Ты заебала пиздеть на белых людей, сраная чурка. Приезжай в Россию, уебище, узнаешь, какие мы тут империалисты, блядь. Гниды черножопые…
Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the brother of the late Jonathan, is not a war criminal. The Guardian of Jerusalem is defending his country.
"Biden’s America Surrenders to War Criminal Netanyahu. "
1. Your above comment, “Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the brother of the late Jonathan, is not a war criminal. The Guardian of Jerusalem is defending his country”, shows willful ignorance which can be summed up as recorded in the KJV Bible Jeremiah 5:21.
2. Benjamin (‘Bibi’) NETANYAHU ‘is a war criminal’ plain and simple. Anyone that is a Zionist or supports Zionism is a war criminal – FACT ! This includes TRUMP, Robert KENNEDY Jr, and many others; including current U.S. President Joe BIDEN.
3. You would be wise to set aside some time to watch and listen to said link below of WHAT Miko PELED has to say on this very subject matter which was recently recorded and released 09 DECEMBER 2023. Miko PELED was invited to speak at the Bethlehem Public Library on the reality of Zionist ISRAEL.
4. ISRAEL is an “occupying-force” (IOF) / an Apartheid State against Palestinians (PALESTINE), and therefore under International-Law has NO defence on any of its arguments to “defend themselves” from alleged said threats (i.e., HAMAS) that they themselves created. That, in, and of itself, is a textbook example of an ‘Oxymoron’.
5. Again, ISRAEL is an Apartheid State – FACT ! And therefore cannot claim self defence on any ground(s) as they are the ‘aggressor / occupying force’ and have been since 1948 WHEN they stole the land of PALESTINE.
6. I strongly suggest you check your facts and read these books titled: THE GENERAL’S SON by Miko PELED, and said book titled: ISRAEL APARTHEID 2nd Edition by Ben WHITE.
7. Furthermore, you might consider also reading Alison WEIR’s (2014) book titled: AGAINST OUR BETTER JUDGEMENT which is about the hidden history of HOW the United States was used to illegally create ISRAEL.
8. I would also encourage you to please listen to these podcasts (x 4) to help you better understand the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, HOW, and WHY regarding Zionist ISRAEL, and everything related to this mess.
P.S. I must correct my #1 point above and clarify that TRUMP in fact converted to Judaism in early FEBRUARY 2017, which means he converted almost seven (7) years ago now.
1. President Donald J. TRUMP converted to Judaism two (2) years ago, and joined the Chabad Lubavitch synagogue in New York City, according to a high-level White House official. The story has allegedly been “held” by CNN’s editors for months, but is due to be released within the next few days. David Elias Goldberg, a fellow at the Jewish Center of Antisemitic Study and former State Department official, has also interviewed the White House source.
2. Furthermore, TRUMP is a staunch Zionist and it was his Abraham Accords that were the pre-cursor to the 07OCT2023 attack staged by Sayeraet Matkal operatives (formerly ‘Unit 269’) that carried out said attack on Israeli’s. Although the actual statistics paint a very different picture than the ongoing lies about HAMAS.
3. On the 07 OCTOBER 2023, it is crucial to understand that there were no direct attacks on civilians, only collateral damage.
4. Out of the 1148 total names, 403 were military personnel, 59 belonged to the police, and 668 were civilians. The collateral damage on the 7th was significantly lower than any of the ITf “mowing” operations, which, based on analyzing UN OHC data from 2008 to 2022 had a ratio of 6:1. When including all casualties, not just deaths, the collateral damage ratio of the “mowing” operations is a staggering 162:1.
5. On the 7th, with 462 military personnel out of 1148 total, the ratio of civilians to military personnel was a mere 1.6:1, which is a hundred times lower than the 162:1 ratio of the “mowing” operations.
6. A 162 :1 ratio means that for every 162 civilians, 1 military personnel is a casualty. The 7th had a ratio of 1.6:1, a hundred times lower.
7. Out of the 769 names on the Haaretz dataset, 462 were military personnel, including 55 soldiers, 13 privates, 59 corporals, 200 sergeants (45 of whom were sergeant majors), 48 commanders, 32 lieutenants, 5 lieutenant colonels, 6 colonels, 37 officers, 10 inspectors, 6 intendents, and 2 Lance Corp.
8. This was a military defeat, and they are taking it out on the rest. The reported ages of the victims are as follows:
0-4: 2 civilians 5-12: 8 civilians 13-17: 14 civilians 18-25: 132 civilians 26-40: 119 civilians 41-60: 55 civilians 61+: 40 civilians
9. Active duty military personnel:
18-25: 258 active duty military personnel 26-40: 60 active duty military personnel 41-60: 17 active duty military personnel 61+: 1 active duty military personnel
Thx… you beat me to it!
For the fans…..
Replies: @geokat62
The Jews were undeniably behind the terrorist attacks in Iran. The aim here is to get the Iranians to retaliate and drag America into the war without Israel catching direct blame…https://t.me/mpeinovich/3440Just like with the assassination of the Hamas leader in Beirut yesterday, I am sure the Jews did not inform the US military that they were carrying out the terrorist attack inside Iran today, despite this attack having consequences for American forces stationed in the region and potentially placing them in harms way. Because the Jews don't give a fuck about America, we are just here to do their dirty work for them. America is just one big dumb John Fetterman style golem for them.https://t.me/mpeinovich/3441
Telegram comment posted by Global Resistance News:
The casualties of the terror attacks in Kerman today has now risen to 103 martyrs and 141 injured.
The two bombings of this cowardly terrorist attack took place approximately ten minutes apart, with the second explosion killing emergency workers and those rushing along the route to help.
🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Replies: @geokat62
⚡️ 🇮🇷 BREAKING: Two explosions have taken place in the Iranian city of Kerman, the burial place of Hajj Qassem Soleimani (R.A.). 20 people have been martyred and at least 15 wounded. ⚡️ 🇮🇷
The blasts took place on the road that leads to the burial place of Hajj Qassem (R.A.).
Today is the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the IRGC Quds Force Commander who was killed in a US ZOG drone strike in Iraq in 2020.
Mere days after the assassination of Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri (R.A.) these blasts bear all the hallmarks of Jewish terrorism from the hand of the Mossad.
🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Telegram comments posted by Mike Peinovich:
The Jews were undeniably behind the terrorist attacks in Iran. The aim here is to get the Iranians to retaliate and drag America into the war without Israel catching direct blame…
Just like with the assassination of the Hamas leader in Beirut yesterday, I am sure the Jews did not inform the US military that they were carrying out the terrorist attack inside Iran today, despite this attack having consequences for American forces stationed in the region and potentially placing them in harms way. Because the Jews don’t give a fuck about America, we are just here to do their dirty work for them. America is just one big dumb John Fetterman style golem for them.
The casualties of the terror attacks in Kerman today has now risen to 103 martyrs and 141 injured.
The two bombings of this cowardly terrorist attack took place approximately ten minutes apart, with the second explosion killing emergency workers and those rushing along the route to help.
🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Telegram comment posted by Global Resistance News:
⚡️ 🇮🇷 BREAKING: Two explosions have taken place in the Iranian city of Kerman, the burial place of Hajj Qassem Soleimani (R.A.). 20 people have been martyred and at least 15 wounded. ⚡️ 🇮🇷
The blasts took place on the road that leads to the burial place of Hajj Qassem (R.A.).
Today is the fourth anniversary of the martyrdom of the IRGC Quds Force Commander who was killed in a US ZOG drone strike in Iraq in 2020.
