Sorry to hear it. Glad to hear you tried. So much for ‘amnesty’.
Got booted off in less than a day.
Jewish Power will use and abuse everything on the basis of "Is it good for the Jews?"
The Confederacy was financed by jews, led by a jew, to defend jewish slave traders and jewish plantations.
Jews are smarter
What bullshit. ‘Are more nepostic’, ‘More self-promotional’, ‘into long-term infiltration’, sure.
I would like to hear, from a genuine southerner, with knowledge of the history, an opinion on Cold Mountain, the novel not the poor movie.
I once asked Boyd Cathey, but he doesn’t reply to anything here.
Priss/JF chose not to try the Twitter amnesty.
A wise choice considering the recent re-banning of many who did, particularly upsetting to Anglin, clearly cut up by it for a week or so.
Not to mock Andre at all, but I never made an account there, it always seemed a little stupid to me.
In the second quarter of the nineteenth century, a system developed in the South where the greatest need for new slaves was the deep south and Texas. Since importation of new slaves was illegal after 1818, the “new slaves” were bred in places like Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee, then “sold down the river” to the deeper south and west. Breeding slaves from existing slaves could be very lucrative.
I agree with you that different regions of the South were worse for poor Whites and we’re probably arguing about two different things. I do believe there was a more distinct class system in certain parts of the South than in the rest of the US, mainly because of the vast wealth difference between wealthy and poor Whites. There was, after the War Between the States, a camaraderie between rich and poor Whites, made necessary by the large negro population, that was admirable. There were also a group of rich Southerners who weren’t above using the negro as a weapon against other Whites. Are there any rich Whites left, North or South, who stand with their less wealthy brethren?
The notion of aristocracy he’s debunking is precisely the kind being promoted in the comments here, namely a British style distant aristocracy with no connection to the common people.
“Do you really believe the descendants of wealthy Englishmen, who in most cases were the Southern aristocrats, felt any kinship to the Scotch and Scotch-Irish?â€
Do you really believe family money was passed down proportionately among the sons of the British aristocracy (it wasn’t -primogeniture) who by the turn of the beginning of the 18th century constituted an infinitesimal proportion of the British population in the South? And if you imagine that the majority of large southern landowners by the 19th century were resistant to intermarrying with Scots, Scots Irish and Germans you are delusional.
The descendants of wealthy Englishmen who had substantial inheritances and were unwilling to intermarry with Scots, Irish or Germans were not “in most cases†the Southern aristocrats outside of VA or South Carolina and probably not even in those states. Most were self made.
Poupon writes with the same confident ignorance seen in the comments of Jenner Ickham Errican another commenter on this site. Can’t help wondering . . .
Read the book.
W. J. Cash
In The Mind of the South, Cash tried to debunk the idea of an “aristocratic†Old South and a “progressive†New South and sought to describe the romanticism, antiintellectualism, and prejudice that he believed arose from a peculiar Southern climate, landscape, frontier violence, clannishness, and Calvinism.
The son of Carolina Piedmont Baptists, Cash graduated in 1922 from Wake Forest College (North Carolina), attended a year of law school, and then taught in college and a boys’ school for two years. He then turned to journalism, working over the years mainly for the Charlotte News (North Carolina) as an editor and contributing articles to H.L. Mencken’s American Mercury. Turning against his inherited values and becoming staunchly liberal, he scorned religious fundamentalism and Prohibition, regretted what he considered a Southern malaise, and attacked fascism overseas. The manuscript of The Mind of the South was completed in July 1940, he married in December, and the book was published in February 1941. The critical acclaim won him, among other things, a Guggenheim Fellowship, which he used to go to Mexico to work on a novel about the South. There, however, he became physically and mentally ill and hanged himself in a Mexico City hotel room.
In The Mind of the South, Cash tried to debunk the idea of an “aristocratic†Old South and a “progressive†New South and sought to describe the romanticism, antiintellectualism, and prejudice that he believed arose from a peculiar Southern climate, landscape, frontier violence, clannishness, and Calvinism.
Addendum: American Southern Men are cruel and display extreme hatred of cats, leading them to inflict injury and death upon felines. No other region or people, except Latinos exhibit this pathology.
Just reading the excerpt of your reference demigod, Cash, underwhelms me. Did you not get or apprehend the internal contradiction in his writing? He oozes mediocrity, superficiality, a lack of serious scholarship or robustness of theme or advocacy. Forgettable, Salvation Army repository.,
You are also a dim bulb who has no more toes to stub. That video I posted is made by a university professor of Southern Anthropological History and has referenced, PLURAL. You poltroon.
Charles Bolton
Professor University of North Carolina, Greensboro->History
“Poor Whites of the Antebellum South”
Poor Whites represented 20 to 30 percent of the Whites of the Antebellum South. Look at the photos and listen to this dispassionate descriptive narrative of his. This is really a commiseration of scholarly research.
Another source book: “The Confessions of Edward Isham. Poor White Life of the Old South”.
It was wonderful, living the simple life of “being so close to Nature, for Whites. Taking cue and nod from Cheeses Kereist hisself, they practiced and welcomed the humility placed upon them as many Negro slaves looked down upon them, because they felt better off. Oh The “Spirit of the South”!! Oh yeah. Who dat?
And according to you they received rapture and satifaction knowing that their White “cousins” were masters of The South and overlords of people coercised by violence, torture, murder and deliberate impregnation of Negro women, to better provide units for working in the fields. And they were happy!! Why else did they sing so often while bending over and picking cotton?
As I mentioned, I had been in and around Southerns my whole life. Immersed but then removed, so I was able to perceive up close and from a distance perspective. Plus, being a big believer in cross-cultural comparisons and analyses, I see into the Southern geist and Rorschach from different angles. You, on the other hand, are a limited horizon, limited intellect-it seems-and don’t have the balls do objectively criticism and apply rigor of analysis of Southerness.
Southerners have a love of flourishing phrases, circumlocutions were direct statements are adequate, and use various personal affectations to draw attention away from their rather overall shallowness of knowledge and lack of study. Form wins out over function, frequently.
Inside every authentic Southerner is a rooted persona of rural, pastoral context and subtle and subliminal basis of thought and action. Years ago while traveling in Spain, I was exposed to Spanish organ music. Typically smaller and operating in the higher register due to size, (think of the Irish Harp in relation to the orchestral variety), my European cathedral and organ tour focused on the Iberian variant. As I read about its origenesis, devleopment, etc, etc, there was a comment by a Spanish composer that put this instrument its composition is context. “He exclaimed that Spain was a simpler culture than that of the Northern Countries and did not have the intense intellectual tradition of those, but the Spanish people were diligent, proud and sincere. Well, that’s OK. But I mention this in relating and comparing the South with the North, then and now.
One notable historical aspect that I remember reading in grade school. It was history in the post Independence epoch. It told of family farmers that cleared forests in the Eastern Seaboard States-like clear cutting in the Amazon-farming until the soil was depleted, and then moving on to virgin forested lane to bleach and extract it nutrients. When there was not more land to farm in this fashion, these dullards and dittoheads were forced to migrate further and further West, supporting the displacement of Native Amercans from their traditional land, through lying, cheating, fraud and genocide. “Shining Light On a Hill”(of skulls of mass killings).
In analagous terms, The South can be compared to contemporary Ukraine, in many respects. Meaning, in many ways, it cannot get some respect.
No, I don’t have an “ideation” I want you to disprove. I disagree with you. There was an element of benevolence in some of the aristocrats, but I’d say that was a small number. The poor in the South were much poorer than the poor in the North. There was less upward mobility in the South than in the North and the wealthy weren’t above using blacks as a cudgel against any actions taken by poor Whites trying to increase their wages.
There is something in what you say about certain areas of the South, but that isn’t true throughout the South. Do you really believe the descendants of wealthy Englishmen, who in most cases were the Southern aristocrats, felt any kinship to the Scotch and Scotch-Irish? To the poor Welsh-American or Irish-American? There was solidarity between Whites, as long as poor Whites stayed on the reservation.
