Who the hell cares about all this? All states are established by ethnic cleansing. It’s the beginning of civilization Now of course we immediately think Rwanda, but ethnic cleansing is on a continuum of soft to hard. Often it amounts to displacement via outbreeding, immigration, and natural retreats in the face of this. Eventually, the Kurds will establish a national entity that will (gasp!) ‘steal’ land from their Arab neighbours. They’re busy chucking the Arabs out of Kirkuk right now. Shall we prepare the printing presses for invective epistles against these racist, expansionist, eeiivul Kurds? Let’s remember Arabic Islam ruthlessly pushed Christianity out of the Middle East, and now we in the West are supposed to cry foul because someone is doing to them? I find it funny. The word schadenfreude comes to mind.
Chuck Spinney is writing this (I assume) in America on land taken from the ‘original’ nobles savages (aha, participating in systematic racism and disenfranchisement!). He’s probably typing his missive on a laptop made in China on land the Han Chinese at one point took from someone else and some point in time. Or what about the fact Chuck has bought a computer that enriches a system which crushes Uyghur hopes for their own independent nation? Chuck, why are you pissing all over these people’s hopes and dreams and human rights? Why you have to be such a racist, Chuck? Jesus, am I mad at you.
How about the (paleo)conservative among us come to grips with the fact ‘international law’ is nothing more than a deeply entrenched, ‘frozen conflict’ deriving from the Treaty of Westphalia that has assumed a normative quality. How about we spend our time more in the more productive endeavour of combatting the Jewish lobby so we can get the hell out the Middle East, and leave the Chosen of God and the those in possession of the Last Holy Revelation of God to Mankind to their cage match?
““Dore Gold, director general of the Israeli foreign ministry, expressed optimism that the refugee influx will shift Europe to the right, making it more sympathetic to Israel’s ‘security’ justification for its ongoing colonization of Palestine.
‘Israel always faced the problem in the past that its national security perspective was completely out of sync with how Europeans were viewing the emergence of the European community and the borderless world that was emerging,’ the American-born hardliner told The Jerusalem Post.
‘In the European models that existed 25 or 30 years ago, it is kind of difficult to hear an Israeli argument. But now things may be beginning to change a little,’ posited Gold.
Israel has no grand master plan in the scheme of the things. But Jews know that given the size,history, and complexity of the problems of the bigger,better,larger,more open societies or countries within or around them ,they always will have the chance to maneuver ,distort,divert ,and project the problem in totally different light to have a say in final outcome .
The broad imperialism of America in Phillipines,Haiti,or S. America and Vietnam gave them the opportunity of presenting Middle East as kind of continuation of Latin America and Vietnam. Syria as sort of continuation of Rwanda,Iran as some kind of continuation of Third Reich . In case of Russia,it invokes the Chechen and in case of China it invokes Xinxiang and in case of India ,Ethipia,or Mynamaar ,or Uganda invokes the fear of the Muslim presence . It establishes the connection and hides its own foot prints ,contributions,and maintainaince of those problems . Chechen terrorists have sponsors and supporters who bear striking similarities to the Jewish leaders in DNA,appearances,in looks,in devotion ,by argot ,and eagle like focus on the interests of Israel.
Now in the EU is paying for a crisis that was spawned by Israel after 911 and was foreshadowed by Wolfowitz PNAC . No one threw them out those creatures out of the western countries . If they did. EU wouldn’t have faced .
Once EU has been turned into a nightmare by the parasites of Zionism , its the Zionist who offer them the solution ,sympathize with them and offer them the wisedom of how to manage .
The Zionist have been trying and have succeeded largely in getting similar results from Sunni by creating the whole mayhem in Arab in the first place .
What a bunch of hogwash! You are singing the old worn out tune, blame it on Israel! You ignore the intrusion of,Obama into the middle east. He is an evil force trying to turn as many against Israel as possible. They are a people who have been murdered and torchured because they are a smart and inventive people. Of course after Hitler’s
attack and destruction on Jews, they SHOULD NEVER BE IN A POSITION TO
ALLOW THAT TO HAPPEN TO THEM AGAIN! To read your remarks about a homo agenda in Israel and how they use it, is so absurd you must have pulled it
from your butt! I
have not read of Jews stoning or throwing them off of the roof tops like your nice Muslim counterparts.
You have written a very lopsided piece here!
We know Obama and his minions in his administration have been in secret aiding and abetting the enemies of the US, Israel, Great Britian, France, Germany and every free country in Europe. Obama has visions of himself as A SUPREME RULER in his pipedream of overpowering the US AND EUROPE! Israel has a right to defend her people! Obama and his supporters in Washington have betrayed Israel by putting a knife in her back. He has allowed the evil forces of ISIS and it’s sister groups to grow into a mass of death and destruction! We need to send obama, kerry, pelose, feinstien, Bohner and every other double crossing
Statesman to ISIS. Take them by plane and push them out of it into the arms of the people they have released on Europe, US and Israel! They do not deserve to be in our country! DAMN TRAITORS!!!!!
Two points left out of this article;
1. The flood of refugees from the cynically and deliberately destroyed nations of Libya and Yemen and the cynically and deliberately created “nations” of Kosovo and South Sudan. In all these cases the blame goes either directly or, in the case of Yemen, is shared by, *liberal Democratic Party regimes* in the Imperialist States of Amerikastan. Somehow this criminal Empire loves creating situations that lead to floods of refugees. I am not for now including Ukraine in the list because Ukrainians are mostly fleeing to Russia.
2. The effects of global warming, which is accelerating desertification, loss of agricultural yield, increasing the likelihood of famine and resource conflicts, all of which will trigger further floods of refugees. Ironically, these refugees will mostly come from low income places which are in no way to blame for this global warming but will suffer its effects earliest and most intensely.
Both of which points mean that refugee floods will continue to increase, even if the current wholly Western-made crisis is resolved. Get ready for the bad times. Their advance guard is already here.
There is a tendency to forget that prior to Iraq war 2003 ,there was practically no war and no terrorism in Middle East . Khobar ,Cole,and Kenya -Tanzania bombings did remind of underlying tension between US and Al Quiada .
But nothing beyond that narrow area ,there was any issue that carried the potential of starting the current apocalyptic events .
It was started with the full intention of turning Middle East into this mess by the PNAC,JINSA,AIPAC,ADL,WINEP,and numerous other letter head organizations which change their names to hide any easy recognition . But they are the same versions of the original Zionism manifesto . They are the bastardized ignoble criminals descending directly from the non military wings of Stern Gang and Hagsnah .
Syria has been repeatedly attacked and shaken by Israel . Israel has used western soft point of human right,gay right,aversion to occupation of Lebanon,Hariri killing ,has used UN through its henchman ,has used salafist and had forced Turkey and Jordan through US to fall in line . Israel has been able to conceal the future disasters which is now a reality by forcing America to spend all its energy on Iran and Eukraine
European Union has been forcing Turkey by bringing the fear of genocidal charge . Again one can see the hand of Israel operating in the occupied American congress and senate to create suddenly that crisis .
Israel was creating and supporting dissension. It anticipated a possible mishaps from the chaos like large number of killings or leakage of chemical arsenal or contamination or capture by rebels. Keeping this possibility in mind, it started emphasizing that America shouldn’t allow this ” red line” to be crossed . Once it happened it forced UK and USA to almost launch an attack .
Israel was happy to see and openly suggested to US press and politicians that Israel would love continued bleeding of both . It demanded from US that though it rather would like a stalemate it would prefer salafist to Iran backed victorious Syrian administration if choice arose .
Salafi and Israeli interaction was foreshadowed by much less corrupt and more efficient PA in 2002 when it exposed Israeli agen presenting as Al Quida in WB.
A lot of arms came from Libya which was freed by international Jews like Bernard Levy . Arms reached Syrian salafist.
Israel is like Michael Vick . Dogs and the spectators will be quarantined,destroyed,rescued,and shamed and fined . But it’s fall would be more like the disappearance of the ancient Israeli kingdom under Assyrian thumb .
There is a tendency to forget that prior to Iraq war 2003 ,there was practically no war and no terrorism in Middle East . Khobar ,Cole,and Kenya -Tanzania bombings did remind of underlying tension between US and Al Quiada .
But nothing beyond that narrow area ,there was any issue that carried the potential of starting the current apocalyptic events .
It was started with the full intention of turning Middle East into this mess by the PNAC,JINSA,AIPAC,ADL,WINEP,and numerous other letter head organizations which change their names to hide any easy recognition . But they are the same versions of the original Zionism manifesto . They are the bastardized ignoble criminals descending directly from the non military wings of Stern Gang and Hagsnah .
Syria has been repeatedly attacked and shaken by Israel . Israel has used western soft point of human right,gay right,aversion to occupation of Lebanon,Hariri killing ,has used UN through its henchman ,has used salafist and had forced Turkey and Jordan through US to fall in line . Israel has been able to conceal the future disasters which is now a reality by forcing America to spend all its energy on Iran and Ukraine
European Union has been forcing Turkey by bringing the fear of genocidal charge . Again one can see the hand of Israel operating in the occupied American congress and senate to create suddenly that crisis .