Mere days after the assassination of Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri (R.A.) these blasts bear all the hallmarks of Jewish terrorism from the hand of the Mossad.
🔴 @Cultures_of_Resistance
Replies: @geokat62
The Jews were undeniably behind the terrorist attacks in Iran. The aim here is to get the Iranians to retaliate and drag America into the war without Israel catching direct blame…https://t.me/mpeinovich/3440Just like with the assassination of the Hamas leader in Beirut yesterday, I am sure the Jews did not inform the US military that they were carrying out the terrorist attack inside Iran today, despite this attack having consequences for American forces stationed in the region and potentially placing them in harms way. Because the Jews don't give a fuck about America, we are just here to do their dirty work for them. America is just one big dumb John Fetterman style golem for them.https://t.me/mpeinovich/3441
“Biden’s America Surrenders to War Criminal Netanyahu. ”
Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the brother of the late Jonathan, is not a war criminal. The Guardian of Jerusalem is defending his country.
We have to be careful with our choice of words. The other day someone was referring to Hamas as ” extremists ” ( compared to what ? ).
Hold on a minute. 'falsely accuse Jews of murdering Christians...'
Blood libel, for those who do not know, refers to the way medieval Europeans would falsely accuse Jews of murdering Christians in blood sacrifices in order to justify persecuting them.
Don’t forget the current day re-targeting of Russia through putting Ukraine into the meat grinder. Banning the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and putting a Jewish gay porn star at the helm was only the cherry on top for those who crave the flow of Christian blood and hate Christ.
From an engineering and scientific standpoint NONE of the so-called “holocaust” claims is valid or even possible.
Germans are excellent engineers and even then would not have been able to refute basic scientific, physical and engineering “laws”.
We are drowning in a sea of lies being told day in and day out.
So true!
We can begin dispelling these lies by referring to the source of these lies as not being “Western media,” but “Jewish Supremacist-controlled media.”
In the west, the Israelis are telling the western media and the western media keeps broadcasting that Hamas killed, burned, raped, mutilated children in front of the parents, and parents in front of the children on Oct. 7. And without evidence, the media swears to it. The media never mentions the more than 20,000 civilian Palestinian lives lost, and over 60,000 injured in the relentless bombing of homes, schools, hospitals. It is all totally disregarded. It’s a sea of lies. We are drowning in a sea of lies being told day in and day out.
Replies: @mark green
WTF, in Arizona's 8th Congressional District, Donald Trump is backing open-borders, anti-White, muslim Abe Hamadeh over immigration-restrictionist Blake Masters. What a joke.
Hi Geo. Concerning AZ candidate Abe Hamadeh, he’s actually very much in Trump’s corner when it comes to immigration enforcement. That’s surely one reason why Trump (as well as Kari Lake) support Hamadeh’s candidacy. Hamadeh is not for Open Borders. (That commentator on Gab had it wrong as far as Hamadeh’s immigration sentiments go.)
Unfortunately, like Trump, Hamadeh is shamelessly pro-Israel. Sadly, nearly every GOP Congress-critter is in lockstep when it comes to Israel. At least the Dems have a small coterie of anti-Zionist dissidents inside their party. The neocon-dominated GOP on the other hand has virtually none. (Thomas Massie of KY is one notable exception.)
A few days and no explanation. Let me ask again. End the oligarchy. So easy! Very, very, easy! Why not?
Things would be simpler if Washington DC were made into Israeli territory, and if an oral tradition were ascribed to the founding fathers (most of who were actually Jews : Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Monroe) defining America’s Manifest Destiny as the reinstatement of Israel on the world map starting with the New World. The First Amendment should be defined conditionally : churches, political parties and opinions are allowed no matter their origin provided they conform to the Seven Noachide Laws and accept Jews as their priests of higher rank. The Second Amendment still stands in as much as the weapons are used against the enemies of the Jews as defined or decreed by the latter. The American pledge of Alliance should be towards Israel. Books for school education should be rewritten so as to all heroic figures of the American past having been Jews and Zionists, especially the Mayflower Pilgrims, betrothed to the future state of Israel to come. America should be called New Atlantis and NATO should be the acronym for New Atlantis Treaty Organization.
Must watch video!
The end of the United States
[LBJ’s] Remarks at the Signing of the Immigration Bill, Liberty Island, New York
October 03, 1965
Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Ambassador Goldberg, distinguished Members of the leadership of the Congress, distinguished Governors and mayors, my fellow countrymen:
True. Those vile creatures are called “Golem”. Isn’t rather fascinating, though, that all the official Satanist organizations are rune by Jews?
I can only imagine that a billion+ people around the world are as angry about this as I am.
There are several billion people in the world angry because of Israel’s heinous crimes in Gaza. When the main Israel’s cover, the empire, declines sufficiently, this anger will translate into actions. It is very likely that these actions will be very unfortunate: the population of Israel’s neighbors won’t just overthrow its ruling gang, but will likely tear all Israelis to shreds and feed the remains to the dogs. The more crimes Israel commits, the more likely total annihilation of its residents becomes. Whoever sows wind reaps whirlwind. There is nothing moral about this, it’s the law of nature, inevitable and implacable, like gravity.
Cheka head, Moshe Garfinkel, and his NKVD associate, Alejandro Mayorkas, are determined the invasion continues, unabated…
Justice Dept. Threatens to Sue Texas Over Migrant Arrest Law
In a letter addressed to Texas’ governor and attorney general, a D.O.J. official wrote that the federal government had sole authority over immigration enforcement:
The Justice Department on Thursday threatened to sue Texas if it enforced a sweeping new law that would allow the state and local police to arrest migrants who enter the United States from Mexico without authorization, setting up the first significant legal showdown over federal immigration enforcement.
Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas signed the measure, known as Senate Bill 4, this month in his most direct challenge yet to the Biden administration’s handling of immigration. Immigrant-rights groups and Hispanic organizations had opposed the legislation, arguing that it would violate the U.S. Constitution and encourage racial profiling.
In a letter obtained by The New York Times, Brian M. Boynton, an assistant attorney general with the D.O.J., gave Mr. Abbott until next Wednesday to retract his intention to enforce the law, which takes effect in early March. Otherwise, he wrote, “the Department of Justice intends to bring a lawsuit to enforce the supremacy of federal law and to enjoin the operation of S.B. 4.”
Wake up, goy!
Gab comment posted by End Cultural Marxism:
WTF, in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District, Donald Trump is backing open-borders, anti-White, muslim Abe Hamadeh over immigration-restrictionist Blake Masters. What a joke.
Blood libel, for those who do not know, refers to the way medieval Europeans would falsely accuse Jews of murdering Christians in blood sacrifices in order to justify persecuting them.
Hold on a minute. ‘falsely accuse Jews of murdering Christians…’
That blanket denial is right out of the ADL playbook. But there’s some evidence to the contrary. For instance, see:
‘Blood Passover: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murder’ by Ariel Toaff
It’s clear that Jews make a fundamental human-moral distinction between their glorious tribe and the lowly goyim.
Whether or not Jews in antiquity murdered gentiles ritualistically remains an open question. But the killing gentiles is not only permitted, but exalted, in many of the holiest Jewish texts.
Consider also modern history:
The (Jewish) destruction of Christian Russia, the annihilation of Hitler’s Germany, the Jewish-orchestrated obliteration of Iraq and Libya, as well as the ongoing proxy campaigns against Palestine, Iran and Syria. These murderous actions are covered with Jewish fingerprints.
Jews are capable of anything. ‘Blood libel’ is the least of it.