“Do you want to go state by state in this format to find the few examples of poorer Whites being accepted by the upper classes in the South?â€
You’ve failed to understand the premise of Mind of the South that there was a deliberate effort by the upper class to be seen as a benevolent aristocracy by other Whites. You also fail to understand exactly how small the gene pool was in the characteristic small southern towns inhabited by the same small number of families over generations. Places where political contests often were reduced to loyalty according to degree of relation.
You have a broad bullshit ideation that you want me to disprove. I’m not going to do that because WJ Cash already has. Read the book rather than being pig headed in your ignorance.
Do you want to go state by state in this format to find the few examples of poorer Whites being accepted by the upper classes in the South? How about Virginia? The Carolinas? Are you arguing there were no class distinctions in Georgia or Louisiana? Where do you suppose the term “White trash” came from? It wasn’t Philadelphia. The South had a very rigid class system in most cases. There are always exceptions to every rule and because it was America, there was an opportunity to rise out of the poorer classes, then through intermarriage gain some access to the wealthy White culture, just as in England a man of extraordinary talent could be granted a title. Because of the war, many of the wealthy class became poor, or gained a great respect for those who fought under them, but poor Whites were often treated very poorly and class was, and in many cases still is, a dominant feature of Southern society. No matter what this Cash fellow wrote. Johnny Cash probably disagreed with him, too.
This book would be a good start.,_American_Freedom
“Poor Whites, the vast majority of Southerners, descendents of the Scotch and Scotch-Irish, as well as other poorer people in England were not considered “cousins†by the ruling classes in Dixie.â€
You have an underdeveloped notion of what constitutes Dixie and when and who the landowners were.
Tennessee and western GA was unsettled until 1760s/‘70s. There were descendants of Brits who arrived in VA early to mid.17th century but the TN/GA arrivals didn’t get there until 2-3 or more generations had gone by. There were plenty of non inheriting opportunity seekers among them. No, they were not landed aristocracy when they arrived.
The remainder of the South was settled even later. The Indians and their Spanish Allies were still in control as far East as AL as late as 1790s/1800. The US Supreme act didn’t sort out property disputes to most of AL until 1810. The new arrivals creating farms and plantations in these new and undeveloped southern soon to be states were not aristocrats but their poorer cousins and non-aristocratic more recent arrivals.
My own family were among the first settlers of these newly opened territories and they came to be large landowners and yes they and their cousins developed an culture of interrelated sympathy which persists to this day much as described by WJ Cash who was born into an poor family in North Carolina and who had no reason to embellish. I’ve provided just some of the authority supporting my position, if you think you have superior sources of authority please provide it but don’t contradict if you don’t know.
You misunderstand class and the origin of the Southern Planters. The wealthy slave owners were descended from the younger sons of the wealthy in England who were granted huge tracts of land by English governors in the colonies. The same rigid class system that existed in England was transported to the Southern colonies. Poor Whites, the vast majority of Southerners, descendents of the Scotch and Scotch-Irish, as well as other poorer people in England were not considered “cousins” by the ruling classes in Dixie. A kinship of sorts developed during and after the War Between the States, but class differences were still strictly enforced. White sharecroppers didn’t get invited to the boss’s table anymore than the dark ones.
Thanks. I did not know that. So where did the 800,000 Black slaves come from then? Were they still coming in from Africa, or did they come from elsewhere in the States, or were they shipped in from the Caribbean or South America? I mean, prior to 1810, where were the Black Slaves being worked? Was it mostly in Virginia and the Carolinas? How about Mississippi, Georgia, Louisiana at this time? Is there a good resource I can look at showing where the slaves were and how many there were during, say, 1650 to 1860?
The clearing of Alabama as a wilderness didn’t get started until the early 19th century. The states further west were later. Title to most of the land in Alabama, held by the various Yazoo land companies, wasn’t resolved by the US Supreme Court until 1810.
You are correct across the board. Thanks. Your comments are essential reading for me.
“Problems for non-slaveholding whites continued accruing throughout the 1840s, right on the heels of the economic recession, as over 800,000 slaves poured into the Deep South, displacing unskilled and semi-skilled white laborers.”
What? 800,000 slaves poured into the Deep South? I thought they were already there. Was this a new influx? If so, where did they come from? Were they transplanted from the Caribbean, South America or other parts of the U.S.?
Gotta keep those labor costs down! Gee, where have we heard this before? Oh, yeah, with the offshoring of jobs to China for the past 50 years, which again benefitted the upper classes, but destroyed the working class.
Scheme after scheme is hatched in order to make a few people wealthy, and the list is long. Look what bringing Blacks into the country has done. It was disastrous for Black people, but it has also been disastrous for White people.
Destruction of countries. When they’re done, they just move on to the next scheme. The word “country” means nothing to these parasites.
Addendum: not only are you apparently ignorant of the thesis lying at the heart of perhaps the most celebrated work in history/sociology of the South you offered to support your claims an tv piece focusing on migrant white labor. As if the critical determinant of local culture relations between whites in the South was not its permanent and multigenerational residents but it’s migrant laborers.
“The thesis of your comment is so fatuous and fantasist, that plain evidence of want and deprivation of Whites during slavery, being an incontestable fact, is synonymous with misery, malnutrition, and passed on misery to innocent children.â€
In other words you are completely unfamiliar with Cash’s work and have an superficial familiarity of the South based on experiences of Texas that by your description suggest not even your own lifespan much less that of many generations. So here’s a short bit on Cash about whom it would be good for you to familiarize yourself.
“Cash delivered the final pages of his manuscript for The Mind of the South to his publisher in late July 1940, over a decade after he first published the article that gave the volume its title. An ambitious work, the book affirmed that the South’s history, as envisioned in the image of “the Old South,” remained a strong influence on twentieth-century southern society. Unlike other regions of the United States, the past bound the South to specific patterns of race relations, gender roles, and community identities that prevailed despite the upheavals of technology, mass marketing, and urbanization. “So far from being modernized,” Cash wrote in his introduction about the region, “In many ways it has actually always marched away, as to this day it continues to do, from the present toward the past.”
“While emphasizing the importance of a frontier mentality on the southern mentality, Cash looked to the cotton boom years from 1820 to 1860 as the crucial years of southern history. It was the latter period that southern elites used after the Civil War to create a mythological past for the South, one based on the dominance of the planter class in unity with other whites, regardless of economic status. This racist bond worked not only to the detriment of African-Americans, but against poor whites as well. As Cash observed, the myths that the southern elites invoked to retain their dominance over the rest of society were so powerful that “The grand outcome was the almost complete disappearance of economic and social focus on the part of the masses.” Translated into a “democracy of feeling” that demanded political and economic deference from poor whites in exchange for recognition of “the common brotherhood of white men,” this bond reinforced the racial hierarchy of slavery well into the twentieth century. As Cash wrote, modern southern society fixed upon a seemingly “ever-growing concern with white superiority and an ever-growing will to mastery of the Negro” in order to reassure poor whites that “a white man, any white man, was in some sense a master.” As in the Old South, “Economic and social considerations remained, as ever, subordinate to those of race—and country.”
If you had ever read his book, which you clearly haven’t, Cash elaborates on the above theme by identifying the strong hold kinship held in the South over generations by kinfolk at all stages of the social hierarchy, a condition that persists in the not yet urbanized parts of the region.
If you were from an old southern family this wouldn’t need to be explained to you, but you clearly do not possess such an heritage.
Were it not for The State of Israel, what country would most Americans be patriotic to?
Tucker Carlson calls the forces upon us to be “irrational”. Doesn’t seem to understand it’s rational and the force is Jewish power.
Cassius Clay (Ali) refused induction into the military because he’d just won the heavyweight title and was at the height of his earnings potential. He was, at first, ruled ineligible for the draft because he couldn’t read or write. That status was changed when his anti-White statements became annoying to the establishment of the time. Clay was a huckster, loyal to himself, not his “brothers”. How much of his earnings did he use to uplift any little black child?
The thesis of your comment is so fatuous and fantasist, that plain evidence of want and deprivation of Whites during slavery, being an incontestable fact, is synonymous with misery, malnutrition, and passed on misery to innocent children.
