“I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel.”
Sorry, you’ll just have to “heal thyself.”
You’re sick. Stick to playing with your “violin.â€
Different gods in the old and new testament. Tear your bible in two and dispose of the old.
You haven’t understood anything I’ve said (or didn’t bother to read it) and you want to call me dumb. Read everything I’ve said on this thread, then realize who the dummy actually is. I don’t believe anything in the old testament that hasn’t been shown to be true. Some of it is history. Some of it is bullshit.
You atheists are “so” anxious to prove how smart you are and your evidence for this is how you’re not fooled by the old testament stories. That’s kid stuff. I was an atheist at the age of 8. It doesn’t make you smart to realize things any child would recognize. I hope being an atheist isn’t your only claim to fame, because it’s pretty lame.
Don’t know where you’re getting this ‘they aren’t the chosen’ as if I said they were. I’ve mentioned a few times on this thread why I don’t believe they are chosen. I don’t feel a need to repeat myself for those not paying close attention.
I will repeat another point I made that you missed: how much of a person’s belief system is already myth/delusion? Not you of course. All your opinions about everything, including yourself, are completely rational and do not in any way serve to feed or protect your ego. But it must be easy to see this phenomenon in others. If their delusions result in positive benefits for themselves or society, then how can you criticize what they believe? When 90% of the public believed God was watching them 24/7 crime was a tiny fraction of what it is now. Is it better to live among people with foolish beliefs who rarely commit crimes or in a secular society with high levels of crime? What is the rational choice?
That was also my impression. After 15 months, I left Antalya in October 2022. The Turkish lira was dropping fast but the price in dollars seemed to go up. Price gouging by hotels and rentiers. Very tough on ordinary Turks.
I think Erdogan is aiming for a “friendly” rematch with Greece. Armenia is too far away. Israel is really his financier.
I moved to the Red Sea coast of Egypt. It is half the price of Antalya. Much better winter weather too.
Man, you cuckstians can't even write a full paragraph without deceiving. ALL the original christians were jews. Your dead jew on a stick was a jew.
Christianity bears no relationship to Judaism
“I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel; by tricking the Goy into loving us, their enemies.”
The SLIGHTLY unauthorized version of Matthew 15:24.
You dumb, dumb sucker.
Everything you believe in is a stupid shylock fairytale.
Exodus? Yeah, it didn’t happen. jews were never slaves in egypt.
The esther story? Another jewish lie that jew priests made up to make jews think they were “oppressed” and then “god helped destroy their enemies.” There was no Haman. Again, it’s all made up.
The judith story? Another jewish lie that jew priests made up again to make jews think they were “oppressed” and then “god helped destroy their enemies.”
Don’t you get the fucking pattern? jew priests made up lies to get jews to think:
1. they are always oppressed by non jews for no reason
2. jews must subvert the goyim to prevent from being harmed
3. if jews just do what jew priests say and don’t intermarry with non jews, god will destroy the enemies of the poor, oppressed jews.
It’s a god damned ethnic cult. Nothing more. Stop falling for it. Wise jews laugh at your ass for believing such tripe.
cuckianity was just a ruse to get strong PAGAN Rome to believe jews were “god’s precious original ones.”
Stop falling for a 2,000 year old used car kike salesman pitch.
Christianity bears no relationship to Judaism
Man, you cuckstians can’t even write a full paragraph without deceiving. ALL the original christians were jews. Your dead jew on a stick was a jew.
The gall of you to flat our lie about that. They were all ethnic jews, and paul the jew and peter the jew (the first pope) were there to subvert dumb goyim to get them to believe their tribe was “chosen by god”.
Cui Bono???
Cui Bono???
I’m mostly Irish. If I could get all the world to believe that “god” originally “chose” my tribe above all others, don’t you think that would give me and my people an advantage? To get people to literally think the Irish were god’s ONLY chosen people when he came down from the volcano and “spoke”.
LOL. Spoke…a volcano god. I can’t believe you morons still believe in this jewish nonsense.
Sorry, whatever you are selling, I aint buying.
Lies do not “inspire me”.
Does it really matter if something is a lie, made up by lying jewish ethnic supremacists?
Yes, it does matter. WFT is wrong with you? Come out of your spell. The are not chosen, and they never were “chosen”.
Lying, self serving jew priests made it all up.
Believe in truth…in evidence …in facts….in reason…in logic…IN REALITY….in your people and your ancestors. Believing that some other race was ever “chosen” is being a bitch. Don’t be a bitch. Do you sit down when you pee?
Friend, do you or do you not believe that the yahwey entity is any part or aspect of the Divine Nature as Christ is; or do you not? I don’t see where that was directly addressed in your reply.
As I stared previously, the yahew entity is not any part or aspect of the Divine Nature of God.
Regarding the tanakh or old testament? I suggest it is not scripture, but it is spiritual reading.
It is spiritual reading in the sense of Plutarch’s Lives. Harry Truman in his autobiography stated that Plutarch Lives was very influential in his career, because he could always identify individuals he knew, with one of the lives portrayed in Plutarch’s book. So he felt that he had a good basis to predict how that individual would act with him.
Similarly, the old testament gives many examples of people relating with each other and their gods that can provide one spiritual insight. This is especially the case for the followers of yahwey and the yahwey entity itself.
Christians too, need to understand how good and evil has played out historically in the world of yahwey and its followers; and how that can be observed to continue today.
I would toss the entire OT and parts 0f the NT (Marcion)
into the trash along with their small god-Satan.
The Shroud seems to be a direct result of The Resurrection.
If so, a gift. If not, some will only be disappointed.
But who is there to disprove its authenticity?
The science for it is rigorous.
I accept it and to me it becomes Holy.
Not worshiped but wondrous.
With your knowledge you can argue with the local Yid.
I’m done with the Hyenas of Satan.
Another clue in the Shroud’s favor, It brings out the rats.
christianity is worshipping a dead jew on a stick + worshipping the ethnic supremacist OT ethnogod named fagweh that originally chose the jews above all other ethnic groups and races on earth.
It’s all jew priest fairytales.
Do you still believe in santa claus and the easter bunny too?
God is Jewish.
And all the Jews must rightly expect a Goyim like yourself to mistranslate God’s Hebrew communications. THEIR communications.
So, mind your own business…or did you forget your own Savior’s words:
Then Jesus said to the woman [named David Parker], “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel.â€
Why believe in myths/lies?Shouldn't we believe in logic, reason, evidence, and truth? Maybe add a bit of ancestor appreciation too for those that made our lives possible?Why believe in made up bullshit that was fabricated by lying jew priests?Replies: @6million Julies, @David Parker
Any mythology based religion requires role models that can be easily identified with.
Okay, logic is causality, the basis of science, which says there is a cause for every observed effect. How did the universe originate and bear in mind that even atheists argue the universe had a beginning because we observe entropy? Christianity bears no relationship to Judaism, Christians are the prime target for destruction of the Jews, and gee I wonder why? Maybe because God destroyed Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple in A.D70 officially making the Christian Church the New Israel to evangelize the world with the good news that Jesus, very God and very man, Lamb of God, has redeemed God’s elect from the eternal wrath of God, that God is a trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, equal beings, one yet separate, eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent which no creature of God can comprehend, God created the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind in six days, the day one rotation of the earth before the earth was finished, for his own good pleasure and that is the only rational, reasonable, logical explanation for the observable universe of all things visible and invisible.
Man, you cuckstians can't even write a full paragraph without deceiving. ALL the original christians were jews. Your dead jew on a stick was a jew.
Christianity bears no relationship to Judaism
By your latest response I am satisfied that you have not grasped any of my basic points.
We can terminate our unfruitful dialogue now.
But I will leave you with one proposition to ponder: If God chose the Jews at the very beginning…and chose a Jew to be his Son…hmmm….QED.
(Please, wake up and smell your Kosher coffee!)
C-14 error was in the sample. The repair would be approx that date.