Just found this,
Tel Aviv was founded in 1909 as a Jewish suburb of the mainly Arab Jaffa. It was named for Theodor Herzl’s novel Altneuland (1902), translated into Hebrew as Tel Aviv (“Spring Hill”), in which Herzl, the founder of the political form of Zionism, put forth his ideas for a new Jewish state.
"La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein:" https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/08/16/la-danse-mossad-robert-maxwell-and-jeffrey-epstein/
Blinken was a childhood friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was a 'madam' of Epstein’s pedophilic enterprise. Her father, Robert Maxwell (born Hyman Binyamin Hoch) was a thief of American technology (software PROMIS), looter of a large British pension plan, and Mossad agent:
https://moneyweek.com/505757/great-frauds-in-history-robert-maxwellThe mediocre Blinken’s credential rely on his family connections with Mossad: Blinken's step-dad Pissar was a long-term confidant of Robert Maxwell. “La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein:” https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/08/16/la-danse-mossad-robert-maxwell-and-jeffrey-epstein/
Robert Maxwell looted millions from the pension fund of the Mirror Group, wiping out shareholders and condemning pensioners to poverty.
Replies: @mulga mumblebrain
At the time of his death, the disgraced magnate was under investigation for raiding his companies’ pension funds to cover the losses incurred from his multiple and reckless takeovers, and finance a luxury lifestyle he enjoyed sharing with high profile pals like Henry Kissinger and Barbara Walters.Curiously, many of these fossilized specimens from Robert Maxwell’s roster of friends from the Reagan era would circle around Epstein [and] Epstein’s underage “massage therapists”... If you have ever asked yourself why Israel’s war crimes and settlement expansion go unchallenged by US lawmakers, consider the career destroying consequences contained within those dossiers compiled by the braintrust behind Epstein’s ’suicide’.
Have you perused Whitney Webb’s ‘One Nation Under Blackmail’? There lies to true secret of Jewish success in taking control of the West. That and outright bribery, of course.
Good God, Hitler, for all his crimes and other faults, was by so far a better example of H. sapiens than Biden et al, as to make you think that he, Hitler, was of a different species.
Sorry, Izzard, but who among all Western ‘elites’ in politics and the MSM are NOT controlled by the Jewish elites in their countries? Or mortally terrified of them and their capacity for inchoate rage and endless vengefulness.
Don’ t forget Auschwitz either !!
Takes 1-3 hours to cremate a person at a temperature of 1400-1800 Fahrenheit–very hot.
There were 24 ovens at Auschwitz. assuming they were in operation 24 hours per day 7 days per week and worked continuously for 3 years ( 1941-1944) the math would be as follows:
24/1.5= 16 X24= daily 384 daily tally
3 years = 384 X 365 X 3 + 420,000 Total.—- NO downtime—illogical—keepng ovens this temperature 24/7.
This would take trainloads of Coal if burning coal OR a big pipeline consuming gas better sued for combat purposes on both Fronts.
Einsatzgruupen killed 200,00 or thereabouts —-he math is well short of 6,000,000.
Likewise check the census records — Pat Buchanan was Correct and stands correct.
Pat Buhaninan –please pen your thoughts on Israel today—
Holy Truckers!!! All the best to that bunch of Awakeners. Hoping that the gubmint doesn’t pull the same kinda shit on them that the two little Dick-Taters in Canuckistan did to theirs.
Follow the following –about Zionism and Israel:
The following is a compilation of selected quotations from prominent Israeli and Zionist figures that embody the discourse of hatred, racism and rejection that nurtured Israeli society throughout the short existence of Israel.
This language of negation of Palestinian existence and blatant disregard for the very humanity of the Palestinian people is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of Israeli and Zionist policies.
Perhaps, the most significant aim of this document is to draw attention to the futility of discourse with liars. It is imperative that political leaders and prominent figures in any society promote principles of mutual respect, tolerance and humanism, in order to nurture a more constructive outlook. Be sure to read carefully the Balfour Declaration of 1917 addressed to Rothschild and the Zionist Federation.
Pay attention to the paragraph which speaks of how to treat the indigenous people:
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
Death finally claims soldier-politician Ariel Sharon after eight years …
“There is a huge gap between us [Jews] and our enemies -not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life and conscience. They are our neighbours here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy.” Israeli president Moshe Katsav. The Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001.
Rivlin rejects Katsav’s appeal to annul Parole Board limitations …
“Jordan is apart from Eretz Israel in history.” Ariel Sharon, When he became the Prime minister in 2000.
“The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more.” Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time – August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000.
Likud dismisses Barak’s party, says it’ll only splinter the left | The …
“Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours… Everything we don’t grab will go to them.” Ariel Sharon, Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.
“The Oslo agreement is very important for the Palestinians since it is the only official agreed-upon document they got. We have another document, a much older one … the Bible.” Ariel Sharon, speaking at a Washington symposium, 8 May 1998.
“We did not know what to do with them [surrendered Egyptian POWs in 1956]. There was no choice but to kill them. This is not such a big deal if you take into consideration that I slept well after having escaped the crematories of Auschwitz.” Retired Israeli brigadier general Arieh Biro, The New York Times, August 21, 1995.
“The Palestinians would be crushed like grasshoppers … heads smashed against the boulders and walls.” Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988.
The stubborn embodiment of Jewish self-reliance | The Times of Israel
“We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves.” Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.
“We declare openly that the Arabs have no right to settle on even one centimetre of Eretz Israel… Force is all they do or ever will understand. We shall use the ultimate force until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours.” Rafael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces – Gad Becker, Yediot Ahronot 13 April 1983, New York Times 14 April 1983.
“When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.” Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.
Rafael Eitan – Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
I don’t mind if after the job is done you put me in front of a Nuremberg Trial and then jail me for life. Hang me if you want, as a war criminal. What you don’t understand is that the dirty work of Zionism is not finished yet, far from it. Ariel Sharon to Amos Oz, editor of Davar, Dec. 17, 1982.
“The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs.” Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the Beasts”. New Statesman, 25 June 1982.
Shiloh Musings: The Menachem Begin Prize to David Levy
“We walked outside, Ben-Gurion accompanying us. Allon repeated his question, What is to be done with the Palestinian population?’ Ben-Gurion waved his hand in a gesture which said ‘Drive them out!’” Yitzhak Rabin, leaked censored version of Rabin memoirs, published in the New York Times, 23 October 1979.
“It is the duty of Israeli leaders to explain to public opinion, clearly and courageously, a certain number of facts that are forgotten with time. The first of these is that there is no Zionism, colonization or Jewish State without the eviction of the Arabs and the expropriation of their lands.” Yoram Bar Porath, Yediot Aahronot, of 14 July 1972.
“The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only a bluff, which was born and developed after the war.” Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha’aretz, 19 March 1972.
Interview with Matityahu Peled, 1987 – Digital Commonwealth
“There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed.” Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969.
Following Major Backlash, Kent State Says It Won’t Cave to Anti-Israel …
“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist. Not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either. Nahlal arose in the place of Mahlul; Kibbutz Gvat in the place of Jibta; Kibbutz Sarid in the place of Huneifis; and Kefar Yehushua in the place of Tal al-Shuman. There is not a single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab population.” Moshe Dayan, address to the Technion, Haifa, reported in Haaretz, April 4, 1969.
Moshe Dayan Biography – Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline
“How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to.” Golda Meir, March 8, 1969.
“We must do everything to ensure they [the Palestinians] never do return.” Assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. “The old will die and the young will forget.” David Ben-Gurion, in his diary, 18 July 1948, quoted in Michael Bar Zohar’s Ben-Gurion: the Armed Prophet, Prentice-Hall, 1967, p. 157.