Israel was creating and supporting dissension. It anticipated a possible mishaps from the chaos like large number of killings or leakage of chemical arsenal or contamination or capture by rebels. Keeping this possibility in mind, it started emphasizing that America shouldn’t allow this ” red line” to be crossed . Once it happened it forced UK and USA to almost launch an attack .
Israel was happy to see and openly suggested to US press and politicians that Israel would love continued bleeding of both . It demanded from US that though it rather would like a stalemate it would prefer salafist to Iran backed victorious Syrian administration if choice arose .
A lot of arms came from Libya which was freed by international Jews like Bernard Levy . Arms reached Syrian Syrian salafist.
A similar attempt at minor scale was tried in 2002 in West Bank but those Al Quiada operatives were captured by PA . Those operatives later were identified to have been fully groomed and armed by Israel .
What are these going to end?
Israel is like Michael Vick . Dogs and the spectators have been identified quarantined destroyed or adopted and shamed .
Israel will pay the price Vick payed .
There is a historical parallel here. Cannanites were removed forcefully . Newly created Jewish kingdom fought and destabilized surrounding kingdoms but it never established something serene beautiful or cosmopolitan or hold on to fiefdom for more than a century. Then came the bondage ,capitulation,and scattering of Jews
From this ruins both Arabs and Europeans will rise . Next time there won’t be a Cyrus or a Jesus or a muslim prophet to secure their freedom ,gurantee validation or relief from extinction.
well general, allow me to connect the dots for you ..
What exactly does this have to do with the Syrian civil war you moron?
"(from a book written by two viciously anti-Israel professors)" �
no slurs on the Germans. They’ve suffered enough indignities without being associated with zionism.
Bolsheviks were Stalinists USSRians.
uber-Stasi is more appropriate.
What exactly does this have to do with the Syrian civil war you moron?
“(from a book written by two viciously anti-Israel professors)”
well general, allow me to connect the dots for you ..
the war on Syria is a consequence of America’s meddling in the affairs of Muslim countries in the Middle East. Destroying, destabilizing, arming and funding. Capish?
so, as the sane world looks on at the madness, we all see the common denominator ~
Israel, sitting there watching all her enemies being systematically sent reeling into the stone age
This general is no accident. It is due to the fact that America’s foreign policy has been usurped by rabid Zionists of the uber-Nazi stripe. Their lickspittles in congress and their whores in the media slurp shekels as fast as it’s slung into the trough.
all of this is obvious to the point that a couple of respected academics had to put it all into scholarly form. And for that you call them “viciously anti-Israel”. So what that means is that you’re either as spectacularly stupid, bovine and pathetic as the typical Fox News fan, or you’re just yet another vicious little Zioboy who uses names of reviled generals to make himself seem all manly. Just like the little putz in the video I sent. I suspect it’s that later. What say you?
I think American citizens should converge on Washington DC carrying placards demanding that Snowden be allowed to return home without the risk of prosecution… and they should stay there until he returns.
while using the politics of fear to make the US people even more immigration phobic.
I immediately lose all intellectual respect for immigration boosters. If Dante were writing today he’d have to invent a whole new circle of hell for these boundlessly mendacious bastards. There are so many such cretins in academia, the media and politics that it seems pointless to focus rage on small fry like Spinney. Even so, encountering immigrationist idiocy where I wasn’t expecting it sets me off every time.
Thank goodness for Edward Snowden... a true American hero.Replies: @SolontoCroesus
... revealed in documents the Washington Post obtained from former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Three whistleblowers, who are suing the National Security Agency for more than one million dollars, will each receive a Defender of Liberty award at a meeting of the Committee for the Republic on
Tuesday, September 15.
The event, which is open to media coverage, will be held in the main ballroom of the National Press Club (529 14th St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20045) from 7 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. (The meeting will be preceded by a reception at 6:30 p.m.)
The three NSA whistleblowers, each of whom will tell their personal story of their time at the NSA, and the retaliation and abuse they faced from the agency when they raised concerns about what was happening, are:
William “Bill” Binney, a cryptanalyst-mathematician with an aptitude for analysis and code-breaking, who served as a highly-placed intelligence officer with the NSA for more than 30 years.
J. Kirk Wiebe, who was a senior analyst at the NSA from 1975 to 2001. During his career, he received the NSA’s second-highest award, the Meritorious Civilian Service Award; the director of CIA’s Meritorious Unit Award; and a Letter of Commendation from the secretary of the Air Force.
Thomas Andrews Drake, a senior executive at the NSA from 2001-08. He is the 2011 recipient of the Ridenhour Prize for Truth-Telling and co-recipient of the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence award.
The three whistleblowers discovered and reported on the existence of a comprehensive surveillance system within the NSA. They spoke out about the how the U.S. government was spying on private citizens without their knowledge. They exposed the wasteful spending, and disregard for civil liberties at the National Security Agency.
“After 9/11, disrespect for civil liberties, repression of dissent, impunity and lack of accountability took hold at the National Security Agency,” explained John Henry, vice-chairman of the Committee for the Republic, which holds public forums regularly in Washington, D.C.
“The United States now has a comprehensive domestic surveillance system that provides a turnkey basis for a garrison state. This system damages our security, violates our Fourth Amendment rights and stains the reputation of our government at home and abroad.
“Our tribute to three key whistleblowers of the NSA, Bill Binney, Tom Drake, and Kirk Wiebe, is being held the same week we are celebrating Constitution Day,” Henry said. “It is because of these three courageous men that the world was made aware of the abuses of our Constitutionally-guaranteed liberties. All three have all paid a heavy price for truth-telling.”
Those wishing to attend should make a reservation at http://whistleblowers.eventbrite.com
Press and media may contact Fran Griffin at 703-862-6741 for arrangements and additional information.
The Committee for the Republic is a citizen-based, non-partisan, nonprofit organization founded in 2003. It holds forums on challenges to the American Republic, including the military-industrial complex, too-big-to-fail banks, campaign finance, and U.S. competitiveness.
“I mean…it is not as if the U.S. had anything to do with creating the refugee problem. Right?”
US is a very diverse nation.
Do you think Russian-Americans, Polish-Americans, Chinese-Americans, African-Americans, Mexican-American, Hawaiian-Americans, Swedish-Americans, Greek-Americans, Irish-Americans, Indian-Americans, Italian-Americans, and etc really gave a shit what happened in the Middle East or Ukraine??
No, there is only one group that really gives a big shit, and they and their collaborators are to blame. If we blame the US, we spread the blame to all of us when most of us had no power over recent events.
We need to talk about Jewish power and its cucks.
There was a time when Jews served their gentile overlords, but Jews served gentiles to serve themselves. In exchange for serving gentiles, they got special privileges as JEWS.
In contrast, the cucky whites who serve Jews seem to be totally surrendering and welcoming their demise. There is a difference between serving others to serve oneself and serving others to surrender oneself.
I mean…it is not as if the U.S. had anything to do with creating the refugee problem. Right?
Our valiant little ally; the only democracy in the Middle East.
“… while using the politics of fear to make the US people even more immigration phobic.”
The problem is white Americans are auto-phobic(virulently fearful and dreading of self) and Europeans are Europhobic(virulently fearful of their own identity). All this stuff about ‘xenophobia’ is nonsense. Europeans need to fend off this Xenoration of their own homeland. Why should one’s homeland be overrun by Xenos? Europe needs Euration, not Xenoration. Xenoration X can go back home.
The author worries about Palestinians but not about Europeans, most of whom had nothing to do with the mess in the Middle East. It was the Jews who controlled the foreign policy that made the West mess up the Middle East.
There was a time when Western European imperialists did mess up the Middle East, but that ended with the end of colonialism. And incredibly, even the US sided with Nasser in the Suez Canal Crisis. US was telling Western Europe to remove itself from Middle East affairs. And then the French were booted out of Algeria.
But then, US got more and more involved in the region for some reasons. There was the Six Day War of 67 with its roots in the fateful creation of Israel in 48.
And, Israel kept on pulling US into Middle East affairs, especially as Jewish-Americans kept gaining more and more power. As both parties sought Jewish talent and support, supporting Israel became a big issue. And Zionism was one that most Jews, left or right, were agreed upon.
Another reason for growing US involvement in the Middle East was the Soviets and Cold War. Because US coddled Israel, some Arab nations, especially the secular nationalist ones, became hostile to the US and grew closer to Soviets. With even steadfast US ally Shah falling in Iran, US got especially worried in the Middle East with all its oil. As a result, strange alliances developed. Though Hussein had the backing of the Soviets, he also made a pact with the US in the war against Iran, something that the US encouraged. And US subverted Soviet influence in Afghanistan by supporting the Mujahedin.
But once Cold War ended, a new chapter could have begun. Soviets pulled out of Afghanistan, and communism was over in Russia and Eastern Europe was freed.