Comnenos, who was torture-murdered, possibly crucified, in 1185 CE. This date is within the margin of error of the C-14 datings.
There is no “holy shroud” or any other “holy” relic. Jesus, very God and very man, God the Father, and God the Holy Ghost, intentionally left no relics, no likenesses, nothing but vanished footprints, of Jesus the Christ, very God and very man. As warned in the second commandment, men are prone to worship what they can see, rather than to worship God as God has directed which is by obeying God’s law. God’s law is exactly what was delivered to Moses and expounded in Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and the rest of the Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments minus the ceremonial and sacrificial laws that were abrogated by the advent and resurrection of Jesus the Christ, and the dietary laws which were abrogated by the vision to Peter regarding the gentile Cornelius, which referred to the fact that gentiles are also mankind of equal worth in the sight of God to Israelites and Jews. Costumes and ornate cathedrals are testimony to man’s institution in opposition to God’s Christian Church.
Those were built by our people and we were capable of building it all without cuckianity and jewish supremacy (aka "judaism").
Some of the most beautiful buildings of our times we built during the dark ages.
Christianity bears no relationship to what you describe. Jesus is very God and very man, an Israelite indeed as Jesus described Nathaniel. Jesus used the term “Jew” to refer to the proxy governing officials of Judah, whom Jesus, very God and very man, exposes as children of the devil working the works of Satan which are promoting misery, wars, and death under the guise of administering God’s law which law the Jews rewrote in their “traditions,” their Talmud, which is a collection of drivel without equal for inanity. There is no such thing as a “Judeo Christian tradition” or a Judeo Christian anything, which terminology is yet another bit of Jew propaganda pretending that Christianity has anything in common with Judaism, the very mistake you are propagating in your complete ignorance of Christianity and history. In A.D. 70 God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – destroyed national Israel, Jerusalem, and the temple some 37 years after the Jews manipulated the Romans into crucifying Jesus the Christ, Lamb of God which explains why these children of the devil “Jews” are “returning” to a land which supposedly was theirs forever. You ignorance of the fact that all God’s promises to the Israelites were contingent on obeying God’s law which the Israelites never did longer than the first two generations in the Promised Land – which was full of people just as evil as the Jew today – the life of one Judge, or the life of one righteous king of Judah. The Israelites killed the prophets God sent to warn them of the consequences of their apostasy, that instead of being a model to the world of the good life possible under God’s law, the Israelites chose to be like their apostate neighbors. The advent of Jesus the Christ, very God and very man, to be the sinless Lamb of God and redeem God’s elect, sinners all including the Virgin Mary, was the institution of the Christian Church to replace the apostate Jew’s pretending to be God’s ministers on earth and carry on the mission of evangelizing the world with the good news that Jesus propitiatory sacrifice and resurrection are proof that Jesus is indeed the Redeemer of mankind. This is the mission the children of the devil tried with all their might to defeat and failed and the fulfillment of the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20 to make disciples of all the world and teach them to love the Lord God with all their heart, mind, and soul and to love their neighbor as themselves is the end of so-called “civil government” and the institution of the Kingdom of God acknowledging God sovereign over all as it was intended at the creation. There is a purpose is all that God does, from creation to the eventual Kingdom of God and eternity living and working in the presence of God which man cannot do in his present state.
What a pile of bullshit you spew! Whatever religion you are pushing bears no relation to Christianity which doctrine is in the Holy Bible, especially the first book, Genesis which starts with the beginning of the earth, the universe, living things, and mankind is six days, the day one rotation of the earth. God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – the “us” in Genesis 1:26 – created all that is visible and invisible for his own good pleasure. Bestiality was never a feature of God’s perfect world. Torah is always capitalized and means the Old Testament or Word of God to his creature mankind before the advent of Jesus the Son, very God and very man, Lamb of God, Savior. Jesus perfect sinless life, which means obedience of God’s law, qualified him to be the Lamb of God to redeem God’s elect from the eternal wrath of God the Father. Events from creation right up to the revelation of John of the final destruction of national Israel in God’s destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in A.D.70, some 37 years after the Jews had forced the crucifixion of Jesus, very God and very man, are the New Testament. God’s final destruction of national Israel ended the Jew’s power to persecute the Christian church except through proxies such as the Roman emperors up until Constantine ended the persecution, and ordained the Christian church as the new Israel to evangelize the world with the good news that Jesus the Christ, Lamb of God, has redeemed God’s elect from the eternal wrath of God. The current collection of Jews, who somehow morphed from sinning Israelite to sinning Jew, are as Jesus, very God and very man, exposed them, children of the devil and working the devil’s works of misery, wars, and death and promoting themselves as the only true mankind, all others mere subhumans to be used, abused, manipulated, robbed, and hunted for sport.
There is no such thing as “Christian Zionism,” an oxymoron by definition. Hagee and the rest of the “rapture freak” crowd ignore the fact that in A.D.70 God – Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – destroyed national Israel, the real one, Jerusalem, and the temple some 37 years after the Jews forced the crucifixion of Jesus, very God and very man, Son of God, Savior instituting the Christian Church as the New Israel to evangelize the world with the good news that Jesus, Lamb of God, has redeemed God’s elect from the eternal wrath of God. Today’s Jews, like their forebears are, as Jesus pointed out, children of the devil and working the devil’s works of war, death, and misery on all the people they have the power to afflict. Meanwhile the Christian church, which does not include the rapture freaks, is concentrating on doing what Jesus commanded in his parting words to make disciples of all nations and teach them what you have learned. What the disciples and apostles learned that they were to teach? To love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. When the Christian church finishes this mission of establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, there will be no “civil government,” another oxymoron.
Hagee and his crowd exist by promoting the false idea that the Israelites – who are falsely equated with today’s self-proclaimed Jews – are still especially chosen to receive God’s favor of land and prosperity, totally ignoring the fact that all God’s promises to the Israelites were contingent on obeying God’s law which the Israelites never did longer than the first two generations in the Promised Land, the life of one Judge, or the life of one righteous king of Judah. The history of Israel and then Judah because of that judgment only one generation after Solomon, is one of apostasy and killing the prophets God sent to warn the Israelites of the consequences of their disobedience leading up to the final divorce of A.D.70. Hagee, and the entire Dallas Theological (Dispensational) Seminary preach that a seven year tribulation has to occur, which Christians should not oppose, before, during, or after which Jesus will return and vacuum all Christians to join him in the sky, rescuing them from their mortgages and daily drudgery, and then rescue some 144,000 blaspheming Jews who will supposedly be holed up in Jerusalem and attacked by some 100,000,000 man army. The fact that Judaism utterly repudiates the Trinity of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, teaches that Jesus is a bastard child of the whore Mary and confined to a vat of boiling excrement for eternity, that only the Jew is truly man and all others are subhuman to be exploited, hunted, robbed, manipulated, and otherwise used, is willfully ignored by the “rapture freak” premillenial dispensationalists. The amillenial crowd understands all the events the rapture freaks project 2,000 years into the future – now – were fulfilled in A.D. 70, but argue that Christians should not challenge “government” because everything will pan out in the end. Postmillenial eschatology is the only paradigm that accords with the Great Commission of Matthew 28:18-20.
Israel refers to the northern kingdom of Israel. The lost sheep are the 10 lost tribes that disappeared from history sometime after 722bc. Many believe they migrated into Europe, which, if true, possibly explains the success of Europeans. So why didn’t Jesus show up in Europe instead of Judah? He appeared to the tribe of Judah in the time of the Pharisees because that is the source of the problem.
If you hate and kill then you have adopted Judaism because that’s what they’re known for.
There are Christians who are aware of the situation we are in:
I can’t say how numerous they are or how influential, but Christians are not ALL jew-worshipping retards. Can you condemn them?
If Christianity without jew worship is possible, shouldn’t it be encouraged? Anybody that worships the God of the new testament and truly follows the teachings and example of Jesus is an asset in the fight against organized jewry. Once those who have been blinded by jews understand that jews actually hate them, and hate Jesus, as the Talmud makes clear, they will have to abandon their illusions.