David Ben Gurion, The 1st Prime Minister of Israel, portrait by Herbert …
“The term annexation is out of place. The measures adopted relate to the integration of Jerusalem in the administrative spheres and furnish a legal basis for the basis for the protection of the Holy Places in Jerusalem.” Israeli Foreign Min. Abba Eban at the United Nations Assembly, 4 July 1967.
Abba_Eban_1970 | United with Israel
“We shall reduce the Arab population to a community of woodcutters and waiters.” Rabin’s description of the conquest of Lydda, after the completion of Plan Dalet – Uri Lubrani, PM Ben-Gurion’s special adviser on Arab Affairs, 1960. From “The Arabs in Israel” by Sabri Jiryas.
“I vow that if I was just an Israeli civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With one hit I’ve killed 750 Palestinians (in Rafah in 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic girls as the Palestinian women is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do.” Ariel Sharon, In an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956.
“I don’t know something called International Principles. I vow that I’ll burn every Palestinian child (that) will be born in this area. The Palestinian woman and child is more dangerous than the man, because the Palestinian child’s existence infers that generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger.” Ariel Sharon, In an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956.
“The most spectacular event in the contemporary history of Palestine – more spectacular in a sense than the creation of the Jewish state – is the wholesale evacuation of its Arab population which has swept with it also thousands of Arabs from areas threatened and/or occupied by us outside our boundaries.” Moshe Sharett -latter Israeli Foreign Minister – in a letter to Goldmann, 15 June 1948.
“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.
It's a result of the indifference of the overwhelming majority US citizens towards the policies and action of their government abroad. A large chunk of these people is passively acknowledging the need for the US to police the world in order to steal resources, dump US exports, prop up the dollar, and install compliant leaders to accomplish these goals and failing that, marginalize and sanction noncompliant countries.
It’s a combination of “Dual Citizens”, evangelical Christians, and Zionist war mongering Gentiles like Lindsey Graham or Liz Cheney.
“It’s a result of the indifference of the overwhelming majority US citizens” It pains me to agree with you, but you are 100% correct. And it has only gotten worse as the American public has been dumbed down. It’s a grim situation.
The Battle of the Canals
Russia, Iran and India Want to Bypass the Suez Canal Via the Persian Corridor 2.0
Biden is a vicious, war-mongering psychopath, he cares less than nothing for Palestinians or even Americans. He’s willingly owned by jewish oligarchs.
“I wonder how this will be accomplished.”
Doesn’t seem to be a problem. The Gazans are being moved out now, and Fatmerica will hit with the bill for both the Jew Canal and the displaced population.
How far down down the rat 🐀 hole have we gone. The smiling Hindu monkey in England and corrupt, sleepy Joe in the White House. Both run by Bolshevik Jooz. They don’t even have to hide behind the curtains anymore.
This is going to come to a head sooner than later because we can’t have these rodents in charge anymore.
Probably this number will rise.
🇺🇦🇷🇺 Updated data from the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the shelling of Belgorod.
14 dead (2 children) and 108 wounded and injured (15 children)
Happy New Year.
Here’s a New Year message for Jew S A.
“Looking Forward to your Soon Demise.
You demons richly deserve nothing less.”
We can’t tell her the truth’: Gaza’s hospitals filling with lone orphans
The number of children with no one to care for them is mounting fast amid Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.
I can only imagine that a billion+ people around the world are as angry about this as I am.
There are several billion people in the world angry because of Israel’s heinous crimes in Gaza. When the main Israel’s cover, the empire, declines sufficiently, this anger will translate into actions. It is very likely that these actions will be very unfortunate: the population of Israel’s neighbors won’t just overthrow its ruling gang, but will likely tear all Israelis to shreds and feed the remains to the dogs. The more crimes Israel commits, the more likely total annihilation of its residents becomes. Whoever sows wind reaps whirlwind. There is nothing moral about this, it’s the law of nature, inevitable and implacable, like gravity.
I can only imagine that a billion+ people around the world are as angry about this as I am.
That’s unusually crude. Don’t you have a link?
Hi Phil,
Most will not want to accept, “you reap what you sow”. After thrown out of Misraim in Egypt as slaves under Pharaoes, and God “chose” (the first time we ever hear “jews were chosen people of God”, as if the rest of creation were not God’s chosen Creation! “
Who the goddam think these Manna-helped (Lots of Yogis in Himalayas also live on air and water) Ashkenazi Kazar Jewish aspirants aka Zionists are? Plenty of Jews who have kept their moral heads up like Rabbi Dovid Weiss (Who reiterated “ZIONISM IS N OT JUDAISM”, have saved themselves. Or, do the belligerent greedy Zionists want to face oblivion?
The Law of Karmic Causality knows no exception, whether you earned a dime a day or 1 trillion. The Axe will fall on all of them who went away from HIM, not following the Law (Covenant)
George Chakko, former U.N. correspondent at Vienna International Center, Vienna, Austria.
Vienna, 30 December 2023, 21: 20 CET
Clearly the reason for all this murderous barbarism being supported and underwritten by the US government in Palestine, in Ukraine, and throughout the Middle East, all at the expense of the American people who asked for none of the madness and derive not the slightest benefit but only universal condemnation for it, is that said government of our totally corrupted country is now entirely and firmly committed to the cause of Fascism, or Nazi-ism, take your pick of proper nouns. When the ducks are all walking, talking, swimming and quacking like Nazis, that’s WTF they are! The murderous gangster in charge, Joe Biden, is just like Hitler, only you don’t have to call him der Fuerher, even if you are speaking German. To call him any less than a genocidal monster would be a disservice, though, to simple haters or killers. Old Joe has been “mind-melding” with Nutty Yahoo every day for most of his hundred years, or whatever it’s been, in Washington. Time for some current Nuremburg trials for all but a precious handful of the creatures (like Rand Paul) residing in that infamous DC Swamp. Drain it, burn it, salt it, irradiate it, and bulldoze about a six-foot layer of toxic waste over it all.
https://t.me/intelslava/54212Replies: @Arthur MacBride, @annamarina
🇺🇦🇷🇺 Another video of the first seconds of the Ukrainian shelling, where the arrival of MLRS can be clearly heard.
Residential buildings, cars, shops, and educational institutions were hit.
The number of victims has already exceeded 40 people .
The Kievan junta ethnic composition is predominantly jewish. Guess, menorah is sacred for the Ukrainian judeo-nazis who have been destroying the whole generation of young Ukrainians on orders from American & British judeo-nazis at the State Department and in Parliament. All these jews are in cahoots with major war profiteers and war profiteers themselves.
The triumph of jewish genocidal spirit in Israel-occupied Gaza Ghetto
Why is this zionist dimwit Blinken representing the US?
Blinken was a childhood friend of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was a ‘madam’ of Epstein’s pedophilic enterprise. Her father, Robert Maxwell (born Hyman Binyamin Hoch) was a thief of American technology (software PROMIS), looter of a large British pension plan, and Mossad agent:
https://moneyweek.com/505757/great-frauds-in-history-robert-maxwellRobert Maxwell looted millions from the pension fund of the Mirror Group, wiping out shareholders and condemning pensioners to poverty.
The mediocre Blinken’s credential rely on his family connections with Mossad: Blinken’s step-dad Pissar was a long-term confidant of Robert Maxwell. “La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein:” https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/08/16/la-danse-mossad-robert-maxwell-and-jeffrey-epstein/
“La Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein:” https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/08/16/la-danse-mossad-robert-maxwell-and-jeffrey-epstein/
At the time of his death, the disgraced magnate was under investigation for raiding his companies’ pension funds to cover the losses incurred from his multiple and reckless takeovers, and finance a luxury lifestyle he enjoyed sharing with high profile pals like Henry Kissinger and Barbara Walters.