You display a lack of comprehension, an inanimate level of stupidity pulled out of the ether of a toilet chamber, small, no fan, and subsequent to a massive crap. What is wrong with you? Telling the big wide world that being cousins of White plantation land owners was enough to compensate for no work, having to be itinerant to seek employment, and having no possessions of significance. These are the exact same folks as the hillbillies of West Virginia, of popular lore.
I declare you a dunce and charlatan. You cannot draw a breath and say you care about the South. This recitation washes away the stench of your argument:
“Civil wars aren’t neat . . .â€
Sure, but it wasn’t a Civil War. It was an invasion.
“Slavery was a cruel foil against the poor, working Whites. It benefitted the piss elegant, pretentious plantation owners who were parodies of French aristocracy and British effeminate home whore till culture.â€
In other words, it benefited the cousins of the working whites. Cousins they were by and large proud of. If you’d spent as much time understanding the South as you claim you’d know this. WJ Cash gives a good explanation in Mind of the South.
Add stealing land from the Indians and selling it, and collecting the whiskey tax, two prime sources of revenue. Also the Navy suppressing piracy and illegal transoceanic slave trade and acting as an advance guard in protecting against invaders.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @Curle
At the time, the only responsibilities that the federal government had was to coin lawful money, run a post office, and have the ability to gather troops to repel invasions, nothing more.
“two prime sources of revenue.â€
But not as prime as cotton tariffs which I’ve heard characterized as the most significant source of federal revenue or do you know that characterization to be wrong? The characterization puts the importance of Sumpter into perspective.
Consider Robert E. Lee. The Civil War arrived to tear his loyalties apart. He considered himself a Virginian. This is how it went, on down the line. This was not unusual.
It’s a totally alien concept for today’s Americans. It has become completely foreign. How rich is that? To become truly native, one must become completely foreign. A “Virginian”? It’s a notion deprived of any real force anymore. It’s more like an address than anything else today. An administrative zone.
The Union expected Robert E. Lee to war against his own people, his own kith and kin. It did. That is what he would have had to do to avoid the inevitable charges of treason and rebellion.
Civil wars aren’t neat and easy, they are filled with inversions.
Perhaps you can flourish and rapture this underreported phenomenon:
Poor Whites and the Labor Crisis in the Slave South
While studies on southern slaveholders, yeomen, and even the enslaved abound, relatively little has been written about the Deep South’s white working-class. My new book, Masterless Men: Poor Whites and Slavery in the Antebellum South, seeks to illuminate the lives of about one-third of the cotton belt’s whites, who owned neither land nor slaves. By doing so, we can understand more about the labor crisis and class tensions that helped to bring on the Civil War.
Although life had never come easy for the region’s poor, the financial upheaval of the Panic of 1837 devastated the vulnerable lower classes and rendering many small landholders landless. Problems for non-slaveholding whites continued accruing throughout the 1840s, right on the heels of the economic recession, as over 800,000 slaves poured into the Deep South, displacing unskilled and semi-skilled white laborers. By this time, the profitability and profusion of plantation slavery had rendered most low-skilled white workers superfluous, except during the bottleneck seasons of planting and harvest. Shut out from much of the Deep South’s agricultural work, many poor white laborers spent the late-antebellum period experiencing long bouts of unemployment or underemployment. Though impoverished whites were never subjected to the daily violence and degrading humiliations of racial slavery, they did suffer tangible socio-economic consequences as a result of living in a slave society.
Whites causing misery to Whites. Sounds familiar, eh? But the Jews in the antebellum South did very well, in league with the Plantation owners?
The South was a region, a zeitgeist, a collective consciousness of stupidity, imbecility, crass affectations, juvenile manners and a clownish comportment. It meant numbing the humanity part of the soul to inflict suffering and not feel a thing about it. All for accumulation of wealth and more wealth.
I was born in Texas. I spent my youth surrounded by Southerners. I worked and lived in New Orleans, sailing therefrom on ocean ships. I am steeped and marinaded in things Southern. I worked for years with Southern men on ships and in maritime related industries. Look up Lakes Bros. Steamship Company.
I have made a special point of my lifelong anthropological research to explore and understand the derivatives, underlying ideals, and values of the Southern People. I admire certain things about the South.
But my opinion is based on several factors. One, my impressions and interpretations as I summarized above. I am a data and observation kind of person. IOW, first hand verification. Second, work backwards from the defeat and humiliation of the South culminating in Gettysburg. Obviously, denial, whimsical beliefs, ungrounded ideas evaporate. In simple terms, when tools and procedures do not get the job done, then it is time to reflect and retro analyze why and what those deficiencies are. Southerners are not willing to do this, preferring to gaze nostalgically in a magical past of pomp and fluff. One very large omission: retro-imaging and revision does not take into account of the poor White Southerner during the heyday and zenith of Southern prosperity. Slavery was a cruel foil against the poor, working Whites. It benefitted the piss elegant, pretentious plantation owners who were parodies of French aristocracy and British effeminate home whore till culture.
If you have different views based on details, I am open to read them objectively.
The question is irrelevant. The facts, historically, are that the South drifted into fantasy about its values, morality, communality, and its identity. In short, it was based on stupidity, a lame brain application of goofball religion, and a dread of Whites being too much like the Negro, making the elite highly neurotic and suffering widespread dissociative disorders. Creating phony personas, florid and flush clothing, overly effective mannerism and comportment, all symptoms of a society of false virtue and low intellectual process and output.If the South had had a Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, they would have been successful.Replies: @anarchyst, @Timmy75
Was Southern Secession an act of treason? Yes, if you regard the American Union as inviolable and indivisible. No, if you believe in states’ rights, including the right to secede. It all depends on the premise, the foundational prejudice, of one’s worldview. One could say the US was created out of treason against the Mother Country. Or one can say it was founded on liberty and independence away from Father Tyranny, like with Zeus’ rebellion against his father Cronus.
Perhaps you should learn a thing or two about the meaning of the word ‘facts’ before bandying that word about with reckless abandon. First and foremost, any idea/concept that comports with your own confirmation bias is not necessarily a ‘fact’. “Creating phony personas, florid and flush clothing, overly effective mannerism and comportment, all symptoms of a society of false virtue and low intellectual process and output” Project much?
Add stealing land from the Indians and selling it, and collecting the whiskey tax, two prime sources of revenue. Also the Navy suppressing piracy and illegal transoceanic slave trade and acting as an advance guard in protecting against invaders.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @Curle
At the time, the only responsibilities that the federal government had was to coin lawful money, run a post office, and have the ability to gather troops to repel invasions, nothing more.
What is the true meaning of karma?
Hinduism identifies karma as the relationship between a person’s mental or physical action and the consequences following that action. It also signifies the consequences of all the actions of a person in their current and previous lives and the chain of cause and effect in morality.
The 3 Types Of Karma Explained
-Sanchitta. This is accumulated past actions or karmas waiting to come to fruition. …
-Parabda. This is the present action: what you are doing now, in this lifetime and its result.
-Agami. Future actions that result from your present actions are called agami karma.
Once you start receiving the true history and chronicles of the United States, and its grotesque sins and unforgivable atrocities, you must, as a spiritual, thinking, and transcendent sentient being KNOW the following:
Any individual or group entity of individuals is responsible for their karma. It is unmistakable. The serial official lies of the American government, its trading of human lives as a currency for material gain, e.g., oil, land, gold, other physical resources has got to first be acknowledged and then atoned for. Karmic scales must be balanced and in harmony. They will not automatically resume due to denial, forgetting, or ignoring .
The JUSA is not and will not proceed upon this restitution path. Many of the institutions that aided or ignored (Christian churches, Jews, Protestants (material acquisition is a sign of Divine blessing), Catholics (determined to convert the New World heathens and “given them a soul”), and the organized sociopathic and psychopathic collective sickness and serial evils. No, there will be no coming clean.
One can put this in different words, but essentially and religiously it comes down to this:
“God punishes and destroys that which is unresolved evil or unrequited”. Karma will shape the attitudes of men and the dissolution and self-destruction will proceed. Karma and Christian theology differ: Karma is an inner process which affects the Outer in unknowable ways. Christian theology-more primitive-emphasizes an anthropological stream of actions, external force(s) punishing the individuals or collective. the Bible tells me so, e.g., Sodom and Gomorrah. Turning people to salt, etc. In my Orthodox Church that I was raised, God is a beatific gray haired man and his minions are men with swords and spears, ready to dish out death and dismemberment.