I’m saying that Christianity has within it a virus that occupies and controls it in the same way the country is occupied and controlled. If the country can be rescued from the occupation (and i believe it can) then so can Christianity be freed from Jewish control. If it happened would you continue to rail against it and ridicule it? It’s very easy to point out physical impossibilities and contradictions and bronze-age thinking in the Bible, but I believe that it works on multiple levels: fairly tales for the simple-minded which are taken as allegory by the more sophisticated.* Then there are those that are in-between and see the fairy tales for what they are but fail to understand the underlying meaning. Maybe you are in the last category.
*Don’t know if this was the intention of the authors, but it seems to work out that way.
Jesus was the original antisemite:
Then Jesus said to the woman, “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep—the people of Israel.â€
If you falsify your ENTIRE Jew religion, you can end up being an anti-Semite, an even Nazi.
If you falsify your ENTIRE Jew religion, you can not only HATE but KILL your enemies.
A decade from now you will worship me for “making your crooked ways straight.”
For now, you are still in the fetters and shackles of Sklavenmoral.
Why believe in myths/lies?Shouldn't we believe in logic, reason, evidence, and truth? Maybe add a bit of ancestor appreciation too for those that made our lives possible?Why believe in made up bullshit that was fabricated by lying jew priests?Replies: @6million Julies, @David Parker
Any mythology based religion requires role models that can be easily identified with.
Myths are inspirational. Like hero myths.
That’s why they are universal throughout the history of mankind. Does it really matter if the story is made up if it’s effect is positive? How much of a person’s belief system is self-delusion? If a person with little talent is driven to success by his delusional belief that he has more talent than he does, was his personal myth positive or negative?
Yes, replace nigerians with jews in what I said, and that is judaism and cuckianity.
Can you think of any functioning religion that sounds anything like your far-fetched example?
What 6millionjulies thinks is NOT silly for some strange reason=
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that black nigerians are “god’s chosen people†and those that bless nigerians will be blessed and those that curse nigerians will be cursed�
Should Europeans believe in a religion that says that nigerians were slaves in Egypt when they really were not?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that states that non nigerians must serve the interests of nigerians?
Would this be “good†for Europeans to believe in such stories.
judaism, cuckianity were both made up by lying jewish priests. If you are not jewish, why believe in an ethnic cult that says some other people were "chosen" above your own tribe? That is gay and weak.
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that jews are “god’s chosen people†and those that bless israel will be blessed and those that curse israel will be cursed�
Should Europeans believe in a religion that says that jews were slaves in Egypt when they really were not?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that states that non jews must serve the interests of jews?
Would this be “good†for Europeans to believe in such stories?
The Jews aren’t the chosen anymore than they are Israel. They’re descendents of the tribe of Judah from the southern kingdom. The northern kingdom, which constantly fought against Judah, was Israel. I’m inclined to believe that if there is a remnant of the actual chosen, it is the lost tribes of the northern kingdom. Everything jewry claim about themselves is a lie.
To be a follower of Christ doesn’t require believing that Jews are the chosen. It also doesn’t require accepting mainstream church dogma, particularly about Jews and Israel.
Jesus was the original antisemite (at least the most famous), and was killed for his opposition to the Pharisees, whose corrupt version of the Israelites’ religion evolved into modern rabbinical Judaism. If only a handful of people were willing to give their lives in opposition to Phariseeism, following the example of Jesus, there would be no Jewish problem.
The issue is not the acceptance of Zionism by Christians, but rather the acceptance of yahwehism by them.
The yahwey entity of the old testament and God of the New Testament were considered different until the advent of ecumenicalism initiated by Vatican l. Christian ecumenicalism led to the adoption of both Zionism and yahweyisn; such that, the Roman church has endorsed yahweh as an expression of the Divine Nature just as Christ. It is an unbelievable turn of catholic doctrine that has occurred since Frances, called pope, assumed leadership in the Vatican.
The difference between the Christian Divine Nature of God and the nature of yahwey entity is readily seen in Genesis Chapter 1 ,2 and 3. Genesis Chaptrr 1 is the Christian creation narrative where God created the universe through his Divine Word (Command), created man and women in His Image and Likeness, gave man and woman dominion of animals, birds, and fish, and permission to eat whatever they wanted as food including the fruit of any tree. God also stated all He created was good and He was satisfied with it.
The creation of man and woman in God’s image and likeness (small caps) was the early conceptualization of the Triune God ( we possess a soul, body and sprint and by inference this is the image and likeness created in us by God who is understood as the Father (supernatural soul), the Son (the mystical Body of Creation), and the Holy Spirit (the Presence and Power of the Father and Son proceeding from them in the supernatural and created realms).
Genesis chapters 2 and 3 is were the yahwey entity literally drops into creation and begins to reform God’s creation (including man and women) into what he (yahwey) wanted creation to be.
Chapter 2 begin by God declaring the 7th Day of Creation, a Day of Rest (Sabbath). Then in Verse 4 the yahwey entity as the lord god is introduced. Yahwey immediately begins complaining there is not enough water for the plants. Essentially yahwey wants to fill the earth with plants and enslave man to take care of them. This is the garden of eden and what yahwey called paradise. Man was made from the dirt that the plants grew in not God’s Image and Likeness. Man was formed not created – formed like a golem.
The beasts of the earth were made by yahweh for man to select as a helpmate. Basically yahew wanted man to mate with the beasts he formed from the earth – more golems. This didnt work so yahwey transgendered man’s into half man and half women.
In the forming of the garden of eden yahweh brought evil into the world in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and the tree of life which dictated the hierarchies of nature and society.
Then yahweh stole man and woman’s inheritance of dominion over all the earth’s creatures. The only thing yahwey gifted man was to have sex with the beasts of the earth and permission to eat plants.
Then yahwey defied the Creator Diety as and took away man and woman’s right to eat of the fruit of any tree and made a sin out of this blessing to humanity. The eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil was no sin, it just affront to the self imposed authority of yahwey.
So what yahweh did was take and reform God’s creation while he rested on the 7th day (in the first three verses of chapter 2), took the created man and woman’s soul and spirit, remade their bodies from clay which hardens into stone and gave this dirt body breath to live. Basically, yahwey corrupted not just man and woman’s creation but all God created. He also brought sin and evil into the world.
The good thing for humanity is that Christ came to show us how to cast off yahwey’s body of stone, by letting our hearts grow in Christ’s teaching so that we can be reborn with body which had be originally created for us.
The way to combat zionism is to deny and explain why the yahwey entity does not have a Divine Nature according to the first three chapters of the first book of torah. Basically to separate Christianity from yahwehism and all its forms.
Fascinating that we don’t hear about this turn-about in history classes. One Encyclopedia Brittanica summary I read claimed that he had accomplished nothing remarkable during his three years as emperor. Three years? Isn’t that the duration of Jesus’ ministry according to John? Both Andronicus and Jesus were very popular with the common folk but very unpopular with the elites, many of whom were relatives of Andronicus but not spared judgement under his rule.
“He did not sell the public positions and did not give them to just anyone for some donation, but would grant them for free and to those chosen ones. That is why … the people driven to death by the social troubles, as if having heard the trumpet of an archangel, were awoken from a long and heavy sleep and resurrected. And as they say… the bones began to join other bones, body parts with other body parts, so that in a short time a rather large number of the cities revived and became wealthy as before… He … stopped the oppression of the tax collectors and continuous extortions which were invented and turned into an annual tax by the greedy bureaucrats, who gorged on people as if they were bread, and turned it into a fixed amount.â€
Comnenos, who was torture-murdered, possibly crucified, in 1185 CE. This date is within the margin of error of the C-14 datings.
C-14 error was in the sample. The repair would be approx that date.
The Holy Shroud much earlier. Curious the C-14 wrong dating is used
by the anti Christers. Pollen from the time 0f Christ.
Disprove the science of what is 0n the Shroud. Forget the rubbish “maybes”.