Middle East no longer had the Soviets to rely on. That meant Arab nations should cozy up to the US, the sole superpower. And Hussein had that in mind. After all, he was very cordial with the US during the Iran-Iraq War, one that he sort-of-won to the extent that Iran failed in its objectives to overthrow him.
And US and Iraq could have had good relations. But Jews got very nervous. With Arab nations no longer backed by Soviets, they would seek good relations with the US. But that would undermine US’s special relations with Israel as Israel would have to compete with those Arab-nations-as-new-friends-of-the-US for special favors from the US. So, US played a dirty trick on Hussein. When Hussein asked, “Can I kick Kuwait’s ass?”, US embassy gave a vague answer that sounded like, “well, we don’t really care about those camel jockeys.” So, Hussein attacked, but then suddenly he was made out to be the New Hitler-Stalin rolled into one by the Jewish-run media. (US didn’t react this way when Israel took Golan Heights and West Bank in the Six Day War. US was even silent about USS Liberty attack.) So, as soon as the Cold War ended, the new war was about US versus the bad Arabs and Muslims.
In a way, Gadfly of Libya completely missed the boat on how Jews think. He thought US and EU(controlled by Jews) would love him if he gave up his weapons and became friendly with the West. While Jews seemed to be welcoming of his new face, they were really nervous because Israel would have to compete with Libya for favors from the US and EU. If the West could embrace a once-pariah like Gaddafi, the Gaddafi Way could serve as template for the rapprochement of the West and Arab/Muslim nations. For the Jews, only Saudis are worth relying on(at least for the time being). Not because Saudis are trustworthy but because Saudi Sunnis are very nervous about secular and Shia powers in the region and therefore will serve as bitch of US-Israel and do their bidding. More problematic has been Egypt, a US ally ever since Sadat cucked himself out to US-Israel power in exchange for handouts. Egypt has remained, more or less, close to the US and Israel, but there is a huge divergence between its people and its leaders. Of course, Saudi masses don’t love Israel either, but they fear the Shia minority who dominate in the oil-rich areas, so they share the same fear with their Sunni leaders, and so they see it as necessary to keep a close alliance with the US.
Anyway, Gadfly thought he was offering his friendship to the West. But Jews only saw a competitor in the game of Middle East politics. If indeed US and EU leaders saw Libya as a nice reformed nation they can do business with and be friendly with, then it meant that Israel would no longer be the one and only indispensable ally. So, Jews waited while Gaddafi got rid of his big weapons, and then when the opportune moment came, cooked up some bogus excuse to have him toppled and Libya reduced to dust.
Because Jews control US foreign policy and jealously seek to own the loyalty of the US to Israel and Israel alone, it was in their interest to antagonize US relations with Arab nations after the Cold War. During the Cold War, the mere fact that these Arab nations were allied with the USSR was enough to put them on the enemy list in US foreign policy. But with USSR gone, it was possible for US to develop good relations with Hussein, Assad, and Gadfly.
So, Jews and their shabbos goy agents pulled Hussein into a trap and took him out and messed up Iraq. Jews manipulated foreign press to turn the toppling of Gadfly into a moral crusade. And then Jews have been using their proxies, esp Saudi Arabia, to mess up Syria real good. It’s like God said ‘Thou shalt have no other god before Me.” Jews say to US and EU, “Thou shalt have no other foreign friend before Me.” While US has allies around the world, it only obeys Zionism and Jewish power. US pushes around or nudges all other nations. The only nation that can push around and nudge the US is Israel and Pax Judaicana that is linked all over the world. So, in this sense, Israel is the only true master-friend of the US.
First, thanks for link to Gareth Porter essay.
(a) the Israeli lobby and (b) the political economy of the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex, to which I would add(c) the political economy of the American oil industry are combining to trump any movement toward a constructive modus vivendi with Iran.
Astute observations by Gareth Porter.
Why the US and Iran Aren’t Cooperating Against DAESH
“It isn’t the Iranian side of the equation that is failing to follow the geopolitical logic.
Contrary to the constantly reiterated propaganda theme of the anti-Iran forces in the region and in the United States that Iran’s ruling elite simply wants “death to America,†Iran has publicly signalled to the Obama administration repeatedly that it was open to such cooperation. But the Obama administration has refused to reciprocate, for the simple reason that it is not capable of formulating a regional policy on the basis of an objective analysis of strategic interests.
To understand the why the international politics of the Middle East are now so profoundly dysfunctional, one must begin with the contrasting modes of Iranian and American foreign policymaking.”
Executive summary of those “contrasting modes” —
Iran thinks strategically and creatively.
US/Israel are stuck in WWII “liar’s victory” mode:
— George H W Bush went to war in Persian Gulf 1990-91 on the model of “promise to those of us who won World War II, that we thereby made a better world. (i.e. destroy the village/city/nation to build a village).
USA inherited this mode of thinking from the British empire, which US supplanted, as was FDR’s intent.
Israel, of course, has no other cards to play than hollowcaustism.
Iran was neutral in WWII; sheltered Jews; Iran was itself occupied and suffered, among other things, hundreds of thousands of deaths to starvation brought about by British exploitation of Iranian foodstuffs. Iran was carved between Western allies and Russia, and was threatened by Russia’s refusal to leave its sector at war’s end.
That is to say, Iran was not party in the war but suffered in it, and was keenly aware of who was doing what to whom, and of the lies that were told. Iran is uniquely qualified to host a holocaust truth conference because Iran knows where the bodies are — or are not, as the case may be — buried.
But as Seyed Hossein Mousavian wrote in “Iran and the United States,” Iran has moved on; Iran has a prouder history to support its sense of identity and a more imaginative vision of Iran’s future than does Israel, Netanyahu, and their everlasting flogging of a holocaust of Jews that never happened. Iran has a full hand of cards to play; Israel has only one, and it turns out that card is from a marked deck.
WWII was so last century.
USA did not win it and Israel did not lose it. Time both of them to get over it.
You couldn’t be more wrong:
The Syrian civil war is not the result of anything the US/ Israel has done.
Replies: @Sean, @geokat62
At $1 billion, Syria-related operations account for about $1 of every $15 in the CIA’s overall budget, judging by spending levels revealed in documents the Washington Post obtained from former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
US officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years — meaning that the agency is spending roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program.
… revealed in documents the Washington Post obtained from former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
Thank goodness for Edward Snowden… a true American hero.
Gunnar Heinsohn and a few others had been predicting the civil wars in the Arab world and their demographic expansion into Europe for years before it happened.
If wasn’t for the neocons/Israel Firsters and the Lobby (especially PNAC and AIPAC) who were eager to destroy the regimes of Israel’s arch enemies – Iraq, Syria, and Iran – his prediction would have been as accurate as the Mayan calendar prediction that the world would come to an end a few years ago.
Thanks to these Israel-centric policies, two of these three countries have been turned into basket cases and if they get their way, so will the third.
The Syrian civil war is not the result of anything the US/ Israel has done. It came from internal tensions
Oh, really? Who lit the fuse by igniting sectarian strife in the ME? Who was keen on bringing about regime change targeting Iraq, Syria and Iran? Wasn’t it PNAC and other members of the Lobby who were eager to remake the ME? Wasn’t it Condi Rice who proclaimed that “these are the birth pangs of a new ME” in the midst of Israeli bombing of Lebanon in 2006?
The trouble for neocons/Israel Firsters is that the game plan has already been divulged in two documents: PNAC’s A Clean Break and Oded Yonon’s A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s. You should give them a read, it is very uncanny how closely events have mirrored their policy prescriptions.
The Syrian civil war started in 2011 following a violent Assad response to peaceful anti-regime protests.
The Syrian protests started following 5 years of drought.
Poor, rural farmers were the original protesters.
Their protests provided precisely the “Pearl Harbor” (or 9/11) moment that Hillary Clinton’s State Department had been looking for to exacerbate a situation in order to remove Assad to suit the preferences of Hill’s Gulfie pals.
Had Clinton and USA “R2P” hand-wringers been truly concerned with humanitarian issues they would have worked to resolve the water crisis. Instead, in 2011 Clinton observed that the protesters were “just the lower, poorer class, but soon the discontent would spread to the business class — Assad’s base of support. Assad should step down now before that happens ….”
Overlooked in all of this is that Syria is (was) a sovereign state and Assad legitimately headed its government, which US had and has no right to remove nor destabilize.
(a) the Israeli lobby and (b) the political economy of the Military – Industrial – Congressional Complex, to which I would add(c) the political economy of the American oil industry are combining to trump any movement toward a constructive modus vivendi with Iran.
First, thanks for link to Gareth Porter essay.
Second, a fourth spoiler to a US-Iran rapprochement is the US banking-financial system.
Stuart Levey’s shop in US Treasury department — the “guerrillas in grey suits”, as Juan Zarate called the team of which he was a charter member — engage in a combination of NSA-level intelligence gathering and international arm-twisting to ensure that no major international bank or corporation does escapes US “intrusive inspection” of its prying eyes or does business with Iran.
