What makes you say US weapons are crappy? Any specific examples? Just curious.
Well, that caused Jews to go ballistic, and they started complaining how he 'denied' the H-word(tm), 'quoted' Hitler, and so on.In an effort to atone the guy had to fly to Israel and hug the wall, 'condemn' Hamas, pledge to 'work' with our Jewish 'friends', and all the other stuff Jews require from their politician whores. However it's pretty clear that once you're Jewed, you're always Jewed. So no amount of Israel grubbing was ever going to pacify the Tribe and get them off his back. Robinson could have been a flaming transgender homosexual lesbian 'undocumented migrant' from Mexico and it wouldn't have mattered. Bring up the JQ in any context and nothing of anything else will ever matter. To Jews he is simply an 'uppity nigger' who needs a good political whipping. Just goes to show that even the negro has no standing when it comes to the small hats. Of course anyone who has eyes to see already knows that.Replies: @ServesyouallWhite
The center and leftist leaning Weimar Republic put heavy gun ownership restrictions on German citizens long before the Nazis took power. This foolishness about Hitler disarming MILLIONS of Jews and then marching them off to concentration camps is a bunch of hogwash. Repeating that hogwash makes the conservative argument against the current attempts by liberal Marxist to push Unconstitutional gun control measures in this Nation look FOOLISH.
‘even the negro’
What do you mean ‘even the negro’? It’s amazing how Whites are dumb enough to think that negroes have special clout when it comes to anything. If a negro has a high level, high paying job for instance, it was a White or White Jew that put the negro in it and only under duress or because of some manipulative need. (DEI is a White/Jew invention and not for the benefit of the colored)
As for Robinson and the Jews, ANY GOYIM will get the same treatment, negro or not.
Ceding is giving.
Giving isn’t a contract.
Fuck you in the ass.
But you just said it wuz sellin’ in yer previous post.
So which is it?
Even an indoctrinated dolt like you understands they’re not the same…lol
cede /sēd/
transitive verb
To surrender possession of, especially by treaty.
A treaty is a form of contract. Same with a constitution.
Once again, when the VOLUNTARY nature of the contract was departed from by Mr Lincoln and the Federal Government, the contract was thus voided, and that which was ceded once again becomes the property of the withdrawing States.
Your “anything I do is a contract and everything belongs to me†approach probably snags you a lotta domestic violence warrants and restraining orders I’m guessing.
Another indication that you’re not very bright.
Your “domestic violence” analogy is apt, but in exactly the opposite way you are attempting to use it.
The Federal Government is the abusive husband who instead of allowing his wife to leave peacefully decides it’s better to beat the shit out her and chain her to a pole in the basement. If all that fails then you kill the bitch…lol
I can’t help but notice you sound kinda angry. It’s not entirely your fault that you’re an indoctrinated idiot, son. You’ve had people who should have been “educating” you, who instead blew smoke up your lazy ass. Of course if you managed to take a bit of initiative and read some books instead of playing games on your phone, getting tattoos and listening to “rap”, you probably wouldn’t be quite as retarded.
Give it a try sometime.
This latest gem is the icing on the cake. I'd bet my left nut that you're a product of the Yankee abomination known as the "public school system".
When things git sold, they stay sold.
Ceding is giving.
Giving isn’t a contract.
Fuck you in the ass.
Your longwindedness is your best quality.
Your “anything I do is a contract and everything belongs to me” approach probably snags you a lotta domestic violence warrants and restraining orders I’m guessing.
It’s still
not how
the world
I’d hate to be the retarded cop on the wrong end of doing a traffic stop on you.
But you just said it wuz sellin' in yer previous post.So which is it? Even an indoctrinated dolt like you understands they're not the same...lol
Ceding is giving.Giving isn’t a contract.Fuck you in the ass.
A treaty is a form of contract. Same with a constitution. Once again, when the VOLUNTARY nature of the contract was departed from by Mr Lincoln and the Federal Government, the contract was thus voided, and that which was ceded once again becomes the property of the withdrawing States.
cede /sēd/transitive verbTo surrender possession of, especially by treaty.
Another indication that you're not very bright.Your "domestic violence" analogy is apt, but in exactly the opposite way you are attempting to use it.The Federal Government is the abusive husband who instead of allowing his wife to leave peacefully decides it's better to beat the shit out her and chain her to a pole in the basement. If all that fails then you kill the bitch...lolI can't help but notice you sound kinda angry. It's not entirely your fault that you're an indoctrinated idiot, son. You've had people who should have been "educating" you, who instead blew smoke up your lazy ass. Of course if you managed to take a bit of initiative and read some books instead of playing games on your phone, getting tattoos and listening to "rap", you probably wouldn't be quite as retarded.Give it a try sometime.
Your “anything I do is a contract and everything belongs to me†approach probably snags you a lotta domestic violence warrants and restraining orders I’m guessing.
When things git sold, they stay sold.
This latest gem is the icing on the cake. I’d bet my left nut that you’re a product of the Yankee abomination known as the “public school system”.
You seem to like folksy language, so I’ll do my best to speak in kind.
Check this out, Sonnyboy, CEDIN’ ain’t the same as SELLIN”. If it wuz, it would be called SELLIN’, not CEDIN’.
You see how that works?
The property that the FREE and INDEPENDENT States voluntarily CEDED to the Federal Government was done so in the understanding that the contract remained as such. Once force and coercion became the instrument of Mr Lincoln and his Radical Republicans, that contract became NULL and VOID.
Pretty sure them New England Yankee Federalists would have agreed at the time they desired to do so.
BTW, if you read more about Col. Baldwin’s meeting with Mr Lincoln you’ll find that he also suggested that the seceding States could easily pay the Federal Government for Sumpter and the rest, but none of that made any difference. Lincoln and his supporters wanted to bring every American under the heel of Federal Government, no exceptions. They wanted war, and they got it.
I sure hope you’re enjoying your ALL POWERFUL Federal Government now, boys and girls…lol
No, actually that EXACTLY how Constitutional things are supposed to work, jackass. Except of course when greedy, treacherous, hypocritical filth are in power. Then all bets are off.And since were talking about "2 generations", isn't it funny how secession was understood as perfectly Constitutional and legal in 1812, when the Yankee Federalists desired it, ( while the Country was at war with Great Britain, nonetheless...lol ) but less than 50 years later when it was against the sectional interests of the same bunch, it suddenly became "treason"...lolYou are a poor indoctrinated semi-retard who deserves pretty much EVERYTHING that's coming in this country. That goes doubly for your children, if you have any.Why am I not surprised that you're a "Rap" fan?...lolReplies: @NotAnonymousHere
When you say “when†you mean 2 generations later? That’s not how things work.
When things git sold, they stay sold. If you “cede” or give an anklet to someone then murder them, you don’t get to take the anklet back. That would be stealing. You’ll find another guy just as good as him, don’t compound things by stealing.
Excellent post.
Thank you
When you say "when" you mean 2 generations later? That's not how things work. You're just being a silly goose, and more importantly NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU. If you insist on me calling you a liar, sure, no problem but the answer on the other thing you proposed remains a steely hard "no". I'm martyred, I mean married.Replies: @GeneralRipper
Actually Sport, when South Carolina VOLUNTARILY joined the Union, Fort Sumter was CEDED to the Federal Government.
When you say “when†you mean 2 generations later? That’s not how things work.
No, actually that EXACTLY how Constitutional things are supposed to work, jackass. Except of course when greedy, treacherous, hypocritical filth are in power. Then all bets are off.
And since were talking about “2 generations”, isn’t it funny how secession was understood as perfectly Constitutional and legal in 1812, when the Yankee Federalists desired it, ( while the Country was at war with Great Britain, nonetheless…lol ) but less than 50 years later when it was against the sectional interests of the same bunch, it suddenly became “treason”…lol
You are a poor indoctrinated semi-retard who deserves pretty much EVERYTHING that’s coming in this country. That goes doubly for your children, if you have any.