The shroud of Turin may have an imprint of the Byzantine emperor Andronicus Comnenos, who was torture-murdered, possibly crucified, in 1185 CE. This date is within the margin of error of the C-14 datings. The 5’11†height of the shroud imprint would suggest a very tall man even for the Middle Ages; this fits Andronicus, who was known for his unusually tall stature. He was actually referred to as a “cyclops†by his enemies, who could hardly wait to kill him and cut out an eye.
The evidence of wounds to one eye and wrist on the shroud correspond to wounds inflected on Andronicus during his eventual torture. Also, the shroud imprint shows a forked beard, a rarity but one characteristic of Andronicus and no other ruler at the time. The long hair and a braid were also characteristic. It is also interesting that the biographers of Andronicus noted that his body showed little signs of decomposition and could be viewed for quite a while after his death. Is this a reference to the shroud?
The many parallels between the Gospel story of Jesus and the life of Andronicus are remarkable, despite Andronicus being an emperor rather than a carpenter and despite the accusations that Andronicus was a womanizer The parallels could fill a book and, in fact, have, as available here for free: https://chronologia.org/en/car_slav/index.html.
As Jesus is said to have gone after the money changers when he entered Jerusalem, Andronicus went after crooked financial elites as soon as he entered Constantinople with an army. The empire was on the verge of famine because of financial corruption; there was little money for seeds to grow crops. His allegedly 13th century biographer describes what happened in terms of a resurrection:
“He did not sell the public positions and did not give them to just anyone for some donation, but would grant them for free and to those chosen ones. That is why … the people driven to death by the social troubles, as if having heard the trumpet of an archangel, were awoken from a long and heavy sleep and resurrected. And as they say… the bones began to join other bones, body parts with other body parts, so that in a short time a rather large number of the cities revived and became wealthy as before… He … stopped the oppression of the tax collectors and continuous extortions which were invented and turned into an annual tax by the greedy bureaucrats, who gorged on people as if they were bread, and turned it into a fixed amount.â€
Fascinating that we don’t hear about this turn-about in history classes. One Encyclopedia Brittanica summary I read claimed that he had accomplished nothing remarkable during his three years as emperor. Three years? Isn’t that the duration of Jesus’ ministry according to John? Both Andronicus and Jesus were very popular with the common folk but very unpopular with the elites, many of whom were relatives of Andronicus but not spared judgement under his rule.
Then, there is the interesting story concerning the execution of jews (allegedly) who refused to cease dishonest money practices. A group of them were ordered stoned to death. Andronicus’ right-hand man, Stephen (you can’t make this up!) led a crowd at the execution and threw the first stone. Later, when the financial elites revolted, Stephen was the first slain, the first “martyr†for Andronicus. Stephan’s full title is also interesting: Stephan Hagiochristophorites. Compare the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr for Christ, in Acts.
The 13th century biographers of Andronicus actually had a low opinion of him since he severely punished many of their relatives. They write many scandalous things about him. In spite of this, they were forced to concede that Andronicus had many virtues. He was a philosopher, rare among rulers, and had a highly spiritual nature. During his torture, he never once cursed his tormentors. Saying only, “If the reed is already broken, why do you beat it?â€
The parallels go on and on, but there is no interest in academia because it doesn’t fit the accepted historical time line to be a literary source for the gospel stories. Isaac Newton thought this was a problem. In his book on the prophesies of Daniel and the Revelation of John, he drops a veiled hint that Andronicus was the inspiration for the Christ story and that the biblical stories are all Medieval rather than ancient. In this context, the Revelation of John can be read as the history of a last failed effort to stop or slow the weaponization of religion.
C-14 error was in the sample. The repair would be approx that date.
Comnenos, who was torture-murdered, possibly crucified, in 1185 CE. This date is within the margin of error of the C-14 datings.
Julian reads like a twentieth century op Ed writer on the subject. Goebbels perhaps.
Some of the most beautiful buildings of our times we built during the dark ages.
Those were built by our people and we were capable of building it all without cuckianity and jewish supremacy (aka “judaism”).
Just think about the beautiful stained glass windows in countless churches in Europe…done before the majority could even read or write. They made all the jews look like White gentile Europeans in those windows. You know, typical subversive jew propaganda like… “hey goys, jesus was a jew goy, but he didn’t look like a hook nosed, inbred weakling like woody allen goy, he looked like a viking like you guys. Yeah goys, these are your people so you should worship the jew sky ghost goy.”
It was early jewish propaganda.
What a load of dog shit. Can you imagine if all those stained glass windows showed pics of REAL jews? Our people likely would have dropped cuckianity like a hot potato.
I can’t believe the bullshit I hear from our people….nonsense like “there would be no “morality” in Europe and the west if there was no cuckianity…so we need to keep it!”
So stupid….as though there is no morality in Japan, or Korea, or Thailand, or China, or pre-cuckstian Europe. It’s such a bullshit lie of an “argument”.
No, my people need to worship truth, logic, evidence, and reality…they should also have ancestor reverence. Worshipping a jewish supremacist ethnic cult has lead to where we are now. It is leading to our destruction today.
No worshipping foreign tribes that hate us. Doesn’t seem complicated to me….
Christian’s during the so-called dark ages used to own them Jew asses. That’s the main reasons why that period is called dark ages. Most dumb goyim believe the Jewish lies about that time period.
Some of the most beautiful buildings of our times we built during the dark ages. It wasn’t the richest time period that’s because the Muslim blocked most of the trading routes toward the East and India. Jewish directors will always do their best to make that great period of European history look like barbarism. Sitcom Pillars of the earth is a great example where Jew director Ken Follet makes it look like Anglo-Saxons used horse shit as medicine.
Those were built by our people and we were capable of building it all without cuckianity and jewish supremacy (aka "judaism").
Some of the most beautiful buildings of our times we built during the dark ages.
Any mythology based religion requires role models that can be easily identified with.
Why believe in myths/lies?
Shouldn’t we believe in logic, reason, evidence, and truth? Maybe add a bit of ancestor appreciation too for those that made our lives possible?
Why believe in made up bullshit that was fabricated by lying jew priests?
Can you think of any functioning religion that sounds anything like your far-fetched example?
Yes, replace nigerians with jews in what I said, and that is judaism and cuckianity.
See here:
What 6millionjulies thinks is silly=
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that black nigerians are “god’s chosen people†and those that bless nigerians will be blessed and those that curse nigerians will be cursed�
Should Europeans believe in a religion that says that nigerians were slaves in Egypt when they really were not?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that states that non nigerians must serve the interests of nigerians?
Would this be “good†for Europeans to believe in such stories.
What 6millionjulies thinks is NOT silly for some strange reason=
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that jews are “god’s chosen people†and those that bless israel will be blessed and those that curse israel will be cursed�
Should Europeans believe in a religion that says that jews were slaves in Egypt when they really were not?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that states that non jews must serve the interests of jews?
Would this be “good†for Europeans to believe in such stories?
judaism, cuckianity were both made up by lying jewish priests. If you are not jewish, why believe in an ethnic cult that says some other people were “chosen” above your own tribe? That is gay and weak.
Ethiopian Jews are Ethiopians, who are black.
They are treated little better than .......
Replies: @neutral, @Holy Catholic
2 IDF majors become first Ethiopian women named military court judges
Smart ass Jew marketing to hide out the fact that Jews are deeply racist towards their black brothers.
You should know that being an Israeli yourself
similar to Trump, the French Olympics and
The Holy Shroud have brought out the depraved,
the deranged, mad dogs, straw dogs, Children of Satan.
And a few honest doubters.
Yeah, except I don’t think he was fictional if you are referring to Jesus. Also I don’t worship him.* I admire him more than any other person in history.
*He doesn’t ask anyone to worship him. His instructions are to love God and love your neighbor. Think what the world would be like if the majority followed these 2 simple instructions.
How about ‘why are you answering a question I didn’t ask as if you are answering the question I did?’. smh
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that black nigerians are "god's chosen people" and those that bless nigerians will be blessed and those that curse nigerians will be cursed"?