All true but not adequate excuse or pardonable for he gross mistakes and miscalculations of the Southern Leadership. Like a chess game, you have what you have on the chess board. It is up to you to develop tactics and strategy, in order to out maneuver your opponent. As you know, a consistently necessary tactic is to feign attacks or broad movements to trap or sucker in your opponent, if you will.
Southern people, from a Jungian perspective, had thin and fragile personas, not enough intellectual depth and introspection, and were two dimensional materialists. Their collective consciousness was clouded by the fog and mist of romanticism that included adolescent elements. There is much more analysis from a Jungian perspective that is edifying.
I shall say no more but to quote Sam Dickson, contributor and long time friend and associate of Jared Taylor, when talking about Southern Whites. Jared said, “My experience with Southerns have always been very pleasant. They are gracious, welcoming, and very amiable-or something along those lines. To which Sam Dickson, descendant of several Civil War illuminates and seminal figures replied, “Yes, but I wish they had studied more.”. Exactly. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
At the time, the only responsibilities that the federal government had was to coin lawful money, run a post office, and have the ability to gather troops to repel invasions, nothing more.
Add stealing land from the Indians and selling it, and collecting the whiskey tax, two prime sources of revenue. Also the Navy suppressing piracy and illegal transoceanic slave trade and acting as an advance guard in protecting against invaders.
One of the founders of the Alt Right…..Evan McLaren… now on board with Global Homo and the H1..L1 B visa programs…….as is lisping Richard Spencer……
JF, you fashion yourself as an armchair movie critic sometimes. Take a look at the new Netflix series, a British/US piece of propaganda. called Diplomat It is a woke horror show featuring every conceivable contrary to fact actor and plot twist known to man.
"George Floyd, we worship thee!"Replies: @Thomasina
Since when do Whites worship the Black race?
“George Floyd, we worship thee!â€
That’s just the media talking, spinning their lies. Deep down that’s not what the average American thinks. They know better, even though they might be afraid to say so.
Since when do Whites worship the Black race? Since Lincoln beat up the Zionist slavers? But Lincoln wanted to re-patriate Blacks, and probably would have if he hadn't been shot, and before that, if the Zionist Southern plantation owners hadn't fought him tooth and nail in the Civil War.
White Christians worship the black RACE. To them, blacks are RACIALLY god-like cuz of bellowing voices and demigodlike athletic skills.
Since when do Whites worship the Black race?
“George Floyd, we worship thee!”
Sadly, you and I are in the same boat.
White Christians worship the black RACE. To them, blacks are RACIALLY god-like cuz of bellowing voices and demigodlike athletic skills.
Since when do Whites worship the Black race? Since Lincoln beat up the Zionist slavers? But Lincoln wanted to re-patriate Blacks, and probably would have if he hadn’t been shot, and before that, if the Zionist Southern plantation owners hadn’t fought him tooth and nail in the Civil War.
So Black worship goes back to the “progressive” Zionist-Marxist pact (Brit-Soviet) of WW2 against remnant “racist” Christendom (Axis powers). And we now know that was to usher in neo-slaving Globalism, with Israel as world capital/center of the universe.
So this is all about Zionism. Globalism is about Zionism. Rings of Zionists will protect the center. Rings of race traitors for ZOG (White, Black, Brown, Yellow) will protect ZOG headquarters, aka Kikestan. Nikki Haley is a Zionist. Her Black son in law will be a Zionist. Her mixed race grandchildren will be Zionists. They won’t be Zionist Royalty (that’s for “chosen” kike bloodlines) but they will be a kind of inner circle royalty.
That’s the plan at least. Of course, it’s going to fail as kikes are cursed forever by the mark of Cain.
That’s why the U.S. is failing so spectacularly, and it’s only going to get worse. That’s why the US can’t win any of the ZOG wars (Mideast, Persia/Iran, Ukraine)…
It only won the “Jewish Century” wars and revolutions because Christians got complacent, lazy and lost faith in favor of kike-professed “modernity.” And because they unknowingly and naïvely were pit one against the other by ZOG. But now ZOG has a name, a face, an identifiable history and an identifiable headquarters: Israel/Kikestan. And the entire world can see their essence and exactly what they’re doing with Globalism, how they went about it, and their true intentions.
We’ll see how long these kikes last. But rest assured, not only have they not lost the mark of Cain, but it is now permanently stitched on their ratty little kike hides. And they did to themselves, as always.
They and their STUPID Zoglodyte minions really are forsaken. It’s only a matter of time before they fall again.
here we go again
Is it ever going to end?
"George Floyd, we worship thee!"Replies: @Thomasina
Since when do Whites worship the Black race?
Obviously, those Whites are loyal to a different tribe, usually a religion, in which Whites believe “race†has no place.
No, not religion, at least in the conventional sense. White Christians favor Jews who terrorize Arab Christians. They favor Jewish globo-homo and their sub-nazi allies in Ukraine against the Orthodox Church.
Jewish race matters more to White Christians than spiritual brotherhood. Assad of Syria has protected Arab Christians whereas Jews in Israel spit on Christians and support ISIS beheaders of Christians, but white Christians in the US favor Jews.
Also, White Christians worship the black RACE. To them, blacks are RACIALLY god-like cuz of bellowing voices and demigodlike athletic skills. It goes for white conservatives too. Rush Limbaugh was all about NFL-worship.
The true religion of the white race, a bunch of wheaks and whummies, is the Jugromo Idolatry of Jews, Negroes, and Homos.
People are loyal to what they perceive are their fellow tribe-members. If that is true, why so much White hatred for the culture and lives of fellow Whites? Obviously, those Whites are loyal to a different tribe, usually a religion, in which Whites believe “race” has no place.
The question is irrelevant. The facts, historically, are that the South drifted into fantasy about its values, morality, communality, and its identity. In short, it was based on stupidity, a lame brain application of goofball religion, and a dread of Whites being too much like the Negro, making the elite highly neurotic and suffering widespread dissociative disorders. Creating phony personas, florid and flush clothing, overly effective mannerism and comportment, all symptoms of a society of false virtue and low intellectual process and output.If the South had had a Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, they would have been successful.Replies: @anarchyst, @Timmy75
Was Southern Secession an act of treason? Yes, if you regard the American Union as inviolable and indivisible. No, if you believe in states’ rights, including the right to secede. It all depends on the premise, the foundational prejudice, of one’s worldview. One could say the US was created out of treason against the Mother Country. Or one can say it was founded on liberty and independence away from Father Tyranny, like with Zeus’ rebellion against his father Cronus.
One aspect of life before the “War of Northern Aggression†was the fact that the federal government had little power and was subservient to the states.
In those times, an individual citizen regarded himself to be a citizen of his respective state–NOT a “citizen of the united Statesâ€. A person living in Virginia considered himself to be a citizen of Virginia and likewise citizens of other states who were citizens of their respective states.
At the time, the only responsibilities that the federal government had was to coin lawful money, run a post office, and have the ability to gather troops to repel invasions, nothing more.
The “War of Northern Aggression†was illegal on its face, as states always had the right to secede from the “unionâ€.
The requirement that the “states in rebellion†sign a statement recognizing the inviolability of the federal government before readmission was done under duress and were not valid contracts. The only state that never signed a “no secession†clause was Texas. To this day, Texas could tell the feds to “take a hikeâ€. There would be very little the feds could do about it.
That all changed with the conclusion of the “War of Northern Aggression†when the states were subordinated to the federal government, illegal powers being taken by the federal government. It was all downhill from there…
Add stealing land from the Indians and selling it, and collecting the whiskey tax, two prime sources of revenue. Also the Navy suppressing piracy and illegal transoceanic slave trade and acting as an advance guard in protecting against invaders.Replies: @Poupon Marx, @Curle
At the time, the only responsibilities that the federal government had was to coin lawful money, run a post office, and have the ability to gather troops to repel invasions, nothing more.
True, Jacob pulled a dirty trick. Still, he did it for the good of the Tribe as his older brother wasn’t very dutiful and spent most of his time hunting and having fun. So, even though he betrayed his brother, he was loyal to the Tribe, indeed in ways Esau could never be.