Why am I not surprised that you’re a “Rap” fan?…lol
So he didn’t mind fighting his own countrymen according to his N.H. native mother’s definition, he just wanted to be on a particular side and that’s hard to argue with. There’s an argument to be made that his countrymen sailed on the Good Ship Secession. Like a rapper serving a prison term he was with his people. And his mom, a wonderful woman I’m sure got a good lesson in contract law, where we’ve recently seen someone here be taught that givebacks, takebacks, dibs and do-overs aren’t a thing, separately or in the aggregate. Similarly there’s no Five Second Rule in baseball.
One wonders if West Point was more like OCS (Organized Chicken Shit) in those days. One thing for sure, the U.S. Army has always known how to make any time sexy time in a long tradition down to Abu Ghraib and beyond. We all know what “kiss the Book” is code for. The kid did right by skediddling.
Actually Sport, when South Carolina VOLUNTARILY joined the Union, Fort Sumter was CEDED to the Federal Government. When you withdraw from, or SECEDE from a supposedly voluntary contract, you get that property back.The entire war and it's supposed premises were based on lies.Replies: @NotAnonymousHere, @Old Virginia
As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn’t mean they got to take it.
Speaking of contracts and the War of Northern Aggression, here’s an excerpt of a letter from a New Hampshire native, Ellen Anderson, to her son, Will, at the USMA, West Point in December, 1860. While based in Florida, Ellen Anderson’s soldier husband was killed in the Mexican War, 1847, she and her son soon moving to New York City. Following graduation from a city high school he was appointed to West Point. He was set to graduate when SC seceded and he received the letter from his mother:
“You are not exactly commissioned officers yet. You are under a sort of contract to serve the U.S. eight years, and you are under bond as minors. Now you are bound by that contract, but of course NO CONTRACT EVER CONTEMPLATED THAT A MAN SHOULD FIGHT HIS OWN COUNTRYMEN (emphasis mine).”
In April ’61 Will wrote his mother: “Dear Mama, I have refused to take the oath… I actually cried before I went over there, so you can conceive how I was bothered mentally… I kept my hand on the Bible till the magistrate got through the unconditional oath, and required us to kiss the Book, I couldn’t do it.” Will became the first cadet to resign, soon leaving for Virginia and the Confederate army.
It’s not contract law and it’s anecdotal but still instructive. Everyone could learn from it.
Actually Sport, when South Carolina VOLUNTARILY joined the Union, Fort Sumter was CEDED to the Federal Government. When you withdraw from, or SECEDE from a supposedly voluntary contract, you get that property back.The entire war and it's supposed premises were based on lies.Replies: @NotAnonymousHere, @Old Virginia
As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn’t mean they got to take it.
Actually Sport, when South Carolina VOLUNTARILY joined the Union, Fort Sumter was CEDED to the Federal Government.
When you say “when” you mean 2 generations later? That’s not how things work. You’re just being a silly goose, and more importantly NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU. If you insist on me calling you a liar, sure, no problem but the answer on the other thing you proposed remains a steely hard “no”. I’m martyred, I mean married.
No, actually that EXACTLY how Constitutional things are supposed to work, jackass. Except of course when greedy, treacherous, hypocritical filth are in power. Then all bets are off.And since were talking about "2 generations", isn't it funny how secession was understood as perfectly Constitutional and legal in 1812, when the Yankee Federalists desired it, ( while the Country was at war with Great Britain, nonetheless...lol ) but less than 50 years later when it was against the sectional interests of the same bunch, it suddenly became "treason"...lolYou are a poor indoctrinated semi-retard who deserves pretty much EVERYTHING that's coming in this country. That goes doubly for your children, if you have any.Why am I not surprised that you're a "Rap" fan?...lolReplies: @NotAnonymousHere
When you say “when†you mean 2 generations later? That’s not how things work.
There is good rap but it’s from the ’80s and some ’90s and prolly some later but I’m no curator.
Aerosmith (’70s) Walk This Way was arguably the first rap song. No, Jahmayka, toasting doesn’t count.
Grandmaster Flash
Kurtis Blow
Kool Herc (sp?)
Beastie Boys
Krush Groove soundtrack
Beat Street soundtrack
Jungle Brothers
De La Soul
Vanilla Ice – rich because of intelligently investing the profits of one tune.
But like much else Negroes ruined it. A Negro art form is exceptionally susceptible to ruin at the hands of Negroes.
You raise a good point, then as a followup YOU LIE. What is it with the Eric Cartmans of Unz? As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn't mean they got to take it. The British never owned Hong Kong, they always rented and when the literal lease was up they skedoodled. Had 99 years to plan for it.
Why didn’t Lincoln retreat from Sumter instead of re-supplying? The island is South Carolina’s, no more property of the United States than Hong Kong is Britain’s.
Not a German-American, an American of Swedish descent.Replies: @Old Virginia, @GeneralRipper, @GeneralRipper
Too many great German-Americans to list here. But I’m gonna go with Charles Lindbergh as one of my favorites.
I’m the guy telling lies, huh?
Read this over and get an education about “Old Honest Abe”…lol
You raise a good point, then as a followup YOU LIE. What is it with the Eric Cartmans of Unz? As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn't mean they got to take it. The British never owned Hong Kong, they always rented and when the literal lease was up they skedoodled. Had 99 years to plan for it.
Why didn’t Lincoln retreat from Sumter instead of re-supplying? The island is South Carolina’s, no more property of the United States than Hong Kong is Britain’s.
Not a German-American, an American of Swedish descent.Replies: @Old Virginia, @GeneralRipper, @GeneralRipper
Too many great German-Americans to list here. But I’m gonna go with Charles Lindbergh as one of my favorites.
As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn’t mean they got to take it.
Actually Sport, when South Carolina VOLUNTARILY joined the Union, Fort Sumter was CEDED to the Federal Government. When you withdraw from, or SECEDE from a supposedly voluntary contract, you get that property back.
The entire war and it’s supposed premises were based on lies.
When you say "when" you mean 2 generations later? That's not how things work. You're just being a silly goose, and more importantly NO ONE WAS TALKING TO YOU. If you insist on me calling you a liar, sure, no problem but the answer on the other thing you proposed remains a steely hard "no". I'm martyred, I mean married.Replies: @GeneralRipper
Actually Sport, when South Carolina VOLUNTARILY joined the Union, Fort Sumter was CEDED to the Federal Government.
Well, I’ve met my match. I checked the metal.archives site. I don’t think I’ll ever get into metal, never have gotten close. I’ve never really understood exactly what it is but it’s overarching themes put me off. I understand there’s something I don’t get.
I like songs though and have occasionally heard a song that apparently is metal that I’ve liked. I was surprised early on that Judas Priest was metal, always thought they were just hard rock.
Labels can hurt. I love Southern Rock but the label sometimes hurt as much as it helped.
Drugs are a challenge too. I like what Uncle Ted Nugent said about Hendrix, Joplin, etc. regarding drugs: They’re all dead and I’m still Ted. Stranglehold, baby.
There’re no cheap box sets of GD original albums. I’m getting a couple mentioned anyway. Thanks.
I hate rap. Love Soul.
As far as the main globalists are concerned, I think a few hundred well placed switchblade drones should do the trick. Right through their bedroom windows.
What about Frank Zappa? Never used drugs, didn’t allow band to either, they wouldn’t have been able to keep up playing the complicated music that he composed.
But I agree about liking all kinds of music, if it is good. I don’t include rap in that however, even though some of it may have a nice hook or groove for a moment or two, it just doesn’t hold up for a whole song, let alone a whole album.
No, are you pro-LYING?
You fired on the Fort so there's another lie. You said Ft. Sumter "is South Carolina's" when it hasn't been since 1836, so that's another earlier lie. Shall I categorize "I don't get..." as yet another lie or dumbness? Choose wisely.Replies: @Old Virginia
We didn’t start a thing. We just left.