Curiously, many of these fossilized specimens from Robert Maxwell’s roster of friends from the Reagan era would circle around Epstein [and] Epstein’s underage “massage therapists”… If you have ever asked yourself why Israel’s war crimes and settlement expansion go unchallenged by US lawmakers, consider the career destroying consequences contained within those dossiers compiled by the braintrust behind Epstein’s ’suicide’.
“Anglo-Judaic evil empire.”
— Excellent definition!
The mega-criminal Jewish nest is at the heart of London, in the co-called City of London plus the zionzied Private Banking Cartel known as “federal reserve.”
Dec 28, 2023 “They’re targeting Christianity’s holiest sites on purpose”
Why are Western leaders silent on deaths of Christians in Gaza? Multiple well known Christian sites have been deliberately targeted and destroyed by IDF forces. The Pope denounced it as terrorism so why is the U.S. still providing weapons and support for the indiscriminate killing of civilians?
“We are seeing the true face of Zionazism and Talmudic Judaism, where genocide, child murder and terror are ‘Holy’ acts. Over the years, if you merely quoted the Book of Joshua, or the incessant calls for genocide in the Torah, or honestly described the genocidal nature and provenance of the ‘festivals’ of Passover and Purim, you would be censored and vilified as an ‘antisemite.”
— Agree.
However, don’t be too much into “shoah business:” Germans never descended to the sadistic barbarity of Israeli/American Jews.
https://t.me/intelslava/54212Replies: @Arthur MacBride, @annamarina
🇺🇦🇷🇺 Another video of the first seconds of the Ukrainian shelling, where the arrival of MLRS can be clearly heard.
Residential buildings, cars, shops, and educational institutions were hit.
The number of victims has already exceeded 40 people .
🇺🇦🇷🇺 Updated data from the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the shelling of Belgorod.
14 dead (2 children) and 108 wounded and injured (15 children)
Probably this number will rise.
Even if not to as many as the Gaza Horror. This unprecedented indescribable savagery must be ended and the perpetrators on trial/executed.
The Beast must be brought down.
There is no practical alternative; all attempts at negotiation, treaties, talks, agreements etc etc have failed, they will continue to fail with inhuman demons.
Looking forward to this process beginning in earnest in 2024.
Happy New Year.
Here's a New Year message for Jew S A."Looking Forward to your Soon Demise.
Happy New Year.�
We can’t tell her the truth’: Gaza’s hospitals filling with lone orphansThe number of children with no one to care for them is mounting fast amid Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.
Everybody in the world, including Americans, needs to do whatever is possible to bring down this evil Mad Dog entity.
🇺🇸 🇮🇱 💵 The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel🔶️ The State Department said Friday that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had told Congress that he had made a second emergency determination covering a $147.5 million sale for equipment, including fuses, chargers and primers, that is needed to make the 155 mm shells that Israel has already purchased function.🔶️ Bypassing Congress with emergency determinations for arms sales is an unusual step that has in the past met resistance from lawmakers, who normally have a period of time to weigh in on proposed weapons transfers and, in some cases, block them.https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/the-biden-administration-once-again-bypasses-congress-on-an-emergency-weapons-sale-to-israel
Similar Jewish tactics in the other Jewish war.
Ukraine bombs Christmas Tree in Belgorod, Russia.
🇺🇦🇷🇺 Another video of the first seconds of the Ukrainian shelling, where the arrival of MLRS can be clearly heard.
Residential buildings, cars, shops, and educational institutions were hit.
The number of victims has already exceeded 40 people .
Probably this number will rise.
🇺🇦🇷🇺 Updated data from the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the shelling of Belgorod.
14 dead (2 children) and 108 wounded and injured (15 children)
US “government” discovers that there might still be some children alive in Gaza, takes emergency action in the spirit of Christmas.
🇺🇸 🇮🇱 💵 The Biden administration once again bypasses Congress on an emergency weapons sale to Israel
🔶️ The State Department said Friday that Secretary of State Antony Blinken had told Congress that he had made a second emergency determination covering a $147.5 million sale for equipment, including fuses, chargers and primers, that is needed to make the 155 mm shells that Israel has already purchased function.
🔶️ Bypassing Congress with emergency determinations for arms sales is an unusual step that has in the past met resistance from lawmakers, who normally have a period of time to weigh in on proposed weapons transfers and, in some cases, block them.
Everybody in the world, including Americans, needs to do whatever is possible to bring down this evil Mad Dog entity.
US politicians need to be brought to trial.
https://t.me/intelslava/54212Replies: @Arthur MacBride, @annamarina
🇺🇦🇷🇺 Another video of the first seconds of the Ukrainian shelling, where the arrival of MLRS can be clearly heard.
Residential buildings, cars, shops, and educational institutions were hit.
The number of victims has already exceeded 40 people .
It’s a combination of “Dual Citizens”, evangelical Christians, and Zionist war mongering Gentiles like Lindsey Graham or Liz Cheney.
It’s a result of the indifference of the overwhelming majority US citizens towards the policies and action of their government abroad. A large chunk of these people is passively acknowledging the need for the US to police the world in order to steal resources, dump US exports, prop up the dollar, and install compliant leaders to accomplish these goals and failing that, marginalize and sanction noncompliant countries.
Practically all Americans are buying into the need to maintain, or expand, and manage the US empire, as long as they perceive it as being beneficial. If not consciously, unconsciously. It’s been like that throughout the history of the USA.
Only when faced with a major crisis that is caused by the countries being crushed by empire retaliating will they start to have second thoughts.
In our DC politicians’ and bureaucrats’ minds the Greatest Men are those that start the most wars and kill the most people. Genocide Joe is probably near or at the top of that list (and only his new campaign manager, Hillary Clinton, has the “aptitude” to kill more.) As Senator Genocide Joe happily presided over our death squads and narco states in Latin America, to bring about the caravans of exploitable illegal aliens to keep blue collar American wages down. Biden was instrumental in raising the incarceration rate from one million to two million Americans, mostly non-violent drug offenders including crack cocaine users (overwhelmingly Black) who received 100-fold higher sentences than powder cocaine users (not clear why 92% of Blacks voted for Genocide Joe? They are a major part of America’s untermenschen and surely Genocide Joe has big plans for them.) Biden proudly proclaims he wrote the Patriot Act, which was enacted until 9/11, and no doubt he had some role in Pelosi’s staging of the January 6th “Insurrection”, noting that his political opponents would be jailed under any pretense. Genocide Joe went along with Obama’s genocide in Yemen, and soon will be mounting his own there (100s of thousands of Yemeni, particularly children there, have died from slaughter and disease).
As genocide Joe has “matured” and become more powerful, his contributions to slaughter have increased. As Viceroy of Ukraine since 2009, Biden elevated the UkroNAZIs into the de facto ruling force and pushed their agenda of eradicating Russian language, Russian culture and ethnic Russian Ukrainians. After the 2014 Biden-Nuland-Pyatt Maidan Coup, Biden pushed the civil war in the Donbas, leading to the goading of the Russians to war, killing more than 10,000 ethnic Russian Ukrainian civilians with continual shelling between 2014 and 2022. Genocide Joe eventually got the war he wanted, getting 100s of thousands of Ukrainian (mostly) and Russian casualties. Biden knows NATO won’t fight unless attacked, so possibly Americans must be tossed into the mawl of the killing machine?