Was Southern Secession an act of treason? Yes, if you regard the American Union as inviolable and indivisible. No, if you believe in states’ rights, including the right to secede. It all depends on the premise, the foundational prejudice, of one’s worldview. One could say the US was created out of treason against the Mother Country. Or one can say it was founded on liberty and independence away from Father Tyranny, like with Zeus’ rebellion against his father Cronus.
The question is irrelevant. The facts, historically, are that the South drifted into fantasy about its values, morality, communality, and its identity. In short, it was based on stupidity, a lame brain application of goofball religion, and a dread of Whites being too much like the Negro, making the elite highly neurotic and suffering widespread dissociative disorders. Creating phony personas, florid and flush clothing, overly effective mannerism and comportment, all symptoms of a society of false virtue and low intellectual process and output.
If the South had had a Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, they would have been successful.
But there is a difference. Even if your brother isn't super-loyal to you, IF he doesn't betray you, you should favor him on the basis of blood.
One of the few things concepts from Ayn Rand I agree with is that our loyalty must be earned. Just because you are my brother born of the same mother does not obligate me to love you nor do I incur any other duty from that accidental relationship. If my friend would give his life for me and my brother betray me who should I be loyal too?
“But there is a difference. Even if your brother isn’t super-loyal to you, IF he doesn’t betray you, you should favor him on the basis of blood.”
Keep in mind that the official state hero/mascot/namesake of the Jews is the Biblical Jacob, aka Yisrael, who made his name by lying to his own father in order to steal from his own brother.
One of the few things concepts from Ayn Rand I agree with is that our loyalty must be earned. Just because you are my brother born of the same mother does not obligate me to love you nor do I incur any other duty from that accidental relationship. If my friend would give his life for me and my brother betray me who should I be loyal too?
But there is a difference. Even if your brother isn’t super-loyal to you, IF he doesn’t betray you, you should favor him on the basis of blood.
In contrast, the only reason for being loyal to a friend, non-family member, or stranger is IF he’s extra-considerate towards you.
So, even though you should favor a loyal friend over a treacherous brother, you should favor a neutral brother over a neutral friend.
Likewise, even though a Japanese should admire a virtuous non-Japanese over a lowlife Japanese, he should generally favor the Japanese over non-Japanese.
Imperial Wizard apologized for using the term “Jew controlled media” in 1982 after being questioned about it by Buchanan.
Video Link
Now owns a resort in Belize
Federal government must have paid him a lot for his troubles and he used the money to start a resort in Belize. He was not even allowed to say”Jew controlled media” while on the federal payroll as a KKK leader.
The Confederacy was financed by jews, led by a jew, to defend jewish slave traders and jewish plantations.
Jewish Power will use and abuse everything on the basis of “Is it good for the Jews?”
Zionists were allied with apartheid South Africa but dropped it like a hot potato and went with Mandela.
In Goy-Jewish alliances, goyim remain loyal to Jews(even at the expense of their own interests), whereas Jews remain loyal to their own interests. Goyim take the alliance seriously, whereas Jews take it opportunistically.
Jews are smarter and regard alliances are self-serving, whereas goyim, at least in dealing with Jews, forge an alliance where the two sides are equal & mutual or Jews are favored.
What bullshit. 'Are more nepostic', 'More self-promotional', 'into long-term infiltration', sure.
Jews are smarter
“The US Military, these days, merely serves as extra cannon fodder, for the Israeli Jews”
Did you say “extra” cannon fodder? How about all of it.
The Confederacy was financed by jews, led by a jew, to defend jewish slave traders and jewish plantations.
Iran has the largest jew population in the Middle East. Jews are given permanent seats of power in the Iranian parliament.
Jewish Power will use and abuse everything on the basis of "Is it good for the Jews?"
The Confederacy was financed by jews, led by a jew, to defend jewish slave traders and jewish plantations.
Only 2900 words. Why didn’t you just tweet it?
“Treason” like “racism” is a word so corrupted it now means nothing. I would say everybody has the right to leave their native land or tribe, as long as another will have them. Opposing the old tribe as part of the new is not treason. Opposing your own tribe’s well-being without having the courage to leave it IS treason. Thus the Confederates were not traitors but 90% of the US Congress ARE traitors.
Still, were it not for The State of Israel, what country would Americans be patriotic to? Almost nobody is patriotic to America, anymore. Even most Conservatives, so called, are more loyal to The State of Israel than they are to their own country.
The US Military, these days, merely serves as extra cannon fodder, for the Israeli Jews, in The Middle East. Were it not for Israel, the US Military would have no reason for being, and Americans would realize that. Then, they would not enlist, and those already in the US Military would quit their jobs.
One of the few things concepts from Ayn Rand I agree with is that our loyalty must be earned. Just because you are my brother born of the same mother does not obligate me to love you nor do I incur any other duty from that accidental relationship. If my friend would give his life for me and my brother betray me who should I be loyal too? Is blood “thicker than water†in the sense of relationships? Only an idiot would think so; be true to those who would be true to you.
I did not choose to be an American and from a very young age I loathed patriotism and yet I still I served this country for three decades as I thought a responsible citizen should, only to find? Only to find this country I was born into has betrayed me; so am I a traitor for despising the land of my nativity?
But there is a difference. Even if your brother isn't super-loyal to you, IF he doesn't betray you, you should favor him on the basis of blood.
One of the few things concepts from Ayn Rand I agree with is that our loyalty must be earned. Just because you are my brother born of the same mother does not obligate me to love you nor do I incur any other duty from that accidental relationship. If my friend would give his life for me and my brother betray me who should I be loyal too?
JF is slowing down for no good reason. We the readers demand another 10,000 word article ASAP.
“the massively built old man was tired, despite his customary show of energy. I guess when you get up into that bracket, Herbert decided, you have to act in a certain way; you have to appear more than a human with merely ordinary failings.â€
― Philip K. Dick, Ubik
We’re looking at the potential for massive failings. This could prove bigger than the first Russian collapse and with Snowden playing the role of hacker-in-residence more people will be trying to get underground faster. Yuri has you covered! Tap your app to get more crap!
Friendly OSS Intel: That independence Britons prize too high,
Keeps man from man, and breaks the social tie;
The self-dependent lordlings stand alone,
All claims that bind and sweeten life unknown;
Here by the bonds of nature feebly held,
Minds combat minds, repelling and repell’d.
Ferments arise, imprison’d factions roar,
Represt ambition struggles round her shore,
Till over-wrought, the gen’ral system feels
Its motions stop, or phrenzy fire the wheels.
Every man is a lord underground and every lady sweetens life unknown. Love is gray combat.
“Ours is an argument that pushes back, at least in part, against the claim that politics has been captured by economic elites,†says Fisman, who is the first Slater Family Professor in Behavioral Economics, in BU’s College of Arts & Sciences. “We provide a less insidious—but still problematic—explanation for limited redistribution. Politicians are acting on their principles, but these principles—which emphasize efficiency at the expense of equality—diverge from those of everyday Americans.†Boston U.
H.L. Mencken was right, the man without hope is spared from the misery of being disappointed. Looking at the top political leaders today and those running, God might even be disappointed. The big crooks run everything and the small time crooks rot in jails creating state jobs to support the vote, which is keeping with tradition. Every election is a kind of advanced auction of stolen goods. We’re all slaves to water, the only pure thing left. China has air not worth breathing.
Actually, Trump has done very well when “fact-checked” by MSM “neutral judges”.
The brouhaha about the “dancing Muslims” right after 9/11 is a case in point. The most important thing Trump got wrong was the true ethnicity of the dancers: They were Israelis celebrating their most brilliant Mossad operation yet, and that is, perhaps, installing the nuclear detonators (as in “nanothermite”) into the three towers so successfully, while World Trade Center Security was temporarily down “for renovations” and the cameras, etc., were not operational.