I don’t get the repeated “lying†thing but, whatever.
Are you what I’ve heard called a troll?
I’m more on their periphery of metal. I love Led Zeppelin, metal or not.
You’re probably right about my suspicions about the Dead, the social thing. There are a few songs I like though. I’m sure it’s good music, 60 years, it’s tried and true. Sometimes you have to know how to listen.
It’s like this: I like CocaCola and I like beer, sometimes one, sometimes the other, but they’re different. If one of each is open next to me and I reach for a Coke while preoccupied but pick up the beer and take a swig it’s gross. I expected something sweet. Vice-versa picking up the Coke instead of the beer.
It also seems like the Dead is sort of soft. Hell, I like Bread and David Gates so go figure.
To tell the truth, building a career around celebrating drug use bothers me too. That’s rock’n’roll.
We didn’t start a thing. We just left.
I don’t get the repeated “lying†thing but, whatever.
You fired on the Fort so there’s another lie. You said Ft. Sumter “is South Carolina’s” when it hasn’t been since 1836, so that’s another earlier lie. Shall I categorize “I don’t get…” as yet another lie or dumbness? Choose wisely.
There is a website http://www.metal-archives.com that is incredible, no other word for it. Pick any metal band that you know, and you can click on members, prior members, and see other projects they were involved in, it is endless. They also show all the various editions of any given album issued, Japanese versions with bonus tracks, etc. Guaranteed you browse around there and you will find groups that you never knew existed. They are strictly metal however, even Van Halen aren’t listed there. Search on Judas Priest for a lot of links.
But if you have always been aware of the Grateful Dead, you must have your own ideas why some people become such rabid fans. I believe following them around for concerts back in the day was just a way for people to meet other people and have a place to go next. Sort of a hobby.
We didn’t start a thing. We just left.
I don’t get the repeated “lying” thing but, whatever.
You fired on the Fort so there's another lie. You said Ft. Sumter "is South Carolina's" when it hasn't been since 1836, so that's another earlier lie. Shall I categorize "I don't get..." as yet another lie or dumbness? Choose wisely.Replies: @Old Virginia
We didn’t start a thing. We just left.
I don’t get the repeated “lying†thing but, whatever.
I know the names and stories well. I wore out 3 editions each of The Rolling Stone Record Guide and Christgau’s Record Guide. Also heard for two decades a local Sunday Morning FM radio feature called “Days of Futures Past” in which the DJ played hippie and psychedelic era stuff. I’ve had a couple GD compilations on vinyl.
I just discovered a band called Dire Straits. I say that tongue in cheek, of course. I’d heard “Sultans of Swing” since it was a hit and on classic rock radio and liked the Making Movies album forever but something moved me to get the albums all at once to see what’s there. Sometimes it just needs to be the right time.
I’m going to look into it. Old catalog reissues seem really inexpensive now. I found all of the Dave-era Van Halen in a no frills box for $30 or so.
I may have asked the original question with a purpose. Thanks.
gaedhal: “If only atoms and void exist… then are the gods atoms or void? The Loeb edition of On the Nature of Things asks this, implying that Lucretius, and, I suppose Epicurus, was a crypto-atheist.”
It was dangerous in those days to be an atheist. I could make a case that Socrates was executed for his suspected atheism, so it wouldn’t be surprising if Epicurus wanted to disguise this necessary consequence of his philosophy. The same thing was done in the case of free will. Atoms, Epicureans said, could unaccountably “swerve”, thus avoiding determinism and preserving human agency. In any case, if I’m not mistaken, Epicurean doctrine was to grant that while the gods may exist, they had no concern for humanity. Gods that can neither be propitiated nor intervene in human affairs to grant favors are useless, and may as well not exist. Thus, as a practical matter, Epicurus was an atheist.
One possible work-around mentioned by Thomas Jefferson is that spirit, aka the “soul”, may itself be a special kind of material. We could speculate that maybe God or gods could be made of the same stuff. Of course, that material has yet to be isolated and identified. Probably it was easier to believe in its existence back in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries when Jefferson was writing.
gaedhal: “I think that some stoics believed that this Animus Mundi created all men to be equal. The Epicureans did not. If Thomas Jefferson believed in a deistic god who created all men to be equal, then he is not an Epicurean, but a stoic.”
Jefferson had a low opinion of Stoicism generally, especially for what seemed to him to be its slanders against Epicureanism, although he did approve of its ethics, which, notably, appear to be a kind of proto-Christianity. Also, he absolutely detested Platonism and the obvious borrowings from Platonism that Christianity made he denounced as a corruption of Jesus’ teaching.
The cosmopolitan, egalitarian strain in all these schools came from the Greek notion, always just beneath the surface, but never, so far as I know, directly articulated, that all men possessed reason in equal measure, and by virtue of that fact alone were all equally capable of leading a virtuous life according to its dictates. Of course, this was before IQ tests, and Greek “science” was not at the point yet of being able to quantify reason, so it remained an untestable and unspoken axiom. “Human rights” though are another matter entirely. They appear to be an invention of Christianity, and even there, as is shown by Tom Holland in Dominion, it was a concept long under development, only now reaching full flower in our modern age. Search the pre-Christian literature all you like, but you won’t find any mention of “human rights” bestowed on man by a Creator.
Check out the album listing at allmusic.com, I only told you one of my favorites, but you really should find a box sex of all the albums, start with the first one and work your way through. Terrapin Station is not typical, but it is better than the allmusic rating.
American Beauty and Workingman’s Dead would be the traditional place to start.
It’s all hypothetical at this point, but I’m pro-Secession. Even today. But you are in that chair, Blanche, and the South did lose, so no you guys don’t get a vote on Ft. Sumter. The lesson there is “Don’ start none, won’ be none.” Still staunchly anti-LYING though.
If you ask that question in the context of what it cost to force them back into the Union, then my answer would be that assumptions about results shouldn't be determinative of the policies you have to follow to get there.
Why’s it assumed that the Southern states must be part of the United States?
Slavery was a terrible institution. Maybe summary freedom was the best solution to relieve their suffering and should have been done long before. In any case that’s exactly what occurred and it seems like they were ill prepared. So, what’s the next best solution? It’s bound to have happened with market forces of the Industrial Revolution, the advance of transportation and communications and maybe there would have been servile insurrections preceding or leading to freedom. I don’t know. Nobody knows but it blows my mind that there is no attempt at understanding the condition of the people at the time. If it haunts us now how is it easily remedied in 1860?
Ending slavery was the one good result of the war. I’ve read hundreds of memoirs and letters of Southerners during and after the War, from days after through the last veteran’s reunions and beyond. Some write with sadness of ruin, some about memories of better times but I’ve never heard anyone say, I miss owning people.
Again, what does the United States lose without the Southern states besides ports? Why not let us go in peace? If any state sovereignty remained, North or South, in the decades after would the U.S. be the superpower it became and would it matter? Wouldn’t it still be a great country with a great country to the south? North America would be just as protected by oceans on either side as two countries as it is as one.
I don’t admire Lincoln but the assassination is the worst that could’ve happened. I’m certain he was going to be as magnanimous as was Grant at Appomattox.
I’ve always loved the country. The Bicentennial was one of the favorite times of my life. I revel as much in the Revolutionary War and Constitutional period as the Late Unpleasantness. It wasn’t until Reconciliation ended that I began to question things. One consolation in losing – I-told-you-so’s.
You raise a good point, then as a followup YOU LIE. What is it with the Eric Cartmans of Unz? As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn't mean they got to take it. The British never owned Hong Kong, they always rented and when the literal lease was up they skedoodled. Had 99 years to plan for it.
Why didn’t Lincoln retreat from Sumter instead of re-supplying? The island is South Carolina’s, no more property of the United States than Hong Kong is Britain’s.
Not a German-American, an American of Swedish descent.Replies: @Old Virginia, @GeneralRipper, @GeneralRipper
Too many great German-Americans to list here. But I’m gonna go with Charles Lindbergh as one of my favorites.