(PS — Levey has passed his chair at Treasury to his former law partner, David Cohen, freeing up Levey to take a post a HSBC. Zarate, too, has moved on. Among other things, he taken his “guerrilla” tactics to the Vatican, the better to keep feisty Francis on a short leash.)
Executive summary of those "contrasting modes" --Iran thinks strategically and creatively.US/Israel are stuck in WWII "liar's victory" mode:
"It isn’t the Iranian side of the equation that is failing to follow the geopolitical logic. Contrary to the constantly reiterated propaganda theme of the anti-Iran forces in the region and in the United States that Iran’s ruling elite simply wants “death to America,†Iran has publicly signalled to the Obama administration repeatedly that it was open to such cooperation. But the Obama administration has refused to reciprocate, for the simple reason that it is not capable of formulating a regional policy on the basis of an objective analysis of strategic interests.To understand the why the international politics of the Middle East are now so profoundly dysfunctional, one must begin with the contrasting modes of Iranian and American foreign policymaking."
What exactly does this have to do with the Syrian civil war you moron?
well general, allow me to connect the dots for you ..
What exactly does this have to do with the Syrian civil war you moron?
"(from a book written by two viciously anti-Israel professors)" �
You couldn’t be more wrong:
The Syrian civil war is not the result of anything the US/ Israel has done.
Replies: @Sean, @geokat62
At $1 billion, Syria-related operations account for about $1 of every $15 in the CIA’s overall budget, judging by spending levels revealed in documents the Washington Post obtained from former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
US officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years — meaning that the agency is spending roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program.
Well that is another reason for Assad to concentrate on the less Jihadist parts of the opposition, which are getting CIA paramilitary training. It is also a good reason for Assad to dry up the reservoir of recruits for CIA training by promoting the refugee exodus.
http://www.trykkefrihed.dk/interview-a-continent-of-losers.htm Gunnar Heinsohn and a few others had been predicting the civil wars in the Arab world and their demographic expansion into Europe for years before it happened. The Algerian decades ago civil war had nothing to do with the CIA, it was anger at a unrepresentative elite (like the Alawites) , and the Algerian government had the very best of reasons to promote young men to go to Europe as refugees (like Assad does). The US is trying to overthrow Assad, but it is getting on the the bandwagon. It’s the Syrian Sunni majority and the Saudis who are keeping this going.
If wasn't for the neocons/Israel Firsters and the Lobby (especially PNAC and AIPAC) who were eager to destroy the regimes of Israel's arch enemies - Iraq, Syria, and Iran - his prediction would have been as accurate as the Mayan calendar prediction that the world would come to an end a few years ago. Thanks to these Israel-centric policies, two of these three countries have been turned into basket cases and if they get their way, so will the third.
Gunnar Heinsohn and a few others had been predicting the civil wars in the Arab world and their demographic expansion into Europe for years before it happened.
The Syrian civil war is not the result of anything the US/ Israel has done.
You couldn’t be more wrong:
At $1 billion, Syria-related operations account for about $1 of every $15 in the CIA’s overall budget, judging by spending levels revealed in documents the Washington Post obtained from former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
US officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years — meaning that the agency is spending roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program.
Thank goodness for Edward Snowden... a true American hero.Replies: @SolontoCroesus
... revealed in documents the Washington Post obtained from former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
Ok… whatever you say, Sherm. But just so you know, M&W published their book in 2007. I guess the Lobby changed their policies re Syria in the intervening 4 years… not.
he doesn’t need to prove anything
you are doing an outstanding job of proving what you are all by yourself
Ashkenazi Jews are a more ancient and integral part of European culture than most modern anti-semites. This led directly to Hitler’s genocidal attack on Europe’s Ashkenaz Jews.
so Ashkenazi Jews are more European than Europeans
it was because they were more “integral” to Europe and Germany (presumably than Germans) that Hitler hated them
just when you think it can’t get any weirder
100% correct.
Syria is basically an artificial state that consists of wildly diverse religions and ethnicities. Syria has long been a very fragile country and it is only because of decades of brutal Assad family tyranny (now unraveling) that the country lasted as long as it did.
100% correct.
Nobody doubts that Israel hates the Assad government.
100% wrong.
But to suggest that the country is imploding because of some Zionist conspiracy is moronic.
Replies: @Sherman, @Sean
Israeli leaders did not push the Bush Administration to put its crosshairs on Syria before March 2003, because they were too busy pushing for war against Iraq. But once Baghdad fell in midâ€April, Sharon and his lieutenants began urging Washington to target Damascus. On April 16, for example, Sharon and Shaul Mofaz, his defense minister, gave high profile interviews in different Israeli newspapers. Sharon, in Yedioth Ahronoth, called for the United States to put “very heavy†pressure on Syria. Mofaz told Ma’ariv that, “We have a long list of issues that we are thinking of demanding of the Syrians and it is appropriate that it should be done through the Americans.†Sharon’s national security advisor, Ephraim Halevy, told a WINEP audience that it was now important for the United States to get rough with Syria, and the Washington Post reported that Israel was “fueling the campaign†against Syria by feeding the United States intelligence reports about the actions of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Prominent members of the Lobby made the same arguments after Baghdad fell. Wolfowitz declared that “there has got to be regime change in Syria,†and Richard Perle told a journalist that “We could deliver a short message, a two†worded message [to other hostile regimes in the Middle East]: ‘You’re next’.†In early April, WINEP released a bipartisan report stating that Syria “should not miss the message that countries that pursue Saddam’s reckless, irresponsible and defiant behavior could end up sharing his fate.†On April 15, Yossi Klein Halevi wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times entitled “Next, Turn the Screws on Syria,†while the next day Zev Chafets wrote an article for the New York Daily News entitled “Terrorâ€Friendly Syria Needs a Change, Too.†Not to be outdone, Lawrence Kaplan wrote in the New Republic on April 21 that Syrian leader Assad was a serious threat to America.
Back on Capitol Hill, Congressman Eliot Engel (Dâ€NY) had reintroduced the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act on April 12. It threatened sanctions against Syria if it did not withdraw from Lebanon, give up its WMD, and stop supporting terrorism, and it also called for Syria and Lebanon to take concrete steps to make peace with Israel. This legislation was strongly endorsed by the Lobby—especially AIPAC—and “framed,†according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency, “by some of Israel’s best friends in Congress.†It had been on the back burner for some time, largely because the Bush Administration had little enthusiasm for it, but the antiâ€Syrian act passed overwhelmingly (398â€4) in the House; 89â€4 in the Senate), and Bush signed it into law on December 12, 2003.
Yet the Bush Administration was still divided about the wisdom of targeting Syria at this time. Although the neoconservatives were eager to pick a fight with Damascus, the CIA and the State Department were opposed. And even after Bush signed the new law, he emphasized that he would go slowly in implementing it.
Bush’s ambivalence is understandable. First, the Syrian government had been providing the United States with important intelligence about al Qaeda since 9/11 and had also warned Washington about a planned terrorist attack in the Gulf. Syria had also given CIA interrogators access to Mohammed Zammar, the alleged recruiter of some of the 9/11 hijackers. Targeting the Assad regime would jeopardize these valuable connections, and thus undermine the larger war on terrorism.
Second, Syria was not on bad terms with Washington before the Iraq war (e.g., it had even voted for U.N. Resolution 1441), and it was no threat to the United States. Playing hardball with Syria would make the United States look like a bully with an insatiable appetite for beating up Arab states. Finally, putting Syria on the American hit list would give Damascus a powerful incentive to cause trouble in Iraq. Even if one wanted to pressure Syria, it made good sense to finish the job in Iraq first.
Yet Congress insisted on putting the screws to Damascus, largely in response to pressure from Israel officials and proâ€Israel groups like AIPAC. If there were no Lobby, there would have been no Syria Accountability Act and U.S. policy toward Damascus would have been more in line with the U.S. national interest.
The Syrian civil war is not the result of anything the US/ Israel has done. It came from internal tensions and is being kept going by Saudi Arabia and Russia, who are not getting the refugee flows. They are laughing at the West.
You couldn’t be more wrong:
The Syrian civil war is not the result of anything the US/ Israel has done.
Replies: @Sean, @geokat62
At $1 billion, Syria-related operations account for about $1 of every $15 in the CIA’s overall budget, judging by spending levels revealed in documents the Washington Post obtained from former US intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.
US officials said the CIA has trained and equipped nearly 10,000 fighters sent into Syria over the past several years — meaning that the agency is spending roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program.
Oh, really? Who lit the fuse by igniting sectarian strife in the ME? Who was keen on bringing about regime change targeting Iraq, Syria and Iran? Wasn't it PNAC and other members of the Lobby who were eager to remake the ME? Wasn't it Condi Rice who proclaimed that "these are the birth pangs of a new ME" in the midst of Israeli bombing of Lebanon in 2006?The trouble for neocons/Israel Firsters is that the game plan has already been divulged in two documents: PNAC's A Clean Break and Oded Yonon's A Strategy for Israel in the 1980s. You should give them a read, it is very uncanny how closely events have mirrored their policy prescriptions.
