focus on dominant native culture versus other cultures. As Hoppe indicates, whatever faults or crimes can be ascribed to minorities / migrants, the dysfunctionality of the system is ultimately the fault of the oligarchs at the top of the social heap, who designed the system as it stands.
After all, it is above all white men that make up the ruling elite and that have foisted the current mess upon us.
True enough, the various protected 'minorities' take full advantage of the legal privileges they have been accorded and they have become increasingly emboldened ... but none of them ... would have made this outcome possible, if it were not for the instrumental help that they received and are receiving from white men. �
“…for a brief few decades in history, Western Continental Europe achieved some aspects of paradise – little crime, almost no one in jail, a pleasant life for just about all, and zero poverty amongst legal residents.”
So why couldn’t they keep it going for more than a brief few decades?
Could it be that they were living off the long accumulated social capital of their ancestors while making no provision for their posterity? Could it be that they were the most completely and contemptibly selfish and short-sighted people ever?
Talk about dodging.
Nailed you again. LOL
‘Memo / letter’, who cares?
IOW, Herzl did say what I quoted and you cannot show otherwise.
‘Point out the page number’ …
If you could, you would.
You simply cannot because you are lying.
Van Roden?
A desperate subject change about something which I already shot down, in spades.
Your typical weasel words like: ‘you don’t speak German’ is a desperate & typical redneck Zionist response.
Translations are easy to come by and I do speak a bit.
“Regardless of their citizenship, Herzl insisted, Jews constitute not merely a religious community, but a nationality, a people, a Volk.[2] Zionism, wrote Herzl, offered the world a welcome “final solution of the Jewish question.â€[3]
– [3] Th. Herzl, “Der Kongress,†Welt, June 4, 1897. Reprinted in: Theodor Herzls zionistische Schriften (Leon Kellner, ed.), erster Teil, Berlin: Jüdischer Verlag, 1920, p. 190 (and p. 139).
Hurts, don’t it.
First of all, he who alleges must prove. You allege that Herzl wrote what you "quoted." Fine. Prove it.
IOW, Herzl did say what I quoted and you cannot show otherwise.