South Carolina and the CSA win, they may have something to say about who owns Sumter, the U.S. encouraged to relinquish. I won’t conduct any quick searches for legal history.
I don’t know who Eric Cartman is.
I’m not of Unz. I visit on occasion, sometimes comment, sometimes find an engaging commenter.
R. Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders, I’ll pass.
Replies: @Divanis, @gaedhal
“Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus…. I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus.†– Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Charles Thomson, January 9, 1816
I am reading Lucretius at the moment. Atomoi kai kena. Corpora et inane. If only atoms and void exist… then are the gods atoms or void? The Loeb edition of On the Nature of Things asks this, implying that Lucretius, and, I suppose Epicurus, was a crypto-atheist. On the Nature of Things begins by invoking Venus… however, in my view, this is Epicurus merely praising the sex-impulse in a poetic fashion. In a sense, the sex-impulse, or “Venusâ€, does create all life. Cicero in On The Nature of the Gods suspects that Epicurus didn’t really believe in the gods at all. ‘The palendromic professor’, Revilo P. Oliver, writes about the differences between Stoicism and Epicureanism. The Stoics believed in a Pantheistic god of sorts called Animus Mundi, the soul of the world. The Epicureans did not. I think that some stoics believed that this Animus Mundi created all men to be equal. The Epicureans did not. If Thomas Jefferson believed in a deistic god who created all men to be equal, then he is not an Epicurean, but a stoic.
It is good to see you back.
Why didn’t Lincoln retreat from Sumter instead of re-supplying? The island is South Carolina’s, no more property of the United States than Hong Kong is Britain’s.
You raise a good point, then as a followup YOU LIE. What is it with the Eric Cartmans of Unz? As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn’t mean they got to take it. The British never owned Hong Kong, they always rented and when the literal lease was up they skedoodled. Had 99 years to plan for it.
Fun fact: the U.S. doesn’t own Guantanamo Bay, we rent from Cuba.
#123 Here’s another LIE from GeneralRipper, another of the Eric Cartmans of Unz:
Too many great German-Americans to list here. But I’m gonna go with Charles Lindbergh as one of my favorites.
Not a German-American, an American of Swedish descent.
Actually Sport, when South Carolina VOLUNTARILY joined the Union, Fort Sumter was CEDED to the Federal Government. When you withdraw from, or SECEDE from a supposedly voluntary contract, you get that property back.The entire war and it's supposed premises were based on lies.Replies: @NotAnonymousHere, @Old Virginia
As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn’t mean they got to take it.
I’ll give them a listen.
Needless to say, I didn’t hear them on Cousin Bruce over the AM radio when I was a kid.
Thanks for the response.
Thanks, I’ll listen to Terrapin Station – on cd. I like to have it on hand wherever I want it with big-ass book shelf speakers or road trips. Also liner notes.
I’m not skeptical of the Dead. I get the subjective nature and time and place of music. I discovered Lynyrd Skynyrd years after college. When I heard their albums it was like a mallet up side my head, What the hell is this? and I’m still pissed that I lost 6-7 years with them.
Do I owe you anything for that shithouse psych diagnosis, Dr Freud?lolI'm gonna take it easy on you, Mr Emslander because I know you're a Catholic and I have agreed with your posts in the past. Deep down I think you are a decent American, and someone who I could get along with.IIRC, the problem first arose when you made the claim that Henry Kissinger was a "great man". Bad call with that, I'm afraid.And now you do the same with "Old Honest Abe the Railsplitter".Your handle obviously identifies you as an American of German descent. The largest immigrant population to the United States of America. Something to be proud of, for certain. Too many great German-Americans to list here. But I'm gonna go with Charles Lindbergh as one of my favorites.Unfortunately the cause that the majority of your ancestors fought for here in the US was wrong, regardless of the Victor's mythology claiming otherwise.Your belief regarding slavery ( the same EXACT same kind that the Yankees first enshrined into law, practiced and grew wealthy from ) matters very little, if at all, since you've already admitted that the war was not fought about slavery. http://slavenorth.com/I previously posted an essay about Yankee Federalists efforts to secede from the "Union". I guess they figured it was perfectly "legal" and Constitutional long before Old Abe and his greedy, bloodthirsty Radical Republican cohort decided it was not, huh?Also I might add a few details to your boilerplate Yankee bullshit.#1 Fort Sumter was unoccupied until Major Anderson and seven Federal troops did so under cover of darkness from nearby Ft Moultrie. This was after Mr Lincoln had given hi word that he would not do so while negotiations with various State authorities were ongoing. And then of course there's the fac that the people of Charleston fed and supplied the Federal troops even after the fort was blockaded. #2 There were no casualties at Ft Sumter. The War of Yankee Aggression actually began in Baltimore, when Mr Lincoln thought he could send Masshole troops through Maryland unscathed.He found out otherwise.https://www.baltimoremagazine.com/section/historypolitics/where-the-civil-war-began-2/In closing, you need to set aside your bullshit Yankee mythology and do a little more objective research on the matter.Replies: @Emslander
Are you having trouble with your ridiculous assumptions about people in other aspects of your life? I’m guessing you do.
In closing, you need to set aside your bullshit Yankee mythology and do a little more objective research on the matter.
That’s what I mean about the ridiculous assumptions you make from a few snippets of a person’s point of view. My ancestors arrived in the US in the 1840’s and spent their lives working for pittances for eastern capitalists who exploited the skills, competence and work ethic of Germans who settled in the Midwest. I’ve never heard anyone in my family having any interest in the problems of Southern slaveholders versus Yankee factory owners. They saved and bought farms on which they became free people until they were forced into a war in Europe against their cousins.
I do appreciate any of the kind words I was able to isolate from the silly parts of your comment. As for my more substantive responses, see my reply to Old Virginia, above.
Why’s it assumed that the Southern states must be part of the United States?
If you ask that question in the context of what it cost to force them back into the Union, then my answer would be that assumptions about results shouldn’t be determinative of the policies you have to follow to get there.
I think that slavery was a horrible institution. Maybe you don’t agree. Lincoln said many times that he thought it was a horrible institution. The effects of black men and women being owned by white men and women haunt us to this day. I’ve driven through the South a few times in recent years and I can still see and feel the effects of it.
However, was militarism a way to bring the institution to an end? Lincoln favored a payoff to slaveowners for the costs of freeing slaves and then resettling them in Africa or South America. He made offers to the border states, but they turned him down. His administration actually sponsored a settlement in Panama during the Civil War, which had mixed results. I’m of the opinion that a slave revolt would have eventually brought the system down.
Leaving the South to secede would have placed all the burdens of the institution on that flimsy regime. Giving it a war to fight was the best thing Lincoln did for it.
Let me correct you “ the rapes by Jews on the Euros and Yanks at university’s
None of this is true. I'm pro-rape, and Muslims rape females much more often than Europeans do. It isn't close.Replies: @NotAnonymousHere
The numbers committed by Euros and Yanks are out of this world. I know as I recall during university attendance in US the non-stop rape stats of co-eds by the sons of the well to do and managerial class
Andrew Anglin is also on the record as being pro-rape in his RFK thread. Don’t know if he’d be into Kevin Spacey roleplay but you should look him up!
Are you having trouble with your ridiculous assumptions about people in other aspects of your life? I’m guessing you do.
Do I owe you anything for that shithouse psych diagnosis, Dr Freud?
I’m gonna take it easy on you, Mr Emslander because I know you’re a Catholic and I have agreed with your posts in the past. Deep down I think you are a decent American, and someone who I could get along with.
IIRC, the problem first arose when you made the claim that Henry Kissinger was a “great man”. Bad call with that, I’m afraid.
And now you do the same with “Old Honest Abe the Railsplitter”.
Your handle obviously identifies you as an American of German descent. The largest immigrant population to the United States of America.