The Syrian civil war is not the result of anything the US/ Israel has done. It came from internal tensions
100% correct.
Syria is basically an artificial state that consists of wildly diverse religions and ethnicities. Syria has long been a very fragile country and it is only because of decades of brutal Assad family tyranny (now unraveling) that the country lasted as long as it did.
100% correct.
Nobody doubts that Israel hates the Assad government.
100% wrong.
But to suggest that the country is imploding because of some Zionist conspiracy is moronic.
Replies: @Sherman, @Sean
Israeli leaders did not push the Bush Administration to put its crosshairs on Syria before March 2003, because they were too busy pushing for war against Iraq. But once Baghdad fell in midâ€April, Sharon and his lieutenants began urging Washington to target Damascus. On April 16, for example, Sharon and Shaul Mofaz, his defense minister, gave high profile interviews in different Israeli newspapers. Sharon, in Yedioth Ahronoth, called for the United States to put “very heavy†pressure on Syria. Mofaz told Ma’ariv that, “We have a long list of issues that we are thinking of demanding of the Syrians and it is appropriate that it should be done through the Americans.†Sharon’s national security advisor, Ephraim Halevy, told a WINEP audience that it was now important for the United States to get rough with Syria, and the Washington Post reported that Israel was “fueling the campaign†against Syria by feeding the United States intelligence reports about the actions of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Prominent members of the Lobby made the same arguments after Baghdad fell. Wolfowitz declared that “there has got to be regime change in Syria,†and Richard Perle told a journalist that “We could deliver a short message, a two†worded message [to other hostile regimes in the Middle East]: ‘You’re next’.†In early April, WINEP released a bipartisan report stating that Syria “should not miss the message that countries that pursue Saddam’s reckless, irresponsible and defiant behavior could end up sharing his fate.†On April 15, Yossi Klein Halevi wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times entitled “Next, Turn the Screws on Syria,†while the next day Zev Chafets wrote an article for the New York Daily News entitled “Terrorâ€Friendly Syria Needs a Change, Too.†Not to be outdone, Lawrence Kaplan wrote in the New Republic on April 21 that Syrian leader Assad was a serious threat to America.
Back on Capitol Hill, Congressman Eliot Engel (Dâ€NY) had reintroduced the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act on April 12. It threatened sanctions against Syria if it did not withdraw from Lebanon, give up its WMD, and stop supporting terrorism, and it also called for Syria and Lebanon to take concrete steps to make peace with Israel. This legislation was strongly endorsed by the Lobby—especially AIPAC—and “framed,†according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency, “by some of Israel’s best friends in Congress.†It had been on the back burner for some time, largely because the Bush Administration had little enthusiasm for it, but the antiâ€Syrian act passed overwhelmingly (398â€4) in the House; 89â€4 in the Senate), and Bush signed it into law on December 12, 2003.
Yet the Bush Administration was still divided about the wisdom of targeting Syria at this time. Although the neoconservatives were eager to pick a fight with Damascus, the CIA and the State Department were opposed. And even after Bush signed the new law, he emphasized that he would go slowly in implementing it.
Bush’s ambivalence is understandable. First, the Syrian government had been providing the United States with important intelligence about al Qaeda since 9/11 and had also warned Washington about a planned terrorist attack in the Gulf. Syria had also given CIA interrogators access to Mohammed Zammar, the alleged recruiter of some of the 9/11 hijackers. Targeting the Assad regime would jeopardize these valuable connections, and thus undermine the larger war on terrorism.
Second, Syria was not on bad terms with Washington before the Iraq war (e.g., it had even voted for U.N. Resolution 1441), and it was no threat to the United States. Playing hardball with Syria would make the United States look like a bully with an insatiable appetite for beating up Arab states. Finally, putting Syria on the American hit list would give Damascus a powerful incentive to cause trouble in Iraq. Even if one wanted to pressure Syria, it made good sense to finish the job in Iraq first.
Yet Congress insisted on putting the screws to Damascus, largely in response to pressure from Israel officials and proâ€Israel groups like AIPAC. If there were no Lobby, there would have been no Syria Accountability Act and U.S. policy toward Damascus would have been more in line with the U.S. national interest.
The Syrian civil war started in 2011 following a violent Assad response to peaceful anti-regime protests.
The alleged events you are quoting (from a book written by two viciously anti-Israel professors) occurred in 2003.
You haven’t proven anything.
The Syrian protests started following 5 years of drought.
The Syrian civil war started in 2011 following a violent Assad response to peaceful anti-regime protests.
Syria is basically an artificial state that consists of wildly diverse religions and ethnicities. Syria has long been a very fragile country and it is only because of decades of brutal Assad family tyranny (now unraveling) that the country lasted as long as it did.
100% correct.
Nobody doubts that Israel hates the Assad government.
100% correct.
But to suggest that the country is imploding because of some Zionist conspiracy is moronic.
100% wrong.
Since you haven’t bothered reading Mearsheimer and Walt, I took the liberty of reproducing the following passage:
Israeli leaders did not push the Bush Administration to put its crosshairs on Syria before March 2003, because they were too busy pushing for war against Iraq. But once Baghdad fell in midâ€April, Sharon and his lieutenants began urging Washington to target Damascus. On April 16, for example, Sharon and Shaul Mofaz, his defense minister, gave high profile interviews in different Israeli newspapers. Sharon, in Yedioth Ahronoth, called for the United States to put “very heavy†pressure on Syria. Mofaz told Ma’ariv that, “We have a long list of issues that we are thinking of demanding of the Syrians and it is appropriate that it should be done through the Americans.†Sharon’s national security advisor, Ephraim Halevy, told a WINEP audience that it was now important for the United States to get rough with Syria, and the Washington Post reported that Israel was “fueling the campaign†against Syria by feeding the United States intelligence reports about the actions of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Prominent members of the Lobby made the same arguments after Baghdad fell. Wolfowitz declared that “there has got to be regime change in Syria,†and Richard Perle told a journalist that “We could deliver a short message, a two†worded message [to other hostile regimes in the Middle East]: ‘You’re next’.†In early April, WINEP released a bipartisan report stating that Syria “should not miss the message that countries that pursue Saddam’s reckless, irresponsible and defiant behavior could end up sharing his fate.†On April 15, Yossi Klein Halevi wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times entitled “Next, Turn the Screws on Syria,†while the next day Zev Chafets wrote an article for the New York Daily News entitled “Terrorâ€Friendly Syria Needs a Change, Too.†Not to be outdone, Lawrence Kaplan wrote in the New Republic on April 21 that Syrian leader Assad was a serious threat to America.
Back on Capitol Hill, Congressman Eliot Engel (Dâ€NY) had reintroduced the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act on April 12. It threatened sanctions against Syria if it did not withdraw from Lebanon, give up its WMD, and stop supporting terrorism, and it also called for Syria and Lebanon to take concrete steps to make peace with Israel. This legislation was strongly endorsed by the Lobby—especially AIPAC—and “framed,†according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency, “by some of Israel’s best friends in Congress.†It had been on the back burner for some time, largely because the Bush Administration had little enthusiasm for it, but the antiâ€Syrian act passed overwhelmingly (398â€4) in the House; 89â€4 in the Senate), and Bush signed it into law on December 12, 2003.
Yet the Bush Administration was still divided about the wisdom of targeting Syria at this time. Although the neoconservatives were eager to pick a fight with Damascus, the CIA and the State Department were opposed. And even after Bush signed the new law, he emphasized that he would go slowly in implementing it.
Bush’s ambivalence is understandable. First, the Syrian government had been providing the United States with important intelligence about al Qaeda since 9/11 and had also warned Washington about a planned terrorist attack in the Gulf. Syria had also given CIA interrogators access to Mohammed Zammar, the alleged recruiter of some of the 9/11 hijackers. Targeting the Assad regime would jeopardize these valuable connections, and thus undermine the larger war on terrorism.
Second, Syria was not on bad terms with Washington before the Iraq war (e.g., it had even voted for U.N. Resolution 1441), and it was no threat to the United States. Playing hardball with Syria would make the United States look like a bully with an insatiable appetite for beating up Arab states. Finally, putting Syria on the American hit list would give Damascus a powerful incentive to cause trouble in Iraq. Even if one wanted to pressure Syria, it made good sense to finish the job in Iraq first.
Yet Congress insisted on putting the screws to Damascus, largely in response to pressure from Israel officials and proâ€Israel groups like AIPAC. If there were no Lobby, there would have been no Syria Accountability Act and U.S. policy toward Damascus would have been more in line with the U.S. national interest.
Saudi Arabia should be told to start taking immigrants, and stop keeping the Syrian war was going. Assad should be told to stop the barrel bombing and start negotiating . If the Russians object, so be it.
Europeans now say anyone can be ‘European’. Because Syrians are now the fashionable migrant category, now everyone is claiming to be ‘Syrian’.
‘European’ or ‘Syrian’, it no longer carries meaning.
Europeanism has been destroyed by PC, and Syrianism has been destroyed by economism that cynically invokes ‘Syrian’ identity to enjoy the economic fruits of Europe.