But with the Palestinians, Genocide Joe has his favorite target; untermenschen that cannot really fight back. Crocodile tears and huge amounts of materiel and money to Netanyahu. Biden would have been a great soldier in Vietnam, but got deferments due to his asthma (which never interfered with his football glory). Biden is now a Great Man in DC, but to be truly great like Stalin, Mao and Hitler, Genocide Joe needs to bring his slaughter to the US.
Surely these things happened to Judah according to the Lord’s command, in order to remove them from his presence because of the sins of Manasseh and all he had done, including the shedding of innocent blood. For he had filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and the Lord was not willing to forgive.
This is the ultimate condition under which a nation, a people are marked for total judgment, desolation. And let’s tell the truth here, what nation is the bloodiest, the greatest mass-murdering in human history? It has to be America. By direct mass-murder through its own prosecuted wars, by way of proxy and through its financing and supply. The number is passed 100 million. Mao’s communists may be 2nd, but he murdered his own people. The US has spread its homocidal evil throughout the world and by every means, including nuclear blast. A truly evil, guilty “country.” And make no mistake. The God of 2 Kings is the God of time and eternity and of all the nations. Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for a burnt offering. All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity. America has passed the point of no return. If Manasseh’s Judah was marked for death for its blood guilt. America is beyond that – by very far. America is marked for death.
Nobody said that the Russians, even Armenian Russians, are geniuses.
This is Lavrovs crude attempt at saying to the cucked West that if your holy Izrael can do it so can we.
You allow your preconceived notions and hatred of Christianity cloud your understanding. Context is given within the next two verses, but your preconceived notions disallow your inquiry.
Its ok. But those of us who know, understand that you rage about what you don’t know.
Trump is not a Christian Zionist, he’s a populist beholden to the Rothschilds and ‘all their descendents’.
McConnell, is a corrupt politician who should be put to sleep.
Well said.
American, british, swedish etc. have always pushed this narcistic idea that you need us and only we can bring culture, civilization, democracy, freedom etc. to you and only us. These are all genetically very close people following global imperialism. Historically not even russian have been as terrible tyrants as these genetically very sick and very poor animals.
USA and UK are both full of blood-thirsty primitive savages.
So tolerant.
I am surprised that this article ignores the “Christian Zionists” in the Republican Party, who are also fully onboard with Netanyahu’s genocide. Trump and McConnell, as two examples, are as rabid in support of Bibi and his settler extremists as Biden and Pelosi. While the Dems hide behind the fiction that Israel is a “democracy” and an ally in the fight against “terrorists and autocrats”, the Christian Zionists assert that Christians must support Israel not out of love or concern for the safety of Jews, but to hasten the return of Jesus following the battle of Armageddon — which is dangerous lunacy.
Otherwise, his critique of the braindead Democratic War Hawks is quite valid.
RT 28th Dec, Lavrov says in Gaza Israel pursuing similar goals to Russia!
After the Munich olympics massacre, Golda and Moshe launched “operation wrath of God.” The guiding rules were (1) if you kill Israelis, you will pay a high price; and (2) retaliation is made only against those directly involved in the killing. This sounds right. Not a gigantic price, and not targeting everybody and everything.
Well I recall Bibi telling Obama that Israel government is the little Devil and
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Government, Deep and nowadays what goes as State proper
And here we go… the beginning of the end for a certain racist fascist apartheid colony that is now screaming and massively triggered by South Africa declaring the obvious. Pressure must be escalated on all fronts. That means MORE of EVERYTHING. MORE countries supporting SA. MORE writing to expose Zionism. MORE confronting our gov’t. MORE street actions. MORE boycotts. MORE legal actions such as suit against Biden for complicity in genocide. Choose a front. Turn up the heat.
It is necessary to expel the evil emperor of terrorism USA from any international agencies for its criminal attitude.
No. Yah = breathing in. Ahhhh = keeping air in. Weh = breathing out. Ehhhh = keeping air out, relaxing. It started as a free breath mantra as used for instance in Buddhist vipassana meditation.
Since that explanation is too straightforward for these eggheads, since also it progressively came to be prohibited to even try to utter that name as it sounds, one may conclude that it acquired the opposite meaning of impeding natural breath so as to let the left brain’s mind keep racing free away from life into abstraction. Hence the Satanic character of Talmudic Judaism.
America does not exist. It died some time ago. ZOG is orchestrating this genocide. The number of American citizens complicit in this evil is the question to ask.
America is taking part in an historic genocide of thousand of innocent women and children at the behest of their Jewish overlords.
“The number of American citizens complicit in this evil is the question to ask.”‘
It’s a combination of “Dual Citizens”, evangelical Christians, and Zionist war mongering Gentiles like Lindsey Graham or Liz Cheney. The first two groups I can actually understand even though I know they are my enemies. The last group will hopefully burn in Hell along with John McCain.
It's a result of the indifference of the overwhelming majority US citizens towards the policies and action of their government abroad. A large chunk of these people is passively acknowledging the need for the US to police the world in order to steal resources, dump US exports, prop up the dollar, and install compliant leaders to accomplish these goals and failing that, marginalize and sanction noncompliant countries.
It’s a combination of “Dual Citizens”, evangelical Christians, and Zionist war mongering Gentiles like Lindsey Graham or Liz Cheney.
Control of American foreign policy by Israel has nothing to do with Biden. Or Netanyahu for that matter. The last time America had an independent foreign policy was under JFK and he got shot.
Bet it’s gonna be fun to watch if pro Palestine demos across the USA (coverage suppressed by the MSM) are any indication of how deeply the Democrats and Joe Biden are loathed by the under 30 crowd.
Too bad we don’t have Mayor Daley around to say, famously, “The police are not there to create disorder but to preserve disorder.” Maybe the Democrats can use the soldiers they employed to protect the Capitol from US citizens in the wake of 1/6 to secure their convention hall and adjoining streets from the anger of the American people instead of relying on “Chicago’s Finest” like in 1968.
Israel practices official “apartheid” to a much greater degree than that of any other country in the world—the former South Africa included.
Every vehicle driver in the illegally occupied territories (all of Israel) is identified by his or her vehicle license plate as well as personal documentation (identity papers). License plates are coded as to the ethnicity and religious persuasions of the owners, and are used to deny basic “rights” to those who are of “the wrong ethnicity”.
There are roads and thoroughfares that are designated “for jews only”. “Jews-only” roads and thoroughfares are state-of-the-art, paid for with American taxpayer dollars, while roads used by Palestinians are poorly maintained, with many military “checkpoints” which adds further misery to the lives of Palestinians.
Any Arab or Palestinian who attempts to use “jews only” roads or thoroughfares is arrested and heavily fined.
This policy even extends to “footpaths” which are designated by “jewishness”.
Palestinians and other Arabs are forced to go through humiliating “checkpoints”, even being delayed for HOURS, if they are even allowed to pass, at the whim of the jewish “authorities”. This even extends to medical emergencies, where ambulances are routinely delayed by jewish authorities, “just because they can”.
In Israel proper, and in the illegally occupied territories, Israeli officials make rules and laws as they go along, ignoring the (official) laws (rule of law) already in place.
On a whim, any Israeli official can declare that a building, other structure, planted farmland, water wells, and other basic facilities owned by Palestinians are “illegal” and subject to destruction by Israeli forces.
This even applies to buildings, lands, orchards and crop-producing lands which have been in Palestinian possession for centuries. All the Israeli military has to do is to declare the Palestinian-owned property to be a “military zone”. No other laws or permissions are needed to expropriate land from the Palestinians. Quite often, Palestinians are forced to demolish their own homes in order to avoid being heavily fined.