Something to be proud of, for certain. Too many great German-Americans to list here. But I’m gonna go with Charles Lindbergh as one of my favorites.
Unfortunately the cause that the majority of your ancestors fought for here in the US was wrong, regardless of the Victor’s mythology claiming otherwise.
Your belief regarding slavery ( the same EXACT same kind that the Yankees first enshrined into law, practiced and grew wealthy from ) matters very little, if at all, since you’ve already admitted that the war was not fought about slavery.
I previously posted an essay about Yankee Federalists efforts to secede from the “Union”. I guess they figured it was perfectly “legal” and Constitutional long before Old Abe and his greedy, bloodthirsty Radical Republican cohort decided it was not, huh?
Also I might add a few details to your boilerplate Yankee bullshit.
#1 Fort Sumter was unoccupied until Major Anderson and seven Federal troops did so under cover of darkness from nearby Ft Moultrie. This was after Mr Lincoln had given hi word that he would not do so while negotiations with various State authorities were ongoing. And then of course there’s the fac that the people of Charleston fed and supplied the Federal troops even after the fort was blockaded.
#2 There were no casualties at Ft Sumter. The War of Yankee Aggression actually began in Baltimore, when Mr Lincoln thought he could send Masshole troops through Maryland unscathed.
He found out otherwise.
In closing, you need to set aside your bullshit Yankee mythology and do a little more objective research on the matter.
That's what I mean about the ridiculous assumptions you make from a few snippets of a person's point of view. My ancestors arrived in the US in the 1840's and spent their lives working for pittances for eastern capitalists who exploited the skills, competence and work ethic of Germans who settled in the Midwest. I've never heard anyone in my family having any interest in the problems of Southern slaveholders versus Yankee factory owners. They saved and bought farms on which they became free people until they were forced into a war in Europe against their cousins.
In closing, you need to set aside your bullshit Yankee mythology and do a little more objective research on the matter.
I’m personally not upset about the War. We fought the good fight, all’s fair in love and war, we lost. My interest remains because I refuse to accept blame for any subsequent events, including to this day – you break it, you bought it. 160 years after a war that everything I read says we lost, blame your problems on somebody besides Lee, Davis or me. (Not you, personally.)
I’m with you about Lincoln’s prosecution of the War and frequent disavowal of interest in affecting slavery. I wish modern anti-South protagonists would allow that to prevail in popular understanding.
Why didn’t Lincoln retreat from Sumter instead of re-supplying? The island is South Carolina’s, no more property of the United States than Hong Kong is Britain’s.
Why’s it assumed that the Southern states must be part of the United States? They were sovereign states before the U.S.. The United States would be a great nation without the Southern states. They were contemptuous of the South before, during and since the War. Why did they want us? If the Confederate States had won, we’d still be friends – or jealous siblings, which is what we’d been since Jefferson and Hamilton – and allies, probably closer than with Canada.
If you ask that question in the context of what it cost to force them back into the Union, then my answer would be that assumptions about results shouldn't be determinative of the policies you have to follow to get there.
Why’s it assumed that the Southern states must be part of the United States?
You raise a good point, then as a followup YOU LIE. What is it with the Eric Cartmans of Unz? As of December 17, 1836 Fort Sumter belongs to the United States. South Carolina secession didn't mean they got to take it. The British never owned Hong Kong, they always rented and when the literal lease was up they skedoodled. Had 99 years to plan for it.
Why didn’t Lincoln retreat from Sumter instead of re-supplying? The island is South Carolina’s, no more property of the United States than Hong Kong is Britain’s.
Not a German-American, an American of Swedish descent.Replies: @Old Virginia, @GeneralRipper, @GeneralRipper
Too many great German-Americans to list here. But I’m gonna go with Charles Lindbergh as one of my favorites.
o.k…? but please tell me, who the hell is stan? i will beat the living shit, out of the impertinent bastard post hast.
The numbers committed by Euros and Yanks are out of this world. I know as I recall during university attendance in US the non-stop rape stats of co-eds by the sons of the well to do and managerial class
None of this is true. I’m pro-rape, and Muslims rape females much more often than Europeans do. It isn’t close.
I’m not in the conversion business so I don’t care what you like. BUT… if you like stuff that “sounds old” look into Charles Ives. Like Our Town set to music. Also R. Crumb & His Cheap Suit Serenaders. The fact that the GD started as a jug band will not be on the test.
The South wouldn’t settle simply for secession and Lincoln knew that they wouldn’t.
Are you having trouble with your ridiculous assumptions about people in other aspects of your life? I’m guessing you do.
You are correct about Lee not being in charge of anything at First Manassas. My bad.
Otherwise, I stand on my claim that the North would not have gone into the core Confederacy if they had not started attacking the US installations in their territory. It’s not that radical a claim, because Lincoln knew that they wouldn’t have been able to put up with federal pockets of armed force within their borders. He waited and then used the provocation as justification for war.
I’m not sure why you southerners are so upset. Lincoln kept slavery out of the conflict until the Emancipation Proclamation and even then he pushed it as only a military measure.
Simply admit that, once the South declared itself a separate entity, the decisions of both sides took inevitable paths. The North couldn’t abide a rebellious South and the South couldn’t abide Lincoln’s abolitionist leanings.
Slavery might have died naturally or the blacks may have staged a violent uprising if the South hadn’t seceded, but they knew that, too. Lincoln said it very clearly:
This nation cannot exist half slave and half free. A house divided cannot stand.
And another thing about them, they had two full drum sets/drummers on stage.
Gallatin, your rerouting the discussion here to the fake Muslim rape meme in Europe gives you away as the programmed Zio loud speaker that you are. Your job is obviously to foment Muslim – European anarchy (cannot say Christian, as most Europeans seem to have renounced the faith), repeating this fake rape accusation might stick with some low enders but not with anyone who studies the numbers.
Rape by Muslims is really very rare compared to non-Muslims! Like it or not, go and check statistics everywhere. The numbers committed by Euros and Yanks are out of this world. I know as I recall during university attendance in US the non-stop rape stats of co-eds by the sons of the well to do and managerial class.
Muslims basically are guided by Islamic teachings and how to live. Crime, rape and murder, and other evils are strictly prohibited and severely punished whether carried out in a Muslim or non Muslim community. Even contemplating such crimes are deemed an abomination to their soul.
This does not rule out the crimes committed by mind controlled Daesh or other “Islamic Jihadists” run and control by Western or other intel. These Zombies that were shipped to Europe after completing their massive criminal crimes against Syrian population. These Euro societies in a way are part to blame, To blame Muslims or to accuse rape as a Muslim degeneracy is just pure fantasia bigotry. Gallatin, piss off and take your talk trash elsewhere.
None of this is true. I'm pro-rape, and Muslims rape females much more often than Europeans do. It isn't close.Replies: @NotAnonymousHere
The numbers committed by Euros and Yanks are out of this world. I know as I recall during university attendance in US the non-stop rape stats of co-eds by the sons of the well to do and managerial class
Big iron on his hip.
I can’t explain it. But I’m not the typical ‘deadhead’ either. I like their albums, most of the deadheads like the live shows of which there are many, nearly every show through the years being recorded.
I would say, someone should look into the ‘wall of sound’ that they built, using 48 McIntosh amps, incredible.
And for a listen, check out the full album Terrapin Station.
Maybe it is like that old quote from Louis Armstrong about jazz, something to the effect “If you have to ask what Jazz it, you’ll never know…”
For what it is worth, I’ve always been a big heavy metal fan also.
Big Jew would never permit a school to mention God or the ten commandments in any public school. This was settled by the Supreme Court decades ago. Far more likely the Jews require a picture of Anne Frank in every classroom and heavy holocaust training with emphasis on the lamp shades and the soap
Replies: @Divanis, @gaedhal
“Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus…. I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus.†– Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Charles Thomson, January 9, 1816
You’re finally back! Where have you been all this time?
Here’s my chance. Would you please tell me what it is about the Grateful Dead. I’ve tried and tried and tried since the ’70s. I’ve concluded you had to be there, it’s the communal thing.