True identity must exist above PC fashion and economics.
One could argue that the massive refugee flows triggered primarily by ISIS
The first sentence was the initial flop. ISIS = made in Washington. The catalyst was Washington funding and arming extremists in Syria against Assad.
screwed that up, sorry. here is the correct url per above:
Joe Webb
[It’s not good practice for agitated commenters to clutter up a thread with so many short remarks, especially if they’re largely off-topic. It’s a much better idea to consolidate them into one or two longer and more substantive comments.]
If I have the correct url, this video at 1:29 minute count has Uncle Sam flitting past the blocks of props.
I delivered to many demos over about a 2 year period. Also, read the comments section, both mine and Others who call for me dead…O Israel, why have you forgotten me? just saying.
Joe Webb
It’s a hit!…this image and others went all over the world at the time. At the risk of self-inflation into the ranks of the Elders/Zion, I singlehandedly handed the commies-trots-jews their heads in these demos in SF. ANSWER was the trot (Becker Bros. circus of Jew trots) SF outfit that organized anti-war stuff at the time.
Apparently ANSWER has repatriated to Israel and given up on the SF bay area goyim/peaceniks who now suspect that The Jews are a not all they have been taught in college and media.
I have a slogan, which I use as a bumper sticker: The Truth will set you free but first it will piss you off.” The runner up slogan is…uh , I forgot, a senior moment. Was it “do unto Others before they do it to you”?
As for balls department, I may have knocked down a couple of these commie-jew-trots on the streets when they started pushing me around, I don’t remember, probably another senior moment. Old muscle is actually stronger than gym fake muscle. I am not quite as big as the image suggests as I always wore a bullet-proof vest. (for those of you contemplating buying a vest…remember the average vest will not stop a rifle bullet, unless you add ceramic plates…kinda heavy though.)
O Israel! Shower me with shekels! just saying,
Joe Webb
here is some commentary on Joe Webb/Uncle Sam. note the baseball bat, for which I got baskets of shekels. I will get another url hopefully with images. Joe Webb
for the comically challenged, just saying that what I suppose is true is that what I said is true, and while humorously presented is , again , true.
I got a lot of shekels from the Jews for my Uncle Sam act of a few years ago. Google Uncle Sam and Joe Webb and see what happens.
Joe Webb
“These people are mostly descendants of the 700,000 original refugees created by the 1948 War and who, for one reason or another, have not been absorbed as citizens of other countries.”
If absorbed into their neighbor’s (genetically identical) populations their claim to right of return would diminish and the leadership in Gaza and the West bank would lose a large political cudgle. Can’t have that, of course. Israel may treat the Palestinians like dogs but so have Arafat and his successors. They deserve each other.
Give me a break.
Syria is basically an artificial state that consists of wildly diverse religions and ethnicities. Syria has long been a very fragile country and it is only because of decades of brutal Assad family tyranny (now unraveling) that the country lasted as long as it did.
Nobody doubts that Israel hates the Assad government. But to suggest that the country is imploding because of some Zionist conspiracy is moronic.
Incidentally, the reason Palestinians are living in “squalid refugee camps” is largely because these people have the highest birthrate on the planet. It’s no wonder Israel is building fences to protect itself from demographic suicide.
100% correct.
Syria is basically an artificial state that consists of wildly diverse religions and ethnicities. Syria has long been a very fragile country and it is only because of decades of brutal Assad family tyranny (now unraveling) that the country lasted as long as it did.
100% correct.
Nobody doubts that Israel hates the Assad government.
100% wrong.
But to suggest that the country is imploding because of some Zionist conspiracy is moronic.
Replies: @Sherman, @Sean
Israeli leaders did not push the Bush Administration to put its crosshairs on Syria before March 2003, because they were too busy pushing for war against Iraq. But once Baghdad fell in midâ€April, Sharon and his lieutenants began urging Washington to target Damascus. On April 16, for example, Sharon and Shaul Mofaz, his defense minister, gave high profile interviews in different Israeli newspapers. Sharon, in Yedioth Ahronoth, called for the United States to put “very heavy†pressure on Syria. Mofaz told Ma’ariv that, “We have a long list of issues that we are thinking of demanding of the Syrians and it is appropriate that it should be done through the Americans.†Sharon’s national security advisor, Ephraim Halevy, told a WINEP audience that it was now important for the United States to get rough with Syria, and the Washington Post reported that Israel was “fueling the campaign†against Syria by feeding the United States intelligence reports about the actions of Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Prominent members of the Lobby made the same arguments after Baghdad fell. Wolfowitz declared that “there has got to be regime change in Syria,†and Richard Perle told a journalist that “We could deliver a short message, a two†worded message [to other hostile regimes in the Middle East]: ‘You’re next’.†In early April, WINEP released a bipartisan report stating that Syria “should not miss the message that countries that pursue Saddam’s reckless, irresponsible and defiant behavior could end up sharing his fate.†On April 15, Yossi Klein Halevi wrote a piece in the Los Angeles Times entitled “Next, Turn the Screws on Syria,†while the next day Zev Chafets wrote an article for the New York Daily News entitled “Terrorâ€Friendly Syria Needs a Change, Too.†Not to be outdone, Lawrence Kaplan wrote in the New Republic on April 21 that Syrian leader Assad was a serious threat to America.
Back on Capitol Hill, Congressman Eliot Engel (Dâ€NY) had reintroduced the Syria Accountability and Lebanese Sovereignty Restoration Act on April 12. It threatened sanctions against Syria if it did not withdraw from Lebanon, give up its WMD, and stop supporting terrorism, and it also called for Syria and Lebanon to take concrete steps to make peace with Israel. This legislation was strongly endorsed by the Lobby—especially AIPAC—and “framed,†according to the Jewish Telegraph Agency, “by some of Israel’s best friends in Congress.†It had been on the back burner for some time, largely because the Bush Administration had little enthusiasm for it, but the antiâ€Syrian act passed overwhelmingly (398â€4) in the House; 89â€4 in the Senate), and Bush signed it into law on December 12, 2003.
Yet the Bush Administration was still divided about the wisdom of targeting Syria at this time. Although the neoconservatives were eager to pick a fight with Damascus, the CIA and the State Department were opposed. And even after Bush signed the new law, he emphasized that he would go slowly in implementing it.
Bush’s ambivalence is understandable. First, the Syrian government had been providing the United States with important intelligence about al Qaeda since 9/11 and had also warned Washington about a planned terrorist attack in the Gulf. Syria had also given CIA interrogators access to Mohammed Zammar, the alleged recruiter of some of the 9/11 hijackers. Targeting the Assad regime would jeopardize these valuable connections, and thus undermine the larger war on terrorism.
Second, Syria was not on bad terms with Washington before the Iraq war (e.g., it had even voted for U.N. Resolution 1441), and it was no threat to the United States. Playing hardball with Syria would make the United States look like a bully with an insatiable appetite for beating up Arab states. Finally, putting Syria on the American hit list would give Damascus a powerful incentive to cause trouble in Iraq. Even if one wanted to pressure Syria, it made good sense to finish the job in Iraq first.
Yet Congress insisted on putting the screws to Damascus, largely in response to pressure from Israel officials and proâ€Israel groups like AIPAC. If there were no Lobby, there would have been no Syria Accountability Act and U.S. policy toward Damascus would have been more in line with the U.S. national interest.
Er, it is Russia that is backing Assad and Assad who is largely leaving IS alone (for the very good reason that no one will choose IS over Asaad). Russia has been outraged at Western action in Ukraine. Berfore the February 2014 Orange coup in Ukraine, overthrowing a a pro-Russian regime in Kiev, the US government funded National Endowment for Democracy was involved. NED’s Carl Gershman published an article calling Ukraine a prize, and threatening the overthrow of Putin. The US Ambasador encouraged the revolution in Ukraine
On Sept. 26, 2013, Gershman published an op-ed in the Washington Post that called Ukraine “the biggest prize†and explained how pulling it into the Western camp could contribute to the ultimate defeat of Russian President Putin.“Ukraine’s choice to join Europe will accelerate the demise of the ideology of Russian imperialism that Putin represents,†Gershman wrote. “Russians, too, face a choice, and Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.†In other words, NED is a U.S. government-financed entity that has set its sights on ousting Russia’s current government.
I wasn’t surprised to see Ukrainian refugees in a big city like Voronezh, but it was surprising to see so many in remote farming villages. And each refugee family had a horror story to tell. It’s one thing to hear these stories from professional journalists; it’s another to hear them from ordinary people who aren’t being paid to say what they say. This is an underappreciated factor in the growing anger among Russians against the Ukrainian government.
Don’t Arm Ukraine By JOHN J. MEARSHEIMERFEB. 8, 2015
The West was all set to bomb Assad of course , no need to explain why Assad would want to remove Sunni refugees from the area, and he also has a motive to get back at the West. All he has to do is issue 10,000 passports to refugees every few days, like he did last week .