You are another one that doesn’t understand the purpose of religion. I explained it in another post on this thread. Why would there be parts of the brain devoted to religion if religion was just a ridiculous, pointless delusion?
What a silly question. Any mythology based religion requires role models that can be easily identified with. Has it not always been so? Can you think of any functioning religion that sounds anything like your far-fetched example?
Yes, replace nigerians with jews in what I said, and that is judaism and cuckianity.
Can you think of any functioning religion that sounds anything like your far-fetched example?
What 6millionjulies thinks is NOT silly for some strange reason=
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that black nigerians are “god’s chosen people†and those that bless nigerians will be blessed and those that curse nigerians will be cursed�
Should Europeans believe in a religion that says that nigerians were slaves in Egypt when they really were not?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that states that non nigerians must serve the interests of nigerians?
Would this be “good†for Europeans to believe in such stories.
judaism, cuckianity were both made up by lying jewish priests. If you are not jewish, why believe in an ethnic cult that says some other people were "chosen" above your own tribe? That is gay and weak.
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that jews are “god’s chosen people†and those that bless israel will be blessed and those that curse israel will be cursed�
Should Europeans believe in a religion that says that jews were slaves in Egypt when they really were not?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that states that non jews must serve the interests of jews?
Would this be “good†for Europeans to believe in such stories?
Why believe in myths/lies?Shouldn't we believe in logic, reason, evidence, and truth? Maybe add a bit of ancestor appreciation too for those that made our lives possible?Why believe in made up bullshit that was fabricated by lying jew priests?Replies: @6million Julies, @David Parker
Any mythology based religion requires role models that can be easily identified with.
I’m not interested what Julian the Apostate believed. He was a committed pagan who longed for Rome’s glory days. Nor am I interested in pagans on this thread and their beliefs. It will take an act of God to open their eyes. I’ll leave the heavy lifting up to Him.
Christian Zionism is an oxymoron like Christian Satanist. Treating Jews and Israel as objects of worship is pagan idolatry. It is ungodly.
But ‘Brad’, you’re already dead from the neck up. To call anthropogenic climate destabilisation a ‘fraud’, as it rapidly accelerates, indicates either the intelligence of a gnat, or human wickedness driven by some Rightist psychopathology, of staggering intensity. If there is a ‘God’, he will not look well on one who worked to destroy his Creation. You’re fucked, buddy. And Soros, Gates and the rest are IRRELEVANT to the truth of our fast approaching extinction. What happens to God when all the botherers are dead?
These people are the most brainwashed segment of America. They unwittingly provide manufactured “consent” for every evil plan perpetrated upon Americans. It is sad, and hard to believe that people can be deceived to this extent, but after “Covid,” it is much easier to believe… I am a historian, and I think that our fake history conceals many so called NWO “Resets” which took place in the past. In my opinion, the “catacombs” found under many large cities around the world, containing endless thousands of skeletons arranged like trophies, are in fact the remains of prior intentionally perpetrated “Resets.” Christian Zionism is making a comeback just in time for the next “pandemic,” and “vaccines.” As Mark Twain once said: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”
This Shroud dates back to the 13th century, and we don’t know what this Jesus Christ character looked like! There is no way of knowing who this Shroud belonged to. And, if it’s so difficult to prove that Jesus existed, then this religion isn’t worth worrying about.
I remember hearing somewhere that an interviewer asked a Japanese woman if Japan should be Christian.
She said something to the effect “If we became Christian, we would be subservient to the jews in no time.”
Some big time Asian high IQ right there. It’s unfortunate my people have been propagandized by this tribe of liars for so long…I am sure if Asia was brainwashed similarly for 2k years, they would be as fooked as us.
I don’t know where the video of the Japanese lady is though…I would love to share that far and wide.
And the Chinese, 1 out of every 5 humans here on Earth, are supposed to swallow those fairytales that render God the Jewish Führer.
(But the Chinese are very pleased that Whites in the West are STILL solemnly preaching (here at UNZ!!) the fairytales…that command them Goyim to love their enemies: Niggers and Kikes…and Chinese.)
I have nothing to do with the Torah/OT. Both vile.
The torah and unholy “bible†are straight from the horse’s ass.
The lying rabbis made it all up, sucker.
If you are a cuckstian you sure do. It is over 50% of your alleged holiest of “holy books”.
You believe jews were once “god’s most chosenest, most precious people”. That’s gay. jewish liars made that crap up. Stop believing in jewish supremacist fairytales.
I guess I’m paranoid in the olfactory: whenever I see all these comments about elections are hoaxes, don’t matter, etc., I keep sniffing Kamala Cuntpaign Headquarters.
Yes, Japan.
Do you really think an election makes that much difference, do you really think Trump is influenced by different people than Kamala?
I’m cool with worshipping an entirely fictional character. And so are you.
That’s not exactly the case. Interestingly Julian the Apostate suggested Jesus didn’t exist.
Here’s the thing though. The Historical Jesus hypothesis is not the Jesus in the Gospel either.
I’d rather live in Muslim majority Malaysia than judeo-satanist USA. Any other stupid questions?
Believers in Christ Jesus don’t support baby murdering sodomite jews but judeo-satanists do some your whiny rant is impotent bullshit.
First century historians Josephus and Tacitus referred to Jesus in their writings, Also, the Jews themselves never denied the existence of Jesus only that he was a magician or a false teacher.
Your assertions have links to valid research regarding the Holy Shroud?
That is what Adam Green says too. So you agree with him. Duh.
Know More Horseshit straight from the horse’s ass.
I was responding to you. A. Green someone you used.
P.S. Can you name an atheist country that you would rather live in? China? Cuba? The UK? Or the EU? Any majority atheist country?
You are another one that doesn’t understand the purpose of religion. I explained it in another post on this thread. Why would there be parts of the brain devoted to religion if religion was just a ridiculous, pointless delusion?
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that black nigerians are “god’s chosen people” and those that bless nigerians will be blessed and those that curse nigerians will be cursed”?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that says that nigerians were slaves in Egypt when they really were not?
Should Europeans believe in a religion that states that non nigerians must serve the interests of nigerians?
Would this be “good” for Europeans to believe in such stories.
If you ever find out that Abraham never existed, neither did King Saul, Solomon, or David, that the tales of the Israelites is not supported by any history or archeology, you might start to wonder how modern Jews can claim Palestine as their homeland. No god gave anyone that land, it belongs to the natives. No court outside of Israel would ever recognize the Torah as a land title. The Torah is myth, very bad myth, and the first 5 books are a complete fabrication so says the world’s top archeologists and scholars.
You also have the problem that modern Jews have no relationship to the people of the Old Testament.
He researched the historiography of the Jewish people, found that it was all fabricated, so he stopped being a Jew. If the smartest Jew stops being a Jew, maybe the less educated Jews should take note. Einstein declined becoming the first president of Israel. Why? He was a smart Jew also.
wiki – Shlomo Sand is an Israeli Emeritus Professor of History at Tel Aviv University.
Like I said, this all a game of pretend. No Gentile can be saved anyways, at least that is what the book says. Joseph Atwill, in his landmark book “Ceasar’s Messiah, the Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus†explains exactly why Rome wrote Matthew 15:24 the way they did – the Gospels are written by the Roman State to pacify the Zealot Jews of Judea, who Rome was constantly at war with. Rome wanted peaceful, tax paying sheep – they did not want rebellious Zealots – so the Gospels are aimed at converting Jews. This all means all my Catholic indoctrination, 12 long years of nuns and piety, was all in vain, because I am a Gentile and the Gospels DO NOT APPLY to me.
… the Gospels record Jesus as being up front about his nationalistic intentions. He claimed that his mission was only to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel†(Matt 15:24), a statement made upon his initial refusal of a Gentile woman who asked for healing for her daughter.