Water is heavily restricted in Gaza and in the Palestinian areas while jewish settlements can use all the water they want.
Sewage from illegal jewish settlements is routinely dumped on Palestinian land without regard to the pollution problems that it causes.
The old belief that jews poison the wells and farmlands of their perceived “enemies” is actually true, as (illegal) jewish “settlers” routinely poison Palestinian-owned wells and croplands.
This is a continuing process that is forcing Palestinians off their land and facilitating the building of jewish “settlements” in the illegally occupied areas.
Let’s turn to the treatment of Christians in Israel proper. In the tourist areas, jewish authorities try to keep the disrespect for Christianity to a minimum so as not to insult their brainwashed Christian zionist tourists. In fact, the hatred for Christian churches, and Christians in general is so pervasive, it is not surprising to see jews “spit” when walking past a Christian church. Not only that, jews consider spitting at Christian clergy and others a “jewish custom”.
The Israeli authorities plan specific itineraries for Christian zionist groups and American politicians so they do not witness the overt, outright hatred that jews have for Christians, You see, “it’s all for show” when it comes to begging for American dollars from the American taxpayers and from these misguided Christian zionist groups.
Jews are experts at “graffiti”, calling it “price tagging” which they use to good effect as the authorities generally “look the other way” when the vandalism and destruction of Christian facilities by jews is going on.
The irony of the situation is that the Palestinians (true semites) who have lived in the middle east for centuries and even millennia are reduced to being unwelcome in their own land while jewish interlopers, most of them who are not even “semites”, from the United States and Europe are overlords in Israel and in the illegally occupied territories.
I have always maintained that the motive for the US continuing to support Israel, no matter what they do, must be the one that Alexander Haig gave, that Israel is our permanent “aircraft carrier” in a region where we have absolutely vital economic interests…oil&gas of course. I do still believe this to be the ultimate reason, the underlying subconscious-semi-conscious motive, and yet I also believe Mr. Giraldi to be correct in saying that the politicos in DC are just plain bought-out by the Israeli lobby. They aren’t thinking about our vital strategic interests but simply following the wishes of a powerful lobby of donors who can determine their re-election, who can make them or destroy them. Nevertheless, the truth remains that, if not for the oil&gas in the ME, there would surely come an awakening that the USA could do without its Israeli “aircraft carrier”. This awakening might take another generation or so after the fact and yet it would surely come. So…the writing is on the wall, “mene mene tekel upharsin” for Israel (for the USA’s support of it, without which it becomes weak and vulnerable, ready for “God’s judgment”) as the oil&gas are ever closer to depletion each day, and as we also transition to new technologies for our future energy supply.
I’ll answer that, Chris de Burgh,(gosh, I loved that guy).
Eh no, Jews don’t do that kind of shit, they aren’t white like you.
White England and specially the US do that kind of evil.
Like september eleven, you did September Eleven, it wasn’t the Jews, it was you, you, you.
Jews don’t drown their babies in the bathtubs, you whites do it everyday, murder-suicide.
I’m in Colombia if you feel like to discuss this issue face to face, meanwhile smoke some more of that crack and snort tons of cocaine courtesy of the native Americans!.
Cocaine: the poor man’s atomic bomb against the white man.
Come over.
Bye, lady in red.
Three things to put together:
Iran has resumed enriching uranium at a similar rate as at the start of the year, the IAEA said Tuesday, as the country accelerates its nuclear program while denying it is developing a bomb.
In November, it held 567.1 kilograms of uranium enriched at 20% and 128.3 kilogram at 60%, three times what would be needed to build an atomic bomb if enriched to 90%.
Iran unveiled today (a month ago) its newest hypersonic missile, a smaller version of the Russian HGV which is capable of flying between 20 and 27 times faster than the speed of sound or between 24,000 and 33,000 kilometers per hour and has an explosion yield of up to two megatons, which is more than 100 times greater than the explosion produced by the US nuclear bomb dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima..
Iran will join BRICS in January, (two days from now 😃)
Question is, is this why the US and Israel have not attacked Iran?
Because with kaddafy and Saddam it was quick, you know.
Why are those two so slow now?
I don’t think Iran will like it if Israel kills 10 thousand Iranian little kids in Teheran like they did in Gaza.
The “Rules based Order” seems to have been amended to allow our dear friends and allies the Israelis to do anything they like, including genocide.
Of course it is a ‘blood libel’! Genocide is a Holy obligation, a ‘mitzvah’ in Judaism, and Rebe Bibi declared the Gazans, one and all, to be Amalek, who Yahweh decreed MUST be exterminated down to the last suckling babe (mission on the way to being accomplished) not forgetting those ‘terrorwist’ donkeys, asses, cows, camels, cats and dogs. ‘Exterminate the brutes’-the new Western watch-words.
Exactly! We are seeing the true face of Zionazism and Talmudic Judaism, where genocide, child murder and terror are ‘Holy’ acts. Over the years, if you merely quoted the Book of Joshua, or the incessant calls for genocide in the Torah, or honestly described the genocidal nature and provenance of the ‘festivals’ of Passover and Purim, you would be censored and vilified as an ‘antisemite.
But now, when the genocide is open and unapologetic, when Zionazi thugs openly call for genocide, destruction, child murder etc, and the slaughter is spreading to the West Bank, the Truth is out. In response the Zionazis lie a good deal more than even their usual copious volume, hide the truth of October 7, invent new ‘atrocities’ while still peddling the discredited ‘barbecued, beheaded, babies’ lies, and SPEW hatred, rage and invective at those who dare call for a halt to the one-sided carnage, and order their verminous Western political and MSM stooges to do the same. Israel stands naked and unadorned as a true successor state to Nazi Germany and any other horror that you can think of, and Western ruling ‘elites’ along with them.
With no source for this headline how do we know that it is not the product of some denialist, Dunning-Krugerite, ‘comedian’? Mind you heat-stroke, being caught in a megafire, or being drowned in a flash flood or buried in a landslide seems pretty ‘injurious’ to me.
Oh BTW, the USA has been complicit with the Zionist Entity to increasing degrees since Truman recognized it in ’48 with the protest of George Marshall, his Sec. of State. Now we have blinky Blinken.
After Eisenhower stopped the ’56 war, to help Egypt against the Izrael-Britain-France axis the Anglo-Saxon power structure gradually surrendered its power to the International Cabal. I figure it as 1960 being the peak of Christian Anglo-Saxon power. Hopefully this slaughter on all the airwaves will finally turn the tide against the Anglo-Judaic evil empire. BUT (((they))) have a lot of 💰 money 💰.
Replies: @Looger, @TKK
"Bravo South Africa!
On 29 December 2023, the Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel before the Court concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and requested the ICJ to indicate provisional measures.
This is from the website of the International Court of Justice, so it is official.
Press release:
Full application:
I ran out of buttons:
So if you would supposedly get control back, would you pull away from the lands you have occupied and stop interfering with everybody? Of course you wouldn’t.
Why not ? It’s a much better strategy. China is doing it with the peaceful and constructive BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) that everyone is happily signing up to.
Israel is showing the world the truly ugly real face of the United States and its vassals.
Every day I see more graffiti about free Gaza and liberate Palestine etc., etc. and some of our bought politicians are starting to tone down their Israel forever speeches.
The Gaza Genocide is affecting many people who are disgusted by its savage brutality and inhumanity!
The longer the bloodshed goes on the more hatred Israel amasses.
Replies: @Looger, @TKK
"Bravo South Africa!