Putin and Assad must be laughing at Western helplessness. Now it is the West or rather Western Europe’s turn. The Syrian refugees are is starting to look like the sone that starts a landslide. Democratic politician don’t dare enforce borders.
I like to remind folks that while the Frankish Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted two-and-a-half centuries, Israel has so far lasted less than a third this time. I’d add to this that the situation of Israel resembles that of the Frankish Kingdom; an embattled alien, and relatively dwindling demographic presence, sustained by an evanescent military superiority and influx of foreign support, surrounded and infiltrated by an expanding native population of enemies all of whom demonstrate an implacable desire to be rid of the alien invaders.
Two bastard offspring of the Enlightenment and Romanticism have conspired to destroy Ashkenazi Jews. The first is modern anti-semitism which denies the now scientifically established fact that Ashkenazi Jews are a more ancient and integral part of European culture than most modern anti-semites. This led directly to Hitler’s genocidal attack on Europe’s Ashkenaz Jews. Just as pernicious as anti-semitism is zionism; an equally absurd doctrine which likewise argues against scientific evidence that Ashkenaz Jews were an alien presence in Europe and draws from that error the conclusion that a rational solution to this problem is for Ashkenaz Jews to abandon their culture, decamp, and concentrate themselves in an alien land where they are surrounded and grotesquely outnumber by an implacably hostile native population. Hitler and his henchmen killed a large percentage of the Ashkenazi Jews in Europe; zionism essentially finished the job the Nazis started, destroying Ashkenazi culture, e.g., the Yiddish language, and putting a significant portion of the remaining descendants of Ashkenaz Jews in danger of another and even more complete Holocaust.
Ashkenazi Jews are a more ancient and integral part of European culture than most modern anti-semites. This led directly to Hitler’s genocidal attack on Europe’s Ashkenaz Jews.
Hasbara alert! Joe’s reaping in the shekels today.
These “refugees” don’t seem desperate, but rather entitled. What is with them being almost all male? Nor do they seem to be all Syrian. Which makes me wonder why now with the mass movement? Something isn’t right with this crisis.
Except that the vast majority of darkies collect welfare in Europe and have no interest in working if they even have any skills to offer, so there goes the cheap labor argument. When two or more biologically dissimilar groups/races are forced to share the same living space eventually one group gets absorbed, starved or exterminated by the other group(s). This is now happening to the white minorities in Zimbabwe and S. Africa and will happen to white Europeans and white Americans if they don’t act in their own defense and fast0.
Jewish elites are acutely aware of this dynamic which is why they won’t accept Muslim refugees into Israel. The mass migration to Europe by dark skinned savages is just another form of unconventional warfare being waged by the Jewish elites throughout the world and their shabbos goys and multicultural ideologues like Merkel against the native peoples of Europe to hasten their demise.
The current mass movement of “Syrians” is motivated by rising desperation.
A self imposed ghetto, history does repeat itself.
I don’t think the Israeli strategy of breaking up the Arab world is “dangerously out of date.”
Why would Israelis care about being “surrounded by a sea of human misery” &c. now that they have effectively impenetrable defenses and depend on their hapless neighbors for nothing except target practice? If anything, their walling off of refugees has quite a few admirers in the first world. Moreover, if they eventually opt to expel Arabs from Israel and/or the West Bank, this will likely get more admirers than the “respectable” status quo would like to admit.
For Bibi, Iran is indeed a bigger threat, and taking down Assad and Hezbollah will help defang the Persians in the long run. For the even longer run, it’s quite possible that more than a few Israelis are studying maps of the East Bank while snickering at Europe’s woes.
Stray thought: would a conventional military strike on Iran–a hard hit on its oil infrastructure and destruction of its nuclear toys–give Daesh a helping hand in its eastern front? After all, “Daeshification” is a lower bar than regime change.
Salafis and the Western Left working together to destroy the West.
The consequences of this situation are obvious to anyone still able to think. My attitude is: if you can’t do anything to change the situation, then we should at least try to profit (financially) from it.
Sane people have the advantage of being able to make accurate predictions based on logic and reason – along with guidance from history and observation. The truth is always true, that’s why very few right-wingers switch sides; the flow is nearly always the other way. Leftists will always end up disappointed and bemused because they choose feelz over realz.
Never let a good crisis go to waste, make money from the inevitable – at least it will buy you the security you will need until sanity is restored (if ever).
This is what we need to know.
Jews are like the new British Empire. We live in a world of Pax Judaicana. Or more like Bellum Judaicana.
British understood one thing. Nationalism is the greatest source of power. It means the unity of the elites and the masses and the unity of the masses with each other.
So, Brits promoted nationalism among themselves but discouraged and even forbade in their colonies and imperial subjects. Power for them, no power for their foreign subjects.
We see the same dynamic today with the Jews. They promote Jewish unity around the world and Jewish nationalism in Israel. But, Jews will dissuade, shame, deride, and attack gentile nationalism in gentile nations(with temporary exceptions like in Ukraine where Ukie nationalism was used against Russia.)
Nationalism is not only a great source of power but the most powerful weapon of resistance.
When Indians began to gain nationalist consciousness, the British goose was cooked in India.
Nationalism was why the Poles resisted through the Nazi and communist years.
Jews fear Palestinian national consciousness. Without it, Palestinians would totally be a subject people.
Jews frame the debate about nationalism to emphasize how it is a reactionary instrument used by ‘racist’ whites to oppress non-whites. But what Jews really fear is that nationalism may be used a revolutionary force of resistance against Jewish power. Nationalism can be atavistic but it can also be the avant-garde of resistance.
While it’s true that the majority can invoke nationalism to oppress and mistreat minorities–as Turks have done to Kurds–, it is equally true that the oppressed can use nationalism to pose a challenge the enemies and oppressors.
Nationalism means the unity of the elites and masses, and that is what the imperialists fear most.
The French in Vietnam had made sure that the Viet elites were cut off from their own people and working as comprador cuckois for the French masters.
But then, Ho Chi Minh came along and reached out to the Vietnamese masses to resist the French. He created a united force of Viet leaders and Viet masses.
Batista was a cuck of US neo-imperialists. He served the Americans than represented the Cuban people.
Like the Shah of Iran, he was closer to the Pax Americana masters than a true leader of his own people. In contrast, Castro stirred up nationalism where he had direct rapport with the masses.
Nationalism was resistance. (Unfortunately, they chose the communist than the neo-fascist path).
This is why Jews really fear nationalism ,whether white American, European, Russian, Iranian, Asian, Palestinian, etc. It’s not because Jews are sooooooo concerned about victims of nationalism — Jews shed no tears for the minority Russian victims of the Ukrainian conflict — but because Jews are so very concerned about the gentiles uniting to resist the great power of Bellum/Pax Judaicana. Jews wanna deal with white Batistas and Shahs, not white Ho Chi Minh, Castro, Ayatollah, etc. who will choose to lead and train their own people than serve globo-imperialists.
If you lose nationalism, it means you lose the connection to people of your race/culture and don’t strive for the unity of the elites and the masses. It means the masses will be leaderless and just be atomized individuals. It means the talented members of your race will not lead the people but serve as cucks to globalist overlords. Since Jews and homos control globalism, acceptance of globalism means subservience to the Jews.
Since the Brits didn’t have the numbers to rule all, they recruited their subjects to suppress other subjects. Recruit Malaysians to shoot Indians, recruit Indians to control Africans, etc.
Since Jews don’t have the numbers, they are using the migrants as their shock troops of demographically and morally paralyzing the West.
Notice the Brits use non-Indian troops to mow down the Indians.
To undermine nationalism all over the world, Jews spread the decadent homo agenda so that gentile nations will be controlled by collaborator homos funded by globo-zionist money and media power.
There can be no freedom and independence for a people without nationalism. Without it, there is no need for Vietnamese elites to serve their people, no need for German leaders to serve their people. And there is no need for the masses to unite for common interest.
Some on the Left call for mass unity against the elites, but this is useless since the masses must always be led by the elites. The question is, “do the elites choose nationalism and serve their own people or do they reject nationalism and serve foreign/alien masters?”
Another danger is the elites turning so imperialist and expansionist that they come to favor ruling the ‘world’ than their own nation and people. Roman elites became like this. Gaddafi got needlessly involved in rest of Africa instead of focusing on his own nation/people. And the British elites lost their way when they increasingly came to identify with the ‘world’ they ruled than with their own people. Today, some British elites see themselves as leaders of the globe than their own nation — and even the concept of ‘British’ has been globalized to mean just about anything.
Before anything is possible, there must first be nationalism.
Yes…back to the article, the jews are at the center of the whole thing, real show stealers the Jews, the Impresarios of War, Terror, and probably 9-11-01. Gotta luv their chutzpah.
I will beat the Left to the punch: the real reason Liberalism luvs the darkies is that Capital needs cheap labor, and that Europe’s fertility is around 1.5 as a whole. Thus Merkel and the me-tooers will yammer on about Hitler’s ghost, about Universal universals, and so on. It all boils down to money/labor and cheaper labor.
I don’t agree with this thesis, but to deny that it has some merit, is silly.