Excellent article , Sir Yukon..! This is an excellent way to solve the “Jewish problemâ€â€¦if some entity/group don’t believe that they have identity, that entity will disappear, and “they†will assimilate ,and be just like everyone else…nothing special! Problem solved!
I am a former Roman Catholic ( Tridentine mass), but since I concluded that Jesus NEVER existed, I am now a Roman pagan!
BTW..I enjoyed your articles on, “central bankingâ€!
‘We *don’t* know these things’. Neither of us are experts, neither of us have used our expertise to examine the evidence, we are depending on the intelligence and honesty of the scientists. Scientists tell us that climate change will destroy life on earth and that the vax was safe and effective. Scientists will say whatever they’ve been paid to say. So it boils down to what you choose to believe about the shroud.
If I’m wrong, the fact that there was a hoax produced in the middle ages doesn’t affect my beliefs in the slightest. They don’t depend on the shroud as proof. However, if you are wrong about the shroud, then your entire position (atheism) is proven wrong. So all else being equal, I would say that you are much more likely to believe dubious evidence from dubious sources for fear of being proven wrong.
Are you quoting a Pope (appeal to authority) to make your case that Jesus never existed? Seriously?
AI Overview
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There is a broad consensus among scholars that Jesus existed, but there is no definitive physical or archaeological evidence. However, there is a good deal of written evidence that Jesus lived and died, including:
New Testament Gospels
Contain first-hand testimonies and the most detailed record of Jesus’ life and death
Letters of Saint Paul
Written between 20 and 30 years after the crucifixion, these letters provide scientific evidence about Jesus
Non-biblical accounts
Historian Flavius Josephus mentions Jesus in his history of Judaism around AD93, and Tacitus reports that Jesus was executed while Pontius Pilate was the Roman prefect in charge of Judaea (AD26-36)
“Christians believe He was the son of God and Savior of mankind.”
I was about to reply to this when I remembered you forbade me from using sarcasm.
From now on, I will just quote you instead.
“There are other scientists who say the image could have only been created with intense radiation.”
The claims made by these “scientists” have been disproven—unless by intense radiation they are referring to sunlight, which is how the reproduction was made. The Shroud, with its so-called “miraculous 3D qualities,” has been fully replicated. Since we know that image could have been naturally produced and we know that there are numerous other issues pertaining to the authenticity of the Shroud (carbon dating, lack of wrap around distortion, lack of corroboration by the Gospels) and we also know that Christianity is itself a completely irrational and ridiculous ideology, rational people can definitively conclude that it is a hoax. There is no choice involved to rational people only to irrational people such as yourself.
Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity. Christians believe He was the son of God and Savior of mankind. Jews believe he was a bastard sorcerer who now resides in hell boiling in excrement. These two positions are irreconcilable.
The Jew you mention has very little genetic relation to the Hebrew Israelites, and modern Judaism, based on the Talmud, has no relation to the old testament or the religion of the Israelites.
The original Dispensationalist doctrine, based on a flaky interpretation of Zechariah 14 (if memory serves me right), taught that all the Jews first had to return to the Holy Land, where two thirds of them would die so that Jesus could return. This would mean about 10 million dead Jews.
After 1945, this doctrine was fine-tuned to teach that two thirds of them would perish in a nuclear holocaust. So, while we’re mentioning religious cynicism, let’s make sure to include this little gem as well.
I was thinking the same thing. But I’ll have to go with jewish for $500 Alex.
Seriously though, either way, it doesn’t matter. Since no white woman in that position would ever challenge or question the hostile elite. On the contrary, they’ve swallowed their schtick hook, line, and sinker. If they want to Jonestown themselves to death, fine.
But not at my expense.
Yeah, i read that. It said the results were “very like” the shroud. Hardly convincing. There are other scientists who say the image could have only been created with intense radiation. All depends what you want to believe, I suppose. So why did you choose to believe that the shroud is a hoax? How would your life, or you worldview, be negatively affected if you found out that it *was* His actual burial shroud?
Thanks for that excellent insighful reply. I do understand that religion is a positive organizing force, and have observed it first hand, like the Mormons. The Mormon religion is ludicrous, like the claim that heaven is the planet Kobol in earth orbit on the other side of the sun. Or that Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel. Religions can make vast unsubstantiated claims, like raising oneself from the dead.
I don’t believe you understand the purpose and function of a religion. Religion is an organizing principle. It doesn’t matter if it is true or false as long as it serves it’s purpose which is to give an identity thru a shared history* (mythological or not) and to provide a common moral code (without which society cannot function
Like a gun, religion can be used for good or for evil depending on the people who wield it. Ironically it is the people who aren’t genuinely religious that use it to exploit their fellow man. But have you considered that faith and a sense of unity and purpose are extremely valuable in war? This may be the reason religion was evolutionarily selected for. Do you really believe the Catholic Spanish could have completed the reconquista without their faith? Without their belief that God would ultimately let them prevail?
How poorly do sports figures perform when they have lost their confidence? Their faith in their own abilities? Or faith in their coach or the front office? By taking the materialist position, you forgo the benefits of faith. I’ve read that Christians are happier, wealthier and even have better sex than those less religiously inclined.
I was an atheist until I was 50. I thought that made me smarter than most people, it is only now that I realize how dumb I was being. When you deny your religious nature it is like refusing to use your left arm.
There is NO historical evidence to prove the existence of Jesus Christ…!
Pope Paul III (1534-‘49)
The true Israel of the New Testament is the Christian church, Jew and Gentile united in one body – Christ.
I don’t believe you understand the purpose and function of a religion. Religion is an organizing principle. It doesn’t matter if it is true or false as long as it serves it’s purpose which is to give an identity thru a shared history* (mythological or not) and to provide a common moral code (without which society cannot function
Thanks for that excellent insighful reply. I do understand that religion is a positive organizing force, and have observed it first hand, like the Mormons. The Mormon religion is ludicrous, like the claim that heaven is the planet Kobol in earth orbit on the other side of the sun. Or that Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel. Religions can make vast unsubstantiated claims, like raising oneself from the dead.
But consider this, religion may be successful in organizing society – but then it can be exploited to marshal that society into war. If you study the relation of church and state, it becomes obvious that they are one in the same. For instance, the Roman State morphed into the Catholic Church – the state and church were the same entity (still true in Iran) – which imposed the Bible on the mass mind sending all of Europe into hundreds of years of a Dark Age, and some of the weirdest persecutions – like witch burnings. Myth can be very bad.
I have nothing to do with the Torah/OT. Both vile.
The torah and unholy “bible†are straight from the horse’s ass.
The lying rabbis made it all up, sucker.
That is what Adam Green says too. So you agree with him. Duh.
That is what Adam Green says too. So you agree with him. Duh.
I was responding to you. A. Green someone you used.
Know More Horseshit straight from the horse’s ass.
So if people weren’t in debt for those things they would be deeply interested in your work history? I’m not and I still don’t care.
I already responded to this idiotic claim. It has been reproduced, see my previous post in this thread. And even if the technique used to produce this obvious hoax is unknown or lost to the ages, that doesn’t automatically make it miraculous, but that is moot now since it has been replicated.
The torah and unholy “bible†are straight from the horse’s ass.
The lying rabbis made it all up, sucker.
I have nothing to do with the Torah/OT. Both vile.
There is no scientific explanation for how the image was created. Explain that.
White gentile CHRISTIANS.... is what I said.
White gentile christians are the dumbest of the dumb.
If Christianity is a Jewish plot, why do they work so hard to lessen it’s influence? To ridicule Jesus and His followers? It’s gotten to the point that people are afraid to mention their faith in public. It’s been a remarkably effective campaign to wipe out religion in this country and in Europe. And look at the result. Just what Jews want: an atomized society filled with individuals who have lost their identity (religion/history/nation) and are therefore easily manipulated because they don’t have the psychological strength to resist.
You are another one that doesn’t understand the purpose of religion. I explained it in another post on this thread. Why would there be parts of the brain devoted to religion if religion was just a ridiculous, pointless delusion? Why would religious delusion be (evolutionarily) selected for if it wasn’t beneficial?
