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The Hite Three

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The Hite Three, as I call them, are three precepts, prescriptions, rules to live by, somewhere in there, that you might want to try out to see how they work for you. Hite refers to Shere Hite, a woman who was big in American life back in the 1970s and ‘80s. She came up with the Hite Three, though she didn’t call them that.

Shere Hite was best known for a book she wrote in 1976 on women’s sexuality that sold in the multi-millions called The Hite Report. She wrote other books, all of them on sexual practices and perspectives, men’s as well as women’s, that got attention though none made a splash like The Hite Report.

This is not the place to go into The Hite Report’s content in any detail. Enough to say here that it was controversial. A major example, Hite’s claim that women do way better coming to an orgasm through masturbation than from someone lying on top of them thrusting in and out, which results in them faking it a lot of the time. You might want to read the book. It’ll give you a sense of the who-needs-men posture of the emerging second wave women’s movement in those years, as well as the tone of the ‘70s in general.

The success of The Hite Report was increased by the “wow†quality of young, glamorous, fashion-model-esque, super cool Shere Hite, who was everywhere in the media—TV, newspapers, and magazines, including nude Playboy poses. No internet back then of course.

Shere Hite
Shere Hite

Here’s a video of her in 1976:

Video Link

Hite came to my attention recently watching an excellent 2023 documentary on her, “The Disappearance of Shere Hite,†something else you might want to check out. The actress Dakota Johnson—Don’s daughter with Melanie Griffith for those of you old enough to remember–was major in producing it and does the voice of Hite when needed.

The Disappearance of Shere Hite
The Disappearance of Shere Hite

The title of the documentary gets at the fact about Shere Hite that particularly intrigued me and got me thinking: in 1990, she disappeared from view. She went from being in the public consciousness to, in a flash, no segue, no farewell speech, gone, and for good. According to the documentary, she got fed up with the static she was getting about her books and her persona and decided who needs it and hit the road.

What had been going on, and it was intensifying, is that men in particular weren’t taking to Hite telling them—or so they thought anyway, I think they were overreacting—that they were needy and unnecessary annoyances in women’s lives. A lot of people, women as well as men, came at the validity of the research methodology Hite employed to generate the data that supported her conclusions. She distributed surveys with open-ended questions here, there, and everywhere, and people mailed in completed surveys to her in New York City. She based The Hite Report on what the 3,000 women who chose to mail in their surveys reported. By the way, nobody ever questioned Hite’s work ethic—she toiled away day and night to get The Hite Report and her other books out.

To be sure, the survey responses Hite compiled for The Hite Report didn’t comprise a representative sample of all women, but she came on as if it did. If I’d been around her, I would have suggested she acknowledge that her data didn’t hold up as a random sample, but still, what 3, 000 women, and that’s a lot of people, think about their sex lives, whether or not they are representative of the total population of women, should prompt the rest of us to think through how we come down on these same concerns, and that’s a worthwhile activity apart from whether or not her pool of respondents to her surveys would pass muster in Statistics 201.

Another criticism of Hite is that some people were rubbed the wrong way by what they perceived as her haughty, better-than-thou manner. Not me. In the clips I’m seen of her, I found her to be articulate, gracious, and charming.
The documentary reveals that Hite went to Europe and stayed there until her death in 2020 at seventy-seven after years of suffering from a Parkinson’s-like illness. I find it hard to imagine young, vital, beautiful Shere Hite as a physically ill, diminished, dying old woman. I don’t know of pictures of her after she dropped out of sight, so Shere Hite remains, per the Bob Dylan song, forever young.

From the documentary, I picked up on what I’m calling The Hite Three that she used as personal guidelines, including cutting out for Europe. I’ve thought about them and put my twist on them and tried them out and they’ve seemed to help me live better.

The three:

1. Take your life very seriously. As time goes along, do what you can to boost your “take my life seriously†level and be vigilant to anybody or anything that lowers it. This can get subtle: A relationship can be good but at the same time trivialize your existence. An article, say in this internet magazine, can be excellent but make you feel as if you are on the outside looking in at life’s drama. A conference speaker can make a superb presentation and leave you feeling that he is the star of the show, standing up high, in the spotlight, and you’re a lesser being in the audience, sitting down, in the dark. Tucker Carlson could do a fine interview and the best thing you can think of to do after it is watch LeBron James shoot free throws. The ideal is to develop a healthy perversity of sorts: if somebody/something, which includes what you think and do, cues you to take your life less seriously, make that a prod to take yourself more seriously.