The “Israeli Art Students” at the WTC prior to 9/11 are an interesting object of study:
A few quick notes (a bit off-topic from the OP):
– Seymour Hersh’s latest expose is pretty big. Evidently the US military has been secretly helping Assad since 2013, even as Obama has been steadfastly insisting that he needs to go:
– I suspect some of the spam comments, such as William Draper’s above, might be not-so-innocuous– e.g.,:
Who are these people stalking me , I know some but not as much as I need , my twitter account ……”Complain_2_EPA “…… I know off duty cops are involved , but is a certain person in Homeland Defense involved in all of this , how is it police and FBI refuse to investigate . Been going on in all seriousness more than 12 years .
By the way, that old blog by Fedia Kriukov you referenced turned out to be a gold mine. Shame it’s so short though, what’s he doing these days?
He’s doing fine but no longer writes a blog about Russia.
That said he did do a few (4) translations for The Russian Spectrum (an abortive project I had in 2013 to translate articles from the Russian media). They are here:
Anatoly says “once again Trump is completely right and cannot be stumped.”
Wrong, dead wrong, and stupid.
He has been extremely sloppy with his facts far in excess of any other presidential candidate ever.
Now there are things that Trumps says that I admire him for and agree with, don’t invade the world, don’t invite the world, ect ect. But the man plays fast and loose with the facts ALL THE TIME. When he is fact checked he is exposed as being wrong far more than any other candidate. It’s too bad, we could use a political leader as smart as Trump but the man is just too flaky.
Russian journalists have always been far safer than any number of “democratic†countries that get on with the US such as Brazil, Mexico, India, Colombia.
Let’s use the media’s logic:
The entire establishment, other than a few mavericks like Trump, cozies up to Mexico, where thugs routinely harass, intimidate, kidnap and murder journalists. They want to import Mexico here, and go ape and pillory Trump when he suggests keeping Mexicans out.
Same thing goes for Syrians.
Meaning, the establishment does precisely what they accuse Trump of doing. They want to import these anti-freedom-of-the-press populations into America, and they lie consistently to further that aim. It’s no wonder journalists are famous for being drunkards; they’re self-medicating their consciences because they know they lie for a living. They lie to give aid and comfort to murderers for their daily bread.
Trump’s a better and more diplomatic guy than me, that’s for sure. If somebody tried to tell me Putin is a bad guy because he “kills journalistsâ€, I’d probably say something like “I’m not a journalist, so I don’t care†just because the person asking me obviously is a journalist.
Indeed, I’d have a hard time keeping myself from making a crack like, “you say that like it’s a bad thing.” And then pointing out that journalist is practically synonymous with “spy” and that there’s not much difference between the two; that journalists’ high regard for themselves is not necessarily shared the world over. Many people see journalists as little more than propagandist hacks at best, and spies at worst. A necessary evil, perhaps, but far from their ennobled self image.
Trump is a bit of an innocent in regards to foreign policy. He didn’t know what Nuclear Triad was.
And, consequently, he couldn’t tell us which of the DoD’s toys – subs, bombers, or missiles – where his favorite. Tsk.
WGAF? It’s jargon. It’s what the joint chiefs are for.
“3 by my count, Buzina, Sukhobok and Moroz”
There are many more. Sergei Dolgov for a start:
The interesting thing about that murder was that not only was it almost completely ignored in the western MSM, but they were very touchy about any mention of it.
My commenting account on the Guardian was instantly disabled for mentioning Dolgov. That doesn’t happen that often (they frequently delete posts which are too sceptical of their narrative, of course).
Mitt Romney is a red underwear-wearing pathetic joke and the typical vacuous mainstream Republican. One of his intellectual gurus was a penniless con-man who was arrested for fraud and whose only claim to fame is he wrote a book on how to get rich.
Stephanopoulos said, “Here’s what Mitt Romney tweeted, ‘there’s an important distinction, thug Putin kills journalists and opponents our presidents kill terrorists and enemy combatants.â€
NB: Trump made more money on his television show than Romney made in all of his years in a predatory money-shifting business.Replies: @5371, @Anonymous
It’s very easy to make fun of a religion that literally takes communion in the form of Wonder bread, but the appeal of all of Mormonism’s mandated clean-cut decency is also pretty easy to figure out. It pairs well, for example, with motivational business-leadership books. In France, church leaders encouraged a young Mitt Romney to study “Think and Grow Rich,†the landmark self-help book written in 1937 by the motivational guru Napoleon Hill. Romney had his fellow missionaries read it and told them to apply the lessons to their mission work.
There’s 30 minutes’ worth of Napoleon Hill babbling his claptrap on YouTube, and it’s well worth a look. Hill, enunciating in that classic “born before recorded sound was a thing†way, promises viewers a “master key†to anything their heart desires. Anything at all, so long as it can be written down on a piece of paper. Hill will show you the master key, he explains, when you are ready to understand it. “The master key consists of 17 principles, the first of which is definiteness of purpose,†and so on. (Hill never actually reveals his foolproof formula for personal success, because he prefers that the reader discover it for him- or herself.)
The book remains a bestseller, regularly reprinted. Using its lessons, millions of people have been told, anything the mind can conceive of can be achieved by a man. All you have to do is want it very badly. There was even a 1980s infomercial for the audiobook version, hosted by quarterback legend Fran Tarkenton, who made it to three Super Bowls (and lost each one).
This sort of “think yourself rich†bullshit, with its promise of a foolproof path to success made up of basic lessons in persistence and confidence combined with pseudo-scientific hokum, is a great philosophical fit with Mormonism, which teaches that men are on a spiritual progression toward godhood. And the fantastic thing about Mormonism is that you can apply the early 20th-century version of “The Secret†– want something very, very badly and you will make it real with thought powers! – toward the amassing of material riches both here on earth and after death, because Mormon doctrine says the believer will continue working and procreating in the afterlife. That may sound tedious and frankly hellish to you and me (though you do eventually get your own planet!), but this exaggerated reconception of the Protestant work ethic is an essential tenet of Mormon culture and dogma. It helps that Mormonism is decidedly less squicky about rich people than traditional Christianity. (Again, Tolstoy really nailed it with that “American religion†thing.
I don’t think Trump has made more money with his TV show than Romney has. At any rate, Trump and Romney are in the same basic industry – the FIRE sector. Real estate developers like Trump work closely with finance and make money off of financial speculation. They make money off of land rent – which is capitalized as interest – appreciation. They don’t actually make money off of the building value itself, the building is just a tool for financial speculation.
Also, Trump’s daughter is married to the son of a convicted felon and con-man.
There is much less freedom of speech and of the press in the Ukraine than in Russia. Anatoly and others have posted pictures of billboards in the Ukraine asking citizens to report those of their friends and neighbors who support separatism, denigrade the Ukrainian language and criticize the junta’s version of Ukrainian history in private conversations. The billboards specify the punishment for such speech (it’s some number of years in prison).
A Ukrainian journalist whom I folllow online, a guy named Anatoly Shariy, has received public death threats from Ukrainian government officials. He lives in exile in Western Europe.
A journalist who supports separatism cannot work in the Ukriane. None do. It’s exile or death. In contrast, lots of Russian journalists openly support the Kiev junta, the United States, the EU, Turkey and lots of other entities that are hostile to Putin and Russia. Ukrainian officials regularly appear on Russian talk shows to argue for the junta’s view of the conflict. At the very worst this results in some back-and-forth shouting on live TV.
If he or his aides read Steve Sailer, as seems to be within the realm of possibility, it is perhaps not an entirely empty fancy of mine that they might have skimmed over a bit of my stuff as well.
If this happens to be true and Trump wins, you will have accomplished more than 99.999% of all the writers who’ve ever lived. If you need motivation, imagine that it’s true. And it could be.
Trump is a bit of an innocent in regards to foreign policy. He didn’t know what Nuclear Triad was. On the other hand, he didn’t know that he was supposed to hate Putin’s guts. True, there are many things that he has to learn, but, even more important, there is just as much stuff that he doesn’t have to unlearn. On balance, I’ll take it.
It’s like Trump is the bad guy because he doesn’t want Putin assassinated and says he would talk to him. Shows how screwed up our policies are. BTW, professor of Russian studies Stephen Cohen talks for an hour about Russia on the John Batchelor Show every Tuesday. Worth listening to. Cohen’s a lefty who is more positive about Trump and Russia than the conservative host is.
Journalists are killed in countries with free press.