Your positions make no sense if you actually think about them.
So, should Europeans believe in a religion that states that black nigerians are "god's chosen people" and those that bless nigerians will be blessed and those that curse nigerians will be cursed"?
You are another one that doesn’t understand the purpose of religion. I explained it in another post on this thread. Why would there be parts of the brain devoted to religion if religion was just a ridiculous, pointless delusion?
What a stupid take. Why do you have to resort to dishonest sarcasm to attempt to make your point? You don’t have to be the Pope to know the 2 Christian commandments. They’re right there in the n.t. You can deny that Jesus existed or that He made that statement, but it is the founding principle of the religion, nevertheless.
Probably very few individuals do care about my “boring pathetic life.” People are too busy borrowing (unearned) money for new tattoos, piercings, smart phones, outlandish hair colorings, driving their souped-up lawnmowers that they call their “cars” and watching all the computer-generated nonsense on TV to care about what I have ACCOMPLISHED in my working lifetime.
By the way, thank you for making a judgment on my “boring pathetic life.” I’m sure that you are quite an expert in many fields of productive WORK.
I assumed the thumbnail was a Jewish woman with an African man. But she could easily pass as someone from Balkans.
Great comment!
The women in this video, and not just this video, remind me of one of the themes of Faulkner’s writing, the absolute immorality of some women and their complete indifference to the civilizing influences of men, especially when those women are being driven by the fury of, well, nature.
Women, like the ones in the video, throw themselves at poc men as “compensation” for their failture to adapt to, or manage, a civilzation they didn’t create, and don’t understand, but now control.
You can even see this in their repudiation of children in general, and rejection of their own children in particular. That’s why feminists never talk about child abuse, especially if it’s done by a mother.
Obviously, a lot of this is intended to somehow hurt white men. But it only ends up making these women look really bad, and also racist. After all, what could be more racist then using another race to win a gender war? A war, moreover, that no self-respecting man would enter into in the first place.
Regarding such women, and only such women, certainly not all, this quote from Nietzsche comes irresistably to mind, Women. They aren’t even shallow.
In any event, like everybody else, these women always end up paying for what they refuse to see and accept – about themselves.
Thanks for the video link ariadna.
Yes, you’re right. It is a depressing video. Depressingly stupid. For example, @00:32 the barriers of Western society are abolished.
That’s the logic of hate for you. It’s purpose is to invert reality, demonize its enemy, and place itself above criticism where no human being belongs.
In the first place, the global world, for good or bad, better or worse, is the West magnified. The whole crisis of the modern age is that to survive every other nation and its peoples are adopting the values, ideas, and institutions of the West, without being able to adapt to them.
In the second place, Western civilization is the only civilization with a documented history of transcending its own barriers to explore new frontiers. It’s the very thing half of the world attacks it for. But those same people are absurdly taking credit for what they have never and could never do.
But the key word in the above quote is the word abolish. That’s the giveaway.
The West transcends its barriers, it does not abolish them. That kind of talk is pure rabbinal absolutism, which is the beating heart of the Super Tyranny that these hateful supremacists are imposing by force throughout the Western world right now.
The Western world today is in the hands of a people who are not of the West and never have been. They could be in the West for thousands of years and it wouldn’t change that fact.
These supremacists, the only supremacists in the world, have to impose hate speech laws, which are not about fighting hate, but about maintaining power, exactly because it would be so easy to expose their bullshit explanation of the world and reduce it to rubble faster than they can shriek Oy vey!
If you ever find out that Abraham never existed, neither did King Saul, Solomon, or David, that the tales of the Israelites is not supported by any history or archeology, you might start to wonder how modern Jews can claim Palestine as their homeland. No god gave anyone that land, it belongs to the natives. No court outside of Israel would ever recognize the Torah as a land title. The Torah is myth, very bad myth, and the first 5 books are a complete fabrication so says the world’s top archeologists and scholars.
You also have the problem that modern Jews have no relationship to the people of the Old Testament.
He researched the historiography of the Jewish people, found that it was all fabricated, so he stopped being a Jew. If the smartest Jew stops being a Jew, maybe the less educated Jews should take note. Einstein declined becoming the first president of Israel. Why? He was a smart Jew also.
wiki – Shlomo Sand is an Israeli Emeritus Professor of History at Tel Aviv University.
Like I said, this all a game of pretend. No Gentile can be saved anyways, at least that is what the book says. Joseph Atwill, in his landmark book “Ceasar’s Messiah, the Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus†explains exactly why Rome wrote Matthew 15:24 the way they did – the Gospels are written by the Roman State to pacify the Zealot Jews of Judea, who Rome was constantly at war with. Rome wanted peaceful, tax paying sheep – they did not want rebellious Zealots – so the Gospels are aimed at converting Jews. This all means all my Catholic indoctrination, 12 long years of nuns and piety, was all in vain, because I am a Gentile and the Gospels DO NOT APPLY to me.
… the Gospels record Jesus as being up front about his nationalistic intentions. He claimed that his mission was only to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel†(Matt 15:24), a statement made upon his initial refusal of a Gentile woman who asked for healing for her daughter.
Jack, you seem determined to not believe the Gospel, so it is hardly surprising that you succeed. It’s true that Jesus does seem to contradict himself when he rudely tells the Canaanite woman, “I was sent only to save the lost sheep of Israel,” and then when he sees how strong her faith is, he heals her daughter anyway.
As you surely know, there are many other biblical passages in which salvation is offered to all people, and God’s blessings on the Christian nations of Europe produced the greatest civilization in history.
After Europe began to abandon its Christian faith during the Enlightenment, the chaos and disintegration began throughout the Western world. Humanism and materialism are dead ends.
People have died did centuries for someone/thing that they believed was true, but never knew that it wasn’t! The gospels were written by unknown, koine-Greek speaking Jewish scriptwriters! Not one author who lived at the time of Jesus mentioned him, and there are no physical descriptions of Jesus guy, so we don’t know who to look for. If it’s so difficult to prove that he existed, then it’s not worth believing in it!
The torah and unholy “bible” are straight from the horse’s ass.
The lying rabbis made it all up, sucker.
I have nothing to do with the Torah/OT. Both vile.
The torah and unholy “bible†are straight from the horse’s ass.
The lying rabbis made it all up, sucker.
It’s a medieval era relic. Carbon dating and chemical analysis suggests that it was done around the 1300s.
Your date provided is from a repair to The Holy Shroud. Many suspect sabotage.
Someone pointed out that the figure himself is 5ft 11in around 6 inches over the average Judean and Roman height in the 1st century too.
Someone pointed out that I am also 6 inches over the current average Judean and Roman height.
Would the trollers, deceivers, Yid be against Christianity?
Re-read the current science regarding The Holy Shroud. Compelling.
Don't Know. You need to talk to Yid Atrocity Tales believers.As for The Holy Shroud, disprove its authenticity.5dsReplies: @Wokechoke, @Isadore
How gullible can one get?
It has already been long disproven thanks to radiocarbon dating. And the idea that the image could only be produced “miraculously” has been falsified:
“Most recently, a group of Italian scientists produced a replica that was quite similar using only 14th century technology. Of course, shroudie nitpickers claim that it does not share every attribute, but upon looking at their arguments it clear that they are grasping at straws. In my opinion, however, the most damning replication belongs to N.D. Wilson, who produced a replica of the shroud by painting an image, not on the shroud, but on a sheet of glass. He placed the glass on a blank shroud, and then left it in the sun for 10 days, therefore allowing the sun to bleach everything not under the image painted on the glass. This produced a shroud with an image of a man that not only was a “negative†and contained a “3D image,†but also bore an image without pigment. (When I read this the first time, I had the same feeling I get when I realize how a perplexing magic trick is done. I felt so stupid for not figuring it out myself — it’s so obvious and simple!)