I like just about everything as long as it’s old or sounds old. I have 2000 lp’s and cd’s with little redundancy. I’ve got 3 or 4 bands and singers that I can listen to and talk about all night but mostly like good songs and records from anybody. With the Dead I listen and listen, waiting for something to happen.
For what it’s worth I’ve been whistling “Ripple” for two hours. I like their disco song from the ’70s too.
People like you assume you can escape Creation. That is the greta seduction. You have Free Will and so can choose to join with Lucifer in non serviam. And that will redeliver the world to Stan and all that goes with, which is very all we see taking over everything now.
There are just 2 options: It is either Christ and Christendom o-r all forms of anti-Christ and anti-christendom running wild, with Jews coming on top per capita more and more each decade,.
His argument was that differences in natural or acquired endowments didn’t entitle one man to own another.
His argument was a bit more than that. Lincoln asserted that government has ultimate authority over the mass of identical humans, and thus has all the rights of ownership over everybody everywhere. As we see today.
Observator: “As we remember our Declaration of Independence, remember that its author, Thomas Jefferson, proudly stated that he was an adherent of the great philosopher Epicurus, who held that the purpose of life was to enjoy its pleasures, in moderation guided by reason.”
Jefferson also claimed to be a Christian, but the two philosophies are irreconcilable. In the final analysis, he was more Christian than Epicurean. Certainly, Epicurus never suspected, and didn’t teach, that “all men are created equal, … endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights …”. Jefferson even claims this sophistry to be “self-evident”, but it surely wasn’t so to Epicurus, nor to anyone else prior to the advent of the Christian equality cult; a cult in which slave and free, Jew and non-Jew, and male and female are “one”, which is to say, equal to each other, and hence equally endowed with those mysterious, invisible, and supposedly inalienable “human rights”.
“Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern which have come under my observation, none appears to me so pure as that of Jesus…. I am a real Christian, that is to say, a disciple of the doctrines of Jesus.†– Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Charles Thomson, January 9, 1816
Stonewall Jackson could have ended Northern Aggression at Bull Run
without getting red in the face – unfortunately he was a gentleman.
I won’t comment on your claims other than RE Lee was not at First Manassas. He was in Richmond, in charge of nothing.
Curious and crucial mistakes, both Lee’s assignment and the claim.
I count Lincoln as the worst president of all time as he abused the intent of the framers in the most heinous way:
Once his war of the states killed a major portion of the populace while trying to be seen as a proponent of righteous natural law and freedom but he was the forefather of centralized government control and trail blazer for the evolution of taking away the states inherent real power under the Framers.
Once I looked closer at his duplicity John Wilkes Booth became a hero to me.
Reminds me of an article that I recently read from Wall Street Journal. Apparently written by a Jewish academic named Sam Goldman who also seems sympathetic to the Christian-nation idea, in some sense. Worth a read:
I agree with this author that when you see the full history of the United States, the idea of perfect secularism in public life, and indeed, lack of Christian protection by the government is NOT what you find.
What seems to be the intention of the early Americans is for humans to have “self-government,” which looks rather like our “Democracy,” but includes Christian references and logic (people frequently quoted the Bible in court cases all through the 1800’sand this was considered fine), but NOT a hegemonic Church or State institution governing it.
Roger Miller was brilliant. I miss him.
Straight out of Locke. Jefferson changes Locke's three Natural Rights from "life, liberty and property" to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" but the change is mostly stylistic. (Note, however, that Locke's rights appear in the Fifth Amendment in 1791).Now, here comes the key part that everyone ignores:
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
That's "governments," plural. Men in different nations form different governments to secure their rights as they see fit. Note again that the country was founded as "the United States," not the "United People." In other words it was, in Forrest MacDonald's phrase, "a nation of states," i.e. a nation of multiple governments to suit the people of the respective states.Very importantly, Jefferson does NOT say the purpose of government is to secure equal outcomes. The purpose of a government is to secure the rights of a given subset of people as they see fit. If the government does not do that, the people can revert back to Locke's State of Nature and secure their rights by themselves, until they form a replacement government that can do the job better than the previous one.Let's continue:
That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men
Again, different governments for different people. Literally every white politician from the Founding to the Civil War agreed that slavery was a violation of the rights of the Africans but that they should be deported to Africa when freed. It was not up to the government of the white people to secure their rights, the purpose of the government was to secure white people's rights.Jefferson says this explicitly in Notes on the State of Virginia: "when freed, [blacks] are to be removed beyond mixture" with whites.Liberia was founded so that the freed Africans could form a government to suit their own needs in their own native habitat. We have seen how well that worked out (LOL).But that is not our problem.Replies: @The Old Philosopher, @It's another unz poster, @Dutch Boy
"...deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
The removal of blacks from America (after their emancipation) was actually Lincoln’s position. The Southern slaveholders had no such intention, since black slaves were the source of their wealth and social position.
In 1857 in a 7-2 decision the US Supreme Court settled this hash of ideas in its ruling in the Dred Scott v Sanford case. Chief Just Roger Taney wrote the majority opinion. I encourage anyone who has not read Taney’s comments to do so. I think it is legally more important than The Declaration of Independence and second only to the US Constitution itself.
And BTW, it took a long and bloody civil war and several years of reconstruction in the South, backed by the bayonets of the US Army, to enable the liberal radicals of that day to undo Dred Scott v Sandford. With all things considered, the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments were never legally ratified. During the following century almost all of the anti-white laws that have followed the Civil War rest upon the legal foundation of the 14th Amendment, which is to say, they are all legally spurious.
How does one go about ordering a large sum of money to be used for that purpose?
In 1911, Jacob Schiff told his fellow Jews to spend a large sum of his money on starting war.
In much the same way that, in 2014, Victoria Nuland and her fellows spent $5 billion starting the US war in Ukraine.
Grateful Dead were not of any breed, they were their own, absolutely unique.
Sorry Muph, but the pedophilia epidemic among our politicians
has dictated a change. “Child rearing” is considered bad taste.
It was a document signed by Scottish nobles and addressed to the Pope declaring Scottish sovereignty and freedom without English subjugation.
The only major difference is the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 gave the Scottish monarch Robert I rule over Scotland.
The South didn’t rise up in rebellion. It seceded from the Union legally, peacefully, and democratically. The only reason there was a war is because the tyrant Lincoln didn’t respect the rights of the peoples of the various States to make their own decisions. Greatest President? I can’t think of any other President who got more than half a million Americans killed for nothing more than some screwball ideal. I hope he’s rotting in Hell.
Excellent post.
Here’s a good read which reveals just how wide and deep the hypocrisy goes.
Most of what these people mindlessly repeat is simply Yankee mythology, nothing more.
Straight out of Locke. Jefferson changes Locke's three Natural Rights from "life, liberty and property" to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" but the change is mostly stylistic. (Note, however, that Locke's rights appear in the Fifth Amendment in 1791).Now, here comes the key part that everyone ignores:
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
That's "governments," plural. Men in different nations form different governments to secure their rights as they see fit. Note again that the country was founded as "the United States," not the "United People." In other words it was, in Forrest MacDonald's phrase, "a nation of states," i.e. a nation of multiple governments to suit the people of the respective states.Very importantly, Jefferson does NOT say the purpose of government is to secure equal outcomes. The purpose of a government is to secure the rights of a given subset of people as they see fit. If the government does not do that, the people can revert back to Locke's State of Nature and secure their rights by themselves, until they form a replacement government that can do the job better than the previous one.Let's continue:
That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men
Again, different governments for different people. Literally every white politician from the Founding to the Civil War agreed that slavery was a violation of the rights of the Africans but that they should be deported to Africa when freed. It was not up to the government of the white people to secure their rights, the purpose of the government was to secure white people's rights.Jefferson says this explicitly in Notes on the State of Virginia: "when freed, [blacks] are to be removed beyond mixture" with whites.Liberia was founded so that the freed Africans could form a government to suit their own needs in their own native habitat. We have seen how well that worked out (LOL).But that is not our problem.Replies: @The Old Philosopher, @It's another unz poster, @Dutch Boy
"...deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
The Declaration of Arbroath which declared Scottish independence from Britain in the 14th century also inspired the Declaration of Independence.
Many of the signers of the Declaration were Scottish or of Scottish descent.
Thanks a bunch, Jim. It’s always enlightening to hear from someone
expounding on the political philosophy of guys who boasted,
“I can almost remember my name.”
You must know that many of those old street people in SF are
geriatric Deadheads, but the GD were best of breed.
People getting fleeced $1200 to see Taylor Swift
proves that unnatural selection is winning out.
Reared is the correct word, as people of my generation were brought up to know. You REAR children, but RAISE livestock and crops.
You sound pathetic, and are, that you seem to get off, maybe even in some sort of queer sexual way, mocking Christianity, something that you clearly have no understanding of. You comment merely shows how the joke is on you, not those you mock.
The South wouldn’t settle simply for secession and Lincoln knew that they wouldn’t.
Total, unmitigated BULLSHIT!
And the worst part is you Yankee retards know it, but spout it nonstop nevertheless.
It’s no accident that ALL of the disgusting chickenhawk (((Neocon))) filth who have presided over the numerous (and on going) disasters in the Middle East, as well as the Excellent Ukraine Adventure are enthusiastic fanbois of Old Abe and his looting Union rabble.
I take great satisfaction in the fact that Booth put a .44 slug in that shit-talking cunt tyrant’s head.
May they someday receive the same exact justice.
unprovoked Indian hostility
“Great Southern Land” – Icehouse
Religions answer questions that cannot be answered by observation, and logic (either inductive or deductive).
Examples (grossly exaggerated):
Q: Since people could not observe molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, how is it that man can understand these things and others in the physical universe?
A: (Christian): God had a plan to create the universe. Man was made in the image of God. Therefore, man has some of God’s understanding of the universe.
A: (Islamic): Man cannot understand nature, and it is only the generosity of Allah that permits the illusion that man can understand nature.
A: (Buddhism): Nature is an illusion, there is nothing to understand.
A: (Shinto): Shut up, worship, and obey the Emperor. Your life is the Emperors’ to expend. Nothing else is important.
A: (Hinduism): There are holy men, and there are rituals. Respect both and you might ascent the karmic order in your next life. Nothing else is important.
If you do anything else, give supreme power to anybody except God, you end up with a Democrat claiming that she and her allies will blow the Party apart if Kamala Harris isn’t the Party’s Presidential candidate (as in: https://www.wnd.com/2024/07/blow-party-delegate-warns-black-gals-will-destroy-dems-pick-white-man-kamala/ ). Or, as Carlson points out ( https://www.wnd.com/2024/07/watch-tucker-carlson-take-country-away/ ), you can find that the government is taking your country away from you by apologizing for your presence.
And if you accept God’s or some historical figure’s statement about what is important, you still have to watch out for “esoteric reading”, re-definition of words to mean something quite different.
Fourth of July; a day for picnics, barbecue, a day off from work, some fireworks at nite…. This year all I can think of is those people in Gaza getting starved and bombed out of their homes. And what is happening in the Ukraine is just a bad. And much to the credit of our wonderous U.S. government who is out supporting the adventures for world domination by a decrepid few. It makes me think of all the past history of this country of ours, the U.S.A. which did genocide the native population in North America. So much for celebration; celebrating what? I am sorry if I just chilled the hoo-haa of your holiday, but don’t blame me the messenger. Blame it on Genocide Joe who instigated much of this murderous calamity going on right now. By the way did he decide to stop running for re-election yet? If so, then maybe I do have something to celebrate.
The framers intentions were european diversity not worldwide diversity. The usurping cunts who have destroyed this nation have brainwashed a generation of people to think otherwise. They are able to exert power because they are fat and happy. Take away food and electricity and their power vanishes. Whether an asteroid or some other calamity befalls this world, then we have our lives back. In time small communities of like minded people will form with zero tolerance for outsiders with slick tongues and easy money. Please understand that I don’t want this to happen but it seems like our only way of getting our lives back is with the destruction of this nightmare called the nwo. Call it a real “reset”.
Blacks represent fewer than 13% of our population
Jews represent fewer than 3% of our population.
Stop voting for candidates who promise to succor those minorities.
Interesting. So is your claim that the Confederate States of America wanted to take over the U.S.A. by force of arms and lord over a populace (here I mean the Northern citizenry, or some part of it) who were against their national project? And that Lincoln basically acted defensively and protected America from a cabal of aggressive, antidemocratic tyrants? This part of history is not my wheelhouse, but I haven’t heard that one before.
It was they who imported the Buh-lacks and later the Browns. During this period, the Russians did not import anyone. They picked their own cotton.
Time and experience have coerced me to favor a confederation association of independent states, rather than a “constitutional republic”-which like most terms and titles has lost meaning, progressively.
Let’s take and inductive view of instances of success and viability, and then lose ourselves in abstractions, deductive proclamations and quotations of “exspurts”.
I used to extol the virtues of the Swiss Canton system, where small size, local governance, and independent thinking were the standard. That has progressively rotted to the trend of the times, which is greater centralization and globalism-control from outside the country, in all aspects. Death by a thousand cuts.
But the best example of the combination of local-national spectrum of ideal functioning is the Russian Federation.
The declining, poisoned, sick, weak, and increasingly entropic JUSA looks are Russia and says:
“I hear tell you’re doing well and good things have come to you. I wish I had your happiness and you had a doo-wacka-do-wacka-do.” (Like I do).
The Founders would be absolutely fucking horrified at non-Whites and women voting and holding office.
The South wouldn’t settle simply for secession and Lincoln knew that they wouldn’t. They attacked the United States military forts along the coast and the Union defended itself. Almost no warfare took place until Lee threatened Washington at Manassas.
The South wouldn’t settle simply for secession and Lincoln knew that they wouldn’t.
‘Lincoln was as honest as any politician can be and still survive and govern effectively.’ — 24th Alabama
I know my uncle, he’s as honest as me
Hey now, I’m as honest as a Denver man can be
Now I love those Southrons, I love their gold
Love old Lincoln, God rest his soul
Taught me good, Lord, taught me all I know
Taught me so well, that I grabbed that gold
And I left his dead ass there by the side of the road
— Grateful Dead, Me and My Uncle
The column has some references to the “thirteen colonies,” looking up Delaware, its Separation Day state holiday, etc. might be of interest concerning that number.
Replies: @Jim H
You can’t go home again.
The Colorado of my youth was a majority White, conservative state with a few Mexicans. The rest of America poked fun at us claiming that we were an unsophisticated “cowboy†state.
Years have passed, and that Colorado is gone. Now Denver looks like what you would expect if you moved Calcutta to Mexico. A horde of obese brown people chattering in Spanish amongst dim witted illegals from Africa smoking dope on the streets. Psychotic and filthy bums scream at the sky. Housing is unaffordable. Crime is skyrocketing.
The governor is a Democrat homosexual that opposes Christianity.
On the local TV morning news a blonde woman, sitting next to a black anchor, is breathlessly warning us about the dangers of Trump.
‘[Colorado’s] governor is a Democrat homosexual that opposes Christianity.’ — RAMZPAUL, quoted by Priss Factor
Why all the circumlocution? Jared Schutz Polis is a Jew catamite, congenitally disposed to hate Christianity.
In September 2021, Polis married his longtime partner, Marlon Reis, in a small Jewish Renewal ceremony at a synagogue in Boulder.
As with snarky jokes about the Soviet regime, whispered in private, Americlowns now are obliged to tiptoe around the Jewish elephant in the room. We can refer to his gigantic trunk and his leathery skin. But never, ever to his defining tribal affiliation.
That’s antisemitism awareness, my goyische friends!
The South didn’t rise up in rebellion. It seceded from the Union legally, peacefully, and democratically. The only reason there was a war is because the tyrant Lincoln didn’t respect the rights of the peoples of the various States to make their own decisions. Greatest President? I can’t think of any other President who got more than half a million Americans killed for nothing more than some screwball ideal. I hope he’s rotting in Hell.
Excellent post.
The South didn’t rise up in rebellion. It seceded from the Union legally, peacefully, and democratically. The only reason there was a war is because the tyrant Lincoln didn’t respect the rights of the peoples of the various States to make their own decisions. Greatest President? I can’t think of any other President who got more than half a million Americans killed for nothing more than some screwball ideal. I hope he’s rotting in Hell.
“A more perfect union” didn’t mean “making the world a better place”. It meant. “a more advantageous alliance of the various States”. And this was accomplished, in the minds of the drafters of the Constitution, by the Constitution itself. It was not some vision of Utopia to be realized in the future. The folks at the AJC are idiots at best, and lying skanks at worst.
Bradford's understanding of the Founding and its subversion by Lincoln should be required reading in all High Schools. But that would be ridiculous in within our dumbed down educational system. No question about it, Honest Abe was the end of the any traditional understanding of the US. Pretty much anything that has happened after 1865 has no relevance to the Founding.
A brief survey of the writings of such distinguished historians and researchers as M. E. Bradford...
#28 : “He had ordered a large sum of money used for that purpose.”
How does one go about doing that?
@the author: 10 Commandments? You mean THE FIRST TEN don’t you? There are 613. List them all.
This Louisiana non-sense is definitely an establishment of religion, beginning as it does with “I am the Lord your God” and how the fuck is it any of the public school’s bidness what I do on Sunday? I like to spend it masturbating to the 10 Commandments but the school has no business commanding me to do that.
It bears rememberizing that the Jewish religion relied at its founding on a willingness to kill one’s own child if the voices say so. That’s not a club I want to join. Until Christianity officially repudiates murder of one’s own child, eff them and their family too, now let’s talk about the game.
In the words of a great American, Frank Booth: “F*** that sh**! Pabst Blue Ribbon!”
@various other commenters: “Bank of England”, “City of London”, “Synagogue of Satan”, “(((your text here)))”… these are shibboleths that allow the Real Man, the Natural Man to identify the Man Who Simply Cannot Cope. The WUSS if you will, and you will. Wym-Man Under Super Stress.
Politics is the art of deceit, expedience and compromise, and necessarily so.
Lincoln was as honest as any politician can be and still survive and govern
effectively. His humility saved him from becoming the tyrant many believed
him to be, and his death was a tragedy for the South.
hey joe, thanks for pointing the absurd nature of rebel goy’s absurd claim that i am posting hasbara. it of makes me wonder, how anybody could take my repeated calls for an abolition of zionism, to be some how supporting their dark vision of jewish supremacy. they couch this in this term, in order hide the true meaning of their intent. nobody wants to support jewish supremacism (other than some jews themselves), but zionism softens the ugly reality of their primitive views, by painting it in a quasi-religious light, of a long suufering people, finally being able to return to their homeland, due their unflinching devotion to god.
nothing could be further from the truth. this is the true hasbara and there are many orthodox jews, that understand this and have called “the state of israel” an abomination unto their god, protesting in the streets next to their palestinian brothers and sisters for decades. they are called self hating jews and you’ll notice, the adl does not call that smear, an act of anti-semitism. no this zionist hasbara is not intended for domestic consumption, it is intended more for fundamentalist conservative christians, that interpret the bible literally and believe the earth is 6,000 y.o., you know morons, err ahh, i mean mormons, that love this zionist fabrication because it justifies their own primitive beliefs and supremacist views.
until people understand that zionism is not religious in nature and it in fact, is nothing but an act of overt racial supremacy, the genocide of the palestinians will continue. zionism and all forms of supremacy must be called out for what they are and the world is awakening to this fact as we speak. there is no amount of money that can put the genie back into the bottle and the entire western zioneocon empire will be destroyed by their subservience, and total corruption to this dark agenda. israel is a millstone they have tied round their necks, that will drag them and their financial parasitism down, the very cosmos itself will see to this. this is a new day and age and the parasitic overlords will not be able to “reset” their dark age, their day is done, their race is run, on earth as it is in the heavens.
For this one time only, I almost agree with you.
It meant all men of a certain humanistic education (Greek and Latin) and of a certain independence of fortune acquired or maintained by their own efforts proving they had both theoretical and practical brains. Many Whites were excluded too. Mere farmhands and castle in the air building vagrant artists were not to be counted as fully human. A few orientals were to be admitted but that was the exception.
Meh. I’m as big a fan of Ancient Rome as anyone, but this seems like a stealthy way to deemphasize the much vaster influence of actual Western culture — i.e., Christianity to Luther to Enlightenment — on the ideals of the Founding Fathers.
Jefferson was into Epicurus; cool. Washington was into Don Quixote. All of the Founders were demonstrably into the (then still contemporary) writings of John Locke. Not to mention that the words “God” and capital C “Creator” obviously made it into the Declaration several times… whereas I can’t positively identify anything even remotely Roman in there.
You can’t go home again.
The Colorado of my youth was a majority White, conservative state with a few Mexicans. The rest of America poked fun at us claiming that we were an unsophisticated “cowboy†state.
Years have passed, and that Colorado is gone. Now Denver looks like what…
— RAMZPAUL (@ramzpaul) July 4, 2024
You can’t go home again.
The Colorado of my youth was a majority White, conservative state with a few Mexicans. The rest of America poked fun at us claiming that we were an unsophisticated “cowboy†state.
Years have passed, and that Colorado is gone. Now Denver looks like what you would expect if you moved Calcutta to Mexico. A horde of obese brown people chattering in Spanish amongst dim witted illegals from Africa smoking dope on the streets. Psychotic and filthy bums scream at the sky. Housing is unaffordable. Crime is skyrocketing.
The governor is a Democrat homosexual that opposes Christianity.
On the local TV morning news a blonde woman, sitting next to a black anchor, is breathlessly warning us about the dangers of Trump.
The Lincoln movement was the first of the great federal government crusades and it preceded the unfortunate string of government overreaches that now finds in its authority the permission for killing babies in the womb, the restriction of the normal uses of land and other natural resources, a wanton overrunning of the established border, the forced injections into our bodies of its chosen cures, the provocations of wars with nations on the other side of the planet and for arming an artificial iteration of an Old Testament nation in its elimination of indigenous Palestinians.
Given that, I don’t see how “equality” which actually means equality before the power of the government has caused these things. You’re reaching.
The War Between the States wasn’t fought to end slavery, strictly speaking, but to prohibit the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired territories. It could have been limited to something like the Indian Wars in the West but became a national bloodletting because the South rose up in rebellion.
Don’t put this on Lincoln. He was the greatest of our Presidents, followed closely by Eisenhour.
In His Own Words: Abraham Lincoln on Banking
“Through thirty three years of public life, [Lincoln] would demonstrate a deep commitment to federally controlled banking.” – Gabor S. Boritt, Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream (1989) Speech Concerning the State Bank January 11, 1837
Oct 23, 2014 Thomas DiLorenzo – The Real Abe Lincoln
From The Tom Woods Show, Professor Thomas DiLorenzo shares the gist of his scholarly works on Abe Lincoln. He demonstrates the reality of Abe is very different from the fairly tale version taught in government schools.
Abraham Lincoln, like most politicians and Humpty Dumpty, preferred obscurity over precision in his pronouncements:
“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.â€
― Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
Yeap ,tovarishch ! The Gringos don’t know that Mexican country is in fact Estados Unidos de Mexico ( United States of Mexico or USM ). ” Mexico” from Latin and in Spanish that’s “Mejico” ( Mehico). Both are Masonic creations. Both are failed states.