Joe Webb
Disambiguation-of-Life Protocol
Apotheosis is the enabling of a person, group of people, or location to have god-like power or the appearance of such power.
It appears that I have evolved myself to be able to do magic or wizardry or things that most people do not appear to be able to do. http://pialogue.info/definitions/Apotheosis.php
The politicians have a great army of incompetents.
Why not pedal to the metal? The faster the Pentagon Parasites suck blood from the Empire, the sooner said Empire collapses, and gives the rest of the world a break.
The English finally gave up on empire. The Russians gave up on empire. But the arrogant Americans will not. Uncle Sam will continue to rampage across the planet until it finally collapses from exhaustion.
Our Dear Leaders believe their own propaganda and have silenced most dissenting voices. Big mistakes.
“a following few facts going to the above linked article:
“Who benefits?
“Western corporate oligarchy, plain and simple, with a roll call of long familiar names: Lockheed-Martin in 1st place, Boeing in 2nd and BAE Systems of Britain in 3rd … add your favorite here ____________ (e.g. Raytheon’s interceptor missile sales to Poland benefiting from the NATO build-up on Russia’s borders)”
This does not amount to much. Every government policy requires contracting with the private sector to implement what needs to be done. Whether you are talking about missiles or school lunches, there is a billion dollar corporation behind it. Always.
You want to build a school, buy books and computers, provide lunches, well, each one of these entities has a corporation behind it. Yet, no one talks about the “educational-congressional” complex.
I was in defense when the military was pushing the boundaries of semiconductor technology and imaging technology. It is costly but pushing into new territory isn’t the same an coming up with a more efficient motor to run an air conditioner.
There are plenty of areas in medical technology where American companies are the leaders and a lot of that technology was developed for the military like the use of hybrid substrates in microelectronics.
One of the many companies Al Mann has started – he got his start with government contracts in defense.
The last I heard, the military couldn’t account for over 8 TRILLION dollars that was legislated to it. And we just can’t figure out why we are spending more and getting less.
The idea that militarization advances technology is bunk. Germany and Japan have been putting their best engineers to task not developing the best high-tech bombers and bombs, but to the best creature comfort appliances on the planet.
I’ve been in the mechanical business most of my life, and the best products, and advancements by far come from Japan and Germany:
The most efficient, and longest lasting air conditioners, heaters, water heaters, solar systems, in floor heaters, fridges, freezers – electrical components, switches, relays, terminal connectors(for those who boat on salt water, you know what I mean), starters, governors.
Better, and longer lasting vehicles, railways, high speed trains.
America – the ‘can do’ nation still makes the best bombers, but that is about it anymore.
Who would’ve thought bureaucrats would be the new janissaries, but more dangerous?
As a percentage of Federal government spending the military has certainly fallen from almost 55% of Federal government spending in 1960 to about 20% today. Force size has fallen from more than 3 million MEN out of a population of 180 million to less than half that with a sizable component of less combat capable females out of population of 315 million.
The RMA is a mixed bag. In 1968 taking out a bridge in North Vietnam took repeated air strikes by entire squadrons of F-105’s and F-4s and weren’t always successful. Loss of aircraft and pilots were high as well. Today, a single precision guided missile or bomb that costs a fraction of what a single F-105 cost in constant dollars can take out that bridge. OTOH is a F-35 that much better an airplane than an F-16 to justify its soaring costs. Guys like Abe Karem , who developed our drone aircraft, are not convinced and neither am I ( but I am not a celebrated aviation designer).
One big issue beyond the soaring costs of big ticket weapons systems is their service life. If you buy a new aircraft carrier and its air wing you are committed to that system for 40 years. A new combat aircraft is your frontline fighter for almost as long. We need to remember we went from piston powered aircraft in 1944 armed with .50 caliber machine guns to the F-15 in less than 40 years. From 20,000 ton wooden decked aircraft carriers to 90,000 ton nuclear powered CVN’s in even less time.
It is worse than depicted because of hidden military spending in other agencies. For example, the Veterans Dept was spun off the Pentagon’s budget in the 1980s, so that $169 billion for next year is not be counted as military spending. Over $30 billion in military retirement costs come from the Dept of Treasury. And since Congress exempts our military bases from paying local sales and property taxes, local citizens must cover those billions of dollars in losses.
The overall annual US military budget is over $1 trillion a year. When confronted with facts, spinmasters start spouting GDP percentages, without realizing GDP is activity not wealth. For examples, bond trading, auto accidents, lawsuits, and hurricanes boost GDP. And hundreds of billions of these Pentagon dollars are spent in foreign nations each year, providing no boost to our own economy. The most bizarre thing is that we borrow money from China to spend defending against China, a current bogus threat.
An excellent example of a massive propaganda campaign was the successful effort to convince everyone that the Pentagon suffered deep budget cuts these past four years, while its budget continued to grow by using an off budget OCO “war” spending slush fund. Our nation will spend $90 billion on “combat operations” next year, even our military is not engaged in any serious combat. Here is an excellent review of that effort, which begins:
“Breaking news! Nearly four years after budget caps imposed by Congress began to modestly rein in runaway spending at the Pentagon, the sky hasn’t fallen. In fact, none of the dire predictions of Pentagon contractors – from mass layoffs to a collapse of the U.S. military – have come true. Instead, weapons makers’ profits have soared, employment has increased nationwide, and Congress is busily cooking up budget gimmicks to violate its own spending caps and return to record spending levels…”
Jesus Christ Almighty in Heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!….don’t let your working class Native Born White American Sons and Daughters become canon fodder and a Walter Reed Army Hospital basket-case limbless stump attached to a horse-fly infested paradise known as a bedpan for the narcissistic homosexual Kenyan Foriegner and later…the violent hairy fat-ankled repellant bulldyke married to the violent psychopathic serial rapist Billy Clinton from Hot Springs.
The $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ spent on invading,murdering…..and occupying Afghanistan,Iraq, and the Ukraine could have been completely spent subsidizing the higher education of Native Born White American Teenagers from the economically distressed American Heartland.
I would completely defund the “US” Military.
The “US” Military=A Global Force for Global Social and Cultural Filth!!!!..See your Military recruiter today!!!!…
Great article.
I suppose the causes of this are due to 1) shrinking competition amongst arms manufacturers and a defacto monopoly that Lockheed has on fighters.
2) Exploding personnel costs caused mainly by encouraging parasitic family formation on service members and fraudlent disability claims. (I’m a vet, I’m allowed to point out that a huge number of recent VA disability claims are bullshit) That doesn’t even really show up here, since the VA is a different pot of money than the regular ol DoD
3) Like, 29 different maintenance management programs. Even just in the navy like every damn specialty has a completely different maintenance program. I’m sure that drives up costs. AND sailors aren’t allowed to do shit for themselves anymore. Used to be you needed something built like a dock or whatever you just flew in some seabees and maybe assigned some swabbies TAD to them and got it done. Ditto for parts, the machinist mates would just mill out whatever you needed. Now small boys don’t even have a single machinist mate on board, and any sort of additive work that you do needs to go through an expensive, and generally lazy contractor.
4) Retention of officers sucks, officers are expensive to train, and their performance overall is lower than in past wars. That’s a big money pit.
5) The military is less an organization focused around the cherished values of killing the absolute shit out of people that annoy you and has morphed into an animal that consumes as many spending dollars as it can to prop up botique industries that have been gerrymandered into 5,000 congressional districts to keep the pork flowing.
A huge portion of the military should be shunted over to reserve and NG status. Even pilots, probably the most training intense profession in the service, do fine in that set up, and it costs at most 1/6 the amount an active force does. Keep a few divisions, SOCOM, and 2-3 CSGs active and put everything else into a reserve that can be reactivated in a short time. This was the way we used to do things, actually, which is why you so rarely see USN instead of USNR when you go back through old personnel records of officers. Then focus on actually building up capability to kill, not capability to consume tax dollars.
Good stuff except for citing the ‘alternative mainstream media’ propaganda rag ‘Daily Beast.’ Any publication featuring the work of ‘paranoid-pop-fascist legend’ Bernard Henri Lévy can hardly be trusted to put out straightforward facts. You should have found a better source. Readers might find this follows interesting:
a following few facts going to the above linked article:
“Who benefits?
“Western corporate oligarchy, plain and simple, with a roll call of long familiar names: Lockheed-Martin in 1st place, Boeing in 2nd and BAE Systems of Britain in 3rd … add your favorite here ____________ (e.g. Raytheon’s interceptor missile sales to Poland benefiting from the NATO build-up on Russia’s borders)
“This report cites General James Cartwright, who was elected to a paid position on Raytheon’s board of directors while serving on the Defense Policy Board. Admiral Gary Roughead also served on the Defense Policy Board while joining the board of Northrop Grumman.
“Eighty percent of generals retiring from 2004 to 2008 took these sort of employment positions, according to an independent Boston Globe investigation. And the fact many of the Pentagon’s generals believe in literal Armageddon as a matter of their extreme ‘Christian Dominion’ cult belief certainly can’t help with any future sane decision making” endquote