That is why media hyenas were not killed in Soviet Union. And are not targeted in Russia or USA.
MSMs in both Russia and USA became branch of government and follow orders from above.
You do not kill your own functionaries.
And as both Turkey and Ukraine have so far some free press, the end result is that Journalists are being killed.
Trump is a pretty smart guy. He’s able to recognize and cut immediately to the core of an issue on his feet. Because he’s rather plain spoken some people have downplayed his intellectual ability as compared to some of his political competition which is, in my view, mistaken as they confuse style and packaging with substance. Analyze his responses and read between the lines. He’s had actual real-world successes unlike the others, most of whom have had few accomplishments outside of government. Because of this he doesn’t need to play follow the leader. He’s much smarter than the other candidates who are hardly more than wind-up toys. From the little I saw of the ‘debates’ the others were just mindlessly vying with one another as to who could be verbally tougher against the Russians. Nothing much about their blueprints for improving the quality of life for Americans. They were just using it as a major distraction.
The vast majority of Americans didn’t know there was such a place as Crimea. After the huge propaganda barrage of the past few years many now think they can’t live without it, whatever and wherever it is. How dare Putin take it away from us even though it’s rather hazy as to when did we actually own it. Another propaganda meme has been injecting the word “thug” constantly into the discourse to attach it to those the propaganda apparatus doesn’t like. Bush launched wars of aggression that have killed hundreds of thousands of people and yet he’s not a “thug”.
I think that it is funny that the MSM is trying to use the Putin/Trump relation as a way to damage Trump. I would guess that for a great many Trump supporters, Putin might be their 2nd choice as a leader so this is will be one more desperate and failing effort to damage Trump.
Trump’s a better and more diplomatic guy than me, that’s for sure. If somebody tried to tell me Putin is a bad guy because he “kills journalists”, I’d probably say something like “I’m not a journalist, so I don’t care” just because the person asking me obviously is a journalist.
Whataboutism to the left of me, Whataboutism to the right.
Here I am , stuck in the middle with yoooooouuu!
♪ ♪ ♪
By the way, that old blog by Fedia Kriukov you referenced turned out to be a gold mine. Shame it’s so short though, what’s he doing these days?
It’s baffling when you realize just how wrong these big shot “Kremlinologists” were, looking back 7 years later. Kriukov completely trashed their analyses and forecasts back then (as did you, Anatoly, as far as I can remember) for good reasons, but oh boy, now as the actual stats are in it’s nothing short of staggering how incredibly wrong they all were.
And these are the same guys that are still on the job as “leading experts” that to no small degree shape Western policy and general sentiments vis-a-vis Russia.
He's doing fine but no longer writes a blog about Russia.
By the way, that old blog by Fedia Kriukov you referenced turned out to be a gold mine. Shame it’s so short though, what’s he doing these days?
So in other words, in the last two years of Dignityâ„¢ more journalists have been whacked in Kiev (3 by my count, Buzina, Sukhobok and Moroz) than in the Dark Empire (0).
Then, you have a bunch that have been killed in crossfire incidents and so on in the conflict zone, but that’s a whole other thing. The above journalists were assassinated, and all three were critical of the Poroshenko regime.
Let’s up the ante. Apart from journalists, Mr. Trumps opponents brought up “political enemies” and what not. Now, in Russia, as far as I can recall one (1) opposition figure was assassinated in this time for what appears to be political reasons – namely Mr. Nemtsov. He fell victim to a well complicated plot that by all accounts appears to be intended as a message TO Putin rather than a message FROM him. But that’s beside the point, we got one there.
In Ukraine, I’ve seriously lost count. Starting from Yanukovych’s ouster in February 2014 up until this June (2015), about a dozen oppositionists, critics and people affiliated with Yanukovych in various ways were smoked. Many were subsequently labelled as bizarre suicides by the Kievan authorities. Case closed. There’s probably been more since then, I haven’t bothered keeping track, and the media’s not too keen on keeping track either.
Whataboutism sure, but it does make a fine point.
Here are some interesting recent comments by two distinguished military men. One is Brigadier F.B. Ali, formerly of the Pakistani military (now a Canadian citizen) and Col. Patrick Lang (U.S.A., ret.), who was head of intelligence analysis at the DIA.
FB Ali said…
Trump’s description of Putin in reaction to praise from the latter (“…. a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond”) is quite remarkable. No other American politician or public figure would ever have said any such thing; in fact, they’d either be hiding under their beds, or throwing it back in Putin’s face.This indicates that, unlike the others, Trump is mature, and is not afraid to say what he believes. I think one has to separate his real beliefs and statements from the outrageous stuff he has to say to keep media attention focussed on himself. These days, politics in the US is a peculiar game, and he has shown he can play it as well as anyone else.
I quite think he would make a good president, unlike any of the others in the field. He’s pragmatic, probably knows his own limitations and would not be shy of seeking advice, and realises that a successful president is one who makes his country and people prosperous, not one who tries have the US dominate the world.
turcopolier [Col. Pat Lang] said…
@Fb Ali
“I quite think he would make a good president, unlike any of the others in the field.”
I am coming around to this point of view in spite of my bias against businessmen in government. pl
Mitt Romney is a red underwear-wearing pathetic joke and the typical vacuous mainstream Republican. One of his intellectual gurus was a penniless con-man who was arrested for fraud and whose only claim to fame is he wrote a book on how to get rich.
Stephanopoulos said, “Here’s what Mitt Romney tweeted, ‘there’s an important distinction, thug Putin kills journalists and opponents our presidents kill terrorists and enemy combatants.â€
NB: Trump made more money on his television show than Romney made in all of his years in a predatory money-shifting business.Replies: @5371, @Anonymous
It’s very easy to make fun of a religion that literally takes communion in the form of Wonder bread, but the appeal of all of Mormonism’s mandated clean-cut decency is also pretty easy to figure out. It pairs well, for example, with motivational business-leadership books. In France, church leaders encouraged a young Mitt Romney to study “Think and Grow Rich,†the landmark self-help book written in 1937 by the motivational guru Napoleon Hill. Romney had his fellow missionaries read it and told them to apply the lessons to their mission work.
There’s 30 minutes’ worth of Napoleon Hill babbling his claptrap on YouTube, and it’s well worth a look. Hill, enunciating in that classic “born before recorded sound was a thing†way, promises viewers a “master key†to anything their heart desires. Anything at all, so long as it can be written down on a piece of paper. Hill will show you the master key, he explains, when you are ready to understand it. “The master key consists of 17 principles, the first of which is definiteness of purpose,†and so on. (Hill never actually reveals his foolproof formula for personal success, because he prefers that the reader discover it for him- or herself.)
The book remains a bestseller, regularly reprinted. Using its lessons, millions of people have been told, anything the mind can conceive of can be achieved by a man. All you have to do is want it very badly. There was even a 1980s infomercial for the audiobook version, hosted by quarterback legend Fran Tarkenton, who made it to three Super Bowls (and lost each one).
This sort of “think yourself rich†bullshit, with its promise of a foolproof path to success made up of basic lessons in persistence and confidence combined with pseudo-scientific hokum, is a great philosophical fit with Mormonism, which teaches that men are on a spiritual progression toward godhood. And the fantastic thing about Mormonism is that you can apply the early 20th-century version of “The Secret†– want something very, very badly and you will make it real with thought powers! – toward the amassing of material riches both here on earth and after death, because Mormon doctrine says the believer will continue working and procreating in the afterlife. That may sound tedious and frankly hellish to you and me (though you do eventually get your own planet!), but this exaggerated reconception of the Protestant work ethic is an essential tenet of Mormon culture and dogma. It helps that Mormonism is decidedly less squicky about rich people than traditional Christianity. (Again, Tolstoy really nailed it with that “American religion†thing.
[a penniless con-man who was arrested for fraud]
Just like Joseph Smith, in other words.
Stephanopoulos said, “Here’s what Mitt Romney tweeted, ‘there’s an important distinction, thug Putin kills journalists and opponents our presidents kill terrorists and enemy combatants.â€
Mitt Romney is a red underwear-wearing pathetic joke and the typical vacuous mainstream Republican. One of his intellectual gurus was a penniless con-man who was arrested for fraud and whose only claim to fame is he wrote a book on how to get rich.