2. If anybody is laying a negative concept of who you are on you, leave. Leaving can be what Hite did, vacating the premises, heading out to New Mexico or going in the next room or to the garage to work on your car. It can also mean leaving in place, as it were: right here, don’t go anywhere, make the other person invisible, no energy positive or negative sent in his/her direction; you’re in the room but not in the room as far as this person is concerned. Speaking of Bob Dylan, a couple nights ago I watched the documentary “Dont Look Back†(Dont is not a typo) about his 1965 concert tour of Britain. The singer Joan Baez, who once was personally close to Dylan and seemed to think she still was, was smiling and chattering away a few feet from him, but to Dylan it was if she wasn’t there. He didn’t as much as look at her. No animosity, no coolness toward her, no agenda with her at all, just nothing. She finally went back to the U.S., and you might imagine Dylan’s reaction, or better, non-reaction, to that. I’d put what Dylan did in the category of leaving.

3. For three days, shut your personal act down. Get away from everything and everybody, which in our time, for just about all of us, means work, people, rituals and habits, the entertainment industry, news shows, the internet, social media, and texting. Just you here and now, a walk by the lake, cook a meal, sit in a chair. Books and movie streaming and journal writing are OK, or I guess, or maybe not, I don’t know. Another metaphor to get at this idea, put a “Closed†sign on the door of your particular business, what you try to sell to your customers (the people in your life) every day all day. No to-do list for the three days, no topics and issues to ponder. Breathe in and breathe out and let whatever comes up present itself to you, and if you want to, think about it, give it meaning, identify its implications, and if you don’t have the impulse to do any of that, that’s fine too. Another way to say it: for three days, don’t do, be.

I did the three-day shut down. It’s not necessary to get into what came out of it for me. Enough to say it was well worth my time and I recommend doing it.

As for the two other “Hites†during the three days:

Not that I’m not taking my life seriously now, but I should take it more seriously. During the backed-off time, what and who (including me) is impeding getting that done came into focus.

And yes, I have to some leaving. And since the opposite of a good thing is most often also a good thing, I have to get better at staying. I need to say YES rather than yes to some people.

It’s only been a few weeks, but I’ve already gotten on with doing some good things in a “Hite†direction, which has been gratifying and encouraging. I feel—and I mean that literally, the organism I experience, feel, as me—clearer and stronger, less vulnerable, and more directed after working with The Hite Three, enough to put the energy into writing this up. Your call as to what, if anything, to do with what’s here.

(Republished from The Occidental Observer by permission of author or representative)
•ï¿½Category: Culture/Society, Ideology •ï¿½Tags: Feminism, Sexuality�
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  1. Notsofast says:

    my take on the three:

    1. don’t take yourself too seriously, to do so is to miss the inside joke of the cosmic illusion we share. if that’s too deep, look at it this way: everything you consider to be you, is in the past. who you are, where you grew up, where you went to school, any degrees or professional accomplishments, are all in the past, along with all your mistakes you’ve made, they are all water under the bridge of life. the present is but a fleeting illusion and even the sentence i am speaking is in past, once i have completed it. your past is just your memory, accurate or not, of your life and as illusory as your dreams. we are in essence, living in the past, so just try to enjoy the fleeting razors edge of the present as it severs the illusory future, from the equally illusory past.

    2. why care what anybody thinks of you, whether good or bad. those that see you as good, tend to have a rosey picture of you and it can be hard to have to live up to this idealized illusion they hold. those that see you as bad are looking at you through the negative filter of their frame of mind.

    3. why just three days? why not live the rest of your life in this manner? if you understand the other 2, why go back to the phony image of yourself that you have been sold, by other phonies (like bob dylan), or any other prefab version of what you should be, in order to achieve “success” in a thoroughly phony culture.

    now as far a woman achieving orgasm through intercourse, that is really a matter of how excited a woman is, as well as basic anatomy. the clitoris is the pleasure center, the joy button if you will. the most direct stimulation will produce the quickest effect and i (not having one) would imagine it would be more pleasurable for a partner to orally stimulate the pleasure pearl than to manually stimulate oneself, (just an educated guess).

    but here is the real secret of a woman’s complex anatomy, the elusive g spot. being a young man, i wished to find this legendary pleasure center, in order to obtain higher knowledge of these fascinating creatures, i so desired. if i could find this shangrala, i would have mystic knowledge, giving me an advantage with the fairer sex, that would lead to unimaginable pleasures for my own self. only problem was i had no map and as i was young, i quickly gave up this seemingly fruitless search, consigning the g spot to the mythic realms like atlantis and the isle of lesbos.

    as i grew older and took a wife, i began my research once again, as this was all i was going to get, from here on, and through a more in depth analysis, i was finally able to isolate the elusive and mysterious g spot (eureka!), that turned out to be just inside, of the heavenly pearled gate. there is a slighty ridged area (ribbed for her pleasure), directly behind the clitoral nerve. this can be best accessed through the standard k9 style, where the pressure of the mans pleasure center, make greatest contact, through a technique know as “rimming”.

    so there you have it guys i just layed it out for you. i’m not supposed to be revealing these secrets, that women guard so fiercely. so i will most likely be hunted down by a pack of predatory lesbians and put to the sword, much like the masons do, with those who reveal the secrets of the craft.