Although he replicated only the face, and his image didn’t have the blood, he could have easily accomplished both. He would have simply needed a bigger piece of glass and more paint to produce an image of both sides of the body. Then he could apply red paint (or even blood) on the side of the glass opposite the painting. By laying that side down, onto the shroud, he could produce blood stains on the shroud over the image that would then be produced by the sun’s bleaching effect. Thus, it would be exactly like the original. A testament to Wilson’s success is the fact that shroudies, while they have tried to debunk every other attempt to replicate the Shroud, have left Wilson completely alone. I could not find one person attempting to explain what was “wrong†with his shroud.
You’ve got this part correct. Statistically Catholic priests are better behaved than men in general and better than other sets of men like public school teachers etc.
Don't Know. You need to talk to Yid Atrocity Tales believers.As for The Holy Shroud, disprove its authenticity.5dsReplies: @Wokechoke, @Isadore
How gullible can one get?
It’s a mediaeval relic. Much like the true cross or a saint’s knuckle bone etc. If Jesus were 5’11†back in the day he’d have been duly noted. Minimum height for a legionary in Rome was 5’6â€. These people in Galilee and Judaea were Malnourished midgets in comparison to the better fed legionaries who conquered them.
The sculpture they made is pretty cool though. Top marks for recreating the flayed body.
Cloud Posternuke :
“The people of Israel liveâ€
Yes Mr. Hagee, the inhabitants of Israel are alive. Otherwise it would be a necropolis of 22’000 km2 and we would not hear or see anything about them.
A very trivial statement.
“A very trivial statement.” ?
The people of Israel live
Am Yisrael Chai (Hebrew: ×¢Ö·× ×™Ö´×©Ö°×‚×¨Ö¸×ֵל ×—Ö·×™; lit. ‘The people of Israel live’) is a Jewish solidarity anthem and a widely used expression of Jewish peoplehood and an affirmation of the continuity of the Jewish people.
If you ever find out that Abraham never existed, neither did King Saul, Solomon, or David, that the tales of the Israelites is not supported by any history or archeology, you might start to wonder how modern Jews can claim Palestine as their homeland. No god gave anyone that land, it belongs to the natives. No court outside of Israel would ever recognize the Torah as a land title. The Torah is myth, very bad myth, and the first 5 books are a complete fabrication so says the world’s top archeologists and scholars.
You also have the problem that modern Jews have no relationship to the people of the Old Testament.
He researched the historiography of the Jewish people, found that it was all fabricated, so he stopped being a Jew. If the smartest Jew stops being a Jew, maybe the less educated Jews should take note. Einstein declined becoming the first president of Israel. Why? He was a smart Jew also.
wiki – Shlomo Sand is an Israeli Emeritus Professor of History at Tel Aviv University.
Like I said, this all a game of pretend. No Gentile can be saved anyways, at least that is what the book says. Joseph Atwill, in his landmark book “Ceasar’s Messiah, the Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus†explains exactly why Rome wrote Matthew 15:24 the way they did – the Gospels are written by the Roman State to pacify the Zealot Jews of Judea, who Rome was constantly at war with. Rome wanted peaceful, tax paying sheep – they did not want rebellious Zealots – so the Gospels are aimed at converting Jews. This all means all my Catholic indoctrination, 12 long years of nuns and piety, was all in vain, because I am a Gentile and the Gospels DO NOT APPLY to me.
… the Gospels record Jesus as being up front about his nationalistic intentions. He claimed that his mission was only to the “lost sheep of the house of Israel†(Matt 15:24), a statement made upon his initial refusal of a Gentile woman who asked for healing for her daughter.
Good old school days with the Baltimore Catechism and memorizing many items—it was during one such session that I was tossed out of my Grade 3 class by a furious nun—my error was asking this question ” What religion did Fred Flintstone and Wilma have?” and it was like WOW.
How gullible can one get?
Don’t Know.
You need to talk to Yid Atrocity Tales believers.
As for The Holy Shroud, disprove its authenticity.
Info from the Shroud of Turin seems to disagree with you.
He’s a work of historical fiction. A troll character designed to mock Jews.
It’s a medieval era relic. Carbon dating and chemical analysis suggests that it was done around the 1300s.
Someone pointed out that the figure himself is 5ft 11in around 6 inches over the average Judean and Roman height in the 1st century too.
Someone is doing the trolling. Jesus has always been a troll against Judaism.
Your date provided is from a repair to The Holy Shroud. Many suspect sabotage.
It’s a medieval era relic. Carbon dating and chemical analysis suggests that it was done around the 1300s.
Someone pointed out that I am also 6 inches over the current average Judean and Roman height.
Someone pointed out that the figure himself is 5ft 11in around 6 inches over the average Judean and Roman height in the 1st century too.
Yep, cuckstian copes.
They are too dumb and brainwashed to see the truth…which is that the lying jewish priests that wrote the old testament and new testament simply did not know that East Asians or Native Americans existed because those peoples hadn’t been encountered yet.
The jewish priest books mention the black africans, middle eastern tribes, persians, europeans….they mention everyone that was known at the time that the lying jewish priests wrote both books.
But, since the East Asians and Native Americans were not known to those in africa or Eurasia at the time, the lying rabbis did not write ANYTHING about them.
Thus, it is proof that the torah and bible are not the “word of god”. They are the word of lying jewish priests.
Re-read what I said. I said
White gentile christians are the dumbest of the dumb.
White gentile CHRISTIANS…. is what I said.
White gentiles as a group are brilliant and amazing. Our people came up with something like 95% of all scientific discoveries, medicinal cures, etc on earth since 1500. Without us, billions of people would have died.
But for our people to worship the jews that hate us and following the jew-loving cult called christianity that they made up IS dumb.
Stop believing in jewish priest made up fairytales. To keep believing in that tripe is dumb, dumb, dumb. I stand by what I said.
Who could've imagined the mass immigration into European countries would end like this? pic.twitter.com/NInFbMzhWB
— Adam Green – Know More News (@Know_More_News) August 4, 2024
“The people of Israel live”
Yes Mr. Hagee, the inhabitants of Israel are alive. Otherwise it would be a necropolis of 22’000 km2 and we would not hear or see anything about them.
A very trivial statement.
"A very trivial statement." ?
Cloud Posternuke :
“The people of Israel liveâ€
Yes Mr. Hagee, the inhabitants of Israel are alive. Otherwise it would be a necropolis of 22’000 km2 and we would not hear or see anything about them.
A very trivial statement.
The people of Israel live
Am Yisrael Chai (Hebrew: ×¢Ö·× ×™Ö´×©Ö°×‚×¨Ö¸×ֵל ×—Ö·×™; lit. 'The people of Israel live') is a Jewish solidarity anthem and a widely used expression of Jewish peoplehood and an affirmation of the continuity of the Jewish people.
Greed is very near the center of the human heart. It is the desire to have and
and to hold, and it can never be satisfied. Our other desires are soon met,
although the need to know is also insatiable, and may ultimately prove to be
equally destructive since the final objective of knowledge may be, like greed,
power over other people.
As you have noted, the struggle for control of petroleum resources has played
a major geopolitical role for the last 150 years, but before that there were a
number of other “rushes” or virtual greed frenzies involving gold, silver, spices,
industrialization, shipbuilding, cotton and yes, even the lovely tulip.
A number of these episodes were ended by warfare, including the defeat of the
Spanish Armada and the American Civil War.
When an atheist such Netanyahu exhorts the Jews to kill Amaleks
“for God and Country,” you may be sure his next prayer to the
Devil will be that, “there is no God.”
Thank you for your thoughtful reply.
Best regards.
“No, Jesus main message was love God and love your neighbor.”
Well, since you happen to be the Pope, and infallible, I will always depend 0n you to tell me what Jesus meant when he said “do not resist an evil person.” (Matt. 5:39)
As the OBVIOUSLY authoritative interpreter, you will surely tell me that sometimes that means KILLING the evil person. Just as you, the infallible, will also inform me that sometimes “love your enemy” means hate, insult, and destroy him.
And also, don’t take “Son of God” too literally. That was just a parable.