On 29 December 2023, the Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel before the Court concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and requested the ICJ to indicate provisional measures.
This is from the website of the International Court of Justice, so it is official.
Press release:
Full application:
Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel
I wonder if that “African Union” fell to ruin without Ghadaffi? RSA and Egypt are the only real military powers on the continent.
I didn’t hear boo from them regarding the French Empire “crumble coups” in the summer so I doubt they’re a political force.
I’d love to see the G6 in action against Israeli targets in/around Gaza but on Egyptian / Sinai soil. Thing has a footprint of 2000 square km, or 35 km in a direct line, for accurate fire.
Imagine Egypt lifting a finger against Israel!
Russian air defense would be required for such an action…
Agreed that ordinary American citizens have no control. Their elected representatives are fully subverted and democracy has collapsed.Bad to say it, but it looks like the United States is heading into Civil War II. At that point the armed public + the military choose sides and fight it out across the country. The democratic conversation has clearly finished. All it needs is a catalyst.Replies: @Anynomous
Excellent essay by Giraldi. However, his concluding observation “It is up to people in this country to make our government cut off all support for this war and to press for an end to the war itself,” assumes that ordinary American citizens have any control over their ZOG government.
American and british always blame somebody else or claim that they have no control. So if you would supposedly get control back, would you pull away from the lands you have occupied and stop interfering with everybody? Ofcourse you wouldnt. Oh but it was the jews making you do all that. It was all because of the jews. Now I understand… Its not anything about what you have been doing yourself.
Why not ? It's a much better strategy. China is doing it with the peaceful and constructive BRI (Belt and Road Initiative) that everyone is happily signing up to.
So if you would supposedly get control back, would you pull away from the lands you have occupied and stop interfering with everybody? Of course you wouldn't.
Why do you think its just Mossad? American CIA and british MI6 both blackmail by raping and sexually abusing children etc. as well. These are american and british blackmailing with abused children. Its not just Mossad/Israel/Rothchilds that use raped children and murders to blackmail.
Ah, the Buddha Ms Caitlin speaks the truth!
Israel Says It Is Anti-Semitic To Invoke The Genocide Convention Over Gaza by Ms Caitlin Johnstone!
South Africa has invoked the Genocide Convention, formally launching a case at the United Nationss international court of justice accusing Israel of genocide for its mass atrocities in the Gaza Strip. Israel immediately responded by (deep sigh) accusing South Africa of “blood libel”.
Blood libel, for those who do not know, refers to the way medieval Europeans would falsely accuse Jews of murdering Christians in blood sacrifices in order to justify persecuting them. Which is to say, Israel has responded to South Africas accusations by accusing South Africa of anti-semitism.
South Africa is formally accusing Israel of genocide. Responding with “that is antisemitic” is not gonna cut it.-Read Let This Radicalize You (JoshuaPHilll) December 29, 2023
False accusations of anti-semitism are all Israel and its defenders have left. It is the only tool left in their toolbox. Once you have exhausted the “But Hamas!” and “But October 7!” excuses they make for Israels deliberate butchery of civilians via airstrikes and siege warfare, false accusations of hating Jews is all that remains.
And it is so sick, because it exploits a healthy impulse in those of us who oppose racism and genocide, and does so in order to defend racist acts of genocide.
It causes people who care deeply about human rights to take a step back and say “Hold on, am I guilty of embodying the same hateful prejudices which led to the Holocaust?” and shuts us down and shuts us up, even as Israel rolls out its own holocaust against Palestinians.
It exploits a noble, healthy inclination we cultivate in ourselves in good faith in order to support the horrific genocidal nightmare in Gaza in entirely bad faith. It exploits our good nature to advance a profoundly evil cause. It is despicable. It is depraved.
Israel apologists always speak as though all critics of Israel are constantly obsessing over Jews, when nothing remotely like that is happening.
Hold on a minute. 'falsely accuse Jews of murdering Christians...'
Blood libel, for those who do not know, refers to the way medieval Europeans would falsely accuse Jews of murdering Christians in blood sacrifices in order to justify persecuting them.
If you want to know the percentage of people (by their nationality included)
running (or involved in) the evil show on this planet for centuries you MUST
include the multi-million army of “Satanists” and the members of certain
“Secret Societies” as well.
Alternatively, you can become “a targeted individual” and learn this distribution
from you personal experience.
The point is: for each evil brain there’re tens (if not hundreds) of eager stupid
The US-Israel, Jew-White, Zionist-Satanist Cabal is pure Evil. Not only are they the Sex Criminals and Mass Murderers of Planet Earth, they are the ultra-Supremacist poisonous Vipers and trauma-inducing Scum of all-time. The whole World hates, despises, and reviles them.
Jesus, JFK, Tesla, Putin, Xi, and people like myself are the resistance.
“Bravo South Africa!
On 29 December 2023, the Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel before the Court concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and requested the ICJ to indicate provisional measures.
This is from the website of the International Court of Justice, so it is official.
Press release:
https://www.icj-cij.org/sites/default/files/case-related/192/192-20231229-pre-01-00-en.pdfFull application:
I wonder if that "African Union" fell to ruin without Ghadaffi? RSA and Egypt are the only real military powers on the continent.
Republic of South Africa instituted proceedings against the State of Israel
Excellent essay by Giraldi. However, his concluding observation “It is up to people in this country to make our government cut off all support for this war and to press for an end to the war itself,” assumes that ordinary American citizens have any control over their ZOG government.
Agreed that ordinary American citizens have no control. Their elected representatives are fully subverted and democracy has collapsed.
Bad to say it, but it looks like the United States is heading into Civil War II. At that point the armed public + the military choose sides and fight it out across the country. The democratic conversation has clearly finished. All it needs is a catalyst.
there is a very simple answer, nationalize the federal reserve, which is neither. it would be the easiest and simplest way to restore sovereignty to this long abused nation, that has so long abused us as well as the rest of the world.
what is standing between us and this obvious solution? why our own “elected officials”, of course who were selected just for this purpose.
do you think the state of the union speech is really broadcast from the halls of congress? i mean what a delicious target for anyone with say, a sarmat missile, to completely remove the parasitic infestation from our once promising land and return civilian control to our government.
personally i think the state of the union is broadcast from their underground bunker recreation of the congressional hall, deep within bowels of virgina or wherever the fuhrer bunker is built, now days. if so perhaps a couple of hypersonic bunker busters, first. not that i’m trying to tell anyone how, or where to do your job, just sayin’.
Was Joe always an idiot or is it mostly senility? I always thought he was just a goof but he makes W look like a genius!
I wonder what Mossad has on Lindsey Graham. This is not normal human behavior.
Oi, weh! The Jew State Endlösung for a real holocaust comes a cropper!
Jew genocidaires one step closer to Eichmann’s glass booth!
{it will happen when the Izzies get into it with Iran. I can’t wait.}
What is supposed to happen when the Jewish mafia gets into IT with Iran?
Everyone knows that the stick will go into YOUR BEHIND and stays there until you end up dead, because you, the scum don’t deserve a bullet.
You DON’T have many options and have to go into your graves now.
Thank you for your candid message, Yahata!
I think that most people can understand that what has driven you to your course of action are the inhuman conditions you and your people have been subjected to.
I do have a question though: many of us believe that Israel to some extent allowed and greatly exacerbated the events of October 7th by themselves killing many of their own citizens in order to justify the outrageous response they are now perpetrating on the Palestinian people.
Do you, or others in your group see it this way also?
“if Trump wins in 2024, all bets are off”
either you are a complete idiot,
or you enjoy the punishment.
Putinistas, &
all incurably stupid.