    •ï¿½Replies: @pbar
  2. Nancy Friday published her book ‘My Secret Garden’ three years before Hite in 1973.

    An interesting book once you learn to differentiate between the three realities that the various female’s stories in the book, the two fantasy aspects the one created the one desired, then the origin memories.

    Anybody responding to Hite’s surveys had likely already responded to Fridays, at least read her very popular book.

  3. Docmike says: •ï¿½Website

    This Hite three theory satisfies a self centered person that does not care about others. Nothing to contribute to society or people . This kind of behavior is what brings corruption and bad leadership to any society. Did you ever do some charity and felt the pride and satisfaction of you dead? Did you ever try to inform the misinformed? And felt so grateful for what you did?
    Sadly I Talk often with my grandchildren and directly or indirectly influenced by those three and this is sad for America future
    about women preferring masterbation to sex mostly because of lack of scientific sex education and lack of time and on both partners

  4. anonymous[398] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Feminist, childhood family issues, never having children herself … late marriage ending around age 58, ending life alone

    Shere Hite [1942-2020 aka Shirley Diana Gregory] grew up in America’s bible belt

    Her mother was 16 when Hite was born, and she was raised by her grandparents, taking her stepfather Raymond Hite’s surname when she was older.

    Hite married a German pianist, Friedrich Horicke, 19 years her junior, in 1985, and in 1995 she renounced her US citizenship and took up citizenship of her husband’s home country. The marriage lasted 15 years … no children


    Below, Shere Hite in 2006, so age about 64, photo from a German obituary

    •ï¿½Replies: @ThreeCranes
  5. @anonymous

    She looks haunted.

    •ï¿½Agree: inspector general
    •ï¿½Replies: @G. Poulin
  6. pbar says:

    ==>other phonies (like bob dylan)

    There never was a phonier phony than Bob Dylan. Worse than mediocre musician, but a very talented businessman and entrepreneur. Him and his music are both manufactured products, and as American, and as genuine, as Velveeta Cheese.

    •ï¿½Agree: Liza
  7. Anonymous[387] •ï¿½Disclaimer says:

    Hite graduated from Seabreeze High School in Daytona Beach, Florida. After she received a master’s degree in history from the University of Florida in 1967

    Maybe I’m too much of a snob, but with her pedigree I don’t find much interest in what she thought or wrote. It’s know it’s a prejudiced attitude, because had she come from the Northeast and gone to The Dalton School and Barnard or Wellesley, I’d automatically think she’d have something worthwhile to say no matter how much I disagreed with it or how wacky it was.

    I realize she got it into a doctoral program at Columbia, but given the Ph.D. program was “social history†we can assume this was in the money-making School of Social Work and not in the legit School of Arts and Sciences).

  8. G. Poulin says:

    All feminists look haunted, because they’re possessed. In healthier times women like this could look forward to a good dunking, to drive the evil spirits out.

    •ï¿½LOL: ThreeCranes
  9. Franz says:

    The Hite Three seem lifted from Aleister Crowley.

    His Thelema broke big in the 1970s among people who had tried Ayn Rand and didn’t think she was self-absorbed enough.

    Crowley was good for people stuck on themselves. Hite sounds like she went through the usual Crawley descent: First fast success, followed by isolation, then prolonged self-demolition.

    Crowley ended up a garden variety alcoholic. Hite might have got there on her own. Still, early yuppies were big on Crowley and her precepts are comparable with his.

    For proof, check on how Crowley ghosted the rocket pioneer Jack Parsons. Ruthless.

  10. “Dao called Dao is not Dao. Names can name no lasting name.â€

    “What was your name before your parents were born?”

    Words are perfect for giving directions or answering a question about concrete reality (How high the moon? How deep the ocean? How hot did it get today?). As Alfred Korzybski said, though, the map is not the territory.

    The directions I give you are not the route itself. The route is not made of words. The farther our ideas get from concrete reality, the more “unsane” we are in danger of becoming. Words describing concrete reality are at one remove, words that describe those words, even farther. Talking or writing about the way we talk or write about the things we talk or write about eventually become merely ideas. Intellectuals love that kind of stuff. I am no intellectual, but I like the endorphin hit I get from ideas. Whether they are worth thinking about or mere mental masturbation, I don’t know. Some of both, I imagine.

    I remember old men I grew up around, men who didn’t do a lot of talking. They did quite a bit, though. Raising crops, families, and occasional hell. My favorite writers are those who knew old men like that. Old men like that don’t become writers. They sometimes have sons who have time to go to school and acquire some book-learning. Sometimes they produce a writer who writes about the actual world. And those are the ones worth reading, to me.

    Hey, if you can put up with each others’ rants, you can put up with mine. I would characterize it more as musing than ranting, but that might mostly pertain to the “tone” I was using in my head when I wrote it.

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