It’s very easy to make fun of a religion that literally takes communion in the form of Wonder bread, but the appeal of all of Mormonism’s mandated clean-cut decency is also pretty easy to figure out. It pairs well, for example, with motivational business-leadership books. In France, church leaders encouraged a young Mitt Romney to study “Think and Grow Rich,†the landmark self-help book written in 1937 by the motivational guru Napoleon Hill. Romney had his fellow missionaries read it and told them to apply the lessons to their mission work.
There’s 30 minutes’ worth of Napoleon Hill babbling his claptrap on YouTube, and it’s well worth a look. Hill, enunciating in that classic “born before recorded sound was a thing†way, promises viewers a “master key†to anything their heart desires. Anything at all, so long as it can be written down on a piece of paper. Hill will show you the master key, he explains, when you are ready to understand it. “The master key consists of 17 principles, the first of which is definiteness of purpose,†and so on. (Hill never actually reveals his foolproof formula for personal success, because he prefers that the reader discover it for him- or herself.)
The book remains a bestseller, regularly reprinted. Using its lessons, millions of people have been told, anything the mind can conceive of can be achieved by a man. All you have to do is want it very badly. There was even a 1980s infomercial for the audiobook version, hosted by quarterback legend Fran Tarkenton, who made it to three Super Bowls (and lost each one).
This sort of “think yourself rich†bullshit, with its promise of a foolproof path to success made up of basic lessons in persistence and confidence combined with pseudo-scientific hokum, is a great philosophical fit with Mormonism, which teaches that men are on a spiritual progression toward godhood. And the fantastic thing about Mormonism is that you can apply the early 20th-century version of “The Secret†– want something very, very badly and you will make it real with thought powers! – toward the amassing of material riches both here on earth and after death, because Mormon doctrine says the believer will continue working and procreating in the afterlife. That may sound tedious and frankly hellish to you and me (though you do eventually get your own planet!), but this exaggerated reconception of the Protestant work ethic is an essential tenet of Mormon culture and dogma. It helps that Mormonism is decidedly less squicky about rich people than traditional Christianity. (Again, Tolstoy really nailed it with that “American religion†thing.
NB: Trump made more money on his television show than Romney made in all of his years in a predatory money-shifting business.
It is easy in hindsight to say Bush should not have done this or that.
Back then a candidate who would have promised to radically increase racial profiling especially on Arabs or Muslims would have never gotten elected.
Anyone can say those things now or complain about the high crime rate of blacks, but back then it was a different ” social climate” , no one dared talk much about those things.
Yeah Bush was wrong, but not as wrong as most of you say he was.
“We have oceans” – the two best friends in the whole world.
Replies: @Difference Maker
Preemptive strike is how you fight terrorism – Putin on Syrian engagement
"Radicals from many countries of the world, including Russia, have flocked to Iraq and Syria to join the terrorist group. They must be defeated there and not allowed to return to their home countries with battle experience and ideology adopted in the war zone, Putin believes."�
1. Russia borders the Middle East. We have oceans
2. Indeed, I have long thought that Iraq and Afghanistan were perfect for fighting there instead of at home.. for the terrorists.
– Just imagine, the Great Satan helpfully sending their soldiers and personnel over here to be attacked, with a kid gloves policy so that they are sitting ducks and like sheep. A perfect opportunity
Steyn is reading:
Nonetheless, like Niqab Girl, Clock Boy has taught us all a valuable lesson with his droll and spectacularly successful provocation. The US Department of Homeland Security’s slogan is “If You See Something, Say Something” – unless it’s something that might get you accused of Islamophobia, in which case keep it to yourself.
Which is where we came in, on the morning of Tuesday September 11th 2001 at the US Airways First Class check-in desk:
I got an instant chill when I looked at [Mohammed Atta]. I got this grip in my stomach and then, of course, I gave myself a politically correct slap…I thought, ‘My God, Michael, these are just a couple of Arab businessmen.’
Clockmed has raised the bar on that one. My God, this is just a young Muslim male. So what if he’s ticking? Do I really want to be tied up in sensitivity-training hell for the next six months?
linked also at instapundit.
How big’s your core readership? The video you linked to has about 2400 views, although no doubt some or most of those are from before you linked to the video. You’re just not reaching enough people, not that it’s your fault.
the fact that jeb bush can run for president of USA after he sabotaged the 2000 presidential election = the most fuck up thing I have ever witness so far in my entire life.
also a 100% confirmation that this country has turned to absolute shit.
GG no re.
Are there any other ways to club Jeb or the GOPe with 9/11? I’m surprised that none of us tied the hijackers’ Florida entry point to Jeb.
Marvin Bush was was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport, and United Airlines.
Just in case you think the authorities aren’t serious, a German mother is facing eviction from her flat (which she rents at the market price) to make way for refugees.
From your link:
Trump’s appeal to blue collar workers is in the 60% range, higher than any candidate since Franklin Roosevelt won a massive landslide in 1936 on the support of the Blue Collar voter.
Trump doesn’t do well with just the average “White Joe Sixpack,†he also gains a large share of black voters and even hispanics (25%, 37%)
Wow. Amazing numbers for a republican. We really are witnessing a revolution in the making. Trump is the anti-Reagan in so many ways.
“Maybe he should campaign against it and predict that it will cause another housing bust, probably sometime into the term of the next president.”
To campaign against it is to campaign against the ~40% or so of the population who cannot qualify for a home loan under traditional lending requirements, many of whom think he’s denying them something to which they’re entitled.
Vote against it? Yes. Campaign on it? Hell no.
“My guess? This will lead to a massive crash three years into President Ted Cruz’s first term, for which he will of course get the blame.”
Maybe he should campaign against it and predict that it will cause another housing bust, probably sometime into the term of the next president.
Yeah, If they were that big a threat the Israelis would have already bombed that reactor to smithereens a few years back and they wouldn’t have asked anyone’s permission. One bomb ( maybe ) with no delivery system is no threat to an Israel with a few hundred bad boys and the planes, subs, and missiles to deliver them. Iran is only a threat to Sunnis in Iraq and with Russian help, Syria.
To amend my off-topic post above, here’s a picture of Quicken Loans founder and chairman Dan Gilbert.
OT: Here we go again: “Millennials and extended families could qualify for easier mortgages”
“Quicken Loans, the nation’s largest online lender, and Freddie Mac have announced a partnership that is expected to make it possible for more individuals to buy homes with down payments as low as 3 percent.”
Ergo: another rush of people “buying” homes they have no skin in if the market drops.
“Currently, many don’t get loans because they don’t fit limited criteria. Under a pilot program, Quicken, which makes loans and sells them to Freddie…”
Oh hey, Quicken Loans has nothing to lose because they’ll just be dumping all the risk onto the taxpayers.
“…will be adapting lending for unique circumstances, like extended families that pool resources and live in a single home together…”
IOW, loans to illegal immigrant families, who often pile 2-4 families into a home.
“Further, mortgage finance firm Fannie Mae announced changes of its own, including cutting out bureaucratic headaches like submitting pay stubs.”
Oh hey, the NINJA loan is back! Why bother proving you earn the money to buy a home when you can just pretend??? Also works real well for people who work off the books – i.e., illegal immigrants.
“Since the housing bust in 2007 and related financial crisis, getting a loan has been difficult…”
Perhaps it’s been difficulty because the last time it wasn’t difficult, right around 2007 (hey, what a coincidence!) the housing market crashed.
My guess? This will lead to a massive crash three years into President Ted Cruz’s first term, for which he will of course get the blame.
Another thing that was forgotten about 9/11 – One of the terrorists had their visa renewed about six months after the attack. It was briefly reported in the media, then swept under the table.
If you’d like to enjoy feeling yourself provoked to vein-popping anger against our Dear Rulers and their Enemedia-Pravda shills, watch tonight’s PBS two-hour Frontline documentar – oops: commercial! – for Luis Gutierrez & Open Borders & Amnesty & Perpetual Mass Third World Imminvasion.
This is supposedly “Public Television” – you and I paid for this two-hour-long commercial contrived to persuade us to abolish ourselves and what’s left of what